#knight of patience and harmony
st4rtar0t · 11 months
Love story of you and your romantic soulmate
Pick a picture
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Requested by @divya444
Picture one
Cards: 6 of pentacles, queen of cups, the knight of wands, strength, two of cups.
In a quaint town nestled between rolling hills and blooming meadows, he, a charismatic and adventurous soul, met her, a compassionate and nurturing spirit. He was the Knight, always seeking new horizons, and she was the Queen, her heart overflowing with kindness. One day, as he was passing through the town, he noticed her sitting by a fountain, her eyes reflecting the depth of the water. Intrigued by her aura of warmth and empathy, he approached her. She, in turn, saw the fire in his eyes and the determination in his stance. Their connection was instant, as if the universe had orchestrated their meeting. He, with his passionate tales of distant lands and daring adventures, fascinated her. She, with her soothing words and caring gestures, captured his heart. The Knight, though adventurous, had a generous heart. He would spend his days helping the townsfolk, sharing his stories, and aiding those in need, all the while stealing glances at the Queen. She admired his strength not just in battles but in the way he stood up for the less fortunate. As their bond deepened, they found solace in each other's arms. their resilience and determination to overcome any obstacle together. Through trials and tribulations, their love only grew stronger, proving that true love could conquer all. Under the light of the moon, with stars as witnesses, they exchanged vows of love and commitment, sealing their union. Their love story became a beacon of hope, inspiring others in the town to believe in the power of love and kindness. And so,they embarked on a lifelong journey together, their love story written in the stars and echoed through the ages, reminding everyone that love, coupled with strength and generosity, could create a harmony that was truly magical.
Picture 2
Cards: The sun, The moon, page of cups, 5 of wands, 3 of cups, 6 of swords.
In a small coastal town, beneath the radiant glow of the sun and the enchanting embrace of the moon, he, a sensitive soul, met her, a vibrant and joyful spirit. Their connection was immediate, like a cosmic force drawing them together. Their love story, however, was not without challenges. The arrival of the enemies of love signalled moments of conflict and tension, testing their relationship. But every disagreement only deepened their understanding of each other, making their bond stronger like tempered steel. In the midst of chaos, they found solace in the tranquil energy. Together, they embarked on a journey, leaving behind the troubles of the past and sailing toward a peaceful future. Hand in hand, they navigated the uncertain waters, relying on each other for support and guidance. Under the golden hues of the sun, he admired her like the moon admires the night sky, with a love so profound that it illuminated his entire being. She, in turn, found comfort in his kindness and the sincerity reflected in his eyes. Their love story became a testament to the power of understanding, patience, and unwavering affection. They marked milestones together, rejoicing in the triumphs of their relationship. Their love, like the sun and the moon, was a perfect balance, each complementing the other in ways that words could not capture. And in the quiet moments between the stars and the sea, they knew they had found something rare and precious—a love destined to shine eternally, just like the sun and the moon in the vast, endless sky.
Picture 3
Cards: The chariot, knight of cups, page of swords, judgement, 9 of wands, 7 of wands, the world and the star.
In a realm where fate wove its tales, there existed a spirited young woman. She had dreams as vast as the world, and her ambitions sparkled like the stars above. One day, she crossed paths with a gallant and poetic soul. His heart overflowed with emotions, and he carried a cup of love that he offered to the world. Their story began in a small town, where she used her sharp intellect to challenge the norms of their society. Him, on the other hand, had recently found his purpose. He was a healer, mending not just bodies but also wounded spirits. Their paths intertwined as they shared their dreams under the vast, watchful eye of the World. But their love was not without challenges. Her resilience, her determination to protect their love from the adversities that tested them. His bravery, his willingness to fight for their relationship even in the face of opposition. Amidst their struggles, they found solace in the Stars, in the night sky. They both found solace in hope. Her dreams illuminated their path, guiding them through the darkness. His gentle heart provided the unwavering support she needed. Their journey was an epic tale of love and perseverance, where the energies of the cards converged to create a bond as unyielding as the mountains and as boundless as the sky. And in each other's arms, they found the strength to conquer every obstacle, writing their love story in the constellations above—a story whispered by the winds and immortalised in the hearts of all who heard of their extraordinary love.
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jgoddesstarot · 1 year
Pick-A-Pile: Love Is A Battlefield | How You & Your Future Spouse Handle Conflicts In Your Relationship
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👑Check out my masterlist to see all of my pick-a-card readings😊
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🔮Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Tarot readings are based upon my intuitive interpretation of the cards and about possibilities based on your current energy. Energy is forever changing and nothing is set in stone. Always remember, you have your own free will to make whatever decision you feel is best.
🔮How I read: I use a mix of tarot cards, oracle cards, along with my intuitive abilities of claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.
🔮How this works: Close your eyes and take deep breaths, pick the pile you are most drawn to. If you aren’t drawn to any pile then that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you.
Pile 1
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Tarot Cards: 4 of Swords, Ace of Wands, 7 of Pentacles, 7 of Wands, Knight of Pentacles
Certainly! I'll interpret this 5-card layout for "my Pile 1's," focusing on "How You & Your Future Spouse Handle Conflicts In Your Relationship." Let's dive into each card and their archetypal meanings, connecting them to your situation.
The first card, the 4 of Swords, indicates a time of contemplation and rest. In terms of your relationship, this card may represent that you and your future spouse value taking a step back during conflicts. Instead of letting emotions control the situation, you both seek a quiet moment to reflect and think things through. This can be a strong foundation for resolving conflicts, as it encourages thoughtful consideration rather than impulsive reactions.
The Ace of Wands brings an energetic spark into the reading. It symbolizes creativity, enthusiasm, and a fresh start. It suggests that both you and your partner approach conflicts with an innovative mindset, looking for new solutions rather than falling into old patterns. Coupled with the contemplative nature of the 4 of Swords, this means you both are not afraid to explore unique ways to resolve your differences, which keeps the relationship lively and growing.
The 7 of Pentacles talks about patience and evaluation. This card in your reading can symbolize the need to assess the situation carefully, understanding that some conflicts take time to resolve fully. It's not always about quick fixes but building a solid relationship through hard work and perseverance. You both are willing to invest in the relationship, understanding that growth takes time.
Next, the 7 of Wands represents the courage to stand your ground. There might be moments when conflicts become intense, and this card suggests that neither of you shy away from defending your perspectives. This isn't necessarily a negative thing, as long as it's done with respect. Balancing this card with the patient approach of the 7 of Pentacles and the reflective pause of the 4 of Swords can create a harmonious way to express yourselves without causing harm.
The Knight of Pentacles anchors this reading with its symbolization of reliability, dedication, and steady progress. This card might represent an archetypal figure in your life that embodies these qualities. It indicates that the relationship's foundation is built on trust and a shared commitment to work through conflicts methodically and sincerely.
My Pile 1's, your reading reflects a relationship that handles conflicts with mindfulness, creativity, patience, courage, and steadfast dedication. These cards weave a picture of two individuals willing to explore, understand, and invest in each other. It's a healthy blend of emotional intelligence and pragmatic approach. Your willingness to stand up for what you believe in while also giving the needed space for reflection and growth is a testament to a mature and nurturing relationship. Keep fostering these qualities, and your connection will thrive.
Pile 2
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Tarot Cards: Queen of Cups, 10 of Cups, 6 of Swords, 3 of Swords, Knight of Pentacles
Alright, my Pile 2s! Let's take a closer look at the energy between you and your future spouse as depicted by these cards, and see how you both might navigate conflicts within your relationship.
Kicking things off, we have the Queen of Cups - a nurturing, intuitive, and deeply emotional figure. She signifies empathy and understanding. In the realm of conflicts, this suggests that at least one of you (or perhaps both) has a naturally intuitive grasp of the other's feelings. This Queen symbolizes an individual in your life who exemplifies emotional maturity. When disagreements arise, this energy calls for a compassionate and understanding approach, emphasizing listening and feeling deeply before reacting.
Ah, the 10 of Cups, a card of emotional fulfillment, unity, and family bliss. This card entering the reading is incredibly positive and indicates that despite conflicts, there's an overarching sense of harmony and love in your relationship. You and your future spouse have a shared goal of creating a loving, happy environment, and this mutual aspiration will play a significant role in resolving any discord.
The 6 of Swords speaks of transition, moving from turbulent waters to calmer shores. When conflicts do arise, both of you are inclined to seek resolutions that allow you both to move forward. Instead of dwelling on issues, there's a focus on growth and progression. This card might also hint that sometimes, it's necessary to leave certain issues behind in order to focus on the bigger picture of the relationship.
Now, the 3 of Swords is a card that doesn’t sugarcoat – it's about heartbreak, sadness, and sometimes miscommunication. In the context of this reading, it reminds us that no relationship is without its pain points. There will be times of misunderstandings or hurt, but it's important to remember the love and unity depicted in the 10 of Cups. The presence of this card might indicate a need for improved communication or healing from past wounds.
Lastly, the Knight of Pentacles rides in with a diligent, methodical energy. He’s a knight that doesn't rush; instead, he evaluates and plans his course of action carefully. This card suggests that when conflicts arise, a practical and steady approach is taken. One of you might be the kind to methodically work through issues, ensuring that every aspect is considered and addressed. This knight can be an anchor in stormy times, bringing stability and reliability.
My Pile 2s, your journey with your future spouse is filled with deep emotional understanding, a shared vision of happiness, the wisdom to move beyond strife, the acknowledgment of occasional heartaches, and a grounded, practical approach to handling conflict. Remember the love and unity that bonds you and approach challenges with both heart and mind. Your relationship, with its blend of intuition and pragmatism, is well-equipped to weather any storm.
Pile 3
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Tarot Cards: 2 of Wands, 4 of Wands, The Star, The Sun, Knight of Wands
Alright, my Pile 3s! Dive in with me as we explore the dynamics between you and your future spouse, especially when it comes to navigating the tricky waters of conflict.
Beginning our journey, we have the 2 of Wands. This card is all about looking ahead, planning, and decisions. It indicates that when conflicts arise, there's an emphasis on future-focused thinking. Instead of getting bogged down by the present issue, you both likely weigh how decisions made now will impact your shared future. This means there's a balance of passion and pragmatism. Someone in your life, an archetype perhaps, has taught you the importance of vision and forward-thinking, and this lesson plays a pivotal role in how you address disputes.
Moving on, we come across the 4 of Wands, a card of celebration, harmony, and home. It seems that regardless of disagreements, the foundation of your relationship is solid and joyful. The home you create (both literally and metaphorically) is one of peace, and this sanctuary becomes a haven where issues can be addressed calmly. No matter how heated things get, there's always a return to this sense of unity and shared joy.
With the appearance of The Star, there's a beautiful aura of hope and healing in this relationship. The Star is a beacon, illuminating the darkest nights and guiding the way. Even in the midst of conflicts, there's an innate belief in better days and the possibility of resolutions. This card suggests that both of you lean on faith and optimism to guide you through difficulties. There's a sense that the universe or a higher power watches over your relationship, blessing it with healing energy.
Radiating positivity, The Sun shines brightly in this spread, emphasizing clarity, success, and joy. The energy of The Sun combined with The Star in this reading suggests that your relationship is not only blessed with hope but also with moments of clear understanding and illumination. Misunderstandings are often short-lived, as there's a strong presence of clarity and openness between you two. There’s also a youthful exuberance; you both might have a knack for finding fun and laughter even amidst disagreements.
Wrapping up our exploration, we meet the Knight of Wands, a fiery, passionate, and sometimes impulsive figure. This Knight is quick to act and full of enthusiasm. When conflicts arise, there might be a tendency for one or both of you to react quickly, driven by passion. However, channeled positively, this energy can be used to rapidly address and move past issues. The Knight’s presence might also hint at an archetypal figure who is fearless and eager, teaching you about the importance of zeal and courage.
My Pile 3s, your relationship with your future spouse shines with optimism, clear vision, joy, and fiery passion. While disagreements are a natural part of any partnership, your approach is both forward-thinking and anchored in a strong foundation of hope and happiness. Embrace the lessons from the archetypes in your life, maintain that balance of enthusiasm and vision, and continue to bask in the radiant love that the two of you share. Remember, with The Star and The Sun by your side, even the darkest nights will lead to brighter days.
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daeva-agas · 1 year
Casually lurking in Sailor Moon fandom and when I see posts mentioning the Shitennou's knightly titles, I think the translation are off. I don't know if those are just fansubs being wonky, or if even the official ones are not entirely correct...
I've also seen some posts say that "I don't understand what these means". The knightly titles are based on the image and properties associated with each gemstone in Japanese (so, if it has different meanings internationally, it's quite beside the point).
Jadeite: Knight of Resilience 忍耐 and Harmony 調和
忍耐 is often translated as "Patience" in fanworks. 忍耐 is better translated as "resilience", "perseverance", or "endurance". Even when colloquially used to say "be patient", the connotation of it is more along the lines of "endure this". The Harmony one is correct.
"Resilience" is because jadeite jade is the harder jade. "Harmony" because of its traditional usage in spiritual matters, so jade in general has the image of "peacefulness".
Nephrite: Knight of Wisdom 知恵 and Peace 安らぎ
This one makes me kind of laugh because of what Nephrite is like as a character/person. I almost always see 知恵 translated as "Intelligence". It's not wrong per se, but this term here refers to something deeper than just brain smarts, thus "wisdom". Things like wisdom that come from age, or innate perceptiveness, and so on.
安らぎ is peace, as in "inner peace". Basically, "serenity", though it's probably not a good idea to use this word in Sailor Moon for obvious reasons.
Nephrite being the native jade of China, it has been given very sagely meaning to it that persist even in Japanese symbolism. That's why it's like this, for somewhat similar reasons to jadeite's "harmony".
Kunzite: Knight of Virtue 純潔 and Benevolence 慈愛
純潔 can also mean Purity or Chastity. 慈愛 is sometimes translated as Affection, which is also not entirely wrong. It's just that the standard meaning is benevolence or mercy. "Affection" tends to be used in the context of parents and children. In this context probably not the best meaning to use.
This gemstone is associated with the Holy Mother Mary, of all things, that's why it's got very saintly imagery associated with it.
Zoisite: Knight of Purification 浄化 and Healing 癒し
The most straightforward one so I've never seen any wonky translation with this one. Those who are into healing crystals might already know this, but this title is based on the healing and purification qualities that a blue zoisite/tanzanite supposedly have.
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spiritualitygeek · 1 year
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~ PAC: Your Mystical Mosaic ~
Where is your current energy leading you?
This pac is for entertainment purpose only. I am not liable for any actions or decisions taken or made based on the information presented in the reading. The interpretations and insights are subjective and open to individual perception. Please use your own judgment and intuition when applying the messages to your life or situation. Thank you!
Pile 1 ~ 🪄
the fool, 9op, aoc
All positive cards for you, Pile 1, which is amazing! I can clearly see you're about to embark on a new journey with a very positive and determined mindset. You're fearlessly diving into new adventures just for the thrill of it, without caring about what others think or even expect out of you. You exude a very warm and gentle energy, like someone who has faced challenges in life but hasn't let them dim their light. Your loving and joyful nature attracts people towards you, and you might find yourself being a natural healer to those in need.
Your current energy is attracting abundance, creativity, and happiness into your life. It's like a box full of blessings is on its way to you. You're manifesting your biggest desires, whether it's financial independence, glowup, specific person, or something else you deeply yearn for.
In this new journey, there's a strong possibility of finding a new love interest or forming a deep connection with a new best friend. For those not seeking romantic or platonic relationships, you could discover a new hobby or passion that brings you immense joy.
You've been seeking signs from the universe about your life purpose and career, and it seems like you're finding your true passion. Your faith in the divine timing is unwavering, and you're manifesting your dreams through pure belief.
If you're currently in the flow of life, trusting in the universe's plan, you're on the right path and a true winner. Your understanding of this concept sets you apart and leads you towards a fulfilling and abundant future.
Pile 2 🦋
the temperance, 8ow, knight-os
Okay Pile 2, you legit need to calm down/slow down. I just heard, "Hold your horses!" Your energy is everywhere.
What's the rush, love? You're running too fast as if there's a train or a flight you gotta catch. You're feeling as if you're running out of time, or that you're lacking behind. You're ambitious and it's good to be. But moving so fast and without caring to think before you act can sometimes put you in undesirable spot. It has happened with me recently and it happens almost all the time? I am quite like that myself. Sometimes, it can be out of overconfidence, other times it's anxiety. It's crucial to know the reasons and work on them.
I'm getting Mars dominant, Mars in first house or Aries/Scorpio energy. I'm a Scorpio moon and I have Mars in my first house so girl, I get you! I really do!
With the Temperance card, angels advise you to attain that balance, harmony, and modesty. You are encouraged to seek a middle ground, to balance opposing forces, and deal with circumstances carefully and composedly. In addition, it takes self-control and patience to get through life's challenges. You don't have to be so ferocious, fiesty, and overwhelmed. You're getting my point?
Also, are you juggling a lot and all on your own? You don't need to do everything on your own. Are you for real? I know you're awkward around people and you don't like asking for help but there's no loss in trying, love. There are people who are more than willing to help you. Atleast, ask them?
Lastly, I'd like to conclude with the fact that I saw the number 8 in my vision while shuffling for you and the card that came out was 8 of Wands and then I saw number 8 on my phone suddenly. So it's an 888. It can be a sign. Something you've been seeing frequently these days? Please check for the meaning of 888 angel number and decide what could it mean for you.
Pile 3 💭
8os, 5os, 5owX
Pile 3, I'm seeing you being trapped or restricted in a cage/prison, a prison you've built around yourself or have surrendered yourself, possibly due to past actions which you deem as mistakes. There's someone in your close circle of friends or family who you're mad at. For some of you, it's yourself who you're blaming! For not taking that leap of faith, or for leaving that job that offered you stability. For not being patient enough or not being careful enough. For not allowing you to be you or for not having enough freedom to try everything you wanted to.
You're feeling trapped in a cycle. A cycle that's repetitive, too mundane that you're sick of it. You want to go away to leave it all behind. You don't like the way things are. The way you are? And you're blaming them/yourself for it.
I know my words would come off harsh, but you're acting like a victim, not realising you can choose not to be one. It's not about survival, it's about existing! Life is a gift. And you're a divine being! Count your blessings instead of mishaps and you'll see a drastic change in everything, including your mindset. "Attitude of gratitude" ever heard of it?
Currently, you might be attracting situations that reflect the need to break free from self-imposed limitations and negative thought patterns. Financial problems, weakening relationships, unhappy job situation. You're aimlessly wandering for that funding for your project and so on...
You're determined, more than ever right now to go get it! But trust me anything that you start with this negativity within you, will only bring disaster in its wake. The self doubt and victimization will only bring more of it. There's things that need to be addressed. Matters that need to be resolved. Don't run away from them. Face your fears. Confront it head on! Don't avoid conflict. Be it with your own conscience or with your family/friends. The person or situation you're blaming, forgive them. Let go of them! It's nobody's fault. It doesn't have to be.
This combination of cards is your call to embrace self-empowerment, letting go of past grudges and forgiving yourself and others for past mistakes. What's done is done! Past is past for a reason. You have control over your present and future though. It's essential to confront any inner conflicts or self-doubt to find a sense of peace and clarity in your life.
The advice for you is to take a step back and reassess your current situation. Look for opportunities to release negative energy and work towards healing any emotional wounds. Embrace a more open and compassionate approach to yourself and others, as this will help attract positive and harmonious energies into your life. Remember, you have the power to overcome obstacles and create a more balanced and fulfilling future. Blaming yourself and others never helps. Trust me, I've been there!
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Thank you all for taking the time to read my pac. I hope the insights resonated with you and provided some guidance. If you found this helpful, I'd be grateful if you consider following me for more spiritual content and future tarot readings. Wishing you all love, light, and positivity on your journey! ✨
- with love, Snow ❄️
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themodernwitchsguide · 6 months
tarot and their divinatory meanings (wands)
this post just includes the suit of wands, for the suit of pentacles click here, for the suit of swords click here, for the suit of cups click here, and for the major arcana click here
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King of Wands
UPRIGHT: a passionate and energetic person, honest, noble, a good leader, handsome, possibly someone married
REVERSED: a severe and arrogant person, rash and impulsive, prejudiced, intolerant, aggressive in pursuit of gain
Queen of Wands
UPRIGHT: extremely focused and passionate person, successful businessperson, generous, may be a little self-centered, strong sense of individuality
REVERSED: deceit, infidelity, jealousy (especially if the surrounding cards indicate it), otherwise a strict, domineering, overwhelming person
Knight of Wands
UPRIGHT: travel/moving house, a fearless and adventurous person, possibly hard to tie down, flighty, or rash
REVERSED: discord, separation, stagnation/delays, life interrupted
Page of Wands
UPRIGHT: faithful and loyal person, excitement and energy (sometimes too much), inner battles keeping you from acting, a new job/position
REVERSED: bad news, indecision, gossip, someone noncommittal, not pursuing what you want
Ten of Wands
UPRIGHT: heavy burden, success becomes oppressive, taking on others' problems, obstacles overcome, martyr complex
REVERSED: shifting responsibility onto others, selfishness OR release from burdens, burnout
Nine of Wands
UPRIGHT: strength in the face of opposition, changes, deception, temporary ceasefire, be okay with hard work and taking risks
REVERSED: obstacles, calamity, a mistrustful person, illness/disability
Eight of Wands
UPRIGHT: great haste and hope, freedom after a period of inactivity, excitement/surprises, be patient--momentum is building
REVERSED: jealousy, dispute, domestic disputes, guilty conscience, forgive yourself and adapt your strategy
Seven of Wands
UPRIGHT: valor, a fight you have an advantage in, success, hold your ground, set a clear purpose and follow through
REVERSED: perplexity, anxiety, indecision causes loss, being defensive, you can't see the full picture
Six of Wands
UPRIGHT: public acclaim, gain, good news, victory, possibly even egotistic/arrogant behavior, reward for hard work
REVERSED: delay, fear, treachery/disloyalty, doubt in your abilities, feeling unloved/neglected
Five of Wands
UPRIGHT: competition, internal struggle, unsatisfied desires, struggle for wealth
REVERSED: trickery, complexity/contradiction, litigation, avoiding conflict at all costs
Four of Wands
UPRIGHT: harmony, happy and relaxed home, refuge, peace, weddings, pursue love/friendships, support and stability
REVERSED: loss of peace/harmony, dissatisfaction, conflict, fear of commitment, instability
Three of Wands
UPRIGHT: good business, you are in control and have a strong position, a good grasp on the future, travel, opportunities coming your way
REVERSED: failed venture, lack of growth, feeling trapped, disappointment, take time to plan
Two of Wands
UPRIGHT: laying foundations, patience, maturity, make plans for the future, watch and wait, look to the future
REVERSED: lack of prospects/plans for the future, loss of control, impatience/overconfidence
Ace of Wands
UPRIGHT: creation, fertility/birth/family, a beginning--start something new, act now
REVERSED: stagnation, lack of excitement/energy, excessive indulgence and the following decline, a false start
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enchant33 · 1 year
Are you delusional? How? Short tarot PAC reading.
You can be delusional about so many different things, it could be a relationship, a job opportunity, or you may simply be projecting your insecurities onto someone. It’s fine as long as you’re well aware and know it’s a coping mechanism.
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Meditate carefully to intuitively select one of the images for your reading.
First image :
Cards : Eight of Wands, Knight of Pnetacles, Seven of Pentcles.
You are delusional about moving .
It appears that you have been contemplating a move or travel in the near future, but the cards indicate that this might not be happening as soon as you think. The presence of the Knight of Pentacles suggests a slow and steady approach, indicating that any major movement or journey is unlikely in the immediate future.
It seems that you have been nurturing a desire to go on a trip, perhaps to enjoy the summer season. However, the cards reveal that this desire might be somewhat unrealistic or overly optimistic at this point. It's essential to remain grounded in your expectations and not get carried away with fantasies of immediate travel.
The Knight of Pentacles also brings attention to matters of material stability and practicality. It suggests that you might be facing some challenges in the realm of finances or resources. It's crucial to address these concerns and focus on building a strong foundation in the Pentacle department, which represents material aspects and earthly matters.
Instead of investing energy in the idea of traveling right now, the cards advise you to concentrate on your current goals and aspirations. This is a time to work diligently and put in the effort to achieve what you desire. By being patient and persistent, you can make steady progress towards your objectives and eventually create the opportunity for travel and exploration when the time is right.
Second image :
Cards : Seven of cups , Justice, Hierophant
You are delusional about a decision.
The tarot cards are urging you to approach a significant decision with a clear and rational mind. The presence of delusion suggests that you might be allowing unrealistic expectations or wishful thinking to cloud your judgment. It's essential to ground yourself in reality and avoid daydreaming or getting lost in fantasies while making this choice.
The cards hint at the possibility that this decision might involve legal matters or ethical considerations. It's crucial to prioritize fairness and objectivity in your approach. Avoid making decisions based solely on emotions or personal biases. Instead, strive to be as ethical and moral as possible, ensuring that your actions align with your values and principles.
The cards also indicate that this is not the right time to make a choice that brings sudden and drastic changes into your life. Take your time, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consider the potential consequences of your decision. Avoid rushing into anything impulsively. Patience and thoughtful contemplation are crucial during this period.
Third image :
Cards: 2 of pentacles, 2 of cups, the star.
You are not delusional about this connection .
 The connection between you and your partner is truly special and filled with positive energy. The appearance of the 2 of Cups and The Star cards signifies a beautiful and harmonious bond between the two of you.
The 2 of Cups symbolizes a deep emotional connection and a sense of mutual understanding. It represents the harmony and balance present in your relationship, where both partners are on the same wavelength. Your feelings and ideas align, creating a strong foundation of emotional intimacy.
Accompanied by The Star card, this reading emphasizes the presence of hope, inspiration, and creativity in your relationship. You both bring out the best in each other, and your connection goes beyond the material realm. The Star card signifies a spiritual connection, suggesting that your relationship is guided by higher ideals and a sense of purpose.
You both support each other's dreams and aspirations, encouraging one another to reach for the stars and pursue your true passions. This spiritual aspect of your bond fosters a deep sense of trust and encouragement, allowing you both to grow together in love and understanding.
Remember, the tarot serves as a guide, and the ultimate decision-making lies with you. Use the insights gained from this reading to navigate your path and make informed choices that align with your long-term goals and aspirations. Stay focused, stay patient, and success will come your way. Best of luck on your journey!
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psychics4unet · 2 months
Pick A Card: What’s Your Next Big Move? 🔮✨
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Paid psychic reading is available here:
Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1:
The Magician
The Eight of Cups
The Hierophant
The Magician signifies the potential to harness your skills and resources to create significant changes. The Eight of Cups suggests a need to leave behind what no longer serves you, signaling that the next big move involves letting go of old habits or situations. The Hierophant points to seeking wisdom and guidance, possibly from a mentor or through traditional paths. Together, these cards indicate that your next step involves using your abilities to make a meaningful change, guided by wisdom, and letting go of outdated patterns. 🌟🔮🚶‍♂️
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Pile 2:
The Wheel of Fortune
The Four of Wands
The Devil
The Wheel of Fortune signals a turning point or change, suggesting that the next big move will bring a shift in circumstances. The Four of Wands indicates celebration and harmony, pointing to a positive outcome or milestone. The Devil warns of potential obstacles or unhealthy patterns that might need to be addressed. Together, these cards suggest that while a significant change is on the horizon, it’s important to be mindful of challenges and ensure that the move leads to a positive and balanced outcome. 🌟🔄🎉
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Pile 3:
The Empress
The Seven of Swords
The Knight of Pentacles
The Empress represents abundance, creativity, and nurturing, suggesting that your next big move involves embracing growth and new opportunities. The Seven of Swords points to the need for careful strategy and possibly dealing with deception or hidden factors. The Knight of Pentacles indicates a steady, methodical approach, highlighting the importance of diligence and patience. Together, these cards suggest that your next step will be fruitful and creative but requires a thoughtful approach and careful planning to navigate any challenges. 🌟🌿🛡️
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Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
The Minor Arcana explained
Click this for - the major arcana explained
The Minor Arcana is the second part of a standard tarot deck and consists of four suits: Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles (or Coins). Each suit has 14 cards, including Ace to Ten, as well as four Court Cards: Page, Knight, Queen, and King.
The Minor Arcana cards are typically associated with more everyday matters and represent the practical aspects of life. Here's a general overview of the meanings associated with the Minor Arcana suits in tarot:
Wands: Represent creativity, passion, inspiration, and energy. They can also symbolise ambition, action, and determination.
Ace of Wands: New beginnings, opportunities, potential.
Two of Wands: Planning, decisions, personal power.
Three of Wands: Expansion, progress, enterprise.
Four of Wands: Celebration, harmony, stability.
Five of Wands: Conflict, competition, challenges.
Six of Wands: Victory, recognition, success.
Seven of Wands: Defense, courage, standing your ground.
Eight of Wands: Movement, swiftness, travel.
Nine of Wands: Resilience, perseverance, determination.
Ten of Wands: Burden, responsibility, hard work.
Cups: Represent emotions, intuition, relationships, and matters of the heart. They can also symbolize creativity, intuition, and spirituality.
Ace of Cups: Emotional new beginnings, love, intuition.
Two of Cups: Connection, partnership, mutual feelings.
Three of Cups: Celebration, joy, friendship.
Four of Cups: Reflection, introspection, discontent.
Five of Cups: Loss, grief, disappointment.
Six of Cups: Nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence.
Seven of Cups: Illusion, choices, decision-making.
Eight of Cups: Letting go, moving on, seeking something better.
Nine of Cups: Contentment, satisfaction, emotional fulfillment.
Ten of Cups: Harmony, family, emotional abundance.
Swords: Represent intellect, thoughts, communication, and challenges. They can also symbolize clarity, truth, and decision-making.
Ace of Swords: Mental clarity, truth, breakthroughs.
Two of Swords: Indecision, choices, balance.
Three of Swords: Heartbreak, sorrow, emotional pain.
Four of Swords: Rest, retreat, recuperation.
Five of Swords: Conflict, defeat, loss.
Six of Swords: Transition, moving on, change.
Seven of Swords: Deception, trickery, betrayal.
Eight of Swords: Restriction, feeling stuck, self-imposed limitations.
Nine of Swords: Anxiety, worries, nightmares.
Ten of Swords: Painful endings, loss, rock bottom.
Pentacles (Coins): Represent material aspects, practicality, and finances. They can also symbolize stability, abundance, and manifestation.
Ace of Pentacles: New financial opportunities, material abundance.
Two of Pentacles: Balance, juggling responsibilities, adaptability.
Three of Pentacles: Teamwork, collaboration, craftsmanship.
Four of Pentacles: Stability, security, possessiveness.
Five of Pentacles: Hardship, poverty, financial difficulties.
Six of Pentacles: Generosity, giving and receiving, charity.
Seven of Pentacles: Patience, investment, waiting for results.
Eight of Pentacles: Diligence, hard work, skill development.
Nine of Pentacles: Wealth, abundance, independence.
Ten of Pentacles: Success, satisfaction, affluence, tradition.
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Help with Deity Dossier?
I did the wonderful Deity Dossier spread by @thiscrookedcrown a few days ago, and while I already have an idea who this entity could be, I would really appreciate a second opinion.
Thank you so much in advance!
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Here are the cards I drew (plus some of my notes):
1. The Entity: The Emperor
This represents the spirit, deity, or being in question. The card can be drawn or selected, depending on if you know the nature of the spirit or a card that could represent them.
Masculine power
Father figure, boss, older brother, teacher, patriarch
Mind over heart, clear thinking
2. Their History: Temperance
These are past deeds or dealings the spirit has had with either other people or you that you should know about.
Management of resources
Testing the water
Two choices, two people, two sides of a conflict
3. Underlying Influences & Past Experiences: Four of Swords
Similar to Past, this represents influences that could be important to know. This may be an emotional thing rather than a past action. (Example: if previously betrayed by humans, a spirit is less likely to want to deal with humans.)
Inner reflection
Solid foundations
Taking a break
4. Personality, Attitudes & Opinions: Four of Cups
General personality and/or how they think.
Turning inward
Lack of vision
Not seeing life's blessings and opportunities
Discouraged, bored, dissatisfied, apathetic, unmotivated, weary
Having to find new motivation
Breaking the routine
5. Their Current Status: The Moon
Their current status. If a spirit is in trouble, this information would appear here.
Artistic breakthrough
Losing your way
Inner wisdom
Lack of focus
6. Their Health Overall: Page of Swords
The health of the spirit, deity, or being. (Example: A land spirit could be ill or ailing due to pollution.)
Intellectual abilities
Fresh outlook
Cut to the problem
New phase in your life
New opportunity
Speaking up
Healing from past illness or injuries
Mental clarity to overcome challenges you face
7. Their Mental Health: Six of Pentacles
Their mental health or, possibly, their overall mood.
Community giving
Sharing what you have with others
Needing help or offering it to others
Reaching out for help
8. What They Like To Do & Have Done For Them: Knight of Pentacles
This could be things they like to do for others, part of their sphere of influence, and/or things that could be used to connect with them or honor them. Think of this like hobbies or likes.
Long-term plans
Slow progress
Financially conservative
Serious, dependable, experienced, mature
Love of animals
Financial success
Providing for others
9. Physical Manifestation: Four of Wands
Their physical health or how they could physically manifest. This is especially useful for finding out what deity is contacting you.
New life, new success
Marriage, partnership
Completion of a project
Solidity, stability, security
Inviting, welcoming, sociable
10. What To Know: The Lovers
Things that are imperative for you to know. This could be used to see how working with this being could affect you in the future.
11. What To Avoid: King of Wands
Things that are imperative for you to avoid doing. Example: If a spirit hates blood, don’t give blood offerings. This could also be used to see how the spirit could negatively affect you in the future.
Being a bad leader
12. Positive Influences, Friends or Experiences: Six of Wands
What is helpful? What will help your relationship with them? This can be something that is not in the spirit or deity’s sphere of influence but still influences them. A deity might be one of fertility but their sibling could be a deity of war. That will somewhat play into how the spirit acts. Another example would be a spirit becoming powerful because a nearby coven is worshiping it.
Being noticed
13. Negative Influences, Enemies or Experiences: Five of Cups
Exactly as above, but the more negative side of things. What isn’t helping this spirit? What will not help your relationship with them? Do they feel used or not appreciated? The examples above also apply.
Negative thinking
Inclination to focus on the bad
Trouble letting go of the past
Former hardship, pain or heartbreak
14. Conscious Desires & Thoughts: The Hanged Man
What they want. This could be offerings or a general goal. This may be what they want from you. If they have an agenda they’ll admit to, it will be here.
Potential growth
Letting go
15. Unconscious Desires & Thoughts: Nine of Cups
This is what they want but won’t admit to or what they don’t know they want. If they have a hidden agenda, it will be here.
Good luck
Bonuses and promotions
Attainment of things they desire
16. Hopes: Nine of Swords
This can be a general list of hopes, a overall hope for the future, or what they hope to get from you.
Old wounds that have not healed
17. Fears: The Devil
This can be a general list of fears, what they fear for the future, or what they’re concerned about in regards to you or your life. 
Harmful attachments, bonds and impulses
Bad habits
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
ode to the poison apple
Pairing: Epel Felmier x gn!reader
Synopsis: the more you find out about him, the more you find yourself enthralled by him.
Tags: drabble, fluff, slightly poetic hehe, reader is a simp for epel, bot proofread
Word count: 606
Notes: Happy birthday Epel! such a lovely family-loving guy who's proud of his hometown🥺
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Your lover is like a painting, a work of art that you can't help but admire. You love the delicate, porcelain-like texture of his fair skin, and the way his lavender hair cascades like a waterfall, framing his face in a surreal aura. His eyes are like the ocean on a calm day, a light blue that glimmers with a soothing energy. You find yourself mesmerised every time you stare at him.
Your lover has a unique hobby of sculpting apples and wood. He spends hours perfecting the curves and shapes of his sculptures, bringing life to the lifeless materials with his skilled hands. When he sculpts apples, he carves intricate designs and patterns into the fruit's skin, transforming them into miniature works of art. When it comes to wood, he carves beautiful figurines and shapes that are inspired by nature and its various forms. His passion for sculpting is evident in the detail and precision that goes into every piece he creates, and it is a joy to watch him bring his visions to life. 
Your lover's speech is like a symphony, a beautiful melody that you can't help but be entranced by. At first, it's a soft-spoken tune, a gentle rhythm that lulls you into a peaceful state. But as he becomes more invested, his Harveston accent starts to blossom, like a flower in full bloom. You find yourself captivated by his every word, savouring the way he pronounces certain words, and the unique rhythm of his speech. It's like music to your ears, a beautiful harmony that resonates deep within your soul.
Your lover is someone who deeply cares for his family and hometown, and has an unshakable connection to the culture of his roots, taking pride in his hometown's traditions and festivals and speaking fondly of them. He regularly assists his family with tasks and chores, showing his love and support in any way he can. His devotion to his family and community is a testament to his character and demonstrates the extent of his care for the people and places that helped shape him into the person he is today.
Your lover appears akin to a gentle breeze, calm and serene. Yet underneath the surface, there's a fierce competitive spirit that burns like a wildfire. His charm is a weapon, his competitive nature a driving force, and his dainty demeanour a captivating mystery. His short temper is like a storm, brewing in the distance, ready to unleash its power.
Your lover is a force to be reckoned with, fierce and unyielding, with a competitive streak that sets him apart. His will is like iron, unbreakable and resolute, driving him forward no matter the obstacles in his path. You are in awe of his unwavering determination to face challenges head-on, never backing down in the face of adversity. His unrelenting spirit is a thing of beauty, inspiring you to be better and do better every day.
You love every moment you spend with him, like a treasure trove of precious gems, each one shining with its own unique brilliance. Even when he's quiet and reserved, there's an energy in the air that hums with the promise of something great. And when he's loud and boisterous, it's like a bonfire that warms your soul. He challenges you to reach new heights and encourages you to be your best self, like a farmer who tends to his crops with care and patience. With him by your side, you feel like you can conquer the world.
You love how he puts you first, like a knight who guards his queen with unwavering loyalty. He is your rock, your shield, and your champion. You are grateful to have him in your life, and you are determined to love and support him in any way possible, just as he has loved and supported you. Your love for him is unwavering, and you cherish every moment you spend with him, knowing that he has captured your heart in a way that no one else ever could.
Your lover, is none other than Epel Felmier.
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k-tarots · 5 months
TXT Current Love Life Reading
[Reading done: 29.04.24]
(five of wands, the sun (reversed), seven of swords)
Looks like Soobin and their significant other might be butting heads a bit lately. Tension's in the air, and things might feel a bit rough. Soobin might even be feeling a bit low or unsure about where things are headed romantically. It's like a time for deep thinking and soul-searching about what really makes them happy in relationships. And hey, there's a word of caution here - Soobin needs to keep an eye out for any shady business or hidden motives in their relationship.
(four of cups (reversed), ace of pentacles, three of cups)
Yeonjun seems to be opening up to new romantic adventures lately, or perhaps he's simply realizing the love and care that's been around him all along. This newfound perspective could lead him to cross paths with someone special, someone with the potential to bring stability, abundance, and genuine fulfillment into his life. Right now, Yeonjun's love life seems to be filled with joy, surrounded by friends, and marked by a deep sense of connection with his romantic partner or partners.
(knight of pentacles, five of pentacles (reversed), eight of pentacles (reversed)
The pentacles overload has Beomgyu written all over it! He's all about that practical, down-to-earth approach when it comes to relationships. Stability is his jam, and he's not afraid to put in the work to keep things strong and steady. Lately, he's been shaking off any feelings of loneliness or financial stress in his love life, thanks to a newfound sense of hope and support from his partner or loved ones. But hey, let's keep it real - Beomgyu might be feeling a tad uninspired in matters of the heart. It's like he's wondering if his current relationship is hitting the mark or if there's something missing.
(the lovers, five of swords (reversed), page of pentacles (reversed))
Seems like Taehyun's got some big decisions to make in the romance department. It's a time for soul-searching, as he figures out what he really wants and values in love. Stepping away from any drama or power struggles, he's all about finding peace and harmony in his relationships. Maybe he's even letting go of some old baggage to make room for something better. But hey, it's not all smooth sailing - Taehyun might be feeling a bit unsure or inexperienced when it comes to matters of the heart. It's like he's realizing he's got some growing to do before diving headfirst into a serious relationship.
(the high priestess, ten of cups, eight of wands (reversed))
Kai's love life is all about following his instincts and tapping into his deepest desires. He's drawn to connections that go beyond the surface, where there's a strong spiritual or emotional bond. Right now, he's in pursuit of that deep, soulful joy and fulfillment that comes from being with someone special. But hey, it's not all smooth sailing - there might be some bumps in the road when it comes to communication and progress in his relationships. It's a time for patience and maybe a little self-reflection on how he expresses himself in matters of the heart.
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piviani · 1 year
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what en needs to do for their improvement of bond
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( disclaimer: please do remember to take my readings with a grain of salt. i am in no way a professional tarot reader and all of this are alleged and is for entertainment purposes only. )
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yang jungwon
page of swords
for jungwon to improve their dynamic he needs to be communitative and have patience with them. while he may try to be calm as much as possible—there seems to be some days where he just can’t control his emotions and just blow things out of proportion which causes tensions to everyone.
lee heeseung
page of pentacles in reverse
for heeseung, he needs to tone down his irresponsible behavior and immaturity. (and while this might be the cause of tons of workloads due to the card being pentacles—he still needs to understand where the others are coming from.) they’re in the same environment after all!
park jongseong
knight of swords in reverse
needs to be straightforward to what he feels towards the members. he shouldn’t be afraid to share out his thoughts as of course this is a first step to a healthy dynamic. he seems to be impatient as well sometimes due to being exhausted emotionally (swords) and it causes tensions. these are one of the factors he needs to improve.
sim jaeyun
the charlot
the visualinary of the card shows two paths, im seeing scenarios where he often takes sides whenever there’s certain problems within the group and the card is seeking for him to stop this behavior of his and stay neutral about situations. he needs to hear each sides—as taking biases usually leads to more destruction.
park sunghoon
ten of pentacles in reverse
it seems to be that sunghoon just often stays at the back like a spectator from the side while the rest ot the members talk to each other. for their dynamic to grow—sunghoon needs to let himself open up more to enhypen. (ive noticed whenever i do a reading on enha they suddenly seem closed off when it comes to their own personal problems.)
kim sunoo
the world
(disclaimer: the world is a major arcana which i think corresponds to all of them, so this does not only resonates to sunoo but the whole enhypen as well which is to why this was long compared to others.) i should let everyone know how the world is considered to be the last card for the entire major arcana, which typically means accomplishments, fulfillment, and etc. from my own interpretation, sunoo lacks harmony within the group and often clashes minds. if we base from the card, it seems to be that he’s the center of enhypen friendship. and the other four figures that circled around the card are enha themselves. what im saying is—enha’s behavior in the past, present, and the future centers around sunoo, which means it affects him and vice versa. whatever lacking or improvement they may do causes an affect to everyone like a domino. i didnt really got a clear answer of what sunoo should do to improve their dynamic except for everyone should try to be open minded while having tension conversations to not cause grudges, especially if it involves sunoo.
nishimura riki
the sun
riki is a kid, and this can be seen from the card i pulled for him. riki often acts childish and always lets his intrusive thoughts win, which doesn’t always feel right to his fellow members. or certain occasions where the side of him doesn’t just feel okay with situation. for their bond to improve, riki should learn how to put his behaviors at place.
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note: enhypen’s like taking steps in an unending repetitive cycle bruh 🙃 : [
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[ reading was done at august 15, 2023. ]
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kemendin · 1 year
Shattered Sanctum
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So! As of this week, I have officially been writing what I’ve been calling Fortress Funtimes - pre-Echoes of Oblivion ‘current’ story with a large flashback segment to, you guessed it, Caspian’s experiences on the Emperor’s Fortress - for a whole year!
This thing is sitting at roughly 40k words right now, and is nowhere near done. Obviously I’ve been working on a lot of other, shorter stories in between, and there has been a lot of strugglebussing over FF, mainly because I’ve never tackled such a long and plot-heavy story before. I have no idea when I’ll cross the finish line on this one.
But - I’m honestly really proud that I’ve kept at it for a whole friggin year, folks! So I thought I’d post one of the earlier chapters as it stands now - not real spoilery except for the canon JK story, but it’s one of my favourites so far.
“By my master’s command - you must die.”
The Emperor’s sanctum sings with the sounds of battle as Lord Scourge, the Emperor’s Wrath, drives his scarlet lightsaber at the two Jedi Knights who, against all odds, have overcome the fortress’ defences to strike the final blow for victory.
Or so they think. They are, in fact, devastatingly mistaken.
One is a young woman, fair-skinned and with auburn hair that flares brighter whenever she dodges through a pool of stark red light. Kira Carsen, former Child of the Emperor - now broken free, yet still fresh in her role as a Knight. 
She is eager, driven, and skilled, but she lacks experience, and it shows in the way she parries and thrusts with her blue-bladed saberstaff. She puts too much of herself into each strike, believing too fervently that she can win, must win, at any cost. It’s a common weakness of younger Jedi, particularly when facing Sith opponents, and Scourge knows how to use it against her. More than once he offers her an opening in his defences, and then sends her staggering back as she goes for the feint and is instantly repelled.
The other Jedi is only slightly older than Carsen, but he is proving himself a noteworthy combatant nonetheless. His green-gold blade has intercepted several strikes meant for his companion, as he puts himself between Carsen and the Sith like a challenge.
Caspian Serapis, the so-called Hero of Tython. By no means the most formidable duelist that the Wrath has ever faced, nor the strongest in the Force, and yet he stands apart. Scourge finds it curious that even here, before the Sith Emperor himself, he can detect no true sign of fear flashing within the Jedi’s pale eyes, or twisting at his dark-skinned face.
That face. Scourge had recognised it instantly on Quesh, with a jolt that wrenched him back across more than three centuries. Where once before he had drawn his lightsaber alongside two Jedi, and a throne room of the Emperor was shattered by a desperate bid to end Vitiate’s immortality. 
They had failed. But within their failure, guided by the Force, Scourge had sown the seed of victory; and here, at last, he has the first taste of its fruit. His wait for the Jedi of his vision, so long ago, has not been in vain.
That Jedi strikes at him again, several deliberate blows that force Scourge into the reach of the other knight, who whirls her longer blade at the Wrath’s side. The two work well together: their relative inexperience is offset by the harmony of their movements, each complementing the other with practised coordination. She is swift; he is tenacious. But Scourge is quicker and more relentless than both, and he deflects Carsen’s attempt to impale him from behind, sending her saber scoring harmless across the edge of his cuirass. Almost in the same motion he swings his own blade at the other Jedi, a forceful blow that staggers Serapis and loses him the few paces he’d just gained on the Sith.
The battle has been going on for several minutes now, and tugging at the back of his brain, Scourge can sense his master’s thinning patience for the display. Moreover, he can feel the rest of the Jedi strike team closing in on their position. As expected, the alterations to the security grid had impeded their progress, just enough to allow Serapis and Carsen to reach the throne room alone. But now the time for stalling is at an end.
Scourge believes in the will of the Force, in the vision granted to him - just as Revan had believed, centuries ago. But he also believes in leaving little to chance. After three hundred years of biding his time, he’s not about to let it all unravel the instant he can sense the final goal within his grasp. He’s had a taste of his opponent, and he’s not been disappointed. Now Scourge must ensure that the Jedi’s destiny - and his own - are not brought to a premature end within the stronghold of their enemy.
With that in mind - it is time to shift the tide in favour of the Jedi.
The Sith lowers his guard, then, and allows the two young knights to press their attack, driving him slowly back towards his master’s throne. It’s a plausible turn in the battle; despite their shortcomings, the Jedi have held their own remarkably well against him, and have both managed to pierce his black armour at least once. With enough time, it’s entirely possible they might have overcome the Emperor’s Wrath by their own hands.
But time is not an asset that any of them, including the immortal Wrath, still possess.
Assaulted on both sides by the fierce-eyed Jedi, Scourge makes a show of succumbing to their onslaught at last. He keeps his focus on Serapis as their lightsabers flash and strobe in deadly reflections across the polished floor, now marred with the glowing scars of their fight. He feels Carsen dart in behind him again, trying to deal an incapacitating blow while his back is turned - and for an instant his pride reasserts itself. No, he snarls inwardly. There is now only one in this galaxy he will allow himself to submit to.
He snaps round, catching her blade with his own and twisting it away with enough momentum to send the weapon spinning out of her hands. Before she can recover he strikes at her with the Force, sending her tumbling away after her weapon. Her cry of surprise echoes through the cavernous chamber.
But he’s left himself vulnerable before Serapis, and an instant later pain sears through his body as the Jedi’s verdant blade plunges through one side of his armoured torso. Not a death blow - even fighting his way through the fortress, this Jedi in particular has seemed averse to killing - but it is more than enough to drop Scourge heavily to his knees, his own lightsaber falling from his hand.
The pain of the wound lances through him as he fights to catch his breath; a sweet, exquisite agony anchoring him to his flesh where usually there is only a void. He relishes it, he revels in it, even as he kneels and bows his head before the vision of his destiny.
“You’re beaten,” says Serapis flatly. The tip of his lightsaber hums warily near Scourge’s throat. “It’s over.”
No, Jedi, thinks Scourge. It has only begun.
The Sith lifts his head again, staring up impassively into the face that had, for a brief time, hovered every night in his dreams, before his dreams themselves were stripped away for good.
“You are nearly the Jedi’s finest,” he says calmly, and pauses for a fraction of an instant. “It is not enough to save you.”
“We’re not the ones who need saving.” Carsen has picked herself up and limped over to stand beside her fellow knight, taking a moment to kick Scourge’s lightsaber out of reach in a decidedly petty act of retaliation.
Serapis is breathing hard, his brow gleams with sweat, but otherwise he is still impressively controlled. “We’re here for your master, not his lapdog,” he tells Scourge tightly. “The others will be here in a moment. If you want to live, you won’t interfere.”
Scourge narrows his eyes, and his lip curls at the Jedi’s arrogance. That, he decides, is something they will have to work on.
“Even in defeating me, you haven’t earned an audience with him,” he replies softly. “Be careful what you wish for.”
But even as he says it, he senses his master’s presence stirring, casting a shadow through the sanctum. He watches as the other Jedi invaders arrive and rush through the door, only to draw up short, buffeted back by the sheer, overwhelming darkness of the Sith Emperor. Carsen shrinks back, her gaze wide. Only Serapis stands his ground, his face taut as he raises his eyes to the Emperor.
Good, thinks Scourge. He will need that resolve.
A dark figure unfolds itself from the throne suspended like a drop of blood on the precipice before the Jedi. The Emperor is a void, faceless and unfeeling, and yet his disdain radiates throughout the sanctum.
“Misdirected passion. Such a waste.” His voice is cold beyond measure - not the chill of ice, but the emptiness of the space between stars.
The leader of the Jedi team is a Kel Dor master who now pushes forward, struggling against the weight of the Emperor’s condescension. “It will not be a waste, if you cooperate,” he says. “Please accompany us to Tython.”
In that moment Scourge wishes he could remember how to laugh, because even with his life still held at saberpoint, the incredible audacity of this request - the ignorance - would have had him rolling on the floor.
“An infantile display, Tol Braga,” says the Emperor, his tone hollowed with contempt. “Reckless pride, limned by self-righteousness. You have been a fleeting amusement. Nothing more.”
“You’re wrong.” It is Serapis who speaks this time, lifting his chin in defiance. “We’ve done what no other Jedi could do. We’ve infiltrated your hidden fortress, broken through your defences, and defeated your Wrath.” He flourishes his lightsaber towards the Sith still knelt at his feet, his voice hard. “One way or another, we’ll bring an end to this. To you, and to the poison you spread throughout the galaxy.”
A fine speech, thinks Scourge, but that is all. Brazen words that hold no basis in the reality of this situation. 
With the Jedi distracted by their futile attempts to negotiate, the Sith shifts lightly in place. He can feel the biochemical implants embedded in his body already at work, mending muscles and organs and skin where Serapis’ lightsaber had scarred him. In only a short time, he will be fit to fight again. But he doesn’t expect to need to. No, the Jedi, all of them, have already lost, and the pitiful part is - they can't even see it.
The Emperor leaps forward from his throne and descends to the metal platform below, bearing with him all the weight of a dying star. The impact of his feet hitting the floor sends ominous shudders through the throne room as his dark visage turns its weight upon Serapis.
“You mistake me for your own weak flesh. I do not end.”
He reaches out, grasping with one black-gloved hand. Serapis gasps suddenly from where he stands above Scourge, his eyes going wide and his grip on his lightsaber faltering.
 “You stand there because I allow it. Because I do not fear. But now - now you will know nothing else.”
The Emperor’s words sound like a death knell through the chamber, and almost too abrupt to follow, Serapis is cast forcefully back. He slams into the polished floor and goes skidding away, coming to rest at the feet of his fellow Jedi.
“Cas!” cries Carsen, and she rushes recklessly towards the Emperor, only to be thrown after the other knight.
Scourge drapes an arm casually across his knee as he watches the other Jedi igniting their lightsabers, watches Serapis and Carsen pulling themselves to their feet. Admirable of them to keep trying, but too little, too late. He already knows how this will end. He knew before they even set foot within the fortress. They are not the first to have foolishly made this attempt.
The Emperor spreads his hands, and the air itself seems to darken, before a crackling cascade of Force lightning engulfs the far side of the room. Unprepared and overwhelmed by the Emperor’s power, most of the Jedi fall after only a few moments, their scorched bodies thudding limply to the floor, one by one.
But at the front edge of the storm, Serapis has caught the tongues of lightning against his blade. Teeth gritted in desperation, he tries to force ahead towards the throne, fighting to hold the Emperor’s will at bay. He gets in one step. Two steps. Three. Scourge’s gaze is rapt with attention as he observes the young Jedi’s trembling form. He has to concede - he is impressed. He’s not seen such resistance to the Emperor’s power since Revan.
Four steps. Five -
But here, in the heart of the Emperor’s fortress, the twisting torrent of the dark side is still too strong. Serapis’ hoarse scream is lost in the storm as it closes in around him, burning through his armour and clothing and into his flesh. Only steps away from Scourge, the Jedi falls to his hands and knees, and then collapses into unconsciousness. His lightsaber clatters down beside him as the sound of the tempest sucks away into ringing silence.
The Emperor’s Wrath at last rises to his feet, straightening the fall of his cape as behind him, his master surveys the singed bodies strewn across the smoking floor.
“You are mine.” 
The Emperor’s voice echoes through the sanctum as it wraps itself around the fallen Jedi, seeping into the cracks of their scattered minds. Even Scourge feels the edges of his awareness crumbling, caught in the oppressive cloud of his master’s will.
”You exist only at my command. You are my instruments - servants, slaves, weapons - and you will obey.”
The last word reverberates through the chamber. Scourge has to let the weight of it pass before he can move to retrieve his lightsaber; then he strides back to face the throne, and bows deeply. Already the movement barely aggravates his injury; in a way, he wishes the pain had lasted longer.
“What is your will, my lord Emperor?”
“Take them. Train them. Turn them.” The Emperor’s reply holds such deliberate malice as he considers the Jedi. “Scatter them across my Empire and let them do my bidding.” 
Scourge flicks a glance over his shoulder, at the inert form of Caspian Serapis. “And what of this particular Jedi?” he asks, and though he cannot feel the shame of defeat at the hand of a near-novice, still he lets the thought of it rise to the surface of his mind, where his master can skim it away for examination.
The Emperor turns his attention back to Scourge.
“That one I give to you, my Wrath. See that he is broken beyond all salvation. Take the Jedi’s greatest hope, and turn him into the ultimate weapon of despair. He will be unleashed upon his own kind. And they will fall.”
Excellent. That will give Scourge the time he needs to truly test what the Force has sent him.
He bows again before his master, the very embodiment of a loyal, obedient servant.
“As you command, my lord Emperor.”
But the Emperor hasn’t finished with him.
“This is your second failure in recent months, Lord Scourge. First you return without the traitor Sajar, and now you allow yourself to be overcome by two mediocre Jedi.” The Emperor lifts his hand, and Scourge finds himself forced to his knees once more, like gravity is suddenly bearing down on him from above instead of dragging from below. A rough hiss slips from between his teeth. It feels as though every piece of his body is being slowly compressed inward, his muscles flattening, his bones cracking, his vital organs threatening to burst beneath the pressure.
“Perhaps you tire of your role, after all these centuries. Perhaps you need a reminder that you live only through my gift to you.”
With his forehead nearly touching the floor at his master’s feet, Scourge knows better than to speak. Protest, resistance - they will only bring a harsher punishment. He learned long ago that the only path forward, through this half-life beside the Emperor, is submission.
And so with the skill of long, bitter practice, he bites back his primal need to scream, as the Emperor brings him back to that day when a young Sith Lord became the Wrath, and Scourge’s blood turns to fire in his veins.
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mysticinsightstarot · 10 days
hii !!
Let's dive into this detailed tarot spread with all the quirky, colorful details! 🌟✨
1. Future in Career:
Card 1: The Emperor Wow, you’re absolutely slaying it in your current career situation! The Emperor is all about authority, structure, and leadership 👑. You’re either in a powerful position or on the way to claiming one. People see you as someone who’s got their act together, someone who’s in control and knows how to take charge. You’re the boss, and you’re not afraid to make the tough decisions. Your career is all about strategy, planning, and making moves like a chess master. ♟️
Card 2: Knight of Pentacles, The Lovers & Ace of Wands When it comes to challenges, you’ve got a bit of a mixed bag here. The Knight of Pentacles shows that slow and steady progress is key—sometimes, things might move slower than you’d like, but consistency is your best friend 🐢💰. The Lovers indicates there might be big decisions ahead, possibly involving partnerships or balancing work with personal life 💞. And the Ace of Wands? Well, that’s a fiery burst of inspiration, but it might be challenging to harness all that creative energy without burning out 🔥. Stay patient, make thoughtful choices, and keep that spark alive!
Card 3: King of Cups Opportunity is knocking, and it’s all about emotional intelligence and mastering your inner world 🌊💙. The King of Cups suggests that you’ll find success by being calm, compassionate, and in control of your emotions. Whether it’s leading a team, handling complex projects, or connecting with others on a deeper level, your ability to stay cool and collected will open doors. This card is all about leading with your heart while keeping your head in the game.
Card 4: Temperance Your career progression is all about balance and harmony 🌈. The Temperance card shows that over time, you’ll learn to blend different aspects of your work life—creativity and practicality, ambition and patience, action and reflection. It’s like you’re creating this beautiful, balanced symphony in your career 🎶. Your ability to stay centered and adapt to different situations will be the key to your growth.
Card 5: 10 of Swords, The Fool & 7 of Pentacles The ultimate career outcome is quite the journey. The 10 of Swords indicates that there might be a painful ending or a tough phase, but don’t worry—it’s all leading to a fresh start 🌅. The Fool is here to remind you that every ending is a new beginning, full of possibilities and exciting adventures. You’ll be taking a leap of faith into something new, with the 7 of Pentacles encouraging you to be patient and trust in the seeds you’ve planted 🌱. Your hard work will pay off, but it’s going to require some resilience and a willingness to embrace the unknown.
2. Future Spouse's Career & Personality:
Card 6: Page of Swords Your future spouse is likely someone who’s intellectually sharp, curious, and always seeking new knowledge 📚🔍. The Page of Swords indicates a career that involves communication, research, or perhaps even something tech-savvy. They’re always on the lookout for new ideas and aren’t afraid to speak their mind. This person is a thinker, constantly analyzing and gathering information.
Card 7: The Devil, Ace of Cups & The Moon When it comes to their work ethic, it’s intense! The Devil shows that they might have a bit of an obsessive streak when it comes to their work, diving deep into their passions and sometimes getting a little too attached 🕸️. But with the Ace of Cups, there’s a lot of love and emotional investment in what they do 💧💖. The Moon suggests that they might struggle with fears or insecurities related to their career, sometimes feeling like they’re navigating in the dark. This combo indicates someone who’s deeply passionate, but might need to be careful of burnout or getting lost in their own emotions.
Card 8: Page of Cups, 10 of Wands & Queen of Wands Externally, people see your future spouse as someone with a youthful, creative spirit (Page of Cups), but also someone who carries a lot of responsibilities (10 of Wands) 💪🎨. They might be seen as someone who’s constantly juggling tasks but doing it with a lot of flair and charisma (Queen of Wands) 🌟🔥. This person is perceived as a bit of a wonder, balancing creativity with hard work, and they definitely stand out in a crowd.
Card 9: 8 of Wands & The Chariot Internally, your spouse is a force to be reckoned with! The 8 of Wands shows that they’re always on the move, full of energy and ready to take action 🚀. Paired with The Chariot, this person has a strong sense of direction and willpower. They’re determined to achieve their goals and are constantly pushing forward, no matter the obstacles. Inside, they’re driven, ambitious, and not afraid to take the reins of their own destiny.
Card 10: 2 of Wands & 7 of Wands When it comes to compatibility in careers, the 2 of Wands suggests that you’ll both have a shared vision for the future 🌍. You’re both planners, always thinking ahead and looking at the bigger picture. However, the 7 of Wands indicates that there might be some challenges—perhaps competing priorities or the need to defend your respective paths 🛡️. But together, you can stand strong, supporting each other’s ambitions while navigating any hurdles that come your way.
Card 11: 9 of Wands & The Star The universe’s advice? Keep the faith and don’t give up! 🌠 The 9 of Wands shows that resilience will be key—both in your career and in your relationship. There might be times when you feel weary, but The Star is here to remind you that hope is always on the horizon ✨. Stay inspired, keep your dreams alive, and know that the universe has your back.
Bottom of the Deck: Page of Wands The underlying energy here is all about exploration and new adventures 🌍🎒. The Page of Wands suggests that both your career and your future relationship are going to be full of excitement, creativity, and the pursuit of passion. This is a journey of growth, discovery, and embracing the unknown. Get ready for some thrilling chapters ahead!
And there you have it! Your career is a powerful journey of leadership and balance, while your future spouse is a passionate, driven soul with a deep emotional core. Together, you’ll create a dynamic, adventurous partnership that’s ready to take on the world! 🌟🚀💼
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psychics4unet · 10 days
Pick A Card: Your Spiritual Growth with These Tarot Piles! ✨🔮
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1:
The Empress 🌸
The Hierophant 📜
Page of Cups 🧡
The Empress signifies growth, creativity, and nurturing energy. This card suggests that you’re currently experiencing a period of spiritual abundance, where you're nurturing your soul and allowing yourself to blossom. The Hierophant represents spiritual guidance and traditional wisdom, indicating that you might be growing spiritually by seeking deeper understanding through established teachings or mentors. The Page of Cups symbolizes new emotional beginnings and intuitive insights, pointing to an open and curious approach to your spiritual journey.
Together, these cards reveal that your spiritual evolution involves nurturing your inner self, seeking wisdom, and embracing new emotional and intuitive experiences. This growth is enhancing your connection to your soul’s deeper purpose.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2:
The Moon 🌕
Ace of Swords ⚔️
Seven of Pentacles 🌱
The Moon represents the subconscious mind and emotional depth, suggesting that your spiritual growth involves exploring hidden aspects of yourself and embracing uncertainty. The Ace of Swords signifies clarity and new perspectives, indicating that you're gaining insightful realizations that help you understand your spiritual path more clearly. The Seven of Pentacles reflects patience and long-term efforts, pointing to a period where your spiritual growth is the result of sustained dedication and contemplation.
These cards together highlight a spiritual journey that requires introspection, mental clarity, and patience. Your growth is marked by uncovering deeper truths, gaining new insights, and appreciating the results of your persistent efforts.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3:
Ten of Cups 🌈
Strength 💪
Knight of Wands 🔥
The Ten of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and harmony, indicating that your spiritual evolution is bringing you closer to a sense of complete joy and contentment. Strength symbolizes inner resilience and courage, suggesting that you are growing spiritually by developing a deeper sense of personal power and self-compassion. The Knight of Wands embodies passion and dynamic energy, pointing to an enthusiastic and adventurous approach to your spiritual journey.
As a whole, these cards suggest that your spiritual growth is leading to emotional satisfaction, increased inner strength, and an adventurous spirit. You’re aligning with your highest self, finding joy, and harnessing your inner power with confidence.
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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inmytwilighteraagain · 3 months
Hello! I would like a free tarot reading!
1 . Am i meant to be very famous one day( like be an it girl)?
2. Will I be a billionare?
3. Could I be very famous in kpop and be an EGOT?
4. Will I be at harvard as an undergraduate until 2026? What i need to do to be there?
5. What path i need to take to be highly famous ( like Jennie Kim level or Lalisa level)?
6. Can i be a famous person that people recognize the talents ? Like because i want to go back to draw, paint, dance and sing. I want to start in compose my own songs, design clothes, do sports , speak many languages ( i already know portuguese, english and intermediary japanese and spanish), be a leader, learning new things every day, model, acting and be a filmmaker.
7. What i need to do to have a huge glow up ( being unrecognizable)?
8. Does my future spouse is rich, famous and foreigner ( i am asking this because my birth chart say that).
thankssss 💕💕💕
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A. Will you be a very famous it girl?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Ace of wands
1. the Ace of Wands is a positive sign, indicating that you have the potential and passion to become an "it girl." The outcome will depend on how you channel this energy and pursue your goals.
B. Will you be a billionaire?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Nine of pentacles
1. The Nine of Pentacles indicates that you have the capability to accumulate wealth and achieve a high level of financial success, but it does not guarantee billionaire status.
C. Famous in K-pop and be an EGOT
Card(s) pulled;
1. Knight of wands
1. The Knight of Wands encourages you to be proactive, adventurous, and willing to take risks to achieve your ambitions in the music industry. It also encourages you to be proactive, adventurous, and willing to take risks to achieve your ambitions in the music industry.
D. Will you be a Harvard undergraduate till 2026 & what you need to do to get there
Card(s) pulled;
1. King of cups
2. The star
3. Three of cups
4. Ten of wands
1. To achieve your goal of becoming a Harvard undergraduate, the King of Cups advises you to approach your academic journey with emotional intelligence and maturity. Cultivate a balanced mindset, stay calm under pressure, and nurture strong relationships with mentors and peers.
2. This card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and guidance. It suggests that you have a clear vision and aspirations for attending Harvard. The Star encourages you to maintain faith in your abilities and dreams. Set clear goals, stay focused on your path, and believe in your potential to achieve admission to Harvard.
3. To enhance your chances of becoming a Harvard undergraduate, the Three of Cups advises you to build a supportive network. Engage actively in extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or community service that aligns with your passions and showcases your leadership and teamwork skills.
4. To reach your goal of attending Harvard, the Ten of Wands indicates that you must be prepared to handle academic challenges and workload efficiently. Manage your time effectively, prioritize your studies, and seek help when needed to lighten the burden.
E. What path do you need to take to be highly famous?
Card(s) pulled;
1. The world
1. to be highly famous according to the World card, focus on mastering your craft, seeking global recognition, maintaining authenticity, achieving significant milestones, and making a meaningful impact.
F. Can you be a famous person with recognisable talents?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Temperance
2. Three of pentacles
3. The empress
1. To become a famous person with recognizable talents, Temperance advises you to approach your pursuits with a balanced and harmonious mindset. Cultivate patience as you develop your skills and navigate your career. Avoid rushing into fame; instead, focus on steady progress and long-term growth.
2. To achieve fame with recognizable talents, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you should focus on honing your skills to a high level of proficiency. Collaborate with others in your field, seek constructive feedback, and strive for excellence in your work.
3. The Empress indicates that you possess innate talents and creativity that can captivate others. To become famous with recognizable talents, embrace your creative abilities fully. Express yourself authentically, explore different avenues for showcasing your talents, and nurture your ideas with care and passion.
Combined interpretation:
Together, these cards suggest that you have the potential to become a famous person known for your talents. Focus on cultivating balance and patience, mastering your skills through collaboration and recognition, and embracing your creativity with confidence
G. What do you need to do to have an unrecognisable glow up?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Three of wands
1. To achieve an unrecognizable glow up, as indicated by the Three of Wands in tarot, you should focus on expanding your horizons by stepping out of your comfort zone and actively seeking new opportunities for growth. Set clear goals and create a strategic plan to transform aspects of your life or self-image, embracing change with ambition and resilience. Seek opportunities to expand your skills, knowledge, and social connections, and maintain a forward-thinking mindset focused on your long-term vision for personal evolution. By taking proactive steps and staying committed to your journey of growth, you can achieve a significant and unrecognizable glow up that reflects your inner transformation and newfound confidence.
H. Is your future spouse rich, foreign and famous?
Card(s) pulled;
1. Queen of cups
2. Knight of pentacles
1. It suggests that your future spouse will have a nurturing and emotionally supportive nature.
However, it does not specifically indicate wealth, foreign origin, or fame.
2. It indicates that your future spouse will be hardworking and focused on building stability and security, which could imply financial responsibility and potential for wealth. However, the Knight of Pentacles typically suggests a more modest and steady accumulation of wealth rather than immediate or extravagant riches. This card does not strongly indicate foreign origin or fame.
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still, thanks for the request!!
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