#shes also on critical care atm and adores it
ghostofgraywalls · 3 months
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Excited for her morning drugs ♡
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brekkie-e · 10 months
Horizon Asks
Thanks for the tag @maybirdie I salute you
1. Ride or die ship (your otp): Ereloy. Duh. Not even a question. Brain rot of the most severe nature.
2. Most annoying ship: I stand by the sentiment that we all need to stop with the shipping war drama in this fandom. So before I say anything more, I don’t find any of your ships annoying. I’m putting these down as “scroll past them” ships because they don’t suit my personal taste. Kotaloy and Kotallo/Talanah. His inclusion in these might come off like it’s something against him which is ironic cause he’s actually one of my favorite characters? I think the weak point of them for me is that they both feel like hot jock/hot jock, and apparently I cannot appreciate a ship that doesn’t in some capacity adhere to opposite’s attract. But I can see why it works for other people and if it makes you happy, I support it.
3. Second favorite ship: Abadund/Morlund, and for whatever reason Ourea/Sylens. I love imagining Sylens’ ears absolutely burning while he eavesdrops on her conversation with Aloy about what she had thought of him.
4. Favorite platonic relationship: I am OBSESSED with the dynamic between Kotallo and Alva. Obsessed I say. They are precious to me.
5. Underrated ship: It isn’t a ship, it’s a half built dingy that I am assembling myself but lost the instructions for. Talanah/Ivvira. In a very “enemies to lovers” scenario where Ivvira keeps finding this arrogant Carja traipsing through her lands and tries to kill her, but Talanah keeps defeating her and it’s driving her up a wall.
6. Overrated ship: Honestly I don’t really have opinions about other ships??? Like if it isn’t Ereloy or one of the other’s I’ve listed then genuinely it’s just sitting there, and I don’t care about it. Now if they were to make one end game, and it feels like I’m blindsided by it? Maybe I’ll have an opinion. But atm not so much. Just let me sit in my corner with my ships in peace.
7. One thing I would change in canon: Seconding the “one?” Vibes. There are a lot of nit picky things I would like to alter about how they handled Erend in Forbidden West, but ultimately he did play a good role in some of my favorite scenes. So I think if it came down to choosing the one thing I would change, it’s hands down Varl’s death. It felt like a lot of character development wasted and it’s frustrating to know that we won’t get to see the relationships he was developing grow any deeper. I think if you have to rely on character death to create an interesting story or to traumatize your characters, then youre not being creative.
8. Something canon did right:
9. A thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom:
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My darlings.
10. A character who is perfect to me: I guess Alva’s already taken so…… hmm. I love Joruf’s vibes ngl. The man is so tired, and I just adore how he and the other vanguard treat Aloy like she’s one of the gang. The energy of Aloy showing up in the Daunt and Joruf acting like his coworker came in mid-shift to help him with a disaster was top tier.
11. The character I relate to most and why: I had to really think about this. I think I’m going with Zo? Mom friend to the core, but also known to cause problems of my own when the need arises. Like’s plant’s and nature and has a creative side. Values her community, but also criticizes the faults she sees in it.
12. Characters I hate the most: I mean the obvious, Faro sucks ass. But boy howdy did the Ceo give me the creeps too. Also I have a complicated relationship with Avad. Like the dude has done incredible stuff for his people, and I think he’s a great guy. But his blunders with Aloy (which i think are more an issue with how his interest in her was written than with the fact he’s interested period) and his dreams of handing off responsibility to his little brother rub me the wrong way. But it’s complicated, I can appreciate him.
13: Something I’ve learned from the fandom: To focus on what makes me happy, and stay in that lane. I think fandom is best enjoyed when you know what you want out of it, so you cater your online experience to that. Mary Kondo your blog. Block tags that don’t work for you. It doesn’t need to be because you absolutely hate something and the people involved. It just ensures that the content you see is catered to what sparks joy for YOU. If youre only dedicating so much time in a day to being online, don’t you want it to be time spent engaging with stuff that makes you happy?
14. Three tags I see out on ao3: hurt/comfort and slow burn? I don’t seek out enough tags lol
15: A song I strongly associate with my otp/favorite pairing: Bloodsport by Raleigh Ritchie, NFWMB by Hozier, Giant by Rag’nBone Man and Saviour by George Ezra. This question made me so happy. I am actually working on an Erend playlist rn that has a bit of an Ereloy spin on it. Oh also She’s Always a Woman by Billie Joel. Still a gem.
Tagging: I think everyone I know in the fandom has already been tagged?? But if that is untrue and you see this, please feel free to jump on board and consider yourself tagged by me!
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fablecore · 2 years
Feel free to ignore this, it Will Be Long, Probably.
I've been faffing around with this message for the past week or so but my brain won't let me rest until I word-vomit my adoration for your work and mind-mechanics at you.
I had to have re-read MNP about three or four times in said past week, and am currently on the probably fifth one, but who really knows at this point. I may have a slight problem.
The point I'm trying to make is that the pineapple witch has worked her magic on me as she has on so many others. Every re-read seems to pull me deeper. Even though I know exactly what will happen at this point, I still laugh at every mean quip, still gasp at every tense moment, still read through blurry eyes at Several Chapters That Shan't Be Named.
I honestly lack the vocabulary and word-sense to express myself properly, but I'll try anyway, because if nothing else your writing deserves to be sung its praises.
Your story made me honestly and critically consider the world with open eyes.
I find a lot of myself in Sophie. A little too much. A little too weird. A little bit sheltered, maybe naive. Blindfolded and ear-muffed would be a decent metaphor. It's been hard, growing out of that, but I've been trying. And reading your work has helped a lot.
Your writing, for lack of better wording, sparks. It's life, and joy, and familial banter, and struggle with all its ugly faces, and yes it's angry and vicious and unforgiving too. It slaps you with a novel view of the world and you either agree and move on or are forced to contemplate why exactly it rubs you the wrong way.
The care with which you crafted the story is evident in every word and comma and period. Several foreshadowed moments had me gripping my head and moaning in pain because I Knew what was coming, but I had to keep reading to find out how it impacts the world you built. The characters are lived in, and the dialogue flows so naturally it feels as if you're right in the middle of the bantering and arguing.
Which brings me to my next point: roomboom. I want to put them in my mouth and never let go.
They seem made for each other, and yeah they probably are, but you ruined all other Law ships for me. And to be honest all other OP crews too beside the Hearts. I love all the idiots to bits and pieces.
But back to roomboom. They're a particular flavour of weird devotion I didn't know I was looking for in my ships and will now never find again. I will be eternally forced to re-read MNP for a glimpse of what true love is. I hope you're happy.
The candid way they treat each other, the way they fit like puzzle pieces with their weirdo interests and weirdo personalities, the way they're their own people with Several Issues, but somehow seem to work out still despite their differences. The deep respect they have for each other and the people in their lives. The way they went from (I hate you and wanna beat you up why won't you die) to (I love you and wanna beat you up please let me die with you) is just... unbearable.
Their journey has been a long and winding one, amd still has some mole-hills ahead, but they've given me hope that for every weirdo out there, even a frizzy-haired, burnt-to-hell, panic farting alchemist-witch, there is an even weirder person waiting for them.
TLDR; I want to put the entirety of your writing into my mouth and swallow it, and also would it be alright to make a personal use bookbind of MNP because I need it in my hands.
(I'm deep in Cherry Bomb Alchemy atm, love how they already married and divorced like 5 times, peak roomboom energy, keep up the good work)
thank you so much, oh my goodness. my heart is so full ❣️ "for every weirdo out there, there is an even weirder person waiting for them" made me laugh. it's so true.
the thing about growing up is it never ends. it often takes a strong electric shock to get the ball rolling, and i'm happy mnp could be that for you. books were also my first step into the world beyond me. it's a really special feeling. for as long as we live, let's cherish it 😎 👍
please bookbind mnp! and please take photos! seeing it would mean everything to me, i think i would cry 😭🤍💗
i appreciate this message so much. i'm a slow writer, but i will keep trying my best. and i hope the world perceives you as wonderfully as you have perceived me. have a great day 💐💐💐
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unnursvanablog · 13 days
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I apear to be the only one that is watching Dare to Love Me atm - or at least I get that impression when scrolling the tags. I am mainly here for Myungsoo, my Infinite bias. I will usualy pick up any drama that that man is in, just to check it out a least. But considering that I watched that cat drama that he did a few years ago, one could argue that I could indeed watch almost anything for that pretty face.
That doesn't mean however that I lose all sense and just blindly adore anything that my bias does. But then again I don't think I have had a problem being critical consumer of the things that I enjoy. Things don't get a ten star rating on mydramalist just because my bias was cute in a show. Nor does a drama suck and the female lead should go to hell because the writer of the story didn't let my bias get with the girl because uwu he is so cute and I would like to project myself onto the female lead etc.
I am too asexual... and grown up for that sort of nonsense.
Dare to Love Me has a far fetches premise (but not as far fetched as a man that can turn into a cat) and is generally operation in a realm of it's own when it comes to logic. Or at least do a degree. I don't doubt that there are very traditional families that still hold onto customs and such from another era in this modern world or they have a head of villages still present in modern day Korea (I was in Korea last October where I went on a guided tour from Busan to Gyeongju where we stopped at Yangdong Folk Village where I believe the tour guide told us that there was an old family there that still took care of the village and such) although, this is probably a way more exaggerated version of that.
That's not actually the part that I find slightly illogical. I find the modern bit, especially with the way the female lead seems to be operating in, to be the head-scratching bit and the one that I actually have to suspend my disbelief a bit. Because I don't think her job makes sense, I don't get that deal with the man she accused of two-timing her and all that bit. It actually just makes her so pitiful and in a way a little pathetic that I can't help but to sigh over her. And then she also keeps falling over and landing in the male leads arms and it's just done to death… and I am only two episodes in.
I wish there was another way to introduce her to us and to sort of make us feel for her or want to root for her because things just can't go her way. There are others ways to do that, dear kdrama writers. Because this is just tired.
Myungsoo's character, Yoon Bok, is made to be this fish out of water with him arriving in Seoul (for the second time in his life or something) and just sort of feeling a bit out of place because of the environment that he grew up in. Sort of sheltered by his village and the old ways of thinking. It's almost like he has time traveled, but also not quite. I wish there was a bit more of a struggle for him tbh, like we could see him feeling a bit uncomfortable in his new clothes and not really enjoying being in a loud environment in a club and such. I just feel like it would give his character a bit more depth.
There are times where him not adjusting or some confucius teachings bubble to the surface and it's mostly done for amusement or humor, which I totally get. But in between those moments, if it's not done super consciously within the script for the sake of humor or to underline something, there doesn't seem to be too much care put into incorporating that into the story. Or at least not always. It's like they just don't have the guts to go all the way with it.
I do find the story endearing once it get's going. But the first episode felt so tropy with her falling into his arms and the bullshit setup to the female leads storyline that it was a bit of a struggle. But I can still see myself tuning into it for a few more episodes at least just to see how the story goes and what they will do with it. It felt cute enough, it's a fluffy little romance. There is a decent amount of chemistry between the leads. I can't turn my brain of a bit more. It's fine.
Now excuse me while I have some Infinite songs on repeat for a while…
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revenantghost · 2 years
Anime Round-Up: Winter 2022
Mostly doing this so I can keep track of what I’ve seen and remember to give my thoughts to peeps who asked for them. :’D So, here’s the anime that held my attention long enough to finish this season in order that they finished airing!
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Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suri/My Dress-Up Darling
What a wonderful and cute ride! It took until after the first six or so eps aired for me to watch because I thought it would be too much fanservice for me (no hate on the fanservice lovers, just not my cuppa tea), but it actually wound up being extremely character driven and wonderful. Gojo is so soft and so dedicated, a teenager with the most wonderful heart of gold doing everything that he can to be the best friend he can for the first friend he’s ever had. And Marin! Her confidence is so lovely to see, but so is her softness and sweetness and how emotional she can get beneath it all. They both have a passion for their hobbies and a love for their art that seriously drives the story along. They’re just both ridiculous teenagers stumbling through new experiences in a lovely and meaningful tale. Also that animation and sound design are STUNNING, holy cow. I enjoyed the first half a little more than the second, but I still overall loved it, and would recommend it for someone looking for something sweet and light--but not too slow or lacking any character development!
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Sasaki to Miyano/Sasaki and Miyano
SASAMIYA MY BELOVED! I started watching this because I read the synopsis and thought it would be extremely cringe and hilarious to watch, assuming that we would be living out every single bl trope under the sun and I was woefully, wonderfully wrong. Sasaki to Miyano follows a shojo format while being self-aware of boys love tropes and it creates one of the softest and most wholesome romances I’ve ever seen. Highschool age romances aren’t always my favorite with the ridiculous drama (which is a taste thing, of course), but these boys communicate, they care for one another, they’re gentle and extremely aware of boundaries, consent, and respect. Not to mention the side characters are some of my favorites of all time--the support and yet almost critical look at the tropes and relationships and problems around them are lovely. Both Sasaki and Miyano are beautiful, understandable, and complex human beings, stumbling through the later stages of adolescence, and I cannot recommend this anime enough. Also, shout-out to the cat in every episode, I adore that cat.
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Sabikui Bisco/Rust-Eater Bisco
This show is a TRIP!!! Listen, I started this as a fun mindless and ridiculous shonen, and it is that, but it’s also wonderful on other levels. The world-building is absolutely ridiculous and a blast (they had me at attack hippos and iguanas you can ride), and the conflicts are very clear-cut and easy to follow. But where it really shines are its characters, especially the lead two. They’re just wonderful guys with refreshing personalities that are built so vividly and engagingly. Also they’re queer as hell. I don’t make the rules on this one, they dropped the big “love” bomb (and I mean the Japanese, extremely legit, “Aishiteru”) on screen and the power of love achieves all sorts of miracles--it’s as canon a relationship as any shonen atm is gonna get. The light novels go some places that touch on personal squicks of mine, but this first season? I recommend wholeheartedly for someone that wants to go on one hell of a rollercoaster of a romp full of character and heart.
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Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to/Life with an Ordinary Guy Who Reincarnated into a Total Fantasy Knockout
This is not one that I planned to watch, despite a potentially hilarious ride, because there is room for... all the phobias in this premise. Two guy best friends are reincarnated into a fantasy world, one as a super cute girl, and they’re attracted to each other but terrified of that because they want their relationship label to remain as “friends.” It doesn’t sound bad, but it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to see how it could go bad. Instead, this is a genuinely funny and endearing anime that lightly touches on gender and attraction but is mostly about shenanigans and the deep, budding relationship finally managing to bloom between these two friends. Also did I mention these two were brought here by the goddess of LOVE??? If that isn’t as queer as you can get, I don’t know what is. (Shout-out to the anon who suggested this to me, I’m forever grateful) The concept of gender and attraction is talked about honestly, and enough to bring it to watcher’s awareness, but not in a way that overrides the story. It’s a comedy and a hilarious one above all else--it just also happens to be one of the best queer/trans stories I’ve stumbled into.
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Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu/The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt
This was a genuinely fun romp!!! I was afraid that it would turn into harem no-plot nonsense (which isn’t my cup of tea, but we all come to anime for different reasons), but it was a lot of fun! Wein, our protagonist, is incredibly refreshing and even down to earth despite the light-hearted nature of the show, and the plots were generally engaging and built throughout the show! The characters all had depth, and I was invested in the consequences of every move. Think Code Geass, but with a lot more humor and taking itself a lot less seriously. Bonus points for it’s no tolerance for racism, and that OT3 endgame pairing that I’m very curious to see if it becomes a thing.
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Tokyo 24th Ward/Tokyo 24-ku
Listen... there’s still one episode left to trudge through, I know. But I’ve accepted my fate. This show had so much potential. The main characters are bright and vibrant beyond their main-character coloring, the world-building was fascinating, and the THEMES! Poverty and government surveillance and the definition of justice! The loss and cost of achieving justice!!! What it’s like to make horrible, crippling mistakes in the pursuit of what’s right!!! And then the studio hit crunch, we got the boob filler episode, and it fell apart at the seams. Please just go watch the OP and ED of this show on Youtube, they’re brilliantly animated and catchy, and they deserve attention. But the rest... RIP Tokyo 24th Ward, I’ll mourn you and your potential.
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panevanbuckley · 3 years
hi bestie I heard u don't mind asks and I randomly got into casmund and it's been my most favorite thing to think about their marriage, but idk where to put my love so I hope you enjoy this 😩😩😩 lmao I'm so sorry tbh
like just imagine the amount of times one of them comes back to their quarters all exasperated, Edmund bursts through the door like, u will NOT believe the face of the guy Susan is considering marrying, and she's only doing it to form an alliance. and he rambles on to Caspian about it and they have late afternoon tea on the balcony, now genuinely discussing it and downright psychoanalyzing Susan.
"Susan - in her infinite wisdom - tends to plan her every step, ten steps ahead if she can. But you, Peter and Lucy, you're all pretty... You've been known to make rash decisions."
Caspian used to hold back with his criticisms for his brother and sisters in law, careful not to accidentally cross a line, but now he knows Edmund wants to hear his thoughts, even if his judgments are harsh. They aren't harsh today though and he speaks gently. "Might be she feels she stands out."
Edmund has assumed the position of a tired man catching a long overdue break, leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and only tilting his head to watch his husband talk.
"Ah, so she's being stupid on purpose."
Caspian laughs softly. "Although, yes, actually. I think she might be."
"What, seriously?" Edmund asks incredulously, reaching over to see if Caspian's tea cup is empty and making motion to fill it up.
"Well, when shit gets real, the three of you may as well race each other; who will offer to sacrifice themselves first. Susan doesn't do that, not usually, right? Her instinct is to take a step back, think it through, look at the situation globally. Someone who can't see her virtues, like she herself, could mistake her for something of a coward."
"Besides," Caspian continues when Edmund only huhs and stirs his tea with a spoonful of honey, "from what you tell me, she changed the least. Lucy's more serious when she needs to be, Peter's better at listening, you're you. Obviously the best sibling."
Naturally, Edmund needs to make sure he's sweetened the tea enough so he dips his middle finger in a licks it ostentatiously.
"Aw, Eddie. I'm not just stroking your ego." Caspian smiles, about to stroke Eddie's ego more. "No one can piece together a lost cause quite like you do."
At that, Edmund blushes boyishly, looking at Caspian through his lashes. "Thanks." But even more so than the compliment, he relishes Caspian's insight. He can always rely on his siblings but there's nothing as relieving as bitching about problems to his husband who's the only man to always know what to say, even when he doesn't.
I'm fine.... I'm so okay right now. not a puddle on the floor at all. nope.
okay, but seriously, the line 'Edmund has assumed the position of a tired man catching a long overdue break, leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and only tilting his head to watch his husband talk.' is now single-handedly the cause of my death. because, I mean, I saw the ask. I saw you say 'their marriage'. but I was NOT prepared. something about 'to watch his husband' has absolutely SENT me into an emotional, fluffy pit of feels!!
this entire ask is pure gold and I am absolutely on board with you directing your casmund love this way because I have nobody to rant to about them and they literally own my whole dumb heart (along with, like, five other ships atm but it's whatever).
I absolutely adore the idea of Edmund pouring Caspian more tea, the two of them bitching about anyone and everyone (yes, even family members!) with each other. but also them trying to understand Susan's actions, still worrying over her even if she's being stupid or doing something they disagree with. that's real family love right there and I'm here for it!
we will not talk about Caspian calling Edmund 'Eddie' and how that's is so freaking adorable (and also how I've just realised that I have a strange, unintentional, love for characters called Eddie because what?! seriously, out of any characters, there's like 6 in my top 10 that can be nicknamed Eddie and that's sort of freaking me out right now!)
you should so write fics! especially of married casmund!! that's something I've ben craving since I discovered this ship, just some pure, married fluff, but I can't seem to find many fics that aren't angsty and break my heart at the end 😭
please, feel free to always drop by with anything omg! this ask has literally made my entire night 💕
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Ethari, Runaan, Lian, Tiadrin :3, 6, 8, 16, 17
I’m not sure if that’s a 3 or a smiley emoticon so let’s just start with that :3c
3. Sleeping headcanon
Tiadrin snores like a horse
she also takes up most of the bed
Lain curls around her like a cat and she hates it but she never wants to wake him up so she just lies there with an exasperated smile on her face
Runaan and Ethari often spoon
they each claim they’re the big spoon
and they are, but by different definitions
Ethari usually spoons Runaan
but Runaan decides who spoons whom and when
6. Hugging headcanon
Ethari give the warmest and softest hugs
Lain loves to spin people around when he hugs them
Tiadrin pretends she doesn’t like it but she does
Runaan doesn’t like it but he never says so because Lain is so nice
Ethari loves it, but Lain can barely lift him, so Ethari always jumps into Lain’s hugs at an angle to give him some spinning momentum, and they usually end up sprawled on the floor laughing their heads off while Tiadrin and Runaan shake their heads at their dork spouses
Runaan doesn’t hug people
Tiadrin doesn’t hug much either but she will absolutely hug you if you’re feeling down or lost, she gives excellent mom hugs
Tiadrin hugged Runaan once, long ago when he was upset over how much he loved Ethari, and he was second-guessing Ethari’s playful teasing, unsure if Ethari actually meant anything by any of his reciprocal actions
her hug was so encouraging that Runaan decided that very night to confess his love to Ethari
8. Sex headcanon
uhhh this isn’t really my strong suit but I think all Moonshadow elves call their kinks “bedroom rituals” and everybody’s just okay with wild things that go on behind closed doors because everything goes on behind closed doors for Moonshadows
sorry it’s a super ace day today I got nothing else to add atm
16. Anger headcanon
Ethari is so rarely angry that almost no one has ever seen him like that
Lain’s convinced that Ethari’s anger is a myth and says that Angry Ethari is one of Garlath’s deadliest weapons, a hammer of smiting
when Runaan loses his temper, people tend to die, so he keeps that locked down tight, and he meditates regularly to keep an even keel
he’s absolutely killed an innocent person he didn’t need to kill though, and it’s made him feel guilty every since
Tiadrin gets too focused when she’s angry and loses sight of things in her peripheral vision, she’s all attack and no defense
she once chased an elf right off a cliff and they both fell into a lake because she was too focused to notice the edge
it was Lain, he stole her last moonberry and she was really hungry
Lain’s really even keeled, but if Tiadrin gets riled, he will too, he’s all in on supporting his stabby wife
at some point, every one of them has been angry at Rayla for something, but they’d all die before letting her know that
except Runaan who “died" after letting her know that
17. Soft spot headcanon
adoraburrs for every one of them
Lain turns into a puddle over Tiadrin’s smile, she’s so focused that she rarely relaxes to smile, but he adores her soft smile like nothing else
they’re married best friends and they do everything together but when she goes soft, he does too
Ethari loves fluffy animals like those three-tailed squirrels in the Moonshadow Forest, he’d own a tree house full of fluffy babies if he could
Runaan’s soft spot is Ethari, and it’s the only soft spot he has, no he does not take criticism
Tiadrin’s a mother, and she took a job guarding an egg for another mother, so it only makes sense that her soft spot is kids
she doesn’t go mushy if they need defending though, she just puts herself in the way like any badass mom
she would never have left Rayla if she hadn’t known she could trust her friends Runaan and Ethari with Rayla’s life and upbringing
but she absolutely tested them with an egg they had to care for for a week first and she followed them around constantly giving advice, which Ethari memorized and Runaan frantically scribbled notes on
because really, the other soft spot they all have, even Runaan, is Rayla
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fcarher · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all have witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
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Mun Name: slug / ellie     Age: 19       Contact: IM, discord
Character(s) I rp: Yunaeisha Adynora, other demons from my lore Which muse(s) inspires you the most atm?(for MM): Yunaeisha Current Fandom(s): None really  Fandom(s) you have an AU for:  Naruto, PKMN, Magi, Gangsta, OPM, MHA, Hazbin Hotel & currently working on an ATLA verse My language(s): german, polish, italian, english   Themes I’m interested in for rp:   Fantasy / Science fiction / Horror / Western / Romance / Thriller / Mystery / Dystopia / Adventure / Modern / Erotic / Crime / Mythology / Classic / History / Renaissance / Medieval / Ancient / War / Family / Politics / Religion / School / Adulthood / Childhood / Apocalyptic / Gods / Sport / Music / Science / Fights / Angst / Smut / Drama / etc. Themes/Genres you have an AU for: highschool, modern & fantasy/medieval
Preferred Thread length: one-liner / 1 para / 2 para / 3+ / novella. Asks can be send by: Mutuals / Non-Mutuals / Personals / Anons. Can Asks be continued?:   YES / NO   only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO. Preferred thread type: crack / casual nothing too deep / serious / deep as heck. Is realism / research important for you in certain themes?:   YES / NO. Are you atm open for new plots?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Do you handle your draft / ask - count well?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. How long do you usually take to reply?:  24h / 1 week / 2 weeks / 3+ / months / years. I’m okay with interacting: original characters / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / my fandom / crossovers / multi-muses / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / canon-divergent portrayals / au-versions (as main or only verse). Do you post more ic or occ?:  IC / OOC. Are you selective with following others?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS.  
Best ways to approach you for rp/plotting: the best way is just to straight up approach me. most often than not, just liking a post is not enough because it’s too vague ?? like if i post an idea & you like that, i’ll still be hesitant when it comes to roleplaying or approaching you because, while i appreciate such gestures, i’m just too anxious. therefore, plopping into my IMs without a properly fleshed out idea is also fine ! it, at least, gives me the hint that you’re actively seeking interaction. however, just saying “i want to roleplay & plot !” won’t cut it; at least, have something in mind, please !
What expectations do you hold towards your plotting partner:  basic ideas & pouring their heart into plotting! i don’t mind waiting, at all, so if you’re busy, don’t worry about keeping me waiting; i completely understand since i’m also often busy with work or university. but !! please don’t only come to me with the statement: “i want to plot!” it’s not gonna cut it & it’s not gonna help with a proper interaction, at all. if i approach someone, most often than not, i have SOME sort of idea in mind. but yeah, being passionate is the most important thing!
When you notice the plotting is rather one-sided, what do you do?:  most often than not, the conversation will die down because i will loose motivation; i don’t like it because i’ll feel like a bother & i shouldn’t feel that way when it comes to a hobby! therefore, one-sided plotting is one of my deal breakers; i usually end the conversation & there will be little to no interaction happening. like i said; i don’t mind waiting, i just hate that feeling of coming on TOO strong when my plotting partner delivers no input. 
How do you usually plot with others, do you give input or leave most work towards your partner?:  often than not, i start off with rather simple question like; are you interested in a certain verse ? do you already have something in mind ? if not, i will go through their about page & ask them things about their character & how that could possibly bring our characters to interact. sometimes, the about pages of a muse cannot give you every single bit of information; muses grow & change with each thread, therefore, it’s often better to just ask the people about their characters ! & from then on, it often just comes naturally. 
When a partner drops the thread, do you wish to know?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if the thread is not THAT important or vital for our character’s relationship; i don’t mind & won’t need to know if the thread is dropped. sometimes, if it’s a heavily plotted thread & i’ve anticipated the interaction a lot; i’d appreciate a quick heads-up from my partner that they’re not feeling that certain thread any longer; i don’t mind that !! - What should your partner do when dropping a thread?: they don’t need to tell me; SOMETIMES, it’s just a nice gesture but most of the time, i don’t care, we can always start another thread !!
What could possibly lead you to drop a thread?:  many things can lead to me dropping a thread; just losing motivation, having no muse for a certain genre or simply having the feeling that my partner is not liking it, any longer (ex. extreme lack of trying to match the reply length ). my health & my schedule can also, sadly, affect my motivation, so, more often than not, i tend to drop shorter threads & keep longer ones.  - Will you tell your partner?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS.
Is communication in the rpc important to you?   YES / NO. - And why?:  i get anxious really fast if people stop replying for a very long time, out of the blue. it has happened to me once before with a good friend with whom i have no contact with any longer due to miscommunication & them not trying to communicate the issue with me; therefore, yes, it is very important. i wanna know if something is bothering you; i wanna know if you like something very much; i wanna know what’s up ! we’re humans & we’re adults; we can talk about this.  - Are you okay with absolute honesty, even if it may means hearing something negative about you and/or portrayal?:  yes ! as long as it is constructive criticism & not straight-up bashing my characters or lore; i’m all for it. i don’t mind hearing negative things; in fact, i appreciate the honesty & it gives me room to work on myself & my writing ! - Do you think you can handle such situation in a mature way?  YES / NO.
Why do you rp again, is there a goal?:  building relationships that LAST & exploring my muses through & through; it is amazing how much yuna has grown through interactions with others; how different she has become from the yuna i once started out with; it’s almost been a year now & it’s just amazing. however, i’m not stopping anytime soon; THERE IS SO MUCH MORE I WANT TO EXPLORE !! the ultimate goal is for me to just look at my blog & be completely proud of what i have accomplished & written; i want fleshed out relationships & threads; deep stuff !!
Wishlist, be it plots or scenarios:  yuna talking with someone about her struggles; mentally & physically. being open about her abusive father & how it has traumatized her & painted men in the worst picture one could imagine. HOWEVER; a hard thing because i don’t want these things to be pre-est or something; i want a thread where there is struggling, screams, conflict ! it is rather hard to find someone, though, who is willing & fitting to go onto that long journey with me & yuna. also, i’d love to write about darker stuff; i love fluff, though, sometimes i sure want a bit of that, too. 
Themes I won’t ever rp / explore:  the only things i won’t rp or explore are stated in my rules; ex. pedophilia, rape & really descriptive animal abuse. killing, torture, gore as well as cheating, heartbreak or toxic relationships are okay, while i do prefer to have a deeper bond with someone while exploring the latter & be communicating the whole time; i think these are really REAL topics & that’s why i wouldn’t mind exploring them because it does happen, more than one would like them to happen. however, if i see you, the mun, glorifying or romanticizing these; just no. 
What Type of Starters do you prefer / dislike, can’t work with?: i like everything with some sort of substance; i love short ones as much as long ones, nevertheless, you have to give me something to work with. yuna would ignore anyone not of any interest or value to her; therefore, if your muse just asks her random questions, the interaction will go nowhere. if you’re unsure; just ask !!
What type of characters catch your interest the most?: i love characters with uniqueness to them; it can be a certain interest, certain appearance or their species can be totally unique to them; i’ll love it ! i do have a thing for villains, though; always had, even when i was young 8^) so, dark, stubborn & “evil” characters catch my interest far more than a really nice muse who just is all smiles all day. i love a muse that can kick mine & yuna’s ass, basically. someone with strong morals or who is just really set on their beliefs can also offer conflict which i ADORE !! i need it; i live for it !!
What type of characters catch your interest the least?:  really kind & unbothered muses who are self-sacrificing, perfect & loved by everyone for no reason ?? idk, i just think it’s bad writing. everyone has flaws; no one is perfect ! 
What are your strong aspects as rp partner?:  i am a very open person who will talk with you about anything & is keen on exploring our character’s relationship at all times & through all means; i often send my rp partners prompts in form of my yuna just being her dumb-self or through memes ! i will constantly think about our characters & will try to have them interact as much as possible. i am, most of the time, very active & respond to the threads fairly quickly ! if i am totally invested; you’ll get everything you want; a moodboard, an edit, a drawing, etc. i literally pour my heart & soul into every bond my muse has; i live for them. oh !! i also love asking people question about their characters; i just love learning new things about them !! 
What are your weak aspects as rp partner?: i’m very slow out of character; i don’t approach muns a lot because i’m scared to be a bother, working on it ! i often ramble a lot & my writing can become a bit convoluted & hard to understand, i apologize ! i tend to not message people on discord as often as i’d like to; mostly because i’m really socially awkward or just don’t think that what i want to show to them is THAT important. i’m not as straight-forward as i wish myself to be; however, even with all that; i still have a lot of fun & am acknowledging & actively working on my weak aspects ! 
Do you rp smut?:  YES / NO. Do you prefer to go into detail?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. Are you okay with black curtain?:  YES / NO. - When do you rp smut? More out of fun or character development?:  often, it is because i want to develop the relationship or yuna’s character; she’s a very sexual being who hardly connects to someone emotionally; therefore, writing sex & exploring the vulnerability behind it can be really beautiful ! though, fun is also involved !  - Anything you would not want to rp there?:  non-consensual stuff is a no-go ! also, certain kinks that make me uncomfortable are also off the table; ex. anything involving bodily fluids other than spit. 
Are ships important to you?:   YES / NO. Would you say your blog is ship-focused?:   YES / NO. Do you use read more?:  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Are you: Multi-Ship / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  Multiverse / Singleverse. - What do you love to explore the most in your ships?:  i love the conflicts the most; clashing ideals or just two stubborn muses arguing for the heck of it is really fun & can develop the relationship beautifully ! yuna is a person who likes someone that can be properly fought with, verbally here. but of course, i also adore the very soft moments!! i love meaningless fluff; it warms my heart.  - What is your smut tag?: SINFUL.
Are you okay with pre-established relationships?: YES / NO. - And what kind of ones?: nothing TOO drastic; a friendship, a rivalry is a-okay ! however, i’m very hesitant when it comes to having pre-est. romantic relationships; though, you can quickly change my mind if you pour your soul into the plotting; then i’m fine with it ! everything that needs time when writing also needs time when plotting; don’t just straight up jump into something if you’re not able to give it your all.
- What could possibly make your Muse interesting towards others, why should they rp with this particular character of yours now, what possible plots do they offer?:  i think yuna is a person with whom it is easy to form relationships with; it takes a bit of time but due to her rather drastic ideals & opinions; anything can be founded within seconds. she doesn’t hold back when it comes to her honesty & conflicts will arise. also, for all muses with demonic or deity backgrounds; being a daughter of the literal queen of hell, though, also harboring fragments of a god’s soul makes her unique in the supernatural world which can spark interest with your character or even they can develop an ill-will towards her ? i think it’s really interesting exploring what makes one work & go on & yuna has the philosophical potential to tickle that out of your muse; she question EVERYTHING. now for certain plots; one-sided love or even friendships are always really interesting, especially when she is the one having such feelings. other than that; she has enormous & dangerous powers; so if you’re into character or world-building; can offer that as well !
- With what type of Muses do you usually struggle to rp with?:  humans; she doesn’t approach humans who are just kind & have nothing to offer for her, the least she’d do is have sex with them or kill them to harvest their life energy. i’m sorry but she really does hate all of humanity & to change that opinion ? man, you must be the most stubborn person ever.  - With what type of Muses do they usually work well with?:  characters who are of supernatural or demonic nature; she’ll be very interested & even nosy to a point. also, very attractive characters who are not afraid to speak their mind; she’s really superficial most of the time & will flirt with anything that she deems good-looking. muses who have ideals that contrast hers or that are similar to her but also, generally, people who are open-minded. 
- What interests your Muse(s) in general:  sex, parties, plants & flowers, astronomy, writing, demons & hell, the underground scene, killing, knives & playing the piano - What do they desire, is their goal?:  the questions that bother her the most are; why did her mother had to die ? why would nobody help her while she was being abused by her father ? why was she kept alive by her sisters ? is there love out there for someone like her ? what do these strange visions mean that occur almost every night ? she has a lot of things she wants to experience & wishes to have a normal life once she has killed her other mother, lilith, which is her ultimate goal, at the moment.  - What catches their interest first when meeting someone new?:  their appearance; the scent of their blood & if it differs from humans; how they react towards her & what they do in front of her.  - What do they value in a person?:    strong opinions, loyalty, good looks, humor, strength (not limited to physical strength) - What themes do they like talking about?:  herself or the world & the state of it; she likes being philosophical with some, can often be somewhat self-centered; THOUGH; it is almost always for her to see how they would react to that. 
- Which themes bore them?:  love & drama; she does not care a lot for gossip or anything relating to it; the topic of love, no matter in which sense, is always brushed off because she just doesn’t find any appeal in it. 
- Did they ever went through something traumatic?:  Being the reason her own mother committed suicide; Her father & sister abusing her all her life, spouting lies & beating her until she could stand no more while her other sisters would watch & do nothing, even though, they were supposed to support each other; laewa, one of her sisters, fancying the idea of killing yuna for the greater good; two of her best friends turning on her when they find out she’s not human & then being killed right in front of her eyes; her one & only boyfriend protecting her from a demon hunter & being killed in the process - What could possibly trigger them?:  loud sudden noises; making fun of her attachment to her late ex-boyfriend, being awfully nice to her, the sight of any dog or wolf, tender touches (esp. her back being touched), being alone with her thoughts for far too long  - What could set them off, enrage them?:  people who make fun of her & her powers; calling her a monster; not understanding her pain when she opens up; purposefully touching her back or any other scarred skin, being nosy  - What could lead to an instant kill?:  you are a demon hunter that does not show remorse when killing demons with a consciousness, trying to kill her, killing one of her comrades 
- Is there someone /-thing they hate?:  Keela Adynora, Myra Adynora (Father, Sister), the other D.O.L.s, EYES’ superiors (the organization she works for), Humans, Lilith - Is there someone /-thing they love?:  Evelin Adynora (Her biological mother)
Is your Muse easy to approach?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?: If you’re not quite human or are a demon, you could literally stand next to her & be silent; she’ll become curious on her own. other than that; be interesting or flirt with her; just do something that does not involve small talk; she hates that.  - Where are they usually to find?:  strip club (her workplace), bars, clubs, clearings within a forest, nice areas that are full of trees & plants; a roof-top
Something you may still want to point out about your muse?:  Yuna is basically pandora’s box personified; she may seem nice & attractive from the outside but within her are sleeping demons that only wait to be awakened. & withal, she is still a cutie who will become your number one supporter & protector if you manage to build a proper relationship with. it’s hard to get through that shell & what awaits is NOT that pretty but with years upon years of abuse, neglect & shit being thrown her way; it’s not easy being a carefree immortal. 
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @skyvar , i srsly love these so much, snow !! thank you for tagging me <3 i had so much fun 8′)  Tagging:  @thevvolf ; @nezumi-vc-103221 ; @empiia ; @dvojakyvlk ; @childrenxfthemoon ; @hensetsu​​ ; @goldempire​​ ; @animatedatrophy​ ; @talonness​ ; @shikkotsunin​ ; @wcrthlessanimal​ & anyone else !! 
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bubmyg · 5 years
Hi 👋 Can you maybe write a fic where Jungkook introduces his girlfriend on his YouTube channel since they haven’t seen her before? (I know you’ve already written a few YouTube fics with Jungkook already, but I thought it could be cute) and then later, after the video has gone up, they both look at the comments together, but the reader is kind of nervous about the result, but of course she doesn’t need to since their all positive 🤗 If you do, then thank you ❤️🧡💛
genre/warnings: youtuber!jeongguk, again.....the most tooth rotting fluff with the tinniest bit of angst but you may need glasses to see it
word count: 1,631
a/n: i think i’ve said this but all my youtuber!guk drabbles are non chronological but all exist in the same timeline so obviously this occurs before anything already on my masterlist atm :’-)
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“We don’t have to do this, you know.”
You ignored the press of Jeongguk’s lips to your cheek, staring down the bulk balanced on top of his tripod carefully centered at the end of his bed. It was the outlet to his fan base, the tiny glass lens that opened up his budding creativity to love and criticism all the same, that allowed him to monetize carefully placed vulnerabilities of his life on a dangerously slippery slope, some pieces chosen on his own accord, others pried out, speculated on, fussed over. 
It was something he’d chosen to expose this time, unlike his phone number on Jimin’s livestream or his address when he’d filmed a little too far out on the street of his building. 
“Everyone already knows,” He tried, “This is just like...confirmation.”
“I know,” Your eyes wandered from his camera equipment to his apprehensive gaze, “I’m just a little nervous, is all.”
“I can turn the camera off right this second,” Jeongguk offered explicitly this time, curling warm palms against your cheeks, “We can go back to pretending like you, my friend, just so happen to be here every morning. And every night. I can keep editing out you forgetting your role and kissing me—” You whined and he kissed you on reflex, “—until you’re ready. There’s no rush.”
You cupped his hand holding your face, lightly brushing your thumb against his knuckles. Softly, you inquired, “Do you want to do this?”
“I have seven unlisted videos ready to post that are giant love professions hidden behind fancy editing and royalty free music,” He chased the embarrassed drop of your chin with his lips, “but I can make how many ever more in the time it takes to wait on you. I don’t love you any less because I haven’t got to tell the Internet yet.” 
You were silent for a handful of heartbeats before mumbling, “Well I’m not helping you set these lights up ever again, so get over there.”
Jeongguk’s eyes lit up when he pressed his forehead to yours, “You’re sure?”
You suppressed the urge to knee his thigh in response. “Go.” 
He kissed the tip of your nose for good measure, taking careful strides to his camera, questioning eyes wavering to your appending glare only for a moment before he was pressing record and bounding to the end of the carefully made bed. 
You mocked his intro out of habit but also to calm the flutter of nerves in your stomach, grin shaky at the tiny giggle that escaped Jeongguk’s lips when he cast a glance at you. He stretched backward, tiny smile turning full featured as he placed his hands behind him, back arching, and in that moment did you finally see the tiniest hints of nerves seep into his aura, in the awkward lean of his stature, the sideways cast of his eyes away from the lens, the dimple in his cheek when he bit the inside of his mouth, the prolonged hums in between his words that you hadn’t heard him do since watching his years old vlogs. 
“...so, yeah, as you can tell, today’s a little bit of a different video. An update? Yeah, I guess it’s an update—” He was staring at you now, arms outstretched and fingers wiggling, voice a drastic contrast to the childlike innocence of his gestures, tender and low in his request, “—come here, baby.”
Your hesitation was brief, a part of your lips and a panic in your eyes but Jeongguk mouthed it’s okay with the tiniest of smiles and tilts of his chin and suddenly the lens prepped to project your relationship to the world felt minuscule in comparison to the glittering astral bodies adored only to you in the gentle light of his sparkling irises. 
“The update is...” He was speaking while you fit yourself into his arms, letting him pull you down against his side with his nose nuzzling into your hair. “...that this one refuses to leave my house. So if you all have any suggestions to get her out—”
“Can’t leave when you won’t let me,” You countered, nerves falling out in the slight stutter of your tongue but you managed to elbow his stomach none the less. His actions seemed to affirm your words, arms twisted around your waist so you were half sprawled across his thighs, cheek pressed against the top of your head. 
"No, uhm...” Jeongguk pulled away to look at you, the softest of smiles meeting the seam of his lips the longer the fondness of his eyes streaked up and down your features, “...meet my girlfriend, everyone.”
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Soft touches trailing down your spine woke you, the loving affections carrying to the lips that were pressed against your forehead. He hummed, the vibrations renewing the jump of your heart, “Are you awake?”
Something like a noise of negation groaned past your sealed lips and you hiked your stature higher on Jeongguk’s chest to press your nose into his neck. “No. Still asleep. Leave a voicemail. Call back later.”
He’d ordered a nap after posting the video, dragging you out of his office and into his embrace on the couch while your social medias stayed as dark as the screens of your sleeping phones. He combated your itch to mindlessly scroll Twitter in search of that one negative comment by promising you could read the feedback on the video, together, after a nap. 
It was enough for you until you suddenly wanted the nap to last forever so you never had to know. 
Jeongguk squeezed your waist, rolling until you were underneath him with digging fingers tickling at your sides. He swallowed your loudest squeals, ones of I’m awake, I’m awake! — lips sweet into the part of your mouth.
The exchange between your steady gazes was silent until he nodded, “Are you ready?”
You trailed him by attachment to his hand wrapped securely around your digits, following him with furrowed eyebrows back into the depths of his office. “Why can’t we just look on our phones?” You pouted while he fiddled with the lighting settings, dropping the room into a gentle purple. You continued to glower when he let go of your hand, dropping into his chair with outstretched arms. “I’m not ready for Y/N reads hate comments about herself but in size seven hundred font on Jeongguk’s seventeen different monitors—” 
“Baby girl.”
Your teeth sank so deeply into the your bottom lip you tasted the hint of metal. “Yeah?”
“I’ve got you. I’ve always got you,” His chin tilted, hands flexing once more in your direction, “Come here.”
You tried to make yourself as tiny as possible in Jeongguk’s lap, immune to the periodic stumble of his mumbling mouth against your skin as he clicked around on the screen, shades of whites and blues contouring the concentration in his features as he sought out the touch of your skin against his lips. There was a stutter in his chest when he inhaled, properly nudging your temple with his lips, hand leaving his mouse to wrap around your hip. 
“Well, the top comment is a petition for you to make your own channel,” You felt his lips curl against you, “It has a thousand thumbs up. And counting.”
You shifted to press your cheek to his chest instead of your nose, “Yeah?”
“Mhmm,” Jeongguk’s mouse clicked as he scrolled, “this one just says ‘I knew it!’ with, uh...eighteen hearts after it.”
You dared to squint at the screen, not catching much in his absent scrolling but stretching your arm out with the tiniest of gleeful smiles. 
“That one—” He paused vaguely after following the line of your finger, “—I used to think I wanted someone to look at me the way he looks at Jimin but now I want someone to look at me the way he looks at her :-(.” 
“Why not both?” Jeongguk teased against your hair and it took you a moment of feigned shock to realize he’d stretched out to type it in reply to the comment. 
“Are we going to be one of those couples that has those cheesy the way he looks at her edits now?”
“We have been,” He continued scrolling, “Sprinkled in with Jeongguk annoying Y/N for four minutes straight.” 
“They could only find four minutes of footage? Must be a new subscriber...”
His monitor dimmed as he pulled away from it, hugging you tighter underneath his chin as the chair spun in a slow circle away from his desk. 
“Are you okay?” When you nodded underneath him, he teased, “Well, then I don’t want to say I told you so but...”
“Shut up—”
“No. Look at me.” 
You complied, fitting your chin into Jeongguk’s awaiting palm, one that curled around your features. 
“I wouldn’t have put you, us, in that situation if I didn’t know,” His thumb strayed from pressing into the corner of your lips to stroke your cheekbone, “I’ll always protect you to the best of my ability.”
“Good, does that mean we can skip the obligatory couples yoga challenge? You’ll crush me.”
Jeongguk whined, high pitched and dramatic as his head hit the back of his chair and your surroundings whirled as his foot turned you in another looping circle. “Announce our relationship to the whole Internet and you can’t even let me be sentimental for five seconds—”
You kissed him, chaste and everything you weren’t good at articulating. 
“I love you.”
He smiled against your lips and you missed his arm that outstretched to drag your figures closer to his desk again. 
“I love you...” Jeongguk trailed off and you squinted when his monitor lit again in your peripheral, “...so how many of these videos of you will you allow me to post tonight—”
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mr-blake · 5 years
Brick, Mordecai, Tina, Hammerlock siblings, and August for the ask thingy if you want? :~D
holy hecK ohboiohboiohboi
but here we go
First impression: big funny chara in a duo dynamic, possibly recurring rival? heart of gold. too brief an appearance. (tftbl is what opened the door to borderlands for me so ye ckxbdk)
Impression now: Best Big Boi. Heart of gold. He's as full of muscle as he is full of love. I'd die for him. For the love of god let him have a dog that lives.
Favorite moment: Ohhh too many god. Like all of the commander lilith dlc. The whole "no one's ever said that to me before...I LOVE YOU MAN!!" Just. All the moments. There's also some bits at the end of the normal story of BL2 that are gold bUT one's a dirty joke so im hushity.
Idea for a story: iii got a fic/animatic idea that's been bonking around in my head for a while. It's mostly story that fills in between the gaps of the first and second bl games.
Unpopular opinion: pfbbbtt i cant rlly think of one except that he, along with the rest of the original vault hunters don't get enough love in the fandom? Granted, that's been like. Changing lately with BL3 coming out n the new Commander Lilith DLC finally being enough of a push to get some folks in the fandom lovin him.
Favorite relationship: well, obviously i ship him and mordy, but that relationship being golden is a given, so imma say the paternal bond he's got developing with Tina bc it's so fucking wholesome and sweet and also rlly funny bc they are both balls of chaos.
Favorite headcanon: oohh there's a lot of good ones. but rn the fave i can think of atm is that he has an actual living dog in bl3 bc it's what he deserves and it could very well just be missing a leg. Let him have a dozen dogs or more plz. Let the puppers be bffs with Talon too.
First impression: tall scrawny mc-pointy beardy guy in a funny lil duo dynamic. Thinks he's rlly cool, and sounds like he practices things he says to people to try and make other people think he's cool but he's wearing a blanket wrapped around him like a toga shirt thing does he have back problems wonder if that works. his interactions with muscle man are adorable and cute plz tell me we can see more of them this is too brief of an appearance come back. (again, tftbl was my intro to bl, so find my happy surprise that he n brick were in all the rest of the bl games cjxkcb)
Impression now: tired bird grandpa with a heart of gold. he's the sweetest, most caring lad. I stan him so much he's such a great dad, he deserves better im so happy he's recovering. i love his sense of humor. i love his birds. he deserves happiness and the world and his b team family. i love him i love him i love him i love h-
Favorite moment: uNGH all of them. He has so many good moments, in and outside of the games. But rn imma just say the whole of the Commander Lilith dlc bc that was chock-full of Grade A Mordy content, from sweet and wholesome to rlly funny.
Idea for a story: Aaaalll my fic/art/animatic ideas basically. im kind of a gremlin when it comes to my ideas for some reason, but like it's hard to explain them without basically infodumping a summary of some big fic idea i have. But uH ig with my latest lil art comic i did?? it def involves my idea with which Mordecai and Roland first encountering Tina when she was little bc Dad Time™️.
Unpopular opinion: iiiiii rlly am not a fan of how a lot of the fandom has basically stuck him with the personality of Old Drunk™️ bc uH. For one, he's not anymore. He's recovering. And two, he wasn't always like that and people need to take note that for the duration of the main BL2 storyline, he was at one of the lowest points of his life which led him into falling deeper and deeper into alcoholism and being actually rather out of character for himself. So like. Commander Lilith DLC was a good glimpse at Mordy being presented more in character than ever. Not the other way around.
Favorite relationship: Besides the obvious of him being married to Brick and being a dad to Tina bc i adore that a lot and they are def faves, i;;;; rlly love his bonds with Lilith and also esp Roland. Like,,,, outside of the game,, mordy n roland have had some adventures and how they click and connect with each other is rlly interesting and fun and also a big thing i wanted to explore in one of my bigger fic ideas cjdbfkfb.
Favorite headcanon: he's a great friggin dad?? but like. that's canon. i have. a lot of hcs for him. I'd have to make a whole ass post just for him with those tbh.
First impression: gremlin child
Impression now: chaos with a heart of gold (yes they all have hearts of gold chdbdkb). she's been through a lot and the whole chaotic persona she's built up seems to be a way to cover up a lot of the pain and suffering she's gone through. iiiim hype she's teamed up with her dads and she better be mcfuckin having these parents stay alive or ill die.
Favorite moment: the whole of the Commander Lilith DLC, but also the butt stallion mission that led to the origins of bl3's b team.
Idea for a story: same fic ideas ive mentioned before cjfjxkcb
Unpopular opinion: i am definitely critical with how various aspects of her character are portrayed, but that's on bad/problematic writing on gearbox's part so i kinda just. ignore those. like im sure a lot of folks who enjoy her character do.
Favorite relationship: her and all of her dads. im a sucker for found family
Favorite headcanon: it was both roland and mordecai who first found her which is why after roland's passing that she's protective of mordy. bc it was only roland and mordecai who knew her full story and had been trying to fill in paternal roles for her after the trauma of what hyperion did. and like hell she's going to lose another parent again.
also aHHH im soRRY I would do all but im such a rambler fbdkxBcfkb i hope just these 3 for this post is okay?
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curlzformetal · 5 years
Episode 12, Midnight Espionage
Okay, so first off, I will address dropping out from this for like five months. Uh, it happens…? Idk what ep I left off on typing up, but we’re gonna start back here for funsies. But I’m back!! With más reactiones! (Listen, u take Spanish for two years in high school and then. and then this happens.) So!! Episode 12!!
the whole plan,, is so goddamn smart. like how they talk throughout the ep is consistently considering all the angles, to steal the handwriting, to copy it, to do all this shit and,,, in any dnd campaign I’ve played all the people just want combat and it’s so nice to see dnd used in a ,,, varied environment i suppose? Idk I just love the (heh) espionage that goes down this ep, and it’s so goddamn cool.
another thing before the character breakdowns: the subtle,,, foreshadowing? That Marisha did w/o even thinking or knowing??? “We all think Matt’s managing three storylines but little known to us, he’s managing a fourth seCRET STORYLINE” and then shIT hits the FAN AT THE END OF THE EP and there’s,,, explosions and towers crumbling andAND AND PEOPLE. GETTING STRUCK BY L I GHTNING AND TURNED TO A SH. that,, was nice. everything went to shit but tbh I agree with Travis. “That went perfectly.” something is afoot my dudes…something is aFOOT.
okay so, we’ll start off w jester: fave moment was more a joint Nott and Jester moment. Nott asking Jester when they break into the attic if Jester wants to draw a mustache or a dick on the giant art piece…was priceless. I’ve mentioned that i really love their dynamic and that certainly holds true this time, and the jester is like… I think I studied this artist. And I?? Jester studied art?? I mean I used it makes sense but I,, can’t see Jester studying? Like I just don’t see it.
Speaking of Nott, the,, mage hand…mistake?? (Missed opportunity?) With the grappling hook and how upset she was like,, idk what that says about her and Caleb bc I almost get this vibe like she desperately needs to impress Caleb and always be as smart or only a little less smart than him bc she needs to prove to herself that she deserves his love and affection. And like that…really hit home. Very much so. The way she says, “I want to see you succeed,” really tells me that Nott feels like she needs to work to help Caleb not only because she loves him, but also because she might need to feel like she’s earning her place with him. And then after everything goes sideways, she still takes that moment to grab the scroll that Caleb wanted before leaving the High (Richter? Riktor?)’s home sort of cements that for me. ((okay, something else that fucking GOT ME. the whole hospital scene was a jam. a bop. Nott,, continually asking about doing this one plan and Caleb just,, keeps,, “No that sounds a little extreme” like…yeah. but the whole situation had gone extreme Caleb, or haven’t yOU NOTICED?? I just really love Nott and Caleb as a friendship. Like,, really badly. But also Nott hissing was fucking PRIME. the bEST. 111/10 you’re doing amazing sweetie.)) Also, Nott,,, is so funny. Like…the messages?? Every message she sends is,, the best. I think everyone absolutely knows they can respond to this message, but it reminds me of like those automatic email sign offs, and it’s just…great, it’s great okay, I have a terrible and easily pleased sense of humor and thIS PLEASES ME.
Speaking of the hospital scene, @Molly you know what you did. I am both disgusted…and very impressed. Good plan, terrible execution, it’s okay if you blame the dice. But Molly really goes that extra mile every time without it…striking me as a need to be extra? Like he does it, but it’s not for praise or good attention bc I feel like Molly almost…doesn’t care about that. It would be nice to see him get it, but I think Molly is so used to not receiving positive attention at all (take how the guard shooed him away when he has the little bus set up, take how suspicious the guards to the Trispire were and that’s just this ep) that it’s not an attention thing for it. And like…I don’t think it’s a fun thing either? He didn’t sound like he was having a good time cutting himself open or smashing through a window or acting possessed and like…in context (and out of it) it’s funny, but at the same time, Molly takes to it without he levity that would make him the comic relief. (That probably atm goes to Nott. Read: Sam.) Molly’s just…flashy? Without wanting the attention or having fun with it, he just is. Like…like he’s going through the motions of putting on a show without actually enjoying any aspect of it.
Whereas Jester absolutely enjoys putting on a show. She enjoys attention, she adores it, she has fun with it. Her and Molly are so similar in…genre (?)….but not in motive. Jester does things a certain way or does them at all purely bc they are fun. She enjoys playing dressup, she enjoys acting…she enjoys imagining things. (I almost wonder…if she didn’t imagine her mom?) It’s a really fun compare and contrast between her and Molly and I think they foil each other really well even without interacting that much.
You know who does interact with Jester a lot though? Beau. And while Beau doesn’t put on a show to be flashy or to have fun, I still feel like she is putting on some kind of show. Maybe not directly, but almost in a kind of…lie of omission way. Is an act of omission a thing? But anyways, it’s really interesting, Beau having secrets, Beau doing and saying true things, and pitting both of those things against each other. Beau is…almost her own foil, which is just weird but it really works for her. (10/10 moment: Beau trying not to bleed on a magical rug that is literally in fucking tatters.)
Which brings me to Fjord. Full disclosure, some of the spoilers I’ve seen for like eps 60-74 make me love him, even though atm Caleb is really stealing that cake, but what would have tipped me off is that when Caleb goes for the scroll in the High (Richter?)’s house, Fjord doesn’t hesitate the tiniest bit to threaten him. He threatens to dump (and HARM) Caleb, and by extension Nott, and he does it without any outer evidence of inner conflict which really…mhmMM is there inner conflict at all? Cue gif of there’s a lot to unpack here. It’s really interesting because he does this, but five minutes later Fjord shoves a health potion down Caleb’s throat and the words that stick with me are “We’re either a team or you’re working for yourselves. Decide.” because it’s so obvious that Fjord himself has decided that he’s a team. This is his team. He’s decided, he is invested in the Mighty Nein, not as individuals who are his friends, but as a group that’s HIS group. (Look at how the moment he escaped the hospital, he instantly turns around to help Molly.) Fjord believes in all them, together, in a way I don’t think anyone else quite does yet. It’s…a really really really good and fun thing to see, for sure.
Also the plot is so goddamn thick. Almost as thick as Molly’s cosplayed dick. (I really hope in EP 13 that comes back I wanna know.) And like,, the way Matt describes things, the fact that Marisha accidentally foreshadows the whole thing?? I am DYING to know what’s going on. Im so curious. Matt drags not opy the players (with characters who are invested) but he immediately drags the Audi in with him. I wanna know what’s up!! What the fuck!! What the hell!! What the HECKIN!! so.
im gonna go find out what the HECKIN, n I’m gonna start ep 13 despite the late hour. hopefully the next Critical Reaction won’t take, u know,,, five months. :) :) :)
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fox-mother · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ 
This meme definitely favours canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated? YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story? YES? / NO.
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE A PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO.
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals. — I don't know, maybe her dorky personality and caring nature? She's good at comforting upset muses and she has a habit of developing unhealthy attachments to them. She's pretty easy to ship with and that might be appealing to some people. Kushina is also prone to being protective and self-sacrificing, always ready to jump between your muse and danger. Great cook as well.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?). —   She's prone to angry outbursts, sometimes they can be dangerous for other muses or the environment around them. Kushina hates herself and is quick to deny compliments, even if they're genuine. She's a kunoichi first and foremost which translates to her often being emotionally challenged. She can be clingy and borderline annoying if she gets attached too quickly to someone.
What inspired you to rp your muse? —   Coming from an old Kagami blog and just not feeling him anymore, I noticed a bunch of portrayals of her- most of which I was actively following- and that led me to look into her more. I immediately fell in love with her and- out of pure salt- I decided to make her canon-divergent. I made this blog and a random headcanon post then the rest is history.
What keeps your inspiration going? —   She does. Her and my IRL antics keep me going. I have an over-active imagination so I tend to have one thought that spirals into 'What would Kushina do in this incredibly specific situation?'. She also makes me very happy and I've only had to take one break from her since I made her blog. I love Kushina and all her dorky moments, it makes her enjoyable to write. 
Some more personal questions for the mun. Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice? YES / NO
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO.
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO.
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO.
Are you a sensitive person? YES / 50/50 /NO.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal? —  Yes. If someone criticises my portrayal, I do my best to be fair and listen to their issues with her. Sometimes I have moments where I want to punch the other person- see a few days ago for proof- but I try to remain respectful even if they continue to cause me problems. I don't want people to be scared of interacting with me.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character? —  Yes! I adore them! It may have something to do with my need to constantly yap about Kushina but I do like getting asks about her. She's always fun to think about and it's interesting to hear what people want to know about her. 
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? —   Sometimes, yes. That way, I can figure out what they think and we can- mayhaps- come to an amicable agreement moving forward. You can disagree with a headcanon all you like, I don't mind. It is your opinion after all. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? —   Meh, if you don't like my portrayal then there are plenty of Kushina blogs on Tumblr. Go find one of them or make your own, I have no time for people pestering me because they wanted something else.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? —   Admittedly, I get salty. She's my baby at this point and I don't take kindly to people saying horrible things regarding her. I would never confront them about it but just know that I get so unbelievably angry when someone openly bashes her. If it's less open hatred and they keep it to themselves then I don't mind as much, if at all, it's just when they make it public knowledge that I get salty. It's their opinion and I do my best to respect that, even if I openly disagree with them.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? —  Please... O^O I know I make errors and for all my usage of Grammarly, the stupid thing doesn't pick up on half my errors like it's supposed to. If you see an error, please let me know. Don't make fun of me or it, just point it out so I can change it. I type fast and I don't tend to beta read any work that I post, hence me needing to go back and fix it afterwards. 
Do you think you are easy-going as a mun? —   I'd hope I come off that way. Generally, I'm a pretty chill person who is just trying to make friends who respect me despite me being an overwhelmingly massive dork. I have my moments of pure salt and moments where I wish I was anywhere but on the internet but I try to remain as friendly as humanly possible towards people. I've said it multiple times that I am probably 100x more scared of you than you are of me. Social anxiety for the win!
Yoinked off: @shippuden-collection and @shikkotsunin Tagging: Continue the theft train binches!
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baereaved · 7 years
lenalee lee?
send me a chara and i’ll answer these for them~
How I feel about this character:
my other daughter! i lov her so much. so much. she’s so wonderful. i’ll admit that i don’t always understand her very well, but i think i’ve learned a lot abt her and god she’s just. by far, one of the most impressive people in the series. she’s so incredible & inspiring & i love her so much
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
my main ship for her is cross/lena? i want her to dom him & kick his ass but also i do think they would work really well together just from how we’ve seen them act together before. i mean, she’s also the reason cross is pretty much dead & floating in the abyss, but the fact that he knew that shit was gonna go down there & he still stayed just bc lena asked him to? gr8. and i just really wanna see the dynamic that we could’ve seen, like, on the ark, if everyone hadn’t barged in & attacked crossbesides that, uh. road/lena, like i said, and maybe her and kanda, but i’m not sure i can think of much else? half the time she’s aro to me tbh, i just don’t really see her as the romantic type generally
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i mean all of the other exorcists, ofc, but honestly? i really want tyki to cool his sexist ass & for them to be friends. like, i know she hates him bc like, different sides, but the fact is they’re pretty similar and i think if they learned more about each other then they’d get along. they even have butterflies and complaining abt doting brothers to bond over
My unpopular opinion about this character:
hey here’s an unpopular opinion: she’s one of the strongest & most intelligent & most technically skilled people in the entire story and everyone who hates her bc they think she’s weak or a crybaby or whatever can pull that misogynistic stick out of their asslike, i understand if you dislike her just bc her personality (i.e. the fact that she doesn’t really care about anyone except her family & has a personality similar to a noah) then i get it, bc it’s selfish, but if you hate her bc you think she’s weak then uh, fact of the matter is, either you’re a dumbass or you’ve been reading some other manga
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
atm i really just wanna see her come back & have a big role in the story again? since allen’s left the order, anyone who stayed is basically tossed to the curb rn and i wanna see them be important again.i also am hype as hell for her to either a. become the noah of wrath, bc i adore the idea of it & have for a very long while, or b. hit the critical point, bc she’s strong enough to take down level 4s pretty easily and she hasn’t even hit over 100% yet? that’s fucking raw as hell. i’m hype
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zephyr-fantasy · 7 years
SH 2.02 A Door Into The Dark
That was a wonderful twist with Dot! And I'm guessing that Dot got moved to the ship, which being shielded would be the reason Magnus couldn't feel her magic anymore? Like how Alec can't feel Jace when he's on the ship either. It was good to see Dot being the reason they could jump off the ship with the forcefield. Also, it doesn't seem that Valentine is killing Dot atm? Although it could probably go either way. But if he still feels that he can (mostly) control her than I can see how her abilities would continue to be useful to him.
Well, we now know who Jace finds washed up on the beach -- Gretel. I don't know how to feel about neither Clary or Jace even taking a seconds hesitation to maybe try to get her too? Eh, I guess I really don't know what I would do in that situation either, so... Idk. But hey, it appears that that will have lasting consequences too, with the preview to next weeks episode -- that and the fact that Jace was the one that brought her on the ship in the first place. In the books, Gretel was Luke's 2nd (with Alaric being his 3rd), I wonder if she was here too and what, if anything, that has to do with how pissed off the pack is at Jace.
I guess we now know why Alec is all unconscious in the next episode. I always figured it had to do with the Parabatai bond but couldn't figure out why he was more impacted? Makes a bit of sense now -- that and we know that Jace was impacted, even if only to a smaller degree. Wonder how much the aftereffects will impact Jace with the werewolves tracking him down. As much as I want Shadowhunters to continue showing how important the Parabatai bond is, let's hope that they stop with the "Alec is tracking Jace down when Jace is in the middle of a fight and it messes Jace up" aspect, shall we? At least, have Jace be the one doing the tracking next time, Idgaf! Although I'd prefer the idea (trope?) to go away for a season or two altogether.
I love that Luke called Jocelyn out on some things, that was really nice. Like, just because she had her reasons for doing things doesn't mean that she shouldn't be criticized for the decisions she's made. I remember bts stuff with the actress playing Luke's mom -- will that be next episode or later? I'm just curious if they try to get in contact with her to help Alec, it makes sense that they'd try every avenue.
I adored the scenes with Magnus and Simon! Not only did those scenes brighten up the mood a little but they really showed a lot about the both of them. Like how easy it is for Magnus to portal ANYWHERE. When the rumors that Magnus would be taking Alec all around the world for dates surfaced I thought it made a lot of sense -- why only have dates in New York when Magnus can literally take them anywhere and back with a snap of his fingers?
(Also why the whole months-long vacation that was in the books didn't make sense to me. While it's important to take a few days off together to relax and recharge it makes more sense for them to take long weekends off together and just portal to a different place each time. Why travel similarly to how mundanes do --even if they did portal from place to place-- instead of using that magic to one's advantage? Especially in regards to the tv show, they BOTH have a lot of responsibilities that the can't go away for months from.)
The whole Magnus giving a pep talk but not holding Simon's hand part was well done. I imagine that Raphael or some of the New York Clan's vampires already told Simon how these abilities work --we did see Raphael chiding him for not learning how to speed and sneak around in s1-- but it's up to Simon to actually put the time and effort into learning them. It's good to see him do so, even if it was on a fire-breathing cobra, lol. I love that Magnus was behind that cobra too! I also think that with Harry being allergic to cats that Magnus SHOULD have some type of pet. Something that he could probably still cuddle a little bit but can take care of itself mostly -- like a cat, so not a dog.
I LOVED THE KRIS! The fact that Magnus found it and was shown to be so breathtaking significant to him! Since it appears that they are giving him a new back story --no mention of the Silent Brothers when he was telling Simon of when he was a child learning his abilities-- it's possible that it's a family heirloom from either his mother's or even stepfather's sides of the family! Wouldn't that be awesome? Not so awesome that Camille had it, ofc, but at least he found it! I did kind of want to hit Simon over the head when he carelessly took it out of the box to try and open the puzzle box though! Jeez, Simon, oblivious much? Like, I get that he's focused on his own issues here, but how could he not see how delicately Magnus was putting the Kris into that box?! it's not just any old knife! No wonder Magnus knows he's not going to have a lot of patience for Simon already, haha.
Last but certainly not least, I so much love Alec and Izzy's relationship. I actually really was glad that Izzy followed after Alec each time he finished confronting Clary, even if she did go find her later to talk. As much as I'm glad that Izzy and Clary have a good relationship and Izzy will continue to be in Clary's corner, Izzy's relationship with Alec is more important and he's probably going to always be a big priority to her, and her to him! And yeah, maybe Alec wasn't all right when he confronted Clary at the punching bag but he wasn't all wrong either (kind of like it's silly to dismiss each time he tried to rein in Jace and Clary in s1 as simply jealousy. Like yeah, maybe he was a bit harsh about it because he was jealous, but he wasn't wrong about there being consequences either). I think Izzy at least sees where he's coming from and even if she doesn't agree with him get why he's acting the way he is atm.
I did love the scene between Izzy and Clary -- I'll be surprised if we don't see a couple extra Clizzy fanfic on Ao3 this week! I also loved the Clary and Dot scenes as well, and the part where Clary was glamoured from sight in the Art Academy. I wonder if a mundane w/o the sight saw a charcoal drawing create itself? lol
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
CNN 10 – March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
A proposal to overhaul the U.S. health systems and the reactions to it are our first topics today on CNN 10. Then, we’re taking you to the Southern Hemisphere for a look at how a shabby stadium is emblematic of one nation’s slump. How chip cards can be hacked and how a museum can serve as a gym are two other topics on today’s display .
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I’m Carl Azuz.
Leading off today’s news coverage on CNN 10, we’re explaining a project designed to overhaul the U.S. health systems. Republicans in the House of Representative have revealed their plan to cancellation and replace the Affordability Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
Former President Barack Obama signed it into rule in 2010. It was examined his biggest domestic accomplishment. It’s too controversial. On the plus back, it facilitated 20 million Americans gained health insurance coverage, contributing to more people having it than ever before. On the minus side, it costs more than the government expected and several insurance companies that were originally carried it have removed Obamacare coverage .
Congressional Republicans have been trying to repeal the existing legislation for years. Now, with their party in charge of Congress and the White House, they’ve exhausted a overture “ve called the” American Healthcare Act. The bill would eliminate the Obamacare requirement that Americans either get health insurance or is a fine of at least several hundred dollars for not having it. It would maintain some of the favourite parts of Obamacare. It would get rid of the governmental forces payments that helped people buy health insurance and replace those with the tax recognition and it was ultimately restructure Medicaid, a federal and commonwealth platform that leaves insurance to low income Americans.
Just as Obamacare is controversial, the American Care Act is too. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says Obamacare is collapsing and that the said law would reduce costs and commit every American access to good, affordable health insurance .
Independent Senator Bernie Sanders has said provided with access doesn’t aim people are able to afford it. Some Republican reviewers say the programme doesn’t go far enough to eliminate Obamacare, and Democrats and some health insurance experts say the changes could introduce tens of millions of Americans at risk for losing their health insurance coverage, though Republicans say those who are currently enrolled “wouldve been” grandfathered in so they don’t .
The Trump administration calls the plan a work in progress. The bill will be debated and revised in the days ahead, as its Republican supporters try to push it through the House and Senate and on to President Trump’s desk .
AZUZ( voice-over ): Ten-second trivia :
What is most important country in the Southern Hemisphere ?
Is it Argentina, Australia, Brazil or China ?
With an area of more than 3.2 million square miles, Brazil is the largest country south of the equator .
AZUZ: Large-hearted country, big problems. Brazil has been going through the worst recession in the nation’s record. One explanation of a recession is when a country’s gross domestic product reduces for two quarterss, two three-month periods in a row.
Brazil’s economy has been flinching for eight quarterss in a row. This January, the nation’s unemployment rates thumped 12.6 percent, nearly 13 million people are out of work, a massive government bribery scandal factored in.
There are signs things are getting better. Foreign investment is back. Brazil’s stock market is up. Analysts say the recession could point this year.
But its external debt and dilapidation of one Brazilian landmark holds as an example of many Brazilian strives .
SHASTA DARLINGTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT( voice-over ): A familiar fixture in Rio de Janeiro’s skyline, steeped in football history. Now, Maracana Stadium’s field returned brown with disuse. Windows have been crushed, televisions stolen. The accepts faded, with random openings where there should be accommodates .
( on camera ): Some tushes were taken out and put back in the wrong place, but even more staggering, about 7,000 sits were literally rent out and they haven’t genuinely put back. You can’t genuinely sell tickets here.
( voice-over ): When it was inaugurated in 1950, Maracana was the biggest stadium in the world .
The theatre of Brazil’s humiliating loss to Uruguay in the World Cup back then and of Pele’s 1,000 th purpose, Maracana became a national landmark.
It was virtually rebuilt for the 2014 World cup finals, a renovation that expenditure more than $500 million and catered a colorful backdrop to the contenders .
More redevelopments induced for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2016 Summer Recreation. Six months later, that excitement a distant recall.
The fellowship that oversees Maracana says Olympic organizers left the stadium in a state of extreme dilapidation .
DAELCIO DE FREITAS, SPOKESMAN FOR MARACANA STADIUM( through translator ): After all the investments, it’s such a pity that this newly refurbished stadium wasn’t being maintained.”
DARLINGTON: They move us through the stadium to visualize the damage first handwriting.
( on camera ): Well, we now know at the least where some of those posteriors dissolved up .
( voice-over ): But the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee contends they offered to pay $130,000 for reparations when the handed the stadium back to the government of Rio de Janeiro — itself now completely broke .
Whoever is to blame, the sorry state of affairs raises questions about what kind of bequest the Olympic Games have left for Brazil .
Shasta Darlington, Rio de Janeiro .
AZUZ: Microchip placards, charge card with tiny microchips have been increasingly used in the U.S. since 2015. The old-fashioned type of poster which utilized a magnetic strip was easier to hack and embezzle info from. The chip is supposed to cut down on credit card cases of fraud and it has to some extent.
But CNN’s Laurie Segall found out how it too can be hacked when she spoke with employees of a company that aims to protect people and organizations from digital misdemeanour .
LAURIE SEGALL, CNN CORRESPONDENT( voice-over ): Chip placards, they take forever. On the bright side, they’re also more secure. They’re supposed to stop crooks from plagiarizing our info, but the very thing that attains them take longer are also welcome to stimulate them vulnerable .
On an old-fashioned charge card, the data that’s sent to the register is static. It never changes. On a chip placard the data is randomized, which entails it’s exclusively good for one busines. Normally, information that expires after exactly a instant “wouldve been” useless, but if intruders could plagiarize it and use it all before it switches again, they’re in business .
And brand-new experiment shows that might actually is the possibility as hackers can crack open a storage register and include something called a skimmer. Maybe they’re friends with the teller, maybe they own the supermarket themselves. Whatever the speciman, the hackers wait for you to insert your credit card, and then their hour embarks .
Here’s how it operates. During that hour, the hacked registry is plagiarizing all of your card’s information and wirelessly transmitting it to another design the hackers have set up elsewhere like a smartphone be prepared to make a mobile purchase, or in this case a hacked ATM that’s mystifying the data for your physical bank placard .
And —
( on camera ): First of all, wow. What did we just see? Can you illustrate what merely went down ?
TED BEARDSLEY, RAPID7, SENIOR SECURITY RESEARCH MANAGER: The data related to the card is get to submit to a design that’s inside this false front here, and then that is then in turn starting to punch in all the data, perforating in the PIN, wants to see you for $200, and thumping evacuation.
WESTON HECKER, RAPID 7, SENIOR SECURITY ENGINEER: There’s little basically robot mitts that is really putting the PIN multitudes in there .
SEGALL: You had to take over nearly two inventions to make this happen, right? So how likely is this to be widespread ?
BEARDSLEY: What we’re trying to do now is kind of contemplate these sorts of criticizes that we feel are going to be likely to happen once the U.S. moves over more completely to the chip and PIN standard. It’s not like criminal matters are going to throw up their hands and say, oh, you took away my magstripes, I’m out of the credit card fraud business .
So, I would expect to see some variation of this, maybe in two years hence. You know, you’re not going to see this today .
SEGALL: You have this skill that enables you to hacker an ATM and make money precisely kind of flow out .
Yet you want to use this knowledge for good. A lot of beings would want to take the money and move. So what is it about you that reaches you want to use this supremacy for good ?
HECKER: I like being ethical. Like, you know, like being able to go into society and, you know , not be scared that every knock on the door “re gonna be all” the police force in general .
BEARDSLEY: I adoration the internet and I am a big technophile. I want that stuff to keep working. And the only behavior that’s going to keep working is good guys are working at least at pace with the bad guys .
AZUZ: On a day off, some tribes might go to a museum and then work out. Others might work out and then go to a museum. At New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, you can now do both at the same day — the museum exercising. It’s advertised as radical, the opportunity to connect with the art, while initiating person and thinker.
It’s too expensive. Seventy-five bucks for 45 instants, though, that does include a museum ticket. The morning exercising is sold out, which indicates that exhibiting fitness is a possibility merely a ticket.
Does it hoist working out to an skill figure? Maybe, if they’re plyomartrics, artrobics, powart lifting, museumba. Guess it depends on whether museum point to all of it .
I’m Carl Artzuz .
Click here to retrieves the printable form of today’s CNN 10 transcript .
CNN 10 serves a growing audience very interested in compact on-demand word broadcasts ideal for cause seekers on the go or in the classroom. The show’s priority is to identify legends of international significance and then clearly describe why they’re seeing information, who is affected, and how the events fit into a complex, international society .
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apsbicepstraining · 6 years
CNN 10 – March 8, 2017
March 8, 2017
A proposal to overhaul the U.S. health systems and the reactions to it are our first topics today on CNN 10. Then, we’re taking you to the Southern Hemisphere for a look at how a shabby stadium is emblematic of one nation’s slump. How chip cards can be hacked and how a museum can serve as a gym are two other topics on today’s display .
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Hi. I’m Carl Azuz.
Leading off today’s news coverage on CNN 10, we’re explaining a project designed to overhaul the U.S. health systems. Republicans in the House of Representative have revealed their plan to cancellation and replace the Affordability Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
Former President Barack Obama signed it into rule in 2010. It was examined his biggest domestic accomplishment. It’s too controversial. On the plus back, it facilitated 20 million Americans gained health insurance coverage, contributing to more people having it than ever before. On the minus side, it costs more than the government expected and several insurance companies that were originally carried it have removed Obamacare coverage .
Congressional Republicans have been trying to repeal the existing legislation for years. Now, with their party in charge of Congress and the White House, they’ve exhausted a overture “ve called the” American Healthcare Act. The bill would eliminate the Obamacare requirement that Americans either get health insurance or is a fine of at least several hundred dollars for not having it. It would maintain some of the favourite parts of Obamacare. It would get rid of the governmental forces payments that helped people buy health insurance and replace those with the tax recognition and it was ultimately restructure Medicaid, a federal and commonwealth platform that leaves insurance to low income Americans.
Just as Obamacare is controversial, the American Care Act is too. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says Obamacare is collapsing and that the said law would reduce costs and commit every American access to good, affordable health insurance .
Independent Senator Bernie Sanders has said provided with access doesn’t aim people are able to afford it. Some Republican reviewers say the programme doesn’t go far enough to eliminate Obamacare, and Democrats and some health insurance experts say the changes could introduce tens of millions of Americans at risk for losing their health insurance coverage, though Republicans say those who are currently enrolled “wouldve been” grandfathered in so they don’t .
The Trump administration calls the plan a work in progress. The bill will be debated and revised in the days ahead, as its Republican supporters try to push it through the House and Senate and on to President Trump’s desk .
AZUZ( voice-over ): Ten-second trivia :
What is most important country in the Southern Hemisphere ?
Is it Argentina, Australia, Brazil or China ?
With an area of more than 3.2 million square miles, Brazil is the largest country south of the equator .
AZUZ: Large-hearted country, big problems. Brazil has been going through the worst recession in the nation’s record. One explanation of a recession is when a country’s gross domestic product reduces for two quarterss, two three-month periods in a row.
Brazil’s economy has been flinching for eight quarterss in a row. This January, the nation’s unemployment rates thumped 12.6 percent, nearly 13 million people are out of work, a massive government bribery scandal factored in.
There are signs things are getting better. Foreign investment is back. Brazil’s stock market is up. Analysts say the recession could point this year.
But its external debt and dilapidation of one Brazilian landmark holds as an example of many Brazilian strives .
SHASTA DARLINGTON, CNN CORRESPONDENT( voice-over ): A familiar fixture in Rio de Janeiro’s skyline, steeped in football history. Now, Maracana Stadium’s field returned brown with disuse. Windows have been crushed, televisions stolen. The accepts faded, with random openings where there should be accommodates .
( on camera ): Some tushes were taken out and put back in the wrong place, but even more staggering, about 7,000 sits were literally rent out and they haven’t genuinely put back. You can’t genuinely sell tickets here.
( voice-over ): When it was inaugurated in 1950, Maracana was the biggest stadium in the world .
The theatre of Brazil’s humiliating loss to Uruguay in the World Cup back then and of Pele’s 1,000 th purpose, Maracana became a national landmark.
It was virtually rebuilt for the 2014 World cup finals, a renovation that expenditure more than $500 million and catered a colorful backdrop to the contenders .
More redevelopments induced for the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2016 Summer Recreation. Six months later, that excitement a distant recall.
The fellowship that oversees Maracana says Olympic organizers left the stadium in a state of extreme dilapidation .
DAELCIO DE FREITAS, SPOKESMAN FOR MARACANA STADIUM( through translator ): After all the investments, it’s such a pity that this newly refurbished stadium wasn’t being maintained.”
DARLINGTON: They move us through the stadium to visualize the damage first handwriting.
( on camera ): Well, we now know at the least where some of those posteriors dissolved up .
( voice-over ): But the Rio 2016 Organizing Committee contends they offered to pay $130,000 for reparations when the handed the stadium back to the government of Rio de Janeiro — itself now completely broke .
Whoever is to blame, the sorry state of affairs raises questions about what kind of bequest the Olympic Games have left for Brazil .
Shasta Darlington, Rio de Janeiro .
AZUZ: Microchip placards, charge card with tiny microchips have been increasingly used in the U.S. since 2015. The old-fashioned type of poster which utilized a magnetic strip was easier to hack and embezzle info from. The chip is supposed to cut down on credit card cases of fraud and it has to some extent.
But CNN’s Laurie Segall found out how it too can be hacked when she spoke with employees of a company that aims to protect people and organizations from digital misdemeanour .
LAURIE SEGALL, CNN CORRESPONDENT( voice-over ): Chip placards, they take forever. On the bright side, they’re also more secure. They’re supposed to stop crooks from plagiarizing our info, but the very thing that attains them take longer are also welcome to stimulate them vulnerable .
On an old-fashioned charge card, the data that’s sent to the register is static. It never changes. On a chip placard the data is randomized, which entails it’s exclusively good for one busines. Normally, information that expires after exactly a instant “wouldve been” useless, but if intruders could plagiarize it and use it all before it switches again, they’re in business .
And brand-new experiment shows that might actually is the possibility as hackers can crack open a storage register and include something called a skimmer. Maybe they’re friends with the teller, maybe they own the supermarket themselves. Whatever the speciman, the hackers wait for you to insert your credit card, and then their hour embarks .
Here’s how it operates. During that hour, the hacked registry is plagiarizing all of your card’s information and wirelessly transmitting it to another design the hackers have set up elsewhere like a smartphone be prepared to make a mobile purchase, or in this case a hacked ATM that’s mystifying the data for your physical bank placard .
And —
( on camera ): First of all, wow. What did we just see? Can you illustrate what merely went down ?
TED BEARDSLEY, RAPID7, SENIOR SECURITY RESEARCH MANAGER: The data related to the card is get to submit to a design that’s inside this false front here, and then that is then in turn starting to punch in all the data, perforating in the PIN, wants to see you for $200, and thumping evacuation.
WESTON HECKER, RAPID 7, SENIOR SECURITY ENGINEER: There’s little basically robot mitts that is really putting the PIN multitudes in there .
SEGALL: You had to take over nearly two inventions to make this happen, right? So how likely is this to be widespread ?
BEARDSLEY: What we’re trying to do now is kind of contemplate these sorts of criticizes that we feel are going to be likely to happen once the U.S. moves over more completely to the chip and PIN standard. It’s not like criminal matters are going to throw up their hands and say, oh, you took away my magstripes, I’m out of the credit card fraud business .
So, I would expect to see some variation of this, maybe in two years hence. You know, you’re not going to see this today .
SEGALL: You have this skill that enables you to hacker an ATM and make money precisely kind of flow out .
Yet you want to use this knowledge for good. A lot of beings would want to take the money and move. So what is it about you that reaches you want to use this supremacy for good ?
HECKER: I like being ethical. Like, you know, like being able to go into society and, you know , not be scared that every knock on the door “re gonna be all” the police force in general .
BEARDSLEY: I adoration the internet and I am a big technophile. I want that stuff to keep working. And the only behavior that’s going to keep working is good guys are working at least at pace with the bad guys .
AZUZ: On a day off, some tribes might go to a museum and then work out. Others might work out and then go to a museum. At New York City’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, you can now do both at the same day — the museum exercising. It’s advertised as radical, the opportunity to connect with the art, while initiating person and thinker.
It’s too expensive. Seventy-five bucks for 45 instants, though, that does include a museum ticket. The morning exercising is sold out, which indicates that exhibiting fitness is a possibility merely a ticket.
Does it hoist working out to an skill figure? Maybe, if they’re plyomartrics, artrobics, powart lifting, museumba. Guess it depends on whether museum point to all of it .
I’m Carl Artzuz .
Click here to retrieves the printable form of today’s CNN 10 transcript .
CNN 10 serves a growing audience very interested in compact on-demand word broadcasts ideal for cause seekers on the go or in the classroom. The show’s priority is to identify legends of international significance and then clearly describe why they’re seeing information, who is affected, and how the events fit into a complex, international society .
Thank you for using CNN 10
The post CNN 10 – March 8, 2017 appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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