#silas hc
fortnite-headcanons · 2 months
Silas hesk is a descendant of Medusa given his connections with snakes and was being controlled by Medusa through the snake before the Gods arrived as a scout to spy on the society
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Fortnite Headcanon #198
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explosiv-glasses · 3 months
Silas's vest seems tight...
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loyalhorror · 3 months
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drives me nuts that people think sila is textually transmasc when he is very blatantly amab + either gnc/crossdressing or transfem. i'd argue that he identifies as a queer, gnc, crossdressing man given that alex still calls him "him" and refers to him as a boy/man, but i mean. there are also so many flavours of oldschool transfem, yknow.
"ladyboy" is a very specific term used against transfeminine and amab gnc people, ESPECIALLY in the context of sila being thai (because to my understanding thailand (among other places) has like. big issues with uhhh white people going there as tourists to exploit trans and crossdressing sex workers etc; i've really only heard 'ladyboy' used in the context of fetishizing southeast asian sex workers honestly, though i don't doubt it's used elsewhere too). the transphobia directed at him is SPECIFICALLY because he's being viewed as "a man in a dress". it's that flavour of transphobia.
i know everyone on this website loves to project transmasc headcanons onto every amab character but please for the love of god read the TEXT and consider the context in which it was written. and also consider that transfem people exist. sorry for how passive aggressive and catty this sounds, it's not directed at anyone specific, i'm just grumpy about this particular subject.
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octakiseronliker · 4 months
20 + eighthcest!!
20. laughing into the kiss
"You are being," Silas says severely, "completely and utterly ridiculous."
"Am not," Colum replies, tone completely devoid of amusement. "It's a real and serious condition."
"It is not."
"It is. And you would see your nephew die of it rather than administer remedy."
Colum is laying flat on his back in his cavalier's cot, eyes closed, feigning near-death. It is not a difficult thing to pretend, in his perpetually exhausted condition. He surely looks half-gone already. The purpose of this exercise is to buy him more time laying flat on his back in his bed, because his mattress feels better on his spine than does standing. So far, it is working, even if it does result in his being harangued by his increasingly irritated uncle for his pretended illness.
"There is no such thing," Silas says very sternly, "as a disease that renders you unable to get out of your bed and engage in your daily tasks ⁠unless ⁠—"
"I'm dying, Uncle. You care not at all that I'm dying. I feel myself fading even now."
"You are not ⁠—"
"The light of the Lord descends ⁠—"
"You are nearly forty years old ⁠—"
"And I'll not see another, for your callousness ⁠—"
"There is not a disease," Silas repeats, rather loudly, "that means you cannot get up like a grown man and do the work the Lord proscribes you before you have received a kiss."
The elders are going to hear him in the hall at this rate. If Colum didn't know better, he would say that Silas Octakiseron, twenty years old, devoted servant of the Emperor Undying, head of the government of the Eighth House, Master Templar of the Order of the White Glass, foremost religious official of the Dominicus system, frequent lover of the humble cavalier primary Colum Asht, was about one moment short of stomping his foot.
He suppresses a smile, but it's a near thing. He can feel his lips quirk.
"You are laughing at me," Silas says imperiously. "And being incredibly foolish in doing so."
"Not at all, Master. I find myself very grave. I face Death with my head high and eyes forward, as befits a cavalier of the Eighth, knowing that the Lord Over the River waits to call me home, surely in only moments ⁠—"
"And yet an ailment so easily healed ⁠—"
"The Eighth House does not negotiate with terrorists!"
"A breach so simply repaired ⁠—"
"I am not rewarding this behavior!"
"A solution the one I love best in the world is so uniquely capable of providing ⁠—"
"Ugh!" Silas finally declaims, and though Colum's eyes are closed he can envision with perfect clarity the pinched expression that accompanies this, just as it has always looked.
"You are such a child," he grumbles. "I was supposed to have my hair done ten minutes ago to deliver the late morning mass and now I am going to be tardy, and I will blame you, Colum Asht, if anyone asks after the cause."
Colum cracks one eye open, just slightly, determined not to laugh. Silas, very pink in the face, crosses over to him and grips his face none too gently in both small hands, bending down to peck him perfunctorily on the mouth. He yelps when Colum catches him by the waist in one arm, sitting up and kissing him properly. He does laugh then, just a bit, in his triumph, and Silas makes a disapproving sound in response.
For a moment Colum almost thinks the unimpeachable Silas has forgotten himself, because disapproval or no, he allows Colum to kiss him rather deeply, almost sliding an arm up and around his neck. If he had, he remembers himself very quickly, because he pushes Colum away with an irritable noise, and in a great rush announces, "There, you're healed, stop being an idiot and get up before I make you offer penance during the service."
"Of course, Master Templar," Colum says, rising at last with a painful, crackle-jointed stretch and, still in his sleep clothes, dutifully trailing Silas to his desk to tie up his hair.
In the end, he has only made him five minutes late.
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sappho-rose · 2 years
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~BC Sol Reunion~
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so unm...
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got really hard into @sphnyspinspin hc of Priss being Silas's (accidental) daughter so I had to do a dumb chart with other points so I don't bite someone.
Wonder if others thought of at least one of the points I put here??
I also like @pansexual-queen hc of Sam as Priss dad lol
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creature-ofhabit · 5 months
I hc that Jeff is Mexican tbh
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lovelyisadora · 1 year
weird aunt marcia is on my mind…obsessed with her
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strange-doll-child · 6 months
Nah, the Caretaker is finally taking her hormones. It’s not too late to transition. /j
FR 👏👏
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septimus-heap · 2 years
I hc marcia as being the type whos unable to finish work until the very last minute. At least during her apprenticeship. And also that she was the type to see this as a fail on her side and not that perhaps she had a Disorder
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fortnite-headcanons · 2 months
Lana Llane and Silas Hesk are a duo that go by "The Bucket Buddies" because they both wear bucket hats
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Fortnite Headcanon #194
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mundanemiseries · 1 year
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@abstractreign :
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it? { for any boyos this question applies to!
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[ oc emoji asks | accepting ]
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Joel's got something that isn't exactly from his childhood but he keeps a book on him that he recieved when he was alive. He was never really a poetry guy, and he genuniely has no recollection of ever recieving it but ever since his death, it's always given him this ood kinda nostalgic comfort so he's kept it.
What he doesn't remember about it is that it was a gift from his best friend and partner at the time, to remember them while he was out of the country. Of course, Joel can't remember them anymore, part of his missing entry fee.
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Silas, on the other hand has a pair of old guitar picks with him. He (and by extension base Joel) were in a band during high school into his early university years. Both one of their guitarists and their lead vocalist at the time, he eventually left his spot in the band to focus more on his photography work.
He keeps the both the pick he used during his first show and his show, though. Turned both of them into a keychain, or a necklace pendant he keeps on his person.
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Possibly on the more morbid end of things but Koko still keeps the knife his father stabbed him with on the Zariman. Originally he kept it because well....the Zariman post void jump was a complete shitshow and if his father being driven bad by the void and trying to kill him was any indication, he was going to need something to defend himself with.
To him, there was an irony to the item. The Innodem, a weapon carrying the symbolic reminder to defend the defenseless, having fallen into his hands from an attempt on his life by a void maddened father. As the years adrift in the void dragged on, as he and the others were found and turned into weapons of war, he kept the blade close, holding onto the meaning of the weapon more and more as the centuries dragged on.
Now, alongside his warframe it was one of the only things he had left of his native universe.
In terms of if their item went missing? Joel and Koko would be legitimately really upset, for both of them it's a piece of a life they can never get back or see again and losing it's just....yeah. Especially for Joel, who already has so few memories of his living years to hold onto. Silas would be pretty bothered by it, but nowhere near as devastated as Joel or Koko.
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explosiv-glasses · 3 months
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@deuce-t I now understand the trans hcs
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how do you need to be loved?
You've been told that the way you love can never last, and that heartbreak is inevitable. But you don't want to love carefully. You want to love with reckless abandon. You want to love with everything you have, and you want to be loved the same way. You don't want them to worry about tomorrow. Make today worth living for.
jona.than si.ms:
You've been left beaten down and by someone you really trusted and loved, so now love doesn't come easy for you. You want it to. You want to love and be loved, but you're not sure you remember how. So you need someone else to take the lead. They have to be gentle and sweet and patient. They have to watch out for you, and make sure youre doing okay, because most days you feel a little fragile, if not totslly shattered. But someone will come along who will put those pieces back together again.
You are a very passionate person. You feel everything so intensely, and that definitely includes love. You need someone who will match that passion, that intensity. You need someone who will care about you as much as you care about them, but you have a hard time finding that. You're usually the one who loves more, and it's sad sometimes, but it's okay. But you will find someone who loves you just as much as you love them.
stolen from @thorrncrowned
tagging whoever wants to do it!
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fillyoursoulxx · 1 year
silas bishop - trauma headcanons
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More often than not, Silas likes to keep things private. If you’re someone he’s ‘open’ with he has perfected the craft of presenting this really warm and personable guy. He still keeps a lot of himself, to himself due to trauma in his past though. Below is a list of trauma headcanons that have come up for Silas. The list’ll be updated as I think of them. 
physical trauma;
his father was abusive, physically, mentally and emotionally. He was and still is afraid of him to some extent, but as he got older and more capable of defending himself, the abuse lessened, aka he’d fight back. There were more than a few times he fantasized about watching him bleed out. the abuse only officially stopped when he took off at 17.
he has various cigarette burn scars on his left forearm and shoulder. They are feint now but he was self conscious about them once. 
he’s had his arm broken twice in two different places
his nose was broken once
There’s a scar on his left eyebrow where one of his brothers clocked him in the head with a bat ‘on accident’
if his father became particularly rough, he would make silas sit in an ice bath convinced it would take care of the bruising. most of the time he was allowed to get out before things got too serious, but he passed out once. he might’ve drowned/gotten hypothermia but his father wasn’t gonna ‘rot’ in some cell because he couldn’t keep his eyes open.
emotional & mental trauma;
His father enjoyed degrading Silas more than he did anything else. He endured a lot of name calling and disregard. 
His father often went out of his way to make Silas think he was in for a beating. He would surprise him coming in a door or wait until he was vulnerable somewhere.
In these instances, if Silas responded with fear, he usually received physical punishment, blow or some sort of chastising. 
trauma response; 
he doesn’t like anyone to sneak up on him. hates it. and when he’s out, he angles his back to corners/walls.
when he’s surprised, he rarely jumps/jerks but his jaw will flex/will grit his teeth or inhale sharply.
fight/flight/faun - Silas is all fight. It doesn’t matter if he’s out matched, he’d rather bleed out than run. That is unless it involves someone he actually likes, then he’s a runner, sometimes a pusher
he suffers from nightmares and is a very light sleeper. it’s rarer now, but still more often than he’d like.
has had more dark/suicidal thoughts than he’d care to admit. But he’s never attempted/gone through with anything out of sheer spite, knowing then his dad would be right about him
fidgets when anxious and has experienced panic attacks.
he enjoys affection and personal space isn’t a problem with it comes to women or close friends. he’s put on edge if other guys, especially larger guys encroach on his space.
for the more intimate moments, having his back touched/scratched is fine but likes to keep partners in front and tends to favor affection on his right side.
coping mechanisms;
he writes. it helps him get the ‘unhelpful’ thoughts out and make more sense of things. he keeps a journal/sketch book.
he runs a lot as well. whenever he has nightmares, cant sleep or is just having a rough time in general, he just takes off.
reading is an escape for him as well as star gazing. 
avoidance in general. he will spend days on the road or alone. if cornered with his emotions, he’ll fight it/get angry and if that doesn’t ‘fix’ the situation, he’ll run.
keeping busy. he likes to use as much of his time as possible & keeps his hands busy with work, hobbies or women. idle hands are the devil’s workshop.
Speaking of keeping his hands busy, he’ll often rub his neck or the scars on his wrist when he’s nervous/anxious. He’ll also tap his fingers against his thumb and other types of stems.
He squirrels away money like no ones business. He doesn’t socialize much and he doesn’t sleep a ton either, so he can work himself until he’s literally burnt out. But he always has to have some sort of money somewhere out of fear that if he ever truly runs out, he’d have to go back to alabama. 
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
+* Masterlist *+
Some bonus stuff isnt listen here but you can find them by searching up the tags in their respective fics <3
For those interested in the ones with art, all of my art posts have the tag #opossumdoodles on them !
ADRIAN 🖤 YANDERE! BULLY X READER || PART 2 || PART 3 || Ftm Darling w/ Top Scars
BO, SCREW, SODA, RIBS 💀 ZOMBIE HORDE X READER || w/ FtM Darling w/o Top Surgery || PART 2 || MtF Reader Looking for a Cure || zombo hcs + art || FtM Reader on Their Period || Abusive Family Finds Reader || Tending To Reader's Wounds || Soda Hates WIne || Zombo HCs || Child Reader || How do they feel about breeding?
JASPER 🥀 YANDERE! GOTH X READER || PART 2 || Opposite Reader
BARON ♠️ YANDERE! BODYGUARD X READER || Affectionate Reader || PART 2
AXEL 🎸 YANDERE! ROCKSTAR X READER || Playing with Darling's Pussy || What other genres does he like?
Multiple Yanderes:
When Their Darling Simps For A Fictional Character
Asking Them If They Can Squeeze Their Chest
I dont even know what to name this one
w/ Rowdy Darling
Disabled! Reader w/ Mobility Disability
Darling Gives Them Love Bites
Happy Birthday Darling!!
Easiest to Hardest Yans To Escape From
OC Eyes!!
Dripped Out Jasper by @pyrce
Possumb by @nikasho
Ribs and Screw by @koifish67
Zombie Horde by @gaggedgraveyard
More Zomboys!! by @cursedsnail-slug
little bastard cooking by @nikasho?
Caspian by @ajadoodler
Soda by @treasured-e
Banjo by @smallcactus22 (fun fact, my dad has this one saved on his computer <3)
Hallow and Soda by @treasured-e
Realistic Banjo!! by @getmoxied
Axel Bear Hug!! by @theminotaurslover
Axel by @hungaara
Axel and Small Darling by @mellsfern
Axel in a Maid Dress by @mellsfern
Dorik and Jasper by @rachaeldafrog
Dorik by @sonderrealization
Alistair and Darling by @gachaclubideas
Valeth!! by @phoenix-nerd
Ribs, Screw, Soda, Bo and Dorik by @ezraa-kelz
Axel Playlist by @questioningstressing
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