#sheikah culture
aikoiya · 8 months
LoZ - Cultural Patterns
I'm trying to collect a bunch of Hyrule's different cultural patterns & so far, I've focused mainly on the Gerudo & Sheikah.
Now, some of these were created by other artists, so I don't claim them & if the original artist wishes for me to remove them from the list, then I will do so.
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The floral design beneath the coin-like design obviously comes in a bunch of different colors & designs with the only consistent part of it being the gold outline. I just wanted to acknowledge that real quick.
I added the symbols of the 7 Heroines. Though, I wish I could figure out if the 8th had a symbol too.
And I did a bunch of floral recolors as well.
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Then, I went into specifics about the Gerudo symbols.
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Then there's the Sheikah.
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I really need more for the Sheikah one. There just wasn't that many that I could see.
Admittedly, most of the patterns are canon, but at least 7 of them are made by fan artists.
A couple of them, I made myself.
Here are also some of the theological symbols of Hyrule.
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A couple of them are just my hc, but still.
Just so everyone knows, these are free to use for their own stuff. I know how difficult it can be to find a decent worksheet or reference with patterns on them.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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knightofhylia · 2 months
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Interesting little tidbit of Sheikah culture here from Cece. It fits with the Sheikah armor that it symbolizes silence as a whole
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secretlysheikah · 3 months
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Ooooo something to share with everyone! I made two drawings of @havenwitchworks character, aptly named Haven (on the left) and my character on the right, named Sheikah because I couldn’t figure out what to call her when we first started writing our story together.
Speaking of! We have a new chapter of said story up on Ao3!
If you like breath of the wild and wanted dive in to Sheikah brainrot and fan made lore then this is the fan fic for you!
If you do check it out, thank you. You are amazing and we appreciate you and your time!
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greyennui · 11 months
Hi! It's me from the comments on your fic. As a fellow language person (though with limited knowledge of Japanese): Shaak'han. Spill.
Since I know Latin and Latin is another subject-object-verb language, does Shaak'han have punctuation marks, or do verbs serve as punctuation? And then, unrelated: does it have grammatical gender and/or gendered first person pronouns?
Also I get the impression so far from your fic that the Sheikah had more gender diversity and that part of their identity was suppressed through assimilation. What would that have been like in their pre-banishment society?
does Shaak'han have punctuation marks, or do verbs serve as punctuation?
To be for fucking real, I haven't come up with the script for Shaak'han yet, but it is definitely on my to-do list. You may have already noticed a healthy use of apostrophes (') in the romanized text, which is another attribute I picked up from the English localization of the Sheikah monks' names. How this will end up being transliterated in my to-be-decided script, I can't say yet.
As far as, like, end-of-sentence punctuation, there will be some. While Shaak'han has tonal indicators for questions, that can't exist in written form without punctuation. For example, the past conjugation for the verb eat would be ishemev, and if you wanted to ask someone if they've eaten, you would just say ishemev with the pitch rising at the end to indicate a question. Orally, this context is easy to glean, but textually, there would need to be some sort of question indicator. TBD!
does it have grammatical gender and/or gendered first person pronouns?
Shaak'han is not a gendered language. I'm assuming you're thinking in terms of Latin for comparison (and therefore the modern Romance languages), but Shaak'han doesn't have such rules. There are, of course, gendered terms rooted more in biological sex than anything (man, woman, mother, father), but nouns unrelated to gender do not have their own gender (like "book" being masculine in the Romance languages).
First person pronouns are also gender-neutral, and in fact there's really just the one: ya. It's the same word for both subject and object, and is used in the possessive form (meya).
Also I get the impression so far from your fic that the Sheikah had more gender diversity and that part of their identity was suppressed through assimilation. What would that have been like in their pre-banishment society?
I love this question. In my particular AU of the First Calamity-era Hyrule, I see the Sheikah as being a very "it takes a village to raise a child" sort of society. Factoring in their "divine duty" to safeguard the royal bloodline, I imagine that any able-bodied Sheikah would have "enlisted", so to speak, regardless of gender or sex. Whoever remained in the city would have been the caretakers of the community—farmers, textile workers, hunters, child-rearers, etc. Because of this, the Sheikah didn't really have gender roles the way the Hylians did, because they instead had like... community roles.
Gender expression is a whole other thing, and likely would have confused many a Hylian with their rigid views of gender, but generally speaking the Sheikah just didn't have a concept of gender. This will sort of come up in Gan Doesn't Die at the End (whenever I can get my ass in gear and update it lol) because I do include a few enbies (or kivumtu) in that fic but I don't address it directly because it was so commonplace at that time for the Sheikah.
The term for enby itself, kivum, would have existed in the First Calamity era to refer to intersex individuals for medical purposes, as well as anyone whose gender expression didn't fit neatly into Hylian gender. Although, the gender-neutral use of kivum would have come more into use closer to modern-day Yiga society because Hylian gender roles are so prevalent. To blend in more easily during assignments, the Yiga military would have had to adhere to Hylian gender ideals, and some of that would undoubtedly bleed over into their home lives a little. Not to mention the Hylians that would have joined the Yiga for The Cause™ over the last several millennia adding to those ideas of gender. While the Yiga still don't really have gender roles, they've definitely come to appreciate gender expression in a looser sense than Hylians traditionally have, and they more often use gendered terms like kivum, kiva, and kiven as descriptors more than categorical identifiers. I hope that makes sense lol.
I've already hinted at this in Don't Commit as well, but part of the Sheikah healing from the post-schism assimilation after Sheik's return is Yuzo becoming more comfortable with being different in their gender. While it certainly won't be a focus, it's something they're working through off-screen, which we see hints of in their interactions with Sheik and Link. Knowing there's an actual word in their tribe's language for who they are is a big part of that journey for Yuzo.
anyway THANK YOU for asking these questions, and keep them coming if you have them lol. I could talk about Shaak'han and the pre-schism Sheikah (and post-schism Yiga) for days.
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rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
Alright I think I’ve sent a ask in before and you answered it, I’m not sure if I’m just repeating myself but if I am feel free to ignore!
Alright I wanted to talk about changes in the gerudo culture, now naturally culture norms will change and fade as time goes on. But with the gerudo I can’t help but feel that they were forced to change much of their culture just to appease the other races.
Like why did they stop training Molduga? Why did they change their style to be more feminine etc.
Personally I feel like they were forced to change their culture so they wouldn’t get attacked. Why? Well example the sheikah, the sheikah are a tribe very close to the royal family. They will take out anyone who is a threat to the royal family, correct? Well who used to actively oppose the royal family, the gerudo.
I believe the sheikah still have a prejudiced against the gerudo because, you cannot find a single gerudo in kakariko village. You can find gerudo npcs outside the village thought, on the dangerous rode. Wouldn’t it be easier and safer for them to just cut through kakariko village? Unless there was still bad blood
I’m sorry to bother with my my insane ramblings I just wanted to share and I felt this place appropriate to share my thoughts.
Thank you for reading and thank you and have a nice night/morning/afternoon
Hey, thanks for the ask!
I mean, regardless of what actually did happen in canon, if anything did, I have to say that BotW, and then TotK's internal narrative regarding the gerudos feels rather worrying to me --for several reasons, some of which you do mention here.
The gerudos, by virtue of having the strongest culture that differs from hylians, is the one that is also the most dynamic in these games' shared reality (so TotK's mythical past, BotW, and then TotK modern era), the one that is the most malleable and ongoing internal change.
The first time we see the gerudos, historically, they have a certain political structure that seems to rely on kinghood, have certain skills related to war (the molduga situation), and even have fashion sensitivities that are relatively different to modern era's gerudos (the mohawk, etc, and I Will Not mention the ear situation for the inconsistent mess that it is). Then, the whole shenanigans with Rauru happen, we see the Sage of Lightning having a fashion sense that feels closer to what we know, and we get to see active collaboration happening.
Fast-forward hundreds-to-thousands of years later: not only are gerudos vassal to Hyrule pre-Calamity, but, while their town is still closed behind walls, the gerudos have a strong cultural focus on seeking (mostly) hylian husbands. We get to hear about the younger generations pushing against the strong rules keeping the city closed, and that the walls aren't as closed as they used to be.
In TotK, not only is the actual language evolving (so even if old hylian seems to have been a thing, the speed of language evolving is to be noted imo), but we see clear examples of the ancestral rules being challenged to the point of near annihilation. By the time we leave the gerudos behind, two hylian men have snuck inside the walls/forced their presence upon them, and we have heard of at least another group who have been working for years to make them bend the rules for their sake. Zelda came around and influenced their war techniques, and even their ancient legends get recontextualized as involving hylian men with the Eight Heroin, or as monstrously evil and something to seek forgiveness for in the case of Ganondorf. Subtextually, I'd argue we are assisting to a culture being assimilated in real time. It might be portrayed as a good thing, as old, useless or even arguably bigoted traditions being cast aside, but I still have to insist that while gerudos are yielding their cultural identity under (mostly) hylian pressures, hylians spend the *entire game* rediscovering and reinforcing their own culture and pushing forward a cultural heritage that is thousand of years old --even reinjecting lost elements of its roots into its prosperous future.
And, yeah. It's kind of worth noting at least.
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wutheringmights · 2 months
um. ickywars sweep?
this is how ickywars can still win
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
yknow how i mentioned I'm thinking of writing a spite fic that's just TOTK but the narrative is allowed to acknowledge that imperialism is really fucking evil? Yeah so I might be outlining that fic and let me tell you i have Plans. I've now got a whole backstory about the Gerudo sage, namely what kind of person she must have been to be in the position to meet Rauru and Sonia (aka accompanying Ganondorf to Hyrule Castle, meaning someone he put a lot of trust in), while also being the kind of person that Rauru and Sonia would consider a viable option for a Sage (aka someone clearly opposed to Ganondorf). That's an interesting contradiction, and made me wonder why this woman would be part of Ganondorf's inner circle, but also look like his political opponent on a surface reading, and I wound up following that to the logical conclusion and now her story is making me really, really sad.
Also I found the helmets worn by the four non-royal sages to be really ominous and creepy, along with their complete lack of names, personalities, and that one scene with the four of them spontaneously swearing eternal loyalty to Rauru with zero prompting yet still speaking in perfect unison. That has Implications. I have done things with those implications.
Oh and I thought it was kinda bullshit that Sheikah are completely brushed off in this game, so I dug into wtf is going on there. I mean, it's weird that to fight a war against the Gerudo, Rauru decided that it would be a good idea to try recruit a Gerudo woman to fight against her own rightful king, instead of like... recruiting a Sheikah, y'know the people that can be trusted to be diehard supporters of the Hylian throne. That's a really weird absence, and I've decided that the fourth sage was originally a Sheikah, and they wound up turning on Rauru (over legitimate greivances!), and the resulting backlash caused the split that formed the Yiga Clan, AND caused them to be allied with Ganondorf.
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fuck-em-up-your-grace · 3 months
I NEED Zelda lore with good historical allegories PLEASE hire me Nintendo I would make so many good metaphorsssss
#I’ve had this fic idea in my head for literally months#since like December#the sheikah and the yiga and demise and hylia have no relevance to anyyyyy history guys haha#I mean. two large powers that have been involved in a cycle of hatred using their power to induce a proxy war to further their power?#while simultaneously harming said group by ripping it apart and then. with so much time passing the idea of reunification fading further.#until the people of that group learn to hate the other and to rely upon the powers that put them there?#huh Nintendo wonder what that could be about.#but Nintendo is a Japanese company and if you talk about that war then you gotta get into imperialism and. well…#and this is not even getting into THE GERUDO#I LOVE what the Gerudo could be SO MUCH. OH MY GOD. THE POTENTIAL.#but no. if Nintendo actually showed off cool Arab culture and stopped oversexualizing brown women people might think they’re not racist 🙄#and we can’t have that#god I fucking love the concept of the Gerudo it’s so so so sooooo good you have no idea#I don’t have the time or energy required to write this but maybe I’ll come back in like a decade when I’ve got shit figured out and write it#anyways. I’m so normal about the Shiekah and the Gerudo. ha ha ha ha ha so so so normal#guys someone give me like a month where time stops I could write so much about settler colonialism* and the Hylians#(*I think settler colonialism paired with neo-colonialism and imperialism would be more interesting than the usual narrative of extractive#coloniaism. but also take that with a sea of salt cause no narrative surrounding colonization is really. mainstream.)#barebones of this fic idea is half-sheikah Zelda & Gerudo Shadow as foils for each other#w/ Zelda having the experience of like. 2nd gen E Asian immigrant assimilation & loss of cultural heritage while being raised in a white#society— with scraps of her textbooks and life showcasing the retelling of the colonization of the Gerudo. meanwhile Shadow is V aware of#his culture & history because Ganon’s main goal is to take control of the Hylian empire to make them pay for their past crimes#which manifests in Ganondorf being an abusive father who torments his own son because he believes it will make him strong enough to fight#against the Hylians. however surprise surprise abuse actually drives Shadow further away and he seeks refuge in Zelda & brings her books#on sheikah culture as a way to connect to her— through their shared ties to the Yiga…#and I have more but I think I’m gonna hit the tag limit and I’m rambling but like. SO MANY IDEAS#it works better visually I think though. so there’s that too. plus as aforementioned I do not have any of the things I need to write this#and it’s really important to me that it’s written well. so. that too. if I was gonna do this it would take forever with extra research &shit
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thebleedingeffect · 10 months
Okay so I've been thinking on Time's backstory for hyrules curse and I think I have a good concept so far!
Basically, Time goes through the events of ocarina of time and majoras mask and decides to come back to hyrule after processing the loss and alienation he feels. It takes a bit of time, but eventually Time is able to manage and understand his trauma a bit better and one of the most important things he learns is in the face of complete devastation, it's love that makes up for all the grief.
So Time decides to go back to hyrule but on the way he decides to go to kokori forest and has a final heart to heart with Saria, in which she finally convinces him to go back to Zelda, or Sheik, as he tells her. The forest will always love and accept him as one of their own, but his life extends far beyond the forest's edge and she could never forgive herself if she used Time's own grief to trap him here. Time leaves the forest, but this time it's more of an actual goodbye to Saria and the kokori as a whole, one that gives him the closure that he desperately needed.
This is where the plot for hyrules curse comes in! Time returns to hyrule and to Sheik, as well as Impa, and it's there that they have a big emotional conversation. Basically it amounts to the fact that they see each other as family and don't want to lose the other, and that they've both been avoiding a lot of stuff. Sheik blames himself for his own perceived actions, having dragged Time into everything when it was widely out of his control. As well as the fact that when he did bring them back to the past, it didn't seem to help anything, if anything Time seemed so much worst and ran off to the wilderness. Sheik blames himself heavily for this and doesn't quite believe or trust himself to be Time's family.
Time, with the events of majoras mask in the forefront of his mind, tells Sheik that he doesn't blame him and doesn't regret meeting him. Fate might've had a cruel hand in their meeting, but he doesn't regret meeting Sheik, in fact it was that companionship that made their trials just a bit easier. The first few threads of family between Sheik and Time begin here, starting with an understanding and forgiveness. Time decides to stay with Sheik in hyrule and Impa already knows of Time's true identity, he shares the same blood as Sheik, siblings all the way through the flesh, and holds the crown as the prince of hyrule by Sheik's side.
Hyrule has a prince and princess, which it doesn't take long for the king to discover his own long lost son.
Here's the issue, the aftermath of the hyrulean war, Ganondorf's treachery, and the loss of the queen has left the king a paranoid, untrusting man. A large part of his time on the throne has been during wartime and as such he just does not believe Impa when she tells him he has a son. It gets even worse as this just triggers the king's increasingly violent paranoia, eventually turning even on Sheik and that her damn visions will lead the kingdom to ruin. The king is so far gone that even though Sheik has already helped with Ganondorf, he does not believe Sheik and just thinks that he's been corrupted by that boy.
Eventually, tensions rise to such a critical point that Impa is forced to kill the king and help both Sheik and Time escape to Kakariko Village where they'll be protected by fellow sheikah. This conflict results in a civil war, one side is with the fallen king of hyrule and still holds onto the coattails of the hyrulean war. The other side is with the sheikah and the hidden prince and princess of hyrule, that they hold the rightful place of the kingdom and show actual allegiance and respect to the gerudo, zora, gorons, and sheikah.
The sheikah of this time have completely sworn off allegiance to the king after the hyrulean war and the king's subsequent assassination, instead choosing to follow Impa as their chief. Impa, as the head Sheikah chief, announces that their loyalty will lie solely on the princess and prince of hyrule and they are to be protected as such.
The conflict of this time surrounds hyrule as a whole in the depths of a civil war. One on side, the hylians within hyrules capital who sided with the king and the hyrulean war, and on the other, the sheikah, zora, gorons, and gerudo.
It must be noted though, the gerudo are actually the sheikah's closest allies and outright pledged their support of Time and Sheik over the current state of hyrule. There's plenty of stuff to be said of what happened exactly during the hyrulean war between the sheikah and gerudo, but! Here the gerudo actively work with the sheikah and are making attempts to sway the zora and gorons fully against hyrule castle.
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golvio · 1 year
Okay, but, also, @ganymedesclock said that Ganondorf’s new sword looks kind of like the same size/shape as the swords that Sooga used, as well as the general size and weight of the Windblade cleavers even if it’s not the exact same design. So that begs the question: are the Yiga Blademasters emulating Ganondorf, or is Ganondorf himself emulating a more ancient Sheikah swordfighting style that predates the Yiga Clan?
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A Community of Hyrulean Faiths
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There are some of you out there with whom I have had contact. As you all know, community isn't the easiest to come by on our path. That said, there are some small pockets of us spread around here and there. We seem to rise and fall with the years. I myself have only been on this path for a little over a year. It seems Hyrulean faiths had a swell in popularity about five years ago and five years before that. I missed every possible chance to be part of a larger community because I used to be of the opinion that it made no sense to follow religions or philosophies from fiction based on the fact that these paths are based on real world religious traditions I could study instead.
One day I met a friend in a Zelda fan group who shared his miniature altar to Lady Hylia set up in a small tea tray and something just clicked. I had looked into the Jedi path before and I just didn't fit. When I realized I could find a path wherever I felt connection, I immediately knew this was my place. I do still follow real world traditions of Buddhism and Shinto, but they also serve to inform my practice devoted to Lady Hylia.
Myself and another few friends are seeking to revitalize and build up the community of people who practice spiritual paths based on the lore of the Legend of Zelda universe. Primarily Hyrule, but not limited to it. I have a Facebook group currently and I have plans to open a Discord server for us. I am changing the group name currently in order to be more inclusive since it originally focused mostly on Knights of Hylia and Sages of the Triforce. I want us to have a hub where everyone can gather and share our thoughts, experiences, and our own practices. As I've mentioned, I have one friend who venerates The Great Deku Tree specifically but none of the other deities so much. I have another friend who venerates Lady Farore, serving as a retainer to her.
Much like in other polytheistic frameworks, people will connect with some deities more strongly than others and Hyrule is filled with many deities. Please stay tuned! Very soon, I will announce my Facebook group here and I will announce my Discord server once I have gotten to creating it. I look forward to meeting you all!
Blessings of The Three
May the Goddess Smile Upon You
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aikoiya · 6 months
LoZ - Kakariko Food Culture
Ya'll, I have a frankly dumb amount of recipe ideas for the Wild Series.
Part of it has to do with the idea that, in Link's house, he could cook more complex recipes, including 2nd Tier Ingredients. Which are ingredients made of other basic ingredients. A number of these 2nd Tier Ingredients could be used to substitute multiple base ingredients in a recipe, thus giving you more room to work with.
He'd also be able to cook in bulk, which is something I feel like is holding the cooking system in the Wild Series back.
Another idea I had was that the more you cook, the better you get at it, thus the more ingredients you can use in a recipe.
So, Link would start with only being able to use 5 at a time, but the amount can increase up to 6, then 7-8. Then, maybe even 10.
The list itself isn't complete in any capacity.
Affects & Recipes beginning with a * indicates that it is already in the games in one way or another.
※ Will be beside things that were planned to be part of the official series at one point, but for whatever reason, were cut.
Some 2nd Tier Ingredients use the same ingredients, but the end result depends on which kitchen utensil is used to make it. For instance, Pastry Dough & Soup Stock are both made with the same basic ingredients, but you get Pastry Dough using a Rolling Pin & Soup Stock using a Pot. In this way, it would sort of soft block certain recipes behind a specific kitchen utensil.
Kitchen Items:
Cooking Pot, Rolling Pin, Mortar & Pestle (later upgraded to a Spice Grinder), White Frying Pan, Brewing Keg, Brick Oven, Saucepan, Cheesecloth, Hōchō-Kaku (A full Sheikah knife set in a knife block), Makisu (a sushi mat), Oil Distillery, Fermentation Jar, & Frost Box (basically a fridge/freezer that uses Ice Runes).
Gathering these things also has another affect. They improve the quality & effectiveness of your final dish, as well as increase the likelihood of getting cooking crits.
For more information on the ingredients I'm using, go here: New Ingredients List & 2nd Tier Ingredients.
For quick travel, go to LoZ Cultural Masterlist. You'll find other recipe lists there under the Food section.
List of Effects:
Aerodynamic - Sky Dive Control Up.
Amorous - Aphrodisiac. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This is mostly for flavor & wouldn't actually do anything in a game setting. Though, it specifically only activates when a sufficient level of dopamine & norepinephrine is found in the body, it can likewise be cured when a sufficient enough supply of oxytocin is introduced into the bloodstream or by simply avoiding those who cause such reactions until the Amorous food has made its way out of their system. So, it only takes effect if in the presence of someone you legit are attracted to & are in love with, which is why Link wouldn't be affected. He's Zelda's & it'd only work on him in her presence. It also doesn't work on anyone who hasn't finished puberty. It's also known to increase the possibility of reproduction.)
Battle Ready - Hearty, Enduring, & Mighty all in one. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of specific places.)
*Biting - Cold Weather Attack.
*Dark/Warding - Gloom Resistance.
- Depths Stride - Dark/Warding & Glow at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of the Depths.)
Dawing/Dusky - Twilight Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Moonlight Scimitars, knives, sickles, & scythes by generating a crepuscular razor, thus dealing twilight damage. Mirror Sheilds are also more effective. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with Silver Lizalfos Horns deal thrice as much damage as normal. Twilight also deals extra damage to undead enemies & Poes, this sets the spirit trapped inside free & results in a Poe Soul. Twilight damage is also noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Twilight purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
Dreamy - Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (More for story flavor as somnolents just make you sorta sleepy &, thus, won't just knock Link out cold. Actual gameplay uses would only be included when you use Fuse Weapon to attach the item to an arrow or other weapon, which I'm saying concentrates & amplifies the effects, which allows you to knock enemies out cold. Without the Fuse Weapon rune, you'd need to make a concentrated sleep extract to apply to the arrow/weapon tip by hand. By default, Dreamy items don't work against boss or mini-boss enemies. However, if you go to sleep in a bed within an hour of being affected by Dreamy, you'll get bonuses when you wake up.)
- Potent Dreamy - Powerful Sleep Induction. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Unlike Dreamy, Potent Dreamy will absolutely knock Link the fuck out. It's basically a tranquilizer. Note that only the scent of a Mawkap will wake him up afterwards.)
Eclating/Glaring - Light Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting light thus dealing light damage. Light-based weapons such as the White Sword of the Sky, the Master Sword, the Sword of the Six Sages, the Bow of Light, & other such weapons deal triple damage. However, damage dealt from using a Light Weapon fused with a Light Dragon part is quadrupled. Light attacks also deal extra damage to dark enemies. Light damage is noted to be purifying, so defeating Wolfos, Furnix, Bullbos, & Iron Knuckle enemies with Light purifies them, thus returning them to their natural state.)
*Electro - Shock Resistance.
*Enduring - Adds Stamina.
*Energizing - Restores Stamina.
*Fireproof - Fire Resistance.
Fortune - Great Deal. Briefly increases the amount of rupees you get for selling things.
Freezeproof - Freeze Resistance.
Frost Guard - Spicy, Freezeproof, Biting, & Snowdrift at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Hebra & Ealiyah Town.)
Gills - Breathe Water.
*Glow - Glow.
*Hasty - Speed Up.
- Sanddrift - Sand Mobility Up.
- Snowdrift - Snow Mobility Up.
*Hearty - 1-5 Extra Hearts.
Hydrating - Keep Wet Longer. Once Hydrating reaches level 3, you stay wet twice as long. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (This effect is most useful for Zora. Also pairs swimmingly with Zora weaponry.)
Hydrophilic - Gills & Rapid at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the Zora. Also pairs swimingly with Zora weaponry.)
*Icy/Chilly - Heat Resistance.
Lava Guard - Fireproof & Rapid. Allows to swim in lava. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the Gorons & Mogma of Gorondia.)
Lightningproof - Nullifies Lightning.
- Lightning Guard - Lightningproof & Stormy/Charged at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Faron, Ordona, & the Gerudo Desert.)
*Mighty - Attack Up.
Photosynthesis - Sunny & Recovery at once. Allows you to slowly recover hearts over time so long as you're in direct sunlight or under a Lightroot, even if those hearts are effected by Gloom. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the Mogma.)
※Puissant - Allows one to jump twice. (Turns out that a Twice Jump cooking effect was cut from the final TotK game. So, you gotta know that I'll be effing with that!)
Pyrophilic - Flameproof & Scorching at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Eldin & Gorondia.)
*Rapid - Swim Speed Up.
Reforge - Repairs Shield, but must be applied directly.
- Auto Reforge - Automatically repairs Shield upon breaking.
Revitalizing - Hearty & Enduring at once. (This effect isn't normally natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of specific places.)
Revival - Revives after death with 8 hearts. (Only Fairies & recipes that require Fairies have this effect. Don't worry, no Fairies are harmed during this process. The only thing used is the Fairies' dust.)
- Full Revival - Revives after death with full ♡s +1-10 extra ♡s. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of specific places. If you get a crit while cooking, you'll also get up to 10 extra hearts as well.)
Riptide - Water Spear/Blade Attack Up. (Doubles spear & blade damage by generating a pressurized stream of water, thus dealing water damage. Spears fused with Silver or Water Lizalfos Horns do triple. Also pairs swimmingly with Zora weaponry.)
*Scorching - Heat Weather Attack.
*Sneaky - Stealth Up.
- Shadow Sneak - Dark/Warding & Sneaky at once. Stealth increases even more in darkness. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Kakariko.)
*Spicy - Cold Resistance.
*Sticky - Grip Up.
*Stormy/Charged - Stormy Weather Attack.
*Sunny - Heals Gloom Damage.
Sun Guard - Chilly, Hydrating, Scorching, & Sanddrift at once. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs. Or via well-guarded cultural secret known only to the residents of Gerudo Desert.)
Tenebrating - Dark Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by Sheikah/Yiga weaponry, Gloom weaponry, sickles, & scythes by generating a vicious dark force thus dealing dark or shadow damage. Sheikah/Yiga weaponry fused with dark monster parts triples the damage dealt.)
*Tough - Defence Up.
Toxic - Inflicts Poison. This is a secondary effect, allowing it to remain even after being cooked with something else. (Note that certain Toxic ingredients can be prepared specially to be made edible or to make things like medicines.)
Vitality - Temporary Stamina Use Reduction.
- Max Vitality - Max Energizing & Stamina can be used freely for a certain amount of time. (This effect isn't natural to a single ingredient & can only be achieved via special recipes, using special cooking techniques known only to the best chefs.)
Windshear = Wind Blade Attack Up. (Doubles the damage dealt by swords, knives, axes, sickles, & scythes by generating a cutting wind, thus dealing wind damage.)
Special Attention: Whenever a recipe says "Any Butter," just assume that that also includes Browned Butter. Likewise, whenever a specific type of butter, such as Ordon Butter or Lon Lon Butter, is called for, that also includes their Browned variants.
The reason for this is because Browned Butter is just an overall improvement on regular butter & can be used in damn near anything. From savory, to sweet, to vegetables.
It's just a simple way to elevate your cooking.
Of course, there is also an in-game reason. The better quality the ingredients you use, the better the results you get from the final product with a higher chance of getting crits.
Also, unless certain ingredients are specifically listed in the name, many ingredients can be substituted for another one from the same category or sub-category. The ingredients listed here are just how the specific settlement makes it.
Kakariko is a Sheikah settlement in West Necluda.
High Spirits Produce sells 12 Swift Carrots, 3 Fortified Pumpkins, 5 Bird Eggs, 5 Goat Butter. In AoC, they sell 10 Swift Carrots, 10 Fortified Pumpkins, 5 Bird Eggs, 5 Goat Butter, & 5 Cane Sugar.
The Sheikah cultivate Swift Carrots, Fortified Pumpkins, Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky; basically a Soybean mixed with an Edamame), Kakariko Adzuki, Shadow Yams (Dark/Warding), Freshwater Cucumbers (Rapid & Hydrating), Kakariko Plums (Sneaky & Hydrating), & Snowdrift Buckwheat (Snowdrift). Not to mention the Cucoos having a little Hideaway nearby where you can find plenty of eggs.
You can find Sanke Carp in Lantern Lake.
Silent Shrooms, Blue Nightshades, & Ironshrooms can be found out & about.
You can also find Sneaky River Snails & even some Water Cabbages (Gills & Hydrating) in some of their patties & Rushrooms on the sheer cliffaces nearby. Maybe 3 Hylian Tomato (Hydrating) plants & 1 or 2 Apple trees.
There are Hearty Truffles, Silent Shrooms, & Fairies in the Kakariko Village Cave. And a couple of Brightcaps grow in the Kakariko Village Well.
Then, there is the Satori Trees in the Zora's Domain, which gives them relatively easy access to Satori Cherries (Hasty & Hydrating), Satora Blossoms (Hasty & Amorous), & Endura Carrots in the spring.
Kakariko Plums are a famous staple of the village & the village is close enough to Lanayru Bay that they have relatively ready access to Frostclaw Lobsters (Biting), Necludic Seaweed (Gills), & other such Necluda Oceanic delicacies as Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky), Venin Pufferfish (Toxic), Statictail (Electro), Endura Tuna (Enduring), Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky), Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty), & other Necludic fish. As well as having access to Hearty Roe (Hearty) due to the Endura Tuna.
An Oxen Shark (Mighty) will even wander through occasionally. However, due to this being an infrequent thing, the Sheikah still haven't perfected the cooking of shark the way they have in Lurelin. There have also been Lynelfish (Toxic) showing up in the bay, which is concerning as they are a very invasive species.
There are also Fleetstream Eels (Rapid) from nearby rivers.
You can also find Dreamdrop (Dreamy; basically loquats) bushes growing wild in the mountains, which Everlost Silkworms (Glow) live in, giving the Sheikah access to silk. Those silkworms eventually turn into Everlost Moths (Glow), which are an important creature for the Sheikah due to their association with spirits. You can harvest fruit & leaves from these Dreamdrop bushes. There's also Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality) growing all over the mountains around there too. Which is good for business, because kudzu roots make the highest quality starch in Hyrule.
There are also Hyrule Bass & Staminoka Bass in the nearby Telta Lake.
And while not native to Kakariko, some Sheikah farmers have begun cultivating Hydromelons (Hydrating 2) as many in the village quite enjoy the flavor. They have since mutated into Moonblessed Melons (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2).
Plus, they have strong trade agreements with the fishing villages of Hyrule, meaning they have access to a lot of the various other fish around the country.
The Sheikah actually have a secret Shōyu that they've had fermenting for over a century. The aroma is super intense, but the flavor is deep & rich, like something between a sauce & chocolate. It's super nutty. They use it to make a tea that is drunk before especially important meals as it's supposed to open up your palette & detox your gut.
- Locally Made 2nd Tier Ingredients:
Apple Jam = Any Apple, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Tomato Jam (Hydrating) = Hylian Tomato, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Moonmelon Jelly (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2) = Moonblessed Melon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Courser Honey, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Kakariko Jelly (Sneaky) = Kakariko Plum (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Dreamdrop Marmalade (Sunny & Dreamy) = Dreamdrop (Dreamy), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Sundelion, Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
- Satori Jelly (Hasty & Hydrating) = Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Cane Sugar, & Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin.
Mochiko = Hylian Rice. - A type of rice flour.
Sobako (Snowdrift) = Snowdrift Buckwheat (Snowdrift). - Buckwheat flour. Can also be used in place of other flours.
- Rice Bread = Mochiko, any Milk, & Rock Salt. - First invented by a Sheikah & Gerudo couple, the 2 having bonded over their mutual love of food & baking. Considered a 2nd Tier Ingredient due to its use in making sandwiches. Pairs well with soups & stews. Called Shokupan in Kakariko.
- Milk Bread = Bread Mix, any Milk, Cane Sugar, Heavy Cream, & Courser Honey.
- Soba Bread (Stormy 2) = Sobako (Snowdrift), Baking Buddy (Stormy), Rock Salt, & Buttermilk (Stormy). - Considered a 2nd Tier Ingredient due to its use in making sandwiches. Pairs well with soups & stews.
Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating) = Kakariko Adzuki, Splash Fruit, Cane Sugar, & Rock Salt. - Used to make wagashi.
- Taidai Karaan (Lightningproof) = Farore Hazelnut (Lightningproof), Kakariko Adzuki, Sheikah Tōnyū (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, & any Rum (optional). - A chunky sweet bean paste made from hazelnuts. Perfect for desserts.
Vinegar = Any Apple/Dreamdrop (Dreamy)/Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating)/Hylian Rice/Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding). - Made from alcohol from fermented plant foods, then exposed to oxygen, then fermented again.
*Oil Jar = Any Plant. - Aguacaté are especially good for making oil.
Porridge Base = Hylian Rice, any Milk/Broth, & Rock Salt (optional). - Whether the Porridge is sweet or savory depends on the liquids you cook the rice in.
Baking Buddy (Sneaky & Hydrating) = Bird Egg, any Apple/Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating) & Rock Salt. - Basically just baking soda & baking powder.
Kuzudenpun (Vitality) = Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality). - Starch made from the roots of kudzu. The highest quality starch in Hyrule.
Egg Noodles = Tabantha Wheat, Rock Salt, & Bird Egg.
- Rice Noodles = Hylian Rice & Salt.
- Kudzu Noodles (Vitality & Hydrating) = Kuzudenpun (Vitality), Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), & Splash Fruit. - Noodles made from Kudzu starch. Doesn't have much flavor, but has a silky-smooth texture. Commonly used in sweet deserts.
- Soba Noodles (Snowdrift) = Tabantha Wheat, Sobako (Snowdrift), & Kuzudenpun (Vitality). - The Buckwheat is mostly only grown in fall & winter, so it's typically a cold weather ingredient. Has a nutty flavor.
- Ramen Noodles (Mighty & Hydrating) = Mochiko, Rock Salt, Masa (Mighty), Bird Egg, & Kansui (Stormy/Windshear & Hydrating).
- Rice Dumpling Dough = Mochiko, Rock Salt, & Oil Jar.
Fried Rice Base (Energizing/Enduring) = Hylian Rice, Bird Egg, Rock Salt, any Carrot, Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), & Stambulb. - Endura Carrots are best because they don't clash with the Stambulbs. However, because neither are the focus of the ingredient, it does make it so figuring out which affect is kept is a coin toss.
Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky). - A savory dipping sauce best paired with fish. The Sheikah just call it Shōyu. Just soy sauce.
Sheikah Tōnyū (Sneaky) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky). - Soy milk.
- Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky) & Sheikah Tōnyū (Sneaky).
Sly Miso (Sneaky) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Rock Salt, & any Mushroom. - A sort of brown soy paste made using a Fermentation Jar. A super food that is known to be very healthy. Especially good in soups.
Kansui (Stormy/Windshear & Hydrating) = Baking Buddy & Shock Fruit/Windfall Lime (Windshear & Hydrating). - Primarily used to make ramen noodles.
Mayonnaise = Any Egg, Rock Salt, & Oil Jar. - Originally made in Ordon.
- Spicy Mayo (Spicy) = Mayonnaise, Spicy Pepper/Goron Spice, Cane Sugar, Stambulb, Shock Fruit, & Oil Jar.
Seeker Tamari (Sneaky 2) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Rock Salt, Hylian Rice, & Silent Shroom.
Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding) = Shadowfolk Shochu (Dark/Warding), Mochiko, & a Mushroom.
Unagi Sauce (Shadow Sneak 2) = Seeker Tamari (Sneaky), Kakariko Umeshu (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, & Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding).
Shadowsneak Hoisin (Shadow Sneak) = Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Hylian Rice, Cane Sugar, Rock Salt, Stambulb, Vinegar, & Spicy Pepper.
Gomi Togarashi (Spicy) = Spicy Pepper, Akkala Cinnamon (Hasty), Swampland Celery/Windblade Leek (Windshear)/Heartichoke (Hearty), Barricade Cloves (Tough), & Thunder Button (Stormy). - Just five spice.
Ume Marinade (Sneaky 2) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Courser Honey, Stambulb, Kakariko Umeshu (Sneaky), & Cane Sugar.
Dashi =  Any Saltwater Fish & Necludic Seaweed (Gills)/Water Cabbage (Gills & Hydrating), any Mushroom (optional), any Shrimp (optional), Kakariko Adzuki (optional), & Sheikah Edadaizu (optional; Sneaky). - Used in making Sheikah-style soups. Depending on the type of flavor you want, you can use a variety of different ingredients, but saltwater fish & Necludic Seaweed/Water Cabbage are required.
Narutomaki = Any White Fish, any Seafood, Rock Salt, any Egg, & Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding). - Little cakes made from minced fish. Typically used in soups.
Takoyaki Sauce (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, & Hylian Tomato.
Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Sheikah Sake (optional; Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), any Mushroom (Silent Shroom recommended for greatest effect), & Dashi. - A Kakariko noodle soup base.
Tempura Batter (Spicy) = Tabantha Wheat, Tundra Potato (Spicy), & any Egg.
Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak) = Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Vinegar (Hylian Rice), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), Cane Sugar, Dashi, & Citrus Zest (Lurelin Orange & Shock Fruit).
- Recipes:
*Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin (Tough 1-2 - 2:10 & 3-7♡) = Fortified Pumpkin, any Meat, & Armoranth. - 'This hollow, meat-filled pumpkin is a local specialty of Kakariko Village.'
*Mushroom Rice Balls (Sneaky 1 - 4:00 & 3♡) = Silent Shroom, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
- *Veggie Rice Balls (Sneaky 1 - 9:00 & 2♡) = Blue Nightshade, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
- *Seafood Rice Balls (Sneaky 1 - 4:00 & 4♡) = Stealthfin Trout, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
- *Meaty Rice Balls (Rapid 1 - 4-8♡) = Red Meat, Hylian Rice, Rock Salt, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). -
Yaki Onigiri (Shadow Sneak) = Any Rice Ball, Oil Jar, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Cane Sugar. - Combine the soy sauce, mirin, & sugar for the glaze. Then fry the Onigiri in a Frying Pan until lightly Browned before brushing the glaze onto both sides. Then, return to the pan & fry until both sides are crispy.
*Sundelion Porridge (Sunny - +5💖 & 3♡) = Sundelion, Courser Honey, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & Porridge Base. - The Sheikah refer to it as Taiyōyuri Okayu.
- Tea Porridge (Energizing - ) = Korok Frond/Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Courser Honey, & Porridge Base. - The Sheikah refer to it a Ocha Okayu.
- Plum Porridge (Sneaky) = Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating), Courser Honey, & Porridge Base. - The Sheikah refer to it a Ume Okayu.
- Fish Porridge = Porridge Base (using Broth; bone is best), Stambulb, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), any Egg, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & any White Fish. - This version of the dish is more heavily spiced than it is in Ordon.
- Medicinal Porridge = Deadly Mandrake (Toxic), Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Hoy Mustard (Spicy), Sauerkraut (Gills & Hydrating), Hearty Radish (Hearty), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Broth, & Porridge Base. - A very nourishing, medicinal porridge.
Shrimp Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Shrimp, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried shrimp.
- Crab Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Crab, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried crab meat.
- Lobster Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Lobster, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried lobster.
- Vegetable Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Vegetable (Fleet-Lotus Seeds or Freshwater Cucumber recommended), Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried veggies.
- Mushroom Tempura (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Mushroom, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Crispy fried mushrooms.
- Crustacean Tempura Feast (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Shrimp, any Crab, any Lobster, any Vegetable (Fleet-Lotus Seeds or Freshwater Cucumber recommended), any Mushroom, Tempura Batter (Spicy), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Dashi, Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - A veritable feast of fried seafood.
Deep-Fried Dolphinfish (Shadow Sneak) = Swiftcurrent Dolphinfish (Rapid), Oil Jar, Tempura Batter (Spicy) or Dashi, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Rock Salt. - Dolphinfish is best deep fried. The Sheikah refer to this dish as Hayai-Nagare Shīra no Tō-Age, but Faronites have their own recipe for it that they call Māmā-Kahe Mahi-Mahi Palai.
Sheikazushi (Sneaky 2-3 - 8:00 & 5♡) = Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Stealthfin Trout, Silent Shroom, Blue Nightshade, & Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky). - A sort of Sheikah seafood platter. Is often served in celebration of a Sheikah completing their training, typically after said Sheikah has had their ears pierced.
- Unagi Nigiri = Hylian Rice, any Eel, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), & Unagi Sauce (Sneaky). - Slices of seared BBQ Eel on top of formed rice & tied with nori.
- Kaikōmutsu Nigiri = Marine Trench Perch (Gills), Hylian Rice, Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - The fish is known for its velvety richness.
Toge Uni Nigiri = Barbed Urchin (Toxic), Rock Salt, Cane Sugar, Vinegar (Hylian Rice), Oil Jar (Vegetable), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (Sunny). - While briny, Uni is also sweet.
- Necluda Sashimi = Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky)/Endura Tuna (Enduring)/Statictail (Electro), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Thin slices of fish arranged artfully upon a plate & served without rice. Any combination of the abovementioned fish will work. Can even use all of the fish to increase the amount of hearts recovered from the dish. Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Tora Saba Sashimi = Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Shock Fruit, & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Tōsokurui Sashimi = Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky)/Abyssal Squid (Dark/Warding), Rock Salt, Necluda Seaweed (Gills), Hearty Radish, Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Baradai Sashimi (Stormy & Amorous) = Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty & Amorous), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak), & Shock Fruit. - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Seiteki Buri Sashimi (Electro) = Statictail (Electro), Windblade Leek (Windsheer), Oil Jar, & Ponzu Sauce (Shadow Sneak). - Is technically a 2nd Tier Ingredient, however it can be eaten as is.
- Doku-Fugu Usuzakuri = Venin Puffer (Toxic), Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Rock Salt (optional). - For those who want to live dangerously. Puffer is commonly eaten by Sheikah who've gotten to a specific level in toxin immunization. The meat is sliced thinly & arranged into an artful lotus shape.
-- Rainerukasago Usuzakuri = Lynelfish (Toxic), Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Rock Salt (optional). - Not nearly as dangerous as Puffer so long as you're careful not to get stuck while preparing it, but delicious all the same. Without seasoning, the white meat is firm & flaky with a mild flavor.
--- Rainerukasagozushi = Lynelfish (Toxic), Tidal Grapes (Riptide), Hylian Rice, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & Rock Salt. - Not nearly as dangerous as Puffer, but delicious all the same. Without seasoning, the meat is firm with a mild flavor. This delicate-tasting fish is served over Tidal Grapes hidden inside rice. The salty-sweet taste of the Tidal Grapes complements the flavor well.
- Sheikah Temaki = Hideaway Halibut (Sneaky)/Endura Tuna (Enduring)/Hearty Salmon (Hearty)/Statictail (Electro)/Tigerstripe Mackerel (Mighty)/any Crab/any Shrimp, Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Hylain Tomato/Stambulb/any Mushroom, Freshwater Cucumber (Rapid & Hydrating), Lon Lon Cream Cheese (optional), & Aguacaté (optional; Rapid). - These small rolls have nori on the outside with rice & other ingredients on the inside. It's recommended that you only use one of the abovementioned fish.
- Spicy Sheikahmaki = Endura Tuna (Enduring)/any Crab/any Shrimp, Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Hylain Tomato/Stambulb/any Mushroom, Freshwater Cucumber (Rapid & Hydrating), Spicy Mayo (Spicy), & Aguacaté (optional; Rapid). - These small rolls have nori on the outside with rice & other ingredients on the inside. Typically comes in spicy tuna & crab. It's recommended that you only use one of the abovementioned fish.
- Kani to Sake Futomaki = Any Crab, Hylian Rice, any Salmon, Necluda Seaweed (Gills), Aguacaté (Rapid), any Veggie, Spicy Mayo (Spicy), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - A giant roll stuffed with crabmeat & salmon sashimi. Gives a bunch of hearts.
- Zephos Chirashizushi = Hylian Rice, Necluda Sashimi, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Bird Egg, any Carrot/Hylian Tomato/any Mushroom/Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), & Hearty Roe (Hearty). - A seasoned rice bowl topped with slices of fish, vegetables, & roe.
- Tempura Sushi = Any Shrimp, Tempura Batter, Hylian Rice, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - Fried shrimp on rice.
- Keatonzushi (Sneaky 2) = Hylian Rice, Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), & Oil Jar. - A fried tofu dish. Said to be the Keaton's favorite treat. Often made in the fall for Sheikioku.
- Sky Sashimi Set = Solarscale Bream (Sunny), High-Flying Fish (Aerodynamic), Stratusailfish (Windshear), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - A very new dish only recently created after the Sky Islands first appeared. The ingredients are hard to get, but worth the effort. - Inspired by Fantasy Life's Sky Sashimi Set.
- Fancy Sashimi Set = Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty), Iridescent Berata (Glow), Legendfish (Mighty), Hearty Salmon, Hearty Roe (Hearty), Hylian Loach (Gills), Necluda Seaweed (Gills), Sheikah Shōyu (optional; Sneaky), & Gleam Ginger (optional; Sunny). - An extremely fancy & expensive Sashimi Set, using only the highest-quality ingredients. While the overall flavor is mild, it's also extremely complex with definite umami. The various different light tastes are somehow able to melt together while also remaining distinct. - Inspired by Fantasy Life's Fancy Sashimi Set.
Nikogori = Boiled Chuchu Jelly/Gelatin (Lynel Hoof), any Fish, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Stambulb, Windblade Leek (Windshear), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3). - A jellified fish broth. Basically fish aspic. A Knoutfish (Hydrating) would actually be ideal for this recipe. Using Gelatin results in a higher quality Nikogori.
Seiteki Buri Daikon (Electro) = Statictail (Electro), Hearty Radish, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), & Cane Sugar. - A wintertime dish. It's important to simmer it in the broth for 25 minutes.
Miso Salmon = Any Salmon, Sly Miso (Sneaky), Courser Honey, Vinegar (using Hylian Rice), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Cane Sugar (optional), Oil Jar (optional), Windblade Leek (optional; Windshear), & Huakiao Spice. - This glazed fish is wonderful when paired with Hylian Rice. First, pat the Salmon dry, then whisk together all the other ingredients (except the leeks) in a bowl to make a marinade. Brush half the marinade over the fish. Let sit for 15 minutes, then bake at 400° F for 7 minutes. Brush more marinade, then keep baking until cooked. Around 6-8 minutes. Finally, place on a place & garnish with leeks.
Nabemono (Sneaky 3) = Any Vegetable, any Meat, any Seafood, Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & any Noodles. - Kakariko's take on the Hot Pot.
Doku-Fugu-Kimo (Toxic) = Venin Pufferfish (Toxic). - The liver is thought to be the tastiest part of the Puffer, but it is also the most poisonous. Only chefs with the registered knowhow in the preparation of Puffer are allowed to make it &, even then, only Sheikah who've mastered toxin immunization training & have the tattoo to prove it are allowed to eat it.
Savory Chimaki (Sneaky 3) = Hylian Rice, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, Rock Salt, Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Fleet Lotus (Hasty), Baking Buddy (Sneaky), Oil Jar, & Red Meat (Pork). - Triangular sticky rice dumplings filled with savory fillings that are cooked by boiling or steaming. They are typically steamed in Lotus, Corn, Banana or Ginger leaves. Learned from the Sheikah, they have become a Gerudàn & Faron festival treat. Called Ladhahï Rāzxï by Gerudo & Ono Laikimahu by Lurelinites.
Chashu (Shadow Sneak 3) = Red Meat (Pork), Courser Honey, Shadowsneak Hoisin (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Gomi Togarashi, Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), & Sheikah Sake (Sneaky). - A type of sweet, sticky barbequed meat with a lot of umami.
Toryufu Yakiniku = Red Meat (Beef; Striploin), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), Starlight Rosemary (Glow), Charred Pepper (Spicy), & Hearty Truffle. - Grilled meat filet topped with Hearty Truffle. Perfect flavor pairing.
- Hoy Yakiniku = Red Meat (Beef; Sirloin), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), & Hoy Mustard Seeds (Spicy). - Grilled marbled sirloin topped with Hoy Mustard Seeds. Really elevates the dish & cuts through the fat just a bit.
- Ganbari Yakiniku (Shadow Sneak) = Red Meat (Beef; Ribeye), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), Stambulb, & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky; made specifically using Stambulb & Apple). - Grilled ribeye topped with Stambulb chips & Sheikah Shōyu. This one's a bit chewier, but the flavor just keeps going.
- Ume Yakiniku (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Red Meat (Beef), Rock Salt, Cavern Sorrel (optional; Dark/Warding), & Ume Marinade (Sneaky 2). - Traditionally made using the Yukinoyono Niku method, where the meat is transferred back & forth from grill to Ice Fruit, making the meat very tender. The most soft & tender of Sheikah-style barbeque, by far.
- Aino San-Sō Niku (Sneaky 2) = Red Meat (Beef; Tri-Tip), Hearty Truffle, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Stambulb, Sheikah Sake (Sneaky), Cane Sugar, Windblade Leek (Windshear), & Starlight Rosemary (Glow). - A grilled tri-tip soaked in a Truffle San-Sō juice, then after being cooked, is cut extremely thinly & placed into a pile. The extremely chewy texture of the tri-tip balances out the wonderful flavor profile. Many say that it tastes like love. Either way, it'll certainly send you on a ride.
- Kakumaku Yakiniku = Red Meat (Beef; Hanger Steak), any Apple, Stambulb, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Spicy Pepper, & Aguacaté (Rapid). - A cut of diaphragm meat, otherwise known as hanger steak. Often said to be the best cut of meat. It's marinated in a blend of apple juice, Aguacaté oil, soy sauce, Stambulb, & Spicy Pepper.
Kani no Marine = Brighteye Crab, Rock Salt, Spicy Pepper/Goron Spice, & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Raw Brighteye Crab marinated in a spicy, fermented soy sauce.
Takoyaki = Bird Egg, Tabantha Wheat, Dashi, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Vicegrip Octopus (Sticky), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Takoyaki Sauce, Spicy Mayo (optional; Spicy), & Oil Jar. - Little fried octopus balls!
Kimchi (Spicy) = Water Cabbage (Gills & Hydrating), Rock Salt, Mochiko, Cane Sugar or Honeyed Sugar (Energizing), any Radish, Swift Carrot, Gomi Togarashi (with Windblade Leek, plus Gleam Ginger), & Stambulb. - Pickle & let ferment.
Necludic Tokoroten (Gills) = Necludic Seaweed (Gills). - Jellified seaweed.
Kamameshi (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Hylian Rice, any Carrot, Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), any Meat or Seafood or Fruit or Nut. - A mixed rice dish cooked in an iron pot.
Nanbanzuke = Tigerstripe Mackerel (Hasty), Tundra Potato (Spicy), Stambulb, any Carrot, Windblade Leek (Windshear), Vinegar (made with Hylian Rice), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, Spicy Pepper, & Oil Jar. - Fish marinated & fried in vinegar sauce & vegetables.
*Pumpkin Soup (Tough 1 - 5:20 & 4♡) = Fortified Pumpkin, Armoranth, & Creamy Soup Stock. - 'Simply simmer a pumpkin to make this dish. A favorite in Kakariko Village.'
*Carrot Stew (Hasty 1 - 5:40 & 4♡) = Swift Carrot, Swift Violet, & Creamy Soup Stock. -
Spicy Shrimp Soup (Spicy 2) = Spicy Pepper, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), any Shrimp, any Herb, Gomi Togarashi (Spicy), & Soup Stock.
Spicy Kimchi Stew (Spicy 2 & Hydrating) = Red Meat (Pork), Stambulb, Kimchi (Spicy), Sheikah Tofu (Sneaky 2), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Rock Salt, Huakiao Spice (Spicy), any Radish, Necludic Seaweed (Gills), & Creamy Soup Stock.
Nikujaga (Shadow Sneak 3) = Red Meat, Tundra Potato (Spicy), Stambulb, Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, Kudzu Noodles, any Carrot, & Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky). - A Sheikah-style meat & potato stew. This Stew was adapted from Hebran cooking.
Kake Udon = Soba Noodles (Snowdrift), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Cane Sugar, Windblade Leek (Windshear), & Gomi Togarashi. - A noodley soup where simplicity shines.
- Creamy Uni Udon = Barbed Urchin (Toxic), Soba Noodles (Snowdrift), any Mushroom, any Butter, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Shadow Mirin (Dark/Warding), Stambulb, Windblade Leek (Windshear), & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). - A mild, delicate-tasting noodle dish with a creamy texture.
- Keaton Udon = Soba Noodles (Snowdrift), Keatonzushi (Sneaky), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Narutomaki, & Windblade Leek (Windshear). - This soup is thought to be favored by the Keaton.
Chawanmushi (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Any Egg, any Shrimp, Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), any Shrimp/Poultry, & any Carrot. - Steamed egg custard appetizer.
Yume no Ochazuke (Dreamy) = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Hylian Rice, Dashi, Kakariko Plum (optional; Sneaky), Windblade Leek (optional; Windshear), any Sashimi (optional), & Hearty Roe (optional; Hearty). - A soup featuring rice steeped in tea & topped with savory ingredients.
Poultry Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Stambulb, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Zonai Corn (Mighty), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Bird Meat, & any Mushroom.
- Meat Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Stambulb, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), any Meat, & any Mushroom.
- Shrimp Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Stambulb, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), any Shrimp, & any Mushroom.
- Crab Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), any Crab, Citrus Zest (Windfall Lime & Shock Fruit), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Spicy Pepper/Goron Spice, Windblade Leek (Windshear), Stambulb, & Gleam Ginger (Sunny). -
- Poultry Tonkotsu Ramen (Shadow Sneak 2-3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Bird Meat (Cucco), Red Meat (Pork), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Zonai Corn (Mighty). - Tonkotsu Ramen uses a broth made from pork bones, the best are also made with pork skin. The broth is super creamy packed with umami no matter what the rest of the ingredients are. The cucco meat & pork bone broth pair very well together.
- Shōyu Tonkotsu Ramen (Shadow Sneak 3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky), Red Meat (Pork), Chashu (Shadow Sneak 3), Windblade Leek (Windshear), Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Stambulb, & Necludic Seaweed (Gills). - Tonkotsu Ramen uses a broth made from pork bones, the best are also made with pork skin. The broth is super creamy packed with umami no matter what the rest of the ingredients are. This version has a soy sauce-based flavor that pairs well with the Chashu pork.
- Miso Tonkotsu Ramen (Shadow Sneak 3) = Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 3), Ramen Noodle (Mighty), Bird Egg, Sly Miso (Sneaky), Bird Meat (Cucco), Oil Jar, Spicy Pepper, Charred Pepper (Scorching), Zonai Corn (Mighty), & Windblade Leek (Windshear). - Tonkotsu Ramen uses a broth made from pork bones, the best are also made with pork skin. The broth is super creamy packed with umami no matter what the rest of the ingredients are. This version has a more spicy kick to it.
Koibito Ushio-Jiru (Hearty 3 & Amorous 3) = Hearty Sea Bream (Hearty & Amorous), Kakariko Mentsuyu (Shadow Sneak 2-3), Rock Salt, Stambulb, Hearty Radish, Lovely Rose (Hearty & Amorous), & Sweetheart Orchid (Hearty & Amorous). - Lurelin has their own iteration of the soup called Ipo Holika Saimin.
Fukahire Sūpu = Oxen Shark Fin (Mighty), Poultry (Whole Cucco recommended), Red Meat, Bird Egg, any Mushroom (Hearty Truffle recommended for taste), Zonai Corn (Mighty), & Oil Jar. - This soup uses the filaments of a boiled down, dried shark's fin as noodles & a mainly poultry-based broth with a little bit of red meat to flavor. (Note that while you can use any kind of poultry, that Whole Cucco gets the best results as it gives a very rich, delicious broth.) DO NOT use the water you boiled the fin in! Remember to strain & skim the poultry broth until clear & uniform, but you'll be returning the poultry meat to the soup later. Add the broken up poultry & mushrooms to the broth. Later, add beaten egg yolks & cornstarch. Once done, ladle the soup over the shark fin filaments in a bowl. Finally, sprinkle a dash of sesame seed oil onto the soup. - Note that while the soup is delicious, Shark Fin actually doesn't have any flavor to it. The fin is really bland & the cartilage is an interesting texture. See, the fin is supposed to complement the broth itself. As such, it's really just a means to use up all the pieces of the shark so it didn't die for nothing. Last thing we want is food waste. On a side-note: Shark Meat is actually fantastic.
Fukahone Shuon Sūpu = Oxen Shark Bone (Mighty), Red Meat, Gleam Ginger (Sunny), Stambulb, Swampland Celery, Rock Salt, & Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding). -
- Desserts:
Rice Cake = Mochiko & Cane Sugar. - Is a regular treat in Kakariko, but is also made for festivals.
Agekiji = Cane Sugar, Oil Jar, Baking Buddy, any Butter, any Milk, & Mochiko. - Sugar-covered donuts that originated in Kakariko. Often given to customers as before dinner snacks.
Dango (Hydrating) = Mochiko, Korok Frond/Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating), & Silent Princess (Amorous). - Is a regular treat in Kakariko, but is also made for festivals.
- Chuchu Dango = Boiled Chuchu Jelly, Mochiko, Cane Sugar, & any 2 Plants. - A treat made with ChuChu Jelly. The bitter coating & sweet filling of this unusual snack is often enjoyed by the Sheikah Tribe during the Hanami Festival. Based on the Second Wind mod.
- Sheiki Dango (Tough & Amorous) = Mochiko, Silent Princess (Amorous), Cane Sugar, & Fortified Pumpkin. - Usually eaten during the Sheikioku Festival in fall.
Kakariko Mochi (Sneaky & Hydrating 4) = Mochiko, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating). - Is a regular treat in Kakariko, but is also made for festivals.
- Lavender Mochi (Rapid 2 & Hydrating 3) = Mochiko, Cane Sugar, Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid), Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Courser Honey. - The Mochi dough is a lovely shade of light purple that young women very much like. But inside is a sweet bean paste made with honey.
- Yam Mochi (Dark/Warding & Hydrating 3) = Mochiko, Cane Sugar, Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3). - The sweet Yams used to make it has caused the dough to turn a very fetching shade of deep purple.
- Kuzumochi (Vitality) = Kuzudenpun (Vitality), Sheikah Edadaizu (Sneaky), Honeyed Sugar (Energizing), Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), & Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3). - A wagashi made of Kudzu starch instead of rice flour.
- Satorimochi (Hasty 2 & Amorous) = Mochiko, Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Satora Blossom (Hasty & Amorous), & Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3). - Usually eaten during the Hanami Festival in spring.
- Karina Daifuku (Vitality & Amorous) = Karina Fragria (Amorous), Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), Mochiko, Cane Sugar, & Kuzudenpun (Vitality). - A wagashi typically gifted to a significant other on Bonds Day.
- Sheimono Daifuku (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 5) = Mochiko, Moonmelon Jelly (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Cane Sugar, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Soleda Cream (Sunny). - A favored Sheikioku wagashi. These cute little rice cakes are a refreshing shade of green that matches their taste. A very recent culinary creation. Sheimono being the Sheikah word for Moonblessed Melon, meaning "moon gift."
Sheikkei = Mochiko, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Fleet-Lotus Seeds/Bird Egg/Chickaloo Tree Nut. - Also called Mooncakes. Usually eaten during the Sheikioku Festival in fall. - Based on IRL festival pastry Yuèbǐng (Chinese) or Geppei (Japanese).
Zenzai = Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), Mochiko, Cane Sugar, Rock Salt, & any Milk. - A sort of sweet bean dessert soup.
Ringo to Yamaimo no Kuzuni = Any Apple, Kudzudenpun (Vitality), Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Cinnamon Sugar (Hasty), & any Rum. - Apples & sweet potatoes simmered with kudzu starch.
Sweet Chimaki = Hylian Rice, any Kakariko Fruit, Cane Sugar, Baking Buddy (Sneaky), Fleet Lotus (Hasty), Oil Jar, & Courser Honey. - Triangular sticky rice dumplings filled with sweet fillings that are cooked by boiling or steaming. They are typically steamed in Lotus, Corn, Banana or Ginger leaves. Learned from the Sheikah, they have become a Gerudàn & Faron festival treat. Called Xōkàr Rāzxï by Gerudo & Momona Laikimahu by Lurelinites.
Taiyaki = Mochiko, any Butter, Sugar Cane, any Milk, Courser Honey, Kakariko Anko (Rapid & Hydrating 3), & Oil Jar. - A fried, fish-shaped pastry.
Yam Pie = Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Bird Egg, any Milk, Cane Sugar, & Courser Honey. - While it's called a pie, it really isn't.
Fruit Sandwiches = Milk Bread, Whipped Cream (uses Gelatin), & any Fruit. - A nice summer treat.
MoonMelon Bread (Dawning/Dusky) = Moonblessed Melon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Mochiko, any Milk, any Mushroom, Rock Salt, any Egg, any Butter, Oil Jar, Honeyed Sugar (Energizing), & Cane Sugar. - First invented by a Sheikah & Gerudo couple, the 2 having bonded over their mutual love of food & baking. Has a wonderful, crispy, cookie-like crust. Made in an attempt to merge Gerudo flavor into the bread. Called Shei'okurimonopan (精贈り物パン) by Sheikah. - While relatively new, has become a beloved part of Sheikioku Festival fair.
Pumpkin Pie (Tough 1 - 5:20 & 3♡) = Fortified Pumpkin & Pastry Dough (Tabantha Wheat, any Butter, & Rock Salt). - 'The intense sweetness of Pumpkins makes this dessert popular among children.'
Moonmelon Cream Cake (Dawning/Dusky or Stormy/Charged 2) = Moonblessed Melon (Dawning/Dusky & Hydrating 2), Shock Fruit (Juice), Cane Sugar, Gelatin, Shock Cream (Stormy), & Castella Cake. - Starts with a base of Castella Cake, then combine the Shock juice, Cane Sugar, Gelatin, & Moonmelon puree to make a creme fraiche that you layer on top of the Castella Cake. Cool until solid, then cut & serve.
Honey Moonmelon Cake (Energizing & Hydrating) = Cake Mix, Courser Honey, any Egg, any Milk, Heavy Cream, Cane Sugar, & Moonblessed Melon (Dusky). - This dessert has thin layers of honey cake with thick layers of cream & chunks of Moonblessed Melon between.
- Drinks:
Honeymilk (Energizing - ) = Courser Honey, any Milk, & Akkala Cinnamon (optional; Hasty). - This simple, yet comforting drink originates in Ordon, but is now enjoyed Hyrule over. A favorite for children everywhere.
Dreamy Herb Tea (Dreamy) = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy) a/o Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid & Dreamy), Korok Frond, & Courser Honey (optional). - A somnolent tea that cures poison as you sleep. Referred to as Yume no Yōna Yakusōcha (夢のような薬草茶) by the Sheikah.
Sundelion Tea (Sunny - +3💖) = Sundelion, Korok Frond/Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), & Courser Honey (optional). - A gentle & comforting tea with a warm, pleasant flavor that's easy on the tummy. Good way to stay hydrated when you have tummy troubles. Referred to as Taiyōyuri Ocha (太陽百合お茶) by the Sheikah. Use Dreamdrop Leaves at night for pleasant dreams.
Sheicha = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Fleet Lotus (Hasty), Swiftsail Lavender (Rapid), Sundelion, Spirit Iris (Toxic), & Goldenmerry (Sunny). - Sheikah training their Mind's Eye would often consume this before meditation.
Gyūnyūcha Kōfī (Dreamy) = Zonai Cafégranos (Energizing), Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy), Korok Frond, any Milk, Cane Sugar, Courser Honey, & Akkala Cinnamon (Hasty). - A type of milk tea coffee.
Shōyucha (Sneaky & Dreamy) = Dreamdrop Leaves (Dreamy) & Sheikah Shōyu (Sneaky). - Used to open up your palate & cleanse your gut before a meal. Has a very natural umami flavor.
- Brewing:
Kakariko Umeshu (Sneaky 2 & Hydrating) = Kakariko Plum (Sneaky & Hydrating), Cane Sugar, Hylian Rice, & Silent Shroom. - An alcohol made in Kakariko from plums. Typically drunk during Kakariko's Hanami Festival. The Silent Shroom is meant to act as the koji that the Japanese use to make their alcohols. Koji being a sort of fungal yeast.
Shadowfolk Shochu (Dark/Warding) = Shadow Yam (Dark/Warding), Hylian Rice, Cane Sugar, & Tabantha Wheat.
Sheikah Sake (Sneaky) = Hylian Rice & Silent Shroom or Kuzudenpun (Vitality). - A very basic, but classic style of wine. Most common Sheikah imbibement.
Kuzu Sake = Stamstall Kudzu (Vitality), Kuzudenpun (Vitality), & Cane Sugar. - A kudzu blossom wine.
- Satori Sake (Hasty 2 & Hydrating) = Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Hylian Rice, & Rushroom. - Made every spring when the Satori Trees bear fruit. It is then drunk along with Umeshu during the Hanami Festival. The best yield is offered up to Satori as thanks for allowing them to use his trees' cherries. The Rushroom is meant to act as the koji that the Japanese use to make their alcohols. Koji being a sort of fungal yeast.
Satora Kirakira (Hasty 3 & Amorous) = Satori Cherry (Hasty & Hydrating), Satora Blossom (Hasty & Amorous), Cane Sugar, & Rushroom. - A sugar spirit liqueur infused with Satora blossoms & Satori Cherries. This gives it a delicate, fruity sweetness with notes of Sundelion & Lovely Rose. Has an aroma of Satori Cherries & Karina Fragria with subtle hints of Lovely Rose. Much like Satori Sake, the best yield of Satora Kirakira is also served up to Satori during the Hanami Festival. However, the rest is kept in reserve for next year's Bondsday or is otherwise served during weddings.
LoZ Cultural Masterlist
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guideoftime · 6 months
Thoughts now thanks to Salem.
Sheik literally bruises so easily because of how pale he is. He usually has several bruises simply because of how reckless he is and doesn't know how he gets nearly half of them. He just shrugs it off. Another to add to the collection.
He is very flexable, nimble and quick. He isn't a physically strong person but he knows how to use his own body, size, and speed to overpower someone who uses strength to try and win.
The Sheikah have festivals usually in the honor of Hylia, a way to still worship her and celebrate their culture. I imagine they have other festivals to specifically celebrate their ancestors and their heritage no matter how removed from it they were forced to become. Sheik is very passioante about his heritage.
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secretlysheikah · 5 months
📖 A favorite whump story you've written
Oh my lord I wrote so many… I love all of them really. Though I do have Sheikah brain rot so I have a bit of an origin story for my Sheikah character and then a broader story I’m writing with @havenwitchworks called SAWTD (title pending because spoilers)
Sheikah origin story: this one is angst heavy
S. A. W. T. D. : this one is just starting with angst. It’s gonna be a long one so get hype
As for linked universe, that’s hard….
I really like my one shots of the links joining the chain. Though tower troubles has a special place in my heart. I have kinda fallen into a rabbit hole with my Sheikah stuff and depression and other life things has made it hard for updates. But I want to try to get back to it this year!
Until then:
Here are my links joining the chain
And my baby: tower troubles
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its--ali · 1 year
Hm. HM.
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#me at totk after finishing the regional phenomena and bonus dungeon bullshit#specifically the riju and mineru bits#idk man IDK call me. a stickler for tradition#but the usurption of spirit sage#creation of lightning sage#and outright erasure of shadow sage#does not. quite. sit right with me#not only bc now i have to reconcile even more crap with my series rewrite#but also bc like. the gerudo have always been associated with spirit for me#and tbqh i was 100% ready to write off lightning abilities as a power they could have#i had ideas on how to work it anyways#but also just the blatant sheikah disrespect too im. hh.#categorically one of the most important tribes/cultures in the zelda universe#historically associated with the shadow sage and the colour PURPLE (COUGH).#and yet nah fam just a tiny piece for impa in this one quest to kickstart your bullshit#and some minor contribution from paya thats just. kinda there#LIKE. i could have even forgiven it if like mineru was the sage of s h a d o w instead of spirit bc i already thought of a way to make that#work with her abilities and shit#and then it could have led to her passing the torch (or stone if u will) down to paya to take her place and help link and co#AND IT WOULD MAKE FUCKING SENSE TOO BC OF HOW/WHEN/WHAT PAYA CONTRIBUTES IN THE ONE QUEST#could explore that and go back to the one theory/idea some ppl had before release that the zonai were a third offshoot tribe of the sheikah#the tech similarities and shit would make more sense then too#as well as certain shrine locales in botw being in zonai places#im just. im salty i guess lmao#just some more random bullshit for me to work out in my writing ig#i might. try to work in the inclusion of sage of lightning separate from sage of spirit#like i have with forest/wind and water/earth#we'll see idk#totk spoilers#it idk ill be as vague as possible i spose
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top--banana · 1 year
Yiga justus used to be standard Sheikah combat techniques. However, after the first Calamity and the banishment of the Sheikah, all things associated with them were viewed with suspicion. Sheikah seeking to keep peace with Hyrule began to focus on traditional martial arts styles as a result. The more arcane techniques were still used liberally by rogues who would later form the Yiga Clan. As such, they became almost synonymous with thieves and assassins, causing more honorable Sheikah to distance themselves even further.
The ancient martial arts would be lost if not for the Yiga and the few Sheikah elders trusted with their knowledge.
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