#short video editor
topbest360 · 8 months
Welcome ! This is our You Tube Channel intro !
Do you have a you tube channel ? Looking for the best one who will help you design a wonderful you tube channel intro for you? Get your problem solved now! Our designer team is always ready for you. thank you.
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the-wolfbats · 8 months
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"Maybe we can try again in another 100 years."
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clownmoontoon · 2 years
the whole thing is on youtube now!
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zenbeardigital · 1 month
You wouldn't edit your own video... right? So let me do it for you
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dogecreations · 3 months
What area so far was the most interesting to convert into minecraft?
the simple answer is the echo flower marsh area from waterfall due to it's extremely interesting palette for building with, but that's a really cliche answer so the other area would actually be hotlands map!
Hotland is SO WEIRD with it being a giant cave but also just.. casually having several floors AND sitting right above lava???? so we've opted for building the different floors on the side of the cavern wall, which also explains how you can look out over to the core once you pass through the first area in game. I've not really seen anyone tackle it this way before, usually opting for the floors hovering above the first one, or simply different caverns.
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the-sky-queen · 21 days
The Mind Electric - Animatic
Starline AU belongs to @totaleclipse573
My goodness I'm so nervous to post this but I'm gonna be brave and do it anyway. Inspiration struck me like a lightning bolt yesterday and I rushed to make this as fast as possible. I have visions in my head for how I would do the whole song, but I'd only want to do that if I could use the actual audio. (I couldn't figure out how to just record it off of YT (there was a specific edit of the song I wanted to use) which is why I ended up singing the section of the song I wanted. If I ever figure it out, I may possibly reupload this and/or do the full version. *shrug*)
The editor kinda ate the quality a bit so separate pictures along with the original sketches are under the cut!
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filmcourage · 3 months
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A Movie Won't Feel Right Without These Two Things - Lucas Harger
Watch the video interview on Youtube here.
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assovertiddy · 10 months
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pebblezone · 1 year
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Huzzah! Doodles!
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saa-na · 2 months
someone called cillian murphy a "good guy" in a yt comment and someone else commented "guy? look closely" under that, which i guess means that they think cillian is trans and not a real man by their standards. transphobes are so odd like why do you care.
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blackfortress · 7 months
House of Kavalcova
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wayne-wallace-edits · 10 months
You need video content, I want to help you create it!
We all know how important #socialmedia is and you need #video content on a regular basis. #Shorts are everywhere an you need them now! I've made it super easy for you to get both #longform and #shortform content fast, easy and affordable!
Step 1: Take out your phone turn it sideways (horizontal) and film yourself or what you see. Tell me about your products, your service, your life or whatever you want. You be you and let it flow. Do this right now!
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Step 2: Take some #photos of your yourself, your products, your life and activities. Record your life with photos, telling me a story with photos. Embrace your inner Ansel Adams. Do this right now!
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Step 3: Tell me what kind of musical vibe you like or want. Tell me the artists and vibe that represent you and your offering. Do this right now!
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Step 4: Pack it all up in a zip, #dropbox or #googledrive and send it all to me.
I'll make you a custom horizontal video, a thumbnail and a vertical short video designed to get you more hearts💜 and subscribers👀.
Get this project started right now a https://wallaceedits.com
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bogkeep · 2 years
there is a new philosophytube video about Interpretation Of Art and it's so so up my alley - like, hi, i studied art history and took a class in art philosophy, I HAVE SOME THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS the thing about Art that it's such a rich and meaty topic that it's impossible to cover everything about it. i'm probably one of the most obnoxious people to discuss the question of "what is art" with, i've had so many non-artists try to trip me up with "oh i know exactly how to define art" and it's like, trust me, if you can find a way to succinctly include everything You Personally consider art and exclude everything You Personally Don't, i'll give you a medal, otherwise you've just activated my ted talk powerpoint trap card. that's a discussion for another day, is what i'm saying. just because i literally went to university for this doesn't mean i know how to analyse art very well, nor am i an authority on Art Opinions. it's more like, i've given this a lot of thought from a lot of angles, and the TLDR is as usual, IT'S COMPLEX, IT'S CONTEXTUAL, IT'S SUBJECTIVE, IT'S GOING TO DIFFER FROM PERSON TO PERSON ARTWORK TO ARTWORK. i'd just like to continue the discussion, is all! the way i see it, every piece of art exists in as many ways as there are people engaging with it. yes, the artist's intent, skill and circumstance shaped it into what it is, but an artist cannot control how an audience will engage with their piece. you can possibly make an argument that if many people take a completely different message away from your work than what you intended, you've done a bad job of conveying it. i do think there's something to it, that so much of a creative craft is knowing how to successfully achieve the effect you desire. but then again, how does the most skilled craftsman in the world measure against Really Really Bad Reading Comprehension? bad reading comprehension exists for sure, but i also believe, that whatever version of a work someone has in their head is real to them. it's an interpretation that exists in some form, and there's nothing you can do about it. does it make it a good or a valid reading? who's to say, but it sure is a reading. if i've listened to a song for twenty years of my life without knowing what the lyrics were supposedly about, does that nullify those twenty years of what that song meant to me? I don't think so. if a writer creates a character that is autistic in everything but name but never realizes that's what they've written, does that invalidate every autistic reader that will connect and relate to them? if something made you laugh or cry or realize something about yourself, how is that experience unimportant? every artwork was created within the context of the artist, who they are, when they live, where they live, and all of it shapes their intent and their work. but everyone engaging with the work comes from their own context, everyone bring their own experiences to the table. everyone has lived their own life, you know? we all hold different knowledge. i also think a really big thing that doesn't get talked about enough is just, it's a big world, there's so many different cultures out here, and what you think is objective is probably not as objective as you think, because we're all soaked in the biases of our own cultures and our homes and the people we surround ourselves with. by whose standards do you judge art? we are not clean slates and art is a two way street. art affects reality and reality affects art, it's not some other dimension separate from the reality we live in. it's the thoughts and expressions of human beings alive in the world past and present. is there really just one correct way to engage with it all, is that not too narrow of a scope? look around you. you won't understand everything, you won't have opinions on everything, you won't connect to everything, you won't come from the right angle to everything. you might change your mind later or maybe never at all. sometimes though, sometimes things will hit you right at the right time, sometimes it just speaks to you, and that's an experience that's yours. y'know?
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cjgladback · 1 year
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Behold, the mystical powers of the Disappearing Glass! little grabby hands.
Inked in September, when I decided to illustrate the "as opposed to supernatural" definition of the weekly theme "mundane." I initially wanted to emulate the smooth lines and watercolor lightness of a specific drawing I'd seen from @trym_hinano on Instagram (originally in passing on Twitter) -- until I had to acknowledge my subject was a fuzzball in harsh light at night and smooth, daylit sweetpeas and stationery were not a good equivalent to study. So the final color this December was definitely back to my normal thought process and brushes, but I enjoyed the jazzily varied thickness to a round brush for inks, as well as having a specific excuse to interact with the image frame.
The quick process slideshow:
Image description under the cut.
[ID: A digital illustration of a raccoon caught stealing a plum from a display. The raccoon is facing to the right, toward an open door casting a harsh green light across it from off screen; its right hand is still on the blue satin tablecloth behind it. Two staggered, five-fingered claw marks show that the raccoon dragged the cloth toward itself, so it is now draped more like a massive valance from the table side. Overhanging the table edge are the glass display dome, with a reflection of the doorway showing a silhouetted figure reaching into the room at light switch height, and a wooden easel, on the left, holding a canvas sign with calligraphy reading "Disappears Every Night" and in nearly illegible smaller calligraphy on a decorative cloud and moon "nothing withstands it." Two dark green books of an implied stack are visible on top of the dome, with the corner of the lower one protruding from the top of the image frame. Its spine reads "Vol. LV." Besides the bottom book, the corner of the canvas sign and the tip of the raccoon's tail are also sticking outside the image's frame. The tail's fluff is partially obscuring the T in the label "the Mundane," also in vaguely blackletter calligraphy centered below the image in a vibrant purple on the pale yellow mat. The illustration is inked in dark brown with colors mostly analogous to purple aside from the green light from the right and a secondary neon red-pink light from the left. It is signed by CJ Gladback and dated '22. End ID]
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filmcourage · 10 days
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Pro Editor Reveals The Mistakes That New Directors Make - Lucas Harger
Watch the video interview on Youtube here.
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kraniumverse · 2 years
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