#silly guys in big capes
ariaricottoncandy · 1 year
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i love their dynamic it's so dumb and silly
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fidgetspringer-art · 5 months
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The Shimmer Shields - Uniform design
#digital art#illustration#artists on tumblr#art#dungeons and dragons#dnd#ttrpg#homebrew#concept art#original characters#ocs#my ocs#Fen tag#Alowin tag#Setting: Heim#I was gonna do this rendered all pretty and stuff#but i've already spent too much time fiddling with this so flats will have to do#i really wanted to get the Shields uniform down on paper#as well as two of my silly little guys#Fen is wearing the standard officer uniform that people would commonly see on the streets of Novo-Mellior#Alowin is wearing the private hire uniform since he gets assigned to Tethry after a failed attempt on his life#The private hire uniform comes with a cape meant to cover the sword at their hip during formal events.#also anyone who ends up on private hire is ribbed pretty heavily by the rest of the soldiers since#that often means they get assigned either to some arrogant noble or an important caster (like an archmage)#and with the way that Shields and casters don't get along very well you'll get bullied for babysitting one.#The Shields value their uniforms and gear very highly since to a lot of them it's the only thing of significance that they own.#Their bracers and shields (not pictured cause idk what i want to do for them yet) are tiled with flail snail shell#which allows them to both block and reflect any spells cast at them back on the caster#it's also where the name of their order comes from cause shiny#I had big plans for this piece but at the end of the day it's just a design sheet
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snakerdoodlle · 1 year
I look into your eyes and I see what could’ve been, and then my heart breaks all over again
Be who you areeee for your priiiideeee ☝️ I’ve wanted to draw Maven and Thomas together for a while and there’s no better way to kick off pride month so here they are, the tragic bfs 🫶
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stuffedsand · 9 months
youguys should. send me doodle requests. pspspsppsps
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cryptidcalling · 9 months
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My most recent Vesper drawings compared to the very OG adopt I bought from Lazette-Menhir on Deviant art almost two years ago now! It took me a while to really focus on and develop him but I love him very dearly <3
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Big fckn redesigns here. Well mostly Charlie but Vaggie somewhat too 🥰🥰
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Blue fits Charlie soooo much and I cease to see that many redesigns with this color. I still want red to be used in most of their designs because well. They are in hell, but not too present so to make way for other unique colors. Charlie has several physical traits from her parents but also she has some details in her clothes that match with them. When I uhh, introduce their designs you'll see lmao. I also tried to make her have a more roundish design, I jst LOVE those typ of designs omg. I just want the characters with not too many sharp corners pls Viv bro... 😔 oh yeah she's mixed cuz her mom's are darker in their redesigns. Alot of their genetics went down to Charlie so she doesn't look like an exact copy of Lucifer, I kind of hate that trend with hh and hb characters, like did the moxxies dad give birth to him bro 😭 also I kept her bow because it looks so cute and silly on her it just fits, I wish they made it bigger in her show design because it would fit her silliness so much. She has a cape with stars because morningSTAR smh why didnt they do something fun with that, missed potential but whatevs yknow I still love og designs no matter what anyone sayss. Did you know I love Charlie, I could ramble for days. I think I love Charlie guys. Maybe jst a hunch idk... also... s-snake fangs.. jeepers anddd..... snake tongue.... shiver me timberz
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The wife ever. I had animation in mind more when I designed her, not like in a "How easy or hard would this be to animate" way. But I like to imagine when she's shocked her hair kind of fluffs out plus her actual fluff, when she's mad her bow turns into kind of horns and then her jacket expands like wings. Gave her a more hotel like outfit, she likes to work for fun (ew). Her socks are socks but she has some fluff under them she just tries to cover it up because she hates herself 🤪 (she doesn't hate her bigger body she actually feels much more comfortable chubby than when she was skinny with Adam. She was burdened with the weight of Adam's image of women... In this sorta rewrite she gained weight when she goes to the hotel because she's more happy. I'm dying I love chub Vaggie so much guys please) headcanon: she kind of likes fashion, it's like a fun hobby of hers to stitch together clothing and go out and buy clothes she'll never wear. She taught Charlie how to stitch and she SUCKS so you can jst see it on Charlie's pants.
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Second outfits! Charlie's hotel uniform for. Well. Hotel stuff. She usually only wears it when new people come to the hotel, which.... isn't often, if at all. She still likes to keep it just in case. Also she goes really cartoonish when it happens, she does the looney tunes run and changes into her clothes in like 2 seconds. Can you see my vision? 😭😭
Vaggie's is in her armor. She has several pairs of armor lying around in the hotel in completely hidden spots. It's kind of surprising uhh. Yeah she wears it alot more than Charlie wears her alt uniform but still rare to find her in it. I don't get the whole thing with the exterminators and them not being able to fight according to Carmilla. Which is kinda stupid, I'm not gonna lie. So, instead of that, Vaggie has just let her guard down and has gotten much more comfortable in her surroundings so she feels like she doesn't need to fight anymore, she's just gotten rusty 's what I'm sayin. I have no idea how to draw armor. You can tell...
Extra below cut vvvv
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BABY CHARLIE!!! With the heads of my redesigns for Luci, Eve, and Lillith. Haha you still cant see them. Uhh, ill definitely finish the thing one day. Its not even that big of a project thing, i think i jst keep going to other drawings so im like not focusing on one thing lmao. Lucifer has heterochromia because he was cursed to forever be reminded of his betrayal. I only explained that because Charlie has it too, it's kind of a curse on the entire blood line where at least one eye is red. This is like. Slightly older Charlie than the baby Charlie in show? I jst wanted to put her in overalls cuz omg that's jst so cute ughhh 😭😭
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powderblueblood · 4 months
I know this has been done a million and one times, but Eddie just vibing at the gas station. Something inevitably goes wrong. Please and thanks dear Powder
jo my love i present to you 1k+ words of eddie munson's no good very bad wednesday night no warnings! just silly. and acab includes hopper
So it's eight thirty on a Wednesday night, the very armpit of the week, and Eddie's standing there under the glare of the gas station fluorescents. Right in the heart of the snack aisle.
"What's become apparent to me, Sam, is-is-is-is that it's fear. It's the iron claw of the bonds of being a scaredy-cat little bitch that has stunted me fundamentally."
Loaded. So stoned he's stalagmite.
"See, I'm a capable guy. Many capes have I, but it's like, I've finally mastered the fuck-you-chip-on-my-shoulder adolescent thing that I'm reluctant to let it go. I'm skirting around putting on my big boy pants. I'm failing my courses. I'm dumbing myself down to stick around high school, seemingly, on purpose. Because I'm afraid!"
Eddie's pouring his heart out to the narcoleptic octogenarian cashier, the guy that likely built this place out of shiplap and bullet casings way back when it was a horseshit stop for Buffalo Bill's Wild West Freak Show or whoever.
"And I know what you're thinking." Sam isn't thinking anything. Sam's sleeping with his eyes wide open. "Why not really, grr, take root with that family tree, huh? Drop out like my old man and my uncle did? Well, I'll tell ya--"
Eddie wonders, in the middle of his own sentence, what it'd be like to hitch his wagon to an operation like that and coast solely on being a moorless weirdo.
He's really stoned, okay?
"--high school is easy to fail in. Real life? Isn't."
And look, before you get all, he's got good reason. It's been a particular drag of a week, a real sandpaper to the balls kind of kick off. Corroded Coffin's Tuesday night engagement at the Hideout was a special kind of bust--not least of all because the slapdash stage finally gave way under all that threatening creaking, and almost took Jeff's neck with it.
The neck of his bass and his human body. Neither of which Jeff's ass is in any position to fix.
So Eddie's got a band that's bruised and barely in the pocket, and a mouth that won't stop running.
“WSQK 94.5, The Squawk!” Eddie echoes the radio, complete with eagle screech, as the opening chords of Renegade by Ted Nugent & the Amboy Dukes pick up. "Hawk-ening right back to a time when Ted Nugent hadn't yet sold all his actual guitaristry to that pissant Wango Tango-ing... You know what, man, this is it!"
His ringed hands come down on the counter all a-clatter, chip crumbs flying out the bag he hasn't quite paid for yet.
"Lock me in a room full of records under a radio tower and throw away the key, I mean, I would be good to fucking go. None of that shock-jock shit, either. I'd play nothing but real music. The Hawkins Midnight Rambler, huh?" But Sam isn't paying sufficient enough attention. "Think I got a face for radio, Sammy?" Because he's asleep.
It takes a couple of molasses-slow moments for Eddie to register this, he himself still working through his own big sluggishness. I mean, damn, even waving a hand in front of the old man's face is an effort.
He's out, though, like a light. Makes Eddie wonder how this place stays open, much less unrobbed.
Well. Careful what you wish for there, buddy.
His hand is slinking toward a Three Musketeers, ready to nab it from the shelf right under old Sam's nose and write him a little IOU for whenever he next has the cash, but Eddie senses a shuffling behind him.
"Put your fuckin' hands in the air!"
Oh? "Dude, what?"
There's this guy behind him, this guy whose corporeal form Eddie can't be a bajillion percent sure isn't, like, a vivid hallucination, with pantyhose tugged over his face. Poking a pistol around under the cover of his camo jacket. The whole bit.
"Put your hands in the air or I put a hole through ya, asshole! You too, old man!"
Eddie tuts, hands still very much hovering near that candy bar.
"What's the fucking hold up, you and your grandpa tryin' to get shot or somethin?!" this very serious masked assailant demands.
"He's asleep, guy," Eddie says. "He can't hear you."
"What?!" our villain splutters, "Well... wake the fuck up! I ain't got all day and I want what's in that reg--"
He goes to point his still-concealed fuckin' sharp shooter or whatever it is he has at Sam's face, and Eddie, with this strange surge of protectiveness and complete buffoonery, nudges his arm away.
"Don't! Number one, dude's a narcoleptic, you could give him a heart attack if you just woke him up like that--number two, I saw him pull a sawed off from under that counter one time and you're in way closer range so the hole he blows through you is gonna be, like, way bigger and... like, he'll kill you and shit. Be cool."
The would-be thief groans. Oh, god, Eddie just knows he thought this hit job would be way easier. In and out, quick and dirty, wham-bam-thank you Sam.
Eddie nearly laughs. He does laugh, actually, because he's still super-mega fucking high and can't exactly control the noises that come out of his mouth, so next thing the dude is rounding on him with the thing in his pocket. Eddie actually puts his hands up this time. Feels a cold shock go through him somewhere that he really hopes isn't piss.
You ever get that? Get so stoned you constantly think you're peeing yourself? Anyway.
"Get the fuck behind the counter! If the old man can't open the register for me, you're gonna do it!"
"But I don't know how." Liar. Lying ass. Eddie knows how to work a goddamn register. It's not like he's tucking that money from the Hideout straight into his garter belt. Though he could. Maybe he should. Maybe he should buy a garter b--
"I'm gonna tell you how, dickhead!"
"What's in it for me?"
"Is that a fucking joke, wise guy?"
Only kinda. Closed mouths never get fed. "Worth a shot."
But Eddie doesn't really love this dude's tone, so he obediently scoots behind the counter, and almost gets distracted by all the copies of Penthouse Sam is keeping back here. He knew the bastard was holding out on him.
"Um..." Eddie gingerly starts, hands just sort of floating in the direction of the register in a way he hopes to Christ won't disturb Sam and wake him into a world of cardiac calamity.
So the guy tells him what buttons to push, clearly a man of the trade, a fellow familiar with wiling countless hours away behind a counter, which makes Eddie be all, why don't you steal from your own job, you shyster and keeps hitting the wrong buttons on purpose.
But dear old Sammy must have this thing rigged to make Eddie look like an asshole, because out pops the fucking drawer anyhow!
This guy, the pantyhose head, the robber, lets out an honest-to-god yippee! as he reaches over to snatch that cash.
And Eddie, working solely on instinct at this point, narrows his lovely red-rimmed eyes and shoves the drawer right in on the unlucky fuck's fingers.
He screams. And Eddie screams. And something falls out of his pocket. And Eddie leans over the counter, expecting to see and hear the shiny clatter of a pistol hit the lino.
But there is no such hardware.
It was a banana in his pocket. He was not happy to see you.
"What the fuck, man!" they chorus in near unison. They could have been brothers in another life, says some disembodied voice in the back of Eddie's head.
But then, something yellow flies towards Eddie's face and the shock of it knocks him right back into the lotto tickets and cigarettes. Thunk! His head knocks far too hard against the fire extinguisher and now there's two unconscious guys behind the counter.
Now, I don't know if you've ever had a banana thrown in your face by a masked assailant before, but I would call that something of an overreaction.
Anyway, he wakes up to police sirens and that Callaghan dweeb hauling him up by the front of his Hellfire shirt.
"Sshsjesus, Officer Handsy, buy a guy dinner first," Eddie slurs, head pounding. Callaghan's dorky Buddy Holly glasses have an aura around them that he unconsciously tries to swat away.
"He's resisting arrest!" Callaghan yells.
"Keep it down, I have a headache!" Eddie blinks once, twice, twenty-million times and is still having a tough time taking stock of his surroundings. Cash drawer's open and empty, and Sam is nowhere to be seen. "Didja catch the guy or what? He had a banana gun. Threw it right at me."
"Pipe down. Edward Munson, you're under arrest for armed robbery--"
"--wait, hold on--"
"--endangering the elderly--"
"--hold the fuck on!"
"--and swearing at a police officer!" Callaghan clicks the cuffs on and Eddie's about to burst, he's so mad and his head is pounding with such a fury. Shuffling him out into the forecourt and into the squad car like some kind of penguin idiot!
"That last thing isn't even real!" he spits, "None of this is real--I was trying t--fuck, did you not hear me about the banana gun?!"
"Reminds me to drug test him when we get back to the station," Callaghan puffs as he slides into the passenger seat.
"No one's drug testing anybody," Chief Hopper grumbles from behind the wheel. "We don't even have those facilities. Plus, kid doesn't even have any of that stolen cash on him."
"Thank you!" Eddie barks from his seat in the back. He can't really seem to sit upright, and he doesn't know whether to contribute that to the lump that's risen on the back of his head or the drugs that are definitely still in his system.
"W--well, why are we arresting him, then?" Callaghan blubs. Which is actually a salient point.
The Chief shrugs. "I'unno. Wednesday night. Somethin' to do."
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kindestofkings · 9 months
tis the damn season
robert keating x reader (she/her)
heres the requested bobby fic! reader is bobbys neighbour in dublin and they've had a situationship thats always off again on again, which ryan is v fed up with lol <3
enjoy and also happy new year ! forgot how much I love making these so please come with some more requests, I always love getting them xxx
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yourusername posted to their story!
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year FIVE of working as a waitress during silly season, people need to be KINDER
yourbestfriend not all heros wear capes yourneighbour1 god bless you ↳ its been TOUGH but neighbours christmas party next week !! ↳ yourneighbour1 UGH best part of the season alsooo did I see a certain curly haired bass player make his return to the road...? ↳ feck he's home earlier than usual 😀 ↳ yourneighbour1 time to rekindle the infamous situationship??
yourusername posted to their story!
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the return of the loudest next door neighbour known to man, yay 👍👍
yourneighbour1 😏😏 bobbyskeetz get rid of that sarcastic yay ryanmcmahon_15 yay my fav idiots have been reunited ! ↳ idiots? plural? why am I an idiot ryan?? ↳ ryanmcmahon_15 hmmhmm when will yee learn
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liked by yourusername and others
bobbyskeetz home.
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joshjenkinson_ lookin so mysterious and interesting xx
inhalerfan1 he is one of us
inhalerfan2 missed the intense staring since tour has ended, thanks mr skeetz !
inhalerfan3 christmas came early
yourusername smoking kills
bobbyskeetz excuse me?? I have NEVER and WOULD never yourusername big fat liar yourbestfriend y'all are the worst, every fecking christmas ryanmcmahon_15 what she said !
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liked by yourneighbour1 and others
yourusername the kids table at the neighbours christmas party is always the place to be <3
also slayed so hard with my kris kindle present he literally cried for hours 💅
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bobbyskeetz I cried cause you threw it at me
yourneighbour1 weakling bobbyskeetz ugh thanks tho.... I guess
ryanmcmahon_15 bobby and yn being adults when
yourbestfriend but then what would happen to their beloved situationship? yourusername guys you know this is MY comment section right?
joshjenkson_ hahah the perfect gift for him
yourneighbour2 ugh BEST PARTY EVAAAA
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername and it always leads to you and my hometown
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yourbestfriend ah ryanmcmahon_15 shes quoting tis the damn season by THE taylor swift, what does this mean?
ryanmcmahon_1 gasp not the sad tones..
bobbyskeetz confused we're from the same hometown...?
yourusername you uncultured swine its a lyric 😭
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
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inhalerfan1 no way what the hell !! where?
bobbyskeetzswife literally in Dingle, Kerry 😭😭 he said hes with the lads but they ran out of drink so he was forced to go to the shops 😭 😭 inhalerfan1 omg hahahah I can't believe they just played the 3Arena
inhalerfan2 no way wonder why they're in dingle, such a random Irish town...
inhalerfan3 that girl that they all follow is in Kerry aswell with grace (eli's girlfriend) bobbyskeetzswife is that yourusername? I wonder who she is, bobby is always interacting with her inhalerfan2 huh wonder has he got a girlfriend
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liked by elijahhewson and others
graciebrns wholesome few days before what I've been told, will be the best party I'll ever attend
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elijahhewson promise its not an oversell
joshjenkinson_ agreed yourusername throws a phenomenal party yourusername ah flattered lads thank you
bobbyskeetz the million hikes will be worth it
yourusername you said you loved going on hikes bobbyskeetz course I do love 😔 inhalerfan2 love ?? gathering evidence
inhalerfan1 wholesome band trip bless
yourneighbour1 woohoo almost time to partyyyy
ryanmcmahon_15 how did one row of houses produce so many party animals?
yourusername party animals okay old man bobbyskeetz just cause you can't ever keep up ryan yourneighbour1 its how we were raised 😤
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername hot people have birthdays on nye 💅
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bobbyskeetz so feckin hot
yourusername baby stapppppp that
yourbestfriend was the BEST time ever
elijahhewson class night it was, graciebrns whats the verdict?
graciebrns best. night. ever. yourusername I love you thanks for having me <33 yourusername you kidding me? thank you for coming !!
inhalerfan1 oh hello inhaler spotted ..
inhalerfan2 not bobby on the decks
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liked by yourusername and others
bobbyskeetz happy birthday gorgeous, love cleaning up bottles with you on new years day x
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yourusername ahhhh the taylor reference 😭
yourusername my favourite nosey neighbour <3
ryanmcmahon_15 I have never been so invested in two idiots getting together properly
yourbestfriend so insufferable its taken like 13 years for them not to be idiots yourusername and what about you two being idiots.. bobbyskeetz whats your favourite book trope again love? yourusername FRIENDS TO LOVERS BABY, take notes ryanmcmahon_15 yourbestfriend
inhalerfan1 sad sad day for the bobby girlies 💔
bobbyskeetzswife noooooooooo
finished xx
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mbirnsings-71 · 1 month
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one of my pieces for this year's @batfam-big-bang!! My first one actually participating in so that's really fun!! (I have two more coming so like yeahhhhhh you guys are gonna get to see my art!!)
This art was drawn for @bisexualbrucewayne's very silly fic that you can read here! I'm recommending you guys read it because it's very silly I promise!!
Image ID underneath the keep reading because it got long-
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Poison Ivy and Jason Todd as Robin in a plant filled warehouse at sunset. The walls of the warehouse are made of concrete bricks while the floor is just concrete, but both are covered extensively in plants and vines. There are also two wooden crates, a potted plant, a bunch of spilled dirt, a table with test tubes on it, and windows in the background as well. The drawing is split into two sections diagonally from the upper right corner to the bottom left corner. On the left side of the screen is Jason, in his robin attire of Red Tunic with short green sleeves, scaly green shorts, green gloves, green pixie boots, bright yellow cape, green mask, and green and black elbow pads and knee pads. He also has two black and yellow bandaids on him, one on his upper arm and the other on one of his shins. He is pointing at the screen with one hand and clutching his other hand in a fist by his chest, while his mouth is open (where you can see braces on his teeth) and his eyebrows are furrowed as he's confronting Poison Ivy. On the right side of the drawing Poison Ivy is reaching towards an enlarged potted venus flytrap while looking offscreen (at Jason). She has a red and black flower tucked behind her ear, along with a laurel wreath resting on her head and leaves in her hair. She also has leafy vines wrapped around her arms, and her skin is pale with light green spots and dark green freckles on it in several places like under her eyes, on her shoulders, on her elbows, and at the very ends of her hands. She has a leafy vine choker around her neck, and her main outfit consists of a light green leaf textured one piece that has dark green leaves along the top and bottom of it and light green tights that has a leaf pattern running down the side of them.]
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
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Universal Monsters + Fuckability
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Qualifications (choosing movies)
I have seen the movie.
Characters listed as part of the Universal Monsters lineup (Phantom of the Opera from 1925 for example is not included.)
Personality and events of film considered just as much as physical attractiveness.
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[ID: Picture of Bela Lugosi as Dracula, dressed in black clothes and a cape, staring at the camera with an annoyed expression. His face is slightly in the shadows. End id]
Dracula (1931)
Bela Lugosi kinda handsome
Vampires hot
Has three wives (dick is good) (plus you can hang out with wives)
Loses points because the movie was boring and he kills Lucy Westron, poly icon (antifeminist)
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[ID: image of Boris Karloff as Frankenstein, holding his hands to his face, looking offscreen and with a disturbed expression. The lighting only lights up his face. End ID]
Frankenstein (1931)
Literally just born (minor) and doesn’t understand sex
Movie diverged too much from the book for me to like it 
Too awkward and big
Unclear if he has any genitalia at all
1/10 because this image is cool and a little sexy
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[ID: Boris Karloff as Imhotep the mummy. His skin is dried and sunken in. He's glaring at something offscreen. He's dressed in a high collar brown shirt and a cap that covers the top of his head. End ID]
The Mummy (1932)
One of my faves 
Backstory is centered around LOVE - will literally curse the gods and forsake everyone for his lover. Hot. 
The opening scene where he came awake for the first time was sexy.
Anti colonialist
Nice voice
Loses points for unfortunately not being very attractive - dry skin
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[No image for this slide]
The Invisible Man (1933)
Wanted to take over the world and went to his best friend and not his FIANCE??? Gay, and clearly doesn’t care about lover’s needs (even with said best friend). 
Not a monster, just an asshole
Pushed over a baby carriage! Disgusting
We don’t know what he looks like. Sexiness only comes from whether or not you think having sex with someone you can’t see would be hot or not.
Gets points for being a silly little guy, ambition being hot, and the “villain goes soft only for his loved one” trope
Still. -5/10
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
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Like Frankenstein, Literally just born (minor) and doesn’t understand sex
Also had strong reaction AGAINST being an object of desire and so ranking her is missing the point
However because she’s the ONLY woman on this list she gets special privileges.
will be ranking her as if she was not literally ten minutes old and if she understood sex
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[ID: Elsa Lanchester as the bride of Frankenstein. The lighting of the image is very bright, so you can see her whole upper body with very few shadows. She's staring at something offscreen with a curious but frightened expression. She wears white robes, and her hair is black with a white streak up the sides, in a beehive style. End ID]
Bride of Frankenstein (1935) (cont.)
Horror movie scream A+
Gorgeous and Iconic
Understands No Means No. (Unlike other creatures on this list) 
Baby Girl you are SO unnerving 💖💖💖 
Tall Woman. Probably strong. 
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[ID: Two images of the wolf man. One is the wolf man as the wolf man, standing in thr woods, his face covered in fur, his hands furry and clawed, looking panicked. The second is Lon Cheney Jr. as Larry Talbot, a white man with short dark hair slicked back, dressed in a suit with a plaid tie, with a stressed out look on his face. End ID]
The Wolf Man (1941)
This movie just makes me sad. Larry Talbot is a tragic figure.
But he’s also kind of a stalker (spies on woman)
Only a monster half of the time
Wolf form isn’t attractive. (human form okay.)
No sense of control. 
Not even a little okay with his murders. Too pathetic and sad.
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[ID: Image of the creature from the black lagoon, a creature the size of a man covered in scaley and amphibian-like skin with a fish-like face. He's mostly submerged in water, only his head and finned hands with sharp claws poking out of the water. End ID]
The Creature From The Black Lagoon (1954)
Definitely my favourite
Environmentalist! Anti colonialist! 
Swimming scene half creepy half romantic, also gets points for inspiring The Shape of Water (2017).
Phenomenal creature design, A+. 
Just wants someone to love
Will kill everyone else but NOT lover.
Underwater sex. Rough sex.
Sex will probably be awkward because of this.
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[ID: profile of the Bride of Frankenstein. Her head is tiled up and her eyes are mostly closed.]
Congratulations to our winner! Runner ups, The Mummy and the Creature From the Black Lagoon.
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weyounthevorta · 3 months
Doctor Mordrid’s Duds
You’ve been asked on a date by your mysterious neighbor, Anton Mordrid. You’re so excited! You don’t know much about his job or personality yet but from what you can tell he’s a classy guy. You’ve seen him walking around the neighborhood and he’s always so cool and stylish.
You made plans to go to a nice restaurant with a long walk over to a fun dessert cafe afterward.
You’re waiting for him at the restaurant when he appears in his blue wizarding jumpsuit and cape.
Are you embarrassed? Be honest.
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all-pacas · 24 days
i've randomly been watching some doctor who these past few days and i'm not here to be like a Hater TM but holy shit does the beast below have terrible worldbuilding. like this is actively driving me insane
so all of the UK is a spaceship now. cool. no problems so far. the central conceit of the episode is that instead of a real spaceship with engines and things, the spaceship is a big building built around? on top of? a 'space whale,' which is being enslaved and tortured. the end of the plot has amy freeing the whale from enslavement, but it's really nice and doesn't destroy the UK, just keeps flying them around. this is silly, but ok. like this isn't what's driving me insane. THIS IS:
we're told it's a dystopia. there are robot dummies everywhere surveying everyone. children are killed (?) (fed to the whale) for failing classes, but only if they take elevators? like if they walk home after school they're fine - to the point that one child reminds another - but if they take the elevator they die. actually, all prisoners are fed to the whale.
however, nothing … comes of this. we don't know what the rules are of this society, how people feel about it, anything. the central mystery of the episode is what is flying the ship, not what the hell is wrong with this country. the doctor just kind of takes it for granted this is a corrupt and terrible society and everyone pretends otherwise. IN ITSELF, this is still ok. BUT:
there's a whole side thing about how spaceship UK is still pretending to be a democracy; at any time people can vote to "protest" and if 10% of the population chooses this option……we don't know. it's literally never said, just by implication, they set the whale free and everyone dies. i get that this is supposed to be a metaphor about complacency, but also: we're TOLD this is a terrible society where people are routinely imprisoned and fed to a whale. is "lol it's their own fault for being complacent" the message?
IT GETS WORSE! the doctor then meets the queen. the show gets DEEPLY pro monarchy. she's a Hero! she's Fighting to Uncover the Truth! she doesn't know about the whale either, but she's still in charge of … this police state? this thing that is called a police state? even if she doesn't know about the whale, she knows kids get executed for failing tests!! yet she's presented as really cool and kickass. she has a cape! everyone loves her! why?? she meets a random child who has been critical of the rules and just lost her friend to the whale, and… the child is pleased to see her. the super cool leader of a police state OKAY.
the doctor and amy meet the people in charge of torturing and enslaving the whale. the doctor is forced into a moral choice: he doesn't want to free the whale and kill the entire UK, but he also doesn't want the whale to keep being tortured. he chooses to render it brain dead instead. he, and the episode, make clear this is a terrible option and that there isn't a great one. this is okay. what isn't okay: the guys torturing the whale are chummy. they're polite. they like the queen, they shrug the child murder off as "surprise! the whale doesn't actually eat the children!" (it eats the adults tho!). at no point is "btw, this is a police state with tons of murder and surveillance" addressed. the doctor does not express distaste for any of these institutions. no one turns to the Cool Queen and goes "yeah, but you're okay with the murdering of prisoners and police state stuff."
amy realizes the whale is actually super nice and WANTS to pilot the UK around (and eat people sometimes… look i get it, it's a carnivore, that's fine, just raises questions for the future). she turns off the torture devices and the whale starts flying around even faster and happier, no one dies!
the doctor and amy leave, the police state still entirely intact, the Cool Queen later showing up in another episode to be cool and fun. theoretically she abdicates at the end of this episode but no, doesn't happen. (which… is fine, this isn't a cinema sins episode, keep the throne who cares, but nice to see that literally nothing changed in this society). it's still a police state that surveys and kills people and children who fail tests! they just don't have to torture a whale to do it!
this is a heartwarming and touching happy ending, amy and the doctor hug over successfully saving a whale as children continue to get murdered for being bad at math
(okay yes the whale doesn't eat them, they don't actually die. but they're shown just hanging out?? so they don't go home either?? and everyone THINKS they're dead soooooo uhhhhhh)
i kind of hate this episode i think
also MINOR QUIBBLE a bit thing in the episode is that the spaceship doesn't have engines running and there are no vibrations or machine sounds. but it's a spaceship the size of a country? they must have like. air engines? also you don't need to constantly run engines in space ANYWAY? you just kind of keep going? you only need short bursts to change direction or something, there wouldn't be constant engine rumbles ANYWAY. but this is something sci fi gets wrong constantly so whatever
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karlyanalora · 25 days
So yesterday I went to my local comic con. I was wearing my proto Black Bat costume, the one with the ragged cape and the really big domino.
Nobody knew I was Black Bat, and I couldn't be more thrilled.
I used some sunglasses to make my domino and added paper wings to them. (I used sunglasses since things on my face usually bother me and these could be easily take on and off, or lifted up to see colors properly.) People thought it was either cool or funny, idk which, but either way it was worthy of comment. I got called Batgirl or Batman by a few adults.
But the kids, guys, the kids! I was Batman to every one of them. I had a little Wonder Woman who was enamored with me. She could not be more thrilled to talk to Batman. Her response to everything was an emphatic, glowing yes. We met twice and she was proud to confirm she had been fighting crime.
There was a shy little boy whose grandma informed me that I was the first thing he'd shown interest in that day. He proudly showed me his mask. His special needs big brother informed me he had seen Joker around, and everyone enjoyed my response that I hoped we wouldn't meet.
There was a professional Batman in the hall. But he didn't get a little kid shouting from his stroller "Batmobile!" over and over. It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me. He was so happy when I came over and I couldn't understand a word of his babble, but man he was having the time of his life. His older brother got a picture with me.
It was amazing seeing the joy on those kids' faces. I am definitely wearing this cosplay again.
(Me being dramatic and silly in the cosplay in question.)
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zaccosnacco · 6 months
Whats up guys, Look at this silly child
This is a Kevin x Radford ship kid! His name is Jake and he’s in love with magic shows, you could say he fixates on them even
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He’s a little guy with big dreams and supportive parents, he also will never take that cape off its just who he is!
He honestly turned out so well I hope you guys enjoy this Caramel popcorn child
Feel free to reblog <3
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GPS Reads Ghirahim’s Trope Page
I like TV tropes for the most part, but they seem to have a habit of bullying my comfort character. As far as I understand, TV tropes is meant to be informal but mostly objective. But I feel like Ghirahim’s character trope list just… isn’t. So in this post, I’m going to go through all the tropes they listed for him, and what I think about them. So yeah, there’s a reason there’s a read more on this post, It'll be a long one. Also be warned, I will likely be very nitpicky and complain about the slightest details. Because this is very important to me. Here we go:
Agent Peacock: Yeah this one tracks.
Ambiguously gay: Sigh. I have no problem with people interpreting Ghirahim as gay. But assuming that every femboy is gay is getting old.
Arch-Enemy: Yes, this one is true too, but they’re putting words into Ghirahim’s mouth here. I really don’t think LInk’s race has anything to do with it. If I had trained for centuries and then was beaten again and again by someone who hadn’t even finished knight school, I’d be pretty perturbed, too. That wouldn’t make me racist.
Attack It’s Weak Point: Yes, that does happen. … And it’s awful to watch.
Ax-Crazy: No. I already did a whole post on why he’s not, check it out if you’re curious, I always appreciate engagement.
Badass Cape: Hell yeah!
Badass Finger Snap: Hell yeah!
Bad Boss: I’m willing to cut this one slack because I can understand why plenty of people interpret it this way, but the thing is, we don’t know if Ghirahim always treats the monsters this way. It could be that he was saying this out of building anger and exhaustion from constantly working. Plus, he said ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ during his first cut scene, so he does consider them to be a part of the team and more than just living weapons. More than Demise would, to them or him. And also, even if he was going to kill them, it could be because if Demise learned that they failed, he would do much worse. … Crap, now I’m sad.
The Bad Guy Wins: He does manage to bring back Demise in the end. And this is a bad thing, don’t get me wrong, but you have to admire how he never gave up when literally the whole universe was against him and managed to win. Just imagine if he went to such lengths for you. Maybe then you will understand just why he is my comfort character?/lh
Bare-Handed Blade Block: Yeah, and it’s freaking awesome! His fighting style is so cool, squee, I love him!/qp
Beware The Silly Ones: I don’t disagree with the trope itself, but the description. Ghirahim is not a narcissist. Real narcissists don’t just brag on themselves like that, they’re much more subtle and insidious than that. They certainly don’t lose it with one loss either, and definitely never admit that they have character flaws or something is their fault, all of which Ghirahim does.
BFS: Yes, he has and is a big sword and I want to give him hiltpats. And I spent over a hundred dollars to buy a replicaof his blade to do just that. I am so financiallyresponsible.
Big Bad: Yes, he can be considered the main antagonist, no arguments here.
Bitch Slap: He does, and it’s hilarious. And also merciful, because there are so much worse things he could have done to Link…
Black Magic: Okay, no. Now you’re just being petty. Yes, he has magic and he is a demon and the antagonist. But that does not make the magic itself evil. His magic is cool and beautiful, and I will not tolerate this slander!
Blank White Eyes: Yes, and since eyes are the windows to the soul, I headcanon that this represents his autonomy being stripped away by Demise.
Blatant Lies: Okay, yes. I do understand this interpretation. But I don’t believe this is the case. I believe that Ghirahim genuinely did intend not to kill Link, but due to being infected by malice, which I believe him to be because the markings on his face resemble silver monsters from BOTW, he was unable to stop himself once he had started. In fact, I also believe this is why he took so long to put away his sword and turn around, because he was resisting the urge to just run Link through then and there. And he told Link he would beat him within an inch of his life after promising not to murder him both because it's something a villain would do/what Demise would want him to say, but also he had to make sure Link understood that even though he was trying to be kind, Ghirahim is not a safe person to be around, and Link has to keep his guard up and take the threat he poses seriously, despite his theatrical nature.
Blood Knight: Oh, for god’s sake. These people are determined to see everything Ghirahim does in the worst light, aren’t they? He doesn’t enjoy brutalizing weaker opponents. He literally alludes to this several times in his dialogue! (For example when he says he thinks corperal punishment is a bit harsh.) And he doesn’t harm a single being that doesn’t get in the way of his mission!
Blood Lust: Okay, yes. This one is true, but I don’t believe that’s all there is to it. I’ve made posts before about how I believe Ghirahim’s tongue is his way of gathering information, like his own form of dowsing. He wouldn’t have a long tongue like that if it didn’t serve some sort of purpose, you know?
Blow You Away: Yeah, he makes tornados. Not really related, but I imagine him just spinning around and around faster and faster until he gets dizzy in order to make one, and it makes me giggle.
Bond Villain Stupidity: I’ve made many a post before about how I believe this is deliberate on Ghirahim’s part, as some part of him does not want his abuser to return, though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. Also, you called my boy stupid! How dare!
Boss Banter: Yes he does, but he also gives you tips on how to do better. Not very nicely worded tips, but still.
Boss Remix: Yes, and it’s awesome. I love his music. It always makes me smile just to hear it.
Boss Subtitles: Yes. Not much else to say about this one.
Braggart Boss: Yeah, well, someone has to brag on him. Nobody else does.
Breaking the fourth wall: It’s not actually his theme, it’s a unique melody. But I understand why because that song is actually kinda challenging to hum.
Broken Armor Boss Battle; Yes, and it’s absolutely brutal. I guess people don’t usually notice that thought because they’re busy trying to win. And most people don’t notice Ghirahim’s pain because he’s so good at making light of it and playing the villain.
Camp: He is, and it’s awesome.
Catch And Return: Yup.
Catch Phrase Insult: Yeah, he calls link boy. And you want to know who else calls link that? Demise. Who’s to say he didn’t learn it from experience?
Character Ticks: Not just ticks, stimming! My cute lil neurodivergent boy./qp
Chrome Champion: Yes. And I headcanon that his silver form is this, too. His skin is full of tiny metal filings to make it tougher, thus its coloring. And his bones are pure black metal, and they are what makes up his armor in his dark form.
Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: Yes, and I think it’s very clever.
Cool Sword: It’s about time you said something nice about Ghirahim! Yes, he is, and Demise never deserved him.
Crucified Hero Shot: Yes. And it’s absolutely horrific. I don’t understand how people just gloss over it. Even TV Tropes calls it one of the most nightmarish moments in all of Zelda. Now just imagine if the game showed blood in it… But no, no, no, no, no you did not say that he doesn’t seem to mind! For god’s sake, just listening to that laughter, you can tell that it’s not a happy sound! And the facial expression he makes, you can tell he is trying not to scream. God, this makes me angry…
Dark Is Evil: …
Deal With The Devil: Yes, he does. Demise never would have done so, and I think that Ghirahim knew damn well link would not accept it. But it was all he could think of doing to avoid harming him any further.
Death Glare: Ghirahim’s face is always pretty./qp
Demon Lord: I made a whole oneshot about this.
De-Terminator: Sure, but claiming that Ghirahim loves pain and violence again like that interpretation of his character is the only possible one.
Die Laughing: Forcefully converts him back into a sword does not begin to describe the absolute depravity of that moment.
Dissonant Serenity: He is trying to be calm. But there’s only so much he can do as a permanently adolescent (he was meant to be physically the same age as Link, stated officially by Nintendo) who is stressed, sleep-deprived, and has centuries of trauma and abuse under his sash.
The Dragon: Not just that, a slave.
Dragon In Chief: Sigh. Ghirahim does not terrorize the surface world. He only attacks those who directly oppose him, and leaves everyone else well enough alone.
Drama Queen: He is, and people irl should do well to learn how to know and say how they feel as well as he does. Not that his coping mechanisms are one hundred percent healthy, of course not. But I still find the way that he is so in touch with his emotions to be admirable.
Dual Boss: Sadly, no. Ghirahim was reduced to nothing but a sword with no autonomy who is repeatedly struck by lightning. He isn’t allowed to really help at all, which, I think, was a big part of Demise’s downfall. Demise is a cakewalk on his own, but imagine if he allowed Ghirahim to fight by his side?
Dual Wielding: My guy’s got a lot of swords. Every one of them is cool.
Dub Name Change: His name is spelled Grahim in Spanish, which I would have said was smart, but my iPad keeps autocorrecting it to Graham.
Dub Personality Change: I find this to be really interesting. It makes me wonder how I would have interpreted him had I been Japanese. Knowing me and how big of a fangirl I am, I’d probably still end up adoring him just as much.
Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: There you go, contradicting yourself again. You say that Ghirahim is a ruthless sadist, right? So, why is it that everyone before Link ran or hid, and not slain by him? Ghirahim can teleport and sense presences, not to mention create diamond barriers, and even without that, is just freaking fast! If he wanted to kill some random human, there would be no escaping for them.
Evil Counterpart: Yes, he’s the counterpart to Fi, i headcanon that they are siblings, moving on.
Evil Is Hammy: Yes, he is a ham and the antagonist.
Evil Overlord: I’m starting to think that we need more nuance names for tropes related to antagonists.
Evil Tastes Good: I’m not even going to bother with this one, since it’s clear the tropers have made up their minds about what Ghirahim’s actions mean. Never mind the fact he is not human and doesn’t even have any reproductive organs to speak of, we find him sexy, so surely that can only mean that everything he does is sexual./s
Evil Weapon: Yes, this is the role he was made to play.
Expository Pronoun: This is actually interesting information that I appreciate learning.
Facial Markings: Yes, they call them markings and don’t just assume it’s makeup! And he has bags under his eyes, a clear sign of sleep deprivation. And if you’ve read my blog before, you already know where I think that scar-like marking in his between transformations came from…
False Reassurance; I already covered my opinion on this earlier.
Family Unfriendly Death: Good, they pointed this out, at least. Thank you TV Tropes for not always glossing over Ghirahim’s pain.
Fangs Are EviL: Okay, this is just petty. Small aside, I headcanon that he has fangs in his silver form too, like a kitten, but he never lets Link see them because they aren’t very intimidating.
Fantasy Counterpart Religion: Yeah, I see the resemblance.
Fashionable Asymmetry: Yet another of Ghirahim’s delightful little quirks.
Fatal Flaw: Yes, and he admits it. Not something a narcissist would do.
Faux Affably Evil: I already explained my thoughts on this earlier.
Feels No Pain: No. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. This is completely false. Do people really not see it? Laughter isn’t always a happy thing, and he has a unique hit animation that no other Zelda enemy has, for god’s sake! He clearly feels pain!
The Fighting narcissist: Oh for god’s sake…
Flaming Devil: Okay, yes, I see how this trope applies.
Flaying Alive: Yes, and I will say it again, it does hurt him! He screams the entire time while he’s fully transforming.
Flechette Storm: Yes, and it’s completely badass.
Foe Romance Subtext: I’m fine with people interpreting it that way and I understand the thought process, but I personally do not. No judgment whatsoever to those who do, it’s just not how I choose to see it.
Foil: Yes, all that is true.
For Doom The Bell Toles: Okay, now this is starting to seem kind of funny. “Ghirahim is evil! With his evil powers and evil music. He probably brushes his evil teeth with an evil toothbrush, spread with evil toothpaste. Did we mention that he’s evil?”
Glamour Failure: As his mental state deteriorates during the game, so too does his body. And it’s sad. He tries to make himself feel better about it by bragging about it, but I personally believe he prefers the silver form more. That is his real true form. He doesn’t even feel he’s allowed to call himself a demon anymore, but what Demise wants from him: a weapon without mercy.
The Gloves Come Off: Yes, but I don’t think he makes them disintegrate, he just puts them into his inventory.
Good Old Fisticuffs: Yes. Not much else to say.
Grayscale of Evil: Here we go again…
Hammy Villain, Serious Hero: Link? Serious? Pfffffff!
Happy Dance: Yes, and it is adorable.
Hair Trigger Temper: Yeah, he can be very emotional at times. That’s what happens when you bottle things up and are never given the opportunity to learn how to express them in a healthy way. Not saying that the way he does express them is good; many things that he says to Link are incredibly messed up. But he does try to stay calm, with admittedly not a lot of success at times.
Heart Light: Yes, his gem is his heart and it glows. It’s pretty.
The Heavy: Sure, not much else to say.
The Hero’s Journey: Yes, it does match the trope, and again, I think that it has to be admired to an extent. Don’t agree with the wording of the return, but I think I’ve made my stance on that clear.
Hoist By His Own Petard: Again, I believe his hypocrisy of telegraphing attacks was very purposeful.
Hot Blooded: Yes.
Impaled With Extreme Prejudice: Yes. And it’s all hard for me to watch.
Impossibly Cool Clothes: Yes, they are cool. I bet they’re extremely silky and soft to the touch, too.
Inferiority superiority Complex: Oh my god, they actually said it! They weren’t very nice when they described it, but it makes me hopeful to see that the tropers aren’t completely blind.
It’s all About Me: Yes, I see how this trope applies, but holy crap are these descriptions biased.
Just Between You And Me: Yes, this is Ghirahim desperately confiding with Link because he literally has no one else he could talk to.
Justified Tutorial: Yes, Ghirahim teaches you how to fight him. Not Fi, Ghirahim is the one who says it. And you will have to yank my belief that this is significant out of my cold, dead hands.
Just Toying With Them: …
Kick The dog: Okay, I get it. You don’t like Ghirahim and insist on seeing every one of his actions in the worst light possible. I remember why I always steer clear of this article now.
Knight of Cerebus: Oh, come on. You mean to tell me you find him terrifying? Yeah, I get it he’s a demon and says some pretty extreme stuff at times, but come on! He has big, brown puppy dog eyes. Smh
Large Ham: Yes and I love him for it./qp
Last Second Chance: I didn’t think I would have to write that I’d covered something before this much. I understand they need to list all tropes that apply, but still.
Laughably Evil: Yes, Ghirahim is a dorky goofball and a theater kid through and through. (I’m just going to ignore the bloodthirsty nature remark)
Laughing Mad: No, it is not safe to say that he wanted it to happen, not at all!
Left The Background Music On: I headcanon that Ghirahim plays piano and enjoys playing his themes a lot and just vibing to them.
Lean and Mean: Scrawny? Really? Okay, now you’re just being petty.
Leaning On The Fourth Wall: Yes, his text box at the end does resemble Fi’s and I think that was a very cool attention to detail there.
Leg Focus: Yeah, that happens.
Leitmotif: Yes, I understand his theme was meant to be sinister, but since Ghirahim is so near and dear to my heart, I mostly just hear the whimsical part whenever I listen to it.
Licking The Blade: went over this earlier.
Lightening Bruiser: There, you see? He is fast! He could have obliterated Link on the spot if he wanted to.
Living Weapon: Yeah, he is, with all the horror to go with it.
Loves The Sound Of Screaming: Sigh. If I recall, he describes the sound of screaming as "shrill." Shrill is not usually an adjectiveused to describe sounds that are pleasant to the listener.
Made Of Iron: Yeah, he’s metal, but I think it’s something a lot stronger and more durable than iron.
Make Wrong What Once Went Right: Yeah, and can we talk about what a power move this is? The fact that Demise literally met his namesake, but he didn’t give up.
Magic Knight: Hell yeah!
Maniac Tongue: So many people treat the tongue thing as if it is the worst crime imaginable.
Mask of Sanity: Personally interpret it as a mask of INsanity, but you can’t expect Ghirahim to be completely stable considering who his master is, and what he’s like. And that’s just what happened in front of Link, I shudder to think of what Demise possibly could have done behind closed doors…
Master Swordsman: Yes, he is.
Mau The Demon King: I’m not familiar with the trope, so I won’t comment.
Meaningful Name: This is interesting stuff.
Melee Disarming: He does, and it’s super cool.
Milking The Giant Cow: The name of this trope makes me snigger. And it’s true.
Mirror Character: Yes. (Not commenting on the description.)
Misanthrope Supreme: Okay, this trope is just plain wrong and is putting words into Ghirahim’s mouth again.
Monster Clown: Yeah, I see that.
Mood Swinger: Yeah, his emotions can be very volatile.
Motifs: He loves his diamonds.
Mouth of Sauron: Yeah, he is.
Mr. Fanservice: Yes he’s pretty, yes he wears form fitting clothing, but that’s the only redeeming quality that many people see in him, and I find that really disheartening.
My Defense Need Not Protect Me Forever: He does technically win, but at what cost?
Narcissist: Going on about how beautiful and perfect you are does not automatically mean that you are a narcissist.
Nested Ownership: A sword that uses swords.
Nigh-Invulnerability: His dark form is tough, but ever notice that he no longer teleports or makes diamonds when he’s in it?
Not Worth Killing: Yet another moment where Ghirahim shows mercy, but TV Tropes is insistent on interpreting everything in the worst possible light.
Ominous Latin Chanting: Sadly, this trope is also not quite right. There are no words in the final boss theme, Latin or otherwise. It’s just singing. I think he deserves some cool Latin lyrics, though.
Ominous Pipe Organ: played by a real organ too, as all of Skyward Sword was played by a live orchestra.
One-Handed Zweihander: I did not know that his big sword was called that. Cool fun fact.
One Winged Angel: Yeah, true.
Our Demons Are Different: In the best way.
Overly Long Tongue: For a human, maybe, but it’s perfectly ordinary for him.
Practically Joker: … No.
Pre-Final Boss: I’d argue that he’s the actual final boss since he poses a challenge, unlike pushover Demise.
Psycho Knife Nut: He has a lot of knives, yes.
Psycho Supporter: What can I even say that I haven’t said already?
Rank Scales With Ass Kicking: Haha, no, Ghirahim is clearly the stronger and more competent one here.
Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Physically and mentally around the age of Link. Chronologically older.
Recurring Boss: Link fights him three times.
Red Baron: Sort of?
Red Oni, Blue Oni: Literally, with Fi. Also, my autocorrect kept trying to change Oni to onion. Ghirahim is an onion confirmed. He has layers.
Red Right Hand: I don’t care if his ears were designed this way to make his hair easier to animate; it’s in the game, so it’s canon to me.
Ring-Out Boss: Link must knock him off the platforms, which he tells him how to do, by the way.
Sadist: For god’s sake! How many times do I have to… let’s just move on.
Disturbing Threats: that he never falls through on. I’m not saying they are okay things to say, absolutely not. I’m just saying that all factors have to be taken account for, which this page does not.
Scary Black Man: I don’t think I have to explain this one for you to understand the problems with it.
Serrated Blade of Pain: Yes, it’s like that, but I don’t think he had a say in what his sword form looks like.
Sissy Villain: If you didn’t believe me before when I told you that TV Tropes likes to bully Ghirahim, maybe you do now?
Smug Snake: He has to be confident, his position demands it.
The Sociopath: False.
Spontaneous Weapon Creation: More like spontaneous weapon summoning, but it’s not his favorite kind of magic. It’s clearly the diamonds! Do you people have eyes? I’m blind, and even I understand that! (Yeah, I’m done being polite)
Starter Villain Stays: We still didn’t get enough time with him in my opinion, but I know if they tried to bring him back, the haters would riot.
Suave Sabre: Just going to ignore the part where you say subverted.
Suddenly Shouting: Yes Ghirahim, feel your feelings!
Suspiciously Similar Substitute: What are you saying? Ghirahim’s completely original and unique. You’re just trying to pad out the tropes list with something that isn’t mocking, aren’t you? (I do see the resemblances.)
Tactical Suicide Boss: Ooh, did you just almost admit that Ghirie was being merciful?
Talking Weapon: He’s a sword that can talk, like Fi.
Tennis Boss: Yeah, you can deflect his daggers, which is pretty badass.
That Makes Me Feel angry: Like I said before, Ghirahim can identify how he feels and express that. We need more of that in our society.
Throwing Your Sword always Works: Oh my god, they accidentally said that Link can pick it up instead of Ghirahim, that made me chuckle. Typo or Freudian slip?
To The Pain: But he never follows through.
Uncertain Doom: We don’t know whether he’s dead or not, but I’m thinking that he isn’t since his sword form disappears and Demise looks surprised when it happens. Ghirahim does leave his abuser in the end. But it’s hard to say what happens to him after. (I’m working on a fic about it.)
Undying Loyalty: Yes, but I feel that some of it is from abuse/Stockholm Syndrome. But imagine if you were the person who earned that loyalty? If that’s the extent he goes for someone who is terrible to him, think of what he would do for someone who is genuinely kind to him? (Oh shut up TV Tropes, it’s not his only positive trait.)
Unskilled, But Strong: The slander! Here’s an idea, what if he’s doing it on purpose? Like he could be deadly fast and not telegraph his attacks, but he doesn’t because he’s more focused on putting on a show and playing the villain, and actually giving Link a fair fight.
Variable Mix: The drums start when he draws his sword. It’s a cool detail.
Villain Teleportation: You heard it here, folks. If someone on the opposing side has any sort of power, regardless of what that power is, it’s automatically evil./s But at least they have the decency to admit that it’s cool.
Villainous Breakdown: Yeah, because narcissists totally let one loss shake them and can admit their faults. Seems totally legit./s
Wake-Up Call Boss: Yes, and it’s awesome.
Weapon Grip Failure: He chooses to leave not because he loses his sword, but because he senses that Zelda is no longer there. And come to think of it, why would she linger right behind the door that long when she must have known Ghirahim and link were there; Ghirahim was not trying to be quiet or subtle at the time. Her Manipulation of the both of them was really obvious since the beginning, and the sad thing is, it worked. She nudged Ghirahim into acting as the worst version of himself, and it worked so well that even out of universe, so many people hate him.
We Have Reserves: I talked about this earlier.
What The Hell Are You?: Yes, and it’s a pretty cool moment. Probably where the idea that Ghirahim is racist comes from, though.
White and Red and Eerie All Over: If you say so. I think he’s pretty./qp
White Hair, Black Heart: His heart is red, actually.
Why Won’t You Die?: That’s what I ask myself about the massive amounts of Ghirahim hate.
Would Hit A Girl: Say what you want about Ghirahim, but he isn’t sexist. Positive discrimination is still discrimination. I’m not saying that what he did to Impa and Zelda was okay, but still.
You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Oh, for fuck’s sake! How many times do I have to say that just because he laughs, that does not mean he was fine with it! Ghirahim is not the one who truly has no emotional awareness here.
Your Princess Is In Another Castle: Not much to say, except this is the last one, thank God.
I’m a little embarrassed about the amount of time I spent on this. Hopefully, you all got something out of it, if only the introduction of another idea. If you took the time to read this entire thing, I truly appreciate it. May your hearts be positively filled with rainbows!
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artseniccatnip · 5 months
it me. pom lover back again. To tell you that you helped me realize how much I just like silly little guys.. like it’s not a big thing but pom helped me realize the similarities between all my fav characters from the media I consume. Gremlins, little guys, big sillies and the like
Also just wanted to say hi and remind you that an anon out here really really likes the silly little pommy.. I still watch from the shadows and I love seeing both regular wanderfell pommy and remixfell pommy. I don’t know how to explain how much I like the little thang okay, just know that you have brightened my days with thoughts of your sillies, particularly pom but I love them all,, thanks for putting them on this site I like them a lot :]
this ask is so sweet ;_;; it means so much... I'm so glad pom was able to help you realize your favorite type of character, and that they can be your blorbo too hehe, they're just bein a silly lil guy (gender neutral) i'm just happy they make you happy!! silly vampire who turns into a bat and eats bugs... (I wish i had more fun stuff to say about 'em i'm just really happy with this ask and I like seeing it and I'm happy and thank you!!!) here's a gif of pommy's cape turning into wings, dedicated to you!!!! :] (also other pommy doodles, hi)
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