#and I’m probs not the one who should get credit lol so if anyone knows who should I hope they let you know!!
plushiehamuko · 2 years
this is kinda random but!!! to any of my followers who are aro/ace/arospec/aspec/not allo basically, i just want to appreciate you for a second <333
being a non-allo person is honestly a much more isolating experience than it gets credit for. this is ESPECIALLY true in fandoms. it feels like if you have less interest or no interest in sexual content, then there’s no room for you in loving and simping for characters. and this isn’t necessarily anyone’s fault, so if you are one of my allo followers, please understand that i’m not blaming anyone!! something doesn’t necessarily have to be anyone’s fault for it to still be a frustrating issue.
i created this blog to kind of try to be the change i wanted to see. i want this to be the safe space that i wish that somebody provided for me. i want to be the little corner of the internet where people can go and know that they won’t feel forced to sexualize themselves to fit into a society that doesn’t seem to have a spot for them which is how i felt for so many years.
so umm!! if you’re arospec and/or aspec, then know you’re not alone! i love you, komaeda loves you (trust me, he told me himself), and you will be able to find love in the way you want it without having to conform to what society deems as the kind of relationship you should have.
and if you need someone to talk to about your sexuality, my dms and inbox are open!! (my dms and inbox are also just open if you want to be moots/friends and that offer extends to my lovely allo peeps as well lol)
ummm this is probs kinda cringe but!! i think it’s important and i wish someone said these things to me, so here you go <333 love ya guys
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i-am-robie · 2 years
hi robie! quick question, were you the one who had beef with kara's s5 and s6 lipstick? or am i mixing it up with someone else? i remember seeing someone's tag and was inspired so i wrote a little fic, but now i can't remember who it is and i wanted to give credit:/ thank you! hope you're having a lovely day:)
A fic? Awesome!!
Honestly I can’t think of a person on my dash who DIDN’T have beef with that lipstick (cw don’t interact)
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backseatfishing · 3 years
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Copying these answers over from twitter to make it easier for me to find later, mostly, but if anyone on tumblr is interested too, then here you go LOL. Also if anyone knows who made this so I can credit, that would be cool. Answers below the cut!
1. Solus Asterus, no relation to any Garlean emperors  I'm still trying to figure out if I can work this into FFXIV lore without it being weird, but it might be impossible
2. Duskwight Elezen, Summoner
3. All... of them?? LOL idk, you tell me
4. 30s-ish. Prob mid 30s by now
5. His true personality is kind of subtle... He's generally calm, positive, and eager to help around strangers, but internally is always trying to sort out his feelings about everything, which sometimes leads to him being less personable than people would expect from the WoL.
He is prone to anxiety but refuses to show it, has strong convictions, and can be extremely stubborn once he's made up his mind, even if he himself admits it isn't the best choice, lol. Very in tune with other people's emotions and is good at responding to them. 
6. clothing... can he dye it black? then yes. LOL
7. His childhood was weird but generally not that eventful. His parents aren't originally from Ul'dah, so he grew up feeling like an outsider and has few friends from back home (which is part of why he left, haha)
8. If he's honest, his goal is to create a world that doesn't need the WoL anymore (he would like to take a Big Nap).
9. He does weaving as a hobby and occasionally sells the results. He loves making stuffed animals, so his house (and the Rising Stones) is full of them
10. Tea isn't a food but it is his favorite LOL. Or any type of vegetarian curry, probably
11. Losing people he loves, being completely alone. Both of which have happened to him, and now he hates it even more! Go figure.
12. Weaving, as mentioned, and writing. He isn't as good with saying words sometimes, but he's excellent at writing them and particularly loves to write letters to people he cares deeply about. His grimoires are full of notes, half-written letters, and letters he's received 
13. DPS/ranged spellcaster. Originally started as Tank/Paladin, but due to various injuries and the chronic pain he has from his body being blasted with light aether, he has difficulty wielding a sword anymore and feels pretty at home with spellcasting. 
14. aside from writing, he's skilled enough as a summoner to effortlessly change small things about his physical appearance (horns, his hair, nails, etc) and knows some, uh, less savory forms of summoning for Reasons, and has practiced them a few times.
Y'shtola is the only one who really understands that his fat cat familiar is a voidsent with the soul of his previously deceased cat, and he knows she knows, but neither of them have ever discussed it because that's definitely going to be a hell of a conversation
15. He is from Eorzea, and he was born in the Gridania area but grew up in Ul'dah 
16. He has two moms, his bio mom moved to Ul'dah to be with his other mom after his dad died while adventuring. Solus's bio mom has never been 100% happy with him being an adventurer or the WoL and doesn't get it's not really a choice anymore, so... they don't talk much LOL 
17. No siblings. This is the shortest answer I have LOL
18. His extended family is extremely fractured and he doesn't know any of them, but after Heavensward he considers Count Edmont to be a father to him (and Edmont definitely considers Solus part of his family as well).
19. Love is the most important thing to him, he wants nothing more than to share his life with someone who genuinely cares for and understands him fully, and to be able to give that in return. And he has that now
20. Important but definitely not as important as the love part. He's more concerned with other people's enjoyment than his own, haha
21. Money is for black dye, bc his retainers keep bringing him scorpions (him having retainers is not canon, he would not be ok with it LOL)
22. He was never a religious person before everything that's happened, I think he's even less of one now haha
23. Solus's biggest enemy... gear that dyes different shades of black LOL. It's hard to think of anyone he's personally met that he genuinely hates and is still alive
24. In a true role model sense, probably Aymeric, for accepting a leadership role he didn't really want and then doing his best with it anyway because it's the right thing to do. Solus knows too well the difficulty of that path. 
25. Probably any of those smaller private moments he's spent with Haurchefant or G'raha. Or like... the immediate days following G'raha waking up on the Source, haha
26. He can be stubborn as hell to his own detriment, especially when it comes to his own safety but what WoL isn't
27. This like the faith question, but I don't have another answer, so... he believes in a thing called love
28. Seeing the difference between beast tribes on the first vs the source REALLY cemented his feelings that what happened with them on the source is bullshit, actually
29. Before ShB his greatest regret would have been not being able to save Haurchefant (or anyone else), during and after ShB it's that he never truly gave himself space to grieve and move on like he should have, bc it put him in a bad place for so long. ~character development~
30. There are so many, but that one time he and Estinien hooked up and both of them regretted it is something neither of them will ever tell anyone, except pretty much everyone already knows because they're SO weird around each other, lmao
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muwur · 4 years
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haikyuu x otome: masterlist |  prologue
» synopsis:  a haikyuu x reader au where you, the player, are bound for university in a metropolis several hours away from home. hope and excitement are replaced with dread as you come to realize that juggling life as a student and a part-time employee takes a toll. from demanding classes to a ruthless manager, life just can’t seem to give you a break. that is, until you meet a certain someone who reminds you how to live and follow your dreams. somehow, when you’re with them, time stands still. maybe things are finally starting to look up. if only you could stay in those moments for just a little longer. 
» disclaimer: i do not own haikyuu or any of the pixels in this post (i simply made collages out of them)
edit: it’s been brought to my attention that another HQ writer may have written something similar to this idea in the past and I was unaware. Though I haven’t seen this particular type of thing written yet, I don’t mean to claim this event idea as my own bc I feel a lot of events that ppl put up may have some overlapping themes n such (tho this idea would def be more specific and be cause for concern of plagiarism) and bc I would never want to steal ideas/not ask other writers first/not credit other writers (that’s not cool fam). If you have any issues with this event, pls bring them up w me, and if you know any other writers who’ve done smth similar, pls share w me their URLs! thank u for ur understanding :) I hope u can still enjoy haikyuu x otome :’)
» how to play:
I. you can refer here for the general rules of my blog. also, for this event (and it’ll say in the descriptions below), i’m only accepting one character per request. also the word count limits i wrote here may change as im getting started on actually writing requests lol
II. essentially a collection of x reader one-shots, drabbles, and smaus in which you are a busy college student whose only break seems to be spending time with friends who actually get you or the 15-minute lunch break during which you get to ignore annoying customers
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III. since this is otome-inspired, i have several options you can choose from. these options are essentially types of requests:
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» everyday is a new start 
» drabble about how you meet the character of your choice  
» it is not guaranteed y’all are gonna gel (get along) when you first meet,, warning: if the character is usually a bitch, i may write them as one LMAO jkjk but fr
» usually light, fluffy, and/or silly
» hmm tbh,,, idk word count,,, probs anywhere between 700-1k words (i edited this word count after writing my first thing bc HNNN)
» the only characters you can’t request this for is yamaguchi, tsukki n hinata,,, bc you meet them in the prologue AHAHA sry it’s nothing too spaicy since it’s just in the intro
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» it’s all in the little things
» one-shots about normal, daily interactions with the character of your choice
» in other words, these include what can go on in a day in the life of y/n and the character of your choice (after they’ve already met). in the city, the possibilities are endless
» give me a word (or several, cuz writing is hard lmao. also legit any word, like ‘orange’ or ‘nostalgia.’ i may choose only one or do a combination from your list :3) as a prompt and ill somehow make something of it lmao
» medium relationship development + exp
» 700-1.5k words
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» hmmm what should i get today?
» very short drabble with a character of your choice about various scenarios and thots i have in my head
» a complete surprise, totally random, may have no context
» may be serious, fluff, crack, etc. 
» if u choose this u basically told me ‘surprise me’
» 100-300 words, depends on my mood
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» when i see your name pop up on the screen, i can’t help but smile 
» short smau with a character of your choice 
» fluff or crack, ur choice or leave that up to me (if unspecified, ill just flip a coin)
» you can either give me a word(s) as a guide or leave the topic of convo up to me
» 2-4 panels
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» you’d be surprised how much can happen in a day 
» BMO has nothing to do with this, i just found a cute pixel of him
» spaicy relationship development, the scenes in which you actually make progress in the game
» one-shot with a character of your choice
» order from the following:
» macaron: when they realize they’ve fallen for you
» banana bread: when you realize you’ve fallen for them
» iced americano: when they feel a tinge of jealousy 
» hot chocolate: when they see you crying  
» matcha latte: when they have a longing to be around you
» cupcake: love confession (may be intentional or accidental)
» major relationship development + exp + sometimes confusion
» 1-2k words
» these will probs take me longer
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» all good things must come to an end
»  not as angsty as those bolded words above sound,,, unless you want it to be >:)
» drabble or one-shot with a character of your choice. the final interaction before finishing the game
» you have three options: good end (fluffy, romantic & the like), bad end (angst), or crack end (surprise)
» word count will be super variable, from 300-1.5k words
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IV. this forces me to write one-shots, drabbles, anything but hc’s, and also forces me to limit my word count. that said, this will take me a hot minute, y’all. word counts may change too bc i am,,, indecisive n untalented AHAHA
V. search for ‘haikyuu x otome,’ ‘haikyuu x otome special,’ ‘haikyuu x reader otome’ tags! i will tag each work under these c:
got it? have a request for me? send me an ask or submission! 
request example: ‘start new game with akaashi’ or ‘love challenge with yachi in the empty lecture hall at night’ or ‘continue story with noya. words: tired, mangoes, music’ 
feel free to ask me if ur confused about anything and have questions! thank you so much for reading <3 im excited for this heh
inspired by recent haikyuu otome teasers i keep seeing online and the fact that i dropped my summer class and am taking on personal projects (like painting my room LMAO i gotta manifest my inner buff daddee ushi to move shit in my room bc i kid u not everything is rlly heavy in here. and i also delved back into otomes on my phone,, does anyone else play midnight cinderella or mr love LOL talk 2 me)
haikyuu x otome masterlist
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lizacstuff · 3 years
SCK/Edser ask (33 & 34 spec)
(asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: Do you know what happened with the second set of writers? I know Ayse left on her own accord but why the sudden shift from that second writing team to these new ones? I don't think they even announced that the writers were changing, the fans found out during the credits one day. If that second set of writers was still here, I'd be fully confident that we're going to get a great payoff with Serkan when he remembers but they're not, so my expectations are rock bottom at this point
Such a bummer! No idea what happened to them. I’m wondering if they signed on for a certain number of episodes and when those were done, they moved on? Only being around for 7 or 8 episodes is not a lot though. One wonder if it was them or the production company wasn’t happy with them? Though the episodes were pretty well written so I’d hope the production company didn’t jettison them. Or just a run of the mill scheduling conflict.
In any case I agree, I’d have so much more confidence in their execution of this story if they were still writing. 
With this new team, I honestly thought that episode 32 was decent, but 33 just sort of dashed that away it was so poorly executed. 
Anonymous said: Hi - I always value your thoughts on SCK so thanks for taking the time to reply to asks! :)
Something that’s been plaguing me since the amnesia plot began is that nobody seems to have told Serkan about the BIG DETAIL that his father was responsible for the death of Eda’s parents???! Like surely that would provide some crucial context to Serkan and raise several questions e.g how did I manage to stay in a relationship with this woman, we must have had a strong relationship/overcome huge problems/trusted eachother etc. It just baffles me that everyone seems to have forgotten about what used to be a major plot line. How do you think it could play out if Eda or maybe Aydan revealed that back story to amnesia Serkan?
Thanks, I appreciate the kind words!  Agreed! This is a headscratcher. When he came back I kind of assumed that he knew that part of the history, at least at a superficial level, just because he sat down with Engin and heard the story from his perspective. I can’t imagine Engin would leave that part out, and it’s pretty integral detail in how Eda’s grandmother, and then Eda, ended up with 45% of the company. 
I also would guess that Selin would have told him about it, just because it allows her to paint Eda as potentially someone who was out for revenge from the beginning, someone who targeted him and manipulated him because of it.
So I think he must know, at least something about it about it, what’s frustrating is that it doesn’t seem like something that weighs on him or that he’s curious about. Or perhaps when he first heard about it he compartmentalized it and it didn’t weigh with him because at that time Eda was some evil person out to manipulate him, so he hasn’t paid it much attention, but now that he’s gotten to know her and realizes he has feelings for her, he hasn’t really revisited it? He’s very confused and has a lot going on and he’s thinking about her all the time, while trying not to, so it may have gotten lost in that tug-o-war. 
I do hope it comes up and they have a conversation about it. How has he not already asked her, “If my father was to blame for your parent’s death, why would you want to marry me?” Because regardless whether or not he’s in love with her, this is new information to him.  And he hasn’t dealt with the emotional fallout of finding out his father did that and hid that, and the affect it would have had on Eda.  One would hope that even robot Bolat would feel some compassion toward a woman his father was responsible for orphaning. 
Anonymous said: one of the asks you got about serkan not remembering things via their special "objects" had me thinking about one line he says waaay back during their breakup where he says something along the lines of he "doesn't need things for him to remember her" when he gets rid of her things at his house.. i know the writers aren't writing it with that in mind bc i know even most of the fandom doesn't remember it since it's been so long, but i still think it's quite apt for the situation 🥺
YES! it’s in episode 24, when she is over at his house and she notices that none of the things from their time together are there and she says something like that it’s probably for the best because if they’re here you can’t forget. And that’s when he says:
“In my opinion, things are not needed to remember a person.” 
I agree that it’s quite appropriate for the current situation. It’s not about the things or the objects, it’s about them. 
Anonymous said: i know people feel like we've been going in circles, at to some extent we ARE.. (i mainly think as long as the engagement games keep going it will feel like that) but serkan has made huge progress since he came back in 29.. the serkan in 29 or even 30 would not be reacting like the serkan in 34.. sure he still says things that are frustrating to eda and audience (mainly to rile her up, but also bc he prob doesn't realize it's hurtful) but his progress IS happening even if it doesn't feel like it
Oh, I 100% agree. Serkan has made huge progress, the things he said to Engin this episode would have been unthinkable in any other episode since the amnesia. Serkan going to the flower shop and helping her plant terrariums would also have been unthinkable pre 32. However, I get where the frustration is coming from because he always sort of circles back to a place in his interactions with her where it feels like little to no progress has been made. Though, as I said last week, I do think they show cumulative affect, when they have those big moments where they make progress, he’s further along than he was during the last big moment. But I think him stepping really far back in other interactions is one of the problems of the writing. They need more nuance and they need to let us see more into what’s going on in his brain. 
Anonymous said:  After everything that has happened I cannot see Eda appreciating a kiss from Serkan while he is still engaged to Selin. So maybe her first reaction after the kiss is to ask if he got his memories back and then something about Selin. When it becomes clear that they are still together then I could see her telling him off. Something like “when you’re engaged you aren’t supposed to be kissing other people and if you want to kiss other people then maybe you should not be engaged.” Or even “when we were engaged if I had found out you kissed someone else, it would have killed me” so you need to figure out what you want & stop hurting people. I could care less about Selin being cheated on because she is the worst but Eda deserves way better than that. Plus it would show Serkan that she really is a good person especially since it is very clear how much she dislikes Selin. She gave back the ring after he got engaged to Selin and unlike Selin, is not willing to accept crumbs given to her by anyone let alone Serkan. Maybe that finally results in Serkan dumping Selin by the end of the episode to chase Eda. Probably grasping at straws right now but I so badly want to be positive about this next episode. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Yes, I could see something like this, but right now, if I had to bet money, I’d say that kiss is his fantasy, so we won’t actually be dealing with this issue. 
We shall see!  
Anonymous said: Will episode 34 finally be when Selin leaves? Surely 6 episodes of her is enough? 😭😭😭
It was spoiled for so long that she’d be leaving in 34, but at this point I don’t see how that would fit! She appears to have been at all the location shoots. 
What do we need to do to get rid of her? Some ancient good riddance ceremony? A gofundme? I’m in!!! Whatever it takes at this point I’ll do any ritual that will get rid of her. 
Anonymous said: I think it's interesting that Ayfer actually hasn't been that anti-Serkan since this amnesia storyline started (maybe its b/c she hasn't had too much time to think about it since she was spending all her time on Alex lol), even though it'd kinda be the perfect time to dig into it since Serkan is now treating Eda differently. But now Ayfer is better than Aydan, Miss "I knew your fiance was alive but didn't tell you." I thought what she told Eda before the restaurant was sweet. She gets 1 point.
Agreed, she gets one point. But just one. We’ll have to see how she does going forward. I kind of assume that she saw Eda’s devastation when Serkan was missing and it sort of snapped her out of her selfishness when it came to her not wanting Eda with Serkan. 
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Oh Lovely S!💘 Yeah you can call me emoji anon, I love emojis😍 Hey!! 🎉 I can't believe how much we agree on IPK!! Believe me, whenever I'm having a bad time,I watch the 24 hour challenge event until They wake up together😂 Then I stop. I even edited that*mission Raizada ko jagaye rakhna taki Jahapana ki saltanat ko takleef na hoo by his Kaneez" scene with my friends dialogues LMAO.😹 I've seen it umpteen times. But the way he tried to ¿?WIN?¿(!¡) her back is detestable (1)
(2) I couldn't believe,after waking up with that mellowness, how can Arnav be so rude!🥺 Then in EJ,he never said he feels guilty for not remembering his anniversary,he was larking. 😏😠I don't find his gifts affectionate until he realizes he is at fault,he isn't repenting, he's bought gifts so that Khushi comes back,not because he's sorry. He remains the same person if he ain't comprehending what's wrong. Ultimately, it's not about apology, it's about perceiving what's important for my partner.
(3) Yeah,I love Arnav. I adore him😚 But but but, about that turning lights off so that Khushi comes into my arms was vile, loathsome! 😤 Using ones mental weakness to manipulate her is heinous Never Romantic. I'm so pleased to see you've raised your voice for it. I am arachnophobic, anyone can get me to his arm if he shows me a spider near me. I would probably faint. So using my phobia to get me is never appealing.
(4) We, who are not afraid of the darkness, can't possibly grasp what Khushi feels when it's dark. We may find it amusing that it's easy to influence someone just by turning the lights off, but it's not funny at all. Khushi forgives Arnav so quick, but we would never. You're Absolutely right about Even in their world, Arnav needs therapy.👏🏻 I know It's a loongg text, 😒 but couldn't limit my excitement to share my thoughts with you. Thanks thanks thanks 💐 I Love you the way you are💋💕💞
(5) Opps JWB! Yeahhhhhhhhhhh you should definitely post EJ roasts🤩🤩 I love your humours 😁😁 You're making ravishing posts on Instagram. Watching something enunciating my most fav show on my fav social media is a Bliss. 😊
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You are SO sweet. Haye main kya bolu? Here are my two cents on all of your asks:
1) The beauty of IPK is that it can be enjoyed in so many ways! Uff the comedy in that track is GOLD! 
2) I felt constant gaps in writing/mood of the characters. Again, TV writing is incredibly hard and taxing so I don’t blame them much but yeah I just felt there were a lot of places here that I was filling mentally to match what happened. You know the thing with apology is two things for me:
- I don’t need groveling, too much groveling might ruin what apology stands for. There needs to be guilt and realization and an attempt to correct what went wrong. Nothing more.
- A conversation. An acknowledgement. A realization is not enough if one has not communicated it to the other person. I am, personally, a fan of someone conversing or using minor actions to genuinely convey an apology and work on their issues.
So sometimes I wish there were simpler scenes where they just talked. Like they did about Dadi, his mum, Mum’s garden and so on. 
EJ Arnav is not canon for me. The Arnav we know would never forget. And if he did he wouldn't make light of it.
3) I mean there are many things in that scene that annoyed me - like Arnav not realizing the seriousness behind Khushi’s hesitation to ‘accept’ him as husband when he has belittled the relationship in front of her (also the prob is Arnav keeps things so majorly to himself, like at no point does he actually tell her he feels sorry or that he does take this relationship seriously and it means a lot to him) but I’m not too upset given this set of memes, now I always laugh when I look at these scenes. credit: @ajeeb-ho-tum
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4) Thank you so much for the love <3
5) Haha yes I will roast Ek Jashn pretty soon, lol I have SO much material on it it might just take me 2 whole days to write it up! And yes, I’ll try to be more frequent on Insta - somehow I suck terrible at Instagram. 
Thanks for ALL the love and thoughts Emoji Anon!!!
- S
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aharris00britney · 4 years
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It’s 6am and Brandon woke me up when he got up to go to work so now... i answer asks bc i cant sleep. 
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@mileyzangel said: Can you please make a Harley Quinn hairstyle from both Suicide Squad and Birds of Prey?
I went and watched Birds of Prey the other night and it was really good. Brandon went to sleep I think tfgvhb. But I doubt I’ll try doing her hair from either of the films. @enriques4 is working on one for her Birds of Prey look if you are interested in that <3
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Anonymous said: is tiny living worth it? im leaning towards the gameplay although i love cas. is the gameplay as bad as people say?
I honestly don’t think the new beds do anything. They’re... there. Lmao I think the CAS and buy items are very nice. If we get some cc murphy beds then that would make them a lot more usable tbh.  
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Anonymous said: how do you and ayoshi keep making some fantastic collabs?? y'all are literally the first people i go to when I make a fresh install and I can't wait to see what you do next
Anonymous said: AxA CC KINGS!!!
Anonymous said: you guys didnt have to snap like that on AxA
Anonymous said: another iconic ah00b x ayoshi collab YAS LESSGOOOO
We put a bunch of cc ideas (hair and clothes) in a discord server we have together and then work on the stuff together on call usually so each item is the way we both want me. Like for example i’ll be meshing the Ivy top while he works on texturing the ribbed version.  We also only do collabs when they happen, we didn’t plan AxA 2019 or this new set, mainly just made cc starting in May and wrapped it up in July to release in August. Then this time we started making stuff late December and got most of it done by the time I got done with my break. Having a planned collab/deadline makes stuff less stressful and the stuff usually turns out better imo
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Anonymous said: hi! ur sims are so prettyyyy what skin texture and eyes do u use?
Anonymous said: hi! wcif the eyes of the sim in the edit that Dogsill edited for you please? thank you!
Anonymous said: Hi! I really love the way your sims looks so, I was what skin and eyes you use?
I actually am changing my default eyes so I need to update my resource page soon ;n; but the skins they use are all listed for each sim on the resource page here
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Anonymous said: you always name axa packs by the year but this one was named after a season those that mean.... 👀
We are wanting to do something in the fall, just not sure how our lives will be then ya know? There’s a chance that this will be the AxA 2020. Since we weren’t sure I didn’t want to label it that if 2 AxA’s release this year lmao
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Anonymous said: what game is the pokemon thing you're playing!? pls help a guy out i'm in love with the art style
Pokemon Sword and Shield (I have shield) for Nintendo Switch. I’ll prob post more pics once I get some new shinies :P
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@kristabunny said: lol is it bad that when I saw your Santana hair I read it as Satan Hair XD
tbhhhhh it was lowkey referencing that lmao. I made the hair in October for a speed meshing video and since it was around Halloween I was like “lemme give her an almost demonic name” also Santana from glee is a queen
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Anonymous said: Tbh I absolutely adore your female cc but I LIVE for your male cc!!!
Thank you! lmao the only thing I can take full credit for is the AxA male hairs. I mesh the clothes for packs but ayoshi does the texturing for them.  
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Anonymous said: Could you have a go at the updo Dua Lipa has on the cover of her Future Nostalgia? The high bun with a flick in it and the strands of hair down the sides. Thanks if so :)
I’m not the biggest fan of the hairstyle tbh ;n; but we will see. (Physical is a serve, just saying)
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Anonymous said: So ive never played pokemon before until my friend gave me a copy of pokemon moon. I love cats so of course my starter was a litten, but i had no clue about evolutions or anything like that. I was heartbroken when my cute litten turned into some big man cat :(
omg noooo ;n; yeah Litten is a cutie... incineroar is... well I got used to him tbh and kind of like him now? I absolutely hate scorbunny’s evolution (and most of the SWSH starters final evolution) so I think that made incineroar slightly better in my eyes. My shiny litten will be staying a kitten however :)
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@multifandom-slytherin said: Hello! I love your cc! Would it be possible for you to make the bangs from your Bree Hair a separate accessory that you can put with other hairs (for example the BG low ponytail)? Thank you so much!
Anonymous said: have u considered making or allowing someone to make an acc version of your handmade bangs?
I have thought of doing accessory bangs tbh, I just like... don’t like using accessory bangs myself. So I’m not sure if I’ll end up doing it. I might try it for myself and see how many hairs they work with, and if it is a decent amount I’ll release. 
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Anonymous said: First off I want to say how amazing all of your hairs and collabs are! Second I was curious if you ever thought of going back to your old hairs and updating their thumbnails / display indexes so they matched your stuff now?
I really really wanted to have all my 2019 hairs updated by 2020. It was only January 2019-April 2019 that needed updated (thumbnails and display indexes). But I just lost motivation for doing it. I will focus on it next time I have a big break from school. Also planning on updating select stuff from 2018 and 2017. 
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Anonymous said: please put Sophia Barker in the gallery. PLEASEEEEE it's the most beautiful sim I EVER seen! >:3 PLEASEEE!!!!!!!!!!
She should be on there? I think? Make sure you have CC enabled and if you can’t find me through the gallery her tray files are here
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Anonymous said: Hi! After the recent patch I started having a small issue with Bree hair(without bangs), when I zoom out it looks like a completely different hair, something similar to that one basegame hair that's layered with tips pointed outward but longer. Thought I'd let you know, maybe others have had a similar issue or maybe I need to change a setting or something. Love your work so much!
Really surprised this is the first time someone told me about this lmao. The hair should be updated now on SFS/Patreon <3
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Anonymous said: I tried to look around for this on your "Asks" portion before bothering you (so sorry), but do you have a link perhaps for all the lips you use on your models? Are they in game or a cc you create? Thanks so much! Love all of your work! I'm super new to cc stuff and I found yours like 2 days ago and have been going nuts with downloads lol 
like presets? None of my cc models use a lip preset. I do use this slider on some of them though. For lipsticks, that is listed for each model on my resource page <3
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Anonymous said: i’ve been looking for a hair like lexi that i actually like forever and now i find it but it’s for paterson peeps and i’m like actually broke and i’m like :/
im sorry ;n; at least it wasn’t too long of a wait? :/ I hope you liked the hair
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Anonymous said: I can't find your jisoo ponytails in your downloads?
they’re in my retired section... may they rest in peace. scroll to the bottom of my downloads and youll see ‘RETIRED.’ click that for the retired download page. 
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@eclypt-0-sims said: Hi, I recently started making MM hair and I know you're probably an expert at this but; every time I go into CAS to test a hair, all of my accessories clip with the hair. Like the hair texture would cover some glasses if my sim was wearing glasses. I don't know how to fix it, someone told me to delete an eye weight in blender but I don't really understand weight painting that much, any suggestions? love your content btw
this is a late as hell reply i’m sorry. I think that you have texture where the glasses texture would be. Hair texture should only be in hair section or hat section (if you don’t want it hat compatible). Here is a UV map layout that I use for making hair textures. It shouldnt have anything to do with weights
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Anonymous said: Do you use reshade when you take previews for your cc? and also is the tropical punch ombre overlay a palette or did you make it?
I do use reshade when I take cc previews. It adds a bit of saturation to my sims and gives them some shadows under their chin/clothes. Nothing major. Also, myself and @imvikai came up with the tropical punch palette together.
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@little-eris​ said: You probably have answered this before but who drew your tumblr icon? I’ve seen the same art style with other simmers 👉🏼👈🏼 it’s super cute!
thank you! here is their twitter 
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Anonymous said: The male sim in your Tiny Living review looks soo familiar; was there inspiration from anyone IRL? The person he reminds me of isn't even famous so I don't even know! He is very pretty though *-*
He was a gallery sim that I just revamped a bit so I’m honestly not super sure lmao. But he is very attractive yes I agree
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that concludes this ask ceremony please collect your things and move to the exit to your left. fvghbjn if you sent something I didn’t answer and it was off anon I’ll get to you soon (person who asked what beards I used for AxA... I see you)
63 notes · View notes
ssixa · 4 years
Description: Walking into the night shift at the hospital proves to keep you on your toes. Nights are left to the universe so you can only hope that tonight will be decent. What happens when you find out that one of your patients is THE Mark Tuan from GOT7? how do you try to deal with the chaos erupting from this chance encounter? and how many times do you have to tell yourself that you love your job?
Genre: fluff, slight cringe
Pairing: Black Fem Reader x Mark Tuan (though I will say there isn’t much description of black characteristics)
Word count: 3.5K
Warning: explicit language
A/n: yay finally a long chapter! glad y’all are enjoying this story! The collage sucks for this one, but it was a struggle lol.
*All pic collages are made by me unless I state otherwise. Individual pictures in the collage are not mine and I give credit to where credit is due.
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Chapter Six
~Months Later~
I can’t believe the tour has already kicked off! Especially it being a world tour, the poor boys are going to be so excited and yet exhausted. 
“Yo bitch, whatcha doin this weekend?” I text my best friend y/f/n
“Nothin, probs just going to the bar. Wassup?” She replied 
“Guess who scored us some tickets to a very specific concert that we couldn’t get tickets for?” I send with a smirk
“Biittchhhh you dddiiiddnn’ttttt”
“Bbbiiittcchhhh I dddiiiddd” 
“How the hell did you get Got7 tickets when they’re sold out...what organs did you sell?” She questioned suddenly 
“Let’s just say I met a trustworthy person who was selling them for cheap” I reply not wanting to ruin the surprise
“Fuck it, I don’t want to know, just tell me how much they are later” she sends
“Also we better take some cute ass pics when we’re there, but then again, when do we ever not take cute ass pics” I send 
“Bitch you best believe I’ll look cute, don’t you worry” 
I put my phone away after scrolling through my social medias out of boredom. This weekend can’t come fast enough honestly. Just gotta make it through the work week at my other job. Yet again so many Karen’s coming in and doing what Karen’s do, men fully disregarding what I’m saying because I’m a young black woman; so on and so forth. The week was more busy than I thought because at a blink of an eye it was Saturday aka the day of the Got7 concert! I decided to get dressed at y/f/n’s place since it would be more convenient since she lives closer to the venue.
After getting dressed (and lookin fucking cute, but sexy at the same time) we head to the venue. I direct y/f/n that we should walk towards the ticketing booth in order to pick up the tickets. Luckily the tour and this venue had a common agreement on different ways you can have your tickets and luckily buying and picking up the physical ones at the booth was one option. 
“Ugh I seriously need to find out who got you these tickets! They can be our concert ticket dealer hahaha” y/f/n says
“A girl has her secrets” I give her a wink and keep walking.
We head towards the entrance of the venue and wait in line until doors open. As we do for past concerts, we start conversations with other fans in line. A basic convo of “who’s your bias?”, “what other groups do y’all stan?”, etc. Luckily it makes the time go by faster because before we knew it, doors opened and they started scanning tickets and letting everyone in. We found our seats and saw that some of the fans we made friends with in line were sitting right behind us. We continued our conversation about nothing specific really until I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down and see that Mark messaged me, 
“Y/NNNNNNN!!!!” Mark messaged
“MAAARRRKKKK!!!” I replied 
“I see you”
“Can you please not be creepy”
“Awe but it’s fun! ANYWAYS I can’t believe you’re here I can’t wait to see you!” he replied excitedly 
“I can’t wait to see you either! First time I’m getting to see you performing on stage. I seriously can’t” I quickly reply
“OH RIGHT! I remember why I texted you, check under your chair” he messaged
“You’re making me nervous boy”
“First of all, I’m a man. Second of all, stop being a wimp and look under your chair” he replies back with an eye rolling emoji. 
I decide to give in and squeeze myself on the ground between my chair and the chair in front of me. I feel a little bit around until my hand takes hold of something. I pull it out and it’s an envelope so I open it because what harm is there in opening a mysterious envelope from Mark. When I opened it, I shut it just as quickly, I looked side to side to make sure no one saw, shoved it in my bag, and grabbed my phone. 
“Mark Tuan imma kill you” I message adding a crying emoji
“Am I your favorite member now?” he said with a cute emoji
“Nope, still loyal, but Mark you really didn’t have to do this! VIP BACKSTAGE PASSES”
“How could I not?! You’re one of my friends that I cherish and it’s been so long. The fact that you thought that just attending the concert would be the end of it...I’m hurt” he replies almost sounding a little too butthurt. 
“Fine fine, but you know I love you right! I seriously can’t believe I can even call you a friend, let alone a close friend at that!” I message excitedly 
“I-love you too, you’re seriously someone I didn’t expect to show up in the circumstances they did. Thank goodness you did though, I was on the brink of murdering Yug because he was just calling me by my name. That child has no respect”
“Mark, honey, you’re American, I wouldn’t have guessed you were so serious about that type of stuff” I retorted
“Well I’m used to the way things run so I just want to hit him sometimes, what an annoying brat” he sent. I ended up laughing and y/f/n looked at me curious as to what was so funny on my phone. I quickly hid it, but I already knew she knew something was up. That’s why I was grateful when she didn’t push further because she knows I always end up spilling the tea later.
“That makes sense anyways you see where I am right?” I ask
“Yup, you look pretty” he comments as he always does
“Whatever, you see the girl to the right of me?” 
“Kinda, I can’t really see her face though”
“Oh let me help” I replied. 
“Yo y/f/n let’s take a pic” I get her attention. She turned around and agreed seeing that it wasn’t unusual for us to take pics together, especially at concerts. 
“Ooo these are cute” she comments then turns back around to keep talking to our new friends. 
“See now, cute right?” I text Mark
“Oh yeah~ she’s cute I guess, what about her though?” He replies
“That’s the friend I was telling you about and lucky for you she doesn’t have a solid bias in the group yet” I mention knowing that it would peek his interest. 
“Oh she doesn’t now, well now I’m even more excited to meet her” he comments, with easy excitement detected in his message. 
“Well thanks to you, we all get to meet each other!” I message excitedly 
“You’re very welcome sweetheart, but I gtg my turn to get pretty” he sends
“Lol you’ve always been pretty, but see you later!” 
“Lol bye” he texted lastly. 
I spend the rest of the time before the concert trying to devise how I’m going to keep surprising y/f/n until we reach the boys while still talking to our new friends. I decided that I would say I found these badges in one of the bathroom stalls after going in after a staff member and decided that it would be our ticket into the backstage. Perfect, not only is it a crazy idea, but the prize at the end (her reaction) will be the icing on the cake. I decided to text Mark about the plan and to also tell the manager so when we do get back there we don’t get in actual trouble. He saw my message and sent an emoji making sure I understood he got the message. This made the whole experience even better.  
The lights dimmer and we knew the show was starting. The whole place erupted in screams and chants of “Got7” echoing everywhere. The stage lit up and the boys walked out. I screamed and almost busted a lung at how good the boys looked up there. Mark looking exceptionally nice almost made me forget how much of an idiot he really is. It amazes me how humans can deceive each other so easily by just putting on an act. 
The concert was beyond amazing! I almost forgot while in the middle of the concert how I actually know the boys and consider them my friends. My mind went back to just being a simple ahgase and it being just that. It wasn’t until Mark came to my side of the stage and did some weird thing that I recalled that I actually know this fool personally. Then Mark pointed me out to the other members so once they spotted me they made their rounds to come to my side of the stage and do something that made my whole side scream. One girl in front of me thought that the finger heart from Jackson was for her when it was really meant for me. Poor girl.
The concert went on, screams were loud, fanchants were strong, light stick choreo was on point, the BOYS choreo was definitely on point, and honestly everything was just perfect. In the back of my head I couldn’t wait to finally meet the boys and better yet, be able to get this secret off my chest. I still hadn’t told anyone of me knowing the boys so to be able to tell y/f/n was going to be a load off my chest. It was the end of the concert with the boys concluding it with a classic that is “A.” During one of the chorus point dances JB came to my side of the stage like he had done once or twice before. While Youngjae and him sang the chorus JB never stopped looking me during the certain lyrics
“Ei da aneunde wae jakku sumgyeo
Nega nal joahaneunge imi
Ne eolgure sseuyeoisseo
Ei nareul boda wae nuneul dollyeo
Da aneunde ei e...”
(Translated: “Hey I already know everything so why are you hiding
It’s written all over your face that you like me
Hey why do you look away
I know everything”)
Contradictory to the lyrics, more specifically JB’s verse, I couldn’t look away. Was he confessing...to me? There’s now way. My heart sped up at the thought that my bias, my ult bias at that, has feelings for me! It was hard to get immersed in the rest of the concert with my head getting mixed signals of what JB really did was meant for me or just did it to tease me, not like it would be the first time. We talked a lot over messenger and really clicked, that included him reminding me that he knew that he was my favorite. Yeah I grew legit feelings for him, but my brain rationalized that it wouldn’t make sense for that to ever exist beyond that, but if what he did right now on stage was him confessing to me, maybe...there’s a chance.
It’s just the possibility of him liking me from only talking to me, while my feelings have existed. I need to stop thinking about this because there’s no way
“Y/n just enjoy the rest of the concert” I mumbled to myself. Thank goodness it was loud and dark enough that no one could hear me or see me. 
When the concert ended, y/f/n and I just sat there in utter amazement. We couldn’t believe we just had the chance to witness this and not to mention a relief since it had been so long for Got7 to come back to a city near enough that we could travel. After a moment of shock, I looked at her
“Yo bitch” I said to grab her attention
“What bitch?” She replied, such friendship
“This night ain’t over yet” I commented and signaled for her to look down her face of confusion and shock filled her face
“Y/n how the hell did you get these?!” She whispered yelled to not get much attention to us
“Remember when I went to the bathroom earlier? I guess I used a stall after one of the staff members and they misplaced it there” I commented hoping she would believe the lie
“Y/n you don’t do wild shit like that though, it’s always me” she mentions 
“I know but I’m willing to risk it all because what’s the worst that could happen?” I say hoping to convince her
“Well first we could be black listed by JYP, we would be the new face of sasaengs and last I checked there aren’t many or many in general black sasaengs...that should be enough reasons not to do it” she said.
“Yes, but if it works then we have a high chance of meeting Got7 and think about how much staff they have. What’s the likeliness they would know who we are'' I bring up
“Damn, you making me do dumb bitch shit...fine I’m in” she says. Score. 
We made our way out with most everyone just like normal, but snuck away to a secluded area where security wasn’t looking through. We slipped through a door that led through a hallway that led backstage. Getting backstage we were looked at sideways but everyone was rushing everywhere not paying us any mind (thank goodness their staff was pretty diverse), but I’m surprised no one noticed how different we stick out especially with our outfits. . 
We slip passed another door, we turned around getting stopped in our tracks by the boys’ manager. He wore this scowl on his face and both of us freaked. Then I remembered Mark texted me saying the manager would have eyes around the place so when we sneak in he would know where we were. So when running into him and seeing the scowl I knew he was just faking it and yet it was so believable. He stared us down,
“Now I don’t think I recognize you two” he comments 
“Um well you see” y/f/n starts in a slight panic
“We were given these passes by someone higher up in the company so we just decided to let ourselves in instead of waiting for the person they were going to send” I replied back confidently hoping it sounded believable enough...to y/f/n that is.
“‘Someone higher up huh?’ well who might that be exactly?” he questioned 
“I don’t have to say and you can’t make me” I snap back with a bit of attitude 
“Well if it is like that, I can’t allow you to proceed any further” he snarls back. Wow he’s really into this. JYP should really look into an acting career for this man and if not that give him a raise or something.
“Now if you two ladies could follow me to this room and I’ll get security to come deal with you both” he continued. y/f/n was getting visibly overwhelmed, but thankfully she had her inhaler with her. I hated to see that her reaction was getting that intense, but we were so close.
“Fine” I replied back fake angrily. y/f/n and I follow the manager back to a room that was labeled “Security” on the front. Perfect, everything was going to plan. Mark helped give more detail to my plan and thought to get a sheet of paper and put security to make the plan more believable. What we didn’t know though is under that sheet of paper it actually said “Artists Dressing Room.” It also occurred to me how good the manager's english had gotten. I guess it worked out with my Korean also getting much better as well. Luckily, I told y/f/n that I decided to study Korean again so she didn’t question why I was able to speak so well. She is able to speak pretty well herself, but the intensity of the situation caused her brain to freak out not being able to respond.
Once we reached the door, the manager slowly turned around. We briefly made eye contact and a smirk slightly graced his face. This is it, y/f/n looked like her nerves were a bit calmer, but I was sure to stand behind her in case she passed out. The manager opened the door and stepped to the side, he ushered us in and I gasp really loudly, 
“OMG IT’S GOT7” I exclaim. The boys all shot their heads up from different areas of the room, the sense of panic that graced their face for a few seconds made it even better. That stupid Mark, I guess he didn’t tell the boys of the plan so they must have thought that we were crazed fans who actually snuck in. Once the boys stared in shock for a few more seconds, all the sudden I hear
“y/nnnnn!!!” Mark screamed and dashed from the chair he was lounging in for a hug. I start laughing hysterically when I turn to see y/f/n’s hella confused face. It took me all the strength to try and stop laughing, but eventually I was able to calm down enough to talk,
“SURPRISE BITCH!!” I look to y/f/n and yell, her face still in utter shock and confusion. 
“Hey boys” I wave crazily to the boys who finally have the previous shock go away and have faces grazed with the biggest of smiles.
“y/n, how are you here?!” Youngjae questioned. From my peripheral vision I could see the boys look with beaming eyes mentally waiting for the answer to that same exact question they were all sharing. I look to Mark and comment
“You idiot, you didn’t tell them?” I laugh
“Well seeing you were surprising your friend, I wanted to do the same for the boys” he laughed back. 
“Makes sense, this was worth it though to see their faces” we both started laughing. Mark went on to explain in Korean about the plan we concocted and how we were able to execute it along with the help of the manager and other staff members. The boys nod and I turn to y/f/n explaining everything similarly. 
“I hate you so much right now” y/f/n says but with humor
“Awe but I love you so much” I replied back lovingly
“Mark this is my friend y/f/n I was telling you about before” I turn to Mark and say
“Nice to meet you!” Mark said with a bright smile
“Nice to meet you too” y/f/n replied back slightly shyly but still with slight confidence. Mark directs us to go and sit down on the chair that was previously occupied by him and Jackson. We all took a seat while BamBam, Yug, and JB were getting their makeup taken off and getting dressed in more comfier clothing behind a panel. 
“This is crazy that we’re finally getting to meet you y/n though it feels like we’ve been friends for ages’ Jackson speaks up.
“I know right! It’s still surreal that we’re all pretty good friends given we’ve never met physically...well except for Mark that is” 
“Wait how do you even know Mark...like how the hell did that even happen?” y/f/n speaks up. The boys looked at each other surprised that she didn’t know even though Mark and I had been talking for months. I look to Mark to see if it was fine to tell her given that he’s not one of my patients anymore, but still it would be illegal and immoral to start spilling unless allowed. He gives me the go ahead and I turn back to y/f/n and explain to her how it came to be. From all the stupid stuff he said to getting to talk to the boys over facetime, nothing was left unturned. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing and how lucky I was to have a chance encounter like this. 
“Wow you really lived the ‘y/n’ life right now huh?” She commented
“I’m just glad I was able to get it off my chest, it was really hard trying to keep this a secret for that long” I laughed 
“But why now, like how long you think you would’ve held it in if they didn’t have a tour?” she questioned
“Honestly I was close to just spilling everything, but luckily the tour was announced. You can also thank Mark for the free tickets and passes by the way” I laughed. y/f/n looked at Mark and had no other way of phrasing words than to say thank you multiple times
“It’s no problem at all, your reaction was priceless though! It made it worth it in the end” he laughed.
I sit there looking at my surroundings amazed this is actually happening. Mark irritatingly asked y/f/n to tell him stories of stupid shit I’ve done in the past because I refused to tell him. y/f/n went along I’m guessing as payback for the stupid stunt I pulled with this whole encounter. Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to put those two together because now Jackson is listening in and I guess so is BamBam from the makeup chair because I can hear him laughing along with everyone else at some part of the story that I don’t even remember (I must have been drunk...whoops). Even then, I don’t think anything could top this moment…
Now I have to figure out why JB has been avoiding interactions with me since y/f/n and I walked in. 
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years
Med Rewatch Series (#3)
Let’s see what we have on the slate. this should be the premiere of s3: Speak Your Truth. I am watching this during school, so let’s see how bad my focus is.
-the episode description is “The shooting of Dr. Charles moves to the courtroom and things turn complicated for the doctors and nurses of Chicago Med.” so still on brand for being all sorts of vague.
-all that really says is more sarah angst so big sad
-let’s get started
-god back to classic med, starting things off fast, just how i like it
-how tf kellogg live through the headshot. guy can’t do anything right
-connor running towards charles on the guerney screaming “what the hell happened!?” and sharon just being “he got shot.” is so fucking hilarous to me i have no clue why
-oh god i remember how much it bothered me that connor changed his hair from the end of s2 to the start of s3 lol (bc it’s supposed to be the same night, but yk, nitpicking)
-the time jump is such an interesting choice. i remember it was jarring at first. i’m sure i’ll have more to say as the episode goes on
-aw hey guys look its sarah! adorable
-also stoll
-oh god, nat taking a sabbatical was weird
-oh boy watching s3 means i get to watch noah get thrown through a glass door and also be a disappointment
-the way connor is effortlessly charming here in the beginning is maybe the only reason i tolerate his character (also more of sarah being adorable)
-horney boi. stop it.
-noah following after sarah like a lovesick puppy is funny
-sarah saying ‘he’s the reason i went into psych...’ honey, psych is not good for your mental health please stop giving him credit
-its the s3 premiere and Sarah talks about her dad and her strained relationship, specifically because noah compares charles getting shot to her dad getting shot. but like, foreshadowing... maybe i should give the med writers a smidge more of credit than I have been in terms of planning things...
-sarah: “don’t compare my dad to dr. charles.”
-long sigh. god... sarah being so supportive. and charles just being ‘No???’
-not to be weird but court room scenes always get me feeling some sorta way
-haha its peter stone! remember him? remember chicago justice?
-THE BETRAYAL ON SARAH’S FACE - she cares so much about him and he’s about to get his own shooter acquitted.
-god sarah is just fucking fantastic. she feels so passionately about caring about people
-god charles fucking hates himself so much? he should Not be ava’s mentor
-charles: “I think the shooting is affecting your objectivity.” sarah: “mY oBjECtiViTy?!”
-also they said ‘the fact he was concealing a weapon shows like fear malicious content’ or what ever. and uh,, sarah? please. please, for my sanity. (bc of what happens later in the season)
-charles- you know how you can help me? fuck off.
-lol this kid is the one who had like a tooth ache, and now his brain is rotting or something. probably will happen to me (@ my parents please let me see the dentist)
-this is where doris is like ethan is playing favorites
-the like background noises of the ed calm me down. they prob really shouldn’t
-they’re gonna fuckkkkk
-something to be said about sarah being gung ho about kellogg being off the streets and a danger to society when... her dad...
- I really like when med does the thing when one character is just standing in the ed and they transition to the next story by having the next character run past
-what is with all of the nurses drama like honestly
-hey guys look its ava! (let see if i have enough brain cells to find anything)
-heyyyy look at that. ava trying usurp some of connor’s cases. while, yeah she is being a tad undermining, connor’s gf was literally just discharged from a psych hold. this is just an interaction to keep in mind for future events.
-ava’s playing full cunning while connor’s busy fucking his girlfriend
-dont hate the player man
-because they’re both under latham, they’re more rivals than hero/villain, bc they have a common guy who is their advisor. but yeah. dont hate the player
-robin calling ava ‘cruella’ is making want to throw hands ngl. god dude chill - bc it means either robin just saw ava interacting with people and thought ‘what a bitch’ or connor was complaining about ava and either way I hate it.
-connor broke up with robin bc she was too horneyyy (ik he didn’t break up w her but yk)
-connor - reese interaction was nice. until he started blaming her bruh wtf chilll
-her arguing with connor is like. peak. (ava + sarah teaming up to bully connor and not take any of his shit?? i think yes)
-this ethan april thing is stupid. i’m just gonna say it.
-ava: “that would have been a really great idea if you were trying to kill him.” SHE TAKES NO. SURVIVORS. i love her so much
-YEAH RHODES GET FUCKED! i think one of the reasons ava was disliked at first was bc latham kind of favored her and... literally everyone else favored connor? so get fucked? but here, ava can obviously hold her own and connor is just whining. I’m glad they put them on equal ground bc connor and ava’s direct superior is on ava’s side, and literally everyone else is with connor. AND CONNORS STILL PLAYED AS AN UNDERDOG BC AVA TOOK HIS SURGERY! HOW. infuriating
-anyway, for the purposes of the theory ava is capable enough to hold her own as a stand alone, and clever enough to be entertaining
-holy shit no i think i just remembered how this storyline goes. connor gets a better surgery, right? he gets glory and stuff. this is too fucking rich, come on. let one thing go wrong for him.
-i miss ava
-stop it sarah you have anxiety.
-okay. Ava is half bickering, half flirting with him, a little annoying but we put up with it bc we love her and its not her fault she’s supposed to be his love interest. but still, it’s playful, it’s not neccesarily flirting. conceivably, she could be talking to anybody. But then, she tells him to relax, to take a day off. SHE’S STILL A GOOD PERSON. SHE’S NOT TRYING TO EXPLICITLY SPITE CONNOR, OR ANYONE. that’s what people tend to forget. she’s not malicious.
-connor thinks she is tho. maybe that’s why some people hated her, bc connor hated her
-charles: “kellogg is not a criminal” BRUH HE SHOT YOU
-AND??? SARAH’S DAD ANYONE? that was why he was so persistent of sarah’s dad. he wanted to catch the signs.
-OKAY HERE. When latham is like, wait, did ava manipulate me? is she actually sus? he was the one person on her side and then boom he sides with connor. literally do you have any idea how great ava would be without connor?
-this manstead thing is soooo exhausting
Okay so what have we learned?
Ava is getting Connor’s cases. kind of rude but also, they’re surgeons? It’s super competitive. AND CONNOR LITERALLY WON THAT ROUND BC LATHAM SWITCHED SIDES???
ava had less lines in the ep than in s2 and honestly. wtf.
not much content, but if you look at her content, come on she’s still amazing.
thanks for sticking through
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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twinkletoes-rp · 4 years
6, 7, 19, 20, 30, 31, 32, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 51 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Fanfiction Questions meme
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Oh, geez... I’ve been involved in so many fandoms, LOL. I don’t really know if I can/should name them all. I’ll give you the ones (ONLY OTPs - doesn’t mean I don’t ship other things, too) I can think of off the top of my head.
Kiba/Hinata (Naruto), Fakir/Ahiru (Princess Tutu), Stiles/Derek (Teen Wolf), Kirito/Lisbeth (Sword Art Online), Harry/Hermione (Harry Potter), Goku/Bulma (Dragon Ball), Yusuke/Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho), Todoroki/Izuku (BNHA), (better!)Bakugo/Uraraka (BNHA), Toph/Aang (ATLA), and Adrien/Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)!
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
(This isn’t meant to be hate on the ships I name! I just don’t ship them, that’s all! Ship and let ship! ;))
Naruto/Sasuke (Naruto), Kirito/Asuna (Sword Art Online), Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter), Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter), Goku/Chichi (Dragon Ball), Yusuke/Keiko (Yu Yu Hakusho), Bakugo/Izuku (BNHA), and Aang/Katara (ATLA).
19. Is there a ship (in your current fandom) which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
I’m not sure I have a ‘current fandom’ since I live for, like, everything at once, but maybe technically Naruto would be it?
In that case (again, no offense to anyone - and removing the ‘I wish I could get behind’ part ‘cause I do not), NaruSasu. I just...don’t get it? At all? Maybe it’s the ‘what could have been’s or whatever, but when you just take the series at face value, that relationship is...really icky, at least to me, and that’s putting it lightly. It’s so damn unhealthy, especially for poor Naruto. They were never even friends, Sasuke always treated him like shit, and yet...?! *throws hands at half+ of OG series and virtually all of Shippuden* IDK, man. Something’s weird there, and I don’t like it. Can’t support that. Naruto deserves better, damn it. (*casually links her Naruto AU fic where he DOES get better (in more ways than one), TYVM*)
20. Any ships (in your current fandom) which you surprised yourself by liking?
Going with Naruto again, so. Hmm... I guess maybe Kankuro/Tenten? I didn’t even know that was a ship until a friend showed me a really good fic, and I was hooked! lol.
Another might be KakaObi, but only in AUs where Obito survives the cave in and gets out with Kakashi and Rin and recovers, continuing to be the sweetheart he is instead of the ass he turned out to be in canon. Because he, too, deserved better, damn it!
Another is one I might have made up, not sure (mostly in the context of my Naruto AU, NGL), lol: Karin/Shikamaru! It makes sense and there are lots of compelling reasons when you break it down! You know, 'cause Shikamaru would need (or probs at least prefer) someone on his smarts level, and she's a genius, too, just in a different way. And once she mellows out, Karin's really cool, and (in my AU) she grows to eventually adore Naruto (actually fights to defend/protect him in the Pein arc!), and anyone who loves Naruto is good in Shikamaru's book! lol. Plus, she can tell him when he has his genius brain twisted in too many directions, tell him he's being an idiot and help him figure things out in her different way. lol. IDK, I like it!
30. What inspires you to write?
I just...love writing?? I’ve wanted to be an author since I was 8-9 years old, started writing when I was 11, and I’ve been writing ever since! I’m 27 now! I’ve had a few dry spells, ofc, but I always end up coming back! I just feel like writing is in my blood (partly because, I like to joke, my last name is the title of one of Shakespeare’s plays, haha)!
Pretty much anything can inspire me to write, though. I’ll see a pretty flower and be like “OOH, that flower could feature perfectly in this chapter in this way!” and then write 1k about that! lol. Or I could read a review of one of my new chapters and end up thinking of something I’d never considered before and then write almost 3k on that alone (looking at you, middle section of Ch 6 of my Naruto AU, lol)!
Basically, if it sparks joy, I’m gonna write something! X’D
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
Nicest?? Hmm... I mean, I’ve had a lot of things said about my writing... Not sure I can really narrow it down? lol.
I guess the nicest things I’ve ever been told are when I make people cry (espec multiple times!) and actually feel the emotions the characters are feeling, that the characters and their development feel so real that it’s like they’re real people instead of fictional/they’re written so much better than the creator himself wrote them. (Been getting those a lot on my Naruto AU, actually. lol.)
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
I tend to prefer silence while I write, but sometimes, my house is loud and people keep breaking my concentration (house of 5, lots of animals, not the quietest, lol), I sometimes listen to music. I usually prefer instrumental, and then usually Naruto or Wolf’s Rain (sometimes Princess Tutu, too) instrumental tracks. The Naruto one I like best also has rain sounds mixed in, which is great because I love the sound of rain! Woo! (Here’s a link to that one if anyone else wants in on this! ;))
39. What is your greatest strength as a writer?
Emotions and getting into the nitty-gritty stuff therein. As an extremely visual, emotional writer, I’ve always been able to feel the emotions of the characters pretty much exactly how they’re feeling it in the moment and then put it on paper. I also make people cry a lot with my writing and get them to feel what the characters do, so that’s awesome! It’s always my goal to get my readers to feel things because then I feel like they’ve really connected with the story and characters I’ve written!
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Transitions are dicks. Sometimes I struggle ‘cause it’s been, like, two seconds or five hours, and I don’t know how to show that, lol. If I can, espec with the last one, I just fade to black. lol.
Also, sometimes I feel like I use the same sentence structure a lot, mostly the ‘..., but...’ format (at least lately). It’s really annoying, and I worry my readers notice and get annoyed/think I suck because of it. lol.
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
“All the ways I say ‘I love you’” by Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 (Fandom: Ninjago)
“Paradise Lost” by AnchoredTether (Fandom: Voltron Legendary Defender (Zootopia-esque dark AU))
“where my armor ends” by dalniente (Fandom: She-Ra Princesses of Power)
“of cats and curses” by faerialchemist (Fandom: She-Ra Princesses of Power x Fruits Basket crossover)
“Mischief is its Own Reward” by dalniente (Fandom: Megamind)
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?
I don’t really read Naruto fanfic too much anymore, so like...I guess, technically, another main fandom of mine right now is Fruits Basket, so: without a doubt, @kyosohmastan ! They’re my absolute favorite Fruits Basket fanfic author! Everyone’s so in character, the writing is so sweet and feelsy, steamy when it needs to be, and I really love the writing itself - it’s just so well done and beautiful and I die happily when they post a new fic or chapter? Ahhh! Plus, they’re just so nice and talented in so many ways, we have the same opinions on certain things (like Kakeru Manabe is Too Much(TM) for us, haha, no offense to those who like him! lol.), and I just really, really feel blessed to know and read their fics! Love them so! <3
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
I’m not sure which ship this is talking about? Hmm... But a ship I definitely think (have always thought) needs more attention is Kirito/Lisbeth from Sword Art Online! It’s so slept on, and that is a damn fucking shame because they’re so healthy and sweet and have so much more amazing potential than they’re given credit for (way freaking more than the actual canon couple, just sayin’, no offense to anyone who likes the pairing)! I have written a good few metas (and a fanfic) on the subject (some/most of which are on my Lisbeth RP blog, actually, lol)! If anyone wants to discuss/RP/anything involving this ship, please let me know! Would love it!
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic?
I’m not sure I have a favorite fic. But one that I always come back to (all of her (mostly G1) My Little Pony fics, actually - first found them when I was, like, 12, and have kept rereading over and over through the years, haha) is A Mother in Her Eyes by LoveLikeElena on FFN. It takes place in the author’s own MLP universe, but I love said universe so much, and her takes on the characters are amazing and so sweet! I love her look at the serious subjects that follow the characters through her ongong MLP series! <3
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Fanfic readers have become really, really lazy. No one reviews anymore, maybe leave a kudos here and there if you’re lucky (I have a major love-hate (more hate) relationship with kudos...), and it’s so, so, so discouraging to us writers! I wish they knew how it felt, to be honest, espec the ones you know are reading, but just...don’t comment. It’s ridiculously disheartening to work so hard on something for days, weeks, even months or years on something, only to get basically nothing in return. It’s like posting into the void, and it sucks ass. It’s part of what made me quit writing for a good few years, actually, and I’m so sad to see that it’s still a thing. I comment on everything I read because I know how it feels and how much it hurt! It hurts like hell, especially because I remember how it used to be just 6-8 years ago when everyone commented! I desperately pray the fanfic/content consuming world fixes that really soon or we might lose some really amazing writers! Please, even an emoji or keyboard smash! I don’t care, I’ll take anything (and I know I’m not the only one)! <3
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 309
*puts Lonely Island on repeat* Shipnanigans are here!
I was originally kind of not looking forward to the second half of the season because this part of Voyager is absolutely batshit bananas. But then I was wicked underwhelmed by the part of the season I thought I would love.
So fuck it. Bring on the ridiculousness.
I like this episode. But only if I try to watch it pretending like the first part of the season didn’t happen... Because if I watch it with the other episodes in mind, I just get mildly ragey that we skip over the important emotional work Jamie and Claire still have to do in favor of fluff followed by another separation. And yeah, I love fluff. I love secksi times. I love Fraser snuggles. But the jump from the end of ep. 308 to the start of ep. 309 leaves me salty that we’re yet again asked to headcanon the reconciliation between Jamie and Claire. *side eyes the similar jump between ep. 207 and ep. 208* Whatever.
Get your towels ready it's about to go down. Everybody in the place hit the fuckin’ deck. But stay on your motherfuckin’ toes. We runnin’ this, let's go.
New credits! And the title card... Take a good hard look at the motherfuckin’ boat.
Ok this opening bit. Like Jamie was an asshole for the last two episodes. Claire never actually got to tell her side of things. She basically was like nope, I don’t think I even want to be here. But now it’s like all good, she’ll go on this 18th century sea voyage to find Jamie’s nephew. For real? They couldn’t have made a handful of tweaks last week and the beginning of this week so she could say she was going because she wanted to be with Jamie and keep working on their relationship? And Jamie’s apparently never going to apologize for being a massive piece of shit toward her? They do a good job over the course of the episode of showing them together but still with the insecurities and stuff, but jumping from where they were on the cliff to where they are in this episode makes me side eye the show like whoa.
And yes, I know that she’s really going on the ship because she wants to try to make it work with Jamie, but geez, let her say that. Let her tell him that he’s been a dick to her but she knows he has it in him to be not-shitty and she’s going because she thinks he can be better than he is in the last couple episodes. I don’t know why it bothers me so much when they make us fill in the blanks ourselves on stuff that seems definitely important enough to actually show. And then make it seem like we’re dumb or bad fans or something for wanting to actually see things instead of just headcanoning them in, because that’s how this production team rolls.
Replacement Rupert and Angus just aren’t the same as the originals. Like no one can replace Rupert and Angus, but like, I can’t bring myself to give a crap about these randos?
For real though, Claire’s inner monologue is probs like yeah, never thought I'd be on a boat. It's a big blue watery road...
And I get her 20th century scoffing at superstition, but like, girl. You’ve been in trouble for being a “witch” enough times now that c’mon. Don’t act like you don’t understand what’s going on with the sailors.
Marsali is my everything. I love her. I love her so much.
As much as I want Jamie to stand up for Claire, I do like that Fergus does it. Because Jamie, my dude, you deserve everything Marsali’s throwing at you.
Claire’s “No. You don’t.” as she drags Jamie away is also my everything.
Oh hey, a trunk of clothes! Got some swim trunks, and some flippie-floppies. But not a nautical themed pashmina afghan in sight. Welp. Can’t have everything.
I know it’s supposed to be sweet that Jamie wouldn’t let anyone get rid of Claire’s clothes. And a nice inverse to Frank burning her clothes. But I’m still just kind of chuckling because it’s not like he ever saw them? What with him living in a cave and then prison and then Helwater and then with Laoghaire. But whatever.
“Would you care to dine with me this evening? We drinking Santana champ, cause it's so crisp.” This captain is seriously the human equivalent of  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Like dude. You’re the captain of the ship and you’re just like welp. Can’t do anything about the men. They’ll do what they’re gonna do. It’s not like I’m the one in the position of authority or anything.
High fives to Fergus for calling Jamie on his bullshit revisionist history.
Although it’s kinda icky that Jamie knows all of the girls who Fergus has banged? And also fuck him for being super chill about Fergus banging tons of girls but so fucking uptight about Marsali and Bree. I know, I know, it’s a different time. That doesn’t make him not a hypocrite though.
Slash Jamie’s the last person who should be lecturing *anyone* about the importance of honesty right now. But whatever. No real consequences for lying soooo... *pretends the last few eps haven’t happened*
Yi Tien Cho convincing Jamie to do acupuncture is also my everything. Seriously, I know I had a *rull* low bar for how that character was going to be changed, but I’m really, really loving him.
I for real can’t wait for more of Claire and Marsali. Like yeah, Jamie’s marital status *was* Claire’s business, and Jamie hadn’t been living with Laoghaire and the girls for ages so Claire also wasn’t really breaking up a family or anything, but I really like that Claire just lets Marsali’s comment slide. Like call Jamie out on all of his bullshit, please, but Marsali’s a teenager whose life was thrown through a loop and I feel like trying to talk to her when she’s in this kind of mood isn’t going to get anywhere. So by just being like “well the whore should get the bigger bed, shouldn’t she” it’s like telling Marsali that she’s not going to be cowed by the snark and also that she doesn’t need to justify her place in Jamie’s life to a rando. Like she’s not going to concede power by trying to explain herself to Marsali.
But for real, I love Marsali.
I honestly don’t get Jamie’s aversion to Fergus and Marsali though. Like they’re not making the age difference a thing in the show. And Jenny’s fucking kids have apparently been married and spitting out babies since they hit puberty. Like I get it makes for some tension with Laoghaire, but who gives a fuck? She hates them all already?
Claire and Yi Tien Cho are my favorite pair that I was not expecting to like so much. But like her being genuinely interested in his story and him being open with her, which is probably the first time he’s gotten to talk like that with anyone since he got to Scotland, is so great.
Oh. Another VO. Cool. It’s basically like I'm on a boat motherfucker take a look at me. Straight flowin’ on a boat on the deep blue sea. Bustin’ five knots, wind whippin’ out my coat. You can't stop me motherfucker cause I'm on a boat.
Ok this insecurity in Jamie about hurting Claire’s feelings about the tea and acupuncture is adorable. Asshole Jamie’s insecurity of the past few episodes wasn’t. He was just an asshole.
And also, broseph, this is the kind of secret it’s ok to keep. Small, insignificant, adorable. The other one, not so much.
“My return has been confusing and frustrating. But it’s never been a question of whether I love you.” Confusing and frustrating is putting it a bit mildly, Claire, but apparently we’re done having real talk and Jamie doesn’t have to own up to being a fuckwad. Bqhatevwr. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m 1000% here for the fluff in this episode. I just have to pretend they actually did more of the hard convos in order to get to where they can have the fluff again.) And I’m pretty sure it *literally was* a question of whether you loved this Jamie, Claire. We all know you loved the old Jamie. But like, the whole thing on the cliff was literally about whether you loved the new Jamie. Y’know. The thing they never bothered addressing beyond the question being asked. Because lol nothing matters, fans can headcanon it and if they don’t they’re whiny and #badfans.
Whatever. *actively doesn’t think about past episodes* Here for pincushion heart eyes. Lookit how cute they are.
Cause of death: Claire telling Jamie about reading Bree Goodnight Moon.
And I love them talking about the moon like with the science of men flying there and the folk tales of the man in the moon representing each of them. They’re gonna fly this boat to the moon somehow. Like Kevin Garnett, anything is possible.
“You miss her.” “Terribly.” Glad they’re highlighting Claire still feeling the loss of what she gave up to come back to Jamie. Still salty at his non-reaction to learning about his kid. And even here, like one line from him about Bree to let Claire know he loves her too? Or thinks about her too? To let Claire know she’s not alone in missing Bree? Please? No? Ok.
Here for the cuddles. I want the fluff. Believe me, I am trash for the fluff. I just wish again that the fluff felt more earned because they’d actually come to an understanding about where they stand with each other rather than just glossing over the hard part of coming back together. They showed the angsty set up then skipped the resolution and went straight to the fluff.
Whatever. Back to pretending the last few eps didn’t happen. Give me all the fluff. It’s fucking wonderful. I love fluff. I am a broken record.
I feel like the gif of Claire saying “that’s insanity” is going to come in quite handy...
Jamie going to save his dude like fuck land, I'm on a boat, motherfucker. Fuck trees, I climb buoys, motherfucker. I'm on the deck with my boys, motherfucker. And no one is gonna mess with his Ardsmuir boys.
Really reaching to fit some of these lyrics in and I’m not at all sorry.
The way they chant Jonah is def the angry mob way to chant it, but in my head I def kept being like Jo! Nah! Jo! Nah!. Like pumping someone up at a sports thing or something. You’re doing it wrong, brain.
I have a lot of feelings about Yi Tien Cho giving up his story and letting it go before he wanted to in order to save Jamie and his men. Yi Tien Cho really is the best of them.
And honestly Jamie telling the captain to let YTC speak is maybe the most decent thing he’s ever done for the man.
And then the papers fly off in the wind and I realize that I give not a single fuck about the actual plot of this episode.
But Claire saying thank you to Yi Tien Cho is so much more than just thank you for quelling the fight. Like this guy just told the story of his life, of where he’s from, and now he needs to give it up. And she recognizes and respects and appreciates what it’ll cost him to give it up since she too is from a place the fuckers on the ship couldn’t possibly understand. And he did it for this group who, as he so passionately said, thinks the worst of him. I have so many feelings about Claire and Yi Tien Cho, guys.
They kept in the ship quickie! I def thought they were going to cut it! Bless them for keeping it. Blesss. Same feelings about the rest of the fluff still apply, but this show is probs always going to pull stuff like this so I clearly just need to get over it and accept the fluff I’m given like a #goodfan.
Jamie’s like believe me when I say, I fucked a mermaid.
(I swear, I *hated* the line last week when Jamie said Jenny would sooner believe Claire was a mermaid than from the future, but at least it means the most ridic lyric in the fucking song fits perfectly.)
And Jamie being cute about Claire’s hair. Awww.
I hate the king of men line. Hate it. Hate that the production is so fixated on that. And that they think it’s cute to keep including their weird in-jokes in the show itself.
But whatever. Snuggle time! Yay for snuggles! Embrace the fluff! Forget your issues with the show! Stop being a sourpuss!
Oh snap, the British are coming!  Never thought they’d see the day, when a big boat comin’ their way.
RIP Lt. Babyface. Long live Capt. Babyface!
Yay for Claire telling Jamie about her oath. And yay for Jamie actually getting it and respecting what she needs to do. It’s like ep. 306 Jamie again with the whole respecting Claire’s calling thing. So like, we should just ignore ep. 307 Jamie? Because he was an asshole about it.
Oh man, next week is gonna be rough, isn’t it. *All* the puking. This ain't Seaworld, this is real as it gets.
For real though if the puking noises next week are like the brothel noises in ep. 306, I’m going to just watch on mute or something with the closed captions because it’s over the top, show.
Ok if Thomas Leonard is Capt. Babyface, I guess that makes Elias Pound Midshipman Fetus.
Oh man the cook being all like I'm flippin’ burgers, you at Kinko's straight flippin’ copies. Don’t fuck with Claire when she’s in Dr. Claire mode, my dude. You will not win that fight.
Yeah. If I pretend like this episode is the first one of the season, I like this episode. I’m kind of pissed that the show managed to make me salty about fluff. I love fluff, why you make me salty about fluff, show? And now I just want a goddamn fluffernutter.
And since I’m ignoring everything that could have been up until now, it doesn’t bug me that Jamie and Claire are separated...again. Because lol nothing matters.
Fucking give me all the badass Dr. Claire you have, show.
She’s on a boat motherfucker, don't you ever forget.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
doctor! Wonwoo
Anon requested: “If you doing Requests can I have Wonwoo as a doctor? And y/n as a nurse there ❤️”
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1189
tbh I see Wonwoo as a neurosurgeon
and can you imagine Wonwoo during medical school?
he’ll probs be studying in the library very often
to the point they have to tell him to leave sometimes lmao
always carries a book bag everywhere
and surprise surprise
always has a book to his face
cutie with his messy morning hair going to the cafe to get coffee
with his morning voice
and him in glasses!
you knew who Wonwoo was but you weren’t friends with him
but since you were a nursing student
you had a few classes with him sometimes
and wow he’s such a smartass
always answers all the questions right
and you’re just here like
???! Excuse me
nobody was surprised by the fact he graduated early
and sports science major Seungcheol was just like
“you’re younger than me stop”
 let’s get into doctor Wonwoo
 he got a new position at this hospital
 for their neurological expert
 and despite his cold looks
 he’s so caring towards his patients :’)
 also has a mini library in his office
 and when he’s not tending patients
 he’s reading books in his office
or playing with the kids awee
there’s this one grandma with a brain tumour
 that sees Wonwoo very often
 and she’s told him how her kids are all grown and too busy
 which makes him sad even though he doesn’t tell her
 but the grandma treats Wonwoo as if he’s her own grandson
and Wonwoo lends books from his library to her <3
you had just been transferred to a new hospital
and you were excited but at the same time scared
because you didn’t know anyone
but ended befriending a lot of the patients
like this one really nice old lady
 who always seems to have a book on her
 but you noticed she likes to dog ear the pages to bookmark them
 which annoys you a bit cause of your inner book worm
so you decided to make a bookmark for her <3
with her name and everything plus some other cute things
and your name at the bottom
the grandmas always tells you about this one cute doctor in her section
“I’m telling you, he’s such a cutie!!”
and when the grandma returns the book to Wonwoo
she forgets (deliberately) to take out the bookmark
so when Wonwoo opened the book he had noticed the bookmark
and how the pages weren’t folded on the top anymore
tbh the dog ears did bother him a bit but he didn’t have the heart to say anything to her
he decides to visit the grandma in her room
and you were in there sitting next to her and talking to each other before your next shift starts
“halmeonim! You left your bookmark”
and when Wonwoo notices you, he’s like
“Weren’t you from the same medical school as me?”
you’re just here like?? Jeon Wonwoo knows I exist¿
you couldn’t recognise him at first
because he wasn’t wearing his iconic glasses anymore :(
grandma was happily in her own world tho
because she’s happy her ship is starting to sail off lol
“you two kids will be so cute together!”
 from then on,
 you and Wonwoo were around each other pretty often
 and got to know each other despite being in the same school for years
 and he’s actually a pretty cool guy
 such a sweetheart too
 all the other nurses have crushes on him as well
which is honestly not a surprise
Also, Wonwoo’s mini library became yours as well
sometimes you both just sit and read together
in comfortable silence
 because somehow you two had gotten that close
 which makes you strike up a question
 “hey why don’t you wear your glasses anymore?”
 “idk I just don’t think they look good on me, I use contacts now”
 “lies, your glasses looked hella good on you”
 and the next day he comes in,
and he’s wearing his glasses!!
you two banter a lot
with the occasional friendly flirting lmao
“hey Wonwoo”
“Are you my appendix? Because I have a gut feeling I should take you out ;)”
“sure, you free on Saturday?”
and your just like wait what,,,
you meant it as a joke
but he took it seriously
but who would turn down a date with Wonwoo lmao
he picks you up and brings you to this museum
what an intellectual cutie awe
and you both just had fun wondering around the museum
learning new facts and just some more general knowledge
and reminiscing about the old school days
“I’m not sure if you were in my class, but do you remember when Seungcheol passed out?”
“Oh!! When we had to cut up the human body right?”
you never realised how great of a human being Wonwoo is
he’s so interesting and there’s so much more to him than what you expected
after finishing the museum date
you both spontaneously decided to go to an art gallery
and when you both arrived,
the art just awed both of y'all
but Wonwoo couldn’t really concentrate that much
because while you were admiring the art hung on the walls
he admired the artwork that was in front of him
which is you!!
because he thinks you’re the actual masterpiece :’)
and when you turned around to look at him
he thinks you’ve noticed him staring at you
and he just blushes up!
and just couldn’t get rid of this goofy grin on his face!!
and then he just asked you to be his girlfriend there and then
followed by taking a lot of cute couple pictures together
because you guys are gonna be that couple on instagram lmao
almost everyone in the hospital knows about your relationship with each other now
and jokes about how your relationship is a typical soap drama on tv lmao
but if anyone says anything bad about your relationship
grandma is ready to fight them
because she credits herself as why the two of you started dating lmao
your birthday was coming up
and Wonwoo wasn’t exactly sure what to get you
ends up going for a homemade gift
instead of something more materialistic
ends up making a book with all the moments you guys shared together!!
and when he gifts the book to you
you were speechless
you just couldn’t think of anything to say
even though you were ecstatic
“you don’t like it?”
“wHAT? No Wonwoo!! I love it so much!! I just can’t express myself well right now”
you were surprised by how much effort was put into it
with all the pictures of you two together and little captions written by him
followed by some pages with titles like
‘5 things I like about you’
‘I greatly appreciate you"
‘why I don’t deserve you’
and you just try to convince him that he was worth so much more than he thinks!
which really helps him and tbh he’s really thankful for your constant reassurance :’)))
“honestly, I didn’t think I could fill up this entire book. But I guess we were too occupied with having fun we didn’t realise we were making these amazing memories”
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cow1sequester · 4 years
EPISODE 11 - “Patrick popped off and killed Isaac and I’m the last Kung Fu left” - Owen
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TWIST: Safety Grab
ELIMINATED: Owen (Battle Match Drag)
YES FUCK YES PATRICK POPPED OFF AND KILLED ISAAC AND IM THE LAST KUNG FU LEFT!!! Every! Single! ONE of those alliance members wrote my name down and you know what? IM THE LAST ONE STANDING! What a bad call on all their parts. They should’ve never thought I was disposable PERIOD Yesterday’s vote went so well. Patrick and Ryan did what I wanted them too and even tho Blake beck Isaac and Raul pulled some shady shit I got put into SUCH A GOOD position when it tied. Blake and Beck we’re voting Isaac and Ryan and Patrick did Raul cause I wanted them to lmao and so I could choose to either make Raul pick between ryan and patrick for the battle or Isaac pick between Blake and beck. So I went with the latter option to save patrick and ryan but surprise surprise they BOTH had a damn LOS!?  I really should be looking for these I didn’t know they’d get handed out like candy.... I don’t think Blake is mad at me either which is good. Next order of business is to split up Raul and beck. After that I’m not sure who I want to get forth. I think I need Blake in the final four with me but I need him to get voted and to not drag me tbh.... so isk how that will work. Best case scenario is Raul and beck go next and I’m in final four with ryan patrick and Blake and then who knows what happens. Ahhhh i can’t believe I’m final six. I’m really fucking snapping. Every round Blake and I make a plan and execute it and sometimes I do something diffeeent or he does but at the end of the day we both still here that’s wild
Hey I'm still here somehow so we're in F6 and there's these pairs Beck-Blake and Patrick-Owen with me leaning more towards BB and Ryan leaning more with PO but at this point all I care about is surviving one more round so here's my plan for this round: I'm gonna tell Owen that since I was in the battle match I got an LOS and that I'm playing it on Blake since it's my last week, making them believe to put votes on Blake if they don't want to go into the battle match but I want to trick them into actually voting out Blake out cause I've not even looked for an LOS since like Cycle 3 or 4. At this point I like my chances going against almost anyone I think I can put up a fight in F2, my only concern is that Owen and Patrick can not get to F4 together cause they won't vote for eachother. So once that is broken up I have a free ride.
This game is so fucking hard. I popped off and got really lucky with those puzzles which gave me a lot of control this week. I decided to give Ryan safety for a few different reasons: First, patrick and I have bonded a lot and I want ryan to feel just as secure in my loyalty to him. Second, ryan did a lot more of the puzzles lol. Third, they’re going to be more scared to go into battle with patrick Than they will against ryan. And prob most important is that Ryan told me the complete truth about voting Isaac in the date night round while patrick lied to me and threw his vote instead of doing jared. So ryan got the safety leaving patrick Blake and beck as options. Blake and Patrick have been my two closest allies throughout the jury phase so it seems like the best choice for me would be Beck going. I also really REALLLLLY need Blake here as a shield over me to be picked off at fifth place. At fourth I can threaten my allies to drag them if they flip on me but at fifth.... 🥴🥴🥴 if Blake goes I’m the next biggest choice as ‘threats’ I think (although maybe that’s not true and I have no shot to win lmao) and all it would take is ryan or patrick or both flipping on me. But ryan really wants to do Blake. So I’m stressed now. This is just a hard game because I need to depend on my allies so much and I am just praying that ryan and patrick will be loyal to me. Patrick mentioned knowing ryan before the game today which makes me a little sketched out that they’ll cut me before the end. So I’m just trying to work out a plan. If we convince Raul to vote Blake, then patrick ryan and Raul could all do Blake and ill still vote beck but then patrick and ryan would be mad at me. But I do wanna survive to five... I feel like I’ll have to win a battle match at final five either way because getting to five with a solid alliance seems to good to be true. I just don’t know anymore AHHH I need to talk to vlake and tell him what’s going on if I wanna save him but last time he was getting voted he took everything I said and blew it the fuck off. Ultimately I want beck GONE but the only person that’s best for is me and idk how to get what I want when it just literally doesn’t make sense for my alllies to do We out here..., Jesus 
It’s right before the final 6 vote and I am SO NERVOUS I COULD POO. I don’t want to get voted out i pray Ryan and Owen stay with me and save me. And then that Blake flips. I’m so scared please let me be safe. I don’t want to do a 6th battle match I really really don’t want to do a 6th one 
Gosh! So sorry I’m so bad at writing these I wish I did them more often :( I promise I’m gaming a lot! Just bad at talking about it. This week, I had a lot going on in my personal life finding out I basically get no credits from my first year of university meaning I basically set a torch to 25 grand so... werq that’s why I didn’t do puzzles. It was pretty obvious early on it was gonna be 3-3 with me saving myself or getting dragged for beck and as much as Im undyingly loyal to beck, I have to put myself first and I don’t think this move was the absolute worst thing for me. I am not the last one not in a battle match, and tonight my plan is to talk to the 3 who are still in the house with me and try to start setting myself up to get to the final 2. If everybody thinks I’m just talking to them, and they solely benefit, they won’t tell anybody else as it doesn’t benefit them. In a game where it’s so easy to get eliminated at the end, they won’t want to leak any info that might get them dragged especially if they might wanna vote me out.
Been feeling really guilty ab beck today /: 
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92 Questions Tag
tagged by: @court-ships (now @bujo-ie )
LAST: 1. drink: probs water (tbh i dont like water much but you gotta sTaY hyDrATed) 2. phone call: i ran out of credit ages ago and haven’t bothered to recharge it so i haven’t called anybody recently, but mum has called me, so i guess that counts. (actually thinking about it i can’t remember the last time i called someone) 3. text message: to my best bud (cause i was wallowing in the depths of despair for like 3 weeks cause i felt like she was ignoring me so i finally got the courage to text her about it last night :) i think we’re going to be good) 4. song you listened to: K I’M LISTENING TO TEAM BY LORDE RIGHT NOW AND I LOVE IT FOREVER AND ALWAYS  5. time you cried: tbh like last weekend (see point number 3)
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anybod 8. been cheated on: nup, thankfully 9. lost someone special: i have lost relatives but i never really knew them? i have lost quite a few pets tho :/ 10. been depressed: not ‘officialy’ but past couple weeks have been bad (once again, see point 3) 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: never been drunk, only ever had small sips of alcohol (i’m way to young)
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: ohh so hard i don’t really have a fav, but i guess all blues (with and emphasis on teal) and like nearly all pastel colours.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yeah, but not like super close 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: maybe, but not very much 18. found out someone was talking about you: i don’t know? like this one isn’t very clear 19. met someone who changed you: sort of, i became closer to best bud, who i guess has changed me a bit 20. found out who your friends are: yes, but like also no? one of my few good friends left (for england of all places, but she is coming back), another’s moving schools, and once again see point 3 for other friend 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no lol i don’t even have facebook
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: see point 21 23. do you have any pets: YESS SO MANY a dog, two cats, like 8 horses (only one’s mine tho), 3 ducks (one i’ve had since i was like 4), around ten chickens... yeah i kind of live on a farm without all the big herds (also a lot lot smaller than a farm lol). fun fact: we used to have like 7 peacocks, they’re actually the coolest birds to have around. 24. do you want to change your name: no way, i actually quite like mine :) 25. what did you do for your last birthday: pool partay! tbh i went way overboard with the decorations, i spent hours making little paper flowers for everyone (they looked pretty cool, actually) 26. what time did you wake up: probs like 6;30, but stayed half asleep until 8:20 (shhh it’s a sunday i can do what ever i want 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleepinggg (sadly without my radio on bc mum wanted me to ‘try sleeping without music’ mum how i can i i need it ON 28. name something you can’t wait for: DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL #BILLISBACK GET PUMPED!! also PINOF 9 and halloween baking videos from dan and phil, also, any album coming out from any of my favourite artists for the next like 104585 years. ALSO I’M GOING TO MONGOLIA IN LIKE 2 WEEKS HOW DID I FORGET THAT 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like half an hour ago we were running about in the rain putting the horses back in their yards 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: world peace, there are too many people (and animals) that are a victim of unhappiness they will never deserve
31. what are you listening to right now: A WORLD ALONE AKA THAT LORDE SONG THAT I RELATE TO ON AN OTHERWORLDLY LEVEL 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah, there’s one in my grade and he speaks fluent french (at least he did last time i checked which was like 2 years ago) 33. something that is getting on your nerves: tbh like all homework ever, plus this giant self-directed project we’re doing this year, it’s the most stressful thing ever. also, once again see point 3 34. most visited websites: umm i guess youtube, school’s home page, tumblr (although i’m mainly on mobile for that and that’s an app) reddit and ao3 (one my phone)
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. mole/s: nah not really 36. mark/s: nah, but i got beeg stretch marks on the sides of my hips bc i am gROWING FAST 37. childhood dream: i think a vet or zookepper. also i really wanted to publish a book that said ‘new york times bestseller’ on the front bc that’s what all my favs said on them (tbh i still dream of this) 38. hair color: blonde ayyy (but it’s getting darker underneath) 39. long or short hair: i guess medium - long (little below my shoulder blades) 40. do you have a crush on someone: not really i haven’t had one in literal years unless you count that time i sorta thought i had one one on my best friend even though im 98% sure i’m straight 41. what do you like about yourself: my creativity, like i’ve learnt not to say ‘oh i’m horrible at art/writing’ when i’m actually not that bad. also, i’m a total weirdo 42. piercings: confession: i don’t even have my ears pierced yet?? like, i do want them pierced, but i literally can’t be bothered atm lol 43. blood type: idk, although i did get a blood test like last monday, so i should know soon 44. nickname: i don’t really have any (there’s not much you can do with ‘lilly’) although i have one friend who calls me lilpil. 45. relationship status: single and probably staying that way for a while :) 46. zodiac: capricorn (but i don’t bother with zodiacs bc i am NOTHING like a capricorn) 47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite TV Show: OMG I HAVE SO MANY BUT I’M A FRIGGIN HUGE DOCTOR WHO AND SHERLOCK FAN COME SCREAM ABOUT THEM TO ME also if you ship johnlock that’s even better!! 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left hand: right handed 51. surgery: nope 52. hair dyed in different color: never done, probably never going to (i change my mind ALOT) 53. sport: tbh i hate sport but i do horse riding and with school i do sailing and hockey (bc a summer and winter sport is compulsory)  55. vacation: OK LIKE I SAID I’M GOING TO MONGOLIA AND I CAN’T GIVE AWAY TOO MUCH BUT I DID HAVE TO APPLY TO GET IN AND I’M RAZZED 56. pair of trainers: i’m not to particular, i just have shoes for sport (alTHOUGH, i do have an awesome pair of white sneakers with a bit of gold round the back)
57. eating: it’s father’s day and we had a GIANT breakfast and lunch so i don’t know if i’m even having dinner 58. drinking: i could KILL for a milo right now (it’s like, my version of tea or coffee) but parents have stopped buying it because ‘there’s too much sugar’ TIM I DON’T CARE I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT 59. i’m about to: idk i need to practice guitar, work on my bujo (bc i’m super behind), keep writing my fic, and i guess other general stuff 61. waiting for: nothing really, it’s sunday night so i’m sad bc it’s monday tomorrow 62. want: lots of things (who don’t amirite) but one is getting my bedroom walls gyprocked and painted (they’re wood panelling and i hate it) 63. get married: tbh whenever i meet the right person :) 64. career: FILM DIRECTOR YO i know nothing about film but i still really want to do it.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. hugs or kisses: OMG HUGS HUG ME PLEASE 66. lips or eyes: eyes, literally everybody’s eyes are beautiful, it’s great 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: older i guess 70. nice arms or nice stomach: nice personality ;) 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive, like me tbh i’m so sensitive raise your voice at me and i will burst into tears  72. hook up or relationship: relationship always 73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant, also like me
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: definitely no 75. drank hard liquor: nopeity no 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have ‘em 77. turned someone down: technically yes? there was this new kid at school and he was literally asking every girl out, i was a bit confused. 78. sex on the first date: definitely no  79. broken someone’s heart: sadly i think so (but we’re like best friends no so it’s all good) 80. had your heart broken: no 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes, aforementioned relative i barley knew (still sad tho)  83. fallen for a friend: sortofnotreally
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: yes, at least i try my very hardest 85. miracles: in a way, yes 
86. love at first sight: not really
87. santa claus: when i as like 3, yes 
88. kiss on the first date: maybe?
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: ezri, my smol bean (also person from infamous point 3) fun fact: we’re both pretty sure she’s named after her character from star trek, ezri dax (her parents are giant nerds just like ez and i) 91. eye color: blue/gey with a bit of green 92. favorite movie: ARGHHH I CAN’T PICK I HAVE SOOO MANY, LIKE EVERY ONE BASED OFF BOOKS I LIKE, i really can’t pick, but one that is quite special to me is ‘my house in umbria’, my grandma and i used to watch this together all the time
Ok whoa this took me LITERAL HOURS but now that i’m done i just want to tag anyone who wants to do it! :)
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alqariyah · 7 years
I was tagged by @successaesthetics​ thank you!!
Game rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people (or however many you feel like lol)
LAST: 1. drink: ice lemon tea 2. phone call: my sister 3. text message: to my friend about how pissed i was about something 4. song you listened to: Down by Fifth Harmony (it was on the radio) 5. time you cried: uhh it was probably while reading a sad news article tbh
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: i get very confused with what people consider dating tbh but no, i think? 7. kissed someone and regretted it: lol i regret 80% of my life decisions 8. been cheated on: only by the government 9. lost someone special: haven’t we all :/ 10. been depressed: yeah 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: i don’t drink so no :D
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Black, green, teal.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yes!! some pretty good ones too <3 16. fallen out of love: idek tbh 17. laughed until you cried: honestly i’ve also just done this like, 4 days ago 18. found out someone was talking about you: OH BOY YEAH AND SHE WAS SPREADING LIES TO MAKE HERSELF LOOK GOOD 19. met someone who changed you: not entirely? 20. found out who your friends are: oh man, yeah 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: lmao yeah
GENERAL: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know: i make sure i know everyone i add and sometimes i don’t even accept the requests of people i do know but am not close to 23. do you have any pets: I HAVE MANY CATS, half of them are missing but they’re still my cats y’know. atm i have 4: Lea, Gigi, Sagwa and Mot! 24. do you want to change your name: nah, i like my name as it is 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had to do stats work on SPSS lol that wasn’t fun (and then the aforementioned person who talked bad about me took credit for it and said i didn’t do anything which is a blatant lie) 26. what time did you wake up: 10.30am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: probably reading fanfic 28. name something you can’t wait for: to go back for my final year of undergrad! and to go to Malta with my friend! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like, 15 minutes ago? 20? 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: lol my anxiety bc it keeps me from doing so many things just bc of the possibility of failure or looking stupid 31. what are you listening to right now: surprisingly not playing any music even though i normally would be 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: do i know a Tom? I don’t know if i know a Tom... OH i have an admin worker in my school whose name is Tom so yes I have! 33. something that is getting on your nerves: when people use ‘triggered’ for literally anything like??? this makes it so much harder for people to talk about their actual triggers can you please all just stop????? 34. most visited websites: tunglr.hell aka this hellsite
LOST QUESTIONS: 35. mole/s: like,,, did i lose a mole? or do i have any? i do have moles. several tbh 36. mark/s: i’ve got a birthmark on the side of my knee! 37. childhood dream: i wanna go to space tbh 38. hair color: jet black. darkest shade there is.  39. long or short hair: just below shoulder length! i might get it cut again soon tbh 40. do you have a crush on someone: only celebrities that are too far away sigh 41. what do you like about yourself: uhh i’m stupid loyal when i get attached to people, and i guess i’m aware of my personal growth a lot? 42. piercings: not a single one since my ear piercings closed up (health thing so i can’t get piercings but i’m not mad) 43. blood type: A positive! 44. nickname: Shar 45. relationship status: single and loving it 46. zodiac: sagittarius! 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favorite tv show: SENSE8 AAAAAA 49. tattoos: i would but like, i’m afraid of commitment lmao 50. right or left hand: right-o! 51. surgery: not to my knowledge? 52. hair dyed in different color: yesssss i’ve done brown, green and ash grey! but only half my hair, not the entire thing 53. sport: i literally lose my breathe when climbing stairs, i don’t do sports. 54. where’s 54 (<–lol this threw me off at first but I’m leaving it) 55. vacation: i’m going to Sabah (Malaysia) soon! not looking forward to the plane ride bc i’m taken so many recently but we’re going water rafting!! 56. pair of trainers: got myself a pair of black adidas superstars and i need no other in life
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: i last ate frozen yogurt (but like, with caramel syrup on top lol) 58. drinking: now i’m thirsty 59. I’m about to: take a nap i’m so sleepy 60. stop skipping numbers, dear author, it’s cheating  (,<– lol again) 61. waiting for: the world to get better 62. want: can someone just plan and sponsor my travels omg, also a first class for my degree would be nice as well as funds to continue my studies 63. get married: fine if i don’t tbh 64. career: psychologist
WHICH IS BETTER: 65. hugs or kisses: i don’t like either v much, though hugs are fine depending on who from 66. lips or eyes: eyes! 67. shorter or taller: i’m short enough as it is so gimme the tall 68. older or younger: older? 69. COME ON IT REALLY IS CHEATING. at this moment is what, 89 questions to answer you lying duck 70. nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS ARMS ARMS 71. sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. hook up or relationship: neither please, let me live in an apartment with cats 73. troublemaker or hesitant: uhh neither
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nope 75. drank hard liquor: nope 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: nope god forbid 77. turned someone down: idk? 78. sex in the first date: lol nope 79. broken someone’s heart: probs? 80. had your heart broken: nope? 81. been arrested: nope 82. cried when someone died: oh man yeah 83. fallen for a friend: eh idk
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: not as often as i should 85. miracles: occasionally 86. love at first sight: not really 87. santa claus: nope 88. kiss on the first date: not for me 89. *coughs* 88 questions
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: Sam! we celebrated our 10th anniversary 3 years ago holy shit what 91. eye color: dark dark dark brown 92. favorite movie: uhh Pacific Rim? Mad Max: Fury Road? wow how do i choose
uhh i shall tag @stawbeestudy and like, anyone else who wants to do this tbh!
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gayasianminimalist · 5 years
These past almost 6 months, I have been applying and interviewing for numerous amounts of jobs related to engineering. Let me remind you that I just graduated with a BS in Structural Engineering. Have I kind of become jaded from the whole process, yes. But honestly the only thing that I can do at this point is do good on those interviews, be myself, and be hopeful that there will be a company willing to give me a shot. I heard that the turnaround time for most people to find a job is around 6-8 months according to one of my friends. I was kind if discouraged at first, since I knew so many other people who had jobs lined up right after graduation. I have to be realistic though, I have no internship/experience of any type. There have been people who were able to find jobs with no experience, so I truly just have to have a good match with a company at this point. I should be thankful though for the amount of interviews that I have done, I have a lot more companies that I’ve talked to under my belt and that always means potential in the future. I’ve been getting more comfortable with interviewing overall. Being able to speak articulately and professionally is really important. I think my grammar may have gotten slightly worse lol, but I don’t think that will be a problem once I start working. I’ve just been a bit rusty because I haven’t been in school for a while. Lowkey struggled with writing an email yesterday. 
But being unemployed has its upsides, I have the freedom to go anywhere I want throughout the day. I don’t have to deal with work traffic, and certainly I don’t have to deal with the daily problems of functioning like a human being such as eating or getting enough sleep or peeing often enough. Also exercise. That’s gonna be a major thing I’ll want to maintain once I start working. 
Many of my friends and I have agreed that job interviews are like dating: you and the company get to know each other and see if you’re compatible. I guess my dating life has been making just as much progress as my job hunting, kinda stagnant haha (I want to touch on dating in another post). But there is always someone that I’m talking to, and the same goes to companies, there’s still someone reaching out to me for an interview. I have to give myself more credit that I have the potential to get hired, and that honestly the right company will come along that see’s that I meet all the criteria and that I have the drive to commit and do well. I want to be able to pass my job hunting advice along to anyone down the road: the progress may be slow, but persistence and diligence is really key. There’s a lot of other things you can fill your time with anyways, and once you start working you’ll probs wish you had more free time again. Gotta be thankful for what you have in whatever situation you’re in at any given time. I could always be in a much worse situation, I always try to think of this so that I’m more mindful and grateful for my current situation. These last 6 months have more or less been a giant recuperation period from all the stress from university life. It’s nice to not have the stress of homeworks and exams constantly. I hope that someone reads this and gains more peace of mind in their job hunting, whether or not you’ve just started or have been kind of stuck in the same place as me currently. It’ll all work out, just have some faith. :)
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