#shiropidge fic
shidgeisnasty · 7 years
Hold Me Close
Rated PG (very mild themes of PTSD and fear of abandonment, probably the fluffiest angst/angstiest fluff you can read)
1000 words (exactly! I added some more descriptive stuff to make that count)
Takes place sometime between Greening the Cube and The Blade of Marmora (s2 ep4-ep8)
They/them pronouns for Pidge
Enjoy! (and please leave a comment if you liked it! I don’t bite!)
Stale air…the stench of hot metal and unwashed flesh…flashes of light…the distant screams…
 Shiro jolted awake, sticky with sweat. His breaths came short and hard, as if he had physically run from his nightmare into the waking world. Shaking, he swung his legs over the edge of the firm barracks mattress, planting his bare feet on the cool floor. He combed his fingers through the short scruff of hair on top of his head, tangling them in his bangs as he attempted to slow his breathing.
This was nothing new for him; his nights were often filled with fitful sleep or none at all. Just gotta calm down, he told himself, closing his eyes, Maybe get some training in before the others wake up. But before he could settle his racing heart, he heard a knock at the door.
“Shiro? Are you okay?”
Shiro’s attention snapped to the door, his eyes wide with surprise.
“I’m coming in!” Pidge announced, their voice firm but clearly concerned. The door slid open and Pidge rushed inside, pale-faced and sweating almost as much as Shiro himself.
“What happened?” they demanded, “I heard you shout. Are you hurt?”
“It’s okay, Pidge, I’m fine,” Shiro asserted, though his voice wavered, threatening to betray his delicate state, “Go back to bed. I-it’s nothing.”
Pidge frowned, quickly scanning Shiro’s rough appearance. Without a word, they turned back towards the door. Instead of leaving, however, they punched the wall panel, closing the door.
“What are you - “ Shiro began, but Pidge interrupted,
“I don’t need to know everything but you don’t have to lie to me. I thought we were friends.”
“…we are friends. I just…I don’t want you to worry about it.” Pidge crossed to the bed, in as few strides as their short legs would carry them, and roughly sat next to Shiro.
“Too late,” they spat, “I’m already worried.” Shiro sighed and hung his head, resting his forearms on his knees.
“I had a nightmare, okay?” he admitted, “I get them all the time; it’s no big deal.” Pidge’s expression softened.
“What do you mean ‘all the time’?” they asked, “Like, every night?”
“Every night that I actually sleep.” This struck a nerve with Pidge, forcing them to reevaluate their approach. Tentatively, they reached out to touch Shiro’s shoulder. Shiro refused to look at them, but did not pull away.
“Honestly, I haven’t had a full night’s rest since I left Earth,” he revealed with a hint of embarrassment, “The first time.” Pidge slid closer to him on the bed, moving their hand to the base of his neck.
“I’m sorry…I didn’t know.”
“That’s because I don’t want anyone know. What kind of leader would I be if everyone just saw an exhausted trauma survivor?”
Pidge stared off towards the floor of the small room, struggling to think of what to say. They were never good at empathy; most of the time when they thought they were being reasonable, others saw selfishness and tactlessness.
We’re all made up of the same cosmic dust…
Of course…Maybe if they related on a personal level?
“I hardly sleep myself,” they shared, “I’d rather keep busy if I can’t sleep instead of just staring at a wall. I actually was walking around when I heard you.” Shiro turned slightly to look at them from the side of his vision, curious. Heart pounding and cheeks burning, Pidge scrambled to add to their comment to make it more about Shiro, and less about them.
“S-so you know, uh, if ever you need someone to talk to o-or just hang out with at night…” Unexpectedly, Shiro laughed. He faced Pidge with a gentle smile.
“Thanks, Pidge,” he said, “It means a lot.” Pidge froze. They hated when Shiro did that stupid, handsome smile, the one that made them feel like a useless freshman talking to a gorgeous upperclassman who was clearly out of their league. They hated that Shiro was just so effortlessly attractive when they felt like a moldy bag of potato chips.
“Don’t mention it,” they replied, haltingly almost to the point of forced, pulling their hand away, “I just…want to help out.” Shiro’s expression fell.
“What’s the matter?” he asked, “Did I do something wrong?” Pidge sighed, looking away.
“No. But…”
“But what?”
“Do…do you think we’d still be friends if none of this happened? I mean, if you were never captured and we all stayed on Earth?”
The silence that followed Pidge’s question weighed heavily on both of them. Shiro’s memories of Katie Holt were vague at best: Matt’s younger sibling, Commander Holt’s rarely seen second child. In fact, there had only been one occasion before the Kerberos mission that they had spoken to each other. Shiro remembered it vividly, as it had startled him that the fourth member of the Holt family, the one he’d often forgot lived there until they came out of their room periodically for the bathroom or for food, the person he’d assumed to be shy all those years had such a strong, clear voice.
“Do me a favor, will you? Don’t kill Matt while you’re out there. That’s my job.”
“I’ll soften him up for you. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds great.”
“I…don’t know…” Shiro responded softly, “Maybe if we’d made it back safely, we could’ve…” They locked eyes, both imagining a life without Voltron, without Zarkon, a life where they could have slowly gotten to know each other, or one where they could have passed each other by completely, never knowing more than a face and a name. Overcome with the same abstract fear, they embraced one another, holding tightly to the life they currently had.
“I don’t care what could have been,” Shiro affirmed, his cheek pressed to Pidge’s hair, “I’m glad I know you now.”
“Me too,” Pidge agreed, their heart fluttering, “I wanna see where this goes.” Shiro pulled back, smiling that impossibly beautiful smile of his. Pidge stared back, eyes wide; they could hardly breathe.
“Sounds great.”
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standing by and waiting at your back door || chapter 7
Luckily enough for Pidge, Shiro had turned on the radio and set it to a station they both could tolerate. 
Though even with the background cacophony of that week’s Top Ten mixing in with Pidge’s own mental rambling (her friends, schoolwork, college acceptance letters, finals, Shiro, Championship Game, Allura, AP exams, Shiro - her thoughts always ended up back to him even when he was right beside her), there was something in the air that was unignorable. 
And Pidge couldn’t quite name what it was. 
Not that she needed to; all she knew was that it wasn’t exactly heavy, but it still had a weight to it that perched on her shoulders just enough to make them droop just the tiniest bit. 
Just enough for Shiro to take notice from his peripheral vision, even with only the dashboard lights and passing street lamps as support. 
“Is there something on your mind?”
Katie nodded slightly. Swallowed. “Yeah,”
He gave no further prompting.
Yet she spilled out her thoughts anyway.
“I’m just thinking about how today could be one of our last hangouts as high-schoolers.” She shook her head. “We’re growing old.”
“Growing up,” Shiro corrected.
Katie shook her head again. “Growing old.” She toed off her shoes and sat Indian-style in the car seat. This put her left knee a little closer to the gear shift, but Shiro didn’t seem to mind. “Physically. Acquiring the responsibilities that come with age. Like student loans. And taxes.”
When she sent out her application to M.I.T., Pidge knew that even with her academic performance, just getting in alone would be hard, so what were the odds of her getting a scholarship too? 
And that was just for her top school; she still had three safeties to think about.
“So what does that make growing up?” Shiro broke her train of thought.
“Morphing into a sourpuss with a stick up their ass.”
read the rest of the chapter here -> x
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ninja-librarian · 5 years
A trip to the police department, a recorded 9-1-1 call, and more questions than answers.
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grbgcn2 · 6 years
Shidge Amnesia AU (with Lotidge too)
Pidge has temporary amnesia after a rescue mission gone wrong.
The team is trying to capture this Garla that somehow had found a way to infiltrate the Castle. He was ordered to capture Lotor, but ends up taking Pidge, (she was the only person he saw in the lions hanger) as a hostage when he’s found out. So he flees, along with Pidge (who was knocked out, before escaping), to an icy planet with CRAZY wind speeds and temperature drops, plus mountains and other stuff like that.
So the team goes to rescue her, but first they have to find her. Shiro does and after informing the others, they go to the highest mountain and after getting as close to them as possible, they get off their lions, and climb the rest of the way on foot. Element of surprise and all that.
Anyways, they find the Garla’s hideout, who’s surrounded by sentries for for protection. A fight ensues. And the Garla, who sees them advancing, uses Pidge as a way out. He yells “Stop!” and the Paladins turn to see him holding a struggling Pidge by the be neck, over a gap in the mountain. They freeze. The dude’s all like “Come any closer, and I’ll drop her!”
Somehow, someone gets the drop on him, or something and he and Pidge fall off the edge. Shiro rushes forward, and dives. He screams her name when he gets close, sees her eyes open and close. He reaches for her but she’s falling. Fast.
They’re getting close to the ground. It’s only a couple feet away. Then outta nowhere, something catches Pidge in mid air. It’s Lotor. Black catches Shiro as he’s still falling.
The team regroups at the Castle and place Pidge in a pod. After a few days pass, she wakes up. She doesn’t remember who she is or who they are. Only Lotor, and he seems to be the only person she trusts.
So they let them be. Lotor looking after Pidge, protecting her.
And that hurts Shiro, because usually it’s him that Pidge seeks out when she’s troubled. Him, who comforts her when she’s had a nightmare. Him, who she feels more comfortable with. It’s Shiro, whom Pidge always gives those soft looks and that smile to. Not Lotor.
Weeks pass, and Shiro whose really... upset, just about loses it when he sees Pidge give Lotor a kiss on the cheek, Lotor’s soft look doesn’t help him either. So Shiro grabs Pidge and takes her to an isolated part of the Castle, to ask her what that was about. Pidge gets defensive, saying it wasn’t any of his business. Shiro begs to differ. And as they argue, Shiro’s getting really frustrated, so in his anger he pins Pidge against the wall and kisses her. Hard.
And he loves it. Her lips, so soft and warm. God, it feels like he’s just taken a breath of air after drowning for so long.
Pidge, not so much. She bites his lip and socks him in the face. Shiro goes to apologize but she’s not having it. She gets closer to Lotor, until they’re practically joined at the hip. Shura becomes even more jealousy.
Tension happens between the two after that and it gets so bad that they can’t form Voltron. So the team steps in. Drama and miscommunication ensues. They end up making it worse.
Half a year, goes by and Pidge’s memories still haven’t come back. They start to loose hope. Shiro becomes even more upset.
Anyways, on another mission Shiro gets hurt in front of Pidge and her memories come flooding back. She rushes over to him and gets him to the Castle. She stays by his side the whole time. After he’s out, and a few days pass, they talk. They kiss. Happy ending.
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battleshidge · 7 years
Chapter Summary: 
Shiro took a steadying breath, the fingers of his left hand curling a little in his lap. He pointedly pulled his attention across the room, noting the various stations and the robotics equipment in the lab while fighting the nerves rising in his throat.
His arm had been bothering him for too long, though, and she was right when she said that something needed to be done.
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d0g-bless · 7 years
Time to put Shiro’s crocs out to pasture. Or give them a kick-ass viking funeral.
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beameized · 7 years
Pairing Shidge fic title "Hard to Love"
“Hard to Love“
Pidge was practically livid when Shiro said he loves her back. Her confession was unwarranted and makeshift and honestly, she only did so because she thought they were going to die. But here they were, alive and well, well actually not well, but alive still and dating. Katie Holt is actually dating the Takashi Shirogane. It was almost out of a fairytale but it wasn’t. There was no happily ever after for them. Pidge never really felt like they were dating. Yeah, sure they were in an intergalactic spacewar. There wasn’t much time to do things but Shiro never opens up to her. He never tells her anything and she started feeling that maybe, he doesn’t trust her and maybe, he doesn’t really love her. Everything becomes too difficult and overbearing. It becomes suffocating and it becomes too hard to love him.
Takashi Shirogane honestly never expected to find himself in a relationship, with Pidge no less. It honestly felt like a dream to him, a dream he never wanted to be over. So he’s decided to let it stay that way, to let things stay happy, pure and innocent, to not let Pidge into the darkness in his heart and the cruelties he’s endured and those he’s executed. It was something he’s decided for the betterment of them both, or so he believes. But Pidge kept pressing, kept trying to pry open the door he’s locked, kept trying to get him to talk. And he begins to feel scared, that maybe if he begins talking, he’ll ruin everything, he’ll ruin her. Everything becomes too difficult and overbearing. It becomes suffocating and it becomes too hard to love her
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satire-please · 8 years
Hold Still and Pucker Up
Summary: Pidge hates lipstick, Shiro changes her mind.  In a world where Pidge is slightly older and she’s in a healthy relationship with Shiro.  Plus @besh-drawing-stuff needs a little pick me up. :D
The stuff feels tacky and gross.  “Allura do I really have to wear this?”  Pidge whines to the princess. 
“Yes.” Allura says tersely. “This is a formal occasion Pidge, and what’s wrong with lipstick?  The color looks wonderful on you.”
“I look like a clown.” Or maybe she can pretend she’s a wild animal that just ripped into its fresh kill. Pidge bares her teeth in the mirror. The action does make her feel a little bit better.
“Nonsense, red suits you well.  Besides I’ve seen you apply makeup to your lips before.” Allura leans over to share the mirror, finishing the last touches on her own face. 
“That’s different.” Chapstick or a little bit of lip-gloss is much superior.  You don’t notice it if it comes off and it doesn’t stick to your teeth. 
Allura tugs her away from the mirror to the door.  “No it is not.   Now let’s go, the others are waiting.” 
Of course the others look dashing in their formal wear.  Shiro especially. 
“Wow.” Shiro says breathlessly.  “You look amazing.” 
Pidge tries not to melt. They’ve only been dating for two months, but Shiro seems to almost effortlessly leave her helpless with his words and actions. 
“Thanks.” She mutters. “You…you look good too.” 
It’s a mix between a dance and recruiting new allies.  And each paladin has their part to play.  Keith and Lance make the general public feel at ease. Pidge and Hunk lure guests with their wit, while Shiro and Allura try to hook the big fish.
It’s successful for the most part.  Each paladin has their own charm and most aliens have never even heard of a human before.  Yet some are curious.  Overly curious.  Pidge notes as one of the females of the species reaches over to touch Shiro’s face. Shiro tries to brush her off with a nervous laugh, but the woman persists.  She doesn’t stop.
Pidge doesn’t know what comes over her.  One moment she’s chatting with a delegate from a world that thrives on cheese, the next she’s next to Shiro glaring at the alien woman.
“Pidge wha—“ His sentence halts when Pidge snatches his other arm just to rip him from the alien’s grasp. This is unfortunately not enough to clear the green haze Pidge is in.  She drags Shiro down to her level, a feat in itself really, and…plants one on him straight on the cheek. 
Red apparently looks even better on Shiro, Pidge decides.  The obvious lipstick mark pleases Pidge.  So she makes two, no three more for good measure. 
“Sorry, but he’s off the market.” She declares to the woman just staring at the pair with her mouth open so wide that Lance could stuff his cow in it.  Then nodding at Shiro’s stunned face littered with her claim, she turns and heads back to the crowd she left. 
And what she’s done, doesn’t hit her exactly until she sees Hunk’s expression.  His clasped hands with his mouth stretched in an unholy grin.
“That was even better than Lance’s Latino dramas.”  He gushes.
The paladin goes as red as her lipstick. “Oh my gosh. What have I done?”
“You asserted yourself over your man in a jealous rage.” Hunk says gleefully.
“What does that mean exactly, Green Paladin?” One of their guests twitches his antenna intrigued, “Was that a mating gesture of some sorts?’
“Yes.”  “NO.” Hunk and Pidge say simultaneously. 
Pidge feels a tap on her shoulder.  “Quinzak, what now?” She groans, twisting to the newcomer. 
A wet sticky smack lands on the tip of her nose. 
“There.” Shiro states cheerfully his lips painted the same color as hers.  It shouldn’t look that fabulous, but Shiro manages to pull the look off.  “Now we match.”
“What? H-how?” Shiro swoops in to kiss her forehead. Smack. One smear on the temple and then the other. Smack, smack. 
“Allura had extra in case you accidently ‘rubbed’ it off somehow during the party.” He answers twisting another messy kiss into her cheekbone.
“How glorious!” The interested alien waves its tentacles in joy.  Hunk joins him.  “Your gesture is reciprocated!”
“Stop!” Pidge shrieks giggling trying to squirm away from the oily pecks, but Shiro gives no mercy.
“Never.” He chuckles, caging her lightly in his arms.  “There is no escape, surrender.”
His laughter contagious, so she retaliates going for every patch of skin she sees.  “I will have my revenge!” She shouts back.
It is a dirty affair. In the end both of their faces are gross with red lipstick rubbed practically everywhere. Eventually Allura takes one glance at them and with twitching lips sends both to their rooms to get cleaned up. 
Shiro doesn’t know which part was better, getting dirty or taking hours to clean up.
Pidge agrees.  Who knew staking a claim would be so fun? Maybe lipstick isn’t that bad after all?   
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dragonetgirl · 8 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Not Rated Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt/Shiro Summary:
after being flung from the corrupted wormhole, Pidge finds herself alone, on a dead planet. With her lion silent and damaged. It will be a long time before Pidge sees her friends, and will she stay the same as they remember her? Or will her time apart have changed her.
posted these two chapters from something i wrote ages ago. dont know if i will ever have time to finish it off (have like 5 others im writing... and college is in the way) but i thought i would share.
enjoy peeps
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shidgeisnasty · 7 years
Don’t Let Go ch.1
Rated PG-13 (language, gender dysphoria, disturbing themes, violence in later chapters)
1,306 words
Nonbinary Pidge (they/them)
1st Person POV
“The wormhole is corrupted! Something must be wrong with the teludav!”
“I think something’s wrong with my lion, too!”
“Stay together! If we can just make it through to the other side…”
“What was that?”
“The castle…no, it can’t be!”
“Hold on! Just hold on! We can make it!”
The last things I remembered were blinding, cool toned lights and the screams of my friends as the wormhole collapsed around us. Then, everything went dark and silent. I don’t know how long I was unconscious for, but when I woke, I was enveloped by something soft and warm. I didn’t want to open my eyes; I was terrified that something had eaten me or that I was lying in a pool of my own blood (or both). Strangely enough, I couldn’t feel my armor, though I knew I had been wearing all of it when we went through the wormhole. Cautiously, I opened my eyes, only to have my vision obscured by my own hair. I slowly slid my hand up to push my bangs out of the way, uncertain if I was being watched, but shot up into a sitting position once I saw where I was.
Twin bed with a hand-me-down, pea green quilt…faded, ruffled curtains…posters of various scientists and lists of algorithms and equations on the walls…computer parts on every surface…This was my bedroom. On Earth.
“How the hell…” I muttered, staring at the walls I hadn’t seen in at least a year… how long had it been since we landed on Arus? How long had it been since I had joined the Garrison? This has to be some kind of hallucination, I thought, stepping out of bed, I have to figure out a way to wake myself up and get back to the others.
“Hey! Are you ready yet?”
I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of a familiar voice outside my door.
“What?” I asked weakly. The door opened, revealing one of the few people I would risk everything for, my long missing brother, Matt. He leaned his shoulder into the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest. He was wearing his Garrison uniform and an impatient expression.
“Katie, get a move on!” he complained, “You’re not even dressed yet! You really want to be late on your first day?”
My throat felt like I had swallowed glue. Matt, my brother, the one I risked imprisonment for on Earth, death for out in space, was standing here in front of me like nothing had ever happened.
“What’s going on?” I whispered, unable to move from shock.
“What’s going on is that you’re about to be late to your first day of school and Dad’s gonna get flak for it,” Matt grumbled, “Whatever, I’ll help you out. I’ll throw some poptarts in for you but you gotta be downstairs in ten minutes, alright?”
I nodded, more as a reflex than a conscious effort. Matt shut the door behind him as he left, leaving me alone again with my racing thoughts. What the hell was going on? Was this a dream? Was this a mind trick of Haggar’s? Why couldn’t I remember what happened after we left the wormhole? I realized I had been pacing and stopped to look at myself in the mirror over my dresser, a cold ball of horror and unease forming in my stomach as I took in my own appearance.
My hair was the same length it was when Matt and Dad went missing.
This can’t be happening…I can’t have imagined the whole damn thing!
“No…” I mumbled to myself, “I’ve got to find the other paladins…They can’t have forgotten me…Someone’s gotta know what happened.” As quickly as I could, I formulated a plan. I would play along with this reality, lay low until I found my friends and figured out what brought us here. I looked down at the top of the dresser to see my Garrison uniform already out, folded neatly into a square.
“Let’s do this.”
Ten minutes later I had finished with my old morning routine, something I was a little rusty with, I admit, and made it downstairs to meet with Matt.
“You’re really pushing it, Katie,” he told me, tossing me two poptarts wrapped in a paper towel, “Dad’s waiting in the truck. Let’s go.” I followed him out to the driveway, the lump in my throat returning upon seeing my father, alive and well, sitting in the driver’s seat of the Garrison issued pickup. He smiled at our approach, leaning an elbow out the window.
“You kids ready for a new semester?” he asked cheerfully.
“I know I am,” Matt replied, hopping into the front passenger seat, “I think Katie’s getting cold feet.”
“You’ll do great, sweetie,” Dad encouraged me, “And if anyone gives you a hard time, you just let me know, okay? I’ll sort ‘em out.” I fought back the wave of emotion that gripped me, hearing his voice again after all this time.
“Yeah,” I responded, “Okay.” I climbed into the backseat, the too sweet peanut butter smell of the poptarts quickly filling the cab. Still, I could not bring myself to eat. Not yet.
I kept quiet most of the ride to the Garrison, racking my brain for possibilities of what could have gone wrong with the wormhole to make it project this bizarre fantasy in my mind and how it could feel so real. Occasionally, Matt or Dad wanted to ask me something, so I had to return to the hallucination to answer them the best I could.
“You okay, back there?” Dad asked, checking on me through the rearview mirror, “You keep tugging your hair.” I hadn’t realized until he pointed it out that I had indeed been pulling at my ponytail so much the scrunchie was starting to fall out. I had gotten used to short hair (and honestly preferred the ease of it).
“Yeah, no, I’m fine,” I assured him, “Just thinking I might need to get a haircut soon.”
“Doesn’t look too long to me,” he commented, “Maybe just a trim.”
An all too familiar churn of my stomach reminded me how much I hated to hear that. My parents had instilled in me from a young age that if I cut my hair too short I would ‘look like a boy’. My child’s brain interpreted looking like a boy to be the worst possible outcome and, for my parents, it was. A daughter’s job is to be married off to some nice young man who will take care of her, and she can only do that if she makes herself attractive. This idea is present even in more liberal families, whether they recognize it or not. I remember the day I took the scissors to my hair as clearly as if it happened hours ago. All the internalized societal norms and imposed gender identity crushing me more and more the longer I hesitated. It was only after I held the severed hair in my hands and let it drop out of the bathroom window that I began to feel an odd sense of freedom…was I putting on a disguise or finally shedding one?
The first time I truly felt like myself was the moment my team acknowledged and accepted me, regardless of what gender I was. I knew some of them were lying about knowing all along, but the sentiment was enough. I didn’t have to hide from them, and they didn’t try to call me Katie or encourage me to be more feminine. They saw me.
In the backseat of my father’s truck, I stared darkly out the window at the Galaxy Garrison coming into view on the horizon, forcing myself to eat the now cold poptarts. I would do anything to get my team back.
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ninja-librarian · 5 years
A needle in a haystack, Google Maps, and sprinkles...
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standing by and waiting at your back door || chapter 6
A/N: properly juggling my major and fandom life? idk her. shoutout to @hypatheticallyspeaking​ for beta reading this puppy <3 <3
hope ya’ll enjoy! 
They had all gathered up about ten dollars each for Hunk and Lance to exchange into tokens. 
Keith and Shiro went off to use the bathroom, leaving Pidge a few quiet moments to take a good look around. 
The Clear Day Arcade was still as vibrant as she remembered, which meant one of two things: either it hadn’t been that long since she was last here, or the staff was just really good at their job of maintaining the place. 
All the games stayed pretty much the same, ranging from refrigerator-sized cubes from the 90’s to the latest version of Dance Dance Revolution to traditional, carnival-style parlor games run by bored-looking staff. 
Probably a little bit of both, Pidge snorted. 
A lot of the more vintage games were still in mint condition, if she could say so herself, and the booths that needed personnel on them had a few familiar faces behind the counter. 
She smiled. 
It was so good to be back. 
“Here you go,” Hunk’s voice came from behind her. Pidge turned to find her friend holding out a small bucket’s worth of tokens. 
“Thanks.” she looked around. “Keith and Shiro?” 
“Right here.” Shiro’s voice came from her other side. She watched as he gratefully took his share of tokens from Hunk before the fullback. 
Then she immediately turned and walked away. 
“Pidge? Pidge, where are you headed?” 
Shiro’s question was left completely ignored as she ventured deeper into Clear Day. 
There was only one place Pidge would always consider her first destination at any arcade. 
The single unit of Killbot Phantasm 5: the Arcade Game at Clear Day was left alone, which was strange for a Saturday night. 
But Katie knew exactly why that was the case. 
Said reason flashed on the screen after the promotional cutscene and tutorials. She took a few strides toward the console, if only to make sure.
PDG was still at the top of the scoreboard. 
Grinning and cracking her knuckles as she sat down, Pidge laid out some tokens over the dashboard and popped in enough to start a new game. 
If she was going to hold a title, she might as well defend it, right?
read the rest of the chapter here -> x
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ninja-librarian · 5 years
Sorcerers, more prophecies, and a cryptic Keith...
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standing by and waiting at your back door || chapter 6 snippet
“Didn’t know they still had that here,” she mused. 
Pidge didn’t have to look at Shiro to know that he turned to what she was staring at. 
“Do you wanna go in?” he asked. 
Pidge shrugged. Not that she liked pictures in particular, but with Shiro she didn’t mind making an exception. 
The motor of her mind made an unpleasant screech, the kind that made any sensible driver want to stomp on the brakes before going any further.  
So she added, “Wait, shouldn’t we wait for the others?” 
“You sure you want to be in there with them right after they shot some hoops?” 
She shuddered.
He chuckled. “Thought so,” 
“So...just the two of us?” Katie asked carefully. 
Shiro shrugged. “Line’s not too long. I don’t see why not.”
She pursed her lips. Then nodded. 
If he’s insisting. 
“Come on,” 
Might as well get it over with. 
She followed him to the entrance of the photobooth.
Like ripping out a band-aid. 
A/N: your girl bee’s first semester of premed is FINALLY coming to an end and ya’ll know that means? 
prepare for the updates, ya’ll. 
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ninja-librarian · 5 years
A long day visiting Human Resources for both Pidge and Shiro, and a stranger appears...
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ninja-librarian · 5 years
Explanations, backstory, and a game plan
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