#side note: these are all pictures because i orginally posted this on the wrong account and i was too lazy to type all this out again
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Here is how my week went.
I have been working from home for awhile now. You would think I would’ve gotten the hang of it by now. That’s where your wrong. This is the funny story of what happened on my zoom call on Monday. 
I have 2 gmail accounts. One is linked to my office and work and one is is linked to my home and personal affairs. Because of that, I have 2 google accounts. My Tumblr, private email, online shopping, my blog etc. I usually check that if I need to do split screen and screen recording, I don’t have stuff like my Forever 21 cart or my Tumblr profile in the background. 
On Monday I forgot to check. This below is what my screen usually projects when I do these meetings. 
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See, white blank google background, no stupid bookmarks, no Netflix or Tumblr in my apps on the side. I usually do split screen a lot and I make sure that when I do split screen, if anything personal is behind it, it’s not mortifying or job threatening, cause I do work in an office and am currently applying for more serious careers. This what was essentially shown when I went to do split screen on monday. (Note all pictures were taken today, but this is basically what my screen looked like give or take a few posts.) 
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For starters, I had 3 tabs open, I only knew about 2. And if it was just the other google page, It wouldn’t have been so bad. It’s the tumblr in the background (On monday it was a cute little post I was writing about my love for Les Mis, the example picture is this post). If you look at the top, you can see the tabs “Forever 21 Cart” and “Weebly) These two things house clothing I stress buy and a website I write, stuff I do not want my employers to see. Of course the tumblr post wasn’t cute either.  
Of course I made it worse because instead of quickly x-ing out of there and moving on, I hit the wrong button and in all glory for my boss and a few other people to see, I pulled up my blog. 
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Yeah. That was shown on the side of my screen for several seconds. Long enough for them to read it. How do I know this? Someone asked what my name meant and then asked if that was my boyfriend. (”That” being Aaron Tveit) Then if it couldn’t have gotten worse, after x-ing out of that stupidly, they saw my dashbord (I would just like to say that while in the picture I am using today as an example you can see peoples blogs and urls, in the orginal incident my posts were all at the top. No ones Urls or names were shown or exposed to anyone). 
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Now your probably thinking, that can’t get worse. Well it can, because if you would kindly look to the side, you can see my computer background. Yeah, that was a mortifying zoom call. 
What happened on Wednesday was when I joined my boss said 
“Ok everyone check your screen make sure nothings in the background” 
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