#should i tag people? ummm
pigeonclaw · 4 days
Idk man. Not a fan of the theory / headcanon about Moonpaw hearing the voice of the sibling she absorbed in utero. That gets a little too close to "fetuses have souls" for me to feel comfortable around and I seriously hope that's not what's gonna happen. Chimerism doesn't make you into two people. It's not conjoined twins. She's just one cat made with two sets of genes. We don't have to get too weird about how bodies just naturally turn out sometimes. Idk.
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dilutedbeanibeans · 2 months
the link is here!!!
also general notes in tags please read before joining!!!
just a general hangout ffvii server :]!!!
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kindheartedgummybears · 7 months
sitting here... thinking about... it🥰
Taylor and Tabitha with green eyes
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artblock-tm · 5 months
H. Hhhh. Hi. I don't know if you'd want to/be okay with this but. But. But
🤝 with Skaide 🥺
(If not then Jaide/Moonjumper with the same prompt! It's totally okay if you do this one instead)
Grins :)
For everyone who doesn’t know, Sky belongs to the asker here, and is zeir AHiT OC! Sky and Jaide have been shipped (only in an rp so far, but now also in this drabble) <3
At first I figured that I wouldn’t know how to characterize Sky, and then I realized…I just didn’t have to.
So! Sorry, this one is shorter than the Hollow Knight one, but I think it’s sweet :)
Words: 215
Characters: Jaide (My OC) and Sky (Friend’s OC)
Warnings: None :) Just some introspection on Jaide’s bitter loneliness and how she loves
Together, Jaide decided, that’s how I want things to be.
It felt…nice…to be together. For their palms to be together, fingers interlocked, the contact sending emotional shivers through Jaide’s soul.
When had she last had softer thoughts like this? How long ago had it been since she sat back and thought to herself that she liked something? At least centuries, if not decades.
That was a lonely way to spend an afterlife, but all of that was erased in the face of someone who had no concept of time. With Sky by her side, time waned away, and the massive expanse of time Jaide had existed seemed like nothing.
Jaide had been alone for all that time. She’d been cold for all that time. She’d never met anyone in all that time. She’d never held hands in all that time. All that time made one forget what it menat to be together…
…but Sky could easily remind Jaide.
And the reminder was nice.
When had she last had happy thoughts like this?
Perhaps a bit greedily, Jaide took Sky’s other hand. It wasn’t enough for one of their hands to be touching, she needed two. Jaide smiled gently, eyes brimming with tears, giving Sky’s palm a gentle squeeze.
She hoped they would be together forever.
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sk3l3t0n444 · 7 months
my pronouns are fuckaround/findout
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
cant stand sontails people especially the ones who try to argue that theres actually nothing wrong with it and theyre not really brothers and people are just misinterpreting their relationship or whatever. like the proof is there you are literally just purposefully ignoring it for the sake of defending your nasty ship. why do you so badly wanna die on the hill of shipping an 8 year old with his brother whos almost double his age anyway you weirdos
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kurokeip · 11 months
Ouuhhhvbhgh the anxiety of having people perceive me as krk mod... the way I Know people are talking about me and making assumptions about me... the way nobody will believe me even if I post an apology for the Fourth time. But I'll just end up doing it anyways because I Have to
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obnoxiousarcade · 9 months
hmm.....yea I have stuff to say about this! *i spend an hour typing out tags*. *Saves post to drafts.* *Never ever posts it.*
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fruitsyrups · 1 year
if i wore a bib I wouldn't get food on it but it would be drenched in water. i am always spilling water on myself. i go to drink and then i spill water on my collar and its fine. this is just what life is like.
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chushanye · 1 year
I'm tired of everyone being passive aggressive! I wanna be kind! But also some of ya'll are fucking weird and I'm choosing not to make eye contact.
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macarensesangles · 1 year
SUDDENLY FEELING VERY BAD. hopefully i’ll feel a bit better soon it’s just kind of like the perfect storm of didn’t really eat enough yet + The Menses + mentioned DID (which sometimes does just make my brain and body want to completely shut down)
i am sort of thinking again about emet. (when am not.) Like his feelings and reactions. i don’t worry about this in the same way with mär bc i always feel like since i knew him Before i found out it’s easier & bc he isn’t phased in the slightest by anything strange or even upsetting and scary, so i think he would be kind & sympathetic but not like, surprised or uncomfortable
i mostly was thinking about it bc of pfeil, like ik emet would be angry about what happened to pfeil but as for in-universe i wonder a lot whether he’d recognize what’s wrong with pfeil & that it’s trauma related & how that’d make him feel. i think it’s confusing bc i normally only socialize with people who don’t react to it at all & who it’s usually not their first “friend with DID” rodeo bc online, but im never sure how a normal person would react if i told them what happened.
not that emets super “normal” or untraumatized or whatever, like he has osdd, but for whatever reason my brain puts him in the “normal person” category so trying to imagine his reaction to a disclosure of abuse or DID is just baffling to me. i can’t possibly imagine how he or anybody would react to that.
i guess the closest i could get is like. Most people I’ve told details to don’t get emotional when I tell them, so maybe he wouldn’t get emotional? idk. it’s difficult for me to wrap my head around bc to me it’s not necessarily normal but just how things are so i feel like having a large reaction wouldn’t make sense
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scottstiles · 2 years
my hot take is FUCK prev tags. FUCK IT. i absoluteLY HATE having to wade through a bazillion tags saying fukinfidgjkf PREV befor i can see what the PREV you were godtdam PREVING ABOUT
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primsycoldbottles · 2 years
i wish i could be one of those ppl who doesnt viscerally hate the smell of weed but good lord i have a neighbour who smokes on the daily and its Bad in general, because weed SMELLS BAD (if u think it doesnt ur insane btw) already but when you mix it with HEATWAVE HEAT it smells WORSE and ever single time it makes me nauseous and get suuuch a bad fucking headache and i wish my neighbour would just WALK FURTHER AWAY FROM THE APT BUILDING or just fucking . not do it . die . i want them dead basically it actively impedes on my life and i wish it didnt
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transalfredpennyworth · 4 months
girl i barely ate at all yesterday. and i cant stomach dinner. and i cant ask my family to make me to the store so i can buy something im fine eating because they wont fucking care anyways. and like. i think i should just die
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definitelysapphic · 1 year
Now that easter is over i hope the xtian owl house fans will stop making insufferable posts about the finale. “Luz is JESUS-” look at me. The show’s villain is a puritan. Are you dumb
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sleepypanda27 · 2 months
Bucky's Crush
Bucky x reader
Summary: Sam is tired of Bucky not doing anything to get the girl he likes. So he helps out a bit.
Words: 710
Warnings: Cute and nervous Bucky
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It was an early morning in the compound. Sam was telling Bucky some story of his adventures, but that turned into white noise when he saw you walking into the kitchen. Still in your pajama and unbrushed, messy hair. You walked to the mug cupboard and stretched, yawning.
"Want some coffee?" Bucky asked with a smile in his voice.
"Yes, please." You leaned against the kitchen island, watching Bucky intently as he made you coffee. Who knew that making coffee could be so sexy?
"Good morning, by the way." He said in a little raspy voice from sleep.
"Hi, good morning." You blushed, tucking hair behind your ear, and smiled awkwardly, hoping he didn't notice you staring at him.
"There you go." His eyes were locked with yours as he gave you a cup with steam coming from it.
"Thank you, Bucky." Inhaling the delicious scent, you thanked him.
"You're welcome, doll." He folded his arms over his chest and leaned against the counter. Subtly, his eyes traveled up and down your body, making you blush again. You went back to your room, thinking you should try to blush less in Bucky's presence.
Bucky shook his head with a smile and looked at Sam, who was staring at him. "What?"
"What?" Bucky didn't understand what was his problem.
"I was talking to you, dude."
"I heard you."
"Okay then. What was the last thing you heard?"
"Ummm...that you like seeds and breadcrumbs." Bucky shrugged.
"Ugh, just ask her out already." Sam rolled his eyes, annoyed.
"I will..." Bucky looked into the hallway you went to just seconds ago. "Someday."
Sam had arranged a movie night, making you and Bucky sit together. It was all highly suspicious because you three were the only people there.
Bucky's musky cologne mixed with the faded scent of the leather jacket he had worn earlier, lingered on his hoodie. You had to fight against the urge to just melt into your seat.
He pretended to yawn, stretching his arms in the air, and placing his arm around your shoulders, gauging your reaction. Naturally, you moved closer to his side. He had to bite his cheeks to stop the smile from turning too big.
Sam bailed pretty early, knowing that if you two were left alone, you would feel more free and open up.
After a while, you stood up, and Bucky thought 'Well, this is it, he went too far too soon.' But you only took a blanket and then returned to your seat by his side. This time, snuggling even closer to him.
His mind reeled with all kinds of different thoughts. All of them included you. He wondered did he remembered how to kiss. Can you even forget something like that? Now, he went too far and was overthinking.
You could feel and hear his relentless heartbeat, or maybe it was yours you couldn't quite tell.
You couldn't take the tension anymore. You spun around so fast that you startled both of you. Placing your hand softly on his nape, you slowly leaned closer, giving him a chance to stop this, but instead, he closed the distance. As soon as your lips met, it was like he forgot all of his previous worries.
Bucky couldn't hide the smile anymore and he didn't want to. Feeling the dog tags around his neck, you wrapped the silver chain around your fingers, tugging him to you while lying back on the couch. Which he gladly followed.
After a while, Bucky pulled away from you, looking to the side, where Sam was slowly and carefully creeping to the place where he was sitting earlier.
Noticing that he's caught, Sam stopped. "Don't mind me, I just forgot my phone. He quickly run after the phone. "Carry on." He shot you both a smile and left.
Laughing, you hid your face in your palms from embarrassment. Bucky chuckled, gently taking your hands off your face. "You are so damn cute, doll."
Now you were blushing even harder.
Bucky turned off the TV and, easily picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Your squeal turned into giggles. "Where are we going?"
"To my room." He smiled, "So we can watch the movie and make out without interruption."
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