#she's just also playing the other admins like a fiddle
duckapus · 5 months
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Introducing Kelsie, Vitality's new assistant and The Grid's new Adminspace Spy, in that order. The Yiga Emblem earrings are probably a bit of a risk for her cover, but carrying a little something related to her creator helps with the worst of her nerves.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Gooooood day to you wonderful author! I hope you’re having a swell time and that those pesky wasps called negativity are swatted and shooed away. I’ve scrolled your work and have thoroughly enjoyed your stories and thoughts, so maybe if you would be so kind as to hear me out, I’d gladly pay you a penny for my thoughts!
The TADC work is brilliant, and thus I had an idea! What if this rambunctious crew, met a their S/O who is rather cartoony in nature and take to the world of the circus rather well, being bouncy, stretchy and all around a ball of joy as they embrace this toon power they’ve been given.
The idea came to me when I was fiddling with a sticky hand, whilst rewatching the pilot, and thought how amusing it would be to see someone embrace these looney toon abilities.
TADC cast x cartoony!reader !
yahoo i now have some down time to take a crack at requests today! im making gingerbread cookies, peppermint macarons w/ white chocolate ganache, and double chocolate macarons! all for a friend as a christmas gift! yahoo!! waiting for the first bath of macarons to dry out before baking; cant do both since i only have one decent sized pan that can pit my silicone mat without it bending... bent macarons..... thinks also dullahan by worthikids has me in a death grip rn so im playing that on loop while i tackle these requests i am going to go insane!
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oh this man fully embraces it... in fact he even encourages it, i think! i mean caine himself is pretty whacky and cartoony, it only makes sense thats hes going to really enjoy you. i think his approval may lead to you being a little more rowdy than you normally would be with anyone else... likes to use IHAs to see how far your funny physics can go... bonus if you get those little... emote things when you're feeling an emotion particularly strongly (ex. hearts for adoration, the red vein for anger or annoyance, the blue line things to express sadness or disgust and the like. stuff like that idk i just think that would be neat). you guys get outright silly with it, totally funky, completely strange you know? whimsical, even! plus i like to think that caine has a touch more "cartoon physics" than the others but thats just admin being silly
obligatory "pomni is put off by it at first thanks to her being new and having to adjust to the physics of this new digital world.... well adjust to the digital world as a whole" so without a doubt, shes going to look mildly uncomfortable or confused when you just fully embrace to funky cartoon physics of the world. in fact it even looks like your physics are even more cartoony than everyone else's... odd.... i think it would take her some time to get used to it, but she wouldnt try to be rude about it or make you feel bad for her surprise discomfort, you know? doesnt like when your rambunctiousness makes you a little reckless, though, but thats just her care for you showing! you can be a little overwhelming for her, sometimes, by being all... bouncing off the walls... literally and physically... communication is key here if you guys want a decent relationship; be it romantic or platonic
for the most part she loves you for who you are, and your randomness and shenanigans do put a smile on her face more often than not. she just finds you so endearing, and finds your funky physics to be just as cute! buuuuut.... sometimes you can get overwhelming... ragatha already has so much on her plate, with being this beacon of optimism for herself and others, the IHAs, having to make sure no one is at each others throats.. i mean i know we only have the pilot to work off thus far but ragatha gives me mediator vibes. so getting back on topic, i do think that sometimes she needs to be firm and let you know to tone it down, or to let her have a moment to herself because the last thing she wants to do is make you feel bad if she gets too irritated... holds
another obligatory thing but you can stretch and squash hes going to try to find a way to tie that in with a prank or one of his jokes. now if youre teaming up with him or the one being pranked really depends on how jax feels; because i think even his "partner in crime" wouldnt be immune to his bullshit. but consider, given the readers personality, what if theyre a little bit of a prankster themselves and they utilize their extra bounciness for pranks; effectively starting a prank war with jax. like imagine the chaos that would spew from something like that. i could go on a tangent for that, but the admin has a pea brain rn TToTT
has probably crushed you down into a ball shape and used you as a bowling ball. throws you. au where reader is in the circus but theyre the bowling ball jax throws at kinger
honestly he might mistake you for an npc at first and be wary of getting close to you because... well you arent real... except you are..! it takes him a while to realize that, he didnt know someone as whacky as you could exist, and hes been here for a long while! that said when you guys do befriend each other. please try to tone down any recklessness that may come with your rambunctiousness, this poor old man is already stressing out enough about things...! dont give him a heart attack,..! though i guess the bonus of having funky whacky body physics is that you give good hugs and/or cuddles since you can easily and comfortably wrap yourself around the other person.... ponders... so you know what, at least hes comforted via that
easily irritated so you guys are going to have to work together to make things word; so zooble doesnt too overstimulated and so you dont have to change or greatly suppress yourself. say it with me: communication is key, baby!!! definitely takes a lot of time to make something work.... stealing this idea from jax's part, but if youre in the middle of a prank war with jax, where its just you and him going at each other zooble is going to be sliding you ideas and perhaps might come up with ideas to utilize your weird anatomy... very evil, they just want to see jax get karma, i think...
also can get easily overwhelmed with your wild personality, but not so much in an "overstimulated" way and more so a... wait no i guess thats the best wording for it? plus gangle seems to be the type of person to enjoy her calm and quiet peaceful time, when shes not thrust into the chaos of an IHA... so similar to zooble, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication and teamwork if you want a good relationship. gangle DOES feel bad, though, like she is inconveniencing you... please reassure her... not many ideas for the whacky physics thing here, simply because i dont think she would have any special thoughts about anyone's looks or bodies if that makes sense
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Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 11
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Welcome back, dear readers! This is…wow, this part is a bit late. The poll I ran regarding whether to keep posting this on this blog or to make a secondary one was one thing, but the work that college has been throwing at me this semester…sheesh. Still, despite all of that, we move ever onwards through this very game! 
I hope the wait will have been worth it, at least it’s longer than the previous part, right? But besides that, I really don’t have much more to say besides- well, thank you all for being so patient despite the delay.
As always, I’ll give a recap of what happened in the last part, because boy howdy it was a good bit:
Now with the TMX Cut, Xera makes her way out of Coral Ward and back to Obsidia Ward to meet up with Victoria, Florinia, and Amaria.
While meeting up with Amaria, she finds herself recognizing Victoria from somewhere. Florinia confirms Victoria was formerly a student of the Onyx Trainers’ School who withdrew, with Victoria elaborating that she instead pursued an education at Apophyll Academy; fortunately, neither Florinia nor Amaria show any ill feelings towards Victoria’s decision.
After touching base, Florinia recaps the plan: the four of them will enter Obsidia Park, make their way through the plants using the TMX, find the source of the overgrowth and get rid of it.
Upon entering the park, the group splits into groups of two: Florinia and Amaria will take a more direct route to the center, the most likely location of the suspicious machine, while Xera and Victoria are to secure the park’s perimeter. They are quite confident that, should anything go wrong, they will be able to reunite quickly and easily.
Victoria suggests she and Xera split up further to investigate the perimeter- herself going one way while Xera goes the other way- since they’ll end up meeting up again anyways going that way. Unfortunately, right after Victoria leaves, the vines begin growing more erratically, isolating Xera from everyone else.
While making her way through Obsidia Park, Xera encounters several Team Meteor Grunts, confirming who is responsible for the rampaging plants.
Further into the park, Xera witnesses Victoria being confronted by an imposing Team Meteor agent, unable to intervene due to the thick trees. This agent is none other than the man Amaria had been chasing: Borealis, and he has just soundly defeated Victoria in a battle.
Borealis berates Victoria for her naivete and overzealousness in trying to protect Reborn City, practically by herself no less, before declaring she cannot be allowed to report what she’s seen in Obsidia Park. With that, he and his Crobat whisk Victoria away to parts unknown, leaving no trace of any of them.
Xera makes her way even deeper into the park, soon finding a small clearing where Florinia and Amaria have been captured by vines. She also spots an unfamiliar person, fiddling with a strange machine with a mutated Tangrowth hooked up to it.
This person, a high-ranking Team Meteor Admin, is revealed to actually be three distinct personalities in one body: Zero, Eve, and Lumi, collectively known as ZEL. ZEL (specifically Eve) is the creator of the machine responsible for Obsidia Park’s overgrowth- the PULSE, which mutates and amplifies a Pokémon’s power to incredible degrees, hence how a single Tangrowth is able to cause so much mayhem in Obsidia Ward.
Xera engages ZEL and PULSE Tangrowth in a battle to put an end to Team Meteor’s plans, ultimately emerging victorious despite the power of the PULSE. With Tangrowth defeated, the overgrowth begins to retract, and ZEL escapes with the PULSE in the confusion- but not before Zero tells Xera that this is not over.
With the plants gone and Obsidia Park back to normal, Amaria and Florinia are freed. They are grateful for Xera’s help, but the triumph is short-lived as they learn Borealis captured Victoria. 
Amaria is guilt-ridden over not catching Borealis sooner, but Florinia brings everyone back to reality by suggesting they report what happened to Grand Hall and use their resources to track down Victoria- a plan Amaria is very much on board with.
Amaria departs to continue her investigations into Team Meteor, and Florinia also takes her leave, but not before suggesting Xera challenge her in Onyx Ward. Turns out, the Onyx Trainers’ School is not only a school, but a Gym as well, with Florinia serving as both head instructor and Gym Leader.
So, as for what this part will entail…well, I’ll explain more once we get into it. If nothing else, there likely won’t be as much story progression as last time, but it’ll be a fun time regardless!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
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ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟ ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ | ᴍᴏᴅᴇʟ!ᴀᴋᴀᴀꜱʜɪ x ᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʜᴇʀ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | Haikyuu!! One-Shot
Woo woo! Taking a bit of a break from Jojo and decided to give the loml AGAAAASSSHHIIIII some lovin moments-- sksk I hope you guys enjoy this one-shot~! ;; 
» » Admin Ko
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Looking down at the minimalist card, she couldn’t help but release a hesitant sigh as she brought her gaze back up to look at the intimidating building before her. It was a week before the semester ended, and for her photography class she needed to take a meaningful photo that held a deep sense of understanding, and was open to various amounts of interpretations. 
It wasn’t necessarily a hard project, but with her other finals creeping up on her she had ended up pushing this one to the very end; and now? She was in a pinch to find something that could help her leave a lasting impression. Despite not having photography as a major, she took the class more so to improve her skills for her hobby. It was uncouth, especially in consideration of tuition costs, but there was just something about having at least one class she could fall back to when her brain was depleted from energy from factual and information overload. 
Another sigh came from her lips as she melted into her coat. Her features practically melting with her as she couldn’t help but feel as though she was being an inconvenience.
In her search for a perfect idea or motivation for her project, her friend Akaashi had offered his help in her quest to find something that could spark her interests. 
She agreed, happy to have one of her good friends accompany her on her journey; but when he gave her his business card all thoughts went blank as she stared at the card in hand. 
Akaashi Keiji | Model 
xxx-xxx-xxxx | [email protected] | 22-27, Nishishinjuku 7-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Her question went unanswered as she found herself talking to no one. The thought struck her as she felt a sudden weight fall onto her shoulders. Her phone buzzing as she numbly pulled it out before reading the message sent to her. 
[Akaashi Keiji]
I apologize for leaving abruptly, but I had an appointment to head off to. Were you alright when I left you? You were spacing out so much you didn’t even respond to me when I called your name.
Flustered, she quickly typed out a response as she had pocketed the card.
Oh! no worries ^^;; I just had a lot on my mind is all! 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
[Akaashi Keiji]
Is that so? Please take good care of yourself alright? I wouldn’t want you falling ill before you finish the semester. On another note, please text me when you’re next availability is. I want to make sure I clear out a day for you.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
! ; o; Akaashi you don’t need to clear out a day! But I promise I’ll let you know! You should also let me know your schedule so I can work around it too!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
[Akaashi Keiji]
Nonsense. I want to help you make sure you ace this project. ^^
Utterly shocked, she couldn’t fight the blush that took over her cheeks as she reread his messages. His sweet words melting her heart even more as she quickly pocketed the device. She couldn’t handle another text from him at the moment, not with her mind swirling with the newfound information she gathered. Though as the days dragged on and her deadline drawing near, she couldn’t help but forget about the card....
....until she found herself staring up at the complex he lived in. She was hesitant, that was for sure. Despite talking it out and having a set game plan for what they were going to do and what areas they would head to, she couldn’t help but feel a pit of overwhelming dread hit her when she made her way towards his apartment complex. 
“What even...” She murmured as she shuffled into the building. Her form quickly hobbling towards the elevators as she scrunched in on herself. Once inside of the elegant looking elevator, she quickly sent him a text of her arrival. The thought of being alone with the gorgeous male sent her nerves on end as she stumbled out of the elevator and began her little trek towards his door.
She knew it shouldn’t have surprised her to hear that her college friend was a model, but to see the accomplishments of it really had her reeling in her thoughts. 
As she walked, she hadn’t noticed the figure standing at the door she was walking towards. A soft and adoring smile on their features as they observed her murmur to herself before finally calling out.
Immediately, her gaze flew up to meet cool gunmetal blue and a sudden yelp of surprise came from her as she jumped subtly. 
“A-Akaashi-san! What are you doing out here?” 
Confusion was written in her voice as she felt her heart beat erratically in her chest. Despite wearing simple clothes, the style and fit of the clothes made the appeal to him grow exponentially that she began to take notice of his physical features even more.
“I felt it would be better to greet you out here than to let you wander the halls and potentially get lost.”
Despite the motherly tone in his voice, the hint of a teasing tone was also found laced in between as he gave her another sweet smile. Pushing himself off his door, he made his way towards her, gently ruffling her hair in an affectionate manner before leading her into his apartment. 
The action itself had her eyes widen as her cheeks darkened in color. It wasn’t exactly uncommon for Akaashi to be a little affectionate with her, but to be greeted by it when they first met up? It was almost unfair how smooth he was. 
The stammering in her heart didn’t let up as she stepped into his home. Shoes slipping off at the entrance as she took in the simplistic yet cozy apartment. Even with the simple theme that went on, there were little touches of Akaashi that just made her smile. The accents of his favorite color. Simple yet meaningful memories of his time in the volleyball club back in high school. It all reminded her that even if her thoughts portrayed her friend as a model, he was still her friend Akaashi.
“Would you like some tea before we head out?”
His voice cut through her thoughts quickly, and she scrambled out a quick yet as she turned to face him. The look on his face further adding to her ongoing crush with the other as he went to prepare a cup. Once his attention was off of her, she went around exploring the little details of his apartment. Admiring the pictures and giggling at the more comedic pictures with him and who she assumed to be Bokuto. 
“He’s an energetic one. His emotions were always sporadic when we played.”
Flushing at how close he sounded, she willed herself to keep still as she could feel his breath fan her neck as he joined her to look at his old memories. 
“He...seems likes a really fun kind of guy...”
The comment came out soft, though it was truthful. After hearing all of the stories about Bokuto and his emotional roller coaster, she couldn’t help but want to meet the human embodiment of energy.
“You can meet him one of these days. I believe he’ll be free from Volleyball practice eventually.”
The slight tease in his voice had her smile at the tone he held for his friend, and she couldn’t help but look up at the other with her own smile on her face.
“I’d love that.”
Despite her answer being purely platonic the comment he made after had her mind short circuit as she stared at him baffled.
“However, you have to go with me if you’re going to meet him.”
She processed the words in her mind. Once, twice, slowly, quickly; any which way she could she did to make sure she wasn’t reading it wrong. Seeing her expression, Akaashi couldn’t help but chuckle before leaning down to place a chaste kiss to the corner of her mouth before pulling back. A light blush on his own features as he spoke.
“I suppose I should’ve been more blunt... but I did enjoy watching your reactions, (y/n). The truth is, I like you. I’ve actually liked you for a long time.”
If anything, both the statement and kiss had her stare at him in utter shock. Her brain working hard to work through the information it was being sent, and before she could even think her body moved on it’s own as she pressed her own lips against his. 
The action further deepening the blush on the male’s face as his eyes widened briefly before melting as he loosely wrapped his arms around her waist. Cheeks flushed, she shyly looked down as she fiddled with the strap to her camera bag. 
“I-I like you too Akaashi, and h-honestly I’m kind of...still processing this?”
The comment had a light chuckle escape his lips as her heart swelled with affection. 
“I suppose that could happen. Well, let’s at least sit you down so you can finish processing while you have your tea. I do hope I didn’t completely fry your brain though. We still have to go to those locations today.” 
Nodding, she mutely followed him to the small island in his kitchen before seating herself down. The steaming mug that was set before her sent a feeling of comfort through her body as she went to take a sip. The tea helping to soothe and calm her mind and heart. Though when she opened her eyes she couldn’t help but become starstruck.
The look Akaashi was giving her was...so loving. So loving to the point she almost dropped her mug as she hurriedly struggled to get out her camera.
“D-Don’t move! Please try to keep that expression!” 
Shocked, he was startled by her sudden movements, but did as told as he couldn’t help but feel his own heart swell at her animated movements and flustered appearance as she pulled out and set up her camera. 
“Just...pretend as if the camera wasn’t here.” 
Absolutely amused, he gave her a nod. With that, she snapped a couple of pictures. Checking in between as he took a couple of sips from his own mug before leaning over to peer at one photo she took in her flurry of motions. 
“I...I think I want to use this one...” 
Her voice was soft, but the amount of affection that dripped from her words had his heart practically implode with love as he was shown the photo. It was a simple photo, one that showcased his purest emotions and smile for her mid laugh at her cute antics.
“Then I presume we don’t need to go out?”
Subtly disappointed, he was ready to hear the day end, but was rather surprised with her statement as she looked up at him with a shy, yet sweet gaze. 
“Actually...I still want to go out and take photos....of you.”
Wide eyed and stunned into silence, the male couldn’t help but stare at her before exploding into his own expression of a bright grin as he leaned over the counter to press a kiss against her lips. His words soft as he spoke against them,
“Then I’m happy to be your personal model for the day, and hopefully for a good long while...”
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writers-block246 · 4 years
Loki x Reader Oneshot- “Is This What True Love Feels Like?”
Warning: Heavy angst (unresolved)
Notes: Italics are thoughts and emphasis. I also realize that Loki may appear a little OOC, as he is normally very eloquent and well-spoken. However, his grammatical errors are intended to show his emotional struggle and the deep impact the events have on him.
Y/N’s POV:
“I don’t love you.”
The coldness in his voice startled you. He stood firm and tall in the center of the room. To you, he was stone, unmoving, unwavering in his statement.
“You don’t mean that, Loki.” You truly believed he didn’t. You had seen the love in his eyes, felt the adoration in his touch. There was no way he didn’t love me just as much as I loved him. Nonetheless, your voice still wavered under his steely scrutiny.
“Oh, but I do, pet. You are but a mere mortal, and I, a god. To me, you are nothing.” The words flowed from him so smoothly, almost making you believe him. But this was the God of Lies, and he could play anyone like a fiddle (but he had never played you). More importantly, though, you know Loki.
Something is bothering him. He is trying to push me away for a reason. But you wouldn’t let him.
“Just tell me what’s going on, baby. We can figure this out together.” You trembled, but tried to keep your voice firm.
He stalked closer to you, all feline grace and beauty, making you want to reach out to touch him, hold him, anything. Finally, he stopped mere inches from you, towering above your form. It was moments like these that reminded you of his power, his strength. Usually, they were a comfort, but now they only served to intimidate you.
“You pathetic being, how hard is it to understand that I could never hold devotion for such a simple creature. You are not fit for a god, darling,” he sneered. Darling. A name that typically caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach. At this moment, though, they caused a wave of hurt. You desperately tried to maintain control over your emotions, and reminded yourself that this was not Loki, not your Loki. It doesn’t matter what he says. He doesn’t mean it. He just needs my help.
Steeling yourself, you forced your eyes to meet his. “Loki, lets just calm down and talk about what’s going on in that head of yours. I can help you if you’ll only just let me.”
His sneer turned into a face full of hatred. “You stupid, weak human. Don’t you listen? There is nothing you could say to me that would make me want to be around you any longer!” he yelled.
You flinched. In his outburst he had risen his hand to express his frustration, and while you knew that he would never hurt you, you couldn’t help your reaction.
It was then that his face fell. The angered facade he had kept throughout the entire exchange gave way to hurt, fear, and loathing. It wasn’t until now that you realized the hatred you saw in his eyes wasn’t direct toward you, but himself.
You immediately backtracked, beginning to panic that he would think you feared him, something you knew he, himself, feared. But it was too late.
Too late.
The tone he spoke in seemed calm and collected, but you could see the mirage of emotions flash across his face: anger, confusion, sadness, and self-contempt. “I knew you spoke only lies. Years of claiming you were different, that you didn’t fear me as everyone else did. All lies. And to think, I, the God of Lies, himself, did not notice. Not at first anyway. But perhaps you have bested me at my own game, darling. Because I, contrary to popular belief, never lied to you.”
His normally emerald green eyes had turned black, as black as the chasm that now separated you both. “I guess I truly am the monster everyone makes me out to be.”
Before you could even fathom a response, before you could tell him that he was utterly, entirely wrong, he was gone. Gone. In just a few short steps he had left your life. The months it took to even be able to greet him, let alone hold a conversation with him, were gone. The late nights sitting quietly reading together, were gone. The days spent introducing him to music, movies, anything and everything, were gone. A turned back and a closed door had ended it all. Killed everything with a bullet you couldn’t touch. And that’s worse, isn’t it? To see the death, the destruction, and not be able to prevent it? Could I have prevented it?
No more talks about the universe and life. No more coffee dates. No more evenings of playing with his silken hair. All erased from the world in a few steps.
A few steps. Steps. So small, and yet, so impactful. But perhaps it makes sense. After all, steps lead you to wherever you’re going. And now it seems, they are to lead Loki away from you.
You were never one to base your life off of love, truly. But your life had just walked out the door, and your world came crashing down with him, leaving you adrift, not truly knowing where you’ll land.
Is this what true love feels like?
Loki’s POV:
He so desperately wanted to believe you. To believe the false comforts that fell from your lips.
But how could he?
How could he when all he saw when he looked in the mirror was a grotesque figure, a being capable of death and destruction? (The blue skin of his natural form did nothing but fuel the fire of his self-loathing).
How could he when everyone else looked upon him with eyes that spoke of their hatred? Of their terror.
How could he when even you, someone who claimed to hold no fear of him, flinched at the raise of his hand? But I would never strike you, didn’t you know that?
How could he when Odin, the man he once knew as his father, believed him to be a monster? To be lesser than the Æsir, than his brother.
His brother.
His brother who had gotten everything. The love, the fame, the crown. Loki was always lesser, always second place. Why did he even think he had a chance? Why would the throne, the adoration, be given to a monster?
(Perhaps they were right. He would think himself lesser, too. After all, look at what he has done).
How could he?
You were too good for him. Too pure. His touch was a taint on your skin. A shapeless being that threatened to consume you. To pull you down to the depths of hell (where he belonged) with him. Oh how I wished you belonged with me.
But no.
Why couldn’t you just see? Know what he knows?
The universe would never give him you. Not after all the horrid acts he had committed. Not after all his treachery.
The world wouldn’t give a monster an angel.
So he had to push you away. Had to end it before it was too late. Before I could never manage to leave.
The God of Lies was done lying. In fact, he had told his last lie: ‘I don’t love you’ (even though he had claimed to have never lied to you. That, however, was the only lie he had ever uttered to your beautiful face). Too long had he gone on with the charade. Too long had he looked the other way. He knew, no matter the feeble attempts of convincing himself otherwise, that he couldn’t continue with your relationship. It would only end in destruction. Because that’s what he did, destroy. He would destroy you, whether it be now, tomorrow, or forty years in the future. Maybe it’s better for it to be now? To lessen the pain? Right? He would eventually demolish everything that made you beautiful in his eyes. He knew, for once, that he made no mistake in this. Right?
His hands trembled. (Just like they did when they hesitated on the knob of your front door).
His past self would laugh at him, he knew. He had once wanted the throne, the power, so desperately. And now, he only wanted you. He would have done anything, then, to garner what he believed was rightfully his (not Thor’s. He could have, would have, made a better king. But he wasn’t the favorite. Was noone’s favorite. Hell, he wasn’t even Odin’s actual son. Wasn’t Frigga’s actual son. What would she think if she saw me now?). But he met you, and his priorities changed.
But his past self would still laugh at him. After all, a god was not meant to grovel at a human’s feet. But I want to. Want to turn around and beg your forgiveness.
Alas, a few steps had taken him out of your life. A few steps had devastated any chance of happiness or healing he ever had. A few steps had allowed for your happiness in the future?
A few steps saved the Beauty from the Beast.
(You always did like that movie. Thought the Beast deserved a second chance. Do I?).
Lightning struck overhead, and he gave a bitter laugh. Even now, Thor continued to overshadow him.
But a monster deserved to be overshadowed. A monster deserved to be confined to the outskirts. (He used to thrive in the shadows before you showed up. You had taught him to flourish in the light).
He had called you a liar. And you were. Had to be. You could not help him, could not change him. There was no possibility that you loved him as you claimed. He was not capable, nor ever would be, of receiving love.
He continued walking because he knew if he stopped now he would turn around and find himself at your door. The door that had separated them both, left them adrift in a sea of confusion.
So he would take those remaining steps away from you, away from your life. He would do anything as long as it ensured your happiness, your safety.
If this was the only good thing he would ever do, then he could, would, be happy with it.
Is this what true love feels like?
-Admin Cheyenne
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seblaine-rph · 3 years
The GRPC has been a lot better when it comes to using appropriate FCs but sometimes it's hard to find a FC with resources that matches the exact ethnicity of the actor that portrays a character. As an admin what would you ask potential members to do in that case? Would you accept another FC of color in cases where the character's ethnicity is not specified in canon?
I think we've all run into this problem trying to recast characters like Santana Lopez and Mike Chang. Some people have a diverse background that's hard to replicate in just one other person, and it's especially difficult to find someone with the perfect DNA and the perfect aesthetic. In those instances, when the ethnicity of a character is either not specified in canon or is otherwise not relevant to the information given, I usually look to do the best that I can and make compromises situationally. An example would be my transgender Santana Lopez, I've played her with Kat Blaque as an fc and I've played her with Carmen Carrera as an fc. Both women made the most sense at the time for the rps I was in and I was able to explore her as a transgender character with transgender fcs. I was not able to find a trans fc with Naya's ethnic background perfectly.
An option for those that need to be recast but you can't for the life of you find an appropriate fc is to consider an adoption storyline, or fiddle with their parent's marriage. For an example, I'll lean on our resident HBIC again. Naya was African-American, German, and Puerto Rican. Carmen Carrera is Puerto Rican-Peruvian, so using her as an fc for Santana opens an easy door for Santana's mom to be with someone other than Santana's bio dad. Her mom would be Puerto Rican in this instance and her step dad or adoptive dad could be African-American and German. I could also say she's adopted into a family that matches Naya's ethnic background, either through a normal agency or as a non-parental but still related guardian situation. That's just my opinion though, on a way to preserve ethnic identity in diverse POC recasts, as a diverse POC myself.
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girls-scenarios · 4 years
Girlfriend Naeun (Headcanon)
Prompt: I’d like to request a dating apink’s son na eun headcanon?
A/N: I’ll admit that I took a lot of my inspiration from We Got Married, but she was just so cute there that I couldn’t help it. I hope you all enjoy! - Admin Kiwi
♡ Tip Jar♡
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Naeun is so gorgeous and cool that you’d be intimidated by her
Especially since she seems so cold from afar
However, you’d have to approach her first
Because, secretly, she’d be too shy to talk to you
Once you got past the cool look, you’d realize that she’s actually awkward
And it would take her members pushing her for her to confess
She has an awkward smile that you’d fall in love with immediately
Giggles A LOT
Usually while running a hand through her hair
Whenever she’s happy or nervous or just feeling emotions
It’s adorable and you love it
She’d also shove your shoulder whenever you made her feel flustered
Whining and pushing you away
Once the two of you started dating, she’d open up
Showing more of her silly and whiny side to you
But it would still take a little while before the two of you had your first kiss
She’d want to be sure of her feelings first
Even the first proper hug would be a big deal
Since, before that, she wouldn’t really initiate any physical affection
Afterwards, though....
She’d love long, tight hugs
And cuddling on the couch
Her head resting on your shoulder as she drifted in and out of sleep
She’d also love playing with your hands or fingers
Especially if you wore any rings or bracelets
Fiddles with your hands when she’s bored or nervous
Would pout if you stopped holding her hand
She’d find it romantic if you kissed her hand
Likes it when you touch her, even if it’s just to guide her somewhere
Although she would slap your hand away if you tried anything in public
Have I mentioned that she’s a bit tsundere?
She is ALL ABOUT couple items
Bracelets, rings, shirts, hats, all of them
If you bought her a ring, she’d even sleep with it on
Cherishing it too much to let it out of her sight
Everything you bought her would have its own special place
And she’d like to look at them when she felt down
Even though she wouldn’t admit it out loud
Likes to model her new clothes for you after she goes shopping
She’s gorgeous and she knows it
On rare occasions where it doesn’t make her feel embarrassed, she’d put on beautiful clothes and would act coy to make you flustered
Even years into dating, she’d still like to dress up for you
Mostly because she’d like seeing your reaction to her in new clothes
She can be a little bit childish
Whining and pouting for you to get things for her
But most of that side comes out when she isn’t feeling well
Or when she’s sad
She’d cling to you for support
Makes you watch sad movies
Then cries the entire time
She has a secret soft side that only you get to see
The side that likes stuffed animals and being pampered
Still, she one hundred percent forgets dates
Don’t expect her to remember your anniversary, because she wont
Gets you gifts, just on the wrong days
To her, things like Valentine’s Day don’t matter
She’d rather be with you every day
She likes to have fun and laugh, because her every day is stressful
Loves trips with you, especially because vacations would be half resting and half travelling and having fun
Pulls you up to dance with her when her favorite song comes on the radio
Singing along through giggles
She says things how they are and it might take you time to get used to it
Especially because she’s quite stubborn when it comes to a lot of things
She wouldn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do
But she’s honest and she would want you to be too
Other than her diary, she wouldn’t hide anything from you
Although she would get her feelings through in unique ways
Like personally drawing you cute little cards to cheer you up
Or doing her best to support you with your dreams
When she finally said “I love you” in her soft voice, whispering it into your ear late at night, you’d know that she meant it deeply
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yandere-society · 5 years
Hello Lovely admins!!! Can I request Yandere Jungkook and Jin reacting to you having a secret sex Snapchat account? Or like one where you send nudes and stuff? Love y’all !!!
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author/admin: kimseokmomjins🥀
a/n: Poor attempt at smut (heavy petting, degradation), possessive behavior, slut shaming
It was the day of the big Overwatch League match: Seoul Dynasty versus Vancouver Titans. Jungkook wanted to catch the first half of the game during his lunch break, so he set up the live stream on his work laptop and kicked back. While most of the stream chat was a constant influx of Korean, there was one message in English that kept popping up: “I’llBeYourBaby: Lonely and wanna talk to a cute egirl? Visit my stream😘✨ You won’t regret it 🍑” Jungkook scoffed at the plea for attention. The spiteful, cruel side of him felt the need to bully I’llBeYourBaby for whoring herself out to strangers. How desperate for money could someone be that they’ll sell their body for perverts on the internet? And what a lonely, miserable life a man must have lived to resort to paying an e-girl for a morsel of attention to be thrown their way. The very notion of internet prostitution, and sex work in general, was disgusting in Jungkook’s mind. But his conservative ways are exactly why he adored you.
You were the perfect girlfriend: responsible, considerate, loyal and sweet. You were committed to your job of tutoring English online, you were quick-witted, funny, and also enjoyed gaming just as much as he did.  In Jungkook’s eyes, you truly were the love of his life, and he was practically ready to drop down on one knee.
Out of pure spite, Jungkook clicked on the username, entering the live stream at the top of the profile. With a twisted sense of justice, Jungkook was ready to spew vitriol at the female streamer to further his agenda, but immediately, it felt like a cold bucket of water had been dumped over him. Jungkook expected the stream to be hosted by some busty, bimbo whose breasts spilled over her tank top while she played like shit in League. He expected some overly-flirtatious, inauthentic wannabe that was trying to make a quick buck from neckbeards. He expected anyone— everyone— except for you.
Unlike the risque, hypersexualized woman he had envisioned before, Jungkook saw that you were dressed somewhat modestly, wearing a simple white turtleneck, blush pink skirt and white knee-high socks. You weren’t flaunting your breasts or purposefully exuding sex appeal. Instead, you looked adorable as you fiddled with your purple galaxy Nintendo DS.
“Welcome, JustinSeagull! Thanks for joining my stream,” you greeted with a smile and wave. Jungkook found himself in a state of shock, unable to comprehend the predicament he’d just found you in. It certainly wasn’t a popular stream, but judging by the measly 16 viewers you were interacting with, Jungkook surmised that you were quite familiar with them.
knjkoya: baby, tell me why you’re so fine
jiiiiiimin: 😍😍😍😍
jiiiiiimin: step on me pls
Giggling, you addressed your viewers comments. “I would step on you, but Animal Crossing is so fuuuun,” you whined with a tiny, playful pout. “How was everyone’s day? Let me know below in the chat.”
HopeWrld: Thought about you all day 💚
CallMeJin: My day was fine, thanks for asking sweetheart. Are you enjoying animal crossing?
taetaebae: damn is it me or iss she acting mroe innocent than usual ??
You looked up from your DS to read the comments, giggling when you read the most recent ones. “Yes, I am enjoying myself, CallMeJin! Tom Nook is a huge jerk though, the interest rate on his loans are kind of bullshit,” you joked as you returned your attention to your device, uncrossing your legs slightly which gave your viewers a teasing glimpse of your underwear. Ones that Jungkook had gifted you for your 100 day anniversary.
As more comments rolled in, the filthier they became:
CallMeJin: Glad you’re having fun babygirl :)
knjkoya: i make 150k a year, i can pay off your loans any day if u just sit on my lap
D-Boy: im so fucking hard rn wtf
Jungkook was in awe at the pure filth these degenerates were spilling. But most of all, he was upset at you— how could you demean yourself like this? How could you betray him? Jungkook pushed his sleeves up, ready to type a long-winded message defending your honor, a notification popped up on screen along with a gif of a cat pawing at the screen. Someone named HopeWrld had donated $100 to your stream.
“Oh! HopeWrld, thank you so much for the donation,” you chirped, “Since you helped me reach my goal, I’ll let you ask me one question, anything is fair game.” You winked at the camera, blowing a kissy face. Little by little, Jungkook’s perception of you was beginning to shatter, splintering into a thousand fragments. He thought back to all the times when you’d complain about receiving unsolicited dick pics, or reaffirm your idea that ‘men only think with their dicks.’ It was apparent Jungkook knew only of the side you wanted to show him, leaving him oblivious to the secrets you withheld from him— your very own boyfriend.
Despite the churning of his stomach, Jungkook remained firmly planted in his seat, unmoving, waiting to see how else you could disappoint him.
HopeWrld: Are you single?
Jungkook’s eyes burned holes into the computer monitor, anticipating your response. Since you were clearly lying to him, he assumed you’d do the same for your viewers. Perhaps you’d neglect to tell these scumbags that you had a boyfriend— one you’d been with for over two years, someone you shared a home with, no less. Jungkook’s tongue peeked out and wet his lips, the chapped skin craving any sort of moisture.
You sighed, folding the Nintendo DS in half and focusing your full attention at the camera. “Ah, interesting question.” Tucking your hands in your lap, you tilted your head slightly to the left, looking demure and shy. “I do have a boyfriend,” you admitted. Jungkook always found your mannerisms endearing, and even now, in the midst of his anger, he felt his heart beat erratically due to your telltale signs of nervousness: the twitch of your left eyebrow, the biting of your lip, the fiddling of your fingers.
“He doesn’t know I do this, though,” you quickly added. “It’s kind of my dirty little secret.”
D-Boy: Dirty little secret for a dirty little girl
taetaebae: i fuckin called it
taetaebae: @CallMeJin u still gonna act like a tryhard ?? lmao
knjkoya: i’ll give you $500 to break up with him, no kappa
Disregarding the comments, you continued to gush about Jungkook, although you didn’t explicitly mention his name. “But anyway, I’ve been with him for a few years now, and I love him so much. It would kill him if he ever found out about this.”
‘I love him so much’. Bullshit.
Jeon Jungkook knew everyone loved him, how could they not? Despite people likening him to James Dean or Adonis, Jungkook didn’t care much for his looks. He only cared about whether you found him attractive. The same could be said about any of his traits: his personality, his sense of humor, even the way he slept at night. The only love Jungkook cared about was yours. Your affection, your acceptance, your undivided attention.
Unlike him, though, you apparently craved the affections of other men— strangers from the internet who didn’t care about your generous soul and fragile heart. They only wanted to fuck you, discard you like trash until they found another shiny new toy.
Jungkook slammed his laptop shut, his mind clouded by fury, but still cognizant enough to formulate a plan. It was risky, but in the end it would ensure that you never consider straying from him again.
Your fingers deftly thumbed the buttons of the gaming device, controlling your Animal Crossing character as they collected seashells from the shore. Every now and then, you’d giggle, wink at the camera, read a comment or two, and then return to your game. It was easy money, and it also boosted your ego a bit. Jungkook, although being an attentive, caring boyfriend, whilst being a more than a generous lover, could be a bit suffocating at times. He dictated what you wore— more often than not, suggesting you wear couple outfits— carefully monitored your social media and even conducted background checks on all of your male family members.
Although it was twisted, you couldn’t help but feel validated at the small bits of attention you got through streaming. It was what kept you practically sane in your relationship with Jungkook, what ensured that you never snapped back at your boyfriend when he urged you to wear something less revealing, or when he scolded you for “flirting” with the older blind gentleman that lived in your apartment complex.
Humming contentedly, you delivered a package to a citizen named Purrl, only glancing up at your computer monitor to briefly acknowledge the chat, when you spotted Jungkook glaring at you from the doorway. Startling slightly, you hit Control + Tab and switched to Youtube, trying to look inconspicuous.
“H-Hi baby,” you greeted, smiled forced, yet still somewhat genuine. “You’re home early, I didn’t hear you arrive.” Jungkook clicked his tongue and pushed off the doorframe, stride confident and eyes set to kill. He responded vaguely, “Got out early.”
Jungkook approached you, his dominating presence settling over the back your white gaming chair. He feigned interest at your game at hand, “Well, what do we have here?” You glanced over your shoulder at your boyfriend, doing your best to keep your cool. “Ah, yeah, I’m playing Animal Crossing! Isn’t my character adorable?” You nudged the DS towards Jungkook who smiled politely— he knew that you knew that wasn’t what he was talking about, but Jungkook was certain that he could play the better liar.
He accepted the DS from your hands and inspected your character, before handing the electronic device back. “She looks just like you, Y/N. It’s cute.” You blushed, not because of his praise, but due to the embarrassment. Your livestream was still ongoing, meaning your viewers were seeing this entire awkward situation unfold, and you hoped to God that Jungkook didn’t notice the tiny green dot on your webcam. If he did, Jungkook would undeniably find a way to take away the only form of freedom you had to interact with the opposite sex.
“You know,” he mused, coiling a strand of hair around his index finger, “I also think it’s cute how you actually believe you can lie to me.” Your heart skipped a beat, and your breath hitched slightly as you tried to remain calm. You kept your concentration solely on Animal Crossing, trying to avoid your boyfriend’s scrutiny.  Jungkook leaned in closer until his face was level with yours. Peeking at him out of the corner of your eye, you noticed his focus was not on you, but rather on your computer monitor, right hand already poised on the mouse. The cursor dragged over to the leftmost tab and you sucked in a breath, an intense sense of impending doom coiling in your gut.
The screen changed to show a mirror image of yourself, alongside Jungkook, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips. Your secret had been exposed— and you knew it was only a matter of time, as keeping secret from Jungkook was a difficult task— but you hadn’t imagined it to happen this way. To be exposed on stream, by none other than your boyfriend.
You expected his fury, his disappointment— any sort of reaction, really— instead, feeling the tantric slither of his hand as it crept up your sternum.
“If you want to attention so badly, all you had to do was ask, babe,” Jungkook murmured into the shell of your ear, his body gracefully sliding itself under your thighs and repositioning you onto his lap. Tantalizingly slow, Jungkook’s fingers worked their way up the expanse of your chest until they nestled themselves over your breasts, his hands palming the clothed surface.
Although he was gentle, there was an underlying roughness to his touch. His fingers pinched the flesh of your breasts until it hurt, but would release a second later, only to alleviate the discomfort with soothing massages. Jungkook’s mouth rhythmically suckled pink bruises into the crook of your neck, eliciting a soft whimper. He smirked, satisfied that he was able to rile you up so easily. He lazily dragged his tongue up the column of your throat until his mouth rested right under your ear, leaving a sloppy trail of saliva in its wake.
His left hand relinquished control of one breast and acquainted itself with your inner thigh, his thumb toying with the elastic with featherlight touches. “You’re such a stupid little slut,” Jungkook purred, teeth nipping at your earlobe. “But at least you’re my little slut.” During all your moments of intimacy, Jungkook had never once bestowed upon you such a degrading name, as his kinks were more aligned towards praise rather than humiliation. But you surmised that his spiteful words were simply misplaced frustration.
How long had it been? Hours? Minutes? Seconds? It was impossible to tell, as you found yourself lost in the sensual motions, completely forgetting that, although you were in private, your stream was still live. You were only pulled out of your lust-induced haze when you heard the chime of your donation notification, reminding you that you had a small audience of onlookers. “Jungkook, the- the stream… I need to end the broadcast,” you weakly protested, trying to wriggle out from his grasp. Your boyfriend kept you firmly molded to him, his growing need nestled between the folds of your skirt.
“Let them watch,” Jungkook stated, brazenly making eye contact with the camera. “Since you clearly don’t mind the attention, why don’t we give them a run for their money?”
Your eyes widened, finding Jungkook’s shamelessness slightly erotic, but nevertheless feeling absolutely mortified at your compromising position. Comments were rolling in steadily, causing your heart to clench in self-loathing.
taetaebae: wtf wtf wtf
taetaebae: this shit is fuckin wilfd lmfao 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
D-Boy: what a hoe
HopeWrld: what is even happening
D-Boy: at least shes hot tho
“Kookie, baby please,” you pleaded, grabbing onto the one arm that fondled your breast, feeling the sinew of his muscles ripple under your fingertips. “I’m guh-gonna get banned if you k-keep- keep doing this.” Jungkook ignored your weak-willed objections and continued to torment you by sliding his finger into your slick heat. A moan was coaxed from your throat, the shiver from his sudden entrance causing you to lean into further into Jungkook’s chest.
knjkoya: Lucky bastard
CallMeJin: After all the money I’ve sent you?? At the very least, you could have just pretended to be a good girl, I’llBeYourBaby. Unsubscribing. Pokimane is hotter anyway.
Your cheeks flushed in embarrassment at the visual in front of you: Jungkook’s right hand splayed across your chest, while his left hand sinful touches under the ruffles of your skirt— which was, thankfully, hidden low enough to not be captured on the stream— whilst his mouth worked in tandem, leaving your neck littered in splotches of pink, red and lilac. You looked like a mess, but felt completely invigorated.
But still, despite your body being pulled into euphoria, your mind was plagued with negative thoughts. These viewers, your followers, were one of the last few sources of entertainment left, and if the broadcast was reported then your IP would be banned permanently, which meant no more streaming, no more fun, no more freedom.
Pulling away from Jungkook’s lips, you attempted to stand your ground, craning your neck to face him. “Jungkook, please don’t do this while I’m live. Let me sign out and I’ll take care of you.” Your boyfriend’s eyes settled on your bite-swollen lips and the way your heavy-lidded eyes betrayed your protests to stop. He should get what he wants while respecting your autonomy, but the selfish, vile side within him screamed to punish, punish, punish.
Jungkook gently brought his lips to yours, giving you a tender, chaste kiss, lulling you into a false sense of security. You smiled shyly, a tinge of pink dusting your cheeks and Jungkook returned the gesture with one of his toothy grins. Ever so carefully, Jungkook raised his hips and pulled out something hard, firm, from his rear pocket— a thick bundle of crisp, $100 bills, totaling close to three grand.  
As soon as your guard had been let down, he shoved the stack into your mouth, effectively gagging you. His other hand clamped down on your wrists, preventing them from reaching the mouse or keyboard. “You want these loser scumbags to pay you while you act like their cute, sweet gamer girlfriend? How about cold, hard cash? Will that keep you satisfied, princess?”
Jungkook eyed the chatroom, his attention catching on a particular message that, if it could even be possible, made dick harden even more.
jiiiiiimin: you should just let us watch you fuck her
With a scoff and cocky grin, Jungkook tilted his head mockingly. “Like hell I will. Go get your dicks hard to someone who’s not taken.” And with that, Jungkook pushed off the chair, pinning you into the desk on your stomach, whilst his other hand palmed the flesh of your bottom, a telltale sign that a rather lengthy spanking would be coming your way. The sheer force of your readjustment onto the desk had sent the computer monitor and webcam tumbling off the desk, landing in a shattered mess on the floor, pieces of plexiglass and plastic littered everywhere.
You made a mental note: be sure to buy a new monitor after Jungkook’s punishment, and make sure the next one is shatter-proof.
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
remnants of happiness | im nayeon
requested: nopers admin: mirae authors note: im not so sure im fully happy with this. also I wish i could make fics like these a surprise and have you discover its angst and not fluff but i needa add the warnings for people, i dont anyone gettin hurt cause of me  authors note #2: if you find any mistakes please let me know! genre: angst warnings: abuse, mental and physical  word count: 1.4k
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Monday, 6:23pm, Week 1 
Your hands typed away furiously at the keyboard, eye barely even glancing down to double-check your typing or spelling. Your eyes have been hyper-focused on the girl in front of you, Im Nayeon, you don't believe in gods or goddess but something within your mind told you that they were real and Nayeon was one of them. 
She gently brushed her hair behind her ear, head slightly turning in your direction. For the split second that your eyes locked with hers, you felt your heart 20 floors and your stomach practice gymnastics. That smile, that sweet bunny-like smile, had to have been one of the cutest things you'd ever seen. 
Turning back to her friend, you couldn't remember her name but you had seen them together many times, Nayeon went back to talking to her as if she didn't just take another piece of your heart. Maybe someday, you'd get the guts to actually talk to her and not stare at her like a creep in the coffee shop. Despite giving yourself the little bumps of encouragement you knew you'd probably never be able to do it. 
You weren't like your friends, you couldn't just strike up a conversation with any given stranger. Even though Nayeon wasn't a stranger, you had her in your econ class and had talked to her a few times, so at this point, she was an acquaintance. An acquaintance that you happened to be madly infatuated with. 
Looking back down at your work your cheeks burned up in embarrassment, you hadn't been typing about the difference in healthcare between America, Germany, and China, you had been typing your nonsense thoughts Quickly backtracking you deleted everything your autopilot brain at typed and attempted to work on your assignment once more. You couldn't keep letting Nayeon distract you like this. 
It felt like hours had passed, hours spent wasting your life away studying for a degree you wouldn't even get a job, A light tap causes your eye to snap up at the source of the sound. 
There she stood, light shining down around her beautifully. 
“Hi,,, may I help you?”, you asked quietly, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so rude. Nayeon didn't seem to take offense to your tone as she simply giggled. 
“This probably sounds extremely stupid and I know what you're gonna say so I've already prepared myself. I was wondering if I could have your number?” Nayeon always had been good at one thing, confidence, or at least faking confidence, you'd never seen her look nervous, worried, and tired. She always had her shoulders back and a smile on her face. There she stood in front of you, voice wavering and fingers fiddling with her hair. 
“O,, Of course-” you shake your head at your own stutter, hands reaching for a spare piece of paper to write it down on “-here you go,” handing her the paper your hands brushed a little sending a shock to your heart.
 “Thank you Y/n,, I'll text you later,” Nayeon spun around on her heels giggling with her friend as they left the shop. 
You stared blankly at your computer, confused by what had just happened. Thee Im Nayeon was nervous because she was asking for your number.
Friday, 9:56pm, Week 5
Dating Nayeon had been one of the most amazing experiences of your life. She was the perfect girlfriend, you couldn't have asked for a better person in your life. It felt like you two had been made for each other, despite only dating for a little over a month, it felt like you had been dating for years. Dropping the box on the floor you huffed and smiled as you gently rubbed your back. 
“That's it, the last box,” you said proudly to Nayeon.
 She was moving in with you, despite her friends thinking it was a bad idea. Some would say that you were moving to fast but you didn't care, ou just knew that you and Nayeon were meant to be together. 
She giggled and tapped your nose “I think it's time we have a snack, we deserve it after all this heavy lifting,” her voice was the most calming and relaxing thing you'd ever heard before. 
“Ah, you're a smart one aren't ya? I think you're correct, we deserve a snack,” you slung your arm over her shoulder and lead her in the direction of your small and cramped kitchen. 
“Now we have to figure out if we want to cook something or order something,” you say as you stared at your practically empty fridge.
 Nayeon looked at you then back at the fridge “How about we order some Chinese,” she suggested with a laugh at how empty your cabinets were also. Nodding your head in the agreement you reached for the phone and began putting in your guys' orders. 
Within 35 minutes the Chinese had arrived and you and Nayeon laid on the couch and watched TV as you stuffed your face with the extremely greasy and unhealthy food.
Tuesday, 3:12pm, Week 8
You knew you knew you should have listened to what everyone was saying. You were blind, blind by a love that was never there and never existed in the first place. Nayeon wasn't some goddess sent from the heavens just for you, no she was a demon sent to make your life a living hell and she was succeeding. 
Throwing the pillow on the couch Nayeon screamed “I wasn't cheating on you, babe. I swear I was out having a few drinks with my friend Jeongyeon then we went back to her place, you could even ask her,” Nayeon had tears in her eyes, she tried to hold them back but they threatened to spill overboard. 
“You know what you are? Pathetic, you're a pathetic excuse of a human being. Why the fuck would I call Nayeon when I know she’d lie to cover up for the fact that her best friend is a dirty little lying whore,” you spat your words at her like venom, causing the tears she so strongly attempting to hold back to spill over. 
Nayeon sobbed, loudly. Hearing it made your heartbreak, maybe you were wrong to judge and accuse her, maybe she really had been telling the truth. “,,,, Is what I would've said If I didn't believe you, I believe you bae I'm sorry for getting mad,” you tried to cover up your outburst.
 Walking over to her you got angry when she flinched away from your touch “Babe,” you said in your most stern voice “I love you so much and id never do anything to hurt you, never, but you know who would hurt you? The other people, other people will try to hurt you but I won't because I love you,” you roughly pulled her into you. Enjoying the feeling of her trembling body pressed against yours. Smelling her hair the scent of cherry and jasmine soothed your heart. 
You loved Nayeon, she was perfect in every single way. She was yours, and you wouldn't let anyone else have you. They weren't right for her but you were. You were perfect for the perfect girl.
Sunday, 11:38pm, Week 12
Liar, liar, liar, liar, that's all she was. She lied, constantly. Constantly lied and broke you apart, she wasn't perfect nor had she ever been. She had always been a dirty little slut, who loved to play games with people's hearts, hearts like yours that were so caring would get ripped apart by her vicious claws. 
Despite all that, all her lies, you loved her more than words could even begin to describe, She was incredible, beautiful, amazing. She lifted you up when you were down. Every second with her was euphoric like you were high on love, and it felt beyond amazing. Staring at her figure, curled up on the ground you smiled sinisterly. 
“I love you Nayeon,-” brushing some of her sweaty hair off her forehead you continued “-and no one will ever be able to love a slut like you, except for me,” you finished, hand slapping across her face to get her attention. “Do you love me, Nayeon?’ you asked voice cracking. 
Nayeon whimpered and nodded her head “I do, I love you. I ever cheated on you baby and I promise I never will,’ she cried out, hands attempting to free themselves from the shackles you bound them too. 
“I can't trust you, baby, I just can't. Until you can gain my trust back I need you to stay here where it's safe,” you said. Standing up you cracked your neck and headed to the door of the storage room far out from the nearest city. 
“Goodbye Nayeon, I left you some food and water, I'll be back tomorrow to check up on you.”
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 14
91: Oct. 19
MM ANON …… “ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…… All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴… “ she’s not invited, again🧣“……” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣“ …… “Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “……… “ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” ……” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”…… “ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …… “ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
October 19/2019 1245 hrs CST
“ O no , not another f%#ing beautiful Sunday “…
Sunday is historically day to attend worship and spend time with family. It’s also, in more urban areas the day when the biggest newspapers come out. Another beautiful but blanked up day because this curse still hangs in the air, no justice yet but it’s coming! Justice is coming! Sunday’s will soon be as they once were, different, through life experiences but they will family days again!
All together, a ROYAL reunion 🦄🦎👸🤴…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge just returned back to London last night after a five day tour of Pakistan 🇵🇰. The Royal tour was successful far and above expectations. They had promised the children a family weekend. I am certain there were lots of tears along the way despite FaceTime and talking, lots of hugs upon return home. Princess Charlotte has developed a passion for unicorns. Over the summer, as boys do, will all of the garden time that the Duchess did with her family he must have seen salamanders and lizards or just fell for them via books perhaps. So the whole family happily back together along with boss baby , Prince Louis. He acquired that title from his facial expression, priceless ones, during the flyover on Buckingham Palace balcony.
“ she’s not invited, again🧣“…
The Christmas church service last year, upon exiting, madam tried to engage Prince William in conversation, he was wise to her moves and made himself very busy fiddling with his scarf. She then tried Prince Charles who in turn ignored her. The term scarfing has truly taken on a life of its own online🤣🤣🤣😂😂. I think this is clearly Prince William putting his foot down clearly expressing his opinion.The line she’s not invited, also has a bit of a cite reference, the day of Prince Louis’ christening, as they left the chapel to walk back into the entrance, Princess Charlotte said to the amassed media, “you’re not coming”, was tremendously funny and sweet. Her personality was already showing!
” O Philip, do lets watch this documentary 🤣🤣““Really, old thing, really ?”…… “ bloody hell , Charlottes a better actress “…
HMTQ and PP, likely over the evening cocktail chatting, she jokingly states the above, his replies are the latter two quotes. I am glad they are able to talk and find some humour in this situation! Oh how l would love to be a fly on the wall, meaning love to hear some of their discussions!
“ Mummy!! I’ve lost my 🦎” …
Well trauma, upset, tears of sadness and shrieks of OH NO!! Prince George has lost his lizard, l hope not inside or shrieks of horror, outside, just a very sad little boy. I am certain a replacement lizard could be sourced post haste!
” What next LG , the Caribbean and North America with the children?”
Prince William and HMTQ, and Duchess Catherine likely reviewed/debriefed the events of the tour with LG in attendance. I can hear ideas thrown about on how to continue this success to build on the success of the monarchy. I think half jokingly William said, what next, do you propose such a trip with all three children? I know rumours out there of madam being pregnant but not confirmed, besides another a Royal tour doesn’t happen with her, because SHE IS NOT ROYAL!!! I know the Cambridges took their own private medic along to Pakistan 🇵🇰. I have a feeling she may already be or will shorten announced that she is expecting another child.
“ Mmmm , Marm that would work ,next year’ someone will be jealous!!” …This is definitely LG responding to the notion of an entire a Cambridge family Royal tour! Can you just imagine the coverage? There would have never been anything like it before, and madam would be climbing the walls of her cell or padded room when she learned of that. She will be forever jealous and hateful.
“ “what’s that ol’ thing , I’m reading skippy Philip”
HMTQ reading when PP says something to her, she replies with the above quote! See 💜🐼💜, l have told youn🐼, THEY DO READ YOUR BLOG,!! This is an absolute confirmation of a suspicion l have had and have talked about! So feel free to express yourself!! WE LOVE AND BELIEVE IN HARRY, WE WANT HIM BACK!!!💜💜💜💜GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
October 19/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG….what a fun happy riddle today. I love the tidbits about the children…..I want you know we greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into deciphering these riddles for us. Well…I hope if HM does read here….she will let us know she is ok…😉.💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
92: oct 20
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻This riddle was extremely difficult 🙏🏻🙏🏻💜🤣
MM Anon
MM ANON … A disruption in the FORCE… … give a lot , take a little …… sighted for perpetuity …… 🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼……… multiple numbers …… his backhander slush fund …… silent outrage in Carshalton …… “ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings” ……… a comfortable exorcism …… “ sunshine is the best…” …… “ sunshine is the best…”
October 20/2019 1405 hrs CST
A disruption in the FORCE
In all the a Star Wars movies the FORCE is the power of the energy for good to fight evil. The force be with you has become common usage when you wish some good luck or best wishes in all kinds of situations. Here we are now, dear MM ANON has the word force , in all capitals , meaning extreme, pay attention, some people say all caps means you’re yelling. I personally do not, many of you know when o type in all caps l am expressing my emotions or concerned topic. MM ANON is in deadly seriously telling us that evil, and we all know the evil, it has a name and backers and ultimately the biggest backer who takes souls and laughs at God! There is an extremely concerted effort, especially today to take down HMTQ and the Monarchy, this is as serious a things get folks. There is a disruption, Harry was the access point, evil got in, has been using him everyday. I do not know what will happen today, tonight , tomorrow or the day after. But vigilance is needed, pray if you’re so inclined. This is the most serious battle and attack HMTQ has ever faced!
give a lot , take a little
That’s the phrase, climate change, leave less carbon footprints , charity give your time, etc. HMTQ and many royals give so much time, yes they get to live in mansions etc, but how many of us could keep HMTQ schedule for 93 years, still smile as if everything was fine. I think no future generations will have those skills. The world has changed, everybody is famous with their Instagram etc etc.
We have madam who has taken and taken , taken, taken, taken,taken, taken, was well with open arms publicly, despite manipulating her way in. She has taken very perk there is. NO GRATITUDE, give an inch, she takes 100 miles, so to speak. What does HMTQ get for this? Fingered up, every way, every day, now the poor card will be played after using and exhausting all her other cards. Few have asked me how l am, wah wah wah. She screams privacy, privacy, don’t take my picture, how can anyone ask you anything? She has treated the British people so vile lay, why would they even WANT TO ASK? They want her gone, pick a country, leave!! Just stop,your whinging , word salad, environmental preaching while taking six private jet flights. On and on and on….
sighted for perpetuity ……
Perpetuity is an interesting word, it’s used in financial terms but does have another usage. Let’s let our friend google help us understand it. One meaning is a bond or other security with no fixed maturity date. The second meaning is used as a legal meaning. It is
a restriction making an estate inalienable perpetually or for a period beyond certain limits fixed by law. Now let’s be clear on what inalienable means that something or someone is unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor. Basically this is meaning , Harry’s inheritance from his mother, his great grandmother, the Queen mum, any other such funds, homes, jets etc etc CANNOT be taken away from him FOREVER. So should there be a divorce or annulment, she has no legal grounds or recourse to go after any of these items. A payout yes, so the royal family has sound legal and financial admin setting up their assets. Thank God!!!
🎼matter of fact, it’s all dark 🎼………
My dear MM ANON, l must say , l was absolutely expecting a return to this gem today! Pink Floyd’s Eclipse. The lyrics of this song about basically everything in life, l can’t put them in here due to copyright but you can easily find them The song ends with the eclipse. The thought is during a lunar/eclipse of the moon, the moon goes dark and the side we can’t see is still lit up. The song ends by this phrase that MM ANON gave us , it’s all dark. Extrapolating that to the situation at hand, it’s all dark. There is no sliver of a silver lining, bit of light or hope that madam will have an a-ha moment, fall on her knees, acknowledging her sins and beg forgiveness. No no no no, it’s all dark, no redemption will be sought. This is very dire friends, very dire indeed, the prognosis is dark. Hence my feelings of anxiety.
multiple numbers ……
Well what is this? We know madam has had multiple number partners, marriages, sex videos, tax issues, merching, basically everything. What is MM ANON referencing here? Discrepancy in items on her taxes? There are so many possibilities.here
his backhander slush fund
This has an informal British meaning of a secret payment, typically one made illegally; a bribe. So, a slush fund is extra cash , hidden, in case of emergency etc. Who is ‘his’ here? Is it PH? Did he think he could at first, just pay her for the booty call and she would go away, vastly unaware of the plot. Is this PP or PC who have such a fund, if needed. Is this PA, who also may have a fund of this nature, if needed. I have no idea which one but this confirms that such fund exists and the purpose for it, but l don’t know who or why it may have been started or if/when/how often it has been used. Yet another piece of this ever-growing larger puzzle.
silent outrage in Carshalton
Carshalton s a town, with an historic village in the London Borough of Sutton, South London. Historically Carshalton is part of Surrey. The Earl and Countess of Wessex live in Bagshot Park, Surrey. Sophie does so much in her duties. She is exceptionally close to HMTQ. I saw an interview with her and Prince Edward. They said basically every weekend they spend together, doing outdoorsy things, horses etc. She said also, since so close she often goes for tea with HMTQ. Prince Edward has been reportedly been called her favourite son. Edward will inherit his fathers title, the a Duke of a Edinburgh when that time comes. I think the both of them must be terribly concerned for HMTQ and PP, their health, this stress etc etc.
“ But O, how bitter a thing”………” bending of the heart flings”
From Shakespeare’s As You Like It. First quote referencing seeing another’s happiness through their eyes. Harry saw/sees in William and Catherine’s relationship, then marriage, the three beautiful children, their complete and utter love and devotion. These are all things he longs to have, achingly so. I ache for Harry. I cannot seem to locate the second quote, that’s very odd/unusual. I shall figure it out. Longing for something, sometimes one bends or does something they would never nor do, if they think it can get them what they desire. Flings can be a very casual relationship vacation fling, holiday flings etc, now maybe a booty call. So here we have a young man , struggling with his emotional state, severe anxiety, depression and PTSD, has every tangible thing in the world, except he longs for , desires the intangible, love, utter devotion and children of his own, they become tangible or real. This describes the situation exactly when the attack was made on the BRF via Harry. This steams my tea kettle!!
a comfortable exorcism
Exorcism, in its truest meaning, is a person possessed by a demon, or demons/Satan and a Priest or pastor uses Scripture and other things to set the victim free releasing them. This word, demon,is often used now to describe addiction or other really difficult things that have a hold on someone, therapy, AA, exercise etc etc etc can be used to exorcise oneself. So here we have a comfortable getting rid of the thing that has a hold of some. God l plead this means that Harry will be released from the grasp he is under, if l read this correctly, comfortable means exactly that. How this will be done, LG and HMTQ know. Please let me be correct🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“ sunshine is the best…”
Sunshine is the best disinfectant there is, you hang sheets, quilts laundry and the UV, ultra-violet rays kill anything. Just look at what it does to our skin! MM ANON is being cheeky with a double entendre here, Sunshine Sachs, the supposed master PR firm that ‘uses the dark arts for clients’. Since they have come on board, the boat has tilted and started quickly the process of sinking. So they have done nothing to help, on,y made this worse. However, we can count on God’s glorious creation, the sun, to sterilize the filth that’s made public so far and will be made public in the future!!! So come on, pullback the curtain, let the filth out!
October 29/2019
1520 hrs CST
You missed the last hint….
a very lumpy bed nutmeg
“A very lumpy bed nutmeg “
I think this in anticipation of a nice bed in an expensive building with lots of hired staff and she will get to wear designer orange jumpsuit! MM ANON hinting at either hospitalization or incarceration. I have an extensive 20 plus years working in the mental health field, inpatient treatment for any personality is in effective, they quickly adapt, learn staff weaknesses etc etc.
Preparing to hope the orange jumpsuit time comes!
Sorry love forgot this one guys, when l cut and pasted the riddle this didn’t appear.
Thank you PG…again looks interesting! Thank you for all that you do. Much appreciated!😁💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
93: oct 21
MM ANON …… rejected ‘ now reflect!!…… A colonial decision …… Cain un-Abel………… he’s not heavy …… “re-tune your bloody violin”…… “ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…… a broken mendacity …… Calipornia scheming …… “f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…… “ the family I never asked for” …… “all to plan ma’am”……🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…… cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 21/2019 1340 hrs CST
rejected ‘ now reflect!!
We have had a clue very similar wording, l cannot recall exactly. Madam feels very rejected by the big bad U.K. l have been there a number of times, trust me, l was treated like royalty by my friends there!! The people are feeling very angry by her poor me poor me, the final straw l think the camels back is nearly completely fractured. That’s a phrase when something in life has been building and building and then some happens, the last straw and the person collapses mentally, or becomes violent or leaves a marriage. I hope l am explaining that so it makes sense! Harry will have six weeks to reflect, on everything he has done at HMTQ and LG behest. He has given his all for HMTQ.
Cain un-Abel
In Scripture, Cain and Abel they are the first two sons of Adam and Eve. God was given sacrifices for worship, he found favour in Abel’s sacrifice. Cain murdered Abel , jealousy? Here we have un-Abel. This is clearly Prince William and Prince Harry, not ever the murdering part. I think MM ANON is meaning one brother married and has lovely family and will be King. However Prince Harry’s marriage is bogus as is amw. Prince Harry is obviously struggling in every way. One brother just unable to find the love and family, life partner as the other has. I pray for them both!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
A colonial decision ……
The colonies is what America was called before they separated taxation without representation! So madam has decided to return to the colonies, live her filthy life, write a book and continue to cause carnage, SO SHE THINKS!! She has absolutely no idea what will hit her when reality comes. No more delusional lies, the long list of alleged things done wrong and the laws alleged involved. Oh God, let justice be meted out SOON!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 P.S. madam, most people in the colonies have no idea who you are and more so they don’t care! She will be seen as a whiner etc etc.
he’s not heavy ……
Phrase, and song, he’s not heavy, he’s my brother. In the garbage last night, Harry did not confirm any falling out, he said they’re both on different paths, busy life. But he’s my brother, they will always be brothers and always be there for each other. TO ME THAT SAYS IT ALL!!
“re-tune your bloody violin”……
Old saying when someone is whinging or feeling sorry for thematic, being a drama queen etc another person puts their hand up and rubs their thumb and index finger together. They then asker the whinging person, do you know what this is? It’s the worlds smallest violin playing just for you!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂 PP wants a change in the tune, make it louder so madam cannot be heard!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂
“ change the channel 🤣 old thing”…
PP and HMTQ started watching the garbage last night, PP chuckling says to her to change the tv channel! I picture them in their evening close, lovely fireplace, comfy elegant room and furniture, having a cocktail and just enjoying each other’s company. As they have done their entire marriage, they are at each other’s side, just beautiful, brings tears actually how horrible this massive attack has been!
a broken mendacity
Mendacity is untruthfulness, lies. Broken lies, well how many times have we seen this with madam. Dozens, she tells so many lies as does her PR, things get twisted and nothing gets amended, they lie their way out of it when questioned. If it weren’t so deadly serious it would be funny. Like a kid with chocolate all over his face and mum asks if he ate chocolate and he says no. She really is stunted about age 14 , lies like some teenagers do!
Calipornia scheming ……
Well she scheming what else she can do to blow the Monarchy apart and completely destroy it Prince Harry. This six weeks away, home in L.A.?Doing porn, or finding wealthy person to be used by for money.perhaps meeting with her backers. I hear rumours of an interview with OW. The whole group of ba let’s will rally around and continue their unrelenting plot to destroy destroy destroy.
“f***that cottage,I wanted the house”…
Well no surprise there, Frogmore Cottage blech , she wanted FROGMORE HOUSE THE MANSION! What unmitigated gall this stupid, egocentric, narcissistic, evil possessed bint! She probably thinks since their offices are at BP she should be given BP!
“ the family I never asked for” ……
Initially, she was saying the Royal family, was family that she had never had. She knew nothing of them, LIE! In the engagement interview she said everything she knew about the Royal family she leaned from Prince Harry and from actually meeting them. Now she has figuratively slapped them all across the face. Talking about how mentally damaging it is to live using a stiff upper lip. I won’t go into detail of how successful, having this life ethos has helped them get through wars, etc etc, you all know this and what a complete disrespect she has shown to them. To say Tutu was historic leader glad amw could meet, UNBELIEVABLE! HMTQ has reigned for nearly 70 years seen it all. Absolutely no respect for her and the Monarchy itself. I am so angered that this stupid, perverted, sold herself in every possible DARE DARE DARE!!! This degree of vulgarity and disrespect my blood is boiling, l am so angry!
“all to plan ma’am”…
LG giving HMTQ an update on how their work is progressing. He seems very pleased with last nights tv garbage. He has been patiently working with his team to deal with this. He has been playing the ultimate game of chess with someone who cannot play checkers. He has given her many opportunities to show her true self. Last night she was all laid bare, pun intended, videos or photos l am certain will be public at some point. She has walked confidently into every single trap that was laid out for her. Now all captured in living colour, in her own words!! Treason! She was not pregnant, fauxmegnancy! , if there is some surrogate child, it’s not Prince Harry’s child.
🎼”Paperback Writer? “🎼…
This is a great song by the TRUE Fab Four, The Beatles! It actually mentions the Daily Mail and the gossipy things that appear in tabloids. This is telling us that madam is or will be writing a book. She has no limits in her grand focuses and cause maximum carnage with our a Royal family. Her backers probably will pull some strings and make sure it gets maximum coverage. The big bad Brits and the Royal famine didn’t ask her if she was ok. Give me strength Lord🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
cry-Sis,What cry-Sis.
Cry-sis is an actual UK charity to assist new parents when their babies have problematic sleep patterns. However, MM ANON, always clever, this is Crisis, what crisis? Someone is in denial. There are several real things happening in the U.K. that fit the word crisis. Brexit, politics, BOJO misleading HMTQ, madam and her backers plan to cause the Royal family to break and crumble. In last night garbage, in an area where life and death issues are occurring, she is 110% self focused. SHE HAS FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS! Yammering on about her tough life standing on African soil where there are many third world problems. She is selfish to a degree l have never seen, it’s evil, Satan working through her! She has completely sold her soul.
October 21/2019 1455 hrs CST
Fascinating read dear PG! Looking good, all going as planned! Thank you so much, again…much appreciated! 🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜
94: Oct 22
MM ANON …… dodging the Boo-lets…… November is a wicked month ……… Banksgiving … … “He’s untouchable” …… Dispatches Dispatched…… “ l stand by my husband “s,millions …… “ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…… Marry and Hagon …… “meanwhile, back at BP”…… “mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”…… “well we’re going as M&H”…… “yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”. …… “ nothings impossible mate”…… “look’ here’s your out!!”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 22/2019 1345 hrs CST
… dodging the Boo-lets
Today, now as we speak, madam is wearing her purple maternity dress which magically fits her, whilst attending the One World Youth Symposium at Royal Victoria and Albert Hall. Oh how l would love to see it, l so wish l were well enough to, alas, l am already digressing. This 💜💜”The annual One Young World Summit convenes the brightest young talent from every country and sector, working to accelerate social impact. Delegates from 190+ countries are counselled by influential political, business and humanitarian leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Paul Polman and Meghan Markle, amongst many other global figures.
Delegates participate in four transformative days of speeches, panels, networking and workshops. All delegates have the opportunity to apply to give keynote speeches, sharing a platform with world leaders with the world’s media in attendance. As well as listening to keynote speakers, delegates have the opportunity to challenge world leaders, interact and be mentored by influencers. Delegates make lasting connections throughout the Summit, celebrating their participation at social events and the unforgettable Opening and Closing Ceremonies.
The One Young World Summit 2019 sees the global forum for young leaders return ‘home’ for the first time since the inaugural Summit in 2010. With over 300 languages to be heard on its streets, London is one of the most diverse places in the world. The city is home to nearly 9 million people, one of the world’s biggest financial centres and countless historic sites such as Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. A city where the past and future merge, London provides the ideal backdrop for young leaders from more than 190 countries to work together to accelerate positive change.” 💜💜 Information taken from one young world.com
It’s important because young people are vulnerable. This woman has no shame, After all the fireworks she has set off, she strolls in there, wearing someone else’s hair, in her maternity dress! An enigma wrapped in a riddle, quite literally is she.
Since the audience is composed of young people the addition of let’s after boo, refers to that. The hope of many is that she would be in direct line of receiving public anger. The brief bit l saw was Higgs kiss you etc, no boos nothing. Now l am never one to wish ill will on anyone but consequences for behaviours? ABSOLUTELY!! Consequences will at some point catch up with her!
November is a wicked month …
MM ANON you do enjoy the book don’t you, this is the second time you have referenced it but changed the month. My memory is still intact🤣🤣😂.l shall help others catch up. The book is entitled August is a Wicked Month by Edna O’Brien. The plot revolves around a woman who has moved to a foreign city, separated from her husband, dreadfully unhappy and moves south to find a new life in the sunshine. Well, we are in October, rumours abound about madam moving to Africa or Canada. On behalf of Canada, sorry we are closed for business, if you leave a message NOBODY WILL RESPOND!😂😂🤣🤣 l know l have used that line BRF but it’s so funny😂😂🤣🤣. What November, six weeks off, off to the sunshine in L.A. Oh God please let her lose her passport or have the IRS or FBI awaiting her arrival.
I must say, l have been pleading for Harry, PTSD, combat fatigue, that he be assessed medically for that pain, and psychologically regarding the off the charts stress of this role he has been playing. Thank you HMTQ and LG for giving him six weeks leave, he is so badly in need of it.
Madam returning home for American Thanksgiving which occurs much later than ours(Canadian)does. There is no bank holiday for Thanksgiving in the U.K. so what’s the meaning here? Is madam going to earn some money during the sex, l meant six weeks off?? I know she’s resourceful, has no shame, long history of letting every bit of her, body heart soul used. So l won’t think further, you can all imagine ways she might find a ‘bank’ in America.
“ l stand by my husband “s,millions
Old country music song Stand by Your Man, l think Tammy Wynette? Yes, madam has stood by her H , so many times, loving, supportive, so concerned when he was in pain, always let’s him go first, never interrupts him, praises HMTQ, treats people respectfully, especially during Royal tours, follows protocol in every way, oh oh oh, wait, l am thinking of Catherine! Yes the Duchess of Cambridge stands by her man! Madam stands by Prince Harry for his money and his fathers money, heck, anyone s money just as long as they give it too her. I may be jovial today is some comments, l have been awake since 0300 hrs bad night, but you all know by know how seriously l take to do justice to dear MM ANON in interpreting her riddles! Humour is a coping mechanism, l have honed that skill well!
“ you’ve lost your mojo mate” …
Prince Harry likely spending time with friends he has not seen for awhile. Likely he can share only certain things. Everyone who has eyes can see HES lost weight, depressed etc etc. The word mojo, when l was little, mojos were little fruit chewy candies, 5 for two cents. Mojo, means ones drive for life, zest to do new things or go back to doing things you used to enjoy. This is a very loving and honest person telling Harry this. I am so glad he’s got so many who love him. Harry, there are lots like me, who believe in you 100% , pray for you and want the octopus tentacles untethered from around you!
… 🎼” when I was 21,it was a very good year”🎼…
What MM ANON., no Pink Floyd. Now this is my jam, ‘ol blue eyes himself, Mr. Frank Sinatra, when music was music. This is a sentimental song. The lyrics take us through four phases in a mans life, ages 17,21,35 and autumn , the older years. It describes relationships with women, no let me take that back, it’s about how males see females at different ages. Seventeen is all teeny bopper love. Twenty one, things get far more intimate. Thirty five is interest, because Harry is due to turn 35. That part of the song, the lyrics speak of relationship with blue blooded woman, limousines, chauffeurs. I am interpreting this as an annulment or divorce before he turns 35. Hope and a future to look forward to real love, a real family of his very own. I wish that with all my heart for our Harry!
… Marry and Hagon
Marry and Hagon? Harry and Magon……..She will be gone. Harry will be Harry but she will be gone!!!!!
“meanwhile, back at BP”……
Old saying meanwhile back at the ranch, means change the topic or in tv shows change of scene. So with all that has gone on, HMTQ remains doing her duty each and every day. How l love her in purple!! She follows her routine, to the letter, giving each appearance her all. One would never ever know of all the things that have happened and are continuing to happen behind the scenes. The stiff upper lip, that’s how one gets things done, it’s not mentally damaging. HOBBIES , sniff sniff, snort snort, the like madam loves, and PERVERSION are mentally damaging. There is a saying, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. One doesn’t whimper and moan. With my current life, since my spinal lesion and constant pain, my life changed fir sure. Stiff upper lip and humour have got me through. I think pretty much anyone who has read my words, or messaged me, can attest to the fact that l have a serious side along with a silly side! Stiff upper lip!!
“mummy,mummy a Halloween unicorn 🦄 “…… “ I’m going as a 🦎”… “well we’re going as M&H”…
Well, how much would l LOVE to see these beautiful children in their Halloween costumes!! Princess Charlotte, a unicorn, Prince George as a lizard, William and Catherine’s joking as who they will be. MM ANON, can you please find out what boss baby Prince Louis’ costume will be!! Thank God for the beautiful Cambridge family,they are so beloved.
“yeah, it’s a pity I listened to my d***”.
Prince Harry, again in conversation, l would say definitely with a male due to usage of the d word, starts with d rhymes with pick. Talking together with how he got into this mess. It was a booty call, just a booty call. To have that lead where it has, is terrifying. Pay attention kids! No casual sex! It eats away at your soul.
“ nothings impossible mate”……
Continuing in the conversation, his friend is reassuring Prince Harry that he has fulfilled his duty. This relationship will end in annulment or divorce and the future is bright. He has learned so much about himself, about life, about what’s truly important and there is definitely possibility for him to find love and have his own family. All thank a God he has supportive friends and family who live him!
“look’ here’s your out!!”
Madam, wah wah wah, nobody asks me if l am ok, and saying in vague terms that she maybe cannot continue, it’s near the end of the interview, l cannot recall the exact words. She will go to America , hit the ground running there🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣. The only way she will hit the ground running is if she parachutes off the plane! Her doing this, his friend is saying that Harry’s out, it’s a short way to say, you can get out of a situation. This means get out of the marriage. I am still not 100% there is a legal marriage, Harry held up the register as he signed, plus non-consumation, (no intimacy after vows)annulment. I think the fact that this alleged baby is NOT his, that is critical point as well. Treason, madam trying to pass off baby as being of the body, fauxmegnancy, and no DNA matching Harry.
October 22/2019 1500 hrs CST💜💜💜💜💜
Thank you dear PG! This is great….things are happening in the background….I too would love to know what PL will be! Much appreciated as usual…😊💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻PG APOLOGISES🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
💜💜💜I have to apologize, l after the submission, noted two clues were missed by me.
l have changed how l work on the riddles, in terms of where on my iPad. It has happened several times that l miss clues since that time.
MM ANON, l mostly apologize to you, l know you work so hard on your riddles.
Am l forgiven!???🥺
PG, no need to apologize…we appreciate you and all the time and effort you put in…😊💜💜💜💜
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻FOR MM ANON FROM PG🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON …… pg … no apologies never!!! You’re input as with others who give such a wealth of interpretations. Time for me to thank everyone for their esteemed efforts , my sincere and humble thanks. One last riddle ……… “ The pain in gain stays mainly on the wane.” (( difficult)) … but fun.
Eliza Doolittle
the rain in Spain stats mainly in the plains
MY FAIR LADY awe come on that was easy! Rex Harrison always my idea of an Englishman!
Seriously thank you for your kind words!
Thank you PG😊❤️❤️❤️
95: oct 24
MM ANON …… 22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes …… little boy lost (and found) …… LGs long rope …… 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼……… DVDelivery …… LGs records. …… 🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA……… “ No darling, 42 and counting “……… “ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”……… inadmissible but relevant …… “ a brilliant QC”……… “ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…… “as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”…… “one is reluctant you understand!
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019 0500 hrs CST
Sorry it’s submitted so late!
22 years,sex lies drugs and video tapes
Madam has a long, sordid past and present, her future is unknown, one can always pray for redemption. This clue is telling us of several decades of vulgarity, substance(s) use and abuse, pornographic videos etc etc etc. Some people somewhere have the videos. There has to be many many witnesses or people out there who have first hand knowledge either participating in or observing these behaviours. Thus far there has been no whistle blowers so to speak. That tells us a lot of money has been paid or threats made to silence people.
little boy lost (and found)
This has been the title of numerous tings, sculpture, film, novel and a poem by poem by William Blake in the 1700’s. I will focus on that. It is written by a Christian, he uses the metaphor of a young boy walking behind his father but loses his way, endings up all wet and muddy. Here we have little boy lost and found. This is of course our Harry. He was lost emotionally decades after he lost his mum. Lifestyle choices were not the best, shall leave it at that. He met madam on a booty call, here we are today. Harry has, l still believe! been working covertly for all the reasons l have stated reported in my interpretations. Hence the little boy, now a man has been giving his all to make up for his mistake(s) to his own physical peril. Weight loss, depression etc etc. He now has six weeks leave!
LGs long rope
LG has made a long game plan, every step of the way madam, thinking she’s getting her way, has fallen into every trap, the ultimate being the video interview with Tom Brady, Harry’s friend going way back! The old saying give a guy a rope and he will hang himself , metaphorically, like give an inch , she will take a mile. Give her bit of freedom and she ends up looking like an idiot. Well she truly has incriminated herself, the video was brilliant in capturing everything in HER OWN WORDS!
🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼
Fantastic musical entitled Evita! Based on the life of Evita Peron . She was born Maria Eva Duarte’s in a small village in Argentina, in a very poor family. At young age she moved to Buenos Aires with big dreams of being famous actress. A year there she met her future husband at a charity event. Juan Peron became president in 1946 and she was First Lady until 1952, year she died. The Musial became very successful even became a film with Madonna. Anyhow we know madam spent time in Argentina as arranged by one of her uncles, working in some job at the embassy/ consulate. Those years are murky but she didn’t last long , she allegedly left suddenly with some guy. The irony of both women’s lives cannot be lost!
DVD, we know recordings of sex exist. Who sent them and who received them? Who has copies. There are videos onlin, l won’t watch but some say yes, some say no regarding whose in them. I would think, LG has long long had possession of that and worse. We know the DM has a million dossier ready to go , ready BEFORE the day of unhappy people!
LGs records.
LG has the most distinguished record of service to HMTQ and country. I am certain he has kept a volume of data, in all forms of all the information he and his team and other agencies have collected. I am as certain of that as l am certain of anything.
🎼”cold comfort for change”🎼MA
MM ANON takes us again to Pink Floyd. I used to love! this song, Wish You Were Here, can be used with any loss, or at least l found it to be thus. Madam and MA have been an illicit pair for years and years. Just imagine what the two of them got up to together! Using SoHo, MA knows EVERYBODY,, He probably has dirt of EVERYBODY as well! These two, longing for each other’s company and their plans to outwit the backers or make that go rogue, marry baby etc etc. Their continued secret communications, thinking LG had no idea😂😂😂😂🤣. Oh they’re both in a world of hurt, missing their partner in crime, a common phrase but here think a literal meaning!!!
“ No darling, 42 and counting “…
There has long long long been speculation that madam is not and has never been truthful about her real age. MM ANON is telling us 42 and counting so what is her real exact age??? Old as her tongue and a little older than her teeth😂😂😂🤣🤣.
“ since 🎼don’t cry for me …… 🎼 before the gathering of unhappy people old thing”
I put these two clues together because MM ANON started and ended the quotation marks. The song Don’t Cry for Me Argentina is from the musical Evita. It was a film in 1996. Evita the stage version started as a rock musical in 1976, came to the West End in 1978, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the brilliant creator. Let’s do some math 2019 - 1976 mmmm what’s that give us 43! Madam is 43!!!! She was 42 at the gathering of unhappy people!!LIAR CRY FOUL, LEST BE A LIAR!!!
inadmissible but relevant
Evidence, has to be obtained legally or given voluntarily in order for it to be used in court. So what evidence exists that is relevant but inadmissible? Anything subjective, gut feeling, something told under duress, that sort of thing.
“ a brilliant QC”…
To those unfamiliar, in the U.K. and Canada the “Queen’s Counsel”, an honour given to a senior and distinguished barrister in recognition of an outstanding career during Queen Victoria’s reign. K.C. means King’s Counsel. K.C.
In Canada, the honourary title of Queen’s Counsel, or QC, is used to recognize Canadian lawyers for exceptional merit and contribution to the legal profession. These barristers or attorneys/lawyers are responsible for bringing legal cases to court for prosecution. They must need a brilliant one to process the litany of alleged crimes to be charged. I have absolutely no doubt there are many capable and they have alright had decisions made in this regard.
“ a very thick brief📇⚖️“…
A brief is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail. Upon a barrister devolves the duty of taking charge of a case when it comes into court, but all the preliminary work, such as the drawing up of the case, serving papers, marshalling evidence, etc., is performed by a solicitor. The delivery of a brief to counsel gives him authority to act for his client in all matters which the litigation involves.The brief was probably so called from its first being only a copy of the original writ. From wiki. So given the number and brevity of likely charges, one can only begin to imagine the amount of paperwork, evidence , briefs etc etc etc
“as tight as a ducks@$$ under water’ ma’am”
LG and HMTQ in conversation, he is reassuring her, the evidence with corresponding charges is wrapped up solid.Her reply follows below.
“one is reluctant you understand!
She is reluctant to give the official go ahead, with all the unknown reverberations that could occur across the country, the U.K. , the Commonwealth and the globe, especially in light of Brexit. She has so much on her shoulders. Let’s do remember HMTQ in our prayers.🙏🏻🙏🏻
October 24/2019 0605 C
This worked PG….thank you😊❤️❤️❤️
96: Oct 24
MM Anon
MM ANON …… six weeks in rehab🤫……… Invictus recovery …… loyally remembered …… unhook the Tender…… burned boats……political ambition …… nutmegs WH moment … sugar queen…… 🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼 …… The casting of the Runes……” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…… safe inside WC…… “a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
October 24/2019
1130 hrs CST
six weeks in rehab🤫
Rehab on the dl as the kids used to say. Down low, secretly. The emoji is the shhhh emoji, so it’s information to be kept quiet. So is that what visits to L.A. are now? Rehab? Is it compelled rehab?? She truly does need help, l also think a full medical and psychiatric work-up/assessment would be prudent. A long history of paranoia, people medicate themselves when experiencing psychotic symptoms. Unsure when this will happen. Harry needs family rehab, medical care, therapist but most of all time away from madam, of any appearances with her. Time to recharge his personal batteries, get his mojo back, as MM ANON used the word mojo, the other day!😊
Invictus recovery
Invictus, Harry’s blood sweat and l am certain many tears were the impetus for him creating Invictus. Invictus from the Latin means undefeated or unconquered. It is the perfect word for describing the individuals who are veterans with visible or not visible post war trauma. The next a Invictus Games are you be held at The Hague, The Netherlands in May, 2020. Harry did a quick visit there while madam was having her fauxmegnancy. This organization has helped uncounted veterans and their families, through the games, the camaraderie etc. He has done extremely well and he should be very very proud of helping sooo many including himself!
… loyally remembered November 11/2019, the eleventh hour, the eleventh day of the eleventh month we all or should stop to remain those veterans and those fallen in battle for our freedoms. It is always a day that many attend services, the Royal family always do, they spread out and cover various places. Harry is Colonel-in-Chief of the Army Air Corps (AAC), and as HMTQ Personal Aide-de-Camp. He will be dressed in his dress uniform and likely attend several places. I think it might be especially poignant and painful this year due to the suicide of his close friend, who helped train him for the South Pole adventure, Jules Roberts.
unhook the Tender…
Unhook means to open or take/out down like curtain pins, or bra. Tender can mean gentle, Tender is also money, called legal tender. So who is taking down money and from where for what reason? Tender l just read can also be a battery or electrical charger. As l think now, this may be a right metaphor MM ANON has given. Unhook the tender, at any point you want a spark or a charge it’s ready and waiting! Voila, LG has all the evidence collected, case tight, all i‘S dotted and t’s crossed. Everything ship shape, nothing remotely left to chance, right down to MI6 watching over a Grandpa Tom in Mexico. Kids , it’s as close as it gets, hang on!
burned boats
Burned bridges can be literal actually burning a bridge but it can also mean damage or break your future options, connections,reputation, opportunities, by some act, particularly intentionally. Even if you fired from a job take care not to burn your bridges with unseemly comments on the way out, since you never know who you will meet again. Here we have burned boats, has madam lost any and all contacts in her yachting world, source of money. She very likely has, no one would be interested now, especially wealthy men, they don’t want the obvious scandal that would come if they were seen and perchance she be recognized. The obvious reason is her age, she , as my cousin who has a horse ranch would say, she been ridden hard and put away wet! You must rubdown a horse after riding. She’s aged and not well, her hobbies have really taken their toll.
political ambition
It has been rumoured for quite sometime that madam has political aspirations and even rumoured of her taking a run for the White House where the president of America has his office and home. All l can do is 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
nutmegs WH moment
Madam met BO when he was President, she was the plus one guest of Ron Burkle , of SoHo. I wonder what on earth she had to do, to get that plus one invite!!!!🤢🤢🤢 Likely nothing she has not done numerous times before!
sugar queen…
Madams cult-like brainwashed ‘fans’ mostly younger and a certain demographic. They, l don’t know why, are called sugars. They worship her she is their queen, they fully believe she should be the next Queen. Since doing these riddles l have, sadly, learned of the ‘urban dictionary’, here is their definition,💜💜” A bisexual male that is stylish and easy to talk to to usually attractive and full of talent and advice 💜💜 A person who supports any and all activities (past, present, and future) done by the former z-list actress and current failure-as-a-royal and by several puns involving the name “Sussex.” Sugars owe their unfortunate allegiance to a number of factors, including (but not limited to) congenitally-low IQ, complete ignorance of etiquette and royal protocol, an excess of entitlement, self-esteem at a level warranted by godhood (with nothing to back it up), and the feeble defenses of “Jealousy!” and “Racist!” when challenged.💜💜 Actually, they are pretty much lower-rent clones of their low-rent diva goddess. I just can’t believe this sorry folks l am as shocked as you will be reading this!! The items between the Purple Hearts are from the urban dictionary!!They have actually MADE UP A WORD JUST FOR MADAM!
🎼” When I was young it seemed that life …“🎼
Life was just for fun… This song, All By Myself, has been covered/performed by many, my favourite being Celine Dion. The song talk about being young, casual sex, flings, and getting older. The entire premise of the song is someone who desperately does not want to be alone and grow old alone. This is our Harry. I won’t repeat his history, relationships, we all know all of it. Once madam is no longer in the picture, incarceration, moved whatever, he will begin the process of figuring out who he is after this experience. He will need a lot of time talking with a professional to help him, his pre-existing depression, PTSD compounded with the trauma of the last two years. He is young, healthy, has a big family who live him dearly. I have hope for him to find his love and have a real family of his own. Now l am going to hav this song in my head all day!
The casting of the Runes
Let’s educate ourselves on what Runes means. Wiki tells me it has several meanings, l am only familiar with it as stones. a letter of an ancient Germanic alphabet, related to the Roman alphabet. Wiki
a mark or letter of mysterious or magic significance.
small stones, pieces of bone, etc., bearing runes, and used as divinatory symbols Casting the Runes“ is a short story written by the English writer M.R. James The story briefly wiki Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed The Truth of Alchemy by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell’s work and died in a freak accident not long after.
Harrington’s brother helps Dunning to discover that Karswell cursed both men by slipping them a piece of paper with some runes on it. They deduce that the curse, once cast, will cause the bearer to die in three months. They track down Karswell a day before the curse is set to kill Dunning and manage to return the runes to him. Karswell dies the next day, killed by a stone that fell from scaffolding around St. Wulfram’s Church in Abbeville.
I couldn’t shorten it and do it justice. So basically madam has cast the runes, a horrible spell on Harry, he has suffered under it through it and his family has been exerting every possible intervention to help him, gather intel and evidence of alleged crimes. There will be justice, it is coming. JUSTICE IS COMING RACHEL!! TICK TOCK 🕰
” EU-bloody-REKA old thing “…
Eureka is what the miners used to shout when they struck gold, oil, diamonds etc. Here MM ANON has written EU-bloody-REKA old thing. They are talking about Brexit and what the nation has been going through ever since the votes came in. Lots is still unknown and everyone is on edge, to put it mildly.
safe inside WC
Safe has at least two meaning, one is to be kept from harm, contented or a metal device or strong box that holds valuables, jewels cash, papers, wills, bonds etc etc. I am certain there is a safe in Windsor Castle ie WC. HMTQ is also safe at WC, there are plenty of RPO’S to protect her from anything and everything. I am very interested in what is the topic MM ANON is sharing with us. What’s in the safe?? Photos, dvd(s), recordings, on and on! Something of importance that’s for certain!
“a strategic move to Winchester 📵”
The emoji indicates blockage of cell phone/mobile device usage. Two places l know of for certain hospitals and prisons. The city of Winchester has both, and they are right across the street from each other. Clever eh? Rehab in one, no outside communication, alone with her thoughts, no hobbies no cope, it’s going to be a personal hell to detox. I’ve seen it many times, it’s horrible. Strategic in terms of containing for personal safety, not harm self, no contact with others, no news or what’s happening in the world etc etc. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 October 24/2019 1315 hrs CST
Thank you dear PG😊💜💜💜
33 notes · View notes
nozomijoestar · 5 years
 I had an idea for Violentine eventually getting married and because society as we know it has been dead so long they just get creative about the whole thing
Also time jump from the end of the game and Texas Two is now Big, AJ is a preteen, Clem and the older of the former kids can now pay their taxes if those were still a thing
BGM if you like that when you read, lyrics here
“Been a while huh Tenn? Everything’s so busy these days I haven’t had the time. I’m sorry.”
She sat cross-legged on the partly overgrown ground. A small wreath of fresh flowers hung from the top of a cross. The wood was faded and weather-beaten, but the name carved there could never leave her memory.  From her pocket she pulled a paper, unfolded it, then placed it. Violet sighed, even her smile seemed exhausted. Her eyes threatened to brim over with tears she thought she’d long left behind.
“AJ made that for you. He’s gotten a lot better at drawing you’d probably love it. He’s a little past your age now. Shit I’m, I’m taking too long to get to the point aren’t I?”
The breeze picked up making the trees rustle as though they communicated the will of ghosts. She looked around. The crosses had multiplied through the years, each one a new nick on her heart. She chewed her lip and fiddled with her bun. Now wasn’t the time for death. Her stomach churned butterflies. A genuine smile bled into her voice.
“I wanna ask Clem to marry me. Just saying it out loud feels weird and amazing all at once. I honestly didn’t think she’d want me this long but life kept happening.”
In one motion she laid spread eagle and stared into the pink clouds that signaled dusk. She closed her eyes as another sigh fell from the trees. The sound of people beyond the graveyard drifted in voices, laughter, and song. Though the years since there’d been largely silence were gone she could never shake a need to be prepared. Even if the walls had expanded far past the former Ericson gates, danger never slept. It was something Clementine loved to reinforce. 
The thought of the way her face went stern and her voice deepened made Violet chuckle. She rose to her feet and dusted herself.
“I should get a move on. It was great talking to you again.”
After a final readjustment of the wreath she passed through the yard. A flag decorated with many stitches flapped in the wind reading ‘Texas Two’. Sometimes she looked up at it and still laughed at its ridiculousness. Though since she’d been responsible for it, that was the same as laughing at her old self. Her old self, she pondered, the Violet who hadn’t dared to entertain the thoughts she did now. When had that person changed? She didn’t think she’d ever know.
Inside the old admin building echoed a section of Chopin’s ‘Winter Wind’ in A minor. The anxious dance her nerves were doing calmed. Louis would be finished teaching piano lessons for the day. Her stride became confident. If she was going to make a sappy fool of herself it would be out of public view. Of her old mannerisms she could at least keep that one. 
He sat continuing to play though he knew she’d come by the pattern of her gait. His lack of a tongue elevated a need to pay notice to the finer things in other ways. She leaned against the doorway and folded her arms. They carried on in silence. Violet closed her eyes again, taken by her imagination. The shrieking highs and nervous lows seemed to pull every worry she’d ever had like threads off a loom. 
She saw Clem’s head bashed open like a ripe fruit, or the paling of her bite ridden skin and its missing chunks. Right behind it came the thought of AJ’s neck dyed red as he took Tenn’s place at the bottom of a herd and picked clean. Their home at the bottom of smoldering ashes. Worst of all above the extremes, she would bare her soul for Clem greater than she already had to see her spirit fall. In one moment for some reason or other everything they’d made of love would fracture, and Violet might as well quit the venture entirely. 
As if reading the tone of her thoughts the music stopped. Her eyes reopened to find Louis scribbling on a scavenged notepad. With a grin he turned it to face her. His eyes twinkled with their unquenchable charm.
‘That get your attention?’
She tucked her raw feelings back into their cage. The processed version rolled off her tongue.
“A little too hard Lou. Guess that means you’ve graduated from sucking.”
She finished with a soft laugh seeing him flip her off. The way he wiggled his eyebrows told her he found it funny. He gestured for her to come over and made room on the piano seat. She sat with her hands folded and stared nervously into her lap. Her stomach churned while the words she wanted to find were slow to come. At the touch of his hand on her shoulder she shook her head.
“It’s nothing bad I’m only overthinking again. I just...tonight I’m gonna propose. I want to. What do you think?”
He smiled and stared wide eyed filled with glee. A rush of air she guessed equated to a gasp came as he clapped. It made her blush and seem sheepish curling into herself. The sound of Louis scribbling excitedly refocused her attention.
‘About damn time! I almost thought you’d never bring it up. My advice, take her to a spot important to you guys. Get her thinking about all the deep stuff you’ve done together. If you’re really feeling it serenade her. That’s what I’d do.’
“I want her taking me seriously not laughing her ass off. By now my singing’s gotta be shitty.”
‘Oh come on Vi, live a little. Singing or not the point is you may never do this again. Make it a memory. You two were doing just that all this time anyway.’
Violet sighed and rested her forehead against the piano, defeated. The keys she pressed let out a wail. Another note was put before her.
‘Don’t sulk tell her how you feel. Clem’s gonna love you more than she already does.’
“...How do you know she won’t say no?”
He cocked his head and interrogated her with a bewildered stare. Her stomach sank; her voice had been whiny like a child’s. In the end, she was being silly. It made the confidence she’d mustered drop in shame.
‘We don’t know Vi but if she’s stuck around this long it means something. Clem’s the kind of girl to take off if she really didn’t believe in what she sees.’
She groaned and the keys played an ugly sound. 
“You’re right. I’m being a coward. I fucking hate it. I thought that side of me was done with.”
‘It’s ok to be scared. This is a big deal! You know how you’re guaranteed to fuck it up though? Having a negative attitude. Positive vibes Vi, positive.’
“Yeah yeah. You’ve given me an idea. If you see her tell her to come to the bell tower tonight. That it’s urgent.” She said with a lazy smile.
They bid each other goodbye leaving Louis to start up the piano solo of Kreisler’s ‘Liebesleid’. He’d reached halfway using a laser-focused concentration when another, larger presence filled the door. His deft hands stopped. Clementine smiled and clapped as she walked towards him. Without a moment to waste he ripped out the used pages of his notepad; they were stuffed into his coat pocket. It didn’t go unnoticed when Clem raised an eyebrow but gave no comment. 
She stood balancing her weight on her natural leg and leaning against the piano. Were she anyone else, even Violet, Louis would’ve sooner scolded her for lacking manners. He looked down to find her prosthetic ( a newly improved design of Willy’s built with higher mobility in mind ) still in good condition. 
“Caught ya.” She said giggling.
He looked up at her strong face, thick eyebrows, and overwhelming mane of curly hair. She had a stern beauty that always caught him by surprise for its rarity and strength. Violet sure knew how to pick ‘em. 
‘Wanted to make sure your foot was ok. Doubt Willy would screw it up but still y’know?’
“Thanks. Listen Louis...are you free for a little while? There’s something I wanna talk about. I want your honest opinion.”
A glint in his eyes betrayed his excitement. His gut instinct gave him an inkling of what hovered unsaid. He almost laughed at the coincidence of it all. She slowly sat at his invitation and fiddled the keys. After a meandering pause she cleared her throat; he wore a grin.
“You know Violet and I have been together a while now. Longer actually than I ever thought possible. I’m grateful for it everyday. It’s sadly not something a lot of people can say. That’s why...I don’t know if this is still the right word but, I want her to be my wife.”
She stared at him and twiddled her thumbs. Rarely had he seen her hesitate, much less be meek. The sight made him sit up straighter, listen harder. From the corner of her eye she caught his expectant stare. 
“I guess regardless of what it’d be called these days that’s what I want. She’s too important for me to lose. It’s time she really knows it and how I feel.”
For a moment she gauged his face for the slightest reaction. The intensity radiating as if a conjured aura from her body reminded him of someone constipated; he again fought a laugh. It was as though she resigned herself to a do or die mission. A determination not a far cry from what she summoned up before a supply run. In his opinion, they both were taking this to lengths so ridiculous it bordered on comical. That however would remain a secret.
He nodded with enthusiasm and that seemed to lighten her worry. On his notepad this time he thought hard before writing. 
‘It can mean whatever you want it to Clem. You love her, that’s the most important part. I say go for it. Any plans on how you’ll ask?’
“Well there’s really only one way right? I have to tell her outright, just not sure where to do it.”
‘Y’know she asked to meet with you tonight on the bell tower. There couldn’t be a better spot if you ask me.’
“Did she? That makes this easier.”
She sighed in relief and rested her head on his shoulder.
“I love her Louis. More than she might know.”
‘Tell her not me.’ he said with a smile.
After dinner the night air blew warm embracing the essence of summer. Clementine found Violet pacing in front of the ladder they’d once helped construct. She remembered seeing her like this then too, anxious over everything turning out right. Her suspicion turned on and her eyes narrowed in concern. She had yet to be noticed from a distance. 
In seconds that weighed like minutes she sighed and mumbled to herself. 
“Alright Clementine all you have to do is talk. Sure Clementine, like it’s that simple. You’re stalling now. Get yourself together.”
“You sure don’t mind keeping a girl waiting.”
Violet’s voice seized her attention from the grasping hands of her thoughts. Before she could say another word laughter filled the silence. It made her blush even as she frowned in mock irritation. 
“I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“I wouldn’t have if we weren’t the only ones here. Feelin ok?”
“Yeah just was wondering what’s on your mind to have us meet at this place.”
She smiled feeling a kiss on her cheek. Violet wore the look that always came when an idea longed to burst out before it drove her mad. Clementine slowly trailed her eyes up and down as though they were meeting for the first time anew. The demure air in her posture broke the obscuring fog of Clementine’s own nerves. Her expression softened into a look of curious wonder. 
The streaks of moonlight cast across Violet’s face bent her grin toward the mysterious. She ran her thumb over Clementine’s knuckles and gestured at the ladder. 
“Come with me and you’ll find out.”
Above them the stars filled the horizon into an infinity none would ever measure. The moon aided their brightness and bathed all it touched in an ethereal glow. The ground beneath her feet shined as though she walked on a river of silver; as though she were weightless. A breeze carrying the scent of flowers and wood-smoke, of life below, rustled Violet’s hair. Clementine felt her heart thud louder. 
The bell tower had remained untouched through the years save for a few new cracks and crumbling bricks. Vines entangled a section of broken stone railing, the same as the first night they’d sat together. She dared to imagine the ghosts of their old selves caught in a roller-coaster of teenage emotions; each burning more intensely than the last into love. They stopped and leaned against the railing beside the spot. 
They were gazing at the sky when Violet spoke first; her thoughts tumbled from her like a waterfall. A part of Clementine was relieved. 
“So uh, Clem, I wanna be real honest with you. These past seven years went by so fast some days it feels like my head’s spinning keeping track. All this below us? All these people? If you’d told me before we’d be dealing with this I’d have called you crazy. Hell, if you’d told me there’d be a time where I could have nights not having to worry something would break into the school, I’d never believe it.”
She took a break to breathe and look over the dozens of smaller lights in varying buildings that stretched into the pushed back treeline. Each one signified a condensed hope and dream from those it kept warm. Their numbers lifted Violet’s spirit to continue. Clementine stood mesmerized, her eyes trained to Violet and Violet alone. It was as though each word revealed a deeper truth than the last.
“We wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for you. I know you can say it was a group effort, it’d be true, but you’re our motivation. I don’t think I’d be half the person I am today if I hadn’t met you and AJ. Point is...remember when I said once I couldn’t imagine life without you?”
“...Of course. It took me completely by surprise.”
“I still feel that way. Clem, I want you in my life till it ends someday.”
The breeze stirred into a mild wind as Clementine’s eyes widened softly. She stumbled to speak then went silent when Violet leaned closer. Her entire body pleaded a need for recognition, as if another chance would never come again.
“Marry me.”
Without hesitation Clementine pulled her into an embrace as their lips met. Her hands wandered to cup Violet’s face and not let go. They pressed together and sunk slowly to their knees. When at last they separated neither cared if anyone below had seen. Violet’s eyes shut in bliss feeling a gentle stroke on her chin and kisses peppering her face. There came a whisper on the verge of tears into her ear when Clementine hugged her tighter.
“You beat me to it you ass.”
“Heh, I can still keep you guessing.”
“Troublemaker.” came the reply with a grin.
AJ stood watching Ruby arrange bundles of wildflowers with the same care she gave all things. Though only twelve he’d nearly reached her height. He’d lost some inches shortening his hair to a buzz cut hidden beneath Clementine’s faded baseball cap. It was something he continued to be reminded of when Ruby’s motherly presence loomed so large. 
“Hey there shorty could ya give me a hand? These bouquets can get real messy.”
“Sure, but it’s Alvin Junior.”
“I know I know. Reminding me ain’t gonna help us no faster. I’ll tell Clem if you do good.” 
That made the hint of sourness in his expression bloom into an excited smile. Around them a small team of five busied themselves with the same task. They moved as Ruby directed to arrange each in a circle open only at the northern and southern sides. A myriad of colors blue, white, orange and so on occupied the center of the restored sports field. AJ sweated hoisting another bundle for the ring and nearly dropped it. Wordlessly Ruby caught it before it hit the ground and with that the last of it lay in place. 
They stepped back performing a final check several times until Ruby proved satisfied. On a clear spot amidst the flurry of activity around them (an army of chefs led by Omar; Willy’s team arranged benches) AJ rested. A sheen of sweat covered his face and exhausted eyes. The first clue he’d received for what lay ahead came when Louis slipped him a note and a wink at breakfast one morning. ‘Congrats on the new mom kid!’ he hadn’t understood what it meant; a part of him still felt he didn’t even when Clementine explained that no, weddings weren’t something you ate. 
As he felt the day’s work burn in his muscles he concluded whatever it looked like had to be worth the aches. He spotted Aasim approaching with a squirming bundle in his arms; AJ sprung to his feet. Every lecture he’d ever received on slacking echoed in his mind in unison. Aasim towered over AJ’s stature exuding an almost regal air were it not for the slight gruffness of his beard. In his shadow AJ straightened himself and stifled a laugh when a baby’s hand swatted his chin. His stare spoke of a sense of urgency matched in his baritone voice.
“Have you seen Ruby around AJ? It’ll be her turn to look after Susanna during the ceremony. Seems like that’ll start any minute now.”
“We worked on the flowers together but after that I’m not sure. Maybe she went to check on Clem and Vi-”
“The brides are ready Aasim, just had to go fetch ‘em after their fittins’.”
From behind them Ruby appeared with a blushing Clementine and Violet in tow. She pressed a kiss to Aasim’s cheek before reaching for the baby. 
“Guess everything’s ready. I’d have come sooner but we had to finish cataloging that cache of recovered books in the library.”
“It’s alright I’ve got her, you just focus on those two. Lord knows they’re eager to get started and I don’t blame ‘em.”
Susanna piped up in her mother’s arms and stretched a hand toward Clementine.
“Hey there Susie you doing ok?” Clementine cooed as she let her nose be patted.
“Looks like you’ve got a way with kids that aren’t AJ too.” 
“Well Vi she’s not Auntie Clem for nuthin’. Go on and say bye to Auntie Clem and Violet, Susanna.”
They waved in parting as Ruby left for the quickly filling crowd. Dozens well over a hundred sat chatting among themselves; more than a few stole curious glances to center stage. A hundred and so on more joined soon after. Clementine felt Violet graze her arm and gesture at a dazzled AJ. His eyes held awe that grew when Clementine pet his head. 
“Ruby told me you were a real help goofball. I appreciate it.”
“You guys...you both look amazing...”
“Thanks kid. The rest of it’ll blow your mind if you stick around and watch.”
Without needing to be told further AJ nodded and made way for the benches; he looked back only once wearing an encouraging smile. The field was bare save for its key players, and the crowd fell into silence. Aasim signaled to take places then addressed those seated with a wave of his arms. Clementine and Violet stared at one another on opposite ends of the ring; Clementine’s grin made Violet blush and stare at her feet.
“Good afternoon everyone! We’re here today to witness the ceremony of a union; one long in waiting. This couple wishes to affirm their love for one another through a promise of lifelong devotion. You may both enter the ring.”
They obeyed having eyes only for each other; it formed a safety net against the pressure of so many others upon them. Softly Violet mouthed “It’s ok.”
“We’ll begin the professions of love. Clementine you may start.”
She cleared her throat and traced over every inch of Violet, of her flowing hair and single braid that whipped up from the back of her tunic in the breeze. The blue fabric lined with white threaded patterns complimented her pale green eyes. A crown of flowers adorned her head. Every detail was memorized.
“For as long as we’ve known each other you’ve supported me; even if you took time to open up. There’re so many moments, so many close calls where I’d never have made it out if it weren’t for you. Each day makes me feel more alive than the last. Not just because of our friends, or because of all we’ve done, being able to know you’re there is enough. I dedicate this dance to your affection.”
Slowly she took a step forward then pivoted into a practiced twirl. A dance of passion sent her traveling about their arena. Sweat flew from her brow and splattered in places on her belt’s spinning tassels. One misplaced step threatened to topple her but slyly she recovered before worry could disturb Violet. 
With a grin she launched into a new phase. Her arms spun and, where able, her legs kicked. The movements blended so fluidly few could pinpoint the moment aggression gave way to softness. To even fewer it revealed its heart; a reflection of her lover’s metamorphosis. 
There were moves describing sarcastic defenses, cowardly silences, sections mapping the rush from kind words and intimate quiet. As if anew they were pulled into the haze of honest kisses, the whirlwind of lovemaking that went deep into sleepless nights. On occasion they were plunged headfirst before icy fear and protective worry that pricked to the bone. Those moments would be quickly broken by a return to memories of the warmth in living.
Almost instinctively the full result of a week’s practice strengthened its control as she neared the end. Her mind sank into an empty plane, speaking only what little remained unsaid through her rhythm. When it was done the sight of Violet brimming with tears told her everything. Wordlessly she gathered herself then bowed.
Aasim stood in entranced silence. The edges of his solemn eyes had grown misty, defying his self restraint. He gestured and caught Violet’s attention away from her thoughts.
“Feelings have been expressed that require an answer. Violet, you may give your reply.”
“I’ve heard them. Clementine you taught me it’s alright to feel; that holding everything in and running from help is what makes a coward. Choosing who I want to be in life by learning from others is a gift that takes courage. You kept trying even when I wanted to shut you out. I’d never seen anyone so dedicated. Because of you I remembered the people who care about me, away from the ghosts I wanted to chase. I dedicate this dance to your strength.”
This time the was an elegant start defined by tight turns and precise footwork. Each move linked firmly to the last and the next. Clementine’s chest tightened as she watched; her breath caught in her throat. Within the dance she felt herself be peeled back. There was the Clementine she saw herself as, steel willed and cautious, in places fragmented. It morphed to show the rare moments of worry and the storms that wracked her in anxiety. In a few moments that still churned her stomach she felt a lurking shadow of the cruelty that’d tumbled so easily from her whenever she’d been cast astray. 
Her body grew hot, her shoulders heavy before she saw the dance shift and the feeling passed. There was a return to gentleness and the power in mercy. Like glittering bubbles memories flooded her mind fresh as they days they’d been reality. She’d cried and screamed and torn her hair each time someone had been lost; yet she pressed forward hopeful. She’d witnessed distrust seize people’s eyes as they coveted rather than strive for understanding; yet never closed her ears to humanity. She’d cried awake sunken to the floor and teeth grit replaying each life she’d taken, each selfish need she’d served; yet her remorse was proof she retained a soul. 
Tears trickled down her face, and she felt not a care to stop them. The sensations of the present returned only when Violet had finished. In an instant that moved in her vision like slow motion she was embraced. Aasim’s voice grounded her beyond the sensation of Violet’s heart beating in time with her own. 
“We have witnessed them speak to each other’s deepest self. In this they have found unity, and taken hold of that which they seek for themselves in another. It is time for the final step. Let them now dance together and display the bond when two become one. Music for them, if you’d all please.”
Clementine felt Violet shift against her the crowd clapped a beat. 
“You ready?”
They took up position smiling through their flushed faces. The dance moved slow and contemplative as if longing to savor each moment. All else began to fade replaced by a rhythm that held a peaceful trance. Neither kept track of how long they swayed until Clementine said,
“Why don’t we show them what we’ve got?”
“Ready when you are partner.” Violet replied grinning.
In one motion they separated still holding on by one hand, throwing themselves into a spin that ended in a twirl. Violet laughed finding herself again in Clementine’s arms then out once more. She took her turn twirling Clementine, her eyes sparkling and heard racing. They spun holding each other then separated to link arms each facing the other’s back but continuing to lock eyes. It prefaced another separation as they spun alone only to jump back together. At this they laughed.
Violet’s vision was filled by the bright sky when Clementine dipped her then leaned close. Violet wrapped her arms around her neck and pressed their foreheads together.
“I love you.”
“Love you back.”
“Hell yeah.”
Their kiss found Clementine with hands roaming her hair but she didn’t care. A ways away the roar of the crowd filled their ears. Beside them Aasim clapped and wiped his face. He turned one last time to project his proud voice.
“I present to you all a married Clementine and Violet! May they have a happy life together.”
“That better not have jinxed anything Aasim.” Violet teased with a snicker.
“Shut it and go have fun with your wife. You guys deserve it.”
“Thanks for all this, really.”
“Keep treating her right Clem.” he replied smiling.
The after party blew quickly into a spectacle. Louis had attracted a cheerful gathering as he played pieces back to back. Clusters of people filled the admin building to the seams; further groups had piled into the school yard. The campus in its entirety lay at the heart of town from which hundreds of simple houses, storage, and shops fanned out. The multitude of guests had been guaranteed with more passing colorful banners AJ had overseen. 
A few carried weathered but functioning instruments, guitars, harmonicas, large and small drums. They formed a small band that led the tune of those dancing in the yard. A sizable banquet had been prepared from their surplus; beside Ruby chatted with Aasim while Susanna sucked on her bottle. From the balcony at the admin building’s face Clementine stood observing. Out of her regal wedding attire she nearly blended into the revelry were it not for her commanding presence. 
Any tension soon melted from her when she felt Violet’s arms around her waist. She smiled and leaned into the nuzzle against her neck. 
“How’s it feel? Thinking of anything?”
“I was wondering how things are closer to the wall and that group we sent out a day ago.”
“You mean Randy.”
“None of us can afford him screwing up. He’s been very...vocal lately. It’s giving me bad thoughts.”
“Hey none of that ok? Today’s our day to celebrate, we can worry about later when it comes.”
Clementine closed her eyes and pressed their foreheads together. 
“Where’s AJ?”
“With the other kids. Us grown ups are too intense for him right now. I don’t blame him, he seemed happy though.”
“I can think of one reason to justify that.” Clementine teased in a husky voice, her hand wandering below Violet’s waist.
“Clem not while everyone’s around.” came the reply followed by a giggle.
“Just teasing. We can go over it all later.”
“In that case you’ve got my interest.”
“Really? How about something like this to start.”
She pulled Violet closer and leaned her back against the railing. She studied the way Violet tilted her head as their lips met; saw the beauty in how her hair framed her face. Slowly she traced her fingers along her jaw, welcoming the feel of Violet grabbing a fistful of her shirt. They broke off at the whistles thrown at them from below. One glare and eye roll from Clementine silenced them. Violet chuckled. Her arms wrapped lazily around Clementine’s neck. 
“I’ll never forget today.”
“I hope not. If you ever do I’ll remind you.”
“Heheh, yeah.”
The music and chatter came to a sudden halt with a banging at the yard’s iron gates. Shocked dancers parted a pathway for a team in neat ranks, their boots marching in step. A man with a thick trimmed beard and thicker hair led them and adjusted the grip of his spear. It had a long curved edge akin to a beast fang and tassels that jiggled in time with the pistol on his belt. The well kept armor he wore, decorated in the motif of a cougar as his rank allowed, enhanced his bulk. His burly arms were defined by gnarled scars that betrayed his continued Old World hobby of rigorous exercise. 
He signaled a stop by raising his fist and was immediately obeyed. His beady eyes stared at Clementine without faltering. She read the challenge within them clearly and stood stiff backed,unwavering. From the crowd she felt multitudes looking to her in surprise that yielded to fear. Beside her Violet’s expression hardened and simmered with open disgust. The man spoke, his voice embed by a natural cunning.
“We’ve returned from our expedition with a generous offering from the community to the west.”
“Welcome back, I trust everything went well along with it.”
“Yes, yes of course. Nice to see we’ve been missed.” he said letting a sarcastic bite slip into his tone as he looked around.
“C’mon Randy we can talk about this anywhere but in front of everyone. There’s no need to put on some kind of show.” Violet added. 
His eyes studied her in frayed patience then flit back to Clementine. He made a gesture and his group dispersed.
“Sure I can be civil and play house with those wearing the big pants. Let’s have a private chat.”
He disappeared into the admin building. Clementine sighed deeply and let herself slacken. Tenderly Violet touched her hand, she took it without hesitation. She stared into the sky gathering herself until at last all her courage was summoned. With a nod she followed Violet’s lead into her office, something more animal than man fast approaching.
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Finally Meeting You
description:  May I request a scenario where Kenma and his s/o only know each other from the Internet (they play video games together and grew close) and the scenario is when they meet for the first time after being internet friends for like a year or two?
requested: yes! This was a fun and sweet request! I enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoy reading it! since there were no specifications, reader is female pronouns~Admin Crow
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‘...Do you maybe want to meet up? In real life this time?’  
Kenma stared at the screen, really? You wanted to actually meet him? In real life Kenma? It’s been almost two years since you first met playing an online game. At first it started off as an irritating co-player who somehow always managed to be one step ahead of him. He thought it was some kid out to show off his skills and be cocky. 
But the first time he heard high pitch laughter and the ‘suck it nerds I beat you all fair and square!’ he knew it was something that would change his life forever. Not that anyone would be able to tell outwardly. It just meant that he started leaving after practice earlier than normal, all the time hoping when he turned on his game, that familiar username would have the little green online icon next to it. 
And thus began a weekly routine. Sometimes it was multiple times a week, others maybe once or twice. Depending on the schedule. You found out a lot about each other, each of you having more confidence hiding behind a screen and username. Eventually you at least shared first names and got to know things about each other you wouldn’t typically share with someone you have never met in person before. But it was different with you two. Everything just seemed to click. 
Which made Kenma only hesitate more. Not that he really cared that much, but he was curious what you would think of him if you saw him in real life. He was honest with you about anything you wanted to know about him, so It isn’t like he told you he was some 6 ft tall attractive guy. But who knew what kind of impression you made of him in your mind? What if he wasn’t what you were imagining? I guess the only way to find out was to agree to meet up and see what happened.
Sure. That sounds like a good idea. 
Kenma replied back, hoping he wasn’t making a mistake by agreeing to go beyond the tv screen and mixing his online gaming life with the reality of real life. 
You were nervous. It was obvious by the way you fiddled with the hem of your favorite f/c dress. It was simple enough, yet cute. So you wouldn’t come across as trying too hard. Besides, the converse shoes you were wearing that you had drawn on and colored different gaming characters from your favorite games definitely offset the ‘trying too hard’ look. You were comfortable, so why the hell were you so nervous?
Checking the time on your phone once again you saw it read 1:26pm. Four  minutes. You were supposed to meet him in four minutes. Was he already here? Was he running late? Forcing yourself to take a deep breath to calm your nerves, you slapped your cheeks. What are you so nervous about? This is Kenma! The same guy you’ve talked to almost every other day for the past year, almost two years! You already new him, you were really close! Maybe having a crush on the guy made it a little more nerve wracking; but still, this should be a piece of cake. 
Sitting on a bench not that far away from where you were currently standing, Kenma was in a similar state. Unsure if he should have agreed to this. He was surrounded by people he didn’t know. He had arrived an hour earlier, and was playing his game on his portable device to pass the time. To also distract him from the most nerve wracking meeting of his life. 
From the peripheral of his gaming device, Kenma saw a pair of colorful converse shoes standing in front of him. On the top of the left one he noticed a character from the game he played with you...it was a picture of his....avatar character? 
Looking up slowly, he took in the simple f/c dress attached to the funky looking shoes and looked up into the eyes of a girl; her h/c locks up in simple ponytail, a curious look in said e/c orbs. 
It was her!- uh you! Nodding shortly, he put down his game and stood up, not making eye contact. Hoping to hide the slight blush he could feel growing on his cheeks. You were so much prettier than he had imagined. 
“You are exactly how I imagined you would be! Pudding head and everything!” you said giggling. The fact that he was exactly as you pictured, suddenly had your nerves at ease. Except for the butterflies that still flew around in your stomach. 
“uh-yeah. That’s good. You’re pretty much as I imagined you as well...” he wouldn’t dare admit he thought you were cuter though. 
Smiling at how adorable the blushing boy was, you spoke first “There’s a cat cafe down the street from here...they have an arcade area too, want to go check it out?” you asked.
Interest suddenly increasing, Kenma looked up at you smiling slightly. “That sounds like a great idea to me.”
Walking side by side, you smiled to yourself. This was a great idea. “Hey Kenma. I bet I’ll beat you in the racing game!”
“No you won’t.”
“Will too!”
“...will not.” 
The cafe’s owner knew that she had two new special regulars walking into her shop the day a cute pony tailed girl in a dress and converse shoes, and a quiet pudding headed local volleyball player, came speed walking into her cafe bee-lining it to the racing game in the back of her shop. From that day on, and almost every day after that she watched those two grow closer and closer together. Very special indeed, that was confirmed on the day they came into the shop hand in hand, still set on beating each other, or tag teaming other players that entered her cafe. No one ever stood a chance against those two, and that seemed to be how they liked it.    
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pleasurextreasure · 6 years
❜Ring of love
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genre: boxer jaehyun! x reader
word count: 2.3k 
warnings: none 
a/n: I don’t know where i was going with this my only motive was my war with kiki. Also why is this so long➶admin lele
Following your brother and his friends in the middle of the night probably wasn’t the best idea, but your ideas weren’t exactly the best either. Your brother had been leaving the house every friday night at midnight and wouldn’t come back until dawn, and you being curious what he was doing you decided to follow him.
His friends walked in a clump along the sidewalk talking loudly about things you didn’t pay enough attention to care about as you tried to make your footsteps fall in sync with theirs to be unnoticed. Following them as they turned into an alleyway you pressed your jacket closer towards you, having a bad feeling about what they could possibly be doing.
Still continuing to follow them, you watched them open the door as you stood a good five feet from them and waited until they all entered the door. While taking a deep breath you followed them by opening the rusty door and was met with a dark entryway.
The only source of light to be seen was the light from downstairs where a bunch of voices could be heard to be shouting various things. Skeptically you stepped down the stairs until you were able to see a crowd of people with bottle of various liquor in their hands.
Following their attention your eyes were brought towards the boxing ring that stood in the middle, with two men standing on opposite sides of the ring. Your eyes scanned over them as they had no gloves, nor proper attire. Putting the pieces together you soon realized that you’re witnessing underground boxing, which made you sigh at your brother and his choice of activities.
Hearing the door at the top opening, you decided to move down the stairs towards the crowd. Your eyes scanned the crowd to realize you were one of the only girls to be wondering around the room.
Your attention was caught by a whistle and the cheers of the crowd as the two men moved closer to each other both having their hands near their face in a defensive stance. Your heart seemed to drop when the taller boy threw a punch, and hit the other one in the stomach. The man didn’t even seem to react as he counterpunched the man which caused the taller one to stumble backwards.
The crowd cheered with shouts of the name ‘Jaehyun’ as your eyes couldn’t take themselves off of the shorter boy. His brown hair stuck to his face and his eyes were filled with determination, as his muscles clenched with every punch he threw.
Your eyes followed his every move and didn’t even realize your hood flying off your head as you were too immersed in the match. The one you assumed was Jaehyun didn’t even look tired as the taller one was throwing punches as he blocked all of them.
“Y/n.” You heard your name being shouted over the yelling of the crowd, and you weren’t the only one to hear your name being called.
While your attention was on your fuming brother you didn’t notice Jaehyun’s attention being grabbed by the familiar name. His eyes followed throw the crowd to be met with a girl and her black jacket she was using to cover her face with.
This was a bad decision on his part as he lost his focus on his opponent which caused him to  get a sucker punch right to the head, leading him to fall to the ground due to the illegal punch. Instead of playing fair the taller opponent decided it was a good idea to give him one more punch while he was down putting him into unconsciousness.
Your eyes never left the ring even when your brother was now by your side trying to yell at you in which you didn't listen to him. Your focus was on the boy who was now on the ground while the crowd cheered as if this was something to be proud of. Disgust overthrew you as you didn’t see anyone worrying over the boy on the ground but instead cheering on the boy who had his arms raised in victory.
Pushing through people you made your way to the front as you noticed the boys friend lightly slapping his face to see if he was awake. Your heart ached when the boy was carried out of the ring by people who didn’t seem much older than him.
You were soon dragged away by your brother as his friends followed him up the stairs. Your attention was focused on catching a glimpse of Jaehyun who had to get carried out as you tripped over the stairs. Your knee banging into the wood caused your brother to stop pulling you and stand there as he watched your face contort in pain.
Standing up you attempted to push past his friends as they blocked your from going back down the stairs. Having your arm pulled up the stairs again you were now out the door and in the alleyway.
“What are you doing here?” He asked you as his friends crowded around you making you groan in annoyance.
“Did you not just see him get knocked out?” You questioned as no one seemed affected by it.
“Go home.” He said as he tugged your arm towards the sidewalk.
“What’s his name?” You questioned as your brother pulled you not answering your question.
“Go home.” He repeated as his friends were now discussing the fight and wondering what made the champion boxer distracted.
You stood there you arms crossed in a toddler like manner as you stood unmoving. His irritation was growing but you didn’t want to listen to him as you stood listening to the conversation of his friends.
“I said go home.” He now yelled causing silence to take over his friends as they watched his back have tension that was filled with anger.
Not wanting to cause more of a scene you decided to follow what he was saying, as you walked down the street towards your house. You decided this wouldn’t be the last time you’d be going there.
Now it was a Tuesday night and your brother was now sleeping on the couch as you made your way to the door. Your hands gripped the handle and turned it quietly while leaving the house and headed towards the street.
After ten minutes of walking you into the alleyway to see it was as dark as last time as you slipped into the door. Walking down the stairs you placed your hood on your head once again and made your way through the slightly less packed crowd. Your eyes scanned the two boxers and didn’t recognize them, since they weren’t the same from last time.
Watching punch after punch, you watched them and the crowd’s reaction towards the pair. Relief washed over you as Jaehyun wasn’t in the ring again but your mind was wondering if he was okay.
“Who are you rooting for?” A voice asked making you turned your head to see brown eyes that were once filled with rage.
He wore a black sleeveless hoodie that gave you a good view of his arms as the hood was placed on top of his head. His hair was now fluffy rather than dripping with sweat, and your eyes traveled to his bandaged hands.
“Are you alright?” You asked as you noticed his stance shift while he put more weight on one foot.
“Come on i’ll walk you home.” He said as he led you up the stairs but this time you agreed.
As you stepped out into the alleyway your converse was filled with water as a puddle had been formed from the pouring rain that started. Your glanced back at Jaehyun who gave you a nod to continue walking as you walked into the street.
Your jacket soaked and jeans sticking to you, he pulled you into a small convenience store. Walking around you headed into the candy section and began looking at what you should get as you waited for the rain to calm down.
“No one tried to steal from you again right?” Jaehyun scared you as he now stood behind you.
Your eyes scrunched in confusion as you looked back at him for a second trying to comprehend what he was asking you. Your mind was scrambling to recollect your thoughts until a memory of two weeks ago creeped into your mind.
You were coming home late from your shift at the grocery store, as a man came up to you with a knife telling you to give him your purse. Only the man was unsuccessful as Jaehyun came to your rescue and punched the man causing him to fall towards the floor.
“I thought I recognized you.” Telling him shocked as he responded with a husky laugh making your heart flutter.
“How come you came to my match the other night? Were you secretly stalking me?” He teased you as you explained you followed your brother.
“So why were you there today?” He questioned as you stuttered to find a response.
You didn’t really have a reason for being there today all you knew was that, for some reason you were drawn back there. You assumed the real reason was to check on Jaehyun if he was okay after being punched into unconsciousness.
“In all honesty I wanted to see if you were alright?” You spoke shyly making him smile as you both headed towards the counter.
“What caused you to be distracted?” You asked as you both sat at a table in the corner of the shop.
Jaehyun fiddled with his drink swirling it back and forth between his hand, feeling the weight go from one side to another. Glancing up at you he watched you place a gummy bear in your mouth, making him smile slightly.
“Your name.” He said making you choke on the gummy bear and held a hand up to him for him to wait for a response,
“What do you mean my name?” You finally spit out.
“I thought you were in trouble again.” He said while taking a sip out of his drink.
“How did you know it was me.” You asked, now losing the want for candy you hand earlier.
“I saw you.” He stated simply making you stop questioning him and just stare at him.
“It looks like the rain stopped.” You said changing the subject while standing up making him follow you.
Walking down the streets you noticed a group of guys standing around while someone was throwing punches at another person. Jaehyun seemed to notice before you as he crossed the street heading right towards the crowd. Following him you saw how he pushed the boys that were in a circle away and pulled the boy off of another.
“Who do you think you are?” The boy asked as you noticed the school uniform jacket he was wearing with the streetlight.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Jaehyun asked as he pulled the beaten boy up and told him to go home as the boy stumbled while running away.
Instead of the boy answering back he decided to throw a punch at Jaehyun, which only caused a Jaehyun to be angry and have a busted lip. Jaehyun throwing a punch bak caused the boy to be thrown to the floor as the other stared in shock as their leader was now on the floor.
“Don’t let me see you do that again.” Jaehyun said as he lifted the boy up by his jacket collar before throwing him back to his group of friends.
Stopping in front of your house Jaehyun watched as you worriedly kept looking at him making him chuckle. Your hand grabbed at his as you pulled him into your house taking him by surprise.
“You have to be quiet.” You said to him as he nodded and followed you into the bathroom.
Opening up the bottom cabinet you grabbed a first aid kit and wiped his mouth with some alcohol, as he winced and grabbed your wrist making you stop. Stepping down from your tippy-toes you looked at him as he smiled at you.
“I’m fine.” He said while staring down at you.
“You just got punched.” You stated as he shook his head.
“I was also unconscious last week.” He said making you fightback that it proves your point.
“Listen you really worry me, and I barely know you.” You said as he shook his head.
“You worry me too.” He said as he helped you put everything away.
Leading him back into the kitchen, you lead him towards the fridge to give him a glass of water. As you were handing it to him you noticed your brother’s sleepy figure walk into the kitchen making your eyes open widely.
He stopped as he noticed the figure of a man and your baffled expression and coughed making the man turn around. Seeing the face of Jaehyun he was confused as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Jaehyun what are you doing here?” He asked as Jaehyun smiled at him.
“I was walking your sister home Jonathan.” He said with a teasing tone as Johnny groaned.
“You were out?” Johnny said confused as he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes.
“She was at the ring.” Jaehyun confirmed making you want to cuss him out.
“Why were you there?” Johnny interrogated as he walked closer towards you.
You were at loss for words not knowing how to tell Johnny you were trying to see if Jaehyun was okay. You were also trying to wrap your head around the fact of the two knowing each other.
“I wanted to check if Jaehyun was okay.” You muttered.
“You’ll be seeing a lot more of me more often, there’s no need to go to the ring now.” Jaehyun said with a wink earning him a slap on the back from Johnny.  
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The Pretty Boy & The Princess (Part 2)
Billy Hargrove x Reader
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@kaitlinlexiexx 😘
Part 1 here 💕
Warnings: Fluff. Slight mentions of smut.
A/N: Loved writing this. It was nice having Billy a bit more grown up and mature. Hope you guys like it and please let me know what you think!
She was sat next to Daisy only two nights later in The Lampshade, gin in hand and head in the clouds. The bass beat and hum of chatter filled her ears but she could barely hear it. She hadn’t been able to shake Billy from her mind for the last 48 hours, it was like he’d consumed her. He’d gotten under her skin with that damn nickname and she couldn’t stop imagining the way his fingers explored her body, his touch still burned across her skin. She sighed as she remembered the filthy things he whispered in her ear when she was so far gone she could barely focus on anything but his voice.
“Hellooo earth to Y/N?!” Daisy was waving her hand in front of her face causing Y/N to recoil from the shock.
“Oh shit sorry, miles away.” Hoping Daisy couldn’t see the slight colour rising to her cheeks.
“Yeah I noticed. You didn’t hear anything I just said did you?” Raising an eyebrow at her friends ignorance.
“Yeah something about your ex texting you? Which one, dickhead number one or two?” A nervous laugh escaped her lips as she pretended she’d heard everything.
“Like two conversations ago lovely. Nice try though.” Daisy squeezed her shoulder, her affectionate squeeze, saved only for Y/N. “What’s going on sweets?”
She took a deep breath, placed her drink on the table and stared down at her fiddling fingers, “It’s that guy.”
“The guy you told me about from the other night?” Daisy encouraged.
“Yeah. Like, I mean, he... Arrghh.” She threw her head backwards then desperately looked over at Daisy. “Help me.”
“Stop giving me that pouty face.” She smiled. “I know you said he was good but if he’s made this impression hun he must of done something right?”
“Jesus Christ Daisy, he was incredible, I get goosebumps just thinking about it.” She started shaking her head to herself. “Oh god, I feel like a stupid school girl with a crush.”
Daisy’s eyebrows raised at her friend’s words, she’d never seen her like this over a guy, Y/N didn’t get crushes never mind admit them.
“Look Y/N, it’s not a crime to like a boy, Jesus I’ve had my fair share. If he’s a decent guy and the sex is great then no worries. Maybe it’s time you see what happens the morning after rather than skipping out before he wakes up.” Daisy executed her words carefully, knowing that Y/N hadn’t known any other way since high school.
“Thanks babe. It’s fine though, maybe I’ll never see him again, problem solved right.” She said it but her voice increased in pitch towards the end proving that she didn’t even want to believe that herself.
As if summoned, Daisy spied a hottie strutting through the spot like he owned it, he was demanding attention without even trying. This had to be Y/N’s guy.
“Erm, babe?” She started.
“Hm?” Y/N brought her gaze from her daydream to Daisy.
“Is that your fancyman by any chance?” She pointed towards the bar where Ali had just taken his order.
Her head whipped around to see Billy looking just as stunning as he had two nights ago. “For fucks sake!” She more said to her own increasing heart rate.
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from how his blond curls sat a mess on the top of his head, or from his arse in those jeans (was he trying to give her a heart attack). All too soon he was turning around and before she could feign ignorance to his arrival, his eyes scanned the room and locked with hers.
That smile was unmistakable, and she felt the heat rising in her cheeks making her break the stare, flustered, “Shit shit shit.”
“Oh honey he’s making his way over. I give you props though girl, he is fine!” Daisy laughed at the look of horror on her face as she kept her back to the direction Billy was currently walking in.
She took a deep breath, told herself she could do this, he’s just another guy; it doesn’t matter how good his lips felt on her neck and breasts, how he made her toes curl involuntary into the mattress and fingernails grab onto any part of him she could as her world fell apart...
“Scooch up Princess.” His gravelly voice appeared behind her and she only half reluctantly moved closer to Daisy in their circular booth.
He sat within an inch of her, not quite brushing knees but allowing the electricity to fill that gap instead.
“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting, I’m Billy.” He reach over to shake Daisy’s hand, which she all to happily lapped up.
“Oh believe me, I’ve heard all about you.” She winked as she accepted his hand across Y/N, who’s eyes widened at her silently trying to shut her up.
“Really?" His eyebrows raised in Y/N's direction, "All good things I hope.” Billy’s arrogance shining through.
"Don't bet on it pretty boy." She found her confidence to rival his pride.
“Y/N.” He smiled, holding his hand towards her.
“Billy.” She forced a smile his way and took his hand. He held on for a second longer, running his thumb across her knuckles as he delayed letting go.
"So, Billy, what brings you to San Diego?" If there's one thing Y/N could count on Daisy for, it was her skill as a social butterfly and at this moment Y/N had never been more grateful for it.
"Well I'm actually originally from here but I've been away for a while. You know the story, parents want to move away and you're only 17 so technically have to go with them." He rolled his eyes as he casually explained and sipped his whiskey, "California is my home, so as soon as I turned 18 and graduated I packed up my car and left Indiana. I've been on the road since and only just settled back here about a month ago."
Y/N found her heartbeat steadily returning to normal as she listened to him talk about his life. There was something about the husk in his voice that calmed her.
"But what about the family you've left? Do you still speak to them?" Y/N asked without thinking, and noticed a dark shadow pass over his eyes as his head dipped slightly and he let out a sigh. "Shit sorry. You don't have to answer that if you don't want, I don't know why I asked." She trailed off under his gaze, cursing herself.
The sparkle in his eyes returned as he noticed the blush creep across her cheeks.
"It's okay Princess, not my Dad and step Mom no, they were both dicks. But I still check in with my step sister, make sure she's doing okay."
"Ohh you're a secret sweetheart under all the badass denim and leather aren't you!" Daisy winked at him again under the glare of Y/N.
He let out a low chuckle shaking his head, "I'm not sure about that. But what about you Princess, what's your story?" And his gaze returned to Y/N as he subtly placed his hand on her thigh. She wasn't going to lie it felt good as he slowly caressed his thumb across her knee. It was sending shivers down her spine and heat to her core, her breath faltered right before she started talking and Billy loved the way he could affect her so easily.
"Similar I guess. I didn't get along with my parents, I wanted to live in California, they didn't. So I moved from Seattle down the coast when I graduated. I met Daisy when I got a job in the same admin office and we've been inseparable since." She threw a bright smile over at her best friend who returned her own.
"Damn right. However not so inseparable now hun, I spy that hottie from the other night. So I'll love you leave you. Catch you later babe." Daisy leaned over to kiss her stunned cheek and then nodded at Billy, who she could have sworn winked back. Y/N scanned the bar as Daisy left them and couldn't see any sign of the tall blond surfer that Daisy hooked up with. That bitch she laughed to herself.
"Something funny?" Billy questioned, his grip on her leg briefly tightened, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips.
She glanced from them to his eyes and shook her head, "No. I want you to tell me about your road trip after you left high school." She placed her hand over his, copying the movements of his thumb with her own across his knuckles and tracing the shape of his rings with her fingertips.
Brown eyes locked with blue ones and Billy scooted closer so their legs banged together and he cupped her face with his free hand to bring her lips to his. She couldn't even deny it, she knew she would never deny him.
His kiss was different this time, there was no urgency, it was calm and calculated and gentle. His lips were surprisingly soft and she loved the contrast of his stubble scratching her chin as his tongue playfully danced across her bottom lip.
He broke away not being able to hide his smile any longer, especially when he saw her flushed cheeks and heard her uneven breaths. His hand was now gripped in hers and she noticed he still couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he started to describe the places he'd been and everything he'd seen in the last five years between Indiana and California; as though he hadn't just taken her breath away.
He'd picked up jobs where he could as he went along, saving like a trooper and only spending his money on food, gas and the odd motel room. So by the time he arrived back in San Diego he had work experience and enough money to buy his little apartment. He'd also bagged himself a permanent job at the garage just down the road, as he found out on his travels that he was a pretty good mechanic.
Y/N was impressed. She became so lost in him she didn't even realise the hours passing as they talked and laughed. She did however notice that he wouldn't talk much about before he left Indiana, or his family, but she guessed that was a harder story for him to tell.
Billy was mesmerised by her, she paid full attention to him and he found himself animated as he relived his adventure. He was making her laugh and couldn't help but stare as the corners of her mouth curved upwards, causing her nose to scrunch up and the most adorable dimples to appear on her cheeks.
He was initially drawn to her sexy bad girl attitude, but felt himself being captured by her sweet charm and the way he could break through the tough act to make her blush.
"Okay Princess, your turn." He had just returned from the bar with more drinks and as he sat down he shifted to lean against the back of the booth so his whole body was facing her and his free fingertips could graze her thigh while she spoke.
She gave him a sceptical look, "I don't think I'm ready to give up my secrets yet pretty boy." Her teasing was back and he feigned a look of shock.
"I've just spilled my heart out to you and you won't even tell me one secret?! Princess please." He worked to keep his face straight.
"Hmm as much I like to hear you beg for a change, don't think I haven't figured out what's going on here." She motioned the two of them and continued when he looked at her questioningly. "This has turned into a date. And I know Daisy was somehow involved." She was adamant.
"Well Princess I never said anything about a date but if you wanna call it that I'm not going to disagree." Unfortunately the smug smile across his face made her smile return, so she couldn't keep up her annoyed facade.
She playfully batted his arm away as he was still exploring the denim along her leg. "It's not a date."
"Okay, okay," He answered defeated, "We could always have another one night stand. I'd be down for that." He whispered, edging closer to her.
"Oh I know you would." She placed a hand on his chest stopping him in his tracks. "I'll think about it." She shrugged.
"You know I'm right. I bet you haven't stopped thinking about our night together have you, baby girl." He growled the last two words the way he had countless times when she was underneath his body in his bed.
The embers started to glow in her stomach at the sound and she was drunk on his scent of whiskey and aftershave.
"Hmm," She leaned forward and wound her fingers through his hair to pull him towards her, though he didn't need much persuasion. Her lips were ever so slightly brushing his but he restrained, letting her have the control, "And so what if I have?"
Her hot breath against his lips nearly made him cave, her teasing paired with her close proximity was turning him on and he could barely think straight. This girl was made for him.
"Take me home Princess, and I'll take you on a proper date." He tried to strike an agreement, not letting her eyes leave his.
She finally pressed her warm lips to his, giving in to her urges as his hands climbed high up her thighs. Thankfully the place was heaving with intoxicated party goers, so no one was paying attention to the handsy couple in the dark booth.
"Deal." She breathed as she pulled away and he pulled her up.
She felt like a teenager again from the lustful look that crossed Billy's face, the beating of her heart against her ribcage and the giggle that escaped her mouth, as he once again fitted his fingers through hers and they ran out of the bar and into the night.
Thanks again for the requests guys, I’m working through them. Please let me know what you think. Lots of love. Mwahh ♥
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vvitcheshq · 6 years
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below the cut, you will find a complete list of all of the accepted characters! we had an incredible time reading all of the amazing applications you all sent in, and of course, we wish we could have accepted every single one of them! you are all so creative, and such talented writers, these applications really were incredible to read, and we can’t wait to see the amazing things you all bring to this group.
you may notice, beyond the cut, that there are more accepted characters than there were skeletons applied for -- some of the decisions we had to make were so difficult that, where characters were different enough to allow, we accepted a few extra characters under two new skeletons: IVY ( endurance ) and POPPY ( dreams ). If we could have done this for every skeleton with multiple apps, we would have, but our decisions were based on faceclaims, general personalities and backstory similarity, and adherence to the original skeleton to ensure that we didn’t end up with any characters too similar to one another. 
for those of you who weren’t accepted there are still a few open skeletons -- ANEMONE, ELDERFLOWER, and LARKSPUR -- and we’re considering the possibility of opening up a few new skeletons once things settle down on the main and the group is properly open, so we would absolutely love to have you reapply, if you’re interested. we’ll set a second acceptance date soon, so let us know how long you’ll need to write a new application if you’re planning to reapply!
for those of you who were accepted, at the bottom of the post you’ll find a link to the accepted page, which will give you a checklist of what to do now! we can’t wait to write with you!
ASPEN -- congratulations, Kay! you have been accepted as Reina Takahashi ( Asami Zdrenka FC ). What struck me first, in reading your all, was the way the style of your prose so perfectly echoed Reina’s uncertainty and anxiety, the questions and the what-ifs. I was also so taken in by your metaphor of Reina approaching magic like a game of Minecraft, “All you’re doing is rendering an enormous amount of land— but what are you doing with it?” -- I can feel and understand the way Reina sees the world so clearly from your application, and I think she’s absolutely perfect for Aspen!
But how many times had she gone sleepless, awake at night while the rest of the coven was fast asleep as dusk turned to dawn? How many times had she spent so much time fretting that she decided to drop a decision altogether? Action was better than inaction, they say, but the what-ifs always ate away at her, until sometimes all she could do was let the idea rest.
FOXGLOVE -- congratulations, V! you have been accepted as Claudia Nguyen ( Lana Condor FC ). The decision for Foxglove was one of the hardest we made, but it came down to the specificity of detail in your app -- her ice skating, her connection to the world of witches through her friend, the way she attempts to feel content with the idea of never having magic... I just kept loving Claudia more and more as the app went on. I think she’s absolutely wonderful, and I can’t wait to write with her!
Her powers were weak, underdeveloped, hard to understand, and almost vague. Claudia heard someone whispering in the halls in her first weeks, wondering if she was a mistake, if her patron regretted their choice yet. Claudia kept her chin up, telling herself to just work harder. But she wasn’t a part of this world, she’d been raised with money and rules and snowflakes, not spells and incantations and rituals.
HEATHER -- congratulations, Emm! you have been accepted as Dera Helene Whelan ( Josefine Frida Pettersen FC ). Emm, both your apps were absolutely fantastic, and picking between the two was agony, but ultimately we felt more passion in your app for Dera, which tipped the scales her way. Dera’s family connection to the coven that raised her, her troubling and fascinating relationship with her patron, and the way her loss informs her coldness to the world were absolutely incredible and we can’t wait to see where you take Dera in the group! 
Knowing this made the grieving process easier for Dera - she was comforted in knowing that her mother and father could be visited in a summer breeze, the crash of waves, the rustling of leaves. Yet, she still felt like a large part of her was tangled up in a locked treasure chest somewhere, an emptiness that she learned to fill with a growing thirst for knowledge, for protection, for distance. She didn’t want to feel anymore, at least not in the way that she was now so used to feeling.
HOLLYHOCK -- congratulations, Shannon! you have been accepted as Felix Dumont ( Chance Perdomo FC ). Maybe I’m biased because Hollyhock was my favorite of the skeletons, but I am absolutely head over heels in love with Felix. Their reluctant acceptances of a patron who was so much different from what they expected, and their subsequent whole-hearted acceptance of her and of fortune magic is so incredible, and I absolutely love Zoraida as well. I can’t wait to see Felix butting heads with some of the other witches we have in play, and I can’t wait to see what you do with them!
Like other witches Felix hadn’t thought much of the ancient discipline, that was until they saw the true power that lay within its workings. Magic had given Felix something they’d never had before- a future, a way to gain control of the life that was finally becoming their own. Now with the magic of foretelling the future in their hands, they are determined to use it to their full advantage, and to help carve out a new age for the discipline that has become so wholly their own. 
HYACINTH-- congratulations, Kal! you have been accepted as Aria Hadley ( Stella Maeve FC ). This app... Kal, I am shook. You apologized for length in your bio but there was absolutely no need, because by the end you absolutely still had me wanting more. When I thought about possibilities for Hyacinth’s mistake, I summoned a demon by accident and got my best friend killed was not what I had anticipated and yet, it was the exact right thing to pick. It’s so clear from your decisions that you’re really engaged with the worldbuilding work that we have done as admins, and I can’t wait to see that translate to your threads in the group! I also loved Aria’s family background so much, and I’m fascinated to see where her plots go and how she’ll relate to some of the other characters! 
Magic ruins people. The words rang in her head as the investigation continued, everyone in the school eyeing her suspiciously and wanting her to leave. When she closed her eyes, she swore she saw glimpses of the attack and she could hear her friend’s screams, but they were blurs, nothing substantial and definitely not enough to put together what happened that night. After a while, she thought it best that she couldn’t remember.
HYSSOP -- congratulations, Emily! you have been accepted as Abigail Sparrow ( Jessica Henwick FC ). Every single word of your bio for Abigail was stunning, it literally brought me to tears. Abigail’s loss is so haunting, and her determination to replace her sister is so heartbreaking... it left me absolutely speechless. I loved her unexpected choice in discipline, the way she envies the chaos students and wants so desperately to fill the hole inside of her. And her patron is so fabulous, too! I can’t wait to see who she becomes in the absence of her sister’s ghost, and what might happen if she sees her again!
One night, in half-delirium, she turned to you with a vacant smile. Will the spirits be kind to me when I go? You didn’t tell her you gave up on them. You didn’t tell her that their haunting had begun to haunt you, that you couldn’t bear to watch her become one of them. Instead, you lied. A small sin for a greater comfort. Yes. You whispered, tears spilling down your cheek.
You fiddled with the dates on the calendar, persuaded Gabrielle you were fourteen a day early. You just wanted one more birthday together.
IVY-- congratulations, Yara! you have been accepted as River Quinn ( Emma Dumont/Ezra Miller FC ). Yara, we loved your application so much we just couldn’t possibly reject it. River is the entire reason we decided to add more skeletons, she’s just that good. I found myself aching for his as I read his backstory, and on top of that, you know I adore both the idea of using two fcs to play a genderfluid character and both of the fantastic fcs you chose. I can’t wait to see her humor in play, as well as her vindictiveness -- and, of course, as is clear from the new skeleton we chose to represent him -- the endurance that has gotten him through this much in life and will take him so much farther!
river quinn was born again at 15 years old. life as an uphill battle, temptation in the desert. they struggle and they grow into something more, they learn how to hide. be seen, not heard, be admirable and lovely and easy to ignore. they were raised with love, but they were raised to be something cruel as well, and they win their approval in any way they can. but every manipulative golden god falls in the end, don’t they? it isn’t river’s parents who decide enough is enough with their new messiah, but river knows the decision is made because soft hearted people can only watch children go through so much.
LAVENDER -- congratulations, Roz! you have been accepted as Nico di Salvatore ( Luke Pasqualino FC ). Nico was the first app we received, and we’ve been longing to accept him every single day since. He’s stunning, I love the way you really wrapped him up in his obsession with magic so fully, from the way he treats his own body -- wanting to escape it when it limits him -- to the way he relies on it for everything. I love his fasciation with technical magic, his big goals in terms of the kinds of magic he wants to do, and I love, love, love his “familiar” Sparrow and his fantastic patron. I’m so excited to see where he goes!
Between his major and minor, Nico didn’t pay enough attention to the traditional routes of summoning a familiar to properly conjure one. He has, however, cobbled together what he calls a sort of familiar: a computer program, binary and magic folded together, housed in the casing of a little mechanical bird. Sparrow, as he named it, acts as his eyes (and ears, if he wants to eavesdrop on juicy gossip). And though she might not be a true spirit familiar, capable of real intelligence, Nico is nonetheless as attached to her as other witches are to their proper familiars.
LOBELIA -- congratulations, Em! you have been accepted as Theodora Summerfield ( Anya Taylor-Joy FC ). Firstly, I am in awe of the beauty of your writing. Every part of your bio ( a five act play through which a girl is written & a witch is made) was absolutely stunning. And on top of that, Theodora is thoroughly fascinating -- her decision to run away from the family that couldn’t stop hurting her, and the feeling of violation and despair at understanding what social magic is and what Violet has done, the way she decides on protection magic to keep her safe from all the ways she’s been hurt and manipulated throughout her life... I love the way her cruelty is born out of pain and fear and the need to protect herself. I can’t wait to see how she grows and changes in the group! 
She finds you, again and again as fall fades into winter and winter snaps cold, offers you little pieces of help that you know better than to decline. You don’t understand why you trust her, really you don’t, but you can’t shake the feeling. It’s like magic, the way she’s wormed her way where you’ve allowed no one and it sets you on edge.
MARIGOLD -- congratulations, Zack! you have been accepted as Lucien Yates ( Keith Powers FC ). We’re so glad you got the time to finish your application, because Lucien is so wonderful. His closeness with his coven, his found family, and the way that closeness and their care for him makes his loss so much worse was so heartbreaking, and the way he was so light and so steadfast before it happened makes it even worse. That being said, I know you want to explore his darkness, and I can’t wait to see what you do with it and how loss and grief are going to shape him, and I know that my co-admin is so excited for your wanted plot with Dahlia as well!
Her death was a wave of a darkness that engulfed your light, causing every inch of you to be drained of what made you special. A drought choked at your senses for months afterwards, your spells became erratic, your grades slipped, while your tongue sharpened with new words that were painted with anger. Your father lied about the greatest witches pulling from pain, as if grief was a conductor of power. Perhaps your sorrow was suppose to add grace to your magic, twisting pain that forced tears from your eyes ever night were fuel to a greater strength. Bullshit! Since if that was true, there should be a hurricane revolting in your bones, a maelstrom of power, however you are a drizzle of a boy.
NARCISSUS -- congratulations, Charlie! you have been accepted as Leila Katerina Alvarez-Finch ( Melissa Barrera FC ). We were so glad to see that Leila was your first choice, because she was absolutely ours! I love the fire you’ve captured within them, but also their connection to the human world, and the difficult decision they made in choosing one over the other, in sacrificing what they’d worked so hard for to pick Aradia instead. I think she’s absolutely lovely, and with all the characters in the group who have experienced loss of a loved one, and who have dabbled with necromancy, I can’t wait to see what you make of their necromancer patron! 
She had been alone when time had seemed to stop, the chatter around her dying down into a quiet murmur. Everything thing had seemed to slow down to nothing…except for the man who had sat down beside her at the pool. His feet didn’t cause even a ripple when they entered the water. The liquid growing cold around her own feet as a icy breeze radiated from the man.
“I like you.” He had said, sparking an eye roll from Laila even as she sat confused at everything happening around her. “Your confidence.” He continued, “I must be brief. We don’t have a great deal of time.”
POPPY -- congratulations, Nat! you have been accepted as Luna Vaughn ( Courtney Eaton FC ). Nat, we loved both of your applications, but ultimately Luna was the one we loved enough to create a new skeleton for her. You took her insecurity from Foxglove’s skeleton in such a different way that she really seemed to work as a new skeleton -- and we took her experiences with spirits and her longing to find her birth mother again as inspiration in creating this one. I loved the way that forgiveness was such a major part of her personality, with how many times she’s been left behind ( you forgive and forget and start all over again ), and I love the way you used spells to frame your plots for her. I can’t wait to see them in action! 
Your thirst for more has become quite dangerous. The dead beings by your side scream out warnings but they fall on deaf ears now, you think you’ve gathered enough strength within the academy walls to practice the forbidden. Oh, you are sorely mistaken; way in over your head as you gather spells and herbs, you know this is not allowed, it is one of the rules they warned you about since starting school but you’re tired, aren’t you? Tired of feeling empty inside and having no one around for support. You want to see the one person that showered you with love, she’s long gone — buried and dead, how can you even dare to try such a thing? You, out of all people, should know that the dead should stay dead.
VALERIAN -- congratulations, Meg! you have been accepted as Aurelia Ashcroft ( Brittany O’Grady FC ). Oh my gosh! We were on the edge of our seats waiting for someone to apply for Valerian, so we were so glad that you sent in an app. Your app was simply lovely! I think the spirit of Valerian was really there, and how they’re always ready to leap into action. I’m so excited to see how the character grows and what direction you take her in! 
She had no hesitation upon cutting ties with the mortal world, her family at all. All she’d known with them was secrecy and a normalcy that she had never quite been able to stomach or adapt to. Aradia was a place for her to feel free and she doesn’t know what the future holds but she is ready to become. There’s this little voice in her mind constantly telling her to be alert, to be open to anything. 
CLICK THROUGH TO THE ACCEPTED PAGE. Please submit your character blog within 24 hours, or message the main if you need more time. CONGRATULATIONS, AND WELCOME TO ARADIA!
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diveronarpg · 6 years
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Congratulations, ROGUE! You’ve been accepted for the role of BEATRICE.  Admin Rosey: Oh my sweet goodness, there has never been such excitement thrumming in me. While reading this application, I was exposed to new facets of Brielle that I had never seen before. There’s a certain intrigue that you breathe into her, Rogue, a certain amount of strength that is further highlighted by the gentleness of her speech. You captured her voice so vividly, throwing in the smatterings of Russian just add a genuineness to her that makes me smile. The lyricism of your writing, the hold that you have of her character...I couldn’t be happier to add Brielle to our ranks. Please, be gentle when ruining us with her. Please read over the checklist and send in your blog within 24 hours.
Out of Character
Alias | Rogue.
Age | Twenty-One.
Preferred Pronouns | She/Her.
Activity Level | I’m as active as the roleplay I’m in. I generally do any replies I get within the day I receive them unless things are insane irl.
Timezone | PST.
Current/Past RP Accounts | Oh god I haven’t played in like… years? I’ve played with Rosey in the past so she knows somewhat how I am. I found one from OSB! I don’t remember my other urls laksjfd.
In Character
Character | Beatrice / Brielle King.
What drew you to this character? | When I was going through the bios, that very first sentence of hers stood out to me. There’s something wonderful about a laugh so charming and vivacious the whole world stops to listen. This might sound strange but I’ve also been on a kick with D&D of wanting to play the courtier background, which to me is always more interesting than the noble background. Nobles are trapped by prestige, by attention, and by duty. Courtiers have none of that. They play the politics, they learn the game, and they try their best not to die surrounded in opulence and glory they can never reach. What I liked about Brielle is that she is wise enough to know how to promote her own interests, independent enough to seek freedom yet damaged enough to do it by hopping from one cage into another. There is a sense of inevitability to her in spite of how much she seems to believe in more, like a train coming quickly from behind. I like the ‘sweet when she has to be, fierce when she needs to be’ type.
What is a future plot idea you have in mind for the character? | — Brielle stands at a sort of precipice, both settled in and a recent addition in a city as beautiful as it is deadly. All her life, all her line, all her blood has been devoted to is the needs and desires of others, in spite of the moments and choices she’s carved out for herself. In fair Verona, she is attached but she is also free in a way she has never been, for it is easier to disobey a lord ruler than to disobey a father, and she’s done the latter for years, hasn’t she? Loyalty is something that is earned. There are those individuals within the system who have earned it from her, and for that, she will keep her peace. The for nowis left unsaid but it beats like a war drum beneath her tongue, watching, wondering, curious of what happens the moment she chooses to push. Will she take that great leap into things unknown? How long can she rattle the bars of her cage before they break or are reinforced? Will she fall into depravity or be pulled into the light? The thing about the Montagues is that sometimes, their intentions are noble, and sometimes noble deeds are the furthest from their minds. Eventually, she will need to choose just how obedient she is, and just how filthy her hands can be. I would love to see her pulled between those two through various means.
— There is a moment in the bio that I really like, sort of related to my first idea but more specific. It mentions her hands having shed no blood, and that is something I would love to explore. The title of solider is not given without some expectation of violence on the behalf of the holder, and running drugs is not always easy. When Brielle runs into complications, how does she handle them? When she is required to make others submit to the rule of the Montagues, how does she accomplish that without bloodshed? She must be smarter and work twice as hard as someone who would use the threat of violence and back it up, but eventually, that might not be enough. She’s too new to have been asked to kill, but it’s only a matter of time, if what she hears about Catherine is to be believed. Brielle isn’t quite the paragon of commitment Catherine is; she’s far too cynical to believe that she can always maintain the principles of her old life. If the gun is in her hand and a Montague’s voice in her ear, can she do it? Can she pull the trigger and damn her soul when she isn’t even sure of its existence anymore?
— Brielle is nothing if not ambitious, and I would certainly like to explore that. She’s crossed enemy lines and made ties not just with Montagues, but with a Capulet. That opportunity is certain to interest her. She’s never been content to play second fiddle and let someone else do the difficult jobs, and I imagine the first time that Catherine Daly mentioned the idea of an emissary, it intrigued her. Something that called to the parts of her that loved the game and the parts of her that loathed the bloodshed, in equal measure. Unlike her friend, Brielle will not let her sense of fair play interfere with what needs to be done. If she favors the outcome, she knows that sometimes, a bad deed equals a brighter tomorrow. Negotiation is about compromise, and Brielle is quite clear on where she stands. She has compromised herself, once, twice, a thousand times, choosing again and again to delve into darkness and difficulty rather than letting those around her coddle her. In order to obtain that coveted position, she’ll need to find a way to make herself useful beyond the mere tasks required of soldiers. But then, hasn’t she always been invaluable? Hasn’t she always been more than mere anything? Soon, everyone will know it.
Are you comfortable with killing off your character? | I don’t mind my character dying, though I would appreciate the opportunity to play her for a bit beforehand. If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? If a character without deep connections dies, does anyone feel it? etc.
In Depth
Please choose between the interview or the para sample.
What is your favorite place in Verona? | Brielle knows the politically expedient answer, and it waits on the tip of her tongue, her lips curving slightly. Yet at the last moment, she stumbles, divulging the truth as a means of endearment. She isn’t sure why her superiors feel the need for these little anecdotal meetings, but she’s positive that her answers will determine her future. If she lies, she will need to lie well, and spend that coin on answers that matter rather than things like this trifle.
❝ I enjoy spending time with my horses, ❞ she answers with that soft smile that’s fooled more than one who dared underestimate her. Moye solnyshko, her father called her, even as he cried when she told him she was leaving him behind. Said with love and said with betrayal, it mattered to her only in that he was so naive, not to see what was burning in her from the start. ❝ Some say our dear Verona has the most beautiful stables in the world, and I see they are right. ❞ There are those who call Russian a cold, harsh language, but they have never heard Brielle speak it. When her accent hovers lovingly over Verona’s every syllable, it is clear that there is warmth in the Russian sun just as bright as any other star.
What does your typical day look like? | One leg crosses over the other as she studies the art lining the walls for a moment, her high ponytail swishing long, dark hair over her shoulder. Her elbow rests against her knee, chin cupped in one delicate hand, and for all the world, she looks like some sort of fey portraiture. ❝ I’m usually best used as a runner, ❞ she begins, fingers tapping against her cheek in a soft rhythm. ❝ Either messages or product, sometimes both. I receive my orders and carry them out, no matter when they come in or what I’m doing. That’s the job, and why I’m good at it. ❞
This last is said with a cocky sort of smile, the kind so often found on the faces of those too young to have been laid low and accepted it. It can look a little different on a thousand faces, and on hers it’s full to the brim with infectious vigor, her eyes crinkling at the corners. ❝ When I am not doing that job, I tend to my other one. Horses are demanding business, and racing requires practice and discipline. It leaves little time for leisure, though I won’t say no to a Tamora at The Two Gentlemen, generally speaking. ❞
What has been your biggest mistake thus far? | Some people are ashamed of their mistakes. She has a lot of pride, yes, but Brielle is lucky enough to be proud of those too. Every nick and scar on her body is a mark of pride and power, a spark in the bonfire of her life. Truthfully, she’s young enough and wise enough to know that her best and worst mistakes are still to come, but she’ll carry those too, and she’ll grow. Adaptability is everything.
So it’s with surprising ease that she answers. ❝ I was thirteen the first time one of myhorses broke their leg. It is a fact of life, especially breeding horses for racing. I had seen it before, but it was distant from me. I did not have to feel it as I did with Ippolit when he buckled beneath me. The doctors make their decision quickly, but it was Father who usually finished it. ❞ Her eyes trace the carpet with precision. Sometimes, things that are easy can still be painful. ❝ He was absent that day, buying for our masters, and the task fell to me. In the end, they gave me a choice: my gun, or their needles. ❞
Her gaze shifts up with an almost violent jerk of the head. ❝ I was a girl. I loved Ippolit. I turned away, and he died without me, in the arms of strangers, alone, and afraid. That, I think, was my biggest mistake. ❞ The steadiness in her is unnerving. In this moment she isinfernus, the blazing conviction of someone still carrying a bruise on their heart. ❝ Never let anyone else kill something you care about. If it must die, put it down by your own hand. That was my lesson, and my mistake. ❞
What is the most difficult task asked of you? | She tilts her head with coquettish amusement. ❝ The most difficult task asked of any woman worth a damn: to put herself away into a box made by someone else. ❞ There is something ironic in that, considering the way she’s tied herself up here in Verona. She cuts that off at the knees: ❝ If I’m going to bind myself to something, it ought to be my choice. ❞
What are your thoughts on the war between the Capulets and the Montagues? | Brielle licks her lips, very well aware that the chair she sits in, the house she currently boards in, and her very life is paid for by the Montagues. She certainly doesn’t imagine they expect any genuine answers to this, even if someone did have an opinion which clashed with the opinion of the familia. Therefore, her answer is something of a routine. As it should be.
❝ I believe in the righteous house of Montague. I won’t say I’ve never passed the time of day to a Capulet soldier, but at the end of the day, war is war, and we are players in a grand game. I understand my place. ❞
I didn’t have much time to put this together as I’m going on a bit of a voting bender tonight and am trying to get in before next acceptances, but I did go through and create a tag for quotes I associate with Brielle.
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