#shut up ezra
chrismho · 8 months
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hobbitinthetardis · 1 year
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Rebels 1x01: Spark of Rebellion Part 1 Ahsoka 1x06: Far, Far Away
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stairset · 1 month
Something something that part in Son of Dathomir where Saxon asks Maul if he's alright and Maul says "I have become indifferent to pain" vs that part in Flight of the Defender where Thrawn shows up and Sabine asks what's happening and Ezra says "something terrible". The real reason Maul took a liking to Ezra is cause they both give needlessly dramatic answers to simple questions.
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sarah3210 · 5 months
Does anyone want a fanfic of the reunion with Hera and Ezra and have Kanan be there as well just because he is? Like imagine after Ezra says hi Hera I'm home then Hera will run in Ezra's arms and then Kanan just shows up. At first Ezra is confused and has so many questions, then he's like the heck with it and then he smiles and runs to Kanan in a tackle hug 😁😂😭
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doriansbutt · 4 months
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I wanna be the hero in your story
Even when the script gets boring
I wanna go and read the final chapter
Just to find out what comes after
Cuz when the villain’s finished
And there’s nothing to defend
I wanna be the hero in your story
And see what happens past the end
(Hero in Your Story, Vinny Marchi)
Ezra is my sweet strawberry son, broadway star, prince consort, hopeless romantic, idealistic optimist, grump tamer, and eternal ray of sunshine despite surviving (and not) many, many horrors. He loves telling stories, and this song is just so him. He nearly died trying to be the hero in his crush’s story before they were together, and that hasn’t changed since the second they reunited. 🥺🩷🍓
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covrdtracxks · 1 year
I still can’t get over the fact Ezra is like??? giving space cowboy stoner hippie vibes and lives with hermit crab people I need someone to draw him taking a FAT rip of a space bong bc I KNOW those hermit crab people have some legendary Zaza
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orangechickenpillow · 10 months
You know, Ezra and Cee's relationship is a fantastic example of what a father daughter (or even parent child) dynamic should look like. Minus the whole killing-her-biological-father part (even if he was an Ass™)
Ezra never -- not once pushed the blame on Cee. Even when, in his anger and pain (I mean, the girl literally shot him in the arm) it would have been easy for him to do so. He never did.
He tried to make her as comfortable as possible, all things considered -- trying to tell her she could trust him, that he'd look after her, even going so far as to voluntarily return her weapon to her so she'd feel more in control and secure.
And don't even get me started on their conversation post-amputation. He listened to her without interruption. He engaged with her in a genuinely thoughtful way. He offered her emotional advice, showed interest in the things she expressed excitement about, and never made her feel small for her emotions, but even encouraged them.
And the great thing is, Cee felt like she could tell him all of this. She felt that she could share her most important insterests, and even her creative endeavors, with him. And when she expressed doubt about these things, putting herself in an even more vulnerable position, he made her feel good about herself and built her up.
Ezra might have done some bad things, but he sure as hell is a great parental figure.
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sneetsnootyoit · 1 year
Summary: You find Ezra, injured and alone on the Green, so you give him a ride...and then some.
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI) Gagging (like covering their mouth), oral sex, face fucking, anal sex, multiple orgasms, praise kink, begging, teasing, Ezra bottoms, NO USE ON Y/N
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Listen, I just felt like someone needs to make this man shut up (I may or may not write more where he's silenced 🤭)
Ao3 link!
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When you landed on the Green, you had a plan. Get a couple aurelac gems and get the fuck out. You'd heard the stuff sold for a good price and you could use the money. As you walked the surface, you wished you could stop and admire the scenery, but you didn't have much time before you had to get back in orbit to get back to the Pug. When you heard about the aurelac mines on the Green Moon, you poured hours into research on how to dig properly. Unfortunately, the only way to do it properly was with practice. You did your best to practice steadying your hands in preparation for your dig, but you would only know how well it worked until you were there.
While you were walking, you found what looked to be an old dig. You'd read about how busy it used to be during the rush and you wondered if there could possibly be anything left. You were trying to make your way to a dig where you were supposed to meet a group of other people who you would split the payload with.
It took you about half a cycle to make it to the dig site, and you learned that your practice definitely paid off. You were able to keep your hands steady enough to get a few good gems out of the dig. When the site had been exhausted of resources, you split the payload with the other prospectors at the site and said your goodbyes, but on your way back to your ship, it occurred to you that if you stayed, you could make a little bit of extra money. You didn’t mind the Pug, but you knew you could do better. You knew there were at least two more cycles before you needed to be in orbit to catch the slingback, so you worked quickly. You were gravely disappointed when most of the areas you visited had already been picked clean, and you decided to take a risk and go a little farther from your ship.
You ended up stumbling upon a clearing with a giant hole in the ground, surrounded by a number of dead bodies and a man who'd been exposed to the toxic spores of the forest. You avoided him while you looked around the mining site, surveying the area, when you heard a noise similar to that of someone choking. You whipped your head around to find the origin of the sound and you saw a one-armed man sitting against a tree with a hookup lying next to him, but he wasn't hooked up to anything. He looked pathetic, and you felt pity for him. You couldn’t leave him to die. It would've weighed too heavily on your conscience. 
You approached the man and he opened his mouth to speak, but you shook your head and held up the tube to connect to your filter. It took you a second to get your suit hooked up to his, but once it was done, he took in a gasping breath, panting heavily. You gave him time to catch his breath while you gave his stump a curious look. The way his suit was tied off made it seem like it was new, maybe even fresh.
"I appreciate your generosity," the man rasped, bringing your attention back to him. He looked like he'd seen better days; tired eyes and mussed hair, a small blonde patch peeking through the messy brown locks. He had a patchy beard that looked like he wished he could grow facial hair but couldn't do it well. "I thought that surely I would expire on this moon which I came to on a quest to prospect the land in search of the precious aurelac gems…"
You offered him a small smile and looked back to what used to be his arm. "So, what happened to you? You try to steal a trophy case and your friends left you to die?"
He shook his head and groaned as he readjusted his position. "My associate was under the incorrect impression that I was no longer amongst the living, and I was unable to contest at that time."
"Shit, that's unfortunate…" you trailed off, averting your gaze from his arm.
"If you were referring to my lack of limb, I sustained an injury that I was unable to properly treat, therefore amputation was the remaining option."
You winced at the thought of it and shook your head, trying to remind yourself what you'd come to the Green for. "Well look, I can't seem to be able to convince myself to just leave you by yourself, and it's obvious that your filter is fucked, so…help me mine and I'll give you a ride." You paused. "And if you try to steal from me, I'll shoot you, and I'll make sure you're actually dead."
The man raised his eyebrows before giving you a single nod. "That sounds like a fair enough trade, although there is an unfortunate happenstance that we must discuss. The limb that was amputated was my primary-"
"You're right-handed and suck at doing shit with your left hand, yeah?" You interrupted, quickly growing tired of his long-winded speech patterns, despite how cute the twang on his accent was.
"Yes, indeed. However-"
"Help me mine and…help where you can, okay? You can be the assistant. Hold the fazer and equipment and.. other stuff. And also, shut up. Just- don't talk."
The look of surprise on the man's face made you want to laugh at him, but you didn’t want to spend more time on the Green than necessary. You introduced yourself by name and looked at him expectantly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, little bird. You can call me Ezra."
You gave him a nod and helped him to his feet, holding the hookup while you followed him, just in case you needed to disconnect and run. 
He was actually quite helpful, and you managed to get a few good pieces of aurelac from the dig site before you decided it was best to get back to the ship, that way you could get into orbit before you missed the freighter. You kept one hand on your thrower as you led him back to your ship, growing increasingly annoyed with how much he continued to talk. You were positive he just liked the sound of his own voice, and by the time you made it back, you were just about ready to hit him. 
You entered the craft first, then you turned to watch him, breathing a sigh of relief when the door was shut and secured. Unhooking your suit from his, you put away your trophy case in a safe that you had, just in case someone managed to get into your ship, or in case Ezra decided to try something stupid. After removing your helmet, you began taking off your suit and turned to face Ezra, who was doing the same. He was nice to look at and you appreciated having someone else to talk to, except he talked a little too much, and that wasn’t nice. 
You helped him to get buckled into a seat while you sat at the control panel, getting the ship ready to fly and you could vaguely make out the sound of Ezra trying to speak over the sound of the engines roaring. It was only after you'd made it into orbit and ensured your ship would make its connection to the freighter that you turned any attention towards the man next to you.
"You talk a lot," you commented, crossing your arms and giving him an obviously annoyed look. "Too much."
Ezra gave you a disbelieving laugh and shook his head. "Sometimes, a more thorough-"
"Nope. See, I can get to my point just fine without constantly running my mouth." Uncrossing your arms, you unbuckle yourself and go to one of your storage compartments to get something to eat. Ezra was still in his seat, and when you turned to look at him, you could see that he was struggling to remove the harness strapping him in. 
Ezra called out your name and you smirked. "I seem to be experiencing difficulties due to my-"
"Just ask for help."
"I believe I may-"
"That's not it. You don't need to sound like you're talking to royalty. Ask me without all the fanfare." You approached him and leaned against your chair, watching him continue having difficulties. 
"I am in-"
"Ah!" You interrupted, shaking your head. "I wanna hear it plain and simple, pretty boy. It's not that hard."
The nickname caught Ezra off guard a bit and his mouth hung open in surprise. He looked at you for a moment before he closed his mouth and set his jaw. "Help me…please," he said reluctantly, almost pouting.
A triumphant smile crossed your face as you unbuckled his harness and offered him one of the ration bars you'd taken from storage. He took it before realizing, once again, that he was going to need help and you held back your laughter when he glared at you. Even though you'd just met the man, you were having a pretty good time messing with him, and you briefly wondered what you could do that would render him speechless. 
An expectant look crossed your face as Ezra glared at the ration bar, waiting for you to help him open it. You took a seat in your own chair and opened your bar, taking a very dramatic bite. He groaned and tried opening the wrapper with his teeth to no avail and you snorted. "It would be incredibly kind of you to offer your assistance, seeing as I am crippled and lack the personal resources to grant me access to this sustenance," he grumbled, making you roll your eyes. 
"Speak like a normal person and maybe I'll help you. Otherwise, I might just gag you and leave you here to be hungry."
There was a beat of silence in response to your threat and Ezra's cock twitched in his pants. No one had ever threatened to gag him before and for some reason, that idea left him wanting. He let out a shuddering breath and tried to look annoyed when he opened his mouth. "Open this for me…please?"
You gave him a hum and held your own ration bar in your teeth while you opened Ezra's and handed it to him. He murmured a quiet "thank you" and turned away from you. It was difficult to refrain from laughing at him, and the more you interacted with him, the more you wanted to fuck with him. 
Once you dock with the freighter, you’re finally able to relax, and you’re able to actually forget Ezra is there for a little while. When he’s asleep, it’s quiet, and he looks peaceful. That’s the only time you’re really able to admire his good looks because of how much he pisses you off when he’s awake. You quickly become tired of him constantly running his mouth, and you manage to learn two things.
One: he likes you, more than just as someone who saved him. You learn this a few nights in, a night when you thought he was asleep, and he thought you were asleep. You’re trying, but having a hard time with all the thoughts running through your head about where you’ll go with the money you’re going to make off the aurelac. Lost in your thoughts, only pulled out when you hear a soft moan from where Ezra is laying. You think he’s just dreaming, but then he moans again, and there’s a quiet murmur of your name. It’s dark, so you can't see exactly what he’s doing, but what you do know is that when he cums, your name is on his lips. And two: he’s arrogant as hell and needs someone to put him in his place.
You assumed he’d just piss off the wrong person and get punched, but it actually ends up being you who gets to do the deed. After you get him to the freighter, he makes the executive decision that he’ll be sticking with you. It starts off annoying as hell, then becomes a little more bearable, then he’s annoying again. The more you get to know him, the more you have to stop yourself from throwing him out of an air lock.
On one particularly annoying day, you’re making plans to meet with someone about selling the aurelac you’d mined upon your return to the Pug. Ezra is talking your ear off, correcting every little thing; telling you that you’re asking too low, then too high, then “don’t settle for that,” and you get sick of it. You tell them you’ll return later to further discuss pricing before you end the conversation and turn to Ezra with a fire in your eyes that he’d never seen before (mainly because you’d only known each other for a few cycles, but still). You stand up and slowly back him up against a wall, caging him in with your arms.
“What the fuck is your problem? Inserting yourself into my communications like that. If I wanted your advice, I’d have fucking asked for it. I should fucking gag you so you’ll finally shut up. With all these little nicknames you give me, ‘birdie,’ ‘little bird’...and yet here you are, constantly squawking like one. Maybe I should put you in a cage, in the dark, just like you would a bird that won’t be quiet,” you growl, getting closer to him.
It’s the quietest Ezra has ever been as he looks at you and shudders. He’s unsure of what to do and you see him twitch. You look down and notice an obvious bulge in his pants and you give him a malicious smirk. “Look at that…you like that idea? You want me to shut you up and put you away?”
Seeing Ezra’s arousal makes your own cock twitch with interest, and it makes you think about that night, hearing him moan out your name while he touched himself in the dark.
He opens his mouth to respond but before he can, you take two fingers and shove them in his mouth, holding his tongue down. “I didn’t say you could fucking speak. How should I shut you up, hm? Should I put you on your knees and fill up your mouth with my cock? Make you cum in your pants like a fucking teenager and then gag you with your own cum-covered boxers while I fuck you stupid?” He closes his mouth and moans around your fingers, his hand finding its way to your hips so he can grind himself against you.
You groan quietly and pull your fingers out of his mouth so you can kiss him harshly, pinning his arm above his head. He gasps and you use the opportunity to push your tongue into his mouth while you grind your hips into his, roughly grabbing his ass with your free hand. When you pull away, panting, you bring him over to your bed and begin to pull off your clothes, leaving Ezra still fully covered as you push him down onto his knees. “Open your mouth,” you command, holding the back of his head with one hand and your dick with the other. There’s a beat of stillness between the two of you and he seems to hesitate for a moment. You let go of his head and run your fingers through his hair, the most gentle thing you’ve done so far. He closes his eyes and leans into the touch, and you give him a quiet hum. “Do you want this?”
He opens his eyes to look at you again and he opens his mouth, sticking his tongue out.
“Words, Ezra.”
“I do indeed have a desi-”
You cut him off by grabbing his cheeks to make him open his mouth again and slowly ease your cock into his mouth, groaning as you lightly grip his hair. “Put your hand on my leg.”
He inhales and wraps his hand around your calf, squeezing softly to let you know he’s listening. “Pat twice if you need me to stop, understand?”
He nods as best as he can with your cock in his mouth and your other hand goes to his head, thumb briefly caressing his cheek before you start to thrust slowly. He takes deep, slow breaths through his nose when he can, and you’re careful at first, allowing him to slacken his jaw enough to adjust to your size. “Look at you…you’ve done this before, haven’t you? I bet you can take it all, can’t you?”
His eyes meet yours and you push more of your cock in until you bottom out. You can feel the way he relaxes his throat to take you as he wiggles his head to take more if you in, his beautifully curved nose nestling in the curls at your base. You groan at the sight of him, watching his eyelids flutter when you twitch in his mouth. “Fuck, you look so pretty like this…I’m gonna fuck that pretty mouth until you can’t speak.”
It’s Ezra’s turn to groan, and a smirk crosses your face at the thought of him being aroused by your words. You continue your thrusts, listening to the wet sounds of his mouth while you revel in the feeling of his tight throat squeezing you. His mouth is so so soft and wet, it makes you wonder what it will feel like when you fuck him. One thing at a time.
Ezra tries his best to keep up with your pace, taking breaths when he can and trying to take you deeper with every thrust. He grips your calf, trying to keep himself stable while you hold his head and fuck his mouth. Eventually, he relaxes his mouth and throat and just allows you to use him, trying his best to keep his eyes open so he can see you falling apart. You can see the tears prickling his eyes from the force of you fucking his throat, and you watch his face begin to grow red. You pause your movements, allowing him to take in a gasp of air. His breaths are heavy and you run your fingers through his hair while you give him a small break. He lets out a breathy moan and begins bobbing his head, hollowing out his cheeks and sliding his hand up to grip the back of your thigh. You let your mouth fall open as he takes all of you and begins to swallow around you, eliciting a groan from deep in your chest. “Fuuuuuck, that’s so fucking good…just like that Ez…such a good boy, taking my cock like this.”
He whimpers around your cock and you notice a slight scrape of teeth against your shaft, sending sparks shooting up your spine. You can feel Ezra squeezing your thigh tightly as his body jerks and you realize that he just came. You grip his hair and pull him off of you, watching his pink, swollen lips release your cock with spit running down his chin. You hum and tilt your head, “Did you just cum from sucking my dick, baby? How fucking pathetic is that?”
You see the shiver that goes down his spine in response to your words as you reach back to grab his hand and help him up. Your lips find their way to his neck, nibbling and pressing open-mouthed kisses to the flesh while you slowly undress him. He gasps at the feel of your teeth on his skin and he leans into you, allowing you to do as you wished with him. You strip him down to his boxers before you undress yourself and Ezra’s eyes rake over your naked form. You can see the way his cock jumps at the sight of you. “On your knees, pretty boy,” you croon, positioning yourself behind him while you trace his spine with your tongue.
Ezra follows your directions and you grab pillows to help prop him up while you guide him down into a position where his head can lay on the pillows and he doesn’t have to put an unnecessary strain on his remaining arm. He has his hand laying next to his head while he pants, eyes clouded over with lust. You press a feather-light kiss to his lower back while you ease his boxers down and off, setting them to the side. You reach forward and finally wipe the drool from his face, rubbing it on his hole and making him jump. You chuckle and lean over him, spitting on his hole and using that to tease a finger at the rim, slowly pushing in only the tip.
“Oh shit…oh shit…”
“Please,” he pants, nodding fervently while pushing back against your finger to take the rest of it in with a groan. 
You hum and begin to pump your finger inside him while you bite one of his ass cheeks, laughing quietly at the surprised yelp that comes out of his mouth. You don’t wait very long before you add a second and he gasps, arching his back for you. “Oh, such a good boy. You want it so bad, don’t you? You want me to fuck you? Just shove my cock inside you and make you stay quiet while I pound into that tight hole?”
You curl your fingers inside, finding his prostate, and he whimpers, clenching around you. “Fuck, please…I want it, please.”
“Show me how bad.” You position yourself behind him, holding your dick steady as you press the head against his hole. “Fuck yourself on my cock, Ez.”
Ezra’s face begins to slowly turn red as he tries to brace himself on his arm so he can push back against you. You don’t move an inch, making Ezra slide it in on his own. You can feel how he relaxes his body to push your tip past the tight ring of muscle, eliciting a groan from both of you. “Oh shit…oh shit…” he whimpers, using his legs to pull you closer and force more of you inside. “Oh fuck, oh shit…” He keeps going until your hips are pressed against his ass and he lets his feet drop as his thighs quiver and the sound that comes out of him is absolutely pathetic.
“Fuck, Ezra…so fucking tight…” You grab his hips and grind into him, sliding in deeper. Ezra practically mewls beneath you and you chuckle, pulling almost all the way out before you push back in slowly.
"Oh shit, oh shit…"
"What is it, pretty boy? Does it hurt?" You ask patronizingly, continuing the torturously slow pace.
"No…I don't know. Keep going," he pants, hips chasing yours in an attempt to get more from you. "Fuck…"
"Taking my cock so well, Ez."
He starts whimpering the longer you continue like that, and it makes you wonder how much he can take. You're enjoying the pretty noises he's making, but then he opens his mouth for something other than a moan.
"Fuck, it's been…oh shit, it's been dozens of cycles sin- since I've been taken in this manner," he pants, laying himself back down to change the angle. "Absolutely amazing…oh birdie, you-"
You lean down and pick up his soiled boxers grabbing him by his hair and yanking, making him open his mouth in a gasp. You stuff the garment in his mouth before you let him fall back down to the pillows, effectively gagging him. Instead of fighting it, he moans and you smirk. "Dirty, naughty boy…you love that, don't you? Being gagged…having to taste your own cum while I fuck you. You were making such pretty sounds for me, too…" you pull out and snap your hips, shoving your cock back inside. "You'll have to be even louder so I can hear you sing, birdie.”
You pull out for a moment, making Ezra whine at the loss as you spit on his hole, then in your hand, spreading it over your dick to better lubricate yourself. When you push back in, you make him take it all and the gasping moan that’s punched out of him makes you swell with pride, knowing that he’s making these noises because of you.
With your hands on his hips, you begin pounding into him, no slowly building him up to it. You slam into him over and over and he cries out, pressing his face into the pillows. His hand is gripping the sheets tightly and out of the corner of your eye you can see the way his toes are curled. You hum and lean down to put your hand on his shoulder, pulling him up to fuck into him deeper. You smack his ass hard just as your cock nudges against his prostate and you see his eyes roll back, his jaw going slack with the deep moan that flies out of him. You adjust your angle to keep hitting that spot and you growl, smacking him again. The noises he’s making become more frequent and it sounds almost like he’s hyperventilating, but as soon as you feel him squeeze around your cock and see the way he shakes, you know he’s cumming on the sheets below you. You start pounding into him as you felt yourself nearing your edge and you eased him back down, leaning over him so you could reach around and stroke his sensitive cock. You can hear the way he whimpers and whines, stuck between wanting to take it or run away. You feel the way he trembles beneath you and you kiss the back of his neck, panting heavily. “Ezra…fuck, ‘m gonna cum…you want me to fill you with my cum, pretty boy?” 
He nods and you give his dick a slight squeeze, stroking him faster. “C’mon pretty boy, I know you can do it…give me one more, Ez. Be a good boy for me,” you whisper in his ear, fucking into his desperately while mouthing at his neck and shoulder. You wait until you feel that same squeeze from before to finally release inside of him, biting down on his shoulder to muffle your own sounds of pleasure. While waiting for your high to subside, you let go of Ezra’s spent cock and press a soft kiss to the bite mark you left, breathing out a sigh of satisfaction. You dance your fingers over Ezra’s sides, trailing kisses along his shoulder blades. “You did so good for me, pretty boy,” you praise, carefully pulling the boxers from his mouth. 
You wait a moment to listen for a response, but all you get is a whimper and a sigh. “Good boy,” you purr, pulling out of him with a groan. Instead of letting him collapse into a mess of his own cum, you gently wrap your arms around his chest and lift him upright, hooking your chin over his shoulder. “Look at the mess you made, Ez…” His muscles quake from the effort of trying to hold himself up and you chuckle, moving your body back enough for you to move him to a different spot on the bed and lay him down. He sighs and flops down onto his back, looking at you with hazy brown eyes. Your plan was to clean him up and try to rest, but with the way he was looking up at you, you had to lean down and kiss him, much softer than before. You’re able to appreciate more now; the softness of his plush, pink lips and the light scratch of his beard on your face. The way he wraps his arm around you to pull you close, like he craved your touch. It makes you wonder, when was the last time someone touched him, or simply held him?
When you break the kiss, you let your nose brush against his, a hand coming up to cup his cheek. “You know, this can become a thing if you piss me off less,” you murmur against his lips, drawing a breathy laugh from the man beneath you.
“And how, pray tell, would I go about that?”
“Talk less,” you whisper, pecking his lips. “You’re so pretty, it’s a shame when you ruin it by running your mouth.”
He hums and chases your lips, tracing your spine with his fingers. “You may be required to educate me in that regard, little bird. I don’t think I’ve quite learned my lesson.”
You raise your eyebrows and laugh incredulously. “Oh yeah?”
He nods and you trail your fingers down his abdomen, ghosting them over his softened cock. “I can confidently say that there is even a chance that I have learned nothing from this exchange,” he teases, arching up into your touch. 
You place your knee between his legs to brace yourself over him and you cup his cheek with one hand, the other delivering a hard slap to the outside of his thigh, making him yelp. “Then listen closely, pretty boy. If you want me to fuck you again, you’ll behave. I’m not going to play this little cat and mouse game with you. But I will happily reward you for being good.”
Ezra’s eyes widen as he realizes that you’re serious and he nods breathlessly, earning him a soft kiss to the tip of his nose. “I think this will be fun.”
Tag List: @wannab-urs@miller--trash @iamasaddie @pedritomosquito @jksprincess10
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What if I threw up
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autism-disco · 6 months
stop saying piano. and start saying pianyes
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kedsandtubesocks · 6 months
Bey’s album dragging me back to my cowboy roots I’m so sorry y’all
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ghost-orion · 1 year
every time i hear a new song from palaye royale there's two things i feel and that's 1) this slaps severely and 2) if they're being /srs i would fucking hate these people
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stairset · 2 years
I know certain parts of Star Wars fandom are determined to see literally everything about the Jedi in the most bad faith way possible but one of the most baffling examples to me is when people act like they look down on all other force religions and don't take the time to understand them because they see their own way as superior when there is quite literally nothing to suggest that. Like the only other force users they have any actual beef with on principle are the Sith, which I'd say is justified considering the Sith are a bunch of fascist pricks who constantly try to take over the galaxy. Literally all the others are either allies of the Jedi or the Jedi just leave them alone to do their thing.
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pandora15 · 1 year
so yeah I still feel the same way I felt at the beginning of the ahsoka series
there are things I really REALLY liked about it. but there are also things that I find frustrating and like. not really fleshed out at all?
ezra's whole arc was amazing. his dynamic with sabine? him getting to make a new lightsaber that looks like kanan's? him finally getting to go home and reuniting with hera? i was almost CRYING at that part and I literally screamed when it cut away before we could see them hug. all of it was AMAZING.
but I'm also like. frustrated with the way that they didn't really explain sabine's past? or like, the things that connected her from the end of rebels to now. like I feel like I still don't understand what happened between her and ahsoka before the events of this show. there was that moment where huyang talked about it to ezra a bit but it's like. so quick and just like "oh ahsoka was worried about sabine turning to the dark side" and then it's never mentioned again???? it's just like how baylan mentioned mandalore's destruction in ep4 and how it drove sabine and ahsoka apart as like a throwaway line and then it's never brought up again? i'm??????
but I also really REALLY liked baylan and shin, and the fact that the mortis gods are referenced at the very end of this season INTRIGUES me. i need to know where this is going.
every time hayden showed up in this series he was INCREDIBLE. probably definitely my favorite part of the series. episode 5 is definitely my favorite episode.
but I'm also like. not feeling great about how ahsoka seems to think about the jedi at the time of the clone wars. she says this line about how anakin was the only one to stand by her, even when no one else would, when homeboy literally turned to the dark side and later tried to kill her in rebels? did she forget about that?
did she forget about all the jedi who mentored her during tcw? about plo koon, luminara unduli, tera sinube, aayla secura? about obi-wan? we haven't seen her even mention any other jedi from that time other than anakin (and kanan, in today's episode, but that's literally because of ezra).
i'm just hnggggggggggg so conflicted. the show does some things so WELL and I'm in awe of those things but then it also just. completely misses the point or confuses me or just makes me vaguely upset and it just leaves me in this state of being frustrated
overall I did enjoy the show, even if it sounds like I didn't. It's just. I think it would've been better if the ahsoka series and the rebels sequel were two different things, y'know? it would've given more time for both of these storylines to be fleshed out more properly.
but here we are, I'm accepting that this is the show that we got, and I think it was good. I'm intrigued to see what happens next.
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stolligaseptember · 1 year
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