#botw revali fanfic
dorayakimanjiro · 1 year
I headcanon Revali being the type to keep a smile on his face just for you despite hurting from the midst of a battle. (Giving "As long as I'm with you, I've got a smile on my face" song vibes). AND I'M LIVING FOR THAT AAHHH.
Just imagine the both of you are exhausted, probably covered in bruises and a little beated up; and he would constantly gives you small grins to let you know that he's fine and you both can get over this battle.
If the battle was too intense or violent and you end up getting a little emotional and tear up a bit, he'll definetely cover you up with his wings and gulf you into a warm hug. He'll probably stay silent cuz he's not used to comfort people and clueless, but definetely wants you to know that you can save those tears, because it'll be okay, you're here with him.
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
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☾ — Yandere Revali — ☾
"Impressive, I know. Very few can achieve a mastery of the sky. Yet I have made an art of creating an updraft that allows me to soar. It's considered to be quite the mastery of aerial techniques, even among the Rito."
"W-Were you not watching my feat of aerial mastery?"
"Sorry, Revali! I got distracted by one of the other Rito."
"Oh? What was this 'gracious' Rito speaking to you about? Was it that much more important than me?"
"It's nothing like that! I just got offered to be taught a few archery techniques. The Great Eagle Bow you gave me should be put to good use!"
What...? Some moronic half-cocked Rito is trying to teach you the thing I am greatest at? They're trying to teach my dear, my darling, my dove. How dare they.
"Ugh—such a betrayal. If you really want to learn something, then be taught by the master. Thousands have asked to receive my teachings, and I have turned every single one of them down. Yet, I extend my wing to you so you don't look so pathetic with that graceful bow on your back. Do you accept?"
"I kind of already made a promise that I'd go practice with them. You're really busy anyway. You have all that champion stuff you have to do. I wouldn't want to be a bother."
It seems like that Rito is about to have a flying accident. It'll be such a pity that they accidentally broke their wings and plummeted towards the ground. Their body will be barely recognizable. A pity. Such a pity.
"Nonsense. I could not allow my Hylian visitor to look like a fool in my village.However, if you already promised, it would be disrespectful of me to try and twist your word. Just take one of my feathers, will you? As good luck for your practice."
"Thank you for being understanding. It's such a kind gesture."
A gesture that you are mine. Such a silly Hylian. You don't know how courting is in Rito culture. Keeping that feather on you means that you are my new mate; you have accepted me. I hope that twat sees my feather in your hair before I kill him. 
"I am nothing if not generous." my love
( @sunset-peril @sixofcrowley )
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mytemporarycomfort · 2 years
Dearly Devoted
A/N: Thank you all for being patient with me while I was away. I hope you all enjoy
Summary: The Champions reminisce their time with you and they know for sure you are their end game.
Champion x Reader
The cup of tea managed to refill itself once again.
Zelda was in her study for another long evening and you could tell how drained she was.
No matter how many times she apologized for not spending enough time with you or that you must be stressed from being around her in this state more than anyone else, you always stated "Its my pleasure to help you Zelda. I will be by your side, you are not a burden, you are doing your best. "
She cried when you said that. It felt like a mountain was lifted off her shoulders.
Seeing you asleep in the chaise in the study always left a blush on her face.
Another night of studying means less personal time with you, but she was always grateful to have you near.
After this was all over, she plans to travel with you. She makes that clear to you. Just the both of you, no knights, no books.
Link was behind you on the horse. He held you tight like you might slip away if he loosened up a bit.
You let him rest his head on your chest and your heart beat slows his mind right down.
His duty to Zelda means he isn't always with you. So he gave you one of his shirts.
You wear it whenever you miss him deeply. He came home early one evening and found you cooking some dinner in his shirt.
BOOM bright red.
He snuck behind you and hugged you with a quirked eyebrow.
"I missed you Link, I happened to cook some extra dinner just in case. Want some?"
His heart bursted right out of his chest. Ugh, he is simping.
As you two ate dinner, he noticed, your left hand seems a little empty.
If you would accept, a ring on that hand would suit you nicely,
She saw you getting attacked by some Yiga members and who is she to not help, until she noticed...
You fought back with fire and fury in your eyes.
Despite that, she was not one to let any warrior fight alone if she can help it.
You thanked her. You spoke to her as a person who helped you, not as chief of Gerudo.
She saw you as another Zelda, but also different. You were strong, full of heart, but you were also innocent, naive.
She wanted to help you grow, and grow under her care you did.
Urbosa's softer side became clear to you when she was training with you and her hands guided you unlike the others.
You have grown to be seen as equals yo Urbosa. You can truely handle your own.
Even if it ment you would venture out for your own journey now, you was grateful that you were apart of her story and her yours.
"You have helped me Urbosa. You helped me grow and I hope to continue to be by your side."
She smiled one full of relief. Of course you can stay.
You always protected her much like her brother. But you were not her brother so why did you fight so fiercely to protect her.
She always found it strange that you didn't mind all the fighting despite the wounds you got by the end.
She always healed you with no hesitation.
Mipha worried about you quite a bit, and it showed how often she was with you.
She found safety and comfort in your presence. A kind of feeling that made her want to be by your side for as long as fate would allow.
It was common to find you two together. A princess and her protector.
She didn't like not being by your side for long stretched of time. She's afraid of not being there to heal you fast enough if anything happened.
"I will be there for you, like I know you will be there for me. We got this."
You two held each other. This is what safety and comfort is. You two keep each other grounded.
He looks down at his hammock as you laid there reading your newest book.
Revali is a bit of a brat sometimes and yet here you are still here.
2 years.
You stood by him for two whole years and you're still here.
He was so dedicated to his bow, when you held his hands fot the first time, he stopped breathing.
He looked like he turned into a statue.
Then his feathers puffed up and he frowned.
Whenever you show him affection his feathers would puff up,
He would hide his face in his wings then hug you as tight as possible.
He's still learning to show his emotions in a less agressive way, but you know he means well.
Sometimes he thinks hes too much, he'll accidently push you away.
"I don't regret a thing 'Vali. I love you regardless of your little quirks, you know that right?." You told him after a long day of making you watch him in the target range.
He loves you so much. He puts his beak on the top of your head. This was the most gentle he's been with you.
You are so soft, this man is crying
He remembers his first sleep over at your house, boy was nervous! Your house is so cozy!
He enjoyed his time at your place, hopefully like you enjoyed his.
He was so happy when he saw that you kept all the little gems he gave you, but why wouldn't you?
He wants to spend so much time at your place. He might as well move all the Gorons over to your little town. JK....but what if?
He just doesnt want to hurt you by being so big.
"I feel so safe around you" You told him after you two returned. to death mountain after his stay at your place.
He's keeping you safe then. He decided.
He doesn't know all the details yet but that is sure.
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likethe-month · 6 months
Revali x Reader Oneshot
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Reader has she/her pronouns
I love Revali sm so here's something from my super intense LoZ phase from last year
Your legs swung back and forth from your spot on the flight lading, as you watched the Rito champion swoop back and forth. You could watch Revali fly for hours on end and never get bored of his daring swoops and graceful spins. You had always been curious about what it was like up there, but your fear of heights kept you confined to the ground.
Suddenly, Revali flew back down to the landing, interrupting your daydreaming.
“As much as I enjoy you watching me in complete adoration, I think it’s time that you joined me up there,” Revali said, crossing his arms haughtily after landing.
You blushed at his words. “I can’t fly, Revali.”
“Well obviously,” the Rito scoffed. “Do you have the paraglider Princess Zelda gave you?” He asked, drawing closer to you.
“I, er, yes I do,” you said, checking that you still had it with you. You didn’t quite like where this was going.
“Good, you’ll use that, then.”
What?! The highest you had ever glided was from the top of a tree!
“But it’s so high up!” You said, not daring to peer over the landing.
“Don’t be foolish. I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I’m sure you’ll fare a better chance at success with Hyrule’s best flyer with you.”
Swallowing your nervousness, you nodded. “Alright, but stay with me the whole time, okay?”
Once you were sure Revali wasn’t trying to trick you for the purpose of watching a naive hylian gliding off into the Hebra frontier, you stood beside your friend on the landing.
“Make sure to hold on tight the entire time, and keep your body steady so you can steer the glider,” Revali said, making sure you were ready.
“Okay, I think I can do it,” you said, shivering from both fear and the chilly air. Taking in a deep breath, you focused your gaze on the horizon instead of the bottomless darkness below you, you stepped off of the landing while holding onto your paraglider for dear life.
After a few seconds, you realized that it was working and you suddenly didn’t feel as scared anymore. Almost immediately, Revali appeared right beside you, steadily riding the wind. “Very good!” He praised in the most genuine way you had ever heard from him.
Ignoring your stomach doing a back flip, you smiled giddily as you continued to glide, the wind blowing in your face pleasantly. This was much more fun than you had imagined.
“Let’s get you a bit higher!” The champion said, suddenly taking a dive towards the ground.
For a minute you lost sight of him and panic began to set in. Where was that stupid bird?
Then, the soaring form of Revali shot up into the sky in front of you, creating a gust of wind that carried you upwards. You laughed with amazement as he kept you up in the sky, and he was soaring alongside you once again.
Shifting his gaze from the horizon and onto you, Revali felt the smallest smile appear on his face. You were a natural. Not that he doubted your abilities, of course, but many hylians tended to prefer their feet on the ground. You, however, looked like you belonged in the sky.
Suddenly, your voice broke him out of his stupor. “Revali? How do I land?”
Oops. The rito champion had forgotten to tell you how to land.
The moment your legs hit the snowy ground, you went rolling into the snow.
Revali gasped and swooped in to land by your side. “(Y/n)? (Y/n), are you alright?” He asked, frantically brushing snow off of you.
You, however, were laughing happily, even though you were covered in snow and slightly sore from your tumble. “That was amazing! I never knew I could do that!”
Revali’s concern washed away only to be replaced with relief and maybe a twinge of annoyance. “You had me worried, you silly girl.”
Taking the wing he offered, you lifted yourself up, still grinning excitedly. “We have to do this again,” you insisted, your cheeks and the tips of your ears flushed red from the cold and the rush of excitement you felt.
“Eager, are we? I’m rather surprised at your persistence considering you just fell into about four feet of snow,” Revali said, rolling his eyes at your determination.
“Oh. Right,” you said, brushing the last of the snow off of yourself. “We should probably head back for the village.”
“Hmm, are you sure? If we wait long enough, you might turn a rather nice shade of blue,” the rito beside you said, observing your shivering form.
You gave him a mischievous smile. “Oh really? That sure would be unfortunate.”
A few of Revali’s royal blue feathers puffed up, and he made a move to take off. “Well, if that’s how you’re going to be…”
“Wait! C’mon, Revali, I was joking around. Take me back to the village!” You near-begged to your companion, who seemed to be considering your request.
“Fine. You win, little Hylian,” Revali said, slightly stooping so you could climb on his back.
It never failed to surprise you how the proud Rito had started to let you fly on his back. When you first met him, he would always make you walk back to wherever you came from, swooping away before anyone could protest. But after a while, he would offer you rides on his back. Just you.
Though no one would ever admit it, the rito villagers would always think of what a strange duo you two made. The princess’s diplomatic assistant and the rito champion. You had been making more visits to the village, unable to curb your fascination. Many of the villagers were quite fond of you due to how much more pleasant Revali acted in your presence.
You climbed on to the champion’s back, giving him a small “ready” when you were situated.
Your first time on his back, you had been so afraid of falling off you found some of Revali’s feathers in your hand whenever you had landed. That had earned you quite the scolding. But now, you had no fear of slipping off, and you had even gotten to the point where you could sit up straight. This had caused the Rito to mutter something about “not being your horse,” but you didn’t mind.
Still cold from your fall, you leaned down closer to your companion, as he was the closest source of heat. His soft feathers provided plenty of warmth and soon you were laying down completely on his back.
You didn’t notice it but Revali had to hold back a squawk of surprise. Your hum of contentment at being so close to him shot his heart rate up to a level that only the dangers of battle could replicate. For the remainder of the journey back to the village the rito made sure to soar as smoothly as possible, even making a few circles around the village, just to spend some more time with you. Not that he would ever admit that, though.
After your departure, Revali’s thoughts were clouded by the memory of your smile, laughter, and promise to return soon. The inn you were staying at in the closest village wasn’t very far, but his heart ached strangely when he watched you leave. To his annoyance and a bit of embarrassment, some other ritos asked about you teasingly, saying that they’d never seen Revali act so gently toward a Hylian. Revali would scoff and deny anything his fellow villagers try to insinuate, but when he lay in bed that night, trying to go to sleep, he still could not fight off the image of you in his head.
As he tossed and turned, Revali found himself submitting to this new, unfamiliar feeling. Eventually, the thing that got him to sleep was the memory of your warmth against him as the two of you soared through the cold winds of Hebra.
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muchmossymess · 3 months
A Revali Fanfic Recommendation
I urge you all to put your life on hold for a moment and go read this brilliant fanfiction:
A hundred years after the fall of Hyrule to Calamity Ganon, and the hero Link has finally sealed the darkness and freed the Divine Beasts of their curse - and with it, their pilots are finally free. But not just as spirits. Awake once again, the four Champions of old have a second chance at life and must re-adjust to this future world with their decendants. Well - all except for one Champion, who doesn't have a decentant. Or even anyone left alive that knew him. Teba is happy to take in his revived ancient idol as one of his own, but sharing a living space with a hundred year old Champion with an ego the size of his divine beast and who might have some issues he's not willing to share can be a lot sometimes and they don't always see eye to eye. Revali thinks he should return to leading the new generation of Rito warriors. Teba thinks this actual child should never have been leading warriors or fighting a war in the first place. Tulin is just excited to have the infamous Rito Champion in his house.
Beautifully written and lovingly crafted, this baby can fit so much trauma and whump into the most gut-wrenching and heat-breakingly found family story you may ever read. 130,000 words, 36 chapters (and still regularly updating!), and a CRIMINALLY low number of kudos. If that doesn't sway you, here is some gushing under the cut <3
You think you've read a champions revival fic before? This will have you saying "how the FUCK have I not seen this before" and completely change the way you view everything (mild exaggeration. m i l d). We have all of your favourite revali tropes: being a dick and getting owned, being a dick and being right, getting own and never showing those feelings to the light of day, getting killed, getting unkilled and loved, showing emotions but being super weird and revali about it, bonding with tulin!!, bonding with teba and the rest of rito village, bonding with the champions, having panic attacks and trauma, vah medoh being the best ever, being a terrifying force of nature, being an idiot kid, and so much more!
Do you like grumpy dad teba? Do you like revali swallowing his pride? Do you like revali immediately spitting his pride back up and being a bitchy bird? Do you like mipha and revali as gossip buddies? Do you like the complete and utter fool revali makes of himself everytime he so much as hears the name link? Do you like people seeing right through his facade and calling him out on it?
AND NOT TO MENTION THE WORLD BUILDING??? this fic is so in depth of the political climates, racism, lore, changes in culture during times of war, colonisation, biology of the races and just fucking everything?? It adds so much life to the world of hyrule I am genuinely shocked at how much this person clearly loves these games (botw/totk/aoc) and they are able to incorporate all of this amazing information in a way that flows so naturally and just hhrnngngg I am fucking insane about it. THE SCIENCE, oh my god how did I forget all the wonderous thoughts surrounding the divine beasts and the sheikah tech, oh god and how they write the magic system? Guys I swear it's so good.
Characterisation is on point, everyone feels so full of life and that they are reacting exactly how you would expect them too, and they just seem so real, like they are right beside you as you're reading. The author does an IMMACULATE job of drawing you in and making you feel a part of the story, all the while being just beautifully written?
Don't get me started on the attention to rito culture. I have never seen someone pour so much love into something before, genuinely on of the greatest things I've seen. I've always had a fascination over how the races of hyrule view each other, similarities and differences, how their cultures and histories intertwine, and conflicts that may arise. But oh. my. god. My jaw was on the floor every time, it's so rich and beautiful but not without the horrors (and oh god, they are Horrors tm) and again it's just so real!!!
Be warned, however, that there is gore and viscera and terror and hurt and war crimes and death (duh), but for each terrible thing to happen it is repaid tenfold in love and kindness somewhere down the line. (Unless you are into hurt no comfort, then sorry buddy!) It is a beautiful narrative and the exploration of trauma and self is mind boggling and just go read it!!! 😭 😭 😭 I just love this fic so much, it has instantly sky-rocketed to one of my top 3 favourite fics I've ever read, and I'm so grateful to have found it and now be along for the ride that if I could bring that to one more person then by god I will fucking do it
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metamatronic · 3 months
i need to stop making insane botw aus
Anyways new fic here.
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eaglebow09 · 8 months
A Challenge (BOTW Comic Short)
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On a casual day on Hyrule Castle Barracks training grounds Urbosa sees Revali training with his bow. Knowing his competitive and prideful personality she teases him in his over reliance on his archery skills and asks if that is all he can do? And if so, a true warrior is dynamic and adaptable. She then asks him for a friendly spar session to see what he can do. He knows deep down his swordsmanship pales in comparison to Urbosas but his pride makes it impossible to turn her down. And so begins an important lesson in pride for our Rito Champion.
Just a little short comic I did awhile ago. A plot device in my (Revali x OC) webcomic is that Revali leans towards the bow because of his fear of faltering with the blade. It is a constant test on him and he slowly learns that it's ok to be new at things, but first we must contend with the fear of failiure.
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randomdork-artdump · 11 months
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Based on @star-pup01's fic, Skybound Wishes.
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the-whole-shebang · 4 months
BOTW Champion Headcanons Part 11 (I think)
Mental health is dipping, so you know what that means more headcanons!
Purrah chews pens and has definitely bit through one at least once and swallowed a bunch of ink.
Luckily, the frequent and risky human experimentation Purrah performs on herself immunized her to any possible illness she could have acquired from ingesting said ink.
Link has sign language nicknames for all the Champions.
The Champions all got tattoos together.
Urbosa got a lightning streak down her thigh, Daruk got an image of Vah Rudania on his back, Revali got an arrow and a feather in an "x" formation, Mipha got a koi fish curled around a trident on her forearm, Zelda got a sleeping princess flower behind her left ear, and Link got a little dog. It has a little hat.
Urbosa got snake bite piercings at some point.
Link is far less serious than everyone assumes. He acts that way because he's uncomfortable around strangers, but once you get to know him oh boy there's no turning back.
Revali would be an excellent chess player, but he gets so wrapped up in meticulously planning a strategy that he doesn't realize Urbosa's winning until she says checkmate.
Daruk always feels awful asking Mipha to heal him, so he often sneaks away after fights to a field healer before she can fuss over him.
Zelda doodles on her hands. She also writes reminders on her arms.
For all their disagreements and teasing, Urbosa and Revali love to judge other people together. (Revali more so than Urbosa, but she sticks around cus his commentary is actually hilarious).
Zelda and Link got so comfortable around each other that they often communicate just in glances and unintelligible half sentences. It confuses the hell out of everyone else.
Robbie will eat nearly every organic thing you hand him if he's tired enough, and sometimes it doesn't even have to be organic. Purrah has been running a three year long study about the corellation between Robbie's sleep deprivation and the types of objects he'll ingest.
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deepseaorcapt · 1 year
Hi, saw you mention missing writing for Revali. Was curious how would you envision (HCs) a Revali that survived Calamity (AoC) but a time skip passes and the events of Totk begin?
Hello! Thanks for your suggestion, I honestly have been thinking and debating on this for quite some time. It seems like it's time that I finally put my ideas out in the world! My first time doing HCs but I hope you enjoy it!
Revali surviving the Calamity and his life with his spouse:
I like to think Revali gained some sort of scar from the fight with Windblight Ganon.
A long scar in the form of a beam that goes across his chest and the side of his neck when he got hit.
From an outsider’s perspective, it didn’t seem that deep, but the medics concluded it was much of an injury to tell him he shouldn’t exert much into physical activities.
Unfortunately, he still does overtrain from time-to-time to the dismay of his, now, spouse.
On top of that, he still leads the rito warriors, organizing the operations and their duties to protect Rito Village. Sometimes, he takes hours just training and planning with the village elder.
It takes a lot of convincing to get him to rest, but the moment he sees the desperation in your eyes, he sighs and heads home with your arm wrapped in his.
"I know, I… I’m sorry"
Since the calamity, Revali has been trying to be better at depending on others, especially since he’s chosen to have you in his life, not wanting to hurt you more by shutting you out.
Still, bad habits die hard. At the very least, he tries.
Getting home, it became a habit to lightly caress the scar on his chest as you both lie in your shared hammock.
The sensation bothered him for the first couple of months, but eventually, he couldn't sleep without it.
It's like a comforting feeling that he's alive, lucky enough to survive and live with you. Fortunate enough to see Hyrule again in its glory; For that, he's extremely grateful to Goddess Hylia.
There are a lot of days where he wakes up in the middle of the night.
Throat dry and eyes wide, awakened by the nightmare that haunts him in the form of Windblight Ganon. 
It’s only when he feels your body lean towards him in the hammock when he relaxes.
On most days, you wake up feeling his panic, consoling and letting him find comfort in your embrace.
But in the rare instance you stay asleep, he takes a walk or a flight just around the village.
There is just this one time where you woke in the middle of the night, looking for his warm blanket of wings in your shared hammock. 
In a panic, you ran around the village. It was only when you noticed a string of smoke from the flight range that you finally let go of the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
Still a bit sleepy, you make your way to him. Finding him, staring at his bow once more with paranoia in his eyes.
Your embrace wakes him up from the thoughts that plagued his mind, his tears made yours water in response.
Since then, he has been trying his best to wake you up on those nights; Trying to actually ask for help, knowing that he doesn’t have to be alone anymore.
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dorayakimanjiro · 1 year
Okay but imagine Revali used one of his Great Eagle Bow's string to make a ring for you.....
Got the idea from Instagram, it was a reel where images of rings appreared and a center text with the sentence "I'd make a ring out of my violin's string for you" AND IT AMAZING HOW MY MIND WENT DIRECTLY TO REVALI AND THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING A RING OUT OF HIS FAVORITE BOW'S STRING.
If anyone makes an one-shot or headcanons about it, please please please tag me!!!! I would love to read the ideas you've come up!!!
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ivymyers · 1 year
Clingy (Revali x Reader)
Personal project. Enjoy! (requests are open)
Warnings: a little bit agnsty, point of view does not make sense, I wrote this kinda fast, Revali being a dick
“She’s so…goddamn clingy.”
You flinch as you hear these words uttered from Revali. It didn’t feel good, but he wasn’t finished and you could confirm who was definitely talking about.
“She always wants to spend time with me, I’m lacking in all my skills because of it. Y/n is such a distraction.”
You get that he likes to show off and brag, but saying this crap to the champions was too far. You had made such an effort to get them to like you. It hurt that Revali was killing your progress behind your back. Not to mention how absolutely hurtful this all was. All the times he wanted to hang out with you, you thought he was being sweet, different than how he was around others. It crushed your soul that he would say such hurtful things.
You ran out before you could hear the responses from the other champions.
All week you avoided Revali, whenever you thought of a fun idea for the pair of you, it was shot down by the neverending repetition of that phrase. Over and over it played until you couldn’t do anything but think about that.
You sat on the flight deck to feel the rushing wind in an attempt to drown your feelings. As the tears fell down your face you couldn’t stop thinking about what your Rito lover had said, even though a week had already passed. He called you clingy. What an awful thing to be called for trying to express your feelings. Although, you were finally beginning to see the reasoning behind it. You heard the footsteps behind you and immediately knew who it was.
“Y/n? Hey, I just wanted to see if you wanted to do somethi- are you crying?” His heart stopped when he saw tears.
“What?” you quickly wiped the tears from your cheeks.
“Y/n are you ok? I’m worried. You haven’t wanted to do anything with me all week.”
“I’m fine.” You say coldly. 
“Y/n what’s up?” Revali actually looks a little concerned now. “Do you want to talk somewhere?”
“No, I said I’m fine. Wouldn’t want to waste any of your precious training time.” With that you stormed off. Leaving Revali mildly confused.
[timeskip to later that night]
It was the middle of the night when you slipped out of the hammock. He probably thought it was annoying to have to share with you anyway. God, you were so annoying weren’t you? Once the tears started they wouldn’t stop, so instead of trying to calm yourself down, you just curled into a little ball to comfort yourself. 
The sound of you in distress woke Revali. Immediately he was terrified when you were missing from the Hammock. Hearing your sniffles from the corner made him feel sick. He hated it whenever you weren’t feeling your best. Instantly he got up to go sit down next to you. 
“Angel…what’s wrong?”
“Nothing Revali, I’m just trying not to act so…Goddamn clingy I guess.”
The room got quiet very fast. To see you in distress made Revali  anxious, but to know he was the one who caused it? He felt extremely guilty, and pissed at himself. 
“No, it’s fine, you don’t need to justify yourself, I understand, I’ve been putting myself first in our relationship too much. It’s my fault you haven't been enjoying yourself. I feel so bad Revali.”
You stared at him with tears flowing down your face and he wished he could take it all back. You were his whole world and he crushed you.
“I’m sorry y/n. Those words were…god I’m such a dumbass…” he closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “What I said to them last week, none of it was true. I was showing off and…it’s something I need to do less of. Please. Come back to the hammock with me, I couldn’t bear it if you left me.”
You followed him slowly and silently, thought jumbled and confused.
Revali, on the other hand, was freaking out inside. This distress he caused you, what if he messed you up permanently? He knew it would take time for you to regain his trust…but the way you feel must be ten times worse than how he does. He made a mental note to take you to your favorite spot in the morning and make your favorite meal. But for now, you were already asleep against his chest in the hammock.
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry if it was kinda all over the place.
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Ahhh I love your work! Every work of yours I’ve read has been absolutely amazing, you write so beautifully. I was wondering if I could maybe request a Revali x reader headcanons of Rito mating season or heat/rut? Have a wonderful day/night as well!
Hmmm okay, I think I can give you a few off the top of my head, sure! Since we're talking about a mating season, I'm going to write reader a female/afab/child-bearing capable perspective, if that's okay. There's a headcanon I have that will involve that aspect (so trigger warning for that too btw - I'll add it in in the tags but just an fyi!) I also added a little mini fic in there for funsies lol enjoy!
It's overwhelming for him. Being with you is the first time his heat has ever truly affected him before, so the experience engulfs the poor Rito man. It's a new experience for you both.
He's scared he'll hurt you - like...actually scared. For as headstrong as he can be and how well he carries himself, he very much is still a hero - and that means no harm comes to people that don't deserve it. Especially you - who he loves so dearly and would give his ability to fly if it came down to it.
His instincts are so strong he almost can't control them this time. There's a sensation in him that needs to breed you - take you over and over until he knows he's successfully put a child in you.
Should you decide to help him, he's definitely not going to be gentle. You'll likely sustain some scratches, rug burn, and a few hickies here from his love bites. He's giving in to inhibition here, running with something more primal and animalistic than either of you are used to. But if that scares you - please heed his warning and leave! He absolutely would not hold it against you.
Afterwards, he's very cuddly and it's then you'll realize that he's made a makeshift nest out of a bunch of soft things he owned: garments, shed feathers, even all of his scarves that he's owned through the years. He'll hold you to his chest (and his heart is beating FAST), his chirps and trills are quiet but against your body you hear him clear as day. It takes a few minutes for him to slip back into a less animal-like frame of mind, so forgive him if he doesn't answer any questions or respond to you coherently right away.
Normally Revali had never had an issue with mating season before recent - without a mate to call his own, the ruts were never something he couldn't handle. However, after falling for you, the creation of an unbreakable bond of love and trust changes things inside him. His Rito DNA senses the deep affection he holds for you and ultimately alters his internal biology to reflect as such. So when mating season comes around, you're both blissfully unaware at first. Until you walk into his hut and find him doubled over. The scent of you hits him right away, and in a very rough, shaky voice he begs you not to come any closer. But you can clearly see that he's sweating profusely, feathers fluffed and tousled. He's disheveled and groaning in what sounds like pain so immediately you're thinking he's injured...or worse.
When you try to approach him again he raises his voice to leave him alone. "Please!" he begs - and the red alarms in your head are blaring because he is not one to beg for anything - "I need you...t-to leave..." his head hangs and his chest heaves as he tries to keep a semblance of his decency intact, "I c-c-can't...pro...tect you..." You look at him confused, protect you from what? There's currently no danger! Scanning the room, you still don't understand. But then you remember, from a book you'd read a while ago that Princess Zelda has lent to you (just so you could understand Rito culture a bit better) - spring always meant mating season. Your eyes connect with the foliage that peeks just outside of Revali's window - an elder tree in full bloom. So Revali was-- "Let me help you," you offer, realizing now why he seemed so pained. You didn't think about the decision, didn't think about the repercussions - all you wanted was for him to no longer be in distress. The black pupils of this emerald eyes withered to slits. His breathing picks up, a few short huffs away from a hyperventilation. With the last shred of coherent thought he could must, he exhaled out, "I'll...hurt...you..."
Perhaps it was your bravery, or maybe your caring, stubborn heart that would shrug off your coat, laying it on the ground before him. Revali watches you through his exasperated panting, the erection in his lower garments straining terribly, though he's trying to hide it. The groan he lets out sends a chill down your own spine when you move to gently cup his beak in your hands. As soon as you understood what was happening, you knew the risk of staying there. "I don't care, Revali...I know what you need..." his feather take on a more purple shade as he flushes, "...And I want to help you."
You barely have time to undo the bodice portion of your dress when your hands release his face and you turn to undress, because he almost immediately pins you down. His rush on your body has you landing a little awkwardly on your chest and stomach, but it's soothed by the sensation of long, soft fingered-feathers caressing your sensitive skin. The Rito's beak pecks everywhere he can reach, even plucking at your sleeves to release more of your skin from your dress. You feel his taloned foot wrap around your ankle, not necessarily doing anything to you other than anchoring you beneath him. His winged digits pinch your nipples to stiffness: the combination of those pulses of electricity and the very obvious hardness poking at your backside have you gasping already.
His rut makes him impatient; you know this as you already feel fingers circling your entrance, half to rile you up further, half to make sure you're ready. But again - Revali is impatient, and so up goes your dress, over your hips. There's brief shuffling behind you and then just as you brace your hand around what would essentially be his wrist, Revali is already spreading your legs and sliding between them. The pressure of him inside of you has you keening, and you're thankful for the little bit of foreplay you were given, making you just wet enough to accommodate him. The wing that toyed with your chest was now crowding around your neck, pulling your body upright and flush against his chest as he took you.
Revali is far less than gentle, the rough huffs and deep chitters falling over your skin as he held you still: one wing wound very loosely around your neck, the other gripping your thigh for purchase. His beak nibbled at whatever flesh he could reach. "Re...valiiiiii" you whined out, breath hitching mid thrust. But he could not hear you, his mind so incensed with fucking you to fullness, more avian than anything else as he slammed his hips into you. Yes, he would bed you multiple times that evening, and in multiple positions no less, spilling his seed so deep inside you, even he wasn't able to get you pregnant - he was surely going to take you like he planned on it.
After all is said and done, you eventually wake upon a bed of soft clothes and feathers. As you look down you realize it's shaped meticulously, as though it was made to have a form. It was then you realize his need to mate had him go through all of the motions: including building a nest for his mate. You look up at your Rito Champion, the tufts of his feathers much more relaxed than earlier as he rests. Your fingers gently stroke his beak, and the pleased chirp he lets out warms your heart. His wings wrap around your frame a little tighter; your hands waft through the down of his chest. You've no idea if this means you'll actually conceive or not - but you do know you don't mind in the least. You love Revali entirely, you wouldn't have offered if you didn't, and you're hoping that making love to him through his rut was proof enough. His beak finds your temple, carefully nibble and peck at the strands of your hair as if to preen you - it makes you giggle, his animal instincts still showing out in small ways as he settles down into sleep.
You'd assess any repercussions of his rougher handling when you awoke later, right now it just felt good to be in his arms like this.
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thesadpuffin · 7 months
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High school student Revali.
age: 16
height: 6'3"
favourite food: spicy noodles
favourite drink: iced chocolate
best subject: archery and technology
Yes, Revali is arrogant and (seemingly) unfeeling, but it's mostly an act to protect himself. Although he's cold he would never actually hurt someone intentionally, and he does the right thing when it matters. He takes any and every opportunity to rile Link up, resenting him for excelling so easily and naturally when he himself has worked tirelessly on his own skills. And of course, Link's close friendship with Mipha doesn't help anything...
From my fanfiction One Thing About You (currently on hiatus but will be back!)
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boldshell · 2 months
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More sketches!! This time: Yunobo meets Sidon in chapter 7! Plus bonus Revali and Link flexing their muscles.
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eaglebow09 · 11 months
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Just a quick sketch for a short 2pg comic probably ink later. Was just feeling it today. Our Rito has many talents it appears. 😘
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