#this ask just sent my brain flying ahh
panevanbuckley · 3 years
hi bestie I heard u don't mind asks and I randomly got into casmund and it's been my most favorite thing to think about their marriage, but idk where to put my love so I hope you enjoy this 😩😩😩 lmao I'm so sorry tbh
like just imagine the amount of times one of them comes back to their quarters all exasperated, Edmund bursts through the door like, u will NOT believe the face of the guy Susan is considering marrying, and she's only doing it to form an alliance. and he rambles on to Caspian about it and they have late afternoon tea on the balcony, now genuinely discussing it and downright psychoanalyzing Susan.
"Susan - in her infinite wisdom - tends to plan her every step, ten steps ahead if she can. But you, Peter and Lucy, you're all pretty... You've been known to make rash decisions."
Caspian used to hold back with his criticisms for his brother and sisters in law, careful not to accidentally cross a line, but now he knows Edmund wants to hear his thoughts, even if his judgments are harsh. They aren't harsh today though and he speaks gently. "Might be she feels she stands out."
Edmund has assumed the position of a tired man catching a long overdue break, leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and only tilting his head to watch his husband talk.
"Ah, so she's being stupid on purpose."
Caspian laughs softly. "Although, yes, actually. I think she might be."
"What, seriously?" Edmund asks incredulously, reaching over to see if Caspian's tea cup is empty and making motion to fill it up.
"Well, when shit gets real, the three of you may as well race each other; who will offer to sacrifice themselves first. Susan doesn't do that, not usually, right? Her instinct is to take a step back, think it through, look at the situation globally. Someone who can't see her virtues, like she herself, could mistake her for something of a coward."
"Besides," Caspian continues when Edmund only huhs and stirs his tea with a spoonful of honey, "from what you tell me, she changed the least. Lucy's more serious when she needs to be, Peter's better at listening, you're you. Obviously the best sibling."
Naturally, Edmund needs to make sure he's sweetened the tea enough so he dips his middle finger in a licks it ostentatiously.
"Aw, Eddie. I'm not just stroking your ego." Caspian smiles, about to stroke Eddie's ego more. "No one can piece together a lost cause quite like you do."
At that, Edmund blushes boyishly, looking at Caspian through his lashes. "Thanks." But even more so than the compliment, he relishes Caspian's insight. He can always rely on his siblings but there's nothing as relieving as bitching about problems to his husband who's the only man to always know what to say, even when he doesn't.
I'm fine.... I'm so okay right now. not a puddle on the floor at all. nope.
okay, but seriously, the line 'Edmund has assumed the position of a tired man catching a long overdue break, leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees and only tilting his head to watch his husband talk.' is now single-handedly the cause of my death. because, I mean, I saw the ask. I saw you say 'their marriage'. but I was NOT prepared. something about 'to watch his husband' has absolutely SENT me into an emotional, fluffy pit of feels!!
this entire ask is pure gold and I am absolutely on board with you directing your casmund love this way because I have nobody to rant to about them and they literally own my whole dumb heart (along with, like, five other ships atm but it's whatever).
I absolutely adore the idea of Edmund pouring Caspian more tea, the two of them bitching about anyone and everyone (yes, even family members!) with each other. but also them trying to understand Susan's actions, still worrying over her even if she's being stupid or doing something they disagree with. that's real family love right there and I'm here for it!
we will not talk about Caspian calling Edmund 'Eddie' and how that's is so freaking adorable (and also how I've just realised that I have a strange, unintentional, love for characters called Eddie because what?! seriously, out of any characters, there's like 6 in my top 10 that can be nicknamed Eddie and that's sort of freaking me out right now!)
you should so write fics! especially of married casmund!! that's something I've ben craving since I discovered this ship, just some pure, married fluff, but I can't seem to find many fics that aren't angsty and break my heart at the end 😭
please, feel free to always drop by with anything omg! this ask has literally made my entire night 💕
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jabbagabba · 4 years
La La Land
Read Prologue
Warning ⚠️
Triggering subjects: disassociation, manipulation, mind control, grief. (READ AT OWN RISK)
Wandavision: spoilers (up to episode 6 - just to be safe), violence
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Pools Of Despair
You weren’t sure how long it’d been, the drive feeling as though it had taken a lifetime. It might have been just down the road and you wouldn’t have been able to tell; time seemed to move torturously slow under Wanda’s control.
She tried to keep herself calm besides your frozen body, already thinking of a way out as she turned the steering wheel. But it was too late to go back.
‘No other way. No other way.’ The words replayed over and over in her head as she finally made it to the front of the building, and it was the first time she fully looked at you. Your face was stoic, the only sign of life being the soft breaths escaping your mouth. You couldn’t look at her - even if you wanted to - and as she reached a hand to your face, the feeling of complete numbness returned.
During the drive there had been small moments of clarity; moments where for the first time you felt in control. It was almost euphoric being able to push through the fog.
But then, as quickly as it had subsided, she would crawl her way back in.
Even now as she turned you toward her fully, you tried to swim through the heaviness, but the black swirls of grief and anguish just got tighter the harder you fought.
Wanda sighed in annoyance. “You can’t go in looking like that.” She pulled at a strand of her hair with a small huff. “Need glasses.”
You were sure if you had control of your body, the pain of your neck would be unbearable, the awkward angle surely making every muscle strain as you were forced to watch her pull apart the car.
This had to have been owned by the only man on the planet that didn’t carry sunglasses in their car. Wanda almost laughed, a punishment for stealing it? She couldn’t be sure.
“Well...” Wanda pulled the blue and white baseball cap by the brim from under her seat. “Better then nothing.” She gave a small smile as she adjusted it on your head, pulling back and grabbing your hand and letting it rest in her lap. “If there was any other way, I swear, I would let you go. But... I just... I can’t live without him.”
You said nothing as she cried.
“Head down, get Vision. Leave.” Her voice plagued your every step, each word carved into your brain as you finally reached the front desk.
‘Sword’ was a nice place - or at least had nice flooring - and from the bright light that filled each and every inch of the glossy tile, you knew there had to be a lot of glass. It was a government building after all.
“Can I help you?” Her voice is chirpy, a polite smile painted on her lips, you don’t need to see her eyes to know it wasn’t anything but genuine. She lets the wheels of her chair carry her forward, her computer forgotten besides her as you near the desk.
“Do you have... a meeting?” She smiles again, more forced and you’re able to see the golden pin on her chest that proudly says ‘Mary’ and try once more to float above the darkness.
“I -“ The word leaves your lips aprubtly and the fight drains from you just as fast. “I’m here to inquire about some of my father’s equipment. I’d like it back.” You let the darkness swallow you whole.
“And who are you again?” Mary is quick to pull her deskphone to her ear, hand hovering over the numbers.
The name that fell from her lips made Mary freeze. She looked up with wide eyes, both fearful and exited.
Starks were top priority at ‘SWORD’ - she was sure they were top priority everywhere - and as she desperately tried to recall if her boss mentioned anything about Stark equipment, the girl’s patients quickly wore thin.
“Can you please just tell me where to go? I have a long drive ahead of me.” Her voice was a sharp contrast from her apparance. The girl’s voice was stern and loud while her body was scrunched in on itself, eyes glued to the desk. Mary took a glance over the desk and saw the dark fabric of a dress, the hat didn’t even match the girl’s shoes.
“Right.” Mary said. “I’m sorry, just a little... starstruck.” She tried to keep her cool, turning again in her chair and started typing as fast as possible on her little keyboard. The atmosphere was thick with uncomfortable silence and Mary had to make sure not to shiver in the girl’s presence. She scrolled down the list of names and let out a small “ah” when she found your name. Just as quickly as she clicked on it, a pop up window filled the screen
STARK - Access Denined. Call Security
She felt sick; her nerves making her skin pucker as she tried to keep calm. When Mary finally found the courage to move, bile reached through her throat as she saw red eyes looking back.
“Ahh!” Mary was quick to jump out of her chair.
“Fine.” The girl sighed, hand flat on the counter as she took long strides around it. “If you won’t help me.” A red trail flowed through one of the doors; slithering like a snake as it wrapped around the shell shocked receptionist. “I’ll do it myself.”
Wanda’s mind had warped, grief and anger become one as she ripped through each and every room of the building. No one was safe from the witch’s wrath as she swung them through various glass panels and equipment. By the third turn she took, guards had given up, opting to instead try desperately to get out of her way.
She had left you at the desk, too transfixed to care and as she heard the various shouts of alarm from down the hallway, she was glad you weren’t in her way.
The group of four man were shocked; watching as the two guards dropped their guns and put their hands up for mercy.
“We’ll give you what you want. Please!” One of them - Felix - cried as the woman barreled through the double doors.
Wanda simply flicked her hand and he was sent flying to a wall, his partner following.
“Where is he?” Her accent was thick and the youngest tech almost asked her to repeat herself. “Where is Vision?” The stunned silence only fueled her anger. “You.” Red swirled under one of the men’s feet and lifted him from the ground. “Where?”
If the man could have, he’d be shivering in fear right about now. His life was in the hands of a deranged woman who with a simple flick of her wrist could send him plummeting down ten floors.
Wanda tightened her hold on him in warning and he knew he had to speak.
“Behind us.” He said. “There is a set of double doors, turn left and there’s an examination room.”
“He should be there!” A colleague on his left was shaking as she turn to face him. “He’s not lying.” Wanda let her power swim under him once more beofre gently letting him go.
“Thank you.” She gave a small smile. “Now, go.”
They didn’t have to be told twice.
Wanda felt as though she couldn’t breathe, the sight of her dead lover on the table was crippling. Vision was a dark grey; his eyes blank as they stared into her. If it wasn’t for the table itself she would have probably collapsed on to the floor as sobs took over her.
“I cant. I can’t. I -“ The words fell from her lips like a mystical chant. She couldn’t look at him anymore, his body was nothing but an empty shell of parts.
When her body turned to ash; Wanda was ready to die, her last shred of humanity died with Vision. The battlefield would be her final resting place. She chose to spend her last moments hoping that If there was a God that they’d be merciful, that she’d be allowed to spent her afterlife in blissful ignorance.
But instead she woke up.
Five years had passed and she was still there, only now she was alone. It was only after the death of Tony Stark that she let the floodgate of loss fill up her veins. While Thanos was alive, she had a mission; kill him and reverse the snap.
Wanda never imagined the pain that followed. She should have died that day, why couldn’t she have died that day?
Grief had a knack for turning the strongest people into helpless pools of despair.
Vision deserved better. That was what go her up, got her to calm her tears and push herself up. She wasn’t going to let them win. Vision was hers to mourn, to love, and hers to take care of.
She had a new mission, one that was stronger then her need to submit to pain.
But... she needed help carrying him.
Your body moved through the halls, following the tethered rope of energy that wrapped around your waist. If it wasn’t for your boots, your feet would have been covered in cuts from the sharp edges of the broken glass that filled the hallways.
The fog had cleared more then before and if you tried hard enough, you might’ve even been able to pull free completely. Wanda was exhausted and the fight had been ripped from you So you let her pull you, let the fog seep through every inch of you.
And as you entered the small room, you forgot you were suppose to care anymore.
“I need you to hold onto his legs.” She said softly, hand stroking his cheek. “Easier to carry both of you.” Your body moved again and you placed a gentle hand onto vision’s ankle.
Wanda wiped the last of her tears away, grabbed onto his arm, and all three of you were lifted off the ground.
Hot air blew through Wanda’s hair making her hands continuously push back strands from her face as she walked. The afternoon sun was unrelenting and she had to take several short breaks.
The car was too dangerous to return to - a swarm of agents was not something she wanted to deal with - and controlling someone for almost 24 hour straight took a lot out of her. Her hold on you was weak enough for you to sometimes fully take over, her control turning into a dull ache at the back of your brain.
As she walked in front of you thoughts of running flooded through your brain but the walking had tired your body out, and you were sure that if her little pushes weren’t there, you’d have already collapsed. Even if you had the strength to do it, the empty roads had long ago turned into tall trees and bush. You were in the middle of nowhere and getting loss in the woods with a heartbroken witch was not something you wanted to deal with. So, like a trained puppy, you followed silently behind Vision’s dragging body. It wasn’t hard to keep up, she was as slow as she could be while Vision’s body left a dirt trail.
“Break.” Wanda breathed. Who knew an empty little spot of grass would be so inviting? “Sit.” You felt a small push and follow it down to the ground. You let your fingers grip the direr under them, the cool breeze making you sigh.
“Where-“ The sound of your voice startled both of you but she stayed still. “Where are we going?”
She said nothing, choosing to instead turn on her knees and pull Vision forward by the arms.
“When I was little-“ Wanda smiled to herself as she stared down at Vision. “- I use to dream about this field. Me and Peitro went past it everyday during the summer. It had all these small flowers growing.” You listen intently as she giggles, eyes losing focus as she is hit with the memory. “I always tried to sneak past the fence... but, I was alway stopped by someone.” Her mouth twitches and you feel the pulsing return in your neck. “It’s probably nothing but dirt now, like everything.”
“Where are we going, Wanda?” You try to keep your voice soft, afraid of ruining the small moment as you reached out for her but she was quick to stop you, hand glowing red and inches away from your face.
“Don’t.” She warns. You nod in silent apology.
“We’re not far from a road.” Wanda let’s her hand fall back to her side. “I want you go and call whoever you need to.” You’re almost startled when her control leaves fully from your body, it almost feels empty. “Tell them what I did, or don’t, I don’t care. I have what I want.”
“Wanda -“
“Please.” The crack in her voice makes tears pool in your eyes. “Just go.”
You stand on shaking legs. The world was spinning and you felt as though you had just gotten off a rollercoaster but you tried to steady yourself. Unsure of where to go, you turn to her once more for guidance and she simply points behind you.
Your conscious wouldn’t let you leave. Wanda was tired and you were afraid of leaving her alone. Regardless of what she did; you knew you couldn’t blame her, she had lost everyone.
In a way, so did you.
“I’m sorry about Vision.” Wanda looked up again and gave you a small nod. “About Pietro, about everyone. I wish it was different.”
“Me too, Stark.” She let her fingers wrap around your hand and squeezed. The warmth from the dock returned and you couldn’t help but give her a small grin of gratitude. “I meant what I said at the funeral.”
Both of you were so wrapped up in your own little bubble, you didn’t even question why the birds stopped.
Tag list (open, just ask)
@white-wolf-buckaroo @y-napotat
All my stuff is open, and I’m always happy to hear from people so feel free to let me know what ya thought. I always get stuck halfway through writing but I hope it wasn’t too hard to read.
Next chapter will be fun.
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a-monsters-love · 4 years
Hi there! I've just found your blog, so sorry if you've done something like this already, but I wanted some head cannons about a reader who essentially has Toph's earthbending skills ( if she's blind or not thats up to you)( I always look back on that match against all those Earthbenders)
And just Izuku's, Bakugou's, and Todoroki's reaction to that power, if you don't mind.
Thanks for taking the time to read and answer this!
I haven’t actually done anything like this but ahh I wish I did because ahh we love Toph, I kin with her so much.
You didn’t say anything about a crush or anything so imma use this prompt for a fic later 😭 and I’m gonna start this with a blurb since you referred to the earth bender arena, and then their reactions cause that makes the most sense to my 3 brain cells.
A/N: I’m upping the age on our boi’s b/c my brain put it together better and be ready cause I’m probs gonna use this for a fic later (:<
(H/N) = Hero Name
[Master List]
A large dust cloud was seen as you entered the attack, when it settled you were finally visible. In the middle of the decimation, you stood in a squat position with your bare heals in the ground. When he looked over, he recognized your costume. He’d never seen you in person or worked with you in his recent career but (H/N) was a well known name among the new hero’s. He knew a bit about your quirk sure, but seeing you standing in the middle of the carnage threw him of a loop.
With the slightest movement of your feet, buildings and rubble started moving as if it were alive. You stomped and thick discs of earth popped up from the ground in front of you before flicking your wrists and sending them flying, knocking out villains one after another. Civilians, he had no idea were still on the battlefield, started appearing on earthly platforms that whisked them to the temporary med station.
When they were all out of harms way there was a soft chuckle that echoed from where you stood. After taking down the villain he was in the middle of fighting he watched in awe as you movements became quicker and more decisive. Thick stone wall grew from the earth protecting the undamaged buildings, your back was to him when a stone took out a villain behind him. Like a wave: earth, cement, and stone of the city rushed the enemy and knocked them all out in one fell swoop.
Cheering was heard from all around when other hero’s, including you, started to collect the unconscious bodies of the attackers. Surprise was written all over his face at the raw power you possessed:
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Todoroki Shoto:
He’s surprised someone like you was unheard of until becoming a pro
Thoroughly impressed
He can’t get the image of the shockwave you sent through the already destroyed area out of his head
Even more impressed when he sees you pull the earthly walls back into the ground like it was nothing
When he goes to thank you for your hard work you notes how you don’t look directly at him when you respond
When you feel his confusion you look up in his general direction
Shock sets in as he realizes you’re actually blind
A smirk grows on your face
He’s even more impressed at your skills
Astounded that you managed to identify the difference between hero’s, villains and civilians with your quirk alone
Would love to train with you as someone also with an elemental quirk
Fascinated about your fighting style
Would ask for tips on enhancing his own fighting style
Would definitely try and get your agency to work with his
Would suggest teaming up
Would be utterly shocked if you didn’t become a top ten hero quicker than Hawks
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Midoriya Izuku:
oh boy.
He almost squealed when he got the chance to talk to you
Absolutely starstruck
Would pull his notebook out of thin air but to ask you questions
Nearly drops his notebook when he finds out you being blind wasn’t a rumor
Obsessed with your quirk v quickly
The ungodly amount of raw power you possessed terrified and amazed him
Billions of questions
“As far as I know, when you have a quirk that’s suited for your body, it’ll mutate for your needs.” You commented when explaining how you ‘see’
The two of you ran through hypotheticals for other hero’s and hopefuls
This guy will geek out much
Wants to show you his notes on you
You give him the look
“Sounds like paper to me” You chide
He stammered feeling like an idiot
He is but we love him anyway
Like Todoroki he would want to train with you when he could
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Bakugo Katsuki:
Would be a little pissed
Feels like you got all the credit even though you showed up late in the fight
Even if you didn’t
Would stomp up to you and ask
“And what the hell took you so long??”
You’d just glance up at him
The thick fog in your eyes would make him feel like an asshole
His frustration would start to fizzle
“Well, it’s not like I can read text messages” You’d snort
After his frustration subsided he’d find himself impressed
He’d be awe struck as such raw power came from someone who was blind
He’d rescan the area and realize that the only damage to the city was caused before you even arrived
Would click his tongue a bit in frustration as you lowered thick stone walls to reveal totally undamaged buildings/property
Kind of feels like a hero excited kid again watching you use your quirk to help clear rubble
Wants to spar with you so bad
Would never admit that
Would feel a little violated when he finds out you can literally feel his emotions
Would never admit that he didn’t stop his agency from trying to team up with yours
Thinks your quirk would be great to work with cause you could play damage control while he went wild
Lives for the fact that you’re just as rough around the edges as him
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years
{ Part 3 }
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Read ; {Part 1} , { Part 2}
Pairings : Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Warnings : Cussing
Writing style : 3rd Person
Word Count 1843
3rd Person's POV
" I thought we were going out to patrol again" Uraraka muttered and a majority of the class nodded in agreement.
They were supposedly going to the agencies they were training under to do their daily rounds of patrol but a sudden shift of their schedule got all of them gathered in Ground Beta for another suprise Physical Test Exercise.
" You were supposed to but unfortunately; a Villain attack happened near the train station and it caused damage on the tracks. It won't be fixed until Tomorrow. Meaning you're all stuck here doing 'Kiddy stuff' " Aizawa replied in his usual bored tone; hands buried inside his pockets as his shoulders sagged. The dark circle under his eyes were clear indication that he didn't get any sleep last night.
" Aww But sens--"
" Stop complaining. If you wanna be a Hero then you got to take it slow, Don't rush things. Plus... You don't see me complaining when I have to put up with all of you... " Aizawa Cut Sato off as he rubbed his temples " And dealing with all of you is not an easy job" He grumbled the last part and everyone picked up on his mood and just shut up.
" So... What exercise are we supposed to be doing today? " Momo questioned and everyone seemed to be interested in what their te aver had in store for them.
They were up for anything. As long as the penalty isn't an expulsion, the fear of their first day with their teacher still struck everyone with fear knowing how ruthless he could be.
" It's simple... Android Bots " Aizawa called out and from the entrance; loud stomping noises were heard, the stomping wasn't from just one but an army of Robots came marching out of ye entrance, stomping their metallic foot with in perfect harmony.
" Woah! "
Gasps of awe were heard from a few students as they stared at the bots with wonder.
" Let me guess... We're gonna be facing those junks here? " Y/n stated in a matter of fact. Katsuki who was right behind the female with arms wrapped around her waist and his chin resting on her shoulder just gave off a satisfied humm when y/n placed her hand ontop of Katsuki's own.
Aizawa who was too tired to give a sassy remark to his student's comment just nodded; and he won't even point out Bakugou's Clingyness seeing how the boy had reacted yesterday when he told him to minimize his Skinship with y/n. It didn't end well.
" This ain't cutting shit. Knowing you... There's a twist to this crappy test right? " Y/n countered and with a sigh Aizawa began to explain ;
" You're right Miss smarty pants. There's a twist. You guys will be judged individually, these bots can't do much damage but the bombs inside them are the ones you need to watch out for, if you destroy a Bot directly without dismantling the bombs first then... Of course you go Kaboom " Everyone flinched at Their Teacher's explanation especially with how nonchalantly he is as he did so.
" Ehhh!? B-but sensei... Isn't it a little bit too.... Cruel? " Mina interjected and aizawa shook his head.
" As a hero. You must always be prepared of every possible scenarios and surprises. Such as this, of course there are subtle indications whether a bot has a bomb or not.... So you gotta put your observational skills to good use and put that brain of yours to work. Spot the difference, dismantle the bomb and you're free to destroy it... Simple as that " Aizawa yawned as he waved off his student's shocked and terrified expression.
Everyone knew their team her isn't going to give them any more clues.
" He just wants to see us suffer.... " Jiro dead panned and everyone couldn't help but agree.
" You said we'll be graded individually.... So you're saying that we have to take out loud portions of those robots ourselves?" Y/n raised a brow when her sensei gave her a spine chilling smile.
" Yes, that's also part of the lesson. It's not everyday you'd get lucky to have another Hero to he paired with you... Sometimes you gotta work alone and most of the time The villain's you're gonna be facing won't be alone. So multi-tasking is the key... And since you're my 'favorite' student... You'll go first " Aizawa pointed at her lazily and she shot him a gentle smile.
A smile that seemed too gentle for this y/n to pull off. Something wasn't right with the way she smiled and everyone knew it.
" But... She might get hurt... I'll stay with her" Katsuki murmured tightening his hold around the girl.
" What? You think I can't handle myself? Get off me already loser. I need to release some stress and you're getting in the way. " Y/n without thinking much of how bad her words had affected Katsuki grinned as she pushed him off her roughly.
Katsuki tumbled back and he looked at her with a pained expression.
" Y-you think I'm a--"
" Get him outta here. He's fucking up my mood. " Y/n snapped as she jogged away from the group.
Katsuki who was fast to try and run up to her was pulled back by aizawa's scarf like fabric.
" Let her go Bakugou. "
" No! I Need Her! Y/n! " Bakugou whined and he had to be knocked out because he was starting to get aggressive.
"Everyone. To the Control room" Aizawa groaned and his students followed his command but go course they felt sorry for their classmate who was passed out cold.
" Fucking Die! Hahahaha "
Everyone was silent as they stared at the screen; gawking at how monstrous their classmate could be. Was that even y/n? Because that screaming creature murdering those innocent robots while crushing them to pieces reducing them to junk was scarier than any villain they have ever seen.
" ..... Remind me to never piss y/n....ever" Kirishima gulped when 10 robots were sent flying off the ground with the girl wildly swinging a metal pole like a mad man continued her assault.
" S-she's doing a very accurate job at controlling that new quirk of hers though " Kaminari mumbled as he began thinking.
" But... That is not the opposite of her quirk... Unless.... Oh could it be? The quirk she has is a combined and mixture of mine and Bakugou's quirk ... I underestimated that villain's quirk " Kaminari began to mumble his thoughts out loud and it didn't go unnoticed.
" Well... What do we even call that quirk? "
Kaminari paused and gave a nod towards Uraraka " I suggest Electrical Combustion would fit the spunk" .
" She's doing a tad too good don't you think? "
" She's y/n. So it's no wonder "
Y/n slammed both of her hands on the ground creating an electrical current as well as a loud eruption of explosion to ensue underground sending the both flying before being completely engulfed and destroyed by either the flying debris, the roasting electricity or the destructive explosion.
With fluid like movement she shot out explosive electric bombs out of her palm that violently detonated when it came in contact with the robots.
She didn't have to worry about the exploding bombs inside the boys because she herself was more explosive than all of those bombs combined.
Her movements were accurate, powerful and spontaneous but her eyes showed how calculated and focused she was if people would ignore that sadistic grin spread out on her face.
She was merciless and with one final punch of the ground that sent a combined jolt of electricity and explosion that caused a mass breakage the fight was over. With no bots left standing at all.
The area was crumbling with ruined buildings and flying rocks and debris mixed with chunks of broken metal.
" Ahh... That hit the fucking spot " She grinned stretching her limbs after her little 'workout'
Meanwhile ------
Everyone was speechless at the display of power of their classmate. She was far too ruthless and she looked more like a villain---no monster from the screen.
And if you squint really hard earlier the students could see how the bots were running away from her instead of actually attacking her.
Y/n gained both the respect and fear of everyone after that bit of course they admired her for her brilliant performance meaning they didn't have to do the test because she destroyed all the bots in a blink of an eye.
" That..... Was so Manly! " Kirishima cheered and his cheer was joined by everyone else.
" Man! Who knew she knows some pretty sweet moves like that! I should ask her to teach me a few of those moves! " Sero commented punching the air.
" Well if you ask me that was rather terrifying.... The continuous onslaught of those poor robots was enough to petrify me for eternity. Not to mention she left us with nothing at all! " Iida sighed as he pushed his glasses up.
" Jeez, loosen up. She did all of us a favor " Jiro replied placing her hand on the slightly disappointed Iida.
Izuku on the side was vigorously writing down on his notebook with such intensity it made everyone pause for a moment to look at him; no doubt about it. He was taking notes about y/n.
Everyone was happy and Aizawa looked more like a proud father than an angry teacher.
But the same couldn't be said for Katsuki. He was sulking in the corner. Eyes dull and fists balled.
The little demon called jealousy was beginning to creep up again. He remembered the other day about Y/n wanting to be partners with Deku or Half and Half. And now that everyone saw how amazing his Girlfriend is, it made him sink deeper as his own insecurities began to swallow him whole.
" .... Do I even... Deserve her? " He mumbled to himself. Tears were already rolling down his cheeks while he pitifully sniffled.
His classmates were gazing at him. They looked inside of what they should do. They still couldn't get used to this new Katsuki.
Kirishima was about to approach and comfort his friend when suddenly Katsuki's body jolted from his spot before collapsing on the ground.
" Bakugou! " Kirishima exclaimed but another gasp was heard from the back.
" It's Y/n-san and Kaminari-san! " Izuku pointed out. Jiro was holding onto an unconscious Kaminari with the help of Tsuyu and on the screen it was pretty clear that y/n had also experienced the same thing and was now sprawled down on the ground.
Unmoving .
........ To be Continued.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Azul Ashengrotto・Voice Lines
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Additional Voice Lines
Beans Camo event card
Scary Dress event card
School Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I will support you to the best of my ability, so that you may enjoy your school life here!”
Groovy “Board games are good brain exercises. Would you like to play one?”
Home Setting “Let’s make today count.”
Home Transitions “The students of this school are truly diverse in terms of personality. I’d like to have a great circle of connections.”
“Falling asleep during class is nothing for you to worry about. I will help you before your test. For a price, of course.”
“Now, for today’s board game club activities... What? Did you think ‘Boring!’ to yourself just now?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Were you looking for me? If you’d like to discuss your troubles, I can always make arrangements for that.”
Home Taps “I pride myself on the trust my professors have in me. Above all else, I am very dedicated.”
“School friends are really just like schools of small fish. Come graduation, they all go their separate ways.”
“I heard you singing in music class just now... Heheh. No, I’m sorry; you do sound very nice.”
“I wish they’d label how many calories are in each dish in the cafeteria. It makes keeping count so difficult.”
“Is there something strange about me? I thought I studied the fashion norms on land well enough.”
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PE Uniform - R
Unlock Card “I don’t necessarily hate Flying class. My broom just doesn't always cooperate with me.”
Groovy “Let’s try to work our hardest.”
Home Setting “I’m not that fond of exercising on land.”
Home Transitions “I’m not ashamed of the fact that I’m not good at sports. You have your struggles too, don’t you?”
“You only have two legs and yet you can walk that fast...? You really are good at this.”
“There’s no harm in looking like you’re trying hard. It gives off the impression that you’re committed and worthy of respect.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Flying class is almost starting. You always look like you’re having so much fun.”
Home Taps “Coach Vargas was just appalled by me again. If only I were in the water, I could... no, that would still be a problem.”
“I do a light muscle workout everyday. I also make sure to eat in moderation. It’s important to take care of your body.”
“It sounds so obvious, but floating in the water and floating in the sky really are nothing alike.”
“Sports on land make you sweat, and it’s so uncomfortable. ...Right now I’d like nothing more than to plunge into the ocean.”
“Are you trying to mock me? I’ll accept your offer as-is, but expect to have it returned it to you two-fold.”
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Lab Coat - SR
Unlock Card “Please leave everything to me. Brewing potions is something I’m very confident in.”
Groovy “I’ll give you some tips for your experiments. Of course, the price would be... Heheh.”
Home Setting “I enjoy classes where the results are very clear.”
Home Transitions “I like experiments. As long as you just follow the instructions, you won’t run into any surprises.”
“There’s a full selection of rare ingredients to choose from here. What a wonderful school this is!”
“Ahh... If only you had my notes, you’d be able to finish all of those assignments in the blink of an eye... Are you interested?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Please leave the alchemy to me. Churning out riches is one of my specialties. Of course I’m talking about the experiment.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Even the smallest speck of dust bothers me. ...Why are you looking at me like that? Please, enough with your games.”
Home Taps “Feel free to come speak with me if you ever find yourself unable to find the lab materials you need. I have my ways.”
“Your stomach hurts? I’ll steep some herbs. There’s a brew I’ve been wanting to try out.”
“I’m very particular about my writing tools... It needs to feel a certain way when I sign my papers.”
“Grim is a strange creature. ...Why don’t we try teaching him some tricks? Oh, for no particular reason.”
“You don’t need to keep coming in here; I can see just fine. These goggles have prescription lenses.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Turning one madol into a hundred is just another component of alchemy. Would you like to try?”
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Ceremony Robes - SR
Unlock Card “‘Azul can make any of your wishes come true.’ ...Would you like to see whether or not these rumors are true?”
Groovy “Presentation is important for negotiations to proceed smoothly.”
Home Setting “Do you wish to hear my advice as well?”
Home Transitions “Only the wise should be the ones leading the herd. Don’t you agree?”
“I’ve come up with a plan for an event involving the Ramshackle Dorm; please take a look at it...”
“In a few moments I’ll be starting my lecture on ‘Efficient Study Methods.’ I’m grateful to say we have a full house yet again.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “The teachers hold Octavinelle students in high regard for being so well-mannered. I’m proud that our students are so exceptional.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “It’s nice to take time off like this every once in a while. ...Truthfully, I’m not at my best when there’s so much activity around me.”
Home Taps “These ceremony robes are much better than any business card. You get all kinds of wishful eyes on you just by wearing these outside the school.”
“I’m having others take care of setting up for the ceremony. My job is acting as the brains.”
“Maybe I should tighten my belt a little... I prefer having a tight figure.”
“Dark, confined spaces put me at ease. I like clothes that come with hoods.”
“You’re so loud. No one likes a lot of blabber.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Instead of an amulet, it’s better to keep your favorite coin in your pocket.”
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Dorm Uniform - SSR
Unlock Card “How lucky you are to have been able to meet someone as kind as me!”
“Balancing this student life with running the Mostro Lounge is something I’m enjoying very much.”
Groovy “Welcome to Octavinelle! We’re always happy to have those like you here.”
Home Setting “If you ever need a consultant, I’d be happy to speak with you anytime.”
Home Transitions “My students become very reasonable with me the moment I put on our dorm uniform.”
“I always put on my right shoe before the left on the mornings of a battle. You could say it’s superstition... Yes, exactly that.”
“I picked out all of the furniture used in the Mostro Lounge. Isn’t the atmosphere just wonderful?”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “Helping others is what I live for. As dorm leader, I’ll support every one of you as best as I can.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “Should you have a wish you’d like me to grant, you’re welcome at the Mostro Lounge’s VIP Room anytime. What do you say about coming over now?”
Home Taps “Jade is a very capable assistant. I wouldn’t have chosen him as the vice dorm leader if he wasn’t.”
“They say the Sea Witch had infused a spiral shell with her own magic. Maybe I should modify the pin on my hat that way as well.”
“Floyd’s mood swings are unbearable to deal with, but I have faith in his power when the time calls for it.”
“You smell something nice? Oh, that must be my cologne. It’s one of the small pleasures I have while being on land.”
“Oh, please don’t interrupt me right now. I’m busy totaling the sales for today.”
Home Tap (Groovy) “Why don’t you work a shift at the Mostro Lounge sometime? The staff meals Jade and Floyd make are simply the best.”
Duo Magic Azul: “Riddle, let’s run this exactly by our plan.” Riddle: “Azul, I’ll put my trust in you this time.”
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Birthday Celebration Outfit - SSR
This card was only obtainable during Azul’s birthday event (Feb 22 - Feb 28, 2020).
Login on Birthday “I’m honored to hear that you’ve remembered my birthday. However, unfortunately I don’t accept one-way gifts... But if you insist, please come order today’s exclusive special meal at the Mostro Lounge; I will be joining you.”
Unlock Card “Those who owe me debts are welcome to come today. Let’s all enjoy the party together.”
“I would like to express my utmost gratitude to everyone who congratulated me. That is the courteous thing to do. Isn’t that right?”
Groovy “Thank you for your birthday wishes. I will make sure to show my gratitude appropriately, so please stay tuned.”
Home Setting “There is such odd—er, interesting clothing on land.”
Home Transitions “The staff at my family’s ristorante sent a group photo of them along with their gifts. I’m glad everyone is doing well.”
“A gift doesn’t have to be an object. Letting me listen to your worries is enough. Come, don’t be shy!”
“Heheh. For my birthday, I decided that I will eat as I please without worrying about the calories.”
Home Transition (Login Greeting) “I’m glad my birthday is here. In the business world, you’re looked down on just for being young.”
Home Transition (Groovy) “The Mostro Lounge offers a coral-themed birthday cake. You absolutely must order it for your birthday!”
Home Taps “Idia gave me a board game I’ve been interested in recently. I cannot wait to beat him when we play.”
“Every year on my birthday, Jade and Floyd pull a prank on me. Honestly, what will I do with those two...?”
“When I invited Jamil to my party, he grew suspicious and asked ‘What’s the catch?’ ...And here I only want to get along.”
“Coach Vargas saw me in this outfit and said ‘Let me give you a special flying lesson for your birthday!’ I had so much difficulty running from him.”
“You brought me food again? ...Is that your way of saying I look like I eat a lot?”
Home Tap (Groovy) “I’m always looking for business opportunities at parties, but for today alone, I think I will just enjoy myself as the star.”
Duo Magic Azul: “It’s an honor to receive a birthday wish from you, Malleus.” Malleus: “My best wishes, Ashengrotto.”
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Tutorial “Lurking over there is quite rude. Come, I'll show you around.” 
Lv Up “This is just... spectacular!”
“What do you think about my brilliant progress?”
“I’m not done yet... Heheheh!”
Max Lv Up “Ahh... I can feel the power rising in me... I’d like to keep doing business with you from now on.”
Episode Lv Up “A kind soul like you might be an easy target at this academy, don’t you think? If you ever end up in a bad position, do pay me a visit. You won’t regret it.”
Magic Lv Up “My magic power has grown so advanced; I’d like to put it to good use. I would never want to let talent go to waste.”
Limit Break “More... I want more power. Do I look like the kind of man who would be satisfied with this?”
Groovy “I’m feeling good today. I think now would be your chance if you have anything you want from me.”
Lesson Select “Are you tired of your classes? I recommend thinking of it as a game of scoring points from your teachers.”
“I’m fully prepared for any class. Pick whichever one you like.”
“Depending on the price you pay... I could help you study for today’s quiz.”
Lesson Start “Let’s do our best.”
Lesson End “Were you able to see how brilliant I am?”
Battle Start “You poor, unfortunate souls!”
Battle End “Well, you certainly tried your hardest.”
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Profile Quote “I’d be more than happy to help you. Now, just sign this contract.”
January 2020 Trailer “If you want to cross the bridge, you’ve got to pay the toll. That’s only natural, isn’t it?”
Countdown Poster “Helping unfortunate folk like yourself—that’s what I live for.”
Login Bonus Greeting “You are surprisingly quite diligent. I, too, enjoy working so steadily.”
Player Birthday Wish “Happy birthday! Today is a special case, in that I will grant you one single wish. ...Of course this isn’t a business deal. I’m only investing in your future self.”
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Easter Eggs from The Little Mermaid:
The men up there don’t like a lot of blabber
Poor Unfortunate Souls
Helping unfortunate merfolk like yourself; that’s what I live for
If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet, you’ve got to pay the toll
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bluedemon1995 · 4 years
31 Resolutions-Happy New Years! Better late then never right? I wrote way too much and then had a killer headache so sorry it's not on time.  To make up for it, I added a bonus! Hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! Also this one is so long that I’ll add the link if you want to finish reading there!
Pidge was sitting at the table at the NYE gala and for the first time in a long time, feeling unsure. It started off well enough. She was dressed up, wearing a green and black gown that Veronica had assured her was stunning. It hugged her body and yet, didn’t make her feel uncomfortable or self conscious. She wore shiny sandals that reminded her or ivy and some jewelry that some of the Olkarion refugees had made for her. She was even feeling good about her hair and makeup. She felt that she still looked like herself but maybe a more shined up version or even more adult version.
The girl MFE pilots and Romelle all got ready together, having a few pre-drinks and even hiring a driver to take them to the gala. End result, when she arrived at the gala for the first time while attending an event like this, she was feeling happy and relaxed. And while her mom wasn’t happy that she declined a few invitations from some other officers overall she was letting her be because ultimately Colleen was just glad that she was in attendance. But what made today special was that Pidge knew she was getting another opportunity to enjoy her friends and family before everyone dispersed and went back to their own lives.
But that comfort was short lived because over the course of the night, what started as a small look or comment turned into blatant rudeness and what felt like an outright attack on her. Which Pidge was sorely unprepared for. While in school as Katie, she was used to being an outcast and the nerd. But she wasn’t outright bullied because well, no guys were interested in her and she was pretty low on the totem pole. Then at the Garrison she was a guy and while often ignored she wasn’t picked on. Then she found Hunk and Lance and well, no one said shit to her.
But thinking back to when she walked in with the girls and met up with the MFE pilots and the paladins-minus Coran. Everyone greeted each other warmly and introductions of the new people were made. Keith introduced a few new Blades- the males: Linus, Titus and a new female-Amoza. If Pidge thought Acxa was intimidating, Amoza was ten times that. Apparently, they were hoping to see Earth customs firsthand and make a few contacts. They all entered together and grabbed drinks and stood around to mingle. But one of the first things Amoza said to Pidge was inquire why she was so small, if she was a kit.
That comment made Pidge flush and stammer, which probably provided her proof, but she was just unprepared for that comment especially after feeling so mature. Thankfully, Keith interjected, joking that she didn’t want to make that mistake. He gave her a warm look, that made her flush, and when she averted her eyes from his gaze she noticed that Amoza was staring at her. Pidge looked to Veronica but she was arguing with Lance and Hunk and Shay were closely talking. And it didn’t look like she was impressed with her. Getting lost in her thoughts, Pidge lost track of the conversation. Tuning back in, she realized that Amoza had somehow managed to turn everyone so she was on the outskirts of the group. Sighing she glanced around the room looking for an exit strategy.
Spotting her parents, Pidge excused herself to go and say hi to her parents and Krolia. Both Keith and Matt quickly followed however, with Keith asking if everything was ok. She nodded while avoiding his eyes. She didn’t want to seem immature so she just jumped into the conversation. Later, as others mingled she found herself standing with Keith off to the side of the room. As always, she felt herself relax and again feel that strange comfort and familiarity that she often doesn’t find with others. And when Keith asked what she was drinking and she explained it was some new drink that was a version of sake he asked if he could try it. Shyly nodding he took her hand and guided it to his mouth. Pidge felt that his eyes were on hers and she couldn’t break it away. Then the announcement came for everyone find their tables. When she turned she looked up only to find Amoza’s gaze steadfastly on her.
Shaking off that uncomfortable feeling both headed to the table with Keith’s hand in the small of her back. Which was nothing unusual except that her lower back was uncovered due to the dress. As they made their way to the table, Pidge could feel the heat of his hand and that his thumb rhythmically move up and down. As they approached the table of 8, she quickly surmised there was a problem. Sighing she looked around frantically trying to keep her cool. Shiro, Curtis, Hunk, Shay, Lance, Veronica, and Amoza…they were short a seat. As they get to the table, she can feel herself start to panic and she turns looking for a seat close by at a different table.
Keith catches up and quickly sees the problem, frowning, he questions, “Amoza, I thought you were seated with the Blades?”
The young and beautiful alien looks up in surprise. “Oh sorry, I just assumed as your partner, I’d be seated with you. My, um, how do you say, mistake.”
That said she didn’t move. An inch. Pidge had started at the word partner…was Keith in a relationship with the alien? Why didn’t she know about this. But why wouldn’t he? He was single and attractive, and so was she. And tall. Strong.
So many thoughts started flying through her brain that she unintentionally took a step back, slightly twisting her ankle in the unfamiliar heels. She let out a quiet, “Ahh” when Keith’s hand turned into an arm support for her. Adjusting quickly to the added weight he bent his head, murmuring directly in her ear, “Hey no worries, I got you.”
Pidge felt her eyes tear and for a moment everything was blurry. Quickly blinking, she tried to straighten and looked around, “Hey, no problem, I’m fine. I’ll just find another seat. Go ahead and sit Keith.”
She moved away and looked around, right into James’ concerned face. Their eyes met and he stood. “Katie, I’d be honored if you sat at our table. None of us have dates, so we have the room. I mean if, you don’t mind sitting me and a bunch of unruly MFE pilots.” Smiling he reached a hand out to her.
Filled with relief, Pidge nodded, “Sure, thanks James.”
Just as his hand held hers however, Keith interrupted abruptly, “No need Griffin, Amoza should really be with her teammates.” Lacing his fingers with Pidge’s he continues, talking directly to her, “C’mon, like I’d, or um, WE would let you sit anywhere else.” Tugging on her hand he urges her back towards the original table. Now speaking to James-his gaze on the other man standing, “Appreciate the offer but Pidge is ours.”
Pidge starts to move back when she hears James say, “Well, I think she works more with me now so that’s debatable. I’d even go so far to say mine, but sure, you were part of her first team. I understand you have some history there.”
Pidge’s eyes get large and she makes eye contact with Veronica who pretty much spit her wine out all over Lance at that comment. Lance howled, torn between laughing and being bad at getting wine over his suit-loudly, which was a nice distraction. Because Keith had already turned and moved towards Griffin to reply. Pidge quickly pushed Keith towards the table, “Not now! Please.”
He looks down at her and pulls her arm so they are practically embracing. He looks over her head and stares at James, “We can talk about this later Griffin.”
“Looking forward to it, Kogane.”
“Keith, everyone is staring, let’s just sit.”
He nods, turning to the table, “Amoza, do you know where your table is?”
“No, can you show me?”
He nods, “It’s on the perimeter by the entrance doors, two from center.”
Amoza stares at him, then at her. Veronica interjects, “If you’d like I can walk you over now, I just see that Acxa has arrived and I’d love to say hi.” Standing, “Let’s go.”
Amoza finally stands, giving Pidge a look that clearly was not filled with love or New Years cheer. As they sit, she looks down, at her painted nails, thinking, I never stood a chance.
Keith leans close, “Hey, um, sorry did you want to sit with Griffin?”
“It’s just you look a little sad, I’m sorry if I spoke for you. I, just, you belong here with m-us.”
“No, Keith don’t be dense, of course I want to sit here. I just feel bad that your partner had to leave.”
Lance interjects here, “Yeah, what’s with getting a girlfriend and not even telling us! C’mon you could of sent a message!”
Now it was Keith’s turn to say “Huh?”
Lance rolls his eyes, “Um yeah hot alien who said she was your ‘partner’.”
Keith shakes his head in the negative, “No! We aren’t dating. She’s still new to the language I’m simply training her. And the way it works is during training with the Blades is they are supposed to stay with their trainer. Nothing more, so stop.”
At that reply, Pidge lost track of the conversation but felt so relieved that she took her glass of wine and took a healthy drink. Damn, what was going on with her???
The rest of dinner went by fine but Pidge could swear she could feel the alien’s eyes on her. And she was right because each time she turned or looked, she was staring. And somewhere along the line, Keith had his arm draped across the back of her chair and was pretty attentive to her overall, which was only adding to the confusion on Pidge’s end. Which let to a little too much wine at dinner.
Getting up, she excused her self to the restroom hoping to get a handle on herself. As she was washing her hands, she looked in the mirror. Her face was flushed and her hands were shaking. Sighing she wished things could just be easy. Lately, she had found herself thinking of Keith in very unplatonic ways and their phone calls and messages started to become more frequent. She thought Shiro had said that Keith was thinking of staying on Earth for a while and that led to some pretty fun daydreams on her end. But apparently that information was incorrect and she needed to adjust.
Just as she turned to head for the door, Amoza stalked in. She looked her up and down and stated, “Human, I want to inform you that Keith will be my mate. We are perfectly suited and my father is a very powerful man on my planet. I get want I want.”
Pidge blinked, what the hell?!
Suddenly angry and less self conscious, she replies instantly, “Well, alien, I’m thinking Keith has something to do with this and it’s up to him who he will be with. You may think you are perfectly suited but I know we are. That’s what years of fighting side by side do. And I don’t need my daddy to get me a man. I can do it all on my own so fuck off.”
Pushing forward she storms out of the bathroom, only to see Veronica and Acxa listening at the door. Pissed at herself for losing her temper and pissed at the alien who thought she could push her around Pidge looks at them both. Not sure what to expect she’s surprised when they both grin and Acxa replies, “You stop girl!”
Veronica laughs, “I think you meant, you go girl. And I second that, no one has that right and I’m thinking she’s an alien gold digger or hussy.”
That was enough to make Pidge laugh and readjust her mood. The girls walk with her back to the table. “Didn’t you guys have to go to the bathroom?”
“Nope, just wanted to check on you and be sure you had backup if necessary. Acxa saw Amoza leave right after you. We wanted to be sure she didn’t ambush you but a few people slowed us down.”
Feeling calmer, Pidge nods, “Thanks for the backup.”
The rest of the night progressed similarly with Amoza trying to get alone with Keith or trying to put Pidge down but everyone was quick to stop it. But nonetheless it was exhausting trying to keep up her guard. Pidge finally found Matt, “Hey, I’m gonna go, I got a room up stairs and I need to get out of here.”
Matt nods, “I’ll come too.”
“No, no!! Please stay. Tell everyone good night and I’ll see then at the breakfast buffet.”
Matt nods, kissing her cheek. “Be careful, love you and Happy New Year.”
Pidge strides out of the ballroom, stoping at the stairs to take off her shoes. They are killing her and she just doesn’t care anymore. She goes up one step when she hears her name being called loudly. “Pidge, stop.”
Looking across the hallway she sees Keith jogging up to her. With her on the step they are almost eye to eye. “You are going to miss the countdown.”
“It’s okay. Go find”
Both can hear the yelling and the countdown, when Keith tentatively slides his hands on her hips and slowly around her. Pulling her closer, his one hand is splayed on her lower back and the other is on her neck, all the while maintaining eye contact. “Happy New Year” with those words he lowers his mouth to hers. Foregoing a typically tentative first kiss, this kiss was all heat and passion. Pidge’s mind swam and she automatically opened her mouth to his demand. And demand it did. The kiss stole her breath and made her realize that this was what she was missing from her life. How did she survive without Keith’s kisses??
She heard a moan and absently realized that was her! Pidge has no idea how long they kissed but when they stopped her shoes were on the floor, she was pressed up against the stair railing, somehow Keith’s leg was in between hers and she was essentially riding his leg. Her hands were tangled in his hair and both were breathing heavily.
Keith brushes his nose against hers, “So, my New Years resolution is to stop being afraid of rejection and to reach out to those people I need. I’m going to communicate better. That said, I have come to realize, that I need you Katie, so much. And I’m tired of pretending otherwise, I want more than friendship, a lot more. So, I gave my resignation to the Blades and am opening a mechanic shop. I told Shiro I’d freelance for him and the paperwork just got cleared. So I’m officially a consultant for the Garrison and I’m looking for a house. I was hoping and praying, that maybe you’d like to…well..be mine?”
Pidge’s eyes filled with tears, “Quiznack! Of course. Shit Keith that’s the best New Years resolution and let me say, I will also make that same promise. I have come to realize I’ve had feelings for you too and I was too scared to tell you. But, never again.”
They both smiled and kissed again. Upon hearing a whistle and the comment, “Hey isn’t that the Green and Black paladin?” They both decided to adjourn to Pidge’s room and relax.
Next day….
Keith was in the gym going over his mourning routine. He had about 40 minutes before he needed to wake Pidge up for the breakfast. He was hoping to be done in 20 so they could have a little time before meeting up with everyone. He couldn’t wait to tell Shiro the good news even though he figured he already knew.
With that he turned to see his blade team walking in. Acxa smiled, “You look very happy.”
Keith grinned, “Yeah I feel it too.”
She nods, stating quietly, “Just so you know, there will be money exchanging hands. We have quite a large pool of money on the outcome. So there will be many questions at breakfast.”
Keith laughed, “You know what, I don’t even care. I’m that happy right now.”
Amoza walks up to him and states, “When do we leave?”
Keith nods, addressing the whole group. “So, I was going to tell you this later but now is good. I’m not returning, Acxa will be your leader and I’m staying on Earth. But if you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. And you know what, I’m done for today, so I’ll see you at breakfast. I’ve gotta go see about my girl.”
He leaves before anyone has a chance to say anything.
At breakfast, the room quiets down fast when Amoza storms in and growls, “You should rethink this. I have offered for you. If necessary, I am willing to battle for your hand. You definitely deserve better than that kit.”
Keith frowns, “That is uncalled for. I’ve never considered us anything other than coworkers. What the hell?”
Pidge grins, “I’m game! How do we battle for Keith’s hand? I haven’t really kicked ass in a while.”
Colleen shoots her a frown, hissing, “Do you SEE how big that alien is? I don’t want you hurt!”
Matt laughs, “Seriously mom, you have no worries. Pidgey is totally badass.”
Krolia stands, “There is no need for a battle. Keith, hand me your blade.” Keith passes it over immediately, “Little one, please take this.”
Pidge takes it, holding it in her hand. Krolia continues, “Please say Knowledge or Death and hold the blade in a fighting stance.”
Pidge nods, standing and instantly mirroring Keith’s fighting stance with the blade and says clearly, “Knowledge or Death.”
The blade instantly glows and transforms into Keith’s preferred weapon. But then the blade glows even brighter and slowly transforms into a weapon that is better suited for Pidge, lighter and more balanced for a smaller fighter. As the room is filled with gasps, all of the Blades kneel and with a fist over their hearts reply, “Knowledge or death.”
Pidge looks to Keith who looks just as confused. Krolia speaks up again, “Thank you. You may pass the weapon back to Keith. This is proof that even the blade recognizes you as Keith’s true mate.” She smiles and reaches out to squeeze Pidge’s shoulder.
Pidge sits down, “Wow, that was intense. I wonder how that does it? It actually felt lighter when it changed for me. I wonder if I could“
Keith grins, and kisses her on the mouth, “Later, we have all the time in the world remember?”
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quaranteehee · 4 years
My friend gave me his cute (idk) idea offffffff....
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Summary: you’re a young lawyer who is tasked to meet with a client at a restaurant. During mid-discussion, you recognise someone’s voice and spots his familiar figure out of your peripheral vision. He and his new partner settle in a table within your line of sight, which makes it difficult for you to focus.
- - -
“The contract is signed, but the chairman requests with another meeting to discuss the legal implications of-“
“Tch,” you click your tongue, dropping the file on your desk with an audible slap against the surface.
“(Y/n) are you even listening? Good lord if I find out-“
“Mizuki, you said that the contract has been consummated?”
“Yes,” your manager carefully says. “The chairman just wants to review some points- review the whole contract if you have to. Besides, you need the exposure.”
“Is that because I’m new?”
“(L/n) it’s because you’re young. And I don’t mean to offend you but based off on last year’s review, even the board has agreed that it may require more time and effort to get you used these sort of ‘abrupt’ meetings.”
“You’re not making sense.”
“(L/n), Mr. David Simmons is waiting in the damn restaurant so just get in there.”
You end the call and begrudgingly exit your car. At the foot of an old building stood a modern restaurant, the type that politicians would consider adequate enough to spend their mornings in, sipping coffee with a newspaper in hand as they read about their acts of “benevolence” towards their country.
As soon as you enter, a gust of warm air hits your face. Someone offers to take your coat, which you gratefully shrug off.
“Just on time! You must be Ms. (L/n)?”
A stout man with thinning, grey hair approaches you. He is clad in a navy coloured blazer with matching khakis and a white button up. A golden watch sits on his right hand, which hints at him being left-handed. Sitting on his pointed nose are silver framed glasses and you notice that there are lines at the corner of his eyes; he must have smiled a lot.
“Yes.” You hold out your hand for him to shake- which he gratefully takes. “It’s a pleasure, Mr. Simmons.”
You soon find yourselves seated by the window. Taking your IPad out, you decide to dive right into business. “I understand that the purpose of this meeting is only to review the agreement cited in the contract?”
“Right. We have already signed the papers but it would really help us if we go over it for a while? It should take long, only two points at most,” he assures you with a small smile, “Beg your pardon but I might as well go over them during dinner. I hope that’s alright with you, Ms. (L/n)?”
The man reminded you of your late grandfather. Besides, everything has already been put in place; all you had to do was to further explain to any questions they had. “Will do.”
David Simmons, you found, was surprisingly gentle and homorous throughout your discussion. It might have to do with the fact that the man had already expressed how sorry he was for troubling you at this hour (despite your repeated reassurance that it was nothing he had to fuss over.)
“... are you sure? It’s quite expensive, Keiji.”
You risk a glance at the young couple entering the restaurant and sure enough, your eyes did not betray you. A hearty chuckle emits from his chest as he pulls the woman closer towards him. Then he smiles; that damn smile that got you all the time.
The server walks them to a table in the far back corner of the room. They thank him and Akaashi makes his way to his date to pull her chair out. She smiles at the boy gratefully.
Your fingers tap irritably against the clothed table.
“Ms (L/N)?”
“Mr. Simmons?” You return cooly.
“Is something wrong?”
Whatever you do, you DO NOT let your personal life interfere with your jobs. Absolutely. Not. You have learnt this the hard way but seeing him again, watching him give away his love- the same love you have received- to somebody that isn’t you? A familiar ache settles in your chest as you resort to toying with your gold necklace.
“Mr Simmons, have you ever been in love?”
The chairman is taken back by your question. Following your gaze, his eyes rest on a blue haired boy. David Simmons looks back hard at you. “My first girlfriend’s name was Marie,” he begins.
Shifting your attention towards the elderly gentleman in front of you, you urge him to tell you more.
“We met in high school: I was in third year and she was in her first. Now, I played American football- with the gear and all that Jazz. Marie was a cheerleader. I remember when I got to know her name, which was by accident by the way because I tossed the ball at her thinking that she was my teammate!”
You laugh and reminisce about the time you accidentally fell on the second year boy: you were a year his junior. Rushing down the flight of stairs, you missed a step in your haste and fell onto someone. In the end, he helps you gather your papers which have been sent flying in the air.
“I’m so sorry..?”
“Akaashi. I’m Akaashi Keiji,” he says with an almost imperceptible smile.
“Now, Marie was a woman of wits. She was smart! Making it to all honour classes and all.. honestly? If you were to ask me, I wouldn’t know why she would love me. But she did.”
“I.. I love you.”
You pause, searching his eyes for any indication of hesitancy- any sign that may prove his words otherwise. “Akaashi..?”
“I know: it doesn’t make sense to me either. But (y/n) I love you. I love you to the stars and back. I- I love you.”
You were crying but a smile graced your lips.
“Say something.. please,” he begs.
David looks out the window, the soft evening rain blurring the view of the streets and city lights. You follow his suit. “I loved her. To the moon and back.”
The pink sky only added to the flush on his cheeks. The streets were desolate as Sakura flowers were littered against the pavement. Behind him, the afternoon sun cast shadows into his face yet his eyes- his eyes which displayed the colour of a sea before the storm seemed to experience a hurricane at that moment.
In your own way, an ocean spilled from your (e/c) orbs transitioning into a waterfall down your cheeks. “Akaashi... I love you too.”
“How old are you, Ms (L/N)?”
“21, Sir.”
“And that boy?”
You knew that Mr. Simmons was bound to , as soon as you realised that it would be near impossible to tame your emotions in your current state.
“Ahh.. yes. It was around that time-“
“What happened?” You eagerly inquire.
He smiles at you softly, just as a father would do to his daughter. “We were both aware that loving each other wouldn’t be a walk in the park. We would have endured the storms thrown at us, but sometimes... sometimes holding on is harder than letting go.”
“We can do it,” you shuffle desperately towards him and cup his face in your hands, “Keiji, listen, we can call everyday if we have to. Baby, we can make it-“
“-I’ll come visit you, I promise. One every month maybe?”
“We can move together once I finish this last year. You don’t have to worry about-“
“(Y/N) LISTEN TO ME!” He raises his voice and slaps your hands away from his face.
You break down; every bone in your body is seared in pain as your blood burns in your veins. “Keiji..” you croak.
Watching you like this hurts him more than it hurts you. He knew you would move in with him without a doubt if he had asked you. He would marry you, and again, you would say yes. Once upon a time, Akaashi would have been completely at peace with the thought of a family of his own- a family you had created with him in a tiny village at the country.
But darling, darling you were destined for something great. You were blessed with a brain to think of unfathomable universes; to think up the solutions to solve the most gruelling maladies; and so much more. Akaashi Keiji knew this- he was more aware of this fact more than anyone. Maybe, even more than yourself.
“No, (y/n). We can’t..”
You watch him, “Keiji.. keiji,” you utter out his name repeatedly in hopes that it would make him see some sense, “ I love you.”
He doesn’t hide his face now that it’s stricken with fresh tears. He wants desperately to rush over and hold you in his arms. Above all, Akaashi wants desperately to say it back. Instead, he turns on his heel and leaves.
You stare at the traffic light as the colour changes from red to green, followed by engines revving in response. “D-do you still-“
“I always will.”
A tear escapes your eye. “How can you say that?”
“Because there’s a part of me that just.. does.” He watches for a reaction and continues, “I think, for me, it’s because I chose to love her. It wasn’t based on pure emotion.  Time heals, doesn’t it? Yet it also destroys. Time, therefore, does not limit itself to emotion. What makes love greater than time itself is the fact that it is a choice- a choice to care for the other person for richer and poorer, and till death do you part. It’s a choice that you make without any regards for your own happiness, but theirs.”
You stay silent. You didn’t know what to say. Akaashi claimed that he didn’t know how or why in the world he had fallen... but he chose to act on his feelings, and he chose you.
David’s voice is softer, barely a whisper: “but I don’t regret it...”
Memories that you had desperately tried to push at the back of your mind resurface:
When he held your hand during the school fair as you walked between the booths.
When he took you to an aimless walk at three in the morning as you held each other and danced to the rhythm of the sky changing its hues from a twilight purple to the gentle orange of dusk.
You remember when you were smiling so much in the photo booth as the camera took your pictures together; how in the end, he unexpectedly pulled you into a kiss.
“... I don’t regret her one bit,” he finishes.
All this time you watched Akaashi from across the room eye his new girl with eyes full of wonder. He takes her hand in his and they get up from their table, heading out the door before disappearing into the cold, Tokyo evening.
“Ms. (L/n).. a word of advise from an old man: don’t regret him because you loved him.”
“Mr. Simmons, I don’t have any regrets...
Because I still love him.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
My twin brother is Spiderman!?; Peter Parker x twin sis reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so this is completely different from the last twin sister fic that I done but this one also needed to be posted up. Now in this one you are just a normal person, no special powers this time around. BUT like the other one there is SUGGESTIVE THEMES HERE, MUGGING, ATTEMPTED SEXUAL ASSAULT SO IF THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, DON’T PUSH YOURSELF TO READ THIS!!!! OR IF YOU DO READ. AT. YOUR. OWN. RISK! Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this fic. My last Peter fic is coming up in just a moment.
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I was currently in art class working on my project when the bell soon rang and my teacher told us to wrap up our projects and get on out of here. I sealed my sculpture in plastic wrap and took off my gloves. I packed up my supplies and walked with some of my friends as we all said goodbye to our Professor.
"So will I see you at the gala tomorrow (y/n)?" asked my friend Judy.
"Unfortunately no, lately my aunt's been going crazy due to the fact that Peter's been sneaking out at late hours of the night".
"Ahh I can understand that, little brothers can be such pains, my brother Doug is the same way". She stated over dramatically.
"Tell me about it, you know I have been dying to go to that Van Gough show that's at the MET tomorrow, but all because of Peter, Aunt May won't let me go because she's worried that I'm sneaking around like Peter".
"I'm sorry (y/n), I really wish I could help you out".
"Yeah I know, well see you Monday".
"Ciao (y/n)". She then left with hopped into our other friend Frank's car and inside I noticed Alicia, Jamie, George and Jerry and Frank drove them off. I then walked up to my motorbike and got on and revved it up before speeding out of the parking lot.
Once I got home, I was immediately bombarded by Aunt May asking me if I had seen Peter at all while I was coming home. I told her that I hadn't seen him at all and that's when she went in full on panic mode and started calling five police stations begging for their help but I tried to assure her that he's probably with Ned or something and just forgot to call (as usual lately).
2 and a half hours later, as I was walking by Peter's room I heard movement going around in his room. I leaned up against the door and also heard shuffling so I immediately opened the door and there I saw my younger twin standing like a deer in headlights and boy was I livid at this moment.
"Oh hey (y/n) what's up sis?"
"What's up? What's up!? Peter you have got some serious balls to say that to me right now. Do you have any idea how worried May was about you? She barely listened to me and she's been out in the streets for a half hour now looking for you!"
"I'm—I'm sorry (y/n) I......"
"Oh sorry don't even cut it Pete". I sneered. I gripped my younger twin by the shoulder and led him out of his room and we both sat down on the living room couch while I facetimed May and showed her who was here and she immediately said she'd be over.
Now thanks to Peter the Sneaker, the two of us were officially under May arrest which meant that neither of us could leave the apartment for the entire weekend. If we wanted to go out for groceries or if we needed research at the library, then she was to be our escort and she said she would actually walk in with us like we were children to make sure we were doing on what we said we would be 'doing'.
A week later, May finally let go of our punishment and I was still pretty pissed at Peter for making me miss the Van Gough exhibit. So to punish him, I didn't once talk to him for anything and gave him the silent treatment plus the cold shoulder.
Currently I had finished my long awaited project for my art class and it was starting to get pretty dark out. I walked out of the art building and headed to the parking lot to start up by bike when suddenly I felt something push against the back of my head and a voice said.
"Give me the bike and I won't shoot you". I was frozen in fear. I slowly raised my hands up and said.
"Please you—you don't have to do this".
"Step away from the bike and hand over the keys or I will blow your brains out!" the man demanded. Before I could even do as he said, I was taken in a choke hold and forced away from my bike and tossed down onto the ground and that's when I heard the gun cock telling me it was getting ready to fire.
I tensed up and curled up into a ball begging with the guy to not kill me when the gun didn't go off.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to steal from girls?" another voice said. We both looked to left and there standing right underneath the street lamp of the parking lot was the famed superhero, Spiderman. I was then grabbed by the mugger and I felt a sharp blade at my neck, the cold steel ready to slice my neck open and I whimpered in fear as tears began rolling down my face.
"Well, well if it ain't the eight-legged freak spiderboy" I whimpered as the blade came closer to my skin almost nicking it.
"Spiderman actually, now I'll give you five seconds to let the girl go and you can walk away".
"Sorry shorty can't do that. And as a matter a fact, I think I may just take this girl home with me, she seems like she knows how to have a good time" the perverted mugger said as he leaned closer to my face and actually sniffed my hair which made me squirm uncomfortably but he kept the knife right at my neck and almost sliced it opened if I failed to submit to him.
"Okay first of all you're a sick pedophile, and two nobody call's me shorty!" Spiderman then flung his webs at the mugger's face which blinded him. He stepped away and as soon as I was free, I ran as far away from him as I could before Spiderman caught me in his arms and he asked me, "You okay?" shakenly I nodded and he said, "Good, come with me".
He then picked me up and took me towards another street lamp and told me not to move and just wait for him there. I agreed to his terms and I saw him race back towards the mugger and he leapt up in the air and fired some more of his webbings but some of them I've gotta say I've never seen before.
Like one web shooting he did, actually exploded beneath the mugger's feet, another one was like a taser gun which sent him down to his knees, and after getting a few good punches and kicks in, his last webbing exploded at him and trapped him in a straight-jacket like manner against the lamppost he had once stood under.
Once the fight was done, Spiderman came up to me and took me in his arms and said.
"Hold on tight". I wrapped my arms around him and he shot a web sling up and soon we went flying through the city. As we swung from building to building, he made sure to keep one protective arm around me and I held onto him by the neck. We soon came to my Aunt's apartment and he landed us safely on the rooftop and he asked me.
"There we go, safe and sound and home again, you sure you're okay?" I nearly collapsed to the ground with my adrenaline now deflated like a balloon and if it hadn't been for Spiderman, I would've collapsed to the floor. "Whoa, whoa, whoa easy, easy (y/n)". At saying my name, my head shot up as I looked at him.
"How do you know my name?"
"Wha? Ahh shit I—I mean uhh....." he sighed heavily and continued, "I guess the cat's out of the bag". He then removed his mask and there kneeling beside me was my younger twin Peter.
"P-Peter?!" I choked out.
"Yeah, guess you finally know the big secret".
"So.....all this time—those videos on YouTube of Spiderman that-that-that was you?"
"How?" He then went on to explain about how nine months ago when his class went on that fieldtrip to Oscorp Industry, he got bit by a radioactive spider and he soon began developing these powers and that ever since then especially after Uncle Ben died, he vowed to try and keep the city safe. He also explained that he's an Avenger *that part I don't believe* and that all those trips on the STARK internship, were actually missions or meeting with the Tony "Ironman" Stark himself. After his story I began to try and process everything that he's told me.
"Now are you sure you're okay? I can take you to the hospital if you need—"
"No, no I'm fine Pete, really. I'm—sorry for the way I've been treating you these past few days, I thought that—with all that I've done to you....."
"Hey, you're my sister (y/n). You're more than that, you're my twin sister, my best friend. No matter what I'm always gonna be there for you, even when you get mad at me, I'll always be there like a spider on the wall". We both laughed at his pun and then I said to him.
"Thank you Peter, if you hadn't saved me back there I—I don't even want to think about what they guy would've done to me".
"You're welcome, like I said, I'll always be there for you, whether you want me to be or not". I smiled at him and embraced my younger twin and he hugged me back and the two of us sat there for a bit before heading inside.
Brothers, especially your youngest twin, they can be a pain in the butt at times but sometimes for good reasons too. While it is said to be written that the older sibling must always be there for their younger siblings, I think that it's both siblings responsibility to watch out of the other. No matter whether you're the oldest or youngest, siblings always need to watch out for each other, and even when you don't want them to, they'll always be there for you.
Sometimes in more ways than one, and I know I've got the best little twin of all. I mean what other person can say my little brother is Spiderman?! But I also know he's more to me than that, he's my twin brother Peter Parker.
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love-of-fandoms · 4 years
The Non-Companion (The Master + OC) Chapter 8
Chapter 8 of The Non-Companion (Master List)
Pairing: The Master + OC
Word Count: 2757 words
The Doctor didn’t take too long to get to the TARDIS, for which Jo was thankful. It was unsettling to be in O’s hut. What was once charming now made her almost want to throw up. She came running through the door, and Jo grinned, standing and walking to greet her.
“What’s up, Doc?” the Doctor rolled her eyes with a fond smile at Jo’s line. They couldn’t go a week without Jo saying it.
“Doctor, why is this house so important?” Ada asked, and the Doctor grinned.
“Because it's not a house. It's a machine that travels in space and time. This is my way back, to finding my friends and saving humanity-” she cut herself off, seeing the looks Ada and Noor were giving her. She looked to Jo for support, who nodded.
“She’s telling the truth,” she said, and Ada and Noor looked to her. “We’re not crazy!” she paused, sharing a look with the Doctor. “Well, okay, we are, but not because of this!” she amended, and the Doctor nodded.
“Give us 5 minutes, and you’ll see!” she promised, before turning to look at the map they had seen earlier, which the Master hadn’t bothered to take down. “ I know what this is. A temporal map, showing every significant person in the development of computers through history,” she began, before turning to Ada. “starting with you!” Jo grinned. There was something about watching the Doctor sort through a problem that always made her feel empowered. “This is the plan, see?” she looked to the two women, who continued to stare at her with blank faces.
“No,” they said together, and the Doctor grimaced. Jo giggled.
“Did you expect them to?” she asked, and the Doctor shrugged. “That isn’t a dig at your intelligence, by the way, you just haven’t dealt with any of this stuff before,” Jo said to the two women, not wanting them to think she saw them as stupid or anything.
“What is a computer?” Ada asked, and Jo shot the Doctor a glare.
“Forget you heard that word! Otherwise I've just disrupted the whole of history!” the Doctor exclaimed, and Jo coughed into her hand.
“Again,” the Doctor shot her a glare, though there was no fire behind it.
“Okay, ahh, my brain’s fizzing, good. The Kasaavin posted an agent on every person on that map. Because that's what spies do. What Barton does. They gather all the data,” the Doctor began to pace, trying to put all the puzzle pieces together in that big brain of hers. “But where does the DNA fit?” she looked to Jo, but all she could do was shrug. She was at a loss. “Kasaavin, technology, DNA. How are they all connected?” she continued to pace for a moment, before coming to an abrupt stop. She turned to Jo with a look of horror on her face. “Human DNA!” she gasped. “That’s what they’ve been testing!” with that she ran to the TARDIS controls, and began to frantically flip levers and push buttons. The Master’s TARDIS was much quieter than hers, instead of the loud wheezing that accompanied Sexy, the Master’s TARDIS sounded more like a continuous hum.
“I bet they started with Barton,” Jo said, coming to the Doctor’s side to help manage the controls. Noor turned to Ada, a look of bewilderment on her face.
“How much of that did you understand?” she asked, and Jo laughed as she looked over her shoulder at them.
“If you understood around 5%, you’re doing great!” she encouraged, and Noor and Ada exchanged another look of uncertainty.
“Where to first?” Jo asked, and the Doctor grinned.
“We have a TARDIS with a working chameleon circuit,” she said excitedly. “We’re breaking into Barton’s office!” with that, she yanked down hard on a lever, and the TARDIS was sent flying through the vortex. They could all see the flashing, swirling lights out the window, and Noor and Ada both ran to the window, looking out to try and see what was happening.
“What is this?” Ada asked, and Jo approached them, looking out the window as well.
“The Time Vortex,” she told them. “Right now, we’re traveling 76 years into the future to stop the Kasaavin from taking the universe,” Ada and Noor both looked at her in shock, though at this point they seemed to at least believe her.
The Doctor landed the TARDIS near a flight hangar, and all four of them exited, looking around.
“So?” Jo asked, turning to the Doctor, and she pointed ahead of them, where they could see someone’s tailcoat flapping behind them as they entered a building. “Is it him?” the Doctor nodded in confirmation, before beginning to walk to the warehouse.
“Let’s go!” she exclaimed, grabbing Ada and Noor’s hands and striding forward to confront the Master. Jo followed along, straining her ears to hear what was being said in the warehouse when they were close enough.
“-live through the 20th century?” that was the Master. “The places I've escaped from. Still just in time to watch you all pay!” he sounded like there was a grin on his face, and the Doctor stopped just before the entrance to the hangar.
“What’s that machine?” Ryan asked, and Jo glanced at the Doctor.
“The fam’s here?” she whispered, and the Doctor nodded.
“Quite independent, that lot,” she muttered back, and Jo’s lips quirked up in a smirk.
“Conversion and transmission. We're transmitting Kasaavin energy around the world all at once, into every device, hitting every human being and erasing their DNA. Simultaneously,” the Master exclaimed, and all of a sudden they heard Ryan shout.
“Yaz!” Jo peeked her head out just enough to see what was going on, and she had to muffle a gasp behind her hand when she saw a white light escaping from a tablet and crawling up Yaz’s arm.
“I can’t let go of it!” she shouted, her body shaking.
“First her,” the Master said, pointing to Yaz. “Then you,” to Graham. “Then you,” and finally to Ryan. It would have been quite terrifying, if the Silver Lady, which sat just behind Yaz, seemed to short circuit, powering down. The Master growled, approaching the statue. “Don’t do this!” he shouted pleadingly, but it laid dormant, smoke coming out the bottom of it.
“Sorry, I think that might’ve been me,” the Doctor said, striding out of their hiding plot and into plain sight. Noor and Ada followed just behind her, and Jo ran to Yaz, throwing the tablet she had been holding to the ground and examining her arm. She took out her sonic and quickly scanned Yaz’s arm, not seeing anything out of the ordinary.
“Are you alright?” she muttered, and Yaz nodded.
“And I’ll admit, it was close,” the Doctor grinned, and the Master snarled, shoulders sagging in defeat.
“No,” he muttered.
“Two can play at embedding things in history,” the Doctor said, and the Master’s glare twitched from her to Jo and back again. “I knew the Silver Lady was important, that you'd built it for a reason. But I couldn't work out why. So I traced its movements through history. When I saw Barton now owned it, we stopped off in his office. Middle of last year. Using your Tardis,” that just rubbed salt in the wound.
“Kick a man while he’s down,” Jo muttered, the Master turning slightly to direct all his fury at her. “Harsh,” she mostly ignored the Master, trying very hard not to look him in the eye. She had held herself well in the gallery, but it was still difficult not to see O in him. Kasaavin began to flood out of the machine, and suddenly Jo didn’t have to worry about trying not to look at the Master anymore, because she screeched in pure agony, collapsing to her knees. Yaz crouched down beside her, gripping her shoulder and rubbing comfortingly, though it did little to help.
“I built in a failsafe to that machine. Planted a virus, if it ever detected the massing of a Kasaavin army in its systems. Total shutdown,” the Doctor explained, glancing worriedly at Jo. “Though I never figured out why that happens,” she grimaced, imagining the pain Jo must be in. The Master chuckled at the sight of the Kasaavin.
“You’re gonna have to explain your actions to them, Doctor,” he said darkly, but the Doctor just smirked, tilting her head to the side.
“Am I?” she countered as Jo began to stand with Yaz’s help. The tingles were all over her body, but she fought through it so she could keep an eye on things. The Doctor addressed the Kasaavin then. “ Listen you lot. I’ve rigged the Silver Lady to exile you back to your own dimension. This planet is off limits. And that deal he did with you?” she brought out her sonic screwdriver, and held it up, pressing the button, and a recording rang through the warehouse. It was the Master’s voice.
“Barton and those creatures do the dirty work and once they are done I get rid of them having destroy your precious human race in the process. Win, win, win.” The Master’s face fell at the sound of that.
“Ohh,” he muttered, beginning to back away from the Kasaavin, who had turned to him. The Doctor smirked.
“That’s your name,” she said. “Don’t wear it out,” the Kasaavin began to mass together, closing in on the Master, and the Doctor continued. “That's the trouble with modern technology. Never know when you're being spied upon,” the Master growled, beginning to stalk towards the Doctor.
“No!” he shouted, reaching out towards her, but Jo grit her teeth and pulled her knife from her boot. In less than a second it had flown across the room and lodged in the Master’s hand. He pulled back from the Doctor with a shout of pain, and looked at her with wide, crazed eyes. In fact, everyone in the warehouse looked at her with wide eyes, shocked that she had done that, and shocked that she had been able to do that through her pain. In a blaze of light, the Kasaavin descended on the Master, surrounding him as he screamed, before blinking out of existence.
The remaining people in the warehouse stared at each other for a moment, and Jo’s shoulders sagged in relief at the loss of the excruciating pain. Her eyes zeroed in on a body, facedown in front of the Silver Lady’s case.
“Who’s that?” she asked cautiously, pointing at her, and Ryan grimaced.
“Barton’s mum,” he answered, and Jo’s eyes widened.
“He killed his own mother?” Ryan nodded. “That’s sick,” again, the fam nodded. They then all turned to the Doctor, who tilted her head.
“What?!” she asked, and Yaz crossed her arms over her chest.
“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” she said, and Graham nodded.
“Like what?” the Doctor asked, and Graham pointed at Ada and Noor, who still stood slightly behind her.
“Like who are they?” he asked. “Are we being replaced?!” Jo giggled at that.
“No! This is Ada, this is Noor. 1834. 1943. Helped me out,” the Doctor said with a shrug. The women both raised their hands in an awkward wave, smiling ‘hello’ at the fam. “I’m dropping ‘em back in a second,”
“How did you manage to save our lives on the plane?” Ryan asked, and the Doctor and Jo looked at each other for a moment, both of their eyes wide.
“Shit,” Jo muttered, racing to the TARDIS, and the Doctor nodded, racing after her.
“Be right back!” she called over her shoulder to the fam, grabbing Ada and Noor’s hands on the way.
Jo positioned the camera with a slight smile, pressing record and hopping on frame with the Doctor.
“Welcome aboard!” the Doctor greeted, and Jo gave a dramatic wave.
“You must have a lot of question!” Jo added, and the Doctor nodded, pausing for a moment before smiling.
“First of all, you're not gonna die. Second of all, don't talk to the screens, obviously I'm a recording and can't hear you. Third, don't panic. Especially you Graham,” she pointed at the camera, and Jo smirked slightly. After another moment’s pause, the Doctor spoke again. “Yes you were,” she said, and Jo giggled.
“She just said don’t talk back to the screens!” she exclaimed, rolling her eyes playfully. Jo tapped her wrist, signalling to the Doctor and she nodded.
“Right! Haven't got long. The bomb in the cockpit knocked out the signals from the computer to the engines. But the computers on this aircraft aren't in the cockpit, they're under the cabin floor. Ryan, the app should've opened. Use it to communicate with the engines via the aircraft wiring,” Jo piped up at this point
“By the way, you have shut the cockpit door, haven't you?” she asked with raised eyebrows. “That’s very important, their designed to withstand basically anything,”
“Now, pay attention and do this fast, worried you might lose me if there's a power surge,” the Doctor began. “Don’t tap the buttons too many times, that’ll cause you to dive,”
“Focus on levelling out,” Jo added. “Then the plane’s pre programmed flight plan should kick in,”
“We’ll see you guys soon!” the Doctor said.
“You got this!” Jo gave them a thumbs up before turning off the camera. She turned to the Doctor.
“What’re the odds they actually see the whole video?” she asked, and the Doctor shrugged.
“5%? Maybe?” she answered, and Jo giggled, rolling her eyes.
“Of course,”
After they had finished putting everything in place to save the fam, it was time to drop Noor and Ada off. The Doctor went outside with Noor, while Jo stayed inside the TARDIS with Ada.
“This one is so much different,” Ada said, looking around the Doctor’s TARDIS, and Jo nodded.
“Yeah, she’s got a mind of her own,”
“She?” Ada looked over at Jo in surprise, but she just shrugged.
“Well, yeah,” she muttered. “People call ships ‘she’, right? Countries, weapons, anything really,” she said, and Ada nodded.
“I see,” “No you don’t,” Jo giggled, and Ada gave her a small smile.
“No, I don’t,” she admitted, before bursting out in a fit of giggles as well.
“Glad to see you two having a good time!” the Doctor exclaimed, walking into the TARDIS, and Jo nodded, standing and going to the opposite side of the controls from the Doctor.
“To 1834!” Jo exclaimed, pressing a couple buttons on her side while the Doctor did her part. Ada watched the work in tandem, a look of awe on her face.
They materialized in Charles Babbage’s parlor, and all three of them stepped out. Ada turned to the Doctor, a sad look on her face.
“Doctor, does this have to be the end?” she asked. “All the things I've learned with you and Jo; the advances, the machines. I would dearly love to see more,” she pled, and the Doctor and Jo exchanged a sad look as well.
“I’m afraid I have to do something about that,” the Doctor muttered stepping towards Ada. The girl took a step back, confused.
“What do you mean?” she asked, and the Doctor sighed, stepping closer and bringing a hand to Ada’s temple.
“I’m ever so sorry, Ada,” she murmured, and Ada seemed to realize what was happening, as tears began to fill in her eyes.
“Doctor, what are you doing?” she asked.
“Wiping the things you shouldn’t have knowledge of,” the Doctor told her, sighing heavily. “Including me and Jo,” A tear streaked down Ada’s face.
“But I want that knowledge!” she argued, looking between the Doctor and Jo. “Don’t take it away!” she pled. “Jo! You’re just going to let her?” Jo nodded sadly.
“It’s for the best,” she said, placing a comforting hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Goodbye, Ada,” and then her eyes rolled back into her head, and she passed out. The Doctor caught her in her arms, and carried her over to the lounge.
“Oh Ada, you don't need a preview. You figure it out before anyone. The first to see the potential in things like that. To work out what could be. What they can really do. Computers start with you,” the Doctor said softly, stroking a strand of hair out of Ada’s face, and Jo approached, stroking Ada’s cheek.
“Sweet dreams, Ada Lovelace,” she murmured, the Doctor repeating the sentiment, before they both returned to the TARDIS, disappearing into the night.
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aperrywilliams · 4 years
A Normal Conversation Ch13 (Spencer Reid x Maxine Brenner)
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Chapter 13: Mexico
Summary: Spencer tells Max details of his odyssey in Mexico and its consequences.
Word Count: 6877
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences. Angst, fluff and some smut “tendency”.
Warnings: References to violence, drugs, killing, sex.
A/N: I don’t know why this one was so longer. Hope you enjoy it.
Next day Spencer's phone woke him up before scheduled. Penelope was calling. They had a case. Once at the BAU, Prentiss told everyone about this one. Their destination was Texas. They should started their fly in 30 minutes. Everyone grabbed their bags and headed to the jet. Sitting in one of the couches, Reid took his cell phone and sent a message to Max: “New case. Texas. I’m ready to leave. How did you sleep?". He got a reply half an hour after: “Hello handsome. Too bad you had to travel so early. I slept very well. Take care and tell me how everything is going”.
That night they was still at the police station where had settled to work on the case. Spencer felt his phone ring: Max was calling.
"Hey, you... how's it going?" Max said on other side of the line.
"Hey... slower than I expected. Not even doing an exhaustive geographic profile I’ve been able to reduce the search ratio…”. Max could feel frustration in his voice.
"Maybe you need to clear your head just a little. Have you come out there to breathe even for a moment today?” Max asked with concern.
"Not really... since we got here it has been a ‘coming and going’. I didn't even realized it's already night…” he said rubbing his neck.
“Fresh air could help… I don't know, try it”. Max said seeking to encourage him.
"Yeah, you're right, I've been on this for too long. I'll try to get out of here for a minute... now changing the subject, how are you?" Spencer asked as he went to a corner of the room to talk to Max.
"Good. Very good indeed!. I had a call from the Smithsonian today. I have an interview scheduled in two days” Max said excitedly.
"Max, that's great! Those are very good news” said Spencer sharing Max's enthusiasm.
"Yes. I know! But I'm so nervous and anxious…” Max admitted.
"Don't worry, everything will be ok. If I don't come back sooner you have to tell me everything about it” said Spencer.
"Sure I will!. Now I’ll let you work… if not your boss will be mad at me” Max said laughing.
"Thanks for calling. Tomorrow I’ll try to call you if we are still here” Spencer said with a sigh.
"Don’t worry handsome. Just keep telling me how everything is going. And remember to take breaks sometimes…” Max answered back.
"Yes, I’ll do it. Bye beauty” Spencer said.
"Bye" Max said before hanged up. Spencer put the cell phone in his blazer’s pocket. When he looked up, Emily was staring him with a smile.
"Max?". Spencer nodded. "How's it going everything between you two?" Prentiss asked.
"Good. Very good I must say…” said Spencer smiling and a little flushed.
“I’m glad. I like to see ‘that’ smile in your face Spence. I’m happy knowing everything goes good. Max looks like a fantastic woman” said Emily.
"She is, indeed...". Spencer stopped a second before knowing whether to continue speaking or not. "It’s... I don't know how to describe it. It's tough to find someone you feel so comfortable with so quickly…”
"It’s a good sign. Try not to rationalize it too much, ok?. Let your feelings speak and not your brain…” Prentiss suggested.
"And how can I do that?" Spencer asked laughing. Prentiss shook her head. “I think a break would be good for us. Do you want to go for a coffee? And I can explain you, genius boy, some things about relationships”.
Spencer nodded and both left the office. Once outside police station, they walked a few blocks to the nearest cafe. They got in and ordered two coffees to go. While they waited, Prentiss began her debrief.
"What particular issue complicates you about your relationship with Max?" Emily asked directly.
"I don’t know. I mean, I think we are at a moment where someone has to take next step… and I don't know if I should do it and what exactly should I do…” Spencer said clearly confused.
"And what would be this step according to you...?" Emily asked as they received their coffees and left the place. Spencer shrugged his shoulders. "But you must have some idea Spencer. I assume you both already kissed. I assume you both by now talked about things you like or not. I presume too you both already talked about sensitive issues in your lives. And I assume you both already slept together...". Spencer's face winced at the last thing Emily said. "Wait… what?, no sex yet?... Are you waiting for a meteor to fall on earth or something like that to do it?" Prentiss said raising her eyebrows and in reproachfully tone.
"No, no sex yet. But don't think 'that' is the only issue for me. We just decided to take things slow. And yes, I’m not going to lie: every day it’s been more difficult for me be faithful to my word, but it’s ok. Last night we had a dinner date and you would have seen her in that dress, I didn't know how to react. Well I had an idea but I didn't dare go further. But it’s ok. I thought it was not the right moment. Or maybe it was and I was so stupid enough to let it go. I don't want to be the one who always expects things to happen, but honestly in this case I’m too scared to take a chance and ruin it…” Spencer said with a hint of frustration in his voice. Then he took a sip of his steaming coffee.
“You're not going to screw it up Spencer. If Max thinks you are being awfully bold, although I doubt it, she’ll tell you. This are things can be discussed, it’s not just about reacting or not reacting. Testing waters is ok, boldness is ok. I don't think she’ll be mad if you are honest in what you feel and what you want"
"This will be easier if were talking about one-night stand…”. Spencer smirked and let out a sigh.
“That is why there’re people who prefer one-night stands before a relationship as such. Well, it’s a personal decision. But in this case, what do you want with Max? If your answer is physical contact and that's it,  it's okay. Otherwise, you’ll have to put more things on the balance” said Prentiss taking another sip of her coffee.
"No, I don't just want that. I want more than that” Spencer said convinced of his words.
"Then so those are the options you have to explore. And she has to know it too. Tell her” Emily said trying to encourage him.
"It sounds so easy in words..." Spencer said as they walked back to the police station.
"Hey!, I never said it was easy, I'm just saying it's the most honest thing you can do for yourself and for her" Prentiss said warming her hands with the coffee she was holding. Spencer nodded.
"Yeah, I know. Emily, I really want this to work” Reid replied.
"You'll have to dare then, and put your fears of rejection aside" Prentiss said, giving his shoulder a little squeeze. "Okay, tomorrow I'll hand you the bill of this lovers consulting. Now let's go back to catch our elusive son of a bitch” said Prentiss laughing. Both entered the police station to continue their work.
The case continued developing next day until after mid-afternoon they were capable to identify the unsub and his location. The entire team went to make the arrest since it was likely he has as hostage a potential new victim. Despite there was shotguns exchange, nobody resulted injured and arrest was carried out without major obstacles. Prentiss decided given the hour was a better idea to return DC next morning, so she dispatched the entire team to one of the local hotels so they stay the night.
After having dinner at the first floor hotel’s restaurant with the rest of the team, Spencer went to his room and prepared to go to bed. When he was ready to sleep, he called Max.
"Max?" Spencer said when she answered after the phone rang several times.
"Hey. Spencer… sorry, I was in the kitchen. I didn't hear the phone before. Still in Texas?” Max asked.
"Yes, but not for long. Tomorrow morning we’ll return to DC”
“Good news then. I hear you with fatigued voice. Will you be able to sleep tonight?”
“Yes, in fact, I’m in the hotel room right now. I expect to fall asleep as soon as possible. I just wanted to call you… to say goodnight” Spencer said.
"How cute you are Dr. Reid, had I told you that before?"
"Yes, you did. But I like it when you say it..." Spencer said smiling.
"You’re an entirely cute, adorable and... sexy man... you know?" said Max playfully and laughing.
"Ahh, just what I needed to hear..." Spencer said.
"Since when so snooty Dr. Reid?"
“I said it thinking on heard you laugh. Hearing you laugh was what I needed today before sleep” Spencer said in a soft voice.
"Don't keep saying those things or I'm going right now to the airport to take a flight to Texas" Max said in a warning tone. Spencer chuckled out loud.
"Hey, tomorrow we can see us again. By the way… what time is your interview?” Spencer asked, remembering what they had talking the previous day.
"At noon. The good news are I only have one class early morning so I have plenty of time to get there” said Max.
"Are you anxious…?" Spencer asked.
"To be honest, I’m panicking!" Max recognized.
"Stay calm. Everything will be perfect. Just be you and you’ll see everything will be fine” Spencer said trying to reassure her.
"Are you sure what you're saying? Being me?... I don't know if that'll really work" Max said laughing.
“They’re going to love you. Trust me” Spencer replied.
"Ok, ok. I'm going to do my best to relax myself. Even if I'm almost positive I won't sleep tonight” Max said.
"Well… despite I'm not the best person giving sleep advice, I can only tell you to at least try to rest..."
"I promise I’ll try. And... call me tomorrow when you're already in DC, we can meet in the afternoon if you can... and we can talk about how everything was"
"Right!. Of course, I’ll do it” said Spencer.
"Ok there. Now it’s time to hang up, you must be exhausted. Good night handsome” Max said as a goodbye.
"Good night beauty…". Spencer hang up, put the cellphone on the nightstand and covered himself with the bedspread. The flight would leave early. A few minutes passed and he managed to fall asleep.
Next day, Max at 11:50 was in one of the Smithsonian's offices waiting to be called to her interview. She was moving her hands nervously, biting her lower lip and bouncing one leg while she try to calm down. At that moment a woman appears through one of the doors and asks "Maxine Brenner?". Max gets up. The woman invites her to get in to the office and closes the door behind her.
Past 12:55 Max finished the interview. She said goodbye to the woman with whom was talking and go out into the hall where the front doors was. As she was going down the stairs noticed Spencer staring at her with one foot propped on the last step.
“Spencer! What are you doing here? I thought you’d call me when you'd arrive to DC…” Max said when she saw him. Reaching almost to the last rung without thinking she wrapped her arms around his neck. Reid quickly took her by the waist and stamped a kiss on her lips.
"I came to reach you. We arrived DC early and I have the rest of the day off. How was it?" Reid asked brushing her bit messy hair.
"The interview... was good... I think. Although the process continues. At least I’m very satisfied with all I said in there…” Max said with a shrug.
“They’re going to realize that you’re are the best for this position. You'll see” said Spencer winking and stamping a kiss on her lips again.
“Uhmm… I’m going to hire you as my personal trainer. You’re more effective than my head-hunter” Max said laughing. Spencer returned her an open smile.
"Lunch time? There’re very good places around here” said Spencer, holding her hand.
"Yeah, good idea. After that we can walk for a while. I think we both need fresh air and this day seems very favorable for it” said Max. Spencer nodded and they started walking.
They found a small restaurant not very crowded where to have lunch. While they were eating Spencer asked Max for details of the interview. She told him this round was with a first selection of 10 applicants, so later they should call her for a final interview if she make it to the shortlist.
Max also told Reid about what should do if she was picked: the development of special programs also required its be commanded by the professionals themselves and training the volunteers who worked in them. It was a full time job and required a lot of organization. As Max talk about the things she can do with the job, Spencer could see how her eyes sparkled with pure emotion. Reid wondered if was the same look he irradiated when he speaks fervently about his own work. Spencer thought probably it is.
With lunch finished Spencer and Max began to walk through the surrounding streets and headed into a park near the museum. At that time people were seen walking from their lunches back to their workplaces, just a few children playing and people walking their pets. They were both holding hands as they walked in a slow pace.
Max stopped Spencer in one of the park's water fountains where people spontaneously toss coins to make wishes. Some people like named it as Trevi’s Fountain from DC. It seemed strange to Spencer and he couldn't help but frown.
"Yes, I know what you’re thinking right now. But superstition is something we have always lived with and it’s happen around the world. We cannot ignore that” said Max.
"I know that. I also have my own superstitions... but I think this is an excess. I mean, it’s ok… this is a tradition in some parts of the world but I think trying to replicate it here just for vogue… doesn't seem… effective?… for me”. He tried to explain.
"What if it's a leap of faith? People might really believe their wishes could come true, regardless of whether it’s the fountain in the park or the bathtub in their home. I don't see how different it’s from the fantasy stories we ourselves tell to our kids when are child” said Max.
"Ok. Maybe I can believe in leaps of faith, but as such, I believe in those who are more spontaneous and not just for 'copying' a tradition from another part of the world" said Spencer scratching his chin.
"Yeah, this is not the most original thing in the world, I agree with you, but it still seems valid to me" Max replied. Spencer shrugged his shoulders.
"I suppose human beings are meant to find the necessary methods to clear the uncertainties of life... in the way they can do it"
"Talking about that methods… do you think that includes science itself?" Max asked curiously.
"Of course. I do. Above time I made the conclusion science is 'our' leap of faith to facts give us certainty and peace of mind to some extent”. Max looked Reid and waited a few seconds before talking again.
“Have you ever done something like that? I mean, have you ever taken a 'leap of faith' outside of the science system? Have you never wanted something so badly it doesn’t matter if it’s endorsed or not by the rules of scientific method? I’m talking about wanting something very much could so you make it happen”. Spencer thought for a moment before answered.
“Well… if you put it in that way… I don't know if exactly I did that before. You know I’m a man of science. But the closest thing to a 'leap of faith' I've had was when I was looking for a cure for my mom…”. Spencer said it not knowing if was best example but it was the most recent thing that came to his mind.
"What you did then ...?" Max asked.
"Well, I explored all the possibilities. After researching all science could offer, I began to evaluate 'experimental' possibilities. When those possibilities were running out, I was already determined to try anything…”
"That was what brought you to Mexico, right?" Max asked. Spencer nodded.
"Yeah. I couldn’t say if 'faith' made me do it... maybe was the idea I could do something about it, even if it was slightly outside science and the law... I thought if there was a chance I needed to try…”. Spencer said scratching the back of his neck again.
“And your mom agreed?"
"No, she never agreed. And I think there lies my first mistake. Trying to fix something beyond my power. Deep down, my man of science told me it was useless…”
"But you still made all those trips..." Max added.
"Yes. I believed doing those trips I could get the medicines I was convinced were working and the treatment could continue and thus see my mom improve…” Spencer said with a bitter smile.
"When you knew something was wrong?" Max asked. Spencer thought for a second before answering.
"I think was when I walked into that motel room. Being there was the most bizarre thing of all. After happened the irruption in the room, the hit of my body on the floor, the loss of consciousness. I’ve being drugged and when I realized it… it was too late. From there I only have half-filled spaces. I was filling them during the time I was in jail…” Reid stated with a frown.
"I still don't understand how they managed to deceive everyone into thinking you had done it .." Max said referring to the murder of Nadia Ramos. Spencer stared her and shrug. They had stopped walking in front of a bench. Spencer decided to sit down. Max did the same. Then Spencer began to speak.
“I didn't make it so difficult for them either. No one knew about my trips to Mexico. I didn't tell Emily or JJ because I knew inside of me it was crazy and I didn't want to involve anyone in it... in case something went wrong... although I hoped, of course, nothing would go wrong. At the end when they arrested me they were surprised like anyone else when they were notified”. Spencer said with a sigh. There was a small silence before Max spoke again.
"And being incarcerated...? How did you manage to stay sane...?" Max asked with some caution because she knew it was a complex topic. Spencer glanced her and couldn't help but make an awkward grimace.
"I didn't..." he said regretfully. He paused and continued speaking without taking his eyes off a stone placed in the grass. "Max… being there… I saw things I never thought I would see and I did things I didn't think I could ever do..." Max searched his gaze before speaking.
"Hey... it’s okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I get it…” Max said trying to get him off the topic. She realized it was something so alive in him, as if time still didn't heal the wound enough. She regretted having asked so many questions about that.
"No. I think I should do it... and not just like a way of relief for me, which is already pure egoism from me. It is also to keep me honest with you. I’ll not be very detailed on this… but I just think you deserve to know..."
"Ok. If it's what you want to do, it's ok. You can trust me” Max said taking his hand and holding it tight.
Spencer related how were the first weeks in prison. About the hierarchy between guards and inmates. The dominance of each ringleader, the privileges, the torture, the drug traffic. Reid told Max how he believed had a friend and finally ended up being his worst nightmare inside the prison. Spencer told her how he was forced to see how they stabbed and killed the only person who was kind to him at the time. He told her how he did alter the drug was imposed to him distribute inside the prison and how that almost cost lives of several inmates.
Reid told Max about the beatings, the way how he ensured to stay isolated in the last days and how witnessed directly how his mother was kidnapped in front of his eyes. When Spencer finished saw Max silently staring at him almost without blinking, but he couldn't tell if her face was one of fright, disappointment, or something else. Until she decided to speak.
"You needed to survive. I can't think of any other way to have done it…” Max said, rubbing Spencer's arm to try to comfort him.
"But do you realize I was willing to... killing people?. It was on my mind and it made me frantic. And it's not like I haven't done it before, I'm not going to lie about it. But I think it’s the first time I have questioned myself harder about taking someone else's life…”. Spencer said quietly but visibly affected.
"Spencer, they would have killed you if you stayed still... maybe you wouldn't be talking about this now" Max said trying to make Spencer seeing he had no choice.
"Probably. But is reason enough to have done what I did?...”. Max cut him off.
"Hey, stop! We are talking about your life Spencer. And although I could be sure you have probably despised your own life more than once putting yourself in danger for others… that moment the danger was there, in front of you... you were the victim”. Spencer glanced her in silence for a moment. Then he began to speak again.
"You know... I was so scared. For real. Maybe it was the sleep deprivation, having to be alert all the time, but I thought many times that I wasn't going to get out of there and maybe... it would be better they kill me once. I thought about it so many times... I wanted it so many times...". Spencer's voice was nearly to break.
"Come here" said Max pull him to an embrace. “You chose the hard option. And you didn't do it just for yourself, you did it for your mom, for your friends, for those who left everything to help you get out of there” said Max. Spencer couldn't stop some tears from coming out of his eyes. Max rubbed his back holding him close.
"And all thanks to that bitch..." Max said trying to contain her anger.
"Another of Cat's 'gifts'" added Spencer, who had his chin resting on the top of Max head. "But it's no longer worth wasting words on her..."
"I know that. But look what she did to you. She made those beautiful eyes darker and gloomier…” Max said breaking the embrace and fixing her gaze on him, while with one of her thumbs dried some tears from Spencer’s face.
"But I still have beautiful eyes ... don't I?" Spencer said trying to joke.
"Of course you do. But when something makes you wander in those dark places you went through, that dark look returns and doesn’t allow anyone to know what you are thinking…”
"Maybe one day that look it will go away... or maybe it won't... do you think this will ever happen?". Spencer's question seemed almost rhetorical to himself but it came out of his mouth anyway.
"I know you’ll do your best to recover yourself... and ... I’ll also do my best to help you, of course, if you leave me..." said Max approaching to give him a kiss. Spencer took her cheeks and leaned in close enough for their lips to meet. It was a long, soft kiss. Max pulled away and took his hand again.
"Now look around you..." she said pointing to the location where they were. Spencer did it without understand why he had to. “You deserve to appreciate all of this, enjoy every second of your life. If you had let yourself die you wouldn’t have this opportunity. Everything around you is something you can be grateful for every day you wake up. Your mom, your job, your friends... you earned it Spencer, you deserve it and you deserve much more in this life. Don't let it go away through things you can do nothing about” said Max, squeezing his hand. Spencer said nothing, just nodded and returned a smile, also squeezing her hand in return.
Would Max be right? Reid thought good things were not meant for him and it was rare he could feel he 'deserved' better things in life. He was simply used to not having them. But here was this woman reassuring him to seek for something better, to leave the past as such and stop for a second to look at things he had and not the ones he had lost.
They were sitting on the bench, holding each other in silence, watching their surroundings. Max didn't want to say anything, she knew Spencer's brain was working 1000% of its capacity at the time. She conformed feeling him breathe more easier and feeling one of his hands caress her hair every so often. When he was ready, Spencer spoke again.
"Thank you..." he said, kissing the top of her head. For Max it was enough. His inner world had a constant battle of who knows how much more burden he had to bear. Perhaps this was the tip of the iceberg, but at least she believed behind all it there was a wonderful man who was worth any effort.
"Thank you… for trusting me. I know how difficult this can be, especially if you've been through so much…” Max said. Spencer nodded. He got up from the bench and offered his hand to Max.
"Shall we walk?... I think it's coffee time..." Spencer said with a small smile. Max nodded and took his hand to get up. They began to walk and stopped a few meters away in a coffee truck. They got two coffees and continued walking in silence for a while. Spencer started to speak in a moment.
"I don't know how this is going to sound like, but ... I think I need to tell you something..." Max glanced at him. They kept walking in slow pace.
"Tell me what...?" Max asked.
"Ok, uhm... I've thought about this for weeks. I know I shouldn't. I've already been told with enervation I shouldn't think about things so much... but I can't help it. I ... well, since the little time we have known each other, have felt very comfortable with you, and believe me this happens to me, to say, almost never. I know my social skills are limited, although I have improved them over time. As well as my confidence... I think. What I mean is I wish we could continue to make progress on this. And I wanted you to know, just in case my signals weren't clear enough. Sometimes I don't know if I’m very subtle for some things. And by moving forward I don't just mean getting the physical stage... although yes! I'm interested on it, a lot… really a lot… but it's not the only thing, I promise…”. Spencer paused for a moment. "I know, I'm already rambling again...". Max couldn't help but laugh. They both stopped walking and Max seek out his face.
"Hey, it’s not necessary say it. If you don't want to say anything, that's fine, you don't have to. And if it helps I have also thought, I don't know if as profusely as you... but I think my conclusion is same yours. I really like you Spencer and that's beyond knowing how wonderful you are as a person. I want to continue to know you and be part of your world, just as I would hope you wanted to be part of mine”. Max rose over her feet and searching his lips gave him a soft kiss. Spencer let out a sigh. They both smiled. After a few seconds of silence, Spencer spoke again.
"You are clearly much better at expressing these kind of things than me..." Max started laughing as Spencer took a sip of his coffee.
"I just want you to relax. We both deserve to enjoy ‘this’ and I would not feel comfortable knowing there are things complicating you or you don’t know how to tell me" said Max. Spencer nodded as they started walking again. After a silent moment walking, Spencer glanced Max.
"Max? Would you mind if we went to my place now? There is something I would like to show you” Max looked at him curiously.
"Now?" Max asked. Spencer nodded. "Okay. We can do that…".
"Perfect". Spencer, without hiding his smile, hold her hand again and they walked out of the park.
When they got to the apartment, Spencer pulled out his key, unlocked the handle, and opened the door.
"Please, come in..." He gestured for her to get in first.
“Wow. I haven't been here since…” Max said. Spencer interrupted her.
"That night…"
"Yeah... that night" said Max looking more closely the place.
"If you're uncomfortable just we can..." Spencer said thinking Max might not want to be there.
"No no no. You live here and if you can do it, me too. This time I’ll make sure to examine everything in exhaustive way” she said laughing.
"Okay. Can I bring you something?" Spencer asked.
"Water would be fine" said Max. As she began to look at the library spotted in one of the walls. "Now I can take a good look at these books... it is an impressive collection I must say..."
"Anyway, it's not as big as you thought it would be..." Spencer said as he handed her a glass of water.
"Right, I think you weren't really underestimating your library..." Max said laughing and taking sips of water. "What do we have here...?" she took an album that was on top of some shelves.
"Photos ..." Spencer said scratching his head.
"May I…?" Max asked before opening it, thinking that maybe Spencer didn't want me to see it.
"Yes, you can. But first I want you to see something else" Spencer's mysterious tone started to worry Max a bit. What was that sudden interest in dragging her into his place? What would he want to show her? When they were on the way, Max thought it was just an excuse to both of them be alone, but now she doubted the real reason for all this.
Spencer quickly made his way to the bedroom and started rummaging things in his travel bag. Max, sat on the sofa, could only hear the noise of things moving from one place to another, but without deciphering much more. When Spencer poked his head out of his bedroom he saw Max follow him with her eyes and visible curiosity.
"Come on, close your eyes. It's a surprise” said Spencer enthusiastic like a child.
"Are you kidding?". Max asked with more curiosity than ever.
"Nope. Come on, close your eyes!”. Reid instructed.
"Ok ... ok. Eyes closed” Max said, letting out a nervous laugh. Spencer reached over and placed a rectangular package perfectly wrapped on her lap.
"Ok. Now you can open your eyes". Max looked in her lap and saw the wrapped package.
"A gift Spencer? Why...?". Max was confused.
"Open it". Reid stood in front of Max as she tried to pull out the wrapper and find out what was hidden underneath it. She noticed it was a book, but still couldn't see the cover. When she managed to remove all the wrapper, her eyes widened and without realizing it, her face went from curiosity to amazement and ending in happiness.
"Spencer!, how the hell did you know...?"
"Let's say with some evidence I was able to collect from your apartment and from the things we've talked about, I thought you might like it..."
"If would like it me? I wanted it so badly since I found out it had been published!" Max said as she tentatively flipped through a few pages.
The book Max was holding in her hands was a publication by Kassia St. Clair called "Secret Lives Of Color" which delves into the history of more than 70 colors and tones historically used in painting. In Spencer's opinion, this book is a good combination of art, history and science.
"I didn't know if to give it to you now or wait... I didn’t know. But anyway when I saw it I thought of you and decided to buy it, although without a clear idea of when hand it to you. So… why not now?” Spencer said with a shrug. Without warning Max got up from the couch and caught Spencer in a warm hug.
"It's perfect!... thank you so much. You didn’t have to do it". Max rose to her feet and wrapped her arms around Reid's neck as she joined her lips to his. Spencer returned the kiss taking her by the waist and sticking her as close as possible to his body. He parted slightly just to speak.
"So you now know you have me thinking about you many times in the day..." he said in a soft voice and almost in a whisper. Max blushed a little.
"You flatter me Dr. Reid" Max said also whispering in his ear. Spencer smiled and with one of his hands began brushing Max's hair while his eyes were riveted on hers and on her face which was still lit with emotion. In his head he couldn't get the idea this small-bodied woman had him crazy, and every time he felt needed to be close to her, to feel her, to listen to her, to smell her. Was he getting crazy? Is what they call infatuation? Is it something else? Again his head returned to trigger thoughts and trace mental routes of what could happen. He forced himself to suspend those thoughts. Reid decided to focus on the happiness of seeing Max's smile. That was enough for him in that minute. After a few seconds contemplating her opened his mouth to speak.
"Do you still want to see the album? I can give you a brief tour of those old photos if you want..." said Reid smiling.
"Yes, I would love to". They both sat on the couch. Spencer handed her the album and she started leafing through it, while Spencer related the story of each of the photographs pasted in the book. Max was laughing at Spencer's childhood photos. She saw a picture of his young mom.
"Your mom? ... she's so beautiful ..." Max declared.
"She is, of course, she was younger on this one..." Spencer said looking at her mother's photo. “She is truly a wonderful woman… she has taught me a lot. Sure she would like you…”. Max smiled at the compliment.
"Surely you inherited that genius brain from her..." said Max. Reid laughed.
"And a few other things, for sure… like the stubbornness..." Spencer said looking at Max who was distracted for a second by the intensity with which Spencer's eyes stared her. Then she went back over the album.
"And this is you? How old were you here...?" Max asked pointing to another photo on that same page.
"About 7 years old. I was already in the middle of the school phase… the pissed face says it all…” Spencer said huffing.
"You look adorable... and this one?" Max said pointing to another photograph from the album.
“This is a recreation my mom did a time I tried to walk on the fence of my house… swinging with a broomstick. My mom told me a few years ago this mark on my arm was the result of my boldness… you will understand the result of that feat was not what I expected”. Spencer laughed as he showed Max his right arm and pointed a scar. Max smiled and without notice took his arm, brought it to her lips and pressed a long, soft kiss to his scar. The contact of her lips with his skin sent an electrifying sensation all over Spencer's body, who fixed his gaze on her eyes and smiled.
With the same arm he held Max's wrist. With his free hand he took her chin and moved close enough to feel her breathing, closing his eyes and began to kiss her. She answered this warm kiss putting her own hand on his. The kiss grew more intense and urgent as the seconds ticked by, and it made Max stop paying attention to the album, which Spencer, without opening his eyes or stopping kissing her, took and left on the coffee table. Max squeeze Spencer's shoulders as they continued to kiss. Max stepped back a bit so she could breathe.
"You're... very intense today..." she said as she fondled his hair and looked at him almost without blinking.
"Sorry. I can't help it with you" Spencer said throwing himself at her lips again. And so, lying on the couch they developed an extensive make out session. After another moment where they both needed to breathe, Max spoke again.
"You're making me difficult go home..." Max whispered.
"Maybe... you just could..." said Spencer sinking his mouth into Max's neck who voiced a moan.
"Could…what?" Max tried to ask.
"Could you stay... a little longer" Reid said trying to catch her lips again.
"Spencer..." Max said, letting out another groan as she played with his tie with one of her hands.
"Max... please, stay...". Not wanting to think too much about what he was doing, he dared to explore with his hands Max's back under her t-shirt. He could feel her bare skin with his fingers. The sensation made Max escaped a gasp. She thought about putting her will back together and declining Reid's obvious invitation, but her body was reacting completely in the opposite way. With her hands began to loosen Spencer's tie and play with the buttons on his shirt. If this was the moment, she wasn't going to back down this time. Spencer was already determined too. He had taken the plunge and none of them had declared second thoughts about it. He wanted to have her right now, right there.
The sound of Spencer's phone ended up burying anything could keep moving forward at this moment. Spencer snorted at the sound. "Sorry... so sorry, give me a second... it sure is nothing". He looked the caller ID saw it was Prentiss. He got up from the couch whining and answered the phone. "Hello. What is it?... now? Are you sure?... Ok. Okay. Yes, I know… I understand. I will arrive as soon as I can...”. Spencer hang up and stared Max with the biggest disappointed look she'd ever seen on him before. "We have a case". Max covered her mouth with one of her hands as starting a nervous laugh.
"Ok then... well, I think we should put this on hold for now..." Max said as she adjusted her clothes.
"I'm truly sorry…". Spencer sat back down on the couch to take Max's face and look her in the eye. "I hate having to leave this… like this ... I'm sorry I killed the mood ..." Reid said as he buried his face in Max’s shoulder.
“It’s ok  Spencer. Just I hate you because I will need take a cold shower when I get to my place” said Max joking. Spencer smiled. "Oh, and you should also notify ‘your friend’ he’ll have to wait" Max said pointing to his visible erection. Spencer blushed looking at his slacks.
"Yeah… I think my heart is still pumping too much blood to that place..." Spencer said with a shy smirk. Max got up from the couch to pick her belongings.
"I can take you to your place before I go to the BAU..." Spencer offered.
"No. It's okay. I’ll pick a taxi. Also you must hurry, it seemed something urgent. Just keep me posted, ok?” Spencer nodded.
Before leaving, Max approached Reid, lift up a bit and gave him a passionate kiss. When she pulled away from him, she whispered into his ear. “When we come back on this, trust me, it will be totally worth the wait. I will make it worth every second, so get ready handsome”. Spencer shuddered with Max’s words as he watched her disappear down the stairs.
“I’m going to kill you Emily…” he told himself adjusting his clothes, grabbing his blazer and going out the apartment.
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noonawriter · 4 years
Delicious Rendezvous Chapter 7
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WARNINGS: Bodily harm threats, mention of narcotics, smut, cursing, alcohol consumption, Heechul feels a lot more than he actually realizes
Throbbing throughout your body was the first thing you noted. It was hard to pinpoint just where the pain began, where it stopped, but knowing that you felt it was a good sign. You were still alive.
Eyelids heavy, you tried to open them slowly; bright lights shining down made it next to impossible to see clearly. You attempted to turn your head to the right, just to get a sense of where you were or what was going on. Then you heard him.
“Ahh, I see you’re back among the land of the living. Just in time, too.” Claude’s sharp voice sent a chill through your body. It made you shrink back, but not anywhere near as far as you’d have hoped. A quick tug to your wrists gave you the tinge of clarity you needed. You were strapped down onto some sort of table. At least he’d had some sort of humanity to leave something soft under your head.
You groaned, trying to find some sort of relief and adjust. “Please, I’m begging you, le…”
Claude hummed sarcastically, as through he was enjoying every moment. “Are you?” he drawled, clearly excited. “If you were begging, you’d be on your knees.”
Your eyes cut to him quickly, mouth opening to hurl insults and swears his way when his hand clamped down, muffling you effectively. “Nice try, but you, my dear, are going to listen to what I have to say. You may not enjoy it, but I am quite through with playing nice.” The sinister look that settled upon his face had you recoiling as much as your straps would let you. The way his hand moved to gently caress your cheek made you want to retch, and the loving look that took over his face gave him a psychotic-looking aura.
Claude begins to murmur to himself as he turns away from your immobile form. You can hear metal hitting against metal as he moves items around. “You should have just said yes. No one has ever turned me down.” He turns back to you with some type of syringe in his hands. You see him push the plunger, fluid coming from the rather larger bore needle that sits threateningly atop it.
Shivering at the surprisingly gentle touch he is using, you can tell he’s about to inject you with some unknown substance. Whether it’s poison or narcotics, you cannot afford to be under his spell. Your brain whirs as you try to pull some magic from the reserve you keep closed off, in case of emergencies. It shocks you to find that he hasn’t placed any magical dampeners on wherever you are. If you can just hold on a bit longer, the perfect time will happen and you can bust your way out of here. But for now, you need to keep him occupied and keep that syringe away from your neck.
You cleared your throat, mustering up the strongest voice you can manage in this situation. “This isn’t the way to make anyone love you.”
Claude stops short, taken aback by how unaffected you sound. “Love?” He laughed at that, fondly even, as he looked down at you with heat in his eyes. “My sweet plaything, this isn’t about love.”
“You haven’t forced yourself on me. You haven’t even touched me until now.” You swallowed, forcing yourself to maintain that steadiness. “And even then, it was as though you think I’m made of glass.”
He smiled, utterly sure of himself, “I’m patiently waiting for you to ask nicely.” He leaned down to murmur right into your ear, “And you will ask nicely.” He looked away for a moment - gone was the tenderness. “Him and his damned predictions, trying to turn everyone against me. But now that I have you, all the power lies in my hands.” His muttered rant continued as he stared off into the distance. “He’s been a thorn in my sides for more decades than I care to count. Now that I have the opportunity to take him out? It’s a win-win situation.”
You struggle against your bonds as he comes closer to you with the menacing shot in his hands. He looks you up and down and smiles, creepily, evilly, knowingly. There is something darker, more menacing behind his eyes and you aren’t sure you want to stick around and find out what he’s on about. He gets down in your face, lips dangerously close to yours. 
Claude took in a deep breath, nosing down to your ear. “You will love me eventually.” Once his hands make contact with your skin, it flashes through your mind like a highlight reel, all the plans he has for you, the chaos he plans to create where Heechul is concerned. What frightens you the most is that he sees you standing beside him, a lifeless smile plastered across your face while he hurts those you’ve come to know and quite possibly love.
Before his lips can touch yours, a blinding light surges through your body, feeling like a dam has broken and all its water is surging forward with nowhere else to go. You’re hurtling through some unknown space, lights making it so you can’t see. Somewhere deep in the back of your mind, the only image you can see is Claude flying through the air and landing far away. You can tell you are no longer in that sadistic opulent room.
Jagged concrete digging into your palms is the first thing you notice when everything goes still. Dampness begins to encompass your overheated body. Taking in deep breaths as you struggled to sit up, your body sagged and fought for you to be still. “Need...” You rasp as you try to get up again, head swimming. Shaking your head to clear it seems pointless. You manage to crack open one eye and see a city street before you, street lamps dark and fog settling around you. “Got to get ba-”. The sentence doesn’t get completed because as you finally stand to search for the club, you feel yourself falling down, though you don’t land on the harsh concrete. A strong pair of leather-clad arms caught you securely as the darkness welcomed you into its cool embrace.
Siwon was the first to notice the dark lump on the sidewalk. An unknown force was pulling him towards it, telling him to check it out. Once he caught your scent, he moved in carefully, cautious because something didn’t feel right. He caught you on the second sway, carefully cradling your body close to his, damning his cold nature. “Master!” He cried out.
He didn’t need to yell too loud. Heechul was right on his heels the moment he felt your energy reappear in his area. His eyes searched your face, his sweep surely noting the pallor of your usually tanned skin. You felt drained of blood, of everything. He noticed a few small pin pricks along your carotid and fumed. He saw how your sluggish eyes struggled to open as he took your frail form into his own arms. “Shhhh. It’s me.”
It didn’t register. Not at first. You fought with what little energy remained in your body. He tightened his hold, pulling your head into his chest and squeezing your shaking body gently. “It’s me! Calm down. You’re safe.”
A quick kiss pressed to your forehead, then he teleported you both into his chambers.
Once Heechul had you settled, he began to mentally bark out orders. They were so loud; he wasn’t taking care to direct them. Though you could hear it, your comprehension still drifted in and out, sluggish, the words jumbling, crashing into each other. He sent word for Jongwoon and called for some water. So loud. But then so gently, he clutched your hand with his eyes closed, muttering to himself. His grip tightened. Your lips were moving but he couldn’t hear what you were saying - if you even knew yourself. He lowered his head enough to barely catch your whimpered ‘don’t leave’. His little gasp meant he must’ve heard you.
A feedback loop seemed to have formed between you and him, its switch stuck in the on position. If one of you was supposed to do something about that, it clearly wasn’t going to happen. His skin felt so nice where it touched yours.
The doctor showed up moments after Heechul had reassured you that he wasn’t going anywhere. He sat quietly by your side, thumb running across the back of your knuckles softly. Muting out Jongwoon, he zoned out; more quietly thinking of all the ways he can exact revenge for what happened to you, like a low muttering beneath your own muddled thoughts. Claude was going to pay for taking you right from under his nose. That much, you agreed with. Heechul still couldn’t wrap his head around how it all went down. An elegant plan: create chaos, misdirect attention and extract the real target while the distractions play themselves out.
That bastard didn't care how any of it went because he didn't have to.
He was brought out of his moment when he heard you clear your throat. Turning towards the weakened sound of your voice, his eyes lit up, knowing things were sort of alright. You struggled swallowing, wincing each time. He grabbed the cup from the side table, assisting you to sit up and drink some more.
“You don’t have to say anything right now. Just rest.” Heechul’s words shot out rapidfire, so fast they nearly tripped over each other. Caught off guard by your giggles, his eyes go wide. He’s not used to someone taking him lightly like this. His mouth opens and closes several times, unsure what to say, what to do.
He felt you grip his hand tighter to bring him out of his head. “Heechul, stop trying so hard.” A flush of embarrassment threatens to rush to his face as you continue, the curling in dread of it mirroring itself in your chest, yet not yours. “This is weird, even for you.” The energy you put off hits him like a freight train. You’re still terrified and now he can see it in your eyes, reflected in pulses coming off of him.
Eyes boring into each other, he breaks the silence first. “I can see it in your eyes. The panic. What’s gotten you so scared?” 
He watches as your eyes divert to the other side of the room. The frazzled energy you were giving off earlier grows even greater. “Claude got me because of chaos”, you whisper. “Who’s to say he won’t do it again?”
“Look at me.” Heechul’s command leaves no room for argument. His tone sounded firm even though he was still shaken on the inside. “I have an idea, but, you need to rest first.”
He goes to leave, but a quick squeeze to his hand was how you told him you wanted him to stay by your side. Being left alone was the last thing you wanted right now. He slipped off his shoes, removed his suit vest and settled in beside you, hand still clasped firmly with yours.
“Alyssa, we need to re-do the ritual.” Heechul says matter-of-factly. It’s glaringly obvious that it wasn’t enough last time but he knows he didn’t go all out either. “I know you aren’t up to it right now. And that’s okay.” His last few words were hesitant. The sooner they pull this off, the better protected she’ll be and the better he’ll feel. 
He lays beside her, arm draped across her waist as he breathes in the comforting scent that she gives off. She’s awake but not talking. He can feel her processing his words, trying to decide if she’s ready for that level of commitment. He’d had her research sex magic a bit more since their last rendezvous in this same bed. He wanted her to be aware of her options, of what she would be signing up for should any of it be required. Admitting that it was more of a necessity than he'd impressed upon her was... a matter he had thought he would have more time to prepare for.
She sighs deeply. “I’m ready. I don’t ever want to experience that again.” A visible shudder rolls through Alyssa’s body that causes her to grind on him, given their current positions. He bites back a moan, but she feels the catch in his breathing. She arched her back in his hold, ass on his nether regions as she whispers, “Tell me what to do.”
His hands gripped her hips tightly as his lips trail down the cusp of her ear to her jaw line, leaving behind open-mouthed kisses. “This is going to be more intense than last time.” One of his hands slipped away from her hips, fingertips trailing up to her breasts where he kneads the clothed mound gently. “We must connect at a deep level,” he groaned out. “I know just how to achieve that.”
He’d smirked when he said it, but the edifice of his confidence, in truth, felt fragile.
Heechul rolled the two of them so he was laid comfortably on the bed and Alyssa was straddling his hips, her throbbing sex lined up perfectly with his hardening crotch. “The truth is, I... have a predilection for, well-” Embarrassment was a feeling nearly forgotten from how very much time had passed since it had last visited him. This wonder atop him, oh, how she has brought out so much that had long been buried! “I enjoy being moderately restrained,” he whispered at last as he produced a golden, corded rope from under the pillow. She bit her lip and ground down on him, making them both cry out; his groan deep and raspy, hers high and wanton. 
She gathered his wrists together, securing them to the post at the head of the bed. She begins to litter kisses down his jaw to his collarbone, paying particular attention to the pulse point that had him shivering. He tried to continue. “The protection will be much more powerful this w-” He visibly swallowed. A nip to his skin had him stuttering while Alyssa continually ground down. “Fuck. Th-this way, our powers will combine better, but yours will be more in control, as will you.” He jerked his hips up to emphasize that last point.
She whined out and caught herself before she could fall completely on him. She found his lips and kissed him passionately. He returned the kiss with just as much fervor, tongue swiping at hers, asking for entrance. As their tongues clashed, her hands roamed to his belt, fighting to get it undone just enough. She paused their makeout session as she gestured for Heechul to lift his hips. 
“God, you’re eager.” He moaned as she worked diligently getting his throbbing member free and stripped down herself. 
Alyssa smirked back at him. “And you’re not?” Her hands on her hips, eyebrow cocked up as she stared at him. The feedback loop snapped back on, the circuit complete once more, his every thought and feeling hers and the same returning to him. They were completely open to each other, as though they were one person sharing two bodies. He surrendered to it, to being overpowered with her thoughts, her feelings, her very being.
It reverberated through him, She couldn’t deny how turned on she was right now. How she’d never been in control like this, and the power trip she was currently experiencing was otherworldly. The pre-cum dripping from his reddening tip was enticing her. She crawled back up his legs, placing a kiss to the slit, carefully watching him writhe in his bonds. It was exquisite agony. Deciding to play with him a bit, she took his hot length into her mouth, carefully sliding it all the way to the back of her throat. 
Heechul convulsed on the spot and pleaded, “Let, let me finish!” She popped off, a trail of saliva still connecting her lips to his member. When she stared at him through the tendrils of hair that covered his face, he wanted to cum right on the spot. “You are in control,” he said, knowing its truth. “This is what we’re focusing on this time.” His wholly unnecessary breaths nonetheless grew rapid; he couldn’t discern what was whose anymore. “You can decide what magic comes through and what doesn’t.” He watches as she wipes her mouth off with the back of her hand and moves to line her entrance up as she takes him into her hands. “It will draw from- your power- hngh!”
He bit his lower lip as she eases down onto him, her velvet walls sucking him in, fitting him like a glove. She moaned out so loudly that he knew someone would hear them, but she felt so good like this, he couldn’t bring himself to care. As she set the pace, her hands found purchase on his chest. She leaned in, kissing him deeply to try and mute herself.
He closed his eyes, allowing their magic to combine in this moment, the very last barrier falling, him alongside it. 
His fingertips traced random patterns along her naked thigh as he watched her slumber deeply, content to allow her this moment of peace. She deserved at least that. From the simple yet intoxicating scent he was breathing in from her to the comfortable weight of her legs entwined with his own, Heechul felt something deep in his soul - something he’d thought to be lost. 
He quickly but gently adjusted his hold on her, smirking when she subconsciously fit yourself against him again, like a puzzle piece. From this angle, he noticed the reddening around her wrists had begun to fade. Anger surged to the forefront of his mind. How dare he mark her body like that, like he owned her. 
That thought hit him like a freight train.
The idea of someone else having any claim to her was not as foreign of a concept as he initially thought it was when the two of them first met. She was just a side project that would, in time and with some luck, become a full-fledged member of his menagerie. How had she managed to break through every single wall he’d manage to build up in the past few centuries? 
He considered all the possibilities until he heard the door creak open. He shifted slightly, pulling more cover over the both of them and closed his eyes to appear asleep. However, that familiar scent gave the intruder away. Heechul heard a gasp once his bartender fully realized what he was seeing. He silently chuckled, opting to send the comical man a telepathic message instead of disturbing Alyssa.
‘Let me find out you breathed any one word of this to any of the brothers.’ He could physically feel the way Shindong gulped, almost seeing the way he was trying to not trip over his own two feet to vacate Heechul’s bedroom. He pulled her closer, heart warming slightly as she relaxed further into his hold. Work had to be done, but... Now was not the time.
After helping Alyssa get to the shower and making sure her strength had returned, Heechul contemplated returning to his office. His mind was running rampantly, deconstructing what had happened, how they’d made it through his barriers. So lost in thought, he didn’t even notice how red Shindong had gone in the face when he walked past. Muttering voices hushed as he passed but he paid them no mind.
Safely ensconced in his office, he went to his private stash to pour a stiff drink. Several of the bottles were a personal collection and every bottle had a story behind it. He recalled who was with him when he gained a particular bottle. A special occasion indeed. A small smile stole over his face at the memory of how it was a group effort, but his brothers knew what it meant to him.
A second after he picked up his drink, he put it right back down to pace without having taken a sip. “Of course! My mistake is so obvious now. Trying to topple them by myself is a fool’s errand.” He tried to rest for a moment on a soft chaise lounge at one end of the room, but sprung right back up, shaking his head before going back to pacing. “I must choose my first prospective ally wisely..."
He cleared his throat, taking a large swig of his beverage. “Siwon.” Nothing more needed to be said. The calm, commanding aura of his clan’s leader surged behind him. “It’s time for a meeting. But first, we need to talk.”
Author’s Note: This one took a bit more time that I planned for. Life just wasn’t allowing for creativity for a few days. But no fear because the story is back and still chugging along! Lots of credit still goes to @thesirenandtheking for the immaculate help. Couldn’t do this without you.
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krizaland · 4 years
My request was if the reader got lost in the Zimzone or something, and Palindrome found them and helped them get back to their home dimension or something and took him with them
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I’ll admit, I got a little too carried away with this one and it got pretty long. So this will be a chapter fic!
You’ve been wandering around the Zimvoid for what felt like weeks! You honestly had no idea how you even ended up in this strange Zim-filled hellhole in first place!
All you could remember was waking up in a pile of cold, yellow dust and the sounds of several Zims screaming in the distance.
Your head was still spinning just thinking about how all these versions of Zim ended up in one place.
Everything was so confusing you decided it was best not to think too hard about it and focus on finding a way home.
You spent your time stealing ration cubes and avoiding the vengeful eyes of any Zim guards roaming the streets.
However, time was beginning to take it’s toll on you and you were slowly feeling fatigued.
You let out a tired sigh and decided to sit down to rest your aching feet.
However your moment of relaxation didn’t last long, for two guards had finally caught you!
The head guard stared at you incredulously.
“What the- How did a FILTHY human make it all the way into the Zimvoid?!”
“I was asking myself the same thing!” You admitted as you sprung to your feet.
“What do you think we should do with this…human, 501?” His partner asked as his ruby eyes narrowed.
501 hummed for a moment as he stroked his chin thoughtfully.
“You could just let me go….or maybe help me get back home if you’re feeling generous?” You squeaked as you tried to smile as sweetly as possible.
“Ha! Foolish human! There is no way ‘back home’! In case your inferior human eyes haven’t noticed, all tech has been rendered obsolete! None of us can leave even if we wanted to!” 501 scoffed.
“And I really want to leave,” The other guard added.
“No one asked you, 653!” 501 snapped.
“Wait! All tech has been rendered obsolete?” You parroted as you tilted your head in confusion.
“Yes! I literally just said that!” 501 growled as he pinched his forehead.
“But what if-”
“CEASE YOUR MOUTH FLAPPING, STINK-BEAST! Let’s take this human to the dungeon until we can figure out what we’re gonna do with them!” 501 interjected as he tightened his grip on his spear.
You tried to back away once more but all you felt was cold stone thumping against your back.
A gasp escaped your throat as the guards began to close in on you!
“No! Get away from me!” You screamed as you felt your heart thump rapidly in your chest.
“Feeble human! You’re making this too-ACK!”
501 was cut off by 2k slamming his foot into his face.
“Aha! Not so fast inferior Zims!”
“Go back crying to Number 1, traitors!” Palindrome commanded dramatically as he head butted 653.
The impact of Palindrome’s bowl slamming into his face, sent 653 flying head first into the ground.
501 rubbed his cheek and let out a low growl.
“GRARGH! You two again! Prepared to be pummeled into the ground like a stampede of rabid cattle!”
And with that, 501 let out a war cry and lunged at 2k.
2k let out a yelp as he just barely avoided the tip of 501’s spear.
501’s face slammed into a nearby wall.
A groan escaped his throat before sliding to the ground.
“2k! Are you ok……” Palindrome trailed off as his eyes fell upon you.
Despite the terrified expression plastered on your face, you were stunning!
Your skin was so radiant and your eyes twinkled with stardust! Even the way you were standing just made you seem so elegant!
For a moment, Palindrome could’ve sworn you were a mermaid of some sort!
Palindrome’s PAK sparked a bit as his face begun to heat up.
“Palindrome~ Palindrome~”
Palindrome could’ve sworn you were calling out to him! It wasn’t long face grew so hot that his helmet practically turned into a jacuzzi!
“Palindrome! Palindrome! Helloooo!”
The sound of 2k’s impatient voice woke Palindrome from his trance.
He let out a startled yelp as he shook away the bubbles in is helmet.
“Are you ok? Your helmet got all…bubbly,” 2k asked sympathetically.
“Wha? Oh! Oh yes! I’m fine! Palindrome is fine!” Palindrome stuttered as he cleared his throat.
“Oh-kaay… Anyhow, we’ve got a…problem.” 2k whispered as he gestured to you.
You swallowed hard as a shudder ran down your spine.
“Oh! Right! Hey human! What are you doing here?!” Palindrome demanded as he turned his attention back to you.
“And more importantly, how did you end up here?!” 2k chimed in.
“I’ve been asking myself the same things! All I remember is waking up on the ground and being surrounded by Zims!” You groaned as you buried your face into your hands.
“Geez. So you really don’t know how you got here?” Palindrome’s face fell a bit.
“No! I don’t know how I got here! I just want to go home!” You wailed as a few tears trickled through your fingers.
Palindrome and 2k exchanged confused glances as you continued to sob.
Palindrome didn’t know why, but watching you cry made him feel like he was stabbed in the chest!
“Ugh. The human’s crying is making me uncomfortable! How do we make it stop?!” 2k groaned as he covered his antennas.
Palindrome hummed for a moment before snapping his fingers.
“Let’s take the human back to the Elder!”
2k’s eyes nearly burst out of his goggles.
“WHAT?! YOU WANT TO INVITE A HUMAN TO OUR REBEL BASE?! HAVE YOU THE BRAIN WORMS?!” 2k screamed as he tugged on Palindrome’s shirt.
“Look, I know it seems crazy but the human wants to go home just as much as we do! They could be useful!” Palindrome huffed as he peeled 2k off of him.
2k looked over at you for a moment.
You were still sobbing and didn’t really seem like much of a threat.
“Fine. Very well.” 2k huffed as he folded his arms.
And with that, Palindrome trotted back over to you.
“Hey human! If you want to go home then you better come with us!”
“Huh?” You sniffled as you slowly peeled your hands off your face.
“You heard me! Come with us if you want to leave this terrible place!” Palindrome announced dramatically.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you dried away your tears.
“Alright then, I guess it’s better than being thrown in a dungeon.”
“Eh?! Those guards wanted to throw you in the DUNGEON?!” 2k yelped.
“2k, are you really surprised? Number 1 is PURE EVIL! Of course he’d throw a random human in his filthy dungeon!” Palindrome sighed as he put his hands on his hips.
“Ok, everyone here keeps talking about that “Number 1’ so can you please tell me what makes him so special?” You grumbled.
“Don’t worry! We’ll take you to see the Elder! He’ll explain everything to you in terms your beautiful- I-I mean human brain can understand!” Palindrome spluttered as he carefully took your hand in his.
“Oh-kaay then…” You decided it was best not to ask any further questions until you meet the ‘Elder’.
“By the way, I don’t believe I caught your name.” Palindrome noted as he gently led you along.
“Oh, it’s Y/N!”
“Y/N….What a beautiful name….” Palindrome let out a dreamy sigh as a few more bubbles formed in his helmet.
“Um…Thanks…I guess.”
Palindrome let out a startled squeak as his pace quickened.
“Anyway, I suppose you should know who we are. I’m called 2k and my partner here is called Palindrome!” 2k announced.
“It’s nice to meet you guys. I gotta say, this beats running from guards.” You chuckled as you tried to keep up with Palindrome.
“Well of course it does! You’re in the presence of a superior Zim!” 2k boasted as he gestured to himself.
“I’m more superior…” Palindrome grumbled under his breath.
“Eh? Did you say something, Palindrome?” 2k asked as he raised an antenna.
“I didn’t say anything.” Palindrome denied as he kept walking.
“Can I just say that you’re pretty cool looking, Palindrome?” You asked with a grin.
“Eh?! You think I look cool?” Palindrome let out a squeak as his face started to heat up again.
“Yeah! You look like a shark or a piranha! Are you from a planet of fish people or something?” You chirped as your eyes lit up.
Palindrome let out a dopey giggle before clearing his throat.
“Oh look! we’re here!”
Sure enough, you had indeed arrived at the Rebel Camp.
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I’m Glad You’re Here.
Newtina Fandom Week - Day 2 (Trials of Life - Injuries, Wounds, and Help) 
This story will also be posted on AO3 here!
The cracking sound of stone hitting bone was a sound that Tina would not soon forget. As she watched from across the street, a man in dark robes flicked his wand at a distracted Newt and sent a large, red brick flying at him. She saw Newt get hit as if it was happening in slow motion, the stone colliding with the side of his head and his body collapsing to the ground. She screamed his name and began running, dodging curses and jumping over fallen bodies, both friend and foe. She could see from several strides away that blood was already trickling steadily from a wide gash at his temple.
"Theseus!" she yelled behind her as she reached Newt and flung herself to the ground. She yanked his bowtie free and reached inside his collar to feel for a pulse. She willed her heart to slow down so that she could feel his pulse instead of her own. Then...there. There it was. He was alive.
"Oh, Mercy Lewis. Yes. Okay." She looked up in the direction where she had last seen Theseus dueling with a dark-haired Grindelwald follower. He was out of sight now and she was on her own. "Newt, you idiot! Oh, what were you thinking?!” She continued her nervous, exasperated mumbling as she looked around her, “Alright, I'm going to get you out of here." She wrapped her arms around his limp torso, hiking him up to rest against her chest. He had passed out as soon as the brick had made contact with his temple.
Now, where were they to go? St. Mungos, the hospital? Was that its name? She didn't know where it was and she would never be able to reach it by apparition. Newt's flat, then. He had most everything she would need for treatment. If she could get him there, they would be okay. She tightened her arms around his body and pictured his front steps, just at the edge of his anti-apparition wards. Her body was surrounded by pressure and then the bright lights and shouting were gone, replaced by a drizzly rain and near silence. It was unnerving.
Tina carefully set Newt's body down on the step before rushing to the door and tapping her wand on his door lock. Thank Merlin he had authorized her on his lock or she wasn't sure how they would have gotten inside. She pushed open the door and began yelling for help.
"Jacob? Jacob!" She heard no response so she ran in further, yelling down through the open door to the basement. "Bunty? Are you here?" It was dark outside, she must have been gone for the day. Jacob must have had to go into work for the evening. She was alone.
"Blast it all," she whispered to herself as she jogged back to Newt who was still lying on the cold, wet cement of his front landing. She waved her wand at his limp body and whispered "Mobilicorpus," guiding him inside and through the entryway door. She looked carefully behind her to make sure nobody had seen her before shutting and locking the door behind her.
Tina guided Newt to the single bed just inside the door and set him down carefully. His head was still bleeding and she knew he probably would have some head trauma. He needed to be awake, but she knew he would be in terrible shape once she woke him up. She decided to gather what she needed first.
With a wave of her wand, Tina summoned dittany, a basin and cloth, a blood replenishing potion, a bottle of Skele-gro, and a nausea relief potion from the basement menagerie. She collected a large bowl from the kitchen and directed everything over to Newt's dresser where it landed lightly on the surface. Tina whispered “Aguamenti” and filled the basin with water from the tip of her wand. She cast a warming charm over it until it was ready to be used.
Now was the moment. Tina dreaded this because she knew he would be in terrible pain, but she had to keep him awake. She had no other way to monitor him. “I’m so sorry, Newt. This is going to hurt.” She pointed her wand at his forehead and said “Rennervate.” Immediately, Newt arched his back and let out a string of curses as he gripped the duvet beneath him with white-knuckled fists.
“Shh, shh, I’ve got you. I know it hurts,” she said above his moans and protests as she pushed down on his shoulders, willing him to calm down. “I need you to stay awake, Newt. Can you do that for me?”
“Oh, Merlin’s bloody beard...what the hell happened?” Newt mumbled as he raised his hand to his head. His fingers came away stained with blood, and as he looked at his hand, he finally registered who was standing above him. “Tina?” She could see him trying to hide the pain from her, his shoulders and facial muscles were tensed and his body was rigid.
“I’m here. I’ve got to get you cleaned up, but I need you to stay with me and talk to me, okay?”
“Okay. Why am I covered in blood?” Newt seemed confused, but he was aware. Tina had to keep him talking as she worked. She grabbed for the basin and cloth and sat down next to him.
“Newt, can you tell me what you remember?” She dipped the cloth into the warm water and began to dab at the gash on the side of his face, wiping the drying blood away before dipping the cloth back into the water. As she neared the injury, Newt winced when she hit the tender flesh where the brick had hit him.
“I was...I was running toward where my brother was fighting, but I saw you across the street,” Newt began before sucking air in through his teeth in a hiss as Tina began to clean the cut on the side of his head. “You were fine and--and Theseus needed help, but then I saw Rosier aim at you.” Tina’s eyes widened, she hadn’t known that she had almost been cursed from afar. “I shot a...stunner at her and got her to go after me instead of you. I--” Newt’s brow wrinkled in pain and confusion, “I don’t...remember much after that. Ahh!” Newt jerked away as Tina dabbed the gash with dittany and it began to smoke as it worked.
“Sorry ...sorry,” Tina said as she held his shoulder down and continued to work, “I know that stings. I should have warned you.”
“I don’t think she’s the one who did this though, right?”
“No,” Tina replied, “this was someone else’s doing. A man, he hit you with a brick.” Newt’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as she revealed the source of his injury. She quickly finished with the dittany and tapped his head with her wand. Bandages erupted from the tip and began wrapping themselves around his head to cover the wound. “Alright, I don’t think that will scar too badly. Your hair covers most of it, thankfully,” Tina said as she stood up to banish the basin of blood-tinged water to the kitchen.
“Tina…” Newt spoke softly, reaching up to grasp her wrist lightly.
“I don’t know how exactly you got me here, and I know it probably wasn’t easy, and just...thank you.”
Tina looked down at Newt on the bed and smiled. She put her free hand on top of his and stroked her fingers over the back of his hand. “You’re welcome. I’m just glad you’re okay. You scared me.”
“So sorry,” Newt said in response, a concerned look crossing his face.
Tina laughed lightly, “It wasn’t your fault! Don’t apologize!” She sat lightly on the edge of the bed, Newt’s hand still resting between her arm and her hand. “Here, let’s see if you can sit up.” As Newt began trying to raise himself up with his free hand, Tina pulled one hand away to rest on his chest. “Whoa there, slowly. You’re going to be dizzy and I don’t need you passing out again. Slow…”
Newt freed his hand and used both to push himself up to a sitting position. “Oh, that does not feel good,” he moaned. Tina thrust a vial in front of him for him to drink.
“Nausea relief. Drink up.”
“Oh, yes. Thank you.” Newt took the vial and swallowed the contents, his face scrunching up in disgust as it passed his lips.
Tina handed him three more vials of various potions before she was satisfied. “Alright,” she said, “here, let me help you.” Tina grabbed couch cushions and pillows to help prop him up on the bed.
“I just want to sleep now,” Newt said drowsily before Tina interrupted him.
“No sleep. Not with a head injury.”
Newt groaned as he leaned his head back to rest on the pillows, the effort causing him to scrunch his brow in pain. “That is a terrible rule,” he quipped.
Tina laughed lightly before settling herself on the edge of the bed. “Tell me a story?” she asked him, ignoring the mess around them for the moment. “Maybe it will help you stay awake.”
“What story would you like to hear? I’m not sure I will be very effective with storytelling at the moment, my brain is a bit broken.” Newt smiled at her and reached tentatively to grasp her hand again, causing Tina to smile as her cheeks reddened slightly.
“Um, how about how you got the Niffler? As much as I feel like I should thank the pest for gaining me a pen pal, I have never heard how you found him.” Tina began to feel herself relax, finally, as Newt ran his thumb over the back of her hand.
As Newt told the story, recalling the several times he had tried and failed to reintroduce the Niffler to the wild, Tina felt content as she listened to him talk about the creatures he loved so much. They were both safe, they would both be okay. Newt’s hand remained solidly in her own. Today they got lucky and she wouldn’t take it for granted.
As Newt reached a natural pause in his story, Tina lifted his hand to her lips, kissing it lightly. Newt froze, locking eyes with her. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” she whispered. Newt looked down at his lap and smiled to himself. He slowly, hesitantly, laced his fingers through hers. “I’m glad you’re here,” he whispered back, smiling to himself.
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basketofverbiage · 5 years
Hold On
This is my first writing post I’ve made. I had this in my head for a while and finally got it out. I have a part two, but it’s still being edited. I am so open to feedback!
Warnings: suicide attempt; hospitals; panic attacks
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
For the past few weeks, Seokjin has known that something is wrong, but has no idea what it is. And without knowing what it is, how the hell is he supposed to fix it? His entire life seems to revolve around the need to take care of the people he loves most, and he can see that Y/n is devastatingly hurt but has no clue how to heal it. It’s like a surgeon trying to operate on a patient in a dark back alley somewhere; he can’t see what’s ruptured, can’t stop the bleeding, and he has this sneaking suspicion that he might lose his patient.
It’s been three solid weeks since he first noticed that something seems to be affecting the woman he loves. She put on a brave face and a faux smile when she knew he was paying attention. But in quiet moments when she thought he was distracted, he could see the darkness wash over her features. He’s tried everything he could think of to draw out what is wrong, comfort her, cheer her up, but nothing has worked and he’s starting to get scared.
It all began on a normal Tuesday afternoon. He was finished with his schedule fairly early in the day and came home to find her sitting in the kitchen floor with her back pressed against the cabinet below the sink, her legs drawn up into her arms and her face hidden in her kneecaps, with dark swirly curls hiding the rest of her features.
“Baby, are you okay?” he called quietly, rushing over to kneel in front of her. Her head snapped up and she smiled the fakest smile he’d ever seen from her.
“Yes, Jinnie. I’m fine. I just haven’t slept well, and just sat down after washing dishes.”
He knew she was lying to him by the darkness swirling in her eyes and the way that the smile didn’t soften the pain in her features, but he decided not to push it. She really hadn’t been sleeping well. More than one night this week he’d woken up in the twilight morning hours to her thrashing about a bit in fitful nightmares, but she’d settle down a bit when he’d pull her in and hum softly into her ear. So, he reiterated to himself that it’s okay not to push it, and that she’d open up once she was ready. He’d scooped her up off the kitchen floor into a tight hug then they’d spent the afternoon curled up in bed with mindless tv shows and drifting in and out of dreams until he started to believe she was okay. She’d laughed at his silly jokes, so Y/n is fine, right?
After that, he noticed that she began sleeping so much more. Sure, she’d had a stressful few months at work with a major project she had been assigned for a high-profile client, but she’d completed that project well and the client had been singing her praises to the heavens. In doing so, she had spent as many sleepless nights slaving away as he had spent missing her beside him in their king-sized bed. It made him wonder how she survived the long months of him being away on tour, lying so tiny in the vast wasteland of a cold, empty bed. Seokjin is not tiny by any means, and without her, he felt so small and vaguely empty in satin sheets, surrounded by so many pillows. And no matter how many extra blankets he added, the bed was so cold without her. So once the project was completed, it made perfect sense that she’d catch up on sleep, right? There is nothing to worry about, right?
Y/n had also pretty obviously stopped eating and cooking. This was driving him insane. The love of cooking and feeding other people is one of the many things that brought them together, and they took turns showing their love to each other with food. She hadn’t baked a single item in three straight weeks. While Seokjin could not bake to save his own life, Y/n baked the most amazing creations and her favorite thing to make was bread. All different varieties of breads from simple, rustic loaves to delicate fruit-filled sweetbreads, she once told him that baking bread made her feel alive. Something about the way the dough responded and how much encouragement it needed to become something from nearly nothing. In fact, in the two full years they had been together, Seokjin had not one time bought a loaf of bread from the store. He forgot that store-bought loaves were even a thing. She kept her own sourdough starter and had to bake at least one loaf a week to keep it growing healthily without it taking over, so he would come home at least one day a week to the slightly sour, yeasty twang of sourdough bread wafting about as two beautiful loaves cooled on a cooling rack. One loaf was always for them at home, and the other for his brothers. Before they shared a home, she would regularly bring her bread experiments over to the dorm and the boys would all ooh and ahh over her creations; Seokjin and Namjoon had had to nearly break up physical fights between the maknaes over who got to eat the last of the loaves on more than one occasion. But it had been two solid weeks since a loaf had been baked in their apartment and he was desperately trying to squelch the worry that was building.
Seokjin realized that he might be out of his element with this. He’d tried everything he knew to do. They’d been on three fancy dates, and he’d sent her a gorgeous bouquet to work. Seokjin bought her the earrings she’d been eyeing subtly when they were shopping for his mom’s birthday present and left them on her pillow one morning when he had to be at an interview at 4 am. He had made love to her slow and sweet on a rainy Sunday afternoon like she loved; it had always been enough to bring her back to him before as he’d remind her of why he loved her both with words and with his body. But not this time. He had told her every joke he could think of, even the worst ones that sounded like they had come off the stick of a melted popsicle. He made her coffee like she liked in the morning, tea in the afternoon, and heady glasses of red wine in the evening. He’d even gone so far as to fly her best friend in for the one weekend he’d had to be away in Japan, knowing that if he couldn’t fix it, she usually could. He had asked if she was okay at least twice a day for more than a week, then given up already when she tried to keep her work mask on all the time and lied straight to his face that she was fine. Y/n was not fine, but he didn’t know what was wrong and nothing he had tried had even made a dent in the darkness, so Seokjin did the only thing he could think of and asked for help to the smartest man he knew.
“Hey, man, you okay?” Namjoon asked when Jin barged into his studio one afternoon without even knocking. The king of manners never forgot something so simple.
“I’m okay, but Y/n is not. I’ve tried everything, and I can’t bring her out of this funk she’s in.”
For the next few minutes, Namjoon asked pointed questions about her behavior and her responses to Seokjin’s attempt at cheering her up. After he had basically verbally vomited all over Namjoon’s lap in RKive for nearly 45 minutes, Namjoon said the most obvious thing.
“Jin-hyung, she sounds depressed. Like seriously, clinically depressed. She has all the classic symptoms. Exhaustion, lack of sleep then sleeping too much, not much energy, disengaging, giving up activities she loves…”
Of course, Namjoon and his sexy brain would identify the thing he’d been seeing wreck the love of his life in practically no time at all. The only thing is that he really didn’t have many solutions other than trying to get her to see a doctor to talk about it. Y/n is stubborn and hates doctors, so convincing her to go would take some doing, but he had an idea of how to go about it. Seokjin thought about it more as he walked down the hallway leaving from Namjoon’s studio and gathered a game plan in his mind. He was done for the day after having recorded all of his parts early in the morning, and it was just now 2:30 in the afternoon. He has time to put things in motion before Y/n should be home from work at 5; if he makes a special dinner for her, then maybe he can soften her heart enough for her to hear him out when he asks her to please either let him in to help or to see a professional. Preferably both if things went well.
Seokjin left the building in a bit of a hurry and drove to the supermarket closest to the apartment. It was a small, family run market that regularly got ingredients in that were difficult to find in other places. Y/n had made friends with the owner’s daughter-in-law as they were from the same home country and had bemoaned how difficult it was to find ingredients for certain dishes, even in a city as big as Seoul. Seokjin planned to make this one soup that Y/n called Comfort Soup that she’d taught him to make; it was the food her mom had made her when she was a child anytime she was sick, hurt, or even just sad, and it brought a piece of her home to her now when she felt homesick. He also wanted to bake a crusty artisan loaf to go with it using the one recipe that Y/n had taught him that he could usually bake without an issue. In fact, Y/n called it the Idiot-Proof Loaf, so surely he wouldn’t screw that up. The best part was that while it took an hour and a half from start to finish, the dough only had to rise once, and finished its growth in the oven instead of multiple risings like most of the breads Y/n made. He rushed in and got all the things he needed, then popped into the florist shop next door for those silly purple roses she loved. His final stop was to a little bakery nearby where their second date had been, and bought chocolate covered strawberries and two beautiful slices of the strawberry cheesecake that they’d shared on that date.
When he finally arrived at their apartment building, Seokjin was relived to see that he’d only used 45 minutes of his precious time and had still had time to bake the bread as long as he did that first. He could make Comfort Soup while the dough rose. After unlocking the apartment door, he kicked off his shoes by the door, then took all his ingredients to the kitchen. He put away the strawberries and cheesecake in the ice box then looked down at his outfit. Even with an apron, he should change so that he isn’t covered in flour and dough.
He didn’t notice it at first. Oh my god, how could he not have noticed? He had walked into the closet to change without turning on the bedroom light, so how could he not have noticed the light filtering under the bathroom door? The light he had turned off before leaving this morning. Y/n had left first since she had an early meeting at the office before he had to be to the recording studio, and there is no reason that she should have already been home. He didn’t see her keys on the hook by the door when he came in or her shoes on the rack where they belonged. Seokjin turned around as he pulled the white t-shirt over his head and stood there perplexed for a few seconds staring at the brightness on the carpet before striding over to open the door and turn off the light.
“Oh my god, Y/n!”
He opened the door to see darkening blood on the white tile of the bathroom floor, and Y/n slumped over against the tub. Her wrist was bleeding in her lap and the shining razor blade was lying beside her on the tile. While the volume of blood was disconcerting, there wasn’t as much as he’d ever thought there would be in a situation like this, so Seokjin knew he might have a chance to save her until he noticed the empty bottle of pills in the sink. Then, came the panic.
Seokjin ripped the hand towel off the drying rack and tied it around her bleeding wrist tight enough to put pressure on the wound while he full-on sprinted to the kitchen for his cell phone. He’d left it lying on the kitchen island when he went to change, and he grabbed it and dialed for an ambulance while running back to her. The dispatcher gathered their address and told him that help was coming, but Seokjin could barely hear her. He was shaking Y/n gently trying to get her to respond. He could just barely hear a pulse when he pressed his ear to her chest and her breathing was so damn shallow it barely grazed his skin when he hovered his hand in front of her face. Oh, god, she’s so pale, he though to himself before hanging up and dropping his phone in the pocket of his sweatpants.
“Y/n, baby, can you hear me? Please wake up, please. I need you to wake up.” He didn’t even realize he was crying until he spoke, just begging her to open her eyes.
He barely registered the banging on the front door as help arrived. He didn’t want to leave her, but he had to, so he ran to the door and flung it open for the paramedics and just left the front door gaping open and ran back to the bathroom. Luckily, they took the hint and followed him back to where Y/n was still limp on the floor. They worked quickly and got her all strapped onto a stretcher and told him that he could ride to the hospital with her.
As an afterthought almost, Seokjin grabbed the empty bottle out of the sink and took it with them. Once they were in the ambulance and the paramedics were doing their jobs, Seokjin finally looked at the bottle and immediately felt worse. The empty bottle had his name on it. It had contained muscle relaxers from a couple of months ago when Seokjin had pulled a muscle in his back overworking himself and the doctor had given them to him to help him relax the muscles around it enough that he could sleep. There had been around 10 pills left in the bottle, and Y/n is so much smaller than him in size. Seokjin didn’t know much about medications but he did remember that they were prescribed taking size into consideration, and for the second time in the last 20 minutes, he realized that she might really die.
“Please, Y/n. Please. Oh God you have to wake up.” Seokjin choked on a sob before he could say anything else.
Seokjin felt like the minutes that had passed since he found her were moving through molasses, thick and slow to drip through the hourglass. The ambulance stopped in front of the hospital and the doors flung open into bright late afternoon sunlight, and this nightmare kept going. The paramedics unloaded the stretcher and Seokjin chased them into the emergency room. He kept following them through two sets of double doors, not hearing any words that were being spoken to him until a nurse physically grabbed him.
“Sir, you can’t go any further. We need space to help her,” she said then guided him into a tiny private waiting room. “Wait here and I’ll come back to update you as soon as I can.” She had just made it to the door when he remembered the bottle that he’d been squeezing.
“Here,” he said shakily. “I found this in the sink when I found her. I know that there were at least 10 left in there.”
The nurse thanked him and left quickly, shutting the door behind her. After several seconds of being attacked by the silence in the room, Seokjin’s legs couldn’t hold him up anymore and he just collapsed. He couldn’t stop crying but found the strength to pull out his phone and called Namjoon.
“Namjoon-ah, I was too late. Oh my god, I was too late,” Seokjin sobbed into the phone.
“Jin-hyung, where are you?”
After hearing that Seokjin was at the hospital, Namjoon told him that they’d all come to him. Seokjin had no concept of the flow of time as he remained crumpled on the floor when all six of his brothers tumbled in the door, and he lost it even more when Jimin and Taehyung both wrapped their arms around him. They held him while he sobbed and told them about what he’d found when he’d opened the bathroom door. After a while, Seokjin felt like his chest was gaping open and all of his internal organs were falling out at once, but the tears slowed down as the panic flooded back in; his chest constricted in terror and anxiety and sharp, wracking pain.
“I can’t breathe. Oh, my god, I can’t breathe,” he gasped out as he looked up and met eyes with Namjoon.
Jimin and Taehyung backed up a little to give him some space as Seokjin started hyperventilating. The edges of his vision were starting to get blurry and almost sparkled a bit as his body seemed to reject every breath he tried to take. He barely registered the sound of the door opening as Yoongi ran out to get help. Seokjin struggled to breathe and tried desperately to cling to consciousness as the panic attack really set in.
An unfamiliar feminine face was in front of him then, encouraging him to focus on the sound of her voice. She spoke softly and calmly to him, but she might as well have been speaking to him in Greek because he couldn’t understand any of her words. For that matter, he could just barely hear her over this loud whooshing sound in his ears. The tone of her voice was soft and forced him to focus on nothing else to try to understand what she was saying, and after a few minutes the whooshing noise quieted down enough to hear her properly and he began to lose some of the tightness in his chest.
“Seokjin-ssi, that’s it. Keep breathing slowly and deeply. You are safe. You are just having a panic attack right now, and that’s understandable. Just keep listening to my voice and keep breathing in…then out…now in again,” she murmured to him.
After she was sure that he was calm and wouldn’t panic again, she turned to the other men in the room and asked them to help Seokjin out of the floor. Jungkook stepped up with Namjoon and they physically lifted him up and into a chair. Seokjin couldn’t help them because his legs had been substituted with lemon jello that hadn’t fully set up yet.
Yoongi held a cup to his lips. “Drink, hyung,” he said softly.
Seokjin sipped obediently a few times until Yoongi was satisfied and sat the cup on a nearby table. Seokjin was shocked when Yoongi wrapped his arms around him. Yoongi rarely initiated physical shows of affection, but he understood this entire scenario in a deeper way than he wanted to admit and he knew exactly what Seokjin needed in this moment.
“Yoongichi, I think this is my fault,” Seokjin whispered into his ear.
“No, Jin-hyung. It is not your fault.”
“But I think it is. I must not have loved her well enough. I wasn’t home enough. The pills she took were mine. If I had gone to Namjoon-ah for help sooner…” Seokjin’s voice cracked and he couldn’t finish the thought.
“It is not your fault. Trust me. Do you not remember where I was emotionally when we met? And how close I came to trying too? Do you remember what I said to you the night you walked in and stopped me?” Yoongi countered gently.
“You said that you didn’t want to weigh us all down and that you’d rather hurt yourself than hurt us. And that everything is all your fault.”
“That’s right,” Yoongi replied with a soft smile. “And what did you say back to me?”
“That just because you feel like it’s your fault doesn’t mean that it is. That leaving us that way would hurt more than any burden you handed us. And to let me be your tether when you needed something to hold you down to the earth.”
“Yes, So, now I get a chance to say part of it back to you. Just because you think this is your fault doesn’t mean it is. You saved her, Jin-hyung. You are the reason she’s still breathing now, just like you are the reason I am still breathing now. Yes, she got a little closer to the fire than we’d like, but she can still come back to us. And when she does, Y/n is going to need a tether on the hard days, yeah?”
Seokjin couldn’t speak at that. He still felt like everything was his fault for not realizing what was happening sooner, but Yoongi was right. He had to stay strong because Y/n needed that right now, so he squeezed Yoongi a little tighter then let go before he started to cry again. Yoongi moved from kneeling in front of him to plant himself in the chair beside him. Now that his panic attack had stopped, Seokjin felt like someone had buried him under the weight of about 100 tons of brick. Everything was so heavy, and he was too tired to try to climb out. He finally looked around the room and took it in for the first time.
The waiting room was small but big enough for all of them. Namjoon was in the corner speaking quietly into the phone, presumably updating their managers on what was happening. Seokjin hadn’t thought to call anyone except Namjoon since Namjoon was the only person he’d spoken with about this. Jungkook was standing by the door with his arms crossed, almost as if he was standing guard over his brothers; his stance portrayed his worry a bit in that his first instinct when one of his hyungs was hurting was to cry with them, then protect them if he could. Hoseok was sitting on a small couch on the left side of the room smashed in between Jimin and Taehyung, both folded into Hobi for security and comfort. Hobi had both boys tucked under his arms and was trying to help them stay calm. Both Jimin and Taehyung were empaths and this scenario had them both on edge from the emotions in the room. Jimin still had tears running down his cheeks from the fear of Seokjin’s panic attack and worry for his friend. Taehyung was staring at Jin with wide eyes, seemingly trying to decide if he was okay and what he should do to help.
“I’m okay, Taehyungie,” Seokjin said softly. “I’m just scared.”
Taehyung got up and moved to sit at Seokjin’s feet and wrapped his arms around Seokjin’s legs. It was a small gesture, but somehow it helped to settle some of the remaining anxiety in the pit of Jin’s stomach, and he knew that the physical contact would help Tae relax a bit.
Time seemed to stop moving. Seokjin had no concept of how long they had been in this room. It could have been seconds, or it could have been 10 years, but not knowing what was happening with Y/n was making him crazy. Just when he thought that he couldn’t handle another minute of this stretching unnerving silence, there was a knock at the door, then the doctor stepped in.
“Kim Seokjin?” he asked.
“That’s me. How is she?” Jin stuttered out.
“She’s still alive, but in critical condition. She had lost quite a lot of blood when you found her. We had to give her three pints just to stabilize her. We also did have to pump her stomach for the pills she had taken. We wouldn’t have known about that if you hadn’t brought the bottle in. Honestly, if you had found her 5 minutes later, the outcome may have been very different. As it is, she’s still very weak and unconscious. Hopefully, she will wake up in the next few days, but we still have to wait and see.”
“Can I see her?” Seokin asked.
“Yes, but just be prepared. Her color is still really pale, and she’s hooked up to quite a few monitors. We have also inserted a ventilation tube to help her with breathing for tonight. We hope to remove it tomorrow morning, but we can take it out sooner if she wakes up before then. It’s not standard, but due to the scenario, you may want to bring someone with you,” the doctor advised then smiled softly. “I really think she will be okay, but I can’t be 100% sure.”
Seokjin looked around the room at each of his brothers, meeting eyes with Yoongi last. “Come with me?” he whispered. Yoongi nodded then stood. Taehyung unwrapped himself from around Seokjin’s legs and allowed the two men to follow the doctor out of the room.
The doctor lead them down a seemingly endless hallway before they arrived at a set of double doors. The doctor waved his name badge in front of a keypad and the doors swung open to another hallway. They walked past 4 doors before the doctor stopped and knocked on a door on the left side then let them in.
“Just let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be in to check on her in a couple of hours,” he told them before leaving and closing the door.
Seokjin watched the door close before he finally looked at Y/n lying in the bed. It was like he was standing in his worst nightmare and couldn’t wake up. She looked so small lying there, and so, so pale. There was an IV coming out of her right arm that connected to a couple of bags of fluid hanging limply from a pole beside the bed. There was a plastic mask over her mouth connected with the ventilator at the bedside, and wires that connected from cathodes on her chest to a large beeping heart monitor on the left side of the bed. At the shock of seeing Y/n like this, his knees almost buckled. He would have hit the floor if Yoongi hadn’t grabbed him. Yoongi guided him over to the chair beside the bed and helped him sit down.
“She almost looks dead, Yoongi. Oh my god…” he whimpered.
Yoongi didn’t say anything, he just grabbed Seokjin’s hand and held it tight. It had been nearly 5 years since the night Seokjin had walked in on him with a knife in his hand standing in the bathtub of their shared bathroom. Seokjin had talked him down that night and 3 more times since. Yoongi can’t help but think that while he has recovered so much, this could have been him at some point, and his chest ached. He hurt for his friend lying in the bed, and he ached for his brother who loved her so much and he was upset with himself for not being able to help either of them. He settled on being as comforting to Seokjin as he possibly could and released his hand just long enough to drag an empty chair up beside him, then grabbing his hand again.
Seokjin gently held Y/n’s hand in his right and Yoongi’s in his left. He tried to take the comfort he got from Yoongi’s hand and pour it into the gentle grip he maintained on Y/n’s hand. Tears were dripping silently down his cheeks as he watched the machine take breaths for her and listened to the beeping of the heart monitor. The heart monitor’s sound was comforting somehow as the steady beating reminded him that every beep was a beat of her heart. Seokjin just sat and stared at her motionless form in the bed, and after a while, the beeping of the heart monitor lulled him to sleep without him realizing he’d drifted off.
A loud frantic alarm went off and Seokjin jarred awake, taking a second to remember where he was and why he was there. When he jerked upright, Yoongi’s head fell off of his shoulder where it had landed and Yoongi woke up too. The heart monitor was beeping loudly and erratically now.
“Oh god, Yoongi get help. Something’s wrong.”
Yoongi ran out into the hallway, and Seokjin could vaguely recognize his voice calling for the nurses to come help. Y/n’s eyes hadn’t opened, but she looked paler than she had been and Seokjin couldn’t help but to panic.
“Y/n, no! Please wake up! You can’t leave me like this,” Jin cried, shaking her gently.
The nurses ran in just before that same alarm that shocked him awake sounded again, and they shoved Seokjin out the door and out of the way to have room to work.
“No, please! I need to be with her! Please! Y/n! Y/N! PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME. PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!” Seokjin started screaming and crying trying to fight off the arms that were holding him back.
Yoongi spun him around to face him then and pulled him into a hug. “Hyung, you have to let them work. You have to let them help her.”
Seokjin felt like he had lost all control and he wasn’t sure he could just stand here when his entire world was behind that closed door dying. At the same time, he didn’t know what he could do to help, and he was so angry that he couldn’t just fix this. Seokjin let Yoongi lead him a few feet away from the door so they wouldn’t be blocking the way if anyone needed to come in or out. After an eternity it seemed, the nurses opened the door and called Seokjin over.
“I’m sorry for shoving you out the door. The alarm you were hearing was the heart rate monitor. Her blood pressure was dropping, and we had to give her a big shot of some medication to correct that. She has stabilized a bit and you can go back in and wait with her if you’d like.”
Seokjin just nodded and walked back in and headed back to his chair at the bedside. Yoongi grabbed his hand and squeezed it for a moment before speaking, “Hyung, I’m going to go update everyone. I know they are all worried about what’s happening. I’ll send someone else to come back with you for a bit so that they can visit Y/n too. They love her too.”
“Okay,” Seokjin whispered. “Would you send Joon-ah?”
“Of course I will.”
After Seokjin heard the door click closed, he took a closer look at Y/n. She was still so pale and looked like she was so breakable. Even through all of that, she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and he couldn’t just sit there by the bedside anymore. He needed to hold her in his arms, so he gently navigated all of the wires and tubes to climb in the bed beside her and wrap his arms around her as gently as he could. The bed was so small, but his entire body relaxed a bit when he was able to feel her beside him. Seokjin kissed her gently on the temple before speaking softly into her ear.  
“Baby, I hope you can hear me. I love you so much. I am so sorry that I didn’t realize what was happening with you sooner. I tried so hard to help in subtle ways and not to force you to open up about what was going wrong. I should have pushed even if we fought. I’d rather live with the knowledge that you are angry with me than for you to not be alive at all. Please. Please, don’t leave me.” Seokjin couldn’t stop himself from sobbing into Y/n’s hair, and he was so exhausted with worry and fear. After a few more minutes, he had cried himself back to sleep.
As Seokjin’s sleep addled brain woke back up a few hours later, he had difficulty remembering where he was, but then he opened his eyes and reality bitch-slapped him in the face. He glanced down to see Y/n still unconscious beside him. He needed to visit the restroom and something to drink. He had cried so much that his entire body felt like it was drying up from the inside out. He slowly sat up and maneuvered out of the bed so that he wouldn’t disconnect any of the vital tubes and wires connected to her and got out of the bed. When he did, he saw Namjoon slumped over asleep in the chair he’d vacated the night before and smiled a bit to himself before slipping into the connected bathroom.
Seokjin stared at himself in the mirror as he washed his hands. While he still was as handsome as he’d ever been, his eyes were swollen and a bit red from crying and sleeping in his contacts. His hair was sticking up everywhere too from sleep, and there was a big brown streak of dried blood across his white tee from where he’d found Y/n. He looked like hell. He splashed some water on his face a bit then came out of the bathroom. As much as he didn’t want to leave her, he wanted to check on the others down the hallway. After exiting the restroom, he sat down beside Namjoon and lightly shook him.
“Namjoon-ah, wake up.”
Namjoon startled awake a bit, looking around to see what was happening. “Wha…What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“No, nothing has changed. I just want to walk down the hall to check on the others and get a cup of coffee. Will you stay with her please? I don’t want her to be alone when she wakes up. I just feel like I’m going to lose my mind if I stay still in this room for another second.”
Namjoon agreed immediately, and Seokjin rose and left the room as quietly as possible. He wondered down the hallway and back to the double doors. There was a sign beside the door that notated a 4-digit code so that he could get back in without a doctor’s name badge upon his return, so he committed that to memory before heading back into the room where he’d left the others. He walked in and saw Yoongi and Hoseok curled up on the sofa, cuddled up together asleep. The maknaes were all three curled up in the floor together using cushions they had removed from the chairs around the room as pillows, but they were all touching. Jungkook was in the middle, with Taehyung draped around him. Taehyung had one arm and one leg thrown across Jungkook, and Jimin was holding his hand. Jimin was lying with his left side pushed against Jungkook’s side and his head tilted so that it touched Jungkook’s shoulder. Seokjin chuckled a bit at the sight, glad that he had these men as his family. At the sound of his laugh, Hoseok looked over at Seokjin where he was standing just inside the door. Hoseok had always been the lightest sleeper of the group, and any sound would disrupt him.
“Hyung?” Hoseok asked, “Is Y/n awake?”
“No, Seokie, she’s not. But I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust from not being able to help her, so I came out to get some coffee.”
“Oh.” Hoseok’s face fell as he learned that Y/n was still not awake. “Sejin-hyung brought you a change of clothes and a toothbrush in the middle of the night. Joonie told him about how you…about your shirt.”
Seokjin found the bag in the corner of the room, so thankful at how much like family their managers were with them. They had always looked after all 7 as if they were their own children, so when something happened to 1 member, it happed to the entire staff too. Seokjin stepped into the small bathroom connected to the waiting room to change and brush his teeth and immediately felt a bit calmer. There had been black sweatpants, a white tee shirt and an oversized blue sweater in the bag. The sweater helped immensely. It was the one that Y/n had stolen to sleep in the other day, so her scent was still woven into the fabric and it helped him to stay calm and hopeful. He stepped out into the waiting room to see that the maknaes were starting to stir a bit.
“Jin-hyung, I’m going to get coffee and breakfast for everyone. Can I bring you something?” Jimin asked.
“Just coffee, Minnie. I don’t think I can stomach the thought of food at the moment. I’m going to head back to Y/n, so just call when you get back and I’ll come out and get the coffee.”
Seokjin then headed back towards Y/n’s room in the intensive care unit. He heard Namjoon screaming for someone to come before he got back through the double doors and his heart nearly exploded in fear. What if she’s crashing again, he thought to himself as he was running down the hall. He nearly collided with Namjoon midway there. Namjoon grabbed both his arms to keep from falling backwards, before he said two words that made Seokjin’s heart flutter from relief.
“She’s awake.”
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Sinister Six: OC!Male Reader x Peter Parker
Part I of II
Warnings: violence, lots and lots of violence, language, some angst, and a little more VIOLENCE. Also potentially awkward writing style. Wrote half of this ten months ago and my writing style/quality shifted during that time. 
Tagging some folks who might be interested: @the-claire-bitch-project @bringmethehorizonandpizza @madmadmilk @all-about-tom @keepingupwiththeparkers
Feel free to ask me about the OC, my POV choice, and tell me what you thought of it!
Description: Peter takes on more than he can handle, and you have to rush to save him
You sat on the couch at Peter and May’s apartment, lazily making out. Date night was going well so far. May was out of town for the weekend and most of the Avengers were off on various missions around the world, leaving you and Peter with an apartment to yourselves and no obligations to fulfill. The Netflix movie was long forgotten as your hand cupped Peter’s face. His hands ran over your chest as you moved your lips along his jawline. 
“Mmmh,” he moaned before tensing up. “Baby wait, stop.” He pushed you away. You looked at him with a worried expression. 
“Did I do something wrong?” You asked. He shook his head. 
“No no, it’s just, my spider-sense is tingling.” He left the couch to find his suit. You went after him. 
“Peter, we’ve been planning this alone time for over a month!” You entered his room to find him slipping the suit on. “I’m sure it’s just a mugging or something, the police can handle that. It’s their job, you know.”
“I know I know,” he replied. “But this feel different. I think it’s that Rhino guy. He must have broken out of jail again.” Peter moved to the window, ready to open it. 
“Need me to come?” you offered. “I’m pretty handy in a fight, you know. Plus, we could spend time together.” Peter walked over to you and cupped your face. 
“I love you, but I can handle this on my own,” he said. “Plus, I really don’t want to risk you getting hurt.” You just laughed. 
“Dude, I’m part god. I am pretty confident some guy in a rhino mech suit isn’t gonna do much damage.”
“Well, actually, he’s been genetically enhanced now, so he IS the Rhino.”
“All the more reason for me to come.” 
“I handled it last time easily enough. He’s not all that bright, so it should be a walk in the park!” 
You laughed, kissing him deeply. “Please come home safe. And call if you need help.”
“I got it, thanks,” Peter said, opening the window and swinging out into the night. 
For the next half hour, you couldn’t stop pacing. Something was gnawing at your insides. This didn’t feel like an ordinary patrol. Against your better judgment, you summoned the remote to your hand and turned on the news. Your heart stopped at the image on the screen. 
The footage showed Spider-Man engaged in combat with not only Rhino, but the Vulture, Scorpion, The Green Goblin, Electro, and Doctor Octopus. Peter successfully uses his webs to swing the Goblin’s Speeder into Vulture, sending them both spiraling out of control. Doc Ock, however, uses one of his vibranium arms to grab Peter by the leg and throw him into the camera crew, cutting out the feed. As the anchor returns to the screen, you’re already racing for the window. 
You double-tap your wristwatch, a birthday present from Tony, and your suit was constructed from the vibranium nanoparts kept within the watch. What happens when you put Shuri, Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Bruce Banner, and Peter Parker all in one room for thirty-six hours? Magic, that’s what. Shuri found a way to enhance Tony’s nanopart suit construction technology with Vibranium, and Pym and Banner were able to store all of the needed parts inside of a quantum storage unit inside of the watch. Peter was there mostly for stylistic design. He was the one to credit for the look of the suit. 
The Vibranium nano parts washed over your right arm, enveloping your arm with a glove and a wrist gauntlet. Your chest was covered with a vibranium muscled breastplate, and a modified, sleeker version of a Viking helm formed over your head. A Vibranium chain mail hauberk materialized over your torso, and greaves appeared over your calves and feet. You looked every bit a Viking as you had all those years in the past. Using some of the magic Loki taught you, you swapped out your street clothes for a crimson cloak emblazoned with a golden dragon. A vibranium shield formed on your left wrist, and a spear in your right. You rolled your neck, bounced on the balls of your feet, and leaped out of the window, using your powers to fly towards the fight in Midtown Manhattan. 
Using your HUD you called Tony, who didn’t pick up. Next, you tried Ned. He answered. 
“Chase, thank God,” he said, his voice filled with worry. “I’m watching the news right now. It doesn’t look good.”
“Yeah I know, I’m on my way to help him,” you said. “Tony didn’t pick up. You remember that number I told you to call if there was an emergency of Superhero proportions?”
“Good. Call it,” you ordered. “And don’t stop until you’ve reached one of the other Avengers, understand?”
“I got it.” Where there was once fear and worry, there was now only determination. Ned would do anything to help his friends, especially Peter, even if it meant facing a grumpy Happy Hogan. You ended the call just as the fight came into view. The police were being held back by Electro and Vulture, who had recovered from his earlier attack from Peter. Scorpion, Doc Ock, and the Green Goblin were giving Peter the fight of his life. Rhino was off in the bank nearby, looting the cash, gold, and other valuables in the safe-deposit boxes. The most pressing issue was Peter’s safety, so you wanted to see to that first. However, Electro and Vulture stood in the way. They stopped fighting the cops and turned their attention to you. 
“Well look what the cat dragged in,” Vulture growled, wings spreading menacingly. “Fresh out of the history museum, I see?”
“Can it, bird-for-brains,” you retorted. Admittedly, that wasn’t your best one-liner, and Electro seemed to think so. 
“The Hell kinda insult was that, kid?”
You shrugged. “Not my best work. Stark’s the best with those.” You propelled yourself forward to tackle the Vulture out of the sky when Electro shot a lightning blast at you. It scored a direct hit, and you stopped in your tracks. You slowly turned your head to face the surprised villain. 
“I’m the son of Thor, asshole. All you did was piss me off.” You charged your spear with electricity and hurled it at Electro. He didn’t have time to respond and was impaled and sent tumbling to the ground. You raised your shield and fought with Vulture. You nimbly dodged his bladed wings but took a kick to the jaw. He used this opportunity to grab you and slam you into the pavement below. Your armor took most of the damage, and you were able to throw him off. You extended your hand and made a grasping motion, grabbing him by influencing the air around him and threw him into a nearby building. You slammed him into the wall repeatedly before abandoning him for Peter, who was fighting for his life in a parking lot next to the bank. 
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., connect with KAREN, I need to communicate with Peter!” Peter’s voice soon filled your helmet. 
“Take THAT, armsy! OOF!” You watched as Peter took a hit from one of the Goblin’s grenades. Before he could recover, he was stung by Scorpion’s tail. He writhed in pain before Doc Ock grabbed him and flailed his body around, smashing him into any light posts, parked cars, and the ground. He finally threw your boyfriend into a brick wall and pinned him there with his metal arm. He raised another, the claws rotating like a drill, and prepared to smash in Peter’s head. One of the eyes on Peter’s mask was ripped off, and you could see that he was in a daze. 
“Peter!” you cried, flying down to assist your boyfriend. You threw your shield just like Cap had taught you, and it hit Doc’s arm at the right time, sending it into the wall a few feet from Peter’s head. Doc turned up to see where the projectile had come from, only to be met with your fist. He flew back into a parked car, smashing it. The arms went with him and Peter slumped to the ground, barely conscious. 
Scorpion and the Goblin both recovered from their initial shock and charged you. You used your wind powers to throw a pick-up truck at Scorpion, leaving only Goblin. He threw a grenade, which you forced back with a gust of wind towards the recovering Scorpion. You leapt into the air and punched Goblin off of his speeder. He grappled with you on the way down, however, and managed to land on top of you. He reared back his fist and punched you repeatedly. Your armor could take the pounding, but you couldn’t concentrate hard enough to summon lightning or force him off with your mind. Instead, you had the nano parts from your greaves reassemble on your wrist to form a small shield, which you raised just in time to block the Goblin’s next attack. 
“Ah!” He clutched his wrist. 
Ahh, much better, you thought before punching him off and sending him across the lot. The shield dissolved and reformed your greaves. You summoned back your shield with your magnetic wrist gauntlet, and it reattached itself to your wrist. You stuck it on your back and raced over to Peter’s side. 
He was in worse shape than you thought. Aside from his suit missing an eye, it was torn across the stomach and part of his left sleeve was gone. Additionally, he was bleeding from several cuts and scrapes. You weren’t a doctor, but you could just tell by the way he clutched his side that at least two ribs were broken.
“Chase? What the hell are you doing here?” he managed, wincing. 
 “Peter, baby, come on. I’m going to get you out of here.” You frantically tried to lift him, but he cried out in pain. 
“Stop stop,” he cried. “It hurts. Let me try to get up and help--”
“No no, you stay right there,” you ordered. “I’ll protect you.” You turned around to see the Sinister Six reforming, now including Rhino, who had successfully opened the vaults in the bank. Electro was absent, still pinned down by your electro-staff. Unfortunately, you needed that spear right about now, so you had to recall it, enabling a very pissed-off Electro to rejoin the battle. He could not harm you, however, so you didn’t think much of his presence in the parking lot. 
“Hopefully some of the Avengers get here in time,” you muttered. “I don’t know how long I can hold them off before I start to wear out.” Your powers were not limitless. They tire you out just as any other form of exercise would, and you had already expended a lot of energy. You put your shield back on your arm and braced for the fight. 
“We only want Spider-Man,” Doc Ock told you. “We will kill you if we have you, but there is no seed for you to die tonight, son.” 
“I have no intention of dying tonight, Octavius,” you shouted back. “And if you want Spider-Man, come and take him!” 
Vulture and Electro both dove for Peter while Rhino prepared to charge. Doc Ock sent his arms to rip off car doors, and the Goblin prepared more grenades. Scorpion charged at you from the flank. 
Doc Ock lobbed two car doors in your direction. Reaching out with your mind, you sent one flying up towards the Goblin, intercepting his grenades. The other one smacked Electro out of the air and into a wall. You turned and threw your shield at Vulture, who could not evade in time and was knocked out of the sky. You knew you couldn’t stop Rhino’s charge, so you grabbed a parked car with your mind and threw it at his head, steering the rampaging mutant towards Doc Ock. He used his arms to leap over Rhino and landed near you and Peter. 
You morphed your spear into a sword and recalled your shield. You managed to parry the attacks from Scorpion’s stinger and Ock’s arms at first. One of Ock’s arms tore away your shield, and you had to make a new one from parts from your greaves. Ock grabbed your exposed leg. The grab at your leg distracted you enough that you didn’t see Scorpion reach for your helmet, which he violently tore off. He began punching you repeatedly in the face. The taste of iron filled your mouth. Ock grabbed your face with his metal claws and began to squeeze. You cried out in pain until you saw your shield slam into the side of his head, sending him into a light post. You and Scorpion both turned to look in confusion to see Peter standing against the wall. 
Using his distraction to your advantage, you summoned your helmet to your hand and bashed Scorpion over the head. A kick combined with a gust of wind launched him into a building. You morphed your sword back into a spear and used it to channel a blast of lightning at Rhino, who was again preparing to charge. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw both Doc Ock and Electro recover. Deciding that Electro was less of a threat, you focused your attention on the Vibranium-armed villain. 
You jumped and weaved through his arms, getting in little strikes as the opportunities presented themselves. You punched the spectacles off of his face, which only enraged him. He managed to grab your arm and toss you into the same building you previously kicked Scorpion into. Scorpion grabbed you, stung you, and held you up to watch the scene in the parking lot unfold. The venom from the sting coursed through your veins. You could feel the burn travel throughout your body, as if someone filled your heart with sand and it was pumped to every last nook and cranny in your system. 
“You seem pretty protective of your Spider-friend there,” he rasped into your ear. “So that’s why you’re gonna watch him die before I kill you.”
“No!” you gasped through the pain. Between the venom and your frequent use of your powers, you were almost completely spent. You couldn’t muster the strength to break free of the villain’s grasp, not could you intervene in the parking lot battle. You felt utterly helpless to save Peter from a painful death. 
Peter tried to defend himself but was too weak. Doc Ock threw him into the side of the brick building, and Electro began electrocuting him. You could hear his screams through your comms channel. You only had a matter of moments before Electro would kill your boyfriend. 
Gathering your strength, you broke free of Scorpion’s hold and narrowly dodged an attack from his tail. You grabbed it and threw him at Electro, sending them both hurtling towards the ground. In one great bound you crossed the lot and landed in front of Peter. You summoned your shield just in time to block one of Goblin’s grenades, which sent you flying back into the wall. You landed next to Peter. 
His suit was charred, and so was some exposed skin. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was bleeding from so many cuts and scrapes. His suit was in tatters. There was no way he would survive another attack. You knew what you had to do. 
“Chase,” Peter croaked. “Chase I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“I’m gonna get you out of here, Peter,” you promised. You placed your hand on his thigh and sent all of the nanotech vibranium to Peter, covering him in a suit of vibranium. Repulsor jets formed and lifted him into the air. 
“FRIDAY, take him back to the compound and cut comms with KAREN. I don’t want Peter’s last memory of me to be the sounds of my death.”
“Got it, boss. It has been a pleasure serving you. Mister Stark would be proud, and so would your father.” 
You choked back a sob. “Thanks hun. Tell Peter I love him?”
“Absolutely. Anything else I can do?” The Sinister Six were beginning to reform for one final attack. You heard Peter frantically calling your name from within his full vibranium suit, but the sounds were muffled. You took one last look back at your boyfriend, your only reason to live in the twenty-first century. You locked eyes and sent him a look of reassurance, but his only showed panic and fear. 
“I love you, Peter. FRIDAY, send him off. I’ll hold them as long as I can. I’ll try not to make an embarrassing show of it. And you know what? There is something you can do for me. Search Spotify and play “Swedish Pagans” by Sabaton in my earpiece. I was born a Swedish Vikingr, and I’ll be damned if I don’t die like one.”
The song began to fill your head, and your old Viking heart swelled with pride. Peter blasted off towards the north, and you turned to face the regrouped Sinister Six. Vulture peeled off to go attack Peter, and you knew just how to make your final stand as the Son of Thor. You called forth from the sky six massive thunderbolts and brought them down on the six villains. Each of the six was brought down in a great flash and a mighty roar of thunder. You collapsed instantly, and as your vision slowly turned to black, you saw a small fireball and another bolt of lightning arcing towards the parking lot...
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close your eyes and i’ll close mine
Zutara Week 2020 Submission (“reunion”)
Rating: T for Teens 
Length: 3,186 words @zutaraweek Cross-posted on AO3 under one work titled “all that i hoped would change within me stayed (god only knows which of them i'll become)”  “Get off my shit, rabbit-squirrel-brains!” Toph hollers, and Katara whips around, away from the rapidly approaching horizon, away from the lure of the sea. She watches, non-plussed, as Toph dive-bombs a young soldier, who has tried to move some luggage to a more convenient spot on the boat. Ember Island, well, it doesn’t loom, but it approaches like a nervous servant--Katara will never get used to the servants that seem to appear like mist or ghosts, at the Earth Kingdom Palace, at General Iroh’s apartments in Ba Sing Se, at Toph’s parents’ house when she visited last year with her-- “for moral support and elbow-holding.”
“I’m sorry, miss! I just have to move things!” Katara bites at her lips, trying desperately to hide a snicker. Toph is wrestling him to the deck, clearly attempting to keep him away from her bag.
“I see you, mocking that poor boy,” jibes a soft, smoky voice to her side. She looks up--it’s Zuko.
“Not going play referee?” asks Sokka, following up behind him.
“Mmm, not today,” Katara muses, tossing her hair into the breeze. It is nice to be back on the ocean. She’s spent the last six months in a border town of the Si Wong Desert, negotiating with the sand-benders. Before that, she was in Ba Sing Se on official ambassadorial duties for the Southern Water Tribe for about a year, and then before that, she’d been providing aid for some of the rural interior Earth Kingdom towns for something like eighteen months. Most eighteen-year-olds she knows are either in school, or married with a kid on the way, but she’s single and doing the heavy diplomatic and charitable work of a woman twice her age.
“Oh, look, she’s going easy on him,” Zuko notes drily, as Toph shoves the poor kid into a door. “He’ll get off with just a concussion, instead of a broken arm like the last guy.”
The past few years have been good to Zuko--it’s been almost three years since she’s had a chance to visit. He’ll be twenty tomorrow, and he’s grown. Really grown. He’s easily over six feet tall, and his hair is so long now that what isn’t caught up in his topknot rolls over his shoulder. He has one of those formal shoulder pieces on that Katara desperately hopes will go out of style soon, but it doesn’t do much to the chest that has already grown broader and more muscular. And he was no lanky twig like Sokka during the war, either, she muses.
“Well, someone’s gotta get those boys in shape--she’s taken to teaching a little too well, in her old age,” Katara snarks back, smiling. Zuko smiles back, golden eyes softening. His face has thinned out too, cheekbones standing out elegantly, even under the scar. He looks real good.
“Well, at least you got out of being such a turbulent sixteen-year-old; can’t say I wasn’t beating people up at her age. So, uh, how are you and Aang, ah, doing these days?” There’s the awkward turtle-duck, out and about for a toddle around the pond.
Sokka barks a laugh, walks away, throws an arm around Toph.
She smiles ruefully, “You know, we’re taking a break. I think we both need it; we’re apart so often, you know? He’s flying here from the Western Air Temple and will meet us at the summer house. It’ll be good to see him again. It’s good to see all of you again, really. Ambassadorial life is pretty lonely.”
“Meanwhile, I feel like I can never get a moment alone these days. Always papers to sign, emissaries to greet, Fire Sages up my ass about everything. I’m glad you all could come to celebrate. I thought a little reunion would be nice. I’m just missing Uncle,” he says with a sigh. They turn, and lean against the railing.
“He misses you too--I stayed at his apartments in Ba Sing Se over the New Year. It was good to see a familiar face,” she says. The breeze whips around them, and Katara’s nose is overwhelmed with the smell of amber musk, something roast-y, and rich sandalwood. “Are...are you wearing cologne?!”
Zuko pinks.
“The Earth Kingdom ambassador got it for me for a birthday gift! She said it was indispensable for any young nobleman! Is it too much?” She softens. It is good to be back with friends--with him.
“No, no,” she says, and sticks her nose onto his sleeve, “I like it. It smells nice on you.” Underneath the cologne, she gets that warm man-smell. She misses that smell, from time to time, if she’s being honest with herself.
“Oh good. He said to go easy on it. Um, Katara?”
“Oh, sorry!” She’s lingered too long. But looking up into his eyes, they are still molten and soft. It’s her turn to pink, and she looks back to the sea. They are close to the docks. “I guess I’m just a little tired. I am so ready for this mini-vacation.”
“You deserve it. Uncle says you do the work of a woman twice your age.”
The beach house is just as she remembers it, but somehow, fuller, livelier. Zuko’s stocked it with paintings of the whole team, plants with bright summer blooms heavy with scent, curios from his travels. There’s only two servants, blessedly, a cook and a maid who greet them at the door.
“It looks nice in here! So bright and happy!” cheers Suki. “It was kinda sad when we stayed here last time.”
“Thanks. Uncle’s sent me enough tea and teapots to fill a whole bookshelf,” Zuko shrugs, “but I wanted it to be fun again, so Kiyi and Mom can come and enjoy themselves, you know? Get rid of the sad nostalgia, make room for new memories. Maybe we could have regular reunions here.”
“Heck yeah!” chimes Toph, hefting her bag. “I am so ready for some vacation time!” Things are dropped in rooms, and Katara is convinced to join the group at the beach, even though the things that sound the best right now are to sink into the fluffy white covers of the bed she’s been given and have a deep, sun-soaked nap, dreaming away the afternoon for the first time in years.
She pads out, yawning, in her swimsuit, and looks around, trying to remember where the towels were stored last time. She turns too quickly, and runs into something soft, clean, cottony-- a stack of towels?
“Oh gosh, I’m so sorry, Rina...” Katara stammers, but it’s not the maid. It’s Zuko, who is shirtless and ready for the beach. Her heart thumps a few times and her blood seems to rush a little faster in her veins, because his trunks sling low on his sharp hipbones, and thank Tui and La that she managed to that chest scar to fade to something more dashing. A trail of hair follows his bellybutton down into those trunks...and she’s just gonna stop that thought-canoe and turn it right back upriver.
“Oh, Rina’s packing us some rice balls for snacks, do you have any requests? I know you like pickled ocean kumquats...” He trails off too, sticking a hand behind his head sheepishly. His mane of hair is knotted messily on the back of his head.
“Any flavor is fine!” she squeaks. “Let’s go! I can’t wait for dip! It’s so lovely out today!”
“It is,” he agrees, and scoops up the towels, flinging them over his shoulder. His hand brushes hers lightly as they take the path down to the black sand beach.
Aang arrives just in time for dinner. Rina brings out a sumptuous feast of all their favorites: hippo-cow braised in soy sauce and ginger, rooster-pig spare ribs deep fried and dusted with lime zest and chilis ground to a fine powder, crispy garlic arctic whale-shrimp, a sweet and sour sprouted bean curd, and a miraculous leg of caribou that is roasted and covered in a pearly sauce that is delicately scented and made Sokka cry when it was set down in front of him.
“I tried to make sure we all got something we liked,” Zuko admits, seated comfortably at the head of the table. He’s placed Katara on his right, Toph on his left, and Katara doesn’t mind this. The maid has served what seems like a hundred side dishes, which keeps her plenty occupied, instead of having to make awkward eye contact with Aang. Katara picks up spicy fermented cucumber-melon, braised potatoes and peppers, sautéed pea shoots, and takes a little bit of all the main dishes. “And, my father left one gift: that quite amazing selection of wines and spirits.”
Katara and Suki have been enjoying the plum wine, and Sokka and Toph have turned drinking shots of soju into some kind of game, and are easily drinking Aang under the table already. She hasn’t enjoyed herself, been so relaxed and at ease, in a long time.
“Here, Katara, have you ever had these? They’re a specialty of Ember Island,” Zuko says softly. She turns to him, his chopsticks clutching some noodles like glass threads, mixed with tomato-carrots and green onions. She shakes her head no, and he offers her a bite, guiding the chopsticks to her mouth. They slip in, yummy, and she slurps the last few over her lips.  
“Sorry, country manners,” she says, covering her face and blushing.
“No, no, it’s...it’s cute,” he says. “I don’t mind!” He thinks that’s cute? She decides to take it, and tries to shift the subject, to side-step Zuko turning into the awkward turtle-duck.
“What’s your favorite side dish? We’ve never gotten to eat such a nice meal together so close to each other!” In fact, the last time Katara was at a dinner with Zuko, it was a very formal affair, she was seated halfway down the table from him, between two lords and across from Aang, and it was a plated meal, with a different servant bringing her soup, her salad, her braised pork that was truthfully far too spicy, and she nearly cried when yet another servant brought her some pineapple-lime shaved ice to finish with.
“Hmm,” he murmurs, and his mouth bunches and pouts to one side, “This one.” He proffers long ribbons of carrot in sticky red sauce, sprinkled with sesame seeds. She slurps those off his chopsticks too.
“Ahh! So spicy! But good, really good!” She gulps some more plum wine, feeling warm all over. “Pick another you like.” She wants to know all his favorites tonight. Before dinner, he’d ditched his formal clothes, and has relaxed in a red silk shirt that leaves much of his chest open for her eyes to roam. Nice abs, she notes, for someone who claims to do paperwork all day long.
The wine is getting to her.
“Rina, don’t worry about us, please, head to bed. We’ll probably drink some more, talk, and definitely sleep in in the morning. Plenty of time for you and Lien to do dishes in the morning,” Zuko says to the maid, who is clearly yawning. She bows, murmurs a thank you, and heads off up the stairs. Katara loves how nice Zuko and Iroh are to their employees; the Earth King has several ministers who treat the servants like dirt. She’s brought it up to Kuei, but he only frowns and polishes his glasses.
“Alright! Now we can break out the good stuff!” Toph shouts, and punches the air. She is gone and back again in a flash.
“Good stuff? There’s so much good stuff here already!” Aang’s words come out a little soupy--he’s lost the soju drinking game. He takes a hearty spoonful of fruit tart. “This is so good, Zuko. I love fruit tarts!”
“I didn’t want to sailors to get ahold of this stuff; I confiscated it from one of my students. Ha!” Toph says, dropping back down on her cushion. She holds a long pipe in hand and pouch.
“So that’s why you were beating that poor guy up on the boat?” asks Sokka. Suki has migrated to mostly-in-Sokka’s-lap, but who is Katara to judge, because she is leaning full-body on Zuko--it’s certainly not the wine, she thinks, it’s the biceps for sure.
“Well, hell yeah, this stuff is wild!” crows Toph, dumping some clumps of dried green leaves on the table. She crumbles and stuffs, crumbles and stuff, and passes the pipe to Zuko. “Gimme a light, Master Sparky-pants? First puff is yours, host with the most!”
“What is it?” he asks, flicking two fingers and summoning a small flame. He lights the little leaves in the pipe bowl.
“Green dragon-weed!” Toph crows. “It’ll blow your mind!” Zuko tentatively puffs, coughs, and passes the pipe.
“That’s foul, Toph. Why?” Katara also passes, but Aang tries and Sokka tries, and Toph is clearly an expert, because she blows out perfect smoke rings.
Soon, they are a group of giggling kids again, lying on the floor, cackling at Sokka’s bad jokes as Suki regales stories of their stories, as she and Sokka work as prisoner escorts mostly these days. Aang and Toph keep passing that pipe back and forth, but Katara’s cup of plum wine never seems to empty, mostly because Zuko keeps giving her sips out of his--first a fiery ginger whiskey, next a herby, clear soju with lots of something citrusy squeezed in it, then a sweet melon liquor. He will nudge to offer, and every time, they make electric eye contact, and all the blood in her vein rushes down to the center of her hips.
“These are all really good,” she mumbles, feeling so relaxed and happy, warm against Zuko’s arm, full of food and drink, surrounded by friends.
“Good, I’m glad you’re having a good time,” he says lightly, nuzzling his nose to her ear.  More of that, please, she thinks, his breath hot on her cheek, and she steals a look at the others. Sokka and Suki are halfway out the door to their room, Toph is half-asleep, and Aang lays on the floor, blowing smoke into creatures for Momo to chase after, mostly out of sight.
She turns, and steels herself. “Can I...?”
His eyebrow knits. “Whatever you like?” What a good host.
She cranes her neck a little, and sneaks a peck on his lips, firm and spicy. There’s a little jolt, like electricity, and he presses back, firm, maybe even a little desperate. He shifts angles, captures her more surely. She melts a little, but pulls back. Toph and Aang are still sprawled on the floor, blissfully unaware.
“Aang, I am just beat, aren’t you? Toph? I think we should all drink a glass of water and go to bed,” she says gently.
“Huh? Mmm, yeah, I am pooped!” Aang slurs, and tries to get up, loses his balance, slips. “Monkeyfeathers!”
Toph snores on. Zuko, who still has his bearings, swiftly helps Aang to his feet, and scoops Toph up in a cradle hold. Katara settles the completely toasted Avatar into bed, takes off his shoes and shirt, and forces a glass of water in him. She leaves another on the table, but he’s asleep before she slides the door shut.
“She is out cold!” Zuko says, sliding the door shut. The house is quiet, so quiet that Katara can hear her heart racing. He pads back over. The tie of his shirt has come undone over the course of the evening, and she decides to take yet another chance. She closes the gap between them in the hall, pressing her hand to his chest and reaching up for another kiss.
It’s almost like he knows, and his hands tangle in her hair before their lips meet again. She clutches at the sides of his shirt, thrilled to touch and feel and smell him. One of his hands drops from her hair, and his thumb traces deliciously down her neck, to cup her waist and pull her closer. She sighs as she relaxes into the touch of his lips, the tip of his tongue pushing experimentally. He breaks for a moment.
“C’mon, let’s...get more comfortable,” he rasps, and pulls her down the hall, sliding open the red paper door at the end of the hall. He flicks his hand, lighting many lamps softly, and the room glows a rich red. He pulls her to the bed, and she flops down. The bed cradles her, and she suddenly loses all desire to move.
“I want you to know that I want this, but I’m so tired, Zuko. Rain check?” she murmurs.
“I understand. Can I...can I help you get ready for bed?” he asks, almost shy. Her heart skips. She cranes her neck up, and presses her lips to his heatedly.
He slips off the bed and shucks his silk shirt to a stool. Next, the gold sash and black trousers. She chuckles lightly, because the style of underwear Fire Nation men wear is so weird-looking, so tight-fitting and trim, but his is black and she’s not surprised by that.
He kneels, and pushes up the skirts of her summer dress. It’s light blue silk with a white surcoat so gossamer it might be made of cobwebs, a gift from the Earth King for her last birthday, and in this heat, she’s glad it’s sleeveless. His hot hands press into her thighs, and he leans in, takes a breath, trails kisses down her inner thighs, over her knees.
He tenderly unwraps the ties from her slippers--they lace up her legs with ribbons--and presses a kiss on her calf. Fingers trail down the back of her calves, over her heels as he tugs the slippers off, stashing them on the floor.
Shoes off, he unties the waistband of the surcoat, lays it on the stool. He takes issue with the buttons on the side of the dress, but gets them undone, and he tugs it over her head until it floats back to join the surcoat. He flips her over, gripping her hips, and pulls the tie of the petticoat, tugs that down too. Hot kisses feather up her spine, and she can’t help but let a noise that is half moan, half sigh.
“Feels so good, Zuko, but I am so ready for some sleep,” she drawls, eyes drooping.
Gently, he presses a heated kiss to her neck, and wow, Katara didn’t know she could sparkle internally. His hands trail to her waist and back up.
“Can I offer you a place to rest here?” he asks, a joke in his voice.
“Seems like just the right place to be,” she yawns. He pulls back the sheets, cool and crisp, and she settles in. He snuggles close to her, and she drifts off, hoping that every reunion can be like this.
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