#sidon x mipha
kenneduck · 10 months
Crying over the thought of no one remembering Link’s birthday. Like after the 100 years, Link wakes up and realizes one day he cannot recall his birthday.
To his dismay, neither Impa, Robbie, Purah nor Zelda recall his birthday. He acts as if it isn’t a big deal, but he’s always finding himself quite sad when celebrating the birthdays of others.
Sidon notices at his own birthday celebration that his Hylian friend has a sense of sorrow. One that isn’t possible to rid of with his famous smile and flex. When Sidon approaches Zelda, she reveals that Link cannot recall his birthday, and that no one who knew him 100 years ago seemed to remember or take note. Sidon looks sympathetic towards the revelation, but then he has a thought…
Moments later, it becomes rather apparent that Sidon, the literal 10 foot tall birthday shark, has slipped away from his own party! A search begins around the domain. Where did he wander off to?
While looking around, Link finds himself being the one to enter Sidon’s room. He hears a flipping of pages, and he curiously notices Sidon looking through a journal. Before Link’s presence gets known, Sidon smiles his famous smile, and shouts “I KNEW IT”!
Link walks over to the happy shark man. Wondering why Sidon dipped from his own celebration to read a… paper journal. One that seems… familiar. Mipha’s journal?
Sidon, seeing his friend, scoops him up in excitement! Shouting over and over a date that wasn’t too far off in the future. Link looked confused, and when Sidon noticed said confusion, Sidon smiled. “Your birthday, Link! Mipha… she wrote it down! I knew she would!”
Link looked puzzled for a moment. What did Link’s birthday have to do with anything? But then he understood… his birthday WAS remembered. It had a date again. It wasn’t lost. Sidon couldn’t help but show the page of Mipha’s diary that spoke of Link’s upcoming birthday. Of the plans she had to surprise him despite the calamity looming.
Link couldn’t help but tear up at his smiling tail-wagging friend. Sidon looked concerned, thinking he did something wrong, but the tight hug Link gave him said otherwise. He thanked him. Repeatedly. And Sidon only began to smile again. Immediately beginning to ramble off birthday plans for his dearest friend.
But to Sidon’s dismay, Link cut him off. Telling him that it’s not Link’s birthday they should be celebrating right now. That Sidon has a party to get back to. Sidon only pouts playfully before readying to return to the celebration.
After the two do, Link couldn’t help but catch himself looking towards Mipha’s statue throughout the party. A few looks paired with a smile, but a few… a few felt tied with tears.
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demiboydemon · 11 months
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queen-drawing · 8 months
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i love sidonposting
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imababblekat · 1 year
Botw Characters W/ A Crush; HC’s
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@xxrainmxx​ ,” Hello, can I request headcanon of the corjection methods that Sidon, Mipha, and Revali would use to let their crush know their intentions? (gender neutral if possible)”
Anon Request, “ Hello, can I request headcanon of Mipha, Revali and Sidon trying to flirt with their crush?”
when Sidon has a crush on someone it goes one of two ways depending on how deeply he feels for that lucky person
if it’s in the beginning stages of him realizing that he likes them, he actually becomes a bit timid whenever they’re around
it’s not that he’s scared of these new found feelings, he’s just new to the concept of actually liking someone as opposed to being the object of affection like he is to so many others
once he gets past figuring things out and really starts having it hard for his crush, he’s back to his extravagant self
will absolutely boast about great qualities he sees in them, not just in private but to others as well
was already a huge supporter to begin with, but becomes even more so and always finds ways to be there for his crush
absolutely takes no shit from others talking about his crush behind their back
overall Sidon’s way of flirting or letting his feelings be known to his crush is grand action and devotion; he wants them to know how much they mean to him and how much he’s willing to do for them should they except him
this feathered butt head is such a pain when he first realizes he has a crush on someone
absolute tsundere if you will
he’s just not used to the idea of being that fond of someone, that someone could hold such a power over him to make his heart feel like it’s falling from the sky by just walking into the same vicinity
once he gets past his complicated feelings about the ordeal, Revali starts to accept the ideas of why he developed feelings for this person and it turns into honorable admiration
he isn’t going to just fall for anyone of course
the Rito takes note in impressionable skills his crush possesses, such as how swift they are with a bow or how they’re able to finely put ingredients together to cook the perfect meal
if you don’t know Revali very well you probably wouldn’t be able to notice when he’s coming on to his crush; it’s all subtle compliments that could be mistaken as ire for the other
the closer he gets to his crush, he’ll actually start giving them small gifts as he finds it easier than trying to express how he feels with words, which is a shock to not just his crush but him as well, since the Rito Champion is known for having a colorful vocabulary
Mipha’s had crushes before, so depending on how close she is with the person she’s crushing on will determine whether or not she pursues those feelings
if she does, her crush can expect to be spending a lot more time with her
she’ll go out of her way to spend time with them when not swamped by her duties as not just the Zora Princess but also their Champion
much like her brother, she’s very supportive of her crush, just not in such an extravagant manner
she’s much more subtle with making her feelings known, almost in a shy kind of way
is always making sure her crush is safe and protected, and much like she had with Link in the game, she promises to always be there to heal them if they need
the further things pass on, she might start to also gift her crush small trinkets
gifts that remind her of them, such as shells that match their eyes, or some jewelry that accentuates their lovely smile
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nightttoon · 10 months
Who fell first/who fell harder? Love language Pet names
You fell first, but she fell harder. She has Sidon already, so it took time to accept your feelings. But if you fell for both of them it makes everything easier! She adores you and Sidon so much!
Her love language is physical touches. She gives you the warmest hugs and sweetest kisses! And if it's Sidon x Yona x you, your days will be full of physical affection from both zora. You better be ready :) She also loves to give you cute little things she found, bought or made. (Like necklaces, corals, shells and everything she finds beautiful! Maybe something to remind you of her)
I guess pet names are.... "Dear, sweetie, love, pearl, my sunshine"
She fell first, but you fell harder. Gerudo shief is so deep in love, so she is all around you. I bet she taught you how to deal with Sand seals.
Her love language is gift giving. She probably bought you every jewelry from Gerudo's masterpieces and everything you looked at in the shop. She will definitely try to master the hobbies that you love so that you can do it together!
Most of time she calls you by affectionate form of your name. But she also can use "Darling, cutie, sweet one, cupcake"
You fell first and you fell harder. This strong, independent lady will fall for you with time, but then she does.... My god. You can't get enough of her love.
Her love language is quality time. She will spend all her time with you. Sweet talks and a lot of shared interests are here! She will be interested in things you like just as much as she would like to show you what she is mad about.
Pet names she uses can change depending on her mood and situation. But her personal favorite ones are "sugarplum, beautiful, precious, lovebug" Maybe she will call you "kitten" at times.
She fell first and she fell harder. No doubt about that. Poor princess can't handle with herself, then you are around. She is so shy about her feelings, so you will know about them from her father or if you confess first.
Her love language is quality time. She will learn about everything you like, so you had things to talk about. You will do a lot of little things together, like hand crafts, swimming together, gazing at stars at night from top of domain. She will teach you about holidays, traditions, courtship of Zora if you are interested.
Pet names are "Cutie pie, sweetheart, muffin, sweetie, my hero" And yeah, I am sure about last one. She wants you to feel strong even if she is champion here :)
Part with male characters is here!
Requests are open! Write me if you wish to make one!
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captainn-hook · 6 months
Character analysis on Prince Sidon (BOTW vs TOTK)
One thing I love about totk is how the game addresses Sidon’s trauma.
In botw you see how desperate he is for his father’s approval, it’s like Mipha set an impossible standard for dying not only for her domain and her people but for the whole kingdom of Hyrule. In their father’s eyes, she’s the perfect child, not only in personality but also in the way she’s honoured her family. Sidon sees how his father thinks of her, and although the king doesn’t do it consciously, he always put her on an impossibly high pedestal, and Sidon grew up believing that he HAD to meet that expectation, and that he would never, no matter how hard he tried.
When Link tames Vah Ruta and they both go to see the king, he tells his son:
“As your father, I am proud of you for fighting the Divine Beast alongside Link. You have grown much recently. I know you will be a worthy heir when your time comes.”
Then Sidon bows his head, as if he’s overcome with emotions because his dad tells him he’s proud of what he’s accomplished. King Dorephan isn’t a bad guy, don’t get me wrong, but the grief of losing his daughter (in this case, he thought she went missing and had been in the DB for 100 years, he didn’t know she died) made him sort of lose sight of Sidon’s achievements in those 100 years because he was so racked with worry and guilt. So although the king isn’t a bad father, he fails to reassure his son that he doesn’t need to do anything to make him proud (even though Sidon had definitely done stuff to make his dad proud over the years).
(Btw im pretty sure tripple digits in age is considered teens or early adulthood for Zora, so he’s still pretty young, I imagine around Link’s age if he were Hylian)
But that’s about all we get in botw.
So now we move on to totk. And oh boy do we get a load of Sidon angst. Some people might disagree with me but having read between the lines of what Lady Yona talked about (and just WHAT she actually said) in the first half of the water temple quest (before we find it, when we’re up in Mipha court), it really is angsty.
She’s aware of the fact that his sister’s death affected him a lot and still does despite knowing that her spirit moved on, and it (at this point) has started to affect their relationship.
Yona and Sidon have a disagreement before/after the battle with the Sludge Like, where they argue about him going with Link to this pillar of light that has suddenly appeared. It starts with Sidon saying: “Lady Yona! It is far too dangerous for you to be here” in reference to the sludge, but she has none of that.
She tells him that she wants him to go to the pillar with Link, and that: “For a long time, I have been concerned that you are holding yourself back and not acting as freely as I would have expected.” This has some credit because it’s mentioned somewhere how they were both childhood friends, and the Zora live long lives so it’s safe to assume their childhood is prolonged, which means that they’ve known each other for a very long time. Yona knows how he acts and behaves, his mannerisms and his fears, and that’s why she wants to push him to face them.
She tells him that if he goes with Link they’ll be able to overcome this problem, but he hesitates. She notices, asking him what is troubling him, and he hesitates again to speak what’s on his mind. This is when the Sludge Like comes in, and after the battle, the conversation continues.
Sidon hurries back to Yona and says: “Thank goodness. Lady Yona, if something had happened to you... I...” and there’s where it becomes clear just how terrified he is of losing her. He doesn’t finish the sentence, though, he changes the subject and tells her that she should go back to the domain in case more monsters show up. She tells him that he should focus on what Link said and that he can leave the court to them (Yona and the others that came with her). Sidon replies with: “W-well... Of course it would be best for me to accompany him. However, I cannot leave you alone in this dangerous place!” He’s ignoring what’s best and instead focusing on the safety of his betrothed, because of course he would! A monster just showed up and it took both Link and Sidon to take it down, imagine if neither of them were with her, what would happen? What would he do if she got hurt? And then the following dialogue happens (you dont need to read the whole thing, you can just skip to the bold parts):
Yona: “Did you not entrust this task to us already? We will not be on our own for long. We shall be just fine.”
Sidon: “But…”
Yona: “Sidon, my darling... I truly appreciate that you worry so for my safety. It speaks to the kindness in your heart.
But you are the prince of the Zora. One day, you will lead the people of your beloved domain.
I can see right through you, whether you want me to or not. You are yielding to the fear of losing someone you love again.
You must overcome your past and face whatever the future holds with courage.”
Sidon: “But... I...”
Yona: “Enough is enough! You are not acting like yourself! You must leave this place to me!
Sweet Sidon... Do not get lost in the past. You must keep moving ever onward. Just follow your heart, as you always do!”
Sidon: “Like my old self... Like I always do...”
Yona: “It is all right. I swear it. I am not going anywhere.”
Sidon: “I see... And there it is, clear as day... I was giving in to my fear of once more losing someone I love... I… I…
You are right, Yona! I will not give in to this fear! Nor forsake my trust in you! I leave this place to you, my love.”
Yona: “All this time he was clinging to regret over being unable to save his precious sister, Mipha... My poor, tormented Sidon.
And to think he was unknowingly paralyzed from taking action because he feared losing me as well...
Yet he has overcome this trial and placed his faith in me. At last, the Sidon I know and love has come back to me.”
During this conversation, Sidon hesitates more than once and you can see it starting to irritate Yona because she knows the potential he doesn’t see in himself, because it’s not just fear of losing a loved one, but it’s his own insecurity from not being able to save Mipha.
He doesn’t care that he was very young and wouldn’t have been able to anyway, he just cares that he couldn’t. In his eyes, he failed to save his sister. And I’m not going to go too deep into this point but it’s clear that she was playing both older sister and mother, because we can assume their mother died a while back (she’s never mentioned and it’s just the two of them and their father even as far back as age of calamity if you want to include that).
What I’m saying is that with technically both the loss of his mother and his sister, it’s safe to assume that he feels some sort of responsibility for not being able to help, even if he was too young to do so, his disregard for the age he was at the time shows how much weight was left on his shoulders after Mipha died.
He never expected to be the heir to the throne, the sole survivor of his family (along with his dad), sure he’s a prince and princes have responsibility, but Mipha was always going to be in the spotlight (not that I’d imagine him jealous of this, it’s simply just a fact, and I think he might have actually even been comfortable with that), she was always going to be the Zora Champion and then Queen one day, so to have all of that suddenly dumped on him after the calamity as a literal kid would’ve undoubtedly had its effect on him.
Yona understands this, she tells Link, knowing he’s probably caught on, how he was “clinging to regret over being unable to save his precious sister, Mipha...”.
She has to reassure her love that she’s okay. “It is all right. I swear it. I am not going anywhere.”, she comforts him because she knows he needs it, he needs her to say it to him because that’s the only way he will believe she is in fact okay.
But his character develops. Sidon realises that in fearing for Yona, he has made her feel as if she isn’t trusted. He recognises the position he’s put them both in, him worrying relentlessly and stressing out about his loved ones because of his trauma, and her having to watch him fall down this never ending rabbit hole and being unable to do much about it because all he tries to do is shelter and protect her, even when it’s unnecessary.
But she does what she can anyway, and it pays off, because he comes back to reality and understands that although there will always be the risk of losing her, he knows that she is more than capable of taking care of herself. He knows of her strength, it was just hard for him to see the situation from her point of view. But she pushes him to do so, and he betters himself for her.
I think he’ll always have some small hint of this trauma response hidden away, but after this discussion, he’s got a firm hold on it, and is willing to control his fears for the love of his life so that they can start to build a life together without the sense of utter doom and despair over his past looming over them both.
I’m glad the writers did this, and didn’t just make them seem like this perfect couple with no issues, it shows a real and healthy relationship, and it shows that Sidon isn’t this perfect person and that he indeed has faults of his own.
That’s my take on it, anyway.
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cookie-nom-nom · 1 year
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All I could think abt when I met yona
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thezoraprince · 9 months
Positivity - BotW/Totk x reader
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“Haven’t been active on tumblr for a while because of work, but I hope you’ve been doing better! I really enjoy reading all of the zelda content you make and seeing the other funny posts you have on your regular blog too, and I know it’s hard to keep up with mental health so I just want to say that you do have support from people here like me :) If you’re up to it, I think a request I want to make is different zelda characters simply making positive reinforcements or comments towards their s/o’s since everyone seems to be mentally tired and maybe it can be a little helpful to read positive content.  Please take care of yourself, taking a break even for a little bit can be good.” - @reva-rose
hi hi!!!!! thank you so so much! i’ve been doing a bit better. i’ve definitely been neglecting my blogs though… whoops!!!
i meant to post this one when you sent it, and then completely forgot about it :’)
go me…
i hope you’re doing well, my sweet friend!!! and i hope you enjoy <3
SIDON: (do we even need one for him? he's the most supportive out of ANYONE canon wise, and because i have so many hcs on Sidon... i'm just pulling actual quotes...)
“You can do it!”
“You’re the best!”
“I believe in you.”
“Stay strong.”
“Hey, you’re great.”
“Have I told you just how much I adore you today?”
“I cherish the time we spend together.”
“I'm always here if you need anything. Anything at all.”
“Wow, you’re amazing!”
“I love your personality.”
“Spending time with you makes me feel so happy.”
“You can do anything you set your mind to.”
“You’re quite wonderful, you know?”
“No matter what, I’ll always be here for you.”
“You’re so strong.”
“I believe in you.”
“You’re doing such a good job.”
“I’m always here to support you.”
“You can do it!!”
“Don’t worry, I’m right by your side.”
“You’re great!”
“No one could compare to you, y/n!”
“Yeah! You got this!”
“You’ll always have my support.”
“You’re so kind and wonderful.”
“There’s no one like you, y/n.”
“You’re so amazing. I’m so lucky to have you.”
“You’re so important to me.”
“No one can compare to you, y/n.”
“You’re perfect just the way you are.”
“I have your back, and you know that.”
“Don’t let anyone tell you you’re less than what you are. They’re just jealous of you.”
the only thing i have to say for Kass is that he would write you the most BEAUTIFUL song and perform it for you when you’re feeling down / off / out of it / etc.
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creativesplat · 1 year
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Growing up together: A very quick doodle!
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wheezerpigart · 1 year
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I think a lot of players have Sidon as the first charismatic character they've encountered in a game. I'm no exception, so I more than understand his popularity among fans. It's a shame we weren't given more of his backstory in the game. Although I found out later that he's one of the DLC characters, and there's even a canon view of him when he was a kid, but... I NEED MORE!!!
So... I guess you could call it my headcanon????? I rather like to think that he and Link managed to have at least a little interaction in the past. And that Link remembering Sidon would be surprised at how much he would have grown in 100 years.
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dorayakimanjiro · 1 year
I headcanon Revali being the type to keep a smile on his face just for you despite hurting from the midst of a battle. (Giving "As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face" song vibes). AND I'M LIVING FOR THAT AAHHH.
Just imagine the both of you are exhausted, probably covered in bruises and a little beated up; and he would constantly gives you small grins to let you know that he's fine and you both can get over this battle.
If the battle was too intense or violent and you end up getting a little emotional and tear up a bit, he'll definetely cover you up with his wings and gulf you into a warm hug. He'll probably stay silent cuz he's not used to comfort people and clueless, but definetely wants you to know that you can save those tears, because it'll be okay, you're here with him.
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kenneduck · 11 months
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Here’s Little Mipha!
She’s the daughter of Sidon and Yona~ (and Link!) She got her whale gene from her grandpa.
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demiboydemon · 1 year
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????? Buddy I am engaged to a Zora
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floette777 · 9 months
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Poor Link, He never catches a break with Sidon lurking around when him and Mipha are getting too close.😂
Happy new year's Eve everyone!
Thank you so much for all the support for liking and reblog my drawing and fan comic. You don't know how much I appreciate you for it!
Again Thank you!💞
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Was Link engaged to Mipha?
Playing through BOTW and I was doing the quest where you have to find all 10 zora monuments and read them. One of them states that it is tradition for zora princesses to craft armor for their future husbands. Mipha was a zora princess and she built the zora armor for Link. Wouldn't this imply that they were like engaged or like at least symbolically to the zora people? Did anyone else notice this?
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queen-drawing · 8 months
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I have here more ice link comics, with a new desing for link, youll have more in the future
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