#she's also wearing one of those animal shape bracelets
enthusiastic-nimrod · 7 months
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She's finished!! Meet Rex: she has slowly destroyed her shoelaces and her gauge holes are slowly closing bc she never wears them anymore.
So my art resolution for this year is to draw more masc characters, and honestly? I think this is a really solid start!! I definitely have room to improve, and I'm excited to do so
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wampabampa · 6 months
Redesigns Redesigns Redesigns !
And a rename!
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More info below + solo + sketches below cut!
Because I had redesigned cheddar I was looking back at my other two favorite girls, Riley and Boon, and found myself cringing at their designs. They were…okay! But not good anymore! Riley still looked like a sona despite her now being her own character and boon…boon was something else
🐜🐜 Riley Red 🐜🐜
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When redoing Riley I wanted her to look super sweet but is surprisingly rude despite her appearance (cliché diner server from the movies). So making her shorter and chubbier instead of mean and lean looking like previously got that part down, all that was left was the hair which was thankfully easy thanks to her design for @/evillillad metal au I realized she look good af with bangs! I also ,add it more everywhere because she only has time to fix her bangs before back to running food! (Also gave her a beaded bracelet that is the same colors as poppy’s neck feathers) (they are gfs cause I said so)
But otherwise Riley is still the same! Same mean lesbian that hates her green bean rival who makes absolutely rancid hot dog combinations across the street
Regarding her diner: still working on an overall design but 85% of the dishware was made by Wally Darling (and friends)! Riley commissioned him for it. The rest she bought from (unfortunately) Howdy!
If she has any merchandise it would likely be similar to those toy kitchen sets or a paint it yourself dish kit for kids
🌧️🌧️ Misty Gloom 🌧️🌧️
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For Misty Gloom (Originally Boon Gloon) I wanted them to be something else entirely. I disliked their original designs because while it was fun at the time it got annoying pretty fast. They were originally made for nsfw but I never actually did it! So last night after smoking a bowl with my bestie I came up with the idea: Rain Monster. Rainbow monsters exist, so why can’t a rain monster? So I got to work on making them look as wet as possible- their horns based off sea lettuce and their hair made to look like jelly, I actually got happy with the idea! The bottom of their feet and the palms of their hands I wanted to make it look like and ombré similar to rainbow monsters (I would say they are distant cousins!) for the clothes Rain monsters usually wear loose fitting clothing so I made them wear a caftan dress that was popular in the 70s
Info regarding rain monsters: Rain Monsters are a lot taller than rainbow monsters. They have longer arms fingers and more unique horn shapes and colors (made to look like camouflage). Similar to rainbow monsters when it comes to flowers, rain monsters actually whisper to the clouds and help them collect rain. Think of it like caring for animals and farming! Once the clouds have collected enough water they guide them where to go as a way to keep everything balanced. Throughout the forest and towns they have rain water buckets which they collect after every storm. What they do with it is a mystery. Rain monsters, at least most, are a very reclusive group, often staying away from others that aren’t their own. Of course they will talk to you, but don’t expect them too be excitable like their cousins the rainbow monsters!
Misty would normally be slouched over but for height comparisons I made them stand up straight for this one!
Misty would probably not have any merchandise herself but her species overall the merch would be make your own horns kit or a rain collector bucket
🐭🐭 Cheddar close ups 🐭🐭
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neon-night · 6 months
MLP Mane 6 - 2024 Human Designs
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I've been wanting to re-design my MLP FIM Human designs for a while now, as the previous versions were from 2021-2022, and I really don't like those old designs now. They can still be found on my page, and I won't delete them, but I thought it was about time for an upgrade! (Also in that original batch I did, I never drew AJ, so I'm also making up for that :/ )
And, just to get it out of the way: This is MY own interpretation of the characters. I'm not going against anyone else's designs, and I would hope that no-one would do that for me. They are ponies without specified race or ethnicity, an artist is allowed to interpret them however they want.
Anyway, as for the designs themselves I wanted to include small details about the characters, mostly head canon stuff. I'll run through each of them and give my small commentary on my designs.
Quick Note: Each of the mane 6 are wearing Friendship bracelets, and each matches a specific other character, but that doesn't mean that they value their overall friendships any less. I simply chose the combinations from the episodes I remember those specific two (or more) being in together. But, for the sake of harmony, let's say that they all have bracelets of each other, and simply chose just two to wear to their photo shoot.
Rainbow Dash: I wanted a very tom-boyish/partly sporty look for her. Baggy shirt (probably wearing a sports bra?), athletic shorts, bandages & scrapes (from falling, etc.) and some very nice sneakers. (One of her most prized possessions)
Pinkie Pie: Fun colors and fashion, I wanted her hair to be as wonderfully fluffy and curly as it could be. Also her sandals were so fun to design, I imagine she calls them her "cake shoes".
Twilight Sparkle: Far more subtle in design and colors, but I figure that's what she'd want. Also her hair shape is so fun, I'm so proud of it.
Apple Jack: Actually one of the more detailed designs, but I just had to include everything I thought of. I imagine she's very tanned from her work, but it follows the line of her clothes, and her freckles most often appear there. (I'm not actually sure if that's how freckles work, I'm just assuming :/ ) Also my dad gave me the idea to put her cutie mark on her belt buckle. (I was just gonna do trees or smth, but this is far better)
Rarity: Lots of little details, and attention to detail. Looking at it now, I could've added more white into her design than I did, but I'm okay with her palette. Her hair was my favorite to color :)
Fluttershy: (My favorite) Was a simpler design, like Twilight, but again I think she'd appreciate that. There are some scars on her legs, hands and parts of her face, and I added those as she works with animals, and I'd figure that, although they do listen to her, they are still animals and can get rowdy without warning. And they are fully-healed scars, she's not in pain, her skin just has a lot of story to it. (And you know me, I had to add a bit of Discord's influence in there! I imagine that he made the necklace for her, and although it's strange and doesn't seem to go with any outfit, she loves it dearly.)
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tiikerikani · 7 months
Maailma Pakkanen palaa!
(deep freeze returns!! and also burns!!)
10.2.2024 – Tullikamari (Pakkahuone), Tampere
We’re at peak (nadir?) cold snap and it’s like -20°C outside and I’m already loitering around there just shy of 7:00. I forewent my tradition of listening to Kauan beforehand/while in queue because a) I fear for earbud cables and batteries in these conditions, and b) I do it to get a chill down my spine and don’t need any help with that right now. Instead, I am singing under my breath to pass/keep track of time without having to look at a watch (see above re. batteries). It is surprisingly effective. It’s not like when I’m on the piano and time goes weird and I play everything too fast.
A taxi drops off a couple of women at maybe 7:05. They resemble but are not the Regular Groupies. They look around a little and walk away. The Superfans also show up a bit after that. They wave and go over to the supermarket to stay warm. Not the Regular Groupies return looking for the nearest bar. I’m not from here so I don’t know.
When Superfans come back (I think it’s 7:25 now), we go hang out by the door properly. After a few more people arrive (including the actual Regular Groupies), they shuffle me to the very front of the queue because I was here first. (ok.)
I can’t feel my toes. Is this worth losing my toes for?
Time feels like it’s passing extremely quickly while I’m in this queue. Before I know it it’s 7:55 and the queue goes as far as I can see out into the parking lot. I put away my hat and mittens and get my arms out of my coat so I’m ready to throw those off the moment the door opens.
Coat check was being fiddly with the card terminal so others got ahead of me in terms of getting into the room, not to mention that the bag checker was calling for backup at exactly the moment I walked into them, which set me back a little as well. But it’s fine, I got where I wanted to be.
They hadn’t even gotten the backdrop up yet!
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By 8:45 my toes feel normal again. It's getting crowded in here. Yet again, the entire spring tour is sold out, so.
They don't play until 9:30.
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I'm in my red tunic and have a new (Viking) dragon-shaped bead on my braid because it's Chinese New Year but not like anybody notices or cares (I don't even really celebrate, I just do some token gestures).
Somebody in the fanclub had shared last night's set list, so I had that already copied onto my arm to correct/adjust. (Ended up adding one song.)
They played (still) another arrangement of Intiaanit, which was... in basic rock song style. I didn't like it.
Huomenna kaduttaa and Valot eteiseen aren't songs I'm too familiar with — they clearly have their fans though. Songs about romance and parenthood are hard for me to relate to.
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The person next to me was filming most of the songs and I really wanted to smack the phone out of her hand with a well-placed dramatic gesture but did not because she was nice and actually talked to me at some point earlier.
Markus used an acoustic bass instead of the cello this time. I wonder if it's because of the weather? Classical string instruments (and large ones at that) are probably more sensitive to temperature changes.
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His beard is starting to go noticeably grey in the middle, and I've also started wondering about his bracelet. It doesn't look like a Fitbit, but he wears it everywhere.
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I never thought they'd ever play Ei voittajaa again, and it made sense to put it as the first encore so they could reuse the old walk-on intro track. I still kind of remember the moves to my epic invisible sword dance but there's never quite the space to do it even in a more limited way. (Nobody cares to wonder why I was so much more animated during that song than any other...)
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Teemu’s SO (Her Again!!) ("you're very... red today") says she was at the back of the room and there was still such a LONG queue to get in even as the show started that she missed the first 3 songs. When Teemu comes to join her, they try to find a way out of the place. He has all his stuff, but she needs to get hers from the coat check. There is a massive bottleneck at the stairs going back down there. The couple go talk to somebody at a side door and eventually they disappear backstage to use the loading door I guess.
It’s over 30 minutes before it felt like the coat check mob started moving at a decent pace. Turns out they were letting people down the stairs in controlled groups. They really wanted us out of there since there was a new queue outside of younger people waiting to get IN for, I don’t know, Saturday night disco? That’s a thing at rock clubs here.
In a radio interview a couple of weeks ago, Senpai said that he really likes meeting fans (and that some tell him a lot about themselves — sorry :D I'm surely not alone but maybe the only one who does so in longhand) but there's just too many of them now and he'd be there all night. So there you have it from him.
Heini, Jepa, and Hannah were backing singers at UMK (where the Eurovision entry is selected) which was on at the same time literally 600 metres away, at the arena. I bet they met up with the band and hung out together afterward.
Completely off-topic side note: I'm sad that the very comfy (and very broken) couch at my friend's place is going to get replaced. It's awful for sitting on, but I sleep better on it than in my own bed, so it's something I look forward to whenever I visit.
Maailma palaa
Kohti sydänpeltoja
Huomenna kaduttaa
Ilman mua
Tummilla teillä
Faija käyttää napapaitaa
Samaan mutkaan kaatunut
Valot eteiseen
Kiljut riemusta
Kolme hyvää vinkkiä
Onnellinen mies
Hetken ikuinen
// Ei voittajaa
// Kukaan ei koskaan
// Arlandan portailla
[Concert write-up archive and master calendar]
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My "cringe culture is dead" tmnt headcannons
Leo played Animal Jam Play wild and joined warrior cats rps as a guy (convinced himself it was because there few guys but was infact just trans)
Mikey LOVES making Kandi and makes Raph and Donnie a bunch. (Mikey and Donnie love the bead textures but Donnie is more particular and has to wear it over gloves if it's a bracelet)
Raph has a bunch of those floppy ear hats and stims with them a lot (Leo once got her a bunny one as a joke and Raph cried, LOUDLY)
Donnie likes doing giant blocky eyeliner that makes his actual eye shape almost indecipherable (they go through just so much eyeliner every year)
Casey has a list of xenogenders she identified with that have a very obvious theme (it's rage and chaos, that's the theme)
Junior loves wearing bright maximalist clothing because he didn't have access to much fashion or dye in the apocalypse (he also likes getting Mikey or Donnie to do his makeup)
April watched those Lps drama series when she was a kid and still quotes/references them (she introduced Mikey to them once and he hyperfixated on them for months)
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blushingdread · 2 years
Fun facts about Guy and Pat!! Aka additional reasons you should vote for them!!
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The basic story: The most innocent girl in the world gets kidnapped by scientists, releases an experiment of combining souls that was labeled "Danger: Erratic and violent subject" because she thought they looked sad stuck in a test tube, and said amalgamation decided to IMMEDIATELY adopt her and keep her safe from every evil in the entire dimension and dimensions beyond
1) Guy knows a lot of random shit due to being a mix of multiple different people and has a lot of random skills. He barely understands why he knows this stuff (his memory is really foggy), he simply does
2) Pat is autistic and has palilalia (and echolalia). She picked the name Patricia for herself when she realized she was a girl because "pat" is her favorite word to repeat. Sometimes when she walks around in a very good mood, she repeats "pat" to herself, she also does it when extremely distressed
3) Guy is mostly made up of people in their 30s-40s but they don't have a real age. If you ask them how old they are they'll reply in relation to how old whoever asked is "old enough to be your parent", "around your age", ect, this is to hide that they don't fucking know
4) Much how she named the amalgamation of multiple people Guy, she named a creature from a alternative dimension with a skull face who's name is completely incomprehensible to human ears "Dee-Dee" because everyone kept calling him a demon
5) Guy is pretty self conscious about the way they look but only when it comes to the idea of children being scared of him. He was super worried that Pat would be terrified when she saw him but thankfully Pat doesn't have a mean bone in her body and was mostly concerned if he was okay
6) Pat is always moving, bouncing around and climbing on shit. She actually has a surprising amount of fun dimension hopping because of all the different places she gets to go even if Guy loses his mind everytime she touches something because it could be dangerous
7) Guy is technically a collection of most of the more stable parts of the soul's personalities into one person, but there still are plenty of fragments around that sometimes comment on what Guy is doing. This doesn't really add to anything to Guy's life aside from the most random non sequiturs, advice, random dad jokes, ect ect
8) Pat really likes making and wearing jewelry, and she makes jewelry for her friends. She absolutely makes friendship brackets for Guy, she will make friendship bracelets for you, no wrists are safe
9) Guy is primarily liquid and extremely malleable, being able to shape shift to a certain degree. What I'm saying is that Guy can have the consistency of a water bed and often does this so Pat has somewhere soft to sleep
10) Pat is one of those people who kinda always knew they were trans, so as a littol baby she'd correct people
11) The only reason that Guy doesn't carry Pat everywhere is because she asked him not to and that's literally it. He wants to tho, very badly, she is safe in his arms and can't run off to befriend random creatures when he is holding her. She is constantly doing him a MAJOR concern. Not everyone is as nice as him, please stop approaching random monstrosities and asking them to make friendship bracelets (note: she will not)
12) This tendency of Pat works out just often enough that she keeps doing it. Like yeah, some people are like Genevieve and will want to turn her corpse into fertilizer for her mushroom hivemind, but sometimes there like Corpse Flower who's super sweet and nice and helped them escape the garden area!! See Guy, being nice to people does work out (note: he is not convinced)
13) Guy's shoulder mouth doesn't actually have a tongue inside. They prefer to shape shift it into hands to drag their enemies inside with more precision. (Pat thinks it looks cool when multiple hands shoot out of the open mouth)
14) Pat will attempt to pet any animal no matter how many teeth. Creatures love being pet and she has hands, this is the way of her world
15) They're a hyper empathy (Pat), low empathy (Guy) duo, so while one is sobbing because they hurt one of the sorta living mushrooms because they were trying to kill her, the other one is planning the murder of everything that so much as thinks of causing harm to their daughter
16) Pat was trying to make it to her older brother when she ran away from home (because he supports her transition) even though he said he'd come and get her, as soon as Guy learns of this he immediately decides he is a father of two. Jace just has a new dad now, he has to accept this
17) Guy is actually extremely short because it's easier to hold their body stable if there's less body to keep track of. So they're short and dense. Pat is a young child, Guy is only slightly taller than her. Pat will be much taller than them by the time she's done growing. Guy is ever so slightly (very) bothered by this. Guy often considers shape shifting to be taller as Pat grows but it would be a huge waste of mental energy so they don't, but they would if they could <- mad that they can't wrap up their daughter in a hug without shape shifting to be taller
18) Guy usually has disorganized thoughts but sometimes he can get extremely disorganized thoughts to the point of being extremely confused and unable to hold a consistent train of thought. When this happens they find a safe place to hold up and Pat tells Guy funny stories about her life or just rambles about TV shows or comics she likes. Both of them know that Guy isn't grasping all of what she's saying but having a familiar voice chatter happily to them is extremely comforting and Pat is very happy to tell the same stories over and over
19) Guy's vision isn't the best because the way his eyes form they're just kinda blurry. It's not bad enough to stop him but he does struggle to read anything far away or small stuff, so Pat often reads for them!! Pat gets really into story telling and describing stuff for Guy even if her descriptions are slightly off (she often assumes the best of everything)
20) They are family and they love each other very much and they are making friends across the dimensions!!!
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tabbykatsplayground · 30 days
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This has been out on the TKP server for a while... but I finally got to uploading it here now! This is for all the Vinnie fans out there. As always, alt text is under the cut!
Vinnie stands straight with his right hand on his hip and his left arm at his side. Vinnie is a purple guy with spiky, curly hair, which is supposed to cover his right eye. He has a small ponytail. His eyes are lined messily, with little eyelashes coming out from top and scruff. He smiles at the viewer. Vinnie is wearing a purple security guard hat with a gold button and black brim.
Vinnie's outlines are pure black! He is not normal.
Not really design, but his skin is fuzzy like okra!
He can just manifest his arm hair to appear or not
Usually has That Damn Hat on... it's debatable if it's an actual hat or if it's skin
Eyes are scribbly circles!!! Go wild!
Next to Vinnie's base ref is a version of his head without his hat, as well as a drawing of his mouth with his tongue, which is purplish pink.
His right eye is always visible under his hair!! Think anime hair logic
The heart shines are non-optional. jsyk.
The gay little eyelash is as well non-optional
Inside of his mouth is like this... purplish-pink.
Vinnie wears a purple security guard outfit with a gold badge. His shirt is noticeably strange, almost structured like a tunic, as a pure black belt goes through it. He also has pure black shoes. On his right arm is a pure black watch, and on top of it is a magenta, beaded bracelet.
Good ol reliable!
.... This is his skin. By the way. Not clothes.
The watch is ALSO skin and nonfunctional. sad.
The bracelet is real and he always keeps it on him! He'd cry if it breaks.
Weird semi-tunic thing going on around here...
All black stuff is pure black irl as well.
Vinnie has pink and black stripes in his hair. He has an eyebrow piercing where his right eyebrow would be, as well as two snake bite piercings. He has more elaborate eye mascara. Vinnie wears a pink and green shirt with Gir's head on it. He has two belts, with the bottom one being purple and studded and the top being black with a steel Hello Kitty buckle. Vinnie also wears black pants and black shoes with pink jewels. For accessories, Vinnie wears a black fishnet glove on his right arm, with the magenta bracelet still on top, while he wears three bracelets on his left arm. The top one has rainbow beads, the middle has red and purple beads, and the bottom is Kandi with four white letter blocks that read "Y/N" with a heart following it, a transparent bead, and a few pink beads along with heart-shaped beads.
A purple guy is put in a room with a DA kid for one day and comes out scene. Good!
Sometimes dresses fem! He can go either way! Whatever Y/N wants :3. She doesn't mind as long as he's enjoying himself.
He's a fan of 5 million belts and fishnets
The piercings are fake. He'd die if he got them
(Vinnie voice) Teehee Y/N look we BOTH have streaks in our hair *blushes*
Sometimes he just scrolls on the internet to come up with outfit ideas
These are ACTUAL jewelry. He and Lulu made them together
Twinkle toes :3
Vinnie wears his purple security guard hat again, but wears a different outfit. He wears a dark purple, buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black tie, black vest, black dress pants, and black boots with lots of belts. For accessories, Vinnie has a gold badge that reads "Vin" with a heart underneath. Three little buttons surround it. On the top is a light pink buttton with Gir's face. The middle button is a purplish-pink button with a cupcake. The last button is purple with a red heart. Vinnie also wears two black fingerless gloves, along with a black bracelet with gold spikes on his left arm.
I'm gonna be honest. I just wanted to dress him up in this one cosplay I found
He dresses like those purple guy cosplays.. you know the ones
He IS styling
He likes to personalize the outfits of course
Big fan of big fucking boots. His 5'5" self loves to rock em. He will trip.
Vinnie has his hair down, showing his spiky, shoulder-length hair. He wears a long, purple shirt with a purple grape silhouette. He also wears pink and black striped stockings.
Lets his hair down! Mena sometimes brushes his hair
Technically he would sleep shirtless and in boxers but Mena would explode him, so.
Long ass PJ shirt with boxers it is!
Long ass PJ socks as well... warm and comfy
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shinxeysartgallery · 3 months
Would you ever consider doing a drawing tutorial for drawing Sonic characters?
Can definitely do one of those! Putting it below the cut.
I'll draw my OCs, Daisy and Talon to use as an example!
First, I begin with making a circle.
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The next step is dependent on the character's gender. If it's a female character, I make two circles underneath the first one. If it's a male character, I make a bean shape.
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Next, I have to position the arms and legs, which are done the same way. I use a circle to represent the shoulder, elbow, hip, and knee joints and then use lines to connect them. Hands are represented by squares (shape may change slightly, depending on the position, but they're generally squares) and feet are represented by a bean shape. Also add a + shape to the head and chest to help position facial features and clothing later on.
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Now that my base is done, it's time to begin on the actual sketch! I begin by creating a new layer, locking this one so I don't draw on it by mistake, and lowering its opacity to about 20%. I find it easiest to begin with the mouth/muzzle area. Begin by creating a hump just above where the two lines making up the + intersect to represent the nose. Draw a curved line on either side of the hump and connect them into a semi-circle shape. Since Daisy also has cheek fluff, I add that now as well by using triangles.
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Talon is a little trickier because he has a beak instead of a flat muzzle. For him, I start with the same hump. You'll want to start with the side of the hump on the same side as he's facing (in this case he's facing the left, so do his right side - HIS right, OUR left) and use curved lines to shape the top part of his beak. From here, I make his mouth expression (sad, happy, confused, etc.) and the rest of his beak is connected almost identically to that of a flat-faced Mobian. His left cheek connects towards the tip of his beak and his right cheek makes a C shape to connect to the top of his beak. You'd use very similar methods for animals like platypuses, dragons, and the like that don't have flat muzzles, but they vary slightly depending on the species.
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From here, I do their eyes and then use the base to connect each cheek into a circle. It's usually after the eyes that I do the mouth and nose (if any) of flat-faced Mobians as well. If they have ears, I will also add those at this time as well as any facial markings (except I forgot Daisy's eyebrows until later LOL). Then reposition against the base as necessary.
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Now, those original bases aren't perfect, as they were merely meant to be a guideline for me, so it's time to sort of make a second base! Using this original base, I draw out their body shapes and detail hands/fingers and add any tails. Basically, I'm drawing them naked (with doll anatomy) at this point. LMAO It does help out a ton with positioning their clothes, though!
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Now it's time to draw their clothes! This step obviously varies, depending on the character and what they're wearing, but the process is roughly the same! I usually start with their tops, if they're wearing one, and then move down to their shoes. After the shoes are done, I'll do extra details such as gloves, bracelets, hats, or earrings. Once their clothes are on, I'll do any exposed body markings and add any details I forgot earlier.
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There's just one last thing to do with the sketch - hair. Since Talon doesn't have hair, he's ignored in this, but for Daisy, I do her hair at this stage. She has bangs and a ponytail, which are all done using triangles and curves.
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Then, after looking them over one last time, I do the lines! I lock the sketch layer and create a new one, where I trace over the sketch. If there's anything that needs to be fixed or adjusted, that's done at this time. I also sign this layer.
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With the line art complete, all that remains is to color, shade, and/or do a background! I'm gonna use the one of Talon as an updated reference, so I didn't shade him and I didn't feel like shading the one of Daisy, but I did give hers a simple background. :)
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And yeah! That's basically how I draw Mobians! Hope I did the tutorial alright! :)
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reveriesillyoc · 3 months
。☆✼★━ ABOUT ━★✼☆。
Willow Lewellyn is a main character of The Miniature Garden
A young Cleric who dreams of a world without sickness, Willow joined Alora and Kanoz in their quest after becoming worried the two weren’t taking care of themselves
Real Name: Willow Lewellyn
Nicknames: Will, Little miss (By Kanoz) Mama, Miss, Pretty miss (By Alora)
Likes: Nature, Exploring Forests, Learning about Nature, Spending time with animals, Growing plants, Gardening, having picnics, sleeping in trees, archery, Mushrooms, Cat, playing with Alora, art, drawing
Dislikes: Crowded spaces, Conflict, Destruction of nature, Being alone
*Origin: The Miniature Garden, Season one (Star Shaped Tears), Chapter ten, ‘’*Ascension or Annihilation.’’
Gender: Female
Age: 22 years old
Place of origin: Selcloth
Status: Alive
Occupation: Cleric
Theme flower: Green carnations
Theme Colours: green
Birthday: 5 of july
Hobby: Baking, singing
Friends: Alora (Daughter figure) Kanoz
。☆✼★━ Personality━★✼☆。
Willow is deeply caring and always concerned about the well-being of those around her. She has a natural maternal instinct, often fussing over her companions' injuries and health. Despite the hardships they face, Willow maintains a positive outlook on life. Her cheerfulness is infectious, and she always tries to lift the spirits of her teammates with her sunny disposition. Whether it's in her role as a healer or in her dreams of becoming a baker, Willow is dedicated and puts her heart into everything she does. She is diligent in her duties, ensuring that her companions are always well cared for. Willow is like an older sister to the group, always looking out for their safety. She is protective, often putting herself at risk to shield her friends from harm, and is a constant source of support and encouragement. She has a great deal of patience and is always willing to listen to her friends' troubles. She offers advice and comfort without judgment, creating a safe space for her companions to share their burdens. As a cleric, Willow is highly skilled in healing magic and has extensive knowledge of herbs and remedies. She uses her abilities not only to heal but also to educate her friends on how to take care of themselves. Willow dreams of a world free of sickness and suffering, where she can open her own bakery and spread joy through her baking. Her idealism sometimes makes her seem naïve, but it also fuels her determination to make a difference.
。☆✼★━ Appearance━★✼☆。
Willow is a tall young woman with long light brown hair and green eyes. Her hair reaches her hips and is slightly curled at the bottom, she wears two white flower hair clips on the left side of her hair. She also wears four leave clover green earrings. Willow wears a strapless short light green dress, with puffy sleeves. She also wears gold bracelets and anklets.
During their first meeting, Willow’s accusations that he might be harming Alora and not treating her injuries set the stage for a confrontational interaction. Kanoz, in turn, feels the need to defend himself, indicating an immediate conflict between the two. Kanoz is defensive when Willow accuses him of mistreating Alora. He clarifies that he doesn't hurt children and attributes Alora's injuries to her clumsiness. During the journey, Willow and Kanoz have different approaches to Alora's care. Willow is proactive and nurturing, immediately attending to Alora's injuries and planning further care. Kanoz, on the other hand, seems more laid-back, emphasizing that Alora eats when they reach a village and attributing her thinness to her refusal to eat meat, calling her a ‘ditz’. So far, Kanoz and Willow's relationship is strained, marked by mutual disapproval and differing views on care and responsibility. Willow's nurturing and proactive stance clashes with Kanoz's more resigned and defensive attitude, creating a dynamic of tension and conflict between them.
During their first meeting, Willow was immediately shocked and concerned upon seeing Alora's condition. She noticed Alora's bruises, dishevelled appearance, and sickly look, which alarmed her. Willow's instinct is to protect and care for Alora, as she often questions Kanoz about allowing a child to travel in such a state and quickly attends to Alora's injuries when she falls over. She often provides new clothes, toys, desserts and medicine for Alora, showcasing her commitment to ensuring Alora's health and comfort. Overall, Willow sees Alora as a small child who shouldn’t be travelling at all and rightfully becoming very concerned about her lack of parental supervision and her being covered in injuries. Alora has a strong affinity for Willow and has grown very attached to her, often asking to be picked up, holding her hands while walking and often allowing Willow to brush her hair, something she wouldn’t let Kanoz do.
♥Willow has a notebook filled with secret recipes she's collected from various towns and villages. She experiments with these recipes whenever she has a chance, often surprising her companions with delicious treats.
♥She believes in the healing power of food. She often infuses her baked goods with mild healing herbs and ingredients, providing both comfort and health benefits to her companions.
♥ She loves to tell stories while the group gathers around the campfire.
♥ She carries a small sketchbook where she doodles scenes from their journey and sketches her companions. She’s quite talented, though she’s shy about showing her work to others, other then Alora, who often doodles in the book
♥ Before becoming a cleric, Elara apprenticed with a local herbalist in her village.
♥Willow has a small, crescent-shaped birthmark on her wrist, which she believes is a sign of her destiny to bring healing and peace to the world.
♥Willow plays the flute beautifully. She uses her music to soothe and calm her friends, especially after a tough day.
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c-kiddo · 2 years
i’m throwing this at u bc i shake ur hand all the time with ur m9 headcanons n whatnot.. modern nein go to the carboot sale. i always picture yasha having a van so i imagine they throw a bunch of stuff at her for their stall n then run off. no one wants to haggle with yasha n idk if she’d be too big on shopping.. essek might stick with her but also would probably follow along with caleb. but i imagine veth molly n jester buy yasha things anyways. jester would be selling some handpainted tote bags n stuff i think.
veth would raid everyone’s button n bead bags and would point out old grandpa jumpers to caleb while he looks at 20p books. jester would also be looking at beads but rlly she’d just look at everything, esp old stuffed animals.. she wants to give them new homes.. fjord n beau would probably still with yasha until jester drags beau away to look at a cool stall n fjord wanders off to look at like fishing equipment or old sports brand sweatshirts. molly is all over grandma’s jewellery from the 60s/70s. he buys flannel shirts for yasha n is constantly calling the rest of the nein over to look at stuff with him. cad goes to those big big vans that always have tons of flowers n plants n likes looking at handmade stuff :))
idk i’m missing carboot sales i think.. haven’t been to one since i was in like the single digit ages
oowaa ;;_ ; good. .. love thems. yasha quietly manning their stuff from her van is so good. she's like "No other offers. it is £2 :-l" and no one argues. i think jes and cad wouldve made sm things like beaded woven bracelets and polymer clay keychains and things like that, also painted tote bags like u said :-3 !! also cads extra plant seedlings (like, a million tiny spiderplants or tomato plants too) and also dried lavender sachets. also he has ear defenders on because some people are loud n have music playing sometimes . .. not a car boot sale but im thinkin of this big secondhand market i went to in berlin , it was so cool, so many things to look at, and some tasty waffles too (the ones shaped like flowers, with powdered sugar) :-3 . . also so true. .veth would be in all the button n bead bags :-3 someones selling a box of spare buttons n she starts th most intense haggling ever. meanwhile calebs silently looking (also wearing ear defenders) at all th books. .perhaps he finds some vry old (but not worth much) books and buys them all because theyre v niche and have interesting covers. also for sure gets all those grandpa jumpers .. . also keeps an eye on th ancient musty corduroy things molly finds some more old fabric to turn into things, and also some Ridiculous boots. like so tall, so shiny and uncomfortable but he's like Oh, perfect >:) , and oh! also he haggles for A Lot of rings. lots of shiny trinkets to make lots of noise , and definitely buys something because he thinks its cursed (and then cad tells him he cant bring it inside until its been sitting in the garden for a week to be Cleansed of ghosts or somthing). oh, speaking of garden, i think cad the carboot sale is where cad gets lots of plantpots :-D even slightly janky teapots and cups get turned to planters because he doesnt want to drink from them because they feel incorrect. and he buys seeds to grow :-3 also also wuahg yea ;w; yasha's got her flannels and maybe found a book that had pressed flowers in it and bought it to go with hers ;;w; also probably found another strange instrument perhaps. . .. and everyone meets up before going home when theyre all conked out n they all go get zemnian herzwaffeln and apfelschorle :-3
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thwispsings · 4 years
Atla modern!au headcanons
This is gonna be a long ride so buckle up folks 
Sokka has at least one clothing item with “women want me, fish fear me” (and i’m betting it’s a crop top)
Zuko has to wear a hearing aid on his scarred ear
His vision is also not great on that side
Sokka has a soccer mom car
Sokka is just a huge soccer mom friend
While Sokka is the braincell holder of the group, Zuko is their impulse control
Zuko goes to occupational therapy
The white lotus is a tea tasting club, they have discount cards at Iroh’s teashop
Piandao is a master of the blades
Also distinguished gay
Bumi is basically a cryptid, he’s the jersey devil of omashu
Piandao also once got arrested for fighting cops at pride
No cops at pride just Piandao and his blades
Bato and Hakoda are peak Kevin and Holt (everyone’s dads)
Before they came out Sokka and Katara had a bet going on with Gran gran on whether they would realize everyone already knew or not (gran gran won)
Zuko cannot drive to save his life but he’s incredible good with a motorcycle 
Toph basically lives with Iroh and Zuko, they’re her emotional support family figures
They have family game nights but pai sho was banned after the “great table breaking incident of 2018”
Suki is a master of at least three different known martial arts and some not really known ones
She still stutters when talking to pretty girls
Once a pretty girl smiled at Suki and she tripped and almost fell down a flight of stairs
Whenever a girl flirts with her she looses her cool when a guy flirts with her she is always non-impressed
She and Sokka are the best exes, always trolling each other tho
When Zuko and Sokka started dating her first reaction was telling Zuko “honestly you could do better” 
Toph and Zuko convinced Iroh to start selling coffee on the Jasmine Dragon
Once Toph drank seven cans of redbull in a row just for shits and giggles, Iroh still has nightmares about that day
Whenever Zuko pulls all nighters Toph always puts him to bed, no one knows how
If you go for a non bending au then Druk is a bearded dragon or a ferret, i will not accept other animals
Zuko is the only person that Toph let squish her cheeks, she always giggles at it, it’s adorable, on the other hand, Toph is the only person allowed to touch his scar (she likes to map her friends’ faces with her fingers)
Toph also has an inclination to simply plop herself on Zuko’s lap, he’s warm and very comfortable and he always hugs her without saying anything
Toph knows how to braid her and always braids Zuko’s
Sokka is totally a tiktoker and a streamer
Aang watched too many tiktoks with Sokka and spent an entire month referring to Appa as “fluffly boy” only
Aang’s first friend, incredibly, was Zuko
Zuko painted blue arrows on a hoodie to give it to Aang when he complained about waiting for the tattoos
Aang cried
They are the type of friends that make constant references to events no one else knows about besides the two of them
Much similar to the Toph and Zuko situation, Sokka has adopted Aang as his little brother
They both have their daily Sokka&Aang time
Which usually involves laying with Appa and talking 
Sometimes cloud watching, they compete to see who finds the clouds with weirder shapes
Aang gets Katara flowers every year on her birthday
Their first date was at Iroh’s teashop (mostly so Zuko could be there to calm Aang down)
They hold hands whenever Aang feels overwhelmed
Aang made Katara a total of 37 friendship bracelets and 16 bead necklaces
The two go ice skating every two weeks
Katara has at one point convinced each one of her friends to let her do the hair loopies on them at least once
Katara once fought a guy on an Ihop parking lot and she won
The guy was Hahn and she fought him because he called Sokka a wimp
Katara, Sokka and Hakoda cry every time they watch Balto
Katara and Zuko share Ever after as their favorite movie
Katara is a golden medal swimmer 
Yue lost her hair due to chemo so she has a collection of pretty white wigs
Yue deffinetely cosplayed as Mara from She-ra
Piadao knows Zuko ever since he was five years old
He is actually both Zuko’s and Lu Ten’s godfather
One of his most prized possessions is a mug saying “world’s best godfather” that Zuko made on therapy and gave him for fathers day 
Iroh has a matching but with “world’s best uncle” 
Bumi and Aang became friends after Appa almost ran over him at a park, no one understands this friendship
Piandao and Zuko can communicate solely through nods and grunts, and both understand each other perfectly
*At the tea shop*
Piandao: *grunts and nods curtly*
Zuko: he wants the orange and spices tea and a croissant
*at Piandao’s dojo*
Zuko: *huffs and shakes his head*
Piandao: ah yes Zuko thanks for reminding me, i should see that with your uncle as soon as possible, do you think Jeong Jeong will be able to help?
Zuko: *grunts*
Piandao: no, you’re right, that’s a ridiculous idea
And now the crocverse hcs in honor to @nothing-more-than-hot-leaf-juice
Iroh non-ironically loves crocs
Once he said “let me put them on sports mode” before getting out of the house and Zuko was this close to crying
Bumi is a croc enthusiast 
He non-ironically loves the croc gloves
Bumi is the one who told Iroh about “four wheels drive”
The first time Sokka and Iroh quoted the “WHAT ARE THOSE” vine Zuko actually considered running away to live with Piandao
Jeong Jeong hates crocs with all of his being
Piandao dislikes crocs but he feigns ignorance just to watch the chaos unfold and Jeong Jeong get pissed
There’s a bet going on who’s gonna break Jeong Jeong first
Most of the bets are on Bumi
Piandao once wore a pair of crocs only to watch Jeong Jeong squirm and get all huffy
Sokka gave Iroh a teacup with little crocs painted on it for his birthday
Toph says crocs are the best kind of shoes because “they’re open” 
Iroh has almost as many crocs as he has teacups
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christaspirit · 2 years
Tumblr media
Nino! Finally!
I ended up asking my sister for help because I was drawing a blank. She gave his cannon design in general an 8, but for Nino in particular a 7 (or maybe I'm mixing those up. She gave his outfit a 7 and an 8). She said to get rid of the classic eye design on his shirt, and to have him wear green. So... yeah. She also said she absolutely hated Carapace's design. So I changed it.
Nino personality wise is pretty much the same. DJ, calls everyone dude (but is also the type to give EVERYONE and nickname), and just vibing. I gave him a green t-shirt with a record on it (like the kind you think of when you think of DJs), kept his cap, changed his shoes (cause my sister hated them), and fixed the clashing colors of his braclets. They're still not the same, but at least they have the same vibe. I also changed his miraculous's camoflauge form. Seriously... why in the main five heroes is Marinette the only one with a good camoflauge? Like... everyone else pretty much just a version with slightly different colors, and the exact same shape! So yeah, I made the camoflauge form be another one of his braclets, with a little turtle design on it.
Next, Carapace. My sister didn't like the hood, so I got rid of it, and gave him a hairstyle like the one that officialfanbug used. I gave him some dark green/black and yellow so it's not solid green, but made his hair a teal. Also, the yellow thing over his face is a mask. I was torn with adding goggles or not, but decided that he has a mask that sorta acts like glasses. So... yeah. I also decided to make him have lots of armor, so he has elbow pads, shoulder pads, and a big chest thingy. I also gave him knee high boots, and thick gloves. You can't see his miraculous because of the pose, but it's on the arm that's behind his head. I kept his shield the same for the most part, though made the bottom (the part that's visible) yellow. Also, I discovered while looking at his cannon design that he does have boots, and they have a little indent thing, that sorta looks like it seperates his big toe. I dunno, but I thought it was cool and gave it to my redesign.
Turtle - Bracelet
Shelter (force field)
Animal Abilities:
…I got nothing
Sorry, Nino... the turtle was legit the only miraculous I couldn't find a cool animal ability for. I guess the coolest thing the turtle does is give its user loads of armor. The turtle doesn't have any power differences either. So basically... new look, same thing. Yeah... sorry Nino. However, I did keep his original glasses shape!
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 3 years
(Bad Batch) Visiting the Caves
Imagine:  You and the Bad Batch check out a tourist attraction on the planet you stop on- miles of underground caves that you get to see on a tour.
(Author’s Note: I made myself nearly tear up with this one, so I hope you enjoy it.  I’ve got some asks in my inbox, and I will be getting to those soon!  For now, enjoy this bucket of feels).
   You and the group arrive at the main entrance in civies, and everyone is excited. Wrecker, Tech, and Omega are buzzing with conversation about the cool stuff they'll see. Hunter is doing a mental headcount to make sure everyone's present.   Echo is waiting patiently by the door.  Crosshair doesn't say much, but he's quietly smirking at everyone's interest and casting occasional glances at the entrance.
   Upon entering the main visitor center, everyone scatters.  Wrecker and Echo are looking at photos of the caves that are hanging on the board.  Tech is loading up on brochures and informational booklets.  While Hunter is getting the tickets, Omega is all over the room inspecting the rock displays.  Crosshair does a survey of the place before joining Wrecker and Echo by the board.  Finally, everything is paid for, and the tour begins.   You fall into step with the group in the dimly-lit cave, following the tour guide along the walkway.  
   Hunter is finally able to relax a little and enjoy the sights, though he still has one eye open to make sure the squad doesn’t get into any trouble.  He is fairly attentive to what the tour guide is saying, but is more focused on the aesthetic beauty of the caves rather than the information.  If you are Hunter’s date, he will quietly take your hand in his during the tour and cast you subtle affectionate looks.  He finds going through the tour with you romantic, even when surrounded by the whole squad.  Hunter might even take an opportunity to whisper how beautiful you are when the others are preoccupied.
   Tech is absorbing the information, though most of it is stuff he already knew or just read up on in the brochures.  He still listens closely and will offer up more details if he feels it necessary.  Even though he is focused on the science behind the formation of the caves, he is no less impressed by the sight and speaks about it with wonder.  If you are his date, he’d be at your side the entire time, his shoulder bumping yours, and watching your smiles and expressions of amazement.  He loves seeing you enjoying it as much as he is, and sometimes you’ll catch his stare and feel the warmth in your face.
   Echo is the most attentive, listening carefully and letting the tour guide know he is interested.  He also asks questions and points out anything neat he sees to Omega.  Occasionally, he gives Tech pointed looks if his teammate drowns out the tour guide with his own spew of information.  If you are his date, then you’ll spend most of the tour holding his hand - only letting go when he wants to point something out to Omega.  You’ll catch his eye a lot, whether he’s giving you an amused glance at something your teammates did, or an affectionate gaze every now and then.
   Crosshair talks the least, of course, but he is no less fascinated by the caves.  During the tour, his eyes wander.  At one point, he might even fall behind the rest of the group if he spies something particularly interesting or beautiful.  If you are his date, then there may not be as much conversation, but the two of you can enjoy the sights together.  He’ll still be quite content listening to your comments and observations.  He’s not big on public displays of affection, but he’ll hold your hand and slow down so the two of you fall back behind the group.  Then, he’ll plant an occasional kiss on your temple, and you’ll catch him smiling more.
   Wrecker can hardly contain his excitement.  The others have to keep reminding him that he’s being a little too loud and that the caves carry his booming voice pretty far.  He listens to the tour guide, but finds his mind wandering to other things that grab his attention.  If you are his date, he’ll hold your hand the whole time and keep grinning at you.  Expect him to be pointing out all sorts of things to you.  If the group stays in one place for too long, he gets a little excited and wants to keep moving, so you give his hand a gentle squeeze and smile to distract him.
   Omega is up front between Hunter and Echo, listening and raising her hand to ask questions.  The tour is an hour long, but she’s no less excited at the end than she was when it first started.  She loves learning about the rock formations and the science from both Tech and the tour guide. By now, everyone plays a part in looking after her.  Even Crosshair keeps a protective eye on her if he thinks she’s wandered a little too far.
   After the tour, the group ends up in the gift shop where there are lots of trinkets, gemstones, and fossils for sale.  Everyone scatters again to wander the small aisles.  
   Hunter is browsing the jewelry.  He might get himself a fossil on a black cord to keep.  If you were his date, he’d get you a bracelet made of smooth multicolored gemstones.  He likes the idea of a gift you can keep on you wherever you go, and it pleases him to glance over and see you wearing something he picked out you.  Hunter is rather private about this sort of thing, so he is subtle about gifts.  When you’re distracted, he slides the bracelet onto your wrist in a gentle motion, causing you to glance over in delighted surprise as he smiles at you.
   Tech goes for a sample from the very caves he toured as a souvenir and to conduct his own tests back at the ship.  If you were his date, he’d most likely get you a small rock collection complete with its own display case.  The colorful stones would make a pretty decoration for your quarters and would be rather practical if you took interest in learning more about them.  He’s surprisingly pretty sneaky and is able to get it for you when you went off to browse with one of the others for a while.  He presents the collection to you somewhat hesitantly, observing your expression in hopes you like the gift.
   Echo can’t decide on what to get for himself right away, so he focuses more on a gift for you.  He ends up finding something for himself in the process.  He picks out a heart-shaped worry stone in your favorite color.  The smoothness of the stone is soothing to the touch, and he figures it would be a nice reminder of the day.  As a thought afterward, he decides he’d like something similar.  Echo takes your hand in his unexpectedly and places the smooth stone in your palm with a smile before showing you the one he got to match.
   Crosshair knows he wants to get you a gift the second he sets foot in the shop, but he isn’t sure how to go about it.  He’s not used to doing this sort of thing, and the thought of his squad seeing him browse the jewelry and teasing him leaves him mortified.  Part of him wants to just ask you what you want, but he’d rather it be a surprise.  He stresses over it until finally Wrecker notices something is off and gives him a nudge in the right direction.  He even browses with him so he can look inconspicuous.  Crosshair goes with a pretty gemstone necklace as a gift for you, and back on the ship, he fastens the jewelry around your neck from behind, hearing your gasp of surprise and seeing you turn around with a smile on your face.
Wrecker is excited to pick out a gift for you, though he isn’t exactly subtle.  You catch him a few times holding up t-shirts toward you when he thinks you’re not looking before quickly hiding them behind his back when you turn to face him fully.  Then you see him ducking behind the aisles to hide from you, making you chuckle.  He is so excited that he can’t just pick out one thing, so he ends up giving you a little gift bag with assorted goodies: gemstone-colored pencils, a stuffed animal, a t-shirt...  He hands it to you, rubbing the back of his neck shyly while you smile at how thoughtful he was.
   At the end of the day, everyone returns to the ship quite happy about the visit.  The group is still buzzing with conversation, and Omega has an armful of gifts from the shop and a big smile on her face.  Everyone sits around and shows off the stuff they got for a while and talks about their favorite part of the tour, and you get the chance to cuddle up next to your favorite Bad Batcher.
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shoutoismybaby · 4 years
Omega Shame Part 1
Summary: After spending most of your life on suppressants and ignoring your second gender, you finally decide to embrace who you are with your alphas support. But what happens when your alpha Bakugou walks in on you nesting and sparks memories of your past trauma?
warnings: ABO, Nesting, ANGST ending with fluff,
Nesting. This was something you hadn't even attempted since you were but a small pup. Both suppressants and fear had kept any desire for this activity far away from you, until a couple months ago. That was when you got a courting proposal, your first ever.
It was a necklace, and not just your typical alphas 'just learned how to make jewelry with string'. No. This necklace required welding, a skill you had no idea about, but that just made sense for your alpha to poses. The chain was a simple silver, leading down to a locket with intricate holes on its top layer, creating an almost explosive like design. The cloth that sat inside was a ruby red color that matched the alphas eyes, and the scent it held was strong of caramel and ash.
Of course if Bakugou was to make a courting gift, his was going to be the best you had ever seen.
You had wasted no time in placing the necklace around your neck, relaxing as his scent filled your nose. It was from this point that you knew Bakugou would make an amazing alpha for you. After all, if he put so much effort into the courting gift, you could only imagine the effort he would put into courting you. Even then in typical Bakugou fashion, he passed all expectations.
It started with the way he would make you lunches, walk you to wherever you needed to go, and made sure to give you a thorough scenting only after he got permission. He always showed concern for your physical and mental wellbeing, stopping you from pushing yourself too hard in training and even scolding you for your self deprecating jokes.
“No one gets to talk down about my omega. Especially not my omega.” He had growled at you once. Again Bakugou did something unexpected, making your omega purr at a growl.
It felt so nice to have someone who cared about you. Someone who encouraged you to stop hiding your second gender from everyone but those in your own class. Not that you had even let your class discover on purpose, but the stressful situations class A had gotten in over the years did wonders for wearing off suppressants and scent blockers. 
He, along with your other classmates, had been building up your confidence in your secondary sex for years now. Bringing you to the realization that being an omega didn't mean that you were weak or any less than betas or alphas. Momo and Ochako were omegas after all, and they were some of the strongest people you knew. So once you had gotten an alpha your omega was basically begging to be set free, and you didn't feel like you had to deny it anymore.
So here you were, after 3 months of being off of the medications your hormones and instincts were finally leveling back to normal. It was something you had never experienced before, but you had Bakugou to help support you along the way. That's why you needed his scent in your nest. No matter how nauseous you felt walking into the young alphas room while you knew he was training, your omega refused to continue the day without at least one peice of his clothing. More than that and you were sure you would be sent into a panic attack. You had no idea how he would react to you doing this. Would he be disgusted? Angry?
Ironically the only thing calming your thoughts was to continue building the nest. Pillows upon pillows methodically shoved between various stuffed animals and blankets became nest shaped as the time passed. Soon enough you were left with just one item left, one of his favorite skull shirts. You had wanted to take something he would miss less, but they weren’t drowned in his scent like this one was. You sat back into the middle of your nest to take a thorough look around. You didn’t want to take too long to decide a place for it by now as you were getting tired. Not to mention you were going to go out on a movie date with Bakugou so you also needed to get ready for that. You would have checked the time if you weren’t so fixated on your task, and that would turn out to be a huge mistake.
You had finally found the perfect place for his shirt when you heard your door open from behind you. In the middle of slipping the clothing item over your pillow you froze as your heart began to race. Your omega knew it was an alpha before you knew who it was and she let out a chirp before you could stop it.
All you could remember was the first time this had happened, an Alpha walking in on your nest. You were seven, not old enough to even present as an omega but tendencies could show early in childhood. You were excited and happily humming as you arranged your blankets, stuffed animals, and your parents best smelling clothes into small yet sturdy walls in the shape of an oval on your bed. You couldn’t help but feel safe, like you would no longer fall off your bed in the middle of the night, or that monsters or other intruders would quickly avoid hurting you once they got just a single sniff of your parents alpha scents. You were proud when you were finished and immediately snuggled into it for a nap, only to wake up to the scent of rotting eggs. A clear indicator your father was both near and very angry. All the yelling and trashing of your hard work that happened next was just a blur. But you could remember how you felt the entire time so vividly. The way your lungs seemed incapable of taking in air, the trembling of your hands and especially the weakness in your knees. Most of all, you remembered the absolute terror as your safe space was invaded. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as fast as your heart would allow it, and you could only sit back and watch.
It was that day that you first became aware that there was something wrong with you. Something gross, weak, and worth hating.
That’s why even when the scent of Bakugou filled your nose, your heart still didn’t slow down. In fact, it only sped up when you finally turned around to look at him, all of the hope you had gotten by convincing yourself he would be happy you were embracing yourself quickly diminishing. His brows furrowed more than normal and his mouth was set in a deep scowl, slightly open just enough that his naturally large canines poked out.
He was angry.
“Do you not know how to answer your fucking phone?! You were so eager to force me to agree to this date and then you don't even respond when I-” Your thoughts were racing far too fast to actually hear what he was saying. Your omega could only think of one thing, your alpha was angry with you. You messed up and now he was angry with you. It was just like your parents, you should have listened to them when they told you it was stupid to nest.
But you had worked so hard on it, and it made you feel so good. You didn’t want your nest to be torn apart again. The smell of smoke wafted from the alphas' palms as you were too caught up in your memories to really hear him. Hear how he was angry with you for forgetting about your date, angry that you had stood him up and too busy being upset to even notice that you were sitting in a nest. The smell of smoke invoked just another event in your mind, one that happened when you had first presented as an omega at 13. Something that caused the damn behind your eyes to finally break.
“PLEASE DON’T DESTROY MY NEST” You Omega sobbed, distressed chips flooding from your chest like air. “Please, please!”
Your outburst startled the Alpha into silence. He could only stand there and watch as his omegas scent was filled with fear as she wiped at her eyes aggressively. A first he was confused, letting his body pump out comfort pheromones instinctually as he let himself observe the situation. You were dressed only in your school uniform, clearly having been building the nest that surrounded you from the time you entered the dorm room to when he had burst into your room, now far past dark. You were trembling too, body curled up in on itself as you hiccupped and begged.
“Please, I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorryyy! Just please dont destroy my nest.” Your voice cracked and it resonated painfully in his ear and his heart dropped. Why did you think he would destroy your nest? Sure he wasn't the best alpha but he wasn’t a monster. Did you really think he would destroy the one place where you felt safest? A weight grew in his chest that left as a deep growl,
“Here.” He growled, “Probably best if we just end this bullshit.”
This was all your fault. If you hadnt built this stupid nest in the first place, or even started crying like a fucking baby then this wouldnt have happened. But you were a weak omega, and just like your parents said, no one can love someone so weak. Especially not someone as powerful as Katsuki. You shouldn’t have let yourself believe that they were wrong for even a second. You had thought that Bakugou would be the one who would love you for who you truly were. But that was naive. No one could love such a burden. No one could love you.
The drop of the crafted bracelet to the ground seconds before your door slammed, leaving you alone once more in your room, proof enough of that.
Your parents were right.
A flame of anger lit in your chest. Why were you so unloveable just the way you were? Why couldn’t you just be different? Why couldn’t you be an alpha like your parents had wanted?
You could feel your nails extend into claws as the hair on your body raised. You glared at the soft material weaved together around you as hot tears built up behind your eyes. This time instead of being fueled by fear they were fueled by rage and resentment.
You were so angry. So angry at youself, at your weak omega, and especially at your stupid nest. You couldn't help but let a couple tears fall as you let your anger get the best of you, and you didn't stop it until you were heaving in the middle of your disaster of a room. Surrounded by torn pieces of fabric and the other contents of your room scattered by your tantrum, you finally let yourself breath. 
You turned around to see the item you had been avoiding, your pillow with bakugou's shirt. With a deep breath you grabbed a hold of the object, digging your claws into its plush softness. The caramel ash smell that permeated the air only helped to break down the remaining bits of your anger. And you didn’t want to be left alone with your despair just yet.
With the release of your breath a ripping sound could be heard. The shirt split and cotton popped out from the opening like popcorn. Once you had successfully dissected what had been a comfort item you threw it somewhere away from you and took another deep breath.
Now you were finally alone. Just you and your reality. You could really feel how much pain your omega was in as your hair began to lower and your normal nails returned. You had heard about this pain before. A deep one in your chest, heartbreak. Your omega seemed to curl around that feeling. Of rejection. Self hatred. That no one would ever need you, let alone want you. You could feel yourself start to slip into the limbo of numbness and searing pain.
An Omega Depression.
You remembered learning about it back when you were in middle school, most people were beginning to present as their second sex. Your teachers had emphasized how important it was to get medical attention at the first signs, you knew how dangerous it was, but all you wanted to do was lay there on the floor. You were tired, and what was the point? No one cared about you, not your parents… not Bakugou. Your throat strained painfully at that thought. Bakugou didn’t want you, and it was your fault.
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anime-fan93 · 3 years
my pronouns are she/they, im bisexual, and 15! i’m 5’7”, i have curly hair, it’s currently dyed a deep purple, and got recently cut into a bob. my eyes are dark brown and kind of almond shaped. im latina, my skin is a light olive tone, i’m always wearing eyeliner, and i like dark clothes and am always wearing lots of bracelets!! i love wearing perfume too, a lot of sweet or citrusy scents are some of my favorites to wear.
i’m sort of an ambivert. i’m often more extroverted in places that are familiar to me, probably because i’m more comfortable in areas such as those! i also don’t take myself too seriously and try to find humor in most of my situations. i think that i’m sort of dependable as my friends often come to me when they want advice or when they want someone to listen to their problems. i’m very talkative as well, though. i love telling stories with too many unnecessary details and just sharing my opinions and thoughts on whatever subject i can think of. i can’t stay mad for very long, i’m quite forgiving i think. i don’t like being in bad moods so i always try to distract myself with whatever i can. however, i do overthink a lot when it comes relationships, which is one of my biggest faults. but being comforted with words or physical touches does comfort me. i’m also a libra — if that matters.
as was previously mentioned, i love bracelets. i think they look good no matter the day. i also love cheesy romance movies, especially the ones that are dripping in cliches. horror movies as well! my absolute all-time favorite (aka my comfort movie) is scream. i enjoy broadway musicals, holiday-themed headbands, and animals too!
some of my hobbies are writing poetry (often narrative and about people i meet, venting my emotions, etc.), baking cakes and other sweets, watching movies, doing makeup, sketching, and drinking coffee 🧘
(sorry, this was long!)
Your request is here!
I match you with...
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Mirabel would come up to you the first time she saw you, being interested in literally everything about you.
She would love fluffing your hair, even if she messes it up, she would find it entertaining. She would fix it if she messed it up anyways.
She would love the perfume scents you wear, but wouldn't wear them herself. She would love hugging you so she could smell them.
You two would both talk to each other about things going on, she would come to you first about how she felt she wasn't good enough for Abeula.
She would love hearing your stories, and would be just as energetic as you while you tell them. Even if you couldn't stay mad, she would hate if you were ever mad at her, doing everything in her power to make it up to you.
If she could tell that you were overthinking something, she would pull you close to her and give you kisses all over, assuring you that everything's fine.
She would be just as into bracelets as you are, always getting the both of you matching ones, or ones with inside jokes or secret meanings that only you two would know about.
She would find the cliche movies stupidly entertaining, and would always watch them with you, but would definitely not be able to sleep if you watch horror movies together.
She would love to read your poetry and whenever you two couldn't see each other she would read the ones that you would let her keep.
She would try to bake with you but would most likely set something on fire once and would let you do it from then on.
Thank you for requesting!
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innuendostyles · 4 years
Your from the UK right??? Not to make u sad but imagine going to Asda with Ben at 2 in the morning (u only went for some milk) and u end up coming out with almost the entire shop in ur trolley 😂😂 Happens to the best of us
“We’re only going for milk.” He quietly mumbled as he aimed the keys at the car and pressed the lock button, hearing the sound of the mechanisms working to ensure the car wouldn’t get stolen from the car park. He held his hand out for you to take before he crossed the zebra crossings, giving a silent nod to a car that’d stopped so the two of you could pass.
It was a gentle reminder but also a jest at himself, considering the last time he’d gone to Asda this late, he’d returned home with a new DVD player for your living room, an abundance of on-sale Easter chocolate, and a DIY friendship bracelets set (it was located in the 6 years and over section, but he wouldn’t tell anyone that part.)
The bracelets aforementioned had been tied to your wrists for a month and a half now, yours was a braided black, white and yellow band while his was black, white and red. He somehow matched his outfit, black jogging bottoms, a red Nike hoodie and the best part of all…. socks with sliders. You’d claim that if he wore those out of the house, you’d pretend not to know him, but later decided that it was more endearing than embarrassing. His socks were black with red love hearts printed all over them, some you’d got him for Valentine’s Day as he claimed that “a pair of socks is the best present you could ever buy a man.”
You, on the other hand, wore a pair of black leggings, paired with an extremely worn “Rolling Stones 1979 Tour” acid wash t-shirt. Ben had insisted that you wear one of his jackets, given the fact that your local Asda always seemed to be freezing around this time, so it was topped off with a navy blue Nike Air Max windbreaker. Your fluffy bed socks really pulled the outfit together.
You each had one of Ben’s AirPods in your ear, currently listening to a song by The Lumineers, one that Ben described to you as making him feel as if he was “running down a sandy beach trying to get to you.” His pinky finger slid around your pinky finger as he strayed to the shelter where all the trolleys (shopping carts) were located.
He always pushed the trolley, claiming his driving skills were better than yours, but you knew the only reason he enjoyed pushing them so much was so he could “fly down the aisles”, an act in which he would push the cart extremely fast when there was nobody near you, and lift his feet from the ground, letting the cart take all his weight.
The song ended and changed to a Snoop Dogg song, to which you quirked an eyebrow, asking, “What fucking playlist is this?” with a laugh.
You walked through the sliding doors, Ben already getting distracted by some plants that were on clearance at the front doors, silently placing 2 small plant pots with some sort of pink flower in the middle into the cart.
There was a display as soon as you entered the shop floor, a large green cardboard cut out of the grinch, next to it sitting a handful of Christmas DVD’s, letting all the customers know that they could “Buy 1 Christmas DVD and receive a free 9” pizza”. Ben’s eyes immediately lit up, turning his head towards yours as he exclaimed that Christmas films and food are two of his favourite things ever. You shook your head in disbelief as you picked through the DVD’s, most of them being new and animated films you’d never heard of.
You were looking for one in particular, though you had little faith that it would be in the same pile as these cartoon ones. Ben loved The Nativity, one of the funniest Christmas films in the world, he reckons. He thought Martin Freeman was one of the best actors ever, and that along with Marc Wootton, it had to be the best film ever.
You rifled through the array of cases, finally picking out a white cover that read, “The Nativity!” You placed it in the cart, seeing Ben’s eyes light up as he bounced up and down in excitement, like a child.
“Can we get pepperoni on the pizza? Please!” He whined, earning a “yes” from you, to which he skipped down the aisle and giggled like a schoolboy.
You reached the fridges, Ben picking up 2 pints of milk and putting them in the trolley before giving an accomplished nod.
“Can we ‘ave a look at some vinyls?” He asked, with a pleading pout that he knew always won you over.
“Ooh, yeah actually, Gwil said he wanted the Hamilton vinyl a couple of weeks ago. Might be a good present, yeah?” You suggested, knowing it would result in Ben realising he hadn’t yet bought Christmas presents for any of his friends yet, something you’d been trying to gently remind him of for the last couple of weeks.
You made your way to the music section, getting distracted by anything and everything you could find. Ben was clinging onto a t-shirt with a green dinosaur on it, lit up by Christmas lights with a star on top of its head, the phrase “Tree-Rex” printed underneath it.
He held up the knitted fabric to you, and you both whispered, “Joe.” at the exact same time. It was folded and placed into the cart.
A pack of 250 small Christmas cards was the next thing to grab your attention, Ben telling you that the two of you “had to send the neighbours a card this year, considering the amount of times they’ve had to endure foolish giggles and the  creaky bed really late at night!” You’d simply nodded with a chuckle, though he didn’t put them in straight away. He noticed the box had been busted open at the top and went on a hunt for an unopened box. He reached his arm all the way back into the shelf, jokingly asking you to hold his hand so he didn’t get lost. He finally grabbed a pack, throwing them into the trolley from about a meter away and doing a celebratory dance when they went in.
One of the lights overhead flickered, which caused Ben to turn to you with an over-exaggerated gasp, claiming “Asda is haunted!!!!” and running away from you frantically. You guffawed at his antics, lightly jogging after him while trying to catch your breath from laughing.
After collecting your pizza on the way to the music section, Ben made a quick turn down the homeware section. He browsed the cushion cases, holding up a few colours and patterns that he thought may match your living room sofa, all of which received a horrified glare from you (this was the exact reason you didn’t let him take the lead when you decided to start decorating your flat together… his first suggestion was warm brown walls with a stripy turquoise and black sofa…)
He reached the mirror section, finding an extremely large plain mirror, with no frame, slowly running his finger over the edge of it.
“Might buy us this for Christmas.” He stated.
Your brows raised in confusion, tilting your head to tell him you were unsure why he’d said it.
“One of them naughty mirrors…… when you put it on the ceiling so I’d be able to see everything when you’re ridi-“  your hand quickly shot over his mouth, your eyes widening as you took in what he meant. You could feel his lips sporting a smirk beneath your palm. You shook your head and giggled along with him.
“C'mon babe… know you’d love seeing this juicy cheeks every time I’m on top of you…” you lightly smacked his chest and delivered a sharp, yet humorous, “enough!”.
Once you’d finally made it to the music section, Ben appeared to be in his element. He’d picked up the Hamilton vinyl for Gwilym, as well as a new Ariana Grande record for Lucy. He was eyeing up Taylor Swift’s newest release, hoping you wouldn’t notice when he slipped it into the cart. He groaned when you looked him directly in the eyes and shook your head with a knowing smile on your face.
“I was gonna give you that for Christmas! Now you’ve ruined the surprise!” He whined with a pout.
“You are all I want for Christmas.” You replied, already cringing wondering if anyone else had heard you.
He, too, shook his head, but still gave you a quick kiss on the cheek to show his appreciation for you.
The next aisle was the clearance aisle. This was a dangerous one for Ben. His Mum had always taught him “never to pass up a bargain, cause you’ll see it one day, regret not buying it, go back the next day and it’ll be gone!”.
Within 5 minutes of browsing the shelves, he’d picked up a large Christmas-themed Yankee Candle gift set for his brother, a turkey-shaped dog toy for Frankie (this one you’d suggested) as well as a pack of 3 photo frames and a new flower vase for his mum.
Walking to the checkout was always a dangerous game, as the bakery part of the shop was located right next to all the tills. He’d always claim to be “just looking” while you unloaded the trolley onto the moving belt so the cashier could scan your items, and most times he only came back with a box of flapjacks or at the most, 2 jam donuts and a reduced fat chocolate eclair cake.
What you weren’t expecting today, however, was for your boyfriend to return with a basket he’d picked up from somewhere, filled with pastries and cakes that made your mouth water.
“These’ll be alright til Christmas Eve won’t they? Can watch Nativity with our little pizza ‘n then fill ourselves wi’ these after? Yeah?” You didn’t really get a chance to reply before the food was placed down onto the belt. You’d never seen him so happy with himself, thinking he’d just come up with the best idea in the entire world, even though you’d done basically the same thing for the last 2 years of spending Christmas together.
The cashier gave you your total, a whopping £110, even though you’d originally come in for 2 pints of milk, which should’ve brought your total to around…. £3.
He shook his head with a small smile as he took his card out of his wallet, swiping it over the reader and thanking the lady when she gave him his receipt. He rolled the trolley out onto the car park, you following closely behind telling him to unlock the car so you’d be able to hear the beep it made and find it, considering how dark it was outside. After locating the vehicle, he gently placed all the items in the backseat, taking extra care to make sure the pizza was cushioned by Joe’s new shirt and Frankie’s new toy. He dropped the trolley back off at the shelter before getting into the car, strapping his seatbelt and turning the radio on.
Paul McCartney’s “Wonderful Christmastime” filled the speakers, causing Ben to let out a quiet, “What a fuckin’ banger!”.
You couldn’t resist the urge to lean over and give him a peck on the cheek and a ruffle of his hair. You simply were having a wonderful Christmas time.
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