#sichuan university chengdu china
casualjellyfishcycle · 4 months
Exploring the Opportunities of Pursuing MBBS Abroad in Chengdu, Sichuan, China
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Introduction: The Appeal of Sichuan, China for Pursuing MBBS Abroad
In recent years, Chengdu, Sichuan, China has emerged as a prominent destination for international students aspiring to pursue their MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) degrees abroad. Renowned for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant lifestyle, and excellent educational institutions, Chengdu offers a conducive environment for students seeking quality medical education combined with an immersive cultural experience.
Discovering Chengdu University: A Hub of Academic Excellence
Why Choose Chengdu University?
Chengdu University, nestled in the heart of Sichuan Province, stands out as a beacon of academic excellence in the field of medicine. Boasting state-of-the-art facilities, experienced faculty members, and a comprehensive curriculum, Chengdu University provides students with a nurturing environment conducive to holistic learning and professional growth.
Academic Programs and Specializations
At Chengdu University, students have the opportunity to explore a wide range of academic programs and specializations tailored to their interests and career aspirations. From fundamental medical sciences to advanced clinical practice, the university offers a diverse array of courses designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in their chosen field of medicine.
Research and Innovation
Chengdu University is at the forefront of research and innovation in the medical field, fostering a culture of scientific inquiry and discovery. Students have access to cutting-edge laboratories, research centers, and collaborative opportunities, empowering them to engage in groundbreaking research projects and contribute to advancements in healthcare on a global scale.
Sichuan Medical University Ranking: A Testament to Excellence
Sichuan Medical University: A Prestigious Institution
Sichuan Medical University ranking has consistently maintained its position as one of the top-ranking medical institutions in China and beyond. With a legacy of academic excellence spanning decades, the university has garnered international recognition for its commitment to quality education, research, and healthcare innovation.
Ranking and Accreditation
Sichuan Medical University's impressive ranking in both national and global assessments underscores its reputation as a premier destination for medical education. Accredited by reputable organizations and regulatory bodies, the university adheres to stringent academic standards, ensuring that students receive a world-class education that is recognized and respected worldwide.
Sichuan University MBBS: Fulfilling Educational Dreams
Pursuing MBBS at Sichuan University
Sichuan University offers a comprehensive MBBS program that combines rigorous academic training with hands-on clinical experience. With a focus on practical learning and skill development, the program prepares students to meet the challenges of modern healthcare delivery and excel as competent and compassionate medical professionals.
Faculty and Mentorship
The dedicated faculty members at Sichuan University are committed to nurturing the next generation of healthcare leaders. Through personalized mentorship and guidance, students receive individualized support and encouragement, empowering them to realize their full potential and pursue their academic and professional goals with confidence.
Conclusion: Embracing the Opportunities Awaiting in Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In conclusion, Chengdu, Sichuan, China offers a unique and compelling destination for aspiring medical students seeking to pursue their MBBS Abroad degrees abroad. With world-class educational institutions, a rich cultural tapestry, and abundant opportunities for academic and personal growth, Chengdu beckons students from around the globe to embark on a transformative journey towards a fulfilling career in medicine.
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biglittleluobo · 5 months
萝卜's Essential Chinese Characters #2
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Hello again for another round of essential Chinese characters! When I was in China, we took a lot of taxis. They’re everywhere, reasonably priced, and fast. While you can call for a ride-share type service using a Chinese navigational app like 高德地图 (I like to read it as “above average maps" XD), it’s usually pretty convenient to just hail one on the street. How do you know which ones are available though? I’ll tell you how, you read the sign! Here’s what you need to know:
空车 (kōngchē) – literally “empty car”, meaning it’s available!
有客 (yǒukè) – literally “have guest/customer”, meaning you should catch the next one!
The funny thing about this is that while these two phrases seem to be fairly universal, the colors they show up as differ from location to location. So while in Chengdu 空车 is in red (see the picture), and 有客 is in green, these colors were flipped in other cities! So there’s no easy catch-all in terms of colors, you do have to read!
I felt a bit weird taking pictures of active taxis while abroad, so I just found the above picture online (source). This taxi looks a bit older, though it still has the classic green of Sichuan!
See you next time! 下次见!
P.S. Fun fact about license plates in China: the first two characters refer to the province and city where the car was registered. So in the above picture, you can see that this license plate is 川A meaning that it is from Sichuan (四川) city "A", which in this case is the capital Chengdu! It's quite fun looking at the cars driving around and see where everyone has come from, especially during a holiday time like Chinese New Year!
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bpod-bpod · 2 months
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Neuron Membrane Shaper
Vital role revealed of a BAR domain protein called FAM92A1 in remodelling neuron membranes during brain development, particularly at synapses, the structure that allows passage of signals from one neuron to another. Insight into the risk of FAM92A1 mutation leading to human neurological disorders
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Liang Wang and Ziyun Yang, and colleagues
Mental Health Center & National Chengdu Center for Safety Evaluation of Drugs, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy, West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Chengdu, China; Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, July 2024
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Celebrating Grandparents
Fun with our Grandparents!
"Grandparents are both our past and our future. In some ways, they are what has gone before, and in others, they are what we will become." —Fred Rogers
Hosts Julia and Keerthi talk about the superpowers of grandparents. They possess the unique ability to turn every mundane event into an epic adventure. Each one is a treasure trove of adventure, mystery, and, quite often, questionable fashion choices from their youth. They’ve seen it all—wars, moon landings, and the evolution of the telephone from rotary to touch. Keerthi’s grandparents are Indian and don’t speak English, so they couldn’t be on the show today. But Keerthi shares how much she loves hanging out with them on their coconut farm when she visits India. One set of her grandparents is from the same village where Kamala Harris’ mom grew up! Julia introduces us to her two amazing and accomplished grandpas.
Yukon joined Julia and Keerthi for a lively discussion about how he came to America from China and became a renowned economist, not seeing China again until he became the World Bank's country director for China with an office in Beijing. His stories and advice will have listeners craving more. Unfortunately, Julia’s grandfather on her dad’s side was unable to come on the program but she interviewed him about his life earlier. Jonathan Howe is a retired four-star United States Navy admiral, who worked at the White House with Henry Kissinger and President Nixon. He was the Special Representative for Somalia to United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. He met his future wife at age 13 and the rest is history. Both grandpas have Wikipedia pages.
Yukon Huang: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yukon_Huang
Jonathan Howe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Howe .
This show honors grandparents everywhere! Grandparents are the heart of our history, the soul of our future. Celebrate your grandparents. Happy Grandparents Day!
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Bio: Yukon Huang:
Yukon Huang, Julia’s grandpa, was born in Chengdu/Sichuan and grew up with his grandfather in Changsha/Hunan. In 1949, his grandfather sent him to the United States, where his parents were studying. He did not see China again until he became the World Bank's country director for China and had his office in Beijing. He attended school in Washington, then the only Chinese among 600 students.[3]Yukon Huang is a senior fellow with the Asia Program. He was formerly the World Bank’s country director for China and earlier director for Russia and the Former Soviet Union Republics. He is an adviser to the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and various governments and corporations. His research focuses on China’s economy and its regional and global impact. Huang has published widely on development issues in both professional journals and the public media. His articles have appeared frequently in the Financial Times, South China Morning Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, Bloomberg, Foreign Affairs, and the National Interest. His books include East Asia Visions, Reshaping Economic Geography in East Asia, and International Migration and Development in East Asia and the Pacific. His most recent book, Cracking the China Conundrum: Why Conventional Economic Wisdom Is Wrong  (Oxford University Press) focuses on U.S.-China Economic and Technology tensions. He has a PhD in economics from Princeton University and a BA from Yale University. https://carnegieendowment.org/people/yukon-huang?lang=en
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/151308/fun-with-our-grandparents
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newstfionline · 18 days
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Georgia Tests a Novel Tactic in School Shootings: Putting Parents on Trial (NYT) In a landmark criminal case in Michigan earlier this year, James and Jennifer Crumbley became the first parents convicted in connection with killings carried out by their child in a mass shooting. Now, in the first mass school shooting in the United States since those convictions, Georgia officials appear poised to try the same tactic. On Thursday, prosecutors filed charges, including two counts of second-degree murder, against the father of the suspect, saying he had provided a gun to his son “with knowledge that he was a threat to himself and others.” Such charges were all but unheard of before the Michigan case, and the Georgia prosecution will test the emerging push to hold parents responsible for mass shootings by young people. The prosecutions raise thorny questions about culpability. “These cases are horrible, and I very much understand why a prosecutor would feel like parents like this were egregious in their lack of care,” Professor Yankah said. “But I do think it’s worth pausing to realize that we have blown right by a deeply held principle: that you’re only responsible for your actions, and that when other people act, you’re not responsible for what they do.”
For the second year in a row, most U.S. cities are seeing significant declines in homicides and violent crime (Washington Post) Crime is falling rapidly in many U.S. cities for the second year in a row, a decline attributed in part to the end of the pandemic’s empty streets and shuttered stores. Law enforcement officials also credit a renewed focus on gun crimes—analyzing evidence faster, hitting suspects with federal charges where possible, and quickening the pace of arrests to prevent tit-for-tat violence. Violent crime shot up during the coronavirus pandemic and its immediate aftermath. In 2020, killings jumped nearly 30 percent, the largest one-year increase since the federal government began compiling national figures in the 1960s.
These Americans want out (NYT) Amid an election cycle fueled by existential rhetoric, some Americans are thinking about walking away. Not from politics. From the entire country. This summer, nearly 2,000 readers responded to a New York Times survey asking if they would leave the United States should their favored candidate lose the presidential election in November. Another 3,000 people responded to similar questions asked over social media. Some respondents had already moved. Others were taking the steps—looking for jobs overseas, or seeking ways to qualify for residency. Their reasons were varied, though the candidates at the top of the ballot figured prominently. Many said they feared the country might spiral into authoritarianism should Donald Trump win a second term. Others were deeply concerned about how a Kamala Harris administration would handle the war in Gaza and the economy. There was more general angst—about gun violence, political vitriol, abortion restrictions, rising antisemitism, racism and L.G.B.T.Q. discrimination. Overwhelmingly, respondents were in their prime working years—not students, retirees or wealthy travelers—and straddled the political spectrum. “There is a general sense that the U.S. is in decline and it doesn’t matter who wins this next election,” said Megan A. Carney, an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona.
Chinese migrants in Mexico (AP) Despite her well-paying tech job, Li Daijing didn’t hesitate when her cousin asked for help running a restaurant in Mexico City. She packed up and left China for the Mexican capital last year, with dreams of a new adventure. The 30-year-old woman from Chengdu, the Sichuan provincial capital, hopes one day to start an online business importing furniture from her home country. “I want more,” Li said. “I want to be a strong woman. I want independence.” Li is among a new wave of Chinese migrants who are leaving their country in search of opportunities, more freedom or better financial prospects at a time when China’s economy has slowed, youth unemployment rates remain high and its relations with the U.S. and its allies have soured. While the U.S. border patrol arrested tens of thousands of Chinese at the U.S-Mexico border over the past year, thousands are making the Latin American country their final destination. Many have hopes to start businesses of their own, taking advantage of Mexico’s proximity to the U.S.
Argentina’s unusual currency (Foreign Policy) In response to Argentine President Javier Milei’s austerity measures, the poor northeastern province of La Rioja has unveiled its own currency. Milei’s policies have dramatically reduced funding to the opposition-led provincial government, which defaulted on its debt in February. La Rioja’s governor, who created the currency, hopes that it can stimulate the local economy. The currency, the chacho, is named after a local historical hero and can be exchanged for pesos at a fixed rate. The governor has so far distributed more than $3 million worth of chachos to residents. Although the measure is a political affront to Milei, he has signaled that he will not block it. Whether it will help La Rioja’s economy, however, is another question: Analysts told Bloomberg that this type of money-printing is what got Argentina into its financial straits in the first place.
September heat wave in Europe (Washington Post) With the hottest time of year on average in the rear view, Europe is still scorching as summer transitions to fall. In recent days, many parts of Scandinavia have posted their highest temperatures on record so late in the year. Several other European countries have also set notable September heat milestones, including Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia. The September heat wave follows Europe’s hottest summer on record and the hottest summer for the planet.
Distracted and Divided, Russian Security Service Misses Threats (NYT) On the day Ukraine launched its daring incursion into Russia’s Kursk region, the Federal Security Service, the Russian agency most responsible for protecting the border, played down the seriousness of the operation. Calling it “an armed provocation,” the agency said its forces were working to push the Ukrainians back. That was nearly a month ago. Since then, Ukrainian forces have occupied a small but significant patch of Russian territory and killed or captured hundreds of Russian troops, according to officials, analysts and satellite imagery. President Vladimir V. Putin has said an assessment of the failures in Kursk would be made only after the situation in Russia’s border region had stabilized, but intelligence experts say that a large measure of the responsibility rests with the Federal Security Service. Despite its sprawling networks of agents and vast budget, the agency, known as the F.S.B., first failed to anticipate the Ukrainian incursion and is now struggling along with the Russian Army to dislodge a sizable Ukrainian fighting force.
‘Out of a Horror Movie:’ Typhoon Yagi Makes Landfall in Vietnam (NYT) Typhoon Yagi made landfall in Vietnam on Saturday, packing powerful winds and torrential rain that killed at least four people and injured more than 70 people, according to state-run media, and forced tens of thousands to evacuate. Earlier, the storm smashed into southern China, where at least three people died. The typhoon, one of the most powerful to strike northern Vietnam, made landfall at 1:30 p.m. near the city of Haiphong. The storm’s gales sank boats, broke utility poles and uprooted trees in coastal towns near Halong Bay. More than eight million people in the northern provinces were experiencing power failures, according to state-run media. Vessels in the Quang Ninh were swept away, some with crew members onboard, according to news accounts. One sailor was killed and more than a dozen others were missing. “I’ve never seen anything like this in my life,” said Nguyen Viet Anh, 32, a resident of Ha Long City, in a phone interview. “I don’t even recognize my town,” he said, describing the fallen trees and tin roofs ripped off homes. “It’s just like out of a horror movie.”
Prince Hisahito becomes the first royal male in Japan to reach adulthood in 4 decades (AP) In a big milestone for Japan’s royal family, Prince Hisahito turned 18 on Friday, becoming the first male royal family member to reach adulthood in almost four decades. It is a significant development for a family that has ruled for more than a millennium but faces the same existential problems as the rest of the nation—a fast-aging, shrinking population. Hisahito, who is set to become the emperor one day, is the nephew of Japanese Emperor Naruhito. His father, Crown Prince Akishino, was the last male to reach adulthood in the family, in 1985. His status as the last heir apparent poses a major problem for a system that doesn’t allow empresses. The government is debating how to keep succession stable without relying on women. The 1947 Imperial House Law, which largely preserves conservative pre-war family values, only allows a male to succeed to the throne.
Gaza enters its 2nd school year without schooling (AP) This week, when they would normally be going back to school, the Qudeh family’s children stumbled with armfuls of rubble they collected from a destroyed building to sell for use in building graves in the cemetery that is now their home in southern Gaza. “Anyone our age in other countries is studying and learning,” said 14-year-old Ezz el-Din Qudeh, after he and his three siblings—the youngest a 4-year-old—hauled a load of concrete chunks. “We’re not. We’re working at something beyond our capacities. We are forced to in order to get a living.” As Gaza enters its second school year without schooling, most of its children are caught up helping their families in the daily struggle to survive amid Israel’s devastating campaign. Children trod barefoot on the dirt roads to carry water in plastic jerricans from distribution points to their families living in tent cities teeming with Palestinians driven from their homes. Others wait at charity kitchens with containers to bring back food. Humanitarian workers say the extended deprivation of education threatens long-term damage to Gaza’s children.
They Thought It Was Safe to Go Home (NYT) After Boko Haram fighters threatened them, they could not risk staying. Over a decade, the extremist group had killed tens of thousands of people in the cross-border scrubland around them. So the residents of Mafa, a village in northeast Nigeria’s Yobe State, fled in terror. About two weeks after that evacuation in late July, according to a village leader, a local official told them it was safe to go back. It was a catastrophic decision that ended last Sunday in fighters killing dozens of villagers, mostly men and boys, and burning Mafa to the ground. At least 170 people were killed, and more are missing. It came on the heels of another major attack in West Africa—on Barsalogho, a town in Burkina Faso, where members of another terrorist group killed as many as 400 people on Aug. 24, according to victims’ relatives.
Four Thieves Vinegar Collective (404 Media) An anarchist collective called Four Thieves Vinegar makes it its mission to teach people how to make do-it-yourself pharmaceuticals to drastically cut the cost of drugs at the expense of, essentially, bootleg drugs, arguing effectively for a right to repair but for your body. For instance, the hepatitis C drug Sovaldi costs $1,000 per pill, taken once per day for 12 weeks, an $84,000 treatment that works reliably. Initially, the chemists working there thought a DIY version synthesized from available precursors would cost $300 for the entire course, or $3.57 per pill, but they actually got it to $70 for the course, or 83 cents per pill. Mixæl Swan Laufer, the chief spokesperson of Four Thieves, said that the research that goes into making a new drug is hard, but that actually producing some of these medications after they’ve been invented is sometimes easy and inexpensive. Charging astronomical prices to people who are dying is immoral, and Four Thieves seeks to normalize the idea of making some types of medicine yourself. [Note: This is not an endorsement of Four Thieves.]
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hamzaaslam · 2 months
American Youth "Chinese Cultural Heritage and Sustainability" Visit to Southwest China
CHENGDU, CHINA – Media OutReach Newswire – 1 August 2024 – From July 20th to July 26th, a delegation of 30 students and teachers from renowned high schools and universities across the United States visited Chengdu, Dujiangyan, and the Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, Sichuan. The American student delegation was invited by Southwest Jiaotong University to engage in an 18-day study tour centered…
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Unveiling the Success Story of Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd
In the realm of education, the pursuit of excellence often intertwines with innovation and dedication. Among the plethora of educational institutions worldwide, there are some that shine brighter, not only for their academic prowess but also for their unique approaches to learning. Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd is one such institution, carving its niche with a blend of tradition and modernity, fostering a holistic learning environment. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the success story of this esteemed institution.
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Inception and Vision:
Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd, located in the vibrant city of Chengdu, China, emerged as a beacon of quality education in 1995. Founded by a group of visionary educators, its inception was rooted in the ambition to bridge the gap between conventional education and the evolving needs of the contemporary world. The institution aimed not only to impart knowledge but also to cultivate critical thinking, creativity, and social responsibility among its students.
Educational Philosophy:
At the core of Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd lies a robust educational philosophy that blends the rich cultural heritage of China with global perspectives. Embracing the principles of Confucianism, the institution emphasizes the importance of moral cultivation alongside intellectual development. It advocates for the harmonious integration of mind, body, and spirit, nurturing well-rounded individuals equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern era.
Academic Excellence:
Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd stands tall as a bastion of academic excellence, offering a diverse range of programs spanning various disciplines. From humanities to sciences, engineering to arts, the institution caters to the academic interests and career aspirations of a broad spectrum of students. Its faculty comprises accomplished scholars and industry experts who are committed to fostering a culture of inquiry, innovation, and academic rigor.
Holistic Development:
Recognizing the multifaceted nature of human potential, Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd places a strong emphasis on holistic development. Beyond academics, the institution provides ample opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities, sports, community service, and cultural events. Through these avenues, students hone their leadership skills, cultivate teamwork, and develop a sense of social responsibility, preparing them to excel not only in their careers but also as compassionate global citizens.
Technological Integration:
In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd remains at the forefront of innovation in education. The institution embraces technology as a tool to enhance teaching and learning experiences, leveraging digital platforms, interactive multimedia, and virtual simulations to enrich the educational journey. By integrating technology into the curriculum, students are empowered to adapt to the demands of the digital age and become proficient users of cutting-edge tools and technologies.
Global Engagement:
In an increasingly interconnected world, Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd recognizes the importance of global engagement in education. The institution fosters international partnerships, exchange programs, and collaborative initiatives with universities and institutions worldwide. Through these endeavors, students gain exposure to diverse cultures, perspectives, and ideas, enriching their educational experience and preparing them to thrive in a globalized society.
Commitment to Sustainability:
As stewards of the planet, Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd is deeply committed to sustainability and environmental conservation. The institution instills in its students a sense of environmental awareness and responsibility, promoting eco-friendly practices, conservation efforts, and sustainable development initiatives. Through education, research, and community outreach, the institution strives to inspire positive change and contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Alumni Success:
The success of an educational institution is often measured by the achievements of its alumni, and Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd boasts an impressive track record in this regard. Its alumni can be found in various fields and industries, making significant contributions to society, academia, business, and the arts. Armed with a solid foundation in education and values instilled by the institution, they serve as ambassadors of excellence and inspiration to future generations of students.
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In the ever-evolving landscape of education, Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd stands as a shining example of innovation, excellence, and dedication. Guided by a visionary educational philosophy, the institution continues to empower students to excel academically, cultivate character, and make meaningful contributions to society. As it looks towards the future, Sichuan University Affinity Education Pvt Ltd remains committed to its mission of shaping the leaders and innovators of tomorrow, poised to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century and beyond.Vist: https://www.mbbsadmissionabroad.in/sichuan-university
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foggynightdonut · 7 months
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Acalibrated human Y-chromosomal phylogeny based on resequencing Wei Wei,1,2 Qasim Ayub,1 Yuan Chen,1 Shane McCarthy,1 Yiping Hou,2 Ignazio Carbone,3 Yali Xue,1 and Chris Tyler-Smith1,4 1The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SA, United Kingdom; 2Department of Forensic Genetics, School of Basic Science and Forensic Medicine, Sichuan University (West China University of Medical Sciences), Chengdu, 610041 Sichuan, PR China; 3Center for Integrated Fungal Research, Department of Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-7244, USA We have identified variants present in high-coverage complete sequences of 36 diverse human Y chromosomes from Africa, Europe, South Asia, East Asia, and the Americas, representing eight major haplogroups. After restricting ouranalysis to 8.97 Mb of the unique male-specific Y sequence, we identified 6662 high-confidence variants, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), multi-nucleotide polymorphisms (MNPs), and indels.
We constructed phylogenetic trees using these variants, or subsets of them, and recapitulated the known structure of the tree. Assuming a male mutation rate of 1 3 10–9 per base pair per year, the time depth of the tree (haplogroups A3-R) was ~101,000–115,000 yr, and the lineages found outside Africa dated to 57,000–74,000 yr,both as expected. In addition, we dated a striking Paleolithic male lineage expansion to 41,000–52,000 yr ago and the node representing the major European Y lineage, R1b, to 4000 13,000 yr ago, supporting a Neolithic origin for these modern European Y chromosomes. In all, we provide a nearly 10-fold increase in the number of Y markers with phylogenetic information, and novel historical insights derived from placing them on a calibrated phylogenetic tree.
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casualjellyfishcycle · 4 months
Exploring Sichuan University for MBBS: A Comprehensive Guide
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Introduction to Sichuan University
Sichuan University, located in the vibrant city of Chengdu, Sichuan, China, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country. Established over a century ago, it has developed into a comprehensive institution renowned for its academic excellence, innovative research, and diverse student body. This guide aims to provide an in-depth look at Sichuan University's MBBS program, its ranking, and what makes Chengdu an ideal place for international students.
Sichuan University MBBS Program
Overview of the MBBS Program
The MBBS Abroad (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) program at Sichuan University is designed to train competent and compassionate medical professionals. The curriculum is rigorous, combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills through clinical rotations in affiliated hospitals. The program is taught in English, making it accessible to international students.
Admission Requirements
To gain admission into the MBBS program at Sichuan University, applicants must meet several criteria:
Academic Qualifications: High school diploma with a strong background in science subjects.
Language Proficiency: Non-native English speakers must provide proof of English proficiency (e.g., IELTS, TOEFL).
Entrance Examination: Some candidates may need to pass a university entrance exam.
Course Structure
The MBBS program spans six years, including a one-year internship. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects such as:
Basic Medical Sciences: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry.
Clinical Medicine: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics.
Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
Elective Courses and Research Projects.
Why Choose Sichuan University for MBBS?
Academic Excellence
Sichuan University mbbs is renowned for its academic rigor and high standards in medical education. The faculty comprises experienced professionals and researchers who provide students with a solid foundation in both the theoretical and practical aspects of medicine.
International Recognition
The MBBS degree from Sichuan University is recognized by major global medical councils, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). This recognition ensures that graduates can pursue medical careers worldwide.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The university boasts modern facilities, including advanced laboratories, simulation centers, and well-equipped libraries. These resources provide students with hands-on experience and access to the latest medical research and literature.
Life in Chengdu, Sichuan
Cultural and Economic Hub
Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, is a bustling metropolis known for its rich cultural heritage and rapid economic growth. It is famous for its cuisine, particularly the spicy Sichuan dishes, and its relaxed lifestyle. The city offers a blend of traditional Chinese culture and modern amenities, making it an attractive destination for students.
Affordable Living
Compared to other major cities in China, Chengdu offers a relatively low cost of living. Students can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle with affordable housing, food, and transportation. This financial advantage makes it an appealing option for international students on a budget.
Student-Friendly Environment
Chengdu is home to a large international community, with numerous events and activities catering to students. The city is known for its friendly locals and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that international students feel at home.
Sichuan Medical University Ranking
Sichuan University's ranking medical school consistently ranks among the top medical schools in China. It is known for its research output, quality of education, and contributions to the medical field. The university's ranking reflects its commitment to providing high-quality education and its success in producing skilled medical professionals.
National and International Rankings
National: Sichuan University is often ranked within the top 10 medical schools in China.
International: It holds a prominent position in global university rankings, recognized for its research excellence and academic reputation.
Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Campus and Facilities
The campus of Sichuan University in Chengdu is expansive and picturesque, with a mix of historic and modern buildings. It provides a conducive environment for learning and personal development. The university offers numerous facilities, including:
Modern Lecture Halls and Classrooms.
Extensive Libraries with Digital Resources.
Advanced Research Laboratories.
On-campus Accommodation and Dining Services.
Research and Innovation
Sichuan University is at the forefront of medical research and innovation. The university's research centers focus on cutting-edge medical science, with projects spanning various disciplines. Students have the opportunity to engage in research, contributing to significant advancements in medicine.
Choosing to study MBBS at Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, is a decision that promises a comprehensive medical education, a vibrant cultural experience, and an affordable lifestyle. With its prestigious ranking, state-of-the-art facilities, and a supportive environment for international students, Sichuan University stands out as an excellent choice for aspiring medical professionals.
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2023: Harassment of Religious People -- Chengdu -- Autumn Rain Covenant Church Intercession Message
For more on the Autumn Rain Covenant Church of Chengdu, read Ian Johnson’s 2017 book The Souls of China: The Return of Religion in China After Mao that discusses this Christian church in Chengdu and its persecution in considerable detail. Several translations on this blog are about the Autumn Rain Covenant Church and its imprisoned pastor Wang Yi: 2022: Chengdu House Church Prays for Covid-Hit…
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us-china · 7 months
University student travels to Chengdu for Spring Festival with family
University student travels to Chengdu for Spring Festival with family [CGTN]CGTN | 23-Feb-2024 Mian Xukun is a first-year student at the Communication University of Zhejiang. She’s always spent the Spring Festival holiday in her hometown, but this year her family decided to drive more than 10 hours to celebrate the Year of the Dragon in Chengdu, southwest China’s Sichuan Province. Check out the…
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bpod-bpod · 11 months
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Burrowing Death Cleaners
A newly-discovered function for immune cells called neutrophils as the main clearers of cells undergoing the normal process of programmed death (apoptosis) daily in the liver. Unlike other cell types responsible for clearing the body's apoptosing cells which engulf, these neutrophils burrow in and dispose of the worn-out cell from the inside
Read the published research paper here
Image from work by Lixiang Ma, Juan Zhao and Xiangyu Wang, and colleagues
Department of Neurosurgery, State Key Laboratory of Biotherapy and Cancer Center, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in eLife, September 2023
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Fengshui in the Qing Dynasty courtroom
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/fengshui-in-the-qing-dynasty-courtroom/
Fengshui in the Qing Dynasty courtroom
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Disputes over mining were common in late imperial China, during the Qing Dynasty. For instance, in the 1870s, Wu Tang, the governor-general of Sichuan province, enacted an outright ban on mining, despite an apparent economic need for it.
The rationale Wu Tang and other mining opponents often used to support their decisions? Fengshui.
That’s right, fengshui, the same concept contemporary Westerners associate with interior design — although it was a rather different thing in its place of origin. Fengshui was not a guide to sofa placement, but a long-established body of Chinese knowledge about the natural environment in relationship to the constructed world.
“Fengshui literally means wind and water,” says MIT historian Tristan Brown. “I think you can define it as an ever-evolving knowledge system of the natural and built environment that applied cosmological principles to the analysis of land for the siting of significant projects.”
Brown has written a new book about this rich and overlooked past, “Laws of the Land: Fengshui and the State in Qing Dynasty China,” published this month by Princeton University Press. In it, he examines the place of fengshui in Chinese society, specifically as a doctrine of knowledge used to inform legal cases and public policy decisions at a time of industrialization and modernization. In this sense, fengshui was not a matter of private taste, but a crucial part of the public sphere.  
Like a government report
While not a firmly codified body of thought, fengshui involves the elemental forces of yin and yang, which interact to create the “five agents,” with the qualities of fire, water, metal, wood, and earth. These are the basic parts of qi, the vital essence of the world. In China, there were two dominant modes of fengshui: the Compass School, which used a geomatic compass to assess the placement of structures, and the Form School, which focused more on the overall balance of built sites within the larger forms of the natural landscape.
“Laws of the Land” is the end product of doctoral work by Brown, who is the S.C. Fang Chinese Language and Culture Career Development Professor in MIT’s history section. Through original archival research in China, he analyzed hundreds of legal cases using fengshui, often involving the placement of gravesites, houses, temples, palaces, mining, industrial construction, and more.
Wu Tang, for one, ordered the Chengdu Plain of the Sichuan basin to be mapped by geomantic compass, creating a body of knowledge he could use in legal and policy matters.
“This is like a federal government report today in trying to debate a pipeline question, [it details] where the key places are, where everything is,” Brown says. “You can read that map as a super-fascinating specimen in the history of law and the environment.”
Indeed, as Brown emphasizes, the use of fengshui in public matters, occasionally remarked on by Westerners as a kind of eccentricity, was a recognizable effort to find sources of authority during disagreements about modernization.
“These Qing officials were not naïve, they were not backwards, including the ones who invoked fengshui to say [changes were] going to be bad,” Brown says.
And while explaining how fengshui was deployed in these cases, “Laws of the Land” also provides insights about industrialization in China. Some of the clearest disputes involving fengshui were concerned foreign investment in railroads, the telegraph, and mining in the late 19th century. But as Brown’s work shows, economic growth was creating pressures and public disputes well before that.
“In the 19th century, prior to railways and telegraphs even being debated, there was a rising population in China, there was increasing pressure on local environments, and the government was really just trying to hang on,” Brown says. “It’s a society and a legal system coming to terms with dramatic environmental and economic change, and trying to negotiate those shifts in the law through fengshui.”
From mining to the living room
“Laws of the Land” may also put the contemporary, Westernized, scaled-down version of fengshui into better perspective. Many Westerners encountered fengshui as part of the global rise in interest in Asian culture that dates back about 50 or 60 years. The scale and ambition of fengshui has certainly changed, compared to the way it was originally practiced in China, and Brown’s book helps show what has evolved, and remained intact.
“Fengshui gets rediscovered in the 1960s and the 1970s in the West as a kind of New Age knowledge, for harmonizing the environment with human beings, harmonizing living spaces, eventually living rooms and kitchens and all of that,” Brown says. “I think this book can also show how fengshui got where it is today, why it appears in The New York Times in the design section. There is a long history of people engaging fengshui and not necessarily knowing what it is, but this book may help clarify that.”
“Laws of the Land” has received praise from other historians. Jonathan Schlesinger, an Indiana University historian who studies both the Qing dynasty and environmental issues, has called it “an impressive, fine-combed reading of sources that paint a vivid picture of fengshui’s signature importance within local life and Qing law.”
Brown says he hopes to draw a wide audience of people with a variety of interests, given that his book brings together ideas about Chinese history, the law, design, religion and spirituality, and more. Academically, studying fengshui was once the province of anthropologists, but Brown’s book places the subject in new terrain as a part of legal history.
“The book builds on what’s come before and I hope contributes to what’s coming next,” Brown says. “For readers, and for students and scholars of architecture, design law, religion, the environment, I hope there’s something here for everyone.”
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devalchineselitblog · 2 years
Week 17 Blog 
Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China
Pages read:462-511
Word Count : 446
Summary(220):during this part of the story chang and her mother are return to chengdu and most of the people in chengdu are starting to go back to since it was closed down for cultural revolution and back up after 6 year.Then chang started working on a factory as a electrician to get selected to colleges/university.Her father was allowed to leave his camp but before leaving the doctor of him he is suffering from dangerously high blood pressure serious heart and liver trouble.Chang was giving a exam to get into university and pass and went to sichuan university.Change sister got married and they couldn't get back to chengdu because of the population the only way to enter is to obtain certificate showing she has incurable disease.Later chang father was in the hospital because of his condition then later he passed due to heart attack.Then chang mother was giving a speech about my father and to prove the he wasn't a bad person and she need to do this to help his children future.Chang on a vacation from the university to yangtze and there he was introduce to a port where all the boat came from and some foreign people who speak english to help learn english while she taking english class in university.
Critical Analysis(100):The Author included this in the book "“He could not produce any convincing reasons. Love? Love was supposed to be bound up with "class feelings," and who could deserve more class feelings than a Communist heroine?” because to show  to the audience that you can't love anyone while being underpressure or someone is forcing you to do it. Love is a feeling that you get for the other person.You can't buy love , In love you just feel it and you can't change it for another person because they are from rich family/background or powerful family or wealthy family.
Personal Response(126):During this section of the book I feel like it's the start of the book because like what's happening in the story everything is getting a new start and people are having their lives back and their hometown.Just while reading in like near the end of the week reading Another death happen just like the last week and this time it's her father so it's kinda sad that people in the story are dying but im few pages away from finishing the story and seeing whats happen at the end.But reading the these couple of day was boring because nothing interesting was happening it was just not fun to read but looking forward to reading the next week chapter and finishing the book hopefully.
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rnewspost · 2 years
Evidence found of causal link for multisite chronic pain and multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis
Multisite chronic pain is causally associated with a higher risk for multiple sclerosis (MS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but not with other autoimmune diseases (AIDs), according to a study published online Feb. 9 in Frontiers in Immunology. Yidan Tang, from Sichuan University in Chengdu, China, and colleagues used a two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) method to determine the causal…
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alisha-gupta24 · 2 years
Sichuan University is one of the reputed public university comes under the Ministry of Education in China. It was founded in the year 1896 as the Sichuan University Chengdu merged with West China University of Medical science and Chengdu University of Science and Technology. It is one of the top-notch medical institutions of the country that provides world-class education.
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