#shinobis of ninjago
saline-coelacanth · 3 months
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Kai's design that I made for the Scorched Au (or Scorched Shinobi Au haven't decided on a name yet)
I enjoy this design a lot, especially the colors. Red and black will always be a cool color combination, I don't care what anyone says.
Here's a few other doodles I made sort of as extra notes:
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But yeah that's all I really have for now. Might post more about this au in the future because this design is really fun to draw, and also Kai using dark magic was not a thing I realized I needed until now lol
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artes-e-armas · 2 months
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animartsy · 2 years
Purple shades mountains | autodesk sketchbook
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ninjakitten1699 · 7 months
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You know she really started out as a self insert and turned into an OC yet I don't talk about her enough
So anyways here's some info of hers down below
Name: Katherina Tanith Erebus-Lane Nicknames: Kathy, Rina Age: 17 Gender: Female Race: Human/?? Appearance: She has tan skin with long black hair and indigo eyes that she inherited from her father.
Height: 5'6" Weight: 130 lbs. Hair style: Ponytail (season one to seven) / Edgy bob (season 8-present) Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Prussian/Regal Blue (Hex Code: #00416A) Skin Tone: Cameo (#CCA289)
Weapon of choice: Mother's katana and Father's sabre. Varies most of the time. Element: Darkness Manipulation Abilities:
Shadow Generation -The power to generate shadows and darkness. (inspired by Lord Garmadon during the pilot episodes. We should really extend the use of that or give reason why he gave that up. Shade is capable of this as well but it was only ever in the mobile game.)
Shadow Camouflage - The power to become invisible while in shadows. (inspiration: Shade and the Shinobi from Samurai Jack)
Umbrakinetic Combat - The power to fuse manipulation of darkness with physical combat to create a devastating form of martial arts. (As it says on the tin)
Umbrakinetic Constructs - The ability to create objects and other constructs out of darkness. (Why her weapon choice varies. It is unknown if she could create entire structures or environments yet)
Personality: At first, she is standoffish, but getting to know her, you learn that she's been through a lot before encountering the Ninja and becoming one of the Kunoichi. She's tough but kind, known to be analytical but fun. Call her genre-savvy if you will. Occupation: Kunoichi Affiliations: The Ninja (currently), Serpentine Rebellion — through Vasuki (currently), Dragon Samurai — through her mother and "aunts" (currently), Elemental Masters (off and on) Hometown: (Spoilers)
Status: Alive Bio: Katherina here is the daughter of the previous Master of Darkness, Luther, and Clarissa, Lady Azure of the Dragon Samurai. She is their fourth child after their eldest, Xander and their twin girls, Mariana and Veronica. She lived in a city far away from the world of Ninjago with her parents having left that world behind in order to not let their young get involved with any fantastical affairs of the like. However they couldn't escape the world of fantasy after all. Katherina was open to the world and she grew up in it. One day, during one of her adventures while she was a teen, she had lost her brother due to a blast of magic and it would be sometime after the event of her loss that she would be framed for something she didn't do, due to her powers waking up after so long, and her grandparents on her mother's side had given her a way to get out of trouble. Unfortunately this would lead her back to Ninjago where she was needed the most. With her panicking and her powers sometimes lashing out with her not being taught to use them right, she was eventually found by Wu and the team of Ninja with their most recent addition, Sam, their wind kunoichi. It took Lord Garmadon to sift through the Darkness to reach Katherina. (Recalling how Leila, the former Master of Shadow had done the same for Luther, their old "friend".) Kathy would eventually be taught her powers correctly (more like without accidentally leaving a door open to Overlord, but she doesn't know that yet) and she joined the fight against the Serpentine. However, it was one night on her own that she would meet a Serpentine Hybrid who, for some reason, she felt a strong connection to and felt the need to hear him out and help him in their endeavor to take down Pythor and his followers.
Luther and Clarissa: Her parents. They are semi-strict types and protective of her and her siblings. The protectiveness definitely shows when they find out she's with Wu, someone they tried so hard to avoid yet somehow got circled back to. Xander: Her older brother who she looked up to. The two of them went on their own adventures through the city they lived in, encountering so much and experiencing more than their fair share together until that incident happened. Mariana and Veronica: The older twin girls. For the most part, they were cordial with her like some siblings are. They were actually studying magic and sometimes Kathy would join, trying to hang out with them and sometimes being shot down, but not maliciously. When Xander died however, their demeanor to her changed, shutting her out nearly completely until she herself disappeared one day. Samantha: A kunoichi of wind who became her friend. Vasuki: He is a Hypnobrai-Anacondrai hybrid she had followed, mistaking him for one of Pythor's followers. After hearing him out and being led to the border of their encampment, the Ninja had mistaken her for being kidnapped but they find out it's not the case. Events come to pass, and Kathy and Vasuki are inseparable to the point of when she was done helping rebuild the City of Ouroboros after the Battle of the Devourer, he ended up following her and eventually becoming her partner.
Fun Facts:
Originally, she was a self insert in an RP years ago back on DeviantArt. That was until I gave her a different name and watched other material that would make up her backstory. If you've seen my old DeviantArt journals, you'd know what I had laid out for her. However the story did change quite a bit.
She didn't actually have an official ninja suit design that wasn't customized to her. The most I ever got was her color. Now her suit is based off of several things. There's the unused Leonardo concept, Karai's armor, and that one Ninja costume from this site. That's basically the three main things that helped.
The names her family members, notably her father and brother, are called aren't their real names but by middle names.
She is a middle child. However, her younger sibling Tsukiko would have been born around the time she became a teen, aka the time her powers were presenting itself, so she didn't get much time to get to know her.
There is a reason Vasuki and Katherina already feel so familiar with each other around their first meeting. Of course, that is spoiler related and only one other person knows about it.
She only has so few abilities because her father is keeping the other half of the Element of Darkness so she cannot reach true potential until after he gives it up. (He does not give it up willingly, of course. Especially after he's learned that using too much of the Darkness Element would lead Overlord to an open door. He doesn't want that for her.)
She will get an appearance in another fic. The current Ninjago fic I'm writing is another OC, one by a friend, and I still love her so.
I was going to give her the Romanian version of her name, Catalina, but the more I thought about it, I realized she didn't really look like a Catalina, not even a Catina. Maybe if she were vastly different, I would do so but Katherina had been stuck to her for so long that it feels wrong to give her another name.
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ninjastudioart · 2 years
50 Facts: Ninjago Au
1. The ninja are all college students, with their ages between 19-21. All of them aged normally as well
2. Wu, Garmadon, Misako, and Lloyd are all shinobi, not ninja. Ninja refer to the others, who are (in lack of better words) inaccurate and not based on much historical accuracy. Shinobi are based on actual ninja. The name difference is just there for viewers sake mostly. Shinobi are far better trained, but far less available then ninja
3. While Ninjago is largely based in Japanese culture, it is actually quite diverse, especially in Ninjago City. The main spoken language is actually english, but 70% of the population of the city can speak at least one other language
4. Elements are either passed down from parents, or gained when a master with no heir chooses someone before they die. If they die before choosing, the element will be passed on to a person deemed worthy
5. Of the main six, two are not full humans. One being Zane, who is a nindroid. The other is Lloyd, who is only 1/3 human, with the other parts equally split between Oni & Dragon
6. The drinking, smoking, driving, and consenting age in Ninjago is 18.
7. Despite its modern standing, Ninjago has an emperor and empress who control everything
8. Police officers are just low ranking samurai/retired samurai
9. Guns, bombs, and likewise weapons do not exist in Ninjago, at least not really. The only fire arms and bombs are based on real weapons available in fuedal Japan, as Ninjago puts little energy into designing weapons
10. Many diseases are either completely eradicated in Ninjago, or are curable.
11. The average lifespan for a human in Ninjago is 160-180. Once they reach 18 the aging slows down physically and you can have someone who's 100 looking like someone whos 50 in our world. This is due to both different versions of humans brought to the realm, and the magical undertone in Ninjago as a whole.
12. As a society, Ninjago is actually very open. Racism, sexism and homophobia were never allowed to become normalized, and the way things are made is very showing. This obviously doesn't apply everywhere, but it is largely the norm.
13. The separate areas in Ninjago are called districts, and they are less comparable to states and far more like countries. Ninjago itself is far more like a continent then a country. The emperial family rules over them all, but each place has some form of personal government
14. In terms of power, Ninjago has a hierarchy system: from top to bottom
Emperor & Empress
High-ranking officials(Shinobi/shogun)
Emperial Children/Family
District Leaders
Government Officials
15. To be a shinobi, shogun or samurai, you have to have started official training around the age of 2 (or whenever the child is able to walk independently.) Most members of these groups are born as the children of other members
16. As a shinobi, Lloyd directly kills enemies and villains. This is quite different from the other ninja, who usually just aim to harm
17. Shinobi typically function in clans, or shinobi raised closely together as a sort of family.
18. Ninjago is home to a variety of species, some from our world, some not. Some normal, some magic
19. The most common inhuman features in humans in Ninjago are pointed ears, fangs, deformed limbs (especially legs), and even small tails.
20. There are lots of "unnatural" hair and eyecolors in Ninjago that are perfectly normal in the realm
21. Despite being a society far in the future, nearly all the ninja fashion based in the past. 4 of them have 80s fashion, Nya has 90s, and Kai has a more vague look
22. None of the ninja are straight, and half of them are not cisgendered
23. The ninja are or will be in the following relationships
Lloyd x Kai
Nya x Jay
Cole x Seliel
Zane x Pixal
24. Shinobi work directly for the imperial family. While they can accept tasks for payment from other people, they serve the empire first. They cannot accept jobs that go against the empire, and are required to arrest/eradicate any who ask this of them
25. Shinobi may function as protectors or guardians, but they are trained as spies and assassins to work for the imperial families and usually function as such. They aren't paid by the empire, but get some nice job benefits so- They will use their skills for others for a high enough price
26. The "main" focus character for my au is Lloyd, at least at first lol. My au is literally called "The Son Of Garmadon", and it focuses alot on Lloyd and how he becomes one of the ninja (and their friend) and what that journey looked like
27. Garmadon was turned by the venom after managing to fight it off for years.
28. In my au Lloyd inherited some of the venom. Not enough to be like Garmadon, but enough to cause issues. Garmadon finding out 2 year old Lloyd had the venom is what made him feel the need to leave, which ended up weakening his mind enough to lose control.
29. Despite being 1/3 human, Lloyd largely acts more like his inhuman ancestors, as it sorta cancels out his human side
30. The ninja (minus Lloyd) were all friends, growing up together. Lloyd has only negative interactions with them leading up to him discovering he's the green ninja
31. Lloyd was bullied, harassed, and even "killed" due to mostly his father's actions. It was also due to him being in the wrong places, terrible luck, work as a shinobi, or even people thinking he was some monster
32. The "start" of the au's timeline happens during what I call the Revenge Arc. This time is when Lloyd stops letting people harm him and decides to essentially become what they fear. It was mostly a way for him to get people to leave him alone though, as fighting back and being an asshole meant less people hurt him
33. The first ninja to really try and make Lloyd one of the team was Kai, who regretted never standing up for Lloyd despite wanting to be his friend
34. Lloyd has more then one element, but in reality its more due to him having the golden power. He can use destruction, creation, and energy
35. Energy in my au is not truly a separate element despite being called so. Its really just a weakened and more controlled version of the Golden Power.
36. All the ninja have a variety of mental health issues, some they inherited and others they gained through trauma
37. Jay is transgender, and has had both bottom and top surgery. He was really depressed before transitioning, but doesn't have gender dysmorphia
38. Prostitution is legal in Ninjago, and the term pimp has far less negative connotations. They are basically just employers- (This is based on my own personal views, if you don't agree that's fine but don't be an ass)
39. Despite its modern stance humans do most jobs across Ninjago, with nindroids only being there if they work alongside humans
40. Mystake is a college professor who teaches history, and she owns a magic tea shop
41. Lloyd doesn't know Mystake when she starts working at the university he attends, but Mystake knows him :)
42. The ninja have the following jobs
•Lloyd: Bar/restaurant Waiter
•Kai: Stripper, prostitute, porn actor, drag queen
•Nya: Swim instructor, lifeguard, competitive swimmer
•Jay: Inventor(more of a hobby), gamer, streamer
•Zane: Professional chef, competitive snowboarder
•Cole: Personal trainer, competitive rock climber, Dj
43. While Nya lives with her parents, Kai lives in an apartment somewhere in Ninjago City. Only Skylor, his boss, and eventually Lloyd know where he lives.
44. The ninja are all in the same grades, Kai and Cole just joined school later on
45. Most of the ninja used to bully Lloyd, and they were pretty upset when Lloyd joined at first. Lloyd and Nya especially had issues, with Nya being the meanest to him and Lloyd hating her the most
46. Zane is the nurse/healer of the ninja, always having a first aid kit in his possession
47. At 17 Lloyd fell into the venoms control and joined his father, working with him for over six months. The ninja would learn his identity, as well as him learning theres.
48. At 18 the ninja blackmailed Lloyd with the fact he had worked for his father, and he spent his senior year being absolutely harrassed. The ninja would still reveal his identity before school ended, and Lloyd would end up jumping off the school roof on the last day.
49. Koko was not only the first non-elemental to work with the First Spinjitzu Master, but she was also the first non-elemental who became a shinobi
50. Koko was 20 when she started daying Garmadon, and they were 21 when they first married. She had Lloyd when she was 22, making her 41 at the start of the au's story line
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starsabovethesun · 1 year
So..I haven't been here for a while...
I've been working on both an AU thingy and school stuff.
In this AU, Jay was born into the Uchiha clan, with Libber as his mother and a man named Kiruka as his father. ( I headcanon Jay as being trans, so his deadname is Yasuki. ) Now Libber didn't want her child to grow up in this shinobi world, so she gave him to Wu, and permanently left Ninjago to keep him safe. When Jay started his training with Wu, he was around 12 years old ( just a little headcanon there ) and when the others went to have dinner, Wu would make Jay stay up longer to train him in the art of Ninjutsu and Genjustu.
Okay so he was told to never show off his skills to the others per Libber's wishes, so the others never knew of his extra training. They thought he was just putting stuff away.
Idk what else to add but yeah sorry for being away.
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bellaizumi13 · 1 year
OC Compilation
Here’s the final picture that I’ve been working on that I gave a sneak peek of in that oc championship  post. It’s a collection of all my various ocs that I’ve made (sans the like 20ish MHA ocs I’ve made).
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Info on characters under the cut
Bashira “Bella” Izumi (Digimon) - Bella is part of the original group of digidestined from Digimon Adventure. She was one of the younger kids, like TK and Kari. She’s Izzy’s younger sister. Pictured here is her during Adventure 02 when she’s older. Her partners are Lupamon and later DarkSalamon. She’s also the namesake of my blog
Sara Kanno (Bakugan) - Sara is part of the Bakugan Battle Brawlers. She joined the group during a Bakugan tournament where she met her partner, Ventus Leonidas. The group worked together to beat an evil Bakugan known as Vladitor. After they won, Sara became a Battle Brawler and continued to help save the Bakugan in later seasons
Christy Cane (Pokemon) - Christy is from the Unova region. She is in training to become an Aura Guardian. She lives in a secluded manor in the woods near Nuvema Town training with her grandfather and the other aura guardians to eventually lead the Unova branch of Guardians. Her team is Samurott, Zorua, Luxray, Altaria, Ribombee, and of course, Lucario
Emiko “Elise” Daigo (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Elise is a member of the Ra Yellow dorm at Duel Academy. She duels using a Lightsworn deck. She is also one of the few people who are able to see duel spirits. Her closest spirit is Wulf: Lightsworn Beast. She always tries to stick up for the Slifer students despite how pointless it may seem
Juliet Walker (Ninjago) - Juliet is Jay’s twin sister and the master of plasma. She become a ninja after her brother when her true potential awakened in season two. She was trained by Sensei Garmadon and is well versed in the art of the Silent Fist. Her weapon is bladed tonfa and she’s dating Zane and PIXAL
Luna the Rabbit (Sonic) - Luna is the older sister of Cream the Rabbit. She is very close to Team Chaotix, specifically Espio. She has the ability to blend into the shadows and move freely between them. Cream looks up to her a lot
Hinoka Kato (Beyblade) - Hinoka is a blader from Japan. Ginga and the others meet her during the Battle Bladers tournament where she ends up losing to Kyoya in the quarterfinals. She ends up becoming a Legendary Blader when a secret third set of Legendary Bladers are revealed, along with Tsubasa, Masamune, and Yu. Her bey is Flame Salamander
Kanako Sera (Naruto) - Kanako is a shinobi for the Hidden Leaf village. She was in the same class as Naruto in the Academy and became a genin with her twin brother. Their sensei was Genma. She has a wind chakra nature and has the Scorch release Kekkei Genkai. During the Blank Period she ends up with Shino
Shina Kelley (Tenkai Knights) - Shina is another member of the Corekai. Her alternate form is called Zenith and attribute is Tenkai Flexibility. Her weapon is spiked knuckles and has control over the element of plants
Christy (SRMTHFG!) - Christy is Chrio’s twin sister. She was imbued with the power of the Power Primate when she and Chrio both activated the Super Robot. The two of them pilot the Torso Tank together. Slight confession, Christy was actually my first OC, not Bella who is actually my ever second OC. I just forgot Christy existed
Delilah North (South Park) - Delilah is the New Kid in South Park. She moved there because her family is on the run from the government that’s trying to use her powers of gaining followers online to their advantage. She quickly makes friends with the kids in town and gets roped into their crazy games of fantasy and super-heros
Raven the Party Spirit (Danny Phantom) - Raven is from the Ghost Zone. She just wants to have a good time and won’t let anyone tell her how. She sometimes comes to Amity Park with her followers to throw huge parties, even if threatens to destroy the town
Izumi “Belle” Steele (MHA) - Bella is my first MHA OC. She is training to become a hero at UA. Her quirk is Volatile Water, which gives her the power to manipulate water and steam. Her hero name is the Hydration Hero- Nympha and she trained under Gang Orca during her time at UA
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keliharuza · 2 years
Revised version of the Akurai Family Backstory in my ficverse
Yakunan came before the Oni could corrupt him and the FSM (Hikari). Yakunan raised Xenudah with Hikari together (non-romantically for clarification) then the Oni came. Yakunan fought the oni with the FSM but Yakunan (who dubbed himself the Overlord) and Xenudah got corrupted as a result. Yakunan raised his son Xenudah until he was 10 years old. Both before Yakunan’s corruption, and during it, he became emotionally distant from Xenudah, pressuring him to achieve extremely high standards, which Xenudah was heavily uncomfortable with. He hid Xenudah within a cave, then battled Hikari for control over Ninjago. As it turned out, Hikari was playing the Akurai family the whole time, believing all those who were associated with darkness and shadow were evil by default. In a last-ditch effort to ‌defeat the First Spinjitzu Master, Yakunan merged with his element of darkness, losing his humanity partly, nearly forgetting about his son. When the land split, Yakunan realized his son was trapped within that cave and could do nothing to bring him back. In his despair and devastation, he descended further into madness, vowing to take control of Ninjago to reunite with his child once again. When Xenudah realized his father was no longer in his presence, he began to resent him while also desperately longing for him to come back. When Xenudah was alone, Shiren had a one-night stand with him. In her guilt, she fled, taking Kymika with her upon her birth. However, she felt she could no longer raise Kymika, fearing that her daughter's lineage would ruin her life and how people would perceive her, and she gave her up for adoption at a very young age. She became known as a vigilante fighter called the Crimson Shinobi since then. Having lost all three of his family members, Xenudah descended further into madness until he reached his breaking point: upon his freedom from his prison, his ongoing resentment evolved into fury, vengeance, and hatred towards Lloyd, who he had presumed to have killed his father as the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master (which was not the case as Lloyd purified him, much like he had with Garmadon). All members of the family desperately sought to reunite with each other once again.
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costumesinaustralia · 5 months
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Ninja Costumes for Adults & Kids in Australia
Our Ninja costumes will help you become one sneaky shadow warrior! From classic shinobi outfits to costumes based on LEGO Ninjago, we carry a large variety. For Ninja costume, visit: https://www.costumesinaustralia.com.au/occupations-costumes/ninja-costumes/
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lumitarra · 8 months
|| Fanfic Masterlist ||
|| Fanfic Masterlist ||
A comprehensive list of my fan works
Updated: 10/24/23
|| Fandoms || Total Works: 13
| Arcana Twilight
-I’m Positively Disastrous[v/a.p] [ongoing]
| Castlevania
-Forelsket[a.f.t/s.t.e.l.c] [ongoing]
| Dragonball
-A Hand Full Of Thorns[s.g/s.b] [ongoing]
-The Pain of Perfection[s.g/k.r] [ongoing]
- Family Matters [ongoing]
-DB Worldbuilding [ongoing]
| Dragon Raja
- The Extraordinary Freshman[j.c/r.a] [ongoing]
Side Series
- Life At Cassell College[j.c/r.a] [ongoing]
- Jax’s Moon [ongoing]
- Leo & Lily [ongoing]
| Naruto/Naruto Shippuden
warring states era (WSE)
konoha founding era (KFE)
third shinobi world war era (TSWWE)
- The Queen of Masks[u.o/h.a] [ongoing]
canon naruto (CN)
modern naruto (MN)
| Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu
- BTEATSWL[l.m.g/b.l.m] [ongoing]
- The Popstar And The Dancer [ongoing]
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saline-coelacanth · 3 months
Rambling some more about that one Kai au I've been thinking about lately
First of all, I'm thinking about calling this the "Scorched Au" since it sounds cool and also as a reference to the term "Scorched Earth" since that describes Kai very well in this au
So one part of the au is that the others all think Kai is dead because how could he have survived the volcano erupting? And again, Kai didn't unlock his true potential so they never saw him safely fly out of the volcano afterwards. Kai also lays low for a while. He takes some inspiration from Nya when she became Samurai X and decides to hide his identity, so even if the ninja run into him they don't recognize him at first.
Kai still uses the sword of fire but he also uses the fangblade that he's continued holding onto since managing to grab it before it fell in the lava. And he obviously still has his spinjitzu and normal hand-to-hand combat skills. He sort of goes around doing "vigilante justice" when in reality he's just sort of beating up anyone who gets in his way.
One other idea I thought of is Kai messing around with dark magic. One thing that he focuses a lot on is what more he needs to do to unlock his true potential, and his main belief is simply that he isn't strong enough. So he ends up teaching himself dark magic with a spell book he stole from some library or something like that (I haven't fully decided yet) And it's through the dark magic that he learns to "control fire" though it's not the same as if he were using his elemental powers. He basically learns a bunch of fire spells to make up for the fact that he hasn't unlocked his true potential. This also manages to fool the others into thinking Kai DID unlock his true potential even though it's just dark magic.
I also haven't thought of a name for Kai when he's going undercover since he should probably have one. I know I could just go with "Red Shogun" since that's already a name he's given himself, but idk I feel like that name doesn't really fit the design I've been working on. The design is more of a rogue type thing. I thought of something like the Scorched Shinobi since shinobi is just another word for ninja and it also fits with the au name but idk if I've fully settled on that just yet (though I am becoming fond of it)
And one more thing that I almost forgot to mention is Nya since she's pretty important to this au. So obviously Kai is pretty mad at the other ninja, but the only person he doesn't actively attack or threaten is Nya since despite everything that happened, she's still his little sister. And one other idea I had revolving around Nya is that since Kai ran off to go be evil, Master Wu decides that it's probably best to tell Nya about her water powers now and train her in them instead of waiting until season 5 to do so. Idk that just made sense to me and it might also cause Kai to spiral a bit more because he already had to deal with the fact that Nya doesn't need him anymore because of the whole Samurai X stuff. But now finding out that she has elemental powers as well would not help with his whole situation of feeling like the team never needed him and that he wasn't worthy. Idk I feel like I'm just spit balling at this point now
But anyway, this was sort of just aimless ramblings from me. Even if this doesn't become a main-stay au for my blog, I still wanna write my ideas somewhere for people to read.
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Shinobis of Ninjago
Prologue, Pilot 1, Pilot 2, Episode 1
Thousands of years ago, the world of Ninjago was created. A child fell from the sky onto a little patch of ground, no bigger than herself. She spent ages there, watching the small patch grow. She trained herself in martial arts, becoming the finest warrior anyone has ever had the blessing of laying eyes on. She remembered her past and her name, but not how she fell onto this planet. She was called Garmadon.
She developed a art called Spinjitzu and used in to expand the patch into a continent. She soon mastered the art, and adopted the name First Spinjitzu Master, not that there was anyone to call her that.
One day, as she was exploring the newly created world, she came upon a lake of gold. She used her own life force to create eight different weapons, each taking on a elemental property. She used the weapons to create mountains, trees, lakes, and people.
She lived happily among the humans, enjoying their customs. She had created them, but they were their own people, with their own minds, their own families. The citizens soon created legends of how the world came to be, not knowing the young traveler girl staying in their village carried golden weapons of creation with her.
They believed that ancient beings were sent to their world and lived among them, each with their own power. They were called 'Elemental Masters'. Garmadon claimed that she knew these fabled beings and would retrieve them for the people to meet.
Not being able to climb out of the hole of lies she created, she found a suitable host for each of the weapons. The people of Ninjago were ecstatic to meet the creators of their world, showering them in gifts and riches. The power of the weapons began to corrupt the minds of their holders, twisting their minds to believe that they really held the power of the weapons, even to the point when Garmadon came to collect the weapons, they refused her request.
The young girl set out in search of the true Elemental Masters. It took years, but she returned with eight super-powered beings trained in the art of spinjitzu. Four of the weapons were destroyed in this battle, Garmadon wondering if the line of Lightning, Fire, Ice, and Earth elementals was broken. After a fierce battle, Garmadon stumbled away with the remaining weapons. Injured, bleeding, broken, but alive.
All sixteen warriors had perished in battle. They were soon buried by Garmadon, never to be forgotten. As the years dragged on, Garmadon grew to be a fine young woman. She built a monastery at the top of the tallest mountain in Ninjago and trained those who wanted to learn the way of the ninja.
But all good things must come to an end. A great evil erupted from the shadows, threatening to take over the world. The battle between Garmadon and the shadow raged on for years before the First Spinjitzu Master used the four golden weapons to split the continent in half, forever banishing the evil from Ninjago.
The following years were filled with peace. Garmadon continued to train warriors, and met the love of her life. Together, she and her husband raised two daughters. Years after their birth, the father grew ill. Not even the power from the Golden Weapons could save him.
The sisters grew cautious of their mother's fragile state, not wanting her to crack and shatter at their doing. Even going as far to not tell their mother when the eldest got her skin punctured by pure evil, the venom coursing through her veins.
The First Spinjitzu Master soon passed, leaving her daughters to run the monastery and keep their family name alive. The youngest daughter grew interested in the power of the weapons and set out to learn their history.
The eldest morphed into the finest politician anyone had ever seen, but returned home when her sister rushed to her doorstep, beaming with news of great power, unimaginable by human minds.
The youngest learned the properties of the Golden Weapons that were proudly displayed in their home. Ignoring her mother's wishes to not touch the weapons, she set out in search of the new Elemental Masters. The news spread throughout the continent, attracting the attention of humanoid snake-people called Serpentine.
Serpentine had been treated terribly by the citizens of Ninjago, and wanted the power of the Golden Weapons to get revenge on those who had banished them from their villages. Wars soon broke out between the two races, called the Serpentine Wars. But before more lives could be lost, the true Elemental Masters were found.
They put an end to the wars and the two races lived beside each other in peace. The eldest daughter set out to train under a new sensei. After their many defeats, she wanted to prove herself to be the best warrior there ever was. But one tribe--the most powerful of them all, the Anacondrai--betrayed the Elemental Masters.
The eldest returned to fight alongside her sister and friends. Together, with the help of several Sacred Flutes, they separated the five tribes and sealed them underground in tombs, never to be opened again.
As time went on, the Elemental Masters retired and settled down with families of their own. The two sisters fell in love with with the same man. He fell for the eldest and the two had a daughter of their own. The youngest, while heartbroken at first, was happy for them and swore to protect with their family with her life.
She made that oath all too soon as the evil in her sister's veins finally took over. She turned on her family and was struck down by her own sister. The eldest was banished to the underworld, never to see the light of day again.
"Daaaad, you told me this story last week! I've already heard it."
The child's father chuckled. "It is important to know how our world came to be."
He adjusted the young girl in his lap, watching his son play on the grass in front of him. The smells from the dinner his wife was cooking drifted out from the kitchen. He smiled fondly and turned back to his daughter. "Someday you might be the one to be in the history books. Get your brother, it smells like dinner is ready."
The girl slid off his lap as a woman appeared in the doorway of their little home. He stood and wrapped his arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her blonde hair.
"What tales were you filling her head with this time?"
"Just the history of our world, my love. Skylor will make a fine ninja one day."
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luqstuff · 7 years
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JumpShinobi. Print. Creation. Made in Illustrator. Comig soon for voting on Threadless. instagram: luiscomsmesmo behance: Luís Quinto Hope you guys liked it! #peace
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Ninjago fandom, please bear with me. I want to ask you soemthing.
Is there any Ninjago AU existing where the Ninja are actual Ninja? Like, no spinjitzu, no Elemental Powers, no mythical beings, Early 16th century-Sengoku era Japanese Ninja/Shinobi with Ninjutzu/Shinobi-no-jutzu, espionage, and spying enemies' base?
Or an AU where Nya is an actual Samurai? No bulky machinery and all, just good old feudeal Samurai with katana? Y'know, the kind like from The Last Samurai or Rurouni Kenshin?
Cuz I'm interested with this.
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xanketori · 3 years
Fics Masterlist
The Proposal [Complete. T. Shikatema. Chapters: 16. 68,538 words. A The Proposal AU.]
Lover or Executioner [Ongoing. T. Shikatema. Chapters: 1/?.  2,392 words. Canon-divergent AU where the five hidden villages are at war.]
The Shadow Behind the Light [Ongoing. T. Shikatema. Chapters: 7/?. 23,880 words. A Star Wars AU.]
Konoha High, or the One Year of Hell [Ongoing but on pause for the time being. T. Shikatema. Chapters: 29/?. 74,099 words. High school AU: The Sand Siblings head to Konoha High.]
Babysitting is Troublesome [Ongoing but on pause. T. Shikatema, Narusasu, Nejiten. Chapters: 6/?. 15,045 words. Some of the shinobi get turned back into tiny children and it’s up to the others to babysit them.]
Tombstones [Complete. T. 1,493 words. The Nara family visit the cemetery.]
Space Sweepers
Sun-Ni's Day [Complete. G. 승리호 | Space Sweepers (2021). 1,662 words]
3 is a Crowd but 4 Makes Victory [Not out yet. T. Planned chapters: 9. A prequel fic about the Victory crew and how they met]
The Old Guard x Space Sweepers [Not out yet. No title yet. T. Planned chapters: 9. A crossover fic, post-movie for both movies]
Tower of God
Strategy versus Tactics [Complete. T. Koonbaam. 2,236 words. Koon teaches the difference between strategy and tactics.]
We are All Made of Contradictions [Complete. G. Koonbaam. 2,429 words. Koon reflects on contradictions.]
Hold Me Until the Sun Rises [Complete. T.  2,901 words. Baam supposedly dies and Koon spirals out of control]
Baam 10 [Complete. G. 2,002 words. A Ben 10 AU; the first in the series]
Puddle Reflections [Complete. G. 2,100 words. ToG Calendar fic.]
Wolhaiksong Game Day [Complete. G. 2,075 words. ToG Calendar fic.]
The Ghosts of Our Old Loves [Hiatus. T. Koonbaam. Chapters: 2/24. 6,002 words. A Lockwood & Co AU; the first in the series] 
Hidden Notes (To My Heart) [Not out yet. T. Koonbaam. Planned chapters: 5. Baam has a secret pen pal.]
To Love Again [Not out yet. T. Koonbaam. Planned chapters: 5. An immortal Koonbaam AU.]
If I Could Have, I Would Have Saved You (Or So I Had Thought) [Not out yet. T. Koonbaam. Planned chapters: 5. Koon is given the chance to fix the past.]
A Family Gathering [Complete. T. 4,492 words]
Candy Hunt [Complete. G. 4,144 words]
Lost [Complete. T. 1,296 words]
Life of a Gangster [Complete. T. 5,184 words. A Kai/Zane fic.]
In the Mirror [Not out yet. T. Planned chapters: 1. Zane comes back from the Never Realm and struggles to come to terms with his actions as the Ice Emperor.]
A World of Color [Complete. T. 6,046 words. Soulmates AU.]
College with a bunch of dorks [Complete (sorta...). T. Chapters: 2/2. 4,377 words]
Well, This Isn't Going According to Plan [Ongoing. T. Chapters: 4/?. 13,298 words]
Gilan's Hair [Complete. G. Ranger’s Apprentice. 1,968 words]
Just One More Game [Complete. G. X-Men: Cherik. 2,066 words]
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keliharuza · 2 years
I recently mentioned giving the Overlord a family and more depth, so here's the backstory in full:
Yakunan came before the Oni could corrupt him and the FSM (Hikari). Yakunan raised Xenudah with Hikari together (non-romantically for clarification), but then the Oni came. Yakunan fought the oni with the FSM but Yakunan (who dubbed himself the Overlord) and Xenudah got corrupted as a result. Yakunan raised his son Xenudah until he was 10 years old. He hid Xenudah within a cave, then battled Hikari for control over Ninjago. As it turned out, Hikari was playing the Akurai family the whole time, believing all those who were associated with darkness and shadow were evil by default. In a last ditch effort to attempt to defeat the First Spinjitzu Master, Yakunan merged with his element of darkness, losing his humanity partly, nearly forgetting about his son. When the land split, Yakunan realized his son was trapped within that cave and could do nothing to bring him back. In his despair and devastation, he descended further into madness, vowing to take control of Ninjago to reunite with his child once again. When Xenudah realized his father was no longer in his presence, he began to feel resentful towards him while also desperately longing for him to come back. When Xenudah was alone, Shiren had a one-night stand with him. In her guilt, she fled, taking Kymika with her upon her birth. However, she felt she could no longer raise Kymika, fearing that her daughter's lineage would ruin her life and how people would perceive her, and she gave her up for adoption at a very young age. She became known as a vigilante fighter called the Crimson Shinobi since then. Having lost all three of his family members, Xenudah descended further into madness until he reached his breaking point: upon his freedom from his prison, his ongoing resentment evolved into fury, vengeance, and hatred towards Lloyd, who he had presumed to have killed his father as the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master (which was not the case as Lloyd purified him, much like he had with Garmadon). All members of the family desperately sought to reunite with each other once again.
Faceclaims: (I cannot draw well for the life of me)
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