sappy-detective · 1 year
does anyone have any saiouma AUs written through shuichis uncle’s prospective? i know it’s an odd idea but iv seen similar fics in other fandoms and they’re cute…
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bluevelvetea · 3 months
Whiskey Trio x Kn8
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the inevitable dcmk crossover no one really asked for
Big thanks to @itssagaruu for enabling the collective brainrot about this crossover and @iceclew for accidently motivating me to finish it with the Conan glasses Hoshina
More under the cut! (Possible spoilers for dcmk)
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my baby didn't deserve this but I believe his death would still be a sacrificial suicide just like in canon but Shucihi covered it up as an accident or even took the blame himself again out of consideration for Zero's feelings
this man right here would've been Kafka's biggest supporter and hype man they would get along so well ;; I need them to interact ;;
I believe Taka'aki might still be with the police in this AU
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How many Gundam references can you put in a single crossover that doesn't even involve Gundam? Yes.
Rei is a walking Gundam reference after all
Probably has like 1% less maximum combat power compared to Shuichi and he hates it
This man right here is competitive to a fault
Very responsible but unhinged
Still drives a Mazda RX-7 like in canon
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He'd be best friends with Hoshina because they're both menaces (affectionately)
why is he still wearing the beanie? No one knows.
His parents are both legends much like Isao and for some reason I think Tsutomu and Isao are very similar in many points
We are not comparing Mary to Hikari though
Shukichi would be a renowned strategist working for the JAKDF
Masumi would be the most unhinged new recruit they've seen since Narumi
Some general h/c
Hagi, Matsuda and Date were trained alongside Hiro and Zero as well
And yeah then they died in the canon order too ;;
Maybe with less explosions and trucks though and more Kaiju action
I need Kir to be a part of this so bad too
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pineappleciders · 21 days
danganronpa v3 spoilers cuz i know most of my followers probably haven't played!!!
i just finished drv3 first trial and i'm ugly sobbing. she just wnated to save everyone. she wnated everyone to live and be friends. her and shucihi were getting cllse. she never got to see him with his hat off. never got to look him directly in the eyes. he never got to hear her play piano. she should've lived they should've escaped together ans gotten married or not married and became best friends I DONT CARE either wya thhey deserved to escape and her execution was so brutal😭😭😭my babies i'm so sad. why did theh have to make the first trial the most heartbreaking. the scene of him standing in the piano room to clair de lune while kaede sat in the piano seat. i'm sobbitng. I WAS NOT PREPARED FOR THIS. at least in dr2 it waited til the second and last trials to make you cry. THIS ONE IT JUST JUMPED RIGHT IN!!
and the fact that the UI changed to blue and stuff . i'm so sad. kaede my queen you did not deserve that
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nerd-cat-rambles · 2 months
23 of… Kaito, or Kokichi. Do both if ya want! :]
YIPPIE! I'm on mobile so the images are going to be low quality😟
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The shock factor of this scene and the expressions on not only kaitos face, but shucihi and makes faces as well. Perfect. It feels mean but i love this one
2. Kokichi looking so fucking pissed and confused in closing arguments my beloved
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kurevniik · 4 months
hey guys SHUCIHI
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✌️✌️✌️ tchuss
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 8 months
shucihi should be a water deer ithink
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radio-ronpa · 2 months
Kaede + Abnormality Dancin’ Girl
Get in the EVA, Shucihi
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Wato I love you but please dont trust guy.
Heck,shucihi wouldnt even trust that guy or at least be mroe sketpical.He didn't want to be a detective(At the beginning anyway)
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
I feel like byakuyas the dad/person who like hear shucihi or someone say they like something like a food or something then immediately there’s like 4 pounds of it for them
What can he say he loves seeing his little guy smile
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
canon names? this doesn’t really count but i want to share it anyway, so…. i’m shuichi saihara! the name shuichi means “last one”! there’s another character from danganronpa named mikan tsumiki, and the name mikan means “orange”.
the other night i had a dream that “shuichi” meant orange (idk why? it doesnt even make sense?) and that (as shucihi) my deadname was mikan
idk i just thought this was funny :3
-shuichi saihara #👕🥀
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sappy-detective · 11 months
PG shuichi: “jeez im so glad no one here knows i like danganronpa!!” *and he’s been vibrating at his phone (monokuma phone case and kyoko key chain) at some danganronpa gameplay he’s been watching the whole time*
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Angst with no happy ending(or hopeful ending)
Literacy/Level:Semi literate
Triggers:I will list them when we rp or you check them out in more detialed list.
Kokichi x Shucihi Hajime x Chiaki x Nagito Kaede x Shuichi Hiyoko x Mahiru Sonia x Gumdam Korekiyo x Rantaro Miu x Keebo Korekiyo x Rantaro Tenko x Himko Tenko x Mikan
Maki x Mukuro
Sayaka x Mukuro
Platform: Discord
Age:19 and prefered to rp with 18-25 year old partner
for more a detailed request go here: https://discord.gg/VySAVNgE
If the link has expired by time you read this,here is my discord number Cheesecakemermaid1048#4393
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m-y-fandoms · 4 years
Danganronpa V3 characters Most to Least likely:
to take their S/O’s side during a scrum debate, knowing their S/O is lying
Sort of an imagine + most to least likely list due to my explanation of each scenario. Warning: spoilers for the entire game throughout.
-Mod Kokichi
Kokichi Ouma - Once he’s in love with you, he’s ride or die to the point that he doesn’t care if he or the others die for you. Plus, lying at the scrum debate and winning doesn’t technically mean the trial goes poorly or that his S/O is the culprit, it’s just a step to find more evidence and weed out traitors, and that’s just how he would justify it to himself. Plus, it’s just waaaaay more fun to spice up the trial with your lies~
Kaito Momota - He chose to love you, right? So he has to believe in you. You must have a good reason for lying, he thinks, but even if you don’t, some people are just worth dying for.
Tenko Chabashira - A similar mindset to Kaito. She will trust her S/O, believing that there’s no way you could be malicious, and wanting to believe your true heart is pure to the very end. Even if she’s not confident with her decision to support you, she’s gonna yell and fight like she is.
Kaede Akamatsu - She wouldn’t choose an S/O who would lie to save themselves and let everyone else die, so if you’re lying, it must be for a good reason.
Shuichi Saihara - A mix of Kaede and Kaito’s reasoning, he believes that he chose a good person to love, and believes in your intellect. You must be lying to twist the trial in a positive way. He did point out Kaede’s lie in the first trial reluctantly, but he just had a mild crush on her...he LOVES you, and whereas Kaede asked him to expose her lie, you were clearly wanting him on your side. He just couldn’t turn against you.
Ryoma Hoshi - He wouldn’t lie for a friend or aquaintence in a trial, being a very blunt and honest guy, but if the only person in this world who gave him a reason to live and loves him needs him on their side, you’re damn right he’s going to lie for them.
Rantarou Amami - Amami isn’t a selfish guy. He’s loved many people in his life: siblings, parents, friends, previous lovers. He knows what it means to sacrifice and even though he is the Ultimate Survivor, it was because he’s good at it, not necessarily for selfish reasons. If his little sister had been throw in this killing game or the previous one he was in, he would die for her in an instant, an he would die for you. So...he trusts you. And after a bit of a shocked expression and wondering what you’re up to, he would join in and lie with you, and he’s so confident and smooth that he might just fool the majority of your classmates.
Korekiyo Shinguji - Make no mistake, Kiyo has no trouble lying on his own behalf...but for others, no. He would be very conflcited at first, even trying, subtly and gracefully, to get you to tell the truth and sweating over your lies in the trial, because deep down, he can be a very selfish person. No one has ever wanted him in their lives and he’s a loner, so self-preservation always came first. Why stick his neck out or care about people who bully/ostracize/judge him? Why see other humans as anything other than objects of beauty, precious but ultimately not as valuable as his own life, just as an artifact would be. But...you didn’t look at him like that, like he was a creep or inquire about his mask and habits. He had fallen in love with you, realizing his relationship with his sister growing up was something traumatic and not normal, very much forced on his young mind. He had to...he had to lie for you.
Tsumugi Shirogane - As the mastermind, she can easily tell where the trial is headed and can probably make Monokuma say some stupid reason or new rule for getting you out of your lies later on, so she’s willing to lie for you in the debate, putting on her innocent and naive facade, just with a new layer of lovesick.
Miu Iruma - This would go one of two ways. 1. She genuinely doesn’t know you’re lying and sides with you, barking at your opponents in your defense, or 2. She knows you’re lying and the anger behind her words thrown at your opponents is half for them for accusing you, and half for you for being a dumbass, lying little bitch who now has dragged her into this. If you both survived this trial, she would chew you out later.
Himiko Yumeno - She doesn’t want to die, but as seen in-game, she quickly loses heart when it comes to losing people she loves or being pressured. She would hesitantly tell you to stop lying and that she trusted you, so how could you act like this, but would slowly lose the will to fight and want to take your side because she loves you, even going as far as to say something like: “Nyeh...I know S/O is lying, b-but, but I’m gonna take their side until the very end, and I’m not gonna vote for them. I...I just can’t,” while trembling softly. And shame on you for making her feel that way.
Maki Harukawa - She wouldn’t associate herself with, much less date someone who lies for the wrong reasons. She would lie for you if she felt it was necessary or for the greater good or moving the trial in the right direction, but would avoid voicing her opinion in the trial altogether unless her hand is forced. Maki is more likely to call out your bullshit bluntly and in a monotone voice, before forcing you to tell the truth to the others and own up to what you did. If you were only lying to find evidence or save face, she wouldn’t even bring it up after the trial, but if your lie was to cover for you killing someone, she would close her eyes during your execution and silently pretend it didn’t hurt as much as it did, crying later when absolutely no one could see her. They would be tears of grief over losing her one true love, and tears of anger at your selfishness and her stupidity in choosing to love you.
Angie Yonaga - “Atua says it’s alwaaaays better to speak the truth!” She says while posing her hands in a praying position. You saw how she threw Himiko under the bus in the second trial, there was no way she was lying for you or dying for your stupid lie. If it was a lie to keep the trail moving, oh well, she exposed you. If you lied and died as the culprit, oh well, it is better to be with Atua anyway, and she can find other people to be around easily. Additionally, I really see Angie as aromantic or averse to real romantic relationships. I think she would see her S/O as someone who cares about her and Atua, and is easy to manipulate, but who she admits she likes spending time with more than others. Still not lying or dying for you though.
Gonta Gokuhara - the key word here is knowing his S/O is lying. If he is convinced you’re not lying even when you are, he will take your side until convinced otherwise by his friends. He loves you so very much, but gentleman don’t lie, and he believes that his S/O should always tell the truth. “S-S/O, telling lies only hurt yourself and others. Gonta knows you are good person. Only bad people lie!” He would be heartbroken that you want him to take your side and expect him to lie, and has a very the-truth-shall-set-you-free mindset. Plus, I don’t think Gonta would think so far ahead as to see that the truth may get his beloved killed. He’s thinking of the here and now, this particular conversation. And you shouldn’t be lying to your friends.
Kirumi Tojo - If Kirumi ever let herself get close enough to you to fall in love, she would still set strict boundaries for herself, and have a very professional/master and maid type relationship with you. She would comfort you more and maybe blush at your contact or flirty advances but not reciprocate too much becasue there is a part of her that keeps every relationship in her life at a arm’s length. She won’t let herself truly love. No one can break down her wall, for that’s what makes her perfect to serve unconditionally. When realizing you’re lying, because oh, she definitely would, she would close her eyes, a small frown on her face. She’s disappointed in you, but reminds herself again why she doesn’t get close to people. She sighs, exposing your lies calmly to the others with phrases a little less cold than usual, such as: “I’m sorry, S/O, but that’s not the complete truth and I can’t allow it.”
Kiibo - Simply put, no matter his feelings toward you, Kiibo knows that in this trial, lying could lead to everyone dying. A handful of friends and himself dying for a liar is just not fair. He wouldn’t lie with or for you. In the best case scenario inside his careful and analytical mind, you are exposed for lying and it was a petty lie or doesn’t mean you’re the culprit. I the worst case scenario, it leads to your death. And while he feels the closest feeling to human love he has ever felt for you, he can’t let a bunch of innocent friends die for your lie. He would miss you, and be very depressed about losing you and maybe never try to have a relationship like this again, but his decision is what was ethically and morally right.
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shuichihate · 5 years
shuichi saihara DIES
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eggs-can-draw · 2 years
Byakuya probs does tummy time with shuichi so he doesn’t feel embarrassed
Just both of them on their stomachs baby shucihi just staring at byakuya
He's lookin with his Big Ole Baby Eyes.
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germcore · 3 years
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haven't dropped an ouma in a long time. heres some pg saiouma and a doodle of komaeda. enjoy - shane
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