#should i do that digitally? probably. am i gonna write it all in my bullet journal tho? yeahh
bootlegfrank · 5 months
Okay so that au just took over my brain and it's six fucking thirty am and now I gotta get myself to sleep shdjddk
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meretrifles · 9 months
Public Library of Ruina - Yesod
I still dither a little about Yesod. He's either Information Technology, Information Services, or both. Both feels a little self-indulgent, but it's kind of what I want.
Information Technology is basically regular IT-- have you tried turning it off and back on again. The library doesn't add a huge amount to that-- more databases, a website, shitty civic budget, unpredictable public users. You're gonna replace a lot of keyboards. (You should probably take the ones where people rearranged the keys into swear words out of service. Or at least fix them first.)
Information Services is, at this point, extroverted IT. Back in the day, this was the department that specialized in "reference" questions-- the weird stuff. People would ask librarians for all sorts of weird facts in the pre-google days. It does still happen, but less and less every year as search engines become ubiquitous and the people who remember that was a thing slowly die off. Still, reference will never completely die. People are always going to come to libraries with weird questions; that's kind of the point.
So why am I calling it extroverted IT? Because that's the primary function. There's the fairly obvious part-- people sometimes need help searching the catalogue or reading e-books. But here's the less obvious part. Myrtle has a new laptop, but she's not sure how to do anything with it and her kids all live hours away. Who's she going to call? Who can help people learn how to use technology? Without many other options, the answer frequently is-- the library.
Think everyone has a cell phone? Ask a public librarian. We know there are still plenty of people without a phone or with a secondhand POS with no sim card. Curious what happens if someone can't remember their gmail password? If you're prepared to deal with a post-traumatic response, ask a public librarian. Have you ever tried to help someone with no available cell phone recover their google account? It would probably save a lot of time if we could just tell them at the start they're SOL. But maybe they can remember the password, and technically there's a reset function that might work in a few days if you're approved.... Fun times when you're dealing with an upset person who can barely type on a good day and has just lost a ton of personally valuable and literally valuable information, probably forever. Think 2-factor authentication is great? It sure is, if you have a second factor. We have a list of free email sites that don't require you to already have an email address or a cell phone. It's hella short. And we took one off cause it was too Russian. Protonmail is a good bet if you can remember passwords. Which is a significant if. Some people just can't. Which is OK if you can save them on your computer. Oh, you don't have one and you have to use public devices all the time? Well, write it down and hope it doesn't get stolen and that you can remember which one is which. (Have you already guessed that sometimes people ask librarians to remember their passwords for them?)
In short, the library also serves as a public IT department, for services and devices it has zero control over.
Whether he's internal or public IT support, Yesod is also going to snap. Though, he will also have access to an abnormality that can affect people outside the library, which is a nontrivial perk. He will use it exclusively on vendors. I am hoping some of his bullets bend space and time to successfully hit whatever asshats decided it was OK to build the entire backbone of library ebook lending on Adobe Fucking Digital Editions, an old ass program with literally zero support. It would seem impossible for them to still be shackled to it in the City, but it also seems impossible that we're still shackled to it now, so I'm pretty sure the ultimate capitalist dystopia couldn't let it die.
Hmm? My specialty? I'm a reference librarian. Why do you ask?
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eyesfixedonthesun22 · 3 years
You Oughta Know
Summary: Bucky helps you get over a breakup. Pairing: Bucky x Female Reader Warning(s): Smut 18+, Public Sex, Revenge Acts, Cheating (just mentioned, acts not by main characters) Word Count: 1,629 Beta Reader: @supersoldiersruined-me​ Notes: The petty level of reader and Bucky is fun to write about as fiction but like...don’t actually do this. It’s all inspired by the song You Oughta Know by Alanis Morissette.
“I see you started without me, killer.”
There’s a quick clink as the metal from his hand collides with the bottle of bourbon he’s snatched out from under you. Bucky slides into the stool next to you.
“Don’t take this the wrong way but you look like shit. Not the hot, probably leads a rugged lifestyle as a secret assassin, looks like shit, but the real looks like shit.”
“So I look like shit?”
“Yes!” he says, matching your mock sarcasm after taking a pull directly off the bottle.
“One, fuck you. Two, I’m also living that rugged secret assassin lifestyle just like you. Three,  I have a reason to look like shit.”
“You didn’t have a mission. You and Nat don’t go back out East for another month.” He flags the bartender down. “Whatever your largest plate of tater tots is, can you double that and smother it in cheese and bacon? Think tater tot poutine and you’re on the right track. I’m willing to pay, my good man.”
On any other day you’d tease him. The bartenders here had gotten pretty used to Bucky’s odd requests and the both of you blowing off mission steam at the karaoke stage. Instead of playfully ribbing your best friend, you lay on the bar and a single long sob tears through you.
“What the fuck!?” While the words were anything but, his tone is tender and concerned. “Sweetheart, what the hell is going on. I’ve seen you cry less when you’ve taken a bullet to the leg.”
“Tom broke up with me.”
You pry your head up from the bar sticky from years of ethanol sugar spills and lord knows what else to study his face. All things considered, he keeps control. It didn’t take any of your deductive skills to know that Bucky (and the entire team) had despised the man. That should have been your first clue.
“There was another woman.”
The next couple pulls from the bottle burn a bit less and have you feeling the type of mellow you’d sought when you’d texted Bucky for a night out. Your good feeling is interrupted by him plopping what looks to be at least six different guns on the bar, eight knives, and perhaps two frag grenades.
“Where’s his apartment, doll. I’ll be ready in two.”
“Dude, what the fuck!” The plate full of cheesy potatoes nearly slides off the bar as the bartender stares wide eyed at Bucky’s splayed arsenal. “We’ve talked about this, man.”
“Special circumstances, my friend. Slide me the ketchup, please.” You study your friend with a raised brow while he continues to appraise his ammo levels and take stock. “I’ll be ready in five. I didn’t account for the poutine.”
You’d managed, with great difficulty, to talk Bucky down from murder as he shoveled the poutine in his face.
“He can’t just get away with treating you like this?!”
You shrug a shoulder before waiving for another drink. You knew Bucky was right. Tom shouldn’t get to treat you like this. You’d been nothing but a supportive partner to him. He’s the one who has a laundry list of issues.
Your fingers play with the delicate blade of one of Bucky’s knives still strewn about the bartop; flipping it expertly through your favorite routine.
You’re unsure who can claim credit for dissuading Bucky from murdering Tom. It was likely a healthy mix of a carb coma, the two bottles of whiskey he’d knocked back himself (no doubt spiked with something Asguardian, and the unyielding pull towards the karaoke stage. Regardless, the night of laughter and drinks with your best friend seemed to be exactly what you needed to take your mind off things. You nearly threw a tantrum when you heard the bartender yell last call.
“Let’s go home and keep this party going, darling?”
“You read my mind, Buck.”
In traditional drunk fashion, the two of you get sidetracked stumbling and giggling on your way back to the compound. You’re certainly not alone on the ever busy city streets, but then again Bucky had a way of making you feel better than you thought possible.
“Hold on!” you slur mildly. “I’m gonna call that motherfucker and give him a piece of my mind.”
Normally Bucky would have been the voice of reason but he too was firmly intoxicated and more than willing to cuss your ex out. Without hesitation he smooshes himself behind you into the phonebooth you had already jumped into.
“Hey Tom, ya fuckface. I want you to know that I am happy for you, I wish nothing but the best for you both. Looks like you finally have someone who deserves you...another piece of shit human. I saw her picture, Tom. Do you not realize she’s just an older version of me. Does she speak eloquently? What the fuck did she do that I-”
The line clicks open and you freeze.
“Hello?” Tom asks into the phone. Bucky can see the pure terror in your eyes, slicing through the drunken bold stupor. “How are you doing?”
Your throat feels as though someone made you swallow sandpaper. You were ready to rant to an answering machine, but somehow hearing his voice made you feel stone cold sober. Before you can formulate a complete thought, the phone is yanked from your hands.
“You don’t get to ask how she’s doing. 'Cause the love that she gave, that you two made wasn't enough for you. And every time you speak her name I hope you’re filled with a feeling of immense regret because you’re never getting her back.”
“Oh please, like I want that heartless bitch back.”
“I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left when you went away. It's not fair to deny her of the cross she bears. YOU gave it to her. You oughta know.”
You’re hungover. The movie theater in the compound is a welcome refuge of darkness and quiet. So much so that by the second scene you’re softly snoring away in the seat next to Bucky.
He shimmys (not without difficulty) onto the floor in front of you on his knees and begins to pull the soft sweatpants down from the curve of your hips. So engrossed in his work he doesn’t notice your eyes flutter open until the cold steel of your glock is against his temple.
“What the fuck are you doing, Barnes?!”
“We talked about this, doll! Last night.” His limbs are perfectly still, hands resting on the soft warm skin in the small of your back.
You struggle to think back to the fuzzy details of last night after the horrific events in the phone booth. Bucky had held you close as you sobbed once more on the walk back home. You’d collapsed into bed without regard to your usual routine. You vaguely remembered Bucky saying “Don’t ya know babe, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new.”
“Honestly I just need someone to eat me out like it’s their last meal on earth.”
The entire exchange had made you snort laugh just before dozing off.
“I remember. You said someone should do this for me.”
“I’m a someone.” Only the sounds of the movie play in the background otherwise he could swear he would be able to hear you think. He risks a glance at your face and there is the expression he’d been waiting for. Pleading. Curiosity. Permission. “I want to do this for you. You deserve it, sweetheart.”
With the gun no longer aimed, but rather scraping against his scalp while your hands fumble, he dives into the uncharted water with his best friend. He knows your stubborn resignation refuses to let you just drop the weapon all together. You need to think that you’re not one hundred percent as curious as he is. Inching your pants and panties the rest of the way down, he kisses each new inch of exposed skin.
You clench your nondominant hand in his hair, dominant hand still holding the glock. The occasional tap of the cool metal against Bucky’s skin should annoy him, piss him off, make him stop or tell you to set it down but he doesn't. It makes him laugh somewhere deep down that his best friend and secret agent is getting devoured in a movie theatre and can’t form a complete enough thought to set down her weapon. The other part of him is straining against his jeans knowing that at any moment you can kick his ass and press that back up against his temple. Your strength has always terrified him and turned him on a little and he would never want it any different.
You feel as though someone has turned you inside out and every nerve ending is exposed and vulnerable. Your brain is no longer focused on the terrifying fact that your best friend is seeing you on display. Instead all you can feel are the sparks of pleasure from each lick, suck, and swirl. When he enters two digits deep and presses steady rhythmic pressure you explode. It’s a good thing the theatre was empty besides the two of you. There was no way you would have been able to stifle the deep primal sounds escaping from your lips.
You throw your arms off to the side as you recover. “Holy fuck, Barnes.”
“Told you.”
“Yeah but if anyone finds out, I’ll actually have to use this on you,” you gesture to your gun still hanging limply in your hand.
Taking advantage of your still jelly-boned state, Bucky easily disarms you. With a devilish grin and chuckle he drags the gun down your still exposed core making you shudder. “You sure about that, doll?”
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mooswords · 3 years
Know him when you see him
Pairing: miya atsumu x reader
Word count: 1.5k
Tags: spy au, atsumu is attractive and he knows it
Ramblings: this was meant to be a short piece to practice writing metaphores and then somehow it ended up a full fic? and i lowkey love it? oops
They don’t realize how much of an art it is - concealing the everything of what you are and becoming something, someone completely new. 
You can paint over an image a hundred times, but the original will always poke through. Somehow, somewhere, if you don’t handle yourself with care, chips of vermillion and kohl will fall away to reveal the canvas underneath. 
And the only way to stop your carefully crafted picture from fading is to add more layers, so you thicken the colour of your accent, add an extra layer of velvet under your words, spread a bright shade of allure onto your lips. Because to walk into the White Eagle anything less than a perfectly crafted masterpiece is asking for trouble.
Not to say you weren’t looking for a specific kind of trouble tonight.
(“Oh, you’ll know him when you see him,” Osamu said, lazy eyes glinting with amusement. You had turned to eye Kita, questioning if you really had to take vague orders from the cook of all people.
He has the decency to look apologetic. “Standard protocol for contacting deep cover agents. You know we can’t give you a specific description.”)
The bar is hazy; lavish and warm, the very picture of elegance. Sharply dressed people duck into curtained alcoves, ice clinks in nursed drinks. The woman in the corner of the room curls around a microphone, her low crooning innocently covering the casual threats slipped between wisps of smoke. Someday you'll come back for the blood money being exchanged under the table, but tonight you start your search where every good mission starts. 
The ashy haired bartender leans across the bar towards you, resting casually on his elbows. “What’s your poison, sweetheart?”
“Hmmm...” You tuck a carefully manicured hand under your chin. “Something sweet tonight, I think.”
It’s strange, watching this lethal man pour your drink with such delicate care. Idly, you wonder if his work with a sniper rifle is just as captivating. There is a hint of flair in his fluid movements that is entrancing, a performance you can well appreciate. Your own art is similar, a careful dance between too many bold strokes and too little detail - adding enough colour to leave an impression, to draw the eye, but never letting yourself come too sharply into focus. 
When he sets the glass on the bar, you create a tantalizing moment of brushing fingers, dusting rose pink over your cheeks. He grins across at you, and you swivel on the stool before he gets too close.
Quietly, you survey the gallery of men laid before you. There’s a solemn man in the corner, his dark quietness offset by the bright splash next to him who lounges with feet propped on a lacquered table; a quiet, dispassionate-looking boy with a fresh scar tearing through his face and hair hanging over his eyes. All eye-catching for sure, but they don’t quite fit the description. And the-
Your eyes meet across the smoky room and oh, this is what they meant by you’ll know him when you see him. You had expected trouble. You hadn’t prepared for bleach-blond hair and a lazy, all too familiar glint in all too familiar eyes.
He meanders over, brazenly eyeing you up and down. You entered tonight with a full coat of armour, but you can feel his raking gaze stripping the paint back, layer by layer.
A hand is presented to you. Arching an eyebrow, all you offer him in return is an amused look.
“C’mon.” His grin is roguish. “What’s the point of lookin’ that good if you can’t be shown off?”
(The true masters know how to blur the line between realism and fantasy; you wonder how many layers deep he had to thicken that smile to make it bleed such confidence. You wonder if he even remembers what his canvas looks like, untouched by false colour.)
“And what makes you think you’re the right person to do so?” You ask coyly, even as you slip your hand into his.
He winks. “Takes one to know one, sweetheart.”
The dance floor is empty as you sculpt yourself against him, following the line of his shoulder a shade tighter than you may have otherwise. Draping an arm around his shoulders, you sweep a soft exhale across the juncture of his neck; just to see what he’ll do. 
The arm on your waist tightens, and you smother your smile into his chest.
“Careful, doll. I might think you’re only here for my good looks.” 
“Perhaps I am.” Carefully, you lay the first stroke of ink that only he should recognise. “Though, I have to admit - I’m not sure about the blonde.”
“What you got against my hair, huh?”
“Not really your colour,” you tell him, streaking a dusky look up at him through your lashes. “Dye your hair grey and maybe we can talk.” 
He returns the look, a hint of reproach and his own shade of intelligence mixed in. “Ahh, and here I was thinking you were a woman of taste.”
“Now, correct me if I’m wrong,” you ask in mock-reproach, tapping a finger against his shoulder, “but it's the other one that knows about taste, right?” 
You both take a moment to inspect the recognition, checking the authenticity of the piece before you. There’s mutual acknowledgement in the press of your cheek against his dark suit, in the squeeze of his hand around yours as he dips his head next to yours.
Enamoured as you are by the graze of lips against your ear, you almost miss the first number he murmurs. But you are a professional, so you brush black over the sensation and print the digits into your memory. If you were to hazard a guess, they’re probably coordinates and a time, but Kita never specified and you never asked. 
Really, you’re more intrigued by the man in front of you. He’s a mess of clashing colours seamlessly blended into a living sculpture of sly charm and sharp eyes. A different breed to the Shiratorizawa strength to be sure, but he weaves his contrast in among them like his organic nature has always matched with their regimented style. 
And then, cold against your back, the barrel of a gun. 
“Turn around. Slowly,” the measured voice behind you instructs.
His eyes are wiped spotless in a heartbeat, a perfectly depicted image of shock. A little too perfect if you were going to be critical, but you have a feeling that’s his style - perfection that demands to be admired.
His eyes duck down, barely a flicker, and you almost laugh. It’s cute that he thinks you needed a hint to where his gun is, like you didn’t know the moment you laid hands on him.
All it takes is one clean movement to rip away your carefully crafted layers of guile. You sweep the gun from inside his jacket and whirl around with it pressed to his head. He stiffens against you, and you wonder if he really is surprised this time or just playing the part.
“No-one move,” you tell the room cooly.
“What makes you think he can get you out of here alive?” Mr dark-and-quiet asks.
“Well, you haven’t shot me yet,” you drawl, beginning to back away towards the door with him still pressed into your arms. “So I’m just gonna assume he isn’t disposable.”
You leave a trail of narrowed eyes and pressed lips in your wake. The red head looks especially antsy, you note with a touch of satisfaction, though at this point it doesn't seem like you're going to live to tell the tale. 
You are all too aware that your control of the room is fraying at the edges, unravelling with every move you make in their sights. There is a certain thrill that comes in these moments, in finding a way to twist the loose ends back into an advantage, but-
A bullet zips past your cheek. 
-rope burn is always an occupational hazard.
The room shatters, and you dive out the door with a snap of silk skirts. He is right there by you, pulling you up by the elbow as the night explodes with revving cars and blinding sparks that skitter across black tar.
You can't find it in yourself to be too disappointed. You may be a master of your performance, a flawlessly choreographed ballet, but you can't deny that improvising is so much more fun. The addition of him - cut from the same cloth as you were, the same medium just in a different colour - only expands your canvas of possibilities. 
"What’s the plan?” he calls, nothing more than a blur in your periphery as you streak along the street. His gold frame may be gone, unnecessary now the audience refuses to be blinded by his glitter, but you admire how he still moves in the same perfect lines.
“Don’t know yet," you yell back. He scoffs, and you flick him a grin drenched in adrenaline. 
"Don't worry, sweetheart" you tell him, watching your glee splatter against his unconvinced look. "I’ll know it when I see it."
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takadasaiko · 3 years
Job First, Dinner Later (a Phoenix Initiative short)
He hated guns. He hated the weight of them in his hand, the jarring sensation as the hammer pulled back to kick the firing pin forward to send the bullet flying through the barrel. The loud CRACK as it exited, speeding towards the target. It was always towards the target.  Muscle memory, even in the chaos, was as strong of a weapon as anything else.
In that moment the world froze around him. Silent, save for the shout of pain when it made impact.
Because it almost always made impact.
Except when it didn't.
He hated guns, but he hated being shot at even more.
Lucas dove to his right, barely missing the onslaught of return fire. He flipped a table as he moved, using it to duck behind, back braced and neck bent. It was nice to live in the moment and all, but he really needed to learn how to take himself out of it in the middle of a firefight.
Or keep himself out of a firefight. Yeah. That was probably the safer option.
"All we want is Martinez," one of the shooters - probably the one he'd been aiming for and missed. Figured. - called out and Lucas squeezed his eyes shut tightly, pulling his screaming thoughts under control. He was good under pressure. He was even good in a fight, given just the right set of circumstances. He just needed to stall them.
"Allie?" he called back, the name rolling off his tongue as a serious question. "I mean, she's a helluva bookie, but she's really picky about new clients and --" Another bullet pinged off the overturned table and his mouth snapped shut.
"Alejandro Martinez, turned State against his brothers."
"If by brothers you mean the super violent gang he was recruited into at twelve years old, I'm gonna step out on a limb and say he's taken a different direction in life." Shuffling caught his attention and he listened carefully. Okay. He thought he knew where they were. "And maybe you should too," he offered the unsolicited advice as he pivoted, still crouched low to the ground, around the table and took aim at....
An empty room. This just wasn't his day.
Lucas loosed a long sigh as he felt the barrel of a gun press against the back of his head. "I'd ask you how you keep your steps so quiet, but...."
"Not gonna matter long," the voice behind him growled.
"You know my team has this place surrounded, right?" Lucas asked, frozen where he was with the gun pointed uselessly in front of him.
"Your team ain't been anywhere near here, only you. Gun down."
He hated when they called his bluffs. If asked, he considered himself a talented bluffer. Most days, at least. Apparently not today. Lucas laid his weapon down and raised his hands slowly. Deliberately. Not that it was going to do a damn bit of good. He was a dead man as soon as he'd missed the shot.
Well, he'd been a dead man more than once.
He swore he felt it before the action unfolded. A wisp of air,  a spark of energy. She'd have told him he was absurd, but she always knew how to make an entrance. Silent, undetected until the very last moment, and that's exactly it. He knew she was going to save him before the man behind him had even pulled the hammer back.
The pressure at the back of his head was the first to go, relieved instantly and followed by a yelp of surprise. Even facing the other way, Lucas could practically see her hauling his attacker back and off his feet, using surprise and strength in tandem to fling him back, grabbing his weapon in mid-flight and wrenching it from his grasp. Lucas turned, feeling his mouth drop open without permission as he watched her straighten over the downed thug - Marcus Henry, he recognized now  that he could see him - that had been ready to decorate the warehouse floor with brain matter. His, to be exact. Not preferable.
Henry shuffled back, shocked by the shift in power. Instead of staring down at the lanky brains-behind-the-operation with a gun to his head, he found himself staring up at Sam Henderson. Tall and lean, all muscle and intentional strength, her dark eyes bore into him. "Hi there," she greeted, her words casual and her voice sharp as a knife. "You might want to tell your boys to drop their guns.”
Lucas whipped back, finding two of Henry’s followers staring wide-eyed. One started to raise his weapon but, with barely a glance, Sam leveled her stolen gun in her left hand and the would-be attacker was dead before he hit the ground. His partner set his own gun on the concrete floor and backpedaled towards the exit.
Sam let him, her focus returning to Henry. “Do you know who I am?"
"No," Henry managed and Lucas was relatively sure that this man - whose kill number was well into the double digits - was ready to piss himself from the look on his face.  He'd been on the other end of one of Sam's looks before. Usually when he was late for a dinner that she had made it on time for.
"I'm with the Surripere Coalition."
Real fear fell over him. "I don't know what he has to do with --"
Shit. Again. Shit.
"He has nothing to do with this," Sam answered, and in one swift, unplanned  move she twisted, leveled her gun at him, and took the shot.
The bullet clipped his left shoulder hard enough that Lucas felt it bite through vest and dress shirt and down to scrape across skin.  He yelped loudly as he turned with the  momentum and let himself fall facedown against the floor. The filthy, disgusting floor. She owed him big time for this.
"But my boss would like a word with you about guns you stole last month," Sam finished.
"Why?" Henry managed, fear saturating the short question.
"Because you thought you were stealing them from the LAPD, but you were stealing them from us," Sam answered. There was a pause, as if she were giving him a moment to mull it over, before Lucas heard a loud THUMP and what he was 99.9% sure was a body hitting the floor behind him.
A foot nudged him. "You're good, drama king."
He cracked an eye open and rolled over to meet her gaze. "You shot me."
"I clipped you." Sam reached down to offer him a hand up, which he took. "Martinez safe?"
"On his way out of the country. I got my snitch whisked away to a new life and you got -" his gaze flickered to the unconscious man -  "your gangbanger enforcer."
"He's a means to the end. You gonna tell me you've never rescued someone that didn't deserve it?"
"Can't win 'em all."
A small, amused sort of smile quirked her lips up at the corners. "Sure we can." She reached forward, her fingers latching around his vest and dragging him to her where he found his lips pressed to hers. He melted there, arms easing around her waist as he leaned into the kiss. He could feel the chaos of the gunfight slip away and, just for just a moment, there was only this. Only them.
"Maybe we can," he murmured as they broke, green eyes meeting dark brown.
"We will," she promised and tipped up, a quick and playful second kiss against his lips signaling  that  it was time to go.
Lucas' eyes drifted closed, despite himself, savoring the brief moment. When he opened them again she was gathering up her bounty. "I'm thinking Italian for dinner."
"Job first, dinner later," she breathed.
A huff of a sigh met him. "Sure." A pause and the barest of smiles that anyone else would have missed. "Have I mentioned I love you?"
"I'm gonna guess it's the reason you married me."
"As good as your cooking is, that's not the reason." She offered him a wink and then was gone, leaving Lucas alone in the warehouse.
His cell phone rang and he picked it up.
"Boss, we've got Martinez. You good?"
"Golden. Fill him in. I'll see you in a few."
He ended the call, his gaze shifting to the door Sam had left through and winced at the gash along his shoulder.  Okay. Right. Jobs first, dinner later. That's the way they worked.
Notes: I don’t tend to write prose for my original work very often anymore. These two are leads in a pilot project of mine and, when I had an exceptionally rough night a couple of nights ago, this is what happened. I love my battle couple.
If anyone’s at all interested, I love chattering about then. Happy to take any questions if you have them.
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cockbiteproductions · 4 years
multiples of 8, except in the misc section. all even numbers for the misc section
200: My crush’s name is: well well well this question again. you’re not getting anything out of me!!! they fucking use this website!!!
192: I am allergic to: nothing. but i found out like yesterday not everyone gets dermatographia and im kinda annoyed. what do you mean your skin doesnt get red and puffy the moment you touch it......
184: Xbox or ps3: xbox solely because of ah
176: Last YouTube video watched: my watch history says this, which is a scene from a show called billions. this scene in particular is about my favorite character asking about their introduction scene with their former mentor figure that they quickly outranked and asking why they were picked for the internship that lead them down this [entire shitpath].
168: Luck: [long sigh]. [puts on clown makeup].
[obi wan voice] im my experience there’s no such thing as luck. 
[rian voice] luck? there’s probability plausibility and actuality. luck is superstition. luck is lazy math. [winston voice] that’s what i always say.
160: Soul mates: again souls arent real..... nor do i believe that people are “meant for each other” on any sort of cosmic/larger level. you are more compatible with people based on your upbringing and your interests and your values and those are adaptable over time though some people are so different that they will never get along and other people match/complement each other incredibly well.
152: Phone or Online: lmaoooo this questionnaire once again showing its age. throwback to when these things weren’t synonymous. online for sure. what am i gonna do with a phone? talk to someone with my fucking voice? i think not.
144: Oranges or Apples: to eat by themselves? probably apples since they are easier and less of a mess. and apples are more consistently better than oranges. oranges, it’s easy to get a batch that just sucks. juiced? probably orange. i love me some fuckin orange juice. but i like apple cider more than orange juice.
136: Hillary or Obama: lmaoooo again.. the age of this. 2008 or 2012. going to guess 2008. obama but not like. enthusiastically. while he was certainly better than [what we got going on now] he still bombed the hell outta some countries......
128: Manicure or Pedicure: ive never had either but i would probably be more comfortable with a manicure. people touching my feet would make me ticklish.
120: Gay Marriage: the only type that should be allowed. sorry straights youre no longer allowed to get married. /s obviously.
112: Facebook: oh BOY are you fucking ready. are you???? im starting the readmore NOW because this is going to be something. i doubt anyone except robots maybe will actually read my deranged pro-privacy anti-facebook/social media/surveillance rant but im angry every time i think about it and if i were a more important person than a rando on the internet with a keyboard im sure facebook would hire someone to kill me one day.
but before that, they need to pay some goddamn fucking taxes. they are profiting off the data of billions of people and getting away with paying SO LITTLE back. 
you ever hear about deepface? no this is not the beginning of a prequel meme. deepface is facebook’s facial recognition technology and facial recognition is fucking terrifying. that shit is as good as humans at facial recognition at this point. does that not scare you? that a bunch of computers can figure out if this photo contains you or not? it’s one thing if humans recognize each other, but another thing when computers who can process data almost infinitely faster than humans can are able to do it. the scale and speed at which these fucking nightmares operates is hard for us to imagine and so we are all not scared enough of what they can do. this kind of technology is so deeply privacy violating it’s hard for me to stress it enough. every image of you ever uploaded on the internet could possibly be put through facial recognition tech. and with the fact that there are cameras literally everywhere at all times now at this point it’s so fucking possible that if desired, someone could find out where you are at all times. and that gets SO scary when used by governments. are you comfortable with your government knowing where YOU are at all times? yes? what about if tomorrow your government is overthrown by a group of radicals you completely disagree with? you still comfortable with that? facial recognition is kind of a fucking pandoras box that we are opening and now that we have the technology available to us, unless we actively take steps back from it, it WILL eventually/already is being used in malicious, intensely privacy invasive ways.
and everything in that above bullet point goes for ALL DATA COLLECTED ON YOU, EVER. everything you’ve ever said on facebook is probably put through some multi layered neural network fucking robot who is learning how to understand what humans say on your input and also cataloging things about you as a person. it is doing SO MUCH more than reading the exact text of what you are saying and then picking up on keywords. neural networks are an attempt to copy how humans think by making an artificial version of a brain basically. in simple terms it’s a map of points and connections and you feed it data for a while and tell it what the desired outcome should be. it will adjust those connections and the weight of those points based on your data and expected outcome. that change in connections and weights is how it learns. then after a while it has fed on enough data that it will begin to expect what your desired outcome is. now imagine millions and millions of connections and points. it’s fucking huge. you ever hear about how we don’t know how machine learning/deep learning/neural networks works? this is that. it’s because they are so large and they have changed their weights and points so much that we no longer understand how it makes its decisions. ml is on a deeper level starting to understand what you mean when you say words. like a human. and can pick up nuances humans cannot because of its perfect memory. do you understand how scary this is? do you? i really do not know how to express this better how absolutely buckshit wild and terrifying the idea that everything i say online can be scraped and put through a robot and a profile on me and who i am and my ideals can be gathered almost instantly. how hard would it be to write a scraper that goes to my blog and grabs the text of every post in my talk tag? and then there’s free and open source nlp software (or you can pay for it) and you can feed in everything ive said on this blog ever. you can go to my facebook. you can go to my twitter. you can find my profiles on every online platform ive ever used and take everything ive ever said and determine what kind of person i am based on that. and then you can then make further distinctions based on that data. (sidenote: facebook wouldnt have to scrape the data on my profile, it’s all in their databases already. they have everything ive ever posted on public or private, on my old profile i’ve deactivated, every photo ive posted or been tagged in, everything ive ever uploaded to their servers or have been associated with.) and someone or robot can make decisions about me based on that data. it could just be am i likely to buy [this product] or it could be something much more like am i a threat? am i dangerous to you, the person using this data about me? what are my politics? what are my views on [this topic]? are they too extreme? should i be denied [real life thing] based on what this machine has determined about me from my data online? not to sound fucking crazy, but you ever watch that episode of black mirror? nosedive? and its system where you can rate interactions with people? how this one girl was trying to increase her ranking so she would qualify for a cheaper price on housing? how we’re already starting to see things like this in real life with china’s social credit system?
call me a fucking wack job but i think it’s so deeply creepy that we have digitized so many aspects of our lives and leave machines we no longer understand how they make their decisions to analyze every bit of data about ourselves.
by the fucking way facebook tracks data on people WHO DO NOT USE FACEBOOK. FACEBOOK TRACKS DATA ON PEOPLE. WHO. DO. NOT. USE. FACEBOOK. are you scared? i am.
i’ve been thinking about this tweet from @/malwaretech on twitter from a few days ago. text: On a serious note, social media tracking is more extensive than you may think. For example: those Facebook 'like' buttons you see on every website? They call home. If you're logged into your FB account, it records that you visited that web page, even if you don't click 'like'. doesn’t that sound a lil fucked up to anyone else? that facebook knows that i visited that webpage even though i did not tell it? that it will use that data to build a better profile on what my interests are and that it will use that data to better sell ads to me? i’ll be honest i am unsure of if facebook sells that information to other vendors. i think that might be not allowed but i wouldn’t be surprised if that data somehow got into the hands of people who arent facebook.
the fact that for the longest time you could NOT get your data deleted from facebook? that even if you deactivated your account facebook would still keep all of that in their shit ass servers forever? as far as i know, that’s changed now, but i would not at all be surprised if the next day it was revealed that facebook was Actually Keeping all that info anyways
the fact that by default facebook’s privacy settings are set to allow anyone to see most info about you? just this whole opt out culture is so fucking wack. it should be opt in. your privacy settings should default on the MOST PRIVATE and it should be up to you to ACTIVELY SEARCH OUT how to change them to public. it is ON FACEBOOK to actively cultivate privacy but of fucking course they don’t.
lmao cambridge analytica politics russia brexit trump. i don’t have the energy to even open this fucking can of worms but i will say that again, another layer of deeply fucked up that political campaigns can use that data to try to coerce or influence elections.
do you remember when in 2019. yes twenty. fucking. nineteen. 2019. two thousand and nineteen. 2019. i dont know how more to stress how recent but late this is. 2019. facebook admitted that it and instagram were still. STILL. STILL. S T I L L. storing passwords as plaintext? meaning your password that is “password123ilovedogs” is stored AS “password123ilovedogs” in their database. it is STANDARD AND EXPECTED PRACTICE that websites store SECURE hashes of passwords (not like fucking. md5 or something) meaning you do a bunch of fucking “irreversible” math on the password and store that instead of the actual password itself. so the db would be storing “298!79v@w8W#R;3,f9jf” instead of your actual password. anyways face. fucking. book. was storing passwords as plain text. which means if they ever have a data breach on their passwords db then all that data inside will just be your actual goddamn password. your actual goddamn password. what the fuck? what the fuck? and we still use this website? we? me? i use this website daily? i use this website on a daily fucking basis and allow it to continue to collect information on me? im so goddamn angry.
the fact that now in this day and age you are considered weird for not having any social media? super fucked up. the fact that employers will check your social media and if you don’t have one that is somehow a red flag? weird as hell. why must we participate in the world’s largest data collection scandal ever just to be a member of society? i cannot choose to opt out. facebook collects data on me even if i do not have an account. society expects me to have some form of social media and if i do not then that i am the weird one for it. if you choose to live a life of trying not to be tracked it is almost impossible. can you live your life in modern society without an email address? without a smartphone or laptop? there is an expectation that every person is available to communicate with digitally and if you find the practice of data collection abhorrent and don’t want to use websites that do so, then you’re the weird one who has a LOT of society’s services unavailable to you.
im not going to even touch on the psychological effects that facebook and social media have on people other than to ONCE AGAIN, say they are very real and deeply fucked up.
by the way check out haveibeenpwned. enter your email and it’ll check against databases to see if your email has been on recent dumps. i have been. lately there have been a few older accounts of mine that have been breached and it’s terrifying.
fuck jesse eisenberg man he fucked over spiderman crazy
fuck faang. fuck big tech. fuck data collection. btw edward snowden is a hero. fuck all of this.
104: The future: man we’re in for it. i am not optimistic about it at all. too much tech progression / not enough foresight / expansion/globalization of the world / global warming / political and economic issues are all coming to a head to make the world a fucking disaster.
96: Changed a diaper: never done it! i am not around children often.
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: having a vague idea of where things are locally. im very bad with directions.
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: answered already.
84: People call me: yeesa, apparently. i have a fair amount of nicknames but i just call myself teresa.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: sure haven’t though i deserve one
80: The first person i talked to today was: soph​ because she wakes up at a normal goddamn time so i’ll sometimes have a text from her from a few hrs ago
76: Right now I am talking to: milo and a discord server im in for a group of friends i made when i was applying to college. though i havent responded in quite a while since i went on my angry facebook rant.
74: I have/will get a job: well i HAD a job for the beginning of the summer when i was a TA but i do not any more as that was first summer semester only. hopefully in the fall i’ll have a job as a TA again but who knows. and then after that when i graduate i hope hope hope hope hope i will have a job lined up.
72: Today: woke up. made a plum smoothie. played minecraft. took a nap. here i am. it’s all very riveting.
70: Next Weekend: it’ll happen for sure. odds are i will be waking up and eating food and coming on the internet and chatting with friends and doing a bit of writing and trying to learn a bit more html.
68: The worst sound in the world: answered already.
66: People that make you happy: will roland lmao. 
64: My friends are: well it’s basically the same people i tagged in my last post on people who make me happy.
62: My School: you tryin to doxx me? it’s alright. not the best for my major. and also stupidly trying to reopen for the fall because theyre greedy and idiots. it was like my 5th choice school but it is what it is.....
60: I lose all respect for people who: already answered
58: Your hair color is: black as fuck. im east asian.
56: Favorite web site: controversial but archive of our own dot org i guess. i believe in their mission and like how they have advocated for fans and have created a fan-owned space on the internet. they’re not perfect but i overall support them.
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: answered already
52: My room is: a time capsule of what i liked in late middle school/early high school.
50: Where would you like to be: im fine where i am. maybe visiting friends though. i would like to Hang With Them and Do Fun Activities.
48: Ever been in love: who’s to say....... what is love? (baby don’t hurt me). but for real the concept of love is weird to me, especially romantic love. i don’t know. i’ve certainly obsessed over people. i’ve noticed i kind of “pick people” to have crushes on. i can’t really say why. but then it creates a feedback loop of i pay more attention to them -> i think more about them -> i like them more. so i’ve made conscious decisions that have lead to me obsessing over people.
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl but that’s just because people in fandom spaces tend to be women and most of my friends ive made through fandom.
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: kaity is coming to my town but we cant see each other because of a pandemic so im kinda fucking miffed about that. i didn’t get to see maria before she left my state so i’m also miffed about that.
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: lmaooooo no. i would just like to be satisfied with my life. would like to see friends. do fun things with them. 
40: Last person I got mad at: idk im not generally a mad person. mark zuckerberg probably.
38: I wish I was a professional: as in i suddenly have all the skills and talent needed to be a professional? i think a director &|| writer tbh. i would love to have the Creative Vision necessary to come up with dope ideas AND translate what i have in mind into real life. i would love the ability to be able to tell compelling stories that mean a lot to people.
32: Athlete: lmao if it was 2008 or 2012 i would ahve said ryan lochte but nevermind. idk. maybe katie ledecky.
24: Movie: am not much one for movies...... star trek 2009.
16: Book: i don’t know how to read.
8: Yankee candle scent: idk about yankee candle specifically but i love the smell of apple. 
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pennyfynotes · 6 years
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7.24.18 // 9:30am // starting a semester without shooting yourself in the foot
hola! recently got an ask from an anon about how to start the new semester so here it is. (sorry for the early back to school posts but like? winter is coming? yeah sorry don’t watch game of thrones) xoxo, m
general tips:
1. make a schedule: put in the things that have to happen each day. so classes, sports practices, work etc. this’ll help you evaluate how much time you have to do things like homework and if you have time to take on more extracurriculars and things. it’ll also prevent you from scheduling stuff during these times where you have to be somewhere else.
2. plan somewhere: ok so despite owning a studyblr and a bullet journal that i share with you guys, i kinda suck at planning. i completely relate to the abandoned planner/bujo situation. ideally, you might want to implement something like this. if that doesn’t work for you, just have a notebook where you jot down all your lists (that can be events, to-dos, reminders). you could even use an app (google keep is helpful bc you can sync bt phone and computer). just find somewhere to put down your thoughts.
3. read the syllabus/any emails from your prof/teacher: make sure you do all your summer homework. there might be a quick assignment/supply that you need to bring on the first day. also figure out where your class is. that’s kinda important. get familiar with policies like when to turn in hw, what their late work policy is. write yourself a cheat sheet if you have to.
4. map out your route: this is more of a first day/week type deal, but just figure out how you’re gonna get from place to place so you’re not stressing about being late. you can do this in person by walking around campus or just mentally if you’re familiar. if you’re in college and need to factor in meal/bus times, figure that out too.
5. get on your teacher/profs good side: i’m not saying to suck up or anything, but treat them with courtesy and try not to be late. if you’re one of those people that likes to be really familiar with your prof/teacher, start going to office hours just to say hi (or obv if you need help). i’m generally of the “invisible student” type, but there are definitely pros to having your instructor know your name.
6. compare your schedule: if your teacher/prof has already given you dates of major projects or exams, look that over. make sure you don’t already have any pre-planned trips (ex: my cousin is getting married and we’ve known the date for months). teachers/profs will always be more flexible about changing the dates of things or allowing you to take exams early/late if you let them know asap. you might think, “oh it’ll be easy to ask them to take it early”. not necessarily. if they haven’t made up the exam yet and you ask them a week in advance to take the exam early, not going to get a happy prof. and they’ll probably say no.
7. establish a routine: ok i kind of suck at this too, but mapping out when you’re going to do work etc is helpful. if all else fails, establish a sleep schedule. determine if you work better early in the morning or late at night. in my opinion, there’s no point in trying to be an early bird if you’re most productive from 11pm-1am. 
8. make a clear organizational system: for most of us, this will inevitably go to shit once the semester drags on. but having one at the beginning of the year will make things go more smoothly and give you a structure to go back to once you realize you can’t find a damn thing.
9. find a good study spot: find a spot you like. actually find a few spots. now’s when you’ll have time to scout around campus/your town. nothing sucks more than needing to study for an exam/make the most of your time and having your only study space be occupied. i have actually spent like 20 minutes looking for a spot during exams. don’t do it.
10. experiment a little: if you already know what works for you, great. but if you’re trying to decide between going digital or using paper. rewriting your notes vs making them legible the first time around. do some quick experimentation when things are as hectic.
11. find a friend in each class: i am also horrendous at this. but it’s really helpful if you’re stuck on homework or didn’t quite catch something important the prof/teacher said. if no one you know is in the class, maybe think about making a new friend/study buddy.
12. go the extra mile while you still can: now is probably the time when you have less going on outside of school. take advantage of that to build a little “grade cushion”. take the time to do assignments early and go over them with friends so you’re sure everything is correct. go above and beyond on that project, your super busy self will thank you later when your rushing to finish homework and probably miss a bunch of questions. now, i also want to mention that you should only do this if you can reap some kind of benefit. it could be getting a 100 instead of a 93 or just for self satisfaction. but don’t waste your time painting a masterpiece when your english teacher asks for a stick figure drawing to illustrate a scene from huck finn. the highest grade you can get is 100% and you could probably do that with some well placed lines. unless, like i said, you get personal satisfaction from said masterpiece. and you have the time to do it. :) hint, hint: i was that extra af kid in english class.
college specific tips (that might also apply elsewhere?)
1. go to class: ok i am an advocate of the “skip class when you need to” method (unpopular opinion), but you should go for at least the first week if not month. your teacher/prof will outline important policies that might not be in the syllabus. you’ll be able to tell if you really need a textbook (i usually rent for easy returns or wait until a couple days in or both) and get a feel for the prof. are they super strict on things like deadlines/guidelines or more relaxed. you’ll learn where you can bend the rules. from there, at your own risk, you can evaluate if you really need to go to class or not.
2. make sure you unpack so you can find things: don’t just toss everything into a drawer. it will come back to bite you when you’re frantically searching for that one item.
3. get to class early: i mean like 20 minutes early. (potentially earlier if you’re in a freshman class full of overachievers). this will allow you to choose where you want to sit and give you time to get situated. if you want to meet new people, maybe sit towards the middle. also, though college classes rarely have assigned seats, you’ll be choosing your unofficial official seat. don’t be that person that moves around all the time and displaces half the class because of it.
4. enjoy the first bit: catch up with friends, make new ones. you won’t have too much work for at least the first 2 days, so be efficient and don’t spend all day in your room/the library “doing work”. there will be plenty of time for that. 
best of luck friends! i’ll probably be putting out more masterposts on similar topics as we move closer to school starting (sigh). lmk if you have any requests!
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Bloodreina - The New Avenger Chapter Four (The 100/Marvel)
Prologue || Chapter One || Chapter Two || Capter Three
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Summary: The 100 AU in the Marvel Universe What if Octavia and Bellamy joined the Avengers after escaping HYDRA’s Ark Project? Set after the Battle of New York. 
Pairings: All platonic for now: Steve x Octavia, Avengers x Octavia, Bellamy x Octavia, Bellamy x Raven, Octavia x Raven, Boodreina x Winter Soldier, more to come soon…
Word Count: 2287
Warnings: Bad writing maybe? (sorry about that)
A/N: I had to divide the previous chapter into two, because it was getting too long. Also, I am moving into my new home, and therefore I won’t be able to post regularly. I am sorry for that, I was really hoping to keep the updates at least once a week, but please, don’t give up on this story, I am still very devoted to it, and I’m hoping next week I’ll have that problema solved :)
Chapter Four - Revelations Part 2
 Sam Wilson was a nice guy. When you get home from your morning run and you have three beaten up SHIELD agents, who also happen to be fugitives, in your door steps asking for shelter what do you do? You should probably say “Hell no” and close the door on their faces, but not Sam. What does cool-guy Sam? He cooks you breakfast while you clean your wounds. 
“So, the question is: who in SHIELD could launch a domestic missile strike?” 
Steve said, as he walked around the table, where Nat and Octavia stood sit, eating the breakfast Sam cooked.
“Pierce” Natasha answered as she finished chewing her food “Who happens to be sitting on top of the most secure building in the world.”
“But he's not working alone, Zola's algorithm was on the Lemurian Star.” Steve stated
“So was Jasper Sitwell.” Octavia said with a raised eyebrow and a triumph smile, as she acknowledge that Sitwell’s presence in the ship might had something to do with Zola’s algorithm being there too. As Zola stated, HYDRA was everywhere. 
Steve nodded “So, the real question is: how do the two most wanted people in Washington kidnap a SHIELD officer in broad daylight?” 
Sam had stood quietly, listening until that moment, when he left momentarily and came back to drop a manila folder at the centre of the table “The answer is: you don't.”
“What's this?” Octavia opened the folder, reading the files inside, as Steve leaned from behind her, grabbing a photo of Sam with a fellow winged pilot
“Call it a resume.” Natasha smiled at the remark, as she leaned closer to Octavia, inspecting the content herself.
“I thought you said you were a pilot.” Steve said, to which Sam smirked
“I never said pilot.”
Steve shook his head hesitantly, not wanting to put Sam in more trouble “I can't ask you to do this, Sam. You got out for a good reason.”
“Dude, Captain America needs my help. There's no better reason to get back in.” he sounded just like a kid seeing Santa at the mall, Octavia couldn’t help but smile at his excitement.
Steve looked back at Octavia, his lips curled up, matching her smile. It was all the convincing he needed to agree with Sam’s involvement “Where can we get our hands on one of these things?” 
“The last one is at Fort Meade, behind three guarded gates and a twelve-inch steel wall.” Steve looked at Natasha, who simply shrugged her shoulders, the plan was already arranged in her head.
“Shouldn't be a problem” Natasha assured “How do you plan on getting him to talk?”
Octavia dropped the closed folder back at the top of the table and stood up, full agent mode on “Leave that to me. I have a way with people”
They had manage to take Sitwell to the rooftop of a building, away from his security. Sam stayed in the alleyway as Natasha and Octavia watched with amusement Steve throwing Sitwell across the rooftop, the weaker man scurrying away from the soldier’s touch.
“Tell me about Zola's algorithm.” Steve demanded
“Never heard of it.”
“What were you doing on the Lemurian Star?” Natasha asked now, her voice low and menacing
“I was throwing up, I get seasick.” Sitwell lied, and even when Steve forced him to the edge of the rooftop, he just stood there, smiling “Is this little display meant to insinuate that you're gonna throw me off the roof? Because it's really not your style, Rogers.” 
Steve shrugged, a small smile played in his lips. He loosen the grip on Sitwell, allowing the man to stand on his own feet, and even gently smoothed the creases in the smaller man’s jacket “You're right. It's not. It's hers.  
Steve and Natasha stepped aside, allowing Octavia to raise her foot and kick Sitwell right across his chest, and off the roof. Octavia raised her head, her eyes meeting Steve’s amused expression.
“Is this your way to persuade people, O?” he asked, and Octavia chuckled lightly
“I don’t think asking nicely would’ve suffice, Cap”
Suddenly Sam, now equipped in his Falcon jet-pack suit with wings, flied back up to the rooftop holding Sitwell and tossed him down on the floor. Octavia walked towards Sitwell in long strides, pulling him up with ease, and he held his hand up in fear, shaking, ready to squeal out everything “Zola's algorithm is a program...for choosing Insight's targets!”
“What targets?” Steve asked, as he came closer 
“You!” Sitwell replied, pointing at the super-soldier “A TV anchor in Cairo, the Undersecretary of Defense, a high school valedictorian in Iowa city. Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, anyone who's a threat to HYDRA! Now, or in the future.”
“The Future? How could it know?”
Sitwell laughed “How could it not? The 21st century is a digital book. Zola taught HYDRA how to read it. Your bank records, medical histories, voting patterns, e-mails, phone calls, your damn SAT scores. Zola's algorithm evaluates people's past to predict their future.”
Natasha and Steve spoke in unison “And what then?” but Sitwell was already lost in his thoughts “Oh, my God. Pierce is gonna kill me.”
“What then?!” Octavia spoke, more threatening, as she shook him by the hem of his jacket 
“Then the Insight Helicarriers scratch people off the list. A few million at a time.” 
They were now heading to the Triskelion, SHIELD headquarters. Sam was driving, and Steve stood on the passenger seat, as Natasha and Octavia were stuck on the backseat with Sitwell in the middle of them.
“HYDRA doesn't like leaks.” Sitwell said, looking directly at Octavia
“So why don't you try sticking a cork in it.” Octavia chimed, but the man ignored her 
“HYDRA doesn’t like traitors either... Bloodreina”
The entire car felt into an heavy silent. 
“What’s a Bloodreina?” Sam asked, oblivious to the name
“Bloodreina was HYDRA’s biggest creation. Born and raised inside the organization, trained from a young age by the Winter Soldier herself. Ruthless, cold-blooded, a force to reckon with. Your friend here killed hundreds, elevating HYDRA with each death-” 
“That’s enough” Steve voice ringed above Sitwell’s, shutting the man down.
Suddenly something landed on the car roof in a thud, and before anyone could react to it a silver hand crashed through the rear window, pulling Sitwell out through it and throwing him into the oncoming traffic, killing him instantly. 
Bullets flew from the gap of the window. Octavia leaned down, quickly covering her head on her hands while Natasha jumped from her seat into Steve’s lap, pulling his head down just as a bullet hit the head-rest, and shoving Sam’s shoulder aside avoiding another one incoming. 
Instinctively, Steve pulled the break handle, stopping the vehicle abruptly, and making the assailants body flung out of the roof and down onto the street, who methodically used his metal hand as a support for his effortlessly landing, coming to an halt right in front of them. Octavia raised her head from her hands, and she was now facing the Winter Soldier.
Before she could register the events, another car smashed into theirs from behind, pushing them forward, and all it took to the Winter Soldier to jump back onto their car was a long stride, smashing through the windscreen with his metal hand and pulling out the steering wheel from Sam’s hand “Shit!” Sam yelled as he threw his hands up, and the car kept going forward, with any acceleration or steering from him.
Octavia was already prepared for that outcome. She pulled her gun from the holster and shot at the Winter Soldier, barely hitting him at his metal shoulder, but it was enough to make him retreat, jumping onto the vehicle behind them. 
Their car was now being pulled off the road, and Steve held on to the car door, pulling Natasha and Sam closer. Octavia burst her door open and nodded to Steve, smiling briefly before jumping out of the car, rolling to the side of the road.
Her head was spinning and her ears were ringing, as Octavia struggled to stand up. She looked around for her friends, just as Sam made contact with the asphalt, rolling to the side of the road a few feet onwards, and Steve and Natasha slid down for a while longer, still on top of the door. 
Octavia started to walk towards them, but the clicks of safety locks alerted her to the incoming gunfire.
“Watch out!” Octavia yelled, throwing herself behind a flipped car, watching as a group of HYDRA agents, commanded by the Winter Soldier, started shooting at them. The rest of her group scattered, running in different directions, and Octavia seized an small opening in the enemy’s advance to shoot one of them down, and just as the Winter Soldier was about to fire against her she hit him in his eye goggle. She ran towards the opposite direction, knowing very well that shot only gave her a few second of advantage, as she heard his voice, rough and domineering, command his group in Russian “She’s mine. Find him”
Octavia ran looking for cover as her mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to take down the soldier. She  couldn’t beat him in speed or strength, but maybe she could outsmart him. She used a chapter from Natasha’s book, placing her phone behind a car while playing a record of her voice on loop, as she hid herself close, waiting for him.
Soon, she saw the Winter Soldier stride closer, drawn by the voice. He stopped silently, pulled up a grenade and rolled it down on the floor, over to where he though her to be. The bomb exploded and Octavia took advantage of the loud noise to jump towards the soldier, right fist curled and up, hitting him across the cheek with all her power.
The soldier stumbled back a few steps, and Octavia brought her gun up, holding it to his temple, but before she could take the shot the soldier grabbed the barrel and pushed it aside, the bullet grazing his hair, but missing entirely.
He then used his metal arm to hit Octavia across the ribs, and as she backed down, winded, he raised his own gun, unlocking the safety, but instead of shooting Octavia, who stood on the ground in front of him, he shot Natasha, but not before she sent one of her electromagnetic bands towards the metal of his arm, disabling it momentarily.
“Nat!” Octavia cried out, as she ran towards the girl, pulling her aside just as Steve arrived, giving them coverage. She inspected the wound, it was bleeding substantially, and although she wanted to help Steve, she knew Natasha would bleed out if she didn’t stop the bleeding.
Sam flew right into them, looking worried at Natasha state before turning his head to the battle ahead of them. He was ready to go help Steve, but Natasha tugged at his leg, stopping him “Let O help Rogers, I need you to do something else for me” then she turned her attention to the girl, mouthing “go” to her, wincing when she took her hands away from the bullet hole, blood starting to flow again. Sam took Octavia’s place, setting the palm of his hand over the wound, as Octavia walked towards the two man fighting, just in time to grab Steve’s shield, which had been thrown away earlier, and sling it back to Steve, standing in between him and the full force of the metal fist.
Steve then grabbed the metal arm with one hand and buried the shield in the metal bellow the shoulder, disorienting the soldier, and in one swift blow he raised the shield, knocking him in the face, and using his free hand he grabbed the Winter Soldier and whipped him over his shoulder, into the ground.
The soldier didn’t seem to loose his balance, as he gracefully rolled unto the ground, standing with his back turned to Steve. His mask hanged loose on the ground, and as he turned around Steve lost all composure, his voice barely more than a whisper
The Winter Soldier froze for a moment, at the mention of the name, and as he looked back to Steve and raised his weapon he spoke hesitantly “Who the hell is Bucky?”
Before he even got the chance to fire, Octavia kicked him on the ribs, and this time he lost balance and rolled a few meters on the concrete. As he got up, his eyes moved erratic, as if the name was familiar, but still he chose to raise his gun, but this time, he was met with a grenade fired by Sam. 
When the smoke and flames cleared out, there was no trace of the soldier.
Tags: @glossiefandom, @dayanna-hatter
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waveridden · 6 years
FIC: us against the world
A Mr. and Mrs. Smith AU. 2k, James/Steve, background Cib/Parker.
AUcember || title lyric
“I don’t know, dude, it just kind of feels like the thrill is gone, you know?” Steven doesn’t slow down in assembling his rifle, but he frowns. “Like, you date a guy for a couple years, you think he’s great, and then…”
“And then you don’t know how to follow through,” Cib says wisely. Steven can’t see him, what with the earpiece and all, but he can picture Cib looking weirdly smug. As though he’s said something brilliant here, and not something that only almost makes sense.
“Sure,” Steven says, because he’s not about to argue with Cib while he’s on a job.
“Yeah, I’ve been there.” There’s a sound, probably Cib kicking his feet up on his desk. “You know, you think you’ve got something special, right? Think a dude is gonna be significant like a zero.”
“Zeroes aren’t significant.”
“Significant digits, Steve, keep up.”
Steven stops putting together the rifle just long enough to roll his eyes. It’s a really good eye-roll. It involves neck movement.
“Anyways,” Cib says, blithe as ever, “you think it’s special, you’ve found the one who loves you even though you kill people for a living. And then, bam, turns out it bothered him the whole time and you need to talk about it, or whatever.”
“That’s completely not what’s happening here.”
“You sure?”
“Please quit throwing your relationship with Parker onto me,” Steven grunts, and lifts the gun to his eye to check the sight. “And besides, you guys worked your things out, you’re golden, right?”
“Aw, yeah, it’s awesome,” Cib says brightly. “You know, if we have a wedding-”
“Are you fucking serious?”
“-do you think buffets are tacky? Or, you know, plated dinner, is that extra tacky? Sticky tack?”
“The only thing that’s tacky is marrying someone, Cib, you know it’s dangerous to tie in people who aren’t involved!”
“I’d use a fake name, idiot!”
Steven shakes his head. Cib is dating a civilian, and he’s stupid about it, because Parker knows about his job. Technically Cib doesn’t actually kill people, but he does facilitate the missions, which isn’t that far off. But Steven is the one firing the bullets, and is he about to go and tell James that? Absolutely not.
Or, maybe. If it means they break up faster rather than being stuck in this limbo, it might be worth the loss of secrecy.
“Whatever,” he sighs. “Point is, we’re probably not going to get married.”
“Only probably!”
“Almost definitely!” He can hear people on the street below making noise, and he sighs. “I gotta go, I’ll update you in a couple minutes.”
“Shoot good, dude.”
Steven smiles slightly. “Thanks, man.”
He can hear the click of Cib closing the line, and he takes a deep breath. Assassinations are easy. All he has to do is take out this guy as he leaves the courthouse. Fire a trigger, and go home to see his live-in boyfriend that he doesn’t actually love anymore. That’s great.
He lives a sad, sad life. Killing people and a dead-end relationship.
But he’s distracted from feeling sorry from himself when he catches sight of something on the roof across from him. Not something, somebody. Somebody else with a rifle.
Steven lifts a hand to his ear. “Cib.”
“That was quick.”
“I’m the only one on this job, right?”
“Of course, dude. What-”
“There’s someone set up across from me,” Steven says, without taking his eyes off of them. He doesn’t think they’ve noticed him yet, and hopefully it stays that way. “Do I- if it’s not one of ours, should I take them out?”
“Shit,” Cib says. “Shit, uh- what’s the protocol here?”
“You’re my handler!”
“Oh my god, I’m your handler.”
“Oh my god,” Steven says, because sometimes the reality of it hits him all over again, “you’re my handler. What’s the target level?”
“Uh,” Cib says, and Steven can hear frantic typing. “Low enough that it’d be better for you to take out the other guy.”
“Even if it ruins the hit?”
“Yes, even if it ruins the hit! We can hit again.”
“You’re sure?”
“Of course not,” Cib snaps, “but neither are you.”
He has a point, so Steven takes a breath. “Call you back,” he says, and shuts his comlink off without waiting for a goodbye. He only has a few seconds before this other shooter notices him, since he wasn’t exactly making an effort to be quiet, so he levels his rifle and looks through the sight.
And it’s James.
Steven sits back on his heels, blinking hard. It’s James, and he was looking away. Hand pressed up to his own ear, like he was talking to someone.
James, his boyfriend he’s not in love with anymore, who he might actually, literally have to kill.
“Fuck it,” Steven mutters, and points the rifle down. The target is clearly visible, and it only takes a second to fire off the shot, and then people are screaming. The sound of a hit well done.
When he lifts the rifle back up, James is staring down at the people in shock, like he hasn’t figured it out. He can tell when it clicks, because James looks up, across the street between them. And then he lifts his own rifle to look at Steven.
Tentatively, Steven lifts an arm and waves at him. It takes a few seconds, but James waves back.
There’s still pandemonium downstairs, and Steven has to strip his rifle down faster than he’s ever had to before. He’s sprinting down the stairs of the building when he finally remembers to link back in with Cib. “Hey-”
“Dude, what happened?”
“Long story.” He jumps over the rail for the last flight, landing on the ground with a grunt, and keeps running. “Other assassin? It’s my boyfriend.”
“No way.”
“I swear to god, it was him.”
“Did you kill him?”
“No, I didn’t fucking kill him! I killed the target.”
“Oh,” Cib says. “Hey, good job, dude.”
“Good job? Is that really all you have to say?”
“Well, what else am I supposed to say? Your supposedly civilian boyfriend kills people!” Cib pauses. “Oh, my god, do you think Parker kills people?”
Steven kicks open the emergency exit and keeps on running, trying not to laugh. He really doesn’t have the spare oxygen in his lungs to laugh right now. “Parker couldn’t kill someone if he was holding a knife and they ran into it.”
“Yeah,” Cib says, so sappy that it’s gross. “Alright, Steve, let’s get you out of there, what’s your twenty?”
“Running south on Chicago,” Steven huffs out. He hopes that’s right. He checked all the maps and street signs and shit, but his only instinct had been to run away from the commotion, and away from James.
“Mmmmmmhm. Coffee shop, two blocks down on your left. Slow it down first.”
“I’m not an amateur,” Steven wheezes - really, actually wheezes, because he’s pretty sure that he can’t actually take in a real breath anymore. The briefcase for his rifle is heavy, and it’s hard to run with it without the additional outside shock of his fucking boyfriend killing people. He slows down to a jog. “So how do you think we should… you know, talk about it?”
“What, the killing people thing?”
“Yes, the killing people thing!”
“Don’t talk about it.”
“You serious?”
“Parker and I don’t talk about it.”
Steven slows to a walk. His lungs and legs are burning, and he heaves a couple of deep breaths. “Again, really not a comparable situation.”
“Guess not,” Cib says thoughtfully. “Who do you think he works for?”
“Who fucking knows?”
“You could ask him.”
“You literally just said not to talk about it.”
“Well, what do I know? Maybe you should!”
Steven rolls his eyes and pushes the door open to the coffee shop. It’s a weekend afternoon, so it’s crowded, and Steven takes a deep breath as he gets in line. “Listen, I’m in line, I’m gonna switch from the earpiece to my phone, okay?” The rest goes unspoken: the mission is over. And this is a conversation for personal phones.
“Roger jogger,” Cib says cheerfully. Steven pulls the earpiece out and slips it into his pocket. It’s not the best way to treat company property, but he’s too good for them to fire.
His phone starts ringing just as he reaches for it, and he answers and lifts it to his ear in one smooth motion. “You really think I should talk to him about it?”
“Who?” James says, and Steven closes his eyes. Fuck. “Steve?”
Steven clears his throat. Maybe he can save this. “Uh, hey. Thought you were Cib.”
“Thought I was Cib?” James repeats. “Why would- oh, for fuck’s sake, is he another-”
“You know, we should really talk about this when we get home.”
“Is there a lot to talk about?”
“Isn’t there?”
“You’re not really a freelance editor, are you?”
“Well, you don’t write scripts,” Steven counters.
James laughs softly. “Yeah, got me there, Steve, I sure fucking don’t.”
“And also,” Steven says, as casually as he can, “in that… uh, situation, that we were in-”
“Are you in public?”
“Aren’t you?”
“No, I’m on my way home. Although I guess I didn��t just shoot someone.”
“I win,” Steven says, and then wants to wince for some reason.
But James just sort of chuckles and says “Yeah, this time,” and Steven… doesn’t know what to do with that.
“Anyways,” Steven says. “If we meet… shall we say, competitors while we’re out and about, our job is to make sure there’s no competition. If you catch my drift.”
“You mean kill me,” James says flatly.
“Yeah. You know. Just business.”
“But you didn’t.”
“I mean, no-”
“You could’ve.”
“I could’ve,” Steven agrees, because he’s been sort of thinking about that too. He could’ve. Maybe it’s not a great way to end a relationship, but he would’ve been justified. He would’ve done it, if it had been anyone else.
“I didn’t even see you there,” James murmurs. “Had no idea.”
“I’m good at what I do.” Steven clears his throat. “What we do.”
“Technically, I was supposed to kill you too,” James says conversationally. “As soon as I noticed you were there, I was supposed to try and take you out. By the way, dude, I don’t care how good you are, you really shouldn’t wave at people.”
“I wanted to defuse the tension!”
“Oh, you defused something.”
“Did I?”
“This isn’t safe to talk about,” James says abruptly. “It’s- you’re literally in public right now, talking about killing people.”
“Cib and I do it all the time. We have codes.”
“Of course you do,” James sighs. He sounds tired, and drained, and… fond. Weirdly fond. “You’re right. We should talk about this. Without fucking killing each other.”
“Or we should talk about it before we try fucking killing each other,” Steven corrects him, and James makes a little half-noise that Steven knows well. It goes with a little smile, a duck of the head, genuine amusement at a joke. It makes Steven’s heart clench for reasons he can’t explain. “Get home safe.”
“You too,” James says, sounding like he means it. “Steve?”
“Love you.”
Steven closes his eyes. “Love you too, James.”
“No killing each other,” James says again, and then hangs up.
Steven sort of smiles at his phone and scrolls over to Cib’s name in his phone.
Cib picks up immediately. “Dude, what the fuck, I called you!”
“James called me first.”
“What’d he say?”
“You want to hear something weird?”
“I think this is the best thing that’s happened for our relationship in months,” Steven says.
Cib snorts. “Well, I could’ve told you that. After Parker and I worked everything out, we spent all night-”
“I’m glad, dude,” Cib says. “And I won’t… you know.”
“Tell anyone?”
“Not till they torture me.”
“Excellent,” Steven says. Because this seems like the kind of thing they can work out on their own.
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fille-lioncelle · 6 years
A very long ask meme
I mean, @towonderland72 should really know better than to ask me to ramble, but she taggled me in this soooo
1) Name: I have one || Nickname: H, most recently.
2) Zodiac sign: *points at avatar* Leo
3) Height: 1,70m ... almost || Orientation: east, currently, I think? .... pan/bi
4) Ethnicity: central European white
5) Favourite fruit: Generally I think red fruit tend to be my favourites - cherries, strawberries, raspberries. But I love apples too, and pears, and apricots omg and peaches are great and kiwi!! ORANGES!! Grapes are great also. Bananas - delicious. Fucking mangos are a revelation. I don’t much like papaya, but that’s the only one I’ve come across I really didn’t like so far || Favourite Skam season: ... is this related to the fruit question? Anyway, season 3.
6) Favourite book: Come on. Do people really have favourite books? || Favourite flower: roses or peonies probably but I also love poppies and cornflowers (FUCK German nationalists for ruining a perfectly lovely flower) and dahlias. And buttercups!
7) Favorite scent: freshly rained on warm earth, the sea, things baking, roses, vanilla
8) Favorite animal: cats (especially lions), hummingbirds, deer
9) Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa?: yes
10) Average hours of sleep: theoretically, 7-9 but in practice I’m terrible at keeping to a sleeping schedule
11) Cats or dogs?: cats
12) Favorite fictional character: I wouldn’t really say Harry Potter is my favourite fictional character but the attachment I have to that character is pretty singular
13) Dream trip: I used to be a little bit scared of travelling, actually - new places, languages I don’t speak, risk - but now I’m kinda sinking into a “all of it I want to see everything” thing so *wistful sigh* a river cruise maybe, though I’d like it to be on a rented house boat type thing with people whose company I enjoy (along the Loire maybe or somewhere in Scandinavia)
14) When was your blog created?: 2010 I think
15) What do you post about? whatever the fuck I want, but mostly fandom stuff and interesting humanity stuff and food
16) Do you get asks on a regular basis? nope
17) Aesthetic: femme and glamour but also a bit (a lot) hipsterish with the glasses and the knit jumpers and such - how can anyone live with only one aesthetic?! I find your commitment and singular-mindedness frightening in its intensity of direction
18) Favorite band/ artist?: I don’t know.
19) Fictional character I’d date: One date? The list is way too long.
20) Hogwarts house: Gryffindor. I’m on brand like that.
1) Countries I’ve lived in: just this one
2) Favourite fandom: I don’t know - maybe SKAM, maybe Merlin.
3) Languages you speak: German and English, a little bit of French, less Italian, and technically I used to be okay at reading Latin. So between that I can read basic Spanish and sometimes I can guess at super basic Scandinavian languages because Germanic languages and four seasons of skam (texts)
4) Favourite film of 2017: Call Me By Your Name, probably. Also Wonder Woman. Lady Bird was also great. And I really did like Dunkirk very much.
5) Last article you read: I just read an interview with Ben Whishaw, does that count?
6) Shuffle your music library and put your first three songs here: I’m gonna do this with my spotify collection cause I am a lazy person and I don’t actually have digital access to my rl collection rn. “The Winner Takes It All” - ABBA; “COOL” - Troye Sivan; “Hotter Than Hell” - Dua Lipa
7) Last thing you bought online: I think the Dunkirk screenplay?
8) How would your friends describe you? Writes a lot, loves #discourse more than is bearable, likes baking and cooking.
9) How would your enemies describe you? I’m unaware of having enemies? But if you know some, ask them.
10) Who would you take a bullet for? It’s nice that you think I’m fast enough to make that a decision. If I were, then I’d like to think a whole lot of people. Any child, pretty much. Definitely my little sister. Most anyone I care about. I’d usually rather I be shot. I mean, you didn’t say it’s a lethal bullet...
I’m gonna be extra lazy and do one of those “consider yourself tagged if you wanna do it” things.
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ephemerational · 4 years
Nightmare (III)
My hand reaches for a Teabag, carefully lifting it by the string, slowly guiding it towards the humungous Mug in front of me, capable of holding 40 oz worth of space at least. The bag rips. There is now tea on the floor. Mildly annoyed, I grab another bag, but it too empties its contents onto the ground before it reaches the mug. The same thing happens a third time and a fourth, and a fifth. I start taking handfuls of teabags and throwing them at the mug, but it is too small and too far away to hit. This is bullshit. Pouring hot water directly into the box might work. The pain is agonizing as the boiling liquid hits my throat. Blood starts dripping out of my sleeves, then flowing, then gushing. There is blood on the floor. The mug is empty. I think it’s empty. I can’t see it anymore.
My eyes open, not than it helps much, seeing or rather not seeing how it’s too dark to even make out what room I’m in. Crawling around on the floor I find a wall and with it a light switch. The mystery location turns out to actually be the kitchen, minus blood on the floor. What even was that shit, I don’t fucking drink tea. I take a can of the squirrel’s shitty beer from the fridge and open it.
Lo’s room and the kitchen are separated by multiple doorways and a staircase, which makes the fact that I somehow got here without eating shit even once a miracle of cosmic proportions. “to not breaking my face” I lift the can into the air and take a swig. Might not taste like much, but bathed in sweat and shaking all over it sure as fuck is refreshing. Maybe mom’s onto something. Further inspection of the fridge reveals half an omelet and some kind of sausage, which isn’t a bad breakfast by any stretch of the imagination, so with a plate and another can of the michelob (momchelob) ultra, I return to my room.
Lloyd is asleep, as to be expected at (my monitor floods the room with blinding cold light, as I wiggle the mouse around) four in the morning. He seems to not have noticed the sound of the door opening, or the sudden change in brightness. Either that or he’s ignoring it, both of which I’m fine with.
There’s a notification. Update on Lo’s weird ironic D-void. Maybe I should apologize to him for eating all his shit. On the other hand, he'll probably assume one of his guests is responsible if I don’t say anything. Seems less bothersome.
Lo’s D-void, of which no one except me and maybe Jerald knows that it’s Lo's D-void, or would ever think it was for that matter, as the posts on it where so meticulously planned, impeccably written and profoundly ironic, that they seemed to an outsider like the downright sincere work of someone who was pretty much the exact opposite of Lo. In fact, it was so unimaginably in-fictional-character that it had attracted a rather dedicated and not at all small fan base consisting primarily of angsty teenagers, which the good one probably doesn’t care too much about but I think is hella cool in a way.
The fact that Lo still values my opinion on his writing is also hella cool, even though it’s ironic and stylistically very different from anything I’ve ever put to physical or digital paper. I click on the link to “breakfast and breakdown”, a name that I came up with (original name was “eschaton exemplified”) and am still very proud of. It greets me with... A freaking poem, this fucking madman, like fuck.
Selfish The door opens and life floods in Quickly, I close my mouth. No use. It seeps in through my pores instead The unendurable cacophony of shrill, meaningless sounds, Voices, noises and ambiguous stuff in between Cheerfully chipping away at my eardrums The vivacious, burning mayhem of distorted, bright things Shapes, shades, and amorphous, cruel creatures of light Callously clawing at my eyeballs The fear patiently creeps in, through my eyes, ears, pores Crumbling, creaking, I sink to the ground Hopelessly holding my head One radiant being steps toward me Sickly beige, it wants to talk “I’m scared”, says the thing Sitting next to me, its glow hurts Wordlessly I crawl back into It’s radiant, roaring nightmare.
This is just some next level shit. I make the horrible, unforgivable and life ruining mistake of scrolling down into the comments. Just a bunch of fucking retards, talking about how this is totally what their human experience amounts to, how it’s worse than death on every level and how they just avoid interacting with anyone. Like did you read the same poem I read? Is the title really not hint enough for you to get the point and realize what a hypocritical asshole that makes you? Jesus fuck! I had told Lo on multiple occasions that I didn’t get how the stupidity of his followers doesn’t frustrate him, especially since he refuses to explain his posts. How do you get joy out of fucking with people and making fun of them if they don’t realize that that’s what you are doing? I start typing a private Message to the good one:
“Dude, this is rad, like a fucking masterpiece but you’re really wasting it on these depressed Idiots.”
Instant reply as usual
“I was one of those depressed assholes, I relate. One day they’ll do like me, seize their bullshit and start being awesome.”
“People don’t do that. Nobody does that. You pulled that phoenix out of the ashes shenanigans and I’m not even convinced pre “Lo” you was actually real and I was like there. Partially responsible for all that shit that happened to you even. Fact is you are wasting your skill.”
“Nope, that sure happened and you are complicit as hell in his death, can’t talk yourself out of that one. You used to be a fucking asshole.”
“Also talkin’ about wasting potential? Get some self-awareness bro. When did you last write something?”
“Yeah, I get it, but you obviously turned out fine. Dunno, two months ago?  I’ll have you know that “put a bullet through my head and call me Jesus” is in the works. Inspiration’s a bitch though.”
“That’s a shit excuse and you know it”
“You know what? I’m gonna work on it right now! I had some booze, some psycs, I should be way in the fucking zone.”
“Sweet, won’t hold you up any longer then. I have to prep some shit anyways”
Fuck. The sad, yet undoubtedly factually correct truth is that the soon to be world famous and critically acclaimed webcomic sensation “Put a bullet through my head and call me Jesus” is not in the works, but exists solely as five lines worth of notes on a piece of paper somewhere in my room (maybe lost) and has contributed to reality in this form for two months or so after I wrote the idea down in a drunken stupor. This won’t do. I crack open the second can of Momchelob (it makes a soothing zschhhh-sound) and go about changing this depressing state of affairs.
0 notes
dantelaw21 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290
Click on the video above to watch Episode 290 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts Episode 290. Today is the third of June and we are going to get rolling on into things here we got a couple of quick announcements. This is the show where I do not use Hernan’s title cuz I got enough problems and I’m gonna stick with my intro so I’ll let her know and explain that in a minute. But let’s say hi to everybody first and then we’re gonna get into it. So, Bradley, how are you doing today man?
Good happy to be here.
I just read Hernan’s comment anyways just happy to be here guys.
Outstanding well let’s hop over to you what’s going on man? I do not know that there’s a reason why I put it there in the chatbox. I was about to put it on the
Slack channel but I know that Bradley will share his you know his screen and then you know
everything will break loose Regulus, but anyways, yeah, excited to be here. Really, really good to be here. How’s Santa Monica? How are you doing today? Iron Man trying to hide his porn.
I think porn would actually be a lot better receptive and that is better received than his comment.
Anyway, things are good. Things are good. I can’t complain. I mean, I could go What’s the use right here any good? Yeah, he’s just complaining. So just, I just enjoy it, let it go and move on to the next thing which is making money looking for ways, of course, looking for ways to mess with Google.
Fair enough, which I’m going to come back to that in just a minute but first, Chris, how you doing man?
Doing excellent. had a really good gym session today. So I’m super pumped happy. weather is good some ways definitely approaching and yeah, can’t complain.
Yeah, I am not as pumped. I was like, I’m gonna take my miles up, do some long run. So I was going to go out and do 12 miles today and decided to bump up so it’s Like 91 here, which is like for our Celsius speaking friends, that’s like, what? 34 Celsius at 33 out there. Yeah, nice and toasty. So this will be a fun one for me. But instead of telling everyone about my exercise plans and the weather in the Bay Area, I wanted to share real quick. We sent out an email. There have been some webinars happening lately. But more importantly than that, we had a lot of people asking us about GMP verifications, and we’ve sent a couple of emails but we know people sometimes Hey, you’re busy, you might miss it. mgyb.co. GMP verifications are backed up. And you can find that just by going over to mgyb.co. Find out more there. Please pay attention to the very few but very important restrictions. There’s a couple of niches that you just it’s not possible, so don’t bother ordering. So all you have to do is go to mgyb.co and you click on the store, you go to GMB verifications, and right there it’ll have a shortlist of The only niches that you can’t do, if you don’t read that, then you know, we’ll just gonna end up refunding it. I say that because it happened a few times. I want to make sure that you guys get what you need but as always,
sorry, like does that mean there are people that pull the trigger without reading instructions? Is that what you’re saying?
There are but you know what, I appreciate that they were so happy to get started and GMBs that they’re just actually connected. But you know, we don’t want to hold you up. We don’t want to cause you any grief. So just make sure you know, you’re aware there are a few areas that we can’t do that for and more importantly, to you know, these are the verification system is something that comes and goes. Obviously there are some hang-ups there with outbreak and Coronavirus. And you know even while I’m not going to go into the details, but let’s just say we can’t tell you when this could go away. So if this is something you were doing or you want to do for like local Legion or for your own stuff, this would be a really good time to get into that. Marco Do you want to have you read the bullet list?
It is what we don’t have to get back to So, we can’t do that. Because we said we can’t do that. And so asking if we can do it doesn’t make sense. Since we told you, we can’t do it. Oh, that makes it make sense to me.
Yeah, no, that sounds good. So we just had a webinar, we’re going to be sharing it a little bit more in the future moving forward with everyone. It’s a new tool that Bradley has been using a lot. I checked it out. I’m just not using it because I’m not big into local. But I think for anyone that has local clients go high level and the training that Bradley is developing, and some of the other goodies we’re going to have available are pretty amazing. And I don’t know if there’s more to say right now about that Bradley, or if we can just leave it at that and say we’ll share with people and not at the moment, I’m going to be providing a case study for how I’m using it and a couple of ways that can be used will provide my test pans out the way I hope that it does, to experience kind of exponential growth with it. Um, I think there’s a way to kind of tear out like receiving benefit from a client but also from clients. And so I’ll explain all that during you know, in the case study when it’s done, it’s probably going to be about a month out. But that will be a bonus for anybody that purchases it as well. Nice.
Yeah, it’s great. I’d like to share something that happened with Hernan because he forwarded me a list of when the person was selling links, high domain authority, whatever page or what did just whatever from that Edu domains and then and all these great things and charging an arm and a leg for them. And I talked to rob and then Rob says, isn’t that the one we push down? And so while he was looking, I went to look and I said yeah, that’s the one we pushed down for, for the keyword SEO shield. And so I’m like, haha, coincidence is right where you go and you get someone trying to sell you something. And you can write back to them and say, well wait a minute we did our way, just took down your way. So why should I buy your way you should come over and buy my way. Because it’s cheap I will be. It’s just, it was just hilarious or the whole list of it would have cost me just thousands of dollars to get all of those links. And it cost you a fraction of that in MGYB, and works mode better.
Definitely, if you’re on the email list, I highly suggest if you’re interested in SEO, Sheldon, we’re talking about it, that you nominate that if you’re if you’ve seen these emails for the Fourth of July sale, we’re going to have coming up we’re going to have some we usually have something very good but we’re asking you guys for some input this year. So be sure to fill those surveys out, open up your emails, when you get them from us around you. It just takes a minute and you’re going to get a lot out of that. Real quick too. If you’re an agency owner or a consultant, you want to get more clients you want to grow your revenue and scale your team at that Me, I think that’s everyone here. So I can work less and earn more. If you want to be like that, then go check out to x your agency comm This is great training for people who already have clients. But as well as people who are just getting started and maybe you know, you’re not trying to grow the biggest agency ever, but you want to quickly get up to speed and really grow your consulting business or your agency. And last but not least, we’ve been talking a little bit about SEO about MGYB. But if you want to get step by step processes for SEO results, then the best place to do that is that battle plan dot semantic mastery. com grab the battle plan. And that’s generally where we tell people to start when they come to us and they come to Hump Day Hangouts and see what’s next that that that those two are great places to start. They’re complimentary, but you may want to start with one or the other, depending on what your most immediate need is, and go from there. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive into questions?
I’m doing so. All right.
So we’re good.
Grab the screen. Okay,
guys, we’ve seen everything right.
How Do You Use SEO Shield If You’re A Beginner?
All right. So it looks like this is the first question says my SEO shield was just delivered, but I have no idea what to do from here. I only got logins to an ID page and a pro account plus approach. Okay, so you shouldn’t have got it. Anyways, I’m just going to read the question. Got a log into an ID page on a pearl trees account is what that means plus an HTML file to download and a Google site URL. What about the syndication network and the IFTTT where I post content? Please advise or tell me where I can find a tutorial to use these assets? which I’m sure awesome Yes, I have the battle plan 4.0. But there are no mentions of what to do with these assets specifically, thanks. A while the delivery email should have contained all of your information unless it came in and separately like in other words when your syndication network if it was an SEO power shield, which includes all the stuff. You should have gotten an email when the syndication network was delivered, which should have been first before the drive stack was completed.
So and when the SEO shield is delivered, it gives you once you log into that Google account, which by the way, that’s one of the first things you should do, guys, as soon as you get your SEO back, log into the Google account because it binds that account now to your IP. And we recommend that you do that like right away like within you know, within a few days anyways of receiving that email. But once you log into that Gmail account that was provided to you with the login details, then you click the URL to the spreadsheet, which opens up like the drive stack, essentially all the files and folders and everything. And then through that same Gmail account, you can click in the drive and you can actually go in and look at all the individual files and folders and all of that kind of stuff.
Are we sending out the done for you RYS black book with the delivery from SEO shields? If not, we should include that, Marco.
And that’s a standard practice because although it’s a bundle, as everything is done, it gets delivered. And part of the delivery is, of course, the Done For You User’s Guide. And the BattlePlan says exactly what to do with what, whether it’s a new asset or an existing asset. As the pieces come in. Your next step is link building, press releases, link building, embeds, link building more press releases until you get the results that you’re looking for. I mean, our system hasn’t changed and I don’t know how many years because it’s simply worse. It’s just the way we bundled it. And he’s asking about his syndication. Well, he submitted a syndication point, which is his RSS feed or wherever it is that he’s going to be syndicating from his syndication network, so that his content can be published, right. So he should have gotten with that That we wouldn’t have built the syndication network. So he’s asking about that he’s supposed to be blogging from there. So he’s supposed to look into how to set up his silos, how to go after the top market level category. These are all things that we’ve discussed in past Hump Day Hangouts. I mean, the approaches, everything’s free in the on our YouTube channel, all you have to do is use the channel search function. And look for all of these things. Well, what do I do with the RSS feed? How do I syndicate? All questions that can be answered from our YouTube channel. From our free content, you can go into the free Facebook group and ask the question, I know that this particular one I told them, as in Hump Day hangout so that we could go into more detail about what to do, but it because I wanted to make sure that everyone knows, is like you’re not we’re not doing anything different. You get the syndication network, you start syndicating content, you don’t have to wait for everything else to come in. Right? It should be primed. You should have content ready, you should have your silos more or less ready. If you didn’t, then you should have gotten a keyword research gig from us where we can suggest how to approach your niche. But I mean, nobody knows your niche better than you or you should be researching your niche to the point where nobody knows better than you. We can give you suggestions. And we could give you a question and answer your question format so that you can do questions and answers in your content syndication. But again, nothing has changed from the beginning. It’s still the syndication network used to the syndication network is for syndicating content, and it’s for bringing that entity together, right? It’s the beginning of the validation process that we did a whole webinar on that as a matter of fact, in MGYB, then as everything as the @ID gets delivered, and then the final piece of the puzzle of the SEO shield, the dry sack and G site. Well, that’s what you hammer with the link building and you can shoot your press releases through that and out into your tier one brand, which is your syndication network. This is all a process and it’s all set up. And again, we discuss it thoroughly in the battle plan, not only in the battle plan, but in the webinar that we did, where were you, Rob and I got together and we discussed all the different parts of the battle plan and how to approach it and what to do with it. It’s all there. It may take a little bit of research into the YouTube channel, but it’s all there and it’s all free. It’s all free. So you have to just go place the order with MGYB and Okay, what do I do with this? Well, you, thank you for coming here and asking so that we can go into detail. Thank you. But all of these things are available.
Yeah. So like, Where do I post content? It depends on what you used as your trigger or told us to use it as a trigger for your syndication network. Was it blog syndication? So using an RSS feed or was it a YouTube channel? That’s the question so you just post content to whatever you chose as your trigger for the network, right. So either post blog posts on your blog, or upload videos to YouTube channel. That’s where you would post the content too. I do think that this is a good opportunity, perhaps for us to do Marco and Rob and me perhaps to jump on a creative webinar for MGYB like an update webinar, that is just a quick run-through of what to do after your SEO shield has been delivered, or while you’re waiting for all of the components to be delivered. Maybe just do a quick webinar and update that we can then send along with the delivery email with the done for you Users Guide and all that stuff. But just to kind of give an additional resource, I’m up for that. So if I could twist Marco and Rob’s arm to jump on with me, in the next couple of weeks, maybe we’ll do that as an update webinar for MGYB just to kind of give it all consolidate it all into one, you know, 20-minute video or something that explains on you know, what, what best practices are for going forward? I think that might be helpful. What do you say?
No problem just set it up.
Okay. So yeah, we can do that in the meantime. Go look it should have done for your user’s guide. It should have been delivered. If it hasn’t been just contact [email protected]. And request it will make sure you get it but it should have been delivered and then go back and check for your syndication network. Whenever that’s completed, you should get an email for that first, like, you know, a week or however many days prior to your done for you. Drive stack being completed because that’s always done first if that makes sense. So if that’s what you ordered as an SEO power shield along with you know, with all the stuff included, then that’s the timeline that you should have received notifications. Okay.
Does SERP Watching Hurt A Website’s Ranking?
Mohammad is up next. What’s up, Mohammad? He says, hey guys, does SERP watching her a ranking for a specific website, my car dealer. My car dealer client is rising rapidly for a major keyword almost too fast (Shout out to SM). It’s awesome. I’ve shown him the progress and he got so excited. He’s checking it every day. I requested he take it easy, but if he’s actually hurting things, I’ll tell him to stop. That’s a really good question. I’m not sure about that. What do you say, Marco?
Well, it depends on how many unique visits his IP is getting counted for. Right? And now here’s the problem. So let’s say he’s looking at it from his desktop at work. Then he goes to his laptop, and he looks, then he’s home and he looks at it from his mobile phone. Then he tells his wife, hey, go, go, go check this out, and he reaches out to a friend. Now you’ve had five or six visits that just go and say, Oh, look, Wow, this is great. But they take no action that on that search engine result. Or maybe they click through to the website, which is great for your click-through rate. But when they’re on your website, nothing happens. And you’ve heard me talk about this before Mohammad, the final piece of this entire puzzle is getting that person to that click to call that form to whatever it is that you want that person to do. And finish it off. Most people are like, Oh, how pretty Look, look, this is really neat. I’m number nine. I’m number two, whatever it is, the harm could come, like from too many sessions, right? The separate sessions that they can kind of work without anything happening, because that can actually be a negative, because to Google that somebody’s not finding what they’re looking for or somebody’s not trusting you enough. If they land on your website to get you that information. If he’s just looking from time to time, depending on how much traffic it will what percentage it is of the overall traffic, it’s not going to make any difference. Now, I’m going to tell you another thing if he’s watching this close closely, and you know how fickle Google is the first time this thing dances, you’re gonna get a call at midnight because this guy’s gonna be watching. You have no idea what you’re gonna get that call, and he’s gonna be panicking. Right, and Do you want that call? Tell him to stop and look at the fucking results. That’s it. Stop, stop it is your phone ring, it’s coming up, wait for the next report. Then you go and look, relax, let you see initial results. Give me time to put everything in place so that you can see what the end result of what I do cuz he’s not really giving you a chance. And I’m telling you, the first negative thing that happens this guy’s gonna freak out. Remember, Marco told you?
Yeah, anybody that SERP watches that much is going that’s a clear indication that they’re going to be trouble. They’re gonna high maintenance, Mohammed and you have a tendency to attract those types of clients for some reason. So I totally agree with Marco. One other thing I want to mention is I’ve experienced something similar but when managing Google Ads campaigns, what I mean by that is I’ve had some clients that they go and they Go check, you know, Google, they do keyword searches to see their ad. They don’t click through because they know they’re going to pay for every click that, you know, even if it’s them clicking through, they’re going to pay for that. So they know not to click through, but I’ve had clients that will kill my click-through rate. Right, which if you understand Google ads, you know that one of the best ways to raise your quality score and lower your cost per click, and all of that is to have a high click-through rate. And I’ve had clients that have like literally negatively affected their click-through rate, drove it down the CTR down because they’re SERP watching their ads. And it shows all these additional impressions, but not as many click-throughs because they’re just checking it to see where it’s at. And so I always tell somebody, if you really want to take a look at where you are, if you’re as long as you’re on page one, go use the Google Ads preview and diagnostic tool inside of Google ads, right? Because then you can simulate a search without it actually counting as an actual impression right? So as long as you’re on and it works for even organic because you can actually set your, you know, it simulates a location, but then you can also simulate whether it’s a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device. And you can search for your keywords. And as long as your ranking is on page one, whether it’s an ad or an organic, it will show and that’s also another way that you can have like, for example,
I’ve got a pest control client. He owns the company, and it’s a northern company in Northern Virginia. They provide Pest Control services in Northern Virginia. But he now resides as the owner of the company down in Florida, and he often after I sent and I don’t know why once per year, I have to go through this shit with him and I don’t understand why. But anyway, like last month, for example, when I sent the monthly reports, again, I’ve gone over this many times with him, but you know, I still send a local rank report as bright low Reports, because you can set again a simulated location and everything else. And you’ll look at the report and then he’ll go look in Google and search from a Florida IP for his keywords. And obviously, it’s going to look significantly different than what it does for somebody that’s local searching in the Northern Virginia area. And then you’ll come back and say, Well, you know, how do I get rankings back for our primary keyword in our primary area? And I’ll say, Well, wait a minute, you are ranking? Well, the report shows this. And when I do a search, it’s not coming bla bla bla. And I’ve had to explain that to them many, many times, and say, and even provided tutorial of like, hey, look, go use a Google Ads premium diagnostic tool. So you could set the mobile device, you could set the location, and even then that’s still not 100% accurate, because again, it’s a simulated search, as opposed to an actual real search which you can’t simulate user behavior and all that like in other words, like a history of the type of content people have engaged with and all that other kinds stuff so no, you know having simulated searches are they’re never going to be as accurate as they are in real life and I’m only telling you that guys because like I said the same type of thing is you can still show your client or tell your client if these that adamant about being cysts on constantly SERP watching which is not a good sign, have them do it through the ad premium diagnostic tool over instead of like through an actual browser. That makes sense. Okay.
Is It Okay To Add The RSS Feed Of A Money Site To The General Spliced Feed And Syndicate It To Directories?
BB’s up with his long list of questions again, no matter how many times he’s persistent, I’ll tell you what, so what’s up guys, should you risk adding the money site RSS feed to the general spiced feed feeds that contain all the branded properties and money site and some authority site RSS and syndicated to a huge amount of RSS directories, which some of them could be spammy? This comes from the guideline of no links to money site because press releases in the SEO SEO so you must be talking about like the advanced RSS strategy module from syndication. Academy Yeah, it doesn’t that’s fine RSS directory. Remember, you can’t control other people scraping your RSS feed. You have no control over that, right. So it’s not, it’s not the same as if you submit your RSS feed as Super feed right as you called it, which is spliced in with related content feeds web 2.0 feeds and all that you submit it to directories and aggregators, it’s fine. It’s not the same as a direct backlink to your site. So you’re okay to do that. I’ve never had any issue with that. There are some that may be spammy. It’s not gonna affect your site. Because again, if that were the case, then anybody out there that had an RSS feed period could potentially be hit with some sort of negative SEO penalty, or, you know, some sort of penalty because other people took their RSS feed without their permission and used it. And so again, it’s kind of a different set of rules there. It’s not going to affect not the same as if you’re going out and building links intentionally to yourself. Any comments on that?
Oh, no, that’s fine. Okay, so moving on the second one, this is better, maybe you’re getting better.
Can You Power The RYS Properties With Tier 2 RYS Properties?
You’re getting better than the next one is let’s say you have a domain that is powered by an RYS stack. Can you power the RYS properties with tier two RYS properties? If yes, can it replicate the links package and embed the package? And can this power and go into tier three and tier four? Um, my first thought, and again, Marco is the expert on this. But it’s what’s that? What would be the point of that when you can continue to build and expand the existing drive stack? I don’t know why you’d want to tear drive stacks. I don’t know what the purpose of that would be. So I don’t know Marco, that would be my first thought. What do you say?
No, I mean, we’ve talked about this before. The best thing that you could do is go inside the main drive stack and add keyword-driven, stacks, within that with inner pages on the G site, matching the inner pages on the money site. That’s the best thing that you do. And then you go to town on that drive second G site because now it’s branded, you created all of the brand plus keyword relationships. And then you focus you got the keyword-driven stack that’s going to carry all of that art activity, relevance, trust, and authority over to the page that you’re trying to rank. You’ve isolated everything. I don’t want to get too technical, but you’re accruing PageRank on that inner page, and you’re driving it over to the inner page that you’re looking to rank. And then when you link build, you not only accruing more page more PageRank but you make up for any link atrophy for PageRank that you’re going to lose because of the way that Google the way that they add up the PageRank right the way that they set it up, so I don’t see it. I don’t see it necessary to them. An additional g site and drive stack unless you have a really stubborn keyword. It just won’t move then. You might want to it would be something like a PBn type drive stack, which focuses on that keyword even more. It just hones in on that one keyword that’s really sticky that you did the inner g site page and the keyword-driven drive site over to the money site, inner page, and it didn’t have the effect that you wanted. So that’s when you would isolate with that. I haven’t I have yet to see anything that needs to go that far. Even in the Amazon case study that Didier conducted that wasn’t really necessary. All that was necessary was going after that keyword, right that keyword said that in that specific niche in that top market level category. Can it replace the link? No. No Because there what you’re doing is you’re broadening the link profile. It’s not all coming just from Google properties. And can you power then tier three and tier four? Yeah. But why? why if you can just go directly into the drive secondary site, get all the effects in there, accrue PageRank and ranking score in there and then transfer it over to the money site. It won’t transfer one to one, of course, but you get a better effect than breaking it up the way that you’re talking about BB.
Yeah, just to be clear, BB. You know, over the years, we’ve seen a lot of people that have come to us with these elaborate linking schemes and things like that. And diagrams sometimes you can tell people spend hours drafting a diagram to show and then they come and ask, what do you think this will work and a lot of times, not to, you know, burst your bubble or anything like that, but it’s overcomplicating stuff. That’s unnecessary. And you know, if it might seem like a good idea, but a lot of times when you add complexity, it makes it harder to manage the project to begin with. So that’s why I always recommend using single-tier syndication networks for most brands as opposed to multi-tiered syndication networks. When you’re talking about blog syndication. That’s part of the reason I’ve been saying that for years now because you overcomplicate things unnecessarily. And so that’s what I would just warn against that, you know, I understand trying to come up with new ways to squeeze more power out of stuff and all that and that’s fine. That’s great. That’s how you become a good SEO is to hypothesize and then test. But you know, that’s also what we do. And so, I’m not saying don’t go out and test your own things. It’s good that you’re coming here and asking questions, but as Marco just said, you can simplify what you’re trying to do now by continuing to expand your existing drive stack and your G site. Instead of adding all of these additional tiers that are going to limit or reduce your overall link profile when you’re better off just really smashing the shit out of your existing drive stack and G site as you continue to expand it out continue link building and embed packages to that.
Do You Need To Index After Having An MGYB DFY Link Building Service?
So okay Mohammed’s up again, he says, Hey guys, I just learned I should be using the link indexing service after MGYB DFY service. Do I just index all links I get after a link building job until now? I never indexed so I’m worrying that I sabotage myself. No, it certainly helps. Muhammad. However, I don’t know. There’s I don’t know if we’ve resolved this yet. But there’s a limit to how many URLs you can submit at a time with the link indexer. So it’s kind of a pain in the ass to use. I’m not gonna lie unless we’ve resolved that Marco Do you know if that’s been resolved? Can we submit text files yet or CSV files? I can’t tell you offhand.
Okay. Yeah, because I don’t use it that often. I do. For some things, but like when you get a link building campaign back and you’ve got thousands of links, it’s, I mean, it would take you a lot of manual work to be able to upload the links to the indexer. And I know that was on the to-do list. I don’t know Rob has resolved that yet. But we need to get that to where we can upload either paste in a, you know, batches, big batches, or upload a text file or the CSV file with the links to have them all index. I think, right now there’s a limit to like, I don’t know, 300 URLs at a time or something like that. And so that’s, that’s, that’s part of the reason I don’t use it as much as I should because it’s just kind of a manual process of adding links to it. So, Mohammed, Rob can answer that question for sure. If you need to, you could always ask in the free group and we can reply on it there.
So no, not yet. The answer is no, not yet. You can’t you cannot add a text file or CSV or Excel or anything else. It has to go through the system. As far as link indexing, this comes from the heavy hitter club, the free group where he asked it, and he’s getting results. So now he’s wondering, is not so much sabotage himself. But could he be getting better results? And that’s we have no way of knowing what would have or could have happened. Had he submitted the URLs for indexing? Of course, we can’t know. But he’s getting results. So it just means that that’s getting picked up over time, which is perfectly fine. You don’t have to force the indexing like Google index natural. The link indexing is just a way to speed up the process and make sure that the Google gets in there crawls it, you’re going to lose links over time, it happens to everybody, no matter what kind of link building you’re doing are linked indexing. Now, what you could do is maybe get a URL A sheet that you got back from Deadia. And you can link built to those and get an indexing package to the new ones, which will have an effect on any existing old links to buy up or you tear your links and get those reindex power, the power those up that way. That would work. But I don’t see why if you’re already getting results that just keep doing what you’re doing. And then from here on out, make it your standard operating procedure to order indexing with every gig that you order from MGYB that I just came up with an idea that I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this before. But tell me if this would work. If you set what if you took the CSV file that you got back with the links that were built, and then you know, turn it into a Google Sheet, and then submitted the Google Sheet URL to the indexer. That would get the bots to come to crawl the Google Sheet that has all the URLs in it right?
Yes or no? Would that work?
Yeah, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I don’t know why I’d thought about that. So that might be the way to do it then would be to just add the CSV file with the links that were delivered to drive, set it to anybody that has the link can access, and then submit that URL, the sheet URL to the indexer. Done. Right. I haven’t tested that. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, because and by the way, probably, the reason why we do the things the way we do it now is that we have to count the URLs that are being submitted, right. Because it’s not unlimited. I mean, potentially, if you gave someone the test to upload a text file or CSV, they could just upload thousands and thousands of URLs if they wanted to. Right, and they would just dilute the or, Tara, I don’t know we’re controlling it. I just heard back from Rob controlling it because of that we need to come The URLs are that are being submitted. So maybe we need to extend it. I don’t know. He said, it’s being coded in though, you know, we’re moving platforms, right? Yes. And we’re testing that out and that’s in the process as soon as we have the new platform is going to be a lot simpler to do things.
Google Policy Violation To A Two-Year-Old RYS Drive Stack
There you go. So JT, SEO is up. He says, Hi, Marco. I got an email from big G, Google policy violation warning saying that the G drive that a Gdrive with a two-year-old RYS is violating policies about malware, destructive code, warned that if it persists, they may restrict access to it. Have you come across that before? And before you answer the question, I want to read the next part to the second post. He says I have not touched the RYS in weeks, seems odd. Any advice appreciated. A week previous to getting the warning. So yeah, is that related to the XML script?
One of the reasons is the XML script if it’s set to work, there’s a setting on it, right? There’s a timer, where you go every two hours, every four hours, every eight hours, whatever. What happens is that we, I don’t know, we should make this public, we rebuild the entire site on that cycle, so you’re using up a lot of resources, and some of those will time out. And so what we recommend is now you don’t build it every 248 or eight hours. I mean, actually, you don’t need it. Every three days, every five days is fine. Every, I don’t know. 1618 hours, pick an odd number every 19 hours. It gets rid of something so that you’re less burdensome to Google, then you are now because the one thing that they hate is people hogging their resources. If you’re not paying for those resources, and you will get those warnings. And they will kill your drives tech and your G site. If you continue. Now, I don’t know what you did. Because you’re not saying what it is that you’re why you went in there. And what it is that you did that set Google off because it hadn’t been touched in two years, and it was working just fine. So I don’t know that it’s really difficult to answer this, right.
Yeah, and I’ve had a couple of stacks where when I placed the order, I submitted a bunch of photos, for example, and the builders built using the photos but then the rebuild script will rebuild all those photos and that’s resource-heavy super resource-heavy apparently. So I’ve learned to only submit a handful of images with the order because you know, something similar. I’ve not had any warning talking about malware or destructive code that at least I don’t remember that specifically mentioned, but I have had To the XML scripts timeout and shut down on me because of the too many images, which I guess is resource-heavy. So but yeah, that’s just I recommend doing what he just mentioned. go in and change your rebuild time limit to something much more for that. It doesn’t have to be rebuilt every two or four hours. They won’t get crawled out often anyways.
What MGYB Service Is Good For A One-Year-Old Site With Good On-Page SEO?
lonnis up says, Hey guys, I landed my first client. I just got the client’s GMB verified. The site is a year old with no links. I’ve done some pretty good on-page SEO. So the site is starting to move. Should I buy your SEO power shield or our ys drive stacks, I’m having a meeting with a client and I need to know which direction to go. Thanks for your help. The SEO power shield is are like a combination of everything right? That’s it’s hands down. It’s all of the assets that we talked about. And that’s why we built those packages. Because, you know, for a long time, we had all the individual components that you could purchase but people would ultimately and you know a lot of the times people would buy certain components Not all of them and not combine everything, and then come back and say, Well, this isn’t working. And that’s not working. And whenever we would dig a little deeper, we’d find out that, you know, they only had a part of it. And I always screw this saying up, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
That’s right. I can never get that one. Right. But yeah, it’s like, if you only do 25% of the work, you’re not going to get 25% of the results, right? It’s less than that. Like, in other words, if you do 100% of the work, you’re going to get 150% of the results, if I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it does. It’s kind of an exponential thing when you have all the components together. So that’s why we offer those in different clips of bundles like that the SEO power shield is that is the top tier, right? And so that’s everything combined. So yeah, I would recommend that. That’s just a standard operating procedure for all projects that I work on now as an SEO power shield. Sometimes I ordered them in separate components because of, you know, specific reason. That may be, but in your case, especially just starting out, I would just go with the SEO power shield, it’s going to make it much easier because you’ll get all the components delivered in the proper sequence as well. The comments,
I totally agree to go for it SEO power shielding, don’t separate the drive stack from it, although the drive stack and z sight will have an effect on it anyway, what what you’re actually doing is is everything that I’ve been talking about for years, which is working on that entity in that brand, versus doing it piecemeal. You’re bringing everything together all at once you’re giving it all to Google, and you’re trying to make your clients brand, the keyword in that niche. That’s what you’re striving towards. So anything that you could do to try to get that you should be doing. You can’t leave things that you cannot leave out the syndication network, but those are profiles that you’re going to claim and schema in your sameas as being part of the organization. It’s part of who and what your brand is, or in this case, your client, you can’t separate that. I mean, you could go later on and get it. But then if you know that you’re going to need it later on, why not just get it all just now and be done with it and move on to the next phase, which is hammering everything that you get back from us for better results.
Yeah, and I just, I want to, you know, kind of touch on something briefly, because, believe it or not, I was looking at the kind of doing an audit for one of our members in the mastermind today. It’s kind of an ongoing thing. And I want to make it real clear, guys. You know, when you get your drive stack back and your G site, remember to, you know, the drive stack expansion, we talked about expanding that and that’s a service that is in beta right now for mastermind members and such where we can, you know, we can do that for you at MGYB, but we talked about theme mirroring all the time, but something else is really critically important. Is embedding your money pages from your, in other words, that the pages from your primary website into the corresponding sites on the G site page, it’s really important because you can inject structured data, for example, schema.org, right. So whatever type of project you’re on, if it’s a local business, you know, you can inject that schema into the G site by doing so. It’s very important. And I think that gets overlooked a lot. Maybe we’re not having been really clear about it, I thought we have been, but you know, even one of our mastermind members, who’s been with us for many, many months and have received a lot of help, has overlooked that. And I don’t understand how that gets overlooked. It’s very, very important because that’s one of the ways that you get that structured data into the G site. And how you push so much of the power that you’re developing and accruing through the drive stack in the G site through to the money site. That makes sense by embedding those the corresponding pages from the money site on to the G site, right. So when you theme marry you do that And then and again, I don’t know how that gets overlooked at times. But maybe again, we haven’t been really clear about it. But that’s why I want to touch on that here. It’s critically important to do that. And so I would recommend that you do that, as well as is make sure that you have structured data, guys, you know, by the day, we’re going deeper into the Semantic Web, right? So it’s super important that you have you make those associations with structured data code to tell Google specifically your entity assets in the connection between them, right. And it’s really really, really important to do that. And I see a lot of that still being overlooked by people and, and I think that’s a mistake. So any comments on that for move on?
and that’s perfect you know, in heavy hitter club, the last two webinars or the first two, in the series that we’re doing were entirely about the entity, schema, and content and how to structure your unstructured data and then how to how to structure your structured data so that it matches your unstructured data so that you’re feeding the buttons. All of the information possible to make your entity or your brand, the keyword in the niche or the top entity versus all of the other entities because at the end of the day, what we’re talking about in Google is a huge relational database. So just think of a data dump. And yes, of course, it’s categorized and Google has entities and it has that like that the ultimate entity in that niche, right, what it would look like and the closer that you get to matching that ultimate entity, the better your results are going to be in the end, which is outranking everybody else. I keep saying it. We took on Amazon, and one and then we can do that with our methods. Then the entire internet is wide open to you guys. And we’re not hiding anything from you. Everything that we use is in MGYB. That’s how we do it. Right? Maybe in our free groups like heavy hitter club or the Semantic Mastery mastermind, we’ll go deeper into the why and the how. But as far as what we do to get results, it’s right there. It’s an empty vibe to all of those services. Those are things that we use to rank our projects. And we do it over and over and over again. And I don’t see why you guys aren’t doing. If you’re not doing we got a lot of people here who do get results, by the way. Yeah.
SEO Power Shield Or RYS Drive Stacks
Because as long as I began, he says to add to my other question, should I buy multiple SEO power shields or RYS drive stacks? I’m excited. I just want to make sure my client and I guess we are aware of upcoming costs. No, that’s what we just talked about. Just a few moments ago, Lonnie, that’s not necessary. You know, one drive stack in G site for your client is all that’s needed, right. And you can expect And that out by theme mirroring. And so if you’re not sure what we’re talking about, you go to the MGYB.co and look at the webinars. I think Marko’s first heavy hitter club webinar was public. I don’t know if it still is. But that drive stack expansion and we did a webinar, this mg y b, I know we did. No, watch that one. It’s in the webinar section, you can watch about that and talk about how we talked about expanding the drive stack, the mirroring, and all that. And that’s why you don’t have to keep buying what you should do, which you should be buying after the drive stack and G site has been built is link building and embed gigs to power it up and continue building out that drive stack to mirror, the site, the website itself and everywhere that you have digital assets that you can mirror to the primary structure of the website, right or the excuse me the structure of your primary website. That’s what you should be doing. So again at mgyb.co. The webinars tab you can go look at PR silo stacking, or press release silos. And you can silo press releases together to mirror whatever your silo structure is from your primary website as well as your G site as well as your drive stack. You do the same thing with GMB posts. If you’re using Google, if the project that you’re working on has a Google My Business profile, right, so all everything that you do should be mirrored into a silo structure, whatever the primary website structure is, you duplicate that and mirror that on to your other assets. And the same type of linking structure happens when you do all of that together. Now you have all these assets that are all, you know, tightly siloed that’s what the silo means, right? So it’s a, it’s like a vertical silo, right? So everything is tightly siloed. And then you link build into those and do embed gigs into those, and you can push massive relevancy, very specific to certain areas of your site, or you know, certain keyword themes or keyword sets. Does that make sense? So that’s how you Do it. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Yeah, I think we have to be the only people on the web who would tell people don’t spend money needlessly. Because anybody else would have just told you, Loni. Yeah, get five of them. Five is better, and come up with a really intricate and mixed up way on how you can knock those all up and daisy chaining them and come up with all this crazy shit on how to make them look better. We got to be the only people who look tough. No, no, don’t spend all that money because you’re doing it needlessly do exactly what Bradley said. You build inner pages and inner stacks in your branded stack. To increase the power of link building, embed, link building press releases, link building cycle, you’ll spend the money on that because that’s what’s going to power up everything. And it keeps it on a cycle through everything, but you only need one branded drive stack and G site one and then inside of that, you’re going to remember You’re going to copy, you’re gonna mirror you’re gonna clone whatever the fuck you want to call it, the inner pages on your G site, the categories, whatever the wherever the money is you focus on that, right? Because your, your market level category should be where the money is. And that’s what you’re trying to rank for. When you try to rank for that all of the money keywords under that top market level category are going to come up because of the way that you’re approaching this, which is from the top-down, instead of bottom-feeding and going after just the long tail. That’s going to happen if you approach it the right way. But no, don’t go spend money in these needlessly go spend money and focus on getting the best results and the best results are dry sack g site branded and then you extend the initial drive second g site, not additional ones.
There you go.
Yeah, just keep building the power to the one that’s the best, the best Answer we can get I, like that power to the one
alright so Don says I already got version one and two the battle plan so what’s the new one cost me this time just click through and go check it out battleplan.semanticmastery.com. But Don I’m gonna do it for you. Okay, there you go 32 bucks you know, we broke the bank on that one cylinder 32 bucks, didn’t we spend an hour and a half recording that net video or something ridiculous like that. So for 32 bucks, man.
alright, so and it’s simplified. we’ve simplified it specifically because it just you know, it just makes it easier to put everything into the package, you know? packages like what we have for sale now on MGYB. It’s just easier that way. And that’s you know, we always recommended that before but again, we would tell people to go buy all these different components and so now we just put them together and packages It makes it so much easier. And you know, we’re still working on trying to make things easier, guys. And that’s why they’re trying to change platforms at MGYB. So it’s a work in progress. Right?
Drive Stack Expansion Availability
A Nexus Hey guys, I’m thinking of getting the SEO shield. When will you be rolling out the ID loop page folder service? So you mean the drive stack expansion service? That’s essential, I guess, the more proper term for it. I’ve heard Doing this will improve results. Absolutely. It will. So Marco, when will that be publicly available?
It’s already public. I would as I thought Rob had published that it’s public and available.
Oh, shit, I didn’t know that. You guys kept me in the dark. I feel like a mushroom. Shit, all day. I think he published it on Facebook. If I’m not mistaken. I just, I just don’t let’s go public. I mean, if it’s there if it’s ready, let’s go. Let’s give it to people and let them have at it. I thought it was still in beta. So my bad, so it should be. Apparently it’s news to me. It’s available for everybody. Drive stack expansion. I hadn’t even seen it in the MGYB store. So maybe I don’t know, I hadn’t even seen it.
So maybe the image hasn’t been added. It’s just so much stuff. Yes. Rob says the expression is public and on the store page, it’s on this.
sweet. I hadn’t seen it, Rob.
We need to bring Robin from now on because we get a lot of questions that he could be here answering. Yeah.
How Many Times Does Your Google Stacks Report?
Olaf says How many times do you think your Google stacks got reported? And why do you think Google does not care or ban them? I don’t know how many times they’ve been reported. I really don’t care. Now, I think Google doesn’t care because it’s a Google property, I suppose. And they’re narcissistic, which you know, we use that in the original sales copy, use Google’s own narcissism against itself. You know, that they recently made some changes to drive, I think, to combat that or, you know, to try to prevent some of what it is that is, you know, we’ve been doing but Marco and Rob immediately figured out There’s a workaround for that, too. So I think that was an indication that they were trying to do whatever they could, or something, at least symbolically to try to prevent people from using them the way that we’ve been using them, but I don’t I don’t think they were successful. What do you say?
Ah, yes, that’s something that I lose sleep over. How many times? How many times have I shown publicly? Well, think about how many times I’ve shown publicly, the Virginia SEO, SEO Virginia case study over the last over nearly five years, right. It’ll be five years in August, by the way.
No, it’s five years in May last month.
Yeah, but I’m saying your case. The one that you originally did is five years. It this past May or last month, but I’m saying it in August. It’ll be five years since we released our way as Kevin written. And we had that question. Well, how long before that loophole is closed? That was you remember? During during the webinar, and I remember that clearly like I asked, Well, yeah, how long before the loophole is closed? It happens not to be a loophole. And it happens to be a door that’s wide open. And that that’s really hard to close. If it was simple for a simple fix, it would have been done by now we’re working from. And I continue to say this, and I wish people would just listen, and really pay close attention. We’re working off web principles. It’s not Google principles that Google Terms of Service. We’re working from web principles, foundational principles, on the web. That’s how we target this. Now, of course, we don’t talk about this a lot because unlike other marketers, we don’t like to confuse our people. We don’t like to confuse you with all this technical stuff that we’ve had to go over during the last six years or so. Since I’ve been researching this because it would probably hurt most people It hurts my head. I know. It’s gonna cause a whole lot of headaches. I mean, why we just show the reason Do we care about Google? We’ve shown that it’s not something that we just say that Google is narcissistic. It’s something that we’ve shown timing is something that we proved live. I mean it. I don’t know how many other people are actually are actually able to do this to prove the fact that Google prefers itself over anything else. Proven. This isn’t theory. We don’t give you guys theory. It’s proven. It’s a fact. Now, how long? Or how many times? Does it matter? Like, I don’t care? manual? Yeah, sure. And then we’ll just build 10 more. Doesn’t matter. It like the way that it is right now. Why doesn’t Google care or ban them? We don’t know. We don’t work for Google. We just gonna keep manipulating until we can’t anymore. And then if we can’t, then that just means I have to figure out a different way or I have to sit with Rob and we have to say okay, so this door is finally closed. But we know that there’s 10 more doors that just opened up because they just closed that one. That’s how code works. I mean, it’s really difficult with the amount of code. Yeah, Google has to work with, yeah, to shut one thing down and not open 10 million more things that make it even simpler to spam and manipulate. Right? I mean it. And, again, we work off foundational principles in the World Wide Web. It’s not just Google. It’s not just their terms of service. It’s a lot of things that we’re approaching from that standpoint.
SEO Power Shield Works
So I want to read Austin’s comment, Austin Dom What’s up man? I’m still waiting for him to come to join the mastermind. But anyways, Austin says and then I want to very briefly before we wrap it up, I want to do a live search for the SEO Virginia Case Study or whatever that we did, because I’ll talk about that a minute. But Austin says got an SEO shield for a client about a month ago. This is the second site for him. It is now past the other site I have been maintaining for two years. He is now number one, number two for many organic and MAP KEYWORDS in the real estate niche. Yes, power shields work. And so to bring this over to so it was interesting, but about a month ago, for the first time in five years. I saw and so we’re going to see where it is now. We’re going to do this live. Okay. The first time in five years, my SEO Virginia, Virginia, SEO Virginia SEO agency, SEO agency, Virginia, like all of those keywords, for the first time in five years, the drive stack or the G site from that awful and it’s not even a complete drive stack. It’s not built to the standards that we build them today. But for the first time in five years, it moved down, it dropped. Let’s see where it is today. Let’s just see because I’ll tell you exactly what I did and we’ll see where it’s at. Okay, so it did move a little bit now. It’s number three for me. to Virginia Okay, so let’s open up another tab and check another keyword and this is in five years of not touching it okay without doing any work to it at all in five years. Okay, number three for that term, Virginia eight SEO agency Virginia. Let’s look at another term. Let’s look at Virginia SEO. Okay, so guys, I’m sharing this to be 100% transparent with you okay, we’ve used this case study for five years as an example. And it’s wasn’t even really a case study. It was an experiment with me testing what Marco told me to do. And it was again, not built to what we build standards today. You can take a look at it, it’s done. It doesn’t look anything like what we build today. It wasn’t there are not nearly as many files and folders there’s no interlinking done like what we do today. But for five damn years, the son of a bitch has sat at number one and hasn’t budged until about a month ago when I noticed. For whatever reason, I was doing a quick search on it and I noticed that it had it moved a little bit. So you can see it has moved slightly and five years. No link building, no press releases nothing.
And that’s why I’ve always loved to use this as an example to show how powerful these damn things can be. Because it wasn’t even done correctly or to our current standards, yet it has ranked outranked Virginia SEO agencies for five damn years. And I haven’t done anything to it. So it had moved several positions down and still on page one. But I lost several positions when I noticed this. And I think Marco even pointed out said to me in slack or group chat, you know, hey, I noticed it had moved first time in five years. And I said, Yeah, I noticed that a couple of days ago. And I said, Maybe I should order a link building package to it, just to push it back up. Well, I didn’t I was too lazy to even do that. So all I did was one press release. I’m not kidding. One. freakin press release. Let me show you what I did. I’ll pull it up. And then we’re gonna wrap it up, guys. I just want to point this out. Again, it’s 100% transparency. So we go to the news. Let’s see if it’s still showing. Okay, there. Right there. So you can see two weeks ago, it says right there published two weeks ago. Okay. So all I did was I put Virginia SEO agencies my keyword in there, then I used Virginia SEO agency, a keyword anchor, to link to the G site from that stack. Why? Because a G site can take that I wouldn’t have done 100% keyword anchor to my, you know, website, but to the G site, why not? It’s not gonna hurt anything. So that’s what I did. So you can see that that was two weeks ago, guys that that was published on May 19. Yeah, so about two weeks ago, okay. And all I did was I linked to that, and I linked actually with to a page on my website that isn’t even complete. But that was it, those two links. And so what when it had dropped down to like position five, it was between, I think four and seven, depending on what keyword you were looking at. But all I did was one press release and it’s already been pushed back up now to number three position and in fact Last week on the mastermind web, my mastermind webinar, when I looked at all of my keywords, I was in the number one position. So it’s dancing right now a little bit, but the press release was only published two weeks ago. So that’s normal, right, three weeks worth of dancing. So again, last week, when I looked at it, I was back to number one for these keywords. Now, it looks like I’m at number two or number three for my keywords. One, press release, guys, I used 100% anchor text, keyword anchor text right there to link to that site. And it’s back to number two to number three position after five years of never fucking touching it. So just want to show you guys as these things work. And for the first time in five years, it dipped it dropped, get one press release, and it’s already moving back up. So imagine if I had purchased a link building gig, I could probably get away with low competition, link building gig from MGYB or an embed gig or something like that, and push it back up, but I just wanted to see what the results were from just one press release and to be honest with you, I just didn’t put the effort into trying to push it up yet. So, again, I just want to be 100% transparent with them because I thought that this was interesting to see, after all this time, it finally started to move down just a little bit, but one press release started pushing it back up.
Yeah, and I mean that that’s not even what we recommend, because we recommend a PR stack, right? And then link building, and then embed and then link building. But again, as you said, it was a half-assed attempt to start with it back in May of 2015. And it’s a half-assed attempt, your one PR, and it just shows the power that’s inherent in this that something that you do something half-assed, and you can rank on the first page in Google. So imagine if you do it, right, the kind of thing that you could do well, Amazon is there for the taking. Amen.
Thanks, guys, for being here. We’ll see you all next week.
Bye, everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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youngwinnertragedy · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290
Click on the video above to watch Episode 290 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts Episode 290. Today is the third of June and we are going to get rolling on into things here we got a couple of quick announcements. This is the show where I do not use Hernan’s title cuz I got enough problems and I’m gonna stick with my intro so I’ll let her know and explain that in a minute. But let’s say hi to everybody first and then we’re gonna get into it. So, Bradley, how are you doing today man?
Good happy to be here.
I just read Hernan’s comment anyways just happy to be here guys.
Outstanding well let’s hop over to you what’s going on man? I do not know that there’s a reason why I put it there in the chatbox. I was about to put it on the
Slack channel but I know that Bradley will share his you know his screen and then you know
everything will break loose Regulus, but anyways, yeah, excited to be here. Really, really good to be here. How’s Santa Monica? How are you doing today? Iron Man trying to hide his porn.
I think porn would actually be a lot better receptive and that is better received than his comment.
Anyway, things are good. Things are good. I can’t complain. I mean, I could go What’s the use right here any good? Yeah, he’s just complaining. So just, I just enjoy it, let it go and move on to the next thing which is making money looking for ways, of course, looking for ways to mess with Google.
Fair enough, which I’m going to come back to that in just a minute but first, Chris, how you doing man?
Doing excellent. had a really good gym session today. So I’m super pumped happy. weather is good some ways definitely approaching and yeah, can’t complain.
Yeah, I am not as pumped. I was like, I’m gonna take my miles up, do some long run. So I was going to go out and do 12 miles today and decided to bump up so it’s Like 91 here, which is like for our Celsius speaking friends, that’s like, what? 34 Celsius at 33 out there. Yeah, nice and toasty. So this will be a fun one for me. But instead of telling everyone about my exercise plans and the weather in the Bay Area, I wanted to share real quick. We sent out an email. There have been some webinars happening lately. But more importantly than that, we had a lot of people asking us about GMP verifications, and we’ve sent a couple of emails but we know people sometimes Hey, you’re busy, you might miss it. mgyb.co. GMP verifications are backed up. And you can find that just by going over to mgyb.co. Find out more there. Please pay attention to the very few but very important restrictions. There’s a couple of niches that you just it’s not possible, so don’t bother ordering. So all you have to do is go to mgyb.co and you click on the store, you go to GMB verifications, and right there it’ll have a shortlist of The only niches that you can’t do, if you don’t read that, then you know, we’ll just gonna end up refunding it. I say that because it happened a few times. I want to make sure that you guys get what you need but as always,
sorry, like does that mean there are people that pull the trigger without reading instructions? Is that what you’re saying?
There are but you know what, I appreciate that they were so happy to get started and GMBs that they’re just actually connected. But you know, we don’t want to hold you up. We don’t want to cause you any grief. So just make sure you know, you’re aware there are a few areas that we can’t do that for and more importantly, to you know, these are the verification system is something that comes and goes. Obviously there are some hang-ups there with outbreak and Coronavirus. And you know even while I’m not going to go into the details, but let’s just say we can’t tell you when this could go away. So if this is something you were doing or you want to do for like local Legion or for your own stuff, this would be a really good time to get into that. Marco Do you want to have you read the bullet list?
It is what we don’t have to get back to So, we can’t do that. Because we said we can’t do that. And so asking if we can do it doesn’t make sense. Since we told you, we can’t do it. Oh, that makes it make sense to me.
Yeah, no, that sounds good. So we just had a webinar, we’re going to be sharing it a little bit more in the future moving forward with everyone. It’s a new tool that Bradley has been using a lot. I checked it out. I’m just not using it because I’m not big into local. But I think for anyone that has local clients go high level and the training that Bradley is developing, and some of the other goodies we’re going to have available are pretty amazing. And I don’t know if there’s more to say right now about that Bradley, or if we can just leave it at that and say we’ll share with people and not at the moment, I’m going to be providing a case study for how I’m using it and a couple of ways that can be used will provide my test pans out the way I hope that it does, to experience kind of exponential growth with it. Um, I think there’s a way to kind of tear out like receiving benefit from a client but also from clients. And so I’ll explain all that during you know, in the case study when it’s done, it’s probably going to be about a month out. But that will be a bonus for anybody that purchases it as well. Nice.
Yeah, it’s great. I’d like to share something that happened with Hernan because he forwarded me a list of when the person was selling links, high domain authority, whatever page or what did just whatever from that Edu domains and then and all these great things and charging an arm and a leg for them. And I talked to rob and then Rob says, isn’t that the one we push down? And so while he was looking, I went to look and I said yeah, that’s the one we pushed down for, for the keyword SEO shield. And so I’m like, haha, coincidence is right where you go and you get someone trying to sell you something. And you can write back to them and say, well wait a minute we did our way, just took down your way. So why should I buy your way you should come over and buy my way. Because it’s cheap I will be. It’s just, it was just hilarious or the whole list of it would have cost me just thousands of dollars to get all of those links. And it cost you a fraction of that in MGYB, and works mode better.
Definitely, if you’re on the email list, I highly suggest if you’re interested in SEO, Sheldon, we’re talking about it, that you nominate that if you’re if you’ve seen these emails for the Fourth of July sale, we’re going to have coming up we’re going to have some we usually have something very good but we’re asking you guys for some input this year. So be sure to fill those surveys out, open up your emails, when you get them from us around you. It just takes a minute and you’re going to get a lot out of that. Real quick too. If you’re an agency owner or a consultant, you want to get more clients you want to grow your revenue and scale your team at that Me, I think that’s everyone here. So I can work less and earn more. If you want to be like that, then go check out to x your agency comm This is great training for people who already have clients. But as well as people who are just getting started and maybe you know, you’re not trying to grow the biggest agency ever, but you want to quickly get up to speed and really grow your consulting business or your agency. And last but not least, we’ve been talking a little bit about SEO about MGYB. But if you want to get step by step processes for SEO results, then the best place to do that is that battle plan dot semantic mastery. com grab the battle plan. And that’s generally where we tell people to start when they come to us and they come to Hump Day Hangouts and see what’s next that that that those two are great places to start. They’re complimentary, but you may want to start with one or the other, depending on what your most immediate need is, and go from there. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive into questions?
I’m doing so. All right.
So we’re good.
Grab the screen. Okay,
guys, we’ve seen everything right.
How Do You Use SEO Shield If You’re A Beginner?
All right. So it looks like this is the first question says my SEO shield was just delivered, but I have no idea what to do from here. I only got logins to an ID page and a pro account plus approach. Okay, so you shouldn’t have got it. Anyways, I’m just going to read the question. Got a log into an ID page on a pearl trees account is what that means plus an HTML file to download and a Google site URL. What about the syndication network and the IFTTT where I post content? Please advise or tell me where I can find a tutorial to use these assets? which I’m sure awesome Yes, I have the battle plan 4.0. But there are no mentions of what to do with these assets specifically, thanks. A while the delivery email should have contained all of your information unless it came in and separately like in other words when your syndication network if it was an SEO power shield, which includes all the stuff. You should have gotten an email when the syndication network was delivered, which should have been first before the drive stack was completed.
So and when the SEO shield is delivered, it gives you once you log into that Google account, which by the way, that’s one of the first things you should do, guys, as soon as you get your SEO back, log into the Google account because it binds that account now to your IP. And we recommend that you do that like right away like within you know, within a few days anyways of receiving that email. But once you log into that Gmail account that was provided to you with the login details, then you click the URL to the spreadsheet, which opens up like the drive stack, essentially all the files and folders and everything. And then through that same Gmail account, you can click in the drive and you can actually go in and look at all the individual files and folders and all of that kind of stuff.
Are we sending out the done for you RYS black book with the delivery from SEO shields? If not, we should include that, Marco.
And that’s a standard practice because although it’s a bundle, as everything is done, it gets delivered. And part of the delivery is, of course, the Done For You User’s Guide. And the BattlePlan says exactly what to do with what, whether it’s a new asset or an existing asset. As the pieces come in. Your next step is link building, press releases, link building, embeds, link building more press releases until you get the results that you’re looking for. I mean, our system hasn’t changed and I don’t know how many years because it’s simply worse. It’s just the way we bundled it. And he’s asking about his syndication. Well, he submitted a syndication point, which is his RSS feed or wherever it is that he’s going to be syndicating from his syndication network, so that his content can be published, right. So he should have gotten with that That we wouldn’t have built the syndication network. So he’s asking about that he’s supposed to be blogging from there. So he’s supposed to look into how to set up his silos, how to go after the top market level category. These are all things that we’ve discussed in past Hump Day Hangouts. I mean, the approaches, everything’s free in the on our YouTube channel, all you have to do is use the channel search function. And look for all of these things. Well, what do I do with the RSS feed? How do I syndicate? All questions that can be answered from our YouTube channel. From our free content, you can go into the free Facebook group and ask the question, I know that this particular one I told them, as in Hump Day hangout so that we could go into more detail about what to do, but it because I wanted to make sure that everyone knows, is like you’re not we’re not doing anything different. You get the syndication network, you start syndicating content, you don’t have to wait for everything else to come in. Right? It should be primed. You should have content ready, you should have your silos more or less ready. If you didn’t, then you should have gotten a keyword research gig from us where we can suggest how to approach your niche. But I mean, nobody knows your niche better than you or you should be researching your niche to the point where nobody knows better than you. We can give you suggestions. And we could give you a question and answer your question format so that you can do questions and answers in your content syndication. But again, nothing has changed from the beginning. It’s still the syndication network used to the syndication network is for syndicating content, and it’s for bringing that entity together, right? It’s the beginning of the validation process that we did a whole webinar on that as a matter of fact, in MGYB, then as everything as the @ID gets delivered, and then the final piece of the puzzle of the SEO shield, the dry sack and G site. Well, that’s what you hammer with the link building and you can shoot your press releases through that and out into your tier one brand, which is your syndication network. This is all a process and it’s all set up. And again, we discuss it thoroughly in the battle plan, not only in the battle plan, but in the webinar that we did, where were you, Rob and I got together and we discussed all the different parts of the battle plan and how to approach it and what to do with it. It’s all there. It may take a little bit of research into the YouTube channel, but it’s all there and it’s all free. It’s all free. So you have to just go place the order with MGYB and Okay, what do I do with this? Well, you, thank you for coming here and asking so that we can go into detail. Thank you. But all of these things are available.
Yeah. So like, Where do I post content? It depends on what you used as your trigger or told us to use it as a trigger for your syndication network. Was it blog syndication? So using an RSS feed or was it a YouTube channel? That’s the question so you just post content to whatever you chose as your trigger for the network, right. So either post blog posts on your blog, or upload videos to YouTube channel. That’s where you would post the content too. I do think that this is a good opportunity, perhaps for us to do Marco and Rob and me perhaps to jump on a creative webinar for MGYB like an update webinar, that is just a quick run-through of what to do after your SEO shield has been delivered, or while you’re waiting for all of the components to be delivered. Maybe just do a quick webinar and update that we can then send along with the delivery email with the done for you Users Guide and all that stuff. But just to kind of give an additional resource, I’m up for that. So if I could twist Marco and Rob’s arm to jump on with me, in the next couple of weeks, maybe we’ll do that as an update webinar for MGYB just to kind of give it all consolidate it all into one, you know, 20-minute video or something that explains on you know, what, what best practices are for going forward? I think that might be helpful. What do you say?
No problem just set it up.
Okay. So yeah, we can do that in the meantime. Go look it should have done for your user’s guide. It should have been delivered. If it hasn’t been just contact [email protected]. And request it will make sure you get it but it should have been delivered and then go back and check for your syndication network. Whenever that’s completed, you should get an email for that first, like, you know, a week or however many days prior to your done for you. Drive stack being completed because that’s always done first if that makes sense. So if that’s what you ordered as an SEO power shield along with you know, with all the stuff included, then that’s the timeline that you should have received notifications. Okay.
Does SERP Watching Hurt A Website’s Ranking?
Mohammad is up next. What’s up, Mohammad? He says, hey guys, does SERP watching her a ranking for a specific website, my car dealer. My car dealer client is rising rapidly for a major keyword almost too fast (Shout out to SM). It’s awesome. I’ve shown him the progress and he got so excited. He’s checking it every day. I requested he take it easy, but if he’s actually hurting things, I’ll tell him to stop. That’s a really good question. I’m not sure about that. What do you say, Marco?
Well, it depends on how many unique visits his IP is getting counted for. Right? And now here’s the problem. So let’s say he’s looking at it from his desktop at work. Then he goes to his laptop, and he looks, then he’s home and he looks at it from his mobile phone. Then he tells his wife, hey, go, go, go check this out, and he reaches out to a friend. Now you’ve had five or six visits that just go and say, Oh, look, Wow, this is great. But they take no action that on that search engine result. Or maybe they click through to the website, which is great for your click-through rate. But when they’re on your website, nothing happens. And you’ve heard me talk about this before Mohammad, the final piece of this entire puzzle is getting that person to that click to call that form to whatever it is that you want that person to do. And finish it off. Most people are like, Oh, how pretty Look, look, this is really neat. I’m number nine. I’m number two, whatever it is, the harm could come, like from too many sessions, right? The separate sessions that they can kind of work without anything happening, because that can actually be a negative, because to Google that somebody’s not finding what they’re looking for or somebody’s not trusting you enough. If they land on your website to get you that information. If he’s just looking from time to time, depending on how much traffic it will what percentage it is of the overall traffic, it’s not going to make any difference. Now, I’m going to tell you another thing if he’s watching this close closely, and you know how fickle Google is the first time this thing dances, you’re gonna get a call at midnight because this guy’s gonna be watching. You have no idea what you’re gonna get that call, and he’s gonna be panicking. Right, and Do you want that call? Tell him to stop and look at the fucking results. That’s it. Stop, stop it is your phone ring, it’s coming up, wait for the next report. Then you go and look, relax, let you see initial results. Give me time to put everything in place so that you can see what the end result of what I do cuz he’s not really giving you a chance. And I’m telling you, the first negative thing that happens this guy’s gonna freak out. Remember, Marco told you?
Yeah, anybody that SERP watches that much is going that’s a clear indication that they’re going to be trouble. They’re gonna high maintenance, Mohammed and you have a tendency to attract those types of clients for some reason. So I totally agree with Marco. One other thing I want to mention is I’ve experienced something similar but when managing Google Ads campaigns, what I mean by that is I’ve had some clients that they go and they Go check, you know, Google, they do keyword searches to see their ad. They don’t click through because they know they’re going to pay for every click that, you know, even if it’s them clicking through, they’re going to pay for that. So they know not to click through, but I’ve had clients that will kill my click-through rate. Right, which if you understand Google ads, you know that one of the best ways to raise your quality score and lower your cost per click, and all of that is to have a high click-through rate. And I’ve had clients that have like literally negatively affected their click-through rate, drove it down the CTR down because they’re SERP watching their ads. And it shows all these additional impressions, but not as many click-throughs because they’re just checking it to see where it’s at. And so I always tell somebody, if you really want to take a look at where you are, if you’re as long as you’re on page one, go use the Google Ads preview and diagnostic tool inside of Google ads, right? Because then you can simulate a search without it actually counting as an actual impression right? So as long as you’re on and it works for even organic because you can actually set your, you know, it simulates a location, but then you can also simulate whether it’s a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device. And you can search for your keywords. And as long as your ranking is on page one, whether it’s an ad or an organic, it will show and that’s also another way that you can have like, for example,
I’ve got a pest control client. He owns the company, and it’s a northern company in Northern Virginia. They provide Pest Control services in Northern Virginia. But he now resides as the owner of the company down in Florida, and he often after I sent and I don’t know why once per year, I have to go through this shit with him and I don’t understand why. But anyway, like last month, for example, when I sent the monthly reports, again, I’ve gone over this many times with him, but you know, I still send a local rank report as bright low Reports, because you can set again a simulated location and everything else. And you’ll look at the report and then he’ll go look in Google and search from a Florida IP for his keywords. And obviously, it’s going to look significantly different than what it does for somebody that’s local searching in the Northern Virginia area. And then you’ll come back and say, Well, you know, how do I get rankings back for our primary keyword in our primary area? And I’ll say, Well, wait a minute, you are ranking? Well, the report shows this. And when I do a search, it’s not coming bla bla bla. And I’ve had to explain that to them many, many times, and say, and even provided tutorial of like, hey, look, go use a Google Ads premium diagnostic tool. So you could set the mobile device, you could set the location, and even then that’s still not 100% accurate, because again, it’s a simulated search, as opposed to an actual real search which you can’t simulate user behavior and all that like in other words, like a history of the type of content people have engaged with and all that other kinds stuff so no, you know having simulated searches are they’re never going to be as accurate as they are in real life and I’m only telling you that guys because like I said the same type of thing is you can still show your client or tell your client if these that adamant about being cysts on constantly SERP watching which is not a good sign, have them do it through the ad premium diagnostic tool over instead of like through an actual browser. That makes sense. Okay.
Is It Okay To Add The RSS Feed Of A Money Site To The General Spliced Feed And Syndicate It To Directories?
BB’s up with his long list of questions again, no matter how many times he’s persistent, I’ll tell you what, so what’s up guys, should you risk adding the money site RSS feed to the general spiced feed feeds that contain all the branded properties and money site and some authority site RSS and syndicated to a huge amount of RSS directories, which some of them could be spammy? This comes from the guideline of no links to money site because press releases in the SEO SEO so you must be talking about like the advanced RSS strategy module from syndication. Academy Yeah, it doesn’t that’s fine RSS directory. Remember, you can’t control other people scraping your RSS feed. You have no control over that, right. So it’s not, it’s not the same as if you submit your RSS feed as Super feed right as you called it, which is spliced in with related content feeds web 2.0 feeds and all that you submit it to directories and aggregators, it’s fine. It’s not the same as a direct backlink to your site. So you’re okay to do that. I’ve never had any issue with that. There are some that may be spammy. It’s not gonna affect your site. Because again, if that were the case, then anybody out there that had an RSS feed period could potentially be hit with some sort of negative SEO penalty, or, you know, some sort of penalty because other people took their RSS feed without their permission and used it. And so again, it’s kind of a different set of rules there. It’s not going to affect not the same as if you’re going out and building links intentionally to yourself. Any comments on that?
Oh, no, that’s fine. Okay, so moving on the second one, this is better, maybe you’re getting better.
Can You Power The RYS Properties With Tier 2 RYS Properties?
You’re getting better than the next one is let’s say you have a domain that is powered by an RYS stack. Can you power the RYS properties with tier two RYS properties? If yes, can it replicate the links package and embed the package? And can this power and go into tier three and tier four? Um, my first thought, and again, Marco is the expert on this. But it’s what’s that? What would be the point of that when you can continue to build and expand the existing drive stack? I don’t know why you’d want to tear drive stacks. I don’t know what the purpose of that would be. So I don’t know Marco, that would be my first thought. What do you say?
No, I mean, we’ve talked about this before. The best thing that you could do is go inside the main drive stack and add keyword-driven, stacks, within that with inner pages on the G site, matching the inner pages on the money site. That’s the best thing that you do. And then you go to town on that drive second G site because now it’s branded, you created all of the brand plus keyword relationships. And then you focus you got the keyword-driven stack that’s going to carry all of that art activity, relevance, trust, and authority over to the page that you’re trying to rank. You’ve isolated everything. I don’t want to get too technical, but you’re accruing PageRank on that inner page, and you’re driving it over to the inner page that you’re looking to rank. And then when you link build, you not only accruing more page more PageRank but you make up for any link atrophy for PageRank that you’re going to lose because of the way that Google the way that they add up the PageRank right the way that they set it up, so I don’t see it. I don’t see it necessary to them. An additional g site and drive stack unless you have a really stubborn keyword. It just won’t move then. You might want to it would be something like a PBn type drive stack, which focuses on that keyword even more. It just hones in on that one keyword that’s really sticky that you did the inner g site page and the keyword-driven drive site over to the money site, inner page, and it didn’t have the effect that you wanted. So that’s when you would isolate with that. I haven’t I have yet to see anything that needs to go that far. Even in the Amazon case study that Didier conducted that wasn’t really necessary. All that was necessary was going after that keyword, right that keyword said that in that specific niche in that top market level category. Can it replace the link? No. No Because there what you’re doing is you’re broadening the link profile. It’s not all coming just from Google properties. And can you power then tier three and tier four? Yeah. But why? why if you can just go directly into the drive secondary site, get all the effects in there, accrue PageRank and ranking score in there and then transfer it over to the money site. It won’t transfer one to one, of course, but you get a better effect than breaking it up the way that you’re talking about BB.
Yeah, just to be clear, BB. You know, over the years, we’ve seen a lot of people that have come to us with these elaborate linking schemes and things like that. And diagrams sometimes you can tell people spend hours drafting a diagram to show and then they come and ask, what do you think this will work and a lot of times, not to, you know, burst your bubble or anything like that, but it’s overcomplicating stuff. That’s unnecessary. And you know, if it might seem like a good idea, but a lot of times when you add complexity, it makes it harder to manage the project to begin with. So that’s why I always recommend using single-tier syndication networks for most brands as opposed to multi-tiered syndication networks. When you’re talking about blog syndication. That’s part of the reason I’ve been saying that for years now because you overcomplicate things unnecessarily. And so that’s what I would just warn against that, you know, I understand trying to come up with new ways to squeeze more power out of stuff and all that and that’s fine. That’s great. That’s how you become a good SEO is to hypothesize and then test. But you know, that’s also what we do. And so, I’m not saying don’t go out and test your own things. It’s good that you’re coming here and asking questions, but as Marco just said, you can simplify what you’re trying to do now by continuing to expand your existing drive stack and your G site. Instead of adding all of these additional tiers that are going to limit or reduce your overall link profile when you’re better off just really smashing the shit out of your existing drive stack and G site as you continue to expand it out continue link building and embed packages to that.
Do You Need To Index After Having An MGYB DFY Link Building Service?
So okay Mohammed’s up again, he says, Hey guys, I just learned I should be using the link indexing service after MGYB DFY service. Do I just index all links I get after a link building job until now? I never indexed so I’m worrying that I sabotage myself. No, it certainly helps. Muhammad. However, I don’t know. There’s I don’t know if we’ve resolved this yet. But there’s a limit to how many URLs you can submit at a time with the link indexer. So it’s kind of a pain in the ass to use. I’m not gonna lie unless we’ve resolved that Marco Do you know if that’s been resolved? Can we submit text files yet or CSV files? I can’t tell you offhand.
Okay. Yeah, because I don’t use it that often. I do. For some things, but like when you get a link building campaign back and you’ve got thousands of links, it’s, I mean, it would take you a lot of manual work to be able to upload the links to the indexer. And I know that was on the to-do list. I don’t know Rob has resolved that yet. But we need to get that to where we can upload either paste in a, you know, batches, big batches, or upload a text file or the CSV file with the links to have them all index. I think, right now there’s a limit to like, I don’t know, 300 URLs at a time or something like that. And so that’s, that’s, that’s part of the reason I don’t use it as much as I should because it’s just kind of a manual process of adding links to it. So, Mohammed, Rob can answer that question for sure. If you need to, you could always ask in the free group and we can reply on it there.
So no, not yet. The answer is no, not yet. You can’t you cannot add a text file or CSV or Excel or anything else. It has to go through the system. As far as link indexing, this comes from the heavy hitter club, the free group where he asked it, and he’s getting results. So now he’s wondering, is not so much sabotage himself. But could he be getting better results? And that’s we have no way of knowing what would have or could have happened. Had he submitted the URLs for indexing? Of course, we can’t know. But he’s getting results. So it just means that that’s getting picked up over time, which is perfectly fine. You don’t have to force the indexing like Google index natural. The link indexing is just a way to speed up the process and make sure that the Google gets in there crawls it, you’re going to lose links over time, it happens to everybody, no matter what kind of link building you’re doing are linked indexing. Now, what you could do is maybe get a URL A sheet that you got back from Deadia. And you can link built to those and get an indexing package to the new ones, which will have an effect on any existing old links to buy up or you tear your links and get those reindex power, the power those up that way. That would work. But I don’t see why if you’re already getting results that just keep doing what you’re doing. And then from here on out, make it your standard operating procedure to order indexing with every gig that you order from MGYB that I just came up with an idea that I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this before. But tell me if this would work. If you set what if you took the CSV file that you got back with the links that were built, and then you know, turn it into a Google Sheet, and then submitted the Google Sheet URL to the indexer. That would get the bots to come to crawl the Google Sheet that has all the URLs in it right?
Yes or no? Would that work?
Yeah, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I don’t know why I’d thought about that. So that might be the way to do it then would be to just add the CSV file with the links that were delivered to drive, set it to anybody that has the link can access, and then submit that URL, the sheet URL to the indexer. Done. Right. I haven’t tested that. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, because and by the way, probably, the reason why we do the things the way we do it now is that we have to count the URLs that are being submitted, right. Because it’s not unlimited. I mean, potentially, if you gave someone the test to upload a text file or CSV, they could just upload thousands and thousands of URLs if they wanted to. Right, and they would just dilute the or, Tara, I don’t know we’re controlling it. I just heard back from Rob controlling it because of that we need to come The URLs are that are being submitted. So maybe we need to extend it. I don’t know. He said, it’s being coded in though, you know, we’re moving platforms, right? Yes. And we’re testing that out and that’s in the process as soon as we have the new platform is going to be a lot simpler to do things.
Google Policy Violation To A Two-Year-Old RYS Drive Stack
There you go. So JT, SEO is up. He says, Hi, Marco. I got an email from big G, Google policy violation warning saying that the G drive that a Gdrive with a two-year-old RYS is violating policies about malware, destructive code, warned that if it persists, they may restrict access to it. Have you come across that before? And before you answer the question, I want to read the next part to the second post. He says I have not touched the RYS in weeks, seems odd. Any advice appreciated. A week previous to getting the warning. So yeah, is that related to the XML script?
One of the reasons is the XML script if it’s set to work, there’s a setting on it, right? There’s a timer, where you go every two hours, every four hours, every eight hours, whatever. What happens is that we, I don’t know, we should make this public, we rebuild the entire site on that cycle, so you’re using up a lot of resources, and some of those will time out. And so what we recommend is now you don’t build it every 248 or eight hours. I mean, actually, you don’t need it. Every three days, every five days is fine. Every, I don’t know. 1618 hours, pick an odd number every 19 hours. It gets rid of something so that you’re less burdensome to Google, then you are now because the one thing that they hate is people hogging their resources. If you’re not paying for those resources, and you will get those warnings. And they will kill your drives tech and your G site. If you continue. Now, I don’t know what you did. Because you’re not saying what it is that you’re why you went in there. And what it is that you did that set Google off because it hadn’t been touched in two years, and it was working just fine. So I don’t know that it’s really difficult to answer this, right.
Yeah, and I’ve had a couple of stacks where when I placed the order, I submitted a bunch of photos, for example, and the builders built using the photos but then the rebuild script will rebuild all those photos and that’s resource-heavy super resource-heavy apparently. So I’ve learned to only submit a handful of images with the order because you know, something similar. I’ve not had any warning talking about malware or destructive code that at least I don’t remember that specifically mentioned, but I have had To the XML scripts timeout and shut down on me because of the too many images, which I guess is resource-heavy. So but yeah, that’s just I recommend doing what he just mentioned. go in and change your rebuild time limit to something much more for that. It doesn’t have to be rebuilt every two or four hours. They won’t get crawled out often anyways.
What MGYB Service Is Good For A One-Year-Old Site With Good On-Page SEO?
lonnis up says, Hey guys, I landed my first client. I just got the client’s GMB verified. The site is a year old with no links. I’ve done some pretty good on-page SEO. So the site is starting to move. Should I buy your SEO power shield or our ys drive stacks, I’m having a meeting with a client and I need to know which direction to go. Thanks for your help. The SEO power shield is are like a combination of everything right? That’s it’s hands down. It’s all of the assets that we talked about. And that’s why we built those packages. Because, you know, for a long time, we had all the individual components that you could purchase but people would ultimately and you know a lot of the times people would buy certain components Not all of them and not combine everything, and then come back and say, Well, this isn’t working. And that’s not working. And whenever we would dig a little deeper, we’d find out that, you know, they only had a part of it. And I always screw this saying up, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
That’s right. I can never get that one. Right. But yeah, it’s like, if you only do 25% of the work, you’re not going to get 25% of the results, right? It’s less than that. Like, in other words, if you do 100% of the work, you’re going to get 150% of the results, if I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it does. It’s kind of an exponential thing when you have all the components together. So that’s why we offer those in different clips of bundles like that the SEO power shield is that is the top tier, right? And so that’s everything combined. So yeah, I would recommend that. That’s just a standard operating procedure for all projects that I work on now as an SEO power shield. Sometimes I ordered them in separate components because of, you know, specific reason. That may be, but in your case, especially just starting out, I would just go with the SEO power shield, it’s going to make it much easier because you’ll get all the components delivered in the proper sequence as well. The comments,
I totally agree to go for it SEO power shielding, don’t separate the drive stack from it, although the drive stack and z sight will have an effect on it anyway, what what you’re actually doing is is everything that I’ve been talking about for years, which is working on that entity in that brand, versus doing it piecemeal. You’re bringing everything together all at once you’re giving it all to Google, and you’re trying to make your clients brand, the keyword in that niche. That’s what you’re striving towards. So anything that you could do to try to get that you should be doing. You can’t leave things that you cannot leave out the syndication network, but those are profiles that you’re going to claim and schema in your sameas as being part of the organization. It’s part of who and what your brand is, or in this case, your client, you can’t separate that. I mean, you could go later on and get it. But then if you know that you’re going to need it later on, why not just get it all just now and be done with it and move on to the next phase, which is hammering everything that you get back from us for better results.
Yeah, and I just, I want to, you know, kind of touch on something briefly, because, believe it or not, I was looking at the kind of doing an audit for one of our members in the mastermind today. It’s kind of an ongoing thing. And I want to make it real clear, guys. You know, when you get your drive stack back and your G site, remember to, you know, the drive stack expansion, we talked about expanding that and that’s a service that is in beta right now for mastermind members and such where we can, you know, we can do that for you at MGYB, but we talked about theme mirroring all the time, but something else is really critically important. Is embedding your money pages from your, in other words, that the pages from your primary website into the corresponding sites on the G site page, it’s really important because you can inject structured data, for example, schema.org, right. So whatever type of project you’re on, if it’s a local business, you know, you can inject that schema into the G site by doing so. It’s very important. And I think that gets overlooked a lot. Maybe we’re not having been really clear about it, I thought we have been, but you know, even one of our mastermind members, who’s been with us for many, many months and have received a lot of help, has overlooked that. And I don’t understand how that gets overlooked. It’s very, very important because that’s one of the ways that you get that structured data into the G site. And how you push so much of the power that you’re developing and accruing through the drive stack in the G site through to the money site. That makes sense by embedding those the corresponding pages from the money site on to the G site, right. So when you theme marry you do that And then and again, I don’t know how that gets overlooked at times. But maybe again, we haven’t been really clear about it. But that’s why I want to touch on that here. It’s critically important to do that. And so I would recommend that you do that, as well as is make sure that you have structured data, guys, you know, by the day, we’re going deeper into the Semantic Web, right? So it’s super important that you have you make those associations with structured data code to tell Google specifically your entity assets in the connection between them, right. And it’s really really, really important to do that. And I see a lot of that still being overlooked by people and, and I think that’s a mistake. So any comments on that for move on?
and that’s perfect you know, in heavy hitter club, the last two webinars or the first two, in the series that we’re doing were entirely about the entity, schema, and content and how to structure your unstructured data and then how to how to structure your structured data so that it matches your unstructured data so that you’re feeding the buttons. All of the information possible to make your entity or your brand, the keyword in the niche or the top entity versus all of the other entities because at the end of the day, what we’re talking about in Google is a huge relational database. So just think of a data dump. And yes, of course, it’s categorized and Google has entities and it has that like that the ultimate entity in that niche, right, what it would look like and the closer that you get to matching that ultimate entity, the better your results are going to be in the end, which is outranking everybody else. I keep saying it. We took on Amazon, and one and then we can do that with our methods. Then the entire internet is wide open to you guys. And we’re not hiding anything from you. Everything that we use is in MGYB. That’s how we do it. Right? Maybe in our free groups like heavy hitter club or the Semantic Mastery mastermind, we’ll go deeper into the why and the how. But as far as what we do to get results, it’s right there. It’s an empty vibe to all of those services. Those are things that we use to rank our projects. And we do it over and over and over again. And I don’t see why you guys aren’t doing. If you’re not doing we got a lot of people here who do get results, by the way. Yeah.
SEO Power Shield Or RYS Drive Stacks
Because as long as I began, he says to add to my other question, should I buy multiple SEO power shields or RYS drive stacks? I’m excited. I just want to make sure my client and I guess we are aware of upcoming costs. No, that’s what we just talked about. Just a few moments ago, Lonnie, that’s not necessary. You know, one drive stack in G site for your client is all that’s needed, right. And you can expect And that out by theme mirroring. And so if you’re not sure what we’re talking about, you go to the MGYB.co and look at the webinars. I think Marko’s first heavy hitter club webinar was public. I don’t know if it still is. But that drive stack expansion and we did a webinar, this mg y b, I know we did. No, watch that one. It’s in the webinar section, you can watch about that and talk about how we talked about expanding the drive stack, the mirroring, and all that. And that’s why you don’t have to keep buying what you should do, which you should be buying after the drive stack and G site has been built is link building and embed gigs to power it up and continue building out that drive stack to mirror, the site, the website itself and everywhere that you have digital assets that you can mirror to the primary structure of the website, right or the excuse me the structure of your primary website. That’s what you should be doing. So again at mgyb.co. The webinars tab you can go look at PR silo stacking, or press release silos. And you can silo press releases together to mirror whatever your silo structure is from your primary website as well as your G site as well as your drive stack. You do the same thing with GMB posts. If you’re using Google, if the project that you’re working on has a Google My Business profile, right, so all everything that you do should be mirrored into a silo structure, whatever the primary website structure is, you duplicate that and mirror that on to your other assets. And the same type of linking structure happens when you do all of that together. Now you have all these assets that are all, you know, tightly siloed that’s what the silo means, right? So it’s a, it’s like a vertical silo, right? So everything is tightly siloed. And then you link build into those and do embed gigs into those, and you can push massive relevancy, very specific to certain areas of your site, or you know, certain keyword themes or keyword sets. Does that make sense? So that’s how you Do it. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Yeah, I think we have to be the only people on the web who would tell people don’t spend money needlessly. Because anybody else would have just told you, Loni. Yeah, get five of them. Five is better, and come up with a really intricate and mixed up way on how you can knock those all up and daisy chaining them and come up with all this crazy shit on how to make them look better. We got to be the only people who look tough. No, no, don’t spend all that money because you’re doing it needlessly do exactly what Bradley said. You build inner pages and inner stacks in your branded stack. To increase the power of link building, embed, link building press releases, link building cycle, you’ll spend the money on that because that’s what’s going to power up everything. And it keeps it on a cycle through everything, but you only need one branded drive stack and G site one and then inside of that, you’re going to remember You’re going to copy, you’re gonna mirror you’re gonna clone whatever the fuck you want to call it, the inner pages on your G site, the categories, whatever the wherever the money is you focus on that, right? Because your, your market level category should be where the money is. And that’s what you’re trying to rank for. When you try to rank for that all of the money keywords under that top market level category are going to come up because of the way that you’re approaching this, which is from the top-down, instead of bottom-feeding and going after just the long tail. That’s going to happen if you approach it the right way. But no, don’t go spend money in these needlessly go spend money and focus on getting the best results and the best results are dry sack g site branded and then you extend the initial drive second g site, not additional ones.
There you go.
Yeah, just keep building the power to the one that’s the best, the best Answer we can get I, like that power to the one
alright so Don says I already got version one and two the battle plan so what’s the new one cost me this time just click through and go check it out battleplan.semanticmastery.com. But Don I’m gonna do it for you. Okay, there you go 32 bucks you know, we broke the bank on that one cylinder 32 bucks, didn’t we spend an hour and a half recording that net video or something ridiculous like that. So for 32 bucks, man.
alright, so and it’s simplified. we’ve simplified it specifically because it just you know, it just makes it easier to put everything into the package, you know? packages like what we have for sale now on MGYB. It’s just easier that way. And that’s you know, we always recommended that before but again, we would tell people to go buy all these different components and so now we just put them together and packages It makes it so much easier. And you know, we’re still working on trying to make things easier, guys. And that’s why they’re trying to change platforms at MGYB. So it’s a work in progress. Right?
Drive Stack Expansion Availability
A Nexus Hey guys, I’m thinking of getting the SEO shield. When will you be rolling out the ID loop page folder service? So you mean the drive stack expansion service? That’s essential, I guess, the more proper term for it. I’ve heard Doing this will improve results. Absolutely. It will. So Marco, when will that be publicly available?
It’s already public. I would as I thought Rob had published that it’s public and available.
Oh, shit, I didn’t know that. You guys kept me in the dark. I feel like a mushroom. Shit, all day. I think he published it on Facebook. If I’m not mistaken. I just, I just don’t let’s go public. I mean, if it’s there if it’s ready, let’s go. Let’s give it to people and let them have at it. I thought it was still in beta. So my bad, so it should be. Apparently it’s news to me. It’s available for everybody. Drive stack expansion. I hadn’t even seen it in the MGYB store. So maybe I don’t know, I hadn’t even seen it.
So maybe the image hasn’t been added. It’s just so much stuff. Yes. Rob says the expression is public and on the store page, it’s on this.
sweet. I hadn’t seen it, Rob.
We need to bring Robin from now on because we get a lot of questions that he could be here answering. Yeah.
How Many Times Does Your Google Stacks Report?
Olaf says How many times do you think your Google stacks got reported? And why do you think Google does not care or ban them? I don’t know how many times they’ve been reported. I really don’t care. Now, I think Google doesn’t care because it’s a Google property, I suppose. And they’re narcissistic, which you know, we use that in the original sales copy, use Google’s own narcissism against itself. You know, that they recently made some changes to drive, I think, to combat that or, you know, to try to prevent some of what it is that is, you know, we’ve been doing but Marco and Rob immediately figured out There’s a workaround for that, too. So I think that was an indication that they were trying to do whatever they could, or something, at least symbolically to try to prevent people from using them the way that we’ve been using them, but I don’t I don’t think they were successful. What do you say?
Ah, yes, that’s something that I lose sleep over. How many times? How many times have I shown publicly? Well, think about how many times I’ve shown publicly, the Virginia SEO, SEO Virginia case study over the last over nearly five years, right. It’ll be five years in August, by the way.
No, it’s five years in May last month.
Yeah, but I’m saying your case. The one that you originally did is five years. It this past May or last month, but I’m saying it in August. It’ll be five years since we released our way as Kevin written. And we had that question. Well, how long before that loophole is closed? That was you remember? During during the webinar, and I remember that clearly like I asked, Well, yeah, how long before the loophole is closed? It happens not to be a loophole. And it happens to be a door that’s wide open. And that that’s really hard to close. If it was simple for a simple fix, it would have been done by now we’re working from. And I continue to say this, and I wish people would just listen, and really pay close attention. We’re working off web principles. It’s not Google principles that Google Terms of Service. We’re working from web principles, foundational principles, on the web. That’s how we target this. Now, of course, we don’t talk about this a lot because unlike other marketers, we don’t like to confuse our people. We don’t like to confuse you with all this technical stuff that we’ve had to go over during the last six years or so. Since I’ve been researching this because it would probably hurt most people It hurts my head. I know. It’s gonna cause a whole lot of headaches. I mean, why we just show the reason Do we care about Google? We’ve shown that it’s not something that we just say that Google is narcissistic. It’s something that we’ve shown timing is something that we proved live. I mean it. I don’t know how many other people are actually are actually able to do this to prove the fact that Google prefers itself over anything else. Proven. This isn’t theory. We don’t give you guys theory. It’s proven. It’s a fact. Now, how long? Or how many times? Does it matter? Like, I don’t care? manual? Yeah, sure. And then we’ll just build 10 more. Doesn’t matter. It like the way that it is right now. Why doesn’t Google care or ban them? We don’t know. We don’t work for Google. We just gonna keep manipulating until we can’t anymore. And then if we can’t, then that just means I have to figure out a different way or I have to sit with Rob and we have to say okay, so this door is finally closed. But we know that there’s 10 more doors that just opened up because they just closed that one. That’s how code works. I mean, it’s really difficult with the amount of code. Yeah, Google has to work with, yeah, to shut one thing down and not open 10 million more things that make it even simpler to spam and manipulate. Right? I mean it. And, again, we work off foundational principles in the World Wide Web. It’s not just Google. It’s not just their terms of service. It’s a lot of things that we’re approaching from that standpoint.
SEO Power Shield Works
So I want to read Austin’s comment, Austin Dom What’s up man? I’m still waiting for him to come to join the mastermind. But anyways, Austin says and then I want to very briefly before we wrap it up, I want to do a live search for the SEO Virginia Case Study or whatever that we did, because I’ll talk about that a minute. But Austin says got an SEO shield for a client about a month ago. This is the second site for him. It is now past the other site I have been maintaining for two years. He is now number one, number two for many organic and MAP KEYWORDS in the real estate niche. Yes, power shields work. And so to bring this over to so it was interesting, but about a month ago, for the first time in five years. I saw and so we’re going to see where it is now. We’re going to do this live. Okay. The first time in five years, my SEO Virginia, Virginia, SEO Virginia SEO agency, SEO agency, Virginia, like all of those keywords, for the first time in five years, the drive stack or the G site from that awful and it’s not even a complete drive stack. It’s not built to the standards that we build them today. But for the first time in five years, it moved down, it dropped. Let’s see where it is today. Let’s just see because I’ll tell you exactly what I did and we’ll see where it’s at. Okay, so it did move a little bit now. It’s number three for me. to Virginia Okay, so let’s open up another tab and check another keyword and this is in five years of not touching it okay without doing any work to it at all in five years. Okay, number three for that term, Virginia eight SEO agency Virginia. Let’s look at another term. Let’s look at Virginia SEO. Okay, so guys, I’m sharing this to be 100% transparent with you okay, we’ve used this case study for five years as an example. And it’s wasn’t even really a case study. It was an experiment with me testing what Marco told me to do. And it was again, not built to what we build standards today. You can take a look at it, it’s done. It doesn’t look anything like what we build today. It wasn’t there are not nearly as many files and folders there’s no interlinking done like what we do today. But for five damn years, the son of a bitch has sat at number one and hasn’t budged until about a month ago when I noticed. For whatever reason, I was doing a quick search on it and I noticed that it had it moved a little bit. So you can see it has moved slightly and five years. No link building, no press releases nothing.
And that’s why I’ve always loved to use this as an example to show how powerful these damn things can be. Because it wasn’t even done correctly or to our current standards, yet it has ranked outranked Virginia SEO agencies for five damn years. And I haven’t done anything to it. So it had moved several positions down and still on page one. But I lost several positions when I noticed this. And I think Marco even pointed out said to me in slack or group chat, you know, hey, I noticed it had moved first time in five years. And I said, Yeah, I noticed that a couple of days ago. And I said, Maybe I should order a link building package to it, just to push it back up. Well, I didn’t I was too lazy to even do that. So all I did was one press release. I’m not kidding. One. freakin press release. Let me show you what I did. I’ll pull it up. And then we’re gonna wrap it up, guys. I just want to point this out. Again, it’s 100% transparency. So we go to the news. Let’s see if it’s still showing. Okay, there. Right there. So you can see two weeks ago, it says right there published two weeks ago. Okay. So all I did was I put Virginia SEO agencies my keyword in there, then I used Virginia SEO agency, a keyword anchor, to link to the G site from that stack. Why? Because a G site can take that I wouldn’t have done 100% keyword anchor to my, you know, website, but to the G site, why not? It’s not gonna hurt anything. So that’s what I did. So you can see that that was two weeks ago, guys that that was published on May 19. Yeah, so about two weeks ago, okay. And all I did was I linked to that, and I linked actually with to a page on my website that isn’t even complete. But that was it, those two links. And so what when it had dropped down to like position five, it was between, I think four and seven, depending on what keyword you were looking at. But all I did was one press release and it’s already been pushed back up now to number three position and in fact Last week on the mastermind web, my mastermind webinar, when I looked at all of my keywords, I was in the number one position. So it’s dancing right now a little bit, but the press release was only published two weeks ago. So that’s normal, right, three weeks worth of dancing. So again, last week, when I looked at it, I was back to number one for these keywords. Now, it looks like I’m at number two or number three for my keywords. One, press release, guys, I used 100% anchor text, keyword anchor text right there to link to that site. And it’s back to number two to number three position after five years of never fucking touching it. So just want to show you guys as these things work. And for the first time in five years, it dipped it dropped, get one press release, and it’s already moving back up. So imagine if I had purchased a link building gig, I could probably get away with low competition, link building gig from MGYB or an embed gig or something like that, and push it back up, but I just wanted to see what the results were from just one press release and to be honest with you, I just didn’t put the effort into trying to push it up yet. So, again, I just want to be 100% transparent with them because I thought that this was interesting to see, after all this time, it finally started to move down just a little bit, but one press release started pushing it back up.
Yeah, and I mean that that’s not even what we recommend, because we recommend a PR stack, right? And then link building, and then embed and then link building. But again, as you said, it was a half-assed attempt to start with it back in May of 2015. And it’s a half-assed attempt, your one PR, and it just shows the power that’s inherent in this that something that you do something half-assed, and you can rank on the first page in Google. So imagine if you do it, right, the kind of thing that you could do well, Amazon is there for the taking. Amen.
Thanks, guys, for being here. We’ll see you all next week.
Bye, everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290
Click on the video above to watch Episode 290 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts Episode 290. Today is the third of June and we are going to get rolling on into things here we got a couple of quick announcements. This is the show where I do not use Hernan’s title cuz I got enough problems and I’m gonna stick with my intro so I’ll let her know and explain that in a minute. But let’s say hi to everybody first and then we’re gonna get into it. So, Bradley, how are you doing today man?
Good happy to be here.
I just read Hernan’s comment anyways just happy to be here guys.
Outstanding well let’s hop over to you what’s going on man? I do not know that there’s a reason why I put it there in the chatbox. I was about to put it on the
Slack channel but I know that Bradley will share his you know his screen and then you know
everything will break loose Regulus, but anyways, yeah, excited to be here. Really, really good to be here. How’s Santa Monica? How are you doing today? Iron Man trying to hide his porn.
I think porn would actually be a lot better receptive and that is better received than his comment.
Anyway, things are good. Things are good. I can’t complain. I mean, I could go What’s the use right here any good? Yeah, he’s just complaining. So just, I just enjoy it, let it go and move on to the next thing which is making money looking for ways, of course, looking for ways to mess with Google.
Fair enough, which I’m going to come back to that in just a minute but first, Chris, how you doing man?
Doing excellent. had a really good gym session today. So I’m super pumped happy. weather is good some ways definitely approaching and yeah, can’t complain.
Yeah, I am not as pumped. I was like, I’m gonna take my miles up, do some long run. So I was going to go out and do 12 miles today and decided to bump up so it’s Like 91 here, which is like for our Celsius speaking friends, that’s like, what? 34 Celsius at 33 out there. Yeah, nice and toasty. So this will be a fun one for me. But instead of telling everyone about my exercise plans and the weather in the Bay Area, I wanted to share real quick. We sent out an email. There have been some webinars happening lately. But more importantly than that, we had a lot of people asking us about GMP verifications, and we’ve sent a couple of emails but we know people sometimes Hey, you’re busy, you might miss it. mgyb.co. GMP verifications are backed up. And you can find that just by going over to mgyb.co. Find out more there. Please pay attention to the very few but very important restrictions. There’s a couple of niches that you just it’s not possible, so don’t bother ordering. So all you have to do is go to mgyb.co and you click on the store, you go to GMB verifications, and right there it’ll have a shortlist of The only niches that you can’t do, if you don’t read that, then you know, we’ll just gonna end up refunding it. I say that because it happened a few times. I want to make sure that you guys get what you need but as always,
sorry, like does that mean there are people that pull the trigger without reading instructions? Is that what you’re saying?
There are but you know what, I appreciate that they were so happy to get started and GMBs that they’re just actually connected. But you know, we don’t want to hold you up. We don’t want to cause you any grief. So just make sure you know, you’re aware there are a few areas that we can’t do that for and more importantly, to you know, these are the verification system is something that comes and goes. Obviously there are some hang-ups there with outbreak and Coronavirus. And you know even while I’m not going to go into the details, but let’s just say we can’t tell you when this could go away. So if this is something you were doing or you want to do for like local Legion or for your own stuff, this would be a really good time to get into that. Marco Do you want to have you read the bullet list?
It is what we don’t have to get back to So, we can’t do that. Because we said we can’t do that. And so asking if we can do it doesn’t make sense. Since we told you, we can’t do it. Oh, that makes it make sense to me.
Yeah, no, that sounds good. So we just had a webinar, we’re going to be sharing it a little bit more in the future moving forward with everyone. It’s a new tool that Bradley has been using a lot. I checked it out. I’m just not using it because I’m not big into local. But I think for anyone that has local clients go high level and the training that Bradley is developing, and some of the other goodies we’re going to have available are pretty amazing. And I don’t know if there’s more to say right now about that Bradley, or if we can just leave it at that and say we’ll share with people and not at the moment, I’m going to be providing a case study for how I’m using it and a couple of ways that can be used will provide my test pans out the way I hope that it does, to experience kind of exponential growth with it. Um, I think there’s a way to kind of tear out like receiving benefit from a client but also from clients. And so I’ll explain all that during you know, in the case study when it’s done, it’s probably going to be about a month out. But that will be a bonus for anybody that purchases it as well. Nice.
Yeah, it’s great. I’d like to share something that happened with Hernan because he forwarded me a list of when the person was selling links, high domain authority, whatever page or what did just whatever from that Edu domains and then and all these great things and charging an arm and a leg for them. And I talked to rob and then Rob says, isn’t that the one we push down? And so while he was looking, I went to look and I said yeah, that’s the one we pushed down for, for the keyword SEO shield. And so I’m like, haha, coincidence is right where you go and you get someone trying to sell you something. And you can write back to them and say, well wait a minute we did our way, just took down your way. So why should I buy your way you should come over and buy my way. Because it’s cheap I will be. It’s just, it was just hilarious or the whole list of it would have cost me just thousands of dollars to get all of those links. And it cost you a fraction of that in MGYB, and works mode better.
Definitely, if you’re on the email list, I highly suggest if you’re interested in SEO, Sheldon, we’re talking about it, that you nominate that if you’re if you’ve seen these emails for the Fourth of July sale, we’re going to have coming up we’re going to have some we usually have something very good but we’re asking you guys for some input this year. So be sure to fill those surveys out, open up your emails, when you get them from us around you. It just takes a minute and you’re going to get a lot out of that. Real quick too. If you’re an agency owner or a consultant, you want to get more clients you want to grow your revenue and scale your team at that Me, I think that’s everyone here. So I can work less and earn more. If you want to be like that, then go check out to x your agency comm This is great training for people who already have clients. But as well as people who are just getting started and maybe you know, you’re not trying to grow the biggest agency ever, but you want to quickly get up to speed and really grow your consulting business or your agency. And last but not least, we’ve been talking a little bit about SEO about MGYB. But if you want to get step by step processes for SEO results, then the best place to do that is that battle plan dot semantic mastery. com grab the battle plan. And that’s generally where we tell people to start when they come to us and they come to Hump Day Hangouts and see what’s next that that that those two are great places to start. They’re complimentary, but you may want to start with one or the other, depending on what your most immediate need is, and go from there. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive into questions?
I’m doing so. All right.
So we’re good.
Grab the screen. Okay,
guys, we’ve seen everything right.
How Do You Use SEO Shield If You’re A Beginner?
All right. So it looks like this is the first question says my SEO shield was just delivered, but I have no idea what to do from here. I only got logins to an ID page and a pro account plus approach. Okay, so you shouldn’t have got it. Anyways, I’m just going to read the question. Got a log into an ID page on a pearl trees account is what that means plus an HTML file to download and a Google site URL. What about the syndication network and the IFTTT where I post content? Please advise or tell me where I can find a tutorial to use these assets? which I’m sure awesome Yes, I have the battle plan 4.0. But there are no mentions of what to do with these assets specifically, thanks. A while the delivery email should have contained all of your information unless it came in and separately like in other words when your syndication network if it was an SEO power shield, which includes all the stuff. You should have gotten an email when the syndication network was delivered, which should have been first before the drive stack was completed.
So and when the SEO shield is delivered, it gives you once you log into that Google account, which by the way, that’s one of the first things you should do, guys, as soon as you get your SEO back, log into the Google account because it binds that account now to your IP. And we recommend that you do that like right away like within you know, within a few days anyways of receiving that email. But once you log into that Gmail account that was provided to you with the login details, then you click the URL to the spreadsheet, which opens up like the drive stack, essentially all the files and folders and everything. And then through that same Gmail account, you can click in the drive and you can actually go in and look at all the individual files and folders and all of that kind of stuff.
Are we sending out the done for you RYS black book with the delivery from SEO shields? If not, we should include that, Marco.
And that’s a standard practice because although it’s a bundle, as everything is done, it gets delivered. And part of the delivery is, of course, the Done For You User’s Guide. And the BattlePlan says exactly what to do with what, whether it’s a new asset or an existing asset. As the pieces come in. Your next step is link building, press releases, link building, embeds, link building more press releases until you get the results that you’re looking for. I mean, our system hasn’t changed and I don’t know how many years because it’s simply worse. It’s just the way we bundled it. And he’s asking about his syndication. Well, he submitted a syndication point, which is his RSS feed or wherever it is that he’s going to be syndicating from his syndication network, so that his content can be published, right. So he should have gotten with that That we wouldn’t have built the syndication network. So he’s asking about that he’s supposed to be blogging from there. So he’s supposed to look into how to set up his silos, how to go after the top market level category. These are all things that we’ve discussed in past Hump Day Hangouts. I mean, the approaches, everything’s free in the on our YouTube channel, all you have to do is use the channel search function. And look for all of these things. Well, what do I do with the RSS feed? How do I syndicate? All questions that can be answered from our YouTube channel. From our free content, you can go into the free Facebook group and ask the question, I know that this particular one I told them, as in Hump Day hangout so that we could go into more detail about what to do, but it because I wanted to make sure that everyone knows, is like you’re not we’re not doing anything different. You get the syndication network, you start syndicating content, you don’t have to wait for everything else to come in. Right? It should be primed. You should have content ready, you should have your silos more or less ready. If you didn’t, then you should have gotten a keyword research gig from us where we can suggest how to approach your niche. But I mean, nobody knows your niche better than you or you should be researching your niche to the point where nobody knows better than you. We can give you suggestions. And we could give you a question and answer your question format so that you can do questions and answers in your content syndication. But again, nothing has changed from the beginning. It’s still the syndication network used to the syndication network is for syndicating content, and it’s for bringing that entity together, right? It’s the beginning of the validation process that we did a whole webinar on that as a matter of fact, in MGYB, then as everything as the @ID gets delivered, and then the final piece of the puzzle of the SEO shield, the dry sack and G site. Well, that’s what you hammer with the link building and you can shoot your press releases through that and out into your tier one brand, which is your syndication network. This is all a process and it’s all set up. And again, we discuss it thoroughly in the battle plan, not only in the battle plan, but in the webinar that we did, where were you, Rob and I got together and we discussed all the different parts of the battle plan and how to approach it and what to do with it. It’s all there. It may take a little bit of research into the YouTube channel, but it’s all there and it’s all free. It’s all free. So you have to just go place the order with MGYB and Okay, what do I do with this? Well, you, thank you for coming here and asking so that we can go into detail. Thank you. But all of these things are available.
Yeah. So like, Where do I post content? It depends on what you used as your trigger or told us to use it as a trigger for your syndication network. Was it blog syndication? So using an RSS feed or was it a YouTube channel? That’s the question so you just post content to whatever you chose as your trigger for the network, right. So either post blog posts on your blog, or upload videos to YouTube channel. That’s where you would post the content too. I do think that this is a good opportunity, perhaps for us to do Marco and Rob and me perhaps to jump on a creative webinar for MGYB like an update webinar, that is just a quick run-through of what to do after your SEO shield has been delivered, or while you’re waiting for all of the components to be delivered. Maybe just do a quick webinar and update that we can then send along with the delivery email with the done for you Users Guide and all that stuff. But just to kind of give an additional resource, I’m up for that. So if I could twist Marco and Rob’s arm to jump on with me, in the next couple of weeks, maybe we’ll do that as an update webinar for MGYB just to kind of give it all consolidate it all into one, you know, 20-minute video or something that explains on you know, what, what best practices are for going forward? I think that might be helpful. What do you say?
No problem just set it up.
Okay. So yeah, we can do that in the meantime. Go look it should have done for your user’s guide. It should have been delivered. If it hasn’t been just contact [email protected]. And request it will make sure you get it but it should have been delivered and then go back and check for your syndication network. Whenever that’s completed, you should get an email for that first, like, you know, a week or however many days prior to your done for you. Drive stack being completed because that’s always done first if that makes sense. So if that’s what you ordered as an SEO power shield along with you know, with all the stuff included, then that’s the timeline that you should have received notifications. Okay.
Does SERP Watching Hurt A Website’s Ranking?
Mohammad is up next. What’s up, Mohammad? He says, hey guys, does SERP watching her a ranking for a specific website, my car dealer. My car dealer client is rising rapidly for a major keyword almost too fast (Shout out to SM). It’s awesome. I’ve shown him the progress and he got so excited. He’s checking it every day. I requested he take it easy, but if he’s actually hurting things, I’ll tell him to stop. That’s a really good question. I’m not sure about that. What do you say, Marco?
Well, it depends on how many unique visits his IP is getting counted for. Right? And now here’s the problem. So let’s say he’s looking at it from his desktop at work. Then he goes to his laptop, and he looks, then he’s home and he looks at it from his mobile phone. Then he tells his wife, hey, go, go, go check this out, and he reaches out to a friend. Now you’ve had five or six visits that just go and say, Oh, look, Wow, this is great. But they take no action that on that search engine result. Or maybe they click through to the website, which is great for your click-through rate. But when they’re on your website, nothing happens. And you’ve heard me talk about this before Mohammad, the final piece of this entire puzzle is getting that person to that click to call that form to whatever it is that you want that person to do. And finish it off. Most people are like, Oh, how pretty Look, look, this is really neat. I’m number nine. I’m number two, whatever it is, the harm could come, like from too many sessions, right? The separate sessions that they can kind of work without anything happening, because that can actually be a negative, because to Google that somebody’s not finding what they’re looking for or somebody’s not trusting you enough. If they land on your website to get you that information. If he’s just looking from time to time, depending on how much traffic it will what percentage it is of the overall traffic, it’s not going to make any difference. Now, I’m going to tell you another thing if he’s watching this close closely, and you know how fickle Google is the first time this thing dances, you’re gonna get a call at midnight because this guy’s gonna be watching. You have no idea what you’re gonna get that call, and he’s gonna be panicking. Right, and Do you want that call? Tell him to stop and look at the fucking results. That’s it. Stop, stop it is your phone ring, it’s coming up, wait for the next report. Then you go and look, relax, let you see initial results. Give me time to put everything in place so that you can see what the end result of what I do cuz he’s not really giving you a chance. And I’m telling you, the first negative thing that happens this guy’s gonna freak out. Remember, Marco told you?
Yeah, anybody that SERP watches that much is going that’s a clear indication that they’re going to be trouble. They’re gonna high maintenance, Mohammed and you have a tendency to attract those types of clients for some reason. So I totally agree with Marco. One other thing I want to mention is I’ve experienced something similar but when managing Google Ads campaigns, what I mean by that is I’ve had some clients that they go and they Go check, you know, Google, they do keyword searches to see their ad. They don’t click through because they know they’re going to pay for every click that, you know, even if it’s them clicking through, they’re going to pay for that. So they know not to click through, but I’ve had clients that will kill my click-through rate. Right, which if you understand Google ads, you know that one of the best ways to raise your quality score and lower your cost per click, and all of that is to have a high click-through rate. And I’ve had clients that have like literally negatively affected their click-through rate, drove it down the CTR down because they’re SERP watching their ads. And it shows all these additional impressions, but not as many click-throughs because they’re just checking it to see where it’s at. And so I always tell somebody, if you really want to take a look at where you are, if you’re as long as you’re on page one, go use the Google Ads preview and diagnostic tool inside of Google ads, right? Because then you can simulate a search without it actually counting as an actual impression right? So as long as you’re on and it works for even organic because you can actually set your, you know, it simulates a location, but then you can also simulate whether it’s a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device. And you can search for your keywords. And as long as your ranking is on page one, whether it’s an ad or an organic, it will show and that’s also another way that you can have like, for example,
I’ve got a pest control client. He owns the company, and it’s a northern company in Northern Virginia. They provide Pest Control services in Northern Virginia. But he now resides as the owner of the company down in Florida, and he often after I sent and I don’t know why once per year, I have to go through this shit with him and I don’t understand why. But anyway, like last month, for example, when I sent the monthly reports, again, I’ve gone over this many times with him, but you know, I still send a local rank report as bright low Reports, because you can set again a simulated location and everything else. And you’ll look at the report and then he’ll go look in Google and search from a Florida IP for his keywords. And obviously, it’s going to look significantly different than what it does for somebody that’s local searching in the Northern Virginia area. And then you’ll come back and say, Well, you know, how do I get rankings back for our primary keyword in our primary area? And I’ll say, Well, wait a minute, you are ranking? Well, the report shows this. And when I do a search, it’s not coming bla bla bla. And I’ve had to explain that to them many, many times, and say, and even provided tutorial of like, hey, look, go use a Google Ads premium diagnostic tool. So you could set the mobile device, you could set the location, and even then that’s still not 100% accurate, because again, it’s a simulated search, as opposed to an actual real search which you can’t simulate user behavior and all that like in other words, like a history of the type of content people have engaged with and all that other kinds stuff so no, you know having simulated searches are they’re never going to be as accurate as they are in real life and I’m only telling you that guys because like I said the same type of thing is you can still show your client or tell your client if these that adamant about being cysts on constantly SERP watching which is not a good sign, have them do it through the ad premium diagnostic tool over instead of like through an actual browser. That makes sense. Okay.
Is It Okay To Add The RSS Feed Of A Money Site To The General Spliced Feed And Syndicate It To Directories?
BB’s up with his long list of questions again, no matter how many times he’s persistent, I’ll tell you what, so what’s up guys, should you risk adding the money site RSS feed to the general spiced feed feeds that contain all the branded properties and money site and some authority site RSS and syndicated to a huge amount of RSS directories, which some of them could be spammy? This comes from the guideline of no links to money site because press releases in the SEO SEO so you must be talking about like the advanced RSS strategy module from syndication. Academy Yeah, it doesn’t that’s fine RSS directory. Remember, you can’t control other people scraping your RSS feed. You have no control over that, right. So it’s not, it’s not the same as if you submit your RSS feed as Super feed right as you called it, which is spliced in with related content feeds web 2.0 feeds and all that you submit it to directories and aggregators, it’s fine. It’s not the same as a direct backlink to your site. So you’re okay to do that. I’ve never had any issue with that. There are some that may be spammy. It’s not gonna affect your site. Because again, if that were the case, then anybody out there that had an RSS feed period could potentially be hit with some sort of negative SEO penalty, or, you know, some sort of penalty because other people took their RSS feed without their permission and used it. And so again, it’s kind of a different set of rules there. It’s not going to affect not the same as if you’re going out and building links intentionally to yourself. Any comments on that?
Oh, no, that’s fine. Okay, so moving on the second one, this is better, maybe you’re getting better.
Can You Power The RYS Properties With Tier 2 RYS Properties?
You’re getting better than the next one is let’s say you have a domain that is powered by an RYS stack. Can you power the RYS properties with tier two RYS properties? If yes, can it replicate the links package and embed the package? And can this power and go into tier three and tier four? Um, my first thought, and again, Marco is the expert on this. But it’s what’s that? What would be the point of that when you can continue to build and expand the existing drive stack? I don’t know why you’d want to tear drive stacks. I don’t know what the purpose of that would be. So I don’t know Marco, that would be my first thought. What do you say?
No, I mean, we’ve talked about this before. The best thing that you could do is go inside the main drive stack and add keyword-driven, stacks, within that with inner pages on the G site, matching the inner pages on the money site. That’s the best thing that you do. And then you go to town on that drive second G site because now it’s branded, you created all of the brand plus keyword relationships. And then you focus you got the keyword-driven stack that’s going to carry all of that art activity, relevance, trust, and authority over to the page that you’re trying to rank. You’ve isolated everything. I don’t want to get too technical, but you’re accruing PageRank on that inner page, and you’re driving it over to the inner page that you’re looking to rank. And then when you link build, you not only accruing more page more PageRank but you make up for any link atrophy for PageRank that you’re going to lose because of the way that Google the way that they add up the PageRank right the way that they set it up, so I don’t see it. I don’t see it necessary to them. An additional g site and drive stack unless you have a really stubborn keyword. It just won’t move then. You might want to it would be something like a PBn type drive stack, which focuses on that keyword even more. It just hones in on that one keyword that’s really sticky that you did the inner g site page and the keyword-driven drive site over to the money site, inner page, and it didn’t have the effect that you wanted. So that’s when you would isolate with that. I haven’t I have yet to see anything that needs to go that far. Even in the Amazon case study that Didier conducted that wasn’t really necessary. All that was necessary was going after that keyword, right that keyword said that in that specific niche in that top market level category. Can it replace the link? No. No Because there what you’re doing is you’re broadening the link profile. It’s not all coming just from Google properties. And can you power then tier three and tier four? Yeah. But why? why if you can just go directly into the drive secondary site, get all the effects in there, accrue PageRank and ranking score in there and then transfer it over to the money site. It won’t transfer one to one, of course, but you get a better effect than breaking it up the way that you’re talking about BB.
Yeah, just to be clear, BB. You know, over the years, we’ve seen a lot of people that have come to us with these elaborate linking schemes and things like that. And diagrams sometimes you can tell people spend hours drafting a diagram to show and then they come and ask, what do you think this will work and a lot of times, not to, you know, burst your bubble or anything like that, but it’s overcomplicating stuff. That’s unnecessary. And you know, if it might seem like a good idea, but a lot of times when you add complexity, it makes it harder to manage the project to begin with. So that’s why I always recommend using single-tier syndication networks for most brands as opposed to multi-tiered syndication networks. When you’re talking about blog syndication. That’s part of the reason I’ve been saying that for years now because you overcomplicate things unnecessarily. And so that’s what I would just warn against that, you know, I understand trying to come up with new ways to squeeze more power out of stuff and all that and that’s fine. That’s great. That’s how you become a good SEO is to hypothesize and then test. But you know, that’s also what we do. And so, I’m not saying don’t go out and test your own things. It’s good that you’re coming here and asking questions, but as Marco just said, you can simplify what you’re trying to do now by continuing to expand your existing drive stack and your G site. Instead of adding all of these additional tiers that are going to limit or reduce your overall link profile when you’re better off just really smashing the shit out of your existing drive stack and G site as you continue to expand it out continue link building and embed packages to that.
Do You Need To Index After Having An MGYB DFY Link Building Service?
So okay Mohammed’s up again, he says, Hey guys, I just learned I should be using the link indexing service after MGYB DFY service. Do I just index all links I get after a link building job until now? I never indexed so I’m worrying that I sabotage myself. No, it certainly helps. Muhammad. However, I don’t know. There’s I don’t know if we’ve resolved this yet. But there’s a limit to how many URLs you can submit at a time with the link indexer. So it’s kind of a pain in the ass to use. I’m not gonna lie unless we’ve resolved that Marco Do you know if that’s been resolved? Can we submit text files yet or CSV files? I can’t tell you offhand.
Okay. Yeah, because I don’t use it that often. I do. For some things, but like when you get a link building campaign back and you’ve got thousands of links, it’s, I mean, it would take you a lot of manual work to be able to upload the links to the indexer. And I know that was on the to-do list. I don’t know Rob has resolved that yet. But we need to get that to where we can upload either paste in a, you know, batches, big batches, or upload a text file or the CSV file with the links to have them all index. I think, right now there’s a limit to like, I don’t know, 300 URLs at a time or something like that. And so that’s, that’s, that’s part of the reason I don’t use it as much as I should because it’s just kind of a manual process of adding links to it. So, Mohammed, Rob can answer that question for sure. If you need to, you could always ask in the free group and we can reply on it there.
So no, not yet. The answer is no, not yet. You can’t you cannot add a text file or CSV or Excel or anything else. It has to go through the system. As far as link indexing, this comes from the heavy hitter club, the free group where he asked it, and he’s getting results. So now he’s wondering, is not so much sabotage himself. But could he be getting better results? And that’s we have no way of knowing what would have or could have happened. Had he submitted the URLs for indexing? Of course, we can’t know. But he’s getting results. So it just means that that’s getting picked up over time, which is perfectly fine. You don’t have to force the indexing like Google index natural. The link indexing is just a way to speed up the process and make sure that the Google gets in there crawls it, you’re going to lose links over time, it happens to everybody, no matter what kind of link building you’re doing are linked indexing. Now, what you could do is maybe get a URL A sheet that you got back from Deadia. And you can link built to those and get an indexing package to the new ones, which will have an effect on any existing old links to buy up or you tear your links and get those reindex power, the power those up that way. That would work. But I don’t see why if you’re already getting results that just keep doing what you’re doing. And then from here on out, make it your standard operating procedure to order indexing with every gig that you order from MGYB that I just came up with an idea that I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this before. But tell me if this would work. If you set what if you took the CSV file that you got back with the links that were built, and then you know, turn it into a Google Sheet, and then submitted the Google Sheet URL to the indexer. That would get the bots to come to crawl the Google Sheet that has all the URLs in it right?
Yes or no? Would that work?
Yeah, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I don’t know why I’d thought about that. So that might be the way to do it then would be to just add the CSV file with the links that were delivered to drive, set it to anybody that has the link can access, and then submit that URL, the sheet URL to the indexer. Done. Right. I haven’t tested that. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, because and by the way, probably, the reason why we do the things the way we do it now is that we have to count the URLs that are being submitted, right. Because it’s not unlimited. I mean, potentially, if you gave someone the test to upload a text file or CSV, they could just upload thousands and thousands of URLs if they wanted to. Right, and they would just dilute the or, Tara, I don’t know we’re controlling it. I just heard back from Rob controlling it because of that we need to come The URLs are that are being submitted. So maybe we need to extend it. I don’t know. He said, it’s being coded in though, you know, we’re moving platforms, right? Yes. And we’re testing that out and that’s in the process as soon as we have the new platform is going to be a lot simpler to do things.
Google Policy Violation To A Two-Year-Old RYS Drive Stack
There you go. So JT, SEO is up. He says, Hi, Marco. I got an email from big G, Google policy violation warning saying that the G drive that a Gdrive with a two-year-old RYS is violating policies about malware, destructive code, warned that if it persists, they may restrict access to it. Have you come across that before? And before you answer the question, I want to read the next part to the second post. He says I have not touched the RYS in weeks, seems odd. Any advice appreciated. A week previous to getting the warning. So yeah, is that related to the XML script?
One of the reasons is the XML script if it’s set to work, there’s a setting on it, right? There’s a timer, where you go every two hours, every four hours, every eight hours, whatever. What happens is that we, I don’t know, we should make this public, we rebuild the entire site on that cycle, so you’re using up a lot of resources, and some of those will time out. And so what we recommend is now you don’t build it every 248 or eight hours. I mean, actually, you don’t need it. Every three days, every five days is fine. Every, I don’t know. 1618 hours, pick an odd number every 19 hours. It gets rid of something so that you’re less burdensome to Google, then you are now because the one thing that they hate is people hogging their resources. If you’re not paying for those resources, and you will get those warnings. And they will kill your drives tech and your G site. If you continue. Now, I don’t know what you did. Because you’re not saying what it is that you’re why you went in there. And what it is that you did that set Google off because it hadn’t been touched in two years, and it was working just fine. So I don’t know that it’s really difficult to answer this, right.
Yeah, and I’ve had a couple of stacks where when I placed the order, I submitted a bunch of photos, for example, and the builders built using the photos but then the rebuild script will rebuild all those photos and that’s resource-heavy super resource-heavy apparently. So I’ve learned to only submit a handful of images with the order because you know, something similar. I’ve not had any warning talking about malware or destructive code that at least I don’t remember that specifically mentioned, but I have had To the XML scripts timeout and shut down on me because of the too many images, which I guess is resource-heavy. So but yeah, that’s just I recommend doing what he just mentioned. go in and change your rebuild time limit to something much more for that. It doesn’t have to be rebuilt every two or four hours. They won’t get crawled out often anyways.
What MGYB Service Is Good For A One-Year-Old Site With Good On-Page SEO?
lonnis up says, Hey guys, I landed my first client. I just got the client’s GMB verified. The site is a year old with no links. I’ve done some pretty good on-page SEO. So the site is starting to move. Should I buy your SEO power shield or our ys drive stacks, I’m having a meeting with a client and I need to know which direction to go. Thanks for your help. The SEO power shield is are like a combination of everything right? That’s it’s hands down. It’s all of the assets that we talked about. And that’s why we built those packages. Because, you know, for a long time, we had all the individual components that you could purchase but people would ultimately and you know a lot of the times people would buy certain components Not all of them and not combine everything, and then come back and say, Well, this isn’t working. And that’s not working. And whenever we would dig a little deeper, we’d find out that, you know, they only had a part of it. And I always screw this saying up, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
That’s right. I can never get that one. Right. But yeah, it’s like, if you only do 25% of the work, you’re not going to get 25% of the results, right? It’s less than that. Like, in other words, if you do 100% of the work, you’re going to get 150% of the results, if I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it does. It’s kind of an exponential thing when you have all the components together. So that’s why we offer those in different clips of bundles like that the SEO power shield is that is the top tier, right? And so that’s everything combined. So yeah, I would recommend that. That’s just a standard operating procedure for all projects that I work on now as an SEO power shield. Sometimes I ordered them in separate components because of, you know, specific reason. That may be, but in your case, especially just starting out, I would just go with the SEO power shield, it’s going to make it much easier because you’ll get all the components delivered in the proper sequence as well. The comments,
I totally agree to go for it SEO power shielding, don’t separate the drive stack from it, although the drive stack and z sight will have an effect on it anyway, what what you’re actually doing is is everything that I’ve been talking about for years, which is working on that entity in that brand, versus doing it piecemeal. You’re bringing everything together all at once you’re giving it all to Google, and you’re trying to make your clients brand, the keyword in that niche. That’s what you’re striving towards. So anything that you could do to try to get that you should be doing. You can’t leave things that you cannot leave out the syndication network, but those are profiles that you’re going to claim and schema in your sameas as being part of the organization. It’s part of who and what your brand is, or in this case, your client, you can’t separate that. I mean, you could go later on and get it. But then if you know that you’re going to need it later on, why not just get it all just now and be done with it and move on to the next phase, which is hammering everything that you get back from us for better results.
Yeah, and I just, I want to, you know, kind of touch on something briefly, because, believe it or not, I was looking at the kind of doing an audit for one of our members in the mastermind today. It’s kind of an ongoing thing. And I want to make it real clear, guys. You know, when you get your drive stack back and your G site, remember to, you know, the drive stack expansion, we talked about expanding that and that’s a service that is in beta right now for mastermind members and such where we can, you know, we can do that for you at MGYB, but we talked about theme mirroring all the time, but something else is really critically important. Is embedding your money pages from your, in other words, that the pages from your primary website into the corresponding sites on the G site page, it’s really important because you can inject structured data, for example, schema.org, right. So whatever type of project you’re on, if it’s a local business, you know, you can inject that schema into the G site by doing so. It’s very important. And I think that gets overlooked a lot. Maybe we’re not having been really clear about it, I thought we have been, but you know, even one of our mastermind members, who’s been with us for many, many months and have received a lot of help, has overlooked that. And I don’t understand how that gets overlooked. It’s very, very important because that’s one of the ways that you get that structured data into the G site. And how you push so much of the power that you’re developing and accruing through the drive stack in the G site through to the money site. That makes sense by embedding those the corresponding pages from the money site on to the G site, right. So when you theme marry you do that And then and again, I don’t know how that gets overlooked at times. But maybe again, we haven’t been really clear about it. But that’s why I want to touch on that here. It’s critically important to do that. And so I would recommend that you do that, as well as is make sure that you have structured data, guys, you know, by the day, we’re going deeper into the Semantic Web, right? So it’s super important that you have you make those associations with structured data code to tell Google specifically your entity assets in the connection between them, right. And it’s really really, really important to do that. And I see a lot of that still being overlooked by people and, and I think that’s a mistake. So any comments on that for move on?
and that’s perfect you know, in heavy hitter club, the last two webinars or the first two, in the series that we’re doing were entirely about the entity, schema, and content and how to structure your unstructured data and then how to how to structure your structured data so that it matches your unstructured data so that you’re feeding the buttons. All of the information possible to make your entity or your brand, the keyword in the niche or the top entity versus all of the other entities because at the end of the day, what we’re talking about in Google is a huge relational database. So just think of a data dump. And yes, of course, it’s categorized and Google has entities and it has that like that the ultimate entity in that niche, right, what it would look like and the closer that you get to matching that ultimate entity, the better your results are going to be in the end, which is outranking everybody else. I keep saying it. We took on Amazon, and one and then we can do that with our methods. Then the entire internet is wide open to you guys. And we’re not hiding anything from you. Everything that we use is in MGYB. That’s how we do it. Right? Maybe in our free groups like heavy hitter club or the Semantic Mastery mastermind, we’ll go deeper into the why and the how. But as far as what we do to get results, it’s right there. It’s an empty vibe to all of those services. Those are things that we use to rank our projects. And we do it over and over and over again. And I don’t see why you guys aren’t doing. If you’re not doing we got a lot of people here who do get results, by the way. Yeah.
SEO Power Shield Or RYS Drive Stacks
Because as long as I began, he says to add to my other question, should I buy multiple SEO power shields or RYS drive stacks? I’m excited. I just want to make sure my client and I guess we are aware of upcoming costs. No, that’s what we just talked about. Just a few moments ago, Lonnie, that’s not necessary. You know, one drive stack in G site for your client is all that’s needed, right. And you can expect And that out by theme mirroring. And so if you’re not sure what we’re talking about, you go to the MGYB.co and look at the webinars. I think Marko’s first heavy hitter club webinar was public. I don’t know if it still is. But that drive stack expansion and we did a webinar, this mg y b, I know we did. No, watch that one. It’s in the webinar section, you can watch about that and talk about how we talked about expanding the drive stack, the mirroring, and all that. And that’s why you don’t have to keep buying what you should do, which you should be buying after the drive stack and G site has been built is link building and embed gigs to power it up and continue building out that drive stack to mirror, the site, the website itself and everywhere that you have digital assets that you can mirror to the primary structure of the website, right or the excuse me the structure of your primary website. That’s what you should be doing. So again at mgyb.co. The webinars tab you can go look at PR silo stacking, or press release silos. And you can silo press releases together to mirror whatever your silo structure is from your primary website as well as your G site as well as your drive stack. You do the same thing with GMB posts. If you’re using Google, if the project that you’re working on has a Google My Business profile, right, so all everything that you do should be mirrored into a silo structure, whatever the primary website structure is, you duplicate that and mirror that on to your other assets. And the same type of linking structure happens when you do all of that together. Now you have all these assets that are all, you know, tightly siloed that’s what the silo means, right? So it’s a, it’s like a vertical silo, right? So everything is tightly siloed. And then you link build into those and do embed gigs into those, and you can push massive relevancy, very specific to certain areas of your site, or you know, certain keyword themes or keyword sets. Does that make sense? So that’s how you Do it. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Yeah, I think we have to be the only people on the web who would tell people don’t spend money needlessly. Because anybody else would have just told you, Loni. Yeah, get five of them. Five is better, and come up with a really intricate and mixed up way on how you can knock those all up and daisy chaining them and come up with all this crazy shit on how to make them look better. We got to be the only people who look tough. No, no, don’t spend all that money because you’re doing it needlessly do exactly what Bradley said. You build inner pages and inner stacks in your branded stack. To increase the power of link building, embed, link building press releases, link building cycle, you’ll spend the money on that because that’s what’s going to power up everything. And it keeps it on a cycle through everything, but you only need one branded drive stack and G site one and then inside of that, you’re going to remember You’re going to copy, you’re gonna mirror you’re gonna clone whatever the fuck you want to call it, the inner pages on your G site, the categories, whatever the wherever the money is you focus on that, right? Because your, your market level category should be where the money is. And that’s what you’re trying to rank for. When you try to rank for that all of the money keywords under that top market level category are going to come up because of the way that you’re approaching this, which is from the top-down, instead of bottom-feeding and going after just the long tail. That’s going to happen if you approach it the right way. But no, don’t go spend money in these needlessly go spend money and focus on getting the best results and the best results are dry sack g site branded and then you extend the initial drive second g site, not additional ones.
There you go.
Yeah, just keep building the power to the one that’s the best, the best Answer we can get I, like that power to the one
alright so Don says I already got version one and two the battle plan so what’s the new one cost me this time just click through and go check it out battleplan.semanticmastery.com. But Don I’m gonna do it for you. Okay, there you go 32 bucks you know, we broke the bank on that one cylinder 32 bucks, didn’t we spend an hour and a half recording that net video or something ridiculous like that. So for 32 bucks, man.
alright, so and it’s simplified. we’ve simplified it specifically because it just you know, it just makes it easier to put everything into the package, you know? packages like what we have for sale now on MGYB. It’s just easier that way. And that’s you know, we always recommended that before but again, we would tell people to go buy all these different components and so now we just put them together and packages It makes it so much easier. And you know, we’re still working on trying to make things easier, guys. And that’s why they’re trying to change platforms at MGYB. So it’s a work in progress. Right?
Drive Stack Expansion Availability
A Nexus Hey guys, I’m thinking of getting the SEO shield. When will you be rolling out the ID loop page folder service? So you mean the drive stack expansion service? That’s essential, I guess, the more proper term for it. I’ve heard Doing this will improve results. Absolutely. It will. So Marco, when will that be publicly available?
It’s already public. I would as I thought Rob had published that it’s public and available.
Oh, shit, I didn’t know that. You guys kept me in the dark. I feel like a mushroom. Shit, all day. I think he published it on Facebook. If I’m not mistaken. I just, I just don’t let’s go public. I mean, if it’s there if it’s ready, let’s go. Let’s give it to people and let them have at it. I thought it was still in beta. So my bad, so it should be. Apparently it’s news to me. It’s available for everybody. Drive stack expansion. I hadn’t even seen it in the MGYB store. So maybe I don’t know, I hadn’t even seen it.
So maybe the image hasn’t been added. It’s just so much stuff. Yes. Rob says the expression is public and on the store page, it’s on this.
sweet. I hadn’t seen it, Rob.
We need to bring Robin from now on because we get a lot of questions that he could be here answering. Yeah.
How Many Times Does Your Google Stacks Report?
Olaf says How many times do you think your Google stacks got reported? And why do you think Google does not care or ban them? I don’t know how many times they’ve been reported. I really don’t care. Now, I think Google doesn’t care because it’s a Google property, I suppose. And they’re narcissistic, which you know, we use that in the original sales copy, use Google’s own narcissism against itself. You know, that they recently made some changes to drive, I think, to combat that or, you know, to try to prevent some of what it is that is, you know, we’ve been doing but Marco and Rob immediately figured out There’s a workaround for that, too. So I think that was an indication that they were trying to do whatever they could, or something, at least symbolically to try to prevent people from using them the way that we’ve been using them, but I don’t I don’t think they were successful. What do you say?
Ah, yes, that’s something that I lose sleep over. How many times? How many times have I shown publicly? Well, think about how many times I’ve shown publicly, the Virginia SEO, SEO Virginia case study over the last over nearly five years, right. It’ll be five years in August, by the way.
No, it’s five years in May last month.
Yeah, but I’m saying your case. The one that you originally did is five years. It this past May or last month, but I’m saying it in August. It’ll be five years since we released our way as Kevin written. And we had that question. Well, how long before that loophole is closed? That was you remember? During during the webinar, and I remember that clearly like I asked, Well, yeah, how long before the loophole is closed? It happens not to be a loophole. And it happens to be a door that’s wide open. And that that’s really hard to close. If it was simple for a simple fix, it would have been done by now we’re working from. And I continue to say this, and I wish people would just listen, and really pay close attention. We’re working off web principles. It’s not Google principles that Google Terms of Service. We’re working from web principles, foundational principles, on the web. That’s how we target this. Now, of course, we don’t talk about this a lot because unlike other marketers, we don’t like to confuse our people. We don’t like to confuse you with all this technical stuff that we’ve had to go over during the last six years or so. Since I’ve been researching this because it would probably hurt most people It hurts my head. I know. It’s gonna cause a whole lot of headaches. I mean, why we just show the reason Do we care about Google? We’ve shown that it’s not something that we just say that Google is narcissistic. It’s something that we’ve shown timing is something that we proved live. I mean it. I don’t know how many other people are actually are actually able to do this to prove the fact that Google prefers itself over anything else. Proven. This isn’t theory. We don’t give you guys theory. It’s proven. It’s a fact. Now, how long? Or how many times? Does it matter? Like, I don’t care? manual? Yeah, sure. And then we’ll just build 10 more. Doesn’t matter. It like the way that it is right now. Why doesn’t Google care or ban them? We don’t know. We don’t work for Google. We just gonna keep manipulating until we can’t anymore. And then if we can’t, then that just means I have to figure out a different way or I have to sit with Rob and we have to say okay, so this door is finally closed. But we know that there’s 10 more doors that just opened up because they just closed that one. That’s how code works. I mean, it’s really difficult with the amount of code. Yeah, Google has to work with, yeah, to shut one thing down and not open 10 million more things that make it even simpler to spam and manipulate. Right? I mean it. And, again, we work off foundational principles in the World Wide Web. It’s not just Google. It’s not just their terms of service. It’s a lot of things that we’re approaching from that standpoint.
SEO Power Shield Works
So I want to read Austin’s comment, Austin Dom What’s up man? I’m still waiting for him to come to join the mastermind. But anyways, Austin says and then I want to very briefly before we wrap it up, I want to do a live search for the SEO Virginia Case Study or whatever that we did, because I’ll talk about that a minute. But Austin says got an SEO shield for a client about a month ago. This is the second site for him. It is now past the other site I have been maintaining for two years. He is now number one, number two for many organic and MAP KEYWORDS in the real estate niche. Yes, power shields work. And so to bring this over to so it was interesting, but about a month ago, for the first time in five years. I saw and so we’re going to see where it is now. We’re going to do this live. Okay. The first time in five years, my SEO Virginia, Virginia, SEO Virginia SEO agency, SEO agency, Virginia, like all of those keywords, for the first time in five years, the drive stack or the G site from that awful and it’s not even a complete drive stack. It’s not built to the standards that we build them today. But for the first time in five years, it moved down, it dropped. Let’s see where it is today. Let’s just see because I’ll tell you exactly what I did and we’ll see where it’s at. Okay, so it did move a little bit now. It’s number three for me. to Virginia Okay, so let’s open up another tab and check another keyword and this is in five years of not touching it okay without doing any work to it at all in five years. Okay, number three for that term, Virginia eight SEO agency Virginia. Let’s look at another term. Let’s look at Virginia SEO. Okay, so guys, I’m sharing this to be 100% transparent with you okay, we’ve used this case study for five years as an example. And it’s wasn’t even really a case study. It was an experiment with me testing what Marco told me to do. And it was again, not built to what we build standards today. You can take a look at it, it’s done. It doesn’t look anything like what we build today. It wasn’t there are not nearly as many files and folders there’s no interlinking done like what we do today. But for five damn years, the son of a bitch has sat at number one and hasn’t budged until about a month ago when I noticed. For whatever reason, I was doing a quick search on it and I noticed that it had it moved a little bit. So you can see it has moved slightly and five years. No link building, no press releases nothing.
And that’s why I’ve always loved to use this as an example to show how powerful these damn things can be. Because it wasn’t even done correctly or to our current standards, yet it has ranked outranked Virginia SEO agencies for five damn years. And I haven’t done anything to it. So it had moved several positions down and still on page one. But I lost several positions when I noticed this. And I think Marco even pointed out said to me in slack or group chat, you know, hey, I noticed it had moved first time in five years. And I said, Yeah, I noticed that a couple of days ago. And I said, Maybe I should order a link building package to it, just to push it back up. Well, I didn’t I was too lazy to even do that. So all I did was one press release. I’m not kidding. One. freakin press release. Let me show you what I did. I’ll pull it up. And then we’re gonna wrap it up, guys. I just want to point this out. Again, it’s 100% transparency. So we go to the news. Let’s see if it’s still showing. Okay, there. Right there. So you can see two weeks ago, it says right there published two weeks ago. Okay. So all I did was I put Virginia SEO agencies my keyword in there, then I used Virginia SEO agency, a keyword anchor, to link to the G site from that stack. Why? Because a G site can take that I wouldn’t have done 100% keyword anchor to my, you know, website, but to the G site, why not? It’s not gonna hurt anything. So that’s what I did. So you can see that that was two weeks ago, guys that that was published on May 19. Yeah, so about two weeks ago, okay. And all I did was I linked to that, and I linked actually with to a page on my website that isn’t even complete. But that was it, those two links. And so what when it had dropped down to like position five, it was between, I think four and seven, depending on what keyword you were looking at. But all I did was one press release and it’s already been pushed back up now to number three position and in fact Last week on the mastermind web, my mastermind webinar, when I looked at all of my keywords, I was in the number one position. So it’s dancing right now a little bit, but the press release was only published two weeks ago. So that’s normal, right, three weeks worth of dancing. So again, last week, when I looked at it, I was back to number one for these keywords. Now, it looks like I’m at number two or number three for my keywords. One, press release, guys, I used 100% anchor text, keyword anchor text right there to link to that site. And it’s back to number two to number three position after five years of never fucking touching it. So just want to show you guys as these things work. And for the first time in five years, it dipped it dropped, get one press release, and it’s already moving back up. So imagine if I had purchased a link building gig, I could probably get away with low competition, link building gig from MGYB or an embed gig or something like that, and push it back up, but I just wanted to see what the results were from just one press release and to be honest with you, I just didn’t put the effort into trying to push it up yet. So, again, I just want to be 100% transparent with them because I thought that this was interesting to see, after all this time, it finally started to move down just a little bit, but one press release started pushing it back up.
Yeah, and I mean that that’s not even what we recommend, because we recommend a PR stack, right? And then link building, and then embed and then link building. But again, as you said, it was a half-assed attempt to start with it back in May of 2015. And it’s a half-assed attempt, your one PR, and it just shows the power that’s inherent in this that something that you do something half-assed, and you can rank on the first page in Google. So imagine if you do it, right, the kind of thing that you could do well, Amazon is there for the taking. Amen.
Thanks, guys, for being here. We’ll see you all next week.
Bye, everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290 posted first on http://beyondvapepage.blogspot.com
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daynamartinez22 · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290
Click on the video above to watch Episode 290 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts Episode 290. Today is the third of June and we are going to get rolling on into things here we got a couple of quick announcements. This is the show where I do not use Hernan’s title cuz I got enough problems and I’m gonna stick with my intro so I’ll let her know and explain that in a minute. But let’s say hi to everybody first and then we’re gonna get into it. So, Bradley, how are you doing today man?
Good happy to be here.
I just read Hernan’s comment anyways just happy to be here guys.
Outstanding well let’s hop over to you what’s going on man? I do not know that there’s a reason why I put it there in the chatbox. I was about to put it on the
Slack channel but I know that Bradley will share his you know his screen and then you know
everything will break loose Regulus, but anyways, yeah, excited to be here. Really, really good to be here. How’s Santa Monica? How are you doing today? Iron Man trying to hide his porn.
I think porn would actually be a lot better receptive and that is better received than his comment.
Anyway, things are good. Things are good. I can’t complain. I mean, I could go What’s the use right here any good? Yeah, he’s just complaining. So just, I just enjoy it, let it go and move on to the next thing which is making money looking for ways, of course, looking for ways to mess with Google.
Fair enough, which I’m going to come back to that in just a minute but first, Chris, how you doing man?
Doing excellent. had a really good gym session today. So I’m super pumped happy. weather is good some ways definitely approaching and yeah, can’t complain.
Yeah, I am not as pumped. I was like, I’m gonna take my miles up, do some long run. So I was going to go out and do 12 miles today and decided to bump up so it’s Like 91 here, which is like for our Celsius speaking friends, that’s like, what? 34 Celsius at 33 out there. Yeah, nice and toasty. So this will be a fun one for me. But instead of telling everyone about my exercise plans and the weather in the Bay Area, I wanted to share real quick. We sent out an email. There have been some webinars happening lately. But more importantly than that, we had a lot of people asking us about GMP verifications, and we’ve sent a couple of emails but we know people sometimes Hey, you’re busy, you might miss it. mgyb.co. GMP verifications are backed up. And you can find that just by going over to mgyb.co. Find out more there. Please pay attention to the very few but very important restrictions. There’s a couple of niches that you just it’s not possible, so don’t bother ordering. So all you have to do is go to mgyb.co and you click on the store, you go to GMB verifications, and right there it’ll have a shortlist of The only niches that you can’t do, if you don’t read that, then you know, we’ll just gonna end up refunding it. I say that because it happened a few times. I want to make sure that you guys get what you need but as always,
sorry, like does that mean there are people that pull the trigger without reading instructions? Is that what you’re saying?
There are but you know what, I appreciate that they were so happy to get started and GMBs that they’re just actually connected. But you know, we don’t want to hold you up. We don’t want to cause you any grief. So just make sure you know, you’re aware there are a few areas that we can’t do that for and more importantly, to you know, these are the verification system is something that comes and goes. Obviously there are some hang-ups there with outbreak and Coronavirus. And you know even while I’m not going to go into the details, but let’s just say we can’t tell you when this could go away. So if this is something you were doing or you want to do for like local Legion or for your own stuff, this would be a really good time to get into that. Marco Do you want to have you read the bullet list?
It is what we don’t have to get back to So, we can’t do that. Because we said we can’t do that. And so asking if we can do it doesn’t make sense. Since we told you, we can’t do it. Oh, that makes it make sense to me.
Yeah, no, that sounds good. So we just had a webinar, we’re going to be sharing it a little bit more in the future moving forward with everyone. It’s a new tool that Bradley has been using a lot. I checked it out. I’m just not using it because I’m not big into local. But I think for anyone that has local clients go high level and the training that Bradley is developing, and some of the other goodies we’re going to have available are pretty amazing. And I don’t know if there’s more to say right now about that Bradley, or if we can just leave it at that and say we’ll share with people and not at the moment, I’m going to be providing a case study for how I’m using it and a couple of ways that can be used will provide my test pans out the way I hope that it does, to experience kind of exponential growth with it. Um, I think there’s a way to kind of tear out like receiving benefit from a client but also from clients. And so I’ll explain all that during you know, in the case study when it’s done, it’s probably going to be about a month out. But that will be a bonus for anybody that purchases it as well. Nice.
Yeah, it’s great. I’d like to share something that happened with Hernan because he forwarded me a list of when the person was selling links, high domain authority, whatever page or what did just whatever from that Edu domains and then and all these great things and charging an arm and a leg for them. And I talked to rob and then Rob says, isn’t that the one we push down? And so while he was looking, I went to look and I said yeah, that’s the one we pushed down for, for the keyword SEO shield. And so I’m like, haha, coincidence is right where you go and you get someone trying to sell you something. And you can write back to them and say, well wait a minute we did our way, just took down your way. So why should I buy your way you should come over and buy my way. Because it’s cheap I will be. It’s just, it was just hilarious or the whole list of it would have cost me just thousands of dollars to get all of those links. And it cost you a fraction of that in MGYB, and works mode better.
Definitely, if you’re on the email list, I highly suggest if you’re interested in SEO, Sheldon, we’re talking about it, that you nominate that if you’re if you’ve seen these emails for the Fourth of July sale, we’re going to have coming up we’re going to have some we usually have something very good but we’re asking you guys for some input this year. So be sure to fill those surveys out, open up your emails, when you get them from us around you. It just takes a minute and you’re going to get a lot out of that. Real quick too. If you’re an agency owner or a consultant, you want to get more clients you want to grow your revenue and scale your team at that Me, I think that’s everyone here. So I can work less and earn more. If you want to be like that, then go check out to x your agency comm This is great training for people who already have clients. But as well as people who are just getting started and maybe you know, you’re not trying to grow the biggest agency ever, but you want to quickly get up to speed and really grow your consulting business or your agency. And last but not least, we’ve been talking a little bit about SEO about MGYB. But if you want to get step by step processes for SEO results, then the best place to do that is that battle plan dot semantic mastery. com grab the battle plan. And that’s generally where we tell people to start when they come to us and they come to Hump Day Hangouts and see what’s next that that that those two are great places to start. They’re complimentary, but you may want to start with one or the other, depending on what your most immediate need is, and go from there. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive into questions?
I’m doing so. All right.
So we’re good.
Grab the screen. Okay,
guys, we’ve seen everything right.
How Do You Use SEO Shield If You’re A Beginner?
All right. So it looks like this is the first question says my SEO shield was just delivered, but I have no idea what to do from here. I only got logins to an ID page and a pro account plus approach. Okay, so you shouldn’t have got it. Anyways, I’m just going to read the question. Got a log into an ID page on a pearl trees account is what that means plus an HTML file to download and a Google site URL. What about the syndication network and the IFTTT where I post content? Please advise or tell me where I can find a tutorial to use these assets? which I’m sure awesome Yes, I have the battle plan 4.0. But there are no mentions of what to do with these assets specifically, thanks. A while the delivery email should have contained all of your information unless it came in and separately like in other words when your syndication network if it was an SEO power shield, which includes all the stuff. You should have gotten an email when the syndication network was delivered, which should have been first before the drive stack was completed.
So and when the SEO shield is delivered, it gives you once you log into that Google account, which by the way, that’s one of the first things you should do, guys, as soon as you get your SEO back, log into the Google account because it binds that account now to your IP. And we recommend that you do that like right away like within you know, within a few days anyways of receiving that email. But once you log into that Gmail account that was provided to you with the login details, then you click the URL to the spreadsheet, which opens up like the drive stack, essentially all the files and folders and everything. And then through that same Gmail account, you can click in the drive and you can actually go in and look at all the individual files and folders and all of that kind of stuff.
Are we sending out the done for you RYS black book with the delivery from SEO shields? If not, we should include that, Marco.
And that’s a standard practice because although it’s a bundle, as everything is done, it gets delivered. And part of the delivery is, of course, the Done For You User’s Guide. And the BattlePlan says exactly what to do with what, whether it’s a new asset or an existing asset. As the pieces come in. Your next step is link building, press releases, link building, embeds, link building more press releases until you get the results that you’re looking for. I mean, our system hasn’t changed and I don’t know how many years because it’s simply worse. It’s just the way we bundled it. And he’s asking about his syndication. Well, he submitted a syndication point, which is his RSS feed or wherever it is that he’s going to be syndicating from his syndication network, so that his content can be published, right. So he should have gotten with that That we wouldn’t have built the syndication network. So he’s asking about that he’s supposed to be blogging from there. So he’s supposed to look into how to set up his silos, how to go after the top market level category. These are all things that we’ve discussed in past Hump Day Hangouts. I mean, the approaches, everything’s free in the on our YouTube channel, all you have to do is use the channel search function. And look for all of these things. Well, what do I do with the RSS feed? How do I syndicate? All questions that can be answered from our YouTube channel. From our free content, you can go into the free Facebook group and ask the question, I know that this particular one I told them, as in Hump Day hangout so that we could go into more detail about what to do, but it because I wanted to make sure that everyone knows, is like you’re not we’re not doing anything different. You get the syndication network, you start syndicating content, you don’t have to wait for everything else to come in. Right? It should be primed. You should have content ready, you should have your silos more or less ready. If you didn’t, then you should have gotten a keyword research gig from us where we can suggest how to approach your niche. But I mean, nobody knows your niche better than you or you should be researching your niche to the point where nobody knows better than you. We can give you suggestions. And we could give you a question and answer your question format so that you can do questions and answers in your content syndication. But again, nothing has changed from the beginning. It’s still the syndication network used to the syndication network is for syndicating content, and it’s for bringing that entity together, right? It’s the beginning of the validation process that we did a whole webinar on that as a matter of fact, in MGYB, then as everything as the @ID gets delivered, and then the final piece of the puzzle of the SEO shield, the dry sack and G site. Well, that’s what you hammer with the link building and you can shoot your press releases through that and out into your tier one brand, which is your syndication network. This is all a process and it’s all set up. And again, we discuss it thoroughly in the battle plan, not only in the battle plan, but in the webinar that we did, where were you, Rob and I got together and we discussed all the different parts of the battle plan and how to approach it and what to do with it. It’s all there. It may take a little bit of research into the YouTube channel, but it’s all there and it’s all free. It’s all free. So you have to just go place the order with MGYB and Okay, what do I do with this? Well, you, thank you for coming here and asking so that we can go into detail. Thank you. But all of these things are available.
Yeah. So like, Where do I post content? It depends on what you used as your trigger or told us to use it as a trigger for your syndication network. Was it blog syndication? So using an RSS feed or was it a YouTube channel? That’s the question so you just post content to whatever you chose as your trigger for the network, right. So either post blog posts on your blog, or upload videos to YouTube channel. That’s where you would post the content too. I do think that this is a good opportunity, perhaps for us to do Marco and Rob and me perhaps to jump on a creative webinar for MGYB like an update webinar, that is just a quick run-through of what to do after your SEO shield has been delivered, or while you’re waiting for all of the components to be delivered. Maybe just do a quick webinar and update that we can then send along with the delivery email with the done for you Users Guide and all that stuff. But just to kind of give an additional resource, I’m up for that. So if I could twist Marco and Rob’s arm to jump on with me, in the next couple of weeks, maybe we’ll do that as an update webinar for MGYB just to kind of give it all consolidate it all into one, you know, 20-minute video or something that explains on you know, what, what best practices are for going forward? I think that might be helpful. What do you say?
No problem just set it up.
Okay. So yeah, we can do that in the meantime. Go look it should have done for your user’s guide. It should have been delivered. If it hasn’t been just contact [email protected]. And request it will make sure you get it but it should have been delivered and then go back and check for your syndication network. Whenever that’s completed, you should get an email for that first, like, you know, a week or however many days prior to your done for you. Drive stack being completed because that’s always done first if that makes sense. So if that’s what you ordered as an SEO power shield along with you know, with all the stuff included, then that’s the timeline that you should have received notifications. Okay.
Does SERP Watching Hurt A Website’s Ranking?
Mohammad is up next. What’s up, Mohammad? He says, hey guys, does SERP watching her a ranking for a specific website, my car dealer. My car dealer client is rising rapidly for a major keyword almost too fast (Shout out to SM). It’s awesome. I’ve shown him the progress and he got so excited. He’s checking it every day. I requested he take it easy, but if he’s actually hurting things, I’ll tell him to stop. That’s a really good question. I’m not sure about that. What do you say, Marco?
Well, it depends on how many unique visits his IP is getting counted for. Right? And now here’s the problem. So let’s say he’s looking at it from his desktop at work. Then he goes to his laptop, and he looks, then he’s home and he looks at it from his mobile phone. Then he tells his wife, hey, go, go, go check this out, and he reaches out to a friend. Now you’ve had five or six visits that just go and say, Oh, look, Wow, this is great. But they take no action that on that search engine result. Or maybe they click through to the website, which is great for your click-through rate. But when they’re on your website, nothing happens. And you’ve heard me talk about this before Mohammad, the final piece of this entire puzzle is getting that person to that click to call that form to whatever it is that you want that person to do. And finish it off. Most people are like, Oh, how pretty Look, look, this is really neat. I’m number nine. I’m number two, whatever it is, the harm could come, like from too many sessions, right? The separate sessions that they can kind of work without anything happening, because that can actually be a negative, because to Google that somebody’s not finding what they’re looking for or somebody’s not trusting you enough. If they land on your website to get you that information. If he’s just looking from time to time, depending on how much traffic it will what percentage it is of the overall traffic, it’s not going to make any difference. Now, I’m going to tell you another thing if he’s watching this close closely, and you know how fickle Google is the first time this thing dances, you’re gonna get a call at midnight because this guy’s gonna be watching. You have no idea what you’re gonna get that call, and he’s gonna be panicking. Right, and Do you want that call? Tell him to stop and look at the fucking results. That’s it. Stop, stop it is your phone ring, it’s coming up, wait for the next report. Then you go and look, relax, let you see initial results. Give me time to put everything in place so that you can see what the end result of what I do cuz he’s not really giving you a chance. And I’m telling you, the first negative thing that happens this guy’s gonna freak out. Remember, Marco told you?
Yeah, anybody that SERP watches that much is going that’s a clear indication that they’re going to be trouble. They’re gonna high maintenance, Mohammed and you have a tendency to attract those types of clients for some reason. So I totally agree with Marco. One other thing I want to mention is I’ve experienced something similar but when managing Google Ads campaigns, what I mean by that is I’ve had some clients that they go and they Go check, you know, Google, they do keyword searches to see their ad. They don’t click through because they know they’re going to pay for every click that, you know, even if it’s them clicking through, they’re going to pay for that. So they know not to click through, but I’ve had clients that will kill my click-through rate. Right, which if you understand Google ads, you know that one of the best ways to raise your quality score and lower your cost per click, and all of that is to have a high click-through rate. And I’ve had clients that have like literally negatively affected their click-through rate, drove it down the CTR down because they’re SERP watching their ads. And it shows all these additional impressions, but not as many click-throughs because they’re just checking it to see where it’s at. And so I always tell somebody, if you really want to take a look at where you are, if you’re as long as you’re on page one, go use the Google Ads preview and diagnostic tool inside of Google ads, right? Because then you can simulate a search without it actually counting as an actual impression right? So as long as you’re on and it works for even organic because you can actually set your, you know, it simulates a location, but then you can also simulate whether it’s a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device. And you can search for your keywords. And as long as your ranking is on page one, whether it’s an ad or an organic, it will show and that’s also another way that you can have like, for example,
I’ve got a pest control client. He owns the company, and it’s a northern company in Northern Virginia. They provide Pest Control services in Northern Virginia. But he now resides as the owner of the company down in Florida, and he often after I sent and I don’t know why once per year, I have to go through this shit with him and I don’t understand why. But anyway, like last month, for example, when I sent the monthly reports, again, I’ve gone over this many times with him, but you know, I still send a local rank report as bright low Reports, because you can set again a simulated location and everything else. And you’ll look at the report and then he’ll go look in Google and search from a Florida IP for his keywords. And obviously, it’s going to look significantly different than what it does for somebody that’s local searching in the Northern Virginia area. And then you’ll come back and say, Well, you know, how do I get rankings back for our primary keyword in our primary area? And I’ll say, Well, wait a minute, you are ranking? Well, the report shows this. And when I do a search, it’s not coming bla bla bla. And I’ve had to explain that to them many, many times, and say, and even provided tutorial of like, hey, look, go use a Google Ads premium diagnostic tool. So you could set the mobile device, you could set the location, and even then that’s still not 100% accurate, because again, it’s a simulated search, as opposed to an actual real search which you can’t simulate user behavior and all that like in other words, like a history of the type of content people have engaged with and all that other kinds stuff so no, you know having simulated searches are they’re never going to be as accurate as they are in real life and I’m only telling you that guys because like I said the same type of thing is you can still show your client or tell your client if these that adamant about being cysts on constantly SERP watching which is not a good sign, have them do it through the ad premium diagnostic tool over instead of like through an actual browser. That makes sense. Okay.
Is It Okay To Add The RSS Feed Of A Money Site To The General Spliced Feed And Syndicate It To Directories?
BB’s up with his long list of questions again, no matter how many times he’s persistent, I’ll tell you what, so what’s up guys, should you risk adding the money site RSS feed to the general spiced feed feeds that contain all the branded properties and money site and some authority site RSS and syndicated to a huge amount of RSS directories, which some of them could be spammy? This comes from the guideline of no links to money site because press releases in the SEO SEO so you must be talking about like the advanced RSS strategy module from syndication. Academy Yeah, it doesn’t that’s fine RSS directory. Remember, you can’t control other people scraping your RSS feed. You have no control over that, right. So it’s not, it’s not the same as if you submit your RSS feed as Super feed right as you called it, which is spliced in with related content feeds web 2.0 feeds and all that you submit it to directories and aggregators, it’s fine. It’s not the same as a direct backlink to your site. So you’re okay to do that. I’ve never had any issue with that. There are some that may be spammy. It’s not gonna affect your site. Because again, if that were the case, then anybody out there that had an RSS feed period could potentially be hit with some sort of negative SEO penalty, or, you know, some sort of penalty because other people took their RSS feed without their permission and used it. And so again, it’s kind of a different set of rules there. It’s not going to affect not the same as if you’re going out and building links intentionally to yourself. Any comments on that?
Oh, no, that’s fine. Okay, so moving on the second one, this is better, maybe you’re getting better.
Can You Power The RYS Properties With Tier 2 RYS Properties?
You’re getting better than the next one is let’s say you have a domain that is powered by an RYS stack. Can you power the RYS properties with tier two RYS properties? If yes, can it replicate the links package and embed the package? And can this power and go into tier three and tier four? Um, my first thought, and again, Marco is the expert on this. But it’s what’s that? What would be the point of that when you can continue to build and expand the existing drive stack? I don’t know why you’d want to tear drive stacks. I don’t know what the purpose of that would be. So I don’t know Marco, that would be my first thought. What do you say?
No, I mean, we’ve talked about this before. The best thing that you could do is go inside the main drive stack and add keyword-driven, stacks, within that with inner pages on the G site, matching the inner pages on the money site. That’s the best thing that you do. And then you go to town on that drive second G site because now it’s branded, you created all of the brand plus keyword relationships. And then you focus you got the keyword-driven stack that’s going to carry all of that art activity, relevance, trust, and authority over to the page that you’re trying to rank. You’ve isolated everything. I don’t want to get too technical, but you’re accruing PageRank on that inner page, and you’re driving it over to the inner page that you’re looking to rank. And then when you link build, you not only accruing more page more PageRank but you make up for any link atrophy for PageRank that you’re going to lose because of the way that Google the way that they add up the PageRank right the way that they set it up, so I don’t see it. I don’t see it necessary to them. An additional g site and drive stack unless you have a really stubborn keyword. It just won’t move then. You might want to it would be something like a PBn type drive stack, which focuses on that keyword even more. It just hones in on that one keyword that’s really sticky that you did the inner g site page and the keyword-driven drive site over to the money site, inner page, and it didn’t have the effect that you wanted. So that’s when you would isolate with that. I haven’t I have yet to see anything that needs to go that far. Even in the Amazon case study that Didier conducted that wasn’t really necessary. All that was necessary was going after that keyword, right that keyword said that in that specific niche in that top market level category. Can it replace the link? No. No Because there what you’re doing is you’re broadening the link profile. It’s not all coming just from Google properties. And can you power then tier three and tier four? Yeah. But why? why if you can just go directly into the drive secondary site, get all the effects in there, accrue PageRank and ranking score in there and then transfer it over to the money site. It won’t transfer one to one, of course, but you get a better effect than breaking it up the way that you’re talking about BB.
Yeah, just to be clear, BB. You know, over the years, we’ve seen a lot of people that have come to us with these elaborate linking schemes and things like that. And diagrams sometimes you can tell people spend hours drafting a diagram to show and then they come and ask, what do you think this will work and a lot of times, not to, you know, burst your bubble or anything like that, but it’s overcomplicating stuff. That’s unnecessary. And you know, if it might seem like a good idea, but a lot of times when you add complexity, it makes it harder to manage the project to begin with. So that’s why I always recommend using single-tier syndication networks for most brands as opposed to multi-tiered syndication networks. When you’re talking about blog syndication. That’s part of the reason I’ve been saying that for years now because you overcomplicate things unnecessarily. And so that’s what I would just warn against that, you know, I understand trying to come up with new ways to squeeze more power out of stuff and all that and that’s fine. That’s great. That’s how you become a good SEO is to hypothesize and then test. But you know, that’s also what we do. And so, I’m not saying don’t go out and test your own things. It’s good that you’re coming here and asking questions, but as Marco just said, you can simplify what you’re trying to do now by continuing to expand your existing drive stack and your G site. Instead of adding all of these additional tiers that are going to limit or reduce your overall link profile when you’re better off just really smashing the shit out of your existing drive stack and G site as you continue to expand it out continue link building and embed packages to that.
Do You Need To Index After Having An MGYB DFY Link Building Service?
So okay Mohammed’s up again, he says, Hey guys, I just learned I should be using the link indexing service after MGYB DFY service. Do I just index all links I get after a link building job until now? I never indexed so I’m worrying that I sabotage myself. No, it certainly helps. Muhammad. However, I don’t know. There’s I don’t know if we’ve resolved this yet. But there’s a limit to how many URLs you can submit at a time with the link indexer. So it’s kind of a pain in the ass to use. I’m not gonna lie unless we’ve resolved that Marco Do you know if that’s been resolved? Can we submit text files yet or CSV files? I can’t tell you offhand.
Okay. Yeah, because I don’t use it that often. I do. For some things, but like when you get a link building campaign back and you’ve got thousands of links, it’s, I mean, it would take you a lot of manual work to be able to upload the links to the indexer. And I know that was on the to-do list. I don’t know Rob has resolved that yet. But we need to get that to where we can upload either paste in a, you know, batches, big batches, or upload a text file or the CSV file with the links to have them all index. I think, right now there’s a limit to like, I don’t know, 300 URLs at a time or something like that. And so that’s, that’s, that’s part of the reason I don’t use it as much as I should because it’s just kind of a manual process of adding links to it. So, Mohammed, Rob can answer that question for sure. If you need to, you could always ask in the free group and we can reply on it there.
So no, not yet. The answer is no, not yet. You can’t you cannot add a text file or CSV or Excel or anything else. It has to go through the system. As far as link indexing, this comes from the heavy hitter club, the free group where he asked it, and he’s getting results. So now he’s wondering, is not so much sabotage himself. But could he be getting better results? And that’s we have no way of knowing what would have or could have happened. Had he submitted the URLs for indexing? Of course, we can’t know. But he’s getting results. So it just means that that’s getting picked up over time, which is perfectly fine. You don’t have to force the indexing like Google index natural. The link indexing is just a way to speed up the process and make sure that the Google gets in there crawls it, you’re going to lose links over time, it happens to everybody, no matter what kind of link building you’re doing are linked indexing. Now, what you could do is maybe get a URL A sheet that you got back from Deadia. And you can link built to those and get an indexing package to the new ones, which will have an effect on any existing old links to buy up or you tear your links and get those reindex power, the power those up that way. That would work. But I don’t see why if you’re already getting results that just keep doing what you’re doing. And then from here on out, make it your standard operating procedure to order indexing with every gig that you order from MGYB that I just came up with an idea that I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this before. But tell me if this would work. If you set what if you took the CSV file that you got back with the links that were built, and then you know, turn it into a Google Sheet, and then submitted the Google Sheet URL to the indexer. That would get the bots to come to crawl the Google Sheet that has all the URLs in it right?
Yes or no? Would that work?
Yeah, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I don’t know why I’d thought about that. So that might be the way to do it then would be to just add the CSV file with the links that were delivered to drive, set it to anybody that has the link can access, and then submit that URL, the sheet URL to the indexer. Done. Right. I haven’t tested that. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, because and by the way, probably, the reason why we do the things the way we do it now is that we have to count the URLs that are being submitted, right. Because it’s not unlimited. I mean, potentially, if you gave someone the test to upload a text file or CSV, they could just upload thousands and thousands of URLs if they wanted to. Right, and they would just dilute the or, Tara, I don’t know we’re controlling it. I just heard back from Rob controlling it because of that we need to come The URLs are that are being submitted. So maybe we need to extend it. I don’t know. He said, it’s being coded in though, you know, we’re moving platforms, right? Yes. And we’re testing that out and that’s in the process as soon as we have the new platform is going to be a lot simpler to do things.
Google Policy Violation To A Two-Year-Old RYS Drive Stack
There you go. So JT, SEO is up. He says, Hi, Marco. I got an email from big G, Google policy violation warning saying that the G drive that a Gdrive with a two-year-old RYS is violating policies about malware, destructive code, warned that if it persists, they may restrict access to it. Have you come across that before? And before you answer the question, I want to read the next part to the second post. He says I have not touched the RYS in weeks, seems odd. Any advice appreciated. A week previous to getting the warning. So yeah, is that related to the XML script?
One of the reasons is the XML script if it’s set to work, there’s a setting on it, right? There’s a timer, where you go every two hours, every four hours, every eight hours, whatever. What happens is that we, I don’t know, we should make this public, we rebuild the entire site on that cycle, so you’re using up a lot of resources, and some of those will time out. And so what we recommend is now you don’t build it every 248 or eight hours. I mean, actually, you don’t need it. Every three days, every five days is fine. Every, I don’t know. 1618 hours, pick an odd number every 19 hours. It gets rid of something so that you’re less burdensome to Google, then you are now because the one thing that they hate is people hogging their resources. If you’re not paying for those resources, and you will get those warnings. And they will kill your drives tech and your G site. If you continue. Now, I don’t know what you did. Because you’re not saying what it is that you’re why you went in there. And what it is that you did that set Google off because it hadn’t been touched in two years, and it was working just fine. So I don’t know that it’s really difficult to answer this, right.
Yeah, and I’ve had a couple of stacks where when I placed the order, I submitted a bunch of photos, for example, and the builders built using the photos but then the rebuild script will rebuild all those photos and that’s resource-heavy super resource-heavy apparently. So I’ve learned to only submit a handful of images with the order because you know, something similar. I’ve not had any warning talking about malware or destructive code that at least I don’t remember that specifically mentioned, but I have had To the XML scripts timeout and shut down on me because of the too many images, which I guess is resource-heavy. So but yeah, that’s just I recommend doing what he just mentioned. go in and change your rebuild time limit to something much more for that. It doesn’t have to be rebuilt every two or four hours. They won’t get crawled out often anyways.
What MGYB Service Is Good For A One-Year-Old Site With Good On-Page SEO?
lonnis up says, Hey guys, I landed my first client. I just got the client’s GMB verified. The site is a year old with no links. I’ve done some pretty good on-page SEO. So the site is starting to move. Should I buy your SEO power shield or our ys drive stacks, I’m having a meeting with a client and I need to know which direction to go. Thanks for your help. The SEO power shield is are like a combination of everything right? That’s it’s hands down. It’s all of the assets that we talked about. And that’s why we built those packages. Because, you know, for a long time, we had all the individual components that you could purchase but people would ultimately and you know a lot of the times people would buy certain components Not all of them and not combine everything, and then come back and say, Well, this isn’t working. And that’s not working. And whenever we would dig a little deeper, we’d find out that, you know, they only had a part of it. And I always screw this saying up, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
That’s right. I can never get that one. Right. But yeah, it’s like, if you only do 25% of the work, you’re not going to get 25% of the results, right? It’s less than that. Like, in other words, if you do 100% of the work, you’re going to get 150% of the results, if I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it does. It’s kind of an exponential thing when you have all the components together. So that’s why we offer those in different clips of bundles like that the SEO power shield is that is the top tier, right? And so that’s everything combined. So yeah, I would recommend that. That’s just a standard operating procedure for all projects that I work on now as an SEO power shield. Sometimes I ordered them in separate components because of, you know, specific reason. That may be, but in your case, especially just starting out, I would just go with the SEO power shield, it’s going to make it much easier because you’ll get all the components delivered in the proper sequence as well. The comments,
I totally agree to go for it SEO power shielding, don’t separate the drive stack from it, although the drive stack and z sight will have an effect on it anyway, what what you’re actually doing is is everything that I’ve been talking about for years, which is working on that entity in that brand, versus doing it piecemeal. You’re bringing everything together all at once you’re giving it all to Google, and you’re trying to make your clients brand, the keyword in that niche. That’s what you’re striving towards. So anything that you could do to try to get that you should be doing. You can’t leave things that you cannot leave out the syndication network, but those are profiles that you’re going to claim and schema in your sameas as being part of the organization. It’s part of who and what your brand is, or in this case, your client, you can’t separate that. I mean, you could go later on and get it. But then if you know that you’re going to need it later on, why not just get it all just now and be done with it and move on to the next phase, which is hammering everything that you get back from us for better results.
Yeah, and I just, I want to, you know, kind of touch on something briefly, because, believe it or not, I was looking at the kind of doing an audit for one of our members in the mastermind today. It’s kind of an ongoing thing. And I want to make it real clear, guys. You know, when you get your drive stack back and your G site, remember to, you know, the drive stack expansion, we talked about expanding that and that’s a service that is in beta right now for mastermind members and such where we can, you know, we can do that for you at MGYB, but we talked about theme mirroring all the time, but something else is really critically important. Is embedding your money pages from your, in other words, that the pages from your primary website into the corresponding sites on the G site page, it’s really important because you can inject structured data, for example, schema.org, right. So whatever type of project you’re on, if it’s a local business, you know, you can inject that schema into the G site by doing so. It’s very important. And I think that gets overlooked a lot. Maybe we’re not having been really clear about it, I thought we have been, but you know, even one of our mastermind members, who’s been with us for many, many months and have received a lot of help, has overlooked that. And I don’t understand how that gets overlooked. It’s very, very important because that’s one of the ways that you get that structured data into the G site. And how you push so much of the power that you’re developing and accruing through the drive stack in the G site through to the money site. That makes sense by embedding those the corresponding pages from the money site on to the G site, right. So when you theme marry you do that And then and again, I don’t know how that gets overlooked at times. But maybe again, we haven’t been really clear about it. But that’s why I want to touch on that here. It’s critically important to do that. And so I would recommend that you do that, as well as is make sure that you have structured data, guys, you know, by the day, we’re going deeper into the Semantic Web, right? So it’s super important that you have you make those associations with structured data code to tell Google specifically your entity assets in the connection between them, right. And it’s really really, really important to do that. And I see a lot of that still being overlooked by people and, and I think that’s a mistake. So any comments on that for move on?
and that’s perfect you know, in heavy hitter club, the last two webinars or the first two, in the series that we’re doing were entirely about the entity, schema, and content and how to structure your unstructured data and then how to how to structure your structured data so that it matches your unstructured data so that you’re feeding the buttons. All of the information possible to make your entity or your brand, the keyword in the niche or the top entity versus all of the other entities because at the end of the day, what we’re talking about in Google is a huge relational database. So just think of a data dump. And yes, of course, it’s categorized and Google has entities and it has that like that the ultimate entity in that niche, right, what it would look like and the closer that you get to matching that ultimate entity, the better your results are going to be in the end, which is outranking everybody else. I keep saying it. We took on Amazon, and one and then we can do that with our methods. Then the entire internet is wide open to you guys. And we’re not hiding anything from you. Everything that we use is in MGYB. That’s how we do it. Right? Maybe in our free groups like heavy hitter club or the Semantic Mastery mastermind, we’ll go deeper into the why and the how. But as far as what we do to get results, it’s right there. It’s an empty vibe to all of those services. Those are things that we use to rank our projects. And we do it over and over and over again. And I don’t see why you guys aren’t doing. If you’re not doing we got a lot of people here who do get results, by the way. Yeah.
SEO Power Shield Or RYS Drive Stacks
Because as long as I began, he says to add to my other question, should I buy multiple SEO power shields or RYS drive stacks? I’m excited. I just want to make sure my client and I guess we are aware of upcoming costs. No, that’s what we just talked about. Just a few moments ago, Lonnie, that’s not necessary. You know, one drive stack in G site for your client is all that’s needed, right. And you can expect And that out by theme mirroring. And so if you’re not sure what we’re talking about, you go to the MGYB.co and look at the webinars. I think Marko’s first heavy hitter club webinar was public. I don’t know if it still is. But that drive stack expansion and we did a webinar, this mg y b, I know we did. No, watch that one. It’s in the webinar section, you can watch about that and talk about how we talked about expanding the drive stack, the mirroring, and all that. And that’s why you don’t have to keep buying what you should do, which you should be buying after the drive stack and G site has been built is link building and embed gigs to power it up and continue building out that drive stack to mirror, the site, the website itself and everywhere that you have digital assets that you can mirror to the primary structure of the website, right or the excuse me the structure of your primary website. That’s what you should be doing. So again at mgyb.co. The webinars tab you can go look at PR silo stacking, or press release silos. And you can silo press releases together to mirror whatever your silo structure is from your primary website as well as your G site as well as your drive stack. You do the same thing with GMB posts. If you’re using Google, if the project that you’re working on has a Google My Business profile, right, so all everything that you do should be mirrored into a silo structure, whatever the primary website structure is, you duplicate that and mirror that on to your other assets. And the same type of linking structure happens when you do all of that together. Now you have all these assets that are all, you know, tightly siloed that’s what the silo means, right? So it’s a, it’s like a vertical silo, right? So everything is tightly siloed. And then you link build into those and do embed gigs into those, and you can push massive relevancy, very specific to certain areas of your site, or you know, certain keyword themes or keyword sets. Does that make sense? So that’s how you Do it. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Yeah, I think we have to be the only people on the web who would tell people don’t spend money needlessly. Because anybody else would have just told you, Loni. Yeah, get five of them. Five is better, and come up with a really intricate and mixed up way on how you can knock those all up and daisy chaining them and come up with all this crazy shit on how to make them look better. We got to be the only people who look tough. No, no, don’t spend all that money because you’re doing it needlessly do exactly what Bradley said. You build inner pages and inner stacks in your branded stack. To increase the power of link building, embed, link building press releases, link building cycle, you’ll spend the money on that because that’s what’s going to power up everything. And it keeps it on a cycle through everything, but you only need one branded drive stack and G site one and then inside of that, you’re going to remember You’re going to copy, you’re gonna mirror you’re gonna clone whatever the fuck you want to call it, the inner pages on your G site, the categories, whatever the wherever the money is you focus on that, right? Because your, your market level category should be where the money is. And that’s what you’re trying to rank for. When you try to rank for that all of the money keywords under that top market level category are going to come up because of the way that you’re approaching this, which is from the top-down, instead of bottom-feeding and going after just the long tail. That’s going to happen if you approach it the right way. But no, don’t go spend money in these needlessly go spend money and focus on getting the best results and the best results are dry sack g site branded and then you extend the initial drive second g site, not additional ones.
There you go.
Yeah, just keep building the power to the one that’s the best, the best Answer we can get I, like that power to the one
alright so Don says I already got version one and two the battle plan so what’s the new one cost me this time just click through and go check it out battleplan.semanticmastery.com. But Don I’m gonna do it for you. Okay, there you go 32 bucks you know, we broke the bank on that one cylinder 32 bucks, didn’t we spend an hour and a half recording that net video or something ridiculous like that. So for 32 bucks, man.
alright, so and it’s simplified. we’ve simplified it specifically because it just you know, it just makes it easier to put everything into the package, you know? packages like what we have for sale now on MGYB. It’s just easier that way. And that’s you know, we always recommended that before but again, we would tell people to go buy all these different components and so now we just put them together and packages It makes it so much easier. And you know, we’re still working on trying to make things easier, guys. And that’s why they’re trying to change platforms at MGYB. So it’s a work in progress. Right?
Drive Stack Expansion Availability
A Nexus Hey guys, I’m thinking of getting the SEO shield. When will you be rolling out the ID loop page folder service? So you mean the drive stack expansion service? That’s essential, I guess, the more proper term for it. I’ve heard Doing this will improve results. Absolutely. It will. So Marco, when will that be publicly available?
It’s already public. I would as I thought Rob had published that it’s public and available.
Oh, shit, I didn’t know that. You guys kept me in the dark. I feel like a mushroom. Shit, all day. I think he published it on Facebook. If I’m not mistaken. I just, I just don’t let’s go public. I mean, if it’s there if it’s ready, let’s go. Let’s give it to people and let them have at it. I thought it was still in beta. So my bad, so it should be. Apparently it’s news to me. It’s available for everybody. Drive stack expansion. I hadn’t even seen it in the MGYB store. So maybe I don’t know, I hadn’t even seen it.
So maybe the image hasn’t been added. It’s just so much stuff. Yes. Rob says the expression is public and on the store page, it’s on this.
sweet. I hadn’t seen it, Rob.
We need to bring Robin from now on because we get a lot of questions that he could be here answering. Yeah.
How Many Times Does Your Google Stacks Report?
Olaf says How many times do you think your Google stacks got reported? And why do you think Google does not care or ban them? I don’t know how many times they’ve been reported. I really don’t care. Now, I think Google doesn’t care because it’s a Google property, I suppose. And they’re narcissistic, which you know, we use that in the original sales copy, use Google’s own narcissism against itself. You know, that they recently made some changes to drive, I think, to combat that or, you know, to try to prevent some of what it is that is, you know, we’ve been doing but Marco and Rob immediately figured out There’s a workaround for that, too. So I think that was an indication that they were trying to do whatever they could, or something, at least symbolically to try to prevent people from using them the way that we’ve been using them, but I don’t I don’t think they were successful. What do you say?
Ah, yes, that’s something that I lose sleep over. How many times? How many times have I shown publicly? Well, think about how many times I’ve shown publicly, the Virginia SEO, SEO Virginia case study over the last over nearly five years, right. It’ll be five years in August, by the way.
No, it’s five years in May last month.
Yeah, but I’m saying your case. The one that you originally did is five years. It this past May or last month, but I’m saying it in August. It’ll be five years since we released our way as Kevin written. And we had that question. Well, how long before that loophole is closed? That was you remember? During during the webinar, and I remember that clearly like I asked, Well, yeah, how long before the loophole is closed? It happens not to be a loophole. And it happens to be a door that’s wide open. And that that’s really hard to close. If it was simple for a simple fix, it would have been done by now we’re working from. And I continue to say this, and I wish people would just listen, and really pay close attention. We’re working off web principles. It’s not Google principles that Google Terms of Service. We’re working from web principles, foundational principles, on the web. That’s how we target this. Now, of course, we don’t talk about this a lot because unlike other marketers, we don’t like to confuse our people. We don’t like to confuse you with all this technical stuff that we’ve had to go over during the last six years or so. Since I’ve been researching this because it would probably hurt most people It hurts my head. I know. It’s gonna cause a whole lot of headaches. I mean, why we just show the reason Do we care about Google? We’ve shown that it’s not something that we just say that Google is narcissistic. It’s something that we’ve shown timing is something that we proved live. I mean it. I don’t know how many other people are actually are actually able to do this to prove the fact that Google prefers itself over anything else. Proven. This isn’t theory. We don’t give you guys theory. It’s proven. It’s a fact. Now, how long? Or how many times? Does it matter? Like, I don’t care? manual? Yeah, sure. And then we’ll just build 10 more. Doesn’t matter. It like the way that it is right now. Why doesn’t Google care or ban them? We don’t know. We don’t work for Google. We just gonna keep manipulating until we can’t anymore. And then if we can’t, then that just means I have to figure out a different way or I have to sit with Rob and we have to say okay, so this door is finally closed. But we know that there’s 10 more doors that just opened up because they just closed that one. That’s how code works. I mean, it’s really difficult with the amount of code. Yeah, Google has to work with, yeah, to shut one thing down and not open 10 million more things that make it even simpler to spam and manipulate. Right? I mean it. And, again, we work off foundational principles in the World Wide Web. It’s not just Google. It’s not just their terms of service. It’s a lot of things that we’re approaching from that standpoint.
SEO Power Shield Works
So I want to read Austin’s comment, Austin Dom What’s up man? I’m still waiting for him to come to join the mastermind. But anyways, Austin says and then I want to very briefly before we wrap it up, I want to do a live search for the SEO Virginia Case Study or whatever that we did, because I’ll talk about that a minute. But Austin says got an SEO shield for a client about a month ago. This is the second site for him. It is now past the other site I have been maintaining for two years. He is now number one, number two for many organic and MAP KEYWORDS in the real estate niche. Yes, power shields work. And so to bring this over to so it was interesting, but about a month ago, for the first time in five years. I saw and so we’re going to see where it is now. We’re going to do this live. Okay. The first time in five years, my SEO Virginia, Virginia, SEO Virginia SEO agency, SEO agency, Virginia, like all of those keywords, for the first time in five years, the drive stack or the G site from that awful and it’s not even a complete drive stack. It’s not built to the standards that we build them today. But for the first time in five years, it moved down, it dropped. Let’s see where it is today. Let’s just see because I’ll tell you exactly what I did and we’ll see where it’s at. Okay, so it did move a little bit now. It’s number three for me. to Virginia Okay, so let’s open up another tab and check another keyword and this is in five years of not touching it okay without doing any work to it at all in five years. Okay, number three for that term, Virginia eight SEO agency Virginia. Let’s look at another term. Let’s look at Virginia SEO. Okay, so guys, I’m sharing this to be 100% transparent with you okay, we’ve used this case study for five years as an example. And it’s wasn’t even really a case study. It was an experiment with me testing what Marco told me to do. And it was again, not built to what we build standards today. You can take a look at it, it’s done. It doesn’t look anything like what we build today. It wasn’t there are not nearly as many files and folders there’s no interlinking done like what we do today. But for five damn years, the son of a bitch has sat at number one and hasn’t budged until about a month ago when I noticed. For whatever reason, I was doing a quick search on it and I noticed that it had it moved a little bit. So you can see it has moved slightly and five years. No link building, no press releases nothing.
And that’s why I’ve always loved to use this as an example to show how powerful these damn things can be. Because it wasn’t even done correctly or to our current standards, yet it has ranked outranked Virginia SEO agencies for five damn years. And I haven’t done anything to it. So it had moved several positions down and still on page one. But I lost several positions when I noticed this. And I think Marco even pointed out said to me in slack or group chat, you know, hey, I noticed it had moved first time in five years. And I said, Yeah, I noticed that a couple of days ago. And I said, Maybe I should order a link building package to it, just to push it back up. Well, I didn’t I was too lazy to even do that. So all I did was one press release. I’m not kidding. One. freakin press release. Let me show you what I did. I’ll pull it up. And then we’re gonna wrap it up, guys. I just want to point this out. Again, it’s 100% transparency. So we go to the news. Let’s see if it’s still showing. Okay, there. Right there. So you can see two weeks ago, it says right there published two weeks ago. Okay. So all I did was I put Virginia SEO agencies my keyword in there, then I used Virginia SEO agency, a keyword anchor, to link to the G site from that stack. Why? Because a G site can take that I wouldn’t have done 100% keyword anchor to my, you know, website, but to the G site, why not? It’s not gonna hurt anything. So that’s what I did. So you can see that that was two weeks ago, guys that that was published on May 19. Yeah, so about two weeks ago, okay. And all I did was I linked to that, and I linked actually with to a page on my website that isn’t even complete. But that was it, those two links. And so what when it had dropped down to like position five, it was between, I think four and seven, depending on what keyword you were looking at. But all I did was one press release and it’s already been pushed back up now to number three position and in fact Last week on the mastermind web, my mastermind webinar, when I looked at all of my keywords, I was in the number one position. So it’s dancing right now a little bit, but the press release was only published two weeks ago. So that’s normal, right, three weeks worth of dancing. So again, last week, when I looked at it, I was back to number one for these keywords. Now, it looks like I’m at number two or number three for my keywords. One, press release, guys, I used 100% anchor text, keyword anchor text right there to link to that site. And it’s back to number two to number three position after five years of never fucking touching it. So just want to show you guys as these things work. And for the first time in five years, it dipped it dropped, get one press release, and it’s already moving back up. So imagine if I had purchased a link building gig, I could probably get away with low competition, link building gig from MGYB or an embed gig or something like that, and push it back up, but I just wanted to see what the results were from just one press release and to be honest with you, I just didn’t put the effort into trying to push it up yet. So, again, I just want to be 100% transparent with them because I thought that this was interesting to see, after all this time, it finally started to move down just a little bit, but one press release started pushing it back up.
Yeah, and I mean that that’s not even what we recommend, because we recommend a PR stack, right? And then link building, and then embed and then link building. But again, as you said, it was a half-assed attempt to start with it back in May of 2015. And it’s a half-assed attempt, your one PR, and it just shows the power that’s inherent in this that something that you do something half-assed, and you can rank on the first page in Google. So imagine if you do it, right, the kind of thing that you could do well, Amazon is there for the taking. Amen.
Thanks, guys, for being here. We’ll see you all next week.
Bye, everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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pledje · 4 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290
Click on the video above to watch Episode 290 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Hello everybody and welcome to Hump Day hangouts Episode 290. Today is the third of June and we are going to get rolling on into things here we got a couple of quick announcements. This is the show where I do not use Hernan’s title cuz I got enough problems and I’m gonna stick with my intro so I’ll let her know and explain that in a minute. But let’s say hi to everybody first and then we’re gonna get into it. So, Bradley, how are you doing today man?
Good happy to be here.
I just read Hernan’s comment anyways just happy to be here guys.
Outstanding well let’s hop over to you what’s going on man? I do not know that there’s a reason why I put it there in the chatbox. I was about to put it on the
Slack channel but I know that Bradley will share his you know his screen and then you know
everything will break loose Regulus, but anyways, yeah, excited to be here. Really, really good to be here. How’s Santa Monica? How are you doing today? Iron Man trying to hide his porn.
I think porn would actually be a lot better receptive and that is better received than his comment.
Anyway, things are good. Things are good. I can’t complain. I mean, I could go What’s the use right here any good? Yeah, he’s just complaining. So just, I just enjoy it, let it go and move on to the next thing which is making money looking for ways, of course, looking for ways to mess with Google.
Fair enough, which I’m going to come back to that in just a minute but first, Chris, how you doing man?
Doing excellent. had a really good gym session today. So I’m super pumped happy. weather is good some ways definitely approaching and yeah, can’t complain.
Yeah, I am not as pumped. I was like, I’m gonna take my miles up, do some long run. So I was going to go out and do 12 miles today and decided to bump up so it’s Like 91 here, which is like for our Celsius speaking friends, that’s like, what? 34 Celsius at 33 out there. Yeah, nice and toasty. So this will be a fun one for me. But instead of telling everyone about my exercise plans and the weather in the Bay Area, I wanted to share real quick. We sent out an email. There have been some webinars happening lately. But more importantly than that, we had a lot of people asking us about GMP verifications, and we’ve sent a couple of emails but we know people sometimes Hey, you’re busy, you might miss it. mgyb.co. GMP verifications are backed up. And you can find that just by going over to mgyb.co. Find out more there. Please pay attention to the very few but very important restrictions. There’s a couple of niches that you just it’s not possible, so don’t bother ordering. So all you have to do is go to mgyb.co and you click on the store, you go to GMB verifications, and right there it’ll have a shortlist of The only niches that you can’t do, if you don’t read that, then you know, we’ll just gonna end up refunding it. I say that because it happened a few times. I want to make sure that you guys get what you need but as always,
sorry, like does that mean there are people that pull the trigger without reading instructions? Is that what you’re saying?
There are but you know what, I appreciate that they were so happy to get started and GMBs that they’re just actually connected. But you know, we don’t want to hold you up. We don’t want to cause you any grief. So just make sure you know, you’re aware there are a few areas that we can’t do that for and more importantly, to you know, these are the verification system is something that comes and goes. Obviously there are some hang-ups there with outbreak and Coronavirus. And you know even while I’m not going to go into the details, but let’s just say we can’t tell you when this could go away. So if this is something you were doing or you want to do for like local Legion or for your own stuff, this would be a really good time to get into that. Marco Do you want to have you read the bullet list?
It is what we don’t have to get back to So, we can’t do that. Because we said we can’t do that. And so asking if we can do it doesn’t make sense. Since we told you, we can’t do it. Oh, that makes it make sense to me.
Yeah, no, that sounds good. So we just had a webinar, we’re going to be sharing it a little bit more in the future moving forward with everyone. It’s a new tool that Bradley has been using a lot. I checked it out. I’m just not using it because I’m not big into local. But I think for anyone that has local clients go high level and the training that Bradley is developing, and some of the other goodies we’re going to have available are pretty amazing. And I don’t know if there’s more to say right now about that Bradley, or if we can just leave it at that and say we’ll share with people and not at the moment, I’m going to be providing a case study for how I’m using it and a couple of ways that can be used will provide my test pans out the way I hope that it does, to experience kind of exponential growth with it. Um, I think there’s a way to kind of tear out like receiving benefit from a client but also from clients. And so I’ll explain all that during you know, in the case study when it’s done, it’s probably going to be about a month out. But that will be a bonus for anybody that purchases it as well. Nice.
Yeah, it’s great. I’d like to share something that happened with Hernan because he forwarded me a list of when the person was selling links, high domain authority, whatever page or what did just whatever from that Edu domains and then and all these great things and charging an arm and a leg for them. And I talked to rob and then Rob says, isn’t that the one we push down? And so while he was looking, I went to look and I said yeah, that’s the one we pushed down for, for the keyword SEO shield. And so I’m like, haha, coincidence is right where you go and you get someone trying to sell you something. And you can write back to them and say, well wait a minute we did our way, just took down your way. So why should I buy your way you should come over and buy my way. Because it’s cheap I will be. It’s just, it was just hilarious or the whole list of it would have cost me just thousands of dollars to get all of those links. And it cost you a fraction of that in MGYB, and works mode better.
Definitely, if you’re on the email list, I highly suggest if you’re interested in SEO, Sheldon, we’re talking about it, that you nominate that if you’re if you’ve seen these emails for the Fourth of July sale, we’re going to have coming up we’re going to have some we usually have something very good but we’re asking you guys for some input this year. So be sure to fill those surveys out, open up your emails, when you get them from us around you. It just takes a minute and you’re going to get a lot out of that. Real quick too. If you’re an agency owner or a consultant, you want to get more clients you want to grow your revenue and scale your team at that Me, I think that’s everyone here. So I can work less and earn more. If you want to be like that, then go check out to x your agency comm This is great training for people who already have clients. But as well as people who are just getting started and maybe you know, you’re not trying to grow the biggest agency ever, but you want to quickly get up to speed and really grow your consulting business or your agency. And last but not least, we’ve been talking a little bit about SEO about MGYB. But if you want to get step by step processes for SEO results, then the best place to do that is that battle plan dot semantic mastery. com grab the battle plan. And that’s generally where we tell people to start when they come to us and they come to Hump Day Hangouts and see what’s next that that that those two are great places to start. They’re complimentary, but you may want to start with one or the other, depending on what your most immediate need is, and go from there. All right, guys. Anything else before we dive into questions?
I’m doing so. All right.
So we’re good.
Grab the screen. Okay,
guys, we’ve seen everything right.
How Do You Use SEO Shield If You’re A Beginner?
All right. So it looks like this is the first question says my SEO shield was just delivered, but I have no idea what to do from here. I only got logins to an ID page and a pro account plus approach. Okay, so you shouldn’t have got it. Anyways, I’m just going to read the question. Got a log into an ID page on a pearl trees account is what that means plus an HTML file to download and a Google site URL. What about the syndication network and the IFTTT where I post content? Please advise or tell me where I can find a tutorial to use these assets? which I’m sure awesome Yes, I have the battle plan 4.0. But there are no mentions of what to do with these assets specifically, thanks. A while the delivery email should have contained all of your information unless it came in and separately like in other words when your syndication network if it was an SEO power shield, which includes all the stuff. You should have gotten an email when the syndication network was delivered, which should have been first before the drive stack was completed.
So and when the SEO shield is delivered, it gives you once you log into that Google account, which by the way, that’s one of the first things you should do, guys, as soon as you get your SEO back, log into the Google account because it binds that account now to your IP. And we recommend that you do that like right away like within you know, within a few days anyways of receiving that email. But once you log into that Gmail account that was provided to you with the login details, then you click the URL to the spreadsheet, which opens up like the drive stack, essentially all the files and folders and everything. And then through that same Gmail account, you can click in the drive and you can actually go in and look at all the individual files and folders and all of that kind of stuff.
Are we sending out the done for you RYS black book with the delivery from SEO shields? If not, we should include that, Marco.
And that’s a standard practice because although it’s a bundle, as everything is done, it gets delivered. And part of the delivery is, of course, the Done For You User’s Guide. And the BattlePlan says exactly what to do with what, whether it’s a new asset or an existing asset. As the pieces come in. Your next step is link building, press releases, link building, embeds, link building more press releases until you get the results that you’re looking for. I mean, our system hasn’t changed and I don’t know how many years because it’s simply worse. It’s just the way we bundled it. And he’s asking about his syndication. Well, he submitted a syndication point, which is his RSS feed or wherever it is that he’s going to be syndicating from his syndication network, so that his content can be published, right. So he should have gotten with that That we wouldn’t have built the syndication network. So he’s asking about that he’s supposed to be blogging from there. So he’s supposed to look into how to set up his silos, how to go after the top market level category. These are all things that we’ve discussed in past Hump Day Hangouts. I mean, the approaches, everything’s free in the on our YouTube channel, all you have to do is use the channel search function. And look for all of these things. Well, what do I do with the RSS feed? How do I syndicate? All questions that can be answered from our YouTube channel. From our free content, you can go into the free Facebook group and ask the question, I know that this particular one I told them, as in Hump Day hangout so that we could go into more detail about what to do, but it because I wanted to make sure that everyone knows, is like you’re not we’re not doing anything different. You get the syndication network, you start syndicating content, you don’t have to wait for everything else to come in. Right? It should be primed. You should have content ready, you should have your silos more or less ready. If you didn’t, then you should have gotten a keyword research gig from us where we can suggest how to approach your niche. But I mean, nobody knows your niche better than you or you should be researching your niche to the point where nobody knows better than you. We can give you suggestions. And we could give you a question and answer your question format so that you can do questions and answers in your content syndication. But again, nothing has changed from the beginning. It’s still the syndication network used to the syndication network is for syndicating content, and it’s for bringing that entity together, right? It’s the beginning of the validation process that we did a whole webinar on that as a matter of fact, in MGYB, then as everything as the @ID gets delivered, and then the final piece of the puzzle of the SEO shield, the dry sack and G site. Well, that’s what you hammer with the link building and you can shoot your press releases through that and out into your tier one brand, which is your syndication network. This is all a process and it’s all set up. And again, we discuss it thoroughly in the battle plan, not only in the battle plan, but in the webinar that we did, where were you, Rob and I got together and we discussed all the different parts of the battle plan and how to approach it and what to do with it. It’s all there. It may take a little bit of research into the YouTube channel, but it’s all there and it’s all free. It’s all free. So you have to just go place the order with MGYB and Okay, what do I do with this? Well, you, thank you for coming here and asking so that we can go into detail. Thank you. But all of these things are available.
Yeah. So like, Where do I post content? It depends on what you used as your trigger or told us to use it as a trigger for your syndication network. Was it blog syndication? So using an RSS feed or was it a YouTube channel? That’s the question so you just post content to whatever you chose as your trigger for the network, right. So either post blog posts on your blog, or upload videos to YouTube channel. That’s where you would post the content too. I do think that this is a good opportunity, perhaps for us to do Marco and Rob and me perhaps to jump on a creative webinar for MGYB like an update webinar, that is just a quick run-through of what to do after your SEO shield has been delivered, or while you’re waiting for all of the components to be delivered. Maybe just do a quick webinar and update that we can then send along with the delivery email with the done for you Users Guide and all that stuff. But just to kind of give an additional resource, I’m up for that. So if I could twist Marco and Rob’s arm to jump on with me, in the next couple of weeks, maybe we’ll do that as an update webinar for MGYB just to kind of give it all consolidate it all into one, you know, 20-minute video or something that explains on you know, what, what best practices are for going forward? I think that might be helpful. What do you say?
No problem just set it up.
Okay. So yeah, we can do that in the meantime. Go look it should have done for your user’s guide. It should have been delivered. If it hasn’t been just contact [email protected]. And request it will make sure you get it but it should have been delivered and then go back and check for your syndication network. Whenever that’s completed, you should get an email for that first, like, you know, a week or however many days prior to your done for you. Drive stack being completed because that’s always done first if that makes sense. So if that’s what you ordered as an SEO power shield along with you know, with all the stuff included, then that’s the timeline that you should have received notifications. Okay.
Does SERP Watching Hurt A Website’s Ranking?
Mohammad is up next. What’s up, Mohammad? He says, hey guys, does SERP watching her a ranking for a specific website, my car dealer. My car dealer client is rising rapidly for a major keyword almost too fast (Shout out to SM). It’s awesome. I’ve shown him the progress and he got so excited. He’s checking it every day. I requested he take it easy, but if he’s actually hurting things, I’ll tell him to stop. That’s a really good question. I’m not sure about that. What do you say, Marco?
Well, it depends on how many unique visits his IP is getting counted for. Right? And now here’s the problem. So let’s say he’s looking at it from his desktop at work. Then he goes to his laptop, and he looks, then he’s home and he looks at it from his mobile phone. Then he tells his wife, hey, go, go, go check this out, and he reaches out to a friend. Now you’ve had five or six visits that just go and say, Oh, look, Wow, this is great. But they take no action that on that search engine result. Or maybe they click through to the website, which is great for your click-through rate. But when they’re on your website, nothing happens. And you’ve heard me talk about this before Mohammad, the final piece of this entire puzzle is getting that person to that click to call that form to whatever it is that you want that person to do. And finish it off. Most people are like, Oh, how pretty Look, look, this is really neat. I’m number nine. I’m number two, whatever it is, the harm could come, like from too many sessions, right? The separate sessions that they can kind of work without anything happening, because that can actually be a negative, because to Google that somebody’s not finding what they’re looking for or somebody’s not trusting you enough. If they land on your website to get you that information. If he’s just looking from time to time, depending on how much traffic it will what percentage it is of the overall traffic, it’s not going to make any difference. Now, I’m going to tell you another thing if he’s watching this close closely, and you know how fickle Google is the first time this thing dances, you’re gonna get a call at midnight because this guy’s gonna be watching. You have no idea what you’re gonna get that call, and he’s gonna be panicking. Right, and Do you want that call? Tell him to stop and look at the fucking results. That’s it. Stop, stop it is your phone ring, it’s coming up, wait for the next report. Then you go and look, relax, let you see initial results. Give me time to put everything in place so that you can see what the end result of what I do cuz he’s not really giving you a chance. And I’m telling you, the first negative thing that happens this guy’s gonna freak out. Remember, Marco told you?
Yeah, anybody that SERP watches that much is going that’s a clear indication that they’re going to be trouble. They’re gonna high maintenance, Mohammed and you have a tendency to attract those types of clients for some reason. So I totally agree with Marco. One other thing I want to mention is I’ve experienced something similar but when managing Google Ads campaigns, what I mean by that is I’ve had some clients that they go and they Go check, you know, Google, they do keyword searches to see their ad. They don’t click through because they know they’re going to pay for every click that, you know, even if it’s them clicking through, they’re going to pay for that. So they know not to click through, but I’ve had clients that will kill my click-through rate. Right, which if you understand Google ads, you know that one of the best ways to raise your quality score and lower your cost per click, and all of that is to have a high click-through rate. And I’ve had clients that have like literally negatively affected their click-through rate, drove it down the CTR down because they’re SERP watching their ads. And it shows all these additional impressions, but not as many click-throughs because they’re just checking it to see where it’s at. And so I always tell somebody, if you really want to take a look at where you are, if you’re as long as you’re on page one, go use the Google Ads preview and diagnostic tool inside of Google ads, right? Because then you can simulate a search without it actually counting as an actual impression right? So as long as you’re on and it works for even organic because you can actually set your, you know, it simulates a location, but then you can also simulate whether it’s a desktop, a tablet, or a mobile device. And you can search for your keywords. And as long as your ranking is on page one, whether it’s an ad or an organic, it will show and that’s also another way that you can have like, for example,
I’ve got a pest control client. He owns the company, and it’s a northern company in Northern Virginia. They provide Pest Control services in Northern Virginia. But he now resides as the owner of the company down in Florida, and he often after I sent and I don’t know why once per year, I have to go through this shit with him and I don’t understand why. But anyway, like last month, for example, when I sent the monthly reports, again, I’ve gone over this many times with him, but you know, I still send a local rank report as bright low Reports, because you can set again a simulated location and everything else. And you’ll look at the report and then he’ll go look in Google and search from a Florida IP for his keywords. And obviously, it’s going to look significantly different than what it does for somebody that’s local searching in the Northern Virginia area. And then you’ll come back and say, Well, you know, how do I get rankings back for our primary keyword in our primary area? And I’ll say, Well, wait a minute, you are ranking? Well, the report shows this. And when I do a search, it’s not coming bla bla bla. And I’ve had to explain that to them many, many times, and say, and even provided tutorial of like, hey, look, go use a Google Ads premium diagnostic tool. So you could set the mobile device, you could set the location, and even then that’s still not 100% accurate, because again, it’s a simulated search, as opposed to an actual real search which you can’t simulate user behavior and all that like in other words, like a history of the type of content people have engaged with and all that other kinds stuff so no, you know having simulated searches are they’re never going to be as accurate as they are in real life and I’m only telling you that guys because like I said the same type of thing is you can still show your client or tell your client if these that adamant about being cysts on constantly SERP watching which is not a good sign, have them do it through the ad premium diagnostic tool over instead of like through an actual browser. That makes sense. Okay.
Is It Okay To Add The RSS Feed Of A Money Site To The General Spliced Feed And Syndicate It To Directories?
BB’s up with his long list of questions again, no matter how many times he’s persistent, I’ll tell you what, so what’s up guys, should you risk adding the money site RSS feed to the general spiced feed feeds that contain all the branded properties and money site and some authority site RSS and syndicated to a huge amount of RSS directories, which some of them could be spammy? This comes from the guideline of no links to money site because press releases in the SEO SEO so you must be talking about like the advanced RSS strategy module from syndication. Academy Yeah, it doesn’t that’s fine RSS directory. Remember, you can’t control other people scraping your RSS feed. You have no control over that, right. So it’s not, it’s not the same as if you submit your RSS feed as Super feed right as you called it, which is spliced in with related content feeds web 2.0 feeds and all that you submit it to directories and aggregators, it’s fine. It’s not the same as a direct backlink to your site. So you’re okay to do that. I’ve never had any issue with that. There are some that may be spammy. It’s not gonna affect your site. Because again, if that were the case, then anybody out there that had an RSS feed period could potentially be hit with some sort of negative SEO penalty, or, you know, some sort of penalty because other people took their RSS feed without their permission and used it. And so again, it’s kind of a different set of rules there. It’s not going to affect not the same as if you’re going out and building links intentionally to yourself. Any comments on that?
Oh, no, that’s fine. Okay, so moving on the second one, this is better, maybe you’re getting better.
Can You Power The RYS Properties With Tier 2 RYS Properties?
You’re getting better than the next one is let’s say you have a domain that is powered by an RYS stack. Can you power the RYS properties with tier two RYS properties? If yes, can it replicate the links package and embed the package? And can this power and go into tier three and tier four? Um, my first thought, and again, Marco is the expert on this. But it’s what’s that? What would be the point of that when you can continue to build and expand the existing drive stack? I don’t know why you’d want to tear drive stacks. I don’t know what the purpose of that would be. So I don’t know Marco, that would be my first thought. What do you say?
No, I mean, we’ve talked about this before. The best thing that you could do is go inside the main drive stack and add keyword-driven, stacks, within that with inner pages on the G site, matching the inner pages on the money site. That’s the best thing that you do. And then you go to town on that drive second G site because now it’s branded, you created all of the brand plus keyword relationships. And then you focus you got the keyword-driven stack that’s going to carry all of that art activity, relevance, trust, and authority over to the page that you’re trying to rank. You’ve isolated everything. I don’t want to get too technical, but you’re accruing PageRank on that inner page, and you’re driving it over to the inner page that you’re looking to rank. And then when you link build, you not only accruing more page more PageRank but you make up for any link atrophy for PageRank that you’re going to lose because of the way that Google the way that they add up the PageRank right the way that they set it up, so I don’t see it. I don’t see it necessary to them. An additional g site and drive stack unless you have a really stubborn keyword. It just won’t move then. You might want to it would be something like a PBn type drive stack, which focuses on that keyword even more. It just hones in on that one keyword that’s really sticky that you did the inner g site page and the keyword-driven drive site over to the money site, inner page, and it didn’t have the effect that you wanted. So that’s when you would isolate with that. I haven’t I have yet to see anything that needs to go that far. Even in the Amazon case study that Didier conducted that wasn’t really necessary. All that was necessary was going after that keyword, right that keyword said that in that specific niche in that top market level category. Can it replace the link? No. No Because there what you’re doing is you’re broadening the link profile. It’s not all coming just from Google properties. And can you power then tier three and tier four? Yeah. But why? why if you can just go directly into the drive secondary site, get all the effects in there, accrue PageRank and ranking score in there and then transfer it over to the money site. It won’t transfer one to one, of course, but you get a better effect than breaking it up the way that you’re talking about BB.
Yeah, just to be clear, BB. You know, over the years, we’ve seen a lot of people that have come to us with these elaborate linking schemes and things like that. And diagrams sometimes you can tell people spend hours drafting a diagram to show and then they come and ask, what do you think this will work and a lot of times, not to, you know, burst your bubble or anything like that, but it’s overcomplicating stuff. That’s unnecessary. And you know, if it might seem like a good idea, but a lot of times when you add complexity, it makes it harder to manage the project to begin with. So that’s why I always recommend using single-tier syndication networks for most brands as opposed to multi-tiered syndication networks. When you’re talking about blog syndication. That’s part of the reason I’ve been saying that for years now because you overcomplicate things unnecessarily. And so that’s what I would just warn against that, you know, I understand trying to come up with new ways to squeeze more power out of stuff and all that and that’s fine. That’s great. That’s how you become a good SEO is to hypothesize and then test. But you know, that’s also what we do. And so, I’m not saying don’t go out and test your own things. It’s good that you’re coming here and asking questions, but as Marco just said, you can simplify what you’re trying to do now by continuing to expand your existing drive stack and your G site. Instead of adding all of these additional tiers that are going to limit or reduce your overall link profile when you’re better off just really smashing the shit out of your existing drive stack and G site as you continue to expand it out continue link building and embed packages to that.
Do You Need To Index After Having An MGYB DFY Link Building Service?
So okay Mohammed’s up again, he says, Hey guys, I just learned I should be using the link indexing service after MGYB DFY service. Do I just index all links I get after a link building job until now? I never indexed so I’m worrying that I sabotage myself. No, it certainly helps. Muhammad. However, I don’t know. There’s I don’t know if we’ve resolved this yet. But there’s a limit to how many URLs you can submit at a time with the link indexer. So it’s kind of a pain in the ass to use. I’m not gonna lie unless we’ve resolved that Marco Do you know if that’s been resolved? Can we submit text files yet or CSV files? I can’t tell you offhand.
Okay. Yeah, because I don’t use it that often. I do. For some things, but like when you get a link building campaign back and you’ve got thousands of links, it’s, I mean, it would take you a lot of manual work to be able to upload the links to the indexer. And I know that was on the to-do list. I don’t know Rob has resolved that yet. But we need to get that to where we can upload either paste in a, you know, batches, big batches, or upload a text file or the CSV file with the links to have them all index. I think, right now there’s a limit to like, I don’t know, 300 URLs at a time or something like that. And so that’s, that’s, that’s part of the reason I don’t use it as much as I should because it’s just kind of a manual process of adding links to it. So, Mohammed, Rob can answer that question for sure. If you need to, you could always ask in the free group and we can reply on it there.
So no, not yet. The answer is no, not yet. You can’t you cannot add a text file or CSV or Excel or anything else. It has to go through the system. As far as link indexing, this comes from the heavy hitter club, the free group where he asked it, and he’s getting results. So now he’s wondering, is not so much sabotage himself. But could he be getting better results? And that’s we have no way of knowing what would have or could have happened. Had he submitted the URLs for indexing? Of course, we can’t know. But he’s getting results. So it just means that that’s getting picked up over time, which is perfectly fine. You don’t have to force the indexing like Google index natural. The link indexing is just a way to speed up the process and make sure that the Google gets in there crawls it, you’re going to lose links over time, it happens to everybody, no matter what kind of link building you’re doing are linked indexing. Now, what you could do is maybe get a URL A sheet that you got back from Deadia. And you can link built to those and get an indexing package to the new ones, which will have an effect on any existing old links to buy up or you tear your links and get those reindex power, the power those up that way. That would work. But I don’t see why if you’re already getting results that just keep doing what you’re doing. And then from here on out, make it your standard operating procedure to order indexing with every gig that you order from MGYB that I just came up with an idea that I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about this before. But tell me if this would work. If you set what if you took the CSV file that you got back with the links that were built, and then you know, turn it into a Google Sheet, and then submitted the Google Sheet URL to the indexer. That would get the bots to come to crawl the Google Sheet that has all the URLs in it right?
Yes or no? Would that work?
Yeah, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. I don’t know why I’d thought about that. So that might be the way to do it then would be to just add the CSV file with the links that were delivered to drive, set it to anybody that has the link can access, and then submit that URL, the sheet URL to the indexer. Done. Right. I haven’t tested that. But I don’t see why it wouldn’t work, because and by the way, probably, the reason why we do the things the way we do it now is that we have to count the URLs that are being submitted, right. Because it’s not unlimited. I mean, potentially, if you gave someone the test to upload a text file or CSV, they could just upload thousands and thousands of URLs if they wanted to. Right, and they would just dilute the or, Tara, I don’t know we’re controlling it. I just heard back from Rob controlling it because of that we need to come The URLs are that are being submitted. So maybe we need to extend it. I don’t know. He said, it’s being coded in though, you know, we’re moving platforms, right? Yes. And we’re testing that out and that’s in the process as soon as we have the new platform is going to be a lot simpler to do things.
Google Policy Violation To A Two-Year-Old RYS Drive Stack
There you go. So JT, SEO is up. He says, Hi, Marco. I got an email from big G, Google policy violation warning saying that the G drive that a Gdrive with a two-year-old RYS is violating policies about malware, destructive code, warned that if it persists, they may restrict access to it. Have you come across that before? And before you answer the question, I want to read the next part to the second post. He says I have not touched the RYS in weeks, seems odd. Any advice appreciated. A week previous to getting the warning. So yeah, is that related to the XML script?
One of the reasons is the XML script if it’s set to work, there’s a setting on it, right? There’s a timer, where you go every two hours, every four hours, every eight hours, whatever. What happens is that we, I don’t know, we should make this public, we rebuild the entire site on that cycle, so you’re using up a lot of resources, and some of those will time out. And so what we recommend is now you don’t build it every 248 or eight hours. I mean, actually, you don’t need it. Every three days, every five days is fine. Every, I don’t know. 1618 hours, pick an odd number every 19 hours. It gets rid of something so that you’re less burdensome to Google, then you are now because the one thing that they hate is people hogging their resources. If you’re not paying for those resources, and you will get those warnings. And they will kill your drives tech and your G site. If you continue. Now, I don’t know what you did. Because you’re not saying what it is that you’re why you went in there. And what it is that you did that set Google off because it hadn’t been touched in two years, and it was working just fine. So I don’t know that it’s really difficult to answer this, right.
Yeah, and I’ve had a couple of stacks where when I placed the order, I submitted a bunch of photos, for example, and the builders built using the photos but then the rebuild script will rebuild all those photos and that’s resource-heavy super resource-heavy apparently. So I’ve learned to only submit a handful of images with the order because you know, something similar. I’ve not had any warning talking about malware or destructive code that at least I don’t remember that specifically mentioned, but I have had To the XML scripts timeout and shut down on me because of the too many images, which I guess is resource-heavy. So but yeah, that’s just I recommend doing what he just mentioned. go in and change your rebuild time limit to something much more for that. It doesn’t have to be rebuilt every two or four hours. They won’t get crawled out often anyways.
What MGYB Service Is Good For A One-Year-Old Site With Good On-Page SEO?
lonnis up says, Hey guys, I landed my first client. I just got the client’s GMB verified. The site is a year old with no links. I’ve done some pretty good on-page SEO. So the site is starting to move. Should I buy your SEO power shield or our ys drive stacks, I’m having a meeting with a client and I need to know which direction to go. Thanks for your help. The SEO power shield is are like a combination of everything right? That’s it’s hands down. It’s all of the assets that we talked about. And that’s why we built those packages. Because, you know, for a long time, we had all the individual components that you could purchase but people would ultimately and you know a lot of the times people would buy certain components Not all of them and not combine everything, and then come back and say, Well, this isn’t working. And that’s not working. And whenever we would dig a little deeper, we’d find out that, you know, they only had a part of it. And I always screw this saying up, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
That’s right. I can never get that one. Right. But yeah, it’s like, if you only do 25% of the work, you’re not going to get 25% of the results, right? It’s less than that. Like, in other words, if you do 100% of the work, you’re going to get 150% of the results, if I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it does. It’s kind of an exponential thing when you have all the components together. So that’s why we offer those in different clips of bundles like that the SEO power shield is that is the top tier, right? And so that’s everything combined. So yeah, I would recommend that. That’s just a standard operating procedure for all projects that I work on now as an SEO power shield. Sometimes I ordered them in separate components because of, you know, specific reason. That may be, but in your case, especially just starting out, I would just go with the SEO power shield, it’s going to make it much easier because you’ll get all the components delivered in the proper sequence as well. The comments,
I totally agree to go for it SEO power shielding, don’t separate the drive stack from it, although the drive stack and z sight will have an effect on it anyway, what what you’re actually doing is is everything that I’ve been talking about for years, which is working on that entity in that brand, versus doing it piecemeal. You’re bringing everything together all at once you’re giving it all to Google, and you’re trying to make your clients brand, the keyword in that niche. That’s what you’re striving towards. So anything that you could do to try to get that you should be doing. You can’t leave things that you cannot leave out the syndication network, but those are profiles that you’re going to claim and schema in your sameas as being part of the organization. It’s part of who and what your brand is, or in this case, your client, you can’t separate that. I mean, you could go later on and get it. But then if you know that you’re going to need it later on, why not just get it all just now and be done with it and move on to the next phase, which is hammering everything that you get back from us for better results.
Yeah, and I just, I want to, you know, kind of touch on something briefly, because, believe it or not, I was looking at the kind of doing an audit for one of our members in the mastermind today. It’s kind of an ongoing thing. And I want to make it real clear, guys. You know, when you get your drive stack back and your G site, remember to, you know, the drive stack expansion, we talked about expanding that and that’s a service that is in beta right now for mastermind members and such where we can, you know, we can do that for you at MGYB, but we talked about theme mirroring all the time, but something else is really critically important. Is embedding your money pages from your, in other words, that the pages from your primary website into the corresponding sites on the G site page, it’s really important because you can inject structured data, for example, schema.org, right. So whatever type of project you’re on, if it’s a local business, you know, you can inject that schema into the G site by doing so. It’s very important. And I think that gets overlooked a lot. Maybe we’re not having been really clear about it, I thought we have been, but you know, even one of our mastermind members, who’s been with us for many, many months and have received a lot of help, has overlooked that. And I don’t understand how that gets overlooked. It’s very, very important because that’s one of the ways that you get that structured data into the G site. And how you push so much of the power that you’re developing and accruing through the drive stack in the G site through to the money site. That makes sense by embedding those the corresponding pages from the money site on to the G site, right. So when you theme marry you do that And then and again, I don’t know how that gets overlooked at times. But maybe again, we haven’t been really clear about it. But that’s why I want to touch on that here. It’s critically important to do that. And so I would recommend that you do that, as well as is make sure that you have structured data, guys, you know, by the day, we’re going deeper into the Semantic Web, right? So it’s super important that you have you make those associations with structured data code to tell Google specifically your entity assets in the connection between them, right. And it’s really really, really important to do that. And I see a lot of that still being overlooked by people and, and I think that’s a mistake. So any comments on that for move on?
and that’s perfect you know, in heavy hitter club, the last two webinars or the first two, in the series that we’re doing were entirely about the entity, schema, and content and how to structure your unstructured data and then how to how to structure your structured data so that it matches your unstructured data so that you’re feeding the buttons. All of the information possible to make your entity or your brand, the keyword in the niche or the top entity versus all of the other entities because at the end of the day, what we’re talking about in Google is a huge relational database. So just think of a data dump. And yes, of course, it’s categorized and Google has entities and it has that like that the ultimate entity in that niche, right, what it would look like and the closer that you get to matching that ultimate entity, the better your results are going to be in the end, which is outranking everybody else. I keep saying it. We took on Amazon, and one and then we can do that with our methods. Then the entire internet is wide open to you guys. And we’re not hiding anything from you. Everything that we use is in MGYB. That’s how we do it. Right? Maybe in our free groups like heavy hitter club or the Semantic Mastery mastermind, we’ll go deeper into the why and the how. But as far as what we do to get results, it’s right there. It’s an empty vibe to all of those services. Those are things that we use to rank our projects. And we do it over and over and over again. And I don’t see why you guys aren’t doing. If you’re not doing we got a lot of people here who do get results, by the way. Yeah.
SEO Power Shield Or RYS Drive Stacks
Because as long as I began, he says to add to my other question, should I buy multiple SEO power shields or RYS drive stacks? I’m excited. I just want to make sure my client and I guess we are aware of upcoming costs. No, that’s what we just talked about. Just a few moments ago, Lonnie, that’s not necessary. You know, one drive stack in G site for your client is all that’s needed, right. And you can expect And that out by theme mirroring. And so if you’re not sure what we’re talking about, you go to the MGYB.co and look at the webinars. I think Marko’s first heavy hitter club webinar was public. I don’t know if it still is. But that drive stack expansion and we did a webinar, this mg y b, I know we did. No, watch that one. It’s in the webinar section, you can watch about that and talk about how we talked about expanding the drive stack, the mirroring, and all that. And that’s why you don’t have to keep buying what you should do, which you should be buying after the drive stack and G site has been built is link building and embed gigs to power it up and continue building out that drive stack to mirror, the site, the website itself and everywhere that you have digital assets that you can mirror to the primary structure of the website, right or the excuse me the structure of your primary website. That’s what you should be doing. So again at mgyb.co. The webinars tab you can go look at PR silo stacking, or press release silos. And you can silo press releases together to mirror whatever your silo structure is from your primary website as well as your G site as well as your drive stack. You do the same thing with GMB posts. If you’re using Google, if the project that you’re working on has a Google My Business profile, right, so all everything that you do should be mirrored into a silo structure, whatever the primary website structure is, you duplicate that and mirror that on to your other assets. And the same type of linking structure happens when you do all of that together. Now you have all these assets that are all, you know, tightly siloed that’s what the silo means, right? So it’s a, it’s like a vertical silo, right? So everything is tightly siloed. And then you link build into those and do embed gigs into those, and you can push massive relevancy, very specific to certain areas of your site, or you know, certain keyword themes or keyword sets. Does that make sense? So that’s how you Do it. Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Yeah, I think we have to be the only people on the web who would tell people don’t spend money needlessly. Because anybody else would have just told you, Loni. Yeah, get five of them. Five is better, and come up with a really intricate and mixed up way on how you can knock those all up and daisy chaining them and come up with all this crazy shit on how to make them look better. We got to be the only people who look tough. No, no, don’t spend all that money because you’re doing it needlessly do exactly what Bradley said. You build inner pages and inner stacks in your branded stack. To increase the power of link building, embed, link building press releases, link building cycle, you’ll spend the money on that because that’s what’s going to power up everything. And it keeps it on a cycle through everything, but you only need one branded drive stack and G site one and then inside of that, you’re going to remember You’re going to copy, you’re gonna mirror you’re gonna clone whatever the fuck you want to call it, the inner pages on your G site, the categories, whatever the wherever the money is you focus on that, right? Because your, your market level category should be where the money is. And that’s what you’re trying to rank for. When you try to rank for that all of the money keywords under that top market level category are going to come up because of the way that you’re approaching this, which is from the top-down, instead of bottom-feeding and going after just the long tail. That’s going to happen if you approach it the right way. But no, don’t go spend money in these needlessly go spend money and focus on getting the best results and the best results are dry sack g site branded and then you extend the initial drive second g site, not additional ones.
There you go.
Yeah, just keep building the power to the one that’s the best, the best Answer we can get I, like that power to the one
alright so Don says I already got version one and two the battle plan so what’s the new one cost me this time just click through and go check it out battleplan.semanticmastery.com. But Don I’m gonna do it for you. Okay, there you go 32 bucks you know, we broke the bank on that one cylinder 32 bucks, didn’t we spend an hour and a half recording that net video or something ridiculous like that. So for 32 bucks, man.
alright, so and it’s simplified. we’ve simplified it specifically because it just you know, it just makes it easier to put everything into the package, you know? packages like what we have for sale now on MGYB. It’s just easier that way. And that’s you know, we always recommended that before but again, we would tell people to go buy all these different components and so now we just put them together and packages It makes it so much easier. And you know, we’re still working on trying to make things easier, guys. And that’s why they’re trying to change platforms at MGYB. So it’s a work in progress. Right?
Drive Stack Expansion Availability
A Nexus Hey guys, I’m thinking of getting the SEO shield. When will you be rolling out the ID loop page folder service? So you mean the drive stack expansion service? That’s essential, I guess, the more proper term for it. I’ve heard Doing this will improve results. Absolutely. It will. So Marco, when will that be publicly available?
It’s already public. I would as I thought Rob had published that it’s public and available.
Oh, shit, I didn’t know that. You guys kept me in the dark. I feel like a mushroom. Shit, all day. I think he published it on Facebook. If I’m not mistaken. I just, I just don’t let’s go public. I mean, if it’s there if it’s ready, let’s go. Let’s give it to people and let them have at it. I thought it was still in beta. So my bad, so it should be. Apparently it’s news to me. It’s available for everybody. Drive stack expansion. I hadn’t even seen it in the MGYB store. So maybe I don’t know, I hadn’t even seen it.
So maybe the image hasn’t been added. It’s just so much stuff. Yes. Rob says the expression is public and on the store page, it’s on this.
sweet. I hadn’t seen it, Rob.
We need to bring Robin from now on because we get a lot of questions that he could be here answering. Yeah.
How Many Times Does Your Google Stacks Report?
Olaf says How many times do you think your Google stacks got reported? And why do you think Google does not care or ban them? I don’t know how many times they’ve been reported. I really don’t care. Now, I think Google doesn’t care because it’s a Google property, I suppose. And they’re narcissistic, which you know, we use that in the original sales copy, use Google’s own narcissism against itself. You know, that they recently made some changes to drive, I think, to combat that or, you know, to try to prevent some of what it is that is, you know, we’ve been doing but Marco and Rob immediately figured out There’s a workaround for that, too. So I think that was an indication that they were trying to do whatever they could, or something, at least symbolically to try to prevent people from using them the way that we’ve been using them, but I don’t I don’t think they were successful. What do you say?
Ah, yes, that’s something that I lose sleep over. How many times? How many times have I shown publicly? Well, think about how many times I’ve shown publicly, the Virginia SEO, SEO Virginia case study over the last over nearly five years, right. It’ll be five years in August, by the way.
No, it’s five years in May last month.
Yeah, but I’m saying your case. The one that you originally did is five years. It this past May or last month, but I’m saying it in August. It’ll be five years since we released our way as Kevin written. And we had that question. Well, how long before that loophole is closed? That was you remember? During during the webinar, and I remember that clearly like I asked, Well, yeah, how long before the loophole is closed? It happens not to be a loophole. And it happens to be a door that’s wide open. And that that’s really hard to close. If it was simple for a simple fix, it would have been done by now we’re working from. And I continue to say this, and I wish people would just listen, and really pay close attention. We’re working off web principles. It’s not Google principles that Google Terms of Service. We’re working from web principles, foundational principles, on the web. That’s how we target this. Now, of course, we don’t talk about this a lot because unlike other marketers, we don’t like to confuse our people. We don’t like to confuse you with all this technical stuff that we’ve had to go over during the last six years or so. Since I’ve been researching this because it would probably hurt most people It hurts my head. I know. It’s gonna cause a whole lot of headaches. I mean, why we just show the reason Do we care about Google? We’ve shown that it’s not something that we just say that Google is narcissistic. It’s something that we’ve shown timing is something that we proved live. I mean it. I don’t know how many other people are actually are actually able to do this to prove the fact that Google prefers itself over anything else. Proven. This isn’t theory. We don’t give you guys theory. It’s proven. It’s a fact. Now, how long? Or how many times? Does it matter? Like, I don’t care? manual? Yeah, sure. And then we’ll just build 10 more. Doesn’t matter. It like the way that it is right now. Why doesn’t Google care or ban them? We don’t know. We don’t work for Google. We just gonna keep manipulating until we can’t anymore. And then if we can’t, then that just means I have to figure out a different way or I have to sit with Rob and we have to say okay, so this door is finally closed. But we know that there’s 10 more doors that just opened up because they just closed that one. That’s how code works. I mean, it’s really difficult with the amount of code. Yeah, Google has to work with, yeah, to shut one thing down and not open 10 million more things that make it even simpler to spam and manipulate. Right? I mean it. And, again, we work off foundational principles in the World Wide Web. It’s not just Google. It’s not just their terms of service. It’s a lot of things that we’re approaching from that standpoint.
SEO Power Shield Works
So I want to read Austin’s comment, Austin Dom What’s up man? I’m still waiting for him to come to join the mastermind. But anyways, Austin says and then I want to very briefly before we wrap it up, I want to do a live search for the SEO Virginia Case Study or whatever that we did, because I’ll talk about that a minute. But Austin says got an SEO shield for a client about a month ago. This is the second site for him. It is now past the other site I have been maintaining for two years. He is now number one, number two for many organic and MAP KEYWORDS in the real estate niche. Yes, power shields work. And so to bring this over to so it was interesting, but about a month ago, for the first time in five years. I saw and so we’re going to see where it is now. We’re going to do this live. Okay. The first time in five years, my SEO Virginia, Virginia, SEO Virginia SEO agency, SEO agency, Virginia, like all of those keywords, for the first time in five years, the drive stack or the G site from that awful and it’s not even a complete drive stack. It’s not built to the standards that we build them today. But for the first time in five years, it moved down, it dropped. Let’s see where it is today. Let’s just see because I’ll tell you exactly what I did and we’ll see where it’s at. Okay, so it did move a little bit now. It’s number three for me. to Virginia Okay, so let’s open up another tab and check another keyword and this is in five years of not touching it okay without doing any work to it at all in five years. Okay, number three for that term, Virginia eight SEO agency Virginia. Let’s look at another term. Let’s look at Virginia SEO. Okay, so guys, I’m sharing this to be 100% transparent with you okay, we’ve used this case study for five years as an example. And it’s wasn’t even really a case study. It was an experiment with me testing what Marco told me to do. And it was again, not built to what we build standards today. You can take a look at it, it’s done. It doesn’t look anything like what we build today. It wasn’t there are not nearly as many files and folders there’s no interlinking done like what we do today. But for five damn years, the son of a bitch has sat at number one and hasn’t budged until about a month ago when I noticed. For whatever reason, I was doing a quick search on it and I noticed that it had it moved a little bit. So you can see it has moved slightly and five years. No link building, no press releases nothing.
And that’s why I’ve always loved to use this as an example to show how powerful these damn things can be. Because it wasn’t even done correctly or to our current standards, yet it has ranked outranked Virginia SEO agencies for five damn years. And I haven’t done anything to it. So it had moved several positions down and still on page one. But I lost several positions when I noticed this. And I think Marco even pointed out said to me in slack or group chat, you know, hey, I noticed it had moved first time in five years. And I said, Yeah, I noticed that a couple of days ago. And I said, Maybe I should order a link building package to it, just to push it back up. Well, I didn’t I was too lazy to even do that. So all I did was one press release. I’m not kidding. One. freakin press release. Let me show you what I did. I’ll pull it up. And then we’re gonna wrap it up, guys. I just want to point this out. Again, it’s 100% transparency. So we go to the news. Let’s see if it’s still showing. Okay, there. Right there. So you can see two weeks ago, it says right there published two weeks ago. Okay. So all I did was I put Virginia SEO agencies my keyword in there, then I used Virginia SEO agency, a keyword anchor, to link to the G site from that stack. Why? Because a G site can take that I wouldn’t have done 100% keyword anchor to my, you know, website, but to the G site, why not? It’s not gonna hurt anything. So that’s what I did. So you can see that that was two weeks ago, guys that that was published on May 19. Yeah, so about two weeks ago, okay. And all I did was I linked to that, and I linked actually with to a page on my website that isn’t even complete. But that was it, those two links. And so what when it had dropped down to like position five, it was between, I think four and seven, depending on what keyword you were looking at. But all I did was one press release and it’s already been pushed back up now to number three position and in fact Last week on the mastermind web, my mastermind webinar, when I looked at all of my keywords, I was in the number one position. So it’s dancing right now a little bit, but the press release was only published two weeks ago. So that’s normal, right, three weeks worth of dancing. So again, last week, when I looked at it, I was back to number one for these keywords. Now, it looks like I’m at number two or number three for my keywords. One, press release, guys, I used 100% anchor text, keyword anchor text right there to link to that site. And it’s back to number two to number three position after five years of never fucking touching it. So just want to show you guys as these things work. And for the first time in five years, it dipped it dropped, get one press release, and it’s already moving back up. So imagine if I had purchased a link building gig, I could probably get away with low competition, link building gig from MGYB or an embed gig or something like that, and push it back up, but I just wanted to see what the results were from just one press release and to be honest with you, I just didn’t put the effort into trying to push it up yet. So, again, I just want to be 100% transparent with them because I thought that this was interesting to see, after all this time, it finally started to move down just a little bit, but one press release started pushing it back up.
Yeah, and I mean that that’s not even what we recommend, because we recommend a PR stack, right? And then link building, and then embed and then link building. But again, as you said, it was a half-assed attempt to start with it back in May of 2015. And it’s a half-assed attempt, your one PR, and it just shows the power that’s inherent in this that something that you do something half-assed, and you can rank on the first page in Google. So imagine if you do it, right, the kind of thing that you could do well, Amazon is there for the taking. Amen.
Thanks, guys, for being here. We’ll see you all next week.
Bye, everyone.
  Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 290 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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