#should i go see the killers???? help mutuals!!!!!!
zingaplanet · 1 year
Tagged by: @kuhcra 🙌❤️
Sign: I'm an aquarius, i never really get these things, come on astrology mutuals tell me smth about myselffff, am i gonna die and become a cat? Am i destined to save the world from a catastrophic alien invasion?
Height: I'm 172cm ish!
Last thing I googled:
Believe it or not, the Reading fest ticket, I'm contemplating whether 100 quid is worth it to get smashed to a pumpkin amidst crowds of thousands to watch the Killers play
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Number of followers: hmm i dunno around 400ish? Doesn't matter tho, I love. Every. Single. One. Of. My. Mutuals. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i also love that all of you come from different fandoms and come here to be chaotic with me or be introduced to some completely random ships lol. My page is a fandom networking platform n i won't have it any other way!
Amount of sleep: oof I'm an old man. I need my 8 hours beauty sleep. Sometimes 9 hours on weekends lol
Lucky #: I've absolutely no idea what this means, tumblr lingo expert help?
Wearing: A knitted sweater, cozy pajama pants and CHRISTMAS SOCKS! I luv my festive socks 🧦🧦🧦
Dream job: Oooohhhhh this is so difficult. Ok there are 2 things to this (leave it to me to overcomplicate stuffs lol)
Within the unachievable realm I've always wanted to be a musician (Hency my profile background!). I kinda almost did, I taught piano for quite some time, and was in a band for a long time. Hey you never know, might get called to headline glastonbury anytime, hang out with Alex Turner backstage and never have to work a day in my life anymore 😉
Frankly I just dream of playing a rock concert with my band at the royal albert hall and crowdsurfing the dead-est, posh-est crowd ever just cause i thought it'd be hilarious to see their faces 🥲 lol
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In the slightly more achievable realm within my field right now, my dream job is to work in the UN peacekeeping or other international conflict orgs to help broker peace deals and help resolve some of the conflict stalemates around the world. I've worked with humanitarian charities before but I get really frustrated seeing so many efforts gone to waste cause the bureaucrats on top just couldn't be bothered to sacrifice their political interests for longlasting peacekeeping efforts. Sorry this is such a geeky answer! It's just that I've seen so many unnecessary sufferings and I just really really want to be in a position where I can at least make my mark to do smth good to change the world for better before I die!
Movies/books that summarise me: prob Orwell's 1984 lol, i'll leave it to you to interpret why
Favourite song: Oh this is so difficult! My current fav is by the Belgian artist Stromae, the one he made as a tribute to Cesária Évora, one of the greatest living singers of all time!
My current fav album and something that you DEF DEF DEF should listen to is the new album by the Canadian indie band Peach Pit called From 2 to 3. It has that old school road trip feel good vibes with your friends during a cross-country, it calms the soul and soothes the mind just uuggghh absolute masterpiece! (My fav track is give up baby go!)
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Fav instrument: My bass! Especially my fender jazzmaster bass Rory ❤️ it's been my date for 23 years
Aesthetic: Have you seen the riverside of Thames in autumn?
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Fav author: I don't read a lot of non-fictions anymore sadly, but I love poetries and literature. Jeanette Winterson is one of the only I feel that can really capture the essence of our souls and unearth emotions as raw as our hearts. Here's her masterpiece from Lighthousekeeping:
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Fav animal noise: 🐬🐬🐬🐬🐬
Random: my dear mutuals, I am working on 2 deadass long angsty carraville and fedal fics that might never get finished but I'm committed to see them to the end even if it takes years!
On another note, if somehow our interests overlap again, the last fic I did was on pepmou. It's so sappy, I don't even know how I got through it! But if you're feeling a bit in need of enemies to lovers... ⬇️⬇️
Enjoy the tag my lovelies: @surreality51 @aramblingjay @tam-is-blogging @aliceinqueensland
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maximoffwitch · 5 months
Hey! I hope you’re well!
For milf Wanda, I’m always a sucker for Wanda comforting reader because she has that motherly nature about her.
Perhaps, reader meets Wanda at a bar when they’ve been stood up for a date and Wanda helps them feel better
Just How Fast the Night Changes
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
warnings: only slightly suggestive, hint at an age gap
summary: Your date doesn’t show, but luckily Wanda is there to save the day.
word count: 1.2k
a/n: i hope i captured milf!wanda in this 😭😭 tbh idk but i like their interaction…enjoy! i feel like there’s a potential for a part two here 😳
Glancing down at your watch, you let out a heavy sigh. Your date was supposed to meet you here an hour and a half ago. Seeing as it was almost 9 o’clock, you figured she wasn’t going to show.
“I’ll have another one.” You motioned to the bartender, raising your wine glass that was now empty.
“Put it on my tab,” a melodic voice said as a stunning woman dressed in a well-tailored suit slid into the stool next to you.
“Oh no, you don’t have to do that,” you tried to politely decline, waving the bartender to come back.
“Please.” The woman gently put her hand on your bare shoulder, her touch eliciting goosebumps, “I insist.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, as you feel her emerald eyes following your every movement, her gaze burning you alive.
As the bartender approached with your glass, you quietly thanked him with a smile before taking a sip of your wine.
“So, tell me,” she started also sipping her drink before swiveling in her seat so she was leaning against the bar and facing you, her knee barely grazing yours in the process. “What is a beautiful woman like you doing sitting at a bar alone on a Friday night?”
You felt your cheeks warm from her complement – the way her leg kept brushing yours didn’t help either.
“I–” You cleared your throat, a whole new warmth flushing your face – this time out of embarrassment. “I was supposed to be meeting someone here, but they didn’t show.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” Her expression softened, a small pout forming on her lips (not that you were looking or anything).
“It’s fine,” you told her, swirling the wine in your drink distractedly. “She was just some mutual friend my coworker set me up with.”
“Still.” The woman knitted her brows and placed a g hand on your knee. “No one should get stood up, especially not someone like you.”
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “With all due respect, you don’t even know who someone like me is. For all you know, I could be a stalker serial killer.”
“You’re right,” she agreed with a chuckle. “Though, I would like to get to know you.”
You stared at her for a brief moment, contemplating your next move. There was no doubt that the woman sitting before you was stunning – probably way out of your league to begin with – but flirting with strangers was not something you were totally familiar with. Screw it.
“I’m (Y/N).” You held out your hand for her to shake, which she gladly accepted.
You let your hand linger in hers for a moment, her soft touch warming your body.
“So, Wanda,” you began with a slight smirk, “what’s a beautiful woman like you doing at a bar alone on a Friday night?”
“Touché.” Wanda grinned, tipping her glass to you before downing the rest of her drink. “I had a rough week at work, and my ex-husband has my twins this weekend so I figured I come drown my stress.”
“Work sucks,” you agreed, trying to hide the shock hearing that she had kids. You recovered smoothly with the help of your wine. “I’m sorry about your week.”
“Don’t be. It happens,” she said. “Luckily, it just got a lot better.”
You rolled your eyes at her flirting, but you couldn’t stop the blush creeping up your neck.
“What do you do?”
“I’m a lawyer,” Wanda replied.
“Wow.” Your eyes widened. “Very impressive.”
Wanda grinned bashfully, her cheeks tinted with a blush of her own. “What about you?”
“A surgeon.”
“So you’re gorgeous and smart?” She grinned, clearly enjoying the effect her flirting had on you.
“I guess if the shoe fits,” you chuckled, the alcohol giving you a boost of confidence. “You wanna know what else I’m good at?” You lowered your voice with a suggestive smirk.
Wanda’s eyes visibly darkened, and she licked her lips.
“Honey,” she started with a slight rasp in her voice, scooting forward so her knee made its way between your legs, “the things I–“
The buzzing of your cellphone on the counter rudely interrupted her. Briefly glancing down at the screen, you winced.
“I am so sorry,” you apologized with a frown. “I have to take this. I’m on call.”
“Of course, of course.” Though Wanda understood all too well the inconvenient phone calls at annoying hours, she still bit back the disappointment that this particular call was ending the night earlier than she would’ve liked.
As you listened to your attending brief you on the situation, you dug through your purse, trying to fish out your wallet.
“I’m so sorry,” you repeated to Wanda after hanging up, still trying to fumble through your bag. “They need me down at the hospital.”
“No worries,” she shot you an understanding smile and placed her hands on yours to stop your movement. “It’s on my tab remember?”
“Wanda,” you trailed off, shaking your head.
“(Y/N).” She stared at you, as she gave you a look that you imagined she often gave her kids when they decided to talk back.
“I can’t let you do that,” you tried, though you knew you were fighting a losing battle.
“Yes, I can,” Wanda insisted, slyly zipping your purse shut.
“Fine,” you huffed and slid out of your stool. “I’m buying next time then.”
“Next time?” She smirked at your presumptuousness despite also wanting to see you again.
“Unless you don’t wanna see me again,” you rambled, your nerves bubbling inside of you. “Which I totally get and I understand, I just thought–“
“(Y/N),” Wanda interrupted softly, putting you out of your misery. “I would love to see you again.”
“Okay.” All you could do was nod, as you bit back a smile.
“Okay,” she said, mirroring your expression as she took your phone out of your hand and began typing. “Here’s my number. I expect a call.”
“Yes ma’am,” you hummed, missing the way Wanda’s eyes darkened at your words. After you took your phone from her and putting it back in your pocket, you stared at her for a moment.
Instinctively, you leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on her cheek. “Thank you,” you breathed, “for saving my night.”
“Pleasure’s all mine,” Wanda whispered, struck by your proximity and the feeling of your lips on her skin.
“Now, I really have to go.” You glanced at your watch and reluctantly retreated from her.
“Well, I hate to see you go, but I’ll happily watch you leave,” she playfully slapped the side of your waist, not quite your ass but having the same effect.
As you made your way towards the exit, you swayed your hips a little extra, knowing Wanda’s eyes were still on you. The brisk night air cooled your adrenaline rush, and you took a deep breath, a grin forming on your face. To think your started your night alone after being stood up and yet you somehow ended up leaving with the promise of a date with a beautiful woman.
How quickly a night can change.
wanda taglist: @alexmxff @likefirenrain @amasimpformilfs @crescent-witch @iliketozoneout @fxckmiup @inluvwithfictionalwomen @chelleztjs18 @mediocre-writerr @milfloverslut @fayhar @kermy48 @nataliasknife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @when-wolves-howl @findingmaximoff @kacka84 @carnagewidow @bentleywolf29 @wandaromanoffsblog @noaaas-world @luvwanda @togrowoldinv @sadpiscesheart​ @jujuu23​ @beenicejoy @an-evergreen-rose
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moronkombat · 7 months
Hanzo hasashi (mk1) x reader who’s Bi-Han’s daughter 👀
okay i kinda cheated here and made it mk11 hanzo x bi-han's daughter becaaaause well i could tehehe and it's hard for me write ships that involve minors
tw: age gaps can't help it folks, i love it too much
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Hanzo was unaware that Bi-Han had any children when he took Bi-Han's life in kombat
The Shirai Ryu leader could only see vengeance when he faced Bi-Han again and was clouded by it
He was unable to listen to reason and struck Bi-Han down without mercy
Later he learned that it had been Quan Chi's trickery that had killed his family
That not all he learned. Hanzo came to learn about Bi-Han's family and he was instantly filled with regret
Hanzo is able to meet Bi-Han's daughter through Kuai Liang, who he has established an alliance with
He worries about how this meeting will go and how you will react to your father's murderer
Nerves fill his body as he approached the Lin Kuei manner and there he sees you
If he had not known your relation to Bi-Han he would have thought you to be anyone else
You do not resemble Bi-Han much and Hanzo is soon puzzled when you give him a smile
"So this is the famous Scorpion I have heard about" those are your first words to him and Hanzo is finds himself pausing
He had prepared himself for a scolding or even a slap but there was none to be found
All he was given was kindness and respect by a young woman beautiful and regal
You are understanding and do not put the blame on Hanzo for your father's death. You are wise enough to know it was due to Quan Chi's deception that both of you have suffered
Hanzo cannot help but try to draw comparisons between you and your late father but he finds few
Where Bi-Han was commanding you are reasonable. When Bi-Han was cruel you showed understanding
Hanzo is rather impressed by you to say the least. You are quite the level-headed young woman
The two of you begin working together closely and there is a mutual respect and friendship formed between the two of you
You are partners with similar goals and the two of you work together well. Perhaps too well
Hanzo beings to notice a shift in his feelings for you. Eyes would linger upon you longer than they should, thoughts of you entered his mind when he tried to sleep
He is no fool and knows the nature of these emotions. Hanzo experienced the very same with Harumi
Problem is, Hanzo a well grown man now and you...well, you were still experiencing life
Hanzo is conflicted with his attraction to you. He finds you magnificent and enchanting but what is he to do?
He a man older than you and the killer of your father
Hanzo feels disgraced and ashamed with himself. How can he harbor feelings for such a young woman?
There is guilt with his family as well. He wonders if Harumi would forgive him or understand. He has no true way of finding out
Hanzo is noticeably distracted and when you try to confront him about this, he is quick to say that he is fine. You know better
Try as you might to pry the truth from him, Hanzo remains stoic in his response and you begin to worry about him greatly
It is an inner battle that rages inside the body and mind of Hanzo Hasashi and there seems to be no resolution in sight
Or perhaps there is. Perhaps the feelings kept within him mirror your own
Could there be more between the two of you just waiting to be unleashed?
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Wild Ass Theory - Who is the Second Killer?
@anotherblblog asked about the colors in Dead Friend Forever as a response to my Phi is Sus AF post where I listed the reasons I think Phi is in on the kills since they think White is sus too, but I cannot answer questions about White/colors because . . .
Who the fuck is this?!
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Freeze frame: Is this Tee?!
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Well, it sure isn't Non (Barcode) taking off the mask!
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In the original film the boys were shooting and the one played at the party, Non was the killer who unmasked himself.
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But apparently, Non wasn't the only one playing a killer.
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There were two killers.
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This is why we see Jin and Non running in the opening scene because they are being chased by the second killer in the film.
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So who is the second killer?
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Just like with the original film, the second killer isn't some magical ninth person, but someone already in the group, and in the recreated scene, there is a person missing.
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Tan and Phi didn't come into the friend group until 12th grade, and White is the baby of the group, so he was too young to hang out with the core friend group until he started dating Tee (way to already start pissing off Tee by holding his man's hand, Phi).
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So Phi, Tan, and White are new to all of this and weren't part of the original incident that happened in the 11th grade, but White is now playing Non's part in the film by running away from the masked killer with Jin. Yes? Yes!
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From the trailer, we got this scene. Phi, Tee, and Tan are all standing in a bloody room that has hanging signs stating "He Must Die" in Thai with a fourth person, who could either be White or Jin.
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And we got the scene of Phi keeping Jin quiet in a box as the killer lurks around them.
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So it seems like the final girl boy in the "He Must Die" scene is Jin and not White based on the jacket he is wearing, and
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Because Jin is the target.
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He is the main character.
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And he is about to leave. For. Ev. Er.
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Which is something Tan throws out when agreeing with Phi to reshoot the film.
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And White is the final push for Tee to agree to it.
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From the trailer, we know Non had feelings for Jin, and those feelings seemed mutual.
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But Tee is the worst.
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And somehow convinced everyone that Non was creepy and should be bullied.
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So if Jin was the main character and Tee was possibly the second killer and main bully, it makes sense why they would be saved for last since Non wrote this story,
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Yet Por, the first one attacked, is the one credited as writing it, so by reshooting it, the killers are going to correct the wrongs and follow the script the way Non originally wrote it.
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Which is why I thought White was the other killer since he is now playing Non's part and Phi asked Tan if he brought his inhaler while he was smoking, which seems like a quick way to kill him in the future, BUT . . .
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It doesn't seem like White was supposed to be on this trip in the first place. Tee brought him because he thought White "would be obedient" but he doesn't want White involved in what is happening, and it seems neither do the killers.
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When all hell broke loose, Phi went with Jin to look for a saw and sent White and Tan to call for help ensuring that Jin was under his watchful eye and that White and Tan, two people who weren't involved in the original incident, were out of the woods, literally and metaphorically. But Tan seemed surprised that White got the walkie talkie working, while White was confused because all he did was charge it.
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The conversation is odd in multiple ways but mostly because Tan is smiling the entire time knowing that their dear friend Por is still out in the woods with a tree limb sticking out of his stomach. But then again, Tan is closer to Phi than anyone else, which is why Jin told Phi to go have sex with Tan.
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Which is why I fully believe, after one whole episode, that Tan and Phi are just friends . . .
who plot murders together.
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deakyjoe · 1 year
Click here to buy me a coffee :)
Sorted by character (more always to come)
All writing reblogged on @reading-writing-watching so switch notifications on there for updates :)
Requests: closed
All 18+ works will be marked as so in their individual warnings so minors do not interact with those!
Fan favourites marked with **
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Beaming Beskar**
Din has a unique way of telling you when he's smiling at you.
A Million Love Songs
If music be the food of love, play on.
Stormy Skies**
Din rescues you from an Imperial prison.
Sultry Sunsets
Din takes you to see the most stunning sunset in the galaxy.
Some Kind of Wonderful
Din shows his affection for you in strange but simple ways.
In Sickness & In Health
Din cares for you when you’re sick.
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Puppy Love
Your neighbour Dieter's dog is the only comfort you need during stressful days. Well, maybe her and her owner.
Love To Hate
You hate Dieter Bravo more than anything. So why are you asking him to sleep with you?
Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
There Are No Words Left To Speak
Joel watches you from afar and decides he needs to invite you in closer.
The Liquor On Your Lips
You’re a vice too good to resist.
Not A Place, But A Feeling
They say home is where the heart is. And your heart is with Joel Miller.
Frankie “Catfish” Morales (Triple Frontier)
Something Stupid
And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like “I love you”.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
You and Obi-Wan take a moment for yourselves to reflect.
Obi-Wan really should have let his curiosity go and avoided that flower.
Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty)
Somebody’s Watching Me Masterlist**
You sense someone following you after returning home from active duty.
Phillip Graves (Call of Duty)
Southern Charm
You’re supposed to hate him but you just can’t resist that southern charm.
John/Johnny “Soap” MacTavish (Call of Duty)
My Guiding Light
You and Soap have a mutual agreement to take care of each other when returning to base after exhausting weeks out in the field.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick (Call of Duty)
Burnt Cake & Melted Ice Cream
Gaz returns home from deployment earlier than expected.
John Price (Call of Duty)
Price finally comes home after long months away and there’s no one else he’d rather spend the time with.
Michael Myers (Halloween)
Every Breath You Take**
It shouldn’t exhilarate you so much knowing a serial killer was stalking you. But you just can’t help yourself.
Robert “Bob” Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick)
I Got Chills, They’re Multiplying**
Despite being stubbornly independent, Bob won’t let you push him away in your time of need.
Pattern Breaker
A love confession turns to more once Bob knows you’re interested.
Simon “Ghost” Riley 1
Captain John Price 1
Captain John Price 2 (Homecoming)
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nethhiri · 4 months
Marooned: Chapter 5
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warnings: Suggestive, implied eye-fucking? lol
A Mutual Rescue
Kid's scowl deepened before evolving into a smirk. "Yeah, I'll fuck you." He lunged for the meat again and you jerked it away.
You were taken aback for only a fraction of a second until it was replaced with cackling so hard it brought tears to your eyes. "That's- That's not-" You couldn't even get the words out. A minute or two passed and you took a calming breath. "What I was going to say, Eustass, was: If you give me a lift off this island when, if, your ship shows up, I'll give a hand to your ship's doctor up to the point you drop me on the next island. And, of course, keep you and your friend alive since your crew probably would like you alive." Your shoulders shook as you kept trying to stifle your giggles. That was the literal furthest thing from your mind. You were focused on getting off alright. Getting off this fucking island.
The redhead considered your proposal. Or, rather, his stomach considered it for him. It cramped with hunger, growling loud enough for you to hear it from across the fire. Did he really have a choice at this point? Actually, the more he thought about it... It was sort of a win-win-win for him. He, and Killer, would survive long enough to be rescued. There would be someone who had medical talent on the ship, since, what you didn't know, was that they didn't have a doctor. As for the third win, it wasn't lost on Kid that although you may be covered in dirt and grime, with unwashed, unkempt hair, that you were hot. You were obviously cunning, tough, and there was a distinct ferocity behind your gaze that reminded him of himself. Not to mention that your little dress, though loose and boxy, gave glimpses here and there of a body he wouldn't be opposed to seeing the rest of. 
"So?" You prompted. "By the way, me and Mini are a package deal so she's coming too." 
"Who the fuck is Mini?"
"She's behind me." You pointed your thumb back in the direction you threw the drumstick. You half turned, expecting her to give some indication that she was there. "She's mad at me," you apologized for her lack of politeness.
Kid would have shared a glance with Killer if he was conscious. Okay... she's hot and .... has an imaginary friend, Kid thought. Usually he let Killer make these types of decisions, but he thought Killer would think you were ho- helpful too. "Deal." Kid gave his signature shit-eating grin, "Consider yourself our newest rookie."
Narrowing your good eye at him, "This is temporary." Shoving the remaining food at Kid, you walked past him to check on Killer. The wound on his head had no signs of infection, however he felt clammy and slightly warm, causing your eyebrows to knit together. 
"You'll be begging me to stay. Just wait." Kid said with his mouth full as you tended to Killer.
If you could roll your eye any harder, you would. "Or you'll be begging me not to leave." 
Kid inspected his dinner to make sure he hadn't missed any meat on the bones before tossing it aside. "Then I guess we'll see, won't we...what's your name anyway?"
You hoped Kid hadn't noticed you pause momentarily while you checked on Killer. There was luckily a good opportunity to stall as you pressed your ear to Killer's chest, systematically listening in different areas. You held your hand up to indicate you needed silence while you did this. Obviously, you weren't going to give him your real name. You had a bounty and you didn't know if your posters were still around or if anyone on the crew had seen them when they had been. You avoided the question. "Did you notice he was hot?" The instant the words left your mouth you knew you should have rephrased. It worked in your favor, however, since the accidental bait distracted him from the fact you didn't give him an answer.
"Aw you hear that, Killer? Girlie thinks you're handsome." Kid's mood seemed greatly improved with a good meal in his belly. More likely, it was because he had realized how very entertaining you were going to be. You had successfully piqued his interest. He liked a woman with a mouth on them, in more ways than one. Regrettably, since he had a lovely view of you bent over his friend, Kid got up and crouched next to you. Though he could, at times, be daft, he knew what you meant. "I guess he felt warm. I don't know." The grin previously on his face was replaced with a concerned look.
You were certain there was fluid in his lungs, probably from being tossed around in the ocean and on his back for too long. "I think he might have pneumonia." A grimace settled on your features and Killer seemed to confirm your suspicion by letting out a weak, phlegmy cough. There was a chance you may be able to make an herbal remedy from some plants you had stored. It couldn't hurt. Hopefully, it would at least prevent it from getting worse until you were picked up. 
A large hand grabbed your shoulder, squeezing in, not a reassuring way, but a menacing one. "I hope you remember that your life is contingent on his." 
I didn't forget. It was unsettling to feel his gaze on you when he was this close. You weren't scared of course. If this didn't work, you could always try your devil fruit powers.
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daffodildelight · 1 year
Animagus (Part Two) | Ominis Gaunt x Reader
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Title: Animagus (Part Two)
Pairing: Ominis Gaunt x fem!reader
Summary: Knowing how he feels about you it's time to do something about it
Themes/Warnings: fluff, mutual pining, insecurities
Word count: 1600ish
A/N: Not edited at all, make sure to read part one first: here
Waking up in the morning is not a particularly fun thing to do but you didn’t really have to do that when you didn’t have any sleep. Heart buzzing a million miles an hour and a smile you can’t wipe from your face even when it starts to hurt.
Anne was deeply confused about your whole attitude for the last 12 hours but especially worried about the fact you look like a serial killer, with tired eyes and a smile that can stretch on for miles.
“What is up with you?” Anne groans struggling to get into a seating opposition on her bed. “No one should be this happy in the morning, not even you” She yawns half her sentence before standing up and approaching you. “What happened last night?” she quizzes you.
“Something wonderful happened, something so wonderful that I can’t tell you” you cheered with a grin on your face. Anne makes her way to her trunk and pulls out her uniform and robes before chucking them over her shoulder and heading towards the lavatory “Okay you psychopath. Studying must have really gotten you going last night” she sighs. You can’t help but laugh “It really did”.
Anne takes her leave while you get ready for the school day, double-checking your appearance the entire time. You know Ominis is blind but you wanted to look good yourself, which gives you more confidence in what you're going to do. With one last look in the mirror, you sprayed yourself with some perfume which Ominis commented on a year ago saying you smelled good and you were ready to start the day.
Normally you would meet up with Sebastian or Anne before heading to the great hall and meeting up with Ominis but today is Wednesday and Sebastian has a meeting with cross wands and Anne needs to talk with Poppy Sweeting about some questions coming up in the Care of Magical Creatures N.E.W.Ts. So you were off to the great hall alone to meet up and have breakfast with Ominis alone.
You were feeling kind of nervous, you weren’t going to talk about your findings with Ominis at the great hall because there were too many people and you still had a chance of being rejected, so you had to act normal until you can find an opening to drag Ominis into an abandoned corridor.
Walking along the corridors to the great hall you put you’re mind somewhere else, you focus on the paintings and watch how they interact with students. What looks to be a knight in a portrait threatens to report some students to the headmaster because they moved his fame over an inch. The portrait opposite him, a lady with 2 daughters, fights with the knight stating that the students did nothing wrong. It was quite a funny argument to watch but you really did want to spend some extra time with Ominis so you went on your merry way.
Entering the great hall you feel unbelievably sweaty to the point where you’re rubbing your hands on your Slytherin robes. Walking towards your usual seating place you see Ominis reading a book. Reading as in gliding his finger across the page to ‘read’ the braille. You stand over his shoulder and watch how his hand glide and notice how good his hands look. Yes, this is a bit weird but you never notice how veiny his hands are and that the beauty marks on his face are also on his hands. How could his hands be so perfect?
You grab his shoulder to gain his attention, he turns to you with his pearly white smile and offers his hand so you can sit down on the bench. Feeling nervous you wipe your hands one more time on your robes before grasping his pale hands for help sitting down of course.
“Good morning (Y/N) you smell lovely today” Ominis speaks before closing his book and putting it in his shoulder bag. Heat spread through your face not only for the compliment but also because of how nervous you are. “Thank you Ominis, your hair looks extra superb today” hoping your voice doesn’t give away how anxious you are. He gives you smile before grabbing two plates that were left off to the side.
“Here have some breakfast, I know you love the fruit salad so I made sure to come in earlier to get you some before it ran out” Ominis states before moving the bowl of fruit salad in front of you. Your heart melts, he’s so compassionate, and just wants to make you confess more.
“I was wondering if we could chat in private Ominis? Sometime during the day?” You ask with a face full of fruit salad. Ominis looks apprehensive and reaches for his drink before asking “Hope I haven't done anything bad?”
Letting out a laugh hopefully to reassure him you tell him “Of course, you're not in trouble.” he lets out a sigh of relief “Why do you make it sound like that then?” Ominis then reaches for a piece of toast. Clearing your throat “I just need to talk to you about something important” starting to feel nervous again.
“I don’t understand why you just can’t tell me now, no one can hear us?” Ominis is making this harder for you without even knowing. I mean you could do it now, the only reason you wanted to do it later was that you could procrastinate or just end up not doing it. “Are you okay (Y/N)? Your breathing funny?” That was his way of saying you might want to stop before going into a full-blown panic attack. “It must be pretty serious to warrant this response, I really hope it's not that bad” Ominis puts his hand on your shoulder and leans in closer hoping to comfort you but it really does the opposite when he’s so close that you can smell his aftershave.
Moving slightly back before you do something stupid like kiss him you quickly rush out the words “It’s not bad I promise, I’m just trying to get the nerve to tell you”. Ominis begins to rub your shoulder “Just take your time (Y/N)” before making a joke to ease the growing tension “Just say it I won't bite”. You let out a nervous giggle.
You know the facts like the back of your hand. You know he likes you because he said so and was thinking about asking you to the ball so now you just have to ‘woman up’ and do it. With the remaining courage you have left, you loudly whispered “I like you” into the air hoping Ominis could hear you. A few seconds pass and you feel like you're about to explode from nerves and Ominis's face has changed from concerned to shock. It’s been about 20 seconds of silence. Feeling rejected you quickly say “ah just joking see you later” in the best tone you could possibly say before quickly grabbing your shoulder bag and standing up.
All you could think about was how could this have gone so wrong, you really thought he would’ve said yes after last night. It feels like your heart is about to explode from heartache and you just want to crawl into bed a die. But before you could even think about heading towards your dorm room Ominis grabs your arm quite harshly and drags you back down to the table. “Sorry, that was a bit harsh” Ominis states before rubbing the spot where he grabbed you. Unable to see what Ominis is feeling at this moment you sit there in silence hoping he would be the first one to speak seeing as he really wanted you there. Ominis leans in closer so that you could feel his breath on your nose. “Do you mean it?” He questions before continuing “Because if this is a joke, it’s a very cruel one”
You start nodding your head, hoping he would continue this conversation. Until you realised how stupid you are because he’s blind and can’t see you nod. “Sorry I was nodding” feeling like an idiot you lower your head to look at the floor to avoid seeing him. It’s like Ominis knew you were trying to focus on something else because he then brings his hand under your chin to look back at him. “I like you too, I have for a while” Ominis then tucks some hair behind your ear. “I also wanted to ask if you wanted to go to the Ball with me” You could tell he was nervous when he asked you this.
Before you could even think about your actions you lean up to kiss him on the cheek before giving him a hug. He wraps his arms around your back and puts his face in between your shoulder and neck. You giggle before happily replying “Of course, I’ll go to the Ball with you Ominis” you pull away and before you know it Ominis then kisses your cheek. The heat was starting to make its way up your face and you couldn’t help but feel an absolute attachment to one person.
Both of you don’t seem to notice the twins standing next to you. “Um, what did we just miss?” Anne says but can’t contain her smile. Sebastian, on the other hand, lets out a cheer “Finally it was killing me not telling you guys” he laughs before sitting next to me. You slip your hand into Ominis’ and chuckle before teasing Sebastian when he was gonna ask the MC out.
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yanderemommabean · 1 year
A Neat Little Drabble
“Enjoying the smoke break?” 
A huffed laugh passes his lips as he looks over his shoulder “Yeah, but I know you. You’re about to lecture me about it. I get it doc, smokings killing me, but hey, it’s on my terms, that has to count for something” 
Lee sighs, leaning his elbows on the railing as he faces the building behind them, letting out an exhausted sigh. “Actually Zeke, I was going to tell you to indulge, as a treat, seeing as this new patient is a nightmare and a half” 
Zeke flicks his cigarette, humming in content. Doctor wasn’t wrong, todays been one giant heart palpitation. They’re lucky they know how to handle such a case otherwise some more blood might’ve been shed. “Oh? I get permission to have a bad habit now?” 
“Watch it. I'm still your superior here” Lee chides, turning to lean on the rail facing the same way as his coworker. “A little indulging will help you relax and lengthen your lifespan however, so another break would be fine with me. I myself need another thirty just to soak in everything about this one. Something is just so off, I can’t place my finger on it” 
Zeke flicks the butt of the cigarette to the ground, much to the ire of the doctor who shot him a look of disdain. “So- '' the second doctor begins, “We can agree he’s horrifying. He’s so easy to let your guard down around, at least for some, and that in of itself should be a worry, but honestly what sets me off about him is this look he gets in his eyes. That look that says he’ll risk everything because he has nothing to lose, you know?” 
“Yeah, but Jasper has that look all the time just from me telling him to leave the needle box alone. The eyes bother me too but not from that look. If I’d have to say, I’d say its a look I used to align with myself when I was younger”. 
Zeke cocks his head, intrigued. “What do you mean? I know you’re a bit stern but as far as I know you only raise your voice at that idiot redhead and drink tea to piss Dexter off. Those eyes are that of a killer and an unhinged beast…You’re nothing like that”. 
Lee wants to laugh at that. Poor thing has no idea how close to a monster he really is. But he likes this relationship, it’s normal and mutual, and he’d prefer to keep it that way. “That's sweet of you to say. It's rather odd hearing a compliment from you” he joked, facing down the buildings and roads beneath them from the balcony. No, the look in this patient's eyes was definitely a look he has had himself. A look that said he was going to kill, maim, maul and murder just to get what he desired. But not because he had nothing left to lose. 
It was because he had found what he had been searching for. Once a man like him has found his soulmate, he’s bound to do horrible things to keep them. Today when he was brought in, he was like a completely demonic being. Slipping out of the cuffs, hiding in plain sight, attacking when you least expected it. He wasn’t human, he couldn’t be. 
And if he is, it’s all the more unfathomable and terrifying. 
“I'm always nice to you” Zeke scoffs, nudging Lee playfully “We don't have to worry about much. We’re trained and capable of handling him. Hell, I’m sure it’ll be a breeze once the rest of the staff stops getting in the way and panicking. Most of those cuts and attacks were because they couldn’t quit screaming and losing their shit”. 
“Mind you that you weren’t helping by egging him on. I'd rather not see you get your knife out. I know you’re fond, but this is work, we come here to help, not to antagonize” Lee scolds, eyes turned to slits in annoyance. “You’re a great student and a great friend. I watched you at graduation. I don’t want to lose you because you too can’t keep urges at bay. That's the line that keeps us from becoming one of these patients” 
“That and half of them aren’t exactly human” 
“Yes, Jasper is an enigma” 
The two share a chuckle, Zeke flicking his lighter as he sighs. “Well, what do we call this newcomer? Didn’t exactly get the info since the pages were spattered in blood”. 
Ah, he seems to remember that the screaming wasn’t exactly that of the patient's identity. Just slashing, cackling, and terrified cries for help or aid. One would think the name of such a person would be similar to that of a beast of legend or Lucifer himself. 
Lee tilts his head up to better feel the wind on his face, shoulders hunched as he speaks bitterly. 
(Hi! I hope you beans enjoyed this little short! I might make more, but it depends on how my brain looks at the new character lol -Mommabean )
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inkedreverie · 11 months
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Hello, I'm back with another writing challenge. Since spooky season and my birthday are a few months away, I thought I'd host another writing challenge. This time with a much longer due date. Let's jump into it, shall we?
This theme is inspired by my love for dark fics and anything spooky/scary/surpernatural, you name it! I want this challenge to be versatile. That means your fic can contain angst, can take place in a dark/spooky setting. The choice is yours.
𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 & 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨;
-The prompts below will be sexual/dark so, all participants must be 18+
-All tropes and kinks are welcome except for underage/incest
-This challenge is open to dark fic writers/non dark fic writers
- Any of Sebastian Stan, cevan's characters, marvel/ or stranger things characters are welcome. I'm open to other fandoms/characters as well. Just let me know. All I ask is that there are no RPFS.
-Reader inserts only. But any type of reader is welcome. GN!, Plus Size, POC, etc.
-No word limits but I ask that if your piece is longer than 500 words, please leave a read more.
-Tag all warnings/kinks appropriately.
-You can start whenever you wish. The deadline isn't until September 28th, so that should give you plenty of time.
-You can mix and match the prompts or use just one of them. More than one person can use the same prompt if you wish.
-Please tag your fics with #DuskTillDawnChallenge and @ me so I can see your work.
-Last but not least, feel free to message or dm me with any further questions!
Enemies to Lovers
Forced Intimacy
Basement Wife
Dry Humping
Werewolf AU
Vampire AU
Demon/Angel AU
Demon/Human AU
Forced Marriage AU
Post-apocalyptic AU
Haunted House/ Castle AU
Serial Killer AU
Horror AU
"Don’t look at them, why are you looking at them? Look at me. they’re not going to help you."
"You see, I had quite a reputation as the go-to guy. My job demanded it at the time. So I know where to apply the tiniest amount of pressure to a wound like yours."
"No one is coming for you. I made sure of that."
"You look so good like this, all tied up and bloodied."
"You couldn't live with your own failure, and where did that bring you? Yeah, right back to me."
"It should have been you." "I know"
“All you are is a liar...” “My love for you is not a lie.”
"Don't trust people like me. I will hurt you in the most beautiful and intoxicating ways so that you can never go back to your normal life without my ghost following you."
"Oh, I’m not going to rush this. I’m going to take my sweet time."
“Please, I have to get home.”
“Come out, come out, wherever you are.”
“I told you to shut up and you know I don’t repeat myself.”
“You’re scaring me.” “Good.”
“I didn’t follow you, you led me here.”
“How did you get in here?”
“They’re going to start looking for me.”
“You can bite me. I like it.”
“I’ve done so much for you, don’t you think you owe me?”
“You want to do that again… you want me to hurt you.”
“Take off your clothes. Slowly. I want to watch you.”
"Do not scream god's name, scream mine."
“Louder, I want to hear you!”
“I can’t sleep if I’m not inside you.”
“I don’t care who hears, I want everyone to hear what I do to you.”
“You want me to pull out, ask me nice and I’ll cum in your mouth.”
“I wanna fuck you right against the glass so everyone can see how good you take it.”
"I get so hard when I’m around you."
tagging some mutuals who might be interested! no pressure. @thornsnvultures, @brandycranby, @nickfowlerrr, @mickeyhenrys
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sitp-recs · 5 months
BL Reclist - Part 3
Thanks to @pullatta’s encouragement I come bearing more BL gifts! This is the third part of my manga/manhwa recs. This list compiles some of my current reads (the other 3 were mentioned in previous lists: Shutline, Steel Like Silk and Semantic Error). Curiously, some of these have an art style that isn’t what I usually go for, but the plot is so good and characters so compelling I couldn’t resist. There’s a bit of everything here: pls mind the heavy themes for #8; go with #3, #6 or #7 for feel-good slice-of-slice, with #10 for a fun rivals to fuck buddies to lovers. #9 has the prettiest art and top notch angsty historical romance. #2 brings sexy & tender vampire love, #4 and #5 are the way to go if you you’re looking for adult, nuanced and introspective stories. If you wanna choose only one go with Momentum, a masterclass in intimacy. I’d love to hear your thoughts! I think this will be my last manga list for a while, wondering if I should go for anime recs next? Hmmm 🤔
1. Codename Anastasia by Boy season & eunbi (E)
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Agent Kwon Taekjoo is dispatched to Russia with two tasks. First, he must find “Anastasia,” a new weapon that could change the world forever. Second, he is to avoid Russia’s psychotic killer, Psikh Bognadov, at all costs. To assist him on his undercover mission, Taekjoo is sent a partner who only reveals himself to be a man named Zhenya. But Zhenya quickly proves himself to be just as dangerous and unhinged as the infamous Psikh himself.
2. FANGS by Billybalibally (E)
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As the sole survivor of a vampire attack, En wakes up to find that his hair has gone white as snow... and, worse, that he's developed a craving of his own for blood. Fortunately, the vampire health and welfare organization FANGS is there to help with the transition, and the handsome Ichii steps up as his guardian and mentor. Swept up into a confusing and lonely new world where everyone seems to be hankering for a taste of his "virgin" blood, En must navigate the FANGS pairing system, an arrangement that sets up compatible vampires as mutual feeding partners... and partners in all other ways as well.
3. Fools Remastered by Yeongha / Parkdam (T)
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Eungi has been in college without being engaged with others. One day by encounter, he finds the secret of underclassman Jeongwoo. Why are you so nervous to forget? A love story that’s both easy and difficult. See original story HERE.
4. Lovesick Dog by Songhyel (E)
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If one word could encapsulate Noh Ye-gyum, it would be “lovesick.” Despite him loving people with all his heart, Ye-gyum finds himself trapped in an endless cycle of being used, betrayed, and ultimately abandoned. This time proves no different for him, as the family of his current ""master"" Jooyung drives him away to pave the path for Jooyung's advantageous marriage and future spouse. Suddenly, a mysterious man named Jooin appears, sweeping Ye-gyum away to his home. There, he is fed, clothed, and showered with an overwhelming amount of affection. As Ye-gyum senses the telltale signs of his lovesickness resurfacing, an uncertainty lingers: will this man also leave him, or could he finally hold the cure to this lifelong affliction?
5. Momentum by Park ji-yeon (E)
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“Momentum” is a series of beautifully drawn vignettes that glimpse into the life-altering moments of several couples as they fall in and out of love. This BL features a series of characters learning how to love, understand, and forgive one another – and in some cases, the world – at different moments in their lives.
6. Our Sunny Days by Jeong seokchan (M)
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Sung Ho’s not the kind you’d typically expect to settle down in the countryside. He’s in his late 20s, ex-military, and…a single father with a year-old baby his ex-girlfriend pawned off on him. Jobless and without any prospects but a house, Sung Ho hopes the peaceful Nuldongmae village will make a good new home for him and his daughter. Rumor has it that the head of the village, despite his young age, is a real jerk… But he won’t have to deal with that, will he?
7. Run Wild by Wuzhe / Zuoercongdong (M)
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As soon as Jiang Cheng finds out he’s adopted, he’s abandoned by his adoptive family and sent to live with his deadbeat father, who has a gambling addiction. Everything about his new life, from his pathetic father to the unfamiliar environment, makes Jiang Cheng depressed. But then he meets Gu Fei, who’s like a shining bright light in this run-down city, and the two become each other’s salvation and hope.
8. Stigma by Marloong (E)
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In the dark alleys of this city, there's no hope for trash like Sehyun. Having sex with strangers in the cramped stall behind a bar is just a typical Thursday night. But after a chance encounter with the brash and violent Boris, Sehyun begins to dream of living a normal life and an end to his restless nights. Boris is unlike any other man he's encountered. After a life spent bound by thorns, can time truly heal all scars?
9. Under the Plum Blossom Tree by Bori/Baekha (M)
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As the son of a prestigious political figure in Joseon, Hajin has only ever been interested in studying to become like his father. That is, until he meets Namwoo, a young man who takes on various odd jobs as he struggles to pass his school exams. As they overcome hardships together and learn more about each other's history, they soon realize that their lives are intertwined in more ways than they thought.
10. You Get Me Going by Moscareto (E)
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Despite being thirty-three, Young-won sure is gullible. He falls in love way too easily, comes on way too hard, and still believes that he’ll meet “Mr. Right” sooner or later. Not that he knows who “Mr. Right” is, but he sure does know about “Mr. Wrong,” a.k.a. Kang Hyun-woo. Young-won swears that he’ll never, ever get together with this polar opposite of his, but the universe sure seems to think different. One drunken night, they end up in the same bed and Hyun-woo proposes an intriguing deal…
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muninnhuginn · 6 months
just generally musing to myself what makes thematic and plot sense for the link clink ending after reading some other people's takes the past few days. no real conclusions here, just some thoughts tied together with a string.
I've seen arguments that what needs to happen is that Lu Guang needs to accept Cheng Xiaoshi's fate and move on without regrets. This idea that the past has to remain as-is and you have to move on is a thread that the show has played with quite a few times. It's written into the very rules underlying the dives. The most obvious instance being the earthquake arc, where Cheng Xiaoshi was unable to save Chen Xiao's mum, but he *was* able to deliver the messages and thereby help CX gain closure. It's laid out by Lu Guang that it *was* worth it to deliver the words, and Cheng Xiaoshi takes this conclusion with him when he confronts Emma. (Of course, the fact this lesson was given by *Lu Guang* casts a different shade over the whole affair. I don't think it can be entirely discarded, given LG even admits he's going against his own rules, but it reads more like something he's trying and failing to convince himself of.)
So, the past has to stay as it is. We see a few different approaches to this idea in s2 - of people refusing to move on and trying to change the past. Qian Jin wants to force his wife "not to cheat"; he wants to alter her behaviour because she didn't act as he wanted. Li Tianchen wanted to change how *he* acted back then, even if indirectly, because he sees himself as his mother's killer, and thinks this is the point at which his tragedy was locked into place. They both thought their 'tragedies' were down to a single event. It's not that simple.
Lu Guang wants to personally protect Cheng Xiaoshi by controlling all scenarios. Not exactly taking his will, but limiting his choices. There's probably a whole post to be made on how QJ/LTC/LG each approach the agency of the ones they want to protect, but that's not for now.
Anyway, Li Tianchen as the foil to Lu Guang. At the end of s2, he has in theory let go of Li Tianxi but in practice he's just burying himself deeper by following Liu Xiao. Trying to entirely shun the past so he can believe that he still has some element of control. Both LTC and LG are at the extreme ends of clinging on vs letting go and that means the correct answer has to lie somewhere in the middle. Not shunning the past, but accepting it, and using that resolve to move forward.
So, Liu Xiao. We don't have much on him but what we do have is his belief that uncertainties should become certainties. He's deterministic and set explicitly as the counter to Lu Guang, whose own aim is to change events rather than lock them into place. They both want to *control* all aspects, but for differing reasons. In fate vs free will, it makes sense that our protagonist is on the side of free will, but it's interesting that he's presented himself so much as the opposite previously. He and CXS haven't exactly switched places, but to the audience, they've definitely taken on traits of the other.
Liu Xiao's whole spiel about how all options will eventually lead to the same outcomes, with him set *against* Lu Guang, very much seems like it's a setup for a "defeat fate" type plotline though. It's hammered in that there is no escape, no other option. Are we expected to accept this? It doesn't seem so. It's something I'm struggling to reconcile somewhat with the earlier messages about accepting the past, but maybe that's not quite it. Maybe it's about control vs freedom?
Trust fall. Every dive with LG and CXS is an act of mutual trust where they need to act in tandem. Dives go astray when one party acts without the other. For CXS, this is about him acting against LG's instructions (texting Emma's parents, staying in the earthquake dive). For LG, this is about him withholding info because he doesn't trust how CXS will react.
Lu Guang needs to put his trust in CXS before his withholding of information creates an unresolvable rift. He needs to stop trying to control CXS in order to keep him safe. We saw how that spun out for Li Tianchen and Li Tianxi. LG needs to put the choice into Cheng Xiaoshi's hands and let him decide his own fate. It reminds me of how Cheng Xiaoshi laid everything out for Emma and let her decide whether to live. It was only outside interference that prevented her, but she did make the choice to survive. And she did it by remembering those small moments. By accepting that tragedy happens but there are still people that make it worth it.
For LG and CXS, they need to mutually trust each other and that's how they'll find their way through.
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triglycercule · 16 days
what do you think of murder time trio poly
i thought someone would never ask.
murder time trio poly is like the sun is to a plant. me being the plant of course. without it i simply could not live a satisfactory life and would die out. i have so much to say about them
see now WHY is the ship so damn good?? because they're practically made for each other without even knowing it like hello why are these three characters with the same origin point so perfect for eachother despite having different backstories and personalities. the creators were all across the world yet these three fit so well together you might as well think that SAS rahafwabas and askdusttale communicated telepathically to place all these parallels and dynamics into theri aus. they have so much chemistry together even when theyre not being shipped it's unreal. you will never see them apart in art because they're the mtt. they literally have their own trio name that's how iconic they are together (they mightve stolen it from the bad time trio but its ok its ok they deserve it). you don't see any other characters beings referred to those names aside from the bad sanses and star sanses so that just shows how awesome they are together
they don't even have to be in love to be good with eachother like hello. even in their duos theyre so good for eachother but it feels incomplete without all three. and the best part is that they don't even know eachother canonically so it's completely up to personal interpretation how you think they would be together. like canon is already juicy enough already but theres still so many other interpretations based on aus or headcanons or literally just who is thinking about them (i love seeing other people's interpretations of the mtt because its always so different. you will never find two versions of them that are the same from two different people)
dust and killer have their beef with eachother where they hate the other for what theyve done but it's onesided mostly from dust. dust doesn't like him but he tries to avoid him (canonically. ya i read the dusttale blog and you should too) and yeah killer has a grudge against him because dust is an asshole but he just keeps bothering him and getting up into his business because hes curious and needs entertainment to distract himself and slowly but surely they start warming up to eachother and become frienemies. they will NEVER truly become full friends because they simply are too traumatized to do so. dust will always resent killer for teaming up with the human and killer will never be able to get dust to forgive him because he is permanently stuck as killer sans but they can try. they can try to be friends even if they fucking hate eachothers guts. they can stab eachother and then go patch themselves up. they won't help the other tend to their wounds but they will offer some offhand comments here and there if killer misses a gash or dust forgets about a bone he needs to fix. this is as healthy as they get but it's okay. the mutual rage is what makes kist work
like kist horror and dust don't like eachother either. it's a mutual thing for all three of them that they fucking hate eachother. but unlike kist (or horrorkiller aswell) horrordust are the "nicest" to each other. dust pities horror. he feels bad that horror had to go through something terrible all at the hands of a human just like he did. he knows that horror did some questionable things (why in horror's not so right mind did he think feeding papyrus HUMAN FLESH was a good idea. he understands why and all but it still upsets him) but it's not like dust will comment on it. dust doesn't have the right to after all the bullshit he did. but horror hates this he hates that dust pities him. he KNOWS what he did was wrong and he absolutely resents being reminded of what he did, or even getting the slightest bit of pity for himself (because nobody should feel bad for him especially after all he did. he doomed the underground and ruined his papyrus and changed everyone for the worse out of rage). horror and dust mutually avoid eachother (dust out of respect and horror out of disrespect 💀💀) but they eventually have a few interactions. they get along FINE. they have some passive aggressive bickering mostly started by horror and dust fires back but overall their relationship is courteous. they do get into fights but unless both of them are in a REALLY bad mood theyll likely just leave the other before it gets physical. they would get along fine if they could just fucking trust eachother but they don't. that tension will always be there where they judge eachother
horrorkiller is similar to kist. except not. like with dust, horror probably really doesn't like killer for similar reasons and killer probably bothers horror out of curiosity too. except the way they react is different from kist/horrordust. horror doesn't explode like dust does when killer riles him up. instead he just insults him back passive aggressively with no fire behind it because he knows that killer's just looking for entertainment (he also thinks killer's below him. probably.) killer is ngl intrigued by this. he wants to know what will make horror snap just like dust does at him. so he tries to make his insults more and more mean, but horror can actually spit back without getting mad and it bothers killer. he tries sabotage (pranks) but it turns out that horror likes pranks. what will it take for killer to piss him off??? (it's insulting actions like killing a papyrus literally infront of horror and making it a mockery it's disrespecting food in front of horror with intent to piss him off etc etc) but it takes killer a long ass time to figure this out and by then hes kinda become somewhat decent friends with horror (friendsISH. a canonesque murder time trio will never truly become friends with eachother)
"okay but triglycercule you fiend. none of this is about murder time trio POLY. this is about them as friends and you should never speak again." i hear you disembodied voice in my head but let me tell you this: mttpoly is literally just them as friends. and you wannanknow why its because of qprs. yaaaa personally i don't think that a canonesque mtt would be anything more than a qpr. dust wouldnt be interested in romantic partners (i think dusttale blog said that. dusttale blog i love you.) horror would rather die and have bis corspe fed to undyne than even think of doing anything non plstonic with either of those losers and killer just does not give a damn about the specifics of their relationship (because he's cool like that) and ya sure there are versions of them out there who might be more than a QPR and i wholeheartedly love those idas because i love these three but my personal canon(ish. nothing is truly canon unless it comes out of the holy mtt trinity of creators) interpretations. also none of this even considers the whole boatload of aus and personal hcs and other stuff that other contexts and people who can take these templates of characters that have never met and make them into something amazing with their interactions
but yeah. i just think theyre neat
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likecastle · 8 months
OK, this one's for @bus-ghoul, who said, "Robin and Nancy for whatever reason shop at the mall (that somehow didn’t burn down)." Thanks for this prompt! I love a girl-world shopping trip! I didn't wind up setting this at Starcourt, but there is shopping at the mall, so hopefully that works! I also, once again, made this kinda angsty. Whoops! All Feelings! No serious warnings on this one, though.
“Are you sure you girls don’t want me to drive you?” Nancy’s mom asks fretfully.
“Yes, Mom,” Nancy says, not for the first time. Somehow, Nancy’s impending departure for college has activated her mom’s protective streak way more than any of the nightmarish events of the past few years ever have. Nancy figures her going away to college probably feels real to her mom in a way that psychic children and extra-dimensional sinkholes never did.
“We’ll be fine, Mrs. Wheeler,” Robin pipes up, from where she’s standing by the passenger side door, just waiting to get in. “I promise. It’s not even an hour’s drive.”
Nancy’s mom still looks torn, but finally she sighs and takes a twenty dollar bill from her purse. “Why don't you get yourselves a nice lunch while you’re out shopping.”
Over the roof of the car, Nancy sees Robin’s eyes widen. And sure enough, once they’re finally on the road and Robin has finished fiddling with the radio, she says, “What does your mom think we're going to get for lunch? Caviar and champagne at Hotdog on a Stick?”
Nancy shakes her head, as if it’ll help her shake off her mom’s worry. “She just wants us to have a good time,” she says, feeling defensive now, even though she was irritated at her only a few minutes ago.
“I’m pretty sure it’s scientifically impossible to have a good time shopping for twin XL sheets and shower flip-flops.”
“Do you want me to drop you off at home?” Nancy threatens, without much heat. “Because I can still turn around.”
To their mutual surprise, they do actually have a good time. College Mall is doesn’t have quite the same selection as Starcourt did, but it’s also not backed by nefarious Russians. It shouldn’t be fun, shopping with someone who has objectively terrible taste, and who thinks Nancy has awful taste in turn, but it is.
“Seriously, Wheeler?” Robin asks, when Nancy picks up a perfectly nice set of sheets with pale pink roses on them.
“What? What’s wrong with these?”
Robin laughs. “Nothing, if you’re Laura Ashley!”
“Well," she says indignantly, "which ones would you pick?”
Robin gets a devilish look in her eye and leads Nancy across the bedding section, weaving between the displays. “Just look at these beauties!” she says, doing jazz hands in the direction of a set of sheets in an eye-searing geometric pattern, every angle somehow in startling disharmony with the next. Nancy actually feels a little dizzy looking at the fabric, something she hadn’t previously thought was even possible.
“They’re hideous,” Nancy says.
“I know,” Robin says, with barely-restrained glee. She holds the package up for Nancy to take a closer look, which only makes the design worse. “Isn’t it great?! It’s like someone vomited non-Euclidean geometry all over your bed. Imagine if a—if someone brought you back to their dorm and you start making out only to find that under their comforter. Instant hilarity.”
Nancy blinks at the mental image. “I guess it would be sort of a mood killer,” she admits, though her dating history’s been marred by some pretty lamentable bedroom décor, and that never stopped her.
Robin nods sagely. “Good for weeding out the faint of heart.”
“You should get them,” Nancy says firmly, though she doesn’t think the sheets are any less ugly now than she did a minute ago. But they make Robin laugh, and it's nice to see her toothy, sidelong grin.
Robin shrugs, setting the package of sheets back down on the shelf. “I’ll probably just bring some sheets from home,” she says, her voice carefully casual.
Nancy remembers too late Robin bemoaning the fact that her scholarship to IUB doesn’t cover room and board. It hasn’t escaped her notice that Robin’s got one shopping bag to Nancy’s three.
“D’you want to get some frozen custard?” Nancy asks abruptly. “My mom’s treat.”
“Yes, I absolutely do,” Robin says, with such seriousness that Nancy can’t help but laugh.
Nancy can’t help thinking about it, though, as they make their way to the food court and order their frozen custard, Robin shoving the remainder of the twenty dollars into the tip jar out of sympathy. She can’t help thinking how different their college experiences are going to be—Nancy almost a thousand miles away at Emerson, Robin here in Bloomington, not even an hour away from home. Nancy has a merit scholarship, too, but her parents are paying for everything it doesn’t cover without batting an eye, while Robin’s been talking about getting a part-time job on top of her work-study. Nancy’s not even sure when Robin will find time to take someone back to her dorm to make out.
That hasn’t escaped her notice, either, the little pronoun game Robin plays sometimes—when she talks about dating at all. Nancy’s never asked outright, because she’s afraid to shatter the tenuous friendship that’s developed between them since spring break. But between her vehement insistence that she and Steve are just friends and the way she looked at Susan Sarandon in The Hunger that one time they all tried to do movie night, Nancy’s reasonably certain that the someone Robin would be bringing home would be someone a little like Nancy herself. Probably not just like her. Someone cooler, with edgier taste in music. Someone who wouldn’t pick sheets with dainty little rosebuds on them. Someone with red hair, most likely, if Nancy’s not mistaken. But someone—at least in some particulars—not entirely unlike Nancy.
And Nancy doesn’t really know what to do with the way that knowledge sits inside her, the way she thinks about Robin leaning back on her elbows on her dorm room bed and feels a pang of jealousy for the girl who’ll get to push her down on the worn-soft sheets she brought from home. But it’s a moot point, because even if Robin’s interested in girls, it’s not like she’d attracted to girls like Nancy, and even if she were, in a few weeks they’ll be half a continent apart, and Nancy’s tried the long-distance thing and it didn’t work out great the last time, so what’s the point of even entertaining the possibility?
Even so, as she watches Robin sneak her spoon out to steal a taste of Nancy’s yogurt, she does think about it.
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leannan-sithe · 6 months
So you want to join our Godspousing Discord?
Here is a link to our standard advertisement post. Please go read it to find out more details about our 18+ Godspousing discord.
This isn't going to be our standard advertisement, partially because I'm bored of reposting the same thing. Instead, I want to enlighten folks on what happens on our godspousing discord.
The Pros:
Since it's invite-only, our community feels comfortable enough to get advice about intimate topics regarding deities and spirits, such as love, dating, and bedroom funtimes.
We have our "off-topic" area for your daily life, memes, pet pics, music discussions. We don't solely discuss our dating lives; we work to build a community of friends!
Unless there's extreme drama, what happens on this discord generally stays there. We discourage gossip about other discords and foster mutual respect. If we see each other on other discord servers, there's an understanding that we don't "out" each other without permission!
As an "older" godspousing discord (coming up on 4 years soon!), we have the benefit of past knowledge. We've been through all the varieties of godspousing drama, and we have policies in place to help prevent those from happening again.
The Cons:
Since it's invite-only, we rely on members to invite other people. This other option is literally this kind of Tumblr advertisement. In order to join, you do have to answer me these questions three in a DM. We check for all the basic red and yellow flags -- appropriation, homophobia, racism, etc -- but also take note of things that might be a problem in the future.
When people get mad at our closed community, they tend to use that against us even if the closed aspect benefited them previously. If you've seen complaints and call out posts on Tumblr before, it's usually because someone did something stupid and got banned, so now they're trying to take us down. We've gotten called a cult, I've gotten called a narcissist (derogative), people have turned around to make their own discords to compete with us. There's nothing we can really do to prevent this other than reblog and counter, but sometimes it's not worth it.
We don't allow appropriation. Lilith is Jewish, you should be Jewish or converting to work with her. Celtic is a label of multiple different nations, not just Ireland. Western chakras are appropriated and disconnected from their original dharmic practices. We're really clear on not allowing appropriation, but that's like 50% of the reason people get banned and start blasting us on Tumblr, is because we don't allow them to steal. Is it a cult if the "forced upon" belief is "hey don't steal?"
Why Being Invite-Only is Necessary:
People lie to us to join, they hide their age, their name, their past history of appropriation. They hide their godspouse or spirit partner's names and then get shocked pikachu when we're not okay with ghosts of dead murderers being around. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if our community was publicly accessible?
We aren't a zoo. Every few years, we prune our lurkers who don't reply to an activity check (after months of being warned and direct messages about it) so we know exactly how many people are around. We don't have hundreds of non-active members sipping tea and watching us confess fears and worries about our intimate lives. We don't allow people who are casually interested to join, only people who are seriously wanting to start godspousing. We don't allow researchers, we don't allow people who have only just heard of godspousing and found our post.
The community is mostly self-moderating, but on the occasions that we have problem members, the workload goes from 10% to 110%. We've had people say they're married to spirit "X" and then spirit X turns out to literally be a serial killer. We've had people who claim to be indigenous and Jewish and practice Shinto (all things we don't challenge directly, as it could be true) but then step on their own feet and admit they're not Jewish at all, they were just thinking about converting, they went to a Shinto shrine and a powwow once, so it's okay. We've had people who blamed a specific god for COVID and said it was actually a good thing. We've had people have a villainous Pop Culture partner, which is fine, but then they started posting on tumblr about how genocide is good actually. And these aren't even touching on the casual TERFs, racists, and p*dos that worm their way in without anyone noticing. These were people who were actively invited. A public server would be a billion times worse.
So, at the end of it, just go check out our regular advertisement and see if you want to join.
Maybe we have a lot of rules. Maybe we seem very wordy in all the things we do or don't allow. But, damn y'all, it's for a reason. And the reason is to keep our server safe and healthy!
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radiomurdeer · 3 months
Random ideas I'd like to see. These are by no means comprehensive or in any particular order and I'm down with lots of plotting/changes to initial idea, these are just some things off the top of my head to help facilitate plotting. You can view the wishlist tag itself by clicking here. This got long woops so I'll put it all under a cut.
With Anyone/General Scenarios
Hotel Dad Alastor - maybe he shouldn't have told Charlie he viewed her as his spawn. I feel like such a bold claim should have consequences.
Alastor is injured after the fight and is dealing with it. The other muse does not believe that he's fine (maybe he is, maybe he isn't) and wants to help.
Alastor is injured after the fight and is taken advantage of (dark thread)
corruption thread! slower burn, Alastor just being a general creeper and influencing those around him in a negative way. Or someone corrupting him but I feel like that might be harder to plot for.
muse as one of Alastor's contractees and has to deal with having a weird creepy boss
found family stuff I'm a sucker for it
Alastor joining the Vees. How willing he is can be variable. Maybe he joined when Vox asked? Maybe he lost the fight with Vox and one of the Vees ended up holding his leash 7 years ago. Maybe he finally relented after coming back from his sabbatical. Bonus points for anyone trying to convince him to change his name to Valastor or something equally dumb with a V to match the rest of them (he refuses, tyvm)
redeemed!Alastor - Great Alastor, altruist, did die for his friends. He's not happy about this. No one is happy about this. Falling from Heaven any% speedrun go! Or maybe Heaven figures out a way to use him against Hell?
human!AU with Alastor as serial killer dating a horror/crime writer like this post
IDK I just like political intrigue
With Charlie
AU where Alastor is, in fact, dating Charlie like he insinuated at the beginning of Episode 5 before switching tactics to be a father figure. This is probably not a healthy ship but it could be
Hotel Dad Alastor - you made the claim my guy, time to stick with it
IDK make him sit in therapy or something. He's not a resident, he's staff, but he should set a good example right? Or maybe she wants to try out some psychology stuff she's read about and get his opinion before testing it on the resident(s)
them working together on some project for the hotel or something else
field trips to Cannibal Town or elsewhere - for someone raised in Hell, she doesn't really seem to know much about her people
With Husk
role reversal, Husk owns Alastor's soul
Overlord Husk - stuff in the past leading up to the game where Husk lost his soul
aftermath and time following Alastor getting Husk's soul
With Lucifer
Lucifer and Alastor having to deal with each other, I just want banter and maybe reluctant co-parenting/co-hosting at the hotel.
Something based on the Mutual Satisfaction comic by @/Fernrynn on Twitter, first page is here but the rest is easy enough to find (tw: gore, canniballism), - Lucifer makes a deal with Alastor to provide his meals. Probably more of a horror thread tbh?
I like RadioApple of all flavors. Lucifer and Alastor dealing with starting to like someone they can't stand and having to deal with feelings is a fun dynamic.
With Vox
Them meeting and working together, Alastor taking a newly spawned Vox under his wing.
AU where they continue working together and the 'Vees' didn't happen (idk I love the idea of 'the Media Demons/Broadcast Husbands' getting a rep and showing up at the hotel in the pilot instead of just Alastor)
the point leading up to and including where Alastor and Vox split. I high key headcanon this happened in the 70s/80s when Valentino showed up. An ultimatum was given, and Vox chose Val. Super negotiable on the reason for the split though.
AU where Alastor loses the fight 7 years ago and ends up working for Vox. Or the other way around? Either is good.
Vox and Alastor team up for some reason during/after the series, possibly reconciling, possibly not
RadioStatic of all flavors, unrequited/unspoken/QPR/exes/anything. I fucking love RadioStatic
corrupt priest or corrupt nun AU? AU where one is getting tempted by a devil? both tempting an NPC? Idk Vox's priest getup in ep 2 and Alastor's nun outfit in ep 5 had me thinking
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burgundybmw · 2 years
Munson's Mixtape
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Cunningham!Reader
Word Count: 3,342
Warnings: ED mention, Mrs. Cunningham being the worst mom ever, mention of Eddie's shit dad, angst, funeral mention, hurt/comfort.
Summary: Chrissy has been acting weird, and like a good big sister Y/N drives to Hawkins from Notre Dame to check in on her. Only to find out she has plans to meet up with Eddie Munson. Things take a turn for the worse and now Y/N gets wrapped in to the horrors of Hawkins. Hey, at least she has the company of the guitarist she was sweet on back in high school for comfort.
Author’s Note: A mutual trauma dump can be something so special. I promise this is going to be the last of the angst for a minute, until I get to the episode 9 stuff that is. Just a warning, it will be angsty. But this is a fix it fic! So... take that with what you will. Hope you guys enjoy!
Track Nine
They should have left Hawkins when they had the chance. If only she had gotten her shit together after Chrissy died. They could've been in Canada by now, made their way into Alaska or something. It was only the Hawkins police, the FBI or the CIA wasn't involved then. Eddie would have been a wanted man sure, but they wouldn't have found them. They weren't even looking for him, but now they were.
A million and one regrets came tumbling through Y/N's mind. Why didn't they run? Why didn't she try talking to the police first? Before they started pointing fingers at Eddie? She knew they would do that. Knew it from day one. But she didn't do that, she decided to waste precious time. Eddie had to take care of her, because she was a mess. This whole goddamn thing was a mess. Y/N couldn't understand it. How could anyone look at the state of Chrissy's body and think Eddie would do that? How any human being could do that? Didn't they do an autopsy? See how there was no weapon involved? Why were they going after Eddie? Sweet innocent Eddie?
She was pacing around the boathouse trying to come up with a plan. Y/N tried to have faith in Dustin, Max, Robin and Steve, she really did. They had experience with this sort of thing before, the Upside Down, monsters and mayhem. But they weren't familiar with people, those who didn't know about what was beneath. Y/N was. She feared that even if they did win, if they succeeded in killing Vecna, that Eddie would still get thrown under the bus. How could they make the people of Hawkins believe that an inter-dimensional monster was behind Chrissy's death? The government wouldn't allow the truth to come out, so how could they cover it up?
"Y/N stop pacing, you're going to make yourself sick." Eddie had been trying to get her to relax for the past hour. After they heard the police sirens, Dustin and his friends left to go see what was going on. Y/N had been pacing ever sense.
"I can't Eddie. I need to think. I need to come up with a plan." Could they pin it on someone else? Some random killer? Maybe they could contact the government doctor who helped that Eleven girl disappear. What did Dustin say his name was? Dr. Owens? Yea, he could help. They could create a fake serial killer, surely Vecna was going to strike again, that could work. She could say that Eddie and her had been kidnapped. They could get their stories straight, but this plan entirely depends on the help of one man, if they could even find him. Y/N didn't like those odds.
"Dustin has a plan Y/N, we just need to sit tight while they do their thing." A plan? What plan? Find Vecna, kill him, and boom Eddie's safe? That's not a plan, it's barely an outline.
"I don't want to gamble with your life Eddie! We are in some serious shit right now!" She didn't mean to yell at Eddie, but he was playing fast and loose with his life. She wouldn't stand for that.
"Dustin might have plan A in the works, but I'll sure as hell have plans B-Z worked out solid. Then I'll start working on the greek alphabet, maybe throw in some fucking Egyptian hieroglyphs in the mix. Whatever it takes to make sure you don't get blamed for this mess!" Y/N could feel the tears falling down her face, she didn't realize she was crying.
Eddie stood up and wrapped his arms around her. She could smell the weed they had smoked earlier, and the cheap detergent they used to wash their clothes. It was soothing, familiar. He didn't say anything at first, just held her as she cried. She was so sick of crying.
"I don't know why you're so worried about me sweetheart. You're driving yourself crazy trying to find a way to save my sorry ass." Y/N didn't know why he wasn't worried. This was his life on the line.
"I just can't lose you too, Eddie. I can't go home after this and see my fucking parents knowing Chrissy won't be there anymore. I can't go back to Notre Dame knowing you're rotting in some prison cell or worse. I just can't." Eddie was rocking Y/N back and forth as she cried. He didn’t know how the hell he earned the loyalty of Y/N Cunningham, but he wasn’t going to have her shed tears for him anymore. His heart couldn’t take it.
“Everything’s gonna be fine Y/N. I’m not worried, you know why?” Y/N looked up at him then, her beautiful eyes glassy and wet.
“Why?” She sniffled, the tears finally stopping.
“Because you’re right here with me. You’re fucking brilliant Y/N, and if Dustin’s plan fails I know yours won’t. You’ve never let me down before, hell, you’re the one who defeated Vecna first!” Y/N laughed, her face shoved into Eddie’s shirt.
“That was a just a game Eds…”
“Just a game she says. DnD is not just a game Y/N. It’s a lifestyle.” She lightly flicked the side of Eddie’s head before she took a step back from him, getting a better look of his face.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“Yea yea, you still love me though.” He pulled her back into the hug, not willing to let her go just yet.
Y/N stayed silent, she didn’t trust herself not to spill her heart out to him. To say that yes, she did love him. She was falling in love with Eddie Munson. It made her sad to realize this now. The first person she would have told was Chrissy. She likes to think her sister had an idea about her feelings for him. Back when Y/N was still in high school she would talk about Eddie to her after their tutoring sessions, back when she didn’t acknowledge the affection she had for him. Chrissy would tease her, ask her to bring Eddie home with her.
“He looks so scary, Mom would totally drop dead if he took a step into the house.” Y/N just laughed it off, told her not to threaten her with a good time.
“I don’t know about him, but if you like him he can’t be all bad.” Y/N had rushed to defend herself, said it wasn’t like that. Chrissy had a look on her face then, like she knew something her sister didn’t. As if she knew that when they would talk about their futures, Y/N hoped it was Eddie who was with her in the end. She hopes that one day she’ll see her sister again, tell her about what happened after she died. Y/N never really believed in a heaven or hell, but after learning about the Upside Down, she hoped that her sister was out there. Somewhere peaceful, that somewhere over the rainbow.
“Now come on, dry those crocodile tears. I want to listen to that mixtape I made you. I’m sure Rick has some spare of headphones lying around this shit hole somewhere.” She separated herself from Eddie and went to go sit in the boat. Eddie left to go sneak into the main house, leaving her by herself. She grabbed her walkman and headphones, gently placing the cassette tape inside, and let the sounds of Iron Maiden fill her ears.
Hours passed like that, Y/N and Eddie laying on the boathouse floor side by side, listening to the old mixtape. When Rainbow in the Dark started playing, Y/N started crying again. She told Eddie that it reminded her of Chrissy. He asked her if she wanted to skip it, but she didn’t let him. She said it was good to think about her, let her memory live on in her. If she forgot about Chrissy it would be like she died all over again. Eddie held her hand as the song played, both of them seeking that small comfort in each other. They didn’t notice that the walkie talkie Dustin gave them was going off at first. It wasn’t until Eddie went to switch the cassette over to the other side that they heard him.
“Dustin?” Eddie responded after he untangled himself from the intertwined headphones.
“Christ Eddie, I’ve been yelling through this damn thing for that past 10 minutes. Over.” Henderson had such a little attitude problem.
“Whatever man, you’ve got us now. What’s the situation?”
“We found out how Vecna chooses his victims. Over.” That got their attention.
“What did you find out? Why did he pick Chrissy? Did he get anyone else?” Y/N was shooting one question after the other. She had the walkie in an iron grip, Eddie thought it might break.
“Woah woah slow down. One at a time, the reception on this thing sucks. Over.” Y/N took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for whatever Dustin was about to tell them.
“What do you know?”
“We went through Ms. Kelly’s files at school. Apparently Chrissy and Fred both were seeing her.” Fred? Who’s Fred? Another one of Vecna’s victims?
“According to Ms. Kelly’s notes both of them were experiencing the same symptoms. Headaches, nosebleeds, trauma. Does that sound familiar to you Y/N? Did Chrissy tell you anything like that? Over.” Dustin continued.
“Headaches and nightmares yes. She didn’t mention nosebleeds, but she probably wouldn’t have worried about it too much. Wait, what do you mean by trauma? What happened to Chrissy??”
“Um… I don’t know how to tell you this Y/N… But according to Ms. Kelly’s notes, Chrissy used to make herself throw up... Over.”
“I know, but what trauma are you talking about?” Y/N didn’t see the shock on Eddie’s face. Chrissy made herself puke? Why would she do that? Y/N knew about it?
“Oh. Well, Chrissy told Ms. Kelly that her, I mean your, Mom was always harping on her about stuff like that… She also said that-”
“Don’t tell her that Dustin! She doesn’t need to hear that!” That was Max’s voice in the background.
“Tell me what.” There was radio silence for a moment.
“Tell me what Dustin.” More radio silence. The silence was thick, nearly choking her.
“Chrissy said that it got worse after you left for college. That you always took the heat from your Mom when you were there… but after you left Chrissy was the only person left for her to unleash her wrath on… Over.” Y/N passed the walkie over to Eddie, her eyes distant and cold.
“Anything else.”
“Robin and Nancy have a lead they’re going to check out tomorrow. We’ll give you another update then... Tell Y/N it wasn’t her fault, Chrissy didn’t blame her. She talked about her all the time… Ms. Kelly underlined multiple times that Y/N was Chrissy’s favorite person in the world... Over and out.” Eddie put the walkie back on the floor and turned to Y/N and her thousand yard stare.
“Y/N?” She didn’t respond.
“Are you alright?” Radio silence.
She stayed like that for awhile, staring off into space. The next words out of her mouth scared Eddie half to death.
“It should have been me. Chrissy died because I wasn’t in Hawkins. It should have been me.” Eddie didn't know what to think. Is brain was in information overload. What happened to Chrissy, why it happened. How it could happen to Y/N.
"You heard Dustin. Vecna only goes after people with trauma. The Upside Down is only in Hawkins right? He couldn't reach me at Notre Dame... If I was here Chrissy would still be alive." Eddie thought he was going to be sick. The idea that Y/N could have been the broken body in his trailer, he didn't want to think about it.
"Why would Vecna go after you? Chrissy was the one who used to... do that. I mean, I get your Mom, but if every kid in Hawkins with shitty parents got Vecna's curse there'd be hardly anyone left." Eddie didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe Y/N could be next.
Y/N looked to Eddie then, like she was begging him to understand. She wanted him to understand something she couldn't say out loud. Eddie tried to, he really did, but he just couldn't think that something so horrible had happened to her to cause Vecna to inflict his curse on her.
"Chrissy wasn't the only one." A rock settled in Eddie's stomach.
Chrissy wasn't the only one. Chrissy wasn't the only one. Chrissy wasn't the only one. Chrissy wasn't the only one. Chrissy wasn't the only one. Chrissy wasn't the only one. Chrissy wasn't the only one. That one sentence was banging against the walls of Eddie's skull over and over again.
"What..." It was barely audible when it left Eddie's mouth. He could hardly bring himself to speak.
"It was both of us. We both did that. Our mother did that to us." Eddie was never a hateful person. There were people he didn't like, people he couldn't stand even. But there weren't many people he hated, but he sure as hell fucking hated Mrs. Cunningham.
"Chrissy and I used to lock ourselves in the bathroom. I would sing to her and run my fingers through her hair while our mother would bang her fists on the door. Shouting at us, telling us we were fat, disgusting, pigs... Just horrible awful things." Eddie's fist was clenched so hard he'd thought he'd break the skin. His whole body vibrating with anger. How could she do that? To her own fucking daughters. How the fuck did Eddie not notice. How did he not notice something was wrong. How many times did he watch Y/N during the lunch, watch her walk out the doors of the cafeteria 10 minutes before the end. He was angry with himself. He paid too much attention to how her skirt swished around as she walked to put the pieces together. He was startled out of his thoughts when Y/N started laughing. It wasn't her normal laugh, bright and cheerful, it was crazed, nearly manic.
"I mean Jesus Vecna! What are you doing! I'm the bigger fish! You have soooo much material to work with!" She was pacing again now, shouting at the ceiling of the boathouse.
"What do you want to start with huh big guy? Gonna have mother show up in my dreams next? Show me the same shit you showed Chrissy? Or do you want to mix it up? Huh? Be fucking original! Gonna show me mother dearest threaten to give me up again? Tell me that she wished she never bothered to adopt me? That I wasn't even her real daughter? Maybe that's why you don't bother to show your face to me! I've dealt with monsters my entire goddamn life! Lived with them under the same fucking roof! Who the hell do you think you are? Have we not suffered enough! Fuck you!" She wanted to scream. Scream until her lungs collapsed. She wanted to break things. Destroy.
Eddie watched her unleash her anger. His heart ached for her, but he could feel it too. Not at her, never at her. Everything else. Vecna, Mrs. Cunningham, fuck, even his own parents. Who gave them the goddamn right?
"Yea! Fuck you Vecna!" Eddie shouted into the ceiling. This wasn't a good idea, people could hear them. But in the moment he didn't care. Didn't care about any of the consequences.
"Fuck you Vecna!" Y/N shouted again.
"If you think you're next on the chopping block, then I'm following you right through the depths of the Underworld baby. You hear that Vecna! Wanna take a peak at my psyche next?!" Y/N watched as Eddie joined her in the screaming match against the boathouse ceiling. He was glorious.
"Gonna show me dear old dad next! Have him call me some pansy ass satan worshipper! Like he's so high and goddamn mighty sitting in federal prison! Gonna show me Jason fucking Carver and his laundry basket bunch call me a freak every chance they get! All the people of Hawkins looking at me like I'm nothing but trailer trash! Come onnnnn Vecna! You know you want to, you self righteous piece of shit!"
Eddie and Y/N just screamed after that. Screamed at nothing. Screamed at everything. Just got it all out of their systems. After awhile they just stood there, facing each other: hearts pumping, adrenaline rushing, throats aching. Y/N didn't know when they got so close to each other.
Eddie had a wild look in his eyes, like he was determined about something. Y/N had the same look, but she knew what she was determined about. She was going to kiss Eddie Munson. She was going to kiss him till she couldn't breath anymore. She's was going to kiss him like the world was about to end.
Right when she was about to close the distance, finally get her hands on him, the sound of the walkie went off.
"Eddie? Y/N? You there? Over." The sound of Dustin's voice breaking the spell between them. Eddie cursed under his breath and snatched the walkie from the floor.
"Yes Henderson?" He gritted out.
"I just realized I forgot to tell you both something else about Vecna. Over."
"Can it wait?" Eddie loved Dustin Henderson, he was like the little brother he never had, but right now he wanted to shove that walkie up his big mouth.
"Can it wait, pssh, like you guys are busy. Over." Why yes Henderson, Eddie was busy, busy trying to have the balls to kiss Y/N Cunningham.
"What is it Dustin?" Y/N asked, her voice much calmer than it was before. The moment was over, Eddie lost his chance.
"Vecna had another victim, Fred Benson. I mentioned him earlier? Over."
"I gathered that Dustin. Anything else?" Y/N asked. She tried not to sound annoyed with the kid, he didn't know what was happening before he called. Maybe it was a good thing Dustin interrupted, stopped Y/N from making a fool out of herself.
"Yea, Max. Vecna is going after Max next. Over." Eddie and Y/N looked at each other, why was Max cursed? She's just a kid.
"How do you know? Is she safe?" Y/N didn't know Max, she just met her the other day, but she was so young. Too young to go out like that.
"She's safe for now. Max has been having the same symptoms as Chrissy and Fred. She has a bit of time, Vecna follows a pattern with his attacks. Hopefully we can figure something out soon. We'll keep you posted. Over."
"Sounds good man, ugh, let us know." Eddie sighed, it seemed like every time they spoke to Dustin all he had was bad news. Eddie was tired of bad news.
"Oh and Y/N? Over."
"Yea Dustin?"
"Chrissy's funeral is tomorrow. Over." Her funeral. Her sisters funeral. They were burying her tomorrow.
"Oh... Thank you Dustin... for letting me know." Did she want to go to the funeral? See her mother's face? Knowing she was the reason why Chrissy was dead? Could she do that alone?
"Yea well, that's everything. Over and out." The walkie went silent. Y/N slowly sank to the ground, she was exhausted, all of the energy in her body slowly bleeding out of her. Eddie followed her to the ground, just as tired as she was.
"Are you gonna go?" He asked.
"To what?"
"Chrissy's funeral?" Was she? Would Chrissy want her to? To dress up in black, look at her casket, watch her slowly descend into the cold hard ground. Have people come up to her, tell her that Chrissy was in their thoughts and prayers. Tell her how much of a tragedy it was, that someone so young and beautiful be taken so soon. As if she didn't already know that. Y/N knew what she was going to do, she just hoped Chrissy would have approved of her decision.
@imchangkyunned , @creativedogs , @nightless , @kik51199 , @thecraziestcrayon , @dabzzallday420 , @science--hoes , @efvyqrs ,
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