#she's not perfect by any means but ffs who wants perfect characters?!
silverloreley · 1 year
I was skipping/fast forwarding bits of TTEOTM episodes (for reasons related to my fic E&L) and I think I just understood something I didn't at first. I feel very stupid right now for not to, but at the same time, I wonder if others missed that bit too so I want to share.
So, we're in the Immortal Sects arc, ep 32, and this pivotal moment happens (forgive my low-quality screenshots):
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Susu proceeds to deny she ever was Ye Xiwu and, although it's clear it pains her (we saw she was in as much pain as he was during their later scene when she rejects him and their past, comparing it to a dream they must wake from), I couldn't quite understand the full reasons for such complete rejection, only to change her mind later on... just because the truth has been revealed? It's clear she didn't resent him any longer at this point, so why this? It felt like there was something I was missing.
And then we have this:
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And she also says that she can't tell him who she is for now. And I wonder... why?
But, before that, in ep 31 we have this:
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and then again this:
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And here I have my answer: Susu is worried she won't be able to suppress and contain the Evil Bone, that it could prevail on her and escape her control. We saw that the Devil God's weapons are drawn to the Evil Fetus, therefore we can speculate if the Evil Bone could find its way back to him it would. Susu can surely guess that much and her fear is that he can go back to the start and the Devil God will return even after all they've been through (and, uh, she's right, in a way) because she had not reached a solution to keep it in check yet. She hopes the Heartless Way will help her, but it'll be a lengthy procedure and she needs him away from her until she's sure she can do it.
This means her mission still comes first, yes, as I guessed upon my first watching, but not only! She does it for him too! To keep him away from the Devil's artifacts (and we saw in ep 32 she doesn't hesitate to help him fight them) so he's spared his sad fate. She's still in self-sacrificial mood (which she'd later pass on TTJ, she actually taught him that!), still all taken in by her lifetime mission and doesn't hesitate to get hurt herself, like she always did, do to it, even, and perhaps even more so, when she knows she loves him.
And, nothing I wanted to share this.
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acourtofthought · 1 month
Do you really think sjm will give every single FMC in every single one of her books the same HEA with a mate?
In almost every case, yes.
If SJM is writing a full length novel in the ACOTAR world that features a fae FMC / MMC (I'm not sure I see her writing a full length MM or FF novel, maybe a novella where the characters may or may not have a bond) than I do think they'll receive a HEA together as mates because we have been told there is no bond greater than a mating bond. That no matter how special marriage is, a mating bond trumps it. That the mating bond is a bridge between souls which means any other love is not.
In the old days of gymnastics the best score you could receive was a perfect 10. Though a gymnast could be extremely happy with a 9.8, you still can't turn around and tell them that 9.8 is just as good as a perfect 10. It's a great score of course but it's still not the best score.
That's a mating bond in this world, the perfect 10 and there's no going back once we know what the peak is. Elain loved Graysen, maybe she could have learned to love Az, but she'll only ever be mates with Lucien. Lucien will only ever be the one with a bridge to her soul. People can rant and rage all they want, they can downplay it to their hearts content but it doesn't change the fact that Sarah J Maas (as well as many other authors) have decreed this as their truth. I have never known a fated mates author to write a true rejected mates story, one where they don't have a HEA by the end, regardless of how many fated mates book they've written. Ella Fields has multiple Fated Mates books at this point. J.R. Ward has at least over 20 (an author Sarah loves). If Fated Mates are presented as an option within a world then nothing else is going to be as good especially when it involves two important side turned main characters. Many in the fandom love Elain and many LOVE Lucien. He's just as much a favorite in this world as she is and Sarah has not written him to be anything but respectful to Elain, hot, and set up to become a future HL. This is not a throw away character where his feelings don't matter, his longing for Elain matters just as much as her current avoidance of the bond. The arguments of feminism are so ridiculous because in books you are allowed to root for all characters equally, I don't have to put Elain's "wants" (though we don't truly know whether what she currently claims is what she actually wants) over his simply because I'm a woman. I am allowed to be just as invested in his HEA as hers because the author wrote it that way, because she has set him up to be the good guy in Elain's story - the one who has never hurt her and only wants the best for her.
An author can throw all the angst, tension, hatred, etc. that they want at the two characters but it has never changed where they end up (which is together).
The only scenario where a rejected Fated Mates story would make sense to me is a setup like we might be getting with Mor / Eris. While Sarah is now writing Eris to be sort of a good guy, many readers were not quite as invested in him until SF. Yes, I realize there are some who have always loved Eris (I like him too) and after reading that Beron tortured him we hope for a better outcome for him but I think it's safe to say that if he and Mor turn out to be mates, nobody would be all that heartbroken for him to not end up with her. We know her romantic preference but we don't know his. We saw that he caused her trauma that has lingered over the years and we've never seen him longing for her. Sarah has written them to share in a connection of sorts, where they're always aware of the other but not in a way where anyone really wants them together. Eris letting go of Mor and his bond with her so she might find happiness with a women makes him heroic without the reader feeling heartbroken that he doesn't get to be with her because we don't get the vibes he has any interest in being with her. This is a scenario where it might make sense for mates to not end up together because we know Mor will never want a male in that way and we're not invested in Eris ending up with anyone (outside of Az for some).
In contrast, Elain does like males and Lucien finds Elain to be the most beautiful female he's ever seen, even more than the one female who had control over his heart for centuries. We know he's already struggling with the effects of the bond therefore we know the disappointment he feels at her indifference would continue to hurt him. They are set up as a romantic possibility despite Elain's behavior around him right now because authors don't write that sort of setup for it to go nowhere.
Could SJM write a non mates story without ever introducing a mating bond (even a rejected one)? Sure! Vassa and Jurian come to mind. But I don't think it's happening within the current cast of fae characters most likely to get a spin off.
She might also decide to write an entirely new series where mates aren't a thing but in the current worlds, unless the character is human, it's kind of difficult not to want that perfect 10.
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Heyo, Idk if you still do sagau but I hope you do 🙏🙏 anyway, this is lowkey wholesome but imagine one of acolytes were trying to communicate with a child but then they realize the child is deaf but reader so happened to be nearby. So then, whatever the character is saying the reader translates into sign language and its just a wholesome sight to see. Btw srry if this isn't what you usually write 😓 add anything to this if you want
(*update: im so stupid i thought ur sunglasses pfp was a anon and didnt look any closer💀i aint livin this one down)
(Spoiler: i do plan to do imagines for other fandoms bc i have such niche AUs or ideas for them, a lot like this whole language stuff for Genshin Sagau :D )
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Also srry its kinda short i just could only think of this cute little scenario- 😗
Rest in peace bc i have a whole fat post i wanna make about neurodivergence + general accessibility issues in Teyvat and their countries
Like where r the ramps babe
Where r the non-narrow ass doors
Why r we just constantly made to hike up mountains when we dont have to
And dont come at me with that,
"Theyre in their medieval age! They cant make stuff like that!"
Yeah, u right, they cant.
If they dont be ✨️creative ✨️and they dont use their fucking ✨️magic ✨️
Liyue got floating rocks and they cant make a goddamn disability elevator?? Bitch tf?
Literally almost no one gets sign language in Teyvat
(despite the fact that in my perfect teyvat, sign lang. is superior bc everyone could make it the universal lang. ESP if we go by the cool AU of diff countries have diff languages, like Germanish lang for Mondstadt, Frenchish for Fontaine, etc.)
Off topic again srry-
But you took a class once!! Or even checked out the alphabet and casual convo on ur own time :D
So u just chillin with Kazuha, Thoma, Sara, Gorou, and Kokomi (they vistin the main island to see u!! :] )
Meanwhile a little girl is walking around nearby, and is kinda going in circles
Almost like shes scared to go too far one way or the other,
So being the caring soul he is, (rlly all these boys here rn would notice and help lol)
Thoma comes up to her and squats down trying to talk to her :)
Yeah, she didn't say anything, just kinda,,
Motioned with her hands??
She looks like shes doing some kind of code to them..
Thoma finally recognized this, its that hand language!! lmao hes got the spirit
so he asks Kazuha to try and see if he knows it or can even figure it out-
Nope. Nada de nada.
Then Kokomi, Sara and Gorou (whos a sweatin nervous mess he doesnt know how to act around kids esp kids in distress he seems like the type lol)
They all fail, Kokomi looks concerned bc she thinks the kids lost, but there no frantic parents nearby, Sara is trying to slowly understand what motions mean what i.e. points to a rock = learn sign from child etc,
Kazuha is trying to get the wind to help locate upset guardians nearby, and Gorou...
... is just 🧍‍♂️
So after a minute of this (bc u had originally been away at a street food vender, hey those dango were rlly good dont judge urself)
U come back, and see this mild flavor of chaos-
And are just like
"Oh ffs- just shoo, i got it guys"
And just, slowly, go thru some signs with the little girl to get the keywords at least
She lights up and is like bouncing, she goes hella fast at first but slows down when she gets ur hearing
Either way, she looks a lot happier now
U explain for her to the others to confirm her parents got seperated from her
She got lost and where she last saw them
u finally help escort her to the street she last saw her parents on :] !!
Meanwhile the whole allogene group, shopkeepers, and Inazumans around you:
Kokomi is holding back a squeal, shes gotta keep up her image, ahem-
Sara is like,, minutely vibrating?? Lmao
Kazuha is watching u like a fireworks show, intensely and yet fascinated
And Thoma just looks like a puddle of affection, just absolutely melted (he loves kids + he secretly loves you = dead Thoma)
Other people look weirdly, proud? Like theyre like "yeah thats our god, fuck yeah, knowing diff languages, go off, Your Grace 💅 " LMAO SORRY COULDNT RESIST and also some fascination
Anyway, 2 very stressed looking dads see yall and the girl and one of them run up to hold each other
She starts rapidly signing, explaining to her dads the adventure she had and the cool people she met <3
The dads look at u and r like 🤔😶😱 "YOUR MAJESTY??!!" (VIGOROUS HAND MOTIONS)
They sign like,
"We're terribly sorry about you seeing us like this, we usually are much more together than this, a crowd just swept her off, its very busy today. Thank you so much for helping our girl, my Lord!! 😭😭"
Theyre like almost crying, oh geez, u reassure them and sign back that it happens to any parent at some point and that is matters more that they tried to get her back :]
Meanwhile the rest of the group and the citizens are just watching yall like its the most amazing Olympic level tennis match in the world LMAO
Heads all in sync, watchin yall like 👋👍🙏LMAO IM SORRY
🎵 Hi, it's me. I'm the problem, it's me. 🎵
That is to say none of yalls asks r eaten up, at least im pretty sure? Dw abt it im chugging along having the time of my life hehe >:)
Hope yall r having a good weekend and have no hw if ur in school, or i hope ur shift goes good tomorrow! :]
Love yall!!
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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ca-suffit · 7 months
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It's so annoying when Nalyra and this book group use excuses like this as if we're all dumb. There's lots of people who talk about the books and the show without being racist about it. The deeper issue here is not because people haven't read the books and think what you're saying is shocking.... What's really happening is that this group of BFFs loves to remove all mention of race from everything. They love pretending you can just overlay the books to the AMC show and it's a perfect match. Then, when anyone mentions how important it is to factor in race when discussing these things, here comes the screaming victimhood and all the "it's what's in the book" gifs. The "I'm sorry you just can't handle gothic literature SWEETIE" attitudes that are v tiring. Any race can be racist too (isn't that this group's favorite line too, they should know....) and only care for the wellbeing of white fandom, so these brown emojis or black fans who will make callout lists on other black fans under the language of calling out "fandom issues" or "antis" aren't fooling anyone to what the real motivation is behind it. People who worship Anne Rice are always going to be airheads who can't take criticism because look at your girl and all she was ever doing. Any adult who wants to defend her or the books is not a critical thinker or an intellectual. It's v possible to discuss her and the books without the stan goggles on. The black fans this group is always sneering at do it all the time. That's probably where the real issue lies, because it's done much better than the horseshit fanon Nalyra, Virgnia, and the rest are slinging and thinking is epic meta or something. I lurked for a long time before coming here to start pointing this out. I've seen these egos get bigger since the show has been off the air and book people crawled out from the depths to try and tell everyone "what's going to happen." It's a stupid power trip and nothing else. This group doesn't have the ability to analyze anything like they think they do, so they've grown together since the show stopped airing to start harassing other fans and pretend they're the victims just because they don't think talking about race is important in their....erm...."analysis" lol. They only think they have power because the fandom became smaller when S1 ended. They're gonna be muted again when it comes back because they aren't keeping up with the themes of the show and their takes aren't interesting. Saying the white man is always innocent, the black man is lying, the brown man is manipulative is what society already does. It's boring and it's not what the show has shown us in its own canon that it's doing. This group and white fandom in general love to take an inch and run a mile with it. Whenever anyone (but especially Jacob) mentions Louis might be a liar or an unreliable narrator they're jumping on the chance to spread that statement over every part of the story. They want so much for all of it not to be true because they need Lestat to be the good guy. They always claim they love stories about monsters except their favorite white guy can't even stay a monster for them to adore him. He can't ever even be any kind of fuck up and grow from it, he's just supposed to immediately be perfect. What's the point of the story then ffs? This is why you need to read other books that aren't written by idiot, egomaniacal authors who don't have editors and are in love with their own creations. If you always find a way to excuse the white characters, say all the black and brown characters are the unreliable, scheming ones, and scream and yell "it's what's in the books" whenever anyone reminds you to notice race......then you're just racist, girl. It's not even a mystery lol so stop this crap like you're fooling anyone. You can be as loud as you want but it doesn't mean you're actually a victim of anything but your own racist stupidity. Just because Anne Rice didn't get as much pushback as she deserved in her dumb life doesn't mean you're going to get the same treatment. It's 2024, bitch.
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basicallyjaywalker · 1 year
The stupidest thing ever in Ninjago:
The Love Triangle™
I feel the opinion that the love triangle in Ninjago is one of the worst subplots is not only popular but very correct. heck, even ten year old rook who loved drama and romance hated it because it felt fundamentally *wrong*
And I mean there's the obvious point: it wasn't necessary. We did not need a love triangle we had Jaya and things were fine. I actually think the love triangle fundamentally screwed up the otherwise goofy wholesome dynamic Jaya had and showcases some of the worst flaws in how Nya is written
But we did have it and I have a lot of thoughts about it so in this rant-masquerading-as-an-essay we will discuss
The timeline of the love triangle and Jaya generally
Why it's unnecessary, out of character, and generally pretty dumb as a recurring plot
Why Nya was the least wrong of everyone involved in it and also done the most dirty by it
Strap in because this is gonna be a very angry ride
To Recap…
Jaya was initially hinted at in the pilots with a line that was very uncomfy
" You have a sister? Is she hot?" *Gets elbowed for weird teenage boy crimes*
Thanks, I hate it, but Jay seems to be less creepy when the series actually starts and he has his clear crush on Nya. The crush even seems to be reciprocated and they appear to be unofficially official in S1 and S2, including Jay LOSING HIS MARBLES when Nya is captured and Cole makes an accidental pun
And then we hit S3 and I want to commit crimes.
In episode 1 of S3 there is an exchange wherein Nya is talking about how none of her male students listen to her and
Jay: Heyyy Ms. Nya, I saved you a pudding cup!
Nya: what did we talk about?
Jay: Oh right! Boundaries!
This exchange seems to imply that Jay and Nya are on a break, broken up, or possibly just not together in the first place and I misread things and now that they're older Jays teenage boy awkwardness is less endearing and more just creepy.
In any case, we can draw that Nya is trying to gain more independence, and why wouldn't she? Her life from the start of this series has been defined by either a) her brother or b) Jays affection for her. Even when she was Samurai X her main relationships were annoying the ninja or sharing the secret with Kai and hiding it from Jay. Keep this in mind for later.
So later they go to tour Borg Industries, with the guys visiting Mr. Borg himself and Nya staying with the students. As they tour the invention floor they find *gasp* a machine run on flash! No literally I'm convinced this was some interns pet project Cyrus didn't have the heart to reject. A love machine to find your perfect match and, for fun, Nya steps onto it. All of the little girls giggle and talk about how it'll OBVIOUSLY show Mr. Jay!! And then it beeps and everyone looks horrified. Its. Cole? Wait wtf why Cole?
Prior to this the machine listed a lot of Nya's traits and it seems that it's matching them based on that? It's still odd. Anyways, it'll probably be fine because neither Nya nor Cole has shown any sign of attraction before, even in this episode, and it would make no sense for Nya to suddenly develop a crush based on what a stupid machine says-- oh that's exactly what she does? Well.
Okay sure MAYBE Nya harbored affection for Cole before this. Or maybe the machine makes her realize how much they have in common and that's why. Surely if Cole shared similar thoughts he'd have shown them naturally, since he wasn't part of this whole machine thing as demonstrated in the sudden cut-- oh no he starts making moves and reciprocating out of fucking nowhere? Well.
And then Jay finds out and sure this man has a lot of insecurities and he's bound to be a little jealous but I'm sure since hes a grown adult with a least a little more maturity than when he was a teenager he won't react by beating his best friend to a bloody pulp-- oh ffs. Well.
I will get more into the characterization of everyone later but after this initial fight things do not get better. Jay and Cole are constantly hostile to each other in this season and it continues up until Skybound which was pretty good, actually, and I just wanted to punch Jay in the face for a. Portion. Which solidified Jaya after a healthy dose of trauma bonding! And from what I understand they live happily ever after until Seabound ripped all of our hearts out and turned them to fine mist but I haven't seen past Hands of Time so it doesn't matter
Now with that out of the way, let's get into
Why this entire thing was bullshit.
It was unnecessary
No but fr why did they write this in???? The main reason I can think of is it adds a conflict but here's the thing: if they wanted to develop Jaya, give them conflict and make them stronger as a couple they ALREADY HAD A STARTING POINT. Harken back to the pudding cup interaction earlier. There you go! Nya is tired of her life being defined by the men around her. She wants a break to be able to find herself and be independent again. Jay is insecure and worried this means she doesn't love him and overcompensates trying to "win her back." It offers opportunities for both comedy (Jay finding more and more elaborate ways to try and impress her while everyone else tries to break through to him that he's nuts) and actual serious lessons about relationships (Nya telling him that while she still loves him and maybe one day they can have a future, she needs space and the opportunity to find herself, and maybe he can take the time to find himself too). It genuinely wouldn't change much of the dynamic they have from rebooted to Skybound, is not entirely annoying, and doesn't do either of them dirty in the character development department.
The only other reason I can think of other than extra drama is they wanted to introduce a new relationship dynamic, that of Cole and Nya. But 1. It's obvious from the start that they're not endgame so it's pointless to explore them, it's just for drama. And 2. we already had Pixane this season introduced in the same episode and also know as The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Ninjago. So again, I reiterate that the love triangle was entirely unnecessary because of you wanted a new ship you had Pixane and if you wanted Jaya conflict you could just make it internal.
Everyone is written like me doing a Degrassi AU of this show
Let's start with Nya.
Nya is commonly characterized in the show as an independent, self-confident young woman who refuses to be in a boy's club. But don't take my word for it, because when I mentioned the machine that catalyzed this whole thing listed off details about her, that is exactly what it said. And I don't disagree with it, which is why it feels even stupider that in this whole thing, Nya is just sort of a bystander. Like, let's go through the OOC things she does throughout this plot
-listens to the machine at all
Nya comes across as the type of person who would not trust a simple machine with a dumb name (Perfect Match like really???) to decide her fate unless SHE made it. So for her to not only go along with using this thing with no reluctance, but also just DEVELOP FEELINGS for Cole out of the blue based on it?? Feels so out of character for her!! If anything it would feel more in character for her to get on the machine reluctantly after the girls beg her too, see it's Cole, laugh it off publicly ("haha, Cole? Must be broken") but then worry about it in private or just be unfazed. Nya's independence and desire to be defined by her own actions instead of her brother and his friends' contradicts this action because it just. Doesn't seem in character. IDK this as the catalyst just makes me nuts because of reasons I will get into when talking more about Nya later
-her affections towards cole
I already sort of covered this so I'll just reiterate. Prior to this, there were no clear indications that Nya liked Cole romantically. The machine seems to have planted the idea in her and she ran with it. We've discussed why that's OOC for her. Moving on.
-how she proceeds to act in the dynamic
She doesn't. This is more just bad writing and less her being OOC but it's still OOC that the most agency she gets is yelling at Jay and Cole for fighting at the junkyard and picking which wire to cut which amounted to nothing anyways grrrr--
Sorry that's another scene that makes me mad because it's very dumb. Anyways.
Nya literally feels like a bystander in this whole thing. Her general vibe seems to be. Annoyance with the whole thing. Which I get I'm annoyed too but that only sticks around for S3 and after? It's purely focused on Jay and Cole's conflict. Hell when they have a whole "she's yours you can have her" scene in S4 (which means nothing because it's still going in S5 and S6) SHES NOT EVEN PRESENT. It's just them talking about her like she's an object which feels OOC for both of them too.
I'm going to get more into this when I just talk about Nya so we're going to move on for now
To Cole. What the fuck my guy?
-developing feelings for nya
Never shown to have this before. Doesn't even have a machine to blame. It actually almost feels like he did it to spite Jay. Moving on.
-the fact that it just keeps going
Again Cole has NO reason or motivation or skin in this game? Like it's so weird that he just keeps fighting with Jay over it and is just as passionate about it. It feels like he should be more confused about where he stands on this. Maybe he likes Nya? He never considered it before but maybe he does. But also Jay is his friend and he knows Jay likes Nya too. It's so weird that he literally Mr. Steal Yo Girl's this thing OR just isn't listening to Nya when she obviously seems unsure about her relationship status
Cole's was short because his problems are very surface. He just is here for the plot to work because you can't have Kai do it, that's her brother, and you can't have Zane do it because he has a cool new android gf, and you can't have Lloyd do it bc that's his found family sister. But it just feels OOC the entire time.
Now for the best. Jay. Oh my beloved Jay.
Now this whole thing is semi in character for him. He's super insecure and has a huge crush on Nya, so him being a little upset at Cole and her possibly being an item makes more sense. What doesn't make sense is
Throughout the seasons this stupid ass plot occurs in, Jay's teenage boy crush on Nya reaches a level that makes me openly and violently cringe as someone who not only loves Jay, but really likes Jaya. First, there's his first reaction to finding out. It makes sense that he's a little upset, maybe hurt, at finding out that apparently Cole is Nya's perfect match, but to then violently take that out on Cole and become weirdly possessive of Nya feels like the writers took his sincere insecurities and cranked them up to crazy levels. Jay is absolutely insecure, don't get me wrong. He definitely seems to understand that he's the clown and coward of the team, and that's part of his arc in Skybound which was pretty good, actually and that's why. But his insecurities have always been portrayed as inward before this. He retreats in on himself and gets anxious, not violent. Take S1 for example, during Once Bitten, Twice Shy (I believe that's the episode) when during his date with Nya he continuously worries about screwing up and runs away to deal with it. He never takes it out on anyone else. He can be physical when he's anxious, iirc he shook someone during a freak out when the Devourer was released, but that was more him just being Extra and not being mad at that person specifically. The only other time his anxieties caused him to lose his shit like this--and caused him to be violent towards Cole over nya, coincidentally--was when Nya was literally captured by Garmadon and the Overlord in S2 after a heated battle was lost and Cole made a very poor word choice, and he stopped almost immediately when Wu intervened because he realized that it wasn't an appropriate reaction. Jay is not a violent person. He's an anxious one. Him attacking Cole over a comment he OVERHEARD from Pixal with no prior build up makes NO SENSE to me.
Additionally in future seasons he becomes weirdly possessive/obsessed w Nya. Again, he was always shown as having a borderline desperate crush on her, but he always kept his awkwardness to a minimum both around her and in private. I mean, take S1 again for example, where he wears cologne to smell good and impress her (well, it was perfume and gave her an allergic reaction, thanks guys, but regardless) as opposed to S6 where he is LITERALLY the pushiest mfer alive. Constantly not listening to her and violating her clearly stated boundaries (one of my least favorite parts of Skybound. I have a lot of feelings about that season and need to rewatch it) goes against his character again!! And yes, the argument can be made that that was because he was trying to force the fate he saw in Possession, but I still think it's OOC for him to become as pushy and creepy as he was. Again, Jay is absolutely an insecure dumbass who catastrophizes and is hopelessly crushing on this woman who is definitely out of his league. however his going so far into the creep zone long after the awkward teenage boy phase feels like the writers, again, took his flaws and just cranked them up for drama
Sorry I've harped on this for so long. It will not get better when I go in depth about how Nya was done dirty in this plot.
Generally, this was a stupid plot
Aside from being unnecessary, aside from being OOC for all involved... The love triangle is just Stupid. Let's look at the actual affects it had for the 4 seasons it occurred.
Jay and Cole have one serious fight and there's one serious scene where Nya has to "choose" that we don't see the outcome of and is literally never elaborated on again.
After that it's jokes.
Tournament of Elements
Cole and Jay don't wanna rejoin forces because they hate each other because of Nya. They have one serious fight in which Cole is like "she's yours" (not how that fucking works). Nya has literally no say the entire time.
Some light Nya x Cole scenes after Cole becomes a ghost. Jay sees him and Nya together in the glass. Can't remember any serious fights
Literally the driving factor of the season.
Notice a pattern? Aside from Skybound, the love triangle serves little purpose other than being a driver for Jay and Cole conflict. Nya has little to no agency, not even being present for the conflicts in ToE. Which brings me to my final point and the driving factor behind why I wrote this whole thing to begin with
Nya was robbed.
I could again write an entire essay about how the Ninjago writers flip flop on Nya all the time, but for now I'll contain it in this essay.
One of my biggest gripes about the writing of this show is how they flip flop constantly between Nya being a character used for the boys development and being an independent character who looks after herself. The love triangle is a prime example of this.
Nya is an independent woman who listens to a random machine when she's trying to define herself apart from a relationship. Nya is a self-confident woman who doesn't get a say when the other two decide who can have her. Nya repeatedly and consistently denies Jay's advances in Skybound, only to make a dramatic turn at the end and choose him.
You see what I mean? It's infuriating. Nya is constantly given lip service as a strong woman, but when the time comes the writers will gladly toss her aside in favor of developing the men in her life. It's annoying, it's aggravating, and it's fully on display in this subplot, wherein she's given little agency and acts like a prop for the writers to use. Jay wins the girl, but why was the girl "winnable" in the first place? Why wasn't she given the space to actually have moments aside from "gasp, she's holding his hand!" to really explore her feelings on camera? Why does her life continue to be defined by her relationships with her brother, his friends, and her boyfriend?
The Love Triangle fucking sucked. It sucked so bad I'm almost convinced it was worse than bringing back Garmadon. It sucked because it was pointless, with even a 9 year old able to see where it would end. It sucked because it took two seasons of characterization for three different characters and threw it out the window. It sucked because it was barely important to any development other than Jay's, and it required making him worse than he is to work. It sucked because it represents a cornerstone in a larger problem surrounding how Nya is treated in the series.
It sucked so bad I spent almost a week writing a 40 paragraph essay/rant about how much I hate it.
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bagheerita · 7 months
B, C, K, N, P, S ❤️️
Ooooh... I really had to think about some of these.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
I feel like often I haven't considered a pairing until I read a fic that does it really well or that gives me a premise I can get behind, but the only time someone, as in another person specifically talking to me, changed my mind was when a friend from one fandom suggested I might enjoy a fic from a different fandom we were both in… so I read an FMA Ed/Roy mpreg fic that I would not have otherwise given the time of day to… and I really enjoyed it ngl. 
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Sesshomaru/Kagome from the Inuyasha fandom. I do not understand why this pairing was so popular. If you want to hook Sesshomaru up with a human woman, Sango is standing right there ffs, she is such a better choice, lmao. I don't really get Reylo either, and there are plenty of other het ships that just make me scratch my head.
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Wesley Wyndam-Price from Buffy/Angel. I love this man, and I love his development from someone who has no idea what the fuck is actually going on, to developing both physical and interpersonal competence, to finding a real family, to losing it through accidentally following some bad advice and betraying everyone, to finding love, to losing everything. His devotion to Fred makes a primordial, demonic, god-being care enough to help the protagonists fight an overwhelming army. I mean come on. This might be the one character I really did not mind at all that Whedon killed, because I felt like he had done everything and achieved everything he could possibly achieve and there was nowhere else for him to go. Perfection💔don't tell me anything about the comics i don't care
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
For the fandom of Stargate in general… 
More alien headcanons!! There are some really great people writing some fantastic fics for the Wraith, so I'm going to complain specifically about how I want more fics and HC for the Nakai and Ursini in SGU. Also the Reol from SG1 ("The Fifth Man”) have SUCH potential, I want to see more of them!! 
I would love to see more SGU people in SGA plots, if that makes sense. (I have a fic where Sheppard gets booted as military Commander, and I'm thinking of replacing him with Telford. 🤔)
more crossover ideas in general, within the Stargate brand. What if Vala and Cam came to visit Atlantis while Sam was there?  What if the whole gateing-through-the-sun-time-warp thing sent Rush to Pegasus instead and he ran into Todd? What if “Rising” was actually “Solitudes” and Sheppard and O'Neill are the ones trapped under a bunch of ice when their chopper puts down unexpectedly to dodge the drone?  (I just think it would be neat.🙂) 
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
The last question had a 3 in it so my brain stuck on that track and I came up with 3 SGU AUs I'd like to see
The Lucian Alliance doesn't attack as they're dialing Destiny in ep 1 and even though they have to evacuate bc the planet's about to explode, everyone who doesn't want to go through the gate can beam up to Carter’s ship and evac to Earth. So it's a tense situation but there's enough time and focus that Telford and O'Neill get to send the “right people team" that they wanted to send. I wonder who that was? Presumably this team was already on Icarus base, it just contained fewer civilians. I'd like to see them not do any better, or mess up in different ways. 
Everything happens the same, but Camille is more assertive sooner and gets Young and Rush to stop being such dicks to each other, and everyone has a more mentally healthy experience.
When I first read the title of the s1 finale “Incursion,” I thought it was going to be about the Nakai returning. So, an AU where that happens, OR both the Nakai and the Lucian Alliance show up to invade Destiny on the same day and everything is chaos ❤️
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Wow, I really don't know if I can answer this… I feel like everything I think about the characters is my headcanon to an extent? And what I canon in my head changes for every fic. I think I HC the Wraith as being a lot more into casual touch than they are shown in canon, that just jumps to mind. (But like, there's not much to them, socially, in canon, so it's really all hc, and I don't think I can list all the backstory/society I've made up for them across several fics.) Narrow the question down a bit and I can maybe do better.😂
Thanks for the ask! 💖
Ask game!
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nosferatu-pvssy · 2 years
AMC patron saint of using vampires to teach us human rights, patron saint of hijacking stories with the exploitation of the noble fight against racist and homophobic behaviors with the purpose of promoting their own story using the fame of Anne Rice and the attention of people who don't really care about human rights but only its shell, necessary to show the world that they're not rotting inside, that they're good people better than the others.
AMC who didn't want to write about the exploitation of slaves because that's bad and about Lestat's incestuous relationship with his mother because that's sick. AMC who cut out all the horrors but kept the prostitutes, who basically are slaves forced to open their legs for any crusty, dirty, ill, old man who will demand their bodies to use as disposable plates from which eat and then throw away. But no, their presence instead of the slaves in the fields can be justified because they create a sexual atmosphere all around Louis, as if they're objects, as if they're a frame for Louis' portrait.
AMC who wanted Claudia to be violated, also allegedly aging her up to make her the perfect Lolita for this very moment. Wasn't she worthy of all these discourses about equity, freedom and empowerment? Of the fight for rights? Of justice? Or was this valid only for Louis, the one you put on display to attract the social justice warriors? Weren't Claudia and the prostitutes worthy of love? No, of course not. Because women don't matter as much as men, if they get treated like means to carry the plot, to make it more dramatic and deep through the tragedies that happen to them. No one suffers that much for what happens to them, because deep down in people's subconscious there's this tiny tiny adorable thing of us being perceived as objects.
I wouldn't have written anything if this series had been kept as it is, so a horror story. If horrible, disgusting things had kept happening to both men and women because that's what happens in horror stories. Obviously I would have took my time to digest every act of violence, because I don't cope well with it. Horror and violence deeply disgust me. But I wouldn't have had any right to protest, because I knew that it was my choice to watch a horror story. But this? This is not a horror story. Rolin Jones can't go to panels and say that he wanted to cut out the most disturbing things because "he wouldn't know how to write them" (but the r*pe of a 14 years old girl you knew how to write very well...) and that it would have become a romance.
AMC patron saint of respecting Anne Rice, repeating it obsessively in order to manipulate us into believing that they're respectful when we'll see that the characters are the contrary of their original selves. AMC is so respectful of Anne Rice in fact that they made the character that technically was her daughter, r*ped. You're so respectful of her. Writing "Anne Rice's Interview with the vampire" as the opening title of every episode isn't enough to show her respect if you r*pe the character who had the cathartic role necessary to make her metabolize the death of her baby girl.
It isn't enough if you show her that one of her deepest nightmares is coming to life just DAYS before her death: that her characters are being rewritten and substituted by other people, permanently changing their appearance in the public eye. The enemy never was ff writers, but tv channels who truly have the power to butcher your character permanently. Because the public won't care if you've written differently, what will stay tattooed in their minds will be the scenes they saw with their eyes. This is the irony of life. It's ironic that she has passed so much time being a nightmare to poor fans who simply wanted to pay homage to her art while that amount of power had to be put against who really could do something so vile: AMC. It's ironic that what she dreaded the most happened when she couldn't stop them. AMC fucked the vampire chronicles up irreparably. But that's not enough for them. They want to get to the fans too, by apparently making them sign something on their game to own any plot that the fans naively will write while playing, so that they are legally protected while USING YOU to add new parts for their tv series.
AMC is taking and taking and taking. Copying cute scenarios that seem coming from some posts that a vc fan could have written here on Tumblr. Spitting on the memory of Michele Rice, ruining Anne's work of her lifetime. Throwing away characters because they weren't efficient enough in their work aka Daniel, while their Daniel was such a disaster in the first interview and og Daniel managed to make such a good interview in extreme conditions of fear, lucid.
Now I'm really curious about what stories will people invent to defend a channel who wrote a romantic story in which it's not ok to commit any crime except for r*ping a girl. Let's see.
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didn't you start around the time of Shawmila round one ,or am I mistaken here ?
and you did like and support Shawn (and Camila) back then ,at that time.
so ,I'm wondering ,as why you clearly seem to have a problem with Shawmila round two ,atm ?
also wanted to give my feedback on your latest story ,I think that didn't do as well as you're used to ,is coz it doesn't have the same flow to it ,your reglar readers are used to seeing coming from you (btw: I read a story -actually think it's part of a book ,if I remember correctly- with a very similar style and theme to it ,prior on wattpad ,being completely honest ,it reminds me more of that ,than of your previous works) .
that's my opinion ,anyways ...
closing off with a question ,are you planning on doing smth Shawmila (I mean ,that book of yours ,that was already on hiatus ,and now with Shawmila ,appearing as if the breakup was all just a dream ,and time stood still ,or smth ,you're definitely not going to continue with an oc ,or am I thinking (perfectly) wrong (on this topic ,as well) ) ?
(ps :didn't expect your comeback so soon ,the way you were sounding so negatively ...)
I’ve been a fan of Shawn’s for just over four years, but I didn’t start my Shawn tumblr till early April 2021. (Happy belated two-year tumblrversary to me?)
No, I’ve never been a fan of Camila’s, nor have I ever liked them together. I don’t believe you’ll find anything about her in my archives. I tried never to disrespect her (publicly) because of my respect for Shawn, that’s all. So, having never liked them together, and seeing the state he was in for so long following their split, and how he seemed to be doing SO well without her recently, his choice to begin again with her is disheartening. I love him and only want the best for him, and in my personal opinion, she’s not it. I don’t want to see him hurt again.
Thank you for your honest opinion on my last story, and I agree with you about the flow. It’s definitely not one of my better stories and I have moments where I wish I hadn’t posted it. (I even apologized to my friend, who was the requester, that it wasn’t better, but bless her heart, she still said she loved it.) Idk if you follow me, and if you do, for how long you have been, but in previous posts of mine, and for awhile now, I’ve spoken about my struggles with my writing. I haven’t opened any of my documents/started requests/WIPs since then. I’m not currently in the right headspace. I don’t feel like I can give my best right now, and I don’t want to post anything (else) subpar.
I’m not a regular reader on Wattpad, - I can probably count on maybe two hands how many stories I’ve read over there, - so any similarities to any story over there was completely unintentional. I won’t hesitate to remove FF if ever necessary. The only person I’ve ever intentionally plagiarized is myself (taking pieces of earlier, incomplete stories and fitting them better into new ones).
I’d still like to complete my OC story, with my OC character. I really don’t want “Some Girl” to be just another abandoned story. I’m just not sure how long that’s going to take. And no, Camila won’t be returning in any capacity. Why would I write him back with Camila in any way when Charlotte is perfect for him?
I haven’t fully returned to tumblr (or any social media), - three reblogs/posts and a few asks after ten days is hardly a “comeback”. I just don’t want people to think I’ve given up on Shawn, because I haven’t. 💕
Thank you for the ask, anon. 🫶🏻
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chatonnoir · 3 years
Not people saying Adrien “lost all character development by the end of the episode” 💀 When are people going to realize losing their feelings for their original love interests is NOT character development and doesn't resolve anything lmao. There’s nothing wrong with them being in love. This is a romance series ffs. Enough of that “reverse the lovesquare” bs
They need to learn how to HANDLE their feelings. They need to learn how to be themselves around their crushes. They need to be the ones to take initiative to overcome their personal barriers and show their crushes who they really are. That’s character development. 
Y’all, Adrien literally experienced THE most important character development in regards to the romance plot. Hearing Marinette's confession about how she acts around her crush, and how she thought her crush was stuck up and pretentious before she realized how kind and genuine and sensitive he could be and fell for him, made Adrien finally realize what's been holding him back. Adrien finally realized he needs to stop playing casanova and crossing Ladybug’s boundaries and just be himself - i.e. kind, genuine, and sensitive - to have a chance at Ladybug returning his feelings. This means Ladybug is finally going to be able to see ADRIEN shine through Chat Noir.
Recall Origins, where Marinette realized she was wrong in what she initially thought of Adrien after he opened up to her about how new he is to school and friendship, and she fell in love with him after seeing his kindness and vulnerability.
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Now we’re moving towards that repeating with Ladynoir - and this time Ladybug will see Chat Noir’s vulnerabilities. We’re now closer than ever to not only having Ladybug realize her feelings for Chat Noir, but also to her eventually learning and coming to terms with his identity, which is something she hasn’t considered at all thus far, unlike how Adrien has already thought about Marinette being Ladybug. And given how it’s been foreshadowed all season, I’ve been betting on Ladybug learning Chat Noir’s identity by the end of this season --- whether it happens this season or later, this is a big step in warming her up to seeing the resemblance before it happens.
Adrien realized he has to be genuine and vulnerable with Ladybug if he wants any chance of her truly loving him. THAT'S HUGE. That's the realization he's been needing to make for three and a half seasons. That’s the realization Kagami was trying to get him to make in the art room scene back in Lies -
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That even when he’s being silly he’s still playing a character and not being genuine. He wears the mask of a perfect dutiful son as Adrien. He doesn’t stop wearing a mask as Chat Noir -- he puts on a different one. One where he can ignore and hide all his vulnerabilities and loneliness and solely play the part of the charming, funny Cat-sanova with superpowers. Just because it’s a character he LIKES playing doesn’t make it any less of a character. He wasn’t ready to come that realization then, but he’s done it now.
And what did he do in the very next ep that comes after this one?
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He was vulnerable and honest with her about his feelings. He opened up about how terrified he is of losing her, of being abandoned. It can’t have been easy given what we know about what happened with his mother, and you can see that it wasn’t easy for him -- his voice wavers and he curls in on himself and looks away from her. But it worked, and it brought her closer to him -- both literally with her hand on his, and emotionally, by softening her up to him more and helping her understand him a bit better and finally allowing her to give him heartfelt reassurance.
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narukoibito · 3 years
Hello Naru!! Hope u are well!! I was hoping that u have some ff that are ginny centric to suggest!!! Pls reply and rec some... Lots of love🖤🖤
Fic Rec: Ginny-Centric
Hi Anon! I've been meaning to put a list like this together for some time, so thank you for the request! Ginny is my favorite character (really closely followed by Harry, though some days they’re so neck-and-neck, I can barely tell anymore). There are probably many more stories I could add to this list, but I focused on stories that were, well, more focused on Ginny, and I decided to post instead of continue to let this languish in my drafts.
An * indicates a WIP, and if it’s indented, I’ve rec’ed this story before.
The Changeling by @annerbhp
Completely Ginny-centric retelling of canon if Ginny were sorted into Slytherin.
The Off Season by flyingcarpet
Injured, Ginny thought she would never fly again. Can Harry help her regain her confidence and return to the sport she loves?
the faintest, slimmest, wildest chance by LullabyKnell
Not my usual kind of story, but sure is written so well! A classic time travel fix-it, but with Ginny going back in time to rescue baby Harry from the Dursleys. But of course that means that it’s not H/G endgame (even if this is just a glimpse rather than a full fic). However, the writing/Ginny is so hilarious if you want to indulge for a moment in this universe.
Missed Moments
the train station by @ink-splotch
An absolutely chilling story of Ginny’s near-death experience in the Chamber of Secrets. The writing, like most of dirgewithoutmusic’s work is riveting. 
Depletion by tosca1390
I love stories that explore the experience and trauma of Ginny and the diary, perhaps providing small glimpses of how little Ginny grew up to be the amazing woman we know and love.
Chocolate in the Library by @floreatcastellumposts
An amazing missed moment of the famous chocolate in the library scene between Ginny and Harry in Ootp.
Not From Others by @floreatcastellumposts
Deathly Hallows from Ginny’s POV. There are such amazing scenes in what could have happened from Ginny’s perspective during this year, including the scene where the title comes to play, and this was the first story that I read with the final battle that had me sobbing at the “unseen” deaths of some of our favorite characters.
hope is a dangerous thing (for a woman like me to have)* by @isahorcrux
A lovely work in progress retelling of DH from Ginny’s POV. I’ve really enjoyed the atmosphere and details in @isahorcrux‘s story, and it was just updated after a long hiatus!
Compromise: A Love Story by femmenerd
Ginny needs to be more than the Boy Who Lived’s girlfriend. I like the messiness of this, the hard edges of their relationship. They’re nowhere near perfect, certainly not Ginny, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
Chambers by starfishstar
After the war, everything isn’t okay, but maybe eventually it can be. A Ginny-centric post-war story.
Between Walls and Harvest Moons by @ellizablue
During Albus’s third year in Cursed Child timeframe. It’s heavily focused on the Al’s disconnect with his parents. Ginny pays him a visit. There are heartbreaking moments of Harry angsting over his relationship with Al, but I have such a soft spot for Ginny & Al stories, and this one hit all of them.
"I love you" / please do not use it. by @stuckwith-harry
Harry tells Ginny he loves her, and her response was not what either expected.
the ghosts that we knew will flicker: ginny weasley by cold_cereal
Ginny and Harry deal with the scars from the war in their own unconventional ways.
Character Study
stumble on a secret power by pinkdementors
All stories have a beginning. This is one of them: the diary, the girl, the quill dipped in ink.
lost: in defense of ginny weasley by @ink-splotch
Or were they something else entirely, this trio who was not golden? They were the unchosen three: the discarded Horcrux and the last Weasley; the brave, broken backup Boy Who Lived; the loony girl who lost her shoes and had more friends in thestrals than in her common room.
Scattering Blooms at Her Watery Grave by @ink-splotch
Three boys called Luna "Loony" in the Great Hall and flicked peas at her. Ginny rose to a modest height and a towering rage and felt like a worthy lioness for the first time since the Chamber.
The Gates of Happiness by MagEd
The seven men who loved Ginny Weasley. A MuggleNet story!
Feel free to check out my other rec lists if you are so inclined!
All-time Favorite recs
Muggle AU / Coffeeshop AU recs
Post-War Canon recs
Missed Moments recs
Pregnancy recs
Outsider Perspective recs
Amnesia recs
In Every Universe recs
Angst recs
SugarQuill recs
Muggle and Wizard/Witch recs
Rivals to Lovers recs
Humor & Gen recs
Married recs
Not my OTP (Not Harry/Ginny) recs
Friends with Benefits recs
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For Young Royals ff writers
I started reading YR fanfiction and I noticed people using Spanish in several occasions. Since it’s canon from the show I think it’s amazing authors are trying to incorporate it but sometimes it doesn’t sound as natural. As a writer I know is really hard and also brave to work around something you don't know. That being said, I hope this guide is helpful.
1. I want to address something important because it is kinda offensive: they’re not Spanish. There’s a difference between language and nationality. Since both Omar and Carmen -Linda- have Latino heritage, is proper to assume the family comes in a way or another from South America. I read a bunch of fics in which people referred to them as Spanish, but they are Latinos. Spanish music, culture and cuisine are rather different. Please take this into account.
  2. Pet names: really cute but also kinda cringy when it's not well executed. 'Mi amor' means my love. It's normal from a parent, it's serious coming from a 16 yo boy to another. I would use it when the relationship gets serious and try to not overuse it. If they are older and married, go for it. An older Crown Prince Wilhelm would totally make his husband blush by calling him mi amor.   Mi vida (my life) is not frequent coming from a parent, less serious believe it or not and really nice. But also I wouldn't use it if you are trying to make one of them swoon for the other. It's not as romantic as it sounds in English. Bebe means baby, of course. I think it's cute, this one you can totally overuse. Sounds fresh and young, I think Simon would go for bebe and Wille would die every time. I know darling it's pretty normal in English, but cariño sounds way too motherly to me. I would only use it between Willmon if they are older and married. Cielo means sky, which sounds weird, I know.  But some people use it as a pet name. Mi cielo - my sky- as well. In a way, it means 'my everything'. Idk why. Maybe bc the sky covers everything. Who knows. I like it but it's a personal opinion. Mijo means my son. It's pretty common in Latinamerica. Parents use it all the time. Maybe try not to overuse it. Not because it's wrong, but it often feels like you´re trying too much to make them sound bilingual. Good alternatives are: hijo, amor mio, mi amor, cariño, mi cielo. 
Te amo and Te quiero are not the same. Te amo is I love you, but Te Quiero means I love you (chill version). Linda tells Simon both 'te quiero' and 'te amo' at some point, which works because it's normal from a parent or a son/daughter. Te quiero is less serious, works great between friends. Some people say te quiero when they aren't ready to say Te amo, but I wouldn't use it coming from Simon to Wille. It would be out of character. Use it between Sara-Simon-Linda.
Te adoro means I adore you. Is not common but is CUTE AND ROMANTIC. This one is completely personal, take it with a grain of salt.
Mi principe means my prince, but sounds cringy. His mom could say 'tu principe azul' which means 'your prince charming' while trying to embarrass Simon. He would blush, cute. 
Well written-normal phrases: 
'¿como estas?': How are you?
 'bien, ¿y tu?': well, and you? 
 'Como te fue hoy?': how was your day?  
'Todo va a estar bien': everything will be fine. 
 '¿Necesitas algo?': Do you need something?
 'No, gracias' 'Si, gracias': No and Yes, thank you.
‘Perdon’: Im sorry
‘Te extraño’: I miss you
 '¿Qué quieres cenar?': What do you want for dinner?
'¿Tienes tarea?': Do you have homework?
 '¿Cómo está Wilhelm?': How is Wilhelm?
‘Mamá’: Mom (Wille calls his mom ‘mama’ or ‘mamma’, but it’s a different pronunciation. I believe Simon says ‘Si, mamá’ at some point. That’s spanish.) 
‘Mami’: Mom but cuter
‘Má’: Mom but shorter. 
‘Madre’: Mother
If you have any other suggestions for pet names/words/phrases and how to apply them, send me a message!
3. Common phrases: it's important to notice that only Linda and Simon talk to the other in spanish. Unless Wille learns spanish and it's part of the plot, Simon would never say something in spanish to him - besides pet names- This includes Sara, she seems to understand but replies in swedish. I read that the actress used to work in Barcelona, Spain, so she probably understands the language. That means the decision to make her respond in swedish has something to do with her character. That being said, we don't really switch between languages if we know the other person can't understand. It's rude. I would never go and say 'como estas? ups, Im sorry, I forgot. How are you?' But something that happens A LOT is that I forget words or phrases and try to remember them by saying them in the other language. For example 'and she went to the... mierda, como se dice... aeropuerto... oh! airport!'. Or the other way around, I forget words in my mother language but I know them in english. It doesn’t seems to happen to Simon, but it’s fairly normal.  Also, and I'm sorry if this is getting too long, Simon and Linda talk to each other in spanish as a way to express how close they are. It's part of the characters and their relationship. Simon is clearly more in tune with his Latino heritage, which comes from his mom, and he shows it by using the language fluently with her. -'Como estas? -Bien, como te fue en el trabajo?' he is asking about her job and her day. It almost sounds like a conversation between a married couple. Is not meant to be weird, is meant to express that Simon feels like he has to replace his father. So maybe take this into account and don't throw spanish phrases between them just for the sake of it.
  4. If Wille learns some Spanish for Simon he would totally explode. He is clearly really proud in general and the fact that the Prince of Sweden can speak spanish because of him would kill him. In the best way. This has nothing to do with the language, but I'm just saying. Bonus points if he uses spanish to make Kristina feel left out. That would be a nice rebellious act.
5. Again, they are not spanish. People from Spain use 'vosotros' instead of 'ustedes'. Both of those word mean 'they', but in South America we don't use vosotros. This is just ONE example. I know spanish is confusing and has millions of variations; don't worry about the specifics. But try to be respectful when referring to them as spanish/latinos.
That's it for now. I'm sorry if it's not perfect. I'm from Argentina and our spanish is the messiest. But I tried to keep this guide as neutral as I could. Also also, I'm sorry if my english grammar isn't the best, this took way too long and I don't have the energy to check my mistakes. And that's okay, because languages are meant to be used and be confused. I make mistakes and that's fine. I'm not judging anyone. Please be kind to yourself. Please don't refrain from writing in spanish, this guide is meant to help you if you want to, but just the fact that you are writing anything is brilliant. Thank you for sharing your work!
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atrashcanraccoon · 2 years
i'm haunted by this book it made me feel feelings
@chifuyuuuuuuu-simp suggested this book and i got amma to buy it (bc i'm broke) and i read the whole thing in one sitting and let me tell you- this book hit me in the right places.
now i'm gonna talk abt it and hope i don't fall into another rabbit hole of thoughts bc ffs this book MAKES SENSE.
kinda not spoiler free, emphasis on the kinda
the only spoilers are the things that happened in the ramayan (og)
fun fact: w karkidaka month (last month in the malayalam calendar) going on, my ramayan era is here and i'm thriving
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so the concept of this book is fairly interesting and as someone who ADORES different interpretations of hindu myth (looking at you, meluha), this is spectacular. SITAYAN bro, it doesn't get any better than that.
sita as a character who has conflicts in her mind, who works like all of us do, who isn't made out to be an untouchable goddess is p awesome to see. she's like so fucking strong, mentally, physically and emotionally and it makes me wanna cry istfg- she's intelligent, resourceful and you can see the love and care she feels for everyone and for her husband, the most. she didn't deserve the agni pariksha or the second exile fr
there's this running theme of different types of love. it deals the way love is felt by different people, how people react when in love, what different meanings can love take on, all of this. it resonates within you.
the author makes sita an introspective character and her thought process is glorious. love makes you afraid. love makes you hurt others and/or yourself and it'll blind you as much as it makes you see things that others cannot. love is powerful and scary and it'll make you feel like you're being drowned in the deep end and then set aflame.
moving on
ram is duty bound, loves his wife, but he's selfless to a fault- he can't be selfish and he believes the same extends to sita, but while ram is still pleased if his subjects are satisfied (and he isn't), sita wants everyone to be happy and content by meeting in the middle. this is a huge point that's seen throughout the pre-second exile arc (your relationship includes you and your partner(s), please do not bring in random citizens into it- remember, communication is key)
LAKSHMAN (sorry, he's my fav) slays. he's devoted to ram and that extends to sita but their dynamics are intriguing. a protective younger brother and the older brother's wife- quite fascinating, if you ask me
urmila the real mvp, gives edwina sharma, bc sita is literally adopted and is amazing in general. supportive sisters bro i'm in love. the concept that she was in a 14 year long sleep instead of her husband is dope asf i've read it somewhere before
dasharath is a good king and a shitty husband. partiality isn't good, he does that only. four kids you have sir, you can't just give all your attention to one. three wives and he can't respect them equally pshh
kaikeyi is one character that i've been huuuugely invested in, considering her part in the whole 14 years of exile in the forest and all. she's a powerful woman, by herself and in the eyes of her husband. she's spoilt (?) and rather malleable opinion-wise- ergo manthara could formulate most of her opinion. kaikeyi was flawed and it showed, but somehow, it was alright.
hanuman is sooo unproblematic and i love him sm (both as a character and a god to be worshipped). he's literally called the perfect devotee and he's legit too good to be true vibes. he's my life and that's all that there is to it
the author stated in her a/n that she'd been heavily inspired by the adbhut ramayan than the considered og and by virtue of that, ravan and mandodari make it into the major character list
mandodari is a p important character in this book. she's a queen, through and through. she endures, she listens, she loves, she's lost and her spirit's taken so much but she's never truly broken, or atleast until the plot twist
like clint, i did NOT see that coming.
but like i said, this book makes a whole good lot of sense and PLOT TWIST, once introduced, is very easy to digest. once you've understood the whole scenario, the lanka arc gets a million times worse and you're stuck overthinking abt the why and how and what the bloody dingle bottom fuckity fuck ever
it's beautiful.
now to the main antagonist. ravan. he's so complex, makes me wanna throw him under a microscope and study his nuances. he's terrorised gods, he's humiliated and vexed them, including his half brother kuber. he's also a great devotee/follower of lord shiva, he's a scholar and one of the most intelligent people on the damn planet.
he was brought to his knees by greed.
the first time i found out abt ravan's entire story, i was shocked fr. i mean, someone this accomplished and he pulls off shit like this?? but then greed has the potential to be one's undoing and that's what happened. it's like watching a train wreck in slo-mo. gah the character is so fucking complicated and i love the way he's been written.
the whole 'ram-sita are incarnations of lord vishnu-lakshmi devi' and 'ravan and kumbhkaran being jaya and vijaya, the dwarapalakas of vaikuntha but reincarnated' is seamlessly added into the story in the forms of visions and dreams and it's amazing.
lanka arc is painful and hits you in the feels bc sita's stuck there, sad and alone and she's not given up like ma'am, hat's off.
the whole 'society's opinion is important' is all well and good and the way the author shows the effect of that in the lives of our main characters is wonderful and honestly, while reading that part, i thought i'll have more time before the dhobi makes ram rethink his decisions.
then the second exile arc arrives and everything's back to shit again.
please talk to your partners, everyone.
if only ram had talked to sita, if only lakshman had succeeded in convincing his brother, if only, if only-
lav and kush are the only kids i like bc irl kids are a hard pass (i'll take toddlers and babies but 9 y/o and up? i'll giggle if they fall down)
they're the sweetest kids okay? they're precious, and even though they didn't know their dad or aunts or uncles or other family members in ayodhya, they had valmiki, they had the people in the surrounding ashrams and they grew up w their found family. it's really sweet.
then the ashwamedha yajna and subsequent drama.
ram was like "one more agni pariksha so that the people of ayodhya would be satisfied for good" and sita was like "i'm done, we're done, no more." she's done seeing women being blamed for things that aren't in their hands, she's done seeing all the struggles that women go through that could've been avoided had there been better circumstances created. she's done giving in and compromising.
she's been wronged against and she'd proved herself once before and in this situation, there are no winners.
sita in this part feels emotions viscerally and everything is INTENSE and dukh dard peedha and then she's just so angry and sad and the firewood kept around her starts to burn, the ground splits and she knows this is the last of her that anyone will see.
lav and kush were held back by their uncles bc i think somewhere, even they realised that sita needed to do what she did.
the last lines of the book slapped me and said poignant.
"Because this is the most important aspect of love, whose other face is compassion: It isn’t doled out, drop by drop. It doesn’t measure who is worthy and who isn’t. It is like the ocean. Unfathomable. Astonishing. Measureless."
guide to wtv different language(s) i've used:
karkidaka month: karkidakam is the last month in the malayalam calendar during which people read the ramayan in their homes, it's going on rn i'm having fun
agni pariksha : trial by fire (like literally walk through fire to prove chastity and purity)
dwarapalakas of vaikuntha : according to hindu myth, vaikuntha is the place where lord vishnu resides and jaya and vijaya were two heavenly beings who guarded the gates (dwarapalaka is a gate-keeper) of vaikuntha- now their story is really interesting
dhobi : washerman
ashrams : group of hermitages
ashwamedha yajna : a ritual in the vedic period where a horse accompanied by a king's warriors would be released to wander for a year, if the horse is stopped, it is seen as a rebellion against the sovereignty
dukh dard peeda : dukh is sorrow, dard is pain and peedha is suffering (there is no english phrase that can give the same effect as this phrase in hindi- this is also a meme)
i didn't know i could write this much abt a book that i've read ONCE.
feel free to ask me abt shit and lmk if there's anything that's wrong? bc i really don't wanna spread wrong info sjhdjdjs
alr thankyou if you've made it till here, go read this book now <3
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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luluwiie · 4 years
My writers academia
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My readings full masterlist
Or: just Lulu-stan praising her fav writers (❤ = My dearest ones) + Masterlist links + my very fav work from them ❤ The "ranking" logic goes crescendo, from growing writers to the "greatest" and most experienced ones, aka my favs ♥!
✏ Aspiring - Promising pencils ~
Aspiring heroes - Some writers I recently discovered or who just started creating some really great works. Show them some love, they deserve it !
@matts-writing - How you got together -
@thesweetestkimberry - Mlist - Chocolate
@daenqyu - Masterlist - Promise me
@veenxys - Masterlist - Todoroki & Bakugo falling for you - Mel is honestly such an adorable person, and a really funny one too ! I just love her Hcs, and the way she mixes humor with angst in her stuff. Honestly, I'm a fan :')
@shinsorokiri - Masterlist - Losing memory - Their hcs are just soooo deeply touching my heart. I wish I could read more ! Good angst content 😳
@bkgmaid - Masterlist - Shinso falling in love - New Tumblr I just discovered an fell in love with ! The slow burn process depicted there are.the.best ❤ Love the way growing feelings are depicted ! Touches my soul ❤
@yaomomvs - Masterlist - Ten duel commandments - I just love this girl's writings. I dunno what to say I JUST WANT MOOORE FIZNEKC (Shouto lover High five)
@atsumiyass - Masterlist - Simphony - Mars and Venus are new in BnHA fandom but are just So. Talented. I just love their writings. Simple yet very touching. Just go check their art ♡
@shotos-noodles - Masterlist - If we tried - There are definitely some sweet poetical vibes in this adorable person writings. Cue some adorable Shoto moments and I'm melting. I just love this cutie works ❤
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🖋 Pro writers - plumes ~
Pro heroes - Some more or less famous yet very talented and experienced writers, whose works are undeniably qualitative.
@sam-writs- Masterlist - Candles - I want to read more touching poetry like this ! ♡
@tsuhika - Masterlist - Saturdays are for the boys -
@fruggykitty - Masterlist - Trying to confess - BEST TAMAKI CONTENT. LUV IT.
@lovers-liability - Masterlist - I keep my promises - FF + The Beauty of it all - Ongoing FF - Lu' is such an adorable person and an incredibly gifted writer. She really has a thing with words; her own special way of depicting emotions and mental / physical states. She writes some of the deepest angst drabbles I've ever read, like you can feel the intense emotions she depicted. And considering her FF prologue, I can tell you she's as good in Fluff ! She deserves SO much love, recognition an fame for her art. I just can't wait to read more of her works! In two words, I highly recommend her Tumblr and whole great person ❤
@duskjelly - Masterlist - Lovestruck - This adorable jelly has such a good appreciation of BnHA characters. Every single thing I read there was full of small yet very significant details that make their work unique. I just love falling in their lovely / lively hcs !
@lovely-angst - Masterlist - This whole account is just what I ADORE reading on Tumblr. Intertwined Angst + Fluff moments. LOVE-IT.
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🖌 Top 10 artists - brushes ~
Top heroes- The very best writers I know so far. I absolutely worship their works. Their art never fail giving me chills and emotions. I highly recommend ♥
@katimagines - Masterlist - Kat is just the author responsible for my BnHA fandom adoration. Her works made me fall in the fandom, and for that I'll be eternally gratefull !
@songbirdsingingthings - Masterlist - Ice Skating + Polka-dotted Bandages - This writer is honestly underrated, she deserves SO MUCH love and fame. I just love the way she writes for my fav characters (aka Shoto, for BnHa). I'm just in love with her writings and details, that's all ❤
@izukulus - Navigation - Do you want some tea ? - There is something in Izukulus writings. A mix between psychological writings and pure fluff / soft moments. I just love their sweet writing. ❤
@meliorist-midoriya - Navi- the meaning of “i love you” + sing me to sleep - Kelley's whole masterlist was in my reading list since quite some weeks now... And I recently literally FELL in her whole ART. 'Cause honestly, it's about art (and a lot of emotions, too). First, just look at her tumblr theme ? It screams ART. Then read her psychological works ? it screams FEELS, EFHGRGIH I just love how she writes, I discovered this way too late and now that I've fallen for this, I'll never stop supporting her and reading her work è.é LUV
@blkladyelle - Masterlist - Unforgettable -Ongoing FF - One of my very favorite Dabi / Hawks fanfic. Honestly, with Midnight, these are the two Fanfics who made me fall in Dabi and Hawks works. I'm just in love with these two Fanfics. Just read it, it worths the journey! ❤
@elysianseraph - Masterlist - How they say I love you / Arrythmia - Poetry. Just emotional poetry. Nothing more to say, these works are often masterpieces. Deserves fame!
@oikawaplssteponme - Masterlist - 7 signs you're in love - I only discovered this Tumblr recently, yet I'm already sooo deeply invested in it. Willow is just the cutest person on earth. She deserves all the support and love ♥ The little Fanfiction with Todoroki learning what love is.. is just a blessing for our feels. Honestly, it's so well written, so sweet, so full of good vibes, I just love it 💕❤ -
@thelawofmixingcolors - Princess and Hero + Midnight - Ongoing FF - ❤ Realllly one of my top favs. A really sweet person and an amazing author. Their work never fails moving me, they do really have a gift for writing. I highly recommend ❤❤
* ******************** *** ******************* *
Wherever you're on this crescendo list, regardless of the number of followers and interactions of your tumblr, it doesn't matter : just know that your art helps people. I'll quote @melloyellobeth post, 'cause it encapsulates my thoughts and feelings about Fandom writings :
“There will always be someone who enjoys your writing [and I’m one of them]. Remember that every like, reblog, and comment is one person who enjoyed what you wrote and i can assure you they (and I) want more! and remember, not everyone remembers to leave evidence that they liked your writing or they might just be too nervous to interact with you. invisible fans exist, and you’ve got them.
Going along with that last one, your writing has the potential to help others! you could write about a minority, or maybe you could publish a little something comforting at the exact time someone else needs it. ”
This is what your writings gave me. Comfort. Feels. A perfect exit from reality / anxiety / any bad moment in my life. Honestly, I would never have thought I’d become addict to the whole fandom’ universe, and yet here I am, unable to sleep correctly if I didn’t have my bed-time FF reading.
To put it shortly : your writings move, comfort, help, bring bliss, feels and amazing moments to people. So thank you for that. Thank you for everything. ♥
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prttyt0ni · 2 years
Babysitter (ch. 1) || E. Munson x female!oc
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©prttymunson (if you want to translate, please contact me first)
pairing: Eddie Munson x female oc words: 1,923 introduction oc Name: Ramona Murphy age: 20 (1966) gender: female height: 5"6 (167cm) eye color: grey hair color: light brown
synopsis: Ramona Murphy is Robin's best friend. She kidnapped her and then begged her to keep an eye on Eddie "the Freak" Munson, who supposedly killed Chrissy Cunningham at Reefer Rick's residence at Lover's Lake.
a/n: I actually wanted to go for y/n, but i decided on an own character as "y/n" since it feels more natural to me to use a name instead of "y/n y/l/n". you're of course 100% free to use your own name, pronouns, and visual appearance as Ramona Murphy if you want to. also, since i've already written nearly 2k words, i decided on an actual ff with multiple chapters. I'm always open for feedback or any suggestion for improvement enjoy :> toni
Ramona POV.
Finally home! After giving what felt like dozens of hours of private lessons I finally arrived home and laid down on my bed. Soon after the phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I ask as I answer the phone. "Hey Ramona, Robin here. Would you mind coming to Family Video? I really need you to do me a favor!" Robin burst out as soon as she heard your voice.
"Well, I-" I respond before getting cut off by my best friend. "Great! See you in 10!" she said and hung up. "Curse you Robin Buckley for exactly knowing my address!" I yell through the house before getting my jacket and driving to Robin's workplace in the deep of the night.
narrator POV.
Ramona arrived at Family Video in exactly 10 minutes, just like Robin said. She turned off the engine and went into the shop soon after.
"Great that you're here." the girl heard both Robin and her co-worker Steve, with whom Ramona had algebra in sophomore year, say before they pulled the young adult out of the store and into the back of Steve's car.
"Yo, what the fuck is that supposed to be, you know my car is still in front of Family Video's, don't you?" Ramona asked angrily since she basically has got kidnapped. "Don't worry about that Ramona, just... trust us," Robin said stressed out. "You saying this that way surely doesn't make me trust you! Why can't I just follow you in my own car instead of you kidnapping me or something?"
"It's more save this way. Steve will bring you your car as soon as possible, okay?" Robin tried to explain what stressed Ramona out even more.
"I STILL FEEL LIKE YOU'RE KIDNAPPING ME SO I'M NOT SURE IF I WANT MY KIDNAPPER TO DRIVE MY CAR" she yelled at Robin in stress. "Listen, Ramona. You've known me ever since I first shat my pants. Do you really think I would kidnap y-" Robin tried to calm Ramona down, but she cut her off: "I mean, you never know–"
"THAT'S NOT THE POINT!" she yelled annoyed, quieting down everyone, even the radio. "The point is, you're the only one I trust, without having to worry it might go wrong." Robin continued and Ramona finally agreed on being kidnapped.
"Wow, Robin. I've never expected you to love me this much, I think I'm gonna faint!" she replied teasingly, acting as if she was about to faint, soon after Robin calmed down a bit to annoy her even more. Steve and Robin looked at themself and Robin said "See... it'll be fun" smiling at Steve
"Wait, what will be fun? Hello? Talk to me! Where are we driving?!" Ramona started yelling again stressfully. "Jeez, Ramona! You'll know when we're there! She's worse than all the kids combined." Steve said in annoyance.
"Listen Harrington, if you got kidnapped and didn't know where the fuck you're going, would you stay all calm and goofy and chill?" Ramona asked the male, leaning over to directly look at him from the side. Steve didn't say anything at first until a quiet "good point" left his mouth and he turned left into the woods.
"Oh wow. Now we're heading into the woods... and you still want to tell me this is no kidnapping?" she asked again stressfully. No one answered so she decided to look out of the window, hopefully spotting something familiar (which was harder than it sounds since it was in the middle of the night).
"Wait, are you driving me to Reefer Rick's place? What the fuck is going on here?" she asked as soon as she recognized the way. "Is she always talking this much?" Steve asked Ramona's best friend. "Nope, only when she's very, like very, stressed out"
Steve stopped the car and the three of them went outside. They were at Lover's Lake, in front of them; Reefer Rick's residence. "I knew you were dragging me to Reefer Rick's, but... why are we here?" Ramona asked. "Just follow us!" Robin said, grabbed her by the wrist, and pulled her to the shack directly at the lake.
She opened the door fastly and everyone inside flinched as if their lives were about to end. Ramona took a closer look at who was there and noticed Max Mayfield, her neighbor Dustin Henderson and Eddie "the Freak" Munson. She started chuckling. "What the fuck am I doing here?" she asked herself. "Robin? Why am I here?" Ramona asked her best friend looking at her in slight disbelieve as if she was about to cry.
She started to explain everything to her from the Upside Down and what it is, to all the monsters, to Chrissy and Vecna. "And that's where you join the game. Could you please, please, please, please, please stay here with Eddie?" Robin asked and did the best puppy eyes Ramona as ever seen on her.
Ramona's chuckle turned into a laugh. "What am I supposed to do? Play the babysitter for Eddie "the Freak" Munson?"
"No, Ramona, just... accompany him. You know, in case something happens." Max stood up and made her way to the young adult. "Jeez, fine, but I can't guarantee for anything." she finally capitulated after basically everyone begged her to stay.
As they all left to... actually, no idea why they left... do... spooky stuff? Anyway, Ramona turned around on their heel to face Eddie. As the two of them looked at each other the whole shack was filled with silence. "You know, you don't have to be here if you don't want to, Murphy." Eddie suddenly said.
"No, Robin asked me to do it, so I'll do it. Also, my car is still at Family Video and I really don't want to go there alone in the middle of the night." Ramona replied stubbornly and leaned against one of the tables.
"What are you scared of ghosts?" Eddie laughed, making fun of the girl.
"If you're so brave Munson, how about you go get my car? Don't forget to say hi to that Vecna dude from me!" Ramona replied teasingly with a sarcastic smile on her face and threw her keys to him. "Witty... I like that," he said with a grin on his lips as he put the keys into his pocket.
And then silence again. Ramona walked around the shack to take a look at what she had to deal with for god knows how long. "So, uhm? What do you usually do around here?" she asked while she inspected the dirty shack with disgust. "You know, hide.." Eddie started and chuckled. His chuckle faded away as soon as he noticed that Ramona surely wasn't amused. "Okay, Captain Obvious, what else?" she asked again. This will be... interesting.
"No need to be passive-aggressive. You know, I can't do much around here since going out isn't really an option, but I play my favorite songs" he continued as he jumped towards some strings on the other side of the shack and started using them like guitar strings and hum a song that sounded very familiar to Ramona.
"Creeping Death Metallica," Ramona said with a smile on her face and left Eddie shook. "You listen to Metallica?" he asked in disbelief. Ramona nodded and Eddie faked a heart attack which frightened the female. He stood up fastly and started laughing. "Jesus, Eddie! Do that again and the next heart attack won't be faked," she said, supporting herself with the column next to her, but laughing as well.
"Sorry, I just don't believe you listen to Metal," he said, looking her straight in the eyes, still in disbelief. "I do indeed. There's much no one knows about me," she answered with a smirk on her lips. "Wow, I. That's like super cool, Ramona. You don't seem like that at all."
"Don't judge a book by its cover" Ramona said and Eddie repeated it shortly after.
The two of them continued talking a bit about basically nothing, but for them, it was everything. They sat on the ground facing each other. "How come I've never noticed you?" Eddie asked in suspicion. "I can't tell you because everyone has noticed me at least once," Ramona replied and both of them started chuckling.
Ramona looked at her watch. "Holy shit, it's already 2am. We should go to sleep," she said, stood up, and looked for a place to sleep. "You got a key to Reefer Rick's house or do we have to sleep in here?" the girl asked with a disgusted expression. "Nope, no key. But i can try to break in." Eddie suggested and the two made their way up to the backdoor
Eddie crawled onto his knees to exactly face the keyhole, asked Ramona if she got a hairpin, shoved it into there, and moved it around a bit until the door was open. "m'lady," He said as he held the door open for Ramona to enter. "m'lord, she replied and made him a curtsey before going in.
It was as dirty in there as it was inside the shack, but at least it was warmer and safer. Ramona looked around to get to know the environment. "Okay, there is a bed upstairs and the couch down here, where do you want to sleep?" she asked when she came down from her inspection, only to find Eddie in the kitchen eating something that was either expired or simply disgusting. Still, Ramona was slightly hungry as well. "Yo! Eating without me? How fucking dare you!" she said, walking towards the male and taking a look at what Eddie was eating. "Oh ew... never mind."
"Fuck you, it tastes better than it looks!" he said to justify himself. Ramona took a look through the kitchen; dirty dishes everywhere, half-eaten cans on the dining table, and not a single kitchen counter was usable. "Ew... this needs to be cleaned up..." Ramona said after a while with the same disgusted face she had looking around the shack. "Okay princess, not everyone cleans their house so that you can eat off the floor," Eddie said with his mouth half full with whatever canned food he was eating. "Well, they should be. Also, it's disgusting to talk with food in your mouth," she replied in disgust as to what Eddie decided to mimic her, which resulted in him getting Ramona's jacket thrown at him. They both started to laugh.
"So, Eddie..." Ramona started. "Where do you want to sleep? Upstairs or downstairs?" she asked while letting down the curtains.
"You decide," he said before continuing to eat. "I don't care, actually." she did care actually. She hoped she could sleep on the bed since it was more comfortable than the couch.
Then suddenly, Eddie remembered something. "Weren't you supposed to watch after me?" he asked with a teasing smile. "I'm not here to please your mommy issues, Munson," Ramona replied wittily. Eddie chuckled. "But what if someone breaks in when we sleep and kills me... or sacrifices me to the devil," he suggested sarcastically, hoping that Ramona agrees with sleeping in the same room. Now was her time to chuckle.
"Jesus, fine. I will come with you." she gave in because she was that tired, she couldn't even look straight anymore. "But if we both get sacrificed at a satanic ritual then, I'll haunt you in hell and torture you for the end of all days," Ramona added, waiting for Eddie at the stairs. He finished his midnight snack and rushed to the stairs.
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bluethude · 2 years
Angry rant on Miraculous Ladybug season 3
Requested : No Character : Chloé Bourgeois, Marinette and Miraculous characters. Summary : Just me sharing what I think about the third season of ML, which was recently aired on Netflix, but focusing on Chloé Bourgeois and a bit of Marinette Dupain-Cheng Word count : 1354 words Warning : Just an angry rant so beware, eheh. There no point or anything logical, it’s just me saying stuff without really organizing the thoughts or developping, I write as I thought. There’s some foul language.
No, don’t tell me “But it’s a kids’ show !” because i’m tired of this excuse. Kid show doesn’t mean we should just have a crappy writting. Kids are kids, but they are smart and can understand more stuff than we assume. ✨​Let's go ! ✨​
I’m pissed.
This show has like golden ideas. Golden opportunities. Season 2 was quite good (for the show’s standard) and it showed some better writing. But then season 3 crashed everything.
Like I know what happens in season 4, don’t worry, I also know the episode Kuroneko was my breaking point and it was the episode who made me legit quit liking the show. Honestly, I don’t even know why I watched season 3. Maybe because I’m attached to this show, like I’m attached to RWBY ?
Golden opportunities, golden ideas but the writing is just horrible.
Like they treat Chloé legit like trash.
“Oh no, I can’t give you the miraculous anymore because everyone knows your civil identity” says Ladybug before giving a second time the Dragon Miraculous to Kagami who’s known to be the Dragon Miraculous holder. Even Kagami is a bit like “uh, what ?”
Honestly, the finale had huge potential. Like yeah, Chloé snaps, but of course it’s on her, not on Ladybug who never talked about her of not giving her the Bee Miraculous anymore, and who’s anyway so perfect that the least mistake is forgiven and everyone who’s against her is a bad guy uwu (note the sarcasm)
Yeah. I hate Marinette. Like honestly, I’m trying to find something to like about her. But I can’t, because any quality she might have is just crushed under the fact she’s just a creepy stalker, a person with an unhealthy obsession with a guy she barely knows or talked to. Like honestly, this attitude is grossing me out.
Marinette doesn’t need a miraculous, she needs a psychiatrist, ffs.
And I hate how the show portrays this unhealthy behavior as being cute and quirky. And in canon, her friends know about her behavior, but they’re just like saying it’s cute, romantic or whatever. I think the only one who objects about it, it’s Alix, but of course, she’s a tomboy, she can’t get it. The amount of unhealthy behaviour in this show is astonishing.
I want to throw so many insults right now.
Also, what’s up with shitting on Chloé like this ? Oh, wait, of course ! Thomas Astruc based her on one of his middle school bullies and all the frustration he has, he takes it on a fictional 14 years old with a broken home. And Marinette is actually based on the daughter he could’ve had with his ex ?
Okay buddy, go to therapy with your imaginary daughter and leave the fucking show.
Before you say I don’t get it because I wasn’t bullied, let me tell you something !
Yes I was bullied through my entire school life until high school by a blond girl, rich asf and rotten spoiled because her parents were never here so they gave her whatever she wanted and she hated my guts for no reason (probably because I got what she wanted but couldn’t have : a family or at least a loving parent.). I was bullied by this girl and her group of friends until the end of middle school and I hated the ground she walked on and I hated myself for not being able to talk back. I hated myself more than she could ever hate me.
But you know what I did ? I didn’t create an imaginary girl with a ton of home problems to take it out on her. I moved on. Moving on isn’t forgiving, it’s just deciding that you leave whatever you have behind, accepting what happened. I learned to love myself and to fix whatever she had done. I didn’t go to therapy, but I still fixed myself and now, I’m getting better and better each passing day, no matter what. Because I understood that this girl was feeling so miserable that she felt a need to bring someone down to feel better. That’s of course my own experience, I won’t say he needs to do like me. But I think he needs to take a chill pill once in a while regarding Chloé.
And honestly, anyone with brains can understand how it’s wrong to go against an imaginary 14/15 years old girl, no need to get bullied to get it. Especially when you’re a grown man like the creator of the show and you’re the one who created the character. Or you go to therapy, or you decide to confront your demons on your own and figure out how to deal with those. But you can’t avoid both and expecting to be a functional adult
I saw my bully in Chloé. And the creator wanted us to hate her. But Chloé ended up being my favorite character with Adrien, Gabriel and Nathalie.
Why ?
Because she was trying to get better, and any person who tries to better themselves always deserves help and love. But the creator took away this chance from Chloé and for any character to change and better themselves, for the sake of his vision who gave us this twisted show who’s praising the bad and punishing the good.
You can do like Astruc, and call me a bad person, a bully and whatever, for liking Chloé. I don’t care. Because in my mind, Chloé was and will always be just a kid who saw her mother leaving her before being told by her mother she didn’t have anything special (remember when her mom straight up told her “The only exceptional thing about you is your mother” while she was in tears. Or when Chloé asked “Why don’t you like me ?” to her mom ? Or how her mom barely remembers her own kid’s name ??? like it’s presented as a gimmick but it just really not funny when you think about it), who wanted to be genuinely liked by one person in her life (I don’t really think Sabrina and Chloé have a healthy friendship and we barely see Chloé really interact with Adrien), who needed guidance and who found a way to change and become the better version of herself with Ladybug, who in return after her hard work to earn the Bee Miraculous, treated her like trash until Chloé snapped in Heart-Hunter.
All Chloé wanted in this episode was to save her parents. And it was her right to get the Bee Miraculous, to at least help save her parents she saw being akumatized and attacking her or others. She was still hoping for Ladybug to come, give her the Bee Miraculous, even after being ignored over and over through the season. She wasn’t even told why she was ignored because perfect Ladybug didn’t bother to explain to her because she couldn’t find the time to do so. Even if Chloé lost the right to get the Bee Miraculous per the rule of “no one can know your identity”, it was her right to be explained things and not be kept in the dark.
For me, no wonder Chloé is at the core messed up.
Because despite all Chloé’s calls and attempts at having a chance to better herself, nobody came, except Hawkmoth and Mayura. And she snapped, being categorized as a villain until the end, throwing all her character developement by the window, just because the creator refused the mere idea to let a fictionnal teen, based on his bully, change for the better and be liked by fans.
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