#silas head cannon
darkbluekies · 11 months
Ok, i just nere a head cannon that I have been thinking of for like, 6 days now. Let's say, darling has been well, nice, and behaved. So the yanderes take them to a carnival? What kind of rides would the yanderes take darling too? What kind of rides would they like? What kind of food do they eat?..
I'm guessing you mean rides as the ones in the amusement park...? That's what I'm going with, it's 1:30 am my English have left me :D
Silas: ferris wheel where he can watch your eyes glow with excitement over seeing over the entire park. He'd treat you to steak because ... steak.
Dr Kry: Wouldn't even bring you, let's be real. It doesn't matter how well you've behaved, he's not taking you to that kind of crowded places.
King Edmund: whatever you wanted to do, he'd let you do. But no one else would be getting on the same ride as you. He wont go on them himself either but he'd buy you crunchy snacks <3
Jerry: haunted houses and the free fall types of rides, everything to get the adrenaline going. You'd be eating the most greasy shit ever.
Hedwig: She doesn't like rollercoasters or haunted houses. She'd much rather play the games and eat cotton candy<3333
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castleaudios · 9 months
Ok so… are Sugar and Silas friends and if they are what is their friendship dynamic like… also if they are friends do you have any head cannons for them???
Yep! Sugar and Silas are on good terms with each other! They're the two who gossip over wine glasses of blood and decide what's worth chatting with Celine about.
Silas has been a member of the Court for much longer than Sugar and was the one who brought them to Celine's attention.
The two don't have much in common, but they enjoy each other's presence regardless.
Sugar was the one who encouraged Silas to ask Claire out after the New Year's party.
Silas really helped keep Sugar grounded during their first few years as a vampire.
Sugar helped Silas come out of his shell more and relax every now and again.
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r0-boat · 1 year
Wait idk if we covered this yet i may have missed it, but how is Silas like when reader finally gets pregnant like how is he through the whole process (p.s love your work! Keep being the amazing person known as you, also remember to drink water) also if asks aren't open yet, just ignore this or save it for later!
I'm just now very recently getting into more lore and story stuff when it comes to my OCs so I will gladly answer this question a little early
Considering that this man is a yandere, all your kids will be just as protective of you, then your dear husband is isn't that wonderful!
His instincts would probably kick in when he senses something different about his lover. Even though he himself is not fully aware of it.
During the first couple of weeks, before you find out You're Expecting, Silas becomes antsy if you're not around. A gut-turning feeling that you might be in danger. He'll check up on you constantly; ask if you need anything. It gets so bad that he can't focus on his diplomatic paperwork.
His protectiveness/possessiveness over you only gets worse when the Royal Physician tells you both that you are pregnant
He doesn't let you out of his sight from your moment. If you need something whether it be food or water or a little exercise, he will either come with you or request the service staff to get it for you.
You definitely feel his eyes Linger on you a little more. It's just something about you it's just something about you round and full of with his child he can't keep his hands off you. he's a little obsessed with seeing you like this.
At the same time he wouldn't let anyone else touch you, he has to hold back a smoldering growl when a neighboring Kingdom visits and the queen touches your arm. To anyone who tries to touch your stomach will receive the nastiest glare signifying their fate if they dare lay the faintest finger on you.
This is around the only time you can ask him for anything and anything at all and he will grant it with no second thought. Even being outside( accompanied by him of course)
He would have lots of talks lying on his stomach and whispering while his hand was on your stomach. Asking you 1 billion questions and then asking your unborn child questions. Cute inhuman noises came from his throat that you could only pinpoint as Dragon cooing. In all your years, you have never heard him make that noise before.
Extra Silas as a parent headcanons
Silas is definitely not the best father but he isn't the worst, I partly blame his upbringing as a child and him being mostly not human.
Silas is part if not mostly dragon. so his parenting skills would probably be slightly different than humans. That doesn't mean he's a bad father. He's very doting on his child and other future children.
Kind of like Cole, Silas also has a cannon child kind of. but instead of ha,ving a name it's more of an idea of a child. Silas always dreams of having a family and a Starry Eyed kid his heart would absolutely melt. I'm not going to get into his more complicated lore but I will tell you he didn't really have the best childhood growing up, so naturally he wouldnt want his kid to have the same childhood he did. which would sadly ultimately end up with him spoiling him until his kid is a little bastard
( of course he would be a "good kid" to his mother and father to anyone else though ehhhhh... Let's just say constantly being told that he will take over the kingdom since he's the Crown Prince will go straight to his head) this is only his first kid though his other kids will be nicer.
Silas definitely dots on all his kids equally though. But he does naturally expect a little more from someone planning on taking over his kingdom soon. And he is not opposed to giving the title of Crown Prince or crown princess to one of his other kin, and knowing that the older Prince has to kind of watch his toes just in case his other siblings doesn't get and his father's spotlight.
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sunnixsunshine · 3 months
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UUUUUUUH heres the one piece au/thing!!!! Ive got time skip designs for these guys so far but Im still figuring certain things out. Plus slight changes for when they enter the grandline but those are going thru a few revisions rn :d
Ive been having a loooooot of fun talking about this with my friend over on discord lol, it takes place roughly 300 years after Luffy’s story. Yoko, reincarnated Luffy himself, is the captain of the Smiling Pirates. Theres also Oppie, a descendant of Usopp, very book and sailing smart, the crew’s navigator. Greer is a military pilot, a talented shooter with impeccable aim, Nami’s descendant. Both Silas and Mamoru are descendants of Zoro and Sanji(we ship zosan, we’re having some cringe fun lol) cousins with differing personalities ut shared trauma. Silas learned to fight defending his family farm, hes the crew’s cook. And Mamoru has possible brain damage from using his head one too many times— literally. Trained boxer and in deep debt.
More stuff to em but i dont wanna put it all in one post, but there are more crew members/characters under the cut!!
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In order:
1) Silphion is the crew’s doctor, Mint is his late daughter. Fin is the bunny. I wanna show him off now, but I wanna draw some stuff for their story :)
2) “Captain” Hopper* of the Jasmine crew. He’s Yoko self proclaimed enemy. He doesnt have his own crew, unless you count the puppy dog and guinie pig. Got a high bounty from a mistake with cannon trajectory ending in the marines calling him Huggy the pyromaniac. Cant confirm if hes a descendant of Buggy or related in some other way. Cries more than he fights. Not taken seriously by anyone around him. Theres sooooo much more I wanna say but hnnnnngh I cant rnnnnnn
3) Oppie’s dad Auden. Joined the marines for the free boat. Not serious about it, literally got thru everything just for the boat. Only desire was to get to chill on the open water. BUT dont underestimate him, Auden is a marine captain and not canned for a reason. Never was around for Oppie for long but sends gifts thru the mail all the time. Its not his fault, his ex is just a huge jerk :( literally just wants to cloud gaze, dont tell him to go catch his pirates…
*Hopper IS NOT his final name, its his stand in name for now. Probably. I havent found a better name yet lol
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momolady · 11 months
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Happy Birthday Momo! I am sorry your plans got scratched for your Birthday, but I hope it still is a good day for you! =//Dc I tried doing my best interperation of your incubus Silas, who is very darling. I wasn’t sure about the shape of his horns so I omitted them, if you let me know what they look like I would be happy to add them! =333
Oh! And a here’s a silly extra doodle for you too! Hope you have a good one!
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I dunno what to say! You made him so beautiful! I wasn’t expecting this when I opened my ask box. I just wanna stare at him all day. You did such a fantastic job capturing his likeness. I really wouldn’t have cared what horns you gave him, I always think it’s best to see people’s head cannons for them when I can’t fill in my own cracks.
You even had the little mouse! And the shadow cats! Aaahhhhh!
I love him so much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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mamwieleimion · 1 year
Tfp head cannon
So I have read a fanfic recently (mainly part 1) about what if Megatron meet Nemesis Prime. ("Know Thy Enemy" by YunaYamiMouto on AO3) And it got me thinking. Like here are some quotes from this:
"The mech before him turned around, something ... not quite right in his movement. In fact, he held himself all wrong. Even as a data archivist, Orion had held himself more regally than that fake Prime, Sentinel, ever could. The shape of the body in front of him was right, but the motions were all wrong. Yes, Optimus had always held himself as a fighter: proud back straight, shoulders bravely squared, helm held high as he regarded any enemy that might oppose him, [...] Whether he knew it or not, both as Orion Pax and as Optimus Prime, he had a very sensual motion to his hips, whether he was standing still, charging into battle or strolling into a verbal sparring match. It could be quite distracting, if one was not used to it or of a weak processor and resolve. Gladiators and soldiers both had ran into things when the red and blue mech used to pass them by on his way to Megatron, whether it be in the streets of Kaon or the battlefield. The shape before him was right and held itself halfway decently, [...].
Seen or unseen, heard or unheard, Optimus Prime's presence was always felt. It wasn't even just Megatron. Every bot felt it when Optimus Prime set foot on the battlefield. The Autobots started fighting harder, the Decepticons found it far more difficult to hold the line but they didn't give up ground easily, either, though most of their fields sang with the need to run and Megatron always felt his spark skip a few harmonics. Optimus could be on the other side of the battlefield entirely, miles upon miles separating them so not even their sharp optics could pick each other up and yet he'd always know Optimus was there." And here is what got most of my attention:
""I must admit, I'm impressed. It took the other robots a lot longer to figure that out," the imposter said in sub-vocals that were distinctly human despite the robotic drawl of the vocalizer it was using. Megatron growled, optics narrowed, EM field lashing out in anger. The other didn't react, only straightening Megatron's suspicions about this fake being a drone. Created by the fleshlings of this pathetic, cursed planet, no doubt. [...]
"I am Silas, but more importantly, we are MECH," 'Silas' responded in a proud, arrogant tone [...] It only made him hate the human and the impersonator of his rival even more. "I was honestly expecting Optimus Prime here, but instead I got you. And just who might you be?"
"Megatron of Kaon, the Lord of the Decepticons. Why are you impersonating Optimus Prime, filth?"[...]
"MECH is always searching for new technology. As soon as we learned of your species' presence on Earth, we started studying you until we finally managed to build you. Optimus Prime was the strongest, sturdiest robot we knew of, so we made a copy of him. Only we made him better."
Megatron couldn't help it. He laughed in the human's face. The mere notion of someone thinking they could create a better Optimus Prime than the bot himself was so ridiculous it was bordering on mad. "You are so delusional, human, that I actually pity you. You can't make a better Optimus Prime!"
"And why is that?"[...]
"Because Optimus Prime is perfect," replied the gray mech instantly, feeling no shame in admitting something that he had thought even before the Matrix had reformatted his enemy. "From spark to mind to frame, Optimus Prime is the pinnacle of perfection in a Cybertronian. A little too naively idealistic and optimistic, perhaps, but even Primes aren't flawless." [...] "What made it so easy to tell you apart from the real Optimus Prime is that you've chosen to replicate the closest thing to perfection itself and you've failed miserably."
"I find myself doubting your words, Megatron of Kaon, as I am quite confident this perfect mend of man and machine can defeat you." Megatron only grinned more at that. A fight is what he had been invited to, so a fight is what he will get, though he will have to find the real Optimus after he's finished with this pathetic fool. This stunt he's pulled is quite sneaky for Optimus' standards. [...] Luring Megatron out to fight his fake would keep his Autobots safe without worrying himself at the consequences of meeting the weak copy in close combat." There is also this moments, that absolutely is my favourite: "Even if he hadn't known this wasn't Optimus already, the stance the other picked would have told him everything, as would the fact that he attacked first. They had locked themselves in an unconscious dance throughout the centuries, taking turns in who's leading with the first attack. The last time they faced off was Optimus' turn, which meant this time it should have been Megatron's. Even though it wasn't a conscious decision on their part, it repeated itself like a general law of dynamics. They never strayed from the pattern. The fact that this fake Optimus engaged first in servo-to-servo combat was also completely un-Optimus-like, as the Prime always first engaged him in a firefight to discourage close combat, as it usually led to longer battles, higher risks, more casualties and more energon lost in the process." _____________ " After the long millennia of fighting with his dearest rival and the centuries before that of them being as close as brothers, Megatron knew every minute shift of Optimus' every nut and bolt and screw. To most of the universe, Optimus was as stoic as they come, especially if he engages his battlemask. In truth, he was very expressive, if only one knew where to look. Not only the optics gave him away. Megatron could see the direction his opponent might be going or on just what Optimus was focused on by tracking the movement of those ridiculously endearing audio finials of his. They were as telling as seeker wings or door-wings, particularly in Praxians." ___________ ""You are a special kind of fool, flesh bag. I know the body of Optimus Prime better than his medic! I know best how to both bring him pain as well as pleasure. Perhaps you would have been a better challenge had you picked anyone else for your little experiment. It would have at least held an element of surprise! As it was, this was rather disappointing.""
I thought I was going to fall and not get up when I read this. The dynamic between them both in this fic is incredible. I sincerely recommend reading it, specialy if you ship them togeher (if you do not then read scenario 2, it won't disapoint). ;)
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favesgrave · 2 years
Bill was having a rough day. Not that most days dealing with mechanical aliens who were locked in a never ending war weren’t rough, but this was a whole new kind of rough. He had thought he had seen it all, he really had. What else could the universe possibly throw at him?
A lot. The universe could throw a lot, apparently. Or more accurately, the multiverse could. An Autobot had gone into a spacebridge and he must’ve taken a wrong turn since it took him to an entirely different universe. And for Bill, that meant even more paperwork.
He hadn’t even been able to understand a word the blue Autobot had said. He spoke faster than an auctioneer, which was an entirely separate headache. 
That wasn’t the icing on the cake though. To top off his perfect day, Damocles had been stolen by  the Decepticons, because of course they wanted it. Breakdown hadn’t been alone though. He seemed to have a new human sidekick. So he had to put a pause on all the paperwork for Blurr and debrief the Autobots of this inconvenience. He wasn’t surprised when he was met with some shock.
“A Decepticon paired with a human?” Ratchet asked incredulously. 
“And I have a pretty good hunch who,” Fowler said. “The stolen satellite was Project Damocles.”
Optimus finished the sentence for him. “Invented by Silas.”
“I guess the former Colonel Bishop wanted it back.”
Bumblebee said something in his language of beeps and Arcee more or less translated. “Yeah, I thought Silas was paste.”
Then there was poor Blurr, who was completely lost on… everything, really. “Excuse me, but would anyone be willing to shed some light on who exactly this Silas is?”
“Someone you don’t wanna mess with,” Bulkhead said grimly. “He took Bee’s t-cog, built a copy of Optimus…”
“And tried to gut me,” Arcee added. “We thought we had gotten rid of him, but it looks like he’s back...”
This world was quite different than what Blurr was accustomed to. He was learning that more and more with each second he spent there.
“Agent Fowler,” Ratchet, ever the skeptic, spoke again. “Even if he were alive, are you suggesting that Silas has aligned MECH with the Decepticons? I highly doubt that Megatron would even entertain such an idea!” 
“Why not?”
All heads turned toward Jack, who stood next to Miko and settled his arms on the railing. “The Human-Bot Alliance works for us,” he said.
“Most of the time,” Arcee commented. The humans present took no offense.
“Damocles is a particle beam cannon so powerful, that it can slice up the Pentagon like a birthday cake, or give everyone on Mt. Rushmore a mohawk. All from a satellite in orbit. It’s the work of a madman and in Megatron’s hands.”
That left an unsettling feeling all over the room. No matter the universe, Megatron was a name to be feared.
“The ‘Cons may have the satellite, but they can’t use it without the interface code. The only existing copy is stored at the secure servers in headquarters in Colarado,” Fowler informed the group, folder in his hand.
“We must keep the code out of Decepticon hands at all costs,” Optimus said.
Bulkhead clashed his fists together, clearly ready to leap into action. “It’s roll time!” 
“Eyhep-ep-ep! I have not yet cleared you for active duty,” Ratchet scolded, wagging his finger. “Nor are you ready to roll!”
Bulkhead groaned, trembling from either the strain on his injury or sheer annoyance. Or even both.
Blurr couldn’t blame him. He hadn’t been here all that long, but he was already getting antsy from being cooped up. He knew he wouldn’t be joining them on this mission either, due to Ratchet not figuring out his signal yet.
“If you keep at it with the exercises then you’ll be back in the field in no time at all, less than a nanoklik!” Blurr said, attempting to try a hand at comfort.
“Yeah, easy for you to say,” Bulkhead grumbled. “Doesn’t feel like a thing’s changed.” 
He watched with longing as the rest of the team ran through the groundbridge, leaving him behind. “I should be going with them and instead, I’m stuck here. Not like they even need me anymore.”
“You can’t think like that, Bulk,” Miko frowned. “You’ll be wrecking ‘Cons again in no time!” Her guardian didn’t seem too convinced by that statement.
Blurr hesitated, casting a split-second glance at the larger mech before speaking. “I know it can be considered rude to ask and you’re perfectly free to not answer, but what exactly injured you? This wound seems to be recent judging by the way you and everyone else has been dealing with it.”
“You know those relics Optimus has been trying to find?” he asked, waiting until he nodded. “The one I got sent to deal with was Tox-En. I didn’t mention it when you asked us about other types of energon before… but this is up there with the dark stuff. Tox-En was used against the Autobots during the war… just our luck it ended up here.”
“And that’s how you ended up wounded?”
He shook his head. “That’s only part of it. I got rid of the Tox-En in a volcano. Right when I was ready to back through the groundbridge, an Insecticon hit me. Hardshell,” he said. Blurr noticed the way Miko tensed up, her expression carrying something darker.
Before Blurr could pry any further, Optimus’s voice cut in over the comms. “Ratchet, we require backup!”
Bulkhead wasted no time. “I’m there!”
“Ehyep-ep-ep!” Ratchet repeated his strange little noise, placing a hand on Bulkhead’s shoulder. A stern look was fixed on his face, one that crushed the other’s hope into joining the battle.
“Can you remotely disable Project Damocles under Agent Fowler’s advisement?” Optimus asked.
“On a human based computer network?” The medic took a few steps closer. He did not like the odds of this idea in the slightest. “Without my backup? Without Rafael?”
“I’m afraid we have very little options!”
Jack glanced at Miko, who was also listening to the crisis. “We could always pay Raf a visit with the groundbridge.”
“Hopefully his mom doesn’t kill us,” Miko said.
Ratchet stared at them, weighing his choices before he vented and input the coordinates. “Be fast about it. Optimus and the others are depending on this.”
Blurr wasn’t sure he was hearing this right. “Wait, correct me if I’m wrong but I definitely know that I’m not, isn’t Rafael a child? Why are we entrusting something that’s this important with him?!”
“Cause Raf’s a genius,” Miko grinned. She was improving in understanding the newest addition to the team. “Human-Bot Alliance, dude! Keep up!” She didn’t impart any more nuggets of wisdom before disappearing into the groundbridge with Fowler and Jack.
Blurr must’ve been staring with optics the size of saucers, because Ratchet glanced at him. “Trust me, you’ll adjust quickly. Humans are full of surprises, after all.”
He would have to take his word for it. Speed was his trademark, after all.
But no amount of speed would be helping anyone right now. Time seemed to move in slow motion as they waited on word, any kind of word, from the rest of the team. Ever since dispatching the humans, it had been pure radio silence. Blurr was zooming from here to there, working out whatever energy he could. Bulkhead had taken to small pacing behind Ratchet.
“Ratchet, you gotta send me in!”
“So you can be an even easier target?” he retorted. “You have yet to regain your full range of motion!”
“But Breakdown’s back! He’s my arch enemy. C’mon, even the kids are in on the action!” he begged.
Ratchet sighed, his back turned. “Very well, Bulkhead. You are cleared for duty.”
That made Blurr stop from surprise, looking over at the two. 
Bulkhead had celebrated a little too early. “A duty of my choosing,” Ratchet clarified. “Curbside duty. You’ll make sure no harm comes to Fowler and the children.”
There’s not many protests to be made. It’s either Ratchet’s way or no way and Bulkhead wasn’t about to sit around any longer than he already had.
They receive a short message from him not long after that praising him for the idea, and then there’s nothing. 
That did not help calm their nerves whatsoever.
“Do you think he’s alright?” Blurr asked. 
Ratchet didn’t answer him, instead trying to contact the wrecker instead. “Bulkhead, do you read? Bulkhead!” 
There was terror blazing in his optics, terror that was spreading on over to Blurr. He had only just met this Bulkhead, but he wasn’t ready to see him die. He wasn’t ready to see any Autobot die.
“Ratchet, you-“
“No,” he cut him off immediately. “The answer’s already no, Blurr. We don’t yet know how sturdy you are compared to the blasterfire here and frankly, I would rather not risk it.” He pressed something on the keyboard to let him through the comms. “Optimus, I fear that Bulkhead requires immediate backup!”
“Understood,” the Prime responded. “I will send in Smokescreen to assist.”
Blurr was still standing with his mouth agape. Had Ratchet really just brushed him aside like that? Here he was, standing and doing nothing, while everyone else was giving it their all. If one cog in a machine failed to function, what did that mean for all the others? He knew he wasn’t as strong as the other Autobots here, but he wasn’t defenseless!
He tapped his pede against the ground in a rapid fire way before making his decision. He dashed to the groundbridge council, leaping as high as he could. The previous coordinates were still plugged in. In one quick motion, he yanked the lever down and sped through the open groundbridge.
He ended up in a quiet neighborhood. Raf’s, if he had to guess. No time for sightseeing though. He transformed immediately, no doubt violating countless traffic laws as he swerved around corners. He heard fighting and struggling and knew it belonged to Bulkhead. He just hit the gas even harder.
He found Bulkhead and Smokescreen facing down a nasty Decepticon, one who looked like he’d been through the Pits and back. His frame was cracked and dented, an entire optic missing. He remembered Bulkhead mentioning the name Breakdown.
His tires screeched against the ground and he raced down the hill and right off a ledge, a move not unlike the one he pulled with Blitzwing at the races. Only this time, the Decepticon didn’t move out of the way. He hadn’t even seen him coming.
Blurr transformed back, ramming a foot against Breakdown’s face. His tires spun into action, rubber screaming against metal until he hopped away before the ‘Con could even react.
“You really are fast,” Smokescreen noted. Then he turned his attention back to their enemy. “Three against one!”
He didn’t say a word, glaring at the three Autobots before blasting a parting gift of a missile. They scrambled out of harm’s way, luckily getting out with a single scratch. When the dust cleared, their ‘Con was gone.
One loss didn’t take away from one victory. Overhead, Damacles burned up in the sky, leaving a fiery trail behind it as it crashed and splintered into pieces.
“Looks like someone’s big plan just burned up on re-entry,” Bulkhead quipped. “Not bad, you two.”
“And for the record, I studied every one of the Wreckers battles,” Smokescreen said.
“There’s hope for you yet,” Bulkhead smirked. “Newbie.”
Blurr perked up. “Can I study them too?”
Bulkhead laughed, giving him a clap on the back. “I’ve got you covered,” he said. 
All in all, the mission had been a success. Damocles was no more, the kids were safe, and no Autobots were harmed in the making of this victory. Though, it did seem like Raf would have to be relocated to a new house given the Decepticons now knew where his family lived… that was fine, Fowler had that all covered!
Even if it was concerning that the Decepticons could have a better idea of where Jack and Miko lived, along with the location of the base.
“So, Blurr pulled a Miko?” Arcee asked, smiling.
"We all have at least once," Bumblebee said.
Miko grinned, throwing up some symbol Blurr didn’t recognize where she had her middle finger and ring finger folded into a fist while the rest stayed up. “Rock on!”
“He did, and it was incredibly reckless considering I told him to stay put,” Ratchet said sharply.
Bulkhead went in to put an arm around Blurr’s shoulder, then revised his plan because of his size and opted to rest a hand on his back. “Aw, c’mon Ratch. Blurr did fine! He even got a good hit in on Silas. Him and Smokescreen both.”
“Yeah!” Smokescreen nodded enthusiastically. “He’s a pro. Definitely part of the Elite Guard.”
Blurr straightened up at that, smiling. “I told you so, didn’t I?”
“Elite Guard or not, Blurr isn’t the same as us. If he gets hurt, I don’t know how well I would be able to repair him. He may be fast, but that doesn’t mean he should be running headfirst into a battle. Unless you’re trying to speed up the process of becoming one with the Allspark,” he said accusingly, narrowing his optics at Blurr.
“I’m sorry, but if you expect me to stand idly by while you and everyone else are doing everything they can to provide assistance, then you’re wrong, especially when even the human children were involved.” He had never been particularly insubordinate before, this was a first. He also hadn’t been treated like a newly forged bot in centuries, so maybe that had something to do with it.
“I understand you had our best interests in mind,” Optimus said calmly. “Though in the future, it would be wise to follow orders. Ratchet does raise a point in how he would be able to mend you should any harm befall you.”
He was right. Blurr knew he was right. On his Cybertron, Primes were his superiors. Even if the chain of command wasn’t exactly the same way, he knew Optimus was the leader. Maybe that was a recurring fact across the multiverse.
“It won’t happen again,” he promised. He hoped it wouldn’t.
The initial adrenaline from throwing himself into the fight was wearing off, and his spark was returning to its normal beat. Now that he could really clear his processor, he could take a moment to think about everything that he knew.
Breakdown was a Decepticon. Now, he was dead. Silas, a human, had been piloting his corpse, reducing the former ‘Con to nothing but a mech suit for him to stomp around in.
That was, in the least amount of words possible, disturbing. He hadn’t ever considered a human capable of doing something like that. Kidnapping a Cybertronian, taking apart their corpse and then puppeteering it? He felt like he was going to be sick. And if someone like that was working with the Decepticons… they could be in a lot of trouble.
But Silas had seen him. The ‘Cons had already taken an interest in him when he arrived, would this change anything? Would Silas tell Megatron about a little blue Autobot, leading to him putting two and two together?
Spark, he hoped not. He prayed not.
He wasn’t sure if it was because of the monster that was Silas, or from his slight lack of energon, but for the rest of the night it left him feeling weak and he knew he had to take a moment and sit.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 9 months
DD Spinoff Villain
I just rewatched the Daryl Dixon trailer. Cuz, you know, I hadn’t watched it like gasp 3 days! 🙂🙃🙂
One minor thing I keep meaning to remark on is what the bad guy says. We see a French woman saying, “the American? Kill him.” And then the guy says, “I’ll kill him. I won’t stop.” This isn’t really a TD thing or even anything I have a theory about. It’s just something I’m wondering about. It’s kind of weird for him to be so vehement about it. Why won’t he stop? Why is he so passionate about killing Daryl. (And of course this may be spliced together in such a way that he isn’t even talking to the French woman when he says it, so take it all with a grain of salt.)
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My first thought is that, if he’s talking to the woman when he says it, maybe it’s more about her. His loyalty to her. Because she wants Daryl dead, the man says it to impress her or gain her good favor. But anyway, I just wonder what it is that inspires so much passion in him for killing Daryl. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
About the guy in the preview my take on it was that these two people are of the enemy, they're going to be the villains this first season and in line with The DaVinci Code they're the ones who are going to be after Laurent, because he is the chosen one. I guess I just had this head cannon where they had gotten wind of this guy, this American and if they can take him out (Daryl) the child will be theirs. I think this might be the group that were killing people that were different that we saw in the TWB coda.
Just my guess, my head canon. My big question is where is Daryl and the nun taking Laurent? Is where they're taking him possibly have something to do with where Beth is? Is Laurent the chosen one or one of the chosen, meaning immune and there is others? Is Beth involved in the gathering of immune, is she a protector of the chosen ones? Is she the protector of children which so aligns with her character. This would be a total shock that somehow this mission of Daryl's would ultimately lead him to finding Beth or finding out about Beth in a way that he would have never dreamed of. So many head cannons.
In terms of the zealot in the preview, I think I’m on the same page as you, Ann. I see him as an activist for what’s probably an Opus Dei proxy, not unlike the Silas character in Davinci Code. Silas acts on behalf of “the teacher,” and at the behest of Opus Dei, represented by a corrupt bishop Aringarossa. Thinking back to the WB coda I think I remember us discussing how the scientist treats the assassin, and how the assassin doesn’t seem to have any idea of the scope of the situation. When the scientist says the primrose team is in Toledo, he asks, “Spain?” And she laughs, like she’s mocking him. She then corrects him, saying Toledo is in Ohio, which is in America. She mentions how she had “hoped beyond hope” she would find them, that maybe they had returned to “end it for good” or something like that. The assassin then just goes off about how the teams started it, and how when they find them they’ll kill them, not jail them like before.
I think we discussed how he seems like a low level lackey and maybe even a new recruit. He is following somebody on blind faith, indoctrinated. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy in the preview is like the head zealot, and the woman is akin to Bishop Aringarossa.
That said, in davinci code, there are two hunters. The first is Silas who is hunting down and killing Knights Templar on his search for the grail. The second is the French detective played by Jean Reno. Reno is trying to find the killer and suspects Langdon. In the end, he finds himself sympathetic to Langdon and his eyes are opened to a larger conspiracy which, as a portrayed skeptic, he has previously been stubborn to accept.
So idk if this man will have his eyes opened somehow and change his mind and become sympathetic to Daryl and Laurent? Or if he’ll go down with his sinking ideological ship. He seems to be hunting Daryl. We don’t know why. We assume it’s because he has Laurent.
Somehow that dude’s tattoos make me think he’s a true believer tho. Like Silas.
I also wanted to add that it could be important that the assassin in the WB coda mentions they only jailed the last scientists. It seems like it’s purposefully added. Perhaps it means they are not dead?
Speculation: the jailed scientists were freed by an undercover CRM agent and then taken into custody at the CR where they have been continuing their research. Or they were freed by rebels and are in hiding.
Another mini Teaser:
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Thanks! I appreciate it since I'm the only one that doesn't have twitter. I got a few shots.
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Our button is featured again!
Nice! Also the tattoo looks like angel wings I feel?
I thought the tattoo looked like angel wings too!
I was wondering if we were going to get something today. If this is going to be a Thursday thing? I hope it continues and I hope the button becomes a thing.
I wonder, because with DC they aired the new eps on AMC+ on Thursdays. So maybe they will do something every Thursday until the premier.
It sounds good to me.
I am watching Still on AMC+ TWD series. It's at the scene where Beth call Daryl a chaperone. Light 💡moment.
Chaperone: a person who companies and looks after another person or group of people.
Daryl will be the chaperone in France for Laurent and their group of nuns.
A tie between Still and DD spin-off.
That’s a good way actually of expanding on the way they’re using Laurent to inform Beth. The way Beth says that, it’s with a mocking tone. Like, she knows she’s not a kid but that others might perceive her as one. And ofc in a little bit, Daryl does end up drinking with her and then he embraces her as like a real person and they become equals. But with Laurent, he’s a child who literally needs a chaperone or he cannot survive.
The other thing is for a young woman a chaperone would be protection against men who would harm her. The Claimer's and If only Daryl had been at Grady he would have been her chaperone again Gorman. Beth definitely did not need a chaperone against Daryl her standing up to him when he became angry and agitated showed us that she was strong and his equal.
I did look up the meaning and there are several but the one where a chaperone accompanies a person or group of people fit so well with DD spin-off.
Yes! It has a dual connotation here.
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tetsunabouquet · 9 months
@evelhak inspired me to do this Hunger Games simulator, but I myself have chosen to NOT stick to KNB solely, and to do a multifandom one, which each District representing a fandom. The fandoms included are: KNB (Akashi & Yosen's coach) TVDU (Hope & Silas) TSC (Cordelia & Jace) MLB (Felix & Nathalie) Elfquest (Winnowill & Sunstream) Fairy Fancer F (Sherman & Ethel) Hyperdimension Neptunia (Nepgear & Uzume) Vampire Knight (Marie & Zero) Shaman King (Ren & Tamao) Underworld (Eve & Lucian) Houseki No Kuni (Diamond & Bort) FREE! (Rin & Isuzu) I simply have copied the text from the simulation, but here it went:
The Bloodbath
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Sherman Shallencer runs away from the Cornucopia.
Nepgear runs away from the Cornucopia.
Silas grabs a jar of fishing bait while Masako Araki gets fishing gear.
Lucian runs away from the Cornucopia.
Tao Ren runs away from the Cornucopia.
Akashi Seijuro runs away from the Cornucopia.
Kiryu Zero runs away from the Cornucopia.
Eve runs away from the Cornucopia.
Hope Mikaelson runs away from the Cornucopia.
Tamamura Tamao, Mikoshiba Isuzu, Bort, and Felix Fathom share everything they gathered before running.
Diamond runs away from the Cornucopia.
Tennouboshi Uzume, Sunstream, and Matsuoka Rin start fighting, but Sunstream runs away as Tennouboshi Uzume kills Matsuoka Rin.
Kurenai Maria kills Cordelia Carstairs with her own weapon.
Jace Herondale and Ethel threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.
Nathalie Sancoeur runs away from the Cornucopia.
Winnowill runs away from the Cornucopia.
Day 1
Tennouboshi Uzume practices her archery.
Tamamura Tamao, Eve, and Masako Araki get into a fight. Tamamura Tamao triumphantly kills them both.
Hope Mikaelson practices her archery.
Kiryu Zero stalks Felix Fathom.
Bort runs away from Tao Ren.
Kurenai Maria searches for a water source.
Sherman Shallencer stalks Sunstream.
Nathalie Sancoeur scares Akashi Seijuro off.
Lucian practices his archery.
Mikoshiba Isuzu, Silas, Diamond, and Winnowill hunt for other tributes.
Nepgear is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Matsuoka Rin District 6 Cordelia Carstairs District 2 Jace Herondale District 2 Ethel District 10 Eve District 12 Masako Araki District 1
Night 1 Hope Mikaelson, Kiryu Zero, Mikoshiba Isuzu, Akashi Seijuro, and Sunstream sleep in shifts.
Tennouboshi Uzume and Felix Fathom huddle for warmth.
Winnowill and Lucian run into each other and decide to truce for the night.
Sherman Shallencer fends Diamond, Nepgear, and Nathalie Sancoeur away from his fire.
Tao Ren tends to Bort's wounds.
Kurenai Maria tries to treat her infection.
Tamamura Tamao receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Silas goes to sleep.
Day 2 Nathalie Sancoeur searches for firewood.
Kiryu Zero goes hunting.
Sherman Shallencer hunts for other tributes.
Felix Fathom ambushes Akashi Seijuro and kills him.
Mikoshiba Isuzu searches for a water source.
Tao Ren, Silas, Tamamura Tamao, and Nepgear raid Lucian's camp while he is hunting.
Sunstream diverts Winnowill's attention and runs away.
Diamond questions their sanity.
Tennouboshi Uzume injures herself.
Kurenai Maria, Bort, and Hope Mikaelson get into a fight. Hope Mikaelson triumphantly kills them both.
A tsunami rolls into the the arena.
Felix Fathom survives.
Mikoshiba Isuzu survives.
Sunstream and Tao Ren smash their heads together as the tsunami rolls in, leaving them both to drown.
Winnowill survives.
Tennouboshi Uzume survives.
Nathalie Sancoeur holds Lucian underwater to drown.
Hope Mikaelson holds Silas underwater to drown.
Kiryu Zero survives.
Tamamura Tamao survives.
Sherman Shallencer defeats Nepgear, but throws her in the water to make sure she dies.
Diamond fatally injures themselves on debris.
9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Akashi Seijuro District 1 Kurenai Maria District 3 Bort District 11 Sunstream District 9 Tao Ren District 4 Lucian District 12 Silas District 7 Nepgear District 5 Diamond District 11 Night 2
Kiryu Zero, Sherman Shallencer, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Felix Fathom sleep in shifts.
Tennouboshi Uzume quietly hums.
Hope Mikaelson unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Mikoshiba Isuzu dies from hypothermia.
Winnowill receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Tamamura Tamao receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
The Feast The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
Felix Fathom decides not to go to The Feast.
Kiryu Zero tracks down and kills Winnowill.
Sherman Shallencer decides not to go to The Feast.
Tamamura Tamao, Nathalie Sancoeur, and Tennouboshi Uzume get into a fight. Nathalie Sancoeur triumphantly kills them both.
Day 3
Kiryu Zero searches for a water source.
Sherman Shallencer and Nathalie Sancoeur split up to search for resources.
Felix Fathom receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Hope Mikaelson District 7 Mikoshiba Isuzu District 6 Winnowill District 9 Tamamura Tamao District 4 Tennouboshi Uzume District 5
Night 3 Kiryu Zero receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Felix Fathom receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Nathalie Sancoeur and Sherman Shallencer sleep in shifts.
Day 4 Kiryu Zero hunts for other tributes.
Nathalie Sancoeur tends to Felix Fathom's wounds.
Sherman Shallencer questions his sanity.
Fallen Tributes 4 No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Night 4
Kiryu Zero, Felix Fathom, Sherman Shallencer, and Nathalie Sancoeur sleep in shifts.
Day 5 Kiryu Zero strangles Sherman Shallencer with a rope.
Nathalie Sancoeur kills Felix Fathom for his supplies.
Fallen Tributes 5 2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Sherman Shallencer District 10 Felix Fathom District 8
Night 5 Kiryu Zero ambushes Nathalie Sancoeur and kills her.
The Winner The winner is Kiryu Zero from District 3!
Personal commentary: I definitely had fun with this simulation! If you know Vampire Knight, MLB AND Fairy Fencer F, then like me you were probably laughing at how accurate the final few days felt. From Nathalie taking care of Felix feels with her alluded to upcoming friendship with Felix's mom and being the caretaker of his cousin was a perfect match-up. Sherman questioning his sanity? I wish he had the self-awareness in the game to do that, because he goes off his rocker in the game! Also, it really seems like this simulator just knew who Zero's character was. For the ultimate vampire hunter to be continously hunting down everyone? The shoe fits. Really, the more people died, the more accurate the simulations seemed to become to their characters.
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
May I ask what all your OCs did on Halloween?And what costumes did they wear?
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Oh! You are too sweet! Halloween is a big time for the Makai - and not to mention the 'sweetest' night of the year. So, quite a few of my OCs have an attachment to this special night. I will answer your ask under the cut! Thank you again sweet anon!
Tormented Reverie OCs
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While in the Tormented Reverie timeline, Yuuki and Kanato both really love Halloween. They love dressing up and getting all the candy they can - regardless of how old they are. I have written one two-part piece about Halloween for them (you can find it here) - where they went to a Hallows Eve Ball and dressed as Chucky and Tiffany.
For this year they dressed as Dorothy and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz, with Teddy dressed as Toto. They skipped the Hallows Eve Ball, and just went out trick or treating - getting all of the candy!
Years later in the TR: Another Daydream timeline, Yuuki and Kanato still dress up - but not to the extent that they once did. Their costumes would be replaced with formal wear, shifting toward the meaning of Hallows Eve - more so than the candy. They definitely sneak some for themselves tho.
When the boys were young Yuuki would have definitely dressed them up in baby costumes - with them not wanting to dress up anymore once they reached around age 10. Which is when Rini would be born, and Kanato would have demanded Yuuki dresses Rini in all kinds of cute outfits for the holiday.
Now in the current time of the story; Kanaye and Yukio would both do costumes with their significant others. Kanaye just goes along with whatever Isabella requests, and Yukio demands Silas dress to match him. While they don't go trick or treating, they go to parties for sure. Rini on the other hand gets to do a costume every year with Kanato - as he insists upon it.
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Yuki and Laito are not big on Halloween or All Hallows Eve. Really it's just an excuse for Laito to dress Yuki in something - and claims that it's a special occasion. With that in mind, this year I have been reading a lot of 18+ twisted Disney books - so I kind of what them to go as Jafar and Jasmine. You can imagine what happens 18+ related - I do know that Laito would drag Yuki to a party of sorts, just to have him be dressed that way in public before 'saving' him.
Excruciating Duplicity OCs
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You. Know. Skye. Turns. Up.
This boy loves a good Halloween Bash! He will jump from party to party, entertaining all of the simple humans. Should he have to - he would attend a Hallows Eve Ball with Karl, but really he would rather not. This is the one night of the year he can let his scales show and really dazzle the public. Which is always his go-to costume - simply keeping his skin hydrated and allowing his scales to shine through.
He has become quite legendary after doing this for a couple of years, which is exactly what he wants. When he arrives at a party - everyone knows it. Always the most gorgeous person in the room. Spreading any kind of rumor he must to make that happen.
Callista Loren
The only OC who actually takes the Makai tradition of this holiday seriously. Calli always loved celebrating the night with her family and holding a grand costume ball in their mansion. Now, however, she is to celebrate it with Shu (*cough* and Reiji).
In my head cannon - I would LOVE to see the three of them dressed as gender-bent Corpse Bride! Where Callista is Victor, Shu is Victoria, and Reiji is Emily. COULD YOU IMAGINE HOW GOOD THAT WOULD LOOK!?! I may just get that commissioned.
But, as far as what would really happen - the three of them would attend the Hallows Eve Ball. I like to think a cute moment for both couples happen - but off the top of my head, I don't know what.
Roselyn Dupont
The night is spent attending to guests of the Vibora Clan's Hallow Ball. Since the clan is the leading one of the Makai (with Burai being Demon King and all) there is plenty to do. After the night she would personally attend to the King. He might even have a costume to put her in.
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imscaredofmothz · 1 year
The Cotters
The third child of Summer and Cannon is born, his name is Luke Cotter. Elyse was not thrilled and was very unhappy about the new addition, don't let the photo fool you.
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Charles is now a child and is very close with his uncle Gabe. Cannon is thrilled they get along. Cannon took up an enjoyment of cooking and the boys often joined him in the morning.
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They were both aspiring to be the top in their classes and encouraged each other. Everyday they got home and head right to the dinning table to speed through their work before going off to play.
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Silas came to visit the other day. It was the dead of night he appeared just as Gabe was walking down the stairs. He often gets nightmares and goes by the fire for comfort until the fear has subsided. Gabe was immediately happy to see his passed father.
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darkbluekies · 1 month
Is it alright if I make head cannons and fics about ur ocs?
If not I'll def delete!! but if ya I have a fic of silas's daughters running away from him!!
my second question was if this would be accurate!
Have a good day!
Okay, wait, first of all, what do you mean by "delete"? Have you already posted something with my ocs without my knowledge or asking for permission? Because if that is the case, then that is REALLY not cool. Please delete.
I have kind of allowed it before, but it has been because it has been through me, like this. I do NOT allow people posting stories about MY characters on their accounts etc. But, I think, because of the uncertainty of it all, I will not allow people writing for my characters.
My second question is: what do you mean by accurate? You haven't given me anything to go off of or judge.
Below, you can see that I have already started working on a scenario where y/n takes Silas’s daughters and running away, so if you're craving for a story like that because you wrote one yourself I can assure you that it IS coming someday in the future
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leossmoonn · 3 years
silas having a soft spot for you (hc)
a/n - i got a request to do like a “villain has a soft spot” type thing so i decided to do make this a head cannon :) this is my first hc so enjoy lol (sorry if its kinda messy lol)
pairing - tvd silas x fem!reader
warnings / includes - suggestive content (no smut though)
ok so first time he saw you, any loving feelings for amara were just thrown out of the window. the man is IN LOVE with you
his favourite thing to call you is ‘princess’
he uses that nickname way more than your own name lol
he always is trying to impress you. whether it’s with his magic, muscles, or smooth talk. anything to get you to give in to liking him, he will do it
like with magic, for example. he’ll be like:
“y/n! look what i have!”
and he’ll make like a puppy appear out from behind his back
sometimes he’ll do cool tricks with his magic, too
he’ll light his fingertips on fire, make flowers grow right in front of you if you’re outside, or do that cool trick that bonnie did with the pillow feathers for elena
you’re honestly amazed and totally awed, but you know you can’t give in otherwise you know you will never be able to get back out lol
he also loves to tease you (obvious lol)
he thinks its so cute how you try to threaten him, only for him to make you flustered
“if you don’t stop, i will have your head on a stake”
“i bet you’d like my head somewhere else, yeah?”
along with teasing you verbally, he likes doing it physically
he’ll never manipulate your feelings with magic because he knows that he makes you flustered
whenever you’re around, he’ll have his shirt off because he knows he has a good figure and he knows that you like staring at it whenever you think no one is looking 
everyone knows you’re looking though
silas also likes to brush his hand up against your hand or arm
stand behind you while you’re doing homework or cooking, breathing against your neck and put his hand on the small of your back
he also likes to stare at you with a seductive eyes and smirk, trying to get you to give in to kissing him
AND he loves whispering things in your ear to taunt/compliment you
“i know you want to kiss me”
“you smell so good”
“if you’re hungry, i’ll give you something to fill you up”
“look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want my hands on that pretty body of yours”
and honestly, it almost works 
like with the last statement, you’ll turn to look at him, you’re eyes settling on his hands first
imaging how his warm, big hands would feel caressing your skin 
how his arms would feel around you, the warmth he would radiate 
his lips trailing down form your lips to your neck, his teeth nipping at your sweet spot on your neck, his hands roaming your body
how his fingers would feel inside — OOPS i got a lil ahead of myself hehe
but then you snap out of it, getting embarrassed because you know he knows what you were thinking 
you look him in the eyes and say:
“i’d rather turn into werewolf a thousand times before even letting you touch me”
you say this bc you’ve heard turning into a werewolf is painful
and silas thinks it’s adorable, but he doesn’t force himself on you. he’s a lot of things, but he’s not that type of guy.  
instead, he gives you that signature, flirtatious smirk of his and is like:
“alright, princess, whatever you say. you know where i’ll be when you change you’re mind, though”
now even though he likes you, he still threatens to harm you, but he doesn’t have the guts to actually hurt you 
the most he’ll even do is slam you against the wall (pretty gently tbh)
but let’s be honest you think its really hot and def wouldn't mind it if he ever did it again
that doesn’t mean he won’t hold your friends at gunpoint though lol and trust me, he does that A LOT
he’ll usually do it to toy with you. he loves seeing you beg for him, no matter what
he thinks its cute and really freaking hot how you try to fight him too since you’re human (you’re badass though and he definitely knows that)
speaking of your friends, they know you like him, even though you deny it
caroline is always teasing you about it, too
“i can hear your heart racing whenever he enters the room”
“we can see the sweat on your forehead whenever he gets close to you”
“you always look him up and down, undressing him with your eyes”
you always roll your eyes at caroline’s remarks, stuffing the feelings you have for him down 
him liking you comes with a few perks, too
one huge one is being able to negotiate with him. even since silas made it apparent that he’s in love with you and would do anything for you, the gang had made it basically your job to bargain with silas 
“if you don’t kidnap elena, i’ll let you roam around the town with supervision”
“if you lay off the threats, we’ll let you out of the barrier spell”
“if you promise to not kill random people, we’ll let you out of the dungeon”
and honestly, you negotiating with works a lot because he knows that the person that will supervise him will be you (damon, caroline, and elena will take turns being near you though in case you need help since you have no powers)
when he realises that he doesn’t have a lot of time on earth, though, he starts to get super super clingy 
at first you didn’t notice. you just thought that he was being extra annoying, but once he follows you around for a good day or two, you start to get really annoyed
ok but real talk for a second:
you love the attention. you love the fact that silas would do anything for you and would never harm you. you love the way he makes you feel. you think he’s super handsome and with that bad boy-villain attitude, it just attracts you more to him
but shhh dont let caroline or damon hear otherwise they WILL KILL YOU
in his last few moments on earth, silas decides to give you something that will for sure be unforgettable 
he gives you a passionate, slow, mind-dizzying kiss. his left hand is cupping your cheek, while his other hand is on your hip, holding you close to him. the way his lips move against yours is like they were meant for each other. you can’t help but give in and kiss him back
he then pulls away and does his little smirk and says:
“it’s been fun. i hope to see you on the other side sometime, princess”
then leaves and you’re just there with wide eyes, sweaty palms, and breathless 
and even years later, you’re still able to feel his lips on yours and his words ring in your mind like what he said to was just from the other day
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r0-boat · 2 years
Master List part 2 (WIP)
( if see any posts not on this list please DM me the link I will add it)
⭐: original(mostly written by me)
🌹: smut
🔪: yandere
🍷: some kink cw
🧨:darker Cw's and Tw's
Submas +Volo
Virgin Warden🌹⭐
Alpha primal ingo🌹🍷🧨
Yan!ingo giveing s/o aphrodisiac ⭐🌹🍷🔪
Jealous W!Ingo pussy slapping🌹⭐
Subby alpha ingo⭐🍷🌹
Ingo sneaks into your room while you're sleeping⭐🔪🧨🌹🍷
Priest!ingo stealing his brother's wife🌹⭐🍷🔪🧨
Sub!ingo with his bunny⭐🌹
Stuck with Yandere!Warden Ingo ⭐️🌹🔪
Ingo with Neko!reader Hcs⭐️
Warden!Ingo breeding (Trans ftm reader)🌹⭐️🍷
Ingo a breeding kink🌹⭐🍷
Emmet fucking his rival🌹⭐🍷
His rival fucking him🌹⭐🍷
Feral Alpha! Emmet🌹⭐🍷
Twins with introvert/physically affectionate reader⭐
Pinning for you⭐
Poly relationship+Elesa 🌹🍷⭐
s/o on their period⭐
Twins with small reader🌹🍷⭐
Emmet slapping your pussy 🌹⭐
Au idea: villain submas🌹⭐🍷
Villain au: twins reaction to a new hero instead of reader⭐
Twins cock drunk⭐🌹🍷
No nut November twins ramble⭐🌹
Volo sneaks into your room while you're sleeping 🌹⭐🔪🧨
Alpha!Nanu hcs🌹🍷⭐
Alpha!Nanu-Pushing him to his limit🌹🍷⭐
Morty Headcannons sfw & nsfw⭐🌹🍷
Colress experimenting on reader(old post)⭐🌹🍷
Colress Uno reverse getting experimented on( old post)⭐🌹🍷
Pussydrunk! kabu🌹⭐🍷
Galar men having audio accounts⭐🌹🍷
Pokemen reaction to pillow princess S/o⭐🌹🍷
Paldea men having gwa accounts🌹🍷⭐
HasselxreaderxBrassius poly mini🍷🌹⭐
Mer!Meli develops a crush on his savior⭐
Mer!meli his Crush comes back (part 2)⭐
Cyllene breaks your back⭐🌹🍷
Maxie General romantic head cannons⭐
Vampire!Maxie Hcs
Yan!brass hcs ⭐🔪🌹
Pegging hassel⭐🌹
Daddy Kink!Rika fucs u wth strap⭐🌹🍷
Rika&afab reader period headcannons⭐
Nsfw hcs⭐🌹🍷
Larry using your body as stress relief⭐🍷🌹
Yan!Larry hcs⭐🔪🌹🍷
Larry hcs🌟🌹🍷
Shane hcs PART 2⭐🌹
Harvey hcs⭐
Harvey patches you up ⭐️
Alex hcs⭐
Alpha! Seb⭐🌹🍷
Silas The dragon 🐉
Marriage headcannons⭐🔪🌹
Never Escape, not with a baby in you🔪🧨🌹⭐
Rough fuck, use you like a fuck toy🔪⭐🍷🌹
Reading a book, thinking about you⭐🍷🌹🔪
Fell Dragon!Silas corruption🔪🧨🌹🍷
Cole the werewolf
Halloween22 Slasher!Cole⭐🧨🌹🔪
Daddy kink Cole⭐🌹🍷
Missing you⭐🌹🍷
Wolf Drider Salem 🕷
Halloween 22' Reaper!Salem headcannons⭐🍷🔪
Consensual non-con roleplay⭐🌹🧨
Zero the wasp hybrid🐝
Alpha zero thirst🌹🍷⭐
Human!Zero x Wasp!reader🌹⭐🍷🔪
Zero steals you away from the Beemas⭐🧨🔪🌹
Zero's picnic date⭐
Noah The Leopard MerShark 🦈
Date sfw hcs⭐
Virgin to Pussy drunk 🌹⭐
Halloween 22' nekomata!Noah🌹🔪🧨
Prof. Sterling 👓
Nsfw/sfw hcs🌹🍷⭐
My dream
Dom Sterling⭐🌹🍷
Fucking in the classroom⭐🌹🍷
The boys
Cat boys (All)⭐
Halloween final threesome🐝 👓⭐🔪🧨🌹🍷
Boys and their scent (All)⭐
Bug boys take care of you when you're sick🐝🕷️⭐
Ro's Au hoard
Beehive Submas #BeeGearStation
Tarzan!ingo, #Tarzaningo
Bull farm Au #Bullfarmau
Anon submissions
More Omega!Melli 🌹
Bully Melli hours🌹
Voodoo Doll submas part 1 prt2🌹
Villain submas reaction to other hero ⭐
Random shit
Birds of paradise harpies bfs⭐
The Ring of Lovers (fan scp)⭐🔪🍷
Dol fav LI call Out Post lol⭐🌹🧨
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theoperativeif · 2 years
Aaah thanks for answering my questions 🥰 I was worried you’ll find that many questions to be annoying and I’m glad that you enjoy answering them. “Keep them coming”, you say? I gotcha’ 😉 and you bet I’ll have more questions as the story progresses.
I actually forgot to put this in the last ask; What generations are Ember and Silas? I assume they’re second generation but with special armours? What qualifies certain operatives to get the special armours?
Also, are there any rules or maybe social stigma regarding operatives getting into relationships with other operatives or with normal humans? If MC romanced Ari, I assumed many of the operatives or at least most of the first generations might know about their relationship, since Mad Dog told Ari not to be envious after meeting Agent Roads in the tunnel (haha love Mad Dog, can’t wait to meet him again! And Agent Roads, can’t believe they low-key flirted with the operative they just attacked!).
Speaking of armour, I usually don’t like to choose heavy and bulky armours in games. But in my most recent playthrough, I finally tried the heavy armour and I gotta say it might be one of the most badass and underrated armour in the story right now. The brutal and gruesome ways MC can kill with it are just awesome (popping heads like grapes and punching straight through armour into the chest of another operative are just some of the examples!). I played an MC with the ‘Monster’ background and I usually gave him the ‘blade’ armour since it was designed to strike terror. But imagine this tall and unstoppable killing machine who could brush aside even a cannon shot from a mech armour just keeps on marching to you and knowing there’s nothing you can do to stop it, that’s true terror for me haha.
Also, I’m planning to replay the demo again to try another combination of armour and weapon, and this time I’m gonna try out the Claws weapon. How do you imagine the Claws weapon to be? Is it like Claws sprouting from the tips of the gloves or is it more like Wolverine Claws style of weapon?
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Ember and Silas are second generation. As for why they have special armor it’s just because they are considered specialists. For instance Ember spent most of his time in the war in extreme close quarters “burn them out” style combat. So he was eventually equipped with armor that suited that role by the general over him, he even taunts the mc on certain occasions that they don’t have special armor yet. It’s as much the person over you as it is your specialties.
Oooh love talking relationships!!!! ^_^
Yes there is a social stigma regarding Operatives and relationships, a relationship with Ari is tolerated because both of you Operate (ha) outside of the military structure, so there isn’t really any rules. (Also it was a possibility noted even before you were deployed) But when it gets more muddy is when you bring others who are either involved with the military or political workings. Because suddenly you have people holding the emotional leash of a very very expensive one man army. In fact the more into politics and relationships one gets the more these gray areas and social stigmas come out. (Though I try to do it more subtly as I don’t want to pile on people fussing at you for going a RO route. So hopefully won’t effect enjoyment.)
Yes certain Operatives know about you and Ari if you go that route. Mad Dog and Ember specifically. And yes Agent Roads has no shame, they would flirt with you while one of you was bleeding out if they could. 😂 (also Mad Dog will return very soon!)
Also I’m so glad someone is loving the heavy armor, I designed it with one word in mind.
And the claws I always thought of as Wolverine claws but ones that extend out along the fingers when in combat so that could be considered a combination of the two?
Thanks again for the awesome questions!
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sparrowshrike · 3 years
Transformers: The Ties That Bind: Family Matters
Ties that bind by @artsy-hobbitses @tiesthatbind-tf​
808 hours, Glit's Infirmary, four years after the great war
Simon opened his eyes to see a bright light blaring down at his face, he tried to raise his right hand to block out the light, but it was stuck on something. Simon looked over to see what his hand was stuck in. Naomi’s hand, Their fingers were interlocked.  Simon remembered how they got here, Simon fought Nightbird as Soundblaster when she was controlled by M.E.C.H., after bringing her back to her senses, they swore to take it down toghether. They had to fight the other “Extra-liers” that M.E.C.H. had made(Extraliers are outliers that have been tortured and enhanced until their bodies make a second power, both Simon and Naomi are Extraliers), Goldbug, Armorhide, and a clone of Simon called Echoblast. Then they had to face Silas, the man behind MECH, in a mech suit with a giant hammer and a shoulder cannon. Silas had a lot to share while he fought them, Like the fact that Simon was a cold construct of Suraya Widodo and Dylan Proteus. And that Naomi was no longer biologically herself, her DNA was Altered, Destroyed, and Replaced with the DNA to best counter Soundblaster’s. For Simon’s Soundwave side, who better than one of the best female fighters on the autobots, Wariko Baisho, Windblade. And for the father’s side why not the man who successfully Murdered him, Stefan Scavarro, Starscream. These revelations were meant to cause the Duo to falter, so that either Silas could kill them or reclaim his “best soldiers”. What Silas didn’t realize is that the two were aiming to imprison Silas, not kill. So he shook them alright, but they didn’t falter, they started aiming to kill. Soundblaster dealt the death blow, with his sword and Echoblast’s. Silas said he was proud of him, and then set the place to self destruct. Nightbird and Soundblaster were to weak to leave before the countdown reached zero. So they limped to the courtyard, where they first met and sat against the wall where they first talked. they Interlocked their hands, Nightbird rested her head on Soundblaster’s chest, and he rested to his head on hers, as they listened to the timer tick down.
Simon was brought back to the present by hearing the familiar tapping of cane.
“Simon!” Suraya practically yelled, then rushed to see him. The blind NB-woman was like a mother to Simon, even before he knew. They sat in the chair next to his bed
Simon tried to speak before he realized he wasn’t wearing his voice box. ‘Hey, Suraya, I’m okay, But... I have something to tell you.’ Simon had a bit of hesitation on that last part, how could he tell them that?
His thoughts were interrupted when Naomi woke up.
‘Good Morning, Beautiful’ Simon thought, he smirked, until Suraya snorted ‘Suraya! out of my head!’
“Good morning to you too, handsome” Naomi said right before opening her eyes and noticing two things, Suraya was in the room, and Simon wasn’t wearing a vocal apparatus. “Um, Hi, Mx. Widodo, um, did you do that?”
Suraya gave a concerned “No” then Go-eun entered the room.
“Ah, I see you two are awake, Suraya, if you could give us the room?”
“Yes, I understand, call me when your done”
The pair finally looked at their interlocked robotic hands and then looked to each other, and then finally at Go-eun .
“Rumble and Frenzy found you under the rubble and dirt, Ravage and I helped dig you out. You two wouldn’t let go of each other, Ultimately it was Lara that convinced me to keep you two toghether.” Go-eun explained “Your gear is with Shockwave, currently under repairs, and modification. I presume that you’ll be keeping that second blade we found you with.”
Simon Nodded, that blade was a red energon version of his, which made it’s parry’s explosive.
“Either way, you two are free to go, but I expect you two have some things to... say” Go-eun looked at Simon “Right.” She grabbed a mask from her bag “Been carrying this since you arrived.”
Simon placed it on his face, hearing the click-whirr of it locking on. “Thanks Glit, how long have we been out?”
“A month.”
“Jeez, How bad were we?” Naomi asked
“Pretty banged up, Simon’s lucky to still have his legs”
“Good to know...” Simon said “But getting back to the whole lending an ear, um... how do we say his...”
Simon told Glit everything, In Korean, just in case, Suraya or the rest of the family was nearby.
“Well,” Glit paused, Her brain needing to reset, before she could fully understand it all “That certainly is a conundrum, I mean Suraya can probably handle it, but I’m not so sure about Stefan or Wariko, especially with Stefan’s issues and the Fatherly resemblance, that now I know, is most certainly there.”
“Whose fatherly resemblance?” Simon asked, wondering how worried he should be about Stefan being triggered by him.
“Um, Both, So... you both better avoid Stefan for the time being.” Glit said “I don’t want to see you back here, unless it’s a social call.”
Suraya, Lara, and Ramiro were waiting for them outside, they were their ride home. When they got inside, Simon asked to speak with Suraya privately.
“Alright what did you want to talk about?” Suraya asked, feeling uneasy at the tone Simon used when asking her, He was scared.
‘I’m not sure I should, I learned something at the facility, about myself, about who my parents are.’
“Oh, that’s great news, Simon!”
‘Glad you think so... Mom.’ Simon winced when he thought that.
“I’m your- you were made from-?”
‘It’s a lot, I know, I’m sorry, I should have jus-’
“No, No, it wouldn’t have been healthy. I understand, and I guess, I’m relieved, My Son” Suraya said 
‘But Suraya, Should we tell the others? Naomi and Glit are the only others who know.’
“I see no reason to hide it, you are My Son, and I’m your Bibi” Suraya smiled
‘Okay Bibi’
This was extremely fun to write, but it’s way longer then I thought it was going to be, so I’ll have to save the Windscream stuff for next time.
TTB Naomi/Nightbird:
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(Echoblast is basically Nemesis Soundblaster, while Silas’s mech was basically a less humanoid TFP Breakdown)
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