#she’s just a feral baby tooka okay
evilminji · 2 months
I just Literally Galaxy Brained :D???
Oh? My? God?
So here I am, on a Star Wars kick, when I Ponder my beloved Danny Phantom. As ya do! Who? I wonder? Could I mix into the star wars universe?
You know who LOVES kids? Just... will Burn Down Planets for this kid they literally JUST met? Mandolorians. Know where you can find a SHIT ton of those, genetically? The GAR!
Those are CLONES, baby! WE got a Clone! She's feisty and adorable! Smol! Bites! Got them big ol tooka eyes and itty bitty hands! Likes to fly, explore, and fight! She's BASICALLY born for this!
Tell me they would collectively look at this tiny feral child, with her poofy lil hair and chubby cheeks, fangy lil grin and biting tendcy, and go "is BABY!" Come on, tell me. I'll call you a liar.
And you KNOW the Force and Ectoplasm are probably messy EXs. Dani could TOTALLY use they "why should you allow me in? .....because they're not the boss of you" argument to GREAT effect.
Here, Skywalker. Kenobi. Watch this mysterious child... foooooor.... uh, Reasons! Yes. I, the Force, definitely have valid reasons for doing this! I am NOT just being a petty bitch! #SoundsLegit
But? Gasp! The child is a Cadet?! A BABY Clone! Of WHO? A legendary warrior king, from what context they can gather. Made by his enemy. Sent to kill him. Forgiven then adopted. Ooooh, lots of life lessons there. Clone rights and forgiveness and such.
But more IMPORTANTLY, to the GAR?
We are ALL Buir now! All of us. Biggest family in the galaxy. Dani is cool with it, congrats New Fenton's! On the Be-Fenton-ing! Tremble in FEAR, scrubs! It's OUR HOUSE NOW!! Mwahahahaha! *cackles from her perch on top of a table*
But... wait... what is that glowing stuff that you're getting low on?
Oh? This? New beloved Highly Unhinged Jedi Friends and Clone Dads? Oh it's just my LIFE SAVING MEDICINE that I NEED TO LIVE that I never told you about! :D
*horrified silence*
It's okay. It's OKAY! Everybody STOP SCREAMING! W-well just reverse engineer... *machine makes the equivalent of a Dunno noise* FUCK! Okay! New plan! Dani, sweetie, lil warrior, what do you remember about your medicine? What does it DO, exactly?
Unstable clone.
Okay! Okay, that's a start! THEY are stable clones. Right? Right!
.........r-right? Are... are they SURE? Cause, I mean, it's ONE thing when it's just THEIR health on the line... but when it's their YOUNGLING? Their lil tooka Dani? Their ade? Are they SURE? How sure. Bet HER life on it sure?
....no. No they are not. They don't trust the long necks NEARLY that much. Time do do a DEEP deep scan. Best they can find. They got to make SURE. Boba might be the only STABLE clone... assuming the sleemo even told the truth about that.
And? They LEARN some stuff.
Like about the chip in their head's. Supposedly an "inhibitor chip". Sends Skywalker into a karking rage, cause that looks a whole lot like a slave chip to HIM. Dani says they can CHECK. Then doesn't wait for an answer as she sticks her HAND into someone's head to just... pluck it out. Hand it over to be sliced.
Dani, sweetie, c-can you do that for the rest of us? Sure!
But! The race is ON. To either figure out how to contact the original, stabilize Dani, or synthesize Ectoplasm in a universe that DOES NOT HAVE IT. All while unknowingly? Absolutely Fenton CURB STOMPING Ancient Sith Plans into oblivion.
As is the Fenton Way.
This IS The Way~☆
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes @spidori
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thebadbatchfan · 6 months
enjoy my random notes from the two new episodes (contains spoilers!!)
it’s literally just be rambling… again spoilers below the cut!!
- I don’t like where this is going
- Cad Bane??
- I did not miss his ugly ass face
- TECH?? (in the tube)
- they’re just kids?? 😭😭
- I stg if he takes the baby!!
- NOOOO poor baby
- at least todo gave the baby the doll
- Emerie I knew you’d be good deep down
- #bringevahome
- Jax, Eva and
- yes Nala Se guilt trip her!!
- can’t they just kill Hemlock already
- CID AND PHEE????? (trandosian and pirate) the gasp that I let out when he mentioned the trandosian omg
- she gave eva the tooka oh my god 😭😭
- Phee!!
- tech?? maybe?? tech going after phee??
- not the location of Pabu 😭💀
- wrecker hunter crosshair yayyy!!
- the young clones!!
- wrecker be nice to gonky
- he sounds so much like tech and crosshair???
- omega no it’s not your fault
- y’all i’m so scared
- domicile???? TECH??
- shep be careful
- at least they aren’t killing random civilians??
- Wrecker is okay thank God
- i cannot breathe
- “we’re running out of road!” hasn’t happened yet so i know wrecker is fine at least
- omega don’t give urself up
- crosshair don’t let her do it please i’m begging
- crosshair plz be safe
- wet hunter!! the girlies are gonna be feral!
- i’m not enjoying this 0/10
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Guess who’s watching the Young Jedi Adventures???? It’s me!!! Okay I am gonna admit now, I need a full sized 30 minute episodes series right this fucking instant. It’s not even just how cute it is, but this show is massively full of world building!!!
200 years before TPM Yoda lived on Tenoo in the temple there. I was literally screeching when I realized that okay 1: the only place we get other Jedi temples on other planets are one or two episodes of Visions, and otherwise in the Extended Universe, otherwise the movies and ‘official’ canon pretends the Coruscant temple is the only temple to the point where a LOT of fic writers and people on here believe that Coruscant was their only temple, and not their main temple. And 2: that means Yoda wasn’t always on Coruscant and that means he might not have even been RAISED there. I wonder if he sorta just flits around for a couple generations to any temple he feels like at the time??? It’s wild.
So already I am screaming over that amazing world building it’s so good!
And then. I’m on episode 2. We got to see the tooka kitten which I paused just to write this already that has so more lore stuck in it too. 1: they called it a tooka and not a lothcat. I think we’ve only seen lothcats in live action so far because so far they always seem very territorial and sorta skittish, where as the tooka kitten (if you say ‘it’s cause it’s just a kitten’ I will angrily point out that that is actually when cats are MOST feral is as a kitten they are so feral and yelly and growly as beans) was so cute, gave the sweetest little meow and nuzzled into a pet.
She also seems to have much thicker fur in her ears than lothcats in the live action shows have, and even the lothcats in Rebels are somewhat feral little pack animals that have thinner fur.
But then!!!!!! She opened her cage!!!! With her little hand!!!! While trying to catch a bug, the tooka managed to hit her button to open her cage! And when she was trying to get the bug she didn’t just bat at it, she full on grabbed her little baby handsies at it!!! Tookas and lothcats have raccoon handsies canon confirmed!!!!!!!
But then! The final world building aspect I have been screaming about since I saw it! When we first see Lys (the Pantoran girl) the very first thing I noticed was how BRIGHT her cheeks were. She’s got markings like a pantoran but specifically, the area around her eyes and at the top of her cheeks and over her nose are a very dusty shade of purple, unlike her otherwise blue skin. She’s too young to wear makeup and I don’t think Jedi really do makeup as a whole anyways, so that would be a specific skin marking. It never fades either so it’s not a flush, it’s a skin shade! Which means that pantorans have the ability to have facial purples on their faces!
Also she has the most elaborate little hair style lmao I wonder who helps her with that.
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Obi-Wan: *meeting Leia for the first time when they decide to bring the twins together after Darth Vader finally went nuts and took himself and the Emperor out ten years after Order 66* So… where is the lil one?
Bail: *points at a low table* She’s observing.
Obi-Wan: ??? *kneels down next to the table to find a growling ten year old with rabies* oh! Hello there!
Leia: *growls*
Bail: She’s fine, just let her sniff you first or something.
Obi-Wan: *sniffles, tears start to form* She’s just like Ani…
Bail: Lmao
Breha: Oh no. Don’t like that sentence.
Bail: Lol I do.
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