#shitennou analysis
themattress · 26 days
The Shitennou in the 90s anime are fantastic because each one of them is a specialist of some sort and it makes their evil operations distinct from one another, keeping things fresh.
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Jadeite - The Illusionist
When it comes to Jadeite, deception is the name of the game. For his energy harvesting schemes he creates fake businesses, has his youma pose as humans, and he himself dons all sorts of disguises: radio DJ, fitness instructor, stage manager, academic professor, shrine assistant, amusement park security guard, and captain of a cruise ship. He will also utilize illusions to intimidate like when he showed a vision of Tokyo in flames, or to trick his enemies like when he had illusionary cops force the Sailor Senshi to transform so that he could learn their true identities. Unfortunately, Jadeite's pride in his capabilities means that he was stubbornly unwilling to adapt and take a more direct approach, leading to his downfall.
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Nephrite - The Manipulator
Nephrite is a manipulator in all senses of the word. He manipulates people, objects, events and even the stars themselves in order to achieve his villainous goals. Using the single disguise of Masato Sanjouin, he gets close to victims, then will usually give them an item he curses to amplify their innate negative energy until it matches the energy of the star they were born under, creating a special youma in the process. He eventually singles out a key victim in Naru Osaka, who has a crush on his Sanjouin persona, and manipulates her in plans to destroy the Sailor Senshi or find the Imperium Silver Crystal, and uses a special tool of his own creation known as the Dark Star Crystal. However, his cold heart ends up warmed by Naru's innocence and devotion to love, leading him to his tragic demise defending her.
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Zoisite - The Cheat
While Zoisite had aid from Kunzite in strategizing, let's not sell him short when it comes to the moment of truth - Zoisite frequently prevails because he is willing to do absolutely anything to win. No method is too dirty, cheap or cowardly for him to embrace. He'll threaten someone's loved one to coerce them into doing what he wants, he'll sucker-punch his enemies out of nowhere after having previously retreated from them, he'll physically bully whoever is smaller and weaker than him then blind them to make an escape if they prove more formidable than expected, he'll pretend to surrender and then strike, he'll sic a monster on his enemy while taking his prize and running, and when all else fails a good old-fashioned stabbing in the back will suffice. Zoisite got far on dishonesty, but success went to his head and he overreached.
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Kunzite - The Trap Master
At first Kunzite was a skilled tactician, but then after Zoisite died the writers made him stupider at crafting strategies without even seeming to realize it. What he remained very consistent on, however, was his brilliant and deadly traps. He engineered a fake hostage situation leading to the Sailor Senshi getting caught in a dark, ever-compressing forcefield, he cut the power in Tokyo to obstruct the Sailor Senshi's efforts and cause Mamoru and Usagi to get stuck in an elevator, he had a great idea for a DNA scanning device to catch Sailor Moon with that his youma sadly screwed up, he held a princess seminar where the target was the overall failures save for in a frisbee-tossing challenge since it reflects Sailor Moon's tiara throwing ability, he had a giant snowy chasm created for his enemies to fall right into and be unable to climb out of, he rigged an ice skating rink temperature control device to blast an obscene amount of icy coldness down on everyone and nearly freeze them to death, he played on Sailor Venus' friendship with another person to almost obtain vital information from her, he turned the Sailor Senshi's own attempt at a trap back on them because he saw right through it, and were it not for the Silver Crystal's interference would have trapped them all in time-space limbo. Of all the Shitennou, he came closest to victory on the most occasions. Additionally, he was a powerful warrior, with his power and pride sadly being his undoing.
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shiki-stars · 9 months
Sailor Moon - Thoughts (S01EP13-EP22)
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01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
spoilers! regarding| jadeite's downfall, who the following antagonist is
May all the magical goddesses bestow upon me their smartest magical girls and manifest in me the ability to get through my second semester of college. Please Mizuno Ami, lend me just two braincells.
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Jan. 2
Sometime I forget Luna is a cat. Just look at her. So cat-like. Lovely.
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When that projection of Jadeite appeared I thought it was so cool, until I deemed it kinda silly.
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SAILOR SOLDIERS INVENTED FEMINISM REAL. (What is that team chant though TwT it felt so awkward LMAO, the way they silently go into a little fighting stance.)
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I don't. It's. Queen Beryl should've listened to Jadeite. He found out the identities of the sailor soldiers, let him tell you. Get this incredibly important information and then sentence the man to "Eternal Sleep". Jadeite has been for the most part useless and arrogant but he got such imporant pieces of information that Queen Beryl should've utilized because everyone is blind as hell. But whatever. I'm not as pressed about this as my wording makes it sound I promise. It's silly. As silly as "Eternal Sleep" is being put into a large ice shard then electorally teleported somewhere. Dear lord, I love me some good matriarchy.
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I thought the Dark Kingdom had uniforms but turns out it's just the Shitennou who had uniforms, which makes sense. I don't think the Shintennou was ever mentioned when Jadeite was the major antagonist, he was called commander a few times if I remember correctly, but the existence of other members on par to his status in the Dark Kingdom was never mentioned.
Nephrite being an astrology boy is funny. Zoisite is very girlypop and he reminded me of Asmodeus from Obey Me.... The moment they started bickering I put in my notes, "Nephrite and Zoisite sleep together on the weekends to relieve stress." But I take it back as I have since learned that Zoisite already has a lover.
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Nephrite manifested a forest and a mansion with a struck of thunder and the episode is bombarded with bisexual lightning in his official introductory episode. What an entrance. And then he gets lobotomized.
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Usagi not understanding why Naru calls Rui, "Rui-nee-san", geniuely does not make sense realistically. Because not only is it super common for "nee-san" and "nii-san" to be used between close friends (even strangers, though in a slightly different sense), Usagi herself uses it for Motoki!!! Every time she addresses Motoki, she says "Motoki-onii-san"!!!!! So realistically, Usagi should've connected the dots after Naru remained her that she (Naru) was an only child and had a different surname than Rui. Usagi should've understood then that Naru calls Rui "nee-san" as a term of endearment. BUT THIS WAS ALL A PLOY for Naru to explain the relatioinship between her and Rui which would've been unprompted otherwise so we could feel for the upcoming conflict.
Wondering if Tuxedo Mask has a time limit regarding how long he can stay transformed, which would explain why he always dipped after doing the bare minimum.
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That ^ was episode 14, and in episode 15 it would technically be made known to us that Mamoru himself doesn't even know he's Tuxedo Mask (more or less confirmed in episode 19). Having finished season one, we still don't know the details of how Tuxedo Mask came to be and why he gets a headache when Usagi transforms. I hope it gets explained at some point because I'm very curious TT.
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Speaking of Tuxedo Mask/Mamoru, you find out he's IN COLLEGE. I won't talk about this too much right now, mostly because I'll probably make a post solely about this topic later on, but you bet I was shocked and in disbelief. I am aware of the changes from manga to anime, and I believe there are also major changes from the 90's and Crystal versions of Sailor Moon? I'll do more web surfing when it comes time to do so. Ultimately though, the "analysis" will be based/on account of how Usagi and Mamoru's relationship is protrayed in the animes. Allow me to preface that the goal of the post won't be to bash anyone for shipping them! As far as I can tell, there is a little bit of discourse surrounding the ship, and I simply wish to explore the opinion of others' and come to my own conclusion which I hope anyone who reads it will respect just as I would respect theirs even if we were to disagree.
Rei's been crushing on Mamoru for a couple episodes at this point, and at the time I noted that if Rei asked Mamoru directly if he was Tuxedo Mask, it would've cut the series down by 100 episodes. Clearly, I was wrong. I will say, Sailor Moon did surprise me by its speed of progression. I had anticipated it would drag on much longer since it was around 230 episodes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And it turns out Zoisite can also do illusion message magic. Jadeite isn't special.
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Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Mars each have merch now. So, Tuxedo Mask is popular and well-known enough to get merch made but not popular enough for any of the girls at Usagi's school to know who he is? A little background, this was episode 19. All the girls in Usagi's school were sent a love letter, allegedly from Tuxedo Mask (it was sent by Nephrite), and none of them but Usagi knew who Tuxedo Mask was. Fast forward to a scene at Game Center Crown within the same episode, Mamoru is playing a crane game, trying to get a Tuxedo Mask plush. Naru knows about the exisitence of Sailor Soldiers, so it's not preposterous to assume the girls at school do too. You'd think Tuxedo Mask falls within that category of known/famous superheroes? Especially with his mysterious look, he should theoretically be popular with teenage girls. Or is it because he retreats so quickly that no one even sees/notices him? Then why does he have a plush? Why would companies make something with no demand??
I've rambled for too long. None of this matters??? I'd like to get a Sailor Mars and Sailor V plush from a crane machine.
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Also, fellas, is it more gay to kiss a homie on the lips or more gay to buy a pack of expensive limited edition drawing pencils and splitting it with your friend while you guys are in high school, on the path to becoming pro animators, making a pinkie promise to not use them unless asking the other first and it can only be used for special occasions so that they can draw anime that will "never disappoint the dreams of children"?
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It's 5AM. I didn't realize I've been working on this for so long... (since 1230AM). I'm going to give shorter comments about episode 22, then hopefully go to bed (update: I went to bed at 7AM).
There are so many things I could say about Naru and Nephrite, but since their situation continues in episodes 23 and 24 I will save it for the next part. What I will say right now is that the whole thing infuriates me. Even more so when I can't tell if that's what was intended or if it actually wanted me to feel sad for the outcome. I am sad. In a disappointed way. More on this in 23-27.
And. Well. Don't kiss a minor. Don't kiss someone under the influence. Don't kiss a minor who is under the influence and barely conscious. Can you tell I'm not happy about the kiss? I have genuine hatred and icks for this episode.
Be safe. Drink water. Get up and stretch if you've been in the same position for a while now. This is a threat.
01-12 . 13-22 . 23-27 . 28-46
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Beige Stars - Divder @/saradika-graphics Purple Hearts - Divider @/cafekitsune Purple Heart Fairy Lights - Divider @/benkeibear
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whataboutfractions · 1 year
alright, might as well articulate this since i've had it in my head for ages and i keep saying i'll make a post about it sometime later, so this time i'm gonna stop putting it off and go into the use of the shitennou's sibling relationships as a foil to white bomber and mighty's own sibling relationship
to start off with, while i name the shitennou as a whole given that their bonds encompass the entire group, the specific figures acting as direct character foils are thunder bomber and grand bomber - thunder is the most noticeable, as he's the one who not only survives to the end of the arc (even if only just until then) but receives the most demonstration of how the arc's progression affects him, which positions him pretty squarely as a foil to white bomber for the duration of the concurrent revelation arc, and since i've hit the image limit for this fucking post after writing this originally i'll make him the subject for part 1 of the foil analysis
in short, thunder is the worst case of the same scenario shiro is going through: his siblings, who his entire life had revolved around, are dead, and he has a good idea of who's responsible for that. while i'll admit i can't entirely blame him for his response, especially given his lack of any other support network or life factors to fall back on compared to shiro, the fact remains that his reaction to this scenario is to completely lose himself in the grief and the anger, discarding his prior staunchly-held beliefs (as i mentioned here) and putting his own life on the line for the sake of getting the revenge he wants so badly for his siblings and himself - which, as we saw, turned out very badly.
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come episode 26, white bomber is in the exact same situation: his brother is dead, max is (apparently) the cause, and he has the opportunity right there to lash out and make him pay - this time, though, right from the beginning his fixation on revenge is making him weak. it draws him into the line of fire, fucking up his teammates' plan in the process, and then warps the emotions behind his abilities to the point they no longer function at all.
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in fact, he ends up about to die the exact same way thunder did until shout gives him the reminder that he won't be helping anyone by throwing his own life away like that, because that would only have made his brother feel worse, and it's only then that he's able to control his abilities enough to fight back
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ultimately, despite walking parallel paths, shiro has to take the exact opposite route in dealing with his grief than thunder did, and it's only through doing so when he very easily could have given in and received the same ending that he's able to survive and develop past the season 1 finale to continue living on
next part will be on grand bomber and mighty as cross-season foils, but i'll have to make a separate post because i've hit the textpost image limit now
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Sailor Senshi and Shitennou Romance Essay -Introduction
(Warning. Due to the way Tumblr Mobile is working for me there may not be a read more on the mobile version of this essay. I do have one up on the computer version of the program, but apologies for anyone reading this on mobile. I’m still trying to work out how to make this work better for the readers there. I may have to eventually set it up where there’s a mobile only blog…but until then…yeah…still working this all out. )
For those who don’t care about the above, skip down to the info below the picture.
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Where to even being with this. I suppose I should start as to why I would even do an analysis on the romances here, given that they were very limited in scope of the story proper. We only really got a quasi-detailed account of Kunzite and Venus from Sailor V and the main Sailor Moon Manga. Yet, it seemed to be that, even despite not being able to write about the romance in her work, (due to either her own issues with writing long works. (Something that Ms. Takauchi has mentioned in interviews before), or the story proper not being able to facilitate a longer narrative for the romantic structure (it’s a Tokusatsu after all)), Ms. Takauchi still seemed to want to have those romances in some way. If you look at her artwork and some later stories –such as Casablanca Lilies and the short story about Sailor Moon’s other child (which is non cannon) –we know that she does have focus on the girls love lives.
For me the most interesting aspect about these possible romances is the way it connects to the older stories from not only the west with Selena and Endymion, which formed the bases of the romance with Usagi and Mamoru, but also the Eastern tales of lost romance. Specifically the story of Tanabata Festival, Princess Kaguya, and possibly the story of the crane wife (usually it has a story with a celestial being falling in love with a mortal man). The reason I’m equating them to these stories is how they end up being both sad yet romantic in some ways and in some cases there are some aspects of a happy ending, within the context of how the Japanese see a happy ending.
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For the story of the Crane wife, normally it tells of how a young farmer discovered a woman bathing in a pond and he fell in love with her. He discovered she had a cloak that was magic and took it with him hiding it from her after the woman has fallen in love with him. Eventually after a while of them being married and her having a child with the man, the woman becomes more and more depressed over something. Then one day, either she or her child discovers the robes and changes back leaving the man and the child. Or the man never knew she was a crane or a celestial being and he discovers this one night after coming in on her wearing her robes, and because of this she has to leave his side and return home.
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On the flip side is the Princess Kaguya story where she came to earth to learn to be a human, but didn’t want to fall in love, and eventually returns to the moon against her will mostly because the moon goddess missed her.
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Finally, you have the story of Tanabata, which is based on an older Chinese story of Qixi. The story goes something like this, there’s a princess named Orihime who is the daughter of the Sky King Tentei and she used to weave clothing on the banks of the Milky way river for her father. So the princess was sad that she could not fall in love because she was always making her dad clothing. Her dad, feeling sorry for her, decided to invite a boy that he knew named Hikoboshi, who was a cowherd that worked on the other side of the river. The two met and fell in love and married. However because they got married and were together all the time both neglected their work, so Tentei ended up splitting them apart. This eventually led to Orihime begging her father to allow them to be together. Tentei was so moved by his daughter’s tears and words that he agreed to let them meet once a year on the 7th day of the 7th month as long as she finished her weaving. As such, the two were going to meet but there was no bridge, but a bunch of magpies created one for her so that she could cross over to him and be happy for a while.  
Oddly enough, the story was used in a Chibiusa Picture Diary story, but that’s not where the importance lies.
So how do these three stories fit into the idea of the knights and the Scouts and their romance and why? It’s not uncommon in Japan to rely upon older stories for crafting new stories for Shojo writers. Typically, it can come from the west or the east, but a lot of ideas from the idea of true love tends to derive from older stories and legends that have been passed on, much like western fairytales, and in the case of Sailor moon, a lot of the idea of legends are pulled into a new form. As I mentioned the three stories are an influence in the work, and there are strong hints through Usagi and Mamoru’s romance about their relationship hinting at these three works, along with the Selena story.
You have the idea of the Prince and Princess being from worlds apart, which connect to the legends surrounding the Crane Wife, and partly the tale of Kaguya. More frequently, you have the fact that the two end up with each other for a while, but the celestial being is normally not supposed to be with a mortal human. The Tanabata legend is deeply invested in the story as the two lovers that we see are not only from different places, thus split by the space between them, but their world is pulled apart by the actions of others. In the case of Orihimi and Hikoboshi (Vega and Altair), we see her father break them up via the river that is the Milky way, in the case of Serenity and Endymion, it’s the actions of Queen Beryl that split them apart.
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This can also correlate to the other girls in various ways, since we see that they too met with the Knights and fell in love, as per Venus explaining. Which brings up the idea that Ms. Takauchi probably wasn’t just thinking about how the tale pertained to just one person, but how it could affect others who met too and fell in love. This also I have to say brings us to the idea of the Tokusatsu aspect of the series. Most notable is that the Sentai at the time before Sailor moon was created did have an additional soap opera like subplot, and typically revolved around the main lead and either a girl fiend that they had to deal with, or another member of the team was the love interest. I get the feeling that Ms. Takuchi was wondering what would happen if all the members of a team were in love and got to deal with relationships as typically the other members of the five man band Sentai (Ranger) team were only there for support.
If we go on the idea that the groups were to be reunited as one unit either as a heart-breaking situation where they were parted later on. Or as a possible happy ending where they stood as a group against the darkness from evil then one could assume that this could be very much like the Tanabata legend, with the idea that each of the girls would go on a journey to connect with their own Hikoboshi. This idea could also be connected to the aspect of a team up deal going on, which happened in Sentai (not as much as now but it did happen in the 90s) where either a former team would pair up with the new group, or some of the villains would side with the heroes to deal with a bigger bad. Throw in there the fact that dramatic stories typically were part of the takarazuka review, something which Ms. Takuchi drew inspiration from and you have an easy conception of how that could lead to her wanting to explore not only the relationships of her main lovers. But, also how their helpers could benefit or grow from a relationship with someone who either was different from them, or similar in ways to understand their situations. And in the case of the Star crossed Lovers, how they could be ripped apart in a way that could affect them enough to try to save their former allies/friends/lovers.
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When the first Art book came out for Sailor Moon, fans were a bit surprised, or not surprised, to discover the image of Sailor Moon with Tuxedo Mask, and alongside them the Senshi with the Shitennou, as former guards of the Prince. And what’s really interesting is how she chose to set them up on the page and the way they look, particularly their body language.
So to start out with you have the main couple of Usagi and Mamoru. Now this one could be explained very easily but there’s more to the positions. Every artist finds a position that they like and nothing is done without taking into account how the image is going to look and turn out.
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So you have Usagi (or the Princess) sleeping on the moon, curled up almost childlike in her innocence, holding a crown as Mamoru leans over, hand on the side of the moon, pushing her hair back and leaning in for a kiss.
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The thing that stands out for me in this moment is the fact that she is resting like a kid in a bed, unaware of him leaning in for the kiss, indicating that she’s very innocent and pure in all this, and the kiss itself is going for her cheek rather than her lips, showing a very chaste moment. And there’s a reason for that, given that the readers of this series were mostly younger girls the idea of a more innocent love would appeal to them, and that links back to the story of Orihime and Hikoboshi and how their love was seen as far more innocent in nature.
Also her sleeping beauty like pose would imply that this is dream like in nature, and very much a fairy tale, so you have that going on there as well. I really don’t want to get into the whole history of Sleeping beauty here because there’s a LOT to dissect with that, but the over all tone of the moment is something pure that is happening between them.
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We also see her holding her crown, which she never wears in the series proper, but it’s to indicate that she is seen as a royal and that at the moment she isn’t being the princess here, and it’s a moment of respite that she’s taking. Mamoru stealing a kiss is showing that he’s invested in her and that he finds her resting like this cute and wants to show her affection for it.
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From the top we have Venus and Kunzite, and automatically you can see his hands are around her waist holding her close. This is typically seen as a reverse hug and is used to show affection and trust between two partners. It’s interesting that they have the most intimate, or second most intimate position in the group of guardians. Venus for her part is holding a staff, and has her finger to her lips, indicating quiet or a secret. Honestly to me it could play as her saying “Shhh, the princess is asleep” or the idea that the romances are a secret thing, which ties in with part of the Chinese version of the Tanabata myth where the marriage between the two lovers was done outside of the view of the gods.
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The fact that she’s leaning into him, and he’s resting his chin, lower cheek area, on her head, shows they have a comfort with one another. He’s allowing her to lean on him for support and she feels close enough to him to let him rest his head on her, showing a warmth and affection between them that probably is very strong and understanding. And it makes sense given their roles as leaders as well as their titles. Venus being the guardian of love and beauty (as well as light) and Kunzite being the Knight of Purity (Virtue) and Affection, both having an understanding of deeper love and devotion, and loyalty.
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I should note here that his hands are wrapped around her waist and interlocking showing that he has not only a protective grip on her, but one that is keeping her close to him, showing a lot more passion and ardor for her then we may see in his face. He’s enjoying having her locked up next to him, and his face shows this. 
The way that they’re set up at least tells me in this case that their relationship was certainly more of a public display of attraction and affection, given that Kunzite was shown to have teased her several times in the manga and the implication there was he was attracted to what he saw in her. Clearly Venus could see both of his sides, and the idea that he was very much a noble prince like figure himself must have caught her attention.
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On the other hand, you have the next one down being Mars and Jadeite, and their position. While Venus and Kunzite seem way more casual, Jadeite and Mars instead have a very regal demeanor to them. Both are smiling forward with Mars leaning back onto Jadeite’s arm, which is supporting her. Glancing to the right side of the picture his hand is cupping hers, and this is something that is kind of different in what it means in body language.
This gesture is more or less a passive hand hold, with a bit of a “my lady” gesture thrown in there. What does that mean? Well Passive hand holds usually indicate that neither one of you is clingy in the relationship, meaning that there’s a great deal of trust there and a peace between the partners that neither feels that they have to be aggressive or dominate in a traditional way. It also indicates that there’s ground rules that were set and boundaries that are in play between them. It’s also seen as a tender sweet sort of hand hold, indicating that there’s a closeness, but one that doesn’t have to be showy in nature or inappropriate affection.
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Her smile is soft and delicate, not trying to be outwardly showy, while his is calm and kind and you can see it in his eyes that he’s glad to be with her at the moment and happy about it. Again, as I said in my commentary about him, Jadeite is probably the most friendly of the group, and his smile shows a warmth to his face, clear that he’s devoted to the woman that he has next to him. 
And that fits right into Jadeite and Mars in that both are calm people who prefer a peaceful situation, and probably neither feels that they have to be very vocal in their feelings as both are spiritual on different levels and, given Mars role in the scouts, it’s not surprising that she wouldn’t show her feelings loudly. What’s also interesting is that that the My Lady hand hold is one of the most regale, and usually used for wedding pictures and the like. Typically it shows that a relationship is vital, firm and has equal protectiveness from both partners.
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Mars hand is cupped in his in a way that shows it looking smaller, giving her a dainty like figure, but at the same time it’s in a loose fist so it shows a strength there as well, and Jadeite’s hand is curved around it, showing that he’s supporting that strength. This hand hold is seen as showing a very healthy relationship, a bond of respect, and that the romance is founded on trust and adoration. It’s interesting to note that Jadeite is supporting her on that arm as well, showing an almost half hug, and indicating that he’s got her back if she ever needs the help on something.
On the opposite hand you have what one might call a palm facing down hold. It’s an interesting way of putting their hands here and telling of a lot of things. For one thing typically it’s the guy who’s holding the girl’s hand with the palm down, but in the case, it’s Mars that has the more dominate stance here, showing that she’s protective of him, and because their hands are lightly touching this means that she’s also gentle in her actions. It also shows she’s the one that has the more dominant role in the relationship, which makes sense seeing as her powers of fire probably trump his ice powers. It also shows a bit of independence between them and that both have a strong trust in one another that they don’t always have to be joined at the hip. Given both their personalities, it’s not a surprise that Mars and Jadeite would be the least likely to outwardly show their love in large displays, but rather softer quieter moments.
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From the regal to the more flirty in nature, looking down from Mars and Jadeite you see Jupiter and Nephrite. And this is a couple that probably has more moments of displays of affection then the others outright, even Kunzite and Venus. You might be wondering why I would think that, well their stance says a lot about their relationship.
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To start with you have Jupiter, like Venus, leaning into Nephrite, and pressing against his chest, meaning that she feels close enough to him to want to be near him and probably they have a very warm affection towards one another. His head is tilted down into her ponytail, and normally when someone does that they’re  indicating that they’re showing a nurturing and intimate gesture that shows affection and protectiveness, and a close emotional bond that indicates the person is there for the other.  Jupiter for her part is winking and has his hand up to her lips kissing it. It’s all very intimate in nature and for a reason. Both characters are comforters in their own way as Jupiter is the most sensitive and understanding when it comes to emotions of others around her, and Nephrite is the Knight of Comfort.
Looking at them it’s an interesting set up here. You have Nephrite in a pose that says he’s trusting and comforting Jupiter, letting her lean on him, and knowing that he’s here to help her out. At the same time her leaning against him tells him that she cares deeply about him and enjoys being with him. She’s even winking, showing that they’re keeping something secret together and it’s almost like she’s teasing the reader in some way to learn more about their relationship.
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The hands are an interesting story too. He’s brought her hand up to her heart and is holding it there. This could mean a lot of things, but the most likely is that it’s showing a sign of protection, strong bonds, and a deep attraction, indicating that they both are connected by their heart and desire to use that part of themselves to be with those that they love and care about. There is a huge amount of intimacy with that motion, and showing that there’s a lot of affection that drives these two as a couple. The fact that she trusts him enough to be that close to her body in a physical way indicates via body language that there’s a deeper connection between the two. It’s also seen as a romantic gesture.
On the other hand you have Jupiter kissing his fingers while he’s passively holding up his hand to her in an upward movement which means that to Nephrite he has a lot of trust in her and is willing to be a more passive gentle person around her, while she’s more playful. Kissing a hand shows there’s admiration, tenderness, and a desire for love. There’s also trust on the part of the giver, and a sense of respect, adoration, kindness, and in this case a playful flirty-ness that shows that the two are more likely to show displays of affection frequently and willingly.
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When you look to the right of Nephrite and Jupiter you come across the couple that I think has the most interesting relationship, Mercury and Zoisite. It’s a very different stance then the other couples. Whereas Jupiter and Venus are leaning on their partners, and Mars is on Jadeite’s arm. Mercury while leaning on one side of Zoisite, is partly being hugged by him with one arm, at the same time he has his hand loosely around her wrist as she holds it up, pulling him closer to her, and on their opposite hands, which are straight out, his hand is firmly in the other in an almost princely like pose.
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What stands out for me in this case, after looking up about the hand holding positions, is how actually intimate and passionate these gestures actually are for these two characters. With their faces it’s an interesting juxtaposition. Mercury doesn’t smile that brightly often, and when she does you know she’s happy about something. Whereas Zoisite hardly ever seems to smile, and the fact that his eyes show a smile to them while he’s holding her shows that he’s happy in this moment. Not to mention that she’s tipping her head towards him indicating that she feels comfortable and safe with him and trusting too boot.
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Their hands are also interesting, the first pair on the left is a sort of wrist hold. Zoisite has his arm over her in a protective way, and is lightly holding her wrist. This normally indicates a passionate and more intimate relationship, one where the partners need to be around one another. It also shows an urgency and trust between them in a different way. With both being a bit distant when it comes to showing off emotions in high ways, and reliant on their smarts, is it any wonder that their bodies show more about their feelings then what they say. The way Zoisite has his hand over her shows he’s protective of her, and needs to keep her close to him.
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To the right her hand is being grasped firmly in his, in a “My lady” like firm hold. Usually this indicates some possessiveness, but also a healthy one based on trust and honor, as well as respect and admiration. It also shows a desire to stay with the person, given the firmness of the grip and the fact that he has his hand over hers also indicates he’s very protective of her and is serious about his feelings towards her.
Mercury’s smile is all you need to see she’s happy and that she enjoys being with him.
I’ll end the intro here, but my plan is to go deeper into these four relationships if I can and think about how they worked and could work in the modern age.
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rin-the-shadow · 4 years
Queen Beryl and the Self-Fulfilled Prophecy
Sometimes I wonder what would happen if, in a given adaptation of Sailor Moon, Queen Beryl would choose not to brainwash the Shitennou to maintain their loyalty. I have the advantage of having seen every adaptation of the Dark Kingdom arc, which she does not have, of course, being a character in that arc. At the same time, however, I’ve noticed that in almost every version where she does use brainwashing, they almost inevitably turn on her once they figure that out. Or at least they attempt to do so.
I think it’s implied that she didn’t use brainwashing in Eien Densetsu, since Kunzite and Zoisite do seem to be aware of what happened with the Moon Kingdom, but they ultimately deem their loyalty to Beryl more important. I’d go as far as to assume, based on her “Coffin of Darkness” number, that they agree with her assessment that she was betrayed and that Endymion was in the wrong to break their engagement and pursue Serenity. (Particularly since she seems to have legitimately been a queen of an Earth-based kingdom in some of the musicals.) 
Sure, in Eien Densetsu, they’re also dealing with the much more pressing threat of Galaxia’s manipulation of Queen Beryl, and the three of them are also newly-revived, so they might simply have chosen not to air any grievances against her out of pragmatism. At the same time, I don’t typically think so. While Eien Densetsu does include some original and manga-based elements, it seems to be more anime-based than manga-based, and as far as I can tell, they weren’t implied to be brainwashed in the anime. (And let’s be real, if it was a thing in ED, Zoisite would definitely have had an “I know you’re in there somewhere” fight with Mercury. Or at least a “Shit, wait! I was mind-controlled when I did that!” fight)
I’m thinking about it right now because I’m on act 12 of PGSM, where Zoisite starts to recover his memories and Queen Beryl attempts to suppress them. So I find myself wondering if things would have turned out differently with him if she’d let him recover his memories in that moment. Would he have remained loyal, like Jadeite, gone off to do his own thing like Nephrite, or was his loyalty towards Endymion always such that he would have sided with him no matter what? From what I can tell thus far, her attitude towards Zoisite seems to be something to the effect of, “As long as he’s not actively interfering with our efforts, just let him do whatever he wants” up until he starts regaining memories, at which point that shifts to, “No, seriously, let him do what he wants, don’t talk to him, don’t question him about it. I’ll deal with this bullcrap he’s pulling.”
But it seems like if she’d just let the memories come back on their own, he probably would have investigated it for awhile, but he might have eventually written them off as just things he didn’t remember while in the process of reviving. But because she went ahead and tried to suppress them, and it didn’t work, if and when he wakes up from rock form, he’s going to know that not only was there stuff he wasn’t told, but that for some reason, Queen Beryl seems to actively see those memories as a threat. And he’s going to want to look into why.
And this seems to be a recurring thing across most versions of Sailor Moon where Queen Beryl opts to use brainwashing. Eventually, the Shitennou wise up to it, and end up turning on her (PGSM Jadeite notwithstanding of course). It’s somewhat interesting to me how so many versions of Queen Beryl seem to believe that they will inevitably be betrayed, and so they must use any means necessary to prevent that....which ultimately causes exactly what she was afraid of.
So I always find myself wondering what would happen if she didn’t choose to do that, whether it was her initial choice, or whether she simply let the initial round expire once their memories started coming back.
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real-life-senshi · 4 years
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It’s moments like those that I’m reminded of how much I had disliked Nephrite’s character before I grew to understand him as the series went on.  In the early stages, Nephrite is portrayed as a little shit who snitches and tries to rile everyone up and claim all credits where he can, only later for audience to be shown that Nephrite acts like this because he’s the most insecure and unloved Shitennou of the bunch when they are under Beryl’s spell.  Like poor guy, he has only learned to be unkind to others because that’s what he’s shown while brainwashed, so he tries to put others down in order to raise himself up, but gets so easily shot down and riled up instead when faced with bigger guns. 
Zoisite’s not phased at all, and quickly turns the table on him with his comment and Neph looks so hurt and angry at the same time! 
Without the context of the Shitennou, you’d almost think this is some juvenile level of sibling conflict.  Yet even juvenile arguments has the tremendous potential to be hurtful. :( 
PGSM has done such an amazing job in character portrayal that even the Shitennou gets my soapbox open more than not.  I have never loved nor pay attention to villains in any series as much as I have with PGSM. Seriously!
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DiC Dub. vs Sub, Episode 21/25 - “Jupiter Comes Thundering In”/”Jupiter, the Brawny Girl in Love” Pt 2
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After so long, here is part two!!
Because of the massive break in between the two, I’ve had to switch gears a little with my explanations, but hopefully they’ll still appear coherent! Without further ado, the remainder of this episode of Dub vs. Sub!
Previously, I covered the manners in which the episode begins to establish the foundation for both diverging character arcs. Propped with knowledge from both Beryl and Kunzite, Zoisite takes his charge with perfect grace and professionalism. Meanwhile, DiC's Zoycite is introduced as being far keener, promisingly relentless, and a more dangerous adversary. If Zoisite was concealing his fangs, as it were...then we were introduced to Zoycite flashing hers.
If it sounds like I'm bashing a dead horse with this difference a lot,  perhaps it's also because the DiC dub seems to do so with as much vigor. Certainly, I can't assume writers' intentions when they re-wrote the character for DiC. However, DiC seemed to find as many opportunities as they can to showcase Zoycite's contrary presentation of Zoisite's original character as often as they can, even when they didn't necessarily have to...
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This bit of exposition was given right at the very beginning of the DiC version when no such introduction was made in the original. Possibly, DiC made this change to ramp up the story's dramaticism. However, DiC's reputation for obvious exposition leads me to believe otherwise, especially when it starts cropping up in later episodes more frequently, and for no other reason. 
(For example, yes, I understand that the following screenshots are referring to Lita / Makoto. However, if you look at Zoycite’s arc as a whole, it is also an excellent setup to the infamous “Disguise” episode...and I feel it is also a great representation of why DiC so desperately wanted to sow these character changes into Zoycite. For if they hadn’t, and Zoycite remained exactly as Zoisite in all manners except gender... how different would “she” be, a beautiful female soldier fighting for love, than another titular character we know?)
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Anyways, I digress, and will return to the above bracketed point once we reach that particular episode. In the meantime, please enjoy the following comparisons remaining from the episode below...
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1. Zoycite’s keenness, and further proof that DiC can’t stand empty sound space, even if it’s to imply a character’s softly - and ominous - coming).
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2. I wish there was a way I could put audio clips in these tumblr posts, because I do love how both these characters are still portrayed with a sense of play...Zoycite’s acrid, saccharine poison, and Zoisite’s breathy, cotton-candy kiss of death.
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3. If I could put in audio clips, this is where we would hear Zoycite’s syrup literally curdle - her voice rips into an edge of monstrous roughness, similar to other other monster-of-the-day characters that were also portrayed by the same actress. Meanwhile, Zoisite’s actor speaks with a softness of a snake beginning to gently suffocate you..
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4. Goddamnit Zoi, you are so fucking cute, I will never get over how you call out your own name like you’re a fucking pokemon <3.
(Side Note: Zoisite’s use of his own name may seem vain, but I tend to read it less as a form of vanity, and more of a form of cute-speak. It’s yet another way he downplays the perception of his potential: to evoke the sense of adorableness, of femininity, a way to startle the opponent into a sense of lowered security. Honestly, I’m sure this isn’t so much of an actual farce he puts on and is genuinely how he expresses himself, both on the job and at home, but it works! Note that in the future, whenever Zoycite uses the same tactic, she never says it in the same, diminutive cute way. Her spell-cast is always aggressive, shouted in determination and confidence).
(Extra Side-Note: Another +1 for how many times Zoycite will say she is excited to please Queen Beryl. I’m keeping count for an explicit reason. Infer that what you will, and please imagine it with the same kind of “ding” that’s heard in CinemaSins.)
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5. I mean, apart from the usual (Zoycite’s kneejerk reaction is to be antagonistic, while Zoisite is actually only politely informing Makoto that she does not have to engage, etc, ...he literally does not coax, mock or challenge. We will see later that Zoisite treats physical bloodshed and confrontation as unnecessary and only as a last resort, while Zoycite is spurred by challenges) - I also love how Zoycite’s dialogue also reflects this difference. I’ve talked at length at how Zoisite is always unfailingly and elegantly polite before, and now look at Zoycite’s speaking mannerisms: uncouth, aggressive, and filled to the brim with attitude when the opportunity arises. ‘SCUSE ME, indeed!
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6.Further point regarding Zoycite and Zoisite’s divergent opinions of physical or violent confrontation: one disparages it, considering it barbaric, and that he is above it (often literally). The other laughs in the face of it, and has no qualms dishing it out as a threat...or is more than ready to follow it through.
(Also: buzz off omfg)
In fact, we see their opinions play out beautifully below:
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7. After being punched, compare these reactions: one promising brutal threat, and the other fucking gobsmacked it even happened. Also, their differences in priorities.
While that may sound like I’m making a dig at Zoisite, I am legitimately not. I know this scene tends to be one of the ones that famously evoke the idea of Zoisite’s vanity, but I tend to read it another way. Yes, Zoisite’s face is precious to him, and yes, it could also be read as a stereotypical portrayal of a feminine gay character. 
However, this scene is not meant to illicit laughter. Nor it is not meant for us to startle with incredulity of how silly it is that he is upset his face his hurt. In this scene, Zoisite is truly shocked - his words are less an angry tantrum and more a statement of startled fact. He hadn’t anticipated Makoto could get that close to him, could actually touch him, much could actually strike him. And, in a place that is fiercely protective of, not because of his vanity...but because it is a precious commodity in the main force that drives his arc. (Yes, it’s Kunzite.) It’s no surprise that Zoisite’s beauty and “beautiful face” gets mentioned so often at key moments in his character development. His arc starts with a punch in the face, rises with gentle caresses, and - after a similar injury - crashes.
All of these subtleties, however, are swapped entirely in Zoycite’s case. Her face is not a fragile commodity by which she holds dear...in fact, it is of little importance to her. Her immediate concern is vengeance - more so than the injury on her face, it is her ego is bruised, and damn anyone who dares to make that mark.
Anyways, before I digress further, let’s round back up to the remainder of the episode. These last few scenes only continue to consistently show the differences in Zoycite’s and Zoisite’s professional approach. There isn’t as deep to note, with one exception at the very end...
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8. If you haven’t already caught on, Zoycite really wants this fucking crystal.
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9. Up above, DiC makes as much of an effort to showcase how much joy Zoycite derives from her job. Being a Negaverse warrior is an excellent honour - your true self - and boy, is she enjoying exerting her power over those below her. Zoycite’s ambition is demonstrated not as an ideal professional characteristic, but the potential in her to throw a coup if she wanted to. She is power hungry, and that grows recklessly to dangerous heights as her arc progresses. Notice that Zoisite says none of these things...because it isn’t power he seeks. He approaches his subject with almost professional indifference: he seeks no more than the objective of his task. And don’t worry, “it will only take a moment”.
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10. This has always been one of my favourite scenes. I just love how Zoisite politely “nopes” out, while Zoycite - and I fully believe it - has a fucking victory celebration. (Don’t think for a moment Zoycite is just jesting, she probably told Malachite to set out the champagne before she left on the mission!)
And again, note the increased victorious laughter, where there was none before...
And FINALLY, the one ODD thing that happens a LOT throughout DiC’s version of this character arc. Remember how I mentioned in a previous instalment that DiC seemed to like to inject extra dialogue and laughs that could exposit Zoycite as a fundamentally meaner character than Zoisite?
Hey look, it happened again:
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Like, this may not seem like much of a deal, but think about it. We had a scene earlier where Zoisite’s words basically remained the same in conversion (the “order” scene). We’ve had many instances where the original dialogue/script did not need to be changed, and yet was tweaked in just certain places. This seems like a wholly unnecessary change, so why do it?
The answer is: in changing Zoisite’s gender, DiC encountered a whole other problem. And that problem was: a female solider character, who’s primary motivation was love, a love that could be read as more complex, established, and equally both inspirational and problematic ...could end up becoming an unintentional role model for DiC’s demographic. Figuratively speaking, the tragedy by which we all love Kunzite and Zoisite’s humanity for carried a message that DiC feared might be misconstrued as another example of a miracle romance - because at that point, superficially, the character would no longer be any different than Sailor Moon. iIf Zoycite also fought for love, then her motivations would blow a hole right in the Power of Love message that DiC’s Sailor Moon stood for. And, if she was as dedicated to Malachite as Zoisite was to Kunzite - questionably so - it would also rip a massive hole in DiC’s message of Girl Power. 
I’ll talk more about this in greater detail as those essential scenes crop up throughout the arc. For the time being, let’s simply observe that for all the animosity Zoycite gets in the DiC version (even by other characters in the same universe), that Zoisite was never perceived in the same way, even by his enemies. And there’s a reason for that.
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sparklyjojos · 4 years
Additional notes for The Saimon Family Case [spoilers, naturally]
— Aside from being a historical reference, the name Soga could have been inspired by Awasaka Tsumao’s mystery books starring the magician detective Soga Kajou. Kirigirisu was even shown reading Awasaka’s books, though not the Soga series, which would be first published in the 80s.
— They didn’t say it, but I think that the names of Yumeji (夢慈), Emu (絵夢) and Nemu (音夢) might all reference Yumedono (夢殿).
—  By the time of Joker, Ajiro, Juku, Shiranui and Yaiba are known as the “great four (shitennou) of Japan’s detective scene”. I can imagine Ajiro not liking that term a lot.
— It makes more sense now why Yomiko’s reasoning method is based on understanding people’s psychology (even as a child she’s already pretty good at magic that exploits it), and why she studied criminal psychology in particular (not only was she impacted by the Case, but her grandfather and uncle were yakuza bosses).
— I suspect the reason why little Yomiko calls Juku per Juku-sama is that they were supposed to eventually get married as arranged by their parents, which other books like Cosmic and Carnival Eve off-handedly mention; of course all those years after the Case it's a thing of the past (likely because all those parents are dead now) and Juku and Yomiko simply stay close friends. I'm not sure why Yomiko still keeps calling him with -sama when they're adults, but she's also the kind of person who uses watakushi and formal language in everyday conversations, so.
— The word for a powerful mastermind is kuromaku (黒幕), literally “a black curtain”, referring to the person who controls the black curtain in the back of a kabuki theater stage. When the important curtain in the book changes its stripes between red and black, it does so twice: right after Tamako gets on the stage during the celebration, and right when Tensui triumphantly returns to the stage during the show, possibly foreshadowing their role in the Case. (I know a striped curtain is not exactly entirely black, but I so want this pun to work.)
— Continuity nod: In the cemetary scene near the end of Cosmic, when Juku  uncovers Nagisa’s lie and she’s about to fall over from shock, he effortlessly catches her with one arm, making her wonder why on earth his arms are so deceptively strong. Now we know that not only did he get it from both his parents, he spent his early childhood as a professional acrobat. Juku is probably that one person who could bench press you despite looking like a twig. His past also helps explain why he’s often described as moving with utmost natural grace and perfect sense of balance.
— The Tsukumo family’s summer residence in Carnival Eve is called Shunkashuutou (春夏秋塔, “the tower of spring, summer and fall”), a pun on an identically pronounced term shunkashuutou (春夏秋冬, “spring, summer, fall, winter”). The building has three floors, each named after spring, summer or fall—harukai, natsukai, akikai—which makes Inugami Yasha wonder why the architect didn’t include winter. Knowing The Saimon Family Case we can guess that the place was named after Haruko, Natsuko and Akiko. The “three-tiered tower” made of umbrellas in the magic show may be a reference to it. I strongly suspect the tower could have been named by Jounosuke (Yomiko says that even though her father Yomi designed the tower, he didn’t give it that name).
— Both the glossary in Carnival Eve and the non-canon manga (and possibly Cosmic, but I don’t remember) claim that Nemu and Juku first got to know each other AFTER the Saimon Family Murder Case. I honestly don’t know whether this is a continuity mistake or whether Seiryoin has another really weird plot twist up his sleeve, especially since there are other mistakes (?) in that glossary that seem more like intentional hints about future books to me. (First rule of JDC: never trust anyone named Ryusui, the author included.)
— Honestly most things I could write here (like a full analysis of the magic show as foreshadowing for the entire series) would have giant spoilers for the Carnival books, so we’ll get to it, uhh... *stares at the 1200 pages she still has to recap* ...one day.
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smokingbomber · 6 years
usamamo space opera
so like, ok  
here is the link to the source post for this stuff: https://idesofnovember.tumblr.com/post/171326002218/space-popera  
i got this batshit idea for an actual series for it, but i think it would actually work hella best as an anthology by different writers, each ‘episode’ being scripted by someone else, but all following the same formula. because literally who DOESN’T love reading these two idiots meeting for the first time over and over and over again??  
basically there’s always one person who knows time is looping but not why. and it’s ami. because she figured it out a few loops in. and each loop she tries to figure out how to stop the collapse of space-time and the destruction of the Sol system and she grabs various cast members and yoinks them in on her analysis/intervention -- inners and outers, shitennou, motoki, naru, asanuma, WHOEVER any given writer wants to focus an episode on trying to intervene.  
every damn episode, usagi and mamoru meet, fall in love, days or weeks or months pass, and then everything goes to shit and they die and everyone dies. but each time, ami gets closer to an answer.  
yeah ok so it’s kind of ami-as-homura but idc fight me
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sailor-scribbles · 7 years
Belated Update 2
Aw man, I'm so sorry I didn't see a lot of these questions over the past couple of years(?)  I'll answer the individual ones when I can, but I'm going to address some of the main ones people have been asking if they're still following this blog:
Anyone is free to use the info I scrounged up about the Shitennou from my analysis rambles, whether for fan art, fanfics, RP, or whatever.  Don't even need my approval, just go for it :)
Bara no Tameni scanlations will continue as well.  I didn't realize the other scanners hadn't finished yet.  I'm going to go ahead and try to get the raws of the last few chapters available so at the very least those will be out there.
Thanks to all y'all out there still reading :)
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i1976blunotte · 7 years
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Mars’ high heels nearly sank into the soil as she walked up to the hill. 
She needed calm. She needed to reach the peaceful spot she learnt to love since her first coming to Earth. She needed to sit under the sallow and watch the lake, her feet in the fresh water as the leaves rustled in the wind and the sunlight played through the tree’s branches.
Annoyed. This is how she felt.
She murmured to herself, “Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion … I don’t know why but I feel something terrible is going to happen because of their love.” She shook her head in frustration, “Why these pesky feelings?”
And now, even Venus, Jupiter and Mercury looked closer and closer to the Prince’s Guardians.
She shook again her head, trying to forget about her talk with Venus, just few minutes before.
“Earth is amazing. One day, we followed our Princess to Earth and we found out how beautiful it is. Now I understand why Princess Serenity loves coming to the blue Planet.”
Venus gently placed her right hand on her mouth and had a soft laugh. She finally looked into Mars’ eyes, violet-blue eyes into purple eyes, “Earth’s beauty isn’t the only reason why our Princess is attracted to this Planet.”
Mars sighed and shook her head, “The main reason is Prince Endymion. I know it, Venus, and I am not happy about it: I feel this is wrong … and dangerous.” Venus shrugged, “Maybe not. Things look peaceful, here. Speaking about Prince Endymion, what do you think of his Guardians?”
Mars blinked and stared at Venus, “The Shitennou?”
Venus nodded, her look serious.
Mars smiled, “Do you want to know my opinion, don’t you? You are studying them in order to understand if they are a possible harm to our Princess, I see. And I reckon you asked Jupiter and Mercury the same question. OK.” She sat down on the grass and looked at the landscape in front of her, “The one with long silver hair … uh … Kunzite?”
Venus sat by Mars’ side, “Kunzite, yes.”
Mars nodded, “He is their leader. He is really serious and aloof. He looks strict and I guess he is really strong. Better not having him as enemy.”
Venus smiled, “I agree. He is a good leader. I can learn a lot from him, both about this Planet and the Court. What about the others?”
Mars tossed her long hair behind, “Nephrite, the one with long brown hair. He always has that self-confident smile on his face, like if he thinks he is better than you or he understands everything better than you. He gets on my nerves.”
Venus sniggered, “Jupiter says she feels very comfortable with Nephrite, instead. Despite that self-confident smile, he is really kind and clever, and he is also a great warrior. But, yes, you’re right, he is overly proud of himself and impulsive. What about Zoisite?”
Mars looked up at the sky, thoughtful, “He is polite and really elegant. He has a piercing look, and I guess he is really smart.”
Venus nodded, “Good analysis. He is the strategist of the foursome. Mercury too thinks he is really clever and smart; she is curious to understand how his mind works.”
Mars stirred and stood up, “Before you ask, I haven’t met the last one, yet … what’s his name? Uh, yes, Jadeite. When I’ll meet him, I’ll tell you my opinion about him.”
Venus remained sitting, “You haven’t met him, yet, ‘cause he was away from Elysion until yesterday. A reconnaissance. He is a sort of ambassador, the peacekeeper of the group. Kunzite introduced him to me, yesterday.”
“I heard some people of the Court … women … saying he is beautiful. It is true?”
Venus turned her head to Mars and smiled amused, “You’ll see. He has short blond hair and he wears a pale blue uniform. It seems any of them has his color, like us.”
Mars rested her hands on her hips and bent her head toward her right shoulder, “Short hair? I thought he had long hair, as the others. Blond hair, OK, and what about his eyes? You know, those women were babbling about strange eyes.” She folded her arms, closed her eyes and had a deep sigh, “Women’s talk. I don’t understand how they can waste their time this way.”
Venus laughed, “I don’t know what women say about Jadeite’s eyes. I can’t say what’s the color of his eyes, honestly. For sure, he doesn’t talk very much.”
Mars frowned, “You haven’t noticed Jadeite’s eyes ‘cause of Kunzite. It looks like you have a soft spot for him. Be careful, Venus. Love brings just complications, and Princess Serenity in love with Prince Endymion is already a BIG complication.”
Venus stood up and stared into Mars’ eyes, smiling sweetly, “Kunzite is just an interesting man to talk to and to learn from. Don’t worry. There’s nothing wrong in becoming friends with the Shitennou. Kunzite is teaching me a lot of things. He is the leader of the Shitennou, and it’s really interesting to talk with him about duty and responsibilities. Besides Earth, he’s talking to me also about the Court and the other Shitennou. For example, Nephrite is a great warrior, but he is also clever, kind and caring; his problem is his temper, he can be really emotional, so acting reckless. Jadeite is the calmest one, the peacekeeper, the negotiator; he is a planner, he isn’t strong as Kunzite, Nephrite and Zoisite during attacks, but he is pretty good in defensive maneuvers; his problem is that his calm and planning can turn into passiveness and being lenient. Kunzite says that Nephrite and Jadeite are like pain in the ass, for him, ‘cause he spends his time trying to cool Nephrite’s hot temper and inflame Jadeite’s coldness.” She had a brief laugh and then kept on talking, “Zoisite is the youngest one, a great warrior but also really sweet and joyful; unfortunately, sometimes he is a bit immature and provoking with his jokes.”
Mars sighed, “If Kunzite already talked to you about them, why did you ask me?”
She winked, “I was just curious of your thoughts. And you look really curious about Jadeite even if you haven’t met him, yet.” She gently brushed some grass off her short orange skirt and she walked away, waving goodbye, “See you later.”
Mars yelled at Venus going away, “I am not curious about him!”
Mercury was having fun with Zoisite’s joyful way to explain her everything of Earth, Jupiter was definitively falling in love with Nephrite and now Venus was coming closer and closer Kunzite.
Mars needed to calm down.
She arrived at the top of the small hill and stopped, surprised, staring at the hollow after the hill. She stared at her loved lake, at the sallow … and at the usurper lying under the tree.
She frowned.
She walked to the tree and recognized the pale blue uniform with cyan piping of the man sleeping under the tree: the last of the Shitennou to meet, Jadeite. The usurper of her favorite spot.
Damned annoying.
Jadeite was deeply asleep under the tree, in fetal position. 
Mars observed his cape folded under his head as a pillow, her boots nearby (looking at his bare feet, she wondered if he liked to keep his feet in the fresh water of the lake), his belt abandoned in the grass, and his sword in his left hand. She wrinkled her nose at that negligence, but his negligence somehow emphasized his beauty: short blond hair, curly to the point to look disheveled, cowlicks nearly covering his closed eyes; perfect nose and fine features; perfect lips.
Women at Elysion’s Court were right: Jadeite was beautiful. And it annoyed Mars.
She frowned and folded her arms, “Hey, you! You should guard your Prince instead of sleeping!”
He slowly opened his eyes, sat up and stared at her with a curious look.
“I can’t say what’s the color of his eyes, honestly.” Venus was right. The color of his eyes was an indefinable mix of pale blue and gray; pale blue, gray and … some lavender too? Beside that amazing but indefinable color, his eyes’ shape too was puzzling: wide eyes faintly slanting. And those eyelids, long and perfectly defined.
Mars understood why Court’s women talked of Jadeite’s beauty: he was beautiful, of course, a different kind of beauty than the other Shitennou, a classical and clear beauty, objective beauty. She couldn’t deny that both Endymion and his Shitennou were good looking, any of them, nevertheless, but Jadeite … 
Utterly annoying thought.
Towering on him, her arms folded, Mars kept on looking at him.
His curious look turned polite; he finally smiled amused, “Sailor Mars, I suppose.” He stood up and had a gentle bow, so strange in his negligent outfit, “Nice to meet you. My name is Jadeite, one of the Shitennou, Knight of Prince Endymion.” Soft voice, with a pitch of hoarseness.
Annoyingly formal.
Mars half closed her eyes, glancing at his uniform’s accessories scattered on the grass; she snorted, “Very strange Knight.”
He caught her look and burst out laughing.
His sudden and soft laugh surprised her. She opened her eyes wide and observed him laughing, his eyes closed and his head down while his cheeks tinged a soft red.
He slowly put his boots and cape on, then his belt, “Uh, sorry. I am not in my best look.”
Mars tossed her long raven hair behind and sighed, “I didn’t think I was going to find someone here. It’s always lonely and peaceful, here, and I love it.” Why was she telling him about her feelings for that place?
Jadeite shrugged, still that gentle smile on his face, “This is my favorite place, too.” He sat down, his back against the tree, “You can spend your time here whenever you want, I won’t bother you. There’s enough place for both of us, here.”
A sudden fire on her cheeks and her heart beating faster, Mars turned on her heels and walked away, her hair fluttering in the wind, “You shouldn’t spend your time sleeping under a tree but guarding your Prince.”
From the hill, before to leave, she glanced again at Jadeite. 
He was laughing, that soft laugh of him.
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And Mars felt again that feeling. Annoyance. 
It was annoyance, wasn’t it?
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Sailor Senshi x Shitennou Romantic Essay - Sailor Mercury and Zoisite
(Again a warning. Due to the way Tumblr works on the phone, this post is long and if you’re reading on a phone there is no read more button. Sorry in advance.) 
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So after thinking about it for a while I figured it would be better to start off with the pairing I think is actually the most interesting because it seems to be the most quiet in terms of their personalities, that being Ami Mizuno and Zoisite.
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This, oddly enough, is my favorite pairing, and it’s not your traditional romantic couple by a long shot. Ami has always been the quietest of the girls, and second only to Rei when it comes to not being able to deal with boys. Unlike Usagi, Minako and Makoto, Ami is the one of the group that seems less incline to be busy with a romance. This is not to say she’s against it, and it’s been clear in various versions of the show that she wouldn’t mind having a husband and getting married. But part of her goal is to become a doctor, so romance isn’t as strong an idea for her versus the other three, minus Rei.
On the other side of things you have Zoisite who a lot of people thinks would be flirty, however, there’s enough in the materials collection and the recent series, as well as the manga, to have me thinking that flirting is low on his spectrum of interests. That’s not to say that he can’t or won’t flirt, it’s just that it would be very different. We don’t get a lot of Zoisite outside of his brainwashed state, but when we do it’s interesting. He’s very quiet, staying close to Kunzite, and is the second one to get angry when they reveal what’s going on with them. When it comes to seeing Mamoru as the Prince later, he clearly shows that he’s able to smile, though softer than the other three. On top of this when it comes to personality, according to the Materials media, is the youngest and is treated as Kunzite’s younger brother. So this would play a lot on the idea of him as being both the cutie of the group, as well as the brat.
Which brings us to the first point: Characteristics and personalities of the two.
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When it comes to personality Ami is sweet but never really made friends that easily. Straight up in the episode we first meet her we hear kids commenting on her “weirdness” for being very smart and preferring to read books and study over other things. Because of the fact that she has a bit of a quieter withdrawn sort of nature to herself, she’s often times seen as arrogant and aloof and it took Usagi approaching her with Luna to give others the impression that she’s friendly if quiet. Her intellect is through the roof, and she’s seen as the smartest in her group, with people thinking that she had an IQ of 300.
Naturally her calm nature makes her the most level headed of the five, and it drives her love of math and science, propelling her to want to be a doctor like her mother. Among the group she’s the group of reason, and was able to actually get the older outer senshi to not kill Hotaru with her reasoned explanation of why it would be bad to do so. Ami, because of her smarts, also is the planer of the group, and analyzes situations, items, etc. for them as she has a knack for it, and doesn’t mind. This leads her into trouble, as with the disk incident with Zoisite in Crystal.
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It’s her kindness that shines the brightest, as she’s a gentle person who doesn’t like to quarrel with others and abhors the harming of those that are innocent. Her loyalty is unmatched when it comes to Sailor Moon and she would sacrifice herself to save the others if necessary. If she does have, a flaw that the others can point to easily, it’s that she needs to “loosen Up” more. Emotionally though there’s a reason why she pushes herself so much. Her relationship with her mother, the person she looks up to and respects the most, is distant. Her parents at some earlier point in her life divorced, and her Father –a painter –has not seen his daughter in a long while, sending only birthday cards with well wishes every year. Her mother is always busy, making it harder for Ami to grow close to her mother at all.
One thing of note about Ami is that, while she’s very busy with studying and her job as a scout, she’s also an excellent swimmer –which probably has an attachment to the water element in her, and she also excels at playing Chess, as well as listening to music.
As for Zoisite:
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When it comes to personality Zoisite is a kind person but comes off as a bit aloof and cold. This isn’t to say that he’s not a good person, but rather, unlike the others less likely to make a shallow friendship with someone. That comes down to a few things I believe. For starters he’s seen as effeminate, probably an overly refined person who can come off as someone extremely polite and courteous to others. He has a lot of delicate features and looks and probably comes off with a quiet thinking softness to him that makes a lot of people underestimate him.
We know that he’s curious by nature, as the first time we meet him he’s pondering what the crystal really is, and given what we saw later with him, we know he’s the sort to think things through before enacting a plan, until he’s frustrated to the point where he just reacts and makes large mistakes in the process. Zoisite is the most level headed of the Shintennou and also probably the most sensitive of the group. When, in the manga, both of his friends died, Zoisite became emotional to the point of seeking revenge upon Rei herself for the death of Jadeite, and later on Sailor Moon for the death of Nephrite. He’s a deeply caring person who probably doesn’t outwardly show it a lot to other people.
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We know that he tends to act mature, but also is very immature too. Being the youngest member of the team he’s more then likely treated as the charming one and one that a lot of people want to protect. Zoisite more then likely uses that to his advantage, being charming and then manipulating the situation to best serve what he needs it too. I also get the impression that he dislikes being underestimated, and looked down upon, and probably has some deep seeded issues with his physical appearance. Due to this he tends to come off as a smart ass, even if he is the most intelligent of the group and probably uses his words to wound people more than using his sword. He hides a lot from others but when he does show his affection, it’s very strong.
When it comes to loyalty, he’s probably only matched by Kuznite, who is seen as an elder brother figure for him and probably one he emulates in how he comes off. No doubt that to the Prince he was probably the one that was the most willing to give his life directly due to the fact that Endymion possibly saw past his appearance to the strong, kind, and pure person that Zoisite was under all his coolness. It’s also clear that Zoisite is very clever and willing to be underhanded when it comes to getting a job done, and would rather end things quickly then prolong a fight just to be seen as noble or something like that. The faster something is done, the quicker things can be healed and mended.
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He also is someone that adapts to things very quickly and doesn’t like to lose, he more than likely enjoys trying to one up someone in wits and possibly in who is smarter at times. He also get’s frustrated and distant when angry until he’s annoyed to the point where he emotionally reacts to something like a kid would and then becomes embarrassed by it.
For Zoisite, reading and probably learning about things would be a hobby of sorts, and possibly creating tech for the team would be another.
So connections between them….
As far as Mercury and Zoisite of the past there does seem to be hints of how these two would work as a couple in the Silver Millennium.
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We know that both are extremely loyal to their leaders, that being the Princess and the Prince, and no doubt both would find a common ground in that idea. They are also intellectuals that seem to prefer dealing damage at a distance, and also are underestimated due to both their physical appearance and their natural quiet nature.
I have no doubt that like Mercury, Zoisite probably was seen as the most introverted of the group. The weak link in the chain due mostly to his physical appearance. He can easily be seen as a woman, and possibly, because of his refine polite skills, he was talked about as the lesser of the Knights. Throw in that he also probably was seen as short and young and given the more aggressive personality of Nephrite, may have felt that he had to be cool and aloof in order for people to stop treating him as a child, and may have enventually learned to use that to his advantage.
That same feeling of being seen as the weaker one probably created a strong understanding between them, and probably lead to them becoming friendly with one another. Yet another aspect is the fact that both Mercury and Zoisite seem to share a kindness to them that quiet and unlike the others, this has to be drawn out by more extroverted people.
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Zoisite’s head shots tell a lot of his story, and given that he doesn’t strike me as someone that easily could let himself fall in love, it’s not very hard to see that when he fell for Mercury it was probably very hard and he didn’t realize it until he did and then it was a lock on him. From the way he holds her in the picture to the look that he gives her in the fight, it’s clear that, at least from his end, he’s a bit more possessive of her. Not that he wouldn’t give her space and become a stalker like figure, more that he would want to be by her side and keep her shielded from attacks and harm.
Another thing that I think both would probably have made a connection on was the fact that both seem to be the planners for the group and the smart one on the team. This could lead to them discussing things with each other that would have the others completely lost on for whatever reason. I also have the odd idea, in the back of my mind, given that Zoisite is a technopath and seems to have a lot of skill with different forms of technology, it wouldn’t surprise me at all to think that either he made the goggles and the head set for Mercury to use. Or helped her in developing them at some point in time to give the girls an advantage in finding the princess when she went missing or other issues that came about.
As for Ami and Zoisite, there’s a lot more to go with there when (not if) the Shitennou come back.
We know that Ami is a kind hearted person who’s intelligence can bring out the best in other people. Her nature of caring and finding out the truth to things and being willing to put herself on the line would be someone that Zoisite would find very interesting and also someone that he would want to challenge in the friendly sense to see who’s smarter.
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The two both have issues with making friends or finding companionship and knowing Ami, seeing how Usagi helped pull her out of her shell, she would want to extend the same thing for Zoisite. It would give him a moment of someone actually wanting to see past his looks and realize that he’s actually a lot stronger than he first appears. I could also see her realizing before the others that the aloofness is more of an act and not part of his real personality, more that it’s a cover to hide a sensitive side that he worries others will exploit.
The two would probably be a match on the study side of things, and, seeing how Zosite would be 16 to 17 years old, he’d probably be one of Ami’s rivals when it came to testing scores. Not only that, but again, pointing to his use of technology for his plans, one can then speculate that probably Zoisite would have an interest in the sciences. Given that he’s the Knight of Healing, it’s not that huge a leap of logic to assume that he, like Ami, may want to go into the medical field, or possibly something where he could use his logic and insight to excel at helping others. Both are the voice of reason for logic, and Zoisite would more or less be able to help her find information that could allow her to gain a better understanding of her own personal ideas.
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Throw in there that Zoisite more or less would be the one that would have the skills to be a charmer, and it’s not hard to see him using that on her to get her to step away from the studying, even if he himself may understand why she is pushing herself so hard, and to have some fun. He’d also be able help her find some way of getting a better connection to both her parents, as healing doesn’t just refer to a physical condition, it could be a mental or emotional one as well.
Zoisite would be impressed with her use of words to deal with a situation. Even if he’s not the peacekeeper of the group, he’s probably the one that is able to use his words to get people to do what he wants. So seeing her use them to defuse a situation, or get others to back up from a fight would be something that he would find heavily attractive in a person, I would think. I also feel that their loyalty again would be the start of common ground as she’s friends with Mamoru and he would see the compassion and trust that she has in the young Prince, something that he sees in him too.
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One thing I think for sure that could unite them is their love of books, and Zoisite would more than likely enjoy playing chess with her. I have no doubt that he’d be in the stands cheering for her on the swim team and they probably would both enjoy sitting around listening to music.
I’m also going to throw in there that Zosite is probably the sort of person who, when he sees someone he loves across the room being asked out by someone else, he’d probably send that person running with a glare. Then act as if the person had some weird reason to leave.
So what does Ami see in Zoisite?
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Ami would see the compassion and deep kindness behind the aloof exterior. She would easily see someone that she could talk to about family issues and a person that could understand those things. She would be attracted by his more refined nature and probably by his intellect. A battle of wits could be part of it, along with enjoying the fact that Zoisite is someone who would be flattered or embarrassed by her way of nonphysical flirting.
Ami’s the type of person who would also feel for him, being an only child, and also understand how it feels to be seen as the weak link in the group. She would try to help him overcome his own issues of doubt in himself that he probably tends to cover up and work with him to find a way to show his strength in a more positive light. She’d also be the one, along with Usagi, to pull him out of his shell and get him to loosen up more and be more willing to have fun.
Given the smile on her face in the main picture I have no doubt that she feels happy when she’s with him and his warmth comes through for her. Zosite’s charming nature and general politeness would also win her over and she might find him a bit on the dangerous side given his ability to manipulate others to do what he wants. At the same time, she’d also respect that he mostly does that for the sake of making thing end quickly so that peace can come back to them.
Romantically speaking she would be drawn to him based on his intelligence and quiet nature, and she’d stay around for his kindness and actual willingness to understand others and way of trying to help others heal or fix what’s the matter with them to the best of his ability.
So what does Zosite see in Ami?
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Other than her soft beauty he’d be taken in by her kindness and warm nature. He’d also become quickly attracted to how strong she is, even though her attacks can be seen as weak. He’d also be interested in her intelligence, and how smart she actually is, and find her shy nature very much a cute aspect of her, even if he doesn’t say it that much.
For him, love would be something that again, he would not see coming and when it hit him, he wouldn’t let her go, not for an instant. He’d find in her someone that he could talk about not only things that interested him, but also someone who didn’t judge him for his looks and appearance. The fact that others saw her as aloof would be something that would surprise him and also make him protective of her against other words of harm that could be bestowed upon her. He’d probably want to help her deal with her parents in some way, and listen to her when she was upset over things.
Zoisite would see her as a friendly rival, always trying in some way to challenge her perception of things and make her think outside the box, and come up with new plans to deal with things. He’d teach her to think on her feet and be able to observe and realize what’s going on and to multitask in a situation. Also I have a feeling he’d work with her to find a  way to pair up their powers to make them a hard duo to beat on the field. (Snow and Crystal shard attack?)
He’d also fall for her due to her view of quarrels and the harming of the innocent, something I think he agrees with as the Knight of healing. I can also see him trying to teach her how to use her quietness to become more observant and also how to use her calmness to get others to listen to what she has to say for a larger group of people.
On top of all that her determination to become a doctor, and her desire to help the scouts, even when things are harder for her, would make him want to be with her even more. I also think that her loyalty would be something that he would see as a start to common ground for them.
Romantically speaking he would be drawn to her quiet nature, but also her kindness and beauty. He’d see someone he would want to protect but also someone who was an equal match on the intelligence and cleaver factor. He’d stay around because of her honesty and determination, as well as the fact that he could tease her and she wouldn’t judge him harshly for his actions, choices, or the fact that he can be a bit of a smart ass and a flirt around her.
So how would these two have met in the past and how would they meet in the present.
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(*seeking out the artist so I can credit for this image)
For the past, I assumed that the girls probably split up to find the princess. Knowing Mercury she possibly went to search for the princess where she would think Serenity would likely go to, such as a meadow or somewhere where she could feel the open air and the like. More than likely, while she was searching, she came upon Zoisite reading or observing something, or vice versa. Zoisite is not one to beat around the bush about situations, so he probably came up to her, and politely, but seriously, asked her who she was and what she was doing on earth.
Mercury most likely introduced herself to him, and he did so to her, and told her that the moon people weren’t supposed to be there. I’m pretty sure the two had a short chat over what her reason for being there was, and he agreed to escort her around to find the princess, and probably explained that they were having similar issues with the prince and that once they found them, she and the princess could leave.
However the two, wind up finding more in common during this early time and become friendly with one another, eventually prompting Mercury to agree with the Princess about going back down again, and meeting with the Knights to become friends and learn more about the world that they’re protecting from above. This would lead Mercury to ask Zoisite about what he could tell her about earth and he’d probably bring her books upon books to study about the planet, it’s history and it’s people. During this time, the two would fall for one another, and Zoisite probably came up with the idea of meeting the girls under the tree as a means of being the spot where the four could come together.
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(*seeking out the artist so I can credit for this image) 
 As for the present, my guess would be that Zoisite, as with the other knights, would have been in Japan for whatever reason. Given his looks, I would think that he may be half-European half Japanese and more than likely the prince of his school, or possibly bullied for his looks. Given he’s a year younger or the same age as Mamoru he would probably have the same sort of schedule as Ami heading to school. No doubt, the two probably would be rivals for the top spot in testing, and he probably sees her as a challenge.
If anything, I think the two would more than likely meet at first as rivals, with Zoisite informing her that he’ll take her top spot, and this leads to a friendly competition between them. If anything, he would probably and eventually, like the girls, regain his memories when he met Mamoru and because of his kindness and seeing the kind hearted person inside whomever Zoisite was. Of course, he would be helping his Prince with whatever issues that he may have and end up assisting the girls as they dealt with enemies.
During this time, he and Ami would probably forge a friendship more than a romance as he would point out that they are not the same people that they were in the past and that they need to come to terms with who they are now and not who they were then. Eventually, however, Zoisite would probably be the first to realize his feelings for her and, with the blessing of his Prince, decide to move on it. Again, both are shier introverted individuals, so they wouldn’t have a huge passionate confession or anything like that. Being the nerds they are, it would probably be a slow burning but strong dating thing, taking things one-step at a time till finally they could actually come to a mutual agreement that they were in love with one another and proceed from there.
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(seeking out credit for the artist) 
As for their future? Not really sure on that one. Zoisite strikes me as someone who could potentially do all sorts of things for a living. I could see him going into medicine, but also someone who could easily peruse the arts in a more logical kind of way. It’s hard to point out what he would do, Ami on the other hand we know would become a doctor like her father, and Zoisite would support her as she strove to do that as she would support him in whatever his endeavor would be.
Whatever the case may be for the two on a professional level, I feel like romantically they would be the most likely to have the the deepest connection in regard to a mental thing going on. Probably not very showy when it comes to public displays of affection, but more then likely very affectionate and sweet when alone and in public small things go a long way for them. No doubt they would be the pairing that would make each other smile the most on inside jokes that the others didn’t get. 
So the next one up would be Makoto and Nephrite. Hoping to get on that next week.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Shitennou, or Four Heavenly Kings –and the significance of their titles.
Lastly we have Kunzite.
Kunzite: Knight of Virtue (Purity) and affection
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Once more the title was changed and that has me thinking again. In this case, I think it was for the better as the term doesn’t work as well from the Japanese version.
Kunzite is the right hand of Endymion, there is no doubt about that, and the older brother figure to all the members of  his team. He’s also the eldest and the one that has to have trained the others in how to act in court. What’s interesting about Kunzite, and I find honestly reflective in his title is what Ms. Takauchi said about him in his description.
“The Greatest and best of the four heavenly kings. Had the air of an Arabian king. Silent and calm. Frightening when Angry.”
She also notes that his uniform has a look of greatness to him.
Which brings me to his picture.
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He doesn’t smile in his head shots. You do get one off to the side view, but it shows just how seriously he takes his role and each of the emotions he’s showing, save for a sort of aloof one are either direct and honest looking or teasing in nature. This ties strongly into his title and I think one of the reasons why Endymion probably gave it to him.
When we look at the word Purity, it doesn’t quite fit for Kunzite, and I think they were going for more of the idea of the Samurai version of the idea of Purity. One that is loyal to his leader and shogun, and will do as commanded, even if there are questions that come up that he wants or needs to be answered. With that in mind though, let’s take a look at the title words definitions.
Virtue:1 a : conformity to a standard of right : morality
               b : a particular moral excellence
               2 : a beneficial quality or power of a thing
               3 : manly strength or courage : valor
               4 : a commendable quality or trait : merit
               : morally good behavior or character
               : a good and moral quality
The automatic thing that one takes away from this is the idea of someone who is morally right. The word Virtue has been connected from the Victorian era onwards with knights. The idea of the knight of virtue, who follows his leader with courage, and morals. Who can act noble and stand tall even in the face of danger. And Kunzite shows this in spades, even when he’s under control he’s telling everyone to follow the mission. Only when he’s confronted with the truth does he deny loyalty to Beryl whom he thought was his queen.
Part of being connected to Virtue is the idea of being moral. And being moral can show a great deal of understanding what’s the right thing to do and the noble thing to do. It’s not an easy line to walk and if anything Kunzite was meant to represent what a noble knight was like to others. His loyalty knows no bounds and it’s clear that he cares the most deeply personally for Endymion. That is not to say the others don’t, but the indication is there that he probably knew him the longest given the age that he is.
Moral: : concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior
               : based on what you think is right and good
               : considered right and good by most people
               : able to tell right from wrong
Kunzite actually had to fight against this aspect of himself. More than once he was confronted with it, and when he broke his brainwashing he was the first to run after Beryl. In the manga, we see him alone with the knowledge of what happened and the guilt is there in those moments when he recalling all of it. He and the others are willing to allow their gems to protect the prince. It’s not hard to see why Kunzite is the most moral of the group, and one could guess that he probably was always the one to remind the others to behave themselves, and probably was considered a stick in the mud by some because of how he acted like a noble person.
Other aspects that probably is connected to him through the Virtue term are…
Valor: : strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness : personal bravery
Merit: d : character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem
Courage: : mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty
               : the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
All three are normally seen as part of what makes a knight a knight. The upstanding bravery in the face of danger, or finding it in yourself to stand up for what you believe in. This corresponding with his second part of the title makes me think that Kunzite was the last one chosen to be given a title, but the first one that Endymion knew exactly what role he would play in his court. He was the leader, a selfless person who cared for his Prince and was willing to do anything, even take his own life if need be, to protect him. (This also again makes me think that he’s the one that will suffer the most guilt when he comes back and remembers the Dark Kingdom.)
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Last part of his title is Affection.
Affection: : a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something : tender attachment :
               : the feeling aspect (as in pleasure) of consciousness
Now Affection can have many parts to it. A person can show affection through touch, words and actions. It’s something that comes naturally to some, less so to others, and I think it fits in very well with Kunzite. He cares, strongly, for others, and shows that in the fact that he teases them. When talking to Kunzite and Nephrite, he makes the choice to call them out in a kind of cruel way, but we’ve seen within the pages of the Manga that back handed comments to tease someone is how he tends to do things, as per his comment about an energetic princess to Venus.
This also makes me think that he is the sort to easily love and learn to love other things. While it might not be passionate, he clearly cares and his kindness comes off him when he’s smiling.
For Endymion and the others he’s the one that is the most loyal and the one that the others look up to and are inspired by. He’s the leader, and the mentor of the group, trying to show them how to behave and keeping them in line. He’s also probably the one that has the most compassion about various things and, when angered is the one that is ready to go after those that hurt the prince and his friends. He’s direct and honest and that’s something that Endymion would need as part of this team, since he’s still young and hasn’t had all the experience in the world.
Kunzite’s powers are the strongest and I have a feeling that his energy attacks were used as an ace in the hole situation. There’s indications that he has a force power that can rip things apart, and a shield that protects him and others. Also he seems to have the ability to teleport the others which means in a battle he probably was the go to in keeping the knights together, or getting people out of a bad situation. The other thing that I think actually helps him in controlling a situation is the time freeze and the fact that it could help him talk to Mamoru as far as getting thing organized in a large room with lots of people.
I hope this all makes sense and I hope you enjoyed it.
Going to start work on the Shitennou and Senshi’s relationships next time. 
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Shitennou, or Four Heavenly Kings –and the significance of their titles.
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Ever since Act 10 came out with Sailor Moon Crystal I’ve been wondering about the deeper connection between the titles of the Four Knights of Endymion and the men that held those titles. Like the Sailor Scouts, I don’t doubt that all four of the young men that became the Prince’s loyal companions came to him for a reason and were drawn to him. Kunzite even mentions that they were reborn to find him and be by his side. So this is no small feat that they have these titles.
While I’ve noticed that most people are pulling from where they are from and the connection to the four kings from Buddhist religion, and possibly in connection to Shinto’s idea of the four compass directions having spirits connected to them. I wanted to draw attention to their titles because that tells me more about them as individuals then the history that they’re drawn from. I’m going to take an assumption here, seeing how Ms. Takauchi did work somewhat on the Crystal series, and guess that possibly she was the one that gave the boys their titles. Though this also could be the production staff, which, if true on the latter, good job guys.
Anyway the reason I bring this up is because the titles of each of the Knights have meaning. No title like this is given for no reason, and it’s clear that there is a connection between their titles and the roles the Knights played as a group serving Endymion. Like we saw with the Sailor scouts, each piece of the five man band is a cog in the whole wheel, and that would include Endymion as well. But…we’re not going to focus on the prince because I think there’s already a lot out there going over who he is and why he is the way he is …I think…correct me if I’m wrong people.
So before we start, let’s go over quickly what a title is. A title is normally used to honor a person in some way or another.
From Merriam –Webster: a : an appellation of dignity, honor, distinction, or preeminence attached to a person or family by virtue of rank, office, precedent, privilege, attainment, or lands
Why is this definition important? Because it explains elegantly what that rank at the end of the name of the character means. A title isn’t something you’re born with, unless your family already has it, so this is something given to someone who, in this case, the royalty feels has distiquisted themselves in some way or another. This would infer that the boys did something that gained them the rank that they have, rather than them being born into it. Somewhat like the scouts, only I think they were chosen in a different way.
This means that the ranks that the knights have are something special, and is it any wonder that they are so loyal to the prince, even when they are on the side of the dark and why his existence is what helps in cracking the brainwashing. This is something special to them, so of course Endymion would be careful in handing out the titles that he gave to them.
So where to start with this whole think piece that has been brewing since I saw Crystal and then read the manga…well I guess with the first guy that announces himself.  Jadeite.
Jadeite: Knight of Patience and Harmony…
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According to the girls each knight told them their name. So naturally they would have explained the reason behind their title. And when we look at Jadeite’s it’s the only one that wasn’t switched in the dub.
When examining one of the many pieces of artwork that came in the Sailor moon Crystal art book, one that stood out to me was that of Jadeite and his head shots. Unlike the other Shitennou who were drawn looking serious or angry, or smug in some cases, Jadeite’s head shots are shown to be smiling. All of them.
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Save for one that is showing him being embarrassed. Now why would they have put him with all happy faces unless it was to show that, of the four young men, he is the friendliest and the one that has the lease anger in his heart.  You may go, but how can you even tell that? Well that’s because his title says it all.
Let’s take a look in what each word is defined as starting with the first:
According to Merriam-Webster this word is defined as:
“Patience:  the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient”
Now this would mean that Jadeite has the ability or skill to be a patient person. But that doesn’t tell us much until we look at what the word Patient means.
Patient:  bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint
               2 : manifesting forbearance under provocation or strain
               3 : not hasty or impetuous
               4 : steadfast despite opposition, difficulty, or adversity
               5 a : able or willing to bear —used with of
So why is this definition important? Well it tells us a lot about Jadeite as a person. We know from the term that a person who is seen as Patient is someone who can handle situations that can be very frustrating without getting annoyed, or at least they stay calm about things. It also indicates that they do so without complaining or irritable about something.
By it’s very definition in connection to the word calm, which indicates a state of tranquility, or peaceful state, the idea of someone being Patient indicates someone who doesn’t get easily upset or lets it roll off their back. Something that would be very useful for a person who may be an advisor to the King of earth.
Another aspect of the term is the idea of someone who is forbearing, or someone who can hold themselves back and control themselves when provoked, or pushed by aggression. This means that Jadeite is someone who can take a lot of ill will towards him without getting mad easily. Reminds me a lot of Rei and how she’s able to stay calm even as people shun or act like jerks to her. Having the skills to stay calm in a court would be a huge help to someone like Endymion, especially with diplomatic relations and when dealing with the citizens.
Other characteristics show the idea that someone would have to be not hasty or fast in making their choices. That they, or in this case Jadeite, weighs his options. Which actually ties into his actions directly in the show as he takes his time with his plans and sets up a long game with the girls getting the jewelry and the bus actions. For that matter, it also identifies someone who is Patient as steadfast or firm in their beliefs and determined, also known as loyal, even when there’s issues and the choice is hard to make. Adding to this is the idea that the person is willing to bear some sort of problem and deal with it over a period, rather than act on it at once.
All things there considered with the terms, it at least appears that the first half of Jadeite’s title indicates that he was given this due to the ability to handle situations that came up without being angered by them. Given what we know of the word now, it also shows that he was a loyal person who probably was able to keep the peace among the others and look at things in a different way than say someone like Zoisite. It also gives a clear indication that Jadeite was more than likely the one that got the least upset over things and probably was the one that Endymion trusted the most when dealing with serious issues that needed a calming hand and advice for people that were being rude or aggressive towards him. This is not to say that Jadeite didn’t get upset, but rather it took longer and he probably was the sort that looked at problems for a longer solution then just a quick fix.
Judging by this we can see why there was a connection to Endymion as we’ve seen with Mamoru that he’s the sort of person that can stay calm, but probably could use advice from someone that gets the idea of balance and finding an inner peace and understanding of things on a more spiritual level.
Speaking of which….
His second title is that of Harmony.
Now this is a longer one as it has more meaning to it.  
Harmony as defined by Merriam-Webster:
               archaic : tuneful sound : melody
               a : pleasing arrangement of parts : congruence a painting exhibiting harmony of color and line
               b : agreement, accord when a woman's desires are in harmony with those of her husband
               c : internal calm : tranquility a period of relative harmony
The idea of harmony usually gets people thinking of the idea of the word melody or of tunes and songs. When thinking of harmony we typically see it as a melodic piece which of itself is interesting. There are some beliefs in the idea that Blue jade (Jadeite’s color) is connected to sound and that there’s a note that can come if you strike the stone. With the idea of music, one could argue that the harmony not only extends from the psychological aspect of the character, but it may connect with the actual musical aspect as well.
Music, for the most part, is a type of art that invokes feelings and if Jadeite represents the calming aspect this also falls under how harmonies in song and music can, in fact, make others feel calm and relaxed, even when they are at the most volatile.
Consider this example. When you’re feeling down, you listen to a song that has soothing melodies, and chords that make you relax, it puts you in a more peaceful state. This could relate into his harmonious nature over all, as possibly we could take a guess that Jadeite of the past may have had connection to music, even if it wasn’t a power like say how Zoisite uses sound.
Bringing it back to the definition though the word Harmony also connects to the idea of a pleasing arrangement of parts. This can be seen for music or painting, but can also be seen as connecting to the idea of a personal situation, where all parties are pleased with the end result of an arrangement. Something that, could easily come out of someone being very good at keeping the peace and calmness in an event.
This brings me back to the managa and the moment with Nephrite and Jadeite. In the manga both Nephrite and Zoisite felt enraged enough to go and target Mars for Jadeite’s death. Zoisite going as far as to actively seek revenge upon her by playing into her past by using songs to invoke memories of Jadeite and lead her to nearly fall prey to his plans. The fact that he was so well loved by his fellow Knights shows that Jadeite was probably the most popular and the one that kept the group together in spite of their differences. Also, during Crystal’s anime, we get a moment of Nephrite asking him why he’s not killing the people, and in the sub we get the line that he’s being too lenient, indicating that Jadeite may be the more gentle of the group, and that shows too in how he arranges the people in the room where he’s taken them. When looking at the term about Harmony yet another factor that you have to take in is that of the idea of Agreement or Accord. Both words give a very interesting meaning to what the idea of Harmony is in this case.
Accord: to grant or give especially as appropriate, due, or earned
               2 : to bring into agreement : reconcile
               1 : to be consistent or in harmony : agree
a : harmony of opinion, action, or character : concord
b : the act or fact of agreeing She nodded her head in agreement.
When dealing with an accord, this is typically seen in a political sense of the word, the idea being that two sides come to form an agreement over an issue and make a deal about it. Being able to make an accord or have the skills it takes to reconcile (or pull together two sides) regarding an issue, takes a lot out of a person and would have to be someone who understands both sides of the matter in a just and fair way. Endymion having Jadeite as such a person would be a huge boon for him in matters of politics, as Jadeite could calmly and rationally explain things in terms that could get both sides to talk.
On top of that, you have the word agreement in there, which shows that someone would have an opinion that could be seen as finding a connection to something and creating a balance in it. If that the case then that would mean that Jadeite, as I pointed out in his original piece, really was the peacemaker of the group, acting as the diplomatic one when it came time to make choices and giving a fair and balanced side of both parties to help Endymion to make his final choice in matters.
This makes me think that he probably was the person that took notes, as well as was there in the throne room at all times, listening in on matters and helping the prince understand complex issues in better ways.
Lastly mentioned in Harmony is the word Tranquility.
And now we come round to his first term Patience as well, since the word Tranquility is heavily connected to calmness and Patience.
Tranquility: a : free from agitation of mind or spirit a tranquil self-assurance
               b : free from disturbance or turmoil a tranquil scene
               2 : unvarying in aspect : steady, stable
So why is this word so important as a connecting thread for Jadeite? Because it’s the spiritual piece that the others lack in their titles.  
The idea of being tranquil comes from the idea that someone can, and in some cases does, have the skills to allow their mind to be free of agitation and anger. That they can be sure of themselves enough that doubt isn’t as big a deal as it could be. And we actually again see an example of this when Jadeite tells Nephrite that he’s sure about his plan. He’s confident in it because his past self was someone who didn’t let the anger get to him as much.
We see in Act 10 that he’s the one that smiles when the girls arrive, showing a kindness and peaceful demeanor to them to welcome them rather than showing distrust or distance. Tranquility also connects to the idea of not being easily disturbed by things, and that they are steadfast and stable. Something again connected to the idea of loyalty and Patience. This could also connect to Mars and Jadeite, but that’s for another post.
So what about Jadeite in his role with the prince. Well given his title there’s a few things we can surmise about him and guess about.
One thing that stands out to me is the fact that Jadeite would have had to have been someone that Endymion trusted. He was the closet in age to Endymion, being older by a year, other than the more aloof Zoisite. This would mean that the two were close, and that they probably talked a lot more frequently in a personal way then say Endymion and Zoisite. If we take what we know about him from the show and bring it into this, we can then also assume that Endymion must have seen his behavior as something that stood out to him at some point in time.
My honest guess here, given the way Nephrite and Jadeite act, is that they were of a lower class then Zoisite or Kunzite. It’s probable that Endymion discovered Jadeite due to his natural skills as a mediator and someone that the people in town, or around his area, found to be helpful. Again the fact that he’s smiling in his headshots, at least tell me that he was normally a friendly person and was probably someone that was extroverted, and more confident in himself. Probably the best way to put it was that he exuded many traits that Mamoru found in Usagi when they met.
If he’s the heart of the group, as it seems to be then, Jadeite used that skill as someone who could help others with a kind hand and a sense of calmness to find the balance in groups. This also ties into what’s been demonstrated as his powers.
His ability to make golems could have been used as a means to help people repair things as creating a workforce to help others fix things around the cities and the like could have been useful. As well as creating a larger fighting force to maybe get people to sit down and talk, if they felt that there was no way to win the war.  Then there’s the ice powers. Ice is a part of water, and water has many connections to the idea of calmness and serenity, something that Jadeite exudes. If his powers are just ice, and they probably extended into the water area as well, I could easily see him using them to help people in need of water, or to use it to clean out places that have been wrecked. As well as using the freezing to hold back enemies, and probably create a smaller level of protection around an area like a barrier. Creating a portal also can be used to indicate harmony as you would have to be a very calm and balanced person to move space and reality so that you don’t screw it up, and lastly the sleeping skill that he showed. That I would say would come in handy when dealing with someone who was irate and by letting them nap it would give Endymion a chance to consider what to say, as well as refreshing the person and making them feel more amiable to dealing with the Prince in the first place.
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darkspellmaster · 6 years
Shitennou, or Four Heavenly Kings –and the significance of their titles.
So going down the list we have Nephrite.
Nephrite: Knight of Intelligence (Wisdom) and comfort.
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When I say the word Intelligence or Wisdom, I’m not talking about books in this case. It’s interesting that Nephrite was the first to have his title changed by the dub, so we’ll take a look at both choices of words to get a better understanding of the reason behind this choice.
In Nephrite’s case, his intelligence is not to be found in the world of the library or study, it’s in the world in general. Nephrite is a passionate stone, and one that has a lot of connections to Jadeite as it’s from the same family (thus why I think that they probably are the lower class compared to Zoisite and Kunzite). However it’s a very strong stone that focuses on helping others dispel their fears as well as being something that brings out the courage and life energy in others. Sounds like Nephrite himself.
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When you look at his headshots, they show a very charming charismatic smile. In both top cases, it’s someone who is being a bit on the shrewd side given that there’s a tip down as if he’s playing up the charm, and the second one showing that he’s being genuine. In both cases you can tell that he’s someone who knows how to work a room and also someone that when being presented with someone that he genuinely likes drops his defenses. Below it’s a different story as one shows, a sense of concern with the mouth open, and the other is of a more embarrassed look as if he screwed up, or got caught by someone or teased.
Unlike Jadeite who is open, Nephrite strikes me as someone that needs to warm up to someone before he genuinely starts to befriend them, but does his best to help others out using his charms to draw out a more positive emotion from them. 
So one of the ideas of intelligence stems from a more emotive state of being then a book smarts idea. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary:
a (1) : the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations : reason; also : the skilled use of reason
(2) : the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)
               c : mental acuteness : shrewdness
               3: the act of understanding : comprehension
               4 a : information, news
               b : information concerning an enemy or possible enemy or an area; also : an agency engaged in obtaining such information
Looking at the term, we can learn some very interesting things about the title that Nephrite has. To start with the definition begins with the idea of learning or understanding about new situations or how to deal with them. It’s the idea of reason, or the skills to think critically of a situation using logic.
Reason itself has an interesting statement.
a : a statement offered in explanation or justification gave reasons that were quite satisfactory
               b : a rational ground or motive a good reason to act soon
               c : a sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense; especially : something (such as a principle or law) that supports a conclusion or explains a fact the reasons behind her client's action
               d : the thing that makes some fact intelligible : cause
               a (1) : the power of comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways : intelligence (2) : proper exercise of the mind (3) : sanity
Why am I connecting these two? Because they are important to understanding the reason for Nephrite’s title. In the first aspect of this, we know that you need reason to deal with and learn about a new situation. This is something that anyone with a keen mind, especially one that may eventually become your intelligence gather, would need to have. Reason is the rational grounds with which to explain things, and using logic to support ideas or comprehend a situation.
If we can look at Nephrite’s actions in the series we can see that he ‘s someone that acts out on emotions but also runs on logic. He warns Jadeite not to seem so nice to his captors, and yet at the same time while working on the reasoning that Beryl will be unhappy with this, he’s also working on the emotional side of things, showing a sense of compassion, shallow as it is, for Jadeite and the situation. Moreover, he does give justifications for this warning. He’s seen how she reacts to failure and that would mean probably, to him, that Jadeite would be punished for his actions or kept from completing the mission that he has.
This usually ties into the second part of the idea of intelligence, being shrewd.
Shrewd: archaic : mischievous
               4 a : severe, hard a shrewd knock
               b : sharp, piercing a shrewd wind
               5 a : marked by clever discerning awareness and hardheaded acumen shrewd common sense
               b : given to wily and artful ways or dealing a shrewd operator
You wouldn’t think of Nephrite as Shrewd, but he is! In so many ways, unlike the others, he’s the most adept at actually involving himself in the situation and pulling from it what he needs. We see in his behavior early on a rogue or mischievous like charisma that plays out when he comes into contact with the girls later on his in introduction Act. So what does Mischievous mean and how is it connected to Shrewd?
Mischievous: 2 a : able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minor injury
               b : irresponsibly playful mischievous behavior
               2 : showing a spirit of irresponsible fun or playfulness
There are so many words and terms tied into this idea even if it’s not as used as it once was. Someone who is full of mischief can be seen as wily and crafty. This usually indicates someone who if full of tricks and able to subtly craft a situation to be benefited to them, or to others depending on the situation. Not only that, but the word has indicated someone who is a clever sort of person.
               Clever: b : mentally quick and resourceful a clever young lawyer
               2 : marked by wit or ingenuity
                intelligent and able to learn things quickly
               : showing intelligent thinking
               : funny in a way that shows intelligence
               : having a quick inventive mind a clever designer
               2 : showing intelligence, wit, or imagination a clever joke a clever idea
The idea of the word Clever and Shrewd shows that Nephrite is someone that can think of ways to get into or out of a situation. A person that uses their wits to handle things as they come and has a keen understanding of how the world around them works. This is normally someone who is invested in others peoples lives, and tends to be able to mingle among them. And in a lot of cases this is connected to a rogue like person.  Which tends to indicate someone who is cunning, and sly.
The word sly indicates someone who is wise in practical affairs and we see this very much in Nephrite.
Sly: 1 chiefly dialectal
               a : wise in practical affairs
               b : displaying cleverness : ingenious
               2 a : clever in concealing one's aims or ends : furtive
               b : lacking in straightforwardness and candor : dissembling
               3 : lightly mischievous : roguish a sly jest
               : clever in a dishonest way
               : showing that you know a secret
               : both clever and tricky
               2 : tending to keep secrets and hide intentions
It’s not that hard to see him being seen as sly given his way of dealing directly with Princess D. Coming in taking over the lady she’s with and processing to use his understanding of human emotions to get her at a weak point so that he can take the treasure. One could argue too that someone with these skills could be very useful in acting as a spy, and this is where I think the idea of intelligence comes into play for Nephrite.
As a spy for the Prince, someone that can integrate himself into the common folks and gather information he could become invaluable and a real asset to the group. Not for the sake of learning personal business but what is happening around the world and the best ways to find a way to defend or diffuse a situation. This could explain partly why he seems so distant in the memory that the girls have. Someone in this field may not be as trusting as the others, and could be harder to get to their real personality. Yet there’s more to Nephrite then just being the spy type.
Intelligence also connects to the idea of understanding and comprehending things. But we’ll come to that after we take a quick turn and talk about Wisdom because that has an important part here too.
Wisdom: 1 a : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight
               b : good sense : judgment
               2 : a wise attitude, belief, or course of action
               : knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life
               : the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand
               : knowledge of what is proper or reasonable : good sense or judgment
               1 : knowledge or learning gained over time
               2 : good sense
               3 : a wise attitude, belief, or course of action
Like Intelligence Wisdom has a lot of meaning, and all of them seem to connect to Nephrite. Being wise doesn’t mean being smart in the academic sense, but rather it seems to indicate someone who has a good sense of judgement, or in this case a good sense to judge character and those around him.  When looking at Nephrite, there are hints that he’s the sort of person that has gained more about his life though living it, then in reading about things. For example his way of reading a room and getting into the princess’s life without disrupting the party. Or even being able to read which men were the best target for his brides. It seems like Nephrite would use these skills to dig into not only the lives of others to gather information for the Prince, but also use that to help him make a good choice based on his understanding of human emotions and how they work…
Speaking of which that get’s us back to the word Understanding…
Understanding: 1 : a mental grasp : comprehension
               2 a : the power of comprehending; especially : the capacity to apprehend general relations of particulars
               b : the power to make experience intelligible by applying concepts and categories
               3 a : friendly or harmonious relationship
               b : an agreement of opinion or feeling : adjustment of differences
               c : a mutual agreement not formally entered into but in some degree binding on each side
               4 : explanation, interpretation
               5 : sympathy 3a
Now the word understanding is connected to the term Intelligence and Wisdom. To become wise and intelligence you need reason and understanding to figure things out and make sense of the world around you and your situations. Without understanding, you’re kind of a drift, and that leads to poor choices being made. So how would he be using understanding as a means to help the prince? Well if Nephrite is as world smart as I think he probably is, he’s able to precive and gather insight into others by just hanging around them. In short he has strong observation skills and probably a very heavy sense of empathy for other people. Which could explain why both of his chances were used on very personal levels as that what he was able to do in the past and connect to.
Understanding leads to good places, and if he’s working with Jadeite, which it seems to indicate that there was a closeness to them, then the younger man’s calm nature and skills at bringing out a more peaceful resolution. This could be tied into Nephrite being able to empathize with someone and maybe get them to listen to what the Prince had to say about something or vice versa. You can also throw in some of the idea that understanding can bring about a feeling and, more importantly…Sympathy…
Which brings us to his other part…Comfort.
Now you would think that such a term would be weird for a title, but it blends in perfectly with what we can reason is how Nephrite works.
1 : to give strength and hope to : cheer
               2 : to ease the grief or trouble of : console
1 : strengthening aid:      
a : assistance,
               b : consolation in time of trouble or worry : solace
               2 a : a feeling of relief or encouragement
               b : contented well-being a life of ease and comfort
               3 : a satisfying or enjoyable experience
               4 : one that gives or brings comfort all the comforts of home
               : to cause (someone) to feel less worried, upset, frightened, etc. : to give comfort to (someone)
               : a state or situation in which you are relaxed and do not have any physically unpleasant feelings caused by pain, heat, cold, etc.
               : a state or feeling of being less worried, upset, frightened, etc., during a time of trouble or emotional pain
               : a person or thing that makes someone feel less worried, upset, frightened, etc.
               : to ease the grief or trouble of
The idea of comforting someone is such a strong term that it’s something that transcends just about any barriers for the most part. The idea of comforting someone leads to the feelings of giving them hope and the feeling of being cheered up from the deeper sad emotions that they may be feeling. Giving comfort also shows that someone has the ability to empathize and sympathize with others and their plights and understand their emotions and the state of emotions that they are in. And we know that Nephrite can do this due to his dark side’s actions on Makoto and Princess D.
The simple fact that he was willing to target their emotions shows that he has a keen understanding of the way emotions can dictate how we react to things and probably helped in a lot of cases with the Prince in figuring out who to trust and who not to trust. Takauchi’s art book showed that he was someone who was a big brother and that to me, given his age, shows that he probably was the one that talked to Endymion the most about his emotions and what he was feeling at the time.
We know that he has a deeper understanding of love, as what he says about no one loving Makoto can only come from someone who has a closeness to the idea of love and emotions, and then there’s the other facet to this in the form of giving advice to Endymion over what to do with the princess. It’s clear that Endymion, and by that token Mamoru, is a rather shy person and kind of on the quiet side. If anything, it’s not too hard to imagine a young Mamoru seeking out Nephrite’s help at understanding his feelings and maybe looking for advice on what to do to help him understand Serenity more as a person.
Also, seeing as how he may be the spy master in all of this, it’s not too hard to assume then that Nephrite probably was the one to warn the Prince about the possible attack on the Moon kingdom. Given that we don’t see them in the scenes of the attack in Crystal, I would assume that they either died on earth trying to help stop people from getting there, or that they perished on the moon defending the prince and giving him time to escape to the Princess.
Either way it’s easy to see that Nephrite was more likely chosen by Endymion for his charm and wit and his ability to get involved with others and help them understand why they are feeling the way they feel. As a spy, he probably was able to gather Intel for the prince as well as for Kunzite and the others to help them advise the prince when dealing with other kingdoms or issues that came up. Nephrite also strikes me as the person that was probably the one of the group, that flirted the most with others to understand human emotions more and more than likely had the hardest defense when it came to feelings, but this changed upon meeting Endymion and gaining that loyal friend that would help him out.
In regard to meeting him, I have a strong suspicion that Nephrite was discovered more by chance then by anything else. His abilities with his shadow really do connect to the spy idea as it would be a great use to gather information by taking over and tracking someone though that sort of power. Not only that but the fact that he can do possessions means that he’s harder to kill and catch. There seems to be a hint of wind attacks, which could also translate into the idea of someone who has been moved about and uses what they know due to the idea that the wind is ever shifting and you can learn a lot from your senses. By using the wind and what it brings back to you, through smell and sound, and also the idea of using darkness, I’m going to almost definitively say that Nephrite was the Spymaster of the Shitennou for Prince Endymion.
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Nonsensical babbling
Just been rewatching Kunzite's arc again and I'm just filled with so many different nonsensical thoughts and feelings, like:
Why does everyone (and Endymion) think Kunzite's methods are poor?? Dude's first attempt is DNA testing??? And he thinks absurdly like Sailor Moon??
Endymion is always like "don't under-estimate her" but Kunzite never actually does??? If anything, he always correctly estimates just the right amount to draw Usagi in (LITERALLY "Moon Princess Ski Contest" and and "Group of 5 Gets Princess Skating Lesson 4 Free" never seems suspicious to anyone off AT ALL)
In fact, his issue is actually OVERestimating Sailor Moon's capabilities once she's in: she may be powerful enough to fight him off when he had the other Senshi beat buy that don't mean that power translates equally in any other sport or skill
Also, minions always mess up?? Like I'm not sure why the Shitennou insist on using underlings all the time; Kunzite and Jadeite trusted their subordinates and that's usually where things spun out of control. Neph and Zoi were much more successful by being hands-on
Tbf tho Kunzite has always had someone to do his legwork for him, and that person had an extremely good track record...why break what's not broken? Except, none of his chosen subordinates could ever replace Zoisite
Have you guys ever noticed how Kunzite's choice of subordinates all seem to resemble or echo Zoisite in some way? They're all hella gorgeous, genuinely refer to him with respect, and are elegant and gymanstic-y
Chalk the above point up to another Kunzite Grief Theory, or How Kunzite Works Best With A Partner theory
Dude also literally finds an FBI agent and probably found out Sailor V's identity how did this not become more of a leverage in the season UGH
That's it for now but guh so many Kunzite feels poor boy
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