#shorter chapter cuz writers block
xyvyl · 2 years
𝐹𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒷𝓎 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑜𝒹 | Modern Family x teen! M! reader
Summary: Spending time with your family can be fun, I swear.
A/N: Starts in season one, Cameron and Mitchell have already adopted Lily. Does not follow the events completely. Want to be notified when a new chapter comes out? Let me know by replying to this, or any, chapter and I'll add you to the taglist!
Bit of a shorter chapter, but I wanted to get this out so y'all would have something to read.
Word count: 375
Warnings: None
Pronouns used: he/they
Type: Part two
Prologue | Part one | Part three
F/F= Favorite food
F/C= Favorite color
F/S= Favorite show
L/S= Least favorite show
I didn't like the silence one bit.
But then they all started talking over each other, I was hearing things like, "Nice to meet you!" "How old are you?" And more, until Mitchell shut them all up got some order.
"How about we introduce ourselves one by one?" Jay proposed, to which everyone agreed.
"Hi, I'm Manny. Gloria's son." A smaller kid introduced himself. "Nice to meet you" "Likewise." He seemed pretty chill, maybe a bit to mature for his age though.
"I'm Luke, your new cousin." A brunette kid stood in front of me. "And I'm Phil Dunphy, Luke's dad." A man now stood next to Luke.
"Alex." A brunette with glasses came forwards and shook my hand, "Nice to meet you. Also don't mind Haley, she gushes over almost every guy she meets."
"And I already met, Claire, Haley, Jay and Gloria." I pointed at each of them one by one.
Okay, so after the VERY awkward introductions we had some food and played some games (Jay wasn’t a big fan of Monopoly)
"I'm gonna get something to drink, does anyone else want something?" Phil asked around, "I'll come with, I'm quite thirsty too." I called out, following Phil into the kitchen.
"So, how's living with Mitchell and Cam?" Phil asked me to start a conversation with me.
"It's been good so far." I filled my glass with something, I didn't really look at the label.
"So, what do you like? You haven't really told us about yourself." Phil asked me, "I like F/F, uhm, F/C and I enjoy watching F/S." Phil looked surprised, "I didn't take you one for F/S, more like a L/S kind of person." I pulled a disgusted face at that, "No way, I hate that show."
After a some silence, I proposed we go back to the living room.
"Hey." Cam whispered to me when I sat down next to him, "Hi" I smiled at him.
After playing some games and eating some food, it was time to go home. Until Cam suggested something, "How about the kids spent some time together? It would be good for them to bond and get to know each other." Everyone agreed and so the kids stayed at Jay and Gloria's house.
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lildrabbles · 9 months
Chapter 7: Family Meeting
2007! Raphael x Female! Reader
Summary: Despite Raph's protests, hes made to bring you back to the lair to meet his family.
A/N: HELLO EVERYONE IM SO SORRY I HAVNT BEEN UPDATING, since school started i just kinda lost motivation to write BUT IVE CAME BACK. I cant say for sure how long youll have to wait in the future, cuz i have a problem with writers block. Also, this is a lot longer than most of my chapters, so enjoy!! But let me know if you like the longer chapters or shorter ones <3
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Raph didn't want his brothers to meet her. They would embarrass the hell outta him! 'What do I care...' he told himself, but deep down inside he couldn't stop the dread. He stared at the stove while he ate his Corn Pops aggressively.
"Dude, what did those Corn Pops do to you?" Mikey said, laughing as he poked raphs side.
Raph quickly grabbed his finger and twisted it, causing Mikey to yelp and beg for mercy. Raph scoffed and let go, going back to eating his Corn Pops. When he was finished he stood up, making his way over to the sink to wash his bowl and spoon.
"So are you going to call her?" Donnie asked as he grabbed a poptart from the cabinet.
"I'm gonna text her to meet me." Raph said, not looking at him as he dried the bowl.
Donnie chuckled. "If only Leo were here to meet your girlfriend."
Raph was about to threaten him, but the mention of his eldest brother stopped him. He glared down at the spoon he held, not saying anything.
"Uh... sorry about bringing that up." Donnie cringed in on himself.
Raph scoffed. "Dont be. It's not like he's comin back anytime soon." He said dryly.
Donnie sighed. After a couple moments, Mikey piped up. "Dude, suddenly it got like, really tense in here."
Raph rolled his eyes as he turned around and leaned against the counter. "Blame Donnie."
"I apologised!" Don protested.
Raph sighed before placing the bowl back up in the cabinet. “I’m goin to the dojo to work out.” Before turning around and walking away, not waiting for any reply.
He was finishing beating the crap out of his punching bag before he felt light headed. He exhaled and collapsed onto the bench, grimacing at the sharp pain in his wound. When Donnie mentioned Leo it got his blood to boil. God, even thinking about him made him pissed. Who was Leo to think he could just leave his family, his own flesh and blood, just because he “didn’t feel good enough”? 
Didn’t he fcking know that he was the best fighter out of them all?! He was truly selfish. And before he left, Raph may have started an argument, which yes he shouldn't have done, but then Leo started going on about how Raph was selfish and that only his own opinion mattered! Can you believe the audacity of that turtle?!
He grunted as he took a swig from his water bottle, grabbing the cloth beside him to wipe all of the sweat off his forehead. Raph glanced down at his phone, looking at the time. It was currently 4 pm. He wanted to wait a bit longer until it got dark to meet up with her, but decided to text her sooner so she had some notice. 
He texted her to meet him in an alleyway where he knew wasn't far from her apartment and had a sewer entrance so they could easily get in and out without getting noticed. He also made sure to mention to come alone.
When she didn't respond right away, Raph decided to do some sit ups. After a couple of those, he heard his phone vibrate on the bench. He sat up and grabbed it, and read Y/N's message.
Y/N: ok what time? My shifts already over so I'm not worried
He chuckled at how she didn't even question it. Silly girl.
Raph: How about in half an hour?
Y/N: Sounds good to me! See you then
Raph sighs, then stands up, stretching and drinking the last of his water. Time to go make sure she gets there safely.
You didn't have to wait that long in the alleyway for him. You stood and looked around, double checking this was the right alleyway. Yep, it was.
Since it was a bit chilly, every time you let out a breath a little cloud formed.
Before you could even call out, you heard a soft thump behind you. You jumped slightly, spinning around. A small smile erupted on your face as you saw Raph emerge from the shadows.
"Hey, Raph." You look back towards the sidewalk to make sure no one would see you both.
"Hey." He smiled. "Okay, so uh… you probably wanna know why I brought you here right?"
"Right." You agreed.
"My family wants to meet you. Sensei mostly wants to meet you because he wants to know if he can trust you with our secret."
"O-oh!" Your eyes widen slightly. "So I get to meet your family?"
"Yeah. But…"
You frowned slightly. "What is it?"
You then gasped when Raph leaned towards you and in a flash, your vision was dark. You felt him tying a piece of fabric around your eyes. 
"Raph, don't you think you're taking this too fast? I'm not into this kinda thing." Despite the shock of him doing this, you couldn't help making a cheeky joke while you giggled.
Even though you couldn't see him, his eyes widened as a blush erupted from his face. He frowned. "I-its not fcking like that!!" You could hear in his that he was flustered, causing you to giggle more.
You felt strong arms pick you up, but you weren't that alarmed because you recognised they were Raph's. You heard him grumbling to himself.
 You clinged onto his neck despite his firm grip on you.
"I'm only doin this cuz we can't risk you knowin our location yet." Raph blushed and grimaced slightly as your arms wrapped around his neck.
"Oh… well I guess I can understand that."
You suddenly felt the wind rush around you both and you let out a little squeal, feeling a little nauseous. You heard Raph's feet thump on the ground softly, meaning he had jumped down somewhere.
The more he walked, a disgusting smell assaulted your nose. You scrunched up your nose. "Are we in the sewers?"
"Yeah." Raph laughed watching your reaction.
You nod slightly, nose still scrunched up. After a couple more moments of walking, you felt him stop and he placed you on your feet.
You heard some shuffling and then a crash, followed by an "oof!". 
"Am I allowed to take this off now..?" You asked, directed towards Raphael.
 He grunted in response which you took as a yes, so you slipped it off, only to be met with another turtle with an orange bandana in your face. You jumped a little, bumping backwards nto Raph.
"Mikey, what did I tell ya before I left?!" He scolded the orange banded turtle.
The turtle named Mikey threw his hands up. "Sorry bro! I just wanted to get a good look." He offered his hand to you. "I'm Mikey!"
You smiled sheepishly, shaking his hand. "I'm y/n."
Another turtle with a purple bandana appeared. He did the same thing as Mikey and offered his hand to you. "It's nice to meet you y/n, i'm Donatello but just call me Donnie or Don." He smiled.
You smiled back and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you as well."
You awkwardly stood there while you heard Raph huff behind you, crossing his arms beside you. Then, you saw a rat, just a bit shorter than the turtles. You assumed this is the Sensei Raph had talked about.
You bowed your head slightly to him. "And you must be Sensei Splinter." You smiled a little up at him. He smiled back and stood in front of you, taking your hand in his and held it for a moment.
"And you must be y/n. Thank you for helping my idiot son." He shot a quick glare towards Raph.
"Of course. I wouldn't call him an idiot though, after all he was just trying to protect--"
Raph suddenly cleared his voice loudly. "Okay, you met her, now what?"
"Dude we should all watch a movie together!!" Mikey exclaimed.
Before Raph could protest, everyone else agreed. But you were hesitant. "I would love to but I don't want to become a problem for you guys."
Raph stared down at you. "The hell do you-" he couldn't finish before getting smacked in the head by Splinter. He winced before re-phrasing. "What do you think you'll be a problem for?" He said gruffly.
You shrugged a little. "I-i don't know, I just don't want to invade your guys' personal life."
Donnie spoke up. "Don't worry about that, we would love to have you. We haven't had company like this in… well, we've never met new people really. Except for April and Casey, but we've known them forever"
You nodded, remembering Raph telling you about them. Then you smiled. "Ok, then. I'll stay."
Mikey cheered and ran towards the kitchen to gather snacks. 
After a bit of setting up the movie (that apparently Donnie pirated) and setting up all the snacks, you settled down onto the couch beside Raph. You smiled up at him softly, making his heart clench. But he didn't show it, just smirking a little and huffing, taking a handful of popcorn from the bowl in your lap.
You chuckled, offering everyone popcorn before the movie began. Then Donnie turned on the movie, and you let out a deep exhale, sinking into the old, tattered couch.
After about halfway through the movie, while everyone else was asleep, Splinter left to go meditate in his room. So it was only you and Raph awake now.
"Your family seems really nice," you whispered to him.
He scoffed quietly. "Yeah but my brother's can get hella annoying."
You giggle a little and lean in closer. "I'm sure you'll seem annoying after a while of knowing you too."
Raph playfully glared down at you. "Oh yeah? Ditto. Except you're already gettin on my nerves." He joked.
You held your chest where your heart is dramatically. "Ouch. My heart."
You both laugh quietly. You looked down, then shuffled closer to him so your thighs were touching, and wrapped your arms around yourself, getting a little chilly.
He tensed a little, trying to even his breathing. He noticed your eyes starting to droop. "You know you can fall asleep, right?" He said softly. What has gotten into him lately?
"Are you sure?" You looked up towards him. He nodded, then grabbed a blanket from behind the couch, throwing it on you. You giggled a little and got snuggled up in the blanket. You then gently rested your head on his shoulder before whispering, "Is this okay..?"
"Y-yeah…" He whispered back. You smiled and got comfy against him, before closing your eyes to go to sleep.
After a couple moments, he relaxed. He let out a soft exhale. The way you cuddled into his side made his heart skip a beat. Shut the hell up, Raph. She's just cold. And you can't be goin soft for anyone!! He scolded himself. But despite his protests in his head, he let himself fall asleep, managing to fall into a slumber way easier than he's ever had.
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🎧👀✍️🥚!!! sorry im really curious
Thanks so much, I love your curiosity! 🥰
🎧 A certain song you listened to while writing a fic?
This answer is probably gonna be kinda disappointing haha, but I actually find listening to music with lyrics pretty distracting when I'm writing, cuz my head is so focused on the words of the song! When I listen to music I often find myself choreographing/blocking performances or imagining a scene to go with it, but it doesn't really translate to fic writing for me. So I'll listen to like instrumental jazz or something like that!
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
There's actually a couple of prompts that I gave other writers on anon here before I started writing haha! ☺️ (I wasn't as engaged with the community then and was lurking as a guest/ on my friends Ao3 account haha, so I can't even remember all of them, but there have been two or three writers who did prompts and wrote an idea I had that I didn't think I'd ever write. They all did a great job!) Since I started writing I usually act on any writing ideas I have pretty quickly though haha. Maybe something Bojere because I'm a bit intimidated by writing Jere's character. I get a bit fatigued writing smut too even though I do love it, so I'd probably put the boys in all sorts of scenarios and positions and do more of that kind of stuff where it's no plot just an excuse to write a certain smut scene. (Like recently I have been thinking of a really subby Kris topping Bojan exactly how he tells him to... sigh)
✍🏽 How much do you plan your fics beforehand?
Not a huge amount haha! Like Distortion is such a big endeavour and until recently I had no idea where it was going or who endgame would be after a certain point. But I actually quite like writing that way, the story and characters really evolve and guide me. Usually I have a couple of bullet points per chapter or a couple for the overall fic for certain things I know will happen. And then for the shorter ones I've done it's just straight vibes lol.
🥚 Any easter eggs you put in a fic that you hoped people would notice?
Not really, no! But it's always really nice when people leave a comment picking up on something that maybe other people haven't mentioned, especially if it's something I was proud of. And with Distortion there have been a good few insightful comments where people are analysing things very astutely which is really nice, because it makes me feel like what's going on in my head is coming across!
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 years
That tts chapter is beautiful, so worth the wait! Can't wait for "violet is my least favorite color" part 2 for that yummy ink angst -ThatOneAnon
Ahhhhhh thank you!!
I wrote like 10k of that in one day and sat there like ò-ó well now I have to wait for the dRAWING to be done fuck—
Part two is suffering mild writer’s block and might turn into a three parter with how much I got planned for it tbh. But until then y’all might be getting shorter chapters cuz I really want to write more. XD
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thebookishlydiaries · 4 years
Writing - Favourite post types tag
So I was trying to think of a post to do so I thought I would make this tag (I never really know which posts people like the most).
Basically you just go through these questions :)
1. What is your favourite post type?
I prefer either the quote ones or my original story posts (mainly the ones from ‘Her own Neverland’)
2. What do most of your followers seem to like?
I’d probably say the ones with my own writing in. 🤷‍♀️
3. Are there any that you post more often?
Either tag ones or quotes because I post quotes every time I’m mid way through writing chapters.
4. What do you post when you’ve hit writers block?
Mainly quotes or shorter pieces of descriptive writing from photos I’ve found online. (Sometimes places but sometimes drinks)
5. How often do you hit writers block?
Every 2-4 months or so. It’s never really constantly but more every so often I’ll have a point where my imagination and creativity goes ‘bye see ya later!’ and then doesn’t appear for sometimes months.
6. How do you find motivation to write and do you end up using any resources such as pictures, quotes, colours etc?
Sometime I don’t and just wait. I try drawing pictures from reference as well as describing an object without using the name of it and what the most used adjectives used to describe it are :)
So I hope you liked this tag post and if you want you can add your own questions to it.
No pressure tag:
@adelinemwriting @caitlinwritesstuff @smh-cuz-idc @starlight-poetry @starlightandnightbreeze @storyhole @typewriterwitch @typewriters-and-coffee @caitlinwritesstuff @writerinafury @write-on-world @authors-haven @inkskinned
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daikenkki · 4 years
MrDonald09: Since Series 22, what new change has annoyed you the MOST??
tttedrawings: Fantasy sequences and the intro/life lessons outro, they just make the episodes shorter, and most of the time aren't really needed at all.
MrDonald09: Ah yes unfortunately you can only have 4 options on Twitter polls, I’m sure the list would be huge if you could have more.
MasonDey1: To me the whole concept of the Steam Team is just pointless.
MrDonald09: Yeah it limits the characters that are used most of the time.
PSideplates: I voted for bouncing since it's closest to the general "kids show" tone that BWBA takes on. It really is like watching a show you put on for your 3 year old so you can leave the room in peace. It hurts to watch. If we were getting the Brenner era where the engines bounced, had ugly details, went worldwide, and got Nia and Rebecca, I'd be miffed but accept it. But BWBA just claims to be TTTE and acts like a generic preschool show. And I don't wanna be in a position where I'm an adult watching a preschool show.
MrDonald09: Agreed. I feel proud to be a fan when I watch classic era and Brenner era, but if it was like BWBA throughout the whole show I can tell you I would not be supporting it now.
TCKRangeltoon: I blame Chuggington.
PSideplates: I don't. Chuggington ended before they came up with BWBA. If anything, Chuggington made the market for train toys/shows competitive which forced HiT to make good Thomas products, well toys anyway.
ronniethe14xx: Honestly, disagree with the point it's the most general kids show tone. Travelling seems to be the new hip and cool thing to do in kids shows, I'd argue that makes it slightly worse then the bouncing because it's clear Thomas only jumped on that trend to be "hip".
JovanniChavez11: Faster pace and Thomas losing his identity. I don’t mind Thomas going on a trip but that wasn’t the way to handle it.
MrDonald09: Yes. IMO it should have stopped after the BWBA special, I think it should have only been a special.
Bostonthomasfan: Don’t really mind the bouncing but it can be over done at times. For around the world? I wish there were more episodes on Sodor and less around the world. Like 18-8 would be good.
MikeArc31375512: The bouncing. Loathe it with a passion.
ThomasTVNostal1: The thing I hate is constant arguing over opinions.Some people have been told to fuck themselves for disliking an episode of BWBA that the majority of the fandom likes and vice versa. This is unacceptable. As a fandom, we're a team and we help each other out.
ChillerB3: The forced feminism with Nia, Rebecca and the newer Steam Team really rubbed me the wrong way, more than hyper bouncing and worldwide shit did.
MrDonald09: Same, especially how the majority of the audience really doesn’t care about that, having more females, great! but don’t mess with many people’s childhood to make SJWs and toxic feminists happy cuz I guarantee you the people who wanted this change probably don’t even like the show.
ryanburges4472: I didn't read properly and the real thing since Series 22 that has annoyed me the most is the bouncing. I've been more bothered about the steam team without Henry (Just Henry). I'm happy with Edward sleeping at Wellsworth.
MrDonald09: Yeah, I completely agree honestly i’m not mad that Edward isn’t in the Steam Team anymore. It's Henry that annoys me the most.
ryanburges4472: I know! Gordon and James sleeping at Tidmouth without Henry. Edward is best at Wellsworth because he has a branch line which stars from Wellsworth.
CoolCar161: Henry and Edward stopped appearing as much anyway. They haven’t been good characters since series 4, even in the Brenner era they had little to no appearances due to writer's block. Rivets is a nice little detail that makes them seem more real, Thomas always wanted to see the world and the bouncing is hardly that bad.
TheBlueE21: Thomas' world tour. It's so inconsistent. Doesn't tie into the movie that hyped it up, never explains why or for how long Thomas is in each country, 1 ep he's in China, then Brazil etc then Sodor eps act as though he never left due to always being there. Plus most sets aren't great.
halfbakedhex8: For the record, I voted the 'rivets' option because the inclusion of the new detailing runs so counter to what the show is now, that trying to inflict reality onto the now-very-unreal engines feels very confused as to what the show is trying to achieve.
BluebellThEngin: The "bouncing" doesn't bother me much at first, but as time went on, it starts to get a little out of control and it kinda bugs me. I don't have a problem with the added details like the rivets, but they do look a little too big. Shrink them in size and they'll be okay. I'm mixed on Thomas travelling around the world if I'm being honest. The new Steam Team is what bugs me the most out of all of these options. I never liked it to begin with (minus my child self). It makes the other characters look useless. What I love about the Classic Series is we got lots of stories about almost each and every single one of them it makes the series interesting. But with the Steam Team, not only does it focus on the main characters so much, but it also brings them out of character. Especially if it's for the sake of the plots.
fan_ttte: The New Steam Team with Nia and Rebecca is what I don’t like most. I don’t mind the bouncing or rivets, Thomas going worldwide is okay. I don't know, I just feel like it would’ve been better if Nia and Rebecca did join, but also keep the others, for some interesting interactions and episodes.
islandofodor: If Thomas hadn’t gone worldwide, we’d probably still be in the Brenner era. Granted, it’d still be a slight step down but the international episodes barely take advantage of the different setting and opt to use generic plotlines that we’ve already seen on Sodor.
thesaddletank18: Bouncing, rivets and worldwide idea are bad but the new Steam Team is just....why was this done to the show?
Jacob34335638: I liked the new details, I’m mixed on the New Steam Team, and Thomas travelling the world. But the bouncing is what pisses me off the most, it literally makes the show look like Chuggington. The bouncing was at it’s worst in Journey Beyond Sodor and Thomas’ Magical Birthday Wishes.
TWR_Douglas_10: ALL OF THE ABOVE!!!!!!!
DFox1203: Is everything an option?
TheWinnerGuyCJP: Voted worldwide cuz it makes Thomas completely out of character.
SoupyGunzilla: I think a lot of the stories suffer from the shorter time. A lot of them could be better if they had more time.
kofi_milky: The bouncing, more sing alongs, replacing Edward and Henry with Nia and Rebecca. Even Thomas going worldwide. When the Rev. W. Awdry said "Here is your friend Thomas the Tank Engine. He wanted to come out of his station yard and see the world", the world that's he meant is Sodor.
sodordaily: Choosing New Steam Team because I miss the old SO MUCH!
peter_sam_no4: I think for me the bouncing as it’s so unrealistic . A 1 ton lump of metal can not swing all over the place like it has no weight.
Growlithemaste1: I hate the bouncing the most, but the rest are all useless too.
sixteen_dnw: Worst is the New Steam Team, then worldwide, then rivets, and then bouncing. TBH it doesn’t bother me too much.
BearsFlush: It annoys me that Thomas travels the world, as they remove chapters that might be focus on Sodor, and the locations and some engines are not represented correctly on the railroad.
VacentTest: I’m fine with the New Steam Team changing Edward and Henry out for Nia and Rebecca, I’ve always supported it in the beginning because increased feminism is good. Thomas going worldwide, that didn’t annoy me cause I was interested in that, the rivets is minor and nothing to worry about. But the bouncing, annoyed me the most at first but I’m used to it.
SnatchyBoi: The bouncing and the New Steam Team.
GWREngine: The New Steam Team is the most annoying change. It feels like Mattel doesn't care how special Edward, Henry, and Toby are. Plus we don't need to have more than 1 female main character. Emily being the only girl used to make her special. With Nia and Rebecca around, she isn't special anymore.
TurnTable2002: Chris Renshaw's music really annoys me.
MichaelfromNZ1: Bouncing, worldwide and New Steam Team. They represent how far Thomas has fallen since Mattel fully took over.
ArmchairRailway: New Steam Team.
TI4MGP: This is probably the hardest time I’ve had deciding on one of your polls lol. I went with the Steam Team though, but bouncing comes in a REALLY REALLY close second. The other two are less but equal with each other.
jack_bench: TBH, I'm fine with all of them? But I chose bouncing because the rivets are neat, world-tour - while it makes no sense - has a valuable goal (and is kinda fun), and the Steam Team really needed more female representation which we got with two positive role models in Nia and Rebecca. Bouncing is unnecessary, but not horrendous.
Holycro1Michael: Everything!
JosefSnowBall: Rivets was something I actually liked seeing on some engines. Bouncing is something I’m OK with, it’s kind of grown on me. New Steam Team sucks because it gets rid of the 2 best engines, Edward and Henry, and Thomas worldwide sounded like a bad idea to begin with.
TheThomasFan: Probably Thomas going worldwide . The animation is shit and it’s all just recoloured.
TheUnluckyTug: The new Steam Team. I think I'd be a little more accepting of BWBA if Edward and Henry weren't so transparently and obviously thrown to the side and treated as if they don't exist. It was like the biggest "fuck you" to fans ever.
MrDonald09: Yeah, not to mention Nia and Rebecca have such generic personalities they can barely hold a unique episode nowadays. I can understand Edward staying at Wellsworth but they did Henry DIRTY by slapping him at Vicarstown so he can focus on his Mainland duties yet not do any episode focused on this new job.
SteamEn83954980: Ok so ignoring Emily, it was a perfect 1-7 number of characters and now it's just 1, 18, 22, 4, 5, 6 and 12. Like I know it's minor but that fact gets under my skin.
DBlue02: I voted for the bouncing, but yeah, I kinda have to agree with Simon Martin’s opinion on the Steam Team concept, it’s long since overstayed its welcome. I’d prefer a nice balance of the main and side characters getting their share of the spotlight, like in the classic seasons.
TFan512: What if Edward, Henry, Nia and Rebecca were all part of the main cast.
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mi-nyu-dreams · 6 years
My Vampire Knight Ch. 8
My Vampire Knight
Chapter 8
It’s okay....
Hi guys! New readers and old readers please read! So, for my older readers, I’m so sorry for leaving you all! TTOTT I intended to update a longggggg time ago. But, things happened and I ended up with writers-block. I couldn’t muster up the energy to write a new chapter for this. But I didn’t want to abandon it. So I took a break. A hiatus I guess. I wanted to rest and get my life together. And I tried to write new things and drabbles to re-energize my creative senses. That’s why I wrote new stuff. But now, I’m sorta back. I kinda injured myself and made a new long series that will take up more of my time and I have college, but I won’t abandon this fic. I’ll just not be updating as much and chapters may be shorter. But I’ll write the best of my ability and keep this up for all of you guys! Thank you for reading and being patient. And to my new readers, welcome and I hope you can be patient with my updates! Thank you so much!
“And so, Changkyunie really really likes music. He and Jooheonie are always rapping and recording stuff.” Minhyuk explains as the three of you sat in the back of the cafeteria.
Minhyuk had been dragging you and Changkyun around all day. After every class, he would bust down the hallways toward you with Changkyun in hand and drag you somewhere. He labeled this as “getting to know each other time”. It was weird, to be honest. You barely just met them, but already, within almost four hours of the day, you had already found out about so many things about Changkyun and Minhyuk. As though, you three had known each other for like ever.
“Hyung. Can’t you just shut up for like... five seconds?” Changkyun complained as he rubs his temple in annoyance. “Aish! That’s not how you speak to your elders!” Minhyuk snarked back. You smiled and giggle as you watch the two of them converse. They were so cute. “Oh?! Y/N is laughing!” Minhyuk beams. You immediately stop and place a serious face. “N-no!” You playfully object. Minhyuk smiles slyly and pinches your cheeks. “Yes you did!!” He laughs. “Ahhhh! That hurts!” You whine as you try to pull away from him. Suddenly, Changkyun pulls Minhyuk away and frowns.
“You’re hurting her, Hyung.” He nagged. Minhyuk pouts and crosses his arms. “At least I’m interacting with her!” He states with a pout. Changkyun frowned and sighed. “You’re so weird.” He comments. “Weird?!” Minhyuk gasps, offended by his friends comment. “You’re the weird one, not conversing and being nice.” Minhyuk frowns. “I’m weird?!” Changkyun retorts. “So being respectful and spacious is ‘weird’?” He looks away in disbelief. “Wow...”
Minhyuk puffs his cheeks and looks over to you. “Y/N! Who is weirder?!” He pouts. You stare at the two is shock and confusion. They were being children, fighting about such a minor thing. You didn’t understand, but just laughed and sighed. “You’re both weird.” You cross your arms and look at the two handsome men in amusement. “Two grown guys fighting over a minor subject. That’s weird.” You say as you smile. The two stared in shock. “Uh...”
“It’s cute though, both of you. Your friendship is cute.” You truthfully tell. And in that moment they both blushed and looked away. “Oh...” Minhyuk clears his throat and smiles. You look over at Changkyun who was bright red and trying very hard to avoid eye-contact. You giggle at his adorable attempt and smile. “Y/N, you’re cute too.” Minhyuk compliments. You smile and bowed to him. “Thanks.”
It was a nice time together. You got to know the two way better than you had thought and they both are so sweet. You smiled at the thought and look at the two as they bicker once more. What genuine and beautiful friendship. So.... human....
Suddenly, the bell rings and it was time to go back to class.
“Y/N-ah!” Ma-ri calls out to you as she runs up to you. You were standing at the front of the school waiting for Ma-ri to come. “Y/N-ah! Guess what?!” She asks as she flings herself onto you. You chuckle and try to keep balance as she throws herself onto you. “What?” You ask. She pulls away and smiles brightly. “I have a date today!” She blurts out proudly. You look at her in shock. “Date?” You ask. She nods vigorously and beams. “Yep! I forgot to tell you a few days ago cuz I was so excited about your kiss!” She chimed. You immediately hit her and hush her. “MA-RI?!” You scold. She laughs and squeezes your cheeks. “I’m sorry!!”
You pull her hands away in annoyance and sigh. “So we’re not hanging out today?” You ask with a slight pout. Ma-ri pouts sadly and nods. “Sowwy...” She cutely apologizes. You stare at her a little mad, but sigh and smile as you pat her head. “It’s okay. You go enjoy your date.” You tell her with a smile. She immediately brightens up and squeals. “Y/N-ah! I love you!” She hops up and down. You laugh and try to calm her down. “Okay okay! I’ll just take the bus home then.” You tell her as you take her hand and smile. “Enjoy your date!”
Ma-ri nods and clasps her hands with yours. “Mm!” She smiles. “Make sure to take the safe route and if anything happens, call me or Junsu-oppa! Okay?” She tells you with a stern voice. You nod and roll your eyes. “Yes yes.” You smile and she begin to walk away. “Text me later how it goes.” You tell her as she backs away. She nods and gives you an okay sign, to then immediately turn away and rush over to a guy in the parking lot. You sigh and chuckle. “I hope things go well.”
You then begin to turn away and find the bus stop, but you hear a voice behind you. “Y/N?”
You immediately turn around and find Changkyun. “Oh? Changkyun-ssi.” You bow and smile. “You’re not riding with your friend?” He asks. You shake your head and grin. “She has other plans, so I’m heading home alone.” You explain. Changkyun nods and looks around for a bit. He then huffs and walks up closer to you. “I can take you home.” He suggests. You looked at him curious and a little taken aback. “Oh?” You question. He nods and points back to the parking lot. “I don’t have anything to do. I can take you home.” He suggests once more. You think it over and ponder.
It would be better. He pretty much knew where you lived now, and he’s a good person. You nod and look at him. “Sure.” You agreed. A small smile appeared on Changkyun’s face and he nods. “Okay.” He motions you to follow him and the both of you head to his car.
As you two walk on, you watched him from behind. You didn’t notice until now, but he was pretty thin yet tall. He seemed like regular height for a male and his frame was pretty normal. His blonde-brown hair short and delicate, and his gait was sorta swagger yet formal. He was a peculiar guy, you thought. Peculiar, but handsome. And... a vampire.
The both of you reached the car and you let yourself in. It was the same black car he had last time, so you were familiar. As you sat in, the male quickly comforted himself inside and let you comfort yourself. “Same place, right?” He asks as he buckled himself. You nod. “Yeah.” You then buckle yourself, but as you did, you remembered back to when you two first met. When he buckled the seatbelt for you. You remember feeling flustered but also annoyed at his cheeky expression at that time.
You then take a glance at him and see him start the car. “Thank you for the ride, Changkyun-ssi.” You say. He nods and smiles. “You’re welcome. Also...” He pauses and glances over at you as he drives. “You can just call me Changkyun.” He tells you. You take a few seconds to process his words, and simply smile afterwards. “Okay, Changkyun.” Once you said those few words, you spied a small smile form at his lips. It was cute.
He continued on driving and the two of you had some small leisurely chats. You found out he had a younger brother and that him and the boys were all very close. They had known each other since birth technically. “So, you’re closest to Jooheon and Minhyuk?” You ask. He nods and hums in reply. “Mhm. Although, I am the youngest of our friend group, we mostly treat each other like family.” He explains. You smile and nod. “That’s nice. A strong bond between friends like you guys is a very good thing.” You say with a smile. “That’s inspiring.”
He raises a brow and glances at you. “Inspiring?” He questions. You nod. “I never had a lot of friends when I was young. Even now, I just have Ma-ri and her brother Junsu.” You explain. “I lost my parents when I was a kid... they disappeared and never returned. No body was found, so we couldn’t conclude they were dead. And because of that, as well as the fact my Aunt, a Vampire Hunter, was raising me.” You paused, looked out the window, and sigh. “People didn’t like approaching me. So I didn’t have a lot of friends. Not any long term ones anyways.”
“I’m sorry.” Changkyun apologizes with a sympathetic tone. You shake your head and sigh. “It’s fine. I’m glad to have Ma-ri and Junsu. They’re all I need.” You explain. This earns a smile for Changkyun. “That’s good.” He says. You look over to him and see a relieved but questioning expression. “Thanks...” You thank.
“Thank you again.” You thank once more as Changkyun parks the car in front of your apartment complex. He looks at you with a gentle smile and nods. “No problem.” He answers. You smile at his gentle expression and quickly open the door to go out. But, before you could exit, he takes your hand and stops you. You look at him curiously and questingly. “Is there something you need?” You ask. He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes, however eventually speaks.
“Please take care and be safe.” He says with a concerned and sincere expression. You stare at him in confusion. Take care? Why is he worried? You stare in confusion a bit, but eventually nod and smile. “Okay.” You bid goodbye as he slowly releases you. With another smile, you bid him farewell and exit his vehicle. You take a gasp of air and sigh as you stretched a little and continue to walk off toward your home.
But, before you could take another step into the building, a sound of a gun bangs and you feel your body get tugged and pulled out of your initial spot. Within seconds, you find yourself tightly wrapped in Changkyun’s arms, across the street and a loud echo blasts from nearby. You didn’t have any time to react, but your heart was beating faster than the speed of light. You quickly look around, but don’t see a single thing around. Where the hell did that bullet come from? You then look at Changkyun who was still holding onto you tightly. He was breathing heavily and eyeing the entire area. His eyes were also glowing a deep shade of red. The color of blood.
“C-Changkyun?” You call out to him. He doesn’t answer you and you felt his grip tighten. “W-what?—“ Before you could say anymore, another shot is fired and this time Changkyun was barely able to dodge it. The bullet scratches him on the cheek and nicks a bit of your hair. He flings the both of you back toward his car and he quickly hides the both of you behind it.
“Changkyun, what’s going on?!” You ask, full of fear. Changkyun looks at you and gulps. “I need you to call 911 right now.” He commands. You didn’t even question him and nodded as you fumble to pull out your phone and dial 911. Meanwhile, the vampire boy continues to scan the area to find this unknown shooter. “Where the hell?!” He groans as he scans the buildings. “It’s a sniper...”
“Hello? 911? Yes! Someone is shooting at me and a friend and I don’t know where it is!” You explain. “No. I can’t see the person. They shot twice and missed but—“
Another shot is fired and it barely misses you as it penetrates the car and grazes your arm. “Damn! They’re on that side?!” Changkyun immediately takes you into his arms and carries you over and into the apartment complex. “C-Changkyun?!” You gasp as he pulls you in and hides you behind one of the counters in the lobby. “Stay low!” He commands as he clenches you tightly and examines the outside.
“Hello?!” A voice calls out of the phone. You suddenly remember you were still on the phone with the operator. “H-Hello?!” You quick answer again. “Hello? What is happening?” The lady on the other side asks. “They shot again! I’m inside a building now with a friend!” You explain, panic gradually rising within you. “I’m at Hwasa Apartment Complex in Seoul!” You tell. The lady responds quickly and assured you that authorities are on their way.
“Please stay calm. I’m right here. Tell me if anything is happening, okay?” The operator orders you. You nod and reply with a mumble. “I—“
In seconds, Changkyun takes a tight grip of you and shields you with his body as the front door suddenly blows up and debris fly in all directions. “CHANGKYUN?!” You scream in fear as you see glass and other debris scatter about in the building. Luckily, no one was hurt since the both of you were behind a counter. But, you accidentally dropped your phone and it had flew somewhere. “Y/N?! Are you okay?!” Changkyun worriedly asks as he slowly raises his head. You nod but immediately duck and hide in his arms as you hear another gun shot.
“Fucking hell!” Changkyun curses as he quickly grabs his phone and dials a number. “What’s happening?” You ask. Changkyun looks down at you and huffs. “Someone’s trying to kill us.” He bluntly tells. “SOMEONE WHAT?!” You gasp. But at the moment, someone picks up Changkyun’s call. “Hyung!” He exclaims. “Hyung! I need help! They’re here! And I have Y/N with me!” He explains. “Who?—“ you were about ask, until bullets begin to fly into the building, causing you to scream and huddle tightly in Changkyun’s protection.
“HYUNG!” He tells out furiously. “Okay! We’re coming! Keep her safe!” The voice tells out through the phone. You were too scared to try to recognize the voice and just continue to hold onto Changkyun tightly. “C-Changkyun!” You yell in panic as the bullets fly around. A planted pot goes flying across the room and more explosions are heard. Changkyun hugs you in his arms tightly and begins to reassure you that you are safe with him. “It’s okay! It’s okay, Y/N! You’re going to be fine!” He hugs you and pats you for comfort. “It’s okay, I’m here.” He speaks warmly. “I’m here. Don’t worry.”
Another explosion goes off and the building shakes. You shudder and begin to whimper in fear. What the hell was happening?! Why is someone trying to kill you two?! Why?! What’s going on?! So many questions were running through your brain, but you were also incredibly afraid for the both of you. Every bang, every crash, and every flying bullet caused you to tense and shake. You hold onto Changkyun tightly, him being your only sense of security, and begin to cry. “C-Changkyun...” You whimper. He tried to hush you and calm you down with reassuring words and gestures. “It’s okay. I’m here. Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.” He continuously says as he hugs you. You could feel his heart beating vigorously and his breathing sharpening.
“I’m scared!” You cry. He nods and pats your head. “I know.... but it’s going to be okay. I promise.” He assures with a gentle and soft tone. His protective grip, his calming voice, and his mere presence was assuring and comforting for you. You felt secured even though you were scared. But you trusted Changkyun. He was your only comfort now.
Suddenly, you hear sirens and a cars screeching outside. It was the police. You felt a bit of relief. However, before you could feel anymore senses of security, you hear a huge boom and your entire surroundings explode.
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