#shocked there's not more hozier in this list
starryeyedjanai · 1 year
rules — shuffle your “on repeat playlist” and list the first ten songs, then tag ten people
thanks for tagging me @lady-lostmind and @eriquin 💕💕
1. The Night Does Not Belong To God by Sleep Token 2. Cynic by Noah Kahan 3. Free by Florence + The Machine 4. My Therapist Told Me by Xana 5. Chokehold by Sleep Token 6. End of Beginning by Djo 7. Growing Sideways by Noah Kahan 8. This is Why by Paramore 9. Can I Leave Me Too? by The Greeting Committee 10. All Things End by Hozier
tagging: @legitcookie @sidekick-hero @yournowheregirl @figthefruitfaeth @quokkafoxtrot @lilllards @anzelsilver @chitsangenthusiast @wynnyfryd @atmilliways
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justporo · 11 months
Sinful strawberries and siren's song
A Night of Fake Smiles and Hidden Lies: Part 6
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Author's Note: This chapter is a bit shorter but I still couldn't decide on the banner picture for it - so you get two! And also two songs - yay! (Ik, no one asked)
Astarion gets fed a strawberry - and of course he is VERY normal about it - cheeky bastard...
Songs: Eat Your Young - Hozier / Siren - Kailee Morgue Pairing: Astarion/Fem!Tav (You) Rating: Explicit Warnings: implied drowning (not really tho), slight smut? (also not really tho, it's just a strawberry...)
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Suddenly, with a lot of clattering pearls were rolling all around you – hadn’t dog lady been wearing several pearl necklaces? You carefully watched your step as the shimmering beads rolled around your feet.
Astarion stopped and bowed down while he gave a whistle and grabbed one of the shiny spheres. “Such a waste”, he whispered and clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
All around people gave exclamations of shock – one, because the fight that had broken out behind you seemed to be vicious judging by the continued sounds and two, because the many pearls had some people already stumbling and falling – not everyone had the same graceful step as you and the rogue.
You couldn’t help but starting to giggle. “Thank you, Astarion”, you whispered to him as the vampire turned the pearl around in his long fingers.
“Oh, for what, my love, defending your- our honour? I fear we didn’t have much of that to begin with, let us be frank with each other.” He sighed dramatically. But then he gave you a genuine concerned look and you saw that rage had started to rise up again in him. “But no one talks to my soulmate like this. I would have ripped their throats out had we not been in public”, he growled still staring at the pearl in his fingers. You could see the tension in this tiny gesture.
For a moment he seemed lost to his furious feelings. Only as you softly touched his arm did he snap out of it.
Astarion closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he looked directly at you again, his expression back to his usual smug and playful mood.
“But now you’ve experienced firsthand, my heart, how easily” – he quickly twisted the pearl in his fingers – “manners and social standing can disappear and mean nothing.” He opened his fingers again – the pearl had disappeared.
“Some people are vermin and will only ever be vermin no matter how many complicated words they use or how much gold they have dangling around their neck”, Astarion said with a snarl. “And then there are people that will always shine brightly, no matter what might be hurled at them”, he continued and lifted his hand to gently hook his thumb on your chin. You saw the warmth and the pride as you looked into his ruby eyes and felt your cheeks warm once more.
But what was that thing he had just did with the pearl?
“Was that a magic trick, Astarion? Gale would be so proud.” You grinned at your vampire. His face immediately dropped.
“Trust Tav to immediately ruin a romantic moment”, he sighed as if you were an indeed hopeless case. “Don’t make me regret I showed you”, he responded and softly shook your face with his hand that was still gently holding your chin.
You giggled and stood on your tiptoes to reach him for a kiss even though he moved away his face with a mockingly annoyed face – but he gave in in the end.
“Now, shall we explore the rest of this mansion and party? At least until they all finished clambering over each other trying to grab the pearls?”, Astarion proposed after your kiss. You nodded before he grabbed your hand and you made your way back indoors and straight towards the doors leading away from the ballroom.
“I’m certain this is only the most civilised layer of this grand event”, your partner said to you as he led you through the room. He threw you a glance with a promising sparkle in his eyes. But you found yourself making a painful face at him.
“If this is the most civilised how much worse can it possibly get?”, you asked him and scrunched up your nose.
“Oh my sweet Tav, have our adventures taught you nothing?”, the vampire teased. Your mouth pressed into a line – you didn’t even honour his mockery with a response.
“You’d be surprised, my love”, Astarion cheerfully went on when you kept silent, “of how quick people lose all their dignity when they have the money to pay for their morally rotten desires.”
You softly hummed in agreement as you passed the huge double doors and left the ballroom.
The room you entered was just as tall and dimly lit. A huge pyramid of crystal glasses filled with champagne dominated the middle of the room. Here, more people stood around and talked but the atmosphere was immediately more intimate than in the huge ballroom.
It was also considerably quieter which probably meant that magic had been worked to keep some of the noise from the rest of the party out of this room. Nothing else really was remarkable about it though, except that in the corners were one or two couples that also must feel that it felt more intimate in here. Astarion saw you noticing that and immediately wiggled his eyebrows at you before his eyes fell on the giant crystal peak dominating the room.
You were already looking ahead to go to the next room, but Astarion stood stock-still next to you, staring at the glittering tower of glasses. A mischievous light shone in his eyes.
“Don’t even think about it, Astarion”, you scolded him and grabbed him by the sleeve of his doublet.
“What?”, the rogue replied and pouted at you. “I wasn’t going to do anything, love.”
You simply shook your head and dragged Astarion to the next room. And for extra safety made an extra big circle around the giant stack of glasses. “Spoilsport”, the vampire whispered sulkily under his breath as you entered the next room.
Seemingly, you were still in the gourmet area: here an enormous buffet was presented. Long tables with snow-white tablecloths were topped with platters and trays of delicacies of which you were sure you couldn’t even name a third and decorated with candelabra and vases full of flowers.
Lots of people were walking around the long tables, elegantly putting tiny portions on their tiny plates and eating tiny bites while shamefully covering their tiny mouths while chewing. Some though had huge piles of food on their small plates and basically just tipped whatever was on there into their open mouths. You were somehow appalled by both – as was Astarion, judging by the downturned corners of his mouths when you looked at him.
You were delighted though at the opportunity to eat something– you surely could feel the champagne starting to have an effect on you. So you walked over to the table closest to you and grabbed a small plate.
You walked along the platters, looking at pies, canapés, meats, vegetables – and were hopelessly lost. You indeed had no idea what most of these dishes were. Looking for help you threw a look at Astarion that you hoped would convey your cluelessness. And he didn’t miss a beat.
With a hand on your back for moral support he called out all the dishes and delicacies and gave his recommendations on what you might like and what better to leave sitting. You piled up your plate with what you felt like was a good compromise between the two portion sizes dominating the room and ate. Even Astarion grabbed a plate and eclectically chose a few certain things to try.
Of course, everything was delightfully tasty. Even the picky vampire seemed impressed and even motivated you to try some of the riskier stuff – involving some slimy and awful tasting seafood and some meats you were sure should actually by really anyone. But you still enjoyed the opportunity to try new things – and even Astarion’s laughter when you almost gagged after trying something especially vile. (You were sure he’d exactly pushed you to try it for this exact reaction – payback for that one time you had dared him to eat something utterly spicy without warning him.)
Afterwards you went back to grab some of the stuff you had already deemed delicious. You happily munched and chatted with Astarion until you saw the giant chocolate fountain in the far corner of the room. Surely this had to be fuelled by magic. It seemed like from the top corner of the room a true chocolate spring had originated, the streams of the sweet treat dripping down several levels as if it were a very slow – and sugary – waterfall seemingly dripping into nothingness before it hit the floor.
Servants handed out chocolate covered fruits and desserts to the guests while delicious goodness slowly streamed behind them. Your jaw dropped as the thought of just holding your open mouth underneath the chocolatey stream crossed your mind.
And Astarion must have seen the exact thought on your face as he looked at what you were staring at. “Don’t even think about it, darling!”, he mockingly repeated the words you had only spoken a few minutes ago and moved his head sassily.
You grinned at him. “What?”, you played along with his charades. “I was only about to get some dessert!”
“Then do that but leave some room for more dessert later, eh?”, Astarion replied quickly enough while already guiding you to the chocolate spring and you were once again flustered by how easy this man pulled out lewd comments.
You grabbed a bowl full of chocolate covered strawberries and tried one. Your eyes almost rolled back in delight by how sweet and tasty they were.
“Care to share, my sweet? This must be good if you make that face”, Astarion commented, tongue in cheek and eyes half-lidded. Ah yes, he was also very good at making seemingly innocent things not so innocent anymore.
You held up a strawberry for him to try. He grabbed your hand holding the fruit firmly and very slowly leaned in close to you while not breaking eye contact with you and – of course – licking his lips before taking a bite. Then he bit into it, taking his sweet time while letting his thumb wander over your hand, involuntarily making you gasp. You immediately felt electrified.
Astarion licked up the red juice from the strawberry and the chocolate from his lips and teeth, showing his fangs as he unwaveringly kept looking in your eyes and holding your hand.
“So sweet, my dear darling, almost as sweet as you”, he whispered hauntingly while you felt drips from the delicious fruit run over your fingers and hand and waves of arousal ran through your body.
Then he leaned in again, taking the rest of the strawberry out of your hand, his soft lips closing around your fingers, sucking for a short moment and his tongue flicking over your fingers. Astarion’s sparkling ruby eyes were still on you, patiently observing your reaction, one eyebrow twitching playfully.
Your lips parted slightly and your eyes widened as the vampire then lifted your hand up farther and just licked the remaining strawberry juice off the palm of your hand, his fingers steadily around your wrist.
“Gods, Astarion, love making you eat out of the palm of my hand, but you got to stop making everything so sensual!”, you whisper-screamed at him when he finished the job by sucking up a speck of chocolate from the top of your index finger. You stared at him in silent panic – desperate to not find out how far he would make you go in this very public space if he kept going.
But Astarion simply pressed a kiss to the palm of your hand before he finally let go with a wink and a smirk: “That’s what you get for not letting me have some fun with the mountain of crystal glasses.”
“We’re in public!”, you replied and whacked his arm. He simply laughed, shrugged and stole another strawberry from your bowl with roguish quickness.
“Hey!”, you exclaimed and turned away from him to put your fruity treasure out of his reach. He grabbed you by the waist then and pressed a quick kiss to your cheek from behind. “Alright, I leave the rest of the sweets for my sweet”, he chuckled and then put a hand on your back again to make you start walking again.
“As for the rest: I’m not going to apologise to make you flustered in public – it’s too much of a delight to see your cheeks blush when you think of something naughty, my love”, he whispered into your pointy ear and you tried to elbow him. But the vampire just laughed again and elegantly moved over to your other side. “And smell it too.” You tried with your other elbow but he was again way too quick and only laughed when you threw him some lustrous insults for his cheeky behaviour.
You kept snacking on your dessert as you explored more of the mansion and the party. Many rooms were just filled with people talking – the rooms merely only discernible by other colours and themes: forest green with paintings and statues of nymphs and other mythical creatures of the wild, red and gold underlined with motives of embracing lovers and tasteful depictions of naked bodies, lavender being represented with lots of floral patterns - and as you noticed – depictions of highly poisonous flowers and plants.
A blue room, filled with artworks of sea creatures and merfolk then gave you both the feeling of being in the deep sea all of a sudden. Doors were leading outside again, opening up to what you could only describe as a round open-air grotto. It was lined with columns forming an arcade around the small space despite most of the walls looking like an island cave had sprouted from the ground right there. Under the arcs of the columns springs and shallow pools were placed and everything was decorated with statues and shells and fountains.
The two of you walked over to the glass doors thrown open to the outside and watched the spectacle there that had attracted quite a huge group of partygoers.
Lots of guests were pressed into the small outside space, some standing, many sitting on the edges of the pools and springs. And in the middle under the biggest arc a huge rock was placed in the midst of the basin. On top of it sat what you immediately thought must be a siren. She was incredibly beautiful, shiny black hair was covering up her naked upper body and her long, scaled tail was lazily draped over the rock, the end of it hanging in the shallow water. The silver moonlight reflected off her oily long hair and the shiny scales on her lower body.
She was singing – of course she was. Her hauntingly beautiful face filled with sorrow as her pitch-black eyes seemed miles away and her ballad filled the space with her longing and yearning song. Her hands slowly combing through her slick hair with her fingers or reaching out to grab something that wasn’t there then shying back when realising.  The forked fin of the siren seemingly absent-mindedly kept splashing the closest on-lookers.
Around her basin some people had already crept closer, eyes wide and mouths open, completely enthralled by her voice. Parts of skirts and several hands were already dipping into the water as the audience was bewitched by her performance. A sturdy dwarf was on his hands and knees crawling closer, his expression mindless as he got his trousers and doublet wet.
You felt the draw of the enchantment she was weaving. A feeling of intense grief and longing overcame you and made your chest hurt. Tears welled up in your eyes and when you looked over to Astarion you saw his eyes also seemed dangerously wet. But his tone was flat while he looked over the spectators that kept closing in on the creature and it’s deadly lure and whispered: “Like critters getting caught by a glue trap.”
At least your elven heritage meant you had more resistance to the pull of her song than most of her audience. The two of you kept watching the performance but you found yourself sucking your cheek in and biting into it – a reminder that you were here and not there. Not in this unearthly and dark place the siren kept singing about.
You grabbed Astarion’s hand and dragged on it as a new feeling of uneasiness settled in your stomach. The remainder of strawberries suddenly tasted sour in your mouth.
Astarion wrapped an arm around your shoulder and affectionately rubbed your arm, throwing you worried glances. You quickly went on to other parts of the mansion as you found yourself hoping that the pools weren’t deep enough to drown in or at least that the bewitched spectators wouldn’t lose more than their dignity and maybe some of their gold.
Tags: @aurasyn @margoteve @usuallyunlikelyfox @hollowmasque @worryknotdear
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cleolinda · 4 months
Weekend links, June 9, 2024
My posts
MY ABELIAS HAVE POWDERY MILDEW. We have now acquired a fungicide and sprayed down everything in a six-foot radius of Patient Zero, a crape myrtle that had “mysteriously” not grown much foliage back this year. Thrilling, I know.
If you want to know what post-exertion malaise is, it’s me cleaning for an hour and then being laid out for three days. Coincidentally, I had someone else’s post about chronic fatigue and taking constant breaks in my queue. To round it off, here’s an old post of mine about giving yourself and your fatigue the same grace you’d give other people’s.
Side note, I have realized that mobile now cuts off my profile bio to 
She/her. Classy dame, sparkle consultant, vampire
New followers, I have some very disappointing news for you. 
Reblogs of interest
Pride Month: Spotlight on activist/drag queen Marsha P. Johnson
Related: I think the Pride Moth should become the next Tumblr Animal Mascot.
Great Uncles Angelo and Bill, a love story
The Hot Vintage Lady to Rule Them All: Eartha Kitt. 
Hozier Watch 2024: Here’s “Too Sweet” on--I nearly said “The Colbert Report” and I kind of wish it was. 
Dante inventing the circles of hell: It’s the “Thank you king I am commissioning fan art of you” that always sends me.
The flowered houses of Zalipie, Poland
I have had to get a few crowns because I grind my teeth, and I am very excited about the idea of this tooth regeneration therapy, which my dental insurance won’t cover either. 
Come for the five things food banks want most (money), and stay for the tale of the chaos penny drive.
“One of the most dangerous things we tend to do is treat insights as rules”
Translating Sappho is more complex than you might think
The more you know: a breakdown of the differences between “Rromani,” “Romany,” “Ro[u]manian,” and ethnic slurs in Dracula
Vampire Therapist, available to wishlist on Steam
1000 Books You May Have Actually Read: The implied “you” here is “U.S. readers,” I think. I hit 200 (”better than 86% of users on this list”) because I have read a lot of Shakespeare, “I’m Bella Swan and my hobbies are English class” books, and Stephen King. If you have read YA of the last 20 years, James Patterson, or Colleen Hoover, you will blow past me. 
“The Golden Sandwich, made 95% out of aid package contents, 5% with love and resilience 🍉🚨” 
Hey, so, Adobe is forcing you to agree to let them go through all your shit. Adobe responds, and I don’t believe them. 
Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty raising the Progress Pride flag
A guy playing piano and the cat who loves him
“cut to me, playing my horror instrument at 4 am” Okay, but now imagine a hellhound nestled up lovingly against the player of this instrument. 
A roan, a rider, a pride flag, and no tack
The sacred texts
The duality of bun
“Poob has it for you” is probably too new to be a sacred text, but I’m investing
“why are you microwaving carbonated drinks” is not the shocking part
Personal tags of the week
Dune, for some reason, bunnying, and tumblr therapy, a tag that will just body you over and over. 
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merp-blerp · 1 year
A Hasty, Overblown Lyrical Analysis of Hozier’s “Francesca” Beacause I’m Currently Obsessed With It
Just like my song analysis of Hozier’s “Arsonist’s Lullabye”, this is just my personal interpretation. You are fully allowed to have your own. And I acknowledge that I could be “wrong,” in the sense that Hozier could have a totally different aim with this song than what I mention here, and that is beyond fine. Let’s all just be respectful.
Note: I will be referring to the voice of this song as “the singer”, not Hozier. Much like how when you talk about a poem you refer to “the speaker”, not the author of the poem. I don’t want to pry into Hozier’s personally feelings when I obviously don’t know him, so whatever I say about “the singer” it’s only referring to the person reflected in the song, not Hozier himself. We genuinely respect the artist we like in this house.
I’ll do my best, but I certainly don’t consider myself particularly amazing at lyrical analysis, I just like to try for fun.
Let’s begin!
“Do you think I'd give up // That this might've shook the love from me // Or that I was on the brink? // How could you think, darling, I'd scare so easily? // Now that it's done // There's not one thing that I would change // My life was a storm, since I was born // How could I fear any hurricane?”
It seems like the singer has been through a very turbulent experience with the person they are talking to, presumably a lover. We’ll assume it’s a romantic lover for the remainder of this analysis, but it’s worth noting that it could be any kind of loved one. This lover seemed to assume that in the aftermath of this experience that the singer was going to leave them after such a crushing blow to their lives. The speaker is shocked or down right offended by their lover thinking these things. They reveal that they were not thinking such things. They don’t regret the relationship and they aren't leaving them. The singer’s life has been turbulent since they were young. Maybe they were born into a hard life or something along those lines. Therefore whatever trouble was thrown at the singer and their lover means nothing in comparison to their entire life. Likely just another thing to add to the list.
I’ll skip the pre-chorus, chorus, and post-chorus for now and move on to the second verse.
“For all that was said // Of where we'd end up at the end of it…”
It seems like the singer and his lover were talked about negatively by others. Critics of the couple seemed to warn that they’d end up in a negative spot, physically or emotionally, by the end of the their relationship, or the end of their lives, due to the consequences of the relationship.
This song seems to be very inspired by the real life Francesca da Polenta and Paolo Malatesta, as well as their fictional punishment in Inferno, or the more famously titled Dante’s inferno, section of the epic poem Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. In real life, Francesca cheated on her husband, Giovanni Malatesta, with his brother, Paolo. Giovanni, enraged, murdered Paolo and Francesca. In Dante’s Inferno, Paolo and Francesca are punished for their infidelity by being sent to the second circle of Hell when they died, where they are internally swept by violent winds, or an internal hurricane, mirroring how they were swept away by their feelings for each other. With this context, the remainder of this analysis will use this story as the lose context of what happened to the singer and his lover. Let’s say they were sent to hell for “lust”.
“When the heart would cease // Ours never knew peace // What good would it be on the far side of things?”
The lovers both have turbulent backstories throughout their lives. Maybe a life full of sin prior to their final sin of loving each other that ended their lives. They never knew peace. I believe the singer asks themselves what good would not loving their lover during their lives have done if they probably were going to end up in hell anyway (Oddly enough this question was the hardest part of the song to interpret for me). What good would it be in the long run, or far side of things, if we were going to hell anyway?
“It was too soon // When that part of you was ripped away // A grip taking hold // Like a cancer that grows // Each piece of your body that it takes.”
In the context of Francesca and Paolo in history, they were murdered, therefore, taken too soon. Maybe this is what the singer is referring to, if you go with the interpretation that the singer is supposed to literally be Paolo, talking to Francesca (or Francesca talking to Paolo—l’ve seen that interpretation). Outside of that exact context, the singer might be talking about his lover’s past. What ever happened to the lover, it killed a part of them, sooner than it should've died. Maybe this missing part of the lover affected their relationship with the singer. I take it as mental illness taking away some part of their lover and if affecting they're relationship, but it could be anything. This could be the alternative negative to their relationship, or punishment, that they were warned of, other than Hell.
Now, let’s look at the pre-chorus, chorus, and post-chorus.
“If someone asked me at the end // I'll tell them put me back in it // Dar-Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah // If I could hold you for a minute // Dar-Darling, I'd go through it again, ah, ah // I would still be surprised I could find you, darling // In any life // If I could hold you for a minute // Dar-Darling, I would do it again, ah, ah.”
“Though I know my heart would break // I'll tell them put me back in it…”
The most beautiful aspect of this song: the singer revels that he would never change a thing about what happened to them, even if the two are receiving punishment for their love. Even though this punishment, or the consequences leading up to the punishment, breaks their heart or kills them, they would make the same “mistake” if they were given a second chance to fix it to where they aren’t being punished. They’d still sin and find their lover in any second chance of life and be just as in love, then suffer in the name of it. Ah! Francesca and Paolo were in Hell, but they were in it together. They aren’t apart in Dante’s Inferno, they get to be swept in the wind while holding onto each other. This might be defeating the point of Hell, but I think they probably make the most of their situation down there, since they’re still together and in love.
Now the outro (Note: I’ve been seeing some slightly different lyrics for the outro on different sites and Hozier’s very ethereal annunciation, while beautiful, doesn’t really help in that department. Forgive me if these lyrics are wrong and if it affects the analysis).
“I would not change it each time (I would not change it each time) // Heaven is not fit to house a love (Heaven is not fit to house a love) // Like you and I (like you and I).”
Again, the singer would not change the way things happened with their lover, despite the penalty they face for it. The singer decides that Heaven can’t house their love anyway. Maybe this is because it’s too big of a love that even Heaven, a place that is supposed to house an unimaginable amount of people, can't make room for it. Or their love is too complex to perfectly fit into the typical box of “pure” or “good”, aka Heaven.
This is admittedly a bit of a detour, but I wanted to add a possible extra literary reference this song might take from. I’m probably so off, but I couldn’t help myself after it came to me.
The pre-chorus, chorus, post-chorus, and outro specifically remind me of Adam and Eve from Paradise Lost by John Milton. In that story, Adam and Eve live in the paradise that is the garden of Eden. They live in unfiltered joy and in pure love (they’re actually surprisingly so cute during this period when you read the epic poem). Adam regularly dubs her the “Holy Mother” and other titles like that. Then Satan, disguised as a snake, convinces Eve to eat the fruit of knowledge. As Eve eats she loses her purity, now knowing and wondering things that she wasn’t built to for. Things such as death and how it’s in her now, or if she’ll know what God knows, or if the fruit kills her will God make Adam a new Eve. Eve, loving Adam so greatly, decides she can’t stand Adam having another Eve, now able to have the flaw of jealousy, so she offers Adam, who had been making a flower crown for her, some of the fruit. Adam, knowing that Eve has condemned herself and that he can’t love a new Eve, decides to go down with the woman he loves and eats the fruit, unbeknownst to him that she is no longer the exact woman he fell for. She now has impurities. They both become jaded versions of themselves and they’re original love is gone. Adam and Eve get punished by having no choice but to die eventually and toil through the pains of life. Both Adam and Eve, for the first time ever, since they just introduced the concept into the world, want death, and Eve begs for his forgiveness, as long as he doesn’t leave her. They decide to live in faith that things will improve and ask the angels forgiveness. They gain that forgiveness, but must leave Eden. Adam and Eve also now somewhat fear the angels that they once considered friends and know they will never seem them the same way again, now being corrupt. Eve takes the revelation hard, but, even after all they’ve been through and are now going to go through, Adam remarks that Eve is still the “Holy Mother” to him, sin and all, and that he still loves her, even if it’s different now. After Adam is told about how sin will be forgiven after Christ (he’s not told as directly as that, but you know), Adam and Eve decide to make the best of their lives, hopeful, and leave Eden.
The outro especially remains me of this story. Both are about loving someone in spite of the pain it caused. My gay, Christian, hopeless-romantic ass loves that shit. I do think the main inspiration to this song was Francesca da Polenta, Paolo Malatesta, and Dante’s Inferno, but I couldn’t help but also think of that version of Adam and Eve too, and just thought I’d throw it in here as a slight bonus analysis (I totally recommend Milton’s Paradise Lost and it’s sequel Paradise Regained, whether or not you're Christian. They’re such cool retellings of the story of the first sin and the temptation of Christ. Paradise Lost is so much more interesting beyond the common—in my opinion, wrong—rhetoric that it’s about “Ooh—Is Satan actually the good guy??? Is he in the right???” No. His a master manipulator and you fell for it. Adam and Eve are the real show in my eyes. They are so fascinating). Adam and Eve don’t fit the song perfectly or anything, but I… just wanted an excuse to talk about them…
I’ve seen some interpretations of this song as sexy or about lust, I guess since Francesca and Paolo were in Hell for lust. I‘m not saying that’s an incorrect interpretation at all, as you can interpret things however you want. But I can’t seem to see it that way. It feels more about romantic, “real” love to me, not just lust, if there’s any lust at all. Sex doesn’t even seem to be referenced in this song from what I can tell. Maybe they mean it’s a sexy song? Like the song is so good it’s sexy, but not really about sex? I don’t know. I can be kinda “sex-blind” sometimes, as I call it, and sexual references can go over my head, so maybe that’s why I can’t see it. Hozier has plenty of songs that are about sex or sexually charged (i.e. Talk, It Will Come Back, Moment’s Silence, probably etc.) but I don't personally think this is one of them.
I hoped you enjoyed and got something out of my dribble that I wrote instead of sleeping. 💚
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soartfullydone · 9 months
I absolutely want to hear some stuff about Celeste for the character fact list.
send me a character ask:
Favorite thing about them
Celeste has experienced so much in her life that she is relatively unflappable. She has a firm grip on her emotions and what she displays to other people. Not that she doesn't lose that grip from time to time. The Worst Vacation Ever has certainly been testing her, and I like that she can still be tested while having enough grit to stay classy about it.
Least favorite thing about them
She won't let me improv more silly stuff :( So on a character level, probably her rigidity. It runs counter-intuitive to how adaptable and flexible I am and often have to be, so I always have to watch myself in order to do her proper justice.
Favorite line
Ooh, probably when she "let slip" her inclination in viewing Ledo as a pirate, the rough sort. She was genuinely surprised that Ledo reacted as vehemently as she did, and that was illuminating and led to a very interesting conversation. There's also "Now, dear, it'll be fine. You held yourself very well with the horse man," which happened because the player (me) forgot the word "stablehand" midway through the sentence.
Using all these next terms loosely, so far I've been having fun with the Old Person Solidarity between Celeste and Foaly and the No-Nonsense Professionalism between her and Char.
That possibility is dead, I think.
This possibility is not dead, methinks.
Random headcanon
Despite living in Twalan the majority of her life, she never set foot on a ship until she traveled to Orianth. She'd be dismissive about the experience if asked, but secretly, she enjoyed sailing. It wasn't as daunting being out in open water as she'd expected.
Unpopular opinion
I don't fully know the scope of opinions about Celeste from the rest of you lovely people, so I guess I'll say... I don't know if I want her to get better. Or whether that's even in the cards for her. Whether that needle moves in one direction or the other is solely at the whims of what we discover in the campaign, if there comes a reckoning. But if she winds up being universally hated by the party, I don't think that would shock me or phase her—and it's the not phasing her bit that makes me sad for her.
Song I associate with them
"Eat Your Young" by Hozier
Favorite picture of them
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I genuinely love how menacing this screenshot came out. Celeste in cold calculation mode.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 10 months
i just spent an embarrassing amount of time sorting all my spotify wrapped top songs from the last 5 years (which is how long i've been using it regularly) in order to see which songs and artists come up the most so, uh, i'm gonna go thru the data cos i'm a nerd lol
(this is all very self indulgent and only really exists so me from the future can come back and find it lol... but hey feel free to read if ur interested in my listening habits lol)
so what's interesting is that i've never had the same artist as my top artist of the year!
2018 -> BTS
2019 -> Banks
2020 -> Dreamcatcher
2021 -> EXO
2022 -> Girls' Generation
2023 -> Fall Out Boy
but despite that, both EXO and Banks have been in my top 5 for 5 times out of the 6 wrapped years!
even more interesting is that Banks is my 5th top artist this year despite the fact only one of her songs shows up in my top lists (i think i'm just always listening to her albums lol)
whiccchhh brings me onto the songs themselves
so no song shows up as top of my year every year, and there is also no song that appears in all 6 wrapped playlists BUT there is a song that shows up in 5 of the 6 and that is...
(drum roll lol)
Judas by Banks! not surprising cos it's such an amazing track but i kinda didn't realise just how much i listen to it lol! it's never been in my top 5 but it's always somewhere in the playlists lol
songs that show up 4 times out of 6 are:
Be by Hozier, Peppermint Chocolate by K.Will and Mamamoo, Vibrato by Stellar and Kingdom Come by Red Velvet!
songs that show up 3 times:
Lol by Taeyeon, Apple by Ga In, Snap out of it by the Arctic Monkeys, Bad Boy by Red Velvet & Tempo by EXO!
only other repeated song i'll mention is I Don't Care by Fall Out Boy which showed up in 2018 and then not again until this year lol
this year is a bit of an anomaly, because usually none of my top artists have more than 10 songs in the playlist (exceptions are usually if I had a particular album on repeat) BUT this year both my top artists (fob and hozier) have 18 and 20 songs in my top songs playlist respectively lol
(which is why when i've been rebloging those 'what is your 10th top song' posts it's mainly been fob and hozier tracks pfft.... rule of averages wins again lol)
& because of this most of the songs on my 2023 top songs list are ones that came out this year lol
some fun exceptions are:
How do you sleep by John Lennon, Why don't you do right by Lil Green, She's always a woman by Billy Joel, Can't rely on you by Paloma Faith and Irony by Wonder Girls lol!
honestly kinda shocked that hardly any of the mcr/green day stuff i was listening to earlier in the year has showed up (there are a couple mcr tracks, but i listened to american idiot SO much but not a single track is on my playlist rip.... guess i'm the (non)american idiot after all lol)
also kinda sad that spotify doesn't do a top albums things, though it is kinda obvious w/ my list pfft (top albums were So Much (For) Stardust, Unreal Unearth and The Age of Pleasure!)
& what i've discovered from looking at all this data is that i kinda like that every year is slightly different, with a different top artist and usually different albums that i play constantly throughout the year!
Last year it was Dance Fever, The Gods We Can Touch and 28 Reasons, few years ago it was III and 1719 lol! i just love having an album define so much of how i feel about a year :')
can't wait to see what albums define my next 5 years of life tbh!
anyway i think that's about all the data i can really pull from this lol!
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theladyigraine · 6 months
tagged by the lovely @mecachrome to share my 9 favorite albums <3
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this was really difficult because i love music so much and my taste is very eclectic! so i went with a majority that have a more sentimental connection, alongside just being great music...
Moonflower - Santana (the majority of my music taste is very much because of my dad, and this album in particular i grew up listening to)
Wild Wood - Paul Weller (one of thee albums of all time, and again another one that i grew up listening to. i also saw paul live at the hammersmith apollo in london and it was an amazing experience)
Hozier - Hozier Deluxe ed. (not to be a basic tumblr bitch but come on, he's such a stunning lyricist and there's not one miss on this debut)
Eva Cassidy - Songbird (this one is more from my mum than my dad, she played this and joni mitchell a lot when i was a kid. i think eva had one of the most beautiful voices ever and wade in the water is a favourite)
City and Colour - The Hurry and the Harm (all city and colour's albums are important to me, but it's a miracle if i get through this one without some therapeutic sobbing)
Florence + The Machine - Between Two Lungs (same as above there's not a single florence album i don't love, but this one in particular hits different)
Royal Blood - Back to the Water Below (almost a shock to me that an album so recent would make it onto this list but it's just banger after banger, i don't tire of listening to it)
Led Zeppelin - II (agaaaaain it's painful to pick only one zeppelin album but this was the first one i bought on vinyl)
Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory? (opinion on both the gallagher brothers aside, i genuinely love oasis, and i think this album is perfection from start to finish. this is the first vinyl i ever bought for myself as an adult. champagne supernova is the album closer of all time.)
we don't even have time for honourable mentions because i'll never shut up. no pressure tagging @dirchristophernolan @inchidentally @ghostsergeant @acecroft @mymycorrhizae <3
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sgtmickeyslaughter · 1 year
Hi Gigi! Let’s spread some positivity (if you want to! This game is completely voluntary). If you wish to take part please list 5 things that make you happy and then ask the same question to the last 10 people who reblogged from you 💖
good morning!
Fall is here and im actually liking it for the first time, when i first moved to a place with seasons i was like...yall have stockholm syndrome everything is dying and getting cold and sad but this year ive finally caught the syndrome as well and ive been eating a lot of pumpkin recipes and planning a day trip out of the city to see the orange leaves and stuff so im happy to be here and now
Been going to some excellent concerts recently, Hozier is offically in my top 5 best performers hes a modern day rockstar and im so happy i got last minute tickets
my friends obviously, i love being a silly little twenty something navigating the world with a found family its such a weird fun time in life
....vampire fic is coming along nicely and im both shocked and proud of that, towards the end of in your love i figured out a pretty good work/hobby balance so hopefully that means ill be able to write more fanfic
Im drinking a damn fine cup of coffee this morning one of the greatest joys in life
I might not forward to the last 10 poeple who reblogged but just go through my mutuals and see if anyone hasnt answered yet 'cause it seems like the Gallavich fandom has done a good job of circulating this but thank you for asking!!
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soggy-times · 1 year
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welcome to hell blog 101 my sincerest apologies to anyone who ended up here because I am so fucking weird
you don’t have to read everything but at least read the DNI before you interact with me
these are the besties running this silly blog :3
₊˚.🌘⋆☾⋆⁺₊🕸️✧ ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Nyx/Echo || he/they/it || transmasc genderqueer || bi and demisexual || goth | irish || INTJ
*Spins in circles and drinks monster*
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃 𓇼 ⋆.˚ 𓆝⋆.˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆞 𓆉𓆝𓇼𓆟 𖦹°‧𓆝𓆡𓆜
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I love bungou stray dogs with a burning passion
Dazai kinnie (help)
Five pebbles kinnie (I don’t care if he sucks I love him)
I also like
○ Omori
○ pjsk
○ classic literature
○ art
○ Star wars
○ psychology
○ fish
○ sea animals generally
○ gaeilge!!! Is breá liom gaeilge a labhairt ^^ labhair liom as gaeilge, más maith leat
○ gravity falls
○ ghibli
○ vocaloid
○ ciphers
୧‿̩͙ ˖︵ ꕀ⠀ ♱⠀ ꕀ ︵˖‿̩͙୨
○ Crass
○ Black flag
○ Ramones
○ The Cure
○ Dead kennedys
○ Nirvana
○ The Clash
○ Green day
○ Mcr
○ Siouxsie and the banshees
○ X ray spex
○ The cramps
○ Bad religion
○ Killing joke
○ Tv girl
○ Cloud nothings
○ Bauhaus
○ The specials
○ Joy division
○ Hozier
+ more I am not bothered to list
˚̣̣̣ ꒷︶†︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬♱໒ ͡ ︶˚̣̣̣꒷︶†︶꒷ ˚̣̣̣
traumagenic DID system
disclaimer we tend to be mentally silly and chronically ill so pls be patient
+ struggle with understanding emotions or social cues pls say if I’ve done something to upset you
✧˖ °. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁‧₊˚ ☾. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁˖°✧
nsfw/18+/fetish account
israel supporter
harry potter fan
dsmp/dream fan
wilbur soot defender
loli/shota you are disgusting dont come near ^^
fit into other typical dni criteria
vivziepop defender
homophobic, though idk how you got here since the homosexuality radiating from this account is shocking
Endos dni!!!!
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✩ ⋆。˚ ✩ ┊ ┊ ┊ ✫ ┊ ┊ ︎✧ ┊ ┊ ✯ ┊ . ˚ ˚✩
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
i did not think i would live to see the day where we have (basically) angst-free mavid. but what a glorious day it is ☀️🙌
and i will most definitely accept this fic as an apology for both fmf and lbaf. i have a feeling i’m gonna migrate back to it after any remotely angsty thing in lbaf v.
ok an extended list of my thoughts, reactions, ramblings, etc.:
max in a suit will forever be my fave
brunch is most definitely a real meal, for adamant breakfast haters like myself
“How on earth could a stupid legal meeting be more important than avocado toast and strawberry mimosas?” david is the realest
david my love, calling him just mr.lightwood and not mr.lightwood-bane is probably losing you some points
the second hand embarrassment is real in this one dani 😩
“He’d like to see anyone else in that family write a dissertation on gender and colonialism in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park” he’s so hot for this
alec being taylor swifts lawyer but supporting her carbon emissions 😔 can’t win them all, folks
david baby, alec is just being jealous, don’t take it so personally pleeeeeaaasseeee
every single mavid scene in here is making me giggle and kick my feet 🥰🤭
i love the subtle netflix slander in all these fics
alec walking in on mavid 😭 david really can’t catch a break
david really is a perfect piece of shit
anjali is the absolute best. the standard, even
“you. always. all the time.” somebody hold me
david “accidentally” ruining the cake, this boy is too sweet
and the apple strudel scene was too funny
the little fbi max???? david is the best boyfriend ever
“You're my lawyer. You have to do as I ask. You can either help me or I will fire you and find someone else who will.” that was very hot
“I do have power over him. You really don’t want to see what I can do with it” this was also very hot
all their little pillow talk scenes make me so soft
seeing mavid elope in every universe is my absolute favorite
“Do not do the shimmy dance. Do not do the shimmy dance!” 😭😭😭
“he is gonna end up in a hospital like he did in Cairo” any mention of other max will be considered foreshadowing, dani
the entirety of chapter 8 was so perfect, i cant-
“sad gay prince and his little choir boyfriend” this is forever how i’m gonna refer to young royals now😤
“I represent all sorts of people,” the other man notes and then winks at David. oh, he is most defintely taylor swifts lawyer, isn’t he?
“Now I’m saying they met because of me,” the man hums. “But one does wonder where the mavid ship would be without the wind that is Jace Herondale.” YOU TELL THEM 😤
“David, you are a like a son to me and I love you very much.” HE FINALLY SAID IT 🎉
taylor swift? the taylor swift???? omg
the whole moment where mavid was singing the lines of “lover” to each other was perfect
i can’t blame david because i would also be in shock if i found myself having a conversation with hozier
david beauchamp, you perfect son of a bitch
Do you think he'll like it and forgive me for all the pain I'm about to put him through in LBAF? 🥺 david might, but i won’t. leave my baby girl alone dani, i beg of you
i think this fic was the best thing that ever happened to me 🤍💙💛
ps: don’t you dare think i missed that lbaf foreshadowing 👀 just cause other max doesn’t have david anymore doesn’t mean he can’t have any love in his life dani 😩 and what is this i hear about disrupting canon events 🤨
pps: if other max can hop dimensions, i’m sure it would be very amusing (and eerie) for him to see that mundane david writes about him so accurately
ppps: i’ve marked my calendar for lbaf v, i am so excited for this (i’m assuming the 18 chapters is the 18 years between lbaf iv v)
Was this angst free tho 👀
I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic and loved the fluff (see? i can write fluff too!!)
The 18 chapters have time skips, so it isn't really one chapter for each year (there are more than a 20 years gap if I'm not wrong - I'm begging yall don't make me do the math)
love u
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Its that time again!!!!!!!!!!! Best music to come out in March PLEEEAAASE
.Sex by Alice Longyu Gao. Experimental as HELL and the experiments pay off. Indie meets drum and bass with some screaming and trance. It's a lot. I love it. One of the rare English tracks on my rec list so like... if youd on't like non-English music relish this while you can
Beat my Face by Rico Nasty. I really like the beat on the track and Rico's aggressive flow really suits its more laid back tempo.
Believing off of Babymetal's new album. I kinda miss their sillier sound but I don't hate that theyre making more serious, urgent music. I chose believing because the chorus sounds a bit like they're interpolating All The Things She Said (they arent but it still sounds like it)! IMO this is a good ~metal album for anyone scared off by how hardcore metal can be and they need something more symphonic
Eat your Young by Hozier. I don't have to describe hozier for y'all... you konw
It's hard to pick a single track off the album but Ebony Eye by Yves Tumor. If you like alt music, this entire album is worth trying out. It's conceptual clarity is a sharp contrast to the diversity of sound you'll get on the album.
Exit by So!yoon!. I was picking off of tracks that came out in March, otherwise i'd shout out Bad, but yeah... this track is dreamy and aching and fully in English despite being by a Korean artist. The vocals have a nice punch while also reverberating through your head and bones.
Fly Girl by Flo. The nostalgic sound keeps developing them and choosing to collab with Missy Elliot really elevates them even further. Sliiick production and vocals
Onew (from Shinee) released a lot of music in both Korean and Japanese. My fave Japanese track is the vibrant Inspiration that highlights how lovely his voice is and as for the Korean song... maybe Paradise?? Or Expectations. There is a WEALTH of great tracks to choose from. If you love good production, listen to this whole album, each track is seamless.
Mugen Loop by Buck Tick feels like a song that plays in a theater as credits roll and you're so emotionally wiped out by the film, you just sit there, taking it in. The echoing guitar and swirling instrumentals make you feel like you are being enveloped by clouds.
Rover by Kai. I don't know if Kai NEEDED to do a reggaeton influenced song but... it's fun. I feel a lil stockholm syndromed into loving hte song and I think some b sides are better (Sinner being the easiest pick) but I can't deny I can't stop listneing
BILLLIE'S ENTIRE ALBUM. Idk how to describe it. Just a girl group working at max power.
Notable tracks but not necessarily my faves:
Underneath My Raincoat by Studio Killers (Poppy, low key)
Fall Out Boy's album happened and I can't say I have a fave that wasn't one fo the lead singles? I need to digest it a bit more but I do really enjoy the title track and the drama of it all.
Kororon by Eve. More poppy Jrock.
Lights out by Sunmi and Be'o. Sweet, simple Kpop. Her voice is BEAUTIFUL and this is so relaxing.
Dumbest Girl Alive by 100 Gecs. Beat does go hard. I cannot lie but also I wanna shout out 757. Fuck the ska based songs on this album tho
Circle by Code Kunst. More just good, simple r&b influenced kpop
Free by Hur. Mostly english Cpop that literally shocked me because it used fuck twice in a single second?? I was like WHAT??? It's kinda generic as a pop song but like in a 2000s way.
"can you help me?" by Can't Swim. 2000s indie rock vibes a la Motion City Soundtrack
Go by Kan Sano. Jazzy japanese music.
the forbidden door by lynch. More japanese metal. It's fucking good, okay.
All Nighter bt Tiesto. Just good dance music.
Bad Intentions by Bayside. More modern (ENGLISH!! SURPRISIGN FOR ME) rock music.
dramatic by mass of the fermenting dregs. band name sounds hardcore but really the song is a soothing balm. music for an indie coming of age movie (but in japanese.)
more japanese music idk why i cahnged gears so hard this month but not enough by rei yasuda. sounds like it could thrive on america radio, tbh
trigun stampede's theme song. it's aping juice wrld SO heavily it kinda makes me uncomfortable but it's good...
the new shakira song is a fucking bop i can't stop listening
sorry this was so long all i did this month was listen to music and laugh about my dead nana
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faejilly · 2 years
@msviolacea tagged me in a music thing awhile back, and I am finally playing! (No pressure tagging: Anyone Who Wants to Blame Me! also @atomicpen, @breadedsinner, @codenamecynic, @evilsapphyre, @foxghost )
Prompt: Shuffle your 'On Repeat' spotify playlist and list the first 10 songs that play! (Feel free to adapt to whatever "liked/played recently" version of things you have on something Not Spotify as needed 😅)
"Hall of the Mountain King" - Apocalyptica
"Talk" - Hozier
"Versatile, Pt 1 with Bass Flute" - Bolling Jazz Trio [Claude Bolling, Max Hédiguer, Marcel Sabiani, w/Jean-Pierre Rampal]
"Beauty Beats" - Beats Antique
"Vendetta" - UNSECRET, Krigarè
"Monsters" - Lucy Daydream
"No Plan" - Hozier
"Once Upon A December" (instrumental) - Kat Glaze
"Persuasion" - Regency Players
"Your Favorite Color is Green" (The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2) - James Newton Howard
(And after that shuffle gave me like three more Hozier songs in a row, wtf spotify, that is Bad Shuffling 😅🤣🎵)
That is uh, probably pretty accurate, even if it's missing a bunch of the usual suspects. Fanmix choices and writing instrumentals and strings, oh my? I am deeply shocked by the lack of 70's/80's rock I tend to play when I'm driving... apparently not as much driving as usual lately!
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notebookmusical · 9 months
Thanks for your patience waiting for me to respond to our conversation from a week ago! <3 I just sent a separate happy birthday message but happy birthday again!!
Let's see so since we talked, I actually managed to make a few more bracelets! I'm focusing on making olivia + chappell ones since that's my first concert with bracelets next year. Have you made more since we last talked? Or have you worked on other crafts? I just saw your gorgeous painted vinyl case, which is so nice!
Re concerts - I think bleachers will do a west coat tour leg still! I just can't imagine jack not going to seattle / la at a minimum, but fingers crossed! Like you, I'm going to see olivia/chappell, holly, and taylor. I did get bleachers/samia and noah kahan tickets. And then also haley heynderickx and hozier. I'm more of a casual hozier fan but my best friend who loves fob is also a huge hozier fan so she's going to come visit, which will be so nice. And I'm strongly considering madison beer, which is a bit of a drive + a half day off work, but I absolutely loved her most recent album so leaning towards it. What are your favorite shows you've been to so far?
I have notion bookmarked to explore more soon! The aesthetic over functionality thing is soooooo relatable to me haha I was making a poster at work this week and spent way too long picking out and editing photos before I even thought about the other details. Also yeah omg I think I get a little bit more light here ~4pm or so for sunset but I'm so glad we're almost at winter solstice. Do you have any fun winter plans despite the lack of light?
Thanks so much for the support with post-grad recovery!! I will definitely try to grab some photos of my crafts in the new year (about to travel for the holidays so I'll be away from my final products for a bit). I might also have some decent bracelet photos from eras this year that I can dig up :) I'm glad your voice was (and hopefully still is) getting better! How's it going now? I think baking is kind of crafting! Just crafting with food stuffs.
Totally agree about the holly/muna collab - I'm so happy about it! And also just wanting to see muna live someday. I would also love for holly to do a feature on a muna song too and/or for them to write a fresh song together. Also agreed about both a bfl + 1975 collab for holly too! Fingers crossed! There are a few specific 1975 songs / styles I would love to see for holly (about you would be so good). I'd also love something with charli xcx (or charli + 1975 together since they're connected). Actually maybe bleachers for another collab. I think that could be interesting.
good morning!! 🤍 thank YOU for being patient while i reply as well! hope you're having a good week, friend!
since we last talked, i haven't made any bracelets, but i did work on the vinyl case a little more — realized using acrylic paint pens was much easier than acrylic paint! i actually also got a cake stand for my room (basically, i have a humidifier on my nightstand but i'm worried about water damage, so i got a small cake stand to put my humidifier on) and drew little bows with acrylic paint pens on that too!
i really hope bleachers will do a west coast leg! i'm also a bit shocked and have words with dirty hit about their tour :( i would love to see samia too!! i was catching up on twitter and saw that clairo was at the ally coalition talent show last night and was so incredibly jealous haha. and chappell will be so fun! the seattle opener for olivia is pinkpantheress, and i'm really excited to see her! i started listening to the most recent FOB album and i really like it, so i might make some bracelets for it too! hozier will be so fun! i don't think he's coming anywhere near me this leg which is sad :( i haven't listened to madison beer's new album — i should add it to my evergrowing list of people to check out! i would say sabrina carpenter, maisie peters, taylor swift and the 1975 have put on some of the best shows i've ever been to! what about you?
i had a few fun plans last week! and i went ice skating on monday which was really fun — i haven't been skating since i was like, nine? so it was incredibly humbling and also ridiculously fun. i'm not really sure what i have going on now; probably just seeing extended family and all that — and hopefully catching up on reads + crafts! what about you? safe travels!! 🤍
my voice is still kind of croaky but it's back! i had a facetime call with a friend last night and she was like "oh you're croaky" but at least it's back! and i can talk! thank you for asking 🥺
i would loveeee to see MUNA live too! they were in seattle for cap hill block party but that was the same weekend as eras so obviously i wasn't able to see them :( i would loveeee to see something in the vein of about you with holly — or even something like jesus christ 2005 god bless america; i could totally see her singing phoebe's parts! charli and the 1975 would be fun — i really like spinning which no rome is also on, but would love to see more of them together! bleachers would also be a really fun collab — especially now that bleachers is on dirty hit!
0 notes
ubvewor · 2 years
2pac greatest hits album download zip
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^ "Austriancharts.at – 2Pac – Greatest Hits" (in German).Portions posted at "Tupac Shakur: Album Guide". ^ Brackett, Nathan Hoard, Christian (2004)."Capturing Shakur's Passion and Defiance". : CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( link) Archived from the original on 31 March 2013. ^ "Tupac's Virtual Coachella Appearance Spurs Huge Sales Bump"."Billboard 200 Chart Moves: 'Hozier' Has Sold a Half-Million". ^ a b Caulfield, Keith (March 13, 2015).^ a b "Billboard 200 Chart Moves: 2Pac Returns to Top 40 After More Than 10 Years".^ "Chart Watch Extra: All The Greatest Hits".^ "Recording Industry Association of America"."2Pac's "All Eyez On Me" Achieves Diamond Sales". List of number-one R&B albums of 1998 (U.S.).List of best-selling albums in the United States.Sales+streaming figures based on certification alone. ^ Shipments figures based on certification alone. * Sales figures based on certification alone. " To Live & Die in L.A." (featuring Val Young)įinnish Albums ( Suomen virallinen lista) "All Bout U" (featuring Nate Dogg, Snoop Doggy Dogg, Hussein Fatal, Yaki Kadafi & Dru Down posthumous remix) " Toss It Up" (featuring K-Ci & JoJo, Danny Boy, Aaron Hall a new mix with some altered lyrics) "How Long Will They Mourn Me?" (with Thug Life featuring Nate Dogg) "Picture Me Rollin" (featuring Danny Boy, CPO, Big Syke) " California Love" (listed as (Original Version) on tracklist, also (Long Radio Edit) on most singles featuring Dr. " I Get Around" (featuring Digital Underground) " I Ain't Mad at Cha" (featuring Danny Boy) " Brenda's Got a Baby" (featuring Roniece Levias) " Trapped" (featuring Shock G Some lyrics are censored from the original album version) " So Many Tears" (featuring Thug Life, Digital Underground and Stretch) " How Do U Want It" (featuring K-Ci & JoJo some lyrics are censored from the original album version) "Me Against the World" (featuring Dramacydal & Puff Johnson) The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory (1996) " Hail Mary" (featuring Outlawz & Prince Ital Joe) " 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted" (featuring Snoop Doggy Dogg) " Keep Ya Head Up" (featuring Dave Hollister) The album was certified Platinum by the BPI on 16 August 2002, making it 2Pac's highest selling album in the UK. 129 with 4,000 copies sold according to Nielsen SoundScan (a gain of 571% over the previous week). Tupac Shakur's virtual appearance at the annual Coachella Festival on April 15, 2012, spurred a re-entry for the album on the Billboard 200 chart it jumped in at No. With 5.33 million units sold which is 10.66 million in RIAA sales, it remains the best-selling rap greatest hits compilation of all time and the twentieth best-selling rap album since Nielsen Soundscan began tracking record sales in 1991. Nearly 11 years later, in June 2011, it was certified by the RIAA for shipments of over 10 million, the late rapper's first RIAA Diamond award. On October 16, 2000, it was certified 9× platinum. It has spent 319 weeks on the Billboard 200. In January 1999, the album reached its peak at number three on the chart. Greatest Hits debuted at number five on the US Billboard 200 chart, selling 268,000 copies in its first week.
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bethanyactually · 2 years
Thanks for the tag, @forasecondtherewedwon!
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people.
"Gone, Gone, Gone" - Phillip Phillips
"In a Week" - Hozier (feat. Karen Cowley)
"Respect" - Lucy Schwartz
"Home" - Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
"I See the Light" - Mandy Moore & Zachary Levi
"Cold Little Heart" - Michael Kiwanuka
"Girls Like You" - Maroon 5
"September" - Pomplamoose
"Starships" - Nicki Minaj
"Maybe I'm Amazed" - Paul McCartney
(I am shocked there's not a single Barenaked Ladies or Sara Bareilles song on this list; usually there's at least one of each and sometimes more.)
low-key, no-pressure tagging some folks from my recent activity: @beturass, @sdwolfpup, @surprisinglyfriendlybirds, @doctahwoo, @liminal-zone, @definitelynot-theantichrist, @ladysophiebeckett, @clare-ifiedthoughts, @jadegiantess, @acesexualspock, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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rosella-writes · 3 years
Boy am I intrigued by Solas/Cassandra - how about "Know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty" from the Hozier prompt list?
Oh how I love them... I've gone back and forth on this ship for ages and I've only recently just accepted that I love it for what it is—love based on deep, abiding respect. Thank you, this one was so nice to try.
For @dadrunkwriting
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Cassandra was a woman of decisive movements and even more decisive words. Solas had watched her form this Inquisition from nearly nothing but her own stubborn sense of duty, and couldn't help but feel a certain kinship—one that held them both up as echoes of the other, even as their orbits within their respective roles brought them closer and closer together.
To love her, then, was not a shock. It was simply something that was, and to question it seemed ridiculous. To lean into the comfort of her arms and offer her the soft, treasuring affection she deserved was the simplest thing he had done in years
So why, then, did her questions hurt to answer now?
She was not decisive and sure in the days after their return from Adamant. She was shaken, as they all were, but he should have anticipated her breathless question before she asked it—he surely should have prepared an answer for it before it tumbled out of her, blurting and hopeful, as she leaned against him on the sofa in the rotunda.
The fire in the sconce crackled comfortingly above them, and Cassandra's crossed calves and bent knees were heavy and warm and comfortable in his lap. Solas propped his book against her kneecaps and absently drew circles on her anklebone with his thumb.
She set her own book down on her chest with a huff, fixing him with an intense, soul-rending gaze. He did not look at her—instead, he pretended to focus on his book.
"Solas," she said. "You saw the spirit they encountered in the Fade. Could it have been Justinia?"
His circling thumb stopped in its tracks. He sighed and lowered his book, laying it open across her shins. "If you are looking for certainty, Cassandra, I cannot help you."
"She helped the Inquisitor," Cassandra replied, her voice firm and resolute as the wood of Cullen's desk. "As Justinia would have.
He looked at her then. Cassandra was incapable of disguising her emotions—she wore them, plain as day, on the aging lines of her square face. He longed to be so open with her.
"Then spirit or no," he finally murmured, "her actions were worthy of respect."
Cassandra was still for a beat, then surged up until she was all but sitting in his lap. She was too tall, too muscled, to fit—he slid a hand to the small of her back to support her all the same. She cupped his cheeks in her hands, intense eyes mere inches from his.
"So she could have been more than spirit," she said, low and heavy and pained. "You said it. Spirit or no. What else is there if not her?"
Solas gazed back at her, wishing to offer only comfort, only platitudes that could bolster her flagging faith. He wanted so badly to say the white lie that beat against the backs of his teeth, if only to see some light return to those soft brown eyes. He wanted to offer her surety—but he had none to offer.
"There is Love," he said, finally, with a bone-weary sigh. "There is Hope. There is Perseverance. Any of these could have formed from the memory of her. Any of these could have witnessed her in the Fade and chosen to echo her likeness. But are they her?" He shook his head. "It is not so simple."
The truth did not comfort her—those eyes dulled, and the bags beneath them seemed darker still. He reached up and touched her cheek as her own hands fell away, wondering if she had been able to sleep.
"You are so sure," she sighed.
He chuckled, a dead sound that rang hollow in the space between them. "I am only sure that it is not so simple as yes or no."
Her face crumpled, and she quickly raised a hand to hide it. "I suppose," she said in a thick voice, swiping at her eyes, "that I could not expect you to give me cheap comfort. I would rather dash myself and my hopes against the shoals of your certainty than to be cradled in the flimsiest of lies."
He reached out for her, and she lurched forward into his arms. There was a shuffle of too-long limbs and the careful setting-aside of books, and finally she lay somewhat in his lap, her arms around his waist while he clasped the back of her head and nosed into her hair. He tightened his arms around her, hard, and she returned the gesture with one that nearly crushed the breath from his lungs.
"Spirit or no," he finally repeated, whispering, "she stood before us as Justinia, and did as she would do. Her actions made all the difference."
Cassandra sighed, her breath hot against his throat. Her breath came back in raggedly and slowly, and Solas wondered if she silently wept while he couldn't see.
"I suppose," she finally said, "that is all we will ever know."
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