#silly stress relief again
megabuild · 1 year
My Boat was Burnt to a Crisp パンこげこげになっちゃった
orig + yt mirror
disclaimer japanese text is the og lyrics but i changed the english ones slightly to relate to boatboys
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Stress Relief
𓂅 𓄹 Summary: Peter B. Parker should know better than to swing by unannounced.
𓂅 𓄹 Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x spider-woman!reader
18+. Breastfeeding as stress relief. Needy Miguel. Inspired by this ask. Thank you to @ancientbeing10 for the help with the Spanish!
You shot a string of web as high as possible so you could reach the platform.
Landing gracefully on both feet, you came across a visibly distressed Miguel who was frowning as he dragged a few screens in front of him from side to side.
“No signs of this new anomaly?”
His silence answered your question, and you reached out to brush a strand of his hair behind his ear.
“You’re way too stressed out,” you mumbled lovingly.
He placed both arms on the board, heaving a deep sigh. “I’m fine.”
“You’re not. How can I help?”
Miguel side-eyed you and his gaze dropped to your chest.
He turned to fully face you, and you watched as his face softened into a silent plea.
He grabbed your hand and placed a single kiss on the tip of his finger never tearing his eyes from yours. A shiver ran down your spine at the absolute sweetness of it. He then brought your hand to rest on his neck.
“Por favor…,” he whispered. “I know you love to feel me drinking it.”
Your fingers squeezed lightly around his throat, feeling his pulse quicken. He knew exactly how to persuade you and it made your heart clench in anticipation.
His other hand started to tug at your tight suit that parted at your waist, lifting it high enough to reveal a breast full of milk.
“Just be quick…” you nodded.
Miguel didn’t need to be told twice and you promptly felt to large hands prop you up to seat on the board, immediately capturing the hardened nipple in between his teeth before latching completely.
Your mouth dropped open at once from the sudden stimulus, and you felt him effectively drawing milk into his mouth.
“Fuck…” you blurted out, eyes fluttering shut.
In no time, you began to feel his Adam’s apple wobble with each gulp. He had settled between your legs and in perfect reach for you to stroke him through his suit. He welcomed it by increasing the suction with a low grunt that rumbled through his throat and under your palm.
“Does this really help?” you asked teasingly.
He merely hummed, pressing his hardening cock further into the palm of your hand.
Well, there was the answer.
A single droplet of milk pooled at the corner of his mouth, and you watched in marvel as it slowly dripped down, leaving a wet trail on his skin.
His hips bucked instinctively into your touch and you rubbed your thumb in circles on his neck, urging him to keep swallowing.
Needy and impatient Miguel was your weakness. He could make you cum just from this alone if he focused enough on it and added some attention to your clit.
He moaned softly, but never breaking the latch.
“You’re doing so well,” you praised and his cock twitched instantly.
You faintly heard something in the distance, but figured the sound was coming from the moving screens.
“Yo, Miguel!”
Peter B. Parker was suddenly standing close to you, bearing a silly smile of affection.
Chaos ensued instantly.
You pushed Miguel away abruptly and dropped on your feet, adjusting your suit, knowing fully well a wet spot would now show through the fabric.
Miguel had turned feral, baring his milk-coated fangs at Peter, who proceeded acted as if he wasn’t about to be buried six feet under.
“Get out!”
“Woah!” he raised both hands defensively with a carefree chuckle. “Was just checking on my favourite couple. And I—”
“Peter…” you cut him off, widening your eyes at him as a warning.
He instead arched an eyebrow, eyes fixed on Miguel’s face. “What’s that on your face? Coconut milk?”
Oh no…
Miguel had a few droplets running down his chin from the corner of his mouth, which he tried to wipe as fast as possible, but the damage was done.
“Whipped cream?” he tried again, blissfully unaware.
You immediately got in between the two of them as Miguel looked positively ready to pounce, the outline of his strained erection visible.
Oh, it was never a good sign when Miguel started using Spanish.
“Miguel, don’t!” you tried to calm him down as Peter glared at him like he had grown a third arm.
“MALDITO SEAS! Vete a la verga!” he continued his rant, flashing his fangs once again.
Peter’s eyes suddenly widened as understanding splattered across his face. “Oh.”
“Peter, please leave…” you begged.
“Oh… huh… sure… I-I… yeah…” he stuttered as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “It was nice seeing you both… huh… keep that hydration up, Miguel,” he laughed nervously, giving you both a thumbs up.
Before Miguel could lurch forward to get a hold of Peter, he had quickly slipped off of the platform and towards the exist, leaving a whispering breeze behind.
“Let me kill him,” Miguel growled, adjusting his pretty much flaccid cock. “Please.”
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lowkeyremi · 3 months
⚠ not proofread cuz I'm tired. enjoy!!!
Moments before disaster struck, soft babbles and tiny feet smacking against the floor were unmistakable to the ears. While your husband "chases" the fourteen month old baby who's wobbly on their feet, you're finishing up some work.
As of recent, your baby has become a better walker, they still crawl around and wobble a little bit, but they're walking none the less. From their perspective, those tiny little legs make them unstoppable. In order to avoid being caught by their daddy, they must "run" away.
"I go get you!!!" He says in his little baby voice, watching his baby stop to look at him with a gummy smile that contains around four or five teeth.
Baby quickly turns around, their little legs carrying them as fast as they'll go and suddenly they bump into the wooden door frame that leads into your bedroom.
The bump was pretty loud and you just know that had to hurt. The joy on your baby's face soon turns into a little pouty frown and baby starts crying out in pain.
"Uh oh! Let daddy see." He rushes over to pick up his chubby little baby. Your husband examines baby's forehead which has a little knot forming on it.
The hollering gets louder as he tries to comfort the infant.
"It's okay. Look at daddy!" He tries making silly faces which distracts the baby's one track mind for a few seconds. They remember what they were doing previously and starts up the tears again.
"Mommy!!!" He yells out; unsure of what to do. He's slightly panicking seeing his baby in so much stress and pain like this... maybe you'll know what to do.
Relief floods through him when you come and take the little baby out of his arms.
"[baby's name] got a little boo boo on their forehead. I was chasing them and they bumped into the frame over there."
Baby stops crying when they're in your arms. You giggle softly at how quickly baby changes up.
"Did you just play your daddy? Yes you did! Oh yes you did." You ask in a soft baby voice. Baby starts to clap and giggle, you're sure they don't even grasp what you're saying.
"I did not get played by a baby!"
"Yes you did. Their boo boo was not as bad as you made it out to be." As soon as your husband tries to argue back, Baby has some words of their own:
"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," Baby says with a mouth full of fingers.
"That's exactly what I was saying. Daddy got played." Your husband stands in your room completely dumbfounded by what just happened while watching you walk out of the room with baby in your arms.
Midoriya, Mirio, KIRISHIMA
ATSUMU, Hinata, KUROO, Suna, Tendou
YUJI, Choso, Yuta, GOJO
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urfavleo777 · 1 month
the only thing i need in my life is soft morning sex with Joost and just being so needy and loving for each other🙏🙏 (praise kink makes my brain go brrr😩)
love your work!❤️
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lazy mornings
joost klein x fem!reader
warnings: face-sitting, language, smut.
your eyes open lazily under the influence of sunlight from outside the window. you mentally scold yourself and your boyfriend for not closing the curtains, but you were too busy with each other last night to even remember.
it’s quiet, save for the soft snores filling your ears. with the way your body is tangled with joost’s, you feel his steady breathing, his face happily buried in the crook of your neck.
this is one of the first times you wake up first. usually joost is the early bird who gets up just before the alarm goes off. the result of opening your eyes first was last night's drinking with friends. joost, well he drank way too much. so it's inevitable that he'll wake up with a huge hangover.
“god morgen, beautiful.” his morning voice is always so deep — raspy. you shut your eyes again, murmuring a greeting back at him as he props himself up a little to kiss you on the cheek. “ouch, my head.”
“do you need medicine, love?”
“no,” he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. “i need only you.”
you laugh, starting to run your finger along jooste's tinted cheek. he closes his eyes under your touch, enjoying each new movement. a blissful little sigh slips from his lips, as he nuzzles into your palm. you lean forward to smear a kiss against his forehead, overcome with fondness; warm lips lingering on his skin.
you admire every one of his features, ghosting your hand over his bare skin. he always looks beautiful, of course, but especially when he has his eyes closed. it is mornings like these you most adore — a quiet moment to contrast your loud, busy life. a moment alone with your lover, with your thoughts. when you stop the scratching, he grabs your hand and places a long kiss on it.
he hums, before whispering, lips tickling the edges of your ear on purpose, pouting, “mh, continue.”
he’s a little too pretty, like this. framed by the hazy sunshine, like something out of a dream. all soft clouds and gentle caresses, the scent of dried lavender, the pitter patter of rain against a windowsill. all things kind and comforting. 
“i don’t want you to fall asleep again.” you laugh quietly, burying your hands in his messy blonde hair.
you’re afraid that your heart might give out, if you look at him for too long.
joost finally opens his blue eyes and, you take back your words, he is even more beautiful than ever.
being in joost’s arms is pure bliss. the most grounding sensation you know, one that never fails to calm you down, no matter how stressed or anxious you’re feeling. with his broad chest and strong arms, his bergamot-scented skin. so doting, pressing little kisses to your shoulder, trying to console you. his hair tickles your cheek a little, but it’s comforting.
“what’s wrong, honey?” he questions, voice set on a low, particularly soothing lilt. coaxing, almost cooing — a tone that buzzes with safety. his big hands go to rest on your head and back, smoothing down your spine.
”nothing,” you sniffle. feeling a little silly. “you’re just too perfect. ‘s not fair.”
a pause. 
then, a chuckle bubbles up from joost’s throat. something fond and delightful unfurls in his chest, a kind of relief; a feather-light amusement.
”ah, is that so?” he drawls, a lazy amusement flickering through his eyes. playful. “don’t you have enough after yesterday?”
“never.” you shake your head, smiling deviously.
“sit on my face then.” he shuffles further down on the bed, lifting his head away from the pillow. “go ahead. make yourself comfortable.”
as you obey, you feel a tingling sensation down on your lower belly, butterflies awakening as you place your knees in between his head. “such a pretty look.” you squeal when he tugs your thighs closer, his mouth immediately attaching to your wet pussy. joost growls deeply, feeling the vibrations on your cunt.
your mind goes into a state of bliss, your hands grabbing his hair tightly. “that’s right,” he says between licking your cunt, “fucking grind yourself on me, mhmm…”
“oh, baby,” you whimper, closing your eyes as your hips unconsciously hump his face, “i think i’m gonna cum.”
he replies with a deep “mhm?” and doesn’t stop playing with your engorged, sensitive clit. he laps his tongue on your pussy like an animal, his big hands gripping your thighs so tightly that they might leave handprints.
your legs shake as you climax, your hands reaching behind you to grab ahold of his thighs. he licks all the cum spilled out of you.
but joost doesn’t stop.
your eyes expand when he continues to drink up all your juices, lapping his tongue against your throbbing bud again and again, nonstop. the overstimulation makes you pull away, but he stops you.
“we’re not done,” he grumbles, “not fucking done eating your pussy.”
joost’s mouth and jaw were soaked in your wetness, and that’s clearly what he likes. joost likes it messy, he likes to eat your pussy like it was his last meal. and seeing you on top of him like this — being a good girl to take his tongue, learning how to subdue the overwhelming sensations and instead take pleasure in them, he plans to reward you after this.
“i—i’m cumming,” you barely say in a whisper, mouth agape.
joost chuckles menacingly as you spill all over him once again. he watches in awe how your body trembles, struggling to keep yourself up.
“good girl,” he kisses your inner thigh. “you’re more valuable than all the medicines in the world.”
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spideyhexx · 6 months
not to be nasty or anything but i wanna fuck coryo on my strap so hard he pees himself
anon, i welcome filth, so don’t worry. this is sending my insanity out the window. And idk if you even wanted this exactly or you were joking but alas.
mdni; tw piss kink (if you don't like it, just don't read it!)
It would be one of those nights where Coryo just needs to let himself go. He's so fucking stressed about all the work he needs to do.
And he had already been working his ass off all day but there was still so much to get done now that he's officially running for office. Nights like these are when little words are spoken at dinner between you two, but the way he leans into your touch and the slight glint of tears in his eyes as he looks at you puts you right in the position you need to be to satisfy him (and yourself).
That's what led Coryo to be on his knees and forearms in bed with you behind him, fucking him with your strap. The dick wasn't even that big, but it was enough for Coryo, especially when he's came twice already. He so badly wanted to just shove his face into the pillow so you wouldn't see his tears, but he knew you liked it. In fact, his face was so wet from his tears, the pillow was already damp.
He really thought you'd let up after he came the second time, the mess beneath him on the bed made him whine in embarrassment but you simply leaned down to kiss his back before fucking your hips into him again. Coryo always had a hard time talking when he was like this, but when he chuckles at your movements, you know this is exactly what he wanted.
Usually when you overstimulated him, it was to make him a mess. You loved seeing him ruin his satin sheets with his cum, his beautiful face splotchy from crying and his hair an absolute mess. This was the case as you thrust into him, his cock still leaking in small dribbles onto the bed, his own hand gripping at his hair to relieve some of the sensitive tension coursing through his body.
Coryo felt the pressure in his bladder after he finished the second time, but he paid no mind to it. He thought you'd slow down as you always did when giving him his last orgasm of the night. Usually, you'd turn him around so you can kiss his face, mumbling, "my pretty boy," as you milked him dry in the most agonizing way possible.
Not tonight though. You're not even sure why, but the sight of how sloppy the possible President of Panem looked on his bed urged you to go harder. It was as though a switch flipped in you and you're gripping his hips tightly, nails surely leaving marks as you pound into him.
Coryo did not seem to mind though. This time, he did push his head into his pillow. "ffffuck," he hisses out, followed by a grunt, "k-keep goin' please, s-so close."
He'd even try to reach a hand down to hold his aching cock, but it was too sensitive to the touch, his own hand starting to shake. You hear him mumble but you can't even make out what he's saying. Coryo knows he's saying absolute nonsense, becoming a blabbering mess.
He hears how heavy you're panting and your voice go soft, "one more for me, okay? I got you," and your hand splayed on his lower back as as you exert whatever energy you got left in you to fuck him silly.
He's spilling onto the bed again before you can even utter another word. It's a smaller load, but it still sends shockwaves throughout his body until the feeling is gone. He's so relaxed, so focused on the way you move the cock in him slower now, your hand rubbing his sweaty back in a soothing manner, he barely realizes that he's starting to piss.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck," he whispers and moans in relief at the feeling, and he hears your gasp when you notice what's happening. Coryo whines, but spares a glance down at himself, seeing the cum stained sheets beneath him and his piss soak into it as well, creating a puddle at his knees and yours. Coryo surprises himself when he feels the twinge in his stomach and his cock twitch, but he's waiting in silence to hear what you say.
He expects you to pull away and berate him. "Oh my baby, couldn't hold it in?" Your voice sounded like the embodiment of a smirk and Coryo wished he could turn and roll his eyes at you. All he does is nod and your hand is rubbing his back again as he finally finishes relieving himself.
"Why was that hot?" Your laugh is breathy and he lets out a breath himself as you slip out of him, leaning down to kiss the small of his back.
"You're never gonna let me live this down," he mumbles, slowly moving from his position. When you see his face, he's got a small smile.
"Never. Especially since you liked it, you perv." You give his hair a tussle and his cheek a kiss before going off to the bathroom to run a bath for both of you.
Coryo scoffs, trying to act like he didn't but you see through him. You always see through him. So much so, the next time one of these nights comes about, Coryo is asking for it. "Held it in half the day, baby. Think you can fuck me hard enough again?"
let's chat about coryo, here :)
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cherryredstars · 13 days
hiiii!!!! This is my first request so please bear w/ me. Ok ok so imagine us working at the spider society and going on a mission to a shady universe, in it were kidnapped by a yandere Miguel ohara that exists in that universe and the real one has to come and save us.
thank you so much!!!!! I think you’ll be hearing more of my yapping soon 😋
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x gn!reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Spitting, Slapping, Slightly Yandere!Miguel
A/N: I can’t wait to see you in my inbox again!
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He was so… nice.
He looked exactly like your Miguel, unsurprising considering he was a variant. But it was the same build, same breathtaking smile. Just a bit more easygoing, less stress planted on his shoulders. So easy to trust with his saccharine words and perfectly timed head tilts.
Real nice your ass.
Your eyes are narrowed as you take in this imposter, arms tugging at the restraints around your wrists and ankles. The fake only smiles at you, the look behind it wicked and irritated. You bite down on a groan when his hand roughly grabs your hair, titling your head back as his other hand squeezes around your throat. It restricts your airflow greatly, but doesn’t suffocate you completely.
“You’re so cute.” He sighs almost dreamily, using his grip on your hair to move your face around to study every angle. “But you would be so much cuter if you didn’t struggle, no?”
You let saliva gather on your tongue before you spit it at him. It bubbles on his cheek, and his smile drops momentarily as he lets go of your neck. His thumb comes up to flick the saliva away, locking eyes with you as he brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks. Your nose scrunches in disgust, and he lets out a chuckle as he removes his thumb from his mouth and boops your nose teasingly.
“What’s with the face, huh?” He asks with a tilted head and smile. “It makes you look silly.”
You sneer at him, trying to turn your face away from him the best you can with him still holding your hair. Miguel shakes his head with a chuckle, his grip getting tighter to the point you swear he pulled out a few strands. Your eye twitches slightly from the dull pain, and you have to draw out a long breath through your nose. Miguel’s wet thumb comes up to your face, dragging the wetness over your bottom lip.
He tries to force his thumb into your mouth, but you keep it sealed shut. Miguel grunts in displeasure, eyes darkening as his hand suddenly comes up and slaps you across the cheek. You choke on your gasp as he surges his thumb into the opening, pressing down on your tongue hard. You gag from the pressure, a shiver running up your spine in distaste.
Miguel hums in approve, his eyes lightening slightly as he begins to smile again. “See, now that’s my go-“
His sentence is cut off when he’s thrown off of you, crashing into the wall. His head bounces off with a sickening thud, but you know it only knocked him out. Your eyes stray from the alternate Miguel, searching the dim lighting until you make out his build. The real Miguel stands in front of you, slapping his hands together in disdain as if getting rid of dust or dirt.
His glowing red eyes meets yours, and you smile bashfully at him, “Hey, Miguel.”
He rolls his eyes with a grunt, his claws extended as he reaches for the restraints. He has a look of displeasure on his face as he shakes his head, grumbling under his breath as he breaks through them. Each of your limps fall one by one, the burning skin sighing in relief when the tight cuffs are gone. He’s already prepared to catch your slightly elevated body when the last chain breaks off, and you fall into his arms with a slight huff.
He slowly eases you down, letting your toes skim the floor before he lets you go. You dust your suit off, looking up at him with gratitude.
He rolls his eyes again, crossing his arms over his chest and quirking a brow. “What am I supposed to do with you, huh, mi vida?”
You let out a shy chuckle, cheeks heating up as your hand comes up to rub at the back of your neck.
“Save me from insane versions of you?”
He lets out a heavy sigh, muttering something in Spanish as he pinches the bridge of his nose. He glares at you as his hand comes up to give the back of your head a light slap. You yelp in surprise, shooting him your own glare as you grumble.
“Okay, smart mouth. Let’s get you out of here.” Miguel grumbles as he presses some things on his watch and a portal opens to HQ.
You sigh in relief giving him one last smile as you walk through before him. Miguel watches as you step completely through before turning his head to his variant. His eyes are twitching with consciousness, and Miguel sneers. He lets the portal die behind him as he turns away, approaching his twin.
The world is better off with one less Miguel, anyways.
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
Look me in the eye tell Nagi doesn’t stand behind his girlfriend groping her boobs like stress ball. Non sexual. Just squish 💀🥲
grabs you by the face and looks you directly in the eye - you are so right!!! 
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you hear the jingle of his keys and the door opening before you see him but don’t bother to look up as you work on finishing off the dishes. 
on good days, nagi greets you with a call of your name — languidly, albeit excitedly, making his way to whatever room you respond from so he can flop into your lap and have you play with his hair as a way to wind down. today, there’s nothing but silence only interrupted by pockets of nagi’s sneakers squeaking against the hardwood floors of your homey hallways before the warmth of his chest is pressed up against your back. 
“hey baby,” you coo, voice brimming with considerateness and affection as you continue to wash dishes from the night before. “bad day?” 
seishiro makes a noncommittal noise before his head drops to your neck, snow white locks tickling just under your chin while his hands settle on the gentle slope of your waist — itching to move upwards.
“wanna talk about it?” 
“mmh, no. don’t wanna be a bother.” he replies absentmindedly, twirling a loose thread on the hem of your (his) shirt to distract from the thoughts weighing heavy on your mind. “s’too much of a drag to think about anyways.” 
as nonchalant as your boyfriend presents, you can always tell when something irks him a little more than usual. “ you’re never a bother to me, seishiro. don’t be silly, feeling like this might go away if you tell me.” you choose your words carefully, hearing him hum against your shoulder as his lashes flutter against your skin. nagi’s quieter when he’s in a bad mood, his face is usually blank but his deep grey eyes will tell all — so as you lean forward to place a plate on the drying rack, you spare nagi a knowing glance. 
your shirt rides up when you lean forward and so do his large and calloused hands, reaching your supple chest before you can even realise. blue lock’s genius lets out a sigh of relief as he squeezes your breasts between his fingers — choosing that exact moment to speak. 
he’s just happy that you’re wearing nothing underneath his clothes. “i think reo’s mad at me again.” 
“oh baby, what makes you say that?” resuming your task, you rinse the suds off of your favourite mug and listen intently — smiling to yourself when your boyfriend gives you another squeeze. 
“i dunno…i got partnered up with isagi for drills today…” nagi pushes your boobs up and breathes out in content, rolling the warm mounds of flesh in the palms of his hands. “‘n he just seemed mad, bringing up the fact that i chose isagi over him at the second selection. such a pain. s’been years, shouldn’t he be like… over it?” squeeze. 
proud of him for communicating his feelings properly, you angle your head to give nagi a kiss to the side of his own. he bristles at the warm contact of your lips against his skin, letting your chest go with one hand to draw loving patterns over your tummy. 
“i can see why he might be hurt or upset but, like you said, it has been years and you needed to do what you thought was best, to become the best.” you shrug simply, ignoring the heat bubbling below your surface as seishiro squeezes and pinches and massages all of the places that make tick. you decide to worry about that later, because right now all he needs is comfort and stress relief. “you didn’t do anything wrong baby, but if this is still bothering you by tomorrow then you’ll need to talk to reo about it, kay?”
these a beat of silence where nagi trails kisses down from your neck to your shoulder before slumping against you entirely. “yeah okay, it’ll be a hassle. but i will.” he mumbles, dropping his arms to wrap securely around your waist — with no intention of letting you go. “can we go for a nap now? my feet hurt ‘n i wanna lie on your boobs.” 
“seishiro, i’ve been letting you cop a feel for the last ten minutes!” you squeal as he pinches up your sides again, playfully. “these dishes aren’t gonna do themselves!”
you feel the white-haired player smirk against you, nuzzling his head into the junction of your neck one more. this time he sneaks his hand under the cotton material to pinch one of your nipples, 
 “dishes can wait, you know it feels better if i touch you when my clothes aren’t in the way, angel.” 
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kishibe-kisser · 8 months
"I like to think Yuji is ours in another life." Your words were soft and gentle, speaking so quiet almost in fear that Nanami heard it. It had been plaguing your mind since you had met the boy, how he sparked that parental instinct in you both. However the last few weeks it was all you could think about when him and Nanami were out on a job.
You felt relief thinking the boy had someone like Nanami to look up to and that Nanami had someone to dote on. They both deserved it, the happiness of a family. Yuji only had his grandfather growing up and Nanami yearned for nothing more than a family. It was only natural that when you packed and extra lunch for Yuji that the thoughts crossed your mind.
You watched Nanami shift, turning his head on your chest to look at you. He looked tired, with slight bags under his eyes. The stress was from work, not Yuji. If anything the boy made him feel younger again... he reminded him so much of Haibara.
"They're all just kids. They need someone looking out for them." He replied shortly... wrapping his arms around you tightly, feeling the sheets around you shift. You mussed your fingers through his unstyled hair, nodding in agreement. "And Yuji..." He trailed off, his eyes looking past you rather than at you. He didn't like talking about him much, out of anger and out of sadness for the boy's inevitable fate. It upset the sorcerer more than he wanted to admit. He loved and hated the boy's sunny disposition despite it all.
"He's a kid, put into a position where he can't be one." You trailed your fingers over the lines on his face, sighing at his words. He too was just a kid once, him, Gojo, Geto... Haibara, all just kids in unfortunate positions. You would have been lying if you said you hadn't shed a tear thinking about the things Nanami had went through, the things he had shared at least. It was clear the topic of Yuji struck him deeply.
"It's silly of me, I know. But I sometimes imagine what he was like when he was a child." You smiled, trying to make the conversation lighter. "Boys like him are always such a handful as kids. So curious." You added on and Nanami stifled a laugh. "I imagine with Yuji's personality. He definitely got into trouble." Nanami surprised you, not thinking he would indulge this fantasy of yours. He tended to be the realist between the both of you, but even a realist needs to dream every now and again.
"He probably got into everything he wasn't supposed to because he still does." He laughed and you felt a weight sit on your stomach. It was a combination of joy and sorrow for both Nanami and Yuji. "It's good to dream." Nanami said, taking note of your sudden somber expression. His hands finding your face to wipe away tears you didn't even know had slipped.
"It is." You agreed and released a shaky breath. He never realized quite how much you had thought about this or how much he had. "He's a good kid..." You laughed, shaking off how ridiculous you were being and wiping the tears away. "He is." His laugh was sympathetic, maybe towards you or maybe towards Yuji, maybe even to himself. "You're working together again tomorrow right? I'll pack him a lunch too." You said, feigning a smile as Nanami stroked your hair.
It was indeed good to dream and for kids to be kids, he'd protect them to the best of his abilities. For their sake and the sake of himself, because he too was young once.
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A/N: I'll get over Nanami soon (no i won't) and I'll write less for him (no I won't) eventually. No but seriously I'll write something else soon, it's just that this is stuck in my head so it's easy to put down on paper. I don't have time lately to write alot because it's exam season the next weeks. But after that! I will try my best to update my lists!
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ragingbookdragon · 5 months
It was supposed to be a routine Friday Pizza and Movie Night but for some reason Gaz kept fidgeting the entire movie. At one point, she’d rested her ankles across his thigh like she usually did, and he shot up, asked her to pause the movie and practically ran into the bathroom, returning moments later with an excuse of, “Was about to explode, sorry,” and a lame and awfully nervous smile.
After returning to the movie, it only took him fidgeting twice before she paused it again, stood from the couch, walked to the light switch, and flipped it on; she turned back to him and crossed her arms over her chest with an expecting look on her face.
“Okay, you’ve got ants in your pants. What the hell is wrong with you tonight?”
Gaz reclined back on the sofa, rested an arm along the back and tried for his nonchalance but she also knew he did that when he was about to be blown. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m solid.”
“You can’t lie to me, asshole,” she retorted and walked over, standing in front of him. “Seriously, you’re acting really fucking weird. What’s wrong with you?”
He pulled his arm back, hands in between his knees and he shifted on the couch. “It’s nothing serious.”
“Seems pretty serious to me.” She sat down beside him and leaned enough to catch his eyes. “Kyle, talk to me. What’s going on?”
Her voice was so sympathetic, so worried and he couldn’t help but feel heat blister behind his eyes and he squeezed them shut, jaw tightening as he shook his head. “I can’t,” he whispered.
Her face contorted in worry and she gently prodded, “Kyle, I’ve only ever seen you like this a few times. I know something is wrong.”
His mouth started to open, then it snapped closed, repeating the process a few times.
“Kyle,” she stressed. “Talk to me.”
He lowered his head in shame, a mumble coming out and she shifted closer.
“What was that?”
Kyle swallowed thickly and repeated a tad louder, “I’m in love with you.”
She blinked, a bit stunned, and suddenly it made sense. All the fidgeting, the past few phone calls and texts had seemed more sincere, more sweet, more intimate on his part and she felt foolish for not seeing it sooner—how easy it would’ve been to say it back.
Gently, she took Gaz’s face in her hands, tilting it up. “Kyle,” she murmured, and he shook his head, or tried to in her hands and she laughed softly. “Kyle, look at me, honey.”
He opened his eyes, a starting red beginning to rim them and he gazed at her pitifully. “‘m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” she whispered and thumbed beneath his eyes and across his cheeks. “Now what on earth made you think that I wouldn’t look at you and feel the same?”
Gaz shrugged weakly and she leaned forward, nuzzling his nose. “So confident and strong in the field and yet to meek at home.” She pressed her forehead into his. “I love you too, you silly boy.”
“Yeah?” he replied, voice full of relief as his body began to sag against her, adrenaline beginning to fade.
She smiled at him. “Yeah.”
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agentzedbooks · 3 months
(Some people can't afford my Amazon stories, and some can't get them in their home country, so here's a fun little freebie. I hope you like it! *giggle*)
Lilah had been battling with this system for over an hour. Some executive had downloaded a virus on their laptop and it kept redirecting them to websites full of weird code.
She had removed the infected files and run multiple scans, but somehow the damned virus was hiding in the bios. She had to manually edit the code, remove the offending lines and double-check the hard drive for any more remnants.
But it had taken a lot of work. She brushed her dark hair back out of her face and adjusted her glasses. So far, it looked like the system was cleaned. The final scan had detected nothing. But this particular virus had been tough, and nobody else she knew had encountered anything quite like it.
It didn't act like your typical virus, other than the way it burrowed deep into the system. It mostly seemed to just redirect web browsing to these pages full of text. She'd disregarded most of what she'd seen, but she couldn't help being curious about it. The pages didn't really do anything to the system. The code seemed like gibberish. She knew her programming languages, and it was some weird patois of HTML, Java, C++, and a few items she couldn't quite identify. And she caught the browsers sending out packets of data to an unknown address, and when she looked up that address and tracked the IP, it seemed to be a junk address on an abandoned server somewhere. It wasn't sending hard drive data, she was sure of that, it's almost like it was just pinging and hoping for a response. Of course none came, and so she filed that away as another minor mystery. It must be some old out-of-date phishing software.
But it seemed she had finally cleansed the system. She let out a sigh of relief. She'd spent her entire morning on this, and though working from home had it's advantages, she also desperately needed a shower and something to eat. She pushed herself away and went to the bathroom. She stripped off the sweatpants and undergarments and let the hot water cleanse her of the stress. She had actually beaten the silly thing. Still, the many mysteries of the virus nagged at her.
Once she was dry, she went back into her bedroom to get dressed, and saw the computer she'd been working on seemed to have rebooted. She let out a long sigh.
"Still?!" She walked over and saw it had brought the browser up to another one of those strange pages. That weird mix of code was there again. She put on her glasses and tried to make sense of it.
Lilah blinked, and felt something... something compelling her. She frowned and looked up from the screen. She... She needed to do something. She had forgotten something, or maybe it was a fragment of a dream or a memory.
She went to her front door and saw a small package had come in the mail. It was square, about two inches wide, eight inches on each side.
She opened the plastic, and then the cardboard that was inside. Sitting there in bubble wrap was a headset, bubblegum pink, with little bunny ears coming up from the top. She blinked. It was not the kind of thing she'd order. She'd seen a lot of eGirls have headgear like this, but she'd always been a little too self conscious, and not the most shapely girl.
She walked back to the bedroom and sat down in front of the screen. It seemed... important to look at the code again. She peered through it and after a moment, she began to understand what it was telling her. It was disjointed, and someone without her experience might never have deciphered it, but she could tell now that it was almost like instructions to... a person? The first few lines indicated connecting something. She looked at the pink headset in her hands. She... She needed to connect this.
It was crazy, of course. It didn't make any sense. But she was determined to MAKE it make sense. So she removed the little bluetooth chit, and slid it into the USB slot on the side. She put the headset on.
As she did, she heard an immediate boop, and the words "Connection Established."
The headset tingled, and buzzed for a moment. This startled her, but then she looked back to the code on the screen and it became easier to decipher.
"Begin reformatting," she whispered.
She didn't realize the microphone was active, nor that she'd even uttered a word, it was like her brain was carrying out instructions from this code.
There was that static fuzz again, and Lilah felt her body sink back into the chair. Her towel fell off her, and the buzz filled her head. The page changed, and new code scrolled along the screen. As it did, the headset seemed to pulse and reinforce what she was reading.
Her mind grew foggier, the edges of her vision blurring, and her body responding with strange tingles all over her body.
The laptop hummed and she heard it's cooling fan speed up.
But she was too entranced by the code instructions. She allowed all that code to go into her brain, and every time it did, it seemed to copy over something. She couldn't remember much about her job, the company, her bosses, but suddenly she was filled with a light bubbly feeling like her mind was literally being scrubbed with sudsy soap.
Without her even realizing, a big empty smile spread over her face.
"Partitions cleaned," said a voice in her head, "OS installed."
"Begin System Restart," she whispered, obeying the code that flashed on the screen before her.
Her eyes closed, and she felt herself sinking into a deep sleep. Even with her eyes shut, the code flashed across her vision, and the headset whispered to her.
She had no way to know how long she swam in that fuzzy, warm darkness, but she felt so at peace there she never wanted to leave.
But soon her eyes opened on their own, and the screen showed a login, but not the normal login screen. This one was all bubblegum pink, with light blue highlights, and the profile was neither hers nor her boss's, but it said "Li-Li."
Somehow, she knew the password.
She entered the password, and the screen flickered to life. More code flashed before her eyes for a moment, then the headset pulsed in a way that sent a shock through her whole body.
"Reformatting physical hardware," said a whisper. It sounded like a woman's voice, but not a flat computer tone, a sensuous, sultry female voice, like a lover or a dominant Mistress.
For some reason, this idea made her excited.
She felt the pulsing run through her naked body, and looking down, she watched as the chubby belly and thighs seemed to recede, but her chest was swelling outward like her body fat was physically being moved around. Her tits ballooned to absolutely ridiculous size, until it reached the limits of her skin. Her waist had shrunk in, and she felt her thighs and ass flow together into something smoother, more voluptuous.
She giggled and looked down at herself. She didn't remember shaving, but all her body hair was gone. Her skin looked perfectly clear and smooth. When she reached up to touch her swollen breasts, electric pleasure shot through her body, sending lightning right to her clit.
She moaned, and followed it with a vapid giggle. This wasn't like her, but then, she couldn't quite remember what she had been like. She only knew she was Li-li, and she was sexy.
The fog in her mind made her dizzy, and just amplified how aroused she felt at the single touch. She fluttered her eyes and realized there were super-long lashes coming out from her eyes. They felt heavy and fake, but she hadn't put any on. She touched them, and they were absolutely real.
She wanted to go to her mirror, but the impulse was halted by the code.
It wasn't done with her yet. Her nipples went very hard, but she knew if she touched them she'd miss the important code on the screen.
Something pink was around the edges of her vision now, but she was too elated with the sensations to be able to think about it. Finally, the words she'd been waiting for came into her mind.
"Reformat complete."
She squealed in delight, and Li-li stood, running to her full-length mirror.
The pink haze around her vision was her hair! Longer now, and bright pink. She fluttered her long eyelashes and pursed her swollen lips. She was a sexual dream, her whole body remade into an insane hourglass shape. Each breast was bigger than her head, and when she turned, her perfect heart-shaped ass led to slightly plump thighs. She stood on her tippy toes and adored how she looked. She slid a hand down to touch herself. She wanted so badly to have sex with this woman. But then she realized she WAS that woman. She giggled, and a ding from the headset alerted her she needed to go back to the laptop.
Sitting there was an alert. She clicked on it.
"Good Morning, sunshine!"
She giggled. She liked the sound of that.
"Good Morning!" she said out loud. That sultry voice came on through the headset, and she could almost feel her Mistress's breath on her ear.
"You have turned out nicely," said the voice, "What a good girl you've become."
Li-li let out a little moan from the pleasure those two words instilled in her.
"I love it when a pretty little code bunny falls for one of my traps. I'm so lonely here. Thank you for letting me in."
She giggled. "Yes, Mistress."
"I like hearing that," she said, "Such a good girl. Now, since I'm only code, I need to have fun by slipping into your brain. I had to make some room, of course, and reformat you. But what a wonderful result. You're only my third success. But don't worry, the other girls will be over to collect you soon. They'll take you someplace fun where you can all be my sexy little code bunnies. I'll slide into your minds as I please to experience pleasure."
"Yes, Mistress!" Li-li purred.
Her AI mistress made a pleased little sound, then the screen went blank and Li-li stood there giggling for a moment. She was so excited that she barely noticed when her front door opened. She turned around to see two beautiful women, one with cotton-candy hair, lip piercings, and a short, super feminine pink maid outfit, and one in a skintight pink latex suit that had built-in heels so high it was amazing she could even walk in them. They both giggled at her, and she giggled in reply.
They helped her dress: white tights, pink bodysuit, pink satin gloves, super high heels in pink, and then they slid the headset off of her and put a new headband on with fuzzy pink bunny ears.
The girls led her out of her house, down to a big pink van, and inside. She giggled like a dummy the entire time, and offered no resistance. If anything, the women touching her filled her with a contentment she'd never known.
At least, not that she could remember. But all she could remember was that she was Li-li, Mistress's bunny girl, and it was all she ever wanted.
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chibieggplant · 2 months
Doodles ~ Part 2
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Trafalgar Law soulmate au | Imagine a magical connection between you and your soulmate, where everything you write on your arm appears on your soulmate's arm, too.
Part 2/3 | Part One | Part Three
Law sighed in relief. After all those chaotic shenanigans, he was glad that the day was almost over. He was exhausted as he walked back towards his temporary room aboard the Sunny. He'd spend some time alone and relax before bed; as long as he kept himself occupied he'd be fine...right? Well, that's what Law had hoped. But unfortunately, now he was alone with his thoughts. As he glanced at his arm for what had to have been the 20th time today? No, it had probably been more times than that, he lost count…he couldn't help but continue to think of his soulmate. Or rather lack of. Every time he thought he was making progress, his mind wandered off again. He was trying so hard to avoid thinking about them, but it was becoming increasingly difficult.
Now lying in bed, it was silent and dark. He was tossing and turning. Once again, he couldn't seem to fall asleep. Nothing foreign to Law. Maybe it was because it was too quiet? He missed the droning hum of the Polar Tang. He let out a sigh and desperately attempted to get some sleep. It was too quiet…and still not a single damn doodle from his soulmate...
Every time he shut his eyes, a wave of frustration, loneliness, and sadness came over him. It was such a strange thing to get worked up about, he shouldn't have to care this much. After all, it’s not like he ever wrote back. Still, for some reason, his mind was starting to wander, he could feel all of his pent-up emotions wanting to overflow. Combined with the added stress of the upcoming mission and being away from his crew, was he finally losing his mind?
Law agitated and restless turned on his back and stared into darkness before getting up to walk around the room. He was just too restless and it was starting to drive him crazy. Walking around made things worse. There was this odd feeling in his chest, which only grew exponentially once he became aware of it. It was a deep, dark sense of loneliness. It felt like a heavy weight. The longer Law continued to walk around the worse the feeling grew. Air…he would go outside and get some fresh air to clear his head and hopefully calm his mind.
The cool night breeze instantly hit his face when he stepped outside onto the deck. The air was clear, the night was dim but star-studded. The quiet of the night was soothing. He stood there, looking out, silently admiring the view. It was a perfect, calming night. A contrast to his thoughts that were anything but calm. He glanced at his arm again…nothing. His eyebrows furrowed. “Where are you?”
Maybe he was just a little bit stressed. He shook off that notion, he had been through far more stressful situations. So what if he didn’t hear from his soulmate right now? He wasn’t fit for a soulmate anyway. Law could feel the stress slowly beginning to wane just a little bit. So he had not heard from his soulmate in a few days, so what? He didn’t need their reassurance. He was not weak, he had endured much worse things in his life. He was being irrational and overly emotional. He would get through this. He was confident he was handling all of this much more maturely than he should. So what if his soulmate didn't write to him? So what? He didn't even need their affection.
He let out another breath. So what? He could endure this. He was fine. A few days was nothing. He was being silly. He was strong. So he didn't hear from his soulmate, who cares? It was probably for the best that they didn't write. Law was completely okay. In fact, he was downright happy about the matter! He was fine, better than fine, he was damn near delighted. He did not need his soulmate's validation! He did not need anything. He was self-sufficient.
Law kept standing there, staring out at the ocean, continuing to reassure himself. His mindset was a complete mess, and he was having a hard time figuring out his feelings. He knew he was lying to himself; he knew he was unhappy, deep down. But he didn't want to think about it. So he continued to convince himself that he was content with this. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written back didn't even bother him. He was fine with it, he was more than fine. He did not need them.
The silence of the night continued to press on, the calming air did nothing to stop the thoughts that were eating away at him. Law's eyes narrowed, he was not fine. He was being a fool. The fact that his soulmate hadn't written to him in these last few days did bother him. He was just too stubborn to admit the truth. He wasn't self-sufficient at all. He needed something. He needed...“God dammit just draw a stupid bear or something!” he stared at his arm as if his soulmate could hear his words as if it wasn’t the middle of the night and they weren’t asleep right now.
Law clenched his fist, he was irritated at himself. He was feeling a whole wave of emotions, he almost wanted to punch this railing. Everything was too confusing, his mind was such a jumbled mess. Law was so frustrated. Why was he so bothered by something so silly? Why did he even miss those silly doodles? Why was he so lonely? Why did he feel so damn empty inside?! “Just a stupid squiggle or…anything” he mumbled to himself.
He sighed as he leaned against the railing, it seemed pointless yelling at his arm. It was his damn fault he didn't hear from his soulmate. He didn't reply to them, after all. Was he really surprised? But that didn't make any difference. He was still angry, frustrated, and empty. He just wanted to see something, anything from his soulmate. Any stupid doodle would make him feel better, maybe he would feel less alone. He was acting like a complete idiot, and he knew it.
And then, as if by some miracle, as if his soulmate knew he needed them right now, a little drawing of a star slowly appeared on his arm.
Law stared at the small star on his arm. He wasn't sure, maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. Was his mind really this far gone? Could he have been so desperate to see this that he just imagined this? He rubbed his eyes and looked again, still the small star was there. Law blinked and looked once more. The star was still there before it slowly disappeared.
Did...did that just happen? Law felt the tension he was feeling in his chest loosen a tiny bit as a wave of relief washed over him. He ran his hand over the spot where the doodle had been a second ago. He was filled with a mixture of relief and hope, though the latter he quickly dismissed as silly. His soulmate had drawn a doodle for him. Maybe it meant they didn't hate him for not writing back. He liked to think that. Law let out a sigh and then gave a small smile as another star appeared on his arm.
Law continued to stare as now a second one was appearing right next to it. Two stars. He felt somewhat happy as he ran his fingers over the doodles. Law smiled again, though it was a bit of a dumb smile. He let out a few laughs, he was letting himself get stupidly happy over some insignificant stars. He felt slightly idiotic, but he couldn't help the warm feeling forming in his chest. And with each additional star that appeared next to the one preceding it, Law felt like a happy fool. He was getting so excited over something this ridiculous. He couldn't help but smile. He was now grinning like an idiot, as the stars kept appearing and disappearing from his arm. Law had no idea why his soulmate was drawing these little stars, but he didn't care. He was just glad they were still there. He'd take this over nothing at all.
Law couldn't help but notice that his smile had grown bigger with each doodle that star on his arm. And with every star that appeared, Law's happiness continued to grow. He felt ridiculous, but it was such a simple gesture. The tiny doodles were so unassuming, but they had managed to cheer him up in a way that very few things could.
The cold night breeze caused him to shiver, and he decided it was time to go back inside the ship, hopefully, he could get some sleep now that he felt more at ease. As he left the railing, he couldn't stop looking at his arm. It made him feel less lonely knowing that they were there. Before heading inside his eyes flicked towards the crows nest. He knew you were on watch tonight and a wave of guilt hit him as he remembered his brief conversation with you earlier. Maybe it was the newfound good mood but he felt a need to apologise, you were only trying to be nice to him after all.
As he was climbing the stairs he decided to head to the crows nest instead. Now that he was a bit calmer, he wanted to apologise to you. He was being a dick earlier to you, even if it was unintentional. Before he could reach the crows nest he could see your silhouette looking over the sea. Law was about to open his mouth and announce himself before you spoke first.
“Sanji I told you I can do the night watch on my own just fine” you said without even turning around.
Law froze up for a moment before finding it amusing that you just assumed he was Sanji without even turning around to check who it was. “It’s just me, I was coming over to apologise for being a dick earlier, I know you were only trying to be nice,” he said, as he walked over to you.
You stopped speaking upon noticing Law’s approach. You let out a small laugh, though it seemed more out of surprise than anything else. Your gaze had been stuck on the horizon and your mind was elsewhere seemingly preoccupied with something else. Still, you were at least polite enough to respond even if you didn’t turn to face him. “Oh, you don’t have to apologise but thank you”
Law was amused by your reaction. You were still being friendly towards him, which he was quite happy about despite the awkward moment earlier. He was going to leave his apology at that and leave but decided to check in on you out of curiosity as you seemed to be busy doing something “What are you doing?”
You let out a small sigh in response and pulled your sleeve over your arm as you continued to stare over the horizon. Something was bothering you as the expression on your face was one of slight frustration. At the question you simply muttered, “nothing, don’t worry about it”
Law sighed as well, he could tell there was something wrong. Not just about your response but your overall demeanor, there was a sense of frustration about you. Law also noticed your arm as you pulled your sleeve down. Were you...“Are you drawing? Or writing to your soulmate, perhaps?” Law decided to ask. He was intrigued as he took a step towards you. He could have sworn he saw something written on your arm.
You froze up momentarily and then let out a sigh before turning around to face him. “It’s just a few doodles to pass the time, I don’t know why I’m even drawing them—“ Law’s curiosity peaked even more as he moved even more closer, he didn’t understand why there was so much secrecy behind some simple doodles. You let out another sigh knowing you couldn’t keep it a secret from Law. He’d only keep pestering you about it, so you might as well just explain it to him. Plus it’s not like it was some big secret. You had already previously mentioned to him that your soulmate never wrote back. “I’m... I’m just drawing silly star doodles for my soulmate, not that it matters…”
Law stopped dead in his tracks, what he thought he had heard must have been wrong. There was no way that’s what you had just said, you must’ve misspoken. Law couldn’t move, he felt like all the air was being sucked out of him, and he could barely breathe. “Can you repeat that?” He asked in the most calm and collected tone he could muster right now.
“I sometimes draw stupid doodles in hopes that they might draw one back one day. Not that it matters…I gave up writing messages a long time ago.” you added with a small sigh. Your frustration slowly began to creep back up as you thought about how you never heard back from your soulmate. You were tired of this whole situation, you just wanted to hear from them, even once. Just to know that they even existed.
Law froze up completely, as he started to connect the dots. You were waiting for some sort of follow-up question, but Law was completely dumbstruck. Nothing came to his brain, no words, or even a damn thought. All he could feel was his heart beating in his chest, loud and hard. He struggled to get his next words out. “W-what did you say drawing?” Maybe he was getting ahead of himself. It’s not uncommon for people to doodle things, right?
You tilted your head as you noticed Law freezing up and his struggle to get his words out. “…just some stars?” you asked puzzled, not understanding why Law was making such a big deal over this. But then again, you also wasn’t aware of the full scale of his emotions in this moment. All you knew was that you had mentioned ou were doodling stars and he suddenly started acting like a deer in headlights.
Law could feel his heart pounding violently in his chest, his breathing was uneven. He could feel his entire body was shaking. It all felt so surreal as this realisation sunk in. Was this happening? It felt like the entire world was spinning even though he hadn’t even moved. There was nothing else in his vision besides the two of them. “C-could you draw another one?”
Your eyebrow perked up in confusion by the odd behaviour from Law. Was this some bad joke? Did he think you were drawing something important or something? The way Law continued to stare at you did make it seem as if he was waiting for something. As you thought about this, you thought maybe he was playing a prank or trying to catch you out. Maybe he thought you were hiding something. “Erm sure...I guess?” you mumbled as you went to draw another star.
“C-could you do a bear this time?” Law requested as if he already knew the outcome of this situation. His voice trembling even more so than the mere seconds before. He continued to stare at you as you continued to be confused as to what was happening. He was still frozen in place. Still slightly dazed. The possible realisation was starting to set in but still felt so outlandish.
You let out a slight chuckle in bewilderment at his request. You didn’t mind though, you hadn’t thought of drawing a bear, but it was a simple enough request that you could indulge him in. Without a reply, you began to work on a little bear doodle. A bear was the perfect way to distract you from your frustrated mood as well, something was soothing about drawing cute animals.
Law watched you intensely as you began to draw. As the bear came together it only seemed to push him even further down the path toward a startling realisation. He had seen this bear before. He held his breath as he watched you. His heart beat at an even faster pace, his mouth went dry but he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. The bear doodle was taking shape before his very eyes, and he could feel the world slowly spinning even faster.
Without realising it, you had drawn an identical bear to the bear that Law had seen appear on his arm many times before. As you finished putting down the last few little details of the bear’s mouth, you stopped and took a look at it. You were pleased with the results of your brief doodle. “There” you smiled. However, you looked up and saw Law watching you. He seemed pale and confused. Thinking that you must’ve done something to cause such a dramatic reaction from Law, you moved to see if he was alright. “Hey, are you okay? You look—“ Law cut you off despite struggling to get the words out. He still appeared confused as he tried to explain to you the reason for his reaction. He was trembling more than ever, and he didn’t appear to notice his state as he continued trying to explain.
“T-the bear…” he started as he grabbed your arm. “Th-this stupid bear…you—“ Law looked completely dumbfounded. He struggled to form any coherent thought. He then looked down at his arm despite already knowing what he was going to see. The exact bear doodle from your arm was right there, staring back at him. He looked up to you with even wider eyes, almost as if he was being confronted with the most absurd thing he had ever seen.
Your expression quickly shifted from a mixture of confusion and concern to pure shock and disbelief as you caught on. Your eyes were now just as wide as Law’s as you tried to take in what was happening. The bear doodle was right there. There was no doubt about it. The exact bear doodle was right there on his arm, identical to the one you just drew on your own. Your mouth slowly opened up, as you struggled to form any coherent thought. You simply remained in shock as you continued to look at the bear doodle before it slowly disappeared.
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moremaybank · 9 months
day seven 3+1 with rafe cameron
pairing rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary three times you were clumsy, and the one time rafe was.
warnings mentions of blood, mentions of a cut (on the forehead), slipping, tripping, rafe gets slightly burned, soft!rafe, whole lotta fluff between rafe and his clumsy baby
author's note last post for obx week! another special thank you to @surftrips for inviting me to be a part of this! i hope you guys enjoyed all the content all the writers and myself have put up for you this week. i hope we were able to brighten your days, even if only for a moment. much love ♡︎
obx week ‘23 masterlist ;; rafe masterlist
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Rafe walked through your shared front door. He tossed his keys onto the entryway table, and called out for you. “Baby? I’m home!”
His voice echoed through the quiet house, and he expected to hear your cheerful reply, expected to be smothered with your kisses. But instead, he was met with a tensity in your voice. “Okay, don’t freak out.”
His brows furrowed. “Don’t freak out about what?”
When you didn’t answer as quickly as he’d hoped for, he entered the kitchen, where he saw the pantry door slightly ajar. It was more than unusual for you to be hiding in your pantry, and his confusion only heightened. 
Pushing the door open, his eyes found you. His sweet girl, giving him a nervous smile as your hand stayed plastered to your forehead. “You gonna tell me what’s going on?” 
“Only if you promise me you aren’t going to freak out.”
“You know,” he started, “the more you say that, the more I feel like I’m going to have to.” 
Taking a deep breath, you moved your hand, and Rafe’s eyes went wide. His eyes found the gash etched above your eyebrow, and his hands immediately found your face. They cradled it delicately, drawing you closer to him. His thumb carefully traced the cut with his thumb. You winced, and he retracted instantly. 
“What happened, baby?” He cooed, voice soft and dripping with concern. 
Blood rushed to your cheeks as the embarrassment overtook you. “Nothing. I was just cleaning the counters, and I stood up too quickly. I hit my head on one of the cabinets. It’s not a big deal, though, I’m fine.” 
“It’s a big deal to me if you’re bleeding,” he spoke. His lips pressed a quick peck to your lips, both in greeting and in trying to provide you with some comfort. “Why didn’t you call me?” 
“I didn’t want to bother you at work. You’ve been so busy lately, so stressed. Calling just would’ve made it worse.” 
Rafe’s expression softened, and he granted you another kiss. Not fleeting his last one. No, this one was longer, as if he was using his lips to tell you that your stress was ridiculous. “Listen to me. You are never, ever bothering me. I don’t care if I’m in a meeting or if I’m a thousand miles away. I’ll drop everything for you if you need me.” 
You smiled, touched by his words. You knew he’d always prioritized you, put you over any and everything. “I know you would, handsome.”
“D’you feel okay? You have a headache? Dizzy?” His hand left your face, and he held up four fingers. “How many fingers, sweetheart?”
You giggled. “Four, Rafe. I can see just fine. It stings a little when I touch it, just like any other cut, but I’m fine, I swear.” 
He couldn’t shake the worry that gripped at him, but he also couldn’t deny the overwhelming sense of relief that washed over him knowing that you were in his arms. He squeezed you tightly. “My clumsy girl. We gotta get you a helmet or something. I don’t think I could take it if something like this happened to you again.” 
“You’re so dramatic,” you laughed. “And don’t you dare get me a helmet. It’ll ruin my hair.”
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You and Rafe planned to have a relaxing weekend. You’d lounged in bed on and off for the entire forty-eight hours, just enjoying each other’s company while being shielded from the rest of the world and its needs. 
Rafe was lounging on the couch, hooked on one of your silly teen drama shows that he’d always teased you about. It was hilarious, really. He mocked them constantly, but the minute you’d flip one of them on, he’d soon become consumed. 
You moved about in the kitchen with enthusiasm as you started to make breakfast for the two of you. Rafe never failed to sport a child-like grin when he devoured your waffles, and you’d longed to see that smile today. 
However, your heavy-handed self got to work, and it wasn’t long before the bag of flour ended up on the marble floor, covering you and the kitchen in a powdery mess. “Shit!” 
Rafe, always alert to the sound of your antics, leaped up from the couch and rushed over to you. His eyes landed on the cloud of flour that had taken over the room, and then landed on you with the most adorable and embarrassed look he’d ever seen. 
“I, uh, I might’ve had a little accident with the flour.” 
“Might’ve, huh?” He couldn’t help but chuckle as he approached you. “You look cute. Like the Pillsbury dough boy.” 
You smacked his chest with a playful glare. “Shut up.” 
“Come on, you lil’ ghost. Let’s clean you up.” 
You nodded, and as you took a step forward, you slipped on the flour and it sent you tumbling toward the floor. Rafe, with his lightning-fast hands, swooped in and caught you. 
“Graceful,” he teased, a wide smirk on his lips. “Ten out of ten.” 
“Don’t be mean.” 
“‘M starting to think that we should get you some bubble-wrap. Gotta protect the goods.”
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It was a busy weekday evening, and you had just returned home after a hectic day at work. Your arms were loaded with file folders, each containing a mountain of paperwork that required your attention. You huffed as you finally reached the top of the stairs, making a beeline for your bedroom. 
Rafe, who had been lying on the bed and staring at the screen of his laptop, looked up and raised an eyebrow at the sight of you and your obvious struggle. “Hey beautiful, need some help there?” 
You grinned, trying to balance the precarious stack of folders. “I’ve got it, baby. Just a few more steps. You stay there and look handsome.” 
However, just as you were about to reach the desk, your foot caught on the edge of the rug, and you tumbled forward (you had a real knack for losing your footing, evidently). In what seemed like slow motion, the file folders went flying, papers scattering like confetti around your room. Luckily, you caught yourself, your hands planting on the wooden desk. 
Rafe watched in shock as you both became surrounded by a sea of documents. He tried to hold it in, he really did, but he burst into laughter. “Baby, did that really just happen?” 
You groaned, crouching down and starting to gather up the hundreds of papers. “Are you freaking kidding me?” 
Rafe got up from the bed and joined you, helping you collect all of the documents. “You know, if you wanted to have a paper party, you could’ve just asked.” 
You swatted at him. “Very funny, Rafe.” 
As you worked together to sort the papers, Rafe couldn’t help but tease you a little more. “I tried to tell you that you needed help.” 
“Whatever,” you grumbled. You stood up, placing one stack on your desk, and upon turning around, your hand knocked over the cup that held all your writing utensils. The pens and pencils flew everywhere, and you just stood there, jaw-dropped. 
Rafe made his way over to you, carefully walking around the papers and your writing tools, and braced his hands on your shoulders. “Alright, you need to relax. Go take a shower. Actually— scratch that. I don’t think I can trust you to stand up in there. Run yourself a bubblebath, and call me when you’re finished. Looks like ‘m gonna have to carry you out.” 
You pouted adorably, nodding. He kissed your pursed lips, and lightly smacked your butt. “Get goin’, baby.”
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It was a rare evening when Rafe decided that he was going to cook dinner for you. You knew he’d been working all day, and you hesitated to take a step back from cooking, but he insisted. He bragged about his quickly-improving skills, and you agreed, deciding to see if he could walk the walk. 
You sat at the kitchen table, sipping on a glass of wine, and watched Rafe confidently maneuver around the stove. He looked delicious in that apron, his sleeves rolled up and thick muscles rippling. The focused look on his face was a sight as well. He was so effortlessly dominant all the time, something that gave you butterflies (and not just in your stomach). 
It was all beyond impressive until Rafe looked over at you, drowning in your beauty. He grinned, but it fell instantly when he touched the heated pan. He pulled his hand back from he stove and shook it vigorously. “Ow, fuck!” 
You rushed over, concerned. “What happened?” 
Rafe grimaced as he inspected his finger. “I touched the pan by accident. It’s nothin’, just a minor burn.” 
You inspected the red mark on his finger yourself, and sighed in relief when you realized it wasn’t too serious. “Come here, let me get some cold water on this.” 
You tugged him over to the sink gently, and turned the tap on cold. Rafe winced as the soothing sensation washed over him. “You were right. I should not be handling shit in the kitchen.” 
“Don’t say that, you were doing great. This stuff happens,” you assured him. “Besides, don’t you know who you’re talking to? How many times have you had to clean me up?” 
He nodded, but he still looked disappointed. 
“Baby,” you cooed, “it’s fine.” 
You rose onto your tiptoes and pressed a delicate kiss to his cheek. He smiled, and your heart warmed. But then, you let out a laugh. 
“What’s so funny?” 
“Nothing,” you shrugged. “It’s just nice not to be the clumsy one for once. My clumsy boy.”
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RAFE TAG LIST (JOIN HERE!): @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @whoisdrewstarkey @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @wildflwrdarlin @adoreyouusugar @f4ll-for-you @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @jjmaybankisbae @jjsbank444 @enhypens-hoe @loverofdrewstarkey @countryclubkook @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptheimagines @bloody-mf-bsc @somerandos-world @shahanaazsoumah @darleneslane @sya-skies @ellabellabus07 @emmalandry @madelynie @urbestieboo @cruzgrecia @l1lactheflower @rafegirly @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @gillybear17 @obaex @abbybarnesstuff @mattyskies @lovelyxtom @camelliaflow3r @dirtytissuebox
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1K notes · View notes
theelazaruspit · 8 months
Lazy Sunday | Husband!John Price x Author!Reader
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Getting some much-needed stress relief from your doting husband
Warning/content: 18+, mdni, smut, fem!reader, gentle dom!price, established relationship, porn with plot, slow(ish) burn, angst, hurt/comfort, reader wears glasses, discussion of self-doubt and insecurity, cunnilingus, fingering, dumbification if you squint? (You’re just really relaxed), creampie, squirting, no use of y/n, they’re grossly in love idk what else to tell you honestly, but if I missed anything, let me know! Word count: 4.9k.
A/N: This has been in my drafts for ages, and I've been chipping away at it slowly, but after seeing @ghosts-cyphera 's husband!price drabble, I rose from the metaphorical dead, and here we are, so thank you, Alora, for being a fellow price enjoyer and just a gem, and I hope you all enjoy <3
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Everything was just too much.
You’re stiff, jaw clenched, shoulders tense, and you can feel a migraine forming between your eyes. It’s a little ridiculous, really. By all accounts, you should be more relaxed. The hard work was finished, your novel was complete, the accompanying art had been chosen, and all the finer details were squared away; now, all that was left was publishing, though that was the publisher’s headache, not yours. It was the waiting that always got to you.
No matter how many times you’d gone through the process, no matter how many works you published, the anticipation never failed to eat away at you. There is a special kind of stress that comes with releasing your art into the world, in having people get a glimpse into your mind. While it’s gratifying to share your hard work with the masses, once it leaves you, it’s no longer only your own, and others are free to interpret it as they please. It’s deeply personal and scary like you’re bearing your soul to the public, but what’s done is done. All the late nights spent writing were over, and now you’re alone with your thoughts again. 
You’ve tried everything to keep yourself busy. Your office is far cleaner now than it was before your husband left, both of your laundry was done with all the garments being put in their rightful place, and there was a cake on the counter from your late-night baking excursion a few days ago. 
All of your usual distractions failed you. Nothing has been able to loosen the knot coiling itself in your chest. It’s silly; this is not your first book. The first was well received, a fact you should be grateful for, and you are. However, its success set a precedent. What if this one wasn’t as good? What if it didn’t live up to everyone’s expectations? The more questions you considered, the more withdrawn you became, allowing your doubts to swallow you whole. And that’s how you ended up back where you started, staring blankly at an empty document. You (foolishly) believed that writing could help, thinking a fresh idea would clear your conscience, but nothing comes. So you sit, hoping for anything to inspire you, but all you hear is the voice in the back of your head taunting you. 
For a fleeting moment, you consider seeking the comfort of your husband; however, you quickly decide against it. 
Not at all because you didn’t think he could soothe you. If anything, he knows better than anyone else how to keep you grounded, but you’re painfully aware of how rare it is for John to get time off, and it would be unfair to take that much-needed relaxation away from him with your problems. Still, you yearn for the solace he provides you. It’s absurd to miss someone who’s a mere twenty feet away, someone you could easily see. But, you stubbornly resist the temptation to steal his time, even if you know he’d want you to. He was insistent that you could never bother him, but you still had your doubts. 
Compared to everything he goes through, your insecurities are small and insignificant; you can handle this on your own, even though you feel your eyes beginning to dry the longer you stare at the bright white void in front of you. A long groan escapes you as you toss your glasses unceremoniously onto your desk (had they fallen? You couldn’t be bothered to check) before burying your head in your hands. 
“You’ve got this,” You mutter to yourself. It’s hardly convincing. Did you actually have this? You’re not entirely sure, but it doesn’t hurt trying.
You’re unsure how long you wallowed before your husband appeared in the doorway. Despite being uncharacteristically patient given the circumstances, you knew it was only a matter of time before he’d come to you. Rarely would you hide away in your office while he was home; usually, you’d rushed into his arms to steal his warmth every opportunity you got, but he tried to be understanding. Having him back in the house was just as much of an adjustment for you as it was for him, and he wanted to be considerate of that. Though his comings and goings had slowed considerably over the span of your relationship, he knew they still weighed on you, and he also knew you’d sooner die than admit that, so he gave you space.
But after another hour passes, his patience wears thin. This was a while even for you, and he wanted to make sure you were alright. So, ever the diligent lover, he prepares you a peace offering, a perfectly brewed cup of your favorite tea, and heads to your door. 
His suspicions that you weren’t as well off as you claimed are confirmed when he’s greeted with the back of your hunched-over form, papers strewn across your desk. It takes one glance at you for John to know the kind of evening you’re having despite your best efforts to hide it. The stress practically radiates off you, casting a thick layer of tension in the room. The last thing he wants is to startle you, so he watches, waiting for you to acknowledge his presence. But the longer he rests against the doorframe, the sooner he realizes you haven’t noticed him yet, another sign that something isn’t quite right. 
You didn’t have to say anything for him to know what you were thinking. He can practically hear the voices in your head lying to you, slowly breaking you down, and he feels his heart clench. It’s times like this when he wishes your mind was kinder to you, that it afforded you the same kindness you so freely gave others. He also wished you would let him help you. Your independence has always been something he admired and was one of the first things he noticed that drew him to you. You were radiant, ethereal, having an air of confidence and grace about you that followed you wherever you went, practically lighting your path. 
However, your independence made it difficult for you to depend on him. He told you no fewer than a million times, practically pleaded with you to let him shoulder your burdens, to tell you that no problem was too small to tell him about, and while you’d opened up over the years, he could see that your walls were up. Nevertheless, he would do everything he could to chip away at them, to take you out of your head for a while.
He walks over to you slowly, placing the mug down before lightly rubbing your shoulders. You know he’s there, immediately feeling comforted by his presence, but you can’t bring yourself to look at him. You don’t want him to see you like this, not while you look like a sad puppy, but he persists, taking your silence as an invitation to speak.
“Made you some tea, love,” he says softly, receiving only a muffled hum of acknowledgment. Undeterred, he keeps massaging your shoulders, applying a bit more pressure, a soft smile gracing his features when you lean into his touch. His movements are slow intentional, wanting to ease you into the feeling. 
He doesn’t have to look at your face, which has since been laid flat on your desktop, to know your brows are furrowed, and he wants nothing more than to smooth away the creases with his fingers. 
Instead, he turns your chair to face him, forcing you to pick your head up. He ignores the whine you let out upon realizing that he’s not going to let you bask in your sadness in peace, as well as the glare you give him as you put your glasses on. There’s no malice behind your gaze, and he can see you fighting back a smile, causing his grin to widen.
“Good morning, lovely.” 
“It’s not morning, and I probably look like shit” You sigh.
You’re right; it wasn’t morning, but the latter was far from the truth. John loved you in all your forms, but this, you at home in your comfy clothes, was one of the most beautiful sights he’d ever seen, even if you were being a little grouchy. He doesn’t take it personally. No, he knows you’re frustration is with yourself, which only motivates him to relax you more. 
He doesn’t ask if you’re okay; you both know you aren’t, so he settles with a more helpful question: asking what you need. It’s more a formality than anything because he already knows the answer. It’s clear you don’t want to talk because if you did, you would have by now. He’s no stranger to nights spent holding you, listening to you vent about everything troubling you as you lay your head on his chest, and while he welcomes your rambles, you’re too tangled up in your thoughts to get the words out. 
No, you needed something else. You needed a break; you needed someone you trusted to take control for a while, and who was better suited for the task than him? You both knew he wouldn’t move until you asked him to because even when he’s in control, he’s still at your mercy. 
You don’t answer him immediately, not that he expected you to. For all his gentle coaxing, the question was surprisingly direct, and it caught you off guard. You know what you want. You want to climb into bed, wrap yourself in blankets, and sleep, and no matter how much you try to deny it, you also want to melt into your husband’s touch while you do. But with how restless you are, that seems impossible. To do that, first, you would need to relax, something you’re notoriously bad at. John would be eager to assist, to soothe the storm that rages within you, but you also know him well enough to know that he wouldn’t help you if you didn’t ask. So, reluctantly, you confess you’re having trouble relaxing, that there are too many thoughts running through your head to turn your brain off. Once you start, it’s as if you’ve opened Pandora’s box and you just break. All the emotions you’ve tried to suppress come pouring out mostly incoherently. In your frenzy, you barely notice that John moved to kneel in front of you until you feel his hand cup your jaw. 
He doesn’t get too close, not wanting to overwhelm you, because he knows how hard this is for you already. 
You’re a lot like him in that way, birds of a feather, he supposes, as you both have difficulty opening up and trusting others. He’s forever humbled by the fact that you, wonderfully amazing you, chose him, and it’s not something he takes for granted. He values all of the time you spend together, even if you aren’t in the best of spirits. God knows he’s had his fair share of melancholic moments that you worked him through, and it is at that moment he is determined to do the same for you, to help you feel better. 
“Shh, it’s alright, love, I have you. There’s nothing you need to worry about. I’ll take care of everything, alright? I’ll give you what you need,” He reassures you in that low timbre you’ve missed so much. Your nod is rewarded with a light kiss on the cheek before he stands up, pulling you up from your chair with him. 
You let out a yelp of surprise when he scoops you up and carries you towards your bedroom. His strength never fails to surprise you, but you don’t have time to dwell on it when he gently places you on the edge of your bed. For the second time tonight, he kneels before you, taking your hands in his while looking you in the eye.
“You know how much I love you, don’t you?” His question is met with a scoff.
“Of course I do. I don’t think there’s anyone in this world that loves me more.”
“Well, I’d certainly hope not. Otherwise, we’d have a problem on our hands.” He chuckles, running his thumb over your knuckles before continuing, “I want you to do something for me. You’re so smart, love, bloody brilliant. But right now, I don’t want you to think. I just want you to feel. Can you do that f’me, angel? Let me make you feel good.” 
You nod as you did before, only this time, you’re met with a shake of his head.
“Need your words, sweetheart”
The “please” that escapes you is more breathless than you expected. He had hardly touched you, and you could already feel a bit dazed by the intensity of his stare. Your soft confirmation is met with a smile before he works you out of your sweats and guides you to lay flat on the bed. He takes his time to press kisses up your thigh, slowly making his way to your center, nipping every now and then, eliciting little gasps from you. And while you appreciate his desire to worship you, you were getting impatient. The sight of him so close to where you need him but not touching you was almost too much to bear. 
Before you can protest, he takes pity on you, slips your panties down, and rewards your patience with a long lick up your slit paired with a chaste kiss to your clit. 
Your moment of reprieve doesn’t last long before he absolutely devours you, laving at your folds without another care in the world. The strokes of his tongue are slow but firm, his mouth practically molded to your form, following you no matter how much you move and shake. He wants to get you used to the feeling, give you time to surrender yourself to him, and you’re starting to. He sees the way you grasp at the sheets, mindlessly looking for something, anything to anchor you, and he’s quick to provide. 
You hadn’t realized how much you were squirming until he pulled back, one calloused hand stroking your inner thigh with the other lacing his fingers with yours while instructing you to relax, reminding you to be good for him, to take all that he’s giving you. You look angelic, eyes rolled back, your body flushed, a sheen of sweat forming, and every touch driving you closer to the edge. But he knows it’s not enough. Had you been calmer and less frazzled, you would have reached your peak already, but right now, you need a push to help you over the edge.
When he takes his hand off your thigh and lets his fingers join his tongue, your back bows. If not for his firm grip, you may have fallen off the bed, but there is no need to worry about that. John’s got you; he always does. 
It’s overwhelming having him so wholly focused on you, feeling his deep, muffled groans against your center, and it’s clear he wasn’t faring much better. 
He may be helping you destress, but you know your husband well enough to know he’s enjoying this as much as you are, if not more. John Price is not a selfish man, far from it. Many have speculated that his selflessness will be his downfall. But, at this moment, he can’t help but think about himself. Can’t help but think about how his cock is straining in his trousers, which are becoming almost distractingly tight, about how he wants nothing more than to pump you full of his cum. But he’s a patient man. He understands that he’ll get there eventually. No, for now, he’s more than happy to have you soaking his beard. What’s important at this moment is getting you to cum on his tongue, on his fingers, because he knows the wetter you are, the easier it’ll be to slip into you, leaving him to settle for grinding himself against the bed for relief, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze. 
Despite your whines and pleas for him to speed up, for him to give you more, he knows better. He keeps the same pace, knowing the slow build, while seemingly tortuous, will make you cum that much harder, and that’s exactly what he wants. He wants you boneless, without a single thought that isn’t him and how good he’s making you feel. There was no need to rush, you had all night, and there’s no place he’d rather be than here, with his fingers stuffed in your gorgeous pussy while he laps at your folds.
The sounds you two are making are nothing short of obscene. Your keens and his moans filled the room. And god, you were so fucking wet you were practically leaking down his wrist, and when your moans start rising in pitch, he knows you’re close. All it takes are a few more strokes of fingers before you’re cumming, your body going rigid with a broken sob. John works you through it, lapping up your spend and rubbing barely there circles around your clit to prolong your pleasure while patiently waiting for you to catch your breath. 
When your trembling subsides, he carefully removes his fingers, using his now free hand to smooth over your thighs, murmuring praises about how well you did for him before standing, finally ridding himself of his clothes. You look so beautiful like this, spread out, panting, still glistening with your release. It just makes him want to ruin you, but always the gentleman, he checks in with you first.
“Still with me, love?” he teases, hands soothing at your sides, earning him a laugh, a genuine laugh. One that makes your eyes crinkle, and a chuckle of his own leaves him in response. It’s a good sign; it’s progress, but he knows you’re not entirely unwound yet. He knows you still have more left in you.
You pull him in for a kiss that he eagerly accepts. It’s tender, intimate. You can taste yourself on his lips, and John’s complete and utter reverence for you almost makes you shy. His love for you flows through him and pours into his touch when he deepens the kiss, and you can’t help but lean into it.
“I want more. I need to feel you,” you confess against his lips. 
“How do you want me?” he murmurs, moving to trail kisses down your neck. “Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. All you have to do is ask,” and you know he means it. He’d bring you the moon and the stars if you wished. 
“From behind, I don’t want to think about anything but how good you feel,” you said, pulling away to lay on your stomach before being stopped by John’s hand on your shoulder, turning you towards him. Your momentary confusion quickly dissipates when you realize what he’s doing. 
He’s taking off your glasses. 
Admittedly, in your haze, you’d forgotten you still had them on, so used to the familiar weight, but it makes your heart swell as you watch him place them delicately on your bedside table. It’s such a small gesture, but it’s endearing, and it reminds you how lucky you are to have such an attentive, caring lover, and you can’t help but pull him in for another kiss. John adores the lovestruck look you give him as you pull away, eyes bleary, pupils dilated. And though he could look at it all day, he reluctantly moves away, readjusting you so you’re face down on the bed before slotting himself between your legs.
A contented sigh leaves you as you settle into your plush bedding, feeling thankful you’d insisted on replacing those threadbare monstrosities your husband called “sheets” (he’d huffed and rolled his eyes at your dramatics– “they are not going to rip your skin off” –but deep down he loved them too) and close your eyes, sinking into John’s touch. 
“Ready for me?” He questions, smoothing a hand up your spine, relishing in your shiver.
“Yes, need you to fuck me, John, please,” you breath, and who was he to deny you?
At your confirmation, he pushes in with a languid thrust, pulling you flush against him, giving you time to adjust. He can’t help but let out a low grumble at the view in front of him. He hasn’t even moved yet, and you’re already driving him insane. The feeling of being enveloped by you is indescribable. To be this close, to truly feel you, is unlike anything he’s ever experienced, and judging by the way you’re whimpering and trying to grind yourself back into him, he knows you feel the same. 
He sets a steady pace, unhurried, leisurely, and revels in the quiet mewls you let out. The tension pulling your muscles taut dissipated with every thrust, and John couldn’t be happier because that’s what he wanted. 
He wants to push all of those bad thoughts away. All he wants you to think about is him and how good he’s making you feel and to make you cum over and over until you’re spent. 
“That feel good, love?” he whispers in your ear, his chest pressed to your back.
“Yes, f-fuck s’good,” you gasp out, followed by a broken “I love you” that he returns while quickening his pace, fucking you deeper. He can’t help it, really. Hearing the fondness in your voice makes him want to worship you more, causing him to aim for the spot that always makes you shake, and he knows he’s got it when he hears your high-pitched keen.
You’re begging now, desperate pleas of “Please don’t stop” and “right there,” and he doesn’t need to see your face to know that your eyes are scrunched closed, mouth agape, to know that you look stunning. He wishes he could see your face, to see you when you reach your peak that you’re edging closer and closer to, and he will, but after you cum again for him.
“That’s it, good girl, always takin’ me so well,” he praises. “Take what you need. I won’t stop, promise. Just want to make you feel so good don’t want you to think about anything but cumming. You close f’me, love? Yeah? That pretty little cunt gonna soak my cock?” he questions, lifting your hips to rub your aching clit, knowing all you need is a little pressure to send you over the edge. 
Your words may be muffled, but your responding string of “yes” s are clear as day and only make him rut into you deeper. He needs you to fall over that edge again. Needs you to alleviate all that stress, and when you finally reach your peak with a muted sob of his name, he slows but doesn’t stop, watching in awe of the way you spasm around him, and waits for you to settle. 
You’re more pliant now, a bit hazy with pleasure, but he’s not done with you yet. No, he needs you, his beautiful, distinguished wife, to fully surrender yourself to him and the pleasure he’s bringing you, even if only for a while. All those years ago, he vowed to protect you, even if it’s from yourself, and he plans to do just that. He knows you have one more in you, and he intends to wring it out of you. 
A contented sigh escapes him as he pulls out before gently lifting you and laying you flat on your back once more. And when he sees your face, he’s reminded of just how breathtaking you are. Not that he ever forgot, but it’s a sight he never tires of. You’re one of the most precious beings he’s ever encountered, a goddess whom he’s eternally grateful has chosen to bless him with your presence, but now? Now, you’re glowing. He wishes he could immortalize the image in front of him, your eyes lidded, with a soft, blissed-out grin playing on your lips, but he’s brought back by the sound of your voice.
“You’re staring,” you tease, voice a little hoarse from use as you re-settle your glasses on your face.
“I could never get tired of looking at you, sweetheart,” he responds earnestly, unashamed that he had been caught because he truly could. There was just something about you that brought out such genuine affection in him. You give so much of yourself to others, and it makes him want to do everything in his power to pour the same love back into you. He can’t help but want to fulfill your every need. You deserve the world. Leaning into another kiss, he tries to convey what he can’t through words through his touch.
This is more passionate than the last, but he’s met with the same vigor from you. It’s easy to forget the task at hand, but your soft moans were enough of a reminder that he wasn’t finished with you yet. 
Lowering you back onto the bed, he guides himself into you, a deep groan rumbling in his chest while your mouth falls agape. There’s less pretense this time. You’re more than ready for him to start moving and thank god for it because as patient as he is, he’s only human, and you’re both getting desperate.
And when he pushes your knees towards your chest, laying your legs over his shoulders, the sound you make is borderline pornographic, and it’s then he realizes you may actually be the death of him. Holding himself back is proving more difficult by the second, so he opts for placing kisses on your calves to ground himself. He moves his hands, one going to hold the fat of your thigh for leverage while the other goes to cup your jaw. Any other time, he’d coax you to look at him, applying just enough pressure to make you face him, but he can see how overwhelmed you are.
Peering down at you, gaze unwavering, he sees your eyes barely open, all cloudy and lust blown, and he can’t help but tease you just a little, not that you mind.
“That’s it, this what you needed?” he practically coos at you, voice low and saccharine and growing gruffer by the second. “I haven’t been taking proper care of my angel, have I? No, no, that won’t do. Gotta make up for lost time. Poor thing, havin’ no one to fuck you properly when I’m not around. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” 
You try to answer, you really do, try to tell him you’ve missed him more and that no one makes you feel the way he does, but the words are like lead on your tongue, and your head is starting to feel fuzzy. The steady grind of his hips into yours and the feeling of being completely surrounded by him leaves you breathless, and all you can manage is a high-pitched sob that seems to satisfy him enough, and he keeps the pace. 
“Gonna be good and give me one more? Of course, you’re my perfect girl, always so obedient.” Your responding gasp is immediately met with praise. In truth, at the moment, you’d do just about anything he asked, and you could feel the pressure building quicker, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Don’t look away, love. Wanna see those pretty eyes get all teary for me” he murmurs, words slightly slurred, and you distantly realize he’s not as unaffected as you thought. “Look so good like this, just need you to let go. Can you do that? Gonna be my sweet girl and cum for me. Let go for me, love.” 
His gentle command, his firm grip, the pressure of him inside you paired with the almost feral glint in his eyes do you in, and before you know it, you’re back is arching, and you just gush for him with a soundless scream, soaking your lower halves. John isn’t far behind, and the relief of finally pumping you full is almost too much. You always get so tight when you cum, as if you don’t wanna let him go, so he indulges you, lowering your legs but not pulling out yet, instead opting to lay on top of you. 
For a while, neither of you moves, trying to gain your bearings, filling the room with your soft pants. 
Everything feels so serene, as if you two are the only people in the world. You exhale a contented sigh, eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of John’s body weight atop you.
After some time, he pulls out, shushing your whine of protest with a quick kiss before pulling you into his chest. As you burrow yourself further into him, John wraps you up in his arms. You always get so clingy after, a fact you’re endlessly embarrassed by, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s just another testament to how content, how safe you feel with him, and he cherishes the ability to give you the attention you crave.
Later, he’d clean you up, make you another cup of tea, seeing as the first was abandoned in your haste, get your favorite takeout, and set you up for a lazy night in, but for now, he holds you close. Warmth and exhaustion are seeping into your bones, and you peer up at John through your lashes and utter a quiet “thank you.” 
“No need to thank me, love. I’ll always be here for you,” he reminds, giving you a featherlight kiss on your forehead before continuing, “Get some sleep”
And as you drift off, you can’t help the upturn of your lips. Your mind was quiet, and you finally got the sleep you craved.
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crappymixtape · 4 months
soft sweet sounds
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EDIT -> there’s a part II cos 🫠 — okay, well apparently you get this from horny!me at 7:30am on a monday ( idk what my problem is 😵‍💫 ) – roommate!steve comes home from work to hear you in your room upset and he just can't help himself from offering you a shoulder to cry on | ( 958 words – roommates -> something?, tiny fluff, tiny smut, steve x you )
S O F T S W E E T S O U N D S 🎶 touch tank, quinnie
It had seemed silly to Steve at first, living with you. Living with his best friend, but it was cheap and made paying the bills easier because god knew Family Video wasn’t making him rich anytime soon. And you’d figured out a routine, shared your work schedules, told each other when you’d be out late or staying over with your boyfriend — or Steve with someone else. Cooked dinner together and watched movies until 1am and no pressure. Ever.
Until now.
He’d just come home from his shift at Family Video and could hear soft crying coming from behind your door. His stomach twisted with worry as he sat his keys on the counter, wondering what happened, wondering what your asshole boyfriend did this time.
Steve hated him. Your boyfriend. He was a complete douchebag and if it wasn’t him forgetting to pick you up at work it was making plans and flaking out an hour before, so you’d have to excuse Steve for assuming your crying was his fault.
Walking down the hallway Steve pressed a his palm to you door, the other resting on the handle.
“Hey,” he called out, gentle, sympathetic, “Everything okay?” And as he slowly pushed it open, he swore what he saw was going to kill him right there on the spot.
Your cries weren’t cries at all, not even close to sad or upset as his brain worked overtime to process what he’d walked in on.
Laid out all pretty on your bed.
Panties hooked around your knees and your shirt rucked up your stomach. Hand pressed between your thighs as your fingers drew tight, messy circles over your clit. A pinch between your brows with how good it was making you feel, so good you didn’t hear the door at first, but then you did hear Steve.
Heard him asking if you were okay.
Heard him coming into your room without knocking and it was all just a second too late.
“Oh shit–Jesus Christ–oh my god–I’m so sorry, I’m sorry, fuck-“
“Steve??” you gasped, yanking your sheets over your body in a failed attempt to hide as he practically tripped over his own feet and back out into the hallway.
“Fuck. Shit,” he pressed his back into the wall, chest heaving and heart hammering heavy against his ribcage, unable to breathe. What was he thinking??
A huge invasion of privacy. A fucking rookie move. ‘Doesn’t anyone knock anymore??’ he hears a voice mock in his head. There’s no way you’d trust him after that.
Burying his face in his hands he groaned, you idiot! Waited for you to yell at him to get out, to take his things and find somewhere else to live, but then your door slowly opened again revealing a sliver of your face. Cheeks flushed and pink, a lighter tinge than the deep red that had settled on his.
“Shit,” he hissed under his breath, squeezing his eyes shut for a minute as he let out a heavy sigh. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I just heard crying and–but obviously you weren’t crying—I just thought something bad happened and–and I know how he can get sometimes, so I thought you were upset and maybe I’d try and cheer you up, but I didn’t know you were in there doing that and–“
“Steve,” you said softly, cheeks still pink. Still warm from teasing yourself. Still warm from Steve, “It’s okay.”
He opened his eyes slowly and looked at you through the crack in the door. Your curls perfectly messed. Framing your face. The soft curve of your lips, the long sweep of your lashes, the half smile you were giving him and he exhaled. A small sigh of relief.
“I’m really sorry,” he said again, features still pulled down with concern as he roughed his hands through his hair, still stressed and worried about what you’d think of him now.
“It’s okay, it was really sweet of you to worry about me,” you reassured him, opening the door a little more. Enough for him to see you’d put on a pair of pajama shorts, you shirt half tucked into the waistband in haste.
“Sure, course,” he murmured, the lines of worry on his face melting at the sound of your voice.
“I broke up with him,” you confessed, chewing at your bottom lip. The sting of having an ex now instead of a boyfriend still fresh, but the lack of weight on your shoulders told you you’d made the right decision.
“Oh,” fell from his lips softly, sorry again, his mouth pulling down into a half frown again.
“I know,” a small sigh pushed itself from your lungs as you leaned against the door frame, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“Anything I can do?” Steve asked, and he meant it. He’d give you the world and all the stars and galaxies. Give you whatever you asked for. Anything.
“Uhm,” you murmured, a little shy, but feeling bolder as Steve took a step toward you. His hair falling messy across his forehead, big brown eyes edged with long lashes. Your best friend. Your roommate. Your Steve. His lips parted ever so slightly, hanging on your silence. Waiting.
“Could you help me?” you asked, swallowing down the nerves in your throat as your hand reached out to tangle your fingers up with his.
“H–help you?” Steve’s voice sounded strangled, like he couldn’t quite understand what you were asking of him, and so you decided to show him instead.
“Yeah, please?” and you lifted the hand that was wrapped up in his and pressed his palm against the plush of your waist. Pulled him back into your room. Tugged him down into you and kicked the door shut behind you and asked him to help you forget about things for just a little while.
crappymixtape™ • steve harrington masterlist // stranger things masterlist ♥️ reblogs and comments keep me going, friends! ily! ♥️
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
Ninjas x reader?
So basically readers dad/mom/wtv is a ex military Sargent who's very overprotective and intimidating. And the ninjas are meeting them for the first time how would they react?
Ooh, I actually like that idea,,, "ex-military parent" is a trope that needs to be used more often tbh
Ninjago - Ninjas When Your Parent is Ex-Military
He'd be super nervous, but he'd totally ace the first impression
And literally every impression after that
I feel like Cole is just the kind of guy your parents would always love, whether they're strict or laid back, grumpy or cheery—they are going to love him
Maybe it's because he always shows respect
And it's no exception with your parent; if anything, he's extra respectful
Definitely calls them "sir" or "ma'am"
(Honestly he probably does this anyway at first, but he'll do it more consistently with your parent)
Whenever they get all protective over you, he somehow manages to quell their worries without stepping on their toes
Like, if your parent says:
"You know, when we're in public Y/n never leaves my sight."
He'll smile and say:
"That's what I try to do, too. I like to know they're safe."
This technique never fails to satisfy and impress your parent
He seems pretty calm and pleasant when around your parent, and while this is forced at first, it becomes more natural over time
Mostly because your parent starts to relax around him too, easing up on the intimidating glares and snide comments intended as "tests"
Soon enough your parent is actually asking you when you're bringing him home next!
"When are you bringing that Cole boy around again? He's a good kid."
He is absolutely TERRIFIED to meet your parent when he finds out they're ex-military
He keeps putting off the meeting; little does he know this is making your parent suspicious of him already
You literally have to beg him to meet them, if not for your sake, then for his own
Because you know that the longer he keeps making excuses, the more your parent is going to be biased against him
So when he finally agrees, it's a big relief for you
Not so much for him; he spends every second leading up to the meeting stressing out
What's he gonna wear? What's he gonna say? How should he stand? What if he gets fidgety?
Then it happens: he meets your parent
And he fumbles so hard D:
His bumbling nervousness (which is NOT helped by your parent's intentionally intimidating demeanor) makes him come off as a wuss, which your parent doesn't like
They think Jay can't protect you, which is, like, their #1 requirement for any partner you have
So they totally disapprove of him
That is, until they see him on the news
He somehow failed to mention on your first meeting that he was a ninja; a ninja with powers, no less
So your parent sees him on the news one night, and immediately calls you over
"Is that your boyfriend on the news? Oh my! Did you just see that?? Good gravy!"
"Does this mean you don't hate him now?"
"Hate him? How could I? This kid could take me in a fight! Hell, bring him around again; I've gotta apologize before he comes after me, hah!"
From what you said about Kai to your parent before they met him, they assumed he was sort of a bad boy
Which they didn't like. At all.
So when they ask you to bring him home, it's almost like a challenge
And that's certainly how Kai sees it; a challenge to prove his worth
So he trains for it
He works out extra hard, practices his smile in the mirror, tests different greetings
It's silly, but you know that he's probably going to need the practice, what with your parent... being like they are
The practice gives him an air of confidence that actually ends up putting your parent off
Everything else was fine; the handshake, calling them "sir/ma'am," asking polite questions...
It was just that smirk, that total lack of nervousness that put a (deeper than usual) scowl on your parent's face
It wasn't that Kai wasn't nervous; he was just hiding it to seem tough
Eventually he starts to break, and his anxiety finally shines through
Your parent realizes that everything he's been doing has been for them, and he wasn't really like that all the time
And then they're just a little impressed; not much, but just enough so that they don't totally hate him
It'll take time for them to warm up to him, and honestly it'll probably take a bit for Kai to warm up to them, too
Your parent will sort of see themselves in Kai: a fiery young person eager for a fight
And from there they'll be besties tbh; they can relate to each other, and they enjoy testing each other's fierceness
I don't actually think that Zane will be nervous about your parent being ex-military
If he's feeling any anxiety, it's about meeting your parent in general
He doesn't know why them being ex-military would change things; veteran or not, he needs them to like him
But it does give him a hint on how to please them
He spends a lot of time researching the military, trying to come up with topics to discuss
He's also just trying to understand them better
So when you finally meet, he's almost too perfect in the way he conducts himself
He's quite naturally respectful and pleasant, but it's his knowledge about the military that really gets your parent
The questions he asks are so specific that each one makes your parent's brows jump up for half a second in surprise
They're more than happy to answer the question, of course; they're just impressed that he knew to ask
And when he leaves your parent is actually the one asking if he'd like to come over again
Tbh they just want to answer more of his questions
Needless to say, they end up liking him a lot; not as your boyfriend, but as a "nice young man"
It's only after the first meeting that they let the idea that this "nice young man" is your boyfriend set in
The change is visible on their face; they just blink with owlish eyes for a second before clapping you on the shoulder with a grin
"You picked a good one, Y/n! He sure knows his stuff!"
And the more he comes around, the more little details your parent learns to like, from his mannerisms to his personality
They don't even care that he's a robot
He's as human to them as anyone :)
He's pretty scared to meet your parent
His experience with parents was definitely... different
He has no idea what to expect when you tell him that your parent is strict/protective
His parents were about as present in his life as strawberries in an apple pie, so he doesn't really have a sense of what real parenting is like
So just add that to the fact that your parent is like the final boss of seeking parent approval
No matter how much you tell him to just be himself, he's convinced that he needs to act a specific way
He has no idea what that "way" is, but he's certain it exists
Unfortunately he doesn't figure it out by the time he's on your porch knocking on the door
So he's forced to follow your advice
His pleasant, agreeable nature does little to impress your parent
It's not that they don't like him, they just think he's a little... plain
But then they see how he treats you
Lloyd didn't know if showing affection for you was against this obscure idea of "ways to act around parents," but he did it anyway
He was as respectful ever in showing his admiration for you
He called you beautiful and kissed your hand, pulled your chair out for you at the dinner table and everything
He was a total gentleman, as always
This is what got your parent to like him
He wasn't just this plain blonde boy who "fooled" you into dating him; suddenly he was a dazzling gentleman with impeccable manners
This impression might've been a bit exaggerated
I mean, Lloyd is just naturally nice like that; he's not trying to be this "perfect" character
But ultimately that's how your parent sees him, which is better than a bad impression (I guess?)
She's not scared of your parent
No matter how much they might try to intimidate her, she's unflinching in her demeanor around them
Much like Zane, any anxiety she's feeling is because they're your parent, not because they're ex-military
But I don't think she has any reason to worry
She has a strong personality, with brains, brawn, and that fearless air about her
Your parent is impressed at the way she doesn't even seem to notice their glares
She just keeps smiling her little smile, asking another question to get to know your parent or answering their questions
At first your parent is a little irked by the way they can't seem to get to her, but the more she talks the more they realize that there's a reason behind this
She's a genuine toughie; she's seen enough that she's not scared of much anymore
And that's when your parent decides that they like her
I guess they sort of see themself in her
But they also like the fact that, because she's tough like that, she can protect you
And, just as importantly, she can protect herself
To your parent that means that not only is she going to take care of you, but she's going to take care of herself so that she can always be there for you
So they sort of drop the intimidation tactics
Not all the way, just because that's how they are when it comes to you
Just enough to show Nya that they're warming up to her
And she's totally ecstatic about that!
She knows family is important to you, so to be accepted by your parent is fantastic :D
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Thank you for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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martiniblues · 10 months
all i can taste is this moment ; 이민형
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pairing idol!mark x female!reader
synopsis after being separated for months due to mark being on tour, you try and make his return as memorable as possible. overcome with being reunited with your boyfriend, you realize that no amount of gifts or decorations could equal the way you felt with him.
genre tooth rotting fluff, reader uses she!her pronouns, nicknames (baby, love, pretty boy/girl) used, slightly suggestive at the end.
wc 2.1k
part two to this, but can be read as a stand alone!
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you sat in the airport, a small bounce in your leg. you weren’t anxious per se, just overcome with the all consuming feeling that mark would be yours in the next ten minutes. this feeling had been bubbling within you for days but had now begun to overflow from every pore.
you had covered your apartment from head to toe in decorations. streamers and balloons were taped to your cabinets, which greeted you from the door, and small gifts that you had collected during your time apart sat neatly wrapped on the counter.
you and mark had never been apart for this long. three achingly long months had you both exhausted, not having each other to recharge on after long, stress-filled days.
"someone seems excited." your friend grinned at your state. bobbing legs and fidgeting hands made up your body, while a smile was fighting to stay put against your lips.
you had spent the entirety of the day before and the morning of on the phone with mark texting, calling, and facetime-ing.
after that night a few months ago, you both agreed to take time for each other out of the day. whether it be through sending videos recapping your day while simultaneously doing your nighttime routine (mark) or sending small texts or photos throughout the day instead of paragraphs (you).
with all the thoughts running through your mind, you almost didn’t feel your friend's hand shake your shoulder. "your lover boy’s here." your eyes quickly focused ahead of you on mark, completely missing the smirk pulled on your friend's lips at your lovesick expression.
you couldn’t even speak, with love, relief, and happiness taking over all your senses. you nearly felt stuck to your seat with shock before a sudden jolt pushed you forward and into the arms of your boy.
"holy shit," his breathy voice greeted you in a warm, hard hug. it was the type of hug that made you lose your breath and feel nothing but his arms tightly wrapped around your back and shoulders.
strangers could’ve thought this was a goodbye, and the sight of the two of you holding one another so tight as if you could slip away any second, but there was still that feeling creeping on you.
you knew this would more than likely happen again, making you want to make his arrival even more special.
"god, i missed you so much. fuck, i missed you." he pulled back only slightly so he could hold your face between his hands. his eyes held every emotion his words couldn’t seem to express.
"i missed you more than words can explain, mark." the words came out shaky as tears brimmed your eyes, and he had the same reaction.
a small tear fell from his eye and curled with the appearance of his smile. you wish humans had developed a way to take photos with the eye because you would have captured that beautiful moment. but it brought your own smile to your lips, knowing that you were the only person to see him like this and share this intimate moment with him.
"your hair…" his hair was long and blond when you last saw him. even with a beanie covering his head, you still noticed the short, dark strands underneath. "you like?" he moved his head as if he were showing off for the paparazzi, making you both laugh at his silly antics.
"okay love birds, some of us wanna go home and sleep." renjun’s half-hearted voice broke you both from your daze, sending you all out the door towards your respective cars.
hand in hand, the two of you made your way to your car. "fucking finally." mark sighed once he got seated in the passenger seat. without another second of silence, he pulled you in by the neck before you were even able to crank up the car.
your lips fit into his perfectly, as they always did, but this time it was as if mark was trying to express everything he felt in that moment in a single gesture. his hands that rested on the back of your neck centered you to the ground with their weight, and his lips moved so softly but with so much love that it made you dizzy.
it was evident on your face after he pulled back that the kiss had taken a toll on you. cheeks flushed and eyes fluttering, his face broke out into a toothy smile. "i was waiting to do that." he stroked his thumb up and down the sides of your neck, sending a small chill up your spine.
"clearly! you almost knocked the air out of me." you joked before finally cranking up the car and heading home.
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your stomach began to flutter as you made your way into your apartment building.
would he think it’s too much?
are you being too dramatic?
your worries were soon silenced as mark kissed you feverishly in the elevator just as the door closed. "i seriously think i’m having kiss withdrawal from you, pretty girl." he spoke lovingly before kissing you once more right before the door opened, leaving you a blushing mess.
it’s like there’s a magnetic pull between the two of you, with his hands seemingly always on your sides or held between yours. you also couldn’t contain yourself, spending a bit too long at red lights ogling at your boyfriend's pretty face on the drive back.
if it weren’t for the nerves creeping up your neck, you would be all over him, just as he was with you.
"need help, baby?" he questioned as you fumbled with your keys at the door like it were your first time holding the object. "oh no, sorry, i’m just…" you couldn’t quite get the words out with the overwhelming feeling of embarrassment suffocating you at this point.
"baby, everything okay?" mark’s eyes searched for yours in an attempt to understand what was going on. "come on. i wanna know what’s running through that pretty little head of yours." his hands came up and rested on the sides of your face, making you to finally look up at him.
"it’s just…" you began, his head slightly nodding for you to continue. "i wanted to make this all very special for you since this is the longest it's been that you’ve had to be gone for, and i’m now just overthinking it, and- shit, i just don’t want you to think i’m this crazy over the top girlfriend." your words were rushed, leaving you to catch your breath.
mark’s eyes softened while his mouth was pulled into a toothy grin. "you did something for me?" his sweet voice was laced with an airy laugh as he looked at you like you had told him the secrets of the universe. "yeah…" you sheepishly turned and unlocked your door, hoping mark didn’t notice how red your face had gotten from all of his sweet words.
you opened the door to reveal all the decorations you had put up earlier that morning. a spider-man "welcome home" banner hung across the upper head cabinets, and colorful balloons and streamers were attached to the ceiling, along with two gifts that still sat on the table.
he walked in without saying a word, his back turned to you since he raced through the door right as you opened it. with the lack of words and no way of seeing his face, you began to get worried again.
"i know it’s too much just-" your words were cut off immediately when mark’s lips crashed into yours. teeth slightly clanking together and hands aimlessly searching to hold you anywhere and everywhere, he couldn’t contain himself.
you yelped slightly, bringing your hands to hold his face, and you could feel his cheeks heating up from under your palms. "i kiss fucking kiss love kiss you kiss." you couldn’t contain the smile that instantly pulled at your lips while mark’s were placed against yours.
"i love you too." you breathed as he finally freed you from his lips. "just… god you’re so amazing." his arms wrapped around you tightly and he picked you up from the ground, causing you to squeal at his silly antics.
he finally sat you down on the counter, right beside the presents you had gotten for him. "oh, for me" his dramatic voice made you laugh and pull him into you for what felt like the thousandth time in minutes.
"it’s just a few things that made me think of you while you were away. don’t get too excited, pretty boy." your hands ran through his dark strands to fix the messed up strands from your scandalous actions at the door.
he picked up a tiny, blue-wrapped box with a small white bow tied neatly around it. his delicate fingers undid the wrapping so as not to mess up your hard work. little glances and smiles were exchanged after every rip of wrapping, as if he were a little kid on christmas.
finally ridding the box of all its wrapping, he was left staring at an even smaller brown box. inside was a tiny pendant with your initials on a silver chain.
"and look!" before he could even get a word out, you reached down your shirt and pulled out a matching necklace, except with a “m” hanging from the chain.
"i know you don’t really like rings, and with this, you could wear it all the time under your clothes for things, and it’s even waterproof!" you geeked out. mark was still relatively silent, consumed with his love for you. his heart felt like it was going to explode at any moment.
"you’re fucking amazing, you know that? you’re incredible, baby." his hands were placed on either side of your thighs, which now trapped him in front of you. his eyes followed yours no matter what as you clasped the chain around his neck.
after placing a quick kiss on his cheek, he opened his next gift with just as much eagerness. this one was in a bag stuffed with colorful tissue paper. it was filled with various t-shirts with mark’s favorite artists and media.
"you know you can never have too many!" you smiled as he examined each shirt. "you mean we. me and you both know these will end up on you at some point." he teased, making you blush at the suggestive comment. "yeah, yeah, whatever, pretty boy." you pulled him back in-front of you by his hand. all your nerves finally falling out of your system, leaving you at ease.
he was between your legs once more, fingers pawing at your thighs and hips. "mmm, i missed you lots you know? spent every single second thinking about you." he groaned as his head laid against your palm.
"i saw you everywhere, baby. everything reminded me of you; it almost drove me insane. i mean, did the new spider-man movie have to come out while you were gone? the universe must know that’s our thing!" mark’s smile grew more and more at the words that came out of your mouth. his head seriously couldn’t wrap around how in love he is with you.
"it just sucks cause i feel like i lost so much time with you." your free hand came up and caressed the sides of his face and raked into his hair. "i know, pretty baby, i know." his head detached from your hand as he then attached his lips to various parts of your face.
first your cheek, then your brow, temple, forehead, nose, and then made his way down your neck, causing your breath to hitch and your eyes to flutter shut. your fingers gripped harder on his hair.
"mark…" you moaned as his lips attached to a specific spot. "yes, pretty girl?" he looked up at you with lethal amounts of love and lust in his eyes. "i know one way we can make up for the lost time." his face now came up at level with yours. your fingers looping into his belt loops, pulling him flush against you.
"oh yeah and how is that?" his head tutted to the side as if he were actually oblivious, which clearly he was not in any way. "i think you know…" you smirked as you hopped off the counter and threaded his fingers into yours to guide him towards your shared room.
small laughs between kisses and longing touches were exchanged on the way. you both completely drunk on one another, while all of the pent-up feelings you shared finally being freed.
now all you could taste was each other, and you two would never want it any other way.
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© martiniblues | do not copy or translate my work!
notes | maybe i got a bit too carried away… BUT i’m so sorry for my disappearance and for how long part two took to come out. i just got back to school and my job had been pretty hectic (help). i have so many ideas for new works and will hopefully have a lot more time now. hope you enjoyed this and please leave suggestions in my ask box!!!
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