#signs zodiac compatibility
cupidlovesastro · 8 months
𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑒- 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑒 "𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑝𝑙𝑒"
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sun/leo in 1st house- sun shines light wherever it’s at, and 1st house is others perspective on your relationship. so the aura of this couple is strong, positive, and optimistic. leo is also associated with attention, leadership, and confidence, which could be the energy of this couple
venus in 1st house- venus represents beauty and aesthetics which means that others view your relationship as aesthetically pleasing, and your both very attractive
taurus in 1st house- taurus represents materialistic things, possessions, and also beauty. you and your lover could wear designer brands, fashionable aesthetic, gold jewelry, etc
libra in 1st house- libra represents beauty, a sense for fashion, and charm. so others could view you and your lover to be very charismatic people who are also attractive
scorpio/pluto in 1st house- scorpio, ruled by pluto, which represents power, can mean that your energy and physical appearance is powerful. you could also be a secretive couple, and since pluto represents obsession, many people could be obsessed and want to know about your relationship
pisces/ neptune in 1st house- pisces and neptune represent dreams and illusions, so people could see you guys as the dream couple or may dream of having a relationship like yours
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sun/rising conjunct or trine venus- like i mentioned earlier, sun brings light wherever it is. with that being said, venus represents love and beauty so you guys could be an openly affectionate couple and attractive couple
sun conjunct or trine rising- your vibes, energy, and physical presence/ appearance is great.
sun/ rising conjunct or trine pluto- pluto represents power like i mentioned earlier, so the powerful energy around this couple is strong
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leo venus- your love for each other is bold, confident, and passionate. to the public you may be viewed as confident
taurus/2nd house venus- similar to what i mentioned about taurus in 1h, taurus’s are know to represent materialistic things and possessions, so you could be a flashy couple, or the kind of couple that’s always posting what one of you bought for the other
libra venus- libras represents harmony, beauty, relationships, and things of that nature. so you guys may be very aesthetic, and may wear matching outfits or even show a lot of pda
scorpio/ 8th house venus- you two are like a power couple, and you could be known to have a darker aesthetic. many may even say your like the same person
10th house venus- you guys could be very popular or famous, and people may be very interested in your love life, and what’s going on in it
pisces venus- pisces are known to represent dreams, illusions, and ideals. so people could believe that your relationship is like the ideal relationship. people may even day dream, or have goals of having a relationship like yours
𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑑 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: ✨
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astrolovecosmos · 2 months
Fire + Fire Couples: Keeping up with each other's energy, passion and romantic flair, motivating one another, quick tempers, two independent people, spontaneous, two extroverts, positive vibes, shared adventures.
Fire + Air Couples: Excitement!! The best conversations, giving each other their space, balancing passion and thoughtfulness, creative synergy, embracing the unexpected, defusing each other, social together, thriving together.
Fire + Earth Couples: Energy or movement mixed with grounding and stability, learning from each other, passionate yet pragmatic, complimenting each other, putting aside differences, sharing values and goals, desire and sensuality.
Fire + Water Couples: Emotional intensity, calming or energizing, sensitive to each other, plenty of emotional and physical expression, encouraging, admiring each other's power.
Earth + Earth Couples: A solid and dependable relationship, can be pragmatic together, support each other's career or work ethic, comfortable, all about their actions vs. words, little drama, romance that grows, long-term stability and harmony.
Earth + Air Couples: Exploring ideas, intellect, and maybe logic together, good at solving problems together, balanced between stability and flexibility, curious about one another, appreciate each other’s strengths.
Earth + Water Couples: Sensitive to one another, making up for each other’s weaknesses, instinctive attraction, holding and carrying each other, romantic feels, careful with each other, unforgettable times.
Air + Air Couples: Never met someone like them before, enchanted, mind melds, holding hands, maybe a little crazy together, could be that quirky couple, understands each other like no one else, hyping each other up, electrifying, free together.
Air + Water Couples: Adapting together, opening each other's eyes, beautiful words and acts, enjoying creativity or silly things together, accepting one another, grooving, surfing, diving, and then flying.
Water + Water Couples: INTIMACY, maybe attached at the hip, lots of romance, they go to the lowest lows and highest peaks together, intuitive and receptive, merging and floating, cycle after cycle with each other - it can be secure and comfortable.
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yesimoscar · 2 years
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Synastry observations based on (personal) experience, part 5:
I’m back!!!! After months lmao
Moon opposite mars: a big ‘want’. Moon opposite mars is a story. It’s every romance movie/ romcom aspect, and i’ll tell you why. These people see in each other the potential of moon conjunct mars fullfillment that’s actually (way, but opinions differ ofc) better than the conjunction. That’s because in the opposition, each has something the other lacks. This can create for both people the ultimate romantic fullfilment when brought together by effort and acceptance of each other, and this promise is very hard to let go of. Typically, these are couples that fight a lot but find it very hard to let each other go once they know what they can have with each other, because it really is the best. Just think about it, even the thought of people putting conscious effort to be sweeter to one another is precious. That only creates a bond that’s very raw and very real (quoting jewelastrology here). Then combine that with the power of the mars and the moon and the friction of the opposition, keeping things interesting and keeping both parties learning more. You shouldn’t romanticise struggle in a relationship. Too much ‘work’ can just mean you aren’t compatible. THIS aspect is an exception. Just watch out for possible aggression. That’s never okay. One day I’ll make a seperate post about the amount of moon opposite mars couples in literature. The best I can think of now is Pride and Prejudice, with Mr Darcy being mars and Elizabeth Bennet being moon.
Venus twelfth house overlay: sorry y’all, in my personal experience, it’s true what they say. The twelfth house person has a hard time feeling this overlay on their side, or on a very subconscious level. I was the 12th house person. On one hand, I really ‘got it’ so to say but on the other hand, I don’t have a shitty clue of how he picked up on this ‘thing between us’ he thought or picked up on we had. That’s actually the big thing about this overlay. Don’t lose all hope, but you’ll have one person going “you knoww like there’s this thing between us...” and the 12th house person will be going: “what thing?” 😂 this can actually be nice because the 12th house person will get in touch with that subconscious twelfth housey part of themselves IF there are other nicely supporting aspects. Like the venus person’s venus to other stuff. They say a true connection is always mutual. I want to say to you all that don’t be surprised when a 12th house person in such an overlay is not ‘feeling’ this mutually. I literally wrote in my diary: “i might actually like him when it’s too late. Or just never lol i do not know.”
Update: I wrote this observation months ago in like april. It is now october and I’m starting to gain interest in him, albeit slowly and subconsciously, but, yeah 🤦‍♀️😂 i came back to this draft being like “WHATT?? Astrology had predicted this TOO for me???”
Moon trine pluto: you know when the fighting super intense troubled couple FINALLY gets together in this really intense and satisfying time when things are finally going the way they’re planned? Like an end all all good? That is this overlay, but constantly. On the outside, it’s the annoyingly passionate/emotional couple in a series that you don’t get because you haven’t seen them do any work to deserve this kind of intense fan-service scene. It’s because it lacked that kind of character development? It was me watching avengers infinity war with vision and wanda. I didn’t like the couple because i didn’t get it. I didn’t know their history i thought it was just some random very bland peaceful couple being very dramatic about each other all the time. Another example (i’m not shitting on this aspect i swear 😂) when a cartoon shows an example of a ‘romantic movie scene’ where the couple says “i loove you!!” And the other goes “oh bill!!” You don’t swoon because you’re like… okay. You get the oogies/ick because it’s like ‘ew that’s a couple’ anyways what I’m trying to say is that moon and pluto are not typical besties they’re supposed to be two problems kind of, they’re two very intense and bare planets, so harmonious flowing energy between them will feel kind of unsettling? Even. So these people will be kind of ‘gross’ with each other but in a soothing way. It’s how you imagine such a trine to be, but it plays out exactly like this irl too lmao! It feels bland on the outside because it’s always going well. And on the inside it plays in the background, because issues bring moon and pluto stuff to the foreground as a ‘theme’ in the relationship. So this aspect is also is the simple idea-of-a-passionate relationship. It’s the groaning “I’ll never let you go!!” Which doesn’t hit the same way for some people because there isn’t any drama or shit that happened before to deserve this pay off. However, some people loooove this aspect and by that I mean people in real life who like to have a secure and deep relationship where two hidden parts of people correspond and love each other well. This aspect is reaallly hard to let go of lol.
Sun conjunct mars: I call this the ‘spicy friends’ aspect. This is the aspect of two people who get into shenanigans together. I also see this aspect a lot with romantic couples who got together young, because it makes for boy-girl relations where the boy actually gets motivated by the person the girl is and the girl feels understood on the same level by the boy. They don’t get bored and so these people will forever get on or be aggravated by each other. It’s because these are two extremely conscious ‘in the moment’ planets so they easily fire off each other and it doesn’t take a lot of energy to have that interaction. No in between. It creates a certain ‘click’ that really motivates both for each other. Not in a deep/karmic way, but in a way that their behaviour connects easily and the energy gets going. It’s really easy to have good sex and interesting energy with this aspect so it’s a really potent aspect to get people together! Also fast, because conscious behaviour is accelerated by each other. I’m thinking dopamine..
Sun conjunct venus: unlike mars, venus is a cold planet, which is totally okay in a synastry, only the interaction plays out a little different. Sun and venus don’t fire off each other. Their influence on each other is more passive and more ‘internal’. The sun, how basic it may sound, warms venus or even makes them burn. Venus gives the sun person chills. The venus person is responsible for the harmony and awesome functionality that this aspect brings. They will take a step back to fully adore and admire sun from afar sometimes. The sun will run to venus basically when it feels it needs love and beauty and also a kind of sensibility that the sun person misses, like a puzzle piece, and the venus person is Thee person who brings that in their life. Vice versa is the sun person someone who personally signifies beauty and love in the eyes of venus, while it brings the heat that the venus craves. So they become passionate and adoring about who each other is. So venus typically loves every little thing the sun person does and the sun person is just taken by the venus person every single day. Think Oliver (venus) and Loretta (sun) from Only Murders In The Building. This aspect makes for real contentment in a relationship because of the strong loving connection that it brings.
Mars in twelfth house synastry or composite: with this placement, you’re not even sure if the person is actually even attracted to you and if you’re making it all up in your head. This is also typically seen as a ‘synastry/composite of secrets’ which I wasn’t so sure about at the time I experienced this one myself, but now I realise, hey, that man actually had a girlfriend while he was giving me ‘special attention’ while holding back, with me being like ‘what could he mean what could he MEAN’ typical mars in twelfth scenario. One guy I had this with in composite was basically lying to me about his sex life and not having cheated on his previous girlfriend… and guess what… I had lied about my sexual history too 😭 I even thought to myself ‘why the f*ck did I lie that elaborately??? I didn’t even have to??’ But whatever, it’s the way of the worlds apparently 😂 but you see how this immediately creates distrust when it is not actually what we mean to do or coming from a place of disrespect. Oh and this aspect in composite also created months of us being like ‘🧍🏻‍♀️….🧍🏻‍♂️’ not normal sexual tension, but sexual tension we weren’t sure should be concreticised out loud or in action. We’d only kissed once Monthsss before which is basically nothing in western european student culture. It was like: “does this person know I’m still, in this moment, attracted to/like him/her? Am I making this all up in my head?”
Moon in the 8th house: a lot has been said about this aspect. Just a few things: intensity, yes. Either one will always be a significant person for the rest the person’s lives. It’s not nothing. It’s the basis of real all consuming love that’s a very rare and unique mix between total safety and total rush-like danger, which makes people think it’s a soulmate aspect. It’s actually not, imo, it’s a deeply (deeeeply) karmic aspect. It’s funny to see all the friends with benefits who have this aspect start out as “lol we don’t want a relationship” to “……. Lol nevermind” and end up together. They go back to each other because they’re simply too significant to each other. Fear of being vulnurable is also big on both so they either take that step or they’re just standing there forever. Mutual aspect, but it’s mutual in different ways. Truthfully, I don’t see this aspect so often in relationship charts. I see it with people who are in love with each other and aren’t together, or people who started out casual but still for some reason can’t let each other go after more than a year, or people who have had the roughest most obsessive breakup in history and ask me for advice. Often, people in relationships who have this aspect don’t come to astrologers for advice. They’re too ‘into’ one another to do that, I feel like.
Venus trine moon: cute cute cUTE because the venus loves reassuring the moon person with affection, which makes the moon person feel so safe and endorphined and warm. The moon person simply inspires that in venus! Great for a chart with more difficult aspects !
Moon conjunct jupiter: so if a guy is jupiter and the moon is a woman and they’re married, the woman doesn’t need to worry about jupiter feeling turned off from the relationship by her pregnancy. Moon is the feminine, the nurturer, the mother, jupiter adores and respects her. Jupiter inspires respect, optimism, friendships and all things serotonin. Jupiter will make the moon feel good. The kind of union where the guy will constantly declare how much he lovees her pregnancy glow ✨ the same goes ofc for lesbian relationships but since this is a cultural phenomenon i thought i might touch on it.
Moon opposite jupiter: i feel like this might be the opposite story :/ the girls motherhood and need for support and needs in general will just be the opposite to what the jupiter person finds ‘fun’ and joyful, BUT if they’ve made it this far in the relationship as to have a child together it should be okay. At least the cause of the behaviour would moreso be astrology, not misogyny.
Moon square jupiter: wife jokes, but the ones that are cute and funny.
Moon in third:
Being someone with a moon in third house be like: wow imagine going through something hard and not type 10k words in your notes app about it.
Having your moon overlay in someone’s third house be like: wow imagine going through something and not telling that person 10k words about it
Also: jupiter has such an underrated influence on us in astrology!! Jupiter radiates the most energy out of all the planets in our solar system and may be way more personal and influential than we think in astrology… And in synastry also it’s the MOON
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astroeleanor · 4 months
⛓️🥀🖤Plutonian Relationships in Astrology: Intense Soul Connection⛓️🥀🖤
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If you have heavy scorpio placements, 8H planets, or pluto aspects in your chart you may often attract Plutonian relationships in your life. The connection feels deep & intense, it’s one you feel on a soul level. You & your partner might trigger each other’s fears, hidden motives & desires.
The reason why you came together is so that you can embrace emotional intimacy & learn how to be vulnerable in a connection—but that’s not always easy. In a plutonian relationship, the transformative influence of Pluto will urge both of you to evolve & change.
For this kind of relationship to work, both of you have to be willing to work on your shadow traits, to grow, to transform & to let go of aspects of yourself that hinder your ability to connect with another person on a romantic level.
A plutonian relationship demands both partners to evolve, to challenge each other & themselves individually. For this kind of bond to work, you have to be willing to change. If things aren’t working out or didn’t work out, it likely is because one of you was not willing to do the work necessary to handle the energy of Pluto. This is not something you can force, especially if the other person is set in their ways. At the same time, you can still work on yourself & use the lessons you learned in your relationship as a catalyst for positive change.
how do you know if you are in a Plutonian relationship? here are some key factors & considerations to take into account:
1. Pull up your and your partner’s synastry chart.
2. Look for aspects such as conjunctions, squares, oppositions, or trines involving one person's Pluto and another person's personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or important points (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC).
3. In modern astrology, Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio, so if you & your partner have personal planets in Scorpio, natal pluto aspects, planets in the 8th house as well as 8th house synastry, you may be in a Plutonian relationship.
4. Use a 0°-5° orb when looking at synastry and natal aspects involving Pluto.
5. While harmonious aspects (trine, sextile) involving Pluto can indicate intense but constructive dynamics in the relationship, challenging aspects such as squares and oppositions, or even conjunctions may suggest more turbulent and potentially volatile dynamics. These aspects can indicate power struggles, control issues, and the need to confront the shadow aspects of the self and the relationship.
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saylessastrology · 6 months
Astrology Notes!💫💅🏾
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💫These Observations are from MY OPINION & Knowledge💫 Follow my Patreon for more💜💅🏾
Jupiter in 2nd,4th,10th - these people usually end up successful through finacial/career endevours as well as homes and physical property. usually comes into effect after your saturn returm
Aries Mars/Mars in 1st house - people with these placements express thier anger openly and loudly. Both my parents had Mars in Aries and it was a war zone when they were arguing.
Cancer Moons- This placement can create a very moody individual. While they are SUPER sweet and caring, they also have quick tempers when triggered
Aquarius Personal Planet Placements - I know aqua's get dragged for being emotionless BUT that is only on the outside! Internally, Aqua's feel EVERYTHING. They just have a very detached way of expressing thier emotions.
Grand Trines - Most people don't activily use thier GT to their benefit. Having 1 or more GT's can make the areas of your life that are connected in the GT TOO EASY. Almsot so easy that we forget to put in the extra work to get the best out of the aspect!
Chart Rulers - The rular of your chart can show how you are naturally suppose to navigate through life.
Ex: Ruler -Sun
You are meant to use your creative and expressive personality to navigate through life. When you do, you will stand out tramendously in the world and forward moving energy will be consistant.
South Node House Placement - The traits associated with the house your sn is in can show your secret traits from your past life that your can use sparingly in your current journey tword your North Node
EX: south node in 10th house/NN in 4th
You are blessed with so many benefical go getter career traits! You were the big boss in your past and shoud Incorporate these traits with your north node in the 4th house placement.
Feel like you don't have what it takes to run your own household?
Use your Multitasking, Athoritative and Business skills to care for your househouse
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1. Sun-Sun Conjunction: Shared Identity
Observation: When one person's Sun is conjunct (in the same place as) the other person's Sun, they often share similar core identities and life goals.
Explanation: This aspect can create a strong sense of understanding and identification with each other. It’s like looking into a mirror; these individuals often feel a deep connection and mutual respect.
2. Moon-Moon Harmony: Emotional Understanding
Observation: Harmonious aspects (like trines or sextiles) between two people's Moons suggest a deep emotional understanding and comfort.
Explanation: Their emotional rhythms and needs align well, making it easier for them to empathize with and nurture each other. It's akin to speaking the same emotional language.
3. Venus-Mars Aspect: Attraction Dynamics
Observation: When someone’s Venus (planet of love) forms an aspect with another person's Mars (planet of desire), it indicates a strong physical and romantic attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can spark instant chemistry, creating a dynamic and exciting interaction. The Venus person is drawn to the Mars person’s assertiveness, while the Mars person appreciates the Venus person’s aesthetic and charm.
4. Mercury Conjunct Mercury: Intellectual Bond
Observation: A conjunction between two people's Mercuries suggests a meeting of the minds.
Explanation: This aspect fosters open communication, mutual understanding, and shared interests. It’s like being on the same wavelength intellectually, making conversations flow easily and enjoyably.
5. Moon Opposite Saturn: Emotional Responsibility
Observation: When one person's Moon opposes another's Saturn, it can indicate a relationship where emotional support meets responsibility and structure.
Explanation: The Moon person provides warmth and emotional understanding, while the Saturn person offers stability and teaches valuable life lessons. However, if not balanced, it could lead to feelings of coldness or emotional distance.
6. Sun Square Pluto: Transformative Challenges
Observation: A square between one person's Sun and another's Pluto often brings intense, transformative challenges to the relationship.
Explanation: This aspect can create power struggles or deep psychological confrontations. However, if navigated wisely, it can lead to profound personal growth and transformation for both individuals.
7. Jupiter Trine Venus: Shared Joy and Growth
Observation: A trine between one person’s Jupiter and another’s Venus indicates a joyful, growth-oriented relationship.
Explanation: There's an abundance of warmth, generosity, and shared values. This aspect enhances mutual appreciation and can bring luck and prosperity to the relationship.
8. Saturn Sextile Pluto: Building Together
Observation: When one person's Saturn forms a sextile with another's Pluto, it suggests the ability to build something enduring together.
Explanation: This aspect offers a blend of discipline (Saturn) and transformation (Pluto), enabling the couple to work through obstacles and effect substantial changes together. It’s about resilience and mutual empowerment.
9. Uranus Opposite Venus: Unpredictable Attractions
Observation: An opposition between one person's Uranus and another's Venus can create an unpredictable, electric attraction.
Explanation: This aspect can bring excitement and spontaneity but also instability to the relationship. The Uranus person shakes up the Venus person’s concept of love and beauty, while the Venus person may seek more stability and commitment.
10. Neptune Trine Mars: Inspired Actions
Observation: A trine between one person’s Neptune and another’s Mars indicates a relationship where dreams inspire action.
Explanation: The Mars person’s drive and ambition are creatively inspired by the Neptune person's ideals and imagination. Together, they can turn visions into reality, combining passion with compassion.
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starshapedjello · 6 months
🥵Scorpio Mars🥵
💥Knew about s3x from an early age
💥Secret s3xal encounters
💥everyone is attracted to them secretly
💥Naturally a bad a$$
💥Don’t fck with them, bc THEY WILL go off with out pause (natural fighter)
💥Ooze s3xuality with out even trying
💥Knows how to make you O (just knows)
💥Obsessed with their object of affection and WILL obtain them no matter how long it takes (seriously willing to obsess for over two decades)
💥Oh you broke up with them? You’re dead to them now. You never existed.
💥NATURAL RESEARCHER will find out EVERYTHING on their crushes
💥Knows everything about your crushes, too.
💥Knows everything about everyone
💥Naturally psychic
💥Acts on instincts
💥Not afraid to act
💥Has no fear
💪One of the most powerful mars signs, so watch out 💋
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angelwurdz · 2 years
Astrology observations n6
favorite Synastry houses
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4th House synastry
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The fourth house is ruled by cancer and the moon. It’s about childhood, family and home. If someone’s has their planets on your forth house this relationship is mostly going to make you feel safe and secure. There will be a sense of comfort and mutual caring. You both deeply care about each other’s needs, listen and nurture each other. Your partner blends well with your family members they may share many interests and qualities. It also indicates a long term and lasting relationship. Fourth house synastry is a warm pumpkin soup in a cold winter day.
5th house synastry
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The house of romance, children and entertainment. It’s playful and fiery just like Leo energy. A relationship with strong 5th synastry feels like becoming a teenager or a curious child again.It feels innocent, spontaneous and fun. You will be more vibrant. Since it’s also the house of creativity boredom will be rare, you and your partner always get creative when it comes to dates and doing fun things together. You also enjoy doing simple tasks together like doing groceries, playing video games, stargazing even making troubles!
8th house synastry
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They say the forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. That’s what’s 8th synastry is all about. In this kind of relationship it’s usually taboo, secretive and too intense. My favorite placements are Mars and Moon in the 8th house, the physical and emotional bond is usually very strong. It’s you and your partner can read each other’s minds and know your deepest desires. The chemistry is truly undeniable. Since it is also the house of death, you can see the dark parts of your partner and accept them too. You can also start a business together , work successfully on a project and share things.
12th house synastry
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When it comes to 12th house synastry people have different experiences. For some it is a bless and a fairytale, for others it is a curse and a nightmare. In my opinion it’s one of the best and most misunderstood synastry, it’s not just the house of enemies but also soulmates, subconscious, hospitals, fantasies, secrets. This synastry can show you your weakness, trigger your trauma and takes you to places you didn’t want to go. It will break you just to rebuild you stronger again . It is a spiritual journey. 12th house synastry may indicate love from the first sight you may have thought «  I feel like I have known this person before » the feeling of familiarity is so strong because it can indicate karmic and past life relationships. 12th house is ruled by Neptune so it explains if you have many dreams about the person. Like a magnet pulling you towards the person, it’s inescapable, unavoidable and unearthly.
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middlenamesage · 3 months
The MOON 🌙 might have a lot more to do with physical touch compatibility than people generally think! It truly affects us on a physical level, just outside of astrology. It also concerns what’s familiar to us and what will make us comfortable.
When I say “physical touch” compatibility, it’s maybe not so much the sexual energy of Venus and Mars together. Mars brings the sex drive and physical action, and Venus is concerned with pleasure and desire (but she probably has a lot to do with our style of touch, and our relationship with touch, outside of sex, too).
The Moon, on the other hand, I speculate is connected to the kind of physical (and mental/emotional) comfort that makes cuddling feel natural, right, and intuitive with someone. This physical compatibility and comfort with touch, not to mention being more intuitively in sync, might lead to a better sex life too though.
I’ve said for a while that Taurus and I know how to touch each other. We might not do it in really the same ways, but it resonates! You could say that Taurus does feel actually like a complementary opposite to my Scorpio (MOON!)… largely in a physical way! It’s made for good cuddling and sex with the Taurus Suns and ascendants I’ve been with.
Interestingly, the sign I have maybe had the most experiences of feeling discomfort or incompatibility when touching is Libra. My Black Moon Lilith is in Libra, and BML is a disconnection from the Moon! The farthest point from earth of the Moon’s orbit!
And there are some examples of people I had conjunctions or harmonious Moon synastry with in various ways, that I felt comfortable and good touching, but was not very turned on sexually by, if at all.
These are just my observations and speculations. Hope it resonates! 🙏
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Your Natural 1st House Energy /Personality
Aries Rising : Mars in Aries
Taurus Rising: Venus in Aries
Gemini Rising: Mercury in Aries
Cancer Rising: Moon in Aries
Leo Rising: Sun in Aries
Virgo Rising: Mercury in Aries
Libra Rising: Venus in Aries
Scorpio Rising: Ketu/Mars in Aries
Sagittarius Rising: Jupiter in Aries
Capricorn Rising: Saturn in Aries
Aquarius Rising: Rahu/Saturn in Aries
Pisces Rising: Jupiter in Aries
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thatsexcpisces · 6 months
Astrology placement pairings and famous TV/Movie couples they remind me of💕🎞️🫂
Leo moon + Pisces moon:
Will & Louisa from Me Before You
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Pisces + Scorpio:
Sandy and Danny from Grease
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Aries Mars + Sagittarius mars:
Jane & John from Mr. & Mrs. Smith
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Virgo moon/mars + Libra sun/rising:
Meredith and Derek from Grey’s Anatomy
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Pisces mercury + Aquarius mercury:
Elio & Oliver from Call Me By Your Name
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Aries sun/moon + Scorpio moon:
Noah & Allie from The Notebook
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Scorpio rising + gemini sun:
Elena & Damon from The Vampire Diaries
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Leo/Aries sun/rising + Sagittarius sun/mercury:
Chuck & Blair from Gossip Girl
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Taurus moon/mercury + Aquarius sun/moon:
Jim & Pam from The Office
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Capricorn sun/mars + cancer sun/mars:
Katniss & Peta from The Hunger Games
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cupidlovesastro · 2 months
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞- 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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this is my personal interpretation, some of these placements can manifest differently, all depending on who your partner is. please keep that in mind :)
1h can represent the first reaction, their attitude towards the relationship , also how others will perceive your relationship, meaning others may notice that they spoil you and provide for you
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1h taurus- taurus often represents materialism, meaning their first instinct is to buy you things , get you money, etc.
1h capricorn- capricorn energy is usually provider energy, and they can also represent materialism, entrepreneurial energy, rich energy, etc. this means they are likely to give you money
1h venus- venus is often associated with money, so this can mean that he wants to buy you things, gift you things, etc
1h jupiter- jupiter shows abundance and wealth, meaning their first reaction is to spoil you. this can also mean they would like to take you traveling around the world
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2h directly correlates to money , materialism, income, possessions, etc
2h taurus- wanting to give you material items, like buying you flowers, gifting you chocolate, things of that nature
2h capricorn- wanting to provide money for you and other expensive things like a house, car, name brand items, etc
2h venus- giving you money, taking money out of their paycheck to give to you, gifting you things
2h jupiter- having a large amount of money to give, having a big income, buying you very expensive things
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8h represents things such as sharing resources with your partner, as well as finances, property, loans, goals, etc
8h taurus- they want to share money with you, buy you jewlery, gold items, etc
8h capricorn- once again, capricorn can correlate with provider energy, meaning they want to do things for you, buy things for you, make you never have to lift a finger, and things like that
8h venus- this also means they want to share their wealth and money with you
8h jupiter- they want to share large amounts of what they gain with you, and want to share their wealth
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taurus stellium
capricorn stellium
1h taurus or capricorn stellium
2h taurus or capricorn stellium
2h stellium in general
8h taurus or capricorn stellium
8h stellium in general
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
Moon signs compatibility🌙🫧
✨Moon signs that fit together in my opinion. The moon is how you feel and how you take things emotionally.
🌱 Aquarius Moon & Aquarius Moon-They both understand that they need emotional freedom and get caught up in it. Both of them can be goofy together and do crazy things. Otherwise, they can be cold and not so emotional at times, but emotionally they often get along well and they both know how to be alone. They complement each other in many ways.
🫐Sagittarius Moon & Pisces Moon-both are in some way guided by the jupiter. Sagittarius are an independent sign and many times they are more inclined to want to do everything themselves. Pisces are sympathetic and naturally show emotions, so Sagittarius can feel that they can express their emotions. Pisces feel that someone is giving them hope and the positive side of life. Both can be led by spirituality to life. Both can dream together and complement each other through dreams.
🍒Aries Moon& Leo Moon-both signs love to have fun. Aries are an independent sign by themselves, but they could feel more noticed with Leos. Leo needs a lot of attention and Aries could give it to Leo. Both can encourage each other in the things they do and at the same time they are both emotionally independent. Both are able to understand the other on a soulful level, as they can feel the other intuitively. Both together feel that they can express anger or be dramatic and will not feel that they are too much. Both moons love nature and like various activities and would complement each other in this.
🥭 Libra Moon & Gemini Moon-both signs love to talk and are talkative. And both tend to value communication and want to resolve an argument. Difficult situations or problems that arise between them are likely to be dealt with logically and with an attempt to be equitable and fair. Libra gives a lot to the relationship with the person and gemini give a lot to the quality of the relationship. Both know how to thoughtfully find solutions. Both felt heard by each other. Both moons are social and do well in public.
🌊Scorpio Moon & Cancer Moon- will have a wonderful time bonding. Both are water signs. Scorpios are a closed sign, but they can open up with Cancers and feel that they can show their feelings to them. They don't feel like they are emotionally trapped. Both moons feel that they can talk about their feelings and feel understood. Cancers, on the other hand, feel that they can tell their feelings and they will understand them. Scorpio feel like they can trust cancer. Both of them have good intuition.They’ll get super deep, super fast. Nothing can break the commitment they share—in fact, their relationships can last a lifetime.
💧Capricorn Moon & Pisces Moon - Capricorns need someone who is more emotional and gives them sympathy and makes them feel that they are not alone. Pisces need someone to stabilize them. Both can complement each other beautifully emotionally. Capricorns give pisces security and the feeling that they are not being judged. Pisces will help Capricorn open up, while Capricorn will help Pisces learn to be more responsible. Both moons can support each other.
🧸Cancer Moon & Taurus Moon- both value comfort, safety, warmth and emotions. Cancer are often more introverted or want to do things that involve one person. Taurus value time alone with a person and their space. Cancer feel safe with Taurus and their emotions are always stable. Taurus make Cancer feel that they will always be here. They both like to have their own private space and do things like watching movies and eating together. Cancer can draw emotions out of taurus. Taurus appreciate touch, and Cancer feel loved by it. Both could have safe space together.They both love cute things and cute hugs. Both moons know how to show how much they love each other in front of others.
🧼Virgo Moon & Gemini Moon- are ruled by the planet Mercury, which makes them a natural fit. Both somehow need communication and know how to approach the problem that arises. You both enjoy word games, or games that hone and test your knowledge or intellectual skill. Both can complement each other on a mental level. Both know how to be practical and look at things from an objective angle.
🌌Scoprio Moon & Scorpio Moon- both of them will have passionate relationship, and a deep attachment to one another as well. Both of them are deep. Both of you may feel like you can tell each other dark secrets and talk about dark topics without hesitation. Both of you like to keep things hidden and need privacy; you enjoy having secrets. They both understand intensity and can be quite intense together. Both of you crave powerful emotional experiences.
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insanae-threads · 8 months
Who’s your best Zodiac match? Sextile edition
NOTE: Sextile is when two signs are apart, Traditonally, this makes a good relationship and aspect. Ex: Fire and Air (Aries and Gemini), Water and Earth (Taurus and Cancer)
Those listed down below are usually what sign end ups with sextile-ly i.e. two signs apart as mentioned above
Aries: Aquarius
Taurus: Pisces
Gemini: Leo
Cancer: Virgo
Leo: Gemini
Virgo: Cancer
Libra: Sagittarius
Scorpio: Capricorn
Sagittarius: Libra
Capricorn: Scorpio
Aquarius: Aries
Pisces: Taurus
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Synastry observations based on personal experience, part 4:
Mars/venus first house overlay: gets a bad reputation, because people feel like this overlay is ‘superficial’ due to the fact that the first house signifies what people show of their personality to the outside, aka their ‘looks’ and also their physical appearance. They forget that what you externalise in the house of the externalised ego is you, your ego. That’s you! Your ego is a very deep and important thing about you. For some people it’s a more important than for others of course. The way you dress, laugh, look and walk and look, that *is* a deep aspect about your personality. Like those things *are* personal. For some people like mars or venus dominant people it’s the ideal placement, because this is a fiery placement keeps people from being ~bored~ with who the other is, which often happens in a bad marriage. It’s why this aspect is called thee great aspect for marriage. It’s great!
Venus opposite saturn: does not pose as big of an issue if the people have either venus in 10th house or saturn in 7th house natally. There is more acceptance, understanding and ‘seeing things the other way’ that way. It can also manifest in the honeymoon stage just being enlonged and the problems showing up later.. with the ‘honeymoon stage’ in this aspect I mean that this bond feels pretty karmic and paternalistic and awesome in the beginning, in a way that feels super attractive, safe and interesting to the venus person who’s in awe of saturn, and super intense, fulfilling and a little anxiety inducing for the saturn person involved, who enjoys venus’s quirks and air for themselves so much that they become against it and will call them things like ‘childish’ as time goes on. This doesn’t happen if there’s good trust and communication in the relationship. Most often the ‘emotional pain’ that is seen as inevitable with some synastry aspects according to some people, are only inevitable for people who really don’t know how to deal with other people in relationships. You’ll be alright when you have some supporting aspects to this.
Mars-lilith: mars and lilith have a lot in common: they are independent, sexual, feisty and go after their own fleeting pleasures. Only mars isn’t a social pariah, stays on earth and lilith is so she’s up in the air like a bird. Lilith, as the outcast, is someone who wants to impress mars to prove something to herself. Mars is someone wants to dominate lilith, to prove something to himself and also to her. You can see they have a lot of natural (sexual) chemistry but they’re sh*t for the long term lol. Mars is still part of the ‘ordinary world’ and lilith is still traumatized by that world. In harsher aspects, the empathy towards each other will be non existent. The same can even go for sympathy between the two. Also, the ‘colour’ of this union will of course depend on the signs they are in.
Moon conjunct jupiter: Why does my pisces moon have immediate soulmate-like crushes on men born in 1962/63? Oh, that’s why. I’ve had it the other way around too and I’ve seen a lovely couple with this, but I feel like this definetely gets exalted in pisces. Jupiter ~loves~ the moon person. Moon person’s entire emotional/private self fuels and twinflames jupiter person’s entire inspirational and idealistic self. The moon person feels safe while still feeling inspired and adventarous with the jupiter person. Jupiter basically adores the moon, and even that gets expanded due to the expansive and almost indulgent nature of this aspect. The moon person wants to be with jupiter. They feel their emotional self inspired and exalted when they are with them and it can be for some (for me) a very rare feeling of being so comfortable and happily understood and inspired by the other. I’ve always found this one of the best relationship aspects you can have, for me at least it’s the best because with my scorpio sun pisces moon and sag rising, that optimistic jupiternan energy on my most vulnurable side is exactly what I’m looking for.
Mars conjunct chiron: the only sexual aspect that will make a man want to marry his female partner.
Sun/venus/mercury fifth house overlay: ever had that feeling of ‘ooh this person is going to be here, now this occasion is worth it/interesting/~a party~’ and you almost saw it as like a crush? Did it feel a little juvenile? That’s this one.
Mars fifth house or in that mix^: oh and you do have a crush on this person, highly likely. Are you going ‘oh my god, oh my god, it’s him/her’ when he arrives in like an almost funny and very juvinile way? That’s this one. Okay so now I’m taking a girl reading this as the norm, but for a guy that crush would happen with venus added in the fifth house. This/these overlay(s) cause butterflies and first love vibes for the house person, giggling like a teenager and thinking the planet person is soo cool and fun and attractive. The planet person releases their inhibitions around the house person and becomes leo-esque, like the party version or radio-edition of themselves.
Saturn conjunct an angle: weirdly enough, this aspect is not much talked about on the internet but I assume that is because people don’t have a lot to add to this one. I do. I believe this aspect can be extremely significant in reading a synastry chart romantically. So, to begin with I feel like this aspect, like a lot in synastry, plays out differently irl based on the genders of the people involved. What I’ve found is that saturn conjunct an angle in heterosexual relationships, where the guy is saturn and the angle person is a girl, the guy is easily bound to fall in love with the angle girl. This is because saturn imposes their mix of care, ownership, restriction responsibility, security, dedication, reality, commitment and karma on your angle which basically stands for a fundamental part slash pillar of your existence. Aka, this aspect is a patriarchal wet dream. The hero-instinct is immensly triggered here. This guy’s (who I also had a pretty large age gap with for our early twenties) saturn was tightly conjunct my IC, the most vulnerable angle, standing for my fourth house of the home and, using other astrologer’s phrasing, where ‘my soul is seated’. We were not together yet, but would unsolicited go “yeah, that’s important that you do that” and after some inquiring about anything “be careful that you don’t” blabla like it mattered to him. The vibe was very much like he could say “look, as your husband” and me reacting like “excuse me??” Same guy also had his saturn tightly conjunct my even younger friend’s ASC and it’s like he picked her to be like his little sister! even though they didn’t know each other that well. He would be very protective of her (although i think he could have done more, but that’s another story) and hype her up whenever she walked into a room, it was very cute. Conjuncting DSC I’d imagine it would play out like saturn worrying about the people DSC hangs out with and feeling a sense of dictatorship(?) over her social angle and who she’s seeking love from. Brooding protectiveness over the fact that DSC has been going out again with many guys who may not be up to good. Like I said, this aspect is the patriarchal wet dream. Conjuncting MC it would be exactly like jiwoo and sungmin from Age of Yourh. Making sure he’s right behind her in her goals at all times to protect her, almost like a cynical bodyguard, but somehow equal-ish partners that compliment each other. Back to saturn conjunct IC, the IC is the ingebakken way of managing things and the way you close your eyes for rest. Saturn conjuncting this part of you is like them barging into your house and giving you pills while you’re, like, there in your underwear. This angle aspect does create a deep kind of bond I’d guess. It’s still lunar! With the AC I think it’s the physical air and appearance that someone gives off that makes saturn think that they’re smol and need guidance. This is what I imagine a first impression would be like! Not getting into the relationship itself but like, you could guess. I’d say the ASC and MC conjunction will flourish as platonic and be doomed when it gets romantic and the DSC and IC conjunction will flourish as romantic and be doomed as platonic. In the right kind of relationship these conjunctions can be like ‘ahww’ and wholesome but in the wrong kind of relationship, these conjunctions could cause a major, and I can’t describe this any other way, ‘f*ck of!!!’ 😂
Moon trine mercury: I call this the best friend aspect because I’ve shared this aspect with every friend I could talk with for hours and enjoy it. Even if you don’t share the same kind of humor you can still laugh and communicate and basically enjoy each other’s brain ! I like this aspect in romantic relationships, too, because this aspect kills the potential awkward silence and it adds that green flag communication with e/o when official. This isn’t like the conjunction were the two bodies are so bang on alike that it becomes like a battle between the one person’s mind and the one person’s emotions. There is a harmonious distance that actually brings the people closer together and creates that intimacy. With the trine you constantly greatly appreciate what the other person adds to the table. This is communication that flows non-verbally as well, like through touches and looks.
Moon opposite mars: chrissttt, not to be vulgar but you both know you just want to.. do the deed together 💀 almost as if after 10 mins of talking you’ve already decided that in your head
Mars sextile moon/venus I feel like the energy that flows through the trine causes sexual arousal and through the sextile it causes a very wholesome emotional arousal. Great aspect no matter which gender.
Chiron conjunct sun: get ready to get your feelings hurt if you’re the chiron person! Well, the way this feels is actually: the sun person will just be hitting you where you’re vulnurable but most likely you’ll like it and feel almost soothed, even. I’ve had this both ways. It’s a great and genuine aspect to have.
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astroeleanor · 4 months
♡✧˚ ༘ ⋆Zodiac Couples Who Might Seem Wrong, Yet Are Perfect for Each Other✧˚ ༘ ⋆♡
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Attraction doesn't always play by the rules of astrology. Sometimes, zodiac couples that seem unlikely at first glance actually vibe together really well.
When you dig a little deeper, you discover that they have a great understanding of each other due to sharing the same planetary ruler.
Having the same planetary ruler can make these couples click, even when they differ in elements, modalities, and polarities. Their compatibility comes down to sharing similar core qualities which are determined by their planetary ruler.
Each planet (and yes, we’re counting the Sun and Moon here too) gives each sign a unique set of traits and energy. These shared characteristics helps them understand each other despite other differences.
APPLY THIS TO: Moon Signs (emotional compatibility), Ascendant Signs & Chart Ruler Signs (lifestyle and overall personal compatibility).
*Remember that this is just one piece of the puzzle, getting the full spectrum of a couple’s compatibility is complex!
Scorpio and Aries are ruled by Mars, the planet of action, desire & intensity. Both signs are highly motivated and focused on achieving their goals. This commonality creates a powerful dynamic in their relationship, where they inspire and drive each other to succeed. The Martian connection between them can either create competition or mutual support. There’s a lot of dynamic energy between them. This can translate as both Aries & Scorpio having a high libido, working towards projects together with determination—or on the more chaotic side of things: frequently having arguments.
Leo & Cancer are ruled by the Sun and the Moon, respectively, the two primary luminaries in astrology. This pairing embodies the archetypal balance of masculine (Sun) & feminine (Moon) energies, meaning they complement each other perfectly. The Sun and the Moon together symbolize a natural partnership, the balance of yin and yang—think of them as the King & Queen of the Heavens. This is a metaphor that encapsulates Leo & Cancer as a royal couple in the zodiac, where Leo’s role as the protector & leader is perfectly balanced by Cancer’s role as the caretaker and emotional anchor.
Libra & Taurus are both ruled by Venus, the planet of balance, beauty, and luxury. The Venusian connection between them emphasizes their appreciation for emotionally & financially fulfilling relationships. Naturally, they’ll both strive to foster a balanced connection that  thrives on shared values and mutual appreciation. The pursuit of peace, material goods, sensuality & aesthetic pleasure is something they both deeply value. In this case, Taurus provides the grounding that Libra desires, while Libra’s diplomatic nature helps to maintain the peaceful stability that Taurus craves.
Aquarius & Capricorn are both ruled by the planet Saturn. This shared connection emphasizes their mutual understanding of responsibility, ambition  & having a methodical approach to life. Both signs understand the importance of structure & longterm planning, which helps them create a longlasting partnership. This shared Saturnine influence can create a balanced connection between them, where both signs support each other’s goals. In this case, Aquarius’s innovative ideas allow Capricorn to break away from their rigid schemes, while Capricorn’s realistic approach can ground Aquarius’s visionary tendencies.
These are two Mercurial signs who tend to build a partnership based on  mental stimulation, curiosity & a mutual appreciation for learning & communication. As mutable signs, Gemini & Virgo are versatile, they crave change and flexibity–which helps them keep the spark alive in their relationship. Plus, their mutual appreciation for intellectual pursuits & problem solving creates a stimulating partnership. They tend to pick at each other brains (Mercury) a lot, talk for hours on end & get into discussions or debates just for the fun of it.
As Jupiter ruled signs, Pisces & Sagittarius share a Jovian connection, characterized by growth, exploration & a shared quest for meaning. Both signs are drawn to experiences that expand their horizons, whether through travel, learning, or spiritual pursuits. While their approaches may differ–Pisces’s introspective nature VS Sagittarius’s extroverted enthusiasm–their shared love for wisdom & understanding, infuses their partnership with emotional & spiritual fulfillment. Personal growth & evolution is another huge theme that both signs are learning in this lifetime. Therefore, when in a relationship, they may end up supporting each other’s quests for meaning & personal development.
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