#she's just got slightly different motives
cubeshapedlemon · 3 days
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A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening
Norm gets transferred into another new job, in the agricultural sector. As much as he loathes working, he finds another reason to keep coming in.
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Norm Maclean x Chubby!f!reader
4.6k words
cw and tags: smut, fluff, lots of hair pulling, oral sex (f receiving), face sitting (f receiving), piv, flirting, boss/employee romance (it's not a inappropriate power dynamic thing its just how the plot shakes out), breif cum eating, coming untouched, sub!norm, dom!reader, mommy kink
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authors note: heyy yall!!! this fic took longer than the last one cuz yk life but its still out earlier than i thought it would be. The fallout brainrot has been intense and norm deserves some love!!! please tell me if I missed anything in the tags or spelling/grammatical errors. And just as a reminder my asks are always open!!! please send me requests!!! (info in pinned post) I am starting on a new (requested) norm fic pretty much as soon as I have the time. Anywho, check out my masterlist this fic and any others that i post will be updated there. Enjoy!
☆Reader pov☆
It wasn't every day someone new got rotated into one of the agriculture related jobs. It wasn't exactly appealing to most. But for you, you couldn't imagine doing anything else. Maybe that's why they placed him here, hoping your enthusiasm would rub off on him
The him, of course, being Norm Maclean. While the rest of the Maclean’s have a reputation of being dedicated hard workers, this trait was not held by the youngest of them. He didn't seem to be truly interested in anything, most of the time just fiddling with his Pip-Boy playing whatever game he had recently gotten.
When the council told you about the switch you were initially frustrated, hearing some chatter about how much he loathed every job placement he found himself in. If you remember your days of schooling together that sounds about right. While he was always exceptionally bright, he never seemed motivated to use it anywhere. Hopefully you could change that now.
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☆Norm's pov☆
Waking up today Norm managed to be in an even worse mood than normal. Yesterday's meeting with the council was pretty similar to the ones in the past. They berate him politely for a while, look over his performance review, chat in whispers to each other, and then reassign him. 
Though, this time they had decided to do things slightly differently. Usually they would assign him to a specific job, this time they just decided to send him to the agriculture sector, it now being the agricultural manager's job to figure out where he needs to go. Must be tired of handling specifics after reassigning him twelve times now.
Anyway, no use in dwelling on yesterday. Norm lazily drags himself out of bed, taking a quick shower before dressing himself and digging around in the fridge for some of the leftover Cram from dinner last night. Making no haste at all, he eventually makes his way to his new job. Only a few minutes late.
Looking around, he sees everyone else already at work, doing whatever it is they are supposed to do, occasionally stopping to have a quick chat with someone nearby. In his scan he sees someone walking towards him. Figuring she's the agricultural manager he was supposed to meet he gives a tight-lipped smile and an awkward wave. She responds with a polite smile of her own. 
Her walk is confident, hips swaying. She is built with clear strength in her, because of all the farmwork, Norm figures, despite this, her figure is still plush in all the right places. She has a bright, but powerful air around her.
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☆Reader pov☆
Looking him up and down, Norm doesn't seem to have changed much. While obviously he looks older now, his slight figure and short stature are much the same, his permanent scowl still there too. “Well, if it isn't Norm Maclean,” you say, offering your hand to shake. Taking it, he gives what seems like a sarcastic smile, greeting you by name as well.
Brushing that off for now, you continue. “As I'm sure is clear by now, you will be working under me. For the next few days, we will just be figuring out where to place you job-wise. How does that sound?” you ask, keeping a polite, professional tone. 
“Just peachy,” he responds with a sarcastically congenial tone. He really had no idea what he was getting himself into.
He needs someone to mold him, and you are happy to take on that role. While his underlying insecurity is clear, he has a smugness when it comes to work that needs to be broken. And you know just how to do that.
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☆Norm pov☆
Walking into work the next day Norm is greeted by you, your energy dimmer than yesterday. “You ready to start training?” you ask, no smile, no wave or handshake.  Something deep inside him pangs, he had no commitment to this job, just the same as his last. But in some vague way the idea that he had already disappointed you sits like lead in his stomach. Attempting to shake off that feeling, he tries to go back to his usual unwilling, and uninterested mood.
The first day is pretty simple. It mostly consists of him following you around and listening to you ramble off rules, policies and how the different systems work. When you get to the point where you are explaining the machine maintenance, his interest piques. You would think after being rotated through jobs enough times this would have happened once or twice. Evidently it had not. Though rather disappointingly, you move on swiftly.
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The following days were grueling. Grueling might be an overstatement, they were difficult. But he had some very enthusiastic help. You were always there to lend a helping hand on whatever task he was struggling at that moment. Many of those tasks being strength-based.
It's not like Norm was out of shape or anything, he just wasn't exactly on your level muscle wise. He would be lying if he said it wasn't nice on some level to see you walk over him with a sarcastic grin every time he struggled to lift something. Just like now in fact, as he struggles to move a particularly heavy crate.
“Need some help there pretty boy?” you come over chuckling, a blush rises to his face at your nickname.“Yes, please. Thank you,” he smiles, looking up at you. Smiling back at him you grab onto the crate, lifting it and setting it on your hip with only a small grunt of effort. “Walk with me,” you say, nodding your head at him as you walk to bring the crate to its home.
☆Reader pov☆
Keeping your pace you wait for Norm to follow you, after a moment or two he joins you at your side. “So, I've been thinking,” you drawl, attempting to get his full attention. “Yes?” he says, probably quicker than he meant to. His tone is clearly eager, but covered with a light veil of his usual sarcasm.
“I think I want to place you in repairs and data entry. You seem to be good at it, does that sound good to you?” you ask, already knowing what his answer will be. “Yes! I mean yeah, that sounds good. When do I start?” Norm looks up at you with gratitude, his too-cool facade breaking in favor of a sly-looking but genuine smile.
“You can start tomorrow,” you say, setting the crate down in its rightful place, turning now to face him. “I still have to get my use outta’ you here before I send you away,” you joke, giving him a smirk of your own. The blush on his face deepens, clearly taking your phrasing in a certain way. He turns his head to the side in a poor attempt to hide it. Deciding to tease him a bit more, you run your fingers through his hair before grasping at the roots. “You getting shy on me now, pretty boy?”
Norm's breath audibly hitches for a moment, his adam's apple bobbing in an almost comical fashion. “No,” he replies, if he was trying to sound convincing you couldn't tell, his tone a simpering whine compared to his usual one. “Sure, sure,” you concede sarcastically, letting go of his hair. “Come on now, there's still work to be done.” you give a playful pat on one of his cheeks before walking ahead a few paces. Not hearing him follow, you turn your head slightly to the side. “You coming Maclean?”
“Yes, ma'am.” Norm quickly answers, moving to follow you now.
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☆Norm pov☆
For the rest of the day Norm finds himself being exceedingly pathetic. While of course he has had crushes and flings in the past, the one he has now is different. In many ways it embarrassed him. Following the cliché of the dainty damsel in distress and the big strong hero coming in to save and woo her. He of course is the damsel, and the source of distress is just being bad at his job. Anyway, it fits it well enough. He truly did feel like the stereotypical damsel in this situation, he is a fully capable adult and yet he found himself so whipped for his ‘hero’ that he could not get anything done.
He spent the rest of the day periodically doing something of the smallest bit of use. But the majority of the time he was not-so-subtlety checking you out. At some point, you had pulled down your vault suit, tying it at your waist. This gave him a perfect view of your arms as you worked. Every once and a while you would catch him staring, chuckling at his desperate expression and embarrassment at being caught.
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Moving into his new job position, Norm quickly finds himself at home. There are only one or two other people in his same position so much of the day is just peaceful work on his own. While he does talk to and get along with his coworkers the person he really likes talking to is you. You check in with him in the morning before his shift, asking him how his day is going. All polite chatter with a cheek-burning innuendo slipped in every once and a while. Of course he finds ways to keep that conversation going when he can.
If only he had an inch more confidence. He would return your affections. He tells himself that you're probably just being polite, just regular friendly interactions. The fact that there had been a recent uptick in broken machinery that only he could fix was a coincidence. So was you just feeling like wearing a particularly low cut undershirt on days you felt like checking in on him more than normal. And how your hand always found itself on his lower back while he explained a maintenance issue to you.
You know, super platonic boss stuff. This routine sticks around. You continue with your usual flirts, flounces, and pet names. Oh god, the pet names. You seemed to be laying more on in every single conversation, not that Norm's complaining. After a little while he gains the confidence to flirt back a bit. If you can call his attempts flirting. He figures you get the message.
Today looks to be starting much of the same. Walking into the break room, he starts his regular routine. Putting his lunch in the fridge, making some coffee, and of course, talking with you when you come in three, two, one…
☆Reader pov☆
“Hey pretty boy,” you greet, as usual. “Morning ma'am” he responds respectfully. “Oh come on Norm, you know you don't have to call me ma'am,” You scoff, rolling your eyes at his formality. He chuckles at this, taking a sip from his coffee before refocusing on you. “I know, I know. It just feels right I guess.
“Well I guess I can't argue with that,” you concede, “It does just feel right to have you under me.” Norm chokes on his coffee at this, awkwardly sputtering it back in his cup. “As in our job hierarchy of course,” you smile, taking a sip of your own coffee. “Of course.”
Giggling to yourself for only a moment more you remind yourself of what you actually had to say. “Anyways, I'm writing up your first performance review today,” you inform, tone still light. “Oh?” he questions, anxiety pushing forward in his throat. “Yeah! No need to be worried, you've been an A+ worker these past few weeks.” you see as a wave of calm passes over him. You grin at this, stepping closer towards him. “I was just wondering if you would come to my place for dinner tonight. We could go over it, chat a little.” You step closer again, placing your mug on the counter, stepping in front of him now. Chests a breath away from each other.
You can hear his breath hitch, face turning red at your proximity. Running your hand across his jaw, you grasp his chin, tipping it up, he now looks up at you. Deep brown eyes shining with a glint of something you can't quite place. “Have some fun and such. What do you think about that baby? Sound good?” 
He manages to whine out an affirmative sound. “Good, 7 o'clock, don't be late.” you say, giving his cheek a quick pinch before turning around and bending over an unnecessary amount to grab your coffee off the counter and running off to actually do your job.
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☆Norm pov☆
The rest of the work day seemed to pass by at an unbearably slow rate. While Norm has plenty to keep himself busy with, he can't keep his mind can only fixate on your earlier conversation. Only a few more grueling hours until your little dinner date.
☆          ☆          ☆
Checking his Pip-boy for what seems like the millionth time today, It's finally time to clock out. Saying short goodbyes to his coworkers, Norm rushes out of work as quickly as possible without looking entirely stupid. He certainly felt stupid. Never in his life has he ever been this desperate for someone. 
Anyway, what do people even do to prepare for a date? Was this a date? Is all this tension not real? Is he just being a dick-brained idiot about all this? Honestly nothing could convince him one way or the other. But at this point who cares? He has to get ready anyway, he has to be presentable for you.
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☆Reader pov☆
You open your door at 7 o'clock sharp, and just as you agreed to, Norm is standing in front of you. He greets you with a smile. “On time for once, impressive,” you tease, leaning against the side of your door. “Well, I could never leave a woman like you waiting,” he flattered, “May I come in?” 
You chuckle, turning around and waving him inside, “If you promise to be good.” Walking in behind you he breathes out a laugh, “I think I can manage that.” You offer him a seat at the table, which he takes. Your apartment lights are dimmed slightly, the blinds are closed and you have put on some music. It plays just loud enough to be heard, still soft enough to blend into the background.
You busy yourself at the kitchen counter, putting together the last few finishing touches on the meal. “So, how have you been liking the new job?” you prompt, turning your head slightly towards him. “It's pretty good. Certainly better than the last twelve, that's for sure,” he jokes, attention still kept on you. Chuckling a bit at his comment you turn around, a plate in each hand. “Any particular reason you think? A certain task or, coworker, making it worth your while?” you ask, feigning cluelessness.
You walk to the table, setting the plates down while sitting opposite Norm. “You could say that,” he concedes, you hum in acknowledgement, using your fork to push the food around your plate lazily. Looking down at his plate Norm looks back up at you. “I really hate to say it, you went through all this work but,” 
“But what?” you question, concern bubbling lowly in your stomach. “I'm just not really hungry for what you've cooked.” he says, faux sadness in his tone. Catching on now, smile lightly to yourself. Moving your chair to sit closer to him, you play along. “Well I can make you something else if you want? What are you in the mood for?”
Pushing his chair back, he kneels in front of you, hands delicately placed in his lap. He looks up at you with an expression that can only be described as pathetic. “You.” Laughing to yourself you indulge him. Sighing, you run your hand down his face. He leans into your touch, releasing a small whine at the affection. “Is that so?” you tease, widening your stance so he can scoot in farther between your legs.
He nods, leaning further into your touch he delicately delicately reaches to tug off your boots, pausing briefly first. “Please,” he purrs, you nod once, giving him permission. Has he pulls of your boots as you unzip your suit, pulling it down your body. He pauses to toss your boots and socks to the side briefly, before returning his focus. You stand momentarily, pulling off your undershirt as he occupies himself by leisurely pulling your vault suit down, and off of you.
You look down at him, his ever present gaze still fixed onto yours. Running your fingers through his hair you tug him up, he releases a pained, yet sensual moan. Eyes glassy as he pulls himself to stand. “Let's take this to the bedroom pretty boy,” you coo, craning your neck to bring him into a short, but passionate kiss. He whines as you separate, following quickly behind you as you walk to the other room.
Once you are there, you come farther into his space, walking him towards the foot of he bed. When his legs hit it, you push him on, crawling after him. Your legs bracket his own, one hand supporting your weight near his head, the other traces its way around his center. You rub your palm over his growing bulge, pleasantly surprised by the size. “You're looking a little overdressed baby,” you say, moving your hand to his zipper, though it is caught by his.
“Wait, I want to taste you first. Please,” he expresses, hands going to your hips and squeezing the softness there. “Whatever you want,” you declare, leaning down to give him a soft kiss before moving up his body to hover above his face. “Just tap my leg three times if you need a break ok?”
“I won't need one.”
Before you can give what he said another thought you feel your underwear tear off at your hips. Norm quickly tosses the now scrap of fabric somewhere in the room. His arms swiftly wrap around your thighs, pulling you down to meet his open and waiting mouth. Surprised by his sudden actions you fall forward, one hand catching the headboard, the other, falling to his hair. The inertia of the fall forces you to tug. The sensation sparking a deep groan from him, the vibrations dancing across your core delicately.
“Fuck- you caught me off guard. You're supposed to warn a lady about these things,” you chastise half-jokingly, your hips falling into a rhythm. Norm replies with a half-hearted muffled something or other. He is clearly much more engrossed in the task at hand, and much too brainless to respond.
You feel the familiar waves of pleasure spark in your stomach, your body now becoming hypersensitive to touch. The overwhelming feeling causes your hips to buck up, only for them to be slammed back down by Norm. 
As your moans grow louder, his, seem to as well. His tongue flattens across your core, he pushes your hips forward in time with your own movements. His nose bumping into your clit, the extra sensation causing you to release another round of wetness, one that he is all-too eager to lap up. Desperate for more he moves his tongue to your entrance, you clench desperately around as it works its way inside of you. “Fuck baby- you're going to make me come,” you groan out, tugging on his hair once more. 
Something about that seemed to further motivate him. His lewd groans and whimpers only getting louder, and his actions only getting more ferocious. It's not long until your waves of pleasure finally come crashing down. They crash harder than they ever have, an unfamiliar intensity that Norm seems to sense, his moans getting to be almost as loud as yours, if not for your body muffling them. As you come back from your bliss, you lean back, looking down at him. Only then you realized what happened 
The entire lower half of his face is soaked, and the sheets behind him. “Geeze did I just-?” you gasp out, you don't remember the last time you properly squirted. “Mhm…” he affirms, kissing your thighs, and giving your core a few gentle kitten licks. “Please, can we go again? I want to make you do it again…” he whines out, now giving your thighs small nips with his teeth. “I don't know if I can, pretty boy. It was already special when you got me to the first time, another time would be even harder,” you inform, he clearly doesn't like your answer, responding with an annoyed groan. 
“Please, please let me try again. I can do it mommy! I can do it! Just one more!”
Your core involuntarily clenches at the name, his pathetic teary eyes not helping either. “Ok, one more. Be a good boy and help mommy come again.” Eyes lighting up, he smiles with satisfaction. Pulling your hips back to his mouth, he starts again, somehow more enthusiastic than before. Still sensitive from your last orgasm, the next one builds up even faster. “Mnhm- you're so good for me. Just like that.” The waves crash harder and harder than before, pushing you to the edge. Your hips buck wildly against his face, pressure building up once more. After an embarrassingly short amount of time, you come undone once more.
Your entire body tingles from the release, pleasure ebbing from every particle and atom. You soon go boneless, sliding down his body you cuddle up to his side. Grabbing his face to turn to you, Norm gives you a satisfied-looking smirk. “You proud of yourself?” you joke, leaning in to lock lips with him, tasting yourself. He deepens the kiss, turning to fully face you. He slots one of his legs between yours, giving a comfortable pressure where you need him most. His hands go to unclasp your bra. Both of you parting for barely a moment to rid you of it.
As soon as the bra hits the floor, one of his hands goes to cup your breast, squeezing softly. Parting once more, his smug look now has an extra needy layer to it. “I am very proud of myself, yes,” he answers, moving down your body now, capturing one of your nippes in his mouth. Groaning at the sensation, you place your hand back to its rightful spot in his hair. Pulling him closer, you begin to do your own groping as well. Hands tracing down his back, giving a quick squeeze to his butt before trailing back to his front.
His bulge is still going strong, pawing at it firmly, he whines pathetically, releasing from your breast with a pop. “You need me here, pretty boy?” you coo, giving his bulge a delicate squeeze. He only manages to respond with a nod and a few desperate thrusts into your hand. “Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you.” You give him a soft kiss on his lips, pushing him to be flat on his back again. 
Crawling back on top of him, you hover now at his hips, leaning forward to pull down the zipper of his suit. Now fully unzipped, you tug down the suit, revealing his body as you do. He lifts his hips up briefly to help you. Pulling it fully off, you remove his boots and socks as well. He now finds himself in only his light grey boxers. Though, you notice something, crawling up his body again you see it, a dark stain on his boxers. A new, wet stain.
 You give a light gasp, looking up at him. Already knowing what you are reacting to, his face is beet red and turned to the side. He doesn't dare to make eye contact. “Is this what I think it is?” you question, attempting to hide your arousal. “...Yes,” he shamefully admits, face somehow getting more red. “You came just from eating me out?” Not being able to bare speaking anymore he gives a sound in the affirmative. “Geez- thats so hot,” you admit. 
That certainly brings a reaction out of him. He pulls himself up on his elbows, turning his head to face you again. “Really?” he questions, clearly unsure if you were being serious. “Yes really,” you answer, rolling your eyes at his stupidity. Pulling his boxers off, you run your fingers across his skin, collecting some of his leftover spend. You put your fingers into your mouth, moaning at the slight salty taste. You watch his pupils dilate impossibly wider, his erection getting impossibly harder by the second. 
You seductively pull your fingers out, spit dripping from them as you bring them to his hardness. The slickness providing lubricant as you lazily pump a few times. You lick your lips in anticipation, looking up at his desperately flushed cheeks and sympathetic eyes. “I need you baby, You gonna let mommy ride you?” His brain seems to short circuit at your question for a moment, as if he can't believe it's actually happening.
He eventually comes to, responding to you with a nod and a whispered yes. At that you can't help but smile, grabbing his hips, you half-carry-half-push them to the headboard so that he can sit up properly. He releases a quiet whine at the show of strength, pulling you to mount his hips. 
Grasping his hardness again, you swipe the tip through your folds a few times before easily sliding him inside. The sensation causing you both to groan. It's like he was made to be inside you. Not wanting to waste any more time, you quickly start a brutal rhythm. Though, this rhythm soon becomes rather disjointed and irregular. Taking that as a sign, Norm responds by quickly snapping his own hips to match your thrusts. This slight change is very welcome, his tip now battering against that one spot inside of you, your knees going weak at the feeling.
Noticing you falter, he picks up the slack. Holding your hips still, he manages to keep the unearthly pace. Both of your pleasures growing every second. “I-I’m not going to last long,” he admits through a moan. “It's ok pretty boy, neither am I,” you respond, feeling yourself get near the precipice. “Let go for me baby, come for me.”
His body seems to take that as a command, hips stuttering as you feel his warmth seep inside of you. With a few more of his harsh thrusts you come undone alongside him, slumping forward you unintentionally shove your breasts in is face, not that he is complaining. His desperate moans and whimpers now muffled by your chest.
You stay pressed against each other for a long while, not daring to disturb the peace. After a few minutes, you peel yourself off of him, moving him to lay down against your pillows you give him a soft kiss before turning to go to the bathroom. His hand catches your wrist, forcing you to stop. Turning back to him you remove his hand, leaning in to place a delicate kiss to his chest. 
“It’s ok, I will be right back, I just need to get myself cleaned up.” Seeming to take that as a sufficient answer, he nods, allowing you to go. After going to the bathroom you clean yourself up, and grab a fresh washcloth. Wetting it you walk back to the bedroom, already hearing soft snores. Smiling quietly to yourself you clean him up, wiping all evidence of your activities away. 
Tossing the washcloth into your hamper, you climb into bed. Norm unconsciously moves to cuddle into your chest, face cradled between your breasts, one arm holding onto your plush waist. Pulling up the covers you sigh, life can not get better than this.
23 notes · View notes
horsechestnut · 4 months
The more I read about Helena Bertinelli the more I realize that my take on Red Hood!Steph is basically just a slightly less sane version of The Huntress.
15 notes · View notes
everyonewooeverywhere · 4 months
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MDNI 18+ BLOG -> ageless blogs and minors WILL BE BLOCKED
pairing ✭ mechanic!mingi x f!reader
synopsis ✭ when a random girl keeps shamelessly flirting with mingi, despite his many attempts to ward her off, he needs a knight dressed his own sweater and a black mini skirt to fend her off.
content/genre ✭ smut (18+ MDNI)
word count ✭ 2.5k
warnings ✭ smut, please MDNI (seriously), clothed sex (mostly), on top of his car (🫣), fingering, minor jealousy (from mc), spanking, despite the title there's really no dom/sub dynamic (just mc trying to protect her man)
You noticed her immediately when you pulled your car into the shop. Of course you did, she was chatting it up with your boyfriend with a hand reaching out to grab his arm. He pulled back in obvious disinterest, but it irked you nonetheless that another woman was after your man. You knew him well enough to know that he’d definitely told her he had a girlfriend. Despite this, she certainly seemed to think that she was his type. With her grease-stained cargo pants and tight tank top you could tell she worked with cars just like him. 
So what the fuck did she need here? You wondered to yourself. 
You hadn’t yet gotten out of the car and continued to watch them from a distance when someone knocked on your window. Yunho grinned down at you from outside the car. You waved at him, slightly embarrassed that he’d caught you staring so intently at the sight in front of you. He gave you a friendly wave as you stepped out of the car. 
When you got out of the car, you saw her give you a glance over and roll her eyes. Oh you were gonna fucking lose it. It was obvious from the way she had looked at you that she was judging your appearance, and you got the vibe that she would give you the same treatment that most other men you give you if you came to them with a car problem. Like you were some stupid little girl who would be easy to upsell. Did you know anything about cars, not really, but you had a sexy mechanic boyfriend to do that shit for you so what was the need? 
“She’s been here every day this week,” Yunho informed you, clearly aware of your annoyance toward the woman giving bedroom eyes at Mingi, “claims something different is wrong every time she comes in, but when she gets here everything works fine. Then she never leaves. She’s luck it’s been a slow week, or he would have fully lost it by now”
You scoff quietly, “have you tried to ‘help’ her?”
“Yes,” he sighs, “but she always dodges my help and finds a way to drag him back over.”
Of course she does. 
“Anyway, is anything wrong with your car?”
“Of course not,” you laugh, “but, if you wanna take a look, be my guest.”
Yes, you were fully aware of the irony of you and this woman having identical motives when pulling your cars into the shop, but at least you were always a welcome surprise who didn’t go around trying to sleep with other people’s boyfriends.
“Sure. I’ll look,” Yunho grabbed your keys from you. “Um, by the way, I can tell you he certainly wouldn’t mind if you went over and saved him. You know, assert your dominance.”
That line made you giggle. You brushed out your black mini skirt and checked your lip gloss in the side mirror of your car. Luckily, you were feeling incredibly cute today, in your possibly too short skirt and sweater that totally belonged to your boyfriend. The heels on your feet were a gift from him as well, and you always felt sexy hearing the sound they made when you walked. And that was the noise they made as you made your way over to them.
She saw you first. “I’m sorry, can we help you? Isn’t he helping you out?” She asked, clearly annoyed, pointing her finger at Yunho who was checking out your tires. Clearly trying to ward you off, and you got the idea that she knew exactly who you were.
Her acknowledgment of you though, made Mingi turn around. Finally seeing you for the first time since you’d stepped foot in his shop today. He was visibly relieved as he took a step toward you, “hey baby, I didn’t realize you were coming in today.”
He grinned when you placed a manicured hand on his chest. He wouldn’t bring it up now, but he fucking loved when your jealous side came out. And he knew that this specific touch’s purpose was to stake your claim.
“I missed you,” you sighed, stepping closer, “you’ve been so busy this week, and I haven’t seen you at all.”
His hands found your waist and pulled you all the way into him, “I know baby. I’m so sorry.” He placed a chaste kiss on your cheek, “I've had a lot of customers waste my time this week, and I just can’t catch a break.”
You giggle as the girl next to you scoffs, “Wow Mingi, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was so,” she eyed you up and down again but, before she can finish what was bound to be a wonderful insult, you cut her off.
“Oh so you knew he had a girlfriend and were still all over him like a bitch in heat.”
She laughed at you, "he doesn't mind. Right, Min? Sorry sweetheart, you're not as special as you might think. Maybe, he needs someone a little more real, not some plastic bitch who doesn't even know how to change her own tires."
Sensing that you were about to fully unleash yourself onto this fucking cunt, Mingi put a soothing hand on your shoulder and spoke sternly, “Get out.”
She gaped at him, “Wha-”
“You can fucking fix your car yourself, if there’s even anything wrong with it, but make sure you see Yunho on your way out. He’ll charge you before you leave.”
“You can’t be serious.” 
“Of course I’m serious. You’ve wasted a lot of fucking time for me this week with your perfectly fine car. My time is precious, and since you wasted it, I'm gonna need you to pay up.”
He looked back over at your car, “Yunho, please deal with this.”
The other man’s shoulders slumped, clearly not keen on dealing with this woman, but he made no effort to argue. You made a mental note to bring him lunch next time you came in to make up for it.
Mingi grabbed the hand that’s still on his chest and leaned down to your ear, “come with me.”
“God, I’ve missed you so fucking much baby,” he breathed into you neck as he placed kisses on it. 
You smiled and placed a hand in his hair, gripping lightly onto his dark hair, “I’ve missed you, too.”
You were in the back of the shop, where Mingi kept his own car. You didn’t know the make or the model, but you knew it was a sexy car. And you were well acquainted with it. From it pulling up outside your apartment for the occasional lunch date. To late nights in the backseat when you both knew you couldn’t make it to a bed. And then to moments like these. Days in the shop where your boyfriend wanted nothing more than to see you all on display for him on top of the hood.
“Why didn’t you tell me someone was bothering you, Min?” you pouted as his hands fiddled with the edge of your (his) sweater.
“Oh, y/n I can handle myself, baby, you don’t need to worry yourself with stuff like that.”
Sighing, you placed a hand on his cheek, “you know I just wanna help and be there for you. Will you at least tell me next time?”
“Of course. I’m sorry I didn’t bring it up. I promise I’ll tell you next time. Ok?”
You nodded as you moved your hand from his cheek to the back of his head, pulling him back down to your lips. His hands started wandering as the two of you explored each other’s mouths. He removed a hand that was tangled in your hair and caressed your neck. His mouth followed the hand, leaving plenty of dark spots all over your pretty neck.
When he reached for the hem of the sweater you were wearing, you grabbed at his hand, “I don’t wanna get naked in here.”
And you really didn’t. As much as you loved your boyfriend, getting fully undressed anywhere but the bedroom was a line you very rarely crossed. Especially in a place as unkempt and naturally messy as the shop he spends most of his days in. You were a woman of at least a little class, but keeping your clothes on didn’t mean that sex was off the table. Not at all, actually.
“Ok, love,” he moved his hands to fiddle with the edge of your skirt, “it’s a good thing you wore such a tiny skirt today then, right?” 
You nodded, biting your lip to suppress your smile, “you can take my panties off if you really want to, though.” You said through a whisper.
He didn’t need any convincing because in the next moment he’d slipped your panties off your legs and put them in his pocket. His hands were under your skirt now. One gripping your waist and holding you in place. The other teasingly stroking your inner thigh.
“Mingi, please,” you begged breathily, desperately trying to shift closer to his hand, but the other one on your waist was completely preventing that.
He smirked at your desperation, “patience, baby. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”
As a man of his word, his thumb brushed your clit, and you let out a whine when he pushed two fingers into you. He worked over your clit with his thumb as he pumped his fingers in and out of you. 
“Oh, Min–” you moaned and gripped his shoulders tight.
The hand from your waist moved to grab your throat as he leaned close to your ear, “God, baby, you moan so pretty for me. You’ll let me know when you’re close, yeah?”
You could barely get out a breath “yes” before he slid another finger into your already soaking cunt. Your grip on his shoulders tightened. Wrapping a leg around his back, you arched your back, trying every option to get as close to him as possible. You lost all control of your hips and ground yourself into his hand in sync with his own movements.
When you felt the familiar knot in your stomach, you whined, and your eyes fluttered shut, “I’m close! So close.” 
“Let go for me baby. I got you.”
As you reached your climax, you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“Good girl,” his lips reached your own as you came down from your high. He pulled you off the hood of his car and set you on the ground. He looked you up and down, admiring you fully. He lifted a hand to caress your face and his thumb brushed over your cheek. Smiling, he said, “you always do so good for me baby. Turn around for me, yeah?”
You turned around quickly, eager for what you knew was coming next. Without him even having to ask, you leaned over the hood of his car. Giving him just the view he wanted. His hands were quick to flip up your skirt and smooth his hands over your ass. He gripped one cheek in his hand, and you braced yourself on your forearms. When he let go, you wiggled your ass and looked back over your shoulder. Challenging him with your eyes.
He brought his hand back down on your ass, slapping it. When you let out an obvious and loud moan, he smirked and leaned down over you, “you’re so fucking impatient baby, are you really so worked up? Let me help you out. Does that sound good?”
“Please, Mingi,” you begged (god he loved when you couldn’t stop begging), “I need you!”
“Where do you need me, baby?”
“Inside,” you moaned when he slapped your ass again.
“You want my cock, baby?” You could hear him unzipping his pants and the rustle of fabric behind you. Fucking finally.
All you could do was nod desperately and look back at him over your shoulder with begging eyes. He couldn’t fucking hold it together when you gave him those eyes. So desperate and needy that he could almost see tears. And the pout on your lips was the cherry on top.
You braced yourself again when he gripped his hips with one hand. When he finally pushed into you, you moaned out softly.
With one hand gripping your waist hard enough to bruise and the other playing with your clit, he thrust into you. His car shook, and you struggled to hold yourself up but, god, it felt so good. After a week of missing him constantly, you couldn’t think of anything but how full you felt with each thrust. He couldn’t help himself, either from telling you how good you felt.
Shit, baby, you just keep getting wetter.
You just love it when I fill you up like this, don’t you?
Oh, you’re close, baby. I can feel you closing around me so good.
Fuuuuck, god angel I’m almost there. Can I fill you up?
“Yes, yes, yes, please!” you cried. Your loud and pornographic moans bounced off the walls as you reached your climax.
He followed soon after, filling you to the brim. You felt so warm and flushed. Your eyes fluttered in post-orgasm bliss. Panting, he flipped you back over onto your back and helped you sit up. He kissed you one more time, “thank you for coming to visit.”
“Of course,” you laughed softly, “I mean if you reward me like this everytime, then I’ll just come in every day like that bitch earlier, but I can’t promise I’ll pay you for your time.”
“Oh baby, you being here is enough, and your pretty pussy is the perfect payment,” he moved a finger back down to your core and pushed his cum back inside of you.
“Mmmm,” you ran hand through his hair, nails scraping his scalp, “as much as I’d love to go again, you closed an hour ago, and Yunho’s probably waiting for you to lock up.”
Mingi groaned as he finished putting his pants back on. He lifted you off the car, “can I have my panties back please?” You reached a hand out to him.
“Oh,” he laughed as he reached into his pocket to give them back to you.
“Did she leave?” Mingi asked his friend who was finishing up putting new tires on your car. So maybe you actually did need something done with it. 
The other man laughed, “oh she left alright. She tried to stick around, but when she heard you two having fun back there she took off. Kinda felt bad for her honestly.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed at his sympathy even though you felt an immense sense of satisfaction at knowing you had fended her off so easily. You had “asserted your dominance” to quote Yunho.
Mingi placed a hand on your lower back, “don’t worry baby, we won’t be seeing her for a while.” He turned to Yunho, “You can go man, I’ll finish locking up. Thanks for your help.”
“Good night man, have fun locking up.” Clearly implying that you might distract him from such a task. 
When Yunho was gone, it was only seconds before you were backed into the back door of your own car, and Mingi reached around you to open the door. “Get in, baby.” 
You could only giggle as you climbed in, pulling him in after you by the collar of his t-shirt. When he shut the door behind him, he leaned over you, “just one more. Ok, baby?”
“Ok,” you responded breathlessly. Knowing full well you would be under him in your bed soon enough.
note ✭ thank you for reading. i'm trying my best over here, but university is kicking my ass. so i appreciate you reading what is essentially a coping mechanism 😀🥲
also this was so nerve racking to post so SEND ME VALIDATION (if you want 😙)
srsly though, thanks for reading! feel free to lmk what you think. reblogs and comments are much appreciated!
have a wonderful day!
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ficmenrhot · 5 months
Hii could u do a smut where reader calls finnick ‘Finny’. Like she moans it out while they’re yk and it absolutely makes him feral. And he’s all like:
“What was that sugar? Say it again.” Etc.
Say it Again
Pairing: Soft dom Finnick x shy fem!reader
Notes: Dom/sub themes, voice kink, praise kink, p in v, slight corruption kink, Finnick Odair is such a munch. Minors DNI
A/N: I haven’t had the motivation to write and I’ve still got a few requests in my drafts, I’m really sorry if they’re yours. Hope I hadn’t lost my touch
Finnick was your first everything- first relationship, first kiss….the first one to break you in- and quite frankly, he intends to be your last too. He loves how he gets to be the only one to teach you all of these things- to be the person who corrupts your innocence, explores different ways to give you pleasure, and work your body better than you can.
Finnick is always sure to praise you during sex to ensure you’re fully comfortable with him. Sex was never really an intimate or enjoyable thing for him before he had met you, so Finnick wants to make sure you are given the experience he never did. More than anything else, Finnick would like to hear your be more vocal during sex.
Although you occasionally make a few noises here and there, letting out small moans and soft whimpers (because let’s be real, it’s impossible to keep quiet when the Finnick Odair is railing you), you often try to conceal your sounds because you feel a bit insecure about your voice. Unbeknownst to you, Finnick would like nothing more than to hear you moan out his name and to tell him how good he makes you feel. If only you know the ego boost it would give him and how his heart would race at a single comment.
This night, Finnick has you laid out on your shared bed, the mattress soft yet supporting underneath you two as he thrusts deeply into you at a steady pace. His warm mouth is latched onto the crook of your neck, sucking and nipping, sure to leave love marks on your skin as one of his hand reaches for your clit to trace lazy circles. The sex, as usual, is phenomenal and your back is arched in pleasure, legs folded as they hang over his sculpted shoulders.
A few soft whimpers fall from your mouth involuntarily at the undeniable pleasure you’re feeling and you bite down on your bottom lips to control your noises like always. Finnick cocks his head, his mouth momentarily detaching from your neck as his lips form that signature smirk which you are so familiar with. You’re confused as of what Finnick is doing but you’re way too cockdrunk to care. His thick and lengthy cock is pounding into you so well, grazing over your cervix with every thrust and you’re surprised that it isn’t bruised by now.
Finnick grabs a pillow from the side of the bed and swiftly places it under the small of your back as he lifts you up and places you back down with ease. Your mouth falls open and you forget about controlling your volume, a loud moan mixed with a gasp leaving your mouth. The pillow has put you in an even better position, raising your hips slightly so that each of Finnick’s thrust is angled to hit that spongey spot inside of you which makes your toes curl in pleasure and back arch further.
“Hmm honey, you like that, huh?” Finnick teases after seeing your reaction, and you can only nod as you attempt to babble something incoherently.
“F-fuck…Finny, s-so good” you mumble, your mind in a state of haze right now.
Hearing your words and the nickname that just fell out of your mouth, Finnick’s eyes immediately light up and an even bigger smirk replaces the former one on his face. Although you don’t realise in the moment that Finnick has bitten his lips at your comment, you sure can feel his reaction to it as his thick cock pulsates in arousal, causing your warmth to tighten around him, feeling every vein and curve.
“What was that sugar?” Finnick chuckles both smugly and proudly, “say it again for me”
Only then do you realise what you’ve said and your cheeks immediately turn pink, a flustered look appearing on your face which Finnick finds so, so adorable. You struggle to find the right words to say, only blinking shyly as you attempt to cover your face, but Finnick pulls your hands away as he stares down at you with the same smirk.
“Don’t be shy honey, your whimpers and moans are music to my ears……besides, your voice turns me on so much, you have no idea.”
Finnick whispers into your ears, and you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach, ‘butterflies’ Finnick calls them. You blink, not knowing that that is what Finnick feels about the sounds you make, and it makes you feel better.
“Now..I’ll ask you again, sugar, what is it you called me, hmm?”
Finnick hums as he cocks his head with a small teasing smile, waiting for an answer.
“…Finny. I called you Finny..”
“Good girl.”
God save Finnick Odair from the things he is going to do to you.
A/N: to whoever had requested this, hope this is what you had wanted <3 Once again, all likes, reblogs, and follows are appreciated, so are comments!
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woso-dreamzzz · 15 days
Copy II
Alessia Russo x Child!Reader
Katie McCabe x Child!Reader
Summary: Your sister is just like your brothers
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When Alessia changed teams from United to Arsenal, it means you got a new Russo kit. You get every shirt of every team Lessi's ever been on.
You've even got her college football shirt but that's a sleepytime shirt so you don't wear it out of the house.
You wear your new Arsenal shirt out of the house though because Lessi's taking you to training with her. One day, she tells you, the number on your back will be yours rather than hers and you'll be the Russo playing.
By the time you start playing with the big girls, Lessi will be at the end of her career or already retired. You'll never play with Alessia Russo, the football player but she promises you that you can always play with Lessi Russo, your sister.
Arsenal is different from United so you can actually attend because Lessi lives closer now.
It's shooting training today and that's your most favourite. You can't join in when the big girls first start training but you can be included near the end.
You've been excited about practicing with Lessi all week but now, as you watch her, you can feel that excitement fade away.
Some of the Academy girls have been invited to practice with the first team. They're bigger than you so they can play with the big girls from the beginning.
There's one in particular that's getting personal attention from Lessi. Your sister's adjusting her position and showing her the correct technique the exact way that Lessi does for you, down to slightly nudging her around with her boots.
Alessia's smiling at her with the same smile that's usually reserved for you.
You thought that smiling was only used for you. You thought you were special because Alessia only smiles at you that way.
Apparently not.
Apparently you and this Academy girl are the exact same in Alessia's eyes.
A long time ago, when you much littler, Gio and Luca both yelled at you when you tried to play with them. They kept pushing you away and you kept trying to get involved until they yelled.
Mummy took you away as you sobbed and had to explain that sometimes your siblings didn't want to play with a little girl like you. She explained that sometimes people your siblings' ages like to hang out with people their age.
You were silly to think that only applied to your brothers because it's clear that Alessia is just like them. She wants to hang out with only people close to her age too.
It's that time in training where you can join in but she still hasn't called you over.
She's just like your brothers.
You want to be just like Alessia. You want to make her proud but she's forgotten about you just like your brothers do.
You really, really want her to be proud of you though but you don't know how to compete with the bigger girls who can kick harder and run faster than you.
You're still little compared to them.
"Alright, little Russo?"
Katie sits down next to you, nudging her knee against yours.
""Why aren't you practicing, huh?"
You burst into tears immediately and Katie jolts in shock.
"Ah, shit. No, wait, not shit. Don't-Don't repeat that! Crap! Er..." She folds you into a hug quickly. "Do you want me to get Less?"
"N-No!" You blubber," Lessi doesn't want me! No Lessi!"
"Oh, kid, I think your sister-"
"No Lessi!" You insist.
"Okay," Katie says," No Russo. Come on, let's take you inside and get you something to drink."
You don't know why you confess everything to Katie but you do. She's nice and warm and gives good hugs. Not as good as Alessia's but still good.
She keeps you with her and lets you help out in the gym before you crash out on the mats halfway through her session, one of her jackets thrown over you in lieu of a blanket.
Katie keeps working on the weights, one earphone hanging in her ear pumping music to keep her motivated while the other dangles.
It's because of that single earphone that Katie's still aware enough of her surroundings to hear the door bang open and Alessia to come tumbling through it.
"I've lost my sister!" She announces," Fuck, Katie, have you seen my sister?"
"Over by the mats," Katie replies," She was very upset. You didn't include her in training when you said you would. You gave a lot of attention to the Academy girls. She felt pretty left out."
"It was an accident!" Alessia insists," I swear! I didn't mean to."
"Hey, you don't need to convince me. Convince your sister."
You're laying on the mats, asleep under Katie's jacket, and Alessia shakes you awake. You come back into consciousness groggily and sit up, rubbing your eyes.
"Hey, tesoro," She says softly," I heard you were feeling upset."
You nod.
"I'm sorry," She says," It was my mistake. I didn't mean to leave you out. Sometimes the Academy girls need help sometimes."
"I need help too," You whisper.
"Not like them, do you know why?"
You shake your head. "Why?"
"Because you're a little superstar. They're just not as good as you."
"But they're big girls."
"Being big girls don't mean they're the best. Not like you are."
You grin up at Lessi. "Really?"
"Of course. You know I wouldn't lie to you."
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writeyouin · 4 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - I Don't Need You
A/N – Since the first chapter got comments and actual reblogs, surprise, surprise, I was motivated to continue. See, Tumblr? This is how it works. I respond to instant validation.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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You looked around the dusty hallway that comprised the main entrance to Lucifer’s manor. Yikes, Charlie was right; he really did need a cleaner. You doubted that was her main motivation for placing you in her father’s care but looking at the layers of thick dust and brimstone coating downstairs, you could see it hadn’t been used in a long time.
Lucifer watched you sceptically. Ideally, he would have liked to leave you to find your own way around, but he didn’t want to be accused of not trying by Charlie, should you call her and state that Lucifer was straight up ignoring you.
With that in mind, he bade you to follow him with a wave of his arm and gave you a half-arsed tour of each room, during which he would energetically state its name, and occasionally pepper in a fact if he felt like it and then hurry along.
“Parlor one, dining room, parlour two, library, parlour the… you know what, we have a lot of those, if you see a room with chairs and a fireplace, assume it’s a parlour. Moving on, bathroom, closet, like the parlour situation, there are lots of bathrooms and closets. Kitchen, which is always stocked by the way, so I don’t have to shop,” He muttered a sentence about the Hell of going out there, and then he was back to his bubbly self, rushing you through the rest of the tour, “Games room, spa, my room – don’t go in there – and here, among the unnecessary number of bedrooms, is your room.”
Although every room in the manor was lavish by Hell’s standards, Lucifer had sneakily pre-worked a bit of his magic to make yours somewhat undesirable. It was still large and had all the fixings, but now, it was dirty, damp, and there would always be an underlying scent of slightly rotten milk, that was just noticeable to annoy anyone, yet not something so offensive that he could be blamed for causing it.
The now slightly squalid room wasn’t Lucifer’s way of being petty and cruel; it was just that he wanted you to leave, and that would only happen if you had a reason to. You should go back to the Hotel where you belonged; better yet, you should just head to a different part of Hell where neither he nor his daughter would have to look at your disgustingly human face… A face that, though nothing like Lilith’s, reminded Lucifer of his wife since there was nobody else even remotely like her except for their daughter and now, unfortunately, you.
The simple fact of the matter was that Lucifer was just waiting for you to start demanding things of him, or Charlie. It would likely start with something small, like changing rooms, then if he gave you an inch, you would take a mile, and soon you would demand he use his Angelic Powers to serve you in seemingly impossible ways.
One way or another, the room was a test. You would either see it and leave in search of greener pastures or a better deal elsewhere, leeching off whoever would give you the time of day, or you would stay and start giving orders; either way, Lucifer would be able to return to his daughter with proof that sinners were the problem, not him.
You stepped into the room, accidentally kicking up a cloud of dust that made you sneeze.
After a minute, you turned to Lucifer, “Thank you for the room. It’s lovely.”
Lucifer held back a grimace as you had the audacity to smile at him.
“Great,” He replied in a strained tone, “Just perfect. So, I’ll uh, leave you to get settled in and-”
Just then a portal opened over the canopy bed and two packed suitcases landed there, courtesy of Charlie. Lucifer tasted his daughter’s magic in the air and sighed resignedly; whatever Charlie had planned she wasn’t backing down from what she likely thought was a good idea.
“Right on time,” Lucifer commended the fine timing of his daughter, and even though he was clearly uncomfortable with her plan to give him company, he did seem genuinely proud of her expert timing; then again, he was proud of anything she chose to do even if he didn’t always understand what it was she was doing.
“Great,” He repeated somewhat tiredly. Then he forced himself to smile. It was important that you would see him happy so that Charlie would hear about it later. “You go ahead and unpack. I’m going to do some very important work.”
The sentiment of ‘Don’t disturb me!’ hung in the air, unspoken, but obviously there.
Once Lucifer left, you flopped down on your bed, thinking about all you had seen. You checked your phone, finding several texts from Charlie, progressively getting more impatient as she awaited your reply with a somewhat hyper-anxious anticipation; it seemed the apple truly didn’t fall far from the tree.
‘How was your arrival?’
‘Did you get the grand tour?’
‘Which room did he put you in?’
‘I bet it was the Rococo room.’
‘Oh no, he didn’t put you up in my old room, did he? That would be so EMBARRASSING!!!’
‘Wait, why aren’t you replying?! PLEASE TELL ME HE’S BEING NICE TO YOU!’
‘I can come over if you need me to.’
‘Did your bags get there okay?’
You smiled and decided to put Charlie out of her misery. Your phone alerted you that she was already writing another message, but as soon as you started to compose one of your own, the notification that she was typing disappeared.
‘The tour was fine. Lucifer has been nothing but polite,’ and frazzled, you thought, though you omitted that part from the text; it was best that Charlie didn’t have anything extra to worry about while preparing for her meeting with Heaven.
‘My room is also amazing btw. I don’t know about Rococo or whatever, but it’s certainly stunning, and judging by the lack of stuffed animals and probably cheesy posters, I’m guessing it isn’t your old room.’
You really meant that. While your room was in need of a good cleaning, and there was a slightly off odour, it was indeed beautiful with its lacquered wooden floors, rich velvet drapes (Hell-Red of course) and lustrous emerald wallpaper. It was one of the most beautiful places you had ever seen, especially since arriving in Hell, not long dead after… the incident.
You removed your thoughts far from the grim memory of your death, not wanting to relive your demise. It never did any good to think of such things, and you had to wonder whether all Demons fixated on the manner in which they perished. Perhaps some were lucky enough to die in their sleep or get hit by a bus; at least the latter would be quick, and the former peaceful.
Moreover, you also believed the other part of your text; Lucifer probably kept Charlie’s room as a shrine to her youth. He seemed like the sort of person who was stuck in the past.
Your phone buzzed again, and you expected another message from Charlie, but it was from Angel Dust.
‘When you get the chance, snoop in the Short King’s bedroom and find out what kinky shit he’s into. I’m betting food play. He seems like a whipped cream and apples kind of guy if you catch my drift.’
Betting? He had undoubtedly roped Husk and Nifty into said bet. Husk had likely opted for a safe option like bondage… You didn’t want to know what kind of kinky shit Nifty thought Lucifer was into; that girl was a dark horse.
“Never going to happen,” You murmured to yourself with a chuckle; you would never invade Lucifer’s privacy like that, but Angel’s text had made you laugh and distracted you from your earlier thoughts.
Getting up, you pushed yourself into action and began unpacking both your thoughts and your few clothes and possessions. You lit a scented candle that Angel had gifted you. It was one of his unwanted gifts from Valentino, Blueberry Blowjob. You were glad when the scent filled the air, taking away from what you incorrectly assumed was the faint smell of mildew. The smell didn’t concern you, you had plenty more candles and tea lights with such names as Orange Orgasm, Popcorn Pussy, and Cherry Cum-Shot.
The manner was well furnished, but all of the rooms were neglected. There were seven parlours in total, each matching the theme of one Sin, probably because it would be polite should they ever need to meet with the Royal Family one-on-one. Despite that, they seemingly hadn’t been used in some time, nor had the library or any of the living rooms. You hadn’t seen much of Lucifer’s room as he rushed you past the door, which had only been slightly ajar, but what little you had caught a glimpse of seemed cleaner than the rest of the manor. Did he spend all of his time in there? Alone? That was… It was sad. Lucifer could live well among anyone in Hell, except maybe Alastor, yet he couldn’t see the good in anyone.
Without Charlie and Lilith that must be lonely. How depressing that he had created a kind of personal Hell inside of Hell. You were starting to think that Charlie was right to send you home with him.
Still, it seemed like he needed some time to get used to the idea of company and you had a job to work as his maid. Once you were unpacked, you would seek out the cleaning supplies and get started.
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Lucifer draped himself over his workbench, listlessly toying with a rubber duck. It was one of his worst creations… Couldn’t even breathe fire.
He didn’t even know why he continued to make them. Honestly, he couldn’t think of anything else to make, and it was better to make something than nothing, even if he ended up creating the same thing over and over again, clinging to the memory of how one celestial duck had made Charlie smile.
Her smile was everything. Even Heaven couldn’t take that away, or… Maybe they could, if this meeting went awry. No. Please God, No. Not that. Anything but that. Kill the sinners. Show him the agonising mistake of Free Will for eternity, but he hoped to never see the day that Heaven treated his daughter with the same derision they typically reserved for him.
Lucifer froze, a glower darkening his expression as you knocked on the door.
He had clearly implied that he didn’t want to be bothered. IMPLIED IT! It hadn’t even been one day and you were bothering him.
Lucifer didn’t open the door. He didn’t want you to see inside his room. That was his space and his alone. Yet, he didn’t want any risk of you barging in, so he poofed himself to where you stood outside, using a glamorous entrance to grab your attention.
“Yes?” He said expectantly, leaning forward on his cane, as if leaning closer to you didn’t disturb him half as much as it did.
“Oh,” You blinked back surprise, though you weren’t too shocked seeing how Alastar always snuck up on you at the Hotel in a similarly flamboyant manor. “Sorry to disturb you, Sir, but I just wondered if you could tell me where the cleaning products are kept? I would like to get started as soon as I can.”
Cleaning products? Lucifer was stuck on the sentiment as if he’d never heard of such foreign words. Then he seemed to remember, you had been volunteered as his maid. Right… That was Charlie’s way of making him take you.
You waited patiently for a response, having quickly learned that your host tended to drift between a fast-talking façade or thoughtful distractedness. You wished you didn’t have to ask him for help, but after searching three floors and the attic, you had gotten somewhat turned around, and you had no idea where you had already looked; the manor was massive.
Finally, Lucifer seemed to come to and he began boredly examining his hand.
“That won’t be necessary,” He stated demurely.
“It won’t?”
“No. It won’t.”
Behind you, Lucifer caught sight of a portrait of his family. The frame was carved blood-wood harvested from a Tree-Demon who once dared to insult Lilith in Lucifer’s presence. Two winged snakes adorned opposing corners of the portrait. With a lazy wave of his hand, they creaked and snapped, coming to life, and escaping their previous wooden home, leaving only indentations where they used to be. With another magical flourish, they grew slightly and became more life-like, shedding splinters as their new uniforms appeared.
“There, see, two half-sized cleaners. They’ll take care of everything.”
You stared hard at the new servants of the house, somewhat amazed by the show of power; nobody else in Hell could do anything close to creating life, and it seemed that Lucifer didn’t even care that he had such power.
Frankly, Lucifer was upset with his new creations. He had finally strayed from ducks, creating something new for the first time in over a century, and they were still bland. When he had created Razzle and Dazzle for Charlie, he had done everything he could to make them beautiful and unique. These abominations in front of him were cheap copies of that Sir Pentious fellow he had seen at the hotel. He just didn’t have anything left worth creating. There was no point.
Whatever. The snake servants would do their job quietly and obediently. And they’d be more useful and less annoying than Charlie’s reptilian friend.
“Oh, okay. Well, is there anything else you’d like me to do?” You asked, wishing to be useful. “I can cook pretty well, or I could run errands, or-”
“NO!” Lucifer snapped.
“Don’t you get it?! I DON’T NEED YOU.”
Lucifer forced himself to take a calming breath, his gaze downcast so he didn’t have to look at you.
“This is all my daughter’s plan. All you have to do is stay out of my way here and Charlie will be happy. Do you think you can manage that?”
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generalsmemories · 8 months
hiii for your event (CONGRATS BY THE WAY!!!) I'd like to request
"hey, no crying... I thought we said we wouldn't cry" with jing yuan please and thank you
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Warmth of the living
✧ jing yuan x gn!reader
✧ prompts used: "hey, no crying... I thought we said we wouldn't cry" || 1k event
✧ content: established relationship, hurt/comfort, spoilers for xianzhou storyline, we are still stuck in the jing yuan recovery era after phantylia fight
✧ a/n: istg if this man goes into the next patch half beat up and ready to intervene i'm actually sentencing him to a house arrest cause GODDAMN. in a way this can be seen as an alt version of my other fic 48 hours tbh. i just can't imagine any other scenario where that sentence specifically is used by itself than the recent events - so sorry for the same sorta events, i'll make sure it's the last one though!
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"Lady Bailu is taking care of him as we speak, [Name]. Please excercise some patience and believe in her - she's not titled the best healer of Luofu for no reason," Fu Xuan tries to comfort as you pace back and forth at the Seat of Divine Foresight - a hand massaging her temples as she looks towards the mountains of unopened scrolls needing to be read through within the day, "... If it helps, I've also foreseen that he won't be in any immediate danger. He's fine and he's going to recover."
That diviner noticed that her assurance seemed to ease you to the point you let out a long shaky exhale before sitting down at one of the steps leading to the grand desk, combing a hand through your hair for the nth time, "You haven't rested either with helping both me and Qingzu arrange documents and various meetings with the Six Charioteers. Why don't you try to take a walk outside the Exalting Sanctum?" Fu Xuan suggests, but you merely shake your head with a chuckle.
"If I leave you'll be more overwhelmed than you already are. Qingzu is even starting to pity you, lady Fu Xuan," you start, taking a deep breath in before standing up again, "Besides, if I leave the Seat, I just know I'll go running to where he is, I don't think that would help any of us now, would it?" you say with a light-hearted chuckle.
Fu Xuan didn't comment on the fact that your voice was trembling slightly as you spoke.
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You can visit the general now. Please bring me some tuskir wraps, I'm hungry.
The message was sent as you had just placed a plate of food in front of Yanqing, almost dropping the contents entirely over the table if the young lieutenant didn't notice the grip you had on it falter and catching it in time, "Woah- [Name] I was looking forward to eating your food today! What would I do if you just suddenly do something like... that..." Yanqing's words died down when he saw your widened eyes, but a quick look at the sender of the message made him let out a relived sigh, only leaning back and picking up his chopsticks, "Why not visit the general instead of staring at your screen like that? It's not like you will be able to be able to teleport yourself to his location by doing that."
Yanqing's words made you snap out of your surprise, rushing towards the entrance, "Lock up after me! And give-"
"Mimi her food, I know! Just go!"
You knew that your worry was not needed. You knew that no matter how much you worried and that no matter how many times you wished for things to go differently that day that none of it would happen, "What happens and what has happened will inevitably stay like that no matter how much you try to alter it. And if my life can ensure that the rest of Luofu can stay safe then that is ultimately the best outcome in the long run, don't you agree, dear?" is what Jing Yuan had told you after the both of you had gone through his initial plan to handle the crisis.
You knew that he was right, which was why you bit your tongue and confirmed his plan. As the general of Luofu and as an official handling the lives of the people - you both knew that his plan, although reckless would yield the best results instead of sacrificing lives where it was not needed.
You knew.
But as you stand before him in person and get a thorough look at him you can't help but wish things had gone differently that day when he came to you with a final plan - a final play.
You wished that you had let your selfish mind overtake your logical mind for a second and beg him to come up with something else. Anything that didn't involve setting himself in danger.
But you didn't, and now you're seeing the very consequences of not doing so in front of you.
His skin is paler than usual, there's bandages wrapped around his torso, his forearms and even a few of his fingers. The usual spark in his eyes are dimmed slighty. There's an air of exhaustion around him, like he's trying his best to stay awake even though he desperately wants to sleep, but his smile is still the same.
The same reassuring, convinning and gentle smile he gives you when you greet him at the Seat of Divine Foresight, when you return home after work and he's home before you and when you run into each other on the streets of Luofu. And yet you can't find yourself to smile back, your fingers tightly twisting the material of your garments while you struggle to let out a word, a sound or anything at all to even try to match his own effort to reach out to you.
But you can't, you can't bring yourself to speak, and every time you open your mouth you can only make a tiny sound that sounds like a wheeze. But before you can try to recollect yourself, your eyes widen when Jing Yuan forces himself to sit in an upright position, snapping back to reality when you hear his quiet grunt of pain.
However you're not able to tell him to lay back down again (as Bailu had instructed he does) before he grabs a hold of your hands and pulls you into his arms with quiet coos and a low chuckle, "No crying... I thought we said we wouldn't cry over things like this?" he whispers, pulling slightly back to instead cup your cheeks, thumbs caressing the few tears that had managed to fall down from your eyes with a gentle gaze.
It tears you utterly apart how your wellbeing is still his priority than his own recovery.
"That... was a different... situation," you manage to squeeze out, bringing your hands up to rub the tears away yourself.
You didn't know when the tears began to form, nor when they began to fall.
"I know I'll lose you one day to the mara, as much as you're aware that you might lose me to it as well - and that's what we promised not to cry over! We never agreed to this sort of situation!" you croak out, trying your best to stop the tears from flowing. You know it's a silly comparison - Jing Yuan would much rather die out in the battlefield protecting the Luofu and the alliance than fall victim to the curse. You know, but your selfish self won't accept that outcome - even though you know such an outcome is the best for the general of Luofu.
"I agreed to this plan of yours, yes. I also agreed knowing that you're essentially putting your own life at risk yes, but still!" you sob, raising a closed fist to lightly beat down on his already battered body, "Knowing that you still came back safe just made every possible scenario of things that could go wrong and knowing they didn't and that you're here right now- scolding me of all things for crying in relief just makes this seem more surreal so you out of everyone can't fault me for actually crying because I was preparing a starskiff for the soul-soothing ceremony in the background for aeons sake," you rasp out, ending the whole rant with a saddened chuckle.
Jing Yuan merely laughs in return, one arm wrapping around your waist while his free hand pushes your head into his chest while gently patting your head, his body shaking with his soft chuckles when he feels your tears wet his garments again, "I'm fine dear, I just need to be in bedrest for a while. I'm not leaving anytime soon, so stop those tears, okay? You know I can't handle it when you cry," he whispers, bending his head down slightly to kiss the crown of your head softly.
"Just let me cry this one out, I don't think I've cried for a good couple of years," you murmur, burying yourself further into his chest, the arms you have wrapped around him squeezing a tiny bit - making Jing Yuan let out a small yelp of surprise from the force.
He's warm, you notice. His heart is beating and you can feel his chest rise up and down with every breath he takes. You can feel his fingers run through your head, you can hear the his nonchalant commets of his observations of the room in the commission amidst the otherwise silent room. And you can feel his whole body when he shuffles a bit to rest his back to the wall while he himself tries to squeeze you a bit tighter to reassure you.
Everything indicating that he's alive for another day.
And only after that do you finally feel like you can breathe again.
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another request that had the same scenario in it!
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igotanidea · 1 month
Motivation: Benedict Bridgerton x model!reader
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requested by @jaysgirlx :Benedict x slightly nude model!reader
Stories like that doesn’t happen very often. The chances of recreating the history written by this French poet under the name of Charles Perrault and entitled “Cinderella” was close to none, and yet – Y/N Y/L/N was the fruit of just such an unlikely union.
Her mother was a woman that the ton was more than quick to judge and call the woman fell, just because of her profession. An actress. A word that hardly escaped the mouths of higher class ladies and nobles. It was one thing to enjoy the woman of said profession skills while social event, and the other to acknowledge her presence in the society.
In simple words – the doors were closed for her to ever step out of her social class.
However, life has its own twisted ways of defying and swiftly changing the reality. The flow of the world river is unstoppable and with the right amount of patience, and with the few drops of persistence, water can change the riverbed.
Y/N’s father-to-be, young lord Y/L/N, the firstborn, attended one of the play in the London’s theater, performed due to the Queen’s upcoming birthday celebrations. Instantly getting enamored with young Y/N’s mother-to-be skills and range of emotions. Her talent and beauty, connected with the fact that she was far from the leeches he learned ladies from the ton to be, shone so bright in his eyes, that defying all the laws and rules set ages prior, he forgot his destiny, upbringing and duties to family, started courting the young woman and in time took her as his wife.
Obviously, the fact never got accepted and yet, his lordship, lord Y/L/N got the leverage in the fact he has been the only son and an heir to the title.
Therefore, Y/N, was and simultaneously was not a lady.
Which made her upbringing and consequently her entire life rather complicated.
The young girl took after her mother in the terms of talent and beauty and after her father in terms of humor and boldness.
Which, as you, dearest gentle reader, might already expect, was the reason, that her existence was to get even more complicated. 
One foot in one class, second in the other Y/N never felt like she belonged in either. Breaking societal rules just like her father.
Ever at the youngest age she came to a conclusion that her mere being in the world was rather unwelcomed reminder of the misalliance. No governess wanted to teach her. No young girls her age coming from good families wanted to be in her presence. Her own grandpapa and grandmamma never showed any interest in meeting her. Consequently, five year Y/N was practically being raised on the scene. Listening to her mamma’s stories about the wonders of theater, art, performing and becoming someone else to escape the reality that tended to be cruel, judgmental and unforgiving.
Especially the last part was to be remembered.
Especially when her mother felt ill and died before Y/N could reach adulthood. Followed suit by her father, lost in grief after losing the love of his life.
Leaving their daughter all alone, forced by the vicious circumstances to tend by herself.
At first, her noble and very elderly grandparents from father’s side wanted (forced) to take her under their wings, but Y/N quickly realized that they wished to raise her for a noble lady with every method possible. Corporal punishment included. Their simple reason behind the action was to not let a wild girl run around and slander their name.
She run away after less than a month putting on a different last name, an alias of sort.  
And maybe those set of conditions, fueled by the need to keep her parents’ legacy was the reason that upon reaching the age that young ladies were presented to the queen and debuted in the ton, Y/N started her shameful profession as a model in London Art Academy as well as a part-time access.
No matter the world’s opinion on her, she was keeping her head high, being proud of who she was, never hiding and refusing to bow down to the nobles, included the one who believed that a model was just another term for courtesan with the clear intent on acting on those convictions.
While other professional girls were timid and working out of sheer necessity to support themselves, their living, and commonly, their children, Y/N refused to hide, making quite a comfortable life for herself, given all the misevents. And as shocking as it may have been in a XVIII century London – thriving without a husband.
Enjoying every second spent in the sacred temple dedicated to art and education of  the future geniuses of the field, taking greatest pride in participating in the process. Sacrificing her heart, mind and soul to the muses.   
Y/N’s favorite days were those, when she was dressing in fantasy dresses and costumes fulfilling her mother’s words about becoming someone else, taking a mask, a life of an imaginary character, a shell that was to be filled to her own liking. And with her late father’s sense of humor she loved the ability to create characters that somehow mocked the people she knew in real life.
An older lady, busy with everyone’s interest?
A respected matron, whose life’s greatest ambition was marrying her daughters into the noble family?
A royalty with indomitable character and imposing her will without any embarrassment?
All welcomed.
And yet – there were also those specific art lessons for high-born gentlemen that were focused on anatomy. And those never required any intricate outfits at all, except maybe a tiny, thin piece of fabric, reveling more skin than it was societally savory.
Y/N might not have had the tiniest waist or the prettiest hair or delicate, fragile figure.
And many student were unsatisfied with said fact (those were the mentioned ones connotating model with hetaira).
And those were also the ones making her smirk under her nose. As if she didn’t know those gentlemen tended to engage in a different kind of art, that has little to zero connection with painting on canvas. Besides, in some cases, if the gentlemen’s  other skills were similar to those they showed in class …. poor wives.
However, there was one of them that seemed a little lost in the place. Not because he did not belong, since his talent was undeniable. It was rather because, unlike anyone else, he never said anything even mildly mean to her. Unlike anyone else he was treating her like a human being and not a chunk of flesh Unlike anyone else, she was a woman to him.
Well, maybe not in that sense of the word, but still a woman.
He was watching her with sparkles in his eyes that followed her own, no matter how much she was averting her gaze.
Not like Daphne with her fair, smooth skin, rosy lips and silky hair.
Y/N, as he learned her name was, was like a force of nature. Untamed. Powerful. With fire in her gaze and statuesque figure making her look like a goodness of war.
And he was captivated by the internal strength and resilience that radiated through the whole room, reaching even the dimly lit corner of the classroom he found shelter in. Utterly unable to tear his eyes of her. Noticing the smallest details and blemishes on her skin, that only inflamed the fire of his interest.   
Oh, to have a piece of her attention.
But she was a model. And he was a lord, even if only a second son, deprived of the title. And even if she didn’t know it, her obvious pride would never allow her to approach him. A man from a higher class she learned to be incomprehensible in their love for worldly pleasure, driven by lusciousness, believing themselves to be above anyone else.
She would be more then delighted to take said men down a notch, but regardless of her pride, fire and independent nature, merely one ungrateful word would cause her to loose the job she loved so much.
Nonetheless, Benedict was neither terrene either the one to give up once his mind was made.
And he made it his personal pursuit to meet her.
“Lady Y/N.”
She raised an eyebrow at the voice coming from above her head when she was picking up the utensils left everywhere by reckless and uncaring students, used to being served.
“Surely you are joking my lord?”
“And why would I be joking?”
“I am not a lady and you are aware of that considering the circumstances. And if your lady mother—”
“My lady mother is occupied by my brother’s wife searching quest.”
“Oh yes, your brother, the viscount Bridgerton.”
“Mh. So you know who I am, don’t you?” Benedict’s ego went a little higher in the sky.
“Oh my lord, shall you expect me to be deaf and blind to miss the news of the season?”
“I—” the ego crashed down on the ground
“I may surprise you further then, my lord. I am quite capable when it comes to reading. The skill I use for more than merely enjoying Lady whistledown’s brochures, however I do enjoy the style of writing she presents. Quite talented with the narrative.”
“So you are not only a model but also a writer, lady Y/N?”
“And in my free time I also serve as a charlady. A woman of many talents.” She pointed out to the dirty pencils and accessories in her hands
"Such a surprising thought that-"
"That a woman can in fact have some more ambition than marrying into a noble family?"
"You do sound like one of my sisters..."
“Your sister surely is a smart woman."
Benedict shook his head with a smile, gaze pinned to the floor to avoid laughing and somehow offending his companionship.
“Which one of those gentlemen influenced your opinion this heavily?” Benedict grinned
“Excuse me?”
“Just reveal his name to me and I shall demand satisfaction”
This sentence actually made her laugh a little and before they realized what was happening they were both chuckling in the middle of the empty art classroom as if they were from the same class without any social barriers in-between.
“You’re Benedict Bridgerton.”
“And you are Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Indeed, At your service” she bowed in a very funny and very untrained way. “you must have put yourself through a great deal of trouble to learn my deepest secret.”
“And how entertaining it was to do so.”
“Was it?” she titled her head narrowing eyes a little studying his face. “that makes me wonder the purpose of said action.”
“Will you let a man keep a bit of his own secrets?”
“I must refuse to do so.”
“And this is precisely what I have been expecting to hear from you.”
“Are you challenging me now, my lord?”
“Not for a duel if that’s what-“
“It’s not.” She cut him out with a smile “now, If you forgive me, Bridgerton, I have my duties to tend to.” She bowed and with hands full of remnants of the art class started walking away.
“I shall hope to see you in the next class?” he called after her
“I  believe you said your family is occupied with your brother’s marriage …..? Shall you not be invested in those?”
“I—” dear lord, how was it possible that this woman was taking words out of his mouth this effectively? And he believed himself to be the witty one of the siblings. 
“Life is full of mysteries my lord and trying to predict what may happen In a week seems like an exercise in futility.”
She send him the last smile and disappeared for good, leaving Benedict with the lingering sense of dissatisfaction.
And suddenly making him forget about the fact that he has been considering renouncing the academy membership Anthony have so generously provided him with.
Having gained additional motivation, he was more determined to persevere.
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slytherinslut0 · 1 month
Mattheo Riddle with reader doing a striptease?
ok this one is fun 🤭 18+?
perhaps it’s late at night, perhaps you’ve been drinking with the boys and pansy, everyone equally as sloshed as the other. the lot of you start playing truth or dare, and inevitably you get hit with a dare to do a striptease.
now, you were given the option to keep your top or bottoms on, should you feel more comfortable that way, but with the liquor coursing through your system and your newfound motivation, you couldn’t really give two fucks.
you and mattheo had been in this tension filled back and forth for quite some time, everyone knows the two of you have been messing around, though the stubborn arse doesn’t seem to wanna’ put aside his goddamn pride and admit that he wants you, exclusively.
you knew this was your perfect chance.
accepting the dare you stand up, somehow managing to swallow your laughter as you lock eyes with mattheo, his brooding browns glued to you with a clear challenge as he’s thinking to himself there’s no goddamn way she’s going to actually do this. strip in front of all your friends? no way.
oh, mattheo. you foolish fuck.
you know damn well that mattheo is the possessive type, but strangely enough he isn’t protesting this. he’s just simply watching you. you know this is just as much a dare from him as it is from the group. a dare to test him. a dare to play with fire. to fuck around and find out.
unfortunately for you, you’ve never been one to back down from a dare.
you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, holding his stare and start by reaching behind your head to slowly let your hair out of your ponytail, allowing its length to sway as it falls and cascades around your face. you notice mattheo’s eye twitch, almost imperceptibly, before he begins adjusting his seated stance slightly, manspreading his legs just a little bit wider.
you choke back a giggle. though you know he noticed.
for a brief second you let your eyes traverse the room, glimpsing enzo and theo and blaise, all hawk eyes and parted lips, not wanting to miss a goddamn thing. you don’t feel too much about this as you know they’ve all seen you dozens of times in a bikini while swimming or tanning--underwear and bra really wasn’t much different. was it?
regathering your focus you shake off the thoughts of potential implications as your hands move to the base of your jumper, fingertips tracing the edge before slowly peeling it up your torso, the draft of the cool room igniting goosebumps on your skin. you pull it up further, spinning around to show them your backside as you tug it up and over your head, tossing it to the floor at your feet.
pansy whistles, giggling and urging you on as you sway your hips slightly to the faint hum of music playing in the background, undeniably lost in the fun of it all as the other boys cheer you on, too, clapping and howling in an absurd way to pump you up. at this point, you’re in damn near hysteria from laughing so hard.
collecting yourself, you tease the band of your leggings while bending at the hips, peering over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of mattheo’s expressions as you begin to slowly peel them down your thighs, your ass in clear view.
mattheo looks like a fucking trainwreck, his hair tousled like his hand had plowed through it, his knuckles pale from gripping his cup so hard you were almost certain it was about to shatter within his palm. his jaw was clenched, so tight it almost looked painful, his eyes the hypnotizing depth of a black hole. you couldn’t tell if he was enjoying this, or utterly fucking hating it.
and as though he could read your mind, it was but a mere few seconds later before he gave you the answer.
you got your leggings about half way down your thighs when he stood up abruptly, interrupting the show and standing behind you to block your ass from the view of the other guys. when they all started grumbling and asking him wtf he was doing, he’d simply tell them to shut up and pick their jaws off the floor before they catch flies.
he’d yank your leggings back up, his lips pressed to your ear as he’d growl. “you win, you little fucking brat.”
you’d shrug, pretending you have no damn idea what he’s on about, and he’d reply with a calm, “yeah whatever you say princess, now let’s go back to my dorm so you can do this again for me in private.”
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Guess what time it is…….
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CENTIPEDE TIME !!! she’s finally real,,,,,,,, based off Scolopendra hardwickei or the Indian tiger centipede
Before I go about the process I just want to say you guys have been soooo incredible and I love reading your reblogs and I love the idea knowing I’ve inspired a lot of people,,, the project, although it was a lot of work and I’m feeling not so great as of posting this, still motivates me to want to make another.
(Art process below)
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This was entirely freehanded! I have a lot of experience working in 3D art settings that this part came easy to me but I started with a flat base shaped in the pose I’d like the creature in. I used one whole piece cut from a shipping box and filled in the gaps with tape; you don’t need a single piece for the base but for structural integrity it helps a lot. As you can see here I also cut the legs separate and glued them on using hot glue. The vertical cross sections are to give an early support for the structure of the creature, think about the frames of aircraft or boats. During this part I used a pen to mark the width and height of the previous section to get a gradual flow of shapes.
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This next part I wish I got more documentation on but after the vertical cross sections I used soda boxes for the thinner and flexible cardboard to add contour lines along the length of the creature, gluing them on the cross sections. I did about 2 strips of this on either side to fill in the space and then I continued to use soda boxes to fold and shape the top of the creature, gluing onto the strips rather than the cross sections (this part was a mistake but I quickly adapted, no issues happened but it did make it slightly less secure). I also gave the legs vertical cross sections as well to shape them for the masking tape.
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The worst part, taping everything. I used tape to further shape it how I wanted but that meant going over parts several times. I used 2 different widths of tape for this for efficiency but it doesn’t matter. The legs were very loosely taped and if squeezed then they’d lose their shape; I didn’t bother filling them in because I don’t have materials for that and I let the paper mache help support them instead. Tape was also used to fill any holes and gaps left by the cardboard skeleton.
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The next phase is paper mache of which I haven’t done since 5th grade… I was not confident in this step. I used mod podge and a brush to smooth down the paper. Because I lacked materials I used fast food napkins instead of newspaper which worked totally fine, it just tended to tear a bit easier. Some areas required me to get hands on and I don’t really like the texture during this stage so that was fun (lie). I didn’t do too many layers, one for the body and 3 for the back and legs but some projects might demand more. I used half of a 16oz bottle of mod podge btw so please get more than you think you need.
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Finally, texture hell!!! I did a base coat of white spray paint and painted everything else with acrylic. Start with your lighter colors first before doing darker ones! I originally mixed some yellow and orange for the body and realized it was too bright and so covered it with orange instead. It also wasn’t until later I realized I could’ve been smarter with my paint so I skipped over the segments that were going to be fully black, saving the orange for the rest of the body. I wanted my centipede to stand out and not look 2D color-wise so I also used the red for the head and tail to give gradients and edges to the orange segments and legs, later going back with burgundy to further darken them but not too much. For the black segments I also used a very watered down layer of sky blue to give a fake shine and show the intended structure of the segments. Do not be afraid to use your hands! I used mine to smudge my detail paints like the black fade on the legs and the back shading. To top it all off I sprayed a clear coat and punched two holes in the underside to hang it up, using thumbtacks angled upwards.
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berrieluv · 1 year
academic rival!Remus Lupin x reader.
oh, the "who did this to you" trope, my beloved.
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None of you knew how it started, and if someone ever dares to ask Remus would most likely groan at them, he didn't understood your dynamic.
He felt that nauseous feeling grow in him when you would get a slightly better note than him, even when it was the same note but your assignment got to be praised by the teachers.
You liked it. You needed the motivation and the competition to stay on top. Some people liked Quidditch, others joined the chess team, you and Remus created a rivalry to get through the school days.
Remus and you have never actually be friends. You liked James and Sirius, you thought they were funny, and in any situation you could imagine yourself dating Sirius, you shared a funny dynamic where you both would flirt. But the competition with Remus' took most of your time, it was almost as if he was your actual boyfriend.
Now that you think about it, you spent most of your time with Remus, or thinking about him, or thinking on defeating him. Your thoughts were 80% Remus Lupin and actually just a 20% school.
Now, in the last party before summer vacation, you both thought of taking a rest. No ditching your friends because you were busy studying, no "I can't drink, I have school tomorrow" anymore.
Just you, Remus and a ridiculous amount of butter beer. And of course, a lot of students as well, but Remus felt like it was only you and him right there.
You looked gorgeous. Remus thinks he never had any chance to look at you this way, to think of you as the most beautiful woman in the room. He knew you were pretty, he may hate you but he wasn't blind. He could see why Sirius had a thing for you. But now, in that exact moment, Remus couldn't take his eyes off you.
You were wearing jeans and a revealing blouse. Classy but somehow informal at the same time, Remus thought that maybe the shoes complete the outfit. That and your tide up hair, he wondered how much it took you to style it like that, he knew there was a lot of effort on the way you tried to make your hair look messy. It was a specific kind of messy you liked.
"Hey, Remus!"
He smiled at the girl who sat by his side, he didn't want to be rude, he was a gentleman, but his mind was killing him to turn around and watch you.
The girl in front of him was pretty, she was funny and she could keep up with any topic Remus would mention, she was well spoken and her body behaved in a way that was almost royalty-like, but he couldn't stop thinking about you, standing just a few steps for him, all that would take was to turn around.
"Remus, are you listening to me?"
No, he wasn't.
"No, sorry, love. What was it?"
She never got mad, not when Remus lost the track of the conversation or when he finally looked behind his back. To his misfortune, you weren't there anymore.
A few hours passed, the first girl was now long-forgotten and Remus was just sitting on the couch listening to Dorcas and Marlene talk about something and occasionally turning to ask him as well.
He felt his body on alert mode when he saw you again. It was around 1:00 a.m., if he was counting right, it was around three hours where he spent without seeing you.
Your face looked in panic. Your arms where hugging your body and your hair was in a different way than before, your lipstick also disappeared and he knew that sad smile way too well to ignore that something happened.
He excused himself from the girls and got up, making all the way to you, touching your arm only to feel you flinching at it, he frowned, because yes, you could say were enemies, but Remus has touch you many times, you could say you were used to it, and not once have you flinch.
"Is everything alright?"
But your eyes were filled with tears now and you felt so embarrassed, of what happened and for crying in front of all this people. You hided your face on Remus chest, trying to stop people from seeing you cry, Remus started to move his body a bit so it looked like the two of you were slow dancing, even when the music was nothing like that.
Remus took you upstairs, it was James' home after all, he could do whatever he pleases there.
He sat you on Sirius' couch, in his room and looked at you better, with the lights fully on. There were wounds in your arms, the kind of wounds the nails cause when they're drowning in the skin.
Remus tried to touch your face and you pulled back with an 'ouch', there was no visible marks but he could tell your left cheek was sore comparing to the right one.
"Who did this to you?"
He didn't know why he was so mad – Well, he knew if it was any other girl he could try tot help too –. He didn't know why he wanted to kill, why the Moony part of him felt like waking up when they were so far from the full moon.
You couldn't speak, you didn't knew his name, you only saw a Gryffindor pin in his jacket before he took it off.
"He was blonde" You say with tears in your eyes, not exactly sure why you felt so comforted right there with Remus, you wanted that asshole to suffer. You wanted him to cry, you wanted him to know how it feels to have someone doing things to your body without you wanting them, without you being able to stop it. "He was a Gryffindor"
And it's not like there's only one blonde Gryffindor in Hogwarts, but he knew one that would do exactly something like this.
"Stay here, I don't want you downstairs"
"He didn't... he didn't got far!" You yell before he could exit the door "He just tried, he, he couldn't take off my clothes, completely, he just tried. Nothing happened. I'm overreacting" You said with tears in your eyes, you felt ashamed, you were dirty now.
"More than enough happened" Remus walked away from the door and kneeled in front of you, kissed your knee and looked at you "Now stay here. I don't want you downstairs, alright?"
How could he not know who it was? It was the same blonde Gryffindor who called you 'Remus' little bitch' once, the same man who said out loud in a boys' night at the common room how you were one of the main girls he fantasized about, how he wanted, no, needed, to have you in any way he could.
Remus felt sick at the memory. He remember how the words twisted his stomach back then and he remember doing nothing, one of his Housemates was expressing out loud how he would even come in terms on raping if necessary and he did nothing.
"Remus, I've been looking for you" Sirius says, hanging from his shoulder and walking at Remus' speed once he didn't stop; "Where're we going?"
The boy didn't answer, he couldn't, his tooth were clenching he felt like he could break them at any moment. And the second he saw those blonde hairs and that cocky face he didn't doubt for a moment on throwing the first punch.
Sirius would always tell the story, and he would always mention he swears he has never feel sober up as fast as he did that day.
The alcohol evaporated from his system.
"Mate, what the... what is wrong with you?"
"You know what you did" Remus answers, caressing his fist with his other hand and looking at Tom, ready to kill him at any moment.
"Oh" He chuckled "You mean what I did... to your little girlfriend?"
You were not his girlfriend, but Remus didn't think necessary to point it out now, in fact, he sort of liked the thought of that. He would come to terms with that later.
"She wanted it tho... She was throwing herself at me like a bitch in heat"
And Remus threw another punch. He didn't even think of this one, the only thing he knew is that his hand was already making contact his his face.
Tom fought back, he punched Remus and that's when Sirius thought of getting involve, when that bastard's friends started to go against Remus.
"She was drunk!" He yelled once he felt James pulling him away, Sirius distancing himself from the others once James arrived and yelled at them to stop. "You had no right touching her, she was drunk!"
Lily tried to calm Remus down while James made sure of kick everyone out from the party.
"Remus, relax, alright?" He tried to breath but he couldn't bare to even think of you, scared, begging for it to stop and not feeling strong enough to do something about it, the impotence. "Where is she?"
"What if you calm down and go look for her? How does that sound? Spend a bit of time with Y/N, she must be scared and exhausted. She needs you to be there"
He nods, that actually sounded good, just the two of you, lying in Sirius' bed, or you lying in the bed while he's on the floor, maybe just holding hands, he didn't know. He was so confused right now, too many emotions.
Remus walked upstairs and opened the door, you looked at him, worried and ran to inspect his body, he just chuckled.
"I heard the fight" You say, calmly.
"Sorry" He says and you frown "I thought Sirius' room was soundproof"
You shake your head "Why did... why did you get into a fight? You don't fight"
"I've come to realize, that I can only fight when it comes to you. Whether is against you or for you"
"You will fight me?"
"I fight you every single day it's crazy. I spend more time thinking about you than any girl I've like. My relationships don't work because I'm just looking forward the next time I see you in class to see if I did better than you. There's days where the only thing feeding my will to live is our silly competition"
"But will you fight me, tho?" You asked with a smile and curious eyes. "Like you did today"
"I could take you" He simply answer "Not in a fight"
You chuckle and look at him, his hair is messy, even more than it always is, his shirt is missing around three buttons and you can see his chest, his cheek is red and it's starting to turn purple and yet he still looks a weird way of divine.
And you felt brave enough to kiss him. Remus feel like standing on clouds, it was the first time he could confirm he believed in God.
"Does this mean we're not rivals anymore?"
"Don't be silly, Remus. One kiss doesn't erase years of competition. I could mop the dirt with you"
"What about two kisses?"
"I would have to think about it"
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samkerrworshipper · 8 months
Lucy x reader riding her thigh or abs pls 😩😅😅
euro champs and abs | lucy Bronze x reader
warnings: smut, fluff, ab riding, MINORS DNI 18+
part 2 / aftercare <- just for my fluff girlies 😘
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“If you win the Euro’s I’ll let you have me, however you want, for however long you want, doing whatever you want.”
They were the famous last words that I’d given to Lucy before her game, motivation, because for her I knew there was absolutely no better motivation than sex. She was a fucking horny little bitch, always and I used it to my advantage, often, it was the perfect form of bribery.
What I hadn’t expected when they won was for Lucy to cash in on that so soon, we’d been downstairs out with the team for hardly two hours when she approached me. I’d been sitting with Tooney and Less, the babies of the group who were apparently massive lightweights because they were both slurring their words as they tried to crack jokes that were completely incoherent.
“I think it’s about time that we gave me my prize, hm?”
I shivered as Lucy’s breath and voice brushed against my neck, slightly thicker with the alcohol that I knew she’d consumed. I turned my head towards her, so I could get a proper look. She was still in her playing uniform, as were the majority of the girls. She wasn’t drunk but she was definitely a few drinks in, Lucy could handle her alcohol concerningly well, in fact she’d drunken most of our friends under the table, bar the Aussies and Irish who nobody could come close to, there was something different in their blood, I was sure of it.
“If that’s what you want my girl.”
Lucy smirked at me and nodded and there wasn’t a single part of me that could deny her, there wasn’t a bone in my body capable of doing so. So I said my goodbyes to the two youngsters before taking a final swig of what was left in my glass and following Lucy out of the room and back to our hotel room.
Almost as soon as we got through the door her lips were on mine, capturing them in a bruisingly deep kiss that sent shivers down my back all the way to my toes. She was pulling me by my belt into her and everything about it was so fucking perfect. Once she was satisfied I was close enough to her body she started to undo my belt, she struggled for a few seconds before getting it off and dropping it to the floor. Lucy’s lips were hot, nibbling along my jaw and lips in the softest way I knew she was capable of, her eyes were on my own, the big orbs staring directly into mine as she started to undress me slowly. We were both breathing heavily, gasps leaving both of our lips every few seconds. Lucy was whispering I love you against my lips as many times as she could, and it had me practically shaking in my jeans.
“What do you want my love?”
Lucy’s hands were currently occupied with my jeans, struggling to pull the zipper off.
“Want you to ride my abs.”
I couldn’t breathe, I swore Lucy had actually taken the air from my lungs and just as I was about to choke on my own breath Lucy’s thumb was on my lower lip, looking to me for an answer.
“Only if you want to.”
Lucy’s hands were back at my jeans, having worked out the zipper she was now pulling the denim down over my thighs and ass, letting them pool on the floor and helping me step out of them.
“Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes.”
Lucy smirked at me, replacing her thumb with her lips and catching me in another painfully good kiss that had her hands tangled in my hair, smashing our teeth and lips together. When she finally pulled away her face was flushed and my hair was a distraught mess, neither of us cared though, why would we. She was a European champion and I was her fiance, life could not be better. Next thing I knew she was picking me up and I was wrapping my legs around her, attaching my lips to her neck whilst she moved us over to the bed and sat herself down before leaning herself down so she was lying against the pillows and I was straddling her hips.
I continued to sloppily kiss at Lucy’s neck, making very faint marks as I moved my way along, until she was pulling my head back gently with her hand secured around my hair.
“Those panties are so sexy, baby, but I think they would look far sexier in the pile on the floor. They're not doing much now anyways, you’ve already soaked through them.”
I nodded eagerly at Lucy, lifting my hips up so she could slide the items off of my hips and down my legs, leaving my bottom half naked and resting securely on her still clothed hips.
“I think you’re overdressed as well sweetheart.”
Lucy nodded at me, making quick work of lifting the both of us up and slipping her shorts and boxers off and then quickly lifting her shirt over her head to reveal her six pack to me, glistening in the light of our hotel room and leaving her equally bare as me.
I replied to her by pressing my lips back on her own, taking her bottom lip in my teeth and biting down enough to earn a little squeal from her.
“Why don’t you show me how well you can get yourself off on my abs baby?”
I swore once again that as the words were murmured against my lips that once again the oxygen was taken from my lungs. I removed my mouth delicately from Lucy’s and moved myself up from her hips, lifting myself up and setting myself back down onto her abs that I loved so much. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t fantasised about this somewhere along the way, I mean there was something so fucking delectable about the muscles that adorned her torso.
As soon as I sat myself down on them I could feel every single detail of them under me, I didn’t even have to move to feel the friction of her muscles tensing and simply existing below me. Lucy pressed her lips to my hips, pressing a delicate kiss to each hip bone before looking up at me, her eyes were full of list and seduction, everything that made me giddy on the inside.
“C’mon baby, make me proud.”
Her words of encouragement and her hands securing themselves on my waist were enough to guide me to start moving and almost immediately I was a moaning mess. The feeling of her skin and her slightly soft but also rock hard muscles underneath my clit and pussy was electric. Lucy’s hands on my hips, gripping down on the places she’d just kissed and was now bruising also adding to the pleasure that was building up in my stomach. I was coating Lucy’s whole torso in my juices and adding to experience as I continued to rub myself up and down her curves and edges, finding the spots that felt the best and rubbing myself up against those particular spots with a little bit more energy behind my hips. Slowing pushing myself towards the edge as I pushed my clit up and down the hard muscles that felt like a fucking dream against my sensitive nub. I knew Lucy could feel that I was getting close, my body giving me away as my thighs and pussy clenched against her skin as my body clung to her skin searching for more, searching for a release.
“Let go baby, I know you can do it, let go for me.”
As soon as the words left her mouth I was plummeting over a cliff of pleasure, my body spasming on top of Lucy's hips, mine jerking against hers which left me an oversensitive whimpering mess until Lucy lifted me off of her body and set me down next to her on the bed. It took me a few seconds before the orgasm finally ridded itself of my body and I was left in the post-orgasmic bliss, Lucy’s arms lazily wrapped around my torso.
“How about you clean up the mess you’ve made and then we go for round two?”
I was very happy to clean up the mess I’d made, leaning down to lick my way up between the valley of her muscles, flattening my tongue out against her muscles to lick up the mess that I’d made all over her. It was filthy and dirty and everything that I loved about sex with Lucy. I kept going, revelling in the sounds that I was making Lucy produce. Normally we would have tried to be quieter, considering that we were staying at a hotel with her teammates but they’d just won the fucking Euro’s and I could guarantee that all of the girls were most likely getting laid tonight but someone.
Once I was done I reached up to press my lips to Lucy’s, letting her taste me, she smirked devilishly against my lips, her tongue reaching into my own mouth to lick up whatever she could find, ravaging my mouth until she had tasted every inch that she could.
“So, round two?”
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ninma · 2 months
I just noticed a very interesting note in Alastor's ad in episode 1...
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Who in Hazbin Hotel is the most associated with circus decor?
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Less than 5 min into episode 1 and we already get a hint that Alastor isn't a big fan of Lucifer.
Which is interesting because it implies that Alastor disliked Lucifer before he even involved himself with the hotel. They hadn't even met yet.
It's such a weirdly specific thing to add to a commercial too. Because when I think hotel, circus decor wouldn't be anywhere on my list of expectations.
It's clearly targeted towards Lucifer. An indirect insult Alastor probably had wanted Lucifer to see.
If this is the case, some of Alastor's commentary can be looked at slightly differently.
Lines like "Lucifer's delusional daughter", "Daddy issues" and the other insulting commentary can then also be partly aimed at Lucifer.
Which would probably be effective hits because Lucifer definitely wouldn't be happy about someone offending his daughter, but the "Daddy issues" line would probably make him feel guilt.
It's as if Alastor wanted to pick a fight the first chance he got to potentially reach Lucifer.
But like...why?
In episode 5 we have a reasonable explanation for why Alastor is poking at Lucifer. Alastor likes to be in control and have power over others, however even he knows Lucifer is more powerful than him. Therefore he aims at Lucifer's relationship with Charlie (which is what the dad comments are really about) to regain some of that power.
Which is why it doesn't make any sense for him to indirectly target Lucifer in episode 1.
Why pick a fight with the King of Hell when he barely had anything to hold over Lucifer?
When this ad was made, Charlie had known Alastor for only a week and therefore claiming to be close to her would be weird.
Heck, Alastor is even insulting Charlie and the hotel here, which definitely doesn't give him any favour from her.
Another point could be that Alastor is also partly annoyed at having to make a video. He probably doesn't expect it to air. But that still doesn't explain why he'd deliberately add a note directed at Lucifer.
So.....What's the deal here Alastor?
There isn't a clear reason for doing this.
The only one I can guess that makes some sense is that Alastor just wanted to feel some sense of power by indirectly insulting Lucifer, who is the most powerful being in all of Hell. Getting a chance to hit him where it hurts would probably bring Alastor a lot of satisfaction.
Another option is that it could be related to Lilith, if she turned out to be the one he made a deal with. It could be that Alastor's frustration over his deal makes him want to take it out on Lucifer (since he obviously can't take it out on Charlie). Lilith telling him to do it is possible, but I find it unlikely. Unless her real motive was pushing Lucifer out of his isolation and back into Charlie's life. Still find it unlikely tho.
In the end, it still feels weird for Alastor to be this intent on picking on Lucifer this early on. Taking advantage of the first opportunity to have a message reach Lucifer, despite Alastor neither having power or leverage over him if Lucifer had responded.
Care to spill the tea on why you're being so pissy?
(Sorry, couldn't resist-)
EDIT: I just realized how funny it is that despite saying there is no tacky circus decor, the hotel itself is FULL of it XD
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Now that I think about it, that might actually be the joke behind the note.
(Admittedly, this might just be a fun bit of foreshadowing and doesn't really have any deeper meaning)
(Also, Lucifer's circus decor isn't tacky. I'd definitely be down for staying at a hotel with his aesthetic and decor. But, maybe that's just me)
(It kinda reminds me of how Vox immediately went to send a message to Alastor on TV the moment he learned of his return XD)
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lyak12 · 3 months
Lucy Bronze x reader please. They get spotted multiple times by fans and paparazzi that they are together but they haven’t come out as a couple yet. So when reader scores winning goal at Wembley at the euros. Lucy kisses reader. Like cute fluff
Privacy, or not?
A/N: That request was just too cute and suddenly got really motivated to write. Cut me some slack, it's not very long, not proofread, and I'm a bit rusty, but I'd like to think it's a start:) Thanks for the cute req, Annie :))
Warnings: None just pure fluff
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If there is one thing that is important to Lucy, it's her privacy.
You know that, and it's been openly communicated as you started dating a bit over a year ago. That means no love drunk posts on social media, or anything similar.
At first, you had thought this was going to be hard for you since you happily let your followers take part in your life, but you quickly realized that the beauty in this privacy is priceless.
You've never been so happy in a relationship.
Lucy and you are currently walking at the beach near her apartment in Barcelona. You had quickly learned that Lucy values physical touch, and by now, whenever you were out together with no obvious paparazzi, her hand would always hold yours. Now isn't any different.
You look up at the brunette and can't help but smile. You're so happy. She notices you staring and asks, smiling, "What are you looking at?". "The person that makes me the happiest I've ever been", you just answer honestly as Lucy blushes slightly.
That's another thing you learned about Lucy early on in your relationship. She's pretty shy outside of football, and she could not deal well with being complimented.
"You're so cute when you blush", you just chuckle and cuddle into her side slightly. Lucy just rolls her eyes slightly before placing a soft kiss on your head.
You weren't surprised when the next day you were tagged in, I don't know how many tweets that show a very blurry picture of the two of you at the beach. People have been speculating about your relationship for months now.
As you crawl on the bed where Lucy is lying, you hand her your phone with the Pic. "You can not even tell it's us. They're just two blobs", she chuckles as you just start laughing. By now, it is just fun to tease the media.
You crawl into her arms and rest against her chest, cuddling close. "The paparazzi foto from the restaurant a couple of weeks ago has definitely been better", you mumble as she wraps her arms around you and holds you close. "That was a good one yeah", Lucy says as she kisses your forehead.
The euros were in just two weeks, and even though it's not your first rodeo with the national team, you always get a bit nervous. Lucy knows that, and she also knows that no matter how often she reassures you that everything will be fine, she can't get rid of your nerves completely.
"You thinking about the euros again?", she asks softly as she plays with your hair, and you just nod slightly. Crawling completely on top of her, you wedge yourself in between her legs and look up at her. "What if something happens to your knee?", you ask a bit worried. "Love, my knee is doing very well. Don't worry about me. We'll have a great tournament and play the sport we love, okay?", she asks as she looks into your eyes and caresses your cheeks. You nod and sigh softly before smiling at her.
And Lucy has been right. You both have been having an amazing tournament so far, and before you guys know it, you're in the final. All ready to win the euros. You've never witnessed the lionesses so hyped.
You got on in the 63th minute, and only minutes later, the Germans score a goal to make it even. You glance at Lucy from across the field, and she just nods at you. Telling you to stay focused. So that's what you do.
The regular time is over, so you move into the overtime. It's in the 111th minute that you have a perfect run, and you just take the shot. And it's in. At first, you can't believe it, and then you start cheering, running over to Lucy before jumping into her arms. Your other teammates jump on you too, cheering and yellin, but you only grin at Lucy.
You have never seen her look so unbelievably proud of you. She rests a hand on your cheek and kisses you. You haven't talked about it, but right now, it just felt right. And if Lucy is ready to make the two of you official, so are you.
You grin at her as you break the kiss before pecking her lips once more. You still had a game to finish. However, before you know it, the whistle is blown, and you're handed the medals and trophy. "We did it", you say, grinning at Lucy. "We sure did", Lucy says before pulling you in again for another kiss. "The fans that have been speculating and shipping us are gonna have a ball with this", you say, chuckling.
"Let them", Lucy just says, grinning and kisses you again. This is a nice way to end the tournament.
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little-diable · 2 months
Finding solace in you – Carlisle Cullen (smut)
Thank you to the anon who pushed this drabble idea my way! Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated! Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Reader and Carlisle spend a bit of time at the beach, while a thunderstorm hits.
Warnings: 18+, smut, piv, outdoor,
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x fem!reader (1k words)
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The wind blew through her hair, leaving the strands to dance in the air as her eyes kept watching the waves roll ashore. She wore one of his jackets, cuddled into the expensive fabric to keep herself warm.
“It’s beautiful in this weather, we should do this more often.” (Y/n) murmured her words at Carlisle, who stood behind her, arms wrapped around his girlfriend. Her head rested against his broad chest, finding solace in his closeness after another tiring day. 
“We will, I promise, love.” Carlisle pressed his cold lips against her neck, enjoying the way she trembled against him as goosebumps began to form on her skin. Slowly, (y/n) turned in his grasp, slightly flinching as thunder loudly roared through the afternoon. 
Black clouds were covering the sky, leaving them completely alone out here as others found shelter in their homes, hidden from the storm that was about to hit. (Y/n) pulled Carlisle down for a kiss, groaning against his lips while deepening the kiss with her tongue meeting his. He didn’t loosen his grip, and kept holding her to him as if they were back at home, hidden from the rain that was now falling from the dark sky. 
“Love,” it was a warning, growled against her lips to push her away, to tell her that he wouldn’t hold back if she kept teasing him. But (y/n) kissed him again, not daring to stop touching her boyfriend when they got a few moments alone, away from nosy eyes and ears – just the two of them reunited beneath a dark sky as if the smoky clouds from the attack on Troy were hanging over their heads, ancient lovers enduring all these gruesome moments. 
“What will it take for you to fuck me out here?” Before she even spoke the last words, Carlisle had sped them across the beach to press her against a tree. He was towering over her, enjoying the way she was heavily breathing, panting from the anticipation flushing through her. 
“As if you’d have to convince me to touch you.” He clicked his tongue as (y/n) got to work on his belt, knowing that they wouldn’t drag this out, a quick fuck to get that poisonous longing out of their systems. Carlisle’s cold lips teased her neck, leaving (y/n) shuddering as the rain began to pour even heavier. They were protected from the strong rainfall by the tree he had pressed her against, and yet some drops managed to soak their clothes, leaving (y/n) torn between the different sensations. 
She was flipped around in his grasp, hands holding onto the tree as he pulled her jeans down to her knees, groaning at the sight of her panties. Carlisle’s cold fingers pulled the soaked fabric aside to brush his fingers through her slit, preparing her for the upcoming moments. 
“Fuck me, please, I don’t want to wait any longer.” (Y/n) almost sobbed her words, she let her head hang as he aligned himself with her heat, about to fuck her from behind. Both groaned in unison as Carlisle pushed into her, letting his head roll back to try and compose himself. Even though both were desperate for a release, they wanted to hold onto one another for as long as possible, enjoying every moment when they were alone together.
“You feel so good, love, my perfect girl.” He always found the time to praise (y/n), to prove his love to her even when he fucked her ruthlessly. (Y/n) could only sob at his words, letting her walls clench around him to try and tell him how much she needed him, hoping that he’d leave marks for her to admire later on. 
The pouring rain left its stain on both their clothes, letting the fabrics stick to their bodies as Carlisle fucked her with ferocious thrusts, forcing his cock deeper with every movement. Their bodies were forced together, clinging to their significant other as their surroundings began to close in on them. She felt every inch of him, forcing her walls apart as if he still had to shape her, forcing her to accept him, moulding them together to form a perfect symphony. 
Her palms rubbed against the tree bark as she tried to hold on, ripping open her skin to let a few drops of blood pour from the cuts – heightening Carlisle’s senses. His pace began to falter for a second, distracted by the smell of her blood, the sweetest smell Carlisle still wasn’t used to. He hadn’t been bothered by the smell for centuries, accepting the small distraction calling his name like a whisper in the night, he had always been able to drown it out – until (y/n) had crossed paths with him. The first time he had smelled her blood, Carlisle had been close to losing control, and now it was like a drug to him, pushing him closer and closer to the edge. 
“Touch yourself, love, make yourself cum.” The murmured words left (y/n) trembling, forced to find her pulsing bundle to give her the needed push. His name clawed through her as she came on his cock, with her eyes squeezed shut and her fingernails breaking through the bark. Her cries echoed through the forest, ringing in Carlisle’s ears as he fucked himself towards his high, letting go of a gritty moan while cumming deep inside of her. 
“Fuck, that was good.” (Y/n)’s breathless laughter drew one out of Carlisle, guiding them as he pulled out of her. She was tugged in for a kiss, pressed against the tree she had clung to only moments ago, silently hoping that he’d eventually fuck her against this tree again. 
“Remind me to take you out of the house more often, love.” 
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Masterlist Word count: 550 Arthur Morgan x Fem!Reader
Summary: You know that John likes you. You know that Arthur likes you. They know about each other, but the others don't. Gossip spreads and, what feels like a ticking time bomb, turns out to be unconnected. 
'I don't think he knows,' Abigail says as she sits, knitting with Mary-Beth and Tilly while watching you and Arthur talk. John has gone out hunting with Charles to learn how to use a bow as he is useless with it. Arthur had asked Charles to do so but Abigail suspects he had other motives for getting John away from camp.  'I think he does,' Tilly argues with a grin, 'why else would he ask Charles? Everyone knows John is too impatient to learn how to use a bow.' She's got a point, Abigail figures.  Things had been weird ever since you joined the gang. Sadie had found you in Valentine and recognized you as an old friend. In fact, the friend who set her up with her husband. She told the others you seemed lost and needed some place where people have your back. Most were sceptical but your turned out to be a hard worker and a great hunter, bringing in huge game for the camp whenever you went out. Dutch had almost considered letting you take a wagon along so you could bring enough to sell it.  That great aim of yours also pulled in different attention. Both John and Arthur became more than smitten with your friendly and kind demeanour. Mary-Beth had suggested that Arthur liked you for your kindness and willingness to listen while John liked you for your viciousness and rough edges. Both great attributes that make you who you are.  'Well, either way, they're both fools,' Mary-Beth claims, ending the argument.  'Do you think she knows,' Tilly questions.  'For sure she knows,' Mary-Beth answers as all of them watch you gently touch Arthur's shoulder as he makes a joke not worthy of the laughter that comes out of you.  'She's really toying with them, ain't she,' Abigail grumbles. Despite liking you quite a bit, she fears what it might do to the gang if Arthur and John are pinned against each other. It's a bad predicament to be in and since the year that John left the gang is still a sore spot for Arthur, Abigail fears things might explode with the littlest of meddling. When her and John put an end to it, she was slightly relieved, but this is just insanity. 
'Do you think they know,' Arthur questions you. You shake your head with a grin.  'No, they probably think I'm hopping between you two. They wouldn't be gossiping about us as much if they knew.'  'Fair point.' He puts a gentle hand on your waist to pull you closer and watches at the jaws drop across camp.  'Are you trying to rile them up, cowboy,' you tease as you take a step closer to him. He shrugs. You roll your eyes and press a kiss to his jaw. 'Come on, let's go join Charles and John.' Arthur looks over at the women once more as he leans towards you.  'If only they knew about Charles.' You shove him away with a laugh.  'Oh, stop it. I liked you better when you were still being shy about liking me.' 
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