#shes got hyperthyroidism
milf-harrington · 1 year
my cats having the best sleep of her life im so glad her medication is helping her so much
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aesfocus · 8 months
Am I going to be waiting for turtles blood work while crying for like 24 hours? YES!
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My little round baby.
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booksbwaybadflower · 5 months
googling hyperthyroidism again and learning it's just Fast Disease
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dakt37 · 9 months
omggg i love your cat how did she get so old?! is she an outdoor/indoor cat, diet etc plsss share your secrets so i may make my cat live forever
Hey, thanks so much! She is definitely an inside cat. For most of her life she was on fairly generic foods like Iams, Friskies, and Blue Buffalo. I think one thing that helped is that she's always been pretty fond of drinking water; I know that getting cats to drink enough water is a common problem, so we just lucked out with a well-hydrated kitty.
But she has developed hyperthyroidism in her old age, plus some GI issues, so she's currently on a slew of medications and a prescription kibble. I actually just got off the phone with the vet and they've prescribed an appetite stimulant as well, because this little old lady is a little too little. If everyone here could send some hungry thoughts our way, I'd really appreciate it!! 🥺
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vvormooze · 1 month
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Hey everyone!
Please share if you can and it would be even better if you can help out!
This is Teddy Bear he is my best friends childhood cat who has recently turned 13! He recently got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and after months of trying different medications and treatments, the vet has now recommended radioactive iodine therapy and this will cost her up to $3,500
Being a full time college student this just isn't feasible on her own so she has made this g0fund to try and get some help
Again please share if you can and even bigger if you can help out as this is such a sweet sweet boy who I hate see go through this ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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millerflintstone · 7 months
The elementary school on the way home has an LED sign with date information for parents and students. They had something up with today's date that I saw on the way back from the store last weekend. It's an automatic thought that February 23rd is my sister's birthday and I felt caught off guard.
Today would have been my sister's 60th birthday. I both can and can't believe it's been 4.5 years since she died of a sudden heart attack, most likely from untreated hyperthyroidism.
I have a longer post in drafts that I don't know if I'll share. She had a troubled life and we had our share of highs and lows together. Grief is complicated. She is the main person who helped shape who I am in many good ways. She's also someone who let me down repeatedly. I think I'll always be sad that we never got to have a close relationship as adults where we were independent equals.
But today I'm remembering the good times. U2 was her favorite band. She loved them before they became humongous. So here's U2's Live Aid performance of Bad off of their album, The Unforgettable Fire. 12- 15 year old me LOVED mocking Bono's onstage and video antics to make my sister laugh. We got to see them three times in concert. Fantastic shows and memories
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followthebluebell · 6 months
thank you for the work that you do <3 and also if you have time/energy and feel comfortable answering this, can I ask for advice on how best to support my cat?
she's an elderly cat and has recently had some behavioral changes that I brought her to the vet for. She got blood work done, all normal which left us without a treatment plan bc the vet had been fairly certain she would test positive for hyperthyroidism. The vet clinic is currently understaffed so we haven't been able to return for a follow up. She's getting gabapentin 3 times a day to try to bring her some relief and it helps a little bit but she still gets frantic at night and has a lot of trouble settling down.
I don't know how best to support her though - she has a cat tree, multiple hiding spots/cozy spots, I just bought a tunnel for her to explore but she doesn't like any of them anymore. She'll walk around the kitchen pawing at the cabinets or at the closet which has a box for her to hide in and I open them for her and she just continues looking as if she's trying to find something specific that I'm not offering her and I don't know what it is. Do you have any thoughts/suggestions?
I appreciate any advice you can offer and if it's not something you feel up to answering, that's ok too <3 hopefully she and I can get another appointment at the vet soon.
ok, so I can't provide a diagnosis, obviously. I'm not a vet. I also let this sit in my inbox for a hot minute--- I was very distracted by the kittens and I'm sorry for that. I hope you've gotten an appointment in the meantime.
But I think you should talk to your vet about cat cognitive decline. It's basically the cat version of alzeihmer's. It has many similar symptoms, including something that's called sundowning: people experiencing this tend to be more distressed and confused later in the day. Cats can do this too.
There are some medications to help alleviate some symptoms.
In the meantime, pheromone diffusers may help. It might also help to limit her access to just one room to try and prevent confusion based wandering.
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doberbutts · 1 year
Tbh at this point CPS needs to be destroyed and then remade from scratch. They either seem to:
Take kids from good homes for bullshit reasons (esp. if the family is poor and/or POC) instead of giving the family actual help and resources so they can afford food/water/clothes/etc.
Take kids from bad situations and then put them into an even WORSE situation because God forbid you actually pay attention to where the vulnerable human child is going or what they actually want.
Do fuck all when a kid is actually being abused, and then when the kid inevitably dies they go "Oh we made a oopsie, sorry lol :("
Like......... I cannot fucking fathom how it's possible to be that incompetent. It's like if someone started a car company but every car they made explodes when you're driving it. You'd think at that point you would put someone ELSE in charge of making cars.
That car company exists and it's called Tesla and for some reason people still act like it's the best car company ever to buy from and suck the owner's toes about it.
A fairly significant portion of the problem is that CPS is A: a law enforcement program, not a social services program and B: human-made and thus filled with human problems of bias and bigotry. It is not made to help. It is made to enforce the law. Since kids occupy a weird space between "property" and "person", and since laws regarding raising kids are deliberately vague to allow for a broad range of cultural and religious sensitivity, we get a lot of interpretations of the law being wildly different depending on who is enforcing them.
Children playing in their quiet cul-de-sac while the parents work from home inside the house with the windows open so they can hear what's going on... is that an "unattended child" or not? How about the toddler that learns how to let themselves out of the playpen during mom's shower? The teenager that sneaks out while dad is asleep? The ten-year-old that got left home alone with microwave meals and some toys because auntie got called into work and couldn't say no?
You're a teacher. You're a mandated reporter. You notice that one of your students is constantly coming to school hungry in the morning. You put in a call. Is this student being provided breakfast by the parents? Is this student simply refusing breakfast and then showing up hungry as a consequence for not eating before they left (me)? Is this student diabetic or hyperthyroid or taking steroids for a health concern and thus is constantly hungry anyway? Is this student neurodivergent and tends to eat as a coping behavior?
Mom shows up to the hospital with a broken cheek and a black eye and two kids in tow. She swears the dog headbutted her, her husband isn't even home. Both kids verify the dog headbutted her, dad's not home, and he'd never do such a thing anyway. You're a doctor or a nurse, you're a mandated reporter. Do you call? You're the CPS agent who showed up at the house. You looked into the family's record and you see that dad's had the police called on him a couple times within the house with neighbors citing a disturbance, and once the kids called 911 due to a fight between them getting out of hand and actual blood spilt. The kids seem fractious with each other when you arrive. Mom's face is black and blue. What do you do?
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egberts · 1 year
If you’re comfortable answering, I’m just curious as to how Callie is doing? Any news with her labwork?
she's got a lot wrong with her, if she responds well to treatment she could still stick around for a little while longer though. it's genuinely a very uncertain time right now. she has hyperthyroidism that suddenly progressed rapidly and it was taking her heart, kidney, and liver along with it. she's on two twice-daily meds right now, as well as an as needed pain medicine and today is actually the first day she got subcutaneous fluids done at home, alana did them. she has to have them every other day for a few weeks and then twice weekly for some time after that. we had to get a little standing desk and iv pole to be able to administer them properly. it's not really clear how bad the damage her thyroid caused is, but she was definitely not doing well before her episode and we misattributed it to her age and arthritis. if what's happening to callie is a lesson for anyone other than us, don't ignore any signs even if they seem like it's just your cat getting older. callie went from showing subtle signs and hiding her sickness well to barely being able to walk very quickly, it was scary and the biggest regret is that we didn't know the subtle signs were signs at all. all we can do now is treat her and hope she recovers well enough to live awhile longer. I was reading stories from other people who's cats were diagnosed exactly the same way she was and theirs' ended up living another two or three years in some cases. we just have to enjoy the time we have with her and hope the medicine helps her feel better and hopefully heal, if nothing else this is giving me time to cope with her eventual death because I struggle a lot with loss. sorry for not posting an update sooner, I'm not doing great right now given all of this and a lot of other stressful things happening with our lives. thank you for checking in and I'll update again whenever we know more, plus i'll try to post pictures of her more frequently.
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kurtsvonneslut · 2 months
hey all, things are really tight right now. i’m working on paying down some credit cards, trying to save up for a new car and a wedding/immigration costs, and this little one just got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism which means pretty frequent vet visits for a while. i’m working on getting a second job but chronic illness and physical limitations are making that difficult. if anyone is feeling generous, my links are here:
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[ID: two photos of a fluffy gray cat. in the first one, she is lying on a table fast asleep next to a water cup. in the second, she is lounging in a cat tree with one of her front legs dangling off the edge. she is staring at the camera like a fierce predator. /end ID]
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luninosity · 4 months
@randaness said: We did this for our kitty a couple years ago and it worked great! It took a little while for her to feel like her old self - I think the hyperthyroidism masked the onset of some arthritic pain, but once we figured everything out she’s been feeling great! Best of luck to you and your kitty
Thank you!! That's actually super-reassuring to hear!
We had the whole vet discussion - Miss Merlyn is at a certain age where they went, you may want to think about it, she's 13, and she spent 8 of those years outside as a stray*, so...?
And Awesome Husband and I were just like, look, you said she was healthy otherwise, her kidneys are fine, her heart's fine, my mom used to work as a vet tech and I've had multiple kitties live into their twenties, why wouldn't we do the one-time thing, versus maybe 7+ more years of medication, which she is frankly awful about?
So she's got an appointment the first weekend of June, and hopefully that will start helping her feel much better!
note*so, she had a family for her first year - we found that out when we took her in and discovered she had a microchip - but they moved to Oregon (we're in Southern California) and left her behind. They said - we got in contact, like, oh, hey, we've found your cat! - she was aggressive with their dog and their baby. We have neither of those, and she was so heartbreakingly sweet with us - she walked right into our house, after we started feeding her, and we had been cat-less for about a year - so we of course kept her. But that was, apparently, eight whole years after they moved and left her. She was obviously our baby at that point.
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cellsshapedlikestars · 3 months
gonna ramble a bit because I'm having a DAY but putting it below a cut, beware I will be talking about cat health issues/bodily functions/death
So last year around September, I first started noticing Beatrix not eating. 2 months later, she was dead.
Then, when I finally brought Beauregard to the vet again in January, I discovered he has hyperthyroidism. Treatable, but I needed to wait 7 months for the permanent treatment and until then, he's on a twice-daily pill.
I got Sophie in February, and everything is fine.
Last month, I woke up in the middle of the night to Beauregard screaming in the litterbox. He spent the day straining to poop, so I took him to the vet, who told me he wasn't blocked and that it was probably some issue with his urinary tract because he's a 10 year old male cat. Switched me to a different food. I let it go because Bobo pooped again after and I thought everything was fine.
Then I find there's something wrong with Sophie's anal glands. I take her to the vet on Friday, and they express the backed up gland and I'm given a probiotic to feed her.
Then Sunday, Bobo starts straining in the litter box again, but he does poop so I don't think anything of it, until I go to scoop and I swear I see blood.
So I call the vet this morning and the clerk tells me they'll leave a note for the vet. Doesn't sound overly concerned, so I feel better.
Until I get a look at Sophie's butt today and there's a tiny white string hanging out of it - and I had JUST seen a kitten lady post about tapeworm. So I look up more pictures of tapeworm and it looks exactly like what's going on with Sophie.
The vet clerk said to bring in a stool sample, and if one cat has it, they both have it. Which would explain Bobo's poop issues, the blood in the stool, and even Sophie's anal gland issue.
When I say I genuinely felt like I was going insane, like why were my cats having so many issues back to back, what was I doing wrong? And it doesn't help that I still feel a bit traumatized from losing Bea so quickly and so young, even though I feel ridiculous for saying that because it's just a cat, you know? Except they're not, I love these stupid things more than most humans.
There's a part of me that DOES hope it's tapeworm, because then that means there's an explanation for everything. But then - how did they get it? Sophie got a dewormer from the SPCA before I got her, and it's been 4 months since then and I'm only just now seeing issues? I've also given both her and Bobo flea treatments since then (which is apparently how cats get it)
Anyway, I want to cry because I hate this and I'm supposed to be working but I don't care and I'm also vaguely paranoid that they somehow transferred it to me even though apparently that's highly uncommon but I could barely eat my lunch thinking about it
Either way, I need one of these cats to poop so I can take it for testing. Going to spend the rest of my work day stress crying.
also, the next chapter will probably be delayed because I'm in a mood.
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trackerkitsune · 1 month
Do I remember correctly that you had chickens? How are the chickens doing (or pets if no chickens)?
I don't have chickens! That was @mal-likes-biscuits iirc?
But the pets are doing good, thank you!! ^^ my cat is ten now, mum's little cat has his hyperthyroidism under control, dad's dog is sulking cuz we moved her bed XD Our white fluffball of a german shepherd has wet dermatitis though. She's got antibiotics and we have care instructions, and she has an appointment in five days for a check up, so she's on the mend!
How are you and your kitties?
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irlcats-bracket · 1 year
Bracket 6 Round 1 Poll 13
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Squishy vs Molly vs Kofuku
check their descriptions and catpaganda for molly under the cut
Squishy first showed up at submitter's place as a feral (like proper feral he bolted if he saw us) Tomcat who kept beating up their other cats. The situation was getting kind of out of hand and their Mum suggested they fed him into a trap so they could get rid of him, their Dad’s response? “Yeah, we can feed him”, cut to two months later and they come home late from something only to find that Dad has somehow ended up sitting on the deck next to this previous very flighty cat, petting him as he eats. So, they got him more friendly and sent him to the vet to get neutered/shots/microchipped etc., the vets low key didn’t want to give him back because he was so friendly (he likes to roll onto his back then wiggle towards you, plus he accepts belly rubs from strangers, it’s incredibly endearing). For a good while he still disappeared for extended periods of time (neighbours spotted him in town 5km away) and ate anything in sight (including submitter's old cats hyperthyroid pills that he spat out) but 8 years later and he’s the chillest, friendliest cat you could possibly meet. Nowadays he likes to go on walks with submitter and the dogs, and will often try to lure them up the paddock when they're doing something outside (trying to get them to do exercise smh), and he will sit at the table and demand off cuts as they eat dinner. So uh, that’s submitter's potato, they hope you enjoy him.
she wants to fight everything but she is too smol so she brings submitter dead leaves instead. also she falls off surfaces a lot (she is not graceful)
He's Mr. J's (that one japanese cream cat popular here) apprentice! He's not so lovingly referred to as menace cat k. He is naughty enough to give Mr. J no peace at all. But he and Mr. J are sometimes referred to as the black and white brothers. Recently, Kofu completely annihilated Todoroki in the tumblr younger siblings bracket, Miette would be proud of him.
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shes such a creature
she brings in leaves sometimes and gets very excited to show us the leaves she catches
also she doesnt meow she just squeaks like a mouse
and she is fully grown but also one (1) foot long
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mothfishing · 2 years
i never read tlt myself but i have a bunch of friends who have and have been begging me to read it to and so i’m super confused ??? i have never heard about the racism…
anonymous asked: can u tell me about the racist elements of tlt... id never heard this before and i follow a lot of people who talk about the series a lot
anonymous asked: I hope this isn't rude but what even is the deal w the locked tomb. I remember vaguely hearing abt it being like "the best shit ever" and then that it had some really intense scenes/Themes then learning the creator was a grade A creep and then like nothing. What is even going on in the book???
yeah ofc! lumping all three of you's questions together since it's essentially the same one (also at #3 it's not rude)
oh god where do i start...so i read the first book and hated it pretty early on, but my intention had been to read the entire series so i could more completely express what was so grimy about it, since this book gets a lot of praise. despite my best efforts it was too rancid and i stopped partway through book 2.
thus i'll focus on book 1 criticisms first cause that's the book i finished, but i do have some series-wide criticisms as well. warnings for racism, pedophilia, ableism:
the author has this absolute obsession with physical features, and in particular she frequently praises features associated with whiteness while denigrating features associated with people of color. like constantly constantly constantly you see blue, purple, and hazel eyes given loving descriptions like amethyst, violet, while brown eyes are almost exclusively compared to dirt whenever they're mentioned.
only two characters in the first book are described as brown-skinned, jeannemary and colum. jeannemary is a "brown, bricklike thing", and colum is a yellow-brown lump. gideon's own personality is stupid horny idiot who's only good for her strength, which uh...A Choice given that, while she isn't described as brown in the first book, the cover art does still depict her with brown skin and harrow with light skin.
i'll also note that colum and one other character, silas, are both from the eighth house. outside of the book muir said they were both white, but in-book they're quite frankly associated with caricatures of east asian people to the extent that best case scenario is she used said caricatures to prop up her depiction of white people you weren't meant to like. like........in particular i wanna note silas constantly reciting religious mantras, as well as their description as "violently servile", which is so strongly associated w caricatures of east asian people. and once again she literally describes colum as yellow,
the post didn't mention it bc i wrote it in 2 seconds out of frustration, but it's also astonishingly ableist to the point where, while reading, i got frustrated and made a list of every time a symptom came up so gideon could insult whoever had it................arthritis, osteoporosis, blindness, hyperthyroidism, all of these came up as insults. "oh but the first three are because they're old" do you have to bring up conditions associated with elderly people???
plus cytherea is a character with a romantic terminal illness, constantly described as beautiful because of her frail (and white, blond, blue-eyed) body...im disabled myself i'm not saying disabled people can't be described as beautiful/hot/etc, but it felt fetishistic here and like the focus was less on her personhood and more on how she was weak and "rescuable" basically.
i'll also note the age gap between palamedes and dulcinea, people who literally met when they were 8 and 15, which was romanticized as "oh dulcinea took his feelings seriously because she's used to not being taken seriously because of her illness :)"
now series-wide...i didn't get to this myself so i don't have a whole lot to elaborate here, but the whole thing is a christian imperial empire run by a māori man and i just don't trust a white kiwi with that sorry.
also-also i'm not a lesbian/wlw at all myself, but friends of mine who are read the book with me and we noted gideon was. not even butch. both her presentation and protector role had been foisted upon her by someone who did not let her forget she owned her. everyone talking abt lesbian rep and then the main couple is a master and servant whose culminating arc in the first book is gideon becoming the perfect servant...also once again, harrow is light skinned and gideon is brown skinned.
finally, tamsyn muir has written even more explicit creep shit so i just genuinely don't know why it is she got popular in the first place. you don't need to know this to despise her work, but wow! (sorry to the person whose reblog this is, op deleted)
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virtie333 · 4 months
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Intense skies all day today, from sunrise to sunset.
While I got the results of bloodwork already on Thursday (and thanks to my tech training was able to understand it all), the doctor didn't get a chance to look at it until yesterday. My thyroid is indeed high, but not too high, and she's decided since my family does have a history of hyperthyroidism that I will go on meds. Everything else was great! This is very good, because I take a lot of OTC meds for my head, and that could mess with my kidneys and liver. I take Milk Thistle, which is supposed to help support those organs, and it appears to be working.
I enjoyed catching up on some fanfiction today; it's one of the best ways to ease my anxiety. One more day off before I have to go back to work - under duress and with a bad back. I am expecting to have Monday off, and I hope I have the energy to do my spring planting... which I had been planning to do this weekend.
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