#shed excess water
bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Hello!! I love your hantengu x Wifey! Reader, I been giggling and kicking my feet while reading this fluff, But i have a questions of this story, like.. how did the clones and reader got married? How did they met? What makes them fall for reader (or how reader fall for them? :D
How the hantengu clones found their wife
Warnings: slightly suggestive
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It was the dead of winter, and (Name) had been taking care of her parents cabin the best she could. The young woman lived by herself ever since her parents had passed away from sickness. Although she tolerated the cold and loneliness to protect her childhood home, she often felt lonely in the large cabin.
After gathering all the firewood she could carry, she placed the damp logs and twigs next to the already roaring fire to dry. She heaved an older log into the flames, then turned away to work on dinner.
(Name) hosted a pot onto her stove to prepare a meal for herself when she heard a cry from outside. She froze in her spot, clutching her shirt in fright. The anguish in the voice caused her heart to throb.
“H-help! Please!”
(Name) had always had a heart of gold. In her youth shed rescue wildlife and go into town to help the elderly with tasks. Now she was a woman, and knew better than to go outside into the night when she heard someone call for help. It could be a trap.
This didn’t stop her from throwing on her thickest coat and snow shoes, though. She slid her door open, then closed it behind her. In her knife she held a kitchen knife, and in the other a lantern.
“H-hello?” She called into the darkness, holding her coat closed over her chest. The knife was now differ behinds the thick folds of her coat, though the feeling of its cold blade against her skin did little to comfort her.
She approached the woods, where the sound had been coming from. When she finally reached her destination, she gasped and quickly dropped her knife to kneel down next to a figure in the snow.
The figure belonged to an older man, who’s appearance was obviously strange. He gasped out when she reached out to touch him, covering his face and crying.
“You- you’re with them aren’t you? Don’t hurt me!”
(Name)’s gaze softened and she kneeled down in the snow, slowly reaching down to cup his cheek. “Sir, I’m not here to hurt you. I’m not with anyone, promise.”
He whimpered, lightly leaning into her soft feminine touch. She smiled and helped him up, before realizing he wouldn’t be able to walk.
“Oh, sorry, I’ll carry you.”
The man was surprisingly light. She feared he may be an abused elder, something that was on a rise in her community. Sometimes the sleepy would wander the forest and beg to not be sent back home, but unfortunately that’s all she could usually do. Harboring a missing person could land her in jail, and she certainly did not want that!
“You’re too kind… so kind.”
(Name) could feel his tears run down her neck as he cried. She tried her best to ignore the feeling of his tears slowly turning to ice against her skin.
Once they were inside, she helped the gentleman into bed. It was dark inside her home now, and though she had candlelight and could certainly tell he looked strange, this wasn’t going to stop her from caring for him.
“Sir, can you tell me what happened? Did someone hurt you?”
(Name) squeezed out some excess water from a rag and laid it on his forehead. He was surprisingly warm, his breathing shallow.
“I was poisoned…”
“What?! Oh dear I’ll need to fetch a doctor right-“
The man grabbed her wrist as she turned to leave with surprising force. He released her before she could process his overwhelming strength.
“No doctors. This will go away on its own… just need rest.”
(Name) nodded slowly, sitting down next to him. As the night went on, he requested she tightly close the blinds, stating sunlight would worsen the poison. She didn’t know a poison that would react to sunlight, nevertheless she did as she was told.
“Sir, are you hungry? I was just about to cook dinner.”
The man pondered her words for a moment, before nodding. “Yes. Thank you.”
She grinned, pushing the hair out of his face.
“One last thing. What’s your name?”
He sighed, content to have such a kind woman watching over him. “Hantengu.”
(Name) busied herself in the kitchen, putting together a simple beef stew. It would have enough nutrients for someone sick and be quick enough to feed the two before going to bed.
When she finished she slowly hand fed her guest, cleaning his face after. He thanked her after he finished and grasped her hand.
“You have such beautiful hands, (Name). You would make a wonderful wife, you know?”
(Name)’s face heated up and she laughed, waving her hand. “No, no, I’m not good enough to be someone’s wife. I’m just a simple woman.”
Hantengu didn’t reply, only squeezing her hand lightly, before falling asleep. (Name) slipped her hand from his grasp and tiptoed away.
She undressed, hanging up her winter kimono and slipping on a nightgown. She looked at herself in the mirror, sighed, then tucked herself into bed.
‘Mmm… warm…’
(Name) snuggled into something warm, the feeling enveloping her. The cold of the winter was far from her mind, the only thing she could think of was…
‘Wait… why do I feel hands on my waist?’
(Name)’s eyes shot open, and try as she might she couldn’t get up. She looked around her surroundings to try and see what was holding her down, only for shock to take over.
Laying on either side of her were extremely muscular men. They had a strange demonic look to them, with horns sprouting from their heads, one of them even having wings!!
“You’re finally awake, (Name)~”
The one behind her nuzzled into her neck, gently nipping at weak spots. She gasped, reaching her hands back to gently push him away. Her action did nothing, pushing the man felt like pushing a metal statue. His yellow eyes watched her in amusement.
“Aww, look, she’s so confused!”
She quickly turned to face the man in front of her who lied on his side to stare at her. He smirked, tilting her chin up to take a better look at her face.
“Sekido was right, she is perfect.”
(Name) blinked, watching the man in front of her lean in closer. She slammed her eyes shut, only to have the feeling of his tongue sliding down her cheek.
“Tastes so sweet. Urogi, tell the others she’s awake.”
Once Urogi left the room, the other man pulled her into his lap. He bounced her up and down on his leg, pulling at her nightgown.
“H-hey! Stop that!” She pulled the hem of her nightgown away, her cheeks flushed. He only chuckled, moving his hands from her night up to her waist.
“So soft and warm. Humans always are so soft and smell so good, but you smell the best. Mmm…”
He buried his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply. (Name) couldn’t help but whimper at the man’s close proximity. She’d lived a quiet life with her parents, and now some creature was fondling her in her childhood home. Her parents would be so disappointed!
She tried to pretend to dislike the attention she was getting, but couldn’t ignore her fluttering heart. No one had ever treated her like a woman before, and he certainly was.
(Name) jumped when the door opened, nearly falling and hitting her head. Before she could think someone was catching her in their arms.
(Name) looked up to see a demon with the prettiest blue eyes she’d ever seen. He watched her with hesitation, holding her up just long enough to stand in her feet. She didn’t even notice she was leaning into his touch, her only indication was the rumbling of his chest when he spoke.
“(Name), we’ve been waiting for you. Sekido needs to speak with you.”
He spoke as if you had known each other for years, guiding you with his large clawed hands ever so gently to the living room.
Sat on your father’s favorite chair was a man with red eyes, his aura was intimidating. (Name) shrunk away, clinging into the blue eyed man’s side. He pat her head reassuringly.
“Sekido, you may want to try and look less frightening. Humans are fragile beings, and she is a woman.” He was calm, the feeling of (Name) clinging to his side filling his chest with pride. Sekido frowned, but tried his best to remain calm.
(Name) turned and looked at Sekido with her big (e/c) eyes, causing the man to smirk.
“Perfect. Come here, woman.”
When she didn’t move, he turned his gaze to the man. “Aizetsu, bring her.”
Aizetsu obliged, walking forward. “Karaku, bring the ring.”
Sekido pulled the woman into his lap, resting his hand on her stomach. She shivered as his breath tickled her neck.
Karaku walked into the room, holding a purple pouch in his clawed hand. He approached (Name) keeping his eyes locked on hers. She tried, but couldn’t look away from his glowing green orbs.
Karaku plopped the bag into her awaiting hands, giving her a kiss on her forehead before he backed away.
She stared down at the cloth bag, wondering why she had been given it. Sekido’s already short patience wore thin and he yelled at her to open it.
She opened the bag, wiggling around in his lap to untangle the cord. He grunted, holding her hips still. She tried to ignore the feeling of something poking her but as she finally got the bag open.
(Name) turned it upside down and shook it lightly. The feeling of cold metal hitting her palm was enough to tell her it had fallen out.
“It’s… a ring.”
(Name) gazed down at the silver ring, a simple crystal in the middle. It was the only jewelry she’d ever held, and she was immediately captivated by it.
“Yes. I heard human women like to be proposed to with rings.” Sekido smirked, his chest swelling with pride. She turned to look at him, a faint blush on her cheeks.
“Propose? You want to marry… me?”
All the men in the room voiced their approval, gathering around her. Sekido, stood, holding her in his arms with ease.
“You can think this over, but it’s made up in our minds. You are ours, but according to human customs we will give you time to think things over.”
She didn’t think he understood what thinking things over meant.
Having a bunch of men crowd in her house was a lot less scary than (Name) thought it would be.
Aizetsu helped her clean, Urogi helped her cook, Karaku gathered firewood, and Sekido did repairs on she couldn’t.
Along with their helpful actions, the men had been behaving… strangely. She’d already figured out they weren’t human from their appearances and lack of human knowledge, but she thought that’s where their differences ended.
Not true.
Urogi had recently started bringing her… gifts. Sometimes, it was shiny things he’d found on his flights, and other times it was freshly killed animals and bags of gore. She tried not to think of where that came from.
Karaku had taken to purring at her to get her attention, which usually worked because she found it cute. This quickly turned into biting and growling when she didn’t respond quickly enough.
Sekido watched her. Constantly. At first this was reassuring. He’d follow her at night and make sure she was safe, and sometimes even carry her where she wanted to go. Recently he tried following her everywhere, this included to the bathroom and into her room when she was changing.
Aizetsu was the most tame, only wishing to be with her as much as possible. This only bothered her in the mornings when she couldn’t escape his iron grip to go pee.
She’d had about enough of this strange behavior, so she called all the boys to gather in her living room.
“Okay, why are you four acting so strange? Sorry to say but humans don’t like being followed, growled at, given bags with questionable contents, and being held for too long!”
She let out a huff and crossed her arms, her foot tapping away at the floor. The four exchanged looks, seeming confused.
“(Name), this is common demon courting etiquette”
She stopped, tilting her head. “Courting etiquette?”
“Yes, when a demon finds a suitable mate they court them with gifts, mark them, protect them, and spend time with them.”
(Name) nodded. “That makes sense. So how do I get y’all to stop your… courting?”
Sekido steps forward, offering her the ring. “All you have to do is accept our proposal.”
(Name) but her lip and weighed her options. On one hand, (Name) didn’t know if she was okay with the thought of marrying demons, but on the other hand… she’d grown to quite like the four over the past month. She didn’t know if she could go back to living alone, with no one to wake up beside her.
“I… I accept.”
The four let out a cheer, even Sekido seemed happier than usual. She was quickly surrounded, being kissed and nipped at from all angles.
“Now that you’ve accepted…”
Sekido reaches out a claw hand that traces down her side and lands at her hip. His eyes focus on her neck, and he leans down to inhale her scent.
“We can consummate this marriage.”
A/N: please leave a comment if you’d like a spicy~ part 2!
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
It's shedding assistance day!
Time for yearly brush fest and shower!
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He only gets 1-2 showers a year to help him get rid of his excessive shedding. (And help with dander)
But he's always a good boy and never struggles, just a little complaining. Ever since we started using a shower cap he's a lot less bothered since water can't hit his ears.
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ask for infodump about Chernobyl as someone who has never even heard of it
Chernobyl is considered to be the worst nuclear disaster in history, rated at a 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), the only other disaster ranking at a 7 being in Fukushima back in 2011. The disaster occurred on April 26, 1986. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant was located in Ukraine, which was under the control of the Soviet Union at the time. It was only about 16 miles from the Belarus-Ukraine border, which was also under Soviet control. There were two main towns nearby, Chernobyl itself, which was older, had only about 15,000 residents, and was actually farther from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant than Pripyat, which had about 50,000 residents, and was only about 2 miles from the plant. Pripyat was newer, and residents had an average age of about 26. The town itself was filled with young, well educated people starting new lives. A large number of public buildings were located in Pripyat, including a school and a sports complex, which contains the famous Azure Swimming Pool. The plant supplied Pripyat with energy, and the place was considered a sort of "dream city." The plant was an RBMK-1000 type reactor, a generation I nuclear reactor, which are the earliest, and generally most hazardous, nuclear reactors. RBMKs were used to produce Plutonium, a radioactive material primarily used in nuclear weapons. However, they could also be used to produce civilian energy, so a few were constructed to supply parts of the USSR with power. At the time of the incident, there were four reactors in operation, with reactors 5 and 6 under construction. A test was scheduled to be conducted to see if the backup generators could successfully turn on in time to keep the cooling systems running at safe levels. However, the test was delayed until the less experienced night shift was in. They turned off the reactor's shutdown feature and lowered the power to the reactor. Reactors need energy to function, as they have to be cooled. For these reactors, large amounts of water were used to cool them. Without the shutdown function, the reactor was in danger of overheating if it wasn't cooled. Regardless, they ran the test. When the backup generators took too long to turn on, panic set in, and the reactor began to overheat. Then, somehow hit the AZ-5 button, which lowers all control rods into the reactor at once. Control rods are used to absorb excess amounts of shed neutrons from the nuclear reactions. However, they momentarily increase reactions when first introduced into the reactor chambers. The undertrained staff of the night shift were not aware of this. With the increased reactivity, the reactor was now dangerously hot, and the casinging around the fuel rods began to rupture, causing white-hot radioactive fuel to come into direct contact with steam. At 1:23 A.M., April 26, 1986, Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor #4 exploded. The contact between the fuel and the steam caused a steam explosion, blowing the 1000 tonne reactor roof into the air and spewing radioactive debris and particles into the air.
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Two plant workers were killed instantly by either the force of the blast or from being hit by debris. Although plant workers realized what had happened rather quickly, superiors were slow to act. Firefighters were called in, but they were not told the dangers of the radiation. Most died within a few months. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. In Pripyat, the Amusement Park that had been scheduled to open the next day was hurriedly opened a day early to distract residents from the fact that the reactor was on fire.
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It took 36 hours for Soviet Officials to finally begin to evacuate Pripyat, only after residents had begun to report nausea, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, and headaches, all symptoms of radiation poisoning. A few weeks earlier, citizens were trained with gas masks in case there ever was an incident. Officials said that they didn’t need them, as they didn’t want to cause a panic.
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Residents were also told they would be returning soon, and to leave everything behind. They did not come back. This left Pripyat as an eerie ghost down where everything seemed to have simply been dropped and left. Today, it is still abandoned, and is being slowly reclaimed by nature.
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During the cleanup of the incident, “Liquidators” were called in. Some knew the dangers, others didn’t. The fire of the reactor was too hot to be put out by water, so tons and tons or boron, sand, and lead were dumped onto the burning reactor by helicopters that flew over. It didn’t help much, and the reactor finally stopped burning after about 2-3 weeks. A structure dubbed “The sarcophagus” was built over the reactor to contain the radiation, though it was rushed and leaked radiation. A large area of woodlands was contaminated by the radiation, and it turned red and died, earning the nickname “The Red Forest.” Most of these trees were cleared and buried. Highly contaminated houses were knocked down, animals were shot, and crops destroyed. Absolutely everything that was highly contaminated was at least attempted to be destroyed and buried. Still, not everything could be destroyed and buried, there was simply too much. One object, dubbed “The Claw of Death” was, according to conflicting accounts, either used to assist in the overall cleanup or was used specifically in the cleanup of the plant roof. It is radioactive enough to give a lethal dose if sat in for about 11 hours.
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Another rather infamous object is “The Elephant’s Foot” which is a mass of sand, concrete, and melted reactor fuel that had melted its way through the floor and down into the basement. Upon discovery, the sheer amount of radiation it gave off was enough to give you a fatal dose within about 90 seconds. Today, that’s increased to about five minutes. The foot was unyielding to sampling tools, so, they shot it with a Kalashnikov Rifle (AK-47) to get a sample.
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After a very short period of time, the remaining three reactors were up and running again, as the USSR simply needed power desperately. By December of 1987, all three reactors were up and running again. They were operated for years, until the last reactor was finally shut down for good in 2000. Being so close to the border, and with the wind conditions of the time, mass amount of radioactive particles were blown north to Belarus. The Soviet Union had planes fly over and seed the clouds with chemicals, forcing them to rain on rural land instead of heavily populated areas, but this still had a major effect, as about 1/3 of Belarusian farmland was contaminated. However, the winds began to shift, blowing radiation towards Europe. Sweden was the first to sound the alarm, asking if something had happened after detecting dangerous amounts of airborne radiation and determining it was not from any of their own reactors. The USSR finally admitted there had been a “very small” incident at Chernobyl, and was very reluctant to give the world information. Careful monitoring protocols were put on resources everywhere in Europe, from grain to milk to wood, all were carefully measured for radiation. Years later, after the Sarcophagus was determined to be unsafe, the New Safe Confinement unit was constructed, which is a semicircular dome over the existing Sarcophagus. The New Safe Confinement was finished in 2018. 
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(For now)
@not-wizard-council-aristocrat @anarcho-neptunism @siley-the-wizard @villainessbian
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Cool for the Summer 3
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power dynamics, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: After finishing your degree, you return home only to find things aren’t as you left them.
Characters: Bucky Barnes
Note: another week of the grind.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Your peaceful awakening is quickly undermined by recollection. You look around at the room, the physical changes mirroring those less tangible. The bookshelves, the vanity, the rug. You sit up and sigh. You should be grateful but you’re just overwhelmed.
You get up and stretch as you walk around the bed. You’re pretty sure he’s still there. You go to the dresser. You took your time putting away your clothes, just to distract yourself.
You listen to the hallway before you peek around your door. You cross the hall and knock before you lock yourself in the bathroom. You can’t help but think of your unexpected run-in last night. As you do, your hip tingles where Bucky’s hand was.
You shake it off and strip down. You leave your clothes by the sink and hang a fresh towel on the bar. You waste no time washing up as every noise has you jumping and flinching. The door might be locked but you can’t help but feel uneasy about the extra body in the house.
As you get out, you realise you didn’t entirely think this through. You grabbed a towel but not fresh clothes. You could put on the dirty ones but for what? Just to go change again?
You pat off the excess water and wrap yourself in the towel. You gather up your clothes and near the door. You put your ear to the door and wait. You don’t hear anything.
You come out slowly and tiptoe down the hall. You near your door and jump as you notice the figure you didn’t see before. Bucky stands at the top of the stairs. He watches you as you stop and hug your clothes tighter. You gulp. Where did he come from?
“Uh, sorry, I didn’t know you were awake. I was just about to put on some coffee and was going to ask…” his eyes drift down and you shift on your feet as your bare legs prickle. “Um, uh, did you drink coffee? I can make enough for everyone.”
“Er, sure,” you utter after a crackling cough.
Your voice jerks you into action and you quickly retreat into your room. You nap the door shut, hiding behind it, and close your eyes in full-body cringe. Of course! You always have the worst timing.
You shake your head but can’t shed the heat that encases you. You just feel strange. The way he gaped, the way his eyes roved over you, and the night before. Him walking around without a shirt, touching your hip, calling you ‘baby girl’.
You drop your clothes on the bed and go to the dresser. You take out a pair of lilac shorts and frilly baby doll shirt. You lay them on the wood and sift around for a pair of boy shorts. You pull out a plain cotton pair and narrow your eyes at the wall.
How did he not know you were awake? You can always hear the shower from downstairs. He may have thought it was your mom but if they’ve been seeing each other for a while, he’d know she loves to sleep in on her days off.
You pull on your underwear and your basic white bra. You slip into your shorts but leave the shirt on the dresser. You go to the vanity and sit down as you search through your toiletry bag. You spread moisturiser over your skin and neck. Your eyes catch the carved roses around the frame, the layers delicately crafted.
You should thank Bucky. For real. Not that stunned and dumb thanks he got yesterday. You’re in no hurry to talk to him after what just happened though.
You get up and stretch your arms up. You turn and cross the room to grab your shirt. You pull it on and linger by the end of the bed. You pace around restlessly. You can’t hide up here for two long. He’ll know you’re avoiding him.
Well, he isn’t there for you. He’s your mom’s boyfriend. You shouldn’t worry so much about him. It’s just that stupid thing that gets in your head when it comes to boys. Boys? You’re an adult. So is he. And he’s much older. He’s a man and well above your age bracket.
It’s silly to even suspect that. You’re just adjusting to him being around. That’s all it is. You never had a man in the house; no father, no male roommates. You’ve always felt safer around women. Or alone.
You grip the door knob and turn. You look down as you feel the cool crystal. That’s new too.
You pull inward and step into the hall. You can hear the grind of the coffee machine from the kitchen. As you make your way to the stairs, you examine the walls, the floor, the railing. Funny that the rest of the house is the same when there’s that creaky step four down and the bathroom door is slightly crooked in the frame.
Your descent is forewarned by the very same groaning stair. You wince as you put your weight on it and hesitate to go further. You follow the scent of coffee into the kitchen. As much as you’d like to avoid another encounter, you need to clear the fog from your head.
As you enter the kitchen, Bucky stands with his back to you. He doesn’t seem to hear you. He kneads his neck with his fingers and pushes his head back. He grunts and he strains and stretches, letting out a rumble as he drops his arms.
“Erm, ahem,” you linger at the door. “Can I get a cup?”
“Oh shit—shoot,” he turns and leans on the counter with a chuckle. He grins as you sway uncertaintly. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you—let me--”
“It’s okay, I can get one,” you scurry forward but before you can get there, he has the cupboard open. He turns and takes down a cup. The teal one with the daisy on it. That’s your favourite. “Oh, thanks.”
“No problem,” he winks as you look at him only to quickly shy away. He slides it over to you as the machine spout drips. “Afraid you caught me at a bad moment. I think I slept weird. Got this kick and I can feel it…” he points along his trap, just beneath the thin fabric of his tee shirt, “right here but I just can’t get in there. Fingers are too… thick.”
“Mm, that sounds… uncomfortable.”
“Sure is. I wanted to mow the lawn to surprise your mom but I don’t know,” he explains.
You grab the carafe from the burner and fill your cup. He’s quiet as you feel him watching you. He spreads his hand flat on the counter top. Is he leaning in?
“Hey, this might be weird but do you think you could do me a favour? You got small hands and--”
“Hmm?” Your eyes round in surprise. You think you know what he means but you don’t want to say it.
“You could just press into the muscle. See if you can loosen it up.” He lifts his hand slightly, stand his hand up on his fingers. “If that’s-- if you’re okay with that? If not, I might find a pen or something.”
“Well, er, I guess…” you glance up as his cheek ticks and he rubs his neck with a groan.
“Really, if you don’t want to--”
“It’s… if it hurts… I just wouldn’t want to make it worse,” you stutter, running your fingertips up and down the handle of your mug.
“Oh, I don’t think you can make anything worse,” he smirks. “Really, you’d be doing me a big favour, baby girl.”
There’s that name again. You’re not brave enough to call him out on it. You shrug.
“Okay,” you agree, “how, er…”
He looks around, “oh, uh, I’ll sit.”
He steps away from the counter and crosses to the other side of the kitchen. He sits on the dining table and you hover where you are. You turn slowly to follow. You approach him as he pushes his shoulders wide.
“Where… how…” you don’t know how to ask.
“Just here,” he points to the side of his neck.
“Al…right,” you drawl dumbly and bring your hands up. You gently touch him and he purrs. You rub his skin and feel the goosebumps rise.
“Just a little firmer, baby girl,” he hums.
You push your fingertips into his neck and knead. He groans louder and leans his head forward. He drones then choke.
“Mmm, I think…” He leans away from you and you drop your hand. “Here, it’s under my shoulder,” he rasps. “Let me just--” he reaches back and tugs his shirt up. He peels it off and you blanch. You’re happy he can’t see your face. “Just here…”
He points over his shoulders and you stare at his muscles. Your eyes wander up to the back of his head and the streaks of silver and dark brown. You glance back down. You’ve seen some boys with their shirts off as they ran across campus or when they were hanging out with your roommates but you’ve never been this close.
“Um…” you reach for him and gently trace along his muscle, “here?”
“Just along the blade, baby girl.” You move your finger and he purrs. “Oh yeah. That’s it. Oh… harder…” he hangs his head again and grips his thighs. “That’s so good.”
He gasps as you feel some resistance and then it loosens. You roll your finger against him and he breathes slowly. You stop and pull your hand back.
“Is that good?” You ask.
He puffs out a few more times. He sucks in a deep breath and sits up. He rolls his shoulders and sighs.
“Oh, god, yes,” he moves his head back and forth. “Wow, you got that magic touch.” He stands, keeping his shirt in his hand. “Mmm, I feel young again.”
You flutter your fingers and nod as he faces you. You shy away back to the counter but stop yourself from taking your mug. You look at him over your shoulder.
“You want some too?” You ask.
“You’re so sweet, baby girl. Sure. I’ll have some but I’m gonna go get the mower out. Mind bringing it to me?” He suggests.
You nod again, almost furiously. You just want some space. Your fingers are hot and tingly.
“Just black, thanks.”
You turn to the counter again and open the cupboard. You listen to him go and focus on pouring a second cup. You add some milk to your own and take a mouthful, savouring it before you make yourself take his.
You bring the cup with you and stop by the door to step into a pair of slides. You come outside as you hear him rolling the mower out of the open garage. He’s still shirtless. It’s pretty hot out. You come down the steps and near him.
“Hi, your coffee,” you announce as you balance the cup.
“Oh, wonderful,” he smiles as he takes it. “Thanks.”
He raises the cup to his lips and drinks deeply. His chest fills with air and looks even bigger. He’s in pretty good shape. Not just for his age but in general. You shouldn’t think about that though.
“Er, I hate to ask you for more but the suns blazing. You mind getting my back?” He turns and dips into the garage. You peek around as he puts his cup down then takes a bright orange bottle; sunscreen.
You blink. Oh my. You bounce nervously on your feet. You look around. You want to say no. You should. It isn’t inappropriate but it feels like it.
The sunlight glints at the end of your vision. You clamp your lips tight and come forward. You reach for the bottle and he hands it over.
“Here,” he says as you take it. He turns and presents his back.
Reluctantly, you pop the cap open and squeeze the lotion into your palm. You bend to put the bottle down and rub your hand together, then turn them out. You press them to his back and drag them around his skin.
You smear the sunscreen but it’s greasy and doesn’t absorb easily. You keep rubbing until it starts to seep into his skin. He groans, like before and leans his head back. As he does, you sense something else. Something lower down.
He reaches back blindly and brushes his fingers up your thigh, toying with the edge of your shorts. You stop, flattening your hands against him, and look down. You pull your hands away and step out of his reach.
“I…” you swallow. “My coffee will get cold.”
You turn and flee without looking back. You can only think one thing; it didn’t happen, it didn’t happen… and if it did, it wasn’t what you thought.
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growingstories · 7 months
Male model
Male model Darren had always dreamed of walking the runways of big fashion shows in Italy and Paris, showcasing the latest designs from top designers. And his dream came true. Darren was known for his chiseled features, sharp jawline, and perfectly toned physique. He was the epitome of what the fashion industry considered the ideal male body. However, everything changed when the world was hit by the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.
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As the first four weeks of lockdown began, Darren found himself confined to his home. With no photoshoots or fashion shows to attend, he started to spend most of his time indulging in comfort foods. The lack of physical activity and the stress of the situation caused him to gain weight rapidly.
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Weeks went by, and Darren found himself down on his luck. His once slender body was now a bit plumper, and his modeling career was suffering. But fate had something different in store for him. A fast-food chain, Big Burger, impressed by his unique transformation, decided to approach Darren. They wanted him to be the face of their brand, capitalizing on his relatability to the general public. The offer was tempting, promising a hefty paycheck and a chance to regain his popularity.
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Darren, despite his reservations, decided to take the offer. He thought that once the campaign was over, he could go back to his old life and lose the extra weight. Little did he know that this decision would gradually change the course of his life. In an attempt to shed off some excess weight, Darren embarked on a weight loss journey. With the help of a personal trainer and nutritionist, he managed to lose 5kg. However, just as he was beginning to see progress, his manager had other plans for him.
Another campaign for Big Burger, this time promoting their new burger known as "The Big Burger," was on the horizon. The company insisted that Darren put on more weight to portray their idea of the perfect consumer. Reluctantly, he agreed, knowing that it would mean sacrificing his own happiness for financial gain.
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Also other food companies started sending him an array of mouth-watering treats and samples to promote on his social media channels. Darren found himself overwhelmed by the constant influx of food while struggling to maintain his weight and image. Nevertheless, his manager saw this as an opportunity and suggested that Darren start a podcast reviewing food products around the world.
As his career skyrocketed, Darren's weight ballooned. His previous model clients refused to book him for their campaigns, citing his size as the main reason. Deeply frustrated, Darren began to long for the glamour and success he once had. He confided in his manager, expressing his desire to lose weight and get back in shape.
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Sympathetic to Darren's concerns, his manager arranged a deal with a reputable gym to help him shed the excess weight. However, just as he was getting ready to embark on his journey, Big Burger offered him an enticing three-year contract. They promised him stability, incredible earnings, and fame, but the condition was that he couldn't lose weight. Struck by the allure of financial security, Darren reluctantly accepted the offer, believing that he would be able to lose weight once the contract was over. Month by month, he had photoshoots for new products, made social media posts, and received an abundance of food and meals sent directly to his doorstep.
His fame grew, not as a fashion model but as the food reviewer he unintentionally became. The money kept rolling in, but Darren grew increasingly unhappy with his appearance. He was kut of breath fast and tying his shoes became a workout at itself. He decided to secretly visit the gym and after only a few weeks he lost 10kg.
During his next photoshoot, the photographer was surprised by Darren's leaner appearence. The pictures turned out to be fantastic, but just as he was basking in his success, he received a call from the big boss of Big Burger. The boss warned Darren that if he continued losing weight, his contract would be terminated. In an attempt to fail his weightloss regime, a big box of sweet snacks arrived at his doorstep, accompanied by a note expressing apologies for their strictness.
While guilt washed over him during his indulgence in the snacks, Darren found solace in the gym. He focused solely on building muscle without engaging in any cardio exercises. The boss's presents continued for weeks, and as a result, his muscles popped, and his belly grew once again.
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Instead of feeling dejected, Darren grew happier with his newfound bulkiness. He decided to embrace his weight and the attention he received at the gym from other big men who admired his strength. Every few days, he received surprises from Big Burger and other food chains, all expressing their happiness and love for him.
Months turned into years, and Darren became unrecognizable. With his size constantly increasing, his bank account overflowed with money, but he was no longer content with his appearance. He missed the glamour of his past life and the feeling of confidence that being fit and healthy had brought him.
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Darren felt a mix of guilt and determination as he stared at the feast before him. He decided to channel his guilt into motivation, guilt for enjoying the snacks to the fullest but not giving up on his fitness journey. He immediately went to the gym and worked out without any cardio, craving the unity of his mind and body. This cycle continued for two weeks. His muscles bulked up, and his belly expanded as he consumed all the snacks provided by Big Burger. He received unwavering support from his followers and fans on social media, celebrating his transformation in every post.
Embracing his new body, Darren made a life-altering decision. He chose to let go of social standards and expectations and embraced his weight. With every passing day, he became more confident and happy in his frame.
Surprises from Big Burger, along with other food companies, kept flooding in. They admired Darren's loyalty and dedication to their brand, constantly sending him food and treats. His fame solidified not only as a male model turned food reviewer but also as a symbol of unabashed self-acceptance.
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With every passing day, Darren's fame and bank account grew, but it was his inner happiness that truly bloomed. He had discovered that being comfortable in his own skin was worth more than any fashion show or modeling contract.
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valkyriexo · 5 months
Microphones and Mistakes PT 2
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ᑉ³pairing; Dad! Husband! Bangchan x idol! reader
ᑉ³genre;  Comfort, Fluff, a little angsty but not really
ᑉ³warnings; None I think.
ᑉ³Authors Note; This is part 2 . Edited! Please let me know if there are any warnings I am missing!
ઇଓ Part 1
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After the less-than-perfect performance and the tense confrontation with Chan, you made your way home, eager to leave the chaos of the night behind you. The drive back felt long and lonely, your thoughts consumed by the events of the evening and the lingering hurt in your heart. You didn't bother to socialize or debrief with anyone, choosing instead to head straight home.
Stepping through the front door, the silence enveloped you like a warm embrace. The house felt empty and still, the only sounds the soft hum of the air conditioning and the gentle creak of the floorboards beneath your feet. The familiar scent of home, a mix of freshly laundered linens and comforting aromas from the kitchen, greeted you, offering a sense of comfort amidst the turmoil.
Seeking solace in the quiet familiarity of your own space, you craved the comfort of home to process everything that had transpired. The soft glow of the living room lamps cast a warm, inviting light, coaxing you to sink into the plush cushions of the sofa and escape from the outside world.
Making your way to the living room, you leaned against the side of the couch with a heavy sigh. The weight of the evening's events hung heavily on your shoulders, the hurt and frustration threatening to overwhelm you once again. Each moment replayed in your mind like scenes from an unending movie, stirring up emotions you struggled to contain.
Catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you saw bloodshot red eyes staring back at you, a telltale sign of fatigue and perhaps a few tears shed in solitude. The realization dawned that Kai and Chan would be returning home any minute, and the last thing you wanted was for them to witness your vulnerable state.
With a sense of urgency, you hurried to the bathroom, the sound of the door unlocking echoing through the hallway like an inevitable countdown. The faucet gushed to life as you splashed cold water on your face, hoping to wash away not just the physical signs of distress but also the emotional weight that had settled upon your shoulders.
Each drop of water felt like a gentle caress, soothing the tiredness and offering a momentary respite from the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside. With trembling hands, you reached for a towel, patting away the excess moisture as you took a deep breath, attempting to compose yourself before their arrival.
The dim light cast a veil of solace over you as you leaned against the cool tiles, desperately trying to steady your racing heart.
Outside, the familiar voices of Chan and Kai echoed through the hallway, their conversation punctuated by the soft shuffle of footsteps.
"Alright buddy," Chan's gentle voice floated through the air. "It's getting late. Time to start winding down."
"But I wanna play, Daddy," Kai's innocent plea tugged at your heartstrings, his youthful enthusiasm tempered by the exhaustion etched in his father's weary tone.
"I know, buddy, but it's past your bedtime," Chan replied with a hint of resignation. "How about we play tomorrow, okay?"
Kai's disappointment was palpable, his reluctance evident as he reluctantly agreed to retire for the night. With a heavy heart, you listened as the sound of his footsteps receded down the hallway, accompanied by the soft click of his bedroom door closing.
Alone in the living room, Chan sank into the couch, the weight of the day's events bearing down on him like a leaden cloak. You could sense his weariness, his silent struggle mirrored in the slump of his shoulders as he sat in solemn solitude.
Seizing the opportunity presented before you, you silently slipped out of the bathroom, your footsteps barely making a sound as you tiptoed past the living room. With bated breath, you made your way to the safety of your bedroom.
Inside the dimly lit room, you allowed yourself a moment of respite, the quiet tranquility a welcome reprieve from the chaos that threatened to engulf you. As you sat on your bed, tears began to flow once again, rendering the earlier attempt to wash your face futile.
The room itself seemed to echo with the emptiness of your heart, the shadows dancing on the walls a silent reminder of the turmoil within. Despite the comfort of home surrounding you, you felt adrift in a sea of uncertainty, unsure of what the future held or how to navigate the stormy waters ahead.
Was you really that poor of a parent?
The question echoed in your mind, a relentless taunt that fueled the flames of self-doubt and insecurity.
You had always prided yourself on being a loving and attentive parent. From tender lullabies sung in the quiet of the night to comforting embraces that chased away his fears, you had poured your heart and soul into every aspect of Kai's upbringing.
Yet, despite your best intentions, the events of the evening had left you questioning everything you thought you knew about yourself. The doubts crept in like tendrils of smoke, twisting and coiling around your thoughts until you could no longer distinguish truth from fiction. Was your love truly enough? Had you failed Kai in some profound way that you couldn't see?
And then there was Chan.
Was he regretting everything, including marrying you and starting a family?
Did he want to leave you?
The mere thought of it sent a shiver down your spine, a cold fear gripping your heart with icy fingers. You couldn't bear to imagine a future without him, to think that the love you had built together was now crumbling before your eyes.
As you sat alone in the quiet of your room, the weight of uncertainty settled heavily upon you. You replayed the events of the evening over and over again, searching for signs of reassurance.
But with each passing moment, the fear of Chan leaving you grew stronger, gnawing at the edges of your consciousness like a relentless predator. You longed to reach out to him, to bridge the gap that had formed between you, but the fear of rejection held you back.
He was going to leave you. You just knew it.
The warmth of the room offered little comfort in the face of such uncertainty. You wrapped yourself in a blanket, seeking solace in its soft embrace, but the chill in your heart remained unyielding. The thought of Chan walking away from you, from the life you had built together, was a nightmare too terrible to contemplate.
But as the hours stretched on and the night wore on, you knew that you couldn't avoid the truth forever. The uncertainty of Chan's feelings hung heavy in the air, a storm cloud on the horizon threatening to unleash its fury at any moment. And as you braced yourself for the inevitable, you prayed that the love you shared would be strong enough to survive.
Just then, you heard a soft knock on the door. Before you could respond, it creaked open, revealing the tiny figure of your son, Kai, standing there with a crumpled piece of paper clutched tightly in his hand.
"M-mommy," Kai stuttered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.
You turned to face him, your eyes still brimming with tears. "Yes, Kai?" you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
With a hesitant step forward, Kai held out the paper towards you. "I made this for you," he said, his words coming out in a rush. "I want you to stop crying."
Your heart melted at his words, and you reached out to take the paper from his hand. Unfolding it carefully, you saw a colorful drawing, scribbled with crayon marks, and accompanied by Kai's attempt at writing, his letters barely legible.
"I love you, Mommy," the message read, accompanied by a stick-figure drawing of you, Chan and Kai holding hands, surrounded by hearts and smiling faces.
Tears welled up in your eyes once again, but this time, they were tears of love and gratitude. Despite the chaos and tension surrounding you, Kai's simple gesture reminded you of the love that bound your family together.
You pulled Kai into a tight embrace, holding him close as you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Thank you, Kai," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "I love you too, sweetheart."
At that moment, as you held your son close, the hurt and frustration began to melt away, replaced by a sense of warmth and reassurance. No matter what challenges lay ahead, you knew that as long as you had each other, you could weather any storm that came your way.
With Kai's drawing clutched tightly in your hand, you wiped away your tears and stood up, feeling a renewed sense of determination. Taking a deep breath, you smiled at the boy in front of you.
"It's time for bed," you said gently, guiding Kai towards his room. He protested slightly, but you reassured him with a soft tone and a comforting touch.
Once in his room, you tucked him in snugly, ensuring he was comfortable, before leaning down to plant a kiss on his forehead. "Sweet dreams, sweetheart," you whispered, watching as his eyelids fluttered closed.
As you exited Kai's room, you made your way towards the living room, where you knew Chan would be. With each step, you felt the weight of the evening's events coming back.
Entering the living room, you found Chan sitting on the couch. As you settled beside him, the atmosphere felt heavy with unspoken tension. His gaze lingered on you for a moment before he averted his eyes, his jaw clenched in apparent frustration. His silence spoke volumes, his eyes betraying a mixture of frustration and concern.
"Chan," you began hesitantly, your voice barely above a whisper, "I know things got out of hand earlier, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
He held up a hand, cutting off your apology before you could finish. "No, Y/N, let me say something first."
"But Chan-"
"I was out of line," Chan admitted, his voice tinged with remorse. "What I said... it was unfair, and I shouldn't have lashed out like that. I know you're doing your best, and I shouldn't have questioned your parenting."
His admission took you by surprise, the weight of his apology easing some of the tension in your chest. "Chan, I..."
But he shook his head, his expression earnest. "Please, let me finish. I love Kai, and I love you. More than anything in this world. And I know I haven't been as present as I should be lately, but that doesn't excuse my behavior."
You felt your throat begin to dry at his words.
"I want to fix this, Y/N," Chan continued, his gaze unwavering. "I want us to be a team, to support each other through the ups and downs. I don't want you to ever feel like you're alone in this."
"Chan," you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion, "I thought you were going to leave me because of this."
Chan looked at you sharply, his brows furrowing in confusion. "Leave you?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.
He took a breath, his chest rising and falling with the weight of unspoken emotions.
"Y/N," Chan started, his tone carrying a touch of vulnerability, "I have to admit, there are times when you really get under my skin. You can be annoying and push my buttons, and we don't always see eye to eye. But even in those moments, I still love you." He paused, his expression tender as he reached out to gently grasp your hand. "Because love isn't just about the easy times. It's about accepting each other's imperfections and choosing to stand by each other, no matter what."
His words hung in the air, mingling with the tension that lingered between you. You remained silent, unsure of how to respond, feeling the weight of his conflicted emotions.
"But truthfully I can't imagine my life without you, Y/N," Chan continued, his voice trembling ever so slightly with emotion. "You are my rock, my anchor in a sea of uncertainty. And every day, I thank whatever higher power brought us together, because being with you is the greatest blessing I could ever ask for."
Tears glistened in your eyes as you listened to Chan pour his heart out to you, his words a symphony of love and devotion. In that moment, you felt the weight of his love like never before, a love so pure and unwavering that it felt almost tangible.
"And Kai," Chan continued, a tender smile gracing his lips at the mention of your son's name. "He is the living embodiment of our love, a testament to the bond that we share. I may not always show it, but I would move heaven and earth for him, for both of you."
His declaration brought a lump to your throat, the love in his eyes reflecting the love that burned within your own heart.
"Y/N," Chan whispered, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to caress your cheek, "I love you more than life itself. And I will spend every moment of eternity proving that to you."
With tears streaming down your cheeks, you leaned into Chan's touch, the overwhelming surge of emotion threatening to consume you. In his arms, you found solace, security, and above all, an unwavering love that would endure for all eternity.
"I love you too. More than words can express. And I don't want to lose you..."
His eyes softened at your confession, his hand reaching out to gently cup your cheek. "You won't," he vowed solemnly. "I'm not going anywhere, Y/N. We'll figure this out together, I promise."
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ઇଓ Part 1
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missredherring · 1 month
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Logan Howlett x Fat F!Reader
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1k
Contents: Fluff. Flirting.
Summary: A florist turns to the last local cut flower farmer available for help. No Powers AU.
A/N: I saw some pics of Hugh picking flowers and came up with this fluffy little idea of Flower Farmer Logan Howlett.
Thank you @moonlitbirdie for listening to the idea. 🩷
Thanks to @sp00kymulderr @ghotifishreads @covetyou @schnarfer @ozarkthedog for the moodboard feedback and general support. 🩷
Not beta'd.
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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The zinnia he’s harvesting from dances in the breeze that rolls through and he glances up at the gray clouds building overhead. Hopefully the humidity with finally break and they’ll get some much needed rain. 
The stem feels a little too dry for his liking as he holds it steady to cut at the right angle deep into the plant with his garden shears. He’d rather wait to cut after a good rain, but today’s the last day to harvest the zinnias and dahlias before they’re too far gone for for a good selling price. The soil under his feet is hard and unyielding when he shifts his weight to deposit the bloom into the waiting bucket with its fellows. There hasn’t been enough rain all season. 
The crunch of tires on gravel breaks into the ambiance of rustling leaves mixed with chirps and trills of insects. Logan frowns and straightens up, tipping his hat back and squinting to see who’s making their way towards him. You take a while, unable to keep from stopping along the rows to admire the zinnias and celosias.
Pride swells in his chest as he watches you admire them with careful fingers. Desire heats up his gut each time you bend over to get a closer look. A pretty lady for sure, plumper than a peony, and he just knows those curves would fill his hands better than any flower. You’re still craning your neck to see the dahlias in the next row over when you finally reach him, offering him a hand and your name.
“I called earlier this morning about available flowers?” you prompt him when he just shakes your hand in silence. 
“Right. Last minute demand from the mother of the bride.” 
A heavy gush of wind blows into the two of them and you glance up at the darkening sky. 
“Yea, well,” you sigh, “since the weather isn’t cooperating, she’s decided to compensate with more flowers that I need to somehow acquire.” The look you give him says volumes and Logan huffs out a laugh as his decision to not work with the general public is validated by the dark circles he clocks under your eyes. You’ve probably been run off your feet in the last few days to meet all the new requests. “Most of the other locals farms are out and you’re my last hope.”
The soft, distant plip plip plip in the trees, and a single drop on the brim of his hat is all the warning they get before the sky opens and the rain pours down. 
“Oh, shit,” is all you get out before Logan’s big hand is cupping your elbow and urging you to follow him. 
“‘Grab that bucket, will ya?” he asks you over his shoulder, not stopping his long strides as he scoops up the handle to another bucket. You hustle behind him and he doesn’t even have the privilege of watching you jiggle with the effort. It’s a crying shame, but you don’t know where the work shed is so he has to lead the way.
The rain is loud on the metal roof of the shed, so if Logan leans down to speak closer to your ear it’s so you can hear him better and not to look at your tits in your wet shirt. 
“I’ve got a couple dozen of last weeks cuttings in the fridge here. If you can use any, you’re welcome to them.”
He trades you a relatively clean hand towel for the bucket and nods his head towards the large refrigerator against the opposite wall. Instead of watching you dab at the water on your face, neck, and arms, he busies himself with what he’s managed to harvest so far, pulling out handfuls of stems, shaking off the excess water from the bucket, and dumping them on the workbench.
It’s quick, familiar work: checking for stray insects and clipping leaves to clean up the stem while inspecting for any other damage. Dozens are counted out and wrapped in butcher paper to go in the fridge until they’re sent out for delivery to various local vendors and florists he does business with. 
Logan usually prefers to work by himself and only hires extra hands when needed, but he doesn’t mind the additional sound of rustling paper and your pleased hums as you do your own inspection behind him. 
“These are just what I need, Logan. You’re a life-saver. Are you sure I can take all of these?”
He turns around to see a hopeful look on your face and your arms full of bouquets; it must be every one in there. Instead of annoyance at the possibility of being unable to fill any orders right away, there’s just a shy shred of happiness that he can do this for you. 
“Here,” he says, reaching over to grab two buckets from the stack by the door and helping you deposit the bouquets in them. “‘Like I said: you’re welcome to them.” 
“How much do I owe you? I’m sure this is more than we talked about over the phone.”
“Nah. That’s still fine,” he holds his hand up to stop your protest. “You can let me take you out on a date and we can call it even.”
A satisfied little smirk curls up in the corner of his mouth as your face runs through several emotions before settling. 
“Are you trying to get me to go out with you by giving me a discount?” 
Logan tilts his head to the side and takes a few steps towards you. The rain has eased but the air in the shed is still warm and close and starting to smell of fresh flowers and green things. 
“I’m helping you out in your time of need. Something I’d like to do again, maybe after a few drinks.”
You smile at him and he wants to kiss you for it. When you get a grip on the buckets and walk past him he’s so close that you brush up against him, all soft curves and damp clothes. You tilt your head towards him and lean in just enough to press your chest into him and kiss his whiskered cheek, saying “Thank you, Logan. I’ll give you a call this weekend.” 
He admires the way you use your hip to bump the door open wider after opening it, stepping out into the rain still lighting falling outside without missing a step.
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pokemonshelterstories · 2 months
As someone from Alola, I've always wondered: why do TMs made in Paldea break after use? Like... are the TMs over there just made worse, or what?
it's because our TMs can be manufactured using materials you find outside! we have TM machines stationed all over the place where you can turn in some LP (gained from interacting with terastal energy or by turning in excess materials) and the required materials to print a copy of a move. they're single use because making them multi-use would be prohibitively expensive. consider how much it costs to buy a TM in alola. depending on the move, you're looking at a ₽10,000 to ₽50,000 cost. that's more than most trainers can afford on the regular! if you're a starting trainer looking to diversify your movesets with TMs, that may be beyond your resources. the TM machines allow trainers of any skill and experience level to have access to expanded move choices.
of course, our system does have its hiccups as well. i'm not a fan of the LP system, because i think it does encourage trainers to engage in potentially dangerous behavior for the sake of money (LP can be used in stores as well); i also don't like that there's a currency controlled by the league itself. there's also the matter that collecting the materials can also be difficult or dangerous, depending on the move. while pokemon will naturally shed the materials you need (go to any body of water in the eastern part of south province and you'll get jarfuls of wooper slime in minutes), sometimes you'll end up having to battle against them. plus, depending on your physical ability, you may not be able to travel to where the pokemon whose materials you need are found. there's a pretty robust material trade community online, but some people have brought up the potential of poaching.
every region has their way of handling TM production, and i don't think any one way is perfect for everyone. there's pros and cons to both single use and multi-use TMs, so it's more important to consider what your particular needs as a trainer are!
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powderblueblood · 4 months
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NO SLEEP TILL - a runaway eddie au
summary sticking around town after the queen of hawkins high dies in your trailer is a fool's game. anyone could tell you that. but eddie munson's making a point of it; shaving off the excess. a canon divergent season 4 runaway eddie au with elements from flight of icarus. word count 1.1k warnings none, only that this is mostly an experiment.
Can you shut up and tell the story already?
It starts with a shedding. 
A snip, snip, snip and all recognition falling away under the dinge of a green-lit gas station bathroom. The acrid smell of piss burns through the stall, the kind that’s baked in and gets curdled by the heat. No bleach can cut through it. The ghosts of more’n three shakes and you’re playin’ with yourself rise when it gets above a certain temperature.
And it’s hot. Uncharacteristically so, for spring break. 
Snip. The last curling rat tail falls to the floor and he releases his breath. He hadn’t even realized he’d been holding it. 
Looking at himself, shorn, his eyes water. Not from the smell. 
He cranes his neck to the left, to the right. Tufts of hair stick up from his skull like he’s just shoved a fork into a socket. 
He wishes he’d thought of that instead. But.
A sound chokes up the column of his throat as he grips the sink’s edge, ringed fingers slipping on grime. He allows himself to the count of ten. 
‘To the count of ten, and then we dust ourselves off and get back at ‘em!’ His mother’s voice. Embedded in the recesses of his brain, this high rasp he’s never stopped harkening back to. It’s almost fourteen years since he’s last heard it. ‘There’s always a good reason to keep going.’
True. There’s always a reason to keep going; it doesn’t even have to be good.
He doesn’t have time to get all vitriolic about what’s been snatched from him. Not yet, anyhow. 
He’s still all hot with panic, even though it’s been hours since he left the trailer park. Gained a little clarity since then. 
Not much, but enough to shoplift a pair of scissors.
He tosses the hair in the sink into the maw of the shitcaked cistern and tears open a pack of disposable razors with his teeth. 
The red line he draws on the map squiggles up and shoulders out. A straight shot from where he sits across the state of Pennsylvania to New York City, a bullet out the nose of a rifle. He intends to make it there just as fast. 
He couldn't sleep if he wanted to. 
Every time his eyes fall shut, it’s a clear vision of her. Suspended in midair, sneakers hovering above the stained rug of the trailer. The lights flipping out, making him wonder if he wasn’t tripping out. The snap of her jaw to a crude angle, one that it can’t come back from. 
He wasn’t tripping out. He knows what he saw. Her skull impacted on itself. The sound of her tongue squelching as she choked on it. 
Like something was inside her. Tearing her apart.
He knows what he saw.
Doesn’t he?
Eddie groans as his stomach lurches. His hands tighten on the wheel. He can’t afford to spit up any more bile, not tonight. 
No time. No sleep. 
A crumpled envelope sits on the dashboard of the van. 
A letter he never responded to, because it’s easier to forget people when they’re not right there, bumming rides from you. 
A return address in Brooklyn. 
The moment the phone rings, she knows something is wrong. It gets yanked up in her gut, some feeling she’s tried to stamp down because she’s a grown up now and she can’t be caught mourning sandbox shit. 
The competitive pace of her life doesn’t allow for it. She doesn’t have room in her schedule for homesickness like that. Can’t cram it in between classes and looking for an internship at a law firm that can overlook her humble beginnings. 
This marks the second year she’s been away from home for spring break. It was harder to fill the gap the first time around, and to talk her grandmother down, but she made good use of being a country mouse in the big city. Found some bars and libraries and bookstores she’s kept as favorites. 
Tried not to think about how she was so bummed out that she was forced to enjoy them alone. And failed. 
She wrote a letter, a long one, in a dinky dyke bar on St Mark’s Place which was all strung up with Christmas lights. She’d obviously flinched when she heard it called a ‘dyke bar’--so open and proud like that. It wasn’t like when people flung the d-word around where she was from. It wasn’t derogatory; just a descriptor. Toothless, in the mouth of a chick with a shorn head that had told her so. Almost friendly. She told her that her name was Tina, too. 
“I knew a Tina,” she’d nervously said, plucking at the label of her beer bottle, “She was captain of the cheerleading squad. At my high school.”
Tina sniffed a laugh. “You’re a long way from home, ain’t ya?”
About a ten hour drive. 
She got an impulse to write after two Mai Tais and another beer and a half. Dug a copy of The Dark Tower out of her backpack and started tearing out the flyleaves.
Tina let her borrow a pen and she scrawled and scrawled away in that half-light, letter becoming more illegible the drunker she got. 
She remembered that she’d written this, in closing–
‘In closing, I think you’re a fucking piece of shit stubborn asshole. A naive moron who’d step on his own uncle’s neck for an opportunity that looked shiny enough. Fuck you, and fuck California, and I can’t believe you’d fucking do this to me after everything and not even call or anything. I think you’re just like your dad. 
If you ever need a place to stay, you can’t come here.
But if you show up, there’s nothing I can do about it, I guess.’
Weeks later, gripping onto a pole on a crowded subway train, she got a chill down the spine that she was sure meant the letter had made it to Indiana. 
He never wrote back. Probably for the better. 
The same chill pulls in her gut when the phone trills at 6:30 in the morning. The phantom umbilical cord. 
She’s up, because she’s become all regimented now. Riding on a scholarship will do that to you. 
She picks up the slippery seashell pink handset so as not to wake her roommates, because they hate her enough already. 
Though, she really nearly doesn’t. Because she’s scared.
Silence on the line.
“What happened?”
“Wayne? What happened?”
“He’s gone.”
Her whole throat constricts, her body fighting against whatever those words mean. Thoughts start running at hyperspeed– absolutely not, there’s no way, no possible way, I would know. I would know. It’s not that. 
“Whaddayou mean, gone?”
“Can’t find him anywhere.” The beat Wayne leaves makes her realize there’s cold sweat icing her brow. “But I found something else. Something bad.”
Not gone as in dead. Gone as in missing.
REBLOGS AND COMMENTS KEEP THE FIC ALIVE. lmk if you enjoyed this because i may continue to write it extremely non-linearly! as an exercise in examining friendships, paranoia and hanging out with eddie and ronnie.
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zweiginator · 2 months
stepson!patrick!!!!!! reader is not much older than patrick but the way she carries herself intrigues him. he should hate her but he feels attracted to her instead so he just touches himself at night thinking about her, making up all the possible scenarios he could to get her to slip up… to just forget about her morals and get with him instead. they end up sitting on their living room’s couch when his dad wasnt home. reader getting closer and closer and saying shed let him fuck himself on her hands. a subbier side of patrick coming out
patrick coming home from tour pissed because word around town is that his father has a brand new plaything. not even that, patrick heard she's pretty young, maybe a few years older than him. but the thing that really cuts deep for him, really makes him slam the door when he gets back from tour, is that your father had a whole courthouse wedding. didn't tell his son and married a woman he's never met.
but then he sees you on the couch. you look like you could be his peer. and you extend your hand out for him to shake but you can't stand up because you're painting your toe nails blood red. he smirks because his father would be livid if he knew you were doing this.
and god, you're so pretty. it would make more fucking sense for you to be his girlfriend and not his fucking stepmother.
and you knew that the zweig's had good genes; that's why you were okay with marrying a man more than twice your age. but seeing patrick makes you gulp and you wonder if the life of being a trophy wife was the right choice for you.
because sure, you enjoy the huge mansion, and the brand new SUVs. you like the galas and the gowns you put on your husband's amex. but, there's something about how patrick is looking at you.
he sits next to you on the couch and talks for hours. leans into you, animated. it's clear he knows how to pick up women. that it's easy for him to throw his arm around their shoulders and bat his big green eyes and have them pinched between his pointer finger in his thumb within minutes.
but, you ask him how tour has been. you can't do that. stroke his ego and ruin your marriage all in one fell swoop. your posture is straight and confident as you fan a magazine over your freshly painted toes and patrick just slumps down. what the fuck is he thinking, trying to pick up his stepmom like she's some girl at the bar?
"it's been okay. lonely, hence why im back home for the time being."
and then he mutters something about needing a shower. really, he needs to jerk off. and a mass of guilt hovers over him like the wave of a tsunami while he leans his head against the shower wall. he watches how his cock spasms as he strokes it, twitching with pure, pent up need. desperation. and he cums, sputtered moans leaving his lips. he hopes the sound of the water muffles them out completely.
and for the next few weeks patrick really just wants you to break. your father is rarely home so he picks up the slack. mows the lawn, does the dishes, trims the hedges with his shirt off.
you make him lunch, and bring him fresh lemonade as he wipes his forehead with his t-shirt and you don't allow yourself to look at his abs. the sweat trickling down his lean body. how his biceps flex as he practices his serve in the backyard.
and patrick is always so appreciative.
"these brownies are delicious!" wipes the excess chocolate from his chin with his thumb and sucks it into his mouth. you almost fucking whimper but you just thank him and tell him there's more on the counter.
there's one night where something inside you shatters. maybe it's because your husband has been gone on a business trip for almost a week and he still hasn't even bothered to call. maybe it's because it's late at night and you're lonely, watching shitty reality television on the couch, checking your watch. patrick went out at ten and it's almost three now.
and then he stumbles in, tipsy but still there. collared linen shirt half unbuttoned and his neck peppered with kisses, memorialized by cherry red lipstick.
he sits next to you on the couch and he smells like liquor.
"are you okay? do you want water?" you hand him your glass.
he leans in and shakes his head. "i'm fine."
his words are less slurred than you expect them to be and then he just slumps over. falls asleep on your lap and you pet his hair. he drools on your thigh and you cover him with the throw blanket and let him sleep for awhile.
but his head is heavy and your leg is falling asleep.
"patrick." you gently wake him and he springs up.
"'m sorry. shit, how long was i asleep?"
"not long."
patrick just stares at you, staring at the tv.
"what?" you ask him.
"you're so fucking pretty. dunno why you'd marry a douche like my dad."
your stomach does flips but your demeanor stays solemn. your husband rarely compliments you. and here his son is, looking at you so lovingly, like it's the best gift in the world to just sit next to you.
"don't talk about your father that way." but you don't say my husband. maybe to separate yourself.
"you know it's true."
and you find yourself inching closer to him until you stroke his chin in your hand.
"do you think about me often?" you ask him.
patrick nods. "all the fucking time."
your other hand rests on his abdomen, dangerously close to his belt.
"i--i think about your pussy. tasting it. being inside you."
you unbuckle his belt.
"that's disgusting, patrick. why would you think of your stepmother that way?"
he fucking whimpers.
"because you're gorgeous--"
"you're a pervert."
he nods. "yeah, im a pervert. but--"
you unzip his pants and yank them down his legs. his boxers go along with his jeans. his cock is hard and long, red, desperate, perfect.
"but what? you're a dirty boy."
his cock leaks from his sensitive tip and he just stares at it, and then you, and then it again. a silent plead for help.
"i'm sorry-"
you yank his head closer to yours by the messy hair at the nape of his neck, holding your hand out. you don't say a word.
"spit." you finally say.
he's already drooling like a dog so it's easy for him to gather the saliva pooling under his tongue and let it pool in your palm.
and then you wrap your hand around him. the wetness makes a lewd, disgusting sound. but you don't move your hand.
"fuck--i. jesus fucking christ." patrick tilts his head back and tears are stinging his eyes; he's never been this fucking hard, girls have never made him work this hard and god, he's so frustrated and his hips jerk up.
"there you go. fuck my hand."
he looks at you with his darkened gaze and his mouth hung open and he wants to kiss you but he knows he can't. not unless you kiss him first.
the sound is loud, of him fucking your fist. his spit dribbles down the seam of his balls and he almost cums every time your thumb brushes against his tip. and you grip him harder, pull him closer. he's almost cradled in your arms, although he's so much bigger than you. your lips are mere centimeters apart and patrick is whining and mewling and saying please over and over--but he doesn't even know what he's asking for.
"are you gonna cum?"
patrick nods and you slap his cheek. you want to see what he'll let you get away with.
"use your words, honey."
"yes, i--can i cum?"
"i don't know why you're asking me. you're a big boy. you can cum."
so he does. and it's clear even though he didn't need to, he was awaiting your permission. and his cum is hot; ropes of white paint your fist and his chest heaves. you tell him he's made a mess.
so like the good boy he is. he sucks your fingers into his mouth to clean them off.
you tell him you need to go to bed. and you try to ignore how you're wetter than you've ever been.
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thetriumphantpanda · 1 year
i am absolutely BEGGING you for javi p bath or shower sec PLEASE
Meg, you ask and you shall receive. Javi P, bath sex, I gotchu girl. Thank you for blessing me with this request. Literally flew out of my fingers faster than lightening.
Pairing | Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word Count | 1.6k
Warnings | Explicit. 18+, Minors DNI. Bath sex, lots of Peña dirty talk, unprotected PiV sex and a bonus creampie because I felt nice.
Part of my 1k Smut Sensation Celebration - if you want in, check here for details - I’m accepting requests through July 15th.
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The warm water of the bath is a godsend after the day you’ve had. As soon as you slipped your body into the water, scented as always with lavender oil and some bubbles, you felt the tension dissipate from your shoulders. When you sink down further, letting the water cover most of your body, except for the toe poking out at the end of the tub, you can see the pink skin of your feet. Javi would tell me this water is too hot, you think. Then you hear the key in the lock and the front door opening. Speak of the devil.
“In here!” You call out, hearing his footsteps echo down the hallway until he’s pushing open the bathroom door and peering inside. 
“Long day?” He asks, knowing the only time you ever take a bath is when you’ve had just that. 
“The longest.” You give him a relaxed smile as he steps further into the bathroom, “How about you?” 
“Nothing a glass of whiskey and a kiss won’t fix,” He’s smirking, placing his hands on the side of the bath to lean down and take the latter from you, “You want one?” 
“Another kiss or a whiskey?” You chuckle. 
“Either?” He raises an eyebrow. 
“I’ll take the whiskey then.” You wink, to which he dips his hand in the bath water, letting most of it drip off, before flicking the excess at your face. 
He’s back moments later with two tumblers filled with ice and a healthy pour of whiskey in each. He hands one to you which you take gladly, enjoying how the ice-cold liquid slides down your throat, a complete juxtaposition to the steaming bathwater you’re sitting in. 
Javi sets his glass on the side by the sink, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, before he’s retrieving the drink to sit on the floor, one arm resting on the lip of the tub, facing towards you, “Cheers.” You clink your drinks together. 
“You’re going to ruin your back sitting like that,” You observe, pointing to the shrimp position he’s currently sitting in, with nothing to rest his back on, “Why don’t you just get in with me?” 
He takes his drink in his other hand, dipping his fingers into the water, “And melt my skin off?” He chuckles, “No thank you, querida.” 
“Stop being a big baby,” You tease, taking his wrist in a firm grip, “And get in the tub with me.” 
In the months you’ve been together, Javier Peña has learnt which battles to fight and which to let go, and this is one of them. He stands, quickly shedding his shirt, before making quick work of the rest of his clothes. You can’t help but let your eyes wander down his powerful thighs, the ones you loved planting yourself on when you rode him. When he turns around to move his drink, there is no other thing for you to do than stare at his ass, round and inviting, just asking you to reach out and grip your fingers into the globes of his perfect behind. 
“You enjoying the show?” He catches you staring as he turns around, the sight of his ass now replaced, albeit very quickly before he’s moving to get in the tub behind you, with his perfectly thick cock, already starting to harden just by looking at you in the water. 
“I always do.” You smile, sitting up and shifting down a little so he can stand behind you and lower himself into the water. 
“Fucking hell, hermosa, this is hotter than the sun,” Once he’s finally settled, he’s wrapping his arms around your waist to drag you to lie back against his chest, “It doesn’t need to be a thousand degrees to get you clean.” 
“The purpose of a bath is never to get clean, Javi,” You sigh, letting your eyes close as the back of your head rests in the crook between his neck and shoulder, “It’s to relax.” 
“Relax, you say?” He growls into your ear, nuzzling his nose in the soft skin behind it, “You need me to help you relax, hermosa?” 
His hands are already finding your tits, palming them in his hands, taking each of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger and rolling them into stiff peaks. You let a sigh out as you relax more into his body, feeling his stiffening cock at the small of your back. You can’t help yourself; you shuffle back a little, enjoying the small, strangled sound that catches in his throat. 
“So that’s how it’s going to be, huh?” He chuckles, keeping one hand firmly gripping one of your tits, whilst the other dips down your body, under the waterline, and straight between your legs, “Lucky for you, I’m not in the mood to tease tonight.” 
He’s right, because almost immediately he’s plunging his fingers through your folds, taking just a few seconds to rub his finger over your clit, your back arching, pushing your pussy further onto his hand, before his fingers are dipping lower until they’re buried inside your aching cunt as far as they’ll go. 
“God, always so fucking ready for me,” He praises into your ear, “You been thinking about me, hermosa?” He teases then, “Only reason I can think that you’d be so fucking soaked for me already.” 
His hand is placed just so that he can curl those wonderous fingers up inside you whilst the pad of his thumb is precise on your clit. All you can do is clench your eyes closed so tightly tears are forming, choked gasps falling from your mouth as you do, “Asked you a question, bonita, you going to answer me?” 
“Fuck- yes, yes Javi, think about you all the time.” 
“Yeah, I know you do,” You can feel his lips tilt into a smirk as he’s kissing across one of your shoulders, “Fuck you so well you can only think of me.” 
You open your legs even further than they already are, trying to chase the high that Javi is currently hurtling you towards. His deep voice in your ear, his mouth nipping tiny little marks along your shoulder, his fingers deep into your pussy and the flat of his thumb rubbing those perfect circles across your bundle of nerves, they all combine in ecstasy and pleasure bursts through your belly, coursing through every vein to settle on every nerve ending you’ve got. You’re crying out his name and the shuddering aftershocks has the water tipping over the edge and onto the floor. You don’t have a care in the world, not as long as the man settled behind you, rock hard cock resting on your lower back continues spewing filth in Spanish into your ear. 
“Such a good girl for me,” He whispers, “Feel how hard you make me?” He’s asking as you try to catch your breath, he’s bucking his hips into you to prove his point. 
“Fuck, Javi,” You sigh when you finally have enough mental capacity to think about, “I need you inside me.” 
“Turn around and sit on my cock then.” 
He’s using the flat of one of his palms on your spine to push you forward, helping to maneuver you so you’re facing him. You thank whoever lived in the house before you for choosing such a large tub, because you can settle yourself perfectly on his lap, the tip of his cock nudging at the slick entrance of your pussy. Before you sink down onto him, you take a moment to look at him. His skin is flushed from the heat of the bath, beads of sweat already gathering at his temples. Then there’s his hair, mused and untidy from his long day, you can’t help but take your wet hands, slicking them through his curls. He is quite possibly the most beautiful man you ever laid eyes on. 
His wide palms are hitting at your hips, slowly moving you down to sink onto his cock. You throw your head back as he fills you, always so deliciously, letting his name fall from your lips as you start grinding your hips into him. You can hear the water sloshing around you, some of it splashing over the sides and onto the floor, but when Javi is wrapping one of his arms around the small of your back, still using his other hand to guide your hip in the movement that he likes, you couldn’t care less. He’s tilting his head forward, taking one of your nipples into his mouth, rolling it gently between teeth before he’s sucking and running his tongue over it to soothe. 
“Always look so good like this,” He moans into the skin of your chest, “Bouncing on my cock.” 
“Want you to come for me Javi,” You cry out, “Come inside me.” 
You feel him growl at your chest before he’s pulling away, leaning back in the tub, stilling your hips so you’re not the one moving. Then, he’s fucking himself up into you, a bruising pace that has your moans echoing in the tiny bathroom. You can feel his fingers gripping at your hips, knowing that there would be bruises there come the morning. His moans are falling from his lips quickly now and you watch from your perfect vantage point as he comes undone inside of you. His face is practically angelic, his mouth tipped open, strangled cries leaving it, with his eyes shut as he paints the walls of your pussy with his cum. 
He lets you go, catching you just before you can fully collapse on his chest, both silent save for the heaving of your chests as you try and fill your lungs with air again. You peer over the edge of the bath, wincing at the amount of water pooling on the floor, “Made a bit of a mess, Peña.” You say, pressing a kiss to his lips. 
“Thought that was the whole point?” He asks, “Bath’s aren’t meant for getting clean.” 
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loakstahni · 8 months
Na'Vi? More like puppy.
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Warnings⚠; smut, fuff, piv sex, unprotected sex, fingering, object use (reader gets fucked with highlighters), Virgin!reader, size difference (reader is 7'0 and teyam is 9'2), tail pulling, bit of kuru pulling, couch sex, best friends to lovers, modern au!
A/N; this is a collab with my mootie and bestie @quicktosimp, go give her all the love! She is the best and I am extremely thankful to have worked with her💕
Word count; 6'434👀
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Modern!aged up! Neteyam x fem!snow na'vi reader!
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It was around mid-afternoon by the time Neteyam got back to the dorm houses, making sure to kick His snow-covered shoes off at the door before unlocking the door and walking inside.
His keys jingle lightly as he sets them on the table beside the door, stretching his sore arms above his head before rounding up some clean clothes. He pads into the bathroom on the other side of the dorm room and shuts the door, starting up the shower. While waiting for the water to heat up, he undressed, finding a few furs from his roommate on his jeans. He smiles fondly, shaking his head before stepping into the hot water.
Once he had rinsed his braids and washed his body, paying extra attention to his shoulders and back, he rinsed off and dried himself with his favorite white, fluffy towel. He slips into his clean clothes, a loose pair of gray sweats and a simple black turtleneck.
Neteyam wanders back out into the main room, glancing at his roommate's bed. He flops himself onto the soft mattress, seeing a few clumps of white-gray fur puff up into the air before slowly landing back on the bed. He cocks his head to the side, ears twitching in interest. He sits up, fidgeting with the soft shedded fur. Neteyam sighed softly, rubbing the soft furs between his thumb and pointer finger, wondering what more of the fur would feel like, what it would smell like.
His ears flicker towards the sound of someone outside the door; he shrugs it off as nothing before turning his attention back to the soft fur between his fingers. his tail swaying slowly behind him as he brings the soft fuzz up to his nose, inhaling gently.
It wasn’t unusual for Neteyam to be on (Y/N)’s bed; in fact, it was to be expected. So when (Y/N) walked through the door, shaking the excessive snow stuck to her fur off, she knew to go straight to her bed. Pouncing on Neteyam into a hug.
“Hey Teyam! How was practice?” she chirped, rubbing her wet furn into his clothes.
A soft grunt leaves Neteyam as his hyper roommate lands on his back. He chuckles, slightly turning his head back to catch a glimpse of her fluffy face. “It was fine, a little more than normal, but fine.” he replied calmly, smiling gently.
(Y/N)’s face lit up, “I heard they were going to be working you guys harder! Since you’re supposed to be going against another school soon!” her tail waved back and forth in excitement.
“Yes, but I am sure we'll do fine in the compensation.” Neteyam hums. His skinny tail slowly started to curl around (Y/N)’s fluffy one, hoping she wouldn't notice.
“So, who are you guys going against? I know it won't be anyone from the north. None of us, Tundra or Arctic Na’vi, have used a bow before,” She questions, leaning her head onto Neteyam’s neck.
“I haven't been told who we are going against yet. but I promise you'll be the first to know.” he hums, his heartbeat picking up slightly. Trying his best to keep himself calm, the last thing He wanted was to make things awkward between him and his close friend. “What about you? anything new today,  sevin?” Neteyam asks, his voice soft.
“It snowed today!” (Y/N) practically yelled, “There are also several snow banks that I was able to go play in finally! There’s nothing like jumping into the perfect snow bank!” her tail increased in speed as it wagged.
“But I wished I could join you in archery,” (Y/N) pouted a little, “Seriously! But I can’t due to my hands! Have you ever tried to use a bow covered in fur? My fur bends out the bow! And then there’s my hands! Also covered in fur!” she laminated, fully flopping onto Neteyam’s lap dramatically, covering his turtle neck in her white and grey fur.
Neteyam chuckles fondly, his golden eyes locked onto her bright blue ones. “well, you could always shave your fur off. Remember when we were young, and Lo'ak and Spider shaved your fur off with my mother’s razor?” Neteyam laughs, his shoulders shaking slightly.
(Y/N) looked up at Neteyam with wide eyes, absolutely horrified, “Nope! Natta! Not happening again! I looked like a naked pa’li! Do you also remember how long it took to grow back? Or how long it took to clean up all the fur?”
Neteyam bites his lower lip slightly, holding back his laugh. “Yes, but a very cute naked pa’li.” He teases, ruffling her fluffy white hair.
“I wasn’t sure who was the most angry, my parents, ‘cause I got shaved or Tiri, 'cause we used all her razors,” she cocked her head to the side, leaning into Neteyam’s hand, “We also broke your dads.”
“Ah, yes.. sa'nok was pissed.” Neteyam chuckles, gently brushing his fingers against one of (Y/N)’s fluffy ears. Neteyam hooks his arms around (Y/N)’s tiny waist, standing up without a struggle and walking towards the kitchenette, setting her down on the sofa while grabbing water for himself and her before plopping down next to her. Handing the bottle to (Y/N). “So..sevin, may I touch your fur..?” Neteyam tilts his head slightly, heat rising to his face, making his cheeks flush a dark purple.
(Y/N) sat up, straddling Neteyam’s lap, “Sure, Teyam! I’ve missed having someone play with my fur!” her tail was back to wagging happily as she removed her top. Thick fur covers the expanse of her body, leaving everything hidden from sight.
Neteyam’s ears drooped slightly; the tips flushed red. “I..” his face flushed a brighter shade of purple. He forces himself to not look at (Y/N)’s chest; even if the fur hid her breasts, it still didn't feel right to look.
“I’ve missed having grooming days! Because of all the fur, we would help each other as a family! I’m really happy you asked Teyam!” (Y/N)’s smile was blinding as she spoke almost faster than her mouth could cooperate.
Neteyam nods slightly, moving a hand up and lightly running his fingers through the fur on her neck. His tail thumps against the couch as he brushes his fingers through the soft fur.
(Y/N) giggles lightly, “You’re gonna have to go harder than that, Teyam. I can’t feel anything through my fur!” she wiggles lightly.
“Do not... Say it like that...” Neteyam mumbles, scratching the skin underneath the fur on the nape of her neck. “It makes things sound weird..” he huffs, glancing at (Y/N)’s face.
“Like what? Why would that be weird?” (Y/N) mutters as she leans into Neteyam’s touch; a gentle purr starts to rumble through her from his touch.
“Never mind.” Neteyam shakes his head slightly, shiny braids swinging slightly. His eyes glance down at the swell of her breasts, covered by the fur but still visible. He forces his gaze away from her chest, looking at the wall behind her. His hand moves towards the top of (Y/N)’s neck, scratching gently.
(Y/N)’s purrs increase as Neteyam continues to scratch at her neck. She leans back more into his touch, wanting more, trusting him to hold her up. The thoughts from before had vanished.
Neteyam’s other hand held her up, keeping it flat on the small of (Y/N)’s back, his thumb brushing against the base of her fluffy tail. Neteyam leaned his head back against the couch, sighing softly to keep himself relaxed.
The brush against (Y/N)’s tail shot sparks through her body. Her eyes dilated as a held-back choked moan, not understanding the sensations, “Teyam?” she asked softly.
Neteyam’s ears perked straight up, his golden eyes flying open as he stared at her in disbelief. “I.. What’d I do..?” he sits up, moving his hands away from her body. Afraid he touched her too hard or pulled her fur without noticing.
(Y/N) was upset by the lack of touch now; even if she didn’t understand it, she liked it. “My tail Teyam. You pet my tail. I liked that?” It came out as more of a question as she wiggled impatiently.
“O-oh.. Right.. Sorry.” Neteyam mumbles, placing his hands around her small hips, slipping them around towards her tail, stroking the fur at the base while running his other hand along the length of her tail. “I thought I hurt you, sorry.
(Y/N) fell forward, rubbed her face into Neteyam’s neck, “Teyam.. Teyam!” she cried from the shocking pleasure, her tail lifting higher along her back.
Neteyam’s eyes widened, His pupils dilating. “Easy, sevin.. I got you..” Neteyam whispers, wrapping an arm around her while stroking the length of her tail. He felt heat start to pool in His lower belly, making his body feel hot.
“Teyam, it feels good?” she whines as she starts to rock her hips with Neteyam’s hand.
“I can tell..” Neteyam drops his face into (Y/N)’s neck, breathing her scent in deeply. The arm supporting her moved to hook behind her rear, squeezing her ass gently. “You smell... So much better than I thought..” He mumbles out, lightly tugging her tail. He felt dizzy off her scent, her pheromones driving him bonkers.
Deep in (Y/N)’s core, she felt something tighten, not understanding what it was, but warmth flooded between her legs, something she’d never felt before, “Teyam, what is it? I like it!” She whined, sniffing at Neteyam’s neck, liking the new scent she smelt from him.
“Not sure yet,” Neteyam hums, bringing his hand away from her tail for a moment. he cups (Y/N)’s chin, tilting her head slightly before leaning in and connecting his lips with hers.
Neteyam’s lips muffled the whine from when He let go of her tail. But (Y/N) was soon distracted by his lips, slotting her against his properly, as she reached around, threading her fingers into Neteyam’s hair.
The groan Neteyam let out was deep and rough, full of need. His eyes fluttered shut as He pressed his lips firmly against hers while his hand left her chin, slipping down to brush the longer parts of fur away from her breasts, exposing the soft, little globs of flush, covered in fur as well.
(Y/N) broke away, panting heavily, “What are you doing with my breasts, Teyam?” She asks, confused but trustingly, As the tight feeling from before loosened.
“You'll like it, I promise..” Neteyam said softly, cupping one of her breasts in his palms, gently brushing his thumb over her nipple before leaning his head down. He lightly licks his rough tongue over the little nub, sucking lightly while his other hand kneads at her right breast.
A shocked moan leaves (Y/N)’s lips as she pulls Neteyam closer. (Y/N) sat on Neteyam’s lap fully, as she enjoyed his touch, pulling on his braids. “I like it, Teyam,” She admits quietly, embarrassed as no one had seen her breasts before.
Neteyam hums in contentment, his tail wagging against the sofa. He lifts his head up slightly, pulling his turtleneck over his head and throwing it somewhere off the couch. He leans his head up, nibbling at her jaw before grabbing her tail again. “I've liked you for a while; you have no idea how happy you're making me right now..” he huffs, his voice low.
The moment Neteyam’s fingers touched her tail, (Y/N)’s tail flew up flush with her back as she pushed her hips back. In (Y/N)’s haze, she recognized His words; her heart sped up faster, this time from happiness, “Yes, Teyam, I’ve always loved you,” She admitted, rubbing her cheek into Neteyam’s neck: the glee and unfamiliar touch battling for dominance.
Neteyam gently moves around, carefully laying (Y/N)’s smaller body down onto the sofa. He bends over her body, gently nibbling at her right ear before he moves down, kissing her neck, even if it was just her fur he was kissing. Neteyam’s skinny tail curled around her fluffy thigh, both his hands placed on her hips.
“Teyam! You stopped again!” (Y/N) whined, disliking the lack of touch on her tail. The warmth between her legs was receding once again. In retaliation, she grabbed Neteyam’s tail, gently tugging it while flicking at the soft tip.
Neteyam’s hips involuntarily buck against her as she grabs his tail, his head drops down slightly, a low moan falling from his lips. “Sorry, syulang..” Neteyam mumbles out, sitting back on his knees, gently tugging at her tail again before gently sliding his hands along her legs, gently hooking thumbs underneath the waistband of her pants.
(Y/N) sat up, lifting her hips for Neteyam. As she settled down, her back was to the main part of the couch, and Neteyam was kneeling between her legs; if it weren't for her thick fur, she would be a blushing red mess. “Teyam, I’ve never played down there before…” (Y/N) whispered nervously.
Neteyam's ears perk up, and he nods lightly, gently tugging her pants off her legs. “You've never touched yourself...?” He asks with a head tilt. He glances down at her thighs, spotting her light blue panties. “Why not..? If you don't mind me asking.” Neteyam asks once more.
She looked away, unable to meet his eyes, “Too much fur. Every time I’ve tried, I can’t find anything…”
“We'll fix that now, won't we...?” Neteyam gently lifts her hips upwards, pulling her panties down and setting them on the floor. His mouth fills with drool as he gently parts her legs open, having a hard time seeing her slit until he parts some fur out of the way; finding her tight, little slit, and little nub. “Found it, syulang.” He hums.
(Y/N) shifts as she feels Neteyam’s eyes on her open slit. Her core dripping from his attention, “How do you play with it?” Her voice was meek as She watched Neteyam.
Neteyam gently guides one of her hands down, placing her middle and pointer fingers over her own clit. “Feel that..? Rub it slowly,” Neteyam said with a gentle smile, patting her inner thigh.
Uncertain (Y/N) does as Neteyam says, rubbing Her fingers over Her clit, (Y/N)’s throws her head back as she moans unashamed. Her fur became wet from the amount of slick She was producing, rolling her hips into the touch.
“There you go, keep touching yourself; I gotta open you up,” Neteyam said, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead before gently gathering the slick at (Y/N)’s entrance, coating his middle finger before carefully easing just half of his finger in, feeling just how tiny and tight she was.
(Y/N)’s legs closed as she winced, “Teyam, it burns,” fire flowed through her cunt, as Neteyam’s finger tried to make its way inside.
Neteyam pulls his finger out of her, looking down at her little cunt. “I'm sorry, love.” He said gently, sitting up as he glanced around slightly. Reaching towards the highlighter on the coffee table before glancing back at (Y/N).
Spotting what Neteyam was looking at (Y/N) became confused, “My highlighters? What do you need those for?”
“If my fingers are too big for you, maybe this is small enough..?” Neteyam said, bringing one highlighter up to his mouth slicking it up with his spit.
As Neteyam covered the highlighter in his spit, he used his other hand to gently spread (Y/N)’s legs apart again, giving him room to work. Once the highlighter was slick enough for Neteyam, he slowly brought it to (Y/N)’s slit, feeling the end up and down, pressing over her clit before gently sliding it in. The highlighter slipped in much easier than his finger did, so he slowly slid it in and out.
Neteyam’s eyes were locked on (Y/N)’s face, watching for any signs of discomfort or pain. He made sure he was gentle, sliding the highlighter in and out of her tiny slit carefully.
The highlighter was painless, but (Y/N) was unused to the sensation of being filled by anything, her brows furrowed in confusion. Recognizing her expression, Neteyam brought his other hand to her clit, his thumb slowly rubbing circles in time with the highlighter.
A gasp leaves (Y/N)’s mouth as she’s assaulted by the simulations.
Neteyam’s thumb rubs her clit more, working on thrusting the highlighter in and out of her more. Still being careful not to hurt her. “Does it feel good...?” He asks, tilting his head to the side.
“Yes,” (Y/N) moaned, starting to enjoy the sensations more.
Noticing that (Y/N) was taking the highlighter well, Neteyam let go of the highlighter inside her, leaving it there before turning to grab two more.
Neteyam turns back towards her, slicking up a second highlighter before carefully pushing it inside alongside the first one.
“Oh!” (Y/N) exclaimed, surprised by the new addition. The second marker caused more of a stretch, pleasantly filling her more. She lifted herself up onto her elbows, looking down at Neteyam, “How many more are there?” She asks, as her slit throbs.
“One more, syulang. Then I think you can take my fingers... And maybe then my cock..?” Neteyam teases, sliding both highlighters in and out of her little cunt. His tail curls around his fuzzy ankle, the fluffy tip brushing against her foot.
In Neteyam’s hand, only the green highlighter was left, meaning the pink and yellow ones were inside her. (Y/N) clenched around them as she watched them slide in and out of her. “Your cock? I haven’t seen one before,” her face flushed as Neteyam angled the markers into her g-spot. Her toes flexed, and her legs shook.
“You will like it once you see it,” Neteyam promises, his ears swiveling forward as he takes note of her sudden change in body language. “You gonna cum for me? Huh, sevin syulang?” He hums, starting to push the green highlighter inside her along with the pink and yellow one.
The sight was lewd; even though the highlighters were thin, the three of them out together in her tiny cunt was obscene. Each of them pulled her entrance taunt, as the bright colors couldn’t be missed. It was like a target right for her weeping cunt.
“Cum? What do you mean cum?” Her voice rose in pitch as something in her belly tightened again, stronger than before.
Neteyam chuckles gently, rubbing her clit a bit harder. “Deep breath, you're doing a great job. Let it happen.” Neteyam coos, leaning over and pressing his forehead against hers.
She shook her head from side to side as she continuously clenched around the highlighters, the coil tightening with nowhere to go, “Teyam! It’s getting stronger! I don’t know what it is! Teyam! Teyam!” She screamed her release as the coil snapped. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her as she continued to shout her release. Slick gushing from her cunt and over the couch and Neteyam.
“Good job… there you go, sweet girl..” Neteyam coos, pressing a few tender kisses to (Y/N)’s forehead. He carefully pulls the highlighters out of her, his ears twitching at the squelching sound.
(Y/N) flinched from the additional pleasure, as she had already cum once, her bleary eyes tried to focus on Neteyam, watching as he placed the highlighters into his mouth, sucking her slick off of them.
“Teyam? What are you doing? That’s gross!” (Y/N) tiredly exclaimed.
“It's not gross, it's delicious..” He smirks, tossing the highlighters off the couch before sitting back on his knees. He places his hand on her thigh, parting her legs a bit more before prodding at her soaked entrance with two of his fingers.
“How can that be delicious? It was inside- Oh fuck!” (Y/N)’s thoughts were cut off as Neteyam slipped two fingers inside her. Wiggling them around, feeling her gummy walls.
(Y/N) tried to close her legs from the oversensitivity, only succeeding in trapping Neteyam’s face between her legs.
Neteyam sits up a bit, spreading her legs open again. “Shhh.. I know, relax. I got you, syulang..” Neteyam soothes, hooking his two fingers upwards before scissoring his fingers apart.
(Y/N)’s eyes screwed shut as Neteyam continued on. Her pussy had never been stretched that far before, let alone feel the pleasures that Neteyam brings her. Each curl and spread of his fingers caused her to shake even more as she writhed in place. Unable to move out of Neteyam’s grip.
Neteyam gently kisses the tip of (Y/N)’s nose, pushing his fingers until they hit the last knuckle. “Look at how well you're doing, little one..” He coos against her ear.
“Teyam, it’s too much! It’s so big!” Tears sprung in her eyes, one slowly trailing down her face.
The same coil from before was tightening again, and she didn’t know if she could take it.
“No, no, no... It's ok..” Neteyam gently cups the side of (Y/N)’s face, gently pulling his fingers out of her slit.
(Y/N) can’t stop the whine as his fingers left her slit; as much as it overwhelmed her, she couldn’t help but be disappointed about the emptiness. Another whine leaves her, this one more frustrated as it seems like she couldn’t figure out what she wants or needs.
“Do you want me to keep going, syulang..?” Neteyam asks gently, cupping her cheek gently.
“Yes? No? I don’t know, Teyam!” Her words were sharp from her frustration, but there was something she did know she wanted, “Kiss me? Please?” She asked him softly.
“Of course, sweet syulang..” Neteyam leans down, pressing a soft and tender kiss to her lips. Gently rubbing her inner thigh.
(Y/N) gently reached up and cupped his face as she leaned into the kiss. The gentle kiss comforted her, leaving her feeling protected. Feeling bold, she remembers reading something once about kissing. Hesitantly, she bites Neteyam’s bottom lip gently before letting go.
Neteyam groans softly, nibbling on her bottom lip before slipping his tongue into her mouth, his tongue wiggling around with hers.
A soft sigh leaves her nose as their tongues intertwine, their breaths synchronizing together as they parted briefly, only to rejoin each other. (Y/N) was unfamiliar with the taste on Neteyam’s tongue, not realizing that it was her own slick she was tasting.
Neteyam breaks the kiss, tipping her chin upwards and biting on her neck gently. “Do you want me to touch you again..?” He asks gently.
Much calmer this time, (Y/N) notices that the overwhelming pleasure has died down to a steady thrum instead of the electric shocks flowing through her, “Yes, please.”
Neteyam gently brushes his finger against her clit before slipping one finger inside her entrance, curling it upwards.
This moan was softer and deeper; this time, the feeling was expected. Letting her enjoy the feelings more, but it still left an ache. The need to be filled more.
Neteyam gently pushes a second finger inside her, being a lot slower and gentler now. “Does that feel good...?” He coos gently, rubbing his cheek against (Y/N)’s.
“Yes, Teyam. It feels good!” Her whines were sweet as she leaned up and licked the shell of Neteyam’s ear, gently biting down and pulling on it before letting go and nipping at his neck.
“Good girl…” Neteyam praised, slowly scissoring his two fingers apart. “You're so tight and wet for me…” He purrs, nuzzling her cheek.
Even after being stretched from before, Neteyam could barely comprehend how tight she was as her walls gripped at his finger, trying to suck them in deeper.
“I’m doing good, Teyam?” Her bright blue eyes searched for his, wide and begging.
“Yes.. You're doing so well, ma syulang..” Neteyam purrs, gently stroking his fingers along her inner walls.
(Y/N) tightens around Neteyam’s fingers as his words bring warmth to her slit; she wiggles happily, even as the coil slowly builds.
“Do you think you can handle a third finger?” Neteyam asks gently, nuzzling his cat-like nose into her neck. His fingers steadily pumping in and out of her soaked pussy.
Nervously (Y/N) nods; each of Neteyam’s fingers were thick and strong from years of archery practice, and she wonders if another one will fit.
“Deep breaths,” Neteyam hums, gently pressing his third finger against her already stretched opening. Neteyam carefully pushes his last finger inside her, gently curling it upwards.
“Oh fuck, Teyam!” (Y/N) yipped, the stretch slightly burned, making the pleasure all the more intense.
“Yeah.. Tell me how much you like it, syulang. Let me hear you..” Neteyam purrs, nipping gently on the tip of her left ear, all three of his fingers pumping in and out of her steadily.
“It’s good! It feels so big, Teyam!”  (Y/N) whined as the pleasure started to cover the burning pain.
“Good girl..” Neteyam coos, peppering kisses all over (Y/N)’s face and down her neck. Gently brushing his thumb over her clit.
(Y/N) jumped at her clit being played with, electric-like pleasure shooting through her body, “Teyam!” She cried as her legs started to shake.
Neteyam curls his three fingers upwards, brushing them over her sensitive inner walls. Increasing the pressure on (Y/N)’s clit as well. “You gonna cum for me, huh, little one?” Neteyam cocks his head to the side, his braids falling over his shoulders.
“Y-yes,” (Y/N) threw her head back as her walls started to milk Neteyam’s fingers, eagerly chasing the sensations.
Neteyam hums, pumping his fingers in and out of (Y/N)’s tiny cunt, gently tugging her tail with his free hand, wanting to help pull her over the edge quicker.
“Ah-ah-ahhhhh!” (Y/N) screamed her release, her slick gushing out of her tiny hole, the pleasure of her pussy being played with, and the teasing of her tail too much.
(Y/N) continues to roll her hips, chasing the lingering feeling.
“There we go.. good girl, yawne.” Neteyam slowly pulls his fingers from her cunt, licking her arousal from his fingers before he leans up and presses his lips against hers, swiping his tongue against hers. Allowing (Y/N) to taste her own arousal.
(Y/N) couldn’t stop the moan that left her lips, the slight humiliation from tasting herself on Neteyam’s tongue building her arousal all over again. Slowly (Y/N) wrapped her legs around Neteyam’s waist, pulling him closer to her slit.
Neteyam chuckles gently against her lips; he pulls back slightly, tugging his sweatpants down his thighs and throwing them on the floor, his boxers following soon after. His protective slit was dripping pre already, the tip of his cock peeking out from inside. “You sure you can handle my osìn, yawne?” He cocks his head to the side, golden eyes blown wide with lust.
(Y/N) looked at his slit, seeing just the head peeking out, it was bulbous, and next to her hole, it was obscene, “I want it, Teyam,” She whispered, unsure if she could actually take it.
“Wanna help me out first, then, love?” Neteyam hums gently, taking one of her smaller hands in his own and guiding it down to his slit.
(Y/N) nods her head as she gently touches his slit; it is warm to the touch and easily parted for her fingers, making more room for his cock to slip out. Her fingers traveled lower, brushing against the tip of his cock, and with her small hand, she reached several fingers inside his slit, urging his dick to come out.
Neteyam’s eyes fluttered shut in bliss; he gently squeezed her thigh to ground himself. His cock slowly slipped out, already hard and dripping pre. “that's it, yawne..” He purrs.
Neteyam’s cock was long and thick in her hands; her hand couldn’t fully wrap around the girth of his cock, as it stood to attention. Hard and throbbing in her hands.
Neteyam's golden eyes fluttered open, locking on (Y/N)’s face. His eyes were lidded and full of lust. “You sure you want this, love..?” He asks gently.
“Please, Teyam, I want it,” (Y/N) whispered, ready to give Neteyam her virginity.
Neteyam nods softly, grabbing one of the couch pillows and gently setting it underneath (Y/N)’s hips. “Ok, I'll be as flrr as I can.” Neteyam mumbles, gently bending over her body, the tip of his length nudging at her clit.
Neteyam’s thick tip bumps into (Y/N) entrance, the tiny hole dwarfed by the size of his cock. A small whimper passed (Y/N)’s lips as the reality sunk in, but it didn’t stop her want or need for Neteyam.
“Shh.. I got you..” Neteyam nuzzles his nose into the side of (Y/N)’s face, a soft purr rumbling through his throat, trying his best to soothe her.
He angles his hips, lining his thick tip up with her tiny entrance before he slowly pushes forward. His tip barely fit even after all the stretching beforehand.
(Y/N) yelped as it pushed inside her, the tip resting just past her entrance, and just that was immense. The thick tip, spreading (Y/N) wider than an arctic Na’vi, is meant to take. Her tiny cunt, stretched far past its limits. (Y/N) rests a hand on Neteyam’s chest, urging him to still and wait for her.
Neteyam gently strokes the fur on (Y/N)’s thigh, pressing his forehead against hers. “You're doing so well, Yawntutsyìp..” He praises, his eyes locked on her face, watching for any more signs of pain or discomfort.
(Y/N) can’t stop herself from clenching around Neteyam’s tip, the thick head simply resting there, as her body struggled to adjust. (Y/N) was always thankful that Neteyam was such a sweet and thoughtful man.
“Slowly, Teyam,” She whispered.
“You sure..? We can wait longer...?” Neteyam lifts his head up slightly, his ears swiveled forward, and his eyes locked on (Y/N)’s.
“I’m sure… Just please be gentle,” (Y/N)’s bright blue eyes meet Neteyam’s, filled with trust.
“Ok, love..” Neteyam nodded gently; he slowly pushed his hips forward more. Slowly his hard length stretches more of (Y/N)’s little cunt open.
(Y/N) whimpers as he slides deeper into her cunt, forcing her inner walls to make room for him, shaping her to the form of his cock. From this day forth, (Y/N)’s cunt will only fit Neteyam's cock.
Neteyam pushes forwards until his pelvis is flush with (Y/N)’s, his cock resting, snuggling inside her little slit, fully bottoming out.
“Fuck Yawntutsyìp.. You're so tight for me..” he groans softly, pressing his forehead against hers again.
Neteyam’s cock came with the feeling of fullness; slight sparks of pain fluttered through (Y/N)’s pussy, but the longer he stayed inside, the more the pain faded, leaving (Y/N) feeling whole and complete.
“Big, Teyam, you’re really big,” (Y/N) moans, wrapping her arms around his neck and threading her fingers through his braids.
Neteyam groans softly, dropping his head into her shoulder. Relishing in the feeling of her tightness. “You feel so good around me, syulang..” He purrs out, holding himself still for now.
(Y/N) rhythmically squeezed Neteyam’s cock, as she adjusted to his size, “You can move now,” (Y/N) rested her head on top of Neteyam’s, holding him closer to her.
Neteyam simply nods, withdrawing his hips until half of his length remains before gently pushing forward again, building up a steady and slow pace.  
Neteyam's hands held her hips gently, his face pressed into the side of her neck. (Y/N) held him close as her heels dug into the small of his back, trying to force him back in.
“Teyam, you’re inside me… it feels good,” (Y/N) moaned as he continued to thrust into her gently.
Neteyam grunts softly, continuing his slow and steady pace. Not wanting to risk hurting her at all. “Mhm.. Such a pretty girl for me..” He mumbles against (Y/N)’s fluffy neck.
(Y/N)’s tail starts to wag at the praise, all the while moaning from the pleasure; she tries to curl herself impossibly closer, wanting to touch every part of Neteyam, whining when she is unsuccessful.
“Careful, syulang..” Neteyam mumbled gently, gently laying on top of her, his chest pressed into hers even if it meant having to arch his back awkwardly.
“Ohhh,” (Y/N) purred, comforted by the touch, her chest rumbling in a purr, “More Teyam, please,” She used her feet to push on his back to urge him faster.
“I don't want to hurt you, small thing..” Neteyam mumbles, brushing his hand through her fluffy white hair. His hips still moving slowly.
“Please, Neteyam, I can take it,” (Y/N) pleaded, moving her hips, chasing the pleasure herself.
Neteyam grunts softly, a low growl rumbling in his throat. He pulls his hips back, leaving just his tip inside her stretched cunt before pushing forwards again, picking up the pace of his thrusting. Angling his hips upwards slightly, searching for (Y/N)’s sweet spot.
“Fuck!” (Y/N) cried as her pussy was taken thoroughly, her spongy insides taking the brunt of Neteyam’s thrusts, “Please, Neteyam! More!” She cried again as her legs tightened around him even more.
Neteyam groans deeply, his large hands holding onto (Y/N)’s hips. “Needy little thing..” He whispers into her ear, nibbling on the end.
Neteyam’s hips shove into hers at a slightly rougher pace, each thrust pushing his cock deep. His tip kissing (Y/N)’s cervix.
“Yes! Yes! Fuck!” (Y/n) shook her head from side to side as the pleasure overwhelmed her; her most intimate place was being ravished by Neteyam. Her cervix soon became tender from the constant pounding it was taking.
Neteyam switched between grinding his hips against hers and thrusting into her; his tail curled around (Y/n)’s fluffy tail. “You look so pretty, taking my osìn like a good girl..” He grunts out, pressing his lips against hers in a messy kiss.
(Y/N) leans into the kiss as they wrap around each other completely, their tongues meeting in the open air before their lips sealed together. They both tried to breathe through their noses, unwilling to let go of the other's lips as they moaned in tandem.
Neteyam moans against her lips, feeling heat start to bubble in his lower belly and core. He snaps his hips against (Y/n)’s, drawing lewd squelching from in between them. Neteyam’s thrusts became deeper, forcing her to take his hard length deeper until a bulge in her lower belly formed underneath her fur.
(Y/N) squirmed and whined as she takes Neteyam’s cock, a deep coil stronger than before was building. The sound of flesh meeting her fur was loud, ringing throughout the dorm room as they both near their release.
Neteyam reaches a hand down, circling his middle and pointer fingers around her little clit. “Gonna cum for me..? Huh, pretty girl..? Keep squeezing me; feels so good…” Neteyam moans into her ear, his cock starting to throb as he nears his own orgasm.
(Y/N) squealed as Neteyam played with her clit, as she spasmed around Neteyam’s length, grabbing into his braids for leverage while accidentally grabbing his kuru and pulling.
Neteyam’s body tenses up, his eyes rolling back into his head and his jaw dropping open. “F-fuck Yawntutsyìp!” He gasped sharply; the feeling of her hand grabbing his kuru and pulling sent Electric shocks up and down his spine, making his brain tingle. “Oh- fuck.. ‘M gonna cum..” He warns, his thrusting growing sloppy.
“Cum! Cum! Teyam! Cum inside me; I want your cum, please!” (Y/N) begged as her core was tight, her walls already attempting to milk his cum deep inside her.
Neteyam’s cock throbs a few times before his hips; still, he throws his head back, gripping the sofa cushion tightly as he empties himself inside her little cunt. Muttering, Na'Vi curses under his breath.
“Neteyam!” (Y/N) screams, using Neteyam kuru as a tether, bringing him into a deep kiss as she cum around his cock, Milking him, drawing his cum deeper inside her.
Neteyam’s hips jerk against hers as she grabs his kuru again, and he whines against her lips. His cock throbbed again, squirting the last of his cum inside her, some dribbling out around his cock.
(Y/N) whines, unhappy that Neteyam’s cum is leaving her slit, wanting it all inside, and also slightly irritated at the feeling of it in her fur, “Stay, Neteyam,” she asks, brushing his lips against hers, not letting him leave her.
Neteyam pants heavily, gently resting his head against hers, soothing his hand over her side. He stayed still like she asked, his body still tingling with the aftershocks of his orgasm. “Nga yawne lu oer.. My (Y/n)..” He breathes out.
“Nga yawne lu oer, Teyam,” (Y/N) whispers as she urges Neteyam to become more comfortable, having him lay on his back while she lays on top of him, never letting him leave her cunt.
Neteyam wraps his arms around her middle, tugging her closer. “Nga yawne lu oer more,” he chuckles gently, petting her back. His skinny tail curling around her fluffy one.
(Y/N) hummed in return, too sleepy to say anything, simply basking in Neteyam’s presence.
Neteyam nuzzles his nose into (Y/N)’s hairline, a deep purr rumbling in his chest, making his chest vibrate. “(Y/N)? “ he gently cups her cheek, brushing his thumb over the soft fur there.
(Y/N) hums in response, showing she was still awake but happily stated, as he leaned into Neteyam’s touch.
“Date me,” Neteyam mumbles, his ears drooping slightly at the boldness of his voice.
She looks up at him, her eyes drowsy, as a large smile covers her face, “mmmhmm,” She agrees sleepily but joyfully.
Neteyam smiles happily, nuzzling his forehead against hers, his tail slowly wagging against the sofa. He relaxes with her, starting to grow drowsy himself. “I love you..” He mumbles before drifting off, snuggled up and purring against (Y/N).
The two of them were asleep seconds after, happily resting in each other's arms.
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uncharismatic-fauna · 2 years
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
How do you handle the heat? The desert dwelling antelope known as the oryx, or gemsbok, doesn’t mind high temperatures. In fact, during the hottest part of the day, an oryx will increase its body temperature up to 47 degrees Celsius (116 degrees Farenhiet). This causes their body to shed the excess heat to the surrounding air, and is an effective way of cooling the oryx without losing water.
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(Image: Agroup of Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) by David Mallon)
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theinnerunderrain · 2 years
The apple of his eyes [Yan! Kazuha x Amnesiac! Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, amnesia, manipulation and gaslighting, objectification.
Love is a fruit that is always in season and within everyone's fingertips. There is no fixed constraint on who may gather it.
Kazuha reasoned that even if the affection was contrived, it was nevertheless a fruit of blessing and therefore only needed just that little prodding in the right direction. It was his own fruit, which he voluntarily spent time tending to by providing it with continual water, ample food, and trimming at the margins to allow for the healthy growth of new twinges.
"Who are you?"
Kazuha was a bit saddened by your sincere interest as she heard the inquiry leave your lips. But perhaps it was the results of his own behaviour—his failure to effectively manage his emotions. It was an error that he didn't intend to make but committed due to his strong sentiments towards you, which he vowed to better control.
He simply lost control and devoured a touch too much of the fruit.
But how can you condemn him when you're just too sweet for your own good?
"...Ah, you do not seem to remember me."
He mumbled, attempting to seem as miserable and distressed as he could, hoping to elicit your sympathy and cause you to shed your sense of guilt.
"I-I apologise for forgetting. If you just tell me, I might be able to recall certain things..!"
The sound of your bewildered voice prompted a ghost smile to briefly trail the edge of his lips, but the room's obscurity prevented you from seeing any of his smile because of how quickly it vanished.
"[First Name]."
He pronounced your name fluently, as if it were a weekly incantation he repeated to himself as part of his meditations. As though he was so accustomed to saying your name that it became an intrinsic part of his personality.
"There's no need to panic. You can refer to me as Kaedehara Kazuha, your friend."
His statement fell off the tip of his tongue, however it wasn't entirely a lie given that you two were friends prior to the occurrence. He wasn't really lying about anything; considering how close you two were to one another, some people might have even assumed you two were in a relationship.
So he didn't have to feel guilty about anything.
"Ah, so we're friends..!"
You inquired, gazing at him with anticipation as he finished speaking, as if it were a comfort to have a friend by your side who could assist you find your way down the memory lane. As you searched for memories of this alleged friend of yours, the term "friend" kept resonating in your head.
Yet nothing came to mind.
But the name Kazuha does sound oddly familiar, doesn't it?
"You were involved in an accident, one that rendered your mind unconscious and blank. We are lucky enough to have you alive and well."
His lips were as seamless as caramel as he chatted, examining your visage for any indications of emotion as his crimson gaze skimmed over it. However, the only impression on your face was one of utter uncertainty, as if he were some kind of parent attempting to explain to their infant child the significance of the very first day of preschool.
"What sort of accident was I involved in?"
You asked, concealing a few stray hairs behind your ears while you awaited the man's response. The murmur of small ripples squirting against the ship seemed to resonate in the atmosphere, and the wobbling of the vessel made you feel somewhat apprehensive, even if you already got a sense of déjà vu simply being inside the boat.
"That's something I'm not sure of. A Crux crew member discovered your body lying on the shore. Here, drink some water."
Kazuha leaned over the bed and reached for a cup of water, pressing the rim of the grey cup on your lips and tilting your head back so the water would easily flow down your throat.
"I hope that helped you feel much better."
He smiled, setting the cup back to its original position, and then wiped the excess moisture from the corner of your lips with the sleeve of his shirt. Even someone with no memories would be able to tell that possibly Kazuha had a bit too much fondness for you based on his almost too endearing stare.
Yet you made no attempt to question him, only allowing him to gently care for you. Perhaps too afraid or too hesitant to freely question the young man.
"Now, as much as I would love to answer your question."
Kazuha positioned a gentle caress on your shoulder and cautiously eased you into the mattress. He then reached for the blanket and slid it over your body merely enough to encompass the majority of your body. The blanket smelled like syrup and leaves, much like Kazuha, and felt warm against your body amidst the cold night.
"Why don't you rest, and when the moment is right, we'll discuss tomorrow?"
What he was doing wasn't wrong.
Kazuha didn't force you to do anything and he didn't tell you any nasty falsehoods. He just added more components to the story.
Kazuha wouldn't even perceive it as pressuring since he wasn't employing any violent methods to ensure you comply with his dictates. So what if he was required to coerce the intimacy between the two of you?
He was essentially repainting over your image of him, as though he were commencing with a blank canvas and rewriting one of his compositions. Kazuha might even claim that your creation is his finest. Given that Kazuha was not a scientist and could not just concoct a love potion, it certainly necessitated some trial and error. He was aware of your doubts about him, yet you were forced to rely on him because you had no other reliable source.
To ensure that the fruit he sought blossoms properly, it just required a small amount of encouragement and a few words. He'll just have to erase your memories when you start to retrieve them, persuade you that you're mistaken, and how could you honestly trust yourself. Shouldn't you be relying on him instead since your mind is filled with voids and empty memories of the past?
You don't have to think of anything.
Let him serve as your compass, like a gardener steadily guiding his fruit in the right direction.
He should manoeuvre the fruit into his hand since there are no set restrictions on who has access to you.
Kazuha wasn't going to let anyone steal from him or ruin the quality of his produce.
Not after he worked so hard.
Not after he had to give you a little shove.
Not while you're clutching to him so affectionately and feeling grateful to your close friend for saving your life.
Not when his fruit is so luscious and red that it is at the pinnacle of its prime, able can be devoured at any time.
If Kazuha had to eliminate innumerable vines in order to obtain the fruit he desires, it wouldn't be beneficial for anyone, would it?
Just be good and listen to him.
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dr33mtal3 · 5 months
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Pippin Bitty
Felt like drawing a Bitty today so have some more of the Pippin, with fun facts!
A Pippin is a subclass of Bonsai-Bitty (another of which is the Pazazz)
Bonsai-Bitties are a kind of Plant-Bitty that use a skeletal structure to carry a root and branch system: a walking tree
Bonsai-Bitties have 'wings' which are actually their canopy: leaves, branches, and flowers make up the many structures
The wings of a Bonsai-bitty are sensitive to touch, capable of crude vision (light, color, movement, and shape), used for breathing and photosynthesis, and are also used in reproduction
The wings of a Bonsai-bitty may secrete pollen, nectar, or sap, given relevant circumstances
Bonsai-Bitties are capable of great chemical complexity, and will often change their chemical makeup to communicate (or for some other conscious purpose). This results in changes to their coloration, smell, taste, and toxicity.
A happy, healthy Bonsai-Bitty can be harvested from for edible or medicinal substances
The wings of a Bonsai Bitty has indeterminate growth
And about the Pippin, specifically:
Pippins are a type of Bonsai Bitty which display cool-colored pigmentation
Pippins prefer cooler temperatures and semi-humid to unreasonably damp conditions. They enjoy sleeping in water pools. A Pippin can breathe in freshwater through their wings with little trouble, but cannot breathe in salt-water for more than an hour at a time.
They especially enjoy playing in ice and snow, but ought not to be kept in freezing temperatures for more than a few hours at a time: they can and will catch colds.
A Pippin is boundlessly loyal to its chosen Person, even before becoming a proper bondmate. If they 'choose' a person, they will pursue them persistently.
A Pippin that has found its chosen Person will desire to be beside them at all times, even when their Person cannot pay direct attention to them. They will hide in pockets or bags, sit on shoulders, or sit on the head, in order to remain as close as possible whenever they can get away with it.
Pippins are sedentary by nature, and will take naps often. While they can perform incredible feats of speed, strength, and acrobatics, their stamina is lacking.
Pippins are affectionate: they will show their affection with closeness, cuddles, nuzzles, and shedding.
Pippins are incredibly intelligent, and crave knowledge both fictional and nonfictional. They can often be found enjoying books, videos, comics, and podcasts.
The Pippin's personality is fundamentally easygoing and kind. They have a great capacity for compassion.
That being said: the Pippin's intelligence makes it capable of developing in a wide variety of directions.
A young Pippin is quick to learn and a model student, making them easy to train.
Pippins are emotionally brittle: once a Pippin has experienced what it perceives to be betrayal, it will quickly learn mistrust. Such a Pippin is more difficult to socialize and train going forward, but is no less intelligent or capable if handled with care.
A Pippin is excessively protective of what it perceives to be its 'things', whether those things are literal objects or the people it values. It is equally likely to imprint upon other bitties.
Although Pippins are by nature non-aggressive, a Pippin will respond to the aggression of others, especially if it is targeting something the Pippin values.
Pippins have an incredible sense of smell. They can track an individual for several miles with little trouble.
Up close, a Pippin's sense of smell can give them great swaths of information, including the health and emotional state of the person
Older Pippins and Pippins which have healed from an injury may display darker colors in their wings.
Pippin wings are generally slow growing after a certain point, and will not usually need trimming more than 1-4 times a year. It is recommended that Pippin trims be done under anesthesia by a trained professional, as they are highly sensitive.
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rookieleonskennedy · 1 year
unholy communion
Just posting one of my fics from ao3 onto here (:
Rookie!Leon x fem!reader
Description: “What a pretty angel, letting a devil split her open on his cock.”
WARNINGS/tags: MDNI, dominant Leon, spit kink, religion kink, religious imagery, praise kink, size kink, breeding kink, choking, unsafe sex, PWP, no y/n
The motel room Leon found for you two after the events of Racoon City was modest at best, but to your weary and sore bodies it might as well have been a five-star resort. Leon had taken the initiative to check you two in, as you trailed behind him blindly, exhausted from the day’s events.
“I hope you don’t mind…” Leon began, giving you a shy look over his shoulder as he began to lead the way to where you would be sleeping for the night. “I only got us one room. It’s just…after the events of today I didn’t want to be alone.” He cleared his throat hastily, “Didn’t want you to be alone, I mean.” His voice trailed off at that, cheeks flushing red.
You smiled at his bashfulness, “I don’t mind that at all Lee,” you said honestly, as you felt the same as he did. Knowing that he would be close by throughout the night relaxed you, and you felt an invisible weight lift off your shoulders. You knew that if he had gotten you two separate rooms it was unlikely you would have slept at all.
“I can’t wait to wash all this fucking grime off of me!” You groan, looking down at your hands in disgust. They were practically grey, covered in God knows what. Leon chuckled heartily at your exclamation, looking down at his own hands in agreement, “You’re telling me.” He mumbled, finally stopping at one of the motel room doors.
“This is us,” Leon muttered, fumbling with the room key as he worked to unlock the door. You almost collapsed in relief at his statement, your body yearning for the warmth of a shower and the comfort of a bed. He finally opened the door, and you could have sobbed in relief at the sight before you. A beautiful king-sized bed lay in the middle of the room, looking like it could swallow you whole in its comforting down.
“You take a shower first,” Leon stated, nodding toward the bathroom at the back of the room. “I’ll check out the surrounding area to make sure we’re safe while you’re in there.” You hum in grateful acknowledgment, already headed in the direction he motioned to.
You set the water just shy of scalding, shedding your dirtied and destroyed clothes before stepping into the hot spray. You moan at the feeling of the hot water running in rivulets down your skin, taking the dirt and grime from your earlier adventures down the drain with it. Thankfully, the motel provided bath products for you to use, and the calming scent of lavender overtook your senses as you freed your skin from the blanket of grime encapsulating it.
When you were done, your skin was raw from all the scrubbing required to cleanse yourself, but you didn’t care. You were just glad to finally be clean. Toweling off the excess water that still clung to your skin, you found a plush cotton robe to pull on hung in the bathroom and then wrung your hair mostly dry with a towel. You headed out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom, finding Leon sitting in one of the chairs by the bed.
He smiled at you as you exited the bathroom, “Well, well, look at you!” He exclaimed, flashing you a playful wink. “All cleaned up and feeling better, huh?” He asked, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees as he looked at you, and a blush rushed to your cheeks.
“Mhm,” you hummed. “I feel so much better now.” You flashed a smile at him. “Your turn to clean up, you stink!” You tease him as you sat on the bed. “I’ll order us food while you’re in there.”
Leon laughed at your teasing with a shake of his head, “Okay, okay. I guess that’s only fair. Make yourself comfortable on the bed, I can stay in the chair next to it tonight.” He headed towards the bathroom to clean himself up, and you ordered the food to be delivered to the room.
A little while later Leon walked out of the bathroom wearing a cotton robe just like yours, his wet hair pushed back off his head to reveal his whole face to you. Your face heated once more. While his bottom half was completely covered by the tied robe, the top part was slightly loosened, revealing his bare, toned chest to your gaze.
“Food on the way?” He asked with a grin in your direction, catching you staring at his chest. “U-uh, yeah. It’s coming.” You stuttered, flustered at the sight before you. Leon chuckled at your reaction. “You okay?’ he asked, seeming genuinely concerned for a moment before he winked at you playfully once again. “Your face is pretty red,” he added with a kind smile. “I’m not that pretty to look at am I?”
Your face reddened even further at being caught ogling him before you looked down at your fidgeting hands and whispered “You have no idea how good you look, Lee.” You hoped that he didn’t hear your quiet declaration.
If you had been looking up at him instead of your hands, you would have noticed the slight pink blush that had risen to his cheeks, as he heard you, but decided not to comment. He distracted himself from responding by looking for the remote, which he produced with a triumphant little “Aha!” aimed in your direction. You raised your eyebrows at him, mirth written in your eyes.
He waggled the remote at you, “Anything, in particular, that you feel like watching?” He asked with a small smile. You settled back into the bed with a hum, shaking your head slightly. “Whatever you want is fine, Lee.” He nodded, once again sitting in the chair next to the bed while scanning through the channels for something suitable.
Soon he found some silly reality show on the television, and it had both of you giggling like crazy at the shenanigans happening on screen. The food had arrived shortly after he put the show on, and both of you ate ravenously, bodies craving nourishment after the strenuous events of the day.
Both of you had finished your meals, and Leon had graciously cleaned up the trash before resuming his spot in the chair next to you in the bed. His eyes were glued to the TV screen, while yours were glued to the shape of his jaw, outlined in the soft glow of the show flashing in the corner of your periphery. Your chest felt warm with affection and anxiety, as you worked up the courage to ask him a question.
“Lee?” You spoke softly, trying to grab his attention. He looked over at you with a soft smile, blue eyes searching for yours. “Yeah?” He replied, just as soft as you. “What’s up? Do you need something? I can get it for you.” He could tell by the look on your face that you were nervous, but for what he didn’t know. His own chest fluttered in anticipation.
“Earlier you said that you were going to sleep in that chair…” You fidgeted with your hands, pulling at your fingers in nervousness. “But, can you come and stay in the bed with me, please? I like having you close after…everything.” Your face burned from embarrassment, ready for him to reject you for such a childish request.
However, his face lit up at your words, as he had secretly been craving the closeness you desired but was too timid himself to say anything. He smiled warmly at you, his heart picking up pace inside his chest. “Oh, of course,” He replied immediately. “I would never say no to that.” He was actually quite giddy that you had asked him to share the bed and had no qualms about it. “It’d make me feel better too.” He added, coming to rest next to you under the soft covers of the bed.
You scooted closer to him, the warmth of his body pressing into yours was a soothing balm on your frayed nerves. Tentatively, you rested your head on his chest. “Thanks, Lee,” you whispered against his skin delicately.
His shoulders relaxed upon the contact of your head on his chest, for having you close was as much a balm to him as it was to you. His arms encircled you, pulling you ever so slightly closer, and squeezed you gently. “You comfy?” He asked, genuinely curious, as he brushed your hair back from your face and behind your ear. “I can readjust if you’re not.”
You hummed in the affirmative as his hand stroked your hair affectionately, nuzzling into his firm chest and relaxing at the safe feeling his arms around you brought. His gaze on you was tender, and he smiled down at your figure resting on his chest. He gave your body another squeeze before a hand trailed down to your back and began tracing your spine through the robe in feather-light strokes.
“You’re safe now,” He murmured, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head in promise. You kissed his chest in response, your hand coming up to stroke his midriff gently. You felt him shiver under your fingers at the touch.
“Lee?” You whispered, looking up at him through your lashes from your position on his chest. “Yes, dear?” He responded softly, raising his eyebrows slightly as he looked down at you. He gave you another comforting squeeze, letting you know that he was listening to whatever you wanted to say to him.
You took a deep breath, eyelashes fluttering. Your gaze flickered between his eyes and his lips quickly before you spoke, “Kiss me?” you whispered, as butterflies took flight in your abdomen.
Leon’s own breathing had hitched beneath the ear you rested on his chest, his eyes immediately flitting to your lips. He swallowed nervously, heart pounding in his chest. His face had a beautiful pink blush as he responded, “U-uh, yeah. Y-yeah I can do that.” He answered in a hushed tone, as if speaking too loudly would make you change your mind.
You smiled up at him in relief, but made no move yet, wanting him to initiate the contact. Leon took a moment to steady himself before placing his hand beneath your chin and guiding your face up to his ever so slowly. You both closed your eyes, noses brushing together tenderly. Leon gently placed his lips upon yours, in a soft, sweet peck before moving back in a bit more insistently. His arms then wrapped around you tightly, his hands desperately winding themselves in your hair. The kisses he gave you were filled with nervousness, but also excitement, hope, and adoration.
You sighed happily into the kisses, your own hands resting on each side of Leon’s neck. His pulse fluttered like a bird’s wings beneath your touch. His lips were unbelievably soft against yours, plush like fine velvet. You shuddered at the feeling of his hands in your hair, your skin flushing red at the intimate touch.
Wanting to be closer to him, you threw a leg over his hips, allowing you to straddle him. The new angle allowed the two of you to kiss deeper, more passionately, and you felt Leon groan heartily into your mouth at the heightened sensations.
His hands traveled from your hair and down the robe covering your sides, coming to rest on the swell of your hips. He was lost in you, his whole being now simmered down to the connection of your lips on his. You felt the same, your world had condensed until all that existed was the man beneath you. His body was the only galaxy in which you existed, and the constellations covering his skin were now yours to chart.
Your hands roamed across Leon’s chiseled chest, thumbs reverently caressing each side of his neck before your hands found themselves tangled into his damp blond hair. Your chests pressed firmly together, and you could feel Leon’s pulse hammering alongside your own.
The revelation that he was just as affected by you as you were by him sent a beam of heat straight to your core, and your thighs tightened briefly. You swallowed the soft moans emanating from Leon’s mouth at this motion eagerly, offering a few lewd noises of your own in return.
The feeling of your hands in his hair had Leon leaning into the touch, a groan rumbling in his throat. Hearing your moans mingling with his own sent him into a frenzy of passion, and he began to kiss you more intensely, your bottom lip becoming entrapped between his teeth. You gasped at the pain as it melted into pleasure, tugging sharply on Leon’s hair in response.
His breathing became ragged at this, a loud whine escaping his throat. The grip he had on your hips tightened, before his hands began to travel back up your sides and then threaded themselves in the hair at the nape of your neck. With a sharp tug, Leon pulled your head back, tearing your lip from the hold of his teeth and angling your neck to the side for easier access.
He began to trail hot, open-mouthed kisses down the soft expanse of your throat, his teeth grazing your pulse point hesitantly before he finally gained resolve and sank them gently into your skin with a possessive groan. His body trembled like a leaf beneath yours as the sensation of his teeth marking your neck caused you to keen, high and reedy, in the back of your throat.
You were panting in desire at this point, the arousal coursing through your veins felt like shooting stars beneath your skin, a sensation like no other. “Lee,” you whined. “Feels good.” He huffed against your neck, continuing to softly pepper the skin of your neck with mottled bruises.
A fire was kindling low in your stomach, but you wanted more. You tugged his hair, removing his mouth from your neck, his gaze meeting yours inquisitively. “You don’t have to be gentle with me, Lee. I won't break.” Something ignited within his baby blues at this revelation, his pupils overtaking the soft hue of his iris.
With a desperate moan, he began to handle you more roughly. His teeth sunk into your skin harder than before, and his hands moved beneath the cotton of your robe to squeeze the globes of your ass tightly.
“Oh God,” you keened, your head thrown back in otherworldly bliss. The sting of his teeth on your neck and the brush of his hands on your skin felt like rapture, an exaltation of pleasure you would continue basking in for as long as he would let you.
Looking down at him, and seeing the way he had lost himself in the touch of your skin sent sparks dancing across your nerves. “I’m yours Lee,” you gasp, the words falling from your lips like a lost sinner’s confession. “Do whatever you want with me.”
Leon’s hands shook against your skin as he took in your words, his forehead coming to rest upon the small patch of your chest that had become uncovered in the midst of your kissing. Your words were a hymn that he had once thought to be long lost, a hymn that he thought would never bless the ears of a reprobate such as he. This was a gift he would not squander and a song that he craved to hear forevermore.
He planted a swift kiss on your chest before speaking, “I’m going to take my time with you.” His tone was low and husky, and he flashed you a devilish grin before placing more kisses across the swells of your chest.
A shiver wracked through your body at his darkened tone, your hips undulating down upon his lap beneath you, searching for sinful friction. Having nothing on beneath your robe, you could feel, very well, the bulge that resided beneath Leon’s own covering against your dripping core.
He groaned softly at your movements against him, his face flushed a dark red. His breath was hitching in his throat, and you knew that your hip’s rotation against his was riling him up. His hands fluttered from your rear to the tie of the robe at your waist, fingers slowly but nimbly undoing the knot he found there.
“You have no idea what you’re doing to me, sweet thing.” He chuckled. You pulled his head back sharply by his hair in response, making him look you in the eye as you ground your hips downward forcefully, gasping as his bulge grew under your gyrations. “I think I have an idea,” you managed to whimper out, eyes fluttering at the sensation beneath you.
Leon let out a whimper of his own, his eyes widening when you grind down on him. “Fuck,” he whispered, looking into your eyes with desperation. You were a new messiah above him, an idol he could gladly worship for the rest of his days. “You like what you feel? What you see?” He continued hoarsely, arousal clear in his voice.
You moaned loudly, dragging his spit-slick lips up to meet yours in a bruising kiss with a rough pull of his hair. He could have sworn he felt God at that moment. “Yes,” you breathed into his open and panting mouth, “I like it so much, Lee.” His eyes fluttered closed as his lips locked with yours and he groaned into your mouth. His teeth nibbled on your bottom lip, another moan escaping from your throat as he did so. His face was dusted red with lust, his hands fervently trailing across your skin under your now untied robe.
He broke the kiss to take a deep breath, his head thrown back against the headboard as he helped you slide the cotton material off your body. “God, fuck.” He panted, eyeing your now naked form, before reconnecting his mouth with yours forcefully. You continued to grind down on his lap, the friction feeling like heaven on your needy and swollen clit.
“Lee,” you whimpered needily. “Touch me, please.” You were practically begging, needing more of Leon. Needing him closer, needing him deeper than sitting astride his lap would allow.
You were an angelic vision in Leon’s eyes, a holy temptation sent from some higher power to break him down until he was nothing but an obedient servant to you. He would readily tear himself apart for this, would gladly bare himself as a sacrifice at the altar of your body day after day if it meant that he could hear the saccharine words of sin spilling from your lips above him again and again until the day he died.
He let out a soft, needy, whimper. “My God…I will.” His hands caressed your sides before resting on your inner thighs with a rough squeeze. He could see the wetness pooling between them, the manna he craved to devour so close, but he could not give in to his temptation to eat just yet.
“I’ve gotta go slow, make it worth the wait for you.” He panted, fingertips moving ever so closer to the wet apex of your thighs. You keened as his fingertips got closer, but not nearly close enough, to where you wanted them.
“Need you so bad, Lee,” You pulled at his hair in sexual frustration, “Wanna make you feel good.” He gasped at your admission, a flustered moan leaving his lips. Your words made him feel weak, like an ancient temple crumbling into ruin.
“I know, Angel. And you are making me feel so good, I just wanna make sure you feel the same way.” His hands cupped your face, “Patience is a virtue, remember?” He smirked at you teasingly.
You leaned into his touch on your face with a small groan, “Damn my virtue, Leon. I want you more than I want it.” As soon as the words had left your mouth, Leon knew that a new Psalm had been written. One that he knew he had to get you to sing, one that he knew he had to sing with you.
With an animalistic groan, Leon flipped you onto your back, shedding himself of his robe while he did so. His cock was hard and proud against his abdomen, and you moaned at the sight of it hovering above you. Swollen and red, the tip leaked a steady stream of precum onto your stomach while Leon’s arms bracketed your head, and his lips swallowed yours in another heavenly kiss.
Your hands found themselves tangling in Leon’s hair yet again, using the leverage gained from their grip to hitch your hips up slightly and run your wet folds across his throbbing cock with a gasp. His answering noise was absolutely sinful , and one of his hands came to wrap around your throat. “Please,” he whimpered, squeezing his hand around your throat. The pressure he applied on your neck was just enough to have you seeing stars, your eyes rolling back into your head from the sensation.
“Not yet,” he ground out, hand releasing your throat. “Be a good girl and let me have my fill, and then you’ll get stuffed full of my fat cock. That okay?” He tapped the side of your face twice as he said this, waiting for your response. “Yes sir!” You whimpered.
This new, dominant side of Leon sent your head spinning. He looked at you reverently, like an apostle looking at their messiah for approval. Having given him yours, Leon moved down your body, whispering praises against your skin as he made his way down to your throbbing heat.
Settling himself between your shaking thighs, Leon looked up at you from his position and groaned in pleasure.
You were the Ark of the Covenant, a beautiful and sacred relic seated before him, forbidden to be touched and sullied by the likes of him. But he had fought his temptation for you for so long, and he was nothing but a dirty sinner, after all. Finally giving in to the carnal desires of his flesh, Leon’s mouth found its way onto your dripping cunt with a hum.
Your body came alight at the touch of his mouth on your core. Your back arched, your hands flew to his hair to lace themselves in it, and your heels dug into his back.
The fervent strokes of Leon’s tongue against your folds was your resurrection. Before this moment you had perished, your body slowly returning to the dust from whence you came. But with each suckle on your clit, and each lap of his tongue against your greedy hole, Leon had gifted your once withering body with the breath of life.
His mouth was insistent, never breaking from its attachment to your wet heat even despite the way your body undulated beneath his divine ministrations. His tongue lapped at your cunt like it was holy water, blessed for Leon by God himself. He would rather be damned than waste a single drop of the liquid manna that had been bestowed upon him.
You cried out in bliss as Leon worked, hands and thighs tightening around him. “M’gonna come,” you slurred, eyelids heavy from lust as you peered down at the man worshiping your cunt.
The sight before you had the fire within your stomach roaring into an inferno, an orgasm washing over you, consecrating your body into hallowed ground.
Leon’s hair fanned out between your thighs like a golden halo as his sapphire blue eyes met yours while you came undone on his face. He looked saintly , an absolute picture of sinful devotion painted between your trembling thighs. You wanted to capture this profane image of him and have it turned into a prayer card, one whose iconography you would eternally devote yourself to.
Leon moaned deeply at the feeling of you unraveling on his tongue. Committed to giving you as much pleasure as possible, he continued fucking you with his tongue until your delicate hands were no longer pulling him in, but rather pushing his head away.
He traveled up your body slowly, placing reverent kisses to your skin as he made his way up to your face. Hovering above you, he was enraptured. Your face was flushed red with arousal, eyes cloudy from the post-orgasm haze. You looked like lust personified, your body the picture of cardinal sin.
“Please, let me fuck you.” His words fell upon your ears not as a mere plea for the secular comfort of your flesh, but as a devout prayer. Here he knelt before you, begging for your intercession on behalf of his engorged cock.
Who were you to deny such a pretty prayer? He had been most devoted to your pleasure, therefore it was only right to answer his request in the affirmative.
“Fuck me.” You said as you nodded, spreading your legs, revealing the altar of your body to him once more. Ever the acolyte to your demands, Leon wasted no time situating himself between your spread thighs.
You helped him guide his aching dick to your entrance as his forearms came to rest on either side of your head. Your noses brushed gently, a gasp being passed between the two of you as his tip slipped past the first ring of muscle separating your sex from his.
He kept pushing forward, and one of his hands moved to cup your jaw as his own went slack at the feeling of you enveloping him. Your pulse danced beneath his hand, and your eyes rolled back into your head as the sweet pressure of him filling you overwhelmed your senses. He was so big, and so thick. You were uncertain if your body could make a home for him inside itself.
That thought quickly banished itself, however, when his dick finally made its final push to seat itself inside you. With a breathy moan, you relished in the feeling of having Leon seated snugly inside you.
He had you crucified on his cock, and yet your body still craved more. Your hands scrambled to find purchase on his shoulders as you mewled at the euphoric sensation of his member stretching you out.
“Oh, My God.” Leon groaned against your mouth, your fluttering walls squeezing him so tightly that he was unsure he could move within you.
“Please move, Lee.” You whined, and ground yourself down onto his cock. His hand on your jaw spasmed, squeezing your face briefly in surprise at your movements.
He gasped, and pressed his lips to yours in a heated and sloppy kiss. The hand on your jaw shifted to your neck, and with a gentle squeeze in warning, Leon began pistoning his hips into yours.
Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving marks in their wake, and your legs wrapped themselves around his hips for stability. The drag of his swollen cock against your walls sent your mind reeling, and you swore to yourself. “Fuck!”
This was an ascension. Leon’s hand squeezing with the perfect pressure against your neck, his lips continuously meeting yours in brutal kisses, a litany of filthy and vile invocations leaving his lips between each one, his dick being angled at just the right spot to make you see stars, and each slide in and out of your squelching wetness had you swearing that he was bringing you closer to heaven’s gates.
Leon growled, his voice demanding and wild. “Are you gonna let me come in you, my angel? Gonna let me stuff your pussy full of me?” You keened at his words, the fire in your stomach heating to an inferno once more.
“Yes,” you panted. “Give it to me, Lee.”
With a moan, Leon released your throat, only to use his now free thumb to force your mouth apart. “Open up.” He demanded, and when you willingly complied, his thumb brushed past teeth to rest on your tongue, and he spat into your mouth with a dark laugh. “What a pretty angel, letting a devil split her open on his cock.”
Swallowing his spit around his thumb greedily, you moaned, clenching even tighter around his cock as it continued to forcefully fuck in and out of you.
The feeling of your walls clamping down on his dick, and the visual of you eagerly swallowing his spit, sent Leon flying over the edge of pleasure. His hips stuttered, burying him as deep in you as he possibly could as his cum painted your insides white.
Seeing Leon come undone above you, and feeling his warm release spill inside you, you were sent careening into ecstasy alongside him. Your cunt clamped down on him hungrily as you came with a small yell, your muscles working to keep his seed inside you, a communion offering you were determined to savor.
After a few moments spent catching his breath, Leon pulled out of you with a soft whine, collapsing next to you on the bed. He shuffled a bit before pulling you into his chest and under the covers with a soft, “C’mere.”
You nuzzled into his sternum when he prompted you closer, and you felt him press soft, sweet kisses to the crown of your head as you pressed one to his chest. You two stayed that way throughout the night, sleeping soundly in the arms of one another.
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