#silas and oryus
sageravenshire · 2 years
Silas: you’re in danger and in need of help, who do you call?
Kalt: Oryus
Silas: what if Oryus can’t help?
Kalt: if Oryus can’t help, we’re all fucked
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jaecarys-jc-brooks · 5 years
Silas: Were you dropped on your head as a kid?
Oryus: Bold of you to assume I was held.
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Silas: what’s your favorite fruit?
Jesse: bananas because they don’t have any bones
Silas: what’s your favorite fruit?
Oryus: Jesse
Silas: I’m just trying to make a fucking salad
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Kalt: guys, I’m running for office
Jesse: cool! where do you stand?
Kalt: behind
Silas: what
Oryus: no, what’s your position?
Kalt: top
Silas: stop
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Ashe, rushing out the door: Hi, Silas - Bye, Silas!
Silas: Dad...? Was that you...?
Kalt, snorting: Like he would acknowledge you
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Silas: Oh...cheer up, will you? *punches Oryus’ arm*
Oryus: How is punching me in the arm supposed to make me feel better?
Silas: I don’t know... It works with the soldiers
Oryus: Well, they’re idiots, aren’t they?
Silas: I’m a soldier
Oryus: I rest my case
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sageravenshire · 3 years
[after Silas got a head injury]
Silas: Guys, I can’t see
Jesse: You can’t see??
Kalt: He can’t see!!
Oryus, walking into the room: You put a fucking washcloth over his eyes
Kalt: *looks at Silas*
Kalt: *looks at Jesse*
Kalt: We’re a bunch of special boys
Silas: I hate you
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Silas: Anyone else feel good when their brain releases a bunch of endorphins?
Oryus: Can’t relate
Jesse: Why would my brain release a bunch of dolphins?
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Silas: Guys, I almost choked to death last night
Oryus: You’ll be fine. Next time, just stay still and breathe through your nose before you take more
Silas: I was talking about choking on food... What are you talking about?
Oryus: I was talking about choking on...stuff, in general
Kalt, not looking up from his book: Jesse’s “stuff in general”
Jesse: *chokes on drink*
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Silas: Why did you get arrested?
Ashe: We really don't know
Kalt: Yeah, we did nothing wrong!
Oryus: They got pulled over, and when the officer said "papers," Ashe yelled "scissors" and Kalt drove off
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Oryus: didn’t you say you have a cannibal friend?
Silas: I wouldn’t say they’re friends, per se...
Kalt: no no we’re friends
Silas: he ate kids!
Kalt, shrugging: people are complicated
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sageravenshire · 4 years
Oryus: $20 says you can’t guess how tall Silas is...
[Kalt and Silas look at each other and scoff]
Oryus: ...in egg rolls
[Kalt turns very serious]
*2 minutes later*
[Silas laying down with egg rolls lined next to him]
Kalt: 24...25...26!! AHAHA
Oryus, muttering: dammit
Kalt, eating egg roll: celebration egg roll!
Silas: that was on the floor!
Kalt: you’re on the floor
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sageravenshire · 3 years
Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll: Jesse
Looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you: Ashe
Looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll: Silas
Looks like they could kill you, could actually kill you: Kalt
sinnamon roll: Oryus
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sageravenshire · 5 years
Kalt: From now on, we’re using codenames. You can address me as “Eagle 1”
Kalt: Oryus is “Been There, Done That”
Kalt: Ashe is “Currently Doing That”
Kalt: Jesse is “It Happened Once in a Dream”
Kalt: And Silas is... “Eagle 2”
Silas: Oh thank the gods
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sageravenshire · 5 years
Kalt, walks into the room: I’m gonna read a book
Silas: nice
Jesse: which book?
Oryus: *eyeing suspiciously*
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sageravenshire · 2 years
Silas: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Ashe: What if it bites itself and I die?
Jesse: It’s voodoo!
Ashe: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Oryus: That’s correlation, not causation
Ashe: What if we bite each other and neither of us die?
Kalt: That’s kinky
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