#she's doing the eyebrow thing hehehe
graunblida · 2 years
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@bokketo​​ said: "Is that a dagger in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" // aranya @ lexa :D
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        lexa isn’t unhappy to see aranya, the timing is just...UNEXPECTED. she hadn’t anticipated running into the arms dealer mid job, and certainly had not foreseen them ending up flush so close to one another.  “ can’t it be both? ” there are blades of all shapes and sizes strapped to her being at this very moment. given their PROXIMITY aranya might be privy to a number of them. she ponders the significance of the collector’s sudden presence, though it is a bit hard to concentrate under these ...circumstances. 
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andvys · 26 days
Dancing with our hands tied | S.H.
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Chapter seventeen ⭐︎ What am I supposed to do? If there’s no you.
Warnings: slight angst, mentions of unrequited love, mean!robin, slight jealousy, this chapter is mostly written from Robin's pov and there are only a few moments of Steve's and Blondie's pov
Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Summary: Robin uncovers Steve's secrets and more... but he doesn't get the reactions from her that he expected.
Word count: 6k+
Author's note: @hellfire--cult and I came up with some new ideas for the story and uh, buckle up and enjoy it... hehehe also thanks for helping me, my love
Series Masterlist ⭐︎ Previous Chapter ⭐︎ Next Chapter
Steve’s smile seems permanent nowadays, never falling, always lingering, even when Keith is scolding him about something he had done wrong or hadn’t done at all. 
His skin is glowing and his eyes are full of happy emotions, he seems giddy, always excited about something. 
Until now, Robin was sure that she had seen him happy before – when he saw her again after she went on a two weeks trip with her mom, when his favorite movie came out and he dragged her to the theater, when he found the perfect brown coat that he had been looking for at every store for weeks. 
And yes, he was happy in these moments, but this, the happiness that is stuck on his face now, is something else, something different, something deep.
And whatever it is that is making him happy, should make her feel the same way, because he is her best friend, and all that she wants for him is exactly this – happiness. But how can she feel any positive emotions, when he is keeping secrets from her? When he isn’t letting her be part of this? When he is cutting her out? 
Robin was always sure that they would never keep secrets from each other, but it’s happening, it’s happening again for her, being pushed aside, being left out, losing a best friend – because this is what it is, right? She is losing him, he is beginning to cut her out of his life, not telling her things he would’ve normally not shut up about, because he talks about everything with her, at least he used to. 
This is how it always begins, this is always the first step of losing a friend. She is no stranger to it. 
But it hurts, it hurts worse than it ever did before. 
Because this is Steve, someone she considers a soulmate. 
Someone she thought would never do this to her. 
“What’s with the grumpy face?” Steve asks, pulling her out of her depressing thoughts. 
Robin raises her eyebrows, looking away from the passing trees, she sinks deeper into the passenger seat and turns her head to look at him, shrugging. 
“Is everything okay?” Steve asks as he glances at her with a look of concern. 
She should say no and confront him but she doesn’t know how without making things awkward, without pressuring him to talk, without risking losing him sooner than later. 
“Yeah,” she mumbles and reaches for the backpack between her feet, busying herself with it as she rummages through the tiny pockets to find her chapstick. 
“Are you sure?”
She can’t help but roll her eyes at the skeptic tone in his voice, she keeps her head low, gaze locking onto the chapstick she has been looking for, she picks it out and leans back again. 
“Yeah, just tired,” she murmurs. 
Steve keeps glancing back and forth between her and the road, holding the steering wheel tightly as he shoots her a teasing smirk, lowering the volume of the song playing. 
“Long night with Vickie?” 
Her lips twitch and despite the annoyance bubbling inside of her, her cheeks heat up, growing darker until she’s blushing red. She applies her chapstick, welcoming the peach taste on her lips. She can feel his eyes on her, and it only makes her blush deeper as she hides her face from him. 
It confirms his question and it makes him chuckle. 
“I’m glad you’re having fun, Robin.”
“Shut up,” she murmurs under her breath, unable to fight the redness off her cheeks. She closes the chapstick again, putting the cap back into place, she leans down to put it back in her backpack when it falls from her hands and rolls under the seat, making her groan and curse in annoyance. 
“Always turning into a klutz when you’re nervous,” Steve comments, causing her to glare at him. 
“I’m not nervous.”
Steve chuckles, narrowing his eyes at her, “yes you are, I mention Vickie and you’re turning into a blushing, nervous little girl with a first crush even though she is literally your girlfriend.” 
“That is so not true!” She gapes at him, despite it being true. 
He shakes his head in amusement, “yes it is, in case you forgot, you’re my best friend, I know you like the back of my hand and right now, you’re nervous!” 
Maybe his words should put her mind at ease, maybe they should be enough to show her that she is not losing him, after all, but it’s not that easy, is it? 
She only rolls her eyes in response and looks away, turning back to the window and looking out at the downtown streets now. She feels relieved to see the Family Video sign, looking forward to jumping out of his car and throwing herself into work so she can stop thinking about her depressing thoughts and giving into the fears of losing him. 
Maybe she is just overthinking, the way she always does. 
The moment Steve stops the car, Robin gets out and slams the door, opening the one to the backseat so she can look for her chapstick. She leans down and squints her eyes, patting the car mats before she stretches her arm out under the seat, trying to find it. 
Steve walks around the car and stops in front of her, his eyes flash with amusement as he takes in the sight of his best friend, her eyebrows squished together, tongue poking out between her lips, her body angled uncomfortably as she searches for her newest chapstick. 
“I swear to god is there a portal all my chapsticks vanish to?” She grumbles.
Steve snorts at her words, “yeah, I’m sure they all pile up in the upside down somewhere.” 
“I wouldn’t be surprised! Every time I buy a new chapstick it just fucking disappears!” 
“That’s because you leave them everywhere,” Steve chuckles, placing his hands on his hips as he keeps watching instead of helping. His grin grows when she throws the middle finger at him. 
The look of concentration on Robin’s face, transforms into something else, confusion and curiosity, her brows shoot up instead, her lips parting as she reaches for not only her chapstick but also something else, something soft, something lacy. She pulls it out from under the seat, hooking it around her pointer finger, she holds it up in front of her face, examining it before revealing it to Steve. 
A lacy thong. 
One that clearly belongs to a girl. 
One that surely wasn’t there a few weeks back when she helped him clean his car. 
So her suspicions weren’t right, after all – she would’ve been surprised if they were. 
Steve has been so secretive about whoever it is that he is seeing, she knows that they don’t belong to any of the girls he was hooking up with at the beginning of this year, and she doesn’t even need to see his face to confirm something she already knows. 
But if it isn’t one of them and if it isn’t a guy after all, who is he seeing? 
Is it someone he is ashamed of? 
Is that the reason why he is being so secretive, why he keeps sneaking around behind her back and not telling her the truth about something he wouldn’t have shut up about if it were anyone else? 
Steve’s voice snaps her out of her thoughts and she slowly turns around to face him, with the thong in one hand and her chapstick in the other. 
His hands fall off his hips, his hazel eyes grow wide, his lips part and his cheeks grow a cherry red when he sees the flimsy material hanging off her finger. 
For a moment, she forgets about his secrets and how much it hurts her that he is hiding from her. The look on his face is so comical, she can’t even help but let the giggles tumble from her lips as she raises back to full height, standing right in front of him as she laughs in his face. 
His cheeks grow redder and redder, making her laugh harder. 
“I-I uh–” Steve stutters, unable to come up with words to say. 
“I-I uh,” Robin mocks him through her giggles, “whose are these?” She asks as she lets them dangle in front of his face, stretching her arm out. 
Steve rolls his eyes at her, his blush continuing to grow beneath her gaze. His shoulders slump and his mind panics as he tries to think of what to say. 
What can he say? 
That these belong to Heidi or Linda or whoever else it was that he had boring sex with before you? 
Steve can’t even bring himself to lie, not even to save himself and you. 
He can’t mention another girl, just uttering these words would make him feel awful. He can’t do it. He just can’t. 
“Hm?” Robin tilts her head, wiggling her brows at him.
As he stands in front of her and he looks into her curious eyes that are layered with something more, he can’t help but wonder what would happen if he just told her. He wants to talk about it, he wants to talk about you, he wants to talk about his feelings that he could only keep to himself so far. 
But what would Robin think knowing how horrible he was to you? How horrible you have both been to each other? 
She would try to talk some sense into him and make him stop this thing between you and he isn’t ready to let this go, he will never be. 
So he turns around and leaves her question unanswered, knowing that she won’t stop until she gets the truth out of him and it makes him nervous but what can he do? 
He doesn’t see the way her shoulders slump, the way her eyes cross with defeat, the way she sighs and looks down. 
“Come on, we got more important things to do then talk about thongs, Robin.” 
“Right,” she murmurs as her teasing smile slowly falls, she throws the black lace back into the car and slams the door before she follows him into the store, staring at his back as she walks behind him. 
Steve greets Keith a little kinder than usual, he walks with his back straight and his head held high, he whistles as he makes his way into the office to clock in and she stays quiet, watching closely, observing him and the fresh hickeys on his neck, the ones that haven’t been there yesterday afternoon when he dropped her off at Vickie’s. It’s always the same exact spot, sometimes his neck is littered in them but there is always that one special spot that never misses the mark on his skin, that little spot behind his ear. 
That’s how she knows that it’s only one girl that he is seeing and she is also the reason why he is turning down all the others that have been shooting their sickly sweet smiles at him. Something he wouldn’t have done a few months back. 
“Are you bringing Vickie tonight?” Steve asks as he throws on his vest, “to game night, I mean?” 
Robin furrows her brows, looking over her shoulder at him, “game night? I figured we’d never do that again after what happened with you and uh… Blondie,” she chuckles nervously. 
Something in his eyes shifts, something in his demeanor changes for a moment. Sadness, anger and regret crosses his features and she sees it all so clearly but she isn’t surprised, she didn’t mean to strike a nerve but she knows she did. 
He felt awful after the words he threw at you, that night. 
And knowing him, he still feels the same even when you get along now. 
But there is something else in his eyes, something she can’t figure out yet. 
Steve breaks eye contact and he scratches the back of his neck as he keeps his eyes trained on the ground. 
“I uh, yeah that will never happen again.” 
She doesn’t quite understand the meaning his words hold. 
And at that time, she also doesn’t know yet, that only a few hours later, she will finally get closer to the answers she has been seeking, that her eyes will be more open to what is happening right in front of her nose. 
Because that night, she notices something she hasn’t paid much attention to before but a feeling inside of her, tells her that she should have done that a long time ago. 
And maybe, maybe she is just seeing things that aren’t there, that her eyes betray her and want to give her something just so she can put her mind to rest but even after rubbing her eyes, even after squinting and trying to see with a clear mind, the sight in front of her is still there and very much real.
The noises from the living room, the chatter of her friends and the giggles of her girlfriend as Dustin tells her a story, fade into distance as she steps closer and closer to the kitchen where Steve had disappeared to, moments after you have left the living room to get another drink. 
You’re standing by the window, face to face and way too close for two people who couldn’t even be near each other, a few months ago. A smile is resting on your face, matching his own. 
Steve leans closer to you, whispering words that Robin can’t make out from this distance and it annoys her to no end because she wants to know what he said to you, what exactly made you giggle in a way she never heard you do. 
This is strange, this is so very strange – it shouldn’t be, and maybe she wouldn’t even think anything of it had you not been fighting all the time not too long ago, because after all, you two could be just friends who are gossiping about something, the hushed whispers and the amused giggles indicate it at least. 
But you aren’t friends, are you? 
You are still just Steve and Blondie, forced to be around each other because of your mutual friends, forced to get along to keep the peace. 
But maybe things are changing, maybe you are actually getting along now and not because of her or Eddie or even the teens, maybe you are just becoming friends, actual friends.
This is the only explanation to what she is seeing. 
Anything else would just be… unbelievable. 
And still, she decides to keep a closer eye on Steve and you. 
Her suspicions and thoughts she deemed as ‘crazy’ become less and less crazy as time passes and she continues to pay attention to you both, how you talk to each other, how you act around each other, how you look at each other, how Steve behaves when he is around you. 
It’s so obvious and it’s so right in front of everyone’s faces and still, she doubts that her suspicions hold any meaning, too insane are the thoughts in her head. 
But then the signs start showing – from the pink scrunchie in his car, to the cherry chapstick on his nightstand and the second toothbrush in his bathroom, from the perfume that always lingers on his clothes to the cologne on yours, from the moments you are both not around to the lies he speaks into the phone when she asks why he didn’t come to movie night at Eddie’s place. 
And as she grows more aware of his weird behavior and yours, she also notices that there is someone else who is acting differently – Eddie. 
She notices the way he looks at you and Steve, the way the latter is getting warning glances and glares, the way you are getting soft ones filled with pity and it confirms it all to her. 
You are Steve’s mystery girl. 
Eddie knows, why can’t she know? 
Does Steve feel embarrassed about you and your shared history of hatred? 
Questions keep piling up in her brain and instead of confronting her best friend about it all, she keeps it all to herself, hoping that she won’t have to confront him at all, hoping for him to tell her about it all when he feels comfortable to, hoping that nothing changed between them, that she is still his best friend, that he will still talk to her. 
But her wishes don’t come true, Steve doesn’t make the first move, he continues on with the secrets and the lies, he doesn’t notice the implies that she makes when she asks him what he is doing on evenings he isn’t with her and the group, or the way she subtly begins to mention you. 
She doesn’t even need the confirmation anymore as days continue to pass, she figures it out on her own, she knows for sure now, her suspicions are no longer… suspicions. And yet, a certain moment, a certain sight that plays right in front of her, still shocks her. 
In Hopper’s backyard is where you all find yourselves on a warm Saturday evening, the chatter is loud and the laughter echoes through the garden. The smell of freshly cut grass lingers in the air, as does the smell of sizzling meat from the grill. 
Eddie brought Wayne with him, the older man chuckling at his nephew as he watches him stuffing his face with burgers, continuously complimenting Hopper’s ‘cooking’ skills to which the latter laughs. 
Robin snorts at Eddie, she can’t tell whether he’s high or just really hungry but the faded look in his eyes gives him away, she blames Argyle for that. 
“You should try his waffles!” El grins at Eddie, “Hop makes the best ones!” 
“You mean the waffles he pops in the toaster?” Jonathan snorts beside her, making his stepdad chuckle. 
“I mean, he puts a lot of stuff on them, it’s really good! Reeses pieces, sprinkles, heavy cream–”
“Ew,” Mike scrunches his nose, shaking his head at his girlfriend, “that’s too much.” 
“Says the boy who puts maple syrup on his scrambled eggs,” Nancy laughs at her brother. 
“Of course he does, Mike has the worst taste,” Dustin snickers before he takes a bite of his steak. “He also loves raisin cookies!” 
“What’s wrong with raisin cookies?” Hopper asks mid chew, furrowing his brows at the teenage boy. 
“Do not insult his raisin cookies,” Joyce points with a fork at Dustin, an amused smile appearing on her face. 
“Oh,” Dustin frowns at the former chief, “you don’t have taste either, damn.” 
While everyone watches the interaction between Dustin and Hopper, amused by the teenage boy and his harmless insults as his conversation with the older man continues. Robin nearly misses the whispers between you and Steve, the smile on your face as you say something to him that she can’t read on your lips. 
You sit next to each other, very closely so. 
It’s the same seats you sat in when Hopper and Joyce announced their engagement here, only this time, neither of you seems tense, you’re both relaxed, your features are soft, your smiles are real, your arms are touching and you aren’t avoiding each other the way you once did. 
The pink scrunchie is in your hair, your lips are rosy red, from the cherry chapstick no doubt. Your eyes are glinting with happiness and it seems like a rare sight to Robin – she has seen you smile before, sure, but she had never seen you happy. 
While she paid extremely close attention to her best friend, she didn’t really look closely at you, maybe she should have before. 
She watches the way you push your plate away, leaving a few bites that you can’t seem to finish, you reach for your drink and lean back in your seat, placing your hand on your stomach. 
Robin chews on her veggies, tilting her head as she tries to not make her staring too obvious but it’s difficult to look away from the both of you, especially when Steve does something that makes her eyes widen and her brows furrow in confusion. 
If there is something that Steve always hated, then it was eating leftovers from someone else, he wouldn’t even share a drink or bite into something someone else had bitten into before and yet here he is eating the food you didn’t finish, eating the steak from your plate and you don’t even seem fazed by it, it’s almost as though it’s the most normal thing for you both, like this isn’t weird. 
And she isn’t the only one who is staring in surprise, Eddie is looking at Steve with his big brown eyes. 
Neither of you seem to notice and everyone else is too busy watching Dustin bicker with Hopper to notice her and Eddie’s wide eyes or the very couply behavior from you both. 
One look under the table after accidentally dropping her napkin to the ground gives her the final confirmation when her eyes fall on Steve’s hand on your thigh and yours covering his own, your fingers playing with his. 
Oh. Oh. 
Maybe this should make her feel more surprised than it does, but really, the sight of Steve eating food from your plate nearly knocked her off her chair. 
She is confused, so very confused and lost. 
And more questions than ever before start running through her mind, nearly giving her a whiplash because it’s just too many at once and she doesn’t know how to deal with them, how to keep them to herself, they are starting to boil over and it prompts her to make a decision. 
She’s had enough of his lies and his secrets. 
She never kept anything from him, he never kept anything from her until this, until you. The sight of you suddenly fills her with anger, something she hadn’t felt before, especially not when it came to you. 
You are the reason why her best friend is slipping through her fingers, why isn’t spending time with her the way he did before, why he isn’t talking to her. 
And despite the growing rage you’re firing up inside of her, she can’t look away from you, watching how you whisper into his ear, watching the way you laugh with Eddie and Wayne, the way you help Joyce clean up and chat with Nancy, the way you hug El and Will goodbye and Max too before she hops on the back of Lucas’s bike and leaves with him and Dustin. 
She almost wants to scoff when you get in the backseat of Steve’s car instead of the passenger seat that clearly belongs to you now, you leave your scrunchies here and your lipgloss apparently too as she looks down into the cupholder, rolling her eyes at the tiny bottle. 
The sound of your laughter makes her eyes roll more intensely. Eddie jumps in beside you, neither of you are aware of the scowl on her face. 
Steve notices though, but he doesn’t bring it up, not wanting to make her uncomfortable by asking any questions she might not want to answer in front of you and Eddie. She won’t even look at him, her eyes are glued on her rings as her fingers tap against her jean clad thighs, her jaw is clenched and he can practically feel the tension in her shoulders. 
And it doesn’t go away, not even when he turns her favorite music on, not when he tries to crack a joke, nothing seems to lift her mood these days, and it worries him. 
When he stops the car in your driveway, Eddie is the first to get out, clapping his hand on Steve’s shoulder and mumbling a goodbye to him and Robin. You follow suit, smiling at them both before your sneakers hit the cobblestones and you get out as well, about to shut the door when Robin’s voice stops you. 
“Hey, Blondie.” 
The tone in her voice is a mocking one, she only uses Steve’s nickname to tease you with it, but this sounds like something else. 
You poke your head back into the car, eyeing Steve’s side profile before you train your eyes on his best friend, who is now looking back at you with a look in her eyes that is sending chills down your spine. 
“Are you spending the night at Steve’s tonight?” 
Your heart stops beating and your breathing stutters in your throat, your eyes grow wide just like Steve’s do. The chills that her looks just caused, running down your whole body and filling you with shock. 
She raises her eyebrows at you, giving you a mocking smile. 
Eddie stands behind you, frozen just like you are. 
Steve holds the steering wheel tightly, staring at his best friend with a pounding heart – he knew she would figure it out, that it would only be a matter of time after what she had found in his car. 
A sigh falls from his lips and he begins to curse at himself inwardly, feeling guilt rushing through him for lying to her, for putting you into this position, he can see the fear in your eyes and he doesn’t quite know what it means, but it makes him want to protect you from the anger in Robin’s features. 
“If you are, I’m sorry but I need to talk to my best friend tonight… if we are still considered that,” she snaps at you, catching you off guard once again when she turns around after cursing you with a glare. 
Steve furrows his brows at her, pursing his lips as he shakes his head a little. 
“Sweets,” Eddie mumbles behind you, clasping a gentle hand around your elbow, “come on.” 
You blink, nodding to yourself as you gulp down the nervousness. 
Steve looks back at you before you can leave and close the door, you see the way his eyes soften when they meet your own, the way his lips twitch and he tilts his head at you, mouthing a few simple words at you, ones that are enough to give you a sense of comfort after this. 
‘It’s gonna be okay.’
It’s not just a few words, it’s a promise. 
And for some reason, you find it easy to believe, despite the nervousness in your stomach. 
Before you can say anything to him, before you can mouth something back to him, Eddie pulls you away from the car and shuts the door after Robin tells Steve to drive. 
Your best friend puts a comforting hand on your shoulder, eying your worried expression as you watch the burgundy car leave your driveway, speeding down the road and getting lost in the distance. 
A heavy sigh falls from your lips and you bring your hand up towards your face, biting your thumbnail in anxiousness. You turn around to face Eddie, seeing his face so clear despite the darkening night sky. 
He nods at you, “it’s gonna be alright, Robin is just mad, I was mad too, sweetheart… remember that.”
“Yeah but–”
“No buts,” he shakes his head at you, “I don’t– I don’t know where you two are going with this but, I didn’t make you stop, she won’t either.” 
Eddie doesn’t know why he is even encouraging this, knowing very well how badly this could end for you, but the need to comfort you feels so much stronger than thinking logically. 
“Yeah,” you whisper. 
He is right, you know he is. 
You were anxious about losing him before, thinking that Steve might want to stop seeing you after Eddie found out – but he didn’t want to stop, he might not want to stop now either, maybe things will just go back to normal after this night, you won’t let a moment like this crush the hope that has been spreading inside of you in the past weeks. 
You are the only one for Steve, right now, he told you so. 
And there has to be a reason for it. 
The hope in you, isn’t for nothing… right? 
You won’t let Robin take that away from you. 
Eddie’s brown eyes soften even further, he wraps his arm around you and starts leading you to your house, “now come on, we’ll get that ice cream pint from your freezer and watch some movies until we crash out on your couch.” 
You smile at him, feeling grateful to have him here with you. 
“I gotta thank Buckley for ruining your date night with Harrington, I missed our slumber parties.” 
You chuckle, despite the uneasiness in your stomach. 
“I missed them too, Eds.”
The tension in the car is so much stronger, so much bigger than it was before because now he knows why Robin was acting so weird, why she always seemed so annoyed and hurt, and he understands it, he really does, but he had his reasons to keep this all a secret from her, yet it does nothing to mend the guilt that spreads through his body. 
He lied to her and the upcoming conversation at his house already fills him with so much nervousness that it makes him grip the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles turn white. 
Is this the moment where he will lose his best friend? He wonders. 
You didn’t lose Eddie, even though he seemed hurt about your secrets too, you talked it out and everything went back to normal – you didn’t lose Eddie and you didn’t stop seeing him. 
But Robin’s reaction already seems so much worse than Eddie’s, she seems much angrier, much more hurt and the way she looked at you, even made him cower in his seat. 
Was that jealousy on her face before? 
Does she think that you took her spot in his life? 
He parks the car and wastes no second to get out, taking a deep breath of the fresh air he is surrounded by now. He wants to stay here for a moment but Robin has other things in mind. She angrily makes her way up to his front door, marching up the stairs and waiting for him to follow and unlock the door – with a sigh, he complies. 
His hands shake a little as he looks for the house key on his chain, he brushes past her and keeps his gaze down, licking his lips and clearing his throat as he prepares for whatever she is about to hit him with. 
He wanted her to know, he really did, he had been dying to talk to someone about it but he couldn’t risk losing this, losing… you. 
He steps into his home but doesn’t know which way to go, which way to turn to as the gnawing feeling in his chest begins to eat at him.
Steve throws the keys on the counter and turns on the light, flinching a little when she slams the door, he runs his fingers through his hair and turns around to face her. 
He is met by her glare, an unimpressed expression resting on her features as she stands by the door, with her arms crossed over her chest. 
“Do you want something to drink–”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She interrupts him, showing a sliver of hurt when those words fall from her lips. 
Steve opens his mouth to speak, but she doesn’t let him. 
“I thought I was your best friend,” Robin mumbles with a hurt tone in her voice. 
The tension in his shoulders grows as the need to prove to her that she is still what she always was to him turns him desperate. 
“You are! You are my best friend, Robin!” 
Robin snorts and rolls her eyes at him, “mhm sure, doesn’t seem like it anymore, best friends don’t keep secrets from each other, Dingus!” 
How can he tell her that this is exactly what keeps you both together? 
That the secrets are the only thing making you his? 
Robin’s blue eyes are filled with nothing but rage and as she stares at the man she loves like a brother, she can’t help but scoff. 
“I can’t believe Blondie’s pussy is more important than our friendship.” 
Anger flashes in Steve’s eyes, the mocking tone in her voice makes him frown. 
“What the hell is your problem?” Steve asks in disbelief, not knowing this side of her, this snappy and rude behavior is something new to him. 
Her blue eyes widen and she laughs at him, letting her arms fall to her sides, “my problem is that you were both complete assholes to each other, in front of everyone! And suddenly you start dropping friends – your best friend to be with a girl that you hated! Should I count down all the horrible things you have said about her?” She yells, throwing her arms up. “Or better yet let’s talk about all the horrible things she said to you.” 
“Don’t.” Steve warns her, not wanting to be reminded of his past mistakes. He doesn’t even care about the words you once threw at him, none of them came even close to the hurtful things he said to your face and behind your back, to Tommy and Carol, to Nancy and the teens, to Robin – he can’t forgive himself for it.
Robin buries her hands in her hair, looking at him wide eyed as she laughs again, though not in amusement. 
He understands her hurt, he understands her disapproval of the lies and the secrets but he doesn’t understand her anger towards you. He thought she liked you, he thought you both were getting along. 
“How long has this been going on for?” 
Steve closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as he places his hands on his hips. 
He doesn’t need to think about it, he knows exactly how many days and weeks have passed since you started seeing each other. 
“A little over two months.” 
Robin nods with widened eyes, a breathy chuckle falling from her lips before she starts shaking her head, “wow.” 
“Eddie found out by himself, just like you did… we weren’t going to–”
“Tell anyone? Why not?” She asks, growing suspicious of the shakiness in his voice and the panicked look on his face. 
“Because, Robin, it's just… sex!” He says in frustration, like those words are meant to convince her but she can tell that he is struggling and it raises different types of questions in her head. “At least that’s what it was supposed to be…”
He had meaningless relationships and flings before, he felt conflicted about girls and sex a few times but she never saw him like this, so panicked and anxious, so defensive about a girl he once couldn’t stand. 
So she lets the questions tumble from her mouth, pushing him into giving her the answers that she wants and she watches his reactions closely, the way his brows pinch together as his patience starts to wear thin, as the desperation and the frustration clings to his features and his cheeks grow red. 
She can tell that he is trying to keep something to himself but that he is beginning to struggle, it’s going to burst out of him soon enough. 
“What’s your problem with her anyways?” Steve snaps at her, shaking his head in confusion. “I thought you liked her!” 
Yeah, Robin did like you but something about you makes her blood boil now. Those Friday nights Steve never missed to spend with her, slowly stopped. Those small little out of nowhere car rides to the stores in town, or little escapades to the city never happened again. She might have become friends with everyone else in the group… but no one understood her like Steve had. 
And now she knows the reason for her loss… had been you. A person who does not deserve Steve, not even as a friend, not after the past you two had.
“Why are you so defensive about her? I mean are we talking about the same person? She’s had called you so many fucking things in the past, and – being her friend? I might have accepted, now just fucking her!? With what purpose!?”
“There’s no purpose when it comes to that, Robin. It’s just sex and you are over fucking exaggerating!” Steve’s face was getting redder, darker, and his chest was working faster as it took in quicker breaths.
“Over exaggerating!? Well, I am sorry for voicing out the fact you and I have not been hanging out like we always have! All for a girl you hated and she hated you back! And let’s not mention that she is in the same fucking friend group Steve!” She yells at him, taking him aback slightly, “What’s going to happen when you break things off!?”
And he can only blink a few times, gulp, look at her and try to process her words. He slowly shakes his head, making Robin’s tilt to the side in confusion. 
“I am not planning on breaking things off, Robs.” And his answer only angers Robin, because she knows he is a few words away from saying what she thought he was feeling. That he likes you. That he got hooked. Stupidly so.
“Oh, so I guess the sex with her is fucking phenomenal then! Didn’t think Blondie had it in her–”
And Steve explodes. 
“I want her, Robin!” He yells as the truth begins to leave the sacred place inside of him and he can finally speak them into existence. “For fucks sake, after Nancy I never thought I would feel anything of the sort again, and she makes it feel right! All of it! I don’t want her to leave, to leave this, to leave me! I don’t know what you want me to fucking tell you! What else do you expect from me!? To tell you that I’m in love with her!?”
His voice echoes through the hallway and then, silence. 
Nothing but utter silence follows. 
Two pairs of shocked eyes staring into each other. 
His heavy breathing stops and his heart does too for a moment. 
Steve knew it, he knew he was falling for you, that he fell for you and despite it, he wasn’t aware just how bad it had gotten him already, that it was more than feelings, more than a crush, it’s love.
Realization begins to dawn on him and he breaks eye contact and looks away from Robin’s stunned face and focuses his eyes on nothing in particular as he looks at the ground. 
“Holy shit, Steve…” Robin mumbles as her angry eyes soften and sadness and pity takes over, only for him. 
She expected everything but this. 
From the moment she figured it out, she knew that there was more than sex, but she didn’t think that there was this. That his feelings run so deep, that love of all emotions is involved.
“I-I’m… in love with her,” Steve murmurs not to her but to himself. 
Robin can’t tell what he is feeling, knowing that he has only figured it out himself. 
But she knows what she is feeling. 
Out of all the nice girls he could have, it just had to be you. 
A girl incapable of love. 
A girl who will only be another on his list to break his heart, to make him suffer and leave him in tears. 
She won’t let that happen, she won’t let him get his heart broken again, especially not by you. 
But how will she do that? 
There’s shock on his face but happiness in his eyes, his lips twitch and curl into a smile as he lets himself fall into emotions he thought he’d never feel again. 
He is hopeless, as he looks back up at her and she sees the gone look in his eyes, she knows he is hopeless and done for. 
“Fuck… I’m in love with her.” 
tagging friends and mutuals
@prettyboyeddiemunson @taintedcigs @mysticmunson @corrodedcorpses @maroon-cardigan @thecreelhouse @ibellcipem @joekeerysmoles @munsonlore @sherrylyn0628 @munson-mjstan @agirlwholovesrockstars
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jyoongim · 1 month
Can I request an Alastor x reader where she is a newer sinner. Really nerdy, obsessed with history, fun facts, animal facts, and shy at first. Just says things randomly, like “did you know that if a cow has twins more often than not she abandons ones just rearranging things when bored, someone will come down to lobby in the middle of the night and there she is moving the couches at like 3am. Doesn’t think when she speaks when she sees Alastor in his overlord form just says something like “smash” before walking off. Kind of a this gives me conflicted feelings and made me learn something about myself I don’t think I should know. It can be smut or fluff I don’t mind! My friends just say I have adhd, never been tested, don’t wanna be lol, I just ramble when I get excited and talk too much or too loud when excited too. It’d be nice to see a reader like me :) thank you love! I’m trying not to ramble so I’m sorry if this all over the place!
Hehehe could be possible adhd but I’m also certain everyone has a touch of tism as well so you’re not alone hehehe.
(I too have undiagnosed adhd)
Typing this from my phone cause I’m scared to do it on my work computer😭 should have brought my iPad to work
You had always been…different.
When you were alive you spent most of your time doing your hobbies or reading. You weren’t much of a social butterfly but did make the effort every once in a while. But people always treated you like you were an annoyance.
You were strange. Even by demon standards.
But you made a lovely addition to the Princess of Hell’s hotel.
You enjoyed being about to sprout random facts and have people actually be interested.
Animals, history, science you name it you randomly knew it.
You rambled during bonding excersies until you caught yourself yapping and instantly apologized.
You talked to yourself (having been caught in the act more than once)
Husk called you a loose screw but Angel found it charming. Charlie thought you were just the cutest.
And Alastor….
Well you definitely piqued his interest.
You and Angel were having a “self care” day. Well Angel was. You were just happy to play in his fluff. Angel was telling you about the latest shoot he had to do and then the subject jumped to saying lives. “Oooh cmon toots don’t tell me no one’s were had the hots for that brain of yours” you pin curled his hair, “hmmmm not that I know of. Besides most people think I’m strange, wouldn’t want to scare the masses”
Angel rolled his eyes “well what about here at the hotel? Anyone catch yer fancy?”
You think about it but your mind comes to a blank. Nope you couldn’t in point who you would be the SLIGHTEST but interested in.
The sound of shoes met your ears and you turned to see Alastor entering the lobby. Your ear perked up and your eyes immediately locked in.
You would say you and Alastor were friends. The two of you had great conversations, he listened to your rambles and always told you facts of the time period when he was alive.
He wasn’t in his usual pristine attire. Instead of the polish look, he was dressed more casual. A white button up, rolled at his elbows, wearing dress pants and suspenders, he even didn’t have his gloves on.
He paid no mind to the two of you in the lobby, seemingly in his own world.
“Smash” you said tilting your head, causing Angel to burst out laughing and you blush when you realized you said that out loud.
Alastor turned around, eyebrows quirked “something amusing was said?”
You quickly shook your head while Angel chuckled “Our fact machine here thinks you’re hot*
Alastor blinked, his eyes settling on you.
You wanted to hide in the couch from embarrassment, but Alastor just took a sip of his coffee and began to walk from where he came. He got to the hallway door because pausing briefly, turning to look at you over his shoulder
“I suppose I would ‘smash’ you too dear”
Your cheeks burned and Angel choked as Alastor disappeared.
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javiscigarette · 1 year
Bad Mood
Joel x f!reader (pre/no outbreak)
Summary: Based on this ask (thank u nonnie)!! Joel punishes bratty reader that's it
Warnings: SMUT! NSFW 18+ no use of Y/N, established relationship, straight up filth not much else, dom!Joel brat!reader, spanking, fingering, orgasm denial, oral (m receiving)
Word count: 3k
A/N: Using this as my 450 follower celebration! I'm so grateful for everyone who's followed me and enjoyed my silly little fics. I love this community <3. Also, this is relatively short but I am already planning a part two to this so stay tuned hehehe. my masterlist
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Joel knew you were in a bad mood the second you walked through the door. 
The door slams behind you and carelessly toss your keys on the little entryway table. You keep your headphones on as you kick off your shoes and stomp off to the bedroom, not even bothering to look at Joel who’s sitting on the couch in the living room not even six feet away. 
Joel stays silent as he watches you stride down the hall to the bedroom, wincing just slightly when he hears the bedroom door slam shut. 
You keep your music blasting as you immediately change into your comfy clothes. Today was a horrible day at work. Your boss has been breathing down your neck for the last two weeks about a project you're working on, nitpicking every single detail and telling you to make a million changes. And today, despite all the edits and changes she told you to make, she still picked it apart, telling you that you were better off restarting the whole thing. 
And now you were left with a day and a half to “fix” this project before it’s due. So yeah, you were in a bit of a bad mood. 
After changing, it’s straight to stress cleaning. With your headphones on, you storm back into the kitchen and start to pull out all of the cleaning supplies from under the sink. Your music is loud enough that you don’t hear Joel clearing his throat behind you. You only notice that he’s there whenever you stand up and turn around. He says something to you and looks at you expectedly, forcing you to stop your music. 
“What?” you snap at him, ripping out one of your ear buds. 
Joel raises his eyebrows at you and holds up his hands in innocence.  “Do you want to talk about it?” 
Your narrow your eyes at him because how dare he interrupt you right now with his genuine love and care for you. 
“No.” you reply firmly, putting your earbud back in. 
You go to start cleaning, but Joel is saying something else before you can even pick up the rag. 
You rip your earbud out again and actually snap at him this time with a “What��Joel?!”  
Joel tilts his head with his eyebrows raised, giving you a silent warning to lose the attitude. 
But the last thing you need right now is someone else telling you what to do. 
“Can I please just clean the damn kitchen in peace?” you ask, your words biting a little harder than you intended but you don’t care. 
Joel stares at you for a good five seconds, his jaw subtly shifting and clenching as he grinds his teeth. 
That’s all he says before turning away and walking out of the room. 
You immediately feel a pang of guilt seeing him walk away, but the anger is quick to wash it away and cloud your head again. 
You spend the next thirty minutes scouring the kitchen from top to bottom. Every cabinet door and every drawer you open is shut with a slam and you scrub the countertops so vigorously that your arm is starting to get sore. 
Thinking he’s given you enough time, Joel comes back in, standing near you as you scrub away at the spot of burnt on food on the stovetop. You can see him in your peripheral, standing a foot or two away from you but you ignore him. You already told him to leave you alone once. 
He stands there for a few moments, trying to get you to look over at him but he eventually gives up and just takes out one of your earbuds. 
The saying “seeing red” never made much sense to you until just now. 
“What the hell, Joel!” you shout, finally turning to face him. The anger boils up inside of you and you can feel your whole body heat up you try to snatch your earbud back from him but he’s faster than you and holds it up high to where you can’t reach. 
“Joel I’m so fucking serious right now, just leave me alo-” 
Joel takes out your other earbud and tosses them to the counter behind him before you can say anything else. 
“Joel!” you nearly scream, your face red hot with anger now. 
“Quit acting like a fuckin’ brat” Joel says quietly, his tone serious and stern.
“I’m not being a fucking brat, you’re the one annoying the shit out of me right now” 
Joel’s eyes narrow, trying to mask his shock at your attitude. You’re rarely ever this angry and you almost never take it out on Joel like this. 
“Drop this attitude right now and I’ll give you one more chance and act like you didn’t just fucking say that” Joel says, his voice audibly tenser. 
You roll your eyes and reach for your earbuds again, but again, Joel is faster than you and pins your wrist to the counter with his hand. 
“Joel, just fuck off” you mutter. His grip on your wrist is so tight that your fingers are starting to tingle from the restricted blood flow. You look up at him and immediately realize how fucked you are. His face is hard as stone, a deep frown tugging at his lips while he stares holes into your own eyes. 
“Okay, baby. You want to act like a brat, I’ll treat you like a fuckin’ brat” Joel spits before tugging harshly on your wrist and dragging you out of the kitchen. 
“Joel, I am not in the mood right now” you say as he leads you to the living room, nearly pulling your arm out of socket as he does. 
“I don’t give a fuck.” Joel says firmly. He stops near the couch and release his grasp on your wrist. 
“Now get on your knees and shut that mouth up with my cock.” 
You snort at his words and laugh right in his face. 
“You think I’m going to blow you right now? You’re the one who should be apologizing to me” you snarl, accusingly poking him in the chest to emphasize your words.  
Joel is still as a rock as he stares at you again, the darkness in his eyes already starting to break down some the resolve inside of you. 
“You’re gonna regret that, baby.” Joel whispers from behind clenched teeth. 
Without another word, Joel grips your wrist once again and steps towards the couch. He sits down and pulls you until you’re standing in front of him before pulling down your shorts and panties in one go. He then pulls you down into his lap and even though you try to fight back, Joel is a lot stronger than you and easily maneuvers you until you’re on your stomach laying across his lap with your face pressed against the couch cushion and your ass in the air. Joel keeps a firm hand on the back of your neck, pinning your head to the couch with your face smushed against the cushion. 
He uses his other hand to rub your ass, the soft shorts you put on earlier easily riding up and exposing most of your skin. You try to wiggle out of his grasp but there’s no use. He’s not letting go of you now. 
“How many do you think you deserve?” Joel asks, his voice steady and calm again now that he has you like this. 
You don’t say anything, just humph and try to squirm out from underneath his hold again. Bad idea. The grip on the back of your neck tightens and then the room is filled with the loud crack of his hand coming down heavy on your ass. 
You yelp in surprise, tingles of pain radiating from the spot here he spanked you. Your determination to keep up this attitude is quickly crumbling. Joel knew exactly how to put you back in your place. 
“I think at least 10” Joel says before delivering two more harsh smacks to both cheeks. You bite back a whimper, still enough willpower to try and not let him see how affected you actually are. “Starting now.” 
Your eyes roll back, and your brows furrow deeply as he gives you another hard spank. The moan in your throat comes out through your nose as a sharp exhale as you keep wiggling in his lap. 
Joel’s hand comes down on you again, the loud sound echoing in the otherwise silent house. “And we’re gonna start over if you don’t count them for me.” 
Another spank has your eyes squeezing shut. “That’s three then” you pant.  
“Nope, we’re starting from the beginning” Joel says before connecting his palm to your ass again. “That’s one.” 
You try twisting out of his grip once again and his next smack is even harder. 
“Stop trying to escape or I’m gonna add more. Now count for me” 
You stop wiggling, slowly starting to accept defeat. 
Joel hums in approval and lands another harsh smack to your cheek. 
“Three” you say obediently, still trying to cover the tremor in your voice. You’re still fuming and the fact that he has you pinned down like this, completely unable to move is fueling your fire. 
Another smack.
By the nineth, you’re clinging to the last shred of your control. Your cheeks are burning hot, your skin raised in the shape of Joel’s handprint. By now, you can feel him fully hard pressing against your abdomen. 
Joel can hear the tremble in your voice now, clear as day. He silently rubs his palm over your cheek, soothing the warm, swollen skin. 
His soft touch is gone as soon as it came, his fingers quickly finding your slit instead. With no warning, he plunges two fingers inside of you, easily curling his fingertips against your g-spot. 
“Yeah, I knew you’d be fuckin’ soaked” Joel says with a breathless chuckle as he keeps prodding against your spot, the lewd sounds of his fingers moving inside you echoing around the room. You cry out in surprise as Joel relentlessly punches his fingers against the spot that sends massive waves of hot liquid pleasure up your spine. You try to swallow your moans, still refusing to give in to him all the way and bite your lip until you taste the metallic tang of blood.  
“Just give it up, baby. I know you want to” Joel coos. And he’s right, you want nothing more than to just give it up and let him put you in your place. But you can’t give up just yet. This wasn’t the first time Joel has punished you and every time he does, there’s something inside you, an urge to find out how far Joel will take your punishments. 
So, you shake your head as much as you can with his hand still holding your neck against the couch cushion.
 Joel clicks his tongue disapprovingly letting you know that you made another bad choice. You suppress a groan when he pulls his fingers out of you. He takes his hand off your neck and grips both of your cheeks and spreads you open. You quietly hiss at the bite of the cold air against your burning wet heat. 
“Such a pretty pussy” Joel whispers as he leans over to get a good look. It takes everything in you not to moan and wiggle your hips in his face as he keeps you spread open and inspects you. 
Then there’s the sound of Joel spitting behind you. You swallow thickly, pushing down another moan once you feel the warm liquid dribble onto your skin and slide down between your cheeks. Your chest tightens at the sensation, and you bite your cheek as a hot wave of arousal crashes down over you. 
He sits up straight again, his hand quickly coming back to wrap around the back of your neck and hold you in place again. With his other hand, he finds your puckered hole and rubs over it with the pad of his thumb, using his spit as lube. You let out one small whine when the tip of it catches on your rim. 
“C’mon, angel. Lemme hear those pretty sounds and I’ll let you cum” Joel presses.
You can’t possibly hold out any longer. Not with your skin hot and burning from your spanking, his fingers pushing hard against your g-spot, his thumb teasing your asshole and the big, strong hand holding you down by your fucking neck. 
There’s nothing you can do to stop the loud moan that tumbles past your lips as he moves his fingers reach deeper inside of you until he presses a spot even deeper inside you. 
“There it is” Joel sighs, his chest swelling with pride as you tremble and start to fall apart underneath him. “That’s a good girl.” 
He stays in position for a little longer, your pretty sounds filling the room as he gives you exactly what you need. You’re already close because of course Joel knows how to get you there in just a couple of minutes. He knows your body almost better than his, knows what makes you tick and recognizes all of your signs. 
So, it’s not surprising that he hears the specific moans and can feel the way that you clench around his fingers, wordlessly letting him know that you’re about to reach the edge. 
And it shouldn’t be surprising when he suddenly slips his fingers out of you and lands a final smack to your ass, heavier and louder than all the others, but it still makes you cry out. You whimper at the loss of his touch and the way the burning pain radiating from his hits mixes so deliciously with the pleasure coursing through your veins. 
“Count, angel” Joel says calmly, giving you a friendly reminder that you’re still in trouble.  Five minutes ago, you would’ve ripped his head off for saying that. But obeying is a lot easier when you’re teetering on the edge of an orgasm. 
“Ten. Ten, sir. Thank you” you mewl. You know that he’s probably not going to let you cum soon. You’ve been here enough times to know that much. Still, you wiggle your hips, hoping that he’d go easy on you and slide his fingers back inside you. But Joel is not known for going easy on anyone.
“Good girl using your manners” Joel praises. “But you were a very bad girl earlier. Do you think bad girls deserve to cum?” he asks, quickly washing away any of your hopes of an orgasm in the near future. 
Joel doesn’t say anything else as he maneuvers you again, pushing your legs to the ground and holding down on your shoulders until you’re kneeling in front of him while he remains seated on the couch. 
You look up at him with wide eyes, your chest heaving as your knees dig into the hardwood floors underneath you as you stay still and quietly wait for his instructions. You have no fight left in you, completely surrendering to him just in hopes of being able to cum at least once tonight. 
Joel smiles down at you and cups your jaw. You immediately nuzzle against his palm and bat your eyelashes innocently at him. 
“Now suck my cock like a good girl I know you are.” 
You follow Joel’s command easily and reach for the waistband of his sweatpants. You pull down his pants and boxers to his mid-thigh, his hard cock slapping up against his lower abdomen. 
With no other preface, you take him in your mouth, your lips wrapped around his tip as you roll your tongue all around his sensitive head. And apparently that’s more than enough teasing for Joel because his hand comes up to the back of your head and forces you down his length. 
You gag at the sudden intrusion and try to quickly recover, not wanting to give Joel another reason to punish you more. His hand remains heavy on your head, holding you in place with his cock down your throat as you drool around him for a few more seconds, your cunt throbbing between your legs as he uses you. 
“Gonna fuck that attitude right out your smart little mouth” Joel huffs. 
You give a small nod, and he lets go of your head, letting you pull off for a breath. He watches you intently as gasp for air, smirking when you start to cough. 
“My cock too big for you, angel?” Joel teases as he brings a thumb to the corner of your mouth to wipe up your drool before pushing it back in your mouth. You shake your head no and Joel smiles at you and removes his thumb so you can talk. 
“No, sir. I can take it” you reply breathlessly. 
“Yeah, I know you can, angel. Now show me how good you can be for me.” 
With another small nod you take him back in your mouth. His hand returns to the back your head and he rolls his hips up, pushing himself down your throat.
You stay as still as possible, keeping your mouth and throat open and letting Joel fuck your throat. You’ve had him in your mouth almost every day since the first month you met him, but your jaw already starts to ache like it’s impossible to get used to the sheer size of his cock. Drool starts to spill out of the corner of your mouth again and you shamelessly let it run down your chin.
Joel shows no mercy, bucking up into you like he’s completely disregarding the fact that you need to breathe. But you know he’s not. You know he has a careful eye on you, watching for signs that he’s pushing you too far. 
“Takin’ me so well, angel. Knew you could be good for me” Joel grunts, encouraging you to keep going as the hand on your head briefly pets your hair. 
All the anger that had been building for the past couple of days has dissipated. All the stress about your job and your ridiculous boss were miles away and now the only thing you're thinking about is Joel's thick cock down your throat.
You stay there for what feels like forever and allow him to use you as he pleases. Your neglected pussy clenches desperately around nothing, slick leaking down your thighs because how could you not be turned on with Joel using you like his personal fucktoy. 
You’re now drooling everywhere, absolutely soaking his cock as you breathe heavily through your nose, your eyelids heavy. And as much as Joel wants to continue to fuck your mouth until your jaw breaks, he can’t hold back his own pleasure for much longer. 
After a couple more thrusts down your throat, he abruptly pulls out and His hand is a blur as you watch him fist himself for a couple of seconds until he starts to cum. His moans and little whimpers send fire straight to your core as he paints your face with hot ropes of cum. He’s messy with it, letting it get everywhere, your chin, your mouth, your cheeks, and your hair. You mewl quietly and press your thighs together searching for any sort of friction on your dripping pussy as Joel marks you, claiming you as his.  
You patiently wait for him come back down, listening his quiet groans as he pumps out every drop. 
Finally, with a heavy sigh, he leans back against the couch and drops his hand from your head again. 
“You look so pretty all covered in my cum, angel” Joel says with a lopsided smile. You smile sweetly back at him, your eyelashes fluttering against your flushed cheek. He swipes a thumb through the mess on your cheek and slides it past your lips. You suck his thumb clean, swallowing down everything he gives you. 
He revels in the sensation of you suckling on his thumb for a little bit before slipping it out with a soft pop. You look up at him, waiting for his next instruction with the hopes of having your own release soon. 
“Knew you could be good, angel. Now go finish cleaning the kitchen and then I’ll think about letting you cum.” 
Your jaw drops as you stare up at him with wide eyes. Joel just laughs cruelly at your expression. 
“But...but Joel, please I want-”
“Should’ve thought about that earlier, angel. You know bad girls don’t get to cum. Now get up and finish cleaning” Joel says with a sickeningly sweet tone. You blink at him a few more times hoping he’d miraculously change his mind. 
But he doesn’t. So, with your attitude completely gone now, you follow his directions and shakily stand up. You give him one more pathetic, pleading look but he just smirks back at you. Accepting defeat, you turn and walk back to the kitchen.  
“And don’t even think about cleanin’ your face yet” Joel calls out from behind you. 
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Ty for reading hugs and smoochies for all of you!!!
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cameronluvr · 21 days
can i request rafe x jealous!girlfriend!reader ?
rafe has his friends over like kelce, topper, etc. & has been ignoring reader all day, even when she’s asking questions. so she’s fed up slowly, takes his phone & smashes it on the floor in front of all of his friends.
he’s screaming „wtf is your problem?!“ „oh so now i got your attention?!“ it ends it with a screaming match, kicking out his friend & reader domming rafe hehehe after being an ass all day he’s her bitch now🎀🤭
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HANDCUFFS — rafe cameron x fem reader
warnings: slight toxic!rafe, he’s ignorant as hell, arguing, insults, jealous!reader, reader using handcuffs on rafe, teasing, suggestive sex (no actual sex / smut), reader low-key just being a bad bitch, (idk if anymore, lmk if u see any i missed!)
: ̗̀➛ 𝓶𝔂 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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“watch this, bro” you hear kelce say to rafe as he pulls up his phone to show him a video. you rolled your eyes sitting on the other side of rafe as they all laugh with each other, pretty much ignoring your presence.
“rafe” you say, trying to get his attention by tapping his arm. nothing. you hated when he was like this. whenever he was around his friends, it’s as if you became invisible. he never spoke to you, and if he did, it was always one or two words, before turning back to tell full blown stories to his friends.
“rafe…” you say again, this time shaking his arm. he turns his head to look at you, but not his body. “what?” he asks as the video kelce had up was still playing, and he and topper were still laughing over it. “i’m bored” you say quietly, not wanting to offend his friends or anything.
“well, go do somethin’ then.” he suggests. it’s not fair. it’s his house. you were there to see him, to spend time with him, not find your own things to do without him.
before you could answer, he had turned the other way to face his friends again, resuming watching the video on kelce’s phone. “nah, nah, bro. look at this i saw” rafe pulled out his phone now, clicking on an app and scrolling to find something funny to show his friends.
you were so bored, and so annoyed. music was playing, rafe, topper and kelce were laughing loudly and talking to each other, and you were just sat with your feet kicked up and arms across your chest, sulking to yourself.
every time rafe laughed, he couldn’t help but lean back and accidentally nudge you, and elbow you, but also couldn’t apologize a single time. he literally didn’t acknowledge you at all.
“rafe, please can you just talk to me?” you ask, softly and innocently as he ignores you yet again, sticking up his index finger motioning for you to wait a minute. you start to get really frustrated now, huffing and standing up.
“oh my god” you groan, anger taking over you as you stand in front of your boyfriend, reaching your hand down and snatching his phone out of his hand. “wh—” he begins to ask, not even finishing his sentence before you threw his phone down to the ground.
“yoooo,” “oh, shit”
kelce and topper say as rafe immediately stands up to face you, towering over you, in fact.
“what the fuck is your problem?”
“oh so now i got your attention?”
you and rafe start to argue, with his friends looking at each other not knowing what to do. they’ve witnessed hundreds of your arguments, but they never knew what to do. rafe was an unpredictable guy, and you were a feisty girl.
“what are you talking about?” rafe yells at you, picking up his smashed phone from the floor. “seriously? what am i talking about? you’ve been doing nothing but ignoring me this entire fucking time!” you scream at him, eyebrows furrowed with anger.
“ignoring you? don’t be so dramatic, y/n i was watching a fucking video” rafe argues like you’re being pathetic. “not just that, you’ve been ignoring me all day. i’m here, at your house, to see you, and you just sit here with your besties, giggling like girls” you mock, anger seriously taking over you now.
“quit being a fucking crazy bitch, y/n, god, you could’ve just spoken to me” rafe shouts, watching as your eyes widen at his audacity. is he for real right now? “i have been speaking to you!” you scream back at him. at this point, your faces are inches away from each others. it looked like it was about to turn physical, but topper and kelce got involved before it could.
“okay, okay, relax guys,” “chill,”
both boys direct you away from each other, but rafe is already embarrassed over the way you spoke about his friends, so he nudges them away. “guys, just— just go home. i’ll talk to you later.” rafe tells his friends, not even looking at them as his eyes are fixated on yours.
“you sure? i—” topper starts,
“top. i’m sure.” rafe cuts him off, looking away from you for a second to look at him. they give each other a nod, before topper and kelce walk away and head out.
“you have some serious fucking issues, woman” rafe scoffs at you, tossing his smashed phone aside. it’s not like it works anymore. “i have issues? and you don’t? fuck, someone needs to teach your ass a lesson” you angrily say to him, implying that he’s never been taught manners or respect.
“yeah, who? like you? cause you’d be a great teacher” rafe says very sarcastically, rolling his eyes at you. you think for a second before answering. “you know what, yeah. come on. i’m gonna teach you a lesson” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him with you.
“what?” he frowns, being pulled along by you as you walk up the stairs. “you’ll see.” you say, but he couldn’t tell if you were being serious, sarcastic or just messing around.
you reach rafe’s bedroom, where you open the door and pull him in. he shuts the door after him, and looks at you. “okay, what are y’gonna teach me, miss?” he sarcastically says, thinking you’re playing a joke.
“i’ll show you. sit down” you say, pointing to his bed. he frowns with confusion, but with a playful smirk on his face. he does as you say, walking over to his bed and sitting on it with his legs hanging off the side, facing toward you.
he watches your every move as you walk to his bedside table, opening a drawer and rummaging through it before finding the pair of handcuffs he hadn’t used on you in a while.
you pick them up, putting the cuff on your index finger and swirling it around before closing the drawer with your hip. “and what do you plan on doing with those?” he asks, chuckling but not expecting you to grab his wrists and push him down onto the bed, before instantly getting on top of him to straddle him.
“woah— wh—” he says, being cut off by the sound of the handcuffs opening and being placed around his wrist.
“relax, i’m teaching you a lesson, aren’t i?” you say, putting his hands through the wooden bars of his headboard, before cuffing his other wrist to restrain him.
you’ve never done this to him before. but it’s safe to say he’s kind of enjoying it, so far…
he smirks, watching as you take your shirt off, pulling it off your head. your tits looked so perfect in your bra, the bra that matched your panties as you reveal them to him, pulling down your pants.
“fuck…” he moans under his breath, the sight of you is enough to turn any man on. “you like?” you ask, sitting up on his waist, straddling him as you grab your own boobs, feeling them as he stares. “of course i like” he nods.
“you gonna say sorry?” you ask out of nowhere.
“for what?” he asks, still thinking he isn’t in the wrong.
“for ignoring me. and being mean. are you sorry?” you ask, again, raising your eyebrows at him and giving him a stern look.
“yeah, yeah, ‘m sorry” he quickly nods, making you squint your eyes at him, wanting a better apology.
“i’m sorry, baby, i mean it” he tells you, looking into your eyes. “good.” you smirk, looking over at his restrained hands. god, he looks so hot. you should be in charge more often, boss him around for a change.
he doesn’t say anything, neither do you. he waits for you to make a move, however you just sit and smirk at him, loving it. “y’ forgive me, princess?” he asks.
“hmm. maybe.” you giggle, slowly leaning down so that your chest is touching his, putting your face into the crook of his neck. you begin kissing it, then kissing further down to his chest, then to his stomach.
you kiss all the way down to his waistline and hear him hum, feeling him getting so hard against you. your face is close to his dick, so you look up into his eyes and smirk before kissing his hard cock above his pants, hearing him say “fuckkk”.
by now, he’s fully hard, you’ve got him so turned on. you tease him a little more, suggesting that you’re going to suck his dick. but out of nowhere, you stop and slowly get back up. “n’aww, cute.” you giggle at him, at how horny he is.
“don’t stop” he pleads, trying to move his hands up but the handcuffs stopped him, watching as you smirk. “that’s your lesson, don’t be a dick, and you might get what you want next time.” you smile at him before getting up and off the bed.
“where y’goin’?” he asks, frowning at you. “away from you.” you smile again, very sarcastically. you pick up your clothes and put them back on. “now, sit there and think about what you’ve done.” you joke, walking over to the door to open it.
“y/n” he says,
“that’s what you get for being an ass,” you tell him as you walk out and shut the door behind you. hearing him shout your name on the other side made you giggle and put your hand over your mouth, walking to sarah’s room. you had your fun with rafe, now you’re just gonna leave him there until you feel like forgiving him. ☻
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this was such a good idea for a request, thank uuu!! i hope i wrote this to your liking, let me know what you think! rlly hope you guys enjoy this <3 ((sorry there’s no actual smut))
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anothermansjeans · 1 month
youtuber!reader forgetting to edit out the five minutes of her just rambling about everything she likes about spencer🙏
hehehe this is part 2 of the q&a blurb!!
cw: spencer's a little shit (affectionate), the comments roast reader, reader just loves spencer sm, soooo fluff
wc: 737
youtuber!reader masterlist
You did it again– you accidentally forgot to edit a video and posted it. This time, you blame Spencer completely. After filming, you were planning on editing it immediately because you had a strict posting schedule and you were behind on some videos. However, Spencer thought it was a good idea to pull you in his arms and practically wrap you in a cocoon of his warmth. You woke up the next morning completely forgetting about the unedited version and queuing it up to be uploaded.
You were terrified to watch the video, seeing as the comments were blowing up almost as much as they were when you exposed Spencer, but you simply couldn't remember what you said that would make people go feral. You wanted to wait to look, mostly because you were alone and didn't know if you could handle the embarrassment by yourself, but also because you wanted to be comforted by something you were still deeming his fault.
When he got home, he put his satchel down and took off his shoes, noticing you on the couch with your laptop opened to the video.
“Are you editing?”
You looked over your shoulder and gave him a shy smile. “No… I didn't edit a video again…”
Furrowing his eyebrows he walked towards the couch and sat down next to you. “Which one?”
“The Q&A from yesterday.”
You actively watched his face shift from concern to amusement. “Have you watched it?”
Immediately shaking your head, you gave him a confused look. “No.”
“You should.”
At his ominous words, you pressed play. It started off like the last one– fixing your hair in the viewfinder, adjusting the lighting, and preparing for the video. The video continued showing small hiccups along the way when mispronouncing usernames and laughing at something Spencer said, but you finally realized why Spencer was so amused when you told him this was the unedited video.
“@ prettyboystan asked ‘what’s your favorite thing about Spencer?’” You put your finger on your chin pretending to think. A scoff was heard in the background from Spencer. “Oh hush, you know I love you. Hmm, I love how he always has something new to tell me. It’s never a dull day in our relationship.”
You thought you were done, but then another thought popped into your head, “Oh! I also love when he reads to me. I know it sounds juvenile, but his voice is soothing and calms me down. Oh my God, he’s also so talented on the piano. There’s almost nothing he couldn't do.”
Looking down at your phone, you were preparing to move on, but you looked up at Spencer one last time, finding words at the tip of your tongue. “You know, I also love the way you find an appreciation for the new things I introduce you to, and the way you take in new things with ease. You're so open minded and I love it. You're also extremely humble for how accomplished you are,” Your face was lighting up as you looked off camera towards a blushing Spencer, “I love that you're caring, kind, and helpful to everyone around you. I also love that you let me love you. It makes me so happy being able to give you the love you deserve…”
Beside you, a soft chuckle could be heard, and you paused the video to scold Spencer. “You think this is so funny.”
“Because it is!”
“Ugh!” You groaned as you went back to your laptop and scrolled down to the comments… they were definitely roasting you more than normal. “They’re calling me a simp!”
“What’s a simp?”
Looking at him softly, you grabbed his hand, “this might be a long conversation…”
BONUS: some comments
@ user1: oh babe, you're so down bad
@ user2: please give us more… video essay on what you love about spencer???
@ user3: and you call him the yapper?
@ user4: wait everyone's roasting you (rightfully so) but this is so cute????
@ user5: she stops talking about him at 10:34
@ user6: i wish i had someone to yap to about how much i love them
@ user8: can spencer teach a college course for men who need to be better because you would NEVER compliment a man sm
youtuber!reader taglist: @im-a-ghost666 @lyd14k4y @happiestcat @hauntedtv13 @obi-wansgirl @charismatic-writer @navs-bhat @itsleilabxtch @strabarrybat @hiireadstuff @cherrybb-ily @wietske27 @mynameiskelly
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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appleblueberry-pie · 17 days
Im back with another yandere satoru request hehehe
So, I was wondereding what would happen if Satoru's beloved found out about his very unhealthy obession with her?
Hold on, lemme cook rq- So, instead of getting the fuck away from him (like most logical people would do) she decides to try her best to get him some help. Like, she'd confront him about his very distirbing behavior, (basically tearing down his entire facade and presenting it to him) and when he's begging her not to be afraid of him, not to abandon him, she tells him that she wants him to get help.
Heres where I kinda got a little stuck....the thing is...he would listen to her every beck and call, but would he really get the help he needs, or would he decieve her and trick her into beliving that he's getting better when in realitly he hasn't changed at all. (He's just alot more careful about what he does behind her back.)
Mkayyy, thats all folks. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
You kept hearing noises from your backyard.
It woke you up. You couldn't really recognize what it was, but you really hoped it wasn't raccoons eating your berries again. You admit, your garden has many fruits and vegetables, but you certainly didn't want them being eaten. They took too long to grow! So, you got out of bed, threw on your robe over your night gown and quickly made your way downstairs to your backdoor.
When you opened the door and stepped onto the grass, everything seemed fine. Your strawberries were intact. Carrots still growing. No lemons dropped from the tree. But to the far right, you did see a familiar figure continuously puncturing another man's insides with a pretty dangerous looking knife thing.
Someone was in your yard.
Someone was being killed in your yard.
You're within distance of a killer.
By the time the realization set in, the familiar looking man had already saw you staring at him. It was Satoru Gojo.
You both stared at each other. It grew painfully silent and you took a step back, your eyebrows furrowing. You began hearing your heartbeat in your ears and began breathing faster. Your lips separated, probably to scream, and Satoru dropped the knife, immediately running over to you to shut you up in time.
When he trapped you in his arms, you tried to scream in surprise, but he already had one of his hands covering the entire bottom half of your face. "SHHHHHHHhhhhhh. shhhhhhhh. shhhhhh." His heartbeat thumped against your upper back and you tried to look up at him. He was already staring down at you with those big blue eyes and you tried to take his hand off of your mouth. "It's okay, baby. You're alright. It's alright."
Well, he didn't kill you, so clearly you didn't have to be scared. You still tried to talk and he tilted his head. "......you gonna scream if I let you go?" You shook your head. He stared down at you, as if he was trying to catch you in a lie. But then he laughed and finally loosened his hold on you. You took his hand off of your mouth and turned around. "...............Why are you killing someone in my yard?"
He says nothing.
You try to look back at the corpse and he blocks your way. "Fertilizer."
You avert your gaze and hug yourself. "For your tree."
"I already fertilized it two weeks ago. You were there. It doesn't need fertilizer until like a few months later." Satoru goes silent and sighs.
"Alright, babe. You caught me." He stalks closer to you and stops when he's directly in front of you.
"I killed him because he was a terrible waste of space." His smile was unnerving and you only felt more uncomfortable and confused. "What....?" "....He was useless. And he got in the way." The way he spoke made things a little awkward between the two of you. Did this have something to do with you and him? You hoped not. But with the way he said it, and the way he was staring at you began giving you confirmation that this was the case.
"He doesn't deserve you like I do." You inhale sharply and take a step back towards your door. "Satoru-" "No, I'm serious."
"You can't just....kill someone. He's dead!" His shoulders shake as he laughs at your statement. "You think I don't know that? That's the whole point. To die." You shake your head, "I-I need to get you help. This isn't okay. You shouldn't think it's okay to kill someone just to....I don't even know."
"To have you," He states. But you didn't hear. You were already back in the house to research different forms of treatment he could possibly receive. You didn't know what you were going to do with the body.
Satoru did plan to use it as fertilizer.
He lied to you for 12 weeks. And he hated every second of it. He never liked hiding shit from you. Which is why he straight up told you that he killed that dumbass from a while ago. You deserve better than some liar. But he'd be damned if he let some random take you away from him. So, he told you that he was going to the therapist that he been paid off and also killed.
He told you the body was taken care of and you didn't have to worry about it. After all, your tree leaves looked perkier than usual(he didn't tell you that either).
When you heard he was consistently meeting with his therapist, you let him take you out more often. You let him hang out at your place to have sleepovers if you had the time, and you realized that you might have a small crush on him. You shouldn't have a crush on a killer, but here you were. You should've called the police on him a long time ago(not like he'd get rid of them either), but he promised you he'd be good. And he has been. So you trust him.
Satoru learned to stop doing things like being a killer when you're around. It was smart to do it at night. But definitely not where you live. Probably the stupidest thing he's ever done. He should buy that house a few towns off. Everyone would be better off dying in there anyways, especially if there'd be no trace of them in the first place.
He's lucky you're gullible.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
eddie/wedding/tequila 🍻
Drunk Eddie is my favorite Eddie to write hehehe 💚
Warnings: alcohol consumption, Eddie is absolutely plastered, allusion to smut
WC: 989
Join my 2k followers celebration!
The band plays the final note of The Police’s “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” and begins the opening chords of “Truly Madly Deeply.”
“Okay, let’s slow things down for all the lovebirds out there,” the lead singer croons into the mic. “Grab your sweetheart and bring ‘em onto the dance floor.”
You make your way over to your table and extend your hand. “May I have this dance?” you ask sweetly, frowning when the metalhead shakes his head. A lock of his curly brown hair comes loose from the bun at the nape of his neck. “Why not?”
“I’d love to,” Eddie slurs, taking another sip of his drink, “but ‘m married to the love of my life. I only wan’ dance with her.”
Stifling a giggle, you sit in the chair next to him and rub his back. “I know that. Because I’m your wife, Eddie.” You motion to the diamond on your ring finger and the silver band on his. “We’ve been married for two years.”
“No fuckin’ way!” he exclaims. “That’s awesome. ‘Cause you’re, like, s’fucking beautiful.” He gasps. “Holy shit, my wife is beautiful!”
The scent of tequila wafts from his breath, and you crinkle your nose. “Eds, how many shots did you and Robin do?”
Eddie whines and throws his head back. “Don’t make me do math at a party!” He rests his head on your shoulder and grabs your hand, placing it atop his scalp. “Can you give me scratches?”
You oblige, kissing just above his ear. “C’mon, puppy dog,” you tease. “Let’s get you back to the hotel room.” Starting to help him up, you spot Steve making his rounds, bow tie undone and face flushed from dancing. You send up a silent prayer that Eddie won’t attract his attention, but it must get intercepted. 
“Harrington!” your husband calls out. Multiple guests turn to face you; it is a Harrington wedding, afterall. “Get over here, big boy!” He stumbles towards the groom and claps a ringed hand on his shoulder. 
“Hey, buddy,” Steve says with a chuckle. “Y’havin’ a good time?”
“The best.” Eddie is fully leaning on his friend now, and you mouth Sorry in Steve’s direction. “Dude, my wife is so hot.”
You bury your head in your hands; your cheeks are burning with embarrassment. “Let’s go, Eddie,” you insist, grateful that Steve appears unfazed by the comment. 
“Stevie, you ever been in love?” Eddie asks, suddenly serious. His eyes are glassy and half-lidded; it’s only a matter of time before he falls asleep. 
Steve looks around at the hotel ballroom, eyebrows raised. “Uh, yeah. I just got married, like, three hours ago. You were a groomsman.”
“Shit, yeah!” Eddie sounds as though he’s receiving brand-new information. “Congrats, man. Anyway,” he presses on, ignoring you tugging on his sleeve, “I jus’ want you to know that I, Eddie Munson, am also in love. With this girl right here.” He flails his free arm around until he finds your waist and pulls you into him. 
“Well, I’m, uh, happy to hear that,” Steve manages, and you shoot him another apologetic glance before dragging Eddie to the elevator and into the hotel room. You can’t turn the key fast enough. 
Eddie flops onto the bed, still fully dressed in his tuxedo and shoes. You take a moment to appreciate the silence before he pipes up:
“We gotta beat Steve.”
Despite your better judgment, you respond with an incredulous, “what?”
“We gotta beat Steve,” Eddie repeats. “We got married, but now he’s married, too. So we’re not winning anymore.” He pouts for a millisecond before sitting up suddenly, steadying himself on the sheets. “We should have a baby!”
You burst out laughing. “Babe, I love you. But I am not bringing new life into this world just so you can win some imaginary competition against Steve.”
“Fine,” Eddie slumps down, defeated. 
You figure that will be the end of the discussion, but you should know better at this point. You’re rifling through your suitcase for a pair of pajamas when you hear the mini fridge door open. 
“What are you doing now?” you hiss. 
“‘M wooing you so you’ll have my baby,” he hiccups, pulling out a small bottle of Patrón and unscrewing the cap. “I call this one the ‘wraparound.’” Eddie proceeds to drag the bottle around his head, spilling tequila everywhere. “Oopsie daisy!” He cackles like it’s the funniest thing in the world. 
You pluck the half-empty bottle from his grasp and set it on the nightstand. “Eddie, get out of those clothes and Go. To. Bed.” you say through gritted teeth. 
Eddie snorts. “If you wanna see me naked, you gotta take me out to dinner first.” But he obliges, sleeping as soon as his head hits the pillow.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you snuggle in next to him. He rarely drinks beyond an occasional post-work beer, so you’re glad he let loose tonight. You just wish you didn’t have to babysit him. 
Eddie stirs, wrapping a tattooed arm around your waist. “My sexy lil’ wife,” he mumbles. “Prettiest girl ‘ve ever seen.” He nestles into the crook of your neck. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you, too, Eds,” you tell him, brushing the stray hair from his face and kissing his forehead. “Get some rest, okay?”
“Mhm,” he hums. “Big day tomorrow. Gotta make a baby so we can beat Harrington.”
“Yeah, okay,” you reply tersely, rolling your eyes. 
But the next morning, after a cup of black coffee and two Advil, Eddie’s ushering you back into bed. 
“I was serious about that baby, sweetheart,” he muses. “And not because of a contest with Steve.” 
You smile, bringing your lips to his soft, plush ones. “Really?”
“Really,” he affirms, climbing on top of you and peppering your face with kisses. “But if there was a contest, we would totally be the superior couple.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
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tomssexdoll · 3 months
Could you do a bratty F!reader with 2009 Tom. Like the reader and him are enemies and she gets bratty with him at a party, and he takes her to a room and like fucks her hard! and she like sucks his dick!!! I am sorry if it's not enough context!!!
omg yes sure
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2009 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + SMUT SYPNOSIS: Tom and you have been enemies for so long, you, him and his brother Bill go to a party together and when Tom sees you dancing with another guy he gets PISSED. He grabs you and pulls you away, you argue and then get freaky hehehe A/N: i love all ur requests! this doesn't apply to the person above but can everyone please use detail when wanting a fic? I love knowing what you want specifically and it helps me a lot WARNINGS: tom!dom, reader!sub, p in v (missionary), degrading, sucking d, tit playing, rough kissing
Me and Bill stepped into the party, searching around for alcohol, we had come with his fuckass brother Tom, we have been enemies for so long. I don't know how it started, we've been friends since we were 6 and he was fine until puberty. Then he became bitter and cold, I don't know why but it honestly hurt, I missed the old him.
I hated how Tom treated me, whenever I was excited about something he'd put me down, making fun of me. The weird thing though is he got mad when others made fun of me? But I always ignored it, lately I've been giving him an attitude back, he deserves it. We get into such heated arguments I sometimes imagine him fucking me roughly. (foreshadowing!!!)
I grabbed a bottle of vodka, pouring multiple shots for me and Bill, "oi! where is mine?" Tom yelled at me, shoving the glass into my face, "fuck off Tom get your own!" I smacked his hand away and downed the shots, the liquid burning as it slipped down my throat.
"Whatever..verdammte schlampe" he muttered under his breath, I rolled my eyes and turned to Bill, "what is his fucking problem? He always has an attitude with me" I sighed, Bill shrugged "don't know, guess he's always been that way with you" I scoffed and took another shot.
'Well fuck him, he's not going to ruin my night" Bill chuckled and clinked glasses with me, downing yet another shot with me. My head was getting hazy, vision slightly blurring. "Let's dance!" I said, slurring slightly and grabbing Bills hand, running to where everyone else was dancing.
Sweaty and horny bodies dancing against each other, I decided to stick with Bill, dancing to the music, jumping up and down and laughing loudly.
Bill grabbed my hips and grinded into me, we were laughing the whole time, knowing that it all a joke. I glanced over to Tom and saw him clenching his fists, I furrowed my eyebrows and just ignored him. He was probably looking at another girl, afterall he hates my guts.
After dancing with Bill for a while he disappeared to the toilet, probably hooking up with someone. I was dancing on my own and then felt a random guy grab my hips, pulling me in close and grinding on me. I grinned, knowing Tom was watching, secretly wanting him to be jealous.
I started to grind against the guy, matching the rhythm of the music, swaying my body passionately against his. Reaching my hands back to his shoulders as he kissed my neck roughly, throwing my head back as he found my sweet spot, continously sucking it.
I moaned softly as he grabbed my hips tighter, spinning me around, I smirked, resting my hands on his shoulders again and diving my face into his neck, kissing it passionately, leaving small hickey marks.
I turned around and started to grind against him again, lowering onto the floor and coming back up.
I glanced at Tom and saw his eyes narrowing, filled with rage. I rolled my eyes and continued to dance with the guy. Suddenly I felt a strong hand gripping against my wrist and looked up, seeing Tom. "Get off me Tom!" I tried to pull my hand back to no avail. "Hey! Piss off man!" the guy spoke up, Tom huffed out and punched the guy, I gasped "Tom what the-" "shut up! come with me, now." he said sternly, cutting me off. I obliged as he dragged me to a secluded spot.
"What the fuck was that?" He yelled, pinning me to the wall. I narrowed my eyes "the fuck do you mean? Can I not dance?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and looking away. He grabbed my face and turned it to look at him "quit being such a fucking brat, you're mine, I don't want to see you with other guys" he pushed his face closer to mine, staring deeply into my eyes, "I'm not yours Tom and I never will be" I glared at him, testing his patience.
His chest heaved up and down, pulling away and dragging me into an empty bedroom, slamming it shut with such force the floor trembled slightly, he locked it and pushed me onto the bed, my eyes widened as he stood over me, smirking darkly. "Take your fucking clothes off, now." he demanded, I bit my lip and grinned, zipping my dress down and taking it off. Revealing my black, lace thong and my bare tits.
"Such a fucking slut, hm?" he stepped closer, climbing on top of me, his fingers trailing down my cleavage and then to my tits, circling his fingers around my sensitive nipples, flicking and pinching the buds. "Tom.." I panted out, squeezing my eyes shut.
He latched his lips onto them, sucking roughly and biting softly, teasing me to a maximum. I moaned softly and grabbed onto his braids, tugging them roughly, my back arching at the pleasure.
He traced small circles down my stomach to my pussy, grabbing onto my thong and ripping it off, I gasped "hey! that was fucking expen-" he huffed out "shut up! I'll get you another one" he grabbed my legs and pulled me closer to him. He unbuckled his belt, shoving his pants down, leaving him in his boxers. He smirked and pressed his erection against my leg, leaning down and kissing me roughly.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss with as much passion, our lips smashing together and locking in a intense embrace. Grabbing my hips roughly, leaving cresent shaped marks on my waist and butt. He bit my lips, making me gasp as he smiled, taking the chance to slip his tongue in, licking a stripe off of it
Our tongues fought for dominance, swirling against each other. We were basically eating each others faces. He let go for a moment, taking his cock out of his boxers and alligning himself with my entrance, I looked up at him nervously, he kissed my cheek softly and pushed himself in, bottoming himself out, I groaned loudly as he stretched me out, my hands flying to his arms. "Fuck!" I moaned, he quickly shut me up by smashing his lips into mine again, thrusting roughly, in and out of my pussy.
His cold, metal piercing brushing against my lips roughly as we slobbered on each other, not daring to break the kiss. "You're so fucking sexy..meine schlampe" he muttered against my lips as he pounded into me roughly. Hitting that gummy spot in me repeatedly.
I withdrew from the kiss, throwing my head back and moaning loudly. Both of our lips swollen and red from kissing so roughly. He smirked down at me, rubbing my swollen clit softly as his hips slammed against mine harshly. I bit my lip and wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him in closer.
"Fuck!" I yelled out in pleasure, digging my nails into his arms savagely, he groaned, enjoying the pain and shoving his face into my tits again, licking and sucking my nipples brutally. I whimpered as his cock slammed in and out of me faster now, his pace unmerciful.
I screamed out in pleasure, my heat tightening against his cock, signalling my climax. He smirked and retraced from both my clit and tits, focusing on the buldge that shifted up and down in my stomach, his eyes widened as he pressed down on it, causing me to moan loudly "How many cocks have been this deep inside you, hm?" his voice demanding, I cried out "none!", he smirked, his cock throbbing in me.
"G'nna cum!" I gasped, feeling the tension build in him too. "Cmon baby...cum for me" he grabbed my hair roughly, I moaned loudly, my orgasm washing over me, releasing all over him. He groaned and pushed his cock deep into me one last time, squirting his thick cum into my hole and coating my walls. I sighed and crashed into the mattress.
"Come here, get on your knees" he said, breathing heavily. He grabbed my legs and dragged me off the bed, getting me onto my knees. I looked up at him and opened my mouth, he chuckled "such a good slut" he shoved his cock in and I began bobbing my head up and down, sucking harshly.
I moaned on his dick, slobbering and swallowing his cock. Saliva building up on my face. Mascara filled tears running down my face urgently, I felt Toms thumbs come down on my cheeks, rubbing the mascara tears roughly, creating a mess.
I didn't care though, I needed his cock. Being deprived from it for so many years made me act up so much once I finally got the chance. I continued to bob my head up and down ruthlessly, squelching sounds coming from his cock as all the saliva built up.
I gagged and choked as his tip hit the back of my throat, rolling my eyes back. "Fuck..so good.. gonna cum baby keep going.." his hand reached down to my head, guiding it on his cock. Pushing it ever so slightly.
His breathing became ragged, his legs twitching slightly. I knew he was close and smirked, sucking harder and faster. Gaining a reaction out of him that fueled me deeply, he moand loudly, slightly whimpering.
With one last thrust he came hardly, pushing his cock to the back of my throat where he shot his hot seed down into my throat, "swallow." he demanded and I obliged, swallowing and sticking out my tongue to show him, he chuckled and pulled me up, grabbing a tissue and wiping my mouth and pussy. "Get dressed, we're leaving" he enforced.
I walked over to my dress and put it on, grabbing my purse and shoes. I went over to the mirror and gasped, I looked like a mess, my hair scruffy and my makeup smudged, he chuckled at my reaction "now everyone will know you're mine", I giggled, fixing my hair and grabbing his hand, walking out with him.
Bill was outside, waiting for us, once he saw me his eyes widened. We got into the car and Bill suddenly spoke up "I see we had fun, that's good, I guess Tom you didn't ruin her night afterall" he chuckled, teasing us. "Shut up Bill" Tom grunted and drove off home.
Toms hand stayed on my thigh the whole drive home, at a red light he looked over to me and smiled softly, rubbing his thumb softly over the skin.
E/N: should I do a part 2 of this like a happy ending that would be so cute, comment yes if i should
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querenciasturniolo · 11 months
hello oml ! ive been so scared to ask for something but hey ! here we are ;) i absolutely adore your writing and was wondering if you could write one for chris where the reader, the triplets, and madi go for dinner (all as just friends) and the reader and chris confess they like each other afterwards since they were all really tired :) i think it'd be cute hehehe
late nights ⮕ c.s.
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word count: 916
warnings: swearing, accidental confession
summary: the five of you go get food late at night, and your exhaustion has you admitting something you weren’t meaning to say
a/n: oh my god, don’t be scared to request anything ever !!! thank you so much, love !!! i hope i did your request justice 🤞🏻💓
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
“So, where are we going?” You asked, leaning towards the front of the car.
Matt glanced up at you in the mirror just as Chris turned around to face you.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Chris asked. You blinked, fighting the smile growing on your face.
“Uh, yeah. That’s kind of why I asked.” You said, Nick scoffing next to you.
“Definitely not your finest moment, Chris.” Madi said, your eyes meeting hers as you laughed.
The five of you were going to dinner, but you were picked up last minute and had no idea what was going on. You were just sitting in your living room in your pajamas, scrolling on your phone when the text from Chris saying ‘come outside’ popped up on your screen. It took them five minutes to convince you to get into the car, and then you were off.
“You do realize if I don’t know where we’re going, this is considered kidnapping, right?” You said, Matt scoffing from the front seat.
“You’re not being kidnapped, you’re so dramatic.” He said, your eyebrows raising.
“Well, that didn’t make me feel better.” You mumbled, leaning back in your seat.
Matt pulled into a parking lot, and you scoffed when you saw the sign.
“You guys kidnapped me at midnight to go to Denny’s?” You asked incredulously. Chris turned and looked at you.
“Uh, yeah. Who doesn’t want breakfast at midnight?” He asked, mocking you from before. You rolled your eyes and stepped out of the car, lightly shoving him when he stepped out.
“Are you gonna branch out, or stick with the french toast slam?” You asked, Chris shaking his head and bumping your shoulder with his.
“Why change perfection?” You rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Jesus, you’re ridiculous.” You said, the five of you walking into Denny’s.
The dinner went by slowly, you growing increasingly more exhausted as time went on. You barely touched your food, going back and forth bickering with Chris for the entirety of the meal. You couldn’t help but tease him, it was your way of flirting. It was ridiculous, the fact that you couldn’t just say how you were feeling. You felt the need to pester, and poke, and bother the person, which was perfect in this situation.
Chris came back at you full force, and you thrived every time. The banter was such a huge part of your friendship and you were so grateful for it. Chris more than likely had absolutely no idea the reasoning for your teasing, which saddened you and relieved you at the same time. As much as you wanted to tell him your feelings, you also didn’t want to make things awkward in the very possible circumstance that he doesn’t feel the same way.
When the five of you got back to the car, Chris somehow ended up in the backseat with you and Madi. Nick was playing music in the front seat, his and Matt’s conversation barely being heard by you. Chris was wedged in the middle seat, leaning the majority of his body weight onto you.
“Chris, get off.” You said through a laugh, nudging him lightly. He whined and went limp, his head landing in your lap. “What are you doing?” You asked, looking over at Madi with amusement etched into your face. She snorted and shook her head.
“I’m tired.” He whined. Out of instinct, you started carding your fingers through his hair. He hummed and relaxed, almost pushing against your hand. “I like that.” He mumbled. You could feel how heavy your eyes were, your exhaustion making you delirious as you hummed.
“I like you.” You said, leaning your head back against the headrest. It took Chris lifting his head up from your lap and looking at you with fond eyes for you to realize what you’d just said. You meant it as one of those middle school-esque comebacks, but you’d definitely just admitted how you felt. Chris didn’t look upset, he looked…content more than anything. It could have been the exhaustion making your eyes bleary, but you could have sworn he was blushing.
“You mean it?” He asked, his voice quiet. You nodded, Chris smiling and lying in your lap again. “Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
You relaxed completely then, your hand resuming its movements through the loose curls.
“Well, that was sweet.”
You looked up, realizing that you were back at their place, Nick had already turned off the music, and the three of them were looking at you and Chris.
“Yeah.” Matt began, turning the car off before turning to face you two again. “It’s about fucking time.”
You scoffed and shook your head. “Has anyone ever told you your Mattitude is worse when you’re tired?” You asked, Chris sitting up so you could get out of the car.
“All the time, and I’m actually kind of glad I’m not getting the brunt of it for once.” Nick said, all five of you piling into the house and climbing the stairs. You didn’t say anything to anyone as you dropped yourself face down on the couch, pulling a blanket from the back of the couch and covering yourself.
You could barely hear the four of them mumbling sleepily to each other, the only things you could process were the lights being turned off and the soft kiss being pressed to your temple.
“Goodnight.” Chris’ voice pierced through the heavy cloud of exhaustion, sleep consuming you before you could respond.
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sainzfilm · 1 year
toto + oblivious?
like reader doesn't realize at all and doesn't understand him like lightly flirting with them. maybe driver!reader (I'm a sucker for it) a d they also have a crush on him but they don't really blush or outwardly show it when he's around but their teamate catches on! (also can it be Fernando again?)
-🐺 I was the other anon who requested the toto+Blind date with driver readed
pairing: toto wolff x driver!reader
a/n: hello, my love!! hehehe this is a cute prompt but im making the driver be in mercedes with lewis instead :) i hope you still like it though <3
“She’s finally here!” Lewis hollered, raising his glass of wine in his hand and approached you to give you a quick hug, “What took you so long?”
“Didn’t know I was that important,” You joked, patting his back and smiling, “Had the dilemma of not knowing what to wear.”
Across the room, Toto spotted you and excused himself from the conversation he was having and made his way towards you with a smile on his face, “There’s my girl. Been waiting for you!”
Turning to look at the tall Austrian, you grinned and nudged his shoulder, “You say that to everyone.”
“How could you accuse me of such a thing,” Toto feigned offense, eliciting a laugh from you before placing his hand on your back, “C’mon, the party can’t start without my favorite driver.”
Lewis rolled his eyes playfully and smirked upon seeing you tense up from Toto’s touch, “Go on, you lovebirds.”
Turning back to glare at him, you mouthed ‘I’ll kidnap Roscoe’ that caused the Brit to laugh as he shook his head, immediately catching on to the crush you had harbored on the team principal.
“So, what took you long?” Toto questioned, leading you out to the balcony, “It’s unlike you to be late.”
“Well, for starters, I have this massive headache right now,” You replied, looking up at him, “Plus, I couldn’t find an Uber right away.”
“Are you sick?” He frowned, pressing his palm on your forehead, “You know that I could’ve picked you up, right?”
Shrugging as you grabbed a drink from a server passing by, you leaned against the wall, “I don’t want to be a burden.”
“Oh, liebling, please,” Toto scoffed, rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his whiskey, “That’s the last thing you’d be to me. I’ll drive you home.” Darling
“You’re not letting down, are you?” You raised an eyebrow and lightly shivered from the night breeze, “I can bring myself home just fine.”
Before Toto responded, he set his glass down and shrugged his jacket off and wrapped it around your shoulders with a smile, “Not when it’s you. And it’s final, I’ll bring you home.”
Smiling softly, you slid your arms inside the jacket and crossed your arms while Toto fixed your hair that was on your face, “Thanks, boss man.”
A few hours had passed, the party still going on at the venue the Mercedes team had rented out for a season ender. You weren’t sure how you ended up leaning against Toto’s shoulder on the couch, but then again, how could you complain?
“You know, this cheesecake is really good,” You chimed, voice muffled from the dessert stuffed inside your mouth, “Do you want some?”
Toto chuckled and shook his head, patting your head from having his arm around your shoulder, “I’m fine, liebling.”
Sitting up, you shook your head and brought up the fork to his mouth with a smile, “C’mon, it’s really good!”
“I know it’s good, I can tell,” Toto snickered, reaching up to wipe the smudge of food on the corner of your lips, “You’re a messy eater, Y/N.”
Visibly swallowing, you smiled sheepishly and set down the plate before standing up, “I’ll just freshen up in the bathroom, I’ll be back.”
As you hurriedly walked to the bathroom, Lewis pulled you aside, which caused you to scream in surprise, “It’s just me, weirdo.”
“You’re going to give me a heart attack,” You exclaimed, punching his shoulder, “What do you want?”
“You know you’re a smart girl but,” Lewis chuckled, rubbing his forehead and shook his head, “You sure are obliviously stupid.”
Frowning in response, you crossed your arms and raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me?”
Lewis rolled his eyes, “Haven’t you seen the way Toto looks at you? Treats you? Like you’re the only girl in his life?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” You mumbled, zoning out in confusion, “How does he look at me?”
“For beginners like you,” Toto trailed off, walking to stand next to your smirking teammate, “Like I’m helplessly falling for you.”
“Oh Jesus,” Your eyes widened as you turned as red as a Ferrari from embarrassment, “Did Lewis put you up to this?”
Lewis threw his hands up while laughing and walking off, “Good luck, lovebirds! It’s about damn time!”
Toto chuckled, reaching over to tuck a stray hair behind your ear, “Rookie of the year yet the most oblivious girl, hm?”
“Shut up,” You mumbled, swatting his hand as a frown formed on your face, “I’m not oblivious! I didn’t want to assume.”
“Assume that I didn’t like you?” Toto raised an eyebrow, “For starters, I don’t call anyone else liebling.”
You shrugged, nodding your head slowly, “Okay, I get your point.”
“And to be fair, people around us have caught on,” He snickered, “Except you. Pretty contradicting to the speed you showcase on the grid.”
“Okay, time for you to drive me home,” You glared and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the party, “I will un-crush you at this moment.”
“Please, you can’t do that,” Toto smirked and pulled you back, causing you to collide against his chest, “How could I ever give you a kiss then?”
You rolled your eyes and poked your tongue out at him, mumbling, “Okay then, I’ll change my mind.”
bonus scene!
“So, Y/N, how’s it like to have Toto as a boss?” Lissie asked, “We wanna hear it from the rookie of the year.”
“Well, for starters, he’s annoying,” You chuckled, shaking your head, “But then, he’s possibly the best boss I’ve had.”
Lissie raised her eyebrow with a laugh, “Annoying? Do enlighten us from that statement.”
Before you could reply, Toto was fast approaching the two of you and leaned down to kiss your temple and smile at Lissie and the camera, “Don’t believe anything my girlfriend says, I’m not annoying. She says that to rile me up.”
“Oh please, you are annoying, hogging my interview,” You laughed and rolled your eyes playfully, “Move along now.”
“She loves it when I’m annoying,” Toto grinned, turning his attention to a surprised Lissie, “Make sure to take that down and disregard whatever she’s said earlier.”
“Okay, goodbye, Toto!” You poked your tongue out, playfully pushing him away before taking your seat back in front of Lissie, “Sorry about that, where were we?”
“So, Y/N, not only are you rookie of the year,” She grinned, “But also, the girlfriend of everyone’s favorite team principal.”
Laughing as you nodded, “Guess the secret’s out then. Also, he did beg me to be his girlfriend.”
Toto peeked his head out from the corner and pointed at you with a frown, exclaiming, “Do not put that on the record, I did not! She wanted to be my girlfriend!”
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logical-grave · 4 months
✧ Pretty little thing ✧ Ch.2
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♡ Pairing ♡ - Rafe Cameron x Plus Size!Reader
♡ Warnings ♡ - Public sex, Smut, some mean!Rafe again and some nice!rafe? Creampie, unprotected sex, dirty talk, some tit play, hurtful comments, and ofc unedited mistakes hehehe
♡ A/N ♡ - Erm I need this man biblically. Pls don’t lose respect for me hehe
♡ Word count ♡ - 2.7k
♡ Part 1 ♡
“Of course! Let me know if you need anything else.” My cheeks hurt due to the forced smile on my face, a side effect of my customer service persona. The serving tray in my hand was two seconds from toppling over, but I made it to the club guests with their drinks before that could happen. The older gentleman of the group slipped me a twenty, and I smiled, slyly taking it and stuffing it in the waistband of my skirt. Twenty was cheap. On a good day, I made close to twelve hundred in tips alone, but every penny counts, I guess.
“Hey sweetie.” Another man called for me and I rolled my eyes before turning to him with another forced smile. “How can I help you, sir?” I tucked the tray I held under my arm as the man approached me, toying with the racket in his hand. His partner busied himself by playing with a tennis ball like a golden retriever, and I stifled a chuckle. “Here,” he holds his racket out towards me, “play a game with us.”
My lips form into a tight-lipped smile, looking at him with hesitation. “I should get back to work.” A dry chuckle follows my words, and he makes an unsatisfied face. “Come on, aren’t you guys supposed to attend to our every need?” He asks, and he’s right, we aren’t supposed to say no to the guests, but it’s also not supposed to be knowledgeable to them. He steps closer to me, making it obvious as he looks me up and down, eye-fucking me right in front of my face. “Apologies, sir. I’m neede-”
“Fuck off, ballsack. She’s busy.” Rafes voice cut through the air and I looked over my shoulder to see him approaching us, holding a racket as well. My eyes widened slightly as I took in Rafes frame. He was shirtless, a sheen of sweat coating his body, telling me just finished a match, and a pair of black shorts hanging low on his hips, accentuating the ‘V’ of his torso along with a backwards hat. Jesus, it’s like looking at a fucking marble statue. It didn't help when he stepped close enough for me to feel his body heat emanating onto my back.
“You’re gonna let this douche speak for you?” The man stepped closer as well, still keeping a safe distance from me, but I could feel Rafe tense up. His reaction caused the man to smirk, showing he was getting what he wanted out of Rafe. “Please, forgive us.” I turn and push on Rafes chest, urging him to walk backwards, and he keeps his attention on the older man. He was in clear view still as Rafe lifted his arm, pointing his racket at the man in a threatening manner. “Watch yourself, gramps.” He yelled out, eventually turning around to walk until we were far enough away from the man.
“What the hell, Rafe?” I bit, drawing my eyebrows together in a pissed off manner. Rafe flared his nostrils, throwing his racket on the ground next to the benches on the court. Great, now he’s going to rip me a new one. “He was harassing you, I wasn’t going to sit on my ass and do nothing.” He was in my face now, anger written all over his face, and I closed my mouth, deciding not to talk back due to the fact that another guest might overhear. “He asked me to play a game, and I was telling him no.” I turned, walking off the courts and towards the pool.
Recently, we cut our laundry attendant because she was smoking joints on the job and made all the towels smell like weed. Of course, complaints ensued and now towel duty that was a one-person job was now a six-person job, dividing it between my coworkers and I.
I groaned as I heard footsteps trailing mine on the wet tile of the pool deck. “You would’ve had to tell him no twice. That’s one too many for my liking.” He reasoned, and I ignored him as I walked over to the first cabana on the pool deck, stripping its sheets and towels. It was close to 10 o’clock and the guests were beginning to trickle out of the club, so it was time to start on my closing duties, but Rafe didn’t give a shit. “I could’ve handled him.” My voice was harsher than I intended as I turned to him, dropping the sheets I held onto the cabana.
I look at Rafe, and he doesn’t say anything, just huffing his chest, which doesn’t help when I’m trying to be mad at him. His broad shoulders compliment him well, his eyes narrowing on me as he walks closer to me. I could feel his body heat again, and I looked forward, facing his chest, which was beautifully structured. He hooked a finger under my chin, leading my face up to meet his, his other hand resting on my hip. He doesn’t say anything, just staring into my eyes longer than he’d ever done. In fact, I think this was the first time he actually took the time to look at me and could answer what color my eyes were if he was asked by someone.
His jaw clenched, nostrils flaring, as a gasp left my lips from the feeling of his hand pushing my back to bring my body flush against him. Something flashed in his eyes, igniting something inside me, and it was all centered around him. I couldn’t tell when he placed his lips on mine, but when I realized it, the anger that resented him seemed to fade along with whatever else was around us. The kiss felt like a pull that I refused for so long, and the relief of his lips on mine was something that burned into the memory of my brain. His lips are soft, pink, and so perfectly tender as passion brewed between us from the way he pushed his tongue passed the slit above my bottom lip. The kiss was needy and intimate, exactly the kind of kiss Rafe would give.
I pushed his chest, urging him away from me, and I could swear he didn’t want to until I pushed him further. He sighed, pushing his hips forward and making me gasp. “Are you hard?” I giggled with a small blush, looking down at his prominent bulge, pressing it against me. Rafe looked at me and gave me a small shrug. “I get turned on when you yell at me.” His face was unchanging, as if his statement was matter-of-factly.
My head turned as I searched the pool deck for any signs of life. The golf course was not far and anyone in a cabby driving by would see, as well as tennis players returning from a match. Even worse, a lot of the workers walk through the pool deck as a shortcut to the gym. It was simply too risky and though this wasn’t the best paying job, I didn’t want to lose it over something as trivial as sex. Yet, I’m reminded of our agreement as Rafe presses his body against mine, prompting me to sit on the edge of the cabana.
“Rafe, we can’t. I’ll get fired if we get caught.” I move to sit up, but Rafe pushes me down, making me let out an exasperated yelp. The comfort of the cabana on my back was welcomed as I laid down on it and my head rested on the bundled sheets. Rafe moved to stand between my legs, making me bite my lip at how perfectly aligned we are. I stretch my neck up to look around once again, the fear of someone coming rushing through me. “Rafe, we shouldn’t.” I looked at him with worry, but he’s busy trailing his fingers under my skirt and up my thigh, leaving goose-bumps over my skin due to his delicate touch.
Fuck, he makes this hard.
“What did I say about these?” Rafe hooked his finger on the waistband of my panties before snapping them back against my skin, warranting a small wince from me. I looked up at him and bit my lip nervously. “Not to wear them anymore.” My voice was soft-spoken, his intimidation drawing this out from me. The side of his mouth curled up, his eyes darkening at my response, just like he wanted me to. “Good girl,” He said in a low voice, a tinge of husk aiding it. Rafe pulls on my polo that was tucked into my skirt, pushing it over my breasts, and my eyes widen.
Though, I don't stop him. The worry of being caught by someone has been pushed behind the lust that began to cloud my mind, and Rafe took notice. He pulled the cups of my bra down under my breasts, giving them a small push-up and exposing them perfectly to him. He makes no hesitation to reach and palm at my breasts, biting his lip. “That's what I love about girls like you,” He pinched my nipple. “You have tits and ass for days.”
I look away, attempting to distract myself from his words. I knew what he meant, the compliment not even close to being considered one with how backhanded it was. The worst part? Rafe genuinely meant it, as if bigger girls didn’t have much more to themselves than our sizable assets. It reminded me that to him, I was good enough to fuck but not to date, much less even save my phone number.
Rafe doesn’t take notice of my sudden disinterest, instead removing one hand from my breast, and I hear a rustle of fabric. I crane my neck and look at him standing between my legs, taking his shorts off to circle his knees, fully baring himself. I let out a small gasp as I looked at his cock. It was painfully hard, with a string of pre-cum falling from the tip to drip onto my thigh. “See what you do to me?” He pumps himself a couple of times, letting out small moans as his other hand bunches my skirt up at my waist.
He thumbs my clit, making small circular motions as he narrows his eyes at me, making sure I’m reacting how he wants. I blush as I bite my lip, holding back the moans that threaten to spill from my lips. This just warrants him to press on it, eliciting a moan from me as he intended. “I wish you could see yourself right now.” His eyes are hooded, clouded with lust and desire. I look at him innocently, his comment giving me a small surge of confidence. It was insane how quickly he shifted my mood and I, more than, let him.
I watch as he removes his hand, moving it to grip my hip as he presses his tip on my clit. I make a small noise at the sensation before he starts to drag his tip up and down my folds, gathering my slick with his pre-cum, the act lewd in itself. Finally, after out his tease, he slowly eases in until fully sinking in me, prompting a moan from the both of us. I shut my eyes as I let out a show exhale, delighting in the feeling of him in me time and time again. Rafe pushed my thigh down, as he began his thrusts, his other hand moving to cup my breast.
My head falls back against the bundle of sheets as Rafe thrusts into me, my hand reaching over my head to grip the sheets. “Fuck, Rafe.” I whimper, his cock stretching me out, and I bite the inside of my cheek against the burn, ignoring it due to the pleasure accompanying it. The familiar way his cock curved always lightly grazed over my g-spot, adding to my lust. Sometimes, I swear he knew my body better than I did.
“Rafe,” I whine, “S’too much.” This only drove him to pound into me harder and at a faster pace as well. If he had the chance to ruin me completely, he’d take it without hesitation. “You can take me,” Rafe pants, looking down. “Look.” I follow his eyes, and it takes everything in me not to cum as I watch his cock slide in and out of my abused cunt. The image, so pornographic, I almost subconsciously tell myself to look away, but then I remember I’m a part of that image. The indecent sound of our shared arousal fills our ears with each slap of his skin against mine, along with my strangled moans.
This was wrong. This was so incredibly wrong yet the seemingly never ending list of consequences wouldn’t even be considered when asked if this was worth it. Rafe grasps onto my hips as he pushes me into the cabana, driving into me enough to hit my cervix. He squeezes his eyes shut, a habit he’s formed when he’s trying to hold himself back from finishing quickly.
“Rafe,” He looks at me with lust-driven eyes. “I need you to cum in me.” I whine and something behind his eyes shifts. As if he’s been waiting to hear those words leave my mouth for as long as we’ve had this relationship. Rafe always came inside me, thanks to the IUD I have implanted, but I had never asked him once to do the sinful act myself.
Then, It started at the base of my stomach, the familiar tightness of my walls causing Rafe to hold my hips harder, and I winced at the pleasurable pain it drew out. “I’m close, baby. I’m so close.” He reached his finger to my clit and circled it with his thumb, the stimulation allowing the force of my orgasm to crash into every crevice of my body. My head fell into a daze and my vision blurred slightly as I milked his cock, my walls clenching him oh so nicely.
He thrusts forward, the fill of his cum settled into me with pulses of his cock, and the overflow dripped down between our thighs. The stutter of his hips made a slow stop and his body fell slack over mine, and a silent buzz of content settled over us. Rafe and I panted as we attempted to recover our breathing, the feeling of his chest pressing against mine almost giving me a sense of comfort. A blush pinched my cheeks as I felt Rafe pepper small kisses over my chest and neck, the ticklish feeling making me giggle. Rafe stopped himself at that sound and looked at me and in an instant, he was Rafe Cameron again. The subtle changes in his expression weren't subtle enough, clearly.
Rafe pushes off me and takes himself out with a groan. I cross my ankles as I sit up, pulling down my shirt before reaching behind myself to grab a pillowcase and clean myself off but its taken from my hands before I could do so. I look up at Rafe, and he rudely avoids my gaze, instead wiping his shaft before I get a chance for myself. I sigh and reach behind again for another pillowcase, but Rafe grabs that one and throws it behind me as well.
“Put your panties on.” He says, pulling up his shorts and wiping his hand. I quirk an eyebrow as I look at him, finding some sort of tell that says he’s not serious. He seems to notice and darkens his expression, reaching to pull on my arm and stand me up abruptly, making me stumble into his chest. I stare at him in disbelief at his man-handling, ready to speak on it, but he beats me to it. “If you're going to wear your little panties, you’re going to wear them to keep my cum inside you.” He lightly grasps my chin to look up at him, and I slowly nod in response. Rafe pecks my lips with a small smile before taking the waistband of my panties and pulling them up, giving my ass cheek a slap, and I jumped slightly.
Rafe gives me a small nod as a goodbye before walking out the pool deck, and a strike of fear surges through me as soon as he’s gone. Just above the door he left through, a camera sits idly facing the entirety of the pool and all the blood drains from my face. “Fuck!” I yell to myself, into the sheets I held in my hands out of frustration. Attempting to push the problem from my brain, I continued stripping the rest of the cabanas on the pool deck until a notification made me pause. I take out my phone and read it to myself.
“Rafe Cameron sent you $1,500.”
thank you for reading!!! lmk what you think! love you!!
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eliluvschan · 7 months
Cutexting :)
pairing: bang chan x reader
word count: 621
warnings: lots of fluff (i feel single😭)
genre: fluff
a/n: my first one shot. hope y’all like it and please comment your thoughts. thanks🩵
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i walked through the door of the bakery and put on my apron. i’m way too familiar with all the surroundings and people, because i’ve been working here for over three months now. i pulled my hair up into a messy pony tail and sat behind the counter, waiting for the little kids and their sweet mothers to start coming.
by the way, i don’t get why i have to wear an apron since i’m the cashier. part of the bakery attire maybe? the job is fine but this apron is seriously hideous. there was a jingle and i looked up, smiling at the customer.
“hello dear, i would like two chocolate doughnuts, with sprinkles, if you don’t mind.” she smiled warmly.
“sure! coming right up!” i smiled back at her. she took her son’s hand and sat down at a table. “hey, Hye!” i called my co-worker. “heard! just a sec.” she called back.
she came out the back door and served the doughnuts to the son and his mother. my phone went off. from who? Chan.
Bang Christopher Chan, from Stray Kids is my boyfriend of three years. he’s the sweetest person alive. literally. he cooks on weekends, every Friday is a date night, and if he’s happy, he’ll take me out to dinner anyway. every Saturday is movie night, or more like cuddle night.
baby :)
i smiled and shook my head. returned to work, as i greeted the customers, smiled at the kids and received the money, calling Hye-jin over my shoulder, with my phone buzzing every five minutes.
i miss youu
come backkk
i love you baby girl
all that i want is you, even if i’m a fool, i know that you want me too ;)
come back right now or no kissie
i’ll give you all the kisses you want
honey bun?
baby, baby, baby, ooohhh
baby girl?
i loveeee yoouuuu
i swear i’ll shower you with kisses if you come back right now
hehehe, i’ll do that anyway :)
since he’s on break, he does that ALL day. it’s so cute, it makes me smile every time. it’s kind of annoying because i have to check my phone every five minutes, and what if one time i think it’s just him messing around but it’s actually someone else? like my mother, sister, or someone else? you never know.
but it’s cute. really cute, and he calls it ‘cutexting’ cute-texting.
i drove back home after work, nearly at six, and saw him laying on the couch, with his feet on the arm-rest. he looked up and his face lit up with that perfect smile of his, showing his adorable dimples. he jumped up as i ran over to him, he scooped me into his arms and lifted me into the air, spinning me around and laughing.
i giggled and put my forehead against his and smiled softly at him.
i stopped and threw my head back and he nuzzled his face into my neck. “i love you.” he mumbled.
“i love you too Channie.” i kissed his cheek.
“did you even read my texts?” he asked, putting me down.
“i did.” i said chuckling.
“and what? i don’t know what to say when you do that. it’s just so cute when you text all those sweet things.” i told him, tracing his jawline with my index finger. “and besides, where are my kisses?” i asked, raising an eyebrow.
he smiled cheekily. “right here.” he said leaning in and brushing his plump lips over mine. i smiled as i kissed back and he pushed me onto the couch.
“i love you.” he mumbled.
“i love you too.”
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shina913 · 8 months
I wish you would write a fic where....reader is going to get a pedicure but her normal nail tech is out, and the owner's cute son (you pick the member) who's back in town volunteers to do reader's appointment. (hehehe)
Jess!!! I did it 🤣 I didn’t think I could but I actually had a lot of fun with this! Thank you for this ask. I hope I did it justice 💜
Self-Care Sunday | JJK
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Pairing: NailTech!Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Meet cute; fluff
Warnings: Some naughty thoughts but nothing explicit; slight references to gender stereotypes and occupations
Word count: 3k+words
Summary: You arrive at your mani-pedi appointment to find out that your usual technician is unexpectedly out. Instead, the salon owner’s son offers to do your nails instead.
A/N: Just for fun! Also, I was too impatient and wanted to actually post on a Sunday, which is why I didn’t have time to find a proper banner image for this. I’ll fix that tomorrow 😅 Thank you @midnightagust for your eyes 🥰 hope you all enjoy this!
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Every weekend, you make a point to treat yourself to some form of pampering. Whether you went out to get your hair done or simply curled up on your couch to enjoy a book, ‘Self-Care Sunday’ was a big deal for you. It was a way to reset and prepare for the week ahead.
This weekend, you’re going for a mani-pedi. You walk into the nail salon about five minutes before your appointment time.
The small reception booth in front is empty, but the rest of the ladies who are busy with customers pause to greet you since you’re a regular. You begin to scan the room for your usual manicurist, hoping to check in and get set up.
Oddly, she’s nowhere in sight so you ask one of the ladies closest to you, who was giving a pedicure to another client.
“Annie just left. She said she was feeling sick,” she says to you.
“Oh no.” You look around again to see that everyone else is tending to their own clients. There’s no way any of these ladies would be able to take you on this morning. You’re disappointed but it’s not the end of the world. “I guess I could just reschedule my appointment–”
“No, hun, you don’t have to! It’s why she didn’t call to cancel. Our manager will take care of you.”
The salon’s manager, Lily, wasn’t afraid to jump in to help out whenever it was busy. It was a small comfort to know that the day wasn’t going to be a complete waste and you knew that you were in good hands.
The nail technician points to the vacant spa chair next to her and you help yourself. She pauses her work to fill the basin with warm water so you can soak your feet in while waiting for the manager.
“He’ll be right out, okay?” She says with a smile before turning back to her client.
Your eyebrows scrunch in curiosity. You could have sworn she said 'he,' but maybe you were hearing things. You dismiss the thought and activate the massage function on your chair, then start scrolling through your phone while waiting.
A few minutes later, you notice movement in your peripheral vision. As the figure settles on the low stool in front of you, you raise your head to greet them. Your voice gets caught in your throat when you realize that it isn't Lily.
You’re stunned at the sight of a man sitting in front of you. He looks young and devastatingly hot. You would never expect to see someone who looked like him at a nail salon, let alone working at one. His big, round, beautiful eyes make you want to melt into the water your feet were soaking in.
“Uhm…h-hi,” you choke out once your brain lurches back to life. “I thought the manager was going to do my mani-pedi.”
He grins proudly, spreading a towel on the footrest of the spa chair. "Yep! You're looking at him!"
You feel confused. Did Lily quit or hire someone new? It’s been three weeks since your last appointment. In the background, you hear the other nail technicians giggling amongst themselves.
Seeing the worried look on your face, he explains, "My mom is taking a break, so I'm filling in for her."
You vaguely remember Lily mentioning her children in passing. Since she looks relatively young for her age, she’s always said that people are shocked to hear when she tells them that she has a grown son.
Well, consider yourself shaken to the core.
"I'm Jungkook, by the way," he extends his hand towards you. You're both baffled and overwhelmed by how handsome he looks. The massage chair's tapping setting propels you forward, snapping you out of your daze.
You reach forward to shake his hand and introduce yourself. Although he has a firm grip, his hands are surprisingly soft, sending a chill down your spine.
“When Annie said that she wasn’t feeling well, I offered to take the rest of her appointments for the day,” he divulges.
You look at him skeptically. You’ve never received a manicure and pedicure from a male technician before—especially not from one who was this cute.
He chuckles. "I know, I know. You're probably thinking, 'Does this guy even know what the hell he's doing?' Well, let me assure you that my mom personally trained me. If she's ever worked on you, you can expect the same level of quality from me. But I understand if you feel uneasy. The last thing I want is for a client to feel that way.”
You’re still apprehensive but he sounds confident. You get a grip and nod, giving him consent to continue with the appointment.
“Thanks,” he says softly and with a look of relief. “You booked a deluxe pedicure and manicure, right?”
The deluxe mani-pedi comes with a longer-than-usual massage on your hands and feet. Thinking about this man's hands kneading your tired muscles makes you sweat.
“Y-yes, I did,” you nervously confirm.
He nods in acknowledgment, and you gulp as he begins to dip the pumice sponge into the basin to scrub your heels. He’s careful and gentle with each pass, totally unlike what you’ve been used to. It’s a stark contrast to these ladies, who have manhandled you in surprising ways—especially the petite, older techs. They’re still sweet, though, and they do a great job, but you admit that this is a nice change of pace.
The rest of your pedicure prep goes smoothly until it was time for the massage.
He drains the water from the basin then he props your feet on the footrest. The stool is too low for his frame but he doesn’t complain. He’d rather make the adjustment so you wouldn’t have to bend awkwardly from your seat.
After drying your feet with a towel, he squeezes some lotion into his hands and starts massaging it into your calf muscles. Typically, some ladies prefer to keep their gloves on for sanitary purposes, but Jungkook has taken off his gloves just before the massage. You figured he was the manager on duty, so he could do whatever he wanted. And not that you had any objections, as the skin-on-skin contact feels nice. Better, actually.
You don't know why, but your gaze is drawn to his thighs, which are spread widely in front of you. It's incredibly distracting and you struggle to look away. You wonder if the awkward positioning of his knees against the spa chair is causing him to sit like that, or if there is something else between his legs that he's trying to adjust for.
“Is the pressure okay?” His question pulls you back into reality.
"What? Oh, yeah. It's good. It's fine," you manage to cobble together. His touch is firm, yet gentle enough to be relaxing. Silently, you think, if he was this good with your legs, how would his hands feel on the rest of your body?
"Are you sure? I could apply more, if you prefer. I always try to start off slow, but I can go deeper, depending on how you like it."
You grip the chair's armrests in response as your mouth goes dry. "N-no, you don’t need to go deeper. What you're doing is...great.” Your voice comes out breathy, but in an effort to distract yourself, you dig your phone out of your purse and start randomly scrolling through your social media feed. Now was not the time to be getting horny over your nail technician.
He suppresses a smile at your response. "Okay then.”
You manage to survive the rest of the pedicure without any additional incidents, much to your relief. He slips your sandals back onto your feet with ease, without smudging your freshly painted toes, and helps you over to the manicure table.
Once you settle in your seat, you rest your hands on the cushion and dip them into a cuticle-softening solution while he sets up the rest of his tools. While waiting for your fingers to soak up the solution, he checks in with you.
“Can I get you anything while you wait?”
“I’m good right now, thanks.”
"Okay.” Then, he leans in, lowers his voice, and asks, “How do you think I’m doing so far?"
You smile warmly at him. "I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised." Your toes didn't look streaky, nor did he get polish on your skin. You were impressed!
Your response makes him smile from ear to ear, his nose crinkling in amusement.
"Thanks. I know most women think it's weird to get a mani-pedi from a dude."
You sigh and decide to fess up. He seemed self-aware and appreciated honesty. "Well, I have to be honest—I was definitely apprehensive at first," you admit then follow it with a shrug. "But then I thought, hey, it's a job. If you can do it and have the skills for it? Why not? It shouldn't be restricted by gender."
His brow arches at your remark. "My thoughts exactly!" He agrees emphatically.
You feel another spark of electricity surge through you as he lifts your hand. You watch as he examines your fingers under the light.
“Mm…nice, long, nail beds.” His compliment followed but his thumb brushing over your fingers makes your belly flutter.
“But I bet you probably get that a lot,” he adds with a laugh.
“Not as often as you think,” you say. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was coming onto you.
“Just a regular manicure, right? Not gel?”
“Yeah. I thought, if I got the gel, I can’t get the usual hand massage—”
“I can still give you the massage,” he interjects.
“Oh. But what about the oils? I thought it’s not good for the gel base?” You hesitate.
He shrugs as if it's a non-factor. "I can do the massage after I cure your nails under the light. That way, the polish adheres nicely and it’ll be all set. But if you still prefer a regular manicure, that's fine—we’ll do that. I just want you to know that you have the option," he assures you.
You purse your lips to think for a few seconds. “Well, if you’re sure the massage won’t mess with the gel—”
“It won’t, I promise!” He says confidently. “My mom’s old school and she’d never do it that way but I think that you can still make it work.” After he says it out loud, one of the female technicians next to him scoffs. Seems like she prefers the standard method, too.
Jungkook rolls his eyes subtly at her reaction and turns his attention back to you. “If you don’t like it, I’ll give you your money back.”
That sounded fair to you.
“Alright. I trust you.”
After you decide on gel polish colors, he begins to trim your cuticles and file your nails. But just when you thought you could easily survive the pedicure, him being this close, and at eye-level, was going to be an uphill battle. He looks so focused and precise in his movements; it’s relaxing to watch. Even the little pout he does while maneuvering your finger to apply the polish with the utmost precision to cover every surface of your nail is cute.
You make small talk while he works. Not the usual gossip that you’re used to with the female technicians. You feel comfortable around him but not enough to spill all of your secrets.
“So, are you doing this full-time?”
“No,” he answers before he guides your hand into the curing lamp. “I have a day job but I mostly work from home. My mom said that needed help and I didn’t hesitate to step up. She works very hard.”
Oh no…he’s not only cute but he also loves his mom. You can’t help but feel endeared. You also note that he doesn’t have a ring on his finger. Lily hasn’t mentioned any daughters-in-law, that you recall.
You decide to sound casual to break the tension a bit. “This job must be a great way to pick up women, too, huh?”
He pauses before meeting your gaze. The corner of his mouth curves into a cocky smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Your cheeks heat up. You immediately realize that your comment may have crossed a line, thinking you were at that level of comfort with him just because he touched your bare feet. You kick yourself internally for being presumptuous.
“S-sorry,” you shyly tear your eyes away from him. “I was just trying to make conversation.”
He brushes off the exchange. “It’s cool. Honestly, there aren’t many women falling over themselves to go out with a male nail technician,” he says in jest. “Some people have specific perceptions. They’re usually wrong but I don’t bother to correct them.”
“Oh,” you suddenly feel bad as you’d made assumptions about him too. “I mean, I think you have a lot of patience to be working on nails. Not to mention that you’re a handsome guy who gives great foot massages. I don’t see why any woman wouldn’t want to get more of that.” You catch yourself too late when you realize what you’ve just said.
He snorts your comment but doesn’t pile on it. “You’d think, right?”
You clear your throat and attempt to recover. “Well, you’re also easy to talk to. You keep the conversation flowing.” Your voice is still tight, embarrassed from your ‘cute guy who gives great foot massages’ comment.
“I appreciate that,” he smiles. He examines your nails, one last time, running the pads of his fingers over the polish to make sure that it has set properly. When he’s satisfied, he says, “Looks good. I’ll be right back, okay? Then we can get to your hand massage.” He excuses himself and gathers his tools to soak them in a cleaning solution.
When he walks away and disappears into the back room, you release a breath you seemed to be holding in for far too long. You’d never been this wound up during a mani-pedi.
A few minutes later, he returns and sets a warm towel down. He then moves the magnifying lamp out of the way, giving you a complete and unobstructed view of him. Unfortunately, this doesn't bode well for you.
“So, do you have any plans after this?” He asks casually while massaging circles into your forearms.
You’re all flustered again. “Not much. Maybe I’ll grab some mid-day coffee or something then head home.”
“Nice. Where do you grab coffee?” The feel of him dragging the pads of his fingers on your slicked skin, couple with his piercing gaze are causing your breathing to go ragged again. Suddenly, your brain blanks out on where your favorite coffee spot is.
“Just, uhm—” you struggle to pull the name out of your memory at first but manage to blurt it out when he squeezes your fingers. “It’s not far from here.”
“Oh. I don’t live in this neighborhood so I’m not familiar.” His thumb and forefinger knead your muscles in a way that should normally not feel arousing to you, but it does. And you can’t help when your thoughts slide back into wondering what else those magic fingers can do.
“I figured, if I was going to be helping out here more, maybe I should get to know the area– especially places to eat. You think you can you give me directions to the cafe?”
You shift in your seat. “Well, it’s sort of a hole-in-the-wall place. The GPS is kind of spotty on it. You have to be a local to really know where it’s at.”
“Well, my break’s coming up after this. Maybe we can drive together?”
It takes a couple of seconds for you to realize it. He's not stupid, and you were right – he's definitely self-aware. He knows that you're affected by him. Smiling to yourself, you’re happy to let him know that the feeling is mutual.
Your eyebrows twitch at how forward he’s being. “A break? But it’s only 11:30?” You laugh.
“What can I say? I think I worked you really hard–”
His response makes your eyes bulge and causes your jaw to drop.
“Oh, sorry–I meant to say, you worked me really hard.”
You throw your head back in laughter, and it makes him laugh out loud, too. He was a cocky little shit but you’re not mad at it.
When your laughs die down, he says, “I think we can both agree that we did our best to fight this–” he gestures at the space between you two.
“Oh, is that right?” You ask playfully.
"Yeah. I think we deserve a little treat. Maybe grab some lunch, wherever you want." You’re mildly aware that the massage is over but his fingers are still lingering on your hands while he patiently waits for your answer.
This is one of the most unusual ways you've been asked out, but there's a first time for everything. After thinking it over, you decide to give it a chance. "Okay. But if I agree to go to lunch with you, do I still need to tip you for the mani-pedi?”
He purses his lips in thought for a few seconds before countering. "Tell you what—if you let me take you to dinner tomorrow night, the service is on the house. We can call it even then.”
His playful proposition catches you off guard but it also intrigues you. Again, you find yourself unable to resist his charm.
Your response makes him smile full-on and it’s infectious, so you can’t help but smile back. He starts to clean up his station, then turns to the older nail technician next to him who saw the whole situation unfold.
“Auntie, please don’t tell my mom,” he whispers mischievously, causing her to laugh after she agrees not to rat him out.
You giggle at his request and tell him, “I guess I’ll meet you out front whenever you’re ready?”
“Sounds good. We’ll take my car so we don’t ruin my masterpiece there,” he points at your hands.
You laugh at his retort and shake your head. Never in a million years did you ever think that you’d find a date a the nail salon. It’s one of the better things to come out of your Self-Care Sundays.
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Main Fic Masterlist
You’ve reached the end! Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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pinkslaystation · 2 months
[Part 3] If I meant something to you.
toxic!Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Here's Part 1 and Part 2 hehehe enjoy ;> Word Count: 5k trigger warning: drugging. viewer discretion is adviced.
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Dating Simon reminded you of the British economy, constant fluctuations.
He would stay over at your flat, shower you with wet kisses, and the next day he'd walk right past you as if you didn't exist.
It felt like at times Simon did really love you. He listened you to, he brushed and plaited your hair post sex, but sometimes it's like his brain would switch and his behaviour would mimic that of a ghost.
Though it been nearly 3 months since he'd popped that question in the car, you often found yourself regretting your decision.
"I do like him...but I mean- it's just, he doesn't like me back you know? Sometimes I wake up and he's just staring at me like I've just told him I've killed his dog. I mean, he doesn't have a dog I don't think, but if he did, he'd prefer the dog over me, y'know.
I don't even know why I said yes that day. I mean, he's the first real guy that's actually shown interest in me. Maybe that's why I crave his attention so much. He makes me actually enjoy being with my family, if that's so hard to believ-"
"With all due disrespect, d'ya know you?" Your neighbour answers finally.
You stare back, blood rushing to your face, "I literally live next door to you. I smile at you before I leave for work every morning-"
"So, there's nothing wrong with your face?
"What? You know me- and I'm talking about Simon, he's next door to me too..."
"You know skull face..."
"Tall buff dude, y'know."
"Oh, the guy with the big dick."
You choke on your saliva, "What- How? Um..."
"Military dude yeah? The fit blonde? Yeah, he's big, if you get what I'm saying, virgin."
You furrow your eyebrows, words trailing off, "No I'm not...I'm sorry, how'd you know..."
"Yeah, he's fucked like everyone in this building, girl. Why d'ya think he doesn't come to the flat meetings? 'Cos then he'd be surrounded by all the people he's stuck his dick in, duh." She states like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Guy comes in, drinks a bit, and runs out."
"...I thought it was because he was nervous to see....me?" At this point, you don't know if you're telling your neighbour or asking her.
"Oh girl don't be delusional, you ain't no Beyonce. Anyway, been a while since I got that dick. Let 'im know next time you see 'im." She winks at you before, hobbling off with her walking stick.
"Yeah...sure...wait- Mrs Brenda, you're like 65... AND MARRIED-"
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When the 3rd month anniversary mark finally reached, Simon decided to treat you to an expensive meal at a luxurious restaurant.
And by that I mean, 6 McNuggets at Maccies.
"They're cold, babe." He complains, slouching across you, one leg bent and propped on his seat.
Yes, Simon. Because you spent 15 minutes arguing with the worker for an extra packet of mayo. But you refrained yourself from saying that, in case you'd anger him further.
"So how's the task force?"
You've learnt very little about Simon, one part that stuck out to you was that the people he was closest to was his team in the military, naming his Captain John Price, who seemed to pop up in every conversation the two of you had.
"You got that 'lil mustache on yer face again."
"Excuse me?"
"Nah babe, it's cute. Reminds me of Captain's."
It hurt even more when he showed you a picture of John Price and you're face to face with a middle aged man with a full grown beard, who's being compared to the peach fuzz on your upper lip.
"Team's good." He sighs out of exhaustion. "Soap's engaged now, y'know."
You smile, mind suddenly racing to the thought of Simon proposing to you, but you shake it away, oddly cringing at the thought.
"'Old man's thinking of getting transferred to the States. Finally..."
The thought of Simon being jealous over his Captain was always a hidden theory for you. He'd mention it so frequently, it was as if he was keeping tabs on his superior, bringing it up at every moment at his signs of weakness. And when he'd compare Price to you, it was never in a positive light, rather one where it felt like he was looking down at Price, but through you.
You wondered if Simon had a superiority complex, and maybe that's why he'd chosen a little naive lamb like you, to project all of his insecurities onto you.
I mean, you're not gonna do anything about it are you? Nah, you're gonna take it like the good little girl you are.
I mean you are right now- literally.
His dick is cramped right in your pussy, his rounded tip rapidly kissing at your cervix. His chapped lips crash against yours, but you can't seem to ignore the faint taste of his Big Mac through his mouth.
"Can tell your cunt likes that, 'lil slut." He seethes out, through inconsistent breaths. You can barely hear him, through the sound of your sweaty bodies colliding and the ringing through your head.
You hum uncomfortably. It was gonna be a long night.
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The following weekend, you find yourself spending eons getting dolled up for a get together at the base. You decorated your face with a bold smokey eye, paired with a lined red lip, only to be mocked by Simon.
"Red? We're going to base, not the circus."
So you take off the lipstick. And the eye makeup. In fact, even when you changed from a tight black pencil skirt to a matching sweatshirt and joggers combination, you still find yourself being berated by Simon.
"Getting kinda lazy with the clothes huh, love?" He asks, cocking his eyebrows towards you.
Is he for real?
Grunting in response, you look out the window, shoving your headphones in, grateful for the noise cancelling feature so you wouldn't have to sit through Simon's mouth breathing throughout the journey.
The meeting itself was as awkward as imagined. The moment the pair of you entered the room, Simon decided to detach his arm wrapped around your shoulder and immediately brisk walk to the nearest woman possible. If he was trying to fool his team to thinking he was single...boy was he good at it.
Being left out in an unfamiliar space was unfortunately not too foreign for you, and you quickly found solace by the water fountain, sipping on a plastic cup of lukewarm water.
"Bored, eh?"
You jump, having zoned out.
You turn to a man you've seen oh so many times on Simon's phone.
"Captain John Price?" You smile.
"The one and only, lass. My, a pair of sweatpants. Priorising comfort, are we?" He jokes, lightly.
"Were you expecting lingerie?"
"Pretty either way." He chuckles, and you eye the way his eyes squint as he smiles, and the smile lines painting his cheeks. You shouldn't be looking at your boyfriend's competition captain this way.
You're at peace with John. You find yourself opening up about yourself, something you now know you couldn't truly do around Simon. John cared about what you said, reacting to every joke you dropped here and there, unlike Simon, who plays connect the dots with your forehead blemishes as you rant passionately.
John chuckles, "Oh God. Work sounds intense."
You hum, admiring his laughter, which cuts off to the sound of a loud buzzing (buttplug?) coming from his back pocket. He excuses himself from the conversation, but you can't help but eavesdrop.
"John Price speaking. Yes. Uh huh-what? Another soldier? Same substance? Christ's sake...Doctor's got a name? Succiny- Succinylc- what? Okay, okay. I'm coming, gimme 20 minutes-what, now? I'm...busy" He turns to flash you a small smile, "Okay, fine. Dammit."
"You okay, seemed urgent?"
He dramatically sighs, "We both got work problems...There's been a...how do i say this...another one of our soldiers have been getting drugged?" It sounds more of a question than an answer, "We think it's some sort of new drug on the black market, and now that our enemy's have a hold of it, our soldiers...fuck, getting drugged left, right and centr- Sorry, um, unauthorized information..." He trails off, realising he's said too much.
You're ears perk up, "Drugs? What are the um, symptoms?" You can't help but be curious.
John looks around, as if to check if anyone was listening to the conversation, though most people are hammered on hardcore liquor and cigarettes. He lowers his voice, "Starts off with headaches, nausea, then there's seizures...worst case scenario is paralysis. Gotten 4 of our soldiers already, poor men, had to be medically dismissed...."
You hum, silently and unsure of what to reply with. If you were attempting to flirt with John, the mood had definitely dissipated.
"But hey, listen. You ever need a change of pace, a better job, you can call me." He grabs your hand, and messily writes his phone number with a biro, winking before he leaves.
Maybe you will call him.
As the sky becomes darker and the clock strikes past 9 P.M., you find yourself walking outside the building, searching for Simon.
Huh? You peer over the corner to overhear the conversation. Was that Simon?
"..follows me around a sad 'lil shit."
Was he talking about you?
You catch a quick glance, confirming that it was indeed a drunk Simon, with who you believe was Soap.
"Her mum's hotter, too. All over me." Simon boasts, whipping out his phone, presumably to show them a picture of your mother, as it sparks a 'milf alert' comment from Soap.
"...nothing compared to her. She's like a doormat."
You look at Simon, and for a second, you swear he made deliberate eye contact with you.
"She's fuckin' spineless."
For a moment, time pauses.
You're spineless.
I mean, it may be true. But the truth doesn't always have to come out, no?
After doing so much for this man, you'e still...spineless?
Laying at the comfort of your bed, dragging a tipsy Simon out of the car and him rushing to his flat, you find yourself gazing down at the smudged ink on your palm. Maybe it's time to switch your job.
Who knows who you'll run into...
That night, you rest, dreaming about John Price.
You're in an abyss in your dreams, John's pale muscular arms wrap around your frame, with the faint scent of cigars and whisky wafting around your nose. You blink and you see the bottom of his groomed beard, and small smile resting on his tired face.
You blink once more. But this time, you don't see John Price. This time, you're staring into the sullen eyes of a skeleton-masked man, lifelessly staring straight at you with no emotion. You look down the body of Simon.
The lower half of his body was missing.
By the third blink, you jolt awake and look around, but this time you're on the floor wrapped in your quilt and covered in sweat. Very much alone.
What was this dream trying to tell you?
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The jump from retail to cyber-operations was large and challenging. You went from serving customers to quite literally serving the country, from scanning items to defending the weapon's system. But 2 weeks into your new career and you feel like you've actually put your degree to some use.
Your family have been ringing you almost weekly, asking about your new position, although it's mainly your mother interrogating you about Simon.
And to say he was upset with your choice of working with the army, was an understatement, in his words, he felt like you were crowding him in all areas of his life. His home, his workplace, and now his mind.
You'd ask him to drop you off, considering he's going the same way, but he'd come up with unjustified excuses.
"Can't. Need to be there early."
"Nah, gonna distract me, love."
"Can't be seen with you." He mutters the last one, but you're not deaf and Simon can't exactly whisper very well. Sometimes you wonder why you haven't broken up with him.
So you've resorted to the next option.
Public transport. Calling John Price.
"You're not a burden, sweetheart. Who's been tellin' you that?"
You subordinate <3 But you can't say that, so you resort to casually laughing at his question. You can't help but think about the reoccurring dream you've been having, they always start the same.
You're in a abyss, and you're in the arms of John Price, you blink and suddenly face to face with the half-corpse of Simon. You're struggling to work out the deeper message of the visio-
"Love, you there? Went to lala-land or something?"
Think about John Price. Focus on him, why are you still bound to that jerk? You think.
"I'm good. So uh, how's the situation with you? And the um...drugs thing?" You look at him, your words surprising yourself, since when did you have an interest in drugs?
"Oh, uh. We're not allowed to disclose that sweetheart...besides, Simon didn't tell you? Kinda big thing here..."
Of course, Simon wouldn't tell me, why would he? You tell me, John.
You give him your best puppy dog eyes, eyebrows knitting together, "Oh..."
He runs his thick fingers through his brunette hair, adjusting himself in his seat, "Succinylcholine. There's a mixture, but that's the main component. Causes paralysis to the legs and spine...seems like that's what they wanted, to paralyse our soldiers, 7th victim this we..."
Paralysis huh. You turn to look at the passing trees outside the windows. Paralysis to the spine and legs...
By the time you reach work, you're at your computer by your desk, typing away at the lines of code on your programme, once again eavesdropping to the conversations in your vicinity.
"...it's the same location they keep getting deployed, why are they getting deployed there again?"
"Captain Price is going this time..."
"...2nd guy's in a coma now..."
The chatter dies down to the loud slam of the door: Your supervisor.
"People. Come on. Chop chop, we have deadlines to meet. Stop the chatter, fucks sake."
You get back to your screen, but you can't help but shake the unsettling feeling off your mind.
11:26 A.M. Si:- Come outside on your break. Need to talk.
I guess you're finally breaking up.
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"Getting deployed."
Simon's scarred hands caress yours, gently lifting your ring finger and slotting a shiny silver ring, with a skull stuck in the center. You think back to the times where you told Simon that you preferred gold jewelry over silver, since it complimented your skin tone better. To love is to be seen I guess.
A crowd of soldiers begin whistling at the scene, and Simon retracts his hands almost instantaneously.
"Wanted to give this to you for anniversary...but I ordered it a little late."
You hum, immediately twisting the ring around your ring. It's tight and cramped.
"How's work?" He asks, his eyes roaming around the people behind you, his gaze not falling on you once since the conversation had started.
"Oh it's goo-"
"Cool. So um, here's my key if you need something." He hands you his key, more like shoving it into your chest, before pressing a chaste kiss on your forehead and running off towards the crowd of soldiers that were now practicing drills.
Seems like you've gotten promoted from girlfriend to house-keeper.
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By 8 P.M., you and a handful of your colleagues began to go home.
With your 4th cup of caffeine in your hand, you check Simon's text once more.
7:52 P.M. Si:- What time u finish Si:- 8? Si:- Too long to wait, going home
He couldn't wait 8 minutes?
As you trudge past the empty hallway, you're met face to face with the door of the lab, which you notice was half open.
You felt like a character in Alice in Wonderland. Trespassing is a crime, is it not?
A normal person would just inform a staff member and go home right? Definitely wouldn't enter the room. And definitely wouldn't head straight towards the counter that held various labelled test tubes.
Definitely wouldn't snatch a test tube labelled danger, and most definitely stuff it in their bag and run out the door, as if they haven't basically committed a crime.
But it's a good thing you wouldn't consider yourself a normal person.
The wind blows against your skin when you finally make it outside, and it feels like natures punishing you for breaking into the army's laboratory. With your bag clutched tightly against your chest, your mind begins racing - what if someone saw you? What about cameras? What if-
"There you are love. Thought I'd have to come 'n get you myself."
John leans against his range rover, wrapping his large military jacket around your shoulders, and you instantly lean into his towering frame.
"John...didn't you go home?"
He shakes his head. "Saw Simon speeding off the moment we finished, thought you needed a ride, especially at this time."
The wind blows against you again, and your smile falters, remembering the contents of your bag.
"Can we go home now? Please?"
A comforting silence accompanied the drive, with John's palm ghosting your thigh ever so slightly and you had to resist every urge in your body to just lock hands with him.
So you do.
His large hand encompassing yours completely. If his grin could widen anymore, they just did, and you swear you could see faint dimples decorating his cheeks.
But they fall just as quickly, jerking his hand back.
"Nice ring."
You're visibly confused, eyes dragging back to the tight skull band wrapped around your ring finger.
Fuck you, Simon.
When you exit John's car at the entrance of the block of flats, your eyes catch another deep brown pair of menacing eyes, standing at the balcony, hiding behind a black balaclava. You can't see the lower portion of the face, but you'd bet your life that there was a smirk hidden behind the cloth.
You grit your teeth, tossing the ring by the nearest bush as the car drives off. The grip around your bag tightens, and you remember the test tube.
If you're going to ruin my chances of love, I'll ruin your chances of life, Simon Riley.
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A week later and the test tube lay aimlessly on your bedside time, alongside a small post card gifted yesterday from your truly. John Price, that is, not Simon.
Leaving soon - If I find something you like, I'll bring it for you :-D - J Price
Even the way he drew his little smiley faces warmed you.
On the other hand, Simon had shot you a single text, ignoring all the spelling mistakes.
Si:- bee home ina mont. by.
When he gets home, you're immediately breaking up with him, assigning yourself mental homework.
But for the meanwhile, you have to decide what to do with the test tube...for now you decide it's too risky to keep it at home, who knows if the wrong people get their hands on it.
So you opt to shoving into deep into your purse.
At work, as you walk back to your team's common room, you hear the commotion coming from the...laboratory?
"Doctor, how careless are you?"
"Sir...I-I-I didn't do anything! The lab was locked, I don't know who would have taken it-"
"And how are we sure you haven't stolen it? I mean for all we know, you might have the drug at home. How do we know you're a traitor and working for the other side. I should have you reported."
"Boss, you've known me for the longest! And why don't you stop shouting me and get these cameras fixed already-"
"Captain Price's gonna flip and fire his entire team when he comes back-"
"If he comes back that is-"
"Boy if you don't shut your mout-"
Scurrying to the common room, you shut the door abruptly. You don't why you stole the drug, but you do know you can't let anyone find out about what you did.
Not Simon.
Not John.
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A month had nearly gone by, and a train of gifts has began coming, from small affirmation notes to bags of lego flower bouquets and teddy bears. All of course, accompanied by a small note with the signature smiley face :-D.
Considering the notes weren't hand written, you couldn't tell whether it was from Simon or John, though it was quite obvious. Even though you liked John, you couldn't help but feel some sort of sorrow towards Simon. I mean, who else does he have apart from you?
On a dark Friday evening while you and your team were getting ready to leave, the sound of shouting followed by stampede coursed through the hallway. Screams of terror broke from whom you made out to be doctors and nurses.
"What's happening?" You turn to your coworker.
"More people have gotten drugged, like 7 this time..."
You couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt washing over you, considering a sample of the weapon of the crime was quite literally concealed with your belongings.
"Oh -"
"Apparently, Captain Price and Liutentant Riley were involved."
That was enough to strike a nerve. You don't know which name hit you harder, but before your colleague could even stop you, you began sprinting down the hallway towards the hospital rooms.
By the time you reach though, it's already too late, and the doors have shut, the nurse informing you that surgeries have already begun undergoing. But for who, they didn't disclose.
It didn't matter who it was, you just had a reoccurring thought that if maybe you had left the sample alone, maybe a curve could have already been developed.
Oh God, this is your fault isn't it....?
A person's going to die in your hands, and you're not even a soldier.
With discomfort running through your nerves, you sit by the hospital rooms, your hands feeling heavy under the weight of your head, waiting to hear more from the nurses. But as they rush in and out of the room with urgency, your voice gradually drowns out by the monotonous beeping of the machines inside.
4 hours go by, and you can't tell if it from the lack of sleep or not, but the staff around you shoot you looks of pity as if you're in critical condition. Those hours in the waiting room felt like hell, and you couldn't help but notice the lack security in the building. No cameras again, huh?
"Nurse, is John Price in there?" You ask wearily, the strain in your voice was evident.
The nurse shakes her head, "It's Lieutenant Riley."
Your breath hitches, and unfortunately you can't help but a slight feeling of relief.
"Is he okay? Was he...drugged?"
The nurse clenches her jaw, "That information can't be disclos-"
"He's my boyfriend." You urge, standing up to meet the nurse eye to eye.
The palpable tension in the air was uncomfortable and pervasive, hanging over the room like a heavy fog, and the nurse eventually breaks, slowly opening the door to what looked like a corpse.
"No traces of the drugs were found in his body, but there's no way to really say in the early stages...He is displaying some symptoms however..." She reads off a clipboard.
You nod, though her words aren't really getting to your head, "Like...paralysis?" There's no movement from the bed, just the constant ringing from the machines.
The nurse pauses, "No. Headaches, and muscle pain, just the regular. Bullet shot in the shoulder, but that's been taken care off. We're still monitoring him. I'll be outside if you need anything." With that she leaves, shutting the door behind you. And you find yourself alone with Simon's corpse.
Simon's face looks like broken china, like fine art but damaged externally, yet still holding the essence of its beauty within. His features, usually composed and serene, now bore the cracks of strain and worry. His under eyes were now darker than ever, and you couldn't help but press your now tear soaked lips across his rough cheek, until you stopped.
His neck, though scarred, bore scattered red marks, which you know could be confused with a rash. But it wasn't.
They were hickies.
Fresh hickies.
It's been a month since you've last seen Simon, so you immediately rule out yourself, disregarding the fact that you haven't even been intimate with anyone in a while.
As you sit beside the bed, a surge of anger rises within you, fueled by the betrayal and disappointment coursing through your veins. You want nothing more than to confront Simon, to unleash a torrent of accusatory questions upon him, but you know it would be futile.
His chest rises and falls gently, a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within you.
The situations looks like that particular scene straight from your dreams. Dark room, alone with Simon, him laying there still.
His body is still intact, you think. Intact and littered with marks.
You try to recall what happens in the dreams after this, but you always wake up at the last second.
And you can't help but inch your hand towards your purse., the outline of the test tube screaming at you to finally use it.
Use it for the reason you had originally stolen it for.
Use me.
Drug him. It screams. It's not like he ever loved you? Francesca, remember her? The other women? Your own mother, your own flesh and blood? Think about the times he forgot your anniversary, your birthday, when he insulted you, in front of you, in front of others, hell, even behind your back! You're spineless remember.
I mean you'd be doing the world a favour, getting rid of this from this world, wouldn't you?
Wouldn't you.
John Price would be proud of you wouldn't he?
He finally be with you.
With a steady hand, you reached into your purse and retrieved the test tube, its contents glinting in the dim light of the hospital room. You hesitated for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest, before steeling yourself and uncapping the tube.
The acrid scent of the drug filled the air, its toxic fumes making you gag slightly. But you pushed past the discomfort, focusing all your attention on the task at hand. With precision, you extracted the entire liquid from the tube and carefully poured it into Simon's IV drip, mentally wincing at how effortlessly you had manipulated the situation.
You have to get rid of the drug somehow, and if it means using it against him, then so be it.
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The next morning had come and you're awaken by the phone buzzing by your bedside table, the screen lighting up with John's name. You hesitate, your fingers hovering over the screen for a moment before you finally answer, steeling yourself for whatever news awaits you on the other end of the line.
"Hello?" Your voice comes out strained, betraying the anxiety churning within you.
"Hey angel, it's me," John's voice crackles through the phone, the urgency in his tone palpable. "You need to come to the hospital. It's Simon."
Without a word, you hang up the phone and hail a cab, the journey to the hospital passing in a blur of anxious thoughts and racing heartbeat. Did they find out you stole the drugs? No...how could they? The empty test tube is in your bin, at home, not at the hospital and there's no cameras at you recall...
Arriving at the hospital, you're met with a scene of controlled chaos. Doctors and nurses bustle about, their faces tense with worry. You navigate through the maze of corridors, the familiar scent of antiseptic hanging heavy in the air.
Finally, you reach Simon's bedside, and what you see makes your heart drop into the pit of your stomach. Simon manually lies propped up against the pillows, his face pale and drawn, his body racked with violent tremors as he retches into a basin. The sight is enough to make you physically ill, although it slowly dissipates, seeing the now purple marks on his necks darkening.
John appears beside you, and without a word, he takes your hand in his, his grip steady and reassuring, pressing a small kiss at the side of your head. In that fleeting moment, the world falls away, leaving only the two of you suspended in time.
"I'll be outside," he mumbles, leaving with you with Simon.
With a heavy heart, you take a seat beside him. Simon looks up at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of confusion. It takes all your strength to meet his gaze, the truth burning like acid on your tongue.
"Hey." He groans out. He can barely move, as his head painfully cranes to look at you, the effects of the drugs taking effect slowly.
"What happened." But it's more of a demand than a question.
Simon sniffs, "Traces of drugs..."
"No. I meant your neck."
He pauses, like he was trying to carefully choose his words, though he didn't have much of a escape now.
"Don't act like I see you and Price-"
"Don't bring him into this, Simon."
Don't lie to me anymore.
A tear rolls down his cheek, but you can't tell if it's crocodile tears or not.
"They-they... dismissed me."
You hum, a smirk gradually building up on your face.
Simon closes his eyes, "Back. My spine. Can't move it..."
You let out a slow, deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on you like a heavy stone.
"I know." Your voice is barely above a whisper, but the words hang heavy in the air between you. "I drugged you."
Simon's eyes wince once again, studying your face silently.
"Excuse me?" He begins.
You stand up, placing your purse back on your shoulder.
"What- what do you mean? You he-heard me? Love. Listen to me-"
You walk towards the door.
"WAIT. Wait. What do you mean you knew? You said you knew. What. What did you do. Sweetheart. Come back. Let's talk. You love me don't you? I love you! Where's that ring I gave you?"
You laugh, twisting the door handle.
"Baby, you better not fuckin' leav- THEY'LL FIND OUT-"
"And who's going to believe a damaged, deluded man, Simon Riley? You were out on a mission, I'll pin the blame on the enemies."
Simon shakes in his bed, unable to control any part of his body now. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME- HOW FUCKIN' DARE YOU- After that life I gave you-"
"Life? You call that living?"
"I LOVED YOU WHEN NO ONE ELSE DID-" His voice is painfully loud now, you're wondering how no one's running to his room already.
"Love? You don't know one thing about love, you fucker."
"I should have never fucked you, you- YOU BITCH-" He shouts, his body flailing violently, globes of tears racing down his clenched jaw and red cheeks.
"Rot in hell Simon Riley, I guess we're both fucking spineless now."
And that's a wrap for this mini seriesss - thank all of you for sticking around ;D IM AWARE IT TOOK SO LONG- I KEPT WRITING IT AND FOR SOME REASON IT DIDN'T AUTOSAVE LIKE TWICE??? SO I HAD TO REWRITE IT- Quick Notes: Let's all be real. We wanted reader to get with ol' john boy. But let's also be for real, if Reader was an object, she'd be a doormat. Although I've implied John Price x You, the bitch really needs to focus on herself and sort her shit out right now 💀 in the near future they're together for sure. ALSO the reference of drugs is highly inaccurate but let's all switch our imaginations on <3 lemme know you're interested to be tagged in my future posts! tags -> @lilliumrorum, @kxtz3, @poohkie90, @rainlovesyou12 , @restrictionsapply-blog , @lunamoonbby , @nigthmar3moon , @thychuvaluswife , @itsnourm , @bubusi11, @owkittie, @cheomain , @corvusmorte , @k4es , @mandythemint , @copiasratscheese , @yyiikes , @funkyyysho3s
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luvsfootball · 7 months
not much of a girlfriend - jamal musiala.
requested by - anon.
request - holaa again hehehe could you write one for jamal like enemys to lovers??
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your brother and jamal were childhood friends, so you were rather familiar with the young german boy.
when you first met, you were twelve and they were fourteen. you still played with barbies and bratz dolls and they made fun of you for it.
you remembered crying to your mother about how mean they were and she told you that ‘boys will be boys’.
growing up, you tried to avoid jamal but it was quite hard to when he was constantly sleeping over at your house and even being invited to family meals.
something inside of you desperately wanted jamal to just treat you with respect, and you didn’t know that’s what he felt too.
he was at your house tonight, eating in the kitchen when you went in to get your dinner. your brother was laughing at your makeup and you ignored him, something that took all of your might.
“will you both move?” you hissed, pushing past them to open the oven and take out your food. when you moved past to go upstairs, your brother stopped you.
“you can’t take that up to your room.”
“i’ll do what i want,” you replied, sticking your finger up and slamming the door shut.
hours went by and you headed downstairs to go for your date with one of your classmates when jamal came into the hallway.
“where are you going dressed like that?”
“like what?”
he didn’t say anything but when he raked his eyes up and down your body, you suddenly felt very self-conscious.
you knew deep down that jamal would never judge you but you couldn’t be so sure of that.
your brother came out of the living room at the sound of your voice and furrowed his eyebrows. “where are you going?”
“out for a bit with kenzie.”
he seemed to buy the lie but before you could sneak out the front door and get to your date, e stopped you. “wait, jamal can give you a lift.”
immediately, you shouted, “no!” but your brother didn’t like the word no. “she literally lives down the road from jamal, he won’t mind.”
jamal shook his head, a silent agreement that he’d take you but you had to try and get out of it. sittinng in a car with him was the last thing you wanted, and you weren’t even going to kenzie’s.
“we’re actually going out for dinner, hence my outfit.”
“well where is it? i don’t mind, honestly.”
something inside of you was suspicious. why was jamal offering to drive you somewhere? you hated each other. or was it just you who hated him?
“it’s the next left.”
he hummed in response, using his indicator to turn around the corner. “this is a bit fancy for you and kenzie.”
for some reason, your throat went dry. why were you so nervous?
you chose not to respond and when he pulled up, you nearly ducked when you saw your date already waiting outside the restaurant. you knew for a fact jamal wasn’t going to leave until he saw you get inside.
“just around the back will be fine.”
“but there’s a parking spot here.”
“park around the back!”
he rolled his eyes at your little outburst but listened and drove around the side, turning his engine off. “could at least say thanks,” he murmured.
“thanks,” you whispered, shutting the car door and looking back a couple of times before walking up to your date as if nothing happened.
your date, ben, smiled when you showed up and he sideways hugged you rather awkwardly before saying, “i thought you weren’t going to come.”
“sorry, traffic was bad. do you want to go inside?”
his eyebrows furrowed at how hurried you were being but he trailed after you nether the less. you turned your head to see if his car was gone.
then you saw it.
jamal was driving past extremely slow, jaw visibly clenched at the sight of you and ben. you were scared he was going to tell your brother because he’d ask a million questions.
but you didn’t want the date to go wrong so you went inside and played everything cool.
‘nice date?’
the text message came as a shock and you werw busy drying your hair after a shower when it came through.
‘my love life has nothing to do with you.’
as you awaited a response, drying your hair became the least of your worries. jamal was with your brother downstairs right now.
honestly, you were shocked that he hadn’t already told him.
‘i wouldn’t call it love after one date.’
‘you probably can’t even get a date, jamal.’
downstairs, jamal didn’t understand why his heart fluttered at you using his actual name. it was always ‘musiala’ or ‘idiot’.
he didn’t respond after that and you resumed drying your hair whilst thinking back to the date. ben was really nice but you weren’t sure whether anything was going to happen.
a knock on your door made you finally move from your desk and you nearly slammed it shut when you saw jamal on the other side.
“your brother’s gone to get some food.”
he smiled a little before handing you a controller. “i need someone to play with while he’s gone.”
“and why should i?”
“you’ll get to rub it in his face when you beat his score. and you might even get to beat me.”
it sounded like a good deal, so you put your slippers on and trailed downstairs, flopping down onto the couch. “you’re so getting destroyed,” you snickered.
jamal rolled his eyes as he unpaused the game.
it ended with you both drawing and you were already demanding a replay.
“how was your date?”
you frowned at how he said the last word. “it was good. not sure about him though.”
“i think you need someone that matches you.”
scoffing, you turned to face him. “you think you’re such an expert on love.”
“i’m better than you at it!”
“when was the last time you even went on a date?”
his cheeks flushed red as he thought back and suddenly became very embarrassed. jamal hadn’t been on a date with anyone in about a year.
“when was the last time you had a boyfriend?”
“probably after you had a-”
you were cut off by his lips connecting with your own and your eyes widened in surprise. at first you didn’t kiss back, but you thought ‘fuck it’.
it was now a heated makeout and before it could go any further, you could both hear the key in the lock turn and you both pulled apart, moving far away from each other to not make it obvious.
“what are you doing down here?”
you discreetly wiped your lips before turning to your brother. “beating your top score.”
jumping off the couch, you passed him the controller and took the food to the kitchen to plate out.
you didn’t notice jamal’s eyes following your body and when you turned, he was facing the screen.
almost as if nothing happened.
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