#sidney ramsey
tournament-of-x · 1 year
The Tournament of X
Fun Fact!
There are 12 contestants in this tournament who share their codename with another character, of whom 2 pairs have codenames that only differ by a “y” versus an “i”! These codename-sharing contestants include:
Benjamin Deeds and Kevin Sidney, AKA Morph
James “Logan” Howlett and Laura Kinney, AKA Wolverine
John Proudstar and Neal Shaara, AKA Thunderbird
Genesis and Evan Sabahnur, AKA Genesis
Douglas Ramsey and Alisa Tager, AKA Cypher and Cipher
Evan Daniels and Gary Walsh, AKA Spyke and Spike
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hitchell-mope · 7 months
Good movie. Much better than a normal hallmark type of movie. And it’s literally ALL to do with the wartime horror aspect.
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ghastlyfilters · 6 months
could i have some stu x fem!reader going camping hcs? like it’s him, reader, the rest of the group just going camping and having a good time :))
𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!! :>
pairing: implied stu macher x fem!reader
i cannot express how much i fucking think about this group. there will be plenty of the ‘gang’ content coming soon!! picturing them doing the stupidest shit together is just, AH.
anyways anon, thank you for your request that made me so ridiculously happy lol (ENJOY!!)
warnings: harsh language, randy thinking he’s literally gordon ramsey
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• Boy oh boy, summertime had finally came around once again. Giving you all a pretty good idea of what was coming soon..
• Okay, okay.. this hadn’t originally been apart any of your guys’ plans, but all of your parents were stubborn and wanted you to spend more time together.
• And apparently camping was just the right way to do so? Whatever. It’s not like any of you were ever going to win if you tried to protest on going each year. You lot VS a ton of parents? Fuck. It would never work.
• The agreed arrangement had been Stu, Billy, Randy, Sidney, Tatum and yourself to all go camping for atleast one week during summer break.
• Of course Billy was always the one trying to creep his way out of this shitty plan. It had been going on for so many years that the rest of y’all stopped trying at this point. But Billy? Oh, he was pretty damn adamant on faking whatever dumbass illness he could think of.
• You all made bets on who he would call that year, trying to convince that person on how very ‘poorly’ he was doing.
“I can’t go. I have a cold.”
“It’s July..”
• His dad ended up dragging him out of the house and right into the van Stu’s parents bought him specifically for this occasion.
• After checking you guys had everything packed and ready to go, you were off into the hills!
• It was an interesting road trip to say the least, hours of Randy complaining he had to take a piss, plus Billy whining about how he didn’t wanna be here.. yeah.. an ideal three hours, huh? Jesus.
• The minute you guys arrive, Randy instantly runs over to a tree a little further away from you guys and pulls down his pants, urinating onto the land.
• Tatum always tends to start an argument and tells him how fucking disgusting he is, but he insists that she shuts her mouth and waits until it’s HER turn to be forced to have her bodily functions take over.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s all fun and games until you have to take a dump in the bushes!!”
“AS IF!” Tatum squealed.
“Cut the bullshit, Alicia. You know it’s gonna happen sooner or later.” Billy chimed in.
• You insist on everyone taking a little walk through the woods, just to get familiar with the area once again.
• The rest of the gang agree and head on out with you, embracing the peaceful surrounding.
• You, Billy and Stu slowly walk side by side as the other three are already way ahead of you, arguing over the dumbest shit once again.
• Randy and Tatum always argued non fucking stop everytime you all went camping. Sidney would just awkwardly tag along, trying to change the subject to literally anything else..
• The three ask for permission to go back to camp, seeing as Tatum had made the poor choice of wearing her cute little white boots, though unfortunately they had heels.
• This just meant more peace and quiet for yourself, Billy and Stu. You’d see your other friends later, of course. But a tad bit of extra time with your boyfriend and another one of your closest friends wasn’t going to hurt.
• You guys returned for sun down, as spending all night in the goddamn woods of all places would be rather idiotic of you.
• Each and every one of your stomach’s began to growl, so Stu finally decided to whip out the grill!
• He had packed some hotdogs and burgers, ready to be cooked as soon as possible. Randy also brought along some snacks of course because you know, it’s Randy lmao.
• Another argument breaks out, but this time it’s between both Randy and Stu. Supposedly, Stu was in charge of bringing topping and sauces for the hotdogs. (Of course he had to forget it..)
“Aw, fuck this!” Randy said with a mouthful of food, throwing the remaining piece of his hotdog at a nearby tree.
“NOOOO!” Stu yelped. “What the fuck, man! You ruined a perfectly good hotdog!!”
“Sorry but who the fuck puts pickles on a hotdog?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, seemed like Randy was having his Gordon Ramsey moment.
• After drunk Randy’s constant complaining and Stu almost losing it over the fact you guys decided you’d make s’mores tomorrow instead of the present night, it didn’t take long until everyone decided to crash for the night. You all had proper tents built up, despite what y’all went through to get them that way..
“No, no, you’re gonna do it wrong. You see, you gotta make sure you’ve put the peg in the right place first.” Billy reminded Stu, trying his hardest to set up their tent. He knew his sleep was going to benefit from this of course, so that was the only reason why he began caring at this point.
“I got it!” Stu smiled, attempting to smack the peg with his mini hammer.
Billy was sure he’d be sweating bullets for days after fully setting up the camp for everyone. He truly didn’t think it would be so hard, but much to his dismay, he was proven wrong.
• Randy and Tatum flat out refused to share a tent together, so they gave Billy the hassle of making two separate tents instead. Whereas Billy and Stu had agreed on sleeping in a tent together, whilst you and Sidney were more than happy to do the exact same thing.
• The tents were rather thin, causing everyone else to hear what was going on inside each tent. Including Randy letting out the odd bit of gas here and there or him sleep talking about ‘Prom Night’ with Jamie Lee Curtis.
• As the sunlight crept its way into everyone’s tents, you all began to stir and awaken. Morning was here. And you were all going to have to get up and start the day.
• Today was rock climbing! Something that had split opinions from the majority of you. Those like yourself, Stu and Tatum found it fun, but others such as Billy, Sidney and Randy weren’t too keen on it.
“You’re all such pussies, man. It’s safe. I don’t know why the three of you complain about it every damn year.” Stu remarked, his attention on your other three friends who really couldn’t be bothered to participate in such an activity right now.
“Please. You only like it because you’re tall and fast enough to catch yourself before you fall.” Billy snorted.
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dreamersbcll · 10 months
let love grow
(the core four friendsgiving we all deserve)
“Do you even know how to cook a turkey?”
Sam paused her search for the basting pan -she could’ve sworn she had one- to sigh and roll her eyes. Tara had been second-guessing her decisions since they decided to throw this “Friendsgiving feast” that the twins thought of.
New York was a year ago. They were far away, in a new city, with all their friends nearby. It seemed like a good idea to host a family get-together.
Up until Tara’s sudden culinary degree kicked in.
Her sister frowned. “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean you know how to cook.”
Snagging the basting dish, Sam pulled back, slamming the counter door shut. “Tara, go get the vegetables out.”
Tara saluted Sam, heading to the fridge. “Sure thing, Chef Ramsey.”
Meanwhile, Sam got lost in her prep haze. She had to clean the turkey, season it, and cut the vegetables. Tara would need to mash the potatoes and make the biscuits from a can. It all had to be done within the next six hours.
Humming, Sam set up the cutting board and grabbed her favorite knife. She almost didn’t notice that Tara had sidled up next to her.
She turned to face Tara, knife in one hand, a head of celery in the other. “What’s up, baby?”
Her little sister shrugged, her eyes fixated on the cutting board. “Can you show me?” she asked in the quietest, most timid voice.
Sam couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. She would do anything for that sweet little girl she knew and loved so well.
Nodding, Sam lined up the vegetables, making room for Tara to stand next to her. “Okay, first, we line 'em all up like this…”
Before the two knew it, it was already time for the rest of the group to come. First, Gale arrived, already buzzed, holding bags of chips.
“You really wanted me to cook?” she snarkily said, throwing the chips at a disgruntled Tara.
Sidney came later on, holding a couple of homemade pies. Tara’s eyes lit up with joy at the sight. She was always smitten with a good apple pie. Sam should’ve made one.
Eventually, the twins arrived thirty minutes late, both kids gripping heaping food containers and several bottles of wine. Sam grinned wide at the sight, reaching out to grasp the precarious bottle that dangled in Chad’s hand…
…Only for it to slip and spill all over Sam’s shirt.
The room went silent, the laughter dying out. Everybody froze at the sight of the wine-stained shirt, Sam’s wine-stained shirt.
Without thinking, Sam turned and bolted for the bathroom, Tara following suit.
“Stupid. So fucking stupid,” Sam hissed, dabbing at the wine splotches on her shirt.
It took everything in her not to taste the wine-stained fabric.
Fuck. Her mouth was watering, and her head was cloudy. Did wine always smell that good? Was that Chardonnay? She loved Chardonnay. Maybe just a taste. One lick. She’s done worse for a hit.
But she knows. Oh god, does she know what one dab, line, and drink could do. Down the rabbit hole into the darkness, she barely crawled out alive the last time.
That had just survived New York. She couldn’t do this to the group— especially not her little girl. It would tear them apart. Sam couldn’t survive being the reason that breaks her family.
All over a stupid bottle of spilled wine, all over her shirt.
Once an addict, always an addict.
“It’s just alcohol. Just fruit juice. For adults. It’s not a big deal. Fucking snap out of it, Sam,” she cussed.
But it wouldn’t go away.
“Stop it. Stop fucking thinking of that. Grow up. Grow fucking up!”
Shit. Tara.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m almost done here—just a spill. Be out in a minute,” Sam called, trying to suppress the anxiety rising within her.
“Let me in.”
That wasn’t a question. It was a command. Without thinking, Sam unlocked the door and let her sister in.
Tara walked in slowly, surveying the bathroom. One look at Sam, and she could tell that Tara knew. Sam’s frantic hair, her wild eyes, her shaking hands— all pointed to an alcoholic freaking out over a spilled drink.
Without saying anything, Tara held out a hand, asking for the wine-soaked rag in Sam’s hand. Sam handed it to her without thinking, afraid of the stoic look on Tara’s face.
As Tara took it, pursing her lips, Sam needed to back down. She was too much. Too raw. She had to reel it in. “It’s fine, it’s just-”
“Let me help you,” Tara said, cutting Sam off before she could continue babbling.
Sam snapped her mouth shut. “Okay.”
Tara hummed, turning on the tap to wet the rag. The two watched the faucet run, the noise of the water filling the buzzing in Sam’s head.
Her little sister started to wash the shirt, her lips in a tight line. “I understand, you know. I told them to keep it away from you. Don’t worry. I’ve got you, too,” Tara whispered.
Bowing her head, Sam conceded. Of course, her little sister knew. She always knew. How could Sam ever forget?
“Thank you, my love.”
Tara paused from wiping off Sam’s shirt, and before Sam could react, she darted forward, kissing Sam’s cheek. Before Sam could say anything, Tara was out of the room, closing the door behind her.
Sam turned back to the mirror, noticing the fresh shirt and bra left on the countertop, neatly folded. Next to it was a garbage bag, the message clear.
Trash the shirt. We can replace it. We can’t replace you.
Who was Sam to argue with her little sister?
Once Sam finally exited the bathroom, she found everybody sitting at the dinner table, anxiously awaiting her arrival. Steaming food was strewn across the tabletop, napkins folded neatly on each plate. Soft murmurs of conversation stopped once Sam got to the table, the only sound being the flickering of candles Tara had lit.
Upon seeing Sam’s new outfit, Chad winced, his mouth open comically wide. Apparent panic and remorse were reflected in his eyes, and everyone else around the table looked somber.
He stood up, his hands up in surrender. “Shit, Sam, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking-”
Sam waved him off, calming him down with a small smile. “It’s okay. Let’s just sit down and eat, yeah?”
Chad smiled gratefully, mouthing thank you. Sam just nodded and sat at the head of the table, surveying the people around her. Sidney was at her left, Mindy at her right. Across from her was Tara, looking at Sam with such soft and gentle concern that it made her heart ache.
I love you, she mouthed.
Tara smiled at her, eyes shining. I love you, too.
With her heart now full and her stomach empty, Sam clapped her hands, suddenly excited to eat. “Well, what do healthy families do at dinner?”
“Say grace?” Mindy suggested, clasping her hands together.
Chad nodded enthusiastically while Gale shrugged. “Couldn’t hurt,” the woman remarked, taking another swig of her drink.
Sam nodded. “Yeah, alright. Who wants to do it?”
The group all looked at one another, raising eyebrows and silently asking someone to step up.
“I will,” Tara said, looking at Sam pointedly.
That’s her girl. That’s her Tara.
“Okay, baby. Go ahead,” she softly said, smiling at her girl.
Tara smiled at the name, her dimples popping. Sidney held out a hand for Tara to take, the rest of the group reaching out and clasping hands together. Sam watched her little sister bow her head, everyone else following suit. Only when she saw her little sister close her eyes did Sam also bow her head.
“Well, after all we’ve been through, I’m not sure if there’s a God,” Tara began, pausing for the giggles and murmurs to die down.
“But I do believe in family. And the people around me are the best family I’ve ever known. I wouldn’t trade anything in the world for them. I love them all, and I would do nothing,”
“That being said, I want to say how thankful I am for my big sister. Sam is the strongest person I’ve ever known, and I believe in her like one would in God. She is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.”
“Uh, amen?” Chad said.
The group broke apart, giggling and sniffling. Chad reached over to dig into the roast while Mindy started handing out napkins, Sidney and Gale topping off their drinks.
While the table was alive with conversation and movement, all Sam could do was take in the girl across from her in all her glory. Her little girl was something to behold. Such a powerful and beautiful girl she was, with potential that would surely leave a mark on the world in a good way- unlike the Loomis blood that tainted Sam’s reputation.
She wonders if Tara knows how much she loves her and how she would move heaven and earth to make her smile. She would kill again for her little sister.
Instead of moving to dish up food, Tara was doing the same thing, just watching her big sister.
Tara and Sam just watched each other, thousands of words left unsaid in the air.
It didn’t matter. They had each other. That was all that needed to be said.
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eludin-realm · 11 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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alldancersaretalented · 8 months
Jump Wins By Dancer
17 Wins: Cami Vorhees
11 Wins: Kayla Mak
8 Wins: Brady Farrar, Brooklyn Simpson, Kya Massimino, Madison Taylor, Vivian Ruiz
7 Wins: Ella Horan, Kamryn Funk, Nicholas Bustos, Ying Lei Pham
6 Wins: Crystal Huang, Hailey Meyers, Katie McCleary, Kayla LaVine, Lily Gentile, Lola Iglesias, Rachel Quiner
5 Wins: Ava Brooks, Brooklyn Cooley, Christina Ricucci, Elizabeth Scott Lanier, Ellary Day Szyndlar, Giselle Gandarilla, Gracyn French, Isabella Jarvis, Jonathan Wade, Kaylin Maggard, Kylee Casares, Lucy Vallely, Mariana Rodriguez, Olivia Alboher, Sarah Moore, Sophia Lucia
4 Wins: Aimee Brotton, Ali Ogle, Ana Maria Zertuche, Ava Wagner, Avery Gay, Cambry Bethke, Camille Cabrera, Campbell Clark, Carly Thinfen, Christian Burse, David Keingatti, Destanye Diaz, Eliana Hayward, Emma Sutherland, Hailey Bills, Halle Lum, Izzy Howard, Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl, Jaycee Wilkins, Jayci Kalb, Kelsie Jacobson, Kensington Dressing, Lauren Yakima, Logan Epstein, Madalin Autry, Makaia Roux, Makayla Ryan, Mary Jordan Clodfelter, Mila Simunic, Patricio Lopez, Rosie Elliott, Sabine Nehls, Scott Autry, Sophia Frilot, Sophie Garcia, Stella Brinkerhoff, Sylvia Borash, Talia Gabriel, Taylor Worden, Tim Blankenship, Valadie Cammack
3 Wins: Addison Moffett, Aimee Smyke, Ali Deucher, Allie Andrew, Alyssa Robert, Amy Benedetto, Avery Lau, Bostyn Brown, Braylynn Grizzaffi, Britton Johnson, Brooke Cheek, Brooke Cox, Brooke Toro, Caden Hunter, Caitlyn Polis, Camila Cordero, Candace Vincent, Casey Tran, Chau, Chloe Madding, D'Angelo Castro, Dasha Waldemer, Dyllan Blackburn, Ella Dobler, Ella Jones, Ellen Grace Olansen, Emma York, Erin Bailey, Esme Chou, Findlay McConnel, Fiona Sartain, Fiona Wu, Grace Lethbridge, Harper Anderson, Hayden Hopkins, Hudson Pletcher, Isabel Ulloa, Isabella Lynch, Isabella Vorhees, Isabella Weidmann, Jazmine Raine Werner, Jessica Ferretti, Josie Lutz, JT Church, Justin Pham, Keagan Capps, Keely Meyers, Keira Redpath, Kennedy Anderson, Lauren Shaw, Libby Borash, Lindsey Weaver, Logan Hernandez, Lucia Piedrahita, Mackenzie Meldrum, Maddie Ziegler, Maria Jose Gonzalez, Mariandrea Villegas, Marion Norris, Michelle Quiner, Mini Preston, Miyah LaGrant, Morgan Higgins, Neala Murphy, Nicole Ishimaru, Payton Schultz, Preslie Rosamond, Rachel Louiselle, Reegan Francis, Regina Lozano, Ricky Ubeda, Ruby Castro, Samantha Falk, Savannah Folding, Savannah Manning, Savannah Manzel, Scarlett Ferrell, Selena Hamilton, Sidney Ramsey, Sienna Morris, Sylvie Win Szyndlar, Tessa Marr, Vera Escamilla
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subliminalbo · 2 years
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Fleur-de-lis #2: New Acquisitions
When Catlin Caldwell signed her first major contract with Confidential, she didn’t bother posturing. Her whole life she’d been a bombshell, and since high school she’d worked her ass off to profit from it. Why should she act like this was anything more than a paycheck? Her heroes were supermodels like Rafaela Carvalho or Sidney Croft, women who walked just enough Confidential Fashion Shows to build a brand from their own name. As soon as they could, they ditched the racket and went into business for themselves. Cat counted the days like an inmate nearing parole.
Maybe that was why she resented Samara Alves so deeply. Cat was only a couple of years younger than Samara, but she’d had to grind to get her contract. She spent the better part of her twenties modeling Confidential’s teen line, buried in the middle of the catalog. It was easy for Cat to feel like a utility player in the middle of a breakout season. Everything had just been so much easier for Samara. Signed to a flagship contract at eighteen, opening the fashion show at nineteen, headlining the Christmas campaign by twenty. She lived and breathed Confidential, rarely worked outside of the brand, and spoke like the work she did there was making a real difference. Cat was taking pitches from cosmetic companies, searching for her first major endorsement. She’d been under contract for a year and already she was halfway out the door.
But Samara stood in her way.
Cat was skeptical when Fleur-de-lis first contacted her. Another upstart looking for a fresh face who they could poach from Confidential? But Cat could never turn down an opportunity to be flattered. Imagine her disappointment when she sat down for lunch with Michael Ramsey, the lanky Fleur-de-lis representative, and he launched into questions about Samara. “A little bit of industry research,” Michael had said. His beady little eyes appeared even smaller beneath his thick glasses.
Cat weighed her options, considered leaving him with the bill. But what was the worst that could happen? This no name lingerie company poaches Samara Alves from Confidential? Ultimately, Cat ran the bill up while she volunteered everything she had on Samara; her personal life (caveman-looking ex-husband), her diet (the secret was smoking two out of three daily meals), her wardrobe (no street style), when she went out (Confidential promotions), when she stayed in (every chance she could get).
Michael took diligent notes on a legal pad as Cat spilled the tea. When she was finished, he ripped the pages from the pad, folded them neatly, and tucked them into his suit pocket. He adjusted his glasses and offered his hand to shake Cat’s. “Thank you for meeting with me today. This information is more valuable than you know.”
“Just do something with it,” Cat said.
And as far as Cat knew, that was it. Michael took care of the bill, she got a free lunch and an hour to bitch about Samara Alves. Not a bad day, considering.
A few months passed before Cat received another call from Fleur-de-lis. This one was late at night, well into the morning. Cat wasn’t asleep, but it was way passed “don’t fucking bother me” hours.
“This is Michael Ramsey.” Cat didn’t remember the name or recognize his voice.
“Yeah?” She said, puncturing the conversation with an appropriate level of annoyance.
“I represent Fleur-de-lis,” Michael added. “We have Miss Alves here at our Los Angeles office.”
“Cool. I’m in bed right now,” Cat raised her phone as high as she could to mask the sound of the bubbles in her hot tub. Matt Tanner, a Greek god of a Nickelodeon star, had his arm wrapped around her. He offered Cat a confused look. Tanner was dumb as a box of rocks, which made him a prime candidate for future hubby. Cat’s mother had taught her never to marry smarter.
“I know it’s late,” Michael continued. “But we would like for you to come in.”
“Excuse me?” She asked.
“Miss Alves’ orientation is about to begin.”
Cat sighed and said, “I think you have the wrong number.” She ended the call and, with a huff, lifted herself from under Tanner’s arm as she stepped out of the hot tub.
“Everything okay?” Tanner twisted around to admire her stride to the towel rack, flashing his dopey, pearlescent smile.
Cat dried herself off, then bent down to give Tanner a peck on the lips as a kind of innocent teaser to what she had in store for him next. “Everything’s fine, baby,” she said. “Just stupid business stuff.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid,” he said. “You know I considered going into business before Randy scouted me at the Foot Locker in West Covina. Have you ever wondered what fish are thinking? Because I have this idea for an app—”
Cat’s phone buzzed again. She held a finger up to silence Tanner and he obeyed like a good boy.
“Just a moment baby,” she said, taking the call inside her house for a bit more privacy. She watched Tanner from the window as she spoke. “Listen,” she said. “I don’t know what you expect from me, but I am in the middle of something.” If by something she meant trying to fuck a rich white boy so that she could leak gossip about their relationship to the tabloids, yeah, it was something.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Caldwell,” Michael said. “But I’m afraid Ms. Maxwell will not take no for an answer. That means that I cannot take no for an answer.”
“Well here it is,” Cat shot back. “No.”
There was a beat of dead air on the line before Michael spoke again. “Okay,” he said. “Bear with me just one moment.”
“Fine,” Cat huffed.
She heard a click on Michael’s end and the call faded into Fleur-de-lis’ hold music, a soft electronic beat. Cat didn’t plan to wait on hold for Michael to grab whoever the fuck Ms. Maxwell was, but the music seemed to draw her in. She stood there in her living room, rocking back and forth to the slow rhythm. There was a comforting familiarity to it.
Her breathing slowed. The world began to spin, and Cat lost her footing. She landed in the soft embrace of her plush couch. She lay motionless there as the music washed over her mind. It took everything from her, but the phone remained gripped in her hand, pressed to her ear. A small line of drool trailed down her chin, dripping on her breasts.
When the music cut out, a new voice spoke in her ear. This was a woman: strong, confident, commanding. “You will come to my office now, Cat.”
“Yes, I understand.” Cat replied with little emotion.
“You will join Samara for orientation.”
As if an instinct, Cat parroted the woman’s words. “Yes. I will join Samara for orientation.”
In the end it had been about Cat. Maybe there was some comfort in knowing that, if she could really know anything right now. She hadn’t signed a contract with Fleur-de-lis yet. It was an informal agreement, one made with a handshake buried so deep in her subconscious that she couldn’t access the memory. For the time being, Catlin Caldwell was more valuable to Elena Maxwell as a Confidential model. The corporate espionage, the questions about Samara, they were all part of an elaborate cover. She didn’t remember leaving the restaurant with Michael. She didn’t remember the tall woman with the sunglasses stopping her on the sidewalk and asking for a picture. She didn’t remember the numbing flash of the camera. She didn’t remember Michael and the tall woman discretely escorting her into the back of a limousine.
“This is an important test for you, Cat,” the woman said. “I hope to see the true depths of your devotion this evening.”
“I belong to you, Mistress.” Cat said. “Samara will know the pleasure of serving you.”
“Good girl. Now come to me.”
“Yes, Mistress Maxwell.”
Confidential wasn’t where Natalie imagined ending up when she was studying theater at the University of Chicago. As a young girl, Natalie had caught a late night showing of John Carpenter’s The Thing and fallen in love with special effects. Soon after she began experimenting with makeup, building skills that she’d take with her to college and into her early career.
Her dad’s basement was her green room. Down there she transformed her friends into gorgeous princesses and gruesome zombies. In high school she did the school play, and in college she coordinated the entire theater department’s makeup. Confidential was a dream job for many artists, but for Natalie it was a steppingstone on her way to Hollywood.
She was thankful for the work at least. Most makeup artists ended up in beauty parlors with cosmetic certificates surviving on tips. Confidential offered a more than comfortable living, and she got to travel for free. Last winter she’d had an opportunity to leave Chicago’s blustery December winds for a ten-day shoot in Turks and Caicos, and now she was in the English countryside for the fall catalog. There was more paradise in this world than Natalie had ever imagined, and all she had to do to see it all was to spend twelve hours a day with supermodels.
Sometimes it didn’t feel worth it.
On Natalie’s first day, Cat Caldwell had scanned her body up and down and scoffed.
“Cute,” she said, closing her eyes as Natalie moved in with the brush. “You want to be a model?” she asked.
“God no,” Natalie laughed. “I’d prefer to stay behind the camera.”
“I’ll bet,” Cat said, opening one eye to keep it trained on Natalie. “Listen, honey. I’ve seen girls like you come and go. It’s always the same. You think that if you can get close enough to us, something will just rub off. But this isn’t something that can be learned. Modeling is ninety-five percent genetics.”
Natalie just bit her lip and focused on her work. Though her hands were steady as she traced liner around Cat’s lips, she felt like her whole body was shaking. She’d never been so intimidated in her life.
“Instagram,” Cat continued. “You can’t do much about the face, but put those tits up on Instagram and you’ll have Sacramento’s sixth man in your DMs before you know it.”
A few shoots later, Natalie vented to her coworker about Cat’s attitude. “They could teach college courses about her ego,” she said. “Are all models this bad?”
Colleen laughed and said, “If you’re looking for people without an ego you’re in the wrong business.”
Natalie shook her head. “I don’t know how I got stuck with the worst one.”
Colleen shrugged. “At least she likes you.”
“How can you tell?” she asked.
“Honey,” Colleen smiled. “I’ve been doing Romy’s makeup for four years. Cat’s gotten six makeup artists fired since she got here. How long have you been here now?”
Natalie cocked her head curiously. “I hadn’t thought of it like that.”
But if Cat liked Natalie she had a weird way of showing it. Working with her was a special kind of stressful that even Natalie’s college experiences couldn't match. Every workday offered a new challenge to tackle. Cat had once insisted that Natalie brush out her hair and start again—thirty minutes before the start of the shoot. And multiple times she had accused Natalie of trying to torpedo her career by putting her in front of the camera looking like a clown.
Imagine Natalie’s relief when she arrived for day one at the estate to find that Cat hadn’t showed up. “What do you mean she’s not here?” she asked.
“I mean she didn’t fly in with the other girls,” the director said. “We’re scrambling to get a hold of her right now.”
“She must be on one of her ego trips,” Colleen laughed.
“When is she not?” Natalie asked.
“For now, we’re aiming for Tuesday morning as her makeup shoot date,” the director said.
That gave Natalie three days to hang around the set and explore the mansion. It was unlike any place she’d ever seen. They were shooting in an opulent Victorian estate in the south of England. Approaching from the outside, Natalie had a distinct feeling that she’d stumble into Bruce Wayne here. As long as she left the crew alone during shooting, she was free to wander its dozens of rooms. She did so aimlessly, getting to know the crew and the models a bit better as she passed the time waiting for Cat.
In the afternoon, she sat in the courtyard with Kylie Mara and swapped deep talk. Kylie considered herself a girl next door type, but her sharp curves and high cheekbones made her look to Natalie like more of an alien than a woman. Still, their conversation was engaging. Kylie was well-read and had a podcaster’s understanding of random topics like movies, politics, and conspiracies. She blew smoke rings as she mused about the function of supermodels in modern society.
Natalie had taken enough philosophy courses in college to know that Kylie was full of shit about most things, but she wasn’t a bitch about it.
“How’d you get into the business?” Kylie asked, passing the blunt back to Natalie to take a hit.
“I just want to do makeup,” Natalie said after a long drag. “I want to work on movies one day.”
“Huh,” Kylie said. “A body like yours, I would have thought–”
“Yeah,” Natalie said. “I’ve heard that one before.”
As much as she despised the thought, Natalie was built for the industry. She’d developed early and spent most of her teenage years weathering the stares of her classmates. In high school she ran from it, dressing down in long sweaters and flannels to deflect attention. But as she matured, she began developing a sense of fashion that embraced her body instead of hiding it. Natalie knew that she was hot, and she didn’t care if people took notice. She even liked it a little bit when models flashed jealousy. She liked to think that she could do their job, not because she wanted to, but because she wanted them to know how replaceable they all were.
The conversation with Kylie trailed off from there as a chill settled between them. She spent that evening in Colleen’s room, the two American friends suffering through the jet lag together.
“She’s right though,” Colleen said. “You really could be a model.”
“Whatever,” Natalie sat back against the headboard and crossed her arms. “I just don’t get why they all have to be this way. It’s like even when they’re nice, they’re judging you.”
Colleen, sitting in a chair by the window, took a swig from a bottle of whiskey. “Kylie’s not nice,” she said. “She’s crazy. Like rich crazy.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean it’s important to her brand that she’s cool and down to earth. The podcasting and guest articles, it’s all about maintaining an image. When you actually talk, she looks through you.”
“Huh,” Natalie dropped her shoulders. “I guess she’s kind of a bitch too. You know what? Fuck these bitch ass models.”
Colleen laughed, then said, “Romy and Samara. They’re good people.”
“What makes them so special?” Natalie asked, stuffing a piece of chocolate orange into her mouth.
“Because they live and breathe Confidential. All these other girls just want to be Rafaela Carvalho. They’re chasing money. But Romy and Samara have a lane and they stick to it.”
“You really like Romy,” Natalie said.
“I’d die for that girl,” Colleen smiled.
Natalie’s jet lag didn’t get better after an early morning. The next evening she tossed and turned in her own room. She sat up, checked the time on her phone. Two in the morning. She cycled through a regular routine: Facetiming her boyfriend back in Chicago, she shared her anxieties around the models and her weird interaction with Kylie. He did his best to center her, but it was obvious that Natalie’s thoughts were spiraling. She needed something else right now. Reading didn’t pull her out of her funk either, and after scrolling through Netflix she couldn’t find anything worth watching.
She knew that Colleen had had a long day with Romy on her schedule, but Natalie hoped as she pulled herself out of bed that she’d still be up. She left her bedroom and took the quick walk down the hall to Colleen’s room. The door was open, the lights were off, and the bed was empty.
Natalie scrunched her face in frustration. She was about to turn back around, go back to her bedroom and count sheep, when she heard a noise from the opposite end of the hall.
A moan. It was long and soft, and for a moment Natalie doubted her ears. Still, it drew her to the source. She tiptoed down the hall slowly, trying not to alert the source of the sound.
At the end of the hallway, Natalie found one of the bedroom doors cracked open, a sliver of light shining through. She heard another moan on the other side of the door, and this time she knew for certain that this was real. She crept closer, smiling as she imagined what could be on the other side. But when she peered through the crack between the door and its frame, she was surprised by what she found.
Romy van der Berg was a gorgeous Dutch model who had worked for Confidential almost as long as Samara Alves. The two had developed a public friendship that fans of the brand obsessed over on fashion forums and Tumblrs. Romy was the only supermodel that Samara had any interest in spending time away from work with, but a prior commitment had kept Romy away from Samara’s fateful housewarming party in Los Angeles.
Natalie held her breath as she tried to make sense of the image in front of her. Romy was naked, sitting before the vanity in her room. She appeared to be studying her reflection. And she wasn’t alone.
Samara had arrived late to the estate as well, flying in that morning just in time for the first day’s shoot. She was leaned in closely behind Romy, her hand resting just beneath Romy’s chin. She appeared to be holding Romy’s gaze on the mirror.
Another moan escaped Romy’s lips, and Natalie noticed that Samara’s hand was buried between Romy’s legs.
“Do you see?” Samara asked her.
“I see,” Romy said quietly.
“Tell me what you see.”
“I see,” Romy started before another sharp moan escaped her lips. “I see obedience.”
On the vanity between Romy and the mirror sat two scented candles. Their flames danced to the gentle flow of Romy’s soft breaths.
“You belong to Her now, don’t you?”
“Yes, Samara,” Romy said. “I submit myself to Her. I submit myself to Fleur-de-lis.”
Natalie backed quietly away from the door. She didn’t understand what she’d seen on the other side and she was prepared to turn around and never speak of it to anybody. But when she turned around, she found herself face to face with Colleen.
Natalie didn’t have time to make sense of this sight either. Her friend standing before her was stripped down to her underwear, her left bra strap dangling around her shoulder as if she hadn’t cared to fix it.
Natalie’s breathing slowed as she compiled the data in her head, but none of it added up. Colleen was doing her own math. As the two faced off silently, Colleen cocked her head to the side, looking through her friend like one of their vacant models.
Natalie opened her mouth to speak, but Colleen moved first. Her hand sweeping up in one smooth motion, Natalie was quickly looking into the eye of a camera.
A flash in the darkness. It lingered there in Natalie’s vision, paralyzing her. She was powerless. The words that she’d tried to speak caught in her throat and stayed there as the bright light faded into nothing.
When consciousness returned to Natalie, she awoke in Romy’s room. Her hands were tied down to the arm of the chair in front of the vanity. She was cold. They had stripped her naked. Her head was spinning, drool caked her chin.
The candles flickered in front of her. Natalie’s eyes rolled back as she took in a deep breath through her nose, testing her senses. The odd scent made her body feel numb. Next, she felt a tickle between her legs. When she looked down, she saw Colleen beneath the vanity, staring up at her with those eerie, empty eyes.
“Colleen,” she gasped. “What’s happening?”
“Something wonderful,” Colleen smiled.
A flash of movement in the mirror caught Natalie’s attention. It was Samara floating from the bed where Romy now lay, her body hips gyrating up and down as she muttered to herself. Natalie couldn’t see the headphones in Romy’s ears, but she could hear the words that Romy echoed from them.
“Clay to be molded…toy to be played with…tool to be used…weapon to be wielded…love to obey…exist to obey…exist to obey…exist to obey…”
Samara moved in toward the vanity, brushing her hand over Natalie’s cheek.
“I only came here for Romy,” Samara said. “But Mistress may appreciate a few more pieces for her collection.”
“Why?” Natalie snapped her head away from Samara’s hand. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I’m just going to make you like us, my dear,” Samara said. “An obedient, loyal servant to our Mistress Maxwell. I’m sure we can find something for the two of you.”
“Crazy bitch,” Natalie growled. “I thought you were supposed to be one of the nice ones.”
“Please don’t fight it, Natalie,” Colleen said. “I was scared too. But I promise the brainwashing is painless. And it feels so good when you finally obey.”
Samara admired Natalie’s youthful face before she issued her command to Colleen, “Show her.”
“Fuck!” Natalie shouted as Colleen sunk her face into her pussy, her tongue lapping at Natalie’s clitoris. She was surprised to find herself soaking wet and wanting. “How? What are you doing to me?” she cried.
“It’s already started,” Samara said. “Mistress Maxwell’s method attacks the senses on all fronts. The light subdues, the candles dull the mind, the sex makes you desire, the music rewrites your mind.”
“Music?” Natalie breathed.
Samara unspooled a pair of earbuds.
“Please,” Natalie pleaded, shaking her head as tears streaked her cheeks. She feared how good it felt to be numb, to feel the pleasure of her friend between her legs. Even without the music she was beginning to rock her hips to match Colleen’s pace “Please, I’ll go back to my room. I won’t tell anybody about this!”
“Of course you won’t,” Samara said, pushing the buds into Natalie’s ears. “You already belong to Her.”
Natalie struggled, whipping her head back and forth as the music droned, boring its way into her brain. She tried desperately to grab hold of something–anything. A belief, a memory, a feeling. She felt that it she could just hold onto one thing that was fundamental to her being that even in total surrender she could still come back. But the music was fighting her and winning. It was only a few chords on loop, a subtle synth rhythm like one might hear on call waiting with their cable provider. Its slow, droning sound echoing through her mind erased every thought as it came to her. If anything escaped its devastation, then a breath of the candle’s scent, or the ecstasy of Colleen’s tongue would wipe her mind clean, dispelling the thought and allowing the music to continue rewriting her.
Samara joined in. She placed soft kisses up Natalie’s flat stomach, rolled her tongue along her nipples. In that moment, Natalie was an empty husk of pleasure, existing only to respond to the pleasure of these two mindless slaves. Her struggles slowed, her body loosened until all she was doing was responding to them.
Natalie bit her lip as a thought slipped in, this one crafted and planted by the song: she wanted to be just like them. She wanted to be mindless and obedient and she wanted to fuck. She wanted to serve.
Her eyes rolled back as she accepted the thought, as pleasurable as anything that Colleen or Samara had done to her. But something inside of her was still fighting. A small piece of her. She blinked, and a rogue part of her mind came roaring back. It wasn’t a memory or a simple thought. It was a conviction, a piece of fundamental programming that was essential to the person Natalie would always be. She clung desperately to this rogue coding, determined to ride it into the darkness.
Studying her own face in the mirror, seeing her fading expression, Natalie replayed her conviction over and over until the music drowned it out and all that was left was Fleur-de-lis.
Fuck these bitch ass models.
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xstardustgirlx · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SIGNED LETTERED Keep Out The Night HC DJ Slipcase Book Gaiman, Campbell, Kiernan.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'Only a few films receive the highest rating in the FILMSTARTS review. But after Yorgos Lanthimos' “Poor Things”, the next highlight that has achieved this starts on February 8th: “All Of Us Strangers” with “Gladiator 2” star Paul Mescal.
Yes, it really doesn't happen often that the full five stars are awarded in the FILMSTARTS review. It is not uncommon for outstanding, exceptional films to end up lacking that certain something, so that in the end they are “only” enough for (still splendid) four and a half stars. The cinema year 2024 is still comparatively young, but just three weeks after Yorgos Lanthimos' “ Poor Things ”, a slightly different Frankenstein story, we can already look forward to the next 5-star masterpiece in German cinemas: “ All Of Us Strangers .”
The film was shown at selected film festivals last year and was met with fanfare. After a limited theatrical release in the USA and a release in Great Britain, the audience in Germany is finally being served: “All Of Us Strangers” opens in local cinemas on February 8, 2024 - and we can't say enough about it point out: Going to the cinema is worth it.
"All Of Us Strangers": A fascinating thought experiment
Auteur filmmaker Andrew Haigh ("Leon On Peter", "The North Water"), like Robert Zemeckis in "Back to the Future", devotes himself to the question of what would happen if you met your parents as peers. However, while it is always a pleasure to watch Marty McFly trying to break free from the clutches of his flirtatious mother, Haigh puts a painful and comforting reunion with loved ones who have already passed away at the center of his story.
“All Of Us Strangers” tells the story of television writer Adam ( Andrew Scott , “Spectre”), who is going through a melancholic, lonely phase – until one day he accidentally meets the drunk Harry (“Gladiator 2” lead actor Paul Mescal ). . The two get to know each other and eventually fall in love, but their relationship is soon put to the test by Adam's childhood traumas surrounding his late parents ("The Crown" star Claire Foy and "Fantastic Four" hero Jamie Bell )...
A rush of emotions that gets under your skin
"Cool, beguiling, sad, comforting, beautiful: 'All Of Us Strangers' is a hypnotizing, gliding juxtaposition of dream and nightmare, comfort and trauma - a rush of emotions that gets under your skin ," summarizes our author Sidney Schering in the conclusion of the FILMSTARTS review and awarded the rare top grade for “a masterpiece that is as painful as it is comforting”.
Haigh not only tells a story of fear and sorrow, of comfort and joy, but also visually addresses the underlying, deeply human emotional chaos. Together with his cameraman Jamie Ramsey and his composer Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch , he puts something like a veil around his audience, enveloping his viewer in a kind of nebulous trance - somewhere between dream and nightmare. And that is ultimately what makes a good film a real experience. One that is worth doing.
It's not for nothing that "All Of Us Strangers" is one of the biggest critics' favorites of recent times, with 96 percent positive votes on Rotten Tomatoes and 90 out of 100 points on MetaCritic.'
0 notes
vntagetee-archive · 1 year
muse list.
*-primary +-secondary &-request only !-private
all too well (taylor swift's short film)
emily byrne. twenty-one. college student & aspiring author. heterosexual. fc: sadie sink. &
gloria. thirty-nine. administrative assistant at mattel. bisexual. fc: america ferrera. +
president barbie. thirty-eight. president of barbie land. asexual. fc: issa rae. *
weird barbie. thirty-nine. wanderer in barbie land. asexual. fc: kate mckinnon. *
the breakfast club
allison reynolds. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: jenna ortega. +
the covenant (2006)
kate tunney. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: jessica lucas. +
sarah wenham. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: laura ramsey. +
the craft
bonnie harper. nineteen. witch, college student. pansexual. fc: neve campbell & india eisley +
nancy downs. nineteen. witch, college student. homosexual. fc: fairuza balk & sophie thatcher. *
the crow
shelly webster. twenty-six. waitress, aspiring artist. pansexual. fc: angelina jolie *
dc comics
barbara wilson. nineteen. batgirl. pansexual. fc: alicia silverstone. +
chase meridian. thirties to forties. criminal psychologist. heterosexual. fc: nicole kidman & suki waterhouse *
rachel dawes. twenties to forties. attorney. heterosexual. any interactions with older rachel will include au where she lived in tdk. fc: daisy edgar-jones & keri russell. *
ella tremaine. twenty-two. villager turned princess. heterosexual. fc: lily james. *
ursula. forties. evil half human, half octopus. asexual. fc: melissa mccarthy. *
don't worry darling
alice chambers. twenty-five. housewife, doctor. heterosexual. fc: florence pugh. +
halloween h20
john tate (strode). forties. art teacher, sculptor. heterosexual. fc: josh hartnett. *
i know what you did last summer
helen shivers. eighteen. aspiring actress. pansexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. &
courtney shayne. eighteen. high school student. bisexual. fc: rose mcgowan & megan fox. +
lethal weapon
lorna cole. thirties. fbi agent. bisexual. fc: renee russo & jessica chastain. +
the menu
tyler ledford. thirty-three. tech bro, food connoisseur. heterosexual. fc: nicholas hoult. *
promising young woman
cassie thomas. thirty. barista, vigilante. bisexual. fc: carey mulligan. &
sidney prescott. eighteen to early-forties. heterosexual. fc: neve campbell & nina dobrev. +
tatum riley. eighteen. high school student. heterosexual. fc: rose mcgowan & billie lourd. +
teenage mutant ninja turles
april o'neil. twenty-eight. reporter. heterosexual. fc: emma stone. *
the texas chainsaw massacre
erin hardesty. eighteen. unemployed. heterosexual. fc: jessica beil. +
rose dewitt bukater. twenty-three. socialite. heterosexual. fc: kate winslet. +
bobby-lynne parker. twenties. porn actress. bisexual. fc: brittany snow. +
tv shows.
american horror story
brooke thompson. ahs 1984. twenty-four. vet tech student & final girl. heterosexual. fc: emma roberts. *
ruby mcdaniel. american horror stories / rubber (wo)man. twenty-one. ghost. lesbian. fc: kaia gerber. +
cordelia chase. twenty-one. angel investigations. heterosexual. fc: charisma carpenter. *
batman beyond
dana tan. twenty-one. college student, record store employee. heterosexual. fc: arden cho. +
buffy the vampire slayer
anya jenkins. appears nineteen. demon. bisexual. fc: emma caulfield. +
willow rosenberg. twenty-one. witch. homosexual. fc: alyson hannigan. +
dawson's creek
jen lindley. eighteen to twenty-one. radio show host. panromantic. fc: michelle williams. +
the mod squad
julie barnes. twenty-four. undercover cop. bisexual. fc: florence pugh. +
the musketeers
constance d'artagnan. twenty-five. assistant to queen anne. bisexual. fc: tamla kari. &
queen anne of austria. twenty-five. royal. heterosexual. fc: alexandra dowling. &
peaky blinders
ada shelby-thorne. twenty-six. shelby company limited employee. bisexual. fc: sophie rundle. *
lizzie stark-shelby. thirty-two. shelby company limited employee. heterosexual. fc: natasha o'keefe. +
power rangers
kimberly hart. nineteen. pink power ranger. bisexual. fc: kaia gerber. &
scooby doo
daphne blake. twenty-three. mystery inc. member. bisexual. fc: sarah michelle gellar. +
jess jordan. thirty-three. kendall roy's assistant. homosexual. fc: juliana canfield. *
rava roy. forty-two. management consultant. heterosexual. fc: natalie gold. +
the last of us
sarah miller. fourteen to thirty-three (main verse/au). survivor. bisexual. fc: alexandra shipp & nico parker. *
white collar
alex hunter. early-thirties. black market fence & thief. bisexual. fc: gloria votsis. +
elizabeth burke. mid-late thirties. event planner. heterosexual. fc: tiffani thiessen +
sara ellis. early-thirties. insurance investigator. bisexual. fc: hilarie burton +
the white lotus
daphne sullivan. thirty-three. stay at home mom. heterosexual. fc: meghann fahy. *
portia. twenty-seven. personal assistant. bisexual. fc: haley lu richardson. +
tanya mcquoid. sixty-one. trust fund baby, entrepreneur. heterosexual. fc: jennifer coolidge. +
the x-files
dana scully. thirties to forties. fbi agent. heterosexual. fc: gillian anderson. * on hiatus
dc comics.
martha wayne. forty. philanthropist. heterosexual. fc: rebecca hall. *
selina kyle. thirty-two. thief, catwoman. bisexual. fc: zoe kravitz. *
vicki vale. forty-one. journalist. bisexual. fc: jessica chastain & holland roden (reeves' batman only). *
ghost world.
enid coleslaw. eighteen to twenties. freelance artist. homosexual. fc: thora birch. *
blood & chocolate
vivian gandillon. nineteen. works at a chocolate store, werewolf. bisexual. fc: agnes bruckner & kathryn newton. *
gone girl
amy dunne. forty. writer. bisexual. fc: rosamund pike. +
ophelia. twenty-four. restaurant hostess. bisexual. fc: evan rachel wood. &
interview with a vampire
claudia. appears eighteen. vampire. pansexual. fc: anya taylor joy *
marion crane. thirty-one. secretary. heterosexual. fc: samara weaving. +
robin hood
lady marian. twenty-five. outlaw. bisexual. fc: alicia vikander. *
romeo & juliet
juliet capulet. twenty-two. fashion student. heterosexual. fc: kristine froseth. *
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docrotten · 1 year
ALLIGATOR (1980) – Episode 241 – Decades of Horror 1980s
“Will you put that goddamn map away? Look, I gave you 78 men, you’ve got the National Guard, and he’s still loose in my city! And look at the hole he made!” Would that be a… manhole? Join your faithful Grue Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr – as they brave the body-strewn sewers populated by Alligator (1980).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 241 – Alligator (1980)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! Click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1980s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of 1980s and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
A pet baby alligator is flushed down a toilet and survives in the city sewers. Twelve years later, it grows to an enormous size thanks to a diet of discarded laboratory dogs injected with growth hormones. Now, humans have entered the menu.
  Director: Lewis Teague 
Writers: John Sayles (screenplay); (story by) John Sayles, Frank Ray Perilli
Cinematographer: Joseph Mangine (director of photography)
Editing by: Larry Bock, Ron Medico (as Ronald Medico)
Special Effects Makeup: Robert Short
Special Effects:
Special effects coordinator: Richard O. Helmer
Special effects: William F. Shourt, Pete Girard, David Beasley, David Bartholomew, John Ramsey Jr. (as John Ramsey)
Gator operators: Kevin Blackton, Tom Goeken
Original alligator created by: The Stansbury Company
Miniatures: Bill Kaufman
Production Assistant/Effects Assistant: Bryan Cranston
Selected Cast:
Robert Forster as David Madison
Robin Riker as Marisa Kendall
Michael V. Gazzo as Chief Clark (as Michael Gazzo)
Dean Jagger as Slade
Sydney Lassick as Luke Gutchel (as Sidney Lassick)
Jack Carter as Mayor
Perry Lang as Officer Jim Kelly
Henry Silva as Col. Brock
Bart Braverman as Kemp
John Lisbon Wood as Mad Bomber
James Ingersoll as Scientist Arthur Helms
Robert Doyle as Bill
Patti Jerome as Madeline
Angel Tompkins as Newswoman
Sue Lyon as ABC Newswoman
Leslie Brown as Young Marisa
Buckley Norris as Bob
Royce D. Applegate as Callan
Mike Mazurki as Gatekeeper (as Michael Mazurki)
The Grue Crew chase down the classic creature feature Alligator starring Robert Forster. Writer John Sayles and director Lewis Teague turn the urban legend of flushing baby alligators, which in turn grow to sewer-dwelling alligator adults, into a full-fledged monster movie. How glorious! Silly hijinks and fun chomping ensue! What will the Grue Crew think of it?
At the time of this writing, Alligator is available for streaming from Shudder and Tubi, and asPPV from multiple sources. It is also available on physical media as Alligator – Collector’s Edition 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray [4K UHD] from Shout! Factory.
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Bill, will be Fear No Evil (1981), written and directed by Frank LaLoggia (Lady in White, 1988).
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or comment on the Gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the Gruesome Magazine website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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subliminalbointext · 1 year
Fleur-de-lis #2: New Acquisitions
When Catlin Caldwell signed her first major contract with Confidential, she didn’t bother posturing. Her whole life she’d been a bombshell, and since high school she’d worked her ass off to profit from it. Why should she act like this was anything more than a paycheck? Her heroes were supermodels like Rafaela Carvalho or Sidney Croft, women who walked just enough Confidential Fashion Shows to build a brand from their own name. As soon as they could, they ditched the racket and went into business for themselves. Cat counted the days like an inmate nearing parole.
Maybe that was why she resented Samara Alves so deeply. Cat was only a couple of years younger than Samara, but she’d had to grind to get her contract. She spent the better part of her twenties modeling Confidential’s teen line, buried in the middle of the catalog. It was easy for Cat to feel like a utility player in the middle of a breakout season. Everything had just been so much easier for Samara. Signed to a flagship contract at eighteen, opening the fashion show at nineteen, headlining the Christmas campaign by twenty. She lived and breathed Confidential, rarely worked outside of the brand, and spoke like the work she did there was making a real difference. Cat was taking pitches from cosmetic companies, searching for her first major endorsement. She’d been under contract for a year and already she was halfway out the door.
But Samara stood in her way.
Cat was skeptical when Fleur-de-lis first contacted her. Another upstart looking for a fresh face who they could poach from Confidential? But Cat could never turn down an opportunity to be flattered. Imagine her disappointment when she sat down for lunch with Michael Ramsey, the lanky Fleur-de-lis representative, and he launched into questions about Samara. “A little bit of industry research,” Michael had said. His beady little eyes appeared even smaller beneath his thick glasses.
Cat weighed her options, considered leaving him with the bill. But what was the worst that could happen? This no name lingerie company poaches Samara Alves from Confidential? Ultimately, Cat ran the bill up while she volunteered everything she had on Samara; her personal life (caveman-looking ex-husband), her diet (the secret was smoking two out of three daily meals), her wardrobe (no street style), when she went out (Confidential promotions), when she stayed in (every chance she could get).
Michael took diligent notes on a legal pad as Cat spilled the tea. When she was finished, he ripped the pages from the pad, folded them neatly, and tucked them into his suit pocket. He adjusted his glasses and offered his hand to shake Cat’s. “Thank you for meeting with me today. This information is more valuable than you know.”
“Just do something with it,” Cat said.
And as far as Cat knew, that was it. Michael took care of the bill, she got a free lunch and an hour to bitch about Samara Alves. Not a bad day, considering.
A few months passed before Cat received another call from Fleur-de-lis. This one was late at night, well into the morning. Cat wasn’t asleep, but it was way passed “don’t fucking bother me” hours.
“This is Michael Ramsey.” Cat didn’t remember the name or recognize his voice. “Yeah?” She said, puncturing the conversation with an appropriate level of annoyance. “I represent Fleur-de-lis,” Michael added. “We have Miss Alves here at our Los Angeles office.” “Cool. I’m in bed right now,” Cat raised her phone as high as she could to mask the sound of the bubbles in her hot tub. Matt Tanner, a Greek god of a Nickelodeon star, had his arm wrapped around her. He offered Cat a confused look. Tanner was dumb as a box of rocks, which made him a prime candidate for future hubby. Cat’s mother had taught her never to marry smarter.
“I know it’s late,” Michael continued. “But we would like for you to come in.” “Excuse me?” She asked.
“Miss Alves’ orientation is about to begin.”
Cat sighed and said, “I think you have the wrong number.” She ended the call and, with a huff, lifted herself from under Tanner’s arm as she stepped out of the hot tub.
“Everything okay?” Tanner twisted around to admire her stride to the towel rack, flashing his dopey, pearlescent smile.
Cat dried herself off, then bent down to give Tanner a peck on the lips as a kind of innocent teaser to what she had in store for him next. “Everything’s fine, baby,” she said. “Just stupid business stuff.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid,” he said. “You know I considered going into business before Randy scouted me at the Foot Locker in West Covina. Have you ever wondered what fish are thinking? Because I have this idea for an app—”
Cat’s phone buzzed again. She held a finger up to silence Tanner and he obeyed like a good boy.
“Just a moment baby,” she said, taking the call inside her house for a bit more privacy. She watched Tanner from the window as she spoke. “Listen,” she said. “I don’t know what you expect from me, but I am in the middle of something.” If by something she meant trying to fuck a rich white boy so that she could leak gossip about their relationship to the tabloids, yeah, it was something. “I’m sorry to bother you, Miss Caldwell,” Michael said. “But I’m afraid Ms. Maxwell will not take no for an answer. That means that I cannot take no for an answer.”
“Well here it is,” Cat shot back. “No.”
There was a beat of dead air on the line before Michael spoke again. “Okay,” he said. “Bear with me just one moment.”
“Fine,” Cat huffed.
She heard a click on Michael’s end and the call faded into Fleur-de-lis’ hold music, a soft electronic beat. Cat didn’t plan to wait on hold for Michael to grab whoever the fuck Ms. Maxwell was, but the music seemed to draw her in. She stood there in her living room, rocking back and forth to the slow rhythm. There was a comforting familiarity to it.
Her breathing slowed. The world began to spin, and Cat lost her footing. She landed in the soft embrace of her plush couch. She lay motionless there as the music washed over her mind. It took everything from her, but the phone remained gripped in her hand, pressed to her ear. A small line of drool trailed down her chin, dripping on her breasts.
When the music cut out, a new voice spoke in her ear. This was a woman: strong, confident, commanding. “You will come to my office now, Cat.”
“Yes, I understand.” Cat replied with little emotion. “You will join Samara for orientation.” As if an instinct, Cat parroted the woman’s words. “Yes. I will join Samara for orientation.”
In the end it had been about Cat. Maybe there was some comfort in knowing that, if she could really know anything right now. She hadn’t signed a contract with Fleur-de-lis yet. It was an informal agreement, one made with a handshake buried so deep in her subconscious that she couldn’t access the memory. For the time being, Catlin Caldwell was more valuable to Elena Maxwell as a Confidential model. The corporate espionage, the questions about Samara, they were all part of an elaborate cover. She didn’t remember leaving the restaurant with Michael. She didn’t remember the tall woman with the sunglasses stopping her on the sidewalk and asking for a picture. She didn’t remember the numbing flash of the camera. She didn’t remember Michael and the tall woman discretely escorting her into the back of a limousine.
“This is an important test for you, Cat,” the woman said. “I hope to see the true depths of your devotion this evening.”
“I belong to you, Mistress.” Cat said. “Samara will know the pleasure of serving you.”
“Good girl. Now come to me.”
“Yes, Mistress Maxwell.”
Confidential wasn’t where Natalie imagined ending up when she was studying theater at the University of Chicago. As a young girl, Natalie had caught a late night showing of John Carpenter’s The Thing and fallen in love with special effects. Soon after she began experimenting with makeup, building skills that she’d take with her to college and into her early career.
Her dad’s basement was her green room. Down there she transformed her friends into gorgeous princesses and gruesome zombies. In high school she did the school play, and in college she coordinated the entire theater department’s makeup. Confidential was a dream job for many artists, but for Natalie it was a steppingstone on her way to Hollywood.
She was thankful for the work at least. Most makeup artists ended up in beauty parlors with cosmetic certificates surviving on tips. Confidential offered a more than comfortable living, and she got to travel for free. Last winter she’d had an opportunity to leave Chicago’s blustery December winds for a ten-day shoot in Turks and Caicos, and now she was in the English countryside for the fall catalog. There was more paradise in this world than Natalie had ever imagined, and all she had to do to see it all was to spend twelve hours a day with supermodels.
Sometimes it didn’t feel worth it.
On Natalie’s first day, Cat Caldwell had scanned her body up and down and scoffed.
“Cute,” she said, closing her eyes as Natalie moved in with the brush. “You want to be a model?” she asked.
“God no,” Natalie laughed. “I’d prefer to stay behind the camera.”
“I’ll bet,” Cat said, opening one eye to keep it trained on Natalie. “Listen, honey. I’ve seen girls like you come and go. It’s always the same. You think that if you can get close enough to us, something will just rub off. But this isn’t something that can be learned. Modeling is ninety-five percent genetics.”
Natalie just bit her lip and focused on her work. Though her hands were steady as she traced liner around Cat’s lips, she felt like her whole body was shaking. She’d never been so intimidated in her life.
“Instagram,” Cat continued. “You can’t do much about the face, but put those tits up on Instagram and you’ll have Sacramento’s sixth man in your DMs before you know it.”
A few shoots later, Natalie vented to her coworker about Cat’s attitude. “They could teach college courses about her ego,” she said. “Are all models this bad?”
Colleen laughed and said, “If you’re looking for people without an ego you’re in the wrong business.”
Natalie shook her head. “I don’t know how I got stuck with the worst one.” Colleen shrugged. “At least she likes you.” “How can you tell?” she asked. “Honey,” Colleen smiled. “I’ve been doing Romy’s makeup for four years. Cat’s gotten six makeup artists fired since she got here. How long have you been here now?” Natalie cocked her head curiously. “I hadn’t thought of it like that.”
But if Cat liked Natalie she had a weird way of showing it. Working with her was a special kind of stressful that even Natalie’s college experiences couldn’t match. Every workday offered a new challenge to tackle. Cat had once insisted that Natalie brush out her hair and start again—thirty minutes before the start of the shoot. And multiple times she had accused Natalie of trying to torpedo her career by putting her in front of the camera looking like a clown.
Imagine Natalie’s relief when she arrived for day one at the estate to find that Cat hadn’t showed up. “What do you mean she’s not here?” she asked.
“I mean she didn’t fly in with the other girls,” the director said. “We’re scrambling to get a hold of her right now.” “She must be on one of her ego trips,” Colleen laughed. “When is she not?” Natalie asked. “For now, we’re aiming for Tuesday morning as her makeup shoot date,” the director said.
That gave Natalie three days to hang around the set and explore the mansion. It was unlike any place she’d ever seen. They were shooting in an opulent Victorian estate in the south of England. Approaching from the outside, Natalie had a distinct feeling that she’d stumble into Bruce Wayne here. As long as she left the crew alone during shooting, she was free to wander its dozens of rooms. She did so aimlessly, getting to know the crew and the models a bit better as she passed the time waiting for Cat.
In the afternoon, she sat in the courtyard with Kylie Mara and swapped deep talk. Kylie considered herself a girl next door type, but her sharp curves and high cheekbones made her look to Natalie like more of an alien than a woman. Still, their conversation was engaging. Kylie was well-read and had a podcaster’s understanding of random topics like movies, politics, and conspiracies. She blew smoke rings as she mused about the function of supermodels in modern society.
Natalie had taken enough philosophy courses in college to know that Kylie was full of shit about most things, but she wasn’t a bitch about it.
“How’d you get into the business?” Kylie asked, passing the blunt back to Natalie to take a hit.
“I just want to do makeup,” Natalie said after a long drag. “I want to work on movies one day.”
“Huh,” Kylie said. “A body like yours, I would have thought–” “Yeah,” Natalie said. “I’ve heard that one before.”
As much as she despised the thought, Natalie was built for the industry. She’d developed early and spent most of her teenage years weathering the stares of her classmates. In high school she ran from it, dressing down in long sweaters and flannels to deflect attention. But as she matured, she began developing a sense of fashion that embraced her body instead of hiding it. Natalie knew that she was hot, and she didn’t care if people took notice. She even liked it a little bit when models flashed jealousy. She liked to think that she could do their job, not because she wanted to, but because she wanted them to know how replaceable they all were.
The conversation with Kylie trailed off from there as a chill settled between them. She spent that evening in Colleen’s room, the two American friends suffering through the jet lag together.
“She’s right though,” Colleen said. “You really could be a model.” “Whatever,” Natalie sat back against the headboard and crossed her arms. “I just don’t get why they all have to be this way. It’s like even when they’re nice, they’re judging you.”
Colleen, sitting in a chair by the window, took a swig from a bottle of whiskey. “Kylie’s not nice,” she said. “She’s crazy. Like rich crazy.” “What do you mean?” “I mean it’s important to her brand that she’s cool and down to earth. The podcasting and guest articles, it’s all about maintaining an image. When you actually talk, she looks through you.”
“Huh,” Natalie dropped her shoulders. “I guess she’s kind of a bitch too. You know what? Fuck these bitch ass models.” Colleen laughed, then said, “Romy and Samara. They’re good people.” “What makes them so special?” Natalie asked, stuffing a piece of chocolate orange into her mouth. “Because they live and breathe Confidential. All these other girls just want to be Rafaela Carvalho. They’re chasing money. But Romy and Samara have a lane and they stick to it.” “You really like Romy,” Natalie said. “I’d die for that girl,” Colleen smiled.
Natalie’s jet lag didn’t get better after an early morning. The next evening she tossed and turned in her own room. She sat up, checked the time on her phone. Two in the morning. She cycled through a regular routine: Facetiming her boyfriend back in Chicago, she shared her anxieties around the models and her weird interaction with Kylie. He did his best to center her, but it was obvious that Natalie’s thoughts were spiraling. She needed something else right now. Reading didn’t pull her out of her funk either, and after scrolling through Netflix she couldn’t find anything worth watching.
She knew that Colleen had had a long day with Romy on her schedule, but Natalie hoped as she pulled herself out of bed that she’d still be up. She left her bedroom and took the quick walk down the hall to Colleen’s room. The door was open, the lights were off, and the bed was empty.
Natalie scrunched her face in frustration. She was about to turn back around, go back to her bedroom and count sheep, when she heard a noise from the opposite end of the hall.
A moan. It was long and soft, and for a moment Natalie doubted her ears. Still, it drew her to the source. She tiptoed down the hall slowly, trying not to alert the source of the sound.
At the end of the hallway, Natalie found one of the bedroom doors cracked open, a sliver of light shining through. She heard another moan on the other side of the door, and this time she knew for certain that this was real. She crept closer, smiling as she imagined what could be on the other side. But when she peered through the crack between the door and its frame, she was surprised by what she found.
Romy van der Berg was a gorgeous Dutch model who had worked for Confidential almost as long as Samara Alves. The two had developed a public friendship that fans of the brand obsessed over on fashion forums and Tumblrs. Romy was the only supermodel that Samara had any interest in spending time away from work with, but a prior commitment had kept Romy away from Samara’s fateful housewarming party in Los Angeles.
Natalie held her breath as she tried to make sense of the image in front of her. Romy was naked, sitting before the vanity in her room. She appeared to be studying her reflection. And she wasn’t alone.
Samara had arrived late to the estate as well, flying in that morning just in time for the first day’s shoot. She was leaned in closely behind Romy, her hand resting just beneath Romy’s chin. She appeared to be holding Romy’s gaze on the mirror.
Another moan escaped Romy’s lips, and Natalie noticed that Samara’s hand was buried between Romy’s legs.
“Do you see?” Samara asked her. “I see,” Romy said quietly. “Tell me what you see.” “I see,” Romy started before another sharp moan escaped her lips. “I see obedience.”
On the vanity between Romy and the mirror sat two scented candles. Their flames danced to the gentle flow of Romy’s soft breaths.
“You belong to Her now, don’t you?” “Yes, Samara,” Romy said. “I submit myself to Her. I submit myself to Fleur-de-lis.”
Natalie backed quietly away from the door. She didn’t understand what she’d seen on the other side and she was prepared to turn around and never speak of it to anybody. But when she turned around, she found herself face to face with Colleen.
Natalie didn’t have time to make sense of this sight either. Her friend standing before her was stripped down to her underwear, her left bra strap dangling around her shoulder as if she hadn’t cared to fix it.
Natalie’s breathing slowed as she compiled the data in her head, but none of it added up. Colleen was doing her own math. As the two faced off silently, Colleen cocked her head to the side, looking through her friend like one of their vacant models.
Natalie opened her mouth to speak, but Colleen moved first. Her hand sweeping up in one smooth motion, Natalie was quickly looking into the eye of a camera.
A flash in the darkness. It lingered there in Natalie’s vision, paralyzing her. She was powerless. The words that she’d tried to speak caught in her throat and stayed there as the bright light faded into nothing.
When consciousness returned to Natalie, she awoke in Romy’s room. Her hands were tied down to the arm of the chair in front of the vanity. She was cold. They had stripped her naked. Her head was spinning, drool caked her chin.
The candles flickered in front of her. Natalie’s eyes rolled back as she took in a deep breath through her nose, testing her senses. The odd scent made her body feel numb. Next, she felt a tickle between her legs. When she looked down, she saw Colleen beneath the vanity, staring up at her with those eerie, empty eyes.
“Colleen,” she gasped. “What’s happening?” “Something wonderful,” Colleen smiled.
A flash of movement in the mirror caught Natalie’s attention. It was Samara floating from the bed where Romy now lay, her body hips gyrating up and down as she muttered to herself. Natalie couldn’t see the headphones in Romy’s ears, but she could hear the words that Romy echoed from them.
“Clay to be molded…toy to be played with…tool to be used…weapon to be wielded…love to obey…exist to obey…exist to obey…exist to obey…”
Samara moved in toward the vanity, brushing her hand over Natalie’s cheek.
“I only came here for Romy,” Samara said. “But Mistress may appreciate a few more pieces for her collection.”
“Why?” Natalie snapped her head away from Samara’s hand. “What are you going to do to me?”
“I’m just going to make you like us, my dear,” Samara said. “An obedient, loyal servant to our Mistress Maxwell. I’m sure we can find something for the two of you.”
“Crazy bitch,” Natalie growled. “I thought you were supposed to be one of the nice ones.”
“Please don’t fight it, Natalie,” Colleen said. “I was scared too. But I promise the brainwashing is painless. And it feels so good when you finally obey.”
Samara admired Natalie’s youthful face before she issued her command to Colleen, “Show her.”
“Fuck!” Natalie shouted as Colleen sunk her face into her pussy, her tongue lapping at Natalie’s clitoris. She was surprised to find herself soaking wet and wanting. “How? What are you doing to me?” she cried.
“It’s already started,” Samara said. “Mistress Maxwell’s method attacks the senses on all fronts. The light subdues, the candles dull the mind, the sex makes you desire, the music rewrites your mind.”
“Music?” Natalie breathed.
Samara unspooled a pair of earbuds.
“Please,” Natalie pleaded, shaking her head as tears streaked her cheeks. She feared how good it felt to be numb, to feel the pleasure of her friend between her legs. Even without the music she was beginning to rock her hips to match Colleen’s pace “Please, I’ll go back to my room. I won’t tell anybody about this!”
“Of course you won’t,” Samara said, pushing the buds into Natalie’s ears. “You already belong to Her.”
Natalie struggled, whipping her head back and forth as the music droned, boring its way into her brain. She tried desperately to grab hold of something–anything. A belief, a memory, a feeling. She felt that it she could just hold onto one thing that was fundamental to her being that even in total surrender she could still come back. But the music was fighting her and winning. It was only a few chords on loop, a subtle synth rhythm like one might hear on call waiting with their cable provider. Its slow, droning sound echoing through her mind erased every thought as it came to her. If anything escaped its devastation, then a breath of the candle’s scent, or the ecstasy of Colleen’s tongue would wipe her mind clean, dispelling the thought and allowing the music to continue rewriting her.
Samara joined in. She placed soft kisses up Natalie’s flat stomach, rolled her tongue along her nipples. In that moment, Natalie was an empty husk of pleasure, existing only to respond to the pleasure of these two mindless slaves. Her struggles slowed, her body loosened until all she was doing was responding to them.
Natalie bit her lip as a thought slipped in, this one crafted and planted by the song: she wanted to be just like them. She wanted to be mindless and obedient and she wanted to fuck. She wanted to serve.
Her eyes rolled back as she accepted the thought, as pleasurable as anything that Colleen or Samara had done to her. But something inside of her was still fighting. A small piece of her. She blinked, and a rogue part of her mind came roaring back. It wasn’t a memory or a simple thought. It was a conviction, a piece of fundamental programming that was essential to the person Natalie would always be. She clung desperately to this rogue coding, determined to ride it into the darkness.
Studying her own face in the mirror, seeing her fading expression, Natalie replayed her conviction over and over until the music drowned it out and all that was left was Fleur-de-lis.
Fuck these bitch ass models.
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fhtess · 1 year
Clues from a probate record...
A few weeks ago I wrote about the will of my 4th great-aunt, Rebecca Sidney, written in 1837 at Ramsey, Huntingdonshire, as well as her marriage to Joseph Maltman in 1813. I mentioned that her father’s will, part of his grant of probate record, also held some interesting information and this includes another mention of Rebecca. Below is my transcription of the document1: “[In left margin] John…
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artisticlegshake · 7 years
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2017 Little Dancer’s Year in Review:
Favourite solo(s) of 2017
(part 1: seniors)
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sofiamantegafan110 · 4 years
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Top Row
Mr. Sensitive (Guy Smith), Threnody (Melody Jacobs), Cypher (Doug Ramsey),
Lifeguard (Heather Cameron), Morph (Kevin Sidney), Siryn (Theresa Rourke Cassidy), Sunspot (Roberto Da Costa), Penance (Monet St. Croix), Synch (Everett Thomas), Sunpyre (Leyu Yoshida), Tempo (Heather Tucker)
Middle Row
Mirage (Danielle Dani Moonstar), Forearm (Michael McCain), Shard Bishop
Manifold (Eden Fesi), Shinobi Shaw, Nocturne (Talia Josephine Wagner), Daken Akihiro, Rictor (Julio Esteban Richter), Shatterstar (Benjamin Russell), Spyke (Darian Elliot, Evan Daniels), Prodigy (David Alleyne), Risque (Gloria Dolores Muñoz), Warpath (James Proudstar), Ruby Summers, Random (Marshall Evan Stone III), Marrow, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Fatale (Pamela Greenwood), Kylun (Colin McKay), Vertigo, Maggott, Venus Dee Milo
Bottom Row
Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh), Lila Cheney, Blink (Clarice Ferguson), Bedlam (Jesse Aaronson), Darkveil (Darnell Wade), Darwin (Armando Edi Muñoz), Chamber (Jono Starsmore), Jubilee (Jubilation Lee), Magma (Amara Aquilla), Mondo, Feral (Maria Callasantos), Skin (Angelo Espinosa)
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
something about stu and billy with a s/o that unironically likes shows like hell’s kitchen and kitchen nightmares? like their s/o started watching clips of it as a meme but now they’re a real fan and watched all the seasons of it
(definitely not me!)
ASDFGHJKL SO little known fact, but I'm actually a HUGE fan of Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares (also Hotel Hell lmao). These shows are just such endless sources of entertainment, especially when watching it with other people! Modern!AU of course.
Poly!Ghostface Watching Hell's Kitchen/Kitchen Nightmares:
Stu would probably join you pretty early on in watching it. Nay, scratch that: he absolutely would join you.
Billy finds the memes amusing, and has for sure seen clips of it before, but it isn't until you and Stu are about 3 seasons deep and he keeps curiously peeking over that he joins in.
Also because he felt left out lmao. Watching TV tends to be a Together activity for you guys.
Billy loooves trash talking the people in the shows, especially the more narcissistic restaurant owners. The more delusional they are, the more Billy loves ripping them a new one.
Bless you and Billy, because for MONTHS after the Nino episode in KN you can bet your ass that Stu will be yelling "I'M NINOOOOO!!" anytime he walks into the room. Hold Billy back so he doesn't kill him.
In a twist, Billy loves when the women's team proves the men's team wrong about their abilities. It's less to do with Billy being a sudden feminist and more in the sadistic pleasure he derives from seeing someone knocked down a peg. It's delicious.
Billy, after you cook him anything ever again: Where tf is the lamb sauce?????
Stu, slipping in without a condom: It's föcken' RAAAAAW
Billy's favorite winner is Christina Wilson. Stu's favorite winner is either Heather West or Dave Levey.
Their least favorite chefs are too many to be named. Jason, Ranjit, Jen, Thomas, Russel, etc etc. What can I say, there aren't that many people Billy and Stu like in general besides themselves and you.
Stu was so disappointed when he found out Amy's Baking Company closed. He was so, so ready to drop the cash to get you all to fly out and visit them. He wanted to troll them so fucking BAD.
Billy loves Gordon Ramsey. Like so much. Out of the three of you, he's probably the biggest fan. On the outside he plays it cool, but on the inside he gets giddy when Gordon rips into someone.
If you bring up the idea of a horror movie with a chef as a slasher, prepare for some notebooks, alcohol, and snacks being busted out while you guys sit in a circle on the bed bouncing ideas off each other, laughing, and just shooting the shit. You have a blast staying up into the AM just coming up with the plot, characters, etc. and screenwriting this faux horror flick with your boyfriends. Billy especially has fun that night and it's a memory that sticks with him forever.
Stu cried out in anguish when he found out that Jean-Phillipe was no longer the maitre d' on HK. He fucking loved that guy. JP was his bro, man ✊😔
Stu wishes Gordon would bully the waiters on KN lol
Billy doesn't. He wouldn't admit it, and he isn't sure why he feels this way considering he's kinda terrible himself, but he's weirdly glad that Gordon is always nice to the waiters.
Kinda mirrors their killing habits tbh. Billy kills those who he felt either deserved it (Maureen, Sidney), he felt was necessary for the plan (Himbry) or both (Randy, Casey, Steve, Tatum). Stu just went along with it and didn't really care who he killed, simply excited to do it.
OR if this is an AU-AU where they didn't go through with some or all of it, then it's just bc Stu likes trolling people in general and Billy hates authority.
You can BET that Stu will wanna go visit Hell's Kitchen. He knows if you go you aren't guaranteed good service or a meal, but he wants to go just to watch Gordon in action.
Stu will also wanna visit the more bougie restaurants that the winners get to work at. Like the minute all three of you have the time, ya'll are going.
Billy wants to actually learn how to cook the perfect risotto. If he succeeds this goal (and he will eventually bc this man is patient and determined af), you can expect it everytime he cooks from then on lmao.
Maybe, juuuust maybe, if you guys are encouraging and help out, Billy surprisingly finds his calling and passion in cooking and grows up to be a Michelin Star chef LMAO.
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