#shinedown nation
the-holy-ghosted · 1 year
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73 notes · View notes
thysurv1val · 6 months
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Shinedown drawings
7 notes · View notes
A loose retelling of Hades and Persephone-modernized and darker than before, but beautiful all the same.
A/N: I'm not happy with this. But you guys can have it anyway.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, Bang Chan, Chan, Christopher, Christopher Bang, Y/N, Femreader, Chan as Hades, Y/N as Persephone, Underworld, Greek Mythology, Hades and Persephone, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Chan x you, Chan x reader, Chan x y/n, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, Other members make guest appearances as various Greek gods, Greek Gods
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Underworld Shit, Dark Undertones, Underhanded God and Mortal shit and dealings, Death, Dying, Triggering Themes, Toxic Relationships (not main characters), Chan's fucking in love with reader to the point of obsession.
🌸I’ll Be Damned-Gavn
🌸Seven Nation Army-Stevie Howie
🌸Call Me-ShineDown
🌸Granite-Sleep Token
🌸Say Don't Go (Taylor's Version)-Taylor Swift
Title: Every Last Seed
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He goes by many names.
He always has.
King of the Underworld.
God of the Dead.
Bringer of Death.
Lord of Darkness.
But by far, his favorite name is the one that only you are allowed, dripping from your lips, soft and sweet, like honey, like a deadly nectar he's become addicted to-
"Where the fuck is he?" Chan storms through the door to his office, terrifying the wraith he employs as his secretary, her throat jumping with a gulp, as she straightens her glasses, and clasps her clipboard to her opaque chest.
"Ah, sir, I was just asking his Lordship if he'd prefer tea or coffee-"
"No need." Chan growls, not even bothering to look in her direction. "He won't be staying."
Hyunjin grins from his position behind Chan's overly large desk, his feet planted directly in the middle of some important treaties Chan had been working on the day before for some particularly pesky mortals.
"Ah, is that any way to treat your baby brother, Channie?"
His given name. The only ones who dare call him by that name are his brothers and you.
Everyone else just refers to him by the name the mortals gifted him when he became God of the Dead eons ago-Hades.
Chan stalks toward his brother's reclined form and promptly shoves his feet off the desk with a little bit more force than necessary.
"The perfect way, actually. Especially when said brother is impeaching on my very valuable and limited time, uninvited, I might add."
Hyunjin sniffs, straightening the highly expensive baby blue suit he wears, and plants his feet firmly on the ground, swiveling in Chan's chair to face him.
He tucks a strand of his golden hair back behind his ear and levels Chan with a self important look that makes him grind his teeth in agitation.
"Fine. You obviously want me to get straight to the point, so I will."
Chan feels a muscle tick in his jaw as he taps his foot impatiently, motioning with his hand for the man before him to continue.
"Great. What is it?"
Hyunjin sighs, making a show of straightening the crown on his brow, and then he gives Chan a grimace which he tries to soften with a halfhearted smile that Chan sees through immediately.
It makes his clench his fingers into fists at his side.
"How's the new little wife, hm, big brother? Satisfactory, I presume?"
Chan feels himself prickle at the mention of you, but he keeps his expression unreadable, dark, as he stares back at his clearly prodding brother.
"Fine. Anything else? Or did you travel all the way here and risk your wife's wrath just to ask me how my honeymoon was?"
Hyunjin blanches at the mention of Hera, and clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable now in the face of Chan's obvious ire.
"Yes, well-" He stands up, planting his hands flat on Chan's desk and leaning toward him, as if to appear intimidating.
Chan wants to laugh at the pathetic display.
"-there's been a problem. I'm sure you've noticed the influx of extra souls ever since you uh, tied the knot, without her mother's permission?"
He fidgets nervously under Chan's unwavering, blank stare.
Tugging at the collar of his expensive suit once more, Chan watches as his younger brother, the supposed God of the Gods, seems to wilt under his penetrating gaze.
Finally, he sighs heavily, and seems to implore Chan to give him something, anything, he can work with.
"Her mother's fucking pissed with you, Channie, all right? I'll just come out and say it. I need you to fix this."
Chan remains unmoving, stoic, in the face of his brother's obvious plea.
After another moment of silence, Hyunjin throws his hands outward and exclaims with obvious exasperation, "C'mon, help me out here. Lord knows I've helped you in the past when you asked."
Chan arches a brow. "Helped me?"
His voice is flat, cold, deadly, and Hyunjin winces subtly.
"Okay, listen-" He holds up his hands, as if the weak gesture of peace will stop Chan's building fury. "-you know the delicate balance we have between the mortals. We worked decades for that, and if Demeter keeps fucking offing them left and right, just to spite and overwork you, and the Underworld, we're gonna have a much bigger fucking problem on our hands than a petty little feud between you and your recently acquired mother in law."
Chan hates to admit it, but Hyunjin's right, as much as it pains him to agree.
Fucking Demeter and the chip on her shoulder toward him.
God forbid, her perfect, innocent, naive daughter-the goddess of Spring-fall in love with someone as twisted and dark and wicked as Chan-god of the dead and ruler of the Underworld.
No, the Goddess of Harvest was not bound to let this go lightly, and it seemed he needed to put a stop to this before it ever really began.
A few extra mortal souls on his workload was nothing really, but if she even thought about dissuading you-
Chan pinches the bridge of his nose and screws his eyes shut. He can feel a headache building.
"Fine." He grits out, and he can practically hear Hyunjin breathe a sigh of relief. "I'll handle it."
Ignoring his brother and his babbled platitudes of thanks, he steps toward the window and looks down over the city below, flickering to life beneath the coming darkness.
"But know this-" He turns and levels Hyunjin with a dangerous, black gaze. "-if I even hear a whisper of you and Demeter's little foolish escapades putting my wife in danger, I will end you both without a second thought and with one snap of my fingers."
He still remembered the first time he ever laid eyes on you. How could he forget?
Attending one of his younger brothers garish and old fashioned parties-he'd thought they'd stopped doing these kinds of things centuries ago-he'd been dragged over to rub shoulders with some of the greats, one stiff tuxedo away from going the fuck home where he belonged.
And then, he'd seen you, hidden in Demeter's shadow- though nothing could truly hide your exquisite and rare beauty, not even your mother's sour, pinched expression-and his feet had moved toward you without permission, as if drawn by an invisible thread of fate.
Your mother had looked at him as he approached with such disdain it would've set him on fire had he not been a god, but he'd ignored her, striding boldly forward through the party goers until he stood directly in front of you.
"Hades." Demeter had hissed in greeting, dark hatred flashing in her eyes as she'd put a protective arm out in front of you.
You stared up at him with the biggest, most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen, and extended one slender, soft hand out toward him, breaching the threshold of your mother's protection without a second thought, as if you could feel the tug of the persistent string too.
"Persephone." You had whispered, than blushed, your cheeks going red, as his fingers found yours. "Or Kore. O-or (Y/N). Whatever is to your liking, your highness."
Your hand was like velvet-warm and silky in his own-and his fingers dwarfed yours, making them feel delicate and almost fragile in his grip.
"I know who you are, Goddess of Spring." He had replied, with far more confidence in his low tone than his quivering gut felt in the moment.
Your expression had flashed surprise at his words, and you glanced away under his direct gaze, red, full lips parted, cheeks taking on an even deeper hue of scarlet.
The look of sudden shy demureness on your features intoxicated him, and his dick immediately took notice.
"I am honored that one such as yourself, your highness, has taken notice of me already."
He had cleared his throat, subtly adjusting himself in his too expensive slacks-some high end shit Hyunjin had insisted he wear-at the soft tone of pleasure your voice took on at his attention, and finally, reluctantly released your hand, even as Demeter ushered you back behind her looming form.
"We really must be going." Her expression went from pinched to furious as his eyes lingered on you just a bit longer than necessary. She ushered you away. "Say goodbye, Kore."
"Goodbye." You had murmured, eyes flitting up to his briefly, before you let your mother lead you away and out of his sight.
Chan took his leave shortly after, giving Hyunjin some bullshit excuse of the Underworld not running itself, and had hightailed it home, his skin itching beneath the ridiculous suit he wore, and his hard-on aching for a release.
That night, he came with his cock in hand, and your name on his lips.
He arrives home to find you in the garden, kneeling in the dirt, fingers dug deep into the soil.
It's a common occurrence, a sight he's grown used to, but he still pauses, watching you silently for a few moments, enjoying the way your hair falls around your face, the way the curves of your body are accentuated against the early evening light.
Cerberus notices him first, raising his giant, blocky head from his paws where he lays beside you next to the garden plot, ears erect. His thick tail thumps the ground-once, twice-at the sight of Chan and you glance up, following the dog's gaze.
Chan steps from the shadows, and the most gorgeous smile he's ever seen graces your features as soon as you catch sight of him.
It takes his breath away, and as you stand, brushing the dirt from the dress you wear, he thinks, not for the first time, that you're the most fucking beautiful thing he's ever had the pleasure of calling his own.
"Channie." You breathe sweetly, throwing your arms around his neck as he draws closer, burying your face in the juncture of his throat. "You're home."
"I am." He agrees, wrapping you tightly in his embrace, taking a moment to let his nose skim your hair, the smell of blossoms and springtime filling his senses.
You pull back, just enough to gaze up at him, and he lets his finger go beneath your chin, holding you there, so he can study and memorize, once again, every single intoxicating line of your features.
Your lips quirk into the start of a smile, as if you know what he's doing, but you don't say anything.
He's grateful for that.
"Did you have a good day?" You ask softly, your breath warm on his fingers, as he traces the part of your full, soft lips.
"Eh." He lifts one shoulder into a shrug and lets it fall back down heavily. "Not as good a day as I would've had staying here with you, little blossom."
You arch a brow, and he sees it, the stubborn expression wash across your face that lets him know you know he's trying to deflect.
You put your hands on your hips and stare him down, and he resists the urge to lean forward and kiss the tip of your nose.
Fuck, you're adorable.
"I heard Zeus came to see you."
"Is that so?" He questions, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, as he watches you hold your ground.
He leans forward, fingering one of the loose strands of hair that frames your face, before he lets his gaze dip to your throat, the golden chain you always wear dipping tantalizingly out of his line of sight where it disappears between the swell of your breasts.
"You're correct." He acquiesces, his fingers itching now to reach up and tug the chain free, so he can dangle the wedding ring he knows lies safely between your breasts between the two of you, just so he can remind himself who you belong to once more.
His dick swells at the thought.
He clears his throat, and brings his gaze reluctantly up to meet yours once more, noting the dark flash of stubbornness that washes across your eyes.
"However." He smirks now, stepping closer, letting his hand gently close around your throat, your pulse thready beneath his palm, like a fluttering bird beating against the bars of a cage. "I don't really want to talk about my brother right now, do you?"
He leans forward, and begins to suck kisses along the column of your throat, and you giggle, batting him away and stepping back before he can distract you further.
"Channie." You whine, putting your hands once again on the swell of your hips, and he thinks, not for the first time, that your delicious curves are going to be the death of him one day. "I'm serious."
He sighs, and tries to ignore the hardness of his eager dick between his thighs, knowing you're not going to let him off the hook-or let him fuck you dumb-until he's told you what Hyunjin wanted.
"Fine." He sighs again, and drops onto one of the many benches he had had installed in the garden solely for the purpose of watching you do what you love most.
You step toward him, and he opens his legs so you can slide between them, putting your hands on his shoulders as his fingers find your hips through the thin material of your dress.
"Tell me." You insist, staring down at him and Chan tilts his head back to look at you, arching a brow at your commanding tone.
"Goddess of Spring, are you really telling the Lord of the Underworld what to do?"
An amused smirk flickers across his lips at the look of exasperation that crosses your features.
You stick your tongue out at him, and he chuckles, tugging you to him. You protest a little, but let him do it anyway, burying his face into your stomach, the soft feel of your dress caressing his skin.
He breathes in your perfume, once, twice, and then leans back, meeting your gaze.
"Your mother is throwing a little temper tantrum it seems."
Your eyes widen minutely, and Chan sees your lips flatten into a determined, serious line.
"Because of our marriage?"
Chan gives a slight nod. "It would seem so."
One of your hands clenches into a tight, white knuckled fist at your side, and your chest stutters with a sharp intake of breath.
Beyond your shoulder, a vine springs to life, fraught with large thorns, curling around a nearby tree, up and up, tight enough to strangle the bark beneath its hold.
Cerberus raises his head, scenting the sudden unease in the air, and lets out a small whine.
You take in a deep breath, and the vine begins to slowly retract its hold on the tree.
"Little blossom." Chan murmurs, tugging you down onto his lap, and encircling you in the safety of his arms, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. "It's nothing to worry about, I promise you. I'll handle it."
He feels you shake your head beneath his chin.
"You shouldn't have to handle it. She's my mother. I need to stand up to her."
Chan glances beyond you as Cerberus whines again, and sees the vine's thorns growing dangerously long with your distress, piercing through the trunk of the tree, cracking the bark into splinters.
"Pet." Chan warns quietly, nudging your chin in the direction of the destruction. "Take a deep breath."
You gasp, and let the air out on a long, shuddering breath, and the vine halts its upward progress almost instantly as you collapse against Chan, slumping into his chest.
He can hear the tears in your voice when you whisper, "I'm sorry."
His finger finds your chin again, and he raises your watery gaze to his own.
"Never, and I mean never, apologize for the power you hold, my love. For it will bring gods and mortals alike to their knees, and one day, when they all pass beyond this life, you will be known as their queen."
"You know, it's usually easier to get into the palace through the front door."
The unfamiliar, male voice startled you and you lost your hold on the branch you were currently coaxing toward the palace wall, snatching it up again with a curse just in time to stop yourself from tumbling all the way back to the ground below.
"Fuck." You glared over your shoulder, down to the newcomer, but could only make out a tall, dark silhouette, cloaked in a hood.
The man tilted his head, as if he was looking up at you, and you swore you could feel his smirk even through the darkness.
"Yes, thank you for the advice." You snapped back with a huff, already reaching out for the next branch as your magic grew it down toward your outstretched fingers. "But I think I'll stick with this."
"Suit yourself, little blossom." The mystery man leaned against the thick trunk of the tree, and crossed his arms over his chest, staring out at gods knows what.
You paused, catching your breath, and glared down at him, even though you're sure he can't see you.
"Don't call me that."
You saw his chest rise and fall in a silent laugh. "Why?"
"Because." You huffed, reaching for another branch, out of breath as you work around the gods awful gown your mother had insisted you wear to visit Olympus. "I don't know you."
"Oh, but I think you do."
You paused to consider his words, racking your brain for anyone you knew in Olympus well enough to give you a nickname, and came up with no one. Your mother didn't let you visit often from the mortal realm.
"I don't." You insisted, standing up on your tiptoes to try and reach the top ledge of the wall.
You heard the man chuckle again as you stretched-up, up, up-and just as your fingers had grazed the cool marble, your foot slipped off its hold on the branch below, and you tumbled, shrieking, back down through the tree and toward the hard ground.
You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came.
Cracking open one eye, you stared straight into the face of the mystery man, safe in the warm, strong curve of his arms.
His hood had fallen back in the act of catching you, and your eyes widened as you recognized the handsome face before you.
Fucking. Hades.
Brother of Zeus.
God of the Dead.
He grinned at you, and arched a brow, reiterating softly, "But you do."
Your heart did one sharp staccato against your ribcage, as he set you carefully to your feet, and stepped back, and almost instantly, you missed the warmth of his skin against your own.
"Thank you for saving me." You stuttered out, curtsying deeply, now that you had your wits about you.
He chuckled, staring at you as you straightened back up, and you hoped it was dark enough to hide the blush staining your cheeks.
"Oh, I have no worries that if I wasn't here, little blossom, you would have saved yourself."
He motioned upward with a jut of his chin, and you followed his gaze to the tree, gasping as you saw a thick, dark green vine wrapped around its bulbous trunk, stretching down from the palace wall and to the ground below, curling around your feet.
When you glanced back to the man before you, he was already pulling his hood back up over his face, ready to disappear back into the blackness.
"Wait!" You called out before you could think better of it, and he stopped, cocking his head.
You swallowed hard, and took a step toward him.
"Will I see you again, your highness?"
You swore he smiled beneath the hood.
"Call it what you will, Goddess of Spring-fate, destiny, the will of the gods-but I think you and I will be seeing each other again very soon. Very soon indeed."
"You can't have her, you know."
Changbin took another long sip of his drink, cheeks already rosy, and followed Chan's hungry gaze across the room to you, standing close by your mother's side.
He simply shrugged when Chan turned to shoot him a glare.
"Her mother would never allow it. She hates your fucking guts. Not to mention-" He leaned over and lowered his voice, as if he was telling Chan a secret. He could smell the liqueur on the younger god's breath. "-the whole 'Underworld Ruling' thing."
Chan is saved from having to respond by the appearance of Minho, flute of champagne in hand, look of annoyed disgust on his face, as he slid past the hulking god beside Chan and took a seat on the duvet across from them.
His brother glanced dismissively at Chanbin, leaning back to take another long swallow of his drink.
Changbin grinned and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
Minho arched a brow and his nose wrinkled slightly in open distaste. "Do you ever not wear armor?"
Changbin grinned bigger, and slapped a loud palm to the armor fitted perfectly to his broad chest.
"Of course not! I'm the God of War. Always have to be ready for anything, Uncle. You know how it is."
"I'm sure I don't." Minho sniffed, raising his champagne delicately to his lips, and taking a tiny sip. "The Ocean does not concern itself with the dealings of mortals. Let alone their trivial pursuits of war."
Changbin merely shrugged, and stood, slapping a powerful hand to Chan's shoulder, which sent him jolting forward in his seat, rubbing his offended arm and glaring up once more at the towering figure of his nephew.
"I'm off to find another drink. And maybe a few maidens." Changbin announced, giving Minho a mock salute, as the man stared him down with annoyed disdain. "Take care, uncles."
And with that, he was gone.
Minho's gaze flitted to Chan, and he took another long, slow sip of his drink.
Chan felt his eyes unwittingly pulled back to the other side of the room, but you had disappeared from view, probably dragged off by your mother for more introductions.
"I'm surprised you came."
Chan let his gaze drift back to his brother across from him, and offered him a tilt of his head in acknowledgement, reaching for his own glass of forgotten champagne.
"Yes, well, that makes both of us. I'd hoped to not find myself at another one of these damned archaic, presumptuous affairs for another eon or so."
The corner of Minho's lip flickered with amusement, and his eyes roamed past Chan to the dozens of gods and demi gods currently mingling on the expanse of Hyunjin's vast dance floor.
"Our baby brother is good for very few things, and throwing amusing soirees is indeed not one of them."
Chan felt his own lips quirk into the hint of a smirk, and he raised his glass to Minho in silent salute.
Minho tilts his own champagne in response, and they both take a deep draft of the shimmering, bubbly liquid.
His brothers were hard to tolerate on the best of days, but he'd always felt like Minho understood him just a little bit more than Hyunjin ever had.
Standing, Chan places down the now empty glass and nods to Minho in farewell.
"I've made an appearance. Now it's time to take my leave."
Minho watched him in silence for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, and then with a flick of his fingers, he filled Chan's empty glass back up with water.
Chan stared at him, and he arched a brow.
"Drink some water before you go, brother. It'll help with the hangover tomorrow."
He sighed, reaching for the glass, and downed the water in one gulp.
"There. Happy?"
Minho's mouth flickered again. "Almost." He cocked his head, and let his gaze roam over Chan's body, as if he could see the way his muscles tensed, the way his mind swirled, already thinking about running into you on his way out.
When Chan went to move past him, Minho put an arm out, stopping him in his tracks.
"Careful, brother." Minho murmured, eyes dark and discerning, trapping him in place. "Interest is a fickle, fleeting thing, but obsession is fatal."
There was a beat of tense, deafening silence, Minho staring at him like he could see right through him.
Chan shook his head, and broke the spell.
"Thanks for the advice." Chan grunted, pushing past him without another glance, stalking toward the exit, not caring as he shouldered past the partygoers, earning himself a round of nasty looks.
The cold night air of Olympus embraced him as he pushed through the double doors and into the opulent garden beyond.
Unlike the swirling colors and lights and noise of the party inside, the garden was deserted at this time of night-dark and quiet and abandoned-just how he liked it.
Taking in a deep breath, holding it as the frigid air seared his lungs, Chan strode deeper into the garden, walking between the towering, shadowy rows of hedges, clearing his head.
The music had almost faded out of ear shot, when he heard it-a small, unfamiliar sound that immediately caught his attention.
He paused, freezing, and listening.
There it was again, just around the next bend, somewhere near the center of the hedge maze, beside the fountain he knew graced the large stone courtyard lined with benches hidden amongst the neatly trimmed foliage.
Taking another quiet step so he could round the corner, he heard it once more.
It almost sounded like-a gasp?
Chan came around the hedge quietly, on full alert, his footsteps silent, and as the fountain came into view, he caught sight of a figure leaning back on one of its edges on the other side, obscured through the haze of the water.
Another creeping step forward, still hidden by the shadows of the bushes, and the person came into view.
It was you-sitting on the marble edge of the fountain, dress hiked up around your knees, leaning forward as you focused on something intently.
Chan narrowed his eyes, trying to see what it was you were doing, and when he realized, as another little breathy moan left your lips and your wrist spasmed, he halted, feet suddenly leaden.
Gods above, you were touching yourself.
He should move, he should announce his presence, he should leave, he shouldn't be watching you in this very private, very vulnerable moment, but he can't seem to get himself to break the spell, watching you silently from the shadows of the hedge as you pleasure yourself.
You let out that sound again-a breathless sort of stifled release of breath-and Chan felt his dick start to swell in response, straining against the fine fabric of the slacks he wore.
You let your head fall back, eyes screwed closed, lips parted, as your fingers continue their work, and Chan's eyes are drawn to the way your chest heaves for breath, the perfect swell of your breasts straining against the corset you wear.
Suddenly, he can move again.
Stepping quietly from the shadows, he approached, moving to stand in front of you, and as if you could sense his sudden presence, his eyes on you, your eyelids fluttered open, your mouth forming a perfect 'o' of surprise as you caught sight of him.
"Y-your highness-" You stuttered out, cheeks immediately blooming pink, and Chan was enthralled by the way the rosy color spread rapidly down your chest.
You made a move to remove your fingers, tugging at your billowing skirts, but Chan held up a hand, his eyes meeting your own.
"No. Don't stop."
You froze, staring at him, wide eyed, like a fawn caught in the daylight, and he made an attempt to soften the gravel of his voice, repeating again, softer this time, "Keep going. Please."
You stared at him for another long moment, and he couldn't breathe, maybe you were going to run, maybe you were going to tell on him, what a pervert he'd been, maybe you were disgusted-
And then, slowly, eyes still holding his own, you let your fingers dip back beneath the folds of your gown.
He could tell the moment you made contact again, because your body stiffened, and that sound-the one that went right to his cock-passed your parted lips once more.
Chan watched you, mesmerized, as you let your fingers do the work, arching your body on the edge of the fountain to find the right angles, all the while, holding his gaze unwaveringly.
You were brave, he'd give you that.
You gasped, mouth falling open, and he saw the way your wrist twisted, picking up pace.
He imagined how wet you were, how easily your fingers slid in and out, and he clenched his hands at his side to keep himself in place, to force himself to let you be.
"What do you think about?" He asked suddenly, licking his lips, his mouth desperately dry.
"What-" You started to question, the words breaking off into a breathy moan that had him painfully hard, even harder than before.
He took a step closer.
"What do you think about? When you're getting yourself off?"
Your eyes had screwed closed as you grew closer to release, but you managed to flutter them back open to meet his gaze, your face twisted into the start pleasure, your fingers never stopping.
"You!" You gasped out desperately, chest heaving, free hand digging into the marble ledge of the fountain, fingers white with the effort of holding back.
Chan watched as you came then, crying out and body vibrating, and when the orgasm had finished ripping through you, you slumped back, breathing hard and cheeks flushed.
Pulling your hand from your skirts, Chan tried not to focus on the way your fingers glistened as you wiped them off on your dress.
He was rooted to the spot, watching you come down, cock aching and leaking down his leg, wishing he was the one who'd undone you so fully, when you finally met his gaze once more.
Your expression was unsure, lips pressed into a thin line, when you repeated softly, defeatedly, "You. I think about you."
You sat up, straightening your skirts with your clean hand, and Chan resisted moving closer to you with what very little willpower he had left.
You were biting your lip, staring at the ground between the two of you, when he conjured a trace of shadow, using it to caress your chin and tilt your gaze back up to meet his.
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise, your skin pebbling into goosebumps beneath the touch of the shadow, but you didn't move, you didn't look afraid.
Chan felt the corner of his mouth lift into the hint of a smile as he let the shadow trace your cheekbone, brushing back a loose strand of damp hair into your elegant braid.
"You know, little blossom, my brothers say you're a problem."
Your eyes widened a little more, and then a flash of indignation crossed your pretty features.
Chan cocked his head, studying you, and you stared right back.
"Because I want you, but I can't have you. And I tend to have a fatal flaw of getting obsessive over things that are kept from my grasp."
He flicked away the shadow with his fingers, burying his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he let the words settle between you.
His dick was still unyieldingly hard.
Your lips parted slightly, as if surprised by his admission, and then a brief, mischievous smile flashed across your lips, catching him off guard.
You tilted your head, and your lips quirked upward into a bigger, sweeter smile.
"Your highness?"
You hopped down from the ledge of the fountain, and found your shoes, slipping your feet into them as he watched, waiting for you to continue.
When you stepped toward him, closing the distance, he resisted every urge to grab you and slot his mouth hungrily over yours.
You looked up at him curiously, studying his features, your eyes large and dark, framed by the longest eyelashes he had ever seen.
When you finally spoke, your voice was quiet, as if you were telling him a secret only known to the two of you.
"What do you think about when you come?"
He stared at you, trying to put the words with the movement of your lips.
Finally, he swallowed, watching your eyes flit down to follow the movement of his throat.
"Hm." You hummed beneath your breath, lips twitching, as you finally slipped past him, headed back in the direction of the party.
Chan whirled, watching you go, and as if you could feel his eyes on you, you turned and paused when you reached the hedges, fingers trailing over the dark, emerald leaves, leaving shining pink flowers behind in their wake.
"Interesting." You arched a brow, giving him a half, knowing smile. "And here I was, thinking my little obsession was one sided."
Chan let a shadow slink from the hedge beside you and trail around one of your ankles.
You grinned at him once more, and slipped silently from view.
Chan steps off the elevator and is immediately met with the largest bouquet of flowers he's ever seen, shoved directly into his face.
He swats them away with annoyance, and the person carrying the atrocity comes into view, panting like they've just carted weighted rocks up the floors of the building and not obnoxiously perfumed flowers.
"Oh, hey boss." Jeongin beams, adjusting the vase of flowers in his arms, so that he can reach up and push the cap he wears back slightly, revealing a sweaty swath of dark hair.
"I got you flowers!" He holds up the arrangement, as if Chan can't see them, and follows him when he stalks past him toward his private office.
Setting the bouquet down on the front desk as they pass, flashing Chan's assistant a winning smile, Jeongin hurries to keep up with Chan's long strides, floating slightly above the floor.
"Well, Persephone did, technically, but you know, she asked me to give them to you so-"
Chan ignores the chattering messenger god beside him, and turns a left down the hall, already silently going over the meetings he has scheduled for today in his head.
Turning another corner, he's just about to push into conference room two, when Jeongin slides in front of him, spreading his arms out to block his way and trying to catch his breath.
"Whoa, boss. You can't go in there."
Chan stares the kid down, expression stoic.
"Jeongin. Get out of my way."
Jeongin doesn't budge, though Chan can see a flicker of fear flash across his dark gaze as he stands in front of Chan's looming, annoyed figure.
He reaches up, scratching at the back of his neck in clear discomfort, and shuffles from one winged foot to another.
"Okay, but here's the thing-" He starts, hemming and hawing, glancing past Chan and to the hallway, then back to the god standing in front of him.
"Jeongin." Chan warns, beginning to think there's something going on that he doesn't know about, and nothing pisses him off more than to be oblivious.
Jeongin clears his throat and gives him a half hearted smile. "Persephone kinda asked me to keep you out of the conference room today because she's kindameetingwithhermomtodiscussthingswithoutyou."
Chan stares blankly at the boy in front of him, wringing his hat now between anxious hands, and then asks quietly, dangerously, "She what?"
Jeongin swallows, the gulp is audible in the tense silence, but still holds his position blocking Chan from the doorway.
It's admirable, he'll give him that.
He gives a little shrug and a sheepish smile. "Sorry, boss?"
Chan growls beneath his breath in frustration, and pinches his nose.
He can feel a headache coming on.
"Fine." He grinds out, the muscles in his jaw popping with his irritation as he clenches his teeth and glances past Jeongin to the waiting conference room. "But you're to come and get me as soon as they're finished." He points a stern finger into the middle of Jeongin's chest. "And Demeter is not, I repeat not, allowed to be alone at any time while she's in the Underworld, understood?"
Jeongin nods and gives him a little salute, even as Chan is already stalking away.
"Yes, sir!" He calls out down the hallway, voice echoing off the walls and exacerbating Chan's growing headache. "I won't let you down, boss! You can count on me!"
Chan mumbles something beneath his breath about hiring new wingmen, and locks himself in his office.
Chan doesn't get to see you for the rest of the day.
The hours slip by, and he's faced with problem after problem-mortal souls unhappy with their judgement, wraiths he employs needing his every attention and signature, accountants wanting to see him about the toll to cross the Styx ('inflation is happening you know!')-and by the time he finally gets home, well after sunset, his every muscle is tight with irritation.
He walks in to see you in the kitchen, apron tied tightly around your waist, Cerberus at your feet, dozing with his head on his huge paws.
The dog gives a thump of his tail when Chan appears, alerting you to his presence, and you glance up from whatever it is you're chopping, giving him a wide, bright smile.
He's not fooled. It doesn't reach your eyes.
Pushing aside the monstrous bouquet from earlier that now resides in the middle of the giant, granite island that takes up a majority of the kitchen, he raps his knuckles on the stone, watching you carefully, his head cocked.
"I heard your mother stopped by today."
He watches the way your chopping stalls, but you don't look up at him, chest inflating with a silent breath before you turn, tossing the carrots into the large stew pot on the stove.
"Yes." You finally say, back still to him.
He tries to force the irritation simmering just below the surface down, relaxing his whitened fingers one by one, as he blows out a long, slow breath.
You turn then, at the use of your given name said in his stern tone, and resume cutting, chopping blocks of beef into smaller cubes.
Chan blows out another breath, harsher this time, and rubs at his temple.
The headache from before is still lingering, pounding now that he's finally left the office for the day.
"What did you talk about?"
You flick your eyes briefly up to his, and then back to the meat beneath your knife.
"Her 'temper tantrum' as I believe you put it."
Chan winces slightly. That wording probably didn't go over very well.
"And?" He prods, leaning against the counter, leaning down so he can glance into your face.
You bite your lip, and he sees you blow out a breath, before you look up at him and force that smile back onto your face-the fake, overly saccharine one from before, the one he doesn't buy for a moment.
"Do we really need to talk about this right now? You just got home, and dinner is almost ready-"
Chan flattens his hands, palms down, on the cold granite, and doesn't let you look away.
Your fingers tighten around the knife, and he sees you let out a shuddering breath.
At your feet, Cerberus cocks his head, your obvious display of uncertainty grabbing his attention.
"Channie-" You start to say, and he watches the way your throat bobs with a swallow.
Anger swirls into embers in the pit of his stomach.
He leans forward, dark eyes flashing. "What did she fucking do? If she so much as made you feel bad for any of this, I won't hesitate to pay her a little visit in the mortal realm-"
"No, no." You wave your hands, finally meeting his gaze once more, your bottom lip wobbly and your eyes shiny. "It's nothing like that."
Chan feels his heart immediately sink.
A tear drips down the length of your cheekbone, and he resists the urge to lean across the counter and swipe it away.
You rub at your eyes with your hands, and breath in an unsteady inhale.
Cerberus stands, butting his blocky head into your hand, until you let out a slight, watery chuckle, and begin to pet his dark ears.
"She-" You start to say, then stop, and Chan stares at you, frozen in sudden fear.
The flowers sitting in their vase on the counter begin to wilt and turn brown and brittle, dropping leaves to the granite like snow fall.
Chan ignores them.
You take in another breath, and pick the knife back up, moving to chop again.
"She wants to make a deal. She wants me to spend Spring in the mortal realm, with her, so I can fulfill my duties every year. And then I'll stay here, with you, the rest of the time."
You look up at him, your expression vulnerable, unsure. There's hurt in your eyes.
Chan's thoughts stop. His body goes cold. There's a buzzing in his ears, and he doesn't know if the shadows are lengthening, or if his sudden loss of control is causing everything to creep in.
He turns, and without a word, flicks a shadow out to send the vase of now withered flowers crashing to the ground.
You yelp, jumping at the noise, and Chan stands, back to you, staring at the mess he's made, chest heaving, hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.
The mess he always makes.
After a beat of silence, he hears you put down the knife, and then your soft footsteps, as you pad around the counter and kneel on the ground next to the shattered vase.
Slowly, without looking at him, you reach out and begin to pick up the broken pieces.
Chan breathes in, breathes out. His headache is pounding.
"Little blossom, leave it-"
He starts to say, moving to crouch before you, just as you pick up another piece of sharp ceramic and wince, instantly dropping the piece back down with a clatter, as you pull your hand back against your chest.
Chan reaches out and tugs your hand back into view, watching as the cut on your palm starts to slowly leak golden, shining ichor down the line of your wrist, dripping on the floor between the two of you.
His breath stalls as he glances up to your pained expression, all the anger leaving his body in an instant.
"You're bleeding."
"You're bleeding."
Chan glanced up at the sound of your voice behind him, meeting your concerned gaze in the mirror, where he remained, leaning over the basin, palms on the cool ledge of the sink, watching the water swirl away down the drain.
"Yeah, well-" He gave a little humorless chuckle as he watched the water shimmer with the ichor he washed from his knuckles, before he straightened and dried his hands, glancing once more at you in the reflection of the mirror. His mouth quirked up into the hint of a smirk, and he winced as it pulled at the split skin of his lip, tasting fresh ichor on his tongue. "-luckily for me, my brother hits like a pussy when he's been drinking."
Your eyes widened. "He hit you?"
Chan turned, swiping a hand across his mouth now, tossing the towel to the side. "Yeah, well, I probably deserved it."
He'd no more than finished the admission than you're at his side, taking his hand in yours, your eyes raking across the golden liquid that marked his knuckles, tacky and congealing.
You glanced up at him, curiosity flashing across your pretty features.
"What did you do?" You questioned in a whisper, as if asking him to divulge a dark secret.
Chan almost grinned-you're too fucking adorable-but he leaned in, his forehead brushing yours, expression serious, and lowered his voice to match yours.
"I told him, little blossom, that there's no way in fucking Tartarus that I'm going to another one of his stupid, historic parties, unless of course, it's thrown for us and planned in celebration of our marriage."
You stared up at him for a silent moment, and Chan almost backtracked, wondering if he'd been too bold, when a slight smile curved your lips up mischievously.
"Well." You released his hand and straightened the collar of the suit he wore, before stepping back, eyeing him up and down, head cocked with interest.
The look on your face took his breath away.
"Then I guess you'd better get me a ring, hadn't you?"
Chan slips your ring carefully from your finger, lying it beside the sink, before he tends to the wound on your palm.
You protest the whole time, claiming it's fine and you're fine and he's being dramatic, but Chan's heart won't stop pounding in his chest until every last drop of your golden blood is wiped clean from your skin.
When he's satisfied with himself, he helps you get down from your position atop the bathroom counter, and pushes you gently toward the waiting shower.
"I'll just be a minute." He says, as you roll your eyes, but strip your clothes anyway, waiting before he hears the water turn on, before he darts back to the kitchen.
He cleans up the mess he made in his anger, and goes back to the bathroom.
He watches you for a moment, through the steamy, hazed glass surrounding the large shower, your perfect outline stretched back beneath the pounding water, and then gets rid of his own clothes, tossing his suit to the side, before he slips into the shower to join you.
You glance at him over your shoulder as he enters, wet hair plastered to your skin, lips pulled into a worried pout.
"Channie-" You start to say, but he steps to you and pulls you flush against his bare chest before you can get any of the other words out.
Your arms go around his waist, fingers tickling the skin of his back, and he lets out a long, slow breath, the exhale rustling your hair, your face buried in the planes of his chest.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes softly, and you pull back to look up at him, eyes wide and soft.
"You don't need to apologize." You say, reaching up to shove some of his thick, dark hair back off his forehead, starting to grow heavy with water.
"I do." He nods, staring down at you, letting his finger go beneath your chin, as he traces the line of your lips with the pad of his thumb.
You're so fucking beautiful.
"You're my wife, yes, but you're also a Goddess, and I need to remember that."
You stare up at him silently, letting him continue, and he lets out another breath, reaching his hand up to cup the side of your face, your skin warm beneath his fingers.
"You have your own duties and responsibilities, and I'm being selfish keeping you here. I can't hide you away forever."
The corner of your mouth wrinkles, as if you're thinking about smiling.
"Are you sure?" You nuzzle into his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm.
"As much as I would like to-" He starts, leaning over to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, moving up along your cheekbone. "-I can't. The mortals-and Demeter-need you."
You sigh, he feels it in the way your chest brushes his, and lay your head on his chest, listening for a moment, to his heartbeat.
He strokes your damp hair, and finally you say quietly, "All right. But I don't have to like it, right?" You pull back, looking up at him with a tremble in your bottom lip.
"No, you don't, little blossom." He gives you a half smile, bending his head to press a kiss to your throat, than to the swell of the start of your breast. His cock twitches at the feel of your soft skin beneath his tongue. "I'm sure as fuck not going to like it."
You give a little laugh, slightly watery, and reach up to swipe the tears from your eyes.
"What will you do?" You ask with a shaky breath, staring up at him in a way that makes Chan's heart squeeze, his insides feel tight with all the love he has for you. "While I'm gone?"
He gives a slight shrug, leaning against the shower wall, as you move to start shampooing your hair into a lather.
"Run the Underworld. Judge the mortals. The usual stuff. I mean, what did I do before I had you?"
"Brood." You reply back instantly, glancing at him cheekily over your shoulder as you turn to rinse your hair.
He leaps forward and pins you to the wall as you shriek, tickling your sides as you wriggle to get away from him, laughing so hard it makes you breathless.
He pulls back, letting you breathe, and you push some wet hair from your face, taking in a couple of calming breaths, before your eyes meet his once more.
The mirth disappears from your pretty features, and Chan feels his chest tighten.
"Seriously though, Channie, I-" You swallow, Chan watches your throat bob, and your eyes grow shiny again. "-I don't know how I lived all those eons without you. And now, to have to leave-"
"Hey, hey." He steps toward you once more, caging you in the protection of his arms beneath the warm spray of water. You bury your face in his chest. "Pet. Look at me."
Finally, you do, raising watery eyes to his, and he gives you what he hopes is a reassuring smile.
"Listen to me, little blossom." He reaches up, stroking your hair behind your ear. "We're talking about months here. Just a few months topside, to soothe your mother, and then you'll be back home with me before you know it."
You sniff, swiping at your nose, and then nod.
"You're right. I know you are."
Chan gives you a half smile, gentle and soft, and leans down to press a kiss to the part of your lips.
The thought of you leaving his side is ripping him apart, but he manages to keep his expression neutral, if only for you.
He presses another, longer kiss against the column of your throat, and takes a moment to breathe you in.
"I love you. I always have, even before I knew you, even before I saw you, and nothing, and no one, will ever change that. You are, and always will be, my obsession, Goddess of Spring."
You look up at him with tear filled eyes, and lean up to press a kiss to his own lips.
"I love you too, God of the Dead. You're the only thing in my entire, immortal days that has ever managed to bring my heart to life, and I thank you for it."
A genuine smile tugs at Chan's lips now.
"Ironic, coming from the Goddess of Rebirth about the Ruler of Souls."
You give a little laugh, eyes sparkling as you look up at him. "I guess so."
Chan tugs you to him and, determined to memorize how you feel, kisses you long and hard beneath the cooling water of the shower.
Inside his chest, his heart flicks out a shadow to meet the flowering vine snaking from your own.
"Do you think we're all fated to another?"
You ask, lying beside Chan on the grass, the cool night breeze kissing patterns across your bare skin.
He turns his head to look at you, staring up at the stars overhead, fingers twined within his own.
The ring on your finger brushes his knuckle, and a warm sensation washes over him at the thought that you're his now-for eternity.
"Isn't that mortal shit?" He asks teasingly, and you turn to give him a glare, but it only succeeds in making him more endeared, your nose crinkling up and your lips pursing.
"Well, yes, but-" You shrug, turning back to the sky, reaching up your free hand to splay your fingers against the backdrop of the shimmering stars. "-do you?"
Chan considers.
He's never put much stock in fate, or destiny, or anything else the mortals believe in, and he says as much, rolling over to look at you, his hand skimming your bare hip.
"I don't know. But what I do know is this." He props himself up on his elbow, looking down at you, where you lie, watching him, from the grass.
He lets his finger trail over the marks of his teeth blooming on your shoulder, the love bites already turning purple up the column of your throat, soothed by his tongue.
"Fate is fickle, I don't like to rely on it. Fuck, sometimes, I don't even think I can rely on myself, but I do know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you and I, little blossom? We were meant to be. And nobody, not fate or any of that other shit that mortals believe in, made that happen. We did."
He watches you as you pause, considering, and then you give him a smile that steals his breath, sitting up beside him to throw your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his mouth.
"Fuck fate." You breathe against his lips, and right now, in this moment, with your skin pressed against his, your warmth settled firmly in his lap, his ring on your finger, Chan thinks he has to agree.
Chan trips over one of Cerberus' toys and gives the big dog a glare, tucked safely away under the kitchen table, his head on his paws.
"I swear to god, your mom is coming home today, and if she sees the state you left this house in-" He threatens vaguely, waving the toy around, before tossing it into the basket in the corner.
"I'll what?"
Chan whirls so fast at the sound of your amused voice that he almost gives himself whiplash, turning to face you in the doorway, a grin on your lips and your suitcase in your hand.
You give him a little wave, suddenly shy, as he continues to stare at you, rooted to the spot.
He's moving then, crashing into you and sweeping you up into his arms with such force that you lose your breath, dropping your suitcase to the floor, as he pulls you in tight to his chest.
You're laughing and crying, and Chan breathes you in, nose pressed to the top of your head, like he's a starving man seeing food for the first time.
You pull back, just enough to smooth your palms over the side of his face, your eyes still shiny with unshed tears.
"I missed you, Channie."
"Fuck." He breathes out, crushing you back to him again, never letting you go. "I missed you too, little blossom."
You laugh again, a watery sound, and press kisses to every inch of his face you can reach from his embrace.
Chan feels like he can finally breathe properly for the first time in months.
"What did you think about while I was gone?" You ask, your eyes sparkling, as if you already know the answer.
He lets out the breath he's been holding, and leans forward to kiss you breathless.
"You." He breathes back in response, and your lips part with pleasure at his answer. "Always you."
And then he kisses you long enough to make up for all the time missed-past and present.
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Fic Titles: Song Edition
Part III
More than distance between us - California King Bed, Rihanna
A waking nightmare that is only worse when I am sleeping - Kill The Messenger, Jack's Mannequin
Company under cover, filling space in your sheets - Candles, Daughter
Everything looks better when the sun goes down - Make me wanna die, The Pretty Reckless
Lay your head on me one last time - So cold, Breaking Benjamin
So just pour a drink (let's talk it over) - Robots will cry, Cobra Starship
Am I the one you think about - Pink Rabbits, The National
Until you hold my hand - Swing Life Away, Rise Against
All colors and cares glaze to gray - Taro, alt-J
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit - Someone new, Hozier
Sometimes goodbye is a second chance - Second chance, Shinedown
Have we got our lines crossed? - Don't waste my time, Victor Lundberg
A souvenir for the morning - The Consequence, You Me At Six
I hate loving you as much as I do - Where is her head, The National
Destined for this and the crown - Solo, Jennie
Soft skin and soft lips - girls, girl in red
Every time we lie awake - I hate everything about you, Three Days Grace
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers - Still, Daughter
Can't give you my soul - Somebody Else, The 1975
I can feel you dreaming of me - Wester, AFI
There's a fine line between love and hate - The Diary of Jane, Breaking Benjamin
Could you love me at my worst? - @ my worst, blackbear
Because we're one of a kind - God's Menu, Stray Kids
Triangles are my favorite shape - Tessellate, alt-J
Desperate minds mean desperate measures - Playing the blame game, You Me At Six
Someone I am made for - Forever yours, Sunrise Avenue
Put your sweet lips on my lips - Like real people do, Hozier
And I'll lie and you'll believe - Just tonight, The Pretty Reckless
Call me your favorite, call me the worst - Call me, Shinedown
Then tell me to leave (and baby I'll go) - July, Noah Cyrus
More titles!
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Aemond Targaryen Playlist
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This is a mixture of young and older Aemond
You’re Gonna Go Far Kid- Pierce the Veil
Brand New Numb- Motionless in White
Burn- 2WEI
For the Dancing and the Dreaming- Erutan
Dragon- Built by Titan
To The Sky- Owl City
Castle- Halsey
I See Fire- Ed Sheeran
Where No One Goes- John Powell
Rise- Katy Perry
Love the Way You Hate Me- Like a Storm
Soft- Motionless in White
Kill or be Killed- New Years Day
Killer in the Mirror- Set it Off
Animal I Have Become- Three Days Grace
Everybody Wants to Rule the World- Lorde
Run Boy Run- Woodkid
King for a Day- Pierce the Veil
Natural- Imagine Dragons
Surface Pressure- Jessica Darrow
The Devil Within- Digital Daggers
Can You Hear Me Now- The Score
Born for This- The Score
Burn it Down- Skillet
Paint It Black- Ciara
Fight Like This- Decyfer Down
Blood//Water- grandson
The Middle- Jimmy Eat World
Young God- Halsey
Echo- Jason Walker
Bad Mother Fucker- MGK
Hold Me Down- Halsey
Who’s Laughing Now- Jessie J
Been to Hell- Hollywood Undead
Broken- lovelytheband
Whatever it Takes- Imagine Dragons
I’ll Be Good- Jaymes Young
Demons- Imagine Dragons
Train Wreck- James Arthur
Warriors- Imagine Dragons
Cold Hard Bitch- Jet
Soldier, Poet, King- The Oh Hellos
Monster- Imagine Dragons
Seven Nation Army- The White Stripes
I’m So Sorry- Imagine Dragons
Outside Looking In- Jordan Pruitt
Start A Fire- Ryan Star
Lonely- Justin Bieber
MONSTERS- Shinedown
Monsters- Katy Sky
Cult Leader- KiNG MALA
Carry on my Wayward Son- Neoni
Leave Out All the Rest- LINKIN PARK
Black Betty- Spiderbait
Brother- Madds Buckley
Silence- Marshmello
Live Like a Warrior- Matisyahu
Wearing Me Out- Shinedown
Little Lion Man- Mumford & Sons
Family Portrait- P!nk
I’m No Good- New Years Day
Feel Invincible- Skillet
Red Right Hand- Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
Burn it to the Ground- Nickelback
Try- P!nk
Horrible Kids- Set it Off
Just Give Me a Reason- P!nk
Shapeshifting- Taylor Acorn
Human- Rag & Bone Man
The Good the Bad and the Dirty- P!@tD
Play with Fire- Sam Tinnesz
Dead and Gone- State Champs
Walk Through the Fire- Zayde Wolf
Could Have Been Me- The Struts
Run Boy Run- Woodkid
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silverjetsystm · 7 months
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This got long because I did some for each.
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The Killing Moon (All Night Version) - Echo & The Bunnymen (aka Marc's canonical ringtone).
Under blue moon, I saw you So soon you'll take me Up in your arms, too late to beg you Or cancel it, though I know it must be The killing time Unwillingly mine
V - Cyberpunk 2077, Marcin Przybyłowicz
Sheyn vi di levone - Gevolt
You are as beautiful a the moon, you are as bright as the stars, you have been sent to me from the heavens, you are a gift from above. I found my happiness when I saw you. You made my heart happy - you are as beautiful as a thousand suns.
Norra El Norra (Entering The Ark) - Orphaned Land
Nora El Nora, the lord of courage Return to me my lord, mend my wounds My soul is yearning, and in valor we wait Nora I sing to thee, hymn of praise To you I give my life and faith Through all time, mighty Nora Deliver us the progany of Abraham Offspring of greatness You are the living God Giver of Torah
Dead Don't Die - Shinedown
The dead don't die, the heart still beats Head held high, I haunt these streets Life's killed me a hundred thousand times You can try, you can try, but the dead don't die
Not Changing Pops, Seeking - Nightlab
I'm not changing pops, I'm seeking And I hear what you're preaching But this drowsy inanition can't stay I am screaming out this seance While a spectral love is playing with the lights It just ain't right
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Everybody Knows - Leonard Cohen
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows
Hymn For The Weekend - Coldplay
Oh, angel sent from up above You know you make my world light up When I was down, when I was hurt You came to lift me up Life is a drink and love's a drug Oh, now I think I must be miles up When I was a river dried up You came to rain a flood
Main Theme From Goncharov - Jordan Dean
My Love - Florence & The Machine
There is nothing to describe Except the moon still bright against the worrying sky I pray the trees will get their leaves soon So tell me where to put my love Do I wait for time to do what it does? I don't know where to put my love
Inner Emigration - Daniel Kahn, Painted Bird (there is a reason why I chose a very Jewish song without any Yiddish nor Hebrew for Mr. Grant)
So make a kind of inner emigration It's a kind of shift accomplished easily We all have made our disassociations Whether on the job or in our family And what could be more irrelevant than nations When everywhere you go, it's buy or sell? But if we all make only inner emigrations Then everything will only go to hell
11:11 - Ben Barnes
I wish for you to be happy I wish for you to be free I wish for you to be fearless That's wishes one, two, and three And I won't wish to be yours or for you to be mine But I'll wish them all for you every time
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Dance the Night - Dua Lipa (while themes could be Grant, this wound up becoming a driving song. per the Wall Street/Main Street Treaty of 20XX, it's a Jake song)
Watch me dance, dance the night away My hеart could be burnin', but you won't see it on my face Watch me dancе, dance the night away (Uh-huh) I'll still keep the party runnin', not one hair out of place
March of the Jobless Corps - Daniel Kahn, Painted Bird (Jake speaks Yiddish. Jake is a union man TM. While I see and write Jake as the most observant of the system, he also loved stories of those Jewish secular socialists. Kahn and the Painted Bird represent Jake versus Grant's CEO materialism and Marc's violence.)
Well one, two, three, four Join the Marching Jobless Corps No work in the factories No more manufacturing All the tools are broke and rusted Every wheel and window busted Through the city streets we go Idle as a CEO Idle as a CEO
[Honestly, I listen to a lot of Daniel Kahn when I write Jake so just take a look at his albums and you'll get an idea]
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tagged by @biitchcakes
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akkivee · 1 year
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bat’s signature thoughts except i’m just spitting straight bs lmao
compared to his team’s pen calligraphy influences, kuukou picked up a marker and went to town lol
his brush calligraphy experience jumped out tho on those ‘h’ and ‘k’ very bold strokes
kuukou’s ‘u’ is actually derived from ‘प’ which is a sanskrit character found in the sanskrit version of his last name so kuukou’s multilingual with like hindi and/or pali
the six arrows on kuukou’s are symbols of the six perfections, core traits an enlightened person must have
the extra dashes jyushi adds to his letters, like the ‘o’s for example, are similar to the dashes in the bb logo jyushi is now the newest bb member
the way jyushi writes his ‘a’s look like a tail with a hook, so a devil’s tail, devil’s flower release confirmed
the strokes above the jyushi’s j actually symbolise amanda, those lines combined with the ‘j’ make up an umbrella shape and it’s not jyushi providing shelter from this storm this rain as his microphone symbolises, it’s just amanda who is also on his umbrella lmao
his pen calligraphy with old english influences says that with his juvenile interest in magic and black and white striped socks, hitoya was witchcore as a teen
he underlined the guni on his last name, the kanji that means nation, so he’s putting on emphasis that this is for the nation guys lol
he dotted his ‘i’s like diamonds so like, diamond eyes hitoya’s eye colour confirmed
or that he’s either a deftones fan or a shinedown fan. or both lol!!!!!!!!
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Social Issues Song Sub-Bracket
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konstrakta - in corpore sano vs Ren - Money Game 2
Greek Fire - A Real Life
Tom Morello, Shea Diamond, Dan Reynolds, The Bloody Beetroots - Stand Up vs Steampianist - Dream Eating Machine
grandson - Blood // Water
lovejoy - the fall
Froukje - Groter Dan Ik vs Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue
Bob Marley & The Wailers - I Shot the Sheriff vs Shayfer James - Weight of the World
Bring Me The Horizon - Happy Song vs Vienna Teng - The Hymn of Axiom
Penelope Scott - Dead girls
Bo Burnham - Channel 5 News vs Ralph McTell - The Streets of London
Arcade Fire - We exist
grandson - Dirty
Simon and Garfunkel - The Sound of Silence vs Hozier - Eat your young
concrete blonde - god is a bullet vs Shinedown - Planet Zero
The Black-Eyed Peas - Where is the Love vs John Lennon - Working Class Hero
The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking
Newsies Cast - Watch What Happens vs Billy Joel - We Didn't Start the Fire
Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
Assasins Cast - Another national anthem
Rare Americans - Love Is All I Bring vs Geoff Berner - Daloy polizei
Harry Belafonte - Day vs Iskwe - Little Star
Les Misérables Cast - Do You Hear the People Sing vs Poor Man's Poison - Feed the Machine
muse - explorers
The Beatles - Black Bird vs The Crane Wives - The Hand That Feeds
A perfect circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drum
Suzanne Vega - Luka vs James Currier - A Fertile Wood at Heart
grandson - Is This What You Wanted vs Megson - Generation Rent
grandson - Bills vs Tikkle Me - Blow My Brains Out
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
Ivan Braginski || HWS Russia
Character Playlist | 28 songs | 1hr, 45 min
• Remember Everything - Five Finger Death Punch • Nothing Lasts - Glycerin • Lacrymosa - Evanescence • The Diary of Jane - Breaking Benjamin • Sound of Madness - Shinedown • The Bird and the Worm - The Used • One Of THOSE Nights - The Cab • Blood // Water - grandson • Dance With The Devil - Breaking Benjamin • Don't Mess With Me - temposhark • Falling Inside the Black - Skillet • Babooshka - Kate Bush • Choke - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME • Dead Man's Bones - Dead Man's Bones • Crucified - Army of Lovers • Sorry - Halsey • Twisted - MISSIO • Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes • Honey I'm Home - Ghost and Pals • Sunflower - Tamino & Angèle • Native Colossus - Shield of Wings • The Dismemberment Song - Blue Kid • Break - Three Days Grace • Mama - My Chemical Romance • мало тебя - SEREBRO • Thank You for the Venom - My Chemical Romance • Monster - Skillet • Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin
Spotify | Youtube
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jynxd · 7 months
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Share at least five songs that remind you of your muse, or that you associate with your muse's character arc. Including lyrics is optional.
LOST - Linkin Park
Just a scar somewhere down inside of me Something I can not repair Even though it will always be I pretend it isn't there (this is how I feel) I'm trapped in yesterday (just a memory) Where the pain is all I know (this is all I know.)
This very much is how Ekko felt after he believed he lost everyone when he was grieving so heavily from the loss. Ekko tried to stay strong but it was these feelings that led him to turning to the addiction to shimmer. (more under the cut)
Cut the Cord - Shinedown
Be a fighter, backbone, desire Complicated and it stings But we both know what it means And it's time to get real and inspired
I feel like this represents Ekko when he realizes that he can get be a better person. Be better than the drug he turned to. So this kind of feels like him inspiring himself to rise up.
The Resistance - Skillet
I am a nation, I am a million faces Formed together, made for elevation I am a soldier, I won't surrender Faith is like a fire that never burns to embers (Who's gonna stand up, who's gonna fight?) The voice of the unheard Ekko gained strength after being released from the chains of his addiction. With others, like scar to back his cause he was finally able to accept what he suffered and use that as power for a good cause. This kind of shows that he is tired of not fighting back, and he isn't doing it for himself.
TRIALS - Starset
These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are We're motivated by the scars that we're made of These trials make us who we are, who we are, we are We take our places in the dark And turn our hearts to the stars
This, I feel, is Ekko once he finally feels free and now he is ready rise from the ashes. It's even more than that, he is taking his past experiences as motivation to move towards a brighter future.
Unstoppable - No Resolve/Hinder
Not much explaining here, this may just be me being lazy at the end. But it basically just gives me Ekko vibes. (And I've spent so long on this post already LOLLLL.)
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Tagged by: @ferinehuntress and @veiled-lady
Tagging: @zaunseye (or if you to as @mxchineherald), @shimmerbeasts, and anyone else!
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sonata-in-ink · 5 months
12, 42, 49 and 56 🤗🎶💖
12. Who's the most obscure artist you listen to?
Most obscure. . . maybe Beautiful Eulogy? Or Songs of Water? (I feel both have a rather decent listener base, though.)
42. Your favorite(s) "no skips" album(s):
MY FAVORITE QUESTION SO FAR. Memento Mori - Flyleaf, Amaryllis - Shinedown, Kenotic Metanoia - Lacey Sturm, Dark Is The Way, Light Is A Place - Anberlin, Brand New Eyes - Paramore, Hello Hurricane & interrobang - Switchfoot, and for a little country, one of those greatest hits by Johnny Cash albums I found at a store a few years ago.
49. Is there a cover you like more than the original version?
Johnny Cash's cover of Rusty Cage.
56. A song/album/artist you wish you could forget so you could have the experience of hearing it for the first time again:
Helsinki by The National Parks or Intro (My Heartbeat) by Lacey Sturm
Thank you!!!
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genevawrenn · 7 months
Shine a Light in the Dark, Let Me See Where You Are
✨ae!Philza & ae!Technoblade [Emerald Duo] ✨1.2k W.C. ✨ae!Philza-centric ✨No warnings, pure fluff ✨Unity by Shinedown
Just as he sits up to readjust some more a cloak drops across his armour-plated legs, the colours of their nation proud across the beautiful fur-lined piece. He looks up to see the amused face of his piglin friend, who gestures vaguely while holding two clay mugs.
“Budge over, I made some hot cocoa.” Techno rumbled, Phil giving a smirk but listened to his request to allow the pink-haired man a place on the blanket he sat on. Arranging the huge cloak over both their legs the frostiness begins to bleed from Phil’s toes, cuddling close to his nether-blooded friend.
He settles down with a grunt, flipping his long mane of lotus-pink hair over his broad shoulder. Phil carefully wraps one of his huge crow-feathered wings around the pigs back, holding him close while Techno drapes his cloak over the appendage with practised ease. Bundling close, their body heat combined made it much more comfortable to reside outside for longer while the avian fished.
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jennajaeger · 7 months
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punks and cannonballers: a canon x oc ship playlist for gator tillman & cordelia "corie" fern
side a: corie
. the chain - fleetwood mac . mother's daughter - miley cyrus . nothing you can take from me (boot-stompin' version) - rachel zegler & the covey band . woman like me - little mix ft. nicki minaj . imperfection - evanescence . still into you - paramore . boyfriend - ariana grande & social house . fire meet gasoline - sia . you are in love (taylor's version) - taylor swift . problem - natalia kills . start a riot - BEGINNERS & night panda . i'm a bitch - league of distortion . spirit - beyonce . i realize - megan mccauley . nightmare - halsey . not ready to make nice - the chicks . wild as her - corey kent . here's to never growing up - avril lavigne . little house - the fray . sally's song - amy lee . shake it out - florence + the machine . laura palmer - bastille . wait it out - imogen heap . black sheep - gin wigmore . little girl gone - chinchilla .
side b: gator
. astronaut - simple plan . i need my girl - the national . skeletons - brothers osborne . money machine - 100 gecs . see you again - breathe carolina . simon - lifehouse . dust bowl dance - mumford & sons . i miss you - blink-182 . those nights - skillet . call me - shinedown . until i found you - stephen sanchez . superman (it's not easy) - five for fighting . forget me too - machine gun kelly & halsey . ocean avenue - yellowcard . cruel summer - taylor swift . eric's song - vienna teng . it's alright - mother mother . this is me trying - taylor swift . this is halloween - marilyn manson . zero - imagine dragons . blood on my name - the brothers bright . stand out - tevin campbell . cough syrup - young the giant . cop car - keith urban . they don't know about us - victoria duffield .
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fussy-sammy · 2 years
Wincest playlist
Okay here's my wincest playlist! It's kinda long, I think it totals to like 6 hours or something?
But feel free to send asks if you wanna know about why a particular song (or songs) is in the list! I'll try to include a link to the song with my answer!
I Just Wanna Know - NF
Ricochet - Starset
Always Gold - Radical Face
Come Back to Me - David Cook
Uneasy - One Less Reason
Guiltfree - Bootstraps
Fix You - Coldplay
What If - Safety Suit
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall Out Boy
Things We Lost In The Fire - Bastille
Thick as Thieves - Shinedown
Forest Fire - Brighton
God’s Fault - Matthew Mayfield
Burnin’ for You - Blue Oyster Cult
Hey Brother - Avicii
Shame - Bastille
Brother - X Ambassadors
Fourth Of July - Fall Out Boy
Little Brother - The Blue Stones
Hell and Back - The Airborne Toxic Event
Let You Down - NF
Twenty Twelve - Matt Maeson
Misfits - Shinedown
Life Starts Now - Three Days Grace
Right Here - Staind
Barefoot and Bruised - Jamestown Story
The Real You - Three Days Grace
The One Who Stayed and the One Who Left - Regina Spektor
Heaven - Dalton Rapattoni
For My Brother - Blue October
I’ll Follow You - Shinedown
The End is Not the Answer - Three Days Grace
This Is The Thing - Fink
The Distance - One Less Reason
Passenger Seat - Death Cab for Cutie
Stop - Dalton Rapattoni
Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons
Coming Home - Young Rising Songs
Come Back Home - Matthew Mayfield
Is There Somebody Who Can Watch You - The 1975
Follow You Down - Matthew Mayfield
My Blood - Twenty One Pilots
You Had Your Soul With You - The National
Home - Phillip Phillips
Hell - Have Mercy
When I Sleep - Have Mercy
Pieces - Rob Thomas
Let’s Talk About Your Hair - Have Mercy
Cry Out - Tom Walker
Beggar’s Song - Matt Maeson
I Bet My Life - Imagine Dragons
Dancing After Death - Matt Maeson
Safe And Sound - Capital Cities
Demons - Imagine Dragons
Goodbye - Cage The Elephant
Amsterdam - Imagine Dragons
Boomerang - Imagine Dragons
Table for One - AWOLNATION
When We Drive - Death Cab for Cutie
Blood’s Thicker Than Water - Bobby Bazini
HEY CHILD - X Ambassadors
Flaws - Bastille
My Fault - Imagine Dragons
Some Boys - Death Cab for Cutie
Favorite Record - Fall Out Boy
Out of the Woods - Anthem Lights
I Found - Amber Run
Freak - Lana Del Rey
Brothers on a Hotel Bed - Death Cab for Cutie
Hold On - Chord Overstreet 
Work Song - Hozier
Drive - Halsey
You Are The Reason - Calum Scott
I Can’t Go on Without You - KALEO
Almost (Sweet Music) - Hozier
In a Week - Hozier
Ghost - Halsey
Like Real People Do - Hozier
Dad Says - Emily Kinney
If You’re Gone - Matchbox Twenty
Baby Boy - Mother Mother
Automobile - KALEO
Night Drive - Gotye
Shattered - O.A.R.
Miss You All The Time - O.A.R.
NFWMB - Hozier
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Too Close - Alex Clare
Twin Size Mattress - The Front Bottoms
Blackbird - the Beatles 
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dawnscall · 1 year
i : paint it black : the rolling stones
i see my red door, and i must have it painted black maybe then i'll fade away and not have to face the facts
ii : seven nation army : the white stripes
i'm gonna fight em all, a seven nation army couldn't hold me back they're gonna rip it off, taking their time right behind my back and i'm talking to myself at night because i can't forget
iii : point of no return : starset 
pouring the fuel, fanning the flames breaking the habit and melting the chains embracing the fear, chasing the fight the glow of the fire will light up the night the bridges are burning, the heat's on my face making the past an unreachable place
iv : i will not bow : breaking benjamin
now the dark begins to rise save your breath, it's far from over leave the lost and dead behind now's your chance to run for cover i don't want to change the world i just want to leave it colder light the fuse and burn it up take the path that leads to nowhere
v : pyro : shinedown
what can you do bringin' you down when your momma is a burnout, and your daddy is a pyro cause they just want to light it on fire they just want to let it all burn and they just want to light it on fire they just want to let it all burn set fire to the family tree and set fire to the family tree
tagged by: my beloved @enshijou
tagging: whoever would like to do this
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samisadeangirl · 2 years
Get to Know the Blogger
I wasn’t tagged by anyone specifically, but @peach-coke included “and everyone who wants to do this” on theirs, so here we are:
Name: Sam
Sign: Leo
Height: 5′3″
Birthday: August 16th
Time: EST
Favorite band/artists: For classic rock, it would be either Led Zeppelin or Metallica. For modern hard rock, it’s Shinedown.
Last movie: Despicable Me 2 on Netflix
Last show: Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
When I created this blog: November 2017 IIRC
What I post: Fan fiction (Wincest), occasional smackdowns of Hellers and other trolls, reblogs of pretty fan art and fan edits
Last thing I googled: Types of sensation play for a BDSM fic I’m working on
Other blogs: None
Do I get asks: Sometimes but not very often (sniff)
Following: Currently 283, but quite a few are inactive now
Average hours of sleep: 4 - 5 during the week, which is something I’m trying to work on (I’m a night owl)
Instruments: None really; I used to play piano and clarinet as a kid, but that was decades ago
What I’m wearing: Nightie and robe (WFH FTW!)
Dream job: Full-time writer (imagine if we could make a living from writing fanfic?), maybe something like book reviewer where I’d get paid to read all day?
Dream trip: Greece, particularly to visit Mycenaean & Minoan archaeological sites
Nationality: American (ethnicity: Sri Lankan, specifically Singhalese/Tamil)
Favorite songs: Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas (duh), Atlas Falls by Shinedown, Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, Ramble On by Led Zeppelin, Wrong Side of Heaven Righteous Side of Hell by Five Finger Death Punch, Blaze of Glory by Jon Bon Jovi
Last book I read: Crowbones by Anne Bishop
3 fiction universes I’d live in: Hmm, tough choices . . . Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Jurassic World: Dominion (sorry not SPN because I’d just end up dead)
Tagging: @missjackil, @nancylou444, @jaytwo, @jerk-bitch-67, @aoifelaufeyson, @alexa-alcantara, @deanscarlett, @wif-san, @holding-out-for-hea, @eisforeidolon, @canonerarecsonly if you feel like playing
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