#shiro alfor and melenor are also there
@loturaweek2023 final day: Cooking Up Chaos!
Allura had never considered herself particularly foolish or in need, but as straits grew more dire, she found herself more and more willing to entertain certain flights of fancy, all the way until she had gathered her wits and struck out into the forest in search of the witch that lived there.
The closer she got, the easier her walk, bramblebushes giving way to a well kept path, undergrowth trimmed back, and in the center of the clearing she approached: a sprawling herb garden with a neat and tidy cottage in the center. It seemed out of place, if only for its charm in an otherwise wild stretch of forest.
She cleared her throat as she entered the clearing, unsure of how close would be too close to go uninvited. But nobody was in the garden, and there was smoke pouring from the chimney, so her mark must surely be inside.
She knocked on the door.
The man that answered was—not quite what Allura had expected. He was purple, for one, not green. With long, trailing, starlit hair and catseyes. His hat was so large it almost wouldn’t fit through the doorframe, with a dent at the halfway point that left the tip pointed sideways, and his dark robes trailed the floor with a tattered end.
“Oh,” Allura jolted, blinking and gathering her manners, “Hello, um, good witch?"
The man snorted softly, smiling with an almost playful gleam. “When it suits me. Come in,” he ushered her in, and she let out a small noise at a second surprise.
“I, oh, I hadn’t realized there were two of you,” she mentioned, hoping that wasn’t too rude. There was another woman, her body even more changed by her magic than his, eyeless and seeming… scaled, lounging near the fire, cat on her belly.
“Typically, witches are solitary outside of gatherings,” the man mentioned, stirring something in the cauldron over the flames. “It’s just that somebody decided to take my cat as her familiar.”
The blind witch looked smug, gesturing something Allura did not understand at him, and he let out a grumbling noise. He huffed, and turned back towards Allura.
“But come, you’ve traveled all this way for a reason, have you not, Princess? Tell us what you wish from us, and we’ll assess the cost.”
Allura settled her hand on the bag in her deepest pocket, filled with things she truly hoped the witches might take. She had no real desires to offer up any firstborns or lindworms.
“My father’s court is full of liars,” she stated. This was… pretty well known, all considered. Even her father admitted to it now, and he’d long attempted to hide the truth from even himself on the matter. “They’re deceptive and cunning, and will lead us all to ruin. I’ve tried begging my father to take more aggressive methods with them, but he resists. I… do not wish to kill them, but come in search of whatever solutions you are capable of providing.”
The male witch hummed, stirring his brew. “If the liars are the issue, then perhaps they should not be allowed to lie.”
Allura frowned, then lit up. “A truth spell?”
“Potion, but yes,” he said, ladling glowing yellow liquid into a pitcher. “I’ve none on hand, and Narti—” he turned to look at the lady witch (Narti, Allura supposed), who shook her head, “—has none either. Give me a moment to put my current brew away, and we shall have an elixir that will make even the most silver tongued liar speak plainly.”
“And the cost, for such a thing?”
He cast her a sly glance. “What have you to pay?”
Allura pulled from her pocket the bag she’d brought. “Gold, and jewelstones. Coin, if you want it.” Though, rumor had it witches rarely did. “If you want something else—”
“We’ll take the coin,” he said easily, and—oh.
For some reason she’d expected it to be harder than that.
He laughed at her expression. “Despite what the fairytales will tell you; even witches need to purchase goods and services from those in town. You’re more capable of affording to part with your coin than some of the desperate folks that cross our door.”
Well now she just felt silly.
She cleared her throat. “And will you tell me your name, good witch?”
“Lotor. And I know you, Princess Allura. There’s plenty talk of you, around the kingdom.”
“What kind of talk?”
“Mm. I wonder,” Lotor hummed, continuing to drain the cauldron and offering no elaboration. “But I will warn you of one thing, Princess. There is a second cost to our deal: the cost of using magic at all. The more you use, the higher the price. Be cautious, little royal, that you do not use so much, that it becomes a price you are unwilling to pay."
Like the purple skin. And the scales.
“I’ll be careful. I don’t plan on needing more than just this, anyway.” If she could just oust the liars, if they could separate the wheat from the chaff, she knew things would get better.
“No one ever does,” he warned, tipping over the mostly-empty cauldron to let the remaining trickles of glowing amber slip through a grate on the floor, mingling with ash and other discarded brews below.
She watched him begin the next batch, made mostly of harmless water, but the more ingredients he added the more… otherworldly, the mix became. He had her fetch a few things for him while he stirred, and Allura was willing enough to comply, figuring normally Narti must do this (or that helping make the potion was perhaps necessary, since she’d be the one to use it).
It worked.
The court was in chaos. Everyone was saying what was actually on their mind and all hell was breaking loose. It had started when a courtesan had told Alfor to his face that she thought he was weak spined and easily manipulated, her eyes going wide in horror as she had attempted to backtrack, but her tongue hadn’t let her.
Allura watched on with what she hoped was not-too-obvious glee.
Alfor took advantage of the magic, however it had come about, and was able to swiftly dismiss those forced to confess their ulterior motives. He was left with a small, but genuinely loyal group, and they began rebuilding their ranks with similarly loyal replacements.
Allura’s hair turned slowly silver, over the days it took to oust the liars. She hid her hair behind colorful scarves and told her mother it was simply premature greying.
All was well for months after that, until Allura’s mother fell ill.
“Welcome back, Princess Allura. Your hair looks striking,” Lotor greeted, looking slightly flustered at her appearance. “Was the truth elixir insufficient to the task?”
“Not at all,” Allura assured as she entered his home once again, Narti off somewhere and a mug of tea wafting softly next to an open book with complicated diagrams in it. “It was exactly the miracle I needed, but now I ask you for another.”
“Then ask away, but remember: all magic comes at a price.”
“For this, I would pay anything—”
“Be careful how you utter such words.”
“My mother is sick!” Allura burst, tears in her eyes only for her to swipe them angrily away, smearing on her cheeks. “My mother is ill, and nobody can cure it. Help me, Lotor, I don’t care if it turns me into a frog if it means my mother lives.”
Lotor’s expression softened and he placed a gentle hand at her elbow. “Ease, Allura. Ease. Tell me her symptoms. I’ve magic aplenty to spend on her cure.”
Allura had been so worried, so anxious that perhaps this was not the kind of magic he could do.
“Yes. She will be alright, Allura.”
Allura sagged against him, and allowed him to comfort her, to settle her on the couch with a mug of tea of her own as she explained the onset, the symptoms, the nature of her mother’s illness. He listened steadily and took notes, and nodded at the end.
“I know of the cure that will work. Sit tight, Princess. You will carry it with you when you leave.”
And so she sat, and watched him, and found his silvery hair to be even prettier than the last time she viewed it.
“Thank you,” she said in his doorway, with a sachet of something faintly glowing in her hands and her purse much lighter. She rose up on tiptoe and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you, Lotor.”
He stood dumbfounded at his own threshold, and she giggled before taking off, his catseyes on her as she left.
The next morning, her mother was cured overnight, and Allura found what she at first believed to be a rash all over her own skin. Except it wasn’t a rash, it was… markings. Crescents and circles and half moons and dots and waves, all bright pink, decorating her limbs and spine and two V’s on her cheeks.
She swore her ladies in waiting to secrecy and hid the marks beneath her clothes, all except those two facial markings which she passed off as “a fashionable new trend of face painting.” Everyone was too relieved over the queen’s recovered health to pay the princess’s antics much mind.
And all was well in the kingdom a second time. Allura felt almost like she was ready, when the third trouble arose.
War with their bordering country had long been something that loomed on the horizon. It seemed with their court cut in half, and the rumors of the queen’s illness and likely death spreading slowly their direction, they’d taken this as opportune timing.
Allura was not fearful of the outcome of a fair battle. Her father’s forces were powerful and well armed.
Allura was worried about their beast of a champion, a man more lion than human, undefeated no matter the number of foes he faced.
“You wish to craft a champion of your own?” Lotor echoed, and Allura nodded.
“My father has a loyal soldier I think would bear the burden, but I need something that will put him on equal footing to their lionman. Lotor,” Allura reached out, and placed her palm over his, “this I ask of you.”
Lotor sighed. “You make it terribly difficult to deny you anything.”
“Then do not deny me.”
“There will be a price.”
“I know.”
And so Lotor gave her a greave imbued with magic that hummed all through it, and Allura asked her father’s soldier if he would bear its burden.
He did. It cost him his right arm, forever changed, but he did, and he won against their lionman, despite the difference in their sizes.
Allura paid the cost of the magic’s casting. Her hair, she could hide. Her markings, she could wave away.
But when her brown eyes turned bright near-glowing blue, the secret could be kept no longer.
The princess was using magic. The princess was consorting with witches.
And so the princess took off her crown and picked up as many coins as she could reasonably carry, and left.
And now there are three witches, stirring a cauldron in the woods.
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anonymouszephyrus · 7 months
Voltron Characters Headcanons, go!
Finally, Part 3! Here's Shiro, Allura, and Coran! This is a little bit shorter, so sorry. Thank you for helping me with some of these @gilyoungroach & @hotdogcabbagesausage !
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- Pure Pansexual (Aliens don't have labels but she loves everyone so-) - Mostly She/Her Pronouns (Genderfluid) - Allura definitely had a rebellious teen era and it's why she doesn't like Keith because he reminds her of that era and she cringes every time she remembers it. - Allura collects shiny and sparkly rocks. This is canon but still. She has a very extensive rock collection spanning from "shiny but ordinary" to "so shiny" and even all the way to "super, extra sparkly" - I don't have much to say with her actually. Niko sums it up pretty fucking well: "allura goddess case closed" - @nikogane
CORAN (Aka. Single Pringle)
- Aliens = Pansexual. Duh. NJFKAFN (he's an adventurous fellow) - He/Him (Transgendered Coran!!) - #Alforan was one-sided. Yes. He loved Alfor with all his heart. Sadly, the feeling wasn't mutual, he never confessed but knew the truth deep down. Coran was content just being there beside Alfor as his advisor though it hurt him every time he saw his first and only love being sweet with Melenor. - Despite his jealousy, he never hated Melenor or Allura. He treats Melenor like a queen, obviously, but also like a sister. And of course, he loves Allura like his own daughter. - If he was an Earthling, he would've totally done drag. And he would've slayed. - He gives me so much... Lance but a different age, different upbringing sort of vibe. Those two definitely talk deep into the night about their issues and problems, Coran would've been Lance's version of Shiro.
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SHIRO (Aka. The gayest man that ever did gay.)
- Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby. - Gay. Just gay. This isn't even a headcanon, it's canon. - He/Him - probably brings a first aid kit wherever he goes when he's with Keith or the others. Let's be honest. - A red wine mom/dad. He definitely chugged one in a sitting and Keith was just amazed.. (and also did it too, leading to Keith's first hang-over and Shiro being an irresponsible brother) - Chronically addicted to coffee. Has like- brewery equipment, like the shit you'd see in coffee shops but only for like half of Shiro's whole kitchen. He's got packets of different flavors, sugars, milk, etc. - He was emo. He was emo before. It's canon. He was emo. That's where Keith gets his genes /j - Contrary to popular belief, Shiro can cook. Especially Korean and Japanese foods because he learned so Keith could still taste those familiar things his late father would've given him when he was little. - Probably is a hoarder, not that much though. Like, he keeps antique cups, teapots, dishes, and even a china cabinet solely for coffee cups that he never uses but only keeps on display so that he has a good story to tell everyone that visits... and it's always the same fucking story. - Will take any and all opportunities to tease Keith about literally anything. - Adding to the last headcanon/kinda canon thing, he also likes to remind Keith of his embarrassingly cute moments like when Keith first moved into Adam and Shiro's house and had a nightmare so they all curled up on the couch and watched shitty movies and Keith fell asleep literally seconds in and slept like a fucking baby.
PART: 1 & 2
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discordiansamba · 8 months
Allura-centric AU where she stops Honerva's plan in its tracks during Genesis, but Honerva uses the energy she's absorbed for the ritual to forcibly rewrite their reality.
King Alfor and Queen Melenor never had a child. Honerva is satisfied that she has wiped Allura from existence, but what she doesn't know is that her existence was preserved- and sent ten thousand years to the future on Earth. Allura Anderson is born to normal human parents, and grows up as a normal human girl... except she remembers. She knows that this reality has been forcibly altered.
She sets the Galaxy Garrison as her goal. Surely there, she can find the paladins and connect with the blue lion. She has... a dreadful feeling when she never hears anything about Shiro nor even Sam, two well known figures at the Galaxy Garrison. Her worst fears are confirmed when she enrolls and finds that not only are none of the paladins there, but the blue lion is also missing.
At least Coran is at the Garrison. He's human now too, an instructor for the general education history course, as well as an engineer. He doesn't remember her, but they still forge a new bond. Coran is very fond of Allura! She's whip smart and very talented. Almost like the niece he never had!
But this... creates complications. The paladins aside, if the blue lion here, she's uncertain as to how she'll get off the planet. Except... there is one way left available to her. It's the Kerberos mission. For the next few years, she devotes all of her energy to preparing for it, in hopes of being chosen. It pays off- she's selected, alongside Coran which is... less then ideal.
But she's right. The Kerberos mission is still captured by the Galra Empire. Only once she finally gets there, she discovers the situation is much, much worse than she feared. Not only does the Galra Empire possess all but one of the lions- they have all but one of the paladins as well.
None of them are human any longer. But that's barely a blip on her radar compared to the fact that they are all working with Zarkon. There is a glassiness to their gazes that suggests they are not in control of their own actions, but...
...but she is no longer Altean. She can no longer simply use alchemy to break them free. She's going to have to find another way-
-and she will.
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hotdogcabbagesausage · 7 months
Anyways, *points gun to Keith in Galra form* 🔫🔫 tell me your angsty Voltron Team headcanons or he gets sprayed. with water.
you got it captain🫡
allura and coran have nights where they talk about alfor and melenor. coran brushes her hair and tells her stories about her father and mother and she cries. she was so close to alfor and she misses him so much and having coran is the only thing she has left of altea and her family. she has only coran. and he tucks her into bed when it's finally over
when allura first got chosen as blue’s pilot, she would go down to the hangar at night by herself. talk to red, wondering why she wasn’t chosen. sometimes she would yell and sometimes she would cry but red never budged
allura mourns her people and her planet so much. everything she does, she does with them in mind. FOR them. she closes her eyes and imagines they can still see her. imagines they know she’s still fighting for them after all these years. sometimes it’s the only thing she can do to keep herself going and not let the grief crush her
keith’s dad died on oct 18, a few days before his birthday. he avoided telling anyone his birthday or celebrating for so long because he didn’t want to celebrate when a few days before, he had just lost everything
keith avoided his dad’s grave after he died. he went once as a child and never again but after he met shiro, flowers started showing up on the grave that he would see when they drove around. he knew it was shiro leaving them. it meant more to him than he could ever admit
touch starved but also touch repulsed to a point. that’s why he always wears fingerless gloves. it gives him more control over who he touches and lessens the intensity of it. it’s why he stands so far from everyone else, to put a physical distance between them. to protect himself in a way
still has adam’s ring on a chain. adam may have said it would be over if he ever returned, but that never stopped shiro from wishing things had been different. never stopped shiro from loving him after years. he stays up at night playing with the ring, imagining a world where they could still be together
the nightmares got worse after he was placed back into a body. he spent weeks agonizing over how to fix things with the others after how his clone treated everyone the way they did. he apologized and distanced himself. he felt dangerous still. like he wasn’t in control. he had nightmares where that fight with keith didn’t go as well as it did. he wakes up and keith’s blood isn’t on his hands
he never felt gentle again after he had to watch his own hands try and succeed in hurting his team. he can’t look keith in the face on bad days. the scar haunts him
cooking is enjoyable for hunk, yes, but it was also his only way to feel closer to his family in space. it was always something they would do together, as a family, back home. sometimes he secretly hopes someone will help him with cooking so it can feel like home again
he’s not good at drawing but sometimes he tries to draw his family in case he forgets their faces. the page always ends up covered in tears and he tries to remember how they all sounded but he can’t
he puts everyone before himself. to him, his own feelings don’t matter if someone else needs help. he will always put himself aside and give as much as he can
every time they go to a planet with a beach, he cries when they return to the castleship. it reminds him so much of varadero and how things used to be. he spends so much time reminiscing on what things would be like without the war
always thinks twice before he shares his ideas after shiro’s clone tore into him. it wasn’t the first time he’d been made to feel stupid but it certainly stuck. he gets a little self-deprecating afterwards
he thinks everyone knows he died and they just didn’t care enough to bring it up so he doesn’t either. he loves playing up small things but when it comes down to a real issue with himself, it feels so small and unimportant that he can’t imagine sharing it with the others
really bad at socializing. it’s why she loves animals and creatures so much more. they’re simple and they’re sweet and she can’t really mess up with them. she always feels like she’s messing up with real people so she avoids them when possible
she never tells anyone because she likes coming off as tough but she misses her family just as much as the others do. losing her brother nearly crushed her and she would’ve given her life just to make sure he was okay
not many know it but she’s insecure about a lot of things. her skills being the main one. she doesn’t think she’s cut out for voltron and it contributes to her trying to leave early on
the reason he’s so happy all the time is to keep allura’s spirits up. he is genuinely a silly man but he couldn’t bear to see allura lose someone else. so he retains his spark no matter what. for her
he had children before altea was lost. he doesn’t talk about them ever but he loved them more than every star in the sky. his worst nightmare is losing allura too
his heart aches in the place that alfor used to exist in. he won’t ever get into it but he did love alfor and he felt like part of the family. he always made sure coran felt welcome and sometimes its hard to look at the team and not wish he was still back on altea
genuinely not used to having friends because she only had bandor for a long time and then she was on her own. little things surprise her sometimes like hunk making her favorite food without her asking (pie), allura offering her clothes to try on, keith wanting to train with her, lance introducing her to skincare, pidge asking to practice altean with her, coran telling her his favorite stories any time she asks, and shiro always offering to listen to her struggles
she gets anxious when the others go on missions without her. she’s got abandonment issues and she’s afraid they’ll get hurt or worse. she’s always on comms when they’re away
she feels useless compared to the others sometimes. she’s not a fan of fighting and she’s no good at diplomacy. she overcompensates on bad days. cleaning, cooking, organizing. anything she can get her hands on to feel like she’s as good as the rest of the team
after the war, she tries to make up for everything she missed by overcompensating. she looks up traditional things mothers do with their kids and even if it’s stuff for 5 year olds, she tries to get keith to do them with her. but nothing can change the past
she wanted to name keith “yorak” because it was her father’s middle name. they died in the war and it was why she joined the blades. she left keith and his father because she couldn’t bear for him to lose both his parents too. but he did anyway
keith’s father was the only man she ever loved. she didn’t dare to ever try again after him because she knew he was her soulmate and she would never love like that again. she likes to think he would’ve gotten along with her parents
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kosmo-mckogane · 2 years
speaking of Tobey Maguires Spiderman Shiro should have his backstory?? maybe not the web-out-of-wrists aspect of the thing since that's Allura's thing but like, he got it on accident? and then he grows into the character, discovers this kid he's taken in (Keith) got them somehow too? but maybe he's retired or MIA after losing his arm so he's just a mentor atm - then Keith needs help and then he just realises. he needs to do this. and then he meets Adam-deadpool... (Spiderman anon :)) )
OKAY SO shiro is keith's brother and a scientist at an oscorp-type place - let's call it altea - which allura's parents used to own before they died in an "accident". back when they were alive, when he was in high school, he used to work as an intern there.
he worked there with his friend adam who is also extremely smart and an aspiring scientist! they've always had a kinda will-they-won't-they thing going on... 👀
anyhow, shiro was a favourite of alfor, since he was seen as one of the smartest kids of his age, so he was allowed access to alfor and melenor's own special branch of research (the spider dna research). though, shiro doesn't know what exactly it is for, rather than the basic concepts they're using. mainly, he knows that they can trust him with it and could use his help, smart kid as he is.
now, it has been made abundantly clear since the beginning that info of this experimentation shouldn't under any circumstances fall into the wrong hands
surprise! it falls into the wrong hands.
alfor and melenor had decided to trust some of their closest friends, zarkon and honerva, with their latest breakthrough.
this, shockingly, is a mistake. zarkon and honerva have other visions for this power. this... conflict in interests, shall we say, eventually results in a tasm situation where alfor and melenor pack up their shit and leave on a plane in a rush, leaving their daughter allura behind with coran. before they go, they tell shiro to gather what's left of their research and dispose of it. this is when they tell shiro the infamous "with great power comes great responsibility" spiderman line.
so! honerva goes after alfor and melenor and thus the tasm-esque plane crash scene ensues where alfor and melenor die and honerva is missing, presumed dead.
meanwhile, in his frantic attempts to clear the lab, shiro ends up getting bitten by one of the spiders from the experiments. what's more, zarkon has come after him, and, with shiro's newfound powers that he struggles to control, a fight ensues wherein half the lab explodes, shiro saves dozens of people from the explosion before losing his arm, and zarkon is badly injured and later said to have died in hospital. shiro is lucky for the spider bite, or else he'd have been a goner.
now, let's back up a bit and talk a little in terms of shiro's situation. shiro was an orphan, and lived with his grandfather until he died when he was 10. after that, he was a foster kid.
shiro likes his foster home well enough, but he's been through quite a few and hasn't formed much of an attachment to any of them.
however, he does have people who he considers family. coran used to teach science at his high school as well as being a scientist at altea, and shiro was quickly taken under his wing. he's like an uncle to him!
he met keith when he was visiting a middle school as an ambassador for altea. shiro talked to him a little, and liked him immediately, but keith's teacher warned shiro that he was a troublemaker.
consequently, keith stole the car shiro had borrowed from altea, shiro took him under his wing and they've been brothers ever since.
as for allura, her parents used to bring her into the lab sometimes, so she and shiro knew each other through this.
and of course, there's adam, his best friend and crush who he's held a candle for since high school.
and thus, after the "accident", shiro is taken in by coran. he gets a prosthetic arm, and having finished high school, he gets a job at altea, courtesy of coran who now owns the place. adam starts college, and he and shiro (finally) start dating.
and so shiro does spidey stuff for a couple of years before he has some of bad experiences, and then takes the decision to quit it at 21. this decision comes from a culmination of things, not least from he and adam having conflict in their relationship and deciding to break things off.
fast forward a few years, news of new spideys in town starts to take off! shiro, naturally, is extremely shocked, does his digging, and finds out about keith and allura's identities. with this, he becomes their mentor. however, it's when lance gets his powers too, and they're all really in need of some guidance, that shiro finally realises, it's time for him to step into the suit again, and bring this team together.
leading to a reconciliation with adam as deadpool and a LOVELY exes to lovers dynamic.... but we'll leave that for another post 👀
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saltysaltdog · 4 years
You know, one thing that grinds me about the "Allura is forced by the narrative to not be hostile against the species who completely genocided her people" idea is that it IS wrong in canon because her species still exists and she should KNOW this because altea wasn't the only place alteans were.
Speaking of, how does she know that altea blew up? Is she reading ye olde news reports on that console? Who is making those news reports and why do they only report on alteans and not update the castle of lions on anything else? Is it just psychic Altean powers? Why couldn't she divine the other alteans? Allura herself in season 1 admits to using galran galactic hubs to travel, why would she think no alteans ever did so to move to a new life?
Another thing: How does she know Zarkon would try to destroy every altean? it would make more sense to believe that it was just an eye for an eye about blowing up the planet. Why wouldn't he evacuate his wife's family, friends, favourite media personalities, colleagues, etc.
With all these questions in place we can come to a few theories:
Allura was sheltered from court life:
It doesn't explain everything, but let's say that she was sheltered from any important political learning in her youth. No economics, no current events, no law, no foreign affairs, no media classes, no military or tactical learning, etc etc etc.
It explains some things in canon (though not Coran /not/ explaining things) but it implies that alteans start this learning late, or Allura was never really in line for the throne. Leading to idea two.
Someone close to Allura had some bad scruples:
So we've seen that these tanks can interact with memories and that allura apparently had some major information deficiencies. What's to say these gaps are natural? Surely you could create knowledge or even fake memories of events you weren't there for.
But of course Alfor wouldn't test unsafe tech on his daughter, but you know what IS commonly tested on? Mice.
The mice are psychic plants just to keep Allura from seeking out other alteans.
But... why? You might ask. Iunno, just sounds cool. You may as well make up your own reasons but there are some common ones for getting someone out of the way.
-Allura was in danger:
This would need someone specifically targeting Allura, probably someone altean and with enough power to threaten Alfor.
... is this another succession to the throne idea? Yes shut up. So Coran is sent to keep Allura safe and away from other alteans, hense why he's on the attack when he sees somewhat altean faces. Now this idea doesn't require any siblings, any uncles, aunts, cousins, or grandparents could pose a threat.
This doesn't require the intent to murder either, so a powerful enough noble or even stupidly rich layman could provide enough pressure to outright force Allura into a marriage. But doesn't this require Alfor not having any power to stop the match? Yes alteans have a matriarchal culture and Alfor is just a trophy husband let's move on.
If that's not your jam then how about this:
-Allura has psychic powers.
Yes we know, you say, She psychicly connected to the mice. And that was an accident right? So what if on Altea she was starting to accidentally connect to people, multiple people, taking memories, getting overwhelmed, giant psychic explosions!
... maybe not but it's cool and has a built in failsafe. If Allura didn't psychicly leech from the mice, she wouldn't believe altea was gone so she would have just gone home.
It could also explain why she was so quick to believe a random altean against Lotor, she could read her mind better and see she was telling the "truth".
But why doesn't it work on Coran? Sorry, psychic powers dont work on people with moustaches. Joking aside (mostly), Allura might have a limiter on her power. After all, we see the evolution of her daily clothes via the Alfor AI so what is she never seen without that is absent from her childhood? Coran might just be less receptive, a rarity amongst alteans and why he was the only one sent with her.
(Hint, earrings. Though she does get her tiara at some point after being a toddler. Suspiciously early.)
But wait, you may say, that doesn't put Allura in danger from any powerful alteans, Alfor wouldn't need to go so far! True, so welcome to theory number three.
Allura's mother is a psychic body snatcher who has been taking over her daughter's bodies every generation to become a nigh omnipotent Queen.
The galra attacking would provide just the distraction Alfor would need to save Allura from this fate, sending her off with a "false" memory that she can never return to Altea and should start a new life. Or maybe he just intended to keep her on ice till her mother died but then died himself.
After all, what happened when Allura wasn't sent away? After her father died she suddenly gained the power to kill Zarkon and all of his forces, Haggar included. She then went on to become Empress and enslave the universe. How long she lived is debatable, but that sort of power boost is odd, as well as her more militaristic tendencies since she never showed a knack for strategy. (Hira says people that might have been casualties of war in Allura's day could now be 'rehabilitated ' which implies Allura might have gone to war beyond just fighting the galra empire.)
Allura's mother and grandmother basically look identical to her, and as previously stated Allura didn't learn a lot of court necessities. She didn't need to if she was going to get brain jacked, all she'd need is a fit body; and as we see, for a pacifist people Allura was quick to comment on the paladins training method being fit for a child.
In the show we do see individuals being brain jacked by Haggar, either to see through them or directly control them in the case of Cloned Shiro. However cloned shiro needed Technological help to control, and Honerva's fighters required more precise useage of quintessence she only got after going to Orilande. For someone of more talent, like say, royalty like Allura, taking over someone's body is within the realm of possibility.
This could also add to Alfor's horror that his friend was suggesting quintessence could be used to become immortal, after all that was his wife's goal too. This would compound his need to destroy the rift, to prevent his wife taking over Allura's body and then becoming an immortal, near unstoppable, entity.
I also find it's a little strange that Hira/the alteans recognized Allura on sight. I mean, sure her entire female line looks the same, but how do you know it's her specifically unless she lived for a long time/ her paladin suit was extremely iconic. Implying that the alteans appreciated her more as a fighter than a ruler. I know I wouldn't recognise centuries old rulers from each other, why would random alteans?
As for why Melenor would need Allura if an immortal making rift was there, it's likely that before Voltron fighting wasn't seen as a valuable skill for royals, but upon seeing the vast influence it had she had to raise her new body to be able to handle a fair fight instead of being able to impress with musical or artistic talents.
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drawnandredrawn · 5 years
Okay so, was talking to @giugiuryu​ about this challenge, and decided that yes, it was time to write this list up and post it.
So below the cut here we have 365 Voltron art prompts, one for each day of the year!  This list was written up by my lovely wife @wireslide​ and is very, VERY informed by her personal preferences and headcanons.  So I invite anyone and everyone to join me in the fun of doing this challenge, but also to make changes to the list where you see fit.  Don’t want to add stuff from the comics?  Want Lotor prompts?  Need the entire ‘draw these two people together’ section to be exclusively your OTPs?  Make it so!  I, for example, will NOT be doing the list exactly as posted, but making a few changes where the daily prompt doesn’t really catch my interest.  So think of this as a framework and jumping off point for your ideal year of Voltron.
And please, please tag me if you plan to join in!  I’d love to follow and watch your progress!
FOCUS ON STYLE - Sketch the topics below and get into your style
Haxus (head/face)
Space Mice
Sendak (head/face)
Shiro  (head/face)
Lance  (head/face)
Keith  (head/face)
Pidge  (head/face)
Hunk  (head/face)
Allura  (head/face)
Coran  (head/face)
Nyma  (head/face)
Trigel   (head/face)
Rollo  (head/face)
Zarkon  (head/face)
Gyrgan  (head/face)
Blaytz  (head/face)
Matt  (head/face)
ANATOMY STUDIES - Spend time understanding how their bodies fit together
Krellians (insectoid)
Krellians (draconic)
Kotka (domestic)
Borf (Kosmo The Space Wolf)
Kotka (wild)
Ranveig's Beast
Balmerans (different)
Krellians (draconic-dragon form)
Galra (different)
INORGANIC - Study by sketching or painting
Chain Sword
Sendak's arm
Kuron's (fully activated) arm
Shiro's Altean arm
Galra Sentry
Altean sentinel
Altean Target Drones
Lifegiver Statues
Kral Zera Altar
Marmorran Blade
BOM Mask
Druid Mask
Lance's Rifle
Space Junkyard
Altean Broadsword
Hunk's Bunker Buster
Pidge's Grapple Taser Thing
Haxus' Legs
Myzax's Weapon
Balmera Crystal
Galra Connective cables
Zaiforge Cannon
Zaiforge base
Robeast Prorok
Xanthorium Crystals
SHIPS - Like...ships.
Black Lion
Red Lion
Blue Lion
Green Lion
Yellow Lion
Altean Pod
Galra Fighter
Galra Cruiser
Taujeerian Ship
Olia's ship
Olkari Fighter
Lotor's Flagship
Blade of Marmora Outpost (Ulaz's)
Lotor's Crazy Ivan Ship
Galra Bridge
Olia's Bridge
Castle of Lions Bridge
Lion Cockpit
Robeast Coffin
Altean Pod Cockpit
Galra Hangar Bay
Altean ship
Komar Mech
Honerva's Mech
Angel of Death (fusion mech)
Mobile Suit Zarkon
Galra Central Command
Castle of Lions
IGF Atlas
VAGUE TOPICS - more abstract prompts. Doodle, sketch, and study whatever comes to mind for these.
Power Source
Monsters & Mana
Lion Goddess
The Rise of Voltron
Space Mall
Hole in the Sky
The Voltron Show!
Kral Zera
The Black Paladins
Lion's Pride
Clear Day
Battle Scars
Blade of Marmora
Battlefield Loss
Galaxy Garrison
Space Madness
Blood Ties
Down Time
Alternate Universe
Altean Colony
Bounty Hunters
Space Pirates
Food Goo
Feels Bad, Man
A COAT OF POLISH - move of out sketching, move into more detailed and polished figures! Lines!  Colors!
Wing Commander Shiro
Young Zarkon
Young Alfor
Young Honerva
James Griffin
Nadia Rizavi
Sam Holt
Matt Holt
Young Sendak
Young Haxus
Empress Allura
Gladiator Shiro
Mystical Archer of Valyuun
Thunderstorm Darkn'ess
Paladin Shiro/Jiro
Dakon, The Dark Wizard
Young Lotor
Young Allura
Emperor Zarkon
Ryan Kinkade
Ina Leifsdottir
Colleen Holt
Firstborn Allura
Gladiator Lance
MULTIPLE FIGURES - FRIENDS, ENEMIES...SHIPPERS!  Ink me your lines!  Time for multiple figures!  Swap duos out as pleases you!
Shiro & Lance
Hunk & Keith
Shiro & Keith
Zarkon & Honerva
Shiro & Sendak
Keith & Adam
Shiro & Matt
Coran & Kythalian
Allura & Lance
Shiro & Ulaz
Pidge & Matt
Shiro & Gary
Lance & Blue
Shiro & Black
Allura & Romelle
Acxa & Gregory
Narti & Ezor
Antok & Kolivan
Pidge& Keith
Lance & Lotor
Shiro & Hepta
James & Keith
Acxa & Narti
Ryan & Hunk
Veronica & Nadia
Romelle & Acxa
Hunk & Lance
Keith & Lance
Zarkon & Alfor
Zarkon & Sendak
Kuron & Lance
Shiro & Adam
Keith & Matt
Allura & Shiro
Shiro & Ezor
Pidge & Haxus
Keith & Sendak
Ezor & Zethrid
Zarkon & Black
Hunk & Romelle
Acxa & Ezor
Narti & Lotor
Keith & Regris
Shiro & Curtis
Kuron & Lotor
Acxa & Zethrid
Krolia & Keith’s Dad
Acxa & Veronica
Lance & James
Ryan & Shiro
BACKGROUND ADDS CHARACTER - Add extra detail, backgrounds, and extra figures.  Create polished images from more abstract prompts.
Galra Sentries
Robeast Zarkon (life support armor, from Blood Duel)
Close-up Deltarian Host
Space Pub
Altea (Pollux)
2+ Lotor's Generals
Galra Teeeeth
Shuttle Crash
2+ Garrison Brass
Quintessence Processing
Cloning Facility
Evil Wizard's Lair (M&M)
Blade of Marmora HQ
Space Pirates
Alternate Universe
Blades of Marmora
Rollo, Nyma, Beezer
2+ Oldadins
Rift-Steeped Lotor
Altea (Arus)
Yalex Temple
Keith’s Dad’s House
Atlas Bridge
Space Whale
Quintessence Poisoning
Dream Machine
FUCKING Y I K E S - Multiple characters and complex scenes.  Push yourself.  Try poses with multiple characters interacting and scenes with difficult perspective.
Current Paladins
MFE Pilots +Ronnie
Keith +Family
Lance + Family
Shiro, Adam, Iverson, Matt
Altean Alchemists
Medical Area
Central Command
Space Mall
Space Battle
Galra Command Circle
Hunk + Family
Garrison Trio
Slave Market
Space Junkyard
Tavern/Inn (M&M)
CONGRATULATIONS, THIS IS THE HOME STRETCH!  IF YOU WERE NOT A LEGENDARY ARTIST ALREADY YOU SURE ARE NOW!  Don’t feel like these prompts need to be finished in a day.  Take your time.  Think of the most epic scene you’ve wanted to draw and call upon your powers to make it so.  Savor your victory.  Flaunt your mad skills you funky little artist.
Allura v. Haggar
Galra Arena Fight
Kuron And The Clones
Empress Allura v. Zarkon (Alternate Universe)
The End and Beginning of the Multiverse
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velkynkarma · 5 years
au where alfor was the one they found in the cryo pod instead of allura in the castle of lions
I have a couple more of these sitting in my inbox but I didn’t have time to hit them yet. 
Alfor is devastated when he wakes and discovers his people had determined to save their king as their last great sacrifice. They’d bought him time to escape, using Coran to trick Alfor into a situation where he could be knocked out and stored in a pod.
Once they both wake he won’t even talk to Coran for a while as a result, other than extremely formally as a king. He wishes Coran had focused on saving his wife or daughter over him. Coran admits that nobody knew where either of them were at the time, but Alfor was still in a position to be protected, and Coran and the others knew Alfor would be needed to stop Zarkon. He’s the only one who had ever been able to remotely control or talk sense into Zarkon. They do eventually make up but it’s hard for Alfor.
Alfor realizes Voltron needs to be reassembled, and he had been successful in keeping Voltron from Zarkon. That much, he knows, and he knows where all the Lions are supposed to be. But for that, he’ll need to assemble new paladins, because he knows Zarkon is no longer OK and Trigel, Blaytz and Gyrgan are long dead. 
These new humans might do the trick; he can see similar personalities or characteristics in all of them. 
But it also means he has to give up Red for himself, because there’s simply no way he can mesh so easily with this crew. New paladins have to shine for this to work and for the universe to be saved, but it’s hard to let go.
He spends a lot of time mentoring all of them, and teaching them the skills of Voltron as he knows them, rather than them stumbling into everything on their own at the last minute. Even so, he discovers that once this team is starting to click and figure out how to work together, they start uncovering things about Voltron even he and his friends never knew. He’s legitimately impressed. 
Although he mentors all of them, he focuses in particular on two: Keith and Shiro. 
Keith, because Keith is his own counterpart, and needs some help growing and learning to trust the rest of the team. As the right-hand man, literally, Keith needs to learn to be there for the rest of the team when Shiro can’t be in addition to supporting Shiro, rather than rushing off on his own all the time to do things himself. Keith is a bit resistant at first, until Alfor tells him the stories of how he also used to rush off without thinking, but over time he learned. Keith realizes Alfor’s a lot more like him than he realized. Alfor is also a lot more accepting of Keith’s half-Galra heritage since he was personally responsible for the original alliance with Daibazaal, so he’s a lot more willing to accept Keith and help him figure it out.
Shiro, because Shiro has taken Zarkon’s place. He’s a good leader, Alfor can see that both as a former paladin and a king. But he also knows the burden of the Black Lion comes heavy, and it’s very easy for someone with the ambition and drive needed to hold the Black Lion’s respect to fall. Like Allura, he gives Shiro a chance to adjust to the Black Lion on his own before admitting to who the Black Lion is. But since Zarkon used to be one of his closest friends, he’s also always quick to explain that Shiro doesn’t necessarily need to take THAT path, and maintaining good connections with his team is the most important thing that he can do.
Alfor is, like Allura, their wormhole master and pilot of the Castle of Lions. He’s also an alchemy master, but he’s already mastered it by the start of the series obviously, so he’s able to help with things like the Balmera, fixing the Lions, etc far more easily. 
At some point--either if Shiro temporarily disappears or if Keith is injured/not available--Alfor pulls an emergency swap-in as the Red Paladin, proving he’s still got the skills to do so. This happens after the team has learned to mesh with him better. 
Alternatively, he actually progresses to Black instead of Keith doing so, which is humbling and a little frightening since it parallels him directly against Zarkon. He willingly gives it up when Shiro returns, though, since he realizes he’s more of a stand-in. This isn’t really his paladin team and those are days gone by. He and his friends had caused problems for the universe ten thousand years later; it’s time for the new guard to fix things.
For Alfor, his arc is primarily in regards to figuring out what happened to his wife and daughter. They both went missing on Altea when the attack came so suddenly. He was not able to find out if they had been killed, or kidnapped, or had hidden away and died naturally ten thousand years ago. But he is determined to get answers.
Alfor originally comes across as a stately, serious, very important king, so the team is a little intimidated or distant from him at first. However over time they do start to see below the surface, and realize when he’s not putting on his kingly facade, he can actually be something of a goof. 
This is originally most readily apparent when he’s interacting with Coran more as a friend with a king. Just think back to all the goofy stories of photos Coran tells or has involving Alfor and realize that it’s happening in front of the paladins more and more often
He’s an older Altean so you know at some point he’s going to get the slipperies, probably from Coran. Just sayin’. 
Alfor also goes with them for the space mall episode because everyone is blown away by how readily he goes along with Coran’s stupid disguises and supposedly sneaky black-market hunting.
That one comic with the Yalaxian pearl? Alfor is along for that because he doesn’t need to recover as long as Allura did, since he knows alchemy better. Just imagine him starting a barfight because somebody is sitting in his spot. The rest of the team is horrified. 
He hadn’t realized Zarkon had a son; there hadn’t been a child 10K years ago. When they first get news of Lotor, he’s horrified when everything suddenly clicks into place. Why Zarkon took the risk of ripping open the rift and bringing his wife with him. Why he went INTO that void of his own free will. He’d been trying to save his pregnant wife and son, both of whom had been dying. It makes Alfor feel sick, because when he thinks about it if it were HIM—if it had been Melenor, with Allura—he can’t conclusively say he wouldn’t have done the exact same thing. 
Once he DOES know about Lotor, he wants to help him. This kid is obviously troubled, but potentially gifted. Based on his cleverness, and his focus on the 2nd comet they find, he knows at least a little of its potential. Alfor tries to redeem him. Lotor is an antagonist-turned-ally because of this, in similar vein to the series, except Alfor is cautious about showing him where Oriande is until he understands Lotor’s true goals. He does try to teach him some alchemy on his own, though. Once it’s revealed that Lotor was trying to recreate the Altean race with him at its head Alfor is disappointed, because the kid had a lot of promise. 
Through the course of their fight Lotor is defeated, though not like he had been in the series. He has time to admit to Alfor that he thinks Melenor and Allura are still alive, as prisoners; they’d been trying to use Allura to find the Voltron Lions, and he thinks Haggar is using them for other things related to magic and alchemy too. He’d been trying to free them for years, figuring they would be excellent figureheads for his Altean colonies. But he’d never been able to circumvent Haggar’s abilities and safeguards, which is why he’d wanted Alfor’s help and the powers of Oriande. He gives Alfor the details to rescue them willingly, and it’s a big arc to rescue them.
There is a happy family reunion at the end none of them die, because obviously.
Ask me for AU Headcanons!
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some-cookie-crumbz · 5 years
Another Set of Updates
Okay, gonna try to keep this as brief as possible!
My poll regarding which Kidge-a-Palooza AU I should turn into a story proper is still available: [here]. I’m gonna leave it up for another week or so, so please give it a vote if you haven’t already!
Chapter 4 of Here (In Your Arms) is up and available: [here].
Chapter 2 of Paint me in Trust is up and available: [here].
Chapter 2(6) of Time, Space and Everything Between is up and available: [here].
Since the update for Time, Space and Everything Between is up, I wanted to clarify a few things about where it’ll be going from hence forth. That information (spoiler free) can be found below for those that are interested.
Okay, so, confession time! This fic wasn’t supposed to become what it is now. Originally, I planned for this fic to be about six/ seven chapters and go in a somewhat different direction than it has. There was going to be an entire chapter dedicated just to the Kogane and Holt families bonding. The rescue of Shiro was going to go almost the same as it did in the series canon, with Keith being kept on Earth with his father using his camouflage device and entering the Garrison in hopes of snuffing out who the Blue Paladin was. The only big changes to it that I intended to make was Keith and Pidge knowing each other prior, Keith actually being a Galra, and when they head back to the shack, they’re greeted by Papa Kogane. From there, I was planning to end the fic with them going through the wormhole and implying events played out mostly the same as canon. But, then I decided I didn’t really like that idea either, so then I thought I’d go the route of letting Keith grow up with the Holt’s. Like, Ethan moving out there and Krolia leaving Keith on Earth to have a tradional human childhood.
As you can see, I didn’t end up doing any of that. And you may be wondering why.
Because the last season of Voltron left me that disappointed but I will admit I had issues with the show even before that Spit-in-the-Face ending but we’ll get there and I was raised by parents who said “If you don’t know how you’d improve something, you shouldn’t be the one to complain about it.”
Well, fine then. I’m gonna do just that.
ALSO I WANT TO CLARIFY that I am NOT saying I could have written the show better than the show runners themselves! I’ve never been in the position(s) they were in. I do, however, have the benefit of hindsight, which allows me to look at where the show succeeded and failed respectively, and take steps that I think would offer a more cohesive, enjoyable story-telling experience as a whole. I am taking the things that I, personally, took issue with, as well as some of the bigger things I’ve seen the fandom at large take issue with. At the end of the day, though, most of these decisions will be made from my own personal desires/ whims (since, you know, ship-feels and all that jazz). I will, however, be open to criticism from any and all who read my fics, so please feel free to tell me what you think does or doesn’t work as we go along.
I’m gonna break this down into four main categories down below; Things I’m Adding, Things I’m Cutting, Things I’m Adjusting, and Cut Fic Content. All but one of these is pretty self-explanatory, I think, but I promise to explain that little oddity when we get there. I’ll also touch on what and why I chose to approach certain things the way that I did.
Things I’m Adding
Melenor and Garett
Queen Melenor is kind of an anomaly in the series, don’t you think? It was kind of implied throughout most of the series proper that she died while Allura was still pretty young, which would have made a lot more sense for both Allura’s relationship with Alfor, as well as why Alfor was so distant from Zarkon when Daibazaal began tattering at the seams. But then Season 8 happened and threw all that out the window! All of a sudden, Melenor’s death suddenly carries this great significance for Allura, to the point she has a hallucination about her. Plus, it also kinda throws a wrench into scenes from the earlier seasons. Allura specifically says “Zarkon killed my Father and my Mother!” but… If Melenor was killed by Zarkon, where was she during the fall of Altea? Why wasn’t she with her daughter and husband in the final moments? And it makes even less sense when you look at that first scene where Allura and Coran were introduced. There were eight pods there. You mean to tell me Alfor didn’t think it might be a good idea to save an extra body or two to help guide Allura as she steps into the role she will have to take once he’s gone? Or even to help with maintaining/ rebuilding the Castle of Lions?
So, I’ve decided to add Melenor as a way to give some more characterization to not only she herself as a character, but also Alfor. Plus, I decided to make use of Garett (whose name I spell differently for reasons), Coran’s son from the original series, too. I think it’d be more fun to have an extra set of hands on board to help maintain the Castle of Lions and teach the Paladins, but maybe closer to their age range. So, we’ll see how things go with adding him to the roster. :3
Backstory for the Blades
This was something that we should have gotten a little bit of exposition on, considering how inflated their importance got. Like, the Blade became instrumental to the functionality of both Voltron and the Rebels due to their intelligence gathering. I think it’d have been kind of cool to see where it all started and what events in specific triggered it into becoming.
More Focus on Team Relationships
I didn’t really feel like the big victory against Zarkon was earned at the end of Season 2. I also didn’t think the team really earned any of their bigger victories, such as against Lotor and Honerva. They never felt like a real team that meshed because they just kinda stuck the same pairs/ clicks together. This was my biggest issue throughout most of the show and I really want to explore the dynamics we never really got to see. There are a few standout relationships that definitely needed some retooling, but I’ll mention those farther down. 
More Alien Worlds
Sci-fi and Fantasy are my big genres because I. Fudgin. Love seeing the designs for different technology, worlds and races. And while we did get some interesting ones with the series proper - which I’ll be mostly still including - I wish we’d gotten to see more. So, because I have no self-control, I’ll be planning to do that here!
Shiro’s Love Life
Shiro deserved better. I feel like that’s kind of something that most of the fandom can agree on. I don’t say this from a place of hate for Curtis, though, because… Well, what is there to hate? He was a literal background character who did nothing, said maybe two lines of dialogue, and that was it. Considering how much they pushed Shiro being the rep for the LGBT+ crowd, they did literally nothing with his love life. Hell, Adam was only revealed as his fiance because Bex fought tooth and nail for them to say it! If they hadn’t pushed the way they did, it would have all been subtext.
So, Shiro is going to have a romantic side plot in this fic, where we’ll focus on him and the character I’ve picked to be his partner.
Minor Side Romances
Some other little side pairings are gonna get a bit of love, here, too, since Voltron really only did the romance side of things well with, like, two couples. All the main couples are also gonna get plenty of spotlight, but I also think it would be fun to do some smaller side ships every now and then, too.
Things I’m Cutting
Villain Roulette
There was way too much jumping back and forth between who our main villain to focus on was. Bam, it’s Zarkon! No, wait, now it’s Lotor! Just kidding, here comes Zarkon again! Except that it was actually Lotor! Or so you thought; it’s actually Honerva haha great prank amiright? It was exhausting and I think it’d be a lot simpler to just… Stick with one villain who controls the smaller monster-of-the-day bad guys for an extended period of time and, once they’re for reals defeated, then move on to the next. I’ll be taking this approach for the sake of not only having a more focused story, but also my own sanity. I’ve never been good at gambling so trying the same thing as the show would probably turn out even worse for me.
Keith’s Excellent Blade Adventure with His Mommy
This is all unnecessary in this story, so we won’t be doing it at all. Keith’s sorry purple tail is staying with Team Voltron; no buts, no fuss, no coconuts.
Shiro’s Illness and Adam’s Death
Adam’s death is something I could go on about for hours specifically because it seemed unfair and kinda petty. Like, I feel they killed him specifically because they couldn’t kill Shiro, and they wanted to amp up the Tragic Backstory for our prior leader. So, instead, that’s getting the boot, as well as Shiro’s illness, since it’s also unneeded for plot convenience. Plus, it could have been nice to have a character that was willing to call Shiro out on the Atlus. Shiro always got treated like some kind of flawless entity, and I think it’d been nice to have someone call that Nice Guy Schtick out.
Allura and the Entity Plotline
This whole thing made no sense, got no proper development because of how late into the game they introduced it, and ended up being nothing more than a tool for them to kill Allura off. So, that can GTFO of my house post haste.
The Ending as a Whole
Some parts of the ending worked, but most of it just sucked. When the ending is so bad that it makes me feel obligated to stan characters I was ambivalent/ outright disliked? Yeah, gonna need to walk that back a bit.
Most of Seasons 3-6
The pacing in these seasons really was terrible. We derailed working on the team dynamic, building up the Coalition and Rebel forces, and developing the Paladins’ characters to instead focus on all that shit with Lotor. That… Was infuriating. Especially considering it was all basically a waste.
Additionally, we had Keith sidelined and his arc - which was clearly going to be center around him learning how to be a leader - completely pushed aside and then treated as if it did happened when he showed up late with Starbucks at the end of Season 6. That felt really unbelievable to me.
Time Skips
There were way too many time skips, for serious. Especially when those time skips didn’t include any kind of change in development/ character for the team. There’ll be smaller time skips, but nothing as egregious as what we got in seasons 6 and 7.
Things I’m Adjusting                                                              
Lion Swap
This’ll still be happening, but the circumstances that trigger it will be different. I may also shift around who gets to take which Lion when we get to that point. I haven’t decided just yet, but I’ll have it figured out before we reach that point. Most of this fic is already planned out and, honestly, the Lion Swap will be finalized once I figure out what I’m doing with a few of the other characters.
Shiro and Keith’s Relationship
This, right here? This was one of my biggest issues with Voltron. Keith was completely codependent on Shiro, while Shiro clearly cared about Keith’s well-being but it always felt like he’d have been just fine if something similar to what happened to him happened to Keith. It’s just… Really gross to me. It doesn’t help that I also find the whole “Dying for Your Lover” Trope – which I’ve seen a lot of people praise The Black Paladins for implying - to be incredibly disgusting and unhealthy. Also Keith’s flagrant hypocrisy never getting called out bothers me a lot since I actually like when a character behaves in a hypocritical manner, since it feels organic, but it has to be called out because hypocrisy can lead to double-standards and create harmful environments and I need to stop for now
So, Keith and Shiro are still going to be close, but they aren’t going to be that close.
Keith and Allura’s Relationship
Oh, look! Another potentially interesting aspect of the show that they kinda dropped the ball on! I really hated Allura’s heel-turn on Keith when it’s revealed that he’s Galra in S2 because a) It’s not like Keith himself knew this and was actively hiding it, and b) It felt out of character for the way Allura had been presented thus far. Her lashing out at Zarkon when she was captured made sense since he directly killed her father, her people and her planet. And I could understand being wary of the Blades – to the extent that she was in the first half – but after Keith’s heritage is revealed, she’s completely cold to him and only seems to decide he’s a good guy when he’s willing to take on a potential suicide mission! They either needed to drag the animosity out and show it effecting Allura’s ability to work with the team as a whole and also show the team sticking up for Keith because the fact that Hunk was the only one that said anything is kinda messed up like where tf was Shiro if he and Keith are oh so close? or they needed to tone Allura’s attitude towards him back a bit more, have her approach him in a manner similar to how she addressed the Blade members; acknowledging he is there and contributing, but not praising or thanking him outright.
And since Keith presents and knows he’s part Galra from the start in this fic? Well, we’ll actually get to play around with that dynamic a little more. And while I’m on the subject of our favorite Altean princess…
Allura’s Character Inconsistencies
Allura’s character jumped around a lot in some of the earlier seasons and I’d be willing to wager that this is because the writers never settled on an age for her. And I don’t mean during the big changes like her becoming a Paladin or Lotor’s betrayal, since it’d make sense she be shaken by situations that drastic. One minute, she’s this composed, confident and well-spoken young leader doing the best she can. The next, she’s a more temperamental sort who has low self-esteem/ confidence in her own abilities to even successfully contribute to a team. Now, I think I kniw what they were trying to do; they were trying to show that the more impulsive side of her is more genuine while the composed side is her trying to be the leader she is expected to be. I get it. They fixed this and improved on it later down the line, but they could have done better by maybe addressing it and using it as a chance to develop her relationship with another member or two of Team Voltron.
Season 2’s Ending
The defeat of Zarkon happened way too soon. Especially since then, because they wanted to play around with Lotor’s intentions, they had to bring him back as a cyborg-zombie fueled by quintessence. Zarkon should have only been defeated once and then we should have been allowed to move on to the next main villain. As such, I’m moving Zarkon’s defeat further down the line and will be modifying some of the consequences there in.
P Much Everything About Lotor’s Acr/ Motives
Lotor… Man, Lotor was confusing and a lot of wasted potential. They painted him as if they wanted him to be a morally grey villain, where he does terrible things for what he considers the betterment of others, but then, once it’s revealed that he was keeping secrets, he just… Goes full ham. He becomes Evil McAwful incarnate and it felt unrealistic. There were about 20 different directions they could have taken Lotor – before and after the reveal – and I just didn’t care for the approach they took. So, I’ll be doing things a little different and seeing how that goes.
What I’m Keeping from Seasons 3-6
Very, very little things are going to be kept from each of the aforementioned seasons and implemented in the fic. I’m not planning to keep too many of the big plot moments because they all bled into the issues I had with the story as it stood on its own. I will, however, take some of the small things from those three seasons and include them here. This also applies to certain elements from the other seasons as well, but we’ll get there when we get there.
Adopting Kosmo
Kosmo will be in this fic, come Hell or high water. He is the Best Boi and deserves to be here.
Cut Fic Content
Okay, so here’s the weird one in this line up! As the title implies, there’s some content that I have cut from the fic, even this early on. I actually have some of the Kogane-Holt bonding scenes still drafted up somewhere in my files. I removed them because I was worried that they’d feel too much like filler. There’s also some scenes I started to work out from when I planned to have Keith grow up with Pidge and Matt; specifically including a scene where Krolia and Ethan talk about the idea and decide to commit.
Some of these ideas won’t work in the fic as it stands now, though. I also, however, like the idea of putting it out for everyone to read. So, I’m debating on making a separate one-shot collection of things that could have happened, or just adding them as the occasional buffer between the arcs of the story. I’ll make a poll when I get closer to the point of deciding how to proceed, so keep an eye out for that. :3
That’s all for now! I hope you all enjoy the updates and I’ll hopefully be updating again sooner than this time!
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crimson-mage-02 · 6 years
My Version of Kallura and Plance in Season 8
Lance would confess to Hunk that he realised that he likes Pidge and not Allura.
Hunk would encourage Lance big time to ask Pidge out before they go on their mission.
Lance then decided to take the opportunity to ask her out and tell her how he feels.
After the meeting, Lance would find Pidge and tries to ask her out. "Pidge, I-I know this is sudden but, I was wondering if, maybe, we could you know, go on a date? You and me?"
Pidge would freeze and start to stutter out words as Colleen helped her out by saying, "Yes! I mean, Katie would love to go on a date with you!Right Katie, dear?"
Pidge between Lance and her mom and finally said, "Yeah, sure ok."
Lance gave her a smile and winked at her as he left to prepare.
At the same time, Allura was waiting for Keith to finish up talking with Shiro.
When he finally came out of the room. She finally called out to him, "Keith, um, I was wondering if, you aren't too busy at the moment?"
Keith studied her body language and noticed that she was clearly nervous. "No. I'm all free."
Allura the smiled as she saw Romelle behind Keith giving her a thumbs up.
"Well I was wondering if, uh, you would like to... Go out with me? For a date with me?" Allura ask him.
Keith was quiet them smiled, "Sure. I'd like that. So I'll meet you at your quarter?" Keith ask as Allura smiled.
Romelle cheered as the girls went to find Pidge and go on shopping for dresses.
Pidge did tell Allura that she was going out with Lance. So they had to find new dresses to wear.
Keith was getting ready as Krolia was blurting out some words he could not understand but she was excited that he is going out with the princess.
Keith then went to Allura's quarters and found her wearing a red dress with her hair down and have a blue necklace. Keith stood there memorized by her beauty. "Whoa!" Allura giggled as she also looked at his attire. He was wearing a red shirt with a black leather jacket and black jeans. He also put his hair into a ponytail.
"You look nice, Keith." Allura says to him. The two went on their date and Keith took her on a ride on his hoverbike to a special place.
Keith has taken her where they have found the blue lion. Allura was beyond shock that he has taken her there and also saw the night sky. Out of the cave, Keith has set up a moonlight picnic.
Allura and Keith would watch the stars shining through the night as they confessed their feelings for each other.
Allura told hi. How much not hurt her when he had to leave for the blades. How much she misses him.
Keith would feel guilty and then told her that he wanted to protect her from Lotor and he was too late since she already loved Lotor.
Allura then told him that she has feelings for him as Keith held her hand. They kissed under the moonlight sky.
Lance and Pidge were at Lance's house for dinner as Lance's family were telling Pidge some embarrassing stories about Lance.
Pidge would giggle everytime Lance pouts but he smiles only because Pidge was enjoying the night.
He took her out to a park and he confesses that he wanted to wait until the war is over but he couldn't wait. He would say, "Pidge- I mean Katie. All this time I thought I liked Allura but now, I realised that I love you. I understand if you don't really feel the same way."
Pidge gave him a look of reassurance and says. "Lance. I have always liked you. Since I first you, actually. I tried to hide my feelings for you but now, I can finally tell how I exactly feel."
Lance and Pidge smiled as they leaned in for a kiss.
At the launch, Keith and Allura held hands, standing proud in front of the audience with Coran looking at them with a smile and he thought of the two just like Alfor and Melenor.
He also noticed that Lance and Pisge were holding hands as well.
Shiro also noticed too. All was well. After his speech. Keith and Allura met up with Krolia and had this blank expression which scares Allura. Bit then her expression broke into a big warm smile and hugged her. "Welcome to the family Allura!"
Allura smiled as Keith smiled at the sight as Kolivan gave him encouraging words.
Lance was hugging his mom while Pidge went up to his niece and nephew. They all said their farewells to their loved ones. They were all ready to defeat Honerva.
Hope you like it!!! I am planning to write up a fanfic of my own version of S8. But I don't know if I should do it or not.
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eldunea · 5 years
also consider the following for voltron pokémon masters AU:
costs of gems isn’t so damn expensive. in the actual irl game you have to pay like $20 to get enough gems to scout 10 pairs and i just…holy balls that is SO UNREASONABLE?? LIKE WTF i can smell the greed all the way from over HERE
more complicated plot and dialogue; longer and more in-depth cutscenes. still has that childlike charm to it, but it’s somewhat darker (of course, because i’m writing it) and a whole lot deeper. like seriously. i think it’s insulting to kids to just give them cliché, fluffy plots and dialogue because it’s the only thing we think they understand and can emotionally handle. 
greater trainer customization options like for hair. option to buy clothing and a different backpack using coins.
choose your starter pokémon! you can choose from between bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle and pikachu.
characters can romance each other and you get to decide the outcome! playable ships include: sheith, shadam, shurtis, lotura, allurance, klance, kallura, lancelot, hunay, hidge, ventor, alforan, jaith, zezor, lotacxa, romellura, nymatt, acxa x narti, rolo x nyma, dayak x coran, zarkon x alfor, honerva x melenor. 
you can dictate ships by having trainers battle next to each other (first one in the center, next one on the right) while grinding or in the storyline, and you get support convos between them like in fire emblem to see how their relationships develop. ships can’t advance unless you play through their support convos, however, so if you happen to pair in battle two characters that you don’t necessarily want to be together, that won’t affect their shipped status.
you have to grind a LOT to get two characters together. you advance to the next support convo by having them train alongside each other repeatedly.
in addition, you can also personally romance your favorite voltron characters through the same method. romanceable characters include: shiro, keith, lance, pidge, hunk, lotor, allura, coran, gyrgan, trigel, blaytz, acxa, narti, ezor, zethrid, dayak, curtis, rolo and nyma. they won’t care what your gender is. any relationship is possible!
characters who are dating or married will sometimes stand next to each other in the pokémon center. they also are more likely to give you presents, so rub your filthy shipping hands together and pair up as many of your faves as possible!
if you are dating or married to a character, they will always be the one to give you the good morning message.
zarkon and honerva are preset married, as well as alfor and melenor. however, if you get together two or more of them (zarkon x alfor and/or honerva x melenor), they will go polyamorous.
you can get sven, the alternate version of shiro, through a special limited time event. 
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Shifting Futures (Chapter 6 - Final)
Summary: While trying to save Shiro, the Black Lion accidentally sends him to the future, where he encounters a much older Keith and Pidge. To them, he’s been missing for ten years and declared dead for five of them. The two vow to do everything they can to get him back where he belongs, but when new and old feelings rise to the surface, will they still want to? And does Shiro really want to go back?
A Shkidge time-travel fix-it AU.
Also posted on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Chapter 6: Farewell
If Shiro had to pick one thing that surprised him the most about dating Keith and Pidge, it had to be how unexpectedly affectionate Keith could get at times. A close second was how easy it was to entice Pidge away from her work, which he seemed to recall being more like pulling teeth.
Mornings brought sweet kisses from Pidge whenever he returned from his run. Afternoons were filled with cuddling on the couch and talking to Keith, tactfully asking whatever he could about the future he'd wound up in. The flirting over dinner was always fun, and Shiro delighted in the ways he could get Keith to turn red or send Pidge into an unexpected coughing fit. And while he didn't yet feel bold enough to join them in bed, Shiro knew that as time went on it would be harder and harder to resist.
Shiro sighed as he rested his head in Keith's lap, enjoying the way the other man ran his fingers through his hair. “Tell me more about Lance and Allura's kids?”
“Well, there are five of them,” Keith said, and Shiro snorted in amusement. “What, that's not enough? I'm starting to think you're just using me for illegal future knowledge.”
Shiro could tell from his tone that he was just kidding, but he rolled over onto his back anyway. He reached up and caught Keith's hands in his own, bringing it down to press butterfly kisses against his fingertips. “I'd never.”
Keith stared down at him in amusement. “Uh huh. Okay, Leo's the oldest and is almost seven now. He's pretty determined that he's going to be the next Blue paladin, and honestly, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he is. He's a handful, that's for sure. Maribel and Melenor are twin girls. We used to call them the little princesses, but now they insist on being knights. Alanna, though, loves it. Of course, she's only two, so everything's fun to her as long as she can do whatever she wants. And Alfor's barely one, so nothing really keeps his attention except for food goo, because he can play with it and eat it without someone telling him 'no'. It's always pretty crazy over there when we visit for birthdays. Fun, but crazy. And loud.”
“Not really your thing?”
Keith shrugged. “Growing up, it was just me and my dad. Things were nice and quiet. And Pidge only had Matt, so it's a lot for her too.” He threaded his fingers together with Shiro's and let their joined hands rest over Shiro's heart. “Pidge told me you saw the crib.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Shiro asked.
“I think she pretty much summed it up. We both want a kid one day, but right now isn't the right time,” Keith said. “There's still so much risk to what we do. I could never... I never want them to go through what I did.”
Shiro sat up so he could properly face Keith. “That would never happen. There are so many people in your life who would take them in, raise them with stories of the two of you. Pidge's parents would. Matt would. Allura and Lance. Hunk and Shay... Me.”
“You'd be a great dad, Shiro,” Keith said softly.
“And you and Pidge would be amazing parents. It's alright to be afraid of what the future holds, but if it's something you both want...” Shiro paused, frowning. “Is it something you want?”
“More than I've ever wanted anything,” Keith admitted.
Shiro leaned forward and kissed Keith on the forehead. “I'm glad. There's nothing that I want more than for the two of you to be happy.”
“Is that why you said yes?”
“No,” Shiro said with a shake of his head and a small smile. “I said yes because it's something I want.”
Keith relaxed slightly. “...but you still plan on leaving.”
Keith lowered his gaze, not knowing what else to say.
“Keith, if all I get are a few months of happiness with you and Pidge, it's worth it. Going back and changing things is worth it, if it means you don't have to know the pain of losing another person you care about.” Shiro reached out and tilted up Keith's head. “I'd rather have this time with you than wonder for the rest of my life what it would be like.”
Pidge's words echoed back to Keith. “It could be a month or a year. But just for a while, we could try?”
Keith's tongue darted out to wet his lips. Any time with Shiro was precious, and while a few months would never be enough for Keith, he knew when to admit that they were right. If he didn't take advantage, he would regret it.
He leaned in slowly, his eyes fluttering shut as Shiro met him halfway. Their lips brushed together, parting briefly, and then Keith pressed forward. He could feel Shiro smile into their kiss.
“You should spend more time with Shiro.”
Pidge glanced up at Keith and then went back to her work. “I will. I'm just so close to... to, um...” She stopped what she was doing and fully turned around to face her husband, taking note of his unusually mussed hair with some amusement. “Are you sure you don't want to spend more time with him on your own? You look like you're having a good time.”
Keith flushed. “I am, but it's not right if you're not part of this too. You're so focused on your research that you haven't spent any time with him.”
A rush of guilt flooded her at his words. It was true; she'd been so wrapped up with her promise to find a way for him to go back that she'd let it consume her. Aside from shared meals and their brief morning greetings, she'd barely spent any time with him. And it wasn't like she was eager to send him away! She just wanted him to have the chance to choose for himself for once. He deserved that, after everything he'd been through.
Pidge glanced back at her computer and the algorithms she's written with help from Slav. They were almost perfect.
'It wouldn't hurt to take a break,' she mused to herself as she made sure her work was saved. Then she stood, wincing at the way her spine cracked in protest. She walked over to Keith and stood on tiptoe to kiss him. “Well, I can't let you have all the fun,” she murmured as she pulled away.
Keith chuckled and chased after her for another quick kiss. “Go. Get out of the house for a while.”
“What will you do?” Pidge asked.
“Probably clean up all of my tools that Kosmo's been using as chew toys. Maybe work on the bike for a bit,” Keith replied.
With one last kiss shared between them, Pidge set of to find Shiro and invite him for a leisurely walk. It wouldn't be a long one - nature was the Green Lion's element, not her own – but she couldn't deny that it was nice to get out of the house for a little while, especially when it meant getting to hold Shiro's hand as they strolled along.
“How's your research?” Shiro asked kindly.
“It's going well. It took a while to get Slav-” (Shiro made a face.) “-to stay on topic, but now that he knows I'm serious about it, there's no getting him to shut up about alternate realities and the flow of space-time,” Pidge grumbled. “I just have to make sure our calculations are correct and then I can start testing. Well, and actually build the time machine.” She frowned, scrunching up her nose. “It's going to need a better name. Like... like...”
“A time portal?” Shiro suggested.
Pidge hummed as she considered it. “That does sound better, but it's still not right. Time portal makes me think of something that lets you see different points in time, not travel to them.” She glanced up at him suddenly unsure of their conversation. Shiro didn't look like he minded it, but there had to be something more pleasant for them to talk about. Something that would be less of a reminder of how short their time together was.
Shiro squeezed her hand. “Maybe you could show me some of your designs, if you've started on them.”
“I might have a few,” Pidge said.
She had every intention of showing him her notebook full of designs. Really, she did. But somewhere along the way they ended up making out instead, and that was so much nicer than talking about time travel.
Pidge gasped as Shiro lifted her up, giving her little option but to wrap her legs around his waist for better stability. Her arms were already around his neck, her fingers entangled in his hair. It felt so undeniably good, but there was a quiet voice at the back of her mind telling her to slow down a little. There was something missing.
She made a throaty sound as Shiro swooped down and captured her lips in a deep kiss, losing herself in pleasure for a few minutes longer. “Wait,” she gasped as he drew back to catch his breath. “Wait.”
Shiro gently eased her down onto the bed, and while he didn't move away from her, he didn't push any further. “I'm sorry. It's too fast. I shouldn't-”
Pidge pressed a finger against his lips, cutting him off. “Trust me, it's not too fast and you have nothing to apologize for.” She slowly lowered her hand, trailing her finger down over his jaw and then back around his neck, keeping him right where she wanted him. “Have either of us told you how we got together?”
“A giant robot lion and an intergalactic war?” Shiro guess.
“Ha. Cute. I mean it, Shiro. Keith's never mentioned it to you?”
Shiro shook his head. “I think he's been waiting for me to ask. I... I haven't wanted to. It only reminds him.”
“Two years after you disappeared, we were celebrating. We'd just delivered a massive blow to Sendak's forces and chased him away from Earth. There was a little drinking. I think I remember Lance attempting a striptease. Hunk says I fell over myself flirting with Allura, but I'm sure he was just exaggerating.” She shrugged at Shiro's questioning look. “I have eyes, Shiro. Anyway, that's not the point. What I do remember is Keith walking me back to my room. And then not leaving.”
It was a good memory; one she would always cherish. It may not have been the most conventional way to start a lasting relationship, but she wouldn't complain. Besides, she thought they handled the whole thing maturely.
“And you started dating after that?”
“No, then we started sleeping together regularly,” Pidge corrected. “Eight months after that, we had our first official date.”
Shiro chuckled in amusement and pressed his lips to her forehead. “No wonder you don't think this is rushing. At least we're dating.”
A giggle burst free from Pidge's throat. Leave it to Shiro to treat even unusual circumstances as though they were perfectly normal. Though she couldn't help but wonder how he would have reacted had he still been with them when the team found out. (Matt, for example, had done his best to put Keith through a wall when he found out. It'd taken Allura, Hunk, and Lance to pull him away.)
She pulled Shiro down onto the bed with her, using his surprise to her advantage so she could flip him on his back and straddle his waist. Pidge grinned down at him.
Shiro's hands settled on her hips. “And what will you do with me now, Katie?”
Pidge swallowed, trying not to let it show how affected she was by the use of her real name. “Now... now I think I'll keep you here like this. It'll make a nice surprise for Keith.”
Shiro's eyes glittered with anticipation.
It was with great reluctance that Pidge dragged herself out of bed the next morning, moving slowly so she wouldn't wake Keith or Shiro. She dressed herself and then took a moment to look at them, smiling at the way Shiro had latched onto Keith in his sleep.
How had she gotten so lucky? Shiro fit together with them so well, like a puzzle piece they didn't know they'd been missing.
What were they going to do once he was gone?
She shook her head to clear herself of such gloomy thoughts and quietly made her way out of the room and downstairs to get started on breakfast. If she was lucky, they would sleep in for once and she could surprise them with breakfast in bed. (She doubted they would, but it was nice to dream.)
As she was gathering what she needed, the doorbell rang.
Pidge frowned as she set a pan on the counter. She could hear the sound of someone rolling out of bed upstairs, their feet hitting the floor hard. “I'll get it!” she called out, giving them extra time to prepare for their guest.
She took her time getting to the door, wondering who was there at such an early hour. It wasn't like they had neighbors and Matt always called ahead before showing up. She got her answer when she opened the door to see Hunk, Lance, and Allura on the other side.
“What are you guys doing here?” Pidge asked bluntly, nowhere near awake enough for pleasantries.
“We've been worried about you,” Allura said. “You and Keith have been holed up here for months except for missions. And Hunk says you've been talking to Slav about alternate realities or something.”
Pidge groaned and stepped aside, wordlessly inviting them inside. 'Damn you, Slav.'
'Sorry,' Hunk mouthed at her as he passed, offering her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
Pidge led them to the kitchen, where Hunk noticed her beginnings of making breakfast and automatically took charge of it, partly out of habit and partly to have an excuse to not actively participate in whatever Allura and Lance had planned.
“So what's so important that you had to show up at seven in the morning?” Pidge asked.
“It's like Allura said, you and Keith have just been sitting out here for months. You didn't even come to my birthday!” Lance said.
“We called and sent a gift,” Pidge replied, crossing her arms over her chest. “We just want some peace and quiet for a bit, that's all. That's why we built our house all the way out here.”
Lance mimicked her stance. “Yeah, but this is something different. I can feel it.”
“Well maybe it's none of your business!”
Allura stepped between them before they could really start yelling. “Okay, that's enough. Pidge, I'm sorry we came so early and without telling you. We really have been worried and just wanted to see if there's anything we can help with. You've both been so quiet lately and then I heard about you working on a project with Slav and... And it just seemed so unlike you to stay quiet about something, is all.”
Pidge's anger deflated as Allura calmly spoke. She couldn't really fault them for getting worried. They had been distancing themselves since they found Shiro.
“I have been working on something, I just didn't want to say anything because I wasn't sure if it would work,” Pidge said, picking her words carefully. She wasn't going to lie to them, but she couldn't tell the full truth either. “The only reason Slav is involved is because he knows more about it than I do and I needed the help.”
Lance fidgeted and then opened his mouth. “I think Keith's cheating on you.”
“Lance!” Allura snapped, whirling around to face her husband.
“What the fuck, Lance?” Keith growled from the stairway. He stalked into the kitchen towards the other man, fury radiating from his very being. “Why would you ever think something like that? I love Katie!”
Any other time, Pidge would have tried to intervene in whatever fight they picked with each other, but for once she though Lance deserved whatever Keith was about to do. In fact, she might actually help.
Hunk broke away from cooking to stop Keith before he could do anything he would later regret. “Keith, what Lance said is wrong, but can we stop and cool down for a second? Everyone?”
“Or at least let him explain why he'd say something so stupid before you punch him,” Pidge said.
“Yes, exact- wait, no,” Hunk corrected himself, frowning at Pidge. “No punching. Lance, explain.”
Lance looked around helplessly, as if he'd just become aware that he wasn't getting any backup. “Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it like that. I just... I just had this feeling that there was something weird the last time we formed Voltron and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it! You know how we can kind of pick up on strong thoughts and feelings when we're together like that?”
“So... you think Keith has strong feelings for someone who isn't me?” Pidge tried to make sense of what Lance was saying.
“Yes! That!”
Pidge turned her gaze to Keith, who had calmed down enough that he no longer looked as though he was seconds away from decking Lance. And while she was still angry that he assumed such an awful thing, it was interesting that he'd picked up on their anxiety over Shiro.
She walked over to join Keith, waving Hunk away back to his cooking, so they could face their friends together. “Should we tell them?” she asked quietly.
After a moment of contemplation, Keith nodded.
Pidge took a deep breath. “Keith and I have a boyfriend.”
Their reactions were instantaneous. Hunk fumbled with a spatula and nearly dropped it on the floor. Lance's mouth hung open in shock. Allura choked on air as she gasped.
There was a beat of silence before Hunk recovered enough to say: “You know I was only joking about the harem thing, right, Pidge?”
“And don't you think I would have picked Allura first if that was my plan?” Pidge joked back. “And Lance too, I guess. Packaged deal and all.”
“I am never dating Lance,” Keith grumbled.
“I know, dear.”
“Boyfriend?” Lance squeaked. “What-? But who?”
“Me,” Shiro said, taking that as his cue to step out of the stairway and into the kitchen, giving their friends a second heart-attack in the span of a few minutes.
As before, there was a period of silence before all hell broke loose and their friends mobbed him, talking too fast for anyone to get a word in. Hunk was sobbing as he threw his arms around Shiro. Lance, tearing up even as he cursed Pidge and Keith for keeping it a secret. And Allura, openly weeping as she tried to confirm that it really was him.
It was some time later that they all sat down together, food forgotten as Pidge and Keith explained the events leading up to their unexpected visit that morning. Some things – the more intimate details – were naturally left out, as was Pidge's pursuit of a way to send him back.
“So you didn't want to tell us because...?” Lance prodded.
“Because Pidge is building a time machine,” Hunk said, his eye widening with realization. “That's why you're working with Slav! It's not alternate realities you're interested in, it's the flow of space-time!”
Pidge nodded.
“You're not staying?” Allura asked Shiro, sounding disappointed.
“I have to go back, if it's possible. I want to change things. Not everything, but...” He hesitated, looking at Keith. “But more than that, there's so much I missed out on. I want to be there to see your children born, Allura. I want to be there for all of you. For the good times and the bad.”
Allura's smile was a sad one. “You know it might not change things for us. It could just create an alternate reality.”
“I know. I still want to try. Even if it is another version of all of you, it's still you. It's a Keith who didn't have to spend ten years searching. A Pidge who didn't have to give up on a friend.”
Allura reached across the table to take his hand. “Alright. Then whatever you need in order to go back, let me know.” She turned to Pidge, who looked as though she was seconds away from crying. “We're here to help. Any time.”
With their friends on board to lend a hand, Pidge finished up the Time Transporter much sooner than she expected. What she predicted would take another six or eight months on her own, only took three, even with testing and building the machine itself.
The day before was dreary and overcast, perfect for the somber atmosphere of Shiro's farewell dinner. They'd all wanted the chance to say goodbye, but had agreed the day he left would be just Shiro, Keith, and Pidge.
Stories were swapped, from the times before Shiro's disappearance and more than a few through the years he'd missed. Mostly silly stories. Lance reminisced about the fun times on the Castle of Lions, like the food goo fight and the squishy asteroids. (Or even that one time the castle tried to kill them all.) Allura's stories of a houseful of half-Altean children and an offhand remark that maybe there was room for another. Keith's countless tales of Kosmo's antics when they all lived on the Atlas and how he would team up with Baebae to wreak havoc. Hunk, gushing over Shay and their baby boy, Vayren. Pidge had a number of stories about Matt and her family, carefully chosen to not reveal too much.
There were no dry eyes when Hunk, Allura, and Lance left that night.
The next morning dawned clear and bright, drying out the wetness from the day before. No one could stomach much of a breakfast and it wasn't long before the three of them were standing in the backyard.
Pidge knelt down to make sure the Time Transporter was set correctly, as well as to give herself a moment to collect herself. She knew if she looked at Shiro she'd never be able to get the words out. “Remember, I can't send you back to the exact moment you left, in case I overshoot and you go back too far. Your best chance is getting sent back ten years from this moment.” She stopped to rub her eyes and then stood up, her voice breaking. “It's set to target Keith. You'll show up wherever he is in the past.”
“Oh, Katie,” Shiro said softly, wrapping her up in his arms. “It'll be okay. You'll see me soon. I know it. Everything's going to be alright.”
Pidge sobbed and buried her face in his chest, unable to bring herself to say anything else. After a few minutes, she was calm enough to let go of him, though tears continued to stream down her face.
“Keith,” Shiro's voice cracked as he turned to face the other man.
Keith's smile was brittle. “See you soon, Shiro.”
Shiro looked away, his hand trembling as he gripped the handle of the Time Transporter. He flipped the switch to give it time to work and then lifted his head, getting one last look at them. “I love you both.”
And then he was gone.
Pidge fell to her knees, sobbing once again, and Keith went to her, hiding his face in her hair as he cried.
They sat in the grass and held each other for a long time.
And then Kosmo gleefully barked from somewhere in the house, and like waking from a spell, Pidge and Keith slowly untangled and he helped her up, freezing as he got a good look at her.
“Pidge?” His voice was full of wonder as he placed his hand on her belly, which had been perfectly flat the last he checked.
Pidge looked down, her eyes wide. “How?”
As new memories trickled in, slowly growing stronger and pushing aside the old until their ten years without Shiro felt more like a well-watched movie than reality, they knew what happened.
“Shiro,” they said in unison, hurrying inside to find him.
Pidge and Keith were almost to the hall when they heard the front door shut and Shiro's voice call out: “We're home!”
Tiny footsteps raced towards them and Keith stepped in front of Pidge in time to catch a little girl with dark hair and sweep her up into his arms. She squealed and giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a wet kiss against his cheek with a playful, “Mwah!”
“Keira,” Pidge breathed, staring at their daughter. She felt like crying all over again, but at least she could blame it on the hormones.
And then Shiro walked in, a little older and with much whiter hair, but still very much the Shiro they fell in love with. Keith slowly set Keira down, unable to take his eyes off of him.
“Sweetie, why don't you and Kosmo go play outside?” he asked.
“Kosmo!” Keira giggled as the comic wolf loped over to her and laid down, letting her climb onto his back. Once she had a good grip on his harness, he trotted out the back door.
Shiro set down his backpack, his expression one of concern as he approached Pidge. He reached out to brush away her fresh tears. “Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen? Is everything alright?”
“You did it,” Keith said, his tone conveying his awe. “You actually...”
“Changed things,” Pidge choked out with a happy laugh. “You changed the timeline. Our timeline!”
With a shout of delight, Shiro pulled his wife and husband in for a warm hug, basking in the knowledge that he'd done what he set out to do.
At last, everything was right in their universe.
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mygirlblossoms · 6 years
Greatest Parts of the Coalition Handbook
Okay I'm writing these bullets as I read it so its all gonna be under the cut (it’s gonna be long and have spoilers)
Also this is both greatest parts and a low-key summary
“In Memory of the Castle of Lions”
Pidge is a GOD at tic-tac-toe
“Well, what are you waiting for? The dark threat of the Sincline beast is upon us! Might as well start reading, eh?” -Coran
Picture of all the paladins 
Especially Blaytz in there my daddi
brb crying its so cute
Pidge commenting on how she's #1 in Coran’s heart
Coran missing helping Alfor with his socks
Also coran calling it a celebrity friendship name
Hunk’s comments on Shiro’s page
“Shiro always makes sure that everyone around him feels comfortable. Except for Zarkon. He didn’t really want to make Zarkon comfortable. I mean, I don’t think anyone wanted to make Zarkon comfortable. Zarkon was the worst.”
What Lance misses about earth “Hanging with my niece and nephew and eating garlic knots”
Keith’s comment on the bottom being about the bonding moment and Lance not replying
That being the only comment Lance didn’t reply to
“Lance is an integral part of the Voltron team. Do not let his wisecracking behavior deceive you. Lance is fully equipped with the intellect and physical prowess to handle anything that comes his way.”
We love Lance being validated and praised in this house
what makes allure happy being seeing her fathers legacy continue
and drinking milkshakes
me too
I love allura
Lance saying Allura says his name like a rich person
Allura’s mom name reveal
its melenor
King Alfor, Queen Melenor, and Princess Allura
Kallura is canon
Tsundere vibes from Keith
The entire team supporting Keith tbh
Pidge’s fucking dog is named Bae-Bae
Allura emphasizing that Pidge is always valued and loved
“on earth you never feel alone” HUNK BABY I LOVE YOU
“I fear loneliness above all else” HUNK BABY DIUGHSDJKNSFGDHJK
Keith saying Hunk is so much more than a leg
Hunk getting the love and validation he deserves tbh
Why does kaltenecker have so much bio
Everyone being uncomfortable about the fact milk comes from cows
Lance being the designated milker
They have names!!!!!!!!
Platt (the chubby one), Chulatt (the smallest), Plachu (the blue tinted one), and Chuchule (the purple tinted one)
The mice outing Lance’s love for Allura again
The little section for the fallen blade members ):
Thace, Ulaz, Antok,and Regris
the spread of the rebels with Matt I love matt
why the fuck is slav in here
can we have a pidge artbook
“There is a 99.9 percent chance you don’t want to be around Slav.”
The 2 pages on Ozar and Te-Osh :’)
him being a supportive af brother
him thinking he’d never see his family again :(
“he was all buff and stuff” -pidge
“What I miss most about home: having the family all together. I worry we will never do that again”
“Something I’m not afraid to admit: I think Colleen is going to yell at me for not taking the kids back to Earth with me. Sorry, Colleen. If you ever read this, I love you, sweetie.”
Sam is such a family man I love him so much
Lance’s favorite planet being “the mermaid planet”
Hunk’s is a nacho planet
Side note: pidge knows that Lotor killed Narti???
this time, clouds
Keith wants to record all the names of the brave fallen warriors on Marchanda :(
Theres a whole page on the space hospital I'm
Idk who is writing - Coran I think - but he brings up NYC? How do they even know what NYC is (the writer says they’re Altean)
Okay, coran is writing this. How tf does he know about NYC bagels
Coran saying that Allura and Lotor “Romantically linked” and pidge saying they kissed and then Coran saying “We all make bad decisions sometimes!”
“Honerva and Haggar are two different people. Haggar is a twisted version of what was once so beautiful and pure”
Zarkon is afraid of cats
[About Ezor] “The Galra value honor, and camouflaging yourself isn’t exactly honorable” -Keith 
you know what I’m going to make a separate post about pidge’s drawings
She drew a smiling Voltron if you’re wondering
I love Keith for his lil comments 
“The [black] lion believed in me before I believed in myself” -Keith
[Keith about Red] “I’m going to be honest. I was surprised with how fast Red responded to Lance since she nearly let me die, but he totally deserves to be flying with her.” “Aww, thanks, Keith. That might be the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Klance is cannon king
Okay so at the end of the book theres a letter from Coran saying look out for Lotor and the Sincline beast because they’re bad news and to call Voltron if you see them basically
So highlights/summary from his letter introducing himself in ‘his own words’
“Through my leadership - and not Voltron’s - we can create an empire that even my father, Zarkon, would have been fearful of. Together, we can do this. Together, we will fight on. If you are with me, please keep reading. These pages will include an insider’s look at MY empire and why we need Quintessence for ALL of us.”
Okay this whole thing is petty I'm - I love lotor
“To enter HQ you need to come through the landing bay. There, you will meet with a phalanx of sentries. These banners show that I am not, in fact, as bloodthirsty or cutthroat as the PALADINS have made me seem.” 
You tell em bby
He also mentions the “cool” sentry. He also mentions their cool cafeteria you can use if you join him. God, I love Lotor
Introduces all the Galran contenders for the throne
Known Pervious Galran Rulers
“Zarkon: powerful, yes. Flawed? Also, yes.”
There’s one of the stills from when Zarkon (?) was having flashbacks of the OG paladins and its of Alfor and Zarkon shaking hands and I love them so much Blaytz is there too 
Basically says that if you join his empire they will take down Voltron and bring real peace to the universe 
“Now doesn’t that sound BETTER than some measly coalition led by a bunch of weak Earth people? I thought so!”
“I am afraid I don’t have much more to say, other than thanking you for reading my letter. Together, with the Sincline beast, we will end Voltron and bring about peace to the universe.”
“How’s that for your coalition, Voltron?”
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
a single drop of sun
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2oVwZbO
by skimmillk
Lance is a Prince.
He just doesn’t know it. Being kidnapped by an old woman, Honerva, on your first day of life will do that to you.
Oh yeah, he also has magical hair that glows when he sings.
After he meets Keith Kogane, a wanted thief in the kingdom, Lance sees this as his ticket to see the lanterns. Together, they get into a lot more trouble than they asked for— being chased by a particularly furious guard horse, two vengeful lesbian thieves, and a selfish old hag.
Will they survive and part ways as unlikely friends? Or will they become something more?
(Or: Klance Tangled AU)
Words: 770, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Alfor (Voltron), Melenor (Voltron), Haggar (Voltron), Ezor (Voltron), Zethrid (Voltron), Blue Lion (Voltron), Red Lion (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Tangled (2010) Fusion, Lance as Rapunzel because he deserves it, Keith as Flynn Rider because that boy is a thief and I will fight you on it don’t test me, klance, Pining Keith (Voltron), Pining Lance (Voltron), Mutual Pining, Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Lance (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Langst, kinda???? im counting it, Violence, Near Death Experiences, Character Death, he’s revived tho so it’s gucci, Drama & Romance, Inspired by Tangled (2010), tangled aus are so pure oml
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2oVwZbO
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lovelyllamasblog · 6 years
Voltron Disney Show AU: Shiro as Jesse (’11-’15)
Jesse (‘11-’15) / Shiro
Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane as Jesse (age 25), the older, adoptive brother of Keith. Shiro met Keith during the time he was stationed in Texas and adopted him when he found out his parents passed away. He later left the army due to an injury and moves to New York to find work. Shiro ends up becoming the live-in nanny for the Altea family and their children, the majority of who are adopted from around the world. Shiro is calm and level headed, but finds himself having to get the kids out of any trouble they may end up in. He later meets Curtis and moves in with him.
Keith Kogane (age 13-14) is Shiro’s younger adopted brother. Keith moves into the Altea’s penthouse after Shiro accepts the nanny position. He is street smart and has a “rivalry” (?) with one of the kids, Lance. He comes off as cold and detached to the Altea’s children at first, but grows close to them, allowing for him and Lance to get over their “rivalry” and form a close knit friendship.
(Princess) Allura Altea as Emma Ross, Alfor and Melenor Altea's daughter, and the only one who was not adopted. The oldest of the Altea children (14-15), Allura is responsible and kind-hearted, with four mice as her pets, one of each that was a gift from her siblings. Allura is very close with her siblings and will not hesitate to stand up for them. Her best friend is Romelle. She had a short lived relationship with Lotor.
Lance McClain as Luke Ross, the first of the Altea’s adoptive children (age 13-14). Lance is originally from Cuba and is a flirt with a love for dancing, swimming and surfing during family vacations. Lance is fluent in Spanish and often uses it to flirt with people and to try and get himself out of trouble. He is also on the school swim team. Lance starts a rivalry with Keith, but they end up bonding when Lance starts teaching Keith Spanish and how to dance.
Hunk Garrett as Ravi Ross, one of the Altea’s adoptive children who is of Samoan and African American descendent and is originally from Miami, Florida (age 13-14). Hunk is usually quiet, reserved and prefers to stay out of trouble, but he can be outspoken when the situation calls for it. Hunk also has a great love for cooking and can usually be found in the kitchen with Coran or helping Pidge with their latest technological endeavor.
Katie Holt/Pidge Gunderson as Zuri Ross, the youngest of the Altea’s children and was adopted from the Boston foster care system (age 12-13). Pidge prefers to be called by their nickname rather than their real name, though they are usually called Katie when they are in trouble. Pidge has a great love for technology and science, which is attributed to the fact that they accell in everything but the arts. Pidge also helps her siblings in the subjects they can’t understand.
Matt Holt (age 14-15) is Pidge’s biological brother who was adopted a year after Shiro became the nanny to the Altea kids. After their parents passed away, Pidge and Matt were separated, which caused both of them to run away from their foster homes in order to be together again. Much like his sister, he is very intelligent and also has a great bond with his sibling. Matt becomes close to his new siblings and Shiro and enjoys living “1,000 feet above ground”. He hopes to one day become an astronaut like his sibling and explore space.
Coran as Bertram, the family’s butler. He is very understanding and kind, but can also be strict when the situation calls for it. He doesn’t usually gives out the punishments and usually prefers to leave it to Shiro. Coran also constantly calls Pidge by their real name, despite Pidge constantly asking him not to. He has known Alfor since childhood and is more than happy to be there when he can not. He is also a mediocre cook, so he mostly leaves the cooking to Hunk.
Alfor and Melenor Altea as Morgan and Christina Ross, the parents of the Altea children and Shiro’s employers. They are usually away due to their work, but are constantly in contact with their kids and are very loving and caring parents. They can also be strict if need be. When Shiro decides to move to California with Adam, they come back and decide to be there more for their kids, permanently living in the penthouse with everyone.
Space Mice as Mr./Mrs. Kipling, Allura’s pet mice. They were each a gift from her siblings. She treasures them and tells them everything. They have a big fancy cage that her parents bought for them, which takes up an entire wall in Allura’s room.
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avatarpabu97 · 6 years
Voltron au part 3
I’ve gone crazy with this au. Which I shall call V-Force. Based off of @cxffeecreams post. (Sorry if I’m bugging you with this) Also Adam’s last name is Wren because I miss Star Wars Rebels. Again this is up for grabs if any one wants it. These are just story ideas.
Adashi family back story
Ok a little backstory on Space Dad and Earth Dad. Adam and the Shirogane twins were childhood friends. Mama Shirogane and Mama Wren were flight partners and Papa Shirogane and Papa Wren are engineers.
The Wrens and Shiroganes are a military family for generations and when the garrison was formed they joined them.
Ryou followed his dad footsteps in engineering while Adashi followed their Mamas.
They were surprised by the boys relationship but were happy for them.
The fun times end with this because like everyone else  in the garrison the Shiroganes and the Wrens think Keith was just some disciplinary case they thought their boys took pity on him.
Ryou has even gotten into fights with Takashi over it, telling him he’s wasting his career, time and health on someone who wont change.
Adam put the fear of god in Ryou about it.
The Voltrons and the Coalition work at freeing more of the Empire.
Haggar and Zarkon have beem throwing a lot at them trying to get lost shipments or territory.
The OG Paladins have a few close calls with Zarkon.
Hagger Senses that the lions, tigers, cheetahs and ships are tied to Allura, Romelle and Bandor 
They attempt an assaination on the three.
Hunk and Pidge have been making many tech advantages with the help of trigel and alfor
Hunk and Lance have been working on their diplomatic skills along with Gyrgun and Blaytz 
The OG Paladins have been teaching The New Paladins a thing or two.
Lance has gotten somewhat closer to Keith because they train together with Blaytz.(Not Klance. Sorry.)
They form brotherly relationship.
Keith has been training and going on blade missions causing even greater distance between all the Paladins and everyone else.
Allura is the Princess of Salt and Ice. She is still very cold towards Keith.
The Mcclains and Garrets sick of all the tension throw a family bbq for every one.
The BBQ works somewhat. 
Pidge puts the fear of God into Adashi for being oblivious to Keith.
Hunk got sick of Allura callousness and call her out on it.
Mrs. Holt calls out the behavior of the Wrens and Shiroganes. They now fear her and will do better by Keith.
Queen Melenor remind her husband and the OG paladins why they fear her. Especially after she put two and two together with Keith’s lineage.
Ina calls out  James being for rude to Keith because he doesn't want to admit his Crush. 
Ryan - Your solution for your crush is very unhealthy
Nadia- Quite Being a Dick and Apologize
Ina - we all need to.
Cue the failed assanation attempt and Keith almost dying by being a meat shield
Romelle and Bandor decide Keith is their new brother.
As Keith recovers everyone slowly began apologies with Keith and each other
He Sanada have a heart to heart
Ryner brings out a softer side to her.
C.Voltron and T.Voltron step up to the plate more with Keith recovering.
He’s a little unsure of all the affection from the Mcclains,, Holts and Garrets and very reluctant with everyone else 
Especially with the Shiroganes and The Wrens.
After Keith recovers its go time and they plan the attack on Zarkon.
Everything goes the same way as it did  in the show except with Allura being nicer to Keith and having their bonding moment in the hospital
Thace and Antok still die.
But this time the defeat Zarkon plan has more back up
Its still not enough especially With the Zarkon mech but Shiro still manages to get his Bayard back and incapacitating Zarkon.
Shiro still di- I mean disappears 
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