#silently making a pact not to say a DAMN THING
heich0e · 6 months
How long did it take itafushikugi to realize that mc and sukuna is dating/has sth going on between them???
megumi clocks it first for SURE!! but keeps it to himself bc he knows how to mind his own business. nobara and yuuji require ..... a bit more time
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meowsgirldrawing · 6 months
Part 2 to my MC (Obey Me NightBringer) angst post: (Since so many people wanted part 2’s idea)
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You can hear a pin drop, even though they stood on what was mostly carpet flooring.
All the brothers had vaguely dissimilar reactions to Solomon’s words. Or at least the ones he started up with once he crossed the hallway and joined the others with Mammon in the next room. They heard his words, but their questions, their concerns got coiled up with the silence that followed.
Lucifer had a deep frown, eyes hiding his deciphering mind as he stood arms crossed tightly with one another. If MC were there, they’d be able to see how his chest is a tad slower in rise and falling, as if taking each shaky breath is hard to do and cover at the same time.
Mammon stood beside Solomon, perhaps the only one sensible to make sure he still talks without letting their emotions interfere. He’s not protecting him per-say, just making sure his younger brothers know to keep themselves in check and wring the sorcerer later. Yet he’s not too far off himself. Only one person and Lucifer could tell he’s one string away from shifting into his demon form. So consider his stance as a two way message.
Leviathan is the only one sitting, or still is. Curled in a ball, he’s staring wide eyed at the human. His skin tingles and he’s shifted in his demon form already, but it’s mostly a way to ground himself ironically. He’s not a defensive less weirdo, he’s a demon! A lord! He can handle this!…Handle hearing what’s happened to MC-his Henry…right?
That’s where Asmodeus comes into play, his eye catching the transformation and immediately places himself at Leviathan’s shoulder. His fingers, polished nails he just redone with MC and Satan yesterday night just before retiring to bed, crease into his brother’s hoodie with a gentle rub. It’s ok. Everything will be alright. Solomon will just tell them what they need to do and they’ll all be fine! They’ll get their sweet MC back, all nice and healthy and happy! Besides, they just can’t leave without him trying that new club.. they have something to look forward to, with him, with his brothers…right?-Right! He ignores how his throat constricts at the very opposite ideas blinking through this head, and focuses on the only other human he’s made a pact with.
Satan is silent, a calculating glint in his eye. He stands nearly just as still as Lucifer, on the side with the twins, claws gripping his hips, If MC was here, they’d probably joke how he looks like an angry dad about to give the lecture of a lifetime. What Soloman said… it doesn’t make sense. MC was in the house before night fell. He’s knows for a damn fact, he’s the one who walked them home himself. He offered to walk with them after the meeting, despite Mammons complaints and Belphie’s pouts, as he had to check his personal library for something ideally for a project. They had fun, pet and fed the stays on the way, stopped by a quick ice cream joint, and ended their walk by ending up in his room to study. His last look at them was them rubbing their eyes, careful of the still drying nails from Asmo dropping in unexpectedly, and sending them both a sleepy goodnight and see ya later as they set off for bed. It was late when they went to bed. Something’s not adding up..
Oh..But if you thought the older brothers were bad...
Beel is the only thing keeping Belphie calm on the outside. His hand an anchor over his shoulder, arm curled around his back in a gentle but firm grip. The twins listen to Soloman with an intensity that can burn Devildom itself to the ground.
Belphie's relationship may be shaky, maybe be sometimes tense as they try to move on from the past. But by his not- father does the Avatar of Sloth want to rein hell on whoever dares touch the human that helped him mend back into his brothers' lives. Into Beel's life. He may look pouty, may look bored. But anyone that knows Belphie knows a plan is forming behind his eye. They will find MC. And the fuckers who came up with such a funny prank.
Beel feels..lost in this type of situation. One day he's having dessert with the human who teases him about his weird choices in ice cream, one he quickly and smoothly throws it back at them with their odd choice in cake flavors. Before the two ultimately breaking into giggles as the human baps at his back and he's swallowing down his bite with a grin. The next day, next morning...gone. Silence at their open chair, vacant and untouched like it was before they came to devildom. It's not right, they should be here. Should be there with him and his brothers. Diavolo..what happened to them??
"That can't be possible.." Satan immediatly dismisses, a dower in his tone. His nose crickles at the idea.
MC? Lost in time? But they weren't near anything like that! And MC can't even cast spells, much less accidentally do such a thing.
Lucifer can't help but agree. "Since MC arrived, the House of Lamentation has been put under a strict spell to ward off curses or shifty matters that can harm MC." He scrutinizes at Soloman, the man himself staring back with a raised brow as if really? "Theres no way something snuck past it's defenses long enough to get to MC. I'd be able to tell."
"You'd probably would have, but this...force. It's unworldly." Soloman's fingers play at his chin, " I've been looking all over Devildom but as soon as I wandered towards this house, I felt something overwhelming. Especially around where MC's room resides." His eyes flick up, stern and a 'I know what I'm talking about' tone dosed in them.
"Something, or rather someone, took MC and threw them into the past. Your past, right after the Celestial War if I have my readings right." He gets out as Mammon shifts beside him.
Just..after the Celestial War? Wait...Oh shit-
Mammon's head shoots to Lucifer, "That means-"
Lucifer already knows, "MC is possibly with our past selves."
As if that sentence alone can strike the biggest blow on the brothers, then next one is the killer. Levi can barely breathe, same for his brothers- Asmo's nails unintentially dig into his shoulder but he could care less- as Soloman shakes his head. "They are with your past selves."
Things calm down, a meeting is made with Diavolo and the rest of their searching group, and it's decided ironically that the Sorceror himself will go. As much as they don't want to, most agree he's the best candidate. Simon and Luke are already a big no. Angels randomly staying in devildom for a long, undisclosed time? Following around whatever MC is covering as? It would be a sore thumb, obviously fishy. Nevermind if they could protect MC or not.
Yeah Luke pouted big time on that one, but after a hug from Beel, he calmed down some. Now he's just holding onto his jacket as the others discuss ideas in front of the two.
Most, like Diavolo, Raphael, Mephistopheles, as well as Thirteen all have jobs to attend to, some especially in need to keep stable for the sake of Devildom or the Celestial Realm. Barbatos would have gone, the idea given by Diavolo, if not for his counter of the other Barbatos able to sense him right away if he came to MC's aid.
Similar reasons for the brothers, as much as they detest it. It would not be good for anyone involved if any of the brothers were to be seen by their other selves. More trouble than needed just to rescue MC from a certainly unusual but equally terrifying fate.
Soloman's past self was never around much in the beginning anyway, so the chances of meeting him are much, much slimmer. Besides, Soloman is crafty, calculating in his every move, and cares well enough for MC as the rest to put their safety as first priority. So, yeah, they can trust him enough.
"Better bring them back in one piece, Sorcerer, otherwise I'll have that soul faster than you can breathe anything coherent." A light threat from Thirteen, eyes as slit as a cat's, her fingers drumming on her hips.
Light castaways from Soloman's hand, he smiles as he starts the spell by Barbatos's help. "Like I'd do anything else."
Lucifer's eyes narrow, "Of course." It comes right off as sarcastic.
With that, and a few additional words from the future King asking for both him and MC to come back safe, Soloman is off. Disappearing into a flash of light, leaving no trace like he was never there.
The next few weeks are....tense to say the least.
Each of the brothers had mixed feelings on the whole thing as whole.
Lucifer sticks to his usual routine. Keeping his brothers safe and in line, helping in Diavolo's plans for the school, and all around just trying to douse the flames of chaos from MC's unexpected disappearance. He shows as fine and stern as usual Lucifer goes by, but the very few, Mammon and Diavolo mainly, know it's merely a front the majority of the time. His days feel longer, colder, while his nights are double. Every night before bed, he stalks the House of Lamentation, checking on each and every one of it's inhabitants, and as he rears to MC's room, it's uncanny vibe of no owner, back to the way it was before they dropped into Devildom, he sees no one but the usual, sleeping face of one or multiple of his brothers. The only sight that warms his silent yearning. Even if for just the night.
In the daytime however, people can tell theres a new...edge to him now. Working together with Diavolo and Barbatos, the two help Lucifer without question on finding who the hell decided to send the human they all have inclination towards. MC help bring Lucifer and his brothers back together, MC has gone above and beyond for a program Diavolo honestly some little doubts about himself and washed them away even after being dropped in unexpectedly. And for Barbatos, the two themselves aren't sure, but they can tell it's not just because it's his duty as his Master's right hand man to help out with. So they search, and while Lucifer usually has doubts on his brothers' help on any matter that could affect the standing of the program, for once he doesn't hold their leashes and hopes they do as they please. They will find the miserable pest, he's sure of it.
The Mammon outside the House of Lamentation is scarily different from the one inside. The outside one is loud, money-grubbing, and just as troublemaking as he always is. Gambling and dealing with witches as he always has, the Avatar of Greed shows no difference despite the obvious missing human every student and teacher of RAD occasionally sees attached at his side. No whispering at the back of class, no loud shouts of nonsense at the lunch table they claimed as their own, no equal calls of their name as one tries to catch up with the other in the halls afterschool. Not even at the clubs, the missing human who'd usually be on his lap or at his side as he gambles away with a spikey grin. Nor dancing along with him as he would twirl or be twirled despite his flustered acts. Its like MC never existed and he's as what he once was. Yet, if people looked close enough, they'd see something shifting in his much more observant eyes, taking in his surroundings more often with a pitch of rage that hides behind his blues. He's still searching, still trying to find the lowly fucker who thought taking his greatest treasure was the best fucking plan in the world. They are sure to show soon, he damn well knows it.
As his daytime is a mock show of indifference, the house is quiet and chaotic in the not so fun ways. He tries to keep his brothers together, but all of them can see he's close to loosing it at times. No one teases, or judges, or even glances twice as they watch him go to the human's room instead of his for bed. Curled in their blankets or simply leaning on the headboard, eyes not as bright and blue as they should be. No one likes a quiet Mammon, but no one knows what to do either, so they let the older brother do as he will.
Leviathan..oh man. He's gotten better since the first few weeks of hell for them, but he's not his usual self either. He clings more to his room like usual, watching MC's favorite animes they've clicked to on their nights of choosing, suddenly getting reasons why they've enjoyed some of them. Most have happy endings. Most end with characters having either fond or bright smiles stretched across each of their faces. He can't watch the best friend scenes though sometimes, it hurts too much and makes him hug the stuffed snake squish-mellow they gave him. On the opposite end of the silent sobs into said pillow or staring into nothing with such vacant eyes as tears stream down his cheeks, making them look red and irritated at breakfast in the morning- which he barely comes to anymore, Mammon has to drop off his plate- The Grand Admiral of Hell is at play. Using his known skills as a strategist, he expands the search for the one that brought this hell upon him and his family. Interrogations, warnings towards suspects he has on a special list of powerful people, the true show of a snake ready to strike at every ready moment and everything around it can be a target. And if anyone questions, "Why do this all for a human anyway?" He always has a good answer, people would just simply need to drown for him to let it be known. Because they're his and his brothers' human.
If people think Lucifer is terrifying, just wait till you see his wrath, or well the person who was born from it anyway. Satan may have a charming smile, a easy flow of his words, a spark to his eyes that can make even the strongest swoon. Yet it's his greatest tool as he looks for the person responsible. Similar to Mammon, he's just less loud. He goes through each and every connection, spanning their connections and slinking through them all. And if any show signs of deception or as if they have something to share, he's lucky to finally use Lucifer's basement key at last. While most of his nights, some leading into the day, he's cool amongst his brothers. Possibly the most composed looking of them all besides Lucifer. Sure he talks a little less, his words may come off short or a bit tense here and there. But his cool facade is well put together. He actually helps Lucifer with the student council stuff, or at least lays off him to make it easier. MC was able to help mend their relationship into something better, something that makes him secretly enjoy Lucifer as an older brother as much as he'd deny it. Yeah they aren't the bestest of friends or brothers, and their relationship shift is still new, shaky, but it's better than it's ever been. And he won't use this as an opportunity to break it, no. MC trusts him to be smart and do the right thing, and he will. He just hopes his past self will have enough sense to listen to them, cause if he remembers his past correctly, the beginning of his life..He knows they are in a world of new challenges with that version of him alone. He just has to trust them like they do him, until they meet again. And they will if he has any words to say about it.
Asmo...he's..ok. He's used to putting on masks, putting up a pretty face and smiling to whoever wants it. But if anyone knows Asmo, the real one, he's a fucking mess. He goes to parties and night clubs, giggling and laughing with his fellow demons, but when he's alone. Sitting in the cold area him and MC usually occupy on their late night escapades together, he's silent, tapping the rim of his drink with a bored and colorless expression. A few of his friends stop every now and then and he throws up a smile and sweet rings of "Darling" or "Dear" left and right. But he tends to leave earlier than he usually does, ignoring the small pleas of his friends asking him to mingle longer. He merely says things like, "My dear big brother Lucifer might track me down if I don't." or "My human needs their favorite demon, but don't worry, I'll see you all later <3!" and as soon as the music leaves his ears, the doors slamming shut behind him, he's back to a world of greys instead of pink and flowery. There's admittedly a few nights Lucifer has actually had to track him down, finding him drunk off his ass in the corner of clubs, a wide smile despite the obvious ruins of his mascara greeting his older brother with such fake enthusiasm that has Lucifer frowning knowingly. Those nights he ends up either curled up on his big brother's bed, an easy way for Lucifer to keep an eye on him or tucked into his own sheets as he watches Lucifer grab the pain killers and cup of water from Mammon's hands before burying his heated face into the pillow MC's borrows on their sleepovers. Depends on how wasted he is honestly. It's one of the reasons why Mammon's keeping a bigger eye on him especially. Leaving with him to the clubs or shops he wants despite also wanting to work his charm in the search for the culprit. Which, despite his insistence, all his older brothers tell him to let them handle it. Sure, he has ways to help, but who knows what the person is capable of. So he reluctantly agrees. Somewhat. He's looking himself. Any person who isn't MC, his brothers, or their inner circle of friends is a suspect and Asmo is more than a pretty face afterall. He just has to use his charm a little here and there, he's sure, and the person will drop to their knees quick enough for him to find them. If not, he's always got his claws nails as backup. He's always enjoyed red as a nice shade <3.
Good news, Beel isn't as hungry as before. Bad news, he's not eating as much as he really should. It took about a week and a half to notice, but the moment Mammon set down the plate infront of Beel, and he looks at it and goes "I'm not hungry." is when everyone got concerned. Like. Terrified. He feels some bit of hunger, yes, but eating anything, all when MC could be going through hell with their past versions (especially the version of him who didn't have as much of a leash on his hunger as he does now) it makes any bit of hunger go away instantly at the thought of MC in trouble. At the thought that someone or he could be...Just the idea makes him want to vomit. His brothers, pointingly Belphie and Mammon, all try to get him to eat and while he does some, it's not nearly as much as he used to. Satan leaves him extra snacks while passing by him after his bookstore run, Leviathan drags him to movie nights, suddenly having a near buffet style snack pile in the middle of the two. One that Leviathan barely touches but Beel is too focused on the story to notice honestly. Asmo doesn't seem to do too much, but he certainly has taken up doing more baking around the kitchen, always texting Beel first who 50/100 feels conflicted on agreeing or not. Lucifer has once threatened to chain him to the table until he eats but relents when Beel just stares down at the plate before glancing to the vacant seat at his side. Eyes holding an internal battle inside. Belphie, to Beel's surprise, dragged a whole ass bag of mid-night treats to their room, and set it on his dresser. Telling him point blank, MC wouldn't want him, especially him of all people, to starve himself. Besides, how will he protect MC when they're back if he's too weak from low nourishment? While Belphie hates poking at the protective side of Beel, the side that has always put his twin in the most complicated feelings/situations, it's the side that wins over and makes him grab one of his favorite treats. Sure, he may not be scrounging the low lives of Devildom, or sending fleets of his contacts from all around in search of the culplit, but he's making damn sure the moment they find him, they'll wish they never looked in their human's direction ever. And that's the only thing besides the support from his patched together again family that helps him through the colder nights. And the cheeseburger pillow MC gave him that he holds tight to his chest every night.
Belphies....not the best. Not Asmo not best or Mammon, but, let's just say Lucifer is getting flashbacks to when he threatened to end an entire species in mourning of his sister. Yeah, that not best. The things that cicles through the youngest's head is unrelenting words he used to spout constantly when he first came to devildom, his unrelenting grief over loosing his sister and times in the Celestial Realm, and above all, his absolute hate for humankind. The way he was before was nothing like Satan, no, but he defiantly was nowhere near a ray of sunshine either. I mean, he isn't now half the time, but at least he has more common sense and pushed past all the negative hate to see that humans weren't the reason his sister was gone. They may have been a factor in the catalyst, but they were nowhere near at fault. Hell, one just loved his sister without even knowing she was an angel to begin with. And she loved him back, and while Belphie (Despite his own simple love for humans) couldn't understand the type of love she shared with the mortal. Now, he does. Now he's willing to do whatever it takes to get that unexpected human back, no he's willing to act like a sleepy Avatar of Sloth during the day, and stalks the dreams of the sleeping at night. As he checks his brothers dream, lately nightmares he tries to soothes silently with dreams of similar times, as he watches over his twins and bats away every bad thought or image that strikes his way, he's searching and planning. He conjures every dark nightmare he can, every fear, every gut retching image that could make even the Demon King himself wince in disgust. And as for MC themselves, they cloud his mind every waking moment he has allowed to think to himself. He's seen first-hand that it'll take more than just claws and teeth to take that human down for good, and as much as it makes his own gut clench with disgust and self-loathing at himself, enough to sound like Levi's twin instead, he just uses it as reassurance that whatever his past self throws at them, they can handle it. And if not, surely his brothers will for them.
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soloroomies · 3 months
lifemate (Chapter 3/ Sakusa x f!reader)
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summary: two years have passed, are you both still up for it? word count. 2.3k cw. marriage pact au a/n. the intro of the story turns out to be quite long... but, here it goes! I'm happy I have a lot of spare time now. So, I think the update for this story will be pretty quick (for now)! Masterlist
A few days later, you tell your predicament to your best friend from college, Tami. She lives in a different city now, so you send her a few messages and call her. She laughs and gives you a piece of her mind regarding the idea.
“That’s actually kinda crazy… Like, wow. I know you’re creative and all, but I didn’t expect you to do something like this. This is another level,” she continues to laugh loudly. You roll your eyes at this, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement.
“Oh no, wait. I can actually see you doing this type of thing,” she adds, still chuckling.
“Hey, please help a friend here. Does it really sound that bad?!” you plead, hoping for some serious advice.
“Do you want me to be honest?” she asks, her tone suddenly serious.
“Of course!”
“In all my life knowing you and hearing your love life stories, I never see you wanting to pursue someone. Like, be committed, y’know?”
You pause to think for a second. That’s true. She’s right.
“Errr, yeah, I think. But, I would want to be committed if that person makes me want to! It’s just I never found the one that makes me want to. You get what I mean?” you explain, feeling a bit defensive but also reflective.
“But, how would you know? Like, what’s your standard? What kind of person makes you want to do that?” Tami presses, her curiosity genuine.
You’re stunned. Fuck. You don’t really know. Isn’t it just like a gut feeling or something? Or someone who makes you feel butterflies in your stomach? Or is it someone who makes you feel secure? You don’t really know. Tami senses your hesitancy and sighs.
“See. You don’t know it yourself,” she says, her voice softening.
“I’m no psychologist or something, but I know you. I know you have it in yourself to love someone deeply. But, you also have some standards that you set for yourself. It’s not weird at all,” she reassures you.
“It’s tricky. But, I think maybe that’s what makes you struggle a bit to start intimacy with someone.”
You get every word she says and, damn, she really knows you so well. Her insights are like a mirror reflecting your innermost thoughts.
“Not everyone will have the same relationship journey, y’know? Not everyone will feel or experience romantic love. But, in no way am I trying to tell you that you will not experience that,” she continues, her tone both comforting and encouraging.
You understand what she means. You sometimes expect yourself to experience the kind of love that movies, songs, and pop culture depict. Maybe some people do experience that, but not everyone’s reality is the same.
“I do think that the marriage stuff is beneficial though for you. But, how about your need for intimacy? Will you get it from him, from Kiyoomi?” she asks, her voice tinged with concern.
“I don’t know. But, I care about him,” you reply honestly.
“That’s good.” Then, she goes silent. Seems like she’s thinking. You’re thinking, too. What kind of arrangement will this marriage be? Will this be the kind of open marriage, with both of you can be with anyone? That’s something that you’ll need to further discuss with Kiyoomi. Some rules and boundaries need to be set. Tami seems to have the same thoughts as you as she speaks up about it a moment later.
“On the other hand, though. Sakusa is hot as fuck,” she says, breaking the serious tone with a playful remark.
You laugh loudly, the sudden shift catching you off guard.
“What, you don’t think so? I honestly am surprised with you. You always send me TikTok thirst traps of some random men. I know you know fine men when you see one. And, urgh, your friend is so fine too, girl! Are you blind or something?!”
“Of course, I find him handsome, too! That’s why I’m telling you that I don’t want to trap him with me when he can be with any majestic woman he likes! Plus, it’s weird to think your friend is hot all the time,” you roll your eyes, feeling a bit defensive again.
“I’ll say this sincerely. You and him look good together. That’s it,” she states firmly.
You try to picture you and Kiyoomi together, feeling a strange mix of curiosity and warmth.
“If this plan of you and him happens, he’ll be your husband!” she exclaims, emphasizing the word "husband" with a teasing tone.
You try to picture you and Kiyoomi doing some domestic stuff together and find yourself blushing. What?!
“S—shut up!!” you stutter, feeling flustered.
Tami laughs hearing you stutter, enjoying the reaction she’s elicited.
“Don’t even think about not consummating your marriage! I know you’re not that stupid!” she adds, her voice dripping with playful mischief.
You shush her again, feeling embarrassed and overwhelmed by the thought. You really don’t want to think of Kiyoomi that way. It feels wrong.
You end your call with your best friend, concluding that you better not rely fully on the pact you made with Kiyoomi. You should still live your day like usual and try to find your potential love interest as usual. 
And you did. You go about your days as usual, juggling work, meeting with friends, and attending your monthly meet-ups with Komori and Kiyoomi. Nothing is brought up about the pact with Kiyoomi. Even though it occasionally comes to mind unexpectedly. Life is hectic as always, but you still find time to go on a few dates with new people, either introduced by friends, colleagues from work, or even your parents. Without realizing it, two years have passed.
This New Year's, you spend it at your family home, reconnecting with your parents and some of your extended family. You also reunite with some friends, including Tami, who decides to visit your city. After a few days, you return to your apartment on Friday night, deciding to rest before returning to work on Monday.
That is until you receive a message from Komori in your group chat with him and Sakusa. He invites you and Sakusa to a party at his house on Saturday night. After pondering for a bit, you decide it will be a great way to end your holiday. You miss them, and a party sounds fun. You reply to the chat, confirming you'll come. Minutes later, you see that Sakusa has also replied that he will be there. Komori's parties often include volleyball pro athletes, tall men with their muscular bodies, which is always a plus. You laugh to yourself, mentally slapping yourself for the thought.
Suddenly, upon seeing Sakusa's message in the group chat, you remember something very important that you had forgotten. Shit, shit! You check your calendar. Has it really been two years? Damn, this is the year. You sit in stunned silence for a few minutes. Does Sakusa even remember? Has he gotten himself a girlfriend yet? You try to recall your meet-ups with him and Komori. You remember Komori teasing him about some girls a few times, but there were no clear signs that he was in a relationship. Shit. It would be weird to bring it up. You might look desperate or something. And why did you suddenly remember this now?! Things were fine when you didn’t.
You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself. You’re a grown woman, dammit! You decide not to bring it up unless Sakusa does. You want to see how serious he is about this. If he’s serious, he’ll remember, right? Are you being immature right now? Hopefully not! Why do you feel this way though? It’s just Kiyoomi. You huff, frustrated with yourself. Whatever. You’ll just see how the night goes tomorrow.
The night of the party finally arrives. You dress casually for the occasion, opting for light blue jeans and a white, fluffy sweater in case the night gets colder. After doing your makeup and hair, you quickly order an online taxi and head to Komori’s house.
You arrive ten minutes after the designated time for the party, and some people are already there. You see some of Komori’s friends from the EJP Raijin team and Sakusa’s MSBY team. Before you can get anywhere, Komori greets you cheerfully. Beside him is Mia, Komori’s wife, who offers you a warm smile and invites you to the snacks corner.
You make light conversation with Mia, asking about the food she made and complimenting her on how delicious it tastes. You also meet some other wives and girlfriends of the athletes. After a few minutes, you find yourself in a fun conversation with a woman you just met, who turns out to be Miya Atsumu’s girlfriend. You recall Atsumu as Sakusa’s teammate in MSBY. Discovering that you both work in tech startups, you bond over shared work ethics and struggles. After a while, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, feeling a bit lightheaded from the beer you consumed. You’re not great with alcohol but didn't realize how much you were drinking while chatting.
When you return to the main room, you hear Komori exclaim, "There you are!" with Sakusa standing beside him. You recall how Sakusa used to be extremely germaphobic, rarely taking his mask off in any place. You respect him but often show him some videos and journals about how human’s immune systems work. You’re sure some people show those kinds of things to him, too. As a result, now, he has managed to tone down his fear a bit and only wears a mask strictly in public places or outside buildings. Sakusa wears a plain black shirt tucked into black trousers. This is one of those moments that makes you painfully aware of how attractive he is, and he even seems so effortless about it.
You quickly dismiss your thoughts and greet them, “Hey!" Then you turn your head to Sakusa and ask, "When did you arrive?”
“Not too long ago,” he replies.
Komori chimes in, “I saw you earlier talking with ‘Tsumu’s girlfriend!”
You nod happily.
Komori asks, “Anyway, how was your New Year holiday?”
You start chatting about your holiday until someone exclaims, “Hey, hey, hey!” Sakusa rolls his eyes. It’s Bokuto Kōtarō, his teammate. He pats Sakusa’s shoulder a few times, which doesn’t faze him, looking fed up with Bokuto's antics. Bokuto then greets Komori and you, recalling you as Sakusa’s bestie.
As it nears midnight, you decide to head home. You excuse yourself from the people you’ve been talking with and tell Komori you're leaving. You look for Sakusa but can’t find him. Just as you're about to order an online taxi, a hand pats your shoulder. It’s Sakusa.
“Oh, hey! I was looking for you!” you say, startled.
“Let me drive you home,” he offers. “I brought my car, and it’s already late.”
You ponder for a bit but then accept his offer. 
Once you’re settled in the seat, he offers to connect your phone to his car's Bluetooth to play some music. You agree enthusiastically, always excited to recommend songs to him. He knows you're always excited too, and he often enjoys your recommendations, playing them frequently himself.
The drive is quiet but relaxing. Suddenly, he speaks up, “Do you remember our pact?”
You cough, surprised. You’re always like this, getting distracted and forgetting important things. Weren’t you stressed about this yesterday? You scold yourself mentally. Then, you nod and respond, “Yeah. I actually just remembered about it yesterday. I’m surprised you remember, Omi.” You laugh.
“Did you forget that I put it in the calendar?” he asks, his tone neutral.
You try to recall the memory of the day you made the pact with Sakusa. Ah! He did set a reminder for the pact on New Year’s Day. You giggle, feeling a mix of amusement and embarrassment.
“How— I mean, like, are you with anyone right now?” you ask tentatively, your voice betraying a hint of nervousness.
“No. Are you?” he replies, his gaze steady and calm.
You shake your head. “No.”
“Are you still up for it? The pact we made?” he asks, his voice steady but with a touch of curiosity.
You’re silent for a moment, pondering. You realize, if anything, you’re more ready than the last time you talked about this with him. The last two years have made it clear how tiring it is to build a relationship with someone. Work remains the same, and you're still juggling side jobs to make ends meet and send some money to your parents. The prodding from your parents has become more apparent too, suggesting dates with the sons of their acquaintances. You've tried to have a date with some of them. But nothing has gone beyond.
So you answer him, “I think I’m up for it. You?”
“Me too,” he says, giving you a quick glance that holds a mix of seriousness and reassurance.
You realize you’ve arrived at your apartment. “I think we need to talk about a lot of stuff regarding this. Do you want to talk about it? Like, tomorrow... maybe?” you suggest, trying to sound composed despite the whirlwind of thoughts in your mind.
“I agree. I’ll pick you up tomorrow,” he replies, his voice steady.
“Okay. Is 9 am okay with you? Or do you have practice?” you ask, wanting to make sure he’s not inconvenienced.
“No, I don’t and 9 am is okay,” he confirms.
With that, you get out of his car. You walk inside your apartment building, realizing that Sakusa is still on the driveway, looking at you. So, you smile and wave at him. As you fold your arms and tap your foot in the elevator, you can’t help but feel a bit antsy. You're really doing this. The anticipation and uncertainty swirl inside you, but there's also a sense of… excitement? You’re about to take a significant step, and the reality of it starts to sink in.
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 3 - Rewards & Curfews
Eddie Munson x AFAB!Reader
Summary - Eddie makes good on his promise.
A/N - This chapter is 99% smut, with 1% plot at the very end, like it's filthy so I hope you don't think less of me. Reader has a Dad who I have semi modelled off of Mr Stratford from 10 Things I Hate About You, but we'll have more on him later.
I also just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who has interacted with this story so far, it really does mean a lot.
Chapter warnings: (MDI) 18+ only, oral sex (f & m receiving), vaginal fingering, overstimulation, dirty talk, swearing, consensual use of the word slut.
Updated version posted 02/04/23
Tag list: @avalon-wolf
Eddie hoists you into the back of the van, your giggling smothered by his heated kisses. "Lay down for me sweetheart."
You raise an eyebrow looking at the scuffed and dirty baseboards which made up the floor.
"Such a spoiled brat." He huffs with a laugh, shucking his cut and jacket off, placing them down like a blanket, you perch daintily careful not to sit on any of his pin badges, watching in anticipation as he slams the van doors shut.
Eddie on his knees was some sight to see, you lean forward, pulling him to you by the hem of his well worn Hellfire Club t-shirt. Eddie was, in your opinion, an extremely good kisser; his full lips plush and soft against yours, tongue swiping gently for access. You would have been happy to make out with him in the back of the van for hours, but Eddie has other ideas.
  "I wanna see that pretty cunt of yours properly princess." He growls, unbuttoning your skirt roughly pulling it down along with your panties, throwing them somewhere towards the front seat of the van. You made to reach down to unzip your knee highs but he batted your hands away. "Boots stay on sweetheart." He says with a devastating wink., 
All you can do is lay there breathing heavily as he licks, kisses and nips his way up from your knees to your inner thighs, hands keeping your legs apart, murmuring filthy praises against your heated skin.
You thought he would move straight onto eating you out, but instead he pushes your top up slightly, kissing across your stomach. You could feel him smiling against you as he drifted over a ticklish spot, doing it again so your muscles jumped. He makes a tiny nipping trail back down your naval, placing butterfly kisses on your mound just above the patch of neatly trimmed downy hair.
"Oh baby, you are so fucking wet and I've barely touched you." He taunts you softly, hovering above your needy pussy, his breath teasing your clit as he laughs, keeping your hips still with his large hands.
  "Eddie, please." You whine, running a desperate hand through his mess of curls trying to pull him closer.
"What's the matter sweetheart, tell me what you need?" He asks in mock concern, his Cheshire cat grin growing wider.
"I need your tongue." You beg, considering writing an amendment in the pact that stated Eddie couldn't tease you like this every damn time.
"Need my tongue where?" His tone is the epitome of innocence, brown eyes wide as saucers, like he’s gunning for an Academy Award.
"Jesus, Eddie, are you really going to make me give you explicit instructions?" You groan, trying to press your hips up but he has you royally pinned down with a strength that surprised you. He doesn’t answer, brown eyes staring up at you, goading you silently as he sucks another hickey onto your hip bone.
"Eddie, will you please fuck my cunt with your mouth?" You plead, wanting to cry.
“That’s a good girl.” He praises, finally swiping a long languid lick through your folds to your clit. 
If Eddie was a good kisser it was nothing compared to this, his tongue lapping at you like a condemned man presented with his last meal, you pull his hair and that only spurs him on switching from suckling your swollen clit, to tongue fucking you and back again. 
"Oh fuck!" You cry out wantonly, not caring that you sound like a porn star from the adult section of Family Video, Eddie doesn’t seem to care either moaning against you in such a way the vibrations have you seeing stars.
  "Wanna ride my fingers Princess?" He pants, chin glistening obscenely from your wetness, coming up to kiss you deeply.
“Please.” You breathe, catching his mouth in another kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue.
He slips two fingers into your cunt with ease, scissoring rapidly.
“God, sweetheart, this pussy.” He groans, diving back in flickering his tongue against your clit.
“Think you can take another one of my fingers? Hmm? You take three fingers in your sweet little pussy and I'll make you cum? Give you another reward for being such a good little slut?” He asks, holding your free hand with his, anchoring you both.
"Please…" You hiccup weakly, you can hear how wet you are, feel it dripping down your slit to your ass, crying out as you feel the third finger enter your throbbing pussy, with an obscene squelch. Eddie stretches you wide, his fingers pressing insistently inside you seeking out the spot you could never reach yourself, his tongue focusing intensely on your clit. You prop yourself up on your elbows, the scene is utter debauchery, Eddie has a look of pure bliss on his face, like your pussy is the most delicious thing in the world.
Placing both hands on the back of his head, you ride his tongue and fingers with abandon, Eddie lets out a guttural groan, you can see by the way he’s pressing his hips to the floor, that he is chasing his own release in whatever form of friction he can find.
  The speed of his fingers increased, pumping you deeply, crooking them upwards and you feel your walls clamping hard, your orgasm shooting through you like lightning, violent to the point of pain.
"Fuck!" You yelp, thinking it was finished but Eddie only retracts his fingers to replace them with his tongue, licking as deeply as he can go, thoroughly fucking you with the wet muscle, lapping up your cream. 
"Ed's it's too much." You cry out, trying to push him away as you quickly become oversensitive, burning with continuous pleasure.
"I can't stop baby, you taste so good, gonna make me cum in my pants." He whines against your cunt, and you feel your pussy clench hard again around his exploring tongue at the thought.
"Eddie, come here, please." You beg, suddenly desperate to feel his heavy cock in your mouth, finally able to push him off, you sit up tugging frantically at his belt, Eddie catches on quickly leaning back on his calves trying to help you with shaky hands.
"Sweetheart, shit." He gasps as you pull his length free, the head swollen, bright red and leaking heavily with pre-cum. You waste no time taking him into your mouth, tongue lapping up the salty liquid, sucking him deep to the back of your throat, bobbing rhythmically. 
Eddie whimpers, actually fucking whimpers, if you had been standing it would have made your knees weak, his hands tangling in your hair.
"Baby, fuck, so good, oh my god. I'm gonna- fuck I'm gonna cum princess." He chokes out with something akin to a sob, making to pull you off, but you take him deeper, eyes watering as you gag; feeling several spurts of hot cum hit the back of your throat swallowing it all with a moan.
  Eddie pulls you off him with a wanton grunt, smashing your lips together in a messy kiss, tasting each other. You didn't realise how much you are trembling until you break apart for air, feeling dizzy as Eddie presses his forehead to yours, hands rubbing at your arms reassuringly.
"You ok sweetheart?" He asks quietly.
"I think so." You laugh shakily, trying to catch your breath. "You are really good at that." 
Eddie flushes a deeper shade of pink all the way up to his ears.
"Yeah ditto princess." He grins bashfully, both still kneeling, the surrounding air feeling oddly charged, you suppress a shiver suddenly aware of your lack of clothing from the waist down.
"Um Eddie, where are my clothes?" You ask awkwardly; feeling strangely exposed now the heat of the moment has faded.
"Oh, uh - here." He leans into the cab retrieving your panties and skirt.
You mutter a small "thanks" as he hands them to you, pulling your panties back up you register the time on your watch, 23:47 glaring up at you.
  "Shit!" You shriek loudly, forcing your skirt back up with renewed vigour, adrenaline coursing through your veins.
"What? What is it?" Eddie yelps, yanking his boxers up, eyes darting about in panic clearly expecting to see something nasty like a cockroach.
"Oh my god Eddie, my curfew is at midnight. If I'm not home in exactly 13 minutes my Dad will kill me!" You cry clambering into the front of the van, he jumps up to follow you smacking the crown of his head on the roof.
"Ow! Fuck! JESUS! Why didn't you say you had a curfew?!" Eddie shouts frantically, his jeans still around his knees as he climbs into the cab, clumsily falling into the driver's seat. 
"I lost track of time, this wasn't exactly how I planned to spend the night!" You yell back.
"It's alright sweetheart, I'll get you there." He reassures you but doesn’t sound overly confident as he zips his fly.
  Fortunately Eddie knows roughly where you live, as your house backs onto the same street as his friend Gareth's.
"Eddie, my Dad can't kill me if I'm already dead." You remind him anxiously, jolting about in your seat, hands on the grab handle for support as he takes another corner at breakneck speed, your stomach lurching, the time now 23:53.
"Baby I said I'd get you there." Eddie responds through gritted teeth, almost mounting a curb. You were only one block away when you screamed. 
"Wait, stop!" 
Eddie slams the brakes hard, the van screeching to a halt, bracing your arms against the dashboard.
"What the hell?!" He yells
"You can't drop me off outside my house, my Dad will freak out if he thinks I've been with a boy all night instead of at the party with Robin." You explain, quickly checking yourself over in the rear-view mirror, desperate to make it look like you hadn't spent the entire evening having sex. 
  "You could have told me that before I shredded my tires." He hisses, looking furious, as you hop out.
You stand awkwardly on the sidewalk unsure what to say, Eddie also seemed to be on unfamiliar ground.
"Sooo, I guess I'll see you Monday at school?" You say.
"Uh yeah, see you at school."
You nod, starting to walk away, feeling weirdly deflated when Eddie speaks again.
"Or I could - uh give you a call tomorrow after work, see if you wanted to hang out or something?" He stammers, you can’t hide your grin as you slip hurriedly back into the van, you reach into his jacket pocket pulling out the pen from the diner, scribbling your number onto the palm of his hand.
  "What should I say if your Dad answers?" He asks warily.
"He won't, I've got a separate line." You say, clambering out again. "And besides we're just innocent study buddies Edward." You grin cheekily, striding away. 
"It's a sin to lie sweetheart." He calls after you, you flick your skirt up in response, flashing your ass.
"Going to hell anyway Munson." You shout back to the sound of his raucous laughter, hearing the van peel away.
  You reach your front door at 11:59, puffed out from jogging the last few steps, you had done way too much cardio this evening. Shutting the door as quietly as possible, you creep up the stairs, inches away from the sanctuary of your bedroom when your Dad's voice rings out from across the hall.
  "Cutting it a little fine there kiddo." 
  You winced hoping he would have been asleep but knowing no such luck. You poke your head into his room,  determined to keep as much of you hidden as possible knowing you'd had to have at least one hickey blooming on your neck.
He was sitting up in bed with a car magazine in hand and an impassive expression on his face.
"Hey Dad, sorry, I lost track of time." 
  "Was it a good party?" He asks, taking off his reading glasses.
  "It was ok." You reply non-committedly.
  "Just ok? Was Steve there?" He presses, a knowing look on his face.
  "Yeah, but I didn't really see much of him, he was with Nancy." You could tell he was confused at your calm demeanor, usually after a party you would either come home crying over Steve or mooning over Steve depending on the situation, you tried not to squirm under his searching gaze.
  "Ok Sprout, so long as you had a good time."  He says finally, flipping his magazine back open. "And remember to set your alarm, you've got work tomorrow."
"Will do, night Dad." 
Worried he might decide to call you back for more in depth questioning, you retreat to your room as quickly as possible, letting out a groan seeing the state you and Robin had left it in.
Showering in record time you slump out of the bathroom, shoving your rejected outfits off the bed and onto the floor, crawling under the covers head spinning with tiredness. Amusing yourself as you drift off that if someone had told you that morning, that you'd be ending the day with Eddie Munson's face in-between your thighs you would have laughed and then had them committed. 
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drankyyy · 6 months
About Fanny's hatred of everything.
Hi everybody. As everyone knows, Fanny has a line that she often uses, and I want to figure out why she hates everything, when she uses it and whether she can just keep quiet, but at the same time want to speak out.
(I warn you that these are just theories and my personal opinion. And I also don't speak English, so the translation may be clumsy.)
It surprises me that there are still people who think that the whole personality of Fanny is based on hatred of something. They also think that Fanny hates "absolutely everything" for no reason, but this is far from the case and now I will try to prove it to you. But first we need to figure out: why does she hate so much?
We were shown that scene in BFB 1 for a reason, where Fanny said why she hates Clock. She said, "Self-improvement only occurs when we acknowledge that our own behaviors are far from perfect and, dare I say, worthy of hate!". Many people think that for this reason alone, Fanny hates everyone. But can you really say that this is the reason she hates Match, Pen, or DPA (In TPOT 7.)? Of course not, she always has different reasons to hate someone. She said that phrase to explain why she hates CLOCK, not why she hates everyone. We all saw how Clock behaved "correctly" in BFB 1, condemning everyone, but at the same time not noticing his own behavior and probably believed that he alone did not make mistakes here, so he was so surprised at what Fanny told him.
Well, we realized that she has her own reason for hating every thing, so I can already more or less explain why she hates everything. I have an opinion that Fanny can be much more attentive to someone's flaws, including its own. That's right, everyone has flaws, but not all flaws, in her opinion, deserve to be hated. By herself, she is a hot-tempered person, so this may anger her more than it should. But maybe we're just underestimating it? Who knows.
And what about the opinion of some people who think she hates "EVERYTHING"? Hmm... And why don't they pay attention to the fact that she voluntarily agreed to join in BFB? Why doesn't she hate Lightning, Tree, Marker, or even Black Hole? Why did she start hating the pact only from episode 7 of TPOT (well, not anymore, I know). Don't think that Fanny is some kind of robot that says "I hate" every time it hears words. As I said, she hates only what she thinks deserves to be hated, and she considers all of the above to be good.
But can she not speak out about her hatred for everyone? Yeah, she's not a damn robot. Of course he can, if he thinks that the right decision would be to keep silent. In BFB 11, she explained to Snowball why it was necessary to let Flower pass the challenge. Her words: "Letting her do what she wants is safer for all of us, EVEN IF YOU HATE HER." This means that she can keep silent if it could lead to something serious, because it's not worth it.
Basically, I told you everything I wanted to. I hope you enjoyed this theory. Good luck to everyone.
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proceduralpassion · 2 years
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(gif by me, excuse the terrible quality lol)
A/N: I wrote this the night of 10x11 and it's been sitting, collecting unedited cob webs ever since. I finally spruced it up and made it presentable, so here ya go! Kev deserves someone to hold him and tell it's all gonna be okay 🥺
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Wife!Reader
WC: ~1k
Warning(s): angsty af, discussions of dysfunctional familial relationships
The house was quiet when he walked in. There was light coming from upstairs but he leaned his back against the front door and stood in the darkness. The mute shadows that surrounded him mirrored the hollow feeling in his chest. There were unfinished emotions resting in his spirit and he sighed a heavy breath, wondering if he should unleash them from his depths or stuff them back down, much like he did with a lot of his torments.
It was already late when he left the precinct, so late that he knew that he missed dinner, but his mind was already set on stopping by his building to make sure there was an adequate unit for his father. He’d call and hire someone in the morning to clean it up and put some furniture in it, but he couldn’t bear to go to sleep tonight without verifying that his father would have somewhere safe to go, once he got out of the halfway house. 
He’s not sure how long he stood there, with his head against the door, but it lifts upright when he hears footsteps descending the stairs.
“Kev?” Your voice eked out carefully.
“Yeah, it’s me, baby.”
He met you at the last step and you both wrapped your arms around each other tightly. You feel that his weight is heavier tonight and know that today wasn’t a good day. Instead of acknowledging it, you guide him into the kitchen, “I left your food in the microwave, let me heat it up.”
He follows you silently, his head still leaned on your shoulder as he walks behind you with his hands on your hips. You lean into his embrace as the timer counts down until the egg rolls and fried rice are ready. Still, no words are spoken. You say nothing as his arms wrap tighter around you. 
This is how it went with the two of you. He was a proud man and it wasn’t always easy for him to spill his emotions out to you. You were dogged in your pursuit for the truth, in your mission to heal his afflictions the way he always did for you, without question. There was a silent compromise in the way that neither of you spoke. Time was a pact, the equalizer that told him that you wouldn’t push and that he wouldn’t suppress.
You two sat at the breakfast table in the kitchen, ankles linking against each other under the table. 
Always touching, the two of you.
He offered his plate to share, but you only took one bite out of an egg roll before shifting the dish back in front of him. Your ring shines against the glint of the light above and your eyes can’t help but jump to his. Like you did all the thousands of other times you saw that golden piece of metal surrounding his finger, you smile and your heart flutters. He catches the simper and his shoulders shake in a hushed chuckle.
“I’m sorry, that ring will always be the sexiest thing you will ever wear,” you always say.
“Even sexier than the chain?” 
“Damn. Can’t forget about the chain.”
You two don’t actually say the words aloud like you usually do, but the back and forth is wordlessly exchanged through your eyes. A language that only two people in the universe will ever be fluent in. 
When he finishes his plate, you go to grab it, but he swipes it away before you can and rises to head to the dishwasher. He loads the plate and fork and then detours to the fridge to grab something out of it.
He hands you your half-eaten dark chocolate bar and sits. You offer it, he leans over to only one bite out of it before pushing it back into your hand. And so, now you’re the one who eats quietly because you know that your husband is ready to talk, but still needs a moment to gather his thoughts.
You finish your chocolate, enjoying the crunch of almond in the last morsel and Kevin reaches for your hand.
“I got him a place to stay in the building.”
You nodded, not saying anything, allowing him the space to release whatever he's holding. 
“I don’t know… I’m just still so… angry. I’m happy he’s out. He’s safe. But he had all this time to reach out. To make amends. And the best he can come up with for an excuse is his pride?”
His voice still creaked with emotion, much like before, when he let his dad have it at the precinct. He thinks about Jordan and Vinessa and even at his most frustrated, he couldn’t bear to think of not showing up for them whenever they needed. It may not have been fair to him, raising two kids when he was barely an adult himself, but he still couldn’t even fathom letting them down in any way. So how could the man that sired three children allow anything to hold him back from rushing back to them, from picking up the pieces of a long broken family? 
Your second hand reaches around to wrap around his and you lean closer to him, allowing your foreheads to rest on each other’s.
“I feel like I can’t even be too mad at him. Because I don’t know what he went through. What he had to get through to survive all those years on the inside… Maybe he wouldn’t have made it if he was too weighed down by thoughts of us.”
You speak for the first time.
“You just hate that it was you and the kids that were weighing him down.”
With glassiness in his eyes, he nods. 
You rise from your seat and rest in his lap, nestling his head against your chest, caressing the back of his neck. He heaves a deep breath and bundles closer into you. 
“It’s okay,” you whisper. 
You hold him tight as his shoulders shake, allowing him to find solace in your embrace. A safe haven so he can mourn for the time lost. And forgive for what wasn’t his fault.
As always, like and reblog if you enjoyed. Thanks for the love 💖
Tagging: @darqchilddaydreamz @ginghampearlsnsweettea @jackburtonsays @justahopelessssromantic
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Angst: Our Memories
That another angst. MC is on the verge of death in this one. Maybe an MC replaced(?), but honestly it's just me wanting to cry
A Human that isn't a true one is a big problem for the 3 world and someone wants to change it. You try to fight, but how much can you take ?
How many time did I come back ? 3... 10... 25 ? But it doesn't change anything. They will always be a step forward from me.
With this pacts, this friendship, this love... Is it so wrong?
Angels, Demons, Socerers... A group formed of all the ones who hate me and the brothers. It was a normal day when everything gone wrong. They attacked us with a plane in their minds: death. In the worst case I'm the only one to die, in the best me and the brothers. So now we are in a war. A long war, who we can't win. It's not official; Diavolo can't use Devildom's forces to protect us. But he as a demon will support in every way he can. Solomon, Simeon, Luke, Thirteen, Raphael and even Mephistole is helping. Every one is protecting me.
But that doesn't help. They... died.
The twins are dead; Asmo is dead; Luke is dead; Mephistole is dead. And the others aren't better. Satan lost the arms; Leviathan is paralyzed from the waist down; Simeon lost an eyes and a hand; Solomon is in a come fighting death. Only the strongest are intact. And me? I'm fine, I'm always fine.
As this moment repeats in all the timelines, Mammon is always screaming. Asking Barbatos to make me come back in times, getting Diavolo's approval, saying goodbye to the one who are still here... and seeing Lucifer holding back Mammon as he try to stop me. But nothing never change.
First I try to inform them of the future war; Then I go more in the past and try to don't make any pacts. Maybe if I'm not so connected to Devildom This damn group won't kill me. But it doesn't change. Any way i try to protect them will end in the same way.
Through, this will be the last time I come back.
"Barbatos, could you send me to the **/**/****?"
"Yes, but why? You weren't even here in this date"
"Just do it."
As I enter in the last portal I'll see, Mammon voice is stabbing my heart
It would have been better if these weren't the last words I heard. But that is the only option.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in another time line~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As I'm taking to my friend, I see the neighbours' son, Tim, wave to me. I say goodbye and go in his direction for greet him. It's been a year form when I saw him. He went in another state for an exchange students program.
We sit on the ground in his garden in front of the house. As time go on, all the things he did seemed a sad story. Only when the sun disappeared we come back to our homes. And after the door closed behind me, tears became my companion for all the nights.
The morning after I come back, the silent of my human world home was noisy. I went out and checked mailbox. It was there, the letter who made me meet the best family I could ever asked or the most affectionate friends. That why I asked Barbatos for this date. It was when I received the proposal to be an exchange student. But this time, i didn't open it. Slowly, as if I was killing with my every step my heart, I put the envelope in my neighbor's mail. Lucifer hadn't really looked at my name or other characteristics when he chose me. A sheet that flies by the wind can contain any information.
If I don't meet them, if I don't establish any kind of physical or emotional bond with them, they will remain alive; this thought allowed me to give the letter to someone else, leaving the Devildom forever.
In the stories that have been told to me, even though he omitted the details about demons, Hell, etc., I recognized the events that I have experienced countless times. But I saw no sign of happiness for the brothers. All their problems that I always slowly solved, were still present and he didn't even realize they existed. Belphi was never named, which means he spent the whole year locked up. Satan's Lucifer complex is still there. The remorse for Lilly is a torment for all of them.
But they are alive.
Time keeps ticking, the new me returns to the Devildom again. I don't think the reason was that the pacts with the brothers made him a threat to the 3 worlds. Not that I'm sure he has any pacts, probably only with Mammon. While he's here in the human world, I sometimes see Solomon from the window. Their discussions are brief, perhaps simple service communications. I would like to shout "Teacher"; I would like to have whole books of spells again to have to memorize, I would like to spend the evenings talking about childish things. But I'm here, locked up in the house.
The time goes and the brothers come here. I don't know who is here among them, if the arrival of Diavolo and Barbatos is scheduled. From the window I see them pass and come to greet Tim. My neighbor is reluctant to hug them and they don't even try to get too close. I still remember when I went to them and the endless hugs.
I feel like I'm watching a bad movie where they changed the protagonist at the last minute and he's a novice actor.
But the real pain is when one day I hear a knock on the door. As soon as I open it, I see my image reflected in the sunglasses slightly covered by white hair.
“Oi… ehh. I'm an acquaintance of ya neighbor and he told me to ask ya to lend him some sugar"
Without saying a word, I head to the kitchen to get the sugar. As I watched him speak the image of him covered in blood superimposed on the current one. I give him the package and close the door, falling to the floor.
The air becomes heavy and I can't breathe.I hear Mammon realizing I'm not well and calling Tim. They open the door and find me in the middle of having a panic attack. I am picked up and carried to Tim's house, where I receive first aid. It all has the opposite effect though; they are all around me, or at least, all of them except Belphi. Memories come back and I feel more and more suffocated.
"Oi Tim! What do we need to do? Yall humans are so complicated!"
"I-I don't know. I don't know why they're having a panic attack"
While they talk, I see again all my lifes. The first time I meet them, all the moments of when i made pacts. Or, on the opposite, the timeline where I didn't forge any. A lot of times when I was in front of a mirror, Asmo joked about how a circle could fit on his arm, alluding to his symbol. What hurts the most is the evening before the start of the battle in my first timeline, the original . I remember that they had given me a necklace with "Morningstar" written on it which, in addition to being one of the names by which Lucifer was known, was also, for them, what us is the "surname". It was a physical object that symbolized how they viewed me as part of their family.
With the necklace in mind, I manage to calm down. I thank Tim and the others, trying as fast as possible to get back to my house.
I lean on the sofa in the living room and collapse from the accumulated stress.
Waking up in the middle of the night, I decide to go to bed. A surprise waited for me, as I find a package with a a box with a ticket leaning on the sheets.
Thank you for holding dear Our Memories
With 7 hearts drawn around the writing, the card looks more and more strange.
I open the box. It was dark blue with stars above it, as if it represented a starry sky. The inside was soft, like those jewelry boxes. In fact, inside was a necklace, or more precisely... THE NECKLACE. As if having held it in mind so long ago, had made it materialize in front of me
How is it possible ?
Who ... did it? And 7 heart... Belphi ? This stars box is clearly one of his choices. How is it possible ?
Maybe... maybe they remember? This time Barbatos sand back they too? If that the case, why they didn't told me anything before.
Turning the paper, all my hopes die, but also a sense of comfort start to create.
"Dear MC. We are writing this letter (?) after you have told us about your regression of times. Because we are in a war, it's not like we can ask you anything, so we have decided to say ours thanks in this way. If for any chance we would not be able to give you all this, Barbatos will do it."
In the last regression, they weren't able to give me the necklace, so they choose to prepare thi gift. They always try to do this silly things. And Barbatos... he choose to remember with me our story, why did he choose this momentfor give me the box?
Actually for the last question, I think I know why. Of course he's here, maybe he also have seen me have a panic attack. What the best moment for remember me that they have loved me
But still... now we are stranger... I'm a nobody...
I miss them all.
Is it evident the ORV reference of repeating of timeline ?
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obeymedaddy · 1 year
Nightbringer Theories & Spoilers!
I have a theory, that Simeon and Luke, or just Simeon are actually the ones we know from our present timeline.
If you have Solomon on the Home Screen, he makes a comment wondering why Simeon is in the Devildom and why Luke came along. Meaning he’s acting differently than expected.
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This nods at is something I had been under the impression of, that Luke’s first time in the Devildom was for the RAD exchange in the OG game. Now, I’ve been replaying all the lessons, and I have to say they do seemingly already have the nickname of Chihuahua for him. The dialogue we get in NB where they decide to call him that doesn’t happening in the OG, so it is possible that this is actually Luke from the past… but Simeon, we know he can lie and deceive based on his actions in the OG game..
So, I think it’s a high possibility that this is present/our Simeon. The NB scene between him and Sol is raising alarms for this. There is also a comment Simeon makes to Solomon, something about knowing what he’s doing (aka monopolizing our time because he can now), which only further makes me believe this is our Simeon.
However if it is our Simeon, and not our Luke, why did he bring him? To maybe help give us reassurance from the sidelines? I doubt this for many reasons, primarily it’s just not feasible. However, if Simeon was going to the past, I know damn well that Luke would demand to join him.
One other thing to note though, I know Luke and Barbs got friendly pretty quickly in the OG, bonding over the love of baking, but it felt too quick in NB. I would believe if Luke was pretending to be like he was before, to then slip up in wanting to spend time with his favourite demon.
As much as Luke denies it, he is still a child and might need another person on his side to help him through this journey he’s taken with Simeon though time.
Plus if you think about it, both Simeon and Luke have become MC’s guardian angels. Would our guardian Angels truly leave us in the past without coming to our aid or to at least keep watch over us?
As for Barbs I’m like 99.999% sure he knows and is acting dumb. It would check out too, that if Barbs is acting like he doesn’t know and allowed the angels to come back in time, that he’d have them do the same. Obviously there’s the whole preserving the timeline thing to keep in mind, but he knows something much bigger and is staying silent because he knows the role that we will play. He can’t interfere with that.
Either because he is nightbringer himself OR, he works with/for/owes a debt to nightbringer.
But who is nightbringer?
I’m thinking either an upper Angel or a past demon King or something else.
Nightbringer asked if we knew the brothers in the unregistered text. Barbs would know if we know them if it were Barbs pulling us to the past. I just can’t imagine he would have restrained himself from looking into who we are, even just a bit, if he was a barb we never met? If he was being commanded to bring us back in time, he would need to know some basic info about us to feel okay with such a demand.
Which makes me ask a genuine question…
We know some demons are created from fallen angels, but what of the first demons?? Who created them? Because I’m also toying with the idea that nightbringer is the father of the original demons (and Barbs was the first demon he made).
Another thing about Barbs, it highly possibly with his powers, he has been waiting for MC to grow powerful enough to be brought to the past. After he and Diavolo discovered who MC is in S1, he must have seen this coming. He’s been watching, waiting, for our growth in order to come to this pivotal point in the past for some grand purpose.
Solomons involvement with the grand plan Nightbringer has eludes me but since he has a pact with Barbs I think it’s somehow related.
My final note that I haven’t seen anyone explicitly acknowledge yet, is the detail that the three brothers we first made pacts with, the ones we have had the longest and possibly strongest connection to, are the ones that come to our aid and believe us when Lucifer is hunting us down in L11.
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kate dalton headcanons? i love the nickname of cheese for chess!!
They’re genderfluid and use they/them pronouns like 80% of the time, but they’re closeted about it
Can’t focus on anything they’re doing unless they’re listening to music
Will stay up until 3AM reading
They have autism and ADHD
On that note, their autism-dar is amazing. Out of the teammates, they’ve managed to clock Farrah, Annleigh, Mattie, and Eva so far.
Their top 3 Taylor Swift albums are Red, TTPD, and evermore
They and Chess would braid each other’s hair sometimes
Once they start talking, it’s not easy to get them to stop. Specifically when they’re either really passionate or really angry about something.
After Chess died, Kate started wearing her clothes. You know the hoodie they wear in Act 2? That was Chess’s favorite hoodie. And the beanie also belonged to her.
They like bowling, and they’re pretty good at it. They’re not as good as Reese, though. They go bowling together once a month.
As much as they love gymnastics, they absolutely hate gymnastics meets because they’re overstimulating.
AJR’s biggest fan (favorite albums are The Maybe Man and The Click)
Also Melissa Etheridge’s biggest fan because they’re both alto rockstar lesbians (favorite album is self-titled)
Super photogenic. Like, Eva will randomly take a candid picture of them and they’ll look gorgeous every single time.
Actually super sweet when they’re with those they care about (Chess, Reese, Eva, etc.). The only time they’re really a bitch is when the other person is being a bitch first.
After junior year, they quit cheerleading and go back to gymnastics
They have flannels in every imaginable color
They really like Halloween
On that note, they and Eva like doing matching couples’ costumes. So far their favorite was Gomez (Eva) and Morticia (Kate), with Tori (Kate) and Michael (Eva) from Solitaire as a close second.
A massive fan of silent reading time in elementary school
Their favorite color is green
They like making friendship bracelets
They took piano lessons throughout elementary school, but quit once they started getting serious about gymnastics and stopped having time for anything else. But they never got rid of the piano in their house, and they’re still pretty good. Sometimes they’ll play while Eva plays guitar.
Very protective of Mattie after the whole prison thing
Cat person
They avoid drugs and alcohol like the damn plague, especially after the murders. There’s just a lot of bad memories associated with it and Kate knows what a dark path Chess and Farrah went down.
They use humor and sarcasm to cope with trauma
They have two older sisters
And after said sisters left for college, Kate laid on their bedroom floor listening to “Come Back…Be Here” by Taylor Swift on repeat far more often than they care to admit.
They have a playlist for just about every occasion
Had a marriage pact with Chess. If they were both single by 30, they’d get married for convenience and have a cat named Monopoly.
They listen to “Let The Games Begin” by AJR before games and pep rallies because it’s a super high-energy song and hypes them up enough to be able to pretend they want to be there
It’s become a running joke that Kate borrowed their wardrobe from a ‘90s skater boy
Watched 10 Things I Hate About You one too many times growing up, and Kat Stratford became her role model. Which explains a lot.
Expanding on that last one, Kate was really excited for the Shakespeare unit in 10th grade English class because they were reading Taming of the Shrew, which inspired that movie. To say that they were pissed off once they actually started reading would be an understatement. Now they’re a Shakespeare hater.
Their favorite gymnastics event is floor
Eva fell first, Kate fell harder
They have a quality time love language
Solid A-B student
Meg from Hercules was their first fictional crush. Again, explains a lot.
Yesterday, Melissa Etheridge posted a video of herself singing Red Wine Supernova x I Want To Come Over. If Kate were to see this, they would lose their shit.
Sorry this took so long. I have a lot of headcanons and wanted to make sure I got at least most of them in there. Also most of these are projection.
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beelzebuddy-catan · 11 months
The Not Entirely Human-Human Exchange Student pt.9
Summary: After asking Mammon for help with Satan and Lucifer, they end up in the game Doji Maji. After telling Diavolo to just be honest with her, Cass finally gets some much needed answers about the brothers and Lilith. Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death and violence (specifically direct threats from Satan) Spoilers: Through Lesson 12, Lilith's status Characters: Cass (OC), Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Beel, Barbatos, and Diavolo. Previous Part • Next Part
“Never pegged you as a delinquent.” Cass leaned over Lucifer as she spoke.  
Lucifer dropped his arm, cracking an eye open to see who was speaking. He hummed before swinging his leg off the bench and sitting up. He stretched and fluffed his hair with a yawn. His eyes lazily trailed over Cass, letting himself wake up slowly.  
The top buttons of his shirt were still undone and his tie loose. No matter how they tried to change the uniforms from the game, they always reset. At first it was odd seeing him in a state of dishabille, but it suited him, especially when he was also doing things outside the norm.  
“There’s no Diavolo here and this is the perfect place to take a nap. I can relax and do whatever I want without worrying about disgracing him. Are you all that surprised though? I am a demon after all.”  
“Not really, it’s nice seeing this side of you. I kind of wish you’d let yourself just be yourself once and a while.”  
“Are you certain you’d like that?” Lucifer smirked, pulling her closer by the waist until she was standing between his legs. “I can be quite tenacious when pursing the things I desire and I’m not one to give up.” 
Cass couldn’t help but smile at his actions. There didn’t seem to be any hidden message or threat in his words. He genuinely seemed to be enjoying a break from all the pressure of his daily life. Cass reached out, pushing the bangs that had fallen in front of his eyes out of the way before resting her hands on his shoulders. He watched in silent curiosity.  
“You seem happy, at peace,” Cass whispered. “I’m sorry if I’ve done anything that led you to believe I wish for you to have anything but that.” 
Lucifer tilted his head in consideration before asking. “You think I’m unhappy?”  
“I think you don’t let yourself be happy.” Lucifer’s lips parted and closed a few times, trying to find the words to speak. “Even though you deserve it.”  
“You have a habit of making it more and more difficult to find reasons not to like you.”  
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find a reason to threaten me again soon,” Cass laughed, stepping out of his reach and turning towards the exit. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes and stood up. He quickly closed the distance between them, grabbing the strap of her bag. He spun Cass around, sliding the bag off her shoulder before pulling her in for a kiss. Just as quickly, he took her bag and continued towards the exit. She lifted her hand to her mouth for a second in shock, only realizing what happened when Lucifer called her name.  
The demon was waiting next to the door, a cocky look on his face. Cass dipped her head, hoping she wasn’t blushing as much as she felt. When she grabbed the door handle, his hand landed on top of hers. Lucifer leaned down to whisper in her ear, his voice low.  
Cass shivered as his breath ghosted over her ear, knowing damn well his intimacy score shot up even without looking at her watch. “Don’t forget, this is a game that I very much intend to win.”  
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“Well? What do you say? We make a pact and can make a certain someone’s life difficult.”  
“That’s enough,” Lucifer snapped.  
Everyone fell silent at the table. Satan glanced at Lucifer, contempt clearly etched into his face. They hadn’t even been back for a full day before Satan proposed making a pact with her. At this time, Cass didn’t want to make a pact with Satan because he only wanted to do it in spite of Lucifer. She did wish they’d developed a deeper connection than that, but he seemed to distrust most people.  
“I didn’t say you, now did I? Though, you do seem awfully concerned about Cass and the pacts she’s making.” 
“How is it that you dislike me so much that you would make a pact simply out of spite?”  
Satan barked out a cold and mocking laugh. “Were you honestly under the impression that I liked you?”  
“If you want to act like some petulant child, fine, but you’re not going to do that here. You can pact up your things and leave.”  
“Woah,” Mammon interrupted. “Lucifer, don’t ya think that’s a bit extreme? He’s just havin’ a morning.” 
“Don’t worry, Mammon. This is actually one order I’m happy to follow.” Satan stood up, pushing in his chair with so much force it sounded like it could break.  
Before Cass even had time to say anything that might help with the tension, Lucifer interjected. “Cass, this is family business. I believe I’ve asked time and time again to stay out of our business. And Mammon, don’t bother, just let your hopelessly ungrateful brother do as he pleases.”  
Satan, who had been about to exit the dining room, spun on his heels. Cass could feel the anger rolling off him in waves. “Ungrateful? Did you just call me ungrateful? What is it I should be grateful for? Do you think I owe you a debt of gratitude? After you threw out the part of yourself you hated so much you couldn’t live with it, and I was saddled with that for eternity, you really think I’m the one that should be grateful?”  
With that, Satan stormed out of the dining room. His steps could be heard as he stomped up the stairs and ended with his door slamming shut. Lucifer looked at them, as if daring them to say anything about what had transpired. Only after he finished his coffee and left the room did everyone relax.  
“Well, I, for one, am not surprised Satan wants to make a pact. He’d do anything to upset Lucifer,” Asmo said, breaking the silence.  
“Why does Satan hate Lucifer so much? And what did he mean about Lucifer throwing out a piece of himself?”  
“You know how the more alike people are, they more they hate each other?” 
“I think it’s more like an Oedipus thing,” Levi said.  
“Ya gotta start at the beginnin’,” Mammon groaned. “Listen up, you know how we came here because of a family fight between dad and Lucifer? And how Satan was created from Lucifer? Well, when we got down here, Lucifer was so angry, he ripped his wings out. Satan was created from that anger.”  
“At first that’s all Satan was, Lucifer’s wrath.”  
“Until we taught him things, like the amazing brothers we are.”  
“Basically, Satan feels like he wouldn’t exist without Lucifer. Because of that, he feels bound to him and hates that.”  
“Lucifer acts like an overbearing father figure with all of us, not just Satan.” Asmo rolled his eyes, pulling out a nail file. “He suffocates all of us at times.”  
Cass excused herself, deciding to go check on Satan. Even before she was up the stairs, she could hear his tantrum. Hopefully, he kept his anger directed away from Cass. As risky as it might be, she felt he might need to talk to someone that wasn’t family.  
“What?” Satan bit out when she knocked. The door flew open. His expression softened a bit when he realized it was Cass. “Oh, it’s you. Come in.”  
He turned around and crossed over to the other side of his room. Cass closed the door behind her before taking in the destruction. Despite the noises she heard, his room didn’t look much different. Granted, it always looked like a tornado had blown through the place.  
Piles of books were haphazardly staked around the room, most of them stacked higher than Cass could reach. Small paths had been made, but other than that the floor was completely covered. Even Satan’s bed was so covered with books, she wasn’t sure where the demon slept.  
“Don’t bother trying to stop me, you’re wasting your time.” Satan held two books up, studied them, then set one back on its pile and the other in a bag. “I’m trying to decide which books to take, since I can’t take them all.”  
Cass hummed in response, still looking at the different piles. She went to grab one, when Satan’s hand closed around her wrist and pulled her back. She fell backwards into his arms, tilting her head, confused by his reaction.  
“First of all, watch your step,” he grumbled. Cass could tell he was trying to keep his anger in check, knowing it would be misdirected. “Second, you shouldn’t go around touching random things, especially in the Devildom. You have no idea what they can do. Third, these are some of my most precious belongings, you should ask before helping yourself. Finally, I have a very specific system for how these are organized, and I don’t want you messing them up.”  
He didn’t release her arm, as if he thought she was going to grab the book as soon as he let go. He began gesturing around the room with his other hand as he continued. “This shelf has books about magic. The one you almost touched causes people to switch bodies if they touch it simultaneously. That pile is ancient manuscripts and texts. Up in the corner is astronomy and physics.”  
Satan finally lowered his gaze to look at Cass. She blinked up at him, waiting for him to continue. Suddenly he dropped her arm, stepping back. Cass turned around, wondering what led to the sudden shift. Satan cleared his throat, refusing to look at her. For possibly the first time since she’d met him, he was blushing.  
“I’m guessing those oafs I call brothers told you everything, right? I learned pretty quickly that it doesn’t matter who you are or the circumstances of your birth, if you’re smart enough, people can’t dismiss you. Knowledge comes from books and that knowledge gives you power.”  
“How smart do you have to be to be smart enough though? Seems like a relative condition.”  
“Which is why I still learn,” Satan answered, loosening his tie and stepping back towards her. “Anyways, can we just get this over with?” 
“Wow, okay, as charming as that was, I’m not making a pact with you.” Almost immediately, Cass could feel his anger starting to build again. “Just to piss Lucifer off is an idiotic reason to do so and you know it.”  
With a growl that could only be described as animalistic, Satan’s wrath took over. Before he was even fully transformed, he turned on Cass, picking her up and tossing her. She landed on his bed, bouncing enough that her head slammed against the windowsill.  
“I already told you we’re making a pact. Do you fucking think you can reject me? They don’t call me the Avatar of Wrath for nothing.”  
Cass’s vision was blurring as she fought the drowsiness taking over. He stalked towards her, the way a predator stalked their prey. She knew she had to do something but couldn’t. Usually Lilith stepped in by now, where had the angel gone?  
Satan knelt over her, pinning her to the bed. Cass’s feeble attempts to stop him went unnoticed. “I will make you suffer, and it will be so much more cruel and less humane than anything my brothers could even imagine doing. How much torture do you think you could endure? You’ll be begging to make a pact with me by the time I’m done.” 
Cass tried lifting her hands to push him off, but he quickly grabbed them, pinning them next to her head. “If you’ll recall, I said I like to learn. There are so many things I don’t know about humans, so many things I’d like to test. For instance, how long do you think it’d take for Stockholm Syndrome to set in for you? Days? Months? Years?”  
It took all of her strength to stay conscious. Unlike Asmo, she’d seen Satan’s sin take over. It would pass, eventually. Just stay awake until it does. Satan was still speaking, but his words faded into background noise as she continued thinking stay awake like an internal mantra.  
“That’s enough, Satan.” Lucifer’s voice cut through the room. Cass was certain she heard him say some kind of spell before the pain in her head started to subside. “Cass is here as part of the exchange program whom Diavolo invited, and I won’t permit you to hurt her.”  
Any effects from hitting her head were gone with his spell. Cass propped herself up on her elbows to glare at Lucifer, not sure what compelled her to speak at the moment. “Oh, so you can threaten me all you want, but the second he does, it’s inappropriate.” Lucifer clenched his jaw and for a moment, she was certain he was going to just leave her there.  
“Every time you open your mouth, it’s Diavolo this, Diavolo that. For fucks sake, you’re even defending a human for him.” Satan finally stood up to address Lucifer directly. “Who’d have thought you were such a sweetheart. So damn charming.”  
“Don’t give into your rage, Satan.”  
“Are you fucking kidding me? You of all demons, are telling me that?” Satan roared.  
Books started flying off the shelves and piles towards Lucifer. Lucifer was able to dodge some of them, but the speed and sheer number of them hurdling in his direction was too much. He caught one that was inches away from hitting him in the face.  
Satan grabbed the book Lucifer had caught, wrenching it from his grasp. A blinding white light flashed, causing Cass to shield her eyes. The books that had still been airborne came crashing down. Cass lowered her hands when the light finally subsided.  
“What the fuck?” Lucifer asked.  
“Let me see that book,” Satan demanded, trying to pull the book from Lucifer’s hands.  
“I told you not to touch my books,” Lucifer hissed.  
“Perhaps you shouldn’t throw them at people. Look at the result of your carelessness.  
“Wait a minute,” Cass interrupted. The two demons turned to look at her. “Satan?”  
“What?” Lucifer answered.  
Cass’s jaw dropped, unable to answer. The book they caught must have been the one Cass almost grabbed earlier. She couldn’t look away. It was uncanny how even in different bodies, they acted like themselves. That’s one way to stop Satan from forcing her into a pact.  
Lucifer was grumbling the entire way to school. Satan spent the time impersonating Lucifer. While the other brothers were enjoying the antics, it only served to worsen Lucifer’s mood. Mammon, specifically, seemed to be enjoying the change in dynamics. Ever since switching, Lucifer’s threats didn’t have the same impact. Which was odd, given how formidable Satan could be.  
As they were entering the building, Lucifer stopped her. He lowered his voice, so the others didn’t hear. “I don’t trust Mammon and Satan. I’ll need your help to keep an eye on them. They’ll do anything to take advantage of the situation.”  
“Have you ever considered that the way you treat Satan spurs on his antics? If you continue to act like you know him and his next action, he’ll continue to act in ways that he thinks disprove that.”  
Before Lucifer could answer, or remind her once again it was family business, Diavolo called out for him. His eyes widened as he glanced towards Satan and Mammon. Despite Lucifer’s worries, Satan was able to portray him with ease.  
“What happened this morning?” Diavolo asked after stopping in front of the four of them. “You usually come to the assembly hall in the morning before courses. Is everything alright?”  
There was a mischievous glint in Satan’s eye as he began to speak, and Cass knew he wasn’t going to take it seriously. “Hello, hello! Diavolo. I am so utterly happy to see you. I dreamed about you again last night and ended up oversleeping. That’s why I wasn’t at the assembly hall. I dare say if you didn’t consume my thoughts, honey, it wouldn’t have happened.”  
Mammon tried, and failed, to stifle a laugh before stepping to the side. Satan continued, glad the preform for a captive audience. “You know what, you look a little tense, Diavolo. Would you like a shoulder massage? Perhaps your arms or legs? If you’re tired, let me know, okay? I’d gladly carry you anywhere you need to go.”  
“I’m not actually like that, am I, Cass?” Lucifer whispered, clearly horrified.  
“Of course, not. You’re much more shameless.”  
“I’m not feeling tense at all but thank you for offering, Satan.”  
“Damn, he knew right away,” Mammon muttered, echoing the sentiment they were all sharing.  
“So, Satan is in Lucifer’s body and Lucifer, you’re in Satan’s?” Diavolo asked, turning to a still surprised Lucifer. “Don’t look so surprised that I figured it out. We have known each other a long time, after all.”  
“To be fair, I’ve only known him for a few months, and I could probably tell his pompous ass from another.”  
Mammon snickered while Lucifer glared at her. His gaze only broke when Diavolo asked for an explanation. The warning bell rang, causing Lucifer to remind Satan of their situation before he and Mammon disappeared down one of the hallways. Lucifer and Diavolo walked with Cass towards her class.  
Cass looked around. She was standing in a windowless room with no furniture. The walls, floor, and ceiling were all painted white. There was an artificial feeling to the room. The last thing she remembered was walking with Lucifer back from RAD to find Satan.  
Welcome to Dogi Maji Memorium! The game will begin shortly, please take this time to familiarize yourself with the game and ask any questions. 
Cass tried to find the source of the voice, but there was nothing. “Um, magic voice?” She finally spoke when musak started playing in the room.  
Hello, Cass. 
“Oh, hello. What is Dogi Maji Memorium?”  
Dogi Maji Memorium, or Dogi Maji, is a new interactive video game. Players are required to increase intimacy with the designated Heroine before graduation day. Any player who meets the minimum required intimacy score will be eligible to confess their love on the Roof of Legend. Players win if they the Heroine accepts their confession.  
“How do you raise your intimacy score?”  
Intimacy can be increased through everyday interactions or in game scenarios that appear. Bonus points are awarded for completing these scenarios to the Heroine’s expectations. 
“Is there a way to track your progress?”  
Players are equipped with a watch that allows them to check their profile page, access important information for challenges and other players, and settings. When special scenarios arise, you will be notified through this watch.  
Cass looked at the watch skeptically, tapping the screen. A screen resembling one from a video game appeared before her. She was able to scroll through the different features simply by waving her hand or tapping on the image. She tapped on the profile option.  
As the designated Heroine, your reaction to other players’ attempts to raise intimacy are monitored automatically. Actions taken by players will raise or lower overall intimacy. As the Heroine, you are able to view each players overall intimacy with you but cannot reveal this to players.  
Within a blink of an eye, the white walls vanished, and a long school hallway manifested around her. Her RAD uniform had been replaced with a different school’s. The navy plaid skirt was considerably shorter than most school regulations. The navy blazer was unbuttoned to reveal a white button up and matching plaid tie.  
The bell sounded and students started exiting the nearby classrooms. Just as someone was about to run into her, a hand wrapped around her wrist, pulling her into a shallow alcove. Cass’s heart was beating rapidly, as she was pressed against the person’s chest.  
Cass looked up to see Lucifer staring out over her head at the passing students. Well, at this point she wasn’t sure if it was Lucifer or Satan in Lucifer’s body. She would have been more embarrassed if it weren’t for the fact that she could hear Lucifer’s heart beating just as fast as her own. Only after the next bell rang and the hallway was clear, did he let her step back.  
Just like her, his uniform had been changed. She didn’t know whether to thank or curse the person responsible for the outfits. Usually, Lucifer was wearing layer upon layer, dressed to perfection. Now, he looked less put together. His hair was messier, as if the wind had tousled it. The top few buttons of his white shirt were undone, a loose plaid tie hung around his neck.  
She swore he was blushing when he stepped into the hallway and away from her. There was a slight chime from her watch. She glanced down to see Lucifer’s name and meter. A positive number flashed before the meter filled slightly.  
“Where are we?”  
“I don’t know but I have a feeling Mammon’s behind it.”  
The two of them started exploring the hall, trying to find anyone or anything that could be a clue. Towards the end of the hall, there was a nearly empty classroom. Before Cass could even open the door, she could hear Mammon and Levi arguing.  
“What the hell, Levi? I can’t believe you gave yourself a cute name and gave me StupidMammon!”  
“Lmao, maybe if you weren’t so stupid all the time.”  
“I’m gonna kill ya,” Mammon yelled, diving at Levi.  
“MAMMON,” Lucifer yelled, the door banging open.  
Levi and Mammon jumped at the sudden intrusion. Both of them were in some variation of the new uniform. They had the same dark grey slacks as Lucifer. Levi was wearing a white hoodie sweatshirt under a navy blazer that matched Cass’s.  
Not unlike his RAD uniform, Mammon’s shirt was untucked, and the sleeves rolled up. Thankfully, he wasn’t wearing a blazer that was five sizes too small. He had a plaid tie that had been tied incorrectly, the tail longer than the top.  
“Wow, um, Cass that uniform looks really good on you.” Her watch chimed and flashed Levi’s profile at the words.  
“What did you do?” Lucifer demanded, not letting Cass respond to Levi.  
“Why are you assumin’ it was me that did something?” Mammon answered. “It’s Levi’s game.”  
“That you demanded to be part of.”  
“I don’t care whose game it is.”  
“Ah, so this is your doing.”  
Satan entered the room, crossing his arms, his annoyance clear. He was wearing an unbuttoned navy sweater with the school crest embroidered on one side. It was odd seeing him in a uniform with a regular tie as Cass had become accustomed to him wearing bowties.  
Rather than risk having a teacher or student find them, they moved to the courtyard. Despite the situation, Cass couldn’t help but smile. Game or not, the only other time she could remember being in the sunlight was in Lilith’s room in the House of Lamentation. She jumped on a table, letting the warmth sink in and the light breeze calm her as Levi and Mammon explained how they got here.  
"Let me get this straight. Cass asked you to help settle whatever dispute Satan and I were having. Which you decide could be done by forcing us to play a dating simulation role playing game? Now we need to beat the game if we want to return.”  
“Right, and Cass is the Heroine, so we have to woo her.”  
Levi was too excited to be here. Cass wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen the demon this enthusiastic in a while. Considering they were competing to win her over, she’d have figured he’d be a stuttering mess. Clearly the joy of playing a new game overtaking any nerves he could have.  
Cass groaned, falling back on the table she was sitting on. This was going to be a nightmare. They couldn’t leave until the day of graduation, which was two weeks away. It didn’t make any of them feel better that Levi wasn’t sure if time moved the same way in the game as it did in reality.  
Satan draped his sweater over her legs. She wasn’t sure if it was due to the temperature or the fact that her skirt had shifted up at her movement. Either way, she was touched by the action. Almost immediately following the thought, her watch chimed and a meter with Satan’s name appeared.  
“At least the curse seems to be nullified now that we’re in game.”  
“See it’s not all bad! Why don’t you take this time to enjoy being back in your own bodies? Don’t even worry about the game. I’ll raise my favorability score with Cass in no time so when I profess my love, the game will be over.”  
“You do realize what this means?” Satan turned to Lucifer, ignoring Mammon. “It’s a competition and only one of us can win.”  
“A competition that I’ll win.”  
“None of you normies can even come close to beating me.”  
“HEY! Listen up, I’m going to tell Cass I love her and she’s gonna pick me, end of story.”  
The game was surprisingly easy. It didn’t feel much different than life at RAD. Other than the brothers trying to flirt that is. It’d been three days in the game and none of the special scenarios the rules had mentioned had arisen. Levi had told her that he was trying to find them whenever possible.  
The worst part of the game was sitting through the lectures. Cass wasn’t particularly motivated to do well in the classes since it didn’t matter or have any impact on the game. Even if doing well unlocked a special scenario, she preferred to just let the game run until graduation. She’d probably just pick whoever had the highest score according to the game so they could leave.  
Mammon was muttering under his breath, chest rising and falling evenly in his sleep. He blinked awake at the sound of the teacher calling on him. His eyes were unfocused as he gave Cass a lazy smile, not yet realizing the teacher was waiting for him.  
Cass bit back a laugh as she circled the answer written on her notes. Mammon stuttered out the answer, much to the teacher’s chagrin. Mammon stretched, giving her an even bigger grin. Even with the notifications turned off, she knew the intimacy meter was rising.  
“Thanks, not sure what I would do without ya, Cass. Feel free to look at me all ya want if it makes you happy.” The bell rang, but neither of them stood right away. “You’re the only person I’d ever say something like that to, understand?”  
Mammon jolted back, away from her. She pulled away too, whatever spell they’d been under broken. Both of them refused to look directly at the other. Even turned away, Cass could see the dark blush creeping up Mammon’s neck.  
“Don’t go thinkin’ that’s how I’m really feel or anything, got it? I just said that since we’re in the game and the Great Mammon’s gonna win.”  
“Obviously,” Cass scoffed.  
For some reason, now that they were in the game, each moment she shared with one of the brothers seemed even more charged. While she assumed it was all part of the game as a way to force players to have moments with the Heroine, she couldn’t help but feel it was going to leave some unresolved tension once they returned.  
“Cass, I’m glad you’re still here,” the teacher called from the door. “I have a meeting I need to run to, could you take this pile of papers down to the main office?”  
“Yes, absolutely,” Cass answered, glad for the excuse to leave the awkward situation her and Mammon had created.  
Cass picked up the pile of papers and followed the teacher into the hall. When they had asked, the stack of papers hadn’t been that large. Whatever magic the game had, however, saw it as an opportunity to put her in harm's way. Once she walked into the hall, the weight and number of papers grew, and the teacher disappeared.  
Cass tried looking around the papers to make sure she wasn’t going to hit anyone, but it was impossible. She was just going to have to hope for the best. She stayed close to the wall, praying that if someone came down the hall, they would see her and go around.  
At the stairs, she missed the top step. Her heart stopped as she prepared herself to go flying down the steps. Instead, an arm slipped around her waist, pulling her back at the last second. Over the top of her stack of papers, she could see blond hair.  
“Why are you carrying around so much stuff? Can you even see where you’re going?”  
“No, I can’t. A teacher asked me to take this to the office and this stupid game multiplied everything.”  
“Here, let me take some.” Without waiting for a response, Satan took over two thirds of the materials in her hands. “You know, there is something called being too nice.”  
“I know, but there was a weird game moment earlier and I was just trying to get out of the room.”  
Satan gave her an odd look but didn’t question it. Mammon said stupid things like that all the time. It’s not like it was unusual. So why did it seem even more endearing all of a sudden? Maybe it was the fact that she was constantly being reminded of how it affected her by the watch rather than being able to shake it off.  
“Okay, but you really could have been hurt if you fell down the stairs. We don’t have our powers here, so I couldn't have just healed it either.”  
Cass hid her smile behind the stack of paper she was still holding. While she had been aware of Satan’s hidden romantic side, he wasn’t able to hide it as easily in the game. Despite having threatened her less than a day before, everything he said and did was laced with concern and care. So much so, there was no denying it wasn’t just an act.  
They gave the documents to the receptionist before leaving the office. “If you ever need help, you can call me, you know that right? Whatever the reason, just make sure it’s me and not anyone else, got it?”  
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Cass laughed, hoping to avoid another situation like she’d had with Mammon. She glanced at the clock only to realize lunch was almost over. “Shit, I told Levi I’d meet him for lunch. I’ll see you later, okay, Satan?”  
“Sure.” He looked like he wanted to stop her. “If you want to get coffee with me after class, meet me here after the final bell.”  
Cass nodded as she took off towards the courtyard. Satan gave her a half-hearted wave. Levi was looking at the player screen when she found him. He closed the screen, smiling at her with a confidence his smiles often lacked.  
“I’m so sorry, the teacher asked for help and then,” she trailed off, seeing the small picnic Levi had set up. “You planned me a picnic?”  
“Of course! I even made the lunch from scratch.” He showed her the bento box he’d brought. “I can even feed you if you want.”  
She blushed when he winked. When he set his mind to it, Levi really could become a completely different person. Cass supposed it was more about wanting to win the game in general than win because she was the Heroine. Regardless, it was fun seeing this side to him.  
“I think I can manage it on my own,” she dismissed him, taking seat on the bench next to him.  
The food itself wasn’t the best, but Levi was so proud, Cass didn’t have the heart not to eat it. Levi dropped the suave debonair act after a few minutes, excited to talk about his progress in unlocking the special scenarios.  
They parted when the first bell rang. Cass glanced around, checking that there wasn’t anyone watching before going entering the stairwell that led to the roof. Having to deal with a teacher or random student usually was more trouble than it was worth, even if she couldn’t get in trouble for skipping.  
Since starting the game, she found it was one of the few places that she could be alone. Cass noticed that the background characters seemed to not even see the entrance. It was possible only players could access the roof. Even the brothers avoided the roof.  
That is, usually. Cass faltered when she saw Lucifer, thinking he had known about her habit of sneaking up here and was preparing to scold her. She dismissed the thought after taking in the scene more. He hadn’t come here expecting her.  
He was lying on the bench, an arm thrown over his eyes to block the sun. One of his legs was hanging from the side and the other bent. His hair moved slightly with the breeze. It was rare to see Lucifer sleeping. It was even rarer to see him look that peaceful.  
“Never pegged you as a delinquent.” Cass leaned over Lucifer as she spoke.  
Lucifer dropped his arm, cracking an eye open to see who was speaking. He hummed before swinging his leg off the bench and sitting up. He stretched and fluffed his hair with a yawn. His eyes lazily trailed over Cass, letting himself wake up slowly.  
The top buttons of his shirt were still undone and his tie loose. No matter how they tried to change the uniforms from the game, they always reset. At first it was odd seeing him in a state of dishabille, but it suited him, especially when he was also doing things outside the norm.  
“There’s no Diavolo here and this is the perfect place to take a nap. I can relax and do whatever I want without worrying about disgracing him. Are you all that surprised though? I am a demon after all.”  
“Not really, it’s nice seeing this side of you. I kind of wish you’d let yourself just be yourself once and a while.”  
“Are you certain you’d like that?” Lucifer smirked, pulling her closer by the waist until she was standing between his legs. “I can be quite tenacious when pursing the things I desire and I’m not one to give up.” 
Cass couldn’t help but smile at his actions. There didn’t seem to be any hidden message or threat in his words. He genuinely seemed to be enjoying a break from all the pressure of his daily life. Cass reached out, pushing the bangs that had fallen in front of his eyes out of the way before resting her hands on his shoulders. He watched in silent curiosity.  
“You seem happy, at peace,” Cass whispered. “I’m sorry if I’ve done anything that led you to believe I wish for you to have anything but that.” 
Lucifer tilted his head in consideration before asking. “You think I’m unhappy?”  
“I think you don’t let yourself be happy.” Lucifer’s lips parted and closed a few times, trying to find the words to speak. “Even though you deserve it.”  
Lucifer’s arms wrapped around her as he pulled her closer for a hug. “You’re a fool to believe that,” he muttered against her stomach. The words so quiet, she knows he hadn’t intended for her to hear.  
When he finally let her go, she cupped his cheek, tilting his head up to meet her gaze. “That’s okay, I can afford to be fool until you believe it too.”  
Lucifer blushed, realizing that Cass had heard him. “You have a habit of making it more and more difficult to find reasons not to like you.”  
“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find a reason to threaten me again soon,” Cass laughed, stepping out of his reach and turning towards the exit. 
Lucifer rolled his eyes and stood up. He quickly closed the distance between them, grabbing the strap of her bag. He spun Cass around, sliding the bag off her shoulder before pulling her in for a kiss. Just as quickly, he took her bag and continued towards the exit. She lifted her hand to her mouth for a second in shock, only realizing what happened when Lucifer called her name.  
The demon was waiting next to the door, a cocky look on his face. Cass dipped her head, hoping she wasn’t blushing as much as she felt. When she grabbed the door handle, his hand landed on top of hers. Lucifer leaned down to whisper in her ear, his voice low.  
Cass shivered as his breath ghosted over her ear, knowing damn well his intimacy score shot up even without looking at her watch. “Don’t forget, this is a game that I very much intend to win.”  
Cass groaned, finally giving in and laying down on the elevator floor. Hopefully it wasn’t actually dirty since it was a video game. Satan and she had been waiting in the broken elevator for over two hours now. How was he being so calm? 
Maintenance had told them they were going to be stuck in the elevator for at least four hours. They had just planned on going to get coffee and the game decided to throw a scenario at them. What’s next, going on a Ferris wheel and getting stuck at the top?  
“How are you so calm right now? Aren’t you pissed?”  
“Unbelievably so, but I can’t afford to let it take over right now.”  
“If this is about Lucifer and beating him at the game, then–"  
“If I lost control right now, then I could hurt you,” Satan mumbled and looked away, unable to look at Cass.  
“You’re worried about me? We’ve come a long way from you trying to torture and murder me.”  
Satan chuckled, shaking his head. He leaned back, lying next to Cass. “I’m sorry about that. That, and getting you stuck here.”  
“I’m at fault too. I did ask Mammon of all people for help. I was also the reason Lucifer came to your room. If I hadn’t gone to talk to you, you wouldn’t have switched bodies.”  
“Why did you?”  
Cass sighed, closing her eyes. Because she couldn’t help getting involved. Because at this point, keeping her head down and keeping to herself for the rest of the year was near impossible. Though, that was primarily the brother’s fault.  
“I guess I just figured you shouldn’t be alone but didn’t think you’d talk to your brothers.” He nodded, not asking her to clarify. “You know, you’re kind of amazing. I mean, I can’t begin to imagine what you experience when angry, but I do know how hard it is to think or do anything when you’re angry.” 
Satan scoffed and Cass knew it was because he was trying to brush her off. “I mean it. Levi said at first all you experienced was wrath. The fact that you managed to fight that and become who you are now, is nothing short of incredible. And you did that, nobody else, you.”  
“Is this all part of a ploy to have me make up with Lucifer? You were able to do all that and you can’t just get over your problems with him to be friends? Because you don’t know the half of it.”  
Cass propped herself on an elbow so she could look at him. “Personally, I don’t care if you like him or not. You’re not obligated to like anyone. We may be the product of circumstance, but we’re always changing. Instead of fighting the circumstances of the past, change the present circumstances for your benefit. That being said, you do need to get your shit together.”  
Satan sat up. Cass could tell he was still processing what she said and trying to figure out if he was angry about it or not. “Care to clarify?”  
“You’re not a child. Part of life is being around people you don’t like. You can’t have a hissy fit every time he pisses you off. Or anytime some human doesn’t want to make a pact.” The anger softened and he smiled slightly. “If not for yourself, for the people you do like and care about. It’s hard to live with people fighting all the time. It’s even harder to see the people you love hurting.” 
“For just some human, you have surprisingly helpful insights. You know, you’re the first person that’s ever said that I don’t have to like someone. Such a simple thing, but no one’s thought to say it.”  
He fell silent, contemplating their conversation. Realizing he likely wasn’t going to say anything for a while, Cass laid back down. She hadn’t thought she was tired, but it was only a few minutes before she fell asleep.  
“Cass?” Satan’s voice woke her up. She opened her eyes to see him leaning over her. “Sorry, maintenance said they should have it operating in about a half hour.”  
Cass sat up, stretching. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”  
“No, that’s alright, it was a good time for self-reflection.”  
“Any interesting insights?”  
“You were right, about making a pact just to spite Lucifer.” Cass nodded, not sure where he was going. “I still want to make one, but because of you. You’re the first person who hasn’t tried to force me to feel a certain way.” 
“Do I have a choice this time or are you going to kill me if I say no?”  
“I haven’t decided yet.”  
“WHAT THE FUCK, LEVI?” Mammon gasped, trying to catch his breath.  
“This is so exciting! I never would have thought a dating sim would have such a twist.”  
They looked at him in disbelief. How was he enjoying this? Better yet, how did he still have energy? Normally, Levi would be the first to give up on anything requiring physical activity. Yet, he didn’t even seem phased by the fact they’d just barely managed to escape the monsters taking over the school.  
A loud roar erupted from the other side of the door. The roof was the only place they’d been able to get to in all the chaos. It shouldn’t have been surprising that the final boss ended up being on the roof, given that’s where the confessions would supposedly happen. The creature roared again, its fire visible through the crack in the door.  
Levi took a deep breath and opened the door to reveal Cerberus, or at least a hell hound that resembled him. “That’s the final boss?” 
“Damn, did we luck out or what? Show ‘em what ya got, Lucifer!”  
“I doubt it will be that easy, Mammon. This isn’t the Devildom after all.”  
Satan moved in front of Cass, trying to block any of the hellhound’s attacks. Lucifer stepped up, giving the dog a command. The monster roared, disregarding everything Lucifer tried. One of Cerberus’s heads aimed at Cass and Satan, blowing fire close enough to singe the end of Satan’s Bangs.  
“I believe I told you to sit,” Lucifer growled, his presence even more intimidating than before. “Try and harm my brother again.”  
Lucifer let out a string of expletives that left Mammon and Levi speechless. Satan’s eyes widened, surprised by Lucifer’s reaction. Before Lucifer even finished berating the monster, Cerberus whimpered, laying down in front of him.  
All five of their watches beeped simultaneously. Fireworks started going off as a message appeared in the sky. Congratulations! You’ve completed the bonus ending of Dogi Maji Memorium! Moments later the world around them started to disappear, and Levi’s room materialized in its place.  
“We did it. We unlocked enough special scenarios to get the bonus ending on the first try,” Levi beamed. 
“Who cares, I’m no longer StupidMammon and we’re back in the real world.”  
“Unfortunately, it appears the effects of the curse were only lifted while in the game world.”  
Even in Satan’s body, Cass could tell it was Lucifer speaking. After spending so much time with them one-on-one in the game world, it was obvious even more how their unique mannerisms still came out in someone else’s body.  
“Maybe you could stay in the game world until it wears off? As long as you avoid the special scenarios, you should be fine.”  
“Are you kiddin’ me? Do you know how many of them we accidentally discovered? What if there are even more of them? What if Cerberus appears again?”  
“That shouldn’t be a problem, since Lucifer will be there.”  
Even Lucifer seemed shocked to hear Satan say that. While Cass still didn’t agree with Mammon’s approach, it did seem that his idea was able to defuse some of the tension between the two. Hopefully, they continued moving in that direction.  
“What was that?” Lucifer teased.  
“I guess even Cerberus turns into a regular dog when facing your icy stare.”  
“I’m happy to teach out his commands, if you’d like.” Satan started to open his mouth, ready to waive off Lucifer’s invitation. “Regardless of what you believe, I know you’d be able to handle it.”  
“Perhaps, I mean, I was part of you at one point.” The look of shock returned to Lucifer’s face causing Satan to break and laugh. “Do I look that ridiculous when I’m surprised?”  
“Did it work?” Mammon whispered to Cass. “Did they make up?” 
“Can everyone shut up? I’m trying to review Doji Maji on Akuzon.”  
Diavolo had been thinking about what Charon had said since the day Solomon had told him. He hadn’t invited Cass to the castle for tea because of it, but now it felt like the simple check-in had much more deceitful intentions. He peered over his teacup, watching her discuss a dessert recipe with Barbatos.   
She laughed at something he’d said, lifting her hand up to cover her mouth. Diavolo refused to believe that the person sitting across from him was lying about her memory. Even if she did remember anything and was one of the Fallen, she would have known how dangerous it was to stand before Lucifer. And if she truly were connected to the prophecy, wouldn’t she try to blend in more?   
Did she steal the coin from one of the Fallen? Did she come across it by accident, not knowing Charon’s promise? Was it coincidence whoever had used the coin did so on the anniversary of Lucifer and his brothers' falling? Who could be the Maiden of the Three Realms and was she different than the being not bound to any realm?   
“Are you okay, Diavolo?” Cass asked. She tilted her head, the concern on her face evident. “If now isn’t the best time, I’m happy to come back another day.”   
He shook his head, hoping to dismiss her worry. “I was just lost in thought.”   
“Anything worth sharing?”   
Diavolo smiled at the question. She wasn’t asking to be nosy or discover some secret. It was a surprising change of pace from how most demons and even certain humans acted. Cass genuinely cared about the people around her and that made it hard to be cautious around her.  
“Have you ever heard of the Maiden of the Three Realms?”   
Cass set her cup on the table before leaning back and looking up at the ceiling. “I don’t think so. But it’s certainly a fun title. You know it kind of reminds me of –” she trailed off, not looking back at Diavolo.   
He hummed, pulling her gaze back to him. “Of?”   
“Oh, um, just a short story I read a little bit ago.”   
She continued, but her pacing was slower, as if being careful of her words. It almost seemed like she was being cautious to change certain details to protect someone. Yet, she smiled fondly when she summarized the story.   
“It was about an angel who made a deal with the devil to save the love of her life. The devil allowed her to live as a human with her love. After she died, she had to spend eternity as the devil’s right-hand man and couldn’t speak of the events. She never regretted her decision, but never let herself get too close to anyone else for fear of losing them or sharing the secret. Over time, she lost her sanity from the weight of it all.”   
There’s no way she could know about what happened between him and Lucifer, right? “Do you know who wrote it? I’d love to read it.”   
“No and I haven’t been able to find it. It’s a shame too, it wasn’t finished.” She sighed, a melancholious look overtaking her features. “But that title would suit the angel well, as she had lived a life in all three realms.”   
Diavolo froze, his cup half raise. She couldn’t be describing Lilith, the only three who knew about that were Barbatos, Lucifer, and himself. Could Lilith have become a spirit in the Devildom? It would make sense that a ghost couldn’t be impacted by their powers nor be tied to a realm any longer. Could it be that Cass really was unrelated to this?   
“I'm sorry if this comes across as disrespectful, but whatever it is you’re wondering, I’d prefer if you just asked me,” Cass said.   
She set her cup down with enough force that she was afraid it might break. Clearly Diavolo was trying to get some information out of her but was beating around the bush. The only reason she decided to lie about the story was to see his reaction.   
When he’d asked her to join him for tea, she figured it was about the recent trip to the human world with Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan. They’d managed to get Lucifer and Satan back into the correct bodies without trouble. Satan was currently preparing to give his speech this afternoon. Cleary, there was more to this meeting than she thought.  
Diavolo paused, studying her for a moment before throwing his head back and laughing. It wasn’t an anxious laugh to dispel tension or condescending. It was of genuine amusement that he couldn’t contain. Cass, feeling like she missed the punchline of a joke nobody told, blinked.   
“You are truly something else, Cass.”   
And yet, she hadn’t done anything. She had only asked because she figured it would be quicker for them to move past whatever game he was playing. She’d been happy to join him for tea, having wanted to get to know him better, but wasn’t in the mood for mental gymnastics.  
“Please excuse my laughter. I’m not used to people being so direct. I’m sure you’ve figured it out already, but we’ve been looking into your background trying to find something since you’ve lost your memory. It seems that the more we look, the more questions we have.”  
“You think I'm hiding something?”  
“We’ve entertained the thought. You must understand why we have to be cautious. I trust that you’ve lost your memory, but you seem to know more than an average human and have accomplished near impossible feats in your time here.”  
“Naturally it would raise some concern. But I promise, I'm not hiding anything, at least not intentionally.”  
“I believe that you don’t remember anything. I don’t believe that story you told was something you read online. Am I correct?”  
Of course, he’d seen right through the story. Cass wasn’t expecting anything different. In fact, she was glad he’d asked her immediately. Hopefully, it was a sign that he’d be candid with her when she asked her next question.  
“You are, but I’m sure you’re familiar with the story. What I don’t understand is, how did Lucifer survive the fall, but Lilith had to be turned into a human?”  
“How did you?” Diavolo started but was too stunned to continue.  
“I didn’t do anything special. I just listened.”   
It was like she’d been staring at A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte for so long all she saw was the dots but took a step back and saw the real picture. Lucifer held the brothers at such a distance even after they fell together yet had unwavering support for Diavolo because he saved Lilith.  
The brief time Lilith didn’t remember, the prince must have turned her into a human per Lucifer’s request. He couldn’t tell his brothers because there was no knowing how they would react. Overtime, he just became more closed off until the brothers stopped questioning it.  
Lilith had said Belphie was different after falling and no longer liked humans. Lucifer was insistent on the success of this program, which meant Diavolo must think failure wasn’t an option. If Belphie condemned the program, would Diavolo have done something to stop him? Was Lucifer keeping him in the attic not because he was worried about what Belphie may do, but what Diavolo would do?  
“Let’s make a deal, Cass,” Diavolo said, leaning forward. “I’ll answer your questions to the best of my abilities. There is some information that I can’t disclose, given my position, as I’m sure you understand. This is under two conditions. First, you afford me the same level of transparency and second, you cannot share anything with the brothers.”  
Somewhere in the back of her mind, a voice called out, it’s a trap. Cass knew he was going to share just enough to keep her talking, but nothing important. Trap or not, this was the first time anyone had been willing to tell her about this.  
“Deal,” Cass answered and Diavolo smiled.  
There was a hint of triumph in his eyes, as if he’d successfully tricked her. Fortunately, he couldn’t tell if she was lying as easily as he could others. The same level of transparency was entirely dependent on him. And she’d been trying to help the brothers since she got here while avoiding getting hurt or killed. If it could help achieve her goal, she’d risk the consequences of breaking the second condition.  
“Lilith fell before Lucifer, so we were more prepared when he fell. He was still injured, just not as fatally. He asked that I save her, which I agreed to in exchange for his loyalty. Obviously, this was kept secret to stop the others from trying to make contact with Lilith or causing more imbalance between the three realms. I know Lucifer wouldn’t have told you about that event, so how did you know?”  
“When Lilith died as a human, she came back as a ghost. She doesn’t remember what happened, but it wasn’t hard to put the pieces together. Why did you pick me as the exchange student if not knowing my past was going to be such a problem?  
“I didn’t pick you. Lucifer did.”  
“You had to approve it.” 
“I may not have had I known how difficult finding anything about you would be. Then again, you’ve changed the brothers for the better. I can’t deny that, so maybe you were always the right choice.”  
Barbatos’s words came to mind. There are things in this world that are inevitable, no matter how much we try to change time. Maybe it wasn’t a choice in the end, maybe she was always meant to be here at this time.  
“Have you ever heard of the Fallen or Nephilim?”  
“Possibly? I believe they’re mythology from a monotheistic religion.” Diavolo’s eyes narrowed, as if he thought she was sidestepping the question. “Why is it so important you figure out who I am?”  
“Due diligence.” Cass tsked, expressing her discontent. “I promised as much transparency as possible. Even Lucifer doesn’t know the full extent. Apart from Lilith, is there any other beings you’ve come across that no one knows about.”  
He couldn’t know about Belphie, right? If he was being hidden from Diavolo, there’s no way he’d let him stay in the attic once he knew. If he wasn’t being hidden from Diavolo, he wouldn’t have phrased the question that way. She couldn’t be the one to tell him about the hidden demon.  
“The day I left the castle during the retreat, I ran across a woman or witch or, I don’t know. She said I’m only half here before disappearing. Her name was Kyteler.”  
“No first name?” Cass shook her head, better to keep some information secret. “What did she look like?”  
“Long, dark grey hair. Amber eyes.” She paused, waiting to see if he had a follow up question. “What’s Barbatos’s power?” Diavolo gave her a pointed look as if to say he couldn’t tell her. “He can control time though? On some level, correct?”  
He still didn’t answer, but Cass didn’t need him to. His silence was an answer enough. To what extent could he manipulate time? And why was it that they still couldn’t find any information on her if he could?  
“When we were talking about Aeshma, you recognized her, didn’t you? And not because of Preta.”  
“I had no idea who she was and still don’t outside of what you’ve shared.” Cass took a deep breath for her last question. “If we do figure out who I am, is there a possibility that I’ll end up dead?”  
Another question met with silence. This time, Diavolo looked at her with pity. Not that she didn’t expect that answer, but it was still hard to face. If they were actively looking into her background, that meant any second she was in danger. Well, more danger than normal.  
“Pardon the intrusion,” Barbatos called from outside the room after knocking. “It’s time for Satan’s speech.”  
Cass had gotten ready prior to joining Diavolo, so she went with them to the assembly. She was curious to know if Diavolo had any more questions but was glad they ended it there. She needed to figure out what her next plan of action was, especially as it related to Belphie. 
Not that she or likely anyone was surprised, but Satan did an incredible job. He was also doing an incredible job at not actively making Lucifer’s life miserable. Maybe their conversation in the elevator had a bigger impact than Cass thought. Even Mammon had commented on the shift in behavior. 
They were going to Ristorante Six after the speech when Satan had announced he needed to run back to the House of Lamentation for something. Cass ended up joining him as he asked to speak with her in private.  
“I didn’t actually need anything,” Satan said, closing the door to his room.  
“Are you kidnapping me to force me into a pact?”  
“I’m not going to force you into a pact. I wasn’t kidding when I said I still wanted to make one, though. I thought a lot about what you said and what that witch in the human world said about fate. I can’t help the circumstances of my birth, but I can stop making worrying about Lucifer and making decisions based on him.” 
“I changed my mind. You’re not kind of amazing.” She saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but he quickly stomped it out. “No, you’re completely amazing. So, if that’s really something you want, I’m in.”  
Satan started walking towards her. With each step he took, Cass took one backwards until her back hit one of the bookshelves. “I thought you were in?” Satan smiled, leaning down so they were eye to eye. “Did you already change your mind?”  
He had to be joking, right? They were just supposed to be running back to the house for a second before meeting everyone at the restaurant. Not to mention, they were meeting some of the most impatient demons in the Devildom. She glanced towards the door.  
He picked her up and her legs and arms wrapped around him instinctually. “Now?” He started pressing kisses down her neck. “You can’t be serious. We’re supposed to be meeting everyone at the restaurant.” 
Satan chuckled softly. “So? It’s my celebration. Must I be the only one that learns patience?” He pulled away to look at her again. “Unless you’re against it. I promise, I’m not going to force you.”  
The sincerity in his expression made her blush. “I know, I trust you.” He raised an eyebrow and Cass groaned. “Okay, fine.”  
Satan grinned, stepping away from the bookcase and towards his bed. His actions were surprisingly gentle, a complete one eighty from the last time she was here. And so, her fourth pact was made.  
By the time they’d joined the others, they had already gone through several bottles of Demonus. Cass could tell by their reactions everyone except Mammon and Beel knew what had taken so long. While she knew Mammon would probably be the last one to find out, she also wasn’t surprised that Beel was so happy about dinner he didn’t notice.  
“What the hell took ya so long? We’re supposed to be celebratin’ Satan after all!”  
“We were celebrating in our own way,” Satan answered, taking a sip of the Demonus he’d poured.  
“Mhmm, I bet,” Asmo smirked, prompting Cass to glare at him.  
Mammon stopped asking about what happened rather quickly, though that was because Lucifer had snapped at him. Cass couldn’t help but smile watching the brothers. Maybe Diavolo was right about her coming here. They certainly seemed happier than when she first arrived.  
“How was tea earlier?” Lucifer asked, his voice low so only she could hear.  
“Good, we actually talked about quite a lot. There was one thing he couldn’t answer. Why did you pick me for the program?”  
Lucifer smiled and shook his head. “Sorry to disappoint, but there’s no deeper meaning. I was looking through applicants and a breeze scattered the papers. I was so sick of looking at them, I just picked up the closest one at my feet, it just happened to be you.”  
“Bet you wish you’d spent a little more time looking them over, don’t you?”  
He studied her a moment before answering. “On the contrary, I’m grateful that happened. I never would have thought some randomly selected human would be so special. I mean that on a personal level as well. You’re special to me.” 
“I knew it. It was my dance moves that won you over, right?”  
“They are,” he paused, clearly feeling silly saying the next part, “funky fresh, or so I’ve heard.”  
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chaselynnreads · 1 year
The Pact: Chapter 1
Freshman Year
“Dad, are you kidding me?” I ask in disbelief. My sister Brenna bites down a laugh. My dad on the other hand stares at me like I'm the crazy one. “Emerson it will not be as bad as you are making it seem.”  I roll my eyes at that. My father is the head hockey coach at Briar University, where I am moving into tomorrow. Correction was going to, my dad wants his four new freshmen to live with me. 
“Come on Em take it as a compliment.  Obviously dad thinks that living with these boys will be good for you.” Brenna says while laughing. I sigh loudly for both of them to hear. One thing about growing up with a hockey coach is that I know that sport in and out. From the actual rules and how the game should be played to how these kids act. Dad will complain or praise them every single night. Dad says that all freshmen guys want to do is bang girls. He said that these four boys are going to be great, that they have so much potential to be pros. He shouldn't be wrong considering that one of them is Phil Graham's son.
“You will be living with four guys Em. I need these boys to be focused on the ice. I need them to eat, sleep, and breathe hockey. You need to be their female buffer.” I roll my eyes for the 1,000th time tonight. “Damn dad way to make a girl feel good about herself.” I tell him. He glares at me. “Please be good about this.” He said quietly. “I know it’s not ideal I truly do. I just really want you to do this for me Em.” 
I go up to Brennas room and sit on her bed. She walks in right after getting out of the shower. “You need to call me if they are hot. Get me a man” She said. I chuckle. Brenna and I have always been close with each other. We are two years apart but we could literally be twins.  My hair is shorter and a shade of brown lighter than Brenna’s almost black hair.  The only other thing that helps tell us apart is my boobs and Brennas butt. See my ass is practically non existent but Brenna’s looks like she should be Kim K herself. On the other hand my boobs are giant. I promise its not a flex. Being a 32 HH at fourteen was a horrible time. Im now a 34 I and it's not a fun time. 
“Bren I’m going to miss you so much.” I told her. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes. She smiled slightly. “ I love you so much and i'm so proud of you. I just know you are going to do great things.” She is silent for a moment. When she looks back up at me her big eyes are filled with tears. 
“Mom would be so proud of you Emmerson.” She whispered. I gave her a sad smile. Our mom died when I was 7 and Bren was 5. “I know B. I love you little sis.” I hugged her tightly. “Just for the record, mom would be proud of you as well. I’m proud of you.” She lets the tears fall over her lash line and hugs me again.
The next morning comes too fast. I look around my empty room and go through all my memories. As I walk down the stairs my dad is standing at the bottom of them with nothing but pride filling his eyes. 
I tilt my head and ask “What is it?” He looks at me. “My baby girl. You” He stopped. “Emmerson, you are such a beautiful woman.  I’m so proud of the person you have become.” 
“Oh dad.” I said, wrapping my arms around him. He let go of me and wiped his eyes. “Let's get you to school.”
  Brenna and I finished decorating my room an hour ago.  Now Dad, Brenna, and I are cleaning up from lunch. I turn and see them looking at each other. Dad turns his head to me and says “Well, that’s it honey. Bren and I are going to go home.” I look at Brenna who runs to the other side of the island to hug me. “I love you. Talk soon?” I hug her tighter. “Always B.” 
Dad joins us in a group hug before kissing the top off my head and leaving the two-story townhouse. Brenna gives my hand a squeeze and follows him out.
I sit in silence before turning around and start putting my dishes away. 
When I stand back up I’m met with the most beautiful greens eyes on the planet.
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thebandcampdiaries · 1 year
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An interview with Nic Nassuet
We had the opportunity to ask singer-songwriter Nic Nassuet a few question. Keep reading, as he explores his unique way to combine punk with folk and dark aesthetics!
“Your music has been described as a unique blend of dark and haunting aesthetics combined with folk roots. How did you come up with this distinctive style, and what inspires you to create such genreblending music?” Great question.  The short answer is that I didn’t come up with anything.  I didn’t even know that I could write music, but sometimes things show up in my head and emit this almost inaudible neonatal cry to come into being.  I hear songs in my dreams, mostly, but I also hear them throughout the day at random.  I have to stop and hum them into my phone then figure out what instruments they are and how to play them later.
“She Rides Moonlight” is a good example.  I had never even touched a mandolin before but ordered one because that’s what the voice said to do.  When it arrived it was in tune and “She Rides Moonlight” immediately came out of my hands as I unboxed it.  That’s what the music wanted.  It needed a mandolin to make that song come through me even though I don’t know the first thing about the instrument.  I don’t know where it comes from.  Sometimes it can remain silent for years.  Those can be dark years… “Could you tell us about the creative process behind your track 'Pact'? What motivated you to explore its particular theme?” Pact just fell out of the guitar one afternoon, and the lyrics flowed from there.  During that period lots of things were coming to me.  I don’t believe in ghosts, and I don’t disbelieve in them either, but I was sitting on the bed one day doing something on my laptop and a presence, as clear as sunlight, showed up and started singing her story in my head.  I wrote down what she sang about being entombed in a stone wall on her wedding day as her mother leapt into the sea out of grief, then I went to the guitar and immediately found the chords.  I’ve never played those chords before.  I wouldn’t know how to find them if you paid me to.  I don’t know notes and chords.  That song was “Immured” and it did really well.  I hope to re-record and re-release it pretty soon.  I have some great Grammy nominated string musicians on board. Pact wasn’t as clear a presence, it was sort of like catching scents in the air.  You sit there, and the sounds appear in your mind, and if you relax your critical ear and just accept that it is happening, and listen in a relaxed state, those sounds form words and then you realize the theme of the piece.  Sometimes it is a real surprise to me.  I can’t sit down and say “I’m going to write a song about this topic,” and have it work.  Every single time I have done that it has been just awful.  I wish I could do that, like composers do.  “Your covers of Misfits classics, like 'Die Die My Darling,' showcase a fusion of punk and folk influences. How did you discover your interest for both genres?-
I’ve always loved the sound of acoustic guitar.  My mother used to play and sing for me as a child, and I wanted to be able to do that, too.  I’ve never been into folk music, to be honest.  I love some of what I hear in that genre, it just isn’t what I put on my playlists.  I found my love for punk as a pre-teen.  I hated school, and teachers, and the entire concept of being “moulded” by this hallucination called “society” into what someone else thought it was best for me to be.  Punk was irreverent back then.  The Misfits were especially irreverent.  These were themes that I would have been grounded or suspended for discussing at home or in school, yet they were singing them loudly and it sounded like damn good rock and roll!  I was hooked.  I guess that when you have an angry anti-conformist heart, and an acoustic guitar, this is sort of the end result, LOL. “Your vocals in 'Pact' carry a strong storytelling quality, akin to folk and blues traditions. When writing songs like this, do you come up with the music first or do the lyrics come first?- Thank you.  The music almost always arrives first.  I hear that, then sometimes I get other parts or pieces of the song later, sometimes months later.  Often some vowel sounds, or a phrase of a chorus will come through on the music and then the lyrics kind of build themselves around that. “The connection between 'Pact' and the old House of Blues on Sunset Strip, along with Robert Johnson's legend, is intriguing. Could you delve deeper into the significance of this connection and how it influenced the creation of the song?"- If it had influence over the creation of the song, I don’t know that I should really be talking about it. I didn’t know that the house of blues was made from steel taken from the intersection where Robert Johnson sold his soul.  I didn’t even know who Robert Johnson was..  Pact had come to me a few days before that first show at the House of Blues and I was hoping to premiere it to its first audience somewhere cool.  We were invited to play in the foundation room at the House of Blues, which was a private club that cost thousands a year to be a member of.  I had been there once before on invitation of the owner back when I was an 18 year old private investigator and it was wall to wall celebrities back then.  I was excited to return as a musician.  It felt really meaningful. I didn’t know that it was the opening night of the Sunset Strip Music Festival, or that the House of Blues was the opening venue for the Festival, so we were surrounded by big names doing professional things and it all came as a total surprise.
Out in front there was a sign that said “This House of Blues is made from steel taken from the intersection where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil,” or something like that. I took a picture of it that I’ll send to you.  The sign, and building are gone now. I had come prepared with a song about soul selling at the crossroads, and that song carries instructions in the Hoodoo tradition if you listen closely to the lyrics.  The instructions in the song “Pact” are to take a song with you to the crossroads as an offering to make the deal, and unbeknownst to me I had arrived at the most infamous crossroads in music history on the most devil beloved street in rock music history along with my song-gift.  I guess it was prophetic in a way. After that show we ended up taking our first red carpet pictures right where all the big names had been.  Over the next few months my dear friend, who was a guitar tech to the biggest names in the industry, said “I’ve never seen any indie artist blow up as big as you did after your first release.” Do you have any plan to tour in support of this release?
I didn’t have any plans for it, but it looks like something is brewing.  I’ve got a release party for “Pact” at this awesome spot in Topeka, Kansas called “Two Wolves”.  It’s a really groovy art collective that attracts some ridiculously talented musicians.  We’re going to throw a fun early Halloween party and bring in some special guests.  I was invited to perform at a benefit on October 27th, the Friday before Halloween, and I’m completely blown away by the fact that I just found out that I’m playing a gig with the former singer of the Misfits next month.  I haven’t played a show since the Pig and Whistle on Hollywood Boulevard the night before the pandemic shut down all of the venues for a couple of years, so it’s a bit overwhelming.  I guess that the music wants a tour and wherever the music leads I have no choice but to follow.  Everything collapses and degrades when I ignore the voice, and it seems as though every impossible wish is granted when I listen to it.
Thanks so much for your time and for listening.  You do great work.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
The Hollow
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Pairing: monster!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: yandere, horror, stalking, kidnapping, death of minor characters.
Words: 2137.
Summary: You were finally going mad. Apparently, it was something in the air, right? Something the management told nothing about that caused hallucinations and all those scary things. Obviously, all those people who worked in the assembly shop #4 before you left because they knew that. That was the reason behind the stupid legend and all those rumors.
There’s a man inside the wall behind you.
This was what the factory workers told you as soon as the manager left, forcing you to question people’s sanity. At first you thought it was a bad joke or something. A man inside the wall in the assembly shop #4? What the Hell was that?
You thought they wanted to scare you away because they didn’t like you: your colleagues were simple people who lived in this godforsaken place for ages and knew each other as if they all were one big family. You, an outsider from somewhere far away who didn’t even look like them, weren’t the same kind, they probably thought. Of course, they didn’t take a liking to you and tried to make you leave so that you wouldn’t become an eyesore.
However, soon you found out they all were pitying you. You could feel their eyes on you each time you left the shop where you worked alone, and all you saw on their faces was fear and regret. A couple of women tried befriending you, sitting at the same table as you during lunch, and the next day they all told you anyone who had been working in the shop #4 left in less than a month. Naturally, you didn’t believe that crazy talk about the man in the wall - it’s not like the factory was built in those times when people were buried alive inside the walls for good luck. Then the women tried convincing you to work facing the wall - you were now standing behind it because of how the rusted pipeline with a barrel shifter was placed. You almost rolled your eyes in irritation: you wouldn’t risk losing your job because you couldn’t stand where you were told by the manager. You desperately needed money.
The day after you received a letter in your locker: somebody asked you to leave the assembly shop #4 immediately if you valued your life. It was starting getting scary. Were these people schizophrenic's? No, there were far too many of them who believed in this creepy urban legend.
At some point you got so fed up with this stupid talk that you headed right to Andy, your manager, to ask him why on Earth people were bothering you with this. The man spent half an hour talking about employees who had nothing better to do other than slacking off and telling silly stories when they needed to work. Yes, rumors had it that almost a hundred years ago there was a man, an talented engineer, who entered the assembly shop #4 and never came back, but it had nothing to do with this ridiculous legend. The wall behind you was all solid blocks of stone that were never moved since the day this factory was built. Even if the engineer was killed - although Andy believed the story wasn’t even real - how would somebody hide the body of a grown man there without dismantling the wall? 
The story should have put you at ease, you thought, but instead it only made you more concerned: now as you knew about a disappeared engineer, every time you stood with your back facing that cursed wall you felt the shivers running down your spine. What if there were a ghost or something? You didn’t believe in them, of course, but the dim light in the shop #4, its rusted pipeline, dirty floors and dust balls were hardly making you feel any better. And that disgusted lunch bell... it sounded almost like Silent Hill siren.
You worked in the shop for 8 hours every day, having no time to literally visit the bathroom. Assembling metal parts that always looked ugly over and over again could make anyone go nuts. By the end of the day your body ached as if you carried a giant stone on your shoulders, your back hurting, arms heavy as you barely kept standing. You didn’t even have strength to smile at Dean, an elderly night guard, but he just nodded to you with understanding, knowing well what it meant to be a factory worker here. This shitty job could kill anyone if you stayed long enough here.
Was it the reason why everyone kept talking about that man in the wall? This was the only way to liven up things here, you guessed and decided to talk about it more with the women who you befriended.
They were happy you finally started asking questions. They talked about the legend of the engineer vanished into thin air: you had never heard so much nonsense, sitting quietly in the bus and waiting for it to bring you home. Somebody said the engineer made a pact with the devil himself and merged with the wall, becoming immortal within the stone; the others claimed the engineer went mad because of his loneliness and buried himself in the wall; one woman argued that the engineer, on the contrary, was a ladies man and got sealed up there by a relative of his former lover who committed suicide. There were far too many rumors for you to remember, and soon you abandoned the idea to use the-man-in-the-wall topic to "liven things up" in the factory.
The two weeks had passed since the time you first started working here. You hated this rusty place with all your heart, but this job kept you afloat. It was still better than nothing. Biting down on your dry lower lip, you exhaled tiredly and lifted a particularly heavy detail, trying to fit it in the right place.
The next moment it fell down the dirty floor as you heard an awful sound behind your back as if the heavy stones were moving. It was just for a second, a mere second, but it was enough to have you on edge as you stared at the wall with your eyes wide open. It was some kind of an auditory hallucination, right? There was nothing different in the wall behind you. It looked just like it always did, a nasty grey stone with a tint of orange from the rusty hooks. The wall couldn’t open up just like some Narnia’s wardrobe, could it? It was far too old for any sort of mechanisms like that. Besides, it wouldn’t be able to close so fast, leaving no traces. It was some hallucination from your lack of sleep.
Your coworkers didn’t think so when you told them about it. It was the man in the wall, of course. It always started like this - with an awful, frightening sound. Soon you would be hearing things and feeling the stare of that man all the time, they said. The room #4 was a terrible place, and you should leave it immediately, they said. One woman even offered you to stay at her place if you couldn’t provide for yourself until you found a better job. Of course, you declined her kind offer.
But you did start hearing all kinds of things while you were working. Stones moving, metal clinking, some weird rustling out of nowhere - it was all making you insane, especially since every time you turned around only to see nothing but the wall behind your back. Everything was as it should have been, but you felt something was happening when you didn’t look. 
You were finally going mad. Apparently, it was something in the air, right? Something the management told nothing about that caused hallucinations and all those scary things. Obviously, all those people who worked in the assembly shop #4 before you left because they knew that. That was the reason behind the stupid legend and all those rumors. Obviously, you - and all those people who ran away from here - lacked money to do all the necessary medical tests to prove anything.
Shit, you really needed to find a better job if you didn’t want to spend the rest of your days in an asylum. 
Now at night you were sending your CV and cover letters, but you couldn’t stop working, nonetheless, forced to constantly look behind your shoulder or turn around just to make sure you weren’t totally crazy. You tried ignoring the noise once, but when it grew louder instead of disappearing in one second just like before, you realized it was a big mistake. Every day was turning into a nightmare.
Grey stone, rusted hooks, dust bunnies on the floor. The same picture you saw over and over again when you were turning back. It was simply unbearable. At one point you even wished to see something different there, something that would prove you weren't going insane.
You had to be careful with your wishes. When you came to the shop #4 the next time, you saw a face of a man cut in grey stone.
You didn't know what happened after that, coming to your senses in the resting room with your coworkers giving your water and some pills, your body shaking so badly you barely managed to sit. Was that a hallucination? A face of a man in the wall? All people around you kept saying it wasn't, describing this face to you so vividly as if they saw it themselves.
You needed to get out of here. Even if it meant becoming homeless and begging for money on the street, it was still a better option than staying in one room with that thing.
It was the next day you prepared to give Andy your letter of resignation, turning back to face the wall nearly every minute. No, you weren't going to stay here and watch how your life was becoming a living Hell - damn, it already was, wasn't it? You no longer slept peacefully, barely eating, constantly trying to keep a bottle of cheap wine you kept in the kitchen out of your reach. No, no, no, you weren't stupid enough to work for a minimum salary in a place like this, risking your own life.
It happened when the lunch bell rang, making you cringe - the next moment something had exploded with such a defeaning boom you almost fell down to the floor. Shit, you knew this sound - an omen of a great catastrophe that certainly disfigured somebody, if not killed. Something went horribly wrong in the assembly shop #3.
The blood drained from your face. Oh God. Were Shirley, Agatha and Simon alright? No, they weren't. Judging by the horrible screams coming from the metal door, they weren’t.
You moved as if in slow motion, your legs suddenly giving up on you, the siren wailing so loud your head could burst, forcing you to forget all the emergency instructions you were given. You needed to open the door. You needed to get this people out of there, those who were screaming in pain, cursing, and pleading for help.
"You can't go." A soft voice somewhere behind you said, and you froze. "You will die out there."
Someone's hands wrapped around you like a rope, making it harder to breathe, not letting you take one more step to the rusted metal door and dragging somewhere back instead until you felt the cold grey wall with your back. It was him, wasn't it? It was the man who had been watching you for a month from inside the stone, waiting for his chance.
When the realization hit you, the fear became suffocating. You couldn't move, couldn't even speak or cry out something to make others know you're trapped here, with a man in the wall who was taking you with him. But nobody would hear you anyway: the unstopping cries of people from the assemble shop #3 were earsplitting, and the siren didn't get silent either, making your efforts futile.
"Don't be afraid," he murmured so gently as if he was your lover, making you want to puke, "I won't leave you here."
The wall behind your back moved with a sound you knew well. Although you expected to bump into cold stones and rusted hooks that would tear your skin apart, instead, you felt darkness embracing you, wrapping around you like a cocoon. The picture of the assemble shop #4 looked so far now, so little as if you were staring at the tiny photo in an old album. It felt surreal.
You were behind the stone wall - or inside of it, you couldn't tell - looking at the real world through the looking glass. They were right. All those people who were constantly telling you about the man living in the grey stone wall were right.
"I was waiting for you a long, long time," the voice behind you said, and you felt somebody - or something - lowering their monstrous head to your shoulder, making a quiet sigh, "but you finally came to share my solitude... Thank you."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @soleil-dor @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @melodie-rin @iheartsebandchris
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Hi there, congrats for the 1500 subs. How about the bros reaction to an MC who's an empath?
Brothers with an MC Who is an Empath
This should not have been as hard as it was but maaan, my brain just wasn’t working. Finally got it done though!
An Empath is essentially someone who is highly sensitive to outside stimuli like sounds, personalities, energies, emotions, or just hectic/chaotic environments. They tend to absorb the emotions of others into themselves because of this. Though their sensitivity can grant deeper understanding for others, it comes at the price of the Empath’s own emotional and physical health if not given enough time to decompress which can lead to feeling drained, irritable, depressed, or overwhelmed.
Oh boy, if there was ever any demon not in tune to his own emotions…
He started out legitimately not knowing what an "empath" was and frankly he didn't care to know. His main concern was just keeping the MC alive.
Though that didn't seem to be too hard because they apparently get tired quickly… or at least they had to take extended periods away from most of his brothers.
He wasn't sure why, he first assumed it was because they found his brothers annoying but that didn't seem to be the case either...
He'd see them grinning with Mammon after a jackpot, relaxing with Satan in silence, and even crying with Levi over things so niche and pointless he couldn’t imagine that they actually cared...
It wasn’t too long until they set their sights on him. 
They always seemed to know when he was stressed or when he needed to talk to someone. He'd even be embarrassed to admit there were days when he’d just hover somewhat close to them, face more or less slathered with "I really need to talk right now" but too proud to make the first move.
After some time, he decided to look up what an empath was again and it all clicked into place. They probably knew when he was tired because they could just sense it off of him.
And who knows how exhausting that must be for them...
After that little revelation he actually started paying more attention to his own health to keep it from spilling over to them, but he would still go to them to talk from time to time. He honestly never expected a human to become his closest confidant.
Mammon has BIG energy. He’s one of those personalities that just brightens a room he walks in but damn… if he’s not a little exhausting to be around sometimes…
Truthfully, he was kind of into their whole “I know how you feel so you don’t have to say it” vibe though it was really confusing to start with...
On the one hand, they never made fun of him for his sensitive side. Not once. And they seemed pick up on the days where he wasn't feeling his best as well, which only made him happy and want spend more time with them.
But on the other hand, he'd be lying if he said that their need to recharge away from him didn't catch him off guard a lot... Hell, for the first few weeks of getting to know the MC he thought they didn't like him at all!
It took the MC sitting him down and explaining to him that they're more sensitive to things like lights, sounds, and emotions for him to kind of get the picture. It wasn’t that they didn’t like him, they just needed to be somewhere calm.
Cue a lot of “Okay human, I’ll be calm. Promise! Ya won’t even now I’m here!” in a well meaning, but pretty loud voice and not getting much better from there, bless his heart...
Even after he eventually gets the picture and stops hanging off of their leg, it does bum him out to be separated for however long it takes for them to get better (at worst, it can be days).
But he really gets excited like a puppy whenever they finally come back again! Big grins and lots of hugs (good luck peeling him off now).
Levi is... best taken in short bursts.
Though his personality isn’t big like Mammon’s, he does have a lot of lingering negativity around him. Not exactly his fault, being Envy and all, but not great for someone who’s sensitive to emotions.
In truth, Levi genuinely loves being around the MC because they “get” him even if they don’t get what’s happening.
While his brothers may roll their eyes or struggle to understand how he can put so much emotional investment into an anime or a character, the MC would always seem to feel and respect that his emotions were genuine and let him experience them without question.
… But at the same time, that sensitivity meant that they got carried in with him through his every emotion, good, bad, or somewhat erratic depending on the situation… 
Add to that his higher than usual need for validation, investment, and feedback due to his insecurity and unfortunately he’s easily the most emotionally draining person in the House...
It took some time to explain to Levi what an empath was and that their desired space wasn’t because there was something wrong with him or anything, they just needed breaks. Thankfully, being an introvert himself meant that Levi understood this a lot quicker than Mammon.
In truth, being with Levi could be fun and rewarding for both parties. During his high points, his happiness truly does shine like no other, just… don’t overdo it.
In the beginning, Satan was honestly pretty impressed how quickly the exchange student saw through his fake smiles. They’d know that there was no actual joy behind them and thus avoided him for the most part.
This was before they formed their pact so he was perfectly fine with that. Let them hide, that’s the smart idea.
But after getting to know them and going through the body-switch, he started to see that it was deeper than just some good intuition on their part. Something about them… reflected the people around them...
They appeared to be acutely aware of the emotion in a given person or a given room and reacted like they were soaking in the atmosphere they found themselves in. Taking it into themselves…
It truly confused him.
Satan is the picture of emotional control, it’s been taught to him again and again to always keep a good handle on himself because things go flying when he doesn’t. The idea of being so open to others just didn’t make much sense to him… 
Why would anyone want to live so dependent on the emotions of others? It sounded chaotic just to hear about it...
But after he opened up to them about his own inner doubts he started to think it wasn’t such a bad thing. They appeared to be equipped to help him navigate his own emotions, especially the new ones he didn’t have the best grasp on yet.
He later did his own research into human emotions, discovered empaths, and that put it all into perspective. Like Lucifer, he did his best not to overwhelm them after that but there was little worry about that anyway. Satan is, again, emotional control at its finest.
Oh, Asmo picked up on their human’s little quirk relatively quickly compared to his brothers. Being emotionally observant is just part of what makes him so good at what he does.
Honestly, he enjoyed just watching them from afar… Watching the way their eyes lit up when talking to a cheerful Simeon or how huffy and frustrated they’d get along with Mammon when things weren’t going his way. It was cute to him, like a child playing “Pretend.”
Eventually, though, he started to notice that it went a lot deeper than mere imitation...
One day, Levi came home distraught about the tragic death of some voice actor he fancied and the MC was right along with him, crying as if that loss was theirs...
On another, Satan had spent the whole day silently fuming and the MC was a complete wreck, tense and on-edge for no other reason than the feeling of aggression in the air…
And crowds… crowded rooms seemed to be the death of them. So much noise and constant input, they’d have to leave so quickly…
Asmo saw all these things himself, without having to be told, and he became a refuge for them when things became too much. He has a big personality himself, but he could tone it down for a time and offer them a place away for a while.
If school, parties, or the brothers themselves just became too much, the MC could always go to Asmo’s room to vent like they let everybody else to with them. He’d keep the place quiet and calm and just help them sort things out...
Thank their father for Asmo’s observance.
Legit the calmest, sweetest, nicest person to be around. Truly the best companion for an empathic MC to have.
Beel’s personality is positive, sweet, and (most importantly) stable. He’s not too bombastic nor too withdrawn, he’s not riddled with hidden stress or self-loathing, and he’s not even manipulative in any way, he’s just… Beel.
Am I saying that Beel is the MC’s emotional support demon? Yes. Yes I am.
Being around Beel is like hooking them up to a walking battery recharging station. Something about him just exudes warmth and comfort… They could be wrapped up in his arms for days and never say a word yet still be perfectly content...
Beel doesn't really mind them coming to him when distressed either because he likes being able to help them when they’re feeling drained. It makes him feel kind of special, they don’t seem to go to anyone else in quite the same way.
Usually, one of his brothers will be in a bad mood and the human will flock to Beel like a protective barrier. They'll hug him or trail along behind him like a lost puppy, which he thinks is very cute.
If they’re feeling really out of it, he’d carry them around on his back while they rest like he does for Belphie sometimes. Any time his brothers try to get too close to them or look like they’re going to bother them, he’ll just carry them away to some place quieter.
Though, the MC did pick up the deep sadness he felt for Lilith and Belphie (while he was gone) from time to time.... Which, considering how kind and comforting he usually is, just makes that dip in mood all the more painful and distressing for them. Poor baby… 
Belphie is another calm personality to have around, kind of similar to Beel, but since he's more prone to sadness and irritability he doesn't make the best companion…
If Beel is comfort, then Belphie is repose. Relaxed and peaceful, but also languid and sluggish… When Beel isn't around, then he makes a decent second, but only on good days.
Belphie has a mixed opinion on their uncanny ability to pick up on his feelings… He tries his best to be “mysterious” so having someone who can read him like a book gets under his skin just a little…
But he also really likes how much it helps them get to know him and understand where he’s coming from (being the youngest, he isn’t as used to being heard by anybody other than Beel). So, he’s very conflicted…
It didn’t help at all when it came to light that the MC could legitimately tell that he felt very hostile and angry towards them while he was still in the attic. When he asked why they helped him anyway, they told him so that they could make Beel happy again, regardless of how he felt about them which... ouch...
As if he could feel any worse about that particular incident… They could feel how guilty he was about that… right?
Even if they can’t he makes sure that they know that he’s sorry and he won’t do it again. Probably the lil’shit.
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Sensitive Spots Part 2 (NSFW smut/angst) Mammon X Male MC
This is a continuation of another post: Part 1
Yuki is FTM (he/him). I just wanted to write smut but characters decided to go for angst
"What? Did I say something weird?" Yuki asks as all the demon brothers stare at him.
"Oh, Yuki." Asmo coos. "You really don't know what you do to us do you? Giving Mammon's wings special attention and then asking to do the same with everyone else."
"We weren't doing anything like that!" Mammon barks. "And even if we- If we were, what's the problem, huh?"
Yuki shrugs. "It's biology, and I like biology. I wanna learn about demon anatomy, and, while books can teach a lot, a diagram is nothing like touching the real thing."
"Well, that statement isn't wrong," Satan chuckles. "I suppose I should have leant you more descriptive books."
"That would be nice." Yuki comments. "Though, I'd still like to poke and prod y'all if y'all'd let me."
"You can poke and prod me all you want, Darling." Asmo giggles. "I can show you just how different demon anatomy can be."
"Me first." Belphie buts in.
Beel pauses chewing. "I wouldn't mind it either."
Satan chuckles. "I'd be happy to help educate you with a private lesson, Yuki."
"Oh no you don't!" Mammon growls. "The only one giving Yuki an anatomy lesson is me!"
Levi whines. "How can all of you say this stuff so casually?!"
Lucifer sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "Yuki, why is it that you always seem to rile them up?"
"I don't fucking know, but it's nice to know I can study y'alls' demon forms, at least most of you it seems like." Yuki smiles. "This is gonna be fun."
"I can't wait, Darling." Asmo leans in closer to Yuki, but, before he can respond, Mammon yoinks him out of his chair.
"I call dibs!" Mammon yells before running off with the human as an uproar comes from his brothers. The demon pulls Yuki into his room, slams the door, and shifts into his demon form as he faces the human.
"So that just happened?" Yuki looks at Mammon with confusion.
"Can you not be a nerd for 5 seconds?" Mammon grumbles with his cheeks flushed. "Do you have any idea what you've been saying?"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon. "Uh..." Yuki shrugs.
"Well, if you really want to be a nerd and study demon anatomy, you'll be studying me first." Mammon pouts.
"Oh uh, okay. So how do you wanna do this?"
Mammon gulps and takes Yuki by the hand, guides the human to sit on the bed with him. "Ya can go ahead and touch me..."
Yuki hesitates. "Where am I allowed to touch you?"
"Anywhere. Just- Touch me."
Yuki looks over Mammon's torso before tracing the markings on the demon's chest. Mammon's breath hitches.
"They're a different texture." Yuki mutters. "Are these tattoos or...?"
"They're kinda like birth marks." Mammon answers. "I didn't pick 'em."
"They look good on you." Yuki begins to undo the buckles of Mammon's top. It doesn't take long for the leather to fall from Mammon's shoulders. Yuki scoots himself to sit behind the demon.
"Ya really like my wings, don't ya?" Mammon chuckles softly.
"Yeah," Yuki answers easily. "They're really cool." Yuki delicately pulls at Mammon's wing and sees how far it can spread. He feels the thing leathery like skin and follows the white edges to the demon's shoulder blades. Mammon bites his lip. Yuki's hands feel up along Mammon's back, feeling how the muscles connect to the demon's wings. Mammon swallows his moan.
"You said the tissue here was sensitive." Yuki comments. "What does it feel like?"
"Good." Is the only word Mammon can get out without letting a groan slip past his lips. Yuki rubs the area where the leathery wing joins Mammon's back. The demon's wing twitches. Yuki rubs it again, the wing twitches again. Mammon can feel his cock stirring in his pants. Yuki tries rubbing another spot, this time Mammon's wing flutters. Yuki does this again and again, finding different spots at the base of Mammon's wings, seeing how the wings move depending on where he touches. A soft curse from the demon catches Yuki's attention.
"You good?" Yuki asks, looking over Mammon's shoulder. The human notices how Mammon's chest is heaving, cheeks and shoulders are flushed. Yuki's eyes widen as he looks further down and sees Mammon's cock straining against his pants. "Oh..." Yuki mumbles. "Oooooh, so they're that kind of sensitive."
Mammon turns to the human and growls. "Now you realize it?"
"'Huh?' 'Huh?!' Is that all you're gonna say?" Mammon tries to calm his breathing down.
Yuki shrugs, eyes not leaving the tent in Mammon's pants. "It's interesting anatomy. Is this kind of reaction common with all demons or is it-"
"Are you seriously still acting fucking like a nerd right now?"
"Should I not be?" Yuki asks.
"Fucking-" Mammon grunts. "You really are something else."
Heat rises in his Yuki's cheeks. "Are demons different down there as well?"
"I- Yeah." Mammon gulps. "Do ya... wanna see?"
Yuki slides off the bed and sets himself between Mammon's legs. "May I?" He asks.
"Fuck yes." Mammon groans.
Yuki hesitates for a moment and then undoes Mammon's belt. He unconsciously licks his lips as he pulls the zipper down, leaning closer as he does so. When Mammon's cock springs free, Yuki's eyes stare in amazement.
"Wow." Yuki mutters. White markings line either side of Mammon's cock, and rows of ridges are stacked along his shaft. Yuki leans in closer, fingers wrapping around the base of the demon's cock. Without thinking, Yuki leans down and licks the tip.
"Fuck." Mammon moans.
"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Yuki pulls away.
"Don't fucking apologize." Mammon reaches down and runs his hand through Yuki's hair. "Go ahead. Study my cock with your mouth."
Yuki leans in closer again, looking up at the demon to make sure what he's doing is okay, and takes the tip of Mammon's cock between his lips. He runs his tongue over the slit, savoring the taste of the demon. His hand slowly begins stroking the demon.
Mammon groans. "Fuck, Yuki."
Yuki takes more of Mammon into his mouth, mind going fuzzy as heat grows in his lower body. Yuki's other hand wanders down and begins rubbing circles against his clit through the fabric of his pants. Yuki strokes faster and begins to bob his head, taking in more and more of Mammon's cock each time his head descends. When he looks up, Mammon's blue eyes are staring back at him with flushed cheeks.
"You look so good with your lips wrapped around my cock." Mammon moans.
Those words both embarrasses and encourages Yuki. He tries to take Mammon deeper, trying to take the demon down his throat. He chokes and has to pull away, but he does back down, determined to take all he can. He closes his eyes as his head bobs faster, both of his hands working Mammon's cock.
"Y-Yuki-" Mammon pants. "I'm- Fuck, I'm close."
Yuki pulls Mammon's cock from his lips and strokes the demon's cock. He opens his mouth, tongue out and ready. The human looks up, watching as how Mammon's shoulders shudder and how the demon's bottom lip bleeds as he bites it.
A guttural groan escapes Mammon as he cums, his fingers digging into Yuki's scalp. Yuki keeps staring at the demon, taking note of every detail he can, as rope after rope of cum shoots into his mouth. Mammon stares back, watching as Yuki licks his lips clean and sucks the tip of Mammon's cock, making sure every drop is in his mouth. For a moment, the two stare at each other in silence. When Yuki swallows his cum, Mammon pulls the human onto his lap, and they kiss each other desperately.
"Mammon!" Yuki gasps when the demon bites the base of his neck. "Fuck- Your teeth."
"Too much?"
"No." Yuki grinds on Mammon's cock. "Do it again."
"Fucking asking to touch all my brothers." Mammon growls in Yuki's ear. "If you're gonna pick us all, I'm gonna be your first."
Yuki moans loudly as Mammon's teeth sink into shoulder, and the demon bucks his hips. "On you back." Yuki commands.
Mammon's pact pulls him down onto the mattress. He gazes up at Yuki with wide eyes.
"Was that okay?" Yuki asks as he rest his hands on the demon's chest.
"Y-yeah, ya just surprised me."
"Sorry." Yuki chuckles and lifts himself, pulling his leg free from his pants and underwear. His shirt is just long enough to cover himself. Mammon can't see it, but, when Yuki sits himself back on the demon's abdomen, Mammon can feel how wet Yuki is.
Mammon's hands trace up Yuki's thighs and pushing up the human's shirt. "Damn." He mutters.
Yuki flushes and pulls the shirt back down. "It's okay. You don't have to pretend to find me attractive."
Mammon's eyebrows furrow. "'Pretend?' What the hell are ya- Yuki, you're hot as fuck!"
"I'm really not." Yuki shrugs. "I accidentally got you horny, now you need a release, and I'm a warm body close by. It's okay, I'm mediocre. I get it. You don't have to lie."
"I ain't lying!" Mammon grumbles and flips Yuki over, laying the human face up while he cages Yuki in with his arms. "What the fuck are you talking about? Yuki, you fucking drive me wild! You drive so many demons nuts with how hot you are!"
Yuki stares blankly at Mammon for a beat and then laughs. The human yelps suddenly when Mammon flips Yuki on his back. "Mammon?" Yuki gasps.
"You're fucking sexy." Mammon growls. "If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." The demon licks up Yuki's neck, making the human gasp. Mammon's hands sneak under Yuki's shirt, feeling up the human's torso.
"Ma-Mammon-" Yuki moans. "You don't have to-"
"I want to." Mammon pulls Yuki's shirt over the human's head. "I want you."
Yuki looks back silently before nodding. "Okay, just- If you want to stop at any time, I won't be mad."
"Ya don't need to worry about that." Mammon mutters as he trails kisses down Yuki's torso. "Spread your legs for me."
Yuki gulps and does what he's told, opening his legs and revealing his hard clit and wet folds. Mammon rests his hands on the human's thighs and licks his lips. He leans in closer and blows on Yuki's sensitive bud. Yuki gasps, hips jumping forward at the sensation.
"Mammon, please-" Yuki mewls.
"Don't worry. I got you." Mammon says before running his tongue across Yuki's hole. The human's hands shoot to Mammon's hair, one of them gripping one of the demon's horn. Mammon goes deeper, pushing his tongue into Yuki and savoring the human's taste.
"Fuck- Mammon, I- ." Yuki moans, back arching. Mammon shifts his his focus, tongue twisting around Yuki's clit, as two of his fingers slowly enter the human's hole. Yuki's legs encase Mammon's head, pulling him in even more.
"M-Mammon, yes- Mammon." Yuki squirms in the demon's grasp as he repeats Mammon's name again and again. Mammon's fingers pump into Yuki, making the human's legs shake, as the demon sucks and nibbles on Yuki's clit. With a final curse and whimper of Mammon's name, Yuki cums. Mammon feels Yuki's walls squeeze his soaked fingers, and the human's clit pulsing on his tongue.
Mammon pulls away and licks his lips as he looks over Yuki's body. Yuki's chest is heaving, and his body still twitches as he comes down from his high. Yuki's arms have pushed his glasses up as he covers his face. "Yuki," Mammon pulls himself up and kisses Yuki's chest. "Lemme see that handsome face of yours."
"I'm sorry." Yuki chokes out, not moving his arms.
"What the hell are you apologizing about?"
"I just- This is-" Yuki sniffles. "What we just did- Why? How could you- Why me?"
"Ah fuck, are ya crying?" Mammon panics. "Did I hurt you? Did I-"
"No! No, I just-" Yuki wipes his eyes. "It feels so impossible. Mammon, you're- I know I'm not ugly, and that I can be cute sometimes, but I know I'm not sexy. You said that's not true, but you're- You're fucking gorgeous Mammon. You have it all, the looks, the voice, the confidence, the experience, but me- I just- I don't understand how you would ever do something like this with me. I'm just the mediocre nerd who's lucky enough to not be repulsive on a good day."
"What the hell, Yuki? Is that how you see yourself?" Mammon pulls the human in for a hug.
"I mean, how else can I see myself." Yuki murmurs. "Look at me."
"I am, and you're fucking sexy."
"I don't understand how you can say that."
"Because you are!" Flushed, Mammon leans in and kisses Yuki with agrowl. "You don't know how often you drive me wild."
Yuki is silent for a moment before speaking. "I don't understand, but... I know you aren't lying to me. I just- You're you, Mammon, a model with tons of fans who flirt with you, while the only people who try and get my attention want to copy my assignments or ask to cheat off of me during exams. It's obvious what people think of me, so how- Why do you, of all people, think I'm sexy?"
"Yuki, have you seen your face? Have you seen your body? Do you know how often you leave me all hot and bothered? I-" Mammon's face turns a darker pink and takes Yuki's hand, guiding it to hard cock. "Your voice, the way you called my name. The way you moved and moaned for me, I'm hard again because of how fucking sexy you are."
Yuki kisses him.
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zellerysworld · 3 years
『 Comfort 』
Sukuna x F!Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Tags: Fluff???, Established Relationship, Angst, Mentions of death, self hate, and abuse, slightly insane reader, slightly soft Sukuna
A/N: Readers abilities are touching people to make them sleep, transfer memories, and see past (for those with DID, talk to the souls within the persons mind). She serves as a informant by going inside victims heads to look in their pasts for curses that were around them; informing her teammates of location and grade level. She can also gain powers from whomever she touches for a short period of time.
Ex: Sukuna can give Malevolent Shrine to her for battle, but after one use/within five minutes, it vanishes. If she uses powers that are harsh on her body, (domain expansions or strong cursed manipulation) she faints/gets nose bleeds.
Your feet dragged against the brutally cold floors of the first-year dormitories at Jujutsu Tech. Everything around you was dark, dim light being provided by the full moons reflection through the windows. The corridor felt like a never-ending strip as you silently sobbed under your h/c locks.
Today was… hard. Usually, you can handle the painful endeavors of reaching into the depths of stranger’s minds, but today was different. Todays victim was a young boy, not even a teen, who was abused by his own parents. When you grazed his swollen cheeks as he lied motionless on the floor, the fear he felt as his mother raised a hand to him engulfed your body. Then and there on the scene, you began to cry uncontrollably.
Doing the same thing every day, seeing the same pain in people’s memories, reliving all of their fears within seconds- it was beginning to rip your soul apart piece by piece. At first, it was manageable. However, over the past year of being at this damned jujutsu school, all you seem to feel is excruciating aches in both body and soul.
Recalling the child’s memories, you fell against the wall of the corridor while burying your tearstained face into the same shaking, gloved hands that touched him. Gojo Satoru picked you to be a student because of your “Stability”, yet you were turning into the opposite. The way you viewed death and the nature of It was what impressed Gojo and everyone around you the most, though you have never seen yourself as impressive. All you do is touch people and relay information, nothing too complicated, right?
A door creaked open after your fall emitted a loud thud in the room behind you. When you lifted your head to apologize, you noticed it was none other than Yuji Itadori- Sukuna’s vessel in other words. The young sorcerers’ eyes widened at seeing you in such a distraught state, hastily running over to you. Yuji scanned your body for wounds but was only able to find a pair of empty eyes. “Y/n? Are you alright? C’mon, lets get you to your room.” He scooped you into his arms, carrying you as a mother does with her sleeping child.
Yuji opened the door, gently placing you onto the silk sheets of the rooms bed as you silently cursed yourself for being so weak. The expression you bared made him pained, so he attempted to make you comfortable by taking your shoes off. After doing so, he sat to side of the bed. He held your shielded hand into his bare ones before recommending, “How about talking to Sukuna?”
Your voided eyes closed as you slouched into the headboard. Sukuna would be disappointed to see you in such a state, him possibly refusing to secretly work with you anymore if he saw this mess. Or even worse, he’d stop loving you. From that thought, your mind continued to spiral.
While stuck in your self-pity, Yuji was removing a glove from your hand. “Gojo makes you talk to Sukuna for information, but I know you enjoy talking to each other. He thinks about you a lot.”
Hearing Yuji’s words made your eyelids flash open like lightning as he removed the glove completely. Gojo assigned you to become an informant for him by touching Yuji to go into Sukuna’s domain, however that plan backfired. Overtime, you began to tell Gojo you couldn’t get anything from him, while secretly falling for and scheming with Sukuna. There was a pact made between the two of you: In exchange for touching Yuji to temporarily gain sukuna’s abilities, you must kill with those powers.
You grew to hate violence over the years; having seen multiple forms of it through people’s memories. But you made an exception, being that violence should be used against those who use violence with malicious intent. Although it is a bit of a hypocritical way to think.
When going out with Yuji and others, you take advantage of the surroundings by stalking your next prey. You do this by “accidentally” bumping into people on the streets and reading their memories to search for any abusers, cheaters, or murderers. Although you were technically a killer too, you knew one day you’d have to pay for your sins. Lately, that day seems to be snaking its way closer to you.
“Y/n?” Yuji questioned with a slight tilt of his head; his voice snapping you from your train of thought. Raising the hand he ungloved, the fingertip of your index finger tapped against his forehead. With the tap, his body relaxed before falling into a deep state of sleep. His head fell onto your lap, giving a perfect opening to use your ability. You took the smooth palm of your bare hand, and cupped Yuji’s jawline. This was how you opened communication into someone’s memories, or in this case, into someone’s personalities.
Although you were nervous to see what sukuna would think of you in such a ruined state, Yuji’s words made you feel relaxed. Sukuna was your partner after all, he should be able to see you like this. But then again, he was the king of curses, not just some human guy you picked up on a dating website. In the end though, your want of Sukuna’s comfort overlaps your fear.
Your eyelids shut, then reopened in a different place. It was still nighttime at this location, but it was not the physical world that humans are used to- even if it felt like it was. A vast plateau of flowers swayed in the man-made dream you were in. Constellations of multiple forms helped the moon light up the colorful night sky. The cool air caused you to slightly shiver as it brushed through the grass.
“Why did you bring me here, brat? I was sleepin’ on my throne.”
Sukuna’s rugged voice didn’t seem to faze you as you gazed upwards to the moon. Instead, it oddly comforted you. Although most are terrified of his presence alone, it did not budge your already cracking mind in any shape or form. It slightly annoyed Sukuna that he couldn’t scare you, but it felt comfort in knowing that there is at least one person in this world who doesn’t flinch at the sound of his name.
When you didn’t respond to his question, he lifted a brow in confusion. The robed man slowly stepped through the tall grass, his hands staying in his pockets of course. “Hey,” he started as his warm palm gripped your right shoulder, “Answer me.” His tone became serious, but if you squint, you can see the worry in it. The sound of your silence was so damn loud.
Sukuna jerked your shoulder, revealing your heartbroken expression to his red pupils. You leaned your head downwards, feeling embarrassed that he had to see you like this, but who else could you have gone to? “Yu-Yuji told me y-ou,” you hickuped while trying to speek, trying to hold back your tears from him, “He t-told me you… think about me.” Your tears looked like melting diamonds as they fell from under your locks and into the moonlight.
(For those that want to feel the moment.)
He didn’t know what to feel, nor what to do, until you muttered out, “I’m sorry…”
In that moment, you felt your knees go weak. Your legs gave out, making you fall into the grass. Sukuna quickly grabbed your waist, falling into the grass with you as your cushion. He nuzzled his tattooed face against your puffy cheeks while whispering, “Show me what happened.”
You lifted a hand, cupping his jawline to open communication into his nervous system. Through the line, you showed him the memories you saw and how they hurt you. Sukuna couldn’t have been less fazed, seeing as he is the king of curses and was a mass murderer. But when he saw the expression you made when ripping your hand away from the boy, his spirit felt like a nail went through the center of it.
He sighed, moving loose hairs from your forehead so he could have a full look at your bloodshot eyes. Your e/c orbs told him how drained you were beginning to feel from the mortal world. He cooed, “I wish I wasn’t trapped in this brat. I would destroy the entire world for you, Y/n… You wouldn’t have to deal with any shitty pains like this.”
Sukuna hated everyone, except you. As the saying goes, Heroes would sacrifice you for the world, while villains would sacrifice the world for you. He enjoys telling himself the lie of “Y/n got on my good side”, but Sukuna always knew the truth of why he couldn’t help but care for you so much: You changed him. Out of billions of people just on this planet alone, you were the one to take his heart, mind, and philosophy and then mold it.
Killing was killing to Sukuna, and that’s all there was to it. But he found his goals shifting when he meant you. The insanity that filled your eyes as you’d hold a fresh blade against the neck of your enemies. Human or curse, it didn’t matter to you. Bad was bad, good was good; things were black and white to you as they were to him, but in a different manner. Your bravery was another factor to his care for you. The fact that you went unarmed into Yuji’s mind after he ate the finger just to get a view of Sukuna’s throne without any care for consequences was such a curious thing to him.
You both saw things the same way, yet not. The complexity of your careless philosophy was something to applaud in his eyes. But as you lay in your despair, Sukuna is grimly reminded you are still a human that must endure the torture that is a fleeting life. He wanted you to be a curse like him, enjoying the comfort of eternity in a paradise he could build for just the two of you.
But in the end, you were just a human. And although it sounds like something he is absolutely disgusted by, it’s not. If anything, the fact you are just a human girl catches him off guard even more. A human girl managed to move a god’s heart. A human girl somehow has the power to see people’s pain and was never moved until many years later. Sukuna didn’t know if he should have been happy or terrified to find someone like you.
His thoughts were cut off by the sound of your silent sobs, making him close his eyes in uneasiness. It took him a few minutes, but he soon realized what he could do to relieve your pains. He saw what you saw and felt what you felt, therefore he knew just how helpless and weak you were feeling. To him, you werent weak at all, and he needs you to see that.
Your crystalized eyes looked to his blood-colored ones.
“Let me show you what I see.” His voice was soft, yet still had a rugged tone to it.
He pulled you upwards, making you sit up across from him while waving grass continued to surround the two of you. Leaning into you, his forehead leaned on yours as you snaked a hand across his palm, entangling your wrist with his fingers. The hand you were snaking tightly gripped at your forearm before you gripped onto his. Using this technique is a more intimate way of opening a line of communication. Both of your eyes closed to open it completely.
In Sukuna’s memories, you view things how he views them and see things through his mindset. It felt like a wave of ease flow throughout your body as you became comforted in the way he sees you. Most of the moments you saw were when you would smile, fight, or annoy Sukuna in general. Which, by the way, you were the only person who could ever taunt Sukuna and live to see the sun rise.
When your eyes fluttered open, he felt your lashes against his skin. This prompted him to open his eyes as well, and he found a pleasant surprise upon opening them. “What?” You questioned with a hint of sass, feeling your tears dry as your aching mind became soothed. Sukuna smirked, enjoying seeing a temporary tint of red over your normally e/c orbs.
Usually, your eyes don’t change colors after a connection, so it struck him as pleasant while it lasted, “Nothing, you are just a giant ass baby.”
“Oh shut the fuck up. You are the same person who got mad and came out when I ate a croissant that was meant for yuji!”
“I can taste whatever this brat eats, you realize that right? Those butter ones are tasty…”
Your eyes reverted back to their normal state as you bickered with your partner in the moonlight lit field. While back in the physical world, Yuji was snoring away on your bed in a very unflattering position. Although you don’t get to see Sukuna in the physical world, you still find comfort in feeling his soul In the spiritual world.
My request are open. <3
Edit: on my god thank you guys to much. ❤️❤️ I’m getting so many requests! I’ll start working on them when I get home from work today. They will be posted within 2-3 days because these requests are actually pretty good ones that are really long 😂. But my requests are still open so don’t be afraid to submit something!
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