#the show kinda hints at it a bit i guess? like she has the opportunity to jump after ezra
pandora15 · 1 year
so yeah I still feel the same way I felt at the beginning of the ahsoka series
there are things I really REALLY liked about it. but there are also things that I find frustrating and like. not really fleshed out at all?
ezra's whole arc was amazing. his dynamic with sabine? him getting to make a new lightsaber that looks like kanan's? him finally getting to go home and reuniting with hera? i was almost CRYING at that part and I literally screamed when it cut away before we could see them hug. all of it was AMAZING.
but I'm also like. frustrated with the way that they didn't really explain sabine's past? or like, the things that connected her from the end of rebels to now. like I feel like I still don't understand what happened between her and ahsoka before the events of this show. there was that moment where huyang talked about it to ezra a bit but it's like. so quick and just like "oh ahsoka was worried about sabine turning to the dark side" and then it's never mentioned again???? it's just like how baylan mentioned mandalore's destruction in ep4 and how it drove sabine and ahsoka apart as like a throwaway line and then it's never brought up again? i'm??????
but I also really REALLY liked baylan and shin, and the fact that the mortis gods are referenced at the very end of this season INTRIGUES me. i need to know where this is going.
every time hayden showed up in this series he was INCREDIBLE. probably definitely my favorite part of the series. episode 5 is definitely my favorite episode.
but I'm also like. not feeling great about how ahsoka seems to think about the jedi at the time of the clone wars. she says this line about how anakin was the only one to stand by her, even when no one else would, when homeboy literally turned to the dark side and later tried to kill her in rebels? did she forget about that?
did she forget about all the jedi who mentored her during tcw? about plo koon, luminara unduli, tera sinube, aayla secura? about obi-wan? we haven't seen her even mention any other jedi from that time other than anakin (and kanan, in today's episode, but that's literally because of ezra).
i'm just hnggggggggggg so conflicted. the show does some things so WELL and I'm in awe of those things but then it also just. completely misses the point or confuses me or just makes me vaguely upset and it just leaves me in this state of being frustrated
overall I did enjoy the show, even if it sounds like I didn't. It's just. I think it would've been better if the ahsoka series and the rebels sequel were two different things, y'know? it would've given more time for both of these storylines to be fleshed out more properly.
but here we are, I'm accepting that this is the show that we got, and I think it was good. I'm intrigued to see what happens next.
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okay so I watched the knuckles series (by following the example of the pirates of course ) and I have to say while it was a very enjoyable watch, I have no clue what I watched and I’m mostly confused and have come away feeling mostly neutral. I don’t hate it, but it hasn’t dug its hooks in like other sonic things have for me.
Like some bits I very much enjoyed watching and would happily see again and others I couldn’t stand and dread the idea of watching again.
there were plenty of moments where Knuckles went against what I adore about him, and others that perfectly capture what I adore about him. Boy was so adorable though. Loved lots of the expressions he made.
okay I’m gonna get a bit more specific from here and cuz I got no clue what’s going on with the tagging and it gets long I’ll put it under a cut.
So it’s kinda hard for me to remember what happened, but I will say I love wades mother, she was amazing, loved her and Knuckles’ dynamic and would welcome it if she appeared again. (Also, new headcanon unlocked that knuckles is such a mamas boy he’s a magnet for motherly figures)
I really am not a fan of his sister Wanda tho. The childish sibling banter did entertain me at first (and made me think that knuckles was going to reflect on his relationship with his brothers) but it went on too long and just made Wanda feel like she never matured past being a bratty teenager. (And judging by what I’ve seen I think she’s gonna be on ‘top _ worst sonic characters’ lists for a while)
my opinion on Wade himself hasn’t really changed. I have no strong feelings towards the guy
We didn’t get as much as I wanted, but I loved the Wachowski family stuff. I needed so much more of knuckles being the trouble kid and the family trying to help.
It’s pretty annoying that the start of the show set up Knuckles learning to chill, be a kid on earth and settle in with his new family. Only to drop it basically immediately and the closest thing it has to a resolution is Knuckles finding his jam.
and yeah, I could see plenty of moments where they had the perfect opportunity to explore knuckles on a deeper level but chose not to. But I am glad they at least hinted at it with those expressions I keep raving about
On that. Cuz Pachacamacs appearance was what springboreded what was going on in a different direction. What is going on here? Is this a Knuckles thing? But Wade speaks to him to, but that was under knuckles’ guidance? I think? So can anyone in this world talk to spirits? Can only certain people be spirits? I mean. One Knuckles got over the initial shock he accepted the fact he was talking to a dead tribe member (I’m also sad that nothing was done with the idea that in this universe Knuckles and Pachacamac were alive at the same time) I got so many more questions on how spirits work in here, but I’m just gonna move on. (Although, maybe this sets up knuckles speaking to Tikal 👀. Or maybe his dad or even his mum.)
But considering what Pachacamac’s role is in the games making him so comedicly focused felt weird. Yeah this universe has different events. But still feels weird cuz of how we know Pachacamac.
I don’t even know what to say about the whole fire powers fire demon (who’s heavily implied to be iblis) I need way more time to think what is going on. Like does any of the pre existing lore apply? If so those are some WILD implications. If not, did that mean they just made this guy like iblis cuz it’s a fire creature that fans will recognize??
A minor thing but I can’t hear our house without thinking of the chemist warehouse add. And a few of the other songs are strongly associated with other things and I couldn’t help but think of them when they played. I don’t see this as a good or bad thing. It is just a thing.
hmm. I had more thoughts but after that ghost tangent I can’t really remember them. I guess I’ll have to come back later with another post if I get them back.
So, for now my closing thoughts are: it’s not a terrible show. Lots of writing choices I disagree with, but I don’t nessicaily think they’re bad. And there’s definitely enjoyment to be found (more if you watch it with some friends) but it’s not really to my taste. Especially with how much irs advertise as about knuckles and then not. Some moments made me very happy some made me want to nope out some I don’t even know.
congratulations to Wade fans, I’m gonna find what bits I wanna cherry pick and I’ll be on my merry way.
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the-sky-queen · 5 months
JUST FINISHED EPISODE 6!!! Before I unblock the Knuckles Series tags, I wanted to give my closing thoughts.
Overall, I really REALLY enjoyed this! :D I laughed a lot, the tension was good, the animation and choreography was incredible, and everything was just all around amazing. I wish we got to cut back to Green Hills every now and then though. Getting a little side plot with Sonic and Tails would have been cute and very nice. But I really enjoyed Wade and Knuckles' dynamic, though I think Knuckles should have had a bit more development and screen time.
One thing I absolutely ADORED was the theme song, along with the constant theme of older music scattered throughout the series. I gasped out loud when I saw Wade's discman. (My sister still has one!) I grew up listening to CDs. When it was time for a roadtrip, my family would grab one of our big CD cases for the car ride. So looking at that theme song animation made my heart absolutely soar. ❤️ And while I didn't recognize any of the songs they played in the episodes (save for a couple), I can really appreciate the vibe. I also grew up listening to my dad's music. Stuff from when HE was growing up. It just felt right to have Wade into all kinds of music.
I have only a few complaints. First: Wanda was kinda really, really annoying. She got better as time went on, but she was really bad at first. She felt like a kid who never grew up. Like seriously, why is she still picking fights with Wade??? You're both adults! Act like it! The whole dinner scene over all was just painful to watch. It felt waaaay too similar to some dinners I've had with my own family, which yes, points for accuracy I guess, but I just felt like Knuckles the entire time. Awkward, wishing they'd just quit arguing and enjoy dinner, feeling out of place. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for or not. (The fight scene to protect the candles was very nice though :D)
Second: Pachacamac. I dunno, he was really annoying, and not at all like his power hungry, war mongering, cold, game counterpart. I also feel like he was really unnecessary? He probably could've been written out really easily. His 'funny' bits weren't even that funny and there was so many other opportunities for comedy during the episodes. He was really unneeded.
Finally: Almost everything in episode 4. The . . . low quality rock opera thing???? I'll admit, that the way they did all the practical effects and stuff was really cool! But everything else? WHY. Why are we doing this? Why are we singing? Why are we cutting Knuckles out of almost an entire episode? Why?????? I feel like this episode could've been done so many other different ways. HOWEVER! I really enjoyed the bit at the end. Seeing Wade stand up to Sinclair was AMAZING and I was cheering him on the whole time.
I kinda also wish they'd hinted at the third movie a bit. For a bit of set up. But they did clear up that GUN didn't always go by GUN, which I guess fixes our 'how did GUN kill Maria if they were only created after the first movie' problem!
Anyway, save for a few rough patches, this is a really good show! (Probably would've been better with one episode per week though. Can you imagine the suspense factor?? Would've been EPIC!!)
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phatdonutbear · 7 months
Entry Log 3: Progression
Entry #3, November 10, 2117
This is the third entry of Project Marvels, or what I now like to call, ‘My novel-like diary’. I say this because I’m going to start writing these entries as both a story, AND a journal expressing my opinions. My boss actually gave me full permission to do this, by the way. Thanks, Silo!
But I don’t think Gate would say the same to him… You see, he actually got in trouble for making a new reploid without Silo asking him to do that. Fortunately, Gate managed to stop him from trashing the reploid, due to it being over 50% finished, which I found to be the few things Silo has done nice to anyone in this lab.
You see, he is REALLY bossy, and the only things he treats as actual beings are himself, and the reploids we were tasked to build. No one really wants to disagree with him, in fear that he might fire them on the spot. Honestly, I feel like he has double standards when it comes to his twin daughters, Presto and Allegro. Both do absolutely nothing to help us at all, and Silo just lets them do anything!
In fact, something happened today with our newest reploid, the shark one, that further proves how terrible these 2 man-children are. (Yes, both are adults)
When we got the shark reploid out of the creation chamber, he actually acted as if he had emotions. He looked at everything with a weird smile on his face, showing interest in his surroundings. That’s when those two doofus girls ran up to the new robot, and Presto yelled “Can I name him?!” at the top of her voice, prompting the poor reploid to cover his audio receptors on him, as if her voice was like a poison to him.
“Baby Shark is his name,” Presto gleefully called him with a punchable grin.
“NO!” Interjected Allegro. “Metal Shark PLAYER!” She yelled rather violently to her sister.
I turned back to Shark Player, which I guess is the better name, who was still covering his ears, again, as if noise was poison to him… I decided to tell everyone to go to the other room to let Shark Player relax.
“Gee,” Player said with disgust in his voice, “Those specimens are quite rowdy, aren’t they?”
I took the chance to introduce myself and suggested he should be named Metal Shark Player, which he kinda liked the name. Anyways, I brought him to his dorm room, right next to Wolfang’s. I took this as an opportunity to let Wolfang meet his new neighbor. They got along fine, but Player was acting like a mad scientist, and it made me a little uncomfortable. Player, without me telling him to do so, proceeded to go back to his dorm, leaving me and Wolfang alone. Wolfang decided to start a conversation.
“Alia?” He started.
“Yeah?” I replied back.
“When we went to get some decorations for my room, I saw this place called Mega Diner… Can we go there today?” He asked, with a hint of joy at the end.
I agreed to go there at lunch hour, which was about an hour away. When that time came, I told my boss I will bring Wolfang out to dine with me, and after informing him that I am NOT going on a date with someone I just met 3 days ago, he surprisingly let me do this.
 Me and Wolfang went to the diner. It was quite empty, except for about 4 customers other than us. One of those customers actually made me stop for a moment, and made me do a double take. There, in the corner of the diner, was one of the most highest classed Maverick Hunters in all of the city: Zero.
Beside him was this other blue reploid called X I hadn’t seen before around this side of the city, so I got curious, and walked over to them. X looked up, smiled and asked who I was. I was a bit nervous to tell them my name, but I REALLY wanted to get to know him.
“Are you ok, lady?” X asked me.
Perhaps an old joke may get them to like me, so I took my chances.
“...I-I threw b-butter… To make a b-butterfly!”
I pushed out a nervous laugh, as Zero and X sat in their chairs for a few moments, probably considering whether to laugh or not… That was a dumb joke, honestly.
Zero finally spoke to me and said to me, “Uh, your friend wants you, I think.”
I turned around and saw Wolfang, smiling while holding a big lunch bag.
“Sorry if the beer battered onion rings get you drunk, Alia.” He proudly told me, prompting X to giggle a bit.
“X, what’s so funny?” Zero asked in a joking way, “He must be a new reploid, he’s like a little sponge, you know!”
Finally, a topic I can talk to them about. I told them I was part of a research lab that made reploids, and if they ever wanted to see our progress, they could visit anytime. They said they would consider it.
After that chat, me and Wolfang left the diner with our food. Sadly, we didn’t eat together, mostly because Wolfang was more interested in talking with Shark Player. Oh, and Allegro bummed me out of an onion ring. That rude goblin. Anyways, this was Alia, signing off.
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beatendeadcourier · 2 years
how would S/I (self insert) would feel with two kids (Lucy and Shape) (Dimensional AU)
[May draw all this stuff but right now I kinda got a small artblock and have been busy a bit lately]
Well since they are all living with them in their home since in my au, bob survived [obviously] and he kinda just hangs around tryna not get caught by police again in the same town but more on the outskirts [man's is a little dumb]
Then Sal [self insert] moves into town
[I made the reason they moved there specifically because usually they have to move around a lot before because they always seem to attract chaos so they have to leave before the people around them find out something is not human bout them, and they heard this place has rumors of weird shit happening so they we're like "that sounds perfect" since it could help them blend in better and keep attention from themselves, they usually like hiding that they are a shapeshifter at any opportunity they can but if u asked they would probably hint towards it] btw the cult is still very much apart of the lore that's also what Sal is tryna stay away from
But after all that when bob and sal met it took awhile before bob stopped trying to kill and eat them all together and instead after that he kept breaking into their house to annoy them so he kinda just lives there now.
But both Bob and Sal try their best to stop each other from doing stupid shit all the time even more now with kids.
First with Shape
I feel like bob would find the baby out and about and he just comes home and Sal just goes
",,,What's with the fucking baby did u steal that??"
They would be so confused but once bob says he just found them, they would obviously keep the kid around
They are mostly iffy with kids in general since they never thought of being a parent and doesn't see themselves as a parental figure or a family man,
But they find the kid not so bad
When they find out that Shape is also a shapeshifter it really didn't change their opinions on them much since truly they can't really be surprised, they just had to think more bout the process of being a shapeshifter Intels and how their gonna handle the bad side of it and how they can keep Bob from freaking out about what horrors he may see
But no matter what they will protect the kids and will like causing destruction with them, their not a trickster type shapeshifter for no reason.
With Lucy
When they find out that bob as a bio kid it would not really shock them that much but it would be more like "wow we've been together for this long and u haven't told me u have a kid yet smh keep ur secrets I guess"
They would mostly be fucking annoying since bob didn't tell them this before hand before Lucy shows up so they could've be prepared
But no matter the place they live at can hold a family
Obviously they would accept her in their not just gonna abandon a kid or leave bob for this, they usually just go with the flow with most things anyway and weird shit always happens to them so their fairly alright with the happenings
They may seem unwelcoming but really they just like to joke around and just has a dead face they can't help
But with Lucy's appearance and obvious powers they would help her out they know a thing or two bout out of control powers like their literally in their adulthood of a shapeshifter and still doesn't got control of somethings like when they goop when or show facial expressions with white markings unintentionally when they get big emotions, they know its hard to hide it
They really couldn't care less who her other "parent" is they don't see family as just blood relations and if she happens to be a cursed demon from the cult or something they still wouldn't back down from their relationship with the kid
[All in all really they just go with the flow and as long as the kids will join them on their regular fuckory sometime they don't mind keeping them around.
They are all so very silly together. <3]
Oc Lucy by @muse-the-multi
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Minette watches Medici, part 11 (Obstacles And Opportunities)
- Look, I don’t mind episodes of this show having basic ass titles, but this one is... Just far bellow basic, if you know what I mean.
- A small, but still embarassing correction - there’s no Lucrezia M in this show so far, that was the other sister of Lorenzo the Magnificent, that was married off very young, which is presumably why she’s not in the show. Fahriye-sultan-but-lame is named Bianca.
- My suspicions about Lorenzo being the bestest, smartest, specialest little boy in the writers’ eyes were unfortunately not disproven in the slightest. For Lorenzo, nothing is a problem, he never makes big mistakes and has no major flaws. Like, his Gary Stu status becomes obvious trough comparison to Cosimo, who was allowed to make much bigger mistakes and lose much more badly, making for a more compelling character. And while there were hints of the Medici maintaining the moral high ground over their opponents, this season amps this up to a truly ridiculous degree. I mean, “making Florence a true republic” is an interesting way of putting “becoming a populist autocrat akin to Julius Caesar”.
- That said, I don’t hate the love triangle so far. Clarice and Lorenzo still have nothing in common and don’t even really know each other, but Lucrezia D’s “I feel protective of her” gives me hope for a decent polycule, in my delusional headcanons if not in practice. The instant consummation of their marriage made me rise my eyebrows, especially after Lorenzo passed the opportunity to be a gentleman (yes, in a somewhat anachronistic way, but still less absurd than the Bianca subplot - see bellow). Then again, he IS riddiculously attractive, enough to drive even a repressed renessaince virgin who probably barely knows what sex is mad with lust, so I’ll allow it. Still, the chemistry between Lorenzo and his new bride is still very much not there.
- Speaking of shitty romantic subplots! It really doesn’t help my enjoyment of the show that hurrempilled ever so graciously reminded me of the existence of Bali/Armin “romance”. Tsundere girl x presumptuous fuckboy is truly the worst romance trope in existence, which may be why Giuliano went in this episode from mildly to severely annoying. Poor Simonetta also has two other options, apparently - an equally presumptuous simp and her older, but reasonably attractive and only a little bit douchey (not nearly comparable to Giuliano, I’ll tell you that) husband. My money is on the husband.
- The Bianca subplot finally got interesting, but only at the price of becoming a thousand times stupider. Okay, them realizing there’s no way their families will reconcile anytime soon and eloping was stupid in an understandable way. Their reactions, though... First off, even if Lorenzo was eventually able to forgive Bianca and didn’t force her to join the monastery ASAP, he would be much more pissed off than that. There is no goddamn reason for old Pazzi to be angrier at his nephew than Lorenzo at Bianca - and don’t give me that “Gugliermo’s honor was threatened too”, because IT WASN’T. Of course it would be much worse and more embarassing for Bianca and her family! She’s a woman! Promised to another man and still supposed to be a virgin! Lorenzo should be negotiating with old Pazzi with tail between his legs, but I guess we couldn’t do that to our precious golden boy, so the show doesn’t make it entirely clear just how big of a leverage old Pazzi has over his family.
- Well, at least he’s forced to make some real concessions, like give up his leverage over old Pazzi, which is to say blocking Salviati from Pisa. But that’s still kinda dumb, because it’s not made clear how can Lorenzo boss the Pisans around, to the point they would close the gates to their own archbishop for him. Like, the real Lorenzo could presumably count on having, like, some high-ranking magistrates there being in debt to his bank, but the show doesn’t bother explaining it. The fact that politics in Rome are simplified to the point of farce is also a bit stupid, like, it’s almost as if there were sum total of three cardinals including Salviati in the entire city of Rome, plus one priest of unspecified rank i.e. uncle Carlo.
- I sincerely hope Lorenzo giving up all gains from the deal with Milan to Bianca’s spurned groom will have some major consequences down the line for the Medici bank, or so help me God... Like, at this point they extended Galeazzo’s loan and got fuck all out of it in the long run, this should be a major hit for the bank!
- And don’t think I’ve forgotten about the subtle foreshadowing that Galeazzo is untrustworthy, because that was truly an eyeroll worthy of Shadow And Bone season 2. Again, I hope this will come back later when Lorenzo will consider turning on Galeazzo somehow, but I am not getting my hopes up on the show being that smart. I mean, Giuliano knowing about Bianca and Gugliermo’s whole deal also didn’t go anywhere. Like, c’mon, people, have some imagination! Magnificent Century would milk the shit out this stuff!
- The crowning moment of stupid in this episode was Francesco de’ Pazzi turning on his uncle, because... He turned on Gugliermo for the whole marriage to Bianca?! Which, fine, Francesco siding with his brother over his uncle is whatever, but to side with the MEDICI for this?! I call incredible bullshit on that.
- This was just straight up not a great episode. It had its moments, but overall the amount of stupid stuff on display in this one lets down the entire show.
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 year
Barry: a nice meal (4x07)
This is one of the funnier episodes of Barry that we've gotten in a while, which is always so weird to say when you think about the literal events going on here.
Again, I think the times in this show when they go for the obvious meta stuff, like Gene saying "Barry is a complicated and sympathetic figure" and then the undercover actor agent guy being like "but he killed people though" is kinda like... yeah, okay, I get your point. I don't know. Usually when this show barrels down the camera and says the quiet part out loud, I like it. But every once in a while I wish they'd let us get there on our own, I suppose.
I also still think Jim is the character who makes the least amount of sense to me? That's probably okay, as far as things go, but I thought I'd mention it.
I cannot believe that next week is the finale. Holy shit, this is gonna wreck me in all the best ways. So much to talk about, I'll try and be quick!
First off, you've got Sally and John in LA, trying to get in touch with Cousineau in order to find Barry. I love that Sally has this single-minded determination. If she can just get to Barry and abdicate responsibility back to him, it will all be okay. I think the most haunting moment was John asking what they'll do next, and Sally saying they'll just keep doing what they've been doing. It was chillingly bleak, the very thought of this "family" continuing to do what it's been doing. Yikes.
Barry spends the episode first being tortured by Jim, shown images and given drugs to make him hallucinate, I think? It's a little unclear what's happening there but I don't really mind that, I like that it adds a sense of unreality to events. Eventually Jim learns about the money that Barry gave to Gene, and he goes off to set a trap to lure him in, leaving Barry unattended in his house.
Gene, as we might have guessed, doesn't stick to his guns for long about not wanting a movie to be made about Barry and him and Janice, once someone calls and claims that Daniel Day Lewis and Mark Wahlberg want to be attached to the project. Despite everything he said about not wanting to elevate Barry or dishonor Janice's memory, he can't resist the shiny allure of a successful Hollywood career, even after all this time. That's part of the tragedy of this whole show, this depressing sense that maybe people can't really change. That hint of connection between Gene and his son seems to be out the window, as it now seems that Jim, Leo, and law enforcement suspect Gene of having something to do with Barry's crimes, including Janice's death. Why else did Barry hand over $250,000 of Chechen drug money to him?
And then in the funniest but also most intense/violent section of the episode, we've got Hank vs. Fuches. Hank sends a bunch of super assassins after Fuches and his men, and receives boxes with their severed heads delivered to the office. The bit where Hank was opening the boxes had me laughing out loud at how gruesome and ridiculous it was. And then adding to the hilarity, Fuches and his men brainstorm how to make things go better for Fuches's new girlfriend and "daughter" figure, who were there to witness the horrible violence. Hank tries to blow the house up from afar, but misses, and then his driver is killed as he runs away into the hedges, with Fuches's men shooting after him.
So then of course Hank pivots. Time to help Fuches find and kill Barry, instead of trying to do away with him. How? Well, kidnap Cousineau of course. Funny thing, though. Sally, having called Cousineau earlier asking for help, was directed to go to his house. Cousineau isn't there, off being questioned by the FBI after falling for the seduction of an amazing opportunity for a movie based on his life. So when Hank's men show up, it's to find Sally and John at Gene's place.
It's just such a brilliant piece of plotting, everybody coming together for this final showdown, I guess you could say, between Hank and Barry, but with everybody else's ultimate fates also left up in the air. I wonder what Fuches is going to say when he finds out what Hank is up to. I wonder who walks out of next week's finale alive...
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
hii i wanted to request a draco/reader fic w the dynamic that 1 day they meet at a bar and have a 1 night stand, and then » 2 months later draco is at mungo's and runs into y/n who has just found out she is pregnant w his kid but she's scared to tell him. and he feels a connection to her that tells him she's carrying his child and he asks her out bc they kinda like each other. Pl do if your comfortable only tyia
Hi my nonnie! Thanks for requesting.����
This was so much fun to write. Especially the bar part. This is a long one so brace yourself. I hope you like it.
A very special shoutout to @mellifluousart for giving me helpful pointers for this fic. You are the best!
Terrible at Small Talk (D.Malfoy x Reader) 18+
Tumblr media
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: some fluff smut, mature Language and themes, nsfw, drinking, penetrative sex, breeding kink, pregnancy, 18+
Word count: 2396
You swirled what remained of your drink in your glass making the amber liquid spin round and round and round. 
Even after two whole hours waiting on a tall bar stool in a dead little muggle bar, and your date was still nowhere to be seen.
The previous hour had gone by pretty quickly in comparison to the first hour though. You'd been drinking whisky on the rocks and your insides were warming up little by little making the waiting game a tad bit more bearable. 
You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol but you chuckled to yourself thinking about what you had done in life to lead you there, in a strange little pub waiting for a boy you weren’t even sure was coming. 
“One more of these please.” You called out to the bartender, smiling politely and shaking your empty glass. 
“I’ll have what she’s having.” 
An all too familiar voice made all the hairs on your back stand up straight. Your goosebumps were probably highly visible from the back of your backless red dress. 
“Well, well, if it isn’t y/l/n in the flesh.” He muttered, sitting down on the bar stool next to you and you didn’t dare to turn to your side to look at him. 
You didn’t even need to. 
You knew who this voice belonged to and it sure as hell wasn’t your date.
“Well, Hello to you too, Malfoy.” You said, finally turning your head towards him. “I didn’t know you liked to frequent muggle bars on the weekends.” 
You hadn’t seen him after the wizarding war. He had gone off the grid. 
He still looked the same and yet, completely different. 
His suit was still all black but his jaw had gotten more chiseled, his hair remained the same but he now donned glasses. He still wore his silver rings and you could see what looked like a tattoo peeking out of his suit sleeves. 
“Nice glasses.” You blurted. 
“Nice hair.” He muttered, as the bartender handed you your drinks. He eyed you intently before taking a prolonged swig of his drink. “Although, I preferred it the way it was in school.” 
“So did I.” You smiled weakly at him, running your hands through your hair, suddenly feeling very conscious. 
“Why did you change it though?—I used to love your hair.” He cleared his throat and tried to backtrack from his sudden confession. “Not that you don’t look good now.”
You needed a fresh start after Hogwarts, the war and life in general but you didn’t think he needed to hear all that. 
“Wanted something new I guess.” You said in a very composed tone as you gulped down your beverage and asked the bartender to keep the drinks coming. 
He hummed and downed his drink matching your own speed. 
Soon enough, you had created a row of empty glasses at the counter. 
Both of you terrible at small talk. 
“It’s so strange seeing you of all people at a muggle bar.” You said, your voice slowly getting slurry with a hint of inebriation and a tinge of madness. 
He didn’t say a word, he simply blinked at you with a blankness in his stormy grey eyes, now hidden behind thick frames. 
“Well, I don’t think I am welcomed at most pubs around Diagon alley—not after the war anyway.” He muttered. “Besides, I could have asked you the same question.” 
“Well, if you must know, I got stood up.” You laughed. “Not that I wanted to come—my friends have been pushing me to go out there and meet people.”
He kept glaring at you as you kept babbling. His eyes secretly trailing to your bare back as he tried his hardest to ignore his blood rushing and his heart thumping. 
A few more glasses of whisky later, you found yourself walking to the nearest apparition point with him. 
And just as you tried to quicken your strides, you missed your footing but he caught firmly by the shoulder before you could hit the ground, face first. 
“Merlin! That was a close one.” You whispered softly as you wondered why his hands were still grasping your shoulders. 
Even after all these years, the smell of mint, and his expensive cologne remained the same; his eyes still conflicted. 
The warmth and the confidence from the alcohol made you lean in and capture his lips in yours. 
A slow, speculative kind of kiss. Like you were testing the waters; taking a small sip of tea to see if the temperature was alright. 
After you leaned away, he opened his eyes.
The conflict inside his eyes was now replaced by a full fledged hurricane of emotions. 
“C’mhere.” He said hoarsely as he grasped the hair on the back of your neck and pulled your face flush against his. 
His left hand held one of your legs and wrapped it around his torso—your clothed cunt making contact with the hardened bulge in his pants. 
By the time your eyes opened, Draco had already apparted you to the Malfoy manor. 
As soon as he laid you down on his bed, he hastily began working on his shirt buttons. 
With each button, you could see more and more of his ivory skin, his toned abdomen, the veins protruding along his forearm, his faded dark mark now covered with tattoos. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows on the bed while he leaned in for another kiss and you took this opportunity to remove the glasses that hid the vehemence in his eyes.
His lips soon made their way towards your earlobes and he began nipping and tugging with his teeth while his hands roamed underneath your dress.
“The things I want to do to you…….” 
“Draco….” You sighed as his fingers started to move up and down your clothed slit before pushing the fabric of your panty aside . 
“Gods, y/n…” he groaned as he slowly pushed a finger inside. “The things I want to do to this pretty little cunt….”
“Then do it..” You whined bucking your hips at him. “Please just do it…”
“This dress...” He growled into your ear as he added a second finger inside of you. “I've wanted to rip it off your body since the moment I laid my eyes on you…” 
His fingers kept moving in and out while his thumb kept rubbing circles into your clit. “You are so fucking wet darling.” 
“Mmmhmm..” you whimpered, barely managing to nod your head. 
“Tell me y/n…” he murmured against your slit; his tongue circling your swollen bud. “Who made you this wet?” 
“You did Draco..” you whimpered. “You did.” 
You were so close. 
So fucking close. 
Just when you felt like you were going to come all over his fingers he stopped and took his fingers out. 
“No please..don’t stop..” You whined, suddenly feeling empty without his fingers. 
“Take your clothes off.” He commanded, backing away and you instantly found yourself complying to his request in a matter of seconds.
No one had ever talked to you that way. 
This was dark, this was seductive, this had your cunt dripping with anticipation.
“Fuck y/n. You are a sight for sore eyes.” He murmured while he pulled your hips towards the edge of the bed. 
A small smirk played at his lips as his hands quickly undid the buckle of his belt to let himself out and you gasped at the sight of him. 
Rumors always traveled fast at Hogwarts. You’d heard stories about him—his length, the way he made girls scream. 
Only, they weren’t just rumors. 
Everything you’d heard about him was true. 
All the fucking rumors about his length, his size they were all true.
He moved his fist up and down his shaft and  lined himself up against your entrance. Your eyes met for a second. “Are you okay with this?” He asked and you caressed his cheeks and nodded. 
“I am more than okay Draco….” 
And just like that, he pushed himself inside of you, cursing under his breath. 
“Oh god….Draco…”
“The way you say my name y/n…” He grunted into the crook of your neck while your fingers entangled themselves into this hair. “It makes me want to fuck you harder…makes me want to fill you up with my come…”
“Draco Please…”
“Fuck y/n….don’t.. don’t say my name like that.. I won’t be able to control myself... 
“Then don’t…” You pleaded with your head snapped back and your back arched when his thumb found your clit. “I want to feel you cum Draco..I need to..” 
It was like these words were automatically slipping out of your lips as you reached closer and closer to your climax. 
“What are you doing to me….y/n…” he groaned as he fucked you harder and harder. “Why do you feel so fucking good…” 
“Draco..don’t stop..don’t stop till you are cumming for me..” you wrapped your legs around his torso allowing him a deeper angle. 
“Won’t stop…I won’t fucking stop till I fill you up..” 
Draco stayed true to his words. 
He didn’t stop till you were sore and leaking with his release. 
The both of you even woke up in the middle of the night for another round of rigorous sex and he silently thanked your date for pulling a no show that night. 
Now he could have you all to himself. Well, until the sun came up that is. 
When Draco woke up the next morning he tried to reach for you but you were long gone.
The only thing that remained was the smell of your perfume on his sheets and your stray earring on the floor. 
He slowly reached for the forgotten earring and held it in the palm of his hands. 
Sure, it was a one night stand but he sure as hell wanted another night with you. 
Two months had gone by and Draco found himself staring at your earrings on his nightstand every day. 
He was never the one to overthink about one night stands and yet, here he was, clasping onto your earring for dear life. 
After reminding himself to get a grip on himself, Draco buttoned up his shirt and made his way towards St. Mungo's hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. 
He’d been a regular donor for the hospital since the end of the wizarding war and visited the hospital every other month. 
Just like every other month, the hospital was terribly busy that day too.
But somewhere in between the hustle and bustle, somewhere in between the dissonance of sounds, the wind, the atmosphere he felt something different that particular day—Something familiar. 
He brushed the feeling off and finished up the paperwork in less than an hour before making a swift exit from the hospital. 
But every step he took away from St Mungos added to the inexplicable restlessness that crushed his insides. The feeling mimicked the feeling of missing a train he was supposed to catch. 
“Oh For fuck’s sake.” He muttered to himself before turning back around and sprinting his way back into the hospital, crashing into annoyed people that cursed at him along the way. 
He finally stopped running when he made it to a quiet corridor in the hospital. With his hand flat on his chest, Draco tried to catch his breath. 
Everything was silent for a minuscule second until he heard a voice coming from a room a few steps ahead of him. 
Draco knew he could recognise that voice anywhere in this whole entire planet. 
It was the same voice that had been haunting his mind and infiltrating his existence since that night at the bar. 
You had a worried expression on your pretty features as the healer kept talking to you. 
“Everything looks good y/n, your vitals, the baby.” Said the healer and you placed your hand lightly on your stomach. 
Draco didn’t even hear what the healer said next. The accelerating sound of his heart was too loud. 
Could it be?
Why didn’t you tell him? 
Maybe the baby wasn’t his. 
But why was he suddenly wishing it was—
“Draco?” You asked when you saw him standing outside the door. 
The way you uttered his name, softly with your voice slightly cracking, felt like the break of dawn after a long cold night—You were his daylight.
“Sorry—I was just um passing by..” He said, hesitantly prying the door open. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Malfoy, but you cannot be here unless you are family.” The healer said coldly, giving him a nod of disapproval. 
“I guess I’ll be on my way then.” Draco mumbled with his eyes never leaving yours. “It was good seeing you—”
“Wait.” You called out before he could walk away and he eyed you quizzically. “Draco, there’s something you need to know.” 
He held his breath and patiently waited for what you were doing to say next. 
You looked even more beautiful than you did the last time he saw you. Your cheeks were dewy, your eyes a bit glassy and his most basic instincts were telling him that he needed to protect you no matter what. He didn’t even hear what the healer said as she excused herself from the room. 
“Draco I’m—”
“I know.” He said softly as he let his finger tips trail the side of your face. “I heard everything.” 
“Not everything.” You said as you held his other hand and gently placed it on your stomach. 
Draco let out a sharp breath that he didn’t even realize he was holding back. 
It was like he’d caught the train that he was so desperately trying to catch. 
It was like he was finally headed home. 
“Merlin! Y/n.” He gasped as he instantly cupped your face in his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t know what to tell you. I didn’t know how you’d react and I was terrified.” 
If only you knew just how happy he was. 
If only he knew just how much he wanted to care for you and the baby. 
If only you knew how he felt about you. 
“I’m here now.” He whispered and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “And I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Thank you.” You murmured against his lips.
“Let me take you out y/n.” He murmured. “Let me take you to dinner tonight and we will figure the rest together.” 
Draco/ general tag list: @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @badslytherin @dlmmdl , @desiredmalfoy @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @rvaldez7569 @Berriemafoy @Thegaudess @itchywitch33 @lunar0se10 @emma67 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @teawineaddict @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dracomalfoyisindahouse @sycathorn-slush @lalunemoonstone @supermisunderstoodoceans @belladaises @riddleswh0r3crux @justreadingficsdontmindme @axdxis @97santoki @laceycallisto @haroldpotterson @thetipsysaquatch @darlingmalfoy @letsmariya @malfoysbitch @turn-to-page-394-please . Sorry if I missed anybody. I am so sleep deprived. 
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much love,
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imagine-docx · 3 years
scent market
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Summary: Wanda stumbles upon this tiny gem of a candle shop. Does she keep going back because of the amazing scent range? Or is it because of the cute shopkeeper?
Warnings: None.
A/N: i apologize for being mia. university has been killing me, and i have had zero time to write because i am busy pulling essays outta no where. please enjoy a minor comeback! - amanda 💛
Everyone knows that Wanda Maximoff is the biggest candle consumer ever. Something about the warmth of the candle and the scent that follows, just seems to make everything better. 
It was one of the rare days that Wanda had off, and decided to go to one of her favourite parks in New York, Prospect Park. 
On her way out, Wanda was walking down Empire Avenue and was automatically drawn to this small candle shop. The exterior automatically had this warm aura to it. The open glass windows gave Wanda the opportunity to look in, and it screamed ‘home’ to her. 
Wanda opened the door to the tiny shop, upon her arrival a little bell dinged and she was greeted with soft radio pop and a heavy peach scent.
“Hi there! Welcome to Scent Market! Let me know if you need any help!” She heard a voice beam out from the corner.
Wanda turned her head to the corner to track the sound, and was blown away. You had to be the most breathtaking woman she has ever seen. Yet you were only wearing a pair of ripped jeans, a form fitting long sleeved shirt, and a pair of sneakers. “Hi,” Wanda managed to shyly get out.
You smiled at Wanda, and Wanda swore she resembled melting candle wax. Wanda looked around the tiny shop, grabbing some candles and smelling it as she went. But she still kept an eye on you out of the corner of her eye.
It seemed as if you were either doing inventory, or were picking out orders. As Wanda turned herself back to the candle that was marked as Frozen Margarita. The hints of citrus, and melon jumped out at her. “If you like that one, I definitely do recommend the Citrus Splash,” you said coming up to her. “Less lemon and lime, more orange.”
“That sounds up my alley,” Wanda laughed, “Can I see it?”
You let out another smile towards her and she swears she never felt that much warmth from someone, “Of course, follow me.”
You handed Wanda an orange candle encased in a glass jar, she took the top off and smelt it, “This is wonderful. I also want to know which scent do you currently have burning?” Wanda asked, while smelling the candle.
“Oh that’s Peach Sugar Kiss! Here lemme get it for you,” you responded, before going to the fixture next to Citrus Splash.
“Are these handmade?” Wanda asked, taking the Peach Sugar Kiss from you.
“Yes they are, they are soy candle wax with essential oils mixed in,” you responded.
“Wow, you must be super talented,” Wanda said looking at the Tropical Mango candle, while looking at you.
You let out a giggle, and Wanda swore that as time passed she would melt even more, “No, that’s my business partner Trish. She makes them, I sell them. Unstoppable duo, you know?”
Wanda smiled at her giggle, “Ah so you’re the brains.”
You chuckled, “Pretty much.”
You and Wanda walked around the store, with you recommending different candles, her smelling them, and you both basking in each other’s company. Upon doing a lap around the whole store, you turned to her, “Is that it for today?”
“I guess so,” Wanda said, placing the Citrus Splash, Peach Sugar Kiss, and Apple Blossom candle on the counter.
“Lemme get that rung up for you,” you smiled.
As you were cashing Wanda out, you two continued to crack jokes. You wrapped the candles in a light peach wrapping paper, and into a black bag. “See you around?” You asked.
“With candles like these? You will be seeing me more often,” Wanda said, smiling.
“Have a good day!” You called out, as Wanda was leaving. 
It was almost like clock work. Wanda would buy a single candle every time she goes, burn it until there is nothing left, and she would be back at the shop. 
“So is there a reason today we’re burning,” Natasha squinted to read the candle, “Apple Blossom? What happened to Blooming Berry?”
“I finished it,” Wanda nonchalantly responded as she packed away her hoodies.
“Wanda, that's your 3rd candle this week.” Natasha retorted.
“What can I say? The candles are good.” Wanda responded as she packed away her jeans. 
“We all know you are a massive candle consumer, but this? This is a new level.” Natasha said, studying Wanda.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Wanda responded.
“Take me to this candle shop, I wanna see what the fuss is about.” Natasha responded.
“No!” Wanda responded too quickly, which resulted in a raised eyebrow from Natasha, “I mean, no they’re closed right now. I’ll take you when they are open.”
Wanda forgot how serious Natasha is, as Natasha held her to taking her to the candle shop. The two were walking to the shop, and the pair stopped in front of it, “It looks cozy, now I know why you like it.” 
Wanda let out a small sigh of relief, that Natasha thinks it’s because of the aura the shop gives off. Upon the two walking into the shop, they were greeted with a, “Hi! Welcome to Scent Market!” You beamed from the back, which Wanda naturally returned with a smile. 
“I’m back!” Wanda announced, to which you now smiled at.
“Welcome back Wands, we got some new candles for you to try out,” you said, coming up to the duo. “Hi there,” you smiled at Natasha as you introduced yourself to her.
“I’m Natasha, Wanda’s best friend,” she said, shaking her hand. “I gotta know, do you have more fresh scents? Wanda keeps burning fruits, and I’m kinda getting tired.”
“You are just a downer, you don’t like cutesy smells.” Wanda stuck her tongue out.
“Lucky for you and your sanity, we do,” you chuckled, “Are there certain scents you like?”
“I just want to feel like I spent the entire day cleaning, and there’s that after scent,” Natasha responded.
“I got a good one for you,” you walked over to the fixture, “Lakeside Waters. Smells kinda like the ocean, some driftwood, and minor hints of orange.”
Natasha took the candle from you and took a small inhale, “The orange is very minimal, I like this, do you have anymore?”
You took Natasha around the store and showed her similar scents to Lakeside Waters. Natasha holding onto the scents that she loves the most.
Majority would be pissed off at how easily the two of them bond, but not to Wanda. She was in awe that you managed to mesh in with them so easily.
You managed to introduce Natasha to Lakeside Waters, Sugared Lemonade, and Eucalyptus Spearmint. Whereas Wanda got Raspberry Mimosa, just so she has a reason to keep going back to the shop.
As you were cashing them out, you continued to crack jokes with the two of them. You were walking them to the door, “So Wands, will I see you soon?” You smiled.
Wanda instantly let out a goofy smile, “Of course. I’ll make sure to leave Natasha at home.”
“I’m offended,” Natasha feigned offence.
“Don’t worry, you’re always welcomed back,” you smiled at the duo.
The three of you bid your goodbyes, you walked to the desk and bit a small corner of your lip trying to hide your giddiness.
On the other hand, the moment Natasha and Wanda left the shop, Natasha let out a, “No wonder you keep going back to this candle shop.”
Of course Wanda hit the bottom on Raspberry Mimosa within two and a half days of getting it. Which prompted her to return back to Scent Market. Every time she walked in, she felt as if she was greeted the first time, “Wanda!” You called out.
Wanda instantly smiled at the sound of your voice, “Raspberry Mimosa was amazing. Do you have any others?”
“I’m running low on options to give you Wands,” you joked.
“I might have to go and try something sweet next.” Wanda responded, following you to the fixture.
“We got everything you could possibly need,” you reached for the Peach Bellini candle, “ I know you like peach a lot, so tada, Peach Bellini; white peach, prosecco, and a hint of orange.”
“You got my scent notes down, huh?” Wanda said, amazed at the detail that you pay attention to her.
“Of course. I gotta make sure I have my favourite clients scent list noted,” you smiled, as you took her to the front to cash her out.
“I feel honoured,” Wanda said, pulling out her wallet.
The two of you continued to joke, while you cashed Wanda out. Every moment that passes, she feels more and more drawn to you. Wanda knew that when she got home she would have to try and work out a way to ask you out, but until then she would bask in your companionship. 
That night Wanda sat at her desk, pen and notepad in front of her, trying to come up with ideas to go about asking you out. Each idea was futile. 
She reached for her phone to call Natasha over for some help, but remembered she was out with Clint for their weekly dinner. Wanda groaned, and ran her fingers through her hair. She leaned back, struggling to come up with ideas.
Wanda decided that maybe burning the candle she got today would help flow her ideas. She opened the tiny black bag, and to her surprise, there was a second candle. 
Wanda cautiously took the candle out of the bag and noticed a heart sticker rather than your usual clear tape. She gently unravelled it, to reveal a beautiful peach coloured candle with no label.
She was confused. Opening the candle she saw a piece of paper, she gently placed it on her desk and continued to smell the candle; heavy on the peach, light vanilla notes. She smiled and picked up the note.
Wanda let a goofy smile escape her lips as she read the note that was signed as you.
I have no name for it yet. I call it Peach Tea and Vanilla; peach tea, vanilla creme, and some oat milk. This is a special one for you, call me sometime and we could work out a name over coffee? (XXX)-XXX-XXX
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E123 (Feb. 2, 2021)
After last week’s thoroughly relaxing and brief episode, tonight’s guests are Sam Riegel and Liam O’Brien!
Brian, to Sam: “You look like Tim Curry moved to Nantucket to become a sommelier.”
How did Caleb and Veth approach the ally-ship with the Tombtakers? Sam: “I mean, we got some information, and I think we got a little closer to Lucien and knowing whether he has any of Mollymauk inside of him, which is I think the most important knowledge that we’re seeking right now. Is there someone to be saved inside there? We got glimpses, and we got a little hint that Mollymauk is maybe still in there? Maybe? And we got a little more insight into their plans, so that was useful.” Liam: “We know why we were having that fucking dream.” Sam: “But other than that, it was just a road trip with assholes.” Liam: “All our plans have been ripped in a new direction, and it’s just been improvisation.” Sam notes that it feels like we’re always about to rip into Caleb’s backstory, but haven’t yet followed that thread all the way through. Liam: “It’s partially frustrating, to be sure, but also I like the idea that-- his whole shit has been selfish, it’s been dealing with the trauma that he’s been through and not the greater world, and that’s been shifting somewhat.”
Does Caleb think the book was worth it, and is he still interested in reading more? Sam: “How do you ask Caleb not to read a book?” Liam: “Caleb has spent enough time with the Nein to know you shouldn’t put a hand on a hot stove. After what happened with the book, he knows it’s a terrible idea. But maybe. But it’s a really bad idea. But reserve judgment, but it’s a really terrible idea. I think that Caleb is very aware that mages and people like him very easily fall prey to their curiosity and it can lead to bad places. But there is still that amount of scientific endeavor where you think there is value in knowing and learning, and maybe we can ride that line. He was True Neutral at the start of the campaign, and maybe he’s Chaotic Good now, but part of him is hubris, even if it’s a little bit, still.”
What about Otis has drawn Veth’s focus? Sam: “I mean, he’s a little shit. She was curious about Otis because he’s a small like she is, and in talking to him, he seemed to be real creepy, but he was just creepy and distant and didn’t value his past or family or anything like that. She sees someone who’s like her, but so not like her, and maybe that scares her a little bit more.”
How does Caleb feel about Beau being on this ride with him? Liam: “The dream is another example of how Caleb had very narrow vision of the things he wanted to do. It used to seem so massive to him, but now... To have Beauregard involved feels right. If anyone in the group is going to stop him from grabbing something he shouldn’t, it is probably Beauregard. She’ll punch him in the fucking face to stop him, which I think he needs, to a certain extent. They’re two different kinds of nerds, and I kind of like that, that this group of nine philosophers, they’ve reached out and somehow grabbed the two nerds in the party.”
How do Caleb and Veth see the Somnovum? Sam: “I mean, they seem real bad. Anything that’s a quorum of powerful entities heading towards your planet to unleash an energy of any kind, typically bad? I assume they’re bad, or at least the Tombtakers wish them to do ill.” Liam: “I think they want the kind of peace that comes from snapping your fingers and turning people to dust. Caleb sees them as a cautionary tale; they’re the worst-case scenario for arcane inquisitiveness.” He sees Allura Vysoren as the antidote to that.
Why the staunch refusal to use Halfling Luck? Sam: “I don’t like Luck! I just don’t like Luck. I think it’s cheap, I think it’s a cheat, I think it’s stupid. It just feels like a do-over.” Liam: “I am your antithesis! If I ever voice a halfling, I am going to hammer that feature!” Sam: “What I love about D&D is that you don’t know what’s going to happen. If you roll bad, okay, that’s it. If you roll well, it makes the success more enjoyable to know that it’s a pure success and don’t one where you’re like well actually... it’s so stupid. If someone was about to die, I would probably use the fuckin’ Luck feature. Well. It depends who. If it was Travis, yeah, no, he’s fucked, sorry.”
Liam drops that he’s picked Sam’s character class and race again for a hypothetical campaign three. Sam: “It’s not what I was thinking for future characters, but I’m excited to explore.”
Cosplay of the Week: an amazing Mollymauk by KatofValkyrie!
What was it like to bring the Tombtakers into the tower? Liam: “It is complicated, because he does not like him. Lucien’s just a fucking dick. But Caleb also knows that Molly’s in there somewhere. That tower’s only for the M9, and Lucien’s not in the M9. Their situation with these people is shitty, it’s terrible. Caleb doesn’t feel like they have the upper hand. He doesn’t like that they’re even going on this journey per se, because life is bigger than his bullshit. He feels like they’ve been losing over and over again, so it was a gamble to try to get on equal footing.
What spurred Veth into making sure she and Yasha have some one-on-one time? Sam: “Yasha hasn’t been getting a lot of moments to shine. Now that she’s back, I just got the impression that Yasha feels out of place sometimes, or timid, or unsure of herself. When Veth was Nott, Nott certainly had her share of those moments. I think she sees a kindred spirit and wants to make sure that she’s been giving all the opportunity she can to flourish and thrive. Dani, you’re just laughing at my mustache, aren’t you?” Dani: “Yes, that’s the only thing I’m laughing at through this whole bullshit.” Sam denies all knowledge of trolling, but eventually admits, on the topic of Yasha and Beau getting together: “They’ve made me wait this long... I’m going to make them wait a little bit longer!”
What was it like to show his friends the upper floors? Liam: “I kinda expected somebody to sneak up there before that. That being part of the tower is not even a conscious choice of his, it just is. The reason Caduceus has creeped Caleb out for a long time is because he talks about how-- Caduceus is a really kind person and wants Caleb to let go of the past. And in a really simplistic way, turn that frown upside-down. And that’s just not who Caleb is, and it’s not who everybody is. There is something to be said for trying to stay open and positivity, but thinking you can shut out the past, especially a traumatic one, is just not true. When things happen to us, we carry them. But to candy-coat it and say, ah, I’m free, or everything is good, or I’ve turned the corner... life is way messier than that. It’s not flipping a switch, it’s not bad-to-good, it is such a work in progress. Even when you make strides and start to get to a better place, you can backslide a lot. So the tower is who he is, and the tower is 7/9ths love for his friends, and 1/9th hope, but there’s still a percentage of him that carries everything from the past, and knows that he should, and knows that he should not go back to where he was. And the way to do that is not to say everything is rainbows, but to remember it. The tower is just like an extension of who he is. He’s never going to forget the past, and he’s never going to be like, I’m good, or I’ve turned a corner. He should remember the past, and he should do better, always.”
Does Veth still believe it’s possible to get Molly back? Sam: “Well, she was a person trapped in another body for many years, so has some experience there, and definitely believes that the spirit and soul of Molly is in there and just needs to be unlocked somehow.”
Fan Art of the Week: an amazing group shot by HarpySN!
How are Caleb and Veth dealing with their guilt and fear about being in the middle of this? Sam: “It definitely was a deep conversation that might have repercussions going forward. The problem with all of what we’re doing now is that we don’t have time to deal with our petty problems anymore. It’s all high tension all the time!” Liam: “It’s true; they’re not in control of their situation at all anymore.” Sam: “It’s good to have these check-ins, but it’s not like we can do anything about them. We’re reactive right now.” Liam: “He’s not happy with where they are, but they wouldn’t even be this far if the goblin hadn’t pulled him out of the mud. So part of it is, you saved me from where I was and got me on my feet again, and now it’s disconcerting to see it all just get knocked sideways by something he never could’ve predicted. I think Caleb felt nostalgic for when things were simpler, in a way, for them, when we’re both troubled drifters.”
What was it like to see Gelidon’s return? Liam: “I am the least superstitious person at the table. Ashley’s dice suck.” Sam: “It was fun fighting a dragon!” Liam: “Two massive battles in one episode, neither of which came away with a victory. I guess surviving is a victory.” Sam: “I’d forgotten about the dragon, honestly.” Liam: “I loved it. I was so upset at the idea that we were going to stealth and not get into it.”Sam: “Mercer doesn’t keep a live dragon around and not do something with it. That dragon’s coming back.”
How do Caleb and Veth feel about going to see Essek? Sam: “He can be very helpful, I believe, but as Sam Riegel, a player of D&D, I’m super suspicious. What the fuck is Essek doing up there, so close, now? I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. And I can throw him pretty far because he floats.” Liam: “I 100% agree with you. I do not understand what Essek could bring to what we are going through. I know the audience loves him, I love him too. He’s a really cool character. But he’s fucking toxic. He out of curiosity caused a war between two nations. And Caleb has been changed for the good by the M9 from months of travel with them. Essek has had none of that. Caleb has changed for the good, but not because of people like Essek. Essek is where Caleb came from. We kept the lid on the pot during the whole treaty at sea and it almost all went fucking sideways, and only because we pressed him into a corner. I hope that guy finds some sort of balance and peace for himself, but I do not see how his input here would be helpful. There’s other heavy hitters that I would try to pull in.”
Liam notes that the Cloven Crystal is in the Bag of Holding. Sam: “Do I have Fluffernutter, or is Fluffernutter gone?” Liam: “Nope. 300 pounds of fireworks? Gone. A dead mage, a threshold crest, and fireworks.” Dani: “Your basic essentials.”
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groovyzombiellama · 4 years
Shy Baby Girl
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Title: Shy Baby Girl
Requested? Yes.
Plot: Cato noticing you during practice sessions and he starts flirting with you and teasing you, but slowly falls for your timid and kind nature, and then the night before the games he confesses and you spend the night together.
Warnings: I am attempting to write smut after so long of not writing anything, so i will be attempting to write a detailed smut scene :) (so please be nice to me, I’m so worried about posting this for some reason)
Word count: 3013 (I might have went a little overboard, but I haven’t written in a while, so enjoy a longer story :) )
You didn’t expect to get drafted for the Games any time soon, and when you were, your whole family was shocked, and your older sister, who actually thought she was going to be the one going in was ready to volunteer, but your dad stopped her, as he believed that you could get through it. You were actually fine with going into the Games, as you had accepted this as your life, and you knew your time was coming, and in the end you guessed it’s better rather sooner than later. But one thing worried you the most, and that was the fact that you hated confrontations, and would much rather be making friends in life, even though you knew that was kinda impossible considering the way the world was now. You were prepared to fight for your life and to win in the Games, but a big part of you dreamed of a day when you didn’t need to fight to survive. You didn’t expect anything going into the whole process, but you were planning on keeping to yourself and not responding to any provocations.
 At first, everything was fine, you were almost always training, to make sure you were as ready as possible, but whenever someone needed help, you were there to show them a move or hold their punching bag steady so they could practice accuracy. And that was how you actually caught the attention of Cato, a blonde, blue eyed guy, who ended up being intrigued by the quiet, timid girl, who greeted everyone with a smile. He watched you for a while, trying to pinpoint what it was about you that has him so drawn in, and he decided one day that he was gonna approach you, and teach you the best stance for a fight, considering this his moment to throw in some flirting in the mix. The faint blush that spread across your cheeks every time you saw him, well, it has him hooked. Watching you from afar was nothing compared to being up close and personal, and your shy smile that would grace your lips at his compliments was becoming the highlight of his day. “I see you at the gym every day, and you still struggle with the basics. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were scared.“ He said one day when he noticed that you were not using the stance that he had taught you and as he spoke, he let his hand “accidentally“ brush against yours, his eyes searching for that rosy tint that he felt was the shade only present on your cheeks and couldn’t be found anywhere else in the world.
You brushed him off, already used to his teasing, saying how you were not scared and if he needed you to prove it, he is free to challenge you to a sparing match. Cato smiled softly, a feature you had grown to like, and you lowered your gaze to hide your own smile that was curving your lips. But of course, Cato caught that and while he swore his heart was beating faster seeing it, he had to default to teasing you about how you were still not comfortable with him, despite knowing each other for a while now. The reason why he would always tease you and playfully flirt with you (although you were oblivious to that one) was because he was not really yet ready to confess his feelings to you. Pretty odd huh? A guy like him, who was training to fight for his life in the Hunger Games, basically a show for the rich to watch children get killed off one by one, until there is only one winner, afraid of what a girl thought about him.
Although he didn’t know how, he knew that he had to tell you abut how he felt, hoping that in case you felt the same, he could count on your alliance, and at the end he would let you come out on top, or would hopefully be able to convince the government to let you both win and stay together. And he had his mind set on telling you the night before the games. The fact that you were so timid and at the same time so fierce and powerful made Cato’s head spin. There was just someting about you, someting in your eyes that showed that despite the world crumbling around you, your innocence was someting intact that could not be destroyed and he wanted to protect that so much, he wanted to make sure you are not exposed to anything that could damage that, no matter the fact that you would have to fight for your life, he hoped you would let him stick by your side and protect you.
 Just like you were unaware of his flirting and the fact that he felt the same way for you as you did for him, you wanted to tell him how you felt, but you just couldn’t. There were a few times that you were certain that you were going to tell him about your feelings, but the moment you would see him, the way his sky blue eyes bore into yours and how they would light up when he smiles or develop their signature mischievous glint when he was teasing you, and all that courage that you built flied out of the window. Until tonight that is. You were currently sitting in a quiet fort that Cato had built a bit further away from the others and invited you, because he needed to tell you something, your eyes wide, lips slightly parted, and eyebrows raised, trying to process what he had just told you. Cato had just informed you about his feelings and it made you feel giddy and excited, but also gave you this newfound confidence, right after he waved his hand in front of your face, as you had been silent for far too long for his liking after he just spilled his heart out to you.
 Suddenly this new rush of confidence took over your body and before you knew what you were doing, you surged forward and pressed your lips against his, and this time it was Cato’s turn to be taken off guard and surprised. For a moment or two you just stayed like that, neither of you moving your lips, but just feeling them pressed one against the other, getting familiarised with their shape and soft feeling. Soon however, Cato started moving his lips, to which you followed suit, and the salty taste of todays lunch mixed together in your mouths, as Cato decided to lick your bottom lip, and then slightly nibble it after you didn’t get the hint, causing you to slightly gasp, and Cato took the opportunity to slide his tongue in your mouth. You were filled with complete bliss as your tongues fought for dominance, that you just let yourself fall back, with Cato hovering over you, his hand on the middle of your back guiding you into the pillows he had placed for you guys to lay on. Neither one of you expected this turn of events, and you figured you would just talk and fall asleep there, but both of you were slightly worried about tomorrow, so you decided in that moment that you were gonna fall victimes to your feelings and enjoy your time together.
 As the two of you continued kissing, you felt like your hands had a mind of their own as they glided up and down Cato’s toned back muscles and his arms, one of your hands finding their way to the short hairs on the back of his neck, as you let your fingers tangle with them and even lightly tug on them, earing a low groan from Cato, which you happily swallowed. But soon it was your turn to express your pleasure, as you felt his warm hand get in contact with your cold skin, as he slipped his hand under your shirt, soothing your waist, before reaching up and cupping one of your breasts. You moaned just as your lips parted, damn lungs and their need for air. “Even though we are far enough away from the others, we’re gonna need to manage our volume baby, you never know who might be lurking, okay?“ Cato said as he looked deep into your eyes, his hand still on your breast, squeezing it after getting confirmation from you through a nod, causing you to gasp, and Cato to go right back to attacking your lips with his own.
 You felt his manhood harden against your leg as you went on, kissing and removing the top halves of your clothes. As soon as he reached around to your back to unhook your bra, you felt your nipples instantly harden as the cold air hit them, but what got you more worked up was Cato blowing on them slightly, before taking one of them in his mouth, while his fingers pinched the other. Your back arched off the pillows, and you felt your wetness pool in your core, with each flick of his tongue on your nipple. Cato sucked in a sharp beath as your hand found its way to his clothed dick, and you began to palm him, causing him to groan lowly as he attached his lips to your neck, and sucked on that sweet spot that had you seeing stars, making sure to leave a big, purple mark. After he was satisfied with his work, he kissed the spot he had been sucking on and looked at your hooded eyes, with his own getting darker and filled with even more lust.
 He wanted to see your face as his hand reached into your pants, and started rubbing circles around your clit, causing a moan slightly louder than you had intended to escape your lips. Cato quickly muffled it with his own lips, whispering into your ear that you needed to be a bit more quiet, but still continuing his assault on your core with his fingers. You bit your lip, and you could tell he could feel how wet you were and how aroused he was making you, just as you were making him (in his own words, you were driving him crazy). Without warning, his hand slipped into your panties and you threw your head back at the pleasure his fingers were giving you. “C-Cato, ple-ease...“ You wanted to say more, but your words got stuck in your throat when two of his fingers entered your pussy. You grabbed his wrist with both hands, and bucked your hips to meet his thrusting fingers, as Cato watched your face contorting in pleasure, your moans being music to his ears, and thinking in a moment how did he get so lucky to have you feeling the same way about him as he did about you.
 But hearing your cracked voice begging him for something (he knew exactly what) his fingers stopped and he removed his hand from your pants, causing you to whine from the lack of contact. Cato smirked as he licked his fingers, tasing your juices, that melted over his tongue like honey, before placing his fingers into your mouth, allowing you to taste the mix of yourself and his spit. His smirk grew into a grin as you began to fumble with the opening on his pants, desperate to feel him inside you. He allowed you to push him on his back and climb on top of him, and after removing his pants and boxers, letting his erection spring free, you got rid of your own bottoms, throwing them both to the side, and began tracing a line from Cato’s lips, down his chest and stomach, all the way to his manhood, finally getting to have your ears blessed with his breathless moans and groans as you took his manhood in your hands and licked a long stripe from his balls to the leaking tip, keeping eye contact with him, seeing his eyes flitter closed at the sensation.
 You waste no time taking him into your mouth, earning you a gutteral moan from Cato, to which you hummed, satisfied that he was now the one to have to manage his volume, and the vibrations your hum caused around his dick make him place one of his hands on his mouth at to try to supress, even a little bit, announcing to the rest of the people getting ready for the Games tomorrow the pure bliss that you were making him feel, while his other hand found it’s way to get tangled into your hair, not really forcing your head to move, just resting there, only slightly tugging on your hair when a wave of pleasure was higher than the previous ones, which he would only learn to both enjoy and regret, because that earned him you taking him into your mouth completely, so much that he could feel the back of your throat, along with the vibrations of your moan, and he could have sworn he was about to cum in seconds. When he felt truly close, he tugged on your hair a bit harder, and you got the hint, taking him out of your mouth, and the sight of your flushed cheeks, and a string of spit still connecting your plump lips to his dick was a beautiful sight to him.
 He beckoned you to come towards him, and he could taste himself as you kissed him, just like how he had made you taste your juices of his fingers. “How about you ride daddy now, hmm baby, what do you say?“ His low voice had shivers running down your spine, and you actually couldn’t wait to feel him inside you, so you positioned yourself and without any warning, you slammed hard on his dick, and it had both of you practically choking out moans from the back of your throats, getting used to now being connected into one before you started moving your hips up and down, Cato raising his pelvis to match whatever rythm you were leading him in, and despite starting off slow, soon you were placing your hands on his chest, your pace getting quicker and each time you would sink deeper onto him as your thrusts would meet in the middle. You were both no longer that concerned with managing the volume of your voice, as you didn’t really care if someone heard you, pure extasy flowing through you with each thrust.
 Wanting to tease him, you clenched your inner walls around his dick a few times, even past him telling you that if you continue doing that, he would cum sooner than he wants to. After you did it again, Cato had had enough, quickly rolling both of you over, as you squealed, and ordering you to get on your knees. You did so, even though you prefered watching his muscled torso and arms, shining with sweat, but the mix of pleasure, letting Cato take the lead, and the chance of you getting caught by someone in your heated session, it made it all so much more fun for you. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head as Cato accompanied his dick entering your pussy with his hand slapping your ass, and the tingling sensation that followed was only adding to the pleasure, which he knew, and so he added a few more slaps as he fucked you fast and hard, going balls deep inside you with every thrust, and ever plea you made for him to slow down a bit were falling on deaf ears. “I can’t hear you baby. Are you saying to go faster? Sure I can do that.“
He almost had you screaming with the pleasure he was giving you and as you felt the tingles in your lower stomach, you knew it was only a matter of time before you came undone. As soon as Cato received verbal confirmation that you were close to your orgasm, his hand reached around and found your clit, rubbing it fast, and this time your were truly seeing stars as your body began to shake, and convulse, and you came on Cato’s dick, harder than you had ever cum before. It was gonna take you several minutes to recover from that, you were sure of it. And the sound of your moan as you came, accompanied by your pussy walls clenching around him, Cato knew he was close too. He pulled out of your pussy, you already missing the contact, and came on your ass, and then collapsed next to you, after using a napkin to clean both of you. He gathered you in his arms and used a blanked he had brought to cover your naked bodies, and you both waited until your breating settled down.
 You both felt amazing and you knew this was not gonna be the last time you would have sex with Cato, something in your gut convincing you of it, especially after he offered you a round two as you both came down. At first it had you giggling, thinking there was no way to top what you had just experienced, but seeing the tent his dick made in the blanket, you knew he wasn’t joking and that you were not yet done with each other. That blissful night before the Games had you both cumming multiple times, each one stronger than the previous one, and before letting exaustion take over you and your eyes flutter closed, taking you off to the realm of sleep, both of you agreed to stick together no matter what and find a way to survive together, despite all odds, and prove that you were stronger together. You had found each other in this world of madness and you were not gonna take that for granted, Cato was yours, you were his and no matter what, you were sure that he will have your back just as much as you’ll have his.
I hope the two anons that requested this think I did their request justice and I hope you all enjoy reading it. I’ll try my best to write more often, but since it’s exam season and I’m trying to graduate this year, most of my time is focused on studying :) I’m literally half asleep as I finish this fic, so I hope you guys don’t find any issue with it, and if you do, please let me know through messaging me something like “This part of your fic was a bit much” or something like that, for some reason I’m worried you guys are not gonna like it, but here it is, tomorow I’m going back into my inbox to find some new requests, but for now, I need sleep badly :)
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vermilionvector · 2 years
Digimon Ghost Game EP. 36
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With the debut of Lamortmon, the OP is now completely upgraded, with Gulus in full color and a new ending shot. The negative space on the right beneath Canoweissmon is suspicious, though, like it's intentionally left blank. Maybe it's saved for Gulus when he actually turned good? But this shot killed my hope for any future Tamers (at least for a few episodes) since the positioning of our protagonists lined up too perfectly. Ah, my hope of having Yuto being a Tamer is so fleeting...
This is the first episode that I felt like the buildup during the first half was a bit dragged out. Yes, we knew there's something wrong with this cave and we should be afraid, but it was the same scenario that happened multiple times already so I wanted to move through that faster. Symbare evolving was kinda pointless too since he's knocked out right after, but I guess it's better than not trying.
But once we got into the later half, it was more interesting. The antagonist this week was Gigasmon, who, unfortunately, took a movie trailer too seriously. He kidnapped people to create the greatest graveyard for humanity similar to the Chinese Emperor porcelain soldiers. He was just a Digimon with goodwill that's just misunderstood. What I liked about his motivation was that while it was ridiculous, it's not without merit as it's actually what's happening to our world with global warming, pollution, and abnormal seasons. Also, he mentioned that humans can't turn into Digitama, a fact that we've actually learned in prior episodes, so good reference there.
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Gigasmon was truly terrifying. He's able to terraform and traverse the rock at will and has a keen sense of vibration and sound around him. Hiro had a very hard time counterattacking it. The battle animation in this episode was beautiful and consistent throughout, especially the first scene where Gigasmon attacked with pillars of rock and Betel countered with Sorshot. Fortunately, Canoweissmon is strong enough to beat him just before the time limit that Hiro was certain at this point after episodes of speculation. We might not delve deeper (get it? hehe) into this until a Gulus-focused episode.
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The cave then began collapsing as a result of their battle. Gigasmon despaired at first, but Hiro gave him hope, so all was well. This might hint at how Hiro could improve as a "bridge". It's clear here Gigasmon has no hope left in humanity whatsoever, but Hiro changed his mind with his action. There might be a similar situation in the future with even higher stakes and Hiro will show them humanity's potential.
One miss of an opportunity here is not having Hiro "linked" with TeslaJellymon like what happened between her and Ruli in the Snow Factory episode. It would be awesome pairing with two Digimons at once. Alas, she was downgraded to just being a floating device. Is this plot point going to be explored more in the future, though?
Lastly, this episode seems to have a lot of cute Betel shots.
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jsio · 3 years
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Moebius' true king.
Art by Arealscrog
Archie's wasted character
Who is Miles?
Miles Prower is the Anti equivalent of Tails, from Mobius Prime. He is afew years older, being 11 instead of 8 and much more mature. He still appears to possess Tails' youthful tenacity and desire for independence, but he has a violent rebellious attitude and shows no interest in holding himself to childish things, even though he's only 11 years old himself, hating the nickname "Tails" being an example.
Miles holds his younger counterpart in utter contempt for traits Miles sees as weaknesses, especially how Tails went down the path of Science and technology instead of his magical Chaos force heritage, implying that Miles went down a more mystical path instead of Science, but from what we see in the comic Miles is more in the political field, by that I mean he manipulates all the political aspects of Moebius.
His actions throughout the comic run make him out to be smart, picky, but also cold, calculating and always 5 steps ahead of his own team and Adversaries, this leading to Alicia making him the Suppression Squads leader behind the scenes, while she is the figurehead "ruler."
That's Anti-Tails, Who throughout this I'll be reffering to as "Miles." Now you may be thinking, "Why make a post on an extremely obscure and hardly used Archie character? Why not someone Like Tails, Shadow or a more popular Archie character?"
Well, it's because I believe that Miles had the potential to be one of Archie's most intresting original characters, I believe he could've easily held his own "Suppression Squad" comic run, but Archie Unfortunately really underused him and wasted his potential, but hey...
That's where us fans come in!
This post is All about Miles Canonical self, every canon fact I can find about him and his full story in his short run during Pre-Reboot Archie Sonic, and my own personal headcanons in the later post.
But...before I get into any the headcanons, I need to teach those who don't know him about him, I need to talk about his Canonical self..so, let's get into it. Headcanons will be in the follow up post.
Canonical Apprearnces.
(Reworded from the wiki)
First appearance
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The first appearance of Anti-Tails was back when the character was just "Evil Tails" and it was of him joining the Anti Freedom fighters in an attempt to take over Mobius Prime, prior to the downfall of Eggman.
He and his evil allies pretended to be the good Mobius Prime versions, and struck knothole with acts of mayhem, vandalism and overall mischief, a common thing on moebius. The real Freedom Fighters soon returned to set things straight, but their initial attempts to defeat the Anti-Freedom Fighters failed as their Anti-Mobius selves knew their moves as well as they did. Sally Acorn came upon the solution: switching combat partners. When he faced Rotor, Evil Tails proved unable to overcome the larger and stronger Mobian. Defeated along with the other Anti-Freedom Fighters, he was sent back to Anti-Mobius, where they continued to cause mayhem despite the efforts of the kindly Dr. Ivo Kintobor (Anti-Robotnik) to stop them.
This was the last we saw Evil Tails for awhile, however we did see a cameo of him along with every other tails when they all came together and formed Titan Tails.
The Suppression Squad
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Art by Pota on Pixiv
Some time passed before his next appearance, and in that time "Anti-Mobius" went through changes in its name, now "Moebius." And all the characters changed alongside it.
Miles had assisted Boomer in stealing Dr Kintober's goal posts in order to allow the Suppression Squad to have access to inter-dimensional travel. Scourge obviously took this opportunity and went straight to Mobius Prime, along with a few other members of the SS, Miles being one of them, and they attempted an assult on the Freedom HQ, where we see Miles' and Tails face off, with Miles declaring to not be referrd to as Tails or Anti-Tails, but instead just "Miles".
He also indicated his disgust at Tails for having chosen a path of Science and study, despite having a strong connection to "Chaos force", aka magic. This has led to people believing Miles himself is a magic user.
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When Metal Sonic attacked Scourge, believing him to be the real Sonic, Miles stayed back and observed instead of helping his king. Now, you may think that's betrayal, but in reality Miles didn't help because he did not wish to undermine Scourges strength, so instead he observed. Soon after Sonic came onto the scene he showed his willingness to help anyone, even his enimies, and this gave Miles an idea:
Let's team up with the freedom fighters to betray Scourge, that's the new plan.
Miles later met up with Sally, Bunnie, Antonie and Tails to offer an alliance, but didn't let Tails speak and showed his contempt to the original version, telling him, "Please don't talk, little boy, We're trying to have an intelligent conversation." Sally accepted the offer, knowing she needed all the help she could get for taking down Scourge.
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Upon returning to Scourge, pretending to be running from the freedom fighters, Scourge asked for a summary on his mission, that being "bomb New Metropolis" but Miles ignored him however, instead reporting to Alicia (Anti-Sally) that his mission was a success. Immediately thereafter, Alicia told the Suppression Squad to, "Show our King just what we think of him", with Boomer and Patch clearly readying for battle
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However, Miles was doubling up his betrayal, blasting both Sonic and Scourge back into Moebius for them to Duke it out there, with Boomer sealing the portal behind them. An ethical debate followed this, between Sally, Alicia and Miles, the trio being ordered to get the goal posts ready to be able to return the freedom fighters to Mobius after both groups agreed to make sure Scourge was defeated on Moebius by Sonic
Miles was as shocked as the rest of the group to find Scourge had defeated all of his opponents as Super Scourge. When the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad were quickly defeated, Scourge turned his sights on Miles, identifying him as the mastermind behind the betrayal.
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Miles, cowering in fear, denied his role in betraying Scourge, who was threatening to beat him for his betrayal. However, Miles was saved by Silver the Hedgehog and unlike the rest of his allies, wasn't even hurt. Following Scourge's defeat and Miles' attempt to recruit Buns Rabbot into the Suppression Squad, Miles spoke to Alicia about who would be their new leader. Alicia explained that while she may be the figurehead ruler, they both knew Miles held the real authority at this point, to which Miles grinned.
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That was the last we see of Miles in the Archie comics, he unfortunately isn't in the post reboot because he's now owned by Ken Penders, so we'll never see him again. Below is all of his official designs, and after that is my final thoughts on the character.
My overview of Miles as a character.
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I'm no Character analysist so I'll make this short and sweet, my review of Miles is that he's a Character with alot of potential, but he went wasted, not on purpose, but thanks to the lawsuit.
I believe that if that lawsuit never happened, and that arc was closed up nicely Anti-Tails would of became a far more realistic and grounded Character, and probably pretty popular too. Miles to me is a kid who was manipulated into a life of crime and now believes that's what is right, and I think that could of been an arc for him, mellowing out and becoming a true king for the people of Moebius. I also like how when Scourge goes Super and goes to Miles to confront him, he dosent stand up to him, he dosent become strong, but instead he cowers in fear, hes terrified and tries to lie, to me, that makes him feel more grounded, and I like that.
Personally I wish Miles was more popular, I wish he got more spotlight than he did and I wish his story got concluded, but with what we got, I think he's pretty good, and pretty interesting too! I've seen alot of ideas float around for this dude, all of them making sense in they're on way, and to be honest? His lack of story kinda helps make him more accessible.
Tl:Dr: I like Miles alot, and I hope this post helps you lot learn more about him and overall, gets more people down to write with him, draw with him and explore him!
Would I change him in any way?
Yeah, there's one key part of Miles (from what we got) that I think was wasted. Now, what is that? What would I change about a Character I've mostly praised? Well...
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I wish he was magical. In the Archie comics Tails is actually strongly connected to the "Chaos Force", not as connected as Shadow, but still VERY connected, and guess what? Miles and Tails ARE biologically the same, same DNA, and in that bit of the comic, Miles calls Tails out on something he should have no idea about if he himself isn't connected to the same thing (or Moebius equivalent). To me at least this kind of implies Miles is magical too.
Basically, I'd give Miles' moveset a touch of magical abilities, connecting him to Moebius' "Anarchy force". I think it would help separate him abit more from Tails, while also connecting them, because whenever you have science and magic together...they clash.
But yea that's all I'd change in what we got, just hints of magic, some magic attacks here and there. I think it'd be pretty neat, and it'd have the science Vs magic aspect with him and Tails relationship.
Lets finally wrap this up! At least, for now.
Thank you so much for reading all this If you did, it, this took me alot of hours, and I, I think it's over 2000 words now you madman. Why not spend your time doing something more worthwhile? Why not...have fun? meet someone? Go on a date? Live your life? Why read a post on an obscure Character, mainac.
But in all seriousness thank you for reading my post, I really like this character (clearly) and I want to teach people about him, and I hope this post has done that! Post 2. There's going to be a sequel post going over all of my personal headcanons, and possibly a 3rd going over community ones. Keep ya eyes out~
But yea, big read, now you lot know about an obscure Character, and this was fun to write! But now I'm gonna end this post with a fun fact:
Miles and the Suppression Squad were going to have one more arc, it was teased at the end of issue 196, but unfortunately it never got written. That would of been really neat but unfortunately it never got to happen.
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
... All right, let’s do this. 
Under the cut bc there’s SO MANY images, and I’m sorry, and I know the cut is worthless to mobile users but, well, here we are. Please don’t unfollow me for this post specifically. 
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^^ I can’t decide if this woman holding the Tesseract is impressive or not bc, I mean, she’s wearing a glove - but, Red Skull probably was, too? Also the TVA are obviously not humans, so “impressive” may be generous. On the other hand, “only beings of enormous power” can wield the Tesseract/infinity stones, so. 
Loki looks pissed. 
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“I know what this place is.” I like this, bc it provides us with some narrative evidence that Loki has always known much more about the universe and How Things Work than anyone cared to realize. Loki’s always known what’s going on; that he isn’t ignorant to the existence or inner functions of the TVA feels in-character. 
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Why does every shot of the TVA’s headquarters look like the inside of a poorly-lit DMV? Though I guess it fits with the “timelessness” of it all as, after all, time ceases to exist or have meaning once you enter the DMV. 
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But I digress. 
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I’ve already remarked on the “I’m smart” comment, but I do like this shot. 
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I really love what Loki’s hair is doing here, I don’t even care. For better or for worse, his hair’s doing it’s own all-natural thing and I dig it. Let it move, let it dance, let it fall into his face and obscure his features as fanfic has allowed so many times. 
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I’m not a fan of the exaggerated jump or “wtf” expression along with “this is absurd” but THIS moment? Classic Loki. He looks 500% done and we’re only 51 seconds in. Also, I refuse to believe that stack of papers is everything Loki’s ever said. I know we all complained about the “you love to talk” line but, I mean, certainly he’s said more than approximately the total sum of Ulysses in his 1000 years of existence. 
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Here’s what I want to know: 
1. How does Loki taking the Tesseract result in so many new timeline branches? Surely he’s only responsible for one new timeline? I really, really hope they address that this is all the Avengers’ fault. 
2. What timeline is WandaVision and TFatWS taking place in? The main one, I presume? How do we know it’s not one of these alternate ones? 
3. Which timeline is Agents of SHIELD in and will they be addressed? Bc they got up to all kinds of Time Shenanigans in seasons 5, 6, and 7 to the point where I’m pretty sure they split off into their own universe (which is why they weren’t affected by the Snap or that whole thing, or so I’ve heard). If Loki crosses paths with Coulson & crew, I may pee my pants.
4. So where does Jessica Jo - ah, forget it, I’m not even going to ask. 
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I wonder what it is about this “unique Loki perspective” that Mobius is interested in recruiting. (Incidentally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Owen Wilson in, like, a real role - wherein he’s not playing some version of Owen Wilson, that is. He’s got a costume and everything here. Fun to see!) 
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This is a bamf shot, okay. The way it’s framed is pretty intimidating. 
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“You listen well, brother -” 
“I’m listening.” 
^^ I figured out what kind of energy this moment has, lmao. 
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“It’s adorable that you think you can manipulate me.” I mean, do I even have to comment? I am here for narratively validating the “Loki is ten steps ahead” (heh, and I quote) canon. Here’s another place where I feel like Tom was involved, since I’m pretty sure that somewhere, he’s literally said “Loki’s always ten steps ahead of everyone else.” 
That said, I’m not crazy about the delivery of this line; the over-confident tone of it smacks of “here’s someone about to get knocked the fuck off their pedestal” and I’m not here for that. 
That said, these next scenes - 
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- not only show Loki with the upper hand but, also, it’s clear that Loki goes rogue at some point, possibly early on, and I do like that. Drag me if you will, but I want to see Loki scheming and being manipulative, in his own interests. 
I think that Loki being the protagonist will allow them to portray his manipulation in a way that the audience is on his side. I don’t think that the TVA is being framed as the “reliable narrator” through which the audience should view Loki, or “good guys” at all; I think that maybe they’re not evil, but there’s probably a lot of morally-grey shenanigans and goings-on. 
I also think Loki is capable of outwitting them; Loki, being ten steps ahead, has probably figured out something that the TVA has not even thought of yet, so he’s going to fix things his own way, according to his own plan. And I want to see that, because I think that this will give the narrative room to really explore both how Loki thinks and what he does when his plans go awry (as I’m sure they’re bound to do); like, how will he fix it and still remain on top in the end?
So, I mean, I’m pretty intrigued (and still cautiously optimistic). 
Lots of action shots happening, I won’t add even more images to this post, but this magic is still giving me life. 
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What is this, a food court? (Speaking of which , what’s up with all the action in the mall earlier?) 
“I’ve studied almost every moment of your life” 
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(^^ Missed opportunity)
“and you’ve literally stabbed people in the back like 50 times.” 
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Receipts or it didn’t happen, and that’s all I’m gonna say about that line right now. 
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Thanks, I hate it. This is all wrong, this whole thing - just awful, scrap it, toss it out. Tom, I love you, but this was the wrong delivery and an all-around bad acting decision. It’s too over-the-top, too earnestly “well I never!”, too comical (as in, feels like it belongs in a comic with a speech bubble as opposed to funny). 
Once more, with feeling. From the top! 
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I like that we get to see Loki doing a wardrobe change, as I don’t think we’ve gotten to see that before. He always just shows up in a new outfit or illusions one on. 
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That’s one ugly ass outfit, but you make it look passable, Loki. You’re beautiful, in case no one’s told you that today. 
The remaining shots are very visually pleasing and action-y and I dig them, except the volcano one (stop posing with your arms outstretched every five seconds, Loki, it’s kinda cringe. In the above still, it works; in front of a volcano, it’s just tonally off. I say this with love, don’t @ me). 
Overall, I think I maintain my 7/10 rating. I think that the trailer hints at a lot of potential in the story that I will enjoy seeing, and I think that the nature of it being a trailer means that it’s a little tonally hyperbolic (this is kinda the format for Disney shit; show the flashy bits, the funny (”funny”) bits, to draw in the casual viewer. Save the story bits for the show. (Case in point: there’s a lot of great material in TFatWS that happened just before or after the one-liners shown in the trailer.) 
So, yes. Sorry this is such a mammoth post, I just needed to explode my feels. If you think the trailer’s awesome, kudos and I love you. If you’re disappointed and upset, I’m sorry and I love you. If you’re hovering in the middle, still in cautiously optimistic territory, pull up a seat and have some popcorn with me. 
That is all. 
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
You Never Notice
Sykkuno x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
Summary: The center of someone’s world is never aware of their importance even when everyone else is in the know. People are hard to understand, no denying, but if we all spilled our truth like how Y/N admitted her feelings to Sykkuno, mutual understanding would be achieved a lot more easily. JK, she needed an eternity and maybe a thousand pushes. What’s important is the result though, right?
Requested by Anon. You are my first Sykkuno request and I wish I could thank you with a tag. Instead, I’m gonna thank you with a fic in which I put my all. Thank you for the request, hope the final product doesn’t let you down. 🥰
Here we go again. Sykkuno’s love life is brought up. This time it’s more frustrating cause I can’t shout how wrong he is about himself and the effect he has on the people around him. He has no room to speak, he hasn’t experienced what I have - one of your best friends living in your head rent-free because you’re just that whipped by them. That’s right kids, some of us never grow past the middle school crushes - they are a constant for some. That can be a good or a bad thing, it completely depends on how you view it.
Currently, him and Rae are addressing some dating rumors that started spreading about them earlier this week while Felix, Sean and I are kicking each other’s butts in Party Animals. We’re not all playing together, actually, we were all playing different games when we hopped into the call and just grouped together after playing solo got boring. Rae and Sykkuno are playing Among Us on a random server, her being the only person who’s streaming right now. She said she just wanted to clear up the dating rumors cause they were annoying to see popping up on her feed on every social media platform she’s active on.
“It’s ridiculous, really. People just look for online personalities to put in imaginary relationships. Are they that bored? I know quarantine is getting to everyone, but damn“ Rae says, laughing a bit to take the edge off her words but I know she’s bothered by this ordeal more than she’s letting on. I know how much it bothers her when people ship random youtubers and streamers together, even when she’s not involved. 
And I agree. Ever since I started streaming I’ve been shipped with my friends left and right. First Corpse, then Dave, Joel...you name them. It gets kinda gross cause these people are legit like siblings to me. Unlike Rae, though, I don’t waste my breath trying to clear those ‘talks of the net’ up. I don’t know if it’s for better of for worse that I remain silent on the issue when I’m involved but am willing to stand up for my friends when they find themselves in a similar situation. Some people think the reason I don’t share my thoughts is because the rumors are true, but the hint is most often taken, resulting in the ship ending. Well, that ship ending, there’s always a new one popping up. As Rae said, it’s ridiculous.
“Why does everyone think I am ever dating anyone? I’ve already commented on this: no one would date me.“ Sykkuno says through a sigh-like laugh.
“Why are you so sure?“ I blurt out without as much as a second thought
My eyes widen just a bit, just a bit. I’m not too surprised with myself. I am slowly losing control of my raging emotions and I’m afraid of what I’ll turn into when all my restraints snap. A mess, that’s the most likely answer.
“Well....“ Sykkuno trails off, clearly more than a little nervous, “I don’t have a girlfriend right now, and I haven’t had one in a while...Nor has a girl shown any interest to be more than friends with me in what feels like forever.“
“I’m sure you just don’t notice the hints girls drop. We can be pretty subtle.“ I try to sound as nonchalant as possible while I’m still in my panicked animal mode. And by animal I mean a cub. A scared cub that is now showing confidence but will run and hide right afterwards. I silently thank the universe that I’m not streaming right now. I can feel the heat on my neck and cheeks which is pure embarrassment and would have been more than evident on-camera.
“Yeah Y/N’s right, Sykkuno. Girls can be very subtle, but they will always let you know if they like you, even through the smallest of gestures. You gotta keep your eyes open.“ Rae backs me up reassuringly.
“Guys never notice anything.“ I say, rolling my eyes. I feel the pressure lessen thanks to Rae’s involvement in the conversation.
“That’s not true.“ Sean protests, “We pay close attention, especially to girls we are attracted to.“
“Yeah!“ Sykkuno pipes in again, “I’m pretty sure I would notice if a girl was dropping signals that she likes me.“
Now that stings. That legit makes me wince and cringe as though his voice delivered an actual physical hit to my chest and stomach. It’s really unpleasant, painful even.
“You never notice.“ There’s something about this triple opportunity - proving him wrong that he’d catch onto a girl’s signals; proving him wrong that girls aren’t attracted to him; coming clean about the biggest emotional struggle I’ve experienced in recent years; - that snaps my last emotional restraints. I will totally regret this later, but after the regret comes the relief which is 100% worth it. 
“What?“ He sounds very puzzled. I can just about imagine him frowning as he tries to wrap his brain around something even I can’t wrap mine around.
“You say you’d notice a girl’s hints of attraction. OK.“ I nonchalantly throw Felix off the submarine in Party Animals while I keep talking, “Would you notice if a girl purposely doesn’t kill you in Among Us when she’s impostor? Or would you notice that a girl always sends you links to videos she finds funny? Or that she always shares music and movie recommendations with you and you only?“ 
Dead silence ensues. I feel like they have all glitched, considering Sean didn’t even try to put up a fight when I lifted him and threw him in the ocean as I previously did with Felix’s avatar.
Maybe I was a tad too specific and made the whole situation hit a little too close to home for me. 
Sykkuno and I have become really close friends and we chat and play games regularly. As I mentioned, I give him movie and music recommendations and I only recently started acknowledging the fact that I’ve never killed him in Among Us. Natural instinct I guess. In fact, I feel the need for vengeance when he’s killed. I refuse to even vote for him unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Now that I think about it, it’s not his fault he has no clue. I just don’t know how to properly drop hints.  
“Um...I mean, I guess I would notice but I’d never think they are that type of hints.“ He finally replies.
On point there, dear. On damn point.
“What does it take for you to be convinced that a girl is into you?“ Who cares that a bunch of people are about to witness this outpour? It’ll make it more real, yes, but it will also help me believe that it happened so I don’t try to crawl back to the point where return is an option. No return now. You’ve already passed two thirds of the way. The last one will set you and your mind free. 
“The only way I can be sure is if she tells me, really.“ He sounds so nervous and shy, like he’s trying to draw as little attention as possible.
He doesn’t have to worry. I’m about to pull all the attention on me.
“Well in that case....you leave me no other choice.“ My screen displays me as the winner of this round of Party Animals - an easy one considering my friends are glitched in real life. “I like you, Sykkuno. I like you a lot. And I know you will see it from every context except the one its meant to be in so I’ll be even more head-on - I’ve liked you, as more than a friend for quite some time now, but buddy, you can be sooo oblivious sometimes. Anyway...“ Here’s that regret I was talking about, it’s already creeping in. “Don’t feel the need to say it back. I don’t wanna hear it if you don’t mean it. And Rae,“ I can’t help but laugh at the thought, “Sorry for making your chat go crazy. Peace!“
And I disconnect from the Discord call.
“See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?“ I say out loud, staring at my desktop. “The cat’s out of the bag and you can move on now.“
I push myself to get some work done in order to get my mind off the mess I’ve created. I’m afraid of thinking about it, I know I’ll get too upset to do anything with the rest of my day if I do.
Suddenly, just as I’m about to open my email, my phone chimes. My brain doesn’t bother to stop my arm from automatically reaching out and checking the notification. A message.
From Sykkuno.
~ I knew you didn’t suggest me ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ for no reason
Me ~ So...?
~ So, I’m not the only oblivious one here, Y/N
Me ~ Wait WHAT?
~ ‘Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist’?
Me ~ Oooohhhh...I see
It takes him a few seconds to reply, the bubble with the three bouncing dots popping up and disappearing a few times now. I just now feel my heart banging against the inside of my ribcage, my pulse echoing in my ears.
He did seem a little too eager for me to watch that movie...
~ So, movie date?
I laugh, wholeheartedly and honestly. Genuine joy running through my veins.
Me ~ So it is.
The grin that is now decorating my features promises to stay there for the rest of the day. I bite my bottom lip at the thought that pops into my head.
Me ~ Phew, I can stop sparing you in Among Us from now on
He sends me three cry-laughing emojis in return, but I don’t need those. I can just imagine him laughing as he usually does with one hand covering his mouth. And here I thought my grin couldn’t grow wider.
 Imagining him happy makes me smile. His happiness makes me happy. He makes me happy.
Even better...
I think the feeling’s mutual.
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twh-news · 3 years
Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, Kevin Feige & creative team talk Loki | The TVA, D.B. Cooper & the god of mischief
Loki is one of Marvel’s most complicated characters. He’s a hero, a villain, a frenemy, and everything in between, and starting Wednesday, June 9 on Disney+ his series kicks off with a brooding adventure that spans the timeline.
Avengers: End Game setup a chain of events that is likely going to be a big part of the next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In that film, Loki, played by the one and only Tom Hiddleston, picked up the Tesseract and vanished to parts unknown. Now, in Marvel’s Loki, we finally get to see what happened to him, and why the Time Variance Authority (TVA) are after him.
Just a hint though, it’s not good, and it’s going to lead to trouble.
As far as the TVA is concerned, it’s a massive organization, and no one there seems to be a fan of the god of mischief’s work. That includes Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson), Judge Ravonna Renslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw), and Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku), to name a few.
To launch the new series, the key cast, executive producer Kevin Feige, creator and lead writer Michael Waldron, and director Kate Herron sat down to chat about the who, what, when, where, and why of Loki. Read on for the story of how the team came together, and what to expect from the Marvel series.
So what was it like for Hiddleston when he realized he was going to get to play Loki again? As he admits, it was unexpected.
“[It was ] a combination of delight and surprise. I think it’s probably the accurate way of describing it,” Hiddleston said. “I was so excited by the idea and I also had to scratch my head a bit because that scene in Avengers: Infinity War had felt so conclusive as the end of Loki’s story.”
“But I knew that Avengers: End Game was coming around the corner. And in that scene, in that film, Loki picks up the Tesseract and disappears in a puff of smoke. And where does he go? When does he go? How does he get there? Kevin [Feige] and Louis d’Esposito and Victoria Alonso all reassured me that that would be the starting point of the series. And there were so many places we could go, so many possibilities to think about.”
“And in due course, everybody that you can see [points to the other cast and creators] jumped on and had so many brilliant ideas and created thi new show, which I think is really exciting and I’m happy to be doing it.”
For Kevin Feige, he suggested that they had the plan started for Loki while they were filming the last Avengers movie.
“I think we did not know it when we shot Infinity War, but I think we did know it when we shot End Game,” Feige said. “[That’s] my recollection of it.”
“What that meant and where that specifically would go, we didn’t know, but one of my favourite things coming out of End Game was people saying that we forgot to tie up the loose end of Loki. Loki just disappears. And we forgot to mention what happens to them at the end of that movie. And at that point, we did know that there was Disney+ coming in, and it became very exciting to make people wait until, we figured out what the show would be, and now, finally, two days from it being unveiled to the world is pretty cool.”
After the idea, came head writer Michael Waldron, and his plan for the story.
“I was just thinking Loki is D.B. Cooper. That’s all I was [thinking],” Waldron said. “I was so excited about that opportunity.”
“When I heard that it was going to be a series about Loki. It was already, you know, my favourite character in the MCU and it was going to have a time travel element. Just the opportunities for chaos and fun within that. Obviously it seemed like it would be a great time as writers, so I just went after it and started eliminating my enemies one by one, so I could try to get the job.”
Coming in to direct the series, Kate Herron said that she had a plan to get the job.
“I remember that I found out they were making the show and I told my agent to just call them every day until they caved and it worked,” Herron said. “I just was like, ‘just get me in the room, just get me in the room.'”
“So, yeah, consistency, I guess, and being a pain in the butt, got me the job.”
But there’s a lot more to it than that, as Feige, Hiddleston, and Waldron said. Herron helped shape the whole series.
“We knew we wanted to do a Tom Hiddleston Loki series,” Feige said. “We knew we wanted to have time travel elements. Our producer, Stephen Broussard, Kevin Wright, and I were always fans of this Time Variants Authority organization from the comics.”
“For years and years, we’ve loved the idea of it, but just didn’t know exactly what to do with it before Kevin and Stephen had the idea of putting it up as a major part of this show, but it’s really Kate’s meetings with us and her pitch that brought in all those references and allowed us to look at this in a slightly even different genre than we were anticipating.”
“So that’s my answer. Our inspiration was Kate and her and her pitch for this job.”
And then there’s MCU newcomers Owen Wilson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, and Wunmi Mosaku. How did they feel about joining the universe of characters?
“Well, it’s exciting to be a part of it. You know, with seeing the trailers start to come out, and how excited people get,” Wilson said.
“I’ve kind of talked about how I worked on a lot of things, but the secrecy sort of surrounding this, I didn’t quite understand until I saw that it’s just so much, and the fan base is so revved up and passionate and Marvel’s just so committed to trying to surprise people. So then you kind of get into it.”
After that, he said he was definitely “walking on eggshells… because you’re not quite sure now if this happened in episode three or four, or one, or have they already seen it? And so I just tend to sort of fall back on ‘There’s some very shocking things that are going to happen.'”
For Judge Ravonna Renslaye, Mbatha-Raw has a lot of story in the comic books, but that didn’t necessary play a part in Loki.
“Well luckily or unluckily for me, Kate explained to me that this was sort of more of an origin story for Ravonna Renslayer, you know, sort of predating some of the stuff in the comics,” Mbatha-Raw said.
“So all that stuff is there, but there was also the opportunity to feel like we were starting with something fresh with the TVA that hadn’t been seen before by fans on screen. But there’s so much there that I feel like there’s plenty of potential for her in the future as well.”
On the other hand, Wunmi Mosaku plays a brand new character, made just for the series. So how did that impact her role?
“Yeah, no pressure because no one’s got any ideas of what they want her to be,” Mosaku said. “I can bring you who she is and you have to accept it, and that’s just as it is. And I kinda liked that because it does feel like a bit of pressure when you’re joining the MCU. It’s like, it’s the MCU and yeah, being able to just have like a clear slate and just do whatever I want to do with Kate and you know, it’s just, it’s great. It’s fun. It’s kind of free.”
Finally, what can you expect from Loki?
“Well, stylistically, I would say like me and my DP, Autumn [Durald], we were really inspired by a lot of film noir… and you can see that in our lighting and how we approached it. Seven is a very heavy influence. There’s a little reference to Seven in episode two, of a little needle drop, which I’m sure fans of that film will recognize instantly.”
For Waldron, he said “I think Fincher for sure… Zodiac and The Silence of the Lambs were two specific [influences] we were really looking at a lot in the writers’ room.”
There is a lot more to cover from the Loki press conference, so stay tuned for more with the cast and creative team throughout the week.
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