#shibuya rick
ultimaterickshowdown · 7 months
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shibuya-111 · 29 days
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tokyorecordstyle · 2 years
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If you don’t know Tokyo Camera Style, on which Tokyo Record Style is based, run by my pal Sypal, I highly recommend again that you check it out. It’s a celebration of old-school film photography love, where when John spots you on the streets of Tokyo, rawking your film camera, he snaps a shot and adds you to the stream. As I’ve said before, in one light, it could be considered quick to dismiss as material camera porn but it is really anything but. Culture is what it is, Street fashion is what it is, Individuality and expression is what it is. John may argue with me here, but it’s not just called Tokyo Camera STYLE for shits. In fact, I’d ALMOST argue, if it weren’t for a mountain of amazing photography that comes out of this film community, that it’s MORE fashion than photography. You know, come to think of it, it’s one of my favorite notions, style coupled with utility, like the finest engineering, which doesn’t necessarily mean the newest or shiniest, it’s hitting that perfect balance of… oh, I'm gonna stop myself before I really start to ramble on. So why am I talking about style? Oh just cuz Riku, who I photographed for Tokyo Record Style was looking pretty dang styley. With his grey tartan suit, casu’d out with Jordan 1 Lows, hoody, backwards cap, and gold wire frames and RDJ lenses, not to mention old school Hip Hop 12” remixes. Looking slick, Rick! More Tokyo Record Style on the way! …also mark you calendars for Tokyo Record Style Day Vol. 2 in Shibuya, March 19th from 2-5pm. #Tokyo #record #style #tokyorecordstyle #records #music #recordcollector #recordstore #vinyl #vinylrecord #HipHop (at Diskunion渋谷中古センター) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfXc5avZD1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whizzydizzie · 5 years
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I really hope this isn't absolutely huge, I'm on mobile after all.
I know there's someone that already drew a geisha Morty for the whole pocket mortys game. But I wanted one for Shibuya Rick. ((I used to rp him as a huge weeb, not actually Japanese and it's absolutely great)) Alright. I might color this digitally later.
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hoshitsune · 7 years
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This was just suppose to be a doodle, I went overboard hnghhh
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
The Lines Between Ricks And Mortys – Chapter 5: Looks like we'll have to change tactics for this one / I'm not the real bad guy here
AN: Things are going to pick up in this chapter and some puzzle pieces will finally fall in place and confirm what a lot of you readers most likely have already guessed. Warnings: more Morty battles (so it gets violent again), smut in the form of an orgy (five Mortys on one Rick) – yes, you read that right. I'm not kidding you. That's really in this chapter. Might feel a bit non-con, but is more dub-con though.
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The Lines Between Ricks And Mortys – Chapter 5: Looks like we'll have to change tactics for this one / I'm not the real bad guy here As they walked through the portal, they were greeted by darkness. Not pitch-blackness like in a cave without a source of light. It was more the kind of darkness that you have in the middle of a night that was only illuminated by the moon and the stars in the sky. Just that in this dimension, the stars were on the ground. At least that's what it looked like to Morty as he saw the shimmering lights on the dark-blue soil and grass that emitted a soft glow. It was a breathtaking sight. Sadly, Morty didn't had time to admire it as his Rick was completely unfazed by the wonders of this new dimension and pressed onwards. His eyes were fixated on his Mortytector like so often and he was probably analyzing whatever data the device showed him to determine which the strongest Morty that freely roamed this dimension was and how to get to him the fastest. They continued on for a while until they witnessed an alien trainer fighting against a wild Morty. Presumably the one that Rick had wanted to catch. "Looks like we're too late, Rick. This guy is probably going to catch that Morty now." He told his grandfather. "We'll see." Rick seethed between his teeth, not wanting to believe that he let that one get away. Team C-137 watched the brown blob-like alien send in one Morty after the other and with each defeated boy, Morty C-137's eyes grew wider and his face paler. "What?! That can't be!!" The alien screeched after his last Morty was also defeated. "Hell yes!" Rick cheered. "See, Morty. He's still free for us to catch. And just look at how crazy strong he is. There's no way I'm gonna lose against anyone if I have this guy in my team!" His grandson gulped audibly. Trying to catch this Morty involved fighting against him first and after seeing just how strong his other-dimensional counterpart was first hand, it left him with zero confidence. "C'mon, Mortys! After him!" Rick yelled as he dashed behind the brunet before he could get too far away. Not that he wouldn't be able to find him again with his Mortytector, but why stall when he was right there? Morty whined a little, but obediently followed with the rest of the group behind the excited scientist.
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"Well, this just doesn't work out." Rick C-137 mused loudly and crossed his arms over his chest. His entourage of Mortys was behind him and panting as if they just finished a marathon. In a way they did, seeing as they had tried to catch that wild Morty for the last two hours without much success. He just managed to escape every time and didn't let himself get cornered. It was getting quite frustrating to say the least. "Okay, looks like we'll have to change tactics for this one." Rick continued. "But I already have an idea. He's just a Morty, so it really shouldn't be so hard to catch him." "What's that supposed to mean?" His original Morty immediately complained. "What? I'm just stating a fact. He is a Morty. And there's no way that a Morty could ever outsm—outrun me." Rick caught himself on that one. He had almost accidentally said 'outsmart', but that wasn't even something that a Rick should ever be thinking about. There was absolutely no way that a Morty could ever outsmart a Rick especially not the rickest Rick. That thieving Morty fanboy from Mysterious Rick, who had stolen his portal gun, was not counting. That had nothing to do with getting outsmarted!! "We're just going to make a few traps. There's no way that that won't work." The scientist stated confidently. So, they – they being just the Mortys of course – went to build a few simple traps like you would see them in comic books. Leg-hold traps, snares, dug out pits and even the classic rod underneath a box traps were laid out and equipped with bait. Morty eyed the constructions warily and doubted the effectiveness of it all. "Are you really serious about this, Rick? I mean, aren't these traps a bit too obvious?" He asked. "And what's with the bait anyways? There's no way that anyone is going to fall for that." The traps were indeed not hidden very well and the bait were snacks, soda cans and some comic books and porn mags. Obviously none of these things would just lay around somewhere in the wild, so there was no way that anyone would be really dumb enough to fall for that. "Just you wait, Morty. Just you wait." Rick said only as he seated himself behind a bush to wait for the Morty to show up and run straight into one of the sloppy traps. His grandson just sighed and shook his head as he seated himself next to him as the rest of the Mortys also went into hiding, each right next to one of the traps that they had built.
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Rick was right – as always. Morty was so ashamed of himself as every single trap was activated and in each one was a captured Morty. It was really embarrassing to think that he could be caught this easily. In such barely hidden traps and with such obvious bait. But it had worked and yet… "Dammit!" Rick cursed. While it was true that there was a Morty in every single one of the traps, none of them were the wild Morty that he had been aiming for. It seemed as if this one wasn't just super strong and crazy fast, but also a little clever. "Looks like we have to change plans again." Rick concluded. "C'mon, Mortys." Morty C-137 jerked away from peeking inside one of the bait porn mags. "Wait, Rick! Aren't you going to release the caught Mortys again?" His complaint was ignored and he was forced to quickly follow the retreating scientist lest he was left behind.
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"If nothing else works, we have just have to use brute force." Rick explained. Well, the term "explained" was used very loosely here. Rick's plan was simply to wait for the wild Morty to walk underneath the trees that they were currently sitted on and then just all jump on him at once. No more chasing, no more bating and if everything went as it was planned then even no battling involved. Needless to say that Morty still didn't like this idea even though he should be glad that they could avoid fighting against that crazy strong Morty. Super Morty Fan had obviously loved the idea and Shadow Morty was just rather confused about it than anything else, but they were all in on this. Morty C-137 sighed quietly as his grandfather occasionally checked his Mortytector to ensure that their pray was on its way to them. Luckily, he was just about to pass by. "Get ready, Mortys." Rick whispered loudly and his team readied itself to pounce on their unsuspecting victim any moment now. Not too long after, the Morty in question really wandered completely unaware of what would await him on this path. "NOW!" Rick gave the command and team C-137 jumped simultaneously down. Everyone, minus Rick, pounced on the unsuspecting Morty and nearly squished him under their combined weight. Muffled yells came from the captured boy, but he was unable to get up again or free himself. Rick jumped down last and landed squarely on his grandson's back, ignored the pained yowl that it caused. He fumbled to reach between the mass of pubescent teenage boys (including one girl and one specter) until the wild Morty's head was in range, then pressed the injector to his temple and waited. Only after the positive beeping sound rang through the air, did the Mortys scrambled to get down from their newest addition. The caught Morty's eyes were dazed for a while as was typically for when the manipulator chip overrode the memories and after his vision focused again, he looked at Rick, looking even more lost than he did when the chip was still busy. "Mr. Allen?" The Morty in the black robes reminiscent of a judge asked as he looked very suspiciously at the scientist. "What?" Rick was at a loss. Who was Mr. Allen? Did he have a different name in that boy's dimension. "You know what? Never mind." He gave up wondering about that with a sigh. "Let's just go, Morty." "Go where? And I don't remember giving you permission to call me by my fist name, Mr. Allen." 'Or maybe the chip is broken?' Rick thought now. At least Judge Morty's defiance struck him as a malfunction. "H-hey?" As he was still fixed by the boy's glare, he bent down to his grandson and whispered, "You'd think I should put a second manipulator chip on him? Y'know, just in case…" "I don't think that it's such a good idea, Rick." Morty whispered back. Maybe catching this one wasn't such a good idea. But damn, if this Morty wasn't a badass!
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After many discussions, Rick – who was still being mistaken for Rick Allen by Judge Morty…whoever that guy was – managed to lead his group of five Mortys to the next arena. While usually Morty would be rather impressed or frightened by the "gym leaders" that they met, he wasn't really sure what to think of this one. "This Rick looks like a Dragon Ball reference." Morty commented more embarrassed than impressed as he eyed Shibuya Rick. "What-what-what's that, Morty? Don't be such a little bitch about it." His Rick defended their opponent. "I-I mean, it's not like you would know if that Rick isn't actually the equivalent to Vegeta in his dimension or something." Morty looked with big expectant eyes at him. "Is he?" "No." was the flat reply. "He's just a bad cosplayer." "Cut the small talk and let's get to the point, Rick!" Shibuya Rick looked clearly annoyed by the duo chitchatting as they were. "That's actually an idea that I agree with. Let's just dive into the battle. Morty—" C-137 was about to send in his grandson when he was interrupted by his opponent. "If you like that idea, I have an even better one for you." The platinum-blond Rick offered. "How about a battle royal instead of the lame one-on-one?" "Isn't that against the rules?" Morty C-137 spoke up as he looked over their opponents. Next to Shibuya Rick stood (or floated) a Psychokinetic Morty, a Mortysaurus, a Gaseous Morty, a Flaming Morty and a Frozen Morty. Even this guy's Mortys seemed to be a bunch of anime and comic references. "Sounds exciting. I'm all for it." Rick C-137 apparently didn't give a fuck about the rules. He honestly thought that in comparison to his opponent, he was probably way overpowered now anyways. While his original Morty was only really useful in battle when he snapped – or at least when he was really determined about it – his Morticia was really dedicated and quite strong ("for a girl"), the manic Super Fan Morty was also not easily beatable, his Shadow Morty was practically invincible and while he couldn't test his Judge Morty in an actual battle yet, he already knew that this one was super strong, fast and clever. There was no way that he could ever lose. Especially with a bunch like that. "Rick!" Morty C-137 protested that his grandfather was so ready to ignore the rules and just make this battle more dangerous than it needed to be. An all-versus-all? Really now? That meant that they all needed to fight at once. Aside from the fact that there would be no rest for them between the fights, it also would be pure chaos for Rick to give them a proper strategy. He couldn't really issue commands to all of his Mortys at the same time. However, this flaw was something that Rick C-137 readily overlooked at the prospect of crushing the enemy and flaunting with his strong team of Mortys. Besides, the other Rick was right, he had started to grow bored of the old rule-based battle schematics. I mean what it this? Some sort of round-based Fantasy JRPG or something? Shibuya Rick looked delighted that C-137 had so readily agreed to his idea. Of course, he didn't just come up with this simply out of boredom. He had a plan and it would lead him to victory – as always. "Okay, then. Let's battle, Rick. Just don't get my clothes dirty. It takes work to look this good, Rick. I don't need you messing it up." With those words, he ran a hand through his extremely spikey hair, looking every bit the arrogant asshole that he was. C-137 ignored it. "Get ready, Mortys." Both teams of five entered the middle of the arena, staring fiercely at their opponents. Well, team C-137 mostly tried to look fiercely, but in all truth, they looked a little nervous. Each wondered whom they should single out and attack from their opponents, while their counterparts didn't look like they had the same troubles. Something was fishy here… "Well, then Mortys. Get going. You know the drill." Shibuya Rick said and thus started the battle. While team C-137 was still waiting for orders from their Rick who to attack, the opponents didn't wait for anything. They all targeted Super Morty Fan Morty first, who actually looked delighted instead of frightened (as he should be) when they all approached him. The Mortysaurus bit into his arm and held him still as a stinking cloud began to surround the two of them – without a doubt the work of the Gaseous Morty. As if following a signal Mortysaurus let go again – much to the fanboys dismay even if the bite had hurt – and Flaming Morty suddenly set him on fire. The Super Fan screeched in panic and tried to roll around on the ground to put the fire out again, but he didn't get very far with it. The next thing he knew was that he turned into a frozen popsicle – if it was even possible for him to still be aware of that. Without question the handiwork of the Frozen Morty. The finishing move was delivered by the Psychokinetic Morty, who lifted the solid ice block in the air with his mental powers before letting it drop to the ground again. The force of the impact shattered the ice and revealed an unconsciousness Super Morty Fan Morty. The first Morty of Team C-137 was already down and so quickly. "Rick!" Morty C-137 yelled in a panic at seeing how quickly that went down without anyone of them able to prevent that. "Calm down, Morty." Rick instructed from the sidelines while looking like he tried his hardest not to lose his nerves either. "Don't act like an idiot and just fight back!" Team C-137 indeed tried to fight back, but it wasn't going all too well. Morticia screeched as she tried to punch the Flaming Morty and ended up burning her hand. Shadow Morty tried in vain to reach Psychokinetic Morty, but even his many tendrils were constantly being pushed back the psychic's mental powers. Judge Morty just squinted at the Gaseous Morty, clearly at a loss what do to with an opponent that had no solid form. And Morty nursed his hand which had received frostbite from trying to attack Frozen Morty before he squeaked and ran away as he saw the Mortysaurus approaching him with his sharp teeth. It was complete chaos. "It's all about mind over matter. And I think you don't really have what it takes to beat me, Rick." Shibuya Rick mocked as he unnecessarily straightened out his cheetah patterned shirt. Rick C-137 scowled as he saw that his oh-so overpowered team was indeed about to lose. He didn't understand why in the universe this could be happening. Just why was this going so wrong even though he was pretty sure that he should have the upper hand in this battle? His Mortys were clearly the stronger ones so how could that be? He didn't really need to think long as he saw the enemies teaming up again to try and take out his grandson now. The problem was that Shibuya Rick's team was attacking them systematically – they all worked together as if they were one, not even needing any orders or instructions from their Rick. His own team on the other hand was totally uncoordinated and relied on him to give them orders on what to do. Something that was even getting hard for a genius like him to manage with so much stuff going on at once. "Goddammit, Mortys! You need to work together on this one!" Rick yelled over the battlefield. "Quit doing your own shit and look at how the enemy is doing it! You just need to do the same thing!" Sure, maybe it sounded cheap to just copy the enemy's strategy, but it was a working strategy and if it came down to pure strength, they could still come out as the winners even if he was already one Morty short (and not counting the injuries his Mortys had already sustained). Morty C-137 stopped to think for a moment even if he was getting cornered by the enemy. The enemy was singling them out to take them out one after another, all working together on that. Of course, if you were attacked by five opponents at once, you wouldn't be able to stand a chance, no matter how strong you are. So, what they needed to do was break that teamwork apart and work together on taking the enemy out. "I think, I got!" he declared loud enough for his team members to hear. "We need to stop relying on Rick and coordinate our attacks!" Rick C-137 nodded approvingly on the sideline, glad that his grandson wasn't as stupid as he always said he was and that he finally understood. Though while figuring out what to do was a good start, doing it was still a different matter. And this was what would decide over victory or loss. Despite the flash of genius, Frozen Morty was still advancing on C-137 with the intent to freeze him up. "Judge Morty!" he called out in his panic as the other came way too close for comfort. The judiciary abandoned his gaseous enemy and came to the rescue. Instead of using his bare hands as C-137 had tried before him, he struck his enemy with a wooden gavel and hit with dead precision. Frozen Morty tumbled to the side and landed on the ground. C-137, glad that this enemy was out of the way since Judge Morty was going to take care of him now, was now faced with the Mortysaurus, who was also still advancing on him. "Morticia! I could use your help here!" He called for his female counterpart. The girl overlooked their rivalry for this battle and came to his side, so they could take on the dangerous Godzilla-like Morty together. As they fought back against him, Flaming Morty was trying to land an attack on both of them from the air. Fortunately, C-137 saw it coming in time. "Shadow Morty! You take care of this guy!" The specter didn't waste any time and attacked the Firestarter before he could cause any more damage. Luckily, being a phantom made out of shadows made him pretty fire resistant, so he didn't sustain any damaged when he wrapped his dark tendrils around the living flame. Soon the shadowy swirls were able to extinguish the fire and Flaming Morty dropped on the ground – unconscious. The duo meanwhile had also managed to render the Mortysaurus incapacitated and Judge Morty was also done with Frozen Morty by now. The Gaseous Morty looked utterly terrified in the face of the four Mortys who were approaching him now. With a sound that was reminiscent of a fart, he flew over to his Rick and hid behind his back. "What the heck do you think you're doing?! Get back in there you cowardly weakling!" Shibuya Rick's smug expression had been quickly wiped off his face as he suddenly saw one Morty fall after the other and he was legitimately angry now. "Looks like your Fart Morty is clever and knows when to give up." C-137 mocked from his side of the arena now. "Who's talking about giving up? We're not defeated yet." True to his word, Shibuya Rick's Psychokinetic Morty was still standing on the battleground. Being the only one left, naturally he was getting cornered by the four Mortys from team C-137 now. Unfortunately, they had to learn that this Akira reject was not a pushover. Just like Shadow Morty's previous attempts at landing an attack, the other Mortys fared no better. Not one of them came close enough to the opponent to land an attack on him. Psychokinetic Morty used his powers to lift them all up into the air and let them drop on the ground again, just as he had done with Super Morty Fan Morty before. Fortunately, they weren't already as badly wounded as their teammate had been, but it still hurt and pushed the air out of the Mortys' lungs. The only one that had been mostly unaffected by the attack was Shadow Morty, who rose to the sky again. "Shadow Morty, attack him like you did before again." C-137 wheezed as he picked himself up from the ground again. "Why? It didn't work before." Morticia chimed in, not understanding why to repeat something, which had been already a useless attack. "Just trust me on this one." Morty told her and then instructed the specter again. "Try to use as many tendrils as you can and concentrate the attacks on his front." Shadow Morty followed the orders even if he himself was not able to see the point. He vicariously tried to attack the Psychokinetic on the front, but unsurprisingly he blocked every last one of them, keeping the tentacle-like shadow appendages at bay. As she watched the one-sided battle unfold, Morticia slowly seemed to understand her companions plan and she nodded towards Morty and Judge Morty, seeing that they were all on the same page now. Psychokinetic Morty was still fully concentrated on mentally blocking the specters attacks and despite his Rick's (late) warning call, he never knew what hit him as he was suddenly attacked by the other three Mortys from the back. The fight was over quickly after that since he lost his concentration to properly fight back or even defend himself. Shibuya Rick was stumped. He turned around to look for his traitorous Gaseous Morty, but the none-physical boy had already fled the scene, so it was clearly a loss for him now. He grit his teeth as he faced his opponent again. "My Morty's power level must be too low. I need to train more." Was his admittance to his defeat. Without much fuss, he handed over his badge and opened a portal while team C-137 celebrated their victory with cheering and fist bumps. Rick smiled at his Mortys, feeling quite proud of how well they did in this fight – especially his grandson. "That was some good teamwork and some nifty, strategic thinking." He praised. "And now pick up the unconsciousness fanboy and let's leave this shithole dimension." And the fondness was gone again as quickly as it had come…
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"…so yeah, Rick D-9 is also out of the question." Morty K-4872 concluded. The Mortys were back to telephone conferencing. "So, we don't have any suspects anymore now, huh?" C-133 spoke up. K-4872 replied again. "I don't think so. What about Storage Rick?" "I've already talked to him. He was the first one that I talked to." C-137 said. "Y-yeah, but wa-wasn't he the o-one that t-told y-you ab-about the other R-Ricks?" A-22β6 asked in his stuttering voice. "I agree. That seems awfully suspicious of him to just draw the attention to other Ricks just so that he's off the hook." C-133 had to agree. "W-well, he said that the Day Care is a safe place and that he had nothing to do with it, but you're right. I guess it's really suspicious that he defended himself like that and then started to point his finger at other Ricks." C-137 realized his mistake. "I'll have to check him out again." A-22β6's voice piped up again. "M-me and my R-Rick will a-a-also cu-come with." "I think that's a good idea. I'll come with my Rick, too, and we'll interrogate him together." C-133 chimed in. "I would like to come also, but I have to investigate a different lead." K-4872 apologized. "It's an information that I got from Rick D-9, but I'm not sure if it has something to do with this. It does concern the owner of the Morty Day Care though." "That's okay. I think we three will be enough for this." C-137 spoke again. "We're currently on the way to the hotel, but I think the Day Care is closed already anyways, so we should go check it out first thing tomorrow morning. When does it open up again?" "Sh-should be a-around 8." "Okay then we meet tomorrow 8 am in front of the Day Care." "Good. See ya guys then." The Mortys then all bid their good-byes and hung up. Morty C-137 felt a little angry with himself that he just let that Storage Rick off the hook so easily. He should have been more suspicious about the fact that he went on the defense so fast and then tried to divert the attention to some of the other Ricks. This Rick was certainly the most suspicious one out of all of them now. "Wow, you seem really engaged in that case." Morticia commented. She had overheard a few of those telephoneconferencings and therefore had also gotten a whiff of this Morty trafficking schemes and that Morty and his friends were trying to find the perpetrator. However, she did find it a bit silly for them to get involved in this. Shouldn't they just let the CPD or the Citadel's militia handle this? Morty C-137 already knew the girl's opinion on this whole thing and her comment made him more angry than necessary at the moment. "Well, how would you feel if you were kidnapped and brought to a strange place where a Rick would just use you sexually against your will?!" All the Mortys just stood stunned into silence. It seemed that C-137 was projecting what had happened to him and therefore took this crime rather personally. Since none of the other Mortys knew about what had happened between him and Mysterious Rick, they had no words to offer in regards to the emotional outburst. Rick took a sip from his flask and only eyed his original Morty, not commenting on the situation. However, he thought that they should just be done with this whole crap fast, so that they could finally start to work out Morty's issue with what had happened. The boy certainly needed it.
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Storage Rick sat in the small parlor, smoking and reminiscing about all the stuff that had happened in the last weeks. In a way, it felt all too weird to be true, but it definitely happened and he would be reminded of it each day. This whole thing had started after that one night – the night where that Blue Shirt Morty had come onto him. And from there on everything just went downhill. Things got out of hand and that way too fast. It was just the next night that another Morty came into his room. This wasn't unusual, but unlike the other times that one of the boys would come and ask for cuddles and just sleeping in bed next to him, he asked Storage Rick to have sex with him. After that, it would happen again and again and again. Every night a different Morty would come into his room and wanted to get fucked by him instead of just wanting the simple affections that Rick had always given out at the time as part of his daily routine. He couldn't really explain it and he also found no pattern for why it happened. Sometimes it were Mortys that he had just released from their cryogenic sleep that day and other times it were Mortys that had been around the Day Care for a long time already. He couldn't explain why those horny little bastards suddenly decided to relieve their sexual tension with him. Part of him wondered if that first Morty had just told some of the others about their sex and planted weird ideas in their confused little heads. Still, that didn't sound like a satisfying answer, but then again it wasn't really an answer that he was looking for. He needed a solution. Especially after that one night when things had gotten completely out of control! He remembered still how he had laid in bed, eyes already closed, but still awake as he practically expected his door to open any moment now. And he shouldn't be disappointed because open it did. With an almost inaudible sigh, he blinked his eyes open to check, which of his Mortys had decided to visit him this night. Honestly, he kind of hoped that it would be his favorite – that Blue Shirt Morty – who still came to him about every other night at least. What greeted him instead was something that he really hadn't expected at all. It wasn't just one single Morty that came in and approached his bed – it were five. He tried to make out the intruders in the darkness and could recognize that it was a Reptile Morty, a Business Morty, an Evil Rabbit Morty, a Robot Morty and a Blob Morty. "Hey! What's all this about?" he asked as he sat up. They surely couldn't be here because of the "usual" – whatever the usual actually was at this point. However, completely unfazed the bunch of Mortys crawled on his small bed. "Just relax, Rick." "Yeah, let us handle this." "We just want to make you feel good." They said, as they approached him and his queen-sized bed suddenly felt way too small. Before Storage Rick even had the chance to protest, he was roughly pushed back onto the mattress and the Business Morty – one of the two culprits that pushed him – crawled up his body until he straddled his face, pressing his crotch right against his mouth. All struggle was in vain, as his hands were held by his side by strong furry paws and he couldn't lift his head up with the weight on his face so Rick could only lay back and let things unfold. It didn't even take long for him to get hard as he inhaled the smell of arousal directly from Business Morty's crotch, who moaned and mewled happily as he rubbed his hardening bulge all over his mouth and nose. Any protests that he still tried to make, came out muffled and aroused the boy only more as it caused vibrations against his stiff dick. The other Mortys also weren't just idle. In quick movements, eight hands rid him of all his remaining clothes and started to explore his body. Since he couldn't see what was going on, Rick could only guess, which Morty was doing what to him. He could feel furry paws roaming over his chest, one clawed scaly hand rubbing one of his thighs after prying his legs apart and one cold and metallic hand grasping and stroking his other one. The weirdest sensation was the one on his stomach though. It felt weirdly warm and slimy. Oh, right. The Blob Morty. He gulped a little as he felt the slick sensation move towards his abdomen, slowly closing in on his tall standing and by now fully hard erection. His concentration was ripped away from that as an eager tongue started to lap at one of his nipples. A sharp pinching sensation made him gasp as the Evil Rabbit Morty nipped a little too hard on it, but Rick didn't really mind the pain. Just as the pink tongue lapped apologetically over his aching nub, claws were digging into the skin of his thighs – deep enough to leave scratches, maybe even scars. So caught up in the mix of sensations, he didn't notice when the Blob Morty bent down over him and took his erection inside his mouth – or well, just inside his body – until it already happened. Shit! The feel of that warm gooey substance was enough to drive him nuts! The smell of musk grew even stronger as Business Morty finally freed his throbbing cock from his pants and underwear and shoved it directly in Rick's face. The old man groaned, feeling more turned on by being dominated like this than he would like to admit. Again, he wasn't aware until it was already too late when a metallic "finger" worked its way into his anus, slowly probing deeper. He hissed a little at the sensation. The metal felt smooth though the shape was weird and nothing like a human finger and the lack of lubrication still caused a slight, burning sensation inside him. As if reading his thoughts, Robot Morty said, "Hey, Reptile. Lube me up with your spit." The thought wasn't the most pleasant when Rick pictured the violet spittle of the scaly Morty, but there was little that he could do in his current position and it was probably better than no lube at all. There wasn't much time for thought though as a harsh pinch on his other nipple caused by rodent incisors made him forget everything and cry out a little in surprise. The moment that his mouth was open, Business Morty must have been getting tired of just rubbing his dick all over Rick's face and shoved it inside his mouth. Rick, never one to displease a lover, sucked immediately on the intrusive fleshy pole. Bobbing and moaning around the delicious little cock, he was surprised again when he became aware of another sensation once more. His eyes widened as slicked metal started to slide into his ass and it wasn't only because it felt cold. 'That doesn't feel like his finger…' he pointed out inside his mind as the thicker and longer object slid deeper and deeper inside him. What part of Robot Morty was that? Did he even have a part like that? It was only then that he suddenly understood what the other Mortys had always meant when they talked about Robot Morty playing with his "joystick". Where was the boy even hiding that thing? The "stick" was now poking right into his prostrate and made him moan loudly around the meat in his mouth. He almost missed completely that Blob Morty who had been slurping eagerly at his cock had stopped doing that and shifted around to sit down on him. While the sensation wasn't that extremely different – the sticky goo of his body kind of felt the same no matter where you would stick your dick in – he did notice that it was vaguely different. The sucking motion and the sounds where the slightest bit different and obviously the boy wasn't making gagging sounds anymore, but used his now free mouth to moan like a bitch in heat. Storage Rick felt a little disappointed that he wasn't able to see the pink blob fuck himself on his dick, but oh well. Tough luck. That disappointment didn't really last all that long as he could feel Robot Morty thrusting into him in hard and fast movements, hitting his prostrate every time with an unbelievable precision. The Business Morty was also thrusting into his mouth, forcing Rick to deepthroat him, which he gladly did. In between the actions, he was only dimly aware that one furry paw grabbed his hand and made it wrap around something pulsing and warm. It only registered fully to him when Evil Rabbit Morty started to hump into his hand what that object was and he tried to help by massaging the furry boy's erection. His other hand was soon occupied likewise as Reptile Morty also grabbed for his hand so he would stroke his two stiff members, too. With everything that was happening around (and inside) him, Storage Rick wasn't able to last for very long. With a muffled moan – that sounded more like a scream – he bucked his hips and came. Not a second later, cum shot into his mouth and down his throat as Business Morty also reached his climax. A wetness on his hands, chest and stomach told him that Evil Rabbit and Reptile had also found their release. It was hard to tell with Blob Morty and in the case of Robot Morty, Rick wasn't even sure if he was physically possible of ejaculation. It didn't matter though as the metallic rod pulled out of him. Blob Morty also got off from his now limp dick and Business Morty had also pulled out of his mouth. Rick released a little sigh of relieve as he tried to catch his breath. Finally, it was over. Or, so he thought. Unfortunately, he noticed quickly that the Mortys were only swapping positions with each other and they started to pat and stroke his body all over again to bring him back to hardness. "Oh c'mon. Gimme a break." He groaned. Of course, he couldn't keep up with five horny teenagers. He was just one man! And despite being as fit as he was in his age, he was an old man at that. That fact didn't stop the horny Mortys though… After that night, he knew that he couldn't handle these abandoned Mortys anymore and that something needed to be done whether the higher ups finally made a decision or not. It must have been fate – even though no Rick believes in such a thing – that a solution showed up on his doorstep right the morning after. After he had opened up the Day Care, the Rick Guard had looked over to him and then actually abandoned his post to come over and talk to him. It was the guard that had just arrived for his morning shift and had exchanged the post with the nightshift guard while Storage Rick opened the store. "Hey, you look like shit. Didn't get any sleep last night?" he asked after having noticed the heavy dark bags underneath his eyes. "Yeah. The Mortys kept me awake." Storage Rick explained, carefully leaving out the detail how they had kept him awake. That wasn't anyone's but his and the Mortys' business, so no one needed to know about that. "They're becoming a handful, huh?" The guard commented. "You bet. I mean they always were, but I feel like things are totally getting out of hand recently…" "Need some help to take them off your back?" Guard Rick asked after he looked around and made sure that no one was in hearing range. Storage Rick's eyes narrowed and he knew that he shouldn't, but he asked what the guard had to offer him anyways. Guard Rick only grinned before he proposed to him the offer of his lifetime. Storage Rick knew that what he did was probably not okay. He was violating regulations. He was handing out Mortys to someone other than their owners and that without a specific permission from the higher ups. He let those Mortys be carted off to a brothel. It wasn't right, none of it was, but he still did it anyways. He just kept telling himself that if those Mortys were so eager for a Rick's cock then they would get what they wanted there and he wouldn't have to worry about them anymore. So, any Mortys that still continued to come onto him in the night were fair game to be shipped off. It wasn't like their owners would ever come back to retrieve them anyways. They were abandoned Mortys and no one ever came back for them! Therefore, Storage Rick tried not to feel bad about it. Was trying to tell himself that what he did was the right choice. Heck, they didn't pay him enough to deal with all of this bullshit and this offer wasn't just the perfect solution for his problems, but also earned him something extra. Since he had started with this he couldn't just back out of it anymore, no matter how illegal it was. He probably would have if there weren't constantly Mortys trying to get into his pants because he didn't want to ship off any that were not interested in something like that. He wouldn't condemn innocent Mortys to such a fate. However, for whatever reasons, many of his Mortys seemed to get the appeal and made advances on him so it wasn't like he planned to stop these illegal shipments anytime soon. The only Morty that he didn't dare to send off was the first one, the Blue Shirt Morty. He couldn't really say why, but he just couldn't get rid of him. It was probably too much to say that he was special in anyway because Mortys were never special, but this one had just grown on Storage Rick. The little shit was almost constantly at his side, helping him out around work and after working hours. It was almost as if this was HIS Morty and he kind of liked that and not just because of the great sex that he had with him. This Morty was probably the only one that he could never give away. Maybe not even when his original Rick would ever show up and want to withdraw him again. He took another drag from his cigarette and held his breath. Before he could release the smoke again, a pair of soft lips pressed against his own and two small hands gripped his hair. Rick closed his eyes and the smoke gently wafted out of his nose and between the small gaps of their lips. The Blue Shirt Morty ended the kiss and looked dreamily up at him, licking his lips as if Storage Rick had the most delicious taste ever. "I doubt that my mouth is that tasty while I smoke." Rick commented, his eyes fixated on the pink tongue as it glided over the pretty, rosy lips. He remembered the complaints from some past lovers who weren't smokers and didn't like it when he kissed them after a cig, much less during smoking one. "There's nothing more delicious than the taste of my Daddy." Morty said seductively. Rick drew the boy into his arms, pulling him as tight to his body as possible. "Well then, how about letting daddy take care of you now? Mhm, baby?" he asked huskily. Their lips found each other again.
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As promised amongst the Mortys, all three duos – plus the rest of team C-137 – met up in the morning just outside of the Morty Day Care to confront Storage Rick. Rick C-137, C-133 and P-78 didn't look really happy to be there, but obviously their Mortys had found a way to persuade them in joying them today for this initiative. After the last Morty trainer left, the small group approached the counter. Storage Rick only lifted one side of his eyebrow in question, having already noticed the little gathering and wondering what this was about now. Especially since it were three Mortys that lead the group while the Ricks stayed more in the background. "What do you want?" he asked in not exactly a friendly tone. "We have a few questions and this time we want honest answers." Morty C-137 said in what he hoped was an intimidating voice. Storage Rick's face didn't change. "Sure. I've got no reason to lie to you. What is it?" C-133 spoke up now. "We have been checking out all the Ricks that you had suggested might have something to do with the Morty kidnappings and illegal Morty brothel ring and we found out that they're all innocent." "So?" "S-so, you ha-have-haven't proven yo-you're innocence yet." A-22β6 spoke up now. "Excuse me? I've already said that I got nothing to do with this. And it's not like I know anything. I just made some random suggestions because those Ricks were weirdos and suspicious. I'm sorry that the Rick you're looking for was not among them, but it's certainly not me." Storage Rick defended himself. "If you would leave now, I got some working to do here." "Not so fast, Rick!" The first Rick – C-133 – finally spoke up. "It's not really that farfetched to think that you might have something to do with that." "Yeah, you have an entire Day Care full of Mortys. Who says that you're not handing some of those over to those brothels on the side." P-78 added. C-137 also had to comment. "Yeah, can you actually prove that you really got nothing to do with it and know of nothing? Because only someone who wants to hide something starts pointing with fingers at others and you were really quick to do so." A drop of sweat ran down the side of Storage Rick's face and his mouth and unibrow formed a straight line. "What the heck are you talking about? You noticed that we have really strict regulations in here? I can't just hand out Mortys to anyone. If someone wants to withdraw they have to have a ticket and also need to show an id. I mean just think about how much trouble I would get into if a Morty trainer shows up and wants to withdraw a Morty that I gave out to whoever you think I hand them to?" Rick C-137 noticed the other's nervousness and immediately latched onto it like a predator that detected fear in its victim. "Surely not all the Mortys, but I bet you have quite a few around that no one comes picking up anymore." "W-what?" "You can't tell me that Ricks leave their Mortys here and ALL of them come back to retrieve them again. We Ricks are assholes! As soon as a Rick grows bored of this shitty game, he'll just abandon all their caught Mortys because anything else would be just a hassle. So if you try to tell me that it doesn't happen or you don't know anything about that then you're just a liar and a pretty bad one at that!!" "W-well…" Storage Rick had to swallow because his throat felt entirely to dry and he cursed that he was stuttering so badly all of a sudden. He never had that problem before. "Yeah, okay. We have a bunch of abandoned Mortys running around here. I mean, you can clearly see them." The Morty keeper mentioned with his hand inside the Day Care and to the area behind the electrical fence where Mortys were busy with whatever they were doing. "Still, doesn't give you the right to assume that I just sell them out or whatever." "Really? Then what do you with them?" Rick C-137 wasn't about let up. He actually had fun with this verbal fight and trying to corner the other who was clearly trying to hide something. "Surely those Mortys aren't the only abandoned ones. Where is the rest of them?" "The information where we store the Mortys is confidential." The reply shot out of Storage Rick as if he was trained to answer that by his employer – which he probably was. It didn't deter the Rogue Rick. "Say, this is a really small building. I have trouble believing that you can keep all of those stored Mortys here and the ones that no one comes to pick up anymore. You sure you don't hand some of them out to get some space in there?" "Yeah, even if we don't have any proof now, are you sure that we won't stumble over something if we dig around in regards to those Mortys?" Morty C-137 leaned cockily on the counter, feeling confidence from also noting how much his grandfather had cornered the other Rick. Storage Rick looked unnerved at the bratty Morty before he finally seemed to give in. They had fucking cornered him on this one! As if he hadn't already had enough trouble with rumors coursing around because he had messed up one time and handed out a Morty whose Rick actually did come back to retrieve him again. Of course, he had tried to swipe that one under the rug, explaining it away as a misunderstanding. As an error in the computer system or something like that. He had consoled the Rick with some bribe money, which the greedy bastard readily accepted. And after that, he deflected anyone who was questioning the safety of this place because unfortunately, once rumors came to exist on the Citadel, they had a tendency to last. However, if these Ricks and Mortys would get too nosy and snuck around, they really might end up blowing his cover – aside from that, he had no idea if they had good connections to the Citadel HQ and when those bureaucrats would start investigating, he would get into a shit ton of trouble. There was no way that it wouldn't be noticed that Storage Rick had forged some documents and they would see that Mortys weren't actually retrieved, yet missing from the Day Care anyways. While that wouldn't be too fatal to him, he would have some real trouble if they linked him together with that illegal brothel ring. And since these guys seemed to only be interested in those, they might leave him out of this whole bullshit if he just confessed now… Sure, he was going to be in trouble either way now. And that didn't come entirely unexpected. He had a good run, but realistically speaking, this whole thing was bound to blow up eventually. And maybe, if he played nice now, he would get away with a milder punishment. Probably try to make it look like he was only a victim in this, too, or something. Because honestly, he was! "Fine. Maybe I do sell some of those Mortys underneath the table." He finally admitted. "And do you sell them to some brothels, too." Morty C-133 also leaned on the counter now, fixing the other with a hard stare. The Rick sighed in defeat. "It-it's not unlikely that they end up there." "S-so you r-really d-do sell the M-Mortys t-to the brothels?" A-22β6 stuttered accusingly and also leaned a little bit closer. "Hey, it's not like I'm doing it for the money!" Storage Rick was immediately on the defense again. "You-you have no fucking idea what is going on here! The place is fucking overcrowded with abandoned Mortys and neither Morty Inc. nor the Council of Ricks are doing anything about it. And it's not only that! Believe it or not, but the Mortys that I hand over actually want it. They-they're coming on to me and I really don't wanna deal with those horny little asses. So if-if they want Rick cock so badly then what's the harm in sending them to the brothels? I'm just doing everyone a favor like this." The disapproving looks he received from the Mortys and their Ricks in front of him spoke otherwise. Of course, Storage Rick himself knew that what he did was wrong, but he just couldn't feel bad about it anymore. He continued. "You know, I'm not the real bad guy here. Do you wanna know who it is? It's the Ricks! All of the Ricks that decided that they grew bored of the Morty craze and then just dump them here with the false promise of eventually retrieving them again instead of just releasing them into the wild. No, they just leave their Mortys here who are waiting for their stupid Ricks to come back, which let's face it will never ever happen!" It was true! And who was the one who was always left to pick up the shambles of those abandoned and broken Mortys? It was always him – Rick S-124! No, in his opinion he had no reason to feel bad about himself because he was still by miles a better Rick than those who were visiting his Morty Day Care. "Well, it's neither for you nor for us to decide who the bad guy is, so chill out." Rick C-133 was trying to be rational even if it did make him receive disapproving looks from the three Mortys at the counter. "Just tell us about your contacts. We're not really interested in you. We want to know who the big boss behind this entire thing is." Storage Rick quickly glanced over to the tensed up Guard Rick that stood in front of the electrical fence. "Sorry, no can do." "Wait? What?!" Morty C-137 practically jumped at that answer. "You already confessed that you're shipping the Mortys off to the brothel, so why are you trying to hold that information back from us now?" Morty C-133 also couldn't believe what he had heard. "Surely you can't be willing to stick your neck out for them?" The Morty of the Rogue Rick continued still. "If you leave it at that, we will have to hand you over to the authorities who will just get the information out of you somehow. You can't really want that?" "Sorry, but I actually don't have any names or addresses. And even if I did, I won't squeal on anyone. Not my style." Storage Rick said as he slowly distanced himself from the counter and waved a Morty in a blue t-shirt over. "If you'll excuse me now, it's time for my break." "What!? Hey!!" The Mortys protested at the sudden retreat. "Morty, let it be." Rick C-137 said. "What are you saying, Rick?" Morty whirled around to face his grandfather, not believing that he was just giving up like that after they already got a confession out of the other. The Rogue Rick sighed and began to move while shaking his head. "As I said, Morty. Just. Give. It. A. Rest." He emphasized each word, hoping that Morty would catch on. However, the boy was too worked up to get it and angrily followed after his Rick who rounded the corner of the Day Care. The other Ricks and their Mortys wordlessly followed, Morty C-133 and Morty A-22β6 looking slightly confused but much calmer than their interdimensional counterpart did. "I-I-I just can't believe you, Rick!" the angry brunet bellowed loudly. "Just shut up for a minute, will you?" The scientist said calmly as he leaned against the wall. "What? No! I won't—" his grandson started, but was interrupted by Rick C-133. "Calm down again. If you keep being this obnoxious we will never get the information." "What?" The Morty quietened down as his anger was instantly replaced with confusion. "Well yeah, it would suck if he overheard me ratting him out. Already got my neck way to deep in the noose thanks to you." Morty turned to the source of the voice, only to see Storage Rick coming from the back of the Day Care, taking a drag from his freshly lit cigarette. He was so confused right now. Did that mean that the other was going to tell them now? Rick S-124 leaned against the wall and took another puff. "So, that Guard Rick is your contact person. Is that it?" Rick C-137 asked. The other nodded. "Yeah, I didn't lie when I said that I have no addresses and no names. I really have no direct contact to the brothels. Rick T-42 is the one who pays me and comes to pick up the Mortys. He'll dress up in civil and come pick up a batch this evening again." It was pretty simple actually. The "disguised" Guard Rick would act as if he wanted to make a withdrawal, handing him cash instead of the tickets in exchange. Then he would leave with his happy band of five Mortys as if he was just another trainer, pretending to go adventuring with them when in truth he carted them off to the brothels, however he continued to do that. Rick S-124 didn't really know anything further than that. Not that he actually needed to know. "So basically, someone of us just needs to stick around this evening and then follow him to wherever he brings those Mortys." C-133 concluded simply. "Exactly." Storage Rick breathed out with some smoke. "Are you really sure that he'll still come after you just confessed to us?" "Don't worry about that. I'll talk to him later and make sure that he will." "Well, guess that's that. Good job. C'mon, Morty." C-137 said as he was about to take his leave. "Not so fast, Rick." His grandson halted the other. "We still have to discuss who's going to stay behind and spy after the guy." "It's not going to be us 'cause we have stuff to do and places to be at." "I'm serious, Rick!" "So am I, Morty." "No, Rick. You-you're not taking this very seriously, Rick. Doesn't this whole sex trafficking thing that these Ricks have going on with Mortys bother you at all?" Morty stared accusingly at his grandfather. Now the scientist looked offended. "What kind of question is that? Of course, it does bother me. I mean, this whole thing is just really fucked up. You Mortys are still minors and on top of it, you're our grandsons and incest is just gross! Aside from that, I don't really get why they would run after Mortys. I mean, we're all Rick Sanchez, we can bed anyone that we want, so why chase after a stupid, pubescent teenager?" "Excuse me?!" his Morty asked back, a frown on his face. He was clearly offended by what his grandfather just said by making it sound like there was nothing desirable about a Morty. Sure, he didn't get lucky with Jessica or many other girls, but he also got to make out with a few pretty ones. "Well, I'm sorry, Morty, that you feel offended about that. You know, other kids would be happy if their grandpa told them that he has no desire to fuck them. Didn't know that you would have a problem with that. Is there anything you wanna tell me?" "What?! No, Rick! Is-it's just—you didn't need to phrase it like that, you know?" "What? I was stating facts. Honestly, I can't see the appeal." "Well, Mortys are said to be a pretty good lay, actually." P-78 butted in from the sideline. "They're also pretty good at giving head – supposedly naturals at it." Then he lifted his hands in a defensive motion, "It's not l-like I would know, it's just what I heard from other Ricks who're into that sort of thing." "Well, yeah. That's still no excuse to fuck your own grandson." C-137 replied back, remembering that the part about giving head was indeed true according to his own experience with that Rick Fan Morty. "I get you, man. I'm not into it either. Just saying." P-78 defended himself and couldn't help but glance at his own Morty, who gave him a look that he couldn't read. "Mortys are made for Ricks." Rick S-124 suddenly joined in on their conversation. He had already lit a second cig – or was that his third? "They're a perfect match to us—fucking compatible to us in every way, even to our sexual needs. The marriage between a Rick and Morty would be the only one that could actually work out and that was even admitted by Ricks who have already had more than one failed marriage behind them. Not that I would know since I've never been married to begin with." "Ah, just shut up about it, will you! This talk is going to make me vomit all over this shitty place." C-137 retorted angrily. "C'mon, Morty. Let's go. We still got stuff to do." Morty and the rest of the team began to trail behind their leader as they left. "We talk over the phone again." He shouted towards Morty C-133 and A-22β6, knowing that his grandfather wasn't willing to wait up for him any longer. They made their way silently towards the portal in the middle of the square. Before they arrived there, Morty spoke up again, albeit much quieter this time. "Do you actually think that it could be true, Rick? I mean about the match and marriage thing?" "Are you actually a Morty that hasn't been fucked by his Rick yet?" Mysterious Rick's words rang in his head again. "No need to look so surprised. Ricks and Mortys fucking with each other is actually a pretty common thing." 'Is it really such a common thing? Is it normal for Ricks and Mortys to fuck with each other? Is that as natural as a Rick usually having a Morty? Are we the odd ones out for not doing it…?' "Morty, let's stop talking about it! It's just disgusting!" "Yeah, I know…but do you think that there could be really a Rick and a Morty who could be a happily married couple? It's just so hard to imagine…" The brunet trailed off at the end of the sentence and looked like he tried very hard to picture it. 'Actually it's not that hard to imagine now that I know that it's probably a thing…' Rick abruptly halted, turned around and got down on one knee while grabbing Morty's shoulders. "Listen up, Morty. Ricks will make up whatever kind of bullshit they need as a fucking reason to excuse themselves away. So don't you worry your stupid little Morty head about the crap that you just heard. The Ricks who say that kind of shit just try to make that up as an excuse to be openly sick fucks. I mean, I'm pretty sick, too, not gonna lie about that, but not like this! You got that, Morty?" Morty nodded and it was a good enough response for Rick to let go of his grandson and continue on his way again.
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AN: Okay, I have to admit that I was thinking really long and hard about who should be the last and fifth Morty on Rick's team. I was contemplating even giving him the One True Morty, but in the end, my decision fell on Judge Morty because for one, he's super cool (you need to watch the animation if you haven't yet) and secondly, he was the first really strong Morty that I got on my team when I was playing Pocket Mortys for the first time. He was really way stronger than anyone else in my team, so sorry for putting him on such a high pedestal here, but it's just my way of honoring him in good memory. And phew, 10k long chapter, but we're finally getting to the good parts – and the finale is right around the corner. So stay tuned for the last chapter next week! (And yes, I do feel bad for making Storage Rick turn from a decent to a bad guy. He's my favorite Rick and I never intended for that to happen when I wrote "Ricking the Routine"…)
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Part 11 of Entricked Fates
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 1 of Entricked Fates: Gotta Catch Me Some Morty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 2 of Entricked Fates: Mortyfied and Rickfused
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 3 of Entricked Fates: Ricking the Routine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 4 of Entricked Fates: Ricks will always be Ricks
Part 5 of Entricked Fates: The Morty-Lover
Part 6 of Entricked Fates: Second Chances AKA The Rick One For Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 7 of Entricked Fates: Rickvestigating the Morty Disappearances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 8 of Entricked Fates: When the Morty’s away, the Rick will play
Part 9 of Entricked Fates: It’s Not His Ricking Fault!
Part 10 of Entricked Fates: I Ricking Hate My Life!
Part 12 of Entricked Fates: The Mortys and their Stories
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
0 notes
squibo · 3 years
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86thfloormusic · 7 years
This is our final European convention stop of the year! It was absolutely incredible - thank you Japan Weekend Madrid! We really enjoyed this con and met so many amazing people. Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to be in the video, we hope you enjoyed the con as much as we did. 
Don’t forget to comment, like and subscribe - our next convention will be MCM London at the end of the month! 
The song is Shibuya Sunrise’s new track “Wanna Be” which will be available on all major music platforms soon. 
@waitforitcosplay @kingdomcrafts @lisu-chan are in the video!! ^-^ [Feel free to reply with any tags for anyone you may know]
----- Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfBZ... -----
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hachichimitsu2 · 3 years
Hachi ✨ 20 ✨ She/Her ✨ 🇵🇭 ✨ INFJ 6w5
Hello, I’m Hachi! I'm a full-time freelance illustrator on Fiverr, and I hopefully plan to branch out in other artistic areas in my life! Expect me to dump all of my artistic interests over here : #hachichiart
I also have a children’s picture e-book that I self-published on Amazon. I made it as a requirement for my high school thesis, so while the art there is definitely a representation of my past, I still stand by the message I was trying to send. I hope to eventually branch out this series in a form of a webcomic of sorts, for people who can’t afford to purchase my e-book for financial reasons. These characters are extremely dear to me, and I can’t wait to expound on them when I have the time lmao. Here’s a tag regarding the series: #behindtheartistichand
Some note-worthy things to mention, this blog is generally 15+, but I do make sure to tag any NSFW content and general triggers out there. I often post and retweet adult animation, so I’d say tread carefully if you’re a minor. I’m also critical with the media I consume, but most of the time, I like to talk about why I like something rather than why I hate it. I just find it more fun to expound on the positives of my favorite things. I also don’t take everything seriously.
Please let me know privately if I did or say anything wrong. Sometimes I say things without meaning to, and I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, so constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. If you take offense with anything I posted, just send a polite DM and explain why it offended you so I can be educated regarding the subject. I’m also available for any questions, DMs and a genuine chit-chat.
1. Character-Driven Storytelling
2. Adult Cartoons
3. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows
4. Pastel Goth / Creepy Cute Fashion
5. Coming-of-Age Stories
6. Magical Girls
7. Psychological Horror
8. Well-Written Children’s Media
9. RPG Maker Horror Games
10. Video Essays & Film Studies
11. Speed Metal / Vaporwave / Shibuya-Kei
12. K-POP / J-POP Girl Groups (Serotonin Babey!)
13. 4LT (MBTI), Typology, Cognitive Functions
14. All Types of Artistic Endeavors (OCs, FanArt, Comics, Film, Music, Fanfiction, etc.)
1. K-ON!!
2. Hunter x Hunter
3. Neon Genesis Evangelion
4. Ojamajo Doremi
5. Ouran Highschool Host Club.
1. South Park
2. Bojack Horseman
3. Moral Orel
4. Ed, Edd n Eddy
5. Infinity Train
1. Interstellar (Favorite Sci-Fi Movie of All Time)
2. Nacho Libre (Favorite Guilty Pleasure Movie)
3. Johnny Got His Gun (Scariest movie of all time due to the sheer existential dread)
4. Studio Ghibli Films (Particularly Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro & Grave of the Fireflies)
5. Perfect Blue (Favorite Anime Movie)
6. One Cut of the Dead (It’s hard to recommend this movie without spoiling it, but it’s an absolute must that you finish it in its entirety before you proceed to make any further judgments)
7. Coraline (I know almost everyone loves Coraline at this point, but it’s genuinely good.)
8. Interview with the Vampire (Favorite Vampire movie of all time that doesn’t seem overdone or cliché. It’s also really gay)
9. Get Out (2017)
10. Us (2019)
11. Up (2009)
12. Toy Story (Movies 1 to 3)
13. Hereditary (2018)
14. The Shining (1980)
15. Audition (1999)
16. Misery (1990)
17. The Green Mile (1999)
18. Shawshank Redemption (1994)
19. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
20. Mommie Dearest (1981)
21. The Others (2001)
22. The Platform (2020)
23. The Lodge (2019)
1. Homestuck (It’s been a good while since I read Homestuck, so my memory of the general storyline is fuzzy. I’ll re-read it once I have the chance)
2. When They Cry (Currently up-to date with the Higurashi anime and watched the live-action movies. Finally started to tackle the sound novels. Have yet to encounter Umineko and Ciconia)
3. Age of Youth (Favorite K-drama of all time.)
4. Squid Game (Battle Royale-type thriller series that tackles capitalism and the illusion of choice and free will? Sign me the fuck up)
5. Majisuka Gakuen (Favorite J-drama of all time. Also, yes, I’m biased because of my love for AKB48.)
6. Flight of the Conchords (Favorite live-action series of all time.)
7. Adult Cartoons (The Boondocks, Camp Camp, Superjail, The Oblongs, Bob’s Burgers, The Simpsons, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Home Movies, Beavis & Butthead, Daria, Smiling Friends, Aggretsuko)
8. FilmCow (I absolutely love everything they put out. Currently up to date with VuloLives’s broadcasts)
9. The Eric Andre Show (A good friend recommended me this show, and I haven’t stopped since.)
10. Nathan for You (My humor condensed into one show)
11. CGDCT / Slice-of-Life Shows (Sweetness & Lightning, The Amazing World of Gumball, Spongebob Squarepants, Gakkou Gurashi, Lucky Star, Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight, Koufuku Graffiti, Hidamari Sketch, Pita-Ten, A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Di Gi Charat, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Yama no Susume, Shirobako, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Saint Young Men, Gunslinger Girl, Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou, Osomatsu-san, Hey Arnold, The Peanuts, Arthur, Hibike! Euphonium, Nichijou, Asobi Asobase, Azumanga Daioh, Codename: Kids Next Door, Chowder)
12. Idol Anime (Love Live! School Idol Project, Aikatsu, Revue Starlight, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Pretty Rhythm, AKB600SEC // Will get into IDOLMASTER eventually)
13. Undertale (Will pick up Earthbound and Omori eventually)
14. RPGMaker Horror Games (Mad Father, Misao, The Witch’s House, Ao Oni, etc. Hoping to get into newer released games!)
15. Fictional Children / Adolescents Getting Trapped in Dangerous Scenarios (Digimon Tamers, Made in Abyss, The Promised Neverland, Alice Academy, Code Lyoko, The World Ends with You, Total Drama Island, Danganronpa)
16. Weird, Experimental or Slightly Disturbing Series (Serial Experiments Lain, Kuchuu Buranko, Invader Zim, Flapjack, Salad Fingers)
17. Shounen Anime (Yu Yu Hakusho, Mob Psycho 100, Dragon Ball Z)
18. Magical Girl Anime (Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, Tokyo Mew Mew, Mermaid Melody, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, RWBY, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, My Little Pony, Princess Tutu, Powerpuff Girls, My Life As A Teenage Robot, Bee and Puppycat, Star vs. The Forces of Evil, Steven Universe // Will pick up She-Ra & The Owl House Eventually)
19. The Haunting of Hill House / Bly Manor (Don’t let the jump-scares deceive you. It’s a genuinely good character-driven horror series)
20. Sci-Fi Cartoons (Rick & Morty, Solar Opposites, Futurama, Bravest Warriors)
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1. Trey Parker & Matt Stone
2. Gain & Narsha (BROWN EYED GIRLS)
3. Hyuna (SOLOIST)
4. Sooyoung (SNSD)
5. Gyuri (KARA)
6. Hani (EXID)
7. Seulgi & Yeri (RED VELVET)
8. Sana (TWICE)
9. Yves & Olivia Hye (LOONA)
10. Shuhua (G-IDLE)
11. Yena (IZ*ONE)
12. Winter (AESPA)
14. Shiroma Miru (NMB48)
15. Yabuki Nako (HKT48)
16. Takahashi Minami (ex-AKB48)
17. Kojima Haruna (ex-AKB48)
18. Shinoda Mariko (ex-AKB48)
19. Sayaka Akimoto (ex-AKB48)
20. Watanabe Mayu (ex-AKB48)
21. Shimazaki Haruka (ex-AKB48)
22. Matsui Jurina (ex-SKE48)
23. Sakura Miko (HOLOLIVE)
24. Natsuiro Matsuri (HOLOLIVE)
25. Oozora Subaru (HOLOLIVE)
26. Inugami Korone (HOLOLIVE)
27. Houshou Marine (HOLOLIVE)
28. Kiryu Coco (ex-HOLOLIVE)
29. Momosuzu Nene (HOLOLIVE)
30. Kureiji Ollie (HOLOLIVE)
31. Takanashi Kiara (HOLOLIVE)
• Instagram: @Hachichimitsu
• Twitter: @Hachichimitsu
• I take art commissions on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/hachichimitsu
• I have a children’s e-book on Amazon. Make sure to download the Amazon Kindle app to be able to read it on your smart device: https://www.amazon.com/Behind-Artistic-Erika-Marie-Vargas-ebook/dp/B08789CW3V
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pmiller1 · 4 years
Something I think of the necessity of A New Days.
Like for what we get is that Coco isn’t a Sweet and Helpful Reaper and able to trap to two people in a fake reality made out of a noise, Neku having been kill, Coco revived Sho and that Shinjuku have been warp of the Map.
So let list this out:
Coco herself: Honestly it too early to say, but her inclusion in the story can be fill in by another character, I may not play TWEwY:Live but I can guess she really was sweet and helpful Reaper. Acting out as the tutorial for that game. Those I guess they really did plan to make her be not so sweet and helpful, she is a Reaper afterall. Those we not to sure if Coco will be a part of Neo story. We have not seen her yet.
Fake Reality out of Noise: I say this could be the case, the fact that Noise could slip into a RG can be bad news and does give a good reason for the story. One that take one into a fake reality made out of itself. Those I always thought that the Noise have a subplane to call home where battle at. So I say this is a good story idea.
Killing of Neku: This could be necessity, to have Neku be a player character again. Taken part of this new weeks reaper game. However, to spear yourself the rant, it isn’t really necessity now, given the New Main Character.
Reviving Sho: Really unnecessity, As we have speculated that Sho was still being there, under the pile of junk, meaning that he was still alive in a sent and could have survived it.
Shinjuku Erasure: One that I do think is something for a Sequel hook at best, A part of a City being Erase yeah that is bad news. Something so powerful that it could warp off a part of a city and that Shibuya could be next, a story for the player to prevented that fate. Even Tsugumi being the Sole survivor of Shinjuku Erasure can be a good way to let the player know the sake at rick.
Still the best we can say that given Neo wild taken place of the Animation, A New Day wasn’t really necessity and can be pass as non-canon until we know more of the new Game.
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gtokio · 4 years
Japan Trip - May, 1982 by Rick Lippincott Via Flickr: Shibuya, Tokyo
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bboyplankton · 5 years
2019 Playlist
1. A$AP Ferg & MadeinTYO – Wam
2. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Arnold & Danny
3. Action Bronson & The Alchemist – Descendant of the Stars
4. Akon feat. Skales – Control
5. Akon feat. Olamide – Scammers
6. Alex Isley – Colors
7. Amaal – Coming & Going
8. Anderson .Paak feat. Andre 3000 – Come Home
9. Anderson .Paak feat. Smokey Robinson – Make It Better
10. Ari Lennox – I Been
11. Ari Lennox – Up Late
12. Ariana Grande – fake smile
13. Ariana Grande – in my head
14. Arin Ray feat. Kehlani – Change
15. Arin Ray - ZZZ
16. Asiahn – Like You
17. Asiahn – NOLA
18. August Alsina – Forever and a Day
19. August Alsina – For You
20. Baby Rose – Mortal
21. Beyoncé, Jay-Z & Childish Gambino feat. Oumou Sangaré – Mood 4 Eva
22. Big K.R.I.T – Blue Flame Ballet
23. Big K.R.I.T – Energy
24. Big K.R.I.T – M.I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.I
25. BJ the Chicago Kid feat. JID, Buddy, & Kent Jamz – Get Away
26. Blackbear – Sick Of It All
27. The Black Keys – Sit Around And Miss You
28. The Black Keys – Tell Me Lies
29. Bobby Sparks ii feat. Robert “Sput” Searight & MonoNeon – The Comanche Are Coming
30. Boogie – Live 95
31. Boogie feat. Snoh Aalegra – Time
32. Burna Boy feat. Jeremih & Serani – Secret
33. Che Ecru – That’s My Baby
34. Ciara – Greatest Love
35. Ciara – Set
36. Ciara – Trust Myself
37. City and Colour – Mountain of Madness
38. Col3trane, DJDS, & Raye – The Fruits
39. Conway the Machine – Half of It
40. DaBaby – Bop
41. DaBaby – Goin Baby
42. DaBaby – Suge
43. Daniel Caesar & Brandy – Love Again
44. Danny Brown – Dirty Laundry
45. Danny Brown – Savage Nomad
46. Dave East – Mama I Made It
47. Dave East – The Marathon Continues (Nipsey Tribute)
48. Dave East – Me & Mines
49. Denzel Curry – Speedboat
50. Devin Morrison – Bussin’
51. Devin Morrison feat. Dahvi – It’s Time
52. DJ Shadow – If I Died Today
53. DJ Shadow feat. Run The Jewels – Kings & Queens
54. DJ Shadow feat. De La Soul – Rocket Fuel
55. Doja Cat – Say So
56. Doja Cat – Streets
57. Dreamville feat. Ty Dolla $ign & Dreezy – Got Me
58. Dreamville feat. JID & T.I. – Ladies, Ladies, Ladies
59. Dreezy feat. Jeremih – Ecstasy
60. E-40 feat. Quavo Roddy Ricch, A$AP Ferg, & ScHoolboy Q – Chase the Money
61. E-40 – Imma Find Out
62. E-40 feat. Redman, Method Man, & Bosko – Keep On Gassin
63. Earthgang feat. T-Pain – Tequila
64. Earthgang feat. Kehlani – Trippin
65. Elhae – fXXX
66. Elhae – I.D.B.I.L
67. Elhae feat. Big K.R.I.T – Sanctuary
68. Emotional Oranges – Someone Else
69. Emotional Oranges – West Coast Love
70. Emotional Oranges – Your Best Friend Is A Hater
71. Eric Bellinger – iPod on Shuffle
72. Eric Bellinger feat. K Camp – Moist
73. Eric Bellinger – Run It Up
74. Eric Bellinger – The Sexy Song
75. Eric Bellinger – Spice
76. Eric Bellinger feat. Chris Brown & OG Parker – Type a Way
77. Eric Bellinger – Undress
78. Esperanza Spalding – Touch in Mine (Fingers)
79. Fabolous feat. Jacquees – My Mind
80. Fabolous feat. Ty Dolla $ign – Ooh Yea
81. FKA twigs – Mirrored Heart
82. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib feat. Killer Mike & Pusha T – Palmolive
83. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib – Soul Right
84. Free Nationals – Lester Diamond
85. Free Nationals feat. Syd – Shibuya
86. Free Nationals feat. Mac Miller & Kali Uchis – Time
87. Future – Crushed Up
88. Gallant – Céline
89. Gallant – Sleep On It
90. The Game – Born 2 Rap
91. The Game feat. 21 Savage – The Code
92. The Game feat. Anderson .Paak – Stainless
93. Gang Starr feat. J. Cole – Family And Loyalty
94. Gang Starr feat. Ne-Yo & Nitty Scott – Get Together
95. Gary Clark Jr. – I Got My Eyes on You (Locked & Loaded)
96. GoldLink feat. WaveIQ – Spanish Song
97. GoldLink feat. Tyler, the Creator & Jay Prince – U Say
98. Griselda – Freddie HotSpot
99. Gucci Mane – Move Me
100. Isabella – Tag
101. Jacquees – Fact Or Fiction
102. Jacquees – Good Lovin
103. Jaden – Got It
104. Jeezy – White Keys
105. Jidenna feat. GoldLink – Babouche
106. Jidenna – Sou Sou
107. Jidenna – Vaporiza
108. Jim Jones feat. Maino & Drama – My Era
109. Jim Jones feat. Cam’ron, Guordan Banks, Benny the Butcher, & Conway the Machine – To Whom it May Concern
110. Joell Ortiz – Jamaican Food
111. Joell Ortiz – Sip Slow
112. Johnta Austin – Breakin Rules
113. Justine Skye – Secrets
114. Kalin White – 4 sexonds
115. Kaytranada feat. GoldLink, Eight9Fly, & Ari Pensmith – Vex Oh
116. Kehlani – Feels
117. Kehlani feat. 6lack – RPG
118. Khalid – Paradise
119. Khalid – Talk
120. Kiana Ledé feat. Jenifer Lewis – Heavy
121. Kiana Ledé – If You Hate Me
122. Kxng Crooked & Bronze Nazareth feat. Tristate & L.A.D – French Connection
123. Kirk Brown – Vibes Up
124. Koffee feat. Jane Macgizmo – Blazin
125. Konshens – Back It Up
126. Konshens – Last Wine
127. Kyle Dion – Hands to Yourself
128. Kyle Dion – Spend It
129. Larry June feat. Premo Rice – Booty Girl Club
130. Larry June – Early Bird
131. Larry June – Organic Smiles
132. Layton Greene – Never Knew
133. Lion Babe feat. Leikeli47 – The Wave
134. Lion Babe feat. Raekwon – Western World
135. Lophiile – Late Ass
136. Lophiile feat. Jesse Boykins III – You’re Gonna Need It
137. Lophiile – You’ve Changed
138. Lucky Daye – Love You Too Much
139. Lucky Daye – Real Games
140. Lyfe Jennings – Baby
141. Mac Ayers feat. Uhmeer – Fears
142. Mac Ayers – Get Away
143. Mahalia – Karma
144. Mahalia – What Am I?
145. Mahalia feat. Ella Mai – What You Did
146. Marc E. Bassy – Crash and Burn
147. Marc E. Bassy – Where We’re From
148. Matt Martians – Movin’ On
149. Maxo Kream feat. Megan Thee Stallion – She Live
150. Megan Thee Stallion feat. Da Baby – Cash S**t
151. Mereba – Stay Tru
152. Moonchild – Strength
153. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council - Sin
154. Murs, 9th Wonder, & The Soul Council – Unicorn Glitter
155. Nikki Jean – Driver
156. Nikki Jean feat. Lupe Fiasco – Mr. Clean
157. Papoose feat. DJ Premier – Numerical Slaughter
158. Pardison Fontaine – Money Machine
159. Pardison Fontaine – Under8ed
160. PJ Morton – Kid Again
161. PJ Morton feat. JoJo – Say So
162. Post Malone – I’m Gonna Be
163. Problem Child – Whole Heart
164. Quinn XCII feat. Yoshi Flower – Werewolf
165. Rapsody feat. Queen Latifah – Hatshepsut
166. Rapsody feat. D’Angelo & GZA – Ibtihaj
167. Rapsody feat. Elle Varner – Michelle
168. Raveena – Nectar
169. Raveena – Salt Water
170. Rex Orange County – Always
171. Rex Orange County – It Gets Better
172. Rick Ross – Fascinated
173. Rick Ross feat. Drake – Gold Roses
174. Rick Ross feat. Summer Walker – Summer Reign
175. Rick Ross – Vegas Residency
176. R.LUM.R – Happy
177. R.LUM.R – Lies
178. Roses Gabor feat. Sampha – Illusions
179. Rotimi – Love Riddim
180. Rotimi – Way Gone
181. Sabrina Claudio – Truth Is
182. Sammie – Issues
183. Sara Bareilles – Armor
184. ScHoolboy Q feat. Kid Cudi – Dangerous
185. ScHoolboy Q – Numb Numb Juice
186. Shal Marshall – Mas Forever
187. Shal Marshall – Splinters
188. Shwayze – Rich City
189. Sinead Harnett – Be The One (Interlude)
190. SiR feat. Smino – LA Lisa
191. SiR feat. Kadhja Bonet – New Sky
192. Slum Village feat. Dwele – Call Me
193. Snoh Aalegra – Nothing to Me
194. Snoh Aalegra – Toronto
195. Snoop Dogg feat. Swizz Beatz – Countdown
196. Snoop Dogg feat. Marknoxx – I Wanna Thank Me
197. Snoop Dogg feat. Russ & Wiz Khalifa – Take Me Away
198. Solange – Almeda
199. Solange – Dreams
200. Steve Lacy – N Side
201. Steve Lacy – Playground
202. Summer Walker – Wasted
203. T-Pain feat. Tory Lanez – Getcha Roll On
204. Tayla Parx – Me vs. Us
205. Tayla Parx feat. Joey Bada$$ - Rebound
206. The Teskey Brothers – Rain
207. The Teskey Brothers – Sun Come Ease Me In
208. Tinashe – Feelings
209. Tobi lou feat. Erica Rene & Cam O’bi – That Old Nu-Nu
210. Tobi lou – Waterboy
211. Tori Kelly – Kid I Used To Know
212. Toro y Moi – Freelance
213. Toro y Moi – Ordinary Pleasure
214. Tory Lanez – Blowin’ Mine’s // Leah’s Introduction
215. Tory Lanez feat. Ludacris – The Fargo Splash
216. Trey Songz – Jill (Sumn Real)
217. Trina feat. Rico Love – Water
218. Tryezz – Walnut St. Dub
219. Tsu Surf – Killing Me
220. Tyler, the Creator - Earfquake
221. Tyler, the Creator – I Think
222. Umi – Sukidakara
223. Vedo – Do It Nasty
224. Wale feat. Jeremih – On Chill
225. Weezer – Happy Together
226. Willow – Time Machine
227. Wiz Khalifa feat. Young Deji – Gold Bottles
228. Xavier Omär & Sango – Cry & Lie
229. Xavier Omär & Sango feat. Billy Mercury – Keeping Me
230. YBN Cordae feat. Anderson .Paak – RNP
231. YBN Cordae feat. Meek Mill – We Gon Make It
232. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – All About You
233. Ye Ali – Rehearsal
234. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR – Show Me
235. Ye Ali feat. DCMBR & Rainy Milo – Songs2Get2GetDrunk2
236. Yelawolf – Box Chevy 7
237. Yelawolf – Unnatural Born Killer
238. Young M.A. – Stubborn Ass
239. Zacari – Midas Touch
240. 2 Chainz – Threat 2 Society
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
When Mayumi Iijima heard that schools across Japan would close over the new coronavirus outbreak, leaving her to juggle her job and two small children, her first reaction was horror. “I just said ‘no, no, no, no… what are we supposed to do?'” the 40-year-old, who works in human resources in Tokyo, told AFP. Like parents from Italy to Iran, Iijima is struggling to find ways to entertain and educate her children during school closures that the UN says have disrupted education for more than 290 million students worldwide. In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe shocked the nation and dismayed parents countrywide with his call for schools to close through the spring holiday, which ends around early April. Nurseries and after-school clubs can stay open, but Iijima’s nine-year-old son Torao and eight-year-old daughter Koto are both affected. Iijima’s husband has little flexibility at work, but her company Jinjibu has allowed her to bring the children in, setting aside a conference room and encouraging other staff to help out. “What we as a business could do was not to isolate working mothers,” said spokeswoman Junko Sato. “When they work, they can focus on working, and the rest of our staff will care for the children,” she said. Iijima is grateful, but says the situation is still far from ideal. “We brought study materials for children. They also like crafts,” she said. But she adds: “I hope school will resume. I’m worried about their studies.” ‘Easier to concentrate’ In Hong Kong, schools have been shut since early February, with the closure now set to last until after Easter. Many teachers are turning to conference call applications to interact with students, but that requires good Wi-Fi access and computer literacy. Primary school teacher Billy Yeung works at a school where many students come from low-income families and parents are often unsure how to download documents. “Some parents told me they don’t have Wi-Fi at home,” he said. “One told me that they have used up their mobile data by downloading teaching materials.” Elsa Wong, a single mother, is trying to home school her 11-year-old son Rick, who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. She has enjoyed seeing his progress up close and says her son has generally been more relaxed at home. But going it alone has been tough, said Wong, whose employer has required staff to work from home. “Sometimes I have been so physically exhausted or mentally drained, I really couldn’t reason with him.” For some children in the city’s highly competitive system, the closures come as a relief. “I feel like it is easier to concentrate and it’s less stressful,” said 14-year-old Leo, who normally has nine lessons a day, but now has only two 45-minute sessions via a video-chat app. ‘Play Nintendo for ages!’ In South Korea, schools are closed at least through March 23, and archivist Han Ji-hee is relying on her husband, mother and niece to watch her two sons. “I really hate it,” said Han, who lives in Suwon, south of Seoul. “The kids are really bored — they can’t go outside to the playground or hang out with their friends, so they have nothing to do.” “They just end up watching TV and playing with their phones all day, but it’s not like I can be there.” The closures are not universal, and in Singapore the government has so far declined to shutter schools, arguing it would “disrupt many lives.” “Even if all students stay at home, there is no guarantee against infection,” the education ministry said. In Tokyo, popular areas like Harajuku and Shibuya are packed with teenagers, with younger children flocking to playgrounds. “My mother sits next to me all morning so I have no choice but to do homework,” one nine-year-old boy told AFP as he played on a seesaw at a park. “But the one good thing is that I can play Nintendo Switch for ages,” he said, adding that his family’s usual 45-minute rule had been scrapped. “Now I can play as long as I like!” The post E-Learning and Nintendo: Coping With School Shutdowns Due to Coronavirus appeared first on Sansaar Times.
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qalmy · 8 years
I’m traveling to Japan soon, does anyone have suggestions of what I should check out?
DM if it suits you better
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maybefuture · 5 years
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“The whole town was somethin’. One time. Forget your troubles, see a show, gamble a little. Win some money, lose some money. They made money seem like candy.”
- Rick Deckard Shibuya Tokyo,Japan.
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lillies-with-you · 6 years
1. Haise Sasaki (Tokyo Ghoul) 2. Hideyoshi Nagachika (Tokyo Ghoul) 3. Aru Akise (Future Diary) 4. Shigeo Kagiyama (MP100) 5. Teruki Hanazawa (MP100) 6. Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa 2,3) 7. Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa 3) 8. Takumi Hijirihara (Danganronpa KK) 9. Yasuke Matsuda (Danganronpa 0) 10. Yuuki Natsuno (Shiki)11. Yuzuru Otonashi (Angel Beats) 12. Ayato Naoi (Angel Beats) 13. Sophie Hatter (Howl’s Moving Castle) 14. Asano Gakushū (Assassination Classroom) 15. Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) 16. Yuma Isogai (Assassination Classroom) 17. Minato Arisato (Persona 3) 18. Yusuke Kitigawa (Persona 5) 19. Goro Akechi (Persona 5) 20. Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5) 21. Roxas (Kingdom Hearts) 22. Riku (Kingdom Hearts) 23. Ventus (Kingdom Hearts) 24. Yoshiya “Joshua” Kiryu (TWEWY)25. Neku Sakuraba (TWEWY) 26. Siwon/Tae Min (What lies at the end) 27. Min Woojin (What lies at the end) 28. Mikaela Hyakuya (Owari no seraph) 29. Tom Lucitor (SVTFOE) 30. Marco Diaz (SVTFOE) 31. Evil Morty (Rick and Morty) 32. Kazuya Shibuya “Naru” (Ghost Hunt) 33. Adachi Torhu (Persona 4) 34. Yoshiki (Corpse Party) 35. John Doe (Unordinary) 36. Max (Camp Camp) 37. Harrison (Camp Camp) 38. Jasper (Camp Camp) 39. Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom) 40. Wirt (OTGW) 41. Ritsu Onodera (Sekaiichi Hatsukoi) 42. Lars (Steven Universe) 43. Leonardo Watch (Kekkai Sensen) 44. William “Black” Macbeth (Kekkai Sensen) 45. The King of Despair (Kekkai Sensen) 46. 9S (Nier: Automata) 47. Nero Ren (The Boy Who Fell) 48. Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!) 49. Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 50. Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) 51. Tsukune Aono (Rosario + Vampire) 52. Goro Majima (Yakuza 0) 53. Steven A. Starphase (Kekkai Sensen) 54. Michael Mei (Be more chill) 55. Jermey (Be more chill) 56. Squip (Be more chill) 57. Namsoon (Save me) 58. Koshi Tanaka (Liar Liar) 59. Cecil Palmer (Welcome to Night Vale) 60. Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale) 61. Kevin (Welcome to Night Vale) 62. Oma Kokichi (Danganronpa V3) 63. Saihara Shuichi (Danganronpa V3) 64. Axel (Kingdom Hearts) 65. Damien (WKM?) 66. Doug Eiffel (Wolf 359) 67. Hera (Wolf 359) 68. Juno Steel (The Penumbra Podcast) 69. Peter Nureyev (The Penumbra Podcast) 70. Ryan Dallian (EOS 10) 71. Akmazian (EOS 10) 72. Eddie Gluskin (Outlast) 73. Miles Upshore (Outlast) 74. Waylon Park (Outlast) 75. Blake Langermann (Outlast 2) 76. Ethan Winters (Resident Evil 7) 77. Julian the Janitor (The Orbiting Human Circus) 78. Hannibal Lector (Hannibal) 79. Earl (Welcome to Night Vale) 80. Taako Taaco (The Adventure Zone) 81. Magnus Sideburns (The Adventure Zone) 82. Griffin Mcreoy (MBMBAM and The Adventure Zone) 83. Will Graham (Hannibal) 84. Darryl Ramirez (It Devours! Welcome To Night Vale) 85. Fredrick Chilton (hannibal) 86. Joshua Washington (Until Dawn)87. Michael Monroe (Until Dawn ) 88. Erik Chapman (Wooden Overcoats) 89. Rudyard Funn (Wooden Overcoats) 90. Darkiplier (Markiplier) 91. Wilford Warfstache (Markiplier) 92. Stephano V (The Evil Within 2) 93. Val (outlast 2) 94. Joseph (DD) 95. Duck Newton (The Adventure Zone: amnesty) 96. Sir Damien (The Second Citadel) 97. Loki :( (Thor) 98. David (Alien Covenant) 99. Walter (Alien Covenant) 100. Ryan Bergara (Buzzfeed Unsolved) 101. Shane Madej (Buzzfeed Unsolved) 102. Harold B. Darrensworth (Markiplier) 103. Dr.Flug (villainous)
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