#shin hati aesthetic
peachy-ash · 6 months
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bilbobignaturals · 4 months
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"Luminous beings are we"
Some star wars ladies in live action
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witchersfromkadath · 8 months
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Time to share my Shin Hati art I really loved Ahsoka series
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the-marshals-wife · 5 months
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☾ Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati ☀︎ moodboards
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blueaphelion · 8 months
I think one of the reasons why I love wolfwren so much is that if you were to combine both Shin and Sabine into one person, that would be my aesthetic: edgy goth who wears neutral colors and dark eye makeup but also an artist who sometimes likes to color their hair fun fantasy colors
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diana-foggy-master · 9 months
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like or reblog if u save
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sunflowerfilms · 9 months
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Shin Hati in Ahsoka
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wrizzley · 8 months
can you do a shin hati moodboard from star wars ?🥺
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Tysm for requesting! Hope you like it :3
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isagrimorie · 9 months
I really love House of R's breakdown of the Ahsoka show. Listening to the breakdown I like their point that maybe the reason for the gap in knowledge about Ahsoka and Sabine's relationship is that this is a mystery that both old fans and new watchers would see together.
I do think we will get flashbacks to the moments of Ahsoka first taking on Sabine as an apprentice to the end why she walked away from Sabine.
Another thing I realized about the table setting in the first two episodes is that they're setting up that Ahsoka show might be set more in the unknown regions outside of their current galaxy.
I actually like that we're getting more into different lore for Ahsoka, more alien, more mystic and that by going to the Unknown Regions we might get to avoid the oft criticism about 'always returning to Tatooine'.
But most of all, I love that we might be exploring different kinds of Force Users, and the show might end up touching on an ancient society that predates both the Night Sisters and the Jedi/Sith.
But also speaking of Lore, I love how Baylon Skoll and Shin Hati were named after the two wolves from Norse mythology.
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Skoll is the name of the wolf Who follows the shining priest Into the desolate forest, And the other is Hati, Hróðvitnir’s son, Who chases the bright bride of the sky
= the Eddic poem Grímnismál
And that Morgan Elspeth is a confirmed Night Sister. Night Sisters of Dathomir are often called Witches because of how the Night Sisters utilize the Force like magic.
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In the Clone Wars, Grevious massacred the Night Sisters.
Ahsoka's had dealings with a Night Sister before -- Asajj Ventress and Darth Maul and Savage Oppres were also from Dathomir.
But also, Shin seems to have some reservations about Morgan after she learns Morgan is a Night Sister.
I also love the sense that Ahsoka is more mystical and science fantasy than the other shows. This show doesn't shy away that it's about space wizards and space knights.
Sometimes I feel current Star Wars (and some fans) are ashamed that Star Wars is basically a show about sword and sorcery but in space.
I also really like that if The Mandalorian is a Space Western, Ahsoka is very much the Space Wizard Samurai and Din's aesthetic (or the Mandos in the Mandalorian) is more like Space Cowboys and Vikings, Sabine represents the Japanese-flavored aesthetic of her part of Mandalore.
But also I love that the lead character is the grumpy samurai master, usually in anime/manga we see stories more from the point of view of the student seeking the master to teach them once again.
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Very much borrowing from the influences of Samurai movies. Also, Kanan has done this (in other Western media-- Zuko and Iroh from Avatar and Korra from Legend of Korra).
For both Kanan and Sabine, this signifies commitment -- Sabine has mentioned before that she kept her hair short because it helps her wear her Mandalorian helmet.
Sabine letting her hair grow long meant she has set aside her Mandalorian heritage, she's been in a holding pattern, possibly since the day Mandalore fell (again). It's possibly another reason why Sabine is so reluctant to celebrate.
Yes, she helped save Lothal but what does that matter if she couldn't even save her own homeworld?
Almost every character in this show lost their families, their home worlds, and their people.
I also like how Ahsoka the show is also about the Good guys winning the war, they've all been busy fighting the war that now there's peace what do Ahsoka, a soldier who has been fighting since she was a child, and Sabine, a child who is from a culture that reveres war and warriors, do now?
Hera is the only one with a clear idea of what she wants to do -- and that's to build a better world and tomorrow for her son.
But for Ahsoka and Sabine?
I feel like Ahsoka and Sabine's theme music is Wait for It:
Life doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes And we keep living anyway We rise and we fall and we break And we make our mistakes And if there's a reason I'm still alive When so many have died Then I'm willin' to— Wait for it...
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mcufan1066 · 9 months
Ahsoka 1x03 thoughts
The visor exercise was a nice variation on the droid one that Luke and the younglings did.
Hera arguing with the senators feels like a military-industrial complex thing. "We need more money for the military." "No, we need the money for the people."
Love the dieselpunk aesthetic of the ship fight.
My Wolfwren heart wants to believe that they were on to Ahsoka's ship so fast because Shin could sense Sabine.
Shin Hati and Marrok seem closer to Obi-Wan as pilots, than Anakin.
It seemed like Morgan Elsbeth wanted to destroy their ship, but Shin and Marrok just wanted to bring them down.
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anakinskywalkerog · 9 months
hi! so I’ve been like, totally MIA, super busy, avoiding Tumblr at ALL COSTS so I could avoid Ahsoka spoilers until I watched it. and now I am BACK and HERE and I want to share my THOUGHTS so get ready, spoilers for Ahsoka episode 1 under the cut
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you all know I love a darksider and that I also love a HOT darksider and now we have one who is a WOMAN and not a weird alien woman but like an actual badass hot chick who has the dark side EMANATING out of her eyes (I also very much love badass Reva who is hot but not *spoiler* truly a darksider). and Shin Hati is also a PADAWAN and she has a PADAWAN BRAID I’m dying, dark padawan energy? Shin HOTTY am I right (I want to dress as her for Halloween so bad)
2. I’m not sure why they made Sabine into this Padawan character 😂 I’m sorry but it just doesn’t make sense for her to learn the ways of the force!! there are literally lines in rebels about how she doesn’t use/“have” the force.
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and like, I understand that there’s a lot of story we missed between her and Ahsoka in terms of what happened after the end of rebels and before now. but it doesn’t make sense for her to learn/want to learn to be a jedi. she’s mandalorian! the scene where she surpasses her mandalorian helmet in favor of her lightsaber? I don’t get it. I absolutely love Natasha Liu’s performance though. she captures Sabine’s essence very well. Maybe I will come around on this whole jedi thing when I watch the next few episodes. I also don’t get why Ahsoka would want to teach her to be a jedi? what happened to “I am no Jedi”??
3. I loved loved LOVED seeing Lothal in live action. So good!! I love how prominent of a storyline Ezra is, from the very beginning. I love that this is a continuation of Ezra’s story. and I LOVE THE LOTH CAT I cried when I saw him (if he got hurt in that battle I will sue)
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4. I don’t really understand the aesthetic choices made in the graphic design/the end credits. They’re leaning into this weird ancient/nordic vibe and it makes no sense for Star Wars. I get every show is going to have its own aesthetic but the ancient EUROPEAN?? vibe is literally the antithesis of the original star wars aesthetic and it seems Jon Favreau-y, Marvel-y to me (like it’s okay for them all to share some basic design rules okay?!)
5. on the flip side, I like the soundtrack! it’s definitely different aesthetically but I like how it sort of leans into the epic fantasy vibe. I’m into it.
6. As much as I think Rosario and MEW are doing an excellent job portraying Ahsoka and Hera, I don’t love the costume/character design. the contacts are weird and idk I just feel like it’s such a big budget show and they could have done better!! but I can get over this.
okay those are all of my current and immediate reactions! overall I am very excited and I can’t wait to see where this goes and even when I post things I didn’t love/choices I didn’t understand, I want to make it clear that it is not hate on this show! I am very grateful it exists and excited to see where it takes us. These are just my absolutely unfiltered thoughts. Please comment if you agree/disagree. See you after I watch episode 2!!
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peachy-ash · 6 months
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woobie-wan · 8 months
I don't know, man. Disney Star Wars is like making brownies. Sometimes you can use all the right ingredients and measurements but they still come out too-gooey or too-dry or burnt or a bit wonky in some other way.
(And then sometimes you get a near-perfect batch and that is Rogue One and Andor.)
I like most of the characters on this show (though those witches could work on de-centering men, amirite?) I like the music, the aesthetics. Ezra Bridger is very pretty. Shin Hati is also pretty and compelling (to me). But overall it's still a bit too crumbly in my mouth and it's missing the crackly top. Also lacking in walnuts. Walnuts being gravitas, I guess. I never felt like anyone was in danger.
I don't know if they're trying to do some redemption narrative after death for Anakin but I'm not entirely here for it, as much as I love seeing him again (and Hayden was 10/10, flawless). That Luke broke through in ROTJ was enough.
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trufflesandbedlam · 7 months
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I'm still chewing over a lot of the new lore that came out of the Ahsoka series, and top of my list is another one of those questions about the nature of the Dark Side and how a Force adept's approach to it can result in corruption evidenced in their appearance ("Sith eyes" for example) or not... as is the case with Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati.
Dark Jedi, I guess?
Are we going full-circle back to legends? (Paging the first who landed on Korriban because I have some questions about the aesthetic.) 😂
I'm just kidding around: I love them your honour, so it's two more for the shop -- we're releasing the wolves!
Baylan Skill & Shin Hati are live as a set on our website and our Etsy.
Truffles & Bedlam Website | Etsy | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram
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dani-luminae · 7 months
Surfing Pinterest bc bored, found myself in the Star Wars sections about Ahsoka, came across AI art and whoo boy, I think this is a very teachable example of how AI can only match aesthetics and shuffle them... it doesn't actually create or understand. Wanna know how I came to that conclusion?
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These are all apparently supposed to be AHSOKA. (Click on them for better quality and you'll see why I'm just, so baffled.
AI thinks "orange-ish skin + face markings + vague blue and white patterns where hair should be = Ahsoka Tano" and it does not actually identify the exact patterns and details that are indispensable to her.
Like tbf the first one and the center could be probably someone's creative cosplay, but the face marking are still not hers. And the last one... where do I start with that one. It thinks her lekku are earrings and her montrals are a cat-ear-shaped headpiece (actually semi-reminds me of the Zyggerians or whatever they were.)
Oh! How about the part where it was convinced that the montrals and lekku are a furry hat with funny ears (left)? Or "Shin Hati's bad cosplay as Ahsoka" (center)? Or where her montrals are a mask and her lekku literally just disappear into her collar (right)?
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They might look like fun designs, but they're not Ahsoka.
The AI can only pick relevant patterns and fill in the rest with nonsense.
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engagemythrusters · 9 months
okay. ahsoka ep 3.
i already know jacen is in this bc i got SPOILED but let me tell you im gonna still be shocked anyway skldjflkd
k here we go
These introductions are pointless. Like we saw the last ep last week. If we forgot we can just look it up.
OH WOW she’s hot
“Not bad but not good” WOW HUYANG. Oh wow this guys comin for Sabines whole LIFE here damn
Um ig Ahsoka forgot that Mandalorians can hold their own against jedi just damn fine? Sabine once beat KANAN
Ahsoka: okay time to pretend to be Kanan
God can you imagine being stupid enough to give that line to her? Did filoni or Favreau write that line? Sounds on par with how idiotic those two dipshits are. Like that is so stupid. Who is that STUPID.
That’s like an anti-Kanan reference. That’s fucking Kanan retconning.
God I’m so MAD.
Honest to god I’m kinda glad this is only 30 mins long this time. I’m fucjing mad.
She fights like Sabine though. I love this actress for her. She’s doing Sabine so well. Thank you <3
Hooray chancellor mothma
I mean in name only so far but still. My lil snow pea boy
“Causing trouble with chopper” I’m so glad that droid is giving the galaxy hell with multiple generations of syndullas. Here’s to chopper outliving us all
She should be allowed to find her son the war hero at any costs
“People who were like family to me” okay uh so that’s a workaround for saying Kanan? But Kanan wasn’t even killed by
“Aunt” WHAT
She’s his SISTER
He looks a little like Kanan would have looked. AND NOTHING LIKE HERA (enter usual rant about PISS POOR CHARACTER DESIGN)
Also like. He wants to be a jedi 😭
God that look. She’s thinking of Kanan 😭😭😭
“Everyone could be a jedi” is the STUPIDEST TAKE
God i hate this fucking show
And I fucking hate filoni and Favreau so. Fuckingn. Much.
Huyang does NOT like Sabine
And he’s right about jedi and force wielders
She’s so cute I love u Sabeeen <3
T-6 shuttle shot
I love u T-6 shuttles
Wow those are fuckin… old ass ships. Clone war era.
I mean T-6 is even older but I love it so. I do not care.
Also hang on rewind a sec to the “few mandalorians have ever been jedi” okay how do you KNOW that. The two of you have been at odds so much for so long that I’m sure millions went by unnoticed by the jedi
Downgraded from Spheres In Space to fucking Circle In Space 🙄
I love Huyang he’s a bitch
Oh T-6 shuttle they’re really in it now
Oop floaty in space
Huyang out for the count again xoxo
Shin Hati is such a little shit and I ADORE her
She space-suited up in 3 seconds or some shit. God I hate sci fi.
Get yourself ahsoka you’re the dumbass who chose to stand outside
Shin Hati 👁 👁 fr
Ezra are u there?! 😭😭😭😭
okay after the initial AAAA umm yeah I’m thoroughly disappointed
The purrgil looked so BEAUTIFUL in design and colour and pattern in Rebels… only to be Giant Grey Things in this show?
God I fucking HATE this show.
Anyway half this episode is literally just space fighting. That’s so stupid.
I do like tbis planet. It’s dull and drab like everything else this show has done BUT at least the aesthetic of this one is meant to be dark and drab and dull
Anyway can they go back and follow the fucking purrgil yet
Mr Inquisitor I kind of hope you’re someone cool we already know. That’s a cool trope that I want to see in canon. If not that’s okay I want a cool inquisitor anyway.
So they’re meant to pick up thrawns ship? Like the way Jedi ships used to—
The way DT says purrgil has shocked me to near silence
That’s so funny it’s great and hard in his voice
So yeah that was stupid and awful and it’s good that was only 30 mins of disappointment rather than fucking 50 or whatever
Still love the vibes of this outtro tho. Wish the rest of the show was this cool.
now we just need -rex - ezra - direct kanan mention (like NAMED)
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