#should the infirmary have a door. yes probably. am i giving it one. no. everyone probably frequented it a lot before it was just ymumy
a-eo-iu · 2 years
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quick n vague sketch of what ymumy's ship probably looks like on the inside!
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timelesslords · 3 years
Just a Twinge
Read on AO3
In which Annabeth finally gets that ankle injury checked out, Will and Nico are a kind-of couple, and Percy Jackson is a protective dork.
“I do not need a cast.”
“You definitely need a cast,” Will said, handing her the x-ray film he had been studying seconds earlier. He at least had the decency to sound apologetic.
“This looks fine,” Annabeth said, despite the fact that she had no idea how to read an x-ray film, or what she should even be looking for.
“Look,” Will pointed to a small shadow on the film that Annabeth hadn’t even noticed, “That’s a fracture. It looks like it healed most of the way and then re-broke.”
“And it’s still broken?”
“Looks like it.”
“But how can I be walking on it if it's still broken?” Annabeth asked, crossing her arms over her chest. It was a useless, stubborn gesture, but it made her feel better anyways.  
Will gave her a look, one that was far too long-suffering for a fifteen year old’s face.
“Does it hurt when you step on it?” he asked dryly.
“Your bedside manner is terrible,” Annabeth deflected. Will rolled his eyes, but unfortunately did not rise to the bait.
“Answer the question Annabeth.”
Annabeth glared at her ankle, her stupid, traitorous ankle, that had caused nothing but trouble since she broke it in Arachne’s lair. She knew Will was wrong; it hadn’t re-broken, not in the sense of the bone physically snapping again. No, Tartarus had re-injured her, unknit the fragile regrowth that had been keeping her ankle together, and had never let it heal properly again. She’d taken plenty of ambrosia and nectar in the meantime, but her ankle remained stubbornly messed up.
So yeah, it hurt. Most of the time it was fine, just a twinge, and she could deal with a twinge. She’d had a lot worse than a twinge.
And, okay, sometimes when she got stressed it was worse than a twinge. Sometimes it would turn into a limp, which was admittedly pretty bad. And maybe Percy had been bugging her to get it checked out for two weeks now, and she had been ignoring him because it was fine. Or it had been fine until last night during capture the flag, when it had switched to a limp right in the middle of the game and had neglected to ever switch back to a twinge.
Which is how she had ended up in the infirmary being stared down by a usually very chipper son of Apollo, who did not look very chipper now.
Will took Annabeth’s silence as an admission of guilt, which of course it was, but he didn’t need to sigh so loudly about it.
“You’re lucky you’ve been able to walk on it as long as you have, but you should’ve stopped putting pressure on it a month ago.”
Annabeth opened her mouth to protest, but Will continued before she could get a word out.
“I know it wasn’t possible at the time. But if you keep going how you’re going, you could permanently mess up your ankle.”
Annabeth didn’t have a good response for that. She had known in the back of her mind that this was probably what Will was going to tell her, and that was why she had waited so long to get it checked out in the first place.
“How long do I have to wear the cast?” she asked in defeat. Will gave her a pitying look that did not make her hopeful for his answer.
“Six weeks, probably.”
“Six weeks?”
Will winced.
“You might be able to switch to a boot the last two, but it depends how healed it is.”
“But—” Annabeth started, then faltered. She and Percy were supposed to start school in a month. How was she supposed to go into a new school with a cast? That was like the most embarrassing, cliche crap ever.
And it was embarrassing that she was even embarrassed about it. She’d faced monsters and titans and giants and literally the pits of hell. A little cast wasn’t going to kill her, but for some reason it still felt like the end of the world.
Will was still looking at her expectantly, waiting for the end of her sentence.
“This sucks,” she said. Will cracked a sympathetic smile, which might have felt mean if anyone else were doing it, but Will was borderline incapable of genuine meanness.  
“Yeah, it does,” he agreed.
“When do I have to get it on?” Annabeth basically already knew the answer, but she hoped somehow that she was wrong. Will gave her another sympathetic look.
“The sooner you put it on, the sooner you get to take it off,” Will said, which was as good an answer as if he’d simply said it outright.
“So right now?” Annabeth asked, stomach sinking. Will winced again.
“Yeah. Sorry.”
“This sucks,” Annabeth repeated, because it deserved to be repeated.
“Do you want someone to go get Percy?” Will asked. That should have been an embarrassing question, more embarrassing than the cast, but Annabeth didn’t even have to think about it.
“Yes please.” she sighed.
Will pulled back the curtain around the bed Annabeth was situated on.
“Hey Nico!” he called.
Annabeth hadn’t even noticed, or maybe he hadn’t been there when she came in, but Nico was in the room, curled up like a cat, sleeping. There were plenty of open beds he could have taken, but for some reason he’s chosen a stiff plastic chair to take his nap on.
“Nico!” Will called again, but Nico did not stir. Will took a roll of soft medical tape from the table beside him and threw it with impeccable aim, nailing Nico right in the shoulder.
“Ow,” Nico said, voice muffled, and sounding more confused than hurt. He sat up, rubbing his head groggily. “What was that for?”
“Go get Percy,” Will ordered.
“Why?” Nico asked. Then he spotted Annabeth, and recognition spilled over his features.
“Oh. Hey, Annabeth.”
Annabeth grimaced. Maybe it was just that Nico’s proclivity for sensing death also extended to sensing injuries, or maybe she’d done a worse job hiding it than she thought.
“Yeah,” she admitted.
Nico yawned, wide and long, stretching his arms. Annabeth was once again reminded of a housecat.
“Okay, fine. Be right back,” Nico said.
He was gone in a flash. When Annabeth glanced over at Will, he was staring out the door Nico had disappeared out of with a sort of dopey grin on his face.
“Are you two dating yet?” Annabeth asked, snapping Will back to reality. He blinked, face completely blank.
“You and Nico. Are you official?”
Everyone had sort of suspected, what with Nico trailing behind Will like a shadow the past few weeks. But better to ask than say something potentially embarrassing in front of Nico. The last thing Annabeth wanted to do was scare him off again.
“Uhh,” Will rubbed the back of his head nervously, his face going slightly red, “I think so?”
“You think so? What the hell does that mean?” Annabeth said, though she was grinning.
“You and Percy got to pine over each other for four years before you did something about it, can’t I get two weeks of peace?” Will groaned, plopping down on the rolling chair beside Annabeth’s bed.
“Yeah, but that was different,” Annabeth protested, “There was the prophecy and the war and all that.”
“A convenient excuse,” Will said. He had rolled over to the cabinet, and was starting to pull supplies out.
“It’s a great excuse, actually, but that’s beside the point,” Annabeth said, waving her hand dismissively.
“Sure. Great.”
“Whatever. We’re not talking about me, we’re talking about you.”
Will took a deep breath, then let it out noisily.
“I’m pretty sure we’re dating. Is that good enough for you?”
Annabeth did have the opportunity to answer whether or not this was good enough for her, because in the next moment the door opened again, and Percy burst through, Nico nowhere in sight.
“Are you okay?” he asked breathlessly, his eyes already trained on her from across the room.
“Just my ankle,” Annabeth said. It was really, truly inconvenient how even a look from Percy could make her heart do jumping-jacks, even now. And the look he was giving her now was very concerned in a way that was very unfairly hot. “I was being a baby so Will sent Nico for you.”
“Oh.” He sighed, relief washing over his worried expression.
Nico lurched through the door a second later, breathing heavily.
“You dumbass,” Nico panted, “If you had waited two seconds I could have told you it was nothing.”
“Did you run all the way here?” Will asked Percy, clearly amused and hiding it badly.
Percy shrugged, unembarrassed, which was also very hot, especially since he was still looking at Annabeth.
“Yeah,” he admitted easily.  
“Dumbass,” Nico repeated, collapsing into his nap chair from earlier.  
“Probably,” Percy agreed, pulling a chair up beside Annabeth’s bed.
“I swear, he heard ‘Annabeth’ and ‘infirmary’ and his eyes glazed over,” Nico said, glaring at Percy, though he seemed more bemused than angry.
“It might’ve been serious!” Percy protested.
“I would’ve led with that,” Nico said, exasperated, “You get I would have led with that, right?”
“You could have led with the ankle,” Percy pointed out, and Nico rolled his eyes so hard his irises disappeared for a second.
“Whatever. I’m getting food,” Nico said, standing up, stretching again.
“Bring me a snack?” Will asked hopefully.
“Ugh. Fine. Parasite,” Nico said. He was clearly doing his best to sound annoyed, and failing at it miserably.
“Thank you!” Will called in a singsong-y voice as Nico left. Nico flipped him off in response, disappearing through the door.
“Are you guys dating yet?” Percy asked, as soon as Nico was gone.
Will groaned, covering his face with his hands.
“I am not doing this again.”
“He thinks so, but isn’t totally sure,” Annabeth supplied.
“Mm. Tricky,” Percy grinned at Annabeth as he slipped his hand into hers.
“You guys suck,” Will complained.
“He’s bringing you a snack, though. That’s cute,” Annabeth said, grinning back at Percy. After all the years the other campers had teased them about not being together when they should’ve been, she figured a little payback couldn’t hurt.
“Definitely dating behavior,” Percy agreed.
“You two are the last people on Earth I am taking relationship advice from,” Will said, “I shouldn’t have let Percy in here.”
“But you did, so,” Percy said cheerfully.
“I can still kick you out,” Will threatened.
“You won’t though,” Annabeth said, squeezing Percy’s hand a little tighter, just in case. Will sighed dramatically.
“No, I won’t,” he said.
“So, what exactly is wrong with your ankle?” Percy asked. His conspiratorial grin had been replaced with a slight frown.
“It’s broken,” Will said, quick and blunt, presumably in an attempt to prevent Annabeth from sugar-coating it.
“You said fractured,” Annabeth protested. She was fully aware she was acting like a child right now, but she didn’t care.
“Yeah, that’s what fractured means. Broken,” Will said, clearly unwilling to indulge her.
Percy’s frown deepened.
“Do you need a cast?”
“Yes,” Will said, before Annabeth could answer.
“Go ahead,” Annabeth said, turning to Percy, “You can say it.”
“I’m not gonna say it,” Percy said innocently, though his lips were twitching.
“Just get it over with now, while I’m already humiliated,” Annabeth sighed.
“I don’t need to.”
“I know you want to say it, Percy. Just say it.”
“Say what?” Will asked.
“Told you so,” Annabeth and Percy said, in unison.
Will stared at them for a second. Then he said,
“You guys are weird.”
“I’ve been telling her to get it checked out for weeks,” Percy explained. Will raised his eyebrows.
“Should’ve listened to your boyfriend Chase, you might’ve shaved a week or two off the cast.”
“Told you so,” Percy said, unable to help himself.
“Shut up,” Annabeth grumbled.
Getting the actual cast on wasn’t as bad as Annabeth expected. It hurt like a bitch when Will straightened her ankle out so it wouldn’t heal crooked, but she had Percy’s fingers to squeeze through it all, which helped. The cast itself was itchy and miserable, but she had expected that.
“All done,” Will said, securing the last bit of fiberglass binding around her ankle. It was dark blue, because they hadn’t had black, and Annabeth figured it would look the least dirty over time. Also, she had a feeling Percy was going to want to doodle on it, and the darker the color the less likely it was anyone was going to notice whatever sharpie drawings he put on there.
“That wasn’t so bad,” Percy said, letting go of her hand for a second to massage the fingers she’d crushed. Annabeth sat up, swinging her legs around so they hung over the side of the bed.
“Yeah, but now I have to live with it,” Annabeth said glumly.
“You’ll get used to it,” Will promised.
Annabeth sighed. She had really put Will though it, for no other reason than she felt like being whiny. He was too nice for his own good.
“Thank you. For the cast, and for putting up with me today,” Annabeth said. Will shrugged, though he was smiling.
“Believe it or not, you weren’t the most hostile patient I’ve had this week. Also—” he turned around, digging around in the closet behind him. When he came back, he was holding crutches.
“Here’s your crutches,” Will said. Annabeth groaned.
“This sucks,” she said, for the third time that day.
“Sorry babe,” Percy said sympathetically.
Then his eyes narrowed, and he ducked down, pushing Annabeth’s shoulders down with him. Before she could even ask why, something whizzed over her head and smacked Will right in the chest.
“Ow!” Will exclaimed. He reflexively caught the projectile before it fell to the floor. It was a pack of crackers.
“Your snack,” Nico said, looking quite smug at having gotten Will back for nailing him with the medical tape earlier.
“Ooh, peanut butter,” Will ripped open the packaging, popping one of the crackers in his mouth.
“Wanna try out those crutches?” Percy asked, offering his hand to help Annabeth up. Annabeth did not want to try out her crutches, but she knew Percy had only said it as an excuse to get them out of the room, so Nico and Will could be alone. She sighed, relenting, and took his hand.
The crutches were harder to maneuver than she expected them to be. They also tired her arms out faster than she expected, so much that they barely made it to the porch of the big house before she had to take a break.
They sat down on the steps, which took a bit more effort than it should have, but Annabeth was still getting used to the bulkiness around her foot. Percy put his arm around her, and she leaned into his shoulder, sighing. She wished she could just stay there forever, and not have to deal with stupid crutches or stupid school or stupid anything else.
“You’re very grumpy today,” Percy noted. Annabeth just tucked herself deeper into his embrace.
“I have a right to be,” she said, voice slightly muffled by his shoulder. She felt his laughter in his chest, a nice steady vibration.
“I don’t mind. You’re cute when you’re grumpy,” Percy said, kissing her forehead for good measure.
“That’s mean,” Annabeth had to fight to keep a smile off her face.
“It’s true. I mean, you’re cute all the time, so I guess it’s nothing new,”
“All the time?” Annabeth challenged.
“All the time,” Percy confirmed.
“Even when I haven’t brushed my hair in three days because I forgot?”
“Even then,”
“Even when I’m snippy?”
“Even when I’m pissed at you?”
“Ugh, you got me,” Percy said, with an exaggerated look of defeat, “You being pissed at me is more hot than cute.”
Annabeth couldn’t help but laugh at the goofy expression on his face.
“Sorry I’m in such a bad mood,” Annabeth sighed, when their laughter had diminished. Percy just shrugged.
“It’s alright. You earned it,” he said, nodding to her cast. Annabeth looked down at it glumly.
“It’s still going to be on when we start school,” Annabeth sighed.
“That’s okay. I’ll carry your books for you,” Percy promised.
“What if a monster attacks us? I’ll be useless.”
“They’ve probably learned by now to steer clear of us,” Percy said, “And even if they somehow haven’t, a stupid cast isn’t going to make you useless. You could get a really good whack in with those crutches.”
That made Annabeth laugh again, and somehow, miraculously, when she stopped her face didn’t automatically slide back into a frown. It was hard for her to stay gloomy around Percy when he was intentionally trying to cheer her up.
She pulled herself back a little, so she could see his face properly. He looked back at her, a little smile still playing at the corner of his lips.
“I love you,” Annabeth said. His little smile grew into a full-blown grin.
“I love you too.”
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nessinborderland · 4 years
Be Mine (03)
Pairing: Niragi x Reader / Chishiya x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Omegaverse
Word Count: 4.8k
Summary: You were able to stay unbounded throughout your life. You didn't want an Alpha; you didn't need one. You would rather die than to give yourself to some random male. But the man that saved your life thinks differently.
Warnings: Alpha/Omega, Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Finger fucking, Rough Sex, Rough Kissing, Unprotected Sex, Creampie, Breeding, Pregnancy Kink, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Drama, Developing Relationship, Past Abuse, Scars
Notes: Would like to thank everyone that has been liking, reblogging and commenting on this fic, I see ya’ll and I love you. It means the world to me <3 I’m so glad people are liking my lil Niragi work. My dm’s and ask box are open if you ever feel like saying hi and/or scream over stuff in general with me lol. Enjoy!
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You had woken up to an empty bed the next morning. You had laid there, staring at the ceiling and rewinding every moment of the last twenty-four hours in your head, over and over. How things had changed so fast. How so much had happened already. You didn't know if you should feel sad or relieved by Niragi's absence; you weren't sure if you wanted to face him after what had happened last night. You still remembered the look in his eyes, his promise, how he made you feel. It was all so...overwhelming.
A week has passed without you speaking with Niragi. You barely caught a glimpse of him beside the occasional moments where you see him from afar with his group of militants, usually coming from or going on raids. You tried to talk to him on several occasions, but he was out of sight before you could get close enough. You also changed rooms after that first night, and part of you was hoping to see him barge in to take you back to his room. But it never happened.
He is avoiding you.
That or maybe he is usually that busy. Either way, you don’t like how this whole situation makes you feel. Yeah sure, maybe you aren’t exactly being the most approachable person either, but you are...scared. This is all so new for you. His scent has practically disappeared from your skin, and you can feel yourself getting restless again. Especially when he is close.
You don’t see him, but you can feel his eyes on you. You can smell the peppermint in the air every time he is close. You usually walk around the hotel alone or just stay in your bedroom. Walking around by yourself is nerve-wracking; the constant whispers, the stares, the way people either avoid you or get way too close to you. But you can feel him always close by, watching you.
You honestly don’t know if you should feel safe or afraid. Afraid that he will use his influence as an Alpha to take you as Niragi did the first time you met. At least Chishiya hasn’t tried hunting you down yet. Even though stalking you around like a cat chasing a mouse isn’t much different.
You’re now in a car with Ann, exhausted, wet from head to toe, but alive. Another game where your skills were evaluated; another game where you won without particularly impressing her. You always feel like you’re alive out of sheer luck and the help of others. It bothers you more than you dare to say. You have already been evaluated in games of Clubs and Diamonds, and you’re sure you would be dead if it wasn’t for Ann and the other players.
You can’t understand how people can be so smart at these hell games. Yes, you were successful at solving the riddle that allowed you to win the game of Diamonds, but since when was that impressive? You would still have been eaten by that shark in the game of Clubs without everyone else’s help.
“How are you holding up, Kenji?” you ask the young man sitting beside you. His arm is bandaged with a t-shirt already drenched in blood and his face is pale. He turns to you with a half-smile.
“Alive, thanks to you,” he says, moaning in pain when the car rides over a bump. “Thank you for that, by the way. For coming back for me.”
“It was the right thing to do.” you shrug with a smile, “Besides, I almost got eaten too.”
You can feel Ann’s eyes on you through the rearview mirror. You wonder what she’s thinking. It’s like you’re back in high school, waiting for an important evaluation. You hate it.
The car finally parks in the Beach’s parking lot and you get out, helping Kenji to his feet before two men come to take him to the infirmary. You’re walking away to get inside when Ann calls your name.
“A lot of people wouldn’t have done what you did,” she says. “That was brave of you. And stupid.”
“Uhh, thanks?” you stand there awkwardly as she seems to assess you through those big sunglasses of hers. “I just-”
“What do you see in him?” she asks after a pause, interrupting you. “You have nothing in common.”
You don’t know what to answer; shared interests and personality traits are not exactly what attracted you to each other. You shrug, “Wolf things I guess.” It’s not exactly something easy to explain. You also would rather not give it too much thought.
Ann hums, shaking her head. “Just be careful,” and walks away before you can even think of an answer.
You’re about to make your way inside when the sound of tires screeching makes you look back. The militants arrived from the games. You instantly see Niragi as he gets out of a vehicle, and you desperately want to approach him. He makes his way to the entrance at a fast pace, rifle on his shoulder as he’s followed by the rest of the militants. His pace falters when his gaze falls on you, but he doesn’t stop as he passes by you without a word.
“Niragi!” you’re calling before you can think twice.
He stops in his tracks, making everyone behind him stop too. More than twenty pairs of eyes lock on you as you stand there, heat growing on your cheeks. Why the hell did I call him, you think to yourself before clearing your throat.
“Hmm, could I speak to you? In private?”
He sighs. “I can’t right now. I’m going back out,” he says in a dismissive tone. You can’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes; you worry if he’s been getting enough sleep lately. “We’ll talk when I get back.” and with that, he turns his back on you and walks away, followed by his group.
He’s definitely avoiding you. You wonder why; was it all the rejecting? Maybe he finally realized you are more trouble than pleasure. Maybe he regrets his promise to you, made in an inebriated state?
It was your disgusting scars, a mean voice in your head whispers.
You flinch. Whatever it is, you hope that he will at least be straightforward and honest with you. Eventually.
You try not to overthink it as you get to your room and go straight to the bathroom, getting rid of your wet clothes before jumping in the warm shower. The thing you probably like the most about the Beach is the showers. That and the good food; there’s always a tray of delicious meals delivered to your room three times a day. You can definitely get used to those small luxuries.
You finish your shower just in time to receive your dinner tray. You eat your meal in bed, a book you found while outside laying open on your knees as you take occasional spoonfuls of your rabbit stew. The sound of laughter and loud talking makes you frown for the third time in half an hour. One of the things you dislike the most about the Beach; the constant partying.
You give up on the book and decide to sleep, hoping that your exhaustiveness will win against the noise of your next-door neighbors.
It does not.
You’re knocking on their door moments later. A man opens the door, clearly beyond drunk, if his breath and slurred speech are anything to go by.
“Could you guys please keep it down?” you ask. "I'm trying to sleep." The man stares you up and down with a smirk, and you give a small step back.
“Yo, guys guess who came to pay us a visit!” he says behind him. You can see three men sitting at a table, playing what you guess is poker, several beer bottles scattered around them. You think you recognize one of them as part of the militants. Maybe coming here wasn’t a good idea after all.
“Isn’t that Niragi’s bitch?” “Ask her if she wants to join us!” is what you hear them say above the laughter. Yes, bad idea. You put your arms around you, wishing you were wearing something more besides your cotton shorts and Niragi’s shirt.
“Listen, just keep the noise to a minimum, that’s all I’m asking.” you quickly say before turning around to walk back to your room. A hand grabs your arm before you can take more than a couple of steps.
“Why don’t you join us?” says the man. His friends stand behind him, a look in their eyes that makes you shiver with apprehension. “We could show you a good time.”
“Thanks but no, thanks, I’m just trying to get some sleep.”
“You can sleep here, we don’t mind.” he retorts with a pull to your arm. “C’mon-”
“Haru, this isn’t a good idea,” warns the guy you had recognized. “She’s with Niragi.”
Haru laughs and pulls you closer, ignoring your struggle. He sniffs your hair. “Then he has been doing a shitty job at fucking her.” he pulls at your shirt, “Isn’t this his? She doesn’t smell like an Alpha at all,” he chuckles, “And didn’t you say that he ignored her today? I don’t think he’ll care if we get his sloppy seconds.”
“Let me go!” you pull your arm from his grip and face the taller man. “Niragi is not here to kick your asses, but I am.”
“Oh look at this, the little Omega has claws!”
“So do I.”
You freeze. So do Haru and his friends.
You smell him before you see him. Peppermint and rain.
You turn around to see him a few meters behind you, standing casually with his hands in his pockets. He looks bored; like he’s just passing by and there’s an inconvenience on his path. But his eyes…
“You aren’t very smart, are you?” he interrupts, walking slowly towards you. “Harassing an Omega when there’s an Alpha around. It’s not acceptable back in the real world, what makes you think it’s acceptable here?” his eyes flash with something you recognize. You also notice the golden ring on them, giving them a more animal look. “Now you can either let her go or-.”
Haru releases his grip on your arm and takes a step back before Chishiya can finish his sentence.  
“We didn’t do anything to her, man,” he says, hands raised. The man trembles slightly, eyes cast on the ground. “We were just messing around, that’s all.”
Chishiya chuckles and nods, “Of course, of course. Just remember what can happen if you mess with her again.” one of his hands leaves his pocket to scratch his neck, almost mindlessly. You gasp when you see the claws, the changed hand. “I would hate to get blood on my white hoodie.”
The men scatter back into their room without another word, tails between their legs. You stand there looking at him, involved in his scent. After more than a week without an Alpha, having him so close is not doing you any favors. His presence is unmistakably wolf, his scent stronger by his show of dominance. He barely had to try; Betas just instinctively know not to mess with Alphas. You start feeling hot, and you curse yourself; please not now.
“Are you okay?” his voice gets your attention.
“Uh-hm, yeah I am,” you stutter a little, “Th-thanks for the help.”
He takes a few steps closer to you, his eyes never leaving yours. You feel hypnotized; like you’re under a spell. He smells so good, and you’re so horny, and he’s the only thing making you feel safe now. You think of Niragi for a moment, until your wolf pushes the memory aside with a huff; Niragi is not there, you’re still unclaimed, and there’s an Alpha right in front of you.
You jump into his arms before you’re able to overthink things even more. His arms envelop you as your lips touch, and you feel that amazing electrifying sensation every time you touch an Alpha. His lips are soft on yours as he kisses you. His hands are surprisingly warm against your skin.
“Alpha- ” you moan into the kiss.
“Bedroom,” is all he says as he pulls you with him to your room. His lips are still on yours as he closes the door with a kick before making you lay down on the bed. His body covers yours in an instant, his hands roaming your body while his lips suck the skin of your neck. Even his kisses make you feel pleasure, and you whine as his hands go under your shirt to fondle your breasts. “Your skin is so soft,” he whispers with a pinch to your nipple. “I have been wanting to touch you since I first laid my eyes on you.”
“I- I want more,” your pussy clenches around nothing as you feel him hard against your stomach, “Please, Alpha...more,” you don’t care about how you sound. You just want that sweet release only an Alpha can provide. Niragi’s face shows up in your mind’s eye, but you ignore it; he wasn’t there for you when you needed it. Chishiya was.
His hands move to untie your shorts, sliding them down your legs to uncover your wet cunt. He sits back on his heels, hand on your thigh as he stares right at your naked core. He’s more expressive now than you’ve ever seen him before; his eyes burn with lust, his bottom lip between his teeth. You whine as he stays still, pushing your hips up; you want him to fuck you, not to stare at you.
He chuckles and licks his lips. “Open your legs wider for me,” you immediately do as he says, craving his touch. His hand slides lower until his fingers are tracing your slit in up and down movements, making you moan and instinctively close your legs. “Open,” he says with a glance at your face before leaning over your center. His breath is warm against your swollen clit.
You shiver as he flicks his tongue over your sensitive bud; it feels so good, and you want more. Your hands grip your pillow as you moan in time with his licks, almost letting out a scream when he sucks on your clit. No man had ever touched you like that; they were all inside you and over after a few minutes of thrusting. Even Niragi had gone straight to business. But fuck, does it feel good.
“Chi- Chishiya, oh my god- “ you manage to say before you’re interrupted by two of his fingers entering you. They curl inside you as his tongue keeps working wonders on your clit. You can feel an orgasm growing, toes curling at the pulling sensation in your core. You’re so close. “Please keep going, don’t stop.” you practically beg as he finger fucks you.
He stops.
You open your eyes with a displeased grunt to catch him looking at you, lips glistening with your juices. He smirks, “We’re just getting started,” he says, pulling you by the legs so your center is pressing against his crotch. You moan again at feeling him hard against you with only his swim shorts in the way.
You sit up to undress him off his hoodie, something he lets you do as he devours your lips. He suddenly pulls you up against him until you’re practically sitting on his lap. You grind against him, trying to put out the fire inside you. His mouth kisses down your neck to your breasts, without fully undressing you. You try to take off the shirt, but he makes you pause.
“That’s his shirt, isn’t it?” you nod and he huffs out a laugh, unbuttoning the first buttons only, “Keep it on,” he says before closing his lips around a nipple. You close your eyes and just enjoy the sensations he provides you. Your mind goes back to Niragi; how his tongue piercing felt against you as he sucked on you too, or how his hands never stopped pleasuring you. You almost grunt in frustration at the memories; he doesn’t matter now.
“Alpha, I want you inside me,” you beg as you keep grinding on him. It’s starting to feel like torture. Your hands slide down to work on his shorts, “Please...please.”
“Easy there,” he chuckles, pushing you back down on the bed. “We have time. Be a good girl and stay still,” he says as he gets rid of his shorts in a swift movement, now completely naked in front of you. You glance at his cock, hard as wood in between his pale thighs, a bead of precum sliding from the tip. Your mouth waters; you desperately want him to fuck you, you think as your pussy clenches around nothing.
You open your mouth to say something but hesitate, trying to follow his command. You wonder how can an Alpha have so much self-control; he should be deep inside you by now. It’s beyond frustrating. He finally covers your body with his, and you smile at the sensation of his skin on yours; it feels so good. You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as you kiss him with ferocity. It hurts how much you need him.
You finally feel his tip at your entrance, and then he’s inside you with a sharp thrust of his hips against yours. You scream at the sensation; so warm, so full, so unbelievably pleasurable. His thrusts are slow but firm, each hit of his pelvis against your clit making you see stars. His face goes to the side of your neck, and you feel as his teeth graze the skin, sucking and biting; right over the fading marks Niragi left on you a week ago.
“Go faster,” you whine as you push your hips up against his. You want him to fill you up to the brim; like Niragi had done. “Please Alpha, fill me up. Make me yours.”
He doesn’t say anything, but his pace gets faster, and you finally hear him make a sound since he started fucking you. His face is still hidden in the curve of your neck, but his hands clasp around your thighs, pulling them up until you’re practically folded in half. You finally feel him deeper, hitting your g-spot as his shoves get gradually harder.
“Tell me how much you want me to knot in you,” he grunts against your ear. “Tell me you want me.”
“I- I want you,” you whine. “I want you to knot in me, and fill me up with your cum. I want you.”
He kisses your jaw, thrusts getting even faster. You can barely think; all you want is to come and for Chishiya to do the same inside you. You want to feel him as he shudders, hear him as he moans and you milk him dry. His hand goes to cradle your cheek, and you finally see his face as he locks eyes with you; his white hair sticks to his neck and forehead due to sweat, and his eyes are more gold than the usual dark brown. However, an uncomfortable realization sparks in you; there’s only lust in his eyes. No care, no adoration, no imitation of something resembling love. Nothing like Niragi’s eyes had looked at you. Your wolf pushes those thoughts aside once again, and you close your eyes as you focus on the man currently thrusting in and out of you. He’s what matters now.
Your orgasm hits you like a wave, toes curling behind his back as you clench around him in pleasure. You feel him as he comes too, hands squeezing your thighs with enough force to leave a bruise. However, you gasp when you feel him pull out with a hiss, and he finishes spilling on your belly and breasts.
You lay there as he finishes with a grunt before laying down beside you, both of you panting furiously. The fog in your brain soon evaporates, and you have to control the impulse to run out of your own bedroom. Why do you keep doing this to yourself? First Niragi, now Chishiya. All those years of self-control wasted. They meant nothing. You were just pushing back the inevitable; the day you would be claimed with no real ability to even choose by who. Your wolf doesn’t care, but you do. The last thing you want is a relationship like the one your parents had.
But you still ended up fucking two different Alphas in a week; it’s not like you have a choice.
Chishiya moving beside you pulls you out of your thoughts. He’s looking at you with his usual expression; cold and with a pull at his lips that gives the impression there’s something that only he’s smart enough to understand. It annoys you just a little. You guess it shows on your face because he’s full-on smirking as he sits up.
“Feeling regretful, are we?” he says as he retrieves his shorts, putting them on, “I figured you would.”
“Then why didn’t you stop me?” you say in a low tone, sitting up with a moan. His come sticks to your thighs and runs down the skin of your breasts and belly. You sigh when you notice it stained Niragi’s shirt too.
“Why would I?” he shrugs, putting his hoodie on, “I can’t control this thing much more than you do. Besides- ” he says, shooting a glance at your torso, “Thought it might be fun.”
You furrow your brows at him. “This isn’t about me, is it?” you ask. Things kind of start to make sense now; his constant presence near you, the shirt he wanted you to keep, “This is about Niragi.”
His eyes lit up with something like amusement. “If I get to claim an Omega while pissing off Niragi then I’m doing something right.” he starts walking towards the door, “Don’t misunderstand though; I will fight to claim you when the time comes.” He closes the door behind him.
What have you done? You feel a sudden urge to cry, but push it back; you are done crying about this. So you just let a few tears fall before standing up and heading to the bathroom, wanting to get cleaned up as soon as you possibly can. You groan when you see yourself in the mirror, covered in love bites and cum.
You wonder how Niragi will react when he finds out; because he inevitably will. It wasn’t unheard of Alphas to fight to the death over an Omega; you just wish that isn’t what is about to happen. You don’t think you can live with that.
You step in the shower for the second time that night and vigorously rub your skin, trying to erase any and every sign of Chishiya off your body. Mission impossible, of course; his scent is still all over you as you get out of the shower. Next, you try to clean Niragi’s shirt. At least that one still smells faintly of cinnamon and wood.
As you should too, remarks the voice in your head.
You barely sleep that night.
You feel like a zombie the next morning and, as per usual, you stick to your room. You’re particularly into avoiding people today. Well, two people. So you keep to your room and jump between reading, to napping, to overthinking until you get a headache and then fall asleep.
A sudden knock on your door wakes you up, and you notice it’s almost night outside. You trip on your way to the door, opening it to reveal Chishiya on the other side. You scowl and move to close the door in his face, but his foot stops you.
“What?” you ask.
“We’re in the same group tonight,” he says, raising a piece of paper. “And before you say no, remember that you’re still under evaluation.”
“I have enough visa days,” you say, forcing the door on his foot. He doesn’t budge. You sigh and count to ten. You can do this; just another game. “Fine. But tell Ann that after this I’m only going out when I need to.”
You grab your jacket and get out, following Chishiya. You don’t say a word and neither does he. Your body feels his presence though, and you’re sure he can smell it in you. Smell himself in you.
You get in a van with your group, a bunch of people you faintly recognize but know no names. Chishiya seats right at the front, and you cringe as everyone else in the vehicle clearly knows everything that happened between you two. You hear Niragi’s name being whispered around, but try to ignore it, focusing on the road outside as you drive around looking for a game.
“Look there!” someone exclaims.
Koishikawa Botanical Garden.
The whole place is completely dark as you walk through the main gate, the familiar sound of the barrier closing behind you making you tremble with apprehension. A sign at the front says no weapons allowed, and you watch as two of the people in your group leave their weapons behind. Not really a good sign.
A single street lamp casts light on a table right next to the reception. You follow your group as they approach the table, but your attention is focused on your surroundings. You remember being there as a kid; hard to imagine that the beautiful open space full of trees and flowers of every species is now a game arena; a place of death. You wonder what exactly is the game that awaits you.
You focus your attention on the table, retrieving a phone and staring as it does the facial recognition thing it always does. It’s apparently a big game; there are already more than ten people waiting to play, and at least fifteen phones are still on the table.
You sit on a park bench while you wait, bracing yourself against the chilly night air. Chishiya is leaning against a street lamp right in front of you, and you know he’s staring, even though it’s dark and he has his hoodie up and covering his eyes. Your mind keeps rewinding the last twenty-four hours and you try to focus on something else with no success. If you’re not thinking about that, you’re thinking about the imminent game; both make you want to cry and run.
People slowly keep coming in, and you notice as the phones vanish one by one that the game is almost at its full capacity.
A sudden ruckus at the gates snaps everyone’s attention to the entrance, and you swear your heart stops as you see Niragi running in your direction with the most terrifying expression you’ve ever seen on him. He looks furious. Absolutely terrifying.
“I’m gonna rip your fucking heart out!” he screams as he gets closer. You notice his eyes are locked on Chishiya. His eyes; they aren’t human. Neither are his hands, now curved into claws. The other man doesn’t seem scared in the slightest; on the contrary, he looks like he’s having fun.
“Niragi, don’t- “ you scream as he lunges himself at the shorter man. Chishiya is fast though, swiftly dodging the punch before kicking Niragi in the stomach and stepping away.
Niragi huffs and doubles over before standing straight with a growl and trying another swing at the other man. Two men that got in with him try to corner Chishiya, but he just dodges them like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
“Not so bad without your gun, are you?” asks Chishiya in a mocking tone.
“With or without a gun, I’m still going to fucking kill you.” Niragi growls, “You fucked with the wrong wolf.”
Chishiya huffs a laugh, “Actually,” he says with a smirk, nodding in your direction, “I fucked the right wolf.”
Niragi’s eyes finally lock on you, and it’s like he’s seeing you for the first time. Only now his eyes are filled with something that resembles betrayal and pain. You hate it. You look down, trying to make yourself small; you don’t want him to look at you like that. Never.
“I’ll deal with her later,” he says in a cold tone, and you can’t help but flinch. He approaches the table and retrieves the last phone, eyes still on you. “Now I- “
You’re startled when cheery music starts playing all around you and the big screen you hadn’t noticed at the roof of the reception lits up.
“Registration has closed,” says a feminine robot voice, “The game will now commence.”
You look at your phone as it lits up.
Difficulty, Ten of Spades.
Game, “Akazukin: Red Riding Hood.”
Next Chapter
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angelic-kisses13 · 4 years
Claiming Part II
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Authors Note: I’m sorry it took so long to write this! But I’m glad that I finally got it out to you guys! Happy Valentines Day everyone! 
Summary: Charles and his sacrifice finally arrive at his castle. 
Claiming Part I 
A few hours later, and they had arrived back to King Charles’ kingdom, the palace was even grander than King Indulf’s. It seemed to tower above the clouds, and he watched as her features went from hostile to pure awe. Her hands made quick work of the window, and she poked her head out, trying to see every detail of the kingdom from her vantage point. 
He smiled indulgently. Yes, he had made the right decision. She was going to make the perfect sacrifice. “Little lamb,” He reached out and grabbed her waist, his hands spanning across her curves and full stomach easily. He brought her down to his side, “You will be able to see it better when we are closer.”
His sacrifice pouted, and he rolled his eyes as he reached out to shut the carriage window. “Don’t pout, now. It’s unbecoming.” She snorted and turned her body to face away from him. They continued to ride in silence, the carriage rocking from side to side as they turned bends and ran over loose bricks in the road. 
“Why haven’t you sucked me dry yet? Isn’t that the point of a human sacrifice? To become your food source?” 
His head tilted to the left in amusement. Charles forgot that the poor human wasn’t coached on what being a sacrifice entailed. He would have fun with this one. Something told him she wouldn’t take kindly to the future proceedings. 
“You are adorable Little Lamb. You will be a perfect sacrifice for my people. A few more hours and I will give you what your heart desires.” 
She scoffed and turned her head from him. Her pulse was hammering in her delicate neck. The rapid blood flow causes his fangs to ache. He knew she could feel his gaze on her, yet she stayed turned away. She was effectively cutting off the conversation. Charles should feel annoyed at the blatant act of disrespect. His little human, however, managed to chip away at his walls and self-control slowly. 
Soft but firm words had Charles’ spine-tingling, and he blinked as they echoed around them. “I do not desire to have you drink from me, ‘Your Majesty.’” The venom laced tone had Charles’ spine-tingling, and his beast was prowling in a possessive manner. Charles was taken aback at the level of possession he felt growing in him. 
“Not yet.” The words were spoken to remind himself not to reach out and claim her. There were rules and procedures in place, yet her blood and fiesty nature had him cracking around the edges—his once cool and collected demeanor nothing more but a crumbling avalanche of stone. 
It appeared that she had taken the words as a challenge. Charles was momentarily distracted by the sight of her head snapping around quickly; he was surprised she hadn’t broken her neck at the movement. Her eyes were wide, and the passionate flame he had noticed in the courtyard and throne room was resurfacing. He needed to placate her before he had her trying to claw her way out of the carriage. 
That was when his eyes fell on her busted lip and swollen cheek. He would have to heal that before the ceremony commenced. Charles’ finger itched to reach out and soothe the pain. He thought better of it, though, and curled his fingers into a fist. “How is your cheek faring?” 
She blinked before her hand rose and softly brushed across the swollen flesh. “It has been better.” The words were lispy, but it wasn’t to the point where he couldn’t understand her. 
“Once we get to the Castle, I can find some comfrey to help the swell.” Charles was confused when he saw her body tense. 
Her eyes were guarded as she stared at him. “I don’t have anything to offer you in thanks.” 
Ah, so that was what had her so tense. The poor lamb probably never had anything nice given to her without numerous conditions. Charles waved his hand, dismissing her words, “I do it because we need you in mint condition. A sacrifice is not very fun to play with if they are not in good health.” 
Her eyebrows wrinkled, the lines on her dirtied forehead more prominent with that gesture. “I hardly see how a bruised cheek and busted lip would make me unable to play the part.” 
Charles hummed as he reclined in his seat, his blue eyes taking her in. “Vampires pride themselves on perfection. Anything less is beneath us. I will not have our first sacrifice -in many centuries- look like she was in a brawl.” 
The woman sniffed before turning away, her body hunching in on itself. It seemed that the closer they got to the castle, the more she lost her spirit. Interesting. 
“You are scared.” 
Charles was amused by the scowl the girl shot him. 
“I’m not scared... just weary.” 
“You aren’t afraid to die?” 
The woman laughed, but there was no amusement in her tone. “I have been dead for many years, your majesty. Being a sacrifice just makes it more official.” 
Once again, the mortal had a way of surprising him. “You will be honored. You won’t be just a nameless lamb led to slaughter.” 
“I do not need to be honored. I have never been in my life and I don’t need to start now.” 
Charles didn’t have any words to offer the human, so they remained in silence as they pulled up in front of the castle. He tried to refrain from growling as he noticed several council members standing outside, waiting for his return. 
His little human frowned as she took in the sight. “Are they here for you or me?” Her fingers were clenched together, her thumb rubbing vicious circles into the flesh between her thumb and forefinger. 
“I believe it’s a bit of both, little one.” Charles composed himself, his cold mask falling into place. Once the carriage came to a stop, he waited until the footmen came down and opened it for him. 
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye. His little human was shifting in her seat. He breathed deeply and caught the swift scent of fear. Usually, it would have been a sensual scent. Fear always made the blood taste better. But she didn’t have a reason to be scared. Anger grew in his chest; what was she fearing? Was it him? Was it the situation she had found herself in? 
His jaw tightened, and he closed his eyes before stepping down and holding his hand out for her to take. He could hear the counsel members murmur amongst themselves. Their delight at having the human here was palpable. Charles wasn’t going to have a moment’s peace until the ritual was completed. 
Charles heard several gasps from behind him, and his lips twitched when his little lamb knocked his hand out of the way and climbed down herself. Standing in the light of the torches, her form was more pronounced, the dirt covering her skin was smudged, and her lip and cheek made her features a lump of swollen flesh. Easy to say, she wasn’t much to look at. 
Before his counselors could speak out about her, Charles began moving towards the Castle doors. A gentle tug with his mind and the oversized doors opened on their own. He heard a startled squeak sound behind him, but he paid it little mind. “Come along, little lamb. We must get you situated so we can discuss the ceremony.” 
“Why do you call me that. I am a person; I do have a name.” She snapped as she struggled to keep pace with his long stride. 
Amusement bubbled up in his chest, and he struggled not to let his counselors know how much the little human was affecting him. She was something else, an enigma that he would never tire of trying to figure out. If the ceremony went well then, he would have the rest of eternity to spend with her. 
“Are you going to share it with me or leave me in suspense?” He teased as he slowed his stride down enough for her to catch up. He was momentarily startled when he felt a hand wrap around his arm and a warm body press against him. 
He raised an eyebrow as he took in the marveled awe written across her face. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the tapestries and portraits that lined the stone walls. It appeared she hadn’t been listening to his question, so he let it drop. Her name wasn’t necessary, not until the ceremony, and he was old fashioned. He preferred to voice her name at the altar than in the ever-watchful halls.
“Sire, the room is this way.” One of his followers called out as Charles continued past the corridor his little lamb would be staying in and instead headed towards the infirmary. 
“I’m quite aware, Andrews. Why don’t you and the others go and see the ceremony preparations? We won’t be long. See that you send a couple of handmaidens to start a bath for my sacrifice as well.” 
Charles didn’t bother turning to see if his followers had heeded his words. He trusted the men to do what was asked and with little questions. He heard the soft rustle of clothes as the men turned and left. His little human jumped when she turned to see nothing but open air and a long empty corridor. 
“Oh heavens, that's not creepy.” She whispered to herself. 
He stood in front of her, his chest heaving, nostrils flared as he watched goosebumps appear on her skin. She was everything he had ever wanted, and she knew how to put him in his place when he needed it. 
She was also the only one who could ever make his heart thunder in his chest, and his hands shake with the effort from holding himself back. She was his for the taking. She had dressed in all his favorites, a dark red dress with gold lacing around the bodice and sleeves. At her neck sat a cascade of teardrop emeralds. It highlighted her collarbone and pulse perfectly. With each thud of her heart, the necklace would pulse with it. 
It was enough to have his mouth-watering; her blood was calling to him, begging for him to claim it as his own. 
Claim her. 
His mind shouted as he wrestled with his self-control. It wouldn’t do good to scare her away. He needed to execute this perfectly. 
He took a deep breath as he watched her move around the room, her skirt rustling against the stone floor. Her fingers ran along the spines of the books, her eyes flitting from one place to another. She was comfortable in his presence, her peaceful continence allowing his inner beast to relax. 
“You’re very calm about this situation.” His voice floated across the room. He watched as her body stiffened at the sound—fingers stilling as she took in his words. 
“Will you treat me the way that the villagers did?” The question was innocent enough if he didn’t know the whole story behind her words. 
“I will treat you infinitely better. You are my mate, the necklace around your neck, and the ring on your left-hand claims you as such.”
“But there is more, is there not?” 
He waited until she was facing him before he spoke. “There are several things that have to happen to finish the ritual.” 
Her eyes flickered at his words, but she stepped forward, her hands clasping in front of her. “What do you need me to do?” 
A swirl of pride ran through his body, and his beast purred in delight. His mate was willing to do the impossible, and he would treasure and value her above all else. She was his. 
“You need to transform before we can move on. Once that is done, we will proceed with the claiming ritual.” His words were matter-of-fact but held a depth of concern for the young woman. 
“What does the transformation entail, exactly?” 
“You and I have to exchange blood; once the blood is shared, your body will begin to change. It will be painful for a few hours, and your body will shut down—first the limbs, then the heart, and finally your brain. When you come back, you will be part of the Vampire realm. You will be my Queen and me, your King.” 
There was a long moment of silence, both standing in front of each other, gauging the other’s reaction.  
“You will not leave me to suffer alone?”
He stepped into her personal space, her scent invading his senses. His eyes closed for a few seconds as he acclimated himself to her. His hand lifted, and he finally allowed himself to touch her skin since the exchange of vows. It was rough beneath his fingertips; the weather had not been kind to her. 
Up close he could see the chapped lips and red circling her eyes, attesting to her long nights without sleep. He swiped his thumb across her cheek, relishing in the feeling of the blood rushing through her body. He watched enraptured as her pupils dilated and her pulse fluttered beneath his caress. His eyes were drawn to her lush mouth as her breath stuttered. 
“I will be by your side the whole time. I will never leave you to suffer, I promise.” 
Her eyes shifted to meet his, and he caught just a glimpse of fear before she shut her eyes, trying to hide from him. “I’m ready.” 
He nodded his head before stepping away from her. Turning, he walked over to a goblet on the table, a small dagger resting beside it. He grabbed the blade and reverently traced his fingers over the jeweled handle before opening his left palm. He held the dagger out to her with a flourish. She looked from the weapon and back to him. 
“You’re going to need to cut my palm for the ritual.” 
Her breath stuttered, but ever the fearless little lamb, she slowly shuffled over. Her hands shook as she took the dagger, her fingers clumsily holding the hilt. His lips twitched at the sight. Even with all the bravado out in the courtyard this morning, she was still a human that was terrified of becoming a vampire king’s sacrifice. 
“Are you okay?” Charle’s words were hushed. 
“I’m fine; just tell me where to cut.” 
He peered at her, gauging her reactions to her words. She was far from fine, but he wasn’t going to push just yet. Soon she wouldn’t be able to hide from him, and then he would figure everything out. But, in the meantime, he would continue. 
“You need to cut from the bottom of my left ring finger to the end of my palm. Once that’s done, you’re going to cut from between my index and middle finger down towards my pinky, it should make a symbol of a Cross once you’re finished.” 
Her eyes widened in alarm. “You will die if I carve a Cross into your palm!” 
Charles chuckled in amusement. This little lamb was going to be a fascinating fit for his life. “That’s a common misconception; the wound will never heal right, so it will scar, but that’s the point of the ritual. It is to show that I am claimed. Think of it as your claiming mark, little lamb.” 
“Don’t call me that.” Her lips fell into a deep scowl as she glared up at him through her lashes. His inner beast rumbled at the sight; she was breathtaking and all his. He couldn’t wait to claim her, have his blood running through her veins, his mark covering her body. 
“What would you rather me call you then? My little sacrifice?” 
“My Queen, will do just fine.” The amount of sass made Charles preen. She was his Queen, wasn’t she? The emerald ring on her finger attested to that, but to hear her claim herself as such was enough to make his cock twitch. 
Charles closed his eyes and took a deep breath, grounding himself. He couldn’t lose control just yet, and her body was too weak to handle him right now. She needed to transform first. Soon. 
He was snapped back to himself when he heard his given name fall from her lips. The way her tongue weaved the syllables of his name was enough to ignite his blood to a boil. 
“You need to cut now; I don’t know how much longer I can hold myself back, little lamb.” 
With one last curious gaze, she swiftly sliced his palm open, the Cross taking effect immediately. Charles swallowed down the hiss as he clenched his hand into a fist and raised it over the goblet, the two of them watching as the black blood trickled down with soft plunks. 
It took them a couple of times to get enough blood into the goblet, but all too soon, it was time to add her blood to the mixture.
Taglist: @agniavateira @cavillanche @cavillunraveled @creepingfromthecorners @dreamwritesimagines @fangirlings-things @ficsandcatsandficsandcats @hlkwrites​ @hnryycvll @honeydulcewrites @iloveyouyen @johnmotherfuckingfrusciante @keiva1000 @ladyreapermc @laketaj24 @littlefreya @ly--canthrope @mary-ann84 @mrsaugustwalker @ohvalleyofplentyyy @omgkatinka @sciapod @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @supersweetstache @thethirstyarchive @the-winter-witcher @thegreattodd @titty-teetee @tumblnewby @viking-raider @wednesdaybraids @wendimydarling @white-wolf-of-rivia @witcherwrites​
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Playing Nurse (4/4)
Summary: Fred Weasley keeps showing up in Hogwarts’ infirmary,  where you apprentice when you’re not in class, but he quickly becomes more than just a patient to you.
Warnings/notes: Blood, dental injury, bruising, broken bones. Language, kissing, some nudity, coming out. Not super graphic but it takes place in the school infirmary so people’s injuries and illnesses are described. Trans masc!Fred x fem!reader. Last chapter! Thanks for loving this one as much as I do you guys :)
Tags: @lucymfer @accioweaslcy @manuosorioh 
4. We Must Stop Meeting Like This
A week goes by before you see Fred again. You’ve pretty much given up on him liking you after your somewhat unexpected last encounter. But, like clockwork, he’s in the infirmary again over the weekend. 
When you arrive for your shift, the infirmary is already bustling. Pomfrey is doing intake on a group of students while a stern but somewhat worried looking McGonagall stands by. You take in the scene: Ron Weasley is there with a busted lip, Malfoy’s a few feet away, holding his head and looking dazed, Crabbe and Goyle by his side in disheveled states. You’re unsurprised to see an incredibly peeved Katie Bell, her stockings ripped, glaring at the Slytherins. She’s limping heavily.
“What happened here? How can I help?”
“There was… a fight,” McGonagall says tiredly. 
“Go ahead and examine Ron, should be a quick episkey, and then move on to Mr. Crabbe, I think it’ll be much the same but I haven’t had a proper look yet,” instructs Madam Pomfrey.
You take Ron to an exam table and give him a quick once over while asking him what happened. He explains that Fred and George weren’t having it and things escalated quickly.
“Turned into an all out brawl before anyone could get a word in edgewise. Percy was watching and ran to snitch, well, thank god he did, because they’re in really bad shape,” he says.
“Who? The Slytherins?” you say, using an episkey charm on his lip and a few stray scratches across his arms, probably from being thrown to the ground in the scuffle.
“Fred, especially, and Malfoy, and…” Ron continues, but you’re no longer listening. You look around and notice that the twins are unaccounted for. You’re finishing up on Ron when George and Filch come in carrying a stretcher with Fred on it. He seems barely conscious. You walk alongside them, asking all the questions you know to ask. This one is yours- Pomfrey is busy with Malfoy, who you suspect has a concussion, and will probably need to look after Katie’s ankle next.
George tells you that Malfoy hit Fred with a stunning spell, but after he fell, they kept kicking at him. You elect not to revive Fred fully yet, first casting a pain relief spell. You examine his clothed torso, feeling along his ribs, and notice that one of the bones feels out of place. You frown and continue lightly feeling along the area, and notice that he seems to be wearing a tight, thick undershirt.
“He’s got a broken rib. We’ll have to remove any garments that might constrict the area to set the bone properly. Could I ask you two to step out for a moment?” you ask, gesturing to the curtain out of the cubicle. Filch departs, but before George leaves he pauses.
“Don’t tell anyone, ok? It would break his heart,” he says seriously before stepping out.
You have little time to wonder what he means. You cut open Fred’s tee shirt and, as you suspected upon palpating his torso, find an undergarment laid tight across his chest. Like a sports bra, maybe, but why- in a flash, you understand the secret Fred was talking about the other day, and what George was saying to keep to yourself just now. It’s a binder. Of course. 
You waste no time reflecting and slice his binder cleanly down the middle to remove pressure from the area. You set about doing a complex set of spells- first checking for internal bleeding, then setting the broken bone back in place, then casting a bandaging spell so he’s not tempted to move about before it’s fully set.
“Rennervate!” you say, flicking your wand in Fred’s direction. He comes to, looking around in confusion, his eyes finally landing on you.
“How do you feel?” you ask him.
“Utter shit,” he says. “What happened, exactly?”
“Stunning spell from Malfoy or one of his goons, George said. You wound up with a broken rib from getting kicked while you were out, but the scan didn’t show anything else too terrible. Just a few bruises.”
“Those cheating bastards. I’d love to spit in their faces right now,” he says, moaning as he tries to sit up.
“Just lay down,” you say, resting your hand gently on his shoulder. “It should be pretty much healed by tomorrow morning, but it’s going to be painful until then. If you want, I can ask Pomfrey to give you something to help you sleep while I’m out fetching you a new shirt,” you offer. You pulled the blanket up to cover his chest when you finished working on his ribs, but he’s still shirtless underneath. You watch as he realizes you must have seen his chest while you were patching him up. He grimaces uncomfortably.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“I’d like that shirt, please,” he says, pursing his lips. You dash off to one of the cabinets to fetch an extra set of clothes and an extra blanket, since you know he’ll be staying the night.
“Here,” you say, “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” You excuse yourself to let him change, and touch bases with Madam Pomfrey. McGonagall has taken Ron, Crabbe, and Goyle, who are all fully healed, back to her office. Katie Bell is sitting on an exam table, still looking quite angry with her swollen leg propped up high. George is lurking worriedly near the door. You make your way over to him.
“Hey,” you say quietly. “Fred is going to be perfectly fine by tomorrow. Madam Pomfrey will have a look at him to make sure there’s nothing I missed, since it was a serious injury, but his rib is all patched up.” He sighs in relief.
“And don’t worry, I won’t say anything,” you add discreetly, smiling knowingly at him. He relaxes fully and nods in return. “Good luck with McGonagall. She did not look happy.”
“Thanks, Y/N. Take good care of him,” he says, nodding towards his brother’s bed before leaving to accept his punishment.
You return to Fred’s bedside to find him looking quite sheepish.
“Feeling okay?” you ask softly. 
“Sure. Bit embarrassed. I wasn’t hoping you’d find out like this, you know.”
“Your big secret is that you’re trans? Freddie, who in the world would care about that?”
“I dunno, some people.”
“Uh, yeah, bigots,” you say, laughing. “I certainly don’t care. I’m just glad you’re ok.”
“Thanks to you. Wanna sit?” he asks sweetly. You can’t say no, so you agree to wait with him at least until Pomfrey comes in to look him over.
“So, did you ever talk to that girl?” you ask, trying to make small talk after all the excitement. He looks at you like you’re a nutcase. 
“Y/N, are you thick?” he laughs hard, causing him to wince and hold his torso. He gasps in pain, but grins through it. “Honestly, who did you think I was interested in?” he asks, biting back laughter. You look at him, your cheeks hot. What is he getting at?
“How should I know? I hardly see you, outside of keeping you alive in here,” you say defensively.
“Wow, I thought for sure you knew. I was so embarrassed when you didn’t say anything, I’ve been avoiding you for weeks!” 
“What? Why?” you ask, but it quickly dawns on you what you may’ve been missing. “Wait… what?!” you say, your hand flying to your mouth.
“Yep, you got it.”
“You like me?”
“Yes, you idiot!”
“Come here,” you say. You lean down and plant a chaste kiss on his cheek, but he pulls you in gently for a real kiss, a long one. You feel so much tension you didn’t even know you were holding in leave your body, and stand back up, laughing big, just as Madam Pomfrey parts the curtain.
“Well, everyone seems in good spirits in here,” she says. You both nod awkwardly.
“Y/N has been taking such good care of me I hardly knew I was hurt,” Fred says cheerfully. Pomfrey gives him a quick once over, agrees with your diagnoses and treatment, and leaves you two alone once again. 
“You know, we have got to stop meeting like this,” Fred says, looking up at you. “Not that you don’t look lovely in your apron.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“How about a date?”
“I certainly wouldn’t object to a nice evening with a ruggedly handsome young man,” you say, giggling gleefully. He flashes a big smile, showing off his chipped tooth.
“Well, it’s a deal. You get me up and going again and I treat you to dinner,” he says.
“Deal! I've got to go, though,” you say, planting a sneaky kiss on him before you leave, “I am at work, after all.” You practically float out the door, proud of your work in more ways than one. Fred Weasley. Yours at last. 
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haikyuu-sins · 4 years
Hiiiii! Since you are in the need for Law request I have plenty lol He lives in my head rent free 😁
So since Law is a Lowkey fanboy for ninjas what if on Zou when everyone met Raizo they met a kunoichi med! Ninja and Law was instantly infatuated with her. He’s impressed with her medical knowledge and her special medical techniques, and wants her to join his crew. And while traveling to Wano they get a little close in such short time that he doesn’t feel he can just forget about her. If that’s too much or too descriptive I apologize and feel free to cut whatever if it is too much.
Gimmie all the requests!!! And too much??? Too descriptive??? Oh my gosh I LOVE when there’s a lot of description!! It makes it so much easier and a lot more fun to write when I know exactly what you want and frick, I absolutely LOVE this ask!! I have a feeling I’m going to have a lot of fun writing this one so I’m sorry if I went overboard with it 😅 (I’m also not a doctor so forgive the misinformation if there is any, I’m just making shit up lol) update: I went overboard.
*****Law x Med Kunoichi! Reader
“Raizo, seriously, you need to calm down.” you tell the ninja who’s in chains because of how upset he is. “I get it, but the mink are fine now. I healed them the best I could and there weren’t many serious injuries.”
He was still on a tirade or yelling and crying but you just ignored him and kept him company. You just sigh. There wasn’t much you could do to help him. “Now you just need to shut up.”
There was yelling coming down from the stairs in front of you along with the sounds of multiple people sprinting. Were... they yelling ‘Ninja?’ It didn’t take long for multiple people that you didn’t recognize to be right in front of you.
There was a gasp. “Raizo is a woman?!” a man with a straw hat shouted, his eyes nearly popping out of his head.
“Um, no, that’s Raizo.” you pointed to him.
All of them seemed to physically deflate when they heard that. “Wait... are you a kunoichi?!” the long nose yelled.
They were all shouting out rapid fire requests and you couldn’t even get a word in to tell them that you were the medical ninja. But hearing everything they were saying, you couldn’t help but smile and laugh. The little reindeer was asking if you said ‘nin nin’, another was asking you to hide in the ceiling and get stabbed with a spear, while someone else was asking for the shadow clone technique.
“Nin nin?” You had to put your hand over your mouth to cover your giggles. “Stabbed with a spear? Goodness...Is that what you think of us?” Looking over at Kin’emon and Kanjuro you saw that they had strange looks on their faces. It was cute hearing everything that they thought ninjas did and they were eager to see it all. “You should be asking Raizo to do all that, I don’t don’t have the energy for it right now. I’m the med ninja and I’ve been helping with healing the villagers...and there’s a lot of them.”
Law’s ears immediately perked up at the mention that you were a medical ninja.
“Which reminds me, I should be doing some more rounds for the minks who were more seriously injured.” you sighed and stood up from your spot.
“Would you mind if I came?” the man with the tattoos asked as you walked past them.
“Sure! The extra company is always nice.” you smile at him and he follows you up the long set of stairs out of the tree. “So you were curious about the shadow clone technique?” You glance over at him and he doesn’t exactly know what to say. He doesn’t want to sound too eager if he says yes, but if he says no then he won’t be able to see it. You can tell that he’s trying not to be excited and it makes you chuckle. There was a quick hand sign and another one of you popped up in front of you.
“Hello!” your clone smiled and waved at him and you could see his eyes widen, and then a small smirk. She poofed away in a puff of smoke after the introduction. “Oh and also, we don’t say ‘nin nin.’ I’m not sure where you heard that one.”
His shoulders drooped slightly and you could see that he almost looked disappointed. “Oh…”
“What was your name? I didn’t get to introduce myself earlier with all of the commotion. I’m (Y/n).”
“Trafalgar Law.”
“Is this your first time on Zou?” you ask him, opening the door to the room where your patients were.
“Yes, I’ve heard a lot about it, but I wouldn’t have been able to get up here to see it.”
“That’s a shame. There’s tons of medicinal plants on this island that you can’t find anywhere else. I assume you’re a doctor since you wanted to come with me? You seemed pretty interested when I said I was a medical ninja.” you sat down next to one of them and began your work.
He was surprised by how perceptive you were and he nodded as he watched you diligently heal the minks. Your hands glowed a light blue color and they moved up and down to where they were injured. Law heard you sigh heavily and he wondered what was wrong since he couldn’t see anything. ‘It must be internal.’ he thought to himself.
“It’s internal bleeding that I can’t stop with just my healing. I’m going to have to do surgery. Can you grab me that?” you asked him, pointing to a small tin that was on the shelf.  Law picked it up and opened it wondering what you would be doing with a balm. “Don’t smell it!” you warned him. “It’ll knock you out.”
He slowly put the cap back on it and handed it to you.
“It’s from the leaves of a certain mix of flowers here. I’ll show you after I’m finished.” you smiled and took it from him as you spoke to your patient about what you were going to have to do to him. “Come here.” you motioned Law closer to you. “If you want to watch you’ll have to be a little closer than that.” Law did as he was told. When you had the mink smell the balm, he almost passed out immediately. “They have better noses than us so this works much more effectively than it would on a human. It still will though so you have to be careful.”
He took all of the information in that you were giving him. He had never seen the techniques that you used. What was even more baffling to him was that it wasn’t even because of a devil fruit. They were all things that were taught to the medics at a more advanced level. The way you only used a finger to cut open your patient was incredible. He didn’t know how you did it, even when you explained it to him because it was something that he knew he wouldn’t be able to do. You could generate heat in your fingers that were hot enough to cauterize a wound.
What would have taken a normal doctor over an hour to do, took you about 10 minutes. Then you went on to the others who needed your help. They didn’t need surgery but he watched you in awe. It looked so effortless on your part, other than the fact that you looked a bit out of breath now because of how hard you were working.
“Oh man, I need to sit down for a little. Then we can go out and I can show you what I collect when I’m here!” you smiled up at him as you went over to a chair and plopped down, resting your head on the wall and closing your eyes. “I don’t usually get this tired. But having to heal everyone who was injured- including Duke and and Catviper who were really hurt-it takes a lot of energy out of me. It’s worth it though.”
The two of you talked about everything and nothing while you rested. You told him more about ninjas to which you had all of his attention and about Wano and what exactly to expect when they all got there.
“Are you going to be coming with us back to Wano?” Law asked as casually as he could.
“I would assume I am? I mean I could always go back on my own though if there isn’t any room for me! I came here by myself anyway, before Raizo. So I do have a way back.”
“There’s plenty of room, don’t worry. It’s probably too dangerous to go back on your own anyway after the attack.”
“What, do you think I can’t take care of myself? Come on, I’m a kunoichi! I don’t have this sword for decoration. Or do you just want me to be safe?” you tease him with a smile.
In truth, he wanted you to teach him. You had so much knowledge that he didn’t. “I just-”
“I’m just teasing.” you smile softly and stand up. “Are you ready? We can go now. I’m rested enough if you want to get some herbs for your trip.”
He rolled his eyes at your first comment. “We can wait until you’re fully rested if you want.”
“That’s okay. There are some flowers that only bloom at night so we have to cut them off before they can close back up. It’s best to just go at sunset and get the others that you need first.” you grabbed a big bag and already started to walk out the door. Law quickly followed behind you and the two of you were on your way.
In the few hours that you and Law had met each other, you already felt like you had formed a kind of bond with him. You showed him all the different leaves, roots, and flowers that could be used for a multitude of things.
“I can teach you how to make a bunch of things when we’re on our way back to Wano if you want?” you asked hopefully, just wanting to be around him more.
“So you’re coming with us?” Law raised a brow and tried not to smirk at you.
“Well you insisted on it so I guess I have to!” you joked. “But yes, I’d actually really love to come with you. I-I mean with everyone!” You stammered, face turning a bright shade of pink while Law just smirked while he put some flower stems in the bag.
Not too long after, you and the others left on Law’s submarine. It was nerve-wracking at first and you’ll admit you were terrified. Being with the others you knew wasn’t that bad though. You were introduced to the StrawHat Pirates before you boarded and got to know Robin a little better. She was sweet and knowledgeable. But Law was the one you spent the most time with. Even if there wasn’t a reason, you made one up. You’d ask him random things, just went to see what he was doing, or showed him some of the extra things you’d made for his infirmary. You would just say that you made more than you needed but really you were just making it for him.
Law knew more than anyone on the sub that he wanted you to stay so he made sure that you got along with the rest of the crew. You wanted them to like you so you had Kin’emon help you make some traditional dishes from Wano. On one of these days, you went to find  Law so he’d be able to try some before the rest of the crew ate it. He was of course in his office working on some kinks that needed to be worked out before they got to Wano.
You knocked on the door and he told you to come in. “Hi Law~” you smile and go to his desk and put the bowl of red bean soup on it. “I had a feeling you’d be in here for dinner so I wanted to bring you some food before it ran out or got cold.”
He sighs and leans back in his chair while he runs his tattooed fingers through his hair, obviously stressed about what’s to come. “Thank you.”
“You know you really should relax. Even if it’s just for a few minutes. I understand that you’re under a lot of pressure right now, but stressing about it is just going to make it worse. You’re better off taking a break and eating some of the soup I made.” you grin and push it closer to him, encouraging him to try it. “Come on~ I wanna see how much you like it! I know you will!”
Law accepted your offer and took the bowl. You watched him with raised brows and an expectant look on your face as he took a sip of the soup . “Well~?”  
He wanted to melt in his chair at that moment. The feeling of the hot soup ran down his throat and calmed him unlike anything he’d felt before. He’d never had this before but somehow it reminded him of home. “I’m deciding whether I want you as my cook or my other doctor.”
You tilt your head to the side, your brows now scrunch together and your cheeks flush. “What...what do you mean your cook or other doctor?” you had a feeling you knew where this was going but you wanted to make sure.
“You know exactly what I mean. I mean, you should join my crew.”
You thought about it for a moment. “Would I be a pirate or a kunoichi? ...Because I do like being a kunoichi...and would I have to wear that outfit everyone does? I like my kimono that I have on.” Truthfully, Law did too and he wouldn’t mind if you continued wearing it either, he thought you looked nice in it.  
“You can be whichever. If you want to keep your kimono on to pay a sort of tribute to being a kunoichi, you can do that. I don’t mind. I get it, it’s what you know and what you grew up with.” It was your ninja way.
As he spoke, your smile only grew wider and you couldn’t believe what he was saying. It was exactly what you wanted and you were so glad that he brought it up to you since you thought it might be inappropriate to ask him yourself to join his crew. You just wanted to be around him and you were hoping that he would feel the same.
It was strange. Law had never felt this much of a connection with someone in such a short amount of time. But there was first for everything and he didn’t mind this first.
“Of course I will!” you just wanted to wrap your arms around his neck, hug him tight, and not let go. “I was kind of afraid you weren’t going to ask...” you say to him sheepishly chuckling.
“Oh were you?” He takes another sip of his soup while raising his brows.
“Yeah...I really like spending time...with you. It’s been nice getting to know the crew too. I’ve had a lot of fun with them so far. Now I don’t have to worry about being sad when you guys have to leave Wano and missing you-missing everyone!” you say the last part quickly.
“If you were going to miss me then you should have just said something.” he smirks at you.
Rolling your eyes, you’re tempted to push his shoulder, but he has hot soup and you’re not going to spill it on him. “Oh shut up and eat your soup before it gets cold. Captain.”
Now that’s something Law can get used to hearing you say.  
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 7
Chapter 7 too, enjooooy (⚠️ chapter 6 was released at the same time, be careful not to miss it. You can find all the other chapters on the hashtag « i am not your enemy » ⚠️)
(Link for Chapter 8 here)
Chapter 7 : I had just entered his territory
I followed the merry band to the cherry blossom tree, a place where proudly enthroned the two statues representing Leiftan and me, the saviors of the white sacrifice. At one time, I loved this place. It had even been my favorite place in HQ. But today ... every time I walked past these inanimate figures, I felt uneasy. To see us represented in this way put too much pressure on my shoulders. Most importantly, I still had this strange feeling that people kept staring at me.
The others didn't seem to realize it, they were arguing loudly and bickering, but for my part, I couldn't help but pay attention to everything around me. Thus, since the news of my awakening from the Crystal, I had repeatedly caught shifty glances in my direction, often accompanied by whispered conversations a little too loudly. I was totally confused by these behaviors. How to react to the admiration, and at the same time the fear, that we arouse in the hearts of people when they see us ?
At that moment, I had the unpleasant feeling that I understood, if only minutely, what Lance could be feeling. And how loneliness must have weighed on him sometimes too.
I shook my head sharply to try to get those thoughts out of my head. I would no longer fail to come to sympathize with this man's moods. In addition, the atmosphere was at the party tonight, I really had to stop brooding alone in my corner. A good part of the inhabitants of the HQ were present in the garden, it had apparently become common measure here that to celebrate the return of the troops left for the missions of rank A or B, that is to say the longest and most important missions, and everyone seemed to be doing it to their heart's content.
Conversations were mingling all around me and I couldn't focus clearly on any of them, when a brown head appeared in my field of vision. Seeing the mischievous smile that crossed the young wolf's face, I couldn't help but throw myself into his arms.
- Chrome !
The latter hugged me eagerly without losing his smile.
- Andraste, how are you ? I heard you were already doing great things in the infirmary, he chuckled as I pulled away from him.
- What do you want, I still left Eweleïn alone for seven long years, I had to make up for it a bit.
Chrome burst out into a frank laugh close to barking, which made me smile even more.
- When did you come back from your mission ? I questioned him.
- About an hour, which was more than enough for me to hear from you.
- Oh that's just my new celebrity daily, that.
He laughed again before running a hand through his thick hair, his expression suddenly confused.
- And if not, I also heard that you had crossed paths, well you know...
He didn't dare finish his sentence, so I did it for him.
- Lance, yes.
- And that Huang Hua ...
- Made him my new chaperone ? Yes too, I cut him off, slightly irritated at the memory of my meeting with her.
- You know, her decision is not easy, especially for you, but if she decided that it was the best thing to do ...
- Then I'll have to get used to it, I know.
Chrome seemed both surprised and relieved that I was so easily resigned to gently following the Chief of the Guard's orders.
- But you know very well what I think about it, I continued. Okay, I understood that his faults had been atoned for and that he was a great fighter, but I should still have a say in my relationship with him. Except in this case, Huang Hua did not give me a choice and probably to him either. This is what irritates me the most, but I'm far too tired right now to argue with her. So be it.
The wolf was looking at me with big round eyes.
- What did I say that was so shocking ? I asked him, flushing my cheeks.
- You accept her decision without complaining or shouting throughout HQ that Lance is a traitor and that Huang Hua has gone wild ? Maybe you should take another trip to the infirmary, I'm not feeling your best, he said seriously.
I rolled my eyes at his mockery as he laughed again.
- I'm teasing you, don't take it like that !
He patted me vigorously on the back to ease the mood, which probably moved me a side or two in the face of so much delicacy. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to realize that his gesture was a bit too vigorous for my poor human carcass.
- Finally, I hope that Lance and you... he continued.
- Are we going to become the best friends in the world ? Don't expect a mea culpa, I tolerate his presence, at the very least read.
A mocking pout slowly appeared on his face. I raised an eyebrow.
- What ?
- No nothing...
He was trying to keep from smiling, I knew that. I sighed in exasperation before using a tone that meant to be threatening.
- Chrome.
He awkwardly raised his hands in peace.
- Alright, Alright. No, I was just thinking that the two of you are really the same.
I paused for a long time trying to figure out what he was talking about. Sensing my confusion, he continued cautiously.
- You and Lance look a lot alike, he tried to explain to me with a shrug. It's just that it's really blatant, at times.
Sorry ?
Was he really telling me that Lance and I were alike ? How's that, "really blatant" ? He didn't care about me now.
- You know, it's not pejorative at all! I know you and him are complicated, but ...
- Yes we can say that it is rather complicated, indeed.
- But having seen him a lot in recent years, I can guarantee you that it's a compliment !
A compliment ?
- Chrome, you should stop there, I said, putting a hand on my forehead.
- I ... yes, you're right, he finally concluded with an embarrassed laugh.
Suddenly two arms circled Chrome and Karenn placed a kiss on his cheek.
- You are there my loulou ! I was looking for you.
Turning in my direction, she continued :
- Andraste, if I can borrow it from you.
I gave her a polite smile as she already began to pull Chrome by the arm.
- No worries, have fun.
I watched the couple walk away and sighed heavily. I had to admit that I was more than fed up with how everyone valued Lance. But on the other hand, I couldn't deny that I myself had, on rare occasions, appreciated his presence. Well, as much as possible anyway. I found myself thinking about the last time we had exchanged. It was clear that he had gone way too far in our training, but despite that, he still managed to make me feel some semblance of my powers again. And this feat had only happened in his presence.
I think it was time I stopped running away from him.
Abandoning the festivities, in which I had actually not participated so much, I went in search of the dragon. I suspected that Lance should not be very fond of this kind of events and therefore decided to slip away discreetly. The fact of me going away from the evening surprised me the greatest good, I think I could not stand the noise and the crowd very well. Who knows, maybe spending several years meditating in a crystal could create a kind of agoraphobia. Anyway, the more the calm of the night enveloped me, the better I felt.
I finally wandered around the HQ gardens with no real idea of ​​where I needed to go. Where could Lance be now ? And what was I going to say to him, once he was in front of me ?
Despite everything, I decided to head towards the corridor of the guards. Crossing the great hall of doors, I entered the corridor which led to the chambers of the members of the Guard. The night bathed the room in a soft light, but still, I could feel my heart race as I approached the door to his bedroom. What exactly was I going to tell him ? I had no idea.
My hand remained in the air for several long seconds before I mustered the courage to strike, my heart definitely racing. However, no sound from the other side of the clapper reached me in response. Other seconds flowed during which I didn't even dare to breathe.
Maybe he wasn't here, I must have been wrong... I finally lowered my arm, blowing loudly as I passed, and started to turn away when I felt the door open close to me.
- Andraste ?
I turned at the sound of his voice, it also slightly out of breath. It had been several days since I had heard it and surprisingly, it seemed even more serious than usual. Lance then fixed his icy gaze on mine, as if waiting for me to answer him something, but I stood for a moment stuck on the drops of sweat that smeared his chest.
- What are you doing here ? he asked me while raising his eyebrows. You need something ?
Take it easy, Andraste. At once.
- I ... no, not really. I just wanted to talk to you, actually, I finally managed to articulate. Well, nothing very special and if I disturb you, we can do that another time.
- Why would you bother me ? he replied without a hint of irony.
His question caught me off guard but he didn't seem to mind. Seeing that I could find nothing to answer, he shifted to the side and invited me in, a glimmer of defiance in the pupils. I hesitated for a moment. Was it really a good idea ?
Slowly, I finally entered the dragon's lair. I felt him close the door behind my back and an icy shiver ran through me as a thought crossed my mind.
I had just entered his territory.
(Chapter 8)
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actress4him · 3 years
Bonus Whumptober Content Part 2
Original Whumptober fic here
Bonus Content Part 1 here
Find it all on AO3 here
Thanks for all of the support on the last chapter! I appreciate each and every one of the likes and reblogs and follows I’ve gotten.
Tagging @outtacommission again because Keith would not have been resurrected from the dead without his bribery.
Here is chapter 3 of this fic... see you next week for the conclusion!
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Warnings: referenced amputation, blood mention, referenced broken bones, self-esteem issues, suicide ideation, death mention, nightmares, abandonment issues
When he woke again, he was lying back down on the pillow, staring up at the blank white ceiling. For one, blissful moment, he didn’t remember the events leading up to him passing out again. But it all came crashing down on him an instant later, taking his breath away.
My leg.
My leg, my leg.
My arm, my face, my leg.
“Keith?” Shiro’s voice was quiet, tentative. Not like him. “Are you awake?”
He wanted to roll over on his side and ignore him. Close his eyes, maybe go back to sleep, pretend that the world and this nightmare didn’t exist for a little while longer. The only reason he refrained was because he wasn’t sure if his stupid, wrecked body could actually manage it.
“What did you do to me?” It was only a whisper, and as slurred as it was, he wouldn’t have been surprised if it was impossible to understand.
Shiro’s breath hitched audibly. If Keith had been looking at his face, he was sure he wouldn’t like the anguished expression that he would see there. But at that moment, he didn’t have the capacity to care.
“Do you want me to...explain...how it...happened?”
No. Yes. He didn’t know. He needed to know why him losing a leg had been the best option, but at the same time he wasn’t sure if he could handle hearing about it. In the end, he just lifted one shoulder - the one that actually listened and responded right away - in a shrug. 
Shiro shifted in his seat, leaning forward so just the tip of his white bangs were in Keith’s periphery. “I already told you that you...died. On that planet. So when we got back to the Castle, you dying again was a distinct possibility. We...it’s like Fallenta said. We had to get you into a pod, even though your...your left arm was broken, and your knees, especially, were a mess from where the console landed on them.”
He paused, rubbing his palms together. “We didn’t know what would happen. I was scared to death that some of those breaks wouldn’t be able to be fixed after the pod. I mean, we were headed to Tellima, but…” His head dropped. “We had no choice. That hole in your stomach...you were dying.”
Keith could almost imagine it - the frantic atmosphere in the infirmary, the blood everywhere, the desperate conversations escalating into shouts as they debated on what to do. He had no doubt that he really had been dying, that they had made the choice they thought was best. He just wasn’t sure if he agreed with that choice. 
“When you came out of the pod, once the stomach wound was healed enough for you to be stable, Fallenta started working on re-breaking the bones so that they could be set correctly. It was...awful.” The shudder was obvious in his voice. “I’m glad she was able to do it, of course, but I’m also glad that you were unconscious the whole time. Your arm was relatively easy. Your left knee...it took her hours. It was in so many tiny little pieces. And your right…”
Automatically Keith flinched at the reminder of what was no longer there. Of the scarred, chopped off stump that lay just underneath the blanket, and the way his leg just...ended. He could see the void where the rest of it should have been even now, if he were to look down. He was purposely avoiding it.
Shiro heaved a huge sigh. “Unfortunately, your right knee was shattered in a way that had been blocking the circulation in your lower leg the whole time. The tissue down there was...dead.” He paused again. “Keith, I’ve...trust me, I’ve gone ‘round and ‘round in my head ever since we...trying to figure out if there was something I could have done differently. And...I don’t think there was. We did what we had to do to save your life. I’m just...I’m sorry that we couldn’t save your leg, too.”
His leg was gone. 
Would he ever be able to walk again? Could they find a prosthetic for him like Shiro had, that worked as well as the real thing? Even if they did, how long would it take him to get used to walking on it? Just walking, not even counting anything like running, jumping, fighting. 
Fighting was what he did. It was the one and only thing besides flying that he was good at. He was crap with a gun, he couldn’t sit up in a sniper’s nest like Lance. He needed to be able to move. If he couldn’t, even just for the time that it took to learn how with a new leg and an arm that only half worked...
They’d replace him. What good was a paladin who was crippled? Who couldn’t pull his weight? As soon as Red woke up and found out what happened to him she would realize that he was useless now. And the Princess, the rest of the team...they already knew it. They were probably already looking for a new Red Paladin. How long would it be until they dropped him off on Earth, or on some Coalition planet? Probably as soon as he was healed enough. They didn’t have time to keep taking care of an invalid, they had a universe to save.
They did. Not him. Not anymore.
“Should’ve left me there.”
There was dead silence for a moment.
Keith tipped his head back further into the pillow, eyes roving over the featureless ceiling as if he’d see something new. “I tol’ you not to come. I tol’ you to leave me there. You didn’t listen.”
“And now you’re alive.”
“Yeah, but why?”
His hands fisted in the blanket, jaw clenched in sudden fury. “Don’t ‘Keith’ me. Why, Shiro? Why am I alive? What is the point? You know what all this means.”
It meant he’d be alone. And he couldn’t...he couldn’t do alone. Not again. Not when he found a group of people that he actually cared about for the first time in so long. Not when he was just finally getting used to always having people around, always having someone to talk to or distract him from the thoughts that tried to consume him. Not when he barely survived it the first time. 
He’d rather be dead than alone.
Shiro sucked in a deep breath through his nose. “That life is gonna be hard for a while? That you’re gonna have to work harder than ever to get back to where you were? Yeah, Keith, I do know. I know more than anyone else.”
Shiro must think he was so incredibly self-centered.
He was self-centered.
He should have thought about how acting like losing a leg was worse than dying would seem to the man who had lost an arm and kept going. But instead he was all caught up in how he was going to lose everything he had grown to love and rely on. Acting like the self-absorbed brat that everyone at the Garrison except Shiro had accused him of being.
“That means I also know how hard it is to accept,” Shiro was saying. “It’s going to take time to adjust. But you will, I promise, and I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.”
Yeah, right. Keith didn’t know if he was lying to make him feel better, or if he just hadn’t yet realized or accepted that Allura and the rest of the team wouldn’t want to keep him around.
“Just...please, Keith. Please don’t say that we should have let you die. You don’t know…” His voice caught. “I’ve spent these last weeks hoping, praying that you would live. Scared out of my mind every moment of every day that you wouldn’t.”
Keith finally forced himself to turn his head toward his brother and saw him brush the back of his wrist across his eyes. Just that movement was enough to make his heart drop to his stomach. Shiro didn’t cry. At least not where anyone could see him. 
Slowly, he slid his hand out across the bed, palm up. A peace offering. It took only a moment for Shiro to take it, squeezing it so hard he thought a few more bones might break.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. And he was. Not for thinking it, but for saying it. He didn’t want to cause any more pain for any of his friends. 
That’s why when it was time for him to go, he’d do it quietly. No fuss. Don’t let them see your fear or your pain - he had learned that long, long ago. He was good at it. 
Shiro gave him a shaky smile. “It’ll be alright, Keith. I promise.”
Swallowing down the words that sprang to his tongue, he gave a nod. “Okay.”
The next morning Keith woke up to an empty room. In a way, it was a relief. They obviously didn’t see the need to watch over him and baby him twenty-four-seven anymore. But he was, for all intents and purposes, stuck. With no leg, he couldn’t just get up and leave the room whenever he wanted, head to the training room like he normally would in the morning. There’d be no training for him for a long time. 
Of course there was breakfast to think about, too, and he wasn’t sure whether to expect someone to bring it to him, or to bring him to it. Either way, he hated it. He had always hated being treated like he was helpless, and now it was even worse because he actually was helpless. 
He went ahead and made up his mind, though. No matter what their plan was, he had no desire to be carried through the Castle to the dining room where everyone would give him those looks of pity. Poor Keith. Can’t even walk by himself. It’s just too bad he can’t stay.
He was in the midst of pushing himself up off the pillows, trying to get his right side to cooperate long enough to get in an upright position he could balance in and trying to ignore the strange lightness of his leg, when the door opened and Pidge slipped in.
“Hey,” she said softly. Padding over, she perched carefully on the edge of the chair that first Hunk, then Shiro had occupied. 
Tucking his left leg up close to him - the knee creaking in protest at being used for the first time since healing - Keith cleared his throat. “Hi.” 
Silence fell, but it had never been awkward between the two. The introverted arms of Voltron. Pidge just gazed at him for a long moment, her eyes saying all the things he knew she would never actually be able to say with words. “It’s good to see you awake. I was really worried about you.” 
On the outside, she merely shoved her glasses back up into the bridge of her nose and sniffed. “You better not quiznakin’ ever do that again.”
Keith’s lips turned up at the corners for the first time since waking the day before. “Alright.” 
Besides Shiro, he thought he would miss Pidge the most of all. They got each other more than anyone else.
“So.” Straightening up, she whipped a tablet out of her hoodie pocket. “We’ve been working on a leg for you. The Tellimites have crazy good medical technology, so obviously we’re using their notes, but I’ve also been talking back and forth with the Olkari, because they’re, of course, crazy good with biological connections, and we’ve come up with a design that should communicate really well with your body and, essentially, work like the real thing.”
She launched into a detailed scientific explanation of how every inch of it worked, tapping and flicking through various diagrams that just looked like a plain prosthetic leg to him. He didn’t understand but a few words here and there, but he let her talk. This was one of her passions, and it was nice to let her be able to ramble about it for once without having to worry about being rushed. The way her face lit up was worth every second.
“So...what do you think?” Suddenly she sounded uncertain as she blinked up at him. “We definitely want your input on it. I mean, I suggested putting in a rocket booster, but Hunk pointed out that it would be difficult to control with only one. Lance wanted to add lasers that shot out anytime you stomped your foot, but that seemed pretty dangerous for like, running and stuff, so…”
It almost sounded like they expected him to still be fighting with this thing. Well, maybe he would. Eventually. After all, he wouldn’t feel right about just ignoring the existence of the war when the people he cared about were still out there fighting it, so he’d do his best to get back into shape. Maybe he could convince them to find a Coalition planet for him that had soldiers he could fight with someday.
It wouldn’t be the same as fighting with this team, his...his friends. But at least he wouldn’t be completely useless.
He met Pidge’s eyes and realized she was still waiting on an answer from him. Part of him wanted to keep his words to a minimum, not wanting her to hear his new speech impediment, but he swallowed his pride. “It, uh...whatever you guys come up with I’m sure will be great.” He actually hadn’t even been sure whether to expect them to work on it themselves, or put it off on the Tellimites or some other able species. It made sense, though, that Pidge and Hunk would want to jump on this opportunity to design something they had never gotten to do before. He forced a small smile. “But...yeah, let’s hold off on weaponizing it.”
Smirking, Pidge turned off the tablet and stuck it back in her pocket. “Alright, if you insist. Lance is gonna be super disappointed, though.”
“I’m sure.” He could hear the whining and complaining about how boring and unimaginative he was now. 
“So, I was supposed to ask you about breakfast…?”
Keith stared down at his hands. “Oh. Yeah. I don’...think I’m really ready to...try to move around yet, so…”
He was such a bad liar. But Pidge either didn’t notice or was being nice and pretending not to, merely nodding and standing. 
“Okay. I’ll tell Shiro, he’ll probably bring you a plate down here.”
“Thanks, Pidge.”
She turned back from the doorway and smiled softly at him. “No problem.��
The nightmares came that night.
And the next. And the next.
Snippets of things he didn’t remember during the day, and wouldn’t remember again when he woke. Alarms blaring. Lights flashing. A horrifying crunching sound, then crippling pain and a bitter taste in the back of his throat.
And then...nothing. No one came. No one heard him calling. He stayed there, alone and bleeding in the dark, until the pain became too much and he slipped away.
He woke with tears streaming down his cheeks and a scream on his lips that didn’t quite make it out into the still air of the infirmary, not knowing what he was even crying about other than the nauseating loneliness that weighed him down, pinning him to the bed. 
Forcing his right hand to be the one to clumsily scrub away the tears - because it was going to work, dang it - he gritted his teeth and pushed against the weight to flop over onto his side. 
Get over it. Get over it, get used to it, stop being such a baby. You’ve always known that this wouldn’t last. It’s a miracle they’ve stuck around for as long as they have. If you try to hang onto them they’ll just end up hating you before they leave. 
He got away with hiding in the infirmary for two days before Fallenta declared him well enough to be up and about, and Shiro and Allura showed up with the Altean version of crutches. They escorted him slowly down the halls of the Castle to the dining room, chatting amiably the whole way. Keith assumed it was meant to either distract him from his plight, or to keep themselves from staring and pitying.
“Hey, look who finally decided to join us!” Lance announced loudly as soon as he hobbled into the room. “It’s about time you were out of bed, Mullet-head.”
“What Lance means,” Hunk sighed, “is that it’s good to see you up, Keith.”
“That it is, Number Four!” Coran rushed to pull out his usual seat, and his smile was so bright Keith couldn’t even be mad about the special treatment. “You had us all worried for a while there, for sure!”
Swallowing, Keith fiddled with his spork, unsure whether he was supposed to respond. “Um...yeah. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Keith.” Shiro smiled at him softly, knowingly. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He just barely kept another ‘sorry’ from escaping. Instead he nodded, picked up his spork with his left hand, and changed the subject. “So, uh...wha’s been going on lately?”
That was all it took for everyone to launch into tales of short missions in the Lions, repairs on Red, and alliances with Tellima. Keith barely remembered to keep eating his goo as he watched all of the animated faces and gesturing hands with a small smile on his face. It was good to be back among his teammates. They were so unlike him in so many ways, it was no wonder that he had never really fit in with them. But he cared about them anyway. They might not feel the same way about him, but he was so glad that they had become a part of his life. 
And now they wouldn’t be anymore. Scowling down into his bowl where no one would notice, he poked at the green goo. How did I let myself get so attached? Before Shiro, it had been many, many years since he had let himself care about anyone this much. He should have known better by then. Letting himself come to consider any person or place home was just setting himself up for heartbreak.
As much as he loved spending this last bit of time with them, he almost wished they would stop acting so natural, as if they weren’t getting ready to kick him out any day now. No one mentioned a search for a new paladin. No one said whether they were headed to Earth, or some other planet. 
He wasn’t going to be able to stand the suspense for many more days. They needed to just get it over with.
Later that night, after waking from another nightmare back in his own room, Keith stared at the bare walls, so lifeless compared to the other paladin’s rooms. Maybe I was always prepared for this moment, after all. Or maybe he had just been kicked out and left behind so many times that the ability to settle in was impossible for him no matter where he went. 
Struggling to sit up, he groped for the crutches and pulled himself to his feet. He wasn’t going to get back to sleep anytime soon, and no one had expressly forbidden him from venturing out on his own - not that it would have stopped him even if they had.
It took far too long to make it down the four hallways between his room and Red’s hangar. Walking with crutches used a whole new set of muscles that he wasn’t used to accessing, and trying to force his right side to carry that much weight was exhausting. He had to stop and lean against the wall, panting for breath, several times along the way. 
But he made it, eventually. He paused once more outside the door, debating whether or not he was actually ready to see the damage done to Red, before he sucked it up and punched the scanner.
He wasn’t ready. 
The great mechanical beast was lying on her side, a position that somehow managed to make her look vulnerable despite her hulking size. Her legs were splayed awkwardly as if she had just been dropped there. She probably had.
The worst part, though, was that her face was nearly unrecognizable. What had once been her muzzle was completely smashed in, there were spiderweb cracks across one of her dull grey eyes, and the other was missing altogether. 
Actually, he took that back. The worst part was the cold and the silence. 
No purr in his head to greet him. No eyes lighting up in recognition of her Paladin. No warmth filling up his chest and spreading out to his fingers and toes. With Red, there was always some kind of heat. Now, though, a shiver shook his body.
Clenching his jaw, Keith forced himself a few steps closer, until he could reach out, balancing precariously, and lay a hand against her warped, dented nose. It was cold, too. 
Suddenly tears sprang to his eyes for the first time since his panic attack a couple of days before. “‘m sorry, Red.” He stroked his hand over the metal, feeling all of the bumps that shouldn’t have been there. “I’m sorry this happened to you. You didn’t deserve it. You...you’ve always protected me, and…”
Tipping his head back, he took in the mess of a cockpit again, and this time he saw flashes of his nightmare. Something sharp pinning him to the chair. Blood dripping onto the floor.
One tear escaped, sliding rapidly down to his chin. “I don’t even know how I survived this. But if either of us deserved to survive, it’s you. Please, Red...if you can hear me at all...please don’t give up. I know I...I can’t fly you anymore, but…”
It hit him then, the brutal truth of that statement. He’d never fly her again. He might never fly anything again. He’d known it ever since finding out what had happened to him, but now it stabbed him through the heart, how much he was going to miss this semi-sentient alien ship. 
Before he knew it, he was falling none-too-gracefully to the floor, one hand planted in front of him while the other remained on her snout, crutches clattering loudly to the side. The tears came in earnest, then. “Red...Red I lost my leg. I...I can’t fight anymore, I can’t fly…I’m useless.”
He’d told her that before. That time, though, she had reassured him that no, he was her Paladin, he was a defender of the universe, not useless. Never useless.
But now there was no one to reassure him. Even if she had been able, Red would know the truth. He wasn’t her Paladin anymore, he wasn’t a defender of the universe. He was useless.
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flappingdragon200 · 3 years
Silva Bonding: "To The Silva Estate "
The Black Bulls Try to talk Noelle out of visiting House Silva. But nothing they say can prevent her from going.
Noelle woke up by a cool breeze tickling her skin. As she was opening her eyes the sun was flowing through the window as the window was open letting the curtains flow in the wind from outside, to inside, freely. She through her blankets off of her and got dressed, getting ready for what she was doing today. Something she never thought that in a million years that she'd be doing what should have been done a long time ago.
{Meanwhile With The Other Black Bulls}
The Black Bulls were doing their normal things when they wake up in the morning.
Asta doing is normal work out routine and yelling a lot. To be honest it was really obnoxious.
Vanessa was drinking her sleep away.
While Luck and Magna are going at each other like 2 hyenas going after the same prey.
Gauche was looking at a picture of his little sister and while doing so, his nose was bleeding.
Zora was no where to be found. (probably off collecting more rainbow sink bugs to toy with people)
Charmy was stuffing her face with her treats as usual.
and Yami..? Yami was on the toilet "Surpassing His Limits"...... Somehow......
{Back With Noelle}
As Noelle got dressed and got ready for the day, she heard a loud bang and shouting.
"Will you quite down I'm trying to read the news paper!" It was the captain, yet again breaking the wall down stairs, probably leaving another hole in the wall.
Noelle could feel his dark and disturbing aura from up in her own room. Chills were sent down her spine as she thought of the look she would give them when they were misbehaving.
Then she thought of how her big brother would look at her.
She shook her head and focused.
When Noelle grabbed her grimoire and placed it on her hip she went out her room door and walked to go down stairs. Noelle felt felt the tension set in her stomach as she got closer to the stairs, and to the other Black Bulls. What would they think?
What if they don't agree with my idea? I mean... My siblings are harsh and all... But everyone deserves a second chance... Am I wrong..?
Noelle continued to think about how her siblings treated her and how the Black Bulls treated her like real family helping her grow and train her power, while her siblings did nothing of the sorts.
As Noelle kept thinking of her past and present she arrived at the stairs in just a matter of time.
Oh... Time sure does flies don't it..?
Noelle swallowed down her fear and walked down the steps in her usual manner. Noelle's footsteps could be heard from the steps and everyone looked in her direction. She sweat dropped as the room became quiet.
She paused at the bottom step and looked at everyone.
Luck, Magna, Charmy, Gauche, Grey, Asta, Vanessa, and Yami.
"Oh hey there Noelle! I thought you were going to hibernate for how long you were sleeping!" Asta stopped his push ups and stood up to greet Noelle.
"Asta, I'm no animal. Who do you think I am?" Noelle said as she looked up and looked down on Asta while she flipped her ponytail and Asta flinched and backed up.
"Hey Noelle! Wanna spar? It'll be fun! Haha!" Luck came over to Noelle as his lightning began to form again throwing air punches to her way.
"I'll pass... I'm not in the mood to fight. Yet alone with you." Noelle replied turning Luck down.
"Hey Noelle! What brings you down here?" Magna came u[p from behind Luck with his hand on his hips with a smile on his face.
"Well... I came down here to talk to you all about something." Noelle sighed as she sat down.
"About what?" Yami that was reading the news paper put the paper down and it a new cigarette as he looked at Noelle cautiously.
"Well... It's about my siblings..." Noelle responded while her hands on her knees as she sat back in her seat with a recognizable expression of sadness, and worrisome.
The air in the room was suffocating and silent as far as you could tell. You could practically hear a pin drop on the upstairs floor. Everyone was now dead silent, no one dared speak a word. Noelle could feel her breathing hitch as she felt 8 pairs of eyes on her. A deadly pressure was cast down on her, it was hard for her to breathe. Her body was shaking as she remembered her siblings ways of treating her. Tears started to brim the edges of her eyes. Then it all stopped.
"What ever it is. I'm not letting you do it." The captain spoke sitting up, then continuing. "But I'm glad to listen to your idea."
Noelle looked up at her captain as she was relieved from the pressure that was being held onto her life form.
Noelle smiled, "A-Alright..." She shivered from her captains gaze before continuing, "Well you know about my past with them, you all know." Noelle took a deep breath before letting it out, "I wanted to level things out with them so I don't have to worry about any future situations that would turn into awkward situations and so we can fix what damage was done in the past. Especially my brother... He's a bit... I hope we can get along. Who knows? Maybe we could act like normal siblings do. But that reminds me of when he did something weird..." Noelle sweat dropped as Yami laughed harder than ever.
"Wait-! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT DID HE DO?! I WANT TO KNOW TELL ME! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yami was about to fall to the floor when he bent over to put his hands on his knees to keep him balance.
Noelle paused and looked back at her captain.
Does he think I'm talking about Nozel?
"Well when ever Meroleona came over to the estate when I was 14, she caused a weird scene, and Solid flipped out and ran screaming, but Meroleona caught him with her fire paw and he screamed for Big Brother Nozel but he just walked away." She finished with a laugh.
Yami stopped laughing after Noelle said Solid.
"Oh. That's not who I thought it was..." Captain Yami stood up to his feet, "Anyways. I'm not letting you go." He said sternly.
"Yeah. Who knows what will happen. You could get hurt." Asta said with a serious face.
"Yes I know that but-" Noelle was cut off.
"Asta is right Noelle. We can't afford a member getting hurt. Especially you. You buff up out defenses. We need you Noelle." Vanessa said as she sat up, talking serious.
"I-I'll have someone go with me!" Noelle said as she stood up to meet Vanessa's gaze with  a determined look.
As Noelle said that the same suffocating pressure returned as everyone went silent.
"No." Yami said as he walked up to her.
"Vanessa said what's true. Your not going even if you have a supervised vision with you. We can't send you to the infirmary if anything happens." Yami's voice was dark and strict.
"Fine! Then I'm going on my own and you can't stop me!" Noelle shouted and ran past Yami and the others and ran out the door.
"NOELLE! GET BACK HERE! I NEVER SAID YOU COULD GO!" Yami said as he ran to the door and watched her storm off.
"Damn it..." Yami returned to his seat and sat down.
"Captain Yami? Shouldn't we go after her?" Asta asked.
"No. Let her be. She'll learn from her mistake. She'll come back realizing we were right." Yami said as he picked up the news paper again and started to read.
Or at least that's what he thought...
Chapter 1 end...
This is for you! 💖❤💖
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tessathaitea · 4 years
To Think it Started With COVID-19
"Mr. Jackson, I need you to please introduce yourself to the rest of the class," his teacher Mr. Green asked through the computer. He sighed.
He and Annabeth had broken up, not on exactly mutual terms (by now he had moved on and they were both still very close friends). He held no grudge against her, for it was part of figuring out who she was, nor against the certain daughter of Aphrodite she had been crushing on.
Percy proceeded to type in the chat that he could not unmute, unless the class wanted to hear a bunch of pandemonium.
"Mr. Jackson, I assume you don't want to be failing class on the first day, am I correct?" Mr. Green asked (his name should have been Mr. Blue. That would be much better). Percy sighed, and hit the unmute button.
"Um, alright. Hello, I'm Percy Jackson and-" he started before being interrupted.
"GET OVER HERE YOU LITTLE PUNKS! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" a voice Percy later recognised as Clarisse shouted. A bomb-like noise then went off.
"Sorry about that. Okay, so-" another voice then shouted out, interrupting him for the second time in thirty seconds.
"Shut up you load of Minotaur dung!" it said. Another boom sounded. The Stolls must have been pulling another prank and went too far.
"Right, Mr. Jackson, you may refrain from introducing yourself. Now, please mute yourself. All that noise is going to end up giving me a headache," he said. Percy quickly muted himself, and then sighed with relief. At least he didn't ask where Percy was. It would be hard to explain as to why Percy was at a summer camp during the school year. He zoned out the rest of the lecture, making it when Jason snuck up behind him an even bigger scare.
"Hey," Jason said. Percy jumped in surprise, and he couldn't help noticing Jason's bright blue eyes staring right at him, and cursed himself for thinking. Turning his camera off, he turned towards Jason.
"Something you need? I think you know I'm in class right now," he smirked. Jason laughed. He gave Percy a sad smile.
"There's been a new quest issued for you, Nico, Thalia, and me," he said sadly, his smile gone. Percy's heart sunk.
"Right. I'll be there in a minute," Percy said. He told his teacher that there was a family emergency.
"I can wait," Jason said, sitting down on a bed. Percy smiled.
"Ha, no. You need to get your stuff ready. Now, shoo," he said. Jason rolled his eyes, but left the cabin.
After getting his work in advance for the next seven weeks from his teacher, he packed a bag of nectar and ambrosia. There was a soft knock on the door, and Annabeth came in.
"Hey Wise Girl. You get your crush yet?" he asked teasingly. Annabeth turned red, and glared at him.
"Shut up. You getting excited to be going on a quest with a certain blond haired blue-eyed Son of Jupiter?" she said. Percy turned around and pretended to continue packing, so the girl wouldn't see the light blush along his thoroughly tanned cheeks.
"I don't know what you mean Wise Girl," he said, fighting down the blush.
"Of course you do! You're always glancing over at him, and you sometimes even blush around him," she said, rolling her eyes and giggling uncharacteristically. He glared at her, forgetting about the blush on his cheeks. Annabeth's smile widened. As Percy walked out of his cabin, he told her something he would never regret.
"If you don't admit your feelings for Piper by the time I get back, you owe me twenty golden drachma," he called, and then bumped into the same daughter of Aphrodite he was talking about on the way out.
"Wait, what?" Piper asked. Percy winked at both of them.
"Don't start doing the deed in my cabin now, as I don't need more of a mess," he said teasingly. Leaving both girls a blushing mesh, he skipped out the door.
Once he arrived at the Big House, he was met with Thalia interrogating a flustered Jason, which Percy thought was sort of cute.
"You know that he's head-over-heels for you, right? I still don't get why you picked that-" Thalia continued ranting at Jason, until she noticed Percy was there. After Thalia saw him, she started to immediately change the subject.
"Are we all ready to go?" Nico grumbled. Percy suspected he had been pulled out of the infirmary after another round of 'doctors orders' stays. Percy bet that a certain Will Solace was just making excuses to fuss over Nico and spend time with him.
After everyone at least mumbled at yes, they all took hands. Percy later could have sworn Thalia nudged Jason closer to him. He realized with a jolt that Jason was actually holding his hand, and then cursed himself for thinking like a lovesick middle school student. He was jolted out of his thoughts by the sudden darkness of shadow-travel, and the burst of cold air that came after it.
There was a yell, and all of a sudden Nico and Thalia fell over the skyscraper that they had landed on.
"Thalia, concentrate on the winds and not anything else. If all else fails, Nico see if you can shadow-travel back to camp!" Jason yelled. Thalia concentrated, but only managed to stir up a miniature thunderstorm. Nico sighed, and touched Thalia's shoulder, trying to touch her as little as possible as they shadow-traveled out.
Percy sighed with relief, but then realized the situation they were in. They were on top of some sort of skyscraper with two antennae, and one was lit up red and the other lit up green. The city had an amazing skyline, but didn't look like anywhere in New York.
"Any clue to where we are?" Percy asked.
"Nico said we were going to start out in Chicago, but didn't say where. I'm guessing we're on the Sirius tower/ Willis tower," Jason answered. Jason had his legs dangling off the roof, and was staring at the skyline. Percy sat down next to him.
"You know, you guys never actually told me what we were doing on this quest," Percy said.
"We were waiting for you to ask," Jason said. Was it Percy's imagination, or did Jason move closer to him?
"Yeah, well I'm asking now,"
"It was for me to do something," Jason said. Percy had the urge to roll his eyes.
"Do what?" Percy asked. Jason turned towards Percy, his blue eyes sparkling.
Jason grabbed Percy's jaw and smashed his lips onto Percy's own. Suddenly, the night's colors became sharper, and Percy's senses cheered. When they finally pulled away, both boys were blushing.
"You wouldn't believe how long I wanted to do that," Jason said, his fingers tracing one of the scars on Percy's face.
"Yeah? How long?" Percy asked.
"Since the day I met you," he said.
"Are you sure you don't want me to sleep on the couch?" Jason asked. They were staying at a hotel room, and there had been a mix up in the room so that there was only one bed.
"Jason fucking Grace, I said it's fine. Now go to bed," Percy mumbled from his spot in the bed. He heard Jason sigh, and felt him lay down in the bed. Percy moved so that he was in Jason's arms, and sighed contently. He heard the equivalent from Jason a couple minutes later. For once, Percy didn't have to worry about anything from the mythological world.
"Mr. Jackson, could you please state the answer to this question?" his teacher asked. Percy sighed. He would have to spend the rest of the day correcting his other teachers.
"Fine. Also, it's Grace-Jackson now."
“COME BACK HERE! YOU DIDN’T TAKE A COVID-19 TEST!”  shouted someone in the background. Probably Will hounding Nico because he shadow-traveled to Europe on accident again. 
Oh, well. Camp Half-Blood was his family after all, and a great one at that.
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amethyst-crystalfly · 4 years
“Fever Dream”
Pairing | Todoroki Shoto x f reader
Themes | Hurt/comfort, fluff, tooth rotting fluff, fever comfort
warning | migraine attacks? mentions of passing out ( I am sorry I don’t know if they really need warnings, but just in case since this is my first time posting a fic like this)
Authour’s note: Hi guys! This is my new secondary blog for all stuff anime related. Feel free to leave a comment or drop an ask for a fic yu might be interested in. This is written from my personal experience with migraines, but you might have had different experiences, but I hope you enjoy this! Thank you so much for reading Love you!
wc | 2454 
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You stirred on your bed to the sound of your morning alarm going off. As you reached for the digital clock to make it stop you felt a dull headache building up.
“Ugh it is way too early for this right now” you thought to yourself as you groggily sat up in your dorm room bed. You were an aspiring hero you surely couldn’t let a small headache get in the way of your hero course classes. So, you stood up with resolve to get through this day and tried to block out the steadily increasing headache.
You went about your usual routine and promptly met your dorm mates for breakfast after getting ready for classes. You greeted them and tried your best to participate in conversations despite of the uneasiness.
Class started as usual and you decided to keep yourself busy in order to keep your mind off the headache. However, your eyes were burning up, they felt prickly. Every time you closed your eyes it felt like someone was pricking needles at your eyes. It was Mike sensei’s class and he had instructed everyone to silent read the short story he had just explained. You rested your aching forehead against your palms to support them while trying your best to read the instructed chapter. You could feel a fever coming, these were your usual symptoms before you got a fever. You sensed a light poke on your back and knew it was Mina calling you to say something, that is how you guys talked in between classes.
“hey are you alright? You seem a bit off” Mina whispered “you are usually more interactive in classes, is everything alright?”
“I am fine just a bit tiered I guess” you assured her.
She was not exactly convinced but she decided that she would save it for later. However,Mina was not the only one who had noticed this change, you had received concerned glances from a lot of your classmates today through out the classes. One person seemed to be particularly more concerned, Todoroki Shoto.
After English lessons the class was finally dismissed for lunch, much to your relief.
“I’ll join you guys at the table! I have some work to do before I have lunch” you told your friends
“Okay but hurry up and come soon!” Hagakure waved (or at least you assumed she did from the movement of her clothes)
“I will save a seat for you” Jirou offered as she followed the other to the cafeteria.
Once they left you let out a heavy sigh and started organizing your desk like you usually do before you join your friends for lunch in the school cafeteria.
“y/n-Chan are you feeling fine? Your eyes look glossy” You looked up to meet Ochaco’s concerned gaze.
You chuckled and yet again gave words of false reassurance to your friend, but even you knew you were pretty far off from fine right now.
“let’s go have lunch” you said after finishing organizing your desk for the next class after lunch. But as you stood up you managed to knock off your water bottle from the desk as you nearly fell over from the sudden dizziness and you had to grip the edge of your desk to keep from falling on your face.  
“y/n Chan!” Uraraka gasped and rushed to help you stabilize yourself but the moment she touched your arm her hands involuntarily jerked back. “Oh my gosh! You are burning up!”
You were still attempting to stabilize your blurry vision and push down the boughs of dizziness “I-I am fine” you managed to mumble out.
It felt more like an attempt to convince yourself than to reassure her. Most of the class had already dispersed to the cafeteria, save for Mina and Ochaco who had stayed back to accompany you to the cafeteria and Todoroki lingering by the class room door, you weren’t sure why he stayed back.
“y/n Chan you should go to the infirmary! We will inform Aizawa Sensei” Mina said
“Yes, I will also give you my notes if you need! Just please take some rest” Ochaco chimed in, worry lacing her words.
Todoroki was silently observing this from distance, he wanted to reach out and help you but he was unsure about how to approach you. Upon seeing how delirious your condition was he decided to put his hesitance aside and he walked over to your desk.
“I can escort you to the infirmary, if you want that is, I..” he paused as if to find the correct word “I would be glad to help you”
Mina and Ochaco shared a secretive look at this and almost giggled. “Oh no they are being too obvious! This is so embarrassing!!” you internally screamed in embarrassment as your cheeks heated up further at Todoroki’s words and blush bloomed across your features.
“Yes, that would be perfect Todoroki kun! Please assist her!” Mina exclaimed and Ochaco offered her words of agreement.
You could not let this happen, you did not want Todoroki Shoto, the boy you secretly admired so much, to see you like this. What if he thought that you were weak? You are all training to be heroes, right? weakness is not acceptable! …right? Your mind was swimming not only with uncertainties but also with dizziness. You looked up to meet Todoroki’s eyes, and you saw worry and tenderness in them, for you and your heart almost melted at that. But no, you needed to attend these classes they were important how could you miss them; you would be falling behind. You attempted to let go of the sides of the desk you had been clutching for support and straighten up “Todoroki Kun I- “your voice trailed off as black spots appeared in your vision and you saw Todoroki Shoto’s beautiful face growing hazy, the sounds and worried voices around you felt so distant as unconsciousness took over.
You felt firm hands holding you, as if someone was carrying you somewhere, was this Todoroki Shoto? You brain felt too fuzzy to understand. Your one arm was draped over the persons neck and your head was resting on their shoulder. You semi-consciously nuzzled your face in the crook of his neck finding the warmth there. You could feel the person tense up for a moment, at that you muttered an incoherent apology before fading back to unconsciousness again.  
The next time you woke up it was on one of the infirmary beds. You groaned at the sensation of the bright lights hitting your eyes and you turned to your side and curled up, pressing your palms to your eyes to protect them from the lights. The fever had induced a migraine which was your prime tormentor right now. When a migraine attack hit you, lights became your worst enemies as they made the migraine more unbearable. Recovery girl walked in moments later with some medicine from the other room for your fever. She helped you sit up and gave you the medicines with the gentle care of a grandmother. She had the lights dimed on your request and listened to your concerns.
“I am sorry darling but I can’t heal your migraine head ache, since it is not a physical injury, but I will give you some meds to help you with the fever. I suggest you take an off for a few days and get plenty of rest” You simply nodded as she got up to go write you a leave note. “and oh! The young man who brought you to the infirmary said he would drop by at dispersal before heading for the dorm, you can go back with him since you are still not stable enough, he should be here in a while” she informed you while leaving the room.
That caught your attention. "Todoroki brought me here? Did he indeed carry me to the infirmary?? And he was coming back?? To check on me???" You felt yourself turn into a blushing mess and you buried your face in your hands. “It’s nothing” you told yourself “He is probably just doing it out of the goodness of his heart not like he won’t do the same for anyone else, he was a good guy, it is probably nothing else, I should not get hopeful” Your train of thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. And you found Todoroki standing there.
“Hello y/n Chan, are you feeling better?”
“Yes somewhat…” you paused looking down “I-I am sorry for all the trouble...”
“please don’t apologize! It is no problem at all really” He assures you with a gentle smile. That smile that damned smile, it made you lose all focus.  Gosh if only you could kiss him--that thought itself startled you so much that you stood up from the bed with a jerk. The sudden movement made your head hurt and you winced in pain.
“what happened?” He seemed confused
“oh, it’s nothing!” you tried to laugh it off “we should, umm go, I think I would feel better in my room”
He motioned for you to lead the way. You both made your way towards the exit of the school building in silence.
“Did anything important happen in class today? Any new announcements?” You asked breaking the silence
He hesitated for a moment before saying “I made a separate list of home works for you and I umm also printed a copy of my notes for you…so umm…you don’t need to worry; you can find everything there”  
It made your heart soar, you were genuinely touched by this but you were also surprised “Todoroki kun thank you so much, I-I really don’t have words…thank you so much!!”
You saw his ears turn pink at that and a faint blush started forming on his cheeks, “it is alright, you don’t need to thank me” he said. You caught yourself staring at him and quickly averted your gaze.
As you stepped outside the school building, you groaned at the sun mercilessly shining. You hid your face in your hands again.
“Are you alright y/n Chan?” He asked concerned, lightly touching your arm.
“It’s just the sun…bright light worsens my migraine” The school corridor was cool and fairly dark hence it wasn’t that bad but stepping out in the sun was not the same.
“let’s go, I got this” you said without removing your hands.
You felt Shoto place his one hand around your shoulder, holding you steadily as he said “yes, let’s go”
He guided you towards the dorms and you kept shielding not just your eyes from the sun but also using it as an excuse to hide your blushing face.
You slumped a bit against him in relief was once you entered the dorms and the cool atmosphere greeted you. The hallway was thankfully empty much to your relief, if your friends saw you like this with Todoroki, there will be no end to their teasing.
Todoroki’s hand shifted from around your shoulder to the small of your back, ready to support you in case you stumble. The air between the two of you was tense, it felt like there were things which you both wanted to say but no one spoke. Your heart was hammering in your chest as he led you towards your dorm room. As you reached the dorm room, your hands were clammy as you tried to fish your keys out from one of your skirt pockets. He also seemed rather unusually clumsy while he was searching for the notes in his bag. He handed them over to you gently, and your fingers brushed. You were both alone in the hallway and it was steadily getting more awkward. As you were searching for things to say standing in the doorway, Todoroki broke the silence.
“y/n Chan, I have something to tell you...”
your heart sped up but you tried to appear calm and you casually leaned against the doorframe as you said “Yes, sure, go ahead”
“I…I am usually not very good with expressing feelings with words, but I want to tell you, today when I saw you like that it really got me worried, I know sickness and injuries are a part of life, especially with the nature of the work we are aiming for, it will probably be fairly common” he paused and took a deep inhale before continuing, still not meeting your eyes “What I am trying to say is, I want to be there for you, I know you are strong and you don’t need to be protected, but I want to fight by your side and always have your back, and if something gets you down I want to help you up…” he stops and sighs and shakes his head mumbling something to himself before finally meeting your gaze, “Y/n Chan I like you, a lot, I probably am not making sense right n—”
You cut him off by and cupping the side of his face in your palm and reaching up on your tip toes and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “I like you too Shoto kun, a lot”
His face turns bright red at this and you giggle at that.
“really?” he asks surprised
“umhmm” you nod suppressing a smile as you step closer to him.
He tucks a stray lock of hair behind your ear with an amused smile, as if he couldn't quite believe what you just said. He gently takes your hand in his. And presses a soft kiss on your knuckle and says “You should change and get some rest now, we can get back to this conversation later, I will be right back and bring you something to eat since you haven’t had lunch, okay?”
You nodded smiling at him. As he left and you closed your door you nearly jumped out of joy, your heart was about to burst. You washed up and quickly changed into an oversized t-shirt and a pair of shorts. You were starting to feel slightly cold again which probably meant the fever was coming back but you were far too giddy with joy to care. You opened your door upon hearing a knock. Todoroki greeted you with a smile and placed a steaming bowl of Shoba on your table.
“I always have some Shoba in my fridge, so I got you some, I should go now…I am probably interrupting your rest, take care okay?”
You simply walked towards him and wrapped your arms around him in a hug wordlessly and nuzzled your face against his chest. That earned you a soft laugh from him, which you absolutely cherished, and he wrapped his arms around you too.
“Shoto kun?” he smiled at the sound of his name on your lips
“Stay with me”
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agataroman · 4 years
Becoming family
So I decided to write something on my mind. Hope it’s good.
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Paring: John Sheppard x Reader
Summary: On a mission a comment from local will change your life and you go to John so he can be there all the time next to you as you find if what was said is true.
You are nervously pacing in your room. You don’t know if you should go to John now or later. All sort of questions were playing in your head. What if he won’t like it? What if, what if…
 Oh screw this. You fought goa’ulds, replicators, wraith, you will be able to do this. With that you walk towards John’s room. You pause, your insecurities reveal themselves to you once again. You shake your head, take a deep breath and knock. A few seconds later the doors open. John is shocked to see you as it’s two in the morning. He notices you are nervous. “Are you alright?”
 “Can we talk?” He nods and you walk in. You don’t know how to begin. “Is everything alright?” he asks. You take a few deep breaths to ease your nerves a little bit.
 “I think so? I really didn’t know, when to talk to you now or later, but then I thought I wouldn’t be able to make this on my own, that I wanted you to be there. And it really can’t wait till morning.” He sees you are pale and immediately pushes you to sit on his bed and he sits next to you. “Take your time.”
 “You know about my last mission?” He nods, the mission was just recon mission, you spoke to locals, that sort of thing. “Well, I left something out of my report. It wasn’t anything important, just way too personal,” you quickly say so he doesn’t worry much.
 “Anyway. There was this woman. She is something like healer/midwife. Everyone says she has this ability.” John looks confused. “What kind of ability?” You look into his eyes. “The ability to tell if one is pregnant.” You wait for his reaction. But he just stares at you. “John?”
 “And… What does that have to do with you?” You look away. “She said… She said that I am pregnant,” you whisper. John doesn’t believe it. You are pregnant? “Are you sure?” You jump from the bed. “Of course I am not sure, John! The woman said I am pregnant! What was I suppose to think? She just said it! She looked at me and said it! I didn’t know what to do!” You shout at him with tears streaming down your face.
 John stands up and hugs you. “Hey, it’s alright, okay? Everything will work out.” You stand in his arms for a few minutes as he’s trying to calm you down. “You know,” you say. “I actually started thinking. All the changes in me. And I missed my days. It’s normal after what my body went through after all this time, but when I think about it, everything put together and being pregnant explains it.”
 He steps away from you. “What do you say we go to see if doctor Keller is awake?” You look at him and you see him smiling. “You’re excited, aren’t you?” You ask with laugh. John just takes your hand and drags you towards the infirmary.
 Luckily Jennifer is awake. “Colonel, Y/N, what are you doing here this late?” You look at each other and back to doctor. “Jenn, do you think you could do a few tests?” “Tests? What for?” You take deep breath. “I think I am pregnant.” She looks shocked. “Of course.” She takes some blood and leaves you two alone sitting on a bed.
 “How are you feeling?” asks John. “Nervous, that’s for sure. Excited? If I am really pregnant. Oh my god, I might become mom!” John puts arm around your shoulders and pulls you towards him. “Hey don’t worry. I think you will be a great mom.” You look at him. “You really think so?” He leans towards you and kisses you, putting all his feeling into the kiss. “Of course,” he says when you stop kissing. “I love you so much.” You feel few tears on your cheeks. “I love you too Johny.” You wipe the tears. “Damn hormones.” John laughs. “You are definitely pregnant,” he says laughing. You push him away laughing too.
 Jennifer returns in that moment with smile on her face. “You ready to hear the verdict?” You both nod. “Well congratulation, you are pregnant.” John takes you to his arms and starts to twirl you around, both of you laughing. He puts you down and hugs you. “I am going to be dad, I can’t believe it.” You kiss him.
 Jennifer coughs and you turn to her. “I will give you some time tomorrow so I can make more tests to see how far you are and if everything is alright, but tonight I will leave you to be together celebrating.” “Thank you, Jennifer. And please don’t tell anyone yet. I want to tell everyone with John myself.” Jennifer nods and leaves.
 You turn back to John. “We’re going to be parents.” You smile at him. He smiles back and puts his forehead to yours. “Yeah.” “The baby will have such big family. Teyla and Ronon will teach them fight, Rodney will probably scare them explaining something. Radek will teach them Czech swear words so nobody will understand. Oh and we will have to introduce SG-1 to them too, Sam could invite them with Jack O’Neill.” John laughs. “Take it easy, we have time. But when are we going to tell everyone?” “How about today lunch? We could invite everyone to have private meal.”
 You leave the infirmary towards John’s room and lay on his bed. “You do realise if the kid will be a girl, her boyfriends will have to go through way too many guys to get to her right?” he says. “Oh yes. You, Ronon, Rodney, Radek, probably every male on the base who will be wrapped around her finger, Jack, Daniel, Cam and Teal’c. Not to mention all the women.” He laughs. “Oh yes, you will be way scarier than us.” With that he hugs you, arms protectively around your stomach as you both sleep with smile on your faces.
A/n: Well hope you liked it. Maybe I will make part two where they tell everyone, I don’t know.
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serena-hart-09 · 3 years
A Story’s Analyzation Chapter 3 : When an exe. stops working and WHO ARE YOU?! HOW-
Summary (for this chapter): Some angst with Lucifer and some fluff with Luke and meet someone new! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Have a good day!
[Warning: Spoilers for Lilith (small, very small spoiler)]
“Do Not Insult My Child.”
Lucifer froze in his spot. He wanted to tease you and Luke but he no words came out of his mouth. He stood there with shock on his face and said “Sorry.” To Luke much to everyone’s and Lucifer’s surprise. Suddenly he was feeling a little heavy. There was an annoying ringing in his ears. It hurt. ‘S-stop it! Damn it!’ He felt dizzy, his vision had tuned foggy. ‘What is happening?!’ he thought to himself in a panicked haze he held onto anything that was near as it felt like if he didn’t, he would surely fall down……
“Lucifer!” came Mc’s worried voice and suddenly, he felt refreshed? Better, even.  Like there was no pain in the first place…. ‘What?’ he thought to himself. “Lucifer, w-what happened?! Are you alright?” Mc panicked. Lucifer looked up from where their voice was coming from. It seems that he held onto them during the painful haze. Everyone was looking at him with concern. When he understood what was happening, he stood up straight as prideful as ever. “I apologize for showing myself in such a disgraceful manner.”
Diavolo looked at him still worried, “You don’t need to apologize for something like this. You should visit the infirmary and rest there for some time.”
“My Lord, there is no need. I am perfectly fine.” Lucifer said with a scowl. ‘Here we go again, pitying me.’ He thought bitterly.
“No, Lord Diavolo is right.” Mc looks at him with a serious face, “Lets go Lucifer. I’ll come with you.”
“As I said, there is no need.”
“Lucifer, I swear, if you don’t come with me right this instant, I will drag your living body to the infirmary.”
“…” he looks at them with a scowl deeper than ever. ‘What does this human want?’  “Lord Diavolo, I can assure you, I just lost my balance is all. I am truly fine.”
“I said I am fine.” He growled. At this point, he wanted to break something anything that could come in his hands. A deep voice in his head was shouting at the people in front of him ‘How dare they pity me? Me?! I am not weak! I am strong than half of the people standing in this room!’
“…” Everyone was silent. Finally, Diavolo spoke “Alright, I won’t force you, but please take care of yourself.”
“…. Yes, My Lord.” He said as he rushed out of there. He wanted to run. The voice in his head was still angry at them but another voice in his head belittled him saying that ‘You deserve it, Lucifer. How shameful you are now.’ He closed his eyes for a moment, hoping that at least the darkness would help him gather his thoughts together….to be precise, push those thoughts away. But it didn’t help as he saw the monster of his past mocking him, his efforts, his everything and even his existence…. He opened his eyes and rubbed his face to remove the hidden tears. He heads straight to his office. When finally he arrives, he rushes into the bathroom to wash his face in the sink…. When he sees his face in the mirror however………multiple reflections of his face are seen as the mirror was now broken….as he was himself…...
Luke was very happy; he was looking at Mc as his hero. There was no one who had guts to stop Lucifer from teasing Luke. He tried talking to Mc but he was too scared to talk to them while they talking with the others. After what happened, Mc seemed sad even though they were hiding it their frown could seen for a second until, they again started talking happily. He didn’t talk much about much anything because he was still a little embarrassed as Mc literally declared him as their child right in front of Simeon, the Prince and his butler but still, that did not stop from him admiring Mc for their bravery.
So, while walking to the assembly hall for a meeting, he tried to start a conversation, “Uh…. Mc why is Simeon not with us?”
“Ah, its because Diavolo had some business with him it seemed.” They say with a little smile. Progress! They were at least smiling now! Now what he should talk about? “Uh, Mc….? Where is Mammon? Wasn’t he supposed to guard you and attend the meeting?”
“…. He ditched me.” They say nervousness evident in their voice. ‘How could that demon do this?!’ he thought. “So, what happened to Lucifer? Where did he go?” he asked as he thought ‘at least he is a responsible one right? He is not like his brothers, right?’
“….I don’t know where he went….. I am worried about him…” Oh no! The sad frown returned on their face! Aaaah! What should he do?!
Without thinking (also while blushing), he said, “Don’t worry Mc! I’ll protect you!”
“!!!!” Mc looks at him with shock which is then replaced by big smile, “Thank you, Luke, I really appreciate it. Hehe.” They laughed! Score!
Just then, a pack of lower demons came at them, “Oooh! Look at that isn’t that the other human?” one demon sneered at them. “Yeah! Wait isn’t that the Chihuahua Angel?! It seems he found his new owner!”
“Yeah, it seems Simeon got bored with him.”
“Hey, hey human, give me your D.D.D. number!”
“You better do it or else we will beat you to a pulp!”
‘Tch! Damn demons! They have no shame in them!’ Luke thought angrily as he tried to go and tell them…..just then, a hand on his shoulder held him back. It was Mc’s hand. “Let’s go Luke. We’ll be late.” they smiled at him. They took his hand and walked past the demons.
“OI, we are talking to you! Are you deaf?!” one of them shouted. Luke had a bad feeling about this.
“….” They looked at the demons and mumbled, “there’s a lot of them…” They looked at Luke smiled at them and hugged him and said, “Run. Run to the Assembly Hall and call Lucifer or Diavolo or anyone else.” Luke looks at them with shock and hears the demons attack them. Before he could scream, Mc pushes him away and shouts “Go! Now!”
They also shout, “How did these idiots get here?!”
Luke doesn’t know what happened to him but he runs to the assembly in tears.
Lucifer is worried. It’s been quite a long time Mc, Luke and Mammon should’ve reached the Assembly Hall by now, but none of them are seen… he is looking at his notes for today’s meeting. He continues reading the notes still worried. He hears Diavolo speak, “It’s quite late, everyone is here. Only Mc, Luke and Mammon are not here……”
“….I apologize on behalf of Mc. I’ll tell them to be early next time…” Lucifer frowns at his words.
“Are you worried for them?”
“Are you worried for Mc, Lucifer?” Diavolo asks him.
“….Yes, they are after all, the exchange student.” Lucifers says as if it is a fact.
“Hm.. they were quite sad after you left.”
“They were?” Lucifer asks astonishment evident on his face. Diavolo only smiles, “Yes, it seems they were still worried about you.”
“Why they would be worried about me?” Lucifer asks without thinking.
At this Diavolo frowns, “Why do you think that?”
“…” Really, now that he mentions it, they probably are worried about him, right? Wait, but why they would be worried? They know him for only two days after all. Wait, why is he getting worked up for this? Since when did he care? Why is he thinking like this?
Someone across the table is heard sighing, it was Leviathan. “Seriously, can I go back home?”
“No, you can’t. You don’t attend the classes have some courtesy of attending the meeting, will you?” Lucifer speaks getting out of his serious self-questioning. His brother sighs dramatically. Everyone is here, ‘where are these 3 idiots?’ he thinks. Just then, the doors open revealing Mammon “Evenin’…” Lucifer looks at his direction only to see no Mc and no Luke. Ok, if Lucifer was ‘just worried’ before, his blood pressure was rising now.
“EEK- wha-wha-what happened, big bro?”
“…….Shit I forgot.” Mammon answers after thinking for some time.
“Look I’m sorry-”
Just then, the door opened again, letting Luke inside. “Simeon! Lord Diavolo! Lucifer! Mc is-”
Before Luke could finish his sentence, Lucifer was in front of him with dark aura surrounding him, “Where?”
“Near the Library-”
Lucifer bolted out without looking back. He was in his demon form ready to destroy. He finally came to the spot. And as mentioned ready to break bones but-
He was shocked. ‘What in the nine hells?’
The whole pack of lower demons were kneeling down in front of the human…. Some of them were injured (severely). All of this when the human was smiling with satisfaction (and a bit of sadism). Their back was to Lucifer, so they couldn’t see him. Lucifer was stuck in a daze. Correction, his brain was stuck.
It seemed that the human finally noticed him, “Ah, Lucifer, sorry that you have to come here and sorry for being late. You see, I was stuck in a rather unavoidable situation because of these idiots.” They say while pointing at the demons still kneeling. At their mention the demons flinch in fear. “Don’t worry I haven’t injured them too much but just enough to make them understand. Anyways, lets go to the meeting, ok?” the smile at him all cutesy.
“Yes….” Mind you, he is still in his confusion-daze.
The human gives the demons another look (perhaps of anger) as they flinch under the human’s gaze, “I’m sure you have learnt your lesson, now go to the infirmary treat your wounds. Then, you are free to do whatever you want. Understood?”
“Good, now scram.”
Then the demons ran away.
Lucifer returns with Mc in the Assembly Hall. Luke runs to them and asks if they are alright. Everyone gathers around Mc to confirm if they are truly fine, all while Lucifer.exe. still can’t work properly, for some reason. The meeting starts and finally finishes. Diavolo comes near Lucifer, “Are you alright? You seemed in a daze…”
“Mc defeated the demons and made them kneel.” Lucifer spoke as if on ‘automatic mode’.
“What…..? Really?! That is brilliant!.... Wait, were the demons injured?”
“Yes, but they have been sent to the infirmary under Mc’s orders.”
“Woah…..” after this Diavolo went straight to Mc to take their interview of sorts on their new achievement being unlocked. Little anyone know, they unlocked the true achievement of breaking Lucifer.
Someone help this man- I mean demon…….
 After finally returning back home, he tried distract himself from the ‘confusion-daze’ by doing paperwork(locking himself in his study as usual). After some time, he hears a knock on the door of his study. He sighs and finally says, “Come in.”
The minute he sees Mc entering-
Lucifer.exe. is now ready to go.
“How did you do that? Humans are not supposed to work like that! How just how?!” if was not for Mc in his room he would have pulled his hair out in frustration as he couldn’t solve this ‘serial killer mystery’ (I mean, its understandable).
“Ok calm down, big boy. I didn’t do anything. I just did what I did to defend myself.” They shrugged.
“Yes but-”
They cut him off, “Here, coffee. I made it myself. I figured you would need it.” They hand a mug filled coffee. Wait, it was Melancholy Coffee.
“How did you make this coffee?”
“The internet is there for reason.” They laugh at him while he wears bashful expression.
“Anyways, you wanted to talk about monster-pets with me, right?”
“During the first day, before Diavolo suggested you to introduce your brothers you seemed as if you wanted to talk to me more.”
“…” Lucifer was looking at his stack of paperwork to avoid looking at them (again) as he was blushing. “I… yes, you are right I have interest in it.” He said while trying to find the correct words
“Oh? I am too interested in this topic.” They smirk at him, “tell me what type?”
“…. Hellhounds.”
 Their eyes sparkled and were looking at Lucifer with adoration, “really?! Even I love Hellhounds. Many people hate them, I but really love them!”
“You do?” This was first for Lucifer, as everyone around was afraid of the Hellhound that he adopted it was new to see someone like Hellhounds as he did. So, he continued, “In fact, I have a Hellhound as a pet in the tomb under the main house.”
“Reaaaallly?!” their eyes were sparkling even more. “Please can I meet them? Please, please, please?”
Lucifer looks at them with soft eyes. He starts laughing softly. He can practically see the dog ears on Mc now, pleading in a cute way. “Alright, but only if you have the guts to take him walk for the whole week.” He tried to scare Mc. Well except, they were not scared in fact their cat-like grin got even more big with excitement. “YESSSS” they practically yelled.
Lucifer, sighed and shook his head but weirdly not out stress. No, but out something warm that was rising in his chest. He brushed off as nothing and took Mc to the underground tomb.
“Mc stay behind me.” Lucifer said with caution. They nodded at with understanding. Mc was now standing behind of Lucifer.
“Cerberus!” he calls his beloved Hellhound. Cerberus comes in the view with a growl and a roar.
But then, he is kneeling?
Cerberus never kneeled to Lucifer even while greeting him any or other time. Cerberus had to be scolded to behave, but now the hound is not only kneeling but whining for attention?! But why-
Mc goes near Cerberus and hugs him?! Then proceeds to pet him?!
Lucifer observes both of them and then it clicks.
Did Cerberus kneel to Mc?! But why- How- WhEn-
‘Lucifer.exe. has stopped working again.’  
‘…I never thought Kerberos would be with Lucifer…..
But its understandable at least he’s taking care of him.
I’m jealous…..
Its not fair…..
….but it is the way it is I guess…..
Hm? Ah, Reader, you came? Would you like some tea?
Tell me of your day!
Hm? “Who is that?” you ask? The person pouring our tea?
Reader……. Are you sure you want to know?
You’ll get that information prematurely, you know?
*mystery person smiles at you*
Hm? You still want to know?
Alright then, my curious cat…..hehe…..
*looks at mystery person with a smile*
But I must say today’s tea is very sweet I like it can brew it tomorrow as well?
Yes, please do, both of would appreciate it, “Narukou”.
*”Narukou” laughs and says something*
What? You want the Reader to call you by your real name?
*looking at “Narukou” with concern*
*“Narukou” nods*
Aaaah… fine its your name after all *looks at you the Reader, smirking -*
Right? “Lilith”?
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kuronanox · 4 years
Hidden Emotions - Byakuya Kuchiki
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Ever since Byakuya left to Hueco Mundo to help aid Ichigo, rukia and their friends (Your Name) had been restless.
She treated Byakuya after he took a hit from Gin's sword during the execution of his sister in law. When he was at the infirmary in the 4th squad Unohana trusted (Your Name) to tend Byakuya every need.
At first she was against healing him because nobles had a tendency to be stuck up and he even let his sister die for a moment. But she gave him a chance and she couldn't go against her captains orders.
She spend many days in his infirmary room helping him recover that she eventually broke the cold facade he shown everyone.
"Hello Kuchiki Taicho! I'm here to check up." (Your Name) peeps her head in his room with a smile. After getting his approval to come in she set his food down and grabbed a few instruments to check his vital signs and wound.
"Okay breathe in and out slowly." She says and touch his back lightly to straighten his back.
Byakuya was a man with very few words so usually check ups were rather very quiet for her. "Everything is fine, the wound is healing slower than usual but still you have to be in bed."
He nods as she hands him his food for the morning. "Is there anything else I can get you?"
"Name." He tells her flatly not looking at her direction.
"My name?"
"Yes, your name." He then looks up to her as she slowly grew flush.
"Uhh, it's (Your Name)."
"Thank you (Your Name) you may leave." He states as she bows respectfully and closes the door lightly.
Every day it was slowly getting better, the first few days were definitely awkward but after he would talk to her. She guessed it was because he was bored.
"How long have you've been in the 4th squad?" He asks curiously as she prepared him another robe for the day.
"Probably 25 years already, I'm not the fighting type really although I am really outspoken! People mistaken me for a fighter rather than a healer."
"I can see that." He states as she lightly laughs.
"You know I didn't like you at first, but you aren't half bad."
A visible smirk came from his lips, he was definitely interested in her.
"Rather bold to say."
She shrugs with a small chuckle and helps him off the bed to freshen up for the day. "Hold on don't step there or else you will sli-"
Byakuya lost his footing as (Your Name) was below him. His weight was definitely much heavier than hers as she tightly wrapped her arms around him.
Byakuya reflexes were fast but he couldn't avoid the fall so his only way to protect her head from hitting the floor was to put his hand behind it.
"Are you okay?!" She says from under as he looks down to see her worried. Their closeness was to close yet comforting to Byakuya to have someone wrap their arms around him again.
Unwrapping her arms she helped him up and examined his hand that was bruised.
"Sorry, I've should have warned you before getting up." She says and looks at the dirty robe that he slipped on.
"It's fine." He states as she heals it.
There was silence between them again, she could feel that his heart was racing. Byakuya would never show it though. "You can relax."
He looks up to her and gently grabs her hand. "Thank you, you may leave for today."
After that awkward fall between them he slightly distance himself again but not to the point where he closed himself off to her.
Byakuya knew his feelings for her were developing but he was afraid of losing someone important again so he suppressed them for a while.
"Rukia came and visited again?" (Your Name) asks as she walked into the room a little while after Rukia left.
Byakuya nodded as (Your Name) took a seat besides the bedside.
“Yes she came.”
"Must be nice to have a sibling." She said envious to have someone to lean on.
Byakuya doesn't say anything and look towards her. "Are you a only child?"
"Yes, my parents died a long time ago."
"Family is complicated but I agree with you. I was an only child too so I know how it feels." He says as she just smiles at his attempt to make her feel better.
"You leave tomorrow, are you excited?"
He nods as she places her hands on her hips and leans towards him. "Don't think you will escape me I have to still visit you once a day to make sure everything is good! Don't think you can get rid of me just yet!" She pouts.
"Of course (Your Name)." He says with a slight smile.
Byakuya was released to go back home and he had so much work to catch up on. The load was piling high because Renji alone couldn't get it done.
He sighed and massaged his neck lightly, his days were long and with almost no sleep. He also wanted to train more after a rude awakening of Ichigo surpassing him and getting badly injured trying to save Rukia he strived to get stronger.
Yet a certain person disrupted his mind when he was working or sleeping. Byakuya found himself wanting to spend more time with (Your Name). He was to hard on himself he knew Rukia and Hisana would want him to be happy too.
He was afraid of losing someone again.
Would (Your Name) share the same feelings for him? She clearly expressed how she didn't like him from the start.
The next day she came in the afternoon to check up. After checking him up she packed her bags.
"Join me for tea." He tells her lightly brushing the paper with ink and setting it aside.
"Who else's name is (Your Name)?"
The tea was delightful, Byakuya opened up about himself to her. She was quite surprised herself that he was being so interested in her.
When he was fully recovered she didn't visit everyday but he would ask her out often. He had a nice dinner with her once at the Kuchiki manor and they spent a lot of time walking around and enjoying the nice view of the trees and flowers that bloomed.
She even spent nights with him as they shared one bed. In the back of her head she asked herself if this was real or fake their relationship that is.
Byakuya never announced they were a item but people started to take a notice and said no words.
(Your Name) grabbed his face gently as they fell on the bed as he passionately catches her lips with his lightly sucking her bottom lip.
"Stay with me tonight." He tells her as she nods slowly and wraps her arms around him.
Running her hands through his hair he relaxes and closes his eyes.
(Your Name) had just got news that Aizen was defeated and they had won the war. A sense of relief came across her.
She wanted to see Byakuya but everyone was forbid for see the Captains until they were rested.
A little sadden that he didn't come and see her after returning she laid in bed.
"I mean we aren't dating or anything so he's not obligated to see me or I to him."
Sighing she pulled the blankets over her and closed her eyes.
Byakuya came later that night, he wasn't in the best mood but seeing her safe and sound soothed him. Brushing her hair aside he traced her facial features. She swat his hand away and cuddled into the blankets more.
A soft fluffy feelings embraced her as she struggled to open her eyes as a warm touch came across her.
"Don't worry it's only me." His deep voice says placing her gently down. Waking up completely she sees that they were in Byakuya room.
"You came." She says happily with a smile as he cups one of her cheeks and caresses it.
"Of course I did." He tells her with uncertainty in his face.
"Well what's wrong? You seem like something is bothering you."
He looks shock that she could read through his expression. "You could tell?"
"You maybe be good at hiding your emotions but I can tell."
Byakuya felt light as he proceeded to explain what had been bothering him.
"I almost lost Rukia again in battle."
She looks up at him and see that he was troubled. "But she's safe now, it will be okay. Rukia is a big girl now."
"Not only that but also I've been neglecting my feelings for you. I feel like you deserve someone that won't hide their emotions away."
(Your Name) eyes widen as she soften up.
"Jeez dont worry about it, it's not like we are together."
That's what Byakuya did not like, that they had no label. If it was modern day he would call it fuck buddies and he definitely didn't want that.
He came to certain that he would one day need a heir and someone to retire with once old age came upon.
Although the relationship was young it had potential and Byakuya would only stick around and invest if he knew something or someone was promising.
"Would you like to be my girlfriend? I know I haven't been the greatest at showing my emotions but over the time I've spent with you it was quite enjoyable." He tells her.
(Your Name) couldn't refuse, there was of course lots to talk about but at the moment she just wanted to give him a huge hug and scream yes.
"Of course." She says and brings him into a embrace. "I've missed you, I was worried about you too."
He smiles to himself and slides his arms around her. "Don't worry, I'm here now."
"But now that we are official I promise to give you my individual attention and promise to make you happy everyday."
She grins and kiss him lightly on the nose.
"I would like that."
Laying down next to her on the bed he pulled her close and entwined their lips once more to a demanding and hungry kiss.
Byakuya was a man of class but sometimes he had a messy side he tried to keep hidden. Tonight though he wanted to feel the both of them.
Placing her under him he tilted her head to get access to her creamy skin and neck.
Leaving love marks as he slowly sucked and bite down the flesh.
"There will be no sleep tonight." He tells her as she pulls him down to her.
"Show me a great time tonight." (Your Name) breathlessly says after.
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popquizhot-shot · 3 years
You’re not him-Chapter 4
Mobius was holding a candy box called Kablooie, which you recognized.
"Kablooie." he said.
" What's that?" Loki asked.
"Candy. Do you have candy on Asgard?" Mobius says.
"Yeah, grapes, nuts."
"Huh, well no wonder your so bitter." he says before grabbing a large bunch of files and heading to the desk leaving you and Loki to follow him.
"Okay, so Kablooie was only sold regionally on Earth from 2047 to 2051, so we need to cross reference that with every apocalyptic event, I'm gonna give you half, Y/n take a few from him, have a competition see who finds it." Mobius explains.
"Sure." Loki says seeming interested in the 'competition'
" You wanna bet on something?, Yeah a bet, let's play for pride, may the best person win!" Mobius declares.
Rolling your eyes with a small smile, you take the files Loki hands you.
"Anything?" Mobius asks, going through a file.
"Uh, it's not the climate disaster of 2048." Loki replies
"Or the Tsunami of 2051." you pipe in, not looking up from your pile.
"Let's go, let's go come on." Mobius chants.
"2050..the extinction of the swallow.." Loki reads out.
"That's a thing?" you say, a little shaken up at number of natural disaster and problems.
"Completely screwed up the ecosystem.." Mobius answers.
"Krakatoa erupted in 2049 as well." you say
"No kablooie" Loki says.
"God, it's just one damn thing after another, isn't it?" Mobius muses.
"Tell me about it." you scoff.
"Cyclones, famine, volcanoes,floods-"
"Got him!" Loki says, holding up the file, "That's where he is."
"Alabama, 2050." you say reading the file.
Leaning forward, Mobius looks at Loki and smirks," You're gonna take my job, if I'm not careful."
" Ok, pack it up, Lovebirds!" you say giggling, while simultaneously feeling this unreasonable jealousy.
Playfully glaring at you, Loki leans back and lets out a little breath.
" I have to go to Ravonna and ask her  to approve a fully-armed task force, this mission, if it even happens, is really important." Mobius gets up and you and Loki closely follow.
Mobius was inside Renslayer's office, you and Loki were waiting outside. To pass the time, you decided to play a game.
" Ok, tell me about a time you scared your brother" you ask, hoping to hear the iconic snake story.
" Ohhh, I have a good one, we were about eight at the time, and you see, Thor loves snakes, so to scare him, I transformed myself into a snake and he picked it up to admire it and then I transformed back into myself and said, " MEUH IT'S ME! and stabbed him." he said smiling at the memory.
"My turn!" you say
" Ok, were you ever in love with someone?" he said.
Taking a deep breath, you for yourself to look at him.
"Yes. Yes I was." you say smiling lightly.
"Oh! tell me about this lucky person." he says interested, and..is that a tinge of jealousy in his voice?
" Well, he was one of the most caring, sweet, and amazing people, I had ever met in my life, he loved forehead kisses.  But h-he was murdered, right in front of me" you say sadly, eyes becoming moist.
" Oh, I'm sorry about that." he says sympathetically.
" What about you, were you ever in love?" you ask, when Loki was alive, he didn't tell you much about his past relationships, mainly because you never asked.
" Well, I've had my fair share of  relationships, but in most of them there was nothing ever......authentic or real.." .
You selfishly sigh in happiness on the inside.
"-except one girl." he continued.
"Oh, nice so who was she?" you ask, jealousy raging and burning inside you.
" Oh, well her name was Astrid and I really loved her, we talked about marriage and things like that, but then she was married to a duke of Vanaheim."
"Huh, I'm sorry."
" It's alright, it was for the best."
The awkward silence is broken by Mobius walking out of the office.
"So? Are we on?" you ask.
" We're on" he replies, walking to the locker room.
"I'm telling you, you help us catch this variant, and who knows my friend-" Mobius begins.
" What good enough for a face to face with the time keepers?" Loki asked, while you headed to your locker.
"I didn't say that, one step at a time."
" Ok, one step at a time."
Reaching into his locker, Mobius pulls out a pair of daggers and hands them to him, " Just in case."
While Loki fawns over them, Hunter B-60 immediately comes and snatches them away, putting them in her own locker, leaving Loki adorably pouting and you laughing.
"Gather around for a briefing!" she announces.
After everyone is gathered, she begins.
"Roxxcart is a vast superstore common to the era, it consists of a series of sprawling sections, including a large warehouse. This warehouse is being used by civilians as a shelter trying to ride the storm. Remember this is a class-10 apocalypse, while the Variant wouldn't know we're coming, he could be hiding anywhere, and should be considered hostile. So stay alert. Every time there is an attack, the Variant steals a reset charge, he's planning something, we just don't know what. So keep an eye out for the missing charges, and if you see a Loki, prune it."
"The bad Loki, preferably." Loki pipes in.
Destination, Haven Hills, Alabama.
Year, 2050.
It's pouring outside and as you walk in, there's a flash of thunder. Out of habit, you look up expecting Thor, only to look at Loki and seeing him so the same.
Poor sweetie.
Walking into the store, you immediately see Loki use his magic to dry himself, and that reminded you,
Shit, I can do magic.
So you did the same, only the color of your magic was gold.
Loki looked surprised as hell.
" The hell was that?" Hunter asked Loki.
Loki, looking surprised that you could do magic, said to her, " That was me, using magic to dry my clothes, so I don't announce myself with every squeaky footstep like the rest of you." he says.
The lights flicker making all of you alert.
"Ok, take two teams and sweep the storm shelter." she says.
"Loki and I are gonna check out the greenhouse, we'll mee-" Mobius begins
"No" Hunter says.
" No? He's under my supervision" Mobius, argues.
They argue back and forth making you get frustrated.
"Ok, enough! Mobius let Loki go with her, I'll scout on my own." you butt in.
Begrudgingly, he allows Loki to go with B-60.
As you go through and check the aisles, you see Loki and B-60, talking to someone with his hands up.
"It's a hurricane sale, azaleas are half off." the guys says.
" Could that be you?" B-60 asked.
"I mean I probably would have worn a suit, but yes, maybe."
You walk over and stand next to Loki, " Who's the guy?"
" We're about to find out." he replies.
Hunter makes her way to the guy, prune stick( is it called a prune stick? if anyone knows what it's called, please tell me) charged. As she goes near him, he grabs hold of her arm and you can see a flash of green magic make its way up Hunter's arm, the man falls to the ground.
"Is he dead?" Loki asks not realizing what happened.
"Loki, that's not Hunter." you say.
" No, they usually survive." Hunter, no, the Variant says.
Facing Loki, she says," So you're the fool the TVA brought in to hunt me down."
"Me, I presume." Loki says
"Please, if anyone's anyone, you're me." she says smiling cheekily at him.
He retaliates by smiling wider.
Rolling your eyes, you scoff.
Children, literal children
"How nice to meet you."
In the surveillance room, Mobius and the others find C-20
The poor girl looks traumatized, saying one thing over and over again.
"It's real, it's real, it's real." she says shaking, her voice wavering
Speaking into a comm, Mobius says, "Y/n, we need y-"
"Enchantment is a clever trick." Loki says, as you all walk around." Cowardly, a bit amateur-ish, but clever."
"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA." the Variant replies.
"I'm working for me."
"You really believe that don't you?"
"Heh, and here I was worried that they found a better version of me."
This is getting boring
"Hi, are you guys looking for the disaster shelter?" a worker asks.
"No." the Variant says before enchanting him and taking over his body, Hunter falling to the ground, Loki and you go to check on her.
"Oh bless, you gonna call you're little friends for help?" the Variant says.
" What's the matter, you too scared to meet me face-to-face?"
"Y/n, we need you here, come to the surveillance room, we have a problem."
Slowly backing away, you leave and teleport to the surveillance room.
"It's real, it's real, it's real, it's real-" C-20 kept saying over and over again.
"What's real?" you ask.
" She's off the dial." an agent replies.
"Look at me c-20, what's real?" you repeat
"I wanna go home." she says eyes wide.
" We're gonna get you there, call the TVA and let the infirmary kno-"
"No, I gave it away!" she shouts
"What, what did you give away?" Mobius asks.
" The Time Keepers! Where they are!"
In shock, you look at the live camera footage of the shop and you see Loki getting beaten up.
"Shit, Mobius I'll be back." you say and teleport to a different part of the store
You arrive just in time to see a hooded-figure in front of Loki and you.
"Where did you go? I got my ass whooped." he asks you
"The Variant knows where the Time- keepers are." you reply
The hooded figure comes forward and lifts the hood to reveal a-
Holy shit.
a beautiful lady is standing in front of you, wearing the signature horns, her hair is like Loki's except it's blonde. Blonde?
"This isn't about you." she says
In shock you just nod and Loki slowly says, "Right."
At that exact moment, a timer goes off and and the lights go out, the only source of light coming from.... wait is that a TemPad?
Everything becomes brighter and you can see lots and lots of reset charges, each one going into a different timeline.
The lights flicker red and you can see the lady wave and then walk into a time-door.
You can also hear Mobius shouting in the distance.
You and Loki look behind and then at each other and nod before running through the door after her.
The last thing you hear is Mobius shouting.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Keeping Secrets.”
Wrote another for you all. Hope you have a good day :)
“But I’m HUNGRY.” 
“We don’t have time for that.”
“I’m the commander, I’m your boss, and I say I’m hungry.”
Ramirez turned on his heel going toe to toe with the taller man, “I don’t give one shit if you’re hungry or not, something is wrong with you, so I am taking you back to Dr. Krill and Katie, so they can to a scan of your dumbass skull.” 
Commander Vir bared his teeth in a feral snarl held back only by Sunny, who had two of her arms wrapped around his chest. He was being absolutely impossible to control. First it had been other people, largely women, but with Ramirez in the crossfire once, and Sunny taking the brunt towards the tail end. Then it had been the aggression, the heightened need to fight absolutely everyone for the smallest infraction, and then had come the hunger, which he hadn’t shut up about for over a mile now.
Ramirez would have gotten them a taxi, but everything here tended to fly, which made Adam assume that it was his since he was “the best pilot in the known galaxy, so it should be me that flies everything.”
Yeah right, like he was going to let commander jackass fly the plane.
But deep down he was worried. Whatever this guy was, it wasn’t Adam.
Adam was….. Well how about the exact opposite of everything this person was doing, he was shy, and polite, and friendly, and humorous. Even when he got angry or indignant, his actions were usually justified for some sort of reason.
But whatever that thing in the alley had been, it had definitely done something to him.
He glanced down at his implant, and pulled up the tracking device that Krill had managed to weld to the commander’s ribs and found that it did indeed say that the commander was right behind him.
Up ahead they were just stepping onto the docking bay platform where ship shuttles were constantly rolling in from the sky above. Noctopolis didn’t have a station big enough for entire ships to land, so they were going to have to take a shuttle back to the ship. It would be best not to take their shuttle as the other marines would need a way to get back when they finally finished with their carousing, so he finally hailed another shuttle, which pulled to a stop in front of them.
“This piece of junk.” The commander snarled, “I’ve seen better shuttles in junkyards. Look at it, the D-4 coupling. Only some kind of bitch drives a shuttle with a -”
Sunny clamped her hand over the commander’s mouth and Ramirez sighed as the shuttle ramp opened and allowed them to step inside.
“To the station?” the pilot asked turning around in its seat to look at them.
“Yes please.” Ramirez said scanning his implant under the reader for payment.
As soon as that was done, he helped Sunny to strap the Commander into place getting a fat lip for his troubles when the man snuck in an angry knee to the face. Ramirez contemplated ‘accidentally’ closing the five point harness on the man’s junk in retaliation, but assumed it wise not to piss the man off more than he already was.
Sunny still had her hand over the Commander’s mouth, as the roar of the engines started up nearly deafening the.
Sunny yelped in shock and drew her hand back from Adam.
“He bit me!”
He barred his teeth at her, complained for a couple more minutes, though, luckily it wasn’t loudly enough for the pilot to hear. Eventually his messed up brain moved on to a quieter activity, pressed against Sunny head resting on her am.
Ramirez wasn’t stupid.
Had he guessed that Adam had a thing for sunny. Totally, who didn’t, but he doubted that Adam wanted anyone to find out like this. Ramirez honestly didn’t care about what he did in his free time, but he was worried about what would happen to his friend when he came down from whatever freaky psychotic behavior this was.
So, what did he do?
He decided to piss him off some more.
The commander could more easily come back from anger than he could from the humiliating of letting everyone know he was in love with an alien.
“Adam, Fuck you.”
It wasn’t his most eloquent diatribe he had ever given, but it worked pretty well.
Adam turned to look at him face twisted into an expression of murderous rage. Sunny was forced to hold him back as the cursing began and the struggling. Ramirez stayed very calm. He just had to keep him pissed like this until they made it to the infirmary.
They made it off the shuttle without incident, and walked through most of the station. Aside form the man hungrily eyeballing a couple of passing people, and a couple of passing food carts, they made it to the ship.
People came to approach them but Ramirez vigorously shook his head waving them off and out of the line of fire. Commander Vir glared them down as if he intended to fight each and every last one of them.
Sunny practically carried him up the corridor and through the ship towards their final destination.
Along the hallway up to the medical bay they ran into Conn, who took one look at Commander Vir and floated backwards a bit. Whatever was inside the man’s head, the starborn wasn’t to keen to be apart of.
Ramirez ignored that little fact and shouldered the next door open with gusto practically bursting into the medical bay with sunny close behind.
Dr. katie and Krill looked up from their work frowning in confusion as Sunny struggled to make the Commander do what she wanted.
Krill floated up.
“Is everything alright?”
Ramirez shook his head, “Something happened to the Commander. I think he was attacked?”
Both Dr. Krill and doctor Katie stepped forward in concern as Sunny forced him to sit down.
Krill moved forward, and so did doctor katie until eventually the man’s eyes fell on her. They all watched as his head tilted slowly moving up to her face after passing over her body. The look on his face was so uncharacteristic of him that Dr. katie and Krill took  a step back.
He licked his lips.
Dr. Katie’s eyes narrowed, and she walked over grabbing him aggressively by the face and turning his head this way and that. 
He mewled in pain.
“You are definitely right, something is completely wrong with him. Sunny pinned his hands down as he tried to fight Katie off.
“He got all weird like, started going after everyone, and then he tried to fight the, and then he got all hungry. And he's been aggressive and pissy ever since. I have never seen anyone behave like this ever, and I joined the army.”
“Yes the behavior is completely out of character. What did you say happened before he started acting like this.”
“I think someone may have used a device on him. It was dark, and I didn’t get a good look of the shadow, but I saw some metal, like there was a contraption on his head. Sunny continued to hold the commander down as doctor Katie looked over his head. She completely ignored whatever he was saying, though it did happen to be rather alarming coming from Adam.
“Here, on the scalp, what do you make of it Krill.”
Krill moved forward to take a look leaning in closely for an examination, “Hmmm, yes. Puncture wounds on the temples and under the eyes, very minuscule. Almost microscopic in fact.
Adam bit at Katie’s hand and she pulled back.
The look on her face was one of complete no nonsense as she stepped away grabbed something and then came back.
Adam looks almost shocked when she stabbed him in the back with the syringe.
“What did you give him.” Krill wondered 
The concoction was self-evident a moment later as the man lost all muscle tone. Sunny grabbed him and lay him back.
“Combined sedative and paralytic. That should keep him still she said.” Behind her glasses her warm eyes had changed to one of worry. She wasn’t mad at the commander knowing that something had been done to hi to make him behave in such a barbaric manner.
“Call in Dr. Adric will you. He might be able to help us explain at least some of this behavior.”
It wasn’t long before the man slipped into the room honey tones of his dark skin washed out by sharp overhead light. He walked forward and stopped with the other two doctors.
“Something is wrong with the commander.”
“Increased libido, hyper aggression, and hunger to the point of not being able to control himself. We had to sedate him.”
“Strange, sounds like you just gave me the textbook definition of the Id.”
“The what now?”
Dr Adric shrugged, “Oh nothing it was simply a theory proposed by a psychologist more than two thousand years ago. His methods have since been questioned and greatly disproven, but Freud did coin the idea of the Id, or the subconscious driving for of the human mind that encompasses all our base desires, food, sex, aggression, and so on.” he glanced down at the commander, “In this case, i might suggest something in causation with the function of the brain stem (including all base drives) and an inhibition of the frontal lobe and limbic system.”
“Why those in particular?” Krill wondered 
“The frontal lobe, as you know is in charge of executive decision. Whatever function has kept these drives and habits suppressed, is not working. With the limbic system down, he has no way of controlling his emotions which might explain the aggression, though I have never seen anything manifest in this way.”
“So you have seen it?”
“Alzheimer patients can experience similar behavior towards the end stages of the disease as their executive function and limbic systems break down, but he doesn't appear to be having any related memory involvement. I would suggest an x-ray fMRI and CT scan to begin.”
“Why the x-ray?” wondered Ramirez pretty sure that that could show you the skull and not the brain.
“Looking for metal of course.”
It was probably a good idea as the first x-ray image lit up like a lightbulb. Gathered around the screen, Sunny and Ramirez looking over their heads they saw the skull was packed full of shiny white dots. The skull was intact, and the dots were on the outside of his brain, but they were small, very small.
“Think you can get those out, Dr?” Katie asked turning to look at Krill.
“Yes, they are very small, a large magnet should do the trick.”
Dr Adric made a joke about putting him in an MRI to do the work quicker, and received a look form Krill while Katie laughed.
By the end of the hour all oft hem were staring at a minute grouping of microscopic electrodes that had been pulled from the man’s head.
“That would explain it.” Dr Adric muttered
“Explain what?”
“Generating a magnetic current through areas of the brain can disrupt its function. We’ve known that for thousands of years. Continuous stimulation of the occipital lobe, for example, can make someone go blind. So whoever did this intentionally shut off his executive functions, or stimulated his base drives. I believe what we just saw is the hardwired, natural human instincts.
“How very comforting”, Krill said, obviously not very comforted
“Well, lets wake him up and see if the problem resolved.
Nervously, the group gathered around the man who had been mostly sedated for the entire procedure. He wasn’t fully asleep, but he was only half conscious. The reversal agent woke him up pretty quickly, and he lifted his head sort of groggily.
He blinked owlishly at them, his face neutral.
They waited worried.
“What…. Happened?” He groaned hand to his head 
His single eye slowly focused in on Dr Katie, and then he blanched absolutely white. Eyes widening he put a hand over his mouth.
“Yep, that’s him.”
“Commander, are you ok? What do you remember.”
He grabbed Katie by the arm stammering, “Katie I… I’m so sorry I-I dont know what came over me. I’ve never done anything like that in my life I swear to god.” he looked near close to panic, “You know I would never intentionally ever do anything like that to you ever, and I am so sorry. I have no idea why that even happened.” 
She grabbed his hand, “Adam, it’s alright. I know you wouldn’t. It wasn’t your fault.”
He turned his head, and as he saw sunny and Ramirez his face went from bleach white to pale pink, to bright red.
Ramirez grinned and threw in a wink just for fun.
He thought the man was going to stroke out and die. He dropped his head into his hands. Even his hands were red.
“Do you remember what happened, commander?” Dr krill asked 
“I…. I don’t now I was waiting for Ramirez and sunny but then…. I saw something in the alley. Next thing I knew everything was dark, and I was being thrown around. It pinned me to the ground and did something…. That’s when ramirez and sunny came out. After that I remember….. I remember feeling, so angry and, and hungry and….” He went quiet as his neck blushed and even deeper shade of red, “I’m so sorry”, he moaned.
“Are you sure you don’t remember anything else, Commander.’
“Well I mean…. I’m not sure, but maybe...I thought it might have said, the Kree, but I wasn’t really paying attention.” 
“The Kree. Didn’t the GA make contact with a race that called themselves the Kree.”
Te commander lifted his head, “Yes, though it was only by long distance communication, otherwise no one knows anything about them.” 
“Well, rest, Commander, and we will figure this all out later.”
He nodded dejectedly as the doctors stepped from the room all the while discussing what the device could have been.
Ramirez followed after them having taken a step out the door when.
“Sunny, I am so sorry. What happened, I didn’t meant to do any of it.”
He paused beside the doorway knowing he should move on, but being unable to do so.
“None of it?”
There was silence.
“So I shouldn’t expect anything like that ever…. Even in an appropriate context?”
He really should go
“It’s fine, Adam, but that is something I just needed to know.”
“But I didn’t say that, Sunny I…. I just.”
“You just…. What?”
“Eventually yes of course…. And I want to…. But I….”
Ramirez shook himself and pulled away. He shouldn’t be listening in. It was wrong despite how much he wanted to shove it in maverick’s face and claim his two hundred bucks.
He wasn’t going to rat out his friend to everyone.
He knew what being a friend meant, and often that included keeping secrets.  
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