#shrew's text posts
pricklypanda · 1 month
someone said gwaine was MERLIN’s knight rather than arthur’s and now I’m sobbing like yea………..yea :’)
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anneslovegood · 9 months
“classic literature is so boring, why do high schools never change the reading requirements for kids? how can these books still be relevant?!”
oh, honey, if you only knew the amount of teen romcoms based on classic literature
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"name two people who matched each others' freak"
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legendofzoria · 11 days
ya know, if i were to create a film adaptation for shakespeare’s the taming of the shrew, two songs that would have to be on the sound track are ‘can’t be tamed’ by miley cyrus and ‘nasty girl’ by tinashe
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gay-little-izzet · 6 months
Maybe no one asked for this, but i hope someone will enjoy seeing a few bloomburrow-ified planeswalkers
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Featuring Narset as a Magpie, Quintorius Kand as an elephant shrew, and Dack Fayden as a black footed (and red handed) ferret
If anyone’s curious about why I choose these animals, feel free to ask, but I don’t want to bog this post with too much text unsolicited 😅
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uwmspeccoll · 1 month
Shakespeare Weekend
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The Pictorial Edition of the Works of Shakspere edited and published by Charles Knight (1797-1873) out of London in 1839 was originally issued in fifty-six monthly parts before being bound in an eight-volume set. Like earlier Shakespeare editors, Knight felt all previous editions of Shakespeare collections had been compiled by men who “had corrupted his text, and had never rightly appreciated his consummate art.” As an experienced publisher of encyclopedias and miscellanies, he set out to “humbly” correct their errors with an ambitiously illustrated collection.  
The wood engravings place Shakespeare’s characters and events within a historical context opposed to a theatrical one and are elucidated in subsidiary segments interspersed throughout the plays’ acts. Volume One of Knight’s collection includes Two Gentlemen of Verona, Love’s Labour’s Lost, The Merry Wives of Windsor, The Comedy of Errors, Taming of the Shrew, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Most illustrations within the collection are unsigned, but British wood engravers John Jackson (1801-1848) and William Harvey (1796-1866) along with British painter G.F. Sargent are featured prominently among the titlepage and larger illustrations.   
View more Shakespeare Weekend posts. 
-Jenna, Special Collections Graduate Intern 
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With Angry Shrew Lily I think it’s the combined urge to write her as a one dimensional Hermione stand-in, as a redhead stereotype, and as a “mother” figure and nothing more. Sure, it adds narrative tension, but it’s boring and frequently misogynistic. “Lily the nagging girlfriend who spoils the fun for her man-child boyfriend”…no thanks. And it’s annoying when the canonical evidence points to her being smart, funny, vibrant, a little mysterious, and emotionally and interpersonally intelligent. (Not that canon-compliance in and of itself a virtue; it’s just frustrating when she never has any of these traits, you know?).
Your Lily is spot-on and an absolute joy to read 🥰
Also also also, WHY would James be madly in love with someone who belittled, insulted, and borderline-disliked him all the time? What's in it for him then? I used to hate those Tumblr text/dialogue posts where James would say something a little bit silly (or was simply enjoying his life) and Lily would be all exasperated and dismissive about it. Where's the romance in that? Where's the fun?? Where's his self-respect, most importantly?
(Also thank youuuuuuuuu my Lily is my baby so I'm v grateful 😘)
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jmvore · 1 year
Jokes on You ➻ Prologue
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» RATING › 18+ [M I N O R S D O N O T I N T E R A C T] » GENRE(S) › smut, angst, fluff » AU › infidelity, polyamorous, married!au » PAIRING(S) › jimin x reader, yoongi x reader, & jungkook x reader » WORD(S) › 700(w) » SYNOPSIS › It was supposed to be your annual Christmas date that you have every year. A chance to talk and to try to get an understanding of where you are within your arranged marriage but... He didn't show, leaving you sitting in the middle of a crowded restaurant and embarrassed about being stood up by your spouse. It’s okay though at least you have three other men who want to spend time with you. » WARNING(S) › no warning(s) to account for aside from your husband being an absolute shit-head. » SMUT WARNING(S) › none here. will put on each chapter. » ORIGINAL POST DATE › 12/26/2001 » RE-POSTED DATE › 9/9/23 » A/N › Thank you @/saradika for the divider(s)! they’re so cute. Anyway thanks for reading lovelies.
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[11:23pm] dickhead: I won’t be able to make it, baby but I’ll make it up to you. I promise. I’m so sorry.
You’ve been staring at his text message for damn near an hour in utter disbelief. What pisses you off more is the fact that he waited until he knew you would be there to tell you. You would have been fine. There are other places you could have been spending your time. Other (deserving) people you could be spending your time on.
However, leaving you here with nothing to go on but this text message he sent an hour ago?
Frustrated doesn’t even begin to describe your mood. You’re trying your hardest not to break your phone or make a scene because what the hell? If this was any other type of dinner, you wouldn’t have cared.
It’s Christmas Eve (soon to be Christmas) and it was his idea to spend the night celebrating. He was the one who made the reservation for the night. He was the one who said he had planned a night in the town. He was the one who told you to wear that red bodycon dress that shows off your assets and makes you look and feel pretty.
And it was him who had you sitting in this fancy-ass restaurant waiting like a damn fool.
You reached out to him to try and figure out where the hell he was but he didn’t even have the decency to call or text you back. It’s only when you leave him a shrew of messages cursing him out is when he shoots back with that half-ass apology.
No explanation as to where he is.
No care in the world of how him leaving you here made you feel.
Sometimes you wonder why you let your parents marry you off to him in the first place. You knew it was for their benefit. Something about their business being in debt and you being the one to (hopefully) bring their business back from the dead through this union. You weren’t truly paying attention. In the end, it didn’t matter because soon after you said your vows they went bankrupt, forcing them to give up everything they worked decades for. You never forgave them for forcing your hand. Especially after you learned the reasoning behind the marriage.
You were their wild child. Their problem child. They hoped you being married would force you to settle down. To give them the grandchildren they desired seeing as their only other child, your sister Eun-ji, had cut all ties (and now you see why honestly).
After a while, you found yourself distancing them from you and your life until you got to a point where you only talked to them every once in a blue moon. Which, wasn’t often. Maybe once every two or three months.
As for your husband… Over time you grew to tolerate his presence within the confines of your house. You could even say you grew to like him but you never loved him.
Not the way he used to love you.
And now, this whole sham of a marriage has been nothing but disappointment after disappointment. That feeling of ’like’ you had slowly dwindled into disdain and in return, you gave up. You're not as upset as you should be but it doesn't matter. You hoped that he would slowly realize how irrelevant he is because you realized it very early on. Honestly, you’re ready to take that next step to leave this burden of a marriage. It not benefiting you anyway.
The first step, however, is getting the hell out of here.
You stand to leave. Brain on overdrive because you want to leave this establishment as soon as possible. You flag down a waiter as another waitress makes her way toward you with what looks like a bouquet of lilies. She mentions he had them reserved for you before bowing and apologizing. You’re getting more pissed off as the time ticks by and the more you look at the flowers, the angrier you become.
All you want to do is go home.
You pay what little bill you had before bowing and apologizing. You hoped the walk to the valet outside wouldn’t be that terrible but, of course, nothing ever goes to plan. 
You turn to leave and immediately smack right into a waiter holding a tray of drinks. The tray crashes to the floor as the vase of lilies falls and crashing to the ground causing it to shatter. She apologizes profusely, trying to wipe off the remnants but it’s a little too late. Your favorite dress is ruined and you’re already growing sticky. It’s uncomfortable and it makes you feel repulsed. You know it’s not her fault, rerouting your anger to your soon-to-be ex-husband. You tell her it’s fine when she offers to get you another vase for the flowers but you refuse. You didn’t even want them in the first place.
Finally outside, you wrap your coat tighter around your body as the valet brings your car around. You thank the man and give him a small tip before settling, you let your tears of frustration fall. Embarrassing doesn’t even begin to describe how you feel. From being stood up to having drinks dumped on you (not intentionally of course), you wondered how could this night get any worse.
Glancing at the clock you realize it’s almost thirty minutes away from being Christmas and you’re about to spend it alone. Although, you don’t want to go home. You don’t want to see his face and you for sure, don’t want to be in the same house with him. You much rather spend it with someone you know who wants to spend it with you.
You groan, tossing the present (you wish you hadn’t had) for him to the back seat. You don’t want to look at it anymore, a reminder of a horrible night.
“I should call him…” You grumble and scroll through your contacts until you see the person you’re looking for. You dial his number and he picks up on the third ring. Excited that you had time to call. You shouldn’t be this thrilled to talk to another man that’s not your husband but… the would have mattered if this marriage was a complete farce.
“Hey…” You sigh in relief, knowing the night is going to be just fine and he leaves you in a much happier mood after the shit show you’ve just endured
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You can skip chapters to who you want to read!💖
Choice 01⇢ Yoongi ⇢ Bittersweet  ⇢  6k+
Choice 02 ⇢ Jungkook ⇢ You Make Me Better  ⇢ 5.6k+
Choice 03 ⇢ Jimin ⇢ You & Me ⇢ TBA
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maniculum · 8 months
Bestiaryposting Results: Kengliwa
So, as it seems everyone made note of, this week's creature was exceptionally easy to guess. (To the point that a couple people did actually go ahead and name it, which I can't be that annoyed about because I don't think anyone missed this one.) I actually thought about not including it -- I cut a few that were particularly obvious like this one, but this entry was just so beautifully written that I didn't want to not post it. Maybe I should have done a separate post like with the dogs... live and learn, I suppose.
Anyway, previous entries and results can be found here: https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting. And the entry everybody is working from is at the link below:
Art below the cut in rough chronological order, as per usual.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) decided to go a bit Beatrix Potter, and produced some frankly adorable shrew-like critters. (And her own alt-text, thank you.) They're dressed in these nice black coats and bowler hats so they can look like the "black column across the fields" described in the entry. I love everything about this. Also, if you want to see a version of this without the linework, check the link above.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) decided to work off of the assertion that Kengliwas prefer wheat to barley because "barley is food for beasts". Naturally this means the Kengliwa must not itself be a beast, and Silverhart reflects that by medieval definition that excludes pretty much everything but birds and fish. So here we have a very small mouse-bird (the results of this one are all very cute, I have to say). And of course it's a flightless bird, because the entry describes them as walking. I'm really struck by the general composition of this one; the tiny bird clinging to the top of a wheat stalk is so well depicted. The colors are great too.
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@cheapsweets (link to post here) followed the same "not a beast" logic as Silverhart, though they also name "serpent" and "worm" as potential non-beast categories. They also picked "bird", because the Kengliwa brings grain back to its nest, and birds have nests, so there you go. I appreciate that they've continued with that connection by having the interior of the Kengliwa burrow lined in a manner reminiscent of birds' nests. (And also that they provided alt-text, thank you.) Speaking of which, check it out, burrowing birds! With a cross-section of their burrow! Delightful. They further speculate that the symbolism attached to this one must be pretty weird given the mixed feelings the author seems to have, so I went and checked...
... there's actually not a lot of symbolism on this one. The highlights are that the divided grain supply represents the division between the Old and New Testaments, and barley represents heresy which is why it is scorned. (Pretty sure lots of people in the Middle Ages ate barley, but I suppose they preferred wheat.) The symbolism is all "things we learn from the good example of this industrious creature", and the entry quotes Proverbs 6:6 -- I'm not copying it here, because even though I'm pretty sure everyone knows what the animal is, the verse in question does name it, and we have a procedure here.
Anyway, as always, I recommend clicking on the link to CheapSweets's post to see their detailed explanation of their design decisions.
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@theforceisstronginthegirl (link to post here) has drawn some ants in their agenda book. I have to admit, I'm not fully sure whether this was meant to be an entry, but you know, there's a picture (with alt-text and everything!) and it's tagged "kengliwa", so in it goes. Honestly I think the highlight here is that they described the creatures in the picture as "scribbles with jobs" which I think is a fun way to describe bugs generally. Very dynamically drawn scribbles too; they're quite expressive.
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@pomrania (link to post here) has drawn a strange and adorable critter. It's giving... lizard-squirrel. Squizard. Particularly delighted by the fact that multiple people decided that such an industrious fellow should be wearing tiny clothing. I think the bag with one (1) grain of wheat in it is a nice touch. You just want to root for this little guy, you know? Also it's worth checking out Pomrania's linked post and associated progress post for some interesting steps in the design process for this one.
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@coolest-capybara (link to post here) continues to deliver beautifully stylized art. They note that they considered rodents, but figured medieval authors would not be nearly this positive about rodents stealing grain, so instead they're lizards. Very good lizards, too! I love the patterning on them and the expressions on their faces. The one on the left scorning the barley is particularly delightful. Coolest-capybara also wonders what the original animal is classified under, if not "beast" -- to which I must say, oddly enough, this one is in with the beasts. I think. Right after this entry is the start of the "birds" section, and right before it is are some various mammals. So either this is the end of the beast section or it's, like, a palate-cleanser in between.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) has also given their Kengliwa clothing, but for a very specific reason: as others have noted, the Kengliwa scorning barley because it's "food for beasts" implies that the Kengliwa are not beasts. Therefore, in Strixcattus's interpretation, they're people. Which is indeed the only non-"beast" category of animal that nobody else has mentioned, as far as I can figure. They're darling. Love the one on the right that appears to be chewing on a straw like your stereotypical farmer, except of course the straw is a single seed with like a bit of stalk attached. And I know I always say it, but you need to go read the linked post for this one. Maybe it's just because worldbuilding is my jam, but I'd happily read a lengthy TTRPG supplement about how Kengliwa society operates. They're like... medieval Borrowers who farm lichen and domesticate ants. I want to know everything about this.
Anyway, here's the Aberdeen Bestiary version:
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That's right, they're scribbles with jobs!
Seriously, it turns out Theforceisstronginthegirl drew basically a dead ringer for the medieval version. Compare the two; the biggest differences are the medium and the fact that the Aberdeen Bestiary includes a nest.
But yes, they're ants. We all know they're ants.
Which should, as CheapSweets alluded to, be classed in with the worms! (Remember, that's a flexible term in the medieval era... especially since this is a Latin text, so it's vermis, like Modern English vermin.) There is a section labelled De vermibus, and these guys aren't in it! It could have really used them, too; I think the Ant entry by itself is the same length as the whole "worm" section.
Anyway. Hopefully next week's will be less obvious... okay, I just checked, it's barely less obvious. But I would put money on nobody guessing the one that posts on the 19th (though that's a pretty short entry, unfortunately).
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wishcamper · 5 months
loving acovav and your family systems posts, it puts into words and pulls together so many problems that exist within the ic and relationships in the book xx
though i just have to say it absolutely KILLS me that sjm somehow accidently created such interesting and complex character dynamics (even though there is still a fair amount of inconsistency)
Thank you so much! I was glad to find I wasn’t alone in being baffled/infuriated by the books lol
I think sjm does have the ability to identify the conditions for conflict, but kind of all of us do. Blending families can be hard, involved power struggles. Entering a new world creates cognitive dissonance and grief. People react to trauma differently, and don’t always understand others’ reactions. Romance inside a friend group creates tension. These are things we all know if you think for a moment. But her weakness is that she’s often bad at predicting how people would react to these conflicts, and she definitely doesn’t understand why and how people change.
On the whole, the “themes” she explores are pretty universal. That’s why her premises have so much potential but don’t go anywhere emotionally satisfying. And universal stories are satisfying, that’s why we tell them over and over a la the Hero’s Journey. ACOTAR is Beauty and the Beast. ACOSF is essentially The Taming of the Shrew with more push-ups. But where a different telling like 10 Things I Hate About You says something new about that story- that we are more than stereotypes and can find authentic connections when we transcend them - her conclusions are straight up weird. Like, ACOSF says: be who everyone wants you to be and life gets better. Uh?? In what world is that a hopeful takeaway??
That’s why even her own characters seem out of character, because the inciting events and the reactions they elicit don’t make sense half the time. I think it’s because she doesn’t have equal compassion for her characters (some none at all) so the ones she likes get every motivation for their actions upheld as worthwhile, and the ones she doesn’t like are either two dimensional or have to suck up to the characters she likes for redemption. But she doesn’t recognize that this communicates something, even if it’s unintentional. It’s like she doesn’t realize there’s a subconscious story underneath the surface one, that we can see her thought process through the choices she makes AND the ones she doesn’t.
I know she’s talked about how she puts a lot of her own experience into the books and I think that shows but mostly through her internal and external biases, unfortunately. She only ever affirms her own beliefs through the text, and ultimately says something obvious or straight up distasteful without meaning to (I hope). Other people have detailed her misogyny more thoroughly than I can here, but the disdain for her female characters is so obvious. And that’s not even starting on the racism. There’s a very clear thread of personal responsibility that ignores all the systemic, identity, and cultural factors that make us feel, think, and behave in certain ways.
All this is to say: agree, it’s so annoying because it’s like she had all the ingredients for a cake and somehow made a pizza instead because she likes it more. It doesn’t make sense. I don’t know how you got from there to here Sarah, and you seem happy but I still want cake!
Anyway, thank you for the ask, and letting me indulge in affronted literary criticism, which is my favorite thing to do 🤓
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pricklypanda · 2 months
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sorry i feel like ill get more crossover oomfs here so i had to cross post kjdfhgksjddgj im kinda proud of this one
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dancingwiththefae · 3 months
I’ve somehow made it onto the classics subsection of bookstagram (I don’t have tiktok but I imagine it’s similar) and a big problem I have with what I’m seeing is the lack of critical engagement with these books. Are the classics worth reading? Absolutely! Classics are full of rich textured characters and narratives. But they are also very much a product of their time and you will come across certain limitations. Reading and promoting classics without engaging with the racism, antisemitism, misogyny, homophobia etc that will be present is a failure to the genre. If you read a book from the 19th century you will find 19th century ideals and these shouldn’t be ignored. Go even further back and it will only increase. You need to engage with the context in which they are written as well as enjoying them in the present. It is part of the story. Please engage with it in a meaningful way. You enjoyed the taming of the shrew but won’t mention the misogyny? Or the antisemitic character in Dorian Gray? Or are you reading but not understanding the text that is in front of you? Are you actually reading the classics or just posting pictures for engagement? Think critically! It’s good for you
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zukkacore · 3 months
i can't. remember if i sent in numbers for the writer's ask already. if i did, crying ignore this but: 11, 12, and 30?
11. a wip you'd like to finish someday
Oh god i started so many just w/in the past few days. Jace hireling au obviously. jaceporter first time. Actually, the true honest to god earnest answer is i always felt terrible abandoning my multichap danganronpa talentswap. It's so old i really don't think its indicative of my current skill level but it was so much fun and it means so much to be and its so long and i did have a whole ending planned out but im just not that good at writing detectivework. I do think there's some good shit in there still tho.
The other answer that's kinda cheating is i have a fantasy based Taming of the shrew retelling i've been like retooling for like a goddamn year. It's such a fucked play but i have so many mixed feelings abt it. My feelings on taming are very similar to del toro's on pinocchio in that it's very pro domestication of the human spirit that i think is kinda depressing. Like im very centrist abt whether the play is irredeemable or whether its not meant to be taken seriously, but the themes are interesting. In my mind, there's like. all this stuff abt performance and palability and. Individiuality vs community. Acceptance vs ostracization. This tension between vulnerability n connection vs. power and control and how those are competing needs w/in people. Like. Kate n Petrucchio are both outsiders and petruchio could choose vulnerability and connection w/ his wife and instead he chooses social approval in a patriarchal society which he gains through proving how good he is at subjugating his wife. The themes are INTERESTING it's just the fuckin CONCLUSION (aka its morally good and just to gaslight your wife actually) are fuckin DIRE. On the other hand. Kate and Petruchio have mad chemistry and is it so wrong to think they should fuck nasty?
12. a trope you're really into right now
... 4 jaces? I feel like i have a weird stance on the clonefucking joke poll that goes around every few months (in that its not the same as masturbation b/c the minute their consciousness is different from yours thats like. a full person but not a person i would be compelled to be with but maybe im to arospec for that) so its never particularly compelled me before, like i thought that shit in Loki was kinda cringe. but just bc i don't find the idea particularly compelling for myself doesn't mean Jace can't be a little obsessed w/ himself. Tbh the idea of being a xerox of a xerox of a xerox in general is very interesting for me tho.
There's also something I think i keep returning to abt like. Having to renegotiate or reclaim power and love in a relationship that should otherwise be fucked and heartbreaking. By all intents and purposes, there should be one break at the heart of this that ruins everything, a moment at the beginning that should have ruined everthing from jump. but if we're stuck together, I'm determined to reconcile w/ myself that there's love there. It's very Jaceporter. It's very Kate n petruchio. Very hades n persephone I have another very old school ship that actually has something very similar happen. If you can figure it out based on this text i sent my friend then you were probaly on tumblr when a certain webcomic was updating.
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30. share a fic you're especially proud of
I feel like me giving so many answers to these is a total copout. The truthful answer is that I have like a 10k togakure (hiro n togami for those curious) pwp fic thats on my google drive somewhere that i've never posted bc ive been too embarrassed and the ship is NOT that popular so i think like .5 people would read it. But it's like my favorite thing i've ever written. I might post it eventually. If i pluck up the courage. I have sent it to like 2-3 people in my lifetime. I'd cite a scene i like, but I like all of it. And also most if it is smut.
The half-hearted answer is my talentswap bc i am fuckin proud of it im just embarrassed bc i abandoned it. I'm legit so sad. I'm such a Hiro n Mukuro should be proxy siblings truther and im glad their scene was the last thing i posted but now it will never come into fruition.
So i guess. My default answer is my Sky High AU for It chapter 2. It's called Welcome To the Loser Track and it's reddie and in it Richie is the kid who glows and Eddie is the kid who turns into a guinea pig. I actually really like the movie Sky High a lot, I think it's a really good kids movie and it's got a lot of fun setpieces and cool design components and even some of the camerawork is pretty neat and cute stuff in it that's rly underrated. Its like one of the main Things i feel like ppl who are my friends or have been w/ me a long time know about me, and the silly thing abt me is that i really do earnestly like Zack/Magenta as a ship, but mainly bc i just think Zack gives off baby butch dyke vibes (and. I hate to use the phrase. but it's kinda black cat x golden retriever vibes). I actually like it so much that Sky High reddie is probably my favorite version of reddie, and i do think the other Losers in that mode are also very fun (Bill is strong n can fly, Mike controls plants, Stan melts, Bev is pyrokinetic, and Ben is a technopath). The main thing abt it is that it's COMPLETE (i have so many abandoned wips), but i am geuinely proud of it. I don't think the writing is like always the most polished but i think there is a lot of interesting queer subtext in that movie (in that there is basically a coming out scene even if the conclusion of the story is that he was straight the whole time lol) that i kinda picked at and did a good job elaborating on. There's actually a lot of underutilized subtext in that movie that isn't rly interrogated that i think is fun. I just think there's very romantic abt two people with "useless" powers seeing the beauty in each other.
I feel like some old school mutuals from my IT days already know this, but this is probably my favorite scene from the fic:
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unassimilatedsoul · 1 year
People like adapting Shakespeare, but it gets a bit trickier if you’re trying to keep the text the same while drastically changing the time period.  10 Things I Hate About You and Forbidden Planet are adaptations of Taming of the Shrew and The Tempest respectively, but they’re not don’t try to keep the original text.  If you just put Romeo and Juliet into the modern day with the original text as written, it falls apart when when cellphones exist in the world; Taming of the Shrew suddenly needs to address why women are being treated as property.  However, there’s one setting i haven’t seen that i think would work perfectly for this: post-apocalyptic.
Any technology you think is cool, keep it; anything that messes with the story too much is too broken to be of any use.  Anything that doesn’t work in modern society is just a result of society regressing after falling apart.  Just go full Mad Max with it.  That’s something i’d love to see
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spicebiter · 2 months
Watch List- English Language Movies (Latest Update Aug. 4, 2024)
My extensive movies list. Not numbered because tumblr has a character limit in blocks of text that affect numbered lists apparently, but fyi before you open the read more there are 300+ entries in this list.
Because of the sheer number of things I want to watch I’m separating my watch list posts into four categories. I keep them separate primarily for organization so I can decide what to watch based different variables (mood, time, language, etc)
I’m pretty much constantly adding things to all of my lists- hence why I’m amending when this was last updated to the title itself- and will update this post anytime I update the wheel I use to randomize my next choice, which usually happens after I’ve added or subtracted a significant number of options.
48 Hrs.
A Bucket of Blood
A Fistful of Dollars
A Matter of Life and Death (1946)
A Tale of Two Sisters
All About Evil
All Eyes
All of Us Strangers
Alyce Kills (2011)
American Mary
Apostle (2018)
Area 51
Asylum of Satan
August Underground
Baby Driver
Bad Influence (1990)
Basic Instinct
Beauty and the Beast (1946)
Being Human (US)
Below (2002)
Beyond the Black Rainbow
Bird Box
Black Mountain Side
Black Narcissus (1947)
Blade series
Blade Runner
Bleed With Me
Blood Quantum
Blue Velvet
Bones and All
Brain Damage (1988)
Bullet Train
Butchers (2020)
By Any Means
Cabin Fever
Campfire Tales (1997)
Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter
Chained (2012)
Chernobyl Diaries
Cherry Falls
Christopher Robin
Cobweb (2023)
Cold Skin
Crank (2006)
Curfew (1989)
Cut (2000)
Dark Harvest
Dark Places
Day of the Dead
Dead Birds
Dead Body (2017)
Dead Calm
Dead Silence
Dead Snow
Dementia 13
Detective Pikachu
Devil's Advocate
Digging Up the Marrow
Don't Worry Darling
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Eden Lake
Electric Dreams
Even Lambs Have Teeth (2015)
Eve’s Bayou
Ex Machina
Extracurricular (2018)
Eyes in the Dark
Eyes Wide Shut
Feral (2017)
Fertile Ground
Fox Trap (2016)
Frankenstein’s Army
From Black
Funny Games
Gaia (2021)
Ganja and Hess
Gentleman's Agreement
GetAWAY (2020)
Ghost Ship
Glass Onion
Godzilla series
Goodnight Mommy
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio
Hacksaw Ridge
Hard Candy
Hatchet (2006)
Head Count
Headless (2015)
Hear No Evil
Hell House
High Tension
His House
Home for the Holidays (1972)
Hotel Hell
Howl (2015)
Humanoids From the Deep
I Saw the TV Glow
Infinity Pool
Inland Empire
In The Mouth of Madness
It Comes at Night
It's Such A Beautiful Day
Jack the Bear
Jug Face
Juice (1992)
Just Before Dawn
Kill List
Lake Nowhere
Last Shift
Legend (1985)
Lemora: A Child's Tale of the Supernatural
Life (2017)
Lisa Frankenstein
Little Monsters
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
Lord of the Rings
Love Exposure
Love Lies Bleeding
Lovely, Dark, and Deep
Lovely Molly
Maniac (2012)
Marionette (2020)
Mayhem (2017)
Memories of Murder
Mister Creep (2022)
Monkey Man (2024)
Mukavemet (2022)
My Own Private Idaho
Need for Speed (2014)
Night of the Creeps
Nocturnal Demon
November (2017)
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Only Lovers Left Alive
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951)
Phantom of the Opera
Phantom of the Paradise
Phase IV
Poor Things
Premium Rush
Psycho Goreman
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves
Requiem for a Dream
Robot Dreams
Rope (1948)
Rose Red
Satan's Servant (2020)
Sea Fever
Session 9
Shark Side of the Moon
Shrew’s Nest
Silver Bullet
Small Soldiers
Smokin’ Aces
Sole Survivor
Some Like It Hot
Sometimes they Come Back
Sonic the Hedgehog
St. Maud
Star Time (1992)
Star Wars series
Still Breathing
Straight Edge Kegger (2019)
Student Body (2022)
Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat
Sunshine (2007)
Super Dark Times
Suspiria (1977)
Swallow (2019)
Swiss Army Man
Talon Falls (2017)
Tank Girl
Terror Vision
The Abyss
The Atticus Institute (2015)
The Awakening
The Babadook
The Beach House
The Beyond
The Block Island Sound
The Boston Strangler
The Breed
The Burrowers (2008)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
The Cave (2005)
The Color Purple
The Dark
The Deeper You Dig
The Devil's Carnival
The Divide (2011)
The Dunwich Horror
The Dyatlov Pass Incident
The Endless
The Evil of Frankenstein
The Girl With All the Gifts
The Gracefield Incident
The Happening
The Haunting (1963)
The Invisible Man (2020)
The Killing Kind
The Lair of the White Worm
The Last Broadcast
The Last Exorcism
The Last Unicorn
The Lazarus Effect
The Lords of Salem
The Matrix series
The Menu
The Midnight Meat Train
The Night Flier
The Old Ways
The Omen
The Others
The Passenger
The People Under the Stairs
The Phantom of the Opera (2004)
The Pit
The Plague Dogs
The Quarry
The Red Shoes (1948)
The Reflecting Skin
The Relic
The Resurrected
The Serpent and the Rainbow
The Slayer
The Sleep Experiment
The Tall Man
The Tank
The Thaw
The Thief and the Cobbler
The Tommyknockers
The Triangle
The Triplets of Belleville
The Usual Suspects
The Void (2016)
The Wickerman
The Wisher (2002)
The White Reindeer
Thelma and Louise
They Live
Tigers are Not Afraid
Total Recall
Trilogy of Terror
Turning Red
Twins of Evils
V for Vendetta
Velvet Buzzsaw
Virus:32 (2022)
Vivarium (2019)
We Are Not Alone
We Are Still Here
We’re All Going to the World’s Fair
Wendell and Wild
What Josiah Saw
White Snake
White Zombie
Willow Creek
Wolf Creek
X (2022)
You'll Like My Mother
Zombie (1979)
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saturnianbooks · 2 years
My January reads
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SO, my goal this year is to read 30 books. I have no idea if i'll be able to accomplish that much, i've only ever been able to read 24 books a year so far, because I'm a slow reader.
I thought i'd start loosely reviewing my reads here, for a bunch of reasons: I need to practice writing in English, I want to learn how to blog so why not start with something simple, and i don't actually know many people outside the internet who likes to talk about books, so here I am.
I'm currently on vacation, so I've managed to read six books (!), which was my expactation for the month. Six is quite a a high number for me, I usually read two per month. They were not bad ones, not big ones either. I threw in some classic English Literature that i've been meaning to read for a while. One of them is a graphic novel. Four of them were in Portuguese and only two in English, which is uncommon for me since i've learned to read full texts in English. Unfortunately, I'm still unable to read that much in French, i gotta work on that. Have in mind that i read mainly for entertainment and escapism. So here's some thoughts about these books:
Miss Davis
I love the illustration style of the book. It was based on Angela Davis' Biography, which i'm now meaning to read. I started it not knowing anything about Angela Davis, but it gave me the impression that the biography itself was more thorough than the graphic novel was. Still, it managed to portrait the inspiring woman she was, it's a good start to tell her story.
The Time Machine
I thought this book was going to be dark and scary, but it was actually very fun and reflective. I've never read H.G. Wells before, but i like his writing, it reminds me of Jules Verne's. It was immersive and the world-building was very well thought of, maybe a bit underexplored by the main character (to modern day standards at least). The 1800's ideals weren't AS present as it is in most works, so it was kind of easy to ignore them. I sure want to watch the movie and look for fix-it fanfictions about this one.
The Taming of the Shrew
Really, what was I expecting? Up to a point, the book was funny, i'll give it that. But then the machism was too hard to overlook. It wasn't the first Shakespeare book I read, but it wasn't the best either. I thought I would like this one, but ended up hating it.
Not Here to be Liked
I desperately needed to read something light and good after the last one's desaster. Not Here to be Liked was IT to me. It was exactaly what I was expecting: funny, immersive, I identified with the main character AND learned more about asian-immigrants-in-the-USA culture, it was cozy and the characters were so well made, i just wanted the book to never end so I could hang out with them. I almost didn't see the ending of the book coming my direction. Plus, it was a very cute story.
Malibu Rising
I don't know if the author meant it this way, but it felt like reading a coming of age story. In a good way. I don't think it was her best work, but I enjoyed it. It matched the current summer vibes i'm currently experiencing. The sibling dynamics really stood out to me in this story, rather than the romances, it was so good! I think the eighties vibes weren't as present as she managed to do the 70s and 60s in her other works, and the party experience could have been crazier, in my humble opinion. It was a fun one.
I struggled a bit with this one. Took me more time to read than it should have. I couldn't stop singing Hamilton in my head every time i opened the book. I love the witches in it, they were my favourite characters. The lack of closure for Fleance at the end of the play was curious to me. I think it was fun to read and very well set up.
And that was all! I'm hoping to read another set of 6 books in February. Will I manage to read them all? Will I remember to post about them at the end of the month? We'll find out in the next chapters, i guess.
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