#shes my fav I sure hope nothing spooky happens
dyke-in-crisis · 4 months
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morethanonepage · 2 years
Re: the post u reblogged about couples actually enjoying spending time with each other/having in-jokes & whatnot. What would u do w that for John/Chas 👀👀
UGH anon i can't believe i didn't answer this very important question before, and esp bc i think maybe you were hoping for a full fic and not just. this random assortment of headcanons, but, obviously i have thots:
one of my fav John & Chas comics canon scene is when they goof on some rando at a bar bc he looks like a character from spinal tap, from which i infer: they probably watched it together, or else must've discussed it (w nostalgia given their own ~touring days) enough that john knows chas'll get the reference. HENCE i have inferred that they have at least somewhat similar tastes in pop culture and i assume that holds true across canons.
comics!john is also someone who canonically referenced dr who, star trek, and star wars, ergo, a BIT of a (sci-fi) nerd, which you wouldn't expect looking at him HOWEVER. chas knows 👀 and probably teases him about. not that chas is like. COOL but i see him as having idk more basic tastes. Airport fiction, etc. Stuff he can consume on his (minimal) downtime as a cabbie/dad/chauffeur/bodyguard/personal chef.
BUT anyway, obviously, i think they watch enough movies & TV together (or separately, but have similar enough tastes) that they have the same reference bank so in show canon i assume it’s like, john makes a lot of random snarky asides, chas laughs at it, and zed has no idea what they’re laughing about and after the first few times she asks, decides she really doesn’t want to. 
additionally, show canon is, when john is in town, they go to bars & music shows together (or i guess at least bars where live music is played? but either way john keeps him out ALL NIGHT and renee obviously hates it).
I think John maybe sometimes forgets that Chas isn't 100% aligned w him on stuff? I just recall TV john having that rambly convo w the bartender at the end of the [aired] pilot where hes talking about the sex pistols vs the ramones & then chas shows up [looking like an absolute DILF in his three layers of clothing in ATLANTA of all places] and im not sure if this actually happened but i can just picture john like, trying to rope chas into that discussion & chas being like, 🙄. 
Another john/chas friendship is just based on its longevity. chas has obvs known him a long time & remembers john in his "cutting up his t shirts & safety pining them back together " baby punk disaster stage, and/or his "frontman in a truly terrible band" thing, so even when john is being all broody (esp when john is being all broody) and/or the worst, chas can't completely divorce that from skinny, messy, but in some ways probably happier or at least less traumatized teenaged/early 20s y/o john.
Relatedly, comics!chas has nothing but disdain for Mucous Membrane, despite being their roadie. (i’m assuming he took the job bc he thought it would get him girls tbh.) And he's not afraid to mention it to john, even when john HAS not asked. Just full on roasts him about it, and john takes it so personally! A DELIGHT. any area where chas has a SLIGHT upper hand on john & relentlessly exploits it really just balances them and thus i’m always a fan.
theres a bit in show canon (I'm p sure it was in the New Orleans ep?) where john, chas, & zed are in the car & have to go talk to the police about something, and john starts throwing out different backstories they can use w the implication that they're the ones he & chas have used in the past, and chas is just like nodding along, and idk it's a small moment but it speaks to the fact that post-fire & pre-zed, john & chas DID engage in at least some spooky shit shenanigans, just the two of them. or maybe their ~bits go back to the MM days, or when they were even younger & john was out there just conning people out of things? Either way, EXCELLENT friendship history vibes.
(I actually just had kind of a sad thought which is, the fun hanging out & drinking in dive bars while listening to local bands stuff was a pre-fire/arthurian spell thing, bc after that chas may have mostly been hanging out w john bc they were doing ~spooky shit stuff)
also i’ve said it before but show!john & chas GO GROCERY SHOPPING TOGETHER IN THE PILOT and we DON’T get to see it and it’s NEVER referenced again and this is BIPHOBIA even more so than the fact the camera drifts when john kisses him in the bar
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nemuitoka · 3 years
What are your favorte jshk fanfics? also where do you like reading them the most?
Hi Anon!!! today is the day I can finally answer this question😈 ahaha you know how much I enjoy making fic recs so 👀 Let’s go!!!
To answer your second question first, I like reading them on AO3 the most! Mostly because I get almost unlimited number of characters to rant in the comment section........... 😆but also the tagging system is very helpful.
Okay, now to the fun part of this ask😏
You said JSHK, but I mostly read Hananene ones so all of my favs include that pairing... as  I already did a fic rec here of my favs, this list will continue that one, so please check that one first hehe ((I apologize in advance..., I would love for people to recommend me some mitsukou ones tbh... I’m really lost when it comes to other pairings orz)) 
If I’m completely honest with you anon-san, my favorite JSHK fic right now is the one Roxanne ( @istoleyourboat )  wrote based of my art and her snippet:
Star-Crossed and Falling- Where Stars Go to Die by lilaflo
Hanako is Princess Nene’s personal knight 👀. A tale of forbidden love. They slowly fall in love as they exchange a series of gifts, one that includes a pair of matching earrings that remind them of their love when they’re apart. Also, jelly Hanako of Nene’s suitors😏... Oh, but nothing lasts forever and those sweet moments will come to an end when they have to face their cruel reality, in this world, they don’t get to choose neither their battles or the ones they love.
Now more of Roxanne, because I seriously enjoy her work so much (I’m sure everyone knows by now lmao sdkj) 
Night of the Phantom King by lilaflo 
This one is a spooky one. Nene’s regret for never realizing who she truly loves takes her to mourn her deceased friend Amane and cry on his grave in a Halloween night, then suddenly the Phantom King comes to take her away👀 & he looks suspiciously familiar... Beautiful world building btw, also the ending is just, excellent. 
12 Year Romance by lilaflo
Amane meets Nene at the Tanabata festival, she’s older than him, but he falls for her instantly, fast forward, Amane is now in middle school, he’s a troublemaker, & gets constantly into fights, but he swears the new school nurse looks familiar... he then realizes it’s her and thinks it must be fate!!!... This one hits close to home bc I’ve been in this situation irl, so I can confirm all of Nene’s struggles are real (and ofc how a love with an age gap should be handled the correct way, this fic really teaches you many life lessons hahaha) 
took a sip then another sip, then you turned and said to me by chivalrousamour 
This autor has a bunch of good JSHK fics!! I recommend you check their AO3 out, bec you may find something you like for sure! But, this is my absolute fav from them. Nene is a mangaka, celebrating the finishing of her long serialized manga, while Amane is a delivery boy who happens to find her in a very questionable state in her house👀 (it’s all family friendly ofc, anon, I’m not a slimy pervert like some ghost boy)
Maid for Each Other by corologs ( @corologs )
Courtney has this amazing College AU collection series that I encourage you to check out!!! But Maid for each other is my fav!!! So it’s the Yugi twins birthday, and it’s Tsukasa’s turn to choose where they go to celebrate it... you can already tell where this is going... (let the chaos begin) & as the title said, it involves maids!!! (it has Kaicho wa maid sama vibes if you liked that anime~~)
If I Could Tell Her by corologs
What if the picture perfect arc plan was successful??? Well, this fic explores this idea, and it’s very interesting to read. I like how Amane and Hanako are two separate people here.
the horizon tries but it’s just not as kind on the eyes by sincerelyand ( @sunlightinourheadlights ) 
(Oh my sweet Karen, she writes such good fics, so go check her AO3 out as well!!) Amane and Yashiro are friends that share an apartment (& they were roommates-- OMG they were roommates), even if Amane has its complains, because Nene can be a handful sometimes (and in denial of her true feelings as always, are we even surprised at this point?) he loves her dearly anyways😭.
for real, this time by sourlemoncandy  ( @sour-lemon-candy )
Did somebody say fake dating AU?????? Because hell yeah I did asajj I loved reading this so much!! Nene and Amane are childhood friends, and Nene overhears some girls talking about Amane and how one of them plans to ask him out... but she senses these girls are up to no good so she... well, you gotta read it to find out more~~ it’s no fun If I tell ya everything hehe... so go go go!!
lemon cream by sourlemoncandy
Amane and Nene, just two good friends having a road trip and sharing donuts... what could go wrong??  😏 seriously, I loved this fic so much!! Instant fav! Also makes me wanna try some good sweet donuts...
Trip Down Memory Lane by insipidenvy ( @insipidenvy )
This fic is so sweet. I have such a huge attachment to it, because I read it when I really needed some fluff in my life hahaha. It’s sort of a collection of memories between Amane and Yashiro’s relationship over the years. So heartwarming... if you need the fluffs you’ll enjoy this very much!!
The Radish Princess and the Toilet Prince by insipidenvy
This is my favorite fic from insipidenvy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know how I am a slut for Royalty AUs so that’s why!!!!! Also Toilet Prince!! hahahaha such a good nickname lmao. I love how they bond over their insecurities, it’s very relatable tbh. 
Between Wind and Water by WingSongHalo  ( @wingsonghalo )
My beautiful Wing always delivering the good Hananene content, as she should!! This fic is so fun to read!! I laughed so hard at Nene and Hanako being awkward with each other!!! So you know how Hanako is super clingy with Nene, he’s always touching & hugging her, but this time something weird happens and he’s so distant~~ Nene doesn’t want to admit it at first, but she misses his clingy ghost boy~~ you’ll have a good time reading this for sure!  
The Monster's Bride by Hammsters ( @uglierdaikon )
Have you heard about the myth of Cupid and Psyche? Well this fic rewrites it in a very Hananene way <3 hehe I loved it so much (as I’m a huge fan of mythology~) To sum it up, Nene is fated to marry a monster that lives in the mountains so she’s devastated... to her surprise, her husband is far from what she expected... she only had one rule to obey and well... we all know how reckless Nene is so... you go find out what happens next now!! hehehe
Morning Reflections by FalalalaLa  ( @miss-sternennacht )
So you’ve heard of Hanako watching Nene sleep, but what about Nene watching Amane sleep???!! this fic offers you this and so much more fluff <3 Also Nene remembering how they met and how their relationship evolved during the years, aww <3 
Cursed Coin by DaikonSenpai  ( @daikonsenpai )
There’s a school dance, Yashiro’s supposed to be dancing with Kou (since she can’t go with Hanako, which causes him to be jelly~~ and bitter), but she loses a coin Aoi gave her for good luck so she goes out and searches for it on the last place she saw it, the school fountain. Suddenly Hanako spots her, what’s she doing outside??? is she drunk or something?? what happens next you may find out when you read it~~~
Between Love and Hope by Baronesscmd (SweeterThanYourDarkestSin) ( @baronesscmd )
Oh to be Nene and get to sleep between the Yugi twins... God really has favorites uh... ISTG, this collection of fics is so cute. I love how Nene loves the twins so much in this AU, they have their little cute family. She ofc is in love with Amane, but their relationship with Tsukasa is so tender... it’s mostly this trio having fluffy moments together to heal your soul... if you need some, you’ll get it here for sure hahaha. 
Ghost of You (And All the Futures We've Forgotten) by Indigo_Floof  milkteamoon  ( @indigosienna , @spades-queen )
So anon you may have been wondering, well this bitch likes fluff only???? how about some angst for a change, uh? DAMN, OKAY THEN, here you have some angst to rip your soul out and wish you never sent me this ask in the 1st place, bec of the emotional damage this fic will leave you sdajjsa, also if you liked “Erased”, you’ll love this fic too! 
Hanako of the Opera by zxrstan
Finally, but not less important, me being annoying about Hanako of the Opera & POTO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This fic is based of the AU Aidairo created mostly, it’s really fun to read if you didn’t get much of what was happening during the Hanako of the Opera event, it has a nice ending also! very satisfying I must say. 
AAAAND THIS IS THE END OF MY ALL TIME FAV LIST OMG;;;; Kudos for me for searching through all my damn AO3 and Google Chrome history (from both my PC and phone, since I am a FOOL and forgot my AO3 password so I read a lot of these in the past as a guest before recovering my password LMAO, please be patient with me omg, and also if you see me bookmarking them now, you know why 😭) 
Kudos to all of my writer homies as well, I love and appreciate all of you so much!! you have no idea! 💖
I hope you find this list useful, anon!! Thank you for sending me this ask and have a wonderful day! 
Ps. Please everyone feel free to add more fics to this list if you want! this is all my personal picks, but I’m aware there are a lot more fics that I haven’t read and deserve as much recognition as the ones I listed!
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hi can i request four of your fav black butler characters with a s/o who has insomnia? like how would they treat them and stuff ( also i read through your entire blog and i love it so much you writing is amazing 🥰❤️)
I had such a hard time choosing😥. Funny thing here is that my favs and the characters I like writing Yandere stuff about are sometimes very different. But I went with characters I didn’t write so much about so far. Thank you for reading through my entire block, I’m happy that you like it so much😍!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, overprotective actions, clinginess, insomnia
s/o who has insomnia
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👓The moment Mey-Rin finds out that her darling suffers from insomnia a switch will turn on into her. Suddenly the clumsy and shy girl will be gone and a responsible and mature woman will instead appear.
👓She wants to know how long you already suffered from it, if there’s a reason for it and much more. She’ll listen to everything the s/o tells her without interrupting and asking questions. If there is a reason or a person that made them worry so much that they lost sleep due to it then Mey-Rin will find a way to take care of this person, hoping that her darling can sleep better after this.
👓If that doesn’t work or she can’t get rid for whatever reason then she’ll try to help you differently. Pillows to cuddle with, more blankets, warm milk with honey or tea, this girl will try everything she’s ever heard of. She’ll definitely ask Sebastian for advice since he knows a lot of things and if Sebastian tells her something that might help she’ll try it out immediately. She’ll even ask if it would help if she would sleep with you. If you say no she’ll respect your choice, but if you say yes then you can bet that she’ll most likely have a short heart attack, feeling overjoyed that you think that she can make you feel safe enough to sleep. She’ll cuddle you the whole night whilst whispering sweet promises into your ear. Might even sing a lullaby if you ask her to. I can guarantee that nothing will happen to you whilst she’s with you, watching you like a hawk and making sure that you aren’t uncomfortable.
👓Overall one of the better Yanderes to deal with insomnia. She’ll do everything to help you get some sleep and is ready to grant every wish you say as long as it might help you a bit.
Keinz Drocell
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🪆Keinz is a puppet and doesn’t need sleep so when the s/o tells him they suffer from insomnia his first reaction will be confusion. Sleep? What is that? Is that important? He doesn’t know if it’s dangerous if you don’t get this ‘sleep’, but he’s quick to inform himself about it and is shocked when he finds out that sleep is needed for humans and if they don’t get enough sleep they might die! He surely doesn’t want that.
🪆He is completely clueless about what exactly to do and just asks his darling bluntly about why they suffer from insomnia and how he should handle this. Let’s be honest, one of the main reasons why the s/o can’t sleep is probably because of him and they’re quick to tell him this. This irritates Keinz. It’s his fault? Why?
🪆He’ll most likely kidnap a doctor and forces him to help you. Threatening to kill someone if they don’t works miracles. But he himself wants to help you in some way too. If the doctor needs something he’ll get it. If you want something he’ll get it instantly. He’ll also have a serious talk with you, questioning about what exactly he did wrong to cause you such fear that you can’t sleep and as soon as you’ll tell him he’ll immediately takes action. He doesn’t show you his collection anymore and he tries to not do such spooky things with his body anymore. He’ll also make you many plushys with which you can cuddle. Don’t worry, he made them from nothing that was once alive. When he hears that cuddling helps he might even try to cuddle with you, but he doesn’t know how to do it so it will be a bit...awkward.
🪆He’s the reason why you suffer from it and he didn’t even knew it! Well, at least he tries to help in some way...
Timber, Thompson & Canterbury
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🤫It’s their fault and they know it. I already mentioned in their Hc’s that it’s their punishment and they know exactly how far they can go with their darling, how extreme they can get until they’ve reached their goal to make the darling suffer from insomnia. And they’ll act like they didn’t have anything to do with it...
🤫Even though they know why the s/o suffers from insomnia they’ll pretend like they don’t and ask the s/o with fake innocence and worry why they can’t sleep anymore and are quick to comfort their darling when they tell them about the horrible nightmares that they had in this room. They’ll use this as a chance to tighten the bond between their darling and them.
🤫Mentioned it already in the Hc’s, but once again, after this you won’t be able to even close your eyes for a second when they aren’t with you in the same bed anymore. They have a schedule about who gets to spend the next night with you and make sure to grant you every wish. You want some hot chocolate in the middle of the night? Give them a second, they’ll even add cream and marshmallows to it. Some night stories? Tell them which one you want to hear. And of course cuddling is a must. And the best part of it? They don’t even have to force you since you clinge onto them for dear life on your own. These are the rare times were you will hear them talking to you, murmuring compliments and comforts in your ears and pressing soft kisses to your face and body.
🤫They take brilliant care of you, buuuut...IT’S THEIR FAULT AND THEY EVEN KNOW IT!!! And do they stop? NO!! The worst part about this is that they’ll gain your trust and love quickly like this which is exactly what they want.
Charles Grey
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🤺Charles never really cared for anybody except himself and the queen in his life, but now there’s someone he cares for as much as for himself, his darling! He quickly noticed that something is wrong with them since he watches them always and will most likely discover what’s wrong without even needing to ask him. Insomnia? That’s new for him.
🤺At first he’ll most likely be annoyed. It’s important for him that everyone at least thinks that he treats his s/o great, but when they would notice the dark bags under their eyes, what would they think of him? They would think that he doesn’t treat them good enough! Na-ah, we can’t have that happen. He also sees it as a chance to prove his darling that he really is the only one who can love and treat them right.
🤺This guy has money and influence and since he doesn’t know how to handle insomnia he’ll hire for sure the best doctors in the country to help. He’ll also inform himself about what he can do to help you as well since he wants to see to you like the perfect fiancé he thinks he is. He won’t make you tea or hot chocolate, why would he? He has servants that can do that for him. If you have any wishes that might help you with your condition he makes sure to sent a servant to get it as quick as possible because he won’t leave your side unless he really must. He heard that spending time and cuddling with the ones you love helps. And in his delusional mindset you love him so no chance that he’ll leave you alone. Even if you ask him to it will go in the one ear and go out the other.
🤺Oh dear. He won’t leave you alone at all and will stay the whole night with you in bed whilst cuddling you even if you told him not to! He’ll also tell you stories about his past, wanting to impress you with them, but in reality you want him to just shut up! Sorry, he won’t. You might even be able to sleep since he’ll really exhausts you with his behavior. At least one good thing...
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androidsfighting · 5 years
The Adventure Zone fic rec masterlist!
surprising no one, I read WAY TOO MUCH FIC so here’s an incomplete list of some of my fav fics in this fandom! mostly Taakitz and Taagnus, of course. Not in any particular order - adding most recent additions to the top. i made an effort to provide commentary but as you can see i gave up quickly
UPDATE (7/24/19) - added a bunch more fics i’ve read recently, and a couple amnesty fics at the bottom :)
The Winter Prince by tactfulGnostalgic
Taako is nobody’s saboteur. He’s just an ordinary assassin just trying to make ends meet, staying out of trouble (mostly) and keeping his nose clean (sometimes). But when a mysterious buyer makes him an offer he can’t refuse in exchange for the head of the neighboring prince, he ends up falling headfirst into the tangle of a foreign court — and the arms of its ruler, Prince Kravitz.
Blood and Bones and Photos by Evitcani
Kravitz has always dreamed of cities: wrapped in vines, streets peaceful and empty. He never knew the world before the end. Still, life goes on and on and on. The homes he's known are in compounds of chain-link fences patrolled by armed guards, feral zombies creeping around the edges who sing to him in the unsettled night.
There is no cure. There is no hope. There is only what little the survivors scraped together.
Then there's Taako.
And the new world that Kravitz was born into ends too.
Wrong Number by argentoswan
Taako texts a wrong number. Kravitz responds. Everyone else is confused, but they're going with it.
(6:32) so we have moved from strangling to murder (6:39) This is… still the wrong number. (6:41) i know i’m crowdsourcing ideas. quick, best way to hide an extremely tiny body?
A Bit Alarming by argentoswan
Taako gives up his freedom in exchange for the safety of his friends, and ends up locked in an enchanted castle with a surprisingly polite skeleton. Beauty and the Beast AU.
"'I’m afraid your friends were trespassing on my property. It was exceedingly impolite.' 'Yeah, and it’s super polite to lock them in the fucking dungeons.'"
study in light by weatheredlaw
He tells you things, things you don’t know what to do with. They fall out of his mouth and into your open hands, and you fumble them.
Deflection Toward The Relative Major by AuthorGod
He means to say all of this, but all that comes out is, “Why? Why choose me?” Instead of someone better suited he means; a warrior, a wizard, a priest.
I come back to this fic constantly. I love Kravitz-centric fic (surprise surprise) and this is one of the best there is I think
of aspen crowns and catskin down by mildlydiscouraging
The streets of London are slick and dark, and not just literally, although they are so often that too. Here there is not only murder, mystery, and mayhem, but magick as well. Here people go through their everyday tragedies and refuse to see the depths behind their troubles. Here two (and a half) detectives search for the truth.
In the dusk of autumn, with wind slicing down alleys, the good people of London are disappearing. It's up to Kravitz and Taako and, honestly, mostly Angus to solve the case, and maybe a couple other mysteries along the way.
those afternoons and evenings and does he project, does he have ideas? by mildlydiscouraging
The moments and years in between, in which feelings take root despite the constantly changing landscape. Alternatively: The world has been ending for forty years and Taako and Kravitz can't stop falling in love.
tazswap with Kravitz on the Starblaster, absolutely gorgeous prose
Reverie by Itdominic
There was a time Taako really could have taken or left it - life, and the world and whatever. Things aren't like that anymore, he tells himself, luckily, because this whole situation might get to be a real fucking drag otherwise.
heartbreaking but absolutely gorgeous
finale by teacuptaako
After everything, the distinction between alive and dead fades to a confusing grey.
In the wake of ‘The Day of Story and Song,’ Taako and Kravitz start to build their futures together: a labour of love, compromise, trust, and a slowly unravelling web of secrecy.
While the two of them grow closer and closer together, they and the rest of the world get further and further apart.
kravitz centric again, this is such a WEIRD fic and i literally haven’t stopped thinking about it since I read it
Drag Your Cities to the Sea (No Light, No Light) by  Desiree_Harding
"The months in Her retinue are long, and the work is hard. Her standards are high, and to satisfy them, Kravitz must be ruthless. But his conviction never falters. She is omnipotent. She is the avenging force of Justice, and Kravitz Her hand. She will keep the kingdom free, and for Kravitz to do her bidding is the greatest honor on this earth."
"Taako’s fingers curl tightly around the ropes of the Starblaster’s rigging as the ship cuts smoothly through the waves of the Sea of Souls below, his heart pounding in his chest and his eyes on the horizon...In these moments, it’s freedom that hangs sweet on his tongue and settles in his lungs, and Taako loves nothing better."
It's a pirate AU! You know the rest!
i live for AUs
All the Things You Prayed For by @anonymousalchemist​ and @marywhal​
Taako's been dead for two years. Taako's been dead for seven decades. Depends how you count it.
Her brother is dead and Lup’s a whole lifetime into the future. It’s a brave new world out there and she’s trying not to think about it too hard. She gets the feeling that if she starts thinking, she won’t ever stop, and she can’t afford to be out of commission. She's the only Captain America the new century’s got.
Lup is Cap, Taako fell from a train, and eventually all ghosts come in from the cold. You guessed it—it's a TAZ/Marvel shakeup baby. We're bringing the party to you.
The Shape of Our Days Neverending by anonymousalchemist and marywhal
After the epilogue, Taako and Kravitz have a really good day. 
just some heckin good fluff amidst all this angst
Other Lives by marywhal
When Kravitz signed up for the job in Phandalin, he didn’t expect adventuring to become his life. He was bored playing for the well-to-do of Neverwinter, sure, but not this bored. He was supposed to make some quick cash, pay off his gambling debts, and go back to his comfortable existence as a bard. He wasn't supposed to join a secret organization trying to save the world.
But here he is, paralyzed on the floor of a crystallized laboratory, and he has yet to keep a suit intact through a single adventure
more tazswap! this is unfinished rn but it’s real good so read it anyway
Bury the Lead by marywhal
Taako’s senior year at Neverwinter High could be going better. Faced with a choice between joining the school’s floundering newspaper or being expelled, he opts for a career in journalism.
Lucretia, the paper’s editor, kind of wishes he'd gone the other way.
if you haven’t read this yet what are you doing with your life
These Unfinished Creatures by marywhal
Someone in Neverwinter is stealing souls from the astral plane. The Raven Queen’s favourite reaper is undercover and on the case.
Relearning how to be human is entirely incidental.
MORE spooky Victorian AU what did i do to deserve this fandom honestly
(you should read everything by marywhal but these are my favs)
our get-along suit by anonymousalchemist
"So, let me get this straight," the reaper says, scythe held flush against Kravitz's neck. A trickle of blood drips down toward his collar. Kravitz swallows shallowly. "You picked up a suit, and the suit happened to be a lich, and the lich wouldn’t let you go, so you just rolled with it?"
"His name is Keats," Kravitz says. "And. Er. Sort of?"
Our own, soft hearts by Wildgoosery (series)
Stories involving a Moon Wedding, its attendees, and its aftermath, written in wildly different formats.
you should read everything Goose has posted but this is one of the first Taakitz fics I read so I have a real soft spot for it
The Body Eclectic by SpaceJackalope
In which Kravitz has many feelings about being dead, having a body, and liking people and things.
A Quiet Refrain by @inkedinserendipity​
It starts with some of the most mediocre eggs Taako's ever clapped eyes on. Seven out of ten for taste. Zero out of ten for plating. Somehow, they're still the best damn eggs he's ever eaten.
(Or: Taako realizes he loves Kravitz back.)
it was your heart on the line by @inkedinserendipity​ and it’s sequels (links here)
one of many fics that inadvertently inspired synecdoche
Istus must be laughing. by writersstareoutwindows
"Whenever people talk about tattoos, Taako rolls down his sleeve. They’re sitting in a circle, usually drinking, laughing and elbowing and sometimes kissing. Whenever they realize Taako hasn’t said anything, he sips his drink, arranges his hair artfully over his shoulder, and says, 'Nah, nah, nah, my dudes, I don’t hold to that,' wiggling his fingers, 'mumbo jumbo tattoo fate-or-whatever bullshit. Chaboi Taako’s a free agent.'"
The present going forward. Memories in a jumble. Not a very neat story, but it's theirs.
another fic that inadvertently inspired synecdoche which i forgot until now!!
things left in the stars by mechanicalclock
You don’t collect things from places that you will never visit again, that’s foolish. It's about learning to let go in all the new ways, adapting quicker and quicker, having fun and forgetting.
Taako and Lup learn to remember.
a moment to bathe in our victory by AnonymousPuzzler
The apocalypse comes and goes. In the aftermath, Taako takes a bath, Kravitz worries too much, and some new feelings are reflected upon.
The end of the word does come and go, Page of Cups, Reversed, and Taking the dogs home by anonymous
About how the world is still here, and how going on can be done.
yellow by weatheredlaw
Washing the dishes, their fingers brushed in the soapy water of the sink and Taako felt a jolt.
Magnus turned and gave him a smile.
Strange Bedfellows by treshornybros (IamJohnLocked4life)
It quickly becomes a habit, and then routine. Magnus is oddly good natured about it. But then Magnus is good natured about everything, so maybe it's not that odd. No one else seems to notice.
They always sleep back to back.
Taako should find that comforting, and he does, at first. It's just like sleeping with Lup.
Sort of.
unremembering by  bluebatwings (series)
Their lives divided up into three parts: before, unremembering, and after. Love stories.
At the Interval by AuthorGod
Time grows stagnant. Taako watches as world become fractured and consumed, cultures and civilizations wiped out. All the potential a single person is capable of in a lifetime, just ripped away in a moment.
It doesn't get to him, and it doesn't get to him, and it doesn't until it does.
breaking the same old heart by tardigradeschool
Taako and Magnus in triptych: before, during, and after the Bureau.
The Blue Hours of Morning by daisybrien
Refuge takes its toll. Magnus and Taako talk it out, drunk on the living room floor.
the only life you could save by @epersonae​ and hops (series)
this could also go in the Other category bc it’s All The Ships (including magcretia which isn’t even my thing but they write is so so so well that now it is my thing!) but I’m digging through my ao3 history and not finding much taagnitz that’s not  pwp/mine (a travesty) so it’s going in here. it’s also about taako and lucretia working their whole Thing out and it’s VERY VERY GOOD
no blinding light by provocation
Elves live much, much longer than humans. By the time most humans die, elves are just reaching adulthood.
Kravitz, on the other hand, is going to live forever.
the fic that made me ship taagnitz
in the focus by weatheredlaw
The sky was clear and the arms of the galaxy that surrounded them arched overhead as they lay in their sleeping bags, staring at the stars.
or: Kravitz knows there's room in all this for something between him and Magnus — he's just not sure what that looks like.
Dust by levelone
It was supposed to be simple: Taako was on TV, and Kravitz is a writer here for some pull quotes. Instead, when they meet in an empty diner in the middle of a desert, Taako says something impossible—and Kravitz believes him.
Oak and Mahogany by hideki16seiyuu
“Don’t try to pull one over on me, handsome. He’s going gray already.”
“He’s in his fifties now, Taako.”
“How much longer is left?”
“Longer than you’d think.”
Human lives can never match that of elves in length.
Take Up a Place Beside Me by goodnicepeople
"It's gonna be hard," Taako says, when they're alone again. "You can't... do that. Every time."
Or: Taako and Kravitz move in. Others move on. Some get dogs.
you are the life i needed all along by iwillbeyourgoal
along with the other memories he's gained from the stolen century, taako starts remembering his relationship with magnus on the starblaster.
these small hours by  ShowMeAHero
Taako and Magnus get their memories back, and now they need to negotiate some emotions, because they're having a hell of a lot of them all at once.
Other ships/Gen
I Have Seen the Fields Aflame by Desiree_Harding
She hadn’t meant to disappear. Had she known what was going to happen, that one weekend was going to lead to seven entire years without her brother, she never would have gone. But that was all it took.
A modern au in which Lup goes missing, and discovers that the coming home is maybe the hardest part of all of it.
i cried for like an hour after reading this
a thousand points of no return by anonymousAlchemist
Since wizard's daemons often settle as birds and urban legend says that elves are separated from their daemons, no one looks too closely at the fact that Taako and Lup are both single entities, missing the other halves of their hearts. They walk like people, they talk like people, and if they're hard to read because their daemons aren't fluffing up their feathers or swatting playfully with their paws, well, elves are notoriously enigmatic anyway.
This lasts until their first death.
All deaths on the Starblaster are strange. When Magnus first died on the animal planet, I'morko followed right after, both of their bodies dissipating into golden sparks, a strange inversion of the natural order. The pattern holds. Year after year, person and daemon alike dissipate into a fine mist of dust, knit together by the bond engine in the new plane.
During their fifteenth year, Taako is shot through the heart with a well-aimed magic missile. Lup screams and casts one last firebolt, spell-sculpting around their bodies, before unspooling into a fine golden sand.
snake eyed, with a sly smile by faehunting
The circus is a mystery that sets itself up for people who track its movements, for people who are desperate to find it, to find anything. The circus is a mystery that sets itself up for people to stumble upon.
In the morning, the circus is nothing but negative space and the revellers it left behind. They sit up. They try to wet the dust in their mouths. They start the journey anew.
creepy fae weirdness!!!! yes!!!!!
I’m With The Band by redqueentheory, Wildgoosery, and Woven_Gulch (series)
A series of connected stories, equal parts sentimental and horny, about how Brad and Taako and Kravitz fall in love.
wacky BDSM crack ship becomes Greatest Romance Novel I’ve Ever Read, has made me cry multiple times
these strange creatures by anonymousalchemist
Taako sweeps himself into the common area of the Starblaster with all the drama and panache that he reserves for alternate Tuesday afternoons. Barry ignores him with all the practice he has from a decade of alternate Tuesday afternoons.
“I’m exhausted,” Taako whines, draping himself across Barry’s shoulders, the sharp point of his chin poking into Barry’s collarbone. “I’ve been up since for-ev-er, working on this dumb transmutation thing for Lulu.”
“Go meditate, then,” Barry says, absently reaching up to pat Taako’s head.
“You know, meditation? Isn’t that, uh, one of your elf things??” Barry finally looks up from his book, barest hint of a wrinkle in his forehead. Taako shakes his head.
“Never heard of it, homeslice. Musta skipped that day at elf practice.”
Barry laughs.
“Elf practice, sure.”
you know... elf practice
all your saints and saviors by anonymousalchemist
It’s not so much that she wants to die per se, as much as it is that she’s done living. The female human life expectancy is seventy-two years on this plane (it was seventy-four years on her home plane) and she’s lost count of her birthdays. But the math is easy. She was twenty when she boarded the Starblaster. A hundred-twenty when they landed in Faerun. A hundred-thirty when the Hunger was defeated. She’s fifty six years overdue.
She’s done her job, is the thing. She saved the world, in exchange for youth, friendship, family. She gave up everything but determination. She considers it fair trade. But now Lucretia is a single-use tool whose purpose no longer exists.
In Her Bones by epersonae
She lives through the destruction of her home, but still they're separated, until Julia sees the green light, and the blue light, and has to figure out what to do next.
better give that heart a listen by tardigradeschool
Barry needs a fake husband if he wants to stay undercover. Magnus is more than willing to help him out. Davenport needs a vacation.
herald of a new dawn by inkedinserendipity
When Lucretia is five years old, she meets her familiar. At seven, she remakes it; at eight, she remakes it again.
Seventy years later it saves her from an unkind world. And a Century after that, it fixes a family that had started to break.
from me to you, with love by inkedinserendipity
Magnus shuts the drawer and says, almost absently, “Tell her I love her, okay?”
Kravitz pauses, debating. He takes a deep breath. “Magnus,” he says, and Magnus, detecting the shift in his tone, looks up immediately. “You know that she already knows, right? She knows that you love her,” Kravitz says gently. “You do tell her every time.”
Magnus chuckles, rubbing a sheepish hand along the back of his neck. “I know,” he says, turning a bit pink. “I just - I love her, you know? I really do. And I guess, when you love someone, you want to tell them that every chance you get.”
your stitches are all out (but your scars are healing wrong) by tardigradeschool
When it’s over, and she can barely feel what makes her herself anymore, the umbrella is tattered beyond repair. With her last traces of energy, Lup grasps for shelter, reaching out for somewhere to store her torn soul until she can be helpful again. At the edge of her awareness, she feels a familiar shape, a familiar warmth -- in her exhaustion she could almost mistake it for her own body. She reaches for it and pulls herself clumsily inside.
Safe and contained, she lets consciousness go.
Voidfish (Reprise) by inkedinserendipity
Angus McDonald is many things — the boy detective, for one. The youngest member of the Bureau of Balance. The unofficial little brother of the THB, however Taako insists he's actually their mascot. He’s a researcher, and a scholar. He's not a fighter. He’s not a hero.
But he can save the world all the same.
Patterns of Migration by goodnicepeople
Magnus builds a house. Angus finds a home. Migration brings things back, in turn.
Hard to Starboard  by BlueColoredDreams (series)
In the best world, it ends like this:
By starting over.
and the warmth will never die by Junkyard_Rose
Taako's been gone for maybe two years when Lup thinks she sees him shoplifting from a Hot Topic.
you ever read something that makes you astral project and you can't think about anything else for the rest of the day? me too
(in this category because it's mainly about the twins but it's also taakitz and blupcretia aka the ideal fic)
and at a certain age the child is grown by bimaukery
There are people in his grandpa's house.
AU where the IPRE family all moves in together and find the place less empty than they've been led to believe.
i left a light beside the bed for you by SyllableFromSound
"If she stares at the ceiling without blinking long enough, it starts to look fuzzy. Like there's a grainy film of static over the surface of the plaster. It makes her think of mist outside a window, of the big old tube TV that had sat in the living room of her house for her first few years of life and that had tingled warmly when she pressed her hand to the screen. Everything feels a bit fuzzy now, maybe because it's 3AM. Everything feels warm and a bit familiar.
Finally, Dani says, quietly, 'This is what I imagined it would be like if...if things had gone differently.'"
In which a couple of outcasts have some late-night chats and Aubrey ingests a foreign object to prove a point.
older than the trees by lamphouse
Summer is returning to Kepler, bringing with it humid late nights, not as many tourists as there used to be, and a certain moth man. Unfortunately, they're not the only ones.
Duck talks some shit out. Aubrey chills. Ned gets grifted. Indrid learns to see.
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acaddicts · 6 years
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Meet your Admins!
**Not all admins are pictured above**
>Click their title/name to see their posts on our page<
Head Admin: @sunflowercrosser 
Name: Amy-Louise
Nickname: Ames, Amylou, "Queen"
Age: 20 Birthday: 24th November Timezone: BST (GMT in Winter) • Best Available: after 5pm Fave Villager/NPC: Rosie|Phylis Fave AC Game: New Leaf About Me: I am a full time carer at the moment. Originally a secretary. I have a puppy called Sox. I am a devoted auntie, and love spending time with my family. Originally from Northern Ireland. Suffer with several chronic illnesses.
Co-Head Admin:
🌿 Name: Eliana 💕 ✨ Nickname: Eli, El 🌿 Age: 18 😱 ✨ Birthday: July 2nd 🌿 Timezone: EST (I think EDT in winter??) ✨ Best Availability: I’m active 90% of the time if I’m not in school or at work 🌿 Fave Villager/NPC: L O B O npc is Sable ✨ Fave AC Game: Honestly New Leaf it’s really great 🌿 A little about you: I am a mother to a chinchilla, I like to play guitar, I’m a huge sims fan, did I mention my chinchilla? And I love everyone here so much💕
Head Artist:
• Name : Cynthia • Nickname : Anakya • Age : 23 • Birthday : February 5 • Timezone : Est • Best Availability : Night • Fave Villager/NPC : Spork • Fave AC Game : New Leaf • A little about you : Im Canadian french. Im a big fan of plushies I think I have an obsession with plushes. Im a big gamer, if I have some free times im probably drawing or playing pc or ps4.
Head Security: @wickedwitchofacnl
• Name: Michelle • Nickname: Mish, mama Mish • Age: 24 • Birthday: October 1st • Timezone: EST • Best Availability: Pretty much at any time, except between midnight and 7 AM • Fave Villager/NPC: Skye • Fave AC Game: ACNL • A little about you: I am a mom of 2.5, I like to be outside and write. I hope one day to become an L&D nurse, or maybe an OBGYN. I love to read and my favorite animal is a penguin.
Co Head Security:
- Jessica - Jess - 19 - 24/09/98 - probably best available in the evening time or late afternoon or weekend mornings (or day cause I'm allowed on my phone at work ) - UK time zone (can never remember proper name lmao) - Benjamin has been my fave for about 5 months but it always changes 😂 - new leaf probably I've spent the most time on it - uh I'm pretty sure you all know me by now, but I have a cat called Murphy who is my fave boi, my created gecko called morph and two fish called tipp and ponyo.. and broccoli is my fave vegetable could eat it all the time 🍒
Head Hacker:
- Candyce - Candy - 17 - January 16, 2001 - Central (USA) - It differs, but usually at night - I love Pudge :) - City Folk - I love cats, plan on becoming a graphic designer, work at a bubble tea shop, and I have celiac, body dysphoria, and lots of anxiety disorders. I've fully recovered from depression and mostly from my eating disorder (it turned into the dysphoria). I'm in a long distance relationship of 4 years and I like to play Wizard101    
Co-Head Hacker: @ladykayacnl
• Name - Kayla • Nickname - Kay, Kaylala, Layla, Kayduhx • Age - 27 • Birthday - September 11 • Timezone - Central • Best Availability - All day • Fave Villager/NPC - Cookie! <3 • Fave AC Game - New Leaf :) • A little about you -I've been married for 8 years and I have 5 kids! I'm an Air Force Veteran :). I love tattoos, music, anime, reading, coffee, and helping people! I suffer from resting bitch face, PTSD, and anxiety. I'm generally really nice until someone messes with my family (both IRL and my Addicts family <3).
Head Services Admin: @chibi-bat
Name: Keisha
Nickname:Red 🦇 Age: 24 💜 Birthday: July 20th 🦇 Timezone: PST 💜 Best Availability: Anytime 🦇 Favorite Villager: Gayle & Lucky 💜 Favorite AC Game: New Leaf 🦇 A Little About Me: I am a natural redhead, a mother of 2 boys and have been with my soul mate for 7 years. (We are officially getting married October 27, 2018) We also have a Jack Russell called Kaia. I love video games, am currently obsessed with Paladins & Overwatch. My dream is to become a published author! I am obsessed with bats, foxes, and all things spooky. My favorite time of the year is fall and I love when it rains. 🎃
Head Landscaper:
🌸 Name • Laird Deanna 🌸 Nickname • Marshmallow Melli (Long story) 🌸 Age • 27 🌸 Birthday • 3rd April 1991 🌸 Timezone • GMT 🌸 Best Availability • Evenings and late nights. 🌸 Fave Villager/NPC • Stitches and Sable 🌸 Fave AC Game • New Leaf by far 🌸 A little about you • I come from one of the largest clans in Scotland and proud of it. I also followed in my families footsteps and am a trained seamstress. I make a lot of clothes for myself, headbands, turn up trousers so they don't drag on the floor cuz I'm a short ass, even made a couple of quilts in my time (currently planning another one)
Co-Head Landscaper:
• Name - Stephanie • Nickname - Don’t really have one but I dislike being called Steph! • Age - 27 • Birthday - January 14th • Timezone - CST • Best Availability - Evenings/Nights/Weekends • Fave Villager/NPC - Ankha & Labelle • Fave AC Game - New Leaf 🍃 • A little about you - I’m a pharmacy technician, licensed esthetician and video game addict. I loooooove cats and baking is my favorite hobby besides ACNL 😍😝
Alanys. 🌌Nickname: Ally or Marie. 💜 🌠Age: 16. 🌌Birthday: October 18th. 🎃 🌠Timezone: AST. 🌌Availability: 3:30 pm to 10:30pm on weekdays, 12:00pm to around 3:00am on weekends. 🌠Fave villagers/npc: Marshal, Merengue, Étoile (even though I'll never get her card 😥😭) and Resetti. 🌌Fave ac game: New leaf. 🍃 🌠A little about me: I'm from Puerto Rico, I speak spanish and love to teach people about it if they ask, I'm going to uni next year and I absolutely want to be a psychologist. I love to help people and hear a thank you, and for some reason I like to hold doors open for everyone. 😂 I love to read about anything Greek mythology, and sometimes I create my own characters based on it. 🏛 My fav games are Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid, God Of War, Danganronpa and two games on my phone called Mystic Messenger and DBZ Dokkan Battle. My fav food is pasta! 🍝 I hate coffee, but I love hot chocolate, and I have a thing for strawberries, strawberry frappes/smoothies and strawberry popsicles. 🍓 I love spending time with my bf and my mom, mostly when I acompany her to go shopping or help her cook! I like watching cooking videos even though I can burn water. 😂 Other than my main hobbies, I like to read/write fanfics, look at memes, listen to music, dance, and play with babies and animals. 💕 Used to want to be a part time babysitter too haha! 💜 And I also love anything related to the galaxy. 🌌💕
Andrea Nickname🌻 •Andi Age🌼 •19 Birthday💫 •30.12.98 Time zone✨ •UTC + 2 Best availability⚡️ •Depends, but normally 12 pm - 8 pm Fave villager/NPC🌷 •Bob is by far my favourite villager! He is my baby. My favourite NPC would be Isabelle, she’s so sweet. Fave AC game🌟 •New Leaf A little about me😸 I love cats. Almost everything I own is cat related. I currently work in a kindergarten (whenever someone is sick I come in), but my dream is to become a dementia nurse. I’m engaged and we live together in a small apartment in Northern Norway. I struggle with my mental health, but I try my best to beat it and do my best to help out in our lovely group. When I don’t play AC or do admin stuff I play other games (Skyrim, Pokèmon) or watch Netflix😎
🌺 Nickname: Ash 💖Age: 23 🌺Birthday: 19/12 💖Timezone: ACDT 🌺Best Availability: Anytime 💖Fave Villager/NPC: Bluebear 🌺Fave AC Game: New Leaf 💖A little about you: Other than ACNL, I love playing Sims 4 and Pokemon. My favourite Pokemon happens to be lucario.
🌈Nickname: Vee 🌺Age: 15 (Mentally 5) 🌈Birthday: January 1, 2003 🌺Timezone: CDT (CST during winter) 🌈Best Availability: I’m available about 70% of the time when I’m not in school 🌺Fave Villager/NPC: Favorite villager is Bob (we share the same birthday!) and my favorite NPC is Isabelle 🌈Fave AC Game: New Leaf 🌺A little about me: Starting in September, I will be a sophomore in high school. I suffer from depression and anxiety. I’m in a very unhealthy relationship with my boyfriend but I’m staying in it anyway because I find it too hard to break up with him. My parents are divorced, so I live with my mom until I am old enough to legally move out, but that doesn’t bother me since I get to live with my three year old sister (I swear she’s the most adorable thing ever) and I’m looking forward to having a baby brother sometime near September! I love video games (but nothing can beat Animal Crossing, in my opinion). I also love hanging with friends, reading, and coffee! And of course, the Addicts family❤️
• Nickname: Borkeley, Jo • Age: 23 • Birthday:June 28th, I'm a cancer! • Timezone: EST • Best Availability: Anytime really. • Fave Villager/NPC: Lily + Sable • Fave AC Game: New Leaf or Population Growing • A little about you: I'm a married cat mom, I'm a twitch streamer + i love Gavin Free. Thats about it!
• Nickname - Chriss or Vicko • Age - 21 • Birthday - July 24th • Timezone - UTC - 6 CST • Best Availability - Mornings and at night • Fave Villager/NPC - For NPC's, Kapp'n and the Porter, for villagers uff I have lots but specially, Molly and Muffy  . • Fave AC Game - New leaf • A little about you - I love potatoes, anime and manga :3 , also I'm a student from college, I love doing pics editions, draws and such, so if you guys ever need help with thigns related to this, you now know who to call ;) I also can give spanish classes 😝
Emma • Nickname: I don’t really have one but if you call me Em I’m fine with that! • Age: 24 • Birthday: 16th of December • Timezone: PST • Best Availability: Evenings, nights, and weekends • Fave Villager/NPC: Tex and Lottie! • Fave AC Game: New Leaf 😍 • A little about you: I’m a substitute teacher and I’m in the process of going back to school to get my teaching degree! I hope to be an English teacher at either a middle school or a high school. I love reading and writing and I’m really passionate about sleeping 😂
Hanna Nickname: none Age: 22 Birthday: 4th August 1996 Timezone: GMT (Germany) Best Availability: most of the time, but the highest chance is in the evening Fave villager/NPC: Colton, Lobo Fave Ac Game: New Leaf A little about you: My AC passion started with ACWW and I also love Pokémon (Eevee is my fav) and other RPGs like Skyrim and Fallout. I also love my pets (I have a lot^^), reading books and draw some stuff. I’m a student and study the science of language and and literature (but mostly german literature).
 Hannah 👑 Nickname: Han 👑 Age: 24 👑 Birthday: Feb 7th 👑 Timezone: GMT/BST 👑 Best Availability: Evenings and Weekends 👑 Fave Villager/NPC: Chrissy & Cookie, Celeste 👑 Fave AC Game: New Leaf 👑 A little about you: My favourite Pokemon has always been and will always be Vulpix, so when Alolan Vulpix was revealed I lost my shit. I have anime, I write fanfiction, I write stories and edit for a living, I play a lot of other games like League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Persona, Bloodborne - you name it I've probably played it, I love sunflowers and roses, Sailor Moon is my life and aesthetic forever, and finally, I have three cats <3
Jennifer  • Nickname: Jen or Jenny • Age: 21 • Birthday: February 9th • Timezone: UK, GMT • Best Availability: Late night • Fave Villager/NPC : Whitney and Skye • Fave AC Game : New leaf • A little about you I work in retail maybe 2 days a week, I love animals, Disney, games, drawing, reading and writing. Im self teaching guitar and writing songs as a hobby. Tryng to be a vegetarian which is going well, haven't ate meat in a week, yay. The tv shows I like vary in type, I like: The walking daed, Once upon a time and A series of unfortunate events. Movies I like are mostly Disney , the lion king most of all. I also love animals , especially my dog Amber. I do hope to run my own business to rehalibitate pets and wild animals to find homes and re release the healed ones back into the wild. I also appreciate kind and loyal people 💜
Mollie 💖 Nickname: MolflakeMagic (my main gamer tag & online name) 💚 Age: 19 💖 Birthday: December 1st 💚 Timezone: GMT / BST (UK) 💖 Best Availability: Currently Afternoons through to Night unless I'm with family or my boyfriend :3 💚 Fave Villager / NPC: Goldie!! 😍😊 💖 Fave AC Game: Animal Crossing City Folk 😍😊 💚 A little about me: I'm generally very goofy and always looking to make people laugh and smile. I'm currently preparing to move to Nottingham to study at University in September, so essentially preparing to be an official adulty adult xD I play lots of League in my spare time but also love to design on New Leaf, and I'm currently working on completing all the collections for the museum. I also love to dance and I'm also currently starting to learn Japanese :3 When not with my goofball boyfriend or at home, you can usually find me at my grandparents with my doggy Poppy 😍😊
Panyia 🎀 Nickname: Pan/Panini/Pancakes 🎀 Age: 20 🎀 Birthday: Feb. 16th 🎀 Timezone: PST (soon to be HST) 🎀 Best Availability: Depends, usually 12pm - 10 pm 🎀 Fave Villager/NPC: Coco/Celeste 🎀 Fave AC Game: New Leaf 🎀 A little about you: I’m soon-to-be engaged, going to be moving in with my partner very soon. Im usually playing any Harvest Moon game series when I’m not playing AC and helping out with the group. I’ve played other games but it’s too many to name lol. I love watching anime too! They all help me with my mental health and depression, which I try not to let them get to me when I’m helping out with our group ❤️
Ruth 🌸Age: 21 🌸Birthday: 25th December 🌸Timezone: BST/GMT 🌸Best Availability: Usually evenings or any day that I’m off work 🌸Fave villager/NPC: Apple and my fave npc is Kicks ❤️ 🌸Fave AC Game: New Leaf 🌸 A Little about me: I have lived in the south west part of the uk all of my life with my parents and older brother. I love cats so much, I used to have a black cat called Twinkle but he was very ill and passed away from a heart murmur at only 7 years old. I now have a calico called Poppy who I love very much ❤️ I have suffered from anxiety and depression, with the occasional severe migraine (to the point I passed out) since 2013 (but thank goodness I’m nowhere near as bad now) I also love an incredible KPop band called BTS (you may have heard me talk about them already 😛) and playing games like Animal Crossing and Zelda ❤️ Sorry I’m rambling now 😂😂 
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Nancy Drew: The Lady of Larkspur Lane AKA None of this is a Good Plan Guys
So I fell really behind in the show (and every show) with the start of the semester, but I have finally caught up, and am right back on my bullshit.
Commentary time! With many ellipses tonight
What was that smashing on the ground? Hopefully not something important/that will come back to haunt us (possibly literally) later…
In every universe Nancy’s fashion sense is questionable. Wear the Horse Shirt and Mom Jeans Bess!
Bess and Ace’s relationship is so wholesome and I love it
Is she really okay with it though?
I hate that this episode is a spooky mental hospital episode because it’s going to be tropey and that has a high likelihood of possible ableism…
Mmm. Don’t like you Amaya. Bess is more than a pretty face and deserves to be treated with respect. Fight me.
Oh no. If Carson dies…
I mean it would be easy to cover up. Prominent lawyer. Small town/local prison. Plenty of disgruntled clients and opponents. Of course, Mrs. Hudson didn’t sound interested in keeping her involvement secret, but if she did want to…
All our hope is on you Ace. Hey. Stop rambling and panicking darling, you’ve got this. Probably.
Why are you not driving your beloved truck?
She is about to be locked into that file room I swear…
Suspicious, sudden, aggressive mold
Oh, ok, I guess I was wrong, but that’s ghost footsteps if I’ve ever heard them
I mean she looks nothing like your “runner” from earlier but sure
Oh are they going to try and put her in a room as a patient…is that what they mean by runner? God kill me now.
How is that cover working?
Of course there’s a haunting and she’s talking the one person who super believes in it
Damn son, the sass
How convenient that Ryan and Bess are having lunch only a table or so apart (love her face as Ace goes by)
Straight to the point. Alrighty. Maybe learn just a little subtlety when discussing hits on people…?
That was interesting emphasis. Your father wouldn’t, but you don’t deny that someone might have.
Ace, I’d say don’t ruin this for Bess, but that woman’s initial attitude and apparent ignoring her the entire lunch made me kind of want it ruined – but what do you think Bess can achieve here that you can’t?
Why does this orderly remind me of George Salazaar and why is that deeply unsettling?
Welp, it’s not sealed off anymore. Once again, nice job breaking it Drew.
So much sass. First Ace, now Bess. My favs are really bringing it
Tall jar of mayonnaise? Really?
No, Bess, don’t just spill everything to this stranger. That’s a terrible plan.
I find it highly suspicious that now that it looks like she’s connected to the Hudson and or/shady dealings, you’re suddenly interested
I repeat, don’t hurt Papa Drew…oh thank god! A transfer to State is the best worst thing that could happen
That doesn’t look like an official transfer vehicle…is this a fakeout and now the hit’s going to happen? Easier to fake a death in a traffic accident (round 2)
Ace! Are you perpetrating a prison break you wonderful, disaster of a human?! I love you!
It sounds bad when you put it that way Carson…
More sass, this time about your laundry list of Crimes!
Noble dumbass
That is the vaguest plan I’ve ever heard of
That is the first place they’ll look for him…oy…
George is unimpressed. I am just glad that question didn’t go where I feared it might
Archery and Axes are not the same thing, trust me
Why do you have a massive axe in your house anyway, Carson?
That shot was entirely for the audience to see how well-built Ace is, wasn’t it? Not that I’m complaining…
Oh this is interesting…I’m a little surprised how easy that was.
Why does Mrs. Dodd know what Kate’s necklace looked like to the point of that being how she “recognized” her? That seems like an odd detail
“Other lady”? So not someone she knows. Lucy’s secret? A real key or a metaphorical one?
The Thin Man is another spirit. I’d stake my life on it. But is his book real?
Ace…not…not the right approach. In fact the absolute wrong way of handling probably the worst possible way for this situation to go
I still don’t like you, but you have a point at the immediate moment
I love you Bess, take her down and win her over all at once
You done fucked up Drew. Flickering lights, creepy fast-spreading mold, ball with what looks like blood on it rolling about the hall unprompted. I sense a jumpscare a-comin’
Surprisingly fewer “the ghosts of dead patients gone violent in limbo” than I was expecting, pleasantly so.
Of course Nick-not-Ned knows Bible quotes. Because he has been established as the resident Book NerdTM and therefore knows important quotes from all books ever written
Creepy demon has a Bible? That seems off. Not an evil spirit then? Someone alive?
Of course they did, because the Hudsons and their people are smart
I like this new badass business bitch Bess. Also kinda hot. (better if she goes back to her usual hair though, the poodle is not a good style choice)
Mr. Roper? I think that falls under Names to Run Away from Very Quickly
The Whisper Box? Seriously?
Is that blood on the ball or just a flower? It bugs me that I can’t tell
Nancy! Bad plan.
A life for a life. That’s not a bad negotiation. But if anyone can find a digital footprint, I believe it’s Ace.
Maybe I misjudged you almost as much as you misjudged Bess…
Don’t ignore Lisbeth…L
Well shit. I’m almost concerned for Ryan’s life. I mean he’s still a scummy douche-canoe and has not redeemed himself, but I almost care.
No. No romantic bullshit. Platonic teamwork is fine.
What is so bad about pulling the alarm?
Okay, it’s a flower. Somehow that makes it worse?
A keycard? To what/where? And will it work after so long?
The door disappears. That’s…not good. And that’s a Lot of Bugs
I am deeply unsettled by all of this
Nancy, you need to stop having near death experiences…
Excuse me, what?! That’s the end of the episode?!
So next week we’re going to end up with part 2 in the Sanitarium right? So I can only mark this as “so far so good in terms of ‘not as ableist as you could have been’”?
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survivor-guyana · 5 years
Episode 8 - "One of the best moves in the history of this series." - Devon
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I'M FREE OF THE PURPLE SQUIRREL MAN !!!! Mitchell you were great, but i couldn't let you stay in the game when i knew you were after me <3 at least you made jury though so that's good :) ALSO FUC FUCKF FUCK FUFKC FUCK WE MADE JURYYYYYYYYYY I'M GONNA PEE MY ACTUAL PANTS now all i have to do is make single digits and i'll be satisfied. but then after that,,, it's winning :$ also alyssa and jess are a v obvious f2 they aren't even hiding it anymore wowowow
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So I’m already starting to plan how I can go about this next round. I think I would need to go after Sammy next. We don’t have as much of a connection as I thought we did, he is closer to Jones and Alyssa than I am, and this helps me get back into the middle like I need/want to be. I regain the trust of Aidan and Dani, and probably could gain a stronger connection with Devon and Jess (if they’d be open to this vote).
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so,,, Jess keeps saying stuff,,, and it's making me uncomfortable,,,,,,??? IT'S NOT LIKE SHE'S BEING CREEPY OR ANYTHIGN AT ALL but,, she's saying stuff that's like,, freaking me out about my game? she basically told me and Maynor over call that everyone on the first swap tribe Hosororo made a video that I SHOULD WIN THE GAME??? like,, k AND THEN!! then,,, then,,, she says that everyone thinks i'm really cool? like "oh yeah i'm okay with Jones!!" LIKE??? wow??? like,, that's a good position,, but also i have to be super slick from now on yk? so yay! love being stressed the fuck out lkdsjafldskfj also,, i have a bad feeling we might have an unmerge. it's like,, a stretch, but we merged so early?? F13 merge is wildt kdsafldksaf idk what to expect just know i'm probs gonna get voted out next lskajdfaldkjf
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So, without having to do too much extra work, people also saw the same thing as me and want to get Sammy out; awesome. But now I have to find a way to make sure that it comes into fruition. There's a line between keeping this secret but also building those connections that come with blindsiding someone with someone else... Like can I trust Tim not to go back and tell Sammy? I think I can, but there's a risk in telling another person.
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I'm telling you right now, there is no one in the game playing with fire more than me.
1. I made 5 different fake idol charts in the fans vs favs stage to gain trust 2. I jumped ship on the fans and committed to Sammy, Chelsea, and Alyssa after the swap 3. I'm pinning the whole entire cast against one another and taking out the biggest threat in Sammy.
If I can successfully get Aidan to flush his advantage and knock out Sammy, this could go down as one of the best moves in the history of this series. It would be a true tale of going from the top to the bottom in one single round.
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I won a challenge *Happy dance* Fuck social challenges *still dancing* Not here to make friends *still dancing* Fuck you Mitchell
hahah, right okay so a confession.... I was super stressed with this the BUZZ challenge really but like, I cleaned my room and still went to play DnD and still one. Extra bonus of the night, I didn't die and my character leveled up. yay's all around.  
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Things are really happening strategically now and after being on the wrong side of the vote last week I want to be very intentional about every move that I make going forward. Right now there are a few names bouncing around but mainly Dani and Sammy in retaliation.
I don't know why this Sammy/Chelsea/JD/Jonesy or whatever faction is all voting one way but they're all boring so whatever. Apparently JD has Maynor on her ass and a lot of people are sniffing Jonesy' boring ass pussy juice for whatever reason. The game is sort of divided right now and it's weird... and there's currently a plan in place to divert a few votes onto Chelsea to skew idol suspicion and avoid a deadlock. Imagine we pulled a 6-5-1 or 6-4-2 or something?
I really don't want Dani to leave because she's somebody I need in this game but it just seems like the boring bitches want to go after my friends and I'm trying to fake it til I make it with them but it's not working?
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So JD winning immunity was LITERALLY worst case scenario for me. They say don't meet your heroes because you'll be disappointed well... that's how I feel about JD.
I'm really scared I'm not going to make it out of this round alive. I just hope if there's a push for me to go I can play my idol correctly and not leave this game looking like an idiot because I didn't play an idol I had.
Hypothetically speaking..... maybe I can see votes going down like this?
People that would POTENTIALLY vote for me? 1. Sammy 2. Chelsea 3. Tim 4. JD
I really wanted a favourite to go this round too so I'm super disappointed. I kind of want to push for TIM to go now because out of all of the people left aside from JD I talk to him the least. HOWEVER, I don't want to be "Mitchell'd" so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut and hope for the best.
plot twist.
I'm being targeted because people are scared of someone with an ACTUAL PERSONALITY.
What ended up happening was: Devon called myself/Alyssa and spilled all of the tea about Sammy targeting us. This was HUGE of Devon so I hope he's not lying. What kind of sketched me out during that call was Alyssa seemed kind of relieved that they switched from her to me when I was generally SHOOK about them targeting her too? So that was something? I'm not gonna look to into it though lmfao. Devon not telling us for a couple of days is amood though. That kind of is a giant red flag.
Jones hasn't told Alyssa about that alliance which I personally find WEIRD. I thought Jones and Alyssa were confirmed final 2. Maybe this will cause some doubt OR maybe Jones already told Alyssa and she's lying. I have no idea at this point.
My plan for this round was to get Dani to throw out Chelsea's name as her counter. That way if Sammy or any of them have an idol they'll waste it on Chelsea while we target Sammy. We need to throw off his scent.
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I typed a long ass answer and lost it so FUCK you Johnny but honestly this round is a mess and everybody is lying and talking shit
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I’m,,, worried. So I lost immunity, right? I got 3rd place behind Maynor and JD. BUT like,,,,,,,,,,, SURE I’m feeling mostly covered, and SURe we have the numbers for Dani,, but what if Dani or Aidan have an idol? Like we know aidan has a vote steal that’s pretty obvious,, but like,,, what if yk? I’m super fucking scared. I know I said I don’t WANt to have immunity,,,, but now I want immunity AJSKNDJD but ummm yeah :( I’m ooky spookied. I have a really bad feeling, but hopefully everything works out.
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So Aidan wouldn't reveal his advantage which sucks but I'm working on gaining trust with him.
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Pretty sure I’m going home so that’s fun..but Sammy might go home for being too chaotic. Idk djdjdjdjd. I really enjoyed playing though
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So, once again I am potentially on the chopping block and I don't understand why. My squad is voting for Dani but I'm over people wanting me out. ughhhhh. I am normally a very likable person and those 5 votes I got last tribal were the most I have ever received in a game. I'm a decent player, but not really a threat so idk why people just want to vote me. Anywho, I am hoping my squad of people can save me yet again (gross, I don't want to be in the position where people have to save me) and people stop trying to come for me.
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Tonights vote is going to be very interesting. Its Dani vs Sammy. I hope Sammy goes because he doesnt trust me and he wants me gone. I hpe nothing crazy happens and he goes. Dani and I got back to talking and everything was smoothed over so thats good.
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jaehyunsboomvocals · 7 years
Part 3
After meeting the rest of mx and hanging out for a while, it was time for the boys to leave and everyone started saying their goodbyes ... tris had waited for woohyun and soyou to say their goodbyes to ki before she went up to him.. ash and lala had already left and were waiting outside in the car for her .. The other guys were now alone and mingling amongst themselves and tris had no more reasons to stall her goodbye. .. ki pulled tris in for another hug.. it was one of her favs.. the hug where she couldn’t breathe... the hug that said i dont want to say goodbye to you... tris felt the tears fill up in her eyes.. "you have no idea how proud i am of you kihyun... nothing makes me happier than seeing you up on stage doing what you love...”
Ki finally let go and tris wiped her tears "yah do you need me to personally bring food and shove it down your throat or are you going to eat more from now on… " tris scolded ... ki smiled "you know i like food best when you feed me" "dont be cute with me yoo kihyun... absence has made your smile lose its effect" that was not true at all .. no amount of time apart could ever change the way his smile warmed her heart... "I should get going now ... ill call you tomorrow okay" tris held onto ki’s hand until the very last moment when he left her at the door and patted her head goodbye..
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And there it was again .. that feeling of not being able to breathe...
Ki closed the door once tris left and came back to find the 6 guys giving him the ooooh you just held a girls hand look... ki simply ignored them and started getting ready to leave... holding tris' hand was different than holding other girls’ hands...  he had been holding her hand since they were babies.. As they grew older, most people thought they were a couple, because it was so natural for them to hold hands . he liked the feel of her fingers in his, the softness of her skin, the way that they were small enough to fit inside his... whenever they sat together... he would instinctively take her hands in his... Even though ki thought his hands were fat and ugly, tris liked how warm they kept her cold hands…
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Hyungwon, who had been watching the whole goodbye went up to ki. “Yah kihyun-ah, how come you never told us how cute tris was?” All the guys looked at hyungwon and then back at kihyun before they added in their comments of how he was trying to keep her all to himself. Ki had always thought tris was cute but somehow it had gone over his head that other guys would feel that way too… “But I have our picture frame in my room, you have seen her before” Ki responded… “yah pabo-ya, you guys were like 15 in that photo and all that showed us was she’s stronger than you” Ki hadn’t realized that the picture he had of the two of them was from so far back… It had been a good memory even though it was one of the worst days… it was a photo of tris carrying him on her back... He could still remember the way her hair smelled while she carried him… Ki was known for his sense of smell and no matter how many times tris had changed her shampoo over the years, her hair always had a distinct scent to him…
Tris and Ki had grown up with soccer nets in their backyards because of their dads…  So it was no surprise when ki had joined his school’s soccer team…
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When ki turned 15, soccer became more prominent in his life… his team had a big game coming up and ki had been practicing in his back yard every day after school… so much so, that he didn’t even have time to hang out with tris… On the particular day the photo had been taken out… Ki was getting more and more anxious about the upcoming game… woohyun and soyou were not home as yet and ki had decided to go to the soccer field at school to practice… in his state of mind, the only thing he took to the field was his soccer ball, leaving his cellphone behind with no note regarding his whereabouts…
Tris had been in her room the whole afternoon catching up on 2pm and shinee… they had debuted that year and had become her fav groups… she used to keep telling ki that he had to become main vocal when he became an idol because her biases of the two groups were the main vocals… She started editing songs so that only the main vocals’ parts were left and would give it to ki to listen… “If you can sound like my loves when you debut, you will have every girl’s heart” Tris had said to him… From that moment on, ki focused more on becoming a main vocal rather than just another vocal in an idol group… At about 8 pm, in the middle of practicing the dance to replay, bora had yelled for tris to come downstairs… Soyou and woohyun were in the lounge with bora and dongwoo, worried looks on all their faces… “Tris, do you know where woohyun is, soyou thought he was here with you but I told her that he hasn’t been over here in the past week” bora asked tris hoping she would give a response that would bring relief to everyone… “He didn’t tell me he was going anywhere, did you try calling him” tris could see the look of disappointment of the parents’ faces. “His cell is in his room and the battery is dead, he usually leaves a note if his battery is dead, he’s never just gone off like this alone… he’s normally with you when he disappears for long periods of time” Soyou had begun to tear up as she spoke…
Tris stood there for a while in shock… she knew where ki was pretty much every second of his life… even if he hadn’t told his parents he was going somewhere, he would have definitely told her… “Let me call the guys from school and see if anyone knows anything” After many phone calls to all the friends she could think of, tris went back downstairs to find the mother’s chatting amongst themselves after the fathers had gone out to look for him… The first thing tris did before anything else was go next door, she went up to ki’s room and could not find anything that would tell her where he could be… She then went into the backyard and that’s when she started running as if she knew exactly where he was at this very moment… By the time tris had reached the school, she had realised that this was the first time she was out alone at night by herself and she probably shouldn’t have run all this without telling someone… The school was dark and spooky and tris had wished she had brought the baseball bat she kept in her room… She made her way down to the soccer grounds and when she got there her heart sank… Across the field lying on the floor was kihyun… tris felt like she was going to collapse but she somehow gathered up all her energy and used it to make her legs move… Kihyun was lying on the floor in only his shorts and a tshirt one of the coldest nights… By the time tris had gotten to him, her eyes were full of tears… “Ohhh wasseo” Ki smiled at her… “what took you so long?” as if he had known all along she was coming… “What the bloody hell happened to you… do you know how worried everyone is” tris put her hoodie onto ki… Ki started wiping tris’s eyes… “mian, I came here a few hours ago to practice, the backyard felt too enclosed, I needed an open field… I forgot to leave a note, and then I tripped on the ball and sprained my ankle.. I tried to walk on one leg but I didn’t get very far before giving up knowing you would find me…” ki explained as he patted tris’ head…
“Let’s go before you die of hypothermia and I don’t get my ponies... get onto my back” tris carried ki all the way back to her home. Once they had arrived home, the parents had been too relieved to scold either of them… Ki didn’t want anyone but tris to carry him back to his room… Woohyun had taken a photo of them the moment tris stepped outside with ki on her back… and that had been ki’s favourite pic of them since that day…
“Yah, what are you day dreaming about” Hyungwon had brought ki back to reality… Hyung was keen to find out more info about tris since the moment he saw her… More than anything he wanted to ask ki why on earth he wasn’t dating her… Ki often told the guys stories that about tris or how much he missed her so they all knew how much she meant to him and assumed she was just another one of the guys to him… But after hyung saw her in person and realized she is most definitely not just another one of the guys, he didn’t understand why ki hadn’t seen her in that light… “So what is the deal with you guys? Why aren’t you dating” hyung asked directly… Ki was not surprised by this question… Half the school had wondered the same thing so it was not the first time he heard it…
“Why are you interested” Ki teasingly asked back to which hyung responded “Yeah I am, so I just wanted to make sure there’s nothing going on between the two of you before I do anything” Ki’s face went blank and he did not know how to go about reacting to this confession… Ki remembered the first time tris told him she had a crush on someone apart from celebrities… they were 13 years old… and there was a new boy who joined their class… all the girls were fascinated by him and soon enough they all had crushes… ki never liked the new guy, he had no idea why because he didn’t know the guy and he had done nothing to ki, but he never liked him… Her next crush came at age 15, he was a close friend in kihyun’s soccer team… She had told ki she liked this boy and asked him if he thought he liked her too… kihyun was not happy about playing cupid, he blurted out to the guy that tris liked him and she only came to soccer matches to watch him and she had pix of him in her room… Ki made it seem like she was obsessed with him and scared the poor guy off before even finding out if he liked her too… At the next game, tris tried talking to that guy, and he avoided her.. she eventually cornered him in the school hallway one day which just freaked him out more after ki’s story.. and he told her what ki had told him… tris was beyond furious… it was the biggest fight she and ki ever had… she did not understand why he made up those lies about her but ki insisted that guy was exaggerating his story… Tris had her first bf when ki had left home to become a trainee… Ki never got a chance to meet him but instantly disliked him the moment tris told him shes dating… That relationship ended after 3 months when the guy cheated on her… The worst part about being away from tris during his trainee years was that he couldn’t be there for her first break up… It was a while since ki had this feeling again. That feeling he had every time tris told him she liked a guy…
“Jinjja, tris joah, wae, you don’t even know her?” Ki blurted out… Hyung laughed, “pabo-ya, that’s why im asking, because I am interested in getting to know her… unless you mind” Ki wasn’t sure if he minded or not… Why would he mind his best friend dating one of his mx bros? Surely that should have made him happy… Hyung is one of the best guys he knew. He would make tris happy… Tris would make him happy… tris would make anyone happy… suddenly ki felt selfish… wanting to be the only one who tris made happy…
“Aigoo, where does your mind keep going” hyung yelled out… “If you don’t want me to date her just say so” …ki wanted to tell hyung he could date tris but he would need her back before shes 35 because they have a pact to get married if they are both still single… but he couldn’t manage to get those words out… al he wanted to say to hyung was that he didnt want him to date her at all let alone until she’s 35…
It was tris’ 16th birthday and she had been the only one out of her friends who was single… “sooo what did you wish for” ki had asked after the party was over and they were sitting on her bed opening gifts… ki and tris knew about the telling a wish wont make it come true theory but they had decided that this didn’t apply to them… “This years’ is really silly, but I was desperate, I wished I could get a bf so I didn’t have to be a 3rd wheel anymore” Ki shook his head… “You know how precious these wishes are and you are wasting them on stupid guys”… “I know, but I figured it’s time for me to stop wishing for you to become a singer or wishing for things I want since you are going to eventually buy everything for me when the first part comes true…I know I’m still young but sometimes I feel like Im never going to meet a guy who likes me and then I can’t have my fantasy wedding because I’ll be the only single person left on earth” ki took tris’ hands in his and looked into her eyes… “if we are both single when we are 35, I will marry you okay… and yes I will wear a pink suit to our wedding crazy girl”…
“if I told you not to date her, would you listen”… ki asked hyung… “I would listen if you liked her, not because you didn’t want me to date her. I know if you had to choose between the 6 of us, who you would want to date her, I would probably not be the top pick” hyung said rolling his eyes… “Ahh hyungwon-ah, you wouldn’t just not be the top pick, you would be last on the list, actuall no you wouldn’t be on the list at all, she can date the other 5” ki teased… “So you would be okay with one of us dating her then? Im going to ignore my ranking… look can you just talk to her and let me know if she wouldn’t mind you giving me her number.. if she’s not interested then I will let it go… but will you ask her for me? Say NO kihyun. Tell him you don’t want to ask her. Speak dammit speak. Ki’s thoughts seemed to be the only part of him able to say anything.. “Okay I’ll speak to her…”
Tris, lala and ash were on their way back to their campus dorm. Tris had been silent since they entered the car while ash and lala went on about how amazing monsta x are… Tris thought about the saying out of sight out of mind… this was the least accurate thing she had ever heard of… why would you forget a person who is no longer around… you would just miss them even more… Absence makes the heart grow fonder.. now that was something tris could relate to… Tris’ phone rang… “aww missing me already” tris said to ki on the other end of the line.. “you know I never stop missing you crazy girl” ki had replied… tris tried to get out the words ‘me too’ but she couldn’t. “What are you doing next monday, I’m going to be alone at the dorm, the boys have individual schedules and plans so I thought maybe you could visit, I know you have been dying to see how I live” Tris opened up her day planner hoping her Monday was empty… “I am available; well I have a lecture in the morning so I will come by straight after” tris said excitedly… “Ok I’ll see you then! Sleep well tris, saranghae” The rest of kihyun’s week seemed to drag along. He was going to hang out alone with tris after months. He kept planning what they were going to do,, what food they were going to eat, what topics he needed to discuss with tris. One of those topics he just wasn’t keen on at all.
Monday had finally come along. Tris spent the entire lecture checking the clock counting down the minutes until it was over. She could not wait to see ki… it had been too long since they had a proper hang out sess… Tris got into the car and made her way to the mall… she had a few things she needed to pick up before she met ki…
Ki spent his morning home alone the usual way; cleaning up after the guys. Once he was done, he spent some time vocal training while he waited for tris to arrive… He was often told by people that he had received soyou’s singing talent since she used to participate in competitions as a child..
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Tris however, told him that he definitely got his voice from his father… Ki liked that he was exactly like his father in terms of soccer and singing… he knew he took after his mother with regards to everything else… except those times when he did something that was a direct result of knowing tris… they clearly shared no genes but sometimes they were so similar it was freaky… Ki liked that he and tris were different people but so in sync… The pair never felt the emptiness of growing up without siblings because they always had each other…
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