#shouldn't we be able to write them accurately by now?
expelliarmus · 1 month
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cripplecharacters · 1 month
Hi! Sorry if this is a stupid question but I was wondering about representing disabilities/things in general that you don't have.
I always see people say that they want characters to be represented properly, and to show their disabilities and lives in an accurate way, but I also see people talk about how you shouldn't write about the struggles a POC/minority/person with a disability/etc. faces because you don't experience that and you're speaking over them or only using their story for "trauma porn" or whatever.
Maybe it's just because I'm autistic but I'm really not understanding how those two things coexist. How do I show how someone lives, especially with a disability that might be painful, without writing about the things they face?
Obviously it would be super weird if the character's entire personality was just "My life is awful because I'm so different, I can't do the things everyone else can, my life sucks."
But what about normal things that they struggle with? Like "Yeah I only have one arm, it's a pain in the ass to do dishes but it's not the end of the world." or "I have albinism so my depth perception is shit but whatever" or "It's fucking annoying when people stare at/judge me because I look different, but if they don't like it that's their problem, not mine lol."
Is the problem whether or not a characters ENTIRE story revolves around their disability? Using my own as an example:
A story, specifically, about how Funky Bungus, as an autistic person, lives in the world and what struggles he has due to his disability, VS a story where Funky Bungus is trying to stop two kingdoms from going to war and there's a short scene where he feels bad about not being able to make eye contract with people, before going back to the Kingdom War Drama.
I just want to use my stories as a way to educate people about disabilities and make people go "Hey, that character is like me!" or to make people think about their actions, like having a character complain about people staring at their scar/missing arm/etc. so maybe people will read it and go "Wow, I guess it IS rude when I don't mind my own business, from now on I won't stare at people."
Sorry if this got long and incomprehensible 😬
I guess the question is "How do I write about the struggles someone with a disability faces without coming across like I'm writing trauma porn or speaking over people" but I just have the Overexplain Everything So I'm Not Misunderstood Disorder™ lmao
I believe you have it right; the problem with many stories about disabilities written by non disabled authors often lies in when the story relies entirely on the disability.
It’s absolutely fine to write about the struggles a character faces — for an example with one of my disabilities, say a non-disabled author wrote about how a character kinda hates their chronic pain and wishes they didn’t have it. But otherwise there’s other stuff going on in the character’s life, like friends and family and hobbies, not just self-pity, and there’s other things going on in the plot, like maybe a mystery to solve or an Item to find or an adventure to go on or something.
That would be perfectly fine, and I’d love to read it actually, and really writing is kind of a balance of using what we know already and mixing it with things we haven’t experienced but have researched and/or thought about.
That’s how you show an authentic character with disabilities — they have struggles, things they can’t do or can’t do as well as others, but that’s not all there is to them. There’s things they enjoy doing, things they’re good at, people they spend time with and things they do.
Good intentions combined with research and knowledge (and good plots!) will make for good stories that feel authentic.
Hope this helps!
Mod Sparrow
I think that there can be good stories that have disability/ableism as its primary focus, but they should be #OwnVoices (as in, made by people who experience said thing). That's largely because it often gets very specific and thus easy to misrepresent even if you have good intentions. Sometimes it can end up like "being disabled is so sad and everything is inaccessible, how tragic!" and end up pitying the character - rather than actually sympathizing with them - just because that nuance is missing. To use the same example as you did, "character complains about people staring at their scar sometimes" would be a completely normal way to include ableism as a part of life that does happen, while "character gets bullied for 300 pages for having a facial difference" would be in the torture porn category (when written by someone who doesn't have that experience).
I think that what Sparrow described is the best if you're not describing your own experiences. Including ableism as a thing that happens from time to time or as a tertiary focus is totally fine. That's how it is in real life - sometimes things do suck, but there's still a whole lot of other things that we do.
I think your desire to educate people is admirable and it should be very much doable with the solutions you presented! Good luck writing!
mod Sasza
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celiciaa · 10 months
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translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
trigger warning: blood
minors and ageless blogs dni.
In a quiet room with the sound of rippling waves, I pierce the butterfly's back with a needle.
——It’s another beautiful thing I have acquired.
I simply stare at the bright scales of butterflies spreading their wings in the picture frame, as if praying.
This will surely make the "two" happy.
Surely, surely——
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A night has passed since the day I saw a spectacle that I shouldn't have seen in London at midnight.
I was able to avoid being killed by carrying out my duties as a "fairy tale master",
Time passed with no sense of reality, and I was once again greeted by the darkness of the night.
——From now on, I will accompany the crown on a mission for the first time.
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Roger: Is the inn in question around the next crossroads?
Alfons: According to the information given in advance, yes.
Mr. Roger, Mr. Alfons, and Lord Elbert——
I was walking through London at night with three companions.
Kate: I thought you said that a certain inn was a temporary storage place for…stolen art.
I was closely observing the "cursed" crowns’ behavior,
As it is my role as a "fairy tale master" to write them down.
(I want to fulfill my responsibilities properly, win their trust so that they can release me.)
(I still can't keep up with them…but I have to do my best.)
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Roger: Don't be so hard on yourself, young lady.
Alfons: We are just going to investigate the actual situation, so it won't be too bloody. Surely.
Kate: Thank you for your concern, Mr. Roger, and Mr. Alfons.
(Well...if it is my job to write about the sins of the "cursed ones", then I must know about the "cursed".)
Kate: May I ask you all about your "curse"…?
Alfons: Fufu, our dear robin is very studious, isn't she?
Alfons: Lord El is the “Queen of Greed” and Roger is the “Traitor Hunter”. And I'm cursed with the "mirror".
Kate: Queen, hunter, mirror…..
Alfons: I wonder if those who appear in the same fairy tale are destined to interact with each other. (Snow white)
Roger: Haha. Where is Team Snow White?
Alfons: I'm very uncomfortable being lumped in with you, though.
Roger: Don't say that. Right, young lady?
Kate: Ahaha. I agree….
They both speak to me in a friendly way.
I am glad for their concern, but I can't help but smile.
(People who commit crimes on a daily basis…..)
(I'm just afraid to look them in the eye and talk to them.)
Elbert:…What's wrong?
With Lord Elbert’s words, I suddenly realized that the distance between them was widening.
Except for Lord Elbert, who stopped for a moment, the other two were moving on.
Elbert:…Are you all right?
Kate: I'm sorry, I was spacing out and...! I was thinking.
Elbert: I see. ….Be careful not to get lost.
Just as I was about to get back on my feet——
A passing man bumped into Lord Elbert.
Drunk man: Ha? What is it? What a strange, pretty person you are.
A man with staggered legs, barely able to stand upright, looks drunk.
Drunk man: Let's have a drink, brother. With your treat. Ahahaha.
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Elbert:…My apologies. I'm in a hurry.
Drunk man: Ah? Do you want to get your pretty face all messed up?
Lord Elbert is surprisingly unresistant to drunk people.
(I'm not sure what's going on, should I call Mr. Roger and Mr. Alfons?)
Kate: U–Umm…!
It was the next moment when impatience and question marks intersected on his head.
Drunk man: Uu…uuu…why did you throw me away…Eliza… *sobs*
The man who had been involved with Lord Elbert broke down and cried on the spot without warning.
(What happened all of a sudden…?)
Alfons: Your ability is still a joke as ever, I see.
When Alfons turned his heels, he approached Lord Elbert and laughed.
Kate: You mean…Lord Elbert’s ability is a joke?
Alfons: Yes. It awakens the saddest memories of those who stepped on the shadow.
Alfons: In other words, the other person becomes extremely depressed and dejected.
Roger: It's an ability that works better with people who've been through hard times, but the downside is that he has to choose the right person.
Kate: Depressed….
Still unable to stand up, I just stare at the man crying by the side of the road like an infant.
(This is Lord Elbert’s power.)
After seeing William's spectacular power to force people to commit suicide, it seemed like such a small power.
Elbert:…I'm in a hurry. ....I’m sorry.
And then Lord Elbert used that seemingly insignificant power on a drunken man,
He looked sad as if he had committed a cruel crime.
(…Well, that's a little surprising.)
(I guess the cursed ones aren't exactly accustomed to using their powers either.)
Elbert:…Let’s go.
As we pass each other, Lord Elbert's hair shimmers in the street light.
His golden hair fluttering in the night breeze and his sorrowful profile subconsciously catch my eye.
(….How beautiful he is.)
His beauty was so overwhelming that I forgot for a moment my fears about the mission ahead.
Alfons: Well, the alley is ahead. We can find the inn we were aiming for.
Elbert: Yes.
Then Mr. Roger tilted his head while staring at the dimly lit alley.
Roger: Something strange. I can see a cheap hotel, and I'm sure there were quite a few guests.
Roger:…There is only one human heartbeat.
Kate: Heartbeat…?
I listen carefully, but all I can hear is a small whistling sound.
Alfons: Abnormal hearing is what this man is capable of.
Roger: At a distance of roughly 100 yards, I can tell exactly their location without looking.
Kate: That's great. ......But does that mean there is only one person at the inn?
Roger: Well, yeah.
Kate: Why on earth…..
Alfons: There's only one way to find out.
When I turned the corner into the alley that leads to the inn's back entrance——
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——There was a horrifying sight.
Several bloodied people are lying in the alleyway.
A large amount of blood was spreading in the hallway seen from the open back door of the inn.
My instincts are telling me to run away.
However, as if sewn into place, my legs froze and I couldn't move.
At that moment——
My body was strongly pulled back, blocking the bloodstained scene.
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My cheeks are pressed tightly against the soft, high-quality cloth.
(Blue cravat.)
Kate: Lord Elbert….?
When I finally realized that Lord Elbert was holding me close, I tried to raise my head.
Lord Elbert's hand was stronger than that, refraining my movements.
Elbert: ——You don't have to look.
Elbert:…Because sad memories can easily kill you.
Elbert: So, you don’t have to look.
A sad voice whispers in my ear.
Elbert: You have…nothing to do with what happens here.
Elbert:…You don’t have to carry on what you don’t have to take on. **
(Lord Elbert….)
His voice sounded like a prayer.
He was protecting me with his hand and hugged me tightly.
For some reason, I feel as if I am being clung to, and I hesitate to resist.
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(Lord Elbert….you look like you're scared of something.)
Roger: This guy...is an innkeeper and a guest.
Alfons: Judging by the way he's dressed, I'd say there's no doubt about it.
I was listening to the voices of the two people watching the scene while being hugged, at that time——
( ! That voice just now…..)
Mr. Roger's words about a single heartbeat come back to mind.
Kate: My apologies….!
Instinctively, I pushed back Lord Elbert’s chest and lifted my face.
I looked around and saw a woman lying on the corner of an alleyway, moving faintly.
(That woman….)
Kate: Is she okay….!?
Roger: We're not out of the woods yet, but it's dangerous.
Mr. Roger, who had rushed to her before I did, frowned and muttered something to me.
Roger: She needs immediate attention. Take her to the nearest hospital——
Kate: Mr. Roger? What’s wrong?
Roger: The police are coming. Two….No, three of them.
Alfons: Then there's no need to stay long. Let's move on.
Kate: What about this woman——?
Roger: Our mission(The crown) is confidential. We have to lay low for now.
Mr. Roger's annoyed profile makes it clear that he doesn't mean what he says, and he swallows his rebuttal.
(But what if the police didn't notice her….?)
I quickly took out a handkerchief and pulled it over the lamp directly above her.
(This should be enough to keep her from being identified. I'm sure they’ll notice her as soon as possible….)
While praying for her safety, I followed the three of them and hid in the shadows.
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I will ask how things are going from a little distance away——
The police arrived and I saw her being carried away immediately.
Kate:…I’m glad….
(…I hope she’ll be safe.)
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——We had to call it a day and return to the castle.
But I couldn't eat the food that was brought to my room, nor could I sleep…..
In order to change my mind, I was walking alone in the garden that was too large.
(Tonight, I've only witnessed the aftermath of someone's crime.)
(But someday I may end up seeing such a scene made by the crowns’ hands.)
(I don't know if I'm capable of….writing it down.) // (I don't know if I can….write that down.)
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While thinking about such things, as I walk along the path——
(…..Lord Elbert?)
I found Lord Elbert gazing at the flowers in a daze.
It was like he’s wearing a veil of moonlight. The sight of this painting-like figure again captivated my eyes.
Elbert: Hm…oh…it’s you. Good evening.
Kate: Good evening, Lord Elbert….
Lord Elbert must have sensed something when he saw my face, and tilted his head languidly.
Elbert:….Can't sleep?
Kate:…Yes. So, for a change, I'm going to take a walk.
Elbert: I see….
Kate: What are you doing here, Lord Elbert?
Elbert: I suppose…I'm in a similar case. …..I've always been a short sleeper.
Kate: I see…..
Elbert: That's why…I can become someone to talk to when you can't sleep.
The way his words seem to be soft and gentle made me feel better.
(If it had been last night, I might have been wary of even his thoughtfulness…..)
Kate:…Thank you very much.
Aware of my wariness, which was beginning to fade, I took one step at a time toward Lord Elbert.
(That's right...just now, I still haven't been able to say thank you properly.)
Kate: Thank you for protecting me earlier.
Elbert:….No. ….In the end, I showed you a cruel sight.
Kate: I wanted to see it, so don't worry.
I tried to sound cheerful, but Lord Elbert looked at me as he narrowed his eyes painfully.
Elbert: If they hadn't taken you to that place...you never would have tried to see it.
Elbert: You’re different from us. …..You shouldn't have come here.
Elbert:…Sin doesn't suit you.
Lord Elbert’s emotions don't show up very often. nevertheless….
I could see the unclouded pity in his eyes, which were like the bottom of the deep sea.
(You're the one whose sins don't suit you.)
At that time——
Even though there was no knife or bullet pointed at me, and my life was not in danger, he tried to protect me.
(I'm sure...so that my heart won't be hurt by the cruel sight.)
(That time, the strength of his arm.)
(It was as if he was afraid I would get hurt.)
(If he didn't feel anything at that scene, he wouldn't have done that.)
I was told that the people of the Crown feel the same fears, anxieties, and sadness as I do——
I realized again what is very obvious.
Kate: You are very kind, Lord Elbert.
Elbert:….That's not true.
I cherish people's thoughts and feelings. That was my goal in life.
(That's why I chose to work as a postwoman.)
(No matter what kind of crimes Lord Elbert and the others commit from now on, the feelings that are there and——)
Kate:….Thank you for your concern.
Kate: But it's okay if you don't protect me this time.
Kate: You may come to know a lot of things would be happier if you didn't know.
Kate: I want to know what you are thinking….as you face these things.
I smiled, wanting to respond to Lord Elbert's inclination to be kind, even if only a little——
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But Lord Elbert stared at me without blinking.
The eyes that were fixed on me were very serious, and I instantly felt uncomfortable.
(Ah...I wonder if it was rude to say that you don't have to protect me this time, even though you're worried about me.)
I felt that his overwhelmingly beautiful face became even more powerful when he became silent, and I couldn't help but gasp.
Kate: Umm….
Elbert:….Stay still.
As we suddenly closed the distance, Lord Elbert brushed my hair.
Elbert:…There were petals in your hair.
Kate: Thank you very much….
(….I see. He was just looking at the petals.)
(I’m glad…)
To calm my beating heart down, I quietly stepped away from Lord Elbert for a little while.
Kate: Well then, if you'll excuse me. I should get some sleep for tomorrow.
Elbert:…Do you think you can sleep?
Kate: Yes, thanks to Lord Elbert.
Elbert: I see...then, good for you.
Elbert:…Good night, Kate.
Kate: Good night, Lord Elbert.
(….I don't know why.)
(But I can't stop thinking about the way Lord Elbert looked at me just now…..)
His abyssal blue eyes burning into mine.
Even after I turned on my heel, his gaze seemed to follow me from behind——
Oddly enough, my heart was stirring. // Strangely, my chest felt tight.
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The next morning, my steps to the dining hall were lighter than yesterday.
Kate: Good morning.
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William: Good morning. ….Your complexion looks better this morning.
Roger: See? She came here all right, didn't she?
Alfons: I suppose I lost the bet.
Kate: O—Oh, you were betting?
Alfons: Indeed. By now I was betting that you would tear the curtains apart and tie them back together and escape through the window.
(They even thought I was escaping…..)
Liam: This morning, Victor's special scones with extra butter! Kate, do you have an appetite?
Kate: Yes! I missed dinner yesterday and I am starving.
Alfons: Fufu, you are surprisingly strong.
(I'm still a little nervous...but I think I can manage.)
When I decided to face their thoughts and feelings this morning, I was able to look into their faces more closely than I had yesterday.
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Elbert is staring at Kate as she begins to eat while exchanging words with everyone.
Elbert:…Al, isn’t she beautiful?
Alfons: No, not at all?
Elbert:…I don't think so.
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Alfons: This is going to be a little...troublesome.
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
More Prohibited Wish Ideas because my brain is infested with worms and I can't be stopped
This is more a scene that's been slowly rotating in my head than anything else. Might write more of it, might just leave it here for y'all, but here it is!
This might be long, so the rest of it's under the cut.
Edit: I made the fanfic.
I'm obsessed with the idea that most of the cosmic entities have some kind of mundane origin. Prismo is the dream of an old man, perhaps a mortal wizard who got the Boss's attention and granted timeless immortality. The Cosmic Owl, perhaps was once the familiar to some primordial magic user. Perhaps many crawled out of the primordial soup in the time Before there was Nothing.
But Scarab?
Scarab was just that. A beetle. Perhaps a weird type of beetle able to speak on the level of a mortal human, but a beetle nonetheless. One that fought and reached and climbed far beyond what anyone thought possible. He got the Boss's attention. He was made functionally immortal, given a more imposing body, given responsibilities beyond what a bug is ever meant to achieve. God Auditor was not his first choice, but it's still higher than what was thought possible.
Prismo doesn't strike me as the type to care much about where someone may come from. But he is an exception among the pantheon.
Gods do not let Scarab forget what he was. What he still is, to many of them. A bug. The other gods find Scarab unsightly. They're visibly disgusted by his strange mouth and wide eyes and odd chirps.
So Scarab hides behind his mask. He hides his extra arms unless it's necessary. He turns his exoskeleton into a prim and proper suit. But it's never enough. Not enough to make the other gods forget what he is.
Orbo certainly doesn't. And he takes the chances to remind Scarab that he's lucky to be here. And that he's not meant to be here. It's why Orbo takes steps to cripple the Scarab, should the auditor ever be demoted back to mortal. He takes his antenna. And he takes his wings.
And then, Scarab is demoted. He's relegated to being the Wishmaster's assistant. Janitor is the more accurate title. And Scarab is back to feeling like a pinned insect, now trapped with another god who will most certainly not fail to remind him that he's lucky he's not back to crawling in mud. Because Prismo certainly knows, doesn't he?
Except, that's not what happens.
Prismo is kind. He's respectful, in his own strange way. When Scarab accidentally makes his odd chirps, the Wishmaster finds it cute. When he learns to crawl along the walls as a shadow, Prismo doesn't seem to mind.
And when Scarab lets the mask fall, Prismo finds him endearing, rather than unsightly.
So Scarab starts embracing himself again. He's in a space where he is not thought of as disgusting or undeserving. He's allowed to be strange in the ways his origin would suggest, even encouraged. He gets comfortable in his own shell again.
And then Orbo visits.
And Orbo questions why Scarab's hanging out on the ceiling. And why his mask is gone. And what's with all the gross noises he's making. And Scarab retreats again. He let himself be too comfortable. He should've known better.
But Prismo is horrified.
He calls Orbo out. That's not a cool thing to do to a friend. Why should Scarab have to hide all the time.
Orbo tries to "reason" with the Wishmaster. Why should Prismo care? He should be thanking him for getting the bug back in line.
"He's not cool, not like us, Prismo. You're the dream of a right powerful wizard. I'm the core of a collapsed magic star. Him? He's just... Well, just look at him. He's just a bug. Shouldn't have been able to get where he was in the first place. He's lucky we didn't send him back to crawling in the mud broken."
And that's when Prismo learns what happened to his friend. Why some days he can't seem to stand up straight. Or why some days he has to spend in the Time Core, curled up and out of sight.
And that's when Scarab learned what a Wishmaster's wrath looked like.
Like I said, no idea if I'll fully write it out. I might. But I at least wanted to dump this thought onto something, so enjoy babes.
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y2kas13 · 3 months
Part two…
I think I may have perceived the Neil druckmann situation to be a little different than you did. Neil druckmann is from Israel and witnessed this brutality and genocide first hand, since Palestine and Israel have been fighting for many years! He said witnessing this caused a deep anger in him that he harnessed when writing tlou2…
I thought he was using art to make a comment on the situation. Like, he wanted to show that constant fighting over land and religion never leads to anything good. Literally, they showed that the constant fighting between the scars and WLF lead to the demise of both groups. As Shakespeare said, art holds a mirror to reality. Through art, we can make intentional choices that will evoke certain feelings in people. Because of all of the vengeance and violence they participated in, Abby and Ellie both lost everything. Could it be that this theme was missed by you? Art is meant to evoke visceral responses, so it kinda seems like he did his job with that. Also, he supplied financial support to both the Palestine and Israelis, so I’m not entirely sure how it was concluded that he hates Palestine. (I think what is happening oversees is absolutely disgusting, but I don’t see how Naughty Dog is perpetuating the war. Also, you never know what someone has been through or seen, so you really can’t condemn people for compartmentalizing in order to make it through. That is how/why some people are able to temporarily put the bad shit to the back of their mind for a few hours while they click some buttons on a controller.) What is the goal with not buying remastered tlou2? I want to help, but I don’t see how not purchasing a video game will make anything better. I want to understand. Remastered was auto-downloaded to my ps5, since I had it in my wishlist for a while. They already have my money for it, so might as well play it? They can’t benefit anymore from me playing it I don’t think…
while I can agree in the game you see how both side's actions are harmful to one another this isn't the case in real life. In Tlou its clear cut that no side is truly "evil" just the product of violence that isn't their own until they take on the violence but that's not the case in real life with Palestine and Isreal which is where I believe you are misconstruing what I'm trying to say. Palestine didn't do anything to Israel at least not in the same capacity as what Israel has done to them.
Tlou and Palestine/Israeli conflict are different in the sense that there is clear right and wrong, now am I going to sit here and say Palestine is completely 100% innocent no. But in this conflict yes. The people of Palestine shouldn't have to suffer because another nation wants to selfishly take what not there's and kill them to get it.
I am not claiming he hates Palestine but I don't think its fair for him to act like its some their both bad and good on both sides Israelis can walk free in their streets while Palestinians wonder if they will be shot down in there own to "be made an example of". it's not a fair nor accurate representation of the truth.
Not purchasing Tlou 2 shows that using real-world suffering for your profit and gain and not even doing them justice and being fair isn't right nor will be tolerated.
If you truly "want to help" and understand don't argue with me in my asks listing to the dozens of real Palestinians begging you to do what you can and if that means not buying a game then so be it. don't you think they want to be able to sit back and a play game.
I hope this cleared up for you and others why people like me are putting the pressure to not buy and boycott the game.
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my-decade · 4 months
my thoughts on Netflix's ATLA live action
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As an adult who watched this show growing up and was there for the countdown to the comet (iykyk!!) I have thoughts!
Best: Zuko. angsty, teenage boy depression, father issues, determined to a self-destructive degree. The actor is great at capturing all these facets of Zuko's conflicting, complex character. Really great with the choreography/martial arts too. Its not easy to pull off Zuko's mostly shaven but with a ponytail haircut, but this actor manages it. And yes, the opening scene with him seeing the beam of light from the iceberg and saying, "Finally." did give me some chills. Honestly the actor just captures Zuko really well. Great casting.
Worst: Katara. has the personality of an elegant yet unassuming well watered house plant. Its more because of the writing than the actress… she's doing her best with this depressing egg whites version of Katara she's had thrusted upon her. It's not going to be convincing when Toph comes along next season and calls her sugar queen.
Aang: never has any fun. spends every episode staring into the distance being sorrowful and melancholic. *teardrop rolls down cheek* he is a depressed 40 year old in the body of a 12 year old. He has no fun side to him anymore- an important side for a 12 year old kid to have! Also spends the entirety of season one (you know, titled "water"!) and doesn't learn a lick of waterbending, not even from Katara, who spends a lot of it learning from the waterbending scroll!! Why??? However the actor is doing a great job and I think he captures Aang's essence really well. He is young and I think next season he will improve a lot.
Sokka: I almost forgot to write thoughts down for him, which I think says more than anything else. He's essentially been boiled down to the same old overprotective big brother, but now he comes complete with daddy issues. It's a little hilarious that Katara's worst memory is watching her mom get burned alive by a firebender soldier while Sokka's is hearing his dad say he's disappointed with him. Kind of ruins the moment tbh. They really took all the fun aspects of the main Gaang and dulled them down completely, its sad. At least he's cute though- and imo, the chemistry with Suki's actress was there.
The previous avatars: every single one meets Aang just to berate & yell at him and tell him he shouldn't have friends and where has he been for the past 100 years without giving him a second to speak. What?? Sadly it seems any dignity, grace, or wisdom the previous avatars had in the original, has been completely wiped out in this live action. Also, this idea of them telling Aang about things that are going to happen makes no sense. Did no previous avatar tell Roku his friend was going to betray him, let him die on the island, and start a 100 year long war? Also the idea of Aang being able to communicate ONLY if he's in one of their temples is stupid. What is the point of the avatar state, then? Will Roku be able to teach him anything at all?
Princess Yue: yes I wrote an entire paragraph about her lol. She is one of my favorite minor characters. I think they wanted her to look so accurate to her original counterpart that she just looks too much like a cosplayer, with such a stiff and lifeless looking wig. This is the one and only time I will concede I prefer M. Night's version of Yue as far as costuming goes, though both funnily enough forget her eyebrows shouldn't be dark. The actress was fine. But this version of Yue is quite a different person from og Yue, I can't really compare. Plus, it feels like we see her for a good 10 minutes before she dies for the moon spirit. I couldn't buy into her and Sokka having feelings for each other because it felt like they knew each other for a good 2 hours at most. Ideally, I think these two versions kind of fused together would be perfect.
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Azula/Mai/Ty Lee: Grouping them together because. Azula is the most unconvincing out of the characters for me. I don't buy that this girl is supposed to be the princess Azula for a second. I'm neither intrigued nor intimidated, and that's pretty bad as Azula was one of my top favorite characters from the original. The costume is fine, the wig feels cheap, her dialogue is horrendous, the actress can't convince me. Azula isn't smart or cunning, sharp, or collected, and her "working with Zhao" just made her look dumb when the entire plan flopped. She is a whiny, petulant little girl stamping her feet in every other scene. It's not for me. Also, the way her relationship with Ozai is depicted here makes Ozai look like a loser, too. It's like they want us to not be afraid of either of them.
As for Mai and Ty Lee. Ty Lee is fine. She looks okay, the actress is fine for how little we see her. On Mai, the wig is just so bad I don't get what happened. It's like they're struggling on the line of being realistic with the styling, or leaning completely in cartoon-character-came-to-life. I don't think the actress for Mai here was a good choice.
Dialogue: the worst part of this show. When they're not completely quoting word for word from the original, it's.. just bad. Everything is always exposition and thats not good. The few moments that aren't are just... idk.
CGI: not bad. I was expecting worse. Fire, earth, and air all look great. Water feels a little slow, mostly when its just water and not ice but that can be improved I assume. Koh was pretty cool, as was Wan Shi Tong.
Settings: Beautiful!! Omashu looked great. South and North water tribes looked great. Ozai's throne room looked incredible and I was annoyed every time we see it, he is just standing around and not sitting on his throne. It just reminded me how amazing the buildup to Ozai and Azula's reveals were in og season 1.
Costume: Its either a hit or a miss. There's strangley not much in between. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, June, Ozai, Jet, Suki, the Kyoshi warriors, all look pretty great. Then you have characters like Azula, Mai, or Yue, who just look like half decent cosplayers. It kind of takes you out of the moment when it looks like the person is a cartoon character, rather than just a normal person. For example, compare how Katara looks compared to Azula.
Music: of course it was fantastic. A lot of it (I think most) was from the original show, which has one of the greatest soundtracks an animated show has ever had imo.
Final thoughts: Ultimately, it was kind of what I was expecting. You can't condense 20+ episodes worth of development into 8 and expect it all to flow perfectly. However, there are also a lot of changes that really don't make sense to me. I am very curious to know how on earth they will do seasons 2 and 3, as season 1 is the slowest in pace compared to the next two seasons. The original's finale was split into four episodes! Unless they add more episodes for next season, it's going to be a big jumbled mess of lore being shoved into our faces. I am also concerned about Toph. The Gaang so far has been stripped of their fun/unique personality traits. Is Toph going to be the same?
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potatomountain · 9 months
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mutant reader x human ateez
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: there will be potential triggers for anxiety and mental illnesses all throughout this story. Not all characters are nice at first.
AN: Sorry this took so long but here we go! i keep telling myself ill write longer chapters, but i guess its just not in it for me. Maybe when (if) i finish TLAM ill combine some chapters or perhaps when i get far enough ill do that when I move TLAM onto other platforms. Currently this is the only platform its on and only place to read it
a reminder a lot of the times i don't edit my works and that this is a slow burn, its going to take awhile for mc to meet and trust each of the eight but she’ll get there!
This is a work of fiction, in particular Fan fiction, and in no way is this a representation or an accurate depiction of ATEEZ or any other idols/people used for this work.
Any feedback is always appreciated and adored! Comment on the masterlist to be added to the taglist <3
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> I'm just not afraid to speak the facts 🤭 <
> So did you head inside? <
> ??? <
> you aren't ignoring me now are you? <
> hey, is everything alright? <
> did you freak out and run? You can tell me if you did. <
> come on, at least reply. <
Staring down at the multiple messages from Jongho I was a bit shocked. It had taken me longer to calm down in the unfamiliar shower than I expected, and truthfully I had taken my time to dry off and pick up my phone once more. Nearly an hour had passed since my last message, and ten minutes since his which was simply my name.
I wasn't sure if this was a show of concern, was this how people showed concern? I would send him multiple messages in my own panic, but in the last few days Jongho would usually only ever reply with one message until I had responded. Even if it had been longer than an hour.
> No I didn't run, I was using one of their showers. I apologize I should have informed you rather than stop mid conversation like that. <
Setting the phone aside I sat up from the bed and finally began my search for my clothes. "Has to be here somewhere…" I managed half the articles of clothing before there was another string of texts.
> showers? They have showers? <
> never mind that, are you still there then? <
> are you alright? <
I frowned at the last message, my chest tight. Am I alright? He wasn't one of the doctors at the lab, my wellbeing shouldn't matter. He wasn't the first person to throw me off with such questions, as even Seonghwa had asked and shown concern during the last time I had been here, and even now.
I could not fathom why either of them would, or why my chest felt a bit warm that they were. 
> I am alright. It is a shelter, he allowed me to occupy a room to get my bearings together. Hot showers and steam in particular help my nerves. I haven't left the room yet. <
Part of me did not want to. Would that energetic man be down there? Would he show similar behavior as before, invading my personal space with no regard for his own safety? I did not want to harm him, yet I knew it was possible I would.
Seonghwa would show no concern then.
The thought jostled me enough that I dropped the hoodie I had just picked up. The loss of his kindness was an idea that filled me with dread and disappointment, followed by confusion. I was used to people being unkind to me, to treating me as I am: a monster. Why would I care if he does?
Because I needed this tavern? And needed it to work out for me? That seemed like a valid reason but it didn't exactly feel correct. 
Before I could overthink it, the soft ding of my phone drew my attention.
> So what is the plan now? <
That was a good question. Biting my lip I weighed my options. I was calm enough that I could attempt to socialize, or at least stay for tea and something to eat but… quickly my thoughts spiraled into what if's. What if they didn't want me here now? Did they think I was strange? Were they used to Typhon's like this? Would I be able to eat? 
> and don't overthink it. <
Jongho's message pulled me out of my head once again, the corners of my lips lifting. I was grateful he seemed to read me so well, up front and honest. I wasn't sure if I had shown enough gratitude for what he was doing. On impulse I sent a message, not bothering to look it over despite the anxiety that hit the second I hit send.
> if it's alright I would like to try a call later tonight or tomorrow. That is the next step, yes? <
Jongho was unusually quick to read and reply today, leaving me no time to unsend the message as the little “read” by the chat bubble popped up and further twisted the anxiety in my gut.
> Are you sure you are ready for that? <
The thing was, I wasn’t sure at all I was ready at all. I wanted nothing more than to go home and exist in those four walls alone, letting the rest of the world forget I existed. I wanted San gone and my safe space back, life was simpler like that. But… It was lonely. Talking with Jongho, even over the texts, had pulled a veil off my eyes to my situation and my true thoughts and feelings on the matter.
It was easier to be alone, yet it was painful. Being aware of that now, knowing what caused the constant cold sting in my chest, made it that much more unbearable. I didn’t want to be alone anymore, I wanted what I saw in the humans around me so often: Family, friends, laughter and joy brought out by those around them.
The realization hit like a cold shower, limbs a bit weak so I sat down. Was that perhaps what I wanted here? The idea was to have this be a safe space I could go to, as well as learn to communicate so I could co-exist with San in my home without the constant strain of nerves. Those two things were not something I could get by doing what I was comfortable with, if so I wouldn’t have stayed to calm down or even think about staying longer to attempt to socialize.
It was no longer a matter of what I was ready for, or what I could handle, but a matter of how far I had to push myself. No more did I want to waste away in a pile of blankets oblivious to the rest of the world, no matter how much I felt that was what I deserved.
> I trust you Jongho, I want to learn the next step. <
Winning this battle with myself was only one small step; stepping out of this room and confronting Seonghwa and the new human was a larger step and the true next step I needed to take. That just made it all the more overwhelming. 
> Then tell me when you get home, and if you feel up to it I’ll call. If not, we can do so tomorrow, I can call in between classes. <
Right… Jongho was a college student studying music theory. When I first found out that little fact about him I was taken aback, part of me expecting him to follow his father’s footsteps; but it seemed Jongho enjoyed singing. I still didn’t know enough about him to imagine that, but I would like to someday see it. 
> Alright. I’m going to leave the room now, talk to you later. <
I ended the conversation there, stood back up and pulled my hoodie back on, leaving the room before I lost the courage to do so. I was both relieved and nervous to see the empty hall, taking a second to really take in the number of rooms there were; roughly four to my left towards the front of the building, with three to my right and stairs up one more floor. Each door seemed thick, a keypad next to each. It reminded me of the rooms back at my father’s lab, although those felt more like cells. Only because I had just left one of the rooms did I know they were not the same. While the room was simple, nothing more than a bed, tv, desk, mini fridge and the bathroom; it did not feel like a cell at all, but a cozy place to make your own. The bare bones needed and yet it was more than those too bright cells could ever be. Remembering Seonghwa’s words when he had led me to the room, I debated on where to go. He had given me the option to roam and explore, but I felt as if I had enough surprises for one day. I headed downstairs for the kitchen then, the smell of something delicious filling my nose and grumbling my stomach in response. I hadn’t eaten today and it felt wrong to leave without acting like a proper patron and purchasing something; even if Seonghwa had made it clear that it wasn't a requirement. However I was surprised to find the ground floor empty and quiet, glancing around the hall to find no one around. The door to the kitchen was shut, but I couldn’t hear anyone on the other side despite the smell of meat coming through the door. I stood frozen on the last step, listening for any sign of life, using my heightened senses to the best of my ability. But it was only a slight difference, not enough to really sense anyone’s breathing or presence. 
I was listening so intently the click of the door across from the stairs startled me back, tripping over the stair behind me and my butt falling onto the stairs at an awkward angle. Whimpering as pain shot up my back, I looked up to find an unfamiliar face in the doorway, our eyes locking and his seemingly nonchalant expression twisted with just a bit of shock and concern. The tumble I took on the stairs was enough to stir movement elsewhere, but it was the unfamiliar man’s deep voice that drew more attention.
“Are you alright?” He shut the door behind him and moved around the desk just as Seonghwa emerged from the kitchen with the red haired man poking his head up behind him. Before the newcomer could approach any further, Seonghwa was holding up his hand to stop him and taking a step closer but not too close.
“That’s Yeosang, he handles the security here. Did you hurt yourself?” The introduction eased some anxiety, but the fall on my rear had jostled the nerves on my back enough to make tears spring in my eyes. “Blue, where does it hurt?” I don’t know how he did it, how he knew just what to ask or say to ease my anxiety, or how he managed to read me like this but it was comforting. Quickly wiping away the blue tears, I pulled myself up a bit weakly, a hand moving to my back. “My back is… more sensitive than the rest of me so the fall hurt a bit. I was just startled, nothing else is wrong.” 
Seonghwa sighed with relief, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “Then if you’d like to sit down, Wooyoung made you something to eat and I have the tea ready for you. Is that alright?” My stomach’s rumble answered for me and I could feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment. Nodding, I stepped down and kept my head lowered as I made my way to the lounge and spotted the familiar table I had sat at before. It was still the best option for my back so I sat there once more, looking around and finding myself alone.
For a Typhon shelter, I couldn’t decide if it was a good thing or not that it seemed so empty each time I’ve been here. It was comforting to say the least, less people around so less new things and people to be anxious about. But also, the lack of people was somewhat eerie. For how welcoming this place seemed, there didn’t seem to be many people who wanted to be here.
Before I could over think it further Seonghwa stepped in with a tray, setting it down on the table and taking a step back for space. Not that I paid attention to anything other than the meat dish and tea pot, more primal instincts winning over my other senses.
Still not wanting to be rude however, I bowed my head a bit. “Thank you Seonghwa, it looks delicious.”
“My pleasure Blue. Would you like us to leave you alone to eat or-”
“Yes please. But um…” I looked up, spotting the two other humans watching around the wall behind Seonghwa. “I feel like I got off on the wrong foot, with all three of you now. I want to apologize for my rude behavior and the distress I’ve caused you, and thank you again for your care.” The words felt heavy on my tongue, but it lifted a weight off my shoulder, making it easy to continue through the doors they opened. “I would like to… I mean I hope you wouldn’t mind but I- Well you see…” Okay, not as easy as I would like.
Noticing my distress as usual, Seonghwa offered a reassuring smile. “We can continue this after you've eaten if you like?”
Nodding, I motioned to the two behind him. “All three of you?” Seonghwa turned in time to see Wooyoung dart away but Yeosang seemed to remain with an unreadable expression, giving a half wave.
“I am fine with that, are you Yeosang?”
The man shook his head, stepping more into the archway without entering the room and stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Truthfully I don’t think it's my place. I don’t want to scare her more than I have, not with how nervous she already is thanks to the idiot.” “True true. Then will you stay for my sake? Help me keep said idiot in check? I don’t think she would find the way I tend to handle him relaxing at all.”
“You… have a point. Very well.”
Seonghwa turned back to me as I was taking a sip of the tea, a softness to his features. “I’ll let you eat for now, just call out when you’re ready to talk.”
With a nod I watched him head out, only to call out before he completely disappeared from sight. With as much courage as I could muster, I thought of all the kindness and care he had shown, how he had done his best to ease my worries and make me comfortable every second that I have been here: both times. It warmed my chest, tingled my nerves, and I found myself genuinely smiling. “Thank you, for everything. I think I am glad to have met you at least.”
His eyes went wide as saucers, mouth agape as he floundered like a fish for words. I found the expression a bit humorous, but otherwise turned my attention to the food. I had said what I wanted to say, and my stomach demanded to be fed with no more interruptions.
The first bite was heavenly, and when I looked up to once again offer thanks, I was alone.
Tag list:  @justhere4kpop  |  @candypop1611 |  @spooo00oky | @sanniessnails | @babyhailey819   | @simplyalfie | @diamondjen03  | @lilactangerine | ask to be tagged &lt;3
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just-prime · 8 months
Parachuting into your inbox because I'm ready to throw my phone into the sea, after seeing all of these posts about Ahsoka showing Luke Anakin's training holocrons.
That is, if it made ANY sense for Ahsoka to have them at this point in time, let alone for them to still exist.
More terrible writing for fan service and we can't keep letting them get away with it.
Ahsoka left the temple with nothing but the dress on her back.
As far as we know and can easily gather from her living in the lower levels and having presumably sold her akul tooth headdress - the one symbolic tie she had to the only cultural identity she had that wasn't the Jedi, the only one she could still associate positive feelings with, she was not meeting up with any Jedi or Padme, and therefore was not hiding them at the Martez warehouse.
And it isn't likely that Anakin would have tried to find a way to find them to her. It isn't illegal to own a lightsaber, but Anakin kept them hoping that she would one day come back, making it even more likely that he kept her training holocrons.
Why, after all, when Ahsoka said she didn't want to be a Jedi, would she have either found a way to ask for them, or Anakin thought they would be a welcome parting gift, and there was no time.
We can then easily infer that the holocrons could only possibly have been relocated from her quarters to four places:
- Anakin's quarters in the temple
- Anakin's quarters on his Venator
- Ahsoka's quarters on the Tribunal, in the unlikely event that in the flurry of Anakin only being able to give her sabers back and leaving for Coruscant
- The archives in the Jedi temple, possibly to be used for training other Padawans, or for more secure storage
One of those three places (and the most unlikely) were destroyed, the other Vader had direct access to.
Are we really to believe he didn't ensure there wasn't a single trace left of any of the virtual time capsules of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker?
He minimally took them to Mustafar and hid them in a closet, but it's much more likely that he destroyed them.
I want as much Anakin and Ahsoka content as the next person, but I am beyond tired of heartstrings, including mine, being tugged on through shoddy writing that insists on breaking canon and logic repeatedly in order to evoke said emotional response from the audience, and distract them from the fact that this show is riding on nostalgiabaiting and milking beloved relationships from much better written shows (when this show didn't put in the work to earn it).
The sad reality is that this clusterfuck of a show isn't actually delivering satisfying nor compelling storytelling at all.
Name dropping fan favorites while saying absolutely nothing about them, while depending on Ray Stevenson and Hayden to carry this show on their backs through their excellent performances isn't good enough.
I really think that people either feel afraid of speaking openly about the show, or they are settling for worse than mediocrity, while Filoni is getting away with murder, giving Ahsoka holocrons and psychometry she shouldn't have, because he doesn't know how to tell his story without doing so.
I wanted Ahsoka to have a show worthy of the character she was up until the end of Rebels. Those who haven't watched her in animation aren't going to walk away from this series understanding why Ahsoka is so beloved, and it's a tragedy.
I wanted live-action only audiences to watch this show and be driven to give The Clone Wars and Rebels a chance, instead of doing the opposite.
I wanted to love this show instead of wanting to eat a plank of wood. Your scathing and accurate reviews are a balm for my soul right now. Wednesday can't come soon enough. Then the healing can begin.
Until the next Filoniverse show.
Exactly. All of this is so fucking true.
Filoni's playing around like a child in a sandbox. Except he doesn't care if the sandcastles he's knocking down are his or not.
The one of the earliest examples, but also the deepest cut that I can think of is the needless recon (and weird whitification) of Kanan in the beginning of The Bad Batch.
Now, a lot of people don't know this, but Kanan had his own book, exploring his backstory and how he came to meet Hera. It was also turned into a 12 issue comic run called Star Wars: Kanan: The Last Padawan which was how I knew about it. The story depicts Kanan and Depa Billaba final moments together, including banter with their clone troopers, on a very obviously desert planet, with no Bad Batch people in sight.
And there are numerous other examples of written Star Wars content being thrown in the bin by Filoni, like massive portions of the Ahsoka novel that was needlessly condensed for Tales of the Jedi. It's obvious that he must have nothing but contempt for the canon Thrawn books given how he's made Thrawn into some insane pro-imperial warlord that doesn't even fit with his Rebels characterization in a void, let alone his book characterization on top of it.
AND we all know it doesn't stop at written works either. Midichlorians, while incredibly stupid, are a pivotal part of Star Wars now and don't just get to be thrown away cuz Filoni doesn't like them. Entire character arcs have been utterly scrapped for the sake of the disgusting GirlBossification of Bo Katan, for the sake of making Luke more mystifying while seeking synergy with the sequels, for the sake of having an easy marketing ploy with Ahsoka the Jedi.
For me, this all ties back to the fact that Filoni actively discouraged people from watching the previous shows. It was a warning flag then that has morphed into the massive red flag that it is now. He doesn't want people watching the old shows, because he wants to appeal to a larger audience who is naive and will eat this shit up. The amount of people who I've seen online who are singing the praises of the show, but admit to having never watched Rebels let alone Clone Wars is really concerning. Because it proves exactly who his target audience was with this.
Which is such a shame because even on it's own, Ahsoka is a bad show. As previously discussed here, the choreography is laughable and the acting from everyone is that of a cardboard cutout and how the pacing is absolutely fucked and how the costumes could be outdone by a 5 year old's first cosplay. But that's not even touching the lackluster sets, and the really weird messaging (both @trashquisitor-shirozora and @kanansdume have extensive metas on the show's treatment of Xiono that are definitely worth the read), and so much more.
But to return to your original reason for persecuting in, yes. Those cards should not exist, in any way shape or form, and the fact that they do without explanation is fucking ridiculous.
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
most of those ppl are white supremacists who project on erwin a lot and want levi to be his little b*tch. through shippers and redditors, this holds true.
I don't know what they are, really, other than egotistical. I'm not going to accuse them of anything deeper than simply ignoring actual canon to advance their agenda, whether that be shipping or something else, like wanting to see themselves in the story, etc... People's need to relate is always rooted in this sort of basic bias. They want characters to look or act or think like them. Otherwise, they aren't able to sympathize or empathize with them. So that is a kind of projection, and narcissism. This desire and even seeming need to make Levi or Erwin gay, for example, when we know at least with Erwin, canonically, that he's attracted to women, and with Levi, we have no indication one way or the other as to his sexuality, is a manifestation of that. It's one thing to write them as a couple in fanfiction. There's nothing wrong with it. I've written two stories now where I have Levi as a gay man. It's fun to explore those things. But it's something else entirely not to be able to separate that out from actual canon and just simply accept the fact that Levi's sexuality, and Erwin's too, are completely irrelevant to the story and to their roles within the story. Just because your sexual identity is the most important thing to you doesn't mean it's the most important thing to everything and everyone else, and you shouldn't go looking to see yourself represented or reflected in every piece of media and literature. When you do that, it completely obscures your ability to accurately interpret what's going on, and you become illiterate. It also feeds a kind of trend that's, frankly, ruining a lot of entertainment these days, and even how people treat each other in the real world. Why the hell can't we sympathize with a character that isn't like us? Why do they have to be what we are in order for us to care about them? Why do we have to see ourselves in everything? As if we ourselves are the most important and special person in the world, and everything and everyone should change in order to accomodate us and reflect us, including the media we consume. It's really egregiously without compassion for anyone but ourselves. Just the characters being human should be enough of a starting point for us find some common ground.
Basically, these people are just selfish, self-centered assholes that need to get over the fact that not everything is about them.
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acourtofthought · 4 months
hi i absolutely love your posts!! ive recently stumbled across your account and I would love your take on the whole Feyre and Tamlin situation from the beginning to now. ive read on other posts that some fans feel as if Tamlin's character development from acotar to acomaf was a huge disservice to him. i hope my question wasn't too confusing to understand im currently half awake right now 🥲🥲🥲 have a lovely rest of your day!!!
HI there and thank you ❤️!!! I hope you've been able to wake up a bit, I know i struggled with that this morning too. I don't know that I would call it a disservice to Tamlin's character because it seems evident in SJMs interviews that she always planned on things turning out the way they did. If an author knows ahead of time that Character A is going to end up on the losing end of the story, then can that be considered a disservice when she knew that's where she was headed with them? I think it's more accurate to say that I understand why some readers feel betrayed by how his story turned out (so far at least since I imagine we'll still be getting more on his journey). I initially fell for him in book 1. I thought the series was going to be about he and Feyre I let myself get invested in their romance. Knowing what I know now about her writing, I can see why Tamlin ended up not being right for Feyre but as a reader of many tropes, I didn't realize that his red flags were supposed to be red flags. And I think when you have others that also believed in their story because that's the direction it appeared SJM was going only to have that fall part in the next book, it's a jarring experience. She made some believe in him. She made some believe that they were on their way to their HEA and they were invested. So I can see why some ended up frustrated that she turned him into the "bad guy" instead. SJM wrote Tamlin exactly as she wanted him to be and I don't think we can say that she shouldn't have written him that way as he is a product of her imagination. But I do understand why some wish her imagination would have taken her in a different direction because they became attached and their disappointment is valid.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
hi! since you seem pretty pro-ai, i have a question. how do you reconcile that stance with the growing threat ai has on creative jobs? especially right now with the wga strike, when one of their main issues is ai. not trying to trap you or start a fight, just genuinely curious as someone with a foot in both fanfic and professional writing who doesn’t fully know how to feel.
I wouldn't say I'm pro ai in the sense that I think ai is uncritically great.
I think ai is morally neutral, and that it is only getting misused under capitalism.
I am absolutely down for ai being improved upon to progress society, and think ai could actually be a helpful tool for a lot of jobs humans don't want to do!
(Look me in the eye and tell me the current youtube auto generated captions are acceptable. Look my Hard of Hearing ass in the eye.)
That being said, the current people that are funding and working on the ai are scumbags that are clearly in it for a cheap buck and not to progress humanity forwards!
(maybe I'm an optimist, but I want to program something great one day. Something that other programmers build upon, and eventually people are still benefitting from my existence long after I'm gone!)
That being said, it isn't as easy as "magically hope the people behind chatGDP grow a spine or replace them with better people" I feel the the government should regulate ai more, so it isn't down to the morality of the current big name cooperations!
This will likely not happen, since governments always wait to pass laws on technology until it is far too late. I'd say:
If an Ai was used, it has to be disclosed and the programmers who wrote the ai credited.
In order to train a commercial ai on something, you have to either get consent from the people that made it (same as reference photos) or pay them. It should be like stock photos.
The companies shouldn't be able to tell users what they can and can't use the ai for. This is a slippery slope, and I could very easily see it leading to the "sorry, we refuse to write anything thats anti-big company! Sorry (suck my dick)
I think it should be under the same copyright law as fanfiction. You can use an ai to make whatever the fuck you want, but if you sell it the people that came up with the idea can come after you. As for ai completely stealing human jobs, it doesn't seem very likely. Ai automating people out of a job has always been a fear, and writing/art is the least likely field for this to happen in. The ai can't make anything original. If, lets say, the dataset goes up to 2020, then the ai won't be able to comment on modern events in the slightest. An ai can make SW fic, but once a new movie drops, its dataset will no longer be accurate. Therefore, the ai depends on humans to keep datasets up to date. Also, current ai is not good enough to recreate a modern TV show. Have you tried Ai? Do you think you can get it to keep a plot going for more than 1-2 prompts? Let alone an entire 22 minute episode? It'll be all tangential and clunky. even if some person actually wanted to write a show in this way, they'd need human editors to make it make sense. And at that point, if you're already paying humans, there's no point in relying on the ai. Another flaw in this "using ai to write shows approach" is that the ai isn't static? Like, if a new update roles out, the writing of the show can be completely off and that may not be fixable. I don't think anyone in Hollywood would want to put their faith in the competency of a bunch of random programmers.
We should have debated the morality of ai before we made it, if thats what tumblr wants. Its too late now. Can't put the genie back in the bottle.
There's no way that random internet users will have the same impact on the way ai plays out, since its up to the government and big cooperations.
I advise anyone who feels strongly about the subject to lobby to their government (or maybe the ai creators, but the government is your best bet.) instead of trying to peer pressure internet users into a boycott that will not affect shit in any way.
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obitv · 1 year
read on ao3 here!
coincidence is a funny thing.
you decide, arbitrarily, to go visit your friend, and it just so happens to be the last time you'll ever get to see him? the stats for that must by tiny. maybe you'd like to imagine there was some pull, some otherwordly feeling in your mind telling you now, now, go now! but... there wasn't. it's entirely possible you just would've woken up the next morning and your best friend would have left forever.
instead, it was a random impulse. one you by rights shouldn't have fallen for, simce there's good fucking reasons you weren't allowed see him anymore, but he'd stopped answering texts or calls and you were fucking worried goddamnit! you knew he blamed himself for dara getting hurt and all the attacks,and for scaring you guys so badly with his... powers, but you couldn't just let him waste away in his room isolating himself until someone decided it was safe enough to go outside again.
so. yeah, you broke into the wisp house. or more accurately, stood in william's yard throwing pebbles at his window til he texted you to say the backdoor was unlocked, and then snuck up to his room.
you... don't know ehat you were expecting. a mess, maybe? the bedroom of a teenage boy in a depressive slump? not bags. not a suitcase. not everything that makes william himself stripped from the walls and shelves and neatly packed away into labellef boxes. he'd even taken down all the polaroids.
"hey, will..? i was coming to check up on you, but... what is this?"
"it's- mary, i... i'm sorry. they didn't give me time, i have to leave tomorrow and i was going to write i swear-"
"where are you going?!" what the fuck? you'd know, if the wisp family were moving. of course you'd know, they've been the topic of so much talk lately that ANY rumours of them leaving would spread like wildfire. and nothing else in the house was packed, even in the dark you'd been able to tell that much. so why the fuck is william packing like he's moving out. he's 16, for fuck's sake!
"they're... sending me away. to a.. boarding school..?"
you didn't need to know him over a decade to hear the lie in his voice. he can tell, too, and puts down whatever he had been fiddling with to gesture at you.
"mary, look- it's not safe for me to stay here. it's not even safe to be talking to you. the.. recruiter is the first person i've talked to since my dad decuded to keep me inside and he only showed up this afternoon and- everyone... agrees. that it's the best option. for me to leave and go somewhere that people won't be in so much danger."
and as much as he tries to be vague, you can read between the fucking lines. someone fucking reported him, whether it be his parents or someone who saw the shit in the town square, and now the "heroes" are taking your best fucking friend away. and he wasn't allowed tell you.
if you were an angrier girl, you might've seen red at that instance. as it is, you close your eyes and breathe for a moment to make sure you don't yell and wake his parents.
"but you- you live here! your parents are here, your friends! you have school, we were gonna go to college! what about the crew, huh? what are we gonna do without our investigator?" you sound desperate, even to yourself, but you can't let yourself stop. even as you're saying it you know he's smarter than you, that he's definitely already thought of it all, but you can't stop. "what about cory? who's gonna sit with him at lunch and hype him up for his séances? or abby? c'mon, will, you KNOW she likes your shirts best. who's gonna help her when her camera breaks, or help her with her photography? dara, even? you still need to fucking talk to him, william!"
he looks like he's going to cry. a small, vindictive part of you is happy he looks as miserable about this as you.
"mary, they didn't give me a choice-"
"what about ME, will? who's gonna drag everyone along on our hiking trips? who's gonna joke with me in english, or stay up too lste playing dumb games? who'll stay up on call with me when we both can't sleep and tell me happy facts? you can't just fucking- disappear overnight like this! if i hadn't come over would i have ever seen you again? heroes die, william. don't try play at being one."
you're both crying, and he's flickering in out of tangibility and you know that's exactly why they're sending him off. you know you can't do jack shit about it and neither can he, and fighting isn't going to do anything but leave a bad taste in your mouth.
the last time you hugged him, you hadn't seen him in a week and thought he'd been dead. this time... isn't much different, really.
"sorry. sorry. i just. i don't wanna lose you, will. not again."
"yeah. i know. it's... a shitty situation."
"are you... allowed tell me? where you're going?"
he winces, and looks down at his shoes. fidgets with his sleeves a bit. "they haven't told me yet. just... getting training. from some people who really know what they're doing. i was planning to write, since they'd probably take my phone, and then you could have an address to write back to. i- do you- would you still want me to?"
moron. he forgets, sometimes, that you've stuck with him for so long and you aren't turning your back now. it hits you, then, what might be something you can do to help.
reaching for your phone, you pry the cover off and pull out the polaroid you've been keeping in there. especially with how little you've all seen eachother recently, it's been a comfort item you haven't let go of. you hold it out to him.
in your hand: a polaroid picture, of him and four others. it's from.. a week? two? before his incident, and the difference shows. he's happy, laughing and slinging his arm around your shoulders. you're nect to him, like always, your hair hanging down and anither big smile on your face. you're pretty sure the cardigan you've got on in it is one he bought you. on his other side cory's lurking, smile faint but visible and eyes shining. he isn't quite lookimg at the camera, maybe a little above it, but he still looks happier than usual. and again, behind him, dara stands, one hand on cory's shoulder like he's making sure he's still there. he's still in his football gear, smirking easily. and next to you, resting against your side, is abby. she looks breathless, from having to run back to your group before the timer went off, but maybe the happiest of the lot. she always loved when you guys got together for group pictures. all in all, it's one of the nicest pictures of your group ever taken, and it hurts to part with it. but you know he needs it more.
it's late. you need to go home -- you don't want to. you want to stay in this room, with your friend, until they drag him away from you kicking and screaming. but instead, you make sure he takes the picture, and you stare him dead in the eyes.
"promise me you'll make it back alive, william wisp. promise."
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maybeamiles · 10 months
Saw the last voyage of the demeter today. HOLY SHIT IT WAS FUN. 10/10 good first horror movie.
I am pleased to report that I was not too scared by it. The jumpscares were, well, jumpscares, but between knowing the monster in advance and not actually being scared of vampires, blood, or gollum-esque monsters, I was able to enjoy the movie and not be constantly looking over my shoulder when I got out of the theater.
(Of course, it helps that I live in the middle of a fucking desert and saw the 12 O'clock show. If I'd been in, say, Edinburgh and seen the evening show, I would probably be far more spooked.)
Anyways I have more thoughts but they are SPOILERS SO BE WARNED. THEY ARE UNDER A CUT FOR A REASON.
But if you want a TL;DR without the spoilers: Changes were made to the version we saw in Dracula, they were good and necessary changes, and Dr. Clements is going on my list of favorite characters who deserve a happy ending.
Alright, so yalls have seen the movie now? Okay let's go.
First of all, 10/10 for including a multicultural/multiracial cast. More period shows should do that.
Second of all, I love Dr. Clements. He is such a good protagonist for this story. He would fit in so well with the main dracula crew, and I now want to write a fanfiction where he meets Van Helsing in a bar somewhere and joins the Vampire-Hunting squad. Or bumps into the crew at the Abbey. That would be good, too.
It was fascinating to see Clements, a man of pure science, deal with the threat of the supernatural, and it was nice to see him go "this shouldn't be possible, but here we are, so I'm going to figure out why, and how to stop it." Then the more superstitious crew tried to blame anything other than what was in front of them. Him and Anna are a tiny microcosm of the whole Vampire-hunting crew, minus Van Helsing's expertise.
All of the new characters were good additions. Even the dog. I liked the little detail where, as things got more dangerous and the crew got whittled down, Anna put on mens clothes and integrated into the crew. And the stuff with the kid? GOD, THAT WAS HEARTBREAKING.
They did make some changes to the story of the crew. They didn't try to put blame on the first mate, they made the captain lose it a little bit over the death and vampirification of his grandson, they didn't have the captain tie himself to the wheel, and they didn't have anyone commit suicide in order to escape Dracula.
I think that these changes, while not the most accurate version of the original Demeter's story, worked very well. In the novel, the Demeter's story is dark foreshadowing, another glimpse at the terror that will be inflicted upon the main characters. They never learn the nature of the monster. That wouldn't work for a modern audience that would immediately think "vampire" the moment blood loss was mentioned. As such, we needed a sense of resolution that we wouldn't have gotten if they had just been "yep everyone died. We never see what killed them. Wow, that sucks."
There were even some changes to the vampire lore in dracula. Vampires are no longer repelled by crucifixes, and they burn in direct sunlight (which they don't do in Dracula). That makes Dracula a much more physical threat (and maybe means they actually had a chance of killing him).
The horror we got was very much a "bad things are happening, but we don't have the skills to fully stop them" kind of horror. The decision to have some of the crew members turn was amazing. It made things so much tenser when I realized there were two vampires they had to deal with, and then the scene where the kid turns and the captain kinda looses it? OUCH. And then Anna. Poor Anna. She had it so rough. I think she died in the water from cold or injuries or something, but her death was a very narratively satisfying end to her story.
And finally, the ending. GOD THAT ENDING. Logically, I know there's no way that Dr. Clements would survive if he actually found Dracula. He doesn't have the tools or knowledge to defeat him. But I still think it would be very cool to have a Dracula AU where he teams up with the main cast for whatever reason. I think this guy deserves a proper victory after everything. I had no clue how they would make an "everybody dies" story end in a satisfying way, but BOY did they pull it off. I want Clements to survive all future encounters with Dracula even if I know he shouldn't.
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beetrootbug · 1 year
can we just... talk about Wednesday? Because I don't know how to feel about it. I watched the show with little expectations in terms of the plot, and I personally ended up enjoying it, though many people have expressed their distain for it. i didn't like everything about it. It was a bit brain numbing i guess, since after watching it my brain was devoid of thought, which is why i was probably able to watch it without question. I usually pick stuff apart whilst i watch it, but i think I was just so determined to finish it I didn't pay as much attention. Final opinions are:
i enjoyed the cartoon-ish nature of the plot. It wasn't that serious and things were solved very quickly. As a writer, I should despise that. I adore writing books with complex plot points that are long winded and explained with care as to not info-dump but to provide the context needed. However, as a person with horrid fucking anxiety, I LOVE stupid stories with shitty easy to solve plots, such as the one present in Wednesday. It's easy to see what's coming and if an episode ends on a cliffhanger, I know for a fact that it will be solve in the next episode. I also tend to judge shows and movies in context to other shows and movies made by the same company. For example, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Falcon and the Winter Soldier as I really didn't like the previous marvel movies and show. Of course falcon wasn't the best show in context to other pieces of media outside of marvel, but for a marvel show, it topped my standards. Wednesday is the same for me in terms of Netflix live actions reboots. I don't care what you think of the show Wednesday, you must agree it is better than the other live action reboots. I hate riverdale and i hate Winx fate saga, they are terrible, objectively and subjectively, they aren't good. Wednesday shocked me as it was better than both. This also plays into the other kind of shows that are on the rise: gritty shows with teenagers. Euphoria and the abhorrent Velma show, are disgusting inaccurate depictions of teenagers. Not to say teenagers don't do these things, it's just that it isn't presented correctly. Teens smoke, drink and fuck, we know this, I've heard shit, i've seen shit. But they do it immaturely. Teens are both children and adults. If they do adult things, they do it childishly, and vice versa. Wednesday had a relatively accurate depiction of teenagers (albeit a bit cartoony but it fits with the shows themes). So from that standpoint alone, it blew my expectations out the water.
Now to the stuff i didn't like about the show: the characters. Which is a massive part of the show of course. The characters were easier to stomach when i watched it because i simply liked the actors, but analysing the characters after, yeah, i don't like them that much. I liked Wednesday in the beginning, but towards the end, she wasn't as fun to watch. As far as what she does, she's very fun to watch and has to be the only who holds up well (kinda, i'll explain this later), the rest of the characters are kinda poorly written and become kinda unlikeable. I never thought i would say this, but I don't like Enid as much as I did when i started watching. Not from a "oh she's such a horrible person" but rather "oh, she's been written really poorly". That can be said about all the characters, including Wednesday towards the end. The messages the characters give the the audience is my main gripe with the show. Enid talks about how friends do stuff for friends, even without asking. "That's what friends do". This is stupid, it is. If your friend tells you not to do something, and you do it, you are betraying their trust. You don't know why your friend doesn't want you to do that, and they don't need to tell you, they'll tell you if they want to. You shouldn't assume things that your friend wants, especially if you don't know them well, like Wednesday's relationship with enid and the others. It's not a good message to spread as stuff like this is something autistic people and other nd people struggle with, this makes this line from enid to wednesday, a very nd/autistic coded character, much worse. A seemingly stupid request not to do something could have much deeper roots for an nd person. I got very mad at friend when she intentionally splashed me with water once. I had told her very explicitly not to splash me and explained that i hate getting wet when i'm wearing normal clothes as the texture is horrid and it would make me very cold. She continued to splash and my voice became more and more distressed. She ignored this, cuz duh, a little water never hurt anyone? But she eventually splashed me and i scolded her. I wasn't very cold nor wet, but it meant something else to me. She betrayed something i told her, and i even explained to her before hand why i didn't like it. So yeah it's stupid to most, but now i know i can't trust her with stuff like that, doesn't that seem a bit counterproductive to friendship. Wednesday was framed as a stuck up killjoy for not enjoying the birthday party she explicitly did not want, and yet i understand why. I think this is also a reason i liked this show; i liked wednesday, i related to her (kinda). She's not the Wednesday Addams character that she should be, but if you disconnect her from her roots (which you technically shouldn't since this is an adaptation) she's a fascinating character that could have had a lot more done with her.
So to end off: The plot is objectively bad, but a fun and easy watch. The characters are bad, but the main character is relatable yet lacking (which almost makes me wanna watch the next season because i want to see her expanded upon). She's fun by herself, but as a supposed wednesday addams adaptation, she falls completely flat of that title. Which is why i feel the show would have been better if it wasn't attached to wednesday. If it was just a show about ghouls going to school and the main character was an autistic coded character trying to survive among bullies while a murder mystery was being solved as a background plot, it would have been better. Think of it like a mix between monster high and gravity falls, heck it would have been nicer as a cartoon, though i did enjoy the visuals. I think wednesday should have had more conflicts with characters that actually hate her than just being a bitch to characters try to be nice. It's more forgiving in this context because wednesday is nd coded, but there has been a rise in the "everyone fucking hates me except no one hates me and everyone likes me" character archetype, like in the I am not starfire comic. It would have been nicer to see wednesday make a proper friend and in the mean time get back at actually horrible people, like bullies or bigots instead of people trying (and failing) to help her.
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violettierre · 1 year
If you're my mutual or we've interacted before please read this,
So to save your time im going on a hiatus.
And here's some elaboration;
Tumblr have never failed to put a smile on my face it's a fun website to visit and i've always enjoyed the content made here, and most of all, enjoyed interacting with poeple that have always been very kind and sweet and some even consider me a friend which is a far bigger deal to me than one may think because of personal reasons and i really mean it when i say Tumblr never fail to make my day with those silly posts and inside jokes that may mean nothing, overall, it's my go-to place to relax from my noisy life and be my questionable silly little inner violetta that im thankful no one really judged, and it was a breath of fresh air when i signed in here. I've treated my account, like most poeple, as my account where i talked about stuff i enjoyed and my opinions in things, ect... but if you are my mutual i feel like you did notice sometimes i slip and im no longer enjoying my inner self like i usually do, which is common. It does happen to lots of poeple where real life issues just hit too hard for them to enjoy their distractions they used as coping mechanism to keep themselves sane just like i do that's why no one really judges that from what i concluded in my experience. However, as many times as everyone thankfully ignore that, those moments still bother me every time cuz it's never been about other users noticing, it's never been anything outside of personal. Like i said before, this is my prefered go-to comfort space that i open to rest from real life issues and the effects it had on me, and the interference that accure between them never fail to make my health worse, and so i don't go to details, this place simply start to lose its charm for me because it began losing the one thing i personally associated it with. Which is why as far as i believe, it'll be better to take a pause from being active here. Because sometimes the stuff that help us get through things that hurts, shouldn't be exposed to it, and the less harmful option is to hide it so we can go back to it when we're desperate for comfort instead of losing it completely.
Naturally, I have no idea how long i'll be on a hiatus for, it may take months, or maybe a year, who knows, even if i wish for it to be sooner than later, it's something that happen undecided, but it may most likely last at least until my personal crisis calms down and im a little more stable and ready to use once again that one violet that i admit i've mistreated as well, because in order to stop my stress and mental health from sneaking into my safe space i must face it and deal with it, which im really scared of, but that's pretty much what is left to do. Things that go our way aren't necessarily our ideal solutions.
It's a silly little hiatus for most poeple, but behind it, im going to a metaphorical war and im scared that's why im writing this long useless elaboration post before getting a pause from all my social media not just tumblr and try to look after myself in a way i've been running away from.
And if you're reading this as my moot or we've interacted, i do hope you understand this and mostly hope that everything will stay good between us once i come back sooner or later, it's already gonna be awkward for me to do anything i like again after im basically right now going to ditch my self care, so i just want you to keep in mind i do not want to lose you or anyone in here and we could remain in good terms.
And happy new year from now, since i won't be able to celebrate it here. I wish everyone on tumblr a healthy and lucky new year lifestyle starting or continuing from 2023 and fortune will follow everyone everywhere. And merry Christmas to all who celebrate, and whatever other holiday i won't celebrate in here, im sending all my love throughout those times and all time, thanks to everyone for everything and hopefully i get to interact with you guys later on.
With all my geniune love, Violetta.
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frzngrapes · 2 years
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Dear Keycie,
Today, at 5:31PM, i turned 17.
i don't know how to feel about it. If i told six months ago me that they will experience this day, June 13th 2022, that i will go to the bakery to buy birthday treats, that i will go pick up a friend at the bus stop, that i will go to the grocery store to buy alcohol,, they would have been disappointed. But i didn't tell them. December Cherry is persuaded they will die. As for me, today me, i don't really know. I guess i'm okay with it, i mean 17 is a cool age. not the age you would give to a novel's protagonist, but an age you write songs about.
me and kholst sat at the top of my roof, we listened to music and smoked cigarettes. it felt weird, because i sat there alone so many times. I cried and laughed on that roof, i talked to the moon. i was on there at my worst, i was there at my best. it has this soothing effect, that give me faith and makes me feel like life is worth living.
a friend of mine (i believe it was kholst) once said: "listening to songs you ever only listened to on your own with other people feels weird". I think this can apply to situations like these, but also to conversations. Talking about things i usually never mention always feels special...
Exhibit A: At a party K threw, after everyone else went to sleep me and T were the only ones left in the living room. We talked. For 4 hours straight. i talked about obscure animes, and random reflections i never shared to anyone else. Though, that night, i mostly listened. I believe T is the only person i know who talks more than i do (and this, believe me, requires a special talent)
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Exhibit B: back in January in a coastal city, before everyone else arrived,, Kholst and me walked around, smoked by the beach and shoplifted a few beauty products. i acquired a lovely purple mascara i always get compliments about. as for the other things i borrowed, i probably lost them. That day, for the first time (and in the most oddly light hearted way) i opened up [joked would be more a more appropriate word] about having an eating disorder, and talked [joked would be a more accurate term] about self harm.. Before that day i was convinced i would keep it all to myself forever.
It feels good to be able to talk about that with my friends. i still feel like i'm not allowed to, like it's a bad thing that makes everyone feel awkward, but i'm slowly unlearning that (without knowing, kholst helps me a lot in this process). I am slowly learning that i shouldn't be ashamed to be sick. that not being okay,, or not getting better,, or not really (not now) wanting to doesn't make me a bad person that nobody should be around. that friendships don't have to be superficial, that i don't have to pretend i am 100% perfectly super fine and that i can, sometimes, tell people what's going on.
I am beyond grateful to have friends i feel comfortable with. Friends that talk, friends that listen, friends that don't always understand but never judge. Friends with whom i can share the silence, or talk with for hours. friends who share art, music, random reflections, knowledge, and lots of love (especially when they're drunk. lots of "I love you" are thrown around past the 5ft shot).
Today Keycie, it's perfectly sober (well, not actually, K brought rhum, and we bought wine on the way to my home) that i'm telling you: i love you to the moon and back /p. xx, Cherry
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