#shokugeki no soma 5
justminawrites · 1 year
Summary: The fear of being isolated, lonely, or alone. Five times Hayama Akira asked someone to stay, and the one time he didn’t need to.
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 19 when Shiomi Jun looked up from the unzipped suitcase and gave him a half-hearted smile, even though he couldn’t see it. He knew it would happen eventually, he just hadn’t expected it to be so soon. He thought he’d have more time. I’ll only be gone two months, Akira-kun, she’d promised. Two months of sun and sand and Greece, and she’d be back before he even had time to miss her. He knew she was lying, he didn’t even need to open his eyes to notice her torn cuticles or the slightly white pallor of her skin; she didn’t intend on coming home for a long while. She wouldn’t tell him why.
Jun put down the shirt and walked over to hug him; he returned the embrace without getting up from his place on the bed. It’s okay, she whispered soothingly petting his hair as he let himself cry into her sweater until dawn. It’s going to be okay. 
By the time he’d woken, red-eyed and cotton-mouthed, tangled in her bedsheets, she was already gone.
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 22 when Arato Hisako paused at the door to their shared apartment and sighed. 
They’d done this many times, this dance, their little back and forth and it had left scars on the both of them. The agreement was simple, they’d begun dating out of convenience; falling in love was never on the table. As long as you never ask me to put you above Erina-sama, she’d proposed, and I never assume I can take Shiomi Jun’s place– we should be alright. It had gone so well, until it hadn’t. He couldn’t remember who had started it, maybe it was her, maybe it was him, maybe it was someone else; but a wine-stained tablecloth and a smarting cheek later, when he’d seen genuine tears in her eyes, he knew he had gone too far. 
She’d always threatened to leave, packing a duffel bag as she sought refuge in the arms of a Nakiri princess, but he’d always chased after her, pulling and pulling, somehow losing a piece of her each time he did. After two years, he didn’t know how much of her he had left. 
They had always come at each other with claws and fangs bared, unguarded and itching for a fight, but they’d found out quickly that the line between honesty and cruelty was terribly, horribly thin. Hisako waited for him to run after her again, even turned back a few times, but all he had left were words. She shut the door with a final resounding click. 
They had never been good with words.
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 26 when he breathed it into Sendawara Natsume’s ear, smirking as he watched her writhe beneath him, lips parted in pleasure. She loved it when he was rough with her, all sharp angles and jagged edges, voices husky, kisses that were more teeth than tongue– just enough honey to numb the poison.
The first time was at an award ceremony, even his greatest victories were reduced to paltry displays of arrogance when he didn’t have someone worth winning for; where she’d run a teasing finger across his chest and he’d reciprocated by pulling her into an empty broom closet and made her moan his name. 
It had happened many many times since then, he was quite partial to ambushing her before she had a stage appearance or anywhere with cameras; her feeble protests dying on her tongue the moment he pinned her wrist to the wall, but it was always so alarmingly empty. He grew more and more unfeeling as the time passed, his thirst unquenched, the hole in him getting wider every time she pouted her lips or batted her lashes. The awards on his shelf grew, the medals collected dust, the flowers withered away in their bouquets.
Still he drank, hoping her poison would put him to sleep so he wouldn’t have to wake up to the very very faint smell of cinnamon on his pillow. 
Natsume grazed his jaw with a long, manicured nail and he stiffened, waiting for the vacant promises to slip into his ears, but she only sighed I’m late, before pushing past him to get to the doorknob. 
He didn’t even bother to turn around. 
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 30 when he said it in his head as he looked into Nakiri Alice’s doe-like eyes, under the harsh glare of the laboratory lights. 
She’d barged into his office as usual and demanded to use  his workspace at three a.m. to test out a new recipe that had come to her in her sleep. They’d spent all morning trying to turn the damn lobster blue, and he had never been more tired in his life, but still he watched her wrinkle her nose in frustration as she squinted at the cloudy liquid in the little test tube, and resisted the urge to lean in and kiss her till she forgot her own name. 
Ryō-kun would know what to do, she’d sighed finally and dumped it into the sink. He watched the purple liquid swirl around, once, twice and smiled sadly as it trickled down the drain. He should have known. She’d only ever had eyes for the brooding, dark-haired chef she’d met in a small port side town in Denmark, and from what he’d noticed during their school days, the feeling was almost certainly mutual. 
She huffed and puffed and lay her head on the cold counter top, and within seconds she was fast asleep. Hayama made sure to cover her slight frame with his coat, before reaching for the phone to dial a familiar number. 
Kurokiba Ryō arrived not even an hour later to take her back home and he stopped at the doorway to watch them leave, trying not to wonder what might have happened if Alice had met him first instead, all those years ago, before either of them had learnt the true taste of love. 
“Don’t go.”
Hayama was 32 when he saw her sitting on the rooftop of Polar Star Dormitory, drinking sake out of a shot glass as she gazed at the moon. The new dorm matron, Sakaki Ryōkō had blushed at his intrusion and quickly made to leave him alone, before the words had slipped through his lips and sunk into the night air like an open invitation. 
She’d raised an eyebrow discerningly, but obliged his whims, scooting over to give the newly admitted Tōtsuki professor space; he took it with as much grace as he had left. They’d sat in silence for a good part of the next hour, taking turns downing the alcohol as they quietly recalled their own days at this school; competing with their peers, sharpening themselves with their rivalries, the 92nd Generation’s diamonds in the rough now haunting the place where they’d been forged. 
Hayama swayed a little and she turned and grabbed him by the shoulder– he’d been leaning too far out the edge and would’ve fallen if she hadn’t steadied him. 
Unfortunately, he inclined towards her too quickly and his arm reached out and knocked the glass over. They watched mutely as it roll away, plink, plink, plinking down the roof tiles and shatter onto the balcony below them. Ryōkō did the strangest thing then, watching those same broken pieces glitter under the moonlight– she threw her back and she laughed. 
The sound was so infectious that Hayama couldn’t stop himself from snorting too and soon they found themselves in stitches, giggling like a pair of love-drunk high schoolers who’d stayed up too late. 
It could have been the alcohol, hell, it could have been the fact that he hadn’t laughed in so long, but the world seemed brighter all of a sudden. The tiles under his feet were rougher, the gravity more pronounced, like he was waking from a long, long nightmare. 
As Hayama felt a cool breeze nip his neck, he found himself noticing the new matron more, her distinctly sweet smell, like honey and ripe citrus, and how her dark eyes reflected the tiny stars in the sky. He hadn’t seen it before, gaze too clouded by memory, but she was quite beautiful with her magenta hair and easy smile. 
He would’ve liked to stay longer but his stomach churned and it was all he could do to turn away in time before he found himself bent over the roof, hurling the contents of his dinner across the edge.
Hayama Akira woke to the sound of knocking in his skull. He didn’t realise it was the door until he’d downed the jug of water beside his bed and felt some semblance of normality return to his body.
“Hello? Professor?"
He croaked out a quick, Be right there, before shedding the stained lab coat he hadn’t bothered to take off when he’d stumbled back into his dorm room last night and passed out on the couch. Hayama never handled alcohol well but yesterday’s embarrassing display nearly took the top spot for worst moments of his life; if it hadn’t been for the new matron’s quick thinking he’d probably still be sitting on the roof of Polar Star Dormitory, covered in puke and dead to the world. He would find a way to apologise to her somehow, a half-hearted thanks didn’t seem nearly enough for what she’d done. 
Once he’d splashed his face with cold water and rinsed his tongue with mouthwash- the smell bothered him more than anyone- he propped open the door to find a familiar magenta-haired woman standing outside, a steel thermos in her hand. 
Sakaki Ryōkō smiled at him in greeting, skin dewy fresh, wearing a flowery bandanna, no visible sign of the copies amounts of sake she’d chugged last night anywhere as she held out the flask. 
Hayama took it in surprise.
“My special hangover cure,” she explained, watching his green eyes widen at its warmth, “I thought you might need some since your classes begin today.”
“A-Ah,” he replied, trying to muster up a reaction that wasn’t confusion, he must have said something to her about his lecture somewhere between retching over the side of the roof, and dragging his feet across the polished floors as she helped him get back to his room. 
“Thank you, Sakaki-san. I hope you didn’t trouble yourself.”
“Don’t mention it, Hayama-kun, I’ve been up for hours anyway.”
Ryōkō seemed more luminous in the daylight; she’d tied her hair up in a ponytail and was wearing a light pink apron over her sweats, a streak of dirt smudged across her cheek and the gloves peeking out of her pocket the only indications that she’d been working outside in the garden all morning.
Hayama had never seen someone so alive. Jun was a heavier sleeper than he was and Hisako had always looked like she would stab anything that moved within 10 metres of her radius until she’d had her morning coffee; this shine in the new matron’s eyes alarmed him a little.
“When do you have to leave?” She  asked cheerfully, cocking her head to one side.
He checked the clock behind him: 9:00 a.m. His lecture wouldn’t start for another two hours at least.
“Do you have time for breakfast? The kids left already but I’m sure I can scrounge up something with–“
“Thank you, Sakaki-san,” he repeated firmly, “But I don’t want to intrude.”
He said it normally enough, but his voice came out flat and ungrateful. Her face fell and he resisted the urge to immediately soften the statement. This was better for the both of them. 
Hayama had returned to Tōtsuki Culinary Academy solely to take over the Shiomi Seminar at the request of the new director; he couldn’t leave Jun’s life’s work in the hands of someone who couldn’t properly care for it. He’d come here knowing he’d be surrounded by her ghost at every waking moment, he’d resigned himself to it, looked forward to it even. It would be cruel to start something with someone new, that would no doubt end in tears. 
“I see,” she frowned, let out a breath and snatched the thermos back.
Hayama blinked– he hadn’t expected that. 
“I guess you don’t need this either.” She huffed and then made to leave.
He stared after her mutely. His head began to throb in warning, dull beats, steady as a drum, and he could almost feel the ache pulsing through him as he stood in front of the lecture hall, in a few hours. His stomach tightened unhelpfully, making him aware of its painful emptiness. Perhaps breakfast wouldn’t end in tears after all.
“Hm?” Ryōkō looked back, one hand on her hip. His pride clamped his tongue shut.
Hayama had always kept his cool around people, women especially; he hadn’t been one of the most eligible bachelors on Top Chef for no reason, but there was something unpredictable about Sakaki Ryōkō that left him feeling strangely flustered. 
He thought he knew her type, the kindly mother-figure of the friend group, the go-to shoulder to cry on; a more self-assured version of his friend Tadokoro Megumi– but an undercurrent of pure defiance ran right through her homely persona. There was kindness, yes, but none of the naivety he’d associated with it so far; a savoury sweetness– caramel, but the sharp tang of salt was unmistakable.
“I can’t stand the smell of eggs,” he blurted out stupidly. 
The dorm matron nodded sagely, as though that was a perfectly normal thing to say in such a conversation.
“You’re in luck, Hayama-kun. We seem to be all out of eggs at the moment.”
He could’ve sworn she was trying not to smile.
“Then.. uh-“ he opened the door wider, taking a step out into the hallway, but his voice wouldn’t work all of a sudden. Don’t go, Wait, Stay, the words got lost in his throat, tangled in the memories of all the times they hadn’t worked. 
The ambience of the night had been his friend, hiding his loneliness with a blanket of polite indifference but saying it in the light of day was harder, more concrete. Irreversible.
She turned away, heading down the staircase now. 
Hayama stared after her; he’d missed his chance again.
A vision of Hisako’s back came to him suddenly; the way her hands had shook with barely concealed distress, the downward incline of her shoulders, her last words to him before she left; bitter and tired. I hope you’re happy. He should have let her go sooner. Sighing, he felt the weight of his mistakes chain him down and coerce him back into the room- back into his bed for the next hour, where they could run uninhibitedly in his dreams, and was about to take heed when–
He looked up, bewildered; the dorm matron had paused on her way down the steps and gave him a little wave. 
Hayama lifted his hand almost involuntarily and waved back; What a strange woman. 
Ryōkō smiled brightly as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, and the feeling from last night burst in chest.
He felt his thoughts recede almost instantly as the world flushed with colour, the line between past and present slicing through his hesitation like a well polished knife, daring him to make a choice. But she was already ahead of him there too. 
“I’ll see you downstairs in ten minutes.”
She was gone before he could open his mouth.
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heather-m-quigley · 9 months
just saw a short video of someone cutting stuffed pizzas with a mezzaluna
.... and then remembered i only know what that's called because i spent a couple weeks a year or two ago watching 4 seasons of shokugeki no soma
(didnt hear a single good word about season 5 so i stopped there)
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its-to-the-death · 8 months
Mod's Crush Competition Round 1
Hey guys! Based on the poll I sent out, it looks like some of you wanted to see what kind of fictional crushes I've had and of course I'm more than happy to oblige...
These are all crushes I've had through my lifetime so not all of them are current. Some of them I can explain and others make me question my life choices. They're also all male because I'm only attracted to men. (Maybe next time I'll do a tournament with your guys' crushes)
I tried to limit it to 3 characters per franchise but Yugioh ended up with 5 because there are so many series and I have seen all of them (It's been a very important fandom in my life). I also tried my best to not overrun it with anime. I admit my number of fictional crushes spiked when I started watching anime though. They know how to make them pretty.
Anyways, let's take a look at our bracket:
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I am already dreading some of these matchups. For the first round, I am going to split the polls between 2 days. The first half will go up on Tuesday, September 26. The second half will go up on Thursday, September 28. All polls will last a week.
Some reminders:
Please be nice! To me and to fellow voters. I know I've had some weird crushes (and I don't mind if you think I'm weird) but I won't accept hate. If there's a problem, be civil.
Have fun! Don't take this too seriously because it's just a little Tumblr tournament I'm doing for fun and I just want people to enjoy it.
Since the pictures in the bracket are so small, matchups will be under the cut and link to the polls once they start.
Tuesday, September 26 polls
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) vs Finnick Odair (The Hunger Games)
Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) vs The Corinthian (The Sandman)
Peter Pan (Once Upon a Time) vs Shun Kurosaki (Yugioh Arc-V)
Koushi Sugawara (Haikyuu) vs Manitoba Smith (Total Drama)
Sebastian Moran (Moriarty the Patriot/Yuukoku no Moriarty) vs Griff Jones (Bunk'd)
Shun Ibusaki (Food Wars/Shokugeki no Soma) vs George Weasley (Harry Potter)
Kenya Yukimiya (Blue Lock) vs Chase Davenport (Lab Rats)
Seishiro Nagi (Blue Lock) vs Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
Ryou Bakura (Yugioh DM) vs Mycroft Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) vs Newt (The Maze Runner)
Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Trey Clover (Twisted Wonderland)
Five Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) vs Luck Voltia (Black Clover)
Feitan Portor (Hunter x Hunter) vs Tsuchigomori (Toilet Bound Hanako-kun)
Kyoya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Viktor (Arcane)
Horace Somnusson (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) vs Percy de Rolo (The Legend of Vox Machina/Critical Role)
Hikaru Hitachiin (Ouran High School Host Club) vs Tetsurou Kuroo (Haikyuu)
Thursday, September 28 polls
Hiccup Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon) vs Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop)
Eita Semi (Haikyuu) vs Leona Kingscholar (Twisted Wonderland)
Keigo Takami/Hawks (My Hero Academia) vs Colt Grice (Attack on Titan)
Theon Greyjoy (Game of Thrones) vs Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Noah (Total Drama) vs Ango Sakaguchi (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Quattro Arclight/IV (Yugioh Zexal) vs Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Millard Nullings (Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children) vs Jackal (Fairy Tail)
Shin (Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross) vs Mihaya (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Ryokan Kogami/Revolver (Yugioh Vrains) vs Tamaki Amajiki/Suneater (My Hero Academia)
Bran Stark (Game of Thrones) vs Rogue Cheney (Fairy Tail)
Gray Fullbuster (Fairy Tail) vs Klaus Baudelaire (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead (My Hero Academia) vs Reo Mikage (Blue Lock)
Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) vs Sanji (Live Action One Piece)
Scott (Total Drama) vs Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Farkle Minkus (Girl Meets World) vs Seung-gil Lee (Yuri on Ice)
Phaser Ryugu (Yugioh Go Rush) vs Franken Stein (Soul Eater)
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best-anime-tournament · 10 months
Here you can find the polls from round 73 to 108:
Round 73 - Guilty Crown vs Kyoukai no Kanata
Round 74 - Re:ZERO - Starting Life in Another World 2 vs Princess Mononoke
Round 75 - Goblin Slayer vs Dororo
Round 76 - The Seven Deadly Sins - Revival of Commandments vs Black Butler
Round 77 - Yuri!!! on Ice vs Nichijou
Round 78 - Baccano! vs The Tatami Galaxy
Round 79 - Higurashi no Naku Kori ni vs Gintama Season 4
Round 80 - Fruits Basket: The Final vs My Dress-up Darling
Round 81 - Perfect Blue vs Given
Round 82 - Yuu Yuu Hakusho vs InuYasha
Round 83 - Hajime no Ippo vs Monogatari Series 2
Round 84 - 86 vs Spice and Wolf
Round 85 - Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation Part 2 vs Hellsing Ultimate
Round 86 - Black Lagoon vs Shinsekai Yori
Round 87 - Bocchi the Rock! vs Grand Blue
Round 88 - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners vs I Want To Eat Your Pancreas
Round 89 - Darker than Black vs Bleach: Sennen Kessen Hen
Round 90 - Golden Time vs Black Bullet (Playoff)
Round 91 - Prison School vs Date a Live
Round 92 - Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic vs 5 Centimeters per Second
Round 93 - The Quintessential Quintuplets vs Chivalry of a Failed Knight
Round 94 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma 3 vs Weathering with You
Round 95 - Sword Art Online: Alicization vs Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Round 96 - Fairy Tail (2014) vs The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Round 97 - Wotakoi: Love is Hard for an Otaku vs Danganronpa: The Animation
Round 98 - ReLIFE vs Overlord II
Round 99 - Plastic Memories vs Dragon Ball
Round 100 - Kimi ni Todoke vs Dr. Stone: Stone Wars
Round 101 - Fate/stay night vs Rent a Girlfriend
Round 102 - My Neighbor Totoro vs My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU TOO!
Round 103 - The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya vs Trigun
Round 104 - Kamisama Kiss vs Ergo Proxy
Round 105 - Barakamon vs Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Round 106 - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU Climax! vs March Comes in like a Lion 2
Round 107 - March Comes in like a Lion vs Fruits Basket (2019)
Round 108 - Houseki no Kuni vs Natsume Yuujinchou
Round 109-144
(anime in bold have passed the 1st round)
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uchihakeimei · 17 days
Come talk to me about <3 -
1. Harry Potter
2. Percy Jackson
3. The Chronicles of Narnia
4. Twilight
5. Pride and Prejudice
TV Shows/Movies
1. Supernatural
2. Teen Wolf
3. Pirates of The Caribbean
4. Marvel Cinematic Universe
1. Naruto
2. Blue Lock
3. Haikyuu
4. Wind Breaker (Nii Satoru)
5. Oshi no Ko
6. Yuri!!! On Ice
7. Kaguya Sama: Love is War
8. Classroom of the Elite
9. Shokugeki no Soma
10. Spy x Family
11. The Apothecary Diaries
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cardboard13 · 9 months
This one-shot to commemorate that we're now #5. I'm also over 100,000 words on AO3.
“What?” Nene glared murder out from under her blankets, only to find a panicked Isshiki standing in her room. “Gah!” Isshiki exclaimed, horrified. Certainly, that wasn’t Isshiki’s horrified scream about the current physical appearance of Nene, right? Because Isshiki should rue the day he decided it was a good idea to wake up Kinokuni Nene at eight in the morning. The next time he decided that it was a good idea, he better think twice, or Nene would bury his body in the middle of the forest. “I have an emergency,” Isshiki says, turning his head and averting his eyes. “What?” Nene repeats. Never let it be said that Nene was intelligible when it came to mornings. Perhaps that had managed to snap Isshiki back to the matter at hand, who whispered. “My mother is here.”
Isshiki’s mother decides to come to the Totsuki campus for a visit. For some reason, she is under the impression that her son is currently dating Kinokuni Nene.
All Nene wants to do is go back to sleep.
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raincoonparade · 1 year
My OCs list
I'm having a hard time sharing art here, not only cause I'm being indecisive but also I'm not sure how to present them, I want my Tumblr to look pretty vjkvf so, while I decide on that, I thought about sharing at least the fandom, names and some of my favs drawings of them!
I'll edit this post constantly whenever I have new art, delete or add OCs
Whenever you see TBN it means they don't have a name or I'm changing it so, heads up lol... Anyway, let's start:
Here's the full list! (March 2023):
Animaniacs - Zane
Art sona - Miss Disfortune
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3. Ben 10: Omniverse - Skylar 4. Boku no Hero Academia - Aki, Ha-eun, Hoshiko, Itsuki, Journey, Serena, Tomomi, Toshiko, Yuna TBN, TBN
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5. Brand New Animal - Cassie, Robin 6. Cannon Busters - Yazmin 7. Carole & Tuesday - Kora 8. Coraline - Zarina 9. Craig of The Creek - Anayance, Barbara, Melisa, Quetzali, Scooter, Tara, Ula
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10. CSI series - A.J. 11. Dr. Stone - Chie 12. DuckTales 2017 - Alana, Cambri, Lafayette, Luoana, Taumn 13. Encanto - Esmeralda 14. Fantasy/Ghibli OCs - Zephyrine & Minuette
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15. Fairy Tail - Erandi, Luna 16. Food Wars (Shokugeki no soma) - Ginko 17. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Violet 18. Galatea (my personal project) - Aisha, Allastor, Allister, Arturo, Beetlepache, Chenzira, Cherry, Kalem, Nisha, Nitzia, Raymundo, Pandora 19. Gargoyles - Altea 20. Ghostbusters - Jackie
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21. God of War - Zeltzin
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22. Goofysona - Blair, Oceana 23. Kaleido Star - Mirana 24. Kotaro lives alone - Vanna 25. Las leyendas Saga (Ánima Studios) - Iztli 26. Loonatics Unleashed - Hadley, Kit 27. Marvel - Donaji, H 28. Mexopolis media - TBN 29. Monster High - Jericho, Scooter, Winter 30. Monsters Inc. / University - Vesper 31. Music sona - Chia
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32. My Little Pony - Fawn Spellbound, Mind Dusk, Pumpkin Moon, Sugar Sprinkles 33. No Straight Roads - Zohnette 34. One Piece - Ginger, Senki, Preya, Yue, TBN
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35. Over The Garden Wall & Infinity Train - Ollie 36. Rain (hard to explain where she from) 37. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - TBN 38. Pokemon - Juliet, Patch
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39. Radiant - Nahia 40. Ranma 1/2 - Gumi 41. Shaman King - TBN, TBN 42. Shinbi: The Haunted House - Gumiho 43. Sing (Illumination movies) - Bia, Dawn 44. Sona - Scooter 45. Spiderman 2017 - Echo 46. Splatoon - Frizzy 47. Stardew Valley - Rain 48. Steven Universe - Moonstone, Yellow Amber 49. Tales of Arcadia - TBN 50. Teen Titans - Aura, Calliope 51. Teen Wolf - Jack 52. The Amazing World of Gumball - Pumpela 53. The Legend of Hei/Spirit sona - Qiu 54. The Muppets - Nehru 55. The Umbrella Academy - Quetzal 56. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3n1d, Crystal, Draq, Frankie, Scooter, Tommy, Vivienne 57. Undertale - TBN 58. Victor y Valentino - Whisper (Jun) 59. Vocaloid - Dalia, Isabela 60. Young Justice - Liv, Razz
Yeah, I know... They're a lot haha. As you can see, I haven't draw them much... I'm still redesigning and creating some of them so, so far, I mostly just have half body references? And some information and facts on a private document and lots of notes... My OCs life is as messy as mine as you can tell ahaha
I have a Toyhouse page where, I hope, I'll be updating and sharing more of my OCs soon! All the redesigns and reference I've made so far are already there in case you want to check them out!
If you read everything, thank you, here... Have a cookie 🍪
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taito-division · 1 year
Blade Maiden Voice Claims
Videos are not mine, the following media and properties belong to their respective owners.
— Azusa
English: Mona Marshall (Toboe - Wolf's Rain)
Japanese: Yuka Komatsu (Caulifla - Dragon Ball Super)
— Fleuret
English: Kate Higgins (C.C. - Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion)
Japanese: Ai Kayano (Ryōko Sakaki - Food Wars: Shokugeki no Soma)
— Eldrid
English: Tara Sands (Mokuba Kaiba - Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Japanese: Yuka Saitō (Tae Takemi - Persona 5)
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balu8 · 2 years
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Food Wars (Shokugeki no Soma) #5
by Yuto Tsukada and Shun Saeki
Viz Media
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theatregaymer · 2 years
Commission Rules/Fandom Listing
My blog has always been an adult focused blog. This means SFW and NSFW content will be featured so you are officially warned.  I reserve the right to deny any commission for any reason. Pricing is simple. Because of the effort I put into my writing, as well as my own determination to reach a certain level of quality, all stories have a base rate of 30$ USD.  Payments are handled via Paypal All I need for a commission is to have a pair of characters related to one of the fandoms I've listed in this post, as well as a scenario/theme/location/situation of your choosing OTHER than one of my forbidden topics listed below. Pairings can be f/m or m/m. Any NSFW stories must be m/m. I can sometimes write something involving OC’s provided there is somewhere I can study the character’s profile to properly dedicate my mind to the story. Sensitive topics: Things I will write: SFW/NSFW, non/dub-con, bondage, tickling, feet fetish.  Things I WILL NOT write: Scat, Watersports, bloodplay, gore, pain play, shota/underage nsfw. If something you are curious about is not present, it never hurts to ask me via private message. The worst thing I can do is say no.
To inquire about commissions, please note me on deviantart at: https://www.deviantart.com/haruhost or tumblr at: https://www.tumblr.com/theatregaymer
Below are the fandoms I know more than other ones. I’m familiar with their worlds, stories and characters to various degrees and as such feel confident in my writing capabilities concerning them.
If a fandom is bold, I will write NSFW for it provided the characters are considered 18 or older.
Code Geass | Digimon (Seasons 1-4) | Pokemon | Yu-Gi-Oh (Duelist Kingdom/Battle City/GX) | Shaman King | Bleach | Naruto/Boruto | One Piece | Yuri on Ice | Ookiku Furikabutte | Haikyuu | Kuroko no Basuke | Fairy Tail | Ouran High School Host Club | Shokugeki no Soma | Dragon Ball (Z/Super) | Fruits Basket | Black Clover | Jujutsu Kaisen | Boku no Hero Academia | Shingeki no Kyojin | Horimiya | Free! | Love Stage | Hunter x Hunter | Ao no Exorcist | Sword Art Online 
Video Games:
Tales of Phantasia/Destiny/Destiny 2/ Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia/Zestiria/Arise | The Kiseki series (Sky/Zero/Cold Steel) | Fire Emblem | Persona 4/5 | Final Fantasy | Kingdom Hearts | Blush Blush | Star Ocean
Avatar TLA/LOK | Voltron Legendary Defender | DC Animated Universe | Teen Titans | Young Justice | Love is an Illusion | BL Motel | Love so Pure | Star x Fanboy | Cherry Blossoms After Winter | Cats Love Water | Outside the Box
If I get into any new fandoms I will edit this post with an update.
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deni-means-flor · 2 years
I'm rewatching Shokugeki no Soma and, let's be honest here...
Season 3 is The Childhood Trauma™ arc
We get:
Akanegakubo's character design being AN ACTUAL CHILD (I'm talking about the train station scene but no gifs for that)
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2. Rindō getting excited for destroying the Rebels, in a really childish way
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3. About 3 or 4 long AF episodes that show why Erina is HOW SHE IS and her finally getting some character development ✨ through the power of friendship ✨
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4. A few glimpses of Soma's upbringing which reiterate how much he is like his dad (again, couldn't find the scene as a gif but it's when he cooks in the Polar Star dormitory for [spoiler] in season 3)
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4. A little bit of Mito's childhood and why she was so adamant to be Erina's favorite back on S1 (again, no gif of the scene)
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5. Hayama being A BITCH and joining forces with [spoiler] but somewhat understandably so because he has severe mommy issues.
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6. Terunogi being an evil child, and a still frame of him at 9 years old.
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beserkerjewel · 2 years
I remember when I tried watching Food Wars (Shokugeki no Soma) and had to quit after like 5 minutes because I was SO uncomfortable with all the fan service
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jplupine · 10 months
✍(◔◡◔)~𝕷𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝕱𝖎𝖈 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙~✍(◔◡◔)
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✔ = Completed  ❌ = Ongoing
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Live Action
Agents of SHIELD: Magnificent Trio: Leo Fitz // MxNB // ❌
Being Human: Only Half Human: Tom McNair // MxF // ✔
Black Sails: Pirate’s Life for Me: Captain Charles Vane // MxF // ✔
Buffy: Unknown Factors: William ‘Spike’ Pratt // MxF // ✔
Unknown Future: William ‘Spike’ Pratt // MxF // ❌
Cursed: In the Wolf’s Den: The Weeping Monk // MxNB // ❌
DC Legends of Tomorrow: Therian: Mick Rory // MxM // ❌
Dark Angel: Trial X6: Alec McDowell // MxF // ✔
Lost Girl: To Vexing Love: Vex the Mesmer // MxNB // ❌
Lucifer: Kneel: Lucifer Morningstar // MxG // ✔
Predators: Leila of the (Series): Book #1 ✔ // Book #2 ✔ // Book #3 ✔ // Book #4 ✔ // Book #5 ✔ // Book #6 ❌
Teen Wolf: Hunter’s Moon: Derek Hale // MxNB // ❌
The 100: Coming Back Down: King Roan // MxF // ✔
The Almighty Johnsons: Embers: Ty Johnson // MxF // ✔
The Gates: It’s Miki: Brett Crezski // MxF // ✔
Transformers:Bombus: Bumblebee/B-127 // MxNB // ✔
True Blood: Bound in Blood: Eric Northman // MxNB // ❌
Vikings: Eyes of Fire: Ivar Ragnarson // MxF // ❌
Winx: Wings of Ash: Riven // MxNB // ✔
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Bleach: Feral Possession: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez // MxNB // ❌
Dance with Devils: Guard Dog: Mage Nanashiro // MxF // ✔
Devilman Crybaby: Even in the Next Life: Akira Fudo // MxF // ✔
Dorohedoro: Fox Magick: Kaiman & Risu // MxMxNB // ❌
Fate Stay/Night: Bone of my Bow: Archer/Emiya // MxNB // ✔
Haikyuu!!: Hawk Dog: Kotaro Bokuto // MxF // ✔
Mission: OMEGA: Kentaro Kyotani // MxF // ✔
Rabies: Kentaro Kyotani // MxF // ✔
Kuroko no Baske: A Tasty Treat: Atsushi Murasakibara // MxNB // ✔
Flower’s Thorn: Daiki Aomine // MxF // ✔
Mushishi: Healer’s Tail: Ginko // MxF // ❌
Naruto: Desert Flower: Gaara // MxF // ❌
OHSHC: The Transfer Student: Takashi Morinozuka // MxM // ✔
Shingeki no Bahamut: To Be Human: Azazel // MxF // ✔
Shokugeki no Soma: Silver Sakura: Ryo Kurokiba // MxNB // ❌
Silver Spoon: Gin-Shoujo: Ichiro Komaba // MxF // ✔
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Lookism: Quiet Little Child: Jay Yeol // MxF // ❌
Tiny Terror: Vasco // MxF // ❌
Trash Panda: Zack Lee // MxF // ❌ 
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incognito-insomniac · 2 years
💻 💔 ( ❤️‍🔥 ) 😅
💻The first fanfiction you posted?
An unfinished Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood fic The Untold Woes of Soldiers, that I seriously plan to one day finish but haven't. Maria Ross/Roy Mustang is probably my favorite rare pair. And I just love this work so much, but it needs some major rework before i transfer it from FFnet to Ao3. One day!
💔 Least favorite ship you have written about?
I technically already answered this here, but I'll add my second least favorite: Vicar Max and my captain Alysia. I wrote a funny smutty fic for them. It's not posted yet and I'm not sure I will except for it's a nice turn about for my fic Night Habits of the Unreliable. But I never shipped them while playing the game. I'm not sure. We'll see.
I do love Max and love reading others ships for him. He's just not the one for my captain.
❤️🔥 Favorite ship you have written about?
Tough choices. Tough choices. Currently it is very much Albert Mason and Arthur Morgan for Red Dead Redemption 2. They are just so soft and wonderful to each other.
😅 Was there a fic/chapter that you were nervous about posting? Why?
Ahahaha, yes. It still makes me nervous and even writing about it here makes me nervous because I'll probably explain it wrong and get cancelled or some shit. I recently restricted the fic to only Ao3 users because it's existence makes me nervous. But it's such a fun little fic I got inspired to write out of nowhere and I wanted to share it! So Studious Interruptus is a fic for Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma which is an absolutely ridiculous anime. It's horny highschool anime meets cooking. And the food is amazing and the characters and story are legitimately captivating. But it is so so raunchy like embarrassingly raunchy at times. And i wrote fic for it. And thats all I'm gonna say because this thing makes me so nervous that someone is gonna knee jerk call me a pedo over this thing when there's no pedophilia in the fic and i personally can't even realistically consider dating someone less than 5 years younger than me (31). Like fandom culture got me so wiggy. But I'm proud of this work and I refuse to delete it. And multiple writer friends have assured me i have absolutely nothing to worry about because I cannot express how not explicit it is. But the nervousness remains. I'm gonna stop nervous rambling now. Okay bye.
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best-anime-tournament · 10 months
Welcome to the Best Anime Tournament!
Here you can find the polls from round 1 to 36:
Round 1 - Cowboy Bebop vs Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 2
Round 2 - Your Lie in April vs Hyouka
Round 3 - Violet Evergarden vs Chainsaw Man
Round 4 - Mob Psycho 100 II vs Psycho-Pass
Round 5 - A Silent Voice vs Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Round 6 - Overlord vs Made in Abyss
Round 7 - Spirited Away vs One Punch Man
Round 8 - Naruto vs Horimiya
Round 9 - Spy x Family vs Toradora!
Round 10 - Elfen Lied vs Kaguya-sama: Love is War 2
Round 11 - Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma vs Bakemonogatari
Round 12 - Tokyo Ghoul vs Attack on Titan
Round 13 - Clannad vs Demon Slayer
Round 14 - Tokyo Ghoul √A vs Sword Art Online II
Round 15 - That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime vs Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!
Round 16 - Black Clover vs High School of the Dead
Round 17 - Kaguya-sama: Love is War vs One Piece
Round 18 - Angel Beats! vs Demon Slayer: Entertaiment District Arc
Round 19 - Attack on Titan 3 vs Steins;Gate
Round 20 - Neon Genesis Evangelion vs Soul Eater
Round 21 - Sword Art Online vs The Promised Neverland
Round 22 - Vinland Saga vs DARLING in the FRANXX
Round 23 - Durarara!! vs Jujutsu Kaisen
Round 24 - Attack on Titan 2 vs Naruto Shippuden
Round 25 - Assassination Classroom vs Mob Psycho 100
Round 26 - The Devil is a Part Timer! vs Parasyte: The Maxim
Round 27 - Ano Hana vs One Punch Man 2
Round 28 - Hunter x Hunter (2011) vs Blue Exorcist
Round 29 - Akame ga Kill! vs High School DXD
Round 30 - My Hero Academia 3 vs Fairy Tail
Round 31 - My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU vs Demon Slayer The Movie: Mugen Train
Round 32 - Howl’s Moving Castle vs Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Round 33 - Attack on Titan: The Final Season vs My Hero Academia 2
Round 34 - My Hero Academia vs Love, Chunibyou & Other Delusions!
Round 35 - Noragami Aragoto vs Haikyuu!!
Round 36 - Kill la Kill vs Charlotte
Round 37-72
(anime in bold have passed the 1st round)
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hime1993 · 1 year
Thx for the tag @niceminipotato
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1. Three Ships: Meddison, Cabenson, Snarry
2. Earliest Ship: Tommy x Kimberly (MMPR)
3. Last Song: Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers & Coldplay
4. Currently Reading: A lot of fanfics, not enough books lol
5. Currently Watching: Grey’s Anatomy, Shokugeki no Soma
6: Currently Consuming: Sweet Tea
6: Currently Craving: Something more to drink
If anyone is interested, please don’t feel pressured! @thecolouryellowandacupoftea​ @lordoflezzies​ @trixicbean​  @bobbiejelly​
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