#si: piltie
violetsforviolyn · 1 month
Jinx: Well, it looks like you're a part of the club now, Miss Piltie!
Caitlyn: What? What club are you referring to?
Jinx: Oh you know! The orphans club! My sis is even in it!
*Cassandra and Tobias just chilling*
Tobias: That girl is... um... quite...
Cassandra: Deranged? Putting it lightly, dear...
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graycats-arcane-blog · 2 months
Lightcannon Week, day one fic!
Prompt: fake relationship
Fic Title: Here for Diamonds, not Dames
Rating: T
Length: 3.9k words
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57355789
Synopsis: Jinx breaks into the Crownguard estate to steal some diamonds. When her would-be-victim asks for her help, Jinx finds herself sidetracked on a mission to convince Lux's brother and her would-be-suitor that Lux isn't available.
. . .
Jinx got bored sometimes, and she didn’t cope well with the feeling. Boredom became uncomfortable as it grew inside of her, building up, up, up, like a pressurized bomb. Before long, it would bubble under her skin and push behind her eyes, and she would have to find a way to let it out before it drove her mad!
… Well, maybe it was too late to stop her from going mad.
Robbing Pilties was fun, and it was interesting enough to keep her boredom at bay. Jinx got a rush from finding shiny new trinkets to take home, leaving the site of her thievery with a BANG, and watching enforcers buzz after her like a swarm of angry bees. Sometimes her sister and her tophat-wearing girlfriend joined the fun, which always brought a spicy dash of drama to the game!
However, once she’d cased every rich family across the river at least three times over, it started to feel like Jinx was going through the motions. Everything became so predictable that she might as well have been living the same day over and over again! To make matters worse, the enforcers weren’t even trying to make things fun anymore! Jinx had caught Fat-Hands and Tophat telling their buddies not to give chase or engage with her, that they should just let Jinx slip off so that she would cause less damage and hurt less people, and it was infuriating!
Big, mean sis! She knew. She knew that Jinx needed this! Why did she want Jinx to be bored and miserable? Didn’t she care at all?
Well, if she couldn’t get her kicks in Piltover, she wasn’t sticking around by the river to play with those soil-sports. It was time to mix things up and find new people to play with!
It was time for Jinx’s big, bad, burglary tour of Runeterra!
. . .
So far, she’d swiped nine necklaces in Noxus and five fur-coats in Freljord, and she was having the time of her life! Each place she visited had rich families to scope out, security to weave around, and new authorities to piss off on her way out. She should’ve done this ages ago!
She kinda missed having familiar faces to play with, though. Scaring strangers was nice, but there was nothing quite like pissing off someone you had history with, like Sis and Cupcake. But what was Jinx supposed to do? Stick around somewhere, make friends, and wait for things to get boring again? No, it was better for her to keep moving.
Now, in the regal nation of Demacia, Jinx had her heart set on stealing a dozen diamonds! Naturally, she wouldn’t turn down any other shiny collateral that caught her eye, but the diamonds were essential for her to win this game she’d cooked up for herself.
. . .
Jinx found herself sneaking through the halls of an estate owned by the Crownguard family. She couldn’t help but be impressed at the digs – this place was even fancier than the Kiramman’s mansion! The grounds had an older, more established feel, and the rows of ancestral portraits lining walls of white stone really nailed down the fact that this family had old, old money.
Now, where do they keep the jewels around here?
She sniffed her way past several guards and into countless rooms, but had yet to find anything resembling a vault. There’d been plenty of fancy, metal cutlery in the kitchens and even some cool swords mounted on mantles downstairs, but no diamonds! Undeterred, Jinx decided to scope out some of the bedrooms and see if she could locate a rich dame’s jewelry box.
Scaling to an upper floor, Jinx paused briefly by a door, pressing her ear to the ornately-carved cedarwood to check if anyone was inside. Reassured by the lack of sound, she moved with the silence of a phantom, placing her hand on the gilded doorknob and turning it slowly. The doorknob didn’t squeak thanks to Jinx’s deftness, and neither did the hinges whine as she pushed the door open and peeked inside.
Now this was promising! Arranged around the room, Jinx saw a neatly-made bed topped with several fancy pillows, a sturdy desk laden with leather-covered books, and a vanity sporting a round mirror framed with platinum and blue stones. Practically shivering with excitement, Jinx darted inside, jumped onto the bed, and bounced several times, taking pleasure in watching the airborne pillows flop messily onto the floor. Once she’d gotten the urge to bounce out of her system, she hopped off the bed and raced to the vanity.
Jinx pulled open the top drawer with her lip between her teeth. Hell yeah! There was some expensive-looking shit in here! Necklaces, bracelets, rings, a horse-shaped brooch, and… Oooh, a dagger! Fun!
Lifting the dagger, Jinx admired its sharp, shiny edge. Someone had been maintaining it well; the blade appeared to be freshly-touched by a whetstone. Turning her attention to the hilt, Jinx admired the warm, ruddy sunstone at its center, a jewel about the size of a grape. Around the sunstone sat a ring of pinhead diamonds. Grinning, Jinx tossed the dagger into the air, catching it by the hilt when it fell.
Perfect! This’ll do!
Placing the dagger’s tip against the bottom of the vanity’s drawer, Jinx carved out a choppy JINX WUZ HERE, then added a smiley face for good measure. She then deposited the dagger in a side-pocket of her backpack and retrieved a can of pink spraypaint. Popping the lid off, she shook the can a few times, aimed it at the mirror, and…
... Footsteps thundered down the hall.
Jinx perked up, listening raptly. The footsteps were loud, and they were getting closer. Where was this person going? Would they pass the room, or was it time for Jinx to trade her paint can for a chomper and initiate her fiery exit?
Deciding that she might as well let herself be discovered and add a new player to her game, Jinx set her paint on the vanity and waited.
She didn’t have to wait long.
SLAM! The door bounced harshly against the wall, and a blonde woman around Jinx’s age leaped into into the room, panting. Jinx swiftly looked her up and down and became fascinated by an aurora of light encompassing the woman’s hands. Jinx couldn’t see her holding anything shiny, so maybe she’d dipped her mitts into some sort of glow-y chemical? How daring!
The woman was so preoccupied that she didn’t notice Jinx at first. Spinning back toward the entryway, she glanced into the hall, holding perfectly still and silent save for her heavy breaths. Jinx noticed that there was another, more distant set of footsteps approaching – or were there two? Two more people coming?
“Luxanna!” someone called out in a deep voice. “Lux, are you home?”
“Shit,” the woman hissed as tendrils of light began threading through her hair. Woah! The glowiness was spreading! Maybe there was some sort of injection spreading through her, like shimmer! Was that why the fancy-chick looked like she was hiding? Had she injected herself with something to get high, and now she couldn’t risk her posh, uppity family finding out about it? Oooh, the possibilities were so dramatic!
Tucking her illuminated hands against her chest, the glowy woman clenched her fists in anxiety before turning away from the hall.
When she saw Jinx standing next to her vanity, she jumped, and her light flared all the brighter.
The pair of them locked eyes for a long moment. The woman looked startled, like she didn’t know what to make of the intruder in her room. Jinx took her time observing the woman’s face, appreciating the strange light shining in her irises. She was a bit taller than Jinx, and the short sleeves of her well-made clothes betrayed a decent amount of musculature.
Since the new player of her game didn’t seem prepared to kick off any action, Jinx took the initiative to get the ball rolling. She struck a smile, making sure to show off as many teeth as possible to look nice and unsettling, and leaned casually against the vanity. “Hiya, Sunshine!” Jinx greeted. “You don’t mind me calling you Sunshine, do ya? Come here often?”
The woman blinked. Jinx’s greeting seemed to help her break loose from her startled stillness. She glanced at her open vanity drawer, then at Jinx, then to the pommel of a dagger sticking out of a side-pocket of Jinx’s bag. Then, she turned her head back toward the hall, where footsteps continued to tread ever louder.
“Lux, Prince Jarvan is here to speak with you!” the distant voice called.
Intense thought was going on under that pretty face. Jinx could tell that the woman's gears were churning as her brow furrowed and her nose scrunched. The woman must’ve put two and two together; Jinx knew she’d seen the stolen dagger sticking out of her bag! Were the people approaching somehow more interesting than the fact that this woman was getting robbed? Jinx had to know! “Penny for your thoughts?” Jinx asked in a chipper tone.
Sharp, bright eyes fixed on Jinx with rapt intensity. A pink tongue darted out to wet dry lips, and she spoke...
“Stall them,” the woman ordered. “Stall them until I can get this…” She opened the palms of her glowing hands. “… under control, and I’ll let you take everything in the vanity, plus all the coinage in my closet.”
Jinx raised an eyebrow.
The people she robbed were rarely this cooperative. Frankly, she’d expected the chick to call for guards the moment she found her room occupied. Were the consequences of being caught glowing so dire that this woman would rather take her chances trusting a thief than allow herself to be discovered?
This was turning into one of the most fun games Jinx had ever played!
Jinx grinned, saluting the woman the way she’d seen enforcers salute to Top-Hat. “Aye-aye, Sunshine! I’ll keep ‘em busy!”
The woman winced sharply. “No light-related nicknames, please,” she said, edging toward the room’s attached restroom suite. “If you say a word about my condition, I promise, will personally blast you out of this building.”
Ooh, thrilling! Maybe Jinx should give her away, just to see what the glowing lady could do!
Then again, she already had an idea for how she wanted to stall the woman's friends, and she reeeally wanted to see if she could pull it off. Maybe she could start with stalling, let the woman get her light under control, and then give her away just when she thought she was in the clear! That would be fun!
“Her room is just down this hall,” The approaching voice said. Jinx could clearly distinguish now that there were definitely two pairs of footsteps out there, and they were close.
The woman shot Jinx a final, pleading look, then leaped into her restroom without another word, shutting the door firmly behind her.
Giggling, Jinx tossed her backpack onto the floor. She leaped onto the massive, mussed-up bed, folded her arms behind her head, and waited for the game to start. After a moment’s thought, she pressed a thumb to her bottom lip and dragged it, trying to smudge the dark lipstick she’d put on that morning.
Seconds later, two men appeared at the entrance of the room. One of them had a face resembling the woman's, but more square-jawed, serious, and with darker hair. He was also ridiculously tall and broad shouldered, and was wearing a pair of massive, metal pauldrons, which Jinx had never seen anyone bother with so far from a battlefield.
The second man was only slightly shorter than the first with a similar, muscular build. He was also the fanciest schmuck Jinx had ever seen, his tailored clothes bedecked in gold tones and royal insignias.
Both men, upon finding Jinx sprawled on the bed, immediately unsheathed their swords, baring them threateningly in her direction. “Who are you?” The first man growled, his tone low and threatening. Stomping closer, he added, “and where is Luxanna?”
Removing her arms from beneath her head, Jinx held up her palms in a gesture of innocence, pushing her lower lip forward in a pout. “Relax, buddy!” she groused. “She’s just fixing her makeup.” Raising her voice, Jinx added, “Isn’t that right…” No light-themed nicknames, huh? “… Blondie?”
From behind the restroom door, Luxanna helpfully chipped in, “She’s right, I’m just freshening up, Garen! I’ll be out in a few minutes!”
The men’s swords hesitantly lowered. The second man placed his weapon back in his sheath, but the first, Garen, kept his held low, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “You’re a friend of Lux?” he questioned. “I’ve never seen you before. You don’t look like you’re from around here.”
Jinx hummed, stretching her legs, scraping her still-booted feet against the bed’s intricate quilt. This movement seemed to annoy the man, so Jinx doubled down, pressing hard enough for the dirt on her soles to leave marks. She glanced at the pens and stationary on Lux’s desk. “We’ve been pen-pals for ages,” she told him. “Didn’t Lux ever mention me? Good ole’…” Would these people recognize the name of Piltover’s Most Wanted? Best not to risk losing the game just yet. “… Powder? She’s been beggin’ me to visit. I’m surprised she forgot to tell you I’d be here.”
The man remained unmoved. “Lux hasn’t mentioned you at all,” he said.
“Well, you’ve heard of me now,” Jinx announced. Baring all her teeth in a too-wide grin, she added, “Good to meet ya, big guy!”
The second man laid a hand on Garen’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “Families like ours live very public lives,” he reasoned. “It makes sense that Luxanna would wish to keep some of her friends to herself.”
Garen’s tense shoulders lowered at his companion’s gesture, but he still frowned. “Lux doesn’t keep secrets from me.”
Jinx couldn’t help letting a giggle slip loose as she recalled the light that Lux was currently hiding.
The man’s brows sunk lower, casting shadows over his eyes. Garen pinned Jinx with a long, hard look. “Miss... Powder,” he said, “You shouldn’t be in Lux’s quarters unsupervised, friend or not. You shouldn’t even be in this house without a guard to mind you, but for Lux’s sake, I’ll let it slide this once. That being said, It would be best if you left Lux’s room for the time being, as she is needed for a private discussion with Prince Jarvan and myself. If you return to the foyer, one of the house staff will be happy to escort you through town to the place where you’re staying.”
Jinx pouted. “Awww, but Lux said I could stay the night here!” she complained. Then, after biting her lip in a way she hoped came across as suggestive, she sighed, “Besides… I’m reeeally out-of-breath from finally getting’ to know my pen-pal after all that time long-distance. Lux really knows how to treat a gal.”
Jinx thought she heard Lux drop something from behind the restroom door. Prince Jarvan’s eyebrows shot up. Garen’s jaw clenched.
After a long, tense silence, Prince Jarvan said slowly, “… I didn’t realize Luxanna was… otherwise occupied.”
“She isn’t,” Garen stated, enunciating each word firmly.
“She is,” Jinx opposed blithely.
Prince Jarvan glanced between the two of them. He looked very much like he no longer wanted to be in the room. “If Lux is busy, then perhaps we’d better postpone discussion of the arrangement.”
Garen hissed a breath through his clenched jaw. “No,” he said, “there’s no need for postponement. I believe there’s been some misunderstanding about why Lux brought her friend here. We can have her wait in one of the guest rooms while we…”
“A misunderstanding?” Jinx tipped her head, maintaining an innocent expression. “Oh, sorry. I was trying to be subtle. Polite, you know. But, yeah, just to set the record straight: Your hot sister has been making out with me. All afternoon. And she's really good at it, too.” Adopting a dreamy expression, Jinx mused, “I think I’m in love with her.”
The two men were so busy gaping at Jinx that they seemed to miss the flash of light that flared beneath the restroom door.
“She…” Garen’s face was flushing red – whether from outrage or embarrassment, Jinx wasn’t sure. “… What?”
Jarvan took a step back, passing through the doorway and into the hall. “I’ll leave you to discuss matters with your sister,” he stated after an awkward pause, then he stepped out of sight. Jinx could hear him marching down the hall, drawing further and further away. Silence reigned once the footsteps dispersed, and Garen and Jinx were left staring at each other, one red-faced, the other grinning dreamily.
Garen cleared his throat. Averting his eyes from Jinx, he turned his attention instead to the restroom door. “Lux,” he called, “Please come out and explain your new friend to me.”
“Um… Ah…” Lux’s tentative voice was muffled by the door. She spent several seconds searching for words before she meekly settled on, “She’s already explained herself to you. Do you really need me to repeat it?”
Jinx could feel her grin stretching wider. Hell yes, Blondie was in on the ruse!
Unfortunately, Garen’s next words made it clear that he was unconvinced. “Whatever you’re trying to hide behind this show, I need you to come clean about it now so that we can clear the air with Prince Jarvan as soon as possible. You know what he was here to discuss.”
Jinx raised an eyebrow curiously. What was the prince here to discuss? Something important?
“… Yes,” Lux said, and Jinx detected a shift in her tone, as if the shiny gal wasn’t too happy with her big brother. “I know all about the arrangement that you proposed to him without my say.”
Ooh, there was some drama here! The game just kept getting better and better!
“Come out now, Lux,” Garen demanded, stepping deeper into the room.
Now, that wasn’t a very nice tone! “Hey now,” Jinx protested, “is that any way to speak to your sis? She’s a big girl, and she can choose for herself when she wants to... come out.”
“It’s alright… Powder,” Lux said, her footsteps shuffling behind the door. “I’m… I’m ready now.”
Awww, already? Jinx didn’t want the game to end! This was fun!
Slowly, Lux pushed open her restroom door.
She’d gotten her light under control. Her hands were dull, and her eyes were an even sky-blue. Stepping into the room, she looked up at her brother, mouth parting slightly as if to say something… But then she squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip.
“Well?” Garen prompted.
Lux’s eyes sprung back open, but she didn’t meet her brother’s gaze. She looked at Jinx.
As the woman began to march toward the bed, Jinx’s eyebrows shot up. What was she…?
Lux leaped upon the bed, rolled over Jinx, and kissed her.
“Mmmph!?” Jinx squirmed for a moment in surprise. The mouth above hers pressed down insistently, lips slightly parted, and a hand pinched her arm as if to get her attention.
Garen was watching them incredulously.
The game. Right. The game. The game!
Hamming it up with a moan, Jinx wrapped her arms over Lux’s shoulders, tilting her head sideways. Although Jinx considered herself to be pretty good at keeping up with games, she did become a teensy bit startled when Lux’s arm slammed onto the mattress beside her head. Lux’s mouth sucked wantonly at Jinx’s, prompting a second moan, this one unintended, from Jinx. She let her eyes roll back as Lux closed her teeth over her bottom lip.
Hot damn, this Demacian could kiss. Her fingers dug into Jinx’s hair, tugging her head to a preferred angle. It felt really fuckin’ good to get man-handled by this strong, intense woman, and to feel the heat of Lux’s muscular body hovering over her. Lux’s teeth detached from Jinx’s lower lip, and Jinx let her mouth hang open, preparing to welcome the woman’s tongue.
However, as the seconds passed and nothing entered her quickly-cooling mouth, Jinx had to crack open her eyes to reassess what was going on.
Lux was looking down at her. For a moment, there was something stern in her expression, as if Lux were silently telling her to keep-playing-along-or-I-swear-I'll-blast-you-into-the-sun. Then, Lux smiled tenderly, stroking gentle fingers against Jinx’s cheek. “Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart,” she purred in a tone that sent fireworks popping through Jinx’s chest. Then, looking up at her brother, she said, "I don’t know what you think we still need to talk about. I’m not interested in the arrangement with Prince Jarvan. I’m otherwise occupied today, and will continue to be so for as long as Powder wishes to stay. If you want to be helpful, you can ask the staff about setting up a guest room for her. If not, I’ll just let her stay in my personal quarters.”
Seemingly shell-shocked, Garen stood and stared, the redness in his face not abating. Then, he hastily turned away, storming wordlessly down the hall.
Jinx had hoped Lux would start kissing her again once her brother was gone, but to her disappointment, Lux rolled away. The taller woman sighed, settling to a seat with her back against the headboard of the bed. “Well,” she mused, “you certainly had fun choosing what story to stall with, didn’t you, Powder?”
Jinx licked her lips – they tasted nice. Did Lux wear flavored lipgloss? “Kinda felt like you were having fun for a minute there, too,” she pointed out.
Lux’s ears tinted pink. Not meeting Jinx’s eyes, she huffed, “Your ruse was unnecessarily personal in its implications. Regardless, you’ve provided me with cover for my light and a delay in my…” Her expression soured. “...unwanted engagement. I doubt your intentions were kind when you broke into my room, but I’m thankful for the aid you’ve provided.” She let out a long, tired breath. “As we agreed, the vanity’s contents are yours, as is the coin-bag in my closet. It’s hidden in the box beneath my boots.”
Huh? Oh yeah, right. The game came with a prize. “Sweet,” Jinx said, still not really feeling motivated to leave Lux’s bed. She’d felt oddly weak-kneed since Lux had pounced on her.
“…” Lux pressed her lips together, glancing between Jinx and the empty hall. “… If you’re at leisure to stick around for a few days, and if you don’t mind lying to some powerful families, I…” Hesitating for a long moment, she seemed to second-guess her next words before she slowly continued, “I’d appreciate your continued assistance in making me appear off the market. My brother’s not going to give up on pairing me off, and I know he hopes I’ll attend the upcoming festival for the King’s coronation anniversary with Prince Jarvan. It would be convenient to have a… a date, so that I’ll have an excuse to reject any offers. And, of course, I’ll provide generous payment for your cooperation.”
Jinx tipped her head to the side.
If I keep playin’ along, then she’s probably gonna end up kissing me again, right?
Clarity struck her a moment later, and Jinx mentally slapped herself. And she'll give me diamonds! The thing I came here for! I’m on the hunt for diamonds, not Demacian dames with tasty lips, and shiny eyes, and really strong arms…
... Like I was saying, DIAMONDS!
“Yeah,” Jinx agreed, “I’ll lend you a hand! It’ll cost ya, though. I accept payment in precious jewels of the clear-and-expensive kind.”
Lux stared at Jinx hard, bit her lip… Then held out her hand for Jinx to shake. “Very well. I look forward to doing business with you.”
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phoenixlionme · 3 months
Caitlyn Is Constantly Underestimated
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Something that I (and probably other Caitlyn fans) have noticed is how often and constantly Caitlyn is underestimated by everyone she meets.
Her parents, especially her mother, genuinely love her and want to protect her from danger. But they never fully supported her job as an Enforcer, her mother being more open about her disapproval. And her flashback as a child implies that her parents had a habit of paying off her competitors so she could win. They may love her, but their actions also show they don't fully respect her.
Her and Jayce have a playful and loving big bro and lil' sis bond since she was a young teen but even, he's not immune. He may be more supportive of her Enforcer job, but it's also implied from his wording that he didn't try to stop Caitlyn's mom from kicking off her force. I understand he was worried, and I am NOT demonizing him for it but it was still against Caitlyn's wishes. And despite her pleas for help, Jayce refuses her request to help Zaun, so he won't upset his political alliances with the other Council members. However, when Vi calls him out on his inaction, he doesn't defend it and looks away in shame.
Marcus and the other Enforcers see her as nothing more than an entitled, rich brat only taking up being an Enforcer out of boredom. Marcus doesn't even try to hide his contempt of her and when she tries to engage in conversation with other Enforcers, they smugly deny her the chance.
While not elaborated on, a teen Caitlyn calls herself a "misfit", implying she was friendless and ostracized since she was a young child.
Jinx only thinks of her as some "stupid Enforcer" who "stole" Vi.
When they first meet, Vi is nothing but rude and belligerent to Caitlyn for her background and doesn't think much of her. And while her opinion of the Piltie changes, their breakup in the rain further shows Vi still has a mindset of (to an extent), underestimating Caitlyn - Vi thinks they won't work out and tells Caitlyn to forget her.
I think this trend will continue in Season 2. Most of everyone she interacts with, will only see her a naive child with no idea how the world works. I think something will happen to Caitlyn to shed the last bit of naivety she had in season 1. And I think it will ultimately lead her to saving both cities. Now, I have a theory that Caitlyn will play a key role in stopping the conflict between Piltover and Zaun for a number of reasons:
In the official LOL lore, her bio refers to her as "Piltover's best peacekeeper"
Arcane co-creator Alex Yee says believes she is the bridge of the two sides of the two cities. Sorry, I don't have the official link.
Her magnetic personality - Despite just being excluded by the Enforcers just a second prior, the moment she warned of a fire, they follow her lead immediately. How she managed to easily charm one of the Zaun prostitutes. Despite his hatred of Piltie Enforcers and general distrust, Caitlyn's kind words managed to convince Ekko to trust her, probably the first time he ever trusted one. And do I need to mention how Vi fell for Caitlyn's personality despite them only knowing each other for 1 to 2 days.
She is deliberately meant to draw parallels between herself and Vander, another well-beloved leader with a similar personality to Caitlyn's.
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pollonegro666 · 1 year
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2023/08/02 Hicimos un descanso en una pasteleria. Pedimos un gofre con crema de cacao y otro con plátano. Para beber, un café. Saludamos al dueño que se quiso hacer una foto con nosotros.
We took a break at a pastry shop. We ordered a waffle with creme de cacao and another with banana. To drink, a coffee. We greeted the owner who wanted to take a photo with us.
Google Translation into French: Nous avons fait une pause dans une pâtisserie. Nous avons commandé une gaufre à la crème de cacao et une autre à la banane. A boire, un café. Nous saluons le propriétaire qui a souhaité prendre une photo avec nous.
Google translation into Italian: Abbiamo fatto una pausa in una pasticceria. Abbiamo ordinato un waffle con crema al cacao e un altro con banana. Bere un caffè. Salutiamo il proprietario che ha voluto fare una foto con noi.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Fizemos uma pausa em uma confeitaria. Pedimos um waffle com creme de cacau e outro com banana. Para beber, um café. Saudamos o proprietário que quis tirar uma foto conosco.
Google Translation into German: Wir machten eine Pause in einer Konditorei. Wir bestellten eine Waffel mit Kakaocreme und eine weitere mit Banane. Zum Trinken ein Kaffee. Wir grüßen den Besitzer, der mit uns ein Foto machen wollte.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Bëmë një pushim në një pastiçeri. Porositëm një waffle me krem ​​kakao dhe një tjetër me banane. Një kafe për të pirë. Përshëndesim pronarin që donte të bënte një foto me ne.
Google Translation into Armenian: Մենք ընդմիջեցինք հրուշակեղենի խանութում: Պատվիրեցինք վաֆլի կակաոյի կրեմով, մյուսը՝ բանանով։ Խմելու սուրճ. Ողջունում ենք տիրոջը, ով ուզում էր մեզ հետ լուսանկարվել։
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Спряхме в една сладкарница. Поръчахме вафла с какаов крем и друга с банан. Едно кафе за пиене. Поздравяваме собственика, който пожела да се снима с нас.
Google Translation into Czech: Dali jsme si pauzu v cukrárně. Objednali jsme si vafle s kakaovým krémem a další s banánem. Káva k pití. Zdravíme majitele, který se s námi chtěl vyfotit.
Google Translation into Croatian: Napravili smo pauzu u slastičarnici. Naručili smo vafle s kakao kremom i još jedan s bananom. Kavu za popiti. Pozdravljamo vlasnika koji se htio fotografirati s nama.
Google Translation into Danish Vi tog en pause i et konditori. Vi bestilte en vaffel med kakaocreme og en anden med banan. En kaffe at drikke. Vi hilser på ejeren, der ville tage et billede med os.
Google Translation into Slovak: V cukrárni sme si dali prestávku. Objednali sme si vafle s kakaovým krémom a ďalšiu s banánom. Káva na pitie. Zdravíme majiteľa, ktorý sa chcel s nami odfotiť.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Oddahnili smo si v slaščičarni. Naročila sva vafelj s kakavovo kremo in enega z banano. Kava za popiti. Pozdravimo lastnika, ki se je želel fotografirati z nami.
Google Translation into Estonian: Puhkasime kondiitriäris. Tellisime vahvli kakaokreemiga ja teise banaaniga. Kohvi juua. Tervitame omanikku, kes soovis meiega pilti teha.
Google Translation into Suomi: Pidimme tauon konditoriapajassa. Tilasimme vohvelin kaakaokermalla ja toisen banaanilla. Kahvi juotavaksi. Tervehdimme omistajaa, joka halusi ottaa valokuvan kanssamme.
Google Translation into Georgian: საკონდიტრო მაღაზიაში შევისვენეთ. შევუკვეთეთ ვაფლი კაკაოს კრემით და კიდევ ერთი ბანანით. დასალევი ყავა. ვესალმებით მფლობელს, რომელსაც ჩვენთან სურათის გადაღება სურდა.
Google Translation into Greek: Κάναμε ένα διάλειμμα σε ένα ζαχαροπλαστείο. Παραγγείλαμε μια βάφλα με κρέμα κακάο και άλλη μια με μπανάνα. Ένας καφές να πιεις. Χαιρετίζουμε τον ιδιοκτήτη που ήθελε να βγάλει μια φωτογραφία μαζί μας.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Egy cukrászdában tartottunk egy kis szünetet. Rendeltünk egy gofrit kakaós krémmel és egy másikat banánnal. Egy kávét inni. Köszöntjük a tulajdonost, aki velünk akart fotózni.
Google Translation into Latvian: Mēs paņēmām pārtraukumu konditorejas veikalā. Pasūtījām vafeles ar kakao krēmu un vēl vienu ar banānu. Kafija, ko dzert. Sveicam saimnieku, kurš vēlējās ar mums nobildēties.
Google Translation into Dutch: We namen een pauze bij een banketbakkerij. We bestelden een wafel met cacaoroom en een andere met banaan. Een koffie om te drinken. We begroeten de eigenaar die met ons op de foto wilde.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi tok en pause på et konditori. Vi bestilte en vaffel med kakaokrem og en til med banan. En kaffe å drikke. Vi hilser på eieren som ville ta et bilde med oss.
Google Translation into Polish: Zrobiliśmy sobie przerwę w cukierni. Zamówiliśmy gofry z kremem kakaowym i kolejny z bananem. Kawa do picia. Pozdrawiamy właściciela, który chciał zrobić sobie z nami zdjęcie.
Google Translation into Romanian: Am făcut o pauză la o patiserie. Am comandat o vafa cu crema de cacao si alta cu banana. O cafea de băut. Salutam proprietarul care a vrut sa faca o poza cu noi.
Google Translation into Russian: Мы сделали перерыв в кондитерской. Мы заказали вафлю с какао-кремом и еще одну с бананом. Кофе, который можно выпить. Приветствуем владельца, который захотел с нами сфотографироваться.
Google Translation into Serbian: Направили смо паузу у посластичарници. Наручили смо вафле са какао кремом и још један са бананом. Кафа за пиће. Поздрављамо власника који је желео да се слика са нама.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi stannade till vid ett konditori. Vi beställde en våffla med kakaokräm och en annan med banan. En kaffe att dricka. Vi hälsar ägaren som ville ta ett foto med oss.
Google Translation into Turkish: Bir pastanede mola verdik. Kakao kremalı waffle ve muzlu bir waffle sipariş ettik. İçilecek bir kahve. Bizimle fotoğraf çektirmek isteyen sahibini selamlıyoruz.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Ми зробили перерву в кондитерській. Ми замовили вафлю з какао-кремом і ще одну з бананом. Каву випити. Вітаємо господаря, який хотів з нами сфотографуватися.
Google Translation into Arabic: توقفنا عند محل معجنات. لقد طلبنا وافل مع كريمة الكاكاو وآخر بالموز. قهوة للشرب. نحيي المالك الذي أراد التقاط صورة معنا.
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা একটি পেস্ট্রি দোকানে বিরতি নিলাম। আমরা কোকো ক্রিম দিয়ে একটি ওয়াফল এবং কলা দিয়ে অন্যটি অর্ডার করেছি। পান করার জন্য একটি কফি। যে মালিক আমাদের সাথে ছবি তুলতে চেয়েছিলেন আমরা তাকে শুভেচ্ছা জানাই।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 我们在一家糕点店停了下来。 我们点了一份华夫饼加可可奶油和另一个加香蕉。 喝一杯咖啡。 我们向想要和我们合影的老板打招呼。
Google Translation into Korean: 우리는 제과점에 들렀습니다. 우리는 코코아 크림이 들어간 와플과 바나나가 들어간 와플을 주문했습니다. 마실 커피. 함께 사진을 찍고 싶다고 하신 주인장님께 인사드립니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Ua hoʻomaha mākou ma kahi hale kūʻai pastry. Ua kauoha mākou i ka waffle me ka ʻaila koko a ʻo kekahi me ka maiʻa. He kofe e inu ai. Aloha mākou i ka mea nāna i makemake e kiʻi pū me mākou.
Google Translation into Hebrew: עצרנו בקונדיטוריה. הזמנו וופל עם קרם קקאו ועוד אחד עם בננה. קפה לשתות. אנחנו מברכים את הבעלים שרצה להצטלם איתנו.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम एक पेस्ट्री की दुकान पर रुके। हमने कोको क्रीम के साथ एक वफ़ल और केले के साथ एक और वफ़ल ऑर्डर किया। पीने के लिए एक कॉफ़ी. हम उस मालिक को नमस्कार करते हैं जो हमारे साथ तस्वीर लेना चाहता था।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami istirahat di sebuah toko kue. Kami memesan wafel dengan krim coklat dan satu lagi dengan pisang. Kopi untuk diminum. Kami menyapa pemilik yang ingin berfoto bersama kami.
Google Translation into Japanese: 私たちは洋菓子店で休憩しました。 ココアクリーム入りのワッフルとバナナ入りのワッフルを注文しました。 飲むコーヒー。 一緒に写真を撮りたいというオーナーにご挨拶。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Кондитердик дүкөндө эс алдык. Какао каймагы кошулган вафлиге, дагы бир бананга буйрутма бердик. Ичүүгө кофе. Биз менен сүрөткө түшкүсү келген ээсине салам айтабыз.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഞങ്ങൾ ഒരു പേസ്ട്രി ഷോപ്പിൽ വിശ്രമിച്ചു. ഞങ്ങൾ കൊക്കോ ക്രീമും മറ്റൊന്ന് വാഴപ്പഴവും ഉള്ള ഒരു വാഫിൾ ഓർഡർ ചെയ്തു. കുടിക്കാൻ ഒരു കാപ്പി. ഞങ്ങളോടൊപ്പം ഒരു ചിത്രമെടുക്കാൻ ആഗ്രഹിച്ച ഉടമയെ ഞങ്ങൾ അഭിവാദ്യം ചെയ്യുന്നു.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami singgah di kedai pastri. Kami memesan wafel dengan krim koko dan satu lagi dengan pisang. Kopi untuk diminum. Kami memberi salam kepada pemilik yang ingin bergambar dengan kami.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Бид нарийн боовны дэлгүүрт амарсан. Бид какао цөцгийтэй вафли, гадил жимсний өөр нэг хоол захиалсан. Уух кофе. Бидэнтэй зургаа авахуулахыг хүссэн эзэнтэй мэндчилж байна.
Google Translation into Nepali: हामी एउटा पेस्ट्री पसलमा रोकियौं। हामीले कोको क्रिमको साथ वाफल र अर्को केराको साथ अर्डर गर्यौं। पिउनको लागि कफी। हामी मालिकलाई अभिवादन गर्दछौं जसले हामीसँग फोटो खिच्न चाहन्थे।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਅਸੀਂ ਇੱਕ ਪੇਸਟਰੀ ਦੀ ਦੁਕਾਨ 'ਤੇ ਛੁੱਟੀ ਲਈ। ਅਸੀਂ ਕੋਕੋ ਕਰੀਮ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਇੱਕ ਵੈਫਲ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਕੇਲੇ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਆਰਡਰ ਕੀਤਾ। ਪੀਣ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਕੌਫੀ। ਅਸੀਂ ਉਸ ਮਾਲਕ ਨੂੰ ਨਮਸਕਾਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹਾਂ ਜੋ ਸਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਫੋਟੋ ਖਿੱਚਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: موږ د پیسٹری په پلورنځي کې وقفه وکړه. موږ د کوکو کریم سره یو وافل او بل د کیلې سره امر وکړ. د څښلو لپاره کافي. موږ هغه مالک ته ښه راغلاست وایو چې غوښتل یې زموږ سره عکس واخلي.
Google Translation into Persian: در یک شیرینی فروشی استراحت کردیم. یک وافل با خامه کاکائو و دیگری با موز سفارش دادیم. یک قهوه برای نوشیدن به صاحبی که می خواست با ما عکس بگیرد سلام می کنیم.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Urang istirahat di toko kue. Urang maréntahkeun hiji wafel kalawan krim kakao sarta hiji deui kalawan cau. Kopi keur nginum. Urang salam ka nu boga nu hayang motret jeung urang.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nagpahinga kami sa isang pastry shop. Umorder kami ng waffle na may cocoa cream at isa pang may saging. Isang kape na maiinom. Binabati namin ang may-ari na gustong magpakuha ng litrato kasama kami.
Google Translation into Telugu: మేము పిండి వంటల దుకాణం వద్ద ఆగాము. మేము కోకో క్రీమ్‌తో వాఫిల్ మరియు అరటిపండుతో మరొకదాన్ని ఆర్డర్ చేసాము. తాగడానికి ఒక కాఫీ. మాతో ఫోటో తీయాలనుకున్న యజమానిని మేము అభినందించాము.
Google Translation into Thai: เราหยุดที่ร้านขนม เราสั่งวาฟเฟิลใส่ครีมโกโก้และกล้วยอีกอัน กาแฟที่จะดื่ม เราทักทายเจ้าของที่อยากถ่ายรูปกับเรา
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم نے ایک پیسٹری کی دکان پر وقفہ لیا۔ ہم نے ایک وافل کوکو کریم کے ساتھ اور دوسرا کیلے کے ساتھ آرڈر کیا۔ پینے کے لیے ایک کافی۔ ہم اس مالک کو سلام کرتے ہیں جو ہمارے ساتھ تصویر لینا چاہتا تھا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Biz qandolatchilik do'konida to'xtadik. Biz kakao qaymoqli vafli va bananli boshqasiga buyurtma berdik. Ichish uchun qahva. Biz bilan suratga tushmoqchi bo'lgan egasi bilan salomlashamiz.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Chúng tôi nghỉ ngơi tại một cửa hàng bánh ngọt. Chúng tôi gọi một chiếc bánh quế với kem ca cao và một chiếc khác với chuối. Một ly cà phê để uống. Chúng tôi chào người chủ muốn chụp ảnh cùng chúng tôi.
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lolalvrrgurl · 2 months
What would be on your (non caitvi) s2 scene wishlist? Mine would be Vi using her gauntlets to help in the council's wreckage, despite being pilties... she has a good heart :') (parallels her lore history of saving people in a blast too) and a noxus league champion (dont want to give u spoilers) that appears in a caitvi lore short story-🍤
Aaa though question, nerdy cute shrimp umm i started it for caitvi and for caitvi only i am watching it, and i don't play LOL, i played it once (i am a noob, how my sis calls me) because my ex not-anymore bestie played it and i wanted to keep her company like the silly idiot i am, but..mm if i have to think about it........... It's still caitvi lmao i can't formulate a thought without centering it around Vi and Cait, so..i am sorry sweetie i can't give you right away the answer you want because i am...playing it and idk about their lore stuff, so maybe Tobias Kiramman talking with Vi? and telling her something along the lines of "i'm glad you're there for Caitlyn" and would create a lot of tension because of the oil and water scene we got, but it could also be a part of Vi realizing that loving and protecting someone has just as much of an emotional component as a physical safety component. If you keep away the people you love to protect them, you're already failing half the job. Oh obviously some acknowledgment of Vi's trauma, mm Sevika contemplating leadership and give her maybe some backstory (we save her younger haircut so... let's hope)
0 notes
charliedoyleloves · 4 years
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I guess I need a ship name for Sylas, huh? Sometimes a family is a Man, his partner, and their rebellion and revolution of the existing power structure that would imprison and inhumanize you because of a quirk of your birth that the writers of the media wont expressly tackle.
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eve6262 · 3 years
a night on the couch [[jayce/viktor]]
It had taken years.
A thousand things can happen mere years. Jayce could fall in love, realize that love was nothing more than a ruse for a pawn, and realize he had fallen in love but thought of the wrong person all at once. Viktor could nearly die, take up another tutelage, implant hextech into his heart and reminisce on the love that never could be all at once.
So much else happened. Heimerdinger had lost his sense of time, that was the problem- he'd forgotten that just as things can move slowly, take eons for effect if only you wait, rushing things along can make them go so quickly you forget that there was ever a time in between.
It had taken a long time. It had taken a long, long time- but now? Now Jayce is able to walk with a cloak on into Viktor's laboratory and all Blitzcrank says is "Hello, Jayce."
"Hey, Blitz. Vik busy?"
"Not more than usual."
He walks into the room, sees the mechanist hard at work at whatever nonsense lies upon the table today, and slowly grabs himself a chair before sitting next to him. This is harder to do on days where he insists on welding for the entire time, forcing Jayce to take more extreme measure from dragging his lover away from his all-encompassing work, but today it's all little tiny bits that could be mistaken for Orianna's clockwork creations were it not for the blue glow of a marble.
"You're early."
"It's 7pm."
"My mistake."
As much as he wants Viktor to take a break, this sight is entrancing, too, and he's enraptured even as he carefully sets the cloak aside on a coat hanger only there for him and the old trench coat his partner sometimes wears in the winter. It's a simple thing, but it makes him happy to see both there today.
His hands make no mistakes. They're often shaky- even with his augments, the mind is still convinced it's sick, trying desperately to mimic the motions without realizing they're not necessary anymore- but when he focuses, they are still as statues, precise as a surgeon.
Precise as he'd told Mel he couldn't be with her anymore, not when he'd lost all feeling for her a week after they first kissed. Not when he realized that the feelings he had for her were fleeting, terrible things that were based on the future and grand accomplishments and family names and not actual happiness or self-satisfaction. And she, somehow, had just smiled sadly at him like she'd expected it.
Viktor does not stop because he has not been asked to stop. But he will not stop even if Jayce starts pestering him, because that never stopped him when he was working elsewhere. Instead, Jayce takes more physical measures- like putting his arms on his shoulders.
"Did you need something?"
"You to take a break."
"Pilties. Always breaks this, chatting that."
"Mmph. C'mon. It's cold outside, and I haven't been here in a week. I want cuddles."
"I suppose I can indulge," comes a distinctly human voice, metal mask discarded while Jayce was busy nuzzling into his shoulder with his eyes closed. His accent is thick, it always was a bit, but as he stayed down in the sump and with its people it got worse and worse over time.
Jayce finds he only likes that more.
The two of them end up on Viktor's couch, not two rooms from where he was working. It's actually quite large, mostly because Jayce got it for him when seeing he only kept around an old plush chair in the corner of the room.
"What if you have guests?," he'd asked back then.
"Who? Silco doesn't sit, Jinx couldn't be forced to sit for more than a minute. Enforcers?"
"Point taken."
Nonetheless the two of them are currently tangled on the couch- which is to say, Viktor is pressed into the corner like a little bat, curled up and comfy in its owner's hands, where Jayce is taking full advantage of the warmth of his metal plates. He'd once called them cold, callous like their owner, and then shook his hand and blurted out, "Oh my god you're so warm."
So little time has passed. A year? Maybe two at most, since he first saw Viktor not as that sickly child in a bed asking how much time he had left, but a man forged of metal? And now it's normal for them to sneak into each other's houses- well, that's a lie, by now everyone who works regularly with Viktor knows he's seeing a piltie and, after figuring out this changed nothing about either of their statuses, proceeded not to care- and cuddle during the winter.
Once he almost tried to bring Viktor out into some gathering with him- it might have been an early Progress Day celebration, he's not sure. He'd almost forgotten he has status, he's on the council, Medarda shoots him strange looks every time they meet and the others are nothing but corrupt tradespeople who only live for their own industry. Every day he tries to bring a little more justice to Zaun, but he's only one voice.
Viktor, for his part, can recognize that now. Can see that one person can only do some much, and having even that one voice can do so much more than nothing. Can see that Jayce is trying his best, and even though he's highborn compared to zaunites it's okay, and that he's trying, and that lack of understanding isn't borne from a lack of empathy but a very literal lack of comprehension. They think it can't be that bad, right?
And then they see their closest whatever they were practically die because of the fumes and they think oh, it is that bad.
"I should've-"
"Shh. We've already talked about this." The this sounds more like "zis" but not quite, somewhere in a half-breed he can't quite place. Most sumprats would say "dis" and pilties say "this" quite clear, but Viktor has always hat this strange accent he can never place and never discern. Not from anyone else he's ever met, not from Noxus or Ionia or Targon forbid, Demacia, no, just his.
Something unique to someone who grew up in one place and another and then returned and then returned again. There's a plan, Jayce has had this in his back pocket for a while, to reveal something on the next Progress day. A project that he will not say, on that stage, has Viktor's influence on it. It will merely read on the banner, and the notes, and the blueprints, signed at the bottom of every page. Jayce & Viktor. The two.
Viktor had laughed into his shoulder, the way he nuzzles into it now, and said "A banner for a respirator? People will think you've grown old."
"For you, maybe."
"What is that even supposed to mean, huh?"
The memories are hard to sort through on a good day, but Viktor here is a calming figure. He's constant, in the way that regular heartbeats are not; every click of the runes flitting into place and then out again as they learn and remember and learn and remember is to the beat, like clockwork, triggering gears and pistons and metal bits he can't begin to name all in a series, the same way, like a dancer made of metal.
"I should get you one of Orianna's little trinkets as a gift."
"Why that in particular?"
"You're like one."
"...Yes. I do think so, now."
"You hesitated."
"I do not like to be called so fragile, but...I suppose I should admit the truth."
"Fragile? No, never- I mean, look at you. You nearly died, and I barely even saw you cry once. The amount of times I've nearly lost it- I mean, I tried to kill my-"
"And I lost my path, for a long time there, did I not? In the pursuit of life I forgot what suffering meant, followed a teacher who had forgotten it as well." He pauses, breath hitching in his throat as he rethinks his next words. "We had both just assumed that was how it was. That was the base line, and nothing could be done about it. Simply let your misery stay in the back as you work, because there is always work to be done."
"And you turned that resolve into something. I didn't do anything."
"That is not because you are weak, Jayce. It is because you were foolish."
"I still am."
"Maybe. But not so much, anymore. Look at this-" he guestures vaguely to their surroundings- "You're willing to step foot in Zaun. You know what it's like to live down here, somewhat. You can smell the smog. You don't shove a respirator on your face the moment you can. You have grown, love."
The petname makes him melt, makes him drop his head back down to the couch and make a frustrated noise as he loses what he was going to say. Viktor chuckles, plants a small kiss on his cheek, and it reminds him.
"Then why do you say you're fragile?"
"Mentally, well-"
"I refuse to think you're mentally fragile. You would have shattered way easier than me."
"Fine, I will accept that. But physically, despite everything I have done, I do not believe I am any less fragile than before."
"...You're made out of metal."
"And? You have seen metal collapse under so many things, have you not? And the one thing I cannot replace is my brain, Jayce. If that goes, I am gone."
"You have Blitzcrank."
"You have heard him. I could not live like that. You know that. Even if I tried, it would not be me. He is my greatest creation, yes, but he is human only in the sense that I have taught him as a child for years and he is able to learn like one. There are so many things he does not understand, may not ever understand-"
"I know. He's not finished. But neither are you, just yet."
"...Maybe. And besides- I still use a cane."
"You don't have to."
"If I want to get around properly, yes. The brain is not so easily convinced I'm fixed."
"Because you aren't. These are scars, babe-" he sees Viktor's shoulders tense for just a moment before letting go farther than they were before- "they're not replacements that completely get rid of what was there. They're like skin that comes back stronger and harder- like trees that get burnt down and then grow back thicker and sturdier."
"In a way. In another, Jinx could should me with a rocket and it'd all be over."
"She wouldn't."
"Wouldn't she?"
"She told me so."
"When I was out in a courtyard talking to Vi about something about hexgate security- I don't remember what. She caught the both of us out, but completely ignored Vi for once."
"That's what both of us thought! But she said, 'hey, sis, sorry but I'm real busy, can't play with ya today!' and then got in my face and, super serious now- you know the voice she was doing-"
"The one, yes-"
"-Well, she gets in my face and super serious goes, 'Now mister Jayce, what are your intentions with the good doctor, hmmmmmm?'"
Viktor laughs something fragile at that, rough around the edges but soft at the core. Like an unrefined hexcore- something that will explode, given enough pressure, but can be refined and rebuilt into something much more stable. Fixed.
No, not fixed. Changed. Mended. It was never broken to begin with- just different. To treat it like "fixing" a hexcore would be to treat like "fixing" Mercury with upgrades. He was never broken, just.
In dire need of progress.
arcane refuses to give them a happy ending so I will. not you LoR you are perfect and did a Good Thing with the champions path lore.
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ink-and-dagger · 2 years
I’m guessing the piltie will most likely be another Oc that will bring a whole lot of drama…but then again who gives a shit of my opinions *self deprecating laugh** I’m just here for inky’s amazing content!! ❤️‍🩹🖤 😭
Ha it was my sisters baby shower..there was like less then 15 people that attended and we did that cake thing that as the colour of the baby’s gender inside! It was a girl!!
I told my sister to name her Astrid lol and she said it’s a pretty name and she’d do it! SO there you go
I kinda just a little regret that cause what I’m I going to say when our baby girl is older and my sis tells her I’m the one who named her Astrid and she asks why?…..😬😬😬
Oh-Ho-Ho I really like your guess that the Piltie is a new OC 😈
Also *slaps wrist* I give a shit about your opinions so keep them coming.
OMGGGGG 😭😭😭😭😭 please this is too much. I love this. I hope she actually does name her baby Astrid. If she does then buy her a custom printed onesie with this picture on please
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siinpoolnaba · 5 years
Horvaatia 25.08-3.09.2018
Augusti lõpus otsustasime võtta koos Kristiinaga ette reisi Horvaatiasse. Esimene maandumiskoht oli Krk’i saarel asuv Rijeka lennujaam, kust saime kätte oma rendiauto: broneeritud Fordi asemel saime tutika Renault’i. Samuti leidsid meid 2 venelast, kes pakkusid välja, et võiksime ka neimad Rijekasse viia. Mõeldud-tehtud. Kuigi esimeseks plaaniks oli avastada Rijekat ning sellest veidi põhjapool asuvat Risnjak’i loodusparki, siis lõpmatu paduvihm muutis meie plaane. Selle asemel otsustasime süüa kõhud täis ning võtta suuna lõuna poole. Kulgesime kiirtee asemel mööda ranniku äärt rahulikus tempos mööda käänulisi teid hingematvaid vaateid nautides. Iga veidikese aja tagant tegime pausi kas piltide tegemiseks, vee katsumiseks või pisikeste linnade avastamisteks. Mainimata ei saa jätta ka jätsi peatuseid. Senj’i jõudes pöörasime mägede poole, et jõuda oma esimesse ööbimispaika ehk Otocac’i. Ilm oli mägedes sombune, peale väikest uinakut otsustasime minna „linna“ avastama. Kahjuks ei leidnud sealt ühtki söögikohta, mistõttu tuli leppida poe kraamiga. Esimene öö oli samuti väga elamusterohke: pidev äikse paugutmaine vaheldus pererahva koera õnnetu haugumisega, mistõttu sai üsna mitu korda üles ärgatud ning hommikul tusase sõbranna vihakõne kuulatud. Aga me ei lasknud sellest ennast häirida ja hakkasime varajasel hommikutunnil Plitvice looduspargi poole vurama. Vihmane ja aina vihmasemaks muutuv ilm tõi kaasa selle, et looduspargis oli ülivähe inimesi ning absoluutselt 0 tunglemist. Ilmselt olid kraadiklaasil märgatavad 8 kraadi teinud oma töö. Otsustasime läbida kõige pikema teekonna, et kõiki koski nende ilus näha. Liikudes oli olukord normaalne, aga kui jõudsime punkti, kus tuli umbes 10min laevukest oodata, jõudis külm kohale ning veest lirtsuvad jalanõud andsid endast samuti märku. Kui soojal suvepäeval oleks paadiga sõit nauditav ja tekkiv briis mõnus, sis nüüd ei jaksanud me ära oodata maismaale jõudmist, et külm tuul meie kiusamise lõppeks. Sellele vaatamata tatsasime terve pargi läbi ning seejärel kütsime auto maksimaalselt soojaks, et külm kerest välja saada. Järgmine peatus oli Gospic, kus tuli veidi aega otsida järjekordselt söögikohta. Seejärel uurisime ka seda pisikest linna ning näitasime kohalikele hilisemat Eesti moodi (kuna tossud olid läbimärjad ja varbad külmetasid, oli ainus mõistlik otsus panna jalga ujumiseks mõeldud jalanõud). Seejärel liikusime oma järgmise ööbimiskoha ehk Baške Ostarije suunas. Kuna jätkus kõva vihm ja külm olek, otsustasime kohe teki alla hüpata ja kuidagi viisi sooja saada. Kuna tegu oli siiski suvekuuga, oli otseloomulikult küte välja lülitatud ning tuli ainult loota, et asjad kuidagi ära kuivavad. Kolmas reisipäev algas autosõiduga mägedest alla ja ranniku suunas. Esimene peatus Karlobag, seejärel mööda rannikut ikka lõuna poole, kuni jõudsime Paklenica looduspargini. Peale pileti ostmist sai sõita autoga õnneks palju ligemale, aga kitsad mägiteed ja parkimiskoha leidmine olid omamoodi elamus. Sporditossud jalga ja mööda kivist teed mäe tipu poole! Peale mõningast turnimist hüppasime tagasi autosse ning võtsime suunaks Pag’i poole. Nagu ikka, uurisime veidi linna, sõime toredas restoranis vaatega merele ja paatidele, lesisime rannas ja tegime esimese supluse Horvaatias. Päeva lõpuks jõudsime Zadar’i. Õnneks oli meie majutuskoht umbes 10-15minutilise jalutuskäigu kaugusel kesklinnast, mistõttu tuli juba vaatamata väsimusele esimene tiir linnas ära teha. Väga mõnusa atmosfääriga koht! Järgmisel hommikul sammusime rannamõnusid nautima ja päevitama, seejärel väike puhkus kodus ning jällegi vanalinna ilusid nautima. Seekord õnnestus meil ära näha ka Zadar’i imekaunis päikeseloojang. Viienda päeva peamiseks ülesandeks oli Krka looduspark. Kohe parkla juures on võimalik istuda bussi, mis viib inimesed mööda käänulist teed pargi algusesse. Seejärel tuleb hoida tempot ja kulgeda massiga koos mööda laudteid ning piiluda ilusaid koskesid. Lõpuks jõuab välja Krka peamise koseni, kus erinevalt Plitvice looduspargile saab ka vette sulpsata. Kuna inimesi oli väga palju, oli minu hirmuks see, et keegi jalutab meie kotiga minema. Seega palusime ühel vanapaaril sellel silm peal hoida. Vees hullates palusime ka ühel saksa neiul meist pilti teha, kes õnneks ka nõustus. Omamoodi nalja pakkusid ka vees hulpivad asiaadid, kellel olid küljes kõikvõimalikud jubinad (ujumisrõngas, pikad riided, snorgelasmise mask ja otseloomulikult selfie stick’id ja muud vidinad). Peale pikemat leotumist ronisime mööda kive veest välja ja jätkasime väikest teekonda bussini. Võrreldes Krka ja Plitvice loodusparke jättis just Plitvice suurema mulje ja elamuse ja just seda soovitaksin külastada. Peale seda suundusime Šibenik’i, kus ootas meid järgmine rannamõnu ja päeva lõpus ka järjekordne ööbimispaik. Esimese katsega üritasime sõita autoga mööda imekitsaid tänavaid majutuskohani, aga omanikule helistades selgus, et see pole võimalik ning auto tuleb jätta hoopis linna tipus asuva kindluse juurde. Sinna tuli meile võõrustaja vastu ja liikusime mööda treppe majutuskohani, mille rõdult avanes imepärane vaade merele ja ülejäänud linnale. Nagu ikka tuli minna järgmist linnakest avastama, mis oli lihtsalt võrratu! Peale korralikku kõhutäit ning gelatot tuli tõdeda, et täitsa lõpp kui mõnus siin on! Pimeduse saabudes uudistasime ka pargitud jahte ja lootsime, et ka meid keegi peale kutsub. Õhtu lõpetuseks tuli tatsata mõnusalt ülesmäge, et jõuda pehme voodini. Hommiku saabudes oli käes aeg võtta suund uue linna poole ehk sihtkoht: Trogir. Võtsime kohe suuna ööbimiskoha poole, et peale seda natuida lähedalasuvat randa. See oli esimene piirkond, kus meie majutus asus täielikult turimispiirkonnas, randa jalutad auli umbes 10minutit allamäge. Rannal tsillides leidis Kristiina, et linna saamiseks on tore alternatiiv: paaditakso. Pärastlõunal otsustasimegi seda võimalust ära kasutada, ka polnud see kallis lõbu. Jõudsime linna nagu ikka, päikeseloojangul. Viimaseks sihtpunktiks olevasse Spliti jõudsime järgmisel hommikul. Koheselt oli aru saada, et tegu on tohutult suure linnaga ning ka mõnus väikelinna tunne oli koheselt kadunud. Liikusime kohe enda majutuskoha poole, mis oli tõeline elamus omaette. Ööbisime kõrges korterelamus ühe vanainimese korteris, kes ei rääkinud sõnakestki inglise keelt ja oli muidu huvitav inimene. Keelebarjäär ei takistanud teda meile 20min seletamast, kuidas avada kardinaid, kuidas lasta vetsus vett peale, kuidas käia duši all jne. Pärast esimest šokki liikusime rannamõnusid nautima. Pärastlõunal sai uidatud vanalinnas. Samuti ostsime ära laevapiletis Vis’i saarele. Järgmisel hommikul tõttasime pärast varast äratust laeva poole, et näha enda silmaga ära saareke, kus filmiti Mamma Mia teine osa. Sadamasse jõudes teadsime, et tahame jõuda saare teises otsas paiknevasse Komiža linnakesse. Paraku ei mahtunud me bussi ning järgmiseni oli liig apalju aega. Seejärel kaalusime rolleri rentimist, ent lõpuks pakkusin välja plaani hääletada. Mõeldud-tehtud! Leppisime kokku, et proovime 15min ja kui selle aja sees ei näkka, oleme Vis’i linnas. Õnneks läks nii, et teine mööduv auto ehk buss võttis meid peale ja saime kenasti kohale. Veetsime mõnusalt aega rannal ja jalutades, leidsime nii mõnegi filmist tuttava koha. Mingi hetk tundsime, et võiks liikuda tagasi ning juba leidiski Kristiina meile brittidest paarikese, kelle autosse me hüpata saime. Tuli välja, et nende tütar on WarnerBros’i jaoks töötav advokaat, kellel oli nii mõndagi siseinfot ka Mamma Mia filmi kohta. Vis’i linnas leidisme filmist kuulsad trepid, ostsime elu kõige halvema veini, sõime kõhud täis ja juba oligi aeg minna tagasi laevale ja Spliti. Seejärel jalutasime veel veidi vanalinnas ning edasi võtsime suuna unedemaale. Järgmine päev oli algusest peale planeeritud tagasi lennujaama poole sõitmiseks. Valisime sõiduteeks kiirtee asemel sisemaal kulgevad kurvid-mäed-väikelinnad. Vahepeal langesime veel tohutu rahevihma ohvriteks. Järgmisel hommikul jõudsime kenasti lennukile ja sealt Riiga, Pärnusse ja koju!
0 notes
hopeisnohometexts · 5 years
 10 lettres en français original écrites par Anne Penders, au verso de cartes postales, pour le projet décrit ici
(les traductions en anglais, estonien et russe suivent)  
Ces textes, ainsi que l'ensemble de textes “Tout la patience du monde”, furent écrits en français par Anne Penders pour le projet décrit ici, comme des lettres inspirées de conversations que j’ai eues depuis 2016 avec Silven, Solo, Sacko, Hervé, James, Morteza, Shariffe, Mohamed, Elhadji et Jessi, demandeurs d’asile en Estonie. 
Les lettres furent traduites en anglais par moi-même et relues par Jenny Zinovieff, traduites en estonien par Riina Veldi et relues Helve Hennoste, traduites en russe par Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes et relues par Julia Tomberg et Darja Nikitina.
Elles figurent au recto de cartes postales distribuées à partir de l’été 2019 au Centre d’art (Kunstihoone) de Tallinn et ailleurs.
Eleonore de Montesquiou 
 Mon cher ami, 
��Il faut que tu saches, des gens d’ici nous ont vus hésiter sur la berge, tenter de traverser la rivière… plutôt que de nous lancer des bouées, c’est la police qu’ils ont appelée… entre temps, ton frère s’était noyé… je ne sais plus à quel Dieu me confier… 
 Mon ami, 
 C’est à toi que je parle. Si je te disais l’horreur de ce que je vis ici, dans ce camp où ils internent les réfugiés, tu ne me croirais pas. Ils m’ont tout pris. Pourtant, il faut que je parle. Rester vivant, au-delà des brisures. Au pays, si je suis expulsé, ils me tueront. Alors, ici, même enfermé, je me bats tous les jours. Pour qu’enfin quelqu’un m’entende… 
 Merci d’être là. 
 Mon amie, 
 Juste te dire. Je ne sais plus si je suis vivante ou morte. J’ai cru trouver refuge dans un pays, on m’a dit qu’il se nomme « Estonie », ça doit être vrai, je ne connais pas très bien la géographie. Ce qui est sûr, c’est que j’y ai découvert qu’on y confond le mot « refuge » et le mot « prison »… on me dit que c’est moi qui confond, que je ne comprends pas la langue... mais je ne sais que trop à quoi ressemblent des barreaux, et pourquoi je les ai fuis ! ! Si seulement je pouvais sortir du cauchemar… 
 A toi, 
 Ma chérie, 
 Tu verras sur la photo du Centre, comme on a tous l’air heureux et en bonne santé. C’est cette image qu’il faut garder en toi. Je ne te dirai rien d’autre. 
 Je t’aime, 
 My dear friend, 
 Ce petit mot pour te dire merci. De m’avoir soutenu. D’avoir cru chacun de mes mots. D’avoir témoigné de ce que j’ai vécu avant et après mon arrivée ici. Jamais je n’oublierai. 
 Très chère amie, 
 Merci pour ta présence. Je suis heureux d'avoir partagé mon histoire, cela m'a un peu libéré l'esprit. Je voudrais te dire que je n’ai pas peur, tu peux raconter ce que je t’ai dit, il faut que les gens sachent ce qui se passe ici. Je n’ai pas peur, je ne recherche que la justice, je continuerai à poser des questions, ils ne peuvent pas m'enfermer. 
 A toi, 
 Mon amour, 
 Ici, c’est très dur. Rien de ce que j’aurais imaginé. Mais je tiens bon. Je rêve à ce que je ferai quand je serai libre. Quand tu seras là. Prends soin de toi paix et amour et surtout vigilance, prudence ! 
 Pour toujours, 
 Mon bel ami, 
 Si tu savais comme je pense à toi ! Et comme je rêve du jour où je t’écrirai enfin : j’ai obtenu l’asile, la Cour m’a entendu ! J’ai encore de l’espoir ! C’est aussi grâce à toi. Merci pour ta présence, même de loin. 
 Mon amie, 
 J’écris pour sortir du cauchemar, ce cauchemar qui n’en finit pas, où les autorités me gardent en prison jusqu'à l'expiration de mon visa, jusqu’à ce qu’il ne soit plus valide, pour m’expulser ensuite… J’écris pour sortir du cauchemar, empêcher qu’on me renvoie à la case départ… parce qu’il n’y a pas de retour possible. Tu le sais. 
 Je t’embrasse très fort, 
 Cher ami d’ici, 
 Aujourd’hui, je me suis réveillé plus joyeux. Laisse-moi te raconter mon rêve : j’avais demandé l’asile en Europe, ils me l’accordaient, je pouvais faire une formation et commencer un métier. C’était un beau rêve, parce que si tu n’es rien dans ta tête, tu n’es rien dans la vie. Ce rêve m’a donné du courage toute la journée. 
 Je me réjouis de te voir bientôt, 
 My dear friend, 
 You should know, the people here have seen us hesitate on the bank, trying to cross the river... rather than throwing life-belts, it's the police that they called... meanwhile, your brother drowned... I do not know anymore which God to confide... 
 My friend, 
 I'm talking to you. If I told you the horror that I’m going through here, in this camp where they detain refugees, you wouldn’t believe me. They have taken everything from me. Yet, I have to speak. To stay alive, beyond broken. At home they will kill me, if I am expelled. So here, even locked up, I am fighting every day. So that, finally someone will hear me... 
 Thank you for being there. 
 My friend, 
 Just to let you know. I no longer know if I'm alive or dead. I thought I would find refuge in a country. I was told it’s called "Estonia", it must be true, I don’t know my geography very well. What is certain is that I discovered that here, they mix up the word "refuge" with the word "prison"... I was told it was me that was muddled, that I didn’t understand the language... but I know only too well what bars are, and why I fled far from them! If only I could get out of this nightmare... 
 My sweetheart, 
 You will see in the photo of the Center, that we all look happy and healthy. This is the image that you must keep in mind. I won’t tell you anything else. 
 I love you, 
 My dear friend, 
 This little note is to say thank you. For having supported me. For having believed each of my words. For having testified about what I’ve gone through before and after my arrival here. I won’t ever forget. Best wishes, E. --------- Very dear friend, Thank you for your presence. I’m happy to have shared my story; it has freed my mind a little. I would like to tell you that I'm not afraid, you can repeat what I have told you, people need to know what's going on here. I'm not afraid, I'm only looking for justice, I'll keep asking questions, they can’t lock me up. 
 My love, 
 Here, it's very hard. Not at all what I would have imagined. But I hold on. I dream about what I will do when I am free. When you will be here. Take care! Peace, love and especially vigilance, caution. 
 My good friend, 
 If you knew how much I think of you! And how I dream of the day when I will finally write to you: “I have been granted asylum, the Court listened to me!” I still have hope! This is also thanks to you. Thank you for your presence, even from afar. 
 With friendly wishes, 
 My friend, 
 I write to get out of the nightmare, this nightmare that never ends, where the authorities are keeping me in prison until my visa expires, until it is no longer valid, so they can then expel me... I am writing to get out of the nightmare, to prevent them from sending me back to the starting point... because there is no possible return. You know it. 
 Many kisses, 
 Dear friend from here, 
 Today, I woke up happier. Let me tell you my dream: I had asked for asylum in Europe, they were granting it to me, I could be trained and start a job. It was a beautiful dream, because if you are nothing in your head, you are nothing in life. This dream gave me some courage all day long. 
 I am looking forward to seeing you soon, 
 Kallis sõber! 
 Sa peaksid teadma, et siinsed elanikud on näinud meid kaldal kõhklemas, kui üritasime jõge ületada… Selle asemel et visata meile päästerõngad, kutsuvad nad hoopis politsei … vahepeal… Sinu vend uppus… Ma ei tea enam, millist jumalat uskuda… 
 Mu sõber! 
 Ma räägin Sinuga. Sa ei usuks mind, kui räägiksin Sulle nendest õudustest, mida ma siin, selles laagris, kus nad põgenikke hoiavad, läbi elan. Nad on võtnud minult kõik. Ometigi, ma pean rääkima. Et jääda ellu pärast murdumist. Kui nad mu välja saadavad, siis kodus mind tapetakse. Nii et siin, isegi luku taga olles, võitlen ma iga päev. Et keegi mind lõpuks kuulaks… 
 Aitäh, et olemas oled! 
Mu sôbranna! 
 Lihtsalt annan Sulle teada. Ma ei tea enam, kas olen elus või surnud. Ma arvasin, et leian selles riigis varjupaiga. Mulle öeldi, et riigi nimi on Eesti. Ju see nii on, ma ei tunne geograafiat eriti hästi. Üks mis kindel: avastasin, et siin aetakse segi sõnad „varjupaik“ ja „vangla“… Mulle öeldi, et mina olen see, kes on segaduses, et ma ei saa keelest aru... aga ma tean ju väga hästi, mis on trellid ja miks ma nendest nii kaugele põgenesin! Kui ma vaid pääseks sellest õudusunenäost... 
 Mu kallis! 
 Sa näed, sellel Keskuses tehtud fotol, et me kõik paistame õnnelike ja tervetena. Seda pilti pead Sa oma mõtetes hoidma. Rohkem ma ei ütle sulle midagi. 
 Armastan sind 
 Mu kallis sõber! 
 See väike kirjake on tänamaks Sind. Et oled mind toetanud. Et oled uskunud iga mu sõna. Et oled olnud tunnistajaks minu läbielamistele nii enne kui ka pärast minu saabumist siia. Ma ei unusta kunagi. 
 Sõbralike soovidega 
 Väga kallis sôbranna! 
 Aitäh, et oled olemas. Mul on hea meel, et sain oma lugu jagada. See on mu mõtteid veidi rahustanud. Tahan sulle öelda, et ma ei karda, sa võid edasi rääkida seda, millest olen sulle jutustanud, inimesed peavad teadma, mis siin toimub. Ma ei karda, otsin vaid õiglust, jätkan küsimuste esitamist, ja nad ei saa mind luku taha panna. 
 Mu armas! 
 Väga raske on siin. Pole üldse see, mida ma ette kujutasin. Aga ma pean vastu. Unistan sellest, mida vabaks saades tegema hakkan. Siis, kui Sina oled siin. Hoia ennast! Rahu, armastust ja eriti just valvsust, ettevaatlikkust. 
Mu hea sõber! 
 Kui Sa vaid teaks, kui palju ma Sinu peale mõtlen! Ja kuidas ma unistan sellest päevast, kui saan Sulle lõpuks ometi kirjutada: „Mulle anti asüüli. Kohus kuulas mind!“ Mul on ikka veel lootust! Aitäh ka Sulle selle eest. Aitäh Sinu olemasolu eest, isegi kui Sa oled kaugel. 
 Sõbralike soovidega 
 Mu sôbranna! 
 Ma kirjutan, et pääseda õudusest, sellest õudusest, mis ei lõpe iialgi, kus ametivõimud hoiavad mind vangis kuni mu viisa aegub, kuni see enam ei kehti, nii et nad saavad mu siis välja saata… Kirjutan, et pääseda õudusest, et takistada neid saatmast mind tagasi alguspunkti… sest tagasituleku võimalust ei ole. Sa tead seda. 
 Kallis siitmailt sõber! 
 Ärkasin täna rõõmsamana. Las ma räägin Sulle oma unenäost. Olin küsinud asüüli Euroopas, nad rahuldasid mu taotluse, võisin minna koolitustele ja alustada uuel töökohal. See oli ilus uni, sest kui Sa oled oma ettekujutuses mitte keegi, siis pole Sa ka elus mitte keegi. See unenägu andis mulle terveks päevaks julgust. 
 Ootan väga Sinuga kohtumist! 
 Мой дорогой друг, 
 Ты должен знать, что здешние люди видели, что мы пребывали в сомнениях на берегу реки, когда ее пересечь… вместо того, чтобы бросить нам спасательные круги, они вызвали полицию… тем временем, твой брат утонул… Я не знаю, в какого Бога верить… 
 С любовью, 
 Мой друг, 
 Я говорю с тобой. Ты бы не поверил, если бы я рассказал тебе об ужасе того, что я здесь переживаю, в этом лагере, где они держат беженцев. Они отобрали у меня всё. Тем не менее, я должен говорить. Чтобы выжить, несмотря на сломленность. Если меня депортируют, меня убьют дома. Так что, даже здесь, взаперти, я борюсь изо дня в день. Чтобы кто-нибудь наконец услышал меня… 
 Спасибо, что ты есть. 
 Моя подруга, 
 Просто сообщаю. Я больше не знаю, жив ли я или мертв. Я думал, я найду в этой стране убежище. Мне сказали, она называется “Эстония”, должно быть, это верно, я не очень разбираюсь в географии. Что я здесь обнаружил, так это то, что они путают слово “убежище” со словом “тюрьма”... Мне сказали, что это я всё перепутал, что я не знаю языка… но я знаю достаточно хорошо, что такое решётки, и почему я так далеко от них бежал! Только бы выбраться из этого кошмара… 
 Моя дорогая, 
 Ты увидишь на сделанной в Центре фотографии, какими мы все выглядим счастливыми и здоровыми. Этот образ ты должна держать в памяти. Больше я тебе ничего не скажу. 
 Я люблю тебя, 
 Мой дорогой друг, 
 Эта короткая записка – благодарность тебе. За то, что поддержал. За то, что верил каждому моему слову. За то, что был свидетелем тому, через что я прошёл до и после моего прибытия сюда. Я не забуду никогда. 
 С дружескими пожеланиями, 
 Спасибо, что ты есть. Я счастлив поделиться моей историей; это облегчило мои мысли немного. Я хотел бы тебе сказать, что я не боюсь, ты можешь повторить всё, что я тебе сказал, люди должны знать, что здесь происходит. Я не боюсь, я только ищу справедливости, я продолжу задавать вопросы, и они не могут отправить меня под замок. 
 Моя любимая, 
 Здесь очень тяжело. Совсем не так, как я себе представлял. Но со мной всё в порядке. Я мечтаю о том, что буду делать, когда освобожусь. Когда ты будешь здесь. Береги себя! Спокойствия, любви и особенно бдительности, осторожности, 
 Мой дорогой друг, 
 Если бы ты знал, как много я думаю о тебе! И как я мечтаю о дне, когда я наконец напишу тебе: “Я получил убежище, Суд меня послушал!”. У меня всё ещё есть надежда! Это в том числе благодаря тебе. Спасибо тебе за твоё присутствие, даже если ты на самом деле далеко. 
С дружескими пожеланиями, 
 Моя дорогая, 
Я пишу, чтобы выбраться из кошмара, из этого бесконечного кошмара, который никак не кончиться, где власти держат меня в тюрьме, пока не истечёт срок моей визы, до тех пор, пока она не станет недействительна, чтобы они смогли меня депортировать… Я пишу, чтобы выбраться из кошмара, чтобы препятствовать им выслать меня обратно в отправную точку… потому что возврат невозможен. Ты знаешь это. 
 Дорогой друг отсюда, 
 Сегодня я проснулся более радостным. Позволь мне рассказать о своём сне: я попросил убежище в Европе, они удовлетворили моё ходатайство, я мог пойти на обучение и начать работать. Это был прекрасный сон, потому что если ты представляешь себя ничтожеством в собственном сознании, то ты будешь ничтожеством и жизни. Этот сон придал мне смелости на весь день. 
 Очень жду встречи с тобой, 
0 notes
إذا كانت رحمتك لا تشمل نفسك ، فهي غير مكتملة ، أنا حر ولهذا السبب أنا ضائع ، بسبب ابتسامتك ، تجعل الحياة أكثر جمالا ، بعض الناس يبحثون عن مكان جميل ، والبعض الآخر يجعل مكان جميل. بالنسبة للذات دموع الضعف ، لكن الدموع التي تذرف للآخرين هي علامة على القوة. تذكر أن الحياة هي رحلة. إذا كنت قد حصلت على كل ما تريده دفعة واحدة فلن يكون هناك داعٍ للعيش. استمتع بالرحلة ، وفي النهاية سترى هذه "النكسات" على أنها قفزات عملاقة للأمام ، فقط أنت لا تستطيع رؤية الصورة الأكبر في الوقت الحالي. حافظ على الهدوء ، كل شيء في متناول اليد ؛ كل ما عليك فعله هو الظهور كل يوم ، والبقاء صادقين في طريقك وستجد بالتأكيد الكنز الذي تبحث عنه. أجمل الأشياء في العالم لا يمكن رؤيتها أو لمسها ، فهي محسوسة بالقلب. " تعلمت ألا أقلق بشأن الحب. ولكن لتكريم مجيئها من كل قلبي. لم يكن الشعور بالاكتمال الذي كنت بحاجة إليه ، بل الشعور بعدم الفراغ
Şə Z Wenn dein Mitgefühl dich nicht einschließt, ist es unvollständig, ich bin frei und deshalb bin ich verloren. Durch dein Lächeln machst du das Leben schöner. Manche Menschen suchen einen schönen Ort, andere machen einen Ort schön. Tränen vergießen denn Selbst sind Tränen der Schwäche, aber Tränen, die für andere vergossen werden, sind ein Zeichen der Stärke. Denken Sie daran, das Leben ist eine Reise. Wenn Sie alles auf einmal hätten, was Sie wollten, hätte es keinen Sinn zu leben. Genießen Sie die Fahrt und am Ende werden Sie diese "Rückschläge" als riesige Sprünge nach vorne sehen, nur dass Sie im Moment das Gesamtbild nicht sehen konnten. Bleib ruhig, alles ist in Reichweite; Alles, was Sie tun müssen, ist, jeden Tag aufzutauchen, Ihrem Weg treu zu bleiben, und Sie werden mit Sicherheit den Schatz finden, den Sie suchen. Die schönsten Dinge der Welt können nicht gesehen oder berührt werden, sie werden mit dem Herzen gefühlt. “ Ich habe gelernt, mir keine Sorgen um die Liebe zu machen. aber um sein Kommen von ganzem Herzen zu ehren. Es war nicht das Gefühl der Vollständigkeit, das ich so brauchte, sondern das Gefühl, nicht leer zu sein თუ თქვენი თანაგრძნობა არ მოიცავს საკუთარ თავს, ის არასრულია, მე თავისუფალი ვარ და ამიტომაც ვარ დაკარგული, თქვენი ღიმილის გამო ცხოვრებას უფრო ლამაზს ხდის, ზოგი ლამაზ ადგილს ეძებს, ზოგი კი ადგილს ლამაზს აქცევს. რადგან თვით ცრემლი სისუსტეა, მაგრამ სხვისთვის ცრემლი ძლიერია. დაიმახსოვრე, ცხოვრება მოგზაურობაა. თუ ყველაფერი გაითვალისწინეთ, ყველა ერთდროულად გინდოდათ ცხოვრება. დატკბით ტარებით და საბოლოოდ თქვენ ნახავთ ამ "ზურგს უკან", როგორც გიგანტური ნახტომი წინ, მხოლოდ მაშინ ვერ ხედავთ უფრო დიდ სურათს. სიმშვიდე შეინარჩუნე, ყველაფერი მიუწვდომელია; თქვენ უნდა ნახოთ ყოველდღიურად, შეინარჩუნოთ თქვენი ბილიკი და ნამდვილად იპოვნით თქვენს მიერ მოძიებულ საგანძურს. მსოფლიოში ულამაზესი საგნების დანახვა ან შეხება შეუძლებელია, გულით იგრძნობა. ” მე ვისწავლე სიყვარულის შესახებ არ ინერვიულო; მაგრამ მთელი გულით პატივი ვცადო მის მოსვლას. ეს არ იყო ისეთი სისრულის გრძნობა, რაც მე მჭირდებოდა, მაგრამ ცარიელი არყოფნის შეგრძნებაtu tkveni tanagrdznoba ar moitsavs sak’utar tavs, is arasrulia, me tavisupali var da amit’omats var dak’arguli, tkveni ghimilis gamo tskhovrebas upro lamazs khdis, zogi lamaz adgils edzebs, zogi k’i adgils lamazs aktsevs. radgan tvit tsremli sisust’ea, magram skhvistvis tsremli dzlieria. daimakhsovre, tskhovreba mogzaurobaa. tu q’velaperi gaitvalists’inet, q’vela ertdroulad gindodat tskhovreba. dat’k’bit t’arebit da sabolood tkven nakhavt am "zurgs uk’an", rogorts gigant’uri nakht’omi ts’in, mkholod mashin ver khedavt upro did surats. simshvide sheinarchune, q’velaperi miuts’vdomelia; tkven unda nakhot q’oveldghiurad, sheinarchunot tkveni bilik’i da namdvilad ip’ovnit tkvens mier modziebul sagandzurs. msoplioshi ulamazesi sagnebis danakhva an shekheba sheudzlebelia, gulit igrdznoba. ” me vists’avle siq’varulis shesakheb ar inerviulo; magram mteli gulit p’at’ivi vtsado mis mosvlas. es ar iq’o iseti sisrulis grdznoba, rats me mch’irdeboda, magram tsarieli arq’opnis shegrdzneba Se a túa compaixón non se inclúe a ti mesmo, é incompleta, eu son libre e por iso estou perdido, Por mor do teu sorriso, fas a vida máis fermosa, Algunhas persoas buscan un lugar fermoso, outras fan un lugar fermoso. para si son bágoas de debilidade, pero as bágoas vertidas para outros son un sinal de forza. Lembre, a vida é unha viaxe. Se teñas todo o que quixeses á vez, non tería sentido vivir. Goza do paseo e, ao final, verás estes "pasos atrás" como saltos xigantes cara a adiante, só no momento en que non verías a imaxe máis grande. Quédate tranquilo, todo está ao alcance; o único que tes que facer é presentarte todos os días, manterse fiel ao teu camiño e certamente atoparás o tesouro que busca. As cousas máis fermosas do mundo non se poden ver nin tocar, son sentidas co corazón. " Aprendín a non preocuparse polo amor; pero para honrar a súa chegada con todo o meu corazón. Non era a sensación de completo que necesitaba, senón a sensación de non estar baleiro Si votre compassion ne vous comprend pas, elle est incomplète, je suis libre et c'est pourquoi je suis perdu, à cause de votre sourire, vous rendez la vie plus belle, certaines personnes recherchent un bel endroit, d'autres font un bel endroit. pour soi sont des larmes de faiblesse, mais des larmes versées pour les autres sont un signe de force. N'oubliez pas que la vie est un voyage. Si vous aviez tout ce que vous vouliez en même temps, cela ne servirait à rien de vivre Profitez de la balade, et à la fin, vous verrez ces «reculs» comme des pas de géant, mais vous ne pouviez pas voir la situation dans son ensemble pour le moment. Restez calme, tout est à portée de main; tout ce que vous avez à faire est de vous présenter tous les jours, de rester fidèle à votre chemin et vous trouverez sûrement le trésor que vous recherchez. Les plus belles choses du monde ne peuvent pas être vues ou touchées, elles sont ressenties avec le cœur. » J'ai appris à ne pas me soucier de l'amour; mais pour honorer sa venue de tout mon cœur. Ce n'était pas le sentiment de complétude dont j'avais tant besoin, mais le sentiment de ne pas être vide Jos myötätuntonne ei sisällä itseäsi, se on epätäydellinen, olen vapaa ja siksi olen eksynyt. Hymysi vuoksi teet elämästä kauniimpaa, Jotkut etsivät kaunista paikkaa, toiset tekevät paikasta kauniita.Kyynekset irtoavat itse ovat heikkouden kyyneleitä, mutta toisille kyyneleet ovat merkki voimasta. Muista, että elämä on matka. Jos saisit kaiken haluamasi kerralla, ei olisi mitään syytä elää. Nauti ratsastamisesta, ja lopulta näet nämä ”asetetut selkänojat” jättiläisenä hyppäämässä eteenpäin, vain et voinut nähdä suurempaa kuvaa tällä hetkellä. Ole rauhallinen, kaikki on ulottuvilla; kaikki mitä sinun on tehtävä, on ilmestyä joka päivä, pysy uskollisena polullesi ja löydät varmasti etsimäsi aarteen. Maailman kauneimpia asioita ei voida nähdä tai koskea, ne tunnetaan sydämellä. ” Olen oppinut olemaan huolimatta rakkaudesta; mutta kunnioitan sen tulemista koko sydämestäni. Tarvitsin ei täydellisyyden tunnetta, vaan sitä, että en ollut tyhjä Kung ang iyong awa ay hindi kasama ang iyong sarili, hindi kumpleto, malaya ako at iyon ang dahilan kung bakit ako nawala, Dahil sa iyong ngiti, pinapaganda mo ang buhay, Ang ilang mga tao ay naghahanap ng isang magandang lugar, ang iba ay gumagawa ng isang lugar na maganda. para sa sarili ay luha ng kahinaan, ngunit ang mga luha na tumulo para sa iba ay tanda ng lakas. Tandaan, ang buhay ay isang paglalakbay. Kung nakuha mo ang lahat ng nais mo nang sabay-sabay ay walang magiging punto sa pamumuhay. Tangkilikin ang pagsakay, at sa huli makikita mo ang mga "pag-back back" bilang mga higanteng tumalon, tanging hindi mo makita ang mas malaking larawan sa sandaling ito. Manatiling kalmado, ang lahat ay maaabot; ang kailangan mo lang gawin ay magpakita araw-araw, manatiling tapat sa iyong landas at tiyak na makikita mo ang kayamanan na iyong hinahangad. Ang pinakamagagandang bagay sa mundo ay hindi makikita o mahipo, nararamdaman sila ng puso. " Natuto akong huwag mag-alala tungkol sa pag-ibig; ngunit upang parangalan ang pagdating nito ng buong puso ko. Hindi ito ang pakiramdam ng pagkumpleto na kailangan ko, ngunit ang pakiramdam ng hindi pagiging walang laman Kui kaastunne ei hõlma ennast, on see puudulik, olen vaba ja seetõttu olen kadunud. Teie naeratuse tõttu muudate elu ilusamaks, mõned inimesed otsivad ilusat kohta, teised muudavad selle koha ilusaks.Pisarad heidavad iseenda jaoks on nõrkuse pisarad, kuid teistele pisarad on tugevuse märk. Pidage meeles, et elu on teekond. Kui saaksite kõik korraga kõik, mida soovisite, poleks mõtet elada. Nautige sõitu ja lõpuks näete neid „selja taha seatud” hiiglasi hüppeliselt edasi, ainult siis ei saanud te praegu suuremat pilti näha. Jääge rahulikuks, kõik on käeulatuses; peate vaid ilmuma iga päev, jääma oma teele truuks ja leiate kindlasti aarde, mida otsite. Maailma ilusamaid asju ei saa näha ega katsuda, neid on südamega tunda. ” Olen õppinud mitte muretsema armastuse pärast; vaid austasin selle tulekut kogu südamest. Ma ei vajanud mitte täielikkuse tunnet, vaid mitte tühja olemise tunnet Se via kompato ne inkluzivas vin, ĝi estas nekompleta, mi estas senpaga kaj tial mi estas perdita, Pro via rideto, vi faras la vivon pli bela, Iuj homoj serĉas belan lokon, aliaj faras lokon bela. ĉar mem estas larmoj de malforteco, sed larmoj elverŝitaj por aliaj estas signo de forto. Memoru, vivo estas vojaĝo. Se vi ricevis ĉion, vi samtempe ne havus vivon. Ĝuu la veturon, kaj vi fine vidos ĉi tiujn "malantaŭajn" gigantajn saltojn antaŭen, nur vi ne povus vidi la pli grandan bildon en la momento. Trankviliĝu, ĉio estas atingebla; vi nur bezonas aperi ĉiutage, resti fidela al via vojo kaj vi certe trovos la trezoron, kiun vi serĉas. La plej belaj aferoj en la mondo ne povas esti vidataj aŭ tuŝeblaj, ili sentas ilin per la koro. " Mi lernis ne zorgi pri amo; sed honori ĝian alvenon per mia tuta koro. Ne estis la sento de tuteco, kiun mi tiel bezonis, sed la sento de ne esti malplena Als je mededogen jezelf niet omvat, is het onvolledig, ben ik vrij en daarom ben ik verloren. Door je glimlach maak je het leven mooier, Sommige mensen zoeken een mooie plek, anderen maken een mooie plek. want zelf zijn tranen van zwakheid, maar tranen voor anderen zijn een teken van kracht. Onthoud dat het leven een reis is. Als je alles in één keer hebt wat je wilt, heeft het geen zin om te leven. Geniet van de rit, en uiteindelijk zie je deze "tegenslagen" als een gigantische sprong voorwaarts, alleen kon je op dit moment het grotere plaatje niet zien. Blijf kalm, alles is binnen handbereik; alles wat je hoeft te doen is elke dag opdagen, blijf op je pad en je zult zeker de schat vinden die je zoekt. De mooiste dingen ter wereld zijn niet te zien of aan te raken, ze worden met het hart gevoeld. ” Ik heb geleerd me geen zorgen te maken over liefde; maar om de komst ervan met heel mijn hart te eren. Ik had niet het gevoel van volledigheid nodig, maar het gevoel niet leeg te zijn Hvis din medfølelse ikke inkluderer dig selv, er den ufuldstændig, jeg er fri, og det er derfor, jeg er fortabt. På grund af dit smil, gør du livet smukkere. Nogle mennesker leder efter et smukt sted, andre gør et sted smukt. Tårer skur for mig selv er tårer af svaghed, men tårer, der kaster for andre, er et tegn på styrke. Husk, livet er en rejse. Hvis du fik alt, hvad du ville have på én gang, var der ingen mening med at leve. Nyd turen, og i sidste ende vil du se disse ”bagud” som gigantiske spring fremad, kun du kunne ikke se det større billede i øjeblikket. Forbliver rolig, alt er inden for rækkevidde; alt hvad du skal gøre er at dukke op hver dag, forblive tro mod din sti, og du vil helt sikkert finde den skat, du søger. De smukkeste ting i verden kan ikke ses eller røres, de føles med hjertet. ” Jeg har lært ikke at bekymre mig om kærlighed; men for at ære dens komme af hele mit hjerte. Det var ikke følelsen af ​​fuldstændighed, som jeg så havde brug for, men følelsen af ​​ikke at være tom Pokud váš soucit nezahrnuje sebe, je neúplný, jsem volný, a proto jsem ztracen. Kvůli svému úsměvu zlepšíte život, někteří lidé hledají krásné místo, jiní místo krásně. protože já jsou slzy slabosti, ale slzy pro ostatní jsou známkou síly. Pamatujte, že život je cesta. Pokud máte vše, co jste chtěli najednou, nemá smysl žít. Užijte si jízdu a na konci uvidíte tyto „vzadu“ jako obří skoky vpřed, ale ten větší obrázek v tuto chvíli nevidíte. Zůstaňte v klidu, vše je na dosah; Jediné, co musíte udělat, je ukázat se každý den, zůstat věrní své cestě a určitě najdete poklad, který hledáte. Nejkrásnější věci na světě nelze vidět ani se jich nedotknout, cítí se srdcem. “ Naučil jsem se nebát se lásky; ale ctít jeho příchod celým mým srdcem. Nebyl to pocit úplnosti, který jsem tak potřeboval, ale pocit, že není prázdný Ako vaše suosjećanje ne uključuje sebe, ono je nepotpuno, ja sam slobodan i zato sam izgubljen. Zbog svog osmijeha život činite ljepšim, Neki ljudi traže lijepo mjesto, drugi čine mjesto prekrasnim. Suze prolijevaju za sebe su suze slabosti, ali suze koje su prolivene za druge znak su snage. Zapamtite, život je putovanje. Ako odjednom dobijete sve što ste željeli, nema smisla živjeti. Uživajte u vožnji, a na kraju ćete ove „postavljene leđa“ vidjeti kao divovski skokovi naprijed, samo što trenutno niste mogli vidjeti veću sliku. Ostanite mirni, sve je nadohvat ruke; Sve što trebate učiniti je svakodnevno se pojavljivati, ostati vjeran svom putu i sigurno ćete pronaći blago koje tražite. Ne mogu se vidjeti ili dodirnuti najljepše stvari na svijetu, one se osjećaju srcem. " Naučila sam se ne brinuti o ljubavi; ali da cijelim srcem odajem počast njegovom dolasku. Nije mi bio potreban osjećaj potpunosti, već osjećaj da nisam prazan In casu chì a vostra cumpassione ùn si cumpone micca, hè incompleta, sò liberu è hè per quessa chì mi sò persa, per via di u vostru surrisu, fate a vita più bella, Alcune cercanu un locu bellu, altri facenu un locu bellu. per sè stessi sò lacrime di debule, ma e lacrime versate per altri sò un signu di forza. Ricurdativi, a vita hè un viaghju. Sè avete tuttu ciò chì vulia tutti in una volta ùn avarà nunda di campà. Prufittate di u ride, è in a fine vi vederà sti "ritorni" cum'è passi giganti in avanti, solu ùn puderebbe vede l'imagine più grande in u mumentu. Rimanite tranquillu, tuttu hè à luntanu; tuttu vi tuccherà à fà hè affaccà ogni ghjornu, stà cuncerna à a vostra strada è di sicuru truverete u tesoru chì cercate. E cose più belle di u mondu ùn ponu micca esse vistu o toccu, si sentenu cù u core ". Aghju amparatu à ùn preoccuppa micca di l'amore; ma per onurà a so venuta cù tuttu u mo core. Ùn era micca u sintimu di cumplimità chì avia bisognu cusì, ma a sensazione di ùn esse micca viotu 果您的同情心不包括自己,那是不完整的,我是自由的,這就是為什麼我迷路了,由於您的微笑,您使生活更加美好,有人在尋找美麗的地方,有些人在尋找美麗的地方。因為自我是軟弱的眼淚,但是為別人流下的眼淚是力量的標誌。記住,生活是一段旅程。如果您擁有了所有想要的一切,那么生活就毫無意義。盡情享受旅程,最後,隨著巨大的飛躍,您會看到這些“挫折”,只有當下您看不到更大的景象。保持鎮定,一切觸手可及;您要做的就是每天露面,忠於自己的路,您一定會找到想要的寶藏。世界上最美麗的事物無法被看到或被感動,它們被心靈所感動。”我學會了不用擔心愛情;但要全心全意地紀念它的到來。這不是我需要的完整感,但不是空虛的感覺Rúguǒ nín de tóngqíng xīn bù bāokuò zìjǐ, nà shì bù wánzhěng de, wǒ shì zìyóu de, zhè jiùshì wèishéme wǒ mílùle, yóuyú nín de wéixiào, nín shǐ shēnghuó gèngjiā měihǎo, yǒurén zài xúnzhǎo měilì dì dìfāng, yǒuxiē rén zài xúnzhǎo měilì dì dìfāng. Yīnwèi zìwǒ shì ruǎnruò de yǎnlèi, dànshì wèi biérén liúxià de yǎnlèi shì lìliàng de biāozhì. Jì zhù, shēnghuó shì yīduàn lǚchéng. Rúguǒ nín yǒngyǒule suǒyǒu xiǎng yào de yīqiè, nàme shēnghuó jiù háo wú yìyì. Jìnqíng xiǎngshòu lǚchéng, zuìhòu, suízhe jùdà de fēiyuè, nín huì kàn dào zhèxiē “cuòzhé”, zhǐyǒu dāngxià nín kàn bù dào gèng dà de jǐngxiàng. Bǎochí zhèndìng, yīqiè chùshǒu kě jí; nín yào zuò de jiùshì měitiān lòumiàn, zhōngyú zìjǐ de lù, nín yīdìng huì zhǎodào xiǎng yào de bǎozàng. Shìjiè shàng zuì měilì de shìwù wúfǎ bèi kàn dào huò bèi gǎndòng, tāmen bèi xīnlíng suǒ gǎndòng.” Wǒ xué huì liǎo bùyòng dānxīn àiqíng; dàn yào quánxīnquányì dì jìniàn tā de dàolái. Zhè bùshì wǒ xūyào de wánzhěng gǎn, dàn bùshì kōngxū de gǎnjué 如果您的同情心不包括自己,那是不完整的,我是自由的,这就是为什么我迷路了,由于您的微笑,您使生活变得更美好,有些人寻找美丽的地方,有些人寻找美丽的地方。因为自我是软弱的眼泪,但是为别人流下的眼泪是力量的标志。记住,生活是一段旅程。如果您拥有了所有想要的一切,那么生活就毫无意义。尽情享受旅程,最后,随着巨大的飞跃,您会看到这些“挫折”,只有当下您看不到更大的景象。保持镇定,一切触手可及;您要做的就是每天露面,忠于自己的路,您一定会找到想要的宝藏。世界上最美丽的事物无法被看到或被感动,它们被心灵所感动。”我学会了不用担心爱情;但要全心全意地纪念它的到来。这不是我需要的完整感,但不是空虚的感觉Rúguǒ nín de tóngqíng xīn bù bāokuò zìjǐ, nà shì bù wánzhěng de, wǒ shì zìyóu de, zhè jiùshì wèishéme wǒ mílùle, yóuyú nín de wéixiào, nín shǐ shēnghuó biàn dé gèng měihǎo, yǒuxiē rén xúnzhǎo měilì dì dìfāng, yǒuxiē rén xúnzhǎo měilì dì dìfāng. Yīnwèi zìwǒ shì ruǎnruò de yǎnlèi, dànshì wèi biérén liúxià de yǎnlèi shì lìliàng de biāozhì. Jì zhù, shēnghuó shì yīduàn lǚchéng. Rúguǒ nín yǒngyǒule suǒyǒu xiǎng yào de yīqiè, nàme shēnghuó jiù háo wú yìyì. Jìnqíng xiǎngshòu lǚchéng, zuìhòu, suízhe jùdà de fēiyuè, nín huì kàn dào zhèxiē “cuòzhé”, zhǐyǒu dāngxià nín kàn bù dào gèng dà de jǐngxiàng. Bǎochí zhèndìng, yīqiè chùshǒu kě jí; nín yào zuò de jiùshì měitiān lòumiàn, zhōngyú zìjǐ de lù, nín yīdìng huì zhǎodào xiǎng yào de bǎozàng. Shìjiè shàng zuì měilì de shìwù wúfǎ bèi kàn dào huò bèi gǎndòng, tāmen bèi xīnlíng suǒ gǎndòng.” Wǒ xué huì liǎo bùyòng dānxīn àiqíng; dàn yào quánxīnquányì dì jìniàn tā de dàolái. Zhè bùshì wǒ xūyào de wánzhěng gǎn, dàn bùshì kōngxū de gǎnjué Kung ang imong pagkamabination wala maglakip sa imong kaugalingon, dili kumpleto, libre ako ug kana ang hinungdan nga nawala ako, Tungod sa imong pahiyom, imong gipalambo ang kinabuhi, Ang ubang mga tawo nangita usa ka matahum nga lugar, ang uban naghimo sa usa ka lugar nga matahum. alang sa kaugalingon ang mga luha sa kahuyang, apan ang mga luha gipahubo alang sa uban usa ka timaan sa kusog. Hinumdumi, ang kinabuhi usa ka panaw. Kung nakuha nimo ang tanan nga gusto nimo tanan nga wala’y punto nga mabuhi. Paglingaw sa pagsakay, ug sa katapusan makita nimo kini nga mga "pagtalikod" ingon nga higanteng paglukso sa unahan, ikaw ra ang dili makakita sa labing kadako nga litrato sa karon. Magpabilin nga kalmado, tanan mahimo’g maabut; ang kinahanglan nimong buhaton mao ang magpakita matag adlaw, magpabilin nga matinuud sa imong agianan ug sigurado nga makit-an nimo ang bahandi nga imong gipangita. Ang labi ka matahum nga mga butang sa kalibutan dili makita o matandog, sila gibati sa kasingkasing. ” Natun-an ko nga dili mabalaka bahin sa gugma; apan ang pagpasidungog sa pag-abut niini sa bug-os ko nga kasingkasing. Dili ang pagbati sa pagkompleto nga akong gikinahanglan, apan ang pagbati nga dili kawad-an Si la vostra compassió no s’inclou a tu mateix, és incompleta, sóc lliure i és per això que estic perduda, a causa del teu somriure, fas la vida més bonica, Algunes persones busquen un lloc bonic, d’altres fan un lloc bonic. perquè el jo és llàgrimes de debilitat, però les llàgrimes vessades pels altres són un signe de força. Recordeu, la vida és un viatge. Si tinguéssiu tot el que volíeu alhora, no tindreu cap sentit. Gaudeix del passeig i, al final, veuràs aquests "passos endarrerits" com a salts gegants cap endavant, només de moment no podries veure la imatge més gran. Mantingueu la calma, tot és a l’abast; tot el que has de fer és mostrar-te cada dia, mantenir-te fidel al teu camí i segur que trobaràs el tresor que busques. Les coses més belles del món no es poden veure ni tocar, es senten amb el cor. " He après a no preocupar-me per l’amor; però per honorar la seva vinguda amb tot el cor. No era la sensació de completesa la que necessitava, sinó la sensació de no estar buida သင်၏သနားကြင်နာမှုတွင်သင်ကိုယ်တိုင်ပါ ၀ င်ပါကမပြည့်စုံပါ၊ ကျွန်ုပ်သည်ကျွန်ုပ်လွတ်မြောက်ပါသည်။ ထို့ကြောင့်ကျွန်ုပ်ရှုံးနိမ့်ခြင်း၊ သင်၏အပြုံးကြောင့်သင်ဘဝကို ပို၍ လှပစေသည်၊ အချို့သောလူများသည်လှပသောနေရာတစ်ခုကိုရှာကြသည်။ ကိုယ့်ကိုယ်ကိုအားနည်းခြင်းသည်မျက်ရည်ကျသော်လည်းအခြားသူများအတွက်မျက်ရည်ကျခြင်းသည်ခွန်အား၏အမှတ်လက္ခဏာဖြစ်သည်။ ဘ ၀ ဆိုတာခရီးတစ်ခုဆိုတာသတိရပါ။ သငျသညျတစုံတခုမှာအားလုံးတစ်ချိန်တည်းမှာသင်လိုချင်အရာအားလုံးကိုတယ်ဆိုရင်အသက်ရှင်သောအဘယ်သူမျှမမှတ်ရှိလိမ့်မယ်။ စီးနင်းလိုက်ပါကိုခံစားပါ။ နောက်ဆုံးတွင် “ရာ မရှေ့သို့ခုန်ထွက်လာသည်နှင့်အမျှဤ“ ကျောဘက်” များကိုသင်မြင်ရလိမ့်မည်။ အေးဆေးတည်ငြိမ်ပါ၊ အားလုံးလက်လှမ်းမီနိုင်ပါ၏ မင်းလုပ်ရမယ့်အရာအားလုံးဟာနေ့စဉ်ပေါ်လာတယ်၊ သင်လမ်းမှန်အတိုင်းဆက်လျှောက်နေမယ်၊ သင်ရှာတဲ့ဘဏ္youာကိုသင်တွေ့လိမ့်မယ်။ ကမ္ဘာပေါ်ရှိအလှပဆုံးအရာများကိုမမြင်နိုင်၊ မထိနိုင်ပါ၊ နှလုံးသားနှင့်ခံစားရ၏။ ” ငါချစ်ခြင်းမေတ္တာနှင့်ပတ်သက်။ စိုးရိမ်ပူပန်ရန်မလေ့လာသင်ယူ; ငါမူကား၊ ကျွန်ုပ်သည်ဤမျှပြည့်စုံခြင်းခံစားချက်မဟုတ်ပါ၊saineat sanarr kyinnarmhu twin sainkotinepar  0  ng  par k m pyany hcone par ,  kyawanotesai kyawanote lwatmyawwat parsai .  hthoetkyawwng kyawanote shoneni m  hkyinn ,  saineat aapyuan kyawwng sainbhawako po  lhap hcaysai ,  aahkyahoetsaw luumyarrsai lhapasaw nayrartaithku ko shar kyasai .  koy  ko ko aarrnaee hkyinnsai myetrai kya sawlaee aahkyarr suumyarraatwat myetrai kya hkyinnsai hkwanaarr eat aamhaat lakhkanar hpyitsai . bh  0  sotar hkaree taithku sotar satirapar .  s ngya s nyya tahconetahku mhar aarrlone taithkyanetaee mhar sain lohkyin aararaarrloneko taalsorain aasaatshin saw a bhaalsuu myaha m mhaat shi lim maal .  hceenainn litepar ko hkanhcarr par . noutsonetwin “rar  m shaeshoet hkone htwatlarsai nhang aamyaha i“  kyaww bhaat”  myarrko sain myinr lim mai .  aayysayy taingyaain par ,  aarrlone laatlham me ninepareat  mainn lote r m y  aararaarrlonehar naehcain pawlartaal ,  sain lam mhaan aatine saat shout naymaal ,  sain shar tae bhanyou ar ko sain twae lim maal .  kambharpawshi aalhapasone aararmyarrko m myinnine ,  m hti nine par ,  nhalonesarr nhang hkanhcarr reat . ”  ngar hkyithkyinnmayttar nhang paatsaat .  hcoerain puupaan raan m laelar sainyuu;  ngar muu karr ,  kyawanotesai imyaha pyany hcone hkyinn hkanhcarrhkyet mahotepar , Ако вашето състрадание не включва себе си, то е непълно, аз съм свободен и затова съм изгубен, Поради усмивката ви правите живота по-красив, Някои хора търсят красиво място, други правят място красиво. за себе си са сълзи на слабост, но сълзите, проляти за другите, са знак за сила. Запомнете, животът е пътешествие. Ако получите всичко, което искате всички наведнъж, няма да има смисъл да живеете. Насладете се на возенето и накрая ще видите тези „настроени гърбове“ като гигантски скокове напред, само че не можете да видите по-голямата картина в момента. Останете спокойни, всичко е на една ръка разстояние; всичко, което трябва да направите, е да се показвате всеки ден, останете верни на пътя си и със сигурност ще намерите съкровището, което търсите. Най-красивите неща на света не могат да се видят или пипат, те се чувстват със сърцето. " Научих се да не се притеснявам от любовта; но да почитам идването му от все сърце. Това не беше усещането за пълнота, от което толкова се нуждаех, а усещането да не съм празенAko vasheto sŭstradanie ne vklyuchva sebe si, to e nepŭlno, az sŭm svoboden i zatova sŭm izguben, Poradi usmivkata vi pravite zhivota po-krasiv, Nyakoi khora tŭrsyat krasivo myasto, drugi pravyat myasto krasivo. za sebe si sa sŭlzi na slabost, no sŭlzite, prolyati za drugite, sa znak za sila. Zapomnete, zhivotŭt e pŭteshestvie. Ako poluchite vsichko, koeto iskate vsichki navednŭzh, nyama da ima smisŭl da zhiveete. Nasladete se na vozeneto i nakraya shte vidite tezi „nastroeni gŭrbove“ kato gigant·ski skokove napred, samo che ne mozhete da vidite po-golyamata kartina v momenta. Ostanete spokoĭni, vsichko e na edna rŭka razstoyanie; vsichko, koeto tryabva da napravite, e da se pokazvate vseki den, ostanete verni na pŭtya si i sŭs sigurnost shte namerite sŭkrovishteto, koeto tŭrsite. Naĭ-krasivite neshta na sveta ne mogat da se vidyat ili pipat, te se chuvstvat sŭs sŭrtseto. " Nauchikh se da ne se pritesnyavam ot lyubovta; no da pochitam idvaneto mu ot vse sŭrtse. Tova ne beshe useshtaneto za pŭlnota, ot koeto tolkova se nuzhdaekh, a useshtaneto da ne sŭm prazen Ako vaše saosećanje ne uključuje sebe, ono je nepotpuno, ja sam slobodan i zato sam izgubljen. Zbog svog osmeha život činite lepšim, Neki ljudi traže lepo mesto, drugi čine mesto prelepim. za sebe su suze slabosti, ali suze koje su prolivene za druge znak su snage. Zapamtite, život je putovanje. Ako odjednom dobijete sve što ste poželeli, nema smisla za život. Uživajte u vožnji, a na kraju ćete ove „postavljene leđa“ vidjeti kako ogromni skokovi naprijed, samo što trenutno niste mogli vidjeti veću sliku. Ostanite mirni, sve je nadohvat ruke; sve što trebate učiniti je svakodnevno se predstavljati, ostati vjeran svom putu i sigurno ćete pronaći blago koje tražite. Najljepše stvari na svijetu se ne mogu vidjeti ili dodirnuti, osjete ih srcem. " Naučila sam ne brinuti se o ljubavi; ali da počastim njegovim dolaskom svim srcem. Nije mi bio potreban osjećaj potpunosti, već osjećaj da nisam prazan Калі ваша спачуванне не ўключае сябе, яно няпоўнае, я вольны, і таму я губляюся, дзякуючы вашай усмешцы вы робіце жыццё прыгажэйшым, некаторыя шукаюць прыгожае месца, іншыя робяць месца прыгожым. для сябе - гэта слёзы слабасці, але слёзы, пралітыя за іншых, - знак сілы. Памятайце, жыццё - гэта падарожжа. Калі вы атрымаеце ўсё, што хацелі ўсе адразу, не было б сэнсу жыць. Атрымлівайце асалоду ад паездкі, і ў рэшце рэшт вы ўбачыце, што гэтыя "спіны" як гіганцкія скачкі наперад, толькі большай карціны ў дадзены момант не відаць. Захоўвайце спакой, усё ў межах дасяжнасці; усё, што вам трэба зрабіць, гэта паказваць кожны дзень, заставацца верным свайму шляху, і вы абавязкова знойдзеце скарб, які вы шукаеце. Самыя прыгожыя рэчы ў свеце нельга ўбачыць і не дакрануцца, яны адчуваюцца сэрцам ". Я навучыўся не турбавацца пра каханне; але шанаваць яго прыход усім сэрцам. Мне гэта было не патрэбнае пачуццё паўнаты, але адчуванне непатрэбнасціKali vaša spačuvannie nie ŭkliučaje siabie, jano niapoŭnaje, ja voĺny, i tamu ja hubliajusia, dziakujučy vašaj usmiešcy vy robicie žyccio pryhažejšym, niekatoryja šukajuć pryhožaje miesca, inšyja robiać miesca pryhožym. dlia siabie - heta sliozy slabasci, alie sliozy, pralityja za inšych, - znak sily. Pamiatajcie, žyccio - heta padarožža. Kali vy atrymajecie ŭsio, što chacieli ŭsie adrazu, nie bylo b sensu žyć. Atrymlivajcie asalodu ad pajezdki, i ŭ rešcie rešt vy ŭbačycie, što hetyja "spiny" jak hihanckija skački napierad, toĺki boĺšaj karciny ŭ dadzieny momant nie vidać. Zachoŭvajcie spakoj, usio ŭ miežach dasiažnasci; usio, što vam treba zrabić, heta pakazvać kožny dzień, zastavacca viernym svajmu šliachu, i vy abaviazkova znojdziecie skarb, jaki vy šukajecie. Samyja pryhožyja rečy ŭ sviecie nieĺha ŭbačyć i nie dakranucca, jany adčuvajucca sercam ". JA navučyŭsia nie turbavacca pra kachannie; alie šanavać jaho prychod usim sercam. Mnie heta bylo nie patrebnaje pačuccio paŭnaty, alie adčuvannie niepatrebnasci ure errukia zure burua barne hartzen ez baduzu, osatu gabe dago, aske nago eta horregatik galduta nago, zure irribarrea dela eta, bizitza ederragoa egiten duzu, Batzuek leku ederra bilatzen dute, beste batzuek leku ederra egiten dute. izan ere, norberaren ahultasun malkoak dira, baina besteentzat isuriko malkoak indarraren seinale dira. Gogoratu, bizitza bidaia da. Nahi zenuen guztia aldi berean lortuko bazenu, ez du bizitzeko asmorik. Gozatu paseoan, eta azkenean "bizkarreko atsedenaldi" horiek aurrerapauso erraldoiak ikusiko dituzu, momentu honetan ezin zenuen argazki handiagoa ikusi. Lasai egon, dena eskura dago; Egin behar duzun guztia egunero agertzea da, zure bidearekin jarraitu eta ziur aurkituko duzun altxorra topatuko duzula. Munduko gauza ederrenak ezin dira ikusi edo ukitu, bihotzarekin sentitzen dira. " Maitasunaz ez kezkatu ikasi dut; baina nire bihotz osoz etortzea ohore egitea. Ez nuen behar nuen osotasun sentsazioa, hutsik ez egoteko sentsazioa baizik যদি আপনার সহানুভূতি নিজেকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত না করে, এটি অসম্পূর্ণ, আমি মুক্ত এবং সেই কারণেই আমি হারিয়ে গেলাম, আপনার হাসির কারণে আপনি জীবনকে আরও সুন্দর করে তোলেন, কিছু লোক একটি সুন্দর জায়গা খোঁজেন, আবার কেউ জায়গা সুন্দর করে তোলে T নিজের জন্য দুর্বলতার অশ্রু, কিন্তু অন্যের জন্য অশ্রু বয়ে যাওয়া শক্তির লক্ষণ। মনে রাখবেন, জীবন একটি যাত্রা। আপনি যা চেয়েছিলেন তা যদি একবারে পেয়ে থাকেন তবে বেঁচে থাকার কোনও অর্থ নেই। যাত্রায় উপভোগ করুন এবং শেষ পর্যন্ত আপনি এই "সেট ব্যাকগুলি" দৈত্য লাফ হিসাবে দেখবেন, কেবল আপনি এই মুহুর্তে আরও বড় ছবিটি দেখতে পেলেন না। শান্ত থাকুন, সবই নাগালের মধ্যে রয়েছে; আপনাকে যা করতে হবে তা হ'ল প্রতিদিন দেখাতে হবে, আপনার পথে সত্য থাকুন এবং অবশ্যই আপনি যা ধন অনুসন্ধান করেছিলেন তা পাবেন। বিশ্বের সর্বাধিক সুন্দর জিনিসগুলি দেখতে বা স্পর্শ করা যায় না, সেগুলি হৃদয় দিয়ে অনুভূত হয়। " ভালবাসার কথা চিন্তা করতে শিখেছি না; তবে আমার আগমনকে আমার সমস্ত মন দিয়ে সম্মান জানাতে। আমার এতটা পরিপূর্ণতা অনুভূতি ছিল না, খালি না থাকার অনুভূতিও ছিল নাYadi āpanāra sahānubhūti nijēkē antarbhukta nā karē, ēṭi asampūrṇa, āmi mukta ēbaṁ sē'i kāraṇē'i āmi hāriẏē gēlāma, āpanāra hāsira kāraṇē āpani jībanakē āra'ō sundara karē tōlēna, kichu lōka ēkaṭi sundara jāẏagā khōm̐jēna, ābāra kē'u jāẏagā sundara karē tōlē T nijēra jan'ya durbalatāra aśru, kintu an'yēra jan'ya aśru baẏē yā'ōẏā śaktira lakṣaṇa. Manē rākhabēna, jībana ēkaṭi yātrā. Āpani yā cēẏēchilēna tā yadi ēkabārē pēẏē thākēna tabē bēm̐cē thākāra kōna'ō artha nē'i. Yātrāẏa upabhōga karuna ēbaṁ śēṣa paryanta āpani ē'i"sēṭa byākaguli" daitya lāpha hisābē dēkhabēna, kēbala āpani ē'i muhurtē āra'ō baṛa chabiṭi dēkhatē pēlēna nā. Śānta thākuna, saba'i nāgālēra madhyē raẏēchē; āpanākē yā karatē habē tā ha'la pratidina dēkhātē habē, āpanāra pathē satya thākuna ēbaṁ abaśya'i āpani yā dhana anusandhāna karēchilēna tā pābēna. Biśbēra sarbādhika sundara jinisaguli dēkhatē bā sparśa karā yāẏa nā, sēguli hr̥daẏa diẏē anubhūta haẏa. " Bhālabāsāra kathā cintā karatē śikhēchi nā; tabē āmāra āgamanakē āmāra samasta mana diẏē sam'māna jānātē. Āmāra ētaṭā paripūrṇatā anubhūti chila nā, khāli nā thākāra anubhūti'ō chila nā fqətiniz özünüzü əhatə etmirsə, natamamdır, mən azadam və buna görə itirildim, təbəssümünüzə görə həyatınızı daha gözəlləşdirirsiniz, Bəziləri gözəl bir yer axtarır, bəziləri gözəl bir yer düzəldir. özünə görə zəiflik göz yaşıdır, amma başqaları üçün tökülən göz yaşları güc əlamətidir. Unutma, həyat bir səyahətdir. İstədiyiniz hər şeyi bir anda əldə etsəniz, yaşamağın mənası olmazdı. Gəzintidən zövq alın və nəticədə bu "arxa dəstələri" nəhəng sıçrayış kimi görürsünüz, yalnız o anda daha böyük mənzərəni görə bilməzsiniz. Sakit olun, hamısı əlindədir; etməli olduğunuz hər şey gündəlik göstərmək, yolunuza sadiq qalmaq və mütləq axtardığınız xəzinəni tapacaqsınız. Dünyadakı ən gözəl şeylərə baxmaq və ya toxunmaq olmaz, ürəklə hiss olunur. " Sevgidən narahat olmamağı öyrəndim; amma gəlişini bütün qəlbimlə şərəfləndirirəm. Bu qədər ehtiyac duyduğum tamlıq hissi deyil, boş qalmamaq hissi idiԵթե ​​ձեր կարեկցանքը ձեզ չի պարունակում, ապա դա թերի է, ես ազատ եմ, և այդ պատճառով ես կորած եմ, ձեր ժպիտի պատճառով դուք կյանքն ավելի գեղեցիկ եք դարձնում, որոշ մարդիկ փնտրում են գեղեցիկ վայր, իսկ մյուսները կազմում են գեղեցիկ տեղ: քանզի ինքնին թուլության արցունքներ են, բայց ուրիշների համար թափված արցունքները ուժի նշան են: Հիշեք, որ կյանքը ճանապարհորդություն է: Եթե ​​դուք ստացաք այն ամենը, ինչ ցանկանում եք բոլորը միանգամից, ապրելու իմաստ չուներ: Վայելեք լողալը, և ի վերջո կտեսնեք, որ այս «ետևի ոտքերը» հսկայական ցատկում են առաջ, միայն թե հիմա չեք կարող տեսնել ավելի մեծ պատկերը: Հանգիստ եղեք, ամեն ինչ հասանելի է: այն ամենը, ինչ դուք պետք է անեք, ամեն օր ցուցադրելն է, հավատարիմ մնացեք ձեր ճանապարհին և հաստատ կգտնեք ձեր որոնած գանձը: Աշխարհի ամենագեղեցիկ բաները հնարավոր չէ տեսնել կամ հպվել, դրանք սրտով են զգացվում »: Ես սովորեցի սիրտս չմտածել; բայց հարգելու նրա գալը ամբողջ սրտով: Դա ոչ այնքան ինձ լիարժեքության զգացումն էր, այլ դատարկ չլինելու զգացումըYet’e ​​dzer karekts’ank’y dzez ch’i parunakum, apa da t’eri e, yes azat yem, yev ayd patcharrov yes korats yem, dzer zhpiti patcharrov duk’ kyank’n aveli geghets’ik yek’ dardznum, vorosh mardik p’ntrum yen geghets’ik vayr, isk myusnery kazmum yen geghets’ik tegh: k’anzi ink’nin t’ulut’yan arts’unk’ner yen, bayts’ urishneri hamar t’ap’vats arts’unk’nery uzhi nshan yen: Hishek’, vor kyank’y chanaparhordut’yun e: Yet’e ​​duk’ stats’ak’ ayn ameny, inch’ ts’ankanum yek’ bolory miangamits’, aprelu imast ch’uner: Vayelek’ loghaly, yev i verjo ktesnek’, vor ays «yetevi votk’ery» hskayakan ts’atkum yen arraj, miayn t’e hima ch’ek’ karogh tesnel aveli mets patkery: Hangist yeghek’, amen inch’ hasaneli e: ayn ameny, inch’ duk’ petk’ e anek’, amen or ts’uts’adreln e, havatarim mnats’ek’ dzer chanaparhin yev hastat kgtnek’ dzer voronats gandzy: Ashkharhi amenageghets’ik banery hnaravor ch’e tesnel kam hpvel, drank’ srtov yen zgats’vum »: Yes sovorets’i sirts ch’mtatsel; bayts’ hargelu nra galy amboghj srtov: Da voch’ aynk’an indz liarzhek’ut’yan zgats’umn er, ayl datark ch’linelu zgats’umy kanat rahmatik la tashmal nafsak , fahi ghyr muktamalat , 'ana hurun walhdha alsabab 'ana dayie , bsbb aibtisamatik , tajeal alhayat 'akthar jammalaan , bed alnaas yabhathun ean makan jamil , walbaed alakhar yajeal makan jmil. balnsbt lilidhdhat dumue alduef , lkna aldumue alty tadhrif lilakhirin hi ealamat ealaa alquati. tudhkar 'ana alhayat hi rahlatu. 'iidha kunt qad hasalt ealaa kl ma turiduh dufeat wahidat falan yakun hunak dae lileaysh. astamtae bialrihlat , wafi alnihayat sataraa hadhih "alnukasat" ealaa 'anaha qafazat eimlaqat lil'amam , faqat 'ant la tastatie ruyat alsuwrat al'akbar fi alwaqt alhalii. hafiz ealaa alhudu' , kl shay' fi mutanawal alyad ; kl ma ealayk faealah hu alzuhur kl yawm , walbaqa' sadiqin fi tariqik wasatajid bialtaakid alkinaz aldhy tabhath eanh. 'ajmal al'ashya' fi alealam la yumkin ruyataha 'aw lamsaha , fahi mahsusat bialqulbi. " taealamat 'alaa 'uqliq bishan alhub. walikun litakrim majayiyiha min kuli qalbi. lm yakun alshueur bialaiktimal aldhy kunt bihajat 'iilayh , bal alshueur bieadam alfaragh
0 notes
charliedoyleloves · 4 years
You caught me doing something dangerous and flipped out w viktor? :>
“You Caught Me Doing Something Dangerous and Flipped Out” – Three Armed Metal Husband ft an engagement???? Maybe not exactly the trope, but still. I know you live for this content Maddie, do not lie to me.
Also going to tag @sacredempressnatlyia because this seems like the type of thing you would like. If you don’t want to be tagged again, let me know!
He was stalking around the room again, his leg brace clacking against the floor with every odd step. Step, clack, step, clack, step.
The clack didn’t come, and they realized he knew they were awake.
“Charlize-“ his voice was a low growl, one that they were rarely on the receiving end of, “what were you thinking? The Enforcer? The Grey Lady?”
There were many things that Viktor was not. And subtle or patient was rarely one of them. He was a man of engineering, and engineering had things to do. Even his feelings were frantic and oh so loud. A fast paced song that they could never get him to dance with them to.
Charlie sat up, legs flexing where they couldn’t move any longer. They stared at Viktor, maskless and frazzled, so they did not need to stare down. It was obvious what was happening with them. Their job had them support their own weight, move it around and manipulate it.
Charlie knew that they were lighter now.
“You needed someone to go. The auction had Blitz’s tech, I needed to get it back for you.” Their arms supported them as they got into a straight sit. Legs aching. “How were any of us to know it was a set up for Ferros to go after someone? Lets face it, shady blackmarket deals is kind-of what I do for you.”
“No!” His arms flew wide, third arm pulling at his hair slightly. A habit to calm himself. “You’re a fucking acrobat Charlie! That is your job, one that I know you love! I don’t need you to be doing any of this!”
They threw up their hands, a sign that he would know was them condescending. With him trying to remove his emotions, how could they explain that they had to go after his technology because it would make him feel better. That their decision was purely emotional.
He took a deep breath, one they could almost feel in his song, and dragged his hands down his face.
“You are an important person. To the Cirque, to the Evolution.”
They bit their tongue, stopping themselves from making an inappropriately snarky comment. One to hide the hurt of him not mentioning himself. Once upon a time, he would have brought up that they were important to him.
But that was just being selfish. Viktor had his hands, all three, full with the prosthetics and surgeries he was doing. Important work.
“Just say it Vik. It was stupid and reckless.” They shrugged, listening to the frantic thrum of him. Hoping it would calm it down. “Not your fault, but mine.”
Just facts. The highest proof of something. Facts over feelings, right?
But he didn’t speak again for a while. Time that they used to finally face their own facts. Looking down, they traced the outline of their legs under the sheets. From their hips, to thigh, then cut off. The blade of the Grey Lady, the Steel Shadow of Piltover, cut clean through above their knee.
As they tried to flex the muscles, it didn’t work properly. The ends of them not anchored right. The end of their acrobatic career. But they pioneered a new type of magic with their studies before their performances. One that they could devote their time to now, right?
The tears darkened the sheet, hot and streaming steadily. Breath caught in their chest, a fault of emotion not physiology.
Step, clank, step, clank, step.
Viktor left the room, leaving them alone. Would the Cirque really care for them, now that they could not perform for them? Their parents didn’t care, their debt to the family paid off. Viktor suppressing any care in him. With his song gone, they were acutely aware of how alone they were.
Their own feelings, a song they thought they were deafened to, bounced off the walls of the empty room. Empty beds and empty chairs around them, just as their parents had warned. They could not leave the room, basically becoming a cell all their own. Just like would have waited for them had they stayed in Demacia.
Was their fate ultimately to always end up trapped?
Their breath quickened, and their legs twitched and magic buzzed beneath their skin. It did not come, instead the magic uselessly flowing to their legs and not returning. Trying to heal something that it was never meant too.
The metal walls only caused it to bounce back to them. An echo chamber for their unheard songs. Dragging them into their unfortunate thought spiral. Getting louder and louder in their magic which deafened them to everything.
When a hand rested upon their shoulder, it all stopped.
“Charlie, I’m going to remove the sheet.”
Viktor’s voice was far softer now, his song still frantic but not unusually so. The tempo off and instruments of his emotions not in sync. He must have used some of his chems to force himself to be calm.
They moved their hands so he could, turning their head to hide their distaste. The cut of their legs was clean, not shocking from a professional. If one of the Glorious Evolution was not there to cauterize the wounds, they would have died of bloodloss quite quickly. The young man’s chem induced calm likely being the only thing that saved their life.
But perhaps it would have been better if there were no such chems.
Charlie’s leg jumped at the feeling of cold metal, not at all the overly warm metal of Viktors augments. They swore, turning back to him before stopping.
Beside their leg was an intricately made full leg. Copper swirled in filigree above matte red and blues. The metalwork being among the finest he had made. Large enough to fit over their thigh. Long enough that it would have covered their entire leg. The feet being just their size.
“I can create the inner workings of a prosthetic for you, but…” His taking the calming chems made more sense as they looked over the fine craftsmenship. “Is this the shell of them you would want? Something plainer can be created, if it’s too much.”
An engagement gift. It wasn’t among the finest metalwork Viktor had made, but would have been the finest to date.
They looked to him, their eyes wide. Brown meeting his own dark blue. Exhausted rings around his, a stubble that would have taken him too many days without shaving to achieve. Third hand resting upon their shoulder and rubbing small circles.
On his knees beside their bed.
“You made me leg braces?”
Like the one he wore, but so much more. Just, more. Something they could wear in their performances. The points where they were most themselves, they would wear his finest work.
“A pair, yes.” One of his hands shook the spare one. Looking away to focus on his creation. “You hold onto Demacian Aesthetic Principles, and symmetry is a good thing, yes? And I was testing out some engineering that could give you options should your gravitational magic is not enough. I tested the heels, but they should be able to dampen the shock of large falls. Possibly even reducing them into their entirety because of the hydraulics-“
Charlie leaned forward and put a hand on his cheek. The frantic pace of his song increasing as everything was beginning to sound in tune. Accidentally wearing the chems away with the sheer frantic nature of the moment. A spiral downwards into emotion.
“Viktor, I would love for those to be the shells.” Their thumb rubbed against him, and they watched his eyes flit back and forth as he thought. “I just want to be sure what all you are asking me; will you marry me?”
They heard a group of wind instruments pause, a group of the assistants, nurses, and helpers of his Glorious Evolution listening in. With the augments he gave them, no doubt.
But his slight laughter against their hand pulled their thoughts from that. His eyes darting back to theirs as he leaned into their hand.
“How is it even when I’m on my knee, you propose?” All three of his hands rested on them. One a cheek, one at their waist, the third kept to their shoulder. A tired smile and the craftsmanship telling them how long he had thought of this. “But I need to be certain that you are not accepting because of a fear-“
“In my trunk with the Cirque, there is a cloak that is enchanted and made with the finest materials that I could get my hands on.” It was a task to keep their focus on his eyes, to not draw themselves inward. To not revert back to the childhood habit of taking up as little space as possible. “I ask you as someone who has spent the last five years loving you.”
They could not force a smile upon their face. Not because it wasn’t a happy moment, but because they needed him to know that this was serious to them. That they meant the words they said. That they spent nearly five hundred hours embroidering and enchanting the gift they were too scared to give him.
“My Gravity,” they flushed as the new nickname, knowing how important he thought such things; the heat of both his hands upon their cheeks; the intensity of his stare, “I will spend the rest of my days returning to you, for as long as you would have me.”
They laughed a bit, leaning into him as their hands went to hide their face. Ears reddening and curling into themselves. New leg to be accidentally falling to the ground.
“You could have just said yes.”
Their own song was humming in their ears, heartbeat acting as the drumline. His laughter adding more to the music.
His hands shifted, letting him shift them further onto the bed, and he climbed up. Not nearly as armored as usual, the thin fabric of his shirt warming them up. Literally being soft around them. They hid further into their hands.
Pillows were shuffled, him trying to find a comfortable way to lay down in the bed that was too small for him. Legs bent where theirs was propped against him. Not saying a thing about how he curled around them as if to protect them.
Charlie did elbow him about it.
“So,” he whispered into their hair, “do you think I will have to tell my mother about this? Or will the others whom were totally working and not listening in will?”
They laughed into their hands and his chest.
“Would you risk her not hearing it from you the first moment you see her next?” Hands were moved, trying to figure out the new comfortable. Still tucked under his chin. “If the first thing you say to her is not ‘I got engaged’ or ‘They Said Yes’, she will hold it over you for the rest of your life. Frankly, you should call her now.”
“Maybe.” It was a hum against their head. “You need rest though. I noticed that your mana has been draining and it has been impacting your vitals for days. Sleep, more sugars to keep yourself balanced, and low activity until I can at least make a temporary prosthetic to stop the magic from draining.”
“Can I ask one thing?”
Another hum.
“Can you kiss me?” They could feel and hear the curious and amused look on his face. Whether it was their magic or just seven years of knowing him was not as important. “We did just get engaged, I did just wake up from a major injury, and it has been over a week since the last time.”
One of his hands tilted their chin uncomfortably high as he stooped at an equally uncomfortable level on the bed. But it was still a kiss that they loved dearly.
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charliedoyleloves · 4 years
Star emoji and the trident emoji, hand man viktor!
✨ - What’s one of Charlie’s talents that you’ve noticed?
Charlie is uniquely talented with people. They have an ability to be able to know what to say or how to improve their life. As of late, they have been using it in helping my patients. I am... Lacking in bedside manners. My time is better spent working on my prototypes and doing the necessary surgeries for others.
🔱 - What’s their favorite beach activity?
Well, I have heavy prosthetics and augmentations, and Charlie's legs would weight them down. We do not go swimming too often, even if there was a clean beach to do so in Zaun. On the rare occasion they get invited to a pool in Piltover they just bring a book and some money for snacks.
...... I know they miss swimming though.
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charliedoyleloves · 4 years
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I'm at my parents house so no digital sketches, but I've been working on the design for Piltie both in the Rift and as a part of a Mage Rebellion AU.
Legs are all prosthetics which have to do with things I HC within Piltover and Zaun. Feel free to ask questions and stuff!
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charliedoyleloves · 5 years
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so. @shakespeareoffmain and I were talking and like. her reaction image to that Garen Letter was great. If anyone has a League of Legends Self Insert, you should most certainly do this. I also have a blank version if people are interested.
but here’s my Piltover/Zaun SI. Probably just gonna land on some Piltie Cop to allow someone a quick escape.
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charliedoyleloves · 4 years
Riot, Viktor Visual Update when?????
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