#shes all cuddly and happy and she sleeps more and sleeps deeper
milf-harrington · 1 year
my cats having the best sleep of her life im so glad her medication is helping her so much
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ilepigg · 6 days
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Gabriel and Cupid!! more info under the cut
- LOVES!! Earth! Seriously!!! He even dyes his hair to be more like people. He's sad that he doesn't understand youth slang very well, so he tries his best to catch up on the trends he's missed out on
- He's the most cheerful and kindest of the heaven family
- Gabriel's voice is Rockstar Cookie
- As a child, he felt left out because Michael and Lucifer had a deeper connection
- With his smile, he tries to avoid conflict. He feels bad when others raise their voices at him
- Has ADHD
- Favourite drink is an ice latte on almond milk with caramel syrup
- Loves kids, wanted to try being a childminder, but Cupid talked him out of it by reminding of the time he burned down the kitchen
- He doesn't really distinguish between animals and people, they're all cute to him
- Gives off hopecore vibes
- A lot of people think he's stupid, but he's not! His knowledge is greater than all other angels and humans
- He freezes in fear when he's reminded of Lucifer
- Listens to Spice Girls 24/7
- Adopted Cupid after she was punished
- Sleeps... with his eyes open... it looks super creepy, so Cupid gave him a sleep mask
- His true form is scarier than Michael's
- Looks like a scary buff guy, but he's actually a sweetheart
- Maybe aroace?
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- She sinned. She was supposed to be ‘deposed’ but Gabriel was able to keep it quiet, so she received the minimum punishment of having some of the grace taken away from her
- Aggressive and cute kitty
- She doesn't shoot love at people, she THROWS IT WITH RAGEEEE
- Blamed for your horrible crushes (she's too lazy to look up the compatibility)
- Cupid once shot an arrow at a poor knight. That arrow caused much trouble. This kind of love should not have existed. Because of this, she prays every day
- Her age in human terms is 17
- Gabriel taught her to love the Earth
- She's interested in different subcultures
- “First do, then think”
- All media depicting love make her happy
- Bullies Michael because he's a dinosaur
- It's hard for her to make new friends
- Builds up a tough girl image, but doesn't understand where her real self is
- Cupid's scared to sleep alone. Gabriel bought her a bunch of cuddly toys
- Cringes at the queerphobes... so she signed up for twitter (knocks everyone down in the arguments)
- When Gabriel can't see her, she locks herself in her room and cries because she dreams of the childhood she never had (after the 3rd generation, angels are born already formed, ‘robotic’, knowing their purpose in life)
- Enby lesbian
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frostedsketches · 5 months
Canterlot Midwives
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Introducing the three midwives featured in my recent post Miracle. These are the lovely ladies that delivered Twilight's son Meteor Star, minus Dr Sternsaddle, who I will design and post about soon. They are co-workers and good friends through work, but that's not all they have to their characters. . .
Precious Pacifier, 25 is a earth pony of soft, sweet nature and tall, wide stature. She's a caring individual, endlessly kind and charitable, always loving to give a helping hoof, or a word of advice, and has a soft spot for young foals. Because of her strength and big hooves, she is a total klutz, which makes her self-conscious and awkward around others, she isn't shy but she does dread social interaction if it means she might make a mess of herself.
It is in helping expecting mothers and delivering foals where her confidence comes out, she thinks herself too clumsy to handle the actual baby part of her job as a midwife, but she'll be there to cheer a mother on and is in charge of watching out for the baby's head and determining what needs to be done at any point in the labor process.
Outside of work, she and her husband, a unicorn named Spector, are young newly-weds —at the time of Meteor's birth— and very happy together. Though Precious often finds herself not at all snooty enough, or even more, too big, for Canterlot, and she might be better suited to the countryside, the capital city has always been her home and she's not leaving it anytime soon. ( I obviously did not draw her quite big enough to be all that's stated above, but just pretend she's massive compared to the others, shhh )
Sweet Dreams, Age 29 is a unicorn of poise and elegance, and though she may seem a bit regal and imposing at first glance, she's really not an unpleasant or unapproachable pony. Quite the contrary, she's the type of pony that exudes peace and comfort to those in her care, her job being to soothe her patients, melt their worries away, make them comfortable, sometimes even to the point of lulling them to sleep, which is especially handy when dealing with her client's newborns. She's witty and has a silly side to her, the ladder of which comes out when faced with anything cute and cuddly, making her an amusing sight to see when she gets excited over being able to handle the foals in her care.
Dreams is also known for her tasteful fashion sense and ability to pull off just about anything. Her unusually long tail is praised, as having one is a lost unicorn trait that is rarely seen in Equestria these days and was once considered beautiful and a sign of good breeding. Her hooves aren't actually cloven as that's also a rarely seen trait, but she had a bit of carving done on them to give off a similar appearance, ( it's a more cartoonish version as opposed to deep cloves, as cutting deeper than the hoof wall can be painful and damaging to the inner parts of one's hoof ) so she needs to get them redone every so often. She is also married and has been so since she was twenty-two.
Her husband is also a unicorn, a soldier for the Royal Guard, named Well Wish, and they have a three-year-old daughter called Valentine. Oh, she's also the older sister of Fond Feather ( Featherbang's purple fan girl ) and Dear Darling is their cousin. Their parents fostered Darling, who was close in age with Fond, so Fond and Darling were always closer to each other than they were with Sweet Dreams who was much older, and because of this, the two sisters are nearly estranged today.
Soft Hoof, 30 is a unicorn with a more quiet approach to things. She has a thick Prench accent and is hard to understand, because of her dialect as well as her strange more philosophical way of wording her sentences. She is the one that handles foals the most, her name implying her gentle touch, and graceful care. She's well versed in caring for foals and highly trusted. She being hard to communicate with isn't much part of helping with the mothers and their wellbeing, but will help with the foals and direct mothers on anything about caring for them that they might be unsure of or clueless about.
Her hair was once completely blue, but she started going white early, a trait she accepts whole-heartedly. She prefers her hair how it is now, as it gives her a more unique appearance from her mother, who she was once identical to and whom she has a complicated relationship with, one more negative than not.
Softie, unlike her co-workers, is unmarried, child-free, and content with both, her job giving her all the fulfillment and precious baby love she requires. She lived in Prance until she was twelve, is an only child, and in her personal life she often does chalk art on the streets of Canterlot and preforms violin for her local yoga group, as well as participates in said exercise, always one to practice self-care and meditation. She's friends with Tree Hugger and they often meditate, practice fortune telling, and study crystals together.
Related Post:
MLP:FiM belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
Precious Pacifier, Sweet Dreams, and Soft Hoof as well as Meteor Star and the entirety of the Hopes'nDreamsVerse belong to me.
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frozenfries · 2 years
Love your writing! May I please request Killjoy, Reyna & Skye cuddling and being fluffy with a fem! reader (general is okay too). Just them in bed or something being cute & cuddly. Thanks in advance!
This was such a sweet request! I’m happy to have finally received one for the game’s awesome female agents. Thank you for reading!
Safe Haven (Killjoy, Reyna and Skye)
Prompt: Cuddling with Killjoy, Reyna and Skye
Word Count: 627
• Always working away in her workshop at all hours of the day, she’s less into cuddling and more into hugs from behind.
• If she’s extra tired, sometimes you’ll make her jump if it’s a surprise embrace.
• She’ll protest halfheartedly at the interruption, but allow herself to be dragged away for a break.
• After a short one, you pour her a fresh cup of coffee and pull up a chair next to her to keep her company for the rest of the evening.
• It usually ends with you dozing off in her lap while she’s chatting away animatedly in the wee hours of the morning about her latest invention, but she’ll stop immediately when she notices you’re out like a light.
• She doesn’t have the heart to wake you, so she’ll just sleep with you, one hand patting your hair and the other under her face as she rests her head on her desk.
• You two will wake up groggily sometime in the afternoon, bones aching from sleeping in uncomfortable positions. But you’re both warm - thanks to a blanket Cypher drapes over you at some point in the night.
• She’ll smile at you through her mess of hair, her glasses askew from sleep, and squeeze your hand. She could get used to waking up with you.
A purpose you never dreamed.
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• She’s got a different side to her when in bed cuddling with you, so much so that other agents would be shocked if they knew.
• Usually she’s merciless and a bit selfish, blazing into battle and taking what she wants when she wants it.
• But with you, she’ll lay you down as though you’re a delicate piece of glass. Your needs and comfort are placed above her own every time and if you protest, she’ll hush you with a gentle kiss.
• She definitely enjoys teasing you with flirty jokes just to watch you get flustered up close.
• Prior to her time in the Protocol, she created a sanctuary for others and served as a protector of sorts. But unbeknownst to you, she regards you as her safe haven; being in your embrace brings her peace and helps calm her feelings of rage and chaos that may have accumulated throughout the day.
• Her chest pulses and shimmers warmly whenever you two snuggle up.
• She adores being held by you and laying on your chest. She’ll close her eyes and relish in the steady beat of your heart.
• You swear you can feel her hug you a little tighter and bury her face a little deeper in your chest when she tells you she loves you.
Where broken things can mend.
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• She adores exploring nature with you whenever you’ve both got some free time.
• Her hawk will soar overhead and serve as your guide, making sure you two don’t get lost on your adventures.
• Hiking, animal watching and outdoor picnics are her go-tos. After lunch, you two would lay back on the picnic blanket and simply watch the clouds go by.
• More often than not, Gary her Tasmanian tiger will be present. He likes to curl up at your heads and sometimes serve as a pillow of sorts for you two.
• She’s a fan of you laying your head on her chest with one leg slung atop hers and one arm hugging her midsection while she lays back, one arm behind her head.
• She’ll surprise you by turning her head to the side and running a hand through your soft hair. When she pulls back, she leaves you with a beautiful flower on the side of your head.
A wild beast brought to heel.
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lovearne · 2 years
Operation Schmidt pt 2
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Warnings: road trip, cute cuddly reader, chris almost misgenders the admin, Chris and Adrian, creepy guy for like 5 seconds, very very brief sexual mentions
Word count: 2.5k+
You and Chris had slept until 6am, not staying in bed for too long. You had woken up an hour before him, snuggling into his chest and enjoying the time you had cuddled into him. When Chris started to stir, you stayed as still and even breathed as possible. When he finally woke up he lightly shook you, wanting to wake you as well.
"Hey sleepy head, we gotta get going soon." His voice was so much deeper right when he woke up, and it made you squirm. You play it off as being too tired to get up though. Pushing your face into his chest.
"5 more minutes please." Pulling your arm tighter around him. He chuckles and pulls you in closer. 
"OK, 5 more minutes." His eyes close again. 5 minutes turned into two hours, and this time, Chris did actually wake you up. 
"Hey, sweetheart, time to get up. It's 8am, we gotta get back on the road." You whine as you snuggle as far as you could into him. Latching onto him with a death grip. 
"No 'm sleepy." You burry your head into his neck. He had adjusted to wake you up, so his front was against yours, allowing you the perfect snuggle opportunities.
"C'mon, if you don't get up right now I'm gonna have to carry you out." You wave him off again, deciding to sleep more.
Chris slips out of your grip, and starts to pack the room away. Seeing as it's raining heavily outside, he pulls a pair of pants and sweatshirt out for him. After that he carefully pulls a pair of stretchy pants from your bag onto your legs, adding your sweatshirt as well. He chuckles softly at how sleepy you are, you and Cleo were the hardest to wake up during project starfish. Even as Nanaue was trying to eat Cleo, after that incident, Chris had elected to sleep right near you, not wanting you to be next, he was not more than an arms length away.
That was months and months ago, but Chris would be lying if he said he didn't have a crush on you back then, he's had a crush on you for over a year now. It was so blatantly obvious to Emilia as she always tried to pair them together, just to finally get it out of the way. 
Chris let's out another low chuckle as he gathers the bags, and you in his arms, making sure to grab the van keys on the way out. He leaves you in the lobby, barely awake grogilly wiping your eyes. When he comes back in from outside, he is wiping the water off his coat, making a beeline for you.
When he picks you and the luggage up again, he takes you outside. He had pulled the van up and under the porte-cochère. He made this effort so you wouldn't  get soaked from the rain.
He places you I'm the front seat, clicking your seatbelt in place and then adjusting the seat so you were laying back. He adds the soft throw blanket he gave you yesterday and tucks it in around you, it was quite a chilly day out. He walks back into the hotel afterwards.
"Hello, I'd like to check out please s-" He cuts himself off as he checks the admins name tag, catching a glimpse of a 'she/her' on her name tag. "Ma'am. It's under 'Chris Schmitd'." He holds his tongue from complimenting her name tag. That could be singling her out, and he didn't want to do that. 
"Alrighty, here are the papers, please sign them." Her voice was nice, he thought. He went to work filling out how long they had stayed and the room number.
"OK, I'm about done, also, may I tip you? My wife really enjoyed how soft your beds were and all the complimentary gifts that were left in our room." The admin paused for a second. And then shook her head. 
"No, I'm sorry I can't accept tips, but you and your wife are very cute sir. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed your visit, we hope to have your business again soon." Chris smiled, and still slipped the woman a 20$ bill anyway. 
"Have a wonderful day Ma'am." He walked out, not even bothering to look back. The lady smiled and slipped the 20$ into her purse, thinking about how kind the man was. One of the kindest customers she had served.
Chris walked back out to the van, closing his door and driving off without a second thought to the hotel. He did make a mental note to tell Adrian he should add his pronouns to his name tag. He thought it was a very nice thing to see, very welcoming and he wanted to always make sure that he was addressing people by the proper pronoun. 
About an hour into the drive, Y/n's phone rang. It still being hooked up to the vans Bluetooth, Chris answered.
"Hey Nemo, hows it going with Chris?" 
"Adrian." Chris let's out a laugh at your nickname. It was true to your personality. You were always wandering off and getting superheated from the group. 
"Oh! Hey dude! What's up? Where's y/n?"
"They're sleeping, we're in the car right now. About 5 hours from stanley. What's up?" Chris had liked talking to Adrian, though their friendship had gotten a little distant as y/n and Adrian always got along a bit better. 
"Ohhh ok, sick! I just woke up and wanted to see how it was going. They sent me a few texts earlier this morning, said you were a cuddlebug." 
Chris' ear tint read as does his cheeks. "They told you that? When?" 
"Says 6am on the sent time." 
"So they were awake. I had to carry them outside and to the car, and they drug another 2 hours of sleep out of me." He glances to the side, making sure you are still sleeping. "But dude, I swear, they are the best cuddle buddy I've had." 
"Bro! I know! Why do you think we always share a room when we go on overnight missions."
That comment  made Chris' chest ache, just a little bit of jealousy. Not too much, but enough to sting. "That's my wife you are talking about." He cheerily remarks to his friend. "Hey, you are taking care of Eagly right?" Adrian makes a noise of agreement.
"And, I'm staying at your trailer. Letting eagly come and go, just like you do." 
"OK, good. I'm gonna let you go now. Bye Adrian." 
"OK, bye Chris!" 
Chris laughs after hanging up the phone. Looking over to his 'wife' he smiles. "Nice play babe." They don't move in their sleep, content with dozing their day away.
Another 4 hours later is when they finally wake up. 2pm, local time. You had woken to loud construction on the road, you were currently waiting on. Turning your head, you see Chris, he is dressed in a nice form fitting t shirt. His biceps looked as I'd they would burst out of their containment.
You continue to stare at him, your eyes studying every part of him. He was still facing the road, his window down, left arm sticking out, and right resting on his thigh, lightly holding the steering wheel. 
"You know, it's rude to stare." His voice had you startled but you kept staring at him. Pulling his left hand into the car, he reaches his right hand to grip your knee. "Hey, y/n." 
"Where are we?" You stretch, your arm hitting his shoulder as you do. "Sorry."
"Just in Lowman, hit some road construction, about an hour out of stanley." You scoff.
"You let me sleep asshole!" You hit his arm lightly. His hand squeezes your knee. 
"You were tired, and you didn't want to get up. Made us sleep 2 extra hours this morning." You nod at his explanation.
"Can we stop somewhere? I need to pee." Chris scoffs. 
"Where would you like me to stop sweetheart?" He gestures to the Forest consuming the sides of the road. 
"Just stop, I'll go in the bush." Chris pulls to the side of the road. Into a snowplow turn around. 
"Oh look, there's a Johnny on the spot, perfect place for you to go." You nod, getting out of the car and walking to the portapotty.
You immediately walk back to where he is parked. Knocking on the window.
"Yes, Nemo?" You laugh lightly at the nickname. 
"I need you to come with me." You mutter, embarrassed. His face pulls into confusion. 
"What do you mean? You want me to watch you pee?" You shook your head.
"No, but the lock doesn't work and there's a shady looking guy leaning against his truck closer to it. I just need you to stand outside." Chris' face hardens and he nods. Wrapping his hand around your waist once he got out. 
"OK babe!" Hey says loudly. "I'm gonna wait out here for my turn, ok?" You nod at him. Knowing he was just repeating what you said, and loudly because of the man standing a few yards away.
As you do your business inside the portapotty, he stands to the side, peeing on the side of the road. Away from prying eyes.
You come out of the portapotty and Chris pecks your cheek softly. "There's my baby!" He was really laying it on thick. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. "Let's get home so I can love on you properly!"  You laugh at his over the top gestures of love.
Once back at the van, you put your hand out for the keys.
"I'm driving, big man." He laughs and throws them to you. Keeping up with the act. Getting in, you adjust the seat and all the mirrors to your height requirements. 
"OK, you buckled up bub?" Chris laughs a little. 
"Yeah little lady, I'm buckled up." Your face blushes as you nod and start to pull off the side of the road.
Due to the construction, you don't pull up to the house for another hour and a half. This time though, you and Chris rocked out to some great music.
As you were pulling up to the house, the both of you were screaming to bohemian rhapsody. All and all the car ride that you were awake for, was pretty good.
His hand had landed on your thigh a half hour ago, and hadn't left its spot. It was Chris' turn to stare at you the whole time you drove, he was admiring your face, your neck, your collar bones, your chest. Just everything about you. The thing he couldn't get out of his head? The blush you had when he played his hand on your leg, and the deeper it gets everything he squeezes. 
When you had first met, Chris pegged you as a virgin, but he couldn't be more wrong. You had slept around, admittedly less people than he had but still a decent amount to say you were far from it. Only thing you haven't done is kissed somebody. It had always made you nervous, so you just never had. 
If there was anybody you had trusted to kiss you, it would be Adrian. He had offered a couple of times, but you didn't want to get his hopes up, or your own for that matter. You could see yourself having a physical relationship with Adrian, and you had wished for that at one point. You just valued your friendship over everything else. Especially with the way you felt about Chris, you weren't going to commit yourself to your best friend knowing he wouldn't be your whole heart, and you don't have romantic feelings for him. And you couldn't break his heart.
"Well, I guess this is it," Chris squeezes your thigh, a similar sensation coming from your core, making you blush hard. "Mrs. Schmidt, this is our new home." You laugh.
"Yes that it is Mr. Schmidt." The two of you laugh hard at each other, pulling into the driveway and seeing the real estate agent sitting outside.
Chris hurriedly gets out to confront the woman, she was standing with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot.
You giggle and gather your items, and Chris' that he forgot. Including his ball cap, his phone and his wallet. Following his lead out of the car and up to the garage. 
"I'm so so sorry." Chris was apologizing to her.
"You are extremely late. I am not impressed." Her voice was even and scary.
"I'm sorry about that Ma'am, but I just couldn't get enough of this hunk on our motel room, we left two hours late." The lady nodded at your explanation. Some understanding finding its place on her face.
"I understand, me and my wife are very similar, here are you keys, Mrs. Schmidt, please enjoy your new home." She nods at you, then gets in her fancy car and drives away.
You and Chris looking at each other and laughing instantly.
"She was so mad bro," Chris had tears forming in his eyes.
"I mean we were almost 3 hours late. I hope she didn't wait here the whole time!" The two of you were still laughing as you went and pulled the van in closer to your house.
"Well Mrs. Schmidt, shall we?" Chris had a goofy face on and popped his arm out to you. You smile big up at him, his eyes shining their brightest yet, and fall that much more in live with him.
"We shall, Mr. Schmidt." And just like that, the two of you walked towards the front door, Chris sweeping you up.into his strong arms, one under your knees, and the other supporting your back. You unlock the door, and Chris pushes it open with his boot.  The house opens with a nice staircase right by the door, and the mudroom/laundry to the left. You and Chris both gasp at the beauty of your home. 
"What do you think Mrs. Smith?" You chuckle nervously at the name he used.
"You know the last name is Schmidt, right?" He nods at your question, looking at you with a glint in his eyes you've never seen in anybody. 
"That's what I said, isn't it?" To save the embarrassment on his part. You pat his chest as he pulls you into a hug.
"Well, Mr. Schmitd, shall we start the unpacking process?" He looks at you with a bigger smile.
"I packed my stuff with bubble wrap." He starts to poke you like you would with bubble wrap, you giggling and slipping out of his grasp running towards the kitchen. "Oh, I'm gonna get you babe!" And he takes off after you.
@nptnewr @likedovesinthewnd @aprilfire18 @literatigeek
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whiskeynwriting · 3 years
Insatiable - Chapter Nine: Let Me Nurture You
Oberyn Martell x OFC Reader “Savia”
Word count: 7.4k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI) cuddly Oberyn (BABY), praise kink, oral sex (f receiving), BLATANT exhibitionism (Oberyn gets off on your public display).
 Summary: You recover quickly, immediately resuming your activities with the prince. An unexpected guest arrives, causing concern for Myrcella’s safety while Ellaria hides in the shadows.
 A/N: this is fluffy this is fluffy this is fluffy and I am YEARNING. I love this man with a burning passion.
-       Okay y’all, we are getting deeper and deeper into Savia’s life. Savia belongs to house Vyrwel, which is a house the lives under the rule of the Tyrell’s. It’s not super popular or well-known in the books, but I chose it for a reason, so I hope it doesn’t backfire, lol.  
 -       Wyvern: a two-headed dragon with a barbed tail. 
-        Also, at the end, reader says Ellaria is worthy of her name. For those of you that haven’t seen/read GOT, Ellaria is a bastard by the name of Sand. So, basically, reader calls her an unfaithful whore. LOL
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           “Has anyone ever told you that you look like your daddy?”
           “Everyone!” they playfully groan, giggling to themselves.
           The three girls are absolutely adorable, and you’re thrilled you’re able to meet them. After greeting Sarella and Elia and embracing their warm hugs, they, along with Oberyn, led you over to the gardens to meet the youngest little trio of girls. Each of them were mothered by Ellaria, and it truly shows.  
           Loreza and Dorea, at ages six and eight, already adorned their mother’s gorgeous, long locks. Their black hair trailed down her back and to her hips, fanning out over the ruffles in their dress. Obella, on the other hand, has shorter hair. Another feature that distinguishes Obella from the younger two, are her freckles. She has just a few scattered over her nose. Other than those two traits, all three look entirely the same in one shape or another. Their hair is black and curly, spiraling into loose coils as they grow. Their skin and eye colors are the same, tanned and then dark brown, their eye color and shape entirely matching their father’s. They even have the same nose as their mother, the same lips as cheekbones, too.
           You might be wondering how you know all of this, considering you’ve never met the prince of Dorne’s prior paramour. But even so, you know them to be true. Oberyn speaks fondly of his daughters and has expressed to you the traits they share with either himself or their birthmother.
           “Can we come back with you?”
           “Loreza,” Oberyn says sternly, raising an eyebrow as he looks down at her.
           She rolls her eyes, and in all honesty, you do, too. Since you’ve been home, you haven’t been able to do anything. This was the first outing you’d had in three days. Both Amabel and Milena practically forced you to stay inside your room, urging you to rest and regain your strength. They weren’t exactly happy about your little reunion in the tub, but they can’t do anything about it now.
           Anyways, Loreza can’t come back to your room with you and her father, she knows this, and you know this. No one is allowed inside beside your chambermaids and your soon-to-be spouse. Not until your health returns.
           “But can’t you stay longer?” Obella whines, folding her arms and tilting her head up at you.
           “I’m sorry, girls.” You sigh, chewing on the inside of your lip. “I can’t stay. But I promise we can spend more time together tomorrow.”
           “You promise?” Dorea interjects, hopping up and down a bit.
           “Yes,” you giggle, nodding a bit. “I promise.”
           “Come,” Oberyn then says, wrapping one arm around your waist as he stands beside you. “You need to rest, my love.”
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           As annoying as it may be to be cooped up inside, it wasn’t all bad. For instance, you got to sleep in for however long you wanted, and had limitless access to your Dornish lover. Because of your state, Oberyn was allowed to see you whenever he wanted, which was literally all the time. He was also excused from his noble responsibilities while he helped nurse you back to health. Milena monitored your diet quite closely, measuring the exact amount of water you should be drinking, food you should be eating, and medicines you should be taking. She also began teaching Amabel how to help you bathe and how to wash your hair. It’s clear Milena has more experience, and its nice to see her passing that on.
           “Oberyn.” Milena states, placing her hands on her hips.
           “What?” he asks, not bothering to lift his head from your bed.
           Although you hated to admit it, you did feel like shit. While you enjoyed your time with Oberyn’s girls, they, along with the sun, utterly exhausted you. So, upon returning to your room, you laid down for a mid-morning nap. Due to the prince’s sexual appetite, she assumes he’s naked beneath the sheets as he lies behind you; but he isn’t. He’s wearing his undergarments, along with you in yours, cuddling up behind you and holding you tight as you snooze away in his arms.
           “We told you. No more –”
           “We are merely sleeping, Milena.” He interrupts, “Please, go away.”
           He doesn’t say it with attitude or spite, it’s just a request; a simple request for the two of you to be left alone while you rest from your treacherous journey that had occurred only a few days ago. She sighs out, not fully trusting Oberyn but understanding the situation.
           “Okay,” she softly says, agreeing to give you the privacy any engaged couple surely needs.
           To Oberyn’s delight, you remain undisturbed, snoring softly in his embrace. He smiles at you, admiring your relaxed features as he places a tender kiss over your temple.
           “My beautiful girl,” he whispers, brushing the hair resting over your neck aside, allowing it to rest behind your back.
           He gently presses his nose to the back of your head, nuzzling into your soft hair and reveling in your presence. He couldn’t be happier, truly could not be happier. Your balcony allows a soft wind to sweep through the room, but with you tucked beneath the sheets, you can barely feel a thing. The Dornish blankets were more than comfortable, soothing you to a quick and deep sleep each and every night.
           Oberyn thinks to himself, gently breathing behind you as he closes his eyes in wonder. He slowly wavers between sleeping and waking, his tired state slowly but surely ushering him into unconsciousness. Before he gets there, though, he acknowledges his surroundings, your surroundings. He thinks, you shouldn’t have separate spaces, not anymore. Why haven’t you joined him in his chambers yet? Would you even want that? Or would you like to keep a bit of privacy to yourself? Surely not, he decides, knowing that basked in the warm embrace of his love.
           He still can’t believe you’re home; he thanks the gods every single day that you’re back in his arms. By the grace of the Seven, you were brought you back to him. You rest in his strong yet gentle embrace, pressed up against his body as you snuggle beneath the sheets. While Oberyn would usually explore your body with you cuddled up against him like this, he doesn’t. He lets this moment, and others like it, be tender and delicate, securing you safely beside him while his steady breaths and loving hold coax you off to sleep. He knows that even though your love for Dorne is steadfast, you still yearn to feel safe. So, he does just that. He stays by your side, holding you and comforting you and just loving every little piece of you until your worries melt away.
           And while you yearn to be safe, he yearns to protect. He’s always seen the glances you receive from both men and women alike. Before, he would’ve pursued it, inviting them into his bed to share a taste of the most delicious woman he could ever fathom. But now, it’s not even a thought in his head, because you are just that, the most delicious woman he could ever fathom, and why would he ever share that treasure?
           He swears that those wandering eyes have increased greatly upon your return, though you argue otherwise. He just notices them more now, you think, it just bothers him more now. But he’s stubborn, insisting that he never saw so many men and women take glance at the love of his life. The guards, new handmaidens, the cooks, the servers, the commonfolk who occasionally visited his brother, they all looked, they all stared. And honestly, how could they not? You never thought Oberyn to be wrong about your beauty, because he wasn’t. You’re absolutely gorgeous, in spirit, body, and mind. You told him there’s nothing he could do about those hungry eyes that followed you so closely, be he begs to differ.
           After your slumber, you head out onto your balcony, dressing in a thin gown as you layout on your chaise lounge. One of Oberyn’s books, Dornish Antiquity, rests in your lap. Its pages inform you on House Martell and how they came to rule, their popular facts and those lesser known. You love learning about them, about the ruling house of Dorne, about those who are soon to become your kin.
           “Savia,” Oberyn beckons, strolling out onto the balcony shortly after he softly calls out your name.
           You smile up at him as he approaches, kneeling on his left knee as he rests before you. He takes your hand, his face covered in gentle admiration as he places a soft kiss to your knuckles.
           “How are you?” he asks, his big, brown eyes staring up at yours.
           “Hm,” you giggle, always smitten with the prince. “I’m good, feeling better.”
           “Good.” He smiles, placing one last kiss before standing. “Our mid-day meal will be delivered soon, would you like to eat in here?” he asks, more than aware that you’ve been going a little stir-crazy inside the room.
           “Sure,” you shrug, “I think I’ve had enough interaction for the day.” You giggle, closing your book and setting it aside.
           You release a groan as you shift in your seat, accidentally rubbing over a larger bruise. Oberyn quickly dashes inside, and you watch him with curious eyes.
           “Here,” he says, back before you in the blink of an eye. “Let me help.”
           “Oberyn,” you sigh out, “I’m fine.”
           “You’re not.” He states, placing a towel to your side.
           He’d gone inside to retrieve it, filling it with more ice to help ease the pain of your discolored ribcage. He’d also brought a glass of water, one of many that Milena had left. She requested that you finish them before she returns, but it was harder than it looked.
           “Drink.” He insists, lifting the glass to your lips.
           You sigh out, but do as you’re told, sipping from the glass until he’s satisfied. He could be so attentive, he was always so attentive, it was something that made your heart squeeze with love. But right now, it made you feel like a child. You hated being injured, hated looking so weak and helpless.
           “You’ll heal soon.” he coos, lightly rubbing your outer thigh. “I know it.”
           “I hate this.” You groan, “I feel so weak; I feel like such a child.”
           “You aren’t weak, you’re not a child, Savia.” Oberyn responds, quick to scold you for your harsh words. “You’re injured, and you need help. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
           You suppose he’s right, sighing out with defeat as you glance at the ground. He removes the ice from your skin, setting it on a nearby table alongside your water before climbing up onto the furniture with you. He wiggles in behind you, his hands gently guiding you to lay back in his embrace. He holds you from behind, his arms wrapping around your sides as he begins to settle in.
           He knows this is hard for you, you didn’t have to tell him that. Every day since your return, he’d seen it, a look of displeasure resting on your face whenever you weren’t smiling at him. Oberyn knows you’re frustrated; he knows you like to relax, occasionally allowing your maids to do small things for you. But now, they did everything for you, and you couldn’t stand it. You desperately wanted to get up, to take care of yourself like you know you can, but the thing is, you can’t, and it was killing you inside.
           Regardless, you do your best to relax, to rest and heal and enjoy the time spent during these lazy days. Whenever you were frustrated, you went to Oberyn, who was always there, anyways. Like now, he’s here, holding you in his arms as the hotheaded Dornishman melted your worries away. Between the heat of the sun and the heat of his body, you begin to close your eyes.
           “Will you sleep, my love? Will you sleep for me?” he coos, leaning up to brush the hair out of your face.
           “Oberyn…” you mumble, your tone informing him of your subtle annoyance.
           “Come now,” he chuckles lightly, “Let me care for you, let me nurture you, sweet thing.”
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           You’d woken after an hour or so, the two of you unable to sleep for much longer after your nap. Regardless, you stayed like this, huddled beneath Oberyn’s strong arms as he whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Eventually, he rolls to his back, and you to your side, laying a hand over his chest as you kiss languidly beneath the sun. you giggle as he feels you, sliding his hand beneath the fabric of your dress and grabbing at your ass and thighs.
           Suddenly, Oberyn’s head pops up, looking out at the view the balcony provides. He then shifts, moving out from behind you and sliding off the chaise lounge. He walks to the balcony’s edge, folding his hands over the sone barrier as he scans the water gardens below. You sit up as he does so, furrowing your brow in wonder of what’s caught the prince’s attention. Not much stole it away from you.  
           “Oberyn?” you ask, leaning forward as grimace crosses his face. “What is it?”
           “They’re staring.”
           You huff out a laugh, rolling your eyes. “They always stare. Love, I thought we talked about this?”
           Your eyes wander to where his eyes are focused, acknowledging the presence of five guards patrolling the gardens below. You then stand, sauntering over to him a playful smirk curling on your lips.
           “Why don’t you like when they stare? You used to love it.”
           “Used to?” he asks, turning to face you.
           “Before me.”
           “That is exactly it, Inamorata.” He says, pinching your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “That was before you. Before I’d met the love of my life, the woman who would change my entire being. Why would I ever want to share that?”
           “You don’t ever have to share me, Oberyn.” You softly express, placing two hands on his chest as you move in closer. “But… I kind of like it.”
           “What? Why?” he asks, grabbing hold of you around your waist.
           “You know me,” you shrug, petting at his chest. “I like to tease.”
           “Oh?” he responds, a small smirk forming on his own beautiful lips. “You like to show yourself off, Inamorata? Show them what they can’t have?”
           “Mhm,” you nod, biting your lip as your fingers curl over the hem of his robe. “I like showing them what you have.”
           “Hm…” he chuckles lightly, smiling down at you and your mischievous thoughts. “Shall we show them now?” he asks, your words slightly changing his opinion on the matter.
            The way you see the issue entices him greatly, every cell in his body now desperate to claim you as his for anyone and everyone to see. And while his body shivers at your words, your beautiful eyes, your seductive lips, you think over his proposition. He’s already claimed you, you know this, and of course he knows this. But something about his jealousy and possessiveness just makes you drip with need.
             “I think we shall.”
Oberyn moans a deep and satisfied hum, smiling brightly at your words. He leans in, connecting your lips as his hand rises to cup your jaw. He moves quickly, forcefully, molding his mouth to yours and shoving his tongue inside.
             “Hm…” you giggle excitedly, kissing the older nobleman as his one hand wraps around your back to pull you against him.
             He pulls away from you, just barely pulls his lips away. Oberyn then drops so quickly you think he may be in pain. You gasp as you watch him go down, quickly kneeling before you and running his hand under your dress and up the length of your sighs.
             “Oberyn!” you sigh, watching him lean in to mouth at your covered sex.
             The prince of Dorne meets your eyes, staring deeply into them as he continues to kiss and lick over that beautifully sensual space between your thighs. His hands curl around, grabbing at the meat just below your ass and squeezing you in his embrace. He ushers you forward, and you comply, leaning into his touch as he stays planted below your stance.
             “Do I have to ask?” he mutters, pressing deep kisses against your still-covered folds.
             You sigh out, your mouth openly smirking down at him as you shake your head. He revels in your approval, closing his eyes and purring enticingly over your mound. The vibration sends a sharp shiver through your core, shooting up through your hips and lower stomach as he does it.
             “Step back, my love.” He coos, removing himself from between your legs. “Lean against the frame, I want you to relax.”
             You turn your head, glancing over your shoulder at the stone railing not too far behind. With only three backward steps, you’re there, leaning back against the sturdy barrier while Oberyn’s hands roam your body. He shifts forward, following you over to the edge of your balcony.
             “Hm…” he exhales, humming to himself while he lifts the hem of your dress up and over your hips.
             “Oberyn!” you giggle, feeling much more exposed than any previous act with your lover.
             You glance over at the guards, three of them quickly looking away once you meet their gaze. You chuckle at their bashfulness, your chest rising and falling as you feel Oberyn’s mouth begin to trail up your thighs. It’s rather comfortable, your relaxed position. Oberyn has thrown your left leg over his shoulder, only spreading you open wider for the guards to see, as your left side is the one facing the exterior wall of your room. Your right side, however, is completely exposed; anyone walking by would be either blind or a fool to not see the prince’s handsome face as its stuffed between your luscious thighs. Yes, your thighs… Oberyn loves your thighs, massaging them in his large hands as his lips finally meet yours. He’d nipped at them a few times on his way up, not hard enough to leave bruises, though, you still had too many of those.
             “What is it, sweet thing?” He inquires, mumbling against you as he kisses your slippery, pink lips.
             “You’re right,” you breathe out, still staring at the armored men. “They were staring.”
             His fingertips curl over your skin as you inform him of the wandering eyes he’d known about all along. He grunts up into you, the feeling of his hot breath quickly replaced by his wanting tongue.
             “Oh, gods…” you moan out, closing your eyes as your head rests back.
             He pets at your entrance with his soft mouth and even softer tongue, gently rubbing his lips over your tender skin. Slowly, he dips inside, sliding past your folds and up into your velvety warmth. dips inside. He keeps licking into you, his hands reaching up and spreading you open with both thumbs so he can get in deeper.
             “Fuck, yes…” you sigh out, softly rutting over his face.
             “Mm…” he moans, smiling against you. “Do that again.”
             And you do, always fulfilling any request Oberyn spoke your way. Your hips move over him, swaying with the rhythm of his tongue as it continues to glide in and out of you, slurping out your juices like they’re his to take. You begin dripping, the liquid trickling down over Oberyn’s mouth and chin. He groans at the feeling, each new drop spurring some of his own as he begins to leak beneath his robes.
             He continues tongue-fucking your core, forcing his tongue deeper and deeper inside so he can taste every inch of your soft little hole. Eventually, he removes his tongue, wanting to make sure he devours you whole. His tongue explores you, his mouth kissing your sodden lips and licking through the folds of your labia. He rolls his head in languid circles as he sucks on you, licks at you, playing with your pussy like it’s his favorite thing to do.
             Your breaths hitch in your throat as your lover continues to pleasure you with his mouth, his stubble rubbing against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs. Your head lolls to the side, your lids fluttering open to see the guards looking your way once again. A breathless smirk forms on your beautiful face, your chest jutting upward as you release a playful chuckle.
             “They see you, lover.” You coo, lifting your head to look down at him as he plays between your thighs. “But I want them to see more.”
             “What would you like them to see?” he asks, his tone innocent as he glances up at you.
             “I want you to take me,” he demand, “Let them know I am yours.”
             His eyes don’t leave yours as he moves, placing one last kiss over your lips before rising to your face. Both of his hands grab your face, eagerly pressing his mouth over yours. Your tongue slides out, licking his lips and the skin around them, tasting your slick as you make him groan. He drops his hands as you do so, cupping your breasts as you lick him clean.
             “I love when you clean me.” He purrs, smirking as you lick along his jaw.
             “I love cleaning you.” you reply, smiling softly before reconnecting your wanting lips.
             His mouth parts, openly smiling as he fumbles with his belt. You kiss along his jaw, sliding your hands up his chest and over his shoulders. He angles himself, lifting his chin to the side to give you better access. Once he’s pulled himself free, the hand not fisting his cock reaches for your waist.
             “You want me?” he asks softly, his lips brushing over yours as he speaks.
             You smirk, biting your lip as you nod. He closes his eyes, groaning harshly when your right hand replaces his left, wrapping your fingers around his cock and giving him a gentle squeeze.
             Oberyn’s eyes then flicker to something further behind you and off to your side. You look behind him, smirking as your heart beats just a little quicker. He leans in, giving you a sloppy half-kiss while the two of you stare at the group of soldiers at the end of the courtyard.
             And suddenly, he’s grabbing your waist, spinning you around and placing you at the corner where the stone barriers meet. You lean forward, bending over before him as you rest your forearms on top of the railing’s edge. Oberyn quickly situates himself behind you, moving to lift your leg and bend it forward to its on place atop the banister. Your right leg stays on the ground, holding you up, well, as much as you can, anyway. Oberyn keeps his hand beneath your thigh, doing most of the work in order to keep you as relaxed and comfortable as he can. So, he holds you up, bearing the light weight of your body as he flips your dress up over your ass. His hungry eyes look up, locking with the men as he grabs your right cheek in hand.
             “Hm…” you purr, the anticipation rising in your chest now becoming unbearable.
             Although you make him absolutely feral, he stops, taking a second to breathe before ramming inside you. He knows he needs to be slow, the be gentle and tender while you continue to heal. It had been more than two days since you’d had sex, and for you’re the two of you, that was a lot; that was long, far too long without the warmth of your lover as you connected over and over again.
             “Are you ready, my love? My naughty little thing…”
“Yeah, baby…” you sigh out, humming happily as he takes hold of your waist. “Make me feel good.”
             He huffs out a groan as he slides inside, his rounded tip widening your folds, your arousal providing an easy entrance. Oberyn’s cock never failed to make you gasp, to make you whine and whimper and scream from the stretch he gave.
             “Oh, so good…” he sighs out, clinging tightly to your body as he presses his chest to your back.
             He nibbles on your earlobe, rolling his hips against your backside as he shoves himself completely inside. You release a relaxed sigh at the feeling, entirely satisfied once your lover stuffs you full. Your head falls back, resting against his shoulder as he kisses along your jaw. Then, he shifts, slowly retracting halfway before sliding back inside.
             “Baby… harder.” You whine, gasping out when he grunts in your ear. “You know I like to feel it.”  
             “Inamorata,” he huffs out, his voice low and rough with lust. “You’re still healing,”
             “Oberyn,” you cut him out, grumbling sighing out with impatience. “Fuck me.”
             “Fuck!” you cry out, feeling him ram into your core.
             “Stubborn.” He growls, nipping once more at your ear.
             He grunts above you, pressing down against your body as he fulfils your request. And still, it’s not his best; he still works to restrain himself, and you can feel it, but you’ll take what he gives, anything he gives.
           “Look at them.” Oberyn suddenly demands, roughly cupping your face and turning your gaze to the men standing watch.
           They look up at you, a few of them blushing, others clearing their throat, but each one watching, nonetheless.
           “They stroke their cocks thinking about you at night,” he growls into your ear. “I know it. So, look at them, look at them as they watch. It’s the closest thing they’ll ever get to having their way with you.”
           You moan out at his words, the need for him to show you off igniting a passion within you that spreads like wildfire through your veins. You smile at it, the incredible feeling as his finger pinch into your cheeks, his grunts and groans filling your ears while his other hand stays cemented to your side.
           “My love,” you sigh out, holding his wrist as the hand cupping your cheeks slides down to your throat. “My Viper…”
            “My vipera,” he grumbles, “my little seductress.”
            Oberyn’s knowledge about the Seven Kingdoms never ceased to amaze you, and his knowledge regarding ancient tongues was impressive as well. You’re a Vyrwel, your banner covered in the menacing imagine of the incredible Wyvern, derived from the Latin word vipera.
           “O – oh!” you gasp, his hips now fully slapping against your cheeks.
           “Do you like this, Savia?” he asks, smirking against your cheek. “Do you?”
           “Yes,” you giggle, “I like being watched.”
           “Hm,” he purrs, “Naughty.”
           A few of the men adjust their trousers further off on the side of the water gardens below. One of them letting their hand waver just a little too long. Suddenly, a few handmaidens walk into view, gasping once they look up upon hearing your grunts and moans. Their cheeks flush red, quickly scampering away in shock. But the men, they stay, watching as you’re fucked on your balcony by the prince of Dorne.
           Wind sweeps through the open air, the sun warming your skin as you give into your body and its delirious needs. Oberyn’s hand wraps around, slithering down to your core and lifting your hood with his thumb.
           “Oh, yes!” you cry, throwing your head back once more.
           He chuckles lowly against you, his lips pressing to your back as he rubs you. Quick, forceful circles are delivered by the prince’s thumb as he coaxes your orgasm from your core.
           “Oberyn, Oberyn!”
           You know Oberyn loves it when you say his name, so you do, letting him listen to the tantalizing echo of your sweet voice through the gardens below. You repeat it, over and over again as your high is just within reach.
           “Baby,” you stutter out, “The maids,”
           “What about them?” he grunts out, shoving his ridiculously well-endowed cock into your fluttering core.
           “Milena,” you gasp out, “She’ll see.”
           “Little one,” he chuckles, “I don’t care about that. Let her see, I want everyone to see.”
           “Gods… I’m gonna cum… Oberyn!”
           All at once, he tears himself away, ripping his cock from your warmth and hauling you up against him. He lays a hand over your stomach, quickly ushering you back toward your lounge. When the back of your calves hit the fabric of your couch, you fall, landing on your back as Oberyn returns to his knees. It happens within seconds, your lusty haze preventing you from fully maneuvering your body as Oberyn takes control.
           He shoves his head between your thighs, and you immediately cry out once he sucks your clit between his lips. Your legs lift high, bending at the knee and placing the bottoms of your feet onto his broad shoulders. Both hands fly down to his hair, immediately tugging fists between his curls and pulling hard.
           It’s sloppy and loud, sucking and slurping on your clit as he begs for your release. He’s so desperate for it, wants to taste it, wants to smell it, needing your cum in his mouth like he needs air in his lungs.
           “Gods, yes!” you shriek, closing your eyes tight as your body begins to shake.
           Your hips jut up against his face, bucking up into his marvelous mouth. He moans into you as you cum, releasing your clit in order to lick sloppily over your folds. His nose nuzzles your pleasure point, nearly every part of his gorgeous face nurturing your high until you’re crying from pleasure.
           “You’re so good,” he rasps, the accent on his tone sending shockwaves through your core.
           His voice always made you see stars; always made you melt whenever it resonated through the air. He groans as he licks you, now focusing on your lips as you finally relax in his hold. Oberyn loved the taste of your slick, licking up every drop until you were wet and raw.
           “Why didn’t you make me cum on your cock?” you ask, giggling breathlessly as you comb through his hair, soothing the sting your tight hold had on his graying locks.
           “You look so beautiful when you cum,” he replies, his voice low as he speaks.
           He lifts his head from your thighs, kissing them lightly before meeting your eyes.
           “That look, that beautiful expression when I deliver you bliss… I’ll never let anyone else see you like that.”
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          “Ser Jaime,” you smile, nodding as you curtsey.
           It’s entirely fake, of course, Oberyn only giving the Lannister man a curt nod before guiding you next to him on the sofa. You’re unsure of why he’s here, you’re also unsure of why Ellaria is here. Yes, she is here, sitting directly across from you with Doran sitting at the head of the room, the same room you’d stepped in to when you first arrived in Dorne.
           “Lady Vyrwel,” he responds, giving you a charming nod. “The Vipera of Dorne.”
           You cock your eye, furrowing your brow a bit. How could he have known of that name? Oberyn had only spoken it a few hours ago. Oberyn leans forward, his eyebrows raising at the man. He, too, is curious as to the source of the knight’s knowledge.
            “What?” he asks, chuckling slightly. “It’s hard not to hear a name when it’s shouted from the rooftops.”
           “A balcony, but…” you retort, smirking as you shrug. “Same, same.”
           Your eyes meet Ellaria’s as you speak, her hateful stare forming as soon as you stepped into the room. Your smile is unwavering as you stay snuggled against Oberyn’s side, his arm slung over your shoulder while his hand rubs your outer arm. He leans back, shifting further against you as his smirking lips press to your temple.
           “Prince Trystane,” Jaime says, sitting on the edge of the couch, the very one Ellaria is sat upon. “How’s your jaw?”
           He’s referring to the quarrel that happened in the gardens. Apparently, Ser Jaime snuck in with a sell sword in order to kidnap Myrcella and take her back to King’s Landing.
           “Flea bite.” He softly retorts, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.
           “What are you doing in Dorne?” Ellaria asks, scowling at the man to her left.
           “Looking after the safety of my niece,” he responds, nodding her way. “The princess Myrcella.”
           “And rather than send a raven or speak to me, directly,” Doran says, gesturing toward himself. “You decided to enter my country in secret and abduct our guest by force.”
           The two men continue to converse, and all you can do is watch. You loved to make Doran upset, all fidgety and angry, but it was extra fun watching someone else do it. Although, you aren’t exactly on Jaime’s side, either. The entire ordeal is strange. Apparently, a message had been sent to the Lannisters, a threat, princess Myrcella’s necklace clutched between the jaws of a viper…
           Jaime assumes he’s to be executed, but Doran refutes this remark. The Lord continues to speak, going on about war and orphans, how he can’t bare to see such upheaval within his own country. Beheading Ser Jaime would cause just that, chaos.
           “And now you want to break bread with the Lannisters.” Ellaria states, her voice and face entirely unamused.
           “That is precisely what we are doing.” Doran spits, glaring at the woman who’s birthed his nieces.
           Oberyn hand tightens over your arm, but he keeps quiet, knowing that this is what must happen in order to bring peace. He isn’t happy about how its done, but its just that, done. He isn’t the ruler of Sunspear, his brother is. Oberyn can only do so much in his position. And after all, you do support King Tommen’s rule.
           “Let us drink,” the Lord says, “To Tommen, the first of his name, king of the Andals and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms.
           Ellaria looks to Oberyn as Doran ends his speech, her eyes showing nothing but confusion and worry. Oberyn quickly raises his brows before looking down at your hand as it rests on his thigh. His free one covers it, glancing back up at his prior paramour before finally setting his sights on you. Oberyn sees her concern, and he understands it, he understands it better than anyone in this room, but what can be done?
           Everyone put you and the prince had been poured a glass upon sitting down. The two of you walked in with a glass already in your hands, sharing the goblet as you offered the drink to your lover whenever they required a taste. As you raise your shared glass, Oberyn nods, a sign that he, too, is toasting the king. Doran, Jaime, Trystane and his bride to be, all raise their glasses, too. And to your surprise, Ellaria joins in, raising her goblet as she glances around the room. But then, just as you all drink, it tilts, the wine pouring out of her cup and onto the floor below as she stares Jaime Lannister in the face. She slams the glass down on the table, sitting back in her seat with a pouty expression.
           Doran glares at her, slowly setting down his drink before speaking. “King Tommen insists on his sister’s return to the capital?”
           “I’m afraid he does.” Jaime answers, acknowledging the look of distaste that quickly covers the princess’s face.
           “I cannot disobey my king’s command.”
           Ellaria’s head snaps back around to look at her brother-in-law, well, not any more, you suppose. You roll your eyes at this, sighing out as you lean your head on your lover’s shoulder. You hadn’t even properly met, and it was already exhausting to be around her.
           Lord Doran and Ser Jaime discuss the details of Myrcella’s return. She will arrive at King’s Landing alongside her uncle Jaime and her promised husband, Trystane.
           “My brother currently sits on the small council, but clearly, he insists on remaining in Dorne. Your father understood the importance of keeping Dorne in the fold. With Oberyn gone, Trystane will take his place on the small council.”
           Jaime looks to Oberyn, who’s currently sipping from the glass in your hand. He swallows as you lower it from his lips, sighing out once he’s drank his fill.
           “Oberyn?” Doran says, the two men expecting an answer to the unspoken question.
           “This decision sounds favorable.” Oberyn finally says, “I’m meant to remain here, at my lover’s side.”
           You look up at him, ignoring Ellaria’s irritated scoff at his sentiment. He places a quick kiss on your lips, but not before you cup his jaw to make it last just that much longer.
           “You have my word.” Jaime then says, his expression genuine as he makes the promise of Trystane’s new position.
           “The word of a king slayer.” Ellaria mutters, standing from her seat.
           “How disappointing. In my absence, you’ve become an utter fool.” She seethes, staring directly at the lover beside your arm.
           You narrow your eyes at her, the prince doing the same. Before either of you can speak, though, she turns to Doran, leaning over as she spits out, “No wonder you can’t stand, you have no spine.”
           She tries to storm off, but the Lord’s firm grasp on her wrist stops her in her tracks.
           “You are mother to four of my nieces, girls I love very much. For their sake, I hope you live a long and happy life. Speak to me like that again, and you won’t.”
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           “What an elegant meeting.” You remark, strolling up the stairs with your arms wrapped around Oberyn’s left bicep.
           “It’s never dull when that woman’s around.”
           “Is it dull when I’m around?” you ask, the question coming off playful though you’re curious as to his answer.
           He exhales a short chuckle, glancing down as you continue to walk forward.
           “Ellaria brings a certain energy into a room. She’s always had a gift for hatred, receiving it just as much as she gives it. Ellaria brings strife, anguish, draining the joy from anyone that crosses her path.”
           Then, he stops. Just before you get to your door, Oberyn turns to face you, maneuvering out of your hold, so he can wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in close.
           “But you,” he sighs, lifting one hand to push some of your hair behind your ear. “The energy you bring gives life to every soul you surround. You are uplifting, refreshing. My love, you are everything.”
           He leans down, pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss that deepens with every passing second. Your heart flutters in your chest, his words sending a warm wave of love that covers your entire being. It surrounds you, the prince’s adoration and care, his attentiveness and appreciation for every element that created you, every shade that made you as beautiful as you are now, the same shades that birthed you into this world painting his being, too.
           Oberyn ushers you inside, dressing you in a formal gown for the dinner to be had later that night. He does it as a tender action, not because you can’t do it, but because he wants to do it. Oberyn never gets tired of looking at your body, running his hands over your curves, his wandering eyes roaming each hill and valley that adorns your ivory skin, the little freckles that occasionally appear, the marks of growth that line your inner thighs and the sides of your breasts. He loves it, he loves it all.
           “I’m glad Myrcella is leaving.” You admit, allowing him to tie the back of your gown.
           “Why?” he asks, furrowing his brow. He wonders, do you have distaste for the Lannister girl?
           “She doesn’t belong here, Oberyn. She’s not safe here… not with her around.”
           “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of my prior paramour.” He responds, a twinge of humor in his voice.
           “I’m not afraid of that traitor.” You seethe, “A woman without loyalty or faith cannot touch me.”
           His hands drop once he’s finished, side stepping his way around your body to face you. He grabs your hands, holding them in his as he sighs out.
           “I’m afraid for Myrcella’s safety.”
           During your time in Dorne, you’d grown rather fond of the Lannister Lady. She was quite nice, incredibly graceful and generous, lending a helping hand wherever it was needed. She didn’t know how to sew, she’d left the capital before her mother could teach her, so you did. You’d tear small holes in her clothes, provoking a shocked laugh from the younger girl at your carelessness. Eventually, it’d turn into a game, tearing holes in her nicest gowns just to show her how to properly stitch it up. She was amazed, you could never tell it had been torn.
           “I understand your concern.” Oberyn whispers, “And I love you for it, for your care, the empathy you have for others.”
           You smile kindly at him, watching him lift your hand to his lips. He presses a gentle kiss over the back of it, closing his eyes as he does it.
           “But,” he continues, removing his lips from your skin. “You needn’t worry about such things. Myrcella will be gone soon, she’ll be safe in her home.”
           “I hope so.” you sigh, “She’s too gentle for this world.”
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           A dinner is hosted in honor of Myrcella and Trystane’s departure. Everyone is invited, Doran and his children, you and Oberyn, Ser Jaimie, even Ellaria receives an invitation.
           As you walk down to the great hall, your bellies rumbling with hunger, you cross the only woman to ever break your lover’s heart. She stops when she sees you, eyeing Oberyn’s hand on your lower back as he leads you through the regal halls.
           “Ellaria.” Oberyn states, nodding once as you approach.
           “Oberyn.” She responds, her voice a bit more cheerful than expected. “And… I don’t think I’ve gotten your name.”
           She says, placing the tips of her fingers on your outer arm as she speaks. You look up at her, your expression blank as you try to read hers.
           “Savia.” You respond, “Of House Vyrwel.”
           “Ah, the Vyrwels.” She tuts, raising her eyebrows and nodding her head. “A noble house for a noble man.”
           “Not quite as noble as that man.” You remark, glancing up at Oberyn with a smile.
           “Possibly.” she states, her voice now sterner than before.  
           It causes you to meet her gaze, her change in tone, now seeing a rather unamused look on her face. You stay silent, waiting for her to speak.
           “A lesser-known name,” she continues, stepping forward a bit. “In the house of the viper.”
           “Yes,” you respond, returning her jaded look. “The magnificent viper… Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken…”
           You say it slowly, emphasizing each and every note of House Martell’s words. You go on to say your own, comparing the courage, strength, and intimidation your two houses share.
           “And the vipera, strolling through the night… as The Darkness Calls.”
           Ellaria cocks her head at you, wondering what it is you’re going on about. You smirk at her, sighing out as if bored by the conversation, and in truth, you are.
           “Remind me of your house words, Ellaria.” You request. “The very words you hold dear to your heart, the same chant you repeat when your hopes are lost, the very words inscribed on your soul.”
           You step forward, nearly touching her nose with your own as you leave Oberyn’s grasp.
           “Faithless, treacherous, and heinous.”
           “Your house may give you strength, but you are weak.” She spits back, furrowing her brow. You are unworthy of your name.”
           “And you,” you respond, your voice calm as you end your little spat. “Are more than worthy of yours.”
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Detailed Chapter Summary
During your recovery, you spend time with Oberyn and his daughters; they’ve grown to truly love you. Afterwards, Oberyn insists you rest, bringing you to bed, feeding you, and making sure you have drink. And then, while resting on the balcony, Oberyn takes you in front of his guards. 
One of the prince’s nephews has been betrothed to King Tommen’s sister, Myrcella. Her uncle, Ser Jaime, suddenly makes an appearance in Dorne, his presence threatening the Martell family. Ser Jaime intends to bring Myrcella back to King’s Landing with the rest of her family. 
During this discussion, you officially meet Ellaria. She is less than enthused, the two of you quick to argue. You’re just as quick to end it.
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Chapter Ten: Let Me Protect You
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Insatiable Taglist: @pascalslittlebrat @serenaisavillain @yourwonderbelle @mishasminion360
General Taglist: @anaaaispunk @dihra-vesa @sweetangel0069
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
can we get some fluffy tf2 headcannons? giving you full creative liberty over this one! :)
Idk if you meant tf2 x reader headcanons or just general head canons, so I did two sections for each merc; the first point is a general headcanon, the second is X Reader.
sorry this took forEEEEEEEEVER, I was just experiencing burnout and working on a prize for a contest on my server (BTW WE HAVE A NEW DRAWING CONTEST GO CHECK IT OUT)
Scout is actually really self-concious about his intelligence. He’s not very bright and he knows it, and it makes him feel horrible. He had flunked out of high school and struggled in most of his core classes. He honestly feels really stupid and he hates when people point it out. But luckily for him, a lot of the other mercs understand what it’s like to be looked down upon and empathize with him. Quite a few of them help him relearn the skills he never mastered in school. Engie helps him with math, Spy sometimes helps him with writing, and even Pyro has him read children’s books to them to improve his reading.
Scout absolutely loves little casual dates. Stuff like going out to eat lunch, going to the movies, maybe just cuddling up in his quarters and watching a movie. He tries to plan one every week. His dream date is taking you back to Boston to meet his family and go to a Red Sox game. But obviously, since you’re both in New Mexico at the time, he’s going to have to shelve that dream for a few years.
Soldier is an excellent raccoon dad. At first, the other mercenaries thought they’d all end up dead by the end of the month when he first found them. But surprisingly, they are are very well cared for. They’re all fed regularly and basically have his entire assigned quarters to themselves. He loves every single one of them dearly, even the ones that hiss and scratch him every time. The raccoons, at least some of them, are kind of like weird, quiet dogs, and actually get along pretty well with most of the other mercenaries.
Soldier is a surprisingly very physically affectionate partner, and he’s not at all opposed to PDA. He loves hand holding, cheek kisses, cuddles, the whole nine yards. Whenever he’s particularly excited, he loves to run up to you, scoop you up into his arms, and press a hard, sloppy kiss to your lips. Of course, he’s careful to not hurt you, but he’s a very intense, emotional guy and he needs to express all that love he has for you!
Pyro is and excellent listener, so they’re a person a lot of the other mercenaries depend on to vent. Demo often comes to them to vent about his emotions, Scout, Sniper, or Medic will rant about what’s bothering them, and even Engineer will talk about his stress. And of course, Pyro doesn’t understand a lot of what is told to them, but they’re still happy to help them feel a little better, and they would happily do it a hundred times over to make their friends feel better.
Pyro has a hobby of baking and making candy/treats, and they love sharing everything they make with you. When they first gave you a treat, you honestly thought it’d be burnt or bad in some other way. But to your surprise, it was amazing! They’re actually and excellent cook, but they just love making sweet things the best. They’ll make you just about anything you could ask for without hesitation, but they’re best at making anything sweet.
Demo obviously has the potential to pretty emotional when he’s drunk, there’s no doubt about that. But on the off-chance that he’s sober, he’s actually pretty sweet and considerate. Though he still is a rough-housing joker, he’s much more considerate of his friends’ feelings and has deeper and more meaningful conversations with them. He often likes to go to bars with his friends and co-workers on ceasefire weekends, having lots of fun conversation, drinking together, and generally causing chaos around town.
Demo, to put it simply, doesn’t like himself. He’s critical of everything, from his skills to race, because people have always put him down about them. His mother told him he’s lazy and unskilled too many times to count, just everyone makes fun of his eye, and many have made fun of his skin color. But you make him feel so much better about himself. Just the fact that someone so kind and gorgeous is actually with him makes him feel like he’s not as horrible as he thought. There’s been a couple of times where you’ve accidentally almost brought him to tears with a sweet compliment or show of affection, because he never thought in a million years that someone would love him and care for him like you do. He feels so blessed that he has someone like you.
I know the fandom’s decided that Engie is the Team Mom and makes the food, but I also think that Heavy cooks a lot too. He makes all of his own food, so he often makes a lot of extras to feed the team because a lot of them just eat junk food and Medic’s always complaining about their eating habits. Heavy often takes like half the food for himself (he does have a huge appetite and loves food, so he likes to take a lot) and just boxes up the leftover portions and leaves them in the fridge for the team to take. He says he’s only doing it because they can’t work properly if they’re unhealthy, but he also does it because he cares about their health. A little bit.
At first, you wouldn’t think Heavy’s the most cuddly guy. But surprise, he actually loves giving and receiving physical affection. He just doesn’t show it often out of respect for your boundaries, and doesn’t do it around others. His absolute favorite thing is to cuddle you against his chest. Sometimes it’s when going to sleep, or cuddling on the couch, or maybe just a quick hug. He just loves the feeling of your head resting against his chest and your arms trying (and failing) to wrap around his torso. It makes him feel like you’re safe. Nobody could ever get you when you’re wrapped up in his arms.
You’d think Sniper’s the only nature nerd on the team, but Engie absolutely loves the outdoors, as well as animals. It’s because his father would often take him out camping every couple of months. It was often the only time he would get 1-on-1 time with his usually very busy father. So he does love the great outdoors, especially that of his home state. He especially loves animals. He was raised on a farm and helped take care of lots of injured wild animals with his mother. He absolutely loves pets and would like to have many when he retires. His dream is to have is own ranch, with horses and cows and a bunch of dogs and the whole shebang.
Engie absolutely loves playing the guitar, so of course he loves playing for you. He learns all sorts of sweet love songs to sing to you. He’s an excellent player and actually has a pretty decent singing voice (think Johnny Cash, he kinda has that singing style). I hope you like country music, because that’s all he’s going to sing to you until you give him some requests or he finds out your favorite artists or genres. You can tell how happy he is every time he gets to surprise you with a new song he learned, and he’d be a giddy, laughing mess if you sang along with him.
You’d think this guy takes horrible care of his birds because of the environment he keeps them in, but his birds are actually exceptionally well cared for. He buys them only the best and most expensive bird food, gives them super high-quality water with vitamins n stuff in it, takes them to the vet regularly, the whole shebang. Yeah they get a little dirty from sitting around in his lab, but he always gives them a little bath at the end of the day to get all the blood and guts off.
Medic is honestly such a playful partner. Of course, around his co-workers he’s a little more professional; he still gives you soft touches, a kiss on the cheek, or a big smile, but that’s about it. In private, however, he’s such a sweetheart. He’s always sweeping you up into big hugs, kissing all over your face, and calling you all sorts of adorable nicknames in a variety of languages. It comes as a surprise, because you’d think he’d be a little more formal, but that’s really only for special occasions. It honestly brings him so much joy to have someone like you by his side, and every day he’s going to make sure you know just how grateful he is to have you in his life.
Sniper is an incredibly independent and self-sufficient man, but he’s also secretly a real mama’s boy. He loves his parents dearly and has a particularly close relationship with his mother. As well as sending them money every month, he sends them all sorts of gifts, letters, postcards, and souvenirs. He also makes sure to call them regularly. He goes home every couple of months to visit them, and one could see that he loves helping around the house and chatting with his parents. His mother loved gardening, so his number-1 favorite thing to do is help her in the garden.
Despite Sniper’s obvious lack of knowledge on self-care, he takes a lot of time out of his day to make sure you are happy, healthy, clean, and well-fed. He doesn’t hound you like a helicopter parent but he likes to ask how you’re feeling, if you’re hungry, stuff like that. It feels nice to know you’re taken care of or take care of you himself. If you switch it around and try to take care of him, however, he’s honestly baffled as to why you would care so much as to make sure he’s doing well. He does absolutely love the affection and attention he gets out of it though, it makes him feel loved.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a head canon that Spy has a dog. Her name is Charlotte, and she’s an elderly Chihuahua. One would think he’d buy a French breed, but he found her out in the pouring rain one day and fell in love with her fluffy ears and spunky personality. She’s now 17 years old, extremely frail, missing most of her teeth, and extremely aggressive to anyone other than Spy, but he loves her dearly and pays for all of her medical expenses without batting an eye. And of course, she expresses her thanks with lots of kisses.
Spy loves dancing, and knows all kinds of dances, from flamenco to ballroom dancing to the Charleston to, canonically, disco. So of course, he’s dying to share all of the most romantic dances he knows with you. He’d love to actually teach you how to dance, rewarding you with kisses every time you finally get a move right and laughing softly when you make mistakes. But in reality, he just wants to use it as an excuse to dance with you against his chest and smother you in affection.
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf - Chapter 21
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Word Count: 2091
Warnings: none
A/N : another one YAY!! I'm on holiday and @sillyrabbit81 and @amberangel112 are working hard to help me get this story to its conclusion. so expect more to come hehehehehe
Chapter 21 – Henry
Henry awoke with a sense of expectation, nervousness, and a growing ache between his legs that he needed to be taken care of. All those feelings and urgencies were trumped by the soft woman that was currently snuggled into his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair as she jostled, seeking his heat in her sleep. It had taken all his willpower last night including his wolf’s to not take her and mark her right then and there. Her innocence and eagerness to please him almost being the last straw. She did not know yet, but they were so close to the perfect time, he wanted it to be so special, for her to feel cherished, that his aching shaft would just have to wait a bit longer. He could do it, for her he would.
Gently he lifted his arm to see his wristwatch, almost time to get up, they needed to get on the road. He could hear movement down in the kitchen and his keen sense of smell was beginning to get hints of bacon, sausage, and coffee. That last smell had his senses now fully awake. He leant down and kissed his sleeping beauties head, “Love, it’s time to get up.”
Jessie shifted, groaned, and snuggled deeper. “Not yet Wolfy.” He chuckled at her nickname. It had taken him by surprise last night but his wolf had almost howled at her acknowledgement of the two of them.
He shifted down in the bed till he was face to face with her, kissing her forehead, nose then lips. “Come on my Mate. We have to get on the road and they have coffee brewing downstairs!”
His excited proclamation brought a smile to her face, then her nose wrinkled, before she spoke, “Coffee yes, but first brush your teeth. Your morning breath is putrid.” He chuckled at her words, her own was pretty terrible but his mother had always taught him to be kind to his mate.
He closed mouth kissed her again then pulled away putting his hand up in front of his mouth. “As you wish my love, but you have to get up.”
Twenty minutes later and all the crew were fed, toileted and piled into Dillon’s SUV. They were thankful he wanted to come because there was no way they would have all fitted in Jessie’s truck. Dillon and Joe sat in the front, Jessie, Henry and Tom in the back. Henry was happy with this situation, he was able to wrap his arms around both his mate and the one who seemed to be becoming more and more like the child they should have had if fate had not taken a nasty turn all those years ago. He knew of no reason why a human would become so attached to an alpha or vice versa but who was he to question it. His mate had no problems with it, in fact, she was encouraging the interaction.
The boy to his right snuggled into his chest seeking comfort. He knew he still struggled with the fear that Adam would reject him knowing his family was partially responsible for his parent’s death. There was nothing else he could do to convince him that it would be alright except to comfort him the only way he knew how. His family had always been cuddly, it had taken both spouses a little while to get used to how they would all end up cuddling on the couch. He was glad it seemed his mate was also ok with the contact, he believed with all his heart the physical contact helped with mental health and the sense of belonging. He felt Tom snuggle deeper into his side, a small puff of air releasing from his lips and he realised that boy had fallen asleep.
Four hours later, they pulled up at a Mom and Pop dinner, all happy to get out and stretch their legs. Henry smiled at the smells and energetic environment that swirled around the place. The group found a booth and one by one they disappeared to the boys or girls’ room before settling in to look at the lunch menu.
An older grey-haired woman came over and smiled at the group. “Hi! My name is Joyce, and I’ll be your waitress today. What would you all like?” Her warmth and welcome felt so comforting to Henry, he even suspected they may have stopped at a fellow Were’s establishment, but he wouldn’t ask unless she said something.
Dillon spoke up first, “I would like the Ruben please ma’am, no pickles, and a large Lemonade.”
Joe was next, “ A bacon special. That looks amazing and it’s my favourite food. What kind of Bacon is it, if you don’t mind me asking?” His eyes sparkled and Henry realised he needed to make note of the boy's love of the delicacy.
The older woman chuckled at his exuberance. “There are three kinds of bacon in that sandwich, crispy streaky bacon, maple glazed Bacon strips, and cherry smoked bacon eye. How does that sound young man?” The look on Joe’s face as the woman talked was comical as his eyes grew wider, his mouth dropping and a small dribble of drool forming at his lips edge.
Laughing Dillon put his hand up to close Joe's mouth, wiping at its edge. “I think his actions speak to his approval, Ma’am.” The rest of the table began to laugh.
Tom followed suit, requesting the Bacon special, whilst Jessie got the Fried Chicken deluxe sandwich. By the time they got to Henry, his stomach decided to growl showing how much the talk of food had teased his senses.
The old woman looked at him strangely, smelled the air as inconspicuously as she could, although Henry could see the subtle action. Then she smiled, “I think, young man, you might like our mighty wolf special. Are you heading north for the celebrations?” For anyone else overhearing their conversation, it would have been nothing to concern, but for Henry, it was a deliberate sign that he was amongst kin and that he was welcome.
Nodding his head, he smiled. “Thank you, ma’am. Yes, we are travelling north. I and my Mate will be joining the celebrations this year.” He gently took Jessie’s hand and smiled at her as he spoke.
He turned back to the old woman whose eyes had misted over, and a trembling smile had replaced her previous one. “Oh my dears, that is a wonderful thing. We normally go but my mate has been sick, and I am afraid that after sixty years, we will miss the celebration this year.” He could hear her pain and knew that for them to not go meant her mate was near his end.
In a gesture of kindness, he reached forward and took her hand. “Will the rest of your pack be going?”
Her wobbly smile dimmed slightly. “No, we are all that remains of our pack. My daughter disappeared with her pack fifteen years ago, and we do not have any grandchildren.”
Henry froze unable to process her words. Filing them to the back of his mind he instead said softly, “I am sorry Grandma. We will honour you both at the celebrations and will be sure to make our way back past here on our way home.”
He felt Jessie squeeze his hand as the old woman released his hand to wipe at a tear that had escaped. “Right well, I appreciate that dear. Now, let me get your food. We can’t have you all going hungry now can we?” With that, she turned and left the stunned group.
Jessie leaned over and wrapped her arm around Henry as she spoke close so only the table could hear, “Do you think Hen, that she is related to your sister-in-law?” Henry’s mind was moving fast, if this dear old woman was related, he needed to find out fast. Many mates, once their partner dies follow soon after, some naturally some unnaturally, unless they have something to live for.
Tom spoke up, “Hen… I… We need to tell her before we leave. At least see if it was her daughter, she needs to know what happened to her family.” His face dropped and Henry could tell he was letting his familial guilt take hold again.
Heads nodded around the circle, as the older woman approached the table bearing plates of steaming hot food. For the next twenty minutes, the only sounds coming from that booth were groans of pleasure. Joe declared that he was never going to leave, the food was so good, and Henry had to agree, his wolf special had all the delectable cuts of meat from various animals cooked just enough to satisfy his human side and his wolf.
Stomachs full they all stood and walked to the counter. Jessie turned to the boys saying quietly, “Boys, head to the car please. Henry and I will look after this.”
Henry could see that Dillon was going to protest, but Joe touched his arm and lead him and Tom to the car.
The old woman smiled at the couple, her eyes once again watering slightly. Henry could already see glimpses of his sister-in-law in her face it was undeniable. Jessie paid the woman and once she was settled, she handed the woman her business card.
Henry, seeing the gesture spoke, “Grandmother, I was wanting to ask, was your daughter’s name Rose?”
The tears did flow then, she pulled her apron up and hid her face before composing herself. “You knew her then?” she whispered.
He smiled then, hoping to convey all the warmth he felt. “Yes, Grandmother. She was my sister-in-law. Sadly, fifteen years ago, she and the rest of my family were killed. The only survivors are me and my nephew. We are on our way to see him. Please stay in touch, we will stop past her on our way home. And Grandmother, if and when that sad day comes, know you are welcome in our pack and as part of our family.”
A soft look passed over her face. “You have the same compassion and love as your brother did young man, I will remember that. Have a safe trip and greet the Moon Goddess from Gladys and Paul Mayve.” With that, she pulled them both into a hug and abruptly turned and left the room. It was a quiet couple the joined the rest in the SUV both contemplating the fortunate meeting.
The rest of the trip held nothing of importance. The hotel was adequate, their dinner was fair though all agreed Gladys food was far superior. The following day the road trip was full of Joe trying to convince Dillon that he needed a new wardrobe and that black needed to be retired. With Dillion eventually threatening to revoke Joe’s privileges (of which no one knew or wanted to know what they were) if he did not change the subject. But it was eventually a weary and tired group that pulled into The Silver Shadow hotel. Henry knew just by the name that it belonged to the pack.
The Silver Shadow pack were a powerful pack, mostly because their Alpha was fair and just. Many smaller packs moved to be with them for their protection and companionship. It was for this reason he felt comfortable leaving Adam here for all these years.
Not but thirty minutes after their arrival was there a knock at his door. He opened it to see a tall warrior standing there. His broad shoulders and strong arms distracted Henry momentarily before he looked up into the startling blue eyes of the man.
A small smile pulled at the man’s mouth before he engulfed Henry in his arms, his deep voice speaking fast. “They told me you had arrived, and I could not wait another minute. I have waited to see you, really see you, for so long. Oh, Uncle, I have missed you so much.”
Henry almost choaking in the behemoth’s hold rasped out, “Let me look at you, Adam. Please, I can’t breathe. You have filled into your father’s frame I see.” He grunted as Adam let him loose. The two of them smiled goofy smiles at each other both overwhelmed now as Jessie and Tom came round into view.
Henry turned to motion them over. “Adam, I wish to introduce to you my…”
His introductions were interrupted as Adam’s deep voice growled out with authority, “Mate.”
Chapter 22
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13uswntimagines · 3 years
Protective Mamas and cuddle time (Kellex x Little!Reader)
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Request: More kellex x little reader? Maybe reader gets badly injured and kellex takes care of her?
Author’s Note: IDK how i feel about this one honestly. Im going to apologize because I don’t think it’s really on par with the others, but i hope you guys enjoy it. It me up with questions and asks because they're super motivating. 
You took a deep breath, wiping the sweat away from your forehead, your eyes glued to the opposite of the field where Kelley and Abby had just stripped Jessie Fleming of the ball. 
Canada was always a particularly difficult and physical opponent and today was no exception. Your kit was stained green from the number of times you had already hit the ground and it wasn’t even halftime yet. 
Kelley looked up at you, and you nodded in response, beginning to casually move upfield and away from your defender. You watched for a second, waiting for the signal, and once you saw it, you took off upfield. 
Your defender was too far behind, and completely confused by your sudden change in direction. You glanced over your shoulder just as Kelley crossed a beautiful ball right towards you. 
It seemed to float over you. You probably could have waited 3 seconds for it to land right at your feet, but you wanted to prove a point. You wanted to show off a little. You rushed forward and leaped for it.
You were very confused and entirely unsure of how you had gotten yourself into this position. You blinked up at the sky groaning. The light hurt your eyes. It was mean for the sun to interrupt your nap. That was why your mommies always made sure to close the blinds. They never made you wake up to bright lights.
 You tried to move your arm to cover your eyes, only to have it stopped by a warm hand. 
“Hey babe, you need to stay still alright?” Alex said, her face appearing upside down in your line of sight. 
Her face seemed to sway above you and the headache kicked in. It felt like you were falling, even though you were pretty sure you were laying on the ground. 
It was terrifying. 
“Wha appended?” You tried to ask. Your eyebrows furrowed at how slurred it sounded and how difficult it was for you to get them out. 
Alex brought her hand to your cheek, lightly running her finger along your lips. She could tell you were slipping. “Shh babydoll,” 
You tried in vain to lean into her touch, to wiggle just a little to be closer to her. Just the little movement caused pain to flare up in your hand and all the way down your side. Kelley also appeared above you, gently pushing your shoulders to keep you on the ground. 
“Mama, it hurt,” You whined, tears coming to your eyes as you again tried to sit up and squirm away from the medic who was now kneeling on your other side. 
“I know, but you gotta let Lena help you,” Kelley said, carefully pinning the arm next to her on the ground so you didn’t try to bat the medic’s hand away like you had last time. You whined loudly. 
She shared a look with Alex. The team didn’t like to share who exactly amongst them was little with the world. It helped them to protect you and maintain some form of privacy. With you dropping, there was a good chance it could have the rest of the littles on the team dropping too (a disastrous situation that they would very much like to avoid). 
Your girlfriends also didn’t like that you were in enough pain to send you crashing down into little space either. You were a tough cookie, so it had to be pretty bad. 
“Hey Y/n can you tell me where it hurts?” The green-eyed medic asked softly, using the voice she would use if her own little one was hurt. 
You squinted. Your ability to verbalize your thoughts was slowly dwindling as you sank deeper into little space. 
Alex ran her thumbs over your cheek again, trying to help you stay grounded enough to answer. “Come on babydoll, you gotta tell her so she can help you,” Kelley added, rubbing your arm. 
“My head an my tummy,” You mumbled. 
Lena nodded at you, very carefully lifting up your shirt to take a peek at the bruised skin. She shook her head at your girlfriends and motioned to Vlatko that you were definitely gonna need to be subbed off the field. “Ok kiddo, we’re gonna get you off the field and get you all fixed up alright?” 
“Mama come?” you asked as they loaded you onto the stretcher, still very out of it. 
“Mama and mommy have to stay here, but Aunt Becky is gonna go to the back with you while we get you checked out,” Kelley said, kissing your forehead, and brushing a strand of hair out of your face. 
It wasn’t even halftime yet and the team only had 3 subs to use. All three of you couldn’t leave the field, no matter how much Alex and Kelley wanted to go with you. 
“Otay,” You said, your voice very far away. 
“We’ll come to check on you right after we finish,” Alex added as they moved you off the field. 
Both women watched you go, shaking their heads to try and get themselves back into game mode instead of worried mama mode. Big you wouldn’t be happy if they lost because you had to get taken off the field. 
“Alright darling, let’s get you all comfy,” Kelley said, opening the hotel room door and holding it so Alex could carry you inside. 
The game had ended with two more goals (one by Alex and another by Christen) both of which happened to go right past the defender whose sloppy playing had gotten you taken off the field. And the ride back to the hotel had been quiet and uneventful. Frankly, the hardest part was getting you cleaned up and changed out of your practice kit and into something a little more comfortable for the bus.
You had tried to be cooperative (a testament to how much pain you were in) but between the nausea from your concussion and your bruised ribs you weren’t that much help. Though the skin-on-skin contact in the shower had soothed you a little. 
“Baba?” You asked sleepily into your mommy’s shoulder, lisping around the pacifier in your mouth. 
“Yeah babydoll, we’ll get you a bottle,” Alex hummed, kissing the crown of your head and sitting on the edge of the bed. 
It was rare that you were this little. You usually hovered around 3 and a half or 4, and typically preferred sippy cups to bottles. They didn’t mind you were younger today, it made you more cuddly. 
“Alright kiddo, Batman or Nasa?” Kelley asked softly, swatting in front of you and Alex, holding up both sets of footy pajamas. Little you hated to sleep in sweats. 
You peeked out from your mommy’s shoulder, squinting at your choices. The NASA one was cool, it had a little hood that looked like a space helmet, but the Batman one had a cape. 
“Batman,” You mumbled after a few seconds, going back into your favorite hiding spot. Your girlfriends shared an indulgent smile. 
Alex gently rubbed your back, before bringing a hand up to carefully remove you from her neck. “Batman it is, let’s get you changed,” 
You tensed but allowed her to coax you back out. You let out a low whine as Alex helped you turn around in her lap. That whine got more insistent when Kelley encouraged you to lift up your hips so she could bet your sweats off. The small movement caused your ribs to ache and burn. You wiggled away from the pain, only making it worse.
“Easy baby,” Alex said into your ear, a hand moving to rub little circles on your belly to help calm you. They both waited for you to stop squirming before they very quickly finished helping you change. “there we go,” Alex hummed as Kelley finished pulling up the zipper and passed you your favorite stuffed dinosaur. 
“You cuddle with mommy and I’ll get you your bottle,” Kelley said, lightly throwing your cape over your face and earning a little giggle (followed by a whine when it hurt your ribs to laugh as a glare from Alex).
“Uddle wit mommy,” you nodded, letting Alex maneuver you back to get under the covers and into a more comfortable cuddling position. 
Alex smiled softly at you, helping you to tuck yourself back into her taller form and get Roary situated next to you before pulling up one of your favorite movies on the television- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. 
Kelley rolled her eyes at the opening chords of the movie. The three of you had watched it so much that she could probably (and would probably because you liked it) quote the whole thing word for word. She pulled the bottle of milk from the microwave, shaking it and testing it on her wrist to make sure it wasn’t too hot. 
“There you go darling,” Kelley said, hanging you the bottle and climbing into the bed next to you. You shifted a little, making sure that both you and Roary were comfortable (and that he wasn’t blocking your view). 
“Tank you,” You murmured, proud that mommy didn’t have to nudge you to remember your manners. 
“You’re welcome,” Kelley smiled, kissing your forehead. You wiggled again, and Alex rolled her eyes. Trying to keep you still for the next however many weeks was going to be a nightmare. 
“Shh, baby just relax. We’ll take care of you,” Alex said, helping you shift and bring her hand to the back of your neck. She rubbed little circles onto the skin and very gently combed her fingers through your baby hairs. 
It only took her a few minutes to have your head dropping further into Kelley’s shoulder and your eyes slipping shut. 
“Wove mama and mommy,” You said already half asleep, lisping around your pacifier. 
“We love you too baby,” They said together. They loved you more than anything and they were going to make sure you didn’t rush your recovery. 
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chockfullofsecrets · 3 years
Critical Role: The Opposite of Cuddling
(Read on AO3)
Rating: Gen
Summary: And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, but - “That’s not gonna work,” he says, feeling a little bad as her face falls. “I’m way too ticklish for that.”
Jester’s expression rebounds at lightning speed. “Caduceus! You’re ticklish?”
“Oh. Yeah,” he grins.
Dome cuddles don't quite work out, but the Mighty Nein make do.
Wordcount: 1.8k (it would be short if it wasn’t supposed to be a snippet fic aaa)
A/N: maybe i am just in the mood for cuddly gang tickles. maybe so. 
“So,” Jester is proselytizing, brandishing a diagram from her sketchbook into dubious faces, “if we cuddle up around Caduceus just like this it’s going to be super soft and comfy and warm until we get out of this stupid weather! Any questions?”
Caduceus puts his teacup aside and leans down to peer at the sketch. It’s really good, especially the faces. She must have drawn it while watching them sleep last night.
And maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, but - “That’s not gonna work,” he says, feeling a little bad as her face falls. “I’m way too ticklish for that.”
Jester’s expression rebounds at lightning speed. “Caduceus! You’re ticklish?”
“Oh. Yeah,” he grins. It feels good to see her happy, tail flicking as she clutches her sketchbook in clear delight - after two days of nonstop freezing rain, even her forceful cheer has been wavering. “It’s nice, sometimes, but not when we’re, you know. Sleeping.”
“So I could tickle you right now and you wouldn’t be, like, really mad at me?” Jester presses. She’s scooting towards him as she asks, practically trembling with excitement. It’s awfully cute.
Well, it’s been a while, but he can’t say he’s not a little eager for the contact. He ignores the looks from the rest of their group and flops back onto his bedroll, wriggling a little to get comfortable. “Yeah, that’d be good.”
“Um,” Beau says from somewhere behind him, a little strangled. Oh, right.
“We’re not keeping people awake, are we?” he asks, craning his neck to the various edges of the dome people have settled in. “Anyone set on sleeping right now?”
Beau makes a face. "That's not the weird part, Duceus."
“They can help!” Jester chirps, and then she’s cuddled into his side and wiggling tiny tiefling claws above his belly. “Oh, Ca-du-ceus!”
She’s pitching her voice as deep and scary as it can go. It’s not very far. “Yeah?”
“Where’s your very worst tickle spot?”
He laughs. “Telling you that feels like a bad idea.”
“Then I’ll just have to fi-ind it!” She tugs his shirt up with one quick move, and he barely has time to feel the cold before she’s latching onto his sides and burying her entire face into the downy fur on his belly. “Ooh, you’re so soft and warm! I want to cuddle you forever, Caduceus.”
It tickles, but just a little - honestly, he’s more amused by her. “Can’t say I’ve heard that before,” he chuckles, reaching out to poke gently at her side. “You’re not bad yourself.”
She squeaks, pulling her head up just enough to gasp at him. “Oh my gosh, Caduceus, did you just tickle me back? Guys, you have to come help me!”
“Nah, I’m good,” Beau snorts.
Jester lets out a massive sigh and flops back down onto him, and for a pleasant minute or two it’s just her nuzzling into him as he watches raindrops pelt off the amber dome overhead.
Then there’s a rustle, and some clinking, and before he can do anything more than lazily twitch one of his ears in the direction of the sound Yasha’s upside-down face pushes into his field of view.
“Do you mind if I join?” she asks in her quiet way. “I don’t want to overwhelm you.”
Jester springs upright, grabbing happily for her hands. “Yes! Join us!”
Caduceus echoes her, snorting out a quiet laugh as Jester regains some of her energy and starts to scribble her way up his sides. He doesn't have any quiet siblings - Yasha reminds him a little more of the mourners, so it’s always nice to see her reach out. He's good at appreciating that sort of thing.
Yasha smiles shyly down at the both of them as she pulls his head into her lap and starts to play with his ears. “These are so soft,” she marvels. “Are you ticklish here?”
His ears have always been one of his siblings’ favorite spots to tease him with, and apparently they haven’t gotten any less sensitive in the last ten years. “Yeah,” he gasps. “Heh - just - hehe - a little bit.”
There's a frustrated groan off to his right. “Okay, I’ll bite.” Footsteps track around to his side, fleet and quiet, and he waits patiently for a flash of blue cloth to cross his gaze. “But only ‘cause ears are a fucking weird spot and I want to see if this works on you.”
Beau crouches by his side and curls her fingers loosely. “I’m gonna punch you,” she warns. “Probably not that hard, but don’t tense up.”
He nods as best as he can while tilting his head to better let Yasha worry her fingernails at the backs of his ears - he’s not sure if he could feel more boneless if he tried, right now.
The heel of her fist strikes him right in the middle of his chest, fingers clutching around something intangible - that something scurries its way down every nerve he has, and he coughs out a startled laugh before he can help himself. “What was that?”
“Payback for growing lichen on me back at your house,” she quips, but her eyes are narrowed in clear concentration. “Okay, ears, ears… wrists? And knees? And - fuck, man, your entire back? Really? Jes, let’s flip him over, this is going to be good.”
Well, that’s unexpected.
“Wait - ha!” Caduceus yelps, squirming as fingers start to pry their way underneath him. “Hold on now-”
He’s bigger than both of them by far, but they’re strong and not above tickling the backs of his ribs until he starts to squeal. "You're so thin, Caduceus!" Jester exclaims, hooking a finger into the tender gap between two bones and wriggling it mercilessly - his back arches entirely without his permission, letting Beau pry him another inch off the ground, and he whines defensively. "We have to feed you more!"
They get as far as rolling him onto his side before Beau loses patience and starts prodding smugly at his spine. “Your ki is pretty shivery around here, Duceus,” she teases. “Trying to hide your worst spots, huh? Bet you thought we weren’t gonna take this seriously.”
Caduceus is too busy laughing to deal with - any of that, really, especially when Jester slings herself over him so she can reach his back too. “I’m - ahaha! aaa! - oh, that tickles!”
As if in direct response to his babbling, a small weight bundles into the back of his knees. He curls up reflexively with a strangled shout - it’s Nott, cuddling up to him with a shivery sigh as an invisible hand starts to pinch at his kneecaps. “You’re right,” she crows to Jester. “He is soft.”
It does feel nice, being buried under this many people and tickled till the marrow of every bone in his body shivers, happy and helpless, and when Fjord finally sits in front of him and presses a questioning hand to his shoulder Caduceus doesn’t resist the impulse to clutch his hands and pull him in closer.
Fjord comes easily, huffing in quiet amusement as Caduceus buries his face in him and Yasha and wriggles like a freshly surfaced earthworm. “You alright there?” he drawls. “You sound like they’re trying to kill you.”
Nott snorts from somewhere near his belly. “We should stop, then, we’ve only got the one cleric.”
Everything abruptly derails as Jester launches herself towards Nott and, from the sound of it, kicks Beau right in the face - there’s wheezing, and then shouting, and then the telltale sugar-sweet scent of Jester’s healing magic.
Caduceus holds very still. "Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah," Beau confirms, mangled. He can practically picture Jester frantically squishing her cheeks around as she checks for damage.
A typical tickle fight, as far as the Clays are concerned, just with a different smell - the Wildmother's healing tends more earthy. Even though they’ve stopped tickling, Caduceus can’t help but laugh.
He’s not sure if he imagines Fjord fluttering light fingers along the insides of his wrists as he catches his breath, but by the time he wheezes out one last fit of giggles and rolls himself back over everyone seems to be keeping a respectful distance, if a good deal closer together than they were at the beginning of the evening. “I think that went pretty well,” he says, pleased.
“...so you’re stupid ticklish,” Beau says dryly, scrubbing a bit of dried blood from her lip. “No cuddling Duceus while he’s trying to be unconscious, message received.”
There’s a chorus of agreement from all but one - Caduceus looks around and spots their final member for the first time since they sat down for dinner, nose buried in a book and ears suspiciously red.
He hasn’t moved an inch all night, even to escape the noise, which leaves him only a few feet away from the rest of them. Caduceus gets the feeling he’s about to regret that. “Oh, I’m sure there are those that have it worse,” he grins. “Right, Mr. Caleb?”
Caleb’s gaze snaps up over the edge of his book. “Ja,” he rushes out, strangled. “I mean - nein - of course I am not - I am just trying to read here-”
Jester doesn’t wait for him to dig his grave any deeper. “Oh my gosh, Cay-leb, are you super ticklish too?”
Caleb stuffs his book back into its holster and holds a hand out preventatively, reaching with panicked precision for a strip of leather tied just above his knee with the other. “No, I am not-”
“Oh, no you don’t.” Fjord rocks backward and reaches out with one broad hand, latching onto Caleb's wrist, and Caleb promptly abandons all spellcasting to kick at him like a startled rabbit.
Despite that, he reels Caleb in gently, scooping him into a neat little ball before he heaves him into the middle of their little circle and squarely on top of Caduceus. “I think we owe you a nice, long thank you for this lovely dome, don’t we?”
There’s a moment of silence as Caleb presumably thinks about how easy it would be to kill them all in this enclosed space. “This,” he says, as severely as he can with his feet in the air and hair in his eyes, “is the opposite of cuddling, and if you do not leave me alone then tomorrow night I am going to make all of you sleep in the rain.”
Even the seasoned homebody in Caduceus knows that’s the exact wrong thing to say to a group of damp and grumpy adventurers - if the mood in the dome was mischievous before, it takes a steep dive into outright evil.
Beau cracks her knuckles. “Yeah? Let’s see what you have to say when we tickle you again tomorrow.”
And if Caduceus laughs as Caleb gives one startled owlish blink and then scrambles to hide as much of himself behind Caduceus as possible - well, that’s not from the tickling at all.
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Headcanons for: “Haikyuu!!”
Darling With A Personality Like A Cat
Pairing: Kageyama x Reader  |  Hinata x Reader 
Request: “Safe and nsfw with Kags and Hinata and their darling who’s a bit like a cat: independent but docile and cuddly with those she really trusts. Poly preferred but not poly is okay too! -Anonymous”
Notes: Poly it shall be! Hope you like how it turned out. Heads up, yandere themes are ahead [18+, NSFW, Controlling, Protective, Cursing, etc.]
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+ Hinata and Kageyama are complete opposites at time
+ On the surface, Kageyama shows a respect for your independent nature, while on another level he wishes you would depend on him a bit more
+  Hinata on the other hand hates when you do things on your own without him, and won’t hesitate to call you out
+ “Baby, that looks really heavy. Let me get that for you.”
+ “No, I’m good. I can do it on my own.”
+ Fuck he hates when you say that. Every time ‘I’m good’, leaves your mouth, Hinata wants to tie you up so you can’t do anything at all without him
+ “Baby, you’re so far away. Come sit closer to us, there’s plenty of room.”
+ “No thanks, I’m good. I’m comfortable over here.”
+ He didn’t care that you were comfortable over there. He wanted you comfortable curled up next to him and Kageyama
+ They love having you around and just having your attention on them
+ “We weren’t asking, now come and sit with us.”
+ At first they’ll be a safe distance away, giving you your space, but a bit longer and suddenly all of you are a tangled mess
+ Every time you laid with them, they felt complete. Nothing could compare to the feeling of your skin on theirs
+ And at first it may have felt a little weird to you, but eventually you started craving their touch as well, not even a blanket comparing to the feeling of being wrapped in their arms or being laid across their laps as their hands lovingly run up and down your body
+ Both of them have plenty of pictures of you asleep on top of them that they like to stare at whenever they’re apart from you
+ Whenever they come home exhausted from volleyball, you’re more than happy to return the favor and allow them to each place a head on your thighs as you run your fingers through their hair
+ Feeling them melt and hearing their gentle hums of satisfaction brings a warm feeling to your heart
+ Their naturally competitive nature doesn’t end on the courts. While they try to put their differences aside in front of you, sometimes that heated rivalry still manages to make its way home
+ Most of the time it’s small stuff
+ Wanting you to lay your head on one shoulder instead of the others
+ Wanting you to sleep more on one side
+ The only time their rivalry truly shows itself is in the bedroom
+ While Kageyama is more slow and sensual, eager to make you feel every part of him, Hinata will be the complete opposite
+ The orange-haired boy gets so excited he barely wastes any time prepping you, eager to be the first one to enter you
+ Not even an exaggeration, your clothes barely hit the floor before Hinata already began lining himself at your entrance
+ “Slow it down, Dumbass. You’re going to hurt her being as impatient as you are.”
+ “Shut up, Bakageyama. I don’t see you doing any better.”
+ “Damn, if you’re that fucking impatient. Maybe our little darling will be nice enough to suck you off while I get her ready. Does that sound like a plan baby?” Kageyama coos, shoving Hinata out of the way and lowering himself so he’s right between your thighs
+ You don’t know what switches in him exactly, but Kageyama becomes almost sadistic when it comes to pleasing you
+ Slowly dragging the tip of his hot tongue between your folds before flicking it against your clit
+ You bolt to cover your mouth in an attempt to suppress your moans, but it doesn’t stay there long before Hinata is standing over you, gently tugging your hand away
+ “Sorry, baby. Mind if I borrow that pretty little mouth of yours?”
+ There’s nothing Hinata loves more than watching you gag on his dick. You could be going a comfortable pace, slowly working your way up to taking all of him before suddenly he threads his fingers through your hair, using his grip as leverage while he shoves his dick to the back of your throat
+You immediately start choking. Your eyes going wide and watering as you go into a panic trying to push him off, but he doesn’t let up. Relishing in the feeling of your throat clamped around his dick and the look of panic in your eyes
+ “Hmm, too much for you to handle? Aww, poor baby.”
+ Its hard to focus on your choking when Kageyama isn’t showing your poor pussy any mercy
+ He tightens his grip on your thighs, lifting them up so he can delve even deeper inside you, nose pressed against your clit as his tongue is lapping at your juices like a dog 
+ God is he even breathing??
+ You moan out in pure pleasure, the vibration transferring through Hinata’s dick, causing him to release a groan of his own
+ “Hey! Hmph… no fair. I… mmhmm..fuck…want a turn,” Hinata manages to get out, “I wanna make, Y/N feel good too.”
+ “Shut the fuck up and wait your turn.” Kageyama growls voice muffled from between your legs
+ It’s a rough start, but believe me, once they’re in sync, it’s over for you
+ You wake up the next morning covered in marks, each one wanting to outdo the other
+ Hickies, Bite Marks, Scratches, you name it
+ Each one a reminder of your boyfriends, and just how much they love you
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comfortwriting · 4 years
Valentine Treats - G.W
Smut Masterlist, Posting Schedule, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompts
George Weasley x Fem Reader
About: The reader feels like George is neglecting her, she becomes upset, whiny and stubborn and George tries to make things up to her on Valentines Day. 
Warnings: 18+ smut, sex, oral (female receiving), squirting, creaming, multiple orgasms, praising, pet names, orgasm denial, safe word, aftercare.
“Will I need to get dressed up tomorrow?” you smiled, staring at George. 
George continued to stare at his tax form, the two of you still in the shop, hours after closing. He was pouring himself too much into his work that he didn’t answer, he probably couldn’t even hear you. 
you placed your hand on his shoulder “George?” 
George nearly jumped out his his chair, he dropped his quill on the desk and rubbed his eyes. 
“sorry, love, what were you saying?” he turned his chair around to face you. 
“Tomorrow, will I need to get dressed up?” you asked again, his tired eyes roaming your face, trying so hard to focus. 
George paused for a moment, panic took over his brain and spread through his thoughts.
Shit, I’ve forgotten something... think George, think! Birthday? no, anniversary? no-
“It’s valentines day George, that's the occasion.” pulling George away from his overthinking. 
Instant relief swept over him, despite not having anything planned, George could work under pressure and he would do it no matter what if it would be the underlying reason a smile formed on you face. 
George smiled, and took you by the hands, holding them in his “yeah”
You weren’t surprised George forgot, it was a miracle when he could remember something outside work. Fred had the next few months off helping Angelina with the triplets, and even though Ron was helping, he was nowhere near as fast and his product knowledge was... basic. George had to work hard not only to fill in the absence of his twin, but to also pick up his brothers slack. 
You were so understanding of George being tired all the time, when you were on your lunch break you would bring Fred his dinner that he had left in the fridge, only for him to leave it on the side, not even acknowledging it. 
When the shop closed and Ron went home, George still continued to work, he wouldn’t get home until hours later if he didn’t already stay at the shop overnight. 
But despite how understanding you were, you were starting to get sick of feeling lonely all the time, you were too familiar with you own company, so much so you refused to be alone when given the choice at work, you even made small-talk with strangers. 
You missed the intimacy, the spark the two of you once had, that same spark that didn’t fade when you reached your four year engagement anniversary (the two of you still not married)  but the spark was slowly crushed to embers, slowly giving out tiny bits of light. 
You felt bad for putting another thing on your fiancés shoulders but you didn't want to go ahead and book something he may not even show up for. 
“It’s okay, we’ll just do something another time.” your voice low and pained. 
George tried to pull you closer to him, trying to explain that he doesn’t mean to come across as uninterested, he’s just tired. You freed your hands from your fiancés and pulled your coat off the back of his chair. 
“I’ll see you at home, then.” you muttered, leaving the shop.
George turned his chair back around and faced his desk, his head in his hands whilst he stared at the blank form. Letting out a big sigh, he picked up his quill. 
Even though you’d be home in a flash with magic, you started to walk home instead, the cold air and early sunsets gave you lots to think about. Everyone around you holding hands with their lover, huge pink love hearts flashing you everywhere you went, you couldn’t escape - you just wanted to be loved - appreciated. 
Finally getting inside to your empty flat, you walked into the bedroom and got undressed, climbing into bed whist George continued to work. 
Whilst dozing off, you couldn’t help but ask yourself what you were doing wrong, why George couldn’t take just one day off for you, even the busiest wizards that worked with you, even more hours than George, couldn't help but share the plans they made for Valentine’s Day; in their eyes, George has no excuse. 
As you had the day booked off, you sat in the flat alone, flicking through the channels on your muggle TV, each and every film a love story, so romantic you either went green or cried a river. 
George never came home last night and he would be well into his day of work, you wondered if he even thought about you whilst he worked, but right now you just wanted to sink into the sofa, dissolve and disappear without trace - your heavy tear filled eyes closed, you curled up and went back to sleep; anything to escape this feeling. 
 Your fiancé felt so shit throughout the day, he was usually happy serving customers - he didn’t ever tire from it, but today sucked. Couples flooding the shop giggling and holding flowers, lonely singles flocking towards love potions, Ron not shutting up about his wife Hermione and the dinner reservation he had made for them. 
George started to panic, on his lunchbreak he rang up every restaurant in the area trying to book a table but each and every time he hit a brick wall, everywhere had been fully booked up. Knowing you were home alone made George feel even worse, he couldn’t do anything at the flat to surprise you. 
Most shops had sold out of flowers, cuddly stuffed animals, even cards. 
Once he finally closed shop, George started to pluck his brain, trying to think of everything you had told him you liked, looking across through the window of a rather empty shop, he spotted the expensive, top of the range mannequin that you once raved about when the two of you passed through Diagon Alley. 
When you thought you and George would be getting married, you constantly beamed about getting that mannequin to make your own wedding dress, you spent hours sketching out different designs and sewing when you weren’t at work - perfect. 
Hearing George apparate into the front room, you woke up, a little startled. George held the mannequin behind his back, trying not to spoil the surprise as he didn't have the time to wrap it up or put it in a box. 
You stared at him “you’re home early” you muttered, picking up the remote. 
George felt his heart pain “I know, I wanted to do something special tonight”
“Don’t bother” you sighed “everywhere is booked up” 
George shuffled in front of you and revealed the stunning gift he bought you, the stars in your eyes twinkling, but you got a sudden sour taste in your mouth. 
“Why have you got me this?” you asked George, making his face drop. “you said we weren’t getting married.” 
George didn’t know what to say, his last plan was as good as a deflated balloon. 
You stood up “I don’t want items, George. I just want your bloody time, your touch.” 
Trying to walk away, George gently took hold of your arm “wait” he said softly. 
Turning around you noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes, the glint you had missed so much, you want to pull away from him and continue being stubborn but you couldn’t, not with that look in his eyes. 
George smashed his lips against yours, sharing a long, heated kiss, the two of you spewing with lust. George pulled your top off, and took his trousers off, you unclipped your bra and removed your pyjama bottoms; the two of you only in your underwear bottoms - a sight you hadn’t seen for months.
Your fiancé dropped to his knees, kissing down your lower stomach and reaching the hem of your knickers, his index finger hooking the edge. 
Looking up at you, you smiled down at George and nodded, he pulled down your knickers, dropping them at you ankles. His soft pink lips attacked your heat, covering your clit in soft pecks, his hot breath comforting you. Sticking out his tongue, he dragged it up and down softly against your clit, sending shivers down your spine. 
Your hands gripped his soft hair, you hung your head back and moaned out, extra sensitive to George’s advances after not being touched for so long. George kept moving forwards, pushing you backwards so the back of your legs hit the sofa. 
Sitting down on the sofa, George detached himself from your heat, pulling down his boxers, you caught a glance at his erection. 
“I want you so badly” you breathed out, basking in your fiancés beauty.  
George pulled off you for a moment and licked his lips “turn around and bend over, darling” he breathed. 
Feeling excited, you turned around and got on all fours, trying to balance the best you could on the bouncy sofa.
George’s hard cock was coated in lube, he gripped you by the waist and slowly pushed himself inside of you, filling you up and making you let out a moan.
“You’re amazing” you moaned, feeling your fiancè start to fuck you.
George continued to pound into you, your moans and his groans drowning up the room, his grip on your waist became tighter as he fucked you faster and deeper.
“So fucking beautiful” he groaned out.
One of George’s hands let go of your waist and sneaked around to the front of your body, his long digits playing with your clit, stroking it in circular motions.
Your moans became louder and more frequent, the heaviness in your stomach increased and George could feel you tighten around his cock.
“Are you getting close, darling?” He asked, still penetrating you.
You nodded, gripping onto the cushion.
George smirked “don’t cum, whatever you do.”
You whined out, George’s teasing was too much to handle, you missed it and couldn’t bare it at times but today you were loving it, you had longed for this.
“Your cunt feels amazing, so tight around me” he breathed, getting you closer to the edge.
George suddenly pulled out, denying you of what you wanted most.
“Sit down, darling.” He growled.
Doing as you were told, you sat on the sofa, George pulled your legs and put them over his shoulders, his head resting in-between your legs. George spat on his index and middle finger and pushed them inside you all the while eating you out. His fingers pumping quickly and switching with the ‘come here’ motion, stimulating your g-spot. 
You moaned out, gripping onto the cushion next to you. George’s fingers making you squirm with pleasure, his tongue exploring you in circular motions. 
You stared down at George and bit your lip “such a good boy” you moaned out “you look so beautiful”
George moved his fingers faster along with his tongue, making your legs shake, your back arch and you stomach get heavier, clawing at you for release.
Getting closer from both stimulations, you couldn’t bare to sit still anymore, you were desperate - you couldn’t hold back anymore.
“G-George, please let me c-cum.” You whined out, looking down at him working hard.
George stopped eating you out and looked up at you, his soft, pink lips coated in saliva.
“I’m not stopping you now, darling.”
Diving back down on you, shocks went through your body, you gripped onto George’s hair and laid your head back.
The pressure instantly dropped, a liquid squirting out from underneath you, drenching the sofa and George’s thighs.
Still eating your cunt, you were feeling yourself getting closer. Your hips bucking and your legs couldn’t stay still, George held you down, making you cum again, this time the cum coating his fingers perfectly.
Unable to take anymore, feeling too sensitive for another round you sat up.
“Kiwi” you breathed out, “kiwi”
George stopped immediately and looked up into your beautiful eyes, he climbed out from between your legs and sat next to you.
“Is everything okay, love?” He asked, searching your body, his soft touch making you jolt.
You nodded your head “just over stimulated, that’s all.”
George lifted you up into his arms and took you to the bathroom, cleaning you up ever so gently as you kept whining out each time he accidentally brushed against your heat.
“Happy Valentine’s Day” he said softly, kissing your head.
You smiled “Happy Valentine’s Day, George”
George paused for a moment, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
“I do want us to get married” he softly.
“Me too.”
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valhallasubstitute · 3 years
In Sickness and In Health
Finan X Eadith
Request: Can I request Finan x Eadith where he's ill/injured and she stays with him for a month or so to look after him. Except that by the time he's better he's coaxed her into moving all her stuff over, sleeping in the same bed because it's comfier and his supposedly platonic cuddling has definitely gone way past friendship. Bonus points if you can work in some cuddly and playful smut at the end because those two deserve it.
WARNINGS: 18+ SMUT, mentions of injury and infection, swearing
Tags: @flowers-in-your-hayr
@mariaenchanted @solinarimoon
It had been a long journey home.
The battle had been won and the boys had returned home safely but Finan’s wound was already showing signs of infection when they passed through the gates of Coccham.
The cut wasn’t particularly deep, at least from what Eadith could see beneath the puss and gunk that covered it, but it was long. It stretched from his right shoulder blade to lower end of his ribcage on the left, it would scar.
If he survived…
The thought had terrified her.
Plagued her.
His fever had taken days to break. Eadith had taken to spending her nights in the chair by his bed, from there she could make sure the fire didn’t go out and the Irishman didn’t worsen. She would hold his hand in hers and pray to a God who had never been kind to either of them.
She wiped the sweat from his brow and held him down when he thrashed in his sleep. She was exhausted. It took three days for the worst to pass.
When his eyes finally opened Eadith could have cried. She left him with Uhtred, Sihtric and Osferth and returned with a bowl of steaming broth.
The Irishman was propped against the headboard, his eyes heavy but, as always, they followed Eadith’s movements across the room. She sent him a small smile before clambering onto the bed. She sat cross legged in front of him, too relived to care for impropriety and held the spoon to his lips. He took it without complaint, without a smirk or sly remark and Eadith knew it would take time for the life to return to him.
It took another week before he could sit up on his own and by that time Finan had grown sick of watching Eadith run back and forth between his home and hers.
‘Osferth will be here by midday. You are not to move until he gets here.’ Eadith looked at him pointedly and he couldn’t help but smile back. It only seemed to irritate her more. Finan felt a flash of guilt as she glared at him, the dark circles under her eyes and the pain in her back she tried to hide from him suddenly becoming obvious as her guard dropped. He lifted his hands in surrender.
‘I promise… on one condition.’ Finan watched as she brushed a stray red hair from her face, her eyebrows raising as her interest peaked.
‘I hardly think you’re in the right state to be making demands.’
‘Indulge a dying man – ‘
‘You’re not dying anymore.’
‘No, but you’re killing me with all this back and forth. Just take some of your things with you when you come back.’ Eadith’s eyes widened and for a moment Finan wondered if he had overstepped, if she would come back at all. Finan chewed on his lip as Eadith considered, her eyes scanning the room before settling back onto him.
‘Maybe I will.’ He didn’t miss the way her gaze flickered from his face to the bandages wrapped around his torso as she spoke. Nor the tiny curve of her pink lips.
Finan could barely contain his smirk as Eadith returned later that evening, a basket of her belongings in hand. She unpacked them quietly, huffing as her blanket failed to fit onto the chair she had claimed as hers.
‘The bed is big enough for two ya know.’
‘I’m quite aware of how big your bed is Finan, I’ve watched you snore in it for the last week and a half.’ It hurt to laugh but it was progress.
His fever returned the next day.
On the third night Eadith climbed into Finan’s bed and held him until it broke in the early hours. Her clothes were damp with his sweat and her hands were trembling, but Finan was smiling at her.
‘So, this is what it takes for you to get into bed with a man.’
‘Stop talking Finan or I’ll smother you myself.’
‘You’d miss me too much.’
I would, Eadith thought, but she wouldn’t tell him what he already knew.
When Finan awoke, sticky and dehydrated, Eadith was curled up beside him, her hand still clutching the wet cloth that had long since dried. He took it from her as gently as he could and pulled the covers up to her shoulders. He watched her chest rise and fall and let his fingers dance over the delicate features of her face. It was the ghost of a touch, featherlight and fearful. Eadith didn’t stir and Finan felt peace.
He decided that he quite liked having Eadith in his bed. He decided that he slept better with her in it.
‘It’s rude to stare at a lady.’ Her voice was muffled and a little hoarse from sleep.
‘Mmmh, but I can’t help but notice how comfortable you are.’
Eadith groaned, her eyes still closed as she frowned at him.
‘How can a man be so insufferable this early in the morning?’
It was past midday when Eadith finally pulled herself out of bed. Finan’s bed. They had spent all morning talking, teasing each other until Finan had needed his bandages changed. She had left him with the healers, smiling as he flirted with the oldest woman she had ever seen.
That night she teased him about it as they lay opposite each other, the covers resting just above her waist. Finan played with the hem of it, his fingers brushing against her occasionally.
‘I didn’t realise that was your type, the young women of Coccham will be sorely disappointed when they find out you prefer their grandmothers.’
‘I can tell when a woman’s been pretty, it’s all in their eyes and their touch. It’s a gift.’ Finan shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
‘And what does my touch say hm?’ Eadith took her hands out from under her cheek and began poking the man in front of her, lightly so not to cause pain but enough that she saw the spark of amusement in his dark eyes. She knew Finan would only take so much but she hadn’t expected him to grab her and flip her. She yelped as her back was pulled to his chest, his hands resting over hers as he took deep breaths. He tensed, letting the pain flow through him before relaxing once more.
Eadith tried to sit up, to check on his bandages but Finans hold was tight.
‘Finan your wound – ‘
‘Is fine. Stay.’
Eadith didn’t argue. She didn’t argue when he asked her to stay in his arms the next night, or the night after, or the night after that. For comfort or for warmth she didn’t mind, it felt good to see him slowly come back to life and let herself relax.
It had been an entire month before Finan was able to have the bandages removed, the infection was gone, and the scar was a healthy shade of pink. Eadith would run her finger along it, enjoying the way goose bumps would follow in her wake. Or was it just the feeling of his skin?
But this morning it was not Eadith who let herself explore.
Finan had awoken to Eadith’s back pressed to his chest and the sound of birdsong in his ears. His hand rested on her waist and his erection pressed into the curve of her ass lightly. They had never acknowledged it; they weren’t children nor were they virgins. But there were moments Finan would swear blind she embraced it, pushed herself back further just to test him. See how long he could bite his lower lip or hold back the moan that bubbled in his throat.
Her skin was warm through the thin material of her night dress, and as Finan shifted his legs he could tell it had ridden up in the night. They were long and smooth, and he couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to press his body between them, have her thighs cage his head or her ankles locked behind his back as she pulled him in deeper.
Finan let out a shaky breath, desperately trying to distract himself but the action sent shivers down Eadith's spine. She stirred, taking Finan’s hand from her waist and curling it to her chest, hugging it.
Finan’s morning voice was rough and heavenly to Eadith's ears as he greeted her with a mumbled ‘good morning.’
She let herself adjust to the light slowly, opening her eyes just a crack as Finan became restless. She knew he would want to stretch; she had learned that warriors never liked to lay still for too long, but she couldn’t help but tighten her grip on his hand, curling her body until her chin rested on top of his knuckles.
Eadith's lips brushed against his fingers as she smiled, the digits beginning to move in an attempt at escape.
‘Eadith.’ A warning.
‘Finan…’ Her voice was teasing, and Finan wanted to melt. There was a smile on his lips as he began to tickle her neck, his body acting as a cage as she squirmed. Eadith's laugh was carless, her movements pushing the blanket from the both of them as her hands finally eased their grip.
With his hand free, Finan let it travel south. His palm pressed against her breast gently, feeling its softness, his fingers ghosting over her nipple. Eadith gasped but made no move to stop him.
‘That tickles.’ The breathlessness of her voice made Finan’s cock throb. she shifted a little, pulling her long hair to one side, exposing her neck. Finan took the hint, letting his beard touch her skin before his lips.
She giggled.
Stubborn, independent, fierce Eadith giggled and Finan could die a happy man.
He teased her again, pulling her nightdress off her shoulder with his teeth. He was deliberate with his movements, letting the scratch of his beard distracted her before moving his fingers again.
Eadith's nipples were already hard from the morning chill, but Finan’s skilled fingers sent an aching to her centre. It was the simplest touch, rolling and pinching until Eadith felt so sensitive she couldn’t help but let little moans tumble from her mouth.
Finan responded immediately, letting out a groan from the back of his throat.
It was sinful and Eadith wanted more.
She turned in his arms, humming as his hands trailed to rest on her arse. He kneaded the flesh as she brought her hands to his chest. She could feel his heart beating frantically as they looked at each other, his dark eyes kept darting to her lips. He was smiling at her, smug and delicious. Eadith closed the gap between them, soft and slow.
Finan’s lips were plush and addictive, his tongue gently swiping over her bottom lip as he tried to deepen the kiss.
Eadith didn’t deny him, if his fingers were skilled then his tongue was saint like. She let out another small sound and felt his erection jump against her thigh. With a grin Eadith broke the kiss, her nails leaving little red lines as she ran her hands further and further south.
‘That tickles.’ Finan teased, his own hands growing bolder.
She watched as his muscles tensed as she brushed over them and relished in the way he arched towards her as she undid the ties of his breeches.
The fantasy of Finan paled in comparison to the reality; he was thick and long, his tip already leaking pre-cum. She brushed the pad of her thumb over it. Starting at the top Eadith slowly began pumping him up and down, feeling every vein and twitch.
‘Eadith, Christ please.’ Finan’s voice was desperate. Her heart skipped a beat and her cunt pulsed. ‘I won’t last.’
And Finan wanted to last.
Her hands were smaller and softer than his own, but her grip was perfect. Just enough pressure to inch him closer to the edge but slow enough that he couldn’t quite get there. It was maddening but he knew how she liked to tease.
Finan let his eyes trail away from Eadith's hands around his length to the opening of her legs. With the covers gone Finan could see the way she had parted them slightly, the mound of red inviting him in. without hesitation Finan slipped his fingers between their bodies and brought them to her slit. She was already soaking and Finan couldn’t help but curse at the feeling. He parted her folds languidly, spreading the wetness and enjoying the way she squirmed, how her grip tightened around his cock.
He slipped his finger inside without warning, Eadith's face burrowing into his neck as she called out. Finan matched the pace she set, curling his finger in time with her strokes. She littered his neck with sloppy, open mouthed kisses in between moans but it wasn’t enough for Finan. With a groan he slipped in another finger, stretching her as his thumb found her clit.
As soon as the pad of his thumb found her sweet spot her movements stopped but Finan couldn’t find it in himself to care.
‘Finan please…’ He could feel her tightening around his fingers, her nails carving little half-moons into thighs are her high approached.
‘Please what?’
‘Please, please…Finan!’ He felt her come around him, her walls fluttering as her slick dripped down his hand. Her breathing was ragged and as Finan took in her flushed cheeks and kiss swollen lips he knew this was the best morning of his life.
As Eadith recovered he brushed his hands along her body, imaging all the possibilities. He was painfully hard, the head of his penis red and weeping but the look in Eadith's eye told him that she was going to keep him like that for just a little bit longer.
She kissed her way from his love bitten neck up to his jaw. She planted her hands on his chest and straddled him, pushing him down as he tried to rise to meet her. Her breath was hot in his ear as she spoke, and he could hear the smile in her voice.
‘Now this may tickle…’
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elvish-sky · 4 years
Beloved {Thorin x Reader}
A.N: I will 100% do a part 2 to this if anyone wants it. (And I know Arien is the name of the sun in Middle-Earth but I absolutely adore the name so..) Actually- I’ll probably do it if no one wants it, the name Arien cannot be used in just one fic. (Although if I end up doing a post BOTFA fix-it guess who might make an appearance?) Anyways, love this fic, love this request, really hope y’all like it and please let me know what you think!
Requested by @shy-basementchild on Tumblr: Hello! I am so happy your requests are open! 🥺I love your stories, the Fili peppermint made me buy like 2 peppermint mocha drinks hahaha! But I was wondering if maybe I can request a little bit of a wholesome story where the human f!reader(who is a love interest to thorin) and the company come across a human baby during their journey to erebor and they all take turns taking care of it (which make thorin love the reader even more) and at the end of the whole quest, (no one dies. 😐) the human baby is adopted by thorin and the reader and they have another child naturally and they all just cuddle in front of the fire (maybe the human child asks for a puppy too? Haha!) I just need something cuddly, if that's ok? Haha!
Word Count: 985
Pairings: Thorin x Reader, Thorin and Reader with a Baby
Summary: You find a baby abandoned in the forest while on the Quest for Erebor.
Warnings: Fluff, Abandonment, A Baby
You halted in the middle of the path, head cocked, listening. “Oof!” Something crashed into you. “Y/N? Why did you sto-” The glare on your face silenced Kili mid-sentence. Still listening, you started to walk off the trail into the forest of pines. You were abruptly stopped by an arm flung out in front of you. Brushing past Thorin, you continued, showing no reaction to his sudden sputtering at your ignorance of him.
Creeping through the towering trees, feet making no sound on the ground padded with pine needles, you hear the sound again. It sounded like crying. Peeling back the branches of a bush, your eyes settle on a baby. Lying there, swaddled in a tattered brown blanket with it’s little toes peeking out, you could understand why it was crying. Upon seeing your face it hiccuped into silence and stared up at you, blinking with its mouth slightly parted.
“There’s a baby in the bushes.” Kili peered at it around you, looking shocked. “Y/N, what are we going to do? There’s a baby. In the bushes! Babies do not belong in bushes!” You laughed at him as Fili shoved him in exasperation.
Bending down, you picked the baby up, marvelling at its weight. Despite the fact that it had been abandoned in a forest, it was still in decent health. “There, there,” you cooed as the eyes of the child locked with your own. “It’s going to be all right, you’re safe with us now.” Humming a lullaby you remembered, you made your way back to the company with Fili and Kili, still dumbstruck, following behind you.
Emerging from the trees, you met the glare of your betrothed steadily. “Y/N.” You saw Thorin’s eyes register the bundle in your arms. “What is that?” You angled your arms so that he could see the calm face of the child. His eyes widened in shock. “That’s a baby.”
“I know that. KIli has already pointed it out several times.” You were completely deadpan, hiding an internal chuckle at the blush on the face of the young dwarf.
“In my defense, babies do not belong in bushes.”
“So you’ve said. Many times.” Fili gave his brother a good naturned shove.
Thorin shook his head in exasperation. “We cannot keep the baby, we’ll need to stop at the next settlement.”
At this you stiffened. “Why? We are perfectly capable of caring for this child!”
“Y/N, it is just not practical. We do not have the resources, and we are on a dangerous quest. This is no place for a baby.”
“I do not give a damn about practicality! We cannot just cast this child off at the next town. We are keeping it.” With that you began moving, leaving thirteen dumbstruck dwarves and a hobbit in your wake. You tried to hide a wince as the baby tugged on your courting braid, keeping your back straight, signifying your anger.
Later that night, you sat by the fire as Bombur stirred a pot suspended above. The scent of stew was wafting through the air on the smoke you could see spiraling up into the starry sky. Inhaling the delicious smell, you heard your stomach growl as you bounced the babbling child on your knee. She looked to be around six or seven months old- her family had probably tried their best to care for her, but given up.
You felt the balance of the log shift as someone sat next to you. “I am sorry for earlier.” Your head jerked up at that- Thorin rarely apologized, even to you. He kept speaking. “I can see how much this child already means to you, so we will do as much as possible to help it.”
You finally looked at him. The sincerity on his face was plain to see. “Thank you, my love. Would you like to hold her?” He started at that, and you giggled at the intense look of concentration on his face as you passed her over.
“Don’t laugh. I haven’t held a child since Kili- I’m out of practice!” He started bouncing the baby like you had been, remembering how he had helped his sister with his nephews.
“I do have one question, though. Why do you care so much about this baby?” He was looking intently at you.
“I was abandoned as a baby.” You heard his sharp intake of breath, but continued. “My birth parents left me, an eight-month-old, on the doorstep of a house in the north. I do not know who they were, but my adoptive parents took me in and cared for me.”
“Oh, amrâlimê.” His eyes were sad. “I’m so sorry. Why did I not know this?”
“It’s not something I usually tell people.”
“Well, I’m glad you told me.”
You smiled at him, and rested your head on his shoulder, gazing down at the now sleeping child in his arms.
“What have you been calling her?” You felt the reverberations of his deep voice.
“I’ve just been calling her the baby.”
“That won’t do.” Looking at his face, you saw a spark in his eyes. “How about…”
Thorin tapped his foot, deep in thought. “Arien. It means beloved in a language of man. It’s also a name given to the sun.”
“I love it.” You kissed his cheek.
“And I love you.” He tilted your head to kiss you, this time on the mouth. Breaking the kiss, you laid your head back on his shoulder, contentedly listening to Arien’s soft breathing, in time with the deeper breaths from the dwarf at your side. You loved the child already, and looked forward to watching her grow up as you knew that neither you, or Thorin, would ever willingly give her up. You sat there with your two beloveds, looking forward to the future without fear for the first time. Because how could it be bad if Thorin and Arien were at your side?
Everything tag 💖: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1
Thorin tag 💞: @lathalea
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dakotacrisis · 3 years
Cherry Blossoms (6)
And hiatus is over! Now back to our regularly scheduled disaster lesbians.
Read on AO3
Kagami wouldn’t say she was someone who had a lot of dreams. Even when she did dream she didn’t remember what it was about. When Kagami awoke she thought she was finally having a sweet dream. Marinette’s arms were wrapped around her squeezing Kagami’s back to her chest. Her breath puffed lightly against Kagami’s neck.
What she would give to stay in this moment. She could feel the petals working their way up her throat but she choked them back. No way was she going to let anything ruin this moment. Please, she laid her hand overtop Marinette’s, please let her have this for just a few more moments.
It was several minutes later when Marinette started to stir. Kagami let out a deep breath as she braced herself for the end of the dream.
“Hmm,” Marinette hummed before burying her face deeper into Kagami’s hair. Her grip around Kagami’s middle tightened as she cuddled herself impossibly closer. This girl was going to kill her.
“Marinette?” Kagami whispered, “You awake?”
With large yawn Marinette answered. “Shh, sleeping,”
“Okay, sorry shortcake,” Kagami tried not to laugh. She was like a sleepy little kitten first thing in the morning.
“Smell nice,” Marinette murmured in her half-asleep daze, “Like roses…”
“You should be coughing up roses.” Marinette continued, “Pretty red rose petals.”
“I’ll keep that in mind next time.”
“What?” Marinette picked her head, “What did you say?”
“I said I would keep that in mind for next time.”
“Keep what in mind?”
Kagami turned her head around so she was looking at Marinette over her shoulder. “Coughing up roses instead of cherry blossoms. You know, since I smell like roses.”
Marinette’s face immediately caught fire and Kagami let out a small laugh as Marinette scrambled to disentangle herself from Kagami. She was stammering out apologies and excuses for why she had cozied up to Kagami so closely during the night. Kagami watched her without saying a word. It was nice to see Marinette flustered for once. She was blushing so hard. You would have thought those roses she had been smelling were in her cheeks instead of Kagami’s hair.
“It’s okay, Marinette,” Kagami placed a hand on top of her head once she was done watching her flounder about, “I didn’t mind.”
“Oh...okay, good.” Marinette took a few calming breaths. “Sorry for freaking out. I didn’t know how comfortable you were with physical contact.”
“I don’t mind at all when it’s with you.” Kagami answered honestly. Marinette opened and closed her mouth trying to find something to say. Had she gone too far? Maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
“Good.” Marinette mumbled, “I’m glad you’re comfortable with me. You should be really happy too because you are really nice to sleep with--sleep next to! I mean that you are really cuddly and you smell really nice. I already said that. I just mean that out of the plethora of people someone could fall asleep next to you would be at the top of the list cause you don’t thrash around and you are like the perfect size to spoon so that’s good. You also don’t do anything like snore or--I’m rambling aren’t I?”
“Oh no, please,” Kagami grinned, “Tell me more about how I am perfect spooning size.”
“Do you want some breakfast? How about we go get some breakfast?” Marinette went to hop down off the bed but soon realized that in order to do that Kagami had to go down first or she would have to climb over her.
“What?” Kagami made no effort to move and let Marinette past, “Don’t you want to talk about how I am the perfect person to fall asleep with? I think you’re pretty nice to fall asleep next to too. I’ve never been spooned before. It felt nice. Safe even.”
“I made you feel safe? Me?” Marinette motioned to her noodle arms, “I should be the one saying that considering how you beat those guys up last night.”
“I’d say that holding someone in a hug does a lot more in making someone feel secure than physically fighting someone off. Whenever someone is fighting you’re worried about them getting hurt but when you can just hold someone you know there’s no danger. You can breathe the other person in and let the world slip away. Nothing else matters, nothing can hurt you in that embrace.”
“That’s a nice way of thinking about it.” the girls stared at each other for another moment before Kagami’s cough came back. A pile of petals fell onto the comforter. There were far more than there were yesterday. Her chest hurt.
“Kagami,” Marinette cupped the petals and set them on the shelf at the head of her bed, “It’s getting worse. I think we need to ramp up the plan for you to confess to Adrien.”
“I don’t want to think about that right now,” Kagami jumped down off the bed. Her hands clenched into fists as she tried to stave off the feeling of helplessness. “Honestly, everything that’s happened is making me wonder if there is anything about me even worth all this trouble. It seems that no matter what I say or do the person I like--the person I love--doesn’t even notice.”
“Hey, wait up,” Marinette followed after her. “Don’t think that about yourself. There’s so much about you to love. You’re confidant, smart, fun and super pretty! There is no denying it. Anyone would be lucky to have you in love with them so please don’t lose hope now.” Marinette grabbed hold of both of Kagami’s hands. “We’ll figure this out. I promise.”
“Thanks, Marinette,” Kagami smiled through the ache in her chest. “I should be getting home soon. I’m sure my mother is about ready to blow since I never came home last night.”
“I didn’t even think of that!” Marinette’s hands flew to her mouth, “You didn’t call! She must be worried sick! Here, you can take my phone to call her. Do you know her number? What am I talking about? She’s your mom, of course you know her number. Unless I’m being presumptuous and you never bothered to memorize it. In that case I’m sure there’s a phone book around here somewhere. We can search for the home phone number in there.”
“Marinette,” Kagami patted her head, “Calm down. I have my own phone and I left a message last night. She knows I’m here but she’s probably none too happy about it.”
“Oh,” Marinette stilled, “Guess I freaked out over nothing.”
“Your worry for me is flattering.” Kagami wanted so desperately not to leave. If only the morning could never end. If only she could climb back into Marinette’s bed and not have to worry about anything else ever again. “I’m gonna get changed.”
The walk back home gave Kagami time to compose herself. When she got home she was lectured by her mother as she expected and banned from going out with friends again for the next week. A little harsh considering all she did was stay at a friend’s house instead of braving the dark city by herself. Still, a week stuck at home wasn’t the worse punishment ever. She still had her phone so she could talk to her friends.
The only big downside was that no time out meant no time with Marinette. This morning it felt like for a moment she could maybe sway Marinette to her side. But now that she was forbidden from seeing her friends she was scared all the progress she had made would disappear. Perhaps she could tell Alya and Adrien what was going on and they could keep Kagami’s progress up until after her grounding.
She sent out a group text telling everyone she was grounded for a bit. The sympathies flooded in quickly. Marinette in particular seemed extra sad about Kagami’s grounding. It made her smile seeing how concerned about her Marinette got.
The next text went to the group chat with Adrien and Alya asking them to keep things good with Marinette. They promised to do their best. Hopefully asking them for help like this wasn’t a mistake. As well intentioned as their efforts were they had a habit of backfiring.
About three days into Kagami’s grounding she got a message from Marinette. It was a picture of all her friends hanging out and smiling at the screen.
Everyone is missing you and wishing you were here --Marinette
Kagami smiled. Not just for the sentiment but because the jacket Marinette was wearing was Kagami’s old leather jacket. She had forgotten it at Marinette’s house after she stayed the night and told Marinette she could hang onto it until her grounding was over. It elated her to no end that she was wearing it outside the house. Marinette was wearing Kagami’s jacket! Maybe she should “accidentally” leave a hoodie there next time.
Wish I was there too --Kagami
I like your jacket btw 😉 --Kagami
Oh this old thing? A good friend let me borrow it. --Marinette
Your friend has good taste --Kagami
She certainly does! --Marinette
It still smells like you. Makes me feel like you’re here with me --Marinette
That response alone had Kagami doubled over coughing handful after handful of cherry petals onto the ground. How could this girl say stuff like that to her so casually and not expect her to fall in love? It really wasn’t fair.
For a brief moment she envisioned wearing one of Marinette’s hoodies around town like this. Each of them wearing something of the other’s. Walking hand in hand down the sidewalk. Perfectly content together with nothing else in the world to worry about and no stupid Hanahaki disease to ruin the mood.
When Kagami’s grounding was over she had practically dashed out of the house. While she was under house arrest Marinette had been formulating a plan to get Kagami closer to Adrien. Kagami relayed the details back to Alya and Adrien so they could plan around it to make it was time getting close to Marinette instead.
Marinette’s plan was to invite Adrien out as a group hang and then subtly excuse herself so Kagami could have alone time with him. Adrien helped change this by telling Kagami he would show up late. This would give the girls plenty of time alone.
Kagami dressed nicely and got a Marinette seal of approval as they waited in front of a line of boutiques for Adrien to show up. Minutes crawled by and the later Adrien became the tenset Marinette got.
“He’s not answering my texts,” Marinette bemoaned, pacing up and down the street. “He said he was gonna be here half an hour ago. If he got held up by his dad then he would have let us know by now.”
“I’m sure everything is fine,” Kagami tried to assure her. “He’s probably getting a lecture about something stupid and can’t look at his phone. He’ll get back to us when he can.”
“You’re probably right,” Marinette sighed and tucked her phone back into her purse. “Still annoying though. This is supposed to be your precious Adrien alone time.”
“Well, how about while we’re waiting we do something to kill time.” Kagami gestured to the shops, “How do you feel about window shopping?”
“Sure,” Marinette nodded, relaxing a touch, “That sounds nice.”
They walked down the street, Marinette’s hand bumping against Kagami’s. She started to reach out to lace her fingers with hers when Marinette came to halt and faced one of the shop windows with a bright smile. “I love this store! And look at that dress!”
Kagami turned to see what Marinette was gawking at. In the shop window was a mannequin wearing a little black dress.
“It is nice,” Kagami couldn’t deny it was a very beautiful, if not simple dress. Long sheer sleeves with buttons at the wrist, high neck, and a loosely fitted skirt that fell right above the knee.
“You should try it on. I bet it would look great on you.” Marinette said, “It would make a great date outfit.”
“It would, wouldn’t it?” Kagami couldn’t say no when she was so excited. They entered the shop and found the dress in Kagami’s size. One thing they didn’t notice from the window was the cut out back of the dress. It wasn’t anything scandalous but Kagami knew she wouldn’t be able to wear one of her normal bras with it. She stepped out of the changing room and gave a little turn.
“How does it look?” Kagami asked, fidgeting with the buttons on the wrist she couldn’t get closed.
“You’re so beautiful,”
Kagami didn’t know what to say. Marinette had complimented her a lot but there was something about the way she said that had her tasting flower petals once more.
It was that “so” she put in there. One little word. So. So beautiful. Marinette thought she was so beautiful.
Marinette got up and buttoned the wrist Kagami had been struggling with. “You really think I look beautiful in this?” Kagami asked, her voice soft.
“Took my breath away,” Marinette glanced to meet Kagami’s eyes. “Like always.”
“When you put it like that I guess it means that I have to buy it.” Kagami inched just a smidge closer. Marinette didn’t retreat. She was so close Kagami could smell the faintest scent of her warm vanilla sugar perfume.
“It’d be dumb to not get the dress that make me look breathtaking, as you said.” Kagami wanted to reach out and touch her so bad. Feel the heat of her warm pink cheeks under her fingers.
Marinette nodded dumbly. Kagami took the first step back. For a brief moment she thought that Marinette had leaned forward. Wishful thinking at its best.
Kagami went back into the dressing room and took one last look at her reflection. If things pan out maybe this can be her date dress with Marinette. She kept that thought close as she stripped out of it and back into her normal clothes. They went to pay and continued on with their afternoon.
“I am so glad you bought it,” Marinette cooed, “Not only does it look great on you but I think we found you the perfect dress to wear when you confess to Adrien.”
Kagami felt like the air had been sucked from her lungs. The hazy dream of possible first dates with Marinette shattered around her. She scraped at the edges of her composure, gripping the shopping bag tighter, and turned to Marinette with a polite yet bewildered smile.
“What scenario are you cooking up that I would need to wear something this fancy to confess to Adrien?”
“Don’t worry about it. I promise it will be magical.” Marinette’s purse buzzed and she pulled out her phone. “Speak of the devil, Adrien is on his way. He’s super sorry about being late. Here, give me the dress.” Marinette took the bag. “Don’t want to spoil anything. I’ll make myself scarce and drop this back at your house.”
Marinette headed off at the same time Adrien showed up. Kagami was barely even aware of his presence since she was too busy coughing up cherry blossoms onto the cold, unforgiving pavement. Adrien gingerly rubbed her back and asked how things went.
“She’s planning something big for us.” Kagami muttered, spitting the taste of flower out of her mouth. “I don’t know what yet but it’s big enough that she wants me to wear a little black dress I just bought. I thought for a moment that she--that we were--it doesn’t matter. I was caught up in the moment and misread the signals. She was being friendly. That’s all. That’s all it ever is.”
“Kagami,” Adrien collected her in a hug, “I know it hurts. I know how bad it hurts to go through this and how much worse it feels being constantly out of arms reach of her affections. I really do. I understand the need, the want to keep feeling this way but look at what is happening.” Adrien leaned down and picked up a whole cherry blossom.
She was already at the level of coughing up entire cherry blossoms? This was progressing faster than she thought. Adrien tossed the flower away and looked at Kagami with the saddest eyes she had ever seen.
“I know you aren’t going to want to hear this but I think you need to start seriously considering getting the surgery and stopping this before it gets even worse.”
“Adrien!” Kagami stepped back, revolted at the idea. “How can you of all people tell me to give up? I’m not making soaring progress but I am getting closer to her. She called me so beautiful and breathtaking. We cuddled in the same bed. She wore my jacket out and said that she liked that it smelled like me. That has to be something! You cannot tell me to give up now.”
“That’s all great, Kagami, but you need to listen to me. I can tell you when it is time to give up because I was the stubborn idiot that almost died chasing unrequited love. I almost choked to death on flowers not wanting to give up that feeling of being in love with Marinette. Trust me. I understand better than anyone which is precisely why you should listen to me.” Adrien grasped her by the shoulders, “It hurts to think of but you need to get a back up plan in order. What happens if Marinette sets up this confession scenario for you to confess to me? Are we going to keep playing these parts? Am I going to have to pretend to reject your fake confession? That’s not going to help anything.”
Kagami sniffed, trying not to let the bitter tears break past her eyes. What Adrien was saying made sense. Her disease was progressing rapidly. She maybe had another month before the disease became fatal. She needed to do something to get Marinette’s mind away from pairing her up with Adrien or else she was going to have to schedule herself for a surgery.
She clutched at her chest. This feeling. What she feels when she’s around Marinette, taking to her, even simply thinking of her, it felt so nice. But it also hurt so much. A constant bittersweet ache that refused to abate.
“One last chance.” Kagami said, “That’s all I need. One chance to make it real and then if it doesn’t work I’ll...I’ll schedule the surgery.”
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strawberryama · 4 years
Cuddly drunk girlfriend
Daichi, Takinoue, Tendou, Matsukawa headcanons + lil drabbles
Sawamura, Daichi
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He can only smile and welcome his girlfriend with open arms
While he did warn her about going overboard he can’t stay mad at her. Especially when all she wants is his arms about her tightly
Takes care of anything she needs for the rest of the night. Helps her get to and from the bathroom safely. Gets her water. Is just an angel
Typically has her lay down in bed to cuddle. That is his one rule with her drunken stupor. Daichi will have a small bucket of sorts at the ready to be safe should she need to barf
Always makes sure she is asleep first, and on her side. That way if she throws up in her sleep, she at less of a risk to choke on it, especially if he somehow sleeps through it
Most likely the best at handling a cuddly drunk. His girlfriend just becomes a big ol baby, which he love to sweettalk and dote on
“Daaaaiiiiiidaaaaiiii,” ______ whined. She slowly was tugged through the hallway in her boyfriend and her’s shared apartment. A firm hand on her midback and another holding her hand kept her steady and moving.
“I am right here, sweetie.”
“I want cuddles,” she continued to whine. Her eyes got a bit misty as the duo entered their bedroom. Daichi chuckled softly and helped his girlfriend onto the bed.
“We can cuddle in just a second alright? We gotta get you ready for bed. You don’t want to wear jeans to bed do you?”
She shook her head, pouting with her bottom lip out. Daichi ruffled her hair before turning to find her a pair of pajama pants then. “Didn’t think so. Let’s get you ready to cuddle.”
Takinoue, Yūsuke
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This man was the one that bought the alcohol and you know it
While he does like to go out to get drinks on occasion, he knows if his girlfriend is planning to get drunk, it is best to do so at home
100% adores his girlfriend fawning over him and pawing at him with puppy dog eyes for hugs and kisses and what have you
But he does joke around a lot saying things like “geez, so needy” and if she’s a lightweight, he will be making fun of her for how she can’t hold her liquor
His favorite is when she stradles his lap on the couch and just koala hugs him. He can watch tv or drink his beer still, while giving her exactly what she wants
Sometimes Yusuke just needs that hug though and will wrap his arms about her and just embrace her with everything he has. It’s a big romantic turn on for him. It makes him soft and fall even more in love
With an arm about _____’s waist as she sat on Yusuke’s lap, she began to doze off. She nuzzled her nose a bit into the crook of his neck and yawned. The calming trace of Yusuke’s pointer finger on her hip traced circles, lulling her deeper into sleep.
“You getting tired, sleeping beauty?” Yusuke asked. His voice buzzed in _____’s head due to their entanglement. She could only give a small nod and a faint hum in response, which had her boyfriend chuckling.
The tv then went silent and there was a faint metalic clank when Yusuke set down his beer can that was near empty. He wrapped his other arm about his girlfriend then. He repositioned a bit before standing up, carrying her like a toddler on his hips. “Off to bed, baby girl.”
Tendou, Satori
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Welcomes the cuddles happily!!!
Tendou is a bit of a partier but he is such a happy bean whenever his gal comes up and clings to him.
If he’s also drunk, he’ll try to attempt to dance a bit with his girlfriend while she clings onto his side but it doesn’t always work out
Does however know and understand that, unlike him, his girlfriend cannot keep going and will be fighting to stay awake. So if they aren’t home, they are headed there as soon as they can be
One time _____ passed out on him while they waited for a cab and while that was a hassle to deal with for him, it’s a story Tendou teases _____ about time to time, and holds dearly
Not the best at the care part like Daichi but boy does he just fall in love all over again whenever he helps take care of you in your drunk state
“Come on, in you go,” Tendou hummed. At the moment he was trying to help change his girlfriend into her pajamas but her leg kept missing the hole, or she’d lose balance, or she would barely get her foot off the ground. Still, Tendou did his best to be patient and eventually she got there. “Good job, ______-chan!!”
“Yaaayy,” she yawned. Tendou lifted her up as she did and flopped her back onto the bed. Maybe not the wisest idea but hey, she was giggling.
Tendou climbed up into bed and right over top of her. _____’s arms looped around his beck and she gave a tired smile. Tendou leaned down, placing a kiss to her forehead then before gentling lowering himself completely, deadweighting onto his girlfriend.
“Gah! You’re crushing me..!!”
Matsukawa, Issei
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This man at any given moment will hold close his girlfriend and rub her back in circles. He knows it makes her even more sleepy and loosen her cling but he also knows it gives her this happy lil smile
Mattsun is highly protective of her in this statement because the world is scum and that’s his girl. Doesn’t allow for anyone but him and a select few touch his gal in this state because of that
He is constantly coddling her at these times. Calling her bunny, princess, baby girl, pretty girl, etc. Giving her anything sue may ask for whether it be food or a blanket
Adores the hugs and happily gives them back. It’s his favorite thing in the world actually when his girlfriend clings to him. His big form easily dwarfs her and those hugs are his world
One of the best to be a sleepy, cuddly drunk around probably cause he just wants to cuddle right back
“Maaattsun,” _____ yawned, kickikg off her shoes. She looked up to her boyfriend with big, big eyes. The pair had just arrived home after a housewarming party for Oikawa and Iwaizumi’s apartment. It seemed like _____ had wanted to say something the entire cab ride home. But Matsukawa knew what it was exactly.
“Go get in bed. I’ll get us some water and we can cuddle all you want. Deal?”
She just gave a happy lil smile up at him before taking careful steps to their shared bedroom. Matsukawa watched as she tried not to stumble and could only chuckle.
And after retrieving the water as he promised, Mattsun popped into the bedroom to see his girlfriend barely awake. “Oi. I got you water.”
He held out the glass but _____ shook her head, reaching out and making grabby hands at her boyfriend. Once again, Matsukawa could only chuckle and set the glass aside and climb into bed. To which his girlfriend immediately climbd into his lap and laid her head on his chest, ready for cuddles and backrubs.
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