#should be a national british holiday tbh
clarabosswald · 2 years
both jodie whittaker and arthur darvill are 40 today, happy birthday kings
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starlingsrps · 4 years
sabrina paget.
BASIC INFORMATION FULL NAME: sabrina elaine paget-cocks REASONING: eh, not so much. NICKNAME(S): sab is about it. PREFERRED NAME(S): sabrina BIRTH DATE: may 18, 1986 AGE: thirty three GENDER: female PRONOUNS: she/her ROMANTIC/SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  heterosexual NATIONALITY: british ETHNICITY: caucasian CURRENT LOCATION: london, occasionally new york LIVING CONDITIONS: tidy maximallist - sabrina is a magpie and collects Everything. but she knows the exact location of a missing paper clip (under the middle cushion of the sofa) so she insists that she's organized. TITLES: professionally, she's sabrina paget
BACKGROUND BIRTH PLACE: marseille, france - her mother is french and INSISTED upon giving birth on mother soil. HOMETOWN: london - but her father is british and it's london or nothing SOCIAL CLASS: upper, she guesses EDUCATION LEVEL: the guildhall school FATHER: cameron cocks, 64, gallery curator MOTHER: julie paget-cocks, 65, artist SIBLING(S): agnes, 30; cedric, 28 BIRTH ORDER: oldest CHILDREN: no. PET(S): enora, cat/roommate/confidante OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES: the paget-cocks siblings are all in a standoff over who will provide grandchildren first and are all committment phobic ergo: no. PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: sure but she's never let anyone get in the way of her career so the hearts broken by sabrina paget club is legion. also has a bad habit of hooking up with co-stars. CURRENT RELATIONSHIP: nah
OCCUPATION & INCOME PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME: actress CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: it's her world - she's been acting professionally since she was fifteen and she can't imagine doing anything else. PAST JOB(S): she worked at starbucks in drama school because she felt like she should try a real job for a bit and she def got fired SPENDING HABITS: reasonable but for shoes MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her scripts - she never gets rid of one
SKILLS & ABILITIES PHYSICAL STRENGTH: p good DEFENSE: she's sharp and witty and that's what she's got SPEED: nimble? INTELLIGENCE: she's not great with math and sciences but she's great with art and literature. her dad is a curator of modern art at the tate and her mother is an artist and the fact that she can't draw a straight line kills them. so she makes up for it with theatre. ACCURACY: p good AGILITY: good! STAMINA: endless TEAMWORK: good - she's never wanted to be labeled as a diva TALENTS: acting, frankly. she's goooooood. SHORTCOMINGS: she can be quick to judge and categorize and is a *little* harsh when displeased LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, french DRIVE?: yes but truly prefers taxis and ubers JUMP-STAR A CAR?: nope CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: nope RIDE A BICYCLE?: yep SWIM?: yep PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: a little bit of whatever she's had to pick up for roles - bit of piano and lute PLAY CHESS?: yep BRAID HAIR?: yes. TIE A TIE?: sure PICK A LOCK?: no but she thinks she could
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE & CHARACTERISTICS FACE CLAIM: camille rowe EYE COLOR: blue HAIR COLOR: blonde HAIR TYPE/STYLE: long and half wavy/half straight. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: contacts DOMINANT HAND: right HEIGHT: 5'7 BUILD: tallish, slim EXERCISE HABITS: daily for the stamina building SKIN TONE: fair and freckled TATTOOS: nah, mostly because they're a bitch to cover up PIERCINGS: ears MARKS/SCARS: her freckles USUAL EXPRESSION: neutral CLOTHING STYLE: whatever she feels like - her closet runs the gamut from jeans and t-shirts to fancy little dresses and she wears whatever she feels like any given day JEWELRY: whatever suits, a watch generally. ALLERGIES: nah DIET: pretty clean - she's very conscious of her vocal health and tends to avoid dairy/caffeine/alcohol when performing PHYSICAL AILMENTS: —
PSYCHOLOGY ENNEAGRAM TYPE: 8 - the challenger MORAL ALIGNMENT: lawful neutral TEMPERAMENT: sanguine MBTI: ENTJ MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: not really or at least nothing that she hasn't squashed SOCIABILITY: extrovert EMOTIONAL STABILITY: steady PHOBIA(S): literally breaking a leg ADDICTION(S): nah DRUG USE: nah ALCOHOL USE: see above with performing - when she's between roles it's mothafuckin wine time PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: not really but she does have fight training?
MANNERISMS SPEECH STYLE: smooth contralto ACCENT: british HOBBIES: reading, antiquing HABITS: daily workout or at least a good stretch, slow morning routine. she takes her time getting ready and putters like a champion. NERVOUS TICKS: she rubs her nose and shifts her weight around a lot DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: general success and adulation. she likes doing well and being told she's doing well. FEARS: failure and bad reviews POSITIVE TRAITS: confident, energetic, strategic, charismatic, reliable NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, possessive, prideful, demanding SENSE OF HUMOR: clever DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: oh yeah
FAVORITES ACTIVITY: performing ANIMAL: elephants BEVERAGE: diet coke BOOK: anything agatha christie COLOR: blue DESIGNER: whatever's cute and on sale FOOD: chocolate covered biscuits FLOWER: white roses GEM: diamond HOLIDAY: christmas eve MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: being driven MOVIE: truthfully, it is ten things i hate about you MUSICAL ARTIST: eh, anyone SONG: "rivers and roads" SCENERY: a full house SCENT: theatre smell TELEVISION SHOW: derry girls WEATHER: spring VACATION DESTINATION: anywhere tropical
ATTITUDES GREATEST DREAM: she wants to direct eventually GREATEST FEAR: anything debilitating MOST AT EASE WHEN: performing, tbh LEAST AT EASE WHEN: she's being contradicted BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: her career and reputation BIGGEST REGRET: nah. TOP PRIORITIES: work and then everything else.
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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hell yes! happy holidays!
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aww you’re so sweet anon! i have a couple more definitely coming down the pipeline after new year (greg davies being desperately bi for 8 minutes straight, for one), but otherwise we’ll see! idk who much is interested in them besides you lot.....but you lot is enough for me 💕
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i’ll be honest with you, i haven’t watched it yet. as you know, i really like jimmy and i really like katherine and i really like them together. but......i don’t prefer watching panel shows that aren’t british panel shows. i don’t prefer guests who aren’t british. i don’t prefer audiences who aren’t british. i don’t watch gruen, or any aussie or nz series, i didn’t particularly enjoy taskmaster us, and panelists like rich hall and desiree burch and reginald d hunter and rob delaney and colin lane and sam simmons and michelle wolf (and henning wehn, as we’ve recently discussed) are usually ranked incredibly low in terms of my personal preferences......to me, it really boils down to what kind of comedy you like and i love british comedy. so when a series veers from british comedy for any reason, i tend to love it less. the fix is stacked with non-brits and non-british topics, and that’s fine, and i’ve heard tons of great things about it, but i’m not sure at the end of the day if that’s for me. and on top of that i really wouldn’t want to introduce something so culturally british to someone in such a watered-down form. if they want to watch a british panel show, they should get a british panel show. but at the same time, i don’t see the necessity or even the benefit of introducing americans to panel shows; what might happen besides british series becoming saturated with americans and/or british series migrating to america? i don’t want american comedy or culture touching british panel shows, personally; they already talk enough about american politics (how much do they expect someone living in the uk to actually give a shit about the miscommunications of the us national security council, and individual people involved in various partisan schemes? like, come on), and yeah i’m looking at you, hignfy. anyways. sorry about the rant. i am genuinely glad you enjoy it and i hope when i get around to, i do as well! but if you want to show your american friends a panel show, i would encourage you to start with wilty x
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i cant believe ur asking me to rank david mitchells. what kind of traitor to the king do you think i am
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right here for you lovely! happy holidays x
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it was amazing, this part was my fave tbh it’s just too Like Her
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i don’t post any blog recs, or reblog shoutouts or boosts. thanks for understanding!
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big fat quiz 2018 - dec 26 big fat quiz of everything 2018 - jan 4
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for a basic set like this, probably 20 minutes? but for something like this, upwards of an hour or sometimes longer depending. it takes me fucking ages to fill the queue for the week because i’m borderline out of the things to reblog from the site...i used to rb about 80% of the content on my blog but now i make about 80% of it. so to fill 50 posts in the queue for the week, it’s way more hours than i’d like to admit. i do a massive portion of the work for this blog at my job, where i have a fancy ass computer and all the adobe programmes (and a lot of downtime), which is probably why i’m able to keep up (during the week)! do what makes you happy anon, trying never hurt anyone :)
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hi anon i’m sorry but i don’t think i’ll take the time to do that this year, though i’ll certainly think of it in the future! and thank you for your kind words x
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i politely tweeted at him but alas! no response (which is no surprise, he doesn’t tend to interact much with the plebes). we can see if someone here will comment, or perhaps you could post in /r/findfashion? i have a feeling it’s not available anymore as he’s had it for a while, but who knows :o
f.a.q. // watch links masterpost
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freshprinceofverone · 6 years
Thanks @team-mom-wannabe and @acquagalaxies for tagging me!
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better
1. Name: ... I have a shitton of names I use and tbh I don't remember which one I should be using when on this account I'm so sorry
2. Zodiac sign: Taurus
3. Height: 1.70
4. Languages spoken: French and English
5. Nationality: British and French
6. Favorite fruit: Strawberries or raspberries
7. Favorite scent: Probably roses - my parents have old rose bushes in their garden and the flowers smell so... pale pink?
8. Favorite colour: Gold
9. Favorite animal: Cats. Or, as an individual, my brother's dog
10. ... there is no 10?
11. Favorite fictional character: My son Mercutio
12. Dream trip: Japan
13. How long have you had this blog for: Less than a year
14. Last movie you've seen: The Secret Garden (1993)
15. Song you've had on repeat: La Haine
16. Favorite candy: idk anything with chocolate's good
17. Favorite holiday: I don't think I have one?
18. Favorite MCU character: Whohohow you overestimate my culture here I spent half of the last Avengers trying to distinguish Thor from the Guardians guy
19. Favorite MCU movie: I... do not know what to tell you
20. Favorite food: Sushi or pizza
I still weirdly don't like tagging people but if you want to do please consider yourself tagged
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todaysbiggesthits · 4 years
Odds, Ends
The Leftovers
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TBH Era:
Nasty’s 16-20
16. Daft Punk - Random Access Memories 17. Chromatics - Kill for Love 18. A$AP Rocky - Live. Love. ASAP 19. Yeasayer - Odd Blood 20. Action Bronson - Blue Chips 1 & 2
Larson’s 16-20
16. Lizzo - Cuz I Love You 17. Taylor Swift - Lover 18. Waxahatchee - Out in the Storm 19. tUnE-yArDs - W H O K I L L 20. The Weeknd - Beauty Behind the Madness
BC’s 16-20
16. Youth Lagoon - The Year of Hibernation 17. Disclosure - Settle 18. Kurt Vile - b’lieve i’m goin down 19. Lotus Plaza - Spooky Action at a Distance 20. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
Bronco’s 16-28
16. High on Fire - De Vermis Mysteriis 17. Violent Soho - Violent Soho 18. Moontooth - Chromaparagon 19. Thou - Rhea Sylvia 20. Alien Weaponry - Tu 21. Elder - Reflections of a Floating World 22. Inter Arma - The Cavern 23. Windhand - Eternal Return 24. MAKE - The Golden Veil 25. King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity 26. Slugdge - Esoteric Malacology 27. Monoliths - Monoliths 28. Violent Soho - Hungry Ghosts
Code’s 16-26
16. Robyn – Body Talk 17. Colleen Green – Sock it to Me 18. Colleen Green – I Want to Grow Up 19. Kanye West – My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy 20. Washer – All Aboard 21. Spook Houses – Trying 22. Alien Boy – Sleeping Lessons 23. EMA – Exile in the Outer Ring 24. PAWS – Cokefloat! 25. Snooty Garbagemen – Snooty Garbagemen 26. All Dogs - All Dogs
Chap’s 16-33
16. Tomberlin - At Weddings 17. Dan Deacon - America 18. Cloud Nothings - Attack on Memory 19. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell! 20. M83 - Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming 21. Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs 22. Father John Misty - I Love You, Honeybear 23. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree 24. Lost Under Heaven - Spiritual Songs for Lovers to Sing 25. Titus Andronicus - The Most Lamentable Tragedy 26. Kanye West - Yeezus 27. PJ Harvey - Let England Shake 28. Girls - Broken Dreams Club 29. Robyn - Body Talk 30. No Age - Everything In Between 31. The National - Trouble Will Find Me 32. Girls - Father, Son, Holy Ghost 33. Youth Lagoon - The Year of Hibernation
JD’s 16-57
16. Kacey Musgraves - Golden Hour 17. Animal Collective - Centipede Hz 18. DIIV - Oshin 19. Ariel Pink - Pom Pom 20. Beach House - Depression Cherry 21. Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains 22. Kanye West - The Life of Pablo 23. Panda Bear - Tomboy 24. Death Grips - The Money Store 25. Parquet Courts - Wide Awake! 26. Slowdive - Slowdive 27. Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell! 28. Radiohead - The King of Limbs 29. LCD Soundsystem - This is Happening 30. Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest 31. Destroyer - Kaputt 32. Grouper - Ruins 33. Parquet Courts - Sunbathing Animal 34. Jessica Pratt - Quiet Signs 35. Joanna Newsom - Divers 36. Nine Inch Nails - 3 EPs 37. Earl Sweatshirt - Some Rap Songs 38. The Strokes - Angles 39. William Basinski - A Shadow in Time 40. Todd Terje - It’s Album Time! 41. The Knife - Tomorrow, In a Year 42. Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica 43. Julianna Barwick - Will 44. Eleanor Friedberger - Rebound 45. LCD Soundsystem - American Dream 46. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City 47. Panda Bear - Buoys 48. No Age - Snares Like a Haircut 49. Dirty Beaches - Badlands 50. Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti - Before Today 51. Underworld - Barbara Barbara, we face a shining future 52. Frankie Cosmos - Zentropy 53. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Skeleton Tree 54. The Voidz - Virtue 55. Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - The Social Network Soundtrack 56. Pantha du Prince - Black Noise 57. Colleen Green - Sock it to Me
Laser’s 16-20
16. King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Infest the Rats’ Nest 17. The Black Keys - “Let’s Rock” 18. Electric Guest - KIN 19. Stella Donnelly - Beware of the Dogs 20. Tegan and Sara - Hey, I’m Just Like You
Bronco’s 16-20
16. Blackwater Holylight - Veils of Winter 17. Year of the Cobra - Ash and Dust 18. Blood Incantation - Hidden History of the Human Race 19. sunn O))) - Pyroclasts 20. Baroness - Gold & Grey
Chap’s 16-20
16. Field Medic - fade into the dawn 17. Brittany Howard - Jaime 18. Mannequin Pussy - Patience 19. The National - I Am Easy to Find 20. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
JD’s 16-24
16. Sui Zhen - Losing, Linda 17. Empath - Active Listening: Night on Earth 18. Gesaffelstein - Novo Sonic System 19. Earl Sweatshirt - Feet of Clay 20. No Age - A Cassette of a Live Ambient Performance 21. Paul Maroon - A Two Song 45 I Bought On Etsy 22. Denzel Curry - ZUU 23. Avey Tare - Cows on Hourglass Pond 24. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride
From the Desk of
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Bronco’s Brettnacher-Certified Attendance Report
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2019: A Broncospective
This was a year of waiting. Waiting for Tool. And I feel like I treated the rest of the year's music up until that point as thumb-twiddling whilst waiting for the big payoff. This year seemed to be filled with passable hold-over music. And a sense of dread as the months ticked by, that dread that comes with the unattainable expectations I've come to experience as I've grown older. Waiting for something awesome to happen, and then it happens, and it's not nearly as awesome as you hoped it to be. I've come to equate anticipation with dread now...to the point that I do my damnedest to avoid anticipation by pushing everything future out of my mind. So I live in the present now, and I feel totally unprepared every single day. Weekends come and I have no idea what's happening. I really should rethink this strategy and maybe just try not to build up my expectations. Fuck it. Either way, I was dreading the new Tool album. There's no way it could live up to a 13 year wait. Then it came. And it was good. Not redefine my life and realign my soul good, just perfect. It was what we all needed, those of us who have been waiting. One album that definitely wasn't a time-killer during the great Tool wait of nine deen was King Gizzard's 'Infest the Rats Nest.' That easily would have been my number one album this year had it not landed in the same year as Fear Innoculum. I actually had a hard time deciding which one was my number one, but in the end had to place Rat's Nest second. I know these guys have pumped out so many records in the past few years, but I was pleasantly surprised at their ability to sound like themselves while at the same time ripping out a proper metal album.  The subject matter, the riffs, all of it is great. And it's accessible to non-metal folks who want to hear some tasty licks. Lastly, I listened to a lot of hardcore this year too. Unlike any other year, something about it spoke to me. I don't know if it's our current political climate or what, but the indecipherable doomy sludgly stonery spacey lyrics of the stuff I'm usually in to felt like a nondescript blob of meaninglessness (not that I care what their meaning is at any other time). But the hardcore scene felt important. Like something topical was being said (or screamed), and said hard. The sheer anger in the music, I think, reflects the way I feel on a daily basis as I'm inundated with political shit from NYT, WashPo, CNN, etc. etc. etc. News about no news, filler designed to get me pissed off about shit that's out of my control, and designed to push me over the edge when the eventual outcome of all of this outrage is just more outrage that none of the original outrage mattered at all. That feeling of not being heard, the voice of reason being smothered by a sweat stained pillow owned by some bible thumping hypocrite child fucker, is maddening. To the point that all you want to do is scream until you're heard...like Sara Connor at the chainlink fence before Judgement Day destroys the playground and melts her skin off her body. That's what some of these acts have sounded like. And it's scratching an itch. Probably not going to be my jam for an extended period of time, I don't see myself pivoting to this corner of the genre, but like a good enima, this stuff has cleared my brain's bowels for the better this year. Here's to the next chapter, the next decade, and the next Tool album in 2035. Hail Satan, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New (Wave of British Heavy Metal) Year to you all.
From the Bin Bin
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Nasty’s Best Rap of the Decade
Nasty’s Video of the Year
Da Baby - “BOP on Broadway”
JD's Silver Screen Video Staff Recommendations: Long Form Shelf
Solange - When I Get Home
Earl Sweatshirt - Nowhere, Nobody
Thom Yorke - Anima
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New to Code in 2019
Colleen Green - Dude Ranch (cover of full album) Ganser - Odd Talk Felt - Forever Breathes the Lonely Word Duster - Capsule Losing Contact Dungen - 4 Alien Boy - Sleeping Lessons Charmer - Charmer Michael Cera Palin - I Don't Konw How to Explain It
Interloper’s Corner
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Fergwad’s 1-10 of the Decade
1. Tame Impala - Lonerism 2. Tame Impala - Currents 3. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City 4. Beach House - Bloom 5. Kanye West - Yeezus 6. Real Estate - Days 7. Beach House - Teen Dream 8. No Age - Everything in Between 9. Deerhunter - Hacyon Digest 10. Vampire Weekend - Contra
Ferg’s 10 “Call the Fire Department” Songs of the Decade
Tammy Rooney’s 1-10 of ‘19
1. Vampire Weekend - Father of the Bride 2. Cass McCombs - Tip of the Sphere 3. William Tyler - Goes West 4. Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains 5. Bon Iver - i, i 6. Strand of Oaks - Eraserland 7. Sharon Van Etten - Remind Me Tomorrow 8. Thom Yorke - Anima 9. Deerhunter - Why Hasn't Everything Disappeared Already 10. Hiss Golden Messenger - Terms of Surrender
From the Desk of Code’s Pal Jon Wotman
Artists spend an entire career and oceans of money in an effort to *shimmer.* I Wonder: shrug, yeah I shimmer so what. It’s not hard. -This, and the lines below, taken from an imagined documentary called “'I Wonder' Speaks” Somehow, despite the fact that in its initial release the recording sounds like a construction project nailed hastily in a tin lean-to (and the hammering was also included in the mix)... I Wonder: you take ecstasy and it’s not like everything drops away clean. There’s blood in there, there’s all the memory and old feelings and shit in your brain that that drugs have to sweep out and they don’t want to leave. It’s messy and I made it messy on purpose. You wanna make something really good, it’s got to feel messy even if it’s got the 90 degree bones of a skyscraper underneath. [Handclap.] It’s not hard. “When I look over my shoulder, I know who’ll be on the other side” effortlessly combines gesture, solidity, and faith in what must be the most romantic line of the decade. I Wonder: Everyone thinks writing about this stuff is hard. It’s not. “… and things’ll get trashy when we get to my place… “ presents sex as both without forethought and deeply premeditated, but, in both cases, without judgement… it’s the most erotic line of the decade. I Wonder: I’m not punning. No fucking way. And shame on your for putting me in this position. There’s some judgment for you. Any closing thoughts? I Wonder: Y’know. 
0 notes
sparxwrites · 7 years
so um, I don't know about anyone else here on this blog but I saw the playlist you made for that LARP and I'm like so honestly extremely morbidly curious about it and would love to hear more about it or at least get some kind of overview, I understand if you want to keep it private tho
i mean… the larp preparatory document is a full 14 pages, and the larp ran for maybe five or six hours, so i can’t provide you with the full document and summary (like i said, this larp was created and written from scratch, and it’s something i’d like to run again if possible, so i’m reluctant to give out a link to the document - if we’re friends, message me and i’ll see, but otherwise i’m afraid it’s staying private for now at least).
i borrowed a lot of the aesthetic / setting stuff from the dresden files, the matthew swift series, urban magic yogs, british fairytales, and white wolf’s changeling rpg. i borrowed a lot of the rules and mechanics from “end of the line”, “new world magischola”, and various blogs about rules and safety mechanics in nordic larps in general. it was, essentially, about twenty five of my friends in the alps, down by a stream, running around and getting sunburnt and scaring the inhabitants of this tiny village - so it was very informal, the participants weren’t pre-selected by anything other than “on holiday with me”, and the whole attitude towards it from the participants was very… ah, lax and gung-ho, shall we say, which meant it maybe wasn’t taken as seriously as it should have been.
the basic idea was that each faction - humans (hedgewitches, formal magicians, urban sorcerers), dwarves, elves (regular and dark), changelings, summer court, and winter court - had the overarching goal of working to resolve whether the hunt would go ahead or not, but each faction had their own secret assigned goals, and each individual had self-set goals and a secret, so there was a lot of politicking. mostly it was people talking, arguing, making speeches… there was some innovative magic-casting, a bit of drama when a hedgewitch tried to attack the fae (shoutout to the human players for coming up with anti-fae organisations with catchy names and slogans Alarmingly quickly tbh), a fae getting murdered, and everything just… exploding into a shitstorm really, in the end, as it was supposed to. the accords were shattered into smithereens, the fae were gonna go ahead and hunt, the changelings had mobilised with weaponry from the human army to take out the hunt. the dark elves got fucked over because they weren’t specific enough in making a contract with the fae… i think the dwarves just sort of ran off after acquiring some strange glowing artefact they had decided was the only thing they really cared about. the elves brokered immunity from the fae like gloriously self-serving bastards. the urban sorcerer willingly sold himself into effective slavery. it was pretty wild.
it was a lot of fun, really. there’s a lot of stuff i’d change if i did it over - but as someone who’s run a few rpgs now, and a larp oneshot along with inheriting a longer-form larp, it’s… kind of always a learning experience, every time you do it. and i would like to do it over, ideally with more planning and prep, and more dedicated players (i think demanding people come with proper costumes, and charging a nominal entry fee, would go a long way to making sure people took it seriously - but that also means i’ve got to ensure my production value is a lot higher, so, pros and cons i guess). i’ve got another nordic larp i’d like to run, too, tho it’ll be a while before i run that (ideally, i need a desert for that, too, which the uk is notoriously light on, so…)
but. yeah! here’s the summary / hook for the larp that i used, if you’re curious and want an idea of the sort of aesthetic i was working with:
It’s been twenty-five and a half years since the Accords were signed, almost to the day. Twenty-five and a half years since both mortals and fae met on the yule solstice, under the auspice of the Winter Court, to agree to peace – an end to the practice of changelings, of sending cold iron through to the Faerie, of the endless battling and bloodshed on both sides of the liminal. Though the years since then have been far from entirely peaceful, the Accords have held. Fae and mortals have largely coexisted in cities across the nation, moved freely through the liminal between the mortal world and the Faerie, and observed solstice celebrations in relative harmony.
This summer, however, the solstice is different.
It is the first since the Accords to fall on a full moon – and whilst other races prepare for their own celebrations, the fae are demanding that a Hunt be allowed. Solstices are a celebration of life and death and rebirth, they say, as is the waxing and waning of the moon. The intersection of both is a sacred time. A time of sacrifice. It is in accordance with the Old Laws, they say. Blood must be spilled.
All attempts at overarching, nationwide negotiation have, despite the relative civility of fae-mortal relations in comparison to before the Accords, failed dismally. On this one point, this one, ancient tradition, it seems the fae will not budge – and neither will the mortals. They refuse to allow the fae free reign to sweep through their cities and countryside in a whirlwind of revelry and bloodshed, as they have done in decades past.
Fortunately, almost every region, province, or city in the country has managed to negotiate its own, individual agreement on the subject. The almost, however, is crucial. [Our region] is the only region that has been unsuccessful – and the pressure is on to find a solution.
Now, the day before the solstice, a summit has been called in the ancient town of [our town], in a last-ditch attempt to reach an agreement. Representatives from every race have been called from around the region to attend Castle [house we were using], along with an impartial party to act as judge and preside over the proceedings – the Drac of Malmonte. Humans, dwarves, and elves are sending diplomats, negotiators, scholars, and warriors, anyone who might be able to provide a solution. A delegation of free changelings have also been invited, and have reluctantly agreed to attend. And, of course, the Fae Courts will be present, in all their glamour and finery and alien, terrifying beauty, with the Mab and the Titania at their heads and their knight and other lords, ladies, and lieges following close behind.
There is more riding on this summit than just one Hunt in a remote département of France, however. The lives of local mortals, the continued presence of the fae in this region of the mortal world, the freedom of the changelings still held captive by the local fae – and, potentially, the future of the very Accords themselves – hang in the balance. The peace that the Accords have brought is a delicate, brittle thing. One major incident may be enough to bring decades of political efforts crashing down, and throw the country back into the darkness of constant war once more.
There are other forces at work here, too. Old rivalries boil beneath the surface of the political landscape, and though the Hunt is the most pressing issue, every race and faction has their own angle to play. Every individual in the room has their own agenda. The Summit is little more than a pit of vipers, but, somehow, a solution must be found amidst the snakes. And it might be up to you to find it.
Good luck, and may the Goddess’s blessing be with you. After all, you’re most likely going to need it…
[Drawing inspiration from The Dresden Files, the Matthew Swift series, White Wolf’s Changeling, traditional fae, faerie, and sidhe mythology, and various little bits and pieces of writing I’ve done, The Wild Hunt is a character-focused, Nordic-style LARP about politics, social conflict, The Greater Good, modern magic coloured by ancient tradition, and what happens when mortals bump up against ancient creatures with an utterly alien system of ethics. It’s a little experimental, incredibly untested, very firmly play-to-lose. It’s gonna be Spicy, my guys.]
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 25
2401. Does love come from the brain, the heart or elsewhere? scientifically, the brain. 2402. Have you ever given a shot? like vaccination? yes. 2403. Can you lick your elbow? nope. 2404. If i was going to be talking to you for 10 minutes, what would be something really intersting you know a little bit about but would like to know more?? the arts i guess. 2405. If today was a holiday, what would it be? a day were everyone gets to call in sick for work and enjoy themselves lol.
2406. If you were making a mix tape what would you HAVE to have one it? the weeknd. 2407. What do you think of the Sopranos? never watched it. 2408. Can you name three good things about the society you live in? every generally follows rules, respectful, everything ‘works’. How about three bad things? the minority of people who was ignorant, racist, rude etc. 2409. Have you ever had a crush on your teacher? nope. How about your boss? no. 2410. What is the difference between acting like someone in high school and acting like an adult? i guess most teens wouldn’t have the same responsibilities as an adult would have. 2411. What is the differance between a whopper and a whopper jr? the whopper jr is slightly smaller duh. 2413. Do you like: Moby? Run DMC? the Cure? Shakira? Blink182? the Pet Shop Boys? Weezer? Red Hot Chilli Peppers? Nick cave? The Pixies? KRS-One? The Juice Crew? not a huge fan of any of these artists. 2414. Have you ever seen a movie in 3D? yes. 2415. How difficult do you think it is for immigrants to come into your country? it is extremelyyyyy difficult now and it doesn’t matter where you’re from. it’s crazy. How difficult is it for them to become citizens? yes. 2416. Do you have what it takes to go live in another country, maybe for years, where you don't speak the language as your first language? probably not. it would take a lot of work and preparation. 2418. Have you ever died in your dreams? yeah i feel like i have. 2419. Do you like Douglas Adams? Kurt Vonnegut? Tom Robbins? Philip K Dick? Orson Scott Card? 2420. What clothing size are you? 12. 2421. Does science leave room for faith? idk. Does faith leave room for science? idk. 2422. What book should our political leaders read and why? not sure. i haven’t read anything good in awhile. 2423. Why and under what circumstances are people more likely to buy brand names rather then their generic counterparts? some people are just loyal to some brands while other rely on paying more for quality. 2424. What is your favorite glass object? a cup. 2425. Do you like to window shop? not really. 2426. Have you ever loved someone so much it just turned to hate? no. 2427. What is arrogance? check the dictionary. 2428. Are you more liberal or conservative? liberal. 2429. When there is a presidential election in the USA why do we never hear anything about the third party candidtes? Do you even know who they were last time? i don’t live in usa. 2430. Are you more likely to buy one really nice expensive outfit or a couple of cheap outfits? a couple cheap outfits. 2431. If you could, would you wear everything once, throw it out and buy something new? no. 2432. Do you believe that people have a responsiblity to be: good to other people? good at their job? helpful to the earth(not litter, recycle)? aware consumers(not buy animal tested products, not buy products that were made in sweatshops, etc)? non-wasteful (not spend their money frivolously when they could save it to help others)? charitable (donating money, volunteering)? yes to all. Which of the above are you? i’m generally good to other people, good at my job and non wasteful. i need to work on the rest. 2433. How do you feel about the internet? for the most part it’s great. convenient, entertaining and educational at times. Should there be laws and censorship on the internet? yes of course. 2434. Can you think of any questions that aren't already on this survey? no. 2435. Does sleep seem like a little death to you? no lol. 2436. Have you ever seen(and if yes, what did you think of): Joy Ride? Ghost World? Monsters Inc? yeah, it’s a classic. Queen of the Damned? Office Space? 2437. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? about 5-6? 2438. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: maybe 15. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: i rotate between the same five. 2439. How many lovers have you had? one. 2440. Have you ever had surgery? For what? no. 2441. What puts you in the mood for sex? just the lead up to it i guess. 2442. Have you ever been on alcohol or drugs while at school or work? no. 2443. What do you think of Martha Stewart? i don’t really have an opinion. but i did enjoy her show with snoop dogg. 2445. What do you think of: British people? Australians? Americans? Canadians? Mexicans? French people? Germans? i could totally answer this section but i don’t wna come off as stereotyping these nationalities. 2446. What do you do to cure the hiccups? i haven’t had hiccups in years. 2447. What is the FIRST thing you do when you come home from school or work? get changed. 2448. Are you a slob? sometimes. 2449. Do you have a good work ethic? generally, yeah. 2450. Are you a pack-rat? nope. 2451. Do you roll your eyes alot? not that i’ve noticed. 2452. Do you prefer b-sides or remixes? b sides. 2453. What makes the world go 'round? love. 2454. Is Blink182 punk or pop? both. 2455. Do you remember Fat Albert? yes. 2456. Do you take things slowly, as they come? sometimes. 2457. Are you laid back or tense? more tense i think. 2458. Are you insecure? sometimes. 2459. Imagine you are working in a soup kitchen. You are supposed to give each person on the line a half a cup of soup. When hungry people come up to you do you just end up emptying the cabinets for them? i would tell them to come back for seconds so everyone in the line can have an equal share first. 2460. Why can't we give ourselves one more chance? we can. Why can't we all just get along? idk. 2461. What bands do you want to see live that you have never seen? idk. 2462. Do you like raunchy songs (like that lick ny neck, lick my back, lick my pussy, lick my crack song)? hahaha that’s probably the only raunchy blunt song i enjoy. 2463. Do you think that the Beatles are still the Beatles without John Lennon? never really a fan so i can’t comment. Would you want to see the Sex Pistols without Sid Vicious? no. Did you think that the members of Nirvana were smart to reform as the Foo Fighters instead of trying to stay Nirvana after Kurt's death? sure. 2464. Do you like the band Squeeze? never heard of them. 2465. When you are angry or upset do you know you're being irrational but you can't really stop? yep. 2466. Is there room in your life for one more trip to the moon? nah. 2467. Where are they now: Your first best friend in elementary school? no idea. your first crush? married to someone i went to uni with. your first boy/girlfriend? i’m still with him. your first love? ^ your first lover? ^ 2468. Do you have a lot of self pity? kinda. 2469. have you ever had something really good come out of something really bad that happened to you? not that i know of. 2470. Do you like magnetic poetry? what is that.. 2471. What is one of your secret delights? napping. surveys lol. What gives you a cheap thrill? youtube. What is your biggest guilty pleasure? idk. shopping. 2472. Have you ever misinterpreted song lyrics in a funny way (I used to think that 'wake me up before you go, go' was 'wake me up and buy me cocoa')? yes. 2473. What are the most popular/overused diary names? - 2474. Are you under pressure? yes. 2475. How well do you know yourself? well enough. 2476. Is 'soul' such an old fashioned word? no? Is 'love'? no. 2477. Name a person you love: my boyfriend. How do you love them? Let's count the ways... i love everything about him. 2478. Does your place have a lawn gnome? no. 2479. Do you ever wonder, 'why me'? sometimes. When? when i’m having a shitty time at work. 2480. Is rap a form of poetry? yes. 2481. What's the difference between a player and a baller? lol. 2482. What imagery do you get from the words 'woodsmoke and herbs'? someone cooking. 2483. How many days until your birthday? exactly a month. 2484. have you ever MEANT to hurt anyone? eh, kinda. 2485. What are 3 things you don't know? more than three things. 2486. Do you usually feel physically well or unwell? no. 2487. Would you ever submit your picture to be 'rated' on one of those 'hot or not' websites? no way. 2488. Why are there hardly ever any fat people in movies? because it doesn’t fit the hollywood aesthetic sadly. 2489. Is there any difference between what's real and what's for sale? i guess? 2490. Are you funky? no. 2491. Do apologies always make things all better? sometimes. not always. 2492. Let's just say that there is a huge ass bomb that can blow up the Whole Planet..it is set to blow up in 100 years. You can push the button to stop it but if you do you Will die. You only have this one chance to stop it. Do you stop it? it would have to be proven to me that it’s real first. i’m not gna kill myself over nothing. 2493. Let's say someone else found the button to stop it instead of you. Do you think it is their moral obligation to save humanity at the expense of their own life? it’s a tough decision so i wouldn’t be so quick to judge it tbh. 2494. What's the silliest name you can think of? idk. 2495. It's the middle of the night and you are home alone. Someone knocks on the door and says their car broke down and asks to use your phone. What do you do? let them use my phone but keep them outside. 2496. If a cop pulled you over and asked if he could search your car what would you say? i’d have to see if they’re even allowed to do that first. but i have nothing to hide anyway. 2497. Are you meek or nasty around cops? meek. if they’re breath testing me i just want it over and done with so i can go. 2498. If you were me and I was you then where would we be? idk. 2499. What has been the greatest invention so far? there have been plenty. power, lighting, all modes of transport, internet, all technology, medicine etc. 2500. We are at question 2500. Do you REALIZE what this MEANS??!!! halfway woo.
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mindfogandsleep · 7 years
So I went away for a few days from Monday to Thursday to London with some friends. It was supposed to be a nice break and relaxing for all of us. I had some really good times, going around some giant ass shops and Camden market and the national portrait museum and all. I wanna make it clear that I had some good times. It was also uncomfortably hot the entire time we were there. The travelodge didn't have air con and just had this one somewhat useless fan and in the day it varied from like 27-35 degrees c. Fucking hot especially when you're British. This lead to the entire holiday being a mess of heat exhaustion and lack of sleep not just for me but I think for all of us. I know it was partly the heat but I know how that it wasn't all the heat but I felt like shit almost the entire time I was there. I was in so much pain to the point where I was struggling to walk, I was having to make stops every few hundred metres and felt constantly Like I was holding people up. But now I'm back home and the temperature is much more bearable in fact people have been commenting that it's cold. But I haven't been feeling any better. I have literally still been feeling consistently shit. Friday and Saturday I was still seriously struggling to walk and while by Sunday walking was less painful I was still utterly exhausted fro literally nothing. Now obviously that is literally the premise of CFS/ME but I am not used to how genuinely bad I have been feeling. I haven't felt this shit since I was a teenager and in my first few years of having the illness. I told myself I wouldn't get that bad again because I convinced myself that it was a mindset. If I willed myself to not get that bad again I wouldn't right? Except it doesn't work like that. And it's a hard lesson to learn that I could have the best mindset in the world and do everything right and still be in unbearable pain and constantly exhausted. And my mum says I should go and see my doctor but like why? To hear once again that we know jack shit about cfs and that I need to pace myself? Because I know this but the last thing I want in my mid20s is to have to chill out and pace. I want to do all of the things. Fuck I'm moving to the other end of England in September and if I'm like this I don't know how the fuck I'm going to cope with uni let alone having to prepare my own food and everything on top. I'm scared tbh. I'm in the worst flare for years and right now I'm not seeing a way out and idk what to do because I know there's nothing I can do
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quillyfied · 7 years
Thoughts about a post I want to discuss but not necessarily interact with directly; mostly introspection, IDK why I'm even doing this but here we are. (Wow this got hella long.)
Separation of Church and State has always been taught to me (White Southern Christian, conservative upbringing) as there is no single state-mandated religion; I guess in the context of the United States, it's been passed down from our (glorified tbh, but not unimportant) British colonial heritage as other Christian sects (Puritans and Catholics, notably) finding a place to settle where it wasn't "join our religion or we kill you." The irony being that's exactly the philosophy they brought with them to the Americas, at least in spirit, because it derives directly from "if you don't join our religion you're going to hell, might as well expedite the process and cleanse our society of your plague-bearing presence." And that's been the driving force behind Christianity in every place it's become dominant, because of people using Christianity as a weapon in order to stay in power (the Crusades and every other European Catholic purge come especially to mind, not to mention the historic treatment of Native Americans and African slaves in America).
The point of the post that I think a few people were missing is that in the Western world, and especially America since that's the country we're mainly worried about as citizens right now, yeah, Christianity, as the dominant religion, has historically been used as a beatin' stick, particularly in the hands of white folks looking to justify their inhuman treatment of others (or, perhaps more commonly these days, in the hands of white folks looking to absolve themselves of the guilt of "clearly Christians who don't understand their own religion did all those awful things, not us, we didn't do it, our hands are clean"). And that's the prevalent fear when politicians talk about getting Christian values back in the law books, because Christian values, to those groups "Christians" have marginalized and brutalized over the two hundred-odd years our country has officially been around as well as the many years of colonial rule before that, mean liberty and justice for all...so long as you fit into our mold, because otherwise, you are unfit to live here and either conform to our idea of a good lawful person or get out.
It isn't about necessarily not letting your religion shape your political views, because of course it's going to. It's unrealistic to expect something so formative an influence in many people's lives as religion to not affect our morals, and to want the laws of our land to protect those morals. It's about recognizing that your religion, American Christianity, is not just your walking stick, but a club, and it must be consciously wielded in ways to not beat others down. Which means letting it form the way you walk but understanding that forcing others to walk to its beat is not only stupid, it's unfair. You can't force someone to live a life according to a set of rules they don't believe in. To put it this way: a Christian won't observe Jewish holidays and customs because a Christian doesn't believe in them. Now reverse the logic: a Jew won't observe Christian holidays and customs because a Jew doesn't believe in them. Except, wait, let's remember: Christianity is the dominant religion. We get out of work for Christian holidays. We have weekends structured around the Christian Sabbath. "In God we trust" is printed on our currency because our Founding Fathers were Christian. "One nation under God" refers to the Christian god. The very structure of our country is built on Christian ideology.
And, okay, let's break Christianity down to its roots sans the eponymous figure at its center: being a good person, uplifting others, serving others, following the laws of the land so far as they're good and correct (render unto Caeser what it Caeser's, but when Hitler starts hunting Jews, let them into your homes/countries/communities because it's the right thing to do). These are not purely Christian values, they're human values. They're fairly universal; if I'm mistaken let me know, but I can't think of a religion where "go and kill and ostracize and maim and brutalize" is part of the actual written doctrine. And they're not even purely religions beliefs, either. There's a quote floating around somewhere that boils down to "if you want to know what true service looks like, look at an atheist who does things not because they believe in a higher power, but because they believe in kindness." As a highly religious person myself, I understand totally dedicating the good fruits of your life to the God you love, and wanting to consecrate everything in your power to Him. But while the laws of our particular land are in our hands, they aren't purely ours. And in my opinion, any benevolent God(s) values kindness and consideration over bombastic shows of "faith". (Faith without works is dead. Faith has nothing to do with political laws. Morality does, and laws can help regulate morality, but morality is a law unto itself and is not as nuanced as people like to make it out to be.)
In conclusion: it takes absolutely ZERO effort to say to yourself "I believe X, but others don't, and forcing them to live X is a violation of the free will I hold so dear, therefore, I'll take that into consideration when looking at what I'm voting for." You may believe that God made man and woman and that man and woman are meant to form families and procreate and replenish the earth and no other, and that's how you choose to live. You don't get to decide how other people live. You don't get to. That's against everything our country stands for, and everything your Christian religion SHOULD stand for. Our Lord was lifted on a cross because He taught what was not the dominant religion of the time. He was not afforded the freedom to live as He taught. That's not the case for us today. It costs us nothing to allow transgender folks to use the bathrooms they identify as. It costs us nothing to allow people of all sexualities to marry. It does not cost us our religious freedom--the right we have to practice our religion with no legal harrassment--to let others do the same.
(And as a member of what I'd call what was a marginalized Christian sect for most of its history, this is a subject I take seriously. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints were hunted from state to state until we settled Utah. There was a Mormon Extermination Order in effect in Missouri until the 70s. Our prophet and our brethren and sisters were murdered in cold blood while mobs laughed, when the Mormon religion didn't threaten the oppressors in any way. I cherish my right to practice my religion without legal or social ramification, and I especially cherish my free agency. I value people's right to choose for themselves the lives they live more than I value expecting people to conform to my lifestyle.)
Anyway. Religion. Laws. Whooo.
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unnursvanablog · 7 years
Month(s) in review. Okt-March.
I used to do these big month in review blogs - on this blog and my Icelandic one - for almost a year before I gave up on it. It was kinda tasking writing them and I felt a pressure (for no one but myself) to include certain things in them. Like all the shows that I was watching, the kpop groups that I liked and so forth.
And while I found myself missing doing them after a while, I wasn't really in the mood to start writing these massive posts every month. But getting an overview over and seeing what stood out when the month ended was something that interested me. So I decided to do these mini 'month in a reviews' in my tiny bullet journal.  I like documenting things, hence why I like blogging so much. 
And so I did. And after having kept at it for almost six months a thought struck me. I could certainly write these little notes up and do mini 'month in review' posts on my blog. They didn't even have to be monthly. They could be quarterly, or just every six months. This blog is the result of that. 
I have very limited space on each page of my bullet journal, so I didn't pressure myself to include specific things. I just dotted down things that stood out to me after each month passed. Or filled out couple of lines weekly. Whatever I was in the mood for. Some of these are of course things that I have to do (or can't forget) in that month. But it made the whole process a whole lot easier, and a lot more fun.  
Some, or most of these things, aren't anything special, useful or very important. But I still think it is fun to do and to look over in couple of months time.
October 2016 - Song of the Month: 1 of 1 - Shinee
Did my review of Victoria
Decided to finally go to that six weeks creative-writing course at my local library. I really struggle with letting people read over my work.
Prepping for NaNowrimo
Decided to really try to use this bullet journal more. Been really slacking off these past months.
Booked a flight back home for Christmas.
Finally found a way to connect my phone to the wifi in my apartment.
Been watching a ton of Bullet Journal vidoes / flip-throughs on youtube for inspiration.
Goldenhands was released and I really enjoyed it.
Decided to try and knit a Gryffindor scarf.
November 2016 - Song of the Month: Playing With Fire - Blackpink.
The big Nanowrimo month. I am aiming for 50.000 words, like always.
Finish my creative-writing course and it didn't turn out as frightening as I though it would be. I sent in 4 texts for other to review.
Started Jane the Virgin and Legend of the Blue Sea.
Dropped Entourage (after one and a half episode of something) and K2.
Fantastic Beasts came out.
Very busy with Nano but it is has been good so far, even if I don't have time for some other things. I have only skipped one day so far (I blame Trump, tbh).
Nano udate: got sick for two days and only wrote 1000.
My family came over for my birthday and we went to see Mamma Mia.
That Gilmore Girl special came out.
Nanowrimo victory!!
December 2016 - Song of the Month: Wonderful - Jessica 
26, 29 and 31 are the Gayo Daejun festivals.
I fly home on the 23rd and I have to fly back on the 30th.
More than a week at home during the Christmas Holiday will do me good.
I have spent way to much money already.
There is no snow. There should be snow during Christmas.
This cold is never going to go away.
I was going to keep writing after Nanowrimo ended, but looks like that isn't working out.
Dragged myself to my cousins b-day party. At least that side of the family can't complain about never seeing me for a little while.
Big Bang comeback. Mixed emotions T.T
Still no snow and it is almost Christmas eve and no Rock ptarmigan (a bird that we almost always have during christmas) this year. It doesn't really feel like Christmas.
There is this snapchat account were different lgbt+ people come and talk about being lgbt+ in Iceland.It is great! No asexual person yet, though.
I managed to get in two writing sessions before going home for Christmas.
It was of course a blizzard when I was going to go home (happens every year) but I managed to get an early flight.
January 2017 - Song of the Month: Excuse Me - AoA
I have been in a reading slump lately. 
38 books set for my Goodreads challenge this year.
Saw Rouge One. It wasn't as good as I had hoped.
I am trying out this detox water thingy. Maybe it will help my skin.
I am still in a reading slump, but at least writing is finally going well.
I feel like I have spent way to much money this month. Better budgeting next month!
My skin is so dry, even if I drink so much water. I need a good moisturiser.
There is pop in our national selection for Eurovision. I could not be more pumped for this thing to start.
2ne1 and Wonder Girls left me in a span of one week (or so). #neversaygoodbye2ne1 #Thnakyouforbeingsowolderful 
I have been very good at not eating snacks and candy. 
February 2017 - Song of the Month: Don't Recall - K.A.R.D
Remember to buy a new bus-card. The one that you got expires this month.
27-28 of February is Bollu- og Sprengjudagur (special days in Iceland).
25. Mars is when our Eurovision season officially starts.
I finally finished Faleyjarsaga. This six part story that I have been writing (and having fun with) since April 2013. Even if I officially started it in November 2009. 
Goodreads finally has a re-read option. 
I am still two books behind on my Goodreads reading challenge.
I decided to try and make another last.fm account for my spotify account. Because spotify messed up my year in review last year and I am a dork.
I never thought I was a scented-candle person, but I totally am a scented-candle person.
My skin is finally doing great. Let's keep it that way.
Allirlesa (a national challenge to get people to read more) ended and I read for about 1815 minutes.I have been eating a lot of fruits lately. 
the Eurovision bug has hit me with full force.
I am listening to a lot of Sergey Lazarev and K.A.R.D songs these days.
I can't find my Deathly Hallows necklace. That is bumming me out. (But I found it two days later).
March 2017 - Song of the Month: Fingertip - GFriend.
1st of March is Öskudagur (our version of Halloween). I 'dressed up' for the first time in 13 years or so.
4th of March the University of Iceland has a open day. Got to at least check out their creative-writing program.
18th of March I am going to a concert. Don't forget!
Booked a flight home over the Easter Holiday (but not all of Easter).
Hidden Version of Don't Recall released!
My mom and dad in town. They took me out to dinner.
#TeamDaði all the way (in Eurovision). If only he had gone all the way.
I am trying super hard to enjoy Eurovison, but some people around me are so damn negative about it that it's hard. 
I am very drained and moody lately. Very anxious as well and emotions are right at the surface and it is hard to keep them in check sometimes. I need more alone time, I guess. 
I tried to watch this British show Snatched (for the cast) but it was so bad.
 I finished going over my very first story for the 10th time (or something) and then sent it to another person to tear it apart. Hopefully for the last time.
Decided I was indeed doing Camp Nanowrimo this April.
I booked a flight to the UK this summer, for about a week.Then I am going home to my family for about 3 weeks.
I bought a concealer the other day, because my skin is not good these days and I just want hide some of the redness. And I usually never wear makeup. 
I am so far behind on my goodreads-reading challenge, that I decided not to worry about it.
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nebelkrahe · 7 years
     RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10 ! good  luck  !      TAGGED BY.  @taleinspired​ !!! friend!!      TAGGING.   no one BECAUSE THIS IS SO LONG IM SCREAMIN. 
FULL  NAME :   qrow branwen NICKNAME :   dusty old qrow, old man AGE :   early forties in main verse BIRTHDAY :   haven’t decided ! ETHNIC  GROUP : welsh NATIONALITY :   born in vale,but grew up outside the kingdom with a group of bandits LANGUAGE / S : english     (     welsh in certain verses     ) SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   pansexual  ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :   demiromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   verse-dependant     (     single in canon     ) CLASS : lower middle class HOME  TOWN / AREA :   the island of patch, just outside of the kingdom of vale CURRENT  HOME : an apartment in vale given to him by ozpin, though he tends to wander wherever he is needed PROFESSION : full-fledged huntsman ; a member of the guardians with ozpin, glynda goodwitch, and james ironwood ; spy ; teacher at signal academy ; best uncle in the whole world!
HAIR :  black with graying streaks due to age EYES : a light red, similar to his twin sister’s NOSE :  it holds a prominent place on his face, and though the show doesn’t depict it as larger FACE :  round ,    her cheeks rosier & chubbier as a child. LIPS :  not particularly notable  ;  just lips my guy COMPLEXION : extremely pale white. BLEMISHES :  none to note. SCARS :  several, all of his body from his many encounters with the creatures of grimm TATTOOS : several! i haven’t decided yet, but i will let you know HEIGHT :  somewhere between 5′10″ and 6′ WEIGHT :  around 200 lbs BUILD :  tall and lanky FEATURES : constant 5 o’clock shadow & generally hairy body ALLERGIES :  none. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : usually has bangs hanging in his face with salt-and-pepper coloration USUAL  FACE  LOOK : neutral USUAL  CLOTHING : this mess lmao
FEAR / S :  losing the last of his family     (     ruby, yang, and tai mainly  /  perhaps even raven if the moment is right.     )     ; dying alone, being alone ASPIRATION / S :  to keep his family safe ; to live up to ozpin’s legacy POSITIVE  TRAITS :  honest, caring, childish  /  playful     (     at the right time, of course     )     ,  cool under pressure, focused NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  reckless, depressed, defensive, sarcastic MBTI :  ISFP-A " THE ADVENTURER  “ ZODIAC :   scopio TEMPERAMENT :  sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S :   warrior. ANIMALS : crow ! VICE  HABIT / S :   addicted to alcohol. FAITH : he has a rough time with his faith ; though he does believe in a higher power, he is unsure whether or not form it takes, or how he should worship  /  honor it GHOSTS ? :  absolutely ! AFTERLIFE ? :   no REINCARNATION ? :  after learning of the maidens, definitely ALIENS ? :  no  . POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :   democratic  /  extremely liberal ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :   money??? would be nice ??? SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION :  low middle class EDUCATION  LEVEL : college  /  full huntsman training
FATHER :  [REDACTED] branwen     (      presumed dead     ) MOTHER :  [REDACTED] branwen     (      presumed dead     ) SIBLINGS : raven branwen     (     twin sister EXTENDED FAMILY :   ruby rose, summer rose, yang xiao-long, taiyang xiao-long, ozpin NAME MEANING / S :  qrow was originally named for his mother’s love of birds, but the tribe which adopted him and his sister tended to associate with his bad luck HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  both the scarecrow from the novel the wizard of oz by  l. frank baum and the character bran the blessed from the ancient welsh  /  british storybook the mabinogion
BOOKS :  anything historical-- he enjoys war novels as well MOVIE :  action, comedy     (     family dramas always makes his eyes wet as well lmao     ) 5  SONGS :   take a whole playlist ! DEITY :  nike or bellona HOLIDAY :  valentine’s day lmao MONTH :  november SEASON :   summer and fall PLACE :  old gothic courtyards and churches WEATHER : calm fall air SOUND :  a bird’s caw SCENT / S : gunpowder, alcohol TASTE / S :  the sharp sting of alcohol FEEL / S :  a good pat on the shoulder ANIMAL / S :  birds ! NUMBER :  69 lmaq COLORS :  red, black, and gray !
TALENTS : master scythe-wielder, he can drink most people under the table BAD  AT :  talking to people in a professional & appropriate manner TURN  ONS :  daddy kink, voyeurism, other stuff that is. sinful. TURN  OFFS : extreme violence, anything having to do with scat HOBBIES : sightseeing, reading, making up stupid jokes TROPES :  cool uncle, dark and troubled past w his sibling, the alcoholic, etc.  AESTHETIC  TAGS :  here is his aesthetic tag on my blog & here is the pinterest board i have for him <3 QUOTES :  my favorite bc there are so many:  " KID, GET OFF THE GROUND, SPIT OUT THE BLOOD AND BARE YOUR TEETH; GO DOWN A SAVAGE-- GO DOWN FIGHTING. "
MAIN  FC / S :  joe manganiello ALT  FC / S : nah OLDER  FC / S :   he old LMAO YOUNGER  FC / S :   haven’t decided ! VOICE  CLAIM / S :  vic mignogna GENDERBENT  FC / S :  FUCK THAT SHIT LMAO. get this cis nonesense outta here. give me my transman qrow instead
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :  ‘ a dusty old crow ‘  and it’d be an action movie and it’d be 10x better than rwby and strq-centric !!! Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?         A2 :  soft acoustic guitars and bass to harsh violins & electric guitars during action scenes.     (     also !!! 70′s/80′s music     ) Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :  because i am a ho(tm) for the edgy old men characters Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :  his voice tbh? i love the gravely voice Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :   nothing tbh? i hate that he is grossly hairy and  Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :   barely anything tbh. well. the mental state, gayness, and need for alcohol at every moment of the day lmao Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :    i would like to think he’d take care of me like he takes care of ruby n yang. like a nice dad figure that would probably protect me from myself better than i ever could Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ? A8 :   everyone ??!! because qrow is. unpredictable tbh. it’s what i love about him Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :   the afore-link playlist. just thinking about him throughout the day lmao Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :   like three hours why tf is this so long jesus fuck
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tagged by @transfrerin sorry for taking so long somehow this got buried in my likes and then my drafts (because I am a mess)
1. Favorite soundtrack from a show/movie/video game/etc.?
“The Uruk-Hai” from Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers just goes so hard, as does all of The Prince of Egypt, but really you shouldn’t even get me started on soundtracks I love them I have so many for example Pacific Rim is so great but also Henry Jackman’s music for Winter Soldier, A Dangerous Method has an amazing soundtrack, but that’s Howard Shore again so sure, but for example Ilan Eshkeri is also great I especially like the track “Marriage Proposal” from The Young Victoria, or Michael Giacchino who did for example Star Trek, and another incredible theme is “A Howling Wilderness” from The Tudors tv series and Finding Neverland and Goodbye Lenin and How to train your Dragon of course also there is a British miniseries called P.O.W. which has a gr10 opening theme and oh boy you got me started on soundtracks I lovelovelove soundtracks I could go on forever but for the sake of everyone involved I won’t but if anyone wants to talk about soundtracks I am here I am ready
2. Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
I can’t tell you a specific city or anything but here are some things I need from that hypothetical place: affordable housing with running water, affordable heating and electricity, well insulated, moderate climate, preferably not too hot and/or humid, well-developed and affordable public transport system, biycyle lanes, supermarkets etc within walking distance, a cinema that also does original language showings, a good public library system, a wide variety of cultural activities including but not limited to: museums, concerts, theatres, opportunities for furthering one’s education, also parks, all in a functioning democratic state with independent, uncensored media, an independent judicial branch, a secular state constitution guaranteeing religious freedom, free elections which are easily accessible (including things like no or very uncomplicated voter registration, sufficient polling places), an engaged civil society, higher education without fees (small administrative fees are ok), strong unions and a national consensus that workers’/employees’ rights are a crucial part in building a stable society and a long-term stable economy, a national and international transportation system that allows travel across borders and I should probably stop before I come up with even more
3. Favorite historical time period?
I love history but I’ve always had a particularly soft spot for European Middle Ages and Early Modern period, uni has unfortunately soured me towards antiquity, but recently I am discovering pre-WW1 and the interwar years for myself
4. What is your favorite way to eat potatoes?
5. What type of mythical creature would you be?
I have done several buzzfeed quizzes to this effect and no two answers were even remotely similar so I don’t know what to tell you honestly
6. Do you have any allergies?
getting up early
7. What were your childhood hobbies (sports/instruments/etc.)?
I played badminton for a while and before that I used to do rowing but I never really liked that tbh
8. How many social media accounts do you have?
this here, then a twitter that I never use, insta, and ao3, and an old myspace buried somewhere
9. Favorite ending to a show/movie/video game/etc.?
I forget endings 99% of the time honestly
10. Do you have a favorite teacher/professor?
I had this prof at uni. he was this elderly English gentleman and he fully lived up to the stereotype of english people being hilarious even though on the whole they’re not as funny as they think it had to be said I regret nothing
11. Favorite holiday?
they all involve me not having to work and that’s all I require really
I tag: my most recent followers. If you’ve been here less than a month, this is your sign. also welcome
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gsmatthews95 · 6 years
Oz: a recap
The time has come. It has been ten months in waiting but it had to come. It is with a slight twinge of sadness but an overpowering sense of excitement and happiness that I am leaving Australia on my way to Singapore. Which  is actually pretty ideal because I have a nice long 9 hour layover. There are very few occasions I would describe a 9 hour layover as "ideal" but this is one of them. Such a cool city. So much to do and see. And, apparently, it isn't even too big. So I'm hoping I should be able to DO/COMPLETE Singapore in a nice six hour stint, tick it off my list, add another pin to the map and tell everyone about how I've now basically completed Asia. Sick eh?. A wee bit more background before I delve into the meat of this potentially juicy post which I think I will compare to a fat fillet steak by comparison to the rest of my posts that I would say are more like coles BBQ sausages, 24 for $8... good value but not much substance. A good reference I reckon. So I'm currently on my flight. It is maybe 9am Aussie time and I am awake, not that tired, with very little to do in this flight as I went for the lost budget option (still pretty expenny). You have to pay 11 bucks for films, Ye right. Go do one scoot airlines. Urgh, absolute scandal for a 7 hour flight. No worries however. Gives me ample time to write an absolute Goliath of a blog post. Okay seriously guys stop cheering. It's distracting me and my brain flow you have to pay for food and entertainment. Not good. However, the there are two upsides to this flight with nothing to do, firstly it allows me to blog blog blog and the other upside of this prehistoric flight comfort is that it gives me a chance to register to Stephen Hawkins "a  brief history of time", what a bangin audiobook. Well bloody confusing but I feel cleverer listening to it. Although in the last nine months I have forgotten the vast, vast majority of it. All the better it's like a new book. I'm now not that excited however about my connecting flight to Berlin. 14 hours. 13 hours of no films, just sleep, urgh lame. I may find some more wee audiobooks. I'll tell you what, I may get the game Of thrones ones. They'd be immense, especially as I'm now a proper game of thrones loser (read loser as legend/fanatic).
This is what I mean, I have so much time to ramble this piece is gonna drag. Oo I have an idea. As I didn't have this blog for the majority of the trip should I go back and wrote posts for them? Hmmmm, that does kinda defeat the point of the blog though. I don't think I'll do that. the other nagging question is whether I carry on the blog for the next 3 months as I galavant around Europe. I think I should. You're welcome guys. I love you all too. Also sick that I'm using my British passport to its full extent before we F off out of Europe as part of brexit. Wooo freedom of movement. Cosmopolitan ideals, something we should probs all strive for as much as possible. However, I do think we probs made the right decision leaving the EU as most people who have spoken to me about it will know. This post is not about my political views however. Otherwise it would not be called holidaying. Maybe something like #Jezza4PM would be a better name for it if I were to become a political blogger slash activist. But I digress.
So as many of you may have gauged from speaking to me, reading this blog or merely by observing my Facebook presence. I have had an immense time. Even though my article about the ups and downs of travelling may have seemed a bit depressing, I can safely say the last ten months, yes that ten months, a long time, have been smashing. I am currently conflicted, in poor stylistic technique I have embarked upon this post without a plan. And now I am at a crossroads. Do I continue chronologically or thematically? I think I will stay true to convincing writing styles and go thematically. Let's push the boat out he he. Ok ok ok so I'll start with my hostels. I believe I do want to talk about them a little bit first.  To start, I have been in lots. Off the top of my head in Sydney alone I was in 7 separate hostels. Many for a week as I was forced to move because of the price increase, my bed being sold, being chucked out etc. But 3 main ones. Firstly, hump. What to say about this place. A mad house, a good outside smoking area, a room that stays open all night and a lot of sound people who I've seen since leaving Sydney too. One jack gawthorpe, I've seen in four separate places (who's stalking who...). My month or so there was heavy. There was always something going on, I have very fond memories. Secondly, dury house. As described by James, my friend who I took there one night: "that was literally a crack den". Yes James, but it was our crack den. With the roof that never closed and the never ending session, there was always something going on, whether it be 11am on a Sunday morning or 4am on a Friday night. And again some belter people, who again I've seen down the east coast. Thirdly, finally, and ultimately we had the palms. What a place. What a time. November-December 2017. The palms glory days. Clean hostel, nice kitchen, comfy beds, sound people, like a giant sharehouse it had the intimate feel that you knew everyone but was big enough to still be lots of fun. The palms massive made my first xmas away from home so fun and so comforting. Never forget. Loved everyone there, except dan obvs, I hate dan. Everyone else though, I love you. And the hostel. I'll give a quick shout out to bev and micks in Melbourne. Small, intimate, cosy and friendly. Not that exciting or fun but enjoyable for my three weeks. Plus it was the cheapest place around. However, barossa backpackers. Dirty, smelly, small, tiny kitchen, leaky fridges, small room, had to pay for wifi and in the middle of nowhere. Pretty crap hostel tbh. But as I was there for some time, working with and living with everyone. I had an unreal time. Even working in a potato factory. So much fun cause you're constantly with you're mates and chilling, I won't forget those few months in barossa. The hostels down the east coast were nice. Big and nice but with my motivation waiting and the fact that I was staying at each place for a few days I didn't really form much of a bond with many of them. The hostel is key to your experience. Regardless how long you are in a place for but especially if it's for the long term. And overall I think I did well with a only a few mistakes.
Work. Ok so work never went quite as I'd hoped before I came out to Australia. Maybe I was naive, maybe I just wasn't made for call centres. My one regret actually was not going in to construction in Sydney, making lots of money, doing easy work and finishing at 3:30 each day. I then could have done it all over oz as I'd have had experience and wouldn't have had to do some of my crap jobs. We live and learn, one of my bigger regrets I'd say. No hassle though, all has worked out well and I haven't been too low on money. But yes call centres and cold calling, not the job for me. Neither as it turns out is face to face fundraising. What I have learnt though is that there is no worse job than those and I now have sympathy for those doing it, I have the knowledge that I will never work in a job like that again and it has now given me a great  appreciation of any job that isn't that. Which was one reason I think I enjoyed the potatoes so much. Mainly because it was so easy and so much less depressing than my other jobs. Everyone constantly complained, I just smiled and said it could be worse. People said the job would break me. It never did. Smashing job, smashing people, smashing time. The worst of all these jobs though was the charity fundraising, I knew it would be but I just wanted 2-3 weeks work and it paid well. I lasted 1 week. Never again. The best job. Easy. Grape picking and wine making. It was so sick. I got a lot of hours, lots of free wine and food and learnt to make wine in the sun. Dream job. I even have a wine named after me, I'm gonna get a case delivered home of the 2018 vintage GSM lol. But that's enough about work after all it is a work holiday visa.
This part will be harder to split up do I discuss  specific experiences? Or parts of the journey. Oo I have an idea. Animals. I have devoted a few pieces to various animals but I haven't spoken about all of them. There are two that I will leave out though as they deserve their own piece. Australia, famous for its diverse and unique wildlife and I think I've done well in seeing a lot of it. And I got selfies with lots of them. Firstly I have fed and patted wild kangaroos and wallabies. So cute, they love carrots btw, not apples so much. One of the wallabies even had a tiny Joey in its pouch. Too much for my heart. They're great I loved em both. Then came the quokka. As many of you may have seen by my  Valentine's Day post devoted to this one. They are like giant rodents. Although they're not giant, and they're actually cute. I dunno how to describe them actually just look at my photo, well adorable. I will now move on to the dangerous segment of the list of animals, cause, as we all know, that's what oz is most famous for. Firstly, the red back spider, v venomous. Hannah (friend not sister) almost died as she entered his layer/graveyard and only just escaped with her life. I have also seen three wild snakes, woohoo. That was a real target. The python in the kitchen and the two cuties slithering across the path in Lichfield national park and the twelve (4) apostles. Now. The personal favourite. The crocs. There have been lots of crocs, none completely in the wild without a tour guide sadly, but the jumping crocs were wild and were damn sick. I even have a croc tooth necklace (sorry axel, Brutus and dominator). The one animal conspicuous by its absence I haven't seen though, sadly, a shark. Waaaaa I should have gone shark cage diving, ah it was too expensive anyway. I think I'll carry on with my sea critters vibe now for a few more. Next was the manta. MANTA MANTA MANTA. I saw lots in Indonesia but another at whitsundays. So big, graceful and noble. I love them, as everyone does, they're god personified in an animal I reckon.  I would like to be a manta ray. Next up dolphins. Not many and both times I saw them from a cliff. Not overly exciting mainly because I have been spoilt in the past both in cornwall And in the SAN blas when they swam with our boat, so very nice. My final sea dweller. Whales. Lots of humpbacks as I said in my Fraser Island piece. They are awesome, so big and majestic and loving. I would also like to be a whale. Sue me. I saw lots of camels too, they're funny I like camels teehee and dingos, they're so cute, not scary. I would like to chat to a dingo and befriend him. I love dingos. I think however, my proudest find and subsequent selfie was with the koalas. We found 8 on magnetic island. One barely 8 foot away. Perfect for a selfie. And I snapped it yay. They're such chillers too, I love koalas. I love animals actually. I also miss Rolland, I love you too Rolland!!!
So as to stop myself writing another dissertation I may make this the final para. And I'm going to try and be concise. My favourite moments. I won't describe them much but merely mention them. There's a variety of reasons why a moment could have been so great. Maybe where I was, what I was doing, who I was with. Who knows? Maybe I just felt at peace and the world felt right for a moment. Deep. And I'm not talking about every moment I sat down with a full box of goon. Ok ok seriously. The hump boat party. Both 1 and 2. Unreal, a boat party in the Sydney harbour, beers, mates, opera house, swimming, tunes, I won't ever forget those two days. My first moment seeing the extent of the blue mountains at the end of the garden of the nbb Jill and Richard had so kindly rented for us. A little ten minute walk and you were on the edge of the crator with the blue trees stretching out, I reckon I spent a couple of hours just sat there over the three days, peaceful. Sash, pretty much every sash, but one in particular when I'm pretty sure everyone I knew in Sydney was there. It was sunny and we boogied. I was having so much fun several separate people came and asked me if I sold drugs cause I was so deliriously happy. Oo also the sash it rained that was unreal, dancing in the rain with the boys, never forget. Two more from Sydney. The beach party, amazing. One of the best, if not the best day of my life. Music and goon on the beach, swimming as the sun set over the harbour bridge, so wicked. And finally xmas day. Singing for the Aussie prime minister with a broken voice having lost it the night before was something I will NEVER ever forget especially as I have the video of it all ahahahaha. We move on to mine and Hannis road trip. My first thought. The pinnacles. The pinnacles were sick, so random just a load of pointy rocks in the ground. I doubt two people have ever been so excited in one place. So funny. Also actually hannah, all of our carpool karaokes. They made your company bearable. Completing the 8km hike in kalbari was also a good moment as it was 30+ degrees and we had about two litres of water between us, stupid English. But we did it, I'm proud. Finally hanni, 100% when we chilled with Roos in morriset park for hours after Jill and richard basically laughed us down for going, v funny. A good afternoon. Days of our lives festival. Awesome, what a send off from Sydney. Dury house you did yourselves and me proud, cheers for convincing me to go xoxoxo. The whole outback trip was awesome, if I picked a few moments though... I reckon the first proper big fire was a great moment, and sorting out the car light that we couldn't turn off meaning we didn't have to take the fuse out every time we stopped the car, sheer happiness. Also getting in to alice springs. This may seem weird but I cannot explain how touchy everyone was, we needed food, civilisation, electricity, a shower and some goon. We got all of the above and spirits were restored. Also the natural springs were amazing. So beautiful, completely free and refreshing. Darwin, croc diving, easy, it was unreal. Spotting the koalas on magnetic island obvs was memorable. I want to pick some moments from Fraser but it was all so fun. If I had to pick a few though, I'd say the horse racing on the second night united everyone, we were all so into it and the crumbed sausage obvs haha. I have missed things out but when I look back on oz these are the things I feel stand out as specific moments but like I've said before travelling isn't just about the moments (sorry Alina) but the whole experience, what you feel and who you meet.
What a holiday. I am content with my time in oz. if I came back I'd change things but I'm happy just the way they went. It's been sick. Stay posted I have one more oz piece before we move to EUROPE yahoooooooo. This piece has literally killed at least two hours of my flight maybe even three. I have been very engrossed aha. But back to mr hawking for me. G.
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