#shin Soukoku is canon
cookiekat-blogz · 5 months
Why do Akutagawa and Atsushi fit Yin and Yang so well?
may or may not be inspired by some sskk rant I saw on tumblr a few months ago (I'll reference if I remember the creator) and a Pinterest post w this template:
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Has anyone else ever notice how yin-yang Akutagawa and Atsushi are? Yeah they are both orphans that were taken in by Dazai and "abused by their handler" ('handler' is wild ngl) but in the main series Atsushi is more Yang and Akutagwa is more Yin, character wise, and even design wise. Yet, in Beast (a spin-off where Akutagawa ends up in the ADA and Atsushi ends up in the PM) the roles are reversed and Aku is more Yang and Atsu is more Yin, further emphasizing that this difference between the two isn't accidental (not claiming simply speculating).
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Akutagawa is relatively bad but he has shown how he could be good, in the main series, Wan, and beast. he's undeniably a good brother (just look at how much he cares for his sister in beast, he even joined the ADA and made it his purpose to find her after he learned that she was in the mafia.) He keeps promises, hates meaningless torture-- which believe it or not shows a bit about his character-- (haha he does have emotions even if it may be stemmed from a deep psychological trauma). He also has a mainly dark but light accent wardrobe, from the ends of his hair to the very same accessory that he can't even name. help I ran out of good character traits I think I'm failing
Atsushi is relatively good, and even seems to be blind to it at times, but he has shown his not the best traits. He's kinda like Gon, but less merciless, even when it comes to fights with Akutagawa (sometimes). His good:bad ratio is pretty skewed though, no matter how much he may envy or hate his kindness kinda just... drowns it out. Evil headmaster dies? cry. Evil goth boyfriend partner dies? scream. Evil American enemy still lives? team up with him. Evil 14 year old serial assassin in the port mafia exist? save her.
Although, he's pretty rash/blunt (that Dazai diss was wild aku didn't do anything to deserve that) and its also shown in wan and other scenes in the main series that he would probably participate in a 2017-19 roast battle(hj) and holds some strong grudges. (help I ran out of bad character traits he's too good, its like he's so good and he doesn't even try.) Butttt apperence wise, his singular black hair streak in a head of light whatever-colored-hair (in contrast to Akutagawa's) and accents of black (suspenders, tail-belt-thing that moves as if he was Cat Noir, tie, gloves, pants, shoes) do what Akutagwa's 19th century ruffles do best. Be utterly useless and ugly and feed into the theory that he is a time traveler Contrast.
Now for beast. I'll make this one shorter:
Akutagawa takes Atsushi's role. in this he represents 'in light there is darkness' perfectly. he's on the 'good side' and has the noble goal of finding his sister and his color pallate is lighter but he is still pretty quick to judge and isn't open or super kind.
Atsushi is considered ruthless (because of how violently and mercelesly quick and cold he kills but its really the tiger) but he himself admits that he is scared, scared of it all, especially death (or something like that) so to over come his fear of death, he must become it. That's it. He became the 'god of death' because of his fear of it. His color pallate is much darker and the lightest parts of it is the tiger fur on his coat and his natural features like hair and eyes. He's on the side of 'bad' but he even betrayed dazai for kyouka because he cares about her too much and that part of him he cant change. he will always want to protect all the orphan kids that were suffering like he was because he cant bare to see it, so yeah, in darkness there is light.
Basically, Shin Soukoku canon because opposites attract.
(this is from #9 1/2 of my "why Akutagwa is the best bsd character ever" post)
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lasutotu · 2 months
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Ignoring the tragedies in the new chapter... Akutagawa siblings with Aya + sleepy tigersushi...
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nakajimaas · 1 year
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wistyxx · 1 month
And even still, the canon always manages to be gayer than the fanon
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Being into bsd is so weird. Author will make an interview condoning the most screwed up morals ever which makes me loathe them and then further down in the same interview they'll talk about sskk using the word “relationship” four times in a row and I'll be like. They can go for now.
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mitskiluvr · 1 year
beast will always mean SO much to me because of everything it tells us about atsushi and akutagawa. all the parallels between them. they were both victims of circumstance—akutagawa ended up on the side of “good” in beast and atsushi didn’t and at their core they were both just teenagers trying to find a way to survive with the hand that was dealt to them
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ssaraexposs · 6 months
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Today I offer... Akutagawa riding Atsushi
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au where atsushi runs into akutagawa literally a few hours before akutagawa gets the weretiger intel like they idk bump into each other and atsushi drops something and aku ends up buying him it and then atsushi goes to work and is like "he's a MAFIA GUY???" and the ada is like "u know him?" and and atsushi is like "he literally just bought me food"
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rotisseries · 5 months
coffeeshop au sskk would involve them working at the same place but separate shifts so they hate each other but it's contained cause they only have to see each other at switchover and then dazai would start putting them on the same shifts cause he thinks it's funny and physical fights would break out. coffee machine broken. customers coming in and you can just hear screeching from the kitchen. that "can I please get a waffle" vine. atsushi and akutagawa start taking their breaks at the same time so they can have their fight out in the back alley instead and it becomes oddly therapeutic and makes them better at their job and then it becomes the highlight of their day and they're like what the actual fuckkkk🤮🤮🤮
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sskk-manifesto · 10 months
In my mind there's an au where Atsushi deems that the best decision to make in order to save Junichiro and Naomi is to do as Akutagawa says and follow him to the pm. But once he's brought there, Mori realizes that Atsushi is too powerful of an asset (due to his ability) and too important of a piece (due to his connection to the book) to hand over to the Guild, and instead decides to make Atsushi join the pm as a member. That's how Atsushi and Akutagawa, albeit with a very rocky start, eventually become work partners.
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 1 year
Cant believe that chuuya and atsushis birthday presents are fighting your partner/rival/lover while in a half dead mind controlled state, 0/10, worst birthday party ever
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Stop calling ships Toxic
I feel as if “toxic” should be removed permanently from the hands of this fandom, because some will see any sort of conflict between two characters and slap that word onto their relationship.
“Soukoku is toxic 😢😢😢 Ranpoe is toxic 😭😭😭”
Please, please, think for like two seconds.
First of all, you cannot apply real world standards onto a fictional relationship, especially when their universe is very different to ours. The BSD equivalent of WW1 took place 15 years ago for them, violence and death are norms within their society. If Atsushi and Akutagawa were regular people in our universe acting like that, it would be a problem, but they aren’t, so we can’t be viewing their relationship through our lenses.
The world of BSD is not black and white and neither are it's characters, and, consequentially; their relationships. Of course there are relationships within the series that are toxic and/or abusive, such as Akutagawa and Dazai's, there's no question about that, but it's still not so simple. There's many layers to each character and relationship within BSD, and if you only ever look at the surface, you just won't understand.
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vatt1v · 3 months
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Happy bungou gay dogs month or whatever
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
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mitskiluvr · 1 year
the way that shin soukoku find their way together in every single universe. if we follow the whole “akutagawa from episode 11 is from another universe” theory, that means that in AT LEAST THREE different universes, atsushi and akutagawa are partners. THREE!!!!!
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mercury088 · 3 months
PM!sskk AU where Oda trains Atsushi and Chuuya trains Akutagawa.
No (very few) Dazai involved. I have decided that he is the source of all their suffering.
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